Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Zombie Apocalypse!

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We’re trying to survive 100 days in a zombie apocalypse and this is really insane like it’s not a mod pack it’s more like a just a map and it has loads of cool like textures and stuff it is really cool will we try to survive 100

Days will we be able to do it tune in and find out if you guys enjoy make sure to subscribe and enjoy the movie okay uh we are safe for now so we got some basic Star Loop by the looks of it um to survive the apost Alp since there was a huge

Outbreak and let’s just take everything cuz we’re probably going to need it we got a survival notebook that we can look at no no to self should I need them how to cook throw them on the ground with a water bottle how to make a campfire

Throw four sticks and two pieces of coal together this is confusing I don’t know where I’m at let’s check upstairs okay cool we got some more bandages we got some bows and we got it we got some better better as well current temperature is 40 look at this place it’s insane got some

Paper here some sort of entity don’t know where he’s at though ring bell in K7 attack let’s break this fence and see if we can go inside this bigger building okay we made it in and we can check this place to see if there’s anything interesting inside survival items I’m starting to hear

Zombies they seem to be trying to take me out cuz I’m the last known Survivor we found a chest we got Pro one and some cookies that is is actually really nice okay we can there’s a little bridge that we can go to the next building okay we got some notes and some

Food we also got a sword that knockback that’s pretty good starting to hear some zombies we got some fles and a little bit more food oh we got got some bread in here okay oh we got a spoon that will be nice as well oh we found some

Zombies oh it even it shows how much I’ve killed um we got some iron which I’ll take the cookies but I don’t think we need anything else okay it’s becoming nighttime so okay we can sleep that’s cool ipd it’s like a police department see yeah it’s a police department so

Hopefully there’s going to be some cool weapons in here oh wait there’s a basement in here let me finish checking up here and we can check the basement let’s go down the basement oh got some zombies already they’re everywhere where did you come from oh we made it like to like a storage

Room another stone sword we got flashbangs smoke grenades let’s put that there um let’s put on the vest oh so these are ammo we don’t need forks or the carrot let’s go into the medical room what’s this nausea gives you resistance and speed okay there’s some medicine in

Here but they all seem to be really bad like not worth it oh there’s a lot coming in hordes now let’s close these doors and hope they can’t get in paper a d pencil with sharpness I’ll take that for the water I guess we got some tickets used to get out of

Imperious which I don’t know what that is so I guess we’re going to have to find it later on I am going to get my way out of this window kind of safely just so don’t have to go through those zombies again but we can go up these Vines and we

Can let’s let’s check this out you thought I forgot where you live better hope the secur security at your apartment is good because I’ll be waiting okay he does not sound happy with whoever he’s oh got some carrots we’re not going to need all this water

So I I go here with nausea and blindness it’s like a trap how long is this for dude 4 minutes well I guess I’ll be here for 4 minutes okay I wore off but my bed disappeared I placed it and it got destroyed so now right now I don’t have a

Bed but we got a bed now okay there’s some big buildings over here that might be um pretty good to go and take a look at like maybe this one I’ll check out ooh Raper that’s nice find ourselves a new weapon what you looking at there’s a

Dead dude on a toilet what happened in here I actually don’t want to know what happened oh I can get in here I can get his jeans guess that protects me a bit more so we can just grab that um let’s let’s just take take a look at our

Surroundings we got something cool over here that we can check out so we can just head down I guess ow oh there’s a big bridge as well oh we got like a cargo ship in a sub I’m going to check the White House or whatever that is and then I’ll go to

The cargo ship it says don’t enter but I’m going going to enter oh I see loads of loads of maps but you got a sword these guys are going to keep spawning this isn’t good we got loads of babies after me there’s a lot of zombies so I’m just

Going to break out the window and try to get away yeah there is a sub and the bridge is closed we don’t need a pencil but let’s take the axe oh a gas mask you got two warning radiation ahead nuclear event let me see what’s down here I think this might be the

Sub let’s hope some there’s some weapons in here oh look at this um got some armor cavlar ooh let’s take the last gas mask as well okay we got some Kevlar Kevlar yeah spy glass okay that’s cool as well got an M maintenance worker ID can put the lever here

Another Med kit okay we’re finding some ammo empty Glock mags empty AK mag oh RPG okay that seem to be everything in here I believe did I check this I don’t think I did beer what’s this o crackers dude that’s a loads of food and this is like insert

ID oh that opened this up that’s sick oh that controls that oh we got a a ceremonial sword that’s cool but we can climb back up these vines on top of the bridge now was successful we got ourselves a ceremonial sword radiation ahead I do have my mask

On Yo okay we got a bow but we got ourselves a bow now which um we can kill zombies at range oh you can see the radiation that’s sick oh here’s a supermarket the ruined City let’s go into the supermarket hey there’s a parrot I don’t know how he’s aive

Is there any food on the shelves I me wait why would there be food it’s Radio Active it’s becoming night time I kind of want to sleep before I can’t so we can just sleep that looks like a police department up ahead this place is infected with zombies find ourself a kitchen

Loads of rotten flesh we can grab the wheat we should probably grab the potatoes as well then we can cook some meat yeah we can get loads of potatoes oh okay um upstairs we found some morphine which we can grab we have 27 baked potatoes and we just need to

Find more coal so I think we’re doing really good we have good food now we just need need to find some guns now we’re just going to search the rest of the hotel to see if there’s any more items that we can grab oh it’s like a little aquarium it’s kind of

Neat luck and resistance this morphine could be really good Notch for 5 seconds that’s good let’s just put that in here and I don’t think we need that oh this is really high well I guess I’ll check back in once we if we find any good

Loot dude we just found a grenade okay um I’m not going to need this m but we can grab the grenade o another oh wait this isn’t okay you can only carry one at a time okay we’re getting all the good stuff now it’s becoming night time so I do

Want to think about sleeping and we are at the top this is a good chance to take a look to see what’s around so I’m thinking we should whoa something got nuked I’m going to check that out let’s break this glass let’s grab that oh

Okay um let’s get out of here again okay so this is the nuke okay wait there’s something down here um I’m going to check that out it looks like I’m some kind of underground place so there could be some good survival items in there oh it’s the subway what’s this

Ticket am I going to need a ticket and let’s just grab some just in case fast travel Alice gate needs to be raised before you can leave oh wait let’s go over here and see what what on this side so is this a lab yeah it is security access card let’s take

That Atlas Labs building a better tomorrow so I guess that’s their motto Trace levels of nuclear waste scan card below oh a chest oh a level one access card wait or wait that was a security so okay okay I get it let’s use this access card

Here level one staff so that’s my level one card rip documents a chest level two card level five level one gu we can go oh go down the ladder that’s level two okay we got the level two one two more paper we can actually we’ll take the gold just

Because we might need it for um some guns sector Z heavy research sector wait security open Locker I think that worked yeah okay plasma rifles let’s take that what are these some normal bows chest night vision okay we got some got another gas mask but we got ourselves night vision

Goggles o something’s in here rip off lightsaber okay that is actually insane looks like we need level four for most of the stuff which is going to be hard to find server touch unlocked contact engineering to request Reckoning emergency service ladder reboot failed for a full diagnos list please contact the engineering service

Supervisor oh we got some bolts I don’t think we’re going to need that but we’re going to need this for sure so for the atlas B2 decryption key in this room we find ourselves a crowbar we don’t need paper right I wish there was back I need a backpack really

Badly crowbar sturdy metal rod with a flat Edge an essential tool for forcing open Jam doorways in cars and trucks will not open locked chest or doors the Crowbar will only open Jam chest okay that’s that’s something we need so let’s see if we can find where

This thumb drive goes we should just head down here and see what there is this this water oh this is level two I’m going to drown if I’m not careful climb let’s take a d yeah no way yeah there’s no way we can survive that where

Go we got some ladders help do ladders work no they don’t oh know I thinking oh we got a card um don’t need this grenade oh no this takes three got our level three okay oh we got level four as well um let’s put away the heart of the

Sea and let’s grab the level for key card oh so we can open this be used to cool nearby oh level five okay we don’t need level one anymore or level two ice cold nitrogen could be used to cool nearly anything oh we can oh there’s little I

Didn’t know that what is this okay time out power this way power modules I guess we have to power it using the stuff in there okay we could place one here and then this one has to be up here and then we need one more right there

Oh it’s online we did it um service hatch Do It um where’s my level five here it is Yo oh is this like hazmat Suit protection two o okay a baton we don’t need the bow because we have a crossbow oh wait currently unknown for safety cannot be raing levels are currently unknown for safety system lock down cannot be deactivated valid password should be 256 digits we can go on the vents this is

Cool and it looks like we’re protected from the zombies so they don’t they can’t attack us we levels with acceptable levels lock down can now be disengaged so we um deactivated the air lock and let’s see if we can actually get inside and I lost my screw driver I

Accidentally right clicked it on something and it oh we opened it proceed inside okay we turned it down a bit but it’s still pretty loud oh that’s a USB so we got our thumb drive let’s put it put it in okay um oh what do we get a crate

Location um let’s go check it out let’s see level four more nitrogen and some instant Health arrows we don’t need we got a level six card plasma gun okay it’s a test though we can go into this project whoa to not turn the power on the control room do not use pod or

Else oh um pot is activated um oh no whoa water pipe Construction Supplies Ooh we’re not going to need that morphine so let’s grab the pickaxe oh there’s something down here let’s grab out our torches scrap everything without damaging anything the scrape things get dropped intact let’s go this way oh put one right there okay sorry doctor had to be done but we can enter

The what is this pod that’s what it is what’s go oh wait we’re back here let’s see if we can make it out of here now oh we got more gold and money and there’s something over here that I want to check out as well okay that’s the

Subway we got loads of lab stuff which is really amazing that’s going to help us survive and now we can just walk wander this ruined City looks like we came across a police station it could break in but there’s a lot of zombies okay we’re going to break our

Way in and try to take these guys out from the window just so we don’t take too much damage and we got our trusty lightsaber to help us out here then after we take them all out we’re going to go see if there’s any good loot worthwhile in here police

Baton okay makes Zombies Angry that’s not a good idea there’s a lot they’re everywhere Chief’s dagger let’s not take the grenade oh there’s a lot I think that’s everything in here let’s get out of here guy to Atlas City Welcome to Atlas the wonderful city of riches

Okay aora family Mansion for a beautiful view okay so this is a rich City looks like we found ourselves um a Navy ship we can see what these what are these like pods for people I guess like Transportation okay we made it up and chest is locked hope the ones inside aren’t locked

Let’s start downstairs let’s go to the very bottom I found a secret oh maybe locked but I can open it oh there is a secret you H oh I opened something ow welcome to the knowledge room wait what did that do oh that closed this okay let me open that back up oh oh we got a sniper finally gas block okay we got one bullet so plasma gun we don’t need M crackers so we got one

Bullet the gray key so I guess this is the front Waring talking about sonar pings and whoa dude huge volcano it looks like a little city over here okay Armory more ammo more ammo you know what where’s the flashbang does this really work whoa that was actually really cool more snipers we don’t

Need I mean my plasma sword’s going to like light saer is going to die so I might as well just carry ammunition okay no guns but this lever oh is that what it did ooh combat good for opening doors and skulls alike whoa ceremonial sword I do have one

Already so we’ll take this one instead o found another one ow Admiral’s ID dude okay we don’t need it in travel maybe we only need one gas maskk we definitely don’t need eight okay admirals ID that should get us maybe onto the bridge locked and this is not can I use

The key here I did cat oh that did something barel key I got so much stuff I don’t need a chief dagger lever um what uh bar oh Barrel key congratulations on solving the first part of my Lo puzzle you still need to figure out three digit code to open the door but

You’re on the right track hence Sur prise it waits you okay we made it to the top of the aircraft and I’m going to check to see if there’s anything inside this is an engine turret oh there’s a chest get up oh we do we got key what don’t I I

Don’t need this music disc wa this might be the key for the basement you know I’m actually going to go inside here found nothing on the first floor Admirals quarters ID do that happen ID yes okay okay um gold A Notch Apple okay okay this is crazy daas drive you found somewhere

Maybe there’s somebody who have to decode it okay what did that I open oh congrats code to the vault is 865 I’m still trying to look for the one place where you type in the code and I came across this lever up here it brought me into this little room the chests are

Locked but I can see a chest right here RPG let’s go and I’ll come back once I find it okay it was 8 something six I forgot but two okay oh um I don’t think I need the gray key anymore look at my also what’s this it looks like something from Halo

Exoskeleton piece 104 dude I’m going to keep it on me I forgot about the compass I’m going to leave this place and follow it right points this way I’m going to wait till the sun falls to sleep and then I’ll go on my adventure now we can jump in the water

And we can go this way yo look how big this is this is insane this is like bigger than all the buildings at the other place and this is just the bridge oh wait this looks like a is this a prison I think this is a prison this going to

Be insane like zombie outbreak in a prison wait what is this this the prison it is wait so if I hold out my sword at least in my off hand and eat food yes I can regain all my hearts the arlam prison I kind of want to just we can check this place

Out not finding much and we’re just going to explore the prison to see if we can find any good loot or any cool things that we can find and see if there’s any more survivors around here who what was that oh um I don’t know what it’s going to do

I’m just going to run away mechanism used to make a grappling hook um we don’t need the key anymore okay looks like a cafeteria o am I blind yeah dude oh oh is this like um them breaking out like they duck a tunnel that’s cool okay oh it’s an axe

Cleaver I don’t know what’s better um I’ll keep the cleaver just because it’s it’s new this way put grappling hook Parts here um okay so in the prison there’s grappling hook Parks low grappling hook so I’m I’m going to check the sinks to see if there’s anything inside and if

We can find any pieces of the grappling hook in here we got one um we don’t need the shovel cuz it’s almost broken let’s see if there’s any more wait okay we got another four I’m going to check downstairs cuz there’s loads more cells let’s head back to the tunnel and

We can see if we got all the components for the grappling hook okay put all parts in here okay we still need more and I don’t know where else to look I’m just going to take a quick little look in the prison and see if I can find any more

Okay I could not find a grappling hook pieces like I couldn’t find any more so I’m going to follow my crate location and just keep sailing until I find the crate oh okay we found an oil rig that thing’s huge okay it is an oil rig I guess we can

Just okay we made it in yeah I’m just going to see what’s in this place cuz I feel like there’s going to be some pretty good items okay maybe you can get enough of this it could be used for something oil droplets so this will be useful for something

Okay we finally found ourselves another screwdriver um I don’t need the spy glass so I’ll grab the screwdriver okay I guess I’m going to follow the compass some more wait is that the crate it is let me go back and grab some Redstone torches okay we got our torches here and

Now let’s go down okay oh that’s the atlas Labs okay that makes sense we’re going to use these Redstone torches to Keep Us Alive while we explore this Atlas crate and hopefully the loot is really good in here o cuz it took it was a long journey to get here oh dude Notch

Apple what else this locked old hard drive ooh wait I might need that okay I got this High Drive I think that’s all I need I don’t need the sword so I’ll pick up the other blueprint I’d see that was a success and I came from over here so I’m

Going to make my way back to the ship and maybe go back to the city and check out what else is near there okay we got something over here looks like a crane and we got an island I don’t know what that is but there’s a crane maybe we could

Use the oil that we got okay um I guess we can take a look around let’s go on top of the crane okay nothing up here um let’s go into this little building Fair Fall Fallen dark yard manage okay I think that was supposed to be a

Trap oh I see you wait I see a chest okay should still be useful hazardous cargo let’s put my gas mask on ooh military grade chemical weapons let’s take one of those um we don’t need anything else and you know what let’s just let’s practice our sniper like

Okay let’s make our way to the top of the mountain and we can see what’s on the bridge okay we’re on top of the bridge and look this thing’s long so I’m just going to follow it till the end or unless I find something pretty useful on

The way there I’m going to grab some wood just because I might need it I don’t need the fishing rod just get a stack look say this is like a place that you can climb the mountain so there could be something good up here whoa dude wait there’s

Chests and it’s also like a burnt down Village let’s go down here I’m interested in the chests H I got wood me I guess I can grab some Cobble okay let’s go over to this first one whoa Infinity I’m probably not going to use the

Gold but we have one two three chests to go eltra oo why would they give me elra though I’m not complaining but it’s a little bit weird totem oh my we don’t need the shield but let’s use let’s grab the totem ooh sharpness four I don’t think we need that

But yeah I don’t think we need it um let’s go over here let’s look in this chest and we can check out the cargo ship oh okay we got something in here hot engine events um some logs level two access card okay now I know what we’re looking for let’s go

Downstairs area off limits looks like we need the first one let’s go up here and look for it okay we got to level one as well that was easy there we go need a second card okay there’s a lot more than I thought level three we don’t need level one or two

Anymore lucky the captain’s lucky rod and we got level four three four ooh has mat suit do I need that let’s put that on if this is even radiation we can just put it all back when we leave yo it’s like a missile a nuke uranium oh um let me take a last

Look radioactive Katana I’m scared run oh I got to run 60 seconds oh no run fast I got my sword break I’m out of food oh no I started I do have my Hazmat whoa oh it’s exploding oh run run for it oh dude it destroyed

It oh there we go let’s take out some more zombies oh we got cooked rabbit I have x-ray gives me X-ray like that completely blew up everything here but it was a cool show to watch okay so this is the town I spawned in and this was the town hall that I

Actually got like trapped in for a night and past here it’s like a whole another city I didn’t even know this but we’re going to take a look H got my elyra yo that’s a huge Hospital y there’s like a whole another city over here this place is

Huge don’t go on their dead inside men Undead stay away um I guess I can tell quick checkup room oh we found a secret oh there’s a zombie okay I don’t think there’s anything in these rooms stairs o quarantine Zone okay so it’s like they were trying to treat patience and an outbreak

Happened in the hospital oh no there’s a lot of them now we’re on the roof yo um I want to get my elra on actually no I’m not helicopter ooh okay I’m going to take some of these I got three keys and this radioactive Katana is actually bad ow

I’m out of food so I might have to eat rotten flesh a makeshift bomb dude we got a bomb explodes on impact ow they’re all coming I desperately need a good source of food okay that’s where I found the bomb so we just need to find the stairs to go down

Again okay that was crazy there was a ton of zombies but we managed to stay out or stay alive and now we got loads of food now we should be able to go around and look for some more stuff to do wait the city of gods to Olympus

Okay that was a little bit risky but let’s go in this building wait I hear a Pillager wait there’s someone alive in here oh what’s this coffee I thought everyone died oh CE lost his mind whoa he’s tough oh oh I don’t know what to do he’s he’s

Tough what if I throw a makeship bomb Oh let’s not burn the place though you know what RPG time did he fall wait is he dead he is um okay we got a cool sword oh how much gold did he drop four I’ll keep it raiding the Raiders oh wait I shouldn’t be

Here let me climb on the roof so this is their Raider tent I don’t really want to waste all my ammo so going me get out my wood and raid this like a real man let’s let’s go over the top and let’s take the rest of these guys Out after taking out all the pillages we find some pretty good loot inside this camp in case I big oh oh my okay we don’t need this sword we got a AK 101 empty AK mag I forgot how to fill them up um I’ll figure that out I’m just

Going to check see what else is in here now I’m climbing the snowy mountain right by the hospital because I did see something on top is that like NASA and that’s a huge ship it’s like they’re keeping it a Seeker from the world I got my elitra what am I

Doing welcome oh Apollo okay gift shop a backpack oh finally oh it feels so good oh oh okay that makes a lot of sense so that was the I could have just went here instead of going over the mountain okay this is like NASA World well there isn’t much in here like

I thought there’ be a little more oh and there’s Apollo ship it’s like a a tourist attraction we got some okay we got more elytra we’ll take it this place was kind of me really like nothing in it that was useful and I don’t think there will be

Anything useful since this is a tourist attraction we got a place over here got a couple things to check out whoa L of you guys so we can head over here oh it’s a military military personnel okay this is where we find the good stuff oh let’s go we’re getting some

Ammo maybe we can find like a a MAG that has um ammo in it already quarantine storage unit oh a chest another a mysterious Idol which is a totem okay we got ourselves another totem okay warning base on lock down doe the unauthorized aircraft Landing okay we got Whoa We got some

Huh I know I’m not hearing things I heard someone open a door and close it okay Another Empty AK mag okay General has oh valkyrie’s key oh is that like um a plane oh oh can I use valkyrie’s chest plate plus six I don’t know what’s better I’m GNA wear Admirals yeah okay in this place we just found loads of ammo and AK mags that was pretty much it but we got a load of AK mags after this I made it back to the radiation Zone and I came across this big mansion and I’m going to go check it out and see

What’s inside see if there’s any like okay okay 100 achievement points have been reached okay this is the Forgotten Mansion yo there’s tanks here something like secret oh already uncovered a secret um probably toxic chemical slowly kills okay got some smoke oh we got another secret it’s a little dark in

Here caramel apples oo I don’t I still need my radiation so I’m going to have to keep my it’s going have to be a little bit dark ooh high quality dagger made from a MOA forges that sounds cool we don’t need the we don’t need all these grenades do we

Got some more caramel apples and riy steak I’ll take that okay we can go up um another floor which the staircase was right here torches and more steak oh we got an Amora family card ooh this looks like her bedroom oh a secret looks like so family night

Boots um okay I think this Admiral armor doesn’t give me any armor it’s stylish but the family Knight gives you armor okay that makes sense let’s go up this ladder I think this is the attic another Secret Love and War Dude Love and War know no bounds

Overall this is a success like big success yeah that was really good we found some more rby stakes in um this little area this is um right outside of the mansion that we just went to and yeah we’re just checking some of the houses and

Cars but most of the loot isn’t too good I guess it’s just pretty bad vault is there a vault here oh piston door I got a crowbar okay I still can’t open it yo that’s cool that’s a sick elevator oh let’s go here let’s check out this floor

First overall that place really had nothing inside and now zombies are spawning everywhere well um we can now go look for some more stuff to explore let’s go let’s go um under the bridge and let’s see what’s on the other side yo look at that thing I thing’s

Huge wait this is a parking lot this might be a stadium there’s actually beef okay this place is interesting but overall I don’t think there’s anything really in here like it seems like it’s kind of abandon let’s get out of here whoa there’s something else out here let me Rak

This okay I don’t know what this is but it looks huge oh it’s another Stadium okay oh oh you scared me dude that made me jump we walk up for basketball player what’s this oh Unbreaking three Pro 4 mending I think it’s time I wear this gold armor

Though okay let but that guy was definitely a zombie and that seems like that was all it in this place so we can head out and search for another place I am a bit ill right now but we’re going to go back to the hospital and see if we can find

Like some sort of antidote or any way to see how the outbreak started okay let’s break our way inside here and let’s see what we can find let’s just take out loads of zombies because they will be an issue later on if they just build up

So we can take a couple of these guys out let’s try our AK out yeah I do okay there’s a lot of zombies now for how do I refill an egg we can to stick with our sword I guess since we have loads of grenades and stuff let’s put them to use

Um okay do I have ammo oh okay I don’t know if I have any more RPG ammo I think that was my final one oh do a naal oh okay watch out um okay I’m really destroying the Place let’s go up some more floors okay we got 300 zombie kills it’s

Nice let’s go use some of our grenades oh okay that that was cool too many boom I didn’t even kill him oh it stuns that’s cool let’s take out loads more zombies we’re getting close to 400 right now which is pretty insane there’s so much spawning in here let’s put on my wings

Suit let’s eat some food didn’t really get a good look in this town hall like at the start of the video so let’s go back over here okay let’s break our way in oh let’s go to a downstairs I didn’t even know there was a downstairs keep the door locked Survivor

Sword we don’t need it but that’s cool empty block mag smoke grenades with some ammo place was pretty useless didn’t really have much in it there’s some big stuff over here right here is the NASA base like conven or um amusement park and there’s this huge place over

Here oh wait there’s something down here as well let’s go check it out let’s put our chest on again let’s check inside that the helicopter you okay I guess not classifi destination well let’s go check it out let’s go look in here BL door okay that opened that door pencil we don’t

Need okay let’s see what we got so got stations that open something which is the a door don’t know where it’s at though let’s go check the vent ducks whoa I wonder if something’s over here okay this leads into the room where we’re at before wait no it’s not this is

Different there’s TNT well let’s go take a look in these fence okay we got our way out and wa that open the door well I guess that was a pretty useless little area we didn’t find anything good in there but I I guess it was pretty cool to check

It but now we can go over here and check out this big build building take a bit of damage but I think it might be worth it okay it looks like a airport just to keep going further and seeing what’s over here okay we found a road in a little

House right outside the airport and I hear some animals mush mushy I don’t know well that was pretty interesting didn’t really have much though looks like we saw something cool in this direction it’s like a huge like medieval windmill house and I’m going to go check it out see cuz it looks pretty

Cool oh look like a farm Miller Farms let’s start by um going over here dude they have animals and pigs Miller Farm is this like what armor is this okay it’s worn armor so it’s going to be weak let’s take some water I got some food in here and it’s

All like healthy it’s not like spoiled we can get a new pickaxe there we go got an iron okay we made it to the windmill switch and oh it’s actually moving it let’s go up higher some cool stuff in here you know oh it’s hey there’s a gun here um let’s drop the

Carrot family shotgun oh that’s Cool and we can check out these other houses a trident heavy steel Trident with silver and gold fishing finishing also got like a blacksmith here with some iron everywhere logs so the Crowbar can’t open it so I guess I’m going to look for a key sadly I couldn’t find a key and this

Is the last night for 100 days so thank you guys so much for watching I had so much fun doing this and if you guys want to see more about me make sure to subscribe and comment what you want next down below and I it was hard but I survived

This 100 days thank you so much for watching and see you next time

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE In Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by KixCharms on 2023-12-29 14:00:06. It has garnered 963 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:20 or 4460 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days in a ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE in Hardcore Minecraft!

In this video, I survived 100 days in Minecraft on HARDCORE. But this wasn’t a normal survival, I modded this completely and was inspired by Luke The Notable and Forge Labs. I survived 100 days in modded Minecraft. Zombies, Skeletons, and even pigs would destroy me just as I try to survive 100 days of Minecraft Hardcore. This was a big challenge for me because I don’t usually play vanilla survival. I mined a lot of Diamonds, fought many zombies, and attempted to fight the Ender Dragon. This was my attempt to survive 100 days in Minecraft hardcore. In the storyline, I strive to become a Minecraft knight by defeating two of the deadliest bosses in the game. Can I do it?

★ I hope you enjoyed the video, if you did please SUBSCRIBE! 🙂

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—————————————————————- 》”100 Days” Inspired by @Forgelabs

Thank you for clicking on and viewing this video! I’ve got more incredible ones, so go see them. Also, drop a comment & like, I respond to all my comments! ❤️️

#minecraft100days​ #100days​ #100minecraftdays #surviving100days #100daysmodded

Video Includes: 100 days zombie apocalypse Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Gameplay Hardcore Modded Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Movie Hardcore Minecraft 100 Days Modded Minecraft Movie Modded Minecraft Series 100 Days in Minecraft 100 Days in Modded Minecraft 100 Days with Mods in Minecraft Hardcore Modded Minecraft 100 Days Hardcore Minecraft Survival Modded Gameplay Movie 200 Days in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

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  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

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  • Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts

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  • Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!

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  • Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!

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  • “DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎” #clickbait

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  • Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACK

    Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Unleaked Vape Client V4.2 **FREE** CRACK (link in description)’, was uploaded by mentalhealthissues1337 on 2024-04-28 15:44:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Link : the L!nk is also in comment Minecraft best cheat client made free from now! Enjoy vape v4,vape lite … Read More

  • “UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 – Minecraft” #clickbait

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  • Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1

    Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Roblox Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft – Part 1’, was uploaded by Qwerty on 2024-03-22 19:05:13. It has garnered 286 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. Building the Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft! Since it is not possible to build so low underground in Minecraft’s flat worlds, I did not get to make the cells. Maybe I can hide the cell part inside a mountain in the next video. The police station will also be finished in the next video! 🎵Music Used in the Video: Egzod, Maestro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Facts & Challenges – Must Watch!!

    INSANE Minecraft Facts & Challenges - Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #animation #@MPGAMERANURAG75 #funny’, was uploaded by MP Gamer ANURAG on 2024-05-18 06:55:24. It has garnered 7 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. @MPGAMERANURAG75 Minecraft, ek sandbox video game hai jo Mojang Studios ne develop kiya hai. 2024 1. **Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Update** 2. **The Wild Update** 3. **New Biomes** 4. **Deep Dark Cities** 5. **Warden Boss Mob** 6. **Mangrove Swamps** 7. **Frogs and Tadpoles** 8. **Fireflies** 9. **Archaeology** 10. **Cherry Blossom Biome** 11. **Ancient Cities** 12. **Allay Mob** 13. **Updated Swamps**… Read More

  • CosmicGalaxy

    CosmicGalaxyPrepare for an otherworldly adventure at CosmicGalaxy, a faction server in the depths of space. In this cosmic frontier, you and your faction will tackle mind-bending dungeons and trials that will push your limits and camaraderie to the max. Traverse uncharted galaxies, overcome enigmatic challenges, and rise as the cosmic conquerors. Join us and let your stardust legacy begin! Read More