Sneaky Aussie Christmas Horror in Minecraft

Video Information

[Applause] in I C Got Hello everybody and welcome back to a brand new stream um today we’re going to be playing horror Minecraft this time not beta um can you see my screen there we go yes I was just checking my stream to make sure um yeah we are going to be playing horror

Minecraft Christmas themed as you may know it’s almost Christmas and I figured why not do something special for it so also sorry if I sound sort of tired or I just woke up a bit ago so still waking up but it’s all right um I’ve installed uh two resource packs one

Of which gives me a Christmas hat which is pretty cool and another is Christmas themed uh decorations and stuff which is sick so and it’ll be constantly snowing too and there’ll also be the Dwellers as well also hello guys um how do you say your name

L Luca I’m just going to call you Luka hello LCA and hello Crow good to see you guys here but yeah we’re going to be playing this for a while maybe makees like a cool guys if you look very closely right above this log there is a Goatman staring at me I’m not

Joking you can barely see it but it’s like where that ice is oh God we’ve barely started this and he’s already there see I want to look at him because is he gone oh he’s gone thank god oh Jesus okay let’s make a crafting table

Move oh oh no we’re off to a terrible start we’ve got a bat oh my god oh Jesus what happened what what’s going on oh no oh go man found me oh god oh no we’re off to a terrible start Jesus wow I didn’t keep my hat I’ll get it

Back that sucks wow not even like two seconds into this Christmas spook yeah literally let me reing up my live stream it’s kind of delay a little bit there we go man this song Is My Jam where my stuff go oh my God not again are you

Serious why are you spawning in the wild to begin with don’t you spawn in the freaking caves wow okay Churchill wow that’s been ages since I’ve seen you hello that’s insane literally Mega insane um okay mahogany sticks pickaxe came out of the cave to clap yeah literally wait church or did

I have I played death with you before like are you who I think are you who I think I’m thinking of oh God I swear I played death with you but I don’t remember cuz your name sounds familiar ow all right say right where you are death yeah I thought I recognized

Your name somewhere Jesus make an axe mate no cuz what I normally do is I get a stone pickaxe and then I get stone tools and then make all the set anyway do I feel bad about not being able to pronounce my name on the one person has successfully pronounced my

Name the first try oh well yeah okay then all right we we should be good now we’re not dying this mod pack is a menace literally is bullying me right now it’s not even funny okay let’s get some Stone actually let’s just do this yeah B Miner uh let’s see Stone

Do I want to make a hoe generally I find a village and get the hay Bell so I might make a hoe yeah there we go can you put the create mod what is the create mod like I’ve heard people talk about it but I don’t know what it

Is like I’ve had a bunch of people tell me to install of it I don’t know what it’s about so you’re going to continue with the her mod pack series of your friends Uh depends what you mean um if you mean like the Australian play scary series no unfortunately uh like I’ll be honest we got burnt out there was never really an Ang go we had in mine it was just goof around do it for the people watching

Sort of thing and and also it was never intended to I guess blow up it was more just like oh posted cuz we found it funny sort of thing but I mean we were grateful for it blowing up anyway bit Grand is a mod for making factories of Contraptions it’s super good can

Create machines too all right okay um actually let me go on uh Google and have a look at it Minecraft create mod oh I know this mod yeah I’ve seen videos on it yeah it is pretty cool is it’s good also I got a question to anyone

That’s currently watching uh do any of you know how to make Minecraft Skins okay uh what was I saying yeah do you guys know how to make Minecraft skins no oh cuz I was going to say um if anyone’s willing to I want to change up this skin here cuz I actually made it through an API but it I don’t like it I want to

Make like a my own like Trade Mark sort of AI skin but I’m just suck at pixel art that’s the thing so I don’t know see if anyone could make one for me and I’ll do something special if you did hello Luca you can find websites for it yeah I

Know you can but I’m horrible with pixel art like my God hello skinny man Jesus Christ oh my god wow that was nuts Jesus what’s that oh what is that it’s the one who watches it’s the one who watches oh yeah I have something really cool to tell you guys so

Um if you know by the YouTuber swy MC you know the guy that made um the goat man the went to go stuff like that so I have gotten in contact with him on Discord and and I believe there might be a collaboration video happening soon and

I’m super excited if it’s is going to happen I don’t know yet completely but I did get in contact with him it might happen and if it oh I’m dead I’m so dead Jesus every time I try and say something I just get cut off by these things that’s

Funny no but yeah apparent I think swy and I going to do a video together that’ll be freaking sick if that is going to happen that is but that’d be sick so he’s definitely interested so yeah what do you guys think would you want to see that me

Swy I reckon that’d be pretty dope where am I going wait am I back at spawn I don’t think so oh I’m going to quickly turn off insomnia uh gameer will do insomnia false cuz oh actually wait no uh game roll doing some your do in some your true no you don’t you’re

Not hitting me yeah of course hell yeah also hello uh Sim racer I was going to reply to your comment but I was got distracted okay um I don’t know where I am honestly there’s a cave what a freaking weird stream huh like I just try and talk about stuff and

Then next minute Goatman or whoever it is just decides to come and cut me off or try and kill me if you have an idea of what you want your skin to look I can give it a shot it’s all right I’ll probably figure something out for that

Skin hell am I going to be streaming for um don’t know yet maybe 2 hours not sure not entirely sure I’m trying to find some like where I can build a house too that’s another thing why did you take ages to kill oh it’s freaking wind to

Go I think sometimes people like to get scared yes I completely agree I definitely agree with you there where am I going like I have no idea where I’m going gra the sugarcane though Turtles I don’t think they’re going to let you build a house no I don’t think so

Either and even if I did build a house I can still break into it so yeah eight people watching wow hoping we hit 10 that’d be sick what on Earth snow creepers no way start building yeah I really should I just don’t know where though cuz I’m really picky with like House locations

Like I want to find someone that’s not full of this like just all land basically um probably something that you can go through w w to do one underground oh yeah actually good point yeah let’s do that actually let’s go underground donkey oh no uh yeah no Chief if you need it oh

Hello didn’t realize he was following me oh and the win girl as well damn I got these hangers and the material they made of is so irritating cuz they have a lot of friction against the clothes but it’s so get on that is really annoying yeah good luck with that Sim

Rer good luck with that I know you follow me man not look I’m not dumb when go you’re dying hey you douchebag I know you’re there is heran from the fog in this yes he is hello Noah and of Herobrine yeah I’ve got two Herobrines in here all right let’s dig underg

Ground let’s dig under ground take back the night yeah I remember that oh Nostalgia what the hell wait let me do something real quick yeah right okay uh let me do this then block that up oh my pickaxe BR [ __ ] I’m very entertaining you thank you uh Jace I appreciate

That cage Weller yes uh the cage well we have is actually goat man I wish you could have like um like I know I’ve sort of said it before but I wish you could have like all of them at once that’d be that’d be good but it’s

Problem is because most of those Dells run off the um what’s it called the the caves or the base so like goat man wendo nightmare. jar they all run off like the same model so it’s kind of hard to like separate them have them all the same game out the

Two herobrine from the fog is my favorite oh sorry uh because it seems more so trying to kill you yeah true true rock and stone yeah steep Rock Galactic oh St time sick all right well we can abandon that crib try to find a house

Location I don’t want to make it out of mahogany though mahogan is kind of this man just broke Minecraft physics in 2 seconds I know what’s your top five favorite video games good question uh that’s tough actually um I’d have to say my number one favorite of all time is definitely

Minecraft um but currently uh let’s see what we got currently I have the crew mot to firstest um what else is there dead by daylight GTA 5 think that’s all I can think of H doesn’t look like daytime Perma spook n daytime’s pretty chill Aha hello Goat Boy where did you go oh there you are hello didn’t see you for a second so um come here often I mean I’m just here personally trying to find a house but what about you I don’t I just just wondering you know like

Maybe we could come to an agreement cuz you know last time you did Kill Me Remember You know last time you tried killing me hello mega Master that’s been a while um what is this I’m playing a bunch of horror mod packs so basically I made Minecraft like pretty scary and

Also we have the Goatman here the star of the show please don’t scream this the stream volume is too loud already I just don’t watch My Stream then or turn down my volume if it’s too loud come on do it chase me time to run oh Jesus he’s still following Jesus

Christ oh my God where is he hey buddy I’ll let you catch up all right time to run come on come closer buddy oh he’s gone all right hello glitchy who else I miss hello CBE K well have a chance to do been spotted run build up he seems

Chill if you saw that thing in front of you in real life what would you do I’d give him a hug honestly go man’s sick I definitely give him a hug oh hang on might have a base location here we may have a base location so let me take out my torches I

Need them he’s talking with you yeah I know does all the time all the freaking time all right I think I may have found a base location a I didn’t put the timber oh wait there we go all right let’s build up here I reckon seems very chill up here get it

Cuz it’s snowing that that was lame that was really lame yeah let’s do up here let’s build a house by the way before I build this house don’t mind how horrible my building is it’s just I’ll try to make it as good as possible but it’s not

Going to be like Master build of bloody green sort of level all right let’s make a house let’s go one two I do have an idea of Mind actually for a house what’s everyone’s favorite sandwich uh chicken sandwich personally 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 1 two wait 6

7 hang on 1 2 3 4 5 6 we’ have to go like this even then yep wait what is your opinion the most terrifying mob in this mod pack easily Goatman no questions asked Goatman is easily the scariest oh the one who watches can get you sometimes as

Well have you still aggressive since no one wants to hug him have you tried sity to send into madness I have I don’t like it I think it’s kind of weird six two three four so you having for dinner tonight oh sick did this thing cave dwell over resource

Pack no I don’t use that cuz it messes with the goatman’s um sounds all right so I’m thinking we do this and then do that all right hit me out boys get pillows on these sides and then you strip it down that’s what she said there we go and

Then I think all sandwiches are good well I’m going to have to say no on that one but yeah all right let me do I have a crafting table no I don’t I need another axe it seems to be Modi are you the goat

Man cuz I don’t know if about the go or not I can’t really tell imag if the G in appear in front of you while you’re building he probably can and will and if he does I’m running I’m abandoning my building my house seems like an offici out sorry

Guys seems like an efficient use of word yes yes indeed H I think you mean the k will reimagine but yes he is there we go and then same thing for this side here okay let’s do this all right small crib but it’ll do and then we use planks for this I

Think and then we’ll go like that not dirt and I was trying to talk about the G actually press enter while typing oh okay all good let’s do that like the floor obviously for okay I got a question for the floor should I do stripped oak or Cobblestone what do you guys think

Stripped oak or Cobblestone put some torches down Apple all right let’s get some sand we need sand Cobblestone I was playing Minecraft yesterday and the man from the FKS one right in my face and not have a good time Cobblestone all right bet stripped Oak chest in a chest board

Pattern yeah I was thinking that but it seems like everyone’s saying Cobblestone so think we’ll do Cobblestone is this dead coral what is this I don’t know what that is uh cobblestone there we go and then I’m thinking where’s my crafting table right here then over

Here let’s make a door I think it’s a fern yeah it does look like a fern actually oh that’s cool that’s actually kind of cool I like that okay what about the roof that was do planks to the roof St logs and M bricks look good to be

Honest I would have know I suck at building like the only good like if you if I was playing beta Minecraft right now that’s like my peak of building cuz CU beta is just so easy to build well cuz there wasn’t much detailing of blocks Back Then There we go lovely crib and

Then chest uh let’s make a furnace I already got furnaces never mind uh let’s do this trap go in a hole and keep him as a pet he’s going to disappear um mega Master like he won’t stay there like he’ll disappear eventually put Windows on these

Sides soly added like screens to the go man and they were extremely terrifying I don’t know if he’s great at editing or he’s probably great at editing but let me tell you guys a secret about the Goatman mod you probably already knew this by now but the Goatman mods based

Off of a indie horror game called do you copy uh I think corex kenion played it I think marip played it Jack sepy and a few others but it had the go man it right so I kind of hate to spoil this but the Goatman screams are not original they

Are from the do you copy game there some of the other screams that swy put in I mean are probably are somewhat original but like not like 80% of them are literally from the game to you copy can you name tag goat man I don’t know and I don’t want to

Try because he would kill me in the process of doing that he order spawns has been chasing for some time yeah yeah he does okay let’s outside I need to look for a bad the decimal function is coding a similar way to wondering Traders that’s actually kind of

Cool I didn’t know that I didn’t know that can’t speak I didn’t know that what’s down here oh God ow that is a big cave big cave that I’m going to explore can you break down doors yes he can except for iron I think I don’t know

If he can break iron or not I don’t think he can but yes you can’t break down doors um I make a smoker okay let’s do that snow creeper all right I let’s see finally I can chat hello Wisteria ow but the screams sound so frequent in SL as video when

Heod yes so that’s one of two things a he edited the config so it spawns like crazy often like almost like every two two or 3 seconds or be he just took the sound files that he did for the Goatman put him in his video at like certain points and

Then sort of like fake reac I don’t think he’d do that but I think it was just he made it spawn like really often Faz why are you using two accounts didn’t you have one called like your name and then okay not going to question it oh Jesus I’m tired okay Uh okay um put back in my chat live you’re on laptop now why not just like sign into your what’s it called like your main account on your laptop audio went dead no I just muted for a second that’s why so if you hear this that’s me

Muting didn’t you try to marry the Gman last live stream yes this time I don’t think he wants that so you know what they say like you got to respect each other’s boundaries so except in this case scan’s not respecting my boundaries he’s just like give like just having every

Opportunity to hun me down and kill me cuz you don’t remember the password oh okay makes sense graveyard creeper no thanks oh skills Jesus ow what the heck skeleton’s got Aimbot holy hell all right let’s go inside screw this glass Jesus you forgot the smoke yeah I

Know I got to go back for it but kind of can’t when this guy’s outside ask him yeah definitely will I don’t think he’ll say much but I can try well you shouldn’t have cheated on him with the man from the f I had no association with the man from the

Fog he hasn’t even appeared once no one has made I’m not going to say that of these mods yes uh it’s probably best they don’t you don’t want to jinx that what are you looking at I’ll come out and fight you whoa wait look at that Enderman oh that’s actually kind of

Cool I got like Christmas decorations on that’s sick Where oh no no no we’re not doing this no no you no we’re not doing this you think we are we’re not going to no you can no no no no you can try and redeem yourself all you want but I know what you did I Know What You Did mate

Please leave me alone I don’t want anything to do with you thank you what a rude Interruption ow she misses you the Goatman is a he the go man’s male it has man’s name can this skeleton stop harassing me like it’s literally been following me

All the way down here I don’t know where I’m going stressful days call for stressful manners you’re gay it’s not no I have socks on it’s not gay I have return with my chicken sandwich very nice hope you enjoy the chicken sandwich all right let’s

Um let’s be honest I need iron so let’s go get iron but before I do that you need to go back home for a sec 520 calories that’s how much I should be putting on and yeah chicken has a little protein so jeez I’m so tired

Um let’s get rid of this that that that that keep the dirt okay yeah let’s go 14 viewers oh my God thank you guys thank you heaps for sticking around what type of socks there’s two ones one gay one straight obviously straight her seems to be shy today

Uh to be honest with you I have not noticed him spawn at all with this mod pack it’s a little weird but I haven’t noticed at all he might have spawned like without me knowing but haven’t noticed what the hell is going on down there

Okay I know for a fat those skeleton is going to do a lot of damage Wen you guys just fighting each other oh god oh Jesus oh there’s a bat down there too I don’t know where that bat is oh you’re right there you dead chimen yep

Chimen I don’t know what this sick conversation is about but I can say for sure that the thigh high socks are the straightest socks of them all yes I completely agree ow don’t believe Mi have slowness parasite mod I don’t like it I’ve used I’ve had it my mod pack but I’m removing

It next update it’s just it’s too much for the end of Herobrine he must he com to the more Mur passive mobs does he really see there stuff I don’t know about and you guys are like tell me this now lapis let’s go all right iron oh my God give me a

Break all right there we go you AR TR a masculine man who look at a woman who hasn’t looked at women like you would have had to once in your life that’s a fact yeah let let’s just go with that yeah if he does you’re in trouble iron Co there’s a G right

There hey G let’s see anything over here glow Squid’s dead I’ll take that glow sack actually look like a woman not at one wait what oh I misread that I’m sorry yeah that’s my bad monkey yeah I’m a monkey for that look at man oh Jesus what is this conversation oh God

Yeah you killed it elusive hello um let’s do that and then do that I’ve got no pickaxe all right Lads I got to tell you this a joke all right this joke’s going to make you absolutely laugh your ass off so so just take a

Guess what do you get if you cross a bat and a witch together what do you get if you cross a bat sorry a bat and a witch what do you think it is maybe zombies can go say the deepest part to Hell literally yes I’m getting myself some chili dogs

Chicken sandwich sounds good everyone’s seeing chicken sandwiches I’m noticing it’s funny well do possess zombies do nothing they just do more damage chili dogs are real thought there was something son just said you don’t know all right so a bat and a witch combined together is a

[ __ ] I’m not joking it’s literally a [ __ ] got to get out of here now like nothing down here bacon singer lovely l no that’s a female dog no cuz like think about it you have the witch which starts with w and then the bat so

If you took away the W and put the b in there it’s [ __ ] we need more American food in Norway TI of Meatballs Sonic is my main insiration for eating chili dogs I love Sonic he’s cool I used to watch like Sonic Boom I used to play the Sonic

Games I had one on like the Nintendo DS and it was really fun I can’t remember if I’ve installed like that one mod like furniture and stuff I have just enough items okay so if I come back home let’s have a look here or maybe I don’t actually I gry Stones that’s about

It I got the joke trying to be annoying stickler um let’s smell this iron 8 16 24 32 40 48 okay let’s go exploring yeah me too elusive me too oh cave and is that a village kind of annoyed cuz every time I build a house it’s always right next to a

Village oh God well and I’ll see who was right behind me wow oh no oh my God n this is harassment this is bullying oh you’re catching up fast too oh my God that just gave me a heart attack oh my god oh Jesus Where oh okay zombies can you not that made my heart skip a beat literally yeah freaking terrify me you know what since I got like nothing on me I might as well go up to the Gat man right all right boys I’m going to do it

I’m going to approach the goat man give him a hug and then run come on Sur you can let me I’m sorry for avoiding you all this time okay I promise I promise I come and you oh no he doesn’t want one he doesn’t want one he does not want one at [Applause]

All we are not doing this again thank you get out of here oh my God this is so intense yeah literally his eyes are so haunting I don’t know they are all right where did I go did I go this way I have no idea what a Dober man is the [ __ ] is

That is that a parrot so there’s a slight problem um um and that slight problem is I don’t know where my house is so I’m wondering if I should just start a new world cuz chances are I’m not going to find it I may have to what’s this oh it’s s

Head yeah yeah I think we have to do that damn it that sucks okay let’s just do this new world time horror Christmas part two hard cheats I’ll turn on cheats for the configuration of the the the um the from the fog uh the SE will be called AI that sucks dude that

Sucks let’s Purge this timeline oh no Purge that the fact I even died I’m so glad to be one of the Third watching this well I’m glad that everyone’s here So Jesus I have no idea who dman is but sounds goofy okay uh game rule wait slash game rule to weather cycle false weather rain function from the fog make it so spons on day two give him some new Skins turn off Miss players and we good this is the only this is the only stream I’d say for thank you I appreciate that such a nice atmosphere well oh I was going to say what the hell is that it’s true um apparently majority of the people that watch me are like age

Between 18 and 24 which is interesting actually I thought it would be like young guys look at the pigs that is so cool that is sick the pigs looks sick um but yeah apparently 18 to 24 years of people watch me they like a torque then and point to German ship with less

F in your opinion what is the terrifying Ambiance this mod pack Ambience it’s still be goat man I’m not being biased by L it’s still be goat man axe I must be considered rare then wait what were we talking okay so here’s the thing right whenever someone talks about something I

Go to back and read it and then I get confused what they’re talking about it because I know for a fact it’s something I bring up but then I what are you doing in there oh my god well I’m dead I’m definitely dead Jesus Oh the harassment no please stop it

Oh get away from me you lanky man this is bullying leave me alone he’s still after me oh my God stop he’s not stopping oh my God I think we’re going to be doing ring around the roses for a while ow no get away from me this is so

Bad oh he’s gone thank [Applause] god what the what was that what just happen my God the way he runs I Jo a great time you got jump scared what was that I got the whole pizza like oh my God the spruce you looks amazing let me kill the Sheep oh I want

To get a spruce tree actually that looks sick I’m commenting this again cuz I don’t like I think you saw it but did you guys know ual like mob’s almost head of the cas in update wait really what would you do if the Goatman was the goat woman I would s even

More I would definitely be sing even more than I would be now oh my God I’m still trying to I was going to make a joke about these Black Sheep but I don’t think I should say it because I think I might cancel my whole

Career I’m not going to say it it’s not what you think it is it’s like here I I’ll I’ll pronounce it s h i g g a I’m not going to say it out loud but that’s like the whole word but that’s what I was going to say and then I refrain

I’m not going to do it um di black I I got to be careful what I’m saying here because it can be really bad yes thank you Mega Master that’s what I was trying to say I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t care he’s I so much worse why are they cat

Walking let’s go over here all right boys who fancies a cave exploration no do not start doing this G’s right there Gman is right there no thanks Gman was right there oh Jesus imagine if I didn’t see that sh be in you rather says the hard are Jesus he’s got

Balls can the gunman climb blocks yes unfortunately he can a little piggy that’s amazing who was the funny Walking G harassing you uh the one who watches although he looks like scp096 mixed with Slender Man the shade ah yes phasmophobia Vibes right there yeah that would be kind of cool

Actually that explains why you don’t build up well yeah there’s no point oh it’s time to run it is time to run yep oh Jesus yep time to go time to go time to go it is time to scram bolts and Pier thank you get out of here run boy run forest

Run seems to be approaching Nightfall I don’t know where I’m going to build my house yet they didn’t out of the warden yeah that makes sense why he grilling like that oh insert really bad joke about the Sheep here why is he growing like that I’ve got no idea hello GTE

Build your house on a lake or ocean that wouldn’t make any sense would you be so kind as to give me a countdown for the Tim tamam Slam who is whistling who do be whistling oh long time no see man from the fog I never see you anymore but glad you can make a uh return in such a very Avid environment um have you seen uh where Gman is oh God no no time to go it is time to

[Applause] run oh oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no holy hell that’s crazy I bet that ship will be great in the fields oh my God a automated dweller Destroyer or any 1,000 of resource uh automated dwell Destroyer probably hey leggings that scared

Me yeah me too that was a graveyard right or grave right there oh no no no no go man oh Jesus I did not see him until the last second oh my God oh Jesus you haven’t died yet knocking on wood don’t say that I just got harassed

By the Goatman like again I had no idea where he was I think he wants a kiss no he wants to rearrange my neck that’s what he wants to do snowman oh that’s sick I’m going to grab these sounds like explosions um okay where abouts can we make our Crib Snow creepers

That’s interesting I had no idea about that either I had zero clue about that a harassed I like to imagine the Gman thinks to himself yes yes I’ve got you no [ __ ] he’s on the ice again for [ __ ] sake oh yeah I can kind of see that sort of funny

Though no I don’t have weeping angels in here the hell are you okay kind of weird I made a almost made a horrible joke when you said rearrange my neck better not being racist we don’t encourage racism this is not allowed this could be a place we could build it’s very open flat

Oh really oh you have to be kidding me what the heck a tole screen wow that is restart time unfortunately so clearly I suck at Minecraft horror Christmas part three Purge this timeline literally Reincarnation of the timeline but purging it let’s do something different single biome and let’s do ominous

Woods I want to try that what’s that like WP WP WP if I did that to my dad he would throw me in the fireplace probably yes oh okay I can work with this this is kind of cool sure but first let me um do I have

On I just realized what I wrote in the chat whoops game rule do weather cycle false weather rain uh function from the fog 2 days okay done roofed Forest next yeah I should make a treehouse the funny thing is even if I was to make a treehouse it would be zero point

Because the Dwellers can still climb anyway but I could do yeah or I can make a cabin I don’t know yet also this wood reminds me of the uh corruption from Terraria I don’t know why ow oh with the Roses forgot they were a thing all dwellers in one mod pack would

Be the equivalent of me running from the warden when I first met it bro just wrote lick no it’s not even that it’s like oh hello come to Inquisitor my conversation have you no don’t I’m just going to leave you B I’m not going to I don’t want any more of

This confrontation this [ __ ] I’m just going to leave you here yes I could do a Terraria stream one time if you guys are interested I love Terraria it’s Great he spelled the name of my Supremacy group oh my God you guys are being so bad right now Jesus oh bastard he’s chased you the whole video for a hug and you keep running away yeah it’s because the hugs aren’t actually hugs it’s just him grabbing me and then slash me to

Death hello swy yes I know I messaged you I don’t know if you got it or not we can record in a bed or stream together for Content up to you uh I don’t mind um it’ll be easier what do you guys think uh chat do

You reckon I should do a stream with swy or a video or maybe both I don’t know but which one what do you guys reckon I’ll let you guys vote on that ow [ __ ] wither roses coal yeah let me know in the chat have a vote oh my God this cave is freaking

Massive holy hell up to you vid would be fun too I mean I don’t mind like we can do both if you want we can do one of the other like I don’t mind it’s up to you it depends how much time you’ve got I’ve

Got time right now um but it’s up to you completely up to you stream together sounds fun anything’s cool I’m liking the stream right now seems like everyone’s uh interested in the Stream aspect but we can’t okay it’s up to you everyone’s saying stream

But oh no oh God hang on hang on one second one second oh no yeah I’m dead Jesus oh my God I me message hang on yeah people are saying stream but it’s up to you s we can do whatever um if you want to do a video we can do a

Video do uh what we’re doing right now then yeah I don’t mind considering I’m dead anyway might as well just stop what are you doing yeah you better look away yep don’t look at me no say Right Where You Are I’m looking at you so I thought didn’t it feel nice to be

Embraced by the goat man that hug was long over G I know hang on be messaged by SW right now so I just got to figure out what the plan is with uh the shenanigans trying to figure out what he wants to do whether he wants to join in or whether he wants

To video video is probably easier actually now I think about it cuz just like puts less strain on stuff and also we can edit too so yeah probably do that actually it’s probably EAS I’m going on Creative actually uh creative yeah I might go do a video with

Him actually I think it’s easy if we did cuz that way um hello puff I’ve seen you a bit in sw’s videos how’s it going yeah I think I might just do a video with them I think it’s just easier because like everyone else is

Done it I might as well do it as well you know yeah I think I’ll do that it’s probably easiest and now for Now all right well uh I’m probably going to probably stop here in that case I know it’s quite short of a stream but um s and I think P want to do a video with me so I’m going to do that I’m going to join in and then

Hopefully I can get can’t speak get it out by either today or tomorrow we’ll see but that’ll that would be fun that would be really hello go man that’ll be really really good also I can give you a hug finally yay gave him a hug you goofy looking thing but yeah I’m

Going to do that stay tuned for that collab and uh yeah I will catch you guys either a bit later when it comes out or tomorrow run go man punch him in the butt come here get his ass whoa hey yo nah no we ain’t doing that

Anyway um but yeah I will catch you Lads Later D

This video, titled ‘AN AUSTRALIAN PLAYS HORROR MINECRAFT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL | LIVE’, was uploaded by Ezure on 2023-12-23 12:44:34. It has garnered 123 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:05 or 5405 seconds.

Playing Minecraft with spooky themed mods christmas edition!

#minecraft #gaming #live

  • 2024’s Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick

    2024's Ultimate Minecraft Duping Trick Minecraft Duplication Glitch Unveiled in 2024 In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new tricks and glitches to enhance their gameplay. The year 2024 has brought forth a new multiplayer duplication glitch in Minecraft Java 1.20.6 that has the community buzzing with excitement. How Does It Work? To execute this duplication glitch, players need to utilize UI Utils and the /printer command on the server. These tools work in tandem to create a seamless duping process that can significantly boost a player’s inventory in a short amount of time. Step-by-Step Guide: Install UI Utils for Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Hypixel Mini Games Madness

    Minecraft Mayhem: Hypixel Mini Games Madness Hypixel Mini Games Madness Live Stream In Minecraft! Get ready for an epic adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Hypixel Mini Games Madness Live Stream! Dive into a virtual universe filled with excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie, there’s something for everyone in this thrilling event. Explore the Hypixel Minecraft Server Step into the Hypixel Minecraft server, a hub of creativity and fun. With a wide range of mini-games to choose from, including SkyWars, Bed Wars, and Build Battle, the possibilities are endless. Test your skills, team up with friends,… Read More

  • Emerald Hunt: Day 1 – Digging for Treasure

    Emerald Hunt: Day 1 - Digging for Treasure In Minecraft, we dig for emeralds, a quest so bold, With iron pickaxes and torches, we’re ready to unfold. We’ll dig and dig until we find that precious green, In this blocky world, a treasure to be seen. Join me on this journey, as we mine and explore, In this pixelated land, where adventures galore. Like and subscribe, support the cause, As we delve into caves, and break all the laws. I’m Ali, the cave dweller, shooting videos for fun, In this pink-walled room, where the day is done. Let’s walk together on this YouTube road, With rhymes and… Read More

  • Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure

    Kid-Friendly Minecraft Adventure Welcome to the Boundless World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds. In Minecraft, you have the power to explore endless possibilities and embark on thrilling adventures. Exploration and Adventure Await From lush forests to vast oceans, every corner of the world is yours to discover. Build towering castles, sail the high seas, or simply roam the countryside in search of hidden treasures. Unleash Your Creativity But the world of Minecraft is not just about exploration. It’s about creation. Let your imagination run wild as you design intricate structures, craft powerful tools, and shape the… Read More

  • Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide

    Minecraft Glass Crafting Guide Making Glass in Minecraft: A Handy Guide Are you looking to add some glass elements to your Minecraft creations? Glass is not only easy to make but also incredibly versatile in the game. Let’s dive into the process of making glass in Minecraft and explore some additional glass items you can craft. Making Glass Blocks To create glass blocks in Minecraft, you’ll need to smelt sand using a furnace. Each sand block will yield one glass block. Make sure you have enough sand blocks, a fuel source, and a furnace ready for the smelting process. If you’re planning to… Read More

  • Ultimate M134 Weapon in Minecraft!

    Ultimate M134 Weapon in Minecraft! Minecraft: Exploring the Timeless and Classic M134 Green Field Texture Pack: Terms and Conditions The Green Field Texture Pack offers a unique visual experience for Minecraft players. Before diving into this immersive world, it’s essential to review the terms and conditions provided on their website. Make sure to adhere to the guidelines to fully enjoy this exciting addition to your gameplay. Mods Used on Curseforge Guard Villagers by “almightytallestred” Enhance your village’s security with the Guard Villagers mod. Protect your NPCs and structures from any threats that may arise in the world of Minecraft. Yes Steve Model by “Tartaric… Read More

  • Chaos Reigns in Crownlexx’s Minecraft World!

    Chaos Reigns in Crownlexx's Minecraft World! Minecraft: Mixing Things Up! Embark on a unique Minecraft journey with Crownlex as they mix and match everything in the game to create special items and attempt to finish the game. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with creativity and innovation! Exploring Minecraft’s Boundless Possibilities In this video, Crownlex showcases their ability to blend various elements in Minecraft, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the game. By combining different resources and tools, they craft special items that add a new dimension to their gameplay. Unleashing Creativity With a keen eye for experimentation, Crownlex demonstrates how mixing… Read More

  • Squid Game Challenge in Minecraft & Fortnite

    Squid Game Challenge in Minecraft & Fortnite The Minecraft Phenomenon: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, offers players a unique blend of creativity and adventure. With over 10 million views on various platforms, it’s clear that Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon. Red Light, Green Light Challenge One of the recent trends within the Minecraft community is the Red Light, Green Light challenge, inspired by the popular show Squid Game. Players must navigate through a maze, following the rules of the game to avoid elimination. This challenge has brought a new level of excitement to… Read More

  • 15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft!

    15th Anniversary Update in Minecraft! Minecraftโ€™s 15th Anniversary Celebration Unveiled! Excitement is in the air as Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide celebrate the game’s 15th anniversary with a special event. Let’s dive into the details of this milestone celebration! New Features and Additions The anniversary event brings a plethora of new features and additions to the Minecraft universe. Players can expect exciting updates, exclusive items, and perhaps even limited-time challenges to mark this special occasion. The anticipation is high as fans eagerly explore what Minecraft has in store for them. Community Engagement One of the most remarkable aspects of Minecraft is its vibrant community. The anniversary… Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep

    Dragon Slayer: Hardcore Minecraft Prep In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Glume Gamer is here to fulfill your gaming dream. Preparing to defeat the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode, With skills and strategies that will make your heart explode. Join the Discord server, for a community so grand, Where gamers unite, with controllers in hand. Follow on Instagram, for updates and more, Glume Gamer’s adventures, you can’t ignore. Business inquiries? Shoot an email their way, For collaborations and opportunities to play. So hit that subscribe button, show some love, For Glume Gamer, soaring high above. In the realm of Minecraft, where… Read More

  • Spirits-Network | JAVA & BEDROCK

    Spirit Network is a Java and Bedrock Compatible server focused on Fun and layed back Minecraft play. We have a HUB that will let you choose the Minecraft experience you want! So Join Today !! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Icy path chillin’ with Frosty ๐Ÿฅถ

    Minecraft Memes - Icy path chillin' with Frosty ๐ŸฅถWhy did the creeper start wearing a scarf? Because it heard winter was coming and wanted to stay frosty! ๐Ÿฅถ Score of 10, baby! Read More

  • Kickin’ It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight!

    Kickin' It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight! In Minecraft, I kick everything for a hit, Every block, every mob, I don’t quit. With a swift kick, I break it all down, In this game, I wear the crown. Join me on Discord, for more fun, Instagram for photos, we’ve just begun. Editing is my own craft, Collaboration with eryksonek, a blast. Support this channel, for bonuses galore, Minecraft facts and rhymes, I’ll always explore. Stay tuned for more content, that’s a promise, In this gaming world, I’ll always be honest. Read More

  • “Spicy Tips for Mob Making” ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft #meme

    "Spicy Tips for Mob Making" ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraft #meme “Step 1: Give them a cool name like ‘The Fluffy Butt Brigade.’ Step 2: Feed them lots of virtual snacks. Step 3: Watch as they wreak havoc on your virtual world. Congratulations, you’ve successfully made a new mob in Minecraft!” #MinecraftLogic #VirtualChaos Read More

  • The Irish Gamer’s Wood Challenge Day 6

    The Irish Gamer's Wood Challenge Day 6 The Minecraft Wood Challenge – Day 6 On the sixth day of the Minecraft Wood Challenge, our player found themselves in the midst of a spruce forest, making today’s task quite easy. But the real question is, how long will this streak of luck last? Let’s dive into the adventure! Exploring the Spruce Forest As our player navigates through the dense spruce forest, they come across an abundance of tall trees with lush green foliage. The peaceful ambiance of the forest provides a serene backdrop for their wood-gathering mission. Challenges Ahead While today’s task may have been straightforward, the… Read More

  • “Mushin Aigen reveals secret to catching rare Ignis” #moddedminecraft

    "Mushin Aigen reveals secret to catching rare Ignis" #moddedminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Catch An Ignis #moddedminecraft #minecraft #vtuber #malevtuber’, was uploaded by Mushin Aigen on 2024-05-06 23:23:46. It has garnered 427 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I use Ars Nouveau’s magic to capture and cage a boss enemy for later farming. Original Broadcast Details Title: DawnCraft: Ignis Catcher (With LardLarry) Category: Minecraft Date: March 14, 2024 Platform: Twitch Title: DawnCraft: Ignis Catcher Part 2 (With LardLarry) Category: Minecraft Date: March 21, 2024 Platform: Twitch Read More

  • Ultimate Redwood Ashlands Gameplay Reveal!

    Ultimate Redwood Ashlands Gameplay Reveal!Video Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #9: Redwood Ashlands’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-02-24 10:00:26. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:04 or 3784 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please ignore; modded minecraft, modded… Read More

  • Unbelievable Mining Challenge Win + FREE Giveaway!! #HypixelSkyblock

    Unbelievable Mining Challenge Win + FREE Giveaway!! #HypixelSkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mining Challenge + BIG Giveaway | Hypixel Skyblock #minecraft #shorts #hypixel #hypixelskyblock’, was uploaded by 60Block on 2024-03-06 17:56:41. It has garnered 423 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Modded Battle: Pokรฉmon vs Minecraft! #Cobblemon

    EPIC Minecraft Modded Battle: Pokรฉmon vs Minecraft! #CobblemonVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pokรฉmon Vs Minecraft #minecraft #moddedminecraft #cobblemon’, was uploaded by Krimsy on 2024-01-31 18:00:08. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Hello Everyone! I am Krimsy and I am a Minecraft youtuber. I Upload multiple things such as stream highlights (I stream on Youtube now, either this channel for Minecraft or my 2nd channel for other content) and even other things such as Lucky Block Battles, Letsplays, some 100 days, and even My favorite, Minecraft videos with a twist! Maybe more things in the future…. Read More

  • Aphmau Soccer Mirrored in Real Life ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ™Œ #aphmau

    Aphmau Soccer Mirrored in Real Life ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ™Œ #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘โšฝ๐ŸคฃWhen REAL LIFE MIRRORS Aphmauโ€™s Minecraft (Watch the Rebound!) #aphmau #aphmaucrew #soccermemes’, was uploaded by Miss Moon on 2024-04-06 12:46:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. When Aphmau’s Minecraft Mayhem โ€ฆ HAPPENS FOR REAL! (2 Down@End) #aphmau #aphmaucrew #soccershorts In these … Read More

  • SHOCKING! Accusations in The Vampire’s Bride

    SHOCKING! Accusations in The Vampire's BrideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Accusations – The Vampire’s Bride (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Queen Kat Productions on 2024-02-18 23:00:26. It has garnered 8231 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:37 or 1117 seconds. It’s daring to make accusations with no proof… โ€โŠฑโ”„โ”„โ”„โ”„โ”„โ”„โ”„โ”„โ”„โ”„โ”„โŠฐโ€ Subscribe! Please. I’m lonely. Join the Discord Server! – Discord: Check out Merch! – Viceroy_ (Machinima God) – Demon (Thumbnail Artist) – Sleak (Thumbnail Artist) – Inga (Thumbnail Artist) – Cora (Thumbnail Artist) – Kiwi (Thumbnail Artist) – Eden (Thumbnail Artist) – Damien… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Anime Music ๐Ÿชผ Arcanum Squad

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Anime Music ๐Ÿชผ Arcanum SquadVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HARDCORE ๐ŸชผNeues Projekt๐ŸชผAnime Music Abend๐ŸชฝArcanum Squad #minecraft #hardcore #live #tinix’, was uploaded by Tinix on 2024-02-25 01:09:19. It has garnered 51 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:52 or 13372 seconds. Welcome to my hardcore project! Immerse yourself in a world full of possibilities and adventures in 1.20. โ†“โ†“๏ธ More information โ†“โ†“ ๏ธ ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท Spotify Cherry SMP PLAYLIST ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท SOCIALS Discord: Instagram: CHANNEL: @TinixTV @tinixVOD @techtinix ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท SHADER Complementary Reimagined: TEXTURES ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท PARTNER Arcanum Squad: PixelGHG OmegaCat TacoEnte LordMeloneHD @LordMeloneHD ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Dog vs All Minecraft Mobs!

    Ultimate Battle: Dog vs All Minecraft Mobs!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tamed Wolf vs Every mob in Minecraft (Java Edition) – Minecraft Dog vs All Mobs’, was uploaded by EpicHero on 2024-05-09 08:10:00. It has garnered 435 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:35 or 275 seconds. Tamed Wolf vs Every mob in Minecraft (Java Edition) – Minecraft Dog vs All Mobs #minecraft #memes #meme #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane 2D Comedy Animation! ASA Axom

    Insane 2D Comedy Animation! ASA AxomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sweet ๐Ÿ˜‹ #2danimation #animation #comedy #spongebob #minecraft #jokes’, was uploaded by ASA Axom on 2024-01-11 08:59:44. It has garnered 9652 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • Crystal SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Technical, Version Climb, Shared Resources, Whitelist, Carpet Mod

    About Us: We are a technical Minecraft server exploring the game in a semi-vanilla way. Starting from an early version, we progress by collecting cool items and features while encouraging players with different expertise to come together. Current Status: We are currently running a 1.8 snapshot (14w26a) to obtain illegal blocks and a second exit-end portal. Updates are on the way for more exciting content. Features: Upon reaching modern versions, we will implement the Carpet mod for optimizations and quality of life features like flippinCactus and accurateBlockPlacement. Join Us: We are constantly developing new things as we are just starting… Read More

  • OVClub – 1.20.6 | Java & Bedrock | Semi-Vanilla Survival | Events & Tournaments & Shops | Crews

    OVClub - 1.20.6 | Java & Bedrock | Semi-Vanilla Survival | Events & Tournaments & Shops | Crews๐ŸŽฎ OVClub Minecraft Server ๐ŸŽฎRediscover the essence of Minecraft at OVClub ! Immerse yourself in a pure vanilla gameplay experience with a few knacks. Join a tight-knit community of players who appreciate classic Minecraft in its truest form.๐Ÿฐ Thriving Economy: Engage in a player-run economy where you can trade resources, shape the marketplace, and witness the dynamic interactions of our community — Currency is Sponge ๐Ÿงฝ.๐Ÿ›๏ธ Player Shops: Create your own shop in our server shopping mall and showcase your products. Let your entrepreneurial spirit shine as you attract customers from across the server. ๐ŸŒŸ Unique Monthly Events: Experience exclusive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Groundbreaking interior design”

    Minecraft Memes - "Groundbreaking interior design"“Who needs a fancy designer floor when you can just mine some dirt and call it a day? Efficiency at its finest!” Read More

  • Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina

    Double Trouble: Odo Potatoes vs. Levina Vina In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Odo Potatoes and Levina Vina, brave and bold. Their adventures in animation, a sight to behold, With each frame, a story, beautifully scrolled. From the depths of creativity, they rise, In Indonesian animation, they mesmerize. Kulpi Semungku channel, a place to subscribe, For funny, unique experiences, they prescribe. So join the journey, explore the extraordinary, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams are visionary. Support with likes, subscribe with glee, For Kulpi Semungku channel, where animation is free. In every upload, a week’s worth of creation, With characters like… Read More

  • Hot Nether Portals: Minecraft Edition

    Hot Nether Portals: Minecraft Edition I tried using a diamond portal once and ended up in a realm where all the creepers wore top hats and monocles. It was quite the fancy explosion! #minecraftmadness Read More

  • 10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together

    10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together The Power of Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft has revolutionized the gaming world with its multiplayer feature, allowing players to connect and collaborate in a virtual world. This innovation has propelled Minecraft to the forefront of online gaming in the 21st century. Building Communities One of the key aspects of Minecraft’s multiplayer feature is the ability to build communities. Players can join forces to construct elaborate structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in epic battles. This collaborative element has fostered a sense of camaraderie among players, leading to the formation of tight-knit communities within the game. Shared Experiences By playing together,… Read More

  • Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure

    Chaos Cubed: Decked Out Adventure Welcome to Cubed Chaos SMP Server! Welcome to the exciting world of Cubed Chaos SMP server, where Minecraft adventures come to life! Join NastikCraft on a thrilling journey as they dive into a new Minecraft community network reminiscent of the popular Hermitcraft server. Cubed Chaos offers a vibrant and engaging community that promises endless fun and excitement for all players. Establishing a Strong Foundation As NastikCraft sets foot in the Cubed Chaos world, the first order of business is to establish a solid foundation for their adventures. Starting with the basics, they gather essential resources such as sugarcane for… Read More

  • BobbyBoley’s Insane Minecraft Horror Adventure!

    BobbyBoley's Insane Minecraft Horror Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nightmare SMP_V2 #minecrafthorror #minecraftmods #smp #minecraftsmp’, was uploaded by BobbyBboley on 2024-04-29 07:37:55. It has garnered 7259 views and 203 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. #herobrine #herobrineinminecraft #scary #horrorgaming #weird #forest #fear #entity303vsherobrine #entity303 #mod #nightmare #demon #gameplay #gaming #game #gamer #minecraft #minecraftworld #minecrafthorror #scary #horrorgaming #minecraft #zombiesurvival #apocalypse #endoftheword #minecrafthorror #backrooms #weird #nightmare #demon #survival #minecraftsurvival #vhsrecords #vhstapes #vhsrecording #playthrough #gameplay #game #gamer #film #scary #horrorstory #horrorstories #creepy #creepystories #foryou #foryoupage #weird #strange #unknown #monster #creature #gameplay #playthrough #fullplaythrough #gameplay #gameplaywalkthrough #fullplaythrough #zombiegamingchannel #playthrough #horrorgaming #game #gaming… Read More

  • Minecraft: Psychological Horror Game Live

    Minecraft: Psychological Horror Game LiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But It’s A Psychological Horror Game.. (Live)’, was uploaded by ItsFilsFR on 2024-05-11 06:43:12. It has garnered 239 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:06 or 4986 seconds. Minecraft But It’s A Psychological Horror Game.. (Live) SUBSCRIBE Read More

  • “INSANE Ice Survival Challenge ๐Ÿกโ„๏ธ” #shorts

    "INSANE Ice Survival Challenge ๐Ÿกโ„๏ธ" #shortsVideo Information [Music] the planet come on sing it with me sing words relate to the key key it’s a pattern if it’s a pattern just repeat after me life and death and and and War on the planet Earth life and death then This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cute Tree House๐Ÿก๐ŸŒณ #shorts’, was uploaded by HellFrozen on 2024-05-03 06:00:12. It has garnered 112698 views and 6557 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. โฌ‡๏ธ Download Build โฌ‡๏ธ –My Socials– –Music– #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #Minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Unbelievable Survival Challenge in Twilight Forest Malaysia

    Unbelievable Survival Challenge in Twilight Forest MalaysiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Survival Tetapi Di Twilight Forest (Minecraft) Malaysia’, was uploaded by Itz Mizie on 2024-01-13 04:00:10. It has garnered 182 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:59 or 539 seconds. #malaysia Mode: The boss in Twilight Forest is very difficult when you fight without creative mode, but I have defeated 4 bosses in this mode in a survival video, but there is a mode Read More

  • Dad Builds EPIC Minecraft Mansion! Click for Crazy Fun!

    Dad Builds EPIC Minecraft Mansion! Click for Crazy Fun!Video Information hello everybody Welcome to my channel guys we’re playing Minecraft and let’s go play we’re going to build a biggest biggest mansion so I’m thinking we don’t need a oak plant we can use the iron block and we need glass I need to find a Clear Spot finding oh wait this should be a good spot let’s get building though let’s place it right here here here we need to make the world biggest now I can carry on the world biggest house last time we made a biggest house remember guys and let’s make it even… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Battle: Saitama VS Genos ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    EPIC Minecraft Battle: Saitama VS Genos ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh help me [Music] what This video, titled ‘Destiny Run: SAITAMA VS GENOS๐Ÿ˜Ž #minecraft #fypใ‚ท #minecraftanimation #minecraftvideos #shorts’, was uploaded by FlyingCow Toons on 2024-05-31 01:37:41. It has garnered 25419 views and 2018 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Please Don’t Forget Like & Share The video THANKUOUUUU๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜!! Pleas Help Saitama!! Read More

  • Insane Hack to Level Up Fast on Skyblock!

    Insane Hack to Level Up Fast on Skyblock!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today back for another episode of The Sky Block series here on royal. Enchanted IP is on your screen right now and it’s always you know in the top left of all of my videos no matter what server I’m on you guys can always see that and whenever you guys directly hop on using that custom IP it will directly support me in the channel so obviously I greatly appreciate that now guys it has been a minute since the last Sky Block episode at the… Read More

  • INSANE Secret Bases in Minecraft by JeromeASF!

    INSANE Secret Bases in Minecraft by JeromeASF!Video Information today we’re going to be setting up a secret base inside of one of these mountains to stop our friend from breaking in all right well I kicked blade so we can’t cheat all right guys let’s get to work so I’m thinking we put it in the side of this mountain right here so let’s start carving about this m this mountain right here so let’s just carve out a little area and cap you know what to do buddy can you make your magic happen okay time to make it thickens all right so first things… Read More