So I Confused a Minecraft Streamer…

Video Information

This is the most confusing world in Minecraft history and I used it to troll my friend if at any point he catches me out then the video ends so the Story begins as I brought my friend inside this normal looking cow and so far he hadn’t noticed anything suspicious I

Like it I like this place but before he came online they’d secretly turn this entire house into a spaceship so I encouraged him to go and take a bathroom break and he went to AFK if it was now or never so I ran over to the rocket

Controller that I’d hidden as a furnace and it was time for liftoff ladies and gentlemen we were away and I was praying that he didn’t come back before he reached the atmosphere otherwise the video would be ruined and luckily we’d made it and Melo came back two minutes

Later and had no clue that he was now in space yo but I now had an issue because he was about to start suffocating any minute unless I pressurized the cab I had to get to the pressurizer I had hidden below me but he kept turning around and

Looking at me and if I didn’t fix this quickly he would know that I was trolling him so in the spur of a moment I sent him mining to distract him oh wait I thought iron I quickly solved the issue and as he was busy digging around

I flew the house back to Earth arriving here we were now at troll number two and my friend had to complete this mate so he sent him inside then he began working his way around how have I not found the exit yet and so far he was confident

Because this maze looks pretty easy well not anymore because I had secretly rigged it with a hidden track below meaning that I could move the exit with these motion blocks and to make it worse I’d also hidden these motors allowing me to rotate parts of the maze so the

Entire thing was constantly changing it was now time to activate the troll and my friend was having way too much fun so as he neared the exit I snuck down below to push the minecart and try and block up the eggs I had to make sure that I

Didn’t go quiet because otherwise he would know I was up to some so I quickly pushed the minecart and after some struggle I’d managed to block it up he hadn’t noticed and the exit was now all the way on the other side of the maze he

Even went near the new exit and got suspicious because the blocks looked different almost that way already wait what’s this but thankfully he couldn’t actually push them so it was now time to activate the rotating Motors and as he continued in the Maze I saw my chance

And took the rest I’d hidden these ladders under re-textured trap doors so I could sneak down without being seen and as I rotated the maze I thought that I was in the clear but suddenly he began rushing towards me as he heard me opening a trap door what was that wait

Hold on I started panicking and I had to get out for us to hide the evidence I keep hearing things I’m hearing things if he saw the maze moving he would catch me out and we’d never make it to the most confusing troll waiting at the end

But by some miracle I played it off and he headed to the new exit dude I’m going in a loop I swear what is this I decided to let him leave the maze so we headed to number three where I was about to pull off the most same troll yet I began

By asking him to build a house oh my goodness okay this is gonna be such a nice house and luckily he chose this spot right here why is that a good thing because I’d secretly connected this hidden rotating platform to the area he was going to build on and underneath

This platform it made an awful looking dirt house which was upside down for now so when he finished his house I could activate the motor I’d hidden under this tree replacing his house with a dirt shot I was nervous because this could easily go wrong and so far he didn’t

Suspect a thing but just moments in the first issue arose as he headed to break this tree to get material the same tree that was hiding my mechanism underneath and if he broke a single block of the tree he would ruin my entire place I’d

Managed to save myself by the skin of my teeth and sent him in the other direction you know but versus like the worst one it had worked but he was getting more suspicious and since he was back building his house I went to check on the motor to make sure it was ready

For you this was going to be difficult because he kept asking what I was up to and in the moment of panic as he told around I covered up the motor but I messed up the line I couldn’t fix it as he was standing right there and it was

Now time to flip his beautiful house so I told him to go mining to get some stuff so I guess I’ll just start building down over here he fell for the distraction and I went for it so he rushed into his house and began gluing

All of the blocks to the ground and I only had a few moments before he was likely to head back so I had to be really quick my hands are shaking I wasn’t being fast enough I was nearly done when he started heading back all right let me come back my heart was

Pounding I deleted any of the block he was confused what happened to his house wait oh my God what did you build what I didn’t build this he clearly knew that I’d done something but he had no clue that his house was actually upside down right under his feet and before he

Could investigate and catch me out we headed to the next troll which was the riskiest one yet his task was simply to get these diamonds on the other side of the cave but hidden underneath this Stone I built the most confusing Parkour in Minecraft history each of these

Conveyor belt runs at different speeds in different directions pushing you towards your death and block switch rotate at 256 times a second but I have another trick on my sleeve you’ll see what that is shortly I don’t I have no idea what I’m looking at here and just

Like that I started the course and he was making some progress somehow he’s played straight through the first obstacles and he was finding this way too easy but luckily he didn’t know that the actual difficulty was just around the corner after struggling for a bit he managed to safely navigate over these

Rotating ice blocks okay okay I got this I I got this i got this and hopped over this magma but now he saw my real tricks what was that and what he didn’t know is I could secretly alter the speed in the rotation of each of these blocks and the

Ultimate plan was that I was gonna send him the wrong way around the entire course my obstacles were working like a charm as he died over and over again but then he eventually figured out the roots okay couldn’t believe it he managed to figure out what I was

Up to just kidding because I just sent him in the complete wrong direction because the correct route was actually this way oh my goodness I did all that for nothing after 30 minutes of continuous suffering he made it to the diamond and his suspicions were easing because he hadn’t seen me use any

Redstone but this was my entire plan because we were now one step closer to the ultimate Troll and things were about to get crazy so I brought him to my farm and this task was simply to put all of these animals in the correct pens he

Thought it was gonna be easy but of course that wasn’t the case come on guys you know this but see the dirt box in the pig pen were actually retextured fandom so when I stepped on this hidden pressure plate the pigs could fly up in

The air I could see if he pushed by these other fans into this hidden chamber this hidden room of sheep would then fall down taking their place and Melo would have no idea what just happened and luckily he started with the pig oh wait wait this guy’s following me

Okay as he gathered them up everything was going smoothly and I was praying that he wouldn’t notice the unusual looking dirt blocks if he even right clicked once he would open the fan and ruin my entire plan and just as I predicted he started to question the

Texture when I go inside here these eggs look ginormous and I had no choice but to play it off and keep it moving why do they look huge now as he finished with the pigs I edged closer to the hidden pressure plate I needed to get this

Activated quickly but every time I was gonna do it he came running by and he was gonna see me if I even tried and as he started moving the cows it was now time to strike I successfully activated the mechanism I quickly went to check it out but the Sheep Redstone had been

Jammed the server was lagging and they were now starting I had no time to fix this because mellow was literally right behind me if he caught me now it was all ruined but luckily I still had the cow try see I’d secretly put fans on this

Floor too but these ones were set to max strength so when he completed the task I could run up these there is equally activating this trip by a hook and well you’ll see what happens next so we went to activate the cow troll but Melo had now noticed that the pigs were missing

Hold on hey dude what happened on my pay I didn’t even know what to say he could even hear the pig sounds coming from the chamber behind this wall wait oh wait I can still hear the pigs though if he mined a single block he was gonna see my

Redstone I had no choice but to quickly remove the pigs and stop the sound since he was distracted it was the perfect time so I went and activated the trip by a hook and you could see that it had worked but now the cows were missing he

Was on to me what just happened oh my gosh I thought it was all over on the ultimate troll would never get used so I thought fast grabbed the diamond sword and accused him of killing the animals killed you killed all your cows no no I didn’t don’t accuse me of such things

There’s a sword on the floor he killed the cows I did that’s not my story and that’s the barely succeeding we headed to troll number six and I couldn’t risk this one going wrong all Melo had to do now was reach the top of this mountain

So he started heading up I was making good programs what is it what was that before he came online they’d actually terraformed this mountain so I could essentially guess which route he would take to the top but along this path I built secret mechanisms which would push

Him all the way back to the start after getting pushed down once he was now trying again making his way around my path and heading up here but this was exactly what I had planned because he had just spotted this super obvious troll but I’d actually disabled this one

To try and make him paranoid and it was working perfectly so as he headed around the next Corner oh this he was getting too comfortable because he thought that all the mechanisms were broken but then stepping right onto the trip where I had hidden At His Feet this

What does that say this way what what the mechanism had activated but he somehow managed to avoid it I couldn’t believe it he was literally one millisecond out of the fans range and now he’d seen my trick these Pistons were meant to be hidden but he’d seen

The moving and now he’s looking right at them in the second of panic I knew I had to distract him somehow um oh my God wait do you see how big that mountain is behind I couldn’t mess up only three steps away from the final troll so I quickly moved him along

Thankfully falling onto this hidden conveyor block jump over no and then completing the challenge we were now at the next troll and this one had the highest risk of being caught yet for this task all Mello had to do was find three diamonds in this cave so he began

His search looking all around the area but he was yet to find any because the first one was a ride under his feet the ice bought a hidden room under the cave system and attached all the diamonds to these Minecarts allowing me to move them so they were impossible to find then

Whenever he gets close to one it would magically vanish he was now getting close to the diamond so I quickly snuck into spectator and headed into into the room to activate the Minecraft I didn’t have long before he would notice that I was missing and I had to shift down here

Otherwise he would see my name tag success the diamond was now flying around the track and went to the opposite side of the cave so I quickly headed back up and acted like I was helping him to locate them but suddenly things took a turn for the while as he

Was searching he was claiming to have seen one of the diamonds moving I don’t know I just I saw a diamond and it just ran away and luckily the reverse card had worked and he stopped questioning me and continued his search but now I needed to win back his truck so I

Decided to take things into my own hands and placed a real diamond and after finding it he now believed that this was a real challenge no way that was there the whole time so whilst he was distracted I noticed a piece of redstone that I had left uncovered in the main

Cave and by some miracle he hadn’t even seen this yet and it was fixed but just as I thought I was in the clear everything came crashing down whilst I’d been busy fixing the Redstone he came across one of the fake diamonds I hadn’t had time to move it and he was now

Trying to mine it he now knew that I was after something and I made it even worse by trying to move the diamond but I did it too late oh oh I found a diamond wait he literally watched as the diamond ran away from him but I had to find a way to

Save this as he was watching The Diamond run away from him I slept behind he placed a real diamond to try a Gaslight and he was now confused about what would even happening oh oh I got a diamond so before things could get any worse I took

Him away and we were now only two steps away from the ultimate troll for this challenge mellow had to complete this parkour he managed to do this one earlier so he had no worries at all but this one was a little different because I built this before he came online so

Entire platforms would spin he’d have to get across vertically rotating jumps and hidden conveyors which would throw him into the void below the first obstacle was one that he recognized since he’d done these ones earlier he knew what he was doing well kind of and after making

The College of a century he was a cross but the hard part was actually still coming see I hadn’t activated the rotating platforms yet so he just saw a bunch of easy jumps now as he stepped on these pressure plates he activated The Hidden fans no but he just happened to

Land on the platform first time avoiding any of the danger now he was onto the conveyor platform when he was yet to see what it did I almost got him but he just managed to stay on the edge and now he knew how it worked he jumped straight

Across the rack it was now time for me to activate the chaos this is not Minecraft this just isn’t and whilst he was busy understanding what was even happening at this point I snuck below the second platform and activated the vertical rotation what is that in the

Blink of an eye he jumped straight onto the platform and somehow he wasn’t even falling off he was still going oh I fell over and made it first time onto the last obstacle the floating fans he was briefly kicked for flying and was faced with the final jump into the water below

But because his suspicions were so high he was reluctant to jump down my plan was to replace the water with air the second he landed so he would die but he was too quick and he’d beat my child I couldn’t allow this to happen so I took

Him to the next troll which was the craziest one yet for this troll he was trapped inside a house and all he had to do was find the way out only I secretly installed a fake block mod and used it on this window meaning the only Escape was by literally crawling through the

Glass I also made a bunch of fake exits to confuse him so he would question literally everything he made a quick start dashing into the first room and headed straight for this giant painting I couldn’t believe that he found an exit already well actually it was totally

Fake he now realized that this was going to be harder than he expected and as he got distracted by this bed it was time for me to get to work I took my chance and I ran to make a secret exit in the hallway but as I broke the blocks he

Heard me and ran out to see what I was doing are you doing some somehow I’d managed to cover it up before he caught me and everything was going well for now so as he entered the next room I continued making the exit but this time

He charged out of the room before I could cover up the hole there’s um what are you breaking oh no no no just uh wait what is this what wait did I actually Escape he found my exit and he was now going to escape I literally grew ruined the entire troll only this

Was actually a fake exit which he fell for completely wow I should have known that was too easy so he was now back at square one and entered the room with the real exit I was getting nervous in Katie noticed the glass looks a little different but in advance I placed the

Fake furnace here to throw him off and keep him distracted Melo suddenly noticed the trapdoors and began using them to crawl right in front of the fake glass if he even moved one inch to the left he would find the exit right they don’t really seem to get me anywhere I

Stood there now is he waiting just praying he didn’t find it and somehow he missed it I actually couldn’t believe it so I directed him to check out the other room he was getting really suspicious and tried to catch me making a secret tunnel in the hallway stop every time I

Leave you alone you do something okay I’m keeping an eye on you but this time as he approached the fake loss again to trying to turn him from getting near it but this time he’d found the exit we were now at the most confusing troll in Minecraft history and as Melo entered

This house I began my magic ladies and gentlemen I present a 250 block pistol which was now secretly pushing mellow across three different bios and whilst I distracted him to prevent him from looking outside the house had now moved all the way to a giant voice he had no

Clue what just happened and it was time to bring him outside wait what just happened I’m so confused I’m never recorded with you again

This video, titled ‘So I Confused a Minecraft Streamer…’, was uploaded by Spifey on 2023-02-18 21:02:12. It has garnered 2082842 views and 33974 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:50 or 950 seconds.

So I Confused a Minecraft Streamer…

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I confused a minecraft streamer with the most confusing minecraft mods! This was crazy.

Minecraft has some pretty confusing moments. I got all of the most confusing Minecraft things and put them in Minecraft to troll my friend! I also used Minecraft mods to get extra confusing trolling into my Minecraft server. This might actually be the most confusing Minecraft video in history – who knows! My friend had no clue about my Minecraft trolling!

Credits/Resources Used: Create Mod – Space Age Mod –

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    1b1t  Irregular servers国内的高版本无规则服务器,以将服务器核心版本更新至1.19!同步2b2t的更新,并且服务器长期开服!祝您游戏愉快! 服务器支持开纪、作弊、刷物品 Read More

  • Dummyland modded SMP Semi-Anarchy Forge 1.20.1 20+ Whitelist Magic Create Biomes Mobs Rats!

    New Server Announcement Hello! Me and my sister are starting our new server today! What we offer: A chill and judgment-free environment Silly jokes and dark humor Loose rules for fun gameplay Discord server for community interaction Who we are looking for: Must be 20+ years old Non-judgmental and can handle banter Good communication skills in English No ulterior motives or inappropriate behavior Most of our mods: Biomes O’Plenty The Twilight Forest Interested in joining? Message me on Discord at PoifoPainting Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Success: It’s All in Your Hands

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Success: It's All in Your HandsWell, I guess you could say this meme has a lucky score of 13! Just like finding diamonds in Minecraft, it’s rare and definitely worth celebrating! Read More

  • Crafty Picks: Top 5 MCPE 1.20+ Survival Mods

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  • Why does the wolf attack the fox? 😂🔥 #minecraftbanter

    Why does the wolf attack the fox? 😂🔥 #minecraftbanter Porque el lobo quiere robarle el papel higiénico al zorro para construir su propia casa en Minecraft. ¡Es una competencia feroz por los recursos en el mundo pixelado! 🤣 #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft animation boy love// he come for revenge [ part 44 ] music video.” While the content of the video may not be directly related to our topic, it got us thinking about the diverse and creative ways people express themselves through Minecraft. One of the best ways to immerse yourself in the Minecraft universe and connect with like-minded individuals is by joining a Minecraft server. And if you’re looking for a server… Read More

  • Missing Valuables: Monster Marauder Part 2

    Missing Valuables: Monster Marauder Part 2 The Mystery of the Monster Marauder Unfolds in Tolfaldir A Night of Intrigue In the quaint town of Tolfaldir on the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server, a mysterious creature has been causing quite a stir. Described as a dark shadowy figure, this enigmatic being was last seen disappearing into the depths of the town’s sewers. The locals have dubbed it "The Monster Marauder." A String of Disappearances Recent events have left the EcoSMP community in shock. Not only did a substantial amount of money vanish from the EcoSMP_Reserve account, but also a collection of rare and valuable items went… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chill with AbsoluteSwifty! | Must Watch

    Ultimate Minecraft Chill with AbsoluteSwifty! | Must WatchVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft and Chill!! | Minecraft’, was uploaded by AbsoluteSwifty on 2024-03-22 21:03:14. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:33 or 10473 seconds. Check me out on RecNet: Join My Discord Server: About me: – I am a small content creator who likes to play VR and generally post VR content, especially RecRoom – However from time to time I do upload other content such as games outside RecRoom or VR in general – My main goal right now is to hit 700 subscribers (support me… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Sidhu Gaming vs ??? 🎮

    Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Sidhu Gaming vs ??? 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Who Did It Better 😎 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-02-12 13:30:00. It has garnered 43028 views and 751 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Minecraft: Who Did It Better 😎 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes TELEGRAM CHANNEL – ( SIDHU GAMING 9 ) minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw… Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft SURVIVAL Day 1! (EPIC Gameplay)” #minecraftpesurvival

    "INSANE Minecraft SURVIVAL Day 1! (EPIC Gameplay)" #minecraftpesurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Series Day 1 || Minecraft Survival Gameplay #minecraftpesurvival’, was uploaded by Alex Minecraft on 2024-01-14 13:30:13. It has garnered 5462 views and 317 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. #minecraft I Survived 100 Days On a SURVIVAL ISLAND In Minecraft Pocket Edition! (Hindi) | Minecraft 100 days #minecraft Instagram : – Guyz I request you ☺🙏🏻 Hit Like, Share, and Subscribe Button ❤ ____________________________________________ My video secrets : – Editing : CapCut Thumnail : PixelLap Recorder : InBuild Recorder Both of available on play store and app… Read More

  • “Unbelievable! Found Sigma Male in Minecraft!” #viral

    "Unbelievable! Found Sigma Male in Minecraft!" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘founded sigma male in Minecraft #viral #Minecraft’, was uploaded by San tap gaming on 2024-02-24 04:00:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Title: “Epic Minecraft Adventure in 60 Seconds!” Description: Dive into a whirlwind of action-packed Minecraft madness in just … Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Hack! Build Elevator without Mods!” #ShockingDiscovery

    "Insane Minecraft Hack! Build Elevator without Mods!" #ShockingDiscoveryVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft hack ascensor sin mods #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftconstrucciones #viralvideo’, was uploaded by lowsoncraft on 2024-03-18 14:04:36. It has garnered 472 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown in Minecraft Monday SMP! 🐍🎮

    Ultimate Showdown in Minecraft Monday SMP! 🐍🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘The Trial: Minecraft Monday SMP l Stream 16 l’, was uploaded by MetalGearSnake on 2024-04-15 06:37:02. It has garnered 137 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 04:25:16 or 15916 seconds. Minecraft Monday SMP: The Trial of Wyatt and Char l Stream 16 l Hope you enjoy! “You must be Ames” ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Other Channels You should check out! ———————————————————————————————— #minecraft Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE LIVE: KidzoPlayz Hits 400 Subs! Minecraft

    <p>🔥 INSANE LIVE: KidzoPlayz Hits 400 Subs! <em>Minecraft</em></p>Video Information This video, titled ‘🇷🇴 LIVE Road to 400 subs | We back i guess 🙂 *minecraft*’, was uploaded by KidzoPlayz on 2024-06-07 05:56:17. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:31 or 6331 seconds. HMMM I’m a fool, who has nothing to do with his life and tries to play minecraft on a live even though he can’t. Read More

  • Unbelievable Technique to DOMINATE Sumo!

    Unbelievable Technique to DOMINATE Sumo!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Method to Win EVERY Sumo.’, was uploaded by pup on 2024-04-02 21:11:01. It has garnered 510 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #pvp #combos #hive #MCPE #cosmetics #4d #minecraftbedrock Plz use at own risk! xwqter,xwqter datpigmaster,versai,velqtepvp,nitro,datpigmaster,montage,6 potted,dreacho,shqdezz,comotage,acrozion,f4chutel,minecraft,tdbclient,forevernga,fallentech,avengetech,rape series,pack folder,adviser mcpe,playstation 4,verzide 3, heyitzkillermc, qwimston, potted,mcpe,fatal_eliteshotz,sniperspy123456,arrow,pvp bedrock edition,best ww,datpigmaster revenge not taken lmao,nasarij,minecraft pocket edition,minecraft bedrock edition,cranexe,edaters,hiveedaters bedrock edition,bedrock,minecraft bedrock edition,minecraft pocket edition,pocket edition,minecraft windows 10 edition,bedrock edition ps4,minecraft: bedrock edition,minecraft bedrock edition pvp,bedrock edition minecraft,minecraft bedrock edition skywars,the minecraft bedrock edition experience,minecraft bedrock,the… Read More

  • Final Cat Craft Ep: MINECRAFT VIRAL Family Drama! 🐱🎮

    Final Cat Craft Ep: MINECRAFT VIRAL Family Drama! 🐱🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Family Story last episode #minecraft #viral #short #shorts’, was uploaded by Cat Craft on 2024-02-26 01:00:14. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

  • Epiclands

    EpiclandsNew Prison Hispanic Server / Nuevo servidor hispano de Prision, unete a nuestra comunidad! Picos encantados, 64 minas diferentes, Parcelas tropicales y mas! Read More

So I Confused a Minecraft Streamer…