SOMEONE DIED ON THE 1ST DAY!! – Minecraft 30 Day Hardcore SMP #1

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Also you know what else is interesting because where Scott sent me his uh his build look at this a sneaker he got the uh the Empire’s IP address oh sneaky sure did that serve as white listed surely it’s white listed Empire’s Martin confirmed no I know that’s the whole reason I wanted to

Point that out is because I wanted to get ahead of people being like Oh my God Martin has Empires on his list oh I know what else I need I need my mouse controls uh keybind where is it thumb button uh one thumb button two there you go

So I can go to those deal with ease nice cool got it all right so yeah basically there’s not a whole lot to explain about this SMP we’ve got 30 days and the server will automatically shut down at the uh you know the the last second of that 30th day

Um and there’s just a bunch of us going to be in it it’s a bunch of people from rats I think a few people are coming in from Empires and it should just be a pretty chill time um I’ve never historically done very well in uh hardcore worlds so I guess

We’ll see how that plays out but I’m pretty sure it’s going to go abysmally I am going to tell everyone you have the IP without added contacts oh God I’m going to spread misinformation online thank you very much do it do we do it do

It why do you think I jumped into that portal in hermitcraft try and see if you are white listed if not then we know if you get in I’d be funny okay you know what fight fine we’ll do it let’s do it let’s just see what happens because

It’ll really confuse the people on there my guess is I won’t be able to get on only because I won’t have the um I won’t have like like do they have mods I’m guessing they must have mods even if it’s just like voice chat and stuff and

It’s a 119 3 build and I don’t have that I’ll just try and log in on like the default the default server thing I just realized I shouldn’t have closed that instance because I need to actually grab the IP we’ll just try it we’ll try and log in see what happens

I’m pretty certain it’s white listed I’m pretty certain we won’t get on but then on their console on the server console it’s gonna be like in the little we’re trying to log in they’re like what before we see what people were joined in an episode in a week

They’re gonna be very confused if this happens right I’m floating up Minecraft again uh multiplayer Empires 2. right cool got that all right let me then fire up just I’m just gonna load up a generic vanilla a vanilla like 119 three um uh 119 3 that’ll do the trick

But yeah so This Server will be kicking off in about sort of like 20 minutes or so typical Timmy wants to start at six o’clock but actually means 6 10 because he’s doing all these intros and stuff which is fair but he’s finally learning to tell people

This this is the thing I’ve noticed is he’s finally telling people that he’s doing that uh right if I add server bam Empires 2. there we go oh that’s surely that’s not right is it hold on you’re saying there could only be 10 people on the server if there are only 10 people

Total in the SMP oh my God oh no it worked a gal gal no I can’t no no no no no no I can’t I can’t no no no no that was already too much I didn’t think you I genuinely didn’t think that would work surely

Surely that’s a red flag surely no no that doesn’t confirm in the series it doesn’t I’m not in Empires stop it stop right now I need to tell them that I need to put a white list on that because if that IP address ever got leaked like

They’re in trouble that whole thing is going down oh God no mods they’re nothing just vanilla client and I went straight in I I hand on heart didn’t think that would work I promise I had on heart didn’t think that would work oh God uh

Uh okay let’s load up the the thing I’m just gonna quickly tell them um I can’t believe that I’m gonna message Scott privately about it um for a laugh I just tried joining the you’ve already added the login into people’s episodes might as well make a dirt Hut Kappa

Sorry I’m just telling Scott so Jesus Christ Jesus Christ ten people right oh my God okay uh let’s just I’m going back to my single player hardcore World okay I’m going back to my single player hardcore World chat you soon you saw nothing don’t say a word of this to

Anybody I think flip runs the the server but I’m not entirely sure Scott just replied to be going wait it worked yes it did I very much did yeah it very much worked and that’s not mistaken unless that Empires 2 is is a different server or something unless

That’s some kind of like clone of the world or I don’t know cheese I can’t believe that I can’t believe that geez wow how many players can say that they’ve been on the hermitcraft server and the Empire server not many not many not many can uh right I’m probably gonna need to get

Some Stone and stuff aren’t I right has anybody got any tips for me for hardcore Worlds by the way just as uh like to help me out because I am historically terrible at them oh my sensitivity feels high on the mouse hilariously I always have it on 69 I

Think I did it as a meme way back when I’ve never changed it time to see some fan art of tuba walking through the wrong door what way to find well you know what I’ve still never made this um and actually the people from Prism Marina were going to help me do it

Um was I wanted to do just a really short Tick Tock which is basically taking the clip of me flying into the portal from the hermitcraft server coming out the other end in Empires and then me being like wait Timmy because like Timmy will be there just walking by

Just casually and they’ll be like Martin I’ll go yeah and he’ll go nope and he just punches me and I go straight back into the portal um but I’ve never gotten the voice line from Timmy to do that I say voice line it’s like one one word um

But that that’s a little sketch that I’ve always wanted to do but I thought I would wait until post uh post crossover to even suggest doing that um but there you go it’s now now Canon I’ve been on both [Laughter] today you can get his voice okay Scott’s legitimately asked me to log back in give me a second bloody hell I think you have an old oh maybe okay uh uh latest release Let’s see let’s see facial invitation I think it might be I think it might be uh where is it Empires two here we go Oh my God look at this place look at this stuff isn’t it neat I shouldn’t be here so the server deletes is this it is this is this the actual server What is this place rat Empire now confirmed question mark exclamation mark look at this I like that chest design by the way I don’t have a resource pack on do I oh yeah world world uh specific whoa this doesn’t look familiar maybe this isn’t Empires though maybe this is something completely different

Imagine this is like Flip’s hardcore world or something [Laughter] hmm I mean the skulk there as well geez okay so this is an Empire it’s okay phew good okay uh I’m on ACM chat R saying it’s not Empires few lol well whatever this world is it’s mine

Now it’s mine whatever this world is it’s Martin’s It’s the wrong server for the real IP to get in yeah I should say that I should leave I should leave a sign that I was here ssmp hope it goes well I should I should definitely like just pop a sign now and just showing them that I was here at one point

Because how really confused whoever actually owns the server uh we got wood no I need I need a tree real quick I’m just going to punch down like a singular tree oh God all the while avoiding zombies this is fine just on a random server from our old IP I rate this

Oh wait it’s got like spawn protection on oh no imagine this does oh my God yeah imagine this doesn’t even belong to like any of the the Empire’s players anymore Imagine This Server just belongs to some random person someone in the chat saying eat do you see food in my hot bar

And it doesn’t it’s just some random persons oh my God I love this this is a new development for me this is a new this is just someone’s random uh server this is fantastic I’m literally gonna get some wood um and then just run straight back to

Spawn and just leave a sign there just saying in the little wood was here this is fantastic all right good there’s a 15-year-old looking at their log going wise Martin on my server for real for real right real quick um let’s do this IDs are spread around

I’ve had old servers that someone random has now I do like this resource pack whatever it is I’m feeling there oh um oh destroy creeper boy 940s world please Martin I wire an hour no worry oh oh damn oh God I’m getting destroy my zombie though this is how today’s hardcore series is

Gonna go right uh let me just make just a quick sword just to see if I can get back to where I came from ah although to be fair if I um if there’s spawn protection I don’t even know if I could actually place down a sign I guess we’ll have to see

I wonder whose server this is this is so interesting as an idea I could live on somebody else’s server before they find me and figure out that I’m here because if they’re just like a casual Minecraft player and they just log in and play with their mates and log out

They almost just treat you like a Minecraft realm like how long do you think I could go without getting clogged do you reckon we just make this into a thing playing on the mystery server Maybe there’s more subscribers oh there’s there’s a little thing down there Martin no but also yes right

I love this mystery SMP yeah Hamilton’s new video series I lived under a andam players base for 100 days that’s a Bedrock map thumbnail all over isn’t it top to bottom mystery SMP oh my God right okay let’s do this thing so if I just put I’m just gonna tell

Them I was here in the little in the little wood was here twitch VOD slash right now what is the what’s the ID for today’s stream I’m gonna I’m gonna get the VOD ID right here we go twitchvod one seven zero nine two six three seven nine two

Bam there we go that’s gonna be hella confusing for them whenever whenever they come across it [Laughter] this is really funny all right uh there’s a poisonous potato and a couple of bits of rotten flesh I guess I’ll just put the stream you like

Giving that away Kappa no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it’s down here now I’m just heathering tricked by this person’s base nothing there I’m only taking stuff that nobody’s gonna miss kind of hoping they log in and have a heart attack yeah I mean

I guess I’m it’s the waiting game now I’m just gonna stay on here Chats on it I’m just gonna stay on here until uh until Timmy sends us the IP for the other one I’ll have a look around we’ll see what these guys have built this is interesting TBF I’d be a bit chaotic if I was you no no you know like the these the people who Run This Server they could be like literally like nine years old trade offer what if we kissed in the Box what is going on I’m baffled I need to just go visit

Every base and just read any books that are lying around or anything like that I mean there’s a bed in the barn if you do want to do some kissing in the Box for real I need some uh I want to kill some of the the cows they’re not gonna miss a

Few cows right I can do this get a bit of this oh there’s a llama Village and a trainer outside all right I mean they’ve got to have a bit of Savvy because um these guys have got like a full-on what’s it called um they’ve got a phone on like

Server-side resource pack and everything so they’ve got to know some what what they’re doing there were furnaces back at that other house there was a courthouse over here that I want to go see I want to see what this one’s all about it seems like a relatively new world

Which is quite an exciting concept maybe you could find a signed book yeah because that would actually like properly properly confirm that I was here what do you need for a signed book I guess I need to make one right we’re right by an ocean I need what ink Quail leather and like

Paper I’m sure we could find some sugarcane if we needed to hmm I kind of don’t want Timmy to put the server up now oh this place looks cool look at them they’re using gradients they’re a better Builder than me already oh hello Mr enchanter whoa oh

That’s easy enough it’s a Dropbox shed Link in server properties okay wait we’ve got Nate Gerardo Alexis sign here Alexis Zuniga um Gerardo sign here Gerardo a bonds wow print screen that bad boy this peace treaty validates that uh Gerardo uh and Alex will not fight steel or treason

Towards each other’s territories oh my God oh my god um I’m I’m also going to join in on this I’m gonna join in on this um so uh Martin oh wait wait what was how did they write the thing Martin signed here Martin sign here

This will be such a weird Easter egg for them Martin’s sign here um peace treaty yes this is Empires the kingdom of the saplings shall call a ceasefire on all nearby uh lands oh should any of you tread on our grounds we will unleash the hounds with no hesitation

Bam there you go I’m just gonna sign it treaty trickle I’m gonna call it trick-or-treating trick or treaty question mark that really confuse them there you go oh look at that Sheen they’re gonna clock that as well saplings now confirmed to be in Cuba law if they go

If they go to leave they’re going to see that Sheen and be like uh what always use fibers uh I need I guess I guess I could throw wood in I love this you reckon there’s any more locations hmm that’s that’s one hell of a bridge isn’t

It is my zoom key working controls keybinds Do I not have zoom on oh no of course I don’t because I’m on the 119 3 build my bad all right at least I’ve got a bit of a bit of food there Um you reckon you’ve got any coal or anything whoa I like this oh God they’ve got wither skulls in it oh oh hello hello there tell you what this will grow back I’m just gonna get some for my own my own uses you know what I mean

Oh that would need a piece of Soul Sand have you got any Soul Sand here any spare ah there’s not I just wanted I wanted a couple of pieces of everything so that I can like do my thing Hmm this is fine squatter SMP all right let’s take this with us uh let’s see where this bridge goes we’ll see where this bridge goes then we’ll Circle back to spawn and then we’ll have a nosy around uh the other areas and see what’s going on

Sugarcane bingo I needed some of that oh that’s bamboo isn’t it sorry bamboo it’s not sugar cane at all imagine sugar came in that tall what’s the tallest like sugarcane can go what’s going on you join us so I thought I had the IP address for Empires uh season two

Because Scott gave us his folder his Minecraft instance folder um and I was like oh this is the Empire’s 2 server so I logged in was like oh my God it actually worked why is it not whitelisted and then it turns out that this is an old IP address of

Somebody who now has the the IP address of the old Empire server but obviously they dropped that hosting since and then moved on to something else you know what I mean like they’ve uh like Flip or whoever runs the server has moved on to a different instance or with a different

Company and then this IP address has been freed up and then given uh to somebody else oh I tell you what I don’t mind taking this major coal uh honestly accurate some armor this is all fine oh that’s a lot of iron oh go on then go on then you’ve got

You’ve got stuff for days guys come on you can share you can share a little bit I need some wood we get a bit of wood but if I started off being that I don’t want to touch anything of anyone so now I’m like no I I need to gear up I need

To Gear Up Uh Wood lovely I’m not gonna take the diamond stuff I’m not gonna take the diamond stuff I’m keeping it humble keeping it humble um gotta see so we could do with a sword uh honestly a shovel uh what else we want to make

I think that’d be right won’t it an ax I guess an ax as well lovely sweet all right cool this this should do the track quicker we’ve got a few pieces going on I guess let me just cook um a bit more food let me throw some of this in here throw

Some of this in that on can’t wait for them to look at the console and see not only you logging in but you getting achievements this is so stupid this is so stupid oh God oh it’s the server’s up all right we’ll log into there we’ll log into there

Uh the IP address in a second in fact no I’ll go in there now so I’ve got time to tell them the story of what what’s actually going on here I’m just gonna get my gear and I’ll be ready for next time now what I need to do right

Okay because I know they’re going to watch this VOD potentially I’m gonna put myself in a different location so that they can’t Bedrock trap me or obsidian trap me should I log back into the server one day okay so I’m gonna put myself somewhere somewhere safer so that they they’ll never they’re never

Gonna know they’re never gonna know they’re now going to be trying to look for like the reflection in my eyes and stuff tell Timmy say you can’t play today you found a new SMP to play instead right there we go cool right I’m gonna log out

I’m gonna log out of uh leave a sign saying where is it I’m just gonna log out uh on Empires too I’m gonna rename that to uh squatters squatters SMP um got it done it right let me load up the proper version of Minecraft that needs to be playing in today foreign Data file now but they’re based on their builds they don’t look like they’re that techie all right I’m going to assume that this is from some like cheap some cheap easy to set up server thing all right that’s that’s what I’m thinking that’s what I think this is gonna be

I can’t believe that’s happened that’s so funny Martin wanted new content after rats and it literally fell into his lap for real for real right there we are let’s log into the server um I guess I need to add this server don’t I need to add this one sweet

Um paste this is 30 days hardcore um edit 30 days hardcore bam sweet can I log in foreign You’re looking very blue and I don’t mean in a sad way there’s a lot of things right now happening yeah I’m looking I’m just feeling a bit blue martin okay that’s fine that’s all good you hear people I don’t really get the problem no no no what you and your ponytail get

Up to none of my business none of my concerns no don’t don’t talk to me about my ponytail distance thing right because I could hear a baking money anyway back to the story I log into the server it’s not the Empire server it’s just the IP address has been reused when

It’s been resold to somebody else I start running around on This Server putting signs and signing books that basically just squatted in some like probably some like 12 year old server just casually taken over I’ve left law I’ve written in a book I’ve took some of

Their writing I did it I love that you hope that they go back on that server and they find it all I’ve literally left like a link on a sign to the VOD so they can see that if it’s legit I hope that oh my God

Who is that oh that was that was would have been unlucky wouldn’t it okay that was horrendous you nearly died as well I’m very mindful that it’s like Sunset already it’s because of my connection to A1 so I told it not to kill me everyone’s hella loud on the audio for

Me yeah Jenny’s gonna need to like go into server settings and change it yeah the distance is like the distance is like 50 plus blocks like yeah I don’t what should it be like 10. come near me and everything um I’ll tell you everything starts they’re changing um Really good oh then first down on the server smothered by we need a bed real fast my connection to A1 yeah basically uh we need it by the way it takes only one person we’ll um we’ll need to sleep so uh okay good if if we can get that soon Um I’m just scared that mobs are just going to start spawning around us yeah well this is why I wanted to start on like a clean slate middle of the day sort of Joby yeah do you reckon I should just make it gay just uh

What I reckon I reckon if the server is going to reset and everything you might as well just start the clock again um give me a second connection to AWA what what are you on Three people 50 blocks away that’s fine so it sounds like Owen’s on SAS mode today I’m feeling it already guys we’re going to reset the we’re going to reset the surface that’s not how it is I’m sorry just to fix the the voice thing yeah we’re gonna quick

Restart and then I’ll reset the timer and uh make it day all right okay so this is a cannon then [Laughter] got it it’s fine all right um okay everyone log out for a second okay I gotta go pee before I have to face my uh face the consequences of my actions So nice weather we’re having foreign SMP then No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no foreign Right is the server back up the stream has been up for 38 minutes and Martin has already murdered it’s fine it’s fine when I say it’s fine chat it’s fine I love cheer once again we are here without him have you made the that was funny you know it was funny

For all people to do it it was just the closest that’s what it was I had an ax in hand he was stuck under a tree there was no way he was going to be able to Sprint run away it was just it felt it

Felt it felt it Jimmy you need to set on to creative to survival you’ve made my chat very happy because we did a prediction as if I would die first and because you killed Owen technically I didn’t know well I guess in the old

Instance do it do a new one chat get a new one going oh no they get their points it’s been quite a day for me already I’ve been logging into some random kids server I’ve killed them in on the pre-game I’ve got that as well I didn’t go on but

I’ve got the option to do it do it oh oh my God Martin I don’t care you need to stop killing us bro you are making things so hard why are you doing this he literally was hitting me hands to ourselves hands on chest what

Do you expect if you run upon a man with an ax you’re gonna get clapped okay okay okay okay we can set up traps if we don’t directly kill people yeah Jimmy hello we can set up traps right if we don’t indirect if we can indirectly kill people but not like

No more killing each other yeah it’s nothing but smooth at the moment talk to Martin I’ve done nothing wrong okay is everyone getting regen yeah everyone’s regening yeah yeah sweet right down yep at some point all yeah we also well I mean we wouldn’t be so hunger it doesn’t we need

Saturation to help oh yeah whack us with some saturation as well gone could we have saturation please saturation please I also think Jimmy that Jimmy the voice prox thing might need to go up a bit I know I thought that it’s a little I think in like 20

Might be a better block um because I think we might need when I moved again before I do countdown then sorry about this guys does that mean no I’m just all right no don’t you even think about it I’m gonna need you to stop okay again my chat was spamming you with TTS

I couldn’t hear anything oh Martin was like we could kill him again why did you didn’t have to repeat what you said if I didn’t hear him you said no I didn’t say what did he say I said I didn’t hear what he said I saw your Mentos because

He was enabling him look at him with his stupid accent his stupid two-led skin that doesn’t know what they don’t even care over to me about stupid what the hell is that even on your head yeah that’s right I didn’t even get to ask that question

Owen was on the SAS mode and I’ve definitely just set him over the edge I maybe should have killed somebody other than him today he already sounded like he was in a salty mood and I’ve just basically got to push that uh that big red button whoops

We good Martin can you keep making noise and run that way yo yo mike check one two my name is in the little wood and I’m coming through I like to do a big poo when I’m sat on the loo because it’s not a number one it’s a number two I’m a

Trooper that’s good yeah that’s perfect like hello right I’m gonna do the countdown everyone cool wait Holden’s not on all right I’ll wait Oh no you’re probably a game mode I think and I killed him before we logged off what’s he doing he’s just logging in he’s probably TTS then

Becky I can’t take you seriously like what is this I see you I can’t I bet you can what did I just think of the film straight away as you said I see you I haven’t seen the second one very good is that it’s so good yeah I

Haven’t seen it right are we ready take it off I ain’t seen it right no nothing at all nothing at all no no Cannon deaths no Cannon deaths honestly I just kind of want to get down from this high ground I want to get like somewhere lower if I can yeah yeah

I mean Ocean’s that way that seems sketchy yeah let’s not don’t go too far away from each other if the plan is to like kind of be near each other let’s oh is that what we’re going to do we’re going to chill together should we set up

Like like we should make a little bit small I mean do we just try and find a village left we could try to find a village and then base ourselves around that Village we can make a nice little town uh which way do you reckon a village

Would be is it got a big tree in the middle oh there’s cows down there I’m gonna get some food as long as I don’t die oh boy oh this is a long way down holy I just don’t like that there’s like the the odd Enderman knocking about here

Like that to me is terrifying right I’m just gonna get a bunch of State crossed I’ve got a chance got no bones yet for this boy oh nice nice stop I swear I love it the victim on you about this to Dean came up with this bet

Instantly and was like I’m gonna be an avatar I’ve decided oh wait is this actually for this I just I thought you had it logged on for something else and then it’s just nope you forgot about it can I just ask why though like what is the reasoning for it there’s a reason

It was well is what we’re doing here I’ve never played on Empires right let’s have a look I’m just gonna have a little run around for a village uh and if we happen to come across one then fantastic I think that’s gonna be the best thing we can do is just try and

Locate a village ASAP and we’ll go from there with it berry bushes yeah go on them I think a lot of it’s just trying to break that tree line I know we’re trying to stay together but I think as soon as we find a village we can hunker down

There and we’ll be ready to rock and roll just try and get out the other end of this Forest first because we can give each other coordinates and stuff in the chat so just for people that haven’t uh been around for the intro of the stream

There’s nothing much to this this is uh just voice proximity uh Minecraft 30 days as soon as that timer hits zero the series is done um and basically we’ve got to try and survive it now I am notoriously abysmal and awful uh when it comes to hardcore

Hence why I’m running into a cave with no Shield uh and no you know no kind of fear whatsoever because I’m I’m terrible at this I think basically I’ve got to try and make sure that I don’t die too quickly I’m grabbing this mostly so if I come across an amethyst geode I’ve

Definitely got copper for a spying glass even though I’ve got my zoom but still um just looking for a village uh we should co-ord in chat when someone finds one but yeah if anybody’s got tips for me on the old uh on the old hardcore front then let me know

Because I would very much like to uh to know this nice I’m just gonna kill whatever you like animal on the way as well we can make like an animal farm later on but for now just grab a bit of everything um also things like sugar canes oh and even Turtles

Avoid baby zombies yeah yeah I’m very I’m very aware that if I’m playing on a hardcore World whilst looking like philzer that that is probably my fate is uh to die by a lava or is it was even lava it must be right it was like a a fire ridden baby zombie

And an armored one at that I’m pretty sure it was like a really like rare spawn there we go just getting some ink sacks because I’m sure we’re gonna need a treaty at some point so we’ll do that there we go nice right um I think

I guess I’ve just got to just keep exploring until we find something I’m kind of hoping that I find mine first because it’s going to be a bugger if I’m gonna have to go to somebody else’s location in order to um in order to do this I would like to find

A cave even just for simply getting one piece of iron in order to uh in in order to make a shield that feels like a real necessity for me right now what I might try to do real quick is I might try and pull together some doors um

Let’s have a look oh I’ll tell you what the Sheep as well uh tell you what I’ll do the doors first um because what I’m going to do with the doors I’m going to go down into the water and basically see if there’s any iron of which that doesn’t appear to be is

That I can use the doors to stand in them the sooner I can find iron the sooner I can quickly turn those sheep into a bed because the Sun is setting now which is a problemo nothing damn it they’re just gonna be like 700 crafting tables left around this world maybe I

Had to be fair there’s three of you maybe if I just make the bed now we’ll be we’ll be groovy uh where is it bed oh God there we go nice there we go let’s just see if this resets it for everyone I’m pretty sure Timmy said it only takes one person I’m

Pretty sure I’m gonna be everybody’s uh KIRO right now a couple dozers that’s about a couple more sheep over here we’ll grab grab a bit more nice this ax is doing business Have You Seen the Last of Us not yet no no no no no spoilers in the chat I mean

I’ve played the game so I’m I’m imagining I know what happens but on the off chance that it deviates from the game I don’t want to know hmm do I try and get high up on these trees see what’s knocking about um let’s see um no not seen anything just yet

Oh let me go remember last life don’t kill everything you see oh no but this is different right last life has a very a very limited World size like last life is like a couple hundred blocks each way isn’t it whereas this is we’ve got the whole world at our hands

Christ when are we when are we gonna find a village tomorrow so we have to start cooking the food in a minute you’d have thought by now I’d have I’d have found a little something something but maybe not do you think we should have like a goal

So for this for this 30 day hardcore what’s the goal I mean one thing that would be nice to do is to actually just build a nice looking base you know what I mean just building like a nice you know legit looking base for me would actually be

New ground uh tread when it comes to Earth to Minecraft we’ve never really done it before yeah I want to build like a cool I want to build a cool house I think that’d be cool I’m just gonna quickly uh cook my boys oh that’s not what I thought I was doing

Uh I’ll do the stake or the beef oh God the wife all right lovely I really wanted to make a bucket and just like go into The Nether just to have a nosy maybe that’s a silly idea iron lovely all right cool we’ve got a shield at least give us a couple pieces

Oh you bugger a little bit more cold as well sweet I think I might have already had oh I didn’t that’s my first piece of coal we’ll see how things go but yeah this should be interesting oh did Timmy die is that why he’s re-logging logging out combat login SMH

Timmy was gonna die I saw it I saw it uh iron I I don’t think it’s again I don’t think there’s any proper proper rules about this but I imagine it’s gonna be pretty frowned on if somebody combat logs you know what I mean um so maybe we probably won’t do that

Right cool Shield acquire thank God for that uh where’s maybe a couple of steak oh yeah nice and let’s throw coal in pop the rest in lovely oh I need that lower shield pack let me let me grab that real quick I’m just gonna quickly grab something

Chat because there is a there’s a resource pack that we have in last life which I really like uh which is uh where is it lower shield lower shield lower shield there it is got it it basically just lowers the shield so it’s not taking up

As much of your screen and it’s it’s fantastic vanilla tweaks I’ve never actually used vanilla tweaks to be fair I only became familiar with it just the other day nice all right cool that’s cooking um what do I do here I’ll have a little nosy if there’s any any iron knocking about

Or even cold to be honest iron and cold will be fine um around my 445 64 454 ATM Village hunting yeah kind of missed the shaders yeah I kind of miss the shaders I tell you what I would really like to use I’d really like to use

Um a texture pack that um uh pixel stories made I’ve eyed it up a couple times let me see if we can find it Rosie uh pixel stories stories with zed just as FYI so basically he’s made a resource pack called pixelate which I think looks really cool

Standing in a dark cave AFK Brave dude Brave I’m assuming that it will work on 119 too I would guess all right lovely uh okay cool oh God I need to make sure I’ve got blocks in my main hand that’s gonna be a force of habit isn’t it

And also do I I don’t even have a sword yet what have I done that um let me make a sword even if it’s just that a stone there you go right uh what was I doing over here I was going to not sure it just won’t go through to this link

For me for some reason pick salad resource pack oh God I just realized the weather the rain oh God this is one person who comes to this stream every day and asks the exact same question every time and I’ve never answered it and you think they would get the hint

Uh Owen you’re gonna have to hang out with me sooner or later I’ll find you when we find a village honestly I respect the boundaries found a mushroom Island oh cowards for future future reference Let’s just see if there’s any other little caves that sneak off from this there’s not okay fair fair oh Mushroom Island is cracked means no mobs oh snap all village Village 500 500 roughly okay what really 500. what I was gonna say I’m pretty oh yeah oh yeah so it is

I barely missed that no way it was barely a few blocks away from this chat well that’s pretty cool right well all these chickens now then I’m not gonna bother touching now the question is is do we go for the iron from the Golem because I’m thinking yes

Elle has a berry treasure that’s right for some minute but yeah I’m just chilling I’m living my life living my best life we’ll get safe inside the house and I’m gonna see if I can get this uh this texture pack because I really like this texture pack

You only live once Martin thank you for explaining hardcore to me dude that is fine oh yeah back’s already trying to get a horse look at you over here taming and slaying yeah I put my ponytail in it oh I see um I think any joke I make here is going to be inappropriate so I’m just not going to I’ll just I’ll just say I put my heart and soul into it that’s what I put into it don’t you worry about me little blue lady don’t you worry about me Come on come on you’re a friendly little fella you know [ __ ] you I don’t like you anyway oh I just thought this should probably be a PG service shouldn’t it it’s not about that oh it could only sleep at night time all right well at least I’ve set my respawn point

Uh anything of interest in here no we’ve got some crippy crappies time for the P oh yeah got it oh wait bam didn’t like that one buy him no bam bam yeah there we go DJ ddtj got it just wanted to make sure I got the right buttons got everything this boy needs

Right then uh I guess what’s next then I guess I just want to try and do a little bit of mining to get some iron don’t I get myself sorted all these cats as well that’s cute I ain’t got no fish for you buddy though or the creeper sound effect would be

Good on this server to be fair although they always say it’s really loud so I probably need to bring the volume of it down in all fairness this is right by like the water interestingly uh oh I kind of like this weird shallow house I don’t think I’ve ever seen a house

Like this in Minecraft is that new I feel like it’s missing its top floor imagine me just spawn at the farlands farlands or bust server’s broken already lots of hay for bread yeah I had thought that let me um if I whip together a crafting table

I’ll just do this real quick and we’ll just get a bunch of this where is it uh yeah nice creeper button is second only to the law button true all right lovely right I’m just gonna try and find myself a cave let’s just get some iron on the

Go hey yep there’s a joey uh oh there was Joey there was Joey someone sleeps don’t sleep well don’t worry resetting my spawn point because that’ll be useful out of all things I thought I would see in Minecraft being in a bed and watching an avatar run and take the

Wheat I was in there for and then leave over my bed was not how I had my bingo card for this year well that’s amazing council meeting oh here we go meeting is Joey is Joey back on no no he’s not yet I think it’s meeting meeting

You don’t get right you don’t text me on the uh also doesn’t get to be on the committee is getting treasure chests and that’s how she got that diamond thing someone in my chat said she got a um clever a treasure thing so I think this is just

The the the Hub and we just build around it yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ll use this as as the Hub uh for people to come to I think that’s right we leave the Bell no one take the Bell this is the Hubbell all right yeah oh

God you’re setting that up to be a big law but at the end of the smv this is the law Bell please well done yeah is interesting back in the day because it really utilizes 3D handle stuff like it was like can I get the diamond for the

Achievement I watched it in TV did it and it was Unreal my jaw was on the floor the whole film fingers crossed the floor I’ll give you back on the floor fingers crossed Cross My Heart Hope To Die whatever the rest was right no one touched the Iron Golem over there

We don’t want that to be a a way we die you guys can fight over this I’ve already died to one once oh somehow Owen just deleted that one that’s mad what you you ran over this block here and I placed a light gray wool and it just you phased with it and

It just obliterated it Oh weird he’s very powerful yeah he wasn’t kidding when he said he was good at hardcore yeah there’s cats around here which surprised me yeah or get them getting killed uses leverage never have any attachment no weakness I like that I rate it my only attachment is so you’re

Attachments to that horse I walked into the village Owen Beck’s there tying ponytails with a horse it was weird dude but I needed to bond with yeah yeah whatever whatever just just send it a welcome to the neighborhood cards you know how to stick your tail with it oh

Wait does everybody want to do some learning with me what we learning I got a bottle of learning oh God now I’ll do a bit of learning saw those like yeah yeah we don’t need oh that was not even one whole level’s worth of learning I’m on six levels

Already I’m vibing what oh my gosh I’ve just been slaughtering every animal inside there oh dear oh dear dear oh dear by the way this is just like spare well if anybody else wanted to make a bed yeah yeah yeah you guys really got shears huh damn you’ve got [ __ ] do you have

Shears or was that an ax no no I’ve got an ax oh okay and I’ve just tried I don’t want to talk about I’m just trying to make a bed I just tried to make a bed with wool only I rate it honestly they’re making an air

Mattress that’s what it is I I found a shipwreck so I’m pretty stonked out right now if someone came into my chat and like doxed you on that I was like all right okay what yeah some some little something of anything you can’t have anything these these days a little rascal just ran

Straight and was like that’s good I was going on boat I was like all right that was a god boat hell’s got both Rebecca’s got Avatar oh yeah I walked into the village and um yeah she was she was tying ponytails with the old uh is he yeah

Is that how they say it in French go to your job it’s employment time it’s me the department of work and pensions why should I work when I get benefits oh no that’s why because somebody else took it oh oh I tell you what oh do you

Know what actually bending render I had two more hours I could purchase that but we need to trade with him we need to trade with him to lock it in ah we do uh anyone got emeralds I’ve got eight oh wait let’s trade with the uh what’s it called

The um armor yeah like Farmers like we’ll just do a bit of wheat yeah I am see oh yeah I guess I could trade with him for paper I’ve got sugar cane let me do that you can chat chat yeah the Fletcher takes sticks but I

Mean if I can trade with this fella to do the right thing how much is it 24 people will I get that from this or no how many do you get oh it’s it’s per one oh I probably wouldn’t even get up to that would I damn

Yeah we’ll make a trading horn and stuff for sure but this was more just locking in a mending vendor early it’s quite nice I think Eloise is on the on the case we’ll see um let me see if I can just trade with this fella all right let me let me

Change your job a couple times uh where is it um come back come back I’m just gonna wait until you’re weak there we go lovely all right cool let’s do it um how many was it I needed was it 12 oh this might take a minute hold on a minute

Oh it was 10 Emerald sorry not twelve my bad yeah we can do this Hopefully you’ll trade me that many in a single day or 10 there you go yeah sweet we got it oh I need a book as well oh for God’s sake right tell you what you you stay there just gonna just pop some blocks here just to keep him safe he can’t run out

The balcony can he um I’ve got leather I’m pretty sure yeah I’m gonna make a book is it a [ __ ] quill I need to make what’s a book and quill I guess I guess I’m gonna need a book as a bass line anyway is it a bucking call you need or is it

Just a regular book oh oh my God I know it’s just that damn nice locked him in Optimum uh but I need to go back inside cheers Trevor nice all right cool uh mending vendor locked in Okay Hand Okay Hand lovely cool so at least we got that

We’ve got a mending book good start right then what we’re doing um hello hello um I got sheep’s Book Cows we’ve got pigs we’ve got chickens how are we rolling that fella up the hill um just on the right hand side you see him on the balcony just there and he has got

Mending books now we just locked him in he’s running up that hill he is he gonna make it the Olive Garden probably wait is where is he where is he mine is it that happened to your right to your right he’s in that house I’ve blocked

Him in just done by the old zombies foreign they potentially might have despawned but they were just over here just outside the town Where are they where are they maybe they’ve despawned whereas the little fellas oh do I have eggs no damn damn I’ll leave them to find those I want to give myself up I want to get myself up to iron uh ASAP yeah they might be out of render distance to be fair

And I just don’t like a tunnel just straight down into the ground just for looking for um Iron and stuff I like the idea of turning this into a into an entrance to a mine let’s do that it’s a classic move classic move you know one of those classic in the little wood moves you always hear about from everyone that’s ever played Minecraft ever oh yeah it’s

A classic in the little wood move everyone knows about them everybody that I know aspires to do classic moves all right cool my brightness on full probably not oh it is okay cool um I could do with a shovel do I have any words I do

My inventory is gonna be a hot mess by the way chat just at the start of this but we’ll tidy up as we go all right cool sweet uh blocks just in case the worst happens foreign we’ll turn this into a nice long staircase eventually staircase to bedrock a bit of

Coal never hurt anyone I tell you what I’m actually not against collecting some of this um what even is this block called um what is it called again diorite there you go I’m not getting getting some diorite because you know what I want to do if I make a base chat

I want to do some texture I’m gonna do texture that’s what I want to do Wayne aren’t some of those tools um from when you got Owen I don’t know how to say we don’t know not a clue yeah oh this this this texture pack just won’t load up

I keep trying to load it but it just it won’t it won’t doubt it won’t appear for me it’s on curse Forge but I just can’t get to it diorite it’s not that much of a texture yeah I think diorite looks fine diorite when you mix it with other stuff ends up

Looking quite pretty so I feel quite pretty actually yeah curse Forge won’t load I wonder if he’s putting it on like Planet Minecraft I know that’s a bit of an OG move but let’s have a look um pixelate uh if I search by texture packs

Maybe if I search by the name of the person pixel stories oh it’s not working damn it I really wanted to try that as well let’s see what it might look like uh uh try one more time B-Dubs are showing some good uses for it

Yeah to be honest any any block can be used in the right context I think it’s a lot of people being salty little nerds they don’t like it chat did you know the idea Minecraft if you break a block beneath gravel and have a torch beneath it then all of that

Falling gravel will turn into it we’ll break it out as it falls this is a great farming method for people who are new to the game 18 things you didn’t know about Minecraft I think it’s on Modern oh is it is that modern I didn’t realize they did texture packs on there

Uh oh yeah resource packs no way uh pixel five search pixel stories when it come up yeah there it is to be fair actually it’s more cartoony than I remember it looking but I just want to have a look at it regardless uh versions yes there we go download

Just a zip file on it yeah nice hardcore 30 resource packs bam on it there’s pixelate Martin the Minecraft Pokedex now it’ll be did you know that if you place the torch beneath gravel as it falls to the ground it will automatically break all of the subsequent blocks above it something like that

Oh I tell you what I’m on The Struggle Bus where I can’t actually tell the difference between some of these blocks like is that regular Stone it is a nice texture pack don’t get me wrong look at some of these look at these some of these textures

They’re beautiful I just don’t know if I want to risk not knowing what block is what for now you know what I mean so maybe maybe I’ll do a different series or a different world where I use that but it’s a nice it’s a nice little texture pack that one

What y level am I at 41 gosh I’ve got a long way to go but yeah pixel stories is a very very talented pixel artist he’s one of the people that’s actually been like dropping into the occasional stream and it’s been um you know sort of giving me tips and

Insight onto how to do uh certain things like how to model and texture and things like that so very appreciative oven hello Hannah thank you very much for the 54 months dude oh debug as well thank you very much for the two months oh debug thanks thanks debug

Where are you don’t say here otherwise I’m gonna punch you in the throat I’ll never find you oh let me in all right steady on Wilma hi oh and I’m gonna die oh my I gotta switch places make a deal with God If I Only Could Martin If I Only Could

Crouching why are you acting like Wilma today you have all of that you have all the subtlety of a wooden spoon Eloise you’re acting like a real tub rat right now that’s what you’re acting like don’t you take that back right now right I’m getting out of here no not if I do

It’s the Casual rivalry between the two of them always Brewing oh that’s a bit more wheat left over let me uh I’ll drop the crafting table for a second if we’re joined the game whoa server’s full sorry service full sorry no flips allowed here this Farm is very efficient that’s funny

God am I gonna find any iron like what what biome are we in right now this is ridiculous that’s a brave move by the way Owen just like casually spying on me when I could have gone hella non-pg when they’re out of sight I might say something that’s not right

That’s the way I see it Iron’s easier to find up on the mountains well I still just thought I just thought good old Minecraft back in mind you could find iron just by digging straight down this really is like the bloody last life SMP we couldn’t find any iron enough of those series

Foreign bloody deep State now Christ on a bike tell you what I actually don’t mind getting a bit deep sleep I’ll rate that um what am I doing I’m literally just gonna put these here just so I have to carry them anymore all right there we are where’s my music gone um

I can’t get away from this rats SMP music it’s just it’s just good background music isn’t it very chill surely there’s just going to be like a sudden drop and hole any minute now when does Phil show up I’m sure it’ll happen that way this is run by Timmy I don’t think Timmy

Knows Phil I think they’ve probably played together in MCC but that’s probably the extent to it oh my God right I’m actually level zero I mean to be fair is it diamonds you can’t find until a lot further down there but iron you can find at this level

Level 15 is your best bet at the minute am I am I Really Gonna strip mine the first day I only want enough to cover myself top to time and then I’ll go do some other stuff you know what I mean I’ll mine at 15 if I have to

Iron is basically only above deep slate now right okay oh God um I’m sure I’ve already made 17 crafting benches so far this uh SMP but it is what it is I’m just gonna lob those down there get rid of all these wooden tools oh that are going to stay right there perfect

That’s exactly what I wanted how did you know oh I already had another pick in my Hopper my bed mountains are definitely better oh I’m not gonna I’m not seeking out a specific volume just to get some iron surely Iron’s not that hard to keep a hold of right

Like I can’t imagine it’s gonna be that tricky uh ix3 thank you very much the uh the brand new sub dude much appreciated wait oing New Canon name for Owen I like that I rate it oink oing juice ah today I learned I mean why does somebody get body checked by like nothing

Oh Flip’s actually playing playing I I thought whip was just like logging in to say hello someone in China really like I don’t know like almost like a documentary iron is one of the most used resources in modern Minecraft this happened during the Industrial Revolution side of Minecraft when wooden tools weren’t

Quite cutting it and horse and carriage wasn’t quite right 500 600. why swipe got a hold on why wait why is we’ve got it not secure whoa heck of whip wait a minute just a bit mad at it damn oh my God this is am I really not able

To find iron here what is this oh my God I say that and it appears shut up chat this game I hate Minecraft dude why am I even playing on this I’m just gonna look around should I have been doing this ages ago should I have been doing this whole like

Left right and carry on forwards jobby tell you what let’s make a bloody pickaxe out of this uh let’s see let’s make a I’ve already got a furnace actually we’re good Oh it was only two I it was only two you are kidding me it was only two chat it was only two two bloody hell let me just quickly grab this um it’s copper as well because I’m gonna need it eventually I’m sure in his Mumbo voice I found some copper right here

That’s a really bad memo voice it’s been a while I haven’t seen the I haven’t even seen Mumbo IRL for quite a while to be fair because we used to go um rock climbing or bouldering um but we usually yeah we used to go bouldering very frequently was anything behind me was there

Oh God I’m going to die this ping oh no skill issue He could use his hacks to do other stuff he was on a bike trip for a bit Yeah Yeah Yeah so basically when they when they left for their bike trip like cycling across like bloody Europe um I don’t even need another pick I’ve got one there

Um but yeah when they set off to do that I don’t think Robin was even born and they came back when Robin was like a month old a bit mad oh yeah that’s a good point actually so demobs hit harder in hardcore worlds is it literally a case of it’s like

Um they’re like the server is also on hard mode right with you I didn’t know where the hard I didn’t know where the hardcore actually entailed a difficulty shift as well or whether it was just uh one life and you’re gone so I’m gonna have to be

Really careful because I never play on hard mode so this for me is going to be very Uncharted Territory this is all gonna be hella new for me I’ve been having full eye in this the first time he killed a monster how do we use his own mom

Um right um let’s finally get this iron going I’m gonna go for I guess I’ll go for flying tools first then I’ll worry about armor afterwards it’s more so I just want to pickaxe so I can zoom about the place nice cool all right sweet

Let me turn on uh alerts as well so you can always use your subscribers thank you very much for the uh 21 much appreciated let me just move my alerts around a little bit remind alert set s use more subscribers I don’t actually know where the alerts are there they are

Move it up in the center slightly there you go nice cool is it regen slower in hardcore yeah probably so what you’re saying is back in your day didn’t form this way it didn’t it didn’t yes all the blocks didn’t just form this way well they did but now they don’t

The stream could always use more subscribers creeper sound needs lowering and loading up around them it’s audacity I’ll fire up all dusty real quick or DL all the alerts are coming through um yeah we’ll be all good oh more iron lovely creeper sound needs lowering and loaded

Up where is it uh I don’t actually know the directory for that creeper sound I’m gonna guess it’s just in my download folder creeper no can I check the directory from here oh no I guess it’s just in this folder isn’t it yeah it just exists solely in there

Uh the stream could always use more subscribers I guess it’s that part that I want to lower just a little bit um How do you how do you just change the volume on a piece of audio oh God a bit too much so tell me Martin how do I craft this again that’s a bit quieter isn’t it so originally it gets right to the top yeah is that better

Yeah that never gets any higher than six decibels if either three just hit save well that just um I just export that what’s the directory for this um do this but yeah so I’ll save it to desktop I’ll copy it from desktop scrum a bit more of this iron whilst I’m

Waiting I know you guys can’t see the screen right now give me a second uh creeper sound there we go lovely basically just want to overwrite the existent one oh one of them is a MP3 and one of them’s away file uh uh Minecraft creeper sound let’s try it

That still was super loud why is that so loud just that it just sounds super duper loud I’ll bring it out a bit more wav should be the new one right oh was that MP3 that one uh I’m playing Minecraft right now and you made me jump sorry my bad

Right let me try that one uh creeper troll there we go try again so I’m just gonna log out man because I know what will happen is I’ll get blown up whilst I’m bloody doing this piece and desktop always takes ages to load up on my um it’ll probably be a

Quieter invoice procs it’s not that’s always been a complaint whenever I’ve done the prank um it’s that it’s way way way too loud so we back in the mines oh Jesus I’m turning off I’m turning off one bit Texas I’m also playing Minecraft but I’m making rat tunnels in LG’s base

Okay my whole computer is frozen come on computer please everything’s frozen chat I just have to wait for a second come on oh computer you’re okay no computer’s still frozen 2-bit TTS not too bit now I’ve disabled it in the gameplay scene we can you can keep it

Out here but not in the gameplay scene come on there we go finally bloody hell uh right creep Patrol now where was that folder location um um um right now let’s try it it’s just gonna be any quieter that’s quieter but still maybe not quite enough it’s so hard just to

Change the volume on one thing right hold on I’ll tell you why it’s because I was doing the weird crunch thing that’s why I’m stupid right wait wait I got it I got it I got it I got it got it Mr streamer man show us your love smiley face uh

Uh let’s turn this down one Right there we go all right let’s try one more time I’ll just do 100 bits every time Karma sorry about this Charter this has killed the momentum of the Stream right there we go got it uh folder I’m just going to take it as whatever version this gives me if I’m honest

I got it yes it’s saying it’s in use but it’s definitely not let me close down go explore a second right now right got it um get rid of that one right okay cool that’s that done last last answer final answer is this loud fine it’s not it I’m just gonna take it

As it is All right we’re back we good we’re good Right uh let’s see oh cool that stuff’s finally despawned thank God right then uh iron in so what’s important to get right now so I’ve got pickaxe I guess honestly sword and an ax would be pretty good and then Armor after the fact so let’s just do this um

I’ll tell you what sword first and then an ax and then we’ll do Armor after that four Two Eleven okay I’ll get a little throw hole is that gonna be deep enough I guess I can just do this first can’t I uh right you’re gone you’re gone

I’ll keep you just as a backup I guess um yeah all the other blocks I kind of want to keep for now just for the sake of um of having them uh honestly I’ll do a helmet last water bucket yes good job very good Shout I write that

I could probably go do that uh go make that nether portal just just to see what it looks like just to poke a head in poke ahead into the Nether on day one why not it’s not it I’ll play risky play risky time’s fine Timmy in a minute in a minute um

There we go in the little hole in the ground hello how are you it’s Marty all so nice so much so much I love Goosebumps all over my arms oh my gosh bro I hate you so much classic it’s been years [Laughter] behind me he’ll die first

Someone that’s a body block I can’t die first I can’t you will though that’s the problem I can’t I can’t have you guys playing on myself for 30 days I don’t say that when you set it up I said to Nettie I was like do you reckon you just turn the

Server off if he died no I can imagine you’d be like if I can’t play then no one can yeah yeah literally just be well we should get Nettie on get Nessie on to play yeah she’d be down I reckon we can do that uh right let me

Just turn you down a smidge you’re a loud boy these days oh sorry sorry he really is yeah he’s a yeah I just I just wanted to get a full full iron and then I’m just gonna go be a risky boy I’m gonna go into The Nether

Real quick see what’s going on there excuse me yeah I’m gonna have a little poke my head into the nether wait have you got stuff to go in there or well I’ll just do the the portal water trick if in fact I’m gonna go do it now I’ll

Start it let’s do it all right I’m just gonna uh do some more strip mining around here all right okay you have to give me 25 of any spoils just as an FYI yeah sure yeah yeah look at Jimmy without a cape when are you gonna get a cape Jim yeah bro why

Why not why are you gonna get a cape I’m not gay are you telling me you’ve not transferred your account you didn’t get like a cape from oh wait I have wait how do I put that on you get that one how do I put it on uh sorry I can’t tell you

Until you get good yeah once you know you’re you’ll be like official and everything but like I have a cape how do I put it on yeah I’ll tell you what I’ll make you one of those tick tocks you know the one thing you didn’t know about

Minecraft if you go into Microsoft and then connect your account you’ll get a free game that you can wear in the game I want to know where it is you don’t have a cape my reaction when I got a cape right be back in a minute I’ll let you

Know how the nether is all right yeah Jimmy I’m gonna go up above too and uh that’s good we managed to use it for an actual Tick Tock chat I love it pop you’re capless more like a poverty lack of capes around here yeesh yeesh right let’s go um

If we see any other players we are totally uh doing the uh doing a little trick on them oh this is a lovely dirt house who who lives here oh it’s not it’s wood oh it’s just a it’s a big tree oh wow somebody’s already started someone’s already shaping a base you’re

Kidding me I thought you said par what like five people are like puff puff puff hello puff what imagine pop comes back I don’t even know what Pav’s up to nowadays I’ve obviously see him at the area 11 gig in um in Bristol but yeah somebody already has big wood on the

Server I know like I’ve already had to live with my name you’d have to rub it in you know what I mean it’s just it’s just a bit insulting at this point now where was this lava was it over here we’ve got beehive there yeah here it is all right cool right

Let’s see if I can remember how to do this so it is one two uh oh God right on our mates wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so I’m pretty sure it was oh God wait so it’s it’s that first then that then it’s

Oh I always forget this bit is it like that that looks about right I’m gonna try that yeah that looks okay I’ll tell you what I don’t have it out I’m flint and steel so where am I gonna go oh my God this guy is a Minecraft gamer dude yes love it

Okay cool yeah God I I didn’t think I’d be able to remember how to do that but he’s on it he’s on it um do I have iron though for it that’s the thing I don’t think I’ve got any any iron I think I’ve only got what I’m wearing now damn

Um I guess I could just dig down from here maybe would you reckon I just go back to the strip mine it’s going to be awkward wood you can light oh yeah I guess they do if I put like planks there would that be enough is that not going to take forever though

Oh unless I do hold on mate unless I do this unless I pop the water there and then can I how do you do it would it just be like doing that and then as soon as I set that on fire will that then

It needs to be next to it not on it okay so what like there but is that how it works I’ve never done it this way before what a deal suit up DJ DJ aha there we go nice so then when that burns down will that ignite the portal

I’m guessing it were right oh is that how that works oh no have I messed up is the portal not fully made oh sorry I think I think I’ve messed up there let’s just wait this is where I just get blasted off oh my God yes perfect

Oh this is great we’re literally we’re literally on a um what’s it called a fortress big poggies we spawn on a fortress well that’s fantastic I’m just gonna put a uh a trail of planks here but some other people can find it later on there we go I’m gonna just make a big

Arrow out of this I guess uh I’ll put a sign here saying follow the follow the stuff behind me where is it uh follow the sign uh oh sorry follow follow the planks um behind me to get to the nether nice three I’ll tell you what I can do with

The boat as well let me get let me get a little boat little boat to stay afloat I’m gonna run around my friends and then I’ll gloat uh brown mushrooms I guess I’ll keep I’ll ditch just to things a bit of dirt nice get the cohort screening now I’m not

Gonna need that it’s so close to our village that I don’t have to worry about that if any of you had some tools to make a path look I don’t like using a a shovel okay I like to do things the old spool way you couldn’t even make a path wait

Wait wait wait wait wait hello he’s dead day one hey wait wait I need to see what happened I need to see what happened wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh my God L how ease can I get the pound out [Applause] no Eloise my baby zombie with a space wait

I need to see the moment oh she was in a mine shaft I don’t think so no our family is our Fortress how did I survive getting hit by a creature you can’t not this thing oh that’s that’s a few hits to take from that zombie damn

Um I wasn’t tabbed in what was how far away oh I nearly said that as well how far away were you I don’t know wait hold on just just so I don’t die here hang on uh this is a cool looking cake very silly wow wow moments later

Oh here he comes I see him shoot your shot this is your time to shine child with a big stick oh Becca it collapsed her for like three or four Hearts apart what was that oh no oh no I know well I guess we’ll see I guess we’ll see

I guess we’ll see Eloise in March oh my God no way oh that’s made me really scared now Jesus oh man that’s made me hella scared jeez oh God sorry that made me even more scared that is insane she had full line on two yeah how strong

Are these mobs is there some kind of like modifier on I’m gonna ask Timmy I’m gonna go investigate is he still down there you reckon foreign like he’s down here anymore man I think mobs are stronger in hardcore yeah but I didn’t I didn’t think a baby zombie was gonna clap

People in full iron armor for like three hearts a pop oh hello that’s exciting essential kick lapis hello wait did I break Wait I’m sorry I’m not I’m not losing it am I there was definitely a Lapis there for like a millisecond at the very least what in the world is happening on this server is this some kind of like little social experiment that like Timmy’s doing is this all for a YouTube short

As Timmy made the server crazy difficult and crazy hard and crazy strong and then it’s just like part of when my friends don’t know what’s happening is it is this what we’ve walked ourselves into hello hello mate have you done something to this server why what Eloise getting clapped by a baby zombie

I’m seeing that I’m seeing lapis all that like is deleting itself like are you sure no when it saves the server I think it does a little like it basically if you mind a block at the exact same time it saves the server it’s like oh yeah

You’re not doing this for some some silly little YouTube short no imagine that I said I’m a hardcore SMP with my friends and they all know no I didn’t I didn’t part of but my friends are noobs stop that is sad that she’s she’s died around that is mad I wasn’t first did

You see how but she had full iron armor on and a little baby zombie was clapping her for about three hearts apart dude not joking I’ve just literally covered up a hole because I was in it and I saw a baby zombie with an iron shovel and I

Thought I’m not even gonna take I’m not even gonna have the opportunity to try kill that because I know something will happen and I won’t be able to there were a few blocks through here so somebody’s already been out the other end of this tunnel but they seem to have just left a

Bunch of the oars that might have been no I don’t I don’t know I’m cooking chicken no it’s actually iron it was I’m gonna see I’m gonna see throughout the week even like tomorrow see if there’s any more people that want to join up and and play on

Here just so we can we’ve got to do vacancy yeah we’ve got a new vacancy everybody we have a limited player pool as one person goes out another one gets to come in I do like the stakes though of if you’re I’m more of a wave guy myself dude I was dead

I was being very literal when I said Palms I’m cooking chicken yeah wait did you did you just take my iron no no you put it back in it’s fine it’s fine nothing ever happened um It’s Magic but yeah we’ll we’ll see we’ll see if anyone

Else wants to join up on you that’s so funny I can’t believe you’re talking about day one to be fair I watched the cliff and she was being very silly she was she was playing a risky game moments prior she was like running into creepers thinking that she was invincible

I needed to be knocked down a peg I’ve just been just been humbled Pop I just died like filza pav I’m Phil’s that that’s you that’s me that’s me yeah that’s you oh man he’s gonna dump some rubbish off oh I tell you what I’m gonna do I’m

Actually gonna post it right this second I just want I want to see your reaction you don’t have to like bring it up on your stream you can just watch it on your phone but you know that like AI manga filter on tiktok where yeah it scans you then does something this is

Weird if I um where is it if I just I’ll just literally post it because I think I’ve already done all the tags and everything right pull up my Tick Tock and have a nosy of that it is I I don’t know what it is I I don’t know

Let’s just cover up these cover up the yeah yeah cover up the gaps all right we’re safe inside the Torches here yeah let me just turn my music off it’s on your Tick Tock it just posted it this second yeah it should hopefully appear straight away

I’ll show it on my stream it’s weird I wanted to have Kiki and Pascal in it I thought I was gonna get some kind of like special one I don’t know if the audio is copyright just so you know oh wait it’s not there yet oh it appears on mine and maybe it’s

Still trying to publish I’ve got the vtuber thing right yeah no it’s not that one um yeah it’s not there yet I don’t know what it is let me hit the refresh it’s creepy no he’s still not there fire from it like that uh maybe it needs a minute to publish

Is it still going in the top right like no no on my end it’s um it’s showing us published oh it’s saying post has been processed uh rubbish oh yeah I can see it now I can see it you got it let me just can anybody identify what what that is

Supposed to be okay let me react screen right chat you ready here we go foreign excuse me I know what what is that wait I need to watch that one more time wait they are the cutest cats in the world closing your eyes a mouth seems to yield

Better results yeah close your mouth and your eyes but it’s just what is that on your Edge what’s it what skull of what creature is that do you know what the first thing that comes to my head is that looks like the front of a snake yeah I guess so

A snake with some serious snakes but yeah a snake that has the cheeks of a squirrel like is that’s that’s a thick snake two C’s that is thick that’s weird isn’t it God that’s so weird how it did that look even got your shirt and everything it’s really impressive it’s one of Amelia’s

Favorite Things Amelia comes up to me and goes let’s take a picture and when she says that she means do the cartoon filter because she loves it yeah me and by the way chat me and Martin that shirt right there me and Martin did the the wholesome Vibes of we bought the same

Pajamas when you live back in the old house we we bought we got it from Asda George yeah for a film night we bought the same pajamas so I’ve got the exact and you know what that’s not a bedtime shirt all right I’m telling you it’s a

Decent shirt you can wear it anywhere I was wearing it in a day but to be honest I work from home so I’m always just in pajamas anyway yeah yeah true true um but yeah that’s a very good oh careful mate careful oh don’t stop I can

Hear you and you’re putting me on edge I’m not even looking at Minecraft [Laughter] I can’t die today all right I can’t die oh you’re fine you’re not first out so I think anything that happens now you’re good Eloise is only just yeah she being on the screen like maybe he’ll bring me

Back maybe nope I’m gonna keep looking because I’ve only got iron tools at the moment so oh wait I can make a chest plate yeah I’ve got chest and then sword pick ax and that’s it um honestly I think I’m just I want to kind of just do like that little strip mining

Yeah yeah I’ll do it within range so we can have a gym bag like I want to talk to that guy nice oh I’ll tell you what I could do I could do this oh I guess we could yeah I guess we can just strip mine like that do you want to

Just should we just dig forwards yeah I’ll do it slightly staggered from each other hold on let me catch up yeah I’ll wait for you it wasn’t the same baby zombie it wasn’t the same one was it that got Eloise the one I saw I don’t think it was I don’t

Think so they were in like almost like an underground Cavern weren’t they okay okay have you got any are you any charcoal or coal just get some torches going oh wait maybe in my furnace or is it all gone oh yeah there’s a bit left there that’ll do yeah I’ll take the oh

Wait I’ll uh my inventory is just Ram yeah we yeah same we need to find something he’s some uh more coal because I’ve got literally none of you there now hopefully just some more appears here what’s your got have you got any kind of goal for this what’s my goal yeah

From like the stream or no no just like for the SMP because I I mean just think if I can survive that’s a treat for me but I kind of want to have a goal for like I want to build something yeah you know what I mean I wanna yeah yeah I

Wanna just make sure I survive the 30 days because I don’t survive anything build a nice house you know actually not just hide away actually you know if we can kill the dragon that would be funny yeah um but just those little goals I also wanted things as something just like as

Empires is quite quiet at the moment so I wanted an active server where you know I can play with friends still yeah stuff like that um because there’s it I feel like at the moment everything’s on a little bit of a low and slow burner at

The moment how does it work with servers like that then like so like because obviously the only SMP I’ve ever been a part of really until like life and rats was Evo and that was we were just logging in almost like once a week and that was it we didn’t really stream did

We no no that server is is fine it’s more the it’s January and no one’s really playing that’s so is fired but the players on it oh God no it’s January everyone’s away on like holidays and doing their own stuff still like oh yeah hasn’t sausage been away for a while

Yeah so it’s just been the way uh Lizzy and Joel have literally just gone away like I think January is just like a month where everyone just kind of like does their thing I think we do that as YouTubers because there’s literally there’s no ad Revenue in January as well

So we’re all like no one wants to no one wants to do anything yeah um that’s what you can tell they’re only in it for the money not for the creativity cancel them all big true grab your money that’s what that’s what she’s called smallish Pence I’ve heard about him he

Wants nothing but dollar that’s all he wants oh I found a lot of I got one little smidge of uh iron that’s it oh oh see yeah I need to sort that out I think that’s fine if it caused the death then you’d respawn them but other than that I think it’s fine

Yeah let me close up this Gap we’ll be we’ll be forgiving Masters I said that like I’m running the server in any capacity I’m not oh I hear a zombie I set this up today I’m yeah people people have been helping me today so thank you thank you mods

Oh I hear it’s almost to the left I want to see if there’s anything this way it might open out into a bigger cave where you can get some nicer stuff which way are they I can kind of hear them here’s galleys as well yeah cook found it

Uh Timmy I found a cave all right I’ll come to you oh okay don’t mind me it’s me age go back I can only make a stone one as well oh I can’t actually get around this furnace bro we can’t go into that cave I can hear skeletons as well yeah that’s

Fine you got Shields it’s not no oh it’s not gonna go well man like Timmy right let’s go back let’s craft a new one how do I craft this again even those videos where is the guy who’s saying how do I craft this again now this video is the what’s it called the

Downfall of it the little wood I’m surprised I think it’s because I’m more like a roller coaster I’ve had my downfalls I’ve had me up swings and you just you just can’t get rid of me oh wait can I completely yeah with your Bros Bob you’re sleeping in the cave with

Your homies trying not to kiss them I mean I mean I mean it was there’s that cave where’s that cave when I logged into that server earlier on the one that was like the old Empire’s IP address um I went up to like this farm and it

Was some kind of sign that was like oh like welcome to the barn I guess we can go inside and kiss or something like that it said something really random I like signing a book as well in there just so um and to be really careful

Anyone been there oh oh it’s a zombie villager hello hello petal right here we go Iron City come on I’m scared for you Martin I need you here more than 29 days please it’s fine if we die we’ll just we’ll just set up another server we’ll call it

Afterlife or something like that no one’s done that before that’s a that’s a good one no one’s never heard of that before I still don’t know how I feel about that SMP name I said it at the time I was like I don’t know how I feel about that one

I was like surely the Rick I was gonna swamp um I was like the the Netflix show I wondered whether it would swamp out the search results yeah oh more iron yes please I kind of want to smelt this iron on the go just so we

Get geared up quickly I got loads of coal now so we can do it let’s go I haven’t got any all I need but I’ve only got the chest plate I need more I need more money I don’t care how I want it now

Um have you got a have you got any wood I’m actually fresh out um yep there you go oh please which one is quickly I just I was trying to empty my inventory oh just so I can make a furnace furnace Pavel your bro has planks

Can you whack some color that for me you need you need to make this into a tick tock I’ll say that many times you’ve been saying it pop your friend does your SEO Ben thank you so much for the members thank you so much 547 members one meal this year guaranteed one meal

I’ve got it on my whiteboard I’ve got it on my whiteboard what else is on the Whiteboard no and just my daily tasks I have to write stuff and I hate like typing stuff out I have to like have it in front of me like I don’t know

Interesting um it helps me I guess you can’t like hit minimize on a whiteboard you’re right even if I put it in notepad though like I write down I’ll just minimize it and I don’t see it ever again like yeah I have to have it like right in front of me

Um it kind of helps though I think it helps I’ll write that um right should we go this way yeah I’m just waiting for this iron to pop and then I’ll be good to go okay oh I can hear the creepy crawlies sneaking all around I hear the little

It’s a really creepy sound pav you can hear the zombie sounds like so we’re back in the mine no it’s not that it’s pav we’re back in their mind sorry there it is sorry that’s just the one there it is pav you’re trying to survive the night

All right there we go uh what else can I ditch other than Timmy ah let’s see we need one of our goals can be we need uh spy glasses as well I’ve already got the copper we’re literally just did uh yeah yeah cheeky amethyst geode yeah right I can hear

More around here oh wait let’s call here there’s iron as well oh yeah yeah oh wait there’s quite a lot here you know that that actually would be how the the TOs would say it yeah oh come on and everyone’s gonna be like where is he where is he where is he Iran

You run we all run hey wrong you don’t mess that up now if one of you says a goofy name one more time wait we go back up now I can hear zombies somewhere though we’re in trouble jquellan uh zombie village are grown it sounds like it’s from this way

That’s super handy I think that yeah the way you’re going oh oh my gosh part of you were smothered by gravel foreign Yeah we’re getting closer this boy’s got good ears part of your friend can echolocate like a bat come on where is he ah I found him got him right we got this he’s just by himself You Wish You Wish bro come on you game you get him

Oh my God I wasn’t even on screen yeah you get him I’ve done all I’ve done half of it 50 50. my inventory man is uh they need to do something about this because there’s just no one inventory they didn’t end up actually adding the bundles in the end did they no

I don’t think they did they didn’t do that I feel like they met like if the next update’s supposed to be like technically like the quality of life update I’m pretty sure they’re gonna give us the um they’re gonna give us bundles or something similar let me just gear up a bit more

Oh yeah I’ve got a bit of iron I’ve got like nine let me let me put that on the crafting table for you there yeah oh thank you oh somebody said they’re enabled and they oh they’re enable a bull so they’re not actually in 193 but they’re

Enablable so you can probably do it with a command interesting so they didn’t really want them they thought you can put you can decide if you want these yeah made them if you want them but you know what everybody really desperately needed bookcases that you

Can put the book in in the right place that’s bro I was saying that you know they just they needed those books they needed you know you know what’s mad though is I have actually seen I think it was Violet was doing it where you can

Set a detector so that it will be on a specific you know placement of the book or whatever so like people were actually making like jigsaws um like jigsaw pieces that you solve a puzzle and it actually did look quite cool I know but we really needed that didn’t

We we did I was desperate for it you know vertical slabs nah no thanks I’ll take um I’ll take a bookcase okay I’ll take the book case study done I’ll take it take the lot thank you you know what it’s really interesting because I actually grew up around camels and um I

Tried to make them as realistic as possible including them uh long jumping across Cliffs yeah yeah I saw that yeah every camel I’ve ever known who’s done that I’ve seen so many have done that there we go Chad if you can’t tell we might be being a little bit sarcastic

But it’s fine no never never never I need if you’ve got any space I do need boots in a helmet uh I do actually yeah oh there’s another zombie to the right of usual cooking it feels like we’re finding all these really like annoyingly small little sort

Of Hobbit holes yeah and then they’re smaller than an amethyst geodes basically we need that all right we need that yeah again just tiny dead end really tiny dead end this one again let’s go back to the main the original cave yeah I guess we can just keep going downward

Uh you can pick up that furnace now Ryan nice I do need some more wood for torches oh what was that Enchanted thing chat there’s so many of you talking about Evo and I need you done I need to understand why you’re talking about it can you please explain property police

Duo I guess is it because we’re back Pete bills and Morty Gage are back we are okay we should be the property police on This Server we should be we should be collect them taxes like those taxes tax day everybody pay your taxes you want to send us of note got to send

It by the faxes uh yeah we’ll probably have to go down from here I reckon yeah property police part two Maybe I feel like we could have a new professional Union but then we could have a new one no yeah they they because we’ve been so

Active in the force and we were getting older they would like have demoted us to like something that had a cool title but they actually didn’t doesn’t really do anything too much they just wanted to give you a cool title to act like they’ve given you a better job you know

Let me get rid of this zombie flesh there we go lovely uh have you got any more wood by the way I’m just I’m fresh outside I’ve got like no torches yeah yeah yeah I wrong there you go oh we’ve hit deep slate at least okay

Big boy cave uh what can I drop uh berries I’ll get rid of berries oh no that’s more iron oh you can check on you again yeah yeah I’m just chucking at you again I picked up there you go oh that’s the I’ll tell you what I’m just gonna

Turn it all into on most of into sticks yes we’ll do and it’s all right it’s all right I can deal with that right it’s all right it’s all right don’t worry about me then I’m fine you miss Evo yeah we all do don’t you worry

I was there something I was gonna say a second ago oh that was it um I was thinking about like different jobs we could have on this server and um I was thinking about like house related ones and I keep meaning to do it but I want to change

One of my sounds whether it’s a donation or the sub alert one um to be the clip from uh double life where you just come across from the ranch you just done the edge of the cliff and you go hey Martin I’m like yeah you go you suck and it’s just such

A nice clean quick snippet I just I think it’s really funny you should I remember that because you were just in there by yourself and I was like I was probably in there doing some kind of angsty monologue and then you just came over you are yeah if you just stood

There by yourself doing nothing I know you’re talking to the camera why do they hate me why yeah I was probably doing something about the watches that’s gonna get the Evo a lot excited yeah I feel like I’m getting nowhere here minus 16 when we have to find anything

I’m getting fans of mine oh nice I still need boots and a helmet oh dude yeah I’ve got more than enough let’s um just find a part where there’s not iron and we’ll put the furnace in see Iron I don’t have any coal you’ve probably got the coal

Yeah let me whack it in there nice imagine we go back up full diamond gear hey guys I’ll be well impressed if we do and then I guarantee one of them will have nether right I’m like right yeah yeah well I went well because he’s the best taco

Players only yeah apparently so yeah really goes on about it yeah it really goes on about it what’s this again this is What’s this called I’ve not I’ve not really played enough Minecraft like in modern days I know what this is called is it called tough oh wait does that means

It’s pretty tough dude Maybe Oh No It’s the weird like calcium Block in it where you where you find um where you find the amethysters uh no tough is I think is that just feels like a lot of tough and there’s not a lot going on POV the

Property police came back as the house harasses the house what harasses house harasses wow I mean just we have to keep the alliteration oh somebody said a geode is smooth battle and calcite oh that’s it it’s Basalt yeah yeah that’s tough I feel like we’re not gonna find a whole

Lot here what’s the negative limit now is it minus 64. and honestly I don’t mind picking up all this deep plate it’ll be good for decoration oh dear well I guess I’ve got to turn this into an iron pickaxe I got nothing anything else no no yeah I

Need another Ryan pickaxe what potion you got oh it’s a water breathing one damn should we go back up it’s up to you yeah should we go back up we’ve been down here a while we both got the lion like I think we’re good yeah I’ve got three

Iron to make another pickaxe when we’re back on the surface so they should do us all right cool sweet yeah let’s head back up man let’s get back up there oh geez I’ve got really angsty music playing right now I need to change that I got returning home music on returning

Home is that an epidemic one or no I mean just the theme of us going home oh I meant the song I just thought I thought you would be really specific about the song where are we going home home where do you live laughs yeah I could fully feel you grab that Mike

All right let me cook this where do you live POV you’re going home pav you’re the main character all right make this pickaxe and I’m ready to rock oh no oh no I already get this way it’s behind you right yeah yeah let’s go back upstairs

I will wait I will away for you what you laughing at where do you live oh man I could hear the grip oh stomach hurts you know it’s a good laugh when your stomach hurts I know it’s a good laugh when I genuinely feel like I’m gonna pass out I

Actually watched the um I watched the AHA puns the other day for the first time in like a few months and it got me again the last time I think I I laughed so much I nearly died was with the mini joke as well who found it

There we go look at this oh look at this was tried to kill her second player yeah it makes us indirectly trying to kill people by the way no not yet by the way it was Cobblestone and I kept reading it until she was a little bit I appreciate it

I’ll be right back up and Becky one who asked to come with me was in my boat and when I came back up she sailed away with my own I wrote that back to land bro that’s smart carpool in here what’s going on you’ve got your own words Ridiculous

By the way for restaurants um if anybody wants to go to the nether the portal is just over there yeah I saw the arrow it’s just in that direction I can’t believe it spawns on a fortress that is wild that is wild that’s awesome I’m so lucky um where are we putting the

Bet the yeah should we put it near the Bell by the way it would be the real Builder Straight Out The Gate who’s this is fair come on are you trying to fix the Tree of Souls to channel so when Eloise died I said the prayers

So she’s now with Aiwa so I’m gonna try and bring her back with the three of Soul with AOL have you seen this yet not the new one no and I can’t remember the first one to me you’re just a Smurf with uh with a swimsuit on currently and this this

Thing going on the back yeah it’s like a cow tail almost isn’t it a little pink bit yeah I I actually I really hate that that little pink details just a second realized I thought I could not say something but I need to let you know how much I hate it jeez

Oh my god um I don’t really know what I’m doing anywhere now so I’m gonna try and bring her back basically with the Tree of Souls damn I don’t know if the law is strong enough on this server to do I don’t know I’m gonna try though I’m

Gonna give it a go give it a red hot crack I’ll find an excuse to get him to give me up I tell you what if I like make some kind of like custom hats or something for the server as well that’ll be my way to get up and I’ll just do a

Quick game mode okay all right it’ll be all right all right what they what they saying you get more people on we can use this as a communical communal like community what about you back here right yeah she can be with you she can be with awar

But this is for us Sky people um Traditions she might be with AWA but she’s not with everyone oh God I don’t know come on tonight normally good but that one wasn’t that’s fine start building the Grapevine yes yes my stomach turned again and I moved because me and Jimmy nearly

Always die right at the start today because of a creeper so that’s my blood pumping I actually need that though it tested my reaction time that was spooky [Laughter] my reactions are quick we’ve just been doing uh Tick Tock TTS uh just for like random moments you could be doing something really mundane

But if you just shout if you say it in that voice and say povert and then whatever you’re doing suddenly makes it relevant oh Punk oh oh dear oh okay I thought you said yeah I need a bow yeah oh yeah yeah wait I need a place to like put all my

Stuff yeah I could do this there’s a flight chairman here where there’s a here he is um hello Mr Fletcher one two and three how would you do yeah uh thank you what am I gonna get rid of sticks I guess that’s a good trade yeah

If you need to give them to me and I’ll trade them back to them oh yeah wait also this guy has silk touch by the way just oh is it locked in oh and yeah man-made yeah we need to put them somewhere sometime instead of letting them walk around but that’s fine

Um I’m gonna there is a house I put my stuff in where is it it’s over here by the ledge I think let me go over there it’s over here by the ledge and then you walk over and go the ledge is right here [Laughter]

I was laughing I didn’t even get it and then I got it thanks right you’re telling Timmy Timmy’s a good height man yeah um oh I think it’s in this little house great yep it is all right this is worse than I thought the actual thing he

Was oh good pav I live in a three by three oh man you already went down there down yeah yeah there’s nothing down there though it’s a water it ended up it was like a water cave so it’s it’s not good I should probably you should tell you’re

Going this house here you go near should I go in this one yeah yeah yeah and then we can we can we don’t have to stay in them somebody’s already in here somebody’s already put emeralds no chance not a chance uh uh what if it’s Eloise is though you can oh yeah wait

Wait does anybody chat somebody must have been watching Eloise the stream I had a view bump when she died so yeah TNT it is elves all right thank you very much clear that out thank you I can’t pay take it away that’s what I’m saying oh my God that could be our job

We can’t pay we can repossess this away yeah we’ll repossess I do actually have permission to force my way into the property yeah I can’t actually enter now oh knock who’s there someone’s looking at the door thank you lovely oh no tell me more tell me more like does he have a car

She she oh a or is she okay cool should you have a car I don’t know probably in the a reverse somewhere wait hold on where’s a reverse where’s this come from but my brain I don’t know the a reverse that’s that’s the name of it that’s that’s Canon now that’s what

This this world resides in is the a weather how do you spell Halo it’s a Ewa I hope it I think it’s e e y w a e y e y oh yeah hey what sure we’ll take that yeah yeah I mean yeah is anywhere ever seen

Or is it like no no it’s just a a word she is everywhere hey what is a rewards they were will yeah yeah I’m glad that you understand yeah I get it I’m on board honestly good oh sorry no I misspoke I was meant to say I’m really bored of this anyway stuff

Was this always your house yeah yeah yeah okay that’s why I saw l in it I think she might have dipped her head in but it’s like all bugged like the I don’t I think there’s normally meant to be like a proper second floor I’m pretty sure

This is just how it is these ones they look just look weird yeah if it is this is the genuinely the first time I’ve seen one in um in vanilla yeah no I think that’s what they’re supposed to be like the bladder goes up and then there’s just a little mini floor balcony

Thing it’s trying to be fancy but it’s not big enough really is it damn Jesus all right we’re good we’re good chat we’re good you know what I want to do I want to where is it name MC uh vacuum on here we go download should we should we join should we join

Uh the a we’re gang let’s do it where is it uh skins um oh wait now I’ll make a copy of it first uh Avatar here we go look at this this isn’t going to be too hard for me to do this will be fine uh uh if I get this one here

Just drag it in right where we got the colors one two three four I can do this I can do this where are the ears as well so the ears just kind of go back like that yeah this is fine this is fine I can do

This I’ll tell you what should I just do a really simple color swap so if I literally do this as the base color uh turn off oh God no wait color there we go there’s a slightly darker shade would be that one uh where is it on

Nice oh geez and then uh even darker shade would be that one foreign we’ll swap it around in fact let’s go even darker with that this will do I need to make my hair black do you reckon where can I do that oh god I’ve just realized my trousers

Have just completely vanished into it that kind of works though I rate that black hair do you reckon all right we’ll do black hair as well hold on it looks like the hair does have textures to it so that’s the lightest color there bam then slightly darker

Um oh no slightly darker there than the absolute darkest color would be that one wouldn’t it it’s not the same oh I’ve not done it properly hold on wait wait but I’m lightest color I need to click it on there that’s what I need to do slightly darker bam darkest color Hmm what do you reckon do we do that or do I have a blonde braid what do you think foreign yeah I can keep it blonde then oh guess what we’ll do then we’ll do this um just hide the arms for a second this is a really quick and dirty job but

Somebody’s got to do it foreign yeah that’s fine so how is the braid done on this okay yeah sure let me get the pink from this this disgusting tail thing how far down the foot is it is it it’s three blocks up and one blocking so three blocks up something like that foreign

Color from there although I guess I want to do this with this don’t I so if I go this is so gross I hate it I hate every bit of this yeah sure um foreign there we go you reckon that works oh what’s that oh what are those oh okay wait

Actually maybe if I make those that color I’ll do uh oh wait there’s leg layers oh Jesus hold on wait wait on the leg layers I gotta get rid of these weird little strappy things oh yeah why don’t I just do that on the layer above that’s fine uh right leg

There you go oh yeah we’ll put stripes on the skin as well it’s got me more like I mean the stripes here are quite aggressive maybe I’ll go for the slightly lighter shade first yeah I think I think I like the subtlety of that a bit more oh no those stripes are on a layer above whoops turn that off Yeah that works and then we’ll only have that on that face there oh I need the I need this as well because I’m not totally starkers down there We go just getting a few color picks oh geez oh that was Timmy okay we’re good I guess I’ve got to put it around the back as well haven’t I let me get rid of the arms real quick this is so stupid uh I bet Becca log out by time she see by

Time I can show her this oh no arms I want arms gone there we go um I guess if I do face for this one There you go that works right is there an even darker shade here wait was that a lighter shade than that I would uh it is I think that does need to connect around a bit cool is there stripes on the face not massively all right let’s figure out the ear situation excuse me

I guess the ears can be like that can’t they if we get the and then a slightly lighter shade yeah that works or do I want to put them higher up actually maybe I’ll put them higher up yeah I’ll put them higher up like that all right where’s the where’s the square

On this side there it is uh tell you what if I just draw there get rid of that flip horizontal oh dear Oh but one thing I do need to do is the straps on the shoulders nice then those straps just there that all look good turn it all back on kind of want the stripes on the face as well slightly I think it’s just Timmy knocking about Yeah I think that’s enough that’s enough for the gag uh where is it left leg right leg cool oh why the hell is it not giving me that color oh that’s why I keep catching the bit of buff nice and then swap legs sweet got it maybe a slight dip there

Nice got it all good I think that works I think that works right let me upload unload it real quick uh the bag is still there the bag is the back still there I don’t think the bag is still there oh sorry I think I think this that was an old donation

Just disconnect real quick Freedom I’m just not loading the skin now I’ll have to turn off the cape so that the whole thing can be seen that was an old TTS yeah sorry about that my bad chat my bad um to be fair I’m gonna show the skin and then go from there

Where’s the iPad I think you’re still downstairs charging there’s a lot old message anyway uh Skins new skin uh Avatar Avatar no cape um saving news let’s go let me look like him nice I’ll take this right we all good let’s go right what is what what is going on

Martin what’s going on what is this I gotta ask what are you doing when you do that mode hello uh wait oh hello sorry hello what is this um nothing just grown a tail and trying not to fail well are you you’re not a navi as well where’s back let’s go find back Oh gosh back back where’s back it’s not the guys it’s not the Avatar SMP let’s have a look go by the tree go on where’s where’s Beck back oh where’s what this guy’s doing no no I don’t know where back is no change back change back where you at Beck

We can’t have this where’s Becca near the village well I don’t think so I love how wonderfully vague that is jeez getting flowers I rate it I’ve got to go help honestly whatever wants then that’s what we do stop stop where where is back anybody know which

Direction from with the flowers is it where’s back does anybody know which direction back is in oh I hear lava there scary tell you what I’ll grab I’ve got the inventory supposed to grab flowers let’s do it there’s flowers everywhere here I’m gonna go with dual wielding flowers let’s do it

There we go all right where’s back I don’t see back foreign POV and have a quick look let me do that real quick hmm near the throwing over here a yoink you can have [Laughter] I know I know the the the dip in your voice meant that

You had disdain for them I just thought it would still be funny to make them you can have more if you want there’s so many more accents thank you very much any ax that I can get to stop them destroying the Ewa tree is uh good with me

I don’t know why when you’re wearing it it gives more Smurf energy I don’t know what it is it’s just how dare you how dare you how dare you human absolutely fuming where’s back Where is back where’s Beck gone to find these flowers I’m pretty sure Beck’s just lying but I need to pull it backstream and see where Becky is relative to me right now back your mom and she’s just like properly gone and done a run oh she’s like deep in a forest

Where is she I’m just like looking at a stream trying to figure out where she is she found some big roses everybody’s got up nice and high or clocker oh my God that was close or beehive oh maybe that’s not what I thought where the hell is found pumpkins

Call me that long until she comes back right I mean from what I can gather she’s definitely over in this direction she’s in this direction somewhere was back there is back man the bloody owl’s back come on now come on don’t be so silly it’s my first stream what’s going on

Dude you’re currently watching me trying to stream snipe back and try and find her I haven’t got the foggies where she is sorry I meant to be jewel in the flowers aren’t they I mean I could just ask her straight up for her Awards okay Ward’s back

So I got a rough idea of where she is now I think we’re close there we go let me turn that down where’s back four six two three four something if I go up here I’ll be able to see back from a distance it’s a bit close to the village now

I think Beck’s actually probably closer to the Village than I am at this point oh dear oh dear all the full damage for me please I’m by the village now now I’ve lost the village which way was it is it that way I can’t remember where the village is

Oh she’s by the she’s by the portal thing I think I’ve lost The Village at this right oh yeah she’s beating me back to the Village where is she okay yeah she’s in the village at the minute I think by the tree oh wait hold on

Every time I get closer she runs further into the village oh she’s running to my house oh I’ve seen the way of there you are yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] let’s go let’s do it yeah I’m building the the world tree the Tree of Souls okay I’m new to this but

I’m ready to join the coach just tell me what to do it’s not a cult it’s it’s just like that’s what they all say come on now they all say it’s not but it is okay right Tree of Souls okay we need we need uh pink white and uh blue stained glass oh

Stained glass oh okay well I got some that so I need the I need the white dye that I need Lily of the Valley but I can’t find it right now similar look oh that’s oxide Daisy oh dear okay yeah it’s a culture the culture yeah doing it for the culture the culture

I’ve actually got a log off I just wanted to run over and show you this before I went very good it’s very good right I’m out I’m very impressed all right goodbye no it doesn’t work okay

This video, titled ‘SOMEONE DIED ON THE 1ST DAY!! – Minecraft 30 Day Hardcore SMP #1’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood – Live! on 2023-01-17 18:00:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Streams: Minecraft : Twitter: …

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

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  • FlickerMc

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  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

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  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

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    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

SOMEONE DIED ON THE 1ST DAY!! – Minecraft 30 Day Hardcore SMP #1