Surviving Hell: Hardcore Minecraft Edition! 🔥 #8

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Good morning afternoon evening and good night ladies and gentlemen I hope you’re all doing well out there I’m de videos welcome back to Minecraft looks like the stream is doing something that it shouldn’t be doing very odd looks like it took a minute there uh looks like we’re caught up now

All right that was weird well ladies and gentlemen welcome back to Minecraft specifically Ember and artifice the mod pack we’re working on here in this stream my brain is failing me my apologies I am uh my brain is dead anyway let’s begin shall we like any items buckets will burn in

Lava but not when it’s in the bucket that’s very important it’s a very distinct distinct bit of uh importance right there it’s very important oh man what were we doing last time I believe we were taking a look at stuff Shel needs sleep to wake up nah let Tanya sleep that’s fine uh

Oh um fascinating The Game just crashed that’s interesting let’s take a quick look at why it did that let’s see m craft exit code error 80536 369 result of various issues it can be difficult to pinpoint The Source great caused by the game running out of memory well that should definitely not be

Happening interesting uh in some cases doing a clean installation of the game fixes the issue H let’s try uh let’s see resetting that uh very interesting standby ladies and gentlemen the game crashed that’s a that’s a first we’ve not had a crash we have not had a

Single crash at this mod pack until just now I wonder why I hope our world is okay oh that’s a delightful little thing we just have a little red box in the corner of the screen cuz that’s technically a Minecraft so it’s popping up in the corner there

Um so that’s interesting also Jay welcome back to the stream just so you know forgot to actually say hello there because the game crashed was very inconvenient timing mod loading is complete excellent okay single player play selected world everybody cross your fingers the anticipation is killing me floting terrain that’s looking like the

Game interest o quite a bit of lag at the moment interesting I wonder if it had anything to do with the fact that there’s an active ongoing Rune Forge repairing our boots maybe I don’t know point is though that was uh very dangerous Yes Jay I’m well aware of what your name on the Discord is but uh I tend to tell people by their by one name at a time rather than a a particular name I forgot we got a bat backpack last time so allows us to see in the dark yeah that’s

Interesting H very interesting anyway well that was very different um that was unexpected but we are okay now which is good that is very good uh let’s see that thrown down on there in our hand please thank you all right it’s been a week since I played

This I got to actually figure out remember what I was doing and figure out all the things uh are we at full health currently yeah I think we’re at full health right now take the aqua infinity helmet to put that in there next Wonder if we can put a hopper on a rune

Forge hold on we have the technology we can test this can we put Hopper on a rune Forge need five iron ingots two wooden logs it won’t do much without another chest to put the items into uh real quick let’s do uh go couple slabs cuz barrels can be

Opened even if there’s something on top of them and chest can’t let’s go ahead and get the barrel out uh we’ll need a second Hopper to curse me what’s this Oak planks that’s Birch planks go chest go way and then we’ll need five more iron and if this doesn’t work we have

Plenty of other uses for Hoppers we’ll just put that in there you make TRS SP no uh you can make medicinal items but nothing that you would call A drugs not in this mod pack the intent is for this to be uh I going to say child friendly really

Family friendly it’s a familyfriendly mod pack where you just be Mages and have fun things going on there’s no intention here of having anything like that in this mod pack looks like yes the question is does it only take when it’s processing or does it take the whole

Thing oo it looks like it’s done when it’s done processing it’ll take it we’ll test that toss our shield in here toss our bow in there toss our sword in there why not let’s just toss everything in there and we’ll see if it comes out the other side

And we can put in the closed planks right there there we go now we have a hopper just like that we don’t actually need the extra chest to curse me probably only need to store a couple items in here not a ton of them all at once and yeah looks like it

Automatically filters it out that is excellent just being able to do that that’s quite good uh there’s one more thing I would like to make real quick we head over here to our pile of stuff let’s get two leather real quick and I need a bunch of sticks do I have a

Bunch of sticks in here I do have a bunch of sticks in here excellent two item frames is all I’m looking for here just going to slap this on the wall right there and on the wall right there that way we have the other uh

Kimer crystals ready to go if we need to swap them out for whatever reason and delightful yeah that Shield was really damaged okay I me medic drugs sure you did Vlad sure you did anyway um let’s go ahead and put these diamond boots away cuz I do not need these

Currently they have curse of foolishness on them which means we get no experience which I would really rather not have to deal with uh the kerite gems we can put these over in our Mana chest Mana artifice chest cuz good Lord this is a this is a

Mess got a lot of stuff in here that’s just absolutely messy uh coasting trim and obsidian those don’t belong in there uh obsidian can go in there for now and Coast armor trims can go there I guess we’ll put Coast armor trims over here uh let’s

See uh protection two on a golden chest plate uh I don’t really have a need for that I guess you know what we can do a storage chest for armor real quick we can throw this Barrel over here we’ll throw Enchanted armor in there things we might want to keep at some

Point or transfer off the enchantments if that’s possible I believe it is possible with this mod pack I am not 100% certain on it though we put this backpack in here cuz I do not need it currently uh first of all uh we also have a gold tier backpack at the moment

And we recovered 53 bloody diamonds um I believe we can make a diamond upgrade yeah yeah we can just takes eight and one of these and one extra leather go ahead and do blank upgrade diamonds all around it and then take our backpack off smithing Table and there we go Diamond

Tier backpack just like that and we have tons of slots for tools now and tons of slots for equipment very nice let’s get all this copper out of here oh and things got moved so we got shears shovel hoe axe we put a bow we could put a bow in there

Huh that’s an idea also we should see if we can recharge this in Rune Forge I don’t know if we can I don’t think we can but we can at least try let’s get our soul jar in our off hand for the moment the bell of bidding

Can’t go in there do we got blocks of amethyst we got amethyst shards let’s get those in there for the moment uh Venum that can go in here uh a stack of iron and a whole bunch of copper uh let’s see cornered Oak dark planks

That go in there uh I need this chest and do give me this I would like another chest please there’s something I need to do real quick it’s slightly important uh actually I need a third chests to me and we need five more iron oh you

Know what where’d that stack of iron go hang on we can use the Rune Forge to double this so we should not smelt that yet I was about to just toss it in the furnace and I realized we could double that which would be very very nice for

Us get that what is this [ __ ] Stone where did I get this and why did I get this oh right we were making pedestals right that’s what we were doing with it all right that can go in there we have our Hopper and our two chests and if you

Haven’t already figured out what I’m doing it has to do with this cuz that’s full probably full again yeah yeah it’s full again let’s go ahead and do chest chest that’s very inconvenient do do I not have any tools yeah I don’t have any tools going to have to

Do an annoying thing here I have to go here I’m serious which side are you facing oh you’re facing the right side you’re just right shift click there we go and a hopper here there we go that should empty this out eventually it’s going to need some time to do so but it’ll

Eventually get done Let’s Help It Out by taking these Le boots out and that’ll empty all of that out let’s go ahead and get these fish out of my inventory and at some point he will notice that there’s space in the chest again I I

Hope yep there he goes he put a bunch of stuff away just now perfect okay and yep all that’s filling up in there that’s a disturbing amount of stuff that they’ve collected go we can still access that from here perfect actually I think we do have

Space to just put that back right there there we go is that taking up that space it is taking up that space never mind all right from there we have all of the stuff being collected now did he get a water bottle he caught a water bottle I

Mean I’ll take it I guess it’s not that useful but it’s something I suppose uh as a note uh where are all of our empty water bottles oh we need to refill our water bottles there we go we’ll get these placed down oop 12 dirty water bottles simple as that we’ll get those

Going on purifying get this armor just tossed in here I don’t really care at the moment let’s check on our equipment that’s being repaired see how it’s going uh looks like it’s done get all of our stuff back thank you very much our Shield definitely want our sword back

And our bow uh let’s toss our Tools in there I think so we’ll start with the axe and the hoe and the shears just so I don’t have to waste iron and we’ll pass toss the staff in there last to see if it actually does anything with it and

We’ll come back for that later we have an extra bow as well interesting uh we also have an anvil I wonder if I can repair anvils we have a bunch of stuff in the bundle too wow we have so much stuff to put away from the our from our Expedition into the

Mines we got a lot of good stuff down there uh let’s go ahead and I also almost temped to make a second Rune Forge and pedestal set so we can have our Rune Forge pumping out the uh ore while it’s doing oh we also have this

Stuff too deep slate um we only have drawer for polished deep slate let’s make another drawer for all the various deep slates and we’ll put that up here we want to or just use that one H we could just use that one Cobble deep slate and we take this

Put polish deep slate in there where’s my key key unlock that lock this one we can put um what could go in there gravel gravel could go in there gravel doesn’t have uh another form except for flint lock that one up thank you toss that in there

I don’t think we have anything else we need to put in there we could put away do Cobblestone and aight and Granite or basal Basalt granite andesite and calite in one thing calite is kind of its own thing though is it diorite I’m thinking of I think it’s diorite I’m thinking of

Cobblestone can go away let’s make a birch set of drawers real quick that let’s see the drawers that’s not how you spell drawer brain that is let’s see drawers are made of that’s a 2 x two set planks and chest chests in the corner that’s what I thought planks do we need four

Chests and put the rest in the corners and across there we go that gets us four of those let’s go put that right there and we’ll do assault andesite Granite do we have diorite anywhere I can put away I could do smooth Stone i’ rather do diorite but I don’t

Think I have any diorite on us NOP just more calite uh I guess we do calite for now but that really only comes from the amethyst so that’s not super important I guess I’ll throw it in there for now it’s likely other mods probably have added other ways for calite to generate

So that’s fine uh Tanya welcome to the stream you do not have to worry about being late that’s not a thing I care about uh let’s see wool probably could use a separate thing for wool what else do we need at the moment uh why do I have Blackwood planks in

Here I have a space specifically for Blackwood including for slabs too not for leads there we go first logs those can take a back seat again do we have anything else I’d like to put in the drawer we could do variants of stone do other variants of stone so Mossy

Cobble smooth Stone smooth stone slabs and mossy right there that’s fine we’ll find more of that more naturally generated ones at least uh let’s see why do we have dirt there spam the dab Emoji I have fun in there don’t go too crazy now chat uh let’s see we don’t really have

Anything else to throw in there oh we got our water bottles are all done get those down one more time we go uh let’s see slime balls and string that can go away pal can go away bombs lily pads acorns no none of this really needs to

Be in a in a drawer we could do a small drawer for a bamboo I think it’s one chest in the center for yeah one chest in the center two six planks for large drawer do one large drawer right here for bamboo boom just like That okay let’s See drawers Oak planks uh oh you know what we can do a thing here for Oak we don’t have Oak do we planks do we have Oak saplings anywhere do we retrieve Oak saplings I don’t think we did o v you people in chat dark oak planks let’s do cake

Bricks Cobble peep slate one thing we should do is a drawer controller compact controllers drawer controller drawer controller SL drawer controller so a drawer controller you plug it you put it next to a drawer and anything you click on it it will search basically all the drawers and it allow

You to stuff anything into a drawer from one specific drawer for if you have more active chat the more you recommended that is technically true also the dwarf welcome back to the stream gold we have a bunch of gold too actually I forgot about that let’s see that said if anyone

Actually wants to talk in chat or have a conversation please stop spamming on want anyone who actually wants to have a chat you know don’t spam out anyone who wants to actually chat you know otherwise I’ll be very upset with you okay oh this makes light I should

Have figured that from the name archaic light can you make more of these oh Ember shards that’s not going to happen anytime soon uh we’ll go put that one away I think that’s more or less everything there why do we have shroom lights in here anyway and these that shouldn’t

That’s technically from man and artifice we’ll put that away in there armor do treasure map we don’t necessarily need buried treasure maps at the moment although holy crap where is this uh this is somewhere that we have not been to I couldn’t tell you off the top of my head

Where that is it’s somewhere I think in that direction uh that direction actually based on the map looking uh let’s see let’s see oh you know what we should go check on our tools to see if we got the uh if we got the fancy gear

Back aha so it did go through but it didn’t actually recharge that good to know also iron hoe iron axe iron shovel and shears is there any other tools we need bucket can’t put buckets there are there any other tools we need to put there I can’t think of any off

The top my head um and we have our enchanted bow with Unbreaking one which is something I suppose let’s check let’s see if we can get something on this bow Unbreaking one power one uh reroll enchants oh I forgot we have better enchantments I completely forgot there’s a bet there’s a mod in

This mod pack that allows you to roll your enchantments it costs lapis lazuli Unbreaking power one or soulbound um I get power one one power one and soulbound cuz of course we got power one and soulbound however we actually it was a trick we have an anvil which means we

Can get both the enchantments Unbreaking one and power one and soul bound on our bow it’s perfect now we have a little bit better of a bow all right Frost Walker we got an extra enchantment we can throw on there uh Place G post nights 2

My name is do the fact that five of my OC are Nam Vladimir I’m sure it’s fine uh I’m going to guess uh Steve probably trash talking people on fortnite isn’t that half the fun of fortnite is trash talking to people I mean it’s a competitive game so trash

Talking is half the fun of an esport as long as it’s re like reasonable trash talking not just random insults like you got to be creative you got to be creative with your trash talking uh it was one of the things that was really missing in the Starcraft uh Koreans uh

Esports was trash talking like skillful trash talking not just being a crass idiot D get all this stuff in here more GL that can go into our quiver our there it is right there there we go we got three whole arrows in our quiver nice all right let’s get that in there

Glo ink rotten flesh that goes in there what do we need rope for do we need rope for anything we can make rope arrows oh I believe that’s for climbing out of things you can essentially you throw you shoot that up on something and you can

Climb down it or up it uh depending on how you do and you basically just fill an arrow with rope that could be useful honestly we could use that uh let’s see the bundle we can take all the stuff out of the bundle real quick get this all sorted there arrows

In here oh A’s the turtle Master yeah I didn’t want those in the quiver got Spruce saplings ooh hang on let’s throw that down down and we’ll throw Spruce saplings into the mix that’s actually really cool let’s get a couple of those planted actually coming out

Here NOP I’m just going to go ahead and plant that real quick I’m sure that’s fine there we go uh let’s go ahead and take these crystals off put these crystals on those crystals away I’m sure that’s fine and we’ll throw in the ore which first we have raw

Silver let’s go and just toss those in real quick yep while those are smelting we’ll go ahead and head over here uh oh this is going to be fun cuz the whole stack of iron is going to to go in it’s going to take forever to process

That uh we can do two stacks of copper I think on top of the in the hopper could add a chest to the top of the hopper and we could you know be Bey on that so I only do one silver at a time it only does one silver at a time

Interesting so the hopper can only put one item in at a time which means it’s going to take forever to go through a stack of uh like iron interesting but I can manually place an entire stack in which I’m curious how long it’s going to take for

This oh we can only do 16 at a time interesting okay let’s just leave this to its devices then and we’ll leave that alone for now and we’ll deal with the rest of the stuff oh yeah I forgot we retrieve melon seeds the highest level of loot we can

Finally complete our meel it was perfectly five it was perfectly five I’m very satisfied with my life right now those guys over there are just fishing up a storm over there that fish Barrel’s not full so that’s ooh a lock box and a box let’s

See what we got from that shall we we also need to figure out something to do with this Farm a automaton to do that farm now we need to make a more intelligent automaton that has more than five intelligence cuz it did say that if they’re intelligent they’ll just replant

Automatically which is exactly what I want them to do let’s get all this stuff out of my inventory so I know exactly what the box gave me box me a single fire right me that technically fills out the drawer which I wanted that’s so dumb I can put the

Calite in here instead of the uh archaic bricks cuz this is be uh this will go in our ember’s rekindled chest when we eventually have that going I just that’s so incredibly dumb that it gave us the one di we were looking for all right and the lock box gave us a compass

Wow very useful I heard fish do they have shrimp I don’t know if they have shrimp I don’t know if shrimp are in this mod pack let’s find out shrimp fried rice the answer is maybe mantis shrimp spawn egg and shrimp fried rice it doesn’t have a crafting

Recipe so it cannot be crafted interesting I wonder why I wonder if perhaps shrimp are intended to be in the game but are not in the game yet uh which actually would be a problem cuz that means there’s a food item that’s not available for uh acquirement which would screw up the entire

Calculation of the food items and the health and things like that oh boy okay I’ll have to figure that one out I’ll have to add a recipe for Shimp fried rice um cuz that’s a problem I love how much crap we have dangling off our bag

We’ve got our shears our hoe we’ve got our quiver on the side we got all kinds of stuff just hanging off of us water tanks bed roll all kinds of things oh and our axe on this other side looks like no that was the oh that was the quiver sticking out okay

Anyway from there let’s go and put the drawer key away cuz we don’t need that at the moment uh let’s grab some bone meal for the spruce trees real quick let’s go plant let’s go grow that spruce tree real quick and we’ll cut it down using our magical

Spells control right click yeah there we go we’ll put uh Oak touch over here and boom Oak touch right there anyone around no one’s around excellent grow the spruce tree please ow where’s my shield I just repaired this bloody thing how are you not burning currently

Buddy anyway all right now we got all the spruce out of the way that’s not a spruce that’s not spruce tree that out of the way there quick this is very effective all right from that we can go ahead and move on to the next thing we’re going to do today

Get all this put away real quick we can get all the spruce put away uh we can make a nice little Spruce thing here so we can do spruce right there we can do couple Spruce planks not all of them give me a couple those back please do spruce

Slabs Spruce logs and we’ll lock that chest orlock that drawer there we go now we have Spruce ready to go in our assortment of woods um uh more bread and steel uh unfortunately I do not uh one thing I want to do today is I want to go

Retrieve our Valiant construct that fell down into the M shaft with us that we left down there so to do that we need to research the crystallize spell or we need to create a crystallized spell uh we have a bunch of random crap in our inventory too still we need to

Organize including some extra water we need to get get hydrated boys and girls this is your reminder to drink water today if you haven’t already done so uh that off to the side uh do we have I have not eaten a golden apple yet but I

Don’t really want to eat a golden apple just for food items I’m going to eat the spider ey oh we have um a can trip for heal but it’s gone already uh we have other items we need to eat we eat everything we ate most of

The things it look like cooko fish there we go hey we gained a heart how many how many food items was that 75 sounded like an exploding motorcycle just drove by absolutely ridiculous sorry I had to mute for that it was actually loud enough to pick up on my microphone which is actually insane saled salmon those can go in there oh we have two in there already okay that’s awesome all

Right it’s just slowly working its way through the iron at the moment most to just leave that blank uh what did you hear it’s an incredibly loud motorcycle that is now coming back absolutely insane that is so [ __ ] loud whoever’s engine that is they genuinely need help that that [ __ ] vehicle

Sounds like it’s falling apart absolutely ridiculous all right uh let’s see we have lots of bread in here for storage of things or for eating should say uh we have um what were we doing oh we actually need more food interesting salt salmon it real quick

God damn is correct that is quite a vehicle like that vehicle sounded genuinely problematic keep in mind I’m on the third floor my windows are shut and I have a sound blanket on my window that’s how loud that was it still came through the microphone that’s actually

Insane it’s just so slowly going but it made 32 iron which is pretty good anyway we needed to research the sorcery we need we need to research crystallize that’s what we need to do which is in here do we have everything we need in here for crystallize we need a we want

Touch and crystallize uh it’s going to require six ink three paper and two Ash we can absolutely do that let’s go ahead and get that done [ __ ] I might be making a Tik Tok maybe it’s unlikely what possible uh let’s see can I make a Tik Tok of the loudest

Possible motor last possible thing I can make my motorcycle all right let’s see what we need to make this shall we we need two vinum dust one purple glyph a feather an infus silk a clay and a lead that’s not hard at all let’s get that

Set up that seems like a really good idea uh actually there was one thing it was Rune of ritual two on the runic Anvil all right super Venum Hammer swings and that gets us four um yeah so do we want to deal with that today do we want to deal with Rune

Scribing today I think the answer is yes we want to deal with Rune scribing today it’s just a matter do we want to deal with it right now before we go get our construct I think we’ll go get our construct first so we need a lead we need a purple glyph and two

Vinum dust two Venum dust and a glyph needs to be purple purple so we need either a flower that makes purple which does do you make purple no you make light blue uh let’s see I think it was the cerula blossom that makes purple it does

Is that worth it yeah we see Cula blossoms all over the place so we need purple lift for that simple as that right there Cliff put the purple D away over here we need a feather we need an infused silk which is recipe we’ve made several times but I

Need to actually remember how to do it which is do a wool a string and a Mystic Focus which is glass surrounded by Iron two glass surrounded by Iron nuggets specifically four which we have the funniest thing you’ve heard today the motorcycle I think you need to watch a comedy special or something

Man toss the sand in there to get smelted uh let’s real quick do a little bamboo harvesting that’s not too shabby get ourselves a bit of bamboo to toss in the chest or in the furnace I should say toss that in there there we go all right Mystic Focus so we have that

We need a string and a wool we have plenty of those I don’t know why I have wool over here not in the mob’s chest all right next ingredient is a clay block aha there’s clay I thought I had clay around here somewhere and then a lead which we

Have feathers what I’m missing feather goes right there all right and the sil as simple as that we can go ahead and make that real quick blue welcome back to the stream how are you doing hope your night’s going well let’s go ahead and get these all on

Here there we go and it was a a square I think Square go we have the infused silk then we need a feather which I hate to say it but that means it’s time to uh sacrifice a chicken uh let’s see uh if you enjoy his stylings uh Randy felt face has an

Entire uh comedy special that’s on YouTube you can just go watch it up I think it’s called world of felt or something I don’t know exactly what it’s called but you can just Google uh just on the YouTube search uh Randy felt face and he’ll his special will definitely pop

Up as he put an entire special on YouTube for free which was awesome we are good Lord go ahead andle quick backpack down do a little sleep and there we go get our backpack back on we’ll make a few chickens and then we’ll remove a few chickens if you catch my

Meaning assuming there’s enough eggs in here that I can’t just make a ton well you seem stuck you didn’t give me any feathers I’m Sorry they’re so adorable give me a feather that’s all I needed I’m so sorry chickens how many eggs are in here nine uh I think we took some of the eggs last time I think oop I fell on Go few extra chickens in there very nice it’s a very inefficient little house but I love it I I love the design of the chicken coop we need to make something similar for the cows and the Sheep at some point cuz I just did I put these two blocks here or

Is that an Enderman is an Enderman griefing me I don’t remember if I put those there or not anyway to these toss the seeds you can Auto make eggs I know I can but I have it set to just do that as is I enjoy the way it is set

Up uh the chickens can go in the actual kitchen brain they are chickens after all they can go in here I forgot this is completely full of fish Completely forgot about the fish um we put the chicken in here for have I really not eating raw chicken oh [ __ ] all right here we go we’ll eat a raw chicken at some point all right now I need my practitioner’s pouch I think is over here somewhere probably in the man and

Artifice chest yep there’s the wizard chalk and I don’t actually need the preer pouch cuz it can’t store the one ritual I want it to store for God’s sakes all right if I remember correctly see if I can do this from Memory I’m going to need another chalk soon not for this craft but for the next one I will definitely need more chalk think that’s it and we need purified Venum D Brain going to need to make some of that over here and for that we need oh we actually have some already I’ll just take this with me then that’s very convenient that I already have some purified Vin team dust and here’s one I prepared earlier ah I was right okay and then

Right click with an empty hand and automatically places everything we need lead we go and then get make sure we have the wand out and that it set to free form at the moment it is excellent and boom bada bing here we go all right what are we making need a triangle a

Square need a circle and there we go now we have crystallized excellent and let’s make this one a I kind of like the idea of that one that’s like straight up like a resurrection spell looks like remember this basically traps an entity in a diamond for us to retrieve it

Later kind of like this one like weird like lightning bolt at a man it’s kind of tempting o or like a beast summon that could work h what feels like put it in a diamond and store it for later let’s go with like a let’s go with

Like the Beast icon right there that’s perfect let’s do that one I guess cuz it’s blue we’ll we’ll do a diamond cuz it’s blue that one all right two and this is crystallize and open this up and we’ll put this in here there we go we’re getting all kinds of spells now

We just need a diamond and then we’ll go get our Golem and we’ll bring them home so we can just use a diamond for this uh let’s test that it works on constructs before we leave crystalize let’s see if this works I would say that works crystalline

Cage an animate a animated concert is trapped inside you good buddy oh he’s got he’s got like a lag before he can be used again did he automatically resume what he was doing hang on bitting binding clear Diagnostics on you please he did he automatically resumed what he was doing that’s really useful

Actually all right that’s perfect which means the other one will automatically resume following us once we go get him that is perfect all right let’s get the rest of this crap out of my inventory in case we find something else I want to get while we’re down and about

Uh the boat go there please thank you uh buckets those can go there rope torches let’s do that is not what I want to do these ones are unaffected by sorting please put the bundle on that side that’s what I have there so we have the now we have the bandages the campfire

Bucket or boat torches and bundle all on the side there buckets I don’t care about that much actually all right let’s go get our construct uh back from the dead uh let’s just stash the golden apples in here for the moment I don’t care that much the glowberries that can

Go in the berries chest over here or in with the fruit doesn’t matter that much the gold Crystal Seed this is going to have to be later for use two raw chicken all right I’m going to eat at some point bones tea leaves why do we have tea

Leaves in here we should go over here name tags bows tea leaves bows all right let’s go uh name tags can go in here wizard shot can go up here all right let’s go get our construct back let’s go get our boy actually I have a much better idea real quick what

Does it take make an Ender feather charm not we don’t have an ender pearl so we’re not getting that that’s not happening thanks for the eggs boys all right construct is down in the mine shaft on the far side so we have to go over there I’m too lazy to swim across this

River you know what this actually makes it much easier to transport my my constructs long distances just put them in a freaking Diamond while we’re moving that’s actually a brilliant idea I should have thought that before I came over here in the first place that’s fascinating I can just do that to

Anything I want that’ll make it actually really useful to store I could store an entire village Village inside of diamonds cuz of all the diamonds I brought back last time I should make diamond armor hm anyway kind of love the idea of storing an entire Village inside of diamonds

Just steal an entire Village and put them put them somewhere else it’s a very silly idea and I love it hi uh it was around the corner if I right right here somewhere in this area I got shed by this m uh it’s basically right on top of the map trigger if I

Correctly quick look at fulls size map it is right here somewhere probably right underneath this by the I guess no it’s not actually it’s right here somewhere ah there it is all right let’s go ahead and put our Shield back on make sure we’re nice and covered and while I’m confident we

Can I’m not I’m not going to risk it I’m not going to risk just jumping straight down the whole thing I will go down the side but I’m not going to jump down the whole bloody thing that’s just asking for death I asking for like an Archer or

Skeleton to shoot me from the corner and knock me into the wall and kill me instantly there’s our boy he’s right there we can get him out of here I forgot all the stuff over there too we do have supplies again we could actually I don’t have any

Food forgot I put a skull on top of you boom just like that and we are out we’re out e 5,000 baby no need to stick around here and this is where we take our leave ladies and gentlemen cuz [ __ ] sticking around here but at the same time we only got

Chased out last time by a couple SK there’s literally right there lapis I know there’s more stuff down here we’ll come back we will come back when we have like a ranged mining tool because quite frankly we need one let’s go around in circles so we don’t end up hitting our own yeah

That God this is such a tall thing all right we go we’re back out and we have our construct back and we can just keep him in this cage until we’re done till we’re back at base or until we need him cuz it’s night time get back to base let’s go ahead and

Just get back on back to base shall we I think I’d rather go home now it’s like I might have a sharpness one sword but uh that is a spider you if we seen another spider I’ll try putting down the contract and see if he immediately gets back to fighting that’s a

Raccoon uh let see let’s break our way down here I see chat is moving right now uh I will look over at chat in a minute soon as we are safe I will look over at chat as reminder this is a hardcore world and I’d really rather not die from

Looking at chat in a hardcore World shovel I don’t know how we got up this before but we’re doing it now like this oh Pear that’s a crow over there that’s fine nothing dangerous about a crow nothing dangerous about a giant Mushroom Man I will take all these Fancy Flowers because I’m greedy and I’m I shouldn’t be but I am where’s my boat oh it’s across the river right uh let’s go ahead and move up this

Way looks like there’s nothing really coming at us right now there’s an assassin here go this is a perfect attempt Go minion yeah he went right back to fighting so we could absolutely just be like Go Go minion I choose you and put him back in a a Pokéball that absolutely an

Option oh I have realized how powerful this is we could absolutely just have an army of minions in diamonds and we just throw them at people that is an idea and a half go minion it takes him a minute to realize there’s enemies but once he does and by

A minute I mean like literally a second and remember this guy’s just made of wood he’s not even good go get our boat put away I don’t need bother doing that right now all right let’s get back inside shall we Minion come along he’s working

On it he’s he’s slow he’s not very fast he’s quite dumb as well okay let’s see what’s going on chat uh is one big shaft Matt Gainer welcome back to the stream always nice to see you and primed player welcome back to the stream as well General

Kenobi uh spoter make Quarry is faster to get ores rip spoter get making a quarry is actually something I want to do today I want to make a construct that mines and I want to just leave him uh on if we look at our map real quick

So over here we had a we started making a query over here for stone and I want to get uh and also for sandstone and I want to just put a contract over here that just makes a big hole and that’s all he does is make a big hole you think that’s

A good idea why am I asking you you’re dumb as bricks anyway uh but yeah so that’s something I’d like to do today if possible um might not be a bad idea not might might not be doable but we can certainly try two okay let’s go a and get this Flint put away

And raw chicken do we have oh we have to eat the raw chicken now we didn’t get food poisoning from it all right sure you say so game put the AL away spider’s eye and rotten flesh that goes in there string goes in there how programmable are the

Constructs violate him like that then I have to violate who like that I don’t know what you’re talking about uh let’s go ahead and do as far as the constructs Mt cuz I know you haven’t watched any of these streams uh the constructs are pretty programmable

That’s still doing or yeah it’s oh it’s done with its iron it’s onto copper now look at all that look at all those iron ingots nice uh so the constructs their programming looks like this so this is the programming for a construct they have tasks essentially

And they can only do a certain number of tasks as they go they can take items from containers they can put items in containers they can chop trees Harvest crops plant crops activate blocks Patrol move weight place blocks of position drop items position gather items eat items fish and I believe we gain

Additional ones as we go can they not mine actually they can’t mine is there really no like pickaxe for golum armor interesting so Golems can’t mine actually so that actually won’t work do if we go to doany in here constructs basic legs under legs fishing fishing Grabber bladed arms basic torsos axe

Arms uh fluid nozzles cast you can make a Caster arm so it’s possible you can make them uh have like a break spell and have that equipped to a Golem that’s maybe possible but yeah yeah I don’t think outside of them being a Caster I don’t think you can actually

Have them mine things directly interesting L never played Minecraft and never really watched either fair enough the minion you called him dumb as bricks I mean dude just literally got wood and straw for a brain man uh uh also it’s not just me doing it

It’s uh the bell of binding if we look at uh Diagnostics here because he’s got intelligence of five that’s it anyway um I actually just love the idea of storing him in a Pokeball wait oh there it is I was like where’ the diamond go on the ground

Brain all right I actually just love the idea of having a Pokeball construct just been like go construct I choose you that’s so dumb it’s so very dumb and it makes me laugh I love it put all of our delightful new ores away those are my torches uh let’s see

Five is four more than one true but five is the lowest it can go it physically cannot be lower than five in this game in this in this mod it can he cannot go lower than five which means five is the lowest it can go which means he’s

Unfortunately dumb as bricks why is my iron pickaxe in here how long has my pickaxe been in there I don’t know how that even happened clearly a while cuz it’s not repaired huh um well that’s a slight problem uh from there let’s go ahead

And oh man uh you know what I’d like to do actually I’d like to do the kitchen kitchen we want the cooking table so we want a cooking for Blockheads 2 which means cooking for Blockheads one which means we need to smelt a book which which means we need leather

Cuz we’re out of leather oh we can make leather from flesh so we can do that partly waste I think it’s what was the leather recipe for this it was bone Ash that’s what it was and a circle bone Ash and a circle we’ve got plenty of bone Ash in

Here that’s still doing copper boom boom boom boom boom and Bone Ash and then a circle that’s my staff that’s a square like I know I’m not great at drawing circles but come on game those tical during Terraria streams but here you’re absolutely har is am I

Well to be fair in Terraria I’m trying really hard to actually focus and be good at the game whereas here I’m just kind of [ __ ] around hence the name relaxing uh cuz the second half of each stream we actually just relax um it is kind of weird to see you here outside of

A Terraria stream though how does one smelt a book unless the definition of smelt has changed while I wasn’t looking nope uh you just smelt a book uh it’s called being good it’s called get good scrub uh just need to make a book and book and in the furnace it

Goes it’s very it’s very creative recipe right here from this mod I was going to eat the pear and then it occurred to me I can’t eat the pear cuz I’m not hungry enough to eat the Paar then we get cooking for Blockheads one and now we can upgrade that with two

Diamonds and I don’t remember the rest of the recipes rest of the ingredients uh two crafting tables right okay two crafting Tables crafting for Blockheads too uh let’s see terra cotta and any stone along the top which we’ve got Granite we actually have exactly the amount of granite we want excellent we have a granite countertop uh and then there terra cotta oo terra cotta is going to be a slight

Problem how many terracotta is that five well that’s most of our clay but we can do it uh we’ll just toss that in and get it smelted I don’t really care about being efficient at the moment we have plenty of coal how’s it to see me outside of a tri

Stream I may I know Miss some streams but like bro I think I only ever seen you in a Terraria stream I’m pretty sure I don’t think I’ve ever seen you outside of a Terraria stream Prime player haven’t I have you ever been active actively talking in other streams cuz I don’t think

So are books extracted metal and if so when since when uh since Minecraft think that terra cotta for granite I’m G throw a book at you next time I see [Laughter] you all right let’s see ran it along the top that occurs to me that’s just going to get put away so I

Don’t good point indeed see I know what I’m talking about sometimes maybe kind of okay okay occasionally I know what I’m talking about terracotta cooking for Blockheads and granite and we have the cooking table excellent so now we need kit uh kitchen oh God we need more terracotta

Oh we need a lot of Terra Cotta right uh let’s see we need a lot of Terra Cotta to make this thing useful basically what this does is it replaces this crafting table which occurs me I could have gotten an axe out of out to deal with

But basically any items that you can cook with that are in attached to this table via a multiplug kitchen which is all of these allows you to automatically cook the ingredients here so we need to get an oven tool rack toaster cow in a

Jar a cow in a jar is very funny um and then we need to get a we just need a milk jar yeah just need a jar just need a jar cooking for Blockheads okay and then we can use these kitchen cabinets to store food things like that

We can also use the fridge to store food which just a chest and an iron door that’s not that bad actually uh book of pain uh I don’t I know what I’m talking about press X to doubt I occasionally know what I’m talking about I did build this mod pack

I know most of what I’m talking about we really need to look into tea is there a tea we can make that is just liquid there is Christmas tea cinnamon sweet berries honey where do you get cinnamon cinnamon sticks I I mean I should have known that interesting fabric tools and slash

Knives interesting that’s interesting uh mango tea so that gives food Christmas tea is the only one that seems to give just water this is another one chorus flow tea gas tier and dried chorus flour bro I don’t think that’s worth that generation for 5 seconds I don’t think so buddy uh let’s see

Lavender tea green tea and right right that’s why we were looking for lavender before cuz it’s a much power much more powerful drink than just water by itself DV knows I’m a smart of a bit of a smartass uh that’s accurate I would say uh let’s see Steam ah yes perfect

We’ll just drink steam uh I think yeah that’s the it’s just lavender tea Christmas tea and chorus flow tea that gives no food but gives liquid bowl of stun dragon egg that’s feels like not nearly enough of a buff for using up the dragon egg because I presume it uses the dragon

Egg steak and potatoes doesn’t seem to be a recipe for a bowl of steamed dragon egg that could be a problem Oh steamed dragon egg right and it served in a bowl right a half dragon eggshell Dragon eggshell nonh hatchable dragon egg ends Delight interesting right there’s a whole

Expansion to the end we have here in this mod pack manity as well interesting water bottle kelp tar root and Clay mug that’s pretty funny actually uh let’s see uh from there yeah I’d like to go on a hunt for lavender but or no also makes purple purple

Uh we make slime blocks out of wender that’s an interesting combination uh let’s see no violence in the chat uh let’s go ahead and get a little expedition going shall we we’ll put that crafting table right there for now uh let’s go ahead and we haven’t if we

Haven’t eaten raw chicken we probably haven’t eaten cooked chicken either for that matter let’s go and get that cooking let’s go on a short expedition to see if we can’t get some additional things what can we make barbecue on a stick an onion a tomato

And a steak I think I can make one of those do cuz I think we got onion the food’s right here brain I don’t have to wander away onion and tomato steak and a Stick there we go Barbecue on a stick boom that’s a good item right there what else can we make with steak we can make a stuffed potato do we have potatoes uh we do do we have oh we can make use milk for that yeah absolutely let’s go ahead

And get a potato do we need a cooked potato for that I think we need a cooked potato for that yeah it’s a baked potato let’s get you baked there we go cooked chicken we haven’t eaten that yet we haven’t eaten the cook salmon yet let’s go ahead and get a quick milk

Bucket kiding people nerves people learn quickly that’s accurate allation for getting people’s nerves is also very accurate go ahead and get this milk bucket get our steak get our potato which just finished excellent steak milk potato boom stop Potato hell yeah look at that we already

Got four food items what else can we get with the steak cuz we already eaten the steak we could do onion cooked rice baked potato and that gets us a steak and potatoes which is a huge Meal look at that thing we also get a taco which

We’ve eaten a taco before we don’t need to get taco we get a meat pizza we don’t have any cheese all right staken potatoes it is so we need an onion and a baked potato and cooked rice so let’s get the potato on the go we go let’s get an onion

I will not have a fly in my [ __ ] kitchen anyway uh let’s get the cooked oh God I don’t even want this anyway uh let’s see uh get our potato or steak potato from over here it should be done just about now we’ll need a bowl of

Rice do how do I cook the rice again I was think it was just uh start yeah just shove it in there that’s what it is we need a bowl for that two I think that was it yeah oh and another Bowl we need to wait so this res

Be actually will consume a bowl if I’m not mistaken unless unless it actively how the [ __ ] did we turn a bowl what must have been an apple cider stuck in there also apple cider doesn’t give food well that’s good to know so we yeah we can drink the apple cider at any

Given time that gives us absorption we need more apples this is what we need holy crap okay I think I I think I came to that conclusion last time and I forgot about it anyway steak onion potato rice and bowl so I did not use up a bowl okay

That’s good to know so there we go we have steak and potatoes is there anything I can do with this salted salmon no Cod no salmon roll uh rice roll medal I can make that’s a placed meal looks like raw fish that’s the same thing okay so these are

All not usable until we have more of them uh that’s a drink so I’m not going to bother with that one let’s see what else I can whip up real quick I think I can make a salad using the cabbage maget salad no gunga uh I don’t have anything for

That bacon sandwich mixed salad do I have beetroots I do not have beetroots uh cranberries can I make anything with you cranberry cookies yes I can make shrinking shrinking it says I’m going to hold off on that for the moment fruit salad Cranberries glowberries or any other berries it

Looks like pumpkin slice melon slice Apple uh don’t have many apples to spare Tomatoes I can make I can make tomato sauce can can’t I it’s not difficult correctly we don’t have we can make cornbread yes cuz we have eggs now we can actually make cornbread so that’s

Something we can do so two corn a milk and an egg do I have egg on in here I do have egg in here excellent let’s go and get a milk bottle real quick or milk bucket it’s very dark that’s fine we’ll just go quick give

Go all right uh let’s go ahead and get an egg the milk and two maze that gets us the cornbread batter and one of those I need to keep raw so I can eat it cuz that’s disgusting but I need to uh two of these things I can make cornbread out of it

What else can I make with it just cornbread I can make classic corn dogs H Okay so one of these is going to get turned into cornbread uh just kill a fly with a sword yes I did uh let’s see that seems inefficient we had to estimate how long

You think you spent in Minecraft in total or in this like world slash like this mod pack or in total because in total that’s an entirely different number uh we can make a basically any meat any meat you say can we use fish can we use fish steak tofu slices

Mutton chops cooked mutton cooked tofu slices chicken Cuts cooked chicken cooked pork chop cooked bacon beef patty I don’t think we can use fish sad we can use tofu total oh God um an inconceivable number genuinely more than I could count I I don’t know if I had to make a pure

Guess 2,000 hours maybe less than I’ve played Rim world for no cuz wait I’ve owned Minecraft longer than rimal and back in like 2010 all I played was Minecraft oh man maybe 3,000 hours efficient method days hours life percentage uh life percentage yes yes percentage um genuinely I think I’ve played Minecraft

For close to if not 3 or 4,000 hours um how many hours are in a year cuz uh before rimal came out when I owned Minecraft uh I didn’t really play anything but Minecraft uh how many hours are in a year here quick real quick how many hours in a year

8,760 let’s take let’s assume I was asleep for and in school for let’s say like most of that like 8760 I’m going to pause the game real quick while I’m doing math 8,760 let’s say divide that by three the last remaining quarter is 2,920 I would say probably over 3 or 4,000 hours

Then probably closer to 4,000 hours in Minecraft and then when rimal came out I started playing that during Alpha 2 and um for a long time I think probably close to four years all I played with run world so yeah as sleep in school is like 60% of

60 7% of your time you assume I slept during High School um yeah usum I slept in high school anyway uh Tomatoes what was I doing Tomatoes uh I was doing a corn dog I was going to make a corn dog which is tomato sauce tomato sauce I make with two

Tomatoes oh I haven’t actually eaten a raw tomato yet can that goes there wait have I eaten a raw cantaloup I have not eaten cantaloupe slices interesting fix that real quick cantaloupe slice what else can I do with these anything I can make a fruit salad in place of the cranberries

Okay so any fruit can go there then any Berry do cranberries not count as berries huh interesting cranberries don’t count as berries I should probably fix that uh honestly I was assuming college hours uh I never went to college well I know I’m older than you I’m not sure by

How much uh yeah that’s fair but you also are didn’t corre assuming I ever went to college so let’s get cantaloupe slice in there get the tomatoes in there please get that stewing up in tomato sauce man that’s fast I think I need a bowl for

That right probably y served on Bowl we go tomato sauce which I haven’t actually eaten tomato sauce yet either oh it provides liquid huh a little bit more than a water bottle Ah that’s not bad uh for something may have just Tomatoes that’s it’s not too B I feel like Tom drinking

Straight tomato sauce wouldn’t be very hydrating but I guess in theory it is but it wouldn’t be good for you uh anyway let’s go ah and do tomato sauce steak cornbread batter and a stick those go in there don’t they I’m pretty sure those go in there yeah meat cornbread

Batter and that and then I think it’s served on a stick I think is what it said served on Stick boom classic corn dog look at how much food that gives good Lord that’s genuinely comparable to the steak and potatoes that is five and seven that’s more than a stuffed potato

A stuffed potato is less than a classic corn dog apparently that’s something I do college was most much something that was just expect for high school in my town I tend to assume that was the same for everybody else habit fair enough understandable all right so there

We go uh we also have cornbread to just eat as it is we have plenty different things here to eat look at all this delicious stuff we have to eat let’s go ahead and load up our backpack or not our backpack but our our food sack it’s just such a weird way of

Looking at it but it’s just a food sack it’s a sack where we stuff our food uh we’ll get the Tomato out uh and the cantaloupe slice cuz those are like the easiest things also cantaloup should provide water all right hang on I got to make

Notes Here for fixing the mod pack real quick let’s get out the notes the old Notes app do stream notes cranberries should count as uh should have tag colon berries uh and then what was it cantaloupe should give water okay so that’s some notes there oh

Uh what was the thing shrimp fried rice doesn’t have an ingredient we need shrimp fried rice uh shrimp fried rice does not have re me there we go okay uh I’m calling it saary next time I get a bag of holding in d& I’m calling it sacer

Why who’s getting their ass beat out here a mushroom versus like a pixie man those mushrooms can book it nope don’t like that don’t like that one bit here you’re going to have my knife back uh let’s eat a cake slice real quick okay uh if

We oh hey look at that we can actually get slices of cake to go I had no idea you could do that I just did it on a whim that’s awesome that’s actually really cool cuz we haven’t actually eaten the cake slice yet uh let’s put the cantaloupe away

We’ll have the tomato and the cake slices in my inventory uh I’ll put all about one of these away uh that’s fine we’ll just keep it like that that’s fine we’ll do the shield in our primary inventory uh the soul jar could be useful the chalk we need to get rid of

The arrows we need to get rid of the Rope do we want to keep the Rope the Rope even do for us right now we can use it to fuel one item really one whole item with just one rope huh all right we’ve got the spread

In here for extra food let’s put the cake in there for extra food if we if we desperately need our extra food we’ve got that we have a ladder where did we get a ladder from it probably be the mines uh my app decided saary was a good

Name for it then decided I want to steal that for myself later I mean saakar is a really good name you absolutely should do that uh Wizarding chalk that can go back in here arrows of the turtle Master can go in here random ladder we have can go in the random wood

Chest how’s the fishing going boys well that’s not full yet so that’s good there’s nothing in the barrel yet which is a good sign uh we only have 446 charges left on our death staff uh can we use rope as is by itself no no you cannot use oh actually

Yes you can use rope by itself and rope can also float you know what maybe this rope does have a use let’s keep it on us it could be useful uh let’s get this this bucket with water in it please actually real quick steal the tools right there we

Go all right we have our buckets if we so need it uh what was the bone feather charm that was the uh to say it snaps instead of your shins it does that’s excellent uh two feathers a bone string black dye Vin team dust triangle triangle that’s not a bad thing to have

I don’t know if I need it though coal feather I need more feathers I need lots of feathers I need even more feathers than the chickens can provide which is a slight problem rope strong rins do strange things fair enough uh let’s see let’s get the shield we get a diamond

Pick I mean there’s no harm in having a diamond pick I think we should have a diamond pick do we want a break ring is there cuz we wanted The Brak ring cuz we have a brake spell don’t we reach out and touch light oak touch

X-ray heal myselfself ah I made a range touch spell that I can’t make yet if I correctly yeah projectile break CU we need what do we need for this we need a snowball that’s the only thing stopping us is snow yeah okay so we need a snowball and a

Break ring greater requires three diamonds which I can make that’s not that hard a mo of earth oh we got to make Moes for that okay a lesser ring just a mundane ring which is made in the Run Smith we got to actually get the Run smithing at some

Point today too uh let’s make a diamond pick for now I want to do I need a diamond pick what I need a diamond Pi for obsidian that’s it that’s all I need was for be obsidian so let’s actually leave it off put a feather in your cap and call it macaroni absolutely

Uh that’s still going just get all that in there there we go that’ll help at least speed along a little bit all right from there let’s go shall we we store like tea in our backpack I’m curious I didn’t think so but I wanted to try CU it’d be really funny if we

Could store tea in our backpack tanks all right let’s go ahead and move along shall we move along Move Along we have our staff uh there’s also no the rod of the wander basically takes up the same spot as our soul Char does so we don’t if that would be

Useful okay flowers do we know where we’re going hold up let’s Retreat for just a moment do we know where we’re going um we know this is more Birch forest in this direction p i oh it’s shift to delete things I see that’s very convenient Buffalo Roman the witches hut M shaft home

Frame I don’t know what frame is I don’t remember what frame is I’ll have to check back in the Stream see what the frame is buried treasure right there’s buried treasure there the ruins uh do we have any Maps left in the atlas we have no maps in the atlas let’s

Make some maps real quick before we leave cuz we have plenty of resources to do so I’d love to Explore More of the map also we forgot our food sacks that’ be kind of useful go north I could go north uh we get towards the dino bow or the

Stronghold uh I tell you what if you’re in chat uh while I’m getting stuff ready to go to leave tell me do we want to go see dinosaurs or do you want to go to the stronghold you guys tell me which one you want to see and I’ll go that way

And we’ll try and find either of those places on today’s little journey cuz we also need to find snow go north I’m not taking North as a serious Direction You dinosaurs or stronghold those are the only options what was I King right need to get more maps let’s get like four five

More six more and then we need more paper dinosaurs dinosaurs I’m hearing a lot of dinosaurs I think I think we might want to go see dinosaurs I think I’m getting the I’m think I’m getting a trend from chat here which is dinosaurs get some exal paper this paper

Out all right iron Redstone balance compass look at that so like I know what I’m freaking doing or something do all the maps there we go we have six empty maps in there excellent I wi be the dinos I’m not saying anything about it except that it’s there new generation and existing

Chunks I want to go see dinosaurs with their whims I’m not saying anything about the dinosaurs except that they exist I don’t I need the Bell bidding brain you need that um they Chad dinos I’m down uh we have bread you know what I have no idea how

Far away the dinosaurs are going to be so this could be a very long Expedition so let’s bring some extra food shall we let’s bring the cantaloupe slices just load that up right there uh let’s load up our hang on I know something that we

Can use to get a lot of food very easily what can we make with raw fish fillets we can make cooked fish fillets or smoked fish fillets uh we can make large fish with vegetables onion tomato rice onion tomato rice we have 27 rice let’s do 14 rice we’ll need a lot

Of bowls for that but that’s okay uh we’ll need some onions we’ll need some more Tomatoes that’s fine we can Farm those where’s my hoe in my tool Section I’ve seen them let’s just say they hit hard uh I’m a Minecraft ignoramus now you just haven’t played Minecraft there’s a difference between being stupid and being ignorant uh I guess that’s what you’re saying isn’t it uh do we not plant any Tomatoes wow we didn’t really plant diddly squat for

Tomatoes uh let’s see here let’s take the pineapples down cuz we don’t need them let’s toss the pineapple crops in here do we have tomato seeds in here we don’t have tomato seeds Three Tomatoes do I have onions planted at the moment potatoes potatoes potatoes carrots cabbage peanuts soybeans I out have onions

Planted oh I was about to make a very serious mistake using up all my onions why do I have more cabbages on this side I must have thought I was out of things to plant all right let’s go get some bone meal and get these things grown shall

We as a note by the way Tanya I have also seen the dinosaurs so you and I will have that little secret and we won’t talk about it oh tomato Vines you can just right click which means we can just do this just hold this down go okay we got

18 Tomatoes that’s pretty good why eat a bone for a whole meal you shush all right uh we need 14 bowls which do I have any wood on me I don’t have any I was about to leave without any wood what a mistake that would have been it’s not like I have a

Spell that instantly cuts down trees uh dark planks uh let’s go with dark oak we got lots of dark oak I apparently accidentally grabbed slabs go uh let’s just go with like 20 bows there we go okay not getting another word about them from me absolutely H you and I are just

Little Su Secrets such a beautiful mod Lacy welcome back to the stream blls please thank you uh let’s see do we want to do two more rice I think we want to do six more rice here on MC stream very nice well appreciate you stopping by always appreciate the old Community

Stopping in just to say hi I wonder what kind of viewership I would get if every single one of the members would pop in all at once be kind of high I think think few more Tomatoes here what are we up to 25 good enough got 20 25 and I

Think that was it we got plenty of fish oh we need cooked fish though more bowls please thank you all right we have too much rice now and we need 20 fish fillets uh I think we need the cooked fish flet for this yeah we never eaten a cooked fish flil

Away okay uh that’s Halle where did the versus cooked cooked cooked where did the large fish with vegetables go fish with vegetables large fish with vegetables oh it takes two it takes plain rice not cooked rice do we still have 20 rice bollocks I have not eaten just plain rice apparently problem

Solved uh he oldie Community uh when are the rest of the generals from the from the dep stream’s going to come uh that’s up to them that’s that’s up to them whether or not they come through here uh let’s see p that for me real quick bows two

Cooked fish fillets so I need 40 fish fillets I’ve got got plenty of those my headset is dying am I still an admiral or a general I think you’re an admiral Tanya um CU you want to be demoted to a general I’ve come for the rice oh hi this is

Yours how much do you get from these get one or two get one uh going need to bone meal the rice cuz I made a mistake or I think I can take out the bottom part too no you can’t okay so that doesn’t work delightful how’s this going lots of

Stuff lots of stuff and C leather huh and fishing poles the dude’s caught multiple fishing poles what size of dice is a d fish or four dish full dels uh just asking since the boat’s gone uh that’s a good question isn’t it uh I think my answer to that is don’t worry about

It let’s get 40 of those we haven’t actually eaten a cooked one so let’s get one additional one I’m not going to campfire these I’m going to stove them in the Furnace huh interesting cuz we have the smoker right here let’s go ahead and get the charcoal in there the raw fish fillets let’s get those going okay and then bamboo out of the way uh let’s get the rice chopped up okay that’s eight and we need five

More rice we need a little bit more bone meal just a smidgen more bone meal we bone meal rice yeah but it’s really inefficient good Lord there we go that’s five more rice put you up that way cuz we don’t need you right now you

Rice go all right we have our rice we have our fish is going this that knife is looking kind of blunt I’m not going to disagree on that one but to be that’s also our first Flint knife we made that Flint knife ages ago it’s seen us through a lot of

Stuff uh let’s go ahead and do what else do we need here we need tomato so we have 20 tomato so we’ll put this five tomato away 20 onion ions uh I don’t need this straw on me at the moment uh it doesn’t really go in

Here but I’m going to stuff it in here for the moment uh 20 rice 40 things onions uh a bunch of bowls we need more bowls cuz we used all the bowls for rice that we don’t need I guess we take the rice with us as

A backup meal if we really desire let’s take some of the spruce logs just take all the bowls how does it chop anything uh that’s a great question isn’t it uh it’s not the edge that’s dull it’s just that the handle is breaking sure let’s go with

That go how’s the fish coming along it’s coming slow but it’s coming all right we’ll get the two sacks of fish onion and that and the rice and we can start chucking more things in there as we go oh the bull has to go in there oh no

It’s just a crafting item oh all right I assumed we would actually need to you know cook that but apparently no we just we slap all that on there the rice Cooks itself don’t worry about it might change that so it requires cooked rice well it has to be done in the

Cooking pot cuz that’s kind of the whole point of ulture the light anyway so this is our backup food we’re going to eat one of these for nourishment at some point just for the for the uh amount of food it makes or for the fact that we haven’t eaten it

Yet but this is our backup food we really have enough for one of those no we have more than that thank you okay we have couple more we can make here also we have one of these that we’re just going to eat on its own take one more of those thank you very

Much and there we go all 20 of those are ready to go uh we can throw our cornbread away not away but just out of there as well as our cornbread batter and put the rest of those in there and take our stack of cooked rice we’ll put that in here instead of

The cooked salmon the this can go away this can go in here where it belongs these can all go up here the bowls can go away in here all right our food sack has has many foods in it now just an absolute [ __ ] amount of food uh all right

Because I have no idea how long this expion is going to be let’s take that with us we have our sack we have our various food items including the ones we’re going to eat first which is the slice of cake and then the cornbread batter cuz it’s the least

Filling that’s just how we roll we have the Apple Cider on us if we need that uh I guess we might as well get some water because oh also the one random bit of fish fillet that I’m going to bring with me as well we slap that

Sucker up there why does character not need sleep um so you do actually need sleep if you don’t sleep things called Phantoms come out and attack you and they only show up if you don’t sleep so arguably you do need to sleep technically technically um we should set

Up a I don’t think there’s canteens in the SP no there’s not um we could set up a water filtration system actually that’s not a bad idea making a permanent water filtration system so the way we would do that is we would set up two furnaces with hoppers

In between them or set it up so an automaton is looking for an NBT data of purified and otherwise it throws it back in a furnace uh or a campfire that’s also a possibility hm maybe that’s something we could do we could set up an automatic water

Purifier I don’t know if it’s something a wicker Golem could do may beenin SLI in game I don’t know we have 16 bottles of water excellent we have our cornbread batter we have dinosaur bowl is somewhere in that direction I’m going to go and put

That on my hot bar so we can see which way we’re going at all times I don’t need bone meals in my freaking bar we have our deadly deadly staff of Doom we have our Pokeball with our Golem in it we don’t need our

W that was our own guy uh we don’t have feathers to make arrows with so I don’t know if it’s even worth taking our bow but if we find a quiver or more arrows we have our quiver on us we have our iron pickaxe which is almost

Destroyed uh we should take a stack of well actually I just don’t need to bring wood with me do I cuz again I can just Mass produce wood Wherever I Go go I could just chop down a tree by looking at it practically okay look at that sun’s coming up let’s

Get our clock uh so we have that ready to go so we can see what time of day it is and that’s it it’s Dino Time boys let’s head to dinos oh boy all right here we go do I have everything I need think I have

Everything I need I’d love to have an Eder feather charm for this because we could just tell back when we’re done but dinosaur time get our boat back real quick thank you get our boat back in our category there category sure why not uh we’re going to grab all the blossoms we find

All the flowers we find along the way I’m taking with us well not dandelions wild peanuts that would have been really F good to find earlier also these oats right next to our base God that would have been nice to find earlier it’s good sh that’s not

Lavender but also a little glad that’s not lavender cuz I’d be very upset if lavender was right that right that close to me and I never found it oh boy we got to go through the Tall Grass that’s only going to go well hello raccoon uh let’s boat instead

Of go through the Tall Grass I’d much rather stay in the water then go through the tall grass and we’re moving along we have our map in the top right corner o looks like there’s only so much further we can go O A wake Bloom that’s

Mine now oh nope the water opens up through here nice is that a village there’s us a village right here next to the [ __ ] house like that’s like 10 ft from us practically oh we even boat right up to it that’s crazy close that’s Incredibly Close there Pokemon in the Tall Grass

There could be yeah this is a proper Village look at this y’all got like a village going on here look at these guys huh I don’t really need anything here so I’m just going to wander through there’s a waystone I still got to fix the fact

That you can pick these up I just don’t actually know how to fix this because you shouldn’t be able to but because of the mod that adds the smooth quartz all right oh I didn’t name the was doesn’t have a name undiscovered huh odd is this a different village did I just

Teleport I did just teleport what how did I get here we’ve never discovered this Village have we there are multiple unnamed way stones well that’s confusing as hell all right let’s get back on our Quest we’re love for looking for dinosaurs we’re not looking for anything else and of course

It’s raining now is that a hopper villagers use [ __ ] Hoppers and their [ __ ] lights uh let’s go through the desert I don’t want to go through the Tall Grass I’d really rather not deal with the Tall Grass freaking jetpack no it’s a backpack it’s a backpack that holds water

We do not have a jetpack yet cucumbers give me these that’s a new wild food baby cucumbers and cucumber seeds hell yeah big fat Pineapples uh from fruits to light I think we’ve seen these one yeah yeah we’ve seen this one we do not need this clogging in my inventory

It’s a camel back kind of actually it kind of is more cucumbers we have enough cucumber seeds yeah we got seven that’s plenty actually uh you uh oh Campbell back I didn’t notice that was the mistake you made uh so camel bra is a brand and camel bra is camel back the

Brand is spelled like that otherwise the generic term is uh water bladder backpack which is not exactly something that rolls off the tongue look like there’s some stuff over here there’s a lot of salt like a lot of salt Like A League of Legends player level of salt over

Here we got over here Sandy shrubs wild cabbages I don’t need any of those well this is an interesting hole in the ground yeah I don’t feel like going in there and there’s glowing mushrooms over there guess we’re traversing through more or less the desert at this

Point this isn’t dangerous at all I’m sure it’s fine amazingly it’s kind of neutral temperature here this whole thing is considered Beach so it’s just like a neutral temperature here that’s interesting my water bladder just a big open beach with nothing really going on on it it’s kind of

Weird neat kind of weird hey Turtles is that a jungle over there that looks like a jungle over there and that’s the direction we’re headed I’m not going to detour out for the Wake blooms but I will grab them if they pop in front of me that’s just a pile of salt right

There there’s plenty of salt this way if we ever need to come back and get some salt horses I should have brought diamonds why didn’t I bring diamonds cuz I know I can crystallize things I absolutely should have brought diamonds are you good horses also there’s a ruined portal over there 3.6 8.

4 8.9 2.8 1.8 10 o you’re a fast one all right there’s a nether portal over here a ruined portal but it’s still a portal to get some Netherrack early on do I need Netherrack for anything I don’t think I do do I need a block of

Gold I don’t think so and doesn’t look like there’s a chest here I’m just going to move along Move Along Move Along grab that s bwom real quick thank you and this looks like a proper jungle black sand oo fancy Sprout volcanic Plains and then jungle well don’t mind if I do

I got some jungle saplings let’s go Ahad and just uh oh this is an oak sap Oak thing just go ahead and do that get a few things oh a banana we get a banana sapling is there a banana tree around here I got Oak saplings it’s is not what

I expected to get why are there bananas do just jungle trees just spawn bananas is that a thing that happens here oh I see cocoa beans uh let’s go into first person because I’m honestly a little lost navigating here 600 blocks in either direction for a village interesting let’s get that

Wood okay we got plenty of wood now got jungle saplings we got Oak saplings we got green tea leaves we got oak wood got an apple we got arms we can put the MS in the thing we can put all the flowers in here put the cocoa beans in here cucumber seeds

Cucumbers themselves actually let’s take the Cucumbers out I might eat those uh jungle saplings Oak saplings and the green tea leaves can go in there as well all right that wall comment I’m sure it’s fine hallelujah it’s rain and trees pretty much hallelujah it’s rain and trees Alex is

Mobs where do you where do you come from banana B banana banana I don’t know where you come from banana oh well this looks like a trap and a half there’s some sea pickles another one of those ruined witches huts yeah it is all right let’s take a gander what we

Got we got another codex AR another Rune of marking Venum dust I will take a wooden Hammer right arm and and a mysterious spell pentac conter open 50 instance per player loot chests very nice banana banana in chat mysterious potion a briarthorn oh that’s a [ __ ] interesting looking spell and

Rift all right let’s go and take those we can stash these in the bundle all right from there let’s get out of here I don’t need another brewing stand I already have one I don’t need more it’s going to take up space in my inventory for the

Moment I just hear something swear I just heard something anyway keep moving oh of course now we find melons after we already got melon seeds we have to keep moving we we have a quest for dinosaurs you’re just a to me and I need a compendium book cave tablet and gold

Nugget I have not found any of those things which means well I obviously have a book and a nugget but I don’t have a a tablet which means I can’t actually make a comp cave compendium which is a slight problem I’m sure it’s fine we’re going far and wide today

That’s a hole in the ground let’s go around the hole in the ground there copper in the hole in the ground is that copper or Emerald uh it’s just more copper thought it was Emerald for a second but nope cave pendium yeah it’s pretty accurate uh it is getting dark out let’s

Go ahead and throw down our backpack to sleep quick uh next to this bird what a nice convenient place toep sleep all right pick her backpack back up and get back on the Move It encour me while I’m sleeping I should defin if I’m sleeping out in the

Open like that I should definitely throw my minion out just to he protects me I’m doing that oh boy that’s an entirely different biome in front of me all right let’s go good job B the BB will protect us Redwood don’t mind if I do oh it didn’t take down the whole tree

It took down a part of the tree that’s um significant that’s a big tree which means take down the whole thing I’m going to need a uh a projectile spell version of this noted that’s something I can’t actually do then does this work on bamboo it does not work on bamboo

Interesting gives me Redwood Forest vies from Ark I mean it’s a redwood forest so I think that’s pretty accurate and yeah I agree at least I’m not going to get jumped on by a Calum damn Chalco all right let’s keep moving is that a fox chasing a chicken it

Absolutely is a fox chasing a chicken good luck chicken yeah you weren’t going to make it I have’t feeling I absolutely should have made an Ender feather charm before I left the base uh or like a return scroll that’s a wolf sitting outside of a Hut hello

Wolf I will take vinam dust I’ll take vinam dust all day I’ll take kite too bolt watery gra watery grave invisibility down bow and transmute another staff oh we haven’t actually tested those other mysterious spells we found yet well then that’s something collection conveyance depth two glip

Mode Thrift speed three weave and void that’s incredibly rare if I remember correctly take the VIN team dust uh let’s put all the pages up here how much is this store 47 and that adds 51 that’s kind of full put the saplings in there that’s full on journal pages

Now two I’ll take the extra spell um all right let’s test some of these spells and see if they actually do anything you just stealing from someone here uh don’t worry about it mysterious spell what do you what does you do bind bolt of bind wounds okay so range of 42 Jesus all

Right so not very useful uh that would be useful if you were in multiplayer oh this one’s fancy looking look at this guy fissure Insight probably not the most useful thing touch gust touch gust huh all right another mysterious spell wall of light wall of light didn’t seem to work there it

Goes well it’s certainly a wall of Lights I mean it didn’t lie about that I don’t need these Redwood shrubs thank you is that it is that all the mysterious spells we found I don’t think any of these are good they none of these are any good like B bolt of bind wounds

Might be useful if you were in multiplayer but that’s it uh let’s put them all away for the moment I won’t bother trashing them until such time as I need too but I’m definitely not putting them in the same on the same tier as the emanation lightning and Arcane damage which absolutely shreds

Things all right continuing on our quest for dinosaurs I had any bones I would tame you but I don’t have any bones should have brought diamonds should have brought diamonds also vinam DK can go up here that’s a big pond let’s say did we leave our boat Behind we have Unbreaking on our sword just sharpness that’s what I thought that’s pretty wo oh my god oh the puns oh wait are we actually Oh Hang on we’re changing direction slightly we’re not going straight this way we’re going straight kind of Southeast now we’re not going perfectly South

Anymore that’s a good Sign pumpkins we did bring our food sack right yeah yeah we did okay I completely space on that for a moment there cuz we haven’t used a lot of our food on this adventure yet Al I love that was like I’m going to get into run smithing today

And then apparently we decided we’re just going to on a dinosaur Hunt dinosaur hunt in the Redwoods through the Redwoods probably they’re probably not in the Redwoods probably also I’m just assuming Dino bll is the correct biome for what we want the [ __ ] are those dusk trap corpse flower something about this feels dangerous could it be the fact these flowers have teeth um

Don’t do anything I am just going to put that back and we’re just going to leave those alone what’s the what’s the bulb shaped one I’m curious now dusk Mel dusk melon dusk melon oh it’s highly poisonous great it’s a lot of food though

I don’t like that I kind of want to eat this there more of these in here are a couple let’s break one and see if we get some seeds from it I don’t want to stand in those things either cuz I feel like they’re definitely dangerous

Okay so we don’t get seeds from these things but we can get Dusk melons dusk all right we get do we get Dusk melon seeds can we get Dusk melon seeds dusk anemy dusk melon slice and dusk trap it’s a cactus okay so that definitely hurts you if you walk into it

Then let’s go ahead and just uh get out of the way of that I don’t want to deal with these anymore thank you let me out let me out nope I’m done done with those thank you uh hang on we never checked the corpse flow does Corp flow have a use I

Clicked out of the game it does not have a use except it’s compostable I’m good then thank you very much I’m just going to wander away now getting back on track to finding dinosaur land we’re currently at the bottom of a big hill that’s not going work Crow just hanging out down here

We could go back get the pumpkins to tame that Crow we actually could do that get some pumpkin seeds tame the crow if we see a pumpkin like right around here we’ll do that I don’t see a pumpkin right around here so we’ll mosy on in this direction

This is a very long and arduous path that we go on I don’t know why I’m doing this we don’t really need dinosaurs right now but chat want to see dinosaurs to I also kind of want to see dinosaurs need to get up on top of this

Hill so I can see down over the hill feel like that’ be very beneficial to my vision oh there’s more Hill to climb we right up to Y level 100 oh that was the sound of us scribbling in a new map it’s been so long since I heard that I genuinely

Forgot what that noise went it spooked the crap out of me go all right let’s keep keep it moving people I guess we’ll eat the highly poisonous dust Mel we could just plant the Dust and okay well then we need to get that out of there so we can get more

Of those later do we need them absolutely not do I want them yes uh real quick let’s throw down our Pokeball get our bag down and sleep throw down the old Pokeball you know as as it occurs to me if we ever find something more valuable than him somehow we can actually

Um uh sacrifice him spy just not recrystallizing him into the diamond and we can get something else welcome back Tanya always a good call to get water you know what real quick I’m going to have a drink of water real quick myself just going to pause again to make sure I

Don’t get killed while I’m drinking water that would be a terrible way to go out get killed by while you’re drinking water in real life all right oh this is going to be a nice view from up here I think oh man look at that I wish we had a parag

Glider I’m pretty sure those exist in this mod pack too that was a fly that I heard uh no I guess you don’t uh I mean there’s probably mobs that function as a Parry lighter in Alex mobs but look at all that just redwoods as far as we can see

Ladies and gentlemen and jungle all right well we don’t have inite time let’s get down there ooh I don’t know what those things do I wish I should have brought one of my the is that a ravager is that a ravager right there it’s [ __ ] huge whatever it

Is I don’t know what it is it’s a gorilla huh I uh don’t know if gorillas are friendly or not so I’m just going to go this way around the gorilla let’s see let’s get down here oh hang on that’s flowering what is this what type of tree what type of tree

Is you mango Stein don’t mind me gorillas I’m just stealing your mangoes mango steain trees I don’t know what to do with it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait it’s got symbols on it oh not a circle oh I I’m not allowed to perform that one

Hummingbird interesting okay so I can’t perform those two patterns yet but I can perform one of them okay let’s see let’s keep following the compass shall we I hear monkeys leaf cutter ants hi leaf cutter ants I’m pretty sure you guys are friendly as I attack you so I’m just not

Going to bother you guys that dude’s just [ __ ] booking it somewhere I’m not going to bother following him he’s busy he’s busy and I got things to do is that an iselia wait didn’t we have a loading screen tip about aelia leaves that they flower above Lush

Caves huh I might have to make note of that let see if that is true the lava is starting to burn stuff it sounds like so let’s get the hell out of here before the forest fire spreads onto the part we’re currently climbing that seems dangerous oh it’s spreading all right uh

There’s skeletons over here somewhere he just got absolutely annihilated by something this will be the sunlight but I can’t take that for sure which means there was somewhere over here that they spawned Al what kind of bush are you cranberries of course it’s a bush I already

Have let’s go ahead and just leave that zombie to burn to his own death I care not for him where are these guys coming from is that a a skel with no weapon there a skel with no weapon the [ __ ] are you doing buddy what do you think you’re

Doing just K with no [ __ ] weapon that might have been a zombie pack leader that spawned somehow I don’t know honestly where that zombie and skeleton Squad came from podzol that’s podzol jungle logs cave Cave Johnson all of that and I managed to injure myself anyway delightful all

Right we need to actually eat real quick see we can eat the cornbread batter we can eat a slice of cake oh speed for 18 seconds [ __ ] yeah I’ll take it let’s go uh hell throw the soldar on even faster let’s go speed demon there’s a cow huh hi

Cows all right uh let’s go and back to the shield uh let’s put the bag in here the mango rotten flesh I guess I eat a mango sure why not uh and then uh we’re almost at a water sold drink y cider yeah yeah there we go we got our glass bottle

Back from that and there we go we got absorption we got all kinds of fun stuff uh Pac mod has jetpack do we look at that we might we certainly might have a jetpack but I do not have a jetpack what are you all screaming about in chat ants not equal

Dinosaurs o knock it off you to this is not power world in chat power world is not is not chat there we go get up this hill thought I saw something there for a second oh I got another little Lake here across and we are just going real far

For these dinosaurs o hang on another one of these things you know what occurs to me there could be something bad in these now that I think about it I’m sure it’s fine oh I have all these ones oh no well we’re going to find out what’s in them ladies and

Gentlemen just going to get him out ready to go okay triangle oh it’s squiggly um this feels really unsafe this inventory isn’t generated I don’t know if I want to click this or not oh it’s stuff inum dust a runic malice the [ __ ] is this of legendary

Smith of days pass his hammer never breaks and works describe and Forge runes it is said to take on the enchantments of any Rune placed within it even combining same enchantments into more powerful one yes please that’s it I’m getting me Mallet awesome uh Stone Ender legs a

Golden Grabber right arm more Venum dust strength sigil disjunction and shatter all of those are ones I don’t think I’ve seen so just going to and take all those thank you very much okay Redwood logs rope Oak don’t need dirt on my uh Stone Ender legs I’ll put those inside that’s

Terrifying oak sapling that can go in there uh tea leaves in there there’s tea leaves in there oh that’s full okay our bundle is full okay uh well good news it wasn’t hostile uh can we take this maybe I mean it’s going to take a long

Time to break this these are all kite stone stone te’s Corners Arcane stone hamite stone walls Arcane I’m going to leave this here I don’t need to collect that so I’m just going to leave it here oh you know what hang on real quick back in the diamond you uh let’s

See still going this direction ah the peaceful music has returned that’s nice y’all need to chill out in chat or I’ll time both of you out you know I’ll do it don’t make me do it oh nice Bridge right those are neutral that caught me really off guard

Though time is it uh it is almost night time we probably should consider sleeping soon let’s sleep under this oak tree Chat is kids pretty much thank you for your service Mr Gollum back into the ball love all these little like Stone bridges over these like little tiny Rivers it’s very pointless but I love Them This place is dangerous there’s another little Bridge all right we’ll go to the little Bridge oh we’re hungry a little bit let’s go ahead and eat one of our small food items the cornbread there we go nice I’m not going to bother with going all the way over there I’m just going to

Take a take my boat across real quick we’re out of the Redwood Forest guys look Open Fields is that Lavender is that lavender or black sand it’s wild onions I am defeated more black sand interesting say we’re in volcanic plains that doesn’t feel safe is that dark oak a tiny little dark

Oak shrub that also doesn’t feel Safe is that another different biome over there I think it might be there’s like nothing in this biome this is volcanic planes but I don’t see a say I don’t see a volcano and I see all the lava starting to spawn in the distance H H so is me for although it’s also

Possible there’s a bunch of lava underneath us see flowers over there it could be a fruit probably is a fruit let me put that way just don’t know if I want to bother that’s a pear tree probably Bo looks like an oak tree hey hang on slight detour for fruit also

Wake just to check real quick this is a pear tree yeah pear leaves that one’s definitely an oak give me your unique fruits I desire them where’d you go it’s one of these guys wasn’t this there it is what is you apple apple tree yes we need you give me your Apple

Saplings we got one apple sapling yeah good enough I guess don’t see anymore more uh we could probably just throw away the oak wood at some point green tea leaves oh right our crap’s full uh let’s get rid of the green tea toss that down here Boop green tea

We can get rid of the we need the Mango Steam saplings and the Apple saplings those are unique saplings we need those we need to ever expand our our collection of fruits that we have access to Apple sapling all right where are the din we’re working on it man this Compass points us

To the dinos it’s they’re in that direction they’re very far away apparently you didn’t think finding dinosaurs would be easy did you rooted dirt and stringy cobweb oh look at all the spider webs down there that feels like a trap and a half I’m not going down there

To call an apple sapling and Appling apping I’m on Bor with that it’s very silly but I on board with it is that another Apple sapling in front of me hang on are you pears I don’t need more pears that’s also pears that apples looks like

Apples uh I don’t need you cuz I already have it’s so tiny it’s so tiny we get a sapling from your lemons do I need to destroy you do I need to break you can I get get you can I collect you it says axe I don’t know if I trust

That sad very sad much sad I’m very sad by that no lemons for us today boys we just got two lemons do then immediately teams dead names as an apple sapling absolutely the [ __ ] is that thing there’s all kinds of weird [ __ ] out here salmon berries do we have salmon berries

I don’t know if we have salmon berries I think we have wild one uh just like the berries I don’t think we have fruit can we just plant these is that how that works no okay so we can’t plant salmon berri we haven’t eaten any so I don’t know if

We have S berries or not actually some weird [ __ ] pink thing over here what is you Cherry shrub lot it’s a bamboo forest there could be pandas in there we care about pandas there’s smoke rising over there there’s all kinds of nonsense going on right now Al how much damage

Does this thing do 11 think has 11 of [ __ ] attack damage just want to point that out real quick and it never breaks you actually can’t craft this look at the size of that boy it’s slow but 11 damage another one of these houses more Venum an iron fishing arm I

Don’t think I need an iron fishing arm a stone storage Source I will take and another mysterious spell a f cadabra bolt silence life tap ice Spike fire damage the [ __ ] uh what’s the range on this 37 Jesus Christ okay sure why not wall invisibility and slow we already have

That we already have like slow uh I’m going to put that off the side another mysterious spell we’ll test both of these while invisibility and slow self wind wall transplace light wind wall I have a wall of wind around me I don’t know what that does it last for

[ __ ] 5 minutes though and I’m glowing for a minute and a half transplace I don’t know what transplace does doesn’t appear to do anything Embers insect SW a spooky dark Aura around me now too um I think I found two very aggressive spells I’m okay with this just I think they’re very

Aggressive what’s in this chest then him again which I will absolutely take uh I chat fishing arm fishing fishing arm yes so a fishing arm is basically an arm built into a Golem um so it’s a fishing rod built into a Golem’s arm that the Golems can use

That’s all it is that’s said that’s when the night went from great to Greater sure uh we have some very interesting spells now let me put it that way um I don’t know if we’re going to find the dinosaurs s guys we’re like still far away from them I

Think I I don’t know if I want to use any of these I’ll put the iron sword in here cuz I’ll I’ll consider wait can I swap this I can’t so the iron the iron mul can’t go in here also I just want to point how [ __ ] big this thing is holy

Crap it’s huge also I’m glowing now all right wall invisibility was there another one here there was not I’m going to take these Mana potions I can’t stack them oo that’s not great um I’ll take them for the moment cuz is there extra water I can bring and

I’m going to carry them with me as I can got wind wall for another 5 minutes still or 2 minutes ball all right back on the Dinosaur Hunt uh I thought we’re placing limbs on our main character no dinos I’m disappointed no we’re still going to try and find

Dinosaurs I’m just not sure if we’re going to find them tonight cuz I got another 30 minutes or so before I got to stopped streaming for tonight well I don’t trust that F 5 Seconds what is this this like a weird barrier of trees there was a spawner in here I saw

That entity Ember I don’t think this is dangerous but I’m not going to open that chest cuz I feel like that’s a I feel like this is like a fairy Circle and I do not want to intrude on the fairy courts thank you very much I am however going to mark

This right click add a new pen no it’s m Fairy Circle going go ahead and just add that s it’s good to Great not great to Greater pink Lupine oh we got to put our our our sleeping we got to get to sleeping in here construct guard two diamond backpack where are you

There we go I still have all these [ __ ] spells going around me [ __ ] bird stuck on a wall there’s a lot of magic going around me still all right let’s get you back in the Pokeball please thank you let’s keep moving Burns wild peanuts I’ll take

That pink Lupine I saw Ember oh oh [ __ ] another one of these things subaki you make red dye and suspicious stew apparent I can use it to breed hummingbirds interesting I can make slime out of you I don’t know if I need that but I’m taking it it’s a unique

Flower oh the sun peeking through the bamboo it’s good I don’t think have that but we can try n that’s a square hang on these are all the ones I can make right no I’m not allowed to do that one okay so I can’t do any of those patterns

Right now that’s fine we’ll come back to this one at some point uh as soon as suspicious that chest is a mimic maybe more accurately I think it’s going to piss off the fairies if I go after that chest I don’t want to upset the fairies last thing I want to do right

Now is upet the fake Court I that’s a panda there’s a large Panda down there nobody panic oh good go finally go CU I did the wind wall finally go away it did not is the answer to that question I wonder what wind wall does it probably

Protects me from projectiles I have if I had to guess wall transplace light I don’t need that one we’ll put this one up here in the pile we’ll take silence life tap ice Spike and fire damage that’s insane by the way how much damam it do does 10

Fire damage 10 damage from fire Spike has a magnitude of Two For Life tap and a silence station of five kind of insane I’m not going to lie all right let’s go ahead and get the boat down my inventory is so full of stuff I need like a second hot bar

Anyway let’s go ahead and get that looks mostly insurmountable but let’s go ahead and try I should use the hammer it’s unbreakable oh right the bamboo forgot about the bamboo that’s a thick bamboo right there that’s a thick boy oh it’s a tree bamboo long bamboo

Planks do you serve a purpose you make wicker wood stuff so you’re a log you’re just a log there a sapling up there oh there are leaves hang on I just want a sapling I don’t want the wood I just want a sapling bamboo sapling boom bamboo um

Let’s get the bamboo logs out of my inventory cuz I I’m actually running out of inventory space it’s kind of crazy I have a diamond backpack and I’m already running out I’m already running out of inventory space we haven’t gotten to Dinosaur Land yet I might need set up a second base

Here we’re so far away good Lord Magnolia logs oh man it’s another unique tree type all right I’m not taking the trees I’m just taking the saplings Magnolia saplings ink Magnolia saplings how many different types of Magnolia saplings are there presumably normal pink and white don’t need green tea leaves subaki in

Here uh I know your logs look cool that’s cool all right we can’t keep them we can’t keep the logs we have to just keep moving also I hear a lot of enemies nearby so I’m going get the hell out of here all right that’s a whole bunch of

Do I still have those freaking weird Embers around me I do what do those do insect swarm duration 614 I don’t know what that means like how long do they last 614 ticks 614 seconds 64 minutes why have you lot logs we have many logs cuz I am Lumberjack man that’s a

Bee that’s the first time we’ve seen bees isn’t it huh a lot of bees over here or Magnolia l LS looks like there’s only three types of Magnolia white pink and green 614 64s sure you say so Matt uh that’s on fire shrubs I feel like there’s shrub versions of every

Sapling we’re still headed for Dinosaur Land ladies and gentlemen we’re still headed for Dinosaur Land we might generally have to make a second base here it’s so far look how far we’ve come at this point look at this we’ve gone further than ever before and we still haven’t found jackly

Squat and we found lots of things just oh not dinosaurs we’re looking for dinosaurs so 614 614 got it okay oh there’s more bamboo forest in us okay well the Magnolia Woodland was a very nice detour but back to the bamboo boys and girls back to Bamboo time Everyone likes

Bamboo I mean it’s not bad it’s just it’s a lot ow fire weave do you serve a purpose fire weed don’t know I didn’t actually pick you up apparently you fell down here you make but magenta dye suspicious stew and I can use you to make slime

Okay not very useful you’re same as every other flower then it seems Seems like every flower I can use to make slime if I so choose which is kind of useful when you think about it but not super useful for us you know I should have brought my

Other sack as well but I did not I forgot to bring the other sack that’s a big wall all of this for dinosaurs and snow is what we’re doing by the way dinosaurs and snow where’s my hammer where did my hammer go it’s right here I was very confused for a second

There I was like the [ __ ] did it go I was using that excuse you I probably shouldn’t be on these leaves that seems dangerous actually okay another map we’re going into another Magnolia Woods over here dirt bridge over a ravine here that’s interesting we’re going into more Magnolia Woods

Here well we are just going and going right now hey look pigs I have plenty of food thinking about it but I do have plenty of food uh speaking of food but cook salmon I’m actually getting lag a little bit right now that’s interesting H I wonder if those bamboo Bamboo trees

Are really laggy or something pigs do not equal dinos I am well aware but I could eat the pigs I can’t eat the dinosaurs we haven’t found yet God damn it it’s more bamboo why is there so much bamboo in this bloody place that seems really dangerous I’m wait a couple seconds and down we go oh hi Panda oh hello giant bleeding Cave of Doom the [ __ ] I mean we got to check out weird bleed cave right like weird blood cave what say you chat do we check out weird blood cave put my backpack real down real

Quick get some sleep if I named the Minecraft streams it would basically just be uh the name of the next stream would be dinosaurs are bust uh P has been running too long like we put down a marker and come back I want to see dinos weird blood cave we got one vote

For each [ __ ] is this I built this mod pack and I don’t know what this is I don’t know what mod adds this um I me I mean I’m definitely putting down a [ __ ] hell you scared the [ __ ] out of Meely putting down a marker blood

Cave oh man if anyone else has any opinion on blood cave or dinosaurs now is the time to speak I’m going to move on I’m bored please you’re bored of bamboo that’s [ __ ] weird all right let’s see what this material is let’s get to the material and see what it is real

Quick red Redstone it’s Redstone is all of it Redstone I huh okay blood cave fair enough is it all Redstone Redstone bulb yeah look there’s just like Redstone tripping from the the ceiling here what the [ __ ] Al I saw that creeper he’s around the corner somewhere Redstone Bud pointed Redstone red like

Dripstone I don’t know it’s it’s like it’s Redstone but it’s drippy pointy that’s really weird headstone bulb do something what does this do does it do anything you can blast it into Redstone huh and it makes neat noises it’s a lot of redstone is this like a renewable Redstone

Resource hang on if I did Redstone and it a pointed Redstone if I did like can I just do that on anything I can let’s take some of this with us these weird pointy redstone blocks also can we turn this into Redstone no oh we can blast into

Redstone okay so we’re not going to we’ll take a couple of these with me I’m not entirely sure how dripstone works I think it’s just like red dripstone but it makes Redstone that’s kind of cool I’m not going to lie if that is in fact it

Is let’s take some of this back with us we got some Redstone bulbs we got some raw redstone blocks we got this I don’t need this Redstone Dust I really don’t I can mine redstone anywhere all right let’s continue on to dinosaurs CU isn’t that one of the caves

From Alex’s caves uh no it’s from regions unexplored mod have growing Redstone it might I actually don’t know I’ve actually never really explored much of regions unexplored regions unexplored but um I don’t know I guess it does I guess it has glow growable Redstone didn’t know that that’s kind of

Neat all right we’re back on the trail of dinosaurs ladies and gentlemen the [ __ ] is that biome well we found something different ladies and gentlemen I don’t know if it’s a good something but we found something oh it goes it’s big it’s real big whatever this biome is oh a all the

Terra Cotta I could possibly need oh this is probably going to be a hot biome isn’t it yeah it probably is that’s okay we can manage hot josh a desert oh it’s very hot though look at the temperature it’s already up to the burning high temp so

We need to stay in our boat and near the water for this and travel at night what Redstone do besides be red uh it it functions essentially like electrical cable uh it’s how you send like wire signals and things in this game this place is hazardous even down here in the water it

Occasionally gets up to high temperature that’s hazardous as hell tropical river is where we currently are I think we might need to hide for the day and travel via night because otherwise we’re actually getting up to the point where it’s too hot I think we’re mostly doing okay

Think we should be okay to keep traveling for at least a little while but we got to stay close to the caves I think we got to stay out of direct sunlight if we can as much as possible oh that’s just straight desert right there that’s not even like the Joshua

That’s a straight desert oh hang on we don’t have any Cactus give me this does this work on this I’m curious didn’t think so but it was worth a try Lu we have quite a bit of insulation from our armor so it will be a while before it actually starts affecting

Us and this is not normal Cactus we can get green dye out of it though but I don’t presume it grows like normal Cactus does considering we are able to harvest it so easily oh hold on wait a minute dinosaur cave Compass says it’s over

There we just miss it or is that back where we came from I think we got to get up there guys alternatively we go down and through the mountain uh no I think we’re going to go over but it might be a matter if we need

To make a shelter and travel during the night where’s the temperature uh it’s this little thing down here if you see my cursor it’s this little gauge in the bottom right there we don’t actually have a thermometer so we can’t actually tell what temperature it is but we know

It’s hot we know that much do be hot we’re properly up and away from the water now so it’s getting hotter it’s getting a little too spicy outside at the moment we’ll have to oh hang on is that lava well that’s not going to help our temperature at all

We got to get past that and also we’re sprinting right now which is not good we’re out in the die dry heat uh let’s try and get some level of shelter real quick to hide us from the Sun need a pickaxe need a pickaxe need a

Pickaxe need a pickaxe there we go let’s go that enough to cool us down it’s not we got to keep moving into the mountain interesting that is a problem oh there we go okay we’re safe inside of water bucket use it to bring our core temperature down get our like resistance

Back uh we might have to make a separate base the sun is a deadly laser pretty much we might have to hide under here until the daytime until night time and then progress during day progress during night this generally is a problem our inventory is almost completely

Full yikes um also we’re going to burn up a bunch of water let’s drink some Mana potions I don’t need them but we’re going to drink them for water which is a terrible idea but it’s what we’re going to do save inventory Space we’re getting hot again interesting very interesting so we can make a shelter pretty much anywhere as long as we have water it’s just a matter of keeping ourselves moving through the day or night because if we move at night we’re going to deal with monsters but during

The day we deal with the sun that’s follow the compass let’s see if we can get out of this desert fast I presume the baby cactuses hurt us as much as the big Cactus do is that normal Cactus normal Cactus give me that hold on that’s a [ __ ]

Pyramid oh [ __ ] uh do we investigate the pyramid chat I need an answer cuz we’re we’re in we’re in deadly deadly laser beam territory oh the sun’s starting to go down so we should be okay here once the sun goes down I think we have time as long as we don’t Sprint make

Ourselves hotter than we need to actually we can cool down just with that the Suns already start to cool down do we investigate the pyramid and the weird [ __ ] Obelisk also desert plants this is first we’ve actually seen desert plants it’s useful Matt you don’t want to see

Dinosaurs anymore now you want to see the pyramid pyramid T says pyramid free items all right we’re going to the pyramid I guess we’re going to travel at night how are you still hot the sun is down more or less why are there a million flies also I still have the [ __ ]

Weird insect SW thing following me pyramid hundo all right we’re going to the pyramid this place looks dangerous as hell Acacia leaves uh we don’t have Acacia we also don’t have inventory space at this point for me to get Acacia leaves orcia saplings dun grass dinos are greater than uh less

Than pyr dinos are less than pyramid wow all right purple flower Wild Flower I don’t think I need those um so a problem with getting to the pyramid guys um what the [ __ ] it’s like the Grand Canyon between me and the freaking pyramid uh that’s not a hostile thing I don’t think holy

[ __ ] that’s just math this is quite a hole in the ground ooh cave I’m just kidding I know you guys want to see the pyramid build a bridge y’all are so non-committal now we we’re going we got this I think that’s water down there considering I see a squid bridge to

Pyramid I’ll definitely Bridge my way over there I think you know what I’m keeping this dirt this dirt might be the I was going to say we might be the only dirt we find here and there’s dirt lit right there never mind I care not for this

Dirt just make sure I’m not like mining or building towards a freaking Creeper or some [ __ ] cuz it is nighttime we genuinely are in danger right now hello Enderman I’m not going to look at you even [ __ ] slightly you do not not need to look at me Mr Enderman nothing is hazardous here

We are both friends we need not look at each other cuz we are friends and we understand this I looking at the okay we are approaching the pyramid I think we got to go up one more like level of this like major cliff thing I’m in no danger you shush the

[ __ ] that is a supercharged creeper over there okay the [ __ ] Mal m m runic malice is awesome okay then uh we need some food real quick what do we have right now cucumber mode changed you generation Only You generation in existing chunks yeah thank you uh real quick let’s drink another Mana

Potion we are out of water bottles ladies and gentlemen we are now actually consuming up our Water Resources it Hammer make you safe cast The Wind wall spell oh the wind wall spell might actually yeah you’re not wrong that might actually help [ __ ] you I have a hammer holy

[ __ ] this thing is great I love the hammer it’s fantastic and it’s unbreakable hell yes I’m so in for the hammer uh I’ll keep the rotten flesh on me Who Dares uh that’s a whole [ __ ] Squad right there hang on insects form man Weaver’s wand uh

Lightning damage will do I just need to something that will [ __ ] annihilate these fools surprise [ __ ] okay bye he’s just going that way all right there’s the pyramid boys we are finally on the same height as the pyramid oh kangaroos I think I can eat kangaroos oh [ __ ]

No did you just take damage from something the [ __ ] is hurting him It’s the weird light thing it’s back it’s hurting the creeper [ __ ] hell that scared me oh [ __ ] that’s a lot of arrows okay oh I don’t like that oh I don’t like why something exploded behind me we’re just

Going to keep moving now okay we’re just going to go over here we’re near the pyramid [ __ ] tons of [ __ ] just exploded over there violently an ancient tomb just mining fatigue oh [ __ ] you that an Emil oh [ __ ] that’s a lot of them dead we are very not safe at the

Moment yeah [ __ ] you get out of my way F Em are you an emu or a C I’m concerned those might be cies they’re emu okay so they’re not dangerous to to me I’m not Australian uh let’s there’s another skeleton down there let’s get our food supply out real

Quick CH on a corn dog oh right giv me a stick back do you mind sir get him get him minion [ __ ] nice teamwork anyway all right uh from there let’s also get out uh some water cuz boy we are low on water right now why going away from the pyramid cuz

You if you have mining fatigue you can’t build um or you can’t mine and we need to make a shelter so we can attack the M the pyramid um and first things first we need to make a safe place that I can sleep real quick we have our sack

Because there’s no way I’m going into the pyramid with this much stuff because it’s not because if I die it’s if I lose it it’s because if I go in the pyramid with much Stu I can’t loot anything in the pyramid right buddy right he said he knows this guy

Knows um so we got to find somewhere we can make a quick sh the Em are fighting the zombies the Em are on my side [ __ ] score uh the sun’s coming up let’s get you back inside the the Pokéball oh I leveled up nice that emo is bleeding to death cuz the [ __ ]

Zombie presumably get out of here uh I need to get that wind wall spell back wall of light wind wall see what that does lasts for a while right yeah last for 5 minutes uh em versus zombies new game idea em versus Zombies like Plants versus

Zombies let’s see if we can build inside that pillar and use that as our base assuming there’s nothing in the pillar that wants to kill us ha you’re burning death you suck you know what let’s test something real quick hang on you stay there give

Me a little bit of distance cuz I know you don’t burn the sunlight where’s the where’s the angry one this one holy [ __ ] that’s certainly evaporated a [ __ ] all right let’s see Jesus Christ okay that scared the [ __ ] out of me so yeah this is what mining fatigue does to you this

Is just B basic Sandstone look how slow we are at breaking it and annoyingly we are actually in danger now because if we don’t get somewhere safe from the sunlight the sun is a deadly laser uh oh wait I have the can trip that removes um like poisons and stuff like that I

Wonder if that works on mining fatigue probably does uh it’s circle triangle oh right hang on Circle oh I guess now it doesn’t matter cuz I don’t have my anymore when I get into here okay hang on circle triangle ha suck it whatever you are is going toing me mining fatigue oh it’s

Fast though it’s pretty fast at giving it back to Meh well I guess I I have to make a base slightly further away bom logs nice another like Obelisk over there too the thing is I don’t see like the guardian thing popping up so it’s not an Elder Guardian giving me it let’s see is this far enough away

That I don’t get it back if I start mining things do I get it back also it occurs to me I have no dur left on my [ __ ] pickaxe I have nine der left on my pickaxe looks like we’re good in this distance all right let’s make a like wooden Hut over here

Probably all I can manage at the moment a sandstone eagloo a base from which we shall assault the pyramid just get jar cow jar cow oh for infinite milk it’s not going to look nice but it’ll get the job done oh right we have a million wood

Let’s just use wood it doesn’t need to look nice it just needs to protect us that’s all it needs to do let’s make this more rounded it doesn’t need it to look nice immediately goes for [ __ ] trying to make it look nice pyamid Expedition Hut yep exactly that’s

What we’re doing making a quick quick and dirty house to keep us safe from the the elements while we go and investigate the pyramid okay we have that go ahead and do real quick Reach Out And Touch light let’s put some lights around our house to make sure we are

Safe at least a little bit so we can see what’s going on out here at night and so it’s less likely that enemies are going to spawn right next to us there Sandstone down there colored clay there you go I have a torch you get a torch you get a torch

Everybody gets a torch we have a little crafting table here uh let’s throw down a nice door real quick go safe from the elephants and the elements pretty much yeah exactly um I don’t know if this will actually protect us from the heat looks like it might actually protect us from the Heat

Maybe oh or maybe Lush desert isn’t as hot as the other deserts are I’m not sure either way we’re relatively safe here one thing we’re definitely do here is throw down some freaking chests cuz we have so much crap in our inventory currently jungle logs jungle logs jungle logs jungle logs

There we go let’s just get all this out of my inventory we’ll sort this out in a minute I definitely need my water don’t need orc doors I need my Atlas I don’t need the compass anymore cuz we’re exploring this right now uh let’s see we need the emanation

Staff we need the [ __ ] that thing in particular staff uh I’ll take the insect swarm I wonder if the insect SW is what that weird light show was we definitely need that we definitely need this um let’s actually get him out there we go that way he’s guarding the

Hut uh we need a water source we have a water source okay so we have that all right ladies and gentlemen if you want to see us explore the pyramid you’re going to have to come back tomorrow because I need to wrap up the stream ladies and gentlemen I have

Been videos this has been Hardcore Minecraft Ember and artifice we’re going to exper our pyramid tomorrow that’s going to be fun so ladies and gentlemen I hope you’ve had a pleasant morning afternoon evening and good night there we go

This video, titled ‘Let’s Relax with Hardcore Minecraft: Ember and Artifice #8’, was uploaded by Dead Videos on 2024-03-02 18:04:14. It has garnered 41 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:21 or 11001 seconds.

Game -Minecraft Developer – Mojang platform – Java / PC Difficulty if applicable – Hardcore

Modpack link: Beta testing available on my discord!


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    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More