SP1D3Y – Help Me Build a SPOOKY MINIGAME! | Lotus SMP Season 2 LIVE (Minecraft 1.20 Survival Server)

Video Information

And we are live how’s it going everyone welcome welcome welcome welcome Dan how is it going my friend hope you are doing fantastic today and welcome to all the other people popping into the stream today we are back on the Lotus SMP doing some more work on this project that we

Are trying to finish by the end of the month so let’s get right into work um yeah we have quite some stuff made around here for the build welcome Terror welcome by the way uh major shout out to Terror um who just boosted our Discord

Server if you guys are not part of that definitely make sure you jump over there it is down in the description below if you guys would like to join and just hang out with the rest of the community over there as well as the Lotus Discord

Is down there um make sure you check both of those out but thank you thank you thank you so much Terror for the server boost that is so awesome and yeah I I just very very much appreciate it this sign got changed to your vote your choice don’t let someone else make

The decision for you I think cman made this one and then lightning made the the vote for the crab one nice job remembering to put the Discord in yeah I finally did that took me long enough right yeah I I don’t want to talk about

How how delay of a response I had to that um moral the story it’s there now so we’re just going to go with it now um but yeah so I think the biggest plans for today are finish up the little neighborhood area I want it to make make

It look a little more pretty than what it is right now just being the two blank houses here um possibly working on either making a roof or a seal rather on this place or making a second floor if we’d rather do that and the last thing I want to do in

This stream is figure out something to go here because we talked about ideas and stuff last stream but I don’t think we ever like came to a consensus on what exactly we want there but there’s a lot of room to play with different designs and things

Here so I definitely want to figure out something to uh look fitting there um we have the cemetery we have the little road with the houses that you would normally trick or treat at and then at the end of that road is the Haunted Mansion kind of

House so we’ve got all those and then we have of course the Dark Forest the the dark woods and then the pumpkin patch and in the middle well kind of in the middle the center is really over here but but yeah so it is definitely looking

Good so far but still has a lot of work to do on it and then yeah I think I did talk about last stream working on the outer wall here building up like the big box that this whole game is going to be in uh I’m probably going to do that off

Off stream just because it’s really just going to be a bunch of skull one which I have to collect still but also um I have to build it all up of course and that’s just a very long tedious and not very creative process cuz it’s literally just

Building with the same Block in a giant box so yeah I’ll probably do that off stream and then when we finally start working on the Redstone functionalities then it’ll be ready during that stream but yeah so definitely definitely definitely let me know some different things I can add in this area I would

Definitely appreciate it um how is everyone’s day going how are you doing uh Dan and Tera today is great that is awesome that is awesome to hear what makes it so great let me in on what you have been doing in the life of the Dan um yesterday I went to a concert

That was very fun we didn’t get home until like 3:00 in the morning though so that was not ideal but it was kind of expected um but the concert was amazing and I loved every minute of it so that’s the the biggest takeaway stolen account welcome hello hello hope you’re doing well

Today Tera you’re doing good that is very good to hear I am glad that you’re doing good okay what do we want to do with these houses have you thought about making Terry merch re merch recently honestly when it merch comes along I might have to make Terry

Merch I might have to do that that would be hilarious um h Huh do rocket launchers work with Target blocks they do I’m pretty sure they do um but I think for the most part we’re going to be sticking to using either arrows or snowballs is the the thing that I concluded with

For for the Target system I definitely think snowballs is going to be the the way we end up going just because it’s going to be the the easiest to replenish and something that I don’t think I discussed in the last stream is with the said snowballs um there’ll be

Like droppers in the in the roof of this place that’ll drop down those snowballs so you’re not going to just have a ton of snowballs at the beginning it’s going to help draw out the game and make it even more suspenseful because you don’t know um how many snowballs you’re going to get

And that also makes sure that you’re like a lot more precise um with your shots because you’ll only have a limited Supply at a time so so yeah that’s going to be another that we add to this place when we get to that point um but yeah let’s go ahead and make some

Doors and also some trap doors can I also make some Oak trap doors I can B all righty so we can do this to add some shutters to the windows there and then I want to put a door here and then people just need to see

Where that is at I might replace this for a lamp because we’re going to have lamps by each one anyways um and then this one we will do a darn it I don’t have stone on me anymore swing back over here real quick let’s also while we’re here

Make some of those oh no you go away um there we are and one piece of stone is all we need and let’s go ahead and plop the rest in oh in here for now my day is going great because I just finished OverWatch battle pass and resets in 30 minutes oh dang

GG’s I’ve seen OverWatch be played but I haven’t played it personally and I’ve heard the second one is for free and I’ve been recommended it by multiple people so I might just have to go ahead and jump on that train and purchase it myself or rather just download it and

Give it a try GG pretty much just means good game is what it stands for but I say it all the time for just like anything positive um okay let’s go boom boom and boom dang okay I might have to take up your offer on that

Dan man I should have kept the oh we had more stairs well uh not the stone where’s the stone brick that we had before aha oh you don’t know what the battle passes um so pretty much for battle passes on different games oh gosh that’s a creeper

Um pretty much it’s something that you can purchase and it gives you like cosmetic stuff the more you play so it’s pretty cool welcome Quantum guess who’s back back again quantum’s back tell a friend welcome back I hope you’re doing fantastic today uh let’s go to sleep real quick

I’m already kind of getting annoyed of these Ms but yeah we’re probably going to go for about 3 or 4 hours today just so you guys know in terms of the time frame what the plans are for today blco welcome get some netherite so you don’t die um actually here’s the funny thing

Blco I have full netherite armor but it is um armor trimmed and stuff already and I wanted to make a video on it so uh for now I’ve just been sticking with my backup diamond stuff so you guys don’t get spoiled on on the Aesthetics that I went with

So really it’s less of get netherite silly spider but more of start edit get to editing silly spider stop procrastinating silly spider um what else could it be and then boom and boom all right and then down here got Those all right the houses are now starting to look a lot more like houses which is good uh you can get out of here built an amazing basement for my house but I can’t send pictures CU it’ be too many dang you should do like Mug swamp

On your super plat World make a sign for all your subscribers for 4,000 oh my gosh would that be I’d have to make like 250 signs I had to do the the math real quick there build an auto smelter Auto trash can bubble elevators Ching play some X

Books sugarcan farm bedroom armor stand display chest area nether portal dang that is jam-packed blco that is kind of crazy you’re so happy to be here once again I’m so happy that you’re here once again doable but impossible how does that work be right back I got to go shower go for

It you know I probably I probably should have taken a shower before I joined I feel like that would have helped my congestion go down a little bit and also would warm me up because it is very cold in my room um right now I’m wearing a long sleeve shirt and then

Over that long sleeve shirt I’m wearing what’s called I think it’s a Huggle it’s like a snuggie if you guys have heard of those it’s like a wearable blanket kind of thing um but this one’s like a hoodie meets a blanket um and yeah it is keeping me toasty but

Uh but there’s it doesn’t cover like from head to toe so my bottom half is still cold you can’t see every new subscriber so impossible yeah true true true true I could just make a sign for everyone that I know and then just say and to the other however many that I don’t

Know that’d be pretty silly um real quick I kind of want to make this place look a little more decorative John guess who want I add crafting table and wall block block switcher but I don’t have room to do it Dang might have to move some things around and play a little game of like Tetris finagle things until they fit how you doing John how you doing my friend oh yeah good news um the last stream did not get any claims on it in terms of copyright so that is very exciting means

That we can use this fun playlist and not have to worry about anything which I’m super excited about it was definitely getting a little bit annoying having to dispute false claims all the time boom boom and okay that’s that’s good for now pretty much only because I ran out

Of mud though going to watch a tutorial I found on the room and be back in a few all right blos sounds good good luck on finishing that project um so coming out of here I think I do want like paths connecting everything so there something simple like this will do us for

Now and then we can make the path go two ways make it wrap around this way as well have I played Celeste I have not I’ve heard of it but I have not played it I don’t really know too much of what it’s about either I’ve just heard of the Name uh let’s put one there and yeah something like that that works cool deal and then yeah we connect the cemetery area to over here as well into the pumpkin patch Nice yeah that makes it flow a lot better just those little details help out a whole ton I do want to bone meal more of this area out too get rid of the uglier flowers do a little one of those and then let’s go ahead and figure out what’s next on the

List can beautify the front yards of the houses here maybe put some spooky DEC ation and stuff cobwebs things like that might look cool um do we have cobwebs that’s the better question I think I do at home but if I don’t have to go all the way there I’d rather

Not um do I know where like a nearby M shaft is not not sure uh glow lyen hello it’s another thing we need to remember to add throughout this place because we don’t want any other mobs spawning in here if we can avoid it pretty much every tree here can have

A little bit of glow likan on it and then we’ll put some on the Big Pumpkin in the middle and we can also do like moss and Moss carpets with some torches and things like that under them but this is kind of the light level I like

Though so as much as we can keep that I’d rather cuz I don’t really want this place to be like very lit up I mean we can place these on the ground too so that’s something we can consider all right next step in the process let’s go

Ahead and figure out what we want to do with the haunted house and could put some like candles in the windows of the houses things like that what else what else hey I’m trying to work here man H the skeleton is working too I guess

So you are kind of right about that I should probably get my totem back in my hand that would be pretty ideal let’s see if we can find a m shaft over here make things easier on us oh hello Farms o cherry blossom oh that that’s a handful of

Skeletons that none of which shot me and said they decide to shoot themselves and I will take that it’s okay frog I saved your life feel like we’re going to need some more of this dark oak so I’m going to grab it while we are over

Here what texture pack do I have for those clouds um so it’s actually not a texture pack it’s a mod um it is called better clouds um this one right here and gives you a ton of different options on like customization of them but it’s so cool

Uh I found it from b o’s uh videos um I saw the clouds that he was using I was like these clouds are so cool looking and they look so much more real but it’s like a perfect balance between like realistic and minecrafty so it’s like I have to use

These that’s definitely my favorite clouds by far I also like the um the fluffier looking clouds oh ht’s base hello um from the complimentary shaders complimentary reimagined or whatever it’s called um those clouds are really cool too well they’re just pretty much fluffier versions of the default clouds there’s Blue’s

House there’s no like big caves or anything anywhere that I can get down to easily that’s a pretty cool spot there though H yeah not having much much luck around here reptile Queen’s base and rox’s base and and who else o here’s a good looking cave now the big question is

There a m shaft around here I wish this cave kind of expanded but it doesn’t look like it does oh I just dropped a rocket I don’t know where that rocket went um but what we will figure out is okay so if I go back this

Way we have a Mesa area and I don’t feel like anyone would mind if I take some cobwebs from the M shafts there so we’re going to go try TR that out going to give that a go oh I ran out of rockets and I forgot my silly uh Shuler box

Again it’s okay we’ll make it I believe we’ll make it hey there’s some Mesa he’s making it I made it kind of I made it within render I I feel like that’s good enough oh I just find a crafting table I can go ahead and make ourselves some rockets on the

Go all right now we just have to keep our eyes peeled for a m shaft oh that is a lot of sugar canane h I mean this works too I don’t think anyone’s building in the um abandoned Village here I don’t see any sign of any building I know that Temple’s been

Looted I think that Temple was looted like day one but in terms of the cobwebs I think we’re good to snag these let’s go the tutorial worked good stuff blco good stuff um all right let’s keep going so what exactly was that tutorial for oh was for like the block swapper

Kind of thing I get you I get you what we’re at half a stack oh come on I completely forgot I completely forgot the server restarts at 140 or something that’s okay honestly the dead bushes might be a cool little touch also coming to think of

It the dead bushes might make it look a little Barren where we’re at oh I just saved a bunny oh all right oh and I saved a cat look at me being a uh what What’s the word I’m looking for we’ll just call it an animal Savior for now that bunny just die

No he took fall damage but he didn’t die all right that’s a stack there lightning welcome I am the hero of the village that’s a good name for it didn’t beat any raids or anything but hey I’m still counted as hero of the village unfortunately at that Village I did not

See a crafting table so still have to find one of those 52 we’re almost to a stack can we get a stack before the server restarts uh okay yay we did it all right I guess we’ll just kind of wait until the server restarts now and then

We will go ahead and start making our way back home oh there’s another Village over here maybe this one has a um a thingy a crafting table thingy did you put my name on the grave and the zombie pigman um so unfortunately we weren’t able to get

That finished that uh last stream but we are going to go ahead and uh do that as like a Finishing Touch um but I have not forgotten about it quantum I think instead of me trying to do it now while the area is still out in

The open and also like we’re still in like the building phase of it I feel like at the end when we’re putting in like all the finishing touches and last little details it would be a better time to to put it in um just so that we know

That it’s like for sure where it’s going to be cuz I might move some things around Still come on crafting table anywhere why don’t you guys craft how do you you guys make anything how do you guys do anything you don’t craft a single thing what in the world oh my gosh took you long enough oh well talk about timing oh yeah speaking of This Server

Right here uh cubon is a yearly convention on a server um and Lotus had their own panel there so if you guys have not gone on cubon yet the um actual convention is over but the server is still open for like activities and stuff so you guys can

Still go check it out if you’d like to it is very very cool um where did my gunpowder go did it get corrupted in the server restart are you kidding me no a rip rip the gunpowder rip my chances of getting back home No okay I have to find a creeper server and client desync yeah I’m afraid that’s what it was up Lightning’s coming to save me what are my cords my coordinates are – 327 – 173 ah or at least they were do I have bedrock and Java I sure

Do I do have both versions I primarily play Java though there’s a light oh it is lightning oh my gosh she’s in a different uh different skin than I’m used to so I didn’t recognize lightning thank you it’s okay there about three stacks somewhere there what oh I

See two other Stacks well maybe one other stack I I’ve got two stacks that’s that’s more than enough to get me back home um I could F3 and B and maybe find the rest that way but I not seeing anything else okay okay now what direction do we need to be going in

Um oh pretty much straight North straight this direction let’s Go we’re going home people we’re going home Yeah I can probably turn off hit boxes Now I’m going to be back in a few minutes I have to go and eat all righty no worries enjoy your food Quantum food is always good make sure you eat a lot I had a pretty pretty good lunch I had a like chicken wrap that was very

Good little bit of cheese some spinach some ranch M tasty tasty indeed okay we’re over here yep there we are ow I was going to try to do something cool there but I failed miserably it’s okay oh my gosh it’s already been an hour no way time FES and you’re having fun I

Guess Marco welcome welcome welcome welcome how you doing today um so the Discord is down in the description unfortunately I don’t have nightbot set up like that um just yet but the Discord is down in the description um both the Lotus SMP Community Discord as well as the um as

Well as the uh my Channel’s Community Discord um for the IP unfortunately I don’t have access to it um this is a creators uh content creators only server and which I’m not the head of and and so I have no ability to invite people um but in the Lotus Community

Discord uh there are plenty of creators that also have some servers up right now so you can go take a look at all theirs they might be looking for some people I’m kind of uh caught behind on everyone’s content though so uh that’s a big maybe but definitely go check all of

Them out and you might find a place there I don’t have the IP so I I seriously can’t give it to you uh eventually we’ll have our own server open though so stay tuned for that IP is seven thank you lightning okay this one’s going to have a little like barrier wall

Here and then let’s go get some bushes uh you know what get these kind of bushes please IP or leave I seriously can’t invite you Marco it it’s not my server so I I have no access to it I’m sorry Marco I’m sorry I can’t satisfy your want to

Join what’s good I’m new to this channel just a one piece fan welcome welcome welcome welcome how you doing today welcome to the channel I have been watching the one piece um live action I just finished that uh not too long ago and it was very good and I’ve started watching the

Actual like one piece anime now and have been enjoying it too I need to get caught up on it again make some more time for it because I was enjoying it for all the time that I had been um trying to catch up on it I’ve already been spoiled on

Some of the things of like the new arcs and things and I’m like kind of excited it’s super long yeah um I’ve heard there’s some like ways that you can just watch the like non filler stuff though so I’m going to see if I can do

That I feel like that would be the smartest way to go especially if I’m more focused on the lore not the actual like episode um we’ll also do some dead bushes throughout here as well as just just make it look a little overgrown but yes I have been enjoying

What I have seen of one piece though very good anime and there’s actually quite a few fans of One Piece uh on the server um so you might even see throughout some of the channels um some references to one piece in like bases and stuff um

Like C man the boss uh by the way all the links to everyone’s channels are down in the description um cman the boss’s lore from last season um was based around one piece and I made like um Minecraft parody of the one piece intro uh that he used in those videos

Which is hilarious and sounded so good I was so proud of it um so definitely go check that out um Skipper who’s not online right now um who’s one of our newer members um built the going Mary at his base which is very very cool and I think there’s going to be

Some like um different references and stuff built this season as well so yeah definitely go check all of them out I think you’ll definitely enjoy him especially if being that you’re a one piece fan um we we do like one piece around here that is for sure who’s your favorite character in one

Piece I have to say mine is probably Zoro like he’s just so unique and you never see a a sword fighter with his style he’s just such a cool character and also his development is crazy going from Pirate Hunter to a pirate himself of course it’s a different kind

Of pirate though when you’re with Luffy but nevertheless still a pirate okay yeah that little decoration looks cool uh I think I want a little more on this one um maybe we’ll do some armor stand kind of action in this place too I think that would look

Cool Luffy gear 5 Luffy gear 5 I have been spoiled on he looks so cool and I feel like that he might become my favorite once I get to that point in the ark I definitely feel like I will change my mind oh yeah sanji’s also been growing on

Me the way he only fights using his legs so then he doesn’t get his hands dirty for when he’s cooking that’s like such a cool concept I love it yeah and I like the unique abilities and things that they all have different fighting fighting and finishing moves like they’re all so cool um

Oh yeah we can use the dark oak saplings as kind of decoration too because unless they are like all four in like a a square well then you’re not going to have to worry about um yeah you won’t have to worry about the uh like the the the the the um um um

Tree growing words can be difficult you being in Pirates or Marines what one would you be in Pirates I I think that is like no contest I think I’d definitely be a pirate um I need to make this into a jack Lantern what do you think your Bounty

Would be um well because I’m very inexperienced uh in those regards I think I’d probably uh not have a very high bounty unless I was part of someone’s crew and like ended up getting myself a higher Bounty um Okay so we’ve got some kind of decorations here volcano welcome

Two cents yeah Dan you’re you’re probably right on the mark there that would probably be my bounty two cents you weren’t experienced it would be hard to join the crew very true very true let’s go volcano happy belated birthday Dark Moon Rider welcome welcome welcome hope you’re doing fantastic

Today the Lotus smpp is a content creator smpp that’s similar to hermitcraft um so if you enjoy hermitcraft I think you would enjoy the shenanigans we have over here um but yeah we’re a content creator only SMP that is really just about building entertaining and having fun yes it is

Private um so unfortunately it is not open for anyone to join at this given time um we’re at the um we’re at the max amount of members right now so for now I unfortunately have to say no to every anyone who wants to join besides which I don’t have the IP or

Anything so like I don’t even have the power to in invite you guys on uh even if I wanted to um but if you want to join the communities down in the uh description is the Discord to not only my community um but also the Lotus

Community uh that you guys can go join and stay up to date on all of that kind of stuff and eventually there will be a time when like applications and things open up for the server um I can’t tell you when because a date hasn’t been set

But just for future reference to anyone who is interested in putting their name into the mix oh gosh blo good save L gumgum whip ability gets extremely strong in gear five I don’t doubt it I don’t doubt it I mean I kind of got spoiled on the

The fight against kaido already so if that was gumgum whip then I kind of know what it was like already unfortunately but so very cool nonetheless L um H maybe we don’t do lanterns just cuz they’re going to be a little too bright I think and then can we let’s do something like that could basically send you to another dimension with gum gum whip you just go so far jeez that is kind of crazy if you craft Soul lanterns they

Could work true Soul lanterns do give off quite a lot less light I wish you could make Soul pumpkins that would be very cool like Soul Jack lanterns Redstone torches could also do could also do those ah we need more candles no wait um never mind I don’t have an idea of

How I want to do this actually wait yes I do yes I do this is what we’re going to do problem solving with Spidey and the first problem we need to solve these creepers uh okay where are some Cobblestone walls uh actually you know what no we’ll make stone brick

Walls get out of Here stone bricks Where Art Thou oh they’re in my Inventory maybe Spidey would just open his eyes okay here’s what we’ll Do instead of having fences at the ends or iron walls or whatever we want to call them iron bars English is difficult sometimes you know it might be my first language but I never said I was good at it hey guys Vsauce Michael Here does your bow have knockback yes it is pretty much fully Enchanted been cursed by Vsauce all videos are just vauce vids oh No everywhere I go I see his face reminds me of that scene from Spider-Man yes fight each other very good idea yeah hey no I I go fight them go go go fight Them let’s go spider one it’s only right it’s only right that the spider Wins there we go this person kind of went all out with the decoration made a whole Archway of their Own yes I finished it all right what is next I feel like this might be a little too bright maybe I will just go back to a regular um pumpkin or like a unlit jack Lantern I’m not sure I’m not sure what the best idea

Is ooh I have I have a I have a good idea okay here’s what we’ll do okay Jack Lantern you’re going to go in there and oh darn lightning do you have a single green candle I could take off your hands do I have any carpets I have like

The mossy carpets and I do have some wool so we could make the wool into carpets yeah the stem things and I’ll just use the stem as like a light because I can light up the candle and that’ll be a lot dimmer of a light for us I

Think might help give the effect that we’re looking for oh my gosh there’s a zombie apocalypse how about you guys go in the cemetery oh that’s a creeper yikes that could have been bad oh boy did lightning message back no she did not Let’s hope she does here soon aha look it actually works as a oh it almost worked oh my gosh there’s so many zombies it does feel like it’s been night for like a long while I mean eventually it’ll feel like it’s night all the time in here cuz this

Is fully going to be encased in darkness just a bunch of skull to kind of give like the star night effect now we do have um I think a few members on the server that have uh like Wither Skeleton farms and stuff too so maybe also with the um star Knight using the

Um using the skull we can get some nether stars and put them in like invisible item frames that might look cool that might look very very very cool oh finally it’s daytime or about to be oh man what a long night what a long night all right so while we’re waiting on a

Response back from lightning I’m going to call this done for the time being um now in here though oh dang I hear some mobs wait are they outside they might be outside of here and if that’s the case then that’s very good cool so there’s still nothing inside

Good um but anyways Brixton welcome welcome Welcome what do you need a team doing now um we are building a uh mini game a spooky mini game on the server and I’m looking for all the ideas of spooky key things that we can build in this uh blank area here so if you have any ideas

Brixon definitely definitely let me know we already have some trick-or treat houses a haunted mansion got a pumpkin patch of course what um we have a big Forest here and then of course the cemetery we just don’t have anything here yet and I want to add something

Here and maybe something in this blank area as well if we can’t think of anything else to add here I might just add more trees and kind of let that flow into everything else but I would like to add something else here so definitely let me know if

You have any ideas and I’ll be more than happy to consider them and see if we can uh make something come to life of it um but yeah so back into the Haunted Mansion what I want to do is either make a ceiling here at a dungeon okay maybe

Maybe cuz yeah this is just a big open space up here so I’m wondering if I should just close it off and add a ceiling here through this maze or if I should um if I should maybe possibly um make a second story possibly I’m not sure I’m not sure what

The best idea for that is make one of those Archer mini games that would be pretty funny um it might be separate from this game unless what we wanted to do is we could like put one here do like a haunted Carnival that might look cool um but

With that mini game um instead of actually hitting the zombies or the skeletons you’d be trying to hit the um the bullseye the target blocks and try to like thread the needle almost feel like that would be extremely difficult though and taxes now that’s scary just the a big word taxes in that

Spot maybe a skeleton dinosaur roller coaster H maybe maybe the only thing with those kind of things is that the Minecarts make a lot of noise and when you’re dealing with a warden I feel like they’re all going to get targeted and killed by the warden so that would be my only

Worry card Kibbles welcome welcome to the stream so yeah we have to like add some life to this place but at the same time make it like sound proofed so that most of the sound if not all of the sound um that is made throughout this place

Is from the target blocks being hit or from players make a small witch hut and put witches brew and respawn anchors outside ooh interesting we could we could do something like that h how you doing today card how you doing I do kind of like that idea I do

Kind of like that idea one piece fan you’re the only person that says my name right dang honestly the name’s not even that hard to say so honestly shame on the other people that can’t say it right definitely thought of that and did not just Google spooky Minecraft ideas

You have a very good idea let me hear it Brixton let me hear it but yeah about that like skeleton dinosaur roller coaster thing maybe if we do end up finishing this before the end of the month and we still have time maybe we can build like a mini Haunted

Amusement Park like outside of this area just in terms of like the Minecarts and stuff being here like we’d almost have to like make them not move make them stationary but make them look like they’re in action we could do that and we have like the armor stand like

Customization on the server too so I could make it look like um people are going down a roller coaster or something if we wanted to do the um the Haunted Amusement Park that would be pretty cool you just got to be live when I’m at school I’m sorry I’m AER I’m

Sorry do you have like a study hall or anything or like has lunch break already happened happening um I have fall break right now let’s go that is awesome and thank you for subbing card I very much do appreciate it we are so close to 700

Guys the growth on the channel has been insane just these past few weeks absolutely Bonkers and I cannot thank you guys enough so if we get to 700 Subs by the end of the month I might end up doing something special how long will I be streaming for you’re

In final period of Algebra 2 let’s go uh I will probably be live for another I’d say like two hours three at the top three at most probably going till between 4: and 5 p.m. today and it is 2:21 for me right now last period of the day let’s go

Yeah no I the more I think about it I am kind of make a broken house so you have to find something in order to get to the next area H H remember the day we had like 40 likes in one stream yeah that was wild absolutely wild and then last stream we got like 30 some likes on so yeah it’s been insane um build skeletons okay okay yeah no I kind of like the The Haunted Amusement Park

Thing I think I want to combine all your guys’ ideas together so Brixton we’re going to do your skeleton roller coaster um and what else will we do maybe we’ll have skeletons riding the roller roller coaster that would be pretty funny or maybe a kid with a skeleton mask on or something like That what if we make the haunted roller coaster go through a dungeon H can we cuss I’d I’d prefer you not I would prefer you not a lot of times I will remove the comments I like to keep this Channel and even the chat familyfriendly welcome to all ages so keep it keep it uh to a minimal or at a zero would be

Ideal please and thank you I appreciate you guys asking though and for uh being willing to um Go With It Sands I’ll just build Sands yeah let me just remake undertale in Minecraft okay we need to go get a lot more material for a haunted roller coaster do I like Five Nights at

Freddy’s I have I haven’t played them honestly I’ve seen other people play them and it looks pretty fun um but yeah I have not played it personally myself I used to like go to my friend’s house and he would play and I would just watch him um that was like back when I

Was little when it was just the first one out um but yeah it it looked cool it looked fun make an acid pool and like a skeleton head sticking out of it oo using like the fog effect I like that idea man I might you guys are coming up

With Amazing Ideas today where was this last stream come on guys just kidding um no I’m going to have to put some I’m going to pull up a note sheet and write down all these ideas haunted roller coaster um sanss and even though no one’s going to

See this other than me I’m going to make sure that just the word sanss is in comic Sands um and then it goes back to regular All right so we have sand we have the haunted roller coaster we have dungeon we we have Skeletons carnival games uh what else what else school just kidding we could but but no no um what else what else what else oh yeah the witch pot respawn anchors let’s see anything else taxes no we’re not putting it on there it’s scary yes it is Dan it is

Very scary but but we’re not going to put it in in the build what else you guys come up with Oh yeah acid pool I just read that one which shut H make some music for it ooh I wonder how easy that would be to do cuz we do have like custom music discs so it doesn’t even have to be like Note Block music I can do like

Fullon music software and try to make something there resawn anchors or the witches roof you put trap doors around it yeah I can I can Envision that like the little portal esque kind of thing looks like it’s like swirling around a potion yeah you thought you could get away buddy

No you get out of here you get out of here and oh come come on yeah get out of here Sans just Sans W all right so I got all those in a notepad now make sure everything’s still good on the stream end of things except another item mending your sword is great let’s go let’s go okay in between yeah right here in between the um the forest in the

Carnival area I think we’ll put the witch’s Hut and we’ll put like the acid pool in front of it I do like these ideas though you guys are killing it with the ideas today thank you guys so much for being geniuses I will need to go grab some more of the spruce

Wood so I might have to go do that real quick uh let’s go ahead and I think it was over here if we remember right oh no there is some over here the spot right here is a bunch of spruce wood that’ll probably be a little easier ghosts oh yeah

Duh how could I not think of ghosts and women no no that’s terrible Dan that is terrible that is terrible Dan let’s go card if you guys have seen The Little Rascals well we are not part of the He-Man Woman Haters Club here all right let’s just make that

Clear let’s just make that clear we’re in the world is that Birchwood not Spruce was I looking at the wrong biome this whole time I mean would I’d be surprised not at all but but come on it was Birch I think oh no it was

Wasn’t no it wasn’t I was correct I was correct see guys never doubt yourself never doubt yourself just go with your gut and you’ll be right works every time H are you Brixton are you talking about like building out a map like doing the map art kind of stuff and making like money doing that make a handle of a sword sticking out of the ground make the ground like cracking around it h interesting like The Sword and the stone kind of

Thing maybe maybe who would be pulling the sword out of the stone though oh wait I just had a very good idea we could we could add some like lore to this place so what if we had King Arthur’s grave in the cemetery and then the witch at the witch

Hut is Reviving King Arthur to pull the sword out of the Stone hold up it all comes together no Sans is just pulling it oh my gosh it’s so goofy no one it’s like a bigger version and no one’s pulling it h interesting all right I think that is enough Spruce for

Now and we need to go back this way and that is where we need to go all we want is sand but what about everyone else what about Papyrus what about Papyrus you can’t forget Papyrus sans’s good old brother you can’t forget about him what are you collecting Spruce for

Um because the witch hut is normally made from Spruce so I’m going to make my own kind of witch hut but I want it to be similar to the the one already like made in Minecraft um so what I want to do I kind of want to make this like a like underpass kind of thing so like you can walk under the uh you can walk under this uh the the the witch hut rapix welcome you actually made it let’s go let’s

Go welcome to the stream my friend I hope you are doing absolutely fantastic today let’s go ahead and move those out of the way and move the actual pathway inwards like so all righty here we go I’m studying right now and watching let’s go good luck on all the studies

Hopefully the test when it comes around is not too awfully difficult for you um boom boom boom boom Okay I want to make this kind of complex too though are you doing the witch hut idea right now yes that is what we are working on at this point in time now I’m making it so tall because I want it to be Warden friendly because we

Will have a warden running through here so we need to have everything at least three blocks taller most things three blocks tall so like this tree might have to get some tweaks done to it cuz or else the warden has to go like way out and around if he wants to pass

Through yeah let’s actually just do that right now and round this tree out a little bit hm H yeah something like that helps make the tree look a little more natural and also I kind of want want to go to the top and add a little more to the top just so it’s not so rounded off either and we might as well do it to

Some of these other trees as well yeah those are starting to look better yeah just little details added to Natural trees make them look so much better just make the witch inside Sands wait how does that work Sans is just like leaned over the railing of the like

The front deck of this place that would be funny okay um I kind of changed my mind on how I want this to look what we’ll do yeah I might have to destroy this tree after all unless we want the entrance to be on this side I don’t see that necessarily being an

Issue no not the tree okay so how about this we’ll have a staircase going up this way and let’s see how exactly do I want this to look like a so your Wi-Fi is terrible oh no I hope it fixes itself soon for your card

Having bad Wi-Fi is never a fun thing to deal with um okay h because if I might have to extend this wall out one more block or maybe two more blocks because then the next one two two okay wait hold hold up maybe this will work I should

Eat good job spider you’re paying attention very well excuse me spider um okay so we’ll make some more stairs we’ll make some slab um hello are we are we good are are we good um I hope we’re good just realized I’m my favorite one piece character is Zoro but my icon on

YouTube is Luffy I mean Luffy is kind of the poster character math is the best subject for sure hey get out of here oh no no no that’s stupid zombie look what you’ve done you’ve wreaked havoc on this place no no I mean I’m happy I have a

Totem so even if I would welcome even if I would have like gotten exploded all the way by any of those guys it would have been fine no wonder they’re called creepers cuz they creep true very true holy moly yeah no we’re not doing this again no I’m I’m going to sleep I’m

Going to sleep Sanji is the best Sanji is definitely up there on my list Soni Sanji is definitely up on my list okay now that all of that Havoc has been taken care of let’s go ahead and patch up the holes and then get back to work oh my my

Goodness yeah these creepers did some massive damage no wow I actually just like killed them with my fist that was actually kind of crazy wow that was that was crazy let’s go rapix finishing up things is always a very rewarding thing to happen would love to see it

Who here is going to see the FNAF movie I’m not Sure it’s zanzi or zanzi not zanzi also I am a little congested so sometimes it will not sound the way I mean it to even um so wait wait wait hold up Zan as in like the same thing as like van oh it okay so zanzi

Okay I will make sure I remember that uh real quick I will be right back uh I’m going to feed my dog real quick um should literally only take like a couple of minutes so let me go do that real quick I will be right back don’t cause trouble don’t

Cause trouble in here guys The music is fire I agree I very much do agree I am back the word is Yo Yo guys let’s start a chain what kind of chain are we starting around here I need to get some food cookies perfect what is my dog’s name my dog’s

Name is Aries he is a pitbull German Shepherd mix he’s a big boy but he is the best boy is it this one yes it is not me almost falling out of my chair all right back to the witch hut back to the witch hut we

Go oh you guys are doing a chat chain dang okay I do want to extend this a couple blocks luckily the terrain here is pretty flat so I won’t have to do much more terraforming if any by doing this you know we’ll bring it out a couple blocks just give us some extra

Room can probably even fit some more trees back here now come to think of it do I stream on Twitch no I only stream on YouTube I am exclusive to making content on YouTube I did Instagram for a little bit but I wasn’t finding too much fulfillment in

It and my content wasn’t making it to the right crowd so I kind of stopped that um so yeah now I’m strictly YouTube and that is going to stay that way for the foreseeable future I I don’t really like twitch all that much as a platform So why not both yeah it’s it really just comes down to the moderation of things I feel like YouTube has things best and not to mention I also enjoy making video content so making it a like One-Stop shop for all of that uh is a lot easier being on

YouTube rather than doing streams on Twitch and then videos on YouTube so yep that’s my reasoning H something here does not look right uh should I maybe let’s try something here okay Cool how about I do videos for you h Let’s see what do we want to do here I’ll be Spidey junor let’s go we shall see rapix we shall see right now now I’m not looking for the assistance um but maybe in the foreseeable future I will I built this out one too many boom boom boom boom yeah I think I

Did that is all good uh we are working on making the witch’s Hut as you guys had suggested how long will I be streaming um probably for another two or so hours is the goal okay I think I want to make this out of oak logs and Oak

Planks it isn’t rapic anymore it is Spidey Jor let’s go is a seron public no it is not um it is a Creator uh content creator only server um so unfortunately I don’t have any of the access to be able to invite people but hopefully eventually I will have my

Own server to invite you guys to that is the one of my long-term goals uh for this channel is to have its own server so definitely stay tuned for that to eventually happen okay I think how did I do this how in the world I am so confused on how I’m made this

House I thought everything was spaced out the same one two one and then okay so I think I’m actually supposed to bring both of these out like so yeah that looks a lot more correct I was getting so confused there I was like what in the world did I

Do put in the description because yeah I should I definitely should I mean what do I have the description as okay yeah I I’ll update it for next time I’m not good at Minecraft but I do like seeing my favorite YouTuber in action let’s go who who’s your favorite YouTuber

Card spaty put in good word for me yes Poulson welcome back hello hello how you doing how you doing today all right yeah this is looking pretty good so far I am doing a fantastic today Coulson thank you for asking no way thank you card you’ve only been here for like less

Than an hour and I’m already your favorite YouTuber that that means a whole lot I don’t know what I did in the past half an hour to to get that level of uh appreciation from you but whatever I did I good job on my own behalf I don’t know this is crazy

Build a wonderful witch hut that is the goal that is the goal to build a wonderful wonderful witch hut oh yeah that doesn’t look too bad when I join you for a sec I fell in love with the channel let’s go that is the goal we like to have around

Here we do love to see it okay so I honestly I don’t even think we need this here that doesn’t look too bad that extra little divot there I I don’t think it looks that off honestly so we’ll just keep it how it is like that we need to make a little like

Railing here and then figure out what we want to do for the roof I think we’ll probably just have it be the two ends here as like the a frames and and then bring it across welcome back John welcome back yeah I try to respond to as many comments as I can Kibbles

Um I try to make it to at least as many as I can and if I if I don’t respond um then I hope that no one like tries to spam because spam is just obnoxious after a little bit and I think you guys can understand that um but oh

Ych run it under some warm water rapic run it under some warm water that helps get it out easier and put a Band-Aid on it N I saw that card that was so Random oh my God go no you didn’t I don’t know what you’re talking about I’ll keep my mouth shut um

Okay there’s some Spruce fences we can use those for actually no what we’ll do is we’ll use some dark oak slabs I think those look good to tie in the color with the spruce it is a big glass oh no that is not good at all still definitely recommend running

Whatever you can under warm water it’ll definitely help remove it uh let’s go ahead and grab some bone meal and grow some of these trees actually what we’ll do what we’ll do what we’ll do I think pods will look good around here anyways um oh I don’t have that’s not good

The wound is large don’t use alcohol very true very true wait John you you eat glass why am I just now seeing this comment That’s mildly concerning um um um John D are you all right man are you all right bro said oo a snack he really did though definitely not concerning at

All whatever floats your boat John honestly if you can survive consuming those kind of things then respect I can’t say much else let’s go back and get one more stack of dirt window no snack yes I can just picture the the one meme with Drake where he just does like the the

Push away kind of look and then he does the thumbs up Spidey he’s alive so I guess this guy’s like batteryman yeah batteryman the hero we didn’t ask for but the hero we deserve I completely forgot there’s a ravine down here um okay let’s go ahead and pop one there And some over here welcome back welcome back volcano do you have an Oculus I do not I’ve always wanted a VR headset though I’ve always wanted one cuz I look very very cool Jason welcome yes part two we are on part two of this building Adventure got with 300 girl added on

Snap and yet still single okay that’s not information we need to know John But pop off I guess wow this is a very tall tree I just realized this I’m just going to eat up all the attacks oh maybe not excuse me let’s see if I can climb this tree faster than the zombie can catch me gorilla tag that’s a game dang that game sounds Goofy

And for that reason alone I think I’d like it um so there’s a funny game that uh I’ve just been introduced to by someone actually in Lotus um it is called the last train out of wormtown it’s a game on Steam oh my gosh only one person has to pay for it

And then uh it is free to play for anyone else that’s like a friend of theirs so it’s really cool because of that um and so we’ve been playing it a lot recently and boy it is so goofy and so fun and there are so many mobs here and

I don’t like it so I am going to go back to my bed over here Yonder and take care of them by going to sleep and that’s a creeper let’s not and say we did yes I am a member of lotus come down here and fight me like a man or not

Have I done a face reveal yet not entirely I did an April Fool’s joke that like showed a blurred out uh image of my face as well as like I made a skin that looks like myself in real life so like that’s as close as I’ve shown my face

Um I’m not sure if I want to do a face reveal or not it’s just never been something that like I’ve wanted to do like I want it to actually like be something that like I’ve thought about doing if I’m going to do it can I make it up here probably not oh

Close maybe we can jump up on our tree nope no we can’t fine I’ll do it the hard way by the hard way I mean the easy way and then we’ll do like this how does game know if other player is a friend is there a friendship test

Does it look like you’re activity in the past 10 years I’m so confused I’m so confused us that creeper up the stairs no he’s right here aha let’s keep it PG in the chat guys keep it PG a lot of things I won’t respond to if I don’t think they’re PG

I think that one’s not supposed to be there Spidey is my Dad and I his son just stepped in water now my sock is wet yikes that is a very uncomfortable feeling actually you know what this tree here this is what we’ll do with it all right something like that looks Good might add some leaves to it too I made your day well you’ve made mine card you’ve made mine all you new viewers here today have made my day and like YouTube’s been doing fantastic for me recently with pushing out my content so I cannot complain H how do I do this

Build’s looking sick great job thank you Dan thank you trying to figure out where I’m going wrong though it’s like this doesn’t line up here so maybe after the bottom one here I need to just go straight on gfx Welcome Hall Rogers how you doing which one would you rather call or

Rather me call you let me know let me know can you call me G you are the top G okay so let’s do something like this ah not yet Bro Look at the humbleness on on G so humble so maybe it’s just like this that I need to do let’s try that

Then same on this side do a Riz joke no no I’m not stoping that low just imagine someone joins someone says Buttercup and then 100,000 people join if that happened I’d lose my mind I’m already losing my mind as to how many people have been joining like the support lately has been

Like through the roof like unlike anything I’ve ever seen so seriously I know I sound like a broken record but from the bottom of my heart thank you guys all so much it seriously does mean a lot yeah know that doesn’t work like that all right yeah that doesn’t look too

Bad does not look too bad at all and I do enjoy that we went for a more challenging angle as well definitely adds some some life to this base to this little thing here um okay let’s find where that other door is and also put a lantern

Inside a v I’m Vex artist oh dang I might have to take a look at some of your stuff G I might have to take a look at some of your stuff cuz that sounds awesome what in the world where’d the door go what happened to my door

I need my door back um um oh let’s go second account on here have a good day you two you two G one my heart people are so kind on your channel I wish I was a little assist person too maybe in the future even if you guys aren’t like Whit

Is welcome back Quantum welcome back yeah I’m going to start moving some of the stuff into our little Hut now oh there we go there’s another Pigman you even though I still don’t have a spot for him oh my gosh you can only say it right now too that pickup line that’s

Hilarious Dan took so long I had to make an application and join the chaos smpp let’s go I wish you the best of luck the best of luck in that I’m telling you guys even if it’s not Lotus there are still plenty of other smps that are looking for people

To join out there so I definitely recommend you guys go and explore around see uh what other smps have things going on I know you guys can make it into one of them yeah this isn’t going to stay in here but for the sake of making life easier for

Me we’re going to keep this place as like our our little little Hut to work in now I do need to go back to that desert so we can get some uh not only some cacti but also some um some sand unless unless I wanted to go use some

Diamonds we could just use some diamonds this is pretty sure let’s grab these chests out real quick And oh let’s just throw everything or most things in here for now and then we’ll take some of our diamonds hey wait a second chicken rice salad let’s go oh ouch ouch hey watch it man I had a chicken wrap for lunch ad dooman welcome to the channel welcome to

The stream I hope you’re doing fantastic today unfortunately I am not the host of the server um and it is a content creator only server that has uh been closed of applications for the time being um but that doesn’t mean that you’re completely out of the account cuz

Eventually there will be an opening for applications um so if you join the Discord down in the description um any and all the discords down in the description then you can be up to date on when that happens and you can put your name into the mix on

Joining and I wish you the best of luck in that actually happening I think it’s this building here yes okay one stack for one Diamond we’re going to do I I think three stacks chicken wrap sounds so good to eat right now yes it is so

Good who is on the server um all of the creators are down in the description below um some have since been turned to alumni they’ve had to uh unfortunately leave for a little bit cuz you know sometimes real life uh things come have to come first and so we

Have to step away from content creation for a bit but but yeah everyone is down there I think I’m going to want some glow stone so let’s see if I can get any of that easily might be able to grab some of this stuff pretty easy a children rap sounds good to eat

Right now yikes what do the children do to you card what do they do they’re innocent from what I can tell at least you might know something that I don’t Ah ow ow ow let me land on the glow stone there we go oh wow and where did you learn that card where did you learn that hey hey man watch the merchandise cooking shows dang what cooking shows are cooking children that’s not the Gordon Ramsay I remember

For a second I got scared cuz I thought you were in hardcore nope not in hardcore Today yeah I wouldn’t be playing as careless if I was in hardcore ah yes true true how did I not even think of that but here’s the real question though because alus is the one that made metaton so does that mean alfus wanted to eat children and metaton was just programmed

To Crave them as well asking the important questions I Know inter welcome how you doing my friend theoy Jenkins sorry that was that was a bad joke epic that is awesome to hear I am glad you’re doing epic what’s made your day so epic my day has been pretty epic also being here hanging out with you guys I just got my dog back

Today uh after we had to uh take him somewhere to be taken care of while I went to a concert last night so yeah everything’s just been good everything’s been epic today Um what would be epic now though is finding where that portal is cuz I’m totally discombobulated who did I go see it’s a band called The Eagles uh they’re a classic rock band um it was a present primarily for my mom because her birthday is coming up in a

Month or so um so first of all it was a present for her and that’s the music that she grew up on but it’s also the music I’ve grown up on because she kind of showed it to me so I’ve enjoyed it myself and so getting to hear it live was amazing

Get out of here oh thanks for the Boost magma had two goldfish burger and what in the world that is some balanced breakfast there I don’t know if I should be happy or afraid for you to have eaten that all right so next thing um oh dang it I forgot to get

Something for like the walls of of this Hm it’s all right it’s all right Boston Crushers welcome what’s the IP to the server unfortunately I do not have access to that and yeah I do need to update the description it is currently a closed um Whit list server so I’m unfortunately I don’t have the ability to invite

Anyone but welcome to the channel Boston I hope you’re doing well and not all hope is lost because uh as I said not too long before you joined um there will be a time and place where Lotus opens up their applications again um so stay tuned for that and if you

Want to stay tuned for that you can always go ahead and uh down in the description there are some Discord communities that you can join and those will keep you up to date on everything Lotus including those kinds of things so it also keeps you up with the community

And also on top of all that there are some other creators that have their own servers going in there as well welcome Brody welcome but yeah so unfortunately no no one in the chat can join unfortunately but uh eventually there will be a time where applications will open up for

Lotus and then you can uh put your name into the hat so that you can possibly be chosen um and also I am planning on making my own like smpp for um just all the viewers and subscribers eventually so uh there will be a a time when that happens the more

Support I get though the faster that will happen I just need to financially be able to um be able to do that so the more support I get the faster that will happen and then we can have our own server that we can all hang out on and enjoy

Together because yes I would love to play with all you guys I would love to hang out with all you guys and see what all the talents you guys have in the Minecraft worlds um so so hopefully that can happen sometime down the line just unfortunately it is not right

Now please please please please please instead of a like Spike we got got to please Spike so yeah I hope all of you new people I hope you guys decide to give me a chance and stick around on the channel because I do appreciate you guys even

Stopping by and saying hello and I do want to be able to give back to you guys with that is possible for me to do you start with a free server Services pretty sure those would be enough since you have hundreds of Subs that would play at the same time

True yeah I’m just not sure how I can um make one that’s like open all the time like I’m not sure if the the free ones allow it to be like opened all the time i’ have to be something I look into as well uh let’s go ahead and plop that There all right cool so now we can make a floor of glow stone how long is the Stream stream been uh it has been going for 2 hours and 44 minutes so far we still have an hour left of the stream 89 how does 89 work boom boom boom and come on boom

Okay yay yeah we’re going to do a cool little fog effect kind of thing here with the glass and I think in terms of light lighting this should be fine because it’s going to be down deep enough that it’s not going to like be too awfully bright at least that’s what I’m

Hopeful yes thank you card thank you card yes I do like to keep swearing to a minimal quum what you said is uh is fine um cuz I know I know in like uh like a lot of British places and a lot of other places other than America

That’s not a swear word so I totally understand you not thinking that that falls under the category um but yes other than that let’s let’s keep it to a minimal the thing a server that would be open when you stream would already be fun probably easier to monitor true true true true

Oh oh dang I still have to go buy some more got to go buy some more glass unless we wanted to just keep it at this level but I do think I want to make it one more level oh let’s get back up here Dino welcome welcome welcome welcome how you doing man

Yeah I think one more layer should be enough I mean we could keep going with even more layers we’ll see I think I want to just keep it to one more layer after this for now though ouch get out of here man yeah we already have a lot of ideas um

For this project but if you guys have any other spooky ideas please keep letting me know I will take as many as I can get okay Dino pretty much what’s Happening Here is they’re making a chain of the word please spelled PLS so so if you want to join then then you

Can join the the chain the thread of please please dang Dino you really told them yeah we’re going for for the fog effect Dino what’s a Minecraft build if it doesn’t have the fog effect no no broy don’t Go no no Brody I can’t believe you would do this okay so we have the fog effect I feel like it needs some sort of like um decoration or something they actually unsubbed no watch Brody just changes his account name and then comes back in and subscribes again that’d be

Hilarious went from 678 to 679 we’re almost to 680 no way no way dude that is actually insane just think like a month ago we were only at 6:30 we’ve gained like 50 Subs within a month that is wild I was like unheard of especially from like streaming like that is unheard

Of okay I think my idea here is to make the ground look a little corrupted by using some Soul Sand now could I find some s soil too how about over here yes Soul soil Spidey help my cable management it’s tape to the bottom of my desk but it’s

Peeling off uh Flex tape Dino get Flex [Applause] tape or I don’t know man maybe just go without cables they’re over it anyways there’s one actually need cables B’s the type of person who thinks subbing is important yeah wow I can’t believe people would subscribe to the Channel Um where do I need to Be I’m trying to remember where we’re at H let me know how to say your name so I make sure I get it right but welcome to the stream I hope you are doing fantastic no bro’s unsubbing again yeah we are so close to 700 thank you thank you thank you all so Much okay I know where I’m at Now our base is over there our um not our base but the the mini game that we’re working on no no no no let’s not let’s not let’s not Dino don’t don’t tell them what to do cuz they will do it don’t underestimate their power you’re practicing your French on a

YouTube channel that’s a power move honestly card that is a power move going to beb going to miss you that was kind of cringe I’ll miss you too Kum I’ll miss you too if it makes it any less cringe when I’m gone when I’m gone you’re going to miss me when I’m

Gone you’re going to miss me by my walk you’re going to miss me by my taco have I played Geometry Dash I have I was always terrible at it like on a scale of one to terrible I was like the worst but yes I have played It yo Sparger welcome guess what what Dino’s mid true true din just says bruh is there still way up to the top from this way you know I should have just taken the ladder up wow what are you going to do about that Dino aha it still does work now let me just remember where I’m At wait I’m mid hold up hold up sper now that’s where we draw the line man that’s where we draw the line a Salute If you guys don’t know that song you’ll recognize it by the time I get to the chorus may may may may you know I’m happy to be me but I would I would be happy if I were Spidey I’m happy I’m me too Sparger I’m happy I’m me too Rad welcome welcome welcome welcome how you doing rad what you working on today CU I do see you’re on the server oh no rip rip Card rip the phone all right I am l making this so far doing good going to be working my new video and posting one today let’s go very hype indeed see you card thank you so much for joining hope to see you again later all

Right then in through here we can mix in some soul soil going to see the FNAF movie I’ve been thinking about it I’m I talked to about it earlier in the Stream I haven’t really played the FNAF games I’ve seen them played but I haven’t played them

Really personally um so I almost want to play them first before I go in but like I know who all like the characters and St St far I’m a chica fan if I had to choose a favorite uh animatronic uh over here I I think we should drop some of this down yeah

Okay yeah this looks good this looks good bruh I read it out loud oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no that’s what I say to that sper get denied let’s go welcome back card welcome back glad to see the shadow room was only

Something you were sent to for a short amount of time all right yeah know I think this looks really cool so far so then over here somewhere we’ll probably start doing some of the other things ooh true true a I barely missed I do have soul soil on me so I

Could do the soul campfires um yeah let’s see if we can let’s see if we can figure that out oh my gosh you’re watching on the Nintendo switch that’s amazing the dedication okay Soul campfire what is your recipe sticks sticks are what I’m missing okay now the question is

Yeah yeah that works that works very good yeah I have to have it like steaming from the outside bubbling from the outside but but no that looks cool make a chimney on this 19 away from 700 that is insane we’re at 681 that is so crazy unbelievably

Crazy yeah this area is looking really really cool oh I just realized those slabs are not going to be able to be there that’s going to be too low for the warden H I wonder I wonder if a warden can fit through like a two block tall thing with trap doors on the bottom like instead of slabs that would be trap doors H you know what uh we’ll go in the edits thing I would go in Lotus SMP ideas but

I don’t want to spoil anything for you guys that’d be very silly of me um real quick I want to test it uh game mode easy oh or difficulty easy duh okay it already is that easy okay so let’s go ahead and Warden okay so it looks like he cannot well that’s unfortunate but yeah this gives off just the right amount of light this actually looks really really good okay so I’ll have to figure out something here H I really don’t want to rebuild build this entire thing a block higher that would really suck I just have to go to sleep at 11:00 p.m. at night and it’s schol night so I have to go to sleep have a great night Quantum thank you for joining as always

I appreciate it so so much have a great rest of your night my friend I mean after everything is said and done we can probably just make this Into a house that just doesn’t have anything in it just so it can be high enough for everything else to work enjoy the stream I will thank you for hanging out with us today and helping me to enjoy it this supp to be exciting for you yes

It is card every single Milestone that we hit is so exciting and one more exciting than the other every single one is a step closer to a th h I could add a trap door There do I play stardew Valley I do not but I have seen it again I have seen it played um and it looks like a game that I would like same with things like Animal Crossing did I really make a pressure plate I am such a Derp there we go just imagine a room with 681 people in it yeah that’s that’s always how I Envision it I’m like I really have a room full of people in it like before it was just like I could have fit the size of a classroom in my

Stream but now if everyone showed up it would be like the size of an auditorium that’s so crazy so insane yeah we’re just going to make everything float for now like a so and like a so yeah that’ll be fine this going to be a safe Zone from

Melee but then of course the warden can still um uh catch people under there with the shock wave put Spruce trap doors underneath the slabs to blend it better like down here I was thinking about it rad um the only thing is that I had to move the slabs down already because

Of uh there’s going to be a warden coming through here so if I make it any less than the this three block height then it keeps the warden from being able to pass through so I kind of have to keep it simple unfortunately unless I want to

Destroy this whole thing and rebuild it up one more block I do agree with whoever said it needs a chimney though have like one of those crazy windy looking chimneys so let’s go ahead and make one of those uh I think I’m going to need more than that and then

I do need firework Rockets as well all right put it somewhere like here and then what is my actual name if you don’t mind me asking um honestly because people a lot of people already know it and it’s also connected to my uh PayPal um it is Brandon yeah that looks that looks

Cartoony and I kind of like it I kind of like it um okay I kind of want to put H I don’t know now that I’m looking at it I don’t know o that was a good uh Bunny Hop What If instead of with glass I just made this window out of

Fences yeah that that does give off the witch hut vibe what else can we do this place to make it more complex Maiden lightning welcome that is a cool name that is a very cool name and look you have a twin on the server lightning Aussie spicy mac and cheese that does

Sound kind of good I’m not too big on spice but if it’s just like a hint of spice and it’s mac and cheese I mean you can’t go wrong with it but yes welcome to the stream lightning I hope you are doing fantastic Today um let’s go ahead and and can I make Soul torches how do you make Soul torches why am I forgetting how to make Soul torches ah you do need charcoal still okay truffle lobster mac and cheese hear me out ooh true oh you’re a JoJo reference

Okay I haven’t watched JoJo yet so I I kind of missed that it does make sense now though cuz I I have heard some of the character names so I do recognize I do recognize that oh wait I just remembered when we went to mine all this we got some coal

So we should have some coal up here actually uh yes yes we do and go ahead and do that and let’s go ahead and tear all this Down all Righty and for the sake of Ambience let’s do some soul lanterns 2021 welcome I’m building a village or something so what I am building um is a haunted mini game and this building that we’re in right now is a um it’s a little bit of a witch

Hut it’s my own personal spin on a witch hut and then right here in this blank area we are going to have a like Mini Carnival area son a bit like Rec RP I don’t think I’ve ever heard that one interesting I could see the similarities though cuz

I have I have seen Rec RP before see you Dino have a great rest of your day my friend so my favorite Netflix show or movie well that’s the thing I don’t really watch too much of Netflix so I’m always lost on like what counts it has a

Netflix show cuz I mean I could just say one piece now and technically that would count right nope I am the whitest white person uh 2021 just just know that I’m very pale all right so I have to see if I can get some gold and get some powered

Rails and I think I know just a place to get them yeah what Maiden lightning said uh life steal is kind of a interesting concept interesting spin-off on your regular SMP kind of a last man standing kind of thing where you get killed by someone and they then they get your

Life like they take a heart from you um so liting the Lotus SMP plugin are like the concept of lotus SMP is pretty similar to that of hermitcraft so a lot of the stuff that we do on here is going to be the same as hermitcraft um okay gold block 16 for one

Diamond that should be enough oink I thought that was going to be a lot more expensive but I guess it wasn’t like Infuse um I mean I’m not entirely sure cuz I don’t have like admin privileges or anything on on the server I PvP guy or Builder redster I’m

More of a builder red ster we do have some PVP people on the server though no I hope the thunderstorm doesn’t take your Wi-Fi out that’ be sad oh I just realized I need Redstone also well so much for me being prepared let’s go just kidding I have

Redstone sticks and let’s go ahead and do some power derails and we will also do some regular Rails uh no we all kind of are just like freefor all really it’s not a PVP server of any any sort it’s just very similar to to hermitcraft so it’s just Shenanigans here and there and just collaborating and enjoying each other’s company building a community of just friends that

Collaborate that is the main goal of lotus um okay so both of these let’s change to deep slate tiles and then we’ll get the stone to be or not to be that is the question you are not making poetry when it’s thundering right now oh that’s so

Goofy okay I kind of want this roller coaster cuz we we’re are going to make a little mini roller coaster here um okay let’s go ahead and bring that one up one more and then do something like that GK plays welcome welcome welcome welcome hope you’re doing fantastic today oh I just

Realized I’m still using my fortune pickaxe yikes flyx oh my gosh so many new people again you guys are crazy you guys are absolutely insane I don’t know what I am doing right nowadays to have so many new people join but it’s so awesome to see thank you all so much for tuning

Into the stream oh my gosh I seriously can’t thank you guys enough I am doing great I hope you guys are doing the same doing good doing good that is awesome that is awesome should make a grave for the Spidey that died in the hardcore World honestly that should be a fun little

Easter egg we put in the in the graveyard I might actually do that now that you’ve brought that up Dan that is Goofy and I love it all right and the warden should be able to run through these perfectly Fine so then on the way down I kind of want to like curve dip down and then come back up maybe come back in again and then back out how long have I been doing this literally ring Minecraft community and think it’s observed to had eight

Viewers I mean I think it is pretty insane especially like coming from the size of Channel that I am like it’s pretty insane when I have this much support going around um but yeah we have been on this server in particular um for since it was what I think late June early

July um but yes today the stream has been going on for 3 hours and 35 minutes and we are ending at the 4H hour mark so we still have about a half an hour of hanging out before I have to head out but let’s make the most of it let’s make

The most of it thank you thank you thank you all once again for deciding to hop into the stream I seriously cannot thank you guys enough and I goofed up oh get down here okay crisis averted H how do I want to do this let’s go ahead and do something like this

Maybe this should work right yeah okay I’m on a roll it is insane how many Subs we’ve gotten today well just in the past like three streams each one I’ve gotten like 10 15 subscribers in like seriously I’ve done like what three streams maybe four in the past month and

At close to the end of last month like right before the end of September we were at 630 subs and then somehow we skyrocketed all the way up to where we are now at 684 that is wild I’m good at building thank you thank you I have been playing this game

For 10 years now almost 11 so been quite the wild ride and I have learned a lot and I’m still learning so much like I sometimes feel feel like I’m still at the beginning of um The Learning phases of this Game is it like one of those cringy application things to join or something um yes lightning yes it is um right now we’re not looking for any new people though um so there will be a time when those applications open up though and you can if you are interested you can stay tuned

To that kind of stuff if you guys join the discords that are down in the description below then you guys can stay up to date on those kind of things and besides we’d love to have you guys hanging out with the rest of the community that we have

Here so even if you guys don’t want to join and just looking for more friends to hang out with and talk to well it is a great place for that also I am the cussing portal now oh that’s funny and we’ll bring it around here and then let’s do something like This and then Something like that I think will work and Then right over this I want to have the powered rail right here no I lost two it’s okay it’s okay we’ll we’ll come back we’ll bring it back so I’ll let you off this time oh that’s funny okay oh my gosh lightning you’re pushing it you’re pushing it make four mine

Carts and I want to do some like emotional Dam it my gosh Luma Luma Luma what are we going to do with Luma not cool so uncalled for okay yeah that positioning looks good I know they’re kind of like crashing into each other a little bit

There but I think that might be the best we’re going to get them the bit’s only good as long as you hate me for it true the this is true okay there now that now they’re not platting as much yeah I want to do some armor stand art on

There let’s keep bringing this down and then H do we put a support all the way down into the fog I don’t think so we might be able to do something like this all actually does that still work wait a second yeah that works yeah that works well

And then we will just have to start the next one right here and then like that and like that and I kind of don’t like this so let’s just go ahead and bring it around like that bro going to die of entity cramming yikes love the design thank you thank

You I’m really excited to get the armor stands in there have skeletons with their hands up just riding in the roller coaster send lightning to the nether no no no no no no no no no it’s okay it’s okay and and honestly we can do two things of

Carts add some going up and then some going through oh yeah this place is really coming together now look at this place it’s awesome I’m so happy Kenny welcome HT finger pretty bad at school I don’t know if it’s broken oh no well I hope you can get some rest so

That your body can heal from that and then you can be back to 100% here soon I wish you the best Kenny h Okay one of these will probably become a Target cuz that’s another thing that I need to remember to add is spots where there’s targets bye Luma cuz yeah the whole purpose in this game is having targets that we’ll have to like hit here and there loop-de-loop yeah I could try to do a

Loop do-loop it wouldn’t look right though do we have mob farms and Enderman Farms I don’t personally but we have some like Community use ones we have all sorts of farms on the server that are like Community use some people have their own private ones

Um and we also like to keep it pretty limited to how many people have those one for the sake of lag but also for the sake of um allowing others to have a chance at um shops and things like that you’re going to vote for the armadillo I am voting for The

Crab each one is great in their own like Realm the crab is great for functionality the armadillo is great because it gives something for the Savannah which definitely needs a buff um and then the penguin is just aesthetically pleasing all around cuz it’s a penguin and everyone loves a penguin

Oh 11 people yeah this is insane thank you all so much for liking and subscribing and just even viewing the the channel like even if you guys haven’t found a a place here and haven’t decided to like And subscribe I still appreciate you being here regardless 684 let’s go that is so crazy

One two and three two three and four what is the penguin the penguin is one of the new mobs in the mob vote which makes boats pretty much have its own sort of like dolphins Grace effect so not that overpowered happy early Halloween happy early Halloween Kenny

I know the penguin I don’t know what is penguin ah I see now I see I get it I get it okay what was I thinking of adding got the roller coaster oh yeah it was going to go through a dungeon what kind of dungeon can we make h the Dungey kind of

Dungeon imagine if the dungeon is just black can’t watch uh more of the stream but I’ll watch more of your content thank you GK I will see you later if you’re headed out have a great rest of your day thank you so much for watching the content it

Means so much what editing software do I use I am currently using Da Vinci resolve I used to use uh hit film but I am now using Da Vinci resolve um I think hit film for me was easier but it didn’t do as much as I wanted it

To after I learned how to use Da Vinci though now there’s so much more possibility and so it is a learning process to like relearn editing in another software but it is so worth it cuz the the outcome of it is just so good yeah Da Vinci resolve is

Free so you can try it just by downloading it yeah so we’ll make the line to the roller coaster a dungeon like thing I think welcome back GK that was quick welcome back should I should I make this into a dungeon like the the line to get there or should I

Save room for other stuff H got to go eat all right 2023 thank you so much for hanging out oh I see what you did there I mean we only have 5 more minutes in the Stream after all so it is that about that time anyways yeah I know I Know I wish I had more time in the day to hang out with you guys but I have other plans other things that I’m a part of other commitments I’ve already made okay so for the Little shooty game I want to go ahead and make um some more mine carts first of all just a couple and let’s go ahead make some of these what am I going to do in 5 minutes uh in five minutes after I end the

Stream uh it will be time for me to get ready have dinner and uh go to a group a study group so yeah let’s go ahead and do something like this I think to make up for the dungeon I want to go ahead and make this carnival game look like a

Dungeon Bill n your mom’s a guy whoa wait a minute um let’s go ahead and also add passage here also real quick let’s get a look at this yeah that fog works perfectly the lighting in this place is actually looking very very good all right final stretch h ah the server is on

Java imagine the mini game only starts at night when it day a piston just activates with the lecturn H well it’s going to be enclosed because we have to keep a warden in here we can’t let him just roam free so unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to do

That but good thought though uh it is unfortunately not an open smpp uh I will be updating the description but I will say it one more time uh before we close out the stream that um this is a Creator only SMP applications are currently closed um but if you guys join the

Discords down below you can stay up to date on all things Lotus including when the applications eventually open back up and even if uh even if you don’t make it into Lotus anytime soon it is still a fun place to interact with all the other members of

Lotus as well as other people in the community really to join Lotus you really just have to be consistent in the community uh also be making primarily Minecraft content and then after that then you can just put your name in the applications when they open up and hope for the

Best that is really all there is to it and that is all there really is to this stream so thank you all so much for watching this has been a great great stream once again you guys have been killing it with the support seriously cannot thank you guys enough I wish

Well we’ll go for a couple minutes longer just so I can fill up this hole luckily it didn’t destroy our actual build here and I kind of want to bring this out one one more block I have a channel I don’t know how to make content you really just got to

Uh if you have a PC then you can use OBS as a recording software and then really it’s just comes down to cutting it down using any free software or paid software if you want to go that route and just create content that you enjoy and you think

Other people enjoy as enjoy as well that’s really all there is to it look to other content creators for inspiration and different things like that there’s plenty of tutorials out there on like how to start how to do simple edits so many tutorials out there for all that kind of

Information get out of here all of you scorm welcome welcome welcome welcome I wish you had joined sooner because I’m about to finish stream after I finish this build but thank you for stopping by and saying hello thank you thank you thank you I do very very much appreciate it boom boom

We can go like this and this W YouTuber in W stream thank you so much thank you so much so kind of you yeah I still think that’s dark enough I think that’s still dark enough actually you know what come on uh let’s go ahead and make some

Moss what else was I going to add over there we’ll mess with the outside next stream um what else what else I’m not sure I don’t remember H I’m not sure we’ll we’ll elaborate on this idea later but I think this is a very good start to the Carnival

Area haha I’m better than you skeleton nice try but yeah this is the place now looks way cooler than it did before I’m so excited to do even more on this place in the future streams I’m not sure if I’ll be able to stream again this week um but if it happens it

Happens and I hope you guys have clicked the Bell so that you know when that happens but just know we’ll have one next week for sure but until then thank you all so very much for all the support today you guys have been crazy as you guys have been for like the

Past month or so and I cannot thank you guys enough but until next time this has been Spidey and I always wish you a great day a great afternoon a great evening and a great night bye you guys are the best Bye

This video, titled ‘Help Me Build a SPOOKY MINIGAME! | Lotus SMP Season 2 LIVE (Minecraft 1.20 Survival Server)’, was uploaded by SP1D3Y on 2023-10-10 22:29:21. It has garnered 548 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:48 or 14868 seconds.

Welcome Everyone, to the LOTUS SMP: SEASON TWO! . . Today, we are headed over to the NEW Games District to continue our work on the SPOOKY MINIGAME! Let’s come up with some Spooktacular ideas for this place to really make it come to life! I Hope you are as excited as I am for this episode! Make sure to hit the LIKE button, and if you really enjoy this, hit the SUBSCRIBE button, and while you’re down there, hit the BELL! Thank you so much! 😀 . . This server is similar to Hermitcraft, an SMP with all sorts of Minecraft Content Creators, all with the goal of creating, inspiring, and entertaining. We will be making bases, shops, games, and much more on the server! . . Join our Community Discord https://discord.gg/XJXPyVzjrz . . Check out our members

Actual Pug = https://www.youtube.com/@actualpug

AusCrafterSim = https://www.youtube.com/@AusCrafterSim

Bison = https://www.youtube.com/@BISONISM

Buzzycombs = https://www.youtube.com/@buzzycombs

Captain Pineapple = https://www.youtube.com/@CaptainPineapple

Chespi Cash = https://youtube.com/c/ChespiCash

CmanTheBoss5875 = https://youtube.com/c/CmanTheBoss5875

Danesto = https://www.youtube.com/c/DanestoGaming

FeaturesGaming = https://youtube.com/c/FeaturesGaming

HaySquid = https://www.youtube.com/@HaySquid

HTPZ = https://www.youtube.com/c/HTPZgames

Jax = https://youtube.com/@jaxithan

Legendb = https://www.youtube.com/@legendb_

Lenolicious = https://www.youtube.com/@lenolicious

LightingAussie = https://www.youtube.com/@LightningAussie

Mayyple = https://youtube.com/c/MayypleLG

Melodious = https://www.youtube.com/@Melodiousyt

Peanutfever = https://www.youtube.com/@peanutfever9341

RadLizard = https://www.youtube.com/@Rad_Lizard

ReptileQueen = https://www.youtube.com/@reptilequeenhaha

RizzyAndMizzy = https://youtube.com/c/RizzyAndMizzy

Roxiere = https://www.youtube.com/roxiere

RoyalBlu = https://www.youtube.com/@RoyalBlu_

Shadan23 = https://www.youtube.com/@shadan23_

SkipperStudios = https://www.youtube.com/@skipper-studios

StellarLuma = https://m.youtube.com/@stellarluma

WoodChuck Gaming = https://www.youtube.com/@woodchuckgaming340

YogiMan = https://www.youtube.com/@yoggers . . Join the Discord Community! https://discord.gg/9gV689V98e . . MUSIC: https://youtu.be/GFhv4ufcsUc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCFz3Xwx70Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAS-GKmQ_5o . . Follow Me on Twitter! https://twitter.com/b_sherman01 . . If you would like to support my content an extra mile, consider donating here! Thank you! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/iisp1d3yii paypal.me/BSherman01

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    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More