Survival Mode is a Nightmare! 😱 Building Struggles in Minecraft

Video Information

N St N A He hey guys it’s Kit welcome back to my channel hope you guys are well of course hopefully everything is working really really well I hope it is um and yeah we’re going to have a good time on the stream it’s a later stream I normally uh

I don’t normally stream this late um by that I mean at uh 6 6 o’cl p.m. I us usually stream around 3: but today I wanted to do a later stream since it is Friday and I I’d assume that more people are up on a Friday so yeah we’re going to have a

Good time um basically in this stream we will be playing Minecraft yippe obviously you check the the title of the stream so so yeah uh we’re GNA hop right into the game it seems that it’s all right for now everything’s running smooth yeah we’re all good we’re going checking everything

Hi Starlight hopefully I’m seeing the messages okay um and Mixie the chef hi what’s up what’s up how you doing so uh I guess we should probably uh get started then okay so let’s get right into the uh game I think it should be up and running by this point all

Right there we go okay my camera is good now so here here we are in Minecraft We’re on me and my friend’s realm I have a realm on uh Minecraft that uh I’ve been working on with some of my friends and that’s the world we’re going to be playing on hi

Everybody by the way everyone who said hi hello so let’s uh not much to see I mean like this was actually the same world I played on when I first streamed Minecraft on my channel like the first ever stream I did recently that’s uni over there uni is uh my friend hi uni

He’s has like a doge skin on it’s pretty epic so um this is our little world basically in this realm rule is you can’t like hold got toest something you can’t live anywhere else but on the island like if you want to move off the island and make your base there you

Can’t do that everything has to be on one Island so there’s there’s a village in the island which is good am I lagging like crazy oh my goodness I’m lagging so much right now oh my my goodness is it is it just me is oh my goodness why am I lagging is

Is it laggy uhoh that’s not good why did it lag so bad oh my gosh are you guys lagging like is the stream lagging oh of course my dog has to make an appearance hey kit this so this is totally unrelated but uh no it’s not laggy okay

Good it’s just for me then uh but I checked your previous Fizz and I couldn’t find your face reveal sorry from being a bit pushy um trust me the face reveals for like literally like like 7 Seconds not even it’s uh it’s really nothing really all that

Special you know trust me um if you want to find it it’s in my I go be honest with you like I’ll tell you it’s in the I’m better now animation oh God I I spent so long in the animation and I still hate it all right did youi want to

Sleep I’m going to sleep uni can you sleep I don’t want to deal with all the mobs Nar you’re good okay that’s good I’m glad yeah it’s in my it’s in the I’m better now meme yeah I’m I’m for me I’m super super glitchy who’s just texted me who dares okay

Anyway so I’m asleep hopefully the stream’s good n you’re good and no Sal lagy okay so that’s good and Darth Vader says Hi kles how are you I’m good thank you uh thank you for asking I hope you’re well uh and yeah it’s just going to be a

Cozy stream I guess you know we’re going to be uh playing this game okay I don’t know where uni is right now girl is he is he in bed no he’s not okay you know what it’s okay I’ll be I’ll be I’ll live on the edge I will um show you

Guys what I got so far on my base um with with the mobs out that’s okay I placed a bunch of torches so as you know last time that there’s uni he’s down there what is he doing down there well anyway uh uni do you have a bed do you think you could

Sleep guys I kind of want to like I have a bed downstairs here uni you take the yellow bed I have this okay basically so this was the walkway I was making on my last stream on Minecraft I finished it and made it look a little more

Cohesive and then this is the start of my base now um I’ll get more into it in a second yeah I saw some of your animations they are great well thank you I appreciate that thank you very much but um yeah I I uh I need to up my

Animation skill honestly all right so anyway back to my tour so yeah this is the walkway I made from Spawn goes all the way down here and then this will be my house now I keep like thinking about what my house is going to look like and

I still have no idea cuz like I saw like originally I was going to base it off this one image I saw on like Pinterest but then I wasn’t really feeling it anymore cuz everyone else’s houses were like so different they’re they’re more like basically basically like cozy small

Houses in mind would be a massive castle that was the the idea I had to have like a massive Castle over the water but I changed my mind so I need to figure out what the heck I’m going to do I don’t know what to do um I was working on it

Today which is good but like you know like I don’t know I don’t know what I’m going to do with it yet we also have some like cherry blossom trees which is nice uh I think we’re going to I think I’m going to chop these down for wood I think that’s why

They were planted there I haven’t been on the server like I only I started playing on it a couple days ago not even that like a day or two ago so you know uh I haven’t been on here in a while but I think the reason why we had this big

Forest was for the um the wood to harvest the wood cuz like you can still like go off the island and explore and grab things and like get materials and different items but you can’t build anything like sure you can place a crafting table but like you have to live

On this island and everyone’s houses are really really nice of course this is my my friend Katie’s house I think I showed it last stream I don’t know if she’s added anything to it it’s been a while uh but it’s cute right it’s so cute especially with shaders she has a knack

For that kind of thing I guess yeah it’s nice so yeah she just got all her animals and stuff it’s a cute house but that’s like it’s like the thing is like I don’t want to make a big castle CU everyone else’s house is like really

Like you know more smaller and cozy and it’s like I got to I got to fit The Vibes of the island you know what I mean it’s like it’s like an animal crossing like you got to get an Island theme you know what I’m saying like or else you or else you’re a

Failure no I’m kidding ow I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding but um yeah I I play I used to play so much Animal Crossing New Horizons you have no idea that’s a pretty hold I got to check chat I’m not reading it enough that’s a pretty house yeah I think you’re talking

About Katie that she has a pretty house Oh I thought it was your actual face it’s just animated you no it’s not it’s me it’s in the I’m better in that video I’m literally in the video like me facing everything thing like I’m in that video trust

Me I I think I appear in like the very middle of it I don’t know I haven’t I haven’t like like looked at that video in a long time like I have this problem where I’m like really embarrassed by my old videos so I don’t watch them and

Then I forget what they all look like so that’s kind of what happened with me ah oh youi you you scared me you’re just trying to harvest stuff here let me get something I want to eat stuff too I want to harvest stuff oh here we go this is some deliciosa

Wheat I can make bread out of also who broke this water source what the heck maybe I’m mistaken there we go thank you uni um really yeah just for a second it’s not that long I’m just like you know I’m I just wanted to do a cameo cuz

That was the video I made to uh come back to Instagram after being off Instagram for what 3 years was it yeah it was 3 years cuz I joined again in 2022 wait was it 2022 I don’t remember now no it was 2022 cuz that’s when I

Okay yeah that’s right but yeah that was for my coming back to Instagram video your all videos are amazing oh thank you so much yeah I mean I don’t know I just kind of I threw things together that people liked and all that it was it was good times that was good

Times let me put this here we go so um yeah for me I’m lagging like crazy what the heck in the in the YouTube Replay but that’s okay so anyway I’m GNA see what I can do here so I wanted to do some mining definitely in this stream uh

I also wanted to work on my base cuz I’m so stumped do you guys have any ideas for this base like the only thing I can think of now to like do what I have with what I have so far like I don’t even know what I was going for I just wanted

Like a big like staircase around the entire like inside of the around the outside of the the base you think I should make like a like a like a glass Dome or something like that that would take a lot of glass and a lot of

Measurement so I am not sure which if I if I would do that it sounds like a lot of really hard work I turn down the oh my goodness here we go OMG you’re so pretty like OMG oh thanks yeah thank you so much I appreciate it yeah um I’m really not

That pretty but thank you uh that’s that’s the real me but I’m KD on the internet so you can call me kid not real me I’m just kidding around but I actually don’t know what that meant anyway shut up shut up Kittles you’re not making any sense I

Have not streamed in a very long time so if I’m like a little rusty to streaming I’m sorry I took a break over holidays I didn’t want to stream after Christmas I was like bro I’m just going to I’m just going to stay in at home and like play

Video games all day and do commissions I was that’s all I did I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll break that’s that’s literally it so yeah let me check chat real quick okay we’re good we’re all caught up so uh yeah I think I’m going to get started maybe chopping these sakura trees because we

Do need the wood and we also need pause this we also need to get these plants out of here these trees they’re crazy also why did this is such a goofy part of the song let me move a little bit ahead there you go is that a little less goofy I hope

So I’m got to keep leaving I’m sorry okay here we go I’m going to reinstall animal anal jam oh my God yeah you know what I was just talking about Animal Jam today that is so funny did you you want to hear what happened like any of the AJ

People do if you guys know what animal jam is and you played like back in the day you want to hear the craziest thing I found out today about Animal Jam classic like the the one that that all of us genz grew up on AJ classic

Somebody who owned like half of the rare items in the game like some of the rarest items in the game that are like you can never buy them again ever and they’re super sought after he deleted like like his entire inventory of rare stuff and now that that inflated the

Price to like twice as much of every single rare item cuz he deleted half the stock that you can never get back because they they removed they just removed the option to win some of the rare items in these mini games so now there’s only so many left and the guy

Deleted them all cuz he was a troll like I guess he I guess he stopped playing Animal Jam he’s like well I guess I can mess with the people who play the game still by deleting half of the economy it’s crazy like that actually like hurts my 13-year-old heart when I played Animal

Jam like I feel like pre-teen K is just destroyed inside like I’ll never I’ll never be the same knowing that they deleted like over like what I think they deleted like 400 headdresses if you know what I’m talking about that is they’ve deleted like 400 headdresses like a

Million spikes they deleted like their magenta hat I think they had a magenta hat like the rare one the really really really really really rare one that’s like a glitched one he deleted everything and now the economy is in shambles apparently I’m that just makes me want

To hold on to my items even more like I have and I’m just very about Animal Jam but um you know we had like I had like so much stuff you know I had uh headdresses like I remember this one time um do you guys know who typical

Rocky is when I was like 13 I did a uh almost said World high diamond commission cuz I’m so used to saying that no I did a um headdress commission for IAL Rocky and like I drew her and all her and some of her fans and like a

Party and stuff and she paid me a headdress and that was like the best day of my life when I was 13 that was a big deal like I remember um also this other time see now I’m just bragging about being a cool Animal Jammer artist person

I remember um I made a massive fan art of like every like popular famous Jammer when I was 13 and I posted it and like a couple months later aari reposted it on his instag stagram and I was like I was like on a vacation at the time I

Was like in a in a hotel room and I was screaming like I was in the back of the car and before I got to the hotel like screaming my head off I was like there’s no way a party just like posted my art I was losing it little 13-year-old Kitt’s mind was

Blown I first started playing Animal Jam in like 2017 I started playing um 2014 but I didn’t like take it seriously till 2016 like I I I would play like here and there back like on free membership accounts and then forget the account name and then I’d lose it but I I loved

Playing when I was like between the ages of like 13 to 14 that was those are really good years for me it was it was a good time Animal Jam was so fun especially in 2016 like summer 2016 like I know I’m rambling so much I know I’m rambling so much about

Minecraft right now or uh animal gam right now but I just can’t help it like I got to talk about it sometimes you know like that’s my toxic trait talking about Animal Jam classic any but I was so fun I miss it so much cuz like now they have um now

They do what is it called play Wild the the like the mobile app they changed the name to just Animal Jam because they want to like associate with the app more so like they’re not they’re they’re like pulling away from Animal Jam classic like on the on the

Computer which is sad but you know what it’s an old game like the game came out in what like 2010 or something crazy the original game that is but it was such a good time and I remember like I actually sent some fan art to beer once I actually want to hear a

Really cute story it’s not a cute story but basically I was obsessed with beer I would go to all her streams I would like during summertime I would go to all her streams and I made her a gift art like remember masterpieces in Animal Jam where you could draw art and then post

It in Animal Jam and it would like become a physical item you could like sell and trade and stuff and like put in your house put in your Den well I made her a masterpiece it took me I think 6 hours to make it and I

I gifted it to her on her stream and she was like wow that’s really cool thank you kles and then she um added me and I think she gave me a spike or something and I was like I was like crying I was crying so hard I was we got to sleep I

Just realized it’s getting dark out here I’m trying not to be cow out here on the on the DL really but yeah um I remember that I was so happy that she saw it and everything and I was hoping she would like hang in in her Den or something

With like some of the other fan art she used to hang up but she never did and I got so sad and then from that day forward I thought to myself you know what if I want beer and other um animal Jammers to like notice me like like

Famous Jammers to notice me I’m going to have to become like the best artist ever and then give them fan art and then get them to notice me and that’s why I got a drawing tablet and that’s why I started drawing no that was like excuse me that was like the main

Reason why I started drawing was cuz I wanted to to impress beer and to this day that’s the reason why I drew so much and that’s why I got a drawing tablet and that’s why I drew every day since ever since 2016 because of jealousy that I was I

Was jealous that beer wouldn’t hang up my art in her Den you know I wanted to be I wanted to be a special little fan of hers you know but you know it was it good times man K I’m going to try to try and make

Some digital art of you later oh really that would be so sweet thank you so much I would love that up to you though of course okay there’s so many trees oh I’m going to be all I’m going to be here all day chopping trees do I have any

Scaffolding or something I could really really use some scaffolding right now do I even have any bamboo hey uni can I like steal some of your bamboo I need to make some scaffolding do we have any like string yeah I’m I might steal some of

Uni’s uh uh stuff he has a lot of he has a lot of bamboo on his base right there you see it all that bamboo ow oh man what animal should I start with um Oh you mean like animal as in like animal jam oh and uni says it’s cool

Okay that’s good that’s good I’m going to go to Uni’s house and steal his bamboo I really need to upgrade my tools they’re kind of like they’re Diamond which is great and everything but I feel like I could enchant them look at his bamboo forest it’s so pretty with

Shaders look at that all right I’m going to go in the back so no one notices that I took your bamboo Mr Mrs steal your bamboo okay that was a terrible joke I’m never saying that again um anyway you know uh I’m just going to get

I’m just going to get my bamboo oh it’s a spidey Hice Spidey he’s friendly Spidey he’s a friendly Spidey right not too bad I’m going to kill you any oh I didn’t even get died I didn’t even get killed not that I got died oh thank you so much uni he gave me

Some scaffolding so that’s good I appreciate it and did I get any string from that spider that would have been really really useful cuz I could have made more scaffolding but that’s okay I got Panda mon Panda bunny monkey were wolf I almost said werewolf what’s wrong with me wolf tiger or

Fox um oh you’re playing Animal Jam oh I always started as the bunny I don’t know why what did they start as like on my most recent account I think it was the bunny too I don’t remember but you know back in the day Animal Jam was good

Times I start with bunny though I always started with bunny all right um I think what was I doing again oh yeah I was going to make scaffolding but I don’t know where any of string is oh string come on out wherever you are that’s that’s cobweb is cobweb do cobwebs drop

Uh string well I don’t know who Str whose cobweb this is but I’m going to use it for string yeah we got some string boys we’re in the money all right let’s get scaffolding how many string do you need for this thing all is that good is that yeah we got enough that’s

Good that’s fine but yeah I hope to like figure out what the heck I’m going to do this base cuz I’m thinking like I said that Dome idea but I’m not sure if I’ll do that just cuz I want it to be a little more homey like not too out there

Like I always end up making super out there like houses in Minecraft it make no sense it’s like bro it’s like girl what all right what was I doing again actually oh my God I keep getting so sidetracked this is crazy let’s go over here I got to get all this

Crap cuz it is so hard to get everything yeah I guess we placed maybe a little bit too many uh Sakura trees I mean it’s good for wood but dang it’s just so much wood and the tree it’s just so much tree there we go sup kids hey D Dre sketches I know

We’re friends on Royal High what’s up welcome welcome I hope you’re having like a really really really great day uh I’m just playing Minecraft right now with the homies um I have my friend Universe with me playing some Java is that okay that wasn’t okay we’re

Good let’s see I’m going to have to eat it’s like I keep forgetting I have hunger I’m running all over the place lowering my Hunger all the time also this isn’t doing anything let me eat some bread watermelon is like low class like you don’t get much hunger back from

Eating a bunch of uh watermelon so I guess um bread and steak is the way to go in my opinion guys are you team pork chop or team uh steak in Minecraft do you eat pork chop for food actually no this is like going to be a splatfest like do you

Eat raw oh not raw mutton do you eat cooked mutton do you eat okay uh uni you that really threw me off guard what the hell I didn’t know you were fishing up there and uni you’re fishing aren’t you I can’t see him oh there he is fishy business

Anyway the the three teams do you eat mutton steak or pork chops in Minecraft for uh meat cuz I am a steak girl all through and through I don’t steak gives you the best HP like it gives you like better better um what’s the word I’m looking

For it’s like just like better stats in general it’s Minecraft is so complicated when it comes to like certain foods like you have stamina and it’s like what oh I swear I’m so mean I can’t swear guys that’s very mad that’s very rude of me I have to be very

Appropriate hi kid hi NE Coan welcome we’re just having some some fun on Minecraft right now nothing too crazy okay I’m going go up here now I have been here for like a million minutes trying to cut down all these sakura trees that are just they will not chop

Themselves down actually you know what we should do before I chop any more trees down I am going to get some shears so I can get the cherry blossom um leaves or flowers or uh whatever this is all my stuff by the way all right I’m going to get two

Shears that should do it um yeah and I will share some of this delicious beautiful lovely Sakura Blossom AA little scoundrel I see you there wood you can’t escape from me keeping all the Thor alive can’t can’t be doing that I’m trying to chop with all this stuff down just got to get all of it I don’t even care screw it we are going full

Full force right now with the leaves until this thing breaks I won’t ever stop the grind doesn’t stop I’m so cringe guys ignore me I’m very cringe all right anyway I’m going to keep chopping I think that’s good enough for now let chop a chop chop chop as uh PewDiePie

Says when you played Minecraft remember when PewDiePie played Minecraft like uh not like like it was only a couple years ago like four years ago he he uh played Minecraft and he did like a whole series and it’s so funny like he doesn’t just play it he

Doesn’t like just beat it or whatever he also like had like all these like Side characters like different animals and mobs he would like give names to and talk to and like set up these stories and stuff he was kind of funny like it was pretty random but you know I did

Like it it was quite nice it was a good time that’s what that’s what got me back into Minecraft um PewDiePie’s uh Minecraft series it’s so good you should go watch it like all the all the like gen Alphas need to go watch uh PewDiePie cuz that’s what I listen to

When I grew up when I I found out about PewDiePie when I was like 10 or 11 and I I wasn’t allowed to have YouTube when I was 10 so for a couple years I couldn’t watch him maybe it was just a year and then I F figured out my

Mom my my password to my iPad so I could download YouTube on my on my iPad without my mother knowing I she I saw her password like on the on the when she was typing it in I was like I download YouTube and corrupt myself for the rest of my

Life oh that’s the that’s just the that’s just how it goes with YouTube especially back in like what 2014 2015 like girl uhoh hi uni oh my God a name tag thank you you okay I keep saying the slash thank you uni that is so sweet of

You thank you so much I love name tags they are so useful name tags are most useful ever all right anyway um I’m going to grab all this stuff cuz I I want to be done with this already like they just don’t stop growing they just these Sakura blossoms they just don’t

Stop the never ending Sakura ah the never- ending tree that’s like super deep anyway no I I I I don’t hold on hold on I didn’t read that right and L my mind um oop nope I think I never watched him oh my goodness guys you gota check out

PewDiePie why am I acting like PewDiePie sponsored this stream it’s like okay thank you PewDiePie for sponsoring this stream like no um I’m want to see what chat saying again cuz I can’t see it behind my head I have to like go into like the actual chat

Ow okay um that texture pack is crazy kid I don’t know if it’s a texture pack Oh you mean like the shading and stuff yeah I’m not using well I mean I am using texture packs hold on what am I using I’m using animations and a new hot

Bar and 3D crops that’s all but right now I just have shaders on if that’s what you meant I think you did all right uni we should probably hit the sack I almost had kicked the bucket oh my gosh what’s wrong with me anyway let’s go sleep

Uni in my very weird looking house that’s not done yet we sleep name a chicken dinner oh my God I I should name a chicken dinner I’m no man I had fish for dinner today it was pretty good texture pack is crazy yeah I read

That but um I might save the like name tag for my cat I have a kitty in this game um I don’t think I ever named her I don’t remember or him or them or it I’m sorry anyway hi uni uh let’s see here I’m

Going to see what my cat is looking like I haven’t seen her in a while see they oh there’s two kitties do I have two kitties and I didn’t even know hi sweeties oh my God I forgot I had two cats come here guys come here come on Kitty come

Kitty oh I love you guys what should I call them I I think did pick a name I think like I wanted like matching names for them like on my on my last stream where I was like I think people said like salt and pepper and I think someone

Said Cosmo and Wanda I don’t remember what I picked though so I can’t name them right now but they’re cute kitties aren’t they want to come hang out with me in my house sometime kitties they’re cute yeah they’re so cute guys look at my kitty cats they’re prancing along like little little kitty

Cats oh so cute they’re cute yeah and I was in your Royal high stream yeah I remember that was a good stream I had a lot of fun I like streaming Royal High but I need a little break from it because I’ve been streaming it so much this is my first

Like non Royal high stream in like a month it’s crazy all right kitties you got to come over here and sit back under the uh umbrella until my house is done I’d say come on kitties okay good kitty okay sit them down okay I can’t move get under the Z

Umbrella you must be safe if anything were to happen to these kitties I would just like blow up the entire game I would like just commit arson or TNT everywhere if anything were to happen to my kitties just saying yes it’s a cute name yeah but I

Picked like two matching names and now I don’t remember what they were okay now back to the uh the continuation of chopping down all these Sakura blossoms that are taking a long time to chop I wish I had like efficiency on this uh axe but I don’t have enough

Points yet also I kind of want to see what about Yi is doing I think he’s still in that tree yeah look at his name tag where is it right there I think he’s still in the tree um fishing that’s so funny look at him he’s just on his floating island of pink

Sacura blossoms I need to get a good look at this guy hold on uh good for you uni good for you man anyway uh I guess maybe we could do some Monster hunting what if I went into like a cave and like risk my life for some more

Exp you know I have a world like I have another Minecraft realm that I played on a lot with my friend Katie and we got pretty far we got like literally beat the game and like we’ve been playing on the world since 2020 we kind of stopped for a little bit oh my

[Laughter] god um uh uni uni uni he just fell from the tree into the boat that was like it was just like so in the corner of my eye I could barely see that that was so funny good for you bro but anyway we have like a whole map

And we’ve been working on it in survival and um what was I gonna say what was the comment again oh yeah we actually made an Enderman Farm I’m hungry again dang it we made an Enderman farm and we get like like no kidding like if if you just grind on the

Enderman farmer if you gr on an Enderman farm for like 30 seconds you get like six levels no joke it’s like it’s it’s op as heck I can’t even believe it’s in the game how you can do Enderman farms in the end it’s crazy totally awesome though I’m not complaining at

All well sounds like my name KD oh cool yeah except uh except her name is spelled with a uh K well it doesn’t really matter I don’t want to name drop anyone too hard you know what I mean yeah we uh made a whole world and it’s

Really nice um I’ve been recently like getting into Minecraft again so it’s been kind of fun like I also play it um on my switch and I know people say I know I know people say the switch variant of Minecraft is awful and it’s

Really hard to play on but I do like it cuz I get to like lay in bed and play on my switch it’s fun and um I got some new controllers for my switch like they’re like handheld controllers why am I not using this what

The heck uh I got I got some new like handheld controllers you can like attach to make it feel kind of like a steam deck like your uh switch to sound make it feel like a steam deck it feels really nice so I like playing on

That H for the longest time I wanted a steam deck you know if you don’t know what a Ste steam deck is it’s like a portable computer by steam the game company like the like game yeah game company like they like host video games for PC sometimes VR and

Uh steam deck is like a portable like handheld Nintendo switch but it has the computing power of like a PC like a high-end gaming PC all in your hands I really wanted to okay my throat sorry guys I got to drink something real quick my throat is dying this tastes

Terrible hi it’s he K it’s me Camila I’m so sorry I cannot play I don’t reply I don’t really play Minecraft it’s okay yeah it’s okay I mean Minecraft isn’t you know for everybody but what was I saying again oh my God I totally forgot what I was

Saying oh a steam deck right okay so um I wanted to get a steam deck cuz like it’s basically a portable computer like it’s like a portable gaming PC like this in the shape of a switch Nintendo switch uh I wanted to get one so so I could play Sims 4 at

Like the airport or like outside on the road cuz I love the Sims you guys know I love the Sims oh I forgot guys I totally forgot oh my God my God my God my God God I forgot my pickaxe oops I forgot my freaking pickaxe guys look at this can

You believe I forgot to put it down here cuz we’re gaming we got to get our pickaxe out so anyway i k I cannot play I don’t really play Minecraft sorry but enjoy yeah it’s okay don’t worries I saw your comment it’s okay definitely hopefully I can

Catch you in the next stream maybe like a royal high stream I I’m probably going to do one of those eventually this is a cute flower I’m taking it all right so oh it’s already fallen into bits that’s good so I’m going to Shear some more of this stuff cuz you

Can never have too much Sakura Blossom and then I think I’ll get maybe in into that I I said I was going to do some uh killing of mobs so maybe I’ll stay up late in in oh God I keep saying Royal High uh I’ll stay up late in

Minecraft if that’s okay uni and go get some monsters if you want to join me uni you can I’m probably just going to go to the side of the island without any light on it that’s probably what I’m going to do do some uh some monster monster farming you

Know I can’t see anything in here get out of the way leaves never too much Tera yeah I know that’s what I’m saying man that is exactly what I’m saying okay um did I get every piece of wood I don’t think I did there’s no

Way aha is that wood no cuz I want it to oh man I want it to dis disintegrate before my eyes basically if you don’t play uh Minecraft basically um if a leaf block is not touching a wooden block like a tree for example eventually it

Does despawn like it falls falls like it just disintegrates and then then you have to uh you know if if you don’t want it to happen you got to put like some wood on next to some of your leaves like for instance if you wanted

To have like a garden got and you wanted to have like a hedge made out of leaves you’d have to put uh wood underneath the the Hedge so it wouldn’t despawn so yeah that’s just like little uh Minecraft uh life hack I don’t know what I’m saying I don’t know I don’t

Know so uh let’s go in here and throw these in how many of these do I have I have over I have almost two stacks of cherry saplings or Sakura saplings or yeah sakura tree saplings I’m going to take that actually all right so I have all my

Stuff I think I’m ready for the dungon or whatever you would like to call it I’m just going to make some more food okay will that be enough food I don’t think that’ll be enough food let let me go to the top of the world over

Here and see if there’s any food I can NAB I joined a little late so what’s Kit building oh that’s just my base right there um it’s not done yet but I uh I keep changing my mind on what I’m going to do with my base so I’m I’m a little

Indecisive I don’t know yet and now I’m going to go kill some monsters cuz I’m really bad at PVP so I need to go do some killing Freet we kill all right let’s plant this again here we go get that there we go there we go sansy pansy awesome and know these are my cats um I don’t know their names I I named them something last stream on on Minecraft and then I forgot so love that

Um do I need anything else I don’t think I need anything else I think uh did I plant over yeah I planted everything so ooh a totem of undying I am not going to steal that it’s good to know that that is there I wonder who I think uni got that raar

XD no don’t say don’t say raar XD oh my God I’m listen I’m cringe too I’m cringe but I’m free I’m kidding you’re not cringe you’re fine you’re fine all right so we did board up all the um buildings like all the village buildings all the village houses cuz we

Didn’t want the mobs to attack our precious villagers I think they’re still in the houses oh this is like a blacksmith that’s pretty cool why is was just like a random taking that away uh yeah did anyone go in this chest already of course of course yes it’s blacksmith of

Course so let us do some killing woo I’m going to scream I’m gonna guys I’m going to try not to like break your ear loes your your eard drums okay but I’m really really really really really really really bad at PVP like and I scream

But I’m not I’m going to try not to okay asz I am not going to I’m just not going to do that to you guys okay so where’s the mobs at let me add them I’m putting this torch come here oh I did it yeah nice all right um that was cringe nice

There we go I like that better yeah so I heard a spider if I scream I’m going to scream wait what that doesn’t even make any sense why is that a zombie I heard a zombie I heard a zombie heard a zombie I can’t even read chat I’m so scared where’s the

Zombie I don’t know let me read chat mgic Vibes like little Halos and something like that if you like it then you should put a ring on it oh my God what’s going on what’s going on in chat I don’t even know yeah Queen has like little Halos or something

Like that and I don’t know what that what are you guys talking about I’m sorry I I never like I never get jokes I never get anything like you have to explain everything to me all right now where’s the monsters at I’m ready to kill I’m ready to kill

Kill who’s a Skelly bone should I go get the skele bone I don’t think I should cuz they’re dangerous oh you know what you know my my my middle name is dangerous I’m uh KD dangerous Hensen all right that’s my full name name so kid Hensen you know that’s my name and my

Middle name is danger so I’m going to risk my life here shoot at me I dig I double dog dare you amazing oh this is like a little oh I know this place yeah this is like where the nether portal is where the um I’m

Not going to stand on the edge I don’t trust anybody uh they also like have NE nether portal there’s a mine down there and I think two people live in that big hole down there is that is that not the baby no this is this is child

Abuse it’s not child abuse I’m sorry I’m sorry it’s a bad joke okay I got him though we’re good we survived all right so is anyone else is going to Dare Challenge me I’ll Dare Challenge the Kittles you’ll never be able to challenge me I am Almighty all

Right let’s see seems that someone made a home over here I don’t know which one of my friends did this I don’t know if they even play anymore oh it means I can check their stuff we’re going to check their stuff we’re going to be naughty oh

They don’t even have anything okay never mind I was going to I was going to be a little sneaky Snoop me put the microphone a little closer there we go I was going to be a little sneaky but what was that this grass block scared me so bad

Get out of here grass block that’s ridiculous anyway where’s the monsters at oh no I don’t deal with those that is a mob I don’t do I don’t do I don’t do I don’t do it I don’t do it but I do zombies there we

Go maybe I’m not as bad at P at PVP than I thought little yeah it’s a Wolfie what’s going on hi kid how’s your day been hey Lar it’s been all right hope you’re okay thanks for coming to the stream we’re just playing Minecraft right now I heard another zombie oh

Boy oh my God you will never oh that was like that was going to be such a cool hit too and I got it I didn’t get it right okay thank you zombie bye you dead to me see look at we protect you villagers don’t worry you’re safe in the

Hands of me kind of you’re not you’re not safe in the hands of me I don’t I’m not very uh I’m not very trustworthy I die a lot in Minecraft all right let’s see uh so I think I’m about done no I didn’t even get one level higher I need to kill like

A bunch of stuff and I try not to kill the animals on the island because we need to use them to like reproduce for more animals so it’s kind of like a rule on the on the realm on the server to like not kill the animals on the island for right

Now double time baby you little bugs smack your app apple pie not going to swear guys I’m not going to swear I’m a really good person all right here we go all righty there are so many of you where are you coming from owie ah that

Was a lag Spike did you guys did you guys see that he caught me he hit me from behind that was bad I didn’t even know where I was oh was a creeper I don’t screw with that I don’t mess with the creepers bro you don’t understand I don’t mess with the

Creepers we should definitely try playing uh uh herma death Minecraft little challenge yeah that’d be kind of cool I like hardcore mode I mean I think you mean right yeah you know I’ve never played hardcore mode in my life and I’ve been playing this game for what 12 years

Now cuz I started playing in oh here comes the zombie cuz I started playing in 2012 ow stop it you’re being mean you’re so mean to me I’m just a girl just a girl in the world but yeah I never played hardcore before but I’m I’m

I don’t like fighting things you know oh oh oh oh oh oh why can’t I why can’t I hit him F hit him there we go Spidey my Spidey senses are tingling there we go now he dead oh here’s another one no no you guys know I don’t mess

With the creepers bro you know I don’t you don’t I don’t do that I don’t mess with the freaking Creepers app pie what apple pie yeah oh yeah I said apple pie yo mean zombie they’re so mean to me what I ever do to them e that sounded very Canadian just now anyway

Um um so yeah that’s fun uh so oh there’s also a massive floating and I’m stuck up here now okay that’s great love that for me I jumped up here for no good reason I don’t have a water bucket what’s wrong with me I can’t jump down there

Can I make it can I make it can I make it wasn’t even worth it whatever I just don’t like taking damage because it’s hard to make it up again kit for real Kit’s being so iconic right now iconic e okay I see what you’re saying okay here we go oh my

God I uh I try not to swear I told this I told this uh story last stream um that whenever I was when I was still in high school um I tried not to swear much cuz like you get trouble swearing in high school obviously like it’s not

Not you wouldn’t get in trouble you just get like you know don’t swear like that in my classroom you get like a talking to so I I would try not to swear but I I’m a sailor okay I swear like a sailor so basically um instead of saying like

Holy holy sww or FW I would I would change it last second before I said the bad word I go like for inst for instance I’d say like a cringe Lord I’d go holy fiddling fish sticks that was my go-to uh KD’s catchphrase in 2018 2019 that was like my

Saying O this is cool I did not know there’s like a little like pool over here oh you know what I should do oh what if I added a pool on my base that’ be so pretty like I’m big pool I just thought of that but like it’s kind of

Pretentious I don’t know if that would like look good with everyone else’s builds I don’t know I don’t know but I’ll think about it all right uni do you want to sleep or are you good I think I think he’s okay like let me know if you want if you want

To sleep though I might just work on my base so um do you guys have any idea what I could do for this base cuz I am so so stumped I don’t know what to do at all school is so different like people literally say that oh my

Gosh oh my God the gamer word no that’s really bad now High School’s crazy I heard I heard stuff like that too back when I was a young whipper snapper like you so yeah um that’s pretty bad oh geez in middle school too Middle School you hear a bunch of people saying

Bad words in Middle School like the like bad really bad slurs I heard that a lot takura Angelic cat base that’s a great idea I really like that that’s actually not that bad of an idea but like should I should I like make it a giant like box or cuz I want

The middle part to be like part of the um house I don’t know how I would like work that in like I think I I don’t know I wanted to do like a really cute like house in the middle but like nothing looks good cuz it’s a circle

With weird stairs like how would that even work you know what I mean I could do something like totally out there like you said the cat idea what if I just like made like a kitty a house like a roundhouse like a semi roundhouse and then like add added cat

Ears that would be so cute a I think that’ be so stinking cute but um I don’t know I’ll think I let’s keep brainstorming I I maybe if I just start doing something then it’ll inspire me to to um mon Quest what are you doing what you doing

Uni I’m kind of curious what Uni’s doing actually you guys want to go check out what Uni’s doing I’m going to go get some supplies I’m going to go check out what Uni’s up to all right where’s all my iron or my iron getting materials off

The island I kind of oh how far away are you do you think I can come with did you leave yet I kind of I’m kind of down for the adventure you know might be fun um in ed in Edna from incredible voice no boxes oh boy

Make a modern house yeah I would love to make a modern house you have no idea I love modern houses but honestly I wanted to match the rest of everyone else’s okay I guess we’re not going on a massive Adventure but that’s okay anyway um like I was saying I I

Love modern houses especially in Minecraft but I kind of wanted it to match everyone else’s house on the real and I don’t think it really would if that was like I can go back to Island it’s okay it’s okay uni you can you can go have

Your fun I think I’m going to work on I think I can work on my house for now I think that’s a good idea I want to work on my house so I’m just going to get started what kind I I should probably use what kind of wood should I use I

Think um it definitely Spruce do we have any like Spruce Spruce Wood uh we have five oh man hey Yi do you have any like Spruce I get from you I’m always like I’m always like what’s the word I’m looking for I’m always like profiting off of uni I’m always asking him for

Things I’m such a bad person make a stair path make a path stare for a house what do you mean Gondola is what it’s called I think make like one of those outdoor little round undercovered areas that has vines going up oh that’d be so pretty oh you guys are so creative I

Like that idea a lot here’s some saplings that’s good any more wood we got some here I don’t have Spruce it’s okay thanks anyway I’m just going to plant some spru spruce trees and then bone meal them to get some more Sprucey okay where in the world is bone

Meal am I just like not seeing it I hear some bones that’s good that’s good enough back down we go my house looks so crazy I don’t even know what I’m doing with it anymore I just build yeah gondolas are cool I’ve have seen those before like maybe I see you’re

Just saying with your idea like what if um maybe it was like an under water piece here oh you know what what if I had like underneath here A bunch of water where we could like fill it up with like whole decorations and then make the some of the floor glass that

Would be so pretty also I’m hungry again that would be so pretty guys cat noises in the background yeah my little kitties you can’t see them from here but they’re up there under the hammock or under the umbrella my little kitties so what was I going to do again

Oh my God I get so sidetracked guys like it’s not even that I just have ADHD it’s also because I’m streaming at the same time and I’m talking a lot like I don’t know like I feel like if you’re a streamer you should be ready to talk a

Lot and since I like talking I talk a lot so sorry if I like annoy you with all the talking so I have three spru right here let’s start with this one come on don’t be stingy don’t be stingy oh thank gosh okay they being a little stingy there but it’s

Okay oh my God all righty you already built a the stair in oh yeah yeah I did I did kind of build the stairs right let’s let’s should be bone meal another one I’m going move it over a little bit here we go like 18 like 1800 Vibes or something or

You can make a v Victorian house oh that’d be so pretty only thing is I don’t think it would match what I have so far that’s the only problem I’m having that’s a really good idea though I love Victorian houses I have a Victorian dollhouse though my silly puppy today he ate my

Dollhous oh he he’s going into training next month but right now he’s a bit rambunctious and he he stole the fence off my dollhouse and ate it he’s so bad anyway um I’m going to plant another one well here it is oh it grew on its own

Perfection 1,00 Vibes I see what you’re saying though that’s pretty good that’s a good idea all right let’s see I think that should be good how many saplings I don’t have any saplings give me saplings so I can make more trees here we go here’s some plant and time

Yeah I just talk a lot when I stream I’ve noticed we play all these guys yeah now this is called stons okay all these trees like you grow a tree to get a tree you know what I mean absolutely stons anyway uh do a villa oh my God Villas

Are pretty but I think I know what I’m going to do I might like I know I said I was going to stick to the Cozy theme that everyone else is doing in this world I’m changing my mind I want to keep that there I’m changing my mind I

Think maybe we can do something kind of creative but I think maybe H I’d have to draw it out because I don’t know how to like explain it but like okay I’ll try my best to explain it like the maybe like a I can’t even describe it I just um so

Lost what have I done to this poor base I mean like it could it looks really Regal that’s the problem it has to look kind of like enchanting and welcoming but it doesn’t that’s what makes me sad cuz like I’m so stuck on what to do slay yeah all right uh you know

What I’m just going to go crazy with it I said I wasn’t going to go crazy but what if I did like an A-frame house in the middle no that would not make any sense at all kles or you know what I said that I was going to

Uh do some just wing it I’m just going to wing it guys I don’t even care I’m freaking winging it I’m G to make a pretty entrance I can’t take the pressure anymore I’m cracking under it I’m just going to make a cute door and

If it looks good and inspires me to make another cute part of this build then that’s good news all right uh do I have any Redstone because I kind of wanted to add like like little lights okay you know I’ll worry about it later I need to also go to the crafting

Actually I can do right here I’m going to make it so they all are um there’s no like it’s like a not just a log but it’s like covered you see how it’s kind of covered like you don’t see like the the rings of the tree that’s kind of what I

Want let me get these and okay like that see what I’m saying it’s kind of cute right okay how’s that let’s see is this inspiring kles are you inspired yet oh actually that’s kind of inspiring yes oh my God okay I’m actually not complaining it’s it’s a

Good idea and then we have like glass filling it up I’m going to get a door just uh so I know what I’m doing yeah I’m going to make a uh oak door I really love oak doors they’re like the classic classic doors in Minecraft like that was the only type of

Door they had in the game for like the first year of me playing Minecraft I guess I can only fit one I thought I’d have like room for two but that’s okay and then this can all be glass I like that I think that’s cute I wouldn’t mind that all right so

Uh what else we got what can we do to make this door pizazzy I don’t know anything anything please just give me anything see this is my problem I can’t decide we’ll figure it out guys I like I said before the title of this stream building is hard and building in

Survival is hard cuz like you just it’s so hard everything is so hard in survival I like to play in Creative a lot but um but like building survival is hard like back when I back like way back when when I was a we little kles um playing Minecraft I’d only play Creative

Because I was scared of Herobrine I know it’s kind of weird for that but um I was scared of Herobrine so uh I didn’t play Survival and whenever I heard a cave sound in um my world on Minecraft even if it was a creative world like you know the cap

Sounds are normal they come from uh just like nearby caves just to like give creep you out give you a chill or like if there’s like a mine old M shaft you know but uh I took that as a as Herobrine coming to kick my coming to

Get me I don’t want to say the bad word but uh oh oh my God my my my my my character was frozen am I what guys is my character Frozen or it’s just me I’m glitching why you do this to me kles come on don’t glitch for

Me here comes some I didn’t read chat in a while hold on wish I had Minecraft yeah it it’s um I think you can get on mobile too that’s where I started playing it back when I was like nine I have Minecraft but I have no idea how to

Join people I tried with my playing with my brother but literally but L literally sucks yeah L’s pretty hard to use like it land doesn’t even work on my computer which is saying something and I have like a really good computer I don’t know why but I’ve tried everything but

Land just doesn’t work on my PC like everything works besides land so I just use Realms instead all right so I make it out of this wood or is that like Oh that’s oh my God that’s so cute oh my God guys my base is Adorable I wanted to keep it to the Cozy theme but like I said I’m probably going to go all out for this um does uni need to sleep I don’t think he needs to sleep uh uni if you ever need to sleep the night let me know and

Then I’ll sleep okay just like saying chat like go sleep okay for real yeah don’t use land I’d say use Realms Realms does cost like I think like eight bucks a month to like run your own realm but it’s really really really good the only thing I don’t like about

Realms is that it takes a long time to load in and also um I don’t like Realms because it has like parental controls on it and you have to like go out of your way to turn off they just added that like last year or two years ago

Even where you basically like if you like it’s you can’t say swear words you can’t say crap or anything and I didn’t like it but a couple weeks later they gave us the option to disable uh kids chat so you can just say whatever you want hold on I got a drink

Oh I have it on my Nintendo very nice very nice I have it on my switch as well I need to get this blanket off me I’m like sitting here wrapped up in a blanket it’s like k no you’re going to overheat but I do like that so far I

Think that’s really pretty we’re going to need some more Sprucey Sprucey wood but I can supply that no worries also going to plant this and I’ll plant this one too where’s my food at here we go got to eat so I’d say maybe we could like and

Like I said before that Dome idea maybe we could do that I don’t know oh you know what I could do if I wanted to make it more look look more cozy what if I turn this middle part into like like make it the shape like make the roof the

Shape of a mushroom like kind of like a rounded egg shape like like that instead of like like a square or like a flat but like an egg roof and then like it goes off the edges like a mushroom oh that’d be so cute and

Then it go for like it’d be cozy because it’s like a mushroom see kiddles can think kind of she can kind of think but yeah um honestly like I I feel so bad for my my Nintendo switches because like I bought them solely to place platoon on but I never play

Splatoon ever like never Splatoon 2 or three I haven’t touched it in like months it’s cuz like I even did a stream like um on Splatoon once a couple weeks or a couple months ago last year and I literally like that’s like one of the last times I played it cuz I

Was like so frustrated cuz it’s was really really hard to play well for me at least like someone who doesn’t really know much about shooting games cuz technically is a shooter game just technically all right now I’m starting to see the thing here um I think I’m going to make sure that the

Stairs like I want to have more room in here so I’m going to remove some of this wood so it only goes to the stairs and doesn’t come all the way down see like how that there we go that’s better that’s okay any we go uh I don’t like that

Little line though that’s kind of ugly anyway yeah I need to place I need to play Splatoon more cuz like I got the Splatoon switch and everything the Splatoon 3 exclusive switch I’m like yeah I’m G play so much Splatoon 3 on this thing and I have like what 25 hours

It’s ridiculous like I I I used to be so into Splatoon and now I’m not oh hold on you could also add a pretty Stone to break up the wood oh is that what you said sorry I say Stone I can’t tell I can’t see the chat very

Well yeah pretty Stone I was right yeah maybe that’d be pretty I like maybe like um decorative uh Stone like this like this block right there that would be so pretty yeah I think I could do that make it a little less wooden you know what I mean but we’ll get to that

In a minute I need to go get some more Sprucey Ry so I was checking to see if you need needed to sleep he seems all right though I put this here got any more Spruce for me come on little trees grow go grow I need your I need your wood

Pretty pretty please here we go oh my gosh oh no I just remembered that I was thinking about Animal Crossing and then it reminded me like the want to hear about you guys want to hear about like the first ever Animal Crossing New Horizons drama was because

There was drama when the game came out one of them that I think is so funny pea you know pea the people that like are all about like animal you know don’t eat animals like protect and adopt or shop don’t adopt or what oh yeah know I

Messed it up adopt don’t shop like they’re you know they’re a little a little crazy I remember um back when Animal Crossing released on switch in 2020 she or she Peta uploaded a or published a document talking about how to play Animal Crossing without animal cruelty it’s like you couldn’t fish you

Couldn’t catch bugs you couldn’t eat fish you couldn’t eat bugs you couldn’t make dishes that included meat in it and you couldn’t what was else was it there’s some other other thing it was crazy it was so weird Peta is so interesting sometimes I don’t know I

Just I just randomly thought of that for like No Good Reason guys but I had to just share my information with you my knowledge you know all righty so this is the start so far oh now that’s pretty like imagine if I have like a skylight in the middle of

The mushroom that would be so pretty guys I’m going to grab some glass real quick cuz I said I was going to fill the S with glass and I have plenty maybe I could do stained glass eventually but um I’d say clear is fine for now actually I lied I don’t want

This top part to have glass on it I’m gonna get um some fencing for that do I have any fencing probably not okay I’ll make some fencing yeah just to make the just to shake up like like you said I think it was Drake I think they said um or just

Dr I don’t how to say your name I’m sorry but they did say um shake it up a bit so I’m I’m gonna I’m going to listen to that advice and I will shake it up that looks okay kind of looks like a dungeon Family

Guy uh oh what I do what did I say did I reference Family Guy oh my gosh guys I reference Family Guy that’s amazing all right owie my legs also where’s all my spruce did I seriously use all my spruce on that on the on the uh fencing that’s

Crazy please Bruce trees grow faster you’re killing me here I’m going to get another drink actually I’m going to take a quick second here just to clear my throat so let me mute myself I’ll be back in like 10 seconds okay okay oh that’s what I get for talking so

Much that’s just what I get that’s my payback oh I’m just kidding I like hanging out with you guys I like playing Minecraft you know I was really debating if I was going to do the stream or not like I posted like I was I posted on my

Channel like yeah stream at 6 o’clock p.m. and like the whole day I was debating like do I really want to stream today it’s like yeah I do but I don’t know I just uh sometimes I just want to back out last minute but then I end up

Having fun so it’s like you know you don’t got to back out you know you can still have fun okay where should I put this tree all right there we go whoa that tree just grew right before my eyes thank you very nice I’m like crawling under the tree

Now let me see what I look like well that’s great okay let me go back here we go oh excuse me I’m sorry I hope you didn’t hear that I like accidentally burped so loud bro oopsie there we go wrong button okay I think I’m also going to take off

This hoodie because like it’s getting too hot in my room the heating in my room is kind of messed up right now so it’s kind of like getting a little too hot in here uh one second guys all righty we’re back I feel better so we’re good much cooler so all right now

I don’t okay this is going to be hard cuz like I said I’m winging it but you know oh by the way how was everyone’s Christmas and how is everyone’s like New Year’s and stuff I got got some nice gifts this year and I got to you know hang out with my family

Um you know I won’t get into it too much but you know one of my family members let’s just uh say we’re really grateful that they’re here for uh Christmas for another year you know you know think things happen sometimes things happen in families and it’s scary but sometimes

Things do work out so we’re glad to have them in um in in in our house and during Christmas you know you just got to be grateful this time of year that’s all I got to say you got to be very grateful guys tell your family

You love them so now I’m getting a little sappy but I’m serious like just tell them be for real sometimes yes Peter okay what’s going on see I have I have shortterm memory I guess because I don’t really remember what I was saying about Family Guy what was I saying about Family Guy

All right um here’s my lanterns I was looking for those I want to just spruce up the front of this house a bit there we go cute oh oh you know what I could do have these stairs lead up to um like a loft right right here oh God I’m so

Brilliant guys I’m so smart I just got the best idea what if I had like a loft in my house that would be cute all right anyway I’m going to keep building up the uh sides of the house make it look super cute that’s what I love about building

In Minecraft like you can just sink sink like hours into it and then when you’re done building your house oopsie when you’re done building your house then you can just live in it the parents in the in the bats my God you need did you did

You make them did you make two animals mate that’s pretty cool well you know what I mean not pretty cool but I’m sorry I’m like a little kid okay all right uh should I jump down here and get those no it’s not worth it I’ll die I’ll just

Die oh I have to take down these uh I guess I don’t have to never mind I’ll I’ll keep them I got I got a vision I got a vision for this house now I do at least good thing all right let’s do the other side

Too I ran out of planks or logs I mean so I got got to skip that for now hold on I I messed up my measuring hold on hold on hold on this shouldn’t be here there we go perfect also look at how pretty the world is when it’s raining oh my

Goodness I love shaders bro shaders are like everything to me like I don’t even know what my life would be like without them okay that’s really dramatic but you know what I mean right I’m back at the island with new saplings oh okay I keep pressing slash to type but that’s Roblox not

Minecraft that’s why I’ve been playing so much Royal High these days you know all right let’s see so this is what we got so far oh my God guys I just got a good idea I don’t know if it would work what if I turn this into like a small little

Tree on on the top right here like get a bunch of like uh leaves and put on top of the house is that a really weird it’s probably a weird idea now that I’m saying it out loud it’s an idea though I need more of this though I

Might actually go mining just to like you know keep it fresh in the Stream cuz you can only build you can only build for so long in a stream until gets annoying right but sometimes you just got to go out there and explore a cave or explore the world for a stream back

When I like who that scared my pants off my pants fell off turn that down oh my gosh what do I turn down that was awful how do you turn down freaking Thunder that scared the freak out of me here we go holy frick um I feel like an

Idiot so you know I’m going to go mining in a second I will definitely get killed but I do need the XP if I don’t if I don’t end up dying I will get plenty plenty plenty of XP and then when I get books and get

Cows we can all get enchanted stuff that would be super fun scatter them around these aren’t these aren’t permanent spruce trees I’m going to only keep them here just for the farming I’ll chop them down when they’re grown oh here’s uni hi uni all righty yeah I’m going to give it a break

For now with the house I think it looks okay it just needs to be bigger whoa I almost fell off look how close I was to the edge after Animal Crossing like the animal oh yeah right like the drama of Animal Crossing there there’s so many there has been so many

Dramas in Animal Crossing you have no idea like I wish I could even get started like I remember that um there people were using like hacked uh switches to like add custom items into Animal Crossing New Horizons and there were some like they were just having fun

Like they’re not hacking to like break anything they’re not hacking to like be malicious they’re just like bringing in a custom made modif ifications that are just for fun like a new hairstyle a new like type of tree uh items Furniture even villagers like I saw some people bring back villagers from like

Years ago and they would put them in Animal Crossing New Horizons so it’s like you know harmless right there is some people actually might need that there are some people on the internet that were like trying to get these people banned for having star trees I think they’re called Stardust trees where they

Had like special trees that had like stars growing from them it was really they really beautiful and he was trying to report all um accounts that used them and I thought it was so sad because like I don’t know like they’re just kids having fun like trying out not even kids

Like young adults too just having fun on Animal Crossing not harming anyone or anything and they tried to like get them banned for no reason I totally spaced out so hard just now um I’m going to grab that I’m also going to grab some sticky

Sticks I think I put them away but I’ll get them again all right uh is that do I need I think I need more food let’s have food and then we’re going to go cave splunking or whatever the word is for it cave splunking it’s that term that like cave explorers use

When they want to explore an old cave spunking I think oh my God uni they love each other oh my God that’s great youi you just you just made a marriage congratulations congrats on your marriage you too and congratulations on the baby damn that storm is really coming down

Huh all righty I think that should be good oh hi guys they want my they want they want my seeds no you can’t have any get out of here is are my seeds did you know that in Minecraft it’s actually a lot you can grow crops a lot faster if you have them

In rows like this a row of water and then two to three rows or just one row of pot soil of a Farmland I guess it’s called now and that makes your crops grow like three times faster I learned that a couple months ago I was

Amazed all right I’m going to grab a crafting table do we have any extra crafting tables cuz I don’t like making crafting tables it’s like we probably have like six in storage somewhere why do we need another one also uh I kind of want to look at

Uni’s uh house in a minute I really want to see how how he’s pulling that together all right fine I’ll make my own one in I’ll make my own Um what was I going to say again my own crafting table that’s fine it won’t let me say it a I don’t have uh filters on right now so I’m not too too sure why uh not too sure why I I can’t you can’t chat for some reason uh anyway

Sorry I want to see Uni’s house though I’m going to be I’m going to be curious I’m going to be a little curious you know I want to see your house I need another drink cuz my throat is dry ah it’s better um it won’t let me say YT oh like

YouTube it won’t let you say YouTube on YouTube that’s crazy whoa all right Yi I got to say your house is really coming together it’s so nice oh my God yo uni your house is epic epic pogers is awesome oh I love it uni your house is

So creative I like how you’ve like totally like taken over this little um like cave system I really like it so far and I like your sakura tree very cozy I like Place some lights in here though just to be safe oh my God slle I got say slay cuz it’s so

SLE I’m talking like I’m in Royal High right now also I hear a water an ocean Monument right over to my right my right headphone whoa dude you got a spawner that’s pagers that’s so cool uni that’s really really cool that’s nice okay honestly 10 out of 10

See now I’m reading it like I’m raing dorms in real high true love oh my God excuse me jeez slay you know it yeah that’s how I talk in real that’s it’s just how I’m a bit quirky of me but what I’m saying I really like it uni you’re doing really good

I kind of want to have a base like that too where it’s like underground I think like two other people in the server put their base underground too so we’re not you’re not alone on on that sense is’s over here anything not just a

Cave well it’s cute so far I like it I hope the uh ocean Monument doesn’t bother you though cuz like it’s pretty loud I heard an Endy poo where’s the Endy poo hey I’m not going to act like I didn’t hear you I know you’re hiding somewhere Enderman I heard

That God dang it okay never finding him I’m just stuck in the bamboo now there we go o another house oh and a creeper look at that little house over there they really got to finish it whoever’s house that is so many Creepers out oh my

Goodness you guys know I don’t mess with creepers that’s the like the honestly guys like I’m not even going to lie creepers are so cute they are the cutest mob they’re like for Monster they’re pretty damn adorable they have like a little kitty face almost in my opinion it’s

Cute all right so uh I’m going to go mining for a bit I think uni is already doing that I think he’s already mining too misasaki have their base in the cave yeah I know I was referencing those two those two are always um down there in their home in the

Cave speaking of cave I got to go to the cave I think the cave is this way like the mining cave we all go to for mining was a massive creeper hole good Lord people cover your creeper holes anyway here it is I was right let just commence forth we be

Quiet zombie you have no family so that was a personal attack okay can’t stop um your family doesn’t love you that’s even better there you go all right I did not bring a water bucket so I’m going to make one oh I did not mean to press that there let’s make a

Bucket you know I have so many modifications on Minecraft like resour pack that like make the game really cool and some of them are like super cute like I have I used to have one with like cute made like all the tools and Minecraft look like magical girl weapons

It was so cute but it didn’t really match I still I think I still have the mod but I like I like having cute weapons and stuff you know and like uh other things okay mining time let’s turn on F3 I think I might go on the look for some

Demons also there’s nothing here holding okay hold on come me your little Cobblestone I think someone blew up the path there we go all right oh oh yeah and then this is toppo and Maura’s base right here if you take the M mine cart now I can’t even make that

Yeah it’s okay no worries also um NE Coan make sure that you’re live your stream is up to date cuz I think you’re talking kind of like about things that happened in like like 5 minutes to go is just make sure you’re that you’re watching live okay cuz I do have that

Feature turned on where uh where you can like rewatch it live rewatch The Stream if you need to all right let’s go see meran too’s base I want to see it I haven’t seen it in a long long time oh this is creepy I hope I don’t die how far is

Their house oh my gosh they are really out here oh here we go no come back well um that’s great so this is mura and toppo’s base my friends can you see my YT Channel after yeah sure uh nezo Chan yeah I’ll try to click your channel silver fish or stinky be

Worn what do you mean silverfish spawner they got a mob spawner in here oops I want to kill stuff no way got a whole mob spawner up in here that’s pretty cool not much is dropping though mob Farms are kind of hard to use what’s down here oh just a

Cave actually that’s perfect I kind of need to go to a cave so I can go down and find some demons now if I’m not mistaken you have have to go down to level 56 now which is crazy low yeah oh my gosh why did yeah nezo

Your messages keep getting blocked and I I’m not the one blocking them I’m sorry message retracted I’m sorry I guess they’re not I guess it’s like hard to promote your YouTube channel in like another streamer’s chat another YouTubers chat you know I’m not too sure how far are

We we’re going to be here a while good thing that I went down into this um too and M’s base it it saved me a lot of time cuz I found this abandoned little pathway down I’m not really interested in Redstone I don’t really need it I

Remember in one of my older worlds um that I’ve had with my friend we had like an entire chest full of redstone blocks and Redstone um dust like half was redstone blocks half of it was dust we had so much Redstone that was so crazy what’s that hello who’s down there okay I’m

Going to try to land in the water cuz I’m trying to preserve my health so let me get this bread okay I didn’t mean it like that I met my Minecraft bread okay oh my gosh okay anyway um let’s go down and try to fall into this water oops oh I fell

Perfect perfect okay let’s see who is down here I’m skeptical what is lying in the shadow I saw a skeleton over there I don’t want to face him right now come on man I’m just going to go up here what’s up in this mysterious tunnel I see some water droplets it might be

Above or below the water the ocean am I right actually I’m going to check to see if I’m right I’m going to build myself in here whoa ah okay ow hey hey you moner who do you think you are I just stumbled upon like oh ooh okay so this is something I thought

It was the bottom of the ocean no it’s definitely much more than that oh my goodness man I came into like a little Ravine or like a little pool of water I mean zombie sinking ah oh man I wish I had a bow and arrow right now oh man

Oh what’s that o andesite no what are those called GEOS I think I don’t know why it said andesite what’s wrong with what’s wrong with me today let’s go over there I want to see hopefully you guys can see in the dark it’s kind of dark in here I don’t

Know how bright it is for the viewer I can see it okay but you know every screen is different oh my God if I die I’m going to pee I was never mind I was going to say going to piss my pants but I didn’t I just shortened it so never mind yeah

These are pretty I’m going to oh God I heard that this is freaking me out there’s so many mobs okay anyway I’m going to get this I’m going to get this I’m going to get this I’m going to get that getting it all hopefully they uh don’t mind if I

Didn’t steal all these cute crystals you know man my mouth hurts my throat hurts it’s like I’ve been talking for too long that’ll do it I hear that skeleton right outside that door outside this entrance I don’t know where he is never mind up we go these are cute though I

Like these things I hope that you can like reconstruct them or do you need to like use like silk touch to reconstruct them I’m not sure like maybe you can’t even make them again maybe they just break and that’s it cuz they’re really really pretty whoa I’ll take those what the

Uni uni what are you doing here what are you doing here uni oh my goodness that’s so funny hi by the way I made fan art of you oh you did oh my gosh um I would love to see my full inventory no we’re good I

Would love to see the fan that’s so sweet of you thank you yeah um if you do want to send it over to me that’s okay I’d love to see um you can send it to my Instagram or um sometimes what fans do they like to send the art and they post

It as a video on YouTube and then they send me the link to their video look a different cave wow that’s crazy we both ended up here huh yeah this bunch of creepy crawlies around here so you better be careful yeah if you want to like post it as like

A short video that’s fine oh boy should I take a jump in no go up here got it I want to talk more but my freaking mouth hurts so much man tell you what I’m going to stream until Um 8:00 I’ll stop streaming when it’s 8:00 my time so in 30 minutes so we’ll get out as much Minecraft as we can for now actually I also kind of wanted to show actually I’ll do it next stream if I do another Minecraft stream Skelly bone hello skeleton owie that really freaking hurt

Me you know ow I’m actually going to die oh my God oh my God my God my God my God my God my God did he drop a bow a I thought you dropped a bow I was so excited I was going to use it okay I got to eat eat

Eat there we go I’ll also get this you know iron’s very useful you never know okay I think uh I don’t know where did uni even go I lost uni where are you I’ll find you creepy is he with all the creepy crawl he down

There I thought I saw his name tag a second ago I don’t know all I know is that I’m in a very deep cave oh there he is oh here I ran that creeper like no one’s business oh man I got to run youi wait for Me oh hi uni oh jeez that’s crazy oh man Oh I thought all the gravel was going to fall I thought it was going to like break when I place that torch but it didn’t we’re good oh yeah is there anything up here no there’s literally nothing okay this

Is kind of a lame cave I was expecting a little more than that oh oh it’s just another dead end Frick man here I’m going to quickly got a massive ly awesome idea that might end very badly another water cave I don’t see a top to it though so I

Might just die if I’m not careful no I got to go back oh shoot where did I where did I go where did I go where did I go uni ah okay I didn’t drown we’re good Ah okay I need to get out of here here we go owie I keep almost dying man you okay in there uni uni uhoh did he dipped bro he’s out of here well I guess I could try swimming in here it wouldn’t be too hard you just

Have to go to the bubble columns and get your air there like right here yeah you know what Uni’s got the right idea I like I like his I like his style you know I hope we don’t get lost ow yeah you have to crouch when you’re on these things

Ooh no way we just came full circle we were back where we started oh come on Mr zombie yeah I remember we were here like literally like 15 minutes ago that’s crazy we just did a full loop around the entire Cave System that’s so funny that’s crazy also how’s uh not Sven

Sorry I’m thinking about PewDiePie again Sven was the name of name of PewDiePie’s dog in Minecraft back in the day no I mean I meant to say masimo how’s masimo doing there he is also uni how’s real M his little tail his little tail a he’s wagging his tail that’s cute hi

Mimo you okay bubby hey look at me mimo this how I call my dog my dog is so crazy like he’s still a puppy he’s like in human years he’s like nine or 10 he’s just a baby hi are just a buppy that’s why I call my

Dog I call him a buy cuz and I don’t know why but I just like I think like Buy’s a cute name for him they call him as like a nickname Massimo real one’s doing good that’s great great go on mimo masimo is UN Uni’s dog

Like in real life and in Minecraft oh goodness every time all right I didn’t get very much stuff so I think I’m going to go back down yeah I can’t believe he’s going to be four years old this year oh my gosh oh he’s a big boy oh they grow up so

Fast just grow up so fast well good for you guys here’s two another good four years with mimo okay I need to go back into a Cave System cuz I’m not done mining yet I wasn’t even halfway done okay I’m never find anything like that Al I saw a drown

Leaving I’m leaving yeah that’s not that’s really the way they swim is very unsettling I do not like that ow wait they didn’t even hit me who got hit what the heck come here you little monst come here come at me that’s what I thought all right oh maybe we can get

Some gravel I know gravel is like easy to find but I do like gravel it looks really good on builds all right I’m got to find a place to start mining because I cannot find the M shaft anywhere that people have made to go down lower into the ground

Oh what’s this thing uhoh mysterious tunnel going upwards I actually am very curious to see what is up here I love your stream setup oh L hey girl what’s up thank you so much I really really appreciate it yeah I’m just playing Minecraft right now where am I yeah I’m playing

Minecraft with my friends how you doing Lolo’s here guys noo makes uh Royal high content like me I don’t make it as much as she does but she does like streams almost every day she um does videos and the tea updates like Ro High you know tea I guess you could say she’s

Really cool welcome to the stream bring that back yeah and I I got out of the cave um so now I’m kind of just wandering the Earth uh yeah I’m going to go back underneath that to that cave again I’m not done with the cave you know I said

That already owie I’m not done with it yet also this mus music is like making me like fall asleep bro oh no wonder this is not even the right playlist bro here we go that’s the right stuff that’s the good good all right I’m going to check OBS to

See if everything is going good yeah we’re good okay I I’m not going to jump down there I’m not crazy maybe a little bit we really got to make like a really nice entrance for this mine that would be nice all right back to cave exploring exploration let’s go

And this time we’re not going to leave through that weird scared the F Mr skeleton you scared the beel out of me goodness bro I’m sorry if I like broke your ears or like your microphone or your headphones just like shattered into a thousand pieces I’m so sorry I’m

Sorry uh what’ I do I’m just trying to make emotes on my character and I can’t okay there oh no I didn’t mean to do that either okay now I can make emotes there we go I can emote now oh let me see what loo said hold on

I’m good oh thank you so much I love oh what’s that say I love Minecraft LOL yeah Minecraft’s such a good game I love this game all right uh thanks for stopping by by the way so yeah I’m I’m still trying to find a cave to go mining

In I want to get some diamonds really bad I could have swar there was like that was not clutch oh well also I’m I’m kind of out of food too maybe maybe I can get some food and then I’ll come come back like the thing is like oh don’t look at me like

That he turned his head like a cocky cocked head that was so funny anyway I think uh I’m going to get some more food and then then I’ll come back down here it’s a shame we can’t Slaughter any of the animals yet cuz there’s just not enough

On the island so maybe I can get some like vegetables and like bribe them to like breed and then maybe I can kill one or two of the chickens cuz we do have chickens your laugh is so cute really thank you I mean it’s not that cute but thank you

Um yeah so I’m oh by the way lo you should see my base it’s not done yet I just I honestly just like started it for reals I have been this is my realm and uh it’s not done yet but I want this is like the start of it right

There you see that’s my house like a big it’s going to be like a big mushroom thing or something I don’t know I don’t know what I’m going for with this house but it’s just it’s just it’s just happening that way you know all right let’s get some food I’m

Hungry to be honest like I’m a little hungry in real life too but I had a full meal I had dinner today I don’t know why I’m hungry probably just thinking about like oh my God you know recently my friend has been telling me about how she

Got McDonald’s it’s like I I realize now that for like the past couple of like months I haven’t been getting fast food at all which is a good thing but sometimes I just want some McDonald’s fries like sometimes I just want to be super unhealthy and just be myself you

Know and have some warm McDonald’s like juicy warm like oily McDonald’s fries like that’s just like that’s my guilty pleasure there you go guys you go breed and will you breed I will make some bread for me I’m the kitties these are my kitty cats my kitty kitty he just a kitty oh

Cute a mushroom base is so creative yeah thank you I say so too okay I don’t think I can survive on just like 10 pieces of bread I’m going to have to get more food okay who’s going to die today wait can I cook the chicken with

Like a with like a flint and seal do we have a flint and seal I I could have sworn I saw one in the inventory the other here we go oh my God uni uni we found a a mine shaft that’s pretty good okay come on die don’t go in the water

Oh that’s a shame get out of the water oh she’s like swimming that’s so cute wait no my my chicken it burned no no it didn’t burn I refuse to let it burn I refuse oh man oh well I’m trying again I don’t even

Care um I have about no I don’t want to do the pigs I want to do the chickens cuz you can easily breed chickens like just like with just one chicken you can get like a million come here chicky chicky ow ow ow ow ow ow wait do chickens now have an AI

Where they put themselves out in out of uh put themselves off Fire by going in water is that like a new new thing I don’t remember oh I got an stingy little chicken again I didn’t get any chicken now I just killed both your parents I am

So sorry Miss or Mister look at this little guy he has no parents now and I have no food in my stomach because of that that’s crazy we have anything to eat we have an egg I can eat an I can’t eat an egg but no it’s okay we we we we’ll

Survive torch flower seeds MyCraft is adding so much stuff I can’t even keep up with it you know anyway I still need more food what if I expanded like the farm what if I made like a community Farm or something one of these days I think I’m going to

Do that next time like tomorrow cuz like I might have to like I won’t be able to stream tomorrow obviously but you know I want to kill this spider I feel like I feel a little you know what yeah I’m going to kill the spider I don’t have enough food to to go

Mining right now unfortunately ow hey watch it Buster oh wait uni said that he found a m shaft maybe sorry chicky uh maybe if I can I get my axe together get a couple more chickies if there’s any more chickies is there any more chickies see I feel bad for killing

Them cuz they only have so many I don’t know which one is the last one cuz it’s all on the island I don’t know um I don’t know guys I’m just I’m lost in the sauce I’m more chicky no got some Diamond though that’s pretty good I’m going to smell this okay I’m

Ask uni uni where is the shaft no me say m shaft we me oh man any food in here nope hi piggy I’d eat you if I could but I can’t breed you yet so I don’t think we have carrots right now so we can’t breed them

I want to see if you can like give me like some coordinates or something uhoh uhoh help uni oh uh not you two get out of here you’re not welcome you just killed one of your kind killed uni and he probably lost all of his

Stuff Yi oh my God uni I’m so sorry what happened this is tough oh there’s like a million spiders coming after you by the way uh okay I’ll help you help you out why is there so many I’m panicking I’m not even using the bugs bugs bugs bugs there’s more eat

No do you like South Park oh my God ah Make It Stop So Many cave fighters in M shaft oh my gosh I bet uh do you need like any armor or something you can make yourself I can make you some armor and a sword poor uni he lost everything

Okay I’ll make you a sword that yeah no I think you also need like I think you always need to have a shield I’ll get you a shield okay oops see this one unique I’m going to come to you okay no I’m good oh crap oh I made all that stuff for no Reason all right uh uni if you do want it I made it anyway I’m sorry I’ll just throw it here if you want to grab it you can grab it um it’s just right there in case in case he needs to get down there again I’ll help

You I I’ll oh what is he doing South par Kenny oh boy um yeah I’m I’m going to grab it just cuz I don’t want it to despawn you’re I’ll put it in a chest where’s it where’s chest in here oh I was going to follow uni though okay uni

Your top priority we’re going to get your um owie we’re going to we’re going to get your stuff back in the M shaft I’ll come with I’m I’m G to fight Mother Nature with my bare fist oh my God you need so real for

That oh here he is okay I’m low on food so if we die we die oh I know this place yeah we came up here earlier when we were like coming up that oh down here this time okay okay like I said uni I got I got five

Breads left so if you need two or three that’s fine but then and then we’re screwed so we got to be careful okay don’t worry about it though you it’ll be okay okay ow is like FLW oh this is like a a labyrinth it’s like the underground Paris Catacombs or

Something all ahead of him there we go all righty all righty all rties um this is crazy where are we where’s he oh no Yi oh my God he’s just like in survival figh or flight he doesn’t even know what to do oh my God you you want me to get

That that’s crazy I have a sword oh my goodness I’m going to light it up in here that’s crazy it’s crazy town in here what y y oh thank gosh okay we’re good oh man oh come on kamash what’s that that’s not a word not the diamond you almost destroyed the diamond

Did you get the diamond uni I didn’t get it did you see that he blew up the diamond oh I got it we’re we’re good the singular Diamond In The Wall there any more there’s always like a chance that the diamond is hiding in the rough here

Nope all right uni you really got to light this place up you’re going to get killed all right where did he where did he go uni where are you oh free stuff oh someone’s already been here I wonder who I’m gonna put some of my crud in here

That I don’t need do I need calite probably not I need spider eyes either shout out to Toby animates never heard of him okay uni where did you go is that your username right there oh here we go oh goodness where is he guys I lost uni

Oh my goodness oh great great and I had a voice crack oh there you are oh great that was a great voice crack anyway that was cringe kind of cringe all right let’s see where is all the goods that you left here I’ll help you what was bat was that a

Bat oh my Goodness oh it just keeps going not this no you’re oh my God your items if if the creeper blows them up he you’re done for uni uni oh got to eat uni I should have stepped in but I didn’t want to hit you with my sword

Too cuz if I if I had jumped in to save you from that creeper then it would have been a oh man uni I’m so sorry I’m a going now have an amazing stream thank you L I appreciate it you’re so sweet I hope to see your I hope to see you in

Your next stream too have a good day also there’s a carrot here I’m taking that carrots are very valuable for us me there we go Man rip uni yeah really poor uni look at all this stuff thrown all over the place I got to get all of this stuff got nice he has a really good bow oh freck I heard the fighters too uh I can make a hold on I’ll make you a chest

Uni I put all your stuff in this chest all right what did he have I don’t remember um this this was that now he had that um this is his um what else did he have this thing what else I found anything creeping up on me you know spooky down here scaring

Me Goa kids be like oh my gosh listen you can’t hate on the gacha kids I’m a gacha kid I I was a gacha kid if you follow my channel you’d know this was his and so is this cocoa bean and this fish Here Comes uni uni I put all your things

In here if you want them let me see was this yours as well I think that was yours as well pumpkin seeds arrows here you go I think there stuff is there stuff over here still yeah there is also I just saw that come here come at me fight me like

A man D I’m tired than you so you can’t even get me so it’s fine thank you kit you’re welcome let it gets it gets tough out here in the trenches you need a backup you know you also need to PL you need to place more torches

Too luckily I have a couple torches and I see a diamond oh God here we go I heard that I’m not stupid I know you’re in here somewhere Mr zombie yourself keep talking whoa okay there’s more m s everywhere I’m not even risking it I’m not risking it for the

Biscuit I a fan RK yeah if you could um is it on your YouTube because if it’s on your YouTube I’ll click it and then I’ll take a look at it if you want and I can show it on stream I can totally do that um it’s very sweet of you too by

The way I’m going to go oh you going to go offline yeah it’s about it’s about my time I probably am going to wrap up stream too let me just save the coordinates of this beautiful beautiful area let me see here okay there we go don’t jump on me weirdos there you go

I’m getting this diamond too just saying yeah more let’s go bye kid okay bye uni thanks for coming thanks for hanging out with me all right now I’m alone in this cave and I’m not I feel like I’m in danger now so let me not die I’m going to see what’s

In this loot diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond diamond come on kills grab it grab it grab it all grab it all grab it all okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay nothing got me we’re good so we got some really good loot okay if anyone

Wants to go and get more of that loot later than they can all right how is the question is how you get out oh Jesus anything in here Bane of Arthropods nothing good except for these glowing berries quite nice I like those I’ll bring those

Up I don’t have any stuff to throw away okay here we go let’s wrap up stream now guys I’d say we’ve we’ve streamed enough for one day I just don’t know how to get out I thought that was Diamond I was like what no it was not

Though all right I think it was this way to get get the heck out of here wasn’t right here no no it wasn’t KS oh holy fish fish oh my goodness okay see I didn’t swear I don’t swear so uh yeah let’s go home I’m I’m

Tired of this cave screw this I’m so over this all righty let’s get out of here this is too much for me right now it’s 8:00 and I’m probably going to have to go to bed soon I I have such a terrible guys you don’t understand I have the world’s worst

Sleeping schedule ever like I I I’ll go to bed at like 12:00 which is like you know decent enough right then I can’t fall asleep till like 3:30 4:00 and then I get up at like 6:45 like my life is a mess and then sometimes like sometimes my sleepiness

Catches up with me and I have to sleep until like 300 p.m. it’s really a mess like I really need to I really need to take care of myself you know oh God where am I jumping bro so um yeah I got to get on the schedule got

To get on a normal schedule that rather than sleeping at all these weird times and sleeping in and crap like that all right I’d say we’re out here right yeah here we are oh finally let me eat some food there we go that was fun though I had a good

Stream I hope you guys enjoyed I know that it was a a more quieter stream uh not many people were here but that’s okay you know most of my fan base right now is with Riyal high and I can’t I can’t blame anyone anyone for that obviously I mean that’s what that’s like

A whatever that’s like a fandom I’m in I’m in the community of Royal High so I like to stream it also there’s mimo again good old Mimo he’s so cute he’s just a little guy all right let’s get out of here is it dark yet oh man I’m

Just going to sleep I don’t even care I’m sleeping I am not dealing with Mobs tomorrow not happening no way I go to bed at 6: p.m. that is so early I don’t think I could ever go to bed at 6 p.m. unless I like stayed up

All night and then and then went to bed at 6 p.m. cuz I was up and then I went to sleep finally after being up awake for like more than 24 hours that’s the only exception I’ve pulled I’ve pulled all nighter before for and like usually I

Will have to take a nap by 2 I don’t know I remember this one time um I’m adjusting my seat I remember um I only got 30 minutes of sleep cuz I was so obsessed with royal high like I laid in I laid awake in bed all night

Thinking about Royal High CU I wanted to redo my dorm in Royal high and I was like bro it’s like 3 in the morning I can’t freaking sleep I can’t stop thinking about Royal H so I get up at like 4 and I’m like on my computer in the dark like re

Completely redoing my dorm from scratch like just like crazy person I was so crazy anyway um I think I’m going to move my uh chest into the house eventually that would be good I’d say let’s she let’s see chat I haven’t checked chat in a while oh we’re good

We’re all up toate that’s good all right it is now 802 so let me put away my valuables so I should probably organize them a little better than that you know so let’s get that in there put those um like I said we got to organize the inventory a little

Bit and this is where like Stone and like deep slate goes what else that’s good I’m not too sure what this chest is I think it’s just like random crap more diamonds though hey diamond oh I I didn’t even organize this chest oh no I’m such a mess it’s okay

I’ll just throw everything everywhere it’s okay got another name tag though where’s my other one I know I had another yeah uni gave me a name tag so now I have two so that means I can name my kitties cuz both kitties have to have names one can’t have a name and the

Other one has a name you know they have to be fair and square uh oh this is Uni’s Uni’s uh axe okay before I end off stream I’m GNA give uni his stuff back let me make a chest for him I’ll put all his extra items in

There that he left with me by accident when he logged off up we go you know maybe one of these days I could do a stream that wasn’t on Realms I was like on a server and like we could have everyone over like everyone in chat

Can join the server that would be really cool um anyway but this is just like a friends server like friends only kind of roam so that’s why I didn’t invite anyone to join us but next time maybe I really wanted to do that but I was worried about like griefing and like I’d

Have to set a server up and stuff and you know drama and all that but maybe I can make it so um maybe I can make it so uh people can’t join the stre join the uh server unless I’m streaming it you know well this is so pretty guys look how pretty

That is all right uni I’m going to put your stuff if you’re watching ing this later put your stuff right here there you go under the window by your by your tree all right so that’s all taken care of that’s great I am glad to say I have accomplished what I’ve wanted to

Accomplish in in Minecraft today to be honest I might stay up all night playing this game again because I love this game i’ I’ve been trying to get into Sims again as well but it hasn’t really been working out all right I’m going to end stream right here all right guys

This has been really fun thank you for watching I appreciate it thank you so much I really appreciate you coming out watching my stream I enjoy when you guys join me and um yeah I’m going to quickly go to intermission and then we’ll and then I’ll like end the stream

Okay let’s switch over to intermission okay well that was awesome um like I said before maybe next time I stream Minecraft I will have everyone join it could be really fun and I think it’ be cool I think it’d be fun hi kitten everyone Hi ever you’re a little late

Unfortunately it’s okay though it’s okay maybe next time uh yeah also you guys want to see my uh my background it’s kind of cool let me show you where is it overlay one over two and then it’s this one no it’s this one ah there we go this is my regular

Bedroom it’s like my little vtuber bedroom my p& YouTubers bedroom cute right I I just wanted to show that off I’ve always wanted to show it off without all the uh fancy fancy shy buttons and uh menus and stuff in chat but uh yeah uh oh what’ I

Do okay there we go well I hope you had a great time with everyone in Minecraft yeah it was really fun ever it was a good time so yeah no complaints here all right guys time to wrap up stream again thank you for coming I hope you have a

Great evening and day tomorrow and uh I guess uh stay hydrated I don’t know you know just see what you got to do okay okay bye Guys [Applause] he A

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】🔴 Building in Survival Mode Is HARD #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Kitttles on 2024-01-06 14:18:08. It has garnered 198 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:41 or 7661 seconds.

Time for an evening stream on Java Minecraft! I will be attempting to build myself a nice base, hopefully without dying! My friends may also be joining me as well.

MY SOCIALS: Instagram: Twitter/X:

Official Website: YouTube:

☕ Buy me a coffee:

✅ My art commissions are OPEN! I can also draw your pet:

Remember to always be respectful with everyone in and myself chat, I am watching you… :]Music used during stream: Synthion – Perfume

Synthion – Xylitol

Oneul – Cozy and Cute Piano Music

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

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  • Crafting a Portal for Finley the Sea Serpent in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

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  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

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  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

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  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

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  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

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  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

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  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

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  • FlickerMc

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  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

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  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

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  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

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  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

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  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More