Surviving 100 Days as Magician in Hardcore Minecraft!

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this whole world is Magic biomes and caves are magic there are magic using enemies even some of the sheep are magical I however am not not yet at least no magic of my own but by exploring the world and finding magic tools and artifacts I can still be on an even playing field with everything else my goal is to survive 100 days using things like a magic deck of cards relics that give me powerful abilities and whatever other things I could find I wanted to become a magician of sorts capable of defeating dangerous Dungeons and bosses will I actually be able to do that though gu we’ll see day one I spawned into this beautiful magical world and I already had a few things the first was this unreal dagger which is just a melee weapon but it meant I wouldn’t have to make one for now which is nice then I had two magic artifacts one of them did a lot of stuff but basically it was a challenge mode that would make the game Super difficult but this is Hardcore so I’ll pass the other was an amulet that’s main effect would put my items in a chest when I die but once again hardcore mode it still gave me 25% mining speed though so I put it on okay first things first the usual I gathered some of this magical blue wood and crafted a wooden pickaxe then I mined Stone from a nearby wall and I made my stone tools with the basics done I finally looked around my spawn and I noticed a lot there was a tower deep in the woods a floating island above me and some weird Beast east across the river I decided to climb the mountain to get a better view of my surroundings I grabbed some more wood just in case and I made my way up after I reached the top I saw some buildings and then I noticed these sheep they came in like every color imaginable it was really cool but I needed a bed so I took three of them out and then using some flowers I found I DED the little purple and I made my bed I was able to get a better view now and this world was genuinely gorgeous no time to waste looking at scenery though I headed over to check out those nearby building buildings I approached and instantly spotted pillagers I thought this might have been a Pillager town or something but no it turns out they just set up camp right next to a village while carefully avoiding those I check this place out and the first chest that I opened I already found an artifact perhaps you will be the one to uncover the long forgotten history of this land if so I must bear witness to your ACC yeah okay uh that was scary I’m not really sure about the whole thing talking to me thing but I promise you that was not edited that was entirely in game hopefully I wouldn’t regret activating that thing later but three reach distance was pretty worth it for now that was not the only thing that I found on day one either ooh wo this thing’s crazy I’m immune to fall damage and collision damage I can fly in the direction that I want to and my my projectiles are stronger oh a tarot card yo I’m finding everything right now this is awesome also some Scrolls of regeneration I I guess I’ll take I don’t know how that works I’ll take it though okay it’s night time I got to sleep before I die day two I had to try out my new stuff the tarot card gave me Permanent night vision while I was in my inventory the downside is that it was really bright during the day so hopefully I can get a backpack to put it in soon then the Angel’s blessing was yeah basically a double jump a double jump fall damage immunity and night vision on basically day one is insane I kept looting around and I was getting tons of food I got this Horse flute Relic and I got some more of those regeneration Scrolls after seeing the village guards fighting against the Pillager Tower I went the opposite direction and decided to test my stuff the regen scroll does exactly what you would expect it gives me regen however the text on it says most of the time which makes me think that maybe there’s a small chance it gives me wither instead and with the angel artifact I’m weak to wither so hopefully it doesn’t do that the horse flutes didn’t seem to do anything right now it said I could learn about it using a researching table but that table takes a gold block and glowstone block which I do not have right now so I would have to wait I looked around a bit more after that and I figured that this place was entirely looted I was deciding where to go next when I spotted a few little friends my friends why do you look so angry yo I need some mobs brother brother you’re going to push me off stop stop stop stop stop dude dude are you stupid or something you what you want to go fight him yourself what was that noise dude N I don’t know what that I’m out never mind one stupid villager later I decided to go check out that tower that I saw on the way up here turns out it’s an enchanter’s Tower and this place was awesome I got a sharpness to enchanted book a bucket another bucket with a slime in it also nether war in a brewing stand in case I want to make potions later he also had this sack which kind of works like a shulker box I stored some items in there and I slept to day three on day three I put my terar card in the sack to avoid the day being even brighter after leaving the tower I just got scared by everything there was this little creature running right at me so I turn and run the other way and then I see this Beast dog I nearly got blown up by a creeper and then I almost run right into a Pillager not a good start to the day I did grab a wayist stone though which I could teleport around with later I also found these weird chickens they were like skeletons and I guess instead of eggs they lay white dye regardless I can’t really do much with them right now I was going to find a place to set up my starter base when I found a few Spirits wow you are that’s a circle in Minecraft you got to go you got to go ow I don’t know what I expected o oh I need yeah what the no no no oh there’s so many oh there’s so many I don’t trust this I’m going to die ow okay you only do half a heart you’re fine oh oh oh that was more than half a heart guards guards hey get them get them yes but I want the drops okay one just died give me that another one died okay good work officer thank you I’m not sure if the evil ghosts were related to that ball that I killed but either way the guards saved my life from all that I got some Spirit items and some Essence that can both be used to make artifacts and weapons later also three glowstone from the ball of Light which gets me a lot closer to that research table while looking for a place to set up my base I remember that floating island that I spawned near I was figuring out the best way to get up there when I spotted a woodland Mansion this is the second video in recent history where I found one of these really early on and it’s probably starting to look fake but I promise you I had no idea it was here I then started to hear ghast crying noises so I ran away I found another one of those light orbs and I killed it for glow stone and now whenever I got a gold block I can make that research table then I just got back to looking for a starter base location the flying Island was cool but I didn’t really want to build a giant ugly Tower or bridge to it and then have to break it after so I would just come back later that’s what I wrote down in the script anyways but as the person right now that is done with the 100 days I do not go back there I forgot it existed entirely right as I found an area that wasn’t all forested or mountainous I got jump scared uh-huh whatever you say bro don’t know don’t want to know I’m going to sleep in a tree despite the beastly roar I figured this was still a nice area to live for now it had magical Vibes it was decently flat and open and it had a nice view of a magical Tower in the distance which I would be going to very soon first I wanted to get my starter Shack built so I grabbed some red Magnolia wood and started clearing an area when I saw this little creature where’d you go hello are you a Pikmin why are you here do you want some flashh oh not bad well there’s only one thing left to do where’d you go sorry little buddy yeah you Dro something cool what is that suspicious Leaf you were actually the impostor nice okay weird encounter out of the way I threw a quick Shack together and it was done and ugly I thought the red and blue would look really nice together but instead it kind of just reminds me of like a Spider-Man reject yeah I don’t know day five I made some chests and stored my items then started baking my potatoes I made a new Axe and shovel then I went to check out a nearby cave to find some ore I saw that copper could be used to make some starting armor and I needed that deeper into that cave it looked like a spider’s Nest which was a little bit scary but I got some string so it’s chill I took out the two Creepers that were there and I got some more copper for a full armor set and I managed to get eight iron which I can use to make a pickaxe after hearing some scary noises I went back home to smel my stuff while waiting for it I placed my my waystone outside so I could teleport back here if I ever travel far away I was looking at the uses for iron when I heard footsteps oh my God what is [Music] that okay that’s so not cool I was just chilling magical invisible assassin dudes during the day that’s going to be fun to deal with after looking through all the uses for iron I found one of them that was kind of useful first I made my iron pickaxe then I made an iron ring wearing it would give me plus one armor which wasn’t really much but it was better than nothing then I made full Copper armor which looks terrible on my skin but it would keep me alive for now so whatever day six I made a copper axe because it has more durability than a stone one and now I wanted to check out nearby Tower I dove into the river swam across and made my way up the hill towards it I approached and opened the door and immediately there was a spawner I broke it and then I heard witches Above Me by breaking the floor below them I was able to find the spawner and destroy it I also learned the copper axe that I made doesn’t work as an axe for some reason so that was sad since the witches would stop spawning and the ladder was blocked off I decided to loot the first room I got some emeralds enchanted books cobwebs mob drops nether W and then then this unattuned core thing which I would check out later in the final chest on that floor I got another unattuned core and an amulet of luck luck makes all the chests that I opened for the rest of the 100 days have better Loot and getting it this early is overpowered I put it on sorted my things and made my way up to the next floors I used some slabs to make a little mob grinder spot and I lured The Witches into it and I was able to safely take them out I then ran up the rest of the Tower and broke all the spawners before they could spawn anything and now the tower was cleared and all the loot was mine to take first chest a diamond and an Emperor’s Crown artifact that gives me plus five armor the next floor I got another diamond in a protection three book from an item frame then on the very top floor I got a third unattuned core and a third diamond and finally the enchantment table that was sitting up here waiting for me I used some of the iron that I got here to make an iron axe and then I grabbed as many books as I could this dungeon was conquered and it was very worth the time I started heading back home and on the way back I had to fight this crazy looking exploding skeleton a ghost a spider that could web me and then multiple creepers after all that I slept day seven I stored and sorted through all the insane items I got from the witches that I killed I had these two bags I opened them and each gave me a new artifact this chime of be whale it would let me slow nearby enemies and remove their their potion effects if they have any which doesn’t actually sound that useful but I’m sure it’s cooler than I think it’s not it was cool but most mobs don’t really use potion effects so because I had enough gold now I decided to make that researching table so I could learn what some of the relics do first off the relics from this mod could apparently be upgraded and by default The Horse flute can just be used to store a horse and move it around with me leveling it up would let it heal the horse as well but I don’t really need a horse so it would just stay in the chest I didn’t actually have any more relics to research but now whenever I find more from exploring the world I can know what they do now those unattuned cores can believe it or not be turned into attuned cores for different elements after attuning it the core can be used to make very powerful magic weapons but they required tons of resources that I was nowhere near able to get yet finally as the sun was going down I made a diamond pickaxe you got to do that with your first three diamonds right I was trying to make a bag of holes the next day as an upgrade to the sack I’ve been using but apparently Magnolia wood cannot be used to make a chest so I was going to go get some other wood when oh my God that’s not a be bro that’s so not cool whatever okay I just got some Birch made a chest and made my bag of holding it only had one row of storage though so it was actually the exact same as the sack but whatever I would just use both I was pretty well geared for day eight but in a world with so many magical bosses and beasts it was not even close to enough I just got my diamond pickaxe and an enchantment table so I decided to go mining for lapis I could also use iron for better armor and there might be magic ores or something so I went to a cave and I headed down and I didn’t even get far before I saw something crazy please don’t please no way is that real is this real no way that’s so much gold uh needless to say I mined all the gold I ended up with a casual 11 blocks and 43 raw imagine if I could find a diamond version of those creepers that’d be insane the cave that I chose to go down in ended up being this bizarre spiky Redstone cave and upon upon dropping down I lost a bunch of Health got slowness and Mining fatigue then got jumped by an armored skeleton creeper giant ogre and I was terrified for my life I managed to build up on a little block and pick up skeleton and then I was able to explore the cave a bit safer the part of the cave that I was in was pretty small actually I took out all the weird mobs in it and I got a bit of iron and some of the silver but that was all that was here but I found a path that led deeper and I followed it in a fancy Lush cave I finally found lapis it was it was one lapis ore then I walked into a flower that was apparently a death trap did way more damage than a cactus ever could after mining a bit of redstone I also learned that uh ores can be infested with bugs which is fun the cave ended here so I just started digging down I got more lapis on the way down so I could just leave now but I kind of wanted to see what caves had to offer deeper underground once I found a cave I immediately got jumped by this weird Crystal Zombie Thing it dropped an item that sounded like it was like a magic bomb but I doubt I would get a lot of those so it probably wouldn’t be that useful despite so many ores down here being blue they were mostly not diamonds in fact a lot of them were just silver from different mods I was mining B basically every ore that I found because I didn’t know what a lot of them did and I figured it’s better safe than sorry speaking of safe things got very unsafe when I got attacked by a zombie wizard it was a half skeleton half zombie that could just shoot Fireballs I managed to wall it off and take it out by hitting its feet and it was apparently called a flesh Lich then I was attacked by one of those tanky skeleton knights from before while being flanked by more crystallized zombies they apparently have a crystal spell that lets them pull me towards them too which is just great the crystal zombies apparently dropped some weird items but I would look at those later right now I just wanted to finish mining so I could leave a bunch of Mining and some annoying mob fights later I fought this book yeah it’s a book super tanky and it just summons a bunch of vanilla mobs it was a hassle to take out and all it really got me was some paper then just like five blocks away things got really confusing why what what is what what are what is this do I kill what is that it sound like a villager then act like one what is this what are what huh rare you came out of the you came out of the iron [Music] ore oh he’s chill with it I’m really stressed out cuz this guy does exactly what I thought that guy was going to do minor chaos out of the way I doubled most of my iron and a lot of my gold I was exploring further when a tiny crying Enderman thing attacked me every few times I hit this thing it would just clone and it kept doing it over and over and over I managed to kill some of the Clones but no matter what they just kept spawning I saw the sword on the ground though from one that I killed and I was not going to let that thing despawn I dug a hole and then I very desperately struggled to get them all in there it took a bit of finesse but I managed to trap them all I picked up the sword the Ender pearl sword it immediately replaced my dagger that was about to break and if this sword had any abilities I was going to wait until I left to test them last thing I want is to randomly teleport into a dangerous spot or something speaking of Ender and teleporting a bit later I found ender pearl ore I got four ender pearls no danger or mob fighting involved Ender Pearls of all items definitely have a ton of magic things they can make so that was massive I mind a bit more but I decided to give up on finding diamonds I wanted one just to upgrade my bag of holding but I figured that I could find one in a structure or something soon so it’s fine I made my way back to the surface and for the first time in my life I actually went back up the Cave the way that I came in usually I just dig straight up or something but this was revolutionary I got back home and spent the rest of that day sorting through all my stuff I saw that this epit thing that I got could be used to make a bunch of bucus themed magic items which is is gross but maybe useful one day no it it’s not that loot token that I got gave me some unreal gold which is used for some unreal items like my Dagger from before and some magic armor I would just need a lot more to make use of it it also gave me magic paper that I can use to make spells with certain materials from dungeons but I didn’t really know how all that worked and I couldn’t do it on the morning of day 11 I tested that ender pearl sword as you could probably expect whenever I right click it throws an ender pearl for free without my spell Stone this would deal like a quarter of my health every time I use it but because I have both the items combined I can now teleport all over the place with zero risk and the sword was as strong as a diamond one an incredible item to get even if I had to fight those weird annoying cloning guys for it now that I had lapis and tons of levels I set up my enchantment table I Enchanted the ender pearl sword immediately which got looting three Unbreaking three in an enchantment called Slayer Slayer would do more damage to monsters I’m not really sure what counts as a monster but I’m assuming it meant like any hostile mob which is incredible I also Enchanted the diamond pickaxe with efficiency 4 and Unbreaking three with the rest of my levels I just made some iron armor and I Enchanted it with whatever it randomly got and now my offensive and defensive abilities were way better however in that cave I realized that I was in desperate need of ranged damage I had the exact item in mind I just needed paper for it that night I used the sword to teleport around and this Mobility was crazy it saved me from having to fight all these mobs that spawned at night too and if you notice that my sword is full durability like all the time for some reason whenever I use an ender pearl from The Sword it would repair Wonder durability could be a bug probably is a bug but either way it works for me what does not work for me was how hard it was to find sugarcane in the area I was in I got like four during the night and the next morning I got some paper from a village but that was it on the bright side I found two way stones that I could use to get back home which gave me a chance to explore a bit further out without getting lost I spent all of day 12 Gathering what sugarcane I could find and by that night I had exactly a stack I used a Way Stone to go home and slept before doing anything else on day 13 I made a mini sugarcan farm so I don’t run out then after converting all the sugar cane into paper I crafted blank cards these cards could be thrown as a ranged weapon on their own but by combining them with certain items they gain effects like poison knockback even some special cards that can be used to create AOE effects like like preventing spawning I crafted one set of eight cards using an ender pearl and these cards whenever I hit an enemy with them it would teleport it into the sky and in theory kill it with fall damage these were mostly just for an emergency in case there’s something super dangerous that I have to get rid of the only material I had easy access to for the rest would be Vines which create a card that can trap and poison mobs after looking around though I actually realized there are not any biomes with vines so I’d have to just find them as I traveled because yeah after sorting through my things and preparing I now wanted to go on an adventure this world is full of structures with magic artifacts and like I said I also wanted to find diamonds and Mining clearly did not work out for that so the next morning I set off to find stuff literally anything I teleported back to the waist stone that I placed in the forest and I got to it and immediately I found a shipwreck with two diamonds it also had some weird Scrolls and of course a buried treasure map the blank Scrolls could be used to make some items that for the most part seemed kind of useless to me one required me to die one required a beacon and the other one would store experience which that one could be good but I couldn’t make it yet anyways the other item I got could just be used to add a lore to an item which I didn’t care about I followed the berry treasure map which was super close and I dug it up from it I got a bunch of iron a diamond gold some potions the heart of the sea and a rune fragment the Rune fragment can be combined with another one to make tablets which I don’t know what they do but they sounded kind of cool my inventory was already filling up so I really wanted to upgrade my bag of holding I just needed some string and wool but first I did find Vines so I grabbed some and I combin them with my cards to create those Bramble ones I stayed up a bit that night to get some string and before I even found that I found some sheep and one was a jab rainbow sheep just kind of in the wild pretty cool right after getting wool I found spiders which dropped nothing then nearby I saw some crazy looking animals what are you are you friendly you don’t sound friendly are you chilling triable you’re a tribal that’s a lot of food oh but it makes you sick I like you but I’m going to leave you here for now cool animals but I don’t really have a use for poisonous meat down the hill I managed to find this really weird and very annoying skeleton spider which gave me my strings so I slept day 15 I finally upgraded my bag of holding to iron much needed upgrade to my inventory space to get a gold one I would need amethyst so I would keep an eye out for that I wandered into this Forest that just had a lot going on flying Village in the sky huge mansion below it and then this weird villager he was a gatekeeper and he had two trades a book and a lighter I bought both the items and then I looted some weird ingots from his house whatever mod this was seemed kind of interesting to me so I placed my waist Stone down and I was going to come back later and trust me it is quite the adventure then this Halloween house this place was fairly abandoned honestly there were sounds of witches and spiders outside but inside a complete Ghost Town the loot was pretty much worthless too outside of the very top which had a god tier enchanted books I’m talking power four sharpness Unbreaking just really good stuff that I could use later but there was also a secret chest on the railing above that room with two Axel ladles yeah this place came with three friends that you can just take I slept in the master bedroom that night too day 16 I decided to just ignore the flying Village I figured that I would visit one later if I could fly or something I just didn’t really want to deal with getting all the way up there the only thing of note that really happened on day 16 was this secret structure that I found oh well bruh there was even you could have made that so much worse this place isn’t even that cool that’s a bomb yeah that’s pretty cool yeah I want that secret but not very useful the bomb sounded fun at least day 17 was big at least it was for the whole magician thing I came across a structure that was home to a magical boss known as The Conjurer I’d been itching to try these cards out too and this would be perfect I feel like I’ve seen this before oh oh oh oh oh oh oh w w w w w w oh I reflect projectiles because of my my spell stone that I got on the day one no hey that rabbit is deadly that’s definitely a killer rabbit no I’m sorry I’m sorry bunny yeah you’re you’re I’m sorry I’m sorry ow eat this I don’t know how good these cards are but I imagine they’re decent the bunny is actually terrifying go Bramble you’re getting brambl stop summoning the rabbit out of your hat Bud start throwing hands he teleported me I saw my car floating in the air for a second I don’t know what that was all right where’s the guy at I love that I can reflect projectiles there he is spam him okay I have to hit them to get them back but I can get my cards back all right you’re lock in place die oh I got him and you’re toast isn’t that what the bunny’s called I don’t know nice yo I’ll get yall out of here in a second I got to look through my loot bouncy ball yo we got a magician hat and what is this a throwing card oh I no trust me I already got that covered maybe I’ll keep these for the fun of it they’re like trophies literally could not have been more perfect a magician boss that got me a magician hat and more throwing cards which I wouldn’t really be using because mine were better but still speaking of mine they kind of put in the work there poisoning and trapping the boss while I dealt with the rabbits and stuff they were kind of nice and this was only one of the many types I can make I looted a chest in the back room from more cards and a bouncy ball and then I freed the Villager that was trapped there I tested the the bouncy ball and it seemed like it would be really fun to fight with if I was able to actually make them but I couldn’t so it was kind of just more of a trophy there wasn’t really anything else in the structure besides clothes I took it upon myself to pick out a nice outfit and then I learned that I could dye the band on the hat using some flowers outside I dyed the band on the hat red and then I changed up my leather armor to create a magician kind of outfit it was kind of more ugly than magician e but don’t worry I do replace it later now that I looked at the of magician I felt like I was kind of done with this little Adventure day 18 I wanted to find a way Stone and go home and I did find one at this little desert Outpost thing but I wanted to explore the area a little more and I saw something crazy my God that is huge look at the size of that structure now I got to know oh oh no oh jeez well while my game is crashed uh did you know that only 7% of people are subscribed yeah maybe you’re one of the people that isn’t so maybe you could help me out with that maybe yeah I’m sorry anyways okay my game crashed it’s been like three real life days and I don’t really remember what I was doing but I see this thing and I don’t know what it is that’s a dragon again oh I actually don’t think it’s hostile I think it’s a a I don’t know what that is I’m not going to mess with it though so you stay there and I’ll go up here I want to know what mod that’s from oh yeah if you don’t know what the cataclysm mod is just know it’s terrifying yeah what is that okay I can kill them oh there’s so many no there’s too many there’s too many there’s too many there’s too many okay nope I I can’t kill them enough okay we are we are coming back to this later oh I’ll be back I’ll be back after that I wanted to look at this other structure that I saw nearby but when I approached it I nearly died du these poisonous scorpions that were digging around in the sand genuinely I thought it could have been over here but the Bramble cards were able to let me get some space and heal which saved my life then after the poison rudely interrupting my sleep a few times I slept to day 19 that structure that I was at ended up being nothing more than some Gunpowder so I turned back and headed to the way Stone I looted the structure that I was in and I teleported home I used that book that I got from that weird house because it said it only had to be used once and it unlocked a new book tab in my inventory I didn’t really want to do any research right now so I would just look into that later for now I stored everything that I got on that trip made some more cards and planted Vines to grow so I can get some more day 20 I now looked like a magician but my house didn’t really fit the vibe it was about time to work on a new base but I had to find a location first my ideal spot is usually an open clearing in a forest or Tiga but I definitely wanted to pick a magic biome for this so I went to look around it took all day and night but on the morning of day 21 I found the perfect spot a beautiful location where a cherry blossom Grove maple Woods and Magic forest biome all connected it would take a bit of terraforming but this was definitely where I wanted to live I just had to find a wa Stone to make moving my stuff easier so I went to find one while searching I came across this ominous Woods biome which had purple wood I wrote down the coordinates because that could be a great material for a magic themed base but I don’t think I end up really using much of it but it’s still really cool it took until that night but I found a village it was like perfectly overlapped with a Pillager Camp which was kind of awkward but I was only here for the wayist stone which I got I was unfortunately 2,000 blocks from where I wanted to live so I had to turn around and spam ender pearls all the way back and right when I was almost back on day 22 I found a sign that told me there was actually a village just 400 blocks away that I could have gone to instead glad I chose to travel 2,000 blocks instead of just finding the village that was 400 away I cleared some trees in a flat area right in the middle of all three biomes I set up some chests and started moving my stuff it unfortunately cost two levels every time I teleported which used most of my experience but it’d be worth it probably then I finally said goodbye to the ugly red and blue house and I slept today 23 I made two iron axes and two Stone hammers which would let me mine in a 3X3 now that the location was picked out I just needed materials and the Hammers would help a lot with Gathering one block that I really wanted calite I just had to find some I explored sketchy caves to look for it but the closest that I found was a bunch of diorite in a little min camp that I found I did get a spare diamond pickaxe but I didn’t really need that right now but maybe it saves diamonds later I guess I spent the rest of the day in that cave and found literally zero calite I know that it can generate on mountains so I want to find some of those on day 24 there was a little bit of calite in a surface cave that I found but it was not going to be enough then something unexpected but very convenient happened I found a witch stump a little house that Two Witches lived in I took them out even aoid voiding poison because my angel Stone would reflect projectiles from this place I was able to get Soul lanterns and a bunch of other decoration blocks that would work great in my new house after going outside I realized that I got a new witch bag and it gave me a new artifact to the flask of adaptation it said that it was a potion that would change effects based on my environment I tried drinking it here but nothing after testing it in both the water and on a magma block I figured that maybe it would just give me like Fire Res in the nether or something either way back to looking for calite luckily I found a few waist stones that I could grab because I was traveling very far to find a good source of this block it took until day 25 but I found a perfect biome called a jeweled Forest this place had spires made of calai and Amethyst these little jewels that gave me opal which could be used to make a really pretty Crystal block it was also home to Magic Turtles with rocks on their back there was way too much to grab here and my inventory was full I placed a Way Stone went home cleared my inventory and slept Day 26 I started getting as many of these blocks as I could until I mined a bit of B salt and a bug spawned and did over half my health in one hit after the poison wore off I went back and I killed the bug safely it dropped some legs that can be used for armor and tools but with how dangerous that bug was I would just avoid breaking basol for now I grabbed a lot of calai and now I had tons of magical stuff to build my base with then finally starting on day 27 I built my new home [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and the base is done it did in fact take until day 40 you can see it says 39 which means 40 cuz it starts at zero anyways um this might be my favorite base I’ve ever built in my life it’s so cool dude look at this just look at look at the blue and the white and it’s so pretty and then come up here and look at this dec decorations bro we got this potion set you can make with like six water bottles or seven water bottles this thing is just a cauldron plus a water bottle this is a bookshelf it’s just it’s books and wood I stole these from that one house the that witch house that I found and it can it it looks nice on the window sill got these little sacks of that’s gunpowder Nether wart cocoa beans they just look nice and it’s nice right it’s nice interior design I’ve never really done that before but you may be asking uh where’s all your stuff like your your chests and your stuff well that’s that’s the fun part I have this magic door knob I made it out of wood this in an ender pearl there these are weird ender pearls and you just go over to the Bookshelf and it opens up you can open any wall with that door knob and this is the hall my hallway of of everything I need we have my farm right here we can grow some crops I’m going to expand this soon some sugarcane too this is a this is a fancy torch it’s called a small torch and it blocks spawning of hostile mobs it’s pretty nice then uh this room over here down the hall is a enchantment room I store all my enchantment stuff in here looks real nice uh I have I have I can expand this later whenever I want to and add more rooms if I need them uh this room is incomplete cuz I already took like a million days to do this but this room is going to be a trophy Hall I’m going to have like pedestals with the items that I’ve gotten from bosses and dungeons here and I’m going to expand it like as far down as it needs to go to show everything thing and it’s going to be really cool at the end of the video I think I don’t I don’t know it also has a medium torch cuz I don’t like mobs spawning in my base and then this is my main room this is my storage room my crafting room I found this crate near that desert waist stone that I found and it can store a like 640 items so I’m using it to store all my magic items like my artifacts and everything is it like oh it’s like 640 total not Stacks that’s still fine and then I have everything sorted I have all my blocks and Bob drops and everything it’s nice it’s nice this is a really cool base and I’m very happy with how it turned out I like the secret hallway thing it’s pretty cool while I was building I learned that whenever I break my sugar cane it has a chance to spawn one of those little Pikmin guys meaning once I got diamond armor I could upgrade it into that armor set if I wanted to I don’t but the option was there speaking of armor mine was kind of really low durability I made a new helmet but I used most of my XP teleporting around while building so I had to go find a dungeon or something to take on for materials and levels I kind of wanted to make a new type of card before I fought anything though and there was one that I could make with Nether Bricks the nether was scary right now given that I only had iron armor so I wanted to get some Netherrack from a ruined portal if I could find one after sorting my inventory I headed out to find dungeons ruined portals and whatever else is out there and turns out I found the whatever El option with this very weird Bell oh my [Music] God what are you are you my friend are you a boss you’re not there’s no boss bar if I punched this Pillager ow defend me I don’t know what that I thought it was like an iron golem oh oh oh oh [Music] oh an axe I got a rare o I got a rare drop okay I’m going to look at that in a second that guy is awesome yeah so I guess that’s a Golem that can spawn in villages and sends out a bell sound that can stun enemies seems insane for raids if I ever had to do one of those I was going to come here for sure also The Vindicator axe that I got was just an axe a really strong axe but I preferred my ender pearl sword so I would just use the axe as well an axe just outside the village that night I found something crazy golden cows there were three of them so I killed one and they dropped a ton of leather and a golden apple I wanted to leave the other two alive just in case I wanted to farm them or something one day I found other magic cows later too cake cows I could milk them for cake milkshakes I could seemingly get an infinite amount of them but they were kind of bad food so I didn’t bother all these cool magic mobs I was Finding made me really want to start capturing some to have in my base I looked into it and I could make a mob catcher with four diamonds but diamonds were already so valuable and hard to come by that it might have to wait a bit the house next to those cows did have a diamond though and a fire aspect book which is incredible because with a fire and looting three sword I would never need food again definitely putting that on my sword whenever I get back to an anvil the final thing on night 41 was another magic mob a rainbow sheep I had to try shearing it and it gave me rainbow wool after all those mobs that I found I decided that I had to get some kind of item to capture and move them around as soon as possible day 42 I was focused back on the main goal though armor and XP my dream zoo of magical Wildlife didn’t matter if I died right though despite saying that I immediately walked into a boss fight oh die oh no I’m sorry oh oh you have like no Health but you have so many summons oh you’re such a cringe loser oh my God what what is this effect fear I’m literally Not Afraid oh you know what maybe you’re on to something all right where’s the guy you you’re not getting away from me oh you’re so cooked oh you’re so dead oh that was awesome what did I just get did he not drop anything oh that’s his drops that was a loot box he dropped spells that I can’t use can I use this no you need an advancement to use it I don’t have that advancement but I did get this bone which can be used to make a staff I can actually make that it wasn’t actually that hard I don’t think I mentioned it but this Ender sword seems to give slowness whenever I hit mobs which has been a lifesaver many times over there was another loot box with the Statue with standing and after breaking it I got even more spells that I can’t use I did open these two loot tokens though they got me some unreal gold I was going to make the staff but after looking into it I could actually easily make this unreal armor with all the essence the loot box gave me I used this Village’s Way Stone to go home and got the crafting what I could I was able to get really close to the full set but ended up only being able to afford the chest plate and pants while home I added fire aspects to my ender pearl sword and Enchanted the two pieces of armor with Unbreaking and protection then I headed back to that Village to find more cool stuff I could mine gold right now to get the rest of that armor but to be honest I just didn’t really want to that Village though two new artifacts out of the first chest a tarot card which gives me hero of the village 3 and an antidote vessel which made negative potion effects wear off faster with the amount of annoying mobs that blind me and poisoned me in this mod pack the antidote vessel was a blessing and I don’t even need to explain how overpowered hero of the village is I would definitely have to do some trading later to take advantage of it for sure there wasn’t anything else in the village that caught my eye so on day 43 I set sail for new lands I explored a few places before finally finding a staircase that led down into a dungeon I broke a spawner before it could spawn anything and I looted a chest it looked a lot better than it actually was but it did have a book that gave me eight levels when I read it pretty hype after clearing some skeletons and breaking their spawner my next chest had a diamond chest plate entire chest plate just there diamond armor had a few different upgrades in this mod pack so I was going to save that for later for sure I dealt with a zombie room next and then down a staircase I got diamond boots as well that was actually it for this dungeon it was pretty easy and the rewards were incredible the diamond boots were definitely also going to be saved I don’t want to risk breaking them too soon the next morning I dug into this weird ritual circle thing in a chest I got an ender pearl which is cool and all but more importantly for me amethyst I know there were a few of those growing amethyst blocks from that Forest before but they weren’t fully grown and I didn’t really want to sit around in the area and wait finding the structure meant that I could finally upgrade my bag of holding into a golden one and get more inventory space then that night I was in this cool forest biome and I had these mushroom blocks that could be crafted into glowing versions I had been looking for a more magic appropriate way to light up my base and these were perfect so I grabbed some now here is where I have to explain a massive threat in this world dragons after I got far enough away from the world spawn point Dragon roosts would start to generate and I was about to encounter my first one that’s a dragon okay it’s sleeping but I think it’s a Lightning Dragon which are supposed to be awake at night so it could wake up at any moment yeah that’s a dragon I am lucky that it’s to sleep I don’t think it’s supposed to be like I said lightning dragons are supposed to be awake at night I’m just going to go over there you do you buddy goodbye luckily that one was asleep but if it was awake that could easily have been my death dragons are incredibly deadly and if they get to jump on you you are done for also normally with this dragon mod each dragon type is bound to certain biomes but not in this world any Dragon element can spawn in any biome meaning I could never truly be prepared now that I was in the territory of this new threat I decided to keep exploring anyways maybe not my best choice ever but I wanted to find dungeons and stuff and higher risk means higher reward right there were even cool new Mobs out here like this wind Pillager wizard guy never seen one of those before yeah the next morning as the sun rose I was killing mobs for food when I got a rare item from a chicken they were boots that gave me permanent slow falling which I really didn’t like I would keep them as like a little trophy or something but it was definitely too annoying to use then I had a much more terrifying Dragon encounter is that a dragon yeah yeah it is yeah it is yeah it is okay I’m just looking at these blocks oh Jesus okay okay I I need to leave it’s breaking everything it’s it’s breaking everything it’s it’s it’s like digging down to me go go go go leave leave teleport Pearl Pearl Pearl suck you ice dragon wooo okay surely that is the last scary dragon encounter for a while in fact I was starting to think that I should just avoid being in the dragon territory entirely dying doesn’t really sound fun nearby I spotted this Castle so I headed over to it it was fortunately a castle of villagers so it was safe they even had a really cool door with a lever I ended up spending way more time than I wanted to looking around this place it was awesome just not really useful in terms of loot for me and since loot is all that really matters I left the next morning I found a smaller Castle but the loot was much better lots of emeralds a diamond a protection 4 book a fortune 2 book the entire place was just way more worth my time traveling a bit further I came across a structure a temple of sorts I’m not going to lie and pretend that I don’t know what this is I’ve played rlcraft okay but either way I wanted to take it on because I’d never actually done it before to fight the boss of this Temple you had to have a blindfold to not die instantly I made one put it on and I went in I’ll be real blindness is way worse than I thought it was I’m I’m terrified I don’t know how I found those I can’t see at all where’s the boss there’s a boss right right there boss I’m blindfolded idiot you can’t get me oh my God got it oh wow that was easy oh you’re you got cooked yo I’m insane why is your body still still there she’s dead right am I safe I won and I got a legendary weapon from it this is what I wanted I knew you could get I’ve never used this before I defeated a gorgon it was actually pretty easy but if any other mobs happened to spawn down there it could have been so much worse I grabbed the Netherrack from this room and I started to smelt it and while I do I’ll explain the G organ head it’s a one-time use legendary weapon and with it I can turn any mob into stone so if for some reason a dragon attacks my base or something I can turn it into a rock and eliminate it instantly I would of course save it for an emergency like some kind of mob that I just can’t kill but it was a great thing to have on hand once the Nether Bricks were done I made 32 Earth cards and I went to test them whenever I hit a mob rocks would fall from the sky to hit it if the mob was moving around too much it kind of just missed but when combined with the Bramble card that Roots them in place deadly combo right after testing it I actually found a ruined portal and I got all the Netherrack I would ever need to make more cards then I found a little farm thing similar to the tribal one that I found before but this time it had these cool dinosaur chicken things I placed that on a waystone my dream of a magical animal zoo was going to happen day 47 I decided decided to take on this Tower in a previous video I turned one of these into a skeleton grinder because yeah there are a lot of skeleton spawners I broke them all made sure the coast was clear and I started looting and in a barrel I got protection Three diamond boots and a sharpness 4 diamond sword the sword was kind of useless there are way better weapons in this mod pack and I wouldn’t really need it but a second pair of diamond boots that are already Enchanted I put those on immed immediately I really just needed a helmet now and my armor set was good to go the only other item that I got there that was really worth anything was a wool Mitten Relic which I have no idea what it does but at that point I was pretty much ready to return home I got some new stuff my armor was way better and I had a plan for what to do next I only had one wasone though and I didn’t want to waste it so I started to look for a village on the search for one I found this dungeon house which had a spawner for these ghosts when I I killed them they gave me these Soul beads which can apparently be used like an eye ofender to find Nether fortresses I got a bunch just in case and then I got back to looking for a waystone before finding one I ended up wandering into this Sandstone mansion with a Pillager billionaire he was super tanky and had Butlers to defend him but he didn’t really do much damage in return he didn’t really drop anything either just a rock that can be turned into a Wither Skull if I get four of them it took until that night but I found an extra waist stone and a village at the same time so I even got a spare I quickly looted the village and I got some new artifacts a necklace that would increase invincibility frames which is actually worse than the luck one in my opinion and a tarot card that gave me more movement speed that was all that I could find there and then there was this whole battle going on so I just teleported home and slept I went down to my secret hallway and I immediately researched the wool Mitten it basically let me turn snow on the ground and to a ranged weapon that can freeze and stuff not the most useful especially when I already have Bramble cards but I didn’t have anything else on my hands right now so I put it on I stored my entirely full inventory and then I made this item called a Tarot deck it let me store all my tarot cards in a curio slot so I wouldn’t have to fill my entire inventory with them which is very nice finally because I got some raw gold out there I was able to craft the unreal mask and get decent armor in every slot okay I was about to set out on a new adventure but first I wanted to prepare a bit using those insect legs that I got from that weird thing in the amethyst Forest I was able to turn a diamond sword into a magic staff it was also a melee weapon so after enchanting my helmet with protection 3 I Enchanted to the staff and got sharpness four for my next adventure I was planning on going to a new magical Dimension and because my current sword had the Slayer enchantment and I wasn’t really sure if it would work on the mobs there I figured that sharpness would be best for the STA St finally I added protection four to my chest plate because it didn’t have it yet after stocking up on Earth and bramble cards and making a new Iron bag of holding I was ready day 51 I quickly tested the new magert staff with right click I could create an AOE of poison 3 hunger and weakness really nice debuffs and combined with the Bramble card I’d be able to keep up the poison for a very long time enough stalling though I worked back to this weird house that I found turns out using the lighter that I got from here I could open a portal to a dimension full of magic I prepared myself and entered the new dimension and it was definitely magic I immediately noticed a tower but when I tried to break one of these rocks it said that my tools wouldn’t work here I placed a wayist stone by my portal and I got to investigating the area this Dimension was apparently called the Ever Dawn and yeah it was always Dawn here my in-game day count does still change so it’s not going to all be one day but yeah I wouldn’t be able to sleeve or anything I tried to gather some wood with my Axe and it was pretty clear that my Overworld tools were not going to work in this Dimension so I gathered some purple wood then I used my diamond pickaxe to get three lunar Stone and then swapped over to lunar stone tools then I started looking for mobs it didn’t really matter if my tools worked here but if my armor and weapons didn’t then we had a much larger problem after mining some of these red gems I found in a cave I uh did find them all mob a giant mutated ant thing and yeah my weapons do not really work here so much for that new staff that I just made my armor was also clearly nerfed based on the armor bar but it would work for now I used those gemstones that I got to make a new sword and pickaxe and now I had to figure out how to gear up here so I could fight whatever it was in that tower that I saw now this might seem random like I could just go home and do stuff in the Overworld right well this Dimension is an entirely separate thing from the Overworld meaning there unique weapons armor and of course magic artifacts I wanted to at least try to find some while I was here and I figured the tower was probably my best bet I’m not going to go into too much detail but I went through the dimensions progression order I went from the red gems to this blue ore that I smelted then this green ore which for some reason is just insane in terms of armor 4.5 armor toughness is higher than I’ve ever seen if it worked in the Overworld it could very well be my best armor eventually I got this orange Horizon night stuff and I gained access to an auto smelt pickaxe and that made progressing way faster also there were for some reason just no mobs here I saw that one ant that I fought at the start and that was literally it for like ever I figured that would definitely change whenever I go to that Tower though the next ore that I found was a purple one that seemed to be the diamond equivalent my goal was to now get a full set of gear with the green and purple ores before going to the tower so I just mind a lot the green stuff was way more common than the purple stuff which was kind of weird because I felt like the armor was better but I don’t know I got enough for a full set of the green armor so I made it and then I made a purple sword and pickaxe this gear was surely enough to take on anything here especially because my cards Ender sword and artifacts all still had their abilities back on the surface I grabbed some flowers as souvenirs because for all I know this could be my only time here and I wanted to make sure I got some these glassy looking rocks could used to make a shield and I normally avoid Shields because they’re kind of overpowered but I had no idea what was in this Dimension so I made one then while heading back to my portal for that Tower I discovered a village I wouldn’t have even assumed that there were Villages here so I’m glad that I came across it on accident there wasn’t any worthwhile loot but there was a weird magical crystal lizard looking thing once I can transport mobs definitely going in my magic zoo a bit of being lost later I found my portal and of of course the tower and it was time to take it on okay Tower it may have just started glass storming I don’t really know I’m I’m here to take you on buddy the Wizard’s Tower yep there’s a man here a Pillager is there nothing down here first okay I’m going to have golden apples ready and here we go R oh you are you that’s not Diamond never mind it still hurts though my cards still work here oh my God dude yo give me that for a souvenir give me that no give me my steak back that’s a souvenir armor piece right there my steak what up villagers you can’t do that here right now I I’m going to get you out of here okay oh I got the key one down three to go okay next wave of guys should be over here the library maze nah I’m good bro I have double jump they weren’t ready for me blinding dungeon key number two and if I go up here here and now there’s a kitty cat Hello Kitty Cat it’s just in here it was just in the bedroom what is blinding St I’m going to take some hey I I have the keys now what is this oh fruit I can’t take them oh my God where did you come from got him witch bag what are we getting from the witch bag the blaze powder is actually sick oh you put the keys right here and it someone’s the boss you need four dungeon keys to enter oh one down three to go I failed simple math this is not good oh it’s I’m so dude it’s blinding dungeon cuz I’m blind dude it was right there okay four keys and I assume this is going to summon a boss I’m ready oh oh oh Alchemist okay okay I can’t hit him with that ow oh you have you’re tanky uh staff I can do a little bit of that myself buddy he’s immune to poison bro that’s like my whole build okay I have Earth as well dude he has my build he straight up has my build he has poison clouds and rocks that fall from the sky that’s my two things got him Dodge oh okay arrows okay the Earth cards are like huge they’re my only way to get good damage from far away not bad not bad ow that okay the rocks are cringe but I have rocks too buddy what is that phase two he makes funny sounds and now there’s a lava Fountain oh he turned the fountains to Lava I’m going to die to rocks I’m going to die oh my gosh oh he has fire arrows now okay phase two is freaking sick get reflected trash not today thank you wait I can see through the blindness with the with the shield he’s super low cards die die die die wooo oh I got him I got a trophy that’s cool what is this an uncommon loot bag holy item oh there’s more dusk Ark this is an artifact there we go okay and there’s a spike Shield Venum Ingot tool box what is the tool box don’t care about the rest of the stuff so I’m going to make the tool box cool boss and I got a rare artifact from it probably not the best one that I could get but it was something the star flares that I got could also be used to make an item that I think was like a waist Stone and they made cool light sources which is what I would be using them for then that tool box I had to look up what it actually did but basically I could swap out the stick that my sword uses to get different stats like higher durability for Less attack speed and stuff like that I would be fine with with my current one for now though oh actually uh just kidding now that I beat the boss I can go back to that witch room and grab the tree and the stick from this tree could give me more attack speed in exchange for Less durability which is a no-brainer for me now I was basically done here I jumped from the tower and instantly found a crystal camel another mob on the list of things that I had to come back for later I could head home now but I figured there were probably other bosses and artifacts in this Dimension and I wanted to try and find them however despite traveling for a while the most that I found was another Village and a Maple Forest I did learn there were snakes though and that the lizards come in multiple colors which is pretty sweet regardless I found no dungeons or other artifacts or even signs of there being those so I didn’t really want to waste any more time here there was much better and cooler stuff in the Overworld so I just teleported back home these tools and armor did seem to work here but I like the stuff that I already had and I didn’t really want to enchant another set of gear anyways so would just save them for if I ever go back to that world now that the cool magic Dimension Adventure was over I had a lot of unique stuff I figured it was time to finish my trophy room and put some stuff on display however it turns out that the display pedestals that I wanted needed quartz which I had to go to the nether for so I had to go find lava which I didn’t even find instead I spent like 15 minutes to get all my obsidian from two ruined portals instead of lava I was now really far out but through some Insane luck I managed to wander back into my amethyst forest biome I got some amethyst to upgrade my second bag of holding and then I way stoned home I upgraded the bag Built My nether portal and I headed in this place was way prettier than I expected fancy pink crystals everywhere I gathered a bunch of those so I could put them in the trophy room but uh this place had a huge downside there were very few mobs that were spawning but the ones that were spawning were those incredibly annoying cloning guys that I got my sword from I still did not know how to kill them so I had to bury every single one that I saw it got really hard when I had to kill this wither cow thing and I accidentally hit the cloning guy and had to kite a swarm of them I managed to bury them and then I just mined quartz until I got way too annoyed and just left and one of them followed me through my portal and got stuck on a ladder so I had to lead it outside and bury it yeah I was getting very tired of those guys before doing anything with the trophy room I had to secure my nether portal using quartz some Soul Sand and some purple dye I made these seal cores and I crafted some seal cars with it these were supposed to prevent hostile mobs from spawning in its range and I went to the Nether and I placed them around the area and turns out they do not work on the cloning guys I managed to get out of the nether but those things are the most annoying mob I’ve ever dealt with in Minecraft they are actually the worst now that that whole Fiasco was over I had to get wool for my pedestals so I I went out and I stole wool from a bunch of structures for the rest of the day and for some reason that night one of the villagers that got me into that magic Dimension just started attacking me with a bow I have no idea what I did to him but he wanted me dead so I had to take him out after getting the last of the wool that I needed from this weird Shrine I headed home now that I had all the materials I went ahead and finished the trophy room [Music] and the trophy room was complete my armor and weapons from the magic Dimension The Alchemist Trophy and some of the materials that I got there too and then all the artifacts that I had gotten that I wasn’t really using including the rewards from The Conjurer boss that got me my hat after everything I had been through recently my gear was kind of shredded pretty sure my armor was mostly broken because of those stupid things in the nether but still it would cost me diamonds but I can make an item called The Ring of repair which would slowly repair all of my items and that sounded way less annoying than mending so I made it and I put it on unfortunately it didn’t seem to work while I was in my ring slot so I would just keep it in my main inventory day 61 I wanted to prepare something I had been wanting to do forever my magic Zoo the items that I would need to capture mobs and move them around required bamboo so I wanted to get that before anything else just in case I find a mob that I want to capture when fighting dungeons or something I headed out into this very intense thunderstorm to find any structures or biomes that had bamboo I checked out this Fisherman’s Lodge no luck though in a tower nearby I found an entire diamond block most diamonds I’ve had it once in the entire 100 days so far and I will take it just after the rain stopped I found uh living buckets of Axel lottle like they were just hopping around in a bucket and everything this is the exact situation that I wanted to avoid because now I had to just leave these here to despawn I reluctantly left and continued my search and of course when I still cannot capture stuff that night I found a ton of crazy mobs ah oh what are those I was distracted by the wolf person what is that okay you all got to go I’m sorry Wolf Woman or dog I don’t know what you are I’m so sorry what is this you’re cute ah you just killed my target I was going to kill that wow I’ve never seen any of those mobs until now and what are you oh there’s a couple of you that means I can safely kill one gongan you’re a gongan gongan these nuts I’m so sorry you want some sugar well I’ll leave you here on half a heart got him anyways on the bright side I finally got to use the poison staff on something that wasn’t immune to it took me long enough that sparse jungle that I was in led me to a real jungle and even if it wasn’t a bamboo one it still managed to get over a stack which would be more than enough I started looking for a wayist St but before I found one I got jumped by two Orcs they actually did decent damage which allowed me to make use of my staff again to weaken them before taking them out they dropped some satchels that gave me enchanted books but neither were anything really crazy day 62 I traveled until I found a village and then I started looting it I got this Hunter’s belt which I would have to research and that was pretty much the only thing there not even a waist Stone to go home with I was still searching for a waist stone that night when I found this insane Red Beast it was really tanky and after I killed it I learned that it was a chupacabra the drops could be used to make a dagger but it seemed really bad so I wouldn’t bother also I did some testing that night and I learned that my Slayer 4 ender pearl sword was still stronger than my sharpness four staff against Monsters of course not everything that I kill will be considered a monster but most of them will I found a way Stone as the sun rose on day 63 and I went home I researched to that Hunter’s belt and it said that it would give me more slots for relics however it would replace the antidote vessel which had proven to be way too valuable so I passed now with this bamboo I crafted a below gun and over a stack of darts then I made a bunch of crates and now as long as it worked how I thought it did I could capture mobs I immediately went to find some magical creature to test it on okay a gravel chicken or a gra okay so yeah these chickens are like they’re like chickens but they can lay Flint instead of eggs I’ve seen a couple of them around all right so hit you with this then oh there we go this is a good day just like that I can capture any mob that I want for my eventual magic zoo I didn’t really want to build the zoo right now though I had another goal and I just wanted to get this so I can capture mobs along the way and that other goal is the Wither using a Nether Star I could craft an item called the card switcher which would give me access to a whole new selection of colored cards to use in a fight the cards that I had right now proved their worth in the fight against The Alchemist boss and having access to a bunch of different kinds would help me fight anything I encounter I sorted my inventory grabbed the flask of adaptation just in case it gave me Fire Res in the nether then I went in my portal was right next to a nether fortress I had to get past all those annoying clone guys to get to it but at least they spawn a lot less at The Fortress after taking out some blazes and wither skeletons I opened a chest and got a new tarot card that gives a region three to all nearby allies which doesn’t fact include myself that honestly might have been the strongest magic item I had gotten so far it definitely does not make me Invincible but it would keep me alive without having to rely on food like I did for The Alchemist fight against a blade is I was able to test the flask of adaptation which does give me Fire Res when on fire only for a few seconds but it could save my life who knows it didn’t take long to get my first Wither Skull but right after it I saw an awesome creature that I had to get look up there okay also it’s really pink I I don’t know why it’s so pink I’m just going to put that away but look there’s fire horses and whatever that thing I need that okay I’m going for it hit the roof okay yo oh oh my God holy ah ah ah ah that was they were fast okay okay yeah you kill the skeletons you’re very aggressive Tran them out wait I can’t Tran oh God why Tran out what oh no he was oh he was out okay they has to be low HP that one was blue was that rare I only want one of them okay you’re still too high HP what is it only a chance I don’t understand how this works oh no I’ve killed two now I’m a terrible zookeeper dude I got to knock you out buddy you’re sleep oh crate of nightmare I got one I want the blue one I’m going to get a blue one so I can have a squad what is that it’s like a quartz crab okay I need the Z’s to be about never mind hey one capture out of like four attempts ain’t bad though I also did notice this whole Soul Sand Fortress nearby which I was definitely going to check out soon back in the nether fortress I found a new kind of mob in a chest called a mollik I would look into that later because right now it was definitely not safe enough I started to break chests that I had already looted and then I broke one that I hadn’t actually opened yet from it I got a tarot card that gave me three luck incredible for getting rare chest loot and then I got this Keystone of Oblivion this item would basically delete any items that I wanted to as soon as I picked them up as someone that had to mine netherite later that would be amazing it even helped right now with forming wither skulls because I did not want to pick up bones or coal at all then I tried to see what this giant center part of the Fortress was all about oh jeez I don’t have blocks okay um oh okay big door Rob no big gate I think this thing’s broken I think it’s supposed to move this up but oh sweet Jesus I didn’t expect that I don’t know why it’s literally okay where are these mobs coming from this can’t just be the natural spawns little man my dude I I I can’t really work with you right now man I’m sorry wither skeleton sword withering attacks destroy enemies what does that mean okay it’s unenchanted so my current sword’s better but that’s an an amazing weapon and I have a second skull ooh I’m insane rage glove I’m pretty sure this thing damages you but I’m going to take it anyways because it’s I don’t have it yet two diamonds o two more diamonds oh y got a dining hall with no food no chests yeah the barrels are useless but I’m not complaining we got good loot out of here anyways or maybe the bottom the bottom was insane oh I got another wither skeleton sword my looting luck is crazy now I have two that Fortress loot was definitely worth exploring for I still had to form my third Wither Skull and in doing so I got magma walker shoes they technically had to be researched but I already know what they do so I put them on now I could walk on lava in case that wasn’t obvious after taking out the two skeletons on top of this gate I got my third skull now I wanted to check out that Soul Sand Valley Castle thing but first I had to reclaim what I lost no I need that one for sure what is that creature next to it you’re like a frog with a mohawk I I want you too I can’t get it no this guy has a right click interaction so I can’t catch him I’m sorry I need to know what mod you’re from I’ll never know okay Blue Horse it’s time that I reclaimed my prize go to bed oh my God you’re you’re actually terrifying I got him oh oh there we go Blue nightmare that is a second nightmare for the zoo with the rarer horse secured now it was time for the castle okay castle that is a Giant Gas head no there’s more oh these guys still spawn here just going to go up there oh my God there’s a conveyor belt that just knocked me off what is that look at that it’s spinning I’m just going to go in the room then oh there’s so many gas TI I didn’t even notice I remember these spawners in the corn they spawned the two-headed skeletons yeah look at that two-headed SK holy Health okay that that hurt a lot and then getting to that room kind of sucks oh but I can teleport is that or tungsten I don’t care and that seems like it’s the only point in this room and whatever this what was that noise what does the block do it’s a gas alter how do I summon the gas oh my God huh that was the least chill thing ever what if I go up all right the key has to be in one of these towers if there even is a key yeah there’s no key I’m level 44 now what happened okay I don’t know how to do the the alter I’m just going to leave I’m outie I want to go find more stuff yeah that place was both eventful and very uneventful from there I just really wanted to explore more of the nether I know I had my skulls but I also had a ton of luck on my gear my thought was that I might be able to find structures and get netherite ingots from the chest or even some rare exclusive artifacts or something so yeah I explored it was kind of infuriating with these cloning guys constantly spawning but you kind of get used to it after a while I ended up finding a Bastion and despite searching all around it I couldn’t find more than one chest I got some gold blocks too but other than that the best thing that I got was a piglin bag which is similar to those witch bags that I got before I opened it and I got a chalice of swine basically I could use this thing to remove fire or Wither from myself while in the nether it’s honestly pretty Niche and not useful but it looks cool on the way out though I actually did find one other chest with an ancient debris so at least I got that out of it the next structure I found though was a fusion of a Bastion in nether fortress it had way more piglin brutes than normal but thankfully my ender pearl sword can slow enemies so I can fight them safely it took a while but eventually I found a treasure room with tons of gold blocks and a chest with a netherite Ingot once I learned where all the loot rooms in the structure actually were I got a ton of stuff a ring of slowness resistance another book that gives tons of XP a ring of poison resistance diamond armor it was insane I left that place then found another Bastion a treasure room one which got me two more ancient debris in the center chest and another one in one of the outer chests those luck Buffs were carrying me and finally in the last chest that I found found in this Bastion I got an extremely rare artifact another let’s go oh yo this is another core immunity to fire immunity to lava burns Those Who attack you in melee heavily improv invisibility or visibility in lava that sounds really worse than the the jumping one that I have that’s that’s crazy though I I I it’s been like 70 days and I’ve only found two cores that’s crazy it was definitely not perfect but the idea of improved visibility in lava was very interesting as long as the lava doesn’t kill you being able to see through it means that you can get all the netherite on the bottom of the lava ocean which I don’t end up using this for but it is a valid use of it and honestly it’s probably way easier than strip mining with this I decided that my adventure here was done so I placed down a Way Stone and I used three very expensive levels to war Palm day 69 I opened the ton of piglin bags that I had outside of the random gold and whatnot I got some more chales and then these whips of dominance Ayo seemingly they would just let me ride hoglins which unfortunately isn’t that useful I then researched the rage glove which to my understanding would give me more attack damage and speed as I fight but in exchange I would take more damage myself I’d rather not take more damage though so this would just go in the trophy room speaking of trophy room after sorting through everything that I got in the nether I expanded it and boom all the new stuff is in place I was missing a few lights and stuff but I didn’t really want to teleport with 47 levels so it would have to wait Day 70 it was time to fight the Wither I grabbed my skulls and I headed to find a place to fight it safely I picked out a spot on the hillside and I prepared for battle boom boom here we go what is that okay interation of such terrible form devies description don’t speak to me stop please stop I can deflect skulls oh you got smoked bro the skulls get deflected by my Talisman thingy it’s so loud I can’t hear myself speak Bramble bro I can’t get up to him there we go all right just get into phase two and you’re dead Okay no like one more hit now okay like maybe like one more oh no wait he was there for a second wait boom phase two now please die I beg you goodbye bro that was so loud I still had no idea what that guy in my head was yapping about but I got my nether star so who cares back home I combined the nether star with some cards to craft the card switcher and then I had to try it out basically this would automatically swap B between cards while active and then I can pause it and start throwing the color that it’s paused on using the blank cards in my inventory as ammo these cards were also completely different from the ones I can craft like the Bramble and Earth cards they were a little more basic they can do things like give levitation and glowing poison wither and there’s one that just explodes I tested them out on this crazy looking knight that attacked me and the levitation one was very useful but that night hit me and it gave me an effect called cursed Mark in some mods there are potion effects that will just instantly kill you whenever they run out and I was terrified that it would happen so I ran around looking for a cow I found one drank milk and then got jumped by some ghosts fortunately that seemed to be all the effects did but it definitely could have been way worse anyways the card switcher was very cool it gave me way more options in combat without taking away from my Bramble or my Earth cards so I was a big fan day 7 one I also made some flame cards because I now had so much blaze powder giving me even more options next my goal was to finally create my dream Zoo full of magical mobs I figured to build the enclosures I would probably want silk touch for things like grass so I Enchanted the purple pickaxe from that magic Dimension I literally got silk touch on my first enchantment too then I used the Horizon KN that I got from that Dimension to create an auto smelt shovel so I could easily gather glass and then I Enchanted it with Unbreaking 3 next I made a purple shovel so I can easily get materials I don’t want to Auto smelt and I Enchanted it with efficiency 4 finally I made an emerald Hammer which is a thing that I can do apparently and I got efficiency 4 and Unbreaking 3 I dug out a little entrance that was going to lead to my zoo and now I wanted to go get materials so yeah starting on Day 72 I got a ton of materials I would need for the build after 3 days I finally had the materials for the first exhibit it was going to be one of the biggest ones and I also gathered way more materials than I would actually need so fortunately the other ones will not take nearly as long now that the materials are gathered I got to building the first part of my magic Zoo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and there we go this is the first room of my magic Zoo there’s nothing in it yet I’m going to go get those in a second it’s a farm and that’s supposed to be a barn but it looks bad and on this side I’m going to do I think blue skies that Dimension I was in I’m going to do the magic Dimension that’s going to be fun and then I’m going to make it go more that way I’m on day 78 this is going to be tough so I’m going with the mobs like right now I already have a flint chicken for that room and now I’m going to need my darts gun and crates okay and now I’m going to go get some more farm animals that are magic for that room Hello Apple cows these cows are immune to my darts it’s fine I have another solution a mob catcher it only works on passive mobs and it’s cost Four Diamonds but it’ll have to do attempt two this apple cow huh oh you to punch it nice all right and boom a doorway that I can get in and mobs can’t and I can now put them in here cow number one let’s get some more mobs all right Golden Apple cow oh yeah these birds ha the crates work okay the Axel bucket’s here oh Axel bucket is going to go near this little Pond over here it’s going to be chilling it loves that we have a flint chicken that will make flint this guy might despawn I know I know the chickens won’t but this guy might despawn I need a name tag this guy’s name is going to be BTO a bright steel alloy and a swim speed necklace okay this alloy I think I need for weapons yeah I can make some really cool weapons with this sick okay that’s awesome okay that’s good oh look at that okay cake cow so I can grab them in this that’s fine okay new chicken kind Leaf chicken got him Leaf chicken oh I’m so dead I’m so dead oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my Lightning Dragon holy yeah enjoy that building brother oh my God that that I thought lightning dragons were nocturnal I I did I I genuinely I thought I thought I thought teleport teleport ender pearl go go go I’m good I’m good I’m good he’s over okay is there a fire dragon over there what is that okay I think the dragon has given up on me oh my God what what okay oh a rooster I don’t think you’re magic but you’re pretty cool sand chicken rainbow sheep there we go oh there another sheep electrical magic sheep can you just byy chance go in the crate oh the electric one can rainbow sheep and there we go the energy sheep and the rainbow sheep I’m going to put BTO in here and then close the fence ju I I think he might hurt my my other animals no you got to stay and there we go everyone is in I think the farm zoo exhibit is done we got all these magic sheep and cows and and chickens that lay sand and logs and then there’s this dinosaur I don’t I don’t know why he exists but he’s pretty he’s pretty cool look at that look at that okay I got to figure out what I’m doing next with the farm themed Zoo done I wanted to move on to the next one immediately blue skies that’s the uh mod that the magic Dimension comes from by the way immediately I went there and I grabbed any material that I thought I might need and this time I caught the mobs while I was doing this to save time once I had everything I thought I might need I went back and I built the next part of my Zoo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay and this is done I like how it turned out I like how the sky like I looked at the sky without shaders and it’s supposed to be a little bit white so I use these blocks it’s pretty cool I kind of wanted to make like a parallel to this one but I didn’t want to build another farm so I didn’t do that so it just looks like this now this is I I think it’s pretty nice I think it’s pretty one of these like Crystal trees it was in the desert biome and I have a little deserty area and then right here I have another one which is like a cave from the the cave from that Dimension I’m going to put the Hostile Mobs in here and and the passive mobs in here and then this is my final slot that I’m going to put uh these two nightmares in whenever I build that in like 5 minutes yeah I need to get the mobs in here now I already caught them all I’m just going to go grab them and I want to try something okay the crystal camel I just want to try something I rename this box to Alfredo I put Alfredo down it does do name him oh I don’t have to make name tags it’s amazing all right Alfredo you’re the first one in the new spot I’m going to name this one spooky okay and then over here we have spooky the purple Fox okay okay I’ve named all the passive ones and now I’m out of levels but that’s okay cuz I have a a plan for that kind of sort of I have Shrek this giant frog that I found he’s pretty awesome beans this cool this cool lizard that’s beans Pizza another lizard marinara another Crystal camel to go with alfredo Dr Pepper noodles another one and then fortnite my snake this is my snake named fortnite he’s big chilling and then I have four Hostile Mobs but I need levels first because those will definitely despawn where did the the fox escape the fox got out where did spooky go did spooky go to the nether this is the worst day of my life spooky spooky no [Music] spooky spooky oh God I F oh spooky don’t fall in lava no no no no no no no okay okay okay back for oh dude spooky could have just died boom and there we go spooky is now chilling that’s my that’s my my cool magic Dimension zoo and now I need levels but this stable or this this this Zoo thing right here is going to be for the nightmares I’m going to make a a nether stable which means I need Nether Bricks so while I’m there I’m just going to get nether quartz for XP and I’m going to go do that right now okay I have all my mobs and I named them they’re awesome uh I’m scared to put put those ones in there’s a little Goblin man too I don’t know if they’re going to kill him I’m going to put these ones in first okay Apple the nightmare chilling watermelon the other nightmare chilling they’re asleep right now I’m going to get out before they wake up okay I don’t want them to wake up and and kill me because they would kill me they would try to oh I’m not done yet oh God uh uh okay cake the weird little lava Axel and Pie the other one oh I put a bre on your name I’m sorry brother you didn’t deserve that but your name is bracket pie now enjoy your life goodbye have all these mobs I need to take my Thorns off will they kill me if I do that sure I’m fine okay soup this ant uh Venom this venom spider cuz it’s like venom Spiderman anyways uh Ant-Man cuz I I named this one and I’m like well Ant-Man cuz an ant anyways and then another venom spider cereal okay get out get out get out boom Oh oh dude this is actually like really fun I have all these magic farm animals that dinosaur Bird that’s right there a cake cow I got a chickens that lay like well that one laid an egg I don’t know where that came from I have all these magical farm animals the Axel that escaped its place for some reason I have all this magic Dimension stuff these cool animals these lizards these camels that that guy I have my fox in here somewhere my snake named Fort yeah there’s fortnite back there they’re spooky then I got my little salamander guys I got my my cool horses and then I oh they’re going to kill themselves fall damage right yeah all right I had my fun I made my Zoo but now I really had the focus just over 10 days left until day 100 and I still really didn’t feel strong enough to fight the pyramid in the desert which I wanted to do on day 100 by the way I’m not really sure if I me mention that I had a plan to get strong enough by day 100 though I had a new weapon that I wanted to get new armor that I wanted to craft and then if I can go to the end and defeat the Ender Dragon I can get enough experience to enchant my gear and be ready for the final battle let’s start with the weapons and yes there are two two very powerful magic swords one of which gets stronger when the other one is in my off hand the crafting for them was a little bit complicated but first and foremost I would need 18 diamonds and three netherite ingots right now though I only had 11 diamonds and enough stuff for two netherite ingots so without hesitation I went to the Nether and I started mining with my Emerald Hammer I didn’t even remember to use that orb that I got that would delete all the Netherrack in my inventory I was just so focused on getting this as soon as possible and because the hammer is so overpowered I got way more netherite than I would ever need in only a few minutes I placed a away Stone and went home and now it was Diamond time I dug straight down and I mined with the hammer once again didn’t really take long the hammer clears so much area that it makes mining insanely easy and now I only had one more material that I really needed and that was amethyst I had that Forest but I needed amethyst shards not blocks and the shards in that biome were all completely fresh and wouldn’t work I had to just find a geode so I explored all these crazy looking caves to find one while looking I killed the mimic and got a new artifact to increase my attack speed which is pretty sweet also turns out there are geod in this mod pack that are not amethyst didn’t realize that kind of unlucky on day 91 I finally found an amethyst geode with one fully grown cluster I got four shards and I needed 24 just for my weapons so I had to keep looking right next to that geod though I killed another mimic for a fire Gauntlet letting my melee hits deal fire damage I already had fire aspect on the ender pearl sword but the new swords probably wouldn’t get that so this was great I managed to find another amethyst geode in that same cave and I got up to 16 shards I only needed eight more and while looking for another geode I found well another geode but this one had these blue crystals and upon breaking one uh turns out this is a diamond geode not only that but the buds could be picked up with silk touch meaning if I found this earlier I could have had infinite diamonds for free it’s way too late in in the 100 days now but that was still insane since I found two amethyst geodes in the same cave I just went back and forth between the two of them and one round trip got me up to 36 shards I mined a few ender pearl ores that I found in this cave too and then I placed a waist Stone and I warped home day 92 I started smelting my ancient debris and then I went to get a bit of Glowstone it was needed for the weapon crafts and I wanted to make sure that I had enough I gathered all the materials in my inventory and I got to making these weapons first first things first I combined some glowstone and gold and stuff and made this raw bright steel I smelted this into bright steel Alloys which I needed for weapons then I crafted some magic gemstones using amethyst and diamond and made an Arcane apparatus this thing let me break down netherite and brid steel into Essence and now I can finally use the unattuned cores that I got at the start of the 100 days I made a dark core and then a Divine Ruby one diamond sword later I combined what I made made to create Castor this was a magic sword that can give armor penetrating damage overtime effects to anything that I hit but there are two weapons so it does not end here I made another Divine Ruby two light cores and Arcane bright steel block and I combined it all to make pollets I now had as the game puts it the Dual Celestial daggers Castor could do the damage over time effects and then poock would be stronger and faster while Castor was in my off hand so I basically had one dagger to inflict status and then another one to do my main damage I had 33 levels from mining so I Enchanted Castor got Smite 4 and fire aspect 2 which was actually fine with me if its main purpose was the damage over time anyways fire aspect 2 would just make that even better and it didn’t really need sharpness but pox did with level 30 I got sharpness three and then using some books I got it up to sharpness 4 and looting too then before going to my next objective I used some amethyst that I had left over to make a warp Stone this item would allow me to warp to any of my way stones from anywhere in the world without even needing levels it just had a 5-minute cooldown kind of wish that I made it sooner but whatever okay now day 93 my offensive abilities were incredibly strong but my defensive ones were not I could fight most things easily but the boss of that giant pyramid would probably still kill me I had an armor set that I wanted but to get it I would need totems of undying fortunately I happened to find a woodland Mansion right next to where I spawned I warped my starter base ran to the mansion and I’m I’m not even going to pretend that it was difficult my new daggers shredded the vindicators and evokers and I got four totems without issue back home I realized that I needed more emeralds I had that hero of the village tarot card so I just did some quick quick trading to get the rest now it was time to use the diamond armor I had been saving for so long I combined it with Emerald blocks in three totems of undying to create the full evoker armor set this armor gave me speed two and it looked perfect for the whole magician thing after swapping the band on my hat to Gold I now really looked the part despite being as strong as netherite though the durability wasn’t the best I was saving these XP books that I got in the nether for an emergency but using them only got me to level 30 with this I was able to get Unbreaking 3 and protection three on my helmet but I would need much more XP to be able to use this set which is where the next step in my plan comes in the end I know it’s kind of late to be going there but if I can kill the dragon I can get more than enough to enchant my armor and with any extra time I could maybe find some cool relics that are exclusive to the end once I made my eyes I just started following them and upon reaching where the eyes led me I had no FPS I don’t know what it was but digging down to the stronghold was incredibly laggy it didn’t get better in the stronghold either don’t get me wrong this place looks incredible it just was not worth the price the library was mostly lag free so I looted what I could I didn’t find any useful enchantments but they had their own artifacts that I decided to steal from my trophy room an ancient Dart an ancient fruit and I also stole a banner in another room I got a protection 3 book a god apple and an Enderman head the god Apple would hopefully not need to be used but if I had to I could to be honest this is the coolest stronghold I’ve ever been in it combined all these different mods to create a bunch of cool rooms like farming rooms Supply rooms this room that gave me tons of diamonds and stuff for some reason the only downside is of course the uh lag and I have a 490 so I have no idea what a lower-end PC does here by the time that I got to what I assumed was the main room the lag was pretty much gone and this place looked incredible there were spawners all over it for magic mobs that I had never seen like this iller that foolishly tried to kill me with gravity he didn’t realize that I’m built different though his magic does nothing to me oh also turns out this massive cult room has nothing to do with the portal room at all eventually I made my way back to the first big room and realized that it had a gigantic dragon Banner on the one doorway that I didn’t check I went in broke some stuff and actually found a secret door it actually probably had some way to open it but uh breaking it also opens it there was a ladder that led me to a maze it was full of annoying spikes these blue fire ghost things that actually dealt damage to me and of course a ton of loot that at this point I didn’t need so I took nothing I eventually found a sign that said exit and after going down the ladder I see a giant wall wall with an eye on it I pressed a button which didn’t work so I went in my own way and on the other side there were these crazy mutated Enderman that were once again actually damaging me with this constant spam of magic missiles I took them out broke the spawners and this was in fact the portal room I made my last eyes and I placed them in the frame the doorstep of the end single step no separation from it with those wise words from the guy in my head I went in the end was different there were all types of new Mobs corrupted Enderman ghosts blazes it was bizarre but what there was not was a dragon instead there was a church with a bell constantly ringing I went up to it and it began summoning all the spires on the outer ring cracked and bent inwards and after they were all done the Dragon spawned my cards didn’t do anything against the end crystals so I had to teleport around and break them by hand with those down the fight became mostly vanilla outside of the blazes shooting me and the corrupted Enderman attacking me that is the dragon just like in every other video was immune to my magic so I had to fight it melee I was able to sit on top of the church and just hit it with my sword whenever it approached though it was also immune to the damage over time from my Castor apparently regardless before long the Ender Dragon Was Defeated I gathered all the XP and then after a very frustrating time dealing with these cloning guys because yes they spawn everywhere here too I placed my way Stone and went home I instantly got to work enchanting the evoker armor it took most of my levels but I got Unbreaking three and protection three or four on every piece I also Enchanted my hat to match I had give my old armor a proper sendoff and expand the trophy room later but for now I needed to explore the end there were only a few days left and I wanted to at least find a couple structures in the end to get artifacts from I warped back went to the outer end and I immediately regretted it why why what’s happening oh sweet Jesus okay I’ll square up right now on God I’ll do it you ain’t beating me you can’t beat me oh that’s the that’s the cloning creeper guy I don’t like that guy I don’t know what you are you’re like a spitter from Left For Dead you’re nasty what is an Ender is that a boss fight no save me there’s spawners up there ah jeez okay once I was able to collect my thoughts and get to these structures that I saw in the sky I immediately got insane loot an artifact that increases my Max HP a new spell Stone an XP increasing tarot card just all kinds of loot the health one would unfortunately replace my antidote vessel but it was surely worth it right after putting the tarot card in I looked at my new spell Stone the eye of nebula this would let me teleport behind my Target and deal bonus damage to them and it would teleport me away from danger it also increased my magic damage and let me resist magic which actually wasn’t as useful as it sounded I don’t think I would lose my double jump if I equipped this but it sounded really good for dungeons like the desert pyramid for now though I just stuck with the fall damage one and I got to exploring and then I found a structure quite the structure actually it was another boss dungeon from the same game mod is the desert pyramid a ruined Citadel I had done this one before so I was a little bit more comfortable going in and it was the perfect chance to test out my gear and get some last minute magic weapons too so yeah I went in we’re doing it okay hello oh my slowness why am I slow my bad bro okay you’re a mini boss but you oh you can’t even hurt me oh my gosh get smoked my guy yeah this is like a magic ability yes so now I can do magic damage I’m pretty sure 15% chance to deal double wait this is awesome a chance that just deal double damage yeah I’ll take that yep that’s the hatch okay let me check these oh we got stuff hold on oh this is just full of art this is insane I got this ink well this thing just lets you like add lore to your items I saw that in the in the thing in ji This Will Repair any item to fold dur ability actually really good okay what is this ring you may learn about it on the research Arch it says chorus inhibitor Ender hand sure um elytra booster sure uh more XP book uh and then these are ender pearls okay cool but while I’m here I will try out this new spell Stone I will temporarily I’m I’m terrified at fall damage now I’m going to forget that I don’t have this another Golem let’s try it I’m behind you a you know in hindsight this is for more of a ranged build like you you stab them in the back and then you run away with ender pearls and then you use your magic I’ll try it again fall damage by the way okay that’s awful I’m going back to my angel one I didn’t know it would teleport me under the floor that’s not helpful we’re going to go back into the maze now oh this is the boss I can teleported away from get smokes buddy another void core all right now this is a real boss fight this is the oh this is an actual boss right right right okay I can’t oh I can’t use my sword when I’m in that mode what happened to me nice magic damage brother okay I got that too okay I do a lot of damage I just got a double damage it you know I don’t know why I didn’t think you’d be able to teleport I fought you before and I just don’t remember anything about you have HP have HP phase two oh oh you’re a Shuler I remember this he’s like one hit away o I can do that too mine’s cooler than yours it’s not all right one final hit goodbye you’re not dead yet goodbye hey yeah look what I got I got this Gauntlet look at my arm my arm is is crazy looking right now it’s so big I want to test the gauntlet but every everything here is scary I’m going to I’m going to go home it’s day 98 I got to go home day 99 I definitely felt confident in my gear I fought a boss from the same mod and barely even took damage I was absolutely ready I tested my new Gauntlet on some dogs that I found and it literally just pulls the entity to you and when they’re hostile they will hit you so uh I would just keep that one as a trophy I was going to put that and everything else in the trophy room whenever I finish this final dungeon first though I had to research the new relics the chorus fruit thing wasn’t really that useful because I didn’t gather chorus fruit but this Ender hand I was was able to use the ability to swap positions with any mob that I looked at that had all types of ways that it could be useful and I was absolutely bringing that to the fight the elytra booster was just a reusable Firework and I didn’t have an elytra so not useful okay now my armor was strong my weapons were powerful and my abilities were endless I headed back to the desert slept to day 100 and I Reed myself for the final battle okay okay we’re back at this pyramid that I got chased off from before cuz I was too scared to fight a cataclysm boss back then I think I’m ready now all right it’s day 100 right yeah day 100 okay let’s go oh I one shot these guys now what’s good oh I didn’t one shot that guy okay they give me cop peses I don’t really want these but thank you actually I’ll take one I’ll I’ll get another all right I have my KN Vision I have my Gorgon head too I haven’t had to use it yet but I’m I’m not going to be surprised if I have to soon look at this guy a dinosaur okay ah deleted oh nah n n n what was that what was that no no no no no no no that actually really Nerfs me whenever I that goes away I get nerfed and I get slowness because I’m holding the sword without the the the partner no why did they do that kobiton is there a way I can make that not happen cobon look at that yeah yeah yeah rabbit hi high leather slime ball bro where am I going to get slime balls on day 100 maybe from this chest give me slime balls heart of yeah I don’t need this yet or anymore it’s day 100 you’re not getting my sword you’re not getting my sword you got my sword you got my sword you got my sword that’s messed up that looks like final boss like summoning altar or it’s just a loot room honestly it’s probably just a loot room come here got him got him it’s not a trapped chest H H new artifacts fortune 3 book don’t need holy locket I want to know what that does Thorn pendant I I like my luck pendant holy lock it I want to research it but I don’t have a way Stone I don’t have to come all the way back here no no no it’s fine I don’t need it I just want to know if it boosts damage to Undead because these guys are definitely Undead but I I think I’m doing enough damage I don’t think that’s the concern what is going on here I got some trophies are these like patreon supporters or like the devs maybe you I’m over here now cranked I love that that ability is so awesome ow ow Aha and now I’m in the water because I was on fire L but that was cool wait wait that was Tech actually that shreds my durability never mind that’s not part of this mod that’s just a lizard that okay pay no attention to the lizard it has nothing to do with this mod at all in fact I’m going to go I’m going to release him into the wild give come here I’m going to release him into the wild he’s just a different guy he’s just here let’s see if magic kills this guy not in one hit but I just wonder how much the void core does all right two casts will kill these guys hunger reduction sure a new tarot card oh it goes up even further I thought it was going to go down it’s going up uh-oh this feels like the boss room okay good thing I’m immune to fall damage right now that could have killed me I have a moment to scout everything out this is definitely an avisk that’s going to summon the boss somehow there’s a bunch of guys down there over here now okay are they immune to wither I should test that now before I fight the the boss can I wither the skeleton guys they’re not immune to wither perfect how about this BR this thing’s damage over time is nuts also it’s Smite and they’re Undead Castor might be awesome here I think that’s the boss okay hold on I’m going to kill all the small guys first cuz they’re just going to steal my weapon and ruin my day it’s time to fight the wait it’s time to fight the boss I’m stuck in this in this L bad area here we go what up bro huh excuse me you look quite boss likee how do I start your fight where is the stuff that looks like it’s involved with this guy necklace of the desert well how do I get that I looked it up I had to look it up I need a Rush copper and feather well that’s just great I guess I can research this thing though what is this thing do redirects part of the regenerated health of nearby creatures is the wear of The Relic whoa most things don’t regenerate so that doesn’t matter here we go two brushes just in case okay I’m back that wasn’t even that that wasn’t even that hard that was that was fast oh yeah I’m gonna free this lizard now goodbye lizard enjoy now stay away from me but enjoy your life stay stay away from me that dragon can stay away too I have a brush I need to find suspicious sand in the pyramid I guess I hope ow this is the worst day of my life oh sand I found it I’m on fire but I did find some first try first try oh I that was first try you can see it’s missing one durabil well now it’s full of I I guess you can’t that wasn’t proof of anything but that was first try that was pretty sick okay operation get back to that guy all right here we go I’m back in I have these bouncy balls I’m going to use those that sounds fun in case of an emergency I have the Gorgon head I have my void of rune for some magic damage here we go the final battle Starts Now ancient Remnant what up brother yeah magic holy Jesus I’m sorry I screamed really loud that scared me that was a reaction of pure fear oh you’re loud loud go bouncy ball those didn’t do any damage this thing does a million damage I’m going to die get me out get me out I’m walking backwards my controls are reversed okay as long as I stay out of ah you hit a Bedrock wall dumb Dum ball ball ball is life okay as long as I’m not in the way of his charges I should be okay I haven’t damaged him at all because how am I going to get in on that well he’s definitely harder than the other guy was he’s already done damage to me all right he has like an earthquake Roar he’s super loud all right he’s in the corner get him magic got him ow I’m stunned I can’t move I’m I’m stun locked in the corner I can’t even use my my end pearl sword get me outo okay that that stressed me out I’m not going to lie ramble card damage over time okay I hit him with the damage over time we’re good that is incredible damage actually but he is juggling me like a like a circus ball dude like this one the bouncy Ball’s pretty bad I don’t know what I thought was going to happen oh my jeez that’s dude it’s like a horror movie jump scare I’m like not even ready for it I have a card that I want to try here float buddy float buddy yo ow okay you can still use your moves got it got it got it okay um I can’t do anything when I’m stunned okay I haven’t stunned in place right now he’s summ any more tornadoes but right now I have my floating in the sky and then Bramble so no matter what I’m going to be able to keep them in place Bramble ramble Bramble float insane damage huge teleport teleport ender pearl ender pearl end Pearl okay he’s so low bouncy ball for the dub didn’t think so charge me charge me charge me I have a plan charge me right [Music] now enjoy the corner clown that was actually really cool he charged me and I swapped positions oh wait your your health be be regening die no I ain’t doing that I ain’t doing that Smite sword oh no uh float float float float float wait that was sick ow ow ow ow I need Earth cards I need Earth cards damage I don’t want my hat to break I I really don’t Earth cards do okay damage not not to this guy though dude look at that comparison they do like they did so much to that Alchemist early on but they don’t to this guy all right swap die got him GG’s ancient Remnant if that is your real name oh we got some stuff my armor is thrashed all right this is a belt slot so that’s where my heart goes that’s you know what I meant press V to turn into a sand storm I think V do something else hold on and I can just become a sandstorm I don’t really know the implications of turning into a sandstorm but that’s sick I’m a sandstorm oh and oh oh I’m a sandstorm so first of all yeah there’s some zombies okay here we go I’m a tornado that does absolutely nothing for me but seriously what does being a tornado do for me I expected something cool to happen oh is it like flight it’s like hovering you have like super oh yeah you you can like fly through the air it’s not it’s not an offensive thing it’s a utility yeah I can fly I can fly with this that’s incredible okay and then this thing summon modern Remnant Can Be Tamed through brush I could summon modern oh you’re cute be my friend oh oh my I got a real pet oh oh that I love you I love everything about you you’re so cute I’m going to put you right here for now I think I think it’s about time I expand the trophy room with my Ador able new friend safely inside I expanded the trophy Hall adding every new item that I had gotten recently and finally I put my main two armor sets at the end of the hall each one wielding one of the celestial daggers but I hadn’t gotten to use the Gorgon head yet there was one enemy throughout the entire 100 days that I fought a ton but was never able to actually beat and now it was time to change that I put on some old armor and I went to the Nether and to cause even more problems this loser goes through my portal instantly either way I pulled out the Gorgon head and I turned him to Stone a stone pig statue for some reason not really sure why but either way I grabbed it with silk touch and because it didn’t actually look like the mob I put it on a pedestal I had now accomplished everything I set out to do I defeated powerful bosses I had Zoo full of magical mobs and of course I have this legendary treasure room full of rare artifacts my 102 day Journey as a magician was now complete

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as a MAGICIAN in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Speshel on 2024-05-10 21:06:36. It has garnered 75555 views and 3215 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:08 or 7268 seconds.

In a world with overrun with magic creatures, biomes, and pretty much everything else, I have to explore and find my own magical equipment in order to survive.


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MUSIC: Some music provided by Epidemic Sounds, sign up here:

#100Days #Minecraft

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    ULTIMATE Minecraft Doorbell Tutorial - You Won't Believe How Realistic This is!Video Information This video, titled ‘Realistic Doorbell In Minecraft Tutorial!’, was uploaded by ROGIE GAMERZ on 2024-02-01 01:01:44. It has garnered 3603 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!

    Shad: ONLY ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE as Elemental King!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-05-16 19:00:26. It has garnered 22176 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:45 or 1185 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ANIME ONLY ONE BLOCK AS AN ELEMENTAL KING in Minecraft! Will Shad escape the anime fangirl one block? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay – JOIN NOW!

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Bedrock Gameplay - JOIN NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEDROCK| auf nen guten zock! COMMUNITY ZOCKEN| !ton_points !discord’, was uploaded by GamingWelt on 2024-01-09 17:22:34. It has garnered 116 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:12:26 or 15146 seconds. Hey guys, welcome to the livestream. You’re welcome to join in if you want, but please behave and don’t mess up. Nightbot commands: !ooalmaxoo !thegamitcrew !mc_regeln !discord Commands for points: !dias !6h_stream !weiser_spruch Info about your points: !ton_points Discord: Thanks for watching, no matter if it’s seconds, minutes or hours❤️ Channel points (sound): you get a point every 5… Read More

  • Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium Dice

    Insane Watermelon Trick Shot with Titanium DiceVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-04-03 08:16:00. It has garnered 79 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:22 or 5242 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase texture pack,… Read More

  • “New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia – Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭” #viral

    "New vs Old Minecraft Nostalgia - Emotional Surprise Ending! 💔😭" #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝#viral’, was uploaded by Speedbossgamerz on 2024-04-01 01:30:07. It has garnered 12178 views and 492 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. MINECRAFT NOSTALGIA NEW VS OLD HEART TOUCHING 😥😥😥💝 PLEASE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE THANKS FOR WATCHING 💝💝💝 YOUTUBE:@Speedbossgamerz INSTAGRAM:SPEEDBOSSGAMERZ ABOUT MINECRAFT What is Minecraft? At its core, Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to building structures like houses, castles, and cities, or even… Read More

  • IndiaCraft

    IndiaCraftIndiaCraft is a captivating Minecraft server that offers a unique and engaging gaming experience for players of all ages and backgrounds. Step into a world filled with boundless creativity and endless possibilities as you embark on exciting adventures and build your own virtual empire. The server boasts a wide range of features and gameplay modes that cater to different play styles. Whether you’re an avid explorer, a master builder, or a fierce competitor, IndiaCraft has something for everyone. Discover sprawling landscapes teeming with diverse biomes, from lush forests to vast deserts, each waiting to be explored and conquered. Engage in… Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for experienced players focused on high-quality projects and accomplishments in the game. Our server is community-based with huge projects and events that everyone contributes to. Technut is a Whitelist-only server for a positive and creative environment. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but have added 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on March 20, 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek motivated players dedicated to long-term projects and community interaction. We value technical skills in Minecraft with building,… Read More

  • People of Crafting ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ Friendly

    People of Crafting   ✅ Towny ✅ [1.20.x] ✅ FriendlyWelcome to People of Crafting [1.20.6]we have a supportive community for all types of communities out there.We provide gamemodes at the moment:- Towny- More coming soon!Connect to People of Crafting Java Edition using play.peopleofcrafting.comBedrock Connections are currently not supportedJoin The Adventure! Read More