Surviving a Minecraft Kidnapping: Your Last Days Pt. 2

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I forgot to turn my mic on hi gang I was like I thought there was something missing before i s stream no okay we’re not listening to another song hi gang hi okay so day two um uh we’ve got a new sub goal um so yeah hi guys oh [ __ ] that’s the wrong

Button I’ve pressed a bunch of wrong buttons hi guys I saw your videos are awesome oh thank you so much thank you for the follows by the way new people here hello hello hello hello hello let me fix my phone a little bit yes we got

A new sub goal if you’re wondering why it’s so unbelievably High um Souls came in yesterday and gave 300 and something Subs cuz he’s insane so which yourself going get destroyed like yesterday it better not if Souls comes in here and does that [ __ ] again I’m going to be so

Mad at him I send him like a giant message being like don’t [ __ ] do that again anyway Cyrus thank you for the sub hi thank you for the sub thank you thank you thank you he was just bored let the guy be should spend his money on like

Traveling the world not giving it to me I don’t deserve it I just talk at a microphone for an hour um anyway let me explain what’s going on so if you weren’t here yesterday uh which you should be by the way because I’m going

To be streaming a lot cuz I uh have to now thank you Souls um so let me explain uh let me explain what’s going on so hello welcome to this chat blo hello let me explain what’s going on so I am in a server called your

Last days it is a zombie apocalypse RP event that only goes It goes for two weeks but I was joined in like the second thank you for the follow I was joined in like the second week um so I am the leader of a place called the

Hunter society and our job is just kill people now chat I’m going to give you a reference the reason I didn’t kill anyone yesterday is because I thought that all kills and all deaths had to be pre-planned like it was a loss ser and you had to talk to people before you

Killed them right and I was like you know what that kind of sucks but it’s fine whatever it’s how they work on the server I found out yesterday that cuz I’m a Hunter it doesn’t work like that I don’t have to kill any I could I could

Kill everyone I can kill anyone and everyone I see which is why everyone was attacking me cuz I was so confused why everyone wasn’t talking and was just straight up attacking me immediately so I can kill anyone I want to whenever I want with zero warning So currently in the story what’s happened

Yesterday is I um I I befriended someone uh just an outcast kind of called uh lee right uh cuz they didn’t know I was a hunter and loads of other people have been I’ve been playing this character of oh oh I’m just a I’m just a little I’m just a

Little guy I’m just I won’t hurt anybody I’m just a stow away on this ship and and I won’t hurt anybody I don’t know what you’re talking about and it’s it’s great because then I can destroy them immediately but you know Lee is kind of

Growing on me Le is Le has said multiple times being like hey if you are a murderer I I won’t mind because you didn’t kill me immediately so it’s like H do I do I spell eventually I don’t know we’ll find out we’ll find out honestly I don’t even know so

Welcome to your last days we’re going to we’re going to make some people last days today cuz now I found out you can kill people oh I also found out that um I may have contracted an infection I was oh I also got in trouble

By the admins I have so much to tell you guys that happened after the stream uh I got it it just happened in the Discord I didn’t go on the server again but uh after the stream they made a giant announcement being like hey here’s all

This stuff you can’t do and I went oh I did all of that whoops that’s like 90% my fault uh turns out you’re know allowed to use a pickaxe as the you know allow to use as a pickaxe and just break break through things it’s for door

Specifically which is why it’s a crowbar so not allowed to just break through walls um I also found out you know that treason Gates place that I went to whether you have a gas mask on or not it’s a 50/50 chance that you’re going to contract an infection I thought it was

An in-game thing and I was fine and there was nothing there turns out it’s not it’s like a it’s like a law thing so the mods flip a coin and it’s like a 50/50 hi Veronica hey hey girl hey girl this is my wife Veronica um it’s like a 50/50 chance whether you

Uh Hey chat say hey Veronica chat say hey chat say hey Veronica hey did it move don’t call her an it that’s incredibly rude her pronouns is she her you’re married oh hi Wy yeah this is my wife Veronica yeah oh that’s that’s weird it’s awkward

G anyway this is this is my wife but um what was I going to say Veronica you’re looking beautiful today okay iara stop flirting with my wife thank you for the follow stop floating with my [ __ ] wife IUS anyway yeah there’s a 50/50 chance that um that I contracted an

Infection and I won’t know they don’t tell me and apparently I’ll start to show signs of it eventually I don’t know what these signs include I don’t know what I’m looking out for Jake knows whether I have it or not but he won’t tell me cuz he’s the worst oh also she’s

Looking very good today stop flirting with my wife Veronica Veronica you have to you have to promise me that you won’t go after them all right you won’t cheat on me you won’t cheat on me with a [ __ ] polar bear the [ __ ] polar bear you

W’t cheat on me with a polar bear right right yes okay oh spill the tea thank you for the raid thank you little yeti for the raid I appreciate it how’s your stream okay um so goals today kill people I can do that I figured out I can

Do that I have so many guns let me grab some ammo and we’ll see what guns work with the ammo um why did I just sing We why did I do that why did I do that all right um so uh yeah so I don’t know if I’ve

Gotten this disease I might have this disease it’s a 5050 chance apparently that I got this disease so we’re going to see okay do I have ammo for this gun yes this one no yes no okay oh whoops I should probably go get breakfast soon too um oh that’s an upgrade pot

Uh yes but not much no okay sorry give me a second chat I’m going through my guns so excited for a murder stream yeah okay bunny don’t call me don’t call me bunny anyway um uh this one doesn’t have enough ammo in it which guns do I like the most is

The is the real question put that back is my favorite gun got the ammo please please please please please please please no oh I had a little bit but not really enough oh wait does it show oh it does show the ammo I have okay oh does it wait left shift for more

Info okay uh I’m just going to bring this one too cuz I like this one all right cool cool cool gaming let’s go do things I have my sh boxes with me bunk bnk uh yeah okay easy let’s go on adventure first let me get some breakfast from maid are we

Killing people today we are good morning Greg good morning do we have some things for breakfast uh yes I’m cooking some wonderful bacon and eggs right now aw thank you than you thank you thank you I will sit here and wait why would anyone sell Caba gun they

Didn’t sell me a gun I got it from the higher ups pdon it should be done very shortly ah thank you thank you for the follow all right we’re going to get ready so goals today we’re going to what the [ __ ] caffeinated awesome goals today is uh we’re going to

We’re going to get I want to kill at least one person I want to murder at least one person um I don’t I want to not accidentally R into apparently that house I ran into before was the bog house which was like the main um like

The main area of the bog family which I was not meant to go in like that like I should not have just broken into there uh so whoops uh that’s why I’m not allowed to break things anymore H whoops but you know I’m every everyone makes mistakes everyone makes mistakes thank you is

Thank you thank you so much eggs ooh yum I got three for you on the menu today oh thank you here here’s my bowl um here we go I’ll keep these with me uh do we have any more stuffed potatoes by any chance um yes we do actually you go

Thank you awesome are all the other Hunters asleep or has anyone going out um I believe argon left a couple days ago they haven’t been back yet though okay noted I’ll keep uh other than that I think everyone else is pretty much sleeping I’ll keep that in

Mind thank you thank you I’ll see you later okay have a good one I don’t think yeah no okay cry isn’t on I kind of want to kill big man cuz I I know I I think I know that person I think I’ve seen him in other subs and it would be funny

Um all right argon is on our team but we got to be super sneaky cuz people point out to me today I’m very bright yesterday yesterday I’m very very bright I sent uh all the fan art I got from uh all the last days people have

Made last days fan out Icarus and Issa have already made last days fan out and it’s amazing um check them out on Twitter gang um but yeah they’ve already made fan art and it’s really good and uh I sent I sent it in the in the art channel for

Last days just being like look what Icarus Drew and there was some responded being like wow are you are you trying to get shot and I was like excuse why am I nauseous oh no I’m totally infected aren’t I [ __ ] Bro ah [ __ ] yeah if I’m nauseous I’m totally

Infected oh and blindness okay all right okay yeah thanks G I need to try and not get everyone sick then I oh no Greg’s definitely sick if I don’t run into Jack then Jack should be okay okay I need to avoid the hunters and I’m just going to go talk to other

People oh [ __ ] how am I supposed to get past through I’m not supposed to can I climb these oh I can oh perfect the gr start was I got to drill the silly mot rabbit yes okay let’s uh let’s figure out let’s figure out where some people are I want

To I want to kill some people I uh I actually have uh permission to murder now can you get the Cure though there isn’t a cure there isn’t one I shouldn’t have gone in that area how do you become unsick you can’t you very much cannot get unick

Chat this is uh this is my life now so oh hi rap uh do you want me to say RAF or ra moo that’s moo that’s moo by the way can you spread the sickness yes everyone I interact with or go near will get it so I’m excited for that uh you’re

Going to be one of them I hope I don’t be is that hunger yeah [ __ ] bro luckily I’m a Hunter so I get endless amounts of food um you’re like a walking nuclear weapon I am I am a walking nuclear weapon sorry quiet focused is this the

Bug house or is this just a house I really want to kill some people today like really really bad I think the only person I couldn’t bring myself to kill is probably moo I don’t think I could kill moo I love moo too much oh there’s zombies in there

Gross oh yeah also little extra update um if you get bitten by the zombies the pills don’t heal you anymore cuz they’ve mutated so if I get hit by a zombie I’m going to be double infected that’s super fun and great um oh our gun’s gone okay

Tips with made Greg you smell okay thanks I smell awesome thank you so much I think I’ve already figured out I’m infected you don’t need to keep [ __ ] telling me hydrogen bomb versus coughing baby except LD cavas both of them real I’m outside right now these bu ow noises

Are [ __ ] me over yeah they’re spooky aren’t they which is funny because there’s no birds and I pointed that out on my first time on the server is there any way to stop the [ __ ] nausea I’m going to be real I’m aware I have nausea I’m going to turn the

Effects off cuz it’s going to make me [ __ ] sick it’s going to make me feel super sick uh where the [ __ ] ah what the [ __ ] is that uh why am I slow g h oh I also hav eaten go all right am I in an infected area it doesn’t even matter I’m [ __ ] infected already fully just doesn’t matter um ow I know that there’s a way to break

Your fall I just don’t know what it is is the question and I need to find a house to sit in uh accessibility can turn off down Distortion thank you where’s the accessibility uh accessibility settings Distortion effects okay thank you uh mods I understand admins I understand that I’m

Meant to be nauseous I understand that I’m infected it just makes me feel sick in real life which I’m guessing is not the goal not even a week in your diseased not even a day in and I’m already diseased go [ __ ] off go oh that’s an invisible wall

Right great yeah this this is really fun this is really fun I love I love this so much G gosp cheating how am I cheating how am I cheating if it’s part of the regular game setting I don’t see it as cheating thank you very much G okay Um all right I don’t I normally would just break in there but I’m not allowed to and I don’t know what to do um she’s definitely going to get others killed while way it’s just whether it’s with bullets or diseases I’m a little diseased rat I’m a little diseased rat

In a box oh flowers pretty oh my God can you [ __ ] off can I knife you I don’t like their sounds their sounds are funny wow these [ __ ] don’t die okay fine Jesus I think this is trees and Gates which I mean if I’m already infected is

It really going to be an issue if I go in let’s be let’s be let’s be [ __ ] for real right now oh I don’t think maybe it’s not oh no it is look at all the flowers oh yeah oh this is the area I went into with kicks on the first

Day I was like hm what’s that sound it’s a it’s a it’s a is that me or is that someone else should probably get out of the open oh there’s more [ __ ] zombies [ __ ] off bro G can’t see [ __ ] hi frog I can’t see [ __ ] or

Anything did anyone else hear a bow shot they want to kiss they don’t I don’t want to give them a kiss beefy aom be real so I’m not allowed to just break through this to get out really g h this is going to be such a pain how do I get out of

Here what if I put it back get [ __ ] uh I keep thinking these are people they’re not I keep thinking these are people all right uh how do how do I get out oh fire I feel like we should add um having like the hypothermia mod on this could actually be really cool

Actually I take that back I’m not wearing like any clothing appropriate enough for uh hypothermia all right uh okay cool wait what okay I think that’s just a chimney uh try going out the way you came in no but the out that way just leads to the [ __ ] no [ __ ] clue

They just know you for some reason what knows me what did I say I forgot what I said wrong message okay no worries no worries uh let me thank you for the follow let me deal oh there’s a book here what’s in the book um e me too man

Me too yeah facts mate soorry real what’s this um G is this a working elevator does this work I don’t think it does that’s upsetting okay how the [ __ ] do I get out I’m wearing Theos okay good um okay ionium mod is praying on your own downfall literally I feel like would be

Cool though you know how in like rlcraft there’s like hypothermia and [ __ ] okay let me try and find a different way into the city because this way is clearly not working and I’m already very infected so it doesn’t really matter if I go in the treason Zone thank you for the follow

Thank you thank you thank you all right hi hello scroll wheel to make elevator work oh it’s too late now I’m already gone but I appreciate the message I need to try not to fall into another trap cuz I fell into a trap last time from the bog family which wasn’t great almost

Perished would have been bad Um oh okay this is the entrance sign I found this on the first day too when I was very very lost I’m equally very I need to find out how the [ __ ] just to get to the city cuz I’m not allowed to break things now which admins I don’t

Know if you’re watching this but I hope you understand that I’m not since I’m not allowed to break things I’m never getting anywhere ah go away go away times two go I’m glad it’s not night time at least hi I was AFK for a moment hello welcome back I’m dealing with [ __ ] zombies

That are dumb whoa Too Many Zombies too many too many too many I’m a God at dodging holy [ __ ] I haven’t gotten hit once yet um excuse me okay there go sounds like we have some motor things yeah I’m trying to kill people today because I’m actually found out that I’m

Allowed to I didn’t know I was allowed to but I am uh and I’m currently just trying to follow this gate just to [ __ ] get into the place I think honestly I think I’ve got in a big circle though I don’t really know where I’m going damn bro you’re dodging and

Weaving literally why can’t I be this good at [ __ ] movement during like ooh during like I don’t know [ __ ] thank you for the follow like Block Wars man oh speaking of Block Wars chat Block Wars team got announced today did you see it did you see my block wars team

This doesn’t count as breaking things right okay we’re in the city CH did you see my [ __ ] Block Wars team it’s me redun auna oh this is the same [ __ ] are you [ __ ] kidding me um okay well okay well I’m just I’m just I’m just back I’m just back where I

Was I’m literally just back where I [ __ ] was G hey admins how do I get out how do I [ __ ] leave this place I’m so confused anyway it’s me redun auna King samalot and Maddie it’s a great team it’s a great [ __ ] team um G I think these houses are empty if I

Remember correctly I just don’t know where to go the road where’s the road where is the road M and bed Block Wars are so fun literally oh my god when I found out she was in Block Wars I was so excited who made a [ __ ] out of the [ __ ] oh my god

Um cabby you lost I’m constantly lost covered by snow near the entrance where’s the entrance where’s the entrance I found the entrance to like the big guys do you make YouTube videos I do I have one coming out this weekend the big hole which big hole this big hole which

Where’s the road oh this road is this a road is this the oh oh oh thank you thank you so much you know what I won’t go after you for that thank you not that not that I was planning to thank you oh [ __ ] maybe I’m I’m probably not

Supposed to jump in the infected plants ah there we go found it we good all right chat how was how was your day chat how how are you guys doing I uh I’ve work I have such a big day today I um oh I can’t get up there that’s so

Upsetting I’m vibing my bunny is got my bunny got us a thank you I love that you that’s very nice I had a very boring day at school no that’s fair that’s so real when I used to go to school imagine going to school imagine going to school finally

I’ve arrived hello Ella hello hello hello okay I’m trying to find my way around I am seeing the FNAF movie today chat I in like 9 hours I’m going to see the FNAF movie and I will tell you if they if they go together we off Anna and

Then say chica you just do chica all right if they make it really [ __ ] cringey I will tell you because I’m really scared that they will but I also kind of hope that they don’t cuz I’m really bad with horror movies so I’m going to see how this goes

I’ve never I’ve never fully watched a horror movie I tried to watch Ghostbusters when I was a kid and was terrified of it so we’re going to see how this goes um I’ve returned welcome welcome back also everyone who has a sub oh thank you someone who’s already built up here

Everyone who has a sub and you don’t remember getting a sub it was probably Souls it was probably Souls so if you’re wondering why that’s why I’ve never watched a genuine horror movie neither neither no yeah I’ve always tried to steer clear avoided it I’m not good with

Overly Gore I’m okay with like animated Gore but like real Gore is not really my cup of tea which is funny because I really like Deadpool so you know did you just imply Ghostbusters as horror listen listen I was scared of it when I was a kid all right wow everything is infected

Around here [ __ ] dude so much infection it’s almost like uh I’m infected already but I don’t think people know that yet and I’m not going to tell them I’ll tell the hunters but I won’t tell anyone else is argon still on no okay I just don’t watch horror I I’m

Only going to see the the movie because I like the uh candy Gore what’s candy Gore is that like different colored blood oh okay thank you yeah thanks thanks thanks adans yeah or in INF infestation virus I guess do you have a plan to kill cab uh find someone and

Shoot them I’ve noticed that out of all the people I’ve encountered like I find it very funny that people were trying to kill me yesterday and just couldn’t I think so a lot of people in the server don’t have a great shot uh I play a lot of

OverWatch so we’ll we’ll see we’ll see how similar it is to OverWatch um Candy go is when you replace someone’s guts with candy oh okay okay okay okay that’s that sounds cool actually um so we’ll yeah I kind of just want to loot as well

My goal is looting and if I run into someone then murdering them because I want to kill someone I really want to kill someone um it’s also like a ofy that kind of kind of feels bad because it’s like if I kill them then they don’t get to play

Anymore because like once you’re dead you’re dead or they don’t get to play that character I think you can come back as a different character you can have like different law and come back as a different character but once you’re uh once you’re dead you’re dead I downloaded OverWatch today and I already

Spent $60 on it oh God yeah OverWatch can be such a game like that where you just end up spending so much [ __ ] money on it um okay let’s hunt some people hello Muhammad Welcome to the chat hello hello all right let me also if you see me bouncing back and forth

You can Vault over [ __ ] like you can Vault some what something is crawling up underneath your skin that’s awful that’s a terrible thought wow okay that’s awful I hate that why would you do that cat face that makes it better okay I’m happy now what does this

Say Nat and legacy’s Cony Cony that yeah Nat and Conor’s Legacy if you find the say hi if you’re reading this is dubstep still a thing I mean 2013 Maybe oh oh oh oh this is from 2013 I wonder if they’re dead I’m going to kill them I want to kill them are they on a they’re not okay that’s upsetting okay I want to kill Nat and Connor now that I found that that’s uh

They already have a legacy in place they don’t need to live anymore so we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see okay who who is on and about who is about right now if I just whoever I find I’ll just kill um there doesn’t seem to

Be many people in the city I found a lot of people when I was on the outskirts of the city rather than being in the city but I see everyone kind of travels with like a pack which is kind of unfortunate because I’m solo I guess so it’s kind of hard to find

People G I hate that some something was crawling up underneath my skin that’s a horrible thought it’s a terrible [ __ ] thought thank you for the follow thank you thank you thank you thank you I appreciate that a lot all right let me Bonk let me just put these in my

Bag bnk Bonk okay put these all in my bag okay easy oh sweet okay cool cool cool uh let me find some more looting is B basically oh hi scuff Sushi where are you I want to kill you oh you’re not on a I’m I’m I found out sushi that I can

Kill people like and I don’t need to ask for the permission and I can just murder people so I’m very excited for that um I don’t think I’ve think I’ve been here there’s not anything here I’ve been thinking this whole time I had to ask for people’s permission

Before I had to kill them um so everyone’s leaving they’re all scared of me I’m very spooky why is no one here I was killed already what you was already killed even though had to deal with Whitman I do find it funny Than Jake Jake the Jack named his last name

Whitman they gave cab too much power they did they did give me too much power all right I do find it interesting that hunger doesn’t solely wait can I use Crowell to break through windows crobars can break through Windows your skin itches okay cool thanks I’m yeah definitely infected so that’s really fun

Um they can’t handle the kabo SK for Real a moo a moo all right this is upsetting no one’s around can we get a tracker on people I feel like that’d be really fun I want to get a Tracker I want to get a people tracker I want a little compass that points me in the rough direction of

People I’m definitely infected though I want to find I don’t know how I’m going to be real I don’t know how [ __ ] long it takes for you to die from this um yeah I don’t know Jake told me it was roughly a few days but he said he didn’t

Really know and could totally have just been lying to me so I I want to I want to do we get to know admins in my chat if there’s any admins in my chat do we get to know how long it takes for me to die from this because I want to go

Around and infect everyone Honestly though I don’t know if I should should I infect Lei Lei hasn’t really Lei has been nothing but really sweet to me but it’s kind of my job to kill everyone G well okay Lei isn’t can I justify not killing Lei infect everyone yeah you guys

Thought the zombie was the issue no it’s me thank you for the follow oo what is this the [ __ ] is this bro feel like I’m probably in some place I shouldn’t be B of trees and survivors Mega hordes is this the [ __ ] admin table or some [ __ ] fall of trees and survivors Mega

Hordes you’ve done all of them I promise thank you for the follow cult base for real there’s obviously someone controlling all of this I feel like that’s L we’re going to find out later there is someone that is Oh I thought you could the light on there’s someone that’s controlling this

Entire apocalypse which uh I imagine I’ve been hired to kill them all I guess maybe I don’t know I don’t actually know that much about the lore of the server which I really should but I don’t hotel maybe I should go sleep in a hotel

For the night I do need uh I do need a place to stay I also how do people remember where the [ __ ] to go like how do people remember where hay failed is and all of these places it was a lore event oh okay thank you for the follow I heard a gun

Talk is this our first victim cab use your act actually that’s probably a good idea the issue is that like everyone’s heard what I sound like and if they stop firing immediately because they’re scared of me then whoops what is that oh it’s just pressure plates it’s not a person it’s just

Pressure plates it’s fine it’s fine we’re fine you should allowed to have a GPS I know right if I was hired by some fancy ass big up people that are enough to get me a maid I should get a GPS it’s just the pressure plates guys no one’s

Here I thought it was a trap yeah me too no just just pressure plates this is a shitty hotel I want to find people this is deeply upsetting what if I just oh Aragon okay wait hello copy one two Aragon do you have your walkie toie

On these sound way too much like a [ __ ] these sound way too much like a gun for me to be comfortable around that that was a gunshot there’s no way that wasn’t a gunshot that was a gunshot kill them okay listen chat I want to but

I also don’t want to get [ __ ] shot is the thing cuz they can kill me as much as I can kill them being extra quiet they see me I don’t see them oh [ __ ] all right yeah okay they saw me I did not see them that was not safe [Applause]

Okay is there a way to get Alma I need a loot more was that a rocket chat I didn’t see it I didn’t even see Anything yeah bad idea bad idea yeah maybe if you want bright blue you’d have an easier time Hing listen branding listen branding I needed to do I I need to be branding all right and if I can kill a bunch of people with this skin that’ll be super impressive and I

Want to do that so branding thank you hello your branding is going to be the death of you shut up fer I’ll be fine I’m alive so far all right I’m already alive so far you can have your blue branding and blend in how actually Your Design was

Really good as well well I guess your design ACC didn’t really blend me in but it was very pretty and I also it’s just it’s funny chat go guys taking everything so seriously it’s not like I was almost murdered just then G I want to meet more allies I want to

Meet more people I don’t want people just randomly [ __ ] shoot me G granted I I treat them with the same attitude but you know you got shot and I’m still alive blue hair pink eyes noal clothes yes M oh well you can’t wait wait wait yeah my ey you know what since pink

Is an natural eye color I’m going to assume it’s just contacts because I think oh [ __ ] this is just a regular world so that would make sense but G I want to meet people I want to I want to lore I don’t want to immediately just kill everyone

Lost top your Hots yeah I got them back though so hi Aaron hi Aaron hi Aaron hi Aaron my design did not blend in the slightest very bright as [ __ ] can be seen from a mile away yeah I mean thank you for the follow as well somebody

Follow say thank you chat thank you guys uh all right I’m trying I just I’m just running around I want to talk to people I want to find people God where’s arone yo yo yo yo yo ah oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay all right cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool all right yeah I got to be more careful I really got to be more careful um hey hey hey hey chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill

Chill chill whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa chill excuse me I’m just trying to be friendly and have a good time and a just trying to live please just trying to live I have no I don’t want to kill you I don’t want to kill you thank you

So much ghost for the gift ghost 292 gifted a tier one sub to Erin red thank you they have given three gift sub Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey listen I see you over there I just want to be chill all right I don’t want to fight you here

Have a do you want a potato hey hey I see you I don’t want to hurt you I don’t want to hurt you hey hey hey hey come back come back hey come back I want to talk to you no come back no I just want

To be friends excuse me EXC I see you pleas I want to be friends with you let me be friends with you this is I want to I just want to be friends I don’t want to hurt you please please I just want to be friends hey hey please I have potatoes and

Flowers I have potatoes and flowers please let me just be friends with you please hey hey I know you can hear me o o I want to just be friends please please please please stop running please stop running I just want to be friends please please I just want to be friends

Please I just want to be friends I know you can hear me [ __ ] this I want to be friends I want to be friends I want to be friends I want to be friends let me be friends with you let me be friends I want to I want to chat please

I’m so alone I just want to chat I want to chat let me chat oh no one wants to do [ __ ] low with me this is so upsetting I want to chat shoots them I want to be friends listen I just want to ch chat could they not hear me who was that

Oh it’s Dion dionis they had cat ears on which I think is funny I like I like it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh it’s a bandit okay this is this is an admin oh hey okay let’s go come on come on come on come on thank you for the

Oh hey hey hey hey I’m chill I’m chill I’m chill I just want to chat I just want to chat hey we can chat we can chat listen listen listen okay listen we can chat I just let me get out the doorway I’m going to come this way so I don’t

Get shot out the doorway okay I’m chill okay what do you what do you know about this place okay just just tell me just tell me anything you know all right can you talk are you able to speak no idea okay how did you get here who are

You put Put the gun down you know what put all your guns over there put all your guns over there listen I think you’re going to put all your guns over there right now no you do fast whoa okay okay okay okay all right all right all right all right all all

Right all right mate listen you’ve got scary guns I have scary guns I have lots of scary guns don’t threaten me you don’t know who the [ __ ] I am yeah yeah I have no mercy around here all right so how did you get Who Who Are

You Bandit okay what what what are you trying to do why you what are you banding what are you banding why you banned it what are you stealing you are in our territory this is your territory where where’s the sign that says this is Bandit territory you don’t

Allow to come in here cab leave don’t [ __ ] treat me with disrespect oh hey hey sorry yeah hi I’ll put my gun away I’m sorry I just wanted to chat man listen I’m sorry I got scared that’s okay that you got scared I just wanted to chat okay I got terrified

I like your cat ears sh at you no it’s okay I like your cat ears a lot I got spooked I’m sorry how how are you I I got spook to I’m very sorry here I have a peace offering you have a peace offering a thank you it’s not much but

It’s all I’ve got for what is it epic material thank you disconnected oh no oh no you have wa headphones that’s crazy welcome to the chat if you’re new we’re doing a role playay zombie apocalypse thing hi can you can you hear me I am back hello hello welcome back

Where did you get your vest from I like it I I got it from well I made it actually you made it oh that’s awesome you got to teach me how to do that sorry give me a second I’m just let me just get the stuff out of my how do you how’

You do that um well uh you know crafting crafting you got teach how to do that that’d be super cool oh yeah I mean I I would love to teach you have you been uh you been you know Gathering stuff you’ve been getting um General sort of gathering I’m just sort

Of I’m not really from around here I don’t really know what’s going on much so I’ve just sort of been you know exploring oh yeah that’s are you’re one of those uh the the the new people right um I mean kind of but I’m not part of the crazy Hunter society that everyone’s

Been talking about I don’t loads of people keep accusing me to be this one person and I don’t know who she is and and thank you for talking to me because it’s been really scary because I’ve just been stuck out here and only Lee will talk to me and Lee is wonderful and

They’re wonderful and they’re great but I well you know since those Hunter guys showed up everyone’s been a lot really on edge so it’s it’s been it’s been difficult mhm anytime I’ve seen people they’ve shot at me first so so oh that’s terrifying I I yeah I thought I’d uh get

The upper hand for a but no I just seem nice all I want is all I want is allies I I really I haven’t i i c i stowed away on their ship because I had a really difficult time at home and I thought that coming here would be a better

Alternative it wasn’t I was very wrong but now I’m stuck here so I don’t really know what’s going on um but oh well you know if you’re looking for allies you know there’s there’s uh there’s Hayfield on the other side of the city I’m sure

They I I tried to go to Hayfield with Lee but they both they think I’m some terrible terrible person for some reason I don’t know why I I think it just might be because of my accent cuz I’m Australian um but they would let me to be

Horrible hey that was a joke oh oh sorry sorry now was not really a joking matter I I guess I didn’t really pick up on the we been a bit of a dire situation my yeah it is kind of bad yeah it’s kind of like we’re we we were just shoot you

Were just shooting at me which was fun I again very sorry no it’s okay I didn’t can I ask where you’re from scare you or anything I am from uh the rig the rig from oh mhm cool you were on a boat you said uh yeah I was a stow away on a

Ship you didn’t happen to see a big oil rig on the way here did you um maybe I don’t really know what that looks like I haven’t really gone to many oil rigs in my life big metal thing in the middle of the ocean uh not that I

Remember uh well you might have came from a different direction that’s where I stay though so oh can I can I see it if that’s okay if you don’t want to take me back that’s completely okay but I’m just I don’t know I’ve kind of been out

Here for a while now and I don’t know where Lee is gone and I left them to go and see if I could find some more food now I can’t find them again and maybe just can I stick with you until I finally of course yes of course you know

Where this Lee person is like um they were in we’ve we’ve found we were getting hunted and chased by a bunch of people I think one of the hunters came after us or something but we got chased by a bunch of people and then we ran into like an an apartment building and

Then I went out to get food because we were running low on food um and now I I don’t know where they are again I have a really horrible sense of direction oh well don’t you worry until we’re able to find that maybe when uh everybody’s gone to sleep cuz it’s

Really dangerous out there thank you you should uh you should come with me I can get you some food I can get you some shelter thank you so much oh there are zombies can you hear them oh yeah oh oh Jesus oh yeah the zombies have mutated

Uh don’t get hit by them yeah one of my uh Chad I think this is a trap okay well that didn’t kill them in one yeah no they’re insanely strong they’re like ridiculously strong like ridiculously strong yeah yeah you know let’s just ignore him he’s not worth bullets it’s fine you

Know as long I think he as long as to stay away from him yeah it’s okay it’s okay chat I’m really thinking this a trap what the [ __ ] do I do do you don’t have any weapons on do you um I don’t think so I have I have uh like a little

Knife that I found on the ship but I don’t really I don’t really have anything else yeah I’m trying to think do we want to kill N I don’t think it’s yeah I don’t think it’s worth is that yours place the ship there or is

That is well I mean our place is a little bit bigger but that’s going be good there oh okay mhm you know what if you want to head over to the ship now I’ll just kill him real quick okay thank you you oh there’s more of them never mind never mind never

Mind time to go [ __ ] it [ __ ] it I’m just going to see what happens hi sorry I got a little spooked I hav little on edge yeah it’s it’s okay um is there anyone else here you here yeah is there anyone else here no not right

No sorry I’m just a little on edge I guess it’s okay what’s this so if you want to press this button which is definitely what is happening at l or definitely definitely um I’ll I’ll I’ll drive us over there so oh it’s a teleporter oh [ __ ] do I want to teleport there [ __ ]

It oh there you are hi sorry oh whoa we are here the R so pretty it is isn’t it you want to come up yeah yeah sure of course but you were so what what was kind of happening with those Hunter guys you just like uh I don’t really

Know anything you said you were storing away but like you’re from uh Australia yeah I’m from Australia I had a bit of a rough time at home and I didn’t really feel safe there anymore so I got on a ship randomly on the H one day and it turned out to come

Here m I’s see let’s how how are things over in Australia are they as bad as they are we are not going to stay here I don’t know can I can I say this can I say this just out loud okay it’ll be fine I don’t know say say say it out

Loud say it out oh don’t worry it’s it’s going to be fine you can trust me don’t worry um if if you don’t want to we don’t oh if you don’t want to we can hang out some can I hear them speak again please guys hello hi hello there anyone else

Here what’s up who is this hi this is uh what did you say your name was um I go by Eloise Eloise right okay well this is Eloise hi I don’t think they like me I why did you bring them into the rig well that’s a oh my God

Chef chef does not like this it’s okay um I have I have if you want some bread I found some bread if you’d like we got plenty of that you got plenty of okay I have a l bread Flowers Fish would you like flowers fish I can leave I feel

Like I’m not wanted here I’m going to be real oh no it’s okay okay you you’re wanted here I promise my okay hold on hold on it’s it’s okay it’s okay you’re one is here guys just hold on a second where did you find them I found them they were

Alone they were alone in I just I just need an ally that’s it I’ve lost my friend and I just want to find my friend again you know that person I I your friend Lee remember Lee the one from yesterday I think so guys trust me they’re fine they we

Didn’t ever want to hurt anything we’re not I promise Chef it’s okay why don’t we go up to the CAF thank you for the raid thank you for the raid thank you for the raid welcome welcome to the stream I’m doing role play I’m going to

Go first I’m going to go first um yes please yeah the only thing I’ve really eaten in days is bread let in the elev okay okay elevator don’t worry Chef it’s going to be okay thank you for the whoa Che whoa whoa whoa thank you for the follow thank

You thank you thank you for the stream welcome welcome I’m doing role play so give me a second look at me I promise okay it wasn’t a trap it wasn’t a trap no hey it’s going to be fine it’s going to be fine please I literally I really don’t want to hurt

Anyone it’s going to be fine don’t worry don’t worry can we come can we come up yet it’s fine we’re going to get everyone some food and it’s going let all right go to the cafeteria I guess yeah let’s go come on okay uh whoa this is awesome yeah we have running Powers

Wow this is oh sorry I’ll step away from the gun the rig it’s wonderful wow come on guys this architecture is so gorgeous indeed it is indeed it is wow hello this is little oh he so cute he’s so cute yeah I wouldn’t touch that thing okay

Noted yeah yeah I’m sure he has I’m pretty sure something I don’t know pry sure Whispers to me in my plate but let’s not think about that I don’t know I feel do you guys have a doctor or anything um doctor we have oh hi um I don’t know

I’ve just had these weird rashes the last few days I don’t really know what’s going on about it but okay I’m going to I’m going to sit here H guys why don’t we all take a seat why would I’m going to stand you’re making a lot of it’s

Okay it’s okay and you’re the one saying this I promise I really don’t want to harm anyone I don’t know why everyone suddenly assume that I do I have no bad intentions um well we don’t really know you we’re kind of more standoffish and plus you didn’t really mention about bringing

Anyone to the ring the reason that I brought you you here is very important it’s because oh oh okay um what that seems a bit more pressive whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who whoa whoa whoa whoa who okay okay hold on hold on hold on

The guys the reason I brought her here is because what Eloise doesn’t seem to realize and I suppose it doesn’t matter at this point since you’re clearly infected what you don’t seem to realize we were the first people who got your signal and you were the person talking

On it I recognize you no I I promise I promise please everyone has been saying this I promise I’m I’m not I promise I’m not please please please problem I’m not I’m not I really I I don’t know why everyone’s saying this I just want to go home I’m

So sorry [ __ ] stupid I’m not I swear I swear please I want to get that close to him please I promise I don’t know what’s going on stupid just please I’ll leave I’ll leave if you want me to go I’ll leave I just I just want to find my friend this is a

Bad idea kill people just telling the truth she’s infected I’ll leave I’ll leave please I do apologize for bringing so many I’ll leave I’ll leave right now I’ll go I’ll go right now Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey listen listen I’ll go where they go whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa how the [ __ ] do I get out of here admins admins how do I get out I got teleported here how do I leave I [ __ ] knew it [ __ ] knew it oh my God oh my God get me out of here get me out get me out

Okay well they’re all infected at least if they didn’t die now they D [Laughter] soon what an exhilarating experience and my cover still isn’t blown technically oh [ __ ] oh that’s what happened when I got blindness okay I didn’t I didn’t know that that happened it’s a flower on my head yeah that would

Do it was very lucky there was a window there or I would have been gone going to be real chat I am so surprised I live through that wow if they had hit me one more time then I was dead [ __ ] I got to be more

Careful I think uh I think my day of little Eloise Act is uh is is is gone oh yeah I probably shouldn’t go see Lee now that I’ve got a [ __ ] thing on my head I’ve got regen permanently though cool I was rooting for your downfall I

Hate you Jake hi dizzy I can’t believe I did that I came from one of CRI videos I’m shook your RP is so good a thank you it’s what happens when you work on a lore SMP for a year and a half okay what’s next okay I need a

Second just to [ __ ] I’m going to L out for a second I need a second just to chill holy [ __ ] thank you for the follow chat I was fully convinced I was going to die there 100% 100% was going to die there um I kind of knew that was a trap but I

Wanted to see what happened from there my hands are shaking so much my heart is racing that was like I felt like I was actually in that situation like my heart was racing so much I felt like I was going to throw up for a

Second there oh my God who the [ __ ] did you survive it was a group of four the entire rig was trying to kill me and I outran them thank you for the follow I deserve some follows for that if you’re new here that was incredible I’m going to Hy

Myself up about that that was incredible don’t know how I live through that holy [ __ ] wow wow that was a lot of adrenaline holy [ __ ] yeah wow that was that was good why did I say LW cuz it’s law it’s crazy never do Mery yeah I’ve learned

That now okay the only person I can trust is Lee I’m killing everyone else on spot noted that’s my near-death experience character building character building character building okay all right now I should definitely be more careful maybe I should get some protective clothing I’m feeling like uh feel that’s a good idea

Wonder if there’s a way I can change my voice as well but I think the time of be me being a cute little guy is probably [ __ ] it’s probably over I want to find Lee though I don’t know where the [ __ ] Lee is I don’t even I saw Lee is in my chat

Earlier hi cry but G I hope well y do sh listen cry are you are you going to get on are you getting on soon I was meant to go live like now time but I decided to go live now early um but uh that was way too much excitement for one day

[ __ ] that was yeah when I said I wanted to RP it’s not what I meant it’s the [ __ ] pressure plates they’re so scary you technically got on early sooner yeah I did get on early sooner you know what I’ll give you that I got

On early um yeah and I said oh I won the RP that is not what I meant at all I wonder if the person with the gun at the beginning was the same person I’m curious as to who that was oh did they log off oh yeah the guy

The guy the red guys logged off oh God that scared the [ __ ] out of me my hands were shaking so much when I was getting on that boat my hands were shaking so [ __ ] much you don’t understand that was really fun though this so you I can feel your nervousness

Yeah I’m so on edge I’m so on edge I mean I got everyone infected though so or I should have I definitely got that one guy infected I don’t know about the rest of them hopefully but we’ll see you’re going to leave your wife a

Widow oh no I am no it’s okay I’ll get i’ll get Greg to take care of her she’ll he’ll go a good job cab what happened you just missed the most exhilarating [ __ ] do you think clamp the S&P probably not this isn’t really his thing also it’s already started also it’s not

An S&P it’s only for two weeks also he’s being addicted to a [ __ ] game at the moment so I’d be surprised plot armor but it’s not plot armor cuz none of this is written it’s just I’m just good we are strong that’s not scary at all guess I’m part of this virus

Now can I become can I don’t let them kill us maybe maybe I have a team switch ahead of me we are strong don’t let them kill us stood maybe maybe I am a walking nuclear weapon hey Lee symbiote oh my God I’m a symbiote I’m literally Venom don’t let them kill

Us I will make sure of it okay weird plant virus talking to my head sure then you’re I’m literally Spider-Man and you’re literally Venom so I’m literally Eddie Brook um I’m literally Eddie Brook actually so um yeah I will protect you if you virus virus if you’re if you’re

Listening to me if you keep me alive then I will protect everything I will protect you all right I just need to make sure the hunters don’t come near me but knowing I don’t think Aragon’s on but AR or Aragon’s out everyone else is asleep normally so new voice in your head yeah

I need to get get a I need to wait talk to me again virus I want to try a new voice thing I have a I have a have go salar voice oh I just came in here let the infection spread yes sir hell yeah you keep me alive I will uh I’ll

Protect and fight for you and it’ll get it’ll be a double whammy I’ll get my job of uh killing everyone here Dum too patience zero oh patience zero AR absolutely hey hey Icarus I think we have a new fan art I think we have a new

I like the flower thing on my head it’s kind of pretty I think we have a new design I think we have a new Hunter’s design let them eat pollen let them eat pollen like flower [ __ ] I’m going to be real host you may have picked one of the

Dumber people to pick to pick as your host little infestation thing I’m not overly spill the tea thank you for the raid hi Reno thank you for the raid welcome welcome you have a gun here and then KMP yes yes the difference between my character my character on KMP is girl

Boss no girl failure sometimes perceived as a girl boss whereas here it’s girl boss sometimes perceived as a girl failure for real you are what do you mean for real you are infected yeah I know I know I’m infected I kind of got that um most infections are upwards

Rather than down I don’t think Brazil would be why are they talking about Brazil thank you for the follows welcome to the stream uh I am currently running around I’ve just gotten almost well I did I didn’t really get kidnapped I got hostage situation I ran out barely

Escaping with my life um so that was really fun Brazil does have amazing amaz on for true I need to find more people to infect let them eat pollen wait so does that mean I can just live in trees and Gates then if I’m already infected [ __ ] yeah keep me

Alive keep me alive and I’ll kill for you hey voice in my head jump in the water why there’s no water here thank you for the follow hey voice in my head uh can you can I ask you questions do I get to know more about this virus says the

Virus is moving pretty quickly during the cold and because of me also that doesn’t make sense why viruses move quickly in the cold that’s know how viruses work actually I think some of them do but depends I guess go one day I’m going to go and infiltrate that rig again I’m going to

Make them pay for what they [ __ ] did it seems everyone got my message though which is unfortunate I oh does that mean I can just get hit by the zombies then I mean if I’m infected does it really matter you kill anyone uh okay I killed one person and then got taken hostage

And escaped somehow and then got infected so now I’ve got I just did a vault oh yeah so now I’ve got a little fr flower on my head um so yeah uh I am permanently infected I think I saw somewhere in the in the like the Discord being like yeah Hayfield is

Working on a like solution to it but I’m going to be real I don’t think hayfield’s going to want to going to want to talk to me I’m going to be I’m going to be so for real can I can I know who I infected do I get like an infection

Counter where’s Lee I want to find Lee but I also kind of don’t want to find Lee I don’t want to go near them cuz I don’t want to infect them I have a soft spot for Lee I’m going to be real that were the one person that have liked me

Here hi hello welcome welcome welcome are those police guys or they just blew they just blew trucks they kind just look like blue trucks where’s Lee I need to find Lee also need to not get shot again are you infected yeah um I can’t wait to make a video out

Of this bro it’s going to be such a a this is going to be such a good video okay wait um oh who’s damming me clown Pierce y don’t kill me I’m texting clown Pierce okay bunk bunk working on Infected yeah dode immediately hell yeah thank you for the

Follow spread the infection I’m trying to but everyone’s avoiding me oh it’s not scary at all okay um I got infected with zombie apocalypse real not fake gone wrong yeah I I was meant to kill everything and then I decided to become one and and still kill everything

I’m still going to kill everything but I’m just going to going to be not human while I kill everything now there’s one okay yep there’s another one hello weird messages in my head now I have two voices in my head I have chat and I have this

Thing which I don’t I don’t know what to call what do I call the virus I feel like I really feel like I’m a symbiote right now this is great I’m out of a movie [ __ ] main character moment is it like a blood moon or something that makes the zombies spawn

More no the zombies spawn equally the same M all the time I’m pretty sure call it Venom okay Venom no cuz I I don’t think Venom existed in 2013 that’s where the World cuts off here did Venom exist then listen to us chat I’m listening I don’t oh CH as in like chat

I’m listening to you hi what’s up I well you’re not really saying things I can understand so if you want to talk to me then talk to me in English please I don’t speak any other language I don’t speak random [ __ ] cursed letters um wait or is the virus chat is chat the

Virus is it just actually just one voice in my head is chat the virus call us your brain cells if you guys are my brain cells I’d be incredibly concerned yeah oh chat’s the virus you guys are the virus oh my God you guys are the

Virus oh my god oh [ __ ] oh my God that’s awesome hi chat you guys are you guys are my little virus you guys are a little virus in my brain hi guys does that mean I can canonically acknowledge chat now not that I haven’t been acknowledging it before but I I can

Canonically acknowledge it now where is Lee I demand death okay give me a second do I call you virus Venom appeared oh Venom appeared in 1984 okay I’m calling it Venom you guys are Venom um no but I want to come up with an original name H if I just call you Viv cuz like virus I’m not calling you Bob no that’s so overused it’s like 2016 [ __ ] um vob vob is kind of funny oh yeah you guys can all assign yourselves virus cells Viv H we got the bun gun and oh yeah did I

Was that answered did I did I say that on stream or was that in Discord yesterday that I called my gun the bun gun I don’t remember guys assign yourself a virus cell number yeah you’re all a virus cell number pick yourselves a virus cell number death to the humans LOL

Real I love that my motives just haven’t changed since I’ve become infected it’s still the same thing I still want to kill everyone thank you for the follow it’s still the same thing I still just want to fall kill everyone like nothing has changed except for the fact that I can

Take refuge in the VV vivv that’s you guys you guys are Viv why is there no one around I guess they always spot me before I spot them CU I just go running out in the open I also don’t know where anything is so why is there couches here you’re Viv yeah vicious

Infectious visible infection wait vicious does vicious start with a V or does vious does what you pronounce sheha does vicious start with a V or am I think you’re ferocious that starts with the F does vious start with a V hey voic is in my head yeah it is okay it does start

With a V okay good thank you for the follow thank you Phoebe where do I know you from I recognize the name Phoebe is this Minecraft it is it’s like heavily modded though heavily heavily modded Minecraft it’s cool though I used to watch you before hi hello hello hello

Yeah I’ve been doing this [ __ ] for a while now changed a lot though I’m almost 18 crazy uh can you quickly change POV there you go it’s kind of dark like let me let me stand the light wait no one kill me I’m trying to get in the light

There we go that’s a better it’s like a flower in my hair and then a big ass flower on my top and then there’s a flower behind too there’s like a little Vine This is actually a really [ __ ] sick model we’re all vicious and virulent yeah vicious infectious

Visible what’s another word for disease that’s eye that’s not infection oh hello this looks so cool thank you thank you thank you it’s uh well I don’t know why I’m saying that you this isn’t my project but this is a zombie apocalypse RP server I’m trying to find [ __ ] I

Can’t find anything um I’ve killed someone already that was fun um trying to find trying to find some things to loot but I don’t know everyone’s are the zombies still going to attack me now I feel like it’ be cool very interesting viral infection that’s what you guys

Stand for I feel like it’d be interesting if zombies didn’t attack anyone else see a particle over there that might have just been me though um but just going to follow the train track see where it takes me but go I want the flow but I feel like no

I’m going to hang out with you if you physically infected yeah I uh I was I wasn’t infected and then I was taken into the the um the the the rig by the rig people cuz they were trying to set me up for a trap

And then I infected all of them so so karma [ __ ] yeah get [ __ ] get [ __ ] but guess I’m infected now I’ve been on the server for a [ __ ] day and I’m already [ __ ] infected of course of course of course cuz just knowing me why wouldn’t I be

All right I need I want to just keep seeing where this leads me hey cab hello I mean I would hang out with her look at that I know it’s a cool [ __ ] hat isn’t it oh why did I go night mode I mean I’ll go with it but hell yeah I

Mean it makes sense I’m in a cave right now now so we need death for us to grow okay give me a [ __ ] second Jesus I want to get some good material I need to stop building things first I might send a message to Jack later I’ll leave him a

Note um and be like hey Jack can you make me some good ass weapons and [ __ ] don’t come near me though I’m incredibly infected um I’ll leave him a little notepad that says that I need to be careful not to go in the room I need to quarantine myself

In the place [ __ ] I I better not get Greg sick oh my God if I get Greg sick it’ Be Cool If You Could just be live around zombies yeah can is that admins is that possible can we just make it so I just like live with the zombies cuz

I’ve like got the same infection as them now so like I just want to chill with them that’d be so fun I’ve got to run but have the silliest time infecting people thank you I’m horribly lost in this cave system in this tunnel system why is it pink oh sunrise sunset right

Thank you for the follow but I have found jack [ __ ] today lost again yeah I thought that’d be [ __ ] in this cave in this like train system but there’s not I swear to God I remember that being lost in anyway we’re going to get out I might start heading home uh

Cuz I promised someone I’d hang out with them in a bit and I still want to do that and that means I have to stream so give me a minute uh I’m going to head home I don’t know if they’re in my chat right now but I’m going to head home and

Then where is Lee actually oh Lee’s oh I want to hang out with Lee wait give me a second let me text them give me a second uh uh please don’t kill me I’m like right in the open I should not be standing in the open yeah I ain’t venturing cuz uh those

Flowers everywhere get far enough oh [ __ ] all right yeah why you always lost cuz it’s part of it’s part of me okay I always get lost I get lost a lot okay where is hey Lee uh in cry maybe in my chat uh actually since okay technically chat is

Is the vo is in my head so it’s canonical so can you tell me where you are canonically still in that building yall held up where the [ __ ] is that thank you for the follow okay here’s the here’s the thing where the [ __ ] is that

Um are we allowed to send cords sh noral no noral no quickly all right give me second give me a minute give me a minute um thank you shh everyone Look Away close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes everyone close your [ __ ] eyes right now close your eyes close your

Eyesone close your [ __ ] eyes everyone you don’t see [ __ ] all right you don’t see anything chat you didn’t see [ __ ] chat you didn’t see [ __ ] all right this way roughly okay chat you didn’t see [ __ ] you understand you understand you don’t see [ __ ] you don’t see [ __ ] don’t snitch

Don’t you dare don’t you dare snitch I forgot which buttons to have all my [ __ ] wait which okay that’s that okay there we go I forgot I set my [ __ ] key butttons to to snitch don’t snitch no one snitch okay totally tracking the virus don’t worry damn she packing yeah look at all

My [ __ ] guns when I was like yeah I don’t have any this isn’t even all of them this is only like four I have I have like eight nine 10 at home more um okay this way I’m pretty sure it was like yeah okay I’m just hoping I don’t get [ __ ]

Shot I won’t snitch thanks chat chat if I if I ask you guys are the voices in my head you can’t you you can’t actually see anything cuz you’re the voices in my head and you can’t see through my eyes so you see Jack [ __ ] right now USA well

This is America actually this is this whole thing is based in America this is yeah 2013 in America right now you know when everyone said the world ended in 2012 yeah um actually no I think this is 2023 but like the year is 2023 but everything

Went to [ __ ] in 201 13 they should have made 2012 cuz it’s like the world went to [ __ ] in 2012 it was like that home me uh where in America I don’t [ __ ] know I got no clue whichever is the worst place Ohio Oklahoma I don’t know

Why I said Oklahoma I don’t have anything against Oklahoma all right let me try and find all right let me try and find someone oh yeah I’m still I’m still cute little girl around Lee so I got to I got to I got to be cute and little and girl [ __ ] okay this

Way Texas I guess what place snows a lot because like we’ve been shot into a cold winter there’s some places in America this couldn’t happen so realistically where are we probably ohoh there’s flowers everywhere it’s my brethren hey [ __ ] hey oh ow okay [ __ ] up hey

[ __ ] okay um all the rest of the cords no this way Lee Lee Lee Lee you here Lee c hi hi hi okay okay don’t come near me don’t come out where are you oh I’m uh yeah so something happened what happened yeah um I got kidnapped so by who the rig

H yeah it was it was the people we ran into yesterday that pointed guns at us when we were trying to leave Hayfield they kidnapped me oh yeah with the with the chef yeah with the chef uh I’m infected however so don’t come near me

Oh um okay um I don’t want to get you infected is there a cure or is okay here’s the thing here’s the thing I think I I I assume uh how much do I know um I I don’t know I don’t know if there is a cure uh

I imagine one of the more like progressed societies is probably making one but I have no idea last last I heard whenever I was a part of um the Judas area with other Jud people they were looking for a cure really um so I may be able to catch up with them possibly

Than cuz I’m still a part of Judas even though you know there’s not much to it but um I’ll find you a cure cab thank you thank you so much don’t don’t die before don’t die before I get the Cure cuz that it’ll be in vain I seem I seem

Okay though it doesn’t really hurt it’s just kind of itchy I guess yeah you you kind of got a thing growing out your skull yeah I did notice that I saw that in the mirror reflection earlier um oh gotcha yeah it’s a it clashes with your

Outfit but it’s okay oh oh I I thought it went pretty well cuz it like ties in with my eyes like the bread and the pink oh true true and like red and blue is like opposite anyway um yeah after you had um after you had left yesterday I

Had been just exploring the city and just Gathering resources and I think I could see a giant flower plant thing growing like all the spores all around the city now so now I’m like yeah I’ll have to find a way out of here safely but yeah here come here wait wait here I

I have something for you well don’t come here but I I’ll put it Al you can down through there I think there’s like an open open garage oh really you can like Drop yeah yeah okay listen yeah yeah down there Le come here wait okay I’ll I’ll just be don’t don’t

Come here like come no come to this like yeah just yeah yeah yeah no I was going to come with theity but inside yeah yeah let’s see yeah listen um you’re the only person here that’s trusted me and sort of helped me and took care of me I guess so

Now that I don’t need this anymore cuz it won’t affect me can to have my gas mask to make sure you don’t get infected too oh thank you now I can actually go out into the City and like could find other people and yeah hopefully I believe from what I saw on the

Instructions on the ship I think you have 15 minutes to wear it in any place until you got a 50-50 chance of getting the virus so just be careful okay thank you thank you so much I’ll listen if I and when not if but when I find the Cure

You’ll be the first to get it and if I find another mask I’ll definitely have it ready for you so thank you I appreciate than you again no of course okay we’ll meet up soon I guess I wasn’t able to get your wiie toie unfortunately but um oh I actually

I actually I actually got one oh you got one oh awesome wait wait wait we should pick a channel then so we can stay in touch um wait let me let me yeah I say I think one I think I think one’s Tak out of character I think

One’s taken let me look at the list there’s a list no it’s not is it not nope oh okay we do you want one then yeah we we probably claim it in the Discord quickly how do we claim it there a way to claim it I got can we uh yeah

There was like a yeah radio channels here we go yeah yeah there we go I’ll I’ll message thank you all right how’d you get the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] did you get a walkie toi um I I did I did the slash of me and said Lee wonders how everyone got a

Walkie-talkie and I was given one so I was like how get one then yeah cuz apparently you can’t craft them I think so yeah that’s really funny all right let’s pick one uh wait I’m going to mute here Lee can you hear me can you hear

Me turn on your wiie toie I’m just testing if it works okay hello hello can you hear me Lee can you hear me oh you have to be unmuted I I think I am unmuted hello can you hear me hello why does my walkie-talkie not [ __ ]

Work now it does oh does it can you hear me yeah we may have been too close oh okay okay well good luck on your advented Le I I’ll stay on this channel in case you need me okay okay okay see you bye I think I’ve I’ve chat I think I’ve

Virus virus in my head I think I’ve uh I think I’ve I think I’ve gotten a soft spot for Lee I don’t know they don’t know I’m a serial killer so we’ll we’ll see what happens when they find out but uh in the meantime you made another one infected I don’t

Think I have I didn’t get very close to them your mic what about my mic what about my mic what do you mean what do you mean Li is the only person that we don’t want blood from yeah I don’t know even though like they didn’t know and they

Still don’t know I I’ll see how they feel after they find out I’m a killer eventually I think they’ll probably find out um unmute on purpose what do you mean oh thank you thank you thank you thank you I thought my mic was [ __ ] up thank you okay see I need to

Find did I just get seeds oh was that from that was probably from the grass I going to say that’s a weird thing for this virus give me um Death to All Humans I’m literally oh my God I’m literally Uzi chat if you’ve watched murder drones how many people here know Murder drones

How many murder drones references can I make that people will understand who here has seen motor drones who here has seen motor drones bro did the virus get bigger it definitely got bigger it has most staff has like gotten bigger mot drones is great I’m literally Uzi I’m literally Uzi spoilers look at

My look a little bit of M Dr spoilers I’m like the I’m the I’ve got the virus and I want to kill all humans I’m literally Uzi anywhere and I’ve got I’ve got a virus I’m literally Uzi I’m actually literally Uzi this is the I love her so much I was

Originally V and now I’m Uzi I’m literally J but male oh my God oh my God I have a friend of mine that’s literally n and it’s great it’s super great all right let me find thank you for the follow all right should I start I have a feeling I

Should start heading back to the ship cuz it’s going to take me forever and I need to be off in like 203 minutes so um okay okay yeah I should stop finding my way back to the ship well oh [ __ ] I did something whoops okay let’s

See if I can find my way home uh as oh what the [ __ ] as far as I’m aware it was Southeast as far as I’m aware which Southeast okay this way um admins I’m using chords you can’t not chords I’m not using chords I’m using like F3 to

Get directions you can’t stop me I will never get anywhere if I don’t I hope you know that unless you give me a compass if you give me a compass then that’s fine but I just need some kind of way to tell direction or I’m going to be lost in the city forever

Um so yeah that’s that’s my that’s my that’s my thing at the moment is this a place is this a campus I don’t know I’m going to go in there’s a big hole opening in the side so hello hello inks yeah I need a compass mate thank you for the follow shell

Bunny thank you for the follow today chat I appreciate you all so much all right death yeah we’ll get you some death chat I’ll probably be live again tomorrow honestly the sub goal is streaming every day for a week but I’m probably going to do that anyway cuz

This is just really fun and it only goes for a week um hello hello all right let me actually eat my breakfast properly my roast chicken all right let me put this bowl over here go someone wants to find a bowl they can um can you stream later tomorrow can I

Stream later tomorrow I don’t uh yeah I’ll probably go live like 25 minutes ago but like tomorrow um because I just had to stream early today because I’ve got DN D and then I’m going to see the FNAF movie and I need to make sure I had

Enough time for that cuz I have to I have to leave the house at 10:30 and it’s 9:30 right now so I needed I need to have enough time to have like a decently long stream which is why went live early morning C good morning you do

D and D I do do D and D me and uh me and a few oh me and a few friends have a d andd campaign so the FNAF movie is out yes the first showing I think is today um thank you for the follow so I’m going

To go look at it I was eron was saying that they let’s pretend you look at the star in the boss on the tree yeah it’s just one of my [ __ ] like plant abilities thank you for the follow Moonlight BL how are you all finding me

All of these new people how are you finding me fess up run out cuz I haven’t made a YouTube video in 2 months so how the [ __ ] are you finding me speaking of that new YouTube video coming out this weekend for sure now that I have it

Supposed to come out last weekend but my [ __ ] PC corrupted uh and like died so all of my footage was gone but we got it back luckily so I got I got a [ __ ] ton of my video back my footage back so new new video coming out this way I

Have my ways that’s so ominous how did you find me sh put a ref a description of your D andd character oh okay I don’t have a reference of them but I can tell you them so their name is via they are 7t tall and they are water jasi and

They’re they are like the like the most elegant kind of they’ve got the personality of So like sucus um from genjin Impact I’m not going to go into too much detail but their hair is made out of like water they’re a sorcerer uh their hair is made out of water and we

Have a little bit in the D and D campaign think you we have a little bit in the D and D campaign I was in the brow section the zombie apocalypse was hooked yeah I’m currently infected by a virus at the moment it’s super fun super

Super fun super great hello I just came here welcome to the stream but yeah what did gastic her name is via uh her hair is long like super long and it drips on people her hands are half made out of water as well it’s like split down like

The middle of her finger like the middle of her middle finger like half of it is water and half of it is flesh um she’s a sorcerer uh she’s kind of shy she’s very much a bookworm she loves books um her and then we have a bit in um we have a

Bit in my D and D campaign that uh is she a girl failure or girl boss important question she’s more just girl scaredy cat she’s not really she’s good at what she does but she’s just super afraid of everything all the time um she’s just like she’s like gangle

Actually she’s really similar to gangle from The Amazing digital circus um but she’s really tall okay I need to hey Greg are you here Greg okay don’t come near me oh hey oh Veronica has pie for me thank you oh thank you all right I need to

Leave Jack a note being like hey don’t come in my room virus I have virus um all right I need to find a book um Greg oh Greg’s not on [ __ ] gregy gangle it’s a name of a but yeah so and we sorry I keep not saying

My bit we have a bit in my D and D campaign that um if you you if you put a tea bag in the top of her head it’ll change like the color of her hair so we have another person on my party um who

Is like a herbalist so they have a lot of tea with them all the time like lots of tea bags and they always put like tea bags in her hair so that her hair changes colors cuz it’s made out of water um so yeah that’s a little

Description of her um how many mods do you have on there’s 70 in this pack uh this is for a big big server all right let me I don’t want to go in their rooms I don’t want to infect them um I need to leave them a note somehow

Though I need Greg or admin or Greg admin can you pretend to be Greg um uh I need a notebook but I can’t go into their room cuz I don’t want to I don’t want to get it wet no no no that wasn’t I was thinking my D andd character I

Don’t want to infect their rooms cuz that’s not safe um what if a gelatin your D andd character there it’s just like if you put like like you guys saying like what sanitary if you put like it’s just if you put anything in like a river it’s basically her hair is

Like flowing water it’s like a river if you put anything in River it’ll have the same reaction um like like it’s like a like a stream basically make a sign perhaps if you can’t get a book I do have a sign here I’ll put a sign outside my door be like

Hey guys I’m infected hey I’m Infected uh don’t come in my room room Lum hey h Hello Supernova how are you bro double dog dare you to infect them no they’re my friends they’re my gang they’re my guys wait I’m pressing my my vtuber looks scared give me a second okay there we go H I’ll give you

20 D Bloons D Bloons don’t mean [ __ ] to me I need guns and gold um there we go okay um what else there’s all there’s all the rest of my guns I’m out so funny story yeah I need to write day three Veronica luckily my wife is a uh is a is

A mannequin so she doesn’t get sick let me hey girl day three I got infected now there’s voices in my head my head LOL they say hi do you guys want to say hi do you guys want to say hi to my book now that you’re canonically

Real [ __ ] wait that was the wrong button there go they say hi I love keeping this book do you guys okay so here’s the thing I wrote this on the first day this is the first day I logged in this was before I started streaming on the server so day one I

Hope for you to be a real girl hey girl day two I met someone don’t worry they’ll never place you hey that rhymed day three I got infected now there’s voices in my head they say hi this is great I love that I started a journal all right I think that’s uh

That’s probably going to be the end of the stream today I will be live again I’ll be live 30 minutes ago tomorrow again okay I’ll be l a little bit later uh cab if your hair the swimming does it get longer I guess it doesn’t it doesn’t

Get longer but it like sort of Blends into the water it’s like you can’t tell where her hair is and what’s just water thank you for the follow kab you play D and D yeah very recently I started playing D and D this has not been a long

Time thing um but I’m going to go play D and D now well I’m going to go talk to my friend and then I’m going to go play D um thank you for the follow again we locked in channel one hell yeah there we go cry just messaged me all right it’s

Cry live um okay cry is not live who shall we raid oh let’s raid moo slash raid actually because they tried to [ __ ] take me hostage um oh okay wait chat I’m a raid message is going to be the disease the disease swarms you all right all in capitals like this okay the

Disease swarms you okay everyone that’s the raid message when we go into moose chat cuz they’re probably infected so the disease swarms you all right I will be live tomorrow I will see you all later um like that okay all right goodbye chat have a great day goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye oh

[ __ ] rep rep I can’t raid now cuz you okay we have to wait cuz you put a [Laughter] pinned okay just give give a second okay we have to wait 20 seconds anyway how is your day oh my God also everyone everyone go everyone go look at um Icarus and issa’s

Fan Art of me on Twitter from the your last days it’s amazing it’s so [ __ ] good and also go follow them both and as well Icarus just said that they’re Icarus Icarus just said they’re going to do one with the infection on it so I can’t wait to see that I’m so excited

You should stream D and I was thinking of doing it on my subon anyway wait can we get one more Raider so it’s 60 please one more person join please pretty please pretty please please one more I just want it to be 60 no it’s gone down what the hell okay

You guys suck bye

This video, titled ‘Kaboodle Survives A Minecraft Kidnapping! [Your Last Days Part 2] (Streamed 10/26/23)’, was uploaded by KaboodleVODS on 2023-12-08 13:00:02. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:46 or 6046 seconds.

Kaboodle Survives A Minecraft Kidnapping! [Your Last Days Part 2] (Streamed 10/26/23) Streamed live on

Socials! Twitter – Discord – Instagram – Main YouTube: @JustKaboodle103

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  • INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 Hrs

    INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 HrsVideo Information what is good everyone World created what we are hoping for now I’m actually going to let the world load for a second okay uh we’re hoping for a village we’re going to need iron diamonds obsidian we got to go to the nether so hopefully we can do this uh this is Project e it’s a money game everything has money and we added an expansion pack so this should be fun hopefully we don’t throw you know that’s never fun I just C CED one of those we’re going to need a pickaxe I’m going to… Read More

  • Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in Minecraft

    Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in MinecraftVideo Information H who Could That Be so early oh uh it’s bad JJ come on hurry up hurry huh what is it what’s with all these people oh again someone was attacked this is why we told him to put a stop to it huh uh uh um what Mikey what Mikey run it’s behind you what was [Music] that Chief we need to stop mushroom hunting there may be a man eating creature hiding in the forest we found a villager what was left huh without the mushroom hunt our economy will collapse but it’s dangerous someone else… Read More

  • Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft fun

    Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft funVideo Information Вчера я просматривал карту своего политического сервера и заметил игрока в джунглях я подлетел к нему и оказалось что у него закончилась еда и он застрял в этих джунглях и я решил ему помочь я дал ему вертолёт и ресурсы Он был очень благодарен мне и он полетел строить страну в Китай на сервере карты реального мира для ПК и телефонов IP в профиль E This video, titled ‘#minecraft #server #political #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Vladis_min on 2024-01-17 05:53:22. It has garnered 10783 views and 293 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Spudzy’s SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shorts

    Spudzy's SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shortsVideo Information what happens to a new YouTube channel if you don’t post for one whole week well I did exactly that and my channel is more alive than ever I just entered a sub war with my worst enemy grass toucher and my channel has not stopped growing since so subscribe you know the answer to This video, titled ‘What Happens When You Don’t Upload For One Whole Week? #shorts #spudzy’, was uploaded by Spudzy on 2024-01-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 28 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft gameplay Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: Discord:… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us, Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More