The Ultimate Gaming Experience Awaits You!

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Alrighty then I think we are live ladies and gentlemen I think we are good to to go what is going on everybody how’s everybody doing tonight it is your boy shade back with another live stream man we had a fantastic live stream last night it was so good to see everybody on

Supporting the channel vibing out and um I just hope everybody had a great stream yesterday and enjoyed it as much as I did so I just started the stream so we’re going to give uh some time for everybody to come online and for everything to get kind of started I know

Right now it’s kind of like starting up a car engine right now uh takes a moment to get everybody in here but if you guys are new to the stream or if this is your first time that you have been in here we have a public Minecraft server where we

Allow everybody to come on in and join the server and play as well so it’s super exciting to have everybody here play the game add their little structures to the world and just overall make it a more fun experience for everybody to come Vibe out if you guys

Are in twitch or if you’re on Kick um it’s going to be in the title and if you’re on YouTube it’s going to be in the pinned chat message for you guys as well um I’m shade this is your boy live with shade and I try to do streams every

Night um I’m usually live yesterday we had like a five plus hour stream that we did so I actually streamed for quite a long time yesterday and uh it was awesome I mean it’s awesome to be consistent it’s awesome to be able to stream live and start building up that tolerance again

Because it’s kind of been a long time since I’ve put in longer um hours of streaming and uh I got some rest today I just had some dinner and I think I’m good to go now so we’re going to go ahead and just Vibe out it’s going to be

A nice cozy Stream So if you guys are into that then you’re in the right place so welcome welcome everybody welcome welcome and uh yeah we literally just got started so hopefully everybody enjoys their time here man I was thinking about like maybe doing some music or something like that

With the stream um but I don’t know I think that it’s a lot better if I’m just able to sit and talk with you guys as well and just kind of communicate and chat that way um I feel like sometimes the music makes it a bit more difficult

To actually have a conversation or communicate with the stream um and so I would rather fill up that background noise with my talk talking and I would also rather be able to practice my voice as well and practice the art of streaming cuz I do believe streaming is

An art um absolutely it is so um yeah man everything is looking really great here on the server guys I mean everybody’s put in a decent amount of work to make the server look beautiful um the starter house is really looking great we got a banquet table set up

Right here you know we got the rules going on and everybody’s just here vibing out and we’ve really had a great turnout so I appreciate everybody that’s putting their a little you know two cents into the server and uh just growing it every day and making it

Lively man it truly means a lot to me uh you know being an upand cominging streamer that I do have a great community of people that are willing to help me build and Vibe out and uh yeah it’s super great super great indeed so right now chat I think I’m just going to

Do some fishing um right now we’re just kind of waiting for everybody to get on in here cuz like I said we just turned on on the stream uh literally like 5 minutes ago or something like that so we’re just going to Vibe out and do a little bit of

Fishing I’ll go ahead and talk to you guys and um I should probably put the difficulty back on normal as well so I have stuff to fight and well it’s not exactly too boring you know let’s put it on normal there we go that way everything I fish will matter

As well but I got to watch out for the for the Phan chat see this is what I was talking about let’s get out of here let’s go take a nice little nice little nap chat shall we yeah we need to go to bed these Phantoms are coming in hot man let’s get

Out of here sketchy absolutely sketchy yo what’s going on Dino how’s it going welcome to the stream uh I have not seen you in the Stream before for so since this is your first time uh that you are here I wanted to you know I want to give

You a proper welcome um and thank you so much for being here hope you’re having a great night afternoon morning wherever you are in the world um I love Minecraft as well and um you know I haven’t really played a lot of Minecraft uh recently other than the past week or so because

I’m currently working on a little test project with the community so as you can see there’s an IP that is in the chat on YouTube it’s a public server so if you want to come play in the server with us you’re more than welcome to join us we

Are on the Java 1.2 uh point4 version and it’s been great man we’ve had everybody coming out uh helping build this community uh structure over here as well as we have our own houses and everybody’s been working together to build the server man so you’re more than

Welcome to come hang out and put your little uh slice of creativity if you want to in it as well so absolutely man I love Minecraft too uh I was playing a lot of OverWatch and I de decided to play some more Minecraft because I want to focus on uh playing a

Different game and doing something a little bit different um than OverWatch and I feel like Minecraft is a really good game uh for streaming because I can focus more on the chat I can focus more on the interaction and I don’t necessarily have to be doing much uh and

Everybody can still kind of have a great time and build the server so I really do hope you enjoy your stay man and I thank you so much for supporting the channel and tuning in tonight so um yeah guys right now we’re just waiting for some

More folks to get on in here like I said I just turned on the stream so we’re going to chill out a little bit I want to get comfortable I want to get relaxed I want to ask how you guys are doing tonight um yeah nightbot I don’t know

What’s going on I just set up nightbot earlier Dino the alas you set this command to be of Discord does not exist so I was working with the nightbot stuff earlier the Alias you set this command to does not exist I’m going to try to mess with some of the settings here so

That was me turning on nightbot earlier I don’t know what exactly uh it’s saying I don’t know what that means so weird I’m going go ahead and log in and see if I can see what’s going on I wonder if this actually works though I was like I said I

Was messing with this earlier does not exist maybe now it will exist let’s try that chat let’s see if that works works so Alias message I mean it says it exists so maybe we’ll wait for a second and see if it it changes up after I logged in so anyways guys again welcome

Welcome welcome to everybody that’s just tuning in to the stream my name is shade if you don’t know who I am I’m a variety streamer I like to play all sorts of games uh I’ve been playing Minecraft with the community it’s been a lot of

Fun and uh we’re just going to go ahead and do a little fishing while we wait for people to get in here man like I I uh want to make sure we have enough fish because on that normal difficulty you know we got this hunger that we got

To worry about usually I play on Peaceful but I want to be able to go to the Nether and stuff like that as well so waiting for the music to kick in as well but I’m hoping my friend will get on earlier or later and he’ll work

On his structure some more and um I might do a little bit of building tonight as well right now I’m just going to focus on fishing uh making sure that we have plenty of food for when we get start to get people on here maybe do a little bit

Of mining as well just kind of freeball at chat to be honest with you so just kind of free ball it what’s what’s the server name and the server address so Dino if you see where it says come join uh it’s the one it says come jooin knif saw. arros go ahead

And type that whole IP right there and go to direct connect and um direct connect to the server and it will get you right in with us yo what’s up blue how’s it going man welcome back to the stream bro how you doing tonight and I hope you’re doing well

Man good seeing you bro good seeing you we had a fun dance party last night man listen and I was starting to get real tired man we did a long stream yesterday I actually streamed for like over 5 hours I think it was we were 5 hours in

And then I got back on and streamed later so we were we were grinding hard yesterday man and it felt really good and got plenty of rest ate well and I’m ready for another long stream man we’ll go you know what I’m saying this game has given me the motivation and the

Energy for these long streams so we’re going to do it uh I tried to and it didn’t work do you have Java 1.2.4 Dino because um I don’t we don’t have it on Bedrock unfortunately you know what I should do as well is do like a Dynam or the St I

Should just like put the standard IP in the chat not the dynamic one but I like the dynamic one because I like to be able to get into the server first before I go live I saw you get back on no way I could stay up that late on a weekday I

Know man I mean bro I’m I’m just going hard right now I guess so it’s all good man it’s all good I I just I appreciate you being here man and being consistent and just showing back up means a lot to Me you’re a pretty big part of the server So oh name and up address yeah so just go to direct connect Dino and put in that IP if you have Java 1.2.4 version and it should allow you to connect so you should be able to connect with no problem it worked for me yeah so it’s it’s Working chat I know I just got on but dude I got to pee so be right back just a second guys Is uhuh uhuh not today blue you think you’re going to get away with that bro come on dog yo what’s going on Mr Darkness how’s it going man what a great way to man to enter the stream if this has been if this is your first time

You’ve ever been here man welcome what a warm welcome how are you doing tonight uh I don’t think I’ve ever seen your name in the Stream before so welcome to the stream I hope you’re having a good uh morning afternoon or night or wherever you’re from Lang thank you so

Much for the YouTube subscription I really do appreciate that I hope you enjoy the content here and the Good Vibes man thank you so much for the sub um but yeah Mr Darkness we have a uh public Minecraft server so if you do have the game and you’re interested in

Playing with us the IP is pinned to the chat in YouTube and we’d love to have you if you do have the Java version of the game but if not you just want to hang out and Vibe with us then uh welcome welcome man I had to entertain

The viewers while you were gone dude you knew you you knew exactly what to do and it worked I mean how could it not oh man you’re goofball bro thank you man I’m doing good how are you I’m doing very well Mr Darkness I’m doing very well

Tonight um I’m feeling good I just had a nice dinner had some chicken tenders and fries and you know that’s just a solid dinner for any champ right so um with a root beer so it was really really good and I feel well rested we had a nice

Long stream yesterday it went very well um honestly man and the stream thing has been really important to me and it’s been growing a lot and every time I go on stream we seem to be getting new people so it’s been going very well I’m feeling very blessed and I’m thankful to

Have the people here that support and watch me man and um it’s just really nice to have you in here so thank you for being here um but I’m feeling really really good I didn’t get to go for my walks that I usually go on I usually

Like to go for daily walks I haven’t done that so maybe tomorrow we’ll go for a walk um I kind of woke up a little bit late hung out with my sister today which was really nice I haven’t really spent a lot of time with her um so that was

Really nice we got some breakfast together and then I just kind of chilled out so it was a really good day man that’s great to hear yeah you know I can’t complain I’m just you know very focused on this streaming thing right now I’ve been putting a lot of time and

Energy into it we had a i streamed like five hours yesterday and I’m just very very happy that I have the energy to be consistent and show up and you know I’m playing Minecraft I love this game I think there’s a lot of potential for it

As a streaming game as well and it allows ows me to interact with you guys and focus on the conversation right it’s just for a streamer it’s just a lot easier to Vibe out and fish and talk to you guys when I can you know and I can

Focus on the conversation uh sometimes playing shooter games is a little bit more difficult so at least you guys can connect with me you’re on version one 12.26 so Dino can you update the game like the Java version of the game because we’re on the 1

2.4 are are you on PC and also are you trying to join with bedrock because if you have Bedrock it won’t work unfortunately sadly you don’t have Java see that’s the biggest problem that I didn’t really realize and I don’t know how easy it is is for me to switch from

Java to bedrock I didn’t realize that there’s like a bunch of people that can’t join and play the server like I don’t know if that’s just an easy switch or not um but to be honest with you I haven’t really technically looked into that yet so and we’ve done so much work

On this server man or else I would I would switch but like we actually have people with homes on here and a nice starting area and stuff like that I would hate to start over again iPhone yeah that’s why that’s why well I apologize you not you can’t

Play with us but hopefully you can just Vibe out and chill man or you know get the game on the computer and and then we can play another thing too is since I’m vertical on YouTube I’m probably going to get a lot of mobile players as well

So I just didn’t really even think about that when I started up the server originally I had no idea I’m coming back to this game after like a very long Hiatus very long Hiatus I haven’t played this game in such a long time but I figured it’d be a really good stream

Game so here I am oh nice we got two enchanted books see this is why old Bessie is old Bessie the luck of the C2 I’m getting fantastic books from fishing like fantastic books um and the Unbreaking 3 is super nice you’re on Xbox yeah see if I had

Bedrock we could all you guys could be in here as well I just didn’t know man I wasn’t really thinking that deep because I think you have to I think it’s a whole different version of the game right like I feel like I would have

To install a new version of the game and then the people that are on Java can’t play from Bedrock or something like that I don’t know I never really got that deep into it um I’m about ready to throw some of these fish on the on the grill here

Chat make sure we have plenty of food uh you ever played Ark before so I have not played Ark before but I have a very good friend that is very into Arc he plays it quite a bit um he always wants me to play and

Get on it with him and he says it’s really fun and I think I would enjoy the game I think I would uh I just haven’t gone out of my way to buy it or play it yet so but the whole dinosaur Vibes I think is something that I could get down

With for sure yeah absolutely put the raw salmon here starting to get my bearings back chat not I’m not so Rusty anymore I was really rusty when I first came back I didn’t really know what to do but it didn’t take me very long to get back

Into the swing of things it says open buddy I can’t update really hey it says open instead of update yeah if you’re on the phone Dino if you’re play If you’re trying to join us from the phone I don’t think it’s going to be possible I think you

Would actually need to like get the latest version of the of the game on your computer so I think it’s like 30 bucks right now for the for the Java version of the game I don’t know are they the the exact same game chat or is there some major

Differences because I really like I said I never really looked into that hoping ghost will get on tonight so we can work on on the structure some more he’s got a really nice little house he’s building over there there forgot how to craft a bed yesterday yeah you’re right I’m really

Rusty bro I mean I’m talking I haven’t played this game dude and oh my God blue bro so long the only thing that I really can think about when I think of Minecraft is how long I stayed up playing it one time so I don’t remember

What age I was I really can’t remember I was obviously a kid obviously like early teens something like that and me and my friend bro played for like 14 hours I played through the whole night or even more it’s probably longer I played through the whole night until like 10:

In the morning and I was like I’ve never played a game this long I have never played I’ve never played a game this long and I was like only in Minecraft can you play it for that long and I don’t even remember what we did like

I like I don’t I don’t even remember what kept me on the game so long man like I’m trying to like I’m really trying to remember what did it it was just running around and you know just kind of bsing man you know uh do I have to delete any mods or

Anything like that Dino um if you or have it on the PC I don’t think so I think you can just join with no mods like or I mean I’m sorry I think you can just join even with the mods right I don’t think it actually affects anything

Is sugar getting on tonight yeah she’s coming over after she eats her dinner so hopefully she’ll be here soon why is it saying that why is my nightbot all messed up this man to be of support does not exist I got to figure out what’s wrong with my nightbot chat

So far I’m really enjoying the stream most streamers are quiet I appreciate that man and I think that I really have to ow that to Minecraft uh to be honest with you bro I think I really have to owe that to Minecraft because again if I

Play a game like OverWatch right I am so focused on playing the game which is okay like there’s an audience for that too right like I’m so focused on the game but I think my strengths as a human being are a bit more in podcast land it’s not that I’m not good at

Overwatcher I’d like to say I’m pretty decent at like shooter games and I’ve started my whole PC Journey playing shooter games games but I think from a streamer’s perspective and the viewer perspective and the whole atmosphere of streaming I need to treat it like a

Podcast I need to treat it like a show right and so in order for me to do that I need to figure out how to provide how to have a good show which you guys want to talk to me and interact with the stream or the game is just the median

And then also in a good show you got to provide some sort of value or have something to give back to the viewers and I feel like that this server is my value the server that I provide the the podcast Vibes that I do and the way that

I have orchestrated this stream has really motivated me to continue to stream and I know that my strengths lean into more of just this type of vibe versus maybe like going off and just playing Counter Strike and and going crazy on it because I do like that too

But it is going to be different but when it’s streaming you know I want to make sure that I’m paying attention to the people that are watching me and always in tuned with this sort of um person you know that I want to be while I’m

Streaming cuz it’s you know it’s like a host of a show if you want to put it that way right and I think it’s important for me to be talking to you guys I think it’s important for me to have the server for you guys and I think

It’s important for me to play the games that are communitybased for someone that is you know in my position and like everything I try to Everything I Do man is strategic and I was just telling sugar that the other day she’s my girlfriend and you’ll see her in the

Server but I Tred I told her that the other day I was like everything that I do is so strategic I’m I’m really trying to position everything in a way um where I can get out there be discovered you know I have three platforms that I’m

Streaming on right now and um at the same time and I’m just doing the best I can to think and maneuver In a Different Light CU I want to stand out you got to stand out in this world you know what I mean so um I think that providing this

Server and doing more podcast Vibes is you know it’s we’ve been growing man so things have been going really really well and people like you make it worthwhile when I get to talk to the viewers that’s another thing I kind of just get to go off on a tangent and I

Talk and bounce off of the chat like you guys keep it going man without you guys it would it really wouldn’t be the same so and the best part too is that having a chat that doesn’t move a million miles a minute I can focus on

That too so you know there’s benefits to that I used to stream a really long time ago um I play play a game called braw Halla and it was really fun and you know we had a good turnout for that as well um but I was also a lot more hyper back

Then I was a lot more of a kid back then now I’m older and I’m a lot more I got like white hair is coming out of my beard now and I’m just getting to a point where like I’m just a lot more calmer man so like I want to do things

That are a lot more chill I want to do things that are a lot more um relaxed you know cuz IED used to be very wild and loud and annoying and now I’m like I’m starting to Just Vibe out man and this game is perfect for

That so uh I do have a computer but it’s my sister’s school and I’m pretty pretty much if you can try to live if you if you can try to Live While on on iPhone try to Live While on iPhone yeah I mean if if

You’re able to use it Dino I mean I guess you know it being your sister’s school computer you might not be able to use it um that’s totally up to you man I mean um I don’t know what you mean by try to Li try to Live While Live While

On iPhone because yeah I think that it’s going to be hard for you to watch the stream from your iPhone and then um play the game must you have like two different iPhones it’s good how are you caring for the AUD it’s good uh that you are caring for the audience like that’s

Probably what you meant to say and yeah man I mean it’s I’m very passionate about this stuff man um I am I’m truly truly this is something that I love to do uh I want to make sure that I’m putting on a show providing value doing

Things than more than just going live um I think most people can just go live and play a game but in a world like streaming um you know I try to do things to stand out so even if it’s just something simple the thing is chat you don’t have to over

Complicate things like all you have to do and I that’s another thing learned you don’t have to think so deep about it you can do one thing differently one thing that not a lot of people are used to seeing and it’s just what you offer right and it’s like that’s with anything

In life it doesn’t really matter if it’s just streaming or if you’re an artist or if you’re into music or whatever it is that you’re trying to do or you have a passionate Drive about like you can just change one thing about the thing that

You’re doing and it could be what it is that you do for me it’s a game that I play it could be as simple as changing the game that I play or changing you know it’s always good to test things man and and life is all about

Experimenting it truly is so you know don’t be afraid to to try things and and get out of the box a little bit you know because you got to break the box to build anyways so and I’m really trying to stay focused on that man because like I was you know

I was thinking more about this YouTube shorts thing but it’s not really where my heart Li uh my heart lies in live streaming so even if I have to go live for a long time on all three platforms to grow then we’ll do it like I’d rather do what I

Enjoy and what I feel like you guys are going to want to watch me do because it’s what I enjoy doing and for me it’s streaming so I was thinking about doing music but I don’t think I can really do music because I like to talk but then I

Also real realiz that I don’t think the I think copyright will be an issue and stuff like that so I think I would rather just you know practice my talking voice and just practice my podcasting so I got this bow here which is Unbreaking three chat I’m going to probably repair this

Bow cuz that’s really good and then I’ll leave that for somebody that could that could use it so that’s another thing about fishing with these upgraded stats is that it’s actually kind of beneficial I’ve gotten three books so far I’ve gotten a saddle we have blue we have so many Saddles bro

It’s insane and I got two name tags maybe do Minecraft music in the background I could like keep a constant constant playlist of Minecraft music playing in the background I could do that I also do have the music on in the game and the sound effects in the game

So that’s been kind of filling that void as well like you can hear the game music and the game sound so I think that that’s that’s pretty pretty V iby as well turn off the ingame music and play some on YouTube so it’s always going

That I could do that as long as it’s not I mean if it’s Minecraft music I I probably won’t get any weird copyright strikes or anything like that you can sit in it really where’d you make it up here oh yeah dude and I love how you can see

The map with the seat so are these just mine carts how do you make these seats because I have some ideas of maybe we can go and like make the seats downstairs the ones for the banquet and change them into these and the seats that are around all over we can like we

Can use these instead if they fit this is really cool I like this cuz I know I’m going to be sitting here dude trust me I know I’m going to be even if I’m just chilling like I like you know stretching or whatever I can I’ll just be sitting here

Sweet that’s awesome man they are Minecarts okay at least I know that’s really creative you know if I want to put one down or whatever that’s awesome uh I think throw some of these fish oh smoker upstairs oh the fish are done sweet get these back on

There do I use the enchanted books at an anvil or do I use these at the at the table at the enchantment table cuz I got some got some books man we’re going to put these in tools for now move these to the bottom that way we got it all lined up

Got a nice little bow in here the star shooter I was going to give that the sugar so maybe I’ll do that when she gets gets online here sadly I got to go up I can catch your other streams hey man I hope you can catch them as well um

I appreciate you stopping in thank you so much if you do want to get notified when the stream does go live you could always subscribe to the channel here on YouTube and you’ll get notified um as soon as I go live that way you know you

Can catch my streams if you want you have a great day as well man I really appreciate you tuning in thank you so much for supporting and just being here and vibing out and I hope you have a great rest of your day thank you thank

You all right so let’s go ahead and throw the saddle look at all the Saddles we got so many saddles name tags and some cooked fish I’m going to go put this cooked fish away the food yeah so we are doing good right now on food man and I got my whole Diamond

Set Enchanted last night I got my sword I have all the tools that I could ever need I’m I really am doing well on tools and now that I know how to repair stuff I don’t need to keep making tools anymore that’s kind of great it’s really great

Actually but if I want to repair like my diamond stuff then I have to make another Diamond weapon right probably to repair it but that’s okay we have a decent amount of diamond yeah sure sugar will be here soon I’m want to see if I can mess with

My nightbot real quick CU it says the Alias you set this command to be of does not exist why is it saying that I’m about to just take off this Alias thing and see if that fixes it I just thought that the Alias would like I could like type it in I’m trying

To I’m messing with nightbot chat trying to see if I can get some messages to appear like Discord and stuff like that to just to appear Hing the seem star tonight that’d be nice I it’s been a while since he’s been on and he’s like the first one that got

The Minecraft streams popping so I want him to see what we built o another book man what is loyalty 3 dude we’re going to have a plenty of books and and I use the books at the enchantment table right or do I use them at the Anvil was trying to see which one

Which one to use oh you can use diamonds in the Anvil to repair it you don’t have to use a full axe to repair an axe oh okay gotcha another bow that seems like a really good Bow Wow can I repair this bow this bow right here

This one is the one I want yeah oh it’s not going to even repair it that much books at the Anvil got you got you thank you man I’ll probably just end up tossing this one make a new bow because if I make a new bow it’ll probably it’ll probably repair it full

Right let’s try that um where is let’s do that there we go now the night bot’s working nice go nightbot go so now I’ll be able to you know see how that works and we’ll got the Discord going I’ll get some of the socials on there and uh we’ll be vibing out with

With nightbot so that’s great great great great stuff all right so bow yeah I still don’t really know how to make a bed to be honest with you yeah okay I really still didn’t know how to make a bed okay let’s do that and let’s do that there we go and we’ll name

It the powo chat powo because it’s got power on it go ahead and put this pow bow upstairs put it in the tools chest here right next to the other bow we got two really good bows in there the star shooter and the pow bow very nice

And uh we’re back off to fishing man I mean honestly chat the thing with me is that fishing in games gets a little addicting for me I can’t stop I just love fishing I really really do it’s probably one of my favorite video game Hobbies I was looking at this uh kick

Craft Server they they’re a Minecraft server for kick and apparently they have um mcmmo on it and I was thinking about that today and I was like I don’t you know I don’t know man I don’t really know if I want to do any mods on This

Server yet dude I don’t even know if I want to do any mods to my game like to the shaders or anything or I wasn’t even looking at like shaders that I could add to the game complimentary Shader was the one that I was looking at uh I don’t

Know if that’s a good one one that would be recommended to be used or if you guys have any ideas of some some shaders to to use or anything like that but so far I’ve kind of liked just having uh kind of just liked having the base game the way it is so

Far so yeah but and that’s literally why I’m thinking about it because it would have a skill for all this stuff but the question is how does that incorporate into like like what does the fishing levels do when I have mcml like what’s the progression it’s one of the strongest skills

Really I’ll look into it man like if I installed MCM mode do it make the whole server different or does it just add add that those levels of progression I’m going to Google it real quick while we’re here do there we go wow eight years

Ago yeah see I feel like I would enjoy this man like I I genuinely feel like I would really enjoy this cuz I’m into RPGs a lot I mean it would be be worth a shot right I don’t want to break anything that we have but like I mean it looks fun

Man definitely could be something we could look into uh it is a plugin it only adds the progression right since it is not a mod the viewers don’t have to do anything to use it it is all server side right H so let me ask you then if I installed

It now like well all have like level zero but when we like level up and stuff what does it do like what what can we use with the levels I almost want to do it I almost want to do it the skills are really cool the wood cutting one will

Let you chop down full trees in one hit yeah I don’t know it just sounds like fun it sounds like it would make the server even better like it would add some sort of like deeper progression to it you know what I mean what did I just oh okay I thought never

Mind I thought I picked up something chat my bad yeah I kind of want to try it but like what don’t I need wouldn’t we want to put other things on it to make it worthwhile or do you think that just having mcmmo on it is enough is like you

Know a decent start like there’s like decent amount of stuff that you get from like putting it on there I just feel like having a level tied to this stuff would be fun way more fun and there’s like leaderboards too right which I think would add that’s what I saw leaderboards

I think skill leaderboards yeah so then we can see who’s the you know what I mean like I feel like it would just it would add another layer of fun to the server so there’s acrobatics Alchemy archery axes excavation fishing herbalism mining repair swords taming unarmed and wood cutting

Wow I mean I love MMOs man and you know what you want to know something I’ve always wanted to own my own MMO game truly I’ve always wanted I’ve always wanted to own my own MMO so this could literally fill that fantasy for me right now using Minecraft and the stream

The stream to bring people into the game you know the server to have my MMO and I’ll just play it on Minecraft and we can do that I think mcmo is all you need like I said on another stream I have hosted many server mcmo was the only

Plugin I’m very tempted to do it man um it’s a it so I guess I would go on atos if I wanted to do this there is a section that’s says there’s software do I need one of these like bucket things or I guess I could figure it out but and then there’s

Files even if there’s like a dragon drop into here I’m sure I could figure it out or with your guys’ help or something it’s probably not that difficult to do right it’s probably not that difficult oh I got to make a forum account spigot do I need um spigot bucket to

Install it then right since it’s saying that I need a spigot spigot account says uh plug and spigot bucket or is it or is that not what I Need Ooh ooh bro I just got another really good fishing rod I mean it’s not as good as old messie but it’s still really really good it’s still really really good so I’m going to go ahead and repair this I’m actually really tempted to go

Set that up blue if you if if you think like I think you were the one that told me that you really like it if you think it’d be really dope like something for us to do I’m actually really down to go give it a shot been a while since I use

It you probably need to look into it a bit off stream okay why not why not we can wait till off stream to do it I just figured that you know maybe it’s something that I could just like restart the server and do it real quick probably

Have to go update the titles and stuff like that too um because it’s going to be like a new IP or something like that I don’t know I just I just get carried away but anything to improve the game man that’s what you know anything to like I

Guess to just like improve the server or make it more fun for people uh I’m going to make a Normal No I was going to say I I was trying to think of a clever name for this one let’s do old pole the old pole mcmmo man you got me thinking about it now because I love MMOs and honestly why not just put my passion for MOS into this

Server you know because I gen I’m like I grew up playing EverQuest 2o I played wow you know what I mean like I love I love MMOs so like why not just take a little you know put a little MMO love into This put this in there and I like the leaderboards idea too which is kind of fun you know see people’s like wood cutting levels and stuff like that appreciate everybody tuning in man and just kind of vibing out with us we’re just chilling tonight we went for

A long stream last night so tonight we’re doing something a little bit more chill just that here fishing sorry about that of course I’m like over here looking at videos on how to do this but from this is a video from like seven years ago isn’t that crazy there hasn’t been

Any new videos on how to do this yeah I’m sure I’ll have to look at a video like watch it or whatever that’s that’s insane nothing is just like really easy I guess that’s been might be my only uh my only refrain is going through the technical Loops to try to install

Anything plus I just don’t want like a ton of mods on on I don’t want a ton of bloat Weare on the server you know what I mean what is the server host use so I’m using atos blue I’m using aternos right now um and I see something here that

Says spigot bucket for plugins so it’s like I’m wondering you know obviously like install a server install a server software for plugins people are saying like paper MC like you know so I would install one of these spigots on here right and then it says install mods

So I probably have to like watch a video on how to do this so I don’t mess anything up that’s the last thing I want to do is mess anything up oh follower installation guide for your Minecraft server found here says use a compatible version of spiger paper yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Doesn’t seem like it’d be that difficult I think I have to I think the first thing I would do on [ __ ] is probably go to software right and then it says for plug in spigot bucket so that’s probably what I need and then download mcmmo and just place the dot

Jar into the spigot plugins thing is what it look that’s literally looks like what it is probably isn’t like very difficult I just have to do it real quick my I guess I’m only scared to mess it up and then have an entire stream where I’m just like troubleshooting um whatever it’s for

Content right so I don’t know man I just feel like um I don’t know I feel like at least having one mod on it like you said you mod you’ve modded for a lot of servers or whatever you were saying earlier that had just mcmmo on it like maybe that’s all it

Needs to have that forever even that more deeper progression you know so my fishing can be level 4,000 and every time I fish I get like 90 fish I want to get I want to get like four fish and but then it’s going to get crazy dude does it not get insane like

Aren we not going to be able like we’re going to be getting materials so fast I feel like it would just hyper level everything like hyper um not hyper level but like you know hyper inflate everything because we’ll be getting stuff so fast we have so much of

Everything I would like to watch more videos on it too as well or even play on a server with it on I think i’ I think I’ve tried playing on a server with it with it on a long long long time ago but that was many many

Moons Ago by by default it’s very slow progression you mean the mcmmo progression or the without having mods in it at all like the way it is 50 to 70 hours to level a skill to full okay it’s pretty decent amount of time man it’s a pretty decent amount of time I’d

Be willing to I’d be willing to set it up right now I wish it was easier than I mean I don’t I just don’t want to my biggest fear is breaking something the last thing I want to do man is break this server bro oh

Man I don’t think I will I think it I think I’ll I think I could do it I think I could do it I don’t think I’ll break anything but I kind of want to give it a shot I got to make a spigot account and

Download it do I have to make this account yeah it say I got to be logged in yeah I gotta have a spigot spigot account spigot spigot sign up for this real quick why not I mean we’re chilling anyways man you know we’re pretty quiet right now sugar will be here

Soon so I don’t mind doing this right now oops you’re testing it really really quick what are you trying to do it on your own server or something you need usernames must be unique let’s try that they have it for free on [ __ ] plugins no need to make an account oh sweet

So okay so how do I do this then so do I go to software and download it somewhere in here or dude that’s awesome at least I don’t have to do that if it’s that easy then then great I’ll wait I’ll just wait for you

Man so I’m not going to I’m not going to jump into this too fast Java yes Java for the environment I don’t want to see I don’t want to mess any of this [ __ ] up man super important that we we don’t mess anything up I a minute I’m testing it now okay

Man thank you bro thank you thank you thank you I see mod packs as well yeah I’m not I’m not going to mess with anything then bro if you’re doing that for me if you’re testing that out for me bro I you’re you’re the goat dude

You’re the goat I appreciate that I’m I do want to set it up I do we should should we should why not right like honestly I love MMOs and I feel like it will just add another layer of fun to the server so we’ll do

It y will give us uh more incentive too to grind it out oh man my fishing bro is going to go crazy allows the you to fish faster and catch more Unique Treasures while fishing fishing drops are completely customizable so results vary server to server treasure bro that’s

Crazy they’ve been working on this project eight years man that’s crazy this is hyped me up man do they still update this quite often wow I’m excited I’m excited okay I’m going to keep fishing for now guys since Blue’s testing that out I was just reading the website I’m

Just going to keep fishing for you guys chatting talking vibing out entertaining sorry getting kind of carried away here um but I don’t mind it to be honest with you right now it’s just kind of quiet everything is super chill and uh so I really don’t mind

Doing that got my water here I’m going to clean this desk off a little bit for sugar cuz she’ll be here in a second sugar will be here in a second I see see the text there Second they update it with every release of Minecraft they don’t add much new new they just made compatible with the new blocks and mobs gotcha so they basically content wise content wise is pretty much tapped on whatever content they’ve put to it or whatever they’ve done whatever the idea was of

It it’s basically all There but yeah man if you if you get that to work let me know appreciate everybody be here and just vibing out man all my lurkers all my chillers everybody in here that’s hanging out right now we’re just chilling may add this mcmo thing to the server that’s what I’m thinking that

Sounds fun I really think I think I want to do that again as long as it isn’t insane right now I’m just I’m in a fishing trance I’m not going to lie I’m in a fishing trance chat I’m waiting for my friend to get on because

I want to help him with his structure maybe give him some ideas for what he can do with it yeah you know what I should do the next thing I should do with nightbot is I should add the IP of the server as a message that

Changes as well so people can see the see the server but I mean it is pins so it’s always it’s probably just always there anyways I mean yeah I’m looking in uh and Adder not that the software thing I mean my guess is that you would install

The spigot bucket and then once you do that get the newest version it’s probably in there as an option right to add it to your server yeah because it says step one install a server software for plugins and it’s a step to install a plugin which one do you think is the

Best one paper MC that says that’s the recommended one and is this also considered a mod or a plugin because I see it says install plugins I don’t know those be that would literally be my only questions if I had any those would be my only questions if I had any think I’m

GNA do something else after this fish cuz I got got mad fish on me yo I got we got 2 24 fishies to go cook up right now head to the smoker and then I need more coal where is all the coal at oh I don’t know how I did

That chat I don’t know how I did that so I’m not going to worry about that I don’t know what I just did to that um I am looking for the coal chat are we are we out of coal wouldn’t it be in here right

It would be in there I think we’re out of coal uhoh uhoh one we’re going to need more coal chat I might have to go on a little Trek here for some coal I know they usually sometimes get scattered all over the place try that hi shs hello hello hello

Hello yeah it’s crazy how are we wearing the matching shirts oh we got the matching shirts on I don’t know not a coincidence it’s not a coincidence didn’t work your first attempt I’m troubleshooting okay man see what you can figure out huh blue zombie we’re looking at this

Mcmmo mod thing to add to the server and it like gives you like levels so when you when you do things like cut down trees or dig or fish you actually like level up and then you get more stuff for leveling up and then you get more stuff

For leveling up oh who my bad I have my twitch on like that um exposed exposed yeah but I don’t know how to set this thing up so we’re trying to figure out how to set it up I’m thinking it’s probably going to be install plugins install a server software for

Plugins but I don’t know how this works there’s got to be a video somewhere right help and then mcmmo nothing is mcmmo considered a mod or a plugin I don’t know nether I don’t know this was saying he was saying this was something that I would have to do off stream anyways

Because it’s kind it could be kind of technical he says hi blue zombie said hi getting right now she getting on right now where’d you get to eat sushi nice they changed their freaking like branding thing public oh wow zeni zi nice public Sushi sounds good anybody doesn’t

Have yeah I feel sorry for anybody that does not have Publix Publix is needed they got the good stuff yeah I’m just fishing right now just fishing chilling getting warmed up oh God get out of here ah ah yay sugar here yeah blue is in here

But he’s trying to help me figure out how to set up this plugin thing so he’s like making his own server and seeing how it works just testing it out because I just want to be able to install it and we go right into it install it restart it and

Then we got it man and I’m not sure how like backups work on [ __ ] and stuff I really don’t want to mess the server up that’s like my biggest fear is messing up the server I’d be oh man I’d be so sad if I deleted the server I think they have backups though

And stuff which is good I think they make constant backups but still I don’t really know how to use [ __ ] the only thing I know how to do on [ __ ] is hit start and stop it’s about it I got my diamond set Enchanted last night so I got that like

Slight glow going on my diamond and we’re chilling I asked AJ if he wants to come over hang out hopefully he’ll show up so far we’re just chilling it’s been kind of kind of slow right now we’re just vibing out nightbot yeah I got nightbot in there so nightbot I just added earlier

He does he announces the Discord he has like certain links and stuff I want him to put in the chat and I can uh I can put anything I want in the chat like a time period nightbot o nautilus shell I got to figure out how to put those up in the in

The in the frames like one one use what’s that a conduit what is a conduit bre that is cool at these puffer fish man so many Puffer fisha oh I do have something for you I was I should have put it in your mailbox but I didn’t think you were going to check

Your mailbox but now you’re checking your mailbox I have something to put in your mailbox too um trying to think which one I should give you probably yester really yeah we need to use that I haven’t checked my mailbox I have something to give you don’t look don’t look don’t

Look oh you’re okay I like this song all right go look I got to get you some um some ammo for it but oh and I have something else to give you I have something else to give you shy where is it oh where is

It where did I put it I just made it did I take it off the I did where is it oh it’s on me it’s on me don’t look don’t sh oh the music is colliding okay you can look now I I ended up getting that when I was fishing

Earlier yeah yeah yeah yeah I got that while I was fishing oh my God the music colliding is making my brain hurt moving over here so so it doesn’t get crazy here we go freak Pur yeah I don’t know how you do those colored names I bet it was blue it was

Either blue or donut or something yeah Minecraf Ians we were in the nether last night like 3: in the morning oh man I was up way too late honestly way too late it was me and you do it with dye oh it was blue he did it with dye

What are you making a farm oh nice you having any luck with the uh with the plugin over there ouch ooh another Bow Wow I mean old Bessie man of the sea luck of the sea you got that too shs that that pole I gave you

Is crazy that pole is just as good as mine the only thing it didn’t have was lure three it has lure two I think but it has Unbreaking three and luck of the C2 it’s insane pretty this like the strongest fishing pole I’ve ever seen puffer fish man it’s like the tropical

Fish they don’t do too much huh they just sit in a picture frame which I guess is okay could line up my my house with fish I literally haven’t done anything except fish since since I’ve been live I I literally am just fishing Sally is not going to work through outer notes they

Have an old version that is not compatible with 1.2.4 and they do only allow their plugins so you can download it and upload it so you can download it and upload it to the server so would the only way for me to get it on the server would be for me to

Download it through MCM Mo and then upload it through them or also you said that they don’t allow other plugins they only allow their plugins so is there basically no way we can do it which is fine I guess I mean we’ve gotten this far without it

So the only downside I feel like like but you said like you said it takes like 50 to 70 hours to get max level with it but I feel like it would also make a lot more material for us than we need cuz the levels will get so

High that’s what’s supposed to be C have an old version I can’t that’s what’s supposed to be can’t so it’s just not possible I guess is what you’re saying at all which that would kind of suck if that was the case but no it’s all good

So like when you say so you can download it and upload it to their server so you’re saying it’s not compatible with 1.2 and they do only allow their plugins so you can download it and upload it to the server like if I went to mcmmo and I

Downloaded it from their website and just uploaded it through the files thing do you think that that would work because I could try that or do I need a plugin do I need like a spet or a whatever the heck it is because like I said I’ve never really

Messed with Minecraft mods man I’ve never really gotten into that world for this reason specifically so technical You’ have to use a different server host oh okay then screw it man screw it I’m not going to do that it’s the same thing with switching over the Bedrock like I I really don’t want

To give up what we have on this server like change anything or anything like that maybe they’ll just update their mcmmo it will not work with [ __ ] yeah maybe we’ll just uh say forget it then to be honest with you we say forget it that’s fine we’ll have a nice vanilla

Experience what’s up Katie how you doing welcome back your sister comes to show support that’s good I didn’t think anybody liked me no yeah that’s fine at least you know we’ll just do a vanilla experience I was thinking about doing complimentary shaders blue do you happen to have any shaders that are associated

With your game like have you ever tried anything like that the complimentary shaders looked really nice for like the water and the the effects and the shades and stuff but I don’t know if that would like make my game lag or if it’ll affect my performance at all

All yeah go for it oh oh yeah yeah yeah I can I’m on my way yeah I definitely don’t want to touch the server right now or like start over or mess with anything we have such a such a beautiful thing going chat with this one

She said I mean I guess I’m showing support of course you are what do you mean you know you being here is support D how do you want these bookshelves how do I want them I already put one on top of the you could just stack that one put

It up perfect that’s can I use them can I for anything no they’re just Aesthetics yeah that’s perfect thank you cuz then I can put like a I might even put like an anvil right here honestly I think I’m going to do that if you want like one here and one here what

Bookshelves no I think I’m I think that’s enough bookshelves yeah I think I’m going to put like an anvil right here and maybe I don’t know I don’t really need a stone cutter but an anvil would be nice she said geez Maddie hopped on quick yeah she’s already playing me and

Shugs are here yep I think she’s still eating her dinner she’s eating while she’s playing she’s multitasking look at this enchanted book I got so I I can so it’s one of those depending on it’s not all of them right Chad to think it’s all of them is it all of

Them really it’s not just like one effect like that will put that effect on every on on one piece of what should I put this on a sword can I get rid of an of a can I get rid of an effect and put a new

One let’s try it let’s go try it chat Sushi yeah I know that sounds really good I had chicken tendies tonight with french fries and root beer books do all the enchantments that work with the item you put it on bro this is insane then huh what is Bane of Arthropods for huh

Spiders is it and then a fish for is just I guess how long How fast looting too and then fire this seems like an insane book yeah looting is like how much you get from the mobs so this things to go on a diamond sword I believe hang

On it puts it look it only does two of them does it looting and only those two of them so protection and Thorns could go on Armor but sharpness and thorns on a sword would only add the sharpness ah gotcha so I’ll probably just add it to my

Sword I get looting two and fire aspect two which is pretty damn decent but then how do I get efficiency I guess that would have to go on some armor and then anthropods probably has to go on Armor as well I got a solid law we had we went

To Publix and before she went there that sounds really good Kat well I hope you enjoy your salad and I appreciate you tuning in to say hi for sure I didn’t know you were such a fan of Minecraft I guess we’re gonna have to play some more Minecraft um o Unbreaking

Three so weird I think I’m going to do this Unbreaking three on the sword that would add to your Smite as well yeah oh that’s going to be a nasty oh it would add to the Smite you’re right that’s a nasty sword oh swingy I feel like I need

To change the no I’ll swingy I’ll swingy and then can I do that again with another thing oh jeez dude this fire aspect would be sick and looting too oh my God chat my sword is stacked right now loving that huge absolutely huge sword wow okay cool and I have more books too

I feel like does the glow get more intense with more enchantments does it change the glow with more enchantments no I don’t think so n it looks kind of it looks very Similar sweet okay so that’s awesome so I got to check all these other books that I have they’re in tools wow I have a lot of books okay well for now how much iron do we have not a lot no where’s the ore we don’t have any iron hang let huh just had

Some I’m I’m down to go explore we had a we had a whole mod that I just smelted yesterday I don’t see a shs I don’t see a shs the Iron’s gone she’s panicking took it don’t know used all of that iron is gone you use it last night that’s the

Only thing I can think of everybody else off last night nope nothing I’m aware of shs well I’m down to go on a trip if you want shs we can go underground again back in the area we were at oh the mine carts oh yeah oh yeah guys sus where you

At I want to show you what he built where are you I’m going to use it right now actually so I can stretch and take a little break just for a second look over here right click one of these we got the seats so now you can chill you know just

In case you want to take a little break C at the map hi s yo yo Katie the map Katie check this out this is a map of our entire world what do you think of it got the shade right there too I love that I want to see what you’re working

On outside too blue and then yeah I’m down to go get some resources if you want never looking at it now I want to build a bridge that goes from the dock over to that other adjacent Island you’re going to make the map a lot bigger so you can just keep adding to

This we could do like one giant wall that just shows as much map as possible my camera is black yeah it’s off right now I’ll turn it on in a second but we wanted to show you the uh the map yeah this is my like my little

Camera cover um my little camera cover image if I feel like you know ever turning my camera off or anything like that yeah I know I got it we good I got a little hot key that I toggle for That yeah we should make a bigger wall so we can fit more map on It so what do you want to do go get some iron or something sus or go back at our tunnle or you got the pickaxe and the sword out you look like a real Minecrafter Shs how much uh experience do you Have how many BRB going to eat all right blue enjoy your dinner man I’ll see you when you get back now you know what it is Katie it’s better than nothing appreciate everybody being here chilling out vibing it’s been a good night so far been been a bit slow but we’ll be we’ll

Start picking up some steam here as we approach the first hour start getting things in motion hopefully we got Anthony on here tonight you can work a little bit on his structure and we’ll see what’s going On all right we have these personal chest that this guy made but like nobodying nah probably not nobody’s using them we’ll keep them up though cuz maybe somebody will want to use it maybe somebody else want to use it got pineapple no ooh does chopping trees give you experience right it should right

See be kind of weird if it didn’t no fishing does though isn’t that weird does mining give you experience yes it does if you mine why doesn’t chopping trees give you experience is there a way to get experience from chopping trees I guess not well that’s all right I guess I’ll

Just keep fishing until you’re ready sugs and then we can go we can go back to that underground place too you’re at if you want how much check the one of you can go to the tools box look at all those books that are in there why don’t you take one of those

Books from the toolbox and then you can use the Anvil right and enchant it yourself so any of those I don’t know which one like efficiency you could use that’s what I want okay and then use the Anvil and you can get yourself a pickaxe I got this iron pickaxe as well

There you go I’m about to just take this iron this one and make it this oh I don’t have oh that’s a stone that’s why not an iron never mind I’ll just leave it like that then enchanting yeah we’re enchanting right now Katie we’re trying to get ourselves some glowy stuff you

Know how it is and then we’re going to go off and uh do a little exploring while wait for some more people to get on we’re just kind of waiting right now so you know going to just go mine and we need some iron so maybe we’ll go get some iron and

Maybe we’ll find some diamond and you know we’ll see what happens tonight get your tools nice and sparkly yeah we got to get our tools nice and sparkly I got the old shovel old picky old shooty and old swingy I would join if I had a away

I mean we would love to have you on here um honestly you could probably get a pretty inexpensive laptop because Minecraft doesn’t really require like too much of a crazy setup and uh yeah should be able to join us with that I would I would say

You would be able to join us if you had your phone and it would be a lot more inexpensive but I didn’t set up the server that allows people from like other consoles to join oh look at the Minecraft cart seats how I without plate

He looks silly uh that’s why he used all the iron chugs it was for these mine carts but I wanted these instead of the seats right because it makes sense we can look we can now we can sit down look at it’s perfect we’re at a highight

Level we can have a nice dinner here bread yeah so this is this is perfect I got to fix my nightbot on Twitch because it’s doing the same thing that it did on uh that it did on YouTube so let me fix that real fast the night on Twitch is

Weird yeah well sh instead of it’s saying the Alias you set this command to be of I know why it’s doing that it’s I literally have to REM log into the account remove one line of code or one thing and it’ll fix that this right here this Alias thing makes it do

That there we go now it will work next time he talks got the nightbot helping me out tonight too mhm yeah so you ready you want to go you want to go mining or something yeah let’s do it you want to hit the nor you

Want to hit our normal route or you want to go create a new one let me go uh yo catford what is up man welcome back to the stream dude and welcome back to the server how you doing uh let me go ahead shugs and put these

Broken bows back in here I want to empty out my inventory really quick and then make sure I have enough cuz I’m wasn’t even paying attention to the fact that we’re going to be going here and I don’t have really a lot of inventory space do you have food I have

39 bread do we have coal we are out of coal so we need coal we need Iron Coal and iron chat I have so much raw fish but I don’t have any way to cook it and then we should make some torch we have no coal

Damn okay we need to go get some coal got the Tools Leather this over here we have so many saddles I can make some charcoal can you how do you make charcoal with wood I can show you yeah please and if you can make some too that’d be great take some Stone out

Here I don’t you do SM here we go so you just all you can all you have to really do you need the logs and you need the planks okay all you have to do you don’t even really have to remember what remember which

Like order it goes in all you have to do is like shift click and then like put it in it won’t work in the sm all you do is just Shi CLI log on the bottom oh log and plank but you need to okay that’s easy enough

I’m burn quick but but it makes charcoal log and then planks yeah you proba do how do you okay we’re good now sorry I went hyper click okay yeah that’s really cool I didn’t know how to do that yeah because you know we should do

Put some charcoal in here I got a lot of fish to cook tons and do you need some food no you’re good on food we have plenty of food we’re set on that night falls about to cast over here in the night sky looking good on the live with shade server baby everything’s

Looking good over here vibing out chilling chest Roger Dodger I got plenty of food don’t really have to worry about food yo donut man what’s going on bro welcome back my dude how’s the chicken farm it’s going well man you let me see if I can come show you what it’s looking

Like dude how you doing tonight man dude we had a crazy sesh last night with the nether yeah this is what Blue’s working on check check out what Blue’s working on he’s got a little he’s literally sectioning out a farm um but yeah your chicken Farm’s going

Great that’s what he’s working on look at see that feathers and chicken yep it’s a little unethical he even said that himself but it’s working great dude working great we’re going to have tons and tons of feathers and chicken yeah we got pens isn’t that sick yeah your chicken Farm’s going wild it

Is going strong dude yeah these pens are awesome me and shugs are about to go on a little trip right now and uh go find some go find some stuff we need iron we’re out of iron and then we need coal as well so hopefully hopefully we can go find

That but good seeing you man charcoal smers sweet I only all right this has 13 I’m just going to throw them on there sweet there we go all right I think I’m ready sus are you ready shs what do you think shs go all righty let’s do it gang we’re on our way

Wait we can cuz there’s all ore down here right you think like if we go back down to that one spot we were at should we go to that should we go to that one place underneath the ground with the open area or should we go find a new

Area I mean we already got the whole setup do we find iron down here though can we find iron down here cuz it’s pretty far far down yo donut switching platforms bro what’s up back on the twitch yeah we’re trying to figure out iron and coal do you think that’s the

That’s a good spot to go get iron and coal all right well let’s go then let’s just try it like are better for both of those but we can’t really caves are kind of I kind of like fighting stuff too though I’m not going to lie yeah yeah it’s fun it’s really

Fun it DIY all right it does I think we know how to get there right yeah cuz we basically we’ll go into this room and then there was like that big long hallway yeah I remember sorry chat this is this is dizzy Central my fault guys I made this who

Did this I don’t know shugs we’re here now wait for shugs boom then oh the door the door it’s this way right straight what oh is it this one wow the music so I was trying to put on mcmmo donut but apparently uh but apparently I’m not

Able to do that um on the atono servers it’s not like fully updated or whatever so I think we went down the wrong hallway shs I think we went down the wrong all way all right let’s go back so we’re not going to be able to do mcmmo but that’s all

Right I think it’s is there another long hallway no I I don’t think so is it the big open area oh you found it how did you know where this was you’re so smart you’re so smart I’m not good my sense of direct in chat I’m not going to lie to you you

Okay what’ you do oh oh the fire this sword is overpowered shugs it burns them it burns them donut I got to show you my sword bro look at my sword Smite four Unbreaking F I mean this sword is insane yeah I’m ready to fight come on

Shs where you at oh you’re digging I’m excited chat welcome back Blue from your dinner man yeah you ate super fast man what’ you have for dinner I had chicken tendies tonight I think I said that earlier but I’m just so excited about the tendies you know they were great

Yeah bro this sword is insane dude what are you you messing on me boy all right we got to go find a new area to go pizza and wings that sounds great standard dude I was going to have pizza tonight it was either pizza or chicken tenders and honestly the pizza

Would have made me sleepy guys I mean Pizza makes me tired makes me very lethargic I got to get like thin crust pizza because if I get anything more then and your boy then I’m down for the C your boy is pretty much ready to go to sleep hopefully the music isn’t too

Loud but I think somebody would have said something if it was whoa look at this down there shugs should we do I I don’t have any block I do have blocks man I have so much I have so much on my toolbar let’s go you want to go down

There dropping down oh I wasn’t going to drop down like that that’s all right I guess it’s fine drop it in we’re dropping in boys like fortnite what’s going on got him shs oh iron we need thatal down yeah there is no coal down here from over here there’s some gold over

Here where’ you go back off he’s trying to mess with me chat are these is this iron it is underneath here o nice the water got it there we go oh what are you doing mother twer all right I don’t know what is oh this looks like somebody

Did a single solo dig or something like where they laid down and dug I don’t know I’m just trying to see if I can get to the other side of this yeah my sword just deletes them wow what’s over there in that blue off on the blue you want to go check it

Out it’s crazy how like some doesn’t even load in oh more amethyst do you want that where are you oh right here dude this sword is insane I don’t see myself dying there’s a mine shaft right here but I don’t know did we go through this one this guy’s got gold pants on

He’s got the gold pants on dude oh he dropped them I’m really feeling like I can fight all this stuff in here with ease with ease die I burn Burn oh oh my God I got him see I like fighting stuff in this game the fighting is actually kind of fun I wanton chugs throw the spider eye away I don’t want that anymore where’d you go are you under the ground here mhm sweet yeah have we been over

Here there’s not really much of anything over here yeah I was talking to my sister today and she’s like I don’t know if I’d really like Minecraft I’m like I don’t know way I mean you got to just try it out and see what you it’s pretty

Fun I think there’s a iron over here like you just don’t really understand until you play it you know there we go this sword is ridiculous I can fight for myself sorry SS I just I didn’t want you to die SS boom easy I don’t know oh right here wow asking you shall

Receive sweet that was only two though but hey I’ll take it it’s better than no Diamonds back off oh no are you going to live okay should we get rid of this spawner yeah I mean it’s an unlimited spawn now let’s get rid of them oh yeah those areed get we should get rid of them there’s a lot of I’m going to get

All these strings let me get rid of this okay I don’t know if we need all these strings but it’s kind of nice to have them to repair bows and fishing rods okay I’m not going to get all of them but 30 is enough I don’t need the spider Eyes and the cowl and the bow get rid of these bows boom boom really where diamond oh there’s a lot shugs where you at shugs I need help behind you a oh my gosh you okay oh Chad that’s getting wild rotten meat is that rotten flesh

Useless oh no I would want to eat that not worth it oh yeah dabby I think that’s who that was in Minecraft whoa look at all this lava look whoa should we go down this way you okay nice should we start making our way what what diamond is this diamond what is

This oh iron oh where where where are we getting hold up let going get this iron are you good yo what’s going on Lion welcome back to the stream my friend how are you doing dude it’s good seeing you tonight Mr Elijah The Lion Man you had a good day today

Man oh let’s go nice ooh nice do we need this Redstone too um I got the chir music disc we don’t really need this Redstone do we because we don’t really know how to use it yet so I guess it’s not really needed has been slow tonight or n it’s

Been a little slow I mean you know we got the we got the boys here and then we got shs so we got blue we got cat in here and uh so it’s been a pretty decent night man we had a little bit of a slow start

But now we’re starting to get warmed up you know I’ll be on for a little bit longer so I get real hungry I got a PB&J in the fridge so I think that’ll hold me over if I start getting a little hungry do you have we have

A torches no that’s not good cuz I’m running low too no coal though huh yeah we need coal really bad at least we’re getting iron more iron in there I can’t reach it though can you reach that if not I can probably just build up to it I could I can do

This you okay there’s so much iron oh I just found the mother load okay sweet I’m just got a ton of it chat we’re getting tons and tons of ore right now still pretty low on coal though so we definitely need that is that diamond nice watch out oh

Shy oh my gosh though shy we just hit the jackpot shugs chat we’re going to be stacked on diamond tonight we’ll have we’re going to have more Diamond than iron and we already do I got 22 Diamond man like we’re going to be we’re going to have more Diamond than any other material

Huh I do want to repair this iron pickaxe when I get back to I should have done that before we went out here but now we have a plenty of iron where I can do that tons of Iron Man I mean where’d you go where’d you go suy on the Run

Nice good job so you found more Diamond where’s it at oh okay well I’m want to make our way over here uh I only have uh five torches so I’m I’m going to try to move towards the lava for light there’s an opening down here too that’s like lit up where’d you

Go it’s kind of hard to see it’s a little hard to see chat I’m squinting more than ever wow got it more in there sugar no it’s fine yeah I’m just trying to do it with this Fortune one I want to get Fortune 4 on my diamond

Pickaxe I guess I got to fish it up huh Fortune 4 enchant book would be nice all right so is that a mine shaft up there should we build up to it creepers there we go you show them what’s good shs yeah you see them bunch of [ __ ] yeah taking out the trash Chat um yeah do you want to oh we’re going to up there right you want to go up there so should we go from over here here start from here and build up there like this straight up okay I’m just going to try to use these blocks this game is amazing

Man chat we love Minecraft oh God I thought I almost missed that jump all right so let me that that all right you ready shugs yeah make sure you hold shift too so you don’t get knocked off poison oh my gosh I’m just holding shift the

Whole time how long does a poison last uh you open uh-huh oh no it’s gone let’s get this out of here I’m going to take the string what about that golden apple is that good ooh Quick Charge book put these in there got so much string which is definitely going to be

Needed oh yeah we’re cruising chat coal Co really yeah sweet we’re going to need that was that all that was up here is there more more to this there’s probably more to it oh there’s Iron yeah there’s a couple iron well it wasn’t entirely pointless no it wasn’t so you want to go down now hit the waterfall yeah sweet all right where you at shugs there you are keep running away so now what oh he’s going to blow up and act like he doesn’t know you he

Doesn’t now what behind you okay let’s go back all right yo Eun man welcome back dude I haven’t seen you in a couple of days man how’s it going welcome welcome back go get this iron as you can see the base is a lot more built up in the

Surrounding areas since the last time uh you and catford have been online I appreciate everybody that’s tuning in and vibing out with us tonight thank you guys so much man the server is looking really great all the structures are looking really great you guys are putting a lot of love and dedication

Into this server so thank you oh so oh no oh no oh I’m I’m at three hearts I got back up oh my goodness yeah it’s getting wild just everywhere where everywhere it’s just getting crazy crazy crazy chat there’s another structure up there sus you see that

No to over here or right is that a new one it’s kind of hard to build to them too because I don’t really have enough materials stay on the floor yeah just stay on the floor everywhere you’re getting lots of iron oh yeah man oh 2 I have uh

46 so we’ll we’ll have a pretty decent amount Lots we’re getting lots of them yeah you got one in the back of your leg oh Enderman careful oh no oh no oh diamond oh mother load hang you okay are we okay shy suy we hit the mother Lord suar me and suar

Hit the mother Lord I got 43 Diamond just from this trip alone chat we’re going to get a stack of diamond what enchants you have on your pick so right now I’m just using Fortune 2 on my sorry I’m just using Fortune 2 on my iron pickaxe to mine up these I have

Efficiency to on my diamond but I I need to get efficiency four man or no I mean uh four Fortune for on my diamond that’s what I really want like the max fortune on that so that’s going to be my sort of my next

Goal I would imagine I can get it by fix or fishing for it oh there’s iron here really we are in Diamond Heaven chat or shs if I have to go back then I might teleport and then come back where’s the diamond you got it I got

That one and then there’s another node somewhere where looks like a go oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh diamond we need it hey that was my diamond before I sucker sorry chat he was trying to take my diamond that creeper wanted that

Diamond not today chat because we’re getting into the mother load 57 Diamond chat yeah he wants some of that ass he again today all right sweet now we got to continue on without dying here we got a nice there’s got quite a bit of people in the server right now

Ouch I need to eat some cod this is why I go fishing so much did you find something impaling o what does that do I don’t want to leave you behind here um go put a block there oh crap there we go there we go for dead you’re

Fire do you have a bucket of water can you put me out all right I’m trying to go in the areas that are like lit up because we don’t really have torches have we been through here okay I see you just look over to the

Right to go back out like that and turn around look to the right hi all right so now what else I mean we we’ve did great got 50 iron 57 Diamond we’ we’ve been doing great like Tony the Tiger let’s do make sure this is on so we don’t blow up there we

Go again dang it Myer too you got one sticking out of your leg I don’t know what I don’t know I don’t know shs more iron you got him got there’s more iron I got to go get up there hold up you okay oh my gosh here’s giant explosions all right

So get him there’s more iron right there my eyes deceiving me or my eyes TR TR true to me are they TR me are my eyes Tru me they’re TR me there’s so much freaking iron it’s insane TI Iron Man like it’s dark so it’s kind of harder to see

But it was iron indeed get out of here ton of lava is that diamond up there no it’s not here we go should this looks there’s so much iron iron diamond oh my God behind the iron wow chat we are going to be rich tonight let’s go

Man almost got a stack back off diamonds from this one run yeah I might go back and um repair soon and go deposit and then if you stay in here I can come teleport back there’s iron above us too look at that are you do you want to do it one at

A time then yo G or G Todd what’s going on that was just kind of threw me off G Tod over from kick man how is it going this is the first time I’ve seen your name in the Stream man so welcome welcome uh this is your first time here

Hope you enjoy your stay how are you doing tonight and um I also have a public uh Minecraft server if you’re interested in playing with the community it is in the title of the kick stream if you’re interest interested in joining us um we’d love to have you man but we hope

You enjoy your time you threw me off there because kick was a little quiet for a minute minut so was uh stuttering under my tongue there man but welcome welcome welcome bro almost geek Todd g g geek Todd can I just call you um

G but if I call you that then I might get mistaken with the other G we have but I’ll probably just call you G man if that’s okay if that’s okay you know I’ll ask first but welcome welcome but uh yeah man before I was slurring my words what I was trying to

Say is if you’re interested in playing Minecraft with the community um if you have the Java version you’ll be able to join us right now we have a precent pretty decent amount of people on the server and uh you can come build a plot

Of land on here if you want or you know come fish or you know whatever whatever you feel is whatever you want to do man call me GT okay GT I’ll call you GT GT GT man hey I hope you enjoy your stay just got my kick started up so it’s

Pretty exciting to see people join the join the kick chat as well lots of iron shs oh no what want me to build hey if you want to come on and build you definitely can um our server is open to the community so if you want to come play Minecraft

With us it’s open to uh the whole family you know I consider everybody that watches my stream family so we’re over on a twitch kick and YouTube as well so if I’m talking to um somebody that’s not in the chat then that’s where I’m at as

Well but um yeah it’s a public server and if you want to play with us we’d love to have you but otherwise if you just want to chill out and and viive that’s that’s awesome too man got so much iron Wars you give me a task yeah I will join

Listen if you want to come on here and build like a little house for yourself or if you have some ideas that you think would add to the community of people that will join the server like any tools or any sort of structures or anything you’re more than welcome to um I don’t

Really know of anything that would be like too helpful I know people have already been building Farms which are super helpful we’ had people that have worked on the community uh starting point which has been super helpful but it all adds up man like I want to get as

Many people as I can on here to like build and play and see how many members you know we can we can gather around and see what we can build like I want this to be the dream is to have a nice Village you know it’s a 20 slot server

So it’s going to be pretty decent amount of people if we can fill it up a string duper that’s helpful I mean you know what I mean like if you could do that that would be awesome that would be really awesome a string duper string comes in handy because like I want to

Repair my bow and my fishing rods all the time so maybe you know instead of going out here and hunting through these spider webs that’ be very very helpful oh dead end but yeah we got folks doing all sorts of stuff right now like everybody’s just kind of doing their own thing

Um like me and sugar right now are just getting diamond and iron and we’re also looking for coal as well and everybody else is just kind of off doing their own thing so it’s no PVP server um it’s normal difficulty and uh just you know no griefing or no messing with other

People’s stuff so for Village Trader yeah we don’t even have any villagers um we haven’t found any villagers at all oh God I don’t like that noise I don’t like I don’t like that noise I don’t know I don’t know I don’t like that noise I don’t like that noise I thought

I saw iron no not iron creeper going crazy chat acting like I don’t know nobody what’s up shugs let’s go shugs you got the eye let’s go all right one more Diamond then we got a stack Here it’s kind of dark in here we don’t have any torches too I am going I’m going to update I going my stuff update I’ll get on okay sounds good man sorry that sentence just was hard diff was difficult for me to read for a second but I understand what you’re saying man

I’ll see you when you get on GT I think that’s what you want me to call you right GT GT yeah I remember I had to scroll up for a second sweet sweet yeah we’re going to be getting some more folks in here chat this will be great appreciate everybody

Tuning into the stream tonight and vibing out much love to everybody that supports uh what we do around here 64 damn nice so what do you think do you want to go back do you want us to both go back or do you want just take a break from

This I got to EMP my inventory anyways and just okay so we can do slash kill go right back back ooh and it’s raining yeah for sure I don’t blame you chat we are raining in iron thank the lord we really needed that yeah that’s an issue Yo No Smoke

Welcome to the game I don’t know if this is GT or not but welcome welcome to the game hope you enjoy your stay let’s go mhm it is GT welcome welcome man oh we have an Enderman in the house guys you want to get it okay ready three two one

Go that thing melted two nice yeah I’ll take one that noise is that what they make they do when they die no smoke man that’s awesome I want to see your skin I can already tell by the skin on the tab it looks like he’s smoking something I was like something

He looks like like he’s smoking something doesn’t he that’s funny all right chat we’re vibing out I’m going to go ahead and repair my uh pickaxe need make some iron here so we need charcoal huh or yeah charcoal is a lot easier for us to make

By the way um GT just to let you know we have a community chest upstairs so if there’s anything that you need at all for your buildings or your structures uh you can feel free to use it we have tools up here we have resources up here

So if there’s anything you need to build your stuff with at all um feel free to check cuz we might already have what you need as well might save you some time okay so I’m going to go ahead and start making this iron smelting a little bit of this here with the

Charcoal yeah we got tons of uh materials from from everybody that’s kind of started already so just to you know we’re here to help each other out man so I know together we’ll be building something big so I got one more diamond axe I got to upgrade make

Enchant repair this and then uh I think I can actually repair this with iron sugar I don’t think you actually need the same tool to like repair I think you just need the type that it is so it’s like iron pickaxe yeah I think that’s what I think that’s

What blue was saying he said he can do it with diamonds so I’m thinking maybe you can do it with the iron yeah look at that right so you don’t need the tool that one just took four iron see learn something new every day with this game you guys are very

Knowledgeable in this game and I still definitely have a lot more to learn but that’s what we’re here to do man I’m here to learn and get better at it put this wood away got tons of food bro it’s insane do we not have any coal because we need coal for torches it’s

Not even just for the furnace like we need to make torches I’m going to take the coal that we do have and just make torches because those are kind of a necessity man I can only make 12 I’ll go through 12 so fast what’s good blue what’s up what’s up

Man I need make more arrows too you need 32 bread Um so’s got 19 bread yeah he’s going to get some villagers so in the food chest we have six wheat if we want to want to get some more going to leave some food in here for you guys because I’m I’m hogging all the fish man for real for real and the

Steaks like I know every everybody needs food so want to make sure I keep that in there and as well as I got plenty more food that I was cooking for you all yeah your skin is dope dog I love that yeah yeah yeah for sure o another name tag put that Away I have 64 charcoal I’m going to go ahead and put this in some of the furnaces here that way we got some go some more in there there we got the iron going sweet so if I throw this ender pearl I’ll just go wherever I throw it yeah

But don’t do that no you have Tock it whoa kind of a waste oh you actually consume it oh I didn’t know that chat I thought you didn’t I didn’t realize that you actually consumed it or else I wouldn’t have used it that’s all right we’ll get more they’re easy to farm when

You got a sword like this speaking of which I’m actually kind of ready to upgrade some stuff I think I want to upgrade now that I know more about upgrading is there any do we have Fortune at all in a book no that seems pretty rare huh what what did you what

Oh yeah dude it’s the map room are do these what are these exactly the frames for it’s the underground map room dude could we put chairs over here could we put like one like two chairs in here that way you can sit and look at the map as well that’d be

Awesome the secret map room that is the and then we got another secret room in here dude which I love this this secret room I feel like we should eventually make this room um oh it’s Sugar’s going crazy we should eventually make this room um insane like

The design in here should be wild when you walk in here not so Bland but you know that ain’t our main priority but just something to do for fun one day huh make more secret rooms we need more secret rooms yeah we do we can make secret

Rooms out of each one of these pictures now look you excited shs I can tell what happened to the mine cart so we tucked it underneath here and stopped it yeah I guess mess with that’s all right TR that’s all right so I have all these what is impal three Quick Charge efficiency

Three punch loyalty three I wonder if this if I could use loyalty on a tool does that I don’t know what that is sharpness I’m just trying to see chat like cuz I don’t really know which one is which or what like what will work you

Know like will this do anything no it won’t loyalty three probably for the armor impaling three you know what I could put efficiency three on this diamond axe oh I could upgrade my diamond axe to efficiency three but then I also have this that I want to upgrade my

Pick ooh but you know what else I could do chat put efficiency three on the iron with the fortune here we go and then we’ll name this one because this has Fortune 2 on it as well um let’s name it double everything because technically when I use this thing I usually get double

Everything so double everything boom boom boom all right so that’s lit chat I’m going to BRB real quickly thank you everybody so much for being here tune in in chilling out um just have a good time and I’ll be right back alrighty we are back what is going on

Everybody so where’ you go shugs I’m at the farm you’re at the farm what’s going on over there farming this is a huge farming nice and then this like ring around them has to stay this likey dirt the pumpkin go oh okay to be able to grow out gotcha that makes

Sense yeah I won’t really touch the garden too much because last time I did that like blue was actually doing something and I messed it up but I guess we’re just waiting for everything to grow right oh yeah the sugar canes I didn’t know what was going on I just saw

A sugar cane and cut it down yeah I didn’t know really what was happening but I probably just fish for a minute go back to my default what are you doing shs you want to go get some more or you want to take a break for a minute

Because we just went on a Expedition huge Expedition we can take a break for a minute donut the server is popping right now you guys are wo let’s go let tur into a little village over here man let’s go I appreciate everybody being here this is is really

Awesome grabbing as many fish as possible because it looks like we’re going to have a lot of bellies to feed chat everybody’s working so hard doing their own thing I got to do something to provide right so we’re going to fish we’re all providing something man it’s a beautiful thing

Where’s AJ at now now we’re missing my friend gets on here and we’ll have should hit him up again and be like dude you better get on here I don’t want to touch his stuff over there too I don’t want to mess with his Hut or anything I’d like to help

Help him build it though cuz I haven’t done much building at all going to make a better pumpkin farm nice man we appreciate that that will definitely come in handy we’re going to have a lot of bellies to feed so thing about me is I’m just your clothes oh

Enchanting blue was stripping in the room in the main room make it blue put your clothes on man nobody wants to see that your sword has looting oh does my sword have looting take a look at that thing that’s the that’s the sword bro right

There oh dude what are you going to use it for oh I see I thought you were actually going to just snag it for me I literally thought you were trolling me yeah dude you’re going to get Taun right oh will it cook the meat with the

Fire o all swingy man let me know when you need to use it the beat it I want to try to get looting four I want my sword to be crazy chat CU I know I can get Enchanting enchantments from this if I can get like a fortune

Four for my diamond pickaxe oh chat I need it I think I don’t know if any other ways to get Enchanting books other than fishing cuz that’s how I’ve gotten all my books probably just exploring and stuff come on give me a fish something maybe I reow

It tried to go for a swim e not enough chickens dude I mean there’s feathers on feathers over there man dude donut I’m probably going to use some of those feathers to make arrows um soon if that’s okay I don’t know if you need them for anything but I

Was thinking about maybe making a stack of arrows we could probably use it cuz you use the crossbow a lot looting four does that not exist looting four I don’t know I mean I don’t know that much about this game but I have looting to doesn’t looting four

Exist or is looting to the highest I could be a noob you know I I’m a Minecraft Noob it’s been like I’m out of the loop man I’m just learning as I go this Farm is looking really good big farm fortune and looting only go to

Three ah okay gotcha well then I need looting three chat that’s what I need want to go to oo yeah you want to do that what do you want to get there’s that that wood there’s like wood and pink me and donut ran through the blue

Wood last night the blue Forest you want to go do that we can do that let’s do it let me get this last fish I’m going to throw them on the grill and then we’ll go nether party who am I to disagree travel the world in the Seven Seas who am I to

Disagree you what have tons of charcoal take that there we need an XP farm yeah we we do need an XP farm don’t we oh is that is that me cuz I do I do break every spawner so all right if if I get silk touch will

I actually get the spawner is that what I need because then I can I mean I can wait trying to think if there’s anything else that I need to bring charcoal going to put this away and I also want to make more we need more torches you can’t you can’t make

Torches with charcoal right no can you oh that changes everything who am I to disagree 50 torches 50 damn got a lot of torches suy I got a stack okay I’m ready let me put this away char Char coal put this charcoal away you don’t get spawners from silk touch oh okay gotcha

Gotcha where do I put this where do I want to put this charcoal at gems and ores okay donut what’s up dude oh a furnace did you just give that to me oh what is this oh let’s go use it I don’t know why

I have a furnace on me to be honest I’m going to put this in tools let’s go let’s go play this real quick all right we ready wait for shs this is my speed I don’t know why I feel like the Minecraft music is overlapping

Now I don’t know why it’s doing that but it should literally all I know this this is fire dude this is my favorite one I don’t like how the Minecraft music is Overlapping I just want to stop it for now cuz it’s hurt my ears we’re putting it in the chest hey what are you doing Okay do you oh you do that’s to know that that’s Wild all right you nether time donut you want to come to the nether with us let me grab a water bottle real quick cuz he might want to join us oh cockroach no oh chat just saw a cockroach call the speed of light Gross all right let’s get to it so we’re going to the nether I want a better Shield is there any different type of Shield I can get other than just this I want to get like a super upgraded Shield if possible oh that’s how you light them up right click I didn’t know

That oh it’s on the top oh okay shs gotcha yeah this Farm is awesome good job on the farm for real thank you for that f it is a huge Farm it’s going to look nice nice oh no trying to swim in the lava that’s what that’s what will Happen all righty ready um I don’t know anybody want to come join for another party give it a second CU I know there’s a bit of a delay I slapping you with my my my Cod smacking with my Cod no no it’s not smacking you with my

Cod what’s in here whoa I didn’t expect to see all that stuff open up the chest piercing four trimming armor trim wow what is this thing that’s on top of the crate oh it’s a potion brewing stand I got to make a bigger Farm than that later ooh

Dude going you’re going crazy with it I can’t wait to see what type of farm you build it’s going to look great that’s we need someone like you that that’s dedicated to the farm man well I don’t think there’s anyone else coming chugs so I’m ready whenever you are you got there tea

Yeah I’m drinking some water right now I’m trying to stay hydrated stay hydrated chat let’s do it nether party it’s going to be a lot better with the sword don’t we need that piece of gold so that the piglins don’t attack us yeah they got piglins in here if you wear

Gold they won’t attack you yeah if you wear like a gold piece I think we’ll be okay though I think we can just kill them by Pig huh I’ve seen get killed by the P yeah if we wear a piece of gold then oh there he is dut see he’s got the

Gold he’s got the gold all right we got to get the gold shoes real quick dude all right let’s go get him we need just gold shoes or something I think I put my there’s gold I think there’s already a chest full of gold stuff gold armor

Yeah the P you’ve seen people getting killed by piglins what on Tik Tok or [Laughter] something where where was the gold at sh um tools pants that are Bren that’s fine I’ll repair them I’ll wear the gold pants chat yeah shiny gold pants oh they’re gonna be shiny too aren’t they shiny gold

Pants are they shiny oh no I want to enchant them but that’s kind of worthless or I could enchant them with like just something silly right then I want to rename them yeah just take over table yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re right sus it’s a good idea yeah I take

Maybe like just something to make them gold or shiny yeah but I wanted to rename them with a gold bar is that how that works you might just be able to rame them a shiny gold pants chat we got shiny gold pants okay all right we’re coming back donut sorry I got carried

Away they don’t are they sh they are shiny okay let’s do it chat we got the pants let’s go so where do we want to get at the nether oh and you know what you know what donut wants to find is a Bastion they’re like really rare but they drop

Good loot that’s what we were trying to find last night maybe we can find that okay let’s go and also I don’t know if he knows he might know where the blue stuff is too he might know where the blue donut where’d you go oh there he is what look like

Oh you’ll see they’re pigs they’re just like that pig used to be called Pig I think there’s both I think the maybe the piglins are different types or they’re smaller or something I don’t know donut knows his way around here he does following donut totally yeah try not to hit these

Guys cuz they will attack you oh yeah they all all they’ll all chase after you they’ll literally if you hit one they’ll all attack you what are you thinking donut hold shift shs it’s going to get crazy around here Gastly I have my bow I don’t know

If I have enough of arrows though yeah I do I have 30 yeah he is oh gosh the noise oh no donut uh oh no there he is get out of here he’s building a thrown around us so we go get knocked oh my God those noises if you hold shift you shouldn’t

Get knocked off right H yeah those noises are creepy why is it so empty here I don’t know man he’s going we were trying to find those blue trees that you uh that we were at last night that same area but I guess we can I guess this is fine too right CH

God just looking at creepy and crawling around here oh yeah you can apparently Mount one of those things and like ride it through what is that it’s I don’t know it’s a newer monster you can mount it and you can go through the lava with them there’s a bunch of them down

There oh my god look face yeah I don’t think it works like that you probably put a saddle on it I don’t know if you have to feed him either I don’t have any I have some Birch planks dude if you need some but I don’t

Have any oh I see you’re making these floors he’s got a plan oh own up behind it’s right behind you donut you can H those can you yeah yeah he just you got him good job dude land is there land up there land over there nice well let’s head to it

Donut lead the way there’s one riding though so if we killed the one on the top would we be able to ride the one on the bottom like because you’d have a saddle on them or is it just one is it one mob you think so gotcha yeah we won’t we won’t

Good job we did it all right home sweet home that was an adventure absolutely that was insane dude we living life on the edge for a minute Sugar’s like wow there’s a fortress right here foress yep yeah he said oh Fortress that’s it that’s it huh following you boss Bastion really really

Where is it in here no this is what me and donuts spent so this is the Bastion oh dude you did it donut this is what we spent so long looking for the other night we did it the music is in amazing it’s a good one too yeah dude this has the

Vault don’t not we did it dude we were looking for this sus the other night for hours this is what we spent all that time doing I mean kind of but it was over that lava Man O loot crying obsidian you okay did you fall you die chy can’t lose you

CHS I’m running in yeah the music is awesome here God I hear something yeah I see you sh you see us across the way you want me to wait for you what’s up someone’s been here really really how do you know how do you know because there’s

Nothing is there supposed to be more in these crates all the blocks every were used to build oh wonder who here chat that’s interesting think damn so what does that mean I don’t know I mean I saw a lying at the crying obsidian one so maybe maybe it was you

Lying I don’t know though I don’t want to I don’t know who it was either way doesn’t matter we got to find another one damn well on the next one chat yeah he was the only one I saw get the uh the crying obsidian one now that

I know what it is but you can probably find crying obsidian in the nether through other means yeah but I mean days is that from entering the no I haven’t seen that what is so congested in here all right sweet yeah I see oh wait there’s more to it or is

This the bridge that connects to the other room maybe there’s stuff in here it was huge yeah is there is there more or you think it’s Tapped Out gotcha yeah so it’s all good all right well I guess we’ll find another one dude yeah I mean we finally found one took

Forever I wonder who found that though I guess you never know right oh God those noises for more lava this Soul Stone sand is so annoying blue fire at base that’s a good idea hey how do we do that yeah mother Tucker you just light Soul Sand on fire

Oh oh we can make like some blue fire pits and put them around the perimeter here’s the red stuff Su I don’t know if some red trees and stuff I don’t know if you want this and then we want to try to find the blue the blue area we were at last night

Too oh I’m going to wait for shs a second hopefully we find it yeah hopefully we do dude just going to wait for her for a second so we don’t lose her this sword man is so insane it literally just one clicks everything this Soul Sand is annoying how’s it going chugs

Okay so much lava around here I’ll catch up with I’ll find you in a second here don’t it just going to wait for shs just making a path nice for found something what happened the red Woods are nice like they look really good like cuz they’re like glow and

Stuff could build something cool out of it another Bastion really oh oh wow okay well we’ll just wait for shugs and then we can do that so you can see she’s making sure hi shs she’s getting all the way we need today’s luck is backwards it is we’re

You we’re tapping into all of our luck today you think it’s a new one too you don’t think it’s you know you don’t think it’s the same one we just found probably not because you know we’re going in a different direction definitely new nice very nice unknown if it was reached already

Though yeah I guess we’ll find out don’t you have the seed I don’t know the seed for what what I just dodged that hey oh I just shot the flame back at him with my bow out of here are you ready sugar care sus you’re getting attacked we got

Him you won’t be messing with you shugs you found a village nice dude let’s go you finally found the village man thank you we needed that can you bring villagers over or something I don’t know how that works or is just the place with upgrades you can ooh

It’s very tedious oh man yeah I I don’t know what he was trying to find the villagers for it was for he said something I think he was trying to make like a string Farm or something but oh look at the Bastion here it is let’s go and these things are very

Very rare dude no blocks um here I have wood use that that’s all I got yo what’s going on uh Lays chips what’s going on dude welcome back to the stream man how you doing tonight it’s good seeing you again I I don’t know if I should call you lazy

LS I haven’t figured that out yet man but for I’ll just you know we’ll do lays huh yeah I get the piggies up here yeah but doing it from the nether way gotcha pigs wearing black are still aggro though I’m going to die I have half a heart I’m dead I’m dead I’m

Back okay okay sugar has to beb a second so let’s chill for a second here that was really bad for trades and iron Farms got you call me whatever I don’t care all right man I’ll call you lays cuz it is Lays chips after all

So I didn’t know if it was lazy or laay but then it’s like it’s laay cuz you got laay chips so we’ll do lays it’s good seeing you though man I hope you’re I hope you’re having a good night bro and I appreciate you tuning back into the

Stream we’ve been live uh check here for about 3 hours or so so we’ll be going for a little bit longer just chilling out we got some new members that join the server as well so we’re growing every single time we go live which is nice all right let’s do

It yeah the black ones are still aggro so ooh big chest up here look at all the gold crossbow with a quick charge three look at all the gold I don’t really have any room though I do do you I’m going to take that crossbow oh look at a diamond pickaxe

With efficiency one did you put that in there diamond pick two oh wow do you do do does anybody want that if not I’ll take it man I’ll take it it was in this one all right I’ll take it for now with efficiency one nice dude great loot great loot chat oh no

Oh oh we lost sugar that day oh no take back yeah ax ones are really strong man probably going to go off soon no problem blue it was good having you on tonight man it was great seeing you dude thanks for showing up you been very consistent dude showing up to the

Streams and I appreciate that man they break your Shield too oh no super terrifying so now what chat we go down which way do we go we were looking for an open area with like no Lava right okay here we go oh lava down there we have no blocks

Either I have some blocks donut if you want these okay there is LS server is looking good right now yeah we got a Discord too as well LS if you want to join that oh he did nice welcome to the Discord sweet yeah Discord is getting getting some peeps in it as well

Yeah sweet did you find something found it would you find been having a lot of fun I’m not good at playing Minecraft by myself rush to finish the game then start a new world yeah man listen I I wouldn’t even be playing the game if it was by myself

To be honest with you like I tried it by myself and I was you know vibing out for a bit and then someone said hey open up a server and it’s probably one of the best things I’ve ever done man this it’s just been so much fun having you guys

Play with me man and it’s it makes me want to stream all night like literally streamed till 3:00 a.m. bro last night and I could have kept going so bunch of golden blocks I literally could have kept going it’s so much more fun to play the game when I’m streaming it

Cuz it just feels different I’m not we’re not in a rush to get anywhere man we’re just vibing out chilling and it’s just it’s just been a really good time like I’m not really in know there’s no rushing you know like this is just I see this as like a whole another world

Man it’s like our second home here so at least on a community server like this I feel like I’m contributing and my my cool builds are be are appropriated exactly man like people are going to be using the things that you build and what you’re putting here here is contributing

To a bigger cause and I feel like that that means something to everybody that you know participates in making something on This Server so we really appreciate it man yeah we got to get more Redwood shs there’s a bunch over there I’m going to follow donut a bit it just makes it more

Like a project you know like the whole stream becomes like a project at this point appreciated yeah yeah yeah I yeah appropriated I I mean I didn’t know if that what that was the right word but I just read what I saw no I know I figured you meant to say

Appreciated but there’s loot one at a time shugs careful shugs I’m dead I’m low I’m low I’m dead shugs is going to die it’s okay it’s okay bro the damage is insane on those guys smithing template netherite upgrade does this diamond equipment into netherite oh my gosh where are those

Pigs coming from does this turn your diamond into netherite netherite Ingot what dude is that top tier right there chat and a diamond shovel yeah it does oh that’s sick and a diamond shovel chat let’s go yeah man everything is appreciated that you do for us man and build on This

Server it’s it’s been a blast it just I’ve been wanting to stream so much like last night I was on for a while man there’s a little piglet right here I’m going to be AFK farming a mob spawner for now go for it man we’ll see you when you get back dude

I’ll just leave the server on for now even if I like uh go BRB go get a snack or something I think I’m going to leave the server on for a while tonight so cuz we got you you guys are in here so enjoying it I’ll teleport you to us wow

And another thing about this server too is like we’re so L my God almost fall in that lava it’s so LAX in here like you know we don’t really have any like too strict of like game restrictions or anything like that I don’t like hardcore you know so it’s just it’s good

Man it’s real good bada bang bada boom see this yeah what is this is this a trap Pig Sout it’s on the stone oh so that’s a different type of stone then boom behind oh is that where the gold blocks are behind H donut you’re you’re a

Magician a wizard a master a Minecraft man I a [ __ ] no staying up all no staying up all night for me you mean like you’re not going to be staying up all night it’s I mean I get it man like listen we all need our sleep

Bro last night I was up till 3:00 a.m. though streaming and it was way too late but I was having so much fun and it’s just great when new people are joining and stuff and like you know I’m living my dream man like my dream is to be able

To stream and do this for you guys and have the server active and people actually in here if I didn’t have people in here and stuff like that it I don’t think I’d be able to stream as long as I can but the fact that I actually have

People in here contributing and like there’s people that want to show up to join yeah it doesn’t make me want to stop streaming so but maybe tonight we’ll get we’ll definitely get some some more sleep but it’s hard to sleep man when you’re when you’re doing what you love you

Know so like if I go get a snack or something or want to run to the gas station even if I pause the stream tonight I’ll probably leave the server up for you guys for the rest of the night cuz we got a decent amount of

People in here so hey Shay can you TP me to you yeah I can are you good I got you sugs uh when do you keeping the Ser up so usually um GT I will shut the server down when I go offline usually so like this Server doesn’t stay running all the

Time um the dynamic IP like the IP use the connect will probably be different each time I go live um but for now I’m going to leave it open for you guys for tonight for a while you okay at what are you looking

At what is it is that a be it’s like a freak big pig oh it’s a pig yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s a pig it’s a pig but um but yeah man I’m probably going to leave the server open for a little bit longer for you you guys

Tonight just because we have a decent amount of people in here that are like playing on it and stuff so and I’ll probably just like go AFK and keep the server up for a minute yeah he will try to hurt you we lost donut we ended up losing

Donut here we go I don’t want to lose our we’re lose our yeah mother truckers yeah we try to be that’s guy SS oh he’s right there behind you look at he’s standing there you don’t know if there’s any more loot well dude I mean we got some diamond tools we got a

Crossbow I mean we got tons of of stuff doesn’t feel like it well you want to get out of here then we can jump that lava and and and go back I want that music disc though oh you can have it the chirp we could dip

Though let’s do it I got to eat okay let’s let’s let’s hit the dip then that’s some freaking piggy Stone do you I want more red you don’t have do you want red wood go go get some more Redwood then or I can teleport back to you if you want you

Wanted that blue wood right we were trying to find that and we couldn’t really find that cuz bastions have a chance to spawn a unique disc ah we need to go to the end do you want to go to like the ender world yeah we’ll eventually get there um the end or the

End is that other world isn’t it there’s like a another world the Nether and then the end world if I’m not mistaken get some more of that Redwood shs I don’t know where the blue wood is I totally forgot like which way we went last night to go get

That damn I forgot you wanted to get that blue wood I think we went the opposite way from the start yeah probably my IM oh you dropping something from my inventory is full smithing template Coast armor trim ooh can I use this on my whole armor set

Or can I only use this on and how do I use this armor trim do we need a certain tool for that smithing table maybe smithing table we don’t have a smithing table do we I okay I go eat genuinely starving okay man go get your food bro I got I’m

A little bit hungry too but I gotta I got a PB&J I’ll probably snack on but I kind of want to go get more I only got one they’re just staring at you down there turn around and he just literally right up in my face he like nudged me he was like hey

Hey what you doing oh why did don’t sorry donut I didn’t mean for night B to warn you what the heck all caps I just got the worst news right now oh donut what happened dude hopefully it wasn’t it’s nothing too insane dude put the pants back in there for

Next time Coast armor trim yeah smithing table to figure out how that works Akira Toriyama died a week ago who’s Akira Toriyama Akira Japanese Magna artist or Manga artist is this the guy that made Dragon Ball Z or Dragon Ball no why are these guys in the house why

Are we get what why are these guys in that are we being raided that happen [ __ ] yeah that happen they’re so freaking weird oh I got a banner can I you can I can I put this Banner on yeah you can put it up on the

Wall oh I can actually put it in my hand you need help okay we’re coming where you you At he’s literally trapped in here got you bro you can combine your shield with the banner really oh yeah that’s that’s definitely what we’re doing time to eat on bad news damn dude I didn’t realize Dragon Ball Z Creator dude you got you can get jumped in this game like

That are we still getting jumped mother twas come fight me mother twas I want to make a I want to make the uh put the banner with the shield o a white Shield cion I don’t know what light gray per I don’t know what all these other

Ones are dude I got a white Shield ooh sick that’s awesome yeah now I definitely don’t want to lose this Shield sweet uh I’m going to go ahead and put smithing template into this chest over here with all this other stuff Coast armor trim where’s the nether portal it’s over

Here where you at come follow me dude so this is the dock house and then the portal is right down here right right there piggy you okay sigs no he’s going to kill me you want come down teleport to you no it’s no okay I was going to I was going to

Try to come save you tell yeah luckily you didn’t lose anything I kind of like that we don’t lose our stuff it’s so much better wow we have a netherite upgrade we can make a piece of gear netherite that’s crazy got these Di tools going on sweet get rid of this

Bow okay my game is crashing a lot I’m gonna have to leave early tonight bye have a good night um lay sorry your game is crashing a lot I don’t know why you guys have such issues with your games I feel bad but I hope you all I hope you

Have a good night man and I will talk to you soon dude um put the string Away lapis away yeah man that’s a shame I didn’t know that that guy passed and then bones where should I put this bones in the random chest bones I’m going to make some more arrows donut with those feathers dude CU I feel like we should use we should uh we need

Some arrows he was just working on the continuation too really man that’s that sucks made two stacks for yourself nice man yeah I was definitely you make some arrows put some food in the chest too for us go need sticks oh I need Flint do we have Flint Gems or

Chest I don’t think we have any Flint what the heck there it is get more from gra like breaking gravel as well okay really you have an idea sh’s got an idea sweet all right oo the Farm’s looking great now stuff is starting to grow back fishing again yeah yeah

Sometimes I just get into this Weir fishing craze I just want to go fishing might be time to go get a peanut butter jelly soon PB and J sounds good right now best midnight snack Evers I’m fishing where are you at oh so if we have those wings and you use

That we can go really far with them apparently but you you just click where you want to go with them fireworks yay why not blowing up col I don’t know how do you get those wings chat the the latas or whatever they are forgot what they’re called I want to get the

Wings and then with the fireworks we can go really far like travel everywhere I’ve been watching hardcore players do that for name tag got a lot of name tags too you had that what was that idea you had uh the fireworks with the music Oo what yay Sh how did you make those we need more of those secret oh chy oh Yeah Yay I gota check hold on I go to look in a second o purple I like the purple shs is that dye that you that makes it that color how did I know oh who whoa whoa how many can you use one time you’re going crazy shugs

Yay well I’m glad AJ started his house but I’m sad he’s not here tonight he’s an AJ Do now what chugs your house is looking great you got the you got Nemos you got two Nemos on top of your house your house is really cute shugs it’s a cigary Home looking good so looks like a nice cozy spot huh really whoa the sh stuff I like the song you you got five diamond in there you got your own little secret Diamond stash no yeah tell everybody oh jeez I gave away the secret all I have is music in

Mine do you have chirp no here I’m going to give you chirp cuz I have two chirps special special delivery in the mail bar special delivery in the mailbox o yeah E it’s Minecraft party in the crib it’s a Minecraft party in the crib ooh ooh ooh bre it down break it down break it down break it down break it down yeah yeah It’s a sugary face there’s sus yay guys we’re having a good old time you know everybody’s here riving out we got Minecraft chat what else could you want chat you know this is top quality entertainment going to put a tool here I don’t know which one though this

One oh look at go shs go shs go go go go go go go shugs All right let’s go man I love it too oh the bow should go there that’s right you want to build something oo underground tunnels to your house yeah good that’s like in the house you think like right there oh snap shs I let shgs cook real quick might eat my peanut butter and

Jelly and that I got in there I’m getting hungry chat oh there’s grass on the roof here did you notice this look at this grass over the roof of the farm lean with me lean with me rock with me Rock With Me O whoa what is all this how does this

Work item Hopper furnace does it automatically dispense it in there oh yeah like like actually engineering yeah so the iron just goes in here huh wow same thing with the smoker I guess all the fish will just go in there dude this is crazy bro smelting stuff coal so you put the

Coal in there I see and the smelting stuff in there and then it comes out there I’m going to have to learn that bro so you can smelt way more stuff then dude that’s crazy bro you guys are in you guys are geniuses man you guys are Minecraft

Geniuses you like yeah man I’ve never seen a Contraption like this I mean this is an upgrade because you can literally put we could just load this up with coal load this up with anything we need to smell and and now it cleans up inventory

Space over here as well and I think that that’s a great upgrade man thank you so much for doing that that’s a huge upgrade I just got to get used to doing that now because I’m I’m not really used to doing that but it’s pretty easy pretty easy to

Understand put the charcoal in there that yeah sweet yeah that’s a very interesting Contraption here I have Cod did that not work do you have to put the you have to put the fish in there first like that um I think that one just I think my fish just disappeared out of there

Man I think I just put some raw fish in there and then it just disappeared on me I don’t know I just I don’t know what happened oh it goes into here I don’t just trying to figure out how this works I think this one might be a little

Bit broken man cuz it doesn’t it doesn’t go into there there see the the fish doesn’t go in there so I don’t know if that one’s working as intended maybe it doesn’t work with the the smoker you think fish don’t work well for some reason like even here

Like it’s just getting stuck in the item Hopper so I don’t know if I if I’m like lacking the knowledge to understand how this works cuz wouldn’t that go into there through the item Hopper right see it’s not really doing anything for maybe oh do you have it do you have it

Backwards or food doesn’t work well do you have it backwards wouldn’t the charcoal and the coal need to go in the bottom and then the smelting stuff need to go in the top I feel like you just have it backwards but I now that I see how it

Works I understand what it is like this one goes down here and this one goes up there so maybe you just have to flip them wouldn’t the charcoal go here like this see right and then this one goes up here with the raw fish see now it works

So flip these around make the smelting stuff put make this this one has to be the coal and this one has to be the it’s just backwards so so that and then here would be raw ore like that there you go see that’s the way we want cuz then the coal will

Go to the bottom and then the ore will go to the top right but yeah that’s that’s the right idea like this is fine this should be like fish we can do like or food can go up there do food and then and then charcoal

And coal and shk would be on the side and I’ll just make this food like this should be food food bless you bless you bless you yeah there we go there we go and then it works as intended there we go sweet yeah I love it man thank you so much for building

This cuz then now we can now now we can produce a lot faster you were confused for a second I was confused for a second too because I didn’t really understand I didn’t really understand how this even worked bro like I’ve never seen I’ve never seen a Contraption like

This but now that I’m seeing how it works now now it makes sense and I like it cuz I’ve never seen anything like it before so it’s definitely going to come in handy All right sweet I got so much food on me you’re working on little underground base shugs Chat I’m going to be right back a second got to run the restroom thank you all so much for being here and chilling and I’ll be right Back For All righty chat I’m back but I’m going to snack a little bit so I’m probably going to mute the mic while I eat and I’m just going to fish and uh we’ll Vibe out for a bit So Chad I got jumped we’re good though we’re good we’re good okay we got some fandoms in here so I’m going to I’m going to hit to sleep I don’t think you need to as well I think it’s just one person there we go for chat this is what heaven looks like

Okay that right there that’s what it looks like is not that both the best man it’s so good right now peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the best freaking snack ever looks like some of the pumpkins are starting to grow by the farm oh yeah that was

Good that hold me over for a minute chat all right so I’m G to go check on what shugs is doing what are you doing sus I love your house so cute yeah SS secret underground base wow looking pretty good SS we got to get you a house

Bro no smoke man you need a house we got to get all all you guys houses in here man BRB oky dokie yeah this is pretty interesting little Contraption dude not going to lie I’ve never seen a Contraption like this before Cooks everything this Farm is great

Shs I don’t even I don’t think there’s a reason to have a bigger Farm than this I’m fishing by your house if you don’t mind SS getting a little fishing by the house welcome back oh it’s chippy time wish I had more of those Uncrustables think I’m going to go get

Some more whenever you leave and then head out okay oh oh I got another saddle oh my gosh so many Saddles chat these ink sacks are they even useful for anything yeah did I just get seven cooked pork chops from fishing that’s really weird why would you get cooked pork

Chops from the middle of the ocean Farm is looking great man that was a nice addition tonight to get the farm yeah for sure nice addition sweet he’s making the farm bigger look could you guys go it’s Minecraft season there’s the music great news what’s the great news

Donut ghost of tshuma is coming to PC finally nice dude does seem like some pretty good news I don’t know much about that game but hey if you like it and it’s coming to PC then I’m happy for you man I got my shield um I got that banner on my shield like

You were saying no smoke is working on the farm right now I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich it was pretty good thinking about going to go get another one here in a second cuz I don’t know if one will fill me up might need to go get another one I

Had one in the refrigerator but they got Uncrustables at the at the gas station on the corner here so they just restocked so bloodborne soon yeah that’d be nice dude I’d love to play bloodborne yeah I’d love to play bloodborne I never really got a chance to play it

But I never really got through Dark Souls 2 like that either so I don’t know I never stuck with those games long enough got two Saddles I’m going to go put these Saddles away I have tons of saddles man cockroach crawl my sock under my chair can I yeah

He’s trying to get into my chip bag or something a [ __ ] him up got a little cockroach crawler all right put these Saddles away where did all of our Diamond go uh oh chat we’re all out of diamond chat we literally have one diamond and 14 blocks of diamonds put in

Freak let’s not use our uh all of our Diamond up here a long time to get it yeah it takes a while man we had like I don’t know what H like how do we go through two stacks of diamond is that how are the diamond blocks do they cost that much to

Make do they damn Saddles yeah we had so much Diamond I made them into bricks that’s all right but I do want to keep some diamonds for tools and stuff like that though man I want to try to have some diamonds for like tools so because we don’t really need the blocks

I don’t think I don’t really know what else we’d be really using the blocks for so not right now eventually once we get enough Diamond I would like to make a like a giant structure out of diamond but yeah right now man we should just

Save them for tools I think cuz we I want to get everybody covered in Diamond and we need him to repair um our tools as well so the storage doesn’t be used up yeah but the thing is is like we can’t we can’t really use the diamond blocks

Like can you break those diamond blocks into diamonds is that possible yeah you can you yeah how do you do that you just put it back in the the crafting table oh really yeah oh okay okay got you I see what I see what you’re saying cuz I didn’t know that’s

How that worked you just put a block in your inventory for crafting ah okay I didn’t really understood how that see I’m such a noob bro I don’t even know you guys are Advanced free storage got you dude okay my bad bro my bad see I just don’t know what I’m doing

So uh you you want if you want the Discord um Todd here let me get you a link for it bro or gt my bad um let me go I got to go in the kick real quick because I don’t have kick and then chat there you go it’s the Discord link There sweet so you were saying donut you just put a block in your inventory crafting so you’re saying like if I wanted to break up the diamond like I don’t I guess I didn’t really understand that yeah put it in your put in the C oh Oh see chat donut yeah I see what you’re saying now Bro Who what is this contraption checking I can make a auto storage again oh oh yeah see what you can do man you guys are the engineers so me I’m just the gatherer chat what is that more Phantoms I thought we went to sleep what the Phantom get the hell out of

Here who do you think you are running around leaving scars one shot oh you’re burning now mother truckers hey get off our base heathens I swear I swear I oo I hit that one with the Twix shot did you see that sh I hit that with the Twix shot chat see donut down

There oh he’s lighting up the way o we’re vibing chat sweet all right so now that I know about that little trick with the diamond blocks put some food in the food thing here a membrane I don’t really want this membrane let’s put it in the random blocks area here ra salon

Wow guys I mean this is incredible like I don’t ever like actually take a second to just stop and look around but like this came from nothing guys and you guys are really the reason why this is even a thing it’s just so sick man like everybody has contributed so much to

Making this uh a reality I’m just so thankful what to build now I don’t know man I mean the world is your oyster anything you feel that we could need man it’s just incredible to see all of this and the way it is like it’s so

Awesome the underground I want to get a chair down here I think like a mine cart chair down here so I can like sit and look at the map oh crap I didn’t mean to break that didn’t mean to break that autoc cane Farm or a melon farm

Might be able to do something with that Skelly spawner yeah man see what you can do an auto uh melon farm cuz don’t we have sugarcane already like wasn’t somebody working on sugarcane we don’t have a melon farm that’d be pretty sweet this Farm is great that you were working on man this

Is this is great it’s a big farm could imagine this being even bigger though chat going big how those chippies good chippies what are you doing shugs I got come say hi to shugs man just make a house dude it’s time for you to get a house

Man we got our own house see if you can find a piece of land to put down a house you don’t need one you just do you sleep in the community room that’s all right we’ll make you a little bed in there and stuff get you a little corner

I like ghost house is just like this crazy this just crazy thing he was building I love the way his house is so far he’s got like this little underground thing going on he’s got the pink bed for AJ hey like moving around I like having I

Like having a little a little house like this it’s kind of cozy to be honest with you but I didn’t build my house honestly I probably wouldn’t have built a house for myself suy built my house and I just kind of I just kind of took it it looks

Really good SS it’s pretty nice put these bows in there for now don’t need that yeah I’m playing Minecraft with my friends yeah yeah you’re not in here where’d you go s where’ you go SS hey SS huh you got a secret underground base this looks great shs with the shroom Pictures good shugs you need like a you need some more stuff down here oh pretty awesome SS this Farm we got different pens do you want to help do you want to help me move villagers over uh yeah I could definitely try to help you out with that

But is there anything that I need to bring with me to do it and is it like super annoying to do or do you you know cuz I cuz I heard it was tedious so just let me know what I need man and

We can go do that let’s do it you got it all right let’s do it then let’s do it let’s go get these villagers yeah got a decent amount of bookshelves in there shugs I’m ready dude let’s do it we’re going into The Nether oh boys go he’s spoy

Thought your name was no smoke but you just got all the smoke huh uh yeah it did ah oh no leave me alone you dirt it all [ __ ] who’s playing the music are you you got the music at your place no no oh my feet I Fe ah stop

Burning you you burned to death oh no ouch so you’re building like we’re going to just build a straight tunnel that just goes to the villagers I guess I guess I’ll just keep following he got two blocks on you man he’s ready to go no smoke

Dude no smoke you caught all the smoke on those pigs man I’m not going to lie to you it’ be nice to have some villagers at the base too trade with and stuff got to go get the villagers he’s got a plan he’s he’s got a plan apparently and

A and and and and apparently and apparently he has a plan and and apparently I’m with my I’m with my crew and we’re playing Minecraft he’s building a nether portal right here cuz he knows that when we go through the portal we’re going to be at the villagers you need Flint

Shs could you bring us some flint and steal TOS I could teleport usort us shs slash kill because I mean I can go I can okay stay here I’ll be right back I’m me be right back so you need flint and steel so how do you do the

Flint and steel iron and Flint iron and flint all right one second dude I’ll be right back one one iron one Flint that’s it yeah iron and then Flint what where do we have Flint at all right I’ll be back okay there you go all right oh look at he’s got a strat

So we go through the portal here and there’s going to be a village outside wow where are We you didn’t get the right coordinates or something trippy man we like reverse the whole game get out of here Savage Savage Beast I’m stuck okay I’ll see you up there I don’t have any blocks okay I’m here where’d you go he’s got a big idea

Shugs he got a big idea I don’t know what’s going on how those chippies yeah okay the sugary Palace to the house make it bigger maybe make it like another stair like a stairs that goes up to the second floor you could always like go just up with

It and on once you go up with it you can go out Keep losing you sorry man keep teleporting yeah yeah I’m sure he will oh that will entice him put look uh pumpkins oh Villages a village nice did you you want me to get these pumpkins for You with the mushrooms Mor course I’ll be there in a second bro I’m just sugar likes these pumpkins for for stuff so I’ll make sure I get these pumpk I like the music here Too got a nice Village over Here cat so what’s the Strat here lot of horses here I wish I brought the Saddles Farm enchanted books go for it yeah those are that’s what I want to do too I’ll probably end up what I’ll do chat is as soon as sugar gets ready to

Leave here I’ll probably end the stream and keep the server on for you guys that are playing because I might end up coming back and streaming some more if not I’ll probably end up playing the server just like offline or something too cuz I kind of feel like playing a little bit more

So but I want to see what’s what we’re doing here with with the Villagers real quick bye SS yay did you go AFK no smoke if he did I’ll probably just teleport back yeah you did you know what chat for now I’m going to teleport back oh you’re offline aren’t

You maybe maybe Donut’s near the base he is cool chat I’m going to go ahead and and just close the stream off for now I’m going to let you guys play in here donut and no smoke since you two are in here I don’t want to stop you guys from playing

I’m going to AFK up here I’m going to go run to the gas station real quick I want to go grab some snacks and stuff like that and uh I’ll probably most likely just jump back on stream or I’ll be in the game so and uh I will talk to you

Guys in a bit so peace for now on the stream good four and a half hour stream guys so shredded it tonight so um yeah I’ll probably get back on um the stream but if I don’t you’ll see me in the game so peace

This video, titled ‘Come join:’, was uploaded by LiveWithShade on 2024-03-08 05:40:15. It has garnered 199 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:14 or 16934 seconds.


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    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More