The Biggest Minecraft Hunger Games Match Of All Time

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Our strategy is to prevent us from strategizing it is to anyone unaware minecraft ultimate is hunger games featuring nearly 250 peeps your goal is to get loot from the chests from your viewers a spot Oh Frick I forgot about that where’s the sponsor thing mmm okay so for people watching on sparkles a

Stream MCU dot live slash captain sparkles for his team and for my stream MC u dot live slash enemy okay alright I forgot about that part guys great MC you got live slash captain sparkles there we go whoops Wow I just put at a severe disadvantage so hey everybody watching

Live right now pretend it’s crowd control but only good things thank you thank you very much excited that it’s 1.9 combat because like some of these people are just like actual masters at spam clicking but like they just don’t know what to do in modern combat right

Dude right you know and that’s actually what I’m most practiced in is modern combat so college you do modern combat yeah and you’d work for mod and just takes people down wait at the one hour 45 minute mark respawns will be disable what how is this gonna last that long

It’d be it’s probably based on how they’re shrinking the border like maybe that’ll be like the last 15 minutes or something I’m gonna have to pee at some point but there’s no way I’m gonna be alive that long anyway oh my god dude so

We can fish here we can just go to the edge on fish for respawn stars that’s obviously the plan like maybe they maybe they haven’t thought about that you know where they say it’s rare but maybe rare to them is one in 50 and you like the

Two of us fishing together could get that stuff fast yeah dude easy might be the strat the big thing that I’ve been thinking about with the respawn stars is like if we’re getting caught in a battle and we know we’re not gonna make it like once someone would have to bolt early

Otherwise if you’re being chased down forever and you have to use the stars like it takes a while for the respawn to occur and they could just like camp it and kill us mmm wait so the respawn isn’t an immediate thing I don’t think so I saw on their promo video that

There’s an animation involved all day lively nerfs you don’t have to be too afraid of scaling mountains okay yeah a pair apparently you cannot die from a fall I don’t know if that’s just from full health or from any health but it says you can’t die you can

Right-click your teammate to jump on their head so you can Elektra and your teammate can be riding you Wow oh my god that’s awesome plus you could take a pee break and I could Oh true and I could fire bows while you’re alight ring from the sky furnaces smelt extra fast and

You can’t die from fall damage no matter where your health is it will always put you at half a heart no matter what still oh you got it you got to worry about the the danger of being followed and then if you get if you go down to half a heart

Being one shot so it’s really just a last like ditch effort to live if you jump off a cliff oh my goodness bro and also animation is around 20 seconds apparently for the respawn so we got a rock obama good it’s good that barack obama could send us off on this new

Adventure fall damage is super nervous so you take very right guys so probably have to do some notification catch up after things but we’ll see how it goes but thanks for tuning in because what’s up champ one’s watching my stream alright yeah i think one of the day i think

Finley’s oh wait where are these ones i thought i was teleported in the map I’m just sticking here okay so we want to go where it’s chests right yeah where are you okay you’re right wait we’re set where are the chests ah oh this way this way

The way that I’m looking because of the way the curve goes yeah okay so they’re that really far in yeah okay so go go go let’s go oh my goodness this is the farthest from the interior chests I’ve ever seen in my life yep but it sits there in there I think I

Hope is water oh yeah I see them I see them I see them oh wow this is actually kind of cool uh 14 okay I’m 13 I’m gonna make this oh I see a chest here but not much I’m just going straight in there’s big big

Chest boys in here dude oh my god I’m going for the center the center right I got an iron helmet some frickin boots chicken spawn chicken eyes I saw an iron sword get stolen crap I didn’t get anything melee oh my god dude okay you were donating tear to combat items

Nice I don’t even know what that means where do I get it I think this is all looted so yeah where are you are you I’m at the middle right now in the middle we’re toward away from the Sun or towards the Sun I’m just oh right here I

Got you I got you okay we’re right here oh go go go which way we’re going wherever there’s a fewest amount of people going it’s hard to tell that way we’ve got like 18 19 minutes so yeah we’re fine I would say I mean a little bit left I’m seeing a big

Charge of people to the right oh there’s a chest like right here nothing yeah but that that was definitely looted okay okay hey dude okay so Oh people are donating stuff thank you guys who are giving things this is pretty Swick dude okay so mods I

Don’t know if you’ve got a commands oh my inventory is getting things bro okay so because I feel like being a little bit cancerous I feel like you guys should go to other people’s streams and say you should don’t they should donate to antvenom or captain sparkles I don’t

Think oh I’m just wait you guys are legends my boots oh my god alright I see a little area over here that’s got like some things like he’s like lantern type things oh yeah there’s a chest in here nothing yeah okay we’re getting some stuff Oh some leggings boys alright do

We go up into Jerry’s rear I mean we could see what’s up there if we can get up there before anyone else I got scared a bit iron do an iron helmet here here yes I get you this I get you these whole thing oh and I got a wooden sword

Alright got some weaponry nice nice I did well we should just head over to this village over here probably yeah go for it and chest over here actually okay I did see someone have an iron sword from the center so oh I see another chest over here I’m going for it

All right I got an ender pearl nice nothing so let’s cross the river yeah oh god there’s no fast swimming we’re 1.12 whoopsies oh thank you for Apple much appreciate the guys seems like hungers not too big of an issue that is looted oh my god then there’s no way this village isn’t

Looted but keep in mind this is we have a kilometer to travel if we just like yeah we should we can check the village but I you know I think we should keep going out or okay so into the wilderness a bit see what we come across hey I got

You some ironic boats okay all right um not especially looted so maybe take that out you guys are legends with your item gifts I just need a better sword now is all same I don’t know probably that looted did some people just directly run out at the start maybe actually hang on

I’ve got some I’ve got some chests along my route so I’m gonna check this out what the heck first elimination first blood did they jump at the lava what I just got an Electra and I have a firework nice brah oh flint and steel let’s go

I mean that’s risky I guess cuz it really like reduces your durability but yeah anyway a little bit dude we could actually go for a ride do you want to go for a ride uh wait so you have two Electra’s or I have an Electra and a firework

I mean or should we save that for another time maybe maybe like for an escape situation yo golden sword nice yeah maybe I should save it we need food cuz hunger starting go down I’m gonna stop jumping while running cuz that okay takes up a lot there’s chests over here

Okay I’m gonna check the one that’s along the tree over here nd Pro boys nice so we both have an ND pearl now ah nice a little bit of food and bull okay so nobody be upset with me who’s watching if our inventory starts to fill up and we have to start

Discarding items that you might have gifted so just a thing but we appreciate you it’s popping off yeah I mean I think every probably everyone’s gonna need to you know maintain their inventory so well there’s a lot of people over here whole bunch yeah well we’re not gonna

Get ya so beer right maybe I’m almost curious about this like colored mushroom thing area thing to see if there’s any more chests here we are starting to find some gaps in the chest though dude I don’t know how I’m gonna it’s it’s so much pressure to like figure out oh wait

Okay it’s so much nicer to know like when to swap out to a light ray get you to like jump on my back and go yeah you want to test I’ll test it I’ll right-click on you and see how easy it is okay oh yeah it simple is right click

And shift it’s there’s nothing nothing more to it and shifting it off yeah okay so that’s like a cool ship over there but I wonder if it’s been looted I don’t know you wanna check it out – the Oh a spawn a horse we don’t have a leggings

Though toss some stuff out alright I wondering oh we’ve got finster behind us but again we’ve still gotten many minutes yeah we did I really need a better weapon I’m still wooden sword oh wait should we go back to the center because in eight minutes the chest refilled only 15 minutes will have

Elapsed and we’ll have another couple minutes to get out oh really so apparently when the chests get refilled only one item gets put into them oh so refill my real a refill feel like a lot of people are gonna have that idea but okay you want to do it ship

Then I mean we could I don’t know we can see let’s hmm stone sword oh I do have a stone sword now cool you know what let’s let’s allow the donation period let’s let’s let people donate us you know iin swords and God can you donate an iron

Sword I I don’t know I hope so oh I was a middle chest don’t refill apparently Oh get to know yeah I would have been a bummer yeah that was act alright oh it’s random I see so you just you just choose like a combat item and then

It gives something okay so it prevents you know you from guarantee stacking someone up yeah I pay like hundreds of dollars okay that makes sense all right we’re not being followed at the moment and grace periods another 12 minutes I mean I leggings dude oh there’s so many people everywhere though arrows leather

Crap I’m gonna turn left do you think that might be a good idea try and get tortured and whatever cuz we keep encountering people and we’re we’re like the centers behind us right now so oh my god this boot oh we I have found the edge yeah and all right down there

Alright well there’s our boy alright keep getting combat items that don’t heal leggings I’ve so much iron stuff but yeah I might start slat walking here soon just you know walking without sprinting because I’ve got a piece of chicken left I have I have chicken oh I

Have a couple food I can give you here their own ice there if you need it I do have some mobs that we can spawn too if we want okay Oh cooked fish that’s gonna help a lot can I just say I don’t mean

To jinx it but I feel like we’re at the you know the point were past the point of most pressure this has been surprisingly smooth so far it has been not a great deal likes you doodles going on another firework rocket boys nice what we actually could do in order to

Conserve food is sit on top of each other’s heads oh my god will that work yeah yeah cuz it shows like a horse oh my god I wonder if they thought of that and they like make oh I have a spawn rabbit so I guess for food interesting

Oh that’s what we could do honestly is like someone needs to sort their inventory stand on top doing that right now man there’s people there’s so many people yeah I’ve made 229 maybe we should head back in I feel like people are probably sticking towards the Jews yeah okay that’s another to not

Like big but just kind of more in okay I got I got to lose some stuff otherwise here can you oh there’s more yeah go go go I mean we’re good when grace periods for ten minutes yeah it’s not like it’s gonna matter much oh you haven’t Ori oh yeah okay to lose

Here I don’t think I need an ocelot probably don’t think I need a little bit of food wolf if we had bones could be kind of cool but mmm don’t think I need the stone axe other things cobwebs would be nice if I made quick with them oh my

God when we can break mushrooms Oh for food oh nice yeah do we have wood or bowls can we can we break the wood I don’t think so it’s not how it works no we can’t all right well I still oh you’ve harvested your fair share of

These crops it’s limited on how to harvest let’s see if this works oh we might actually have a wolf on our side now kind of cool nice okay there’s someone’s gonna be able to create like a wolf army my camera turns off I’m sorry guys it’s giving me like an overheating warning

Alright um I’m trying to figure out what to do with my iron stuff cuz I don’t want to just like give it to somebody but I don’t want it more people over there Oh horses have saddles let’s see that’s what I was thinking is that they might have them automatically oh I mean

Here let’s find out can we oh yeah yeah go for her no it doesn’t uh oh we have a mushroom stew you cannot fight while riding a horse yeah oh I got a Dimond nice so are we just leaving the horse behind I guess so yeah there’s not much

Would you really kill it so nobody else can get it I mean will they have a saddle I don’t think you’re really doing much they might let’s just keep keep going for things uh we get viral I don’t know have it if we get a

Piece of wood then if we get two wooden planks then we can get them and I’ve gotten cobblestone so I don’t know it’s kind of weird though they got cobblestone though do you not look order shrine went on a teammate Oh Tier one combat item I’ll see I got some cooked

Rabbit oh yeah we can do melons maybe if we can place them down or let us hold on yeah we can go up here and try these melons let me see nothing Oh Oh you get a single watermelon a single one oh no oh I’m getting a lot of

Combat items now but no no no iron leggings I only was just doing this I’m gonna throw a fricking stuff in a chest I have to otherwise my inventory is just totally building someone’s gonna hit the jackpot on this and I’m gonna be so sad yeah alright so chests refills in two

Minutes should we try and like hunker down find a location I feel like we’ve seen a lot of chests sprawled out around here but of Cour and I see people were there whenever I can kill the horse I wonder if I can kill the horse oh that

Would be funny actually oh I’m trying it grace period is ain’t over yet but oh you can’t do it doesn’t let you know or says the horse is protected dang bummer hey all right well we gotta separate I guess I’m gonna I’ll climb on your head

And I guess he’s trying all right how are you how are you trying to get a screenshot when we’re in the middle of a freaking Hunger Games bra right you wait say say like if they give you item and then you’ll allow a screenshot it was an iron sword

Okay that’s we charge people here dude nothing’s free I strategy it’s tongs you know got it you gotta take advantage if you’re good at something never do it for free wait he said yes he said yes hang on what’s higher and sword I said hang on okay if you have an iron sword

Was rky the dude you were talking with before I think that was the person who was in or yet riding around us trying to get screenshot but I don’t think we should do that people are gonna call foul I don’t know man I don’t know

People are gonna call BS on that dude I love it do people yeah no no no no no no no no you’re good at something never do it for free all right we got a chest to the right over there and we do probably looted very looted yeah well I would

Actually do though you know bleep and go to three Oh people going right to it there on their electric so are they yeah you know we could do though it’d be kind of fun is we just like yeah wait we just like once grace period runs out we just

Kind of chill wait for the donation items to come in god forbid we run into difficulty would you select your firework out of that I got two fireworks okay right so like yeah we have far far away we get somewhere else so stick around here stick around here four

Seconds three seconds two seconds so grace prediction store 100 for the chest chest refill you’re near a bunch of old helmet okay if you need if you need to swap out for hunger let me know I mean we’re all there there aren’t that many chests wow that is there’s one up on the

Hill Slayer is right yeah it’s only one item in each one no see how you get like really lucky for you get an iron sword no leather helmet not great okay um I wonder if there’s oh I see a bunch of skeletons down there so I got a fishing

Rod that’s actually pretty good that’s the other bow you need do you need a bow oh no oh um maybe we should go towards the edge of the water down just past that ship and fish for a while I don’t know those respawn things dude yeah I mean dude nobody’s going for them

We’ve got four more minutes of grace period so it’s a matter of do we think we’re gonna get anything better I don’t know what the differences are in between like what can get via the donations versus what you can get in the chest oh oh that

Actually hurt yeah sorry I mean only a little bit like it’s fine okay I’m gonna you might want to dismount then while we’re in here and we got people looking at us right now yeah that’s fine oh he’s got an iron golem as a pet that hurts

Yeah well no I mean I wouldn’t want to mess around with uh wouldn’t want to mess around with an iron golem bro arrow is slowness oh that’s actually nice what’s my arrow era weakness that could be big that could be big I think I need

The donkey do we hide or do we like we’re at three min three and a half minutes so it might be a good idea to try and if we’re gonna hunker down to do it we could go behind the ship over there okay God people of iron golems all over

Man that guy he has to the suits are following us really Tobias gaming is just like following us okay I have no idea what he’s doing he’s not saying anything so hmm I think this dude like straight up thinks he’s gonna like just kill us solo what’s his name Tobias mom yeah I

Think so we can D mod him see what it is – 25 Oh God really yeah cool do it during the grace period all right ah do you want it do you want to prep your Elektra flight though oh dude I did get an iron golem though

Nice nice nice spawn oh there we go good stop so he is well he is just camping us okay so yeah we could we could do that just fly away be like peace out bro no of course there’s always the danger of flying directly into someone else I mean

You can kind of see what things are around you so you want to get up to a vantage point right now I’m fine yeah oh okay all right go go go and he’s running away what if he’s like tuning into our streams like sniping what we’re saying

God yeah no way there is no way to stop stream sniping on this yeah that would be awful if they were doing that cuz like I think trying to bargain with other people’s fine you’re not really at an unfair advantage there he’s pretty far back there he’s with someone else so

Maybe he’s with his teammate yeah well if we a lighter up onto a tree that doesn’t have access oh man wait for donors up on a tree oh my god I love this oh yeah people might have it although we’ll just have to find a place but then oh then they’ll have taken

Damage and we will have recovered and we’ll be at an advantage that’s actually a legit idea okay I’m seeing those trees you see that that waterfall that’s right next to us there’s like a cluster of trees just there if you like a light reply Tway the paper is a respawn thing

Excuse me what why would they make it look like a damn piece of paper oh my god are you kidding hold on what chest Jesus Christ oh did you miss one of the paper things no apparently someone like gave a thing oh my god all right well I

Don’t know which chest so honestly it might be a better idea for us to set up on top of a tree like sooner rather than later if that’s what we’re gonna do yeah hold on I didn’t know that was I thought it was just a freaking piece of paper

Which one oh no no no it wasn’t it wasn’t um someone didn’t gift it it was a in a chest and I just overlooked it because it wasn’t a piece of paper oh I don’t remember which one it was minute 33 and the guy at the guys word that

We’re chasing us are over there so be careful alright hold on what do you want to do I mean I there’s still plenty of time to just Electrify our work so I’m not terribly concerned yet but prep some food I yeah I might have been taken I don’t know that’s so dumb the

A piece of paper uh yeah rip yeah I thought it was gonna be like ‘hot paper is charity vouchers apparently okay okay it’s not a real I thought it was gonna be another star all right ah minute ten yeah if it like a nether star makes sense yeah okay cuz I

Think they said star like I could have sworn they said yeah they did okay so um we got a few people we got – I’m thinking the trees on top of one of these trees yeah I mean they could obviously pearl up there but alright um

You know I will have the advantage if we see the pearl coming oh god what the why did it not my firework did not go off you want me to try uh hold on is it not a thing that works maybe you can select your fire going on 1.12 you can’t

Electrify our work in 1.12 I’m not sure I’m pretty sure you could always light a firework hold on I know it no let me try this again no it doesn’t Oh balls that doesn’t work Oh God okay doesn’t work alright well we need to wait they disabled baby staying down maybe say

Staying down here’s the play everyone’s gonna think go up high into the trees but we got people in this in that underwater thing over there it’s careful there’s people over there yeah like behind the waterfall guys I know how to electrify ur work I’ve done I literally

Was doing it non-stop earlier today it’s not working here okay it’s now working alright oh there’s like an entrance behind the waterfall there is yeah acid you want to check it out alright cuz we’ve only got 21 seconds so hiding and then checking out of new areas like

Potential how do we get out of here uh hope we don’t have to roll up I don’t think yeah it’s not working wait I got a I got a journal oh we can just go up this waterfall okay cuz we only got 11 seconds so we want to be like stupidly

Careful now guys the firework does not work I don’t know what to tell ya but I do need to put my chess plays oh wait explore Alphonse there are other people there I got Alfonso’s Journal okay well there’s nothing here so what are we doing hiding behind the waterfall

I guess we paid out donations guys this is your this is the time for donations okay we’ve got 40 minutes until the board is free I don’t know you want me to see in game chat folks I don’t know what you want it literally doesn’t the firework doesn’t work the electric

Doesn’t work I don’t know what to tell you Oh Cara is the first para fist loris oh no you know what I like about this we can’t really be dropped directly down on top of because we’re in a table where you know overhead Oh apparently it works

When wait it does work it’s wonderful scene in space maybe it’s because you’re on me you can’t fly with someone on you know I could I saw that someone could fly but maybe the firework doesn’t work that way Finley said you can do it you need space

To fly first I don’t know what to tell you man I’ve liked it I’m jumped off a cliff and it didn’t do it so I kind of like our strategy right now I mean guys we need we need mad donations right now what do we need most of we’re a little

Bit short on food and we don’t have the greatest weapons so if you can get us if one of you guys can get us that iron sword combo wombo like that would be follow the light and the truth will set you free what does that mean pretty

Ominous but some fish but maybe it’s got something to do with the maze you might want to keep that in mind when exploring so there’s some maze but I get an oh I got an iron sword boys nice so Alfonso has some sort of thing going on with him

There’s some kind of Easter egg deal so we could fish because we’re near water oh yeah I know no mana I’m gonna take that Stone sword though because I have you guys I only had a word I only had a stone axe all right I mean you could fish I don’t

Know if the with the mod that item gets deposited directly in your inventory or if it just pops out but I mean click we’re not we’re not in the first 20 to die nice dude we’re crushing hmm okay so I’m just really trying to sort out this

Electra thing cuz everybody is like you can do it and even the even one of the devs is saying you can do it but it’s not doesn’t seem to be working do you want me to try it I know like I know how to do it it’s just the firework

Doesn’t even fire like even if you fail a firework will at least go off the firework when it does true well if you’re looking at the ground it will what do you mean if you like if you’re just pointing at air and you’re not flying and you launch a firework it

Won’t go off there’s only if you’re looking at something I mean I was literally Elektra racing earlier today me there’s a donkey with a saddle over there I’m thinking saddle kill it get out or grab the saddle if we find a horse might be an opportunity I mean I

Don’t know if I want to go out into the open now wait do you – oh hold on you don’t have an iron chestplate what is going on oh yeah no I’m I think I just got that recently but here actually you know what I’m gonna I’m gonna break the additional

Melons here give me a more good call cuz I have an axe I try and keep an eye out here or does think the axe give you more no I just makes it faster all right oh my god these eliminations though we I think we made the right call at the very

Least with hiding so that we’re not in the middle of the bloodbath right away yeah hidden button next to door oh I see names above us major above sweet weight emerald I know that there’s something to do with this bye wait I can there is a button I hold

On we’re right here okay the Emerald probably a door yeah it is let’s go wait maybe you could hit it again and close I don’t know actually I don’t think there’s a button yeah there could be traps in here be careful and get string though Oh true true can break leaves as

Well there’s a room in here we could enderpearl into this massive room and see what’s in there hold on where are you where’d you go back at the start okay hi go go go dude there’s a big room that we could not pearl in you and just chill let’s do

It I got a pearl hold on do we just chill and collect stuff waited says follow the light though we should follow like there could be like good stuff in here okay let’s explore it before we go back to that room around that room dude yeah just crouch our way through just

Watch out for trip wires yeah okay light is this way more light we do have two pearls dude I got two pearls at least I mean you have I have one so okay I’ll be good my life just scared me that that’s that was broken by the way

And leave me yeah that might not be intentional I can’t I figure but we could still use it dude oh the border makes y us that’s true we have 37 minutes until the border shrinks oh ok so you know we could sound a 10 minutes we can’t find our way out then we’ll

Panic but alright the light is still going around this way Motz you’re to combat item uh what what No ok nothing nothing good enough this place just keeps going follow the light but there could I’m just gonna go over here see if there’s anything probably not because that’s not

Following the light oh my god my iron golem just scared me dude alright watch like we survived till the very end because we were trapped inside a maze that yes you could our way through that would be really fun oh I have a golden carrot now okay that’s gonna be really good

Oh uh uh new mossy cobblestone okay by the way thanks for the prime subs but if this just like leads to an exit and that’s all it was yeah um more light yeah we’ve got more like more cannons in every direction Oh more mossy cobblestone two of them this time so

We’re on a unique path wait can we take the torches I wonder oh we got something a chest I let’s be really careful for like traps or do the boots on the thing – looking swig you would I have I’m scared I’m scared ok here’s my recommendation stand in

Between for blogs because if there’s a pillow and that gives you the best chance what about on the leaf I bet the piston mechanism doesn’t do the leaf oh well know that you can well hang on let me let me stand up here Finley says nothing nothing will unlike

Us he shouldn’t be saying I guess nothing to be Matlin’s boot prot 1 iron boots ok alright Oh charity voucher now you know what do those do it says +1 voucher collected for your charity 3 total I guess maybe it just likes you know money being donated at

The end or something oh so not really anything worthwhile I guess I we can at least clean up our inventories a little bit yeah I think we’re like pretty safe in here for a moment at least for the next 35 minutes we’re safe in here like

Did that’s what I like ok is there anything else that we should do so I I’m gonna actually spawn some chickens and you just get them out so I can get food ok now go I need you to come with me I’m out no wait the chicken follows me – oh

I’m so sorry for all iving the chicken now wait they all follow you do do you say I’m alive Intuit the the yellow icon word yet cannot be spoken that yes I do I didn’t realize it’s a pet it just follows you I thought it was for food I

Mean it does give chicken you can kill it no I did the first one cuz I didn’t realize I was a city boy I could spawn a rabbit but if that ain’t gonna help how you doing on food cuz I actually have a decent amount I’m okay

I’ve got cooked chicken the thing is I have a mushroom stew and I can make three more so like I’m pretty solid for a while I’ve got got a raw rabbit three cooked porkchop raw pork chop three raw chicken raw beef nine melons two raw salmon so we out here alright Eric wants

Me to do something for luck and I’m gonna do it for him I’m gonna bond the rabbit and then I’m going to kill it Wow because because now I have a rabbit hide which is good luck well it’s more rattling so rabbits pretty good luck yeah rabbits WIPA close enough and now

He’s gonna he’s gonna donate to me and it’s gonna be an iron sword oh that’s what you’re doing I see yes it’s calling it calling it right now iron sword is what I’m about to get Wow killer bear I got a freaking polar bear where’s my hope my iron golem is still

Alive it isn’t suffocating a wall somewhere because that would be a bummer Oh Eric if we get an iron sword I’m dedicating this wing to you I will never you know what Eric ID MOT Eric alot fur for lols if this donation is an iron sword this

Exact I’m not I’m never D modding him again yeah just guys are really an iron sword oh my god let’s go wow I got five arrows I could make some arrows over that would use my sticks and we might want it for a diamond sword God if I got one more

Diamond we would be so so out here I’m never D modding him again ever you have a back and forth with one person of the the issue causing lag seems to be the massive amount of pets all right there laughing I wouldn’t know I haven’t seen another human that’s not my

Teammate in a while yeah how are you doing on arrows cuz I give you some ah one slowness arrow one weakness arrow I think I’m probably gonna want to use the weakness err you don’t have regular arrows no oh brah well thanks alright um guys and

Chat ok question is do you have mop question and chat and your chat – I guess if you have multiple types of arrows how does the game determine which one you fire first is it’s obviously like your hotbar but then like does it go from the top left of your venturi and

Cycle through because I’m like sorting the arrow so it fires the right ones on the right order offhand as firsts wait put the effect one in the offhand I actually do that can we do this is that legal I didn’t know that was the thing we go I have 5 fireworks now

That’s legit like you can bow you can offhand bow okay so so hot bar okay so I’ll just go from the left side of the hot bar and it’s top left in inventory or and then a hot bar yeah so I would figure hot bar would be first

Then it’s top left of inventory I’m not sure though and I don’t want to go firing the arrow okay so a minute I’m on this guy I don’t can be a diamond apparently that’s where you get it okay offhand hot bar top left okay cool

I’m gonna go with top left then to keep it out of my inventory thanks guys okay thank you for the chest plate I had to toss it though unfortunately so there are experience models so I don’t know if I’ve ate fireworks now if only we get the freaking electra to work

Sporter shrink like we can you can straight-up hide in here for a while I don’t know if we want to stay crouched to the whole time but so the border shrink to be clear like that’s not the border is shrinking that is the border will be shrinking oh that’s a good call

Other thing is when we were by the border before it was blue so that doesn’t mean it’s actively shrinking okay I think I get my another iron sword what you’re saying is it’s not gonna be shrinking for the next 32 minutes it will shrink in 32 minutes yeah I don’t

Know that’s what I’m wondering poet wait pokes down Okies debt I want to go make fun of them where is he I appreciate your random item Pete is eliminated again we’re hidden fishing rods for days okay we’re getting the arrows reading arrows way if I see him I

Go make fun of them now I want to focus I’ll make fun of them later for dying before me Oh Pete’s dead to me with his it seemed like I did what was this Demartini mod minus five okay I thought he was gonna have like a minus 25

Honestly it’s I don’t know who his partner was uh yeah that’s true okay that’s right another life oh that’s sick actually yeah if you got a lot of wool polar bear dude this is the legit is strategy is just it’s just chill you know in a place and let the freakin

Items flow to you this is how you do it boys cuz normally yeah if you’re camping you’re not making progress here we can camp and to make progress which by the way MC u dot live select chef and I’m are slash CaptainSparklez yeah don’t hit anything that you want we’re you know

We’re doing pretty good right now but you know we don’t we don’t have perfect armor so you just need iron leggings it refuses to give me iron leggings that’s my biggest issue yeah oh wait what do I got uh yeah same I mean the thing is we’re

An iron were decked out I I hope there’s no like hidden way to enchant that we’re just missing out on and when we walk out everyone’s gonna be decked out in full enchantments I got a bottle but other than that I don’t know if like taking

People out gives you levels I just had a 600 IQ idea read the wolves give the bull wait wait you and you need a bowl there’s a bowl in the chest if you need it oh no no I don’t plan for I’m taking Nemo with me sorry um maybe we look

Around this labyrinth a little bit if there’s a single water spot anywhere we could fish here too let’s see Oh apparently you can you there’s an enchantment table mid okay so I mean really I think we’re just looking to last at least like an hour to make

Content out of this right yet a freaking another diamond though I mean that we would be we would be great cuz I don’t think people are finding like as much diamond gear in chests hmm I do have a stick though so I have three sticks and

I also have another iron sword nice we would need a crafting bench though so that means we got to find one of those for a diamond so I did see one it was over at the ship that we came from but that’s on the edge of the manor yeah

Guys I really don’t think we can breed once if we survived two below like sixtyish people then people are gonna be very sparsely spread out right so like it’s not gonna be quite you know there’ll be three times fewer people so that it might be a good idea to poke our

Heads out at that true true and we’ll also have to deal with the border shrinkage at that point too yeah yeah god I just want to keep random rolls so we can try to get a diamond too boys I I mean hey honestly I think we should probably stay here until 10 minutes

Before the border shrink because I don’t know how fast it shrinks if a mod if a dev is watching and it’s okay to say it how fast does the border shrink like how many blocks per second or seconds per block like let’s no or very slow okay

He’s not gonna tell me exactly but he says very slowly which to me probably means it’s not going to be quite minecraft mondays where it says it takes an hour to get to the middle oh whoa so when the border starts shrinking it’s probably not gonna stop which means

It’ll take an hour to get to the middle so that’s that’s the soft and rage baby sheep egg oh yeah I just need another if I got an apple I could make AG Apple I didn’t think about not hey can you guys get out of our chow snipers no oh okay

Yes dude we’re we’re doing strategies we were in the middle of heated combat right now you get you got a chill are you yeah I feel like that I don’t feel like we’re just taking people down left and right bro I heard that your tongue no no I got

Two diamonds boys that’s what I’m – okay we need to find a crafting table then on an Android phone ara ara thank you very much I I don’t know I’m pretty sure that I’m set to the right output if if Jordan this whole time has not been telling me I’ve been

On my my bad mic no I’m on my venom you sound fine he sounds muffled for me mmm use your connections but he’s distracting us he’s distracting us that’s what he’s why would I be distracting you what do I gain from that I joined because you someone’s and

People on my chat were saying that you’re talking crap people in my chat wanted to talk about half a lack of another that’s because they’re stupid and dumb okay so you have an iron sword just to be clear oh no we’re okay we’re gonna leave bye bye guys later go back

To original one okay come on guys my god guys get out please leave like now please or or mutant listen I don’t care it’s fine but rock we want to play Oh apparently there might have been a respawn because it says 131 and then bracket 1 mm er so I’m almost feeling

That happened here let me see if it’s a seven no the the voice channels are not locked for the people who are in the discord finnaly actually just told me he could lock the channel if we want I think it’s fine but if people start getting aggressive about it yeah that’d be cool

Okay they respected our desire to leave our so I’ll leave the iron sword what am I gonna do with I could keep it I guess I’ll hang on to it okay so people are saying that like I didn’t let my Electra unfurl enough for the fireworks

So it only takes like a quarter second for that so which it would know it would be like there’s a difference in 112 instead of later versions if that were the case because I definitely did it normally so works boys all right oh and I have three fireworks as well so if I

Happen if I get an Electra and see you dot live slash F and I’m let me start depositing here if only I could get another Apple we would be so sick yeah I also have I have three sticks that I can use towards just more arrows which is nice

God if only we had crafting table only we’d a crafting table I wasn’t so far away oh my god more more deaths like it’s like almost halfway down I love it it’s crazy dude and it’s not like a point system or anything either where you know

Us just sitting here is a bet is a problem like the winner is the winner okay so I guess I’ll have to try the electro when we get actually that would be a good thing to do like whenever we leave here I could try using the electro

To get back to that ship and then we can elect her back from there or something all right something to keep in mind I guess yes so that’s a good idea if the firework thing just straight up never works maybe enderpearl up higher and then use your additional height to

Be able to fly further if you like fly down at like a 30 or 40 degree angle until you know you can’t go down any more and then you go up at a 30 or 40 degree angle you can fly for like very long periods of time would be Elijah hmm

Like if you get high enough you could potentially fly across the whole map for free okay Michaels teammate is dead okay so Michaels got to try and get him respawned okay I’m putting a bit of food in there because I have so much food in my inventory I don’t even know what to

Do with it so yeah I’m getting rid of like the the really bad wall stuff yeah I’m keeping like I’m keeping Nemo Nemo and the rabbit hide oh I have lapis so if we already yeah I don’t I doubt it requires laughy’s oh if it does I’ve got two of them yeah someone

Saying do I prefer a combat material food or pet item on I wonder like what having a barrage of wolves will be like but hmm I do wonder actually if apples can be got from leaves how many regular arrows do you have by the way I have a 20

Okay so we’re both pretty pretty even I have 16 hmm at this point I’m thinking materials if diamonds come via materials that would be the big play right now what do you mean coveted materials I don’t know what people have to donate for for us to get diamonds

It’s a miscellaneous item that’s how I do it okay yeah okay so people give a misc it’s a chance of a diamond I assume pretty low but I’ve gotten two so far so well I also want to like be sure I’m still standing on a leaf in case there’s

Like a trap too don’t think there are but wait quiet for a sec okay there’s a cow above us all right I I started hearing footsteps I got scared even though they’re above us hmm yeah you don’t see any names okay I think I also hear your column well we

Got a person we got a man’s dude okay okay oh you don’t to you oh my god okay yeah I’m good I’m good okay all right arrows Aaron bow and arrow already at they’re ready they’re gonna be ready on it though all right just note they were they were treated

They were treated okay well then get back here okay get back here cuz we have that we have the tunnel that we can shoot down yeah they retreated all the way must I got a good ah they might be coming back they’re crouching now okay I see yep God dang it

Wasted the gavel oh you a tagged Apple I thought I was lower on health and I thought they might come in I did not want to be caught out okay so oh the firework is it just the firework rocket there’s no explosion yeah left hand bow

Is bad I think that was it’s hard to stop the arrow from firing an arrow and waste him yeah I get it if I get hit with my weakness arrow then I’m I might go ahead I think there are polar bear yeah I think they are leaving

Okay uh yeah I could use some miscellaneous items maybe even combat now if I can get more TNT that would be nice no I didn’t with those guys anyone we know I did all I know is their teams were red and one of them has a very

Short name so I think that might have been our KY and Sammy I’m not sure that maybe we’re just trying to give us that iron sword did they say anything in chat I don’t think so and no they they lit a piece of TNT so they’re attacking

All right so 232 more people and we’re in the top half yeah dude we poppin off okay yeah you’ve still got that gap effect I see it yeah we need to get an apple and then I can make another one alright guys don’t stream tonight but I

Will take this advice and tell if the sparkles that apparently they’re out of the base now but but but no more ghosting guys like don’t don’t do that yeah snitches get stitches boys don’t do it yeah okay golden carrot isn’t good eat that before next battle alright

Anything else I should get rid of before we go now we have to be careful when we exit because for all we know they’re standing right outside just kind of I mean we could just we can just like run out Elektra and firework ace Apple a Pegasus

That you spoke about I never saw it big area the the one that we could enter pearl to that you said may not be intentional for us to be able to hold the box the empty box I mean wow we have if you have two ender pearls we could

I’ve only got one it’s it’s sketch if you only have one that’s the only problem okay all right I mean do we want to do we want to try to get to ship the ship maybe yeah I think the crafting table there I want to wait for two more

Deaths I want us to be able to say we were top hat okay all right there’s 229 we got to be below 140 oh one person Pearl’s was someone on the back I wonder if that would work I think it would no that would be really funny cuz

Like I’m thinking nice I’m thinking about it code wise and it’s like when you teleport it’s still gonna say I’m riding you so it’s just gonna put me to where you are I think if I’m or easin thank you all right yeah let’s let’s wait until either until 1:14 or until

Border shrink it’s ten minutes to more people and then we’ll be top half guarantees okay yeah and by the way we were told that I was just told that we might get stuck if we go to that one area well we feeling out loud that’s the thing yeah but the ships probably a

Better idea all right 116 two more two more and then we’re leaving we just need two more people to die in the meantime you’re free to go to sup on stuff if you want still need iron pants yeah yeah yeah guys absolutely yes still need another diamond so that we

Can both get a diamond sword oh you’ve got one diamonds as well no I don’t you said you have three right now I have two then we need two more diamonds it’s okay just means more donations hmm why guys you got this uh I just got golden ingots

Yeah I have eight and I just need an apple okay oh how I ate an apple earlier I didn’t think about it yep so did I so did I I didn’t think we’d be getting the golden gets for it so all right what do you

Think hey you think we get it wait hold on it’s like a chest refill or something I mean we could ensure our survival until the border comes in if we really want it to uh so wait wait say that again I think I missed it so you can place the cobblestoned yeah so we could go into the place and then flat Oh and just survive until the border I

Think we could do that now we could we can do that right here we could do block ourselves in literally down the middle and we gotta use ender pearls to get out actually we could yeah we could pearl it that’s actually really funny dude the cobblestone was that valuable dude the

Cobblestones legendary oh man let’s see oh my god well I have three cobblestone so I’m gonna keep it in my inventory now oh here let me give you the other one then so we’re knock you playing multiple things we if we do it we will genuinely be stuck in there permanently we could

Do this and like pearl out but yeah one thing yeah actually what I was thinking is I don’t know how thick the this flooring is but like stacking myself up keeping my face up against the roof and trying to glitch through it where this

Is like this is why you have +5 V bud who’s in the top half who’s in the top yeah exactly dude one more and we’re playing we’re playing the long game it’s not like we’re gonna go out and be under gear dude pearl into the area block it

Off and that would be the most legendary move ever we knew our position in life and we decided be Buddhist I feel that would be like that would be a legendary way to go imagine the people spectating us oh man just bait items guy also just use the

Two cobblestone block ourselves in right or three cobblestone just block it in here you know you know strat for charity is we try and get so many food donations that we always get golden apples like every couple seconds and we just survive the border I mean we need like $1,000 a second yeah

That I don’t think that’s gonna work super well but I got a lap bees nice I really have to pee I don’t know if I should pee here though because people have gotten in don’t wig um go quick I’ll try it wait oh no nope I heard things that’s been bad time all

Right should we we’re top half so really even yeah I guess so okay so we gotta follow the light out yep okay I would say Crouch the whole time hopefully they’re not sniping us against those other streams and saying oh you know snitches get stitches I’ll spawn the

Polar bear wolf when we get out guys by the way you want to try this now just for the sake of it I punch you with my fist to see if it hits you sure just just a No oh it doesn’t okay cool it does not all right see that’s big my TNT

Does okay yeah okay so explosions external sources so an arrow might actually hurt you I don’t think so I mean hmm not only its moly charged one I don’t I don’t think it’ll it’ll hit you because the air the arrow has like an ownership flag from acquired it so

Okay I think I think the way teams work that won’t do to you I don’t know what you guys are talking about my sword is in my hand what are you on about maybe my sword wasn’t in my hand but I’m in bows wait did Mitch go down oh no

Nevermind I don’t think so all right I’m ready this way I think yeah lights off hand boat yeah I’m not the off hand bow was was not good guys I can’t cancel the arrows with the off hanbô if we get like a bunch of pieces of wood we could

Potentially make a shield oh and shield are huge if we can get them so and I I don’t have an iron and get though and I know I need one the lights of this way I think or is it not he’s over here oh I see another light source no nevermind

You album coming back okay ah Feeny’s sword why would I off hand sword these pets are gonna gonna ruin our cover I don’t I don’t think often does off Ian sword work I wouldn’t try it honestly like I don’t think so well maybe a dollar you can’t off in disorder there’s a

Parrot above us I’m hearing I know I’ve been hearing that thing chirping I wonder if they’re like following us upstairs or something like crouched things looking down yeah they want that they want that spanking skill they want that revenge kill ha ha see what I did there

Wait why would it be a revenge kill a revenge the song your song caps oh oh I see I see memes I I thought I was like I even taken anyone out that’s uh are we following the light properly maybe not all right we gotta find some torches

Maybe they took the torches on the way out to trap us that would be annoying oh wait oh wait nvm they can’t you tried breaking a torch we tried this I are dumb I see a lot of light this way that’s that’s not working I think this is where we came from though

Oh you’re right you are right I remember that turn okay yeah so now we’re going the right way Oh foot and steel but I don’t know why our eyes I have whatever you have you guys got to the end above this by the way what do you mean the maze that

You’re in we’re dead we’re dead we’re okay have you guys got to the end yes yes we’ve ended off to go that we’ve ended off to other people in the process or you just go in here we were I don’t want to let go revealing our strats and

Please don’t stream tonight but right now okay no you can chill if you want to listen in like get to get a live commentary just yeah yeah we hang out we hang out we’ll just wash you we were I was just going to say if you didn’t know how to

Get to the end you could we do Oh God what if they closed the maze on us I think I feel like I’m going backwards now wait were you trying to get to the entrance you guys were just there and aunt literally just all the entrance a

Minute ago and ice you got yeah you you were like a step away from the interest and then you turned around I’m panicking okay this way I remember I remember this but I answer you won’t like a different mic by chance no I don’t know no find the sparkles and

I’m not gonna worry about maybe just being dumb it might be this one you sound a little greenie for me I don’t know a little day at the beach action I have no idea man you’re all good yeah well we uh we have a lot of extra time

So if we screw this up and we hang on I’m just gonna oh we have we’re back we’re back well okay cool okay oh oh oh great what oh we definitely came from this way okay no is this path here okay let’s just continue maybe we should like try

And actually just kind of get out of here a little quickly ya know if you’re trying to get out the trick to all to get out of amazing sync to the right side or left side same thing and eventually either way yeah yeah the thing is there is a hint within a book

That said follow the light so oh yeah we we found another another one of the the maze one of the puzzles even brought us to a slide puzzle that we spent like 30 minutes on it died immediately after we left but it gave us the book – from a

Villager what was this it might have been this where are you got it got it we’re good got it nice okay cool all right what’s the plan still there it’s still there what this all the way end tempting me paper attempting temptress what’s on like team seven okay

All right oh my boys the love you bus the walk notify you can you could do it it’s not wait wait hang on spar nation 18 come no no I have an idea come back no no no I don’t want you to waste a block though okay I was gonna place a

Block of cobblestone like right in front of it so that actually I don’t know if that work at all oh I’m taking damage boys that’s a sign that’s a sign alright we’re not supposed to do this I mean I could do it with the Pearl but oh it’s just a blank

Room I feel like a paradises no no it’s just like a blank room to chill in dude all right what what have you done what is happening me you climbed on me you closed oh oh I was trying to eat food oh my god I went to eat food and I’m like

What’s happening dude no not quickly enough and I would be the most epic way to die suffocated on top of his teammate so why were +5 everyone this is why we’re plus 5 don’t worry about it we’re gonna be are gonna be 18 plus or that kind of commentary I’m throwing down

Player died while on top of team you wonder I think it would be suffocated in a wall okay all right so do we want to try this again do you wanna what we could that we well we’ve got a few options we could try and fish and maybe form one of those items

Or just now try and be aggressive you know be sure you have everything in your inventory ready to go that you think you’re gonna need I mean you just we just go for the ship and get a diamond sword if we can try it I mean we can

Still use donations dudes I have some inventory space so if you want to donate some miscellaneous items for a diamond I just have to pee so badly God dang well let’s come back well you can come back in but just just go quick just go quick

Quick quick quick okay hold on I’m gonna go back into the maze a good good bit yeah okay I have to pee so bad I don’t know how to our little shift I don’t think we should have just done it while we’re in the room before I really hurt

Anyone so I’m trying to see go quick put my fast and balanced it just go fast I’m trying to balance my phone on oh my god wait a minute got it we’re good brilliant be right back hey gone now I got to find something all right I I need to seriously watch the

Way in now okay watching the way in I want to try and find an item as well all right something anything that I might be able to use if I need to go use the restroom as well I’ve got a heavy object I need a smaller object to put on top of it

That’s what she said okay I’m wait is this kind of it work yeah wait yeah I found an item my my Woolworth charger for my phone the the big Chargers heavy enough to keep the key down stapler is always a classic yeah oh that that’s a good idea too

Yeah now I’m holding my shift to you but that enhance yep okay fantastic okay good good you get yeah cool cool I hope in game sounds were needed this whole time I accidentally hit that button on my stream deck and it says it’s unmuted now so now I’m worried that

My in-game sounds are muted for this whole are you are you hearing lightning thunder no I can hear them but I had it muted in OBS oh okay they’ve been muted in my chat never told me they’re so bad oops oh my god well they missed it’s not like they it’s not

Like they missed God dang it which way was out again oh right over here it was this way yeah I got it I got it okay yeah now we’re at eight minutes so now we want to be careful watch we’re heading back oh nevermind okay oh it’s

Nighttime okay all right you ready for this Electra time my climbing my climbing on yeah okay oh I’m okay I know it was because I was ready all right let’s see if it works okay I’m gonna keep my bow in hand so that like if we’re gonna light your flight I might I

Don’t know if I if I need to shoot it does work okay oh nice this is a pretty pock moment yeah it is just remember smooth up and down so there’s a horse there – I don’t well okay I think it was this area here are the yeah that’s the ship ships right

There I’m not people I don’t know hang on oh yeah are people a team yeah there’s a team on it I’ve got six rockets by the way if you need more ninety nine others it was over here where the crafting table was there’s two there’s two more

Ships to our left by the way I know okay there was a crafting table somewhere in this area I think I’m just trying to remember I know it was on one of the other ships but I’m just seeing if this is a place that might have it alright I see a chest

Nothing looted alright I think for sure it was the spot where the other team was but I didn’t night they looked like they had good gear I don’t you want to continue in flight or do you want to wait until you get more rockets just so I’m I got all of

Them oh yes yes yes yes hang on here you go six rockets for you so that’s awesome that that works i fluke I guess that it didn’t work before your time yeah yeah I think you do you have to just wait more on this server or if it’s 1:12 I’m not

Sure what what the exact cause is but yeah probably just some server lag you’re trying to be too tight about it maybe alright sound rude nice dude so the question is do we want to walk on foot from here or do we want it I mean I

Do want to find a crafting table I just don’t know if we want to go back over there and risk that other team yeah I don’t know either um their names I don’t recognize I think it was a ste hang on their damage modifier is zero so okay

Hey just wanted to tell you guys good luck I died immediately so sorry that happened mate but I’ve been watching you guys I just thought that you guys do your little puzzle yeah maze you get some good eatin that I just got bad just just some boots awesome oh you guys that

Good luck I’ve written for you oh thank you man well you know we can do is we could fish here oh do we want someone to keep well I’ve got a fishing rod – yeah yeah one one person can keep watch we got yeah I

Mean if they come in on a light chair we got to be careful you know what we should do stand like here-ish because of how much we’re obstructed sure like we stand like they came in on Elektra they would be severely disadvantaged though – depends on how good they are but yeah

Let’s just try and like stand so that we’re most obstructed at least sure I mean you’re not gonna be able to crack well I’m gonna I mean one person should be on the lookout while the other fishes I think all right what do you I’ll fish

Them for now might as well get the rod in the water just see what sort of loot you come up with let’s see if there’s like a custom loot table oh well I know there is because of the well the well we’ll see if it’s like mostly custom are

Mostly regular and then they just throw the paper in every now and again you know yeah okay got a regular fish I mean for food if if it winds up being a battle of food in the end which I don’t think it will for a little bit I thought

It was going to be a battle of food seems like saturation is pretty good yeah that fish like went far to the right okay Oh three minutes until border shrink – so we got it we won’t be able to officiate okay then that means but it

Takes our four it takes an hour and it only takes us like what it took us like well no I was just thinking we don’t want to lose that crafting table is all but it should take away before it gets there yeah or maybe it will be like a

Lot quicker than we think just because of how big the map is well it took us what at most ten minutes – to get out here and it takes it how straight it would be yeah yeah if we ran straight non-stop it probably would be like six

Or seven minutes well you run you run it about what twelve how many blocks per second do you run Chet I need some mega mines and Chet how many blocks do you run per second if you’re just sprinting not necessarily running and sprinting because we can calculate this someone

Says 69 of course they did about four blocks per second I think that’s about right so three blocks per second takes about 300 seconds that’s gonna be about five minutes five or six minutes okay so because that’s a thousand blocks that we need to scale if it’s two thousand blocks end-to-end fair enough

Cool anything of interest nothing yet okay so but I mean I’ve got plenty of like raw fish now the fish oh I got another iron golem okay nice oh I always I think your other one kind of disappeared it did apparently they reduced some of the pets a little bit –

Okay you got polar bears well here I got everything boys we are truly out here someone accidentally hits that like if they’re trying to bow shot you that could be deadly yeah oh I don’t know if they agro as well by default like if they were able to program in custom mechanics I’m

Pretty sure if you attack an adult polar bear at a grocery though like I think that’s just a standard one point oh yeah but I don’t know if they I don’t know how they have it set up okay well um one minute let’s watch it’s like bugged and the border just shrinks

Immediate oh that’s her custom most of them are neutrals so I guess yeah it would be if you punch him so I’ll make sure that I I try to get behind my polar bear at iron golem if someone’s attacking yep all right I want us to prepare for the very real possibility

Even though they tested this a hundred times that the border shrinks immediately when we guys that was funny I fir which tournament was that again ah was it one of the original minecraft Saturdays events oh I think I’m sure I can’t remember if you attack something

Your pet should join you in attacking it oh oh so if you if you deal a single hit to someone then yeah they become aggressive so that’s nice I needed like a wolf or something alright we should maybe go and try for the crafting table it’s time oh yeah good good call

Shrinking for 44 minutes so okay they day timed it out well it will be shrinking for 44 more minutes okay let’s just be careful here well don’t get too far away because if we do have to escape yeah well like a refill just in case iron pants finally not you Tommy nice

Tommy my man’s I’m spawning my sheep anyway it’s just in case like someone does a bow shot and they hit the Sheep instead he’ll be very chilled organic food oh yeah where is this crafting ban it was in here next be careful though there is a way up to the ship from the

Amassed over here that’s it was just it was underneath one of these areas I remember it as well I just don’t like you I don’t remember where it is like not necessarily I thought it was more I don’t think it was the big ship though I don’t think so either I remember it

Being more out in the open because I remember we didn’t really go after any of the ships due to the traffic you know really I’m not a hundred percent sure like don’t take my word for it I’m just speculating all right let’s see if we’re

Gonna I are scred like if we at least I think it actually might have been under there do you think so okay yeah go if you’ve got it if you’ve got a feeling about it like I I don’t have a particularly strong feeling either way I

Need to rebind my f5 key actually in a second it’s not under here than I am a Sat I am sadly is it really not well shoot where are the heck was the crafting table okay got it gotta go with the pro strats have my f5

Key bound in my mouse um was it elsewhere um I don’t know if that border is shrinking actually it’s still blue uh-huh oh no that’s close I get closer to it I think it’s fading to red yeah okay it is so what’s around the ship let

Me just go on the ship and see if maybe there’s a crafting table anyway okay I’ll come up with you remember we take minimised fall damage okay it’s moving just don’t get close to it is what I’m being told yeah I mean where I don’t think we’re

Gonna intentionally let it get too oh there’s a cake oh there’s an anvil we can’t use oh we good smelt I have a coal listen all my raw chicken ah be do it fast I mean we can yeah we can drop down here easy in just a moment

But yeah it was the weird it’s on the ship I can’t access there we go it smells quick we’re good okay okay your honor just fall oh oh okay all right yeah okay let’s run back and see if maybe we can find it cuz I know there

Was a crafting table over here so it was somewhere that was even loyal to you even though it’s following you it doesn’t have a collar so I’m kind of curious I think it is alright 84 players remaining I just know where the Frick was that thing I wonder if you

Can break them I don’t know I would doubt it it’s a solid block it seems like they’re there they’ve made like very specific blocks breakable I get my gut instinct tells me it was more like out in the open hidden amongst like what looks like these sorts of ruins or you

Know who remember it being like I saw a netherrack block next to it too but well we’ve got some nother type of area over here in area no no no there was just one it was it was not in the volcano area that’s for sure alright I still got to

Be careful with running actually let me do this since we’re safe I’m gonna eat this and craft another good I can craft mushroom stew still I like mushroom stew while we’re not in combat cool cool the best food I’ve got five raw fish I’m gonna hang onto those

Alright if you need a little bit more food I can help out if you need me I’m pretty good for now we’ve got some fire over there just be careful oh I saw the iron golem teleport and it scared the crap I was like oh no who just pearled

In it I do not know where that crafting table all right I’m gonna recommend if people want to donate for some combat items if I can get more arrows and like you know potentially be Legolas and have tons of arrows that would be should we check houses I mean honestly

If if there was only one chest refill like this whole map is probably done zone no no I mean for a crafting table oh yes yes sorry my what’s not thinking is okay I want to be careful so that we don’t get ambushed dang it’s nothing no furnace but that’s

Bad there’s gotta be some house in this area that does have something to keep looking it’s as good a plan as any you know what I mean especially now 76 left so things are things are good get on my head in case I need to make like a quick

Escape yeah I guess for hunger that’s a good idea to do anyways you know if you want to get some of these mushrooms by the way um get like I don’t know a couple more Brown than red and it’s like if we need some emergency food for later

We’ll have some a couple more Browns more yeah way more Brown cuz I’m short on brown alright it’ll only let you get like not even a dozen yeah DJ Jeff just PM me about that yeah I know that but like the limit is isn’t split between two players okay oh I got

A TNT thank you for that oh I’ve already harvested too many apparently yeah won’t do which is fine like that’s why I was asking you to do it oh it doesn’t allow you to do more interesting right cuz I’ve already done the max ah well I’ll

Try and keep my head on a swivel here considering uh I don’t have to walk anywhere thanks for carrying me thanks for carrying me in these games Jordan I do my best just getting my late day and you know alright another house right here that’s

What I was making my way to make it my way downtown oh I should probably not be on your head while walking into a house yeah good point anything new dang it I think hidden like no no okay where was that crafting table ah well I

Think we’re far away from it now no I know and and that the border has probably consumed most of that beach anyway why are people type in T all right well let’s be careful with how much we’re walking by the way the more we walk towards the center the more

Likely it is we’ll find people so just I mean maybe this tree thing I mean yeah thinking that too I could have a thing um actually I’m gonna keep my eye on a little for a crafting bench well what I can do up here actually is I can put the

Electron because we’re elevated and if we do encounter anyone we can just kind of a light ray away just like keeping no roofs will keep camping out until the border reaches us a lighter away until it’s nothing but the center and we really hey well we’re survived to the

Final 50 what is this walkway there’s a giant walkway right behind us probably just connects to other trees all done I’m gonna do a light show Owen okay go top 75 we worked so hard for this now we did I will say we got a little

Bit lucky with the fact that we weren’t eliminated so fast like we could have just as easily had a bunch of people walk into the maze with us we had that team following us oh I did it I Duke if more wolves a good point and I don’t know if they’re still

Alive actually I don’t see their names they may have been eliminated top 40 teams yeah bigger oh wow what is this area it’s sweet oh there’s people on there you wanna s major god yeah no no enchanted weapon but no no no trespass major but the other one does they’re

Auditioning shooting shooting shooting go back go back go back I mean unless you want to engage but they have the up there the they do of the high ground yeah I do arrow incoming it’s low close like you know just go alright all right and if they decide to come

Down this way then we’ll have the upper hand the only mod them really quick uh hang on yeah the mod oh I thought you’re on top – five – five okay so same thing one of them are not armored up very well oh that was stupid dang it that’s fine

You’ve got plenty of fireworks um one of them was not armored up very well so like me I know might be able to arrange them but they might bail it might be our opportunity to get it killed again they’re minus five and I don’t think we’re minus five were they I don’t know

Or I have some iPads oh my god like going with the pet army boys wait maybe you go in and then you backtrack attached so the pets are and in between you and them they hit the iron golem and the iron golem charges oh they Elektra that’s what it was they

Did so yeah it wasn’t there’s no way someone wouldn’t have a chest plate at this point okay yeah I don’t know yeah I just I bet you I bet you that there is a crafting table up there though do you want to go for it we can just we’ll just

Move in a little bit again right worst case I have an Electra you can just get on and we dip no okay we’ll just call out for me getting on yep or if I really see a lot of danger all right it’s our first engagement I mean me if we just

Keep going they may not be ready for us right now I don’t know I don’t think they’re in render range items you’ve in mind the 1.9 combat the charge of the weapons really are still there they’re still there that looks like okay so that’s their that’s their holdout

Location all right hold up like stay behind your iron golem actually if you can like their parents on their shoulders dude just looking down ominously on us hang on I’m on fire a warning shot ah way short they sit back away they say in the chat I just fired my weakness air

Alright I’ll swap so I have stolen my slowness arrow back away they say I’ve got a parrot now boys I’m the captain now was one of them who just got eliminated no no Amy and no it’s s major in CP K okay okay okay I didn’t see you

I saw s major and I saw it was red so we can fly on top of the tree oh we got people back there you want to be on what’s why let’s fly yep hang on go alright and just don’t don’t don’t panic time it hey Bo hey we are we’re in the

Middle of something right now so we asked we’re gonna ask politely that you like chill mm-hmm okay he wants to be dude oh they’re gonna they’re gonna do a little battle down there dude nice oh yeah we can just break the fences for sure we don’t break the leaves also

Break though yeah break to leave and get up oh oh let’s see what they’re doing then they’re did wait are they yeah the art they battling I don’t know I’m just gonna staircase up oh we can actually look down and see if there’s a crafting table down there yeah good call all right

I have on top okay okay good call with the Elijah and getting out of there I mean I usually was survival like let’s let them fight their own battles and heads that’s can’t suffocating the tree guys you have a parrot on your shoulder it’s all I know it’s awesome dude

All right cranial gone SP live fellow member I got an iron sword thank you I needed that alright you want to go to like the edge of the tree line and start scanning our surroundings sure Mike I should go in over towards there yeah yeah let’s be careful well I hope that

My I hope all my pets are still chillin here I don’t see my oh my god limbs here dude they’re all here oh my god the gang’s all here boys this is this is amazing truly incredible back in town oh I just saw I just saw the lightening of

People getting struck down there we’re like so high up it’s hard to even see people render distance twice got more lapis thank you Eric I got a jungle sapling for what that’s worth oh wait yak wait we’re in a tree full of oak leaves the jungle thing you mean no no

But no no look it’s a variety oh and I think the oak leaves we got people we gotta get on me get on me get on okay go go go go go nice peace out peace out boy that would have been bad given the we were downhill from them

They still might follow us so go far go far okay nice smooth flight by the way I like are you not panicking with the panicking or anything just be careful with art with your landing all right oh you’re going big oh there’s that that plot down there I don’t see so big big

Tree here we can see what’s up with this I don’t see a walled actually yeah we’re it I like the spot this is a good vantage point all around now I’m looking at your pets and I’m thinking that just a giant beacon but that giants like pets you know white

Colored against a dark background just they’re gonna see you ya know hey honestly the polar like they’re good cover if we stay within them they are good cover against rogue arrows they are yeah yeah we gotta figure out a direction all right well Center is this way if

That zero zero our weight Center no Center is this way I can’t see anything with my pets around me it’s a bit of a purse I’m like trying to get to the edge and look at things and they’re like hey give us attention give us attention and

I’m like guys I’m trying to I’m trying to look take a look at this view down here I like you can actually see I literally cannot I literally cannot look at the view I’m not allowed to I had get on my head oh okay yeah maybe that’ll

Work yeah take a look down there oh that’s starting concede that godly that’s starting area you can see the curve of the starting zone it’s like looking at the Earth’s curvature all right back up so I can get off and not follow dude yeah okay where do we go to

Work in top 64 um maybe over here it depends you know stress elevated how aggressive do we want to be how much do we want to I want to get a diamond sword and then I feel like we can be more aggressive okay so so basically just keeps the skin keep

Searching until we potentially find a crafting bench that’s the idea and if we can stay on elevated oh we got people down there yeah might want to just chill out so that continues yeah it’s a team okay yeah go back because actually I saw rocks that are coming up here coming up

To this pathway so oh okay gotcha yes which means they may come up here I don’t know what’s happening what is what is bald people who sing bald in my chat I don’t know why did fit die don’t fit bow died but I don’t know

If it died own I’ll I have more I can spawn a cow I mean I’m gonna spawn another parent I’m not gonna spawn another cow I don’t know the darkness of the cow my mask the the the lighter animals just have like dude I’m fine whatever screw it dude all

The animals oh it is it’s a baby as well so it’s fine alright I am going to try and scan around look for a crafting bench from up here I have an iron ingot I don’t know what that’ll what Clinton steel you mean I could think I steal I

Have a flint if you have an iron I do have an iron but I don’t know if we want to do that or if there’s a way to get wood I don’t know I have a piece of tea oh my god should dream said to say ball unofficial tea lights automatically so

Yeah I just super PV peers you know they like the Flint steel if you get beat you wanna go over this way same see what’s not sure again we got we got the Electra elite the way because you know animals at your back I don’t want to be caught

In them like Sodom them okay as long as I’m moving they kind of stay behind so alright you’re sprinting or walking I’m walking but I can sprint okay no no I wanna walk I walk the only concern would be if I guess one of us Gary Rhoden off

But hopefully that doesn’t have a wide path that’s actually why I wasn’t I was trying to not stand near the edge for too long there’s a big area up here reminds me of that area where the other people were crafting table please It looks like it’s is it multiflora no it’s a single floor area I don’t put a crafting table up here where do you put a crafting table Oh careful be very careful why breaks I think it’s just that oh it’s a cafe I think people just broke the lead wrapping bench

Practic got you here here here here boys and there are people below us okay well then go quick go go very fast we good okay nice noise okay look at your Posse man this is great guys some miscellaneous donations right now we’re right right below us get ready they

Might come up I don’t know who it is okay running up do you want to just leave do you wanna just go ah yeah yeah okay what just going just keep going with the strategy as long as it works alright alright give yourself enough room just in case the first part I mean

I’m just gonna run across unless they start chasing tell me if they’re like doing anything arrowing I don’t know I can’t tell but I don’t exactly know oh yeah no your animals are teleporting arrows I thought they were arrows do we just explore the map well we got to be

Careful now because we’re losing like we’re not near like what you would call like a cliff face now so a light ring off might be tough but honestly maybe now’s the time you want to just I could go up into the mountains over there do

It I’m game for that okay or do you want our light you’re into the mount that’s what I was thinking Elijah oh there’s people over there oh yes there are that might be a solo is that a solo person it might be if it’s solo he’d definitely

Take me maybe they had diamond horse armor but I only saw iron on themselves yeah are you on my head yes hmm very very careful with the with the firework hmm probably out the way you’re looking right now if you want it to go and then

Use it on the way down let’s see or you could launch off the tree line or the the bridge over there cuz I mean I can easily Elektra from here that’s no problem I’m just trying to decide if we want to do we want to head into the

Mountains I don’t know what I don’t I don’t think either of us I guess we could try to find a place to fish again maybe if there’s a lake let’s see if there’s a mountain lake somewhere I show that is a border coming in right there don’t be

Too close to it I that is a person right right let me see if I can see their name uh did you mean me okay Dee Dee mod oh my god what do you want Jimmy boy they firing nope Oh Jimmy boy okay Dee mod -15 so he’s

He’s decent he’s good but he’s good but he’s alone you want me to fire some air hang on arrows good he’s runs running all right he’s running he ran right away he will probably just keep running on his horse away from us unless we took

Down the horse so yeah okay well we have the Electra but yeah like we won’t be able to do melee combat he’ll always get away yeah alright um be careful because if he’s like shifting behind that line now just we don’t want him to have the

Upper hand and knock us on the mountain so I mean I have the electron if you’re on my own oh he’s down there way down there climbing back up though oh no no they were treating he’s retreating okay yeah but again don’t get too close to the border CPK is eliminated

Wow we can see all the people remaining in the tablets now how about crazy dude that’s how we know we’ve made it in life mm-hmm another iron I get it’s nice I could just Electra onto one of the trees ah go for it I mean again the

Borders right there so tell me why you use a firework though so yeah but you choose wisely so that uh don’t jump off again yeah just do that okay let me all right cool all right this is our strategy I see some people over there dude I see

Some man’s oh in chanted iron chestplate this is a good way to like scope out the competition I’m like what Apple have yeah looks like everyone has iron there’s some enchantment though and I just got a bowl a bowl you wanna you want hit here take the bumpers I’m

Good on the bowl dude okay all right my mentor is now full so I’m going to start ditching some stuff give me a second oh we never even got the opportunity to see if there are gonna be apples or than those leaves oh yeah sure oh you try

Yeah I’m going to problem is we need to find another crafting table yeah get rid of that bow I can’t do anything there’s too many pets what have I done the crafting tables actually I can see where it is so we’re not far away from it okay

Yeah if leaves are dropping I do believe that means they’re leap table is active which means they should be able to get apples from regular oak leaves oh there we go yep you got one it does it’s often it’s in the direction I’m looking okay I can

Still see the tree okay there’s actually someone underneath it though so we would definitely need to take the air out you have the olders there’s multiple people down there three people three people stain stain covers staying covered okay you have enough for another Apple as well no I only have two doing

Good still like has been respawned all right so yeah in the direction that you’re looking yeah I know I know where it is but it’s a matter of do we want to are there people on it didn’t you see I on the tree I haven’t

Seen okay I think it’s too far out under distance-wise yeah I have my render distance set to 14 you can turn it up and it’ll show up I think well no it’s it’s players don’t show that far oh yeah yeah you’re right so yeah I no longer see anyone down there

So all right what’s I have a coup so if we encounter someone we’re unable to get away we’re out like ground level do we just like go after one of them at a time you know call out a name and then go after them that’s hard to really

Organize you’re being hit from genocides I don’t know we can try to determine who we okay so just do it live like always yeah I guess all right all right well the border is coming in so it’s a matter of like do we want to we if we want to

Get that crafting table we’re gonna for now just should I do it you got well go whenever you feel like I’m staying on top of you in case you had to do it at a moment’s notice okay I mean the bar right now there’s like 40 seconds away so well we’ll just

See I’ll just see if there are people there it can always kind of swoop around here’s an idea go towards the big tree if there are people there and we decide to not engage firework up and we’ll go on top of the tree okay sounds good to me

Yeah so we have a back-up plan to our plan I don’t know how many firework okay yeah there’s some of that do you want to go in top Union well or just somewhere else I just there’s people yeah a lot of people down there now so be super

Careful we definitely want to conserve her fireworks now yep there’s another player on the big tree over there if wait is that no okay I thought that was a poke for a second but I know he’s eliminated oh we’re going ground level no no I’m gonna I’m gonna conserve and

Then there’ll be n yeah I okay you go over here see if there’s a different tree house a different tree there is someone here I want to be ready to go in ham yep all right looking backwards and I’ll see anybody oh my god this is like the mother lode tree I mean

Yes I have a crafting table though that’s the question let me climb this climb up some ladders here no nothing that I check up here nothing I see a furnace let’s see you go is responsive people are doing the respawn thing like kind of crazy actually all right

I’m right behind you so I’m not seeing one there that’s annoying I mean we can follow the path to try to find another tree hang on mushrooms through is one of the best things for saturation so I’m trying to eat them where are you Oh I mean are we trying to conserve

Fireworks now you say I don’t have any additional fire eats people want to do those misguided we could potentially get more unless you can’t do those anymore I’m not sure if you can still control your not someone says y’all it’s right there apparently multiple people in my

Chat are seeing it Oh apparently there is a crafting table yeah oh right here oh I I think I jumped down here Oh cuz I fell so I was gonna look here and I just hadn’t my bad thanks chat there we go easy all right brilliant sorry chat it’s all good

Are you carrying lambie’s we can consign yeah a fire at cobblestone lattice yeah I have cobblestone lapis okay cool oh and then let me give you the mushrooms yeah there’s not a mushroom but we I see a name that’s down on the ground though actually to go back its

Saw short red name is that fit yeah that was fit mmm pretty sure that was fit down there fitting beat solos we got people coming towards us all right there on the leaf path I think they might be retreating I don’t know okay almost hit and we’d actually see

How we do with the arrows and then if we’re not doing good shots we can just like elektra out of here I’m doing okay but hang on they’re coming closer they’re retreating uh they’re kind of doing a little dance they’re playing the game yeah they’re playing this game

Oh I’ll say I can’t fire that far I don’t think ya got take aim from that now I know how yep they’re they’re just playing the game I don’t want to use up all my arrows so I’m at 13 so I want to save it further I can give you some oh

Cool thank you oh yeah let me craft some hold up oh I have uh two feathers hang on to feathers here’s a flint here’s a stick yeah you can craft more there we go I here we go I’m saving one stick in case we like need to get a diamond sword

Or something the bar is closed ish but we’re fine for another maybe minute yeah we’re fine for another maybe a minute okay seriously more feathers I need more sticks actually if we’re gonna crack more Arabs though I I feel like a lot of people have enchanted gear though that

I’m seeing so yeah I mean I think going to the center is gonna be a bloodbath no matter what you know who’s gonna we can get on yeah trees maybe and just see what’s going on that’s up to you I’ll I’m on top so dude make your move

Oh careful Oh jumping down if you want to take a ladder down I’ll get off no no no it’s fine I think I’ll be able to just jump it and go into a tree okay I see people down on the ground over there so but they’re on the ground orders

Closed like ten blocks okay cool we that was close I don’t hit my shins dude mm-hmm almost top 50 all right uh yeah two people in the center on horseback you’re landing in the trees careful okay okay so yeah there’s no treason all around the center there’s like no way to

Actually alight from out if we go in what’s up it’s gone oh sorry I had to say it’s not alright I’m gonna show on until we make we need to make a move okay good dude we might have someone underneath us no I’m not that I not that I’m particularly discreet with

My entourage but yeah there’s a lot of people actually there’s a lot of people around our tree line right now I don’t think they’re coming after us no I don’t think they’re coming after us I mean worst case we can just dip out dude you just saw laughter around the entire map

Until we’re the well sorta yeah until we’re probably top 15 top 10 or so dude wouldn’t that be legit if we made it like all the way to the end and we were in the final battle and all we did was a light show the whole time remember

What happened during one of the previous events we were part of where the border came in but there was a couple leaf pieces that were inside the border so you could just stay on top of the tree the whole time oh yeah and some people

Were able to stay alive yeah I mean I don’t know I yeah oh my god but some response lightning just struck a bunch of times because I more response which by the way we never got a single one of those items well yeah you either have to

Fish form or it was from for Pete hello every person that you take out gives you one I think yep so far no I’m not seeing any names I’m trying to keep my head on a swivel I would like I would feel bad because I feel like I’m being lazy

Sitting on top of your head but your entourage is preventing me from seeing anything I have to take this vantage point yeah It’s been respawned already Wow oh dude yeah that’s gonna be the issue is it a lot of the teams this far in they’re gonna have responds and we are not yeah but it’s fine because if we just wait till it’s literally one other team and

Then us it’s a 20 second respawn time so there’s like nothing we’ll be able to do oh you found out it’s 20 seconds yeah it’s not as told before we started okay I missed that because I remember telling you I knew there was an animation and you weren’t sure so I didn’t realize

You’d cut that detail so shrinking for another 11 minutes we’re an hour and a half into this how about that how about that I mean dude it’s like when you when the goal is only to win and you’re getting items like you don’t need to get the D monetization z’ for points right

So you just you play to win we got a couple people Marcel and Rizzo down there I think Marcel is pretty good careful I don’t know much about horseback though so unless they start purling up here like yeah we’re still good yeah there’s a battle going on near

Towards the center yeah so like yeah that way there’s a couple people can be really careful everyone okay double enchanted diamond swords there everyone everyone has iron but I don’t see any diamond armor yet no neither do i hey thanks for the bowl all right guys we might need some some some

Miscellaneous items oh yeah more miscellaneous items yeah that’s good eat eight diamonds and we’ll be out here dude eight diamonds each I should say if co-stars playing in this game he would win because he’s the donation king during one of the UHD events he was donated like everything

The whole two hours and we won because of it I mean I got my crowd control crew here they know what’s up dude I’m really trying to keep my head in the silver though in case anyone lands on these trees got a couple of people on horseback but yeah nobody’s really

Paying attention to our spot right at this very second that I can see I’m gonna keep my bow at the ready if they purl up here I wanna I don’t want to be using my sword now I’m just thinking to myself can I hit you with a bow I don’t

Want to like think my not accidentally why don’t camping who will he slay no one he’s killed gangster just posted something in the general chat with the Amina interview next to a tent I’m just playing my strat I’m just playing the strata survival it is it is called the

Survival games after all right is it not that is dude there’s nothing about needing to take people down I see fit over there the border is about a minute and a half away so when the border the borders are gonna come in and everyone’s gonna be on a flat playing field in the

Bottom yeah so what we can do is we just we Electra up to world height I make sure that the Electra is not gonna give out and we just keep fire working and falling over and over and over probably be best is you fight so um you’re the

Speed in which you move with an ax light ray is like set as long as the fire work is active so you go straight up and you run out and we spiral down yep it’s very slowly spiral down I think we get five minutes of flight that way

Wait what out of every firework no no out of the electoral break after five minutes I thought durability is not going anywhere no the durability is like already a third down oh I’m not keeping my head on a swivel oh I’m hearing static why come okay oh and then wait while we’re floating

Slowly down you could be sniping people no well the thing is the arrow might like awkwardly bounce off of you if we’re like that high up I’m not really gonna have an angle at anybody it’ll be too high up I’ll waste all the arrows yes we’ll see oh I thought I saw another

Fellow tree friend over there but it was just a star going beyond there please okay like getting some donations and stuff but I need to wait alright we’re good I haven’t I haven’t seen any notifications in a while I would get a little bit closer to the senator just like a little

Bit so that you know well maybe I’m ruining it maybe we’re well hidden and I’m ruining it for you no I mean the the thing is like obviously it’ll give us a little bit more border time but eventually we are gonna have to go and look at the iron golem army iron golem

Oh my god alright alright yeah let’s just chill here then I guess 38 people remain our kills are still zero I know dude we’re gonna we’re gonna be the highest placed pacifists of all time this is the best strategy ever oh my god is weird item wise were not actually

That disadvantaged we could shoot it one of those stationery boys down there oh now they’re moving can we get some miscellaneous items guys come on the last-second donations MC u dot ACS oh they do well the question though is are they coming after us we might be able to a

Lighter across and like that’s still a couple hundred blocks they would have to follow us all the way and risk going through the center on the ground yeah you know where we’re chilling we’re chilling there’s no issues we got an easy out here about 10 blocks I think

Maybe what if it gets within like five or six blocks like there you can get a little bit closer tree yeah do that like around unto the left here like hook around Oh careful careful what they’re looking up at us they’re looking up no nevermind what she’ll oh my god look at

The zoo down there oh my god bro alright we’re gonna have to go into that closer tree we’re gonna have to end up fighting at some point very soon here yeah well maybe we shouldn’t do it here though I mean let’s go into that closer tree probably uh do whatever you want

But that won’t buy us much time I would say go across the map really that that’s that’s my calls to go across the map there’s so many people down there a lot of them know where we are all right here we go cuz we’ll buy ourselves what 15 20

Seconds oh god it’s so close oh people the center oh there’s people on that thing enchantment table okay there is another tree line over there oh there’s more trees more Treatise people in there someone’s on the tree you want me to fire sure you do whatever you want

Dude my shot won’t way too low Jeremy’s gonna land oh yeah no that’s a order right there don’t let them get you out of the air though so I think we should heed to land on top of like something okay I mean we’re gonna have to engage on someone

Here dude alright make the call I feel like we land on top of the boat yeah go for it okay go for it hold on yep I don’t want to let them have an average off my Electress so fast though that’s the thing I maybe I wouldn’t well I we

Can sneak up on him maybe oh I hit shift that shift by oh no dude no no no light her back to the tree line Wow a hit shift I didn’t think that that would work like that no it’s fine I didn’t I’m on this tree over here oh okay I’m going pearled yeah I did I did okay come on yes yes baby with me yes I don’t know I’m here I’m er there okay nice hi Rach I can’t believe you did that how much health can you lose by doing that about half oh it’s fine that’s fine Oh careful

Arrows coming in you want to get on me and we’ll go to the ship yeah yeah go go go go okay go fast now go okay hold on I’m going go go I’m still trying to recover healthier I’m actually gonna okay you just recover health in the air

I’m going to keep us airborne as long as we can and eventually I will land us on the ship all right okay okay I won’t hit ship this time hands up yeah oh my god dude you give me such a heart attack there our Corvis has been respond again are you kidding

All right I only have one heart left to recover half a heart okay in the air I’m going to make another mushroom stew people are probably yelling at me to do that okay good I’m gonna have good saturation now whoo I’m surprised it didn’t die either I’m surprised I didn’t

Have a pearl and come after me okay Electra is running a little low on durability once you get so about a tenth I would say it might be landing time okay and keep an eye on it when it gets to that point – for sure top 36 I would

Say our best chance is probably on top of there if we can get them we may if they’re all bound to the ground we may have a severe advantage of her up there yeah don’t get too close we okay all right I’m just going high up and this is

What we’re gonna have to do the land all right how many do you have left one or now that’s it that’s it okay okay all right this is it here we go boys here we go oh I’m gonna take all my balls get ready day um I don’t know if we want to

Try to sneak in on them or if we want to like shoot some shots in on them first I have my gap already I’m gonna have to switch out of my Electra and put the gap Elan a sample Africa’s very close to the boat by the way so it might be a good

Idea to land now and give it a try give it our all okay might this might be it might be it hold on gotalk guys this is up this is a pock moment okay I’m gonna shoot them okay got it got a hit I’m hitting repeatedly

Here just go in just go in I think or they’re gonna get off oh they’re leaving yeah oh do we conquer this boat boys all right well we’re in danger now so we are okay this is still a good we good Scott to the end okay got more like your people above us

They’re going into they’re gonna come on the boat with us no they abandoned they skipped let’s stay up here let the batter down yeah for now we’ve got it we’ve got another 45 seconds or so someone’s electrode back up again are they shooting some arrows I guess

And actually no it saved my arrows for when it really matters we got people coming up potentially or they’re underneath I can’t oh they’re underneath us okay your pet posses like it hurts dude everybody has a pet posse you’re the only one without it get with the

Program Oh Mike okay they’re coming in they’re coming in up above us or no they’re overshooting it okay we’re fine we’re fine we don’t want to we don’t want to waste too many arrows though that’s the thing still by hitting them once it’s gonna it’s like scare them for

A moment you know and they’re gonna want to bail cause of it sure yep all right it’s a bloodbath down there my god dude this is a nightmare now is when it starts to like the boarders don’t shrieking oh it’s done we have the spot we have the spot boys oh

My god we are the kings we are the kings mushrooms do for a good piece of food for I have I have golden that carrot so okay all right okay so if they want to get up here they have to it’s either the electric people

Or it is the or it’s an enderpearl and they’ll be at a disadvantage yeah and we got another 15 minutes until boarders Frank I would say we just like keep and I keep her head in this over there’s two lights or people’s up there car has been responding so much yeah but they’re

Gonna have to land so close to us they will not be able to swap the Elektra in time it will be able to sleep Oh so their armor will be lower let’s just let’s say it let’s call it now until borders shrink we do not abandon this

Platform we know we either we die with the platform or we get knocked off we live by the platform we die by the platform the captain goes down with her ship yep exactly dude I’ve got the shakes boys too much real enjoyment how many how much durability and fireworks

Do these guys have oh I wonder if they wait waited the entire game maybe they’re coming they’re coming nope nope we’re good we’re good if they run out in there oh are they landing please don’t no they’re not landing I don’t want them to think that landing here is a good idea

Ah potentially incoming No all right I want to be careful so that I don’t get hit by air road arrows you might have so in Jack sucks at life right next to us Oh also okay I got scared they they’ll light your fire worked like right underneath us I thought they were gonna

Quit curve around us sorry go ahead I didn’t mean to interrupt you we we just have a team that’s literally right next to the boat but I don’t know they might be inside yeah there there’s a team right underneath us yeah Jack sex look like mr. cendars oh don’t oh okay

That was not me look at the bloodbath dude I just I got like we got like a first-class ticket here for the bloodbath we have the box seats dude dude you couldn’t have picked a better landing spot like this games like it’s games all you I had the dirt moment it’s

All my Electra race practicing I’m still amazed that they made it so that this was a platformer that was within the the final border I mean they had to get so much done advantage yeah why not be us pardon me wait I could send T and P down you want

Me to do it you throw TNT or you drop yeah I could drop it I don’t want to stand too close though I think that I can’t eat though so I don’t know if they wouldn’t hit them I’ll the explosion won’t travel through the wall you say the second

Border shrink will begin at the two-hour mark yeah so we’re good it says 12 minutes on the on the top right or on the right side I wonder if it shrinks like mega fast though umm if any of the devs are watching does this shrink any faster than before or does it just

Shrink down to like the center chances 6 more deaths and we’re in the top 10% with no kills same speed unless someone said something different no I don’t think anyone said anything different nobody’s paying attention to us they know the severe disadvantage they’re at plus you know what if they’re

Smart too they know the posse of mobs are up here and they’ll go after them yeah I mean the thing is it’s like they they’re also such cannon fodder so if anyone shoots arrows up here it’s probably gonna hit one of the pets they’re gonna be a mom I do little

Parrots I got my dual parrots hat just chilling I have another spawning I have a chicken I’m gonna spawn it I don’t want I don’t want this donated item oh I hit my own thing polar bear you idiots is he trying to it was trying to attack you oh really

Can’t hit you though friendly fire is on her mobs against you that’s that’s really funny actually I got another polar bear spawn oh my god oh my god there’s so many about to be underneath us I don’t wanna I was gonna send the TNT over the edge and just hope I hit

Someone but maybe I try and hit some people’s you could people hiding I mean we just hopefully hopefully people not gift us more arrows potentially okay so no one’s alight rating anymore so okay oh that one’s on the ground we’re solid for 10 minutes yeah we are the only

People up here unless someone pearls would that be a bad idea for ya alright I don’t want to use too many arrows 16 yeah I’m gonna call 16 good I mean there’s so many people staying completely still my problem is I’m going to shoot my polar bear he can’t hit you

Though he’s our nobody it gets rid of he’s so attacking me oh my god it might be time Jordan me so mad I think Frederick has to do it to him I don’t even do a slime spawn oh nice I don’t know where it is where my slime boy go

Give me another chicken up oh there’s my slime boy dad I can’t shoot arrows no dude it’s cannon fodder okay no one will be able to hit us with arrows [Laughter] oh yeah but it’s okay so where’s we stay alive until it’s the last two teams it doesn’t really matter

Oh my god this is my favorite game ever right now I have played this so I’m good I got two eggs oh there you go nice how many oh wait we don’t have a crafting bench Oh God polar bears do not D aggro no you probably

Have to log out and back in but I don’t know it’s probably not a good idea I’m gonna be honest with you no wait I have a fishing rod I could try and mess with people who’d get underneath us that’s that’s pretty much free the durability on it’s like 56 true true

Yeah but underneath us they’re actually inside we have no access to them no I mean if people start like you know spiraling under nose I might try and mess with one of them and if I’m if I get a hit I’m just trying to think of things to do man gotcha

I’m just gonna sit amongst your mess okay I can’t believe there’s still 22 people left here I wonder if when they were making this map and they were testing it dev you can tell if a dev is watching me you can tell me were you curious as to which team was gonna be

The one that would ultimately be up here when the border was at its final state or second to final state were you like curious who it would be because they obviously knew they knew they knew and you know I’d have a zoo did you know I’d build Noah’s Ark I bet

You had no idea god they’re all people on horses are like zooming all right I’m gonna move my arrows of slowness into place now I’m not I only have one I’ve got two okay I’m not gonna go there actually we might be able to snipe

Enough are they firing no no no I just accidentally uh let loose an arrow but we’re good so when people die if they don’t kill the horses off we might be able to snipe up a horse and have that for protection because everybody is everybody left on a horse pretty much ah

No I see you on the far corner to our right there’s people to stack on time so they literally everyone is stacking yeah except for Marcel and Rizzo hmm roads are just kind of Oh God ow cuz I like hit Jack sucks at life down there no you can’t because they’re

Underneath inside the ship oh wait it’s a completely hollowed out like it’s it’s got walls and everything so you’re not gonna be able to do it okay trying to wait I saw fit underneath and I missed the opportunity to hit him with a fishing pole this is insane it’s like

It’s everyone’s got waiting until we hit the 6-minute marker man I would shoot arrows but I can’t they just hit the polar bear so there’s like you nothing I can do you have to hit them while running forward or walking forward that’s your only gave me a stick

Ie you boys we’re now just added a normal amount for a normal hunger dangerous man look at these llama trains over here oh yeah TNT boys I did notice this event would work with this many people I was wrong yeah it’s been fun one of the smoothest events

I’ve ever seen 400 got a hit on a man’s and they’re running now how that motivated him to get out of there where’d that come from Jack sucks at life is still down there I see a posse down there actually I I’m gonna send now I’m not gonna send

The TNT down I’m gonna wait you could do it once the border is getting in really close and they’ll have to like run through it okay so like as soon as it starts shrinking a moment before we jump by toss down the TNT to scare them and

Allow us to maybe get away maybe I’ll try it I mean I don’t think they’re gonna be the only ones we have to worry about but I think it will pay off I’ve got a flint steel as well but not much of one do you have another piece of

Flint by the way oh yeah I do I’m yeah please give me that cuz it’ll give me a full flint and steel and I was putting it inside their chest I don’t see it all the other chests okay I did not think that oh it only gives me two durability

I’ll make them all then what are you gonna do oh yeah I guess we should make a flint and steel night as well it only gives you to durability though wow that means you want me hang on I’ll place the I’m not gonna use in the chest okay

Trying to have the optimal inventory here I can’t believe no one’s gone in on reigai and oh oh they’re flying Oh animals are they they are I do not know where where is he oh he’s here what the are you in are you gonna I’m good I’m good

I’m good they fell yeah nice dude you’re I use the TNT that probably scared them I was a loose I sorry I used that with you there we’re fine you’re fine as long as you’re alive I hope that was allow and I I just totally realized that I was

I was spamming I’m so used to PvP events backup okay that was just one I think there’s only one of them fine oh wait Jack’s dead check down nice you have the elimination I just got no I didn’t I got a horse still okay oh they’re shooting in okay yep there I

Would say stain stand behind your mobs now yeah the time let them hit upholder bear polar bear will like polar bears hurt so they do me you know I want to push this could spawn the horse yeah well we don’t have a saddle I mean it’s

Cannon fodder at least go for it alright the term of the day cannon fodder top 20 boys by the way you once think he has a stack of arrows and TNT so let’s be careful I guess who does just said he I don’t know

Oh fit fit has a stack of errors in TNT okay I’m just staying up against a border shrink in two minutes so it’s do or die Oh should we plan a direction to go I’m feeling left because there’s that one team down there that’s not really getting disturbed they’re really good no

Marcela’s at least yeah okay what is that Henry and wisp over there – Oh math ox is here why is math knocks – 20 whose method I can’t do mod mark uh he’s like the world record holder for most cat like some categories within minecraft Rizzo de matar okay I can team on

Rizzo’s zero so there oh okay they’ll deal about as my Marcel is good so Rizzo it means must be like handicapped no they’re all team’s coming in for them tiara – oh no they’re just everyone’s just being passive just run around in circles for a long time

I need to egg inventory more arrows come on Oh Rizzo is a rocket league player got it the viewer ships climbing now that we’re still alive everyone’s figuring out where to go to all right one minute until uh until it all becomes a cluster someone’s saying don’t forget the

Fishing rod combo yeah I guess the fishing rod being closer to me is probably a better idea keep tormenting a couple with arrows I want to hit something with my fishing rod dude dude I’m a flawless on my arrow am right now I how many do you have left

Twenty-two okay I’m at fifteen so I’m definitely no crafting table because I do have ingredients for more Rocky is solo apparently but really our goal is just gonna be to do cleanup duty as much as we can cleanup duty whenever possible another polar bear like a rocky Oh rocky rocky

Left he’s going after people oh yeah I mean they were flying around with their electra for a little bit yeah actually reigai rocky is doing a thing where he runs and jumps but he activates this a lighter before you okay here comes Tara careful ah come on fast final duels in ten minutes

This is a slow border then a very yeah it’s a very slow border we got about probably 45 seconds okay until we gotta go oh man dude I’m calling left but I don’t know you can make a call if you want to and so the the drop down is

Really low damage right like we can just jump off here and not really have an issue you’re we it won’t take much from here it won’t take much okay just like figuring out do I need to swap to my electron oh you don’t have the honestly for the armored advantage I would say

Maybe not okay that if you had like chain or leather then I would say so but because of iron it’s also the best art piece of armor Oh oh my god I don’t think so okay so a lot of people are playing stacked just so

They stay together do we want to do that just so we stay together uh yeah I mean I can be a bit Legolas but I’ve only got 15 arrows okay I don’t know what we want to do we use run around while stacked and then we just okay I mean I have 15

Arrows I wouldn’t mind getting a few more from you if I can okay I can drop a shuffle the chests are now on the border you girls just stand on underneath you standing reading oh okay I okay back around again at core got 19 all

Right I guess we got to pretty much go down yeah last second I would say last second man last second don’t let it don’t let the border damage us but I’m about a block behind you just because okay yeah the way the oh the arrows coming up arrows pain yep

I would totally alright it might be good time yep we’re in the fray boys oh there’s books and stuff is like enchanted books and everything alright oh that’s the enchanted iron chestplate on the ground there oh ok nice there’s another Elektra – yeah we can’t do anything we don’t know fireworks yeah

I’m I’m just keeping my arrow charged and ready to go Oh Tian Tian coming careful okay okay you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good this is don’t all right I don’t even know which pets are mine that is another Elijah mm-hmm I didn’t pick up anything either yeah if there

Were fireworks it would be cool but I can’t there’s no way I can sort my inventory currently not a chance I’m trying to I want to hit someone with the fishing rod nobody really wants to go in on this no doesn’t look like it we going

Yeah no III hit them a couple times they’re treating okay careful careful careful I’m out of arrows gotcha all right have my eggs at the ready I like egg yeah they retreated because my hits were pretty good there that’s that’s awesome oh I need to eat badly okay I’ll make it

The raw salmon oh I’m off your head I’m back I’m back I’m back okay I’m back cuz I shifted something into my inventory on account got it all good waiting for my health but there we go carrot I guess I like carrot sorry clown fish I might have to eat you oh I’m

Warning to lose one of their horses it would be nice yeah I don’t want to worry about swapping to like any iron like you may have picked up or whatever just focus on focus on keeping our own I don’t have any iron leggings on me but I

Do a 21 iron so you know get a crafting table it is such chaos oh I think it’s mostly due to all the pad pets but it is such chaos alright so 17 players 10 teams which means there’s what three solo ah ah ah

Ah final duel I guess so and I’ve got a couple Flint’s a flint and steel trying to think if there’s any other items I desperately want to use I’ve got a cobweb that I’m gonna keep on me yeah I have to cut one of my son’s tools

Yeah I’m being chased if it winds up going solo and I can trap them that would be good I might wind up eating Nemo for good luck don’t even emo that’s good luck I’ve got no air house 9 I see it I’ll light your over there too but

Now actually I think we’d really be able to do yep not if we get none unless you get fireworks guys donate for those last-second fireworks I don’t that’s right we 15 fireworks right my inventory is completely clogged though I don’t know about yours I can take them out God

Sparkles is lagging I’m lagging yeah oh oh yeah like my voice or your voice he’ll respond oh oh don’t get too close don’t get two things we good we good Oh get me out of here okay okay I mean I’ll have arrows but I flint steal the ground right now

I wonder yeah I can’t okay I know about that’s cool yeah but I’ll probably light on fire if I run through it it’s the only issue I’ll try and be careful as best as I can yeah just be careful okay I can put it out though 15 feet it’s gonna be tough

To do well I’m the one moving God my frame rate is so low right now yeah it is it might be all the chess that’s what someone said in chat ah maybe I’ll turn my render it’s Jimmy boy again Jimmy boy managed to make it on his horse I’m down

To eight render distance I want more FPS Oh whisper come in yeah got a hit with it I’m in trouble I’m low I’m low I’m low oh I might be in trouble dang him down oh no dude are you still in oh you are yeah I went for it

Jang hee-jae’s boys that was that was chaotic dude hey we made it to the top ten teams yeah Danny whisk whisk just went in for it dude I wonder what does enchantment was actually and I wonder what helped I took him down too he had enchanted boots enchanted chess plate or

They both did they both had diamond sword enchanted boots enchanted chests look at the pile of mobs on bad boy halo and fire breath man they had a posse oh my god oh that was so much fun that’s fun yeah now we just have to see I was rooting

For you guys oh thank you I’m great appreciate it good game Oh who was that rky oh okay that is a pile of animals there oh my god I’m throwing my money down chug universe you’re really close thanks mate we tried all right I want fit to win

I think bad boy halo and fire breath man will win guys I really don’t I don’t think pearling would have done a great deal there other than land me in another person with less health I feel like give a top-down perspective I think wisp was a decent challenger to

Lose – yeah yeah honestly like no like we did well we strategized well for survival and that’s all anyone could really ask of us these days 13 players still so still nobody’s died since we died how how I don’t know man I don’t know they look they’re just standing on

Top of the chests and it’s just no one’s going for it oh there’s some explosions yeah they should just refill all the center chest right now honestly guys if you have a command to refill all the chests in full do it it’ll do be awesome it will be great

Cuz then tea and he’ll get down and why not wait someone just went down wait how did wisp go down it I guess it was an error maybe harren leggo though I’d like they’re still in it I did not realize this yeah Garen Lego are still in it

Are they on like horseback err how many times in car get respond wait are they underneath no they’re not on any theory now okay actually the lobby’s underneath the arena dude is it that’s crazy oh yeah that’s actually awesome – this whole video is one map out all cars down

Cara got respawned four times halo solo come on Finn come on Finn oldest anarchy server in Minecraft let’s go come on dad let’s go dad you tell what’s happening with all the beds Marcel come on dad Oh Fitz down no come on peach solos be solos to be

Won this is the team left oh no there’s two teams left one of them are just kind of hitting it yeah Marcel still good okay it’s one team versus two solo who they should team up then all right Marcel versus Rizzo versus crust versus beat come on beat

Solos you got this come on beat solos playing that survival game right now I want to take those pizzas come on it’s 1 d2 now that’s gonna be tough that’s gonna be tough all over the web that’s over yeah good game thank you for letting me get those books

I’d literally ran up typed in chat five times for reading and spam you to plan I woke up at 5:00 a.m. because I all right Wow or give up in the main channel I don’t know I’d be a lot of people I don’t think we should

Have 150 people in a single discord I’m just gonna throw that out there oh yeah that the team I wanted to go after Alton everyone so I guess that would have been a deadly pick yep yeah that was surprisingly I think it was more like framerate lag due to a bunch of entities

Then like server lag so yeah that worked pretty well I think they’re gonna nerf the amount of pets next time though for sure and it might be a good idea if they have something in the code where after the refill if a chest is empty it disappears that would be nice I mean

Well well maybe after our refills yeah like 180 rebels are all down yeah yeah that’s what I mean if the chest is empty then it disappears yeah but then again we won’t be able to store something chest but whatever for lag reasons maybe just the Cornucopia ones all right doc I

Honestly did not expect to survive that long so did you yeah for sure did he’s good sky looks good awesome we played the grass thank you very much we worked hard for that pacifism all right well I think unless there’s like I will wind down I’m probably gonna wrap

Things up on my end I think I’m probably gonna do the same I may wind up streaming a little longer just cuz I’m already here but alright I’ll send a raid your way after the fact ah okay no pressure I might play dungeons for a bit maybe yeah do it

Alright cool alright man I’ll catch you later good plan i pace alrighty guys that was cool we played the pacifist route which is kind of what I usually do honestly so yeah good stuff thank you all for tuning in hopefully you enjoyed and I think there

Will be more of these in the future so I’ll let you know when that ends up happening if you’re watching this on CaptainSparklez Q on YouTube I’ll create a playlist I guess once like the second one is out so you can see if there are

More good top ten teams out of about a hundred not bad at all I’ll take it anyway thank you guys and I’ll see you in the next one

This video, titled ‘The Biggest Minecraft Hunger Games Match Of All Time’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2020-06-01 17:00:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Today we play in the biggest hunger games match of all time Minecraft Ultimate Playlist: …

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    "Bimasakti's Insane Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 😱💥" #freefire #gamingVideo Information SA [音楽] This video, titled ‘Bimasakti New Trick😎😈 #freefire #battleroyale #trending #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Sapiens World on 2024-04-05 14:48:30. It has garnered 10180 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)

    SHREK CRAFT: Bully Crushes on Maizen! (Parody Story)Video Information hey wait he didn’t ask them for anything they just specifically blame her so kick them out what is this note see you after school looks like it was left by Hooligans what have you done stupid Hooligans you will definitely feel bad after we leave here Mikey I really like studying this is really cool I hope I get a good grade today sorry for being late we have a very important reason we were really busy so sorry can I sit down Mikey it’s good that we weren’t late I wouldn’t want to be scolded like… Read More

  • Fatality SMP – Vanilla, Whitelist, 18+

    Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Join Our Vanilla 18+ SMP Community! 🌟 Hey there, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a server that captures the essence of adventure, community, and pure vanilla gameplay? Look no further! Our 18+ SMP (Survival Multiplayer) server is the perfect place for players who enjoy a mature, community-oriented gaming experience. Why Join Us? Pure Vanilla Experience: No mods, no plugins – just Minecraft as it was meant to be played. (Fabric, Ledger) Community-Driven Events: Participate in weekly events, build contests, and community projects. (Ran by Players) Mature & Friendly Community: Join a group… Read More

  • Darkness Realms (ATM9)

    Darkness Realms (ATM9) Welcome to our brand new Server!We are Darkness Realms!Custom pluginsMinecraft chat to discorddiscord chat to minecraftCratesVoteFriendly StaffGiveAways! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird app

    Minecraft Memes - @elonmusk please ban me from stupid bird appElon Musk might have the power to send rockets to Mars, but banning someone from Twitter might be just out of his reach! Read More

  • Commentary Comedy: Minecraft’s SquareXuan Animation Roars

    Commentary Comedy: Minecraft's SquareXuan Animation Roars In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I bring you news in rhymes, like a lively dream. From updates to secrets, I’ll keep you in the loop, With humor and fun, no need for a scoop. Cube Xuan, the creator, with animations so bright, Bringing joy and laughter, day and night. But beware of pirated content, it’s not the same, Stick to the official channel, for the real game. From funny moments to classroom series so neat, Each video a treat, making your day complete. So subscribe and follow, don’t miss a beat, In the world of… Read More

  • Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP)

    Battle of the Brains: -7282 IQ vs 6969 IQ (Hilarious PvP) When you have -7282 IQ, you’re probably the type of player who tries to mine diamonds with a wooden pickaxe and wonders why it takes so long. But with a 6969 IQ, you’re the kind of player who builds a redstone contraption to automatically mine diamonds while you sit back and sip on a potion of invisibility. Talk about an epic gamer moment! #minecraftgenius Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Time Travel Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re a fan of sci-fi and futuristic themes, then you’ll love what Minewind has to offer. With its unique blend of technology and imagination, Minewind is the perfect place to let your creativity run wild. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world filled with endless possibilities, where you can build, craft, and survive alongside fellow gamers. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. So why should you join Minewind Minecraft Server? Well, just like K-9… Read More

  • EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods

    EPIC Texture Pack for Minecraft Mods The Exciting World of Minecraft Texture Packs Discovering a New Texture Pack Exploring the vast world of Minecraft, players stumble upon a remarkable new texture pack – the Peep Texture Pack. This pack promises a unique visual experience, setting it apart from the default textures. Unveiling the Features Upon closer inspection, the Peep Texture Pack reveals intricately designed outlines and smooth animations. The default textures, such as blocks and items, receive a fresh and appealing makeover, enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Personal Anecdotes and Minecraft Adventures As players delve into the game, they encounter various challenges and adventures. From… Read More

  • SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOW

    SECRET WheatenEye Minecraft stream NOWVideo Information whoa streaming streaming streaming streaming oh yes that’s for sure’s once the live pops up we can start the live stream got to find it oh there it is all righty let’s add everyone real quick and then we can start I got plans at everyone sends now streamy there we go all right now now everyone knows that I’m live so damn these villagers are allowed hold on we should leave leave the library real quick welcome scabs to the stream good to have you here welcome um um but yeah so I didn’t do that so… Read More

  • Herobrine’s Mysterious Past Life Revealed!

    Herobrine's Mysterious Past Life Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine’s Past Life (sapientdream – Pastlives) #minecraft #shorts #herobrine #sadstory #pastlives’, was uploaded by Tofikpathan-213 on 2024-01-15 07:40:00. It has garnered 2864 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. MythoForgeYT @NoTRustyxD #Application #video #minecraft #loyalsmp #loyalsmpapplication #lapatasmp #doraemonsmp #lifestealsmp #hardcore @BulkyStar #teddygaming @TeddyGaming #senpaispider @SenpaiSpider @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleetShortsOG @GamerFleet #gamerfleet #technogamerz #senpaispider #pvp #minecraft100days #shorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshorts #herobrinesmp minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft 1.20, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Truth: Delete Your World NOW!

    Uncover the Dark Truth: Delete Your World NOW!Video Information [Music] m yeah [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] a [Music] yeah [Music] a [Music] y [Music] yeah [Music] he [Music] [Music] d [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] what [Music] l [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n a [Music] a for is for for is [Music] [Music] [Music] he oh no oh [Music] B [Music] [Music] [Music] n on [Music] a [Music] oh m [Music]… Read More


    💎 DIAMOND PORTAL to PARADISE! 😱🌈 | MINECRAFT MODSVideo Information This video, titled ‘PORTAL TO PARADISE IN MINECRAFT MINECRAFT MODS’, was uploaded by DIAMOND on 2024-01-02 20:00:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. if you get 5 likes I will release a full video with the mod #minecraft #minecraftmods minecraft portal to paradise. Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP SERVER with BiltuNetwork #minecraft

    🔥 EPIC 24/7 Minecraft SMP SERVER with BiltuNetwork #minecraftVideo Information भाई नोट आ जा यार प्ली सुब कर रहा व सो जा रहा है कोई ना कोई सो जा रहा है चलो कोई बात नहीं जा कोई बात नहीं बेड बना लिए वसे जरूरत नहीं पड़ेगी ब काम कर थोड़ा इधर वो आयुष भाई हेलो वेलकम ूम मे भाई आयु भाई कैसे हो बढ़िया भाई लाइक कर दो फलिंग यादू वंशी हेलो बिग फैनर कुछ सामान दे दो भाई क्या नाम है आपका इनम नेम क्या है बताओ ऊपर ला प ऊपर एक बंदा है उसको ड्रैग करना जरा डिस्कडमी पसी में ले आ ग हां थैंक यू… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Emoji Pixel Art Drop!” #minecraft #satisfying

    "Ultimate Minecraft Emoji Pixel Art Drop!" #minecraft #satisfyingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft satisfying emoji face falling pixel art#minecraft#satisfying#shorts’, was uploaded by Beadrobix on 2024-01-03 18:14:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Inspiration: technogamer mrbeast yes smarty pie anshu Bisht Wisp Unspeakable Skydoesminecraft XNestorio DenTDM Wilbur … Read More

  • You won’t believe what Labhansh Jain did for my mom! 😱

    You won't believe what Labhansh Jain did for my mom! 😱Video Information प्यार तो छोटा सा शब्द है मेरी तो जान बसती है तुझ में प This video, titled ‘mumma ki Jaan hai tu. #music #song #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Labhansh Jain on 2024-04-14 08:15:36. It has garnered 471 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Music videos Celebrity news Movie trailers GamingLet’s Plays “Minecraft,” “Fortnite” Gaming newsGame reviews Tutorials and How-To “How to cook DIY home decor “Makeup tutorial “Technology Smartphone reviews Gadget unboxings Software tutorials Lifestyle Fitness and health tips Travel vlogs Fashion and beauty Education Learn language History documentaries… Read More

  • CHEATED with AVATAR in Minecraft Build Battle!

    CHEATED with AVATAR in Minecraft Build Battle!Video Information these are my friends and I invited them to the ultimate Avatar build battle but what they don’t know is I have this secret Elemental bending device that will allow me to cheat and every round it’ll get new upgrades that I can use to mess with my friends what is happening what the heck the video ends when they find out round one boys you have to build Momo Momo Momo’s my favorite let’s go 5 minutes on the clock what’s a Momo in my hand you guys could see we have this Elemental bending device if… Read More

  • Our Bird Friends Took Us to the Lake in 2027! Craziest Summer Ever!

    Our Bird Friends Took Us to the Lake in 2027! Craziest Summer Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Решили поехать на озеро с нашими друзьями-птицами летом 2027 года | Это мем из 2027 года’, was uploaded by Hoang Duy Ho on 2024-03-28 17:25:43. It has garnered 4359 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. #HoangDuyHoPIXEL #minecraft #minecraft »Main channel- I decided to go with a person next to a bird to the lake in the summer in 2027 Opium Bird in Minecraft minecraft,villager,ultimate minecraft recap,Minecraft,minecraft animation,villager ai cover,froppy craft,minecraft mods,funny minecraft,minecraft villager,minecraft memes,villager memes,spiral mc,grox,cas van de pol minecraft,minecraft parody,dom studio,zmde,reffmc,minecraft prop hunt,minecraft villagers,cheap pickle,aphmau,minecraft… Read More

  • Official Minecraft Server Official Minecraft ServerAbout us MadDubz started out on YouTube with a 24/7 Gaming radio, since then we kept doing more and more. We are glad to announce that we now have a Minecraft server. We do not accept donations, we do this for fun. Read More

  • CrystalVerse SMP PvP – Lifesteal

    Welcome to Crystal Verses Minecraft Server! In this unique Minecraft server, survival takes on a whole new level of intensity with the addition of lifesteal mechanics. Every blow dealt to an opponent not only inflicts damage but also replenishes the attacker’s health. Will you risk engaging in combat to regain health, or will you play it safe and try to outlast your opponents? Join Us: Java Edition: IP: Bedrock Edition: IP: PORT: 19132 New Members get a free rank if joined within the next hour! Don’t miss out, join now! Read More


    Minecraft Memes - ANTI-CIS ELON SLAMMED! MAGA FANS TRIGGERED.I guess even the Minecraft community has its own drama queens! Elon Musk better watch out for some unexpected competition. Read More

  • Insane TNT Slider Trick in Minecraft

    Insane TNT Slider Trick in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bro [Music] This video, titled ‘Genius Moment Minecraft TNT Slider #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-04-28 16:50:24. It has garnered 2 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Yeah I taken an L on this one lol Join for Free Gold rank on Minewind a really fun server to play. Words: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and… Read More

  • Mikey’s Monument: Minecraft Land’s Masterpiece

    Mikey's Monument: Minecraft Land's Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, creativity shines bright, As Lo Do Vo builds with all his might. A statue of Mikey, a motorbike theme, Crafted with care, like a beautiful dream. From the head to the feet, each block in its place, Creating a masterpiece, with style and grace. The colors, the details, all come alive, In the world of Minecraft, where builders thrive. Though the video may jerk and lag a bit, Lo Do Vo’s passion never quits. With dedication and skill, he builds with glee, Sharing his creations for all to see. So let’s give a cheer… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥

    Minecraft's Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥 Why did the letter A break up with the letter B in Minecraft? Because B kept mining diamonds without sharing them! #alphabetlore #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting video featuring insane Minecraft rewards that can be unlocked by jumping in Hindi. The thrill and excitement of unlocking OP items just by jumping is truly exhilarating. The video showcases a unique Minecraft challenge that adds a fun twist to the game. Imagine the thrill of beating Minecraft with OP items, funny mods, and challenging gameplay. The possibilities are endless when you join a server like Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless adventures awaiting, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience like no other. So, why not jump into the… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider

    Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Welcome to MineQuesters: Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Texture Pack Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with MineQuesters, a channel dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest Minecraft videos. Dive into the world of Minecraft PVP and witness the power of the SenpaiSpider Texture Pack as players battle it out for supremacy. Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP Experience the adrenaline-pumping action of Minecraft PVP as players go head-to-head in intense battles. With the right skills and strategies, anyone can rise to the top and become a PVP pro. Learn how to dominate the competition… Read More

  • Cobey’s SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau’s Sister in Minecraft?!

    Cobey's SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau's Sister in Minecraft?!Video Information I can’t wait to go to the pajama party I hope it’s fun and not boring like last time I’m almost at the house it looks like it’s here let’s see if someone’s home hello anyone home hello I’m here oh it looks like they’re coming out great I’ll just wait for them here I hope today is fun hello Kobe glad you came I was beginning to think you wen’t coming it’s great to have you here yeah guys I’m here I came for the party is everything okay yes kop we’re very happy you came we’re… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Fear Nightfall Survival

    Sneaky Minecraft Fear Nightfall SurvivalVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet Jesus that’s loud I turn that down hello how are we all doing it’s a good game Sorry I mean experience how are we all doing tonight that music just feels loud why all right uh let me get the game loaded up curse Forge where you at load that come on you can do it there are 150 clone orders correct you doing good that’s good it is we’re at the part of the Year where the house is always hot… Read More

  • “EPIC House vs Fire Showdown – INSANE Minecraft Animation!” #gegagedigedagedago

    "EPIC House vs Fire Showdown - INSANE Minecraft Animation!" #gegagedigedagedagoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gegagedigedagedago HOUSE vs Fire In The Hole! #gegagedigedagedago #meme #minecraft #animation #memes’, was uploaded by Roblomem on 2024-04-22 11:00:47. It has garnered 156108 views and 4754 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Write comments subscribe to the channel and like the video ! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #meme #gegagedigedagedago #memes #nikocadoavacado #roblomem #animation #minecraftanimation Read More

  • “Insane PvP Battle on the Bridge! ALTERLEO Ep 7” #MinecraftPVPMadness

    "Insane PvP Battle on the Bridge! ALTERLEO Ep 7" #MinecraftPVPMadnessVideo Information [Music] he [Music] what This video, titled ‘Bridge PvP #minecraft #gamingcommunity #relaxation #texturepack1 #texturepack #mcpe’, was uploaded by ALTERLEO – 7 on 2024-03-21 17:24:13. It has garnered 88 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. “Minecraft Bedrock viral PvP” likely refers to popular player-versus-player (PvP) content or strategies within the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft that have gained widespread attention and popularity among players. This could include certain PvP minigames, maps, tactics, or challenges that have gone viral within the Minecraft Bedrock community. Minecraft bedrock server nether games descri NetherGames is a… Read More

The Biggest Minecraft Hunger Games Match Of All Time