The Caves & Cliffs Update! Minecraft Live 2020 Co-stream & Reactions // The Spawn Chunks Podcast

Video Information

Do Do So Do Bye Hello everyone welcome to a stream it’s picks and joel we are live and minecraft is live well come on in this is the spawn chunks minecraft live watch party and we are now on screen say hi joel hi joel hopefully uh hopefully you guys can hear joel okay

You can hear me okay can you can you not sir i can hit you totally fine i hope chat can as well skating says yes you can hear him very good good good great stuff good uh so it is of course saturday october 3rd 2020. my name is johnny you guys know me

As pixel riffs joel duggan is my friend here on screen we are part of the spawn chunks podcast if you don’t know us uh we are a weekly podcast about minecraft joel why don’t you tell them a little bit about the show sure uh we talk about minecraft news

Minecraft uh development opinions about the game what we’re up to in the game we also uh cover listener email and have guests on from time to time and it’s been what two years now i guess since we’ve been doing the show yeah we have been doing the show a little over

Two years we started in august of 2018 when the update aquatic came out and uh we’ve obviously covered the last few updates hopefully this minecraft live will have something else super interesting to share about what’s coming next in minecraft uh so in the pre-show we’re probably just going to be taking

It kind of casually we’re not sure what uh mojang has planned for this pre-show apparently some of the hermits are getting involved maybe providing some video content and that kind of stuff but we’re just going to be here shooting the breeze until the main announcements start and i’ll be

Adjusting the volume a little bit so you guys can hear hopefully they’ll have live subtitles as well that we can watch and uh yeah hopefully we’ll be able to adjust things as we go but let me know if you need the volume turned up or down hopefully me and joel should be audible

Throughout and if you want to watch the show without our commentary uh you can go to where there are a bunch of links to different places you can watch the stream uh we’re getting it live from youtube in my twitch feed here and i think that should be basically

Everything you need to know uh there is one thing i will share with you uh if you go to the spawn chunks there’s a live link there if you want to share with some friends if you’re like hey there’s some cool stuff happening over on johnny a picture of twitch

Channel with spawn chunks then that’s an easy way to let everyone know in your communities that we’re live i also want to briefly mention that about an hour before this pre-show started uh they gave another presentation for uh the minecraft characters that are going to be included in super smash brothers ultimate

And i wasn’t even gonna bring this up but it’s really impressive what they’ve done so i i highly recommend that if you haven’t seen that presentation go back and watch it after we get all the news from minecraft live and i’m sure you’ll have a fun time watching it

Looks like we have a little uh community pre-show warming up here so as i said before let me know if the volume is a little loud a little quiet and welcome to minecraft live i’m going to take this time and explain a little bit about myself and my relationship in history with minecraft

It all started back in 2012. i didn’t have a pc to where i could run it’s a little quiet right now that’s okay we are going to be talking over a lot of this which is why i put the subtitles on but i’m going to be riding the fader a

Little bit so you guys can hear bits and pieces as it goes right now all because of minecraft that’s allowed me to have this opportunity i was also a part of the minecraft live show back in this is pre-recorded 18 yes which was the first time

They brought on creators and it was just incredible but it’s okay i can pop the volume up a couple of notches it’s going to be phenomenal now this year is the community pre-show so you’re going to hear a little bit about what’s coming today also we’re going to hear from a few of

Our friends and what their year has been like and what we love to see coming to minecraft live this year now if you do speak another language besides english don’t worry we’re working with community we’ve got a uh countdown clock up there in the top right hand corner that seems to be uh

Letting us know how long it’s going to be until the main show they have let everybody know that some of the big announcements are going to be coming up front so you will want to be here in 20 minutes time if you need to pop away get

Some snacks get some coffee some tea some water i have a lovely little minecraft live glass of water that people have the minecraft team sent me along with a couple of other goodies ahead of the show it’s not a space mug it’s not a drink from that this is the space mug

Oh we have more people my house shovel i hope you’re all staying safe and healthy you might recognize me from the moment she was on last year i was blonde back then yeah i’m a long time minecrafter youtuber and lover of all things that let my imagination run wild i’m also a

Known cat lover and i would love to show you one of mine but every cat owner knows you cannot tell them what to do anyway we’re gonna start with the pre-show where we’re gonna look at the last year in minecraft i’ve had my own exciting year in minecraft i was crowned a minecraft

Champion twice and then later we’re gonna big announcement right at the start seems to be separate from updates and mob votes so i wonder what that means i’m most excited about yeah but i heard there’s something big being revealed right at the beginning minecraft dungeons i’ll be here watching that’s cool

It’s fun actually i should have mentioned that when we were talking about what we do with the spun chunks is that obviously over the last year we’ve covered quite a lot of minecraft dungeons yeah we have um especially recently with the dlc coming out sort of pretty recently um

You may know me from marielle series that i participated in like harmony hollow marielle craft and gamecraft just to name a few but i’m also known in the community for my innate abilities won’t be the first time randomly for no reason whatsoever it just happens completely out of my

Control completely out of my hands i i’ve had so many fun alistar mcfly hoping for the lava update on my channel and it’s hilarious now this year has actually been appreciated that’s what that was yes just give you more of it they update the environment around the lava of new friends playing minecraft

Dungeons that was pretty cool heck yeah minecraft dungeons representing live community pre-show to talk to you all about something very exciting yeah i never got a chance to get back into that last night i uh i ended up streaming no man’s sky but uh i will eventually get back into dungeons

We’re talking about the mob vote here uh not tip in the chat it says uh who are you guys voting for and why i’m assuming they’re referring to the mob vote we actually went into detail about all of this on the last episode of the sponge chunks but

Uh to recap we feel that the ice ologer i think between the two of us we kind of came down and said that that would add the most to the game yes for us yeah i personally am going to predict that the mu bloom is going to win because

It’s a popularity contest and the mu bloom is pretty popular um and i’ve seen a lot of people arguing that the ice solider is just going to make people miserable in the same way that phantoms do now because it’s another hostile mob uh but i personally think i’ll vote for

The icologer just because we know the most about it they’ve been fairly vague about what the other two will provide whereas with the icologer it’s pretty straightforward it’s a hostile mob that you can fight in mountains yeah we’ve got two hashtags forming in the chat we’ve got

Moo crew and the glow squid gangs yeah we need we need it we need a hashtag for the ice allerger i think that’s the problem with the isolator is branding it doesn’t have a hashtag yet i think cub fan when he took his vote was uh using something like the iceman or

Something like that but even that doesn’t quite it’s not quite catchy enough there’s so much that you can do hashtag chillager is definitely the uh the winner i think yeah yeah when cub took a poll on twitter the icologer did win it had like 48 or no 42.8 of the vote um

But i wonder if it’s gem hey gemini i’m going to turn jam up hang on yeah yeah content creator on both youtube and twitch i love using minecraft as a platform to create art and this year i’ve had a particularly amazing time doing so i was invited to the early

Access beta for minecraft with rtx on windows 10 edition and oh my gosh it was incredible minecraft with rtx adds so many new amazing properties to the game the new reflections and light emissivity is incredible i’ve played that map it’s really cool as a building block in the game is

Something i’ve looked forward to for such a long time and it’s finally here definitely have had such an amazing time using that to my advantage to create more depth and dimension in my minecraft world episode 77 a creative conversation with gemini back in february i just put the link in

The chat for everybody i just had to switch the subtitles off because they’re trying to subtitle what this dude’s saying in english but the subtitles are already translating for him yeah i wonder if there’s going to be any minecraft rtx stuff in this presentation considering the hype around the 30 series that

Nvidia just running video yeah yeah i’m wondering if we’re gonna see some more minecraft rtx stuff today wasn’t it something like rtx uh 4k ins like yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what the card is boasting it can do they they have locked it down now and the beta has been

Out i think for a little while that has introduced lighting to the nether as well which it wasn’t in the previous version so i’m wondering if there’s going to be like an announcement for an ultimate release date for the minecraft rtx pack youtube content creator and twitch streamer

My favorite memory from minecraft this year has got to be when we defeated the ender dragon for the very first time i have never seen this fight before and had no idea what to expect we spent hours and hours preparing and defeated the ender dragon our first try

In about 15 minutes respectable so much fun i cannot wait to see what minecraft has in store for us this year I think this is the uh initial trailer for the nether update oh yes right i was like i’ve seen this before i always like the way they animate the enderman in uh oh steve got shot um oh yeah have you not seen this

No i have not i uh yeah he got an arrow in the knee of course your adventuring days are over that’s super fun i uh uh piglens are accurate they just kind of one shot at both players yeah pretty much i i was saying i really like the way

They um they animate enderman they’ve always got that big kind of like gangly thing going on have you seen um in the smash dlc that has minecraft characters there is an enderman but he has to be the same size as a player so everyone’s joking about him being like gary the little enderman

Um and they’ve kind of they the community has definitely adopted him as like a a kind of an underdog champion at this point which is very fun gary it’s one of those things we’re like yeah that works it like the name fits it’s silly enough

To just kind of catch on i think the hot dish has an enderman called dave so yeah it’s like mundane names work really well for enderman because they’re so otherworldly yeah yeah super cool yeah i’ve not seen that all the way through i guess i uh i knew enough about the nether update

Already that i never saw the official trailer for it so that’s very cool live i’m nick pickett and i’m ellen and we built a one-to-one replica of the university of california berkeley with 200 of her fellow students faculty one-to-one representation of the university that’s really cool yeah i’d love to

Hear about all of these community projects they always look fantastic and dozens of our own builders so uh while we’re going through some of this pre-show stuff which of course everybody can go back and watch once it’s uploaded to the minecraft youtube channel after this so i don’t feel too bad talking over

This joel um how do you feel about what we’re gonna be seeing today like what are your expectations what do you think we’re gonna we’re gonna get from this presentation so last weekend uh and actually i think i streamed i streamed a little bit this week after our

Conversation on on monday when the mob vote was out there and the the feeling that i got from most of my community was that a mob vote feels a little bit lackluster yeah and it feels like well why are we voting on all of these things when they should all

Be just included in the game and i think that the mob vote is is more of a marketing thing to get people to attend yeah because they have something else bigger and more important to talk about i actually don’t know what that could be we they’ve talked about we voted on

Mountains before we got mountains right we voted on on uh tyga before and that was actually implemented mountains has not been implemented yet yeah i hope they let us know when mountains is coming yeah i would presume that mountains is going to be a pretty significant part of

Whatever the next update is but i don’t i don’t think mountains is the whole thing you know what i mean it’s not gonna be the mountain update like it was with um the the villagers and like village and tillage yeah that wasn’t just one biome like tyga was

Part of village right like that’s when that came out yes yes so yeah you can expect that if if we’re getting an update that’s just mountains it’s going to be a small thing maybe a holiday update and then hey it’s good times with scar i will turn up skull because we like him

Now i’ve been playing minecraft for 10 years ten years playing minecraft but to hang out with you here at minecraft live and to speculate on what we’d like to see added to minecraft in the day when they added color glass to the game i thought how cool would it be generated in caves

As if they were crystals just color crystals hanging from the cage just to add a little life a little energy to the caves and i thought that would be fun but let’s take this up a notch say we’re down the caves and we break open a wall into a gigantic cave

With cathedral ceilings crystals hanging down from the ceilings and these crystals come in all the variety of colors in minecraft and he’s going to pick out the ones that we like say we’re going to pick out the orange one and we knock down that orange crystal

And we can take the fragments of this orange crystal and put it in a torch or put in a lantern and we’re now casting orange light in minecraft lighting we can now cast colored light of all varieties in minecraft via torches or lanterns man off to my own heart right here and

Yeah design possibilities with our bills just imagine your builds now but being illuminated with color light how amazing would that be now another thing i’d love to see is somebody minecraft whenever he says the word amazing he almost puts an o at the beginning so now we have color light in the game

A long way what’s up auto playing music we have we’ve basically together here created a disco on minecraft and that sounds absolutely amazing we got some uh folks in the chat saying scar is forecasting a cave update I bet these guys are interested in having colored lighting as well creativity is literally limitless i need to improve the lighting in here i have all the lights on oh you’re coming through loud and clear joel it’s all good my uh the webcam doesn’t want to focus

Here it wants to focus on the white wall behind me we’ll The official live chat apparently just went crazy when caves were mentioned i’m not surprised the cave update has been one of those things the community has just been on and on about for the last little while yeah well especially because i mean it is minecraft and you spend an

Awful lot of time mining absolutely something that i actually really enjoyed about my recent modded playthrough was all the different stuff that you get to see while you’re while you’re mining in modded you know yeah it was really well spaced out things like copper and aluminum and tin and salt and um

The the mod had cave biome updates so like it just it it was the same old same old it was the exact same game play but because it gave you something new to look at it did refresh the feeling quite a bit yeah yeah it’s gonna be really interesting to

See what they’ve got coming out uh for people in the chat who are wondering this is all a community pre-show so anybody talking about stuff right now is just talking about like features they would like to see coming to the game and experiences they’ve had themselves not just

Um you know they’re not like spoiling everything for you like none of this is yeah like official information it’s all just community speculation at this point which is also kind of what we’re doing hello hey it’s this girl hey what’s going on some familiar faces

I love his office it’s an omega big day today because it’s one of these days it’s funny i just realized that um i’ve seen pictures of his being home before on social media yeah but he moved this summer he bought a house and we already got lots of lots of news

I’m taking notes right now i really want to redo my office i wonder if they’re going to make another like themed upgrade maybe yeah if i streamed i’d be streaming from the computer behind me so it would be pointed this way not that way or yeah or maybe i’d have to figure

Something out update that would be that’d be kind of weird swimming around underground and stuff like that anyway personally i’m hoping for two things i’m hoping that we’d be able to customize our little character a little bit more like the visuals of the character

I’d love to see like at being able to to get a skin that’s outside the game into the game that would be that would be absolutely amazing and i would interesting player skin changes to be able to change up that little base area add things maybe maybe put things

On the wall you find a cool sword put on the wall memorize it that would be absolutely amazing you know that’s a very good point i wonder what’s coming next in dungeons well yeah minecraft dungeons i think still has room for customization in that sense like that seemed to be what he was

Talking about i thought he was talking about minecraft and i was like he was talking about swimming around i was like we can do that is kel what are you talking about then i tweaked this yeah he was talking about dungeons so dungeons yeah imagine an ocean biome update for dungeons what

Would that even look like i don’t know i i think i mentioned one time on on the show that i would think that it would be more of a uh not a guardian um temple but a ocean monument but to be walking on dry you know hallways

But under water you know like in a bubble city sort of thing yeah i think that would be cool yeah that’d be that would be the that’d be the easiest way to implement it i don’t know i mean no one wants a mario super mario 2 swimming level i don’t think in denver

Yeah yeah or a legend of zelda water temple situation i don’t know yeah give them a treat um so i just went into feather adventures and i made a green screen inside of the dog’s house and for feathers as well mr gummy bear says i need a flower cow for my cow collection

Yeah we could have uh potentially three kinds of cows by the end of this in theory or another type of squid so technically four but i guess i was just treating them about the same uh the same someone on twitter was all about the brown cow from another update it was um

Like a woolly cow they wanted if they if they wanted a woolly cow from from minecraft earth instead of the moo bloom yeah like the highland cow looking one with the fringe yeah i do like those a new animal a new animal that will absolutely throw you off that cliff i think she’s

So i have the minecraft twitter account open and i’m going to be refreshing throughout the stream so that hopefully we’ll uh we’ll get the mob vote stuff showing up there for folks who don’t know the mob vote is happening at minecraft so make sure you’ve got that handy or if

You’ve got your your phone or your ipad or whatever devices you have around tune in when the time comes i don’t understand how i’ve got two giant monitors and i’m quickly running out of space to have windows we also have 1100 people here in the chat thank you so much for stopping by

And celebrating minecraft live with us it’s super cool to be doing this for you guys this year some folks asking about what my thoughts are on steve for smash i thought the presentation they did today with all of the moves and kind of illustrating how they put minecraft mechanics into smash

Is absolutely incredible i’m not even a smash player and i am wholly impressed with what they have done so i think we’re probably going to share more thoughts on that when we have a chance to on the spawn chunks podcast but i would recommend anybody even if you’re not interested in smash

At all but you’re a minecraft fan i really recommend going and uh checking that out because it’s it’s a phenomenal tribute to what minecraft is oh my gosh there’s some uh some modded shenanigans happening here in there people reacting to bees and stuff yeah were they trying to give her predictions

I think this is more of a uh just like a look back at what minecraft has been for this last year the buzzy bees update minecraft earth it’s probably going to be bits and pieces of minecraft dungeons in here as well yes not tip the vote is at twitter’s minecraft account

Twitter.comminecraft or at minecraft that guy’s like it’s pumbaa that’s so great that’s the main thing i’m looking forward to with future minecraft dungeons dlc can i punch my way through it um [Laughter] you want to say that that update was just bees but in retrospect that update

Added a lot of stuff even though it was a relatively small one and was mostly focused on bees and bug fixes we also had stuff like um you know honey blocks which are huge for technical players you have easier elytra takeoff was only really possible since 1.15

You have you know being able to set a respawn point without having to sleep sponges drying out in the nether bells being rung with redstone like i was going back through the change log for 115 and it’s a lot bigger than you think it is yeah i think the difference is that it

In way people look at it as a quote-unquote smaller update is that because it doesn’t add any new biome material or new block like what [Laughter] the light beams right next to mumbo yeah it’s like they put two people with british voices together great stuff where did you die where’s

The bear for steve representation that’s what i want to know oh i’m doing it now it was me that was that was my five seconds of fame folks you you you were here for it hype emotes in the chat but yeah like we we even if we just get

A mountains update it’s presumably gonna have a bunch of other really cool stuff in it so i would encourage people to uh be optimistic about whatever they’ve got planned for the next update and it must have been really difficult to develop some of this stuff while everyone’s had to be

You know working from home in isolation and so forth so yeah i’m uh i’m really hoping they’ve come up with something special despite the the adversity that everyone’s been uh working for there you go and speaking of which we’ve uh we’ve got a notification on screen here letting people know that

Everyone is being respectful of social distancing and so forth but this seems like it might be our main show hey yeah we got a minute to go all right i’m gonna here’s the dude i’m gonna roll up the volume and we’re just gonna enjoy this together um

This is the second time they’ve done this with the little zombie i think yeah i think they had the zombie chicken jockey was in the trailer for this event specifically there’s the icologer i think it was last year too there’s the glow squid as well i really like the way

They’ve incorporated real world scenes into the minecraft aesthetic with this the panda’s in a real bamboo forest that’s very sweet hello and welcome live 2020. i’m lydia winters your host and chief storyteller for mojang studios we’re coming to you live from stockholm sweden the birthplace of minecraft some of our amazing team members

Couldn’t be here today so we recorded the minecraft earth and creator tools segments in redmond earlier this week we are so thankful you’re joining us before we get started we want to acknowledge the number of challenges around the world right now as well as the mental physical and emotional toll

Those challenges are taking on all of us with that in mind we want to give the opportunity today to take a breath have fun enjoy the games we love and celebrate all of you our incredible minecraft community it won’t all be easy you’ll have to decide which mob to vote into the game

Which based on votes in previous years will be super tough you’ll not only get to hear about what’s coming to your favorite minecraft games you’ll also hear directly from the development teams we want you to leave today knowing about the exciting additions coming to minecraft and also

Why our team has made those decisions an insider’s look at what’s brewing at mojang studios today we’re kicking things off with the announcement of the we’re gonna tell you right now okay here it is folks they weren’t kidding about the jokes there’s agnes hi agnes and brandon let’s do this so okay

The next update is the update that you know that so many of you and well so many of us as well has been wanting for such a long time for real it’s the cave caves it’s caves we did it hey fireworks it must feel amazing caves and cliffs though seriously like

I’m so excited about this i mean even before i joined mojang i was always thinking about like when is the cave update gonna come and this this is it but it’s also got the cliffs as well it’s got the mountains like this is such a big update yes so excited how are you

Feeling agnes great like it’s so good so we have been working on this update for for quite long and we’re like we can’t wait to tell everyone and now we just announced it and it feels so we’re actually getting our first live look at some reactions [Applause]

Okay that’s pretty cool didn’t know that was coming those moms are very very excited this year we asked some of our communities to submit questions that will answer across the show this first question definitely feels like something everyone why so long for caves why has it taken so long like brandon i’ve

Been waiting a long time too yeah that’s a very good question so since this update really is the update like we have been dreaming about it for so long so it feels important for us to do it right like we don’t want to rush it

But now now it feels right time like we have spent the time we need to really like understand the vision we have for the update and also to make sure that we understand what the community actually wants and we’ve also like planned around it to make sure that we really can work

Together with the community to make this and like as epic update as possible and we have also hired some new amazing developers yeah and you’re one of the amazing developers brandon yeah i joined this year in january and i actually came from the community i used to do modding

It’s cool it’s super great one of the first mods to see that all of these developers have been hired on because they want to make this a really important update for the community as well it’s so happy to have you we have another creator question

Hi i’m the pink diamond diva and this is my question are you making the caves more advanced for older players so they can mine deep or are you making them more accessible and easy to navigate for newer players such a great question yeah i mean with this update we’re making sure that

We can have as much variation as possible within the actual caves themselves but we want to make sure that the old caves are still retained as much as possible to keep that classic feel yeah and we really imagine you know we have such a huge community

And it’s also very i’m sure we’ll hear a little bit more about that as we go on here so we really want this update to have something for everyone so actually we made sure to map all the features in the update to different player styles to really see that we fulfill that goal

That’s so cool and you had such a big thought process on how you decide what even goes into yeah and update this big yeah we have spent quite a lot of time on just making sure that we have a very good like fundament for the update for

Example we did the play style mapping and we’ve also worked with sign pillars so the design pillars they kind of describe the vision of the updates so for example they help us when we like prioritize between different features and also when we design each specific feature and we have three pillars for this

Update and the first one is actually all about like the spectacular mountains the snowier snow and the mysterious goats so we’re still getting mountains last year’s live the players voted for these features and we felt like it’s so important to deliver on that promise so we actually wanted to have it as a

Pillar yeah and another pillar that we actually integrated into this was adding strategy to mining so of course minecraft already has plenty of strategy in mining but we wanted to see if we could push that just a little bit further and add even more mechanics that make it

Interesting for players to mine in the case and it’s just what i said to create an underground of marvel for the players and marvel not marbles like contrast and like inspire players to craft their own underground adventures and build underground and one thing we’re done to like fulfill

This pillar is that we have added new cave biomes yes cave fires lush lush caves okay is that a new tree type there’s definitely new plants in that tree right yeah new flowers in the tree i wonder if it’s it’s like an indication that there’s a lush

Cave so that you can find them on the surface oh look at this yeah oh my goodness so we’ve got vines we’ve got moss there it looks like there are layers there’s like layers of moss on the floor like snow layers layers of stuff and look at those flowers this is incredible

The moss hanging on the edge of something yeah it droops down and we’ve got some regular vines but of course we’ve got like those have like berries and stuff in i guess yeah people changing carpet to grass to hide torches yeah yeah yeah absolutely yeah i mean we wanted to make

Sure that of course in in minecraft all the original caves you know they’re pretty much the same there’s not much variation in terms of vegetation or different features inside of it so for this we wanted something which is a bit more like light and lush and actually has vegetation

And i mean i think it looks amazing it’s gorgeous what was the inspiration behind it so we were thinking about okay so how should you feel when you’re in a lush cave and we wanted to be like so you feel like very tiny inside like a big garden or a big forest so

Like when you look up it’s actually like vegetation above you it’s vegetation around you and one source of inspiration so it’s kind of like the roofed forest but a cave version more or less really interesting to see the source material for some of these updates it’s

Like huge forest and you see like the bottom of the trees i didn’t catch the name but it’s a swedish painting compared to the character and you’re adding so many new plants in the lush caves yes so i don’t know if you saw but there was this new tree that

Was actually above on the oval yeah i was right and this is called an azalea tree so it’s a unique type of tree that you’ll be it will be easy to spawn from places i think of azalea as bushes but i guess it does grow into like down its roots small trees

So this is another part of adding strategy to mining interesting you know there are certain landmarks which will allow you to understand what you’re doing tomorrow rather than searching endlessly yeah it’s like signposted that way that’s cool it’s that you maybe saw it in the video it’s whenever it’s a new wood flower

That you find in the roof of the lush cave and it will drip particles from that flower but it will also actually feel like a big volume around it with particles so it’s similar to the particles that we added to the nether biomes ambience but the cool thing here is that

You can move the flower if you want to and get this anywhere you want in your world yeah yeah yeah it’s not biome so awesome that’s awesome yeah the lush caves have a real glow to them from one of the plants yes there’s a glow

In there there are vines in the plant in the lush caves and they have glow berries on them and the berries the light source you can also pick them and eat them and you can actually see that they can kind of grow from like water or anywhere else and they grow quite tall

But they have like a little plant on the top that you can actually hop onto so like the idea of the mechanic behind it is that the leaf will actually tilt down when you stand on it too long so this will actually make you fall through

After a few years it’s a parkour plant so it’s kind of this like platforming block that allows you to just you know continue platforming over and over again the slime block sound is not great but that’s contouring yeah yeah you can build like your own platforming levels and then they will repair themselves

That’s good that’s really interesting almost like a yeah like a timed platform it’s so beautiful in there and there’s organic cause mob coming to the lush caves there’s a mob coming yeah there is but we will actually not tell you about this mob now because in

The end of the show we will show even more features coming to the caves and clips update right then we’re going to show that thank you so much first time we have so much that we’re actually yeah so that’s actually showing everything about the update section into

Two right at the beginning and towards so we have a big announcement now more details later it’s amazing yeah yeah it’s so exciting you’ve also worked on improving the weird that i can’t stop looking at the coffee table it’s cool coffee table it’s all blocked yeah

Still the old style of caves but we wanted to make sure that there was much more variety in the sort of cave underwater this is what is talking about wanting in dungeons it was like a swimming cave experience so we actually added something we call local water levels so in one cave you

Can might find like a cave lake and another okay might not have that one and this also means that we get naturally generated waterfalls which is so pretty i feel like they’ve got um fabulous graphics on for this because of the way the light behaves there’s like bloom happening here and

There which is quite interesting yeah so you’ll see in a bit that uh i wonder if they’ve improved that they will actually use a boat to ride such an exciting opportunity to be able to traverse the case you can travel around caves on a boat that’s so good

And then yeah they said something about a this is just for preview purposes the doors aren’t going to glow now uh it’s just that the caves tend to be quite dark and so here’s a feature we didn’t have for the game glowing ore now will that only be for

The like normal caves or will this run across all of the new cave biomes so the really cool thing is that like the new cave shapes and sizes is completely independent from the new biomes so that means that we have so much variation because for example a lush cave

Can for example generate you know in a super narrow tunnel and but it can also generate them like a huge cavern imagine and that creates completely different atmospheres but it’s still the same i hope so yeah we’re really going to have lots of variation on the ground now

You’ve been calling two of the the different cave type spaghetti and swiss cheese like that that’s how varied the cubes should be yes i mean there are so many different variables of how the variation works and i mean it has even more variation than the overworld itself it’s

Just crazy it’s a lot yeah some of the gates for example have really cool pillars and some are more like flats some are tall lots of variation very nice and you have another another new cave biome to show us more cape so we have the drip stone caves

Oh look at this whenever i think about the idea of a cave update the the image of actual stalagmites comes into my head um but adding these are pretty difficult you know it’s a very unique shape that minecraft yeah really it comes to a point i think the way that the artist

Yeah into minecraft works quite well and of course there’s some mechanics surrounding this so you can see that someone destroyed the block at the top and so the drips don’t fell down and also unfortunately for the zombies here if you fall they act like spikes we’ll get that something for technical players too

Right there’s absolutely mechanic in the drip stone that’s gonna make them pretty difficult to walk around but wow like from the stalactites you could see that it was like dripping water it’s actually if you put the cauldron under a stalactite it will fill up with water that’s nice

Renewable water i like all of these little sketches as well you remember which is still lag types well that’s a very good question it has been very tricky to remember that but i think i think i learned so we actually yeah it’s hold on tight

It’s just like tight i was going to say the wrong one it’s a stalactite is in the roof and stalagmite is on the floor perfect we’ve been practicing that all of us i love how everybody’s double checking like that’s right right yeah you have something really amazing

In this episode i don’t know if the spikes are going to instantly kill stuff like they did in that video that was probably just for demonstration we’ve actually been thinking about this redstone block that lives in the deep dark a new biome at the deepest depths of the world okay

We’re not going to talk about this biome too much today we are going to show some of the blocks and maybe later a mob that comes from it uh so if we look at the video that sounds scary oh what it’s basically this growth and this is called the skulk that

Looks very end theme one of the blocks is called the sensor what did that just do redstone block hello as you can see when you place or destroy a block or if you have footsteps it’ll actually detect the vibrations around and then emit a redstone circuit a motion sensor are you serious

It’s very interesting for wireless players we even have a mechanic around it where you can actually use wool with wool occlusion to essentially prevent signals from being able to uh get into the skull if you walk on the carpet around it it’s not going to hear you

That as you can see really cool next to the skulk sensor and it’s actually kind of doing an infinite loop where the piston is causing a vibration and then sensor and going over and over again but here i’ve actually put a wall block in between the piston

Which prevents the signal from going to the skulk so wool is a technical block now it’s what i’m learning yeah this can allow you to even do sort of directional skull sensors oh yeah and only allow it to detect vibrations in front i feel so bad for tango because tango

Has been doing all of those like player detectors with puffer fish and then they’re like nope you have a block that does that now yeah but what like directional it’s a sound block yeah well we had a happy accident with this because we realized that we get wireless redstone

Thanks to the skulk sensor yes so and we didn’t even plan that really interesting then when we started like wait oh boy that’s so exciting and with such an organic looking block as well that’s such an interesting implementation of it this is like striders being lava boats but yeah

Instead of it being like a radio sensor or something it’s like an organic weird noise [Laughter] we said there’s another mob coming later but i think it’s time for a new mob coming to the cliffs update new mob it is and this is a very scary mob and it

Lives in like the deepest of the underground deep dark and this is a very dark place and the cool thing is that this mob is very well adapted to the environment so it actually it can’t see anything so it’s the first blind mob in minecraft and that’s very interesting

Because it gives such interesting mechanics so it’s blind but scary reactive vibrations yes like the skulk sensor block okay so this is probably how we get it right like very careful when you walk around in the deep dark you might upset that i think that yeah with this mob we really wanted to

Make sure that it’s just freaking in the detail that feeling of the first night of minecraft and like we can often forget that minecraft can be a pretty scary game um so we wanted to make sure that we kind of go back to that i mean caves can be scary they’re dark

And all i’m going to say is that when you go into the deep dark i want to make sure that you’re very quiet and watch closely for the warden the warden oh no oh this is not good also what is this stone texture by the way hello mm-hmm yeah it seems like the

The what do they call it skulk blocks it’s like it’s kind of like overgrowing the stone around it yeah oh oh the light the light is not good oh my goodness this is so atmospheric already i’m scared So every time you place a torch because candles there are candles it’s like sea pickles but candle style oh oh there’s like a heartbeat noise i don’t like it i wonder if this is like a bloom effect that happens in the in the biome is this the is that a

Player’s base or is it the base of whatever is chasing it no idea but yeah if that’s like a fabulous lighting trick that’s very cool Oh what is that what is that he throws snowball to distract it oh my goodness oh i love him okay look at this guy he’s like something from spirited away oh and he’s got his his antler things wobble like and you can see like the the visible sound of the vibration

Oh don’t shoot him don’t shoot him he’s too cute don’t do it oh my days picture life’s like ah he’s cute and he’s like i’m going to eat your face it’s so cool looking it’s like something from a miyazaki film oh and he’s oh he’s picking up speed oh

Lord he coming oh boy i’m waiting for pixar to change his tune here this is so cute he’s got you go you’ve got another right sword fight it oh wow that did a lot of damage this player has full armor run away full armor and it did like

That’s probably not even enchanted armor but oh b dogs i’m sorry man that looks intense heck yeah very different mob i’m really excited for this because not only is it trying to be scary it’s you know we had to keep a balance to it it was very challenging to design it

Aesthetically those things look so cool another thing that’s really important to know is in that video i was wearing full nether eye armor so it’s very powerful six hearts like six and a half probably interesting game play because like if you want to you can

Avoid it but then you need to really be careful like sneak all the time to not make like any kind of movement that it will detect but that’s a lot of fun and he’s like feels scary so the reason feels like you can’t outrun it

And the reason to go down there is to get the sensors for redstone stuff right so it’s a valuable resource but not like diamonds or a new or something like minecraft it was terrifying listening to zombies underneath my house and in the caves and hopefully we can bring that back to

Players but you know 10 years later yeah but that would be just amazing because you hate here someone’s in the chat asking about drops i wonder if that thing in its chest i was very so yeah that could be interesting i wonder if maybe it also drops

Something related to that block so it can become renewable really really terrifying but um the next tango mini game yeah is going to be a little bit intense um oh we got more info wanted to be very scary and we didn’t want to take away from scary friends with bunnies we felt let’s

Add some derpiness to it yes it’s like a mix so for example we added the mouth that’s ignore that subtitle and some actually reacted like oh it’s so sweet which i think it’s more scary it is cute i think we find like the perfect balance yeah absolutely that’s character

Oh boy yes definitely well you’ve been sitting up here you just announced an update that everyone has been waiting for and we actually have some tweets that have come in hey that’s a few of our friends okay that’s amazing to see so much excitement oh even more tweets so it’s lovely

It’s like we really developed this game together with the community and now to see that people are so happy yeah it must be really emotional for them as well having um such a privilege to work on this in isolation and everything like you can tell that agnes is like

Just a little bit overcome with it thank you so much agnes and brandon that was a lot of amazing new things don’t forget that we have another segment full of even more cave updates later on in the show what about clayton now let’s head over to this is caves and cliffs

Where are the cliffs correspondent i feel like that might be how they’re dividing look at something you all vote sorry again so that might be how they’re dividing it you know yeah caves now cliffs later yeah but they they did say more cave updates later as well so

Okay is here which means it’s the mob vote yeah i love the wardens so much joel i want one i will name him fred and he will be my friend fred the warden absolutely oh plushies i would buy a plush of that in a heartbeat no pun intended max i have your book

They sent me the book as well as the the glass and i hope you’ll enjoy the sequel minecraft the mountain oh where are we bringing out a new book that’s exciting and paddles to a strange snow-covered world and discovers another castaway and together the two of them have to find their way

Home the stephen alex story minecraft the mountain coming out in 2021 available for pre-order right now oh right now always thank you for embracing all minecraft books yay that sounds awesome so max brooks um was the author of world war z and the zombie survival guide

And i haven’t read the full book yet but minecraft the island is actually really good as a translation of the minecraft experience into a novel it’s it’s pretty good is bringing to minecraft on the cliff side of the caves and cliffs update goats goats hey there they are

And adorable and they jump at the same time as you can see they live on the mountains they jump so if you weren’t careful they might not and they do they do headbutt stuff excellent jumping skills incredible we’ll also get better mountain generation with spectacular and more

Dramatic mountains it’s going to be some chunk trimming that means things like tree lines and mountain tops that will be more challenging with lots of snow and ice and speaking of snow yes it will be snowier we will also have a new block called powder snow

Okay be a kind of trap block it looks similar to snow but if you or a mob walk on it you will fall right through now let’s talk about so kind of an answer to that double trap door thing that we all have to do right now yes

And to introduce them we once again have tiny agnes and tiny yens let’s see what they have to show okay so this is all the stuff we’ve seen before so i’m going to roll this down for a second those mountains the screenshots looked really really nice i’m still just reeling from the warden

To be honest with you but beautiful flowers yeah it’s one of those things i want to know more about it but i guess that’s what they’re going to be rolling out in the in the snapshots leading up to whenever this update will be coming so this is why do we have to record

These videos on an actual map i do unfortunately they didn’t say much in these little animated things but they are really cute the new illager that lives on mountain tops it’s a hostile mob that attacks you with clouds of flying eyes you did pack the supplies we need to

Survive the night up here rightians do you ever wish minecraft’s oceans were glowier not me i always wish for world peace so the minecraft twitter account is currently uh retweeting all of these or reposting all of them and apparently the mob vote starts in just a few minutes time so get your clicking

Fingers ready Must admire glow agnes show some uh some hype in the chat for whoever you’re voting for let’s uh let’s get this started and they’re so susceptible to distraction hopefully that won’t happen to you now let’s go over how oh the royal phone is ringing oh hi tiny agnes

Yeah no i i’m live right now tiny agnes would like everyone to know that she and tiny yen’s are in fact good friends okay and why do people keep leaving phones around the studio now let’s go over how you can be a part of what is

Likely to be an epic showdown don’t let this decision be made without your voice be ready to cast your votes there it is make sure you have a twitter account if you don’t go to sign up for an account and make sure you’re logged in set one

Up now you know when the voting starts then you’ll need to go to the minecraft twitter account to find the latest poll think carefully debate with your friends and family make a decision then click think carefully but vote right now minecraft there will be two votes isn’t that how

It usually happens i’ll let you know when yeah it begins for now just be ready and keep dreaming of victory for your favorite mob be ready not the bees adventures in minecraft earth okay minecraft earth segment my name is yesenia cisneros and i am the gameplay producer for minecraft earth

I am so excited to be a part of minecraft live this year and hold the with you our amazing community this is not the official what you’ve been doing with the game i’ve seen lots of creation shared each week and i wish i were that creative i mean

Wow while everyone has been discovering these babies i have been logging in each day to collect a new adventure crystal which lets me play i’m surprised by the support to be honest various parts of my home my dogs are very confused to say the least

It seems like i’m not the only one who’s been going on lots of adventures we’ve had more than 5 million adventures played throughout early access holy moo bloom that is amazing i think it’s really cool what they’ve been doing with minecrafter to make it more accessible to people who have to

Stay at home right now and i haven’t been playing it at home but obviously anyone who was really excited for it beforehand would have been kind of heartbroken that they basically had to stay indoors and couldn’t go out and access adventures but now it’s possible to get adventure

Crystals which allow you to play the adventures at home uh you can spawn them in anywhere so that’s uh a very considerate thing of them to do and obviously you know kind of saves the concept of the app considering that most people wouldn’t be able to go out and play right now cool

Is that yeah now i’m not going to tell you who you should vote for but what i am saying is one of these mobs is definitely way more adorable than the rest so and it’s still i pistons and sticky pistons to minecraft earth oh here we go black sheep there

They are adding technical blocks in so like sticky pistons and stuff it’s obviously still going to be bedrock edition mechanics but that’s kind of huge if you want to make more technical stuff in minecraft earth that’s that’s very very cool my name is mumbo this is my favorite it’s mumbo

And this is angry vw oh they go camping together conditioning there’s no heating there’s no radio oh bless them um there’s no anti-locking brakes no power steering i’ve owned it for about four years and to be frankly honest it’s his pants times were definitely different in the 1970s so it’s ridiculously slow

And it’s definitely lacking some of the performance you would usually expect to find the greens wearing a helmet we are embarking on a grand tour of england oh wow going from the south coast up to wales and it’s going to take us three whole days this is ambitious would

You class that as a grand tour well yes we have no radios so it’s going to feel a lot longer but you see this isn’t a regular road trip in a rubbish old van this is a minecraft earth road trip in a rubbish old van with minecraft

Earth being a game you can play on the move we thought we would travel to a bunch of different levels i’m six foot and he feels a foot taller than me yeah earth with real life minecraft earth frisbee is a bit of a challenge [Laughter] sorry minecraft earth badminton can be

Quite dangerous to onlookers real life sand blocks are alarmingly difficult to construct if i just film this angle there we go there’s our is our sand block all in all though this is such a great concept of a video about minecraft earth though fun it is on brighton beach it’s all pebbles

Yeah wow it looks like mumbo jumbo and green had quite the minecraft earth adventures at mojang studios we’ve also been making more original content than ever before on our minecraft youtube channel our goal is to create shows that give you inside knowledge directly from our team

We’re even giving away all of our inside knowledge with a lot of overly cute graphics honestly fluff but it’s good we have lots more awesome minecraft content on the way here’s a look at what shows you’ll find on our channel I think that was yen’s remixing himself oh maybe how can steve punch cactus without getting hurt i know cactus has i really like the uh the ask mojang videos though like the the devs actually giving their um their answers to these often hard-hitting questions is uh super fun please

Like and subscribe i’ve always wanted to say that but really you should it’s good stuff in 2017 you voted for the terror that is the phantom and i personally have not forgiven you for that no maybe 18 the tiger won your vote last year it was the mountains with our soon-to-be friends

The goats i just sleep what will you the minecraft community like a regular like a good minecraft player i sleep all the time as well view our choices once more i was in so um talking about smash again briefly because we mentioned sleeping um there is

Um a jigglypuff which is a i know you’re not really into pokemon joel it’s a pokemon i’ve heard it though it’s a pokemon that can put you to sleep basically and it’s a um it’s a character in smash that can put other players to sleep

When it puts the steve or any of the minecraft characters to sleep a bed appears and they sleep in the bed it’s not just like they’re kind of drowsy and slumped over like they actually go to sleep in a bed it’s such a good thing that’s funny

It’s really funny oh and i’ve seen i’ve just googled the image i’ve seen jiggly buffs before yeah yeah familiar with pop culture but i just i wouldn’t know what it was called and i’m pretty sure they’ll be best because an interesting show of my age if you start flashing

Pokemons up in front of me and ask me to name them i’m just like i don’t know that that could make for a fun video though pink round girl yeah uh just come up with catchy names for these creatures you’ve never seen before water reptile go to the pole right now fire lizard

Okay it looks like the pole should be live before we start the second and finals live what are we saying we are saying welcome to my desk to talk about the dungeness minecraft game ever minecraft dungeons hello i thought i thought he said the uh the poll was live

Very excited that you’re here you might have said it before i am a game designer which means i am the one that gets to decide how difficult the bosses are it’s a minecraft dungeon segment so i’m going to roll up the volume you can blame me for this

I think people will blame you for that that’s okay while i have you here on the stage which one were you voting for vote i think if i don’t say am i i am voting for the isolator my team will kill me so but it’s an amazing mob it brings a

Lot of fun to dungeons and i think it will bring a lot of fun to minecraft as well okay i figured you would say that but i had to ask so tell me about the launch of dungeons this year oh wow that was that was quite the ride

It was such a crazy launch i don’t think anybody in the team expected to ever uh release a game from home so we were all sitting like massive teams called legends like sharing streams with each other and sharing videos and comments from players and it

It was pretty successful it was fun in a different way yeah yeah i’m uh kind of impressed by how well they managed to cope with the launch from home and they’ve done a fantastic job on that game in general to play the game it was very fun to see parents like show

Their children dungeon crawlers and children show their parents minecraft i don’t know it was very nice to see everyone just sit together and play and enjoy that sounds wonderful yes well let’s take a look at what the community has done with what’s come out so far yeah can i actually believe

That we like got close to the end and it was like nope well time to be blown up by my creepers they absolutely hate you there’s creepers oh yeah tom you’re welcome to join actually a bunch of people getting really excited about minecraft so the village merchant a really cool merchant simple

Straightforward items and definitely a nice idea a good replacement latest update has really changed a lot about dungeons if you played the initial update it is way different now something that i’m looking for more levels the village like camp has see what’s going on here i see what’s going on here

Does it what is his like online name martin as well i recognize him he is in the little woods and fun fact he is one of the first people i ever watched play minecraft on youtube he is one of the people i used to watch when i was first getting into minecraft

So i think i’ve seen him on twitch yeah yeah he he plays fortnite and stuff as well but he’s uh okay yeah definitely a an old-school minecraft guy from the ogs cast you’re a free villager find the caravan villagers folks in chat are saying the vote is

Live and i’m seeing a poll on minecraft’s twitter account so let’s get in here and vote has been cast for iceologer yep same here vote with your heart folks choose whichever mob you feel deserves to be added to minecraft oh look there’s a pig and it’s gonna be live for 18 minutes

That looks so fun yeah it’s so cool to see people have fun with the game and it’s fun to play and watch yes i i hope so at least but this week the polar is looking pretty even right now there have been over a hundred and seventy five thousand votes already

Doing things i feel and it’s probably still up there i have to keep on refreshing how do you um send the new daily trials which was awesome are you just hitting refresh all the time i think it’s lunch okay so fun i really like that and the

Glow squid is actually winning right now so now we get too welcome yeah not very much for the community and i i kind of wonder how many people are voting for the moo bloom if it loses will end up voting glow squid because they want a passive mob

That’s what we saw last time too the split with the the loser joining the one that was the most similar like no one jumped from was it mountains swamp and what was the other biome um i can’t remember was it badlands desert there was one of those yeah maybe it was

The desert questions but um they would they no one piled on to uh we were very excited to the other ones they all went to mountains like it was no one went to the swamp level like i was very confused i’m really surprised that the moo bloom is losing this badly

I really expected it to sweep and having little snippets of things i think the glow squid has that tease of a light source yeah probably i really hope they add a light source to it if that’s what people are expecting right and not just glowstone right yeah or

Not or not anything it could just be like a funky looking squid we’re gonna talk about our coming up upcoming dlc that we prepared with our friends at double 11 and that’s called the howling peaks oh okay this is new minecraft dungeons dlc right now yeah howling

Howling peaks why don’t we take a look at some live gameplay yeah let’s check it out show us the gameplay let’s do it are very lucky today that we have four members of the dungeons team with us uh here’s mariana the nintendo switch hello here’s chris at the pc oh

Are they doing crosstalk at the playstation 4. yes and at the xbox one we have annika oh excited to show you here for the first time let’s play which we’re very excited about hey well done that’s exciting very good first look at the mountains biome coming to dungeons

Already i see a goat right now the goats are in it too nice that’s so good it’s a minecraft team if we could bring goats to dungeons and they said yes so we get to release them a bit first in dungeon so depending on when the caves and cliffs

Update comes out yeah it seems like goats will actually be in dungeons first coming out of these greats yes uh win this mechanic that we’re gonna explore a lot oh okay the mountains missions it’s like pushing them all back towards the cliff players will be both challenged by it and will be able

To use it so the wind will push the player so you need to be a bit careful but at the same time you’ll be able to use it to solve puzzles push items and i wonder if they’ll end up bringing some of the cave stuff into minecraft dungeons as well

Yeah maybe those lush caves would look great as a dungeons level yeah for sure also icelander and glow squid are currently tied on the pole there have been over 400 000 votes like this little contraptions all around come on i need to go back and see how

Many people voted in the last minecon i don’t recall it being that many but maybe it’s been yeah it’s been a while and i was in spain so i can’t quite remember how it went i think i was voting on a beach in valencia at the time that’s very important

With some very unreliable 4g uh the ideologues that you can find in this mission and in all the mountains missions are very ready i love what they do in there in minecraft dungeons with the grass coming through and they’re actually being different layers of it like that it’s very very yeah

Ravages oh my gosh there’s a ravager oh wow wow that’s another and another type of illegal over there when we’re gonna add that guy did he like charge at them with a wind attack or something there that was really cool looking uh no there’s wind in the sides see the white line

Yeah yeah but i think the uh the illegal kind of zoomed towards them at one point he has a bit of a touch yeah yeah oh there he is yeah yeah they’re going to be painful he doesn’t seem affected by the wind at all well they’re doing a pretty good job

Against these women yes i love that this is actual live gameplay as well it’s not like rehearsed or anything that’s great there are three ravagers wow yeah that’s good whirlwind interesting one not sure i can take on three ravages without weapons joel [Laughter] yeah there’s a mob you don’t want to get

That close to right yeah and we hope everyone not really want to fight bear fisted oh that was a nice holiday what um did they say what the wind pillager was called they might have done i think i may have missed it yes all right we’re leading up to this big ravager battle

Yes but i think windowledger maybe i don’t know oh no got thrown in the pit i’m used to those strategies so great so they decided to cut away from the gameplay because people were dying yeah the game 555 000 votes for all the players new gamers and that’s called apocalypse apocalypse

You know harder a bit at the time uh yeah when you call something apocalypse it sounds very hard yeah an apocalypse plus means that it gets even harder so hopefully players get to find i feel like we’ve all been playing 2020 on apocalypse plus can i just say different every time

But okay that’s a lot of stuff i saw is officially no no i thought it was 35 where i thought it was in the lead tone of stuff i feel we’ve been supposed to screen ahead but yeah we have today a little video with a lot of work in progress

Work in progress though very working yes uh but yeah i think we should look at the video wait that’s my line i’m sorry stealing the hosting duties wow yeah look at this environment design red grass that looks so nice yeah and i love those blogs oh

Hey something i wish we could do in minecraft is what they do in minecraft dungeons when they rotate blocks yeah yeah with just rotating the texture around a little bit no like oh oh you mean like having moving parts in it like uh yeah like being able to actually turn

Something like a capstan or a crank kind of thing yeah yeah because everything’s still blocky it still looks like minecraft it just looks so much more um alive it’s a lot of moving a lot of lava going on in the background of that yeah and this looks like the new plant

That we just saw from cave update maybe is this underwater oh so this is not the howling peaks thing this is something completely they are underwater levels and you’re just wandering around them i guess because why wouldn’t interesting there’s like a little dash because you can’t really roll you just sort of

Yeah wait a second is this oh that’s the end oh baby bring it and the archeology looked like he was back there as well so that’s another did we already have another no no not at all there is a nether portal in the camp after you beat the main game but

Yeah oh heck yes one of my favorites so another and the end studio very cool very cool so that’s like basically four updates confirmed right there there was an ocean one the nether the end and then howling peaks is going to be the students and first ones the most recent like the the

One that’s coming next yeah are able to collaborate learn and share together minecraft has always been a way to connect people and we’ve seen that now more than ever with minecraft education edition thank you liara for uh dropping a link in the chat if anybody hasn’t voted in

The most recent poll from your classmates isolature looks like it’s a very close second right now so the moo bloom is probably going out unless there’s a real rally of support for the moo bloom we’ve seen students 600 000 votes so far today we’re launching our first ever minecraft education edition

Global challenge for students around the world to build a better world with us this interest over the past few months we’ve seen wildlife roam through cities the global build championship without cruise ships and fairies around dolphins visited the port of calgary in sardinia italy and wild boar

Roamed the streets of barcelona but what if animals could share space with humans all the time today we’re kicking off the first ever minecraft education global build championship and asking students around the world to design and build healthy spaces for humans and animals to co-exist together this is genuinely really awesome hey i’m

Rihanna i’m a developer on the minecraft team if i were to participate in the global build challenge i’d build a series of underwater tubes so we could transport things without disturbing the aquatic life hello everyone i’m always chad and if i were to design a build for the global

Championship i would make a house with a habitat for my cats on top of course you would chad of course i think they were maybe talking about wild animals but i mean all animals and cats are just kind of wild anyway they just allow us to live with them

I’m seeing i’m seeing a tweet from our friend of the show whip saying imagine glow squids in underwater caves we need it and a video so now we know where friend quote-unquote of the show whip lands in terms of the icologer versus the glow the glow square i know he is very much

Team glow we can’t wait to see her amazing i would like to see the glow scooter implemented if it had some sort of dynamic lighting but considering that isn’t part of the traditional minecraft engine the vanilla minecraft engine yeah um you know maybe if they can add it with fabulous graphics

See how many people that’s uh going to effect we’ve also been working with some amazing yeah i wish they would give us more information like they they really haven’t given us any more than what they’ve given in the videos and the the summary that we read

On the show last week like we have not received any other information and yet we’re still voting on them so it’s just basically hunches it’s largely based on speculation right now but um identity and tolerance the first of these i think i’ll turn this off because we need to hear this

And it’s based on the life and philosophy of congressmen and civil rights activists john lewis the additional lessons continue teaching about social justice from across the world and through time from black lives matter to malala’s quest in pakistan to achieve equal education for girls to the civil rights movement of 1960s america

To the women’s suffragette movement and more we can’t wait to share these important lessons with the minecraft community i’m looking forward to playing that sounds like a super cool project um one of the people i want to get on the spawn chunks at some point is a minecraft educator called steven reed

Who goes by immersive mind and he’s a really busy dude um but i want to get in touch with him to talk about a couple of projects he did a while ago that were educating people about refugees and like what it was like to be um to be trafficked

And stuff like this there’s some really hard-hitting subject matter that he’s managed to cover and make accessible to people through minecraft so they can learn about that stuff and it’s uh you know it’s really really valuable stuff in a way for how we can help create a more inclusive world

Now it’s time for a brand new segment of our show you may have missed our next guest during the minecraft update segment but not to worry you’re about to get some dedicated time with the one and only jeb hello oh there he is thank you very much just spawned in it was very

Different not having you in there i like how they’ve got they’ve got builders and biomes on the table yes um yes it’s it’s a little bit different this year since uh we always want the ones that are actually working on on the features of the games to be the

Ones to get to talk about them because we feel that it gets more genuine in that that way and so what are you working on then yeah that’s a good question builders and biomes expansion on the table of course i still spend a lot of time with vanilla

And agnes and and the team uh but i now work with all our products all our games and like the board games and he’s very keen on board games we know this from the trailers for the uh man after my own heart once again feeling and make them

Fit together but honestly everyone is so talented so it’s actually quite an easy job but to help um help everyone both in stockholm and redmond i i wrote a book um this is not the book are you trying to sell that to everyone in the audience watching

No this is only for mojang studios employees so it contains a lot of secrets oh yeah he’s got the bible it was helpful when they when the team to kind of explain my thoughts and ideas about minecraft and in for vanilla particular there are some guiding principles

That are going to help us continue updating the game for many years to come but you did decide to share some today so people can kind of see what’s what’s in it this is really cool he’s going to share some of his like development ideas and philosophies about how the game goes

Maybe sounds obvious but that is it’s always one block at a time and you place one block you remove one block you pull one lever and you trigger one tnt and of course that causes a big explosion but at the core the interaction is always one block at a time

And it’s not only important for the the way you play the game but it’s also um if you’re playing together with someone let’s say you’re building a house or something then i will be able to observe what you’re doing and quickly understand where you’re going and and then i can

Help you and every block counts um if you would just copy paste or make templates and such um then then it would be a little bit harder to collaborate um and also minecraft is a lot about the journey uh to to create your massive castle over whatever

But uh so so it’s important that we retain that feeling and you have another principle but it applies pretty directly to a community question that we have oh more questions about natural disasters yeah i think we’ve we’ve had this covered in previous years but it’s always you know there are new people coming

Into the community all the time and i imagine it’ll be interesting for some people to hear this here needed to but i have a long way to go honestly but about the question if we’re going to add clearly speaking natural disasters that um kind of contradicts one of our other

Guiding principles that bad things happen but they’re technically the player’s fault okay they’re the players there you go so if something happens to your world it’s your fault chad your fault or something in the wither or a play was nearby such as when a creeper explodes so whenever something

Bad happens we want to make sure that the players are actually either actively taking part of that or have a way to prevent it from happening and an earthquake or a tornado would obviously destroy something that you’ve spent hours building but there’s definitely a few i can think of that maybe

Fall outside of this principle there are still a few cases like yeah and the man can grab a block and maybe get some but that is one block at a time or like he said earlier unlucky yeah running into your sheep i forget that they can do it because we

Have that disability so the worst thing is of course lightning strikes that can set your whole house on fire um but i’m hoping that agnes and the team might may have a plan for it oh hello exciting jeb just teased the fact that we might be getting lightning rods or

Something i guess we’ve been developing um yes the last feature i did was a the netherride feature and i i thought that was a very important part of the nether update that and wanted to help where i can um but uh i all i don’t want to

I since i’m working with so many different projects now i don’t want to do something halfways and then kind of leave it to the team to fix my bugs so i try i try to be a little bit hands-off and but recently i’ve of course also been working a little bit on making

A combat test snapshots all right that leads us to another community question hey i’m dantdm and i would love to know what kind of combat mechanic changes are being made to minecraft java edition yes and that’s an excellent question um We current we currently have uh a problem that on the two different editions of the game there are two different combat mechanics or combat systems and that’s bad both for us as designers that have have to take both systems into account but also bad for the community that wants to

Have the same experience so the main objective is to reach parity uh but i still want to make sure that we make a system that is kind of fits with the building and that doesn’t distract too much from building but still gives us this depth that allows us to design interesting um

Behaviors um also i want to make sure that it works both good in both players environment that means adventuring and players versus player and i want to make sure that it feels good playing both with mouse and keyboard and when you’re on a controller you don’t get tired by

Frequently pressing the trigger and we also want to improve touch like the touch experience so it it it’s a lot of the a lot to do but you said you weren’t working on feature development yeah you are working on combat yes i mean of course it’s a little bit it hard

To keep your hand out of the feature cookie jar [Laughter] they’ve got like a concept sketch for this this was an area where i could help that’s so funny so they could focus on doing does that mean cookie jars are going to be a thing in 117

The future i will of course dump this on the team okay so exactly by the way folks we have confirmation that the poll is now closed glow squid one isola just second moo bloom third so if this follows the pattern they have had in previous years

Uh there will be a second vote between the isolator and the glow squid so either of those still have a chance to win that is so amazing and i doubt that the people from the moo bloom are going to swing i solidly i have that feeling as well

Just in this case sakura also and his team have they have they really understand understand minecraft and have made an absolutely amazing uh super smash brothers fighter and sakurai has also made a really amazing video oh here we go this is smash content for you really interesting mechanics around

Mining for resources and crafting in this but it’s still a really cool fighting um like i never really understood or got on board with the crossover games yeah you know like having mario and final fantasy that was a really big kirby and like okay yes to keep even in the studio because it

Was super super secret but it has been so fun so much fun to work on yeah it’s amazing to see the community reaction yeah he’s got a really cool okay so we’re gonna i do like his show here you have a sort of famous saying within

The office which is the world would be a better place if everyone played minecraft and why do you think that yeah i suppose the quote has kind of gotten a life of its own it definitely is but yes i i like i think minecraft unleashes people’s creativity and and helps them

Collaborate but also teaches them things like like geometry languages and maths so yes i i do think that the world would be a better place if everyone played minecraft but i i know that you also are very engaged in building a better world you’re interviewing me now yes thanks

I i mean i think it’s i feel so privileged to work on minecraft because of all the amazing things that people do with it from education edition and something i’m extremely passionate about is block by block which is our partnership with un habitat and it’s really helping people reimagine

Their public space and then have it built i think we covered a story about this once i love this place it’s something can they use like minecraft to redesign a park or something yeah yeah they’ve definitely uh worked with school communities and stuff in a lot of different places

And using minecraft to visualize changes in the community is kind of what block by block is all about it was just an abandoned place block by block is a program created by mojang and u.n habitat where we use minecraft to help community members redesign their neighborhoods kosovo has been impacted by years of

Conflict and in those situations we often see communities divided and public spaces neglected it was a really cool project because even the little kids like me could help out with make the city a better place they got to use money you think about most of those civic decisions being made

By a bunch of adults that don’t actually use the parks you know yeah to be able to help the city while displaying after that the ideas were presented to local architects and city planners and later that year construction started It’s been five years since we participated in the program and this street since then has become more developed and is now more frequented than before it seemed kind of unbelievable that this was made with minecraft so seeing my own idea as a kid changing a whole area

It’s really interesting how um you know murals and stuff can’t really be represented in such detail in minecraft but they put a bunch of colorful wall blocks up and it just gives people the idea of like okay so graffiti art and like mural stuff and street art just being

Through yeah the kind of like soul of the community that way to be asked about it yeah it’s gonna happen in that community so this is a perfect example the community was asked the community decided the community designed and the community is using it i’m probably going to be i like how many

Young women are part of this too i made this i walk here almost every day and every time i see it and i see a lot of people spending time here it’s a very gratifying feeling i just hope it’s working until some of this was recorded recently because everyone’s wearing masks and stuff

Reaction of the community is great good on them to me it was a great feeling which i’ll never forget i came up with a skatepark idea and some trees surrounding the park it is possible to change the world and make your dreams come true It felt like i was being heard and being heard and listened to is one of the best feelings that you can feel nice that’s cool what a project to go to kosovo at the start of that project and it’s just amazing to see the transformation using minecraft yeah

It’s amazing jens you must have seen a lot of amazing things because you’re about to hit your 10-year anniversary at mojang studios in like two or three months yes it’s true yeah i it it has been an amazing journey these these 10 years and i’ve had so much fun

Fun working on minecraft but of course i’m also a minecraft player and we’re all like with the community and in the end it’s really the players and the community that gives everything its purpose yeah absolutely and from myself as part of the community i just want to say

Like thank you for the 10 years and all that you’ve done for minecraft it’s me thank you in my life and i think it’s really cool it’s nice when you can get that 10-year mark at a company that really speaks to like how both the company and jen’s are like really synonymous you

Know yes everybody spam thank you jeb in the chat ballet wonder no more our friends at element animation will dance us through all the new nether features oh here we go This is pretty adorable have you seen this before no i love that i mean i knew that i knew they danced but i loved that video of the uh when they added the piglet victory dance to hoglins just as like an experiment or an accident and you’ve got a bunch of

Of hoglands doing like the yeah the shuffly dance it’s so great I wish you could bounce off a slime and magma blocks yeah maybe in a future update we’ll see like if they only hurt you from the side and the bottom but if you jump on the top of them then you could just like use them as a slime block

Yeah yeah here’s something that we don’t know about a cave update changes to minecarts yes that could be an option especially with mining being such an important you know like a use for minecarts being like you know chess minecarts and relaying resources around and stuff it’s like the nether ice capades it’s

Pretty great oh it looks like we have another voting update of the first round of voting he says first round which determined which mob’s dreams would be dashed with no hope of making it into the finals alright me bloom and it was intense but sadly let’s all say a fond farewell

To the poor moo bloom just chuck it oh there it goes don’t let the flower hit you on the way out the isolator and the glow squid and in the first round they were quite close i’m quite interested to see i wonder if we’re going to get more information

If you missed the first round of voting make sure you get in on this one it determines which one of these two makes it into minecraft i know who i’ll be voting for the final vote look how tiny the isolator is is live i think

I don’t see it yet but we will just refresh the page a couple of times partner program hey it’s quinn joined by two of my favorite people how would you guys introduce yourselves hi i’m fanny i’m a developer in the creator systems team and what we do is create great tools for

Our uh creator community so and some of them with that another video what were we supposed to see i think it was anything new it was more like a summary of like what came in the nether update and they were going through all of the biomes there was the striders and stuff like

Just kind of like yeah all of the a summary of what got added basically i recognized jason from a couple of years ago when they were debuting add-ons as part of the minecraft presentation here so i think they are probably going to be talking a bit more about creative tools here yeah

Our incredible marketplace partners all around the world to help make content for you marketplace creators yeah yep a team of three making content for the marketplace and minecraft education edition It may just have been like a heads up the vote is coming back in a second kind of thing yeah that could be a two others how to make their own minecraft skits it’s always hard when you’ve got like a live chat a twitter feed you yeah the audio from the feed all

Going same time minecraft live my name is mark from kubo studios and we are 15 working here in the philippines every time they show stuff off like this and it’s so global like remembering that minecraft is such a worldwide community is always fascinating to me just seeing people from all over the

Place representing yeah and look at some of the bills yeah i’ve been i’m seeing a lot of stuff lately just on instagram and you know obviously trying to read the post and going like whoa okay well it’s not in english so i don’t know what’s being said but like some of the stuff

Is just ridiculously cool yeah i cannot believe i’m part of minecraft live this year my name is yasser aka stark tma from mcsex souls and we are super super excited about the new updates live i wonder if they have a presentation it’s like for the winning mob

If they once they actually know what mob is going to be in if then they’ll be able to really reveal more information about it it may also be the case that they’re waiting to hear what ideas the community has for it if the community backed one idea so clearly then

Maybe they’ll listen to a bit more community feedback about why that mob should be implemented and what it should do so in the case of the icology they obviously have a working model for it in minecraft dungeons but the glow squid doesn’t really have much functionality in minecraft earth so

It will be uh interesting to see if basically the players can convince the mojang team that something needs to be added for the glow squid to be viable in vanilla or to add value right uh so what do you have to show us today

Put a link to the vote in your chat yep the newest poll is live in the game so this time we’ve doubled down and gotten it so that we focused on items and blocks so as part of that i’ve made a custom crop to kind of show off a lot of the capabilities

So over the summer everyone in mojang studios was given tomato seeds to try and grow a tomato plant at home so i thought that was kind of perfect inspiration to go that’s cool it’s cool that they uh they basically gave them to the employees and was like hey try growing these

Like at home in real life i feel like that’s maybe where doc m has got some of the inspiration from for his tomatoes a sweet berry bush where you can just right click on them but i think tomatoes taste disgusting so i thought it was better to make them as a

Something that’s great quinn and i had some fun we were throwing them around it’s harmless or it’s like sort of it’s like knocked you into the tomato juice at the bottom of that ravine there but tomatoes will actually rot on the vine as well and

They if they rot for too long oh my goodness get a little rotten tomato monster like a little um mandrake kind of thing going on here yeah rotten tomatoes they uh they don’t fly as far as a regular why can’t we be voting for that in the mob vote i would absolutely go

Yeah really for tomatoes and a tomato monster tomatoes tomato monster yeah gremlins that’s what that’s what the game needs it needs tomato grounds don’t pour lava on them after midnight so with all of these new uh custom crops you know creators can go and make some really cool kind of like farming style

Maps oh definitely so like 380 000 votes on the poll at the last count and glow squid is winning by about five percent of the vote eat the item but uh or you can make projectiles um but they also have the ability to get events that are fired from things like a

Tick event so as it’s giving mod makers and developers more control over um and eventually sounds like crops and growth yeah yeah they said they uh focused more on blocks and items so previously where they’ve done stuff with mobs where they showcased being able to add like a

Kind of spider hybrid creature and like adding new mobs into the game without replacing old mobs this seems to be the same where it’s like we’re not re-texturing crops we’re actually allowing players to use add-ons to put more stuff into the game you can do with them combining events

And comments that’s one of the features that our creators have requested for so long just having commands to be able to run them when something happens so now instead of also in in addition to doing it with actors you can also do it with blocks and items

In this case as the flag were rotting you can disappear that crop and also someone a tomato monster had thoma monster that’s really cool because like i can totally see creators like using all those combinations of features to make something like while we are talking about uh adding new stuff to the game

And the mob vote by the way i think it’s also worth pointing out that the devs have said the other two mobs from this vote are not going to be completely discarded they are going to stay on the table for including in future um but they’ll only be added if they bring

Significant value to the game in future so i would honestly say that if the glow squid gets added there’s still a case to be made for the iceologer to appear in minecraft in future because it’s already got a lot of stuff that you can say is worth adding to minecraft also oh

Hey look more more weird spider hybrids or scorpions yeah scorpions and stuff i the thing there is it’s like that yeah that doesn’t seem if they had like value to the game but they haven’t told us what value they’d add to the game now yeah sure sure i think it’s just whether

It would have synergy with a future update or something like that oh yeah if they end up adding more to you know icy biomes in future does the isolator make sense to implement then yeah if they update flower forests for whatever reason should moo blooms exist there later you know just whatever

Whatever has kind of like harmony with the ideas i wonder if it means they’re going to hold off on the glow until after the cave update and do it on its own there was like a little yeah it really depends um what their timeline is for

The cave and cliff update right now i don’t know if you found yourself sometimes just some content that you have this special item and then you die and you lose it or maybe you drop it accidentally now we’ve made it so that creators can actually lock something on your

Inventory so that when you die or you press q it won’t go away that way you don’t me like lose your mysterious golden skull i wonder how many people would be tempted by playing snapshots because i’ve definitely been like in an adventure map and you know people like

Content creators that would be doing snapchat videos and stuff with a cave update because it is what’s going on in the background a big change like there’s three features to talk about right there the first one is like we wanted to give power more power to create sorry i don’t quite follow

Just a small one well because previously whenever we’ve talked about playing snapchats and stuff a lot of content creators that i’ve seen and just anecdotally tend to want to wait until they’re updated right yeah yeah they don’t they don’t want to spoil the content they don’t want to

Um update their worlds into something that’s unstable you know if it’s a long-term world that sort of thing yeah but whereas i feel like the cave update has enough energy behind it i wonder if it’s going to entice more people to try the snapshots yeah a great way of getting more community

Feedback is just getting a lot of people really hyped about whatever the next update is and saying hey you can play it now just let us know what you think it’s just like a 3d printing animation and the other one is layer by layer and yeah you can combine them to just

Achieve very cool effects yeah i can see like creators you know using those to add just another level of polish to their to their world exactly absolutely and then i recognize the scorpions yeah well the desert theme it felt appropriate to bring them back they’ve always been one of my my

Personal favorite custom mobs that i’ve ever built yeah well after watching that video for so long and ended up having a nightmare about having to rescue my mom from some like alien riding scorpions it was creepy i’m sorry that was not the intention he was creepy and funny

Well speaking of aliens i know our team put together a really cool sci-fi parkour map that uh well they made you run through jason yeah i’m pretty sure they knew this when they asked me to run through it but i’m i like the uh the block design here yeah very cool

I also suck at parkour never if i want to play a platformer i want to play a platformer first-person stuff and not just minecraft any game first-person shooter up ahead i even found it uh tricky in um portal i know i can’t make that as well

So let’s see what’s in the chest and i like portal a lot i just found that the first person platforming is just not mine not my strong suit speaking of portal it’s like he’s just turned that into one of the uh bouncy pads from portal 2.

With the with the goo there you go he slimed it teleported to the next section kind of make it along and that’s right i am really curious about the that that wireless redstone block the uh now i can make this jump even i can make that jump is that the first

Plant that’s been redstone sensitive um i guess so folks in the chat let us know if you can think of anything else but i feel like i can’t get a competitor signal out of a out of a potato right like you can’t yeah i mean yeah there’s ways of using

Existing redstone components but i don’t think many of them have really been organic so yeah i think i think that’s the first time we’ve had something that feels like a natural part of the world other than you know minerals like redstone being involved with redstone components uh leaves last

Decay is one of those things that it’s good that it can be detected by an observer but it’s not inherently in itself a redstone behavior the skulk sensor from what i can tell outputs a redstone signal just from itself rather than having to be detected by something else

Right i love just the aesthetic of that too as well it’s kind of like a daylight sensor but for vibrations but it’s a naturally occurring block that’s the unique thing about it right now to the worlds you’re creating yeah yeah with data-driven items some blocks we

Get so many new events well i say block it’s like one like for example plant on top of a block yeah you kind of step on it similar to how well i mean technically i guess a potato is like a potato plant is a block because it takes up the whole

Space yes they just pour you to the next area that’s awesome and i love the slamming of the block layer and the magic ten minutes left to go on the pole the glow squid is still winning by about five percent so it looks like it is

Going to go the distance you can achieve so many different effects uh for example the laminator was over 600 000 votes wow sorry and the feel pretty great showing by the community i think blocks at the bottom of the slimes then the next one we have the wand and that one is just

Replacing blocks with uh air and then we also have the blockinator which allows you to walk by placing some blocks replacing airwood blocks so just by combining events and the same command in different ways to achieve so many cool effects yeah so just small little simple things you can

Combine they’re talking about these all in the context of allowing players to manipulate the world around them for like a parkour course for example but you can imagine people using those as like creative building plugins and stuff if you want to build like a really large structure and you have a creative

Application of something that can create a large area of blocks with a single click it kind of goes beyond what jeb was talking about with everything being a single block at a time but of course for map makers and creative builders working in bedrock edition that’s pretty valuable i’d say

It’s like having uh yeah uh like mc edit or uh world edit kind of plug-in you know use that or the magic wand to get to that wall it seems i didn’t imagine that providing tools for developers who want to provide a one block at a time experience for minecraft players

It’s better for them not to have to also build those experiences one block at a time yeah so in this case it was just an on-fall on and you can set what distance you want the event to trigger so you have to fall at least 10 blocks or something like that

And when you land on it we then break the block similar to what like the tomato plant and other things that we saw earlier yeah and it seemed like it took you uh quite a few tries to make it through but danny was able to do it first try

Yes unlike others 86 times yeah and one new feature that we have is that on broad text you’ll be able to show the names of the players that are of interest at that moment and also show scores like in this case we were tracking how many times

Major was dying it’s on screen stat displays and stuff that’s that’s pretty cool and talking a little bit about these creator tools and new features that are coming out and with these new features there’s going to be a pretty amazing new thing coming out later this year for all minecraft players

New feature later this year remember gdl will not be held responsible in the event of a likely death The subtitle said likely desk really i don’t think that’s what she said no one teresu force yeah that is a sequel to a very successful uh knox crew map oh okay it says more cave update this is uh what we’ve been waiting for a long time for this update

And if you thought the first set of features for the caves were awesome it’s time for even more awesomeness agnes and nir from the vanilla minecraft gameplay team are here to tell us what else is coming to the caves and the cliffs update hello welcome hello hey how does it feel

It’s so amazing it’s so awesome to finally be able to share that with everyone yes it’s great and we have you know looked a bit of tweets during the break and we have some more tweets we have more guests agnes is adorable yeah he’s just so excited

I think it’s it’s a mixture of excitement and relief like i was saying like they wanted this to be the update everybody wanted like everyone’s been expecting a cave update and asking for a cave update it’s gonna be super nice to have the relief of it finally being out there and people

Embracing it yes i joined this year um but honestly i’m not completely sure how that happened uh and not just joining mo shang i’m not really sure how i’m here in minecraft live uh because like just last year i was home glued to the stream

Just just i had to know what the next thing is coming to minecraft and today it’s not only that i get to share that it’s i got to work on some of those things so it’s it’s fairly incredible um but yeah i’ve been i’ve been uh developing games for a few years now

And uh more recently i’ve actually worked with uh this non-profit organization called games for peace which is an amazing organization which basically uses games to promote peace like he takes kids from areas of conflict all around the world and sits them down to play minecraft and sometimes it’s kids they don’t even

Share a language so they can’t talk so minecraft is the language they share minecraft is what helps them connect and get to know each other and creates friendships right it’s it was amazing being part of that it’s so cool i mean sometimes i feel like oh i know is this all wrath

Um somebody in the chat was saying this is all wrap i missed the um the name plate that came up because it was behind the subtitles absolutely beautiful so in this update you’ve been really looking at like filling out the caves even more yes so there’s even more things to show

And in the things we showed so far it’s a lot about like improving the journey underground but of course we also want to add like new things to find like new resources and one of them are crystals oh good times scar called it crystals oh look at this amethyst geodes

Are those crystals light sources please tell me they’re actually light sources and is that sound they make naturally i feel like having them around would be quite a noisy experience but yeah yeah that could just be note blocks they’re so beautiful stress monster is going to love that by

The way she made an amethyst geode out of like concrete powder and stuff on the last season of hermitcraft it’s like mystical um yeah they’re so pretty and we were thinking a lot about like what is the purpose for crystals in minecraft and one thing is like they should have a use

And we will talk more about one of the usages soon but the other thing is a lot about just adding a lot to the experience of exploring and we want them to be quite rare so when you find them it’s really gonna be like like magical because they’re

Just beautiful and you know when you walk on on the crystals you hear this okay so you have to be walking on this to hear this we talked before about the pillar of underground of marvel i feel they’re just the perfect feature for that sort of pillar right

But you can’t just take them with you right so you can complete the crystal plant we saw in the video but they actually grow from a very special block and that block is unobtainable it’s it’s sort of like you think about uh spawners right you can’t take it and put it in your

Base it makes you go and build farms all around your world and that also that’s really interesting tunnels between them and and find out ways of transferring those items because yeah like ways of farming that stuff but also ways of making players go out to different places and not just bring all the

Resources home that’s quite interesting he also said thinking about ways of transforming transporting them to them minecarts crystal plants or um you know it could be really interesting to build a base in one of those geodes for example you can craft a telescope now yeah oh yes

Is this gonna be like optifine zoom there it is oh that’s cool it’s so cool seeing that and like obviously not a full view in the same way that yeah something like optifine zoom would be and it seems like it’s an item you have to hold in your hand to use it

It’s such a useful item super cool and the cool thing is that so yes you use the crystal shards to craft them but you also need something more and that’s also a new thing that we added you’re making it out of crystals and some kind of new ore i guess yeah oh yep

There it is copper oh wow okay that’s that’s cool looking so we have copper ore in the game copper slabs and stairs i mean slabs and stairs immediately they know what we want [Laughter] very nice it’s copper that’s amazing it’s copper it’s new ore um and in we saw the copper orange

And the very interesting thing with the copper ore is that it generates in a different way so normal ores often you know like an ore blob but cover copper is different so imagine that you are out mining and you see copper ore say like okay i’m gonna mine the copper

And then you see some stone it’s like hmm they look a bit different so you continue to mine and then you find another copper ore and you go like okay i think i found a copper vein so we’re actually adding ore veins to minecraft and this was somehow the update they added

All veins it gets interesting because it’s kind of like following a trace when you mine so it’s going to be occurring more like strips through the world rather than clusters that’s amazing and you’ve you’ve personally wanted what if they’re going to update all of the other resources to generate that way yeah

You mentioned that once or twice well maybe a few times but yes so i think i got inspired by the pretty copper roofs in stockholm and they are all green because we have so many like old buildings here and added that mechanic to minecraft as well

So oh so you know if you place a copper block it will first be orange but after a while a pretty long time it will turn green and it actually gets that like verdigris effect because it actually adds history to minecraft because for example if you have a really old mineco minecraft world

Then you can see on like a house and like oh the roof turned all green and then you know that that house has been there for a really long time i wonder if there’d be a way to have it not change yeah like um galvanizing it or something

Yeah because i mean i imagine that some people would want to keep the copper color yeah or keep it in one of the midway transition phases because yeah that’s really good for gradients and yeah it just looks like prismarine that’s what it’s yeah it would go very well with prismarine as

Well it’s like a and copper won’t only be used for the telescope you actually have another really cool thing that you’ll be able to craft with it yeah so um jens talk a bit before about these design principles that we have in minecraft and one of them is that if something bad happens

The the player either caused it or it has a way to sort of avoid it and one of those exceptions for example is lightning striking now some people might like to build wooden roofs in minecraft some even build wood wool rules looking at me right

Not at all like my like the grand castle and in my realm actually i enjoy the the in-house shots fired yeah yeah like some of us even build wool rooms so to try to yeah you can you can tell they’ve got a few office in jokes but there it is

Lightning rods that’s that’s awesome i’m also seeing in the chat that is confirmed the pole is closed and the glow squid will be the next mob added to minecraft r.i.p iceology we’ll still get to see you in minecraft dungeons i suppose the stream is getting a little bit

Pixelated because it’s dark and raining but you can yeah pretty clearly see that is a a rod conducting very useful for all the wool roofs out there and do something with it yeah i think this is a problem that happened to a lot of our players even personally i had this

Piece lightning strikes are the reason i’ve justified switching off fire spread in my world because it’s not something you can control so maybe i re-enable fire spread after this the house was gone and i was burned down because i considered this treehouse yeah both minecraft and

There are no creepers no no enderman so what happened we figured that probably a lightning star hit and burned down the house and we were quite traumatized because we were not prepared for this so i think this lightning rod is really going to help with that yeah now you

Don’t have to worry about that problem anymore no i’m gonna place like lightning rods everywhere it’s good now you’ve introduced a lot of use case aside also a cool pointy block like decoratively yeah just just for like putting on roofs in general i feel like railings yeah but you have

An idea for buyers you know we keep adding new blocks and new items all the times and that do create a bit of an inventory problem hello we’re aware of that and we’ve actually been thinking quite a lot how we can solve it because we won’t have like good gameplay

Gameplay solutions we want it to be balanced and we actually have an item in this update that will be really helpful and it’s the bundles bundles okay bags weird house bags steve hands you things it’s a bag sure is ah so you can put the same resources into a bundle

Is it just the same resources though this person has a lot of plants in their inventory yeah okay so you can do both you’re still storing a stack of stuff but you’re putting lots of little stacks of things into it to collect them all together that’s interesting forestry i think it

Is has a um like a a or is it britannia that has like a flower gathering bag that will pick stuff up for you automatically but it just stores all the flowers in one pouch it’s kind of similar to that this is awesome it’s such an elegant solution as

Well and i love it i think we spend a lot of time talking about the inventory problem and i think one of the biggest takeaways there was that this is not actually one problem it’s it’s constructed from a lot of sub problems for example uh hot bar management is one part

Uh getting a lot of blocks for your huge build somewhere that’s like something i think bundles are a great addition but i don’t know about the ui i’d rather see a blocky ui like what we see already yeah i think it’s important to remember that this is all still work in progress

As well like all of the visuals can still change the aesthetic of it the hot keys whatever it uses can still help with that you know be adjusted with player feedback the bundle is that you can place many different kinds of items there we go many different kinds of items so many

Different kinds of items in one inventory slot so for example i can take those two flowers and one seed and put them in one that’s cool yeah like i saw somebody make this argument the other day i think on reddit or on twitter uh that the problem with inventory is

Not one that is fixed by expansion because you can have as big a storage system as you want but you’re still just going to have items everywhere and you can’t take them all with you because you have a limited amount for shulker boxes and so having bundles kind of fixes that a

Little bit by making it easier to condense the bits and pieces in your inventory which is actually a really interesting fix for that problem like really game design side but how do you work on the art side we actually have a very close collaboration i don’t know how you get

Things out of the bundle either right yeah maybe just like open the whole thing up or do you click on just one thing that you want like that’s clear and imagine how it would that’s uh the minecraft universe a different consideration here’s your favorite mobs i know my

Favorite i send everything to the 3ds it’s going to model it and animate it to make it alive i like all the iterations that they’ve got there as well that’s so interesting to life and make them move in three i wouldn’t mind seeing like work with the game that’s a

I love it i make the pixlr of the vlog and usually when i create a block texture for near rock type it’s going to be a lot like i’m going to make 50 iterations it’s a uh a japan face reveal every year hey there he is for people’s

Imagination right so i try to like pour a lot of love in each block to make sure that people can create what they want awesome to see him participate in this i’ve seen him a lot on twitter just talking about this stuff it’s very unexpected very unconventional and that’s where

Like this is i know it’s a loveseat but it looks like a chair and it makes her look really it does a little bit like a little dollhouse kind of set like this is what i was really hoping from their um video series on youtube about how they make minecraft but yeah

Obviously that’s aimed more at a um a much younger audience so it’s gonna be kind of brighter and colorful and have more jokes yeah this update i would love to see a minecraft documentary but like a like a really good one aimed at adults what was it what was that pink

Thing that was rotating on the screen right there that did not look like anything we’ve seen so far no and there’s also been a couple of block textures that japa was working on that are not anything i’ve seen before either interesting so lovely when you can think about all of the different

Jobs within game development i love seeing the artists and developers we all like across the show there’s so many different types of roles that people have yeah and it’s really awesome to interact with all those roles and and have a lot of a back and forth where we’re very open in mojo

And getting ideas from all over the place and specifically working with the art team is amazing as well uh you sort of throw one idea to the hair and he draws something and you’re like oh what is that white thing in your drawing i didn’t even think about it and it starts

So many awesome ideas going and we even integrate integrated into our prototype uh process and actually i think until i saw those sketches by the art team i didn’t really understand what archaeology and minecraft even means archaeology yes oh so we’re actually adding a new system called the archaeology system hello

Uh in this system archaeology basically gonna find these excavation sites all throughout your world and you can make this new tool called the brush that is going to help you uncover the mysteries of all these we indiana jones now so you come to one of these can they use twist refresh

And you can sort of use them one thing at a time joel one thing at a time some of the rubble gravel layers though collapsed in those pictures and sometimes you might even find something shiny inside them but and this isn’t but not that time you are not careful enough

Like in real life you can destroy that artifact so you gotta be careful oh that artifact and all the secrets it held are gone rip diamond block but if you’re careful enough if you take your time and you’re deliberate you can get some of those hidden artifacts and so they have ceramic shells

A ceramic shard which is basically how whoever lived here used to tell and pass on their stories brush the obsidian i dare you i love the story sides of the archaeology because we we often talk about that we want to deepen the mystery in minecraft and when you find these hidden artifacts

You kind of find like connections and hints and we will never tell the full story but this will inspire the players to tell their own stories about their own minecraft worlds i wonder how many of these are placeholders and if you’re actually going to be able to dig up

Diamond blocks this way something tells me it’s probably going to be a bit more complicated than that where he can compare all the different clues he finds right and try to preserve whatever was down here uh this is really interesting it could be quite an interesting like educational

Experience for schools as well to have archaeological digs in minecraft but have that actually be part of the game those pieces connected in a clay pot that’s right that is and you can create that wherever however you like it’s like a pot it looks like a chip

Stories or try to guess how those pieces used oh and so you can kind of put them together however you want that’s quite creative with these new pots because you can put the charge like in any way you want exactly and when you’re you’re pleased with your creation you can fire them up

And you have your own painted clay that’s actually kind of a neat idea yeah the the art we’re seeing is still working progress uh but i personally like that so there’s so there you go work in progress for the art yeah the programmer art isn’t pretty

Yeah you know the problem is the artists are way too good they just make us look bad archaeology is amazing i mean the excavation site is so incredible i’m i’m so excited about this i’ve spent a lot of time about it and i actually got to uh do a lot of awesome conversations

With actual archaeologists from all around the world and it’s been honestly i sort of feel like i got so passionate about it myself that their passion sort of stuck to me and it was so amazing to learn more about this and i’m really excited to see where it goes from here

And you have a dev diary coming out on our youtube channel where you kind of explore all of the archaeology even more yeah really looking forward to that there’s um some people in the chat saying like minecraft lore divers will have a field day with stuff like this it’s really interesting

How between archaeology and like a copper aging mechanic they’ve added so much time to minecraft and so much like history that’s really really cool it feels very i wonder if you could brush dirt and just not complete and just let leave it as apart yeah that’s that’s what i was

Thinking about having layers like that if that means the the block is just gonna break because you left it alone for too long or something it’s the cutest predator you will ever meet the cutest predator we will ever meet i’m pretty sure that’s the warden you’ve

Already shown it to me oh there you go axolotls people were saying in the chat well that’s what the pink thing was you guys were right and there they are okay yeah they’re pretty cute not gonna lie pretty cute but not a not a predator for humans

For players no they i don’t remember what they eat is like plankton or something oh you can put them in a bucket like fish i feel like oh that’s nice one sound i can make after seeing that which is like Cute same lydia same the axolotls how did you decide on axolotls so when we add a new map to minecraft we really want it to have like its own unique character we want it to have purpose and it’s all also a very good thing if it happens to be ugly cute ugly cute

Perfect yeah they did explain that in the uh how we add them up to minecraft with the mobo kind of thing it was like we want it to have a balance between ugly and cute but i feel like axolotls are one of those things that if you look at a

Picture of one it does look like some sort of sci-fi alien from our world you know yeah so it’s weird it’s weird-looking it’s a good choice for minecraft as a like a real-world mob to bring in you know real world animal translating to the game mechanics

I kind of wonder with the um the glow squid if more deep-sea aquatic life is coming because that they’re also weird yeah yeah maybe endangered animals to minecraft to create awareness around that so that’s also a good thing like with the bees yes like with the bees last year for

Example and they said they were predators though like what do they prey on in the video they live in the lush caves and they really add a lot of life to the last case and there’s also a bucket of axolotls that’s funny and there’s like a little

Yellow one as well is that meant to be a juvenile one or is it just um there’s albino and then there’s a different color purple too then you can actually scoop them up in your bucket somebody in the chat was like shiny mudkip that is another pokemon reference joel

Or maybe you bring them to your ocean adventure so they’ll follow you around not only that but they seem to have some sort of uh reference to ocean temples here oh they don’t like guardians oh nice it is gonna be really hard to not hit one of them with a trident when you’re

Attacking an elder guardian though can i point that out and now i see why you’re calling them the cutest predator you’ll ever meet exactly so when you scoop them up in a bucket you can actually create your own uh axolotl army basically charge into the oceans with them and they will

Help you fight various uh well they’ll attack cute fish as well but they’ll help you fight the the drones and the guardians they help you fight the drowned as well oh my goodness because these they have this special ability so brand new fish farming damage they sort of play dead and when

They’re playing that no mob will actually attack attack them so they have this time to regen back help and then jump back into the fire oh that’s interesting and if you learn how to cooperative with them really well they might even heal you during the battle that is so cool mobs

That can heal you so you added like that’s kind of neat it’s two mobs that are like as different as possible with the warden and the axolotl yes so this update is actually a lot about contrast which is great because the warden gonna like dramatically really enjoy the axolotls

Company it’s like holding it on its arm like that that’s updating the hype that’s kind yeah just kind of like soothe the savage beast kind of situation right yeah it’s kind of the in between yeah we shouldn’t forget to go yeah it is still very cute but in between

No one can be as cute stacks a lot no i don’t think so before we tell everyone the winner of the mavo let’s take a look back at some of the exciting things that we’ve talked about today so we still haven’t heard anything about cliffs can i just point that out we had

Caves and cliffs update and it’s basically all been caves i’m not i’m not complaining i haven’t heard a great deal about cliffs there are now cliffs underground is what i’m hearing although to be fair like the underwater cave system is very a very cool idea well they did say that

The mountains were going to change the um way that they were made i guess maybe i just like one of the other things i’ve always wanted in terms of terrain generation has been better like um interaction between the terrain and the water so it doesn’t just

Always slope down to sea level or just a mountain coming out of the sea with no real like signs of water erosion and the kind of like cliff structure that you’re used to from real life and i live by i live in a seaside town and there are cliffs all over the place

And so it’s you know kind of part of the the geology of this area so yeah same here i’m kind of yeah i’m curious if they actually have plans to add cliff generation in the same way that like cave generation is changing and mountains are being updated not not just mountains but also

A different like a different way that um land will meet the water yeah oh something they mentioned earlier was uh a local water level yes for the cave yeah so so that could be interesting if that applies to a cave that’s near the ocean before we get to i mean it

Could do yeah i think there’s one more question people are really gonna want to know when are we gonna get the clay the caves and the cliffs update when are we gonna get the clay a good question so we plan to release it summer 2021. okay so long time off it’s really good

As i mentioned in the beginning of the show we really want to have a lot of time to work together with the community to like other feedback see all the great ideas because the community always has so many good ideas so it feels good that you know have a

Lot of like it’s it’s important it’s in a way it’s kind of disappointing but in a way you got to understand that they want to make sure it’s done right you know well i also think too that over the next year they’re also developing from home right like totally and it’s so

That would just add probably i would imagine that just doubles your like your length of time it takes to do anything yeah the workload has got to be kind of interesting so yeah you’re gonna know before everyone else it’s the glow squid there we go wow i guess everyone was mesmerized by the

Glory not just the tiny ones really not expected it’s generally surprised that’s funny yeah yes like i i didn’t expect it at all but it’s great and close quiz will look so cool in the caves like the others yeah if they have those in caves and yeah if they end up

You know emitting light somehow or producing some sort of interesting drop like i don’t mind it i think uh you know there is also still like i said potential for the other mobs to show up in the game in future so as long as the community once again works with

Them to kind of make this feature a little bit more interesting i think people are going to be behind it once it comes out the things that we’ve shown in the show for all of you watching minecraft wouldn’t be what it is today without all of you

From all of us at mojang studios thank you so much thank you lydia bye all right well that’s it folks We probably have some sort of like yeah wrap up notice and uh joel and i are gonna stick around for just a little while longer so we can talk about what we’ve all just witnessed because there’s a lot of information to unpack there and we will of course

Um we’ll of course be talking about this all uh on monday’s podcast but i think it’s probably time for us to get a few um first impressions out of the way shall we say um yeah no absolutely and uh thanks to the folks at mojang i actually have a

Couple of screenshots prepared of some of this so that you guys can take a closer look at some of the stuff so to review uh we have lush caves to start off with and i’m gonna have to move you around a little bit because the layout on my stream has

Changed a little bit so apologies for this while i move some stuff joel where are you there you are okay yep there we go so now now joel is in his uh in this right place um lush caves that’s that’s a really cool looking biome um remember from these we had plants that

Emit particles that are going to sort of drift down from the ceiling we have a new tree type that they didn’t really spend all that long on but there are going to be azalea trees that you that kind of lead you down into these biomes we have moss covering the

The floor some sort of little sapling type things and glowing berries all sorts of stuff what are your impressions of this one so far joel uh i i mean having vegetation in the caves makes a lot of sense yeah right uh even in vanilla minecraft now when you stumble across like

Across a little bit of grass that that is grown in a cave you know from from just being close enough to the surface it just kind of gives it that extra little bit of life yeah um i uh yeah i like this idea a lot i i i figured after the

Um crimson and the weeping vines and the twisted twisted vines yes that that opens up a bunch of different other vine updates right you have the mechanic you have the way that that block works in the game so now you can add it into other biomes with different skins and different functionality

Uh they mentioned that the glow berries are are a light source yeah um they didn’t get into any details as to what those might be able to be turned into what kind of light source they actually give off it looks like it might be a full

Light level 15 but there’s also an awful lot of them so it could not it might not be that much it’s just that there’s so many of them that it’s a pretty bright situation and i like the idea of having what looks like a mossy grass block uh something that is

This is not optifine this is grass on all four sides they’re all six sides yeah this thing that we’re looking at right uh and it looks like it also comes in layers or at least has a top and a block sort of yeah similar to how wool has got wool block and carpet

Yeah and that that to me is is really neat because it provides two things like it gives you the natural environment but then it also gives you like dual purposes later yeah taking a closer look at this screenshot we also seem to have a lot of cave clay generating in this cave so

Potentially that’s going to be a source of clay for people who are still finding that difficult to find if they want to use a large amount of that um it seems like grass is growing even on the mossy blocks so they’re going to be just as compatible with

Um you know flowers and other plant life as grass is you can imagine like growing ferns and stuff on there as well um just the fact that it has like a little bit of height variation is really interesting to me with the the grass layers and once again if the

Archaeology thing allows you to like shave down the layers of some of these softer blocks i don’t know if it’ll let you stick around with those but maybe uh maybe we could end up seeing some some variation going on there so really impressed with what they’ve done and these are apparently going to

Scale with whatever the natural terrain generation does so you can imagine like going into one of those massive cavernous spaces underground and seeing like just a little bit of uh you know foliage coming down from the ceiling and then emerging out maybe even on a boat if

You’re uh in one of those kind of lower areas of cave and and just emerging into this massive mossy environment even adding some like mossy stone cobblestone stuff around there could really change things up or having a stronghold generate halfway through one of these where like mossy bricks are in the wall

And then that leads you out into a stronghold it would be neat also if you discover one of those reservoirs underground like if you decided to create your base there or something like that that you could use a bunch of underwater light sources a lot of which now we can water log

Yeah underneath the water and have everything be like have the all the light in the situation coming from below would be really cool yeah yeah definitely let’s move on to talk about drip stone caves and once again i am gonna have to move you i’m sorry i’m gonna have to

Keep doing this every time because i didn’t lock in the uh the overlays quite right but there we go we have drip stone caves so these look like the more cavernous caves that we saw generating there’s a couple of other interesting points here there’s like a a set of

Rocks in the center of the picture just kind of off to the right that look like a different type of stone it doesn’t look like granite or diorite or anything to me um and that seems to maybe be related to the same material the stalagmites and stalactites are made out of

Um so that’s kind of a an interesting prospect didn’t hear much about that as a block but then we know that the stalagmites and stalactites are going to be pointy enough to be dangerous they are going to fall if they are broken towards the top and that could potentially cause damage because

They definitely damage you if you fall onto them from above um so this really feels like a a very different dynamic to caves and helps them feel a little bit less blocky and a little bit more organic for better or for worse because this is still minecraft after

All it is one of those things where it is a cool addition in terms of the functionality and the fact that you know it adds that kind of cool exploration of caves and looks like real world caves you know as you would expect it would um i’m not sure i

Dig the whole flat polygonal uh cross yeah it’s it’s the space it’s the same thing with um you know sugarcane and stuff like that i i wonder how quickly people will move to make this a 3d resource pack with a block model instead of having yeah

Uh yeah that kind of uh that same thing because you can imagine them doing something like that with um you know having having it have the same structure as a wall block or chorus plants for example but i wonder if that’s maybe just like a memory saving thing and a rendering saving thing

To make them could be but i don’t know there’s an awful lot of these like i i don’t know where they’re just because they still have four faces they’re just flat yeah um yeah and so i so i don’t know why it would in that way um but i like for me

It was one of those things where i’ve seen other like crystals and stuff i guess in modded playthrough not my own but other people’s and they’ve gone with the geometry like they go with the blocks but it’s still the ones that i saw were still very minecrafty like it didn’t go

Into like super realistic crystalline structures it was still like a bunch of little blocks just kind of sticking out of the face of the thing yeah and and i think that that’s interesting that they they went this route i’m hoping that we get more than just copper like i’m hoping

For like you said a new stone type uh we’ve had people um write into the show before but asking for a better light gray stone something that isn’t 50 gray yeah so so let me let me tell you what i know about this and what i have seen of the

Crystals in particular because you look at this screenshot and sorry once again gonna have to move you out of the way uh dang it joel um now if you look at the surrounding material for this geode there you go i’m sorry i’ll cue you next time um if

You look at the material that is surrounding this geode you will notice there are two different types of material and i don’t know if they they didn’t really mention this in the live show so it’s not really something we can go into detail about quite yet but what i understand

Is that those are outside layers of those crystal geodes which are new types of material you’ve got that white block there that has a kind of marblish texture and you’ve got an outside one that looks like a little bit darker those i believe are not placeholders or

Maybe the textures are still subject to change but they are going to generate as part of these geodes um so and looking at the crystals what you were saying about the um the stalagmites and stalactites i feel like it’s really just a proximity to the ground thing and if it’s just

One little crystal sticking out like that then you don’t really notice the fact that it’s like a cross-shaped sprite just on a flat plane these work better than the stalagmites and the selectors because because then for a start they’ve got stuff poking out at all angles so it kind of feels more

Angular to begin with but you also don’t have just like the width of it going all the way up to the ceiling of a cave in in some cases i also wonder how renewable any of the stalagmites and stalactites are going to be if they’re going to be

You know craftable how do they break down are they going to be something that we can make out of the rock we’re seeing in those caves or is it just going to be a case of there being relatively abundant resources like that underground so you don’t need to

Worry about crafting them you just go there and and harvest a bunch um it kind of remains to be seen if the pointy section is going to be separate from the body of it and i would assume not if it works the same way as you know sugarcane or bamboo or any of

The other plants that have different block states but ultimately look the same but it doesn’t seem like the kind of thing we’d be able to bone meal so you know no not organic they mentioned they mentioned that it will create a source of water so if you put a cauldron underneath

A stalactite then water will drip off the stalactite into the cauldron yeah and so from that you could fill up a bucket of water and you get renewable water that way which is quite quite interesting as a mechanic in itself but those drips also have to come

From somewhere i would assume yeah yeah like do you maybe well i mean it could be something like water logging a block above it if you wanted to make your own like i’m just curious to see they obviously want you to be able to move them because if they damage mobs i

Mean like all the technical players out there could be just like can i pick one up and move it to a different location yeah like my like my xp firm like that’s kind of where you know i i can see that going for sure yeah uh you mentioned copper so let’s go

Back to that i have a little composite image here and once again moving joel so there we go we have copper in several stages we’ve got an ore block and that apparently introduces the concept of all veins being present in minecraft now in a way that they weren’t before so we’re getting

More strata in the rock more kind of like you know stringy you know stripes of of precious material rather than it being clusters of iron ore or diamond or whatever and and maybe that will apply to other ores maybe they are just introducing it with copper because

Existing world generation is you know a legacy they want to preserve or something um but we have the copper all blocks themselves that presumably gets smelted down into some sort of copper bar that then gets made into this notice that they didn’t mention there are tools

Out of the office so one presumes they are not planning on adding a tier of tools with this otherwise that would kind of be big news well and and the thing that would make the most sense for a copper tool copper is a pretty soft metal so you wouldn’t be putting it

It’d be like gold putting it yeah be putting it between wood and iron and no one would use it as a tool exactly yeah so that that does make a lot of sense but as a roof material i think the first place my brain went to

Was bdubs because b double o is building a castle with a copper roof but he’s having to use things like stripped acacia and cyan uh concrete and stuff like that for it because he wants the same kind of tarnished patina to the the copper which is obviously now present in these blocks but

The blocks might not be for everyone you might be able to mix and match them with the other materials that are going to be in the game you already said like these look like prismarine and you know mixing them up at the end yeah in prismarine once they’ve been completely aged

Would be an interesting process but then you’re not going to be able to age them yourself you’re going to have to plant them somewhere leave them exposed to the elements and then you know allow them to just sit there until they become the blocks that you want so

In a way or or vice versa like what if you want the copper block you don’t get it for for very long as far as we know it doesn’t look like you can stop it from changing i i’m not sure if they mentioned this in the show but i believe they have

Mentioned there being a way of doing that oh okay so yeah there there is um potentially yeah gonna be a way to i don’t know if it’s gonna be like a process like galvanizing or something else but i imagine it wouldn’t be that advanced um no it could be something like like

Trying to think about what it would be in terms of in a minecraft gameplay situation like if you smelt it and you hardened it it would then no longer be you know something that would be affected by the elements yeah smelt it again you know something that would cost the player

Coal or time yeah no it’s like it’s definitely resources gonna be something that involves like other ingredients being combined with it somehow yeah i can see that being the case i do really like the look of these especially when they’re mid transition between that kind of super like bright copper and then

If they’ve got like little kind of patches of it like that’s really artistically quite well done because it looks organic it looks like the stuff is just kind of like applying itself in a more organic way than just having half the block go and then the other half of the block

Goes you know right yeah yeah it’s it’s definitely a nicer way and there was more than one stage too it wasn’t like you know 50 and then done there was probably three yeah yeah so like ultimately five block states for this where it’s you know regular copper and then it’s starting to

Get that verdigris tint to it and then midway and then uh 75 and then all the way turquoise kind of color yeah um um people pointing out in chat that copper conducts electricity in real life i wonder if there’s going to be any kind of redstone ability i mean maybe yeah that that

Could be a a possibility and you know as as a block itself it will probably conduct redstone but that’s something that i’m sure will come up on the minecraft suggestions reddit and in the feedback site and like maybe they’ll be able to allow it to be the one material where stairs are

Conductive you know that kind of thing could be really interesting for redstone builds where you need a non-solid block for something but you also need it to be conductive that could be a really interesting way of doing it um let’s move on to one of the other

Uses of copper and those crystals which is a telescope uh through which if i move joel around you can now see joel in place of in place of this bee um you thought you were gonna see a bee but instead it’s me yeah you’re welcome it’s a canadian i see him over there

Yes so the telescope uh basically transitioning optifine zoom into a vanilla feature more or less or let’s maybe move away from associating it entirely with optifine because it seems to be something that is a an item that maybe this is a right click use for like hold down right click to look

Through it kind of thing in the same way that you’d you know use another item like that or eat food or something um and it’s got this very limited scope but it allows you to zoom in on a specific subject uh seems to only have like one zoom

Level as far as we can tell or as far as they showed us and um yeah i wonder if this is going to be one of those things where they listen to the community a little bit about how it controls because everybody is currently used to

Optifine zoom being a very um like easy to control thing it’s just a keybind it zooms your entire screen in it’s very fast there’s not an extra item to carry around in your inventory you know at what point do we see that um that kind of argument being made for the telescope being

Yes it’s an item you have to craft but what then can you then put it in a more permanent slot in your inventory and then just use it whenever yeah and and i don’t know like the zoom key is something that you hear a lot of content creators um complain about when

They can’t have access to it when a new minecraft version comes out you have to wait for the mods to kind of pick up the slack yeah uh because it’s very helpful when you’re trying to point out things in a build from far away yes um this is not the same use case

Because it’s going to also restrict your view so if you’re kind of to zoom in on a build you’re also going to obscure about 50 of that bill when you go to zoom in on something yeah and i don’t know as a player i’ve ever wanted a telescope for

Me like i’ve always wanted it to communicate to viewers as a content creator i’ve never thought i wish i could zoom in on that you know to see how it looks uh very close up and very isolated i always want to zoom in on something from far away

And see how it looks with the whole screen um and i mean much like everything else in minecraft where you can control um the vignette and stuff they’ve also given people with accessibility issues the ability to control like the wobble effects and the nausea effects uh if they uh people can

Change the way that a pumpkin affects you when you wear for enderman in the end uh with just a simple resource pack this would strike me as something that’s just as simple as a resource pack if you wanted to remove the black oval um vignette from this it

Would probably be very easy to do yeah yeah and it’s the kind of thing where maybe you can yeah fade it out a little bit at the edges or maybe craft a slightly different telescope if you want to there are two things that really come to mind though when it comes

To adding a telescope to vanilla and people saying optifine is better you know there’s you know arguments to be made for either side um bedrock edition does not have optifine and does not have any kind of like modding community that has added a zoom i believe i don’t know if that’s been

Done by add-ons or anything but um having it as a vanilla feature is going to be way more useful to people who don’t want to mess with all of that stuff in bedrock edition and also pirate role play you know i don’t know what the player looks like when they

Are using a telescope and how a telescope might operate in a third person environment the way optifine you can zoom in on your player character when you’re in third person and it still works the same but if you can like hold a telescope up to your eyes or

If you can you know you know scope out the the landscape around you or the seas around you as a pirate like younger players are going to have a great time with that i feel like seeing a ship on the horizon is going to be a lot of fun when you’ve got an

Actual telescope to look through right yeah and i also wonder um somebody just mentioned it in chat uh as uh how a telescope might affect pvp what if you’re going to be using it in conjunction with say a crossbow or a bow and arrow that you have

In your hand right yeah it gets a little bit first person shootery but it turns into like maybe it’s a scope exactly yeah you know if you’re in pvp and you’re trying to natively see what type of armor is that is that iron armor or

Or you know is that leather armor or is that netherrite armor from across the map i can’t tell i have to zoom in and see if i can see the little the face piece that they have on the helmet right yeah i mean i i don’t pvp in minecraft so i’m not sure

How easy it is to see that kind of stuff from far away but like that could be one one aspect of it like is that a bee or is that a person in yellow armor i can’t tell yeah like i don’t you know that kind of stuff moving on to uh other

Stuff that takes up space in your inventory or maybe freeze it up let’s uh let’s move on to talking about bundles because this is really interesting and i said it during the show and i’ll kind of reiterate that here this is a really forward-thinking way of handling the

Inventory crisis rather than just kind of expanding everyone’s inventory but then giving you larger containers that you can’t necessarily take with you um this is a way of getting all of the little items out of the individual stacks in your inventories and just packaging them all up

In a single bundle which like you said joel we don’t really know how to get them back out of that now so that might be a facet that they need to explore in the development versions of this but it seems like they have a pretty good

Handle on how these are going to work um and the example here with gathering up flowers is a really great one i think because you’re in a flower forest you just want one or two of each flower at the time or you want to just like

Shove a bunch of wood planks and stairs and slabs and all of the stuff that’s left over from one of your builds having a bundle to put all of that stuff in just tidies up your inventory and gives you a little bit of room to think right

Exactly and i they showed in the video of them uh people putting items into the bundle and also grabbing the bundle and clicking on items around your inventory to put them inside so there’s two different ways to get stuff into it i don’t recall seeing any way of getting

Stuff out of it yeah and it doesn’t look like they did show it but it didn’t show doesn’t look like you had control over what came out first yeah because they were just clicking around and stuff was coming out it does look very similar in terms of the information that you give

A get when you hover over it to an actual it’s a mod that i have installed with fabric called uh shulker box tooltip which all it does is just let you look inside of a shulker before you place it down you still have to place it down to get anything out of it

Um the difference there that i’m seeing is as they said the art is under you know under development uh i think it would be clearer if they went with the same sort of like grid ui that you see in the main ui yeah when you look inside of a bundle

Sure have it that black background and but it would be helpful i think to have to show what’s inside separated i don’t need to see them all the flowers there in your screenshot all jumbled up on top of one another yeah i’d rather see a stack of

Four daisies a stack of three dandelions you know a stack of um you know and if it’s all like different spruce wood objects that’s just gonna look like a giant mess right because they’re all gonna have the same color texture so forth exactly yeah so that makes a lot of

Sense and again i think the ui is something that they’re going to be focusing on what the player experience of that is and how it can really be adjusted in that sense but it’s good like it’s it’s good it’s good news because even even if um even if you’re using it

For just the surface level picking up all those little odds and ends that ends up in your inventory like all the little pieces of grass and flowers and leaves and things when you’re like clearing an area even if you’re just going back to your your main you know base of operations

And dumping your inventory this is going to make it so much easier you’re not going to have to do that all the time yeah and and who knows how this can be expanded as well like as an option this is like the baseline this is one of our solutions to this problem

Things can expand from this we can maybe have bundles that are capable of storing larger amounts of stuff maybe bundles could end up being an enchantable object you know azuma put out a video recently about enchantable shulker boxes i think this could easily be something that’s

Affected by that this is just the first time we’re seeing a feature like this and i think on a surface level it’s working out pretty well for me yeah and it looks low-tech like this is not something you have to go and beat the dragon to get access exactly yeah it

Seems like something that probably made out of leather or you know whatever yeah other resources nice and early yeah yeah uh what do you want to see next because i’ve been kind of walking us through each of these things walking around uh let’s go with some uh vibrating

Uh death fungus all right from the the deep dark deaths uh you are currently in the deep fungus let me [Laughter] once again move you out of the way so up to my eyeballs and fungus not the first time if i’m getting this right this was called the skulk sensor

And it seems to be they didn’t really talk much about what the other material around it is and it does look like a variant of end stone despite them showing it generating lower down in the overworld um and these are very like end looking blocks in terms of the color palette you

See a lot of that uh end portal frame color palette being used here but this is overworld stuff um and redstone emitting organic ish block and it detects vibrations we don’t quite know what the radius of that is it looked like they were using them within three or four blocks if they were

Stepping nearby or putting down a block they were throwing snowballs to distract the warden i assume this works the same way i really wonder how they are choosing what causes sound and what doesn’t um it looked like everything uh whenever the player in the video plates the torch the skulk sensor would then

Wobble right so so basically anything that causes a subtitle to pop up anything that causes a sound yeah yeah because agnes was saying like you have to sneak and and do everything very very quietly and and i think that that would it it makes sense and something i really liked about

This idea of adding a sound sensor to minecraft uh in that it also it teaches those mechanics similar to how redstone teaches uh like electronics electronics and computer programming um sound how sound can be dampened how sound can travel uh how far it travels whether it echoes like that kind of

Stuff i don’t think it’s necessarily that complicated but the unexpected um outcome of that was that you can create a chain reaction if you put these uh skull sensors close enough to one another the fact that they make a sound when they detect a sound right

Can then be relayed down a line and in minecraft as far as i know unless this changes with the skull sensor you the player can only hear blocks from 15 or 16 blocks away after that you don’t hear the noises anymore and so you could have you know wireless redstone traveling

Throughout something and you’re really only going to hear that first wobble from this thing yeah and after that you’re not going to hear anything at all yeah um there are people in the chat saying they feel bad for tango and we mentioned tango in terms of like

Him using player detectors to kind of you know trigger redstone events and make stuff happen don’t feel bad for tango tango will take this and make like decked out two on the next season of hermitcraft or whatever and people are going to lose their minds and it’s going to be

Perfect or they the redstone community is going to find so much stuff that they can do with this it will be game breaking in all the best ways and i think then sorry go on why would why would tango want to wait until next summer exactly he’s gonna do stuff now

Like yeah the fact that he’s been able to the fact that he’s been able to do this with the stuff that we already have in minecraft is phenomenal imagine what technical minecrafters are going to do with this imagine the one man band that’s going to happen with the puffer fish

And a a skulk censored like i do i do like the fact that they implemented this and then they went oh wait it will trigger itself and it creates an infinite loop it’s another way of making a redstone clock then you know that’s really cool in itself um and

Obviously wireless redstone is possible in a few different ways but we have another way of doing it now you know something that doesn’t involve you know daylight sensors or stuff triggering from further away it’s not just player detectors there’s a whole bunch you can do with this as a

Sound detector that’s that’s super even just making music i mean like it’s going to make a noise every time it hears a note block so if you’ve got a bunch of them next to a bunch of note blocks like you’re going to have like this rave central yeah minecraft and um

Yeah the fact that you can then occlude it with wool so that you can effectively sound proof it on several sides of the block and just have it look for stuff that’s to the north of it or to the west of it or above it excuse me that’s really really interesting

I can imagine that being used in a a whole variety of ways if you want to have a one-way facing alarm system so that you know when something has like when when a a zombie or a creeper or another player is at your front door but not measure all of the sounds coming

From inside the house like so when you leave your front door it doesn’t trip something then i think that’s a very easy way of doing that and and seems like a very intuitive mechanic to use as well you’re not going to need like an instruction manual for this thing

As long as you know that interacts a certain way with wool blocks or maybe if you sneak around on wool next to it you’re not going to be detected by it then like that that brings in the building aspect of it as well which i think is really cool

Yeah i don’t know how we get this yet i mean it looks like it might be a silk touch block that you want to grab from like the the deep dark depths yeah i don’t know whether it’s something that will grow and spread like mycelium uh it um it has some cool decorative

Properties too like it would just be if you’re making some creepy witch tower that’s just kind of growing in places in it would just look cool you know like it’s got it’s got some really cool stuff there i i do hope that they they allow players to do different

Things with this similar to how uh another work can be crafted into its own block like i would i think that this block this thing is sitting on is also a really um interesting color combination and could have some uses in people’s builds if they wanted to do it like

Imagine putting this kind of a block uh in the ceiling of a bedroom in a in a house and making it look like you know a kid has got like starry nights yeah on the bedroom yeah there’s all kinds of really cool uses for it so i hope that it’s not

Just something that you can um that you have to like walk on or get to the the the deep dark skulk yeah the the skulk sensor thing and that’s something that i i wanted to say about the crystals before we moved on is that i was a little bit surprised

That they put that much you know into the crystals where you can’t actually take the block the crystals glow on it’s an interesting mechanic yeah you can’t you can’t actually pick up that purple block you have to grab the crystals from it but you can’t move that actual block

Yeah and it’s um it’s i agree that it that it encourages the players to go out and and explore and find stuff i wonder how much blowback they’re going to get though from a block that you can’t mine or move in minecraft which is one of the things

I think appeals to a lot of people about the game is that outside of bedrock you can basically move everything yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s gonna be an interesting time right now from what i can see in the screenshot the blocks the crystals are growing on do not look

Any different to the blocks that are around them and so from what i understand there are specific blocks in there you can pick up all of the other like amethyst blocks that are in there just not the ones that you find crystals growing on i thought the whole shell much like a

Like if as if you like if you found a dungeon you know with a spawner in it imagine if none of the mossy and and stone blocks around that could be yeah no my understanding that’s my understanding is that not all of these blocks will grow crystals

It’s just the ones that you find single ones yeah okay so it’s only the ones underneath the crystals that you see that’s the only block that can’t be moved everything else can be rude okay i misunderstood the way that they said that yeah i think he mentioned it

Briefly beforehand but then we were just so taken with the fact that hey this is a an unobtainable block now it kind of yeah yeah swept that news out of the way okay and yeah like it’s it’s really interesting the way that like presumably they’re gonna grow like plants so there are

Gonna be different growth stages of those crystals as well which is gonna be uh fun to mess around with um going back to the skulk sensor and its surrounding environments i want to take another look at my new child um the warden because and i’m moving him instead of you now

Let me lock this off one second there we go and then i can move picture joel very good so for a start something that is not visible in this screenshot but is visible in some of the presentation video there are these little i think you can almost just about see

Them over the edge of the bow in this screenshot there are little black candles that seem to be down there not sure if they were player placed just for the purpose of lighting but they seem to be different from something like sea pickles but in little clusters

And so that was a feature they didn’t mention because we were focusing on the warden but that seems like maybe either a feature that just exists down here in this environment or something players can now craft as an additional light source which is going to look great for you know castle

Builds all that kind of stuff anywhere medieval candlelit builds will be worthwhile but especially if they echo the mechanics of sea pickles where if you place one candle two candles or three candles you get different lights variable level light sources yeah exactly yeah what we all want um and

The warden itself is a really interesting addition because it is another huge mob it’s like along the same lines as something like the ravager it’s looks as high if not taller than an enderman it’s got these big horns visually once again this looks like very much a creature of the end dimension

It’s got that end stone style like bone looking stuff on its arms and yet we find it in the overworld apparently so this raises a few more lore questions about like where is this creature from is it something that you know was born in the darkness of the overworld or

Somewhere else and it migrated here um but you also have its relation to whatever the rest of the stuff in the deep dark is the skulk sensors the stuff growing on the floor and on the walls and it seemed to have a little kind of um

Room of its own i can’t tell if that was meant to be a player created base or if it’s implied that the the warden creature actually lives there with like barrels of stuff what is it a warden of is also what i want to know is it just that biome or is

There some other kind of treasure they have planned there that they’re just not telling us about yet yeah it’s it’s a the name doesn’t it kind of implies a lot but then they didn’t reveal much about that uh i i thought it was interesting that again focusing on sound it’s a blind mob

So it can’t actually see you yeah it’s it’s hunting you based on sound and you can distract it based on sound as well yeah i think a couple of the devs saw a quiet place and are now making that a real thing for players um someone in our chat pointed out uh with

A question that like is that an open rib cage and yes yes i believe what the it’s your there’s a heartbeat noise that’s meant to like indicate to you that the warden is getting closer to you as you hear this heartbeat noise and the pixelation uh in its chest actually

Animated to show like a pulsating sort of like heart i guess i get very um hyper light drifter vibes from this aesthetically i get very studio ghibli vibes from this in terms of like creature design it’s weird and wonderful yeah and they’ve managed to make it blocky but still feel interesting and organic

And not just like a retake on an iron golem for example like it’s probably about physically a little bit bigger than an iron golem but i don’t get iron golem vibes from this at all which is really good it’s not just like another zombie variant kind of situation right different head size

Different leg size i did sort of think iron golem but that’s just because it’s a the way that the blocky stuff is animated in minecraft you can’t really kind of get around that it kind of lurches back and forward a little bit as well yeah and i noticed that

Um when it detects sound uh similar to the uh skulk sensor it’s um skulky ears they kind of twitch kind of like how a dog would when it hears something like the ears will kind of switch around there was a particle that kind of flew up towards it to kind of

Imply that’s the direction it’s hearing the sound from oh i didn’t see it as well yeah so i think that’s potentially going to be a good indication to the player of like hey you’re making sound and the warden is nearby when you see these like blue particles flick

Up from where your feet are and you have to like suddenly stand really still or start crouching or whatever yeah so it makes sense it’s it’s cool and i i kind of wonder like if it’s right on top of you when you and you squat and you keep completely still

And silent i wonder if it like strafe around it kind of thing yeah yeah if you if you’re if you’re able to get away because i believe that you don’t make any it’s hard to say because if you’re sneaking you have to release the sneak

To get off the edge of a block right because you can’t walk through a cave like what we’re looking at um if you’re sneaking all the time because you’re always going to run into an end of a block yeah and you can you can jump while sneaking but then does

Jumping and maybe taking fall damage alerts it as well and yeah yeah this combined with any other mobs around is going to be an absolute nightmare because like you want to stay maneuverable when there’s like a creeper or some skeletons or something but when you also have to sneak

And then they are making noises when you hit them like if if any other mobs spawn in the deep dark you are screwed well unless unless you can use them to distract like bring a bundle of eggs with you throw those down hope you get a chicken that clucks

At the other end of the hallway right you’re gonna distract this thing with chickens that’d be so good it’s like the it’s like the the trope you’ve seen in every action movie where like the guy throws something down the hall and people go like what was that

And they all run the other direction it’s metal gear solid distracting the guards by knocking on the wall kind of thing yeah yeah yeah like absolutely this is yeah it’s it’s so cool finding like a whole new depth of mechanics and like stuff that you can introduce to

Minecraft that seems so fundamental like sound being a thing now and something that you have to consider beyond just okay everything naturally makes sound because that’s immersion of the world around you now it has a mechanical purpose both in fighting a mob and in dealing with new redstone stuff

So there’s a lot that can be done with that and it’s a concept you introduce it now a couple of updates down the line it gets even more expanded by that point so there is great potential in this i feel like yeah i know i agree i think it’s an

Interesting interesting thing it’s also very end game like uh yeah to bring up the the fact that it really did a number on uh yeah i can’t remember the guy’s name but it it king of them yeah b dogs it was like two hits three kits and he was in full nether right

Armor yes yeah no it did six hearts to him wearing full nether right so that thing is gonna one shot you if you’re not wearing armor like that that is a 10 hearts worth of damage hit probably um so wild and yeah obviously you’re not

Gonna be able to speed run your way to this unless you are you know pretty well equipped with a bow and it can’t reach you i think that’s someone in our chat just actually mentioned something that i think is really interesting potion of silence question mark like if

That would be added as like a yeah and the game something that you need from maybe the end or some sort of end game potion brewing that situation to make this kind of encounter a lot easier that’d be interesting that is a very good concept yeah and and just like yeah potion of

Quiet um would be and and then but then how do you like the shush potion that’s the thing if you drink a potion of silence that makes a noise and it can hear you drinking so you have to be prepared for it that’s what i’m saying you have to kind of go

In you can’t use a splash potion because then it’ll you know um but yeah i imagine like in a pvp situation like bringing one of these with you and somebody else isn’t prepared for it you suddenly sneak and then it diverts and goes after the other guy you know

Yeah it could be uh yeah a really interesting uh pve contribution at least and maybe uh killing this might be the gateway to having renewable skulk sensors because they have a similar aesthetic going on or you know could be unrelated and just a facet of the uh the biome being a

Little bit more consistent in its uh artistic direction but that’s cool um other mobs we have to cover are the axolotl and the goat which would you like to go to first uh let’s go axolotl because uh they were really interactive if you um

If you pick them up in a bucket uh they look pretty cute but and they don’t attack you but they will they will attack everything else that you put them near we were chatting but i did catch during the stream that they also said that they will attack the glow squid

So yeah so the glow squid farm there you go just have some axolotls around the axolotl will recharge its own health yeah if it has time to take a break they’ll attack guardians i would imagine that if there’s this kind of a mechanic in there the axolotl also does take damage

So i imagine people are going to be bringing them on a guardian fight but also have to be prepared to maybe not have as many axolotls at the end of that fight as they do at the beginning yes um and there was at least three different variants that we saw in the

Concept art we only saw the pink one in game but there was a pink a purple and a bright yellow i believe briefly you saw bright yellow on swim past in one of the sections but i don’t have a screenshot of it right here

Um the fact that you can put them in a buckets that seems to be either that’s how you tame them or like at least get them to be friendly to you or maybe they just follow you if you jump into the water because they mentioned putting them in a bucket

To bring them with you and have your own little like actual little army but it did seem to be like you know the rest of the time they were just kind of ambient and swimming around in those lush cave lakes um so that’s kind of cool i i like

The aesthetic of them i think like i said they’re a great sort of real life monstery kind of addition to minecraft they can really feel like the the kind of mob that fits in with the ecosystem minecraft already has and yeah they are pretty adorable i

Gotta say the design of them is very cool yeah nice that they’re adding a new aquatic mod even though it’s a cave update yeah i mean like it it allows you to bring that into other situations somebody somebody pointed out in the chat earlier i forget

Exactly who it was but they said how somehow they have added time and sound in an update about caves yeah and it’s really cool the way that they managed to uh you know they’ve got a solid theme for it and that’s obviously you know it can’t be the

The cave cliff sound and time update but then there’s definitely um expansions on all of these concepts and ways that they can you know add some some interesting stuff to them from there speaking of they didn’t mention anything yet but there might be new music tracks that come with the new

Cave biome i would absolutely love that that’s all like ambient mu like ambient sound like we have the ambient sound the nether like i would yeah sorry go ahead i’d absolutely love that to happen because it’s it’s really changed the nether for me it feels quiet going back to the overworld now

Yep uh and that and uh we didn’t mention it um but we were excited about it when they mentioned it on the stream and that is the fact that there are particles that are associated with the plants in the cave update yes that travel with the plants they’re not

Biome-dependent yeah so if you want if you want to bring those particles back to your build you can totally do that and yeah i’m really excited about the um azalea trees as well because they have like pink flowers in them and so like we have a a leaf

Variant that isn’t just green you know we have we have a leaf block that can actually use you know you can put those in hedgerows in front of houses and they can just be like nice little bushes you know and and like people keeping flowers that way that don’t have to use flower

Entities they can have like you know flowering hedgerows that’s that’s a really nice addition as well um and somebody was saying azalea looks like oakwood again this is probably something that might be subject to change depending on how they retexture stuff player feedback always plays a part in this we don’t

Know what the internal word looks like just the external um so we’ll see how that all works out i hope they give us a light colored wood yeah having used some white oak in my uh modded playthrough i i would really like to see a white or light wood yeah something lighter

Than birch something like a little bit more of a maple kind of like whiteness yeah i i agree i think that’ll be a really good addition let’s talk about goats because we now have our first look at what oh there’s a i move the screenshot around there is a cow behind you

Don’t look um and the uh so the goats we have the goats we also have a picture of the goat in minecraft dungeons as well because as they mentioned uh the howling peaks update for minecraft dungeons which we’ll talk about in a second um does have goats in it as a wandering

Passive mob in the same way that cows and other mobs appear in those levels and they don’t seem to be hostile to you in minecraft dungeons they seem to headbutt that cow right off the cliff in the video so i wonder if they’re going to do that

To players or if they’re just going to headbutt other mobs it’s another alternative to the zoglin that might be a little bit difficult to control but could be fun for passive mob farms or you know afk mob farms um but as an entity in themselves

What do you think of the goat i you know as far as just uh adding mobs to the minecraft just better than seeing cows on top of a mountain yeah because they make a lot less sense or llamas because llamas just sort of feel like you know

You just get a ton of them and they’re kind of there but i feel like yeah just encountering those i’m not certain like yeah put them up put the llamas and mountain biomes and put the goats and other you know hills and stuff like that or

Yeah or vice versa put the llamas in the rolling hills and put the goats on the high high peaks that kind of thing uh i i have this issue now i find that i get uh spoiled by minecraft dungeons graphics like you see something in minecraft dungeons and you see the goat

In minecraft oh right yeah all it needs is like a bit better lighting stuff yeah like i just i i can see people adding like that 3d texture pack that we were talking about before where people want to add just a little bit of volume to certain things

Um don’t care i mean the the fur in the hanging you know texture is fine it’s more like the horns and things like that yeah dude look a little bit funny flat um but yeah i think it’s going to be a neat mechanic i wonder if it’s going to

Be something where like you have to have whatever the goat needs for food to keep it from headbutting you off a cliff similar to how you have to travel with gold in your hand or gold in your head in the nether uh maybe you have to now

Bring hay when you go up into the mountains uh adventuring to make a distraction make nice with the goat uh yeah is is like the the idea there and yes i’m showing the the screenshot of minecraft dungeons now with a little bit of extra lighting i think they do look like

You know they’ve got a little bit more character to them but yeah we’re also in that other picture only seeing the goat just from the side which makes it look very flat to begin with i think yeah seeing them wander around and they do jump really high

It doesn’t look like it has the one in the minecraft engines looks like it has two boxes whereas the one in it’s got like looks like it’s one box it’s got kind of haunches i think it might be there and it’s just the snow layers behind it kind of yeah

Making it look like it’s ah maybe you’re right okay it is very level with the terrain behind it which is unfortunate for this screenshot but photo tangent tangent breaking the laws yeah um yeah no that’s it yeah is something a little bit different about it

In dungeons but yeah i think that um it could be the fact that dungeons actually has 3d horns on it that’s probably what it is the uh the dungeons character on the left-hand side there does also seem to have a goat skin armor they’ve got like goat horns coming

Out the back of their head there so that’s that’s not just the wolf armor that seems to be a locally sourced armor um so you can go from bear fist steve to headbutt steve i mean i if i can i will let me tell you like if if that is an option

In howling peaks then i am all for it just run around screaming minecraft just hitting stuff with your head absolutely i’ll go for it yes definitely um but uh yeah i don’t know why they jump as high as they do goats are known for leaping but

They seem to have a vertical leap of about 20 feet in in the game so yeah again i’m not certain if that’s gonna be something that they will change or if it’s just you know they they want to make it slightly more cartoony and the goats just kind of

Leap everywhere i wonder if it helps them uh be able to maneuver around yeah like foxes only do that leap when they’re attacking something yeah i wonder if these goats because they’re going to be spawning on mountains and the new mountain generation is more steep i wonder if it

Means that now you’re not going to get a goat that just basically has these four blocks that it’s spawned on and can’t get anywhere yeah that’s whereas if it can jump then it might be able to jump up five six blocks in that direction and kind of like hop its way

Up a mountain that would be actually pretty cool that definitely already happens with cows and sheep and stuff they’ll get stuck on one block of a mountain and not be able to pathfind up or down and then they just kind of hang out there forever and so

I think a goat might look a little bit more home in in that position anyway unlike these farm animals that are just upper cliffs somewhere yeah but um yeah you’re right it would be nice for them to be able to target a block and leap to it almost like no matter what

So like the obstacles don’t necessarily get in their way and yeah we don’t know if the goats are gonna take full damage if they’re able to like jump off um you know if they’re going to find their feet more easily or or what but yeah it’s it’s nice to see them and nice

To see that they have committed to the mountain update being a a significant part of this if not the focus then maybe yeah that people were saying in the chat maybe the the cliffs in caves and cliffs refers to the mountain update being a thing that seems more than likely

Um and they did show uh at least one screenshot from the algorithm about the new mountain generation yeah when they were talking about the goat and it looked really nice there was lots of trees at the base and it looked very um not smooth it looked jagged but jagged in a

Intentional way in a natural way not jagged in a floating block you know minecraft minecraft has created a sky donut kind of way yes um and so yeah it’s gonna be interesting to see how those start to generate if they’re generating in worlds with existing mountain terrain if it’s gonna be easy

To blend the two of them uh we’re also getting powder snow which is the snowier snow they were talking about it’s gonna be a trap block you’re gonna be able to fall through it um so potentially that’s something you can trick mobs into walking over and then

Have them fall through it instead of using trap doors like you were saying um and it’s gonna generate naturally in mountain biomes so that you’re gonna be able to fall into it and thankfully uh you’re not gonna be ambushed by an icologer when you do because they didn’t get voted in in the

Mob votes so that’s right those mountain peaks are going to be safe for now um although maybe expect strays and you know the usual sorts of hostile mobs to be up there um yeah i think i think they’ve done pretty well i think they’ve done very very well uh

The one thing we haven’t touched on so far uh that they mentioned is the dungeons dlc uh which is going to be howling peaks um and that is coming out i can’t remember if they said when it was coming out but i would presume later this year

Uh because they did say it was going to be before the caves and cliffs update which is we now know coming in summer of 2021 so i would expect uh december 2020. okay so that is that in the uh the post great so yeah so we’re seeing more

Minecraft dungeons dlc before the end of the year which makes me happy because i really like the game um there seems to be a lot of wind mechanics in this one so there’s going to be areas where wind blows and it pushes you back there’s going to be this um chap on the

Left-hand side who’s another illegal variant who seems to have some measure of control over that um we also saw and i don’t have screenshots of this available what is that thing with the purple mohawk like or a pink moment it’s like that is yeah it seems to be some sort of variant on

The redstone golem idea but taken to another level which seems to be like a fun it’s got a kind of like wispy beard coming from underneath it looks almost almost like kind of uh oh yeah you know um some sort of gold sword thing for a hand yeah it looks it

Looks like it’s kind of grown a beard of moss sort of shadow of the colossus style which is kind of fun um and they also showed off uh work in progress footage of updates that included the nether and ocean biome and the end or something that looks like the end at least it

Didn’t necessarily look like end to rain all of the time it looked like there was more of like a fortress situation going on we also saw the return of the arch illegia in that very briefly starting one of the ambush sections and i don’t know if that

Means the archer is back or if that’s just a placeholder for whatever ambush mechanic they have set up and that’s just like right the intro to it for that level but either way um the story of minecraft dungeons has expanded into this dlc in a really interesting way where once you defeat

The archeologia the orb of dominance shatters and it ends up getting split between all of these different biomes and then you have to go and solve whatever the boss is at the end that has been corrupted by a shard of the orb of dominance right so

We’ve had two of those so far with creeping winter and jungle awakens we get a third with howling peaks and then somehow maybe some of the other shards have gotten into these other dimensions or maybe even the implication might be that we go to the end to confront

Whatever the source of all of that is because right if people are familiar with the final boss of minecraft dungeons it is a very enderman looking thing and it’s called the heart of ender and there is potentially some tie in there that might be resolved in term of the lore of

Minecraft dungeons if they include an update that has the end in it so that’s what has me excited about the future of dungeons is learning a little bit more about the story and then having more awesome levels to play as well yeah no it all looks good it all looked really really fun

Uh the last thing i have to cover here is archaeology which is kind of a curveball to be honest like i i’m not sure if i was expecting this at all like i i figured a cave update might arrive at some point and some of the other stuff they’ve shown seems like a

You know a logical step forward for minecraft but then you have stuff like this and this is really an interesting concept like what are your first impressions of the archaeology stuff they showed in the uh in the footage here this is the only point that they lost me in the presentation uh-huh

Where i was just kind of like granted i know it’s probably not aimed at me yeah but i also feel like it it just doesn’t feel very minecraft in that a lot of what we’re seeing is stuff that you can do and take and use in all other places yeah and argue

Archaeology as a mechanic in the game it looks like you can just do it at these archaeological spots yeah when you find stuff you can sift through stuff and i was thinking like it’s it does seem like it’s going to be that it’s something that would be better suited as

A minecraft education situation yeah because i already have to spend enough time digging through stuff in minecraft i don’t want to then have to take the time to dig one block in the same length of time it takes to dig 10 to reveal a scrap that i could then

Paint on a clay pot for perceivably no other reward than painting a clay pot yeah so it like it doesn’t speak to me i it’s very early they mentioned it was early to mention the art was temporary so there’s a lot about the stuff that could change um

The only thing of interest to me was the fact that there’s a clay pot model that might be something more that you could then crafted of clay which does look like it could work as a pot a railing a chimney like there’s uses for the pot

But i don’t want the clay um i don’t want the ceramic tiles on the side of the pot i just want the pot yeah well i think just having the pot might be an option and you know ultimately it’s one of these mechanics that it’s in the game you can

Take it or leave it you know you don’t have to do the archaeology thing if it’s not of interest to you but then um yeah depending on which direction the art takes and what else you can do with mechanics like this what other treasures there might be to uncover you

Know potentially you can dig up a trident or something for example it could be another way of getting a trident like again we’re moving into speculation this is none of this is kind of the stuff that they’ve confirmed we saw people problems for peaceful players to find things that

That you can’t get yes exactly like yeah being able to dig up stuff that is only available as a hostile mob drop maybe yeah there’s there’s some cool stuff there um and yeah like it does seem like an education edition feature but it might be interesting for regular

Minecraft players to get hold of some of this and you can also probably just craft and fire a pot and then you have a nice clay pot to decorate your house with we don’t know what else they might add in terms of variants of that

So you might be able to dig up some other stuff that has some relevance and you can maybe re-glue some of the stuff back together and it comes in you know all of these different shapes and sizes it’s a different idea than just having a nether brick flower pot for example

Which is another thing that’s been you know put out there but largely speaking isn’t a particularly innovative idea it’s just another retexture of an existing thing this feels like something new um aside from that yeah i guess it raises law questions and you know like we said might be a way

Of getting interesting resources might also be interesting to see if the brush mechanic allows you to keep layers of the blocks that you are brushing down because that’s the main thing i’m seeing people talk about in the chat like if you can create dirt and gravel layers by the

Fact that you have a brush that removes them a layer at a time then that’s a mechanic people are going to really enjoy it will probably be kind of slow um but if you don’t care about preserving whatever shard of pot that’s inside it and you just want

Three layers of dirt left then maybe an efficiency thing for the brush you know enchanting it to make sure that it can be more you know more effective at clearing that stuff down in a hurry it’s going to be interesting to see where they take that from now on

And having a brush is an item in the game i mean like you’re one step closer to being able to use that in conjunction with dies and maybe you’re one step closer to being able to give steve a good shave as well it looked like a

A little shaving brush with like the big wooden handle to it you know just being able to paint paint wood or something like that like this the tools are there and it’s like you’re so close yeah so close and we have sacks now for inventory management

Not sorry bundles bundles yes i i i i was thinking in my head if you add a stick to a bundle does it become a bindle for people in the chat who might not know the word a bindle is like one of those things that you see people

You know strolling down the road with in sure syrian times where they’ve just got all their possessions in like a handkerchief tied around a stick and that’s like yeah you know i’m off to seek my fortune kind of thing yeah i um it’s funny that they call them

Bundles because like i’m thinking like why not like sac bag like they’re just you’re looking at it’s like i guess bundle sure it’s weird it’s a weird choice yeah and i just kind of want to wonder if there’s if there’s other precedence i wonder if it’s also a word that

Translates better in terms of like colloquialisms into other languages because yeah i was listening to a podcast the other day and it’s a bit of a tangent but somebody was pointing out the way the word pineapple is the same in basically every language other than english and it’s called ananas in basically like

50 other languages and english is just like the one outlier that’s like no pineapple so so i wonder if bundle translates more easily than something like bag or sac might when people you know take it out of context um and so maybe yeah maybe they just

Thought it was a cuter word i don’t know but it could be it seems like you know a little bit more indicative of what it does it bundles items together instead of just you know having a bag like people have implemented backpacks and other you know yeah maybe there’s names that

Are more widely used by mods and they want to avoid you know the idea that they’re infringing on other mods kind of um you know territory and and and the and the outside of redstone the the the on player tech in the game is bows and arrows and

Crossbows and swords and shovels and stuff like that so a bundle is like a backpack to me doesn’t make sense like a a a bag or a bundle or a sack would make sense yeah yeah um i think that is basically all we’re going to talk about today is

Basically all we have time for and i wanted to get this wrapped up before 8 p.m my time we are fast approaching yeah at this very fast approaching and i’m sure you’ve got other stuff to uh to do yourself joel but thank you folks so much uh for attending this minecraft live

Rebroadcast i hope everything was okay with the sound and whatnot i tried to do the best i could to ride the fader a little bit uh before we go everybody in the chat let me know what you’re excited about for the caves and cliffs update because i know it’s

Going to be a little while off but we have plenty of time to get hyped for some of these features personally i think the warden is the highlight for me uh the warden and that whole deep dark area with the skulking sensors and everything joel how about you i’m really curious about

The wireless redstone uh the um what are they called skulk sensors yeah skulk sensors are interesting um also try having a shelter full of skulkers did you say that very fast yes uh have a couple of beers and say that yeah i think beyond that the thing that

Excites me the most is is the the vegetation that i saw in the cave updates like the cave updates and the giant caverns and expanses and the fact that you’re going to be able to go through caves and get the kind of biomes going by that you do now

In the nether that change the way that that feels entirely yeah and i think that that’s going to be a tried and true minecraft experience that they are not flipping on its head they’re just taking to it to a place that uh i think will make for a much

Less monotonous experience like i think you’re going to have to be on your toes i think you’re going to have to you’re going to be able to enjoy going digging for stuff i think is is the main takeaway that i got from it yeah definitely uh we also didn’t even mention those

Um platform plants that start to wilt when you’re standing on them oh yeah there’s a and the fact that we have forgotten about that feature up until now is testament to how big this update seems there will also be features that i’m sure will come out in development that

They’re working on but they haven’t been able to announce here like we got the drowned as part of the update aquatic and that came out of nowhere we had you know all sorts of stuff has popped up in the last few updates that we never expected to begin with

And it’s always a lot from a lot from nether from from what they said on stream last year to what we actually got i mean as uh one half of a podcast that does a lot of minecraft craft news we have an awful lot of content

That i think to cover over the next year which is good news it means that there’s always going to be something new to talk about yes definitely and you know we’re getting new wood types we’re getting new stone types there’s just like all kinds of

Stuff is going to start to bubble to the surface in the next little while and we will be covering it on our podcast it seems like an ideal time to plug the show because this has kind of been an official-ish broadcast of the spawn chunks which is

The podcast that joel and i do together every monday you can find more information about it and you know all of our previous shows at the or wherever you get your podcasts and we are a listener supported podcast which means we’re supported entirely by listeners through patreon the spawn chunks

Is where you can go to join our community we have a very active discord which i’m sure is being lit on fire as we speak by the amount of you know messages and stuff about this update and people being excited for some of this new stuff sharing all kinds

Of you know screenshots that they took of the event today um but if you’re interested in getting involved with that once again at the spawn chunks we are also at the spawn chunks on twitter you can also find joel and myself at the twitter handles on screen and those are

Also both our online handles so you are joel duggan basically everywhere i am pixel yes i am basically everywhere so yeah give them your your links and stuff so where people can uh can find you sure i mean everything is just at you can go to the website

You get links to instagram twitter uh twitch all that kind of stuff but joel duggan is the easiest way just type it in on your favorite platform and you will absolutely find me uh speaking of i’m actually going to boot up a minecraft stream immediately after this

Right there at the computer behind me so i will have to take a little bit of a break i didn’t think this was going to be like three or four hours so uh i do need to um i’m gonna boot up the stream but i’m gonna have to grab

Something to eat before i actually just log into minecraft otherwise i’m gonna waste away awesome so yeah do that yeah i’m gonna do that right now um but yeah so i’m gonna stream from the citadel i’m sure there’ll be lots of you know things to talk about uh minecraft in the chat there

Uh but beyond that it’s just it’s just kind of your links to all things me yes i have linked uh joel’s twitch channel in the chat so you guys can hop on board now drop a follow and uh when joel goes live you guys will get to hang

Out and probably talk a little bit more about it while we kind of all digest uh what we’ve started and probably digest some food as well at this point um yeah thank you guys so much for being here once again um and thank you to everybody who has

Subscribed to my channel and cheered bits and stuff in the meantime i really appreciate it um and yeah i’ll be back streaming some minecraft for you tomorrow i’m also participating in the 8-bit community’s uh d and d game they’re playing dungeons and dragons with a series called 8-bit

Dungeons i’m going to be involved with that tomorrow and that’s at 8-bit underscore community we’d love it if some of you guys could drop by i will post that on twitter and basically everywhere else i post stuff but i’ll also be streaming tomorrow probably either earlier in the morning

Or later in the evening because the 8-bit dungeons game is happening around the time i normally go live so i’ll hope to see some of you guys there and that’s going to be it from us thank you so much for coming to the stream really appreciate it and

We hope to see you guys again soon cheers talk to you monday bye for now Do You

This video, titled ‘The Caves & Cliffs Update! Minecraft Live 2020 Co-stream & Reactions // The Spawn Chunks Podcast’, was uploaded by The Spawn Chunks on 2020-10-03 22:02:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Joel and Pixlriffs from The Spawn Chunks podcast watch along with Minecraft Live 2020, and give their first impressions of the …

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    "๐Ÿ’ฉ PooKRi is Back! Minecraft Survival 2024 Day 3 LIVE ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT THE NEW BEGINNING IN SURVIVAL SERIES DAY 3 2024#gaming #live #minecraft’, was uploaded by PooKRi is Live on 2024-01-14 19:10:32. It has garnered 94 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 05:25:23 or 19523 seconds. #valorant #valorantindia Hello everyone ๐ŸŒน welcome to the เฒ•เฒจเณเฒจเฒก เฒ—เณ‡เฒฎเฒฟเฒ‚เฒ—เณเฒšเฒพ เฒšเฒพเฒจเฒฒเณKANNADA GAMING CHANNEL Do like share subscribe and support Kannada channel ๐ŸŒน ๐ŸŒน Letโ€™s do fun ๐Ÿ™Œand enjoy the stream ๐ŸŒน โค๏ธ ๐ŸŒน ๐Ÿฅˆ Second Channel Link - Join Discord:- โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” DONATION ๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ธ (Gpay and Phone pay) โœ…Rules of chat ๐Ÿง‘โ€โš–๏ธ NO spam,self promotion or… Read More

  • Breakfast Club

    Breakfast ClubBreakfast club – Minecraft survivalists Features: > Free for all. > Keep inventory is on. > mob griefing is off. > 15 current active players > Java 1.15.2 Breakfast Club is a friendly discord society committed to civility, compassion, and making a difference in the world. We host regular Minecraft get-togethers, movie nights, chess tournaments, and more. Join our community and meet people from around the world! Read More

  • KazzyKraft Modded | Whitelist | 15+ | 1.19.2

    Modded Minecraft Server for Building and Exploring If you’re tired of grindy Minecraft servers and want to focus on building and exploring, this server is for you! Created by Ezzy and Katty, we offer a small, no P2W server with around 100 mods including Origins, Cobblemon, Naturalist, and more. Server Specifications: DedicatedMC server 24/7 run time North America based Version 1.19.3 If you’re interested, join our Discord here to get started today! We hope to see you soon! Katty and Ezzy Read More

  • NitroGaming

    NitroGamingWelcome to the NitroGaming server page!We are still a fairly new server.Our main component is the game mode Survival!IP: ng.mineplay.meServer version: 1.20.4Discord; are still looking for team members) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Minecraft trend alert ๐ŸŒถ”

    “Looks like this Minecraft meme is hitting a high score of 95 in the meme game! Guess it’s mining its way to the top!” Read More

  • Food Fight Frenzy: Minecraft’s Hungry Hero

    Food Fight Frenzy: Minecraft's Hungry Hero In the world of Minecraft, where cookies are sweet, There’s a tale of a thief, with nimble feet. He sneaks in the kitchen, with mischief in mind, But the owner yells out, “Hey, don’t touch my food, you’ll find!” The animation is short, but the humor is grand, With TikTok and Instagram at their command. Using mods and shaders, the visuals are bright, Creating memes that bring joy and delight. So next time you’re craving a cookie or two, Remember this tale, and the lesson it drew. Respect others’ food, don’t be a sneaky guy, Or you might just… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Ultimate Showdown: Super Dog vs. Ravager! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Minecraft's Ultimate Showdown: Super Dog vs. Ravager! ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Who needs a superhero when you have a super dog in Minecraft? Watch out Ravager, this pup is about to unleash some serious bark-our!” ๐Ÿถ๐Ÿ’ฅ #minecraft #meme #memes Read More


    1 JT DAMAGE WEAPON ONE-SHOT MINECRAFT BOSS Minecraft Bosses: Can a 1K Damage Weapon One-Shot Them? From the comments on the previous video, curiosity sparked. Yesterday, we tested the bosses in Eden, and now, we’re here to find out if this weapon can take down Minecraft bosses like the Warden, Ender Dragon, and Wither. In this video, we’ll put it to the test. Testing the Weapon As the experiment begins, the weapon doesn’t feel powerful at first. However, as the battle progresses, the damage starts to add up. Upgraded to a million damage, the anticipation builds. Results First up, the Wither. With a single shot, it’s… Read More

  • Unbelievable Skyblock Farming Progression in EP8!

    Unbelievable Skyblock Farming Progression in EP8!Video Information all right definitely didn’t start cuz I have to actually hit like start stream right wait why does it say end stream wait hold up hold up did I just successfully start a stream without any hiccups like at all ain’t no way am I able to find this or is it on like unlisted holy CRA what I actually was able to start a stream without just throwing immediately like I started a few minutes early because I was expecting hey I’ll have technical difficulties like I’ll be failing a few times because I always fail every… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse

    Surviving Minecraft Zombie ApocalypseVideo Information in this video I played the Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse mods these zombies are actually insane they can break blocks build dig under your base ah and they’re really fast there’s already something there a what is this all right so we’re in this game so the first thing I always do in Minecraft oh yeah we have a gun it’s insane better find some shelter before night time cuz when it’s night time then it’s going to going to suck funny thing is when you break a tree everything breaks instantly isn’t that insane still the skin from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Deaths from Pro Gamer!

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Deaths from Pro Gamer!Video Information [Music] Eric are you okay man yo what are you saying okay guys no no let’s not put enough torches down oh my God oh my God actual progression has been made nickm oh This video, titled ‘Funniest Minecraft Hardcore Deaths| @GamersReact |#trendingshorts #youtubeshorts ||’, was uploaded by Akshat Gamerz on 2024-01-15 07:45:02. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: MaveMarvy Explores Bizarre Minecraft Dimension!

    Unbelievable: MaveMarvy Explores Bizarre Minecraft Dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘WAIT WHAT ๐Ÿ˜ฑ MINECRAFT WEIRD DIMENSION’, was uploaded by MaveMarvy on 2024-03-21 10:20:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found myself in a dimension of strange creatures #minecraft Please subscribe MINECRAFT SERVER MINECRAFT … Read More

  • “Dream_pro’s Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!” #minecraftpe #shorts ๐Ÿš€

    "Dream_pro's Secret tip to Awe-Inspiring Nostalgic Minecraft Moments!" #minecraftpe #shorts ๐Ÿš€Video Information are you ready for the official release of [Music] Minecraft This video, titled ‘Nostalgic Minecraft ๐Ÿฅบ #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts’, was uploaded by Dream_pro on 2024-04-05 14:00:15. It has garnered 9041 views and 271 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #nostalgia #nostalgic #dream #dreamsmp #herobrine #herobrinesmp #shorts Read More

  • CaptainSparklez 2 – Ultimate Minecraft Exploits – SDMP #10

    CaptainSparklez 2 - Ultimate Minecraft Exploits - SDMP #10Video Information Hello everybody welcome back to the SDM PP um I’ve been visited by the prank wiin let’s hope you find the gift he left before it finds you who is the prank wiin um remove Astros HOA fine and the king is set free [Laughter] uh H I don’t know I don’t know if I can that’s a mighty friendly greeting after kidnapping the king you know you know I I don’t that doesn’t seem in line with the uh with what has been what has taken place here I don’t know have I found any gifts is… Read More

  • Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Minecraft chaos with tons of gifted memberships!? ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information why is he hold the cat like that what he’s he’s holding the c a machine gun why wait guys there’s a [ย __ย ] picture of Neil newon holding this cat and apparently according to the caption this cat is what ins ire the attitude and personality for aaran but he’s holding this cat so incorrectly oh my God oh my God that looks so funny oh my God oh my God ow my head ow ow ow ow ow oh my God oh my God it’s like it’s like he’s holding this cat and this cat’s like leaning… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene Landscapes

    EPIC Minecraft Infantry War with SHADERS in Serene LandscapesVideo Information [Music] [Music] I [Music] f [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] no [Music] [Applause] a e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] for I [Music] I This video, titled ‘Minecraft Infantry War: Battles in Serene Landscapes with Shaders’, was uploaded by DasGamingHaus on 2024-04-06 12:56:48. It has garnered 2490 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:46 or 466 seconds. Minecraft Infantry Combat in the trees and hills Mods: BSL Shaders Flans WW2 mod bots Flans mod Modular Warfare Custom NPCs Optifine Read More

  • Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!

    Minecraft ITA Penances: Unleash Explosive Energy with Hemerald Live!Video Information Allora allora Tano Allora io vedo comunque una descrizione che dice Salve straniero Ok piacere Mi chiamo Luca e sono un ragazzo con come tanti con la passione per detec non penso che sono tanti Tano No beh come come tante Cioรจ nel senso su 60 milioni quando siamo in Italia 70 Insomma Qualche migliaio ci saranno no intera Community almeno 1000 sono tuoi iscritti Quindi penso di sรฌ Quindi Quindi almeno penso che giร  stai raggiungendo il massimo di iscrizioni No no c’รจ c’รจ molto margine Ok ok abito a Pisa Giร  ti sei fatto contro Praticamente… Read More

  • UglyDuckling

    UglyDucklingOn UglyDuckling, our goal is to expand our lovely new community with people who want to have fun and be a part of our community. This server is new and we are willing to expand and improve whenever possible. We strive to make a safe space for players to come together and have fun during these weird times. Our server has extra features that add to the fun of the game while keeping a vanilla feel such as Mob heads, /spawn command, /home bed, and multiplayer sleep. Read More

  • Hermitcraft Style SMP Bedrock Vanilla Whitelist

    Welcome to our Bedrock Hermitcraft SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining our small community of builders and players, feel free to reach out on Discord! Requirements: Must be 18+ (exceptions may be made based on maturity) Looking to reach 10 active players on average Contact: Discord: Biippie Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – A spicy Minecraft banger!

    I guess you could say this meme is truly mining for laughs with that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Minecraft Debut!

    Crafting Chaos: The Ultimate Minecraft Debut! In the world of Minecraft, a hardcore debut, Building and crafting, a tale to pursue. From cherry tree islands to mountain base high, Every step in rhyme, as we reach for the sky. A world of adventure, with challenges to face, Surviving and thriving, in this blocky place. From farms to fish ponds, and rooms with a view, Every detail in rhyme, as we journey anew. So join me in this journey, in Minecraft’s embrace, As we build and explore, in this blocky space. Let’s craft and create, in this world so vast, Every moment in rhyme, as we… Read More

The Caves & Cliffs Update! Minecraft Live 2020 Co-stream & Reactions // The Spawn Chunks Podcast