SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

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[Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah it’s like I told you none of my ideas work he’s not eating anyway I still haven’t given up on my testing oh let me give you a tour of my zombie research lab sure what’s this place this is the zombie combat training area it’s a place where you can practice battling zombies pretty cool right AJ uh yeah it’s totally cool Mikey give it a try do some training fight the zombie uh can I use one of these swords of course that sounds fun it’s just the one zombie right yeah only one for now at least just don’t let your guard down ready JJ sure okay here I go wo start okay take this get him wait what Mikey I thought there would just be one zombie losing one you never know how many zombies there are fine I can handle it huh yes what got it but but there were three of them well done JJ you’ve gained some valuable experience fighting zombies oh how would I show you the research lab’s basement follow me JJ it’s down here below the trap door nice secret entrance thanks oh more zombies ready 3 2 1 go snow golems F the zombies I’m testing Snow Golems as a sing defense system uh-oh come on hang in there no oh they couldn’t be the zombies I love snow golems they’re so cute but every single time they lose to the zombies I just don’t know why they haven’t won a single time I guess I just have to do more research well Mikey a snow golem snowball only do damage to things like blazes or the Ender Dragon they just can’t hurt zombies not even a little bit really I didn’t know that then does that mean all of this research was for nothing well you can always use snow golems as decoys and beat the zombies in other ways so my research wasn’t just a waste of time I forgot to tell you this earlier Mikey but H I’ve actually been researching zombies on my own in secret really you mean you have a zombie research lab too that’s right I built it myself W also I think my lab has exactly the thing you need Mikey come with me huh exactly what I need what could that be let’s check it out wait here guys let’s go here we are wow it’s huge I know right how long did this take you to build is that a zombie villager oh I feel bad for him he can never go back to being a villager poor guy actually huh this zombie villager will be going back to normal what that’s impossible how here I’ll show you we’ll need a golden apple from this chest but before we do anything with that I’ll flip this lever flip wo what did you just do first we have to give the zombie villager a dose of medicine okay and now comes the golden apple oh I’m just going to feed it to him you mean you’re not supposed to feed him any cookies that’s right now we just wait a few [Music] minutes he’s cured see just like I said he’s back to normal wow this is the medication oh and here’s a golden apple wow use these to cure your friend now I can save him thank you yep I’m so excited okay come on out villager I’m glad he’s better he can go back home bye-bye hey Mikey H want to take a look in here yeah what do you have in this area you’ll see what is this place well you shouldn’t get too close why that’s the combat training area wow see that zombie yeah that’s the area to practice fighting zombies cool it’s like the one I made believe it or not I have experience fighting zombies I bet I could win no problem can I give it a try please well the zombie in there might look normal now but you can’t be too careful so take a look at this you should probably take some weapons and armor before going in there to fight that thing nah I don’t need any of that stuff this will only take a second so don’t worry about me JJ Mikey hang on huh I think you should reconsider don’t worry about me it’ll be just fine that’s not good let’s start the battle Mikey you’re trapped in there that’s fine huh look behind you it’s just one Z wait what what is that thing get so big this is so bad maybe I can still go now help me ouch well that was sure embarrassing I tried to warn you Mikey you just tried to fight a super dangerous mutant zombie a mutant zombie This research lab is awesome that reminds me there’s something else I wanted to show you I can even mutate those Snow Golems you like so much really yeah just follow me wow you have so many snow golems in here and on the other side mutant zombies are you going to make them fight yep but I thought you already knew this snow golems can’t damage zombies if you make them fight the snow golems will all lose it’s pretty common not College JJ don’t worry Mikey they may be normal Snow Golems now but they won’t stay that way oh once they mutate things will get interesting ready sure 3 2 1 huh that was a dose of the mutation drug wo ready Mikey yep let’s go the gate is open good luck Snow Golem they’re much stronger now [Music] who huh how long was I out and where am I this looks like a train and the other passengers they’re asleep too huh oh Mikey’s here too hey Mikey wait what was that noise huh someone just entered the train car am I crazy or is there a monkey on the [Music] train he just killed a villager this is bad he’s coming this way we need to get out of here and fast come on Mikey wake up he’s not waking up what do I do I don’t have much time I’m I may have to wake him up by force miky come on you have to wake up hey what was that for you’re so mean JJ I was having such a nice dream now’s not the time Mikey we have to get out of here what are you talking about look what is that thing let’s get out of here now all right hurry run away oh no the door is sealed up with iron bars there’s nowhere to run seriously what are we going to do uh uh oh there’s a chest maybe this will help us oh it’s just some loaves of bread it’s no good Mikey there was nothing useful in there at all uh-oh we’re out of time what the monkey’s caught up it’s all over for us we can’t give up come on wait what we’re back in our home this must have been a dream but it felt so real oh no stop it sounds like Mikey’s having a nightmare I’ll wake him up go away Mikey wake up are you okay H it was only a dream are you all right Mikey that sounded like a really bad dream oh JJ in my dream we were on a train being attacked by a monkey it was right about to get us I’m glad that wasn’t real a dream where a monkey was attacking us are you sure yeah why well I had the exact same dream huh no way you’re joking oh no I have a bad feeling about this huh what are you talking about hold on let me check [Music] something is this the monkey you saw yeah that’s exactly what I saw oh no he’s called the circus monkey and if he finds you he can kill you in your dreams it looks like we’ve become his next targets so we’re being hunted by an evil monkey what can we do about it well one thing we could do is never sleep again if we never sleep we’ll never dream so we won’t be able to attack us yeah that could work wait but I like sleeping that’s not going to happen yeah it’s not a very good plan our other option is to beat the circus monkey in our dreams okay it sounds like we can do that let’s take the circus monkey down I’d love to but it won’t won’t be easy how are we supposed to bring weapons into our dreams all right we could never beat him with our bare hands h there must be a way what do we do hey what if yeah this chest I’m sure I saw it on the train huh no way these loaves of bread were in the dream too really maybe just maybe this chest will let us bring items into our dreams you really think so then all we have to do is put weapons in there and the circus monkey is toast all right let’s gather the items we’ll need okay let’s do it preparations complete we’ll set up a security system inside the dream train so what are we bringing with us this is everything we’ve managed to gather Oo we have some Redstone components two sets of netherite gear and two energy launchers awesome all right let’s get the bread out of the way and fill up this chest with our new awesome equipment this is great the circus monkey isn’t going to stand a chance that’s right we have more than enough our preparations are complete let’s get some sleep I’ll see you back on the dream train yeah let’s take him down good night oh JJ hey hi we’re back H the circus monkey will probably show up really soon you’re right let’s hurry and set up our security system you got it Mikey well let’s take a look inside the chest H open up yes all of our stuff is here this is great news now let’s gather it all up we should act fast since we don’t know how much time we have okay let’s get to work what should we build well for starters the circus monkey will attack from this side so our first security measure will be to put a trap by the door okay what kind of trap will we use well I’ll start by setting up a couple of trip wire hooks I see and then the trip wire itself there when he steps on this it will activate the rest of the Trap that’s what I’ll build next what will that be next I’ll set up some blocks on the walls okay then I’ll arrange these Redstone torches and pistons the Pistons go up here uhhuh now to wire them up with redstone dust like so interesting and finally on top of the Pistons four heavy anvils oh so when the circus monkey steps on the trip wire wow he gets flattened like a pancake it’s the perfect trap wow this is awesome I can’t wait to see it in action he doesn’t stand a chance next I’ll set up a lava trap good idea right here first I’ll dig out a pit mhm here we go just in case the anvils aren’t enough that looks deep enough nice there and now let’s cover it up what’s that it looks like the carpet at a glance but it will break if something heavy steps on it hopefully it’ll trick him oh clever thanks I hope it works there if the monkey makes it to this green floor it’ll fall into the lava that’s perfect not even the circus monkey can avoid that this is probably enough security right maybe but just in case let’s build an arrow trap let’s start by clearing some of the carpet to make room for these pressure plates there next we’ll need some dispensers next up there’s another mechanism I want to build here really what’s that like this and now to cover it up oh so now it’s all connected that’s right and it’s totally hidden great and of course we have to fill the dispensers with stacks of arrows of course finally I’ll hook this up with redstone dust all right it’s finished when he steps on these pressure plates it will fire a barrage of arrows I’ll demonstrate W that’s awesome oh yeah this will definitely do the trick the circus monkey is going down we have so much security this will be easy remember though Mikey just in case he makes it past our security we’ll have to fight him directly I guess but still there’s no way it’ll come to that maybe but just to be safe I brought us these sets of netherite equipment so let’s put them on okay all right good let’s also keep these golden apples in case we need a power up wo thanks JJ yeah let’s suit up let’s do it looking good all right hey JJ did you bring the energy launchers let’s use those they’re awesome that’s true but if we use them inside the train we’ll get caught up in the blast so we should only use them as a last resort okay Mikey oh I see let’s put them away that’s a shame but I guess it’s for the best yeah all that’s left to do now is wait that monkey doesn’t know what’s coming listen huh the door just unlocked get ready Mikey the circus monkey is coming I’m ready no he’s here there he [Music] is it’s the circus monkey we’ll be okay we’ve got traps ready yeah that’s right okay let’s show this monkey what we’ve got come on just a little closer he’s about to set it off all right it worked the anvils hit him we got him take that huh what no he set off the Trap but it barely hurt him at all how he’s still coming towards us get back Retreat we’re still okay we still have the lava trap that’ll finish him off right take this yes it w you fell into the lava huh uh-oh what is he climbing back back out he’s still coming we have to retreat again go Mikey look for it come on please all right this one has to work it has to the arot Trap should finish him off yes good he activated the Trap it’s working come on this is it right he’s got to be low on health now what look out my key huh you’re kidding me impossible he made it through the arot Trap what now this is bad he’s got us cornered what do we do well our only choice is to fight them ourselves eat your golden apple and attack okay got it let’s deal with that circus monkey he going down your reign of terror ends here he’s really strong come on are you okay Mikey I think so this guy hits like a truck keep attacking don’t let him not much longer yes we did it great job now we don’t have to live in fear of the circus monkey anymore what a [Music] relief a Mikey something terrible is happened H it’s awful do you see that see what that guy over there what guy over there him who is it don’t get close I feel like I should know this this what is it again oh wait I know Mikey take this seriously why how could it be dangerous if it doesn’t move well we’re fine right now because one of us is watching him but the moment we look away he’ll attack us oh I think I’ve heard of this so we just have to keep our eyes on him that’s right or he’ll come after us let’s put some distance between us back up but keep watching him this feels a little extra I’m serious he’ll attack but JJ I need to see it to believe it if I don’t will he really attack I want to look away aren’t you curious we’re far enough away now that I think we can test it Mikey I’m going to look away so keep your eyes on him okay I’m watching I’m going to look away and then press F5 ready you can look away now but look back quickly it’ll be [Music] fine what’s that scary noise he makes I need to look this guy really might be bad news yeah he’ll keep coming for us so let’s try to survive wait where’d you go Mikey I’m way over here we’ll be fine as long as one of us is keeping watch for now let’s just make a run for it let’s go this is dangerous he’s coming this way I feel like he’s getting closer let’s run we have to gather wood he’s following really he is you gather wood while I keep my eye on him yeah don’t take your eyes off of him okay don’t let your guard down he’s seriously so scary I’ll try glancing away for a sec yeah he moved JJ here thanks Mikey I thought we had more distance between us but he’s right there can we even craft let’s see oh we’re safe as long as we’re facing him while we craft JJ I’m in trouble I looked shy guy in the eye what am I going to do are you serious yeah this is bad looking at Shy Guy directly in the eye fills him with rage he’ll hunt anyone who dares to the end of the Earth he’s a terrifying creature I hate to say it but you’re doomed myy no there must be something we can do oh I’ve got an idea we need to enhance our security before Shy Guy shows up looking for you cuz he’s searching for you as we speak and he’s set on Hunting you down then let’s get started well the first issue is we don’t know which direction he’ll be attacking from true that’s why I suggest we put our shelter on top of a long staircase it’ll act as a funnel good we’ll set up our first security measure right here what’s it going to be I actually have something really cool in mind first things first we’re going to build a super long hallway yeah that’s [Music] it h now check this out wo awesome well guess what this is just the start now for the next part this is our first line of defense uh just this you’re right an empty hallway won’t stop shy guy but a hallway full of lasers might we’ll make a laser Minefield but we got to set it up so that the two of us can make it through okay I get it so we can jump over this one pretty easily but keep in mind shy guy is a lot taller than us the best strategy is to put a bunch of lasers at his height oh that makes sense check it out we can walk underneath them no problem but they’re sure to hit shy guy right in the face woo that’s clever those lasers pack a serious punch if we scatter a whole bunch of them throughout the hallway there’s no way he’ll be able to get through here not without getting hit so the more lasers the better yeah check this out these are sure to hit shy guy hit him right in the face nice how’s that looking H ooh not bad I think it’s great he definitely can’t survive this this one we jump over and we’re here now to add a vertical laser ooh good thinking I’ll put this here and that [Music] there you get the idea when the shy guy shows up we’ll Bob and weave our way through while he gets lasered over and over how about a couple more why [Music] not that should do it now once we make it to the end of this hallway we’ll turn here and climb even more stairs awesome that’s a great idea just get things set up for the staircase all right here’s what I’m thinking Mikey this is where we’re going to set up our second anti- shyu security measure another one huh what’s it going to be we’ve already got stairs and Laser what security feature could we possibly add I’d like to propose a narrow walkway over a pit of lava I’ll show you hit of lava seems strong Okay taada lava woo oh oops it’s overflowing wow look at this lake of lava there I fixed it we now have our obstacle but what do we need next uh see this pipe yeah I’m going to lay it down all the way across this is for security yep I call this the tight rope block oh we’ll need to keep our balance as we walk along the pipe and cross over the lake of lava I get it I’m making it harder by making the path super windy it is hard lose your balance and it’s game over you end up taking the hottest bath of your life no kidding great plan JJ thanks now this is he it wow oops my bad okay we’ll go this way and this way how’s that looks good to me Shy gu is pretty fast on his feet he sure is and he’s got stamina true but I think these twists and turns will really slow him down oh yeah I’ll add a few more bends then as shy guy loses his balance he’ll slip off the pipe and fall into the lava what a great plan how could it fail and done no way he can make it across it’s a but there’s actually a treat to it what is it you and I can just jump over the gaps see how simple it is to cross wo yeah it’s a shortcut yep amazing so easy for us but I doubt shy guy will take a shortcut true that he’ll probably try to cross here ignoring the shortcut he’ll lose his balance then fall into the the lava for sure we’ll be safe and sound while he takes an accidental dip all righty then I think it’s time to make another staircase a shelter oh cool ready to get started let’s do this what kind though I want something super safe H let’s see so we have a bunch of lasers and the lava walkway so there’s only one reason we would need this place if the two security measures aren’t enough to shake off the shy guy great so it’s a last resort kind of shelter exactly there’s no way he’ll make it this far don’t underestimate him shy guy is no joke he’s incredibly strong that’s why we can’t just build a place to hide we also need this shelter to act as our third line of defense you mean with a security system what do you have in mind I hope it’s super duper secure you’ll see we’ll focus on our shelter first we’ll make the walls out of iron you can give me a hand this is very durable material great for shelters true as long as we don’t leave any weak spots it should be difficult for shy guy to break in yeah these are sturdy iron walls are no joke you said it next for the entrance a wooden door should do the trick yeah a simple flimsy easily breakable wooden door wait what H wooden doors aren’t very secure at all yeah that’s true I chose it on purpose I want something we because this door is a trap really uh-huh walking through this door will activate a pitball trap causing the floor to collapse wow look at this if Shy Guy were to fall from this height he’d hit the ground and go Splat Yik great idea though so this is the trap door great which means we need a secret entrance that’s safe for us to use let’s see here put these here woohoo and then some of this fill this in [Music] there that should do it woo now when we push this button the door will open just long enough for us to get inside that’s perfect now as for shy guys entrance we need to build the actual track what I’m thinking is we make it out of TNT and sand okay step one placing the [Music] TNT all right that looks good now to lay down a flat form of sand O then I’ll Place some redstone on top and then another layer of sand right at floor level now this part is extremely dangerous Mikey step back okay got it I’m laying down a stone pressure plate wo now when Shy Guy shows up he’ll most likely break the door down it’s just a flimsy wooden one so he won’t have any trouble with it the moment he steps on the pressure plate the Trap will activate and he’ll go crashing back down to earth there’s no way he’ll survive that awesome he doesn’t stand a chance all that’s led to do is wait he could appear at any moment true just be ready can do the Sun is setting but there’s still no signs of shy guy that’s right since he’s not here yet let’s take the time to properly prepare ourselves put some armor on great idea looking good now I’m really ready with all the work we’ve done I’m kind of hoping he shows up oh he’s definitely coming so don’t let your guard down sure thing H where could he be still no sign of him he’s here JJ JJ he’s chasing me yeah he’s locked on to you run as fast as you can quick this way I’m coming it hurry you okay I’m scared but I’m glad glad we have a security system me too oh oh oh hurry ow I just got hit by our own laser shy guys is getting hit too but our system doesn’t seem to be slowing him down one bit he must have a ton of help no way just keep running Mikey this is not good it sure isn’t I need to get my health back up come on Mikey run run run he made it through all our lasers it’s time for Plan B we have our lava walkway so we’re going to be okay are you sure he can’t cross this how could he we’re the only ones who know the trick you can do this come on Mikey we got to go what is it Shy gu is walking across like it’s no big deal what hurry up I’m trying don’t tell me he’s right behind me he’s right behind you I said not to tell me that to the shelter of Last Resort quick Sprint Mikey we have to hide get in get in that was close too close yes it looks like shy guy is trying to break through the wooden door don’t stand on the sand Mikey I’ll be fine I don’t think he’s trying to get in whoa that’s scar me wait yes we beat him that’s right amazing we defeated Shy Guy you look shy guy in the eye but you survived congrats thanks well done tonight keep your eyes peeled for the vicious ton cat what the ton cat is Coming to Town ton cat that’s a super dangerous monster right apparently it chases its prey to the furthest reaches of the world what do we do here’s the plan Mikey we’re going to strengthen the security on this house to defend against the toon cat we better get moving we might not have much time what do we do first let’s see oh I know to start let’s make sure we’ve locked all the doors and windows then we’ll set up these pressure plates when the T cat chases us we’ll run back to the house unfortunately we need to open and shut doors manually if we leave them open for long the Tom Cat will come in but if I place the pressure plates here what happens the door will automatically close behind us once we’re inside wow that’s going to be our first security measure an automatic closing door oh I see we might have a problem if we place the pressure plates on the outside see here’s what I’m thinking the tomb cat can’t open doors on its own so this should help us the door will force it out even though we can’t get in the front door door we should expect the tomb cat to eventually break inside in that case we need to add some more security like what it might be a good idea to build a trap inside the house okay what kind of trap how about a cage trap good idea all right what type of materials do we need let’s use sticky pistons iron bars Redstone torches redstone dust and repeaters for now that should do it wow this looks like a good spot I’m digging a hole cool how’s that good job perfect next I’m going to set up a row of redstone torches to moving on all right what’s next let me [Music] think I dug another big hole so I have somewhere to put the repeaters down repeaters oh next up is the Redstone Dust what’s that for now I’ll cover the top like this cool I still need to install a lever whenever someone pulls it the Redstone torches will flicker on and off that means it’s working oh time for the Pistons huh they’ll go up here oh oh we can control all the Pistons at the same time with just one lever that’s incredible yeah how does it help that’s the easy part watch this WOW let’s see oh complete this is great yep one more thing wow awesome we have to put a lid on it otherwise the Tom Cat will be able to climb over why don’t we try using glass sure we can’t have them climbing over it right this will work better this will block him off right yeah probably huh H who’s there who’d visit this late in the day is it a delivery I’ll get it M oh thanks [Applause] [Music] yep JJ wake up please [Music] JJ [Music] huh where where am I hold on oh wait I remember we were abducted by that ghost that’s right and if we stay here only our bones will be left see oh no oh if we can’t find a way to escape the ghost is still out there how can we escape huh the ghost left a this is our chance we need to escape but the door is locked we have to get out of here right away uh wait Mikey look huh right here there’s a hole huh maybe if I if I get down on my hands and knees maybe I can fit through H okay let’s give it a try can you [Music] fit I’m out I made it awesome now get me out of here please no help me wait I see a key huh I can’t let the ghost see me it’s gone right I’ll grab the key I got it Mikey I’ll open the door oh good okay yes it unlocked the door come on Mikey oh thank you I’m out that’s better let’s run before Mikey run it’s behind you what was that oh man sheesh we made it now we can take it easy yeah that was a close call seriously but at least it’s trapped now mhm what no it’s behind me watch out oh no no just keep running master you okay it’s fast it’s coming wait that’s poison watch out careful ghost it’s coming around no it’s coming run run come on hurry go it’ll catch us this leads back to the surface go go go hurry hey that’s our house come on Mikey faster get inside the door yes that was close [Music] pH okay let’s go up to the second second floor all right we’re safe huh it’s the ghost huh no way huh it keeps ringing the doorbell it won’t stop it’s still after us but whatever happens don’t answer M it’s getting dark yeah we’ll survive you’re right the ghost is persistent seriously it’s morning the Sun is up huh [Music] huh it’s leaving did it give up oh I wonder what by huh weird oh huh huh it’s gone it went back to the cave it’s gone that’s good he gave up on us wait it’s too soon to relax huh well the ghost might come for us again tonight you might be right let’s set up anti- ghost security good idea first things first Yep this cave the ghost is hiding out deep inside right what about it this is the entrance to it yeah here we’ll use lasers like this so maybe we can seal it inside the cave oh oh yeah nice I bet it’ll be hard for the ghost to get through all that it won’t be easy with these lasers mhm all right for my next idea yeah there’s still a possibility that the ghost will escape uh-huh so let’s build a trap with these dispensers what is it let’s build it over here we’ll place them here and there then we’ll fill the dispensers up with fire charges oh cool and now that these are ped yeah we’ll line up a whole bunch of them like this I see yeah that should do it more [Music] here and there W now we’ll Place pressure plates over all of them see sounds good wait let’s add a few more rows okay all right let’s cover these ones too oh wow Yep this trap is great when you step on them Fire charges launch up out of the ground you’re that ghosted burn it up yeah hopefully that takes care of the ghost nice right but what do you think it’ll do when it’s on fire uh jump into the water aha exactly M I imagine it going like this it’ll break out of the cave mhm and then the fire charges will burn the ghost uhhuh then to put the fire out it will dive into this Lake right yep but what then well we’re going to secure the lake with these taada W sharks y a whole swarm of them in the lake wow so that’s your plan the Sharks will attack the ghost yep amazing this lake is dangerous careful not to fall in yeah they’ll eat you up in no time flat well if the ghost manages to survive being ravaged by sharks we’ll need more security like what well we still need to secure the entrance to our house one thing we know about the ghost is that it loves ringing the doorbell almost non-stop just like this that’s why we’ll set a trap here at the door how first we’ll remove the doorbell mhm and then taada we’ll use a dispenser oh but we’ll load the dispenser with arrows this time okay then we just put a button on the dispenser and hang then well it looks like a doorbell oh it does but if the ghost pushes this button yeah stand back oh okay here it goes wow yes it’s shot out mhm wow if it thinks the button is the doorbell and presses it an arrow shoots out cool the ghost will definitely fall for that right perfect well with what we have so far this is a pretty good security system mhm but I can’t help but think that if it gets into the house huh we’ll need to build a self-destruct mechanism for the house just in case self-destruct yep wo and that means we need to renovate M we’ll set up the TNT first just like this okay I want to dig up the floor and fill the space with as much TNT as we can we’re taking this ghost down right like this yeah o I see we’ll have to blow up the entire house if it gets inside I hope it doesn’t happen let’s just focus on the TNT all right put in as much as we can fill it right out yeah under the floor this is crazy and then we have to cover it all up there and this is how we’ll hide the TNT from the ghost okay looking good it is wow all right done nice sweet next up we need to make a dett m okay huh let’s set it up here and then H I’ll do it like this oh right I’ll lay out the F line good idea that looks great there we go and extend it over here [Music] nice [Music] all right good and now I’ll place a lever if we pull it the house explodes don’t touch it a now we need to make an Escape Route when the time comes to blow up the house we might be on the second floor we’ll need to get down to the first floor so over here yeah I’ll make a secret door it’ll be our emergency exit H okay and now M that’s amazing M it’s perfect let’s give it a button when we push this W the secret door opens if the ghost gets into the house we push this button and we jump outside awesome we’ll run on over to the detonation switch and then then we activate it and the ghost will blow up with the house it’s the perfect plan our anti- ghost measures are awesome Yep wo all we have to do now is wait for Nightfall when the ghost will attack again all right it’s dark out now is the ghost coming uh oh there it is no it’s here the ghost huh ha it seems confused it might not make it past the lasers huh we might be safe oh wo oh it pushed through the lasers I think we heard it at least nope what about the next trap wo you set off the Trap look DJ it’s working the ghost is burning it’s El man haha you’re right the sharks are attacking they really are yes no hey maybe the Sharks will defeat it working wow Madness hurt not let up awesome oh it got away the Sharks couldn’t beat it hang on it’s close no it reached the house will it fall for it is it going to push the doorbell yes it fell for the Trap and I think the ghost is a little confused now it seems so right wow it has no idea what’s happening so silly how long is it going to fall for that huh H oh it figured it out oh no it realized the doorbell is trapped hey does it look angry to you uh yeah it won’t come inside though right no it’s angry it’s Furious what’s it going to do huh huh what what’s it doing Dynamite uh-oh this is bad it’s blasting the door open no no hold on it’s inside oh no what do we do now GG it’s inside the house oh no the switch we need to run and activate the switch hurry okay here we go come on hurry go we need to flip the switch look you can see the ghost looking for us inside creepy that was so close very all right let’s let’s do this the detonation switch 3 2 1 will it work we’re taking it down with the house please work tngt [Music] wow it’s blasted off we won yes awesome yes [Music] woohoo huh a series of random kidnappings everyone should be on the lookout I can’t believe it wow a massive kidnapping spree that is not good news wait now that I think of it I haven’t heard from Mikey since yesterday is he okay I better head over to his house and check up on him let’s go take a [Music] look this is his house h i saw Mikey last night but not since I hope he’s feeling all [Music] right Mikey it’s me JJ open up are you in there h no answer should I just let myself in that should be okay I mean we’re friends after all I’m doing it [Music] huh where did Mikey go he’s not here not only that but his house is a wreck what happened in [Music] here oh what’s this it’s a notebook let’s see what it says h we have taken Mikey you have until sunset to bring 1 million diamonds to these coordinates or else oh no this is bad Mikey has been kidnapped and they’ve set a ransom of 1 million diamonds how am I supposed to gather that many up by the end of the day what am I going to do do I do I even have a million diamonds saved up I better start by Counting how many I have who knows maybe I have enough I’ll check the safe and find out let’s see where’s that key oh that’s right I hit it here now that I have it I can pull this lever open up this secret underground passageway and head on [Music] down this is it the chest where I keep all my savings but 1 million diamonds how could I possibly believe saved up that many I mean that’s a lot of diamonds only one way to find out if I had enough I’ll be able to get Mikey back safely here goes nothing open what I only have 10 are you kidding me that’s nowhere near enough how am I supposed to get my hands on another 999,999 diamonds Before Sunset uh oh I have an idea I know exactly what to do I’m going to need these this is the only thing I can think of that even stands a chance of saving Mikey I’ll put these in here and now I’ve got myself one of these next I’ll fill up these slots and there done I’ll never be able to gather a million diamonds in time there’s no way so I use 10 of my savings to craft a sword and some armor that I can use to rescue Mikey myself what were those coordinates again right that’s where I’m headed no time to make any stops got to rush to the meeting [Music] place run run run run actually while I’m here I should pick up some food there that’s more than enough I’m off it’s time to rescue Mikey [Music] the Sun is setting I got to hurry good thing I left when I did these coordinates were really really far away judging by the angle of the sun I’m almost out of time but the location must be around here somewhere hang on H who’s that could it be one of Mikey’s kidnappers what’s he doing no he’s keeping watch I can’t let him see me but I can’t let him out of my sight either oh oh of course that must be the entrance to the secret hideout I’ve got to follow him and rescue my keep the sun’s almost down after all here it goes wow wow look at this it’s clearly the entrance to their secret hideout it’s a little scary but I’ve got to go in I’m Mikey’s only hope I have to save him while they’s still time I can do [Music] this slow and steady I can’t let anyone see me m now that is a long staircase I’m going to make my way to down carefully I wonder what’s at the bottom of this thing I hope I can get to Mikey before he gets hurt there’s no time to waste oh there’s the bottom oh a [Music] door hang on hang on something’s not right wait a sec it’s a trap someone laid down a trip wire I almost ran right into it I wonder what happens if I set it off wa that could have been really dangerous if I hadn’t noticed the wire in time I would have been turned into a pin cushion okay I’m going to go through the door but I have to be careful there could be more traps ahead what is this place there’s a giant pit of lava but it looks like I can use these blocks to get to the other side here I go I’ll admit I’m a little scared but I can’t let that stop me the mik he needs me just have to make sure I don’t slip there I made it glad that’s over all right bring on the next room let’s see is there anything in here oh uh-oh looks like there’s a bad guy in there that said there’s also another door maybe I can slip through without being seen doors right there can I make it y I’ve been spotted I wanted to avoid fighting my way through but it looks like I don’t have a choice yeah yeah oh they’re strong take that they’re backing me up into a corner got a bolt yes woohoo that was close those guys were tough huh they dropped [Music] something 1 2 3 4 weird anyways I better take some time to recover before moving on that fight took it out of me couple more fights okay I’m ready to get back at it

This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ Became SWAT and Survived vs ZOMBIE Apocalypse ARMY ? – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-09 17:00:11. It has garnered 58948 views and 318 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:27 or 3687 seconds.

How Mikey and JJ Became SWAT and Survived vs ZOMBIE Apocalypse ARMY ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

  • Crafty Cat Capers: Shorts 1.21.1 Minecraft

    Crafty Cat Capers: Shorts 1.21.1 Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a cat named Sprat, Bit you on the leg, and hit you with a broom, imagine that! Shorts on my channel, lekko i przyjemnie, Check out my other videos, you’ll see, it’s plenty. Despite any flaws, give it a chance, You’ll be entertained, in a joyful dance. Don’t be discouraged by one little thing, The whole movie might make your heart sing. Idea by @Patrix-offical, a creative mind, Join my community, good vibes you’ll find. Visit my second channel, for more fun, Support me to reach 90k, we’ll be number one. Skits and funny… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure!

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  • Crafting Copper Farms in Minecraft 1.22

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  • Youtuber Pranks in Minecraft

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  • Playing BOKU NO HERO Academia in MINECRAFT!

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  • Drill & Build: Steampunk Style!

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft World Series: Blocks, Battles, and Beyond

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  • “Where to Find It” – Minecraft Animation Trailer

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    ULTIMATE ADVENTURE ADDONS PACK for MINECRAFT PE/BEDROCK 1.21.30! The Best Adventure Addons Pack You Need in Minecraft PE/BEDROCK 1.21.30! Are you ready to enhance your Minecraft experience with one of the best modpacks available for the latest update 1.21.30 in Minecraft PE/BEDROCK? Look no further! This article will guide you through the exciting world of Minecraft addons that will take your gameplay to the next level. How to Install the Addon If you’re wondering how to install the addon, make sure to check out the detailed instructions provided in the video at the 9:00 mark. It’s easy to follow and will have you up and running in… Read More

  • Ultimate Terror Skyblock with Dwellers! (Ep.28)

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  • Ultimate Minecraft House Hack! 🏠 #shorts

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  • 🤯 Insane Minecraft Players Revealed! @YesSmartyPie #shorts

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  • Insane Minecraft & Phasmophobia Co-op with SuperGamerTV!

    Insane Minecraft & Phasmophobia Co-op with SuperGamerTV!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Witch Hunt Casts Plays Minecraft Phasmophobia!!’, was uploaded by supergamertv on 2024-10-12 14:30:28. It has garnered 34 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:30 or 1050 seconds. With “The Witch Hunt” out now, we decided it’s only fitting that we do a ghost hunt within Minecraft ACTUALLY hunting ghosts. Will we be successful and find these ghosts? Or will fail and ruin our ghost hunter reputation? All will be revealed in this spook-tacular video!! 🕷🦇🕸🍁🍂🌰 Read More

  • Become a Dance Wizard: Tutorial, Challenge, Anime Magic!

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  • Top Minecraft Player Loses In Epic Lava Battle! #shorts

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  • Insane Upgrade in Bronytales Server! Salvaged Pants! #108

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  • Galactic Lifetseal

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  • Crafting Odyssey: Minecraft’s Creative SMP Adventure!

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  • Hot Minecraft Memes: LOL Moments!

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  • 100 Things Only Minecraft Veterans Know

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  • “Mind-Blowing Tip: Minecrafters Avoid Sunburn!” #shorts #shoklingfacts #animation

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  • Haunting Minecraft Server Exploration

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  • Insane Minecraft Players at Night 😂

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  • Insane Minecraft Jetpack Hack! #CubiusShorts

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  • Flecki8888 reveals INSANE Minecraft half blocks! #OMG

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  • “Unreal Minecraft Live Stream – Coffee & Chill!” #minecraftlivestream

    "Unreal Minecraft Live Stream - Coffee & Chill!" #minecraftlivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grab some Coffee, Kick back and chill! #minecraft #minecraftlivestream #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by Kendrisite on 2024-06-21 19:17:48. It has garnered 67 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:33:58 or 20038 seconds. Daily livestreams! Monday through Friday 9AM – 3PM! 100% Family friendly and eager to be here with you! ———————— Common Commands !discord !patreon !joinmc ———————— ️ Server IP: Kencrafters.apexmc.co {For bedrock 19132} KEEP UP WITH ME EVERYWHERE! https://allmylinks.com/Kendriste #minecraft #livestream #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #streamer #letsplay Read More

  • DashPum4’s EPIC Bedrock Minecraft Adventure! Watch NOW!

    DashPum4's EPIC Bedrock Minecraft Adventure! Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘java enjoyer plays bedrock minecraft! 100% playthrough!’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2024-10-12 12:55:30. It has garnered 4930 views and 241 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:00 or 5760 seconds. Donate: https://streamelements.com/dashpum4-483d9/tip (if possible, please donate through here because YouTube Superchat takes 30% of the money! If you donate using this link, I keep 100% of the tip) Rules: 1) No homophobia, transphobia, racism, harsh bullying, threats, etc 2) No NSFW or obscene content 3) No spamming 4) English only 5) Just try to be generally nice to your fellow viewers List of… Read More


    DOMOISH YT - CRAZY TWIST IN MINECRAFT 🔥🔥 #gamingcontentVideo Information This video, titled ‘NAHH FR THESE MF ☠👀✔ #gamingcontent #minecraft #gamingshorts #team #trendingshorts #trending #shorts’, was uploaded by DOMOISH YT on 2024-09-23 10:16:33. It has garnered 8297 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1lt_NK–ZhX8ahGogWvLdw/join Title: “Minecraft Funny entertainment , funny , relateable : Shorts Series!” ✔ best service hosting : https://nitra.do/danishmc 󠁛󠀣󠁦󠁦󠁦󠁦󠁦󠁦󠀬󠀣󠁦󠁦󠀰󠀰󠀰󠀰󠁝 🤷‍♂️ DISCORD :- https://dsc.gg/domoish 🤳 Instagram :- https://www.instagram.com/domoish_yt/ 💀 facebook :- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555604177002 👀 TikTok :- https://www.tiktok.com/@domoish Description: Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits around every… Read More

  • Revenge of the Poor Girl in Monster School!

    Revenge of the Poor Girl in Monster School!Video Information This video, titled ‘Poor Girl Revenge In The Camp – Monster School Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Beans Craft on 2024-02-24 14:30:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. monsterschool #animation #minecraftanimation Poor Girl Revenge In The Camp – Monster School Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • Solomon World

    Solomon World!אם חיפשתם שרת יציב וטוב עם צוות מצויין והרבה הרפתקאות מצאתם את השרת הנכון .ברוכים הבאים לסולומון, השרת קיים כבר שמונה שנים והוא הותיק ביותר בישראל .הוא לפני כמה שנים התנתק מהרשת אבל החזרתי אותו .השרת שלנו כולו בעברית על מנת ליצור חוויה ישראלית. בנוסף בשרת יש הרבה מאוד עדכונים שלא כדאי לפספס ,מקווים שתאהבו ותיכנסו .צוות סולומון English: Solomon Server is an Israeli Minecraft SMP server that originally launched around eight years ago but, unfortunately, shut down a few years back. It is now back and better than ever with all new exciting adventures! The server is entirely in… Read More

  • “Hot Spike Fence Torture Challenge!” #minecraft #meme

    "Hot Spike Fence Torture Challenge!" #minecraft #meme When you thought you were building a fortress but turns out you just created a mob buffet line in Minecraft. #fail #epicfail #minecraftmishaps Read More

  • Ultimate Super Smelter Build in Minecraft PE

    Ultimate Super Smelter Build in Minecraft PE The Biggest Furnace (Super Smelter) in Minecraft PE Building the Ultimate Super Smelter In the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series, our intrepid gamer set out to create the biggest furnace ever seen in the game. With a focus on automation and efficiency, the goal was to build a super smelter that could handle massive amounts of resources with ease. Using a combination of redstone contraptions and clever design, the player managed to construct a fully automatic super smelter that would make any Minecraft engineer proud. The result was a room filled with the hum of furnaces… Read More

  • Building a Beer Paradise in CozyCraft Modpack

    Building a Beer Paradise in CozyCraft ModpackVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built a COZY Tavern! (And Made BEER) – CozyCraft Minecraft Modpack’, was uploaded by tokimi on 2024-10-16 12:34:10. It has garnered 1665 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:05 or 3065 seconds. 🖱 Link to the modpack! 🔥 CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/bcgnc 🟢 Modrinth: https://modrinth.com/modpack/bcg This series is inspired by @Jordans_Nook , so shoutout to him! 🍯 Honey Farm Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ko7s8xiaYsU 🔌 ADDED MODS: Let’s Do Meadow Replay Mod Double Doors OrthoCamera Hearth&Home Create: Slice & Dice Botany Pots Botany Trees Camera Utils Trowel Model Gap Fix Skin Layers 3D Enchanting Infuser… Read More

  • Dragon Rider: 100 Days in Minecraft

    Dragon Rider: 100 Days in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 DAYS with DRAGONS In MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Tootsie on 2024-10-06 13:30:20. It has garnered 222335 views and 10580 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:02 or 4742 seconds. Let’s attempt to survive in a World full of Dragons! • There are 3 dragon species that roam this world, each having their very own abilities: Ice, Fire and Lightning! We will attempt to tame all 3 dragon types by getting eggs from battling HUGE stage 4 and 5 dragons that live in underground lairs… And don’t think we’ll be safe at… Read More

  • SkyFalling – EPIC Revenge Alert!! @ShortGamerzOfficial

    SkyFalling - EPIC Revenge Alert!! @ShortGamerzOfficialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Revenge Lena Hai Toh Aise lo @ShortGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by SkyFalling on 2024-08-12 19:50:57. It has garnered 1281833 views and 71165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. . #minecraft #minecrafthindi #gamerfleet #senpai #technogamerz #beastboyshub #minecraftmemes #senpaispider #loyalsmp #yessmartypie #souravjoshi #technogamerz #minecrafthindi #chapatigamer #minecraftmemes #minecraft #minecrafthindi #gamerfleet #senpai #technogamerz #beastboyshub #minecraftmemes #senpaispider #loyalsmp #yessmartypie #souravjoshi #technogamerz #minecrafthindi #chapatigamer #minecraftmemes minecraft gameplay minecraft survival gameplay minecraft funny meme minecraft lifesteal smp minecraft poi poi poi minecraft video minecraft short minecraft minecraft lifesteal smp videos minecraft smp trailer minecraft smp minecraft funny short… Read More

  • Insane party and 1v1 gameplay with Prof Mush!

    Insane party and 1v1 gameplay with Prof Mush!Video Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS (parties, 1v1s and cs)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-02-12 12:49:58. It has garnered 164 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:12:28 or 7948 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests, Hive Live, Minecraft Live Stream, Hive gameplay, Minecraft bridging,… Read More

  • Nostalgic Minecraft Version From Over a Decade Ago! Click Now! #minecraftnostalgia

    Nostalgic Minecraft Version From Over a Decade Ago! Click Now! #minecraftnostalgiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘I played nostalgic Minecraft, a version dating back more than a decade… #nostalgia #minecraft #old’, was uploaded by Squeeze on 2024-04-03 15:40:21. It has garnered 124 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:12 or 252 seconds. Join me as we take a trip down memory lane in Minecraft! In this episode, we delve into a version of the game that’s over a decade old. From exploring vintage landscapes to crafting classic tools, it’s a nostalgic journey filled with adventure and discovery. Watch as we relive the magic of Minecraft’s early days,… Read More

  • Unlimited Teex: EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Multiplayer Gameplay

    Unlimited Teex: EPIC Minecraft 1.21 Multiplayer GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Live MINECRAFT sur la 1.21/GAMEPLAY FR JAVA/BEDROCK MULTIJOUEUR.’, was uploaded by Infinity-Teex on 2024-07-29 17:59:21. It has garnered 348 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 06:16:50 or 22610 seconds. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to my YouTube account to see my videos and my Streams.💛 🏆 GO 4500 SUBSCRIBERS 🏆#MINECRAFT #SURVIE #1.21 Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Wedding Fun 😂 #rabeesain #bridal

    Mind-Blowing Wedding Fun 😂 #rabeesain #bridalVideo Information This video, titled ‘@neelammuneerteam #wedding #rabeesain #bridal #youtubeshorts #trending #viral #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Funny viral shorts videos 7 on 2024-07-16 11:47:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #viralshorts #trendingshorts #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft #Daily #Short #Funny #Cute … Read More