The Birch Dimension! | Minecraft Randomizer Survival #2!

Video Information

Well hello everybody welcome back to another episode of Minecraft Survival randomizer or whatever I called it last episode today I’m here again with Ross hello again hello my friend do not hit me I have feelings as you can see a lot has been done kind of played a little

Bit offline though you weren’t here for this for awesome I’ve stopped mining the meat for a second I wanted some more me I just wanted a little bit I just want a little bit of meat notice our house has a hat yeah you yeah that’s a lot of diamond

Yes right yeah it’s a beacon but I forgot how to get a beat so for this dopey oh yeah I forgot we figured it out and we lost it that we had a beacon yeah you you don’t have found it I don’t remember how to get it maybe it’s this

Exchange cash law guys nothing and guess the nothing about glass got a sign break him sign a banner buddy to get a good and then I found that why you rushing me not right you can look off into the distance you can see I just dug up a

Bunch of stuff over there I turned it all into Pat’s and pretty much just played the loop box game with ferns nice until I got enough diamonds why can’t I get up there hey wait for me a block light gray terracotta that’ll work well somebody suggested in the comments

That we should make a journal the only problem is we have the ingredients for a book we just don’t have the ingredients for a notebook yeah we don’t have an exact they really dink honestly we just really need ender yeah we need to find the ender pearls oh

I got a fully powered beacon we still have anything to activate it with yes come in here let me show you what I got what do you want this is what I got from the firm’s oh I have gold in my inventory I’m turning it on Oh what are

You going to Norfolk jump boost we don’t need Jumbo’s though did you see how high I just jumped I did not impressed by coming here okay this is all the supplies I got left over from all the ferns nice and then get open it and so I tried sleeping while we were

Offline but yeah we couldn’t because the bear dumb stupid set this up you could only you can only sleep it late so come asleep at night and we couldn’t sleep next to a monster so I had to build down here this is pretty easy all I did was

Just bite a bunch of granite which gave me all the wood I needed and then it turns out a funny story cyan beds mm-hmm are leather oh yeah so I was able to make item frames oh that’s cool so these how did you get more Sun did you just have died cyan

Wool is grass do you ever want to open loop boxes just open up this gesture jeez yeah we’re set for life that’s a lot and it’s raining test it yeah test us Okay apparently snot writing that much look we had a spawn point now so if we die of death which actually I forgot to tell you I killed myself Congrats yes I got rid of the boots so I got better boots oh that makes sense yeah I had

Those uh those cursed boots that I couldn’t take off and they were kind of crappy although they did save me from lava he’s gonna push him across the street over there he’s gonna start hurting you uh that night he’s not the way he will when it’s nighttime

So maybe that’s why I can’t sleep at night yeah I mean of course he’s stuck on the path oh is he he’s a minecart won’t go up and is it going up on the grass dumb stupid I don’t think it is so this episode I thought it would be fun if we

Try to get to the nether I’m going back in we can make buckets to get lava and then we use that lava on water to make another portal I’m leaving you in charge at another portal because I trust you sounds good I just need buckets I wanted to try this

Wait this is something I don’t think we’ve tested yet okay scaffolding whoa wait what smooth quartz nothing there’s another item I’m actually thinking about um how do we make the saw buzz buzz the buzz it’s like oh wait we have the crafting book thing oh yeah I always

Forget about that the bus just called a buzz bus I don’t what is it called but I it’s a stone cutter that that’s the one do you want to try stone cut I can’t make it I was gonna say what if we what if we cut a piece of stone and then we

Broke the different variants of it oh I forgot to tell you also figured out how to get the the player heads Oh what was it we get that’s what we drop when we die that’s creepy yeah so that’s either my head of your head what do we normally

Drop when we die though I don’t think I drop anything think I have enough stuff alright I think I’m good I’m going under wait I was gonna go look for lava okay I’ll be here then I’ll just don’t talk about these I was just gonna go fill buckets with lava

Alright I’m Michael I want to do these hay bales gives I forgot what they give nothing I’m gonna go uh you you go you’ll be down there I’m gonna go look around because we are next to a dark forest which has giant mushrooms which we haven’t looked at yet it’s just a

Broke stone for a second there I go yeah meet Oh chicken coming what the a chicken gave a fletching table what it was that is ninety-nine fletching possibly flutter table gave the strip’s ruse log which gives a spruce log which gives a acadia fence which gives nothing

Oh dang it oh I thought were we going down something there whoa what’d you get uh you know the big regular mushrooms yes I got a bunch of a bunch of stuff like emeralds golden apples yo hold my what Chester these as soon as I found

Love I will come back immediately I just wanted to get that come back I’m getting these golden apples we just got the best foods in the game golden carrots do this end a dragon is gonna fear us if we ever get to it if we can figure out how to

Get there dude this is insane oh hey stone I got stone what the heck this because this this these mushrooms gave coal golden apples regular apples and wheat and emerald oh that would be a that sounds like a uh a spotter chest like the ones that are around spawners

It tell us about I didn’t get a music disc at all and I got I broke them every piece of that mushroom huh I feel like music this would be part of that wouldn’t it yeah yeah what the red mushrooms you think those give I don’t know we’ve

Got grey oh I mean the big red mushrooms sorry oh I don’t know I have no idea for a lot of them I’m gonna say um I’m gonna say with the skeleton very wrong I got smooth stone Oh which gives clay so uh while you’re

Doing that I found sand nice so I can play a cactus and see what it drops finally if you look down you might see my name I see your name oh I see you I’m coming all right I’ll wait for you then we can check this out

Together cuz this is what we found from the diamonds what you think it’s gonna be with their skeleton no no we already got the wither skeletons remember those were the mob spawners dude you got why do I remember this better than other schools oh the actual widows go yeah

Like they’re drops like the stone swords oh hey I made it hey all right come over here should we wear the ender dragon heads I don’t want it I saw people telling you to do it I’ll do it I don’t want to do it but I saw people

Want you to do it I guess I’ll never wear a helmet in the game so let’s go what do you see out of the thing I hate the jump boost you suck I’ll give you the honors of breaking it oh are you kidding me well so diamonds

Eventually go back to granite which is a starter chest that is that is disappointing to see well if you want to start working on the nether portal there’s a bunch of water in here oh hey didn’t you start a solo survival randomizer on your channel yes I am not

As lucky as us no it’s okay but if you want to see more of this randomizer make sure you go check out Ross hey sorry to interrupt a myths and video but just wanted to let you know I’m selling some your pal Ross merch over on my channel

Hope you guys are enjoying the video though check check out my merch do you think different colored sheep give different things yes okay I believe so even if you could dye a sheep I killed a gray sheep which gave me a diary wall she gave me cut red sandstone and then

Gives me Oh what I got a creeper head creep man oh hey in the dragon heads drop something orange terracotta Oh which is a broken anvil which is cobblestone neat hey that we can get stoned furnace yeah alright let me get a stack of 64 dragon heads then I’ll be back

Sounds good I’ve almost finished this portal I’m hyped to see it because it’s gonna take us a little bit to even set it on fire Oh what do you think I’m setting up now oh nice I have well I have lava and things to light it oh I see you hey man

What did you make another portal the log is not catching on the right side that’s a period because it literally the portal just needs to light like the fire just has to make it on to the nether portal well I’ll leave you to that I believe in you got cool this

Looks are they burn you son of a gun you put you could award me you put I didn’t even know those burns oh well now we know are you kidding me oh you got the tree on fire I got the tree all right I have a good feeling about this one

Are you sure about that a lot of stuff is on fire but nothing that I oh let me look at this column then we’ll be good oh I just hate that though dude I hate how long that has like doesn’t work oh man it’s kind of a cool portal hey let

Me decorate it I’m ready my dude you ready I’m in good spot I’m in fingers crossed no creepers oh man wow that loading screen was fast well like wow do you want are you ready for the moment of truth though the main thing you do it birch what well that’s a

Lot of wood are you kidding me well that could have been a lot it’s the wood dimension my Pigman they’re all gonna get mad so we’ve just got to be careful with that but I’ll take I’ll do it oh no no yeah they’re all after you oh

My god that’s so many I just got to kill one purple something it’s a part of it I’ll be over here which is prismarine which is oh hey we got sugar cane kind of made him go through the portal after me I don’t think that’s a good idea

What do you mean it’ll be fine look at him did you see him go through I did that was all I was a lot of pigment rock so now they’re at our house it’ll be fine oh hey there’s a guest yeah I just saw him spawn they still met yup they’re

Still mad at me okay oh no oh no oh are you making him go through again no I’m just standing on this thing I’ll help you I was watching the guest out trying to aim for because we have to find out the magma and soul sand well I did the

Magma already remember is the donkey oh yeah I’m with you soul sand is new oh my god he keeps moving at the last second oh I got him oh and you got an achievement I don’t know what it dropped though did it drop over the lava yeah he

Was really far away oh god please please just actually be soul sand it’s nothing it’s nothing soul sand there’s nothing well you know it just it’s a redstone repeater what wait what are these then where’s that I didn’t I didn’t see what it was stare are you kidding me which

They lead to nothing but we got repeaters now so everyone doing it about the mushrooms I think they’re done flour fish know specifically tropical fish charcoal that’s not bad I mean we already have a coal source but yeah don’t we already have charcoal yeah are they still mad yo you’re doing some

Golden apples by the way I’m good with the mutton but I’ll take a few Haga it is we’re about to go into an area that you’re not gonna like why did you why she wouldn’t even up there weren’t aggro on me anymore oh they were they were

Peaceful and then you attacked them yeah oh god I made a mistake are you timing your heads try it for the panicking oh no what the baby one what what how did you even get in here let’s drop the same thing you know this is probably one of

The worst nether spawns we’ve gotten I hate this place oh I’m gonna eat my words why did you see it yep if I won yeah it just looks like nothing to me no come up here blind yep you’re blind Oh God oh I still oh I see I was looking up at

Dad I’m like that’s just ground dude that should but I see I see it how do we get up I thought this was gonna bleed off so I’m just gonna use one all right yeah yeah I open this those are shocker boxes it what was a brown chocolate boxes the other windows

No which is brown wool which is pink wool which is leather yay okay cool we have another left source so much more ja netherwart is books yeah it’s learning but is it like cracked another brick or anything like that how do you make the red nether brick you you like the

Redness oh it’s Nene nether wart so we need doors for God oh yeah doors man yeah doors do that I want to just take as many chests as I can just cuz chests are useful I’m looking around a little bit let me know if you find a wither

Skeleton oh I hear blazes this way oh wait where’s this way I’m coming back to you I went down these stairs that’s why I see him there’s gonna find a bad with you as well I’m gonna get my sword ready that’s my sword sharpness for present yeah yeah

They are wood that’s so lame we’re getting unlucky now no now we’re starting to hit the areas of the luck oh wait here’s another chess what are those there’s nothing oh that’s getting crap out of me oh he drops for another brick that’s coincidental which drop woke trapdoors which don’t

Drop anything do they darn lily pads which dropped chests ah oh I found the blaze spawner does that just give a a break and it gave was that the chiseled stone break into head yeah okay so all spawners give heads are you kidding me pumpkin see it drop oh my god we’ll be

Swimming in pumpkins dude I’m not gonna lie the nether was kind of disappointing I did not enjoy my time here I did that I do I do like the wood though that’s actually the only upside all right in my you want it you what you want to take care of this lime

For I don’t want to knock them into the fire what what what a drop that lapis emerald iron goes it’s a chest and diamond I don’t know what kind of stuff gives like right on them we’re on the fire too so there yeah down there I’m gonna start

Heading through the portal though yeah that’s kind of the point we can always find an ocean monument true those would have stuff too and then all the prism erine and yeah all those blah I’m getting kind of worried we haven’t found any ender pearls at all

I’m gonna keep my sword ready oh yeah good idea I was mad cuz we haven’t been to too many vials until tests know true I know on my my personal snow was great Oh was it it was wood Oh gimme you beat up that was an awful beat oh yeah we

Just did saplings are not gonna do anything I’m good and you’re not even doing anything well yeah that was an awful beat I changed the beat and you didn’t even mine them oh hey look a bamboo okay that’s stupid oh hey look there tree what oh we got

One of those sweet yeah oh wait let me try this nope don’t work um but that mom can rig it oh why did you break it I’m sorry I thought we were done with it I didn’t have any stone on me that didn’t mean I couldn’t

Go get stuff so sorry darn it stripped acacia wood is nothing and are where the roses that’s weird we keep running into dead ends that I’m very sad stone button is AG lime green choker box which gave me black concrete powder I hate concrete powder because it could

Be two things one of two things and we got the bad thing so now like now I’m curious what would happen if I you know ran that underwater never know because your curiosity got the best of you my dude concrete powder okay and two concrete into light blue

Carpet into a red banner hope into it acacia sapling into a jungle stare into a bamboo ah I got the wither rose you got the lose yeah I got the rose you every testing with the rose oh well that would have saved me a lot of time hey I

Got a lantern nice no orange flowers new I think mamas mamas mamas could be something good oh yeah oh yeah we haven’t even seen like a llama in Oh dried kelp kelp if we not we haven’t tested read calibrate nope wait your phones phones let me see those no it’s um

That’s the wither skeleton charcoal and oh really : bones yeah that’s a wither skeleton oh so llamas are wither skeletons it’s nice to know yes hey you got a dog he will help us what do you name them Walter wait I’m turning this way cuz there’s still those Bruce trees hey

Zombie villager those are new right oh yeah I think think wait just count as a zombie though no a job steak huh so zombie villagers of cows Roger Doug sorry I got scared I don’t want your dog to die no I the creeper would have pushed him in the

Lava he’s chasing that skeleton down oh wait wait come here oh they changed it you could turn it like yeah yeah yeah Soul sand no way lu-shi soul sand blue sheep come here oh my god we can kill the weather Wow wait and another brick oh that was just regular shape I dropped that sorry there’s the soul sin okay we just need one more I’m out of lapis I have lapis I

Have 28 hours to be exactly you should turn it into the dududu so we’re not out yeah we could always test different colors for sheep true that’s why don’t you go see if we can get dyes and stuff oh I’m great I just got myself sad Ross yeah we win You

This video, titled ‘The Birch Dimension! | Minecraft Randomizer Survival #2!’, was uploaded by Mithzan on 2019-07-26 19:00:04. It has garnered 638459 views and 16615 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:01 or 1381 seconds.

The Birch Dimension! | Minecraft Randomizer Survival #2!


After ending “A Day at a Time” I decided to team up with my long time buddy Ross and tackle the VERY creative Minecraft Randomizer created by Sethbling. Our goal is to make it to The End and kill the Ender Dragon. How long will this take us? Will it even be possible? HOW DID SETHBLING EVEN CREATE SOMETHING LIKE THIS?! Join us as we figure all that out and more in.. “Minecraft Randomizer Survival!”

Check out Sethbling and his Randomizer Data Pack!: Sethbling – Randomizer Video –

Check out Ross!: YourPalRoss –

Ross Merch:



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#Minecraft #Randomizer #MinecraftSurvival

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    Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in MinecraftVideo Information H who Could That Be so early oh uh it’s bad JJ come on hurry up hurry huh what is it what’s with all these people oh again someone was attacked this is why we told him to put a stop to it huh uh uh um what Mikey what Mikey run it’s behind you what was [Music] that Chief we need to stop mushroom hunting there may be a man eating creature hiding in the forest we found a villager what was left huh without the mushroom hunt our economy will collapse but it’s dangerous someone else… Read More

  • Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft fun

    Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft funVideo Information Вчера я просматривал карту своего политического сервера и заметил игрока в джунглях я подлетел к нему и оказалось что у него закончилась еда и он застрял в этих джунглях и я решил ему помочь я дал ему вертолёт и ресурсы Он был очень благодарен мне и он полетел строить страну в Китай на сервере карты реального мира для ПК и телефонов IP в профиль E This video, titled ‘#minecraft #server #political #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Vladis_min on 2024-01-17 05:53:22. It has garnered 10783 views and 293 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Spudzy’s SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shorts

    Spudzy's SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shortsVideo Information what happens to a new YouTube channel if you don’t post for one whole week well I did exactly that and my channel is more alive than ever I just entered a sub war with my worst enemy grass toucher and my channel has not stopped growing since so subscribe you know the answer to This video, titled ‘What Happens When You Don’t Upload For One Whole Week? #shorts #spudzy’, was uploaded by Spudzy on 2024-01-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 28 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft gameplay Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: Discord:… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us, Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More

The Birch Dimension! | Minecraft Randomizer Survival #2!