TheLuigiStreamer – WILD Reactions to Wildcat’s Revenge – Ep. 2

Video Information

Put away my shot oh my God yeah I’m just going to say right now apologies I was we had like literally at the end of our Pokemon nuz having a Pokemon death and that affected me and I we wanted to try to go and get something before the

Video ended which we didn’t even end up getting CU we realized we were looking in the wrong area but alas so apologies I was like trying to wrap up the nuzlock stream but I went overtime and then I had to go get lunar client out of

Minecraft and I was taking like 10 years to go and load and then I had to go and like streamlabs was being kind of annoying of not connected to the stream properly so I was like okay streamlabs you’re doing this to me again and then I

Got that working and now 20 minutes late uh we’re here on the our next wildcast Revenge building stream apologies that I was late to this stream here but we are live now here so hey what’s guys it is streaming here back another amazing wildcast Revenge building stream and hold on one

Second and I don’t know what it is with my body lately but like my body has been like burping that crazy bro I’ve been having all the burps unbelievable anyways so for this Wildcats Revenge building stream here I am actually going to like not work on the coaster this

Time here you’re going to be like what do you mean you’re not going to work on the coaster we you stri but isn’t that the whole point in this building stream here yeah I I get that but so here’s a little like dilemma that I’m having here

I think I made a little bit of an error little bit of an error now there’s nothing wrong with our lifto here it looks perfectly fine I I do love uh I I do love the I do love the whiff tail like here it’s looking really solid however our problem comes with the

Logo itself now logo you’re like well what do you mean Luigi it looks amazing like uh I don’t know what’s wrong with it well the thing that’s wrong with it is that I think it’s too close to the ride like I don’t think I made this lift

Till far enough away cuz one of my biggest worries is the is the loading station for this ride because like yeah I’ll have the brake run going in here but I think the station building here is going to be like just slightly like uh like takes up more area than like the

Log so like it’ll go interfere with the logo and I don’t want to go I don’t want to do that so and I was thinking like well either I move the lift Hill which is more difficult than you think because well cuz I could technically use structure blocks and go and copy the

Whole structure and move it over but the structure blocks doesn’t like because of the the height of the coaster it actually wouldn’t copied the whole thing over and also like with the length of it too so I don’t think structure box would work all too well for wild cat moving

That over so I don’t want to move that over cuz that’s going to be too much of a hassle but the easy thing I could do though is which means it’s not going to be too easy but is moving the wildcat’s Revenge logo like back somewhere just so

I can have that room for the loading station because I just don’t feel like there’s enough room like for the loading station so and thing is to it’s like this is not going to be all too terrible and also like I feel like the logo is a

Little bit too high off the ground so I also want to like lower its height down like a bit as well and and and I could definitely go and do that with what I’m planning on doing so yeah it’s a little bit of a dilemma

Here but uh it’s all good uh it’s not too bad of a fix so I’m probably going to move this maybe about like uh right over here I suppose so I think that should definitely be like enough room yeah it should okay so I’m going to go and

Uh I think this is how it works so let’s see so it’s six blocks off the ground I think right I’m already getting into building mode here before I even really finish my introduction but yeah guys if you but if you’re joing these Minecraft building streams here but this basically what I’m

Going to be doing in the beginning of this video here moving the low go forward then once I’m done moving the logo forward I’m then going to go and actually work on an entrance way design for the ride so technically we are working on aspects of the ride but we’re

Actually not be working on the coaster itself in this video here because personally I’m not in the mood to go work on this AR armc loves doing wacky complicated layouts I mean wild revenge is not as complicated as some other armc layouts I personally think but it’s still going to be annoying especially

The fact that I don’t have Google Earth like they’re going to help me out with this and no good good aerial shot so I can see the layout or there’s no actually good like depictions of the layout like from above so I can really

Go and copy it well so this is all like lovely lovely hard times for me and I don’t feel like uh dealing with right now so all right if I remember right this is function moral see if that worked uh okay yeah it did work oh now that’s on the ground

Nice interfering with the pathway yeah this is one of my concerns about this logo is uh I you can see I did move it over a little bit because I want to be a little bit more in line with the with like the lift Hill there I mean

I’m not sure how much more in line it is with it is it a coaster wow isn’t not obvious enough marada come on use your yeah use your brain dum dum it’s obviously a roller coaster I mean there’s multiple different things with the wild wild cat can mean multiple

Different things but the one I’m making is a coaster all right yeah that’s actually really nice only having it I think that would be kind of I probably should have it a little bit above the ground actually yeah I probably should h all right I’m going to go clear this thing

Up cuz I want to have it like I don’t want it to be like actually touching the ground because if I’m going to have an well actually no what actually this could work never mind actually I changed my mind because here’s the thing even though that part of is touching the

Ground technically the parts over here of the logo aren’t touching the ground they’re not touching the ground even not even close so actually that could be this is fine actually I like this all right so let me go do the memoral thing here yeah so now that’s touching the ground

Huge so then yeah we can have like so you can go exit like around so you could go like to like the entrance for the ride like around the side okay I like that so we can have like a little bit of like a side entrance here and thing is

If we need to decrease it too then we can all right I like that I like that all righty guys uh I guess it’s prob to get some music playing for you guys in the background um I guess since we were just doing a Pokemon uh stream I guess

We can I mean I’m in my Pokemon part of my iTunes playlist right now so got h of Fame that’s funny uh let me know if that’s overwhelming my voice oh it’s not even close to overwhelming my voice probably should turn it up a little bit though yeah I’ll turn it up just

Slightly I guess also what I can do too is uh I don’t feel like having my headphones on for this stream go and change that quickly I might echo in the microphone a little bit but I don’t care ah you’re always hyped for her she’d open every month

Jonathan come on that’s not much of a that’s much that’s not much of a surprise Here I know you guys like I I know someone earlier was asking like uh would you consider Cedar Point to be better than King’s Island I mean I it definitely varies for me like it I I I think still personally the reason why I consider Cedar Point better than Kings

Island is just because like their top coasters are like my all-time favorite coasters of all time and they definitely like uh beat out uh be beat out um Kings Island’s like top coasters like the only one I feel like that gets the only two that feel like that gets close to them

Well the only one I think is person is the Beast cuz I think that’s like my fifth favorite all time like coaster I think I need to like reassess like uh the coasters that I that I like so Cedar Pointes has like four of my like alltime favorite coasters which

Hopefully to for two might still be one of my favorite alltime coasters a lot lot to see on that one mhm Hing them uh well you got the Magnum part of it right but you didn’t get the other one people always have the fun Coter fuz

Is always love having the the bade with uh oh wait did I do that wrong I think I did oh air replace snow actually okay air replace no wait what what the hell why is my fa command not working did I do it Wrong my gosh Mora so annoying stop making fun of stop making fun of these like Co daes at ghost to park nees bro air replac oh it needs to be snow block I’m an idiot right there we go what the hell oh jeez all right I guess the local

Completely interfered with uh good old uh moo Here I asked for I as Morana to stop being being annoying of her mement Park names and what does marada keep doing being annoying of musement Park names not shocked not shocked at all classic marada yeah you can see how much I’m laughing right Now yeah I think you’re kind of failing with your job you’re so Funny all right let’s See okay so that’s a dirt block need there I’m just trying to figure out like what the heck I need to replace these with here cuz I had to go and fill the snow out God kind of hated I had to interfere with the makeup pathway a little bit but

I didn’t really have much of a Choice now I got to go fix this like bruh uh let’s see cool this is quite good uh good po to go to Cedar Point you’re going to Cedar Point in 2025 you do know it’s 2024 right or do you literally mean you’re actually going to go Cedar Point in

2025 well I me and my dad I mean we kind of don’t really have a choice but we’re going to Cedar Point on opening day which is probably going to be like I said a terrible idea because the fact is I think top 2 that’ll be like it’s first

Opening day cuz if because it’s going to open on opening day I’m pretty sure I mean they’re already doing testing and what not of it I think they’re just kind of working on like the detailing for the r since I know in the last pit stop that they like uh Cedar

Point uploaded they said that they were working on like the new station building and get getting some progress on that so yeah they work working I will say though like I mean the plaza of too dragster what not like honestly it was one of the weaker areas like of the park

Like as well as like the middle area it’s like where like the show stage is that’s like it’s kind of like by Val Raven is where Wildcat used to be like too and leads over to Ruger Milan Forest like that’s also a really weak area in

The park which uh I I did know that they did like remove some dormitories like over in that area and people are predicting that like a new coaster is going to go over there so I would personally love to see that there cuz both those areas really do need like a

Revamp and I feel like they cuz like I mean the front of the park has really been getting some good work like the front of the park looks spectacular I think now they got to start working on the like the middle of the park and make

That look really nice so I hope that they do start doing that uh Luigi I’ll post a vid on Discord please see it like right now uh why do I need to see this video the of utmost importance honestly like uh if you’re no offense Morana but when

You tell me to go watch something of utmost importance then that means it’s not of the utmost importance to me why did you post it in there now well if you want me to see whatever this video is then post it already come on slacker post it M well maybe not sure if this exactly what you’re talking about Jay but I do know at uh can’s Wonderland that it looks like that there so I know they removed their Sky Coaster they said they announced they’re going to remove their sky coaster and people are predicting

The prediction is is that like there’s going to be a coaster like that’s going to stretch along L across like that side of the Midway and then also use part of the mountain as well so I’ve heard about that rumor but I’m not sure if that’s what you’re talking about

Though I still personally want him to go like remove the garbage that’s flight deck and Time Warp and go put something really good there so I I hope that they do that eventually I know Carowinds it seems like they’re going to get a B&M Wing coaster and potentially like people are

Thinking that it’s best for Canada Wonderland to get a launching B&M invert actually be kind of cool to get a B&M invert because we haven’t gotten like a B&M invert like in a like in a good while dude like I don’t remember when the last B&M invert was built like in

America be good to get on a B&M invert I would not be opposed to getting a B&M invert mhm yeah I’m keeping up with some of the stuff here the funny thing actually I gained that knowledge like uh not too like uh like long ago I think actually I

Was watching theme part predictions again like last night when I was getting Chick-fil-A and uh he was talking about it like what’s going on in Canon’s Wonderland that’s how I that’s how I found out about that so actually if I literally did not watch that video yesterday then I would have no

Idea I find it funny someone made like a comment saying that like uh cuz cuz Brandon in F Park predictions he said something like uh oh Sky coasters don’t get removed all too much like then someone’s like um about that at Six Flags uh this park this park this park

This park this park this park this park and this park has removed Sky coasters of lately so um I don’t know what you’re talking about man Sky Coaster removals actually are kind of common at least among the Six Flags chain at least so I found that kind of

Funny which it is true cuz I mean like we had Daredevil dive at six [ __ ] great Great America and that guy removed for Sky striker which I love that name and also I love the ride too because we’re getting a freaking Giga Discovery dude and Giga discoveries are

Awesome like I love riding those things they we’re getting like one of the big ones I think like like crazanity at like Magic Mountain so I’m super excited for that dude cuz I love I love delirium at Kings Island and there’s going to be an even larger version of

That oh yeah also rid in the rides like I I know not Giga discoveries but like the Frisbee I I never like a mini frisbee I was at uh Kentucky Kingdom where like it does like it’s like a really tiny one where like it actually like like fully did a uh oh

Whatchamacallit like a full like uh like loop around that was uh that was definitely pretty cool I love that a lot I like you know Mara you remind me of somebody you remind me of this guy named scarl King I’m honestly scared if Scarlet King and marada got together because oh man their

Chemistry would definitely build on top of one another and it would be very interesting to See keep those there yeah I’m a little bit disappointed that my pixelator thing I mean it works still I’m just kind of annoyed at the fact that like it’s not working as well as it should be like right now definitely frustrating yeah I guess I could do like

A whole fill command thing to get rid of all these like blocks here who scarl King uh some random uh some some random viewer of mine he also says some really random CRA like uh stuff that has like no nothing in relationship like to the video

Whatsoever I mean like I don’t mind that like some sometimes but like when you’re spouting out some stuff like I love choke a lot oh they make them out of a cow cow like okay that’s just like nothing I can go and really comment on

And I and I and I don’t want to go and like discuss about that I rather focus on whatever the heck uh Jay J saying it’s actually he’s saying stuff that I’m actually interested like in talking to him about but you’re currently not saying anything that I’m

Interested in like talking more with you about marada just saying been to can yep that was back I went back uh when Yukon Striker was uh the newest coaster at the time so yep I had been there her is chocolate so yeah this is a coaster building stream

And I get the coasters from Hershey par but I like doesn’t look like I’m building like some Hershey like uh like Hershey factory or something and with chocolate whatnot no so so the topic is something I’m not interested in nope okay you there I think there’s some

Parts over here I need to get rid of think we have a light block guys just cuz I live in a different continent well different continents have roller coasters man it’s not just like America it’s not just like America like is is not the only place that has roller coasters I’m sure

Wherever you live also has roller coasters so what do you mean that is a lame excuse lame excuse boo boo stinky all right now I’m going to go and get rid of this well I don’t go to theme parks so that sounds like a you problem love say that sounds like a you

Problem yep you’re missing out pal you are missing out definitely very sorry for you only been on only been on one oh so you have been to one okay liar said you just haven’t been to any and and I then now you said you been to One Actually let me f i don’t want to fill the floor here it’s a kid one remember the name of it you might know it I mean we’re pretty good coas INF fusi so we might know it well I’m actually I probably don’t know kitty parks all too well but I don’t

Know crazy Park is that literally the name of it most s about you know I had one coaster yeah one coaster bar than none know probably the ghost is terrible that a kid spark okay well I’m a little bit upset at the fact that I had to make this so

Far forward hey at least there’ll definitely be enough room for Wildcat Now how much room there’s going to be for my entrance way on the other hand and I don’t know but uh you shall return now how long you going to be great I’m stuck a Mara joyous Day yeah what I’m going to try to do here is to try not to have this interfere with legendary evolution I’ll try my best no guarantees that this is not going to interfere Evolution oh you know oh you know what you did Marana I don’t even have to say

It two three why the heck is my foot sleep dude ah gosh damn it I hate when my body does this damn it’s like it’s like firmly asleep too like I need to really pound it out what the heck how did that happen out of that it’s still asleep what the heck I’m

Still stomping and it’s still asleep here I can stop my foot while I’m also building the coaster so this is fine oh my gosh dude what the heck yeah yeah yeah I might be a meie people call me that a meanie all the time I’m

Used to it it’s kind of the life of YouTuber I don’t really consider myself much of a me but you know people especially in the Pokemon giveaways consider me mean when they don’t get their Pokemon like oh Luigi I was supposed to go and get a Pokemon the stream technically you’re

Not supposed to like it’s just whoever is able to get the Pokemon within the time is able to go get Pokemon H Luigi it’s my birthday or something and I’m like I don’t care just because it’s your birthday doesn’t mean you get special priority like over other people everybody gets

The same amount of Priority well that’s a a little unfortunate I’m going to have to have legendary Evolutions part of legendary Evolutions supports to be part of the entrance way kind of sucks I mean the other thing I could do is also I could have the entrance way all the way over

Here I want this to kind of be like with the park though and this is not really a great space to go and build this entrance way I mean it’ll work but man it’s going to be like cramped it’s going to be cramped here like this it’s like a tight

Footprint like definely my like like def like my my footprint uh is uh it’s not great here really Isn’t let’s see what this looks like from above I guess let’s see I think I should only have one support within my entrance way yeah uh oh this one will get close but it won’t be in my entrance way yeah very close jeez I love doing entrance way for these

Rides it really makes like a cool first impression like for for the ride very nice three four five six all right yeah again I apologize guys I wasn’t able to go get this stream started and I apologies well looks like unless YouTube’s lying to me I have no current

Viewers watching right now so until I get some viewers watching I’m probably just going to go silent for the time being or YouTube is lying to me yep figure there’s much iic YouTube lying to me we go get this tree out of the way mhm you’re actually going to talk about

Something like actually interesting and not spouting out random crap for once marada I challenge you to go and actually try to come up with a genuine good conversation topic instead of spouting out random baloney that’s your that’s your big boy challenge in this stream here I somewhat believe in you somewhat h

Nice good old chill music while working on a definitely not very chill ride kind of ironic LOL all right get these yep deforestation as per usual when you’re working on new characters uh people can’t actually play on this uh server here they you can only play if you have Minecraft Java Edition

Though if you do not have Minecraft Java Edition unfortunately I can’t get you on the world it’s not a crossplatform world thing unfortunately really wish it was like some I wish it was something like fall guys but it’s it’s just not very unfortunate oh well be serious but it be just for

Fun well sometimes I know you’re not trying to go and be annoying or anything like that but there’s some types of silliness where I’m just like I don’t feel like dealing with it it’s just it’s just like me no likey that wasn’t a bad like uh like first question not bad not

Bad actually kind of passed the test a little bit W mhm is not your native language what is your native language mean it sounds like you understand English decently enough though I mean you’re able to understand what I’m saying so that’s honestly pretty good it’s impressive oh man I actually don’t know

Where I want this other side to start I guess I could start how how far away the bottom is here I guess two three four five six seven8 9 10 14 14 only okay okay so there some points here I need to like focus on what the hell I’m doing so

I get an idea what the hell I’m designing I have a pretty firm idea of what I want to do for this entrance way here it’s just I got it executed though 12 I guess okay um see how much I can recall uh 8 10 11 11 was it 12 or 13 I I’ll definitely answer the question it’s just I’m doing something right now that I need to kind of focus on make a giant walking talking coaster um maybe maybe if we were in The Amazing digital circus I can do something like that but this is Minecraft and I’m not

That much of a redstone expert to go and do something like that so maybe hire a professional Minecraft Redstone maker and maybe he can go and like uh make some kind of coaster like that but I definitely can’t do something like that nope so I need to move one more three

Four five six seven seven six four so seven seven and six yeah okay one two three four five six seven one two three four five six one two three four one two three one two one two one I think this is how I did it

Here you think it’s going to be a simple Redstone machine yeah no did I do this right see I have no idea because I’m flying so damn fast I’m not keeping track where where I am fast flying is so good okay I did not do this correctly damn it where the fre

Did I mess up I mess up what did I mess up the hell i m up there I mess up I have no idea I’m very confused messed up here is this eight like my bad counting six seven this is eight did I make this go out eight though I guess

Not I did not actually okay I got to increase everything by one now that Sucks oh wait damn it wait no wait no that’s fine that’s fine okay let me make sure this is line now sorry I need to focus on what the hell I’m doing here so wait the hell is that almost be okay let me do that Okay I guess there’s a whole step process that you have in your mind to go into do something like this huh well the answer is no because I have no need to go make a walking talking uh like Minecraft ghaster even though I guess that would be kind of cool

But the amount of extremely complicated like I feel like that would be it’s just not worth it and I don’t have enough time to go and figure out something like that I don’t have enough time to work on my 10y year anniversary video either so time is such a Fickle thing man

It really is okay so now we go four four okay let’s see so what is this looking like right now after I do four Four two three four so it’s kind of getting a little close to connect this is a pretty good like platform area though cuz it’s enough like to really get to see the full logo you’re not really like really looking up that high like you can like look at it like straightforward pretty

Much it’s not bad all right cool um I got to figure out how I want to complete the shape though do I want to like maybe do something unique that I can like just keep stretching It Out by fours and connect it that way or just like keep

Lowering it in more I think I should probably keep lowering it in more cuz I think that actually will help with the look I think it will help with what I’m also trying to accomplish here yeah um so so Cedar Point uh let’s see if I can

Recall like Cedar Point has way too many attractions to go and recall but they got like uh like honestly it’s one of like the like Perfect theme parks out there cuz I got a really really good Sol collection of a bunch of like different types of flat rides uh the roller

Coaster collection they have a bunch of different types of coasters there which really does line up like their coaster collection they got Giga coaster Millennium Force which is 300 like over 300 feet tall there’s not many of those like coasters out there they used to

Have top Jack was turning into top FR 2 which is their strata coaster which is only two of those like out there in the world which is top R 2 is one of them then steel Avengers is one of their world class coasters that’s kind of like

Go wild cat a little bit made by the same manufacturer and it’s really really crazy and give really good long amount of ride time and whatnot Maverick’s a really cool small coaster it like launches up the LIF TOS an over 90 like over 90° angle drop so

It’s a 95 degree angle drop and this has a really cool launching part like underneath its station which is where the best part of the ride is so good so unbelievably good uh then you have other ones like uh Magnum xl200 which is there’s definitely a lot of

Ejected airtime that like if it’s triangle airtime Hills it’s one of their older coasters not one of my personal favorites in the park but I can see like why it has its fans I feel like it’s definitely going to eventually leave the park I just don’t know whenn but I

Honestly won’t be all too sad about it once it leaves the park they have a really cool uh they have a dive coaster which honestly not one of the best dive coasters not really but they got Val Raven at the park uh dive coaster what that does it’s

Basically like it goes up really high and then hangs you over and it like go over the 90° and drop and then it drops you so that’s a dive coaster there and then they have Raptor which is an underneath the track ride which is really forceful and has a lot of

Inversions so it’s a really fun ride Gatekeepers at the front of their park as their Wing Co so there nothing in the middle just seats at the side it’s actually a pretty cool like uh model there I really like it a lot um they have their wild mouse which

Is a spinning spinning wild mouse coaster obviously it’s one of their newest editions Gemini is a nice racing like uh rate racing coaster they got at the park um trying to remember all their coaster collection they have cork screw which is a it’s only really there for the

Spectacle it’s not much of a RI just has a drop like a drop a little air time not much of an airtime Hill like a vertical Loop and then two cork screws and then cork screws Dawn that’s pretty much it for that ride then the iron dragon’s a cool

Swinging like coaster like where like it it swings like the car swings like a like it Transitions and whatnot uh there’s rugaru which is one of the Forgotten coasters in the park but it’s still a fun like uh inversion machine in the track underneath you like

You don’t have any like us like floor underneath like your coaster car it’s it’s a floorless coaster uh then you got some more toned down ones like Cedar Creek Mine ride and then uh it’s like a Mine Train coaster for for kids and then you got werness run and Woodstock Express being their

Kid Coasters is anything else I’m forgetting a the point oh there’s Blue Streak which is their classic uh like classic wooden coaster towards the front of the park uh I think that’s pretty much it if I’m forgetting any coasters I apologize I think that’s pretty much all the major

Ones like I’m thinking of like the park layout in my head and I don’t think I’m forgetting anything no I don’t think I am so they got a really good solid leoser collection and the top four are steel Vengeance uh Millennium for is top thr 2 hopefully uh and then Maverick okay I need need to focus here and actually figure what the freck I’m doing am any watching well marada is technically supposed to be here I’m not sure if he’s still here anymore but uh welcome J lightning fan let’s sa be back so Morado is asking me like what

Kind of attractions are terer point or Hershey Parks I’m just kind to like try to recall like all the roller coasters each the park see how much I remember six there so wait is this a is a six here too oh man it has a two block middle I don’t want that that

Sucks no I don’t want a two block middle I want a one block middle two block middles suck I’m I’m going increase it a little more I hate I like I’m telling you I hate one block or two block medals they’re Annoying I don’t want to deal with them how you doing today uh how you doing today other J since uh since since Jay is currently not here what you doing on this block game making a roller coaster may not look like it but this is a part of the coaster making process Yes is part of it crap I don’t know do this easiest fig what I need to do there we go much better now I actually have a one block mdle I want a one block mdle for this thing here yeah so Coaster’s back there but I like

Making entrance WS for my coaster here and entrance way here is definitely interfering with the me one which I think we’re going to unfortunately I think this makeo entrance way is going to get a little retired well I mean I guess I could still do the makeo entrance way it’s

Then I would have to go and like I may actually just yeah I think I’m just going to fully like get rid of all this moo stuff here cuz if I’m going to have the the Wildcat Revenge stuff here and then have like a pathway connecting from moo to go

Over to here and I already have to other Pathways there than this this all all this makeo all this makeo stuff here Here you can just see W the wildcast Revenge thing just looming in the background it’s pretty cool so yeah working on uh so working on a roller coaster specifically working on its entrance way right now trying to make a killer entrance way obviously not much of the entrance

Way is completed right now obviously it’s because I’m trying to lay it out and I’m starting to work on it in in this video here which for the time I’ve gone for so far I have not really gotten much progress if I’m being honest no I really have not gotten much progress

Unfortunately progress is a bit lackluster right now up and now change hold on just because I’m going to be filling this out of grass I’m going to make sure I’m this out here it is okay yeah I’m really hoping that this uh this entrance rate design here is going to

Turn out to be pretty good soz I I have like a a good idea in mind for it I hope that I’ll be able to execute on it we yeah rip for ripped to this m makeup pathway unfortunate rip we’re going to have a new pathway going in through here actually the

Pathway is not even going to go through here it’s going to go through somewhere like other entirely man now like now that I have like this light block thing it makes me really want to go and Actually actually I don’t think we have to block this all so this is obviously going to be the main entrance way for this thing here never went to a theme park uh since I was a kid so he’s saying like you never went to a fi Park like so you’ve

Never been to like a theme park again like uh since you since you were a kid just not interested at all in like checking out checking out F Parks oh gosh damn it well I guess I should doesn’t really matter too much since I’m getting rid of this design anyways whatever it’s

Fine all right up now we get to do some of the easier parts of the build yes the easier parts of the build speaking of Jay uh I don’t think I’ve ever asked you I mean I know since you definitely seem to be a little bit

Of am Park Guru many uh how many different Parks maybe I asked this already I apologize if I I probably did ask this already but how many fi Parks have you been to good sir see if I can try to recall mine uh I’ve been to none of them are around in my

Town where do you if you don’t mind me asking uh what state do you live in or I mean you don’t even live in a state in the US if you don’t feel like answering no pressure cuz I’m just curious because I’m curious to know what’s around

You you don’t have to tell me your town there’s one those St don’t to reveal where good old clips and not lives I know where I live right now King’s Island is about 45 minutes away from me and uh Cedar Point’s about 3 hours away for me so it’s not

Terrible okay oh this is a little bit annoying yeah legendary evolution is completely like interfering with uh this here H what should I do that’s a good question me I guess I could technically like just fully remove that support not really incredibly needed it does feel like it’s needed

Though looks like it will help support it better or maybe what I can do is like I can remove this one but I only have like uh two supp course we live in Canada oh really well the only two Canadian Parks I can think of is Canada’s Wonderland and

The one’s definitely way better than the other one and I haven’t even been to the other one yet but yeah I mean I it does depend how close can’s Wonderland or lur is like nearby to you CU those are really your only like two parks you can really uh go to

There not think I’d be changing legendary evolution in this stream here that was one thing I was not thinking I’d be doing this stream here but atas here we are I’m new to this uh part of town what you mean by that LE I have n Hershey Hershey uh near

Hershey the second closest that’s which is the hour drive for me oh jeez if that’s closest that kind of sucks well there’s probably some other parks that you are close to but like Uh um but like they’re like probably not like major like Parks though like you know so you may have some other Parks like around you but you don’t have like some of the not many major parks around you I’d say also I think I should probably go and uh do this here

Here yeah so what so what other it Junior Gamers literally that’s how how like hershe she is is pronounced so you think about it it does it does sound like that making a walk oh so you’re just marada H I had a feeling what happened to what happened

To your other account marada I know that’s you you literally act like marada H why did you change to a different account yeah I found you out wasn’t that hard to find you out just because you said making a walking talking coaster yeah you can you can be all dumbfounded

As much as you want maybe I’m being dumb I don’t know but I feel like I’m not being dumb here anyways never gone to her she because my family hasn’t like really gone have you like been do like Hershey like at all like you say like even like you

Like Hershey is one of your closest parks like you haven’t even lik been at all all right sorry I had to go and delay a little bit working on L Revenge had to go and make the supports look a little different here I mean it still looks

Okay yeah just making it more open here for the bast Revenge entrance which oh that’s glorious m oh my gosh Mara sometimes sometimes I how close uh I mean from where you live clips now if you’re still here uh oh clost is can’s Wonderland for me you

Can use like Google Maps to go and see I’m curious how close are you to Canada’s Wonderland I mean Canada’s Wonderland and if you’re actually like not too far away from in it it’s a really like it’s one of the best parks like in North America so i’ would highly recommend a

Visit if you want to like really cuz they have like some pretty cuz I mean they have all different types of coasters there like coasters that going and get you into coasters like some beginner coasters and then they have the really high frill coasters they’re like Leviathan Yukon Striker

Behemoth so even Vortex I kind of consider high for real that Park so that Park really has like a lot of really cool like unique attractions uh you can definitely go and try out for first time first time trying to get into like coasters and Whatnot all right I’ll go in air I guess up here I didn’t really need to air all that but whatever it was easier to deal with it that way it was indeed easier Kennywood is the closest park I know of oh Kennywood I know so many people say that

They like Kennywood but me and my dad are not really one of those like people I know we’ve never really been too incredibly fond of uh Kennywood cuz I mean our first visit to the park like kind of like left us of not even kind of it did leave us with a

With a bad impression cuz like literally their newest coaster they had built like you think that they hour 25 that’s actually not bad at all like you totally could like uh like plan a visit to can’s Wonderland CU I mean like my home park is only about an hour

Away for me like when I’m back at home and and here at here at College at Kings Island’s only about like 50 minutes away for me so yeah that’s not bad at all that’s actually genuinely pretty close all right let’s go and unfill all this crap here here this will take some

Time actually w’t take too long that is totally doable not bad not bad at All but I what was I saying before yeah I was talking about Kenny Wood right yeah yeah Kenny Wood was all right park I mean like cuz I remember like we went there when Steel Curtain was like uh very very new at the time like like

Steel Curtain was um only like a like a week old like at at that point there like when it opened uh so and they were only running one train on it which was which is definitely makes for awful capacity like absolutely awful capacity like oh my goodness gracious the capacity was terrible mhm

Never been there since the Steel Curtain Dutch Wonderland fi Park where I am oh yeah interesting I guess I should this here all right let’s go and destroy all That there we go all right mean Steel Curtain I mean it was like a really good ride like I did genuinely really enjoy Steel Curtain actually was a pretty cool ride like I’m actually like one of Steel curtain’s like lovers like for the ride but I don’t know it’s just like like literally

Like for only having one train operations and then it took them like an like so like the park said it opened like at a certain in time I forget what time it was but like at Park opening they didn’t even like have like any of the attractions actually really running

Like actually like genuinely like the park actually felt open like an hour past because that’s actually when they led us into the Steel Curtain line and even when we were in the Steel Curtain line because it was only running one train and like the ride’s really long like and the employees wen’t really

Really doing a good job like pumping out the trains fast literally something like cuz we were actually some of the first people to get like in line for it too mind you and literally we only got one ride on it because if we tried the wait in line again for them Lally that’ll

Take up like the rest of our day like oh yeah so yeah I didn’t really have a good time of Steel Curtain because literally it took us two and a half hours to just go and get on the ride when we were like some of the first people like in line to

Go and get on it because it was running one train and uh and then and they like they weren’t really pumping out the trains all too fast and also like it took them an hour to just even open up the ride even when the par Park was open

I’m just like dude what the hell like be like freaking Six Flags or Cedar Point and like have all your rides like tested and ready to go like when the park like actually like opens very SE more F Parks Pennsyvania uh there’s plenty of like pretty smaller

Smaller Parks out there but I mainly try to Target like the big stream like parks for sure oh crap uh hold on I need to see where I’m doing oh I’m just oh right I know what I’m doing gra that block here there we go all right air nice all right there we

Go yeah the only part is I’ve been in Pennsylvania is Hershey Park and Kenny Wood I think those are the only parks that I’ve been to in Pennsylvania cuz I know bushards Williamsburg not in Pennsylvania that’s in Virginia I’m pretty sure so yeah I think the only two parks I’ve been to

Pennsylvania is uh Hershey Park and Kenny Wood so yeah mhm have I ever played VR um I think I’ve I’ve definitely tried it out before I definitely have but like I never done any like VR streams though because our VR headset is at home I have

Tried it I mean we do have VR at home I mean it’s crazy all the different like video game stuff that we have now I mean yeah I got list off like my gaming devices we have DS 3DS Wii Wii U Nintendo switch uh Xbox Xbox One a PC

Like a PC stuff like for gaming like it’s Hest crazy like the amount of stuff that we have like for um just playing games and VR is one of them and I think even we own some like other like old Gaming devices like stored like uh maybe like in the Attic

Or something so there’s some other ones there too yeah I think the one thing I tried in VR was beat saber because I mean what else you going to try in VR for like a first time experience like come on now n no matter how many times you ask me

For it you’re not going to get it it’s kind of like how someone on my my giveaways I don’t know why he always likes Jo my giveaways but one of my friends Brody like uh for some reason likes coming on my stream asking me to go and eat

Garlic and then someone else also wants me to eat pancakes which actually I’d be down to do but I don’t have pancakes on me and even if I wanted to eat garlic I don’t have garlic on me which even that wouldn’t be much of a problem though cuz

It’s like for some reason my friend Brody has like an unlimited stock of garlic cuz he’s weird uh so you kind of remind me of them being in like an insistent like nuisance like asking to go do something over again I’m just going to say nope no nope Noe nope

Every single time if I don’t feel like doing it I’m not going to do it and you can’t force me to do it unless you literally tie me to a chair and have a gun to my head and tell me to go and do it then Maybe you didn’t even spell his name right lame you can go to her par in this Su that’d be fun yeah like Jonathan’s like are you going to go to Hershey Park again uh again and I’m just like are you going to go Tob again like this year and I’m like

Bro like that’s a 7h hour drive to go and get all the way like out there like I don’t think like I don’t think I’m going to go I don’t think we’re going to be going out and then is hery Park’s on 12-hour drive if I back all the way in Illinois

So hery park that was like a really like like special occasion there for that so I don’t think we’re going to be back at Hershey anytime soon unless maybe they build like the next Giga Cod or something like that or like some really world class coaster that that will give

Me an excuse to want to go back down there be like damn you Hershey Park well I had an excuse to go down to Universal velocci coaster one opening but I still haven’t been like there Yet man sorry I’m calling you that Mara but it’s the only word that I can think of to describe but your incessant telling me to go do something that I don’t want to do kind of being a nuisance it’s a perfect word to describe man I like waffles too I’m

Definitely more of a I’m definitely more of a pancake uh guy though I don’t mind waffles though what do you guys say are you are you more of like a waffle or a pancake guy cuz again like I I love it like at hotels for example when they have like

Those like waffle like makers like where like you wait like 2 minutes or something for it to go and cook and then I go and like I always love doing waffles I love like filling Maple Sy at every one of like the squares like filling it up to the brim and then just

Go Chomp down in it like it’s so good I love doing that like hell yeah good stuff hav been Universal Studios for I mean I have been there too but like it’s almost been 10 years now since I’ve last been like Universal Studios like it’s been eight years since I last been so

It’s getting there and the thing is too like the perfect time to go is when epic Universe opens which is next year and also that’s also my graduation Year too from college so as a really good graduation GI we can take a good music Park trip down to Florida and do like

Hit up Universal hit up SeaWorld and like maybe go to Bush gar Tampa again to ride iron guazi maybe even go to a Disney park uh who knows how crazy our budget’s going to be probably not that crazy but it’s totally like a good time to go and do it

Though all right let me see so pancakes are better by a bit he pancake Squad yes sir this if you don’t make okay well if you say you’re going to destroy the planet prove it I want like I want to see like the whole planet EXP explode

And I want to see me die oh I don’t want to die but if you’re going to do it then I like to see you try you can do it in the anime world but I don’t think you can do it in the real world or like I’m going to figure out

Some way the government can’t stop me yeah and I don’t I don’t Care nice it’s nice looking entrance way by the way that it we got we got it all nicely like filled out there it actually fills up this area pretty nicely I like it all right now we got to start coming up with a pathway design for around this

Thing okay so I think I have something in mind for how I’m going to do this I think I have to see how this works though well I think obviously one of the cool things we should do is uh when back Universal again in 2027 when the the H epic Universe like dies

Down that’s probably a good idea I probably should go and uh do something like that but uh I don’t know it’s just 2025 just seems like the perfect year to go down to Florida again though and I mean like you know what been 9 years since I’ve last been the universal and I

That’s long enough by that point I so badly want to go back to Universal not just for velocci coaster but like of course epic universe is going to have a lot of good things there it’s like super and Super Nintendo World definitely something I’m super excited

About I mean I wouldn’t be as excited for it if i’ been to the Hollywood one but I’ve not cuz I not been back to California since 2017 so jeez okay so I got to think about how I want to do This all Right I’m thinking next week Saturday actually kind of coming up soon I don’t think purple will work with this I was thinking it was going to be like a dark blackish color but I think if we want to go for dark blackish you got to go for you got to go

For dark dark oak wood yeah close you’re going to get now here’s my problem with this Though now I know I did have like an idea like I I’ve been saying a l the stream here that I have like an idea of what I want to do however I have to actually like again I figure out how to execute it like what

Blocks I want to use so I’m trying to figure out what blocks I want to use I mean most likely there will be plenty of spots available for Among Us most likely you’ll be able to join even though I’m not sure how much I would be atoned for that there cuz I’m

Not sure how much my college friends or my other friends would deal with you so I don’t know I’m like a little bit iffy about your inclusion cuz I’m I’m not just thinking about like for like in terms of how I feel it’s like I’m also thinking about

In terms of like how my friends are going to feel towards you they might not like you a whole lot no offense not saying I dislike you but oh man I don’t know what I want to use here well I think here’s what I’m

Planning I I think I want to do like a glass and wood combination I I I I’ll have to go and see what the combination is maybe tinted glass that’d be kind of cool well I wanted to be able to see through the glass though I might have like some lights we

Can have tent glass in there not let’s see build it out a little bit I kind of like it a little Bit maybe I can do something like I did for moo like instead of doing like this actually this patter design is not that bad what do you guys think of this here here’s something nothing else I’m thinking of potentially doing uh maybe we can like combine it with Spruce logs

Or something we can do something like so this is the outer border design mind you hold on probably should just have not Spruce log Spruce Wood uh which one’s the dark wood dark okay so this here this here like that and then you have red oh man the glass really does cover that

Up I think yeah I think black glass black SK glass will look better here uh I don’t know what do you guys think compared to do you like the top one or the bottom one more I think the top one looks a little better yeah the other thing I can do too is

Like I mean this is out of oak wood so it would make sense to actually have the wood as Oak God okay yeah I think I personally like I don’t like this design not too much yeah what do you guys think do you

Think the dark is so so as like uh so as an outline so as an outline design what do you guys think looks better on like the top one or the bottom one CU this will be like an outline that goes around the entrance way and also be like around

Like the pathways like going around like for this ride technically there’s not really one pathway it’s this pathway here but Top by far yep that’s why I’m starting to call Little J1 Jonathan now because that’s uh his real name he doesn’t mind if I call him like that

Yeah I think definitely like the Border cuz like I I I know that like there’s like the black like support like design for it like there I think like represents like that darker like uh color like with it so I like that all right we’ll do that I’m cool

With that all right so we’ll pattern this up here a little Bit or I can just call Jay the lightning ninja fan just ninja fan man you guys could potentially me up her possible I dare you to guess my real name uh I don’t want to go for that there’s so many names out there the only guess I’ll give is marada but I

Know that’s not right maybe it is right who knows be kind of funny maybe marada is like your last name or something I I can imagine marada more being a last name not much of a first name though like I don’t like I don’t hear anybody like calling themselves Mara like that’s such

A that’ be an odd name to go and name your name your kid last name though I can see that though actual name is your name oh so it’s not so you just spelled a little differently oh never mind you just Auto CED being mean to you

Uhhuh I thought that’d be more of a last name guess I’m wrong okay I need to think of a well I think fence is not going to be too bad we could do like nether brick fence ooh actually okay that kind of represents like the black steel little bit there I kind of

Like that ooh all right well let’s compare it between dark oak and nether brick Fence well I feel like I want like a fence that like is not matching its color what do you guys think I either go for dark oak or nether brick I feel like nether brick is much better yeah I think we got to go for nether brick right what do you guys think

Kind of like getting this together here a little bit Heather brick Heather rck what the hell that wanted me to name me what another Break by far yeah I’m glad you I’m glad Jay agrees with me right another brick it is mm I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone named

W if you don’t mind sharing I mean I could see your name being Jay since you named yourself the Jay the lightning fan but is that actually like your name because I know Jay is not actually Jonathan’s name no CU it’s Jonathan obviously also you may not be that noticeable but

Uh look what shirt I’m wearing I’m wearing shirt for this bad bad boy over here Sky Rush Oh Yeah not sure if y’all noticed that or not but yeah I’m wearing a sky Rush shirt I was actually I do have a wild cats’s Revenge shirt but uh I it’s

Buried in my hamper so I could not wear it for the stream one of my streams I should be able to wear it though I just have to go do laundry at some point in the future yeah I got myself a good old Sky Rush shirt on right now hell

Yeah any of you guys going to be watching the Super Bowl tonight oh gosh damn it did I mess up the pattern somewhere oh I did gosh damn it whoops I hate it when I mess up the pattern it’s so annoying is just a nickname basically

Just a nickname of mine going to launch just because of Taylor Swift Taylor Swift performing in the Super Bowl thought it was Usher H or is it going to be something like like where they have like multiple artists so I like one year they did like Cold Play Beyonce and

Bruno Mars it’s still one of my favorite Cold Play like that’s still one of my favorite like uh Super Bowl halftime shows watching the puppy B yeah if you’re wondering if I’m watching it I’m not going to normally like I do watch it like um because like

I go to like a relatives like house but since I’m away at College like uh no I I I don’t have to go to my relatives party and have to and go and see it I mean Super Bowl like is I mean football like it’s not like bad to go

And watch it’s just I’ve never really been much of a sporty like kind of guy it’s going to be Usher but I’m sure they’ll cut back to Taylor multiple times I actually had to look up I’m like what the freck songs does this guy have and

And I found out he was the guy that uh had uh the DJ goddess Falling In Love song which is hilarious I I checked revenge and apparently Revenge only has 90 million views less than uh the Usher and like Usher has like 300 like 80 million views on that

So freaking like revenge like Minecraft like has like 200 like 80 million views now or something like that something absolutely insane I’m just like what the freck like bro this is like the most popular Minecraft song like what the hell like how does a parody of like a

Like for Minecraft actually almost have just as Like it Like It’s actually kind of like on par with like the original like song it’s like what the freck that’s crazy more black fence instead of Darko giving yeah cuz it it definitely like pops out like a lot more for Sure imagine like alive at Super Bowl like instead of like this thing that DJ’s Got Us Falling in Love again he’s like the creeper trying to steal our stuff again imagine that that make it that be like if they do that that’s my that’s my new favorite Super

Bowl imagine if they actually do that I know they won’t but that would be too unbelievably funny if they actually did that I would be dying laughing they just had they just pull Minecraft Captain sparkle up on the screen like singing the song and whatnot like

Uh by the way Big W for the Hershey Park uh yes yes yes than thank you I I so I I I also had Great Bear I also had Great Bear and um Fahrenheit in my closet still right now but I was like well I haven’t built

Either of those in Minecraft yet but Sky rush I did so feels the most fitting and I do have a wild cats renge shirt but it’s buried in my hamper right now so like I’m not going to go even try that nope Sparkle shows up yes secret Cameo Sparkle baby let’s [Laughter]

Go cuz baby tonight the creepers trying to steal all our stuff F yeah oh that’s great oh this is a good Pokemon be here which one is this again oh battle Team Galactic boss yeah this is a good them love this theme all right now we got to figure Out okay now I got the outline design but now I got to figure out the Middle Design might get some inspiration from a different coaster not too far away ghost I’m getting inspiration off of let’s get on over to Ghost Rider oh wow this entrance so well done

Oh my goodness dude all ride is so well done dude I’m really happy of how ghost rer revamp turned out so crazy cool mhm right now I got two crazy people in my chat now fantastic Mario plushy I have a challenge for you besides from that

Message there you are not allowed to go and post any milk uh milk of the Beast or milk or any kind of like related stuff like that throughout this whole stream here not even a single reference to your favorite uh cringey as all hell stupid is stupidest song in the world

And the most disturbing song in the world all right that your challenge in this video and I think you won’t be able to take it I challenge you so hard good luck I could do something like This I do like this design here but I don’t know if I want to do it for wild cat I don’t know my family is usually bned at 2% uh that goes for you Mara just because I’m challenging Mario plushy that doesn’t mean you can go and put it into exactly

Exactly yall know it let me check don’t have any options here It’s a tough decision um okay don’t be that pacific marada you creepy ass how you all yall find is disturbing ass funny I think something cool would be o actually ooh actually I have an idea what block is this ooh I actually have a good idea well I have a good idea hold on I think I might have a really good idea here folks hold on I need to clear out my inventory

Is there anything important I need my inventory right now uh I guess the light barrier hold on thr this that really quickly uh you know what happens when you go and disobey the Luigi Striker right anybody um Mr moderator guys do you know what happens when you go and disobey uh Luigi

Striker I let the chat know what happens when you disobey the Luigi Striker I think uh I think uh good old good old Jonathan knows where I’m going with This oh yeah okay now we’re talking oh yeah ooh that looks good actually I like it more like this mute will happen correct and you guys are disobeying me right now unbelievable you have okay I’m just going to say this right now um I’m not really a huge fan I’m going

To be completely honest here right now I get y’all are having fun but your fun is um not really fun to me and uh it is incredibly annoying so just stop spotting like the most randomst of nonsense in my chat it’s starting to get really frustrating like actually like genuinely try to like

Give some good conversation because this is nothing here I can’t do anything like of these like chat messages like here and I’m honestly just getting frustrated at this point here like you guys are really frustrating me no no the Jays aren’t frustrating me they’re being fine you guys are cool but

Two other specific people in the chat right now are very much frustrating me so stop being stop saying a bunch of random nonsense in my chat and if you go and keep doing that then I’m going going to uh mute you for like 30 minutes you’re saying random nonsense in

The chat that is really annoying and I have the balls to go and let you know about it all right I’m not this sensitive uh I’m not that I’m not this sensitive guy anymore guys like cuz I think what really changed in me was was something that happened in one of my

Pokémon giveaways where people were railing on me and they were were like oh my gosh Luigi didn’t give credit to this person here oh wow you’re like go and do that here like oh my gosh ranting at me and I’m just like now after that happen

I’m like trying to stand up for myself more and trying to express my thoughts more clearly so that’s what I’m doing right now and I’m letting you guys know that you guys are annoying the living crap out of me so please go and stop or else I will give or or I’ll

Start giving out 30 minute mutes Okie doie okei all Rightz if you know Luigi Striker it’s not going to be good for you trust me oh my gosh I think Mario plushy is not listening to me he is not listening just saying he’s continuing I’m going to give him one last chance if I see something that’s random nonsense again then bye-bye Bye

Felicia do you guys also do you guys like this design here I really like this I really like this m cuz I go like when I was looking at the logo I was like hold on like the black like part like the logo there with

Like the Deep slate and what not I feel it could be a really good touch there so I actually really like that a lot yeah yeah what you what you got for me what you got for me Jonathan what you got want to hear Itma boss F nice bu I confirmed I like LSM more than Hydro really I mean honestly nowadays it’s like since hydraulic launchers are getting so fizzled out like there’s barely anything around it’s kind of understandable now now like now we got to get adjusted to all the other like more frequent types

Of launches out there which is LSM so I ain’t going to judge you too much for That looking good thank you making sure I’m clicking right channel here oh my gosh YouTube all right I’m just going to do this on my phone my computer be lagging like freck oh that video was a waste of my at least 5 Seconds of my time

Brother get my stream up don’t think I have it up right now oh yes my adds ref my videos here we go let’s do that there we go didn’t listen to me so pay the consequences bye-bye m put a lot of F into this I guess like so

I guess like out of all the launches that exist out there like how would you like guys like personally rank like all like the coaster launches like that exist out there kind of curious what do you guys think all right let’s See I kind of want to do something similar to Ghost Rider here I think actually like I could do something pretty similar here to Ghost Rider and it look good like I could reverse launch and two the reliability oh yeah I guess if you think about it Hydro launches actually can’t

Reverse launch that’s a fair point actually um the only free launch launch types I could think of out there is air compression lsms and hydraulic I think there’s some well I guess there’s also the sling launches there’s also Tire launches too so sling launches are like really old on stuff

Like monaz Zuma’s Revenge and I think they’re also on I know those LS too like those lsms and LS I’ve not a compression I’ve read in both of the ones actually in North America powder ceg and Max Force yeah air compression like you’re definitely cool I really like the punchiness like

To the launch actually might be one of my more favorite launches like out there pretty good I think L launches are like on stuff like flight of fear I think I think that uses like some specific like type of like launching system did R powder cakes so you have been on one

Liar just didn’t realize it yeah that’s technically an air compression launch most definitely is poor like always forget about powder cak since like it’s get it’s getting outshined by Max Force it’s understandable it does get it does get out Shine by Max Force a bit now so max force just be overwhelming it’s

Like overwhelming it Max Force oh wait hold on I probably should do it like this actually I don’t like the yeah let’s put them yeah cuz I want like there to be like a pattern here with this I’m actually really liking this design here this is a really solid pathway design I

Like it me likey soz what I can do here is like in the entrance way I can just like uh double it I like the stairs design mhm so I think of out of all the launch coasters I’ve written Pantheon Pantheon is like my favorite really I still think personally though I

Mean like I I mean I haven’t actually experienced like I mean besides like um Wicked Twister or um Vertical Velocity I’ve not really experienced much swing launching roller coasters I like the genuinely like new really good ones like Pantheon for example I haven’t really like experienced like many of those though

So so yeah I can’t really give like a firm opinion on that though cuz I I never really like like known like known what a like a backwards launch actually feels like i’ I’ve never like experienced that before it’s something I definitely want to go and experience but

Still my favorite launch though has to go to like a top FR draxter though cuz I mean top dra launch is absolutely mental is absolutely insane launch so crazy good that launch is like mental oh my gosh I I’m definitely like I and I’m sad

That like I’m no longer going to be able to experience its launch unless I go to King Kaka but yeah that’s why I’m actually really excited to go and experience like top R 2 because that’s going to be one of the craziest swing launching roller coasters

I know I won’t be getting that ejector Air Time backwards like I doing Pantheon it doesn’t have an air time Hill in the middle there but it’s still still going to be an absolutely crazy swing launching coaster I’m going to get to experience so yeah that’s going to be

Exciting uh does this look good I think so actually like that yeah looks nice reverse launches are fun yeah like I said I’ve only experienced like Vertical Velocity and we get twister for the most part or I mean unless I’m forgetting about some I’m probably am those are the two that

Come to the top of my head I really do like iron like lightning rods launch well now it’s going to be a highs speeed chain lift fun yes yes yes um what’s going to be in the 10th anniversary video um so I guess any of you guys I guess

I’ll get you guys a little bit like I’m really advertising this a lot cuz I want you guys to be there for for when the anniversary video comes out and you’re going to be like well when it’s going to come out Luigi no idea I’m still working on it and I have

No idea I mean I’m So currently right now one like I’m I’m getting close to getting two fifths of it done two I probably actually have about two fths of it done at this point so it’s about 40% complete right now I’d say cuz currently what I’m doing right

Now is I got the m so I got a Minecraft coaster compilation being like done if you want to get a little bit of a preview for that it’s in my update video for the 10 10 year anniversary on my main Channel if you want to check that

Out I recommend it’s pretty cool so far but I mean that that’s just like the like first part of it though like it gets even better like as the Like lyrics video like progresses so that’s going to be awesome so so good um and then there’ll be a bunch of so go through

Like highlights throughout each of my free different channels or like different things so like I said one of them is Minecraft coasters and one of them just be a bunch of random main Channel highlights then stream highlights then I have like worship music I’ve upload from my church and

Also from my college that I go to so there’ll be some highlights there and then the last one of the last ones is going to be YouTube shorts since there’s uh I made a couple of YouTube shorts and I’m making it its own category so yeah plenty of uh plenty of like categories

Like uh coming up and I’m definitely pretty excited to go and get this like video out for you guys like hell yeah it’s going to be an awesome video trying to see which one I like more here uh may we don’t even do this hold on I have an

Idea we switch between them here that look I’m like experimenting with designs here uhuh oh that’s a unique design I kind of like it a little bit actually it’s very weird but it kind of works let me let me finish more of it see if I like it give me though

H thanks for 10 likes on the video by the way guys I mean I I I been telling you guys that going like the video and you guys have been liking the video you guys are killing it I don’t have to tell you guys that go like the video and you

Guys are doing it it kind of does look like a mess though I don’t know it looks kind of cool though I mean like maybe if I have it like copied on the other side I think this would look a lot better maybe we’ll See so when I’m figuring out designs like once I figure out my repetitive design that I’m going to go and do then I’ll focus more on what you guys are saying in the chat but I’m currently trying to go and like figure out my design right now so I’m not really

Talking too much to you guys right now so apologies but once I figure out my design I should be good to continue talking a designer must Focus sometimes to go and get his work done all right how does this look I mean actually that doesn’t look too

Bad it’s a really neat design actually you know what I’ll keep it I like it I like it I like it I’m going to SeaWorld San Diego and Belmont Park no never been there free SeaWorld Park technically that’s wrong SeaWorld owns Bush Gardens Bush Gardens and they also own

Uh own both both both go BL they own both why can’t I say this what the hell they own both why is that such a like a tongue twister they own both Bush Gardens Parks it’s not that hard to say me what the hell um and then they also I

Think they also like there’s also I mean I know that technically the company doesn’t own this park but there’s also a seor park in Australia so wrong there a chain SE BS well my other point still stands that there’s technically a SeaWorld Park in Australia I think there’s also another

One somewhere else too that actually is like owned by the company who owns the SeaWorld parks in the USA h I know the one in Australia has a really good like GCI coaster there according to Taylor it’s really really good I think it’s like Leviathan or something forgot about that yeah

Understand I mean us us being America fusi as not really getting outs like to International stuff we don’t really remember much of the other parks around the world so I ain’t judging honestly like the only reason why I know of that Park is because Taylor did a

Like Taylor from coaster Studios did a visit down there you know like it’s Australia trip so that’s literally the only reason why I actually know about that Park dude guys that’s a nice that’s a nice entrance there look at that that looks awesome hell yeah it’s wow that’s

V hell yeah now I got to think of a good light block mhm um me check all the light blocks guess I found them I didn’t take too Long all right so it’s Wild Cat’s Revenge path time yes sir soundrack is Iconic makes me kind of want to listen to it right now I ruin my Pokemon Shuffle but I actually have it I have it on iTunes because I did the whole mb3 I I did the

Whole YouTube link mb3 downloader thing and then I shove the MB free to iTunes so I have it on iTunes for epic pathway creation actually before I play this though um probably should also complete the lighting underneath it um so here’s our next little debacle we’re going to

Debate in the chat now right here’s what we’re going to debate next so do we want so we’ll show for two of them I guess I should do that should here I’ll just place it this side I guess uh just cover up I guess all right so what do you guys

Think which one looks better H do we want the the Redstone lamps or do we want the shroom lights cuz I feel like those are the most fitting for lighting underneath the glass what do you guys think should also time segment right here so we can start lighting up should alternate between

Too it’s not a terrible idea that be more annoying to do I definitely could tell which one would be the like lamp and which one would be the shroom cuz the shroom one would be red and then the black orange would be the the redstone lamp It just

Fits more like with the colors but also I mean I actually do really like the now you mention that like they I feel like that combination would look really nice damn it now I actually want to do that but that’s going to be such a

Hassle H damn you Jay why you do this to me why you do this all right let’s I have an idea but uh let’s see how I do this here okay stream crash no it’s it’s still alive something on your end don’t know what you mean lamp would be harder with no having

To place the Redstone yeah that’s my problem with it but I have an idea because technically like you’re not going to see this so here I’m going to do this again they’re not going to see this it doesn’t really matter if I have redstone block so only I’ll underneath all this

Here oh n n n n n n n I love that song but my goodness copyright no no no no I’m like no no no no I was like get out of here Ed Sherman freck off out of here get out no no no no no I’m going to do

That I’m going to fill this in here ah trapping myself no okay now we’re going to do trying to make this process go quickly all right now what we got to do is uh replace the black actually I have an IDE I have an idea too about

This I mean I could easily just go back and place the black glass around again but I have an idea too that actually like speed it up up just a little bit cuz you know when I did for removing the snow and the wild cats Revenge logo

Easily well we’ll do that for um filling it in this time so we’ll do like replace air with uh the black glass big brain big brain wasn’t really big brain me here to go and ACD destroy that uh okay here we go black Black I really do like that look all right here let’s try it shouldn’t take too long really going to take less time than going to do this so let’s do it all right uh black oh okay so black stained glass replace air h there we go see look at that all the

Men it’s wild C it’s big brain time Big Brain the biggest brains of all of all time yes sir we’re just going to have this as our phrase It’s wow cat avenge time it’s it’s so I like I don’t know why it’s so simple but it’s so iconic like it I I

Don’t know like what the heck Hershey Park what what are you doing to us so simple but so iconic so true redstone redstone block bam and then we here I can just do this Two two oh another big brain play by none other than the Luigi strier another big brain play has been done yes sir got to go again no we’re losing we’re losing the double day we’re losing the Double J Doo damn how unfortunate now there’s only one

J more big brain yes more wild cat big brain like I didn’t have to type the whole command out again it’s like lit in the same dimensions where I wanted it so why not what’s not being big brain right now is I keep accidentally destroying the wood stop doing that

Unbelievable man I really do like this idea but man this is going to be annoying it’s not terrible it just would have been so much more better if I just filled in like the areas there and just moved on but Jay had to go come up with

A splendid dead idea Jonathan J to go and do this Jay was like uh like a ninja fan Jay was like yeah um take the easier route Luigi I’m like I like that I like the easier route but Noah Jonathan Jay is just like nope no easy route for you Luigi I’m like

Bro like when do we want this like building process to be easy for you well I want the building process to be easy for me I have feelings too you know okay red stained glass replace Air Boom easiness all right all right all right all right look at that look at

That snazzy entrance way there all right I have to light up the logo again that’s something I got to do damn it forgot about that I got to light up the logo again I did this in the last episode and I that was all for Waste now I got to do

It again darn it not big brain this is this is not a big brain moment here so sad oh well what is Big Brain though instead of using torches to lighted thing up we use light blocks because this is a thing apparent so that’s our big brain thing

Here I like how crafting tables are a part of like the pixel art it’s like hey we got to use all the blocks to make it look good W white blocks exactly so do you have any like random questions you want to ask me ninja fan

I’m always down to answer some good old random questions that definitely keeps me talking I’m definitely doing something right now where I’m more open to actually talk with y’all not like this lighting thing here is going to to take too long but it still takes a little bit of

Time amazing to see like all the progress like you really get like in between like the videos it’s amazing I love the lake theme there is dirt in the pixel art hey I mean wild rant do do get a little bit rough so when it’s getting a little rough it grabs up some

Dirt so it’s understandable I appreciate it’s roughness not roughness asn’t it’s as rough as a ride cuz it’s smooth as butter just be rough on maybe like some Riders you know so like the dirt rub is in that that’s what’s fitting think is like when you see it

Like like like uh like all the way out you can’t even really even tell like there’s dirt CU everything just Blends together so nicely it’s like I love good old Minecraft pixelator yeah if you think I did this no it’s called an amazing website did this year it’s like you’re

Able like to plop a picture into it and it pixelates your Picture pretty cool and I mean like back then like I used to make like the coaster logos like you even see some of like the coaster logos that actually I customly designed but just the pixelator does it like a million times better than me so I’m just

Like I’m going to let the pixelator do it now us any it worked well the funny thing too is actually like um so the pixelator um it’s a really good pixelator because not only the fact that like it like it makes you really good pixel arts you can so there’s some

Settings you can do in it like you can like ask if to remove all falling blocks so you don’t have like any blocks just falling out of your logo like in case there’s like falling blocks like at the bottom of it or something so that’s nice to get rid

Of so you have that and then you also have um uh you can get the glass block so so the logo is not seethrough which we definitely don’t want that either unless for some specific reason you want to be seethrough but I don’t want it to and

Then you can literally pick and choose like what blocks you can like want to get rid of since there’s like some blocks like after even I do the glass blocks and like the the glass blocks and the falling blocks there’s some blocks in there I’m just like no that just doesn’t that

Doesn’t look right with the logo like I’m sorry I need to remove those actually I did a little bit of like changing around of like what the pixelator like originally had as like its first like result so I was like so I was changing it around a good

Bit can make a Mr Beast pixel art like that’s huge with the website two watching One chatting well it’s possibly Mario plushy adventurers is watching and he’s just waiting to go and like type again but since he disobeyed and didn’t listen to me and kept spouting out random nonsense

That was annoying he got a 30 minute mute and again like I gave him a chance but he just decided to keep sping random nonsense so I was like okay you lost your chance so that might be plushy Adventures that’s my prediction or who knows maybe stady cat’s luring in the

Background or something who knows who knows who it can be it is a mystery looks like we got a mystery on our hands use this SC reference so yeah the pixel letter I like using is really really nice it it it it does a really good job I love

It some doesn’t want to chat there doesn’t have a YouTube account like Wade for example yeah that Wade guy I can’t believe that Wade guy everybody in my stream just has a like a hatred towards wait kind of sad I mean like he wouldn’t have this hatred

If he actually like either made a YouTube account or actually like communicated like better some way it’s just like bro like how do you not have a YouTube channel not able like to go and talk like that’s so stupid like honestly like it’s so dumb

Oh wait oh all my light blocks from the like oh my gosh I just realized all my light blocks the logo before is still here I didn’t even realize whoopsie I got to go get rid of all that oh my gosh how did I not even notice that like there’s literally light

Like emanating like from over here whoopsie uh see I wonder if a fill command actually works here feel like it would all right what are we doing here where’s the light Stu right here oh my gosh my chat is so large dude I the hell okay block 55 58 2

Here see if that worked it did work does clear out the light what the heck I didn’t do it big enough the heck or tall enough all right fine I’ll do it taller 68 bye-bye get out of here there’s still one more light there’s still what the heck okay how

About SE how about how about 88 then okay 88 oh that’s too big now okay okay well here we’ll do this get out of here I don’t need you here get out of here BR random lights around lights did not want to go away man they were they they’re being very

Stubborn oh man look at that look at this at night wow that looks amazing dude it’s glowing so good it’s glowing so good I love it Wild Cat Revenge a look so beautiful light I never knew that existed like like literally I I don’t know who it was

Light said not today nope all right I’m probably going to turn it daytime again like Go cover your eyes guys we’re about to a blinding light oh it burns it burns oh my eyes are burning oh man it’s the end of the world my eyes are bleeding bro

Actually going to do this cuz I feel like that’ll look a little bit better hold on got to keep my pattern here if I be able to follow that while on the other side we’re hanging on to the other side to the other side so you do like

You do or you can do like me stay in a cage or you’ll finally take the key oh damn so you’re free to fly it’ll take you to the other side two other uh two slimes using other side literally one of them’s called other side one of them is definitely not called other

Side Jay will definitely I’m not sure if Jay will understand my second reference but he’ll definitely know my first reference hanging on to the other side I won’t give up till you me yeah too bad Pokemon music doesn’t have crazy rocket roll music like Sonic unfortunate does even Pokemon really

Have like any rocking tombs like that I don’t even know I mean there’s some tombs that are like absolute bangers but they’re not really like in the Rock genre more like in like the poppy or like normal like Pokemon sounds I’m trying to think of like a Pokemon

Theme that actually has like rock and roll in it and having like it like it it say it says something when you can’t even like think of a Pokemon theme at the top of your head that has rock and roll on it that goes to show that yeah

Pokemon does not really do rock and roll they do not they most inde definitely do not I really like that outline looks so good I have no idea how the rest of this is going to look but uh man I still oh shoot oh shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot gosh damn

It I messed up actually I hold on this is fine I guess this is okay not okay actually but uh I accidentally messed up whoopsie hold on I’ll fix this it’s actually another that to fix before when I didn’t know like this fill command all too well this would

Have been a very annoying fix but all right black stained glass replace so this will only help me out of one one of the colors all help me out of the other one well maybe hold on I I have an idea here I have an idea what

The black stained glass that’s what I did what do you mean oh I oh I had to do the other way around I mix this up this is probably stupid of me for doing this here but I have my Reason right read the command properly okay so we’re going to do that first Let’s do let’s get the same command of uh let’s see so now let’s get the red glass this actually will work okay so stained red stained glass replace black stained glass gosh damn it black stained glass replace red stained

Glass you dumbass why is it so hard to understand I’m being I’m not being very big braid right now okay now we do this red okay so no no no is red stained glass replace yellow stained glass there we go that actually work it did oh my

Goodness that was a little bit of a nuisance but uh figured it out though wish I have to go through all that but whatever whatever OMG I just got a Chuck E cheese at oh man even know Chuck-E-Cheese is still around dude yeah apologies my ads might be a

Little bit annoying there but hey since I monetized now I might as well get the extra Moola and I’m sure I’ll definitely be getting some extra Moola with uh some of the advertisers if I have those own so yeah apologies they might be annoying though and if I was the viewer I would

Definitely be annoyed by it but now I like cuz I worked a year and 3 months to go and get like the monit so I deserve to go and like uh have my earnings now yes yes yes I deserve it baby so much hard work I’m get this damn streaming channel monetized

Oh all right following okay not bad Sky Rush some Pokemon songs go hardly Penny spe in battle Yeah I there’s definitely some that go really hard I mean but I guess actually like the AI like uh AI Sada and turo theme actually does have some rock in there and I’m thinking

About it yeah some of the Pokemon Scarlet Violet themes absolutely slap kanana battle kanana B Battle Theme absolutely slaps from Ultra from sun and moon or Ultra sun and moon Al necros my theme is pretty sick too um and then uh some other really good ones cythia

Fame pretty good I actually really liked uh oh oh actually there is one really good rocking Pokemon song how could I forget about it kieran’s final battle theme duh that is definitely one of the most rocking like Pokemon Tunes how dare I forget that one oh my

Goodness yeah most of like the route themes and town themes are where the chill Pokemon music are even City fiends um but then like when we get to like the battling themes that’s when they start going sick mode kieran’s final battle f is so good I’m not talking about the champion one

And and and indigo this well the champion one is good I I do like the champion one it is definitely good but I I I still personally like the final battle F more uh Team Galactic like like even with their normal like battling themes and whatnot like of like the normal

Grunts like I don’t know Team Galactic goes hard they go hard bro uh Karen’s character and them is so good you know now that we’re talking about it makes me kind of want to listen to it listen to Deaths of area zero I know nice oh yeah I was going to play

Wildcat Revenge uh theme since we got the pathway done hold on I got to go do that my bad forgot to do it all right guys it’s wild cat Revenge completion time let’s Go this plays in the station of this Coaster by the way like it’s unbelievable this is like one of the greatest like coaster themes ever like it got me so hyped up to ride this ride dude you don’t even know this plays in the coaster station whoever made this here is legendary

Bro I wonder if this is actually going to connect okay or is it going to overlap we find out oh sick hold on I want to connect switching back before switching back before ding glasses sucks a damn it it doesn’t connect [ __ ] why don’t you connect what did I accidentally do a double

Somewhere oh wait I know why because I didn’t do this here right I did not do that there that makes sense okay now it should connect a shoot well it’s not going to connect if you mess up the glass you donkey that’s actually not that much I have to

Replace yeah there we go yeah yeah I just messed up on the curve I forgot about that at least I noticed that really quickly cuz sometimes it takes me a good bit to notice why like like why is there an error like what the [ __ ] it sucks big

Bro you want to rock out you want to rock out the kieran’s final battle F Mr Mr ninja Fan here we’ll lead we’ll do normal Kieran battle then we lead to final Battle now my question here is how I’m going to do this entrance way here so my idea for this entrance way is here um I kind of want there to be like a like maybe like a big W like like on the ground there like have it like in the middle

You like replicate like this W here and like have it like on the ground and then like we’ll have like a I’m not sure like a circle per se maybe maybe some kind of shape like surrounding it maybe we could do like a maybe a diamond actually would look pretty good

M yeah maybe actually I don’t know what would be a good I mean normally like I do like like normally I do Circle shapes like in the middle but I don’t know maybe like doing a different shape this time might be a little more fitting oh here we go ID a square I

Don’t Know Not sure if I want everything here to be covered up with like the light Sources there’s some violins from in there yeah definitely I yeah violins fire rock finger there’s uh you’re forgetting one you’re forgetting one essential thing got to get that electric guitar in there there some electric Guitars this actually would be a fire theme to use for Wild Cat’s Revenge would you Agree Oh you failed the challenge because of your failure because of your failure you get a 10-minute mute you you did you lost the challenge that is your punishment bye-bye yeah there’s yeah there’s some drums going on in the background yeah we’re kind of getting like a whole package here honestly they like absolutely

Killed it on the teal Mass soundtrack the teal Mass soundtrack is so good dude people’s favorite Legend of people’s favorite theme from this uh from the teal Mass seems to be the legendary like uh loyal free theme which I’m like no Kieran final battle theme

All the way I mean while the loyal free theme is good uh I Kieran battle theme is just too good bro too good it’s like Do that’s kind of like some violins in there maybe get like some percussion like in there a little too yeah I kind of hear like that like uh drum in there yeah yeah Yeah I will say honestly Sonic music is definitely a lot better but like all franchises always have like their good music though Pokemon included Pokemon music like Pokemon has a lot of really good stuff you can’t be dising on Pokemon Wondering why I’m not just filling in the whole entire ground cuz that works more with the like the mini pathway but it doesn’t work as much for the huge entrance way CU I’m not sure if I want to do that I don’t know I really I don’t want to do That actually that’s Problem Damn that There get out of here get Out fill that in should should I start filling in some of these now I guess orgon oron like best Legendary all Right a that’s cute doesn’t it like say that like in its dialogue or something I like that it kind of sounds like poya like gu what Kirby says it kind of does now that I think about it it’s kind of funny all right there we go all right need to do that

That bam bam bam bam bam wrong Block like pressing both my mouse like keys at the same time I don’t need to do it for all of them Oopsie whatever I don’t really care much just felt like more natural to go and do that sucks sucky sucky suck suck I actually could be doing this a little bit faster and I’m actually probably doing this a slower method you know sometimes it’s not the

Worst thing ever to go and do the slower method of this just feels like more comfortable to you cuz sometimes the faster method can be oh wait what the hell oh crap I messed up the Pattern well poop didn’t realize there was another place I messed up the pattern eh they all notice that’s fine at least it’s not a like horrible spot I’m too lazy to go and fix that oh wait shoot can we get this but theme already oh wait no yeah we we technically

Did I was just going down the the teal M stuff jto Victory theme song uh canot be used cu the original file oh man got to go find that why uh shoot do I even have Pokemon eneme I do where are you yeah open yes find

Files haven’t heard this in a while yeah man this is an awesome Pokemon F here yeah this I specifically remember uh playing when it was like the legendary like Ash versus like Gary fight like this is when I remember this fend playing here so I was like uh

Yeah oh it’s iconic it’s another like uh there’s like a from like the latas and latas maybe there’s another really good like Pokemon anime theme that I really like that doesn’t play in the games so I was like Damn this gives me Nostalgia dude I haven’t heard this in so Long I say I love going for some Nostalgia Fest I mean I’m going for a humongous like a Nostalgia Fest right now with uh doing my 10- year anniversary video it’s getting there there it it’s definitely getting there I am def it’s definitely like taking a long long time

And it kind of sucks I’m having like a bunch of exams and like long assignments like coming up because then it’s going to like ruin my progress and there’s also other things too that I’m like I want to go and work on but I just do not have the time to

Go work on them what do you not want more Pokemon music the Pokemon music bro we G we gave Sonic music Love in the last stream oh do we need to give Sonic music love every single stream got to do a Pokemon I Pokemon giveaways and Minecraft building streams

Always got to give the Sonic Love APN for me PS S A are coming up next mon pssa what the hell is that I’ll elaborate on that please I have no idea what you’re talking about the hell is that F what the [ __ ] am I doing not doing this properly Obviously uh let’s See I mean I could probably play some Sonic Tunes like at the end of this video here mind always fun to go jam out too let me get like some more newer ones we I don’t really jam out to like all too much oh is this going be one of the

Writing themes or is it just like normal oh this just normal walking thing oh man skip wow one of the one themes that I have from the aisle of armor just got shuffled it I of armor I have like nothing like from I only have like four or five

Tracks from that like game and we got one the one of the random a of armor ones in the shuffle it’s a Pennsylvania thing okay like what kind of Pennsylvania thing is it like some like test or is it like some kind of fun competition or like

What this this intrigues me stand for Pennsylvania system of school assessment oh so it’s like some kind of test thing gotcha gotcha oh by the way uh Mr Mario plushy Mario plushy Adventures anytime I go see milk or any weird crap that you put in

The chat I’m just going to mute you for another 10 minutes and eventually it’ll get to two it’ll get through a whole like uh 24-hour mute so I can do that and again you think that seems unfair well my channel and if you’re not doing what

I’m saying then like that’s unfair to me and you deserve punishment so yeah I can’t believe it either well yeah it’s all coming A Million Miles Away man I guess you’re not really good at doing challenges huh guess to test that nobody likes so it it definitely

Kind of sounds like how like in high school I have to go and take like the essay like like the SAT just like man I I’m only doing it for the free snacks guys not doing it like I’m only doing it just because of that like not for anything else I might

Not to H of my education or anything like that no it’s just for the free snacks LOL yeah fair enough I might honestly be the same way cuz free food is awesome I love my love love some good old free food I got this F I know I do like this F

Though G is nice all right well I’m actually kind of down to go do some uh do some good old uh Sonic music I suppose Pokemon’s taking up a good chunk of the stream I suppose it’s good to it’s good to it’s good to go and like spice it up a little

Bit you know I’ll just let since this one’s playing we’ll let this one play uh let’s see Sonic Frontiers fre if it’s ever well we haven’t even had Sonic Frontiers 2 yet so how is there a third one we talk about the third wave of the Sonic Frontier DLC I’ve already been

Excited for it I played the whole thing already so and even I even had my sister go and play it too so two members of my family have already played the update free ins Sonic Frontiers so yeah miss you missed out a little bit there pal game logic I guess yeah I’m pretty

Sure that’s not how most game logic actually works not really nuh r let’s see put that there put that there hav even beats yet how far how far are you into it on the final Island oh okay honestly I mean like if you’re going in hard mode

And you’re going to do the final boss then yeah good luck with the shooter thing the shooter thing can be rather frustrating I’m not that’s all that’s all the context I’m going to give you’ll understand it once you do it unless you already know what I’m talking

About yeah f a boss like uh in the normal in the normal game is not all too great but when you get to the actual like the update free though the game is really really good oh choke is that actually like a thing like I mean I I never really watched like the

Deadpool movies so there’s a Deadpool free I’d be like oh cool that’s nice for people who actually like that movie like those movies but I’ve never watched on myself yeah hold on I want to finish these lights here before I switch over to Sonic music sorry I’ll get to it I Promise I won’t lie to you guys flying right now I’m flying all right we’re going to go in Above This Grass here well that took a while again this light padn here like while I really like it it’s so annoying to go and do pinball was horrible I was stuck in

It when I was over the prin house and he beat it first try mean I beat the pin first try I don’t know why you’re struggling at it like honestly like it was it was a lot of agent and other pinball stuff that I’ve done before was rigged Against Me

O try to be normal for the stream yeah that’s that’s like a really that’s a true challenge for you Mario plushy Adventure if you actually can be normal for like a lot of my streams that is an incredibly like uh I feel like that’s an incredibly hard challenge for

You and I’m not sure if you’ll be able to do it keyword try yes keyword try we’re going to be singing or we’re going to be singing this song for plushy Adventures I tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn’t even matter who Le and Park song is

Perfect all right sick all right we got the outline done all righty let’s see perfectly exctly all right I’m going to leave you guys with something kind of good I mean I think it’s okay yeah it’s all right I need to quickly go to the backro

So I’ll be back what do I want to leave again with mhm well I think this song here is going to be for me so well let me make sure well this is probably the Nate version of the song I Need to scroll down a little more that’s probably the Nate

Version is it actually might not be do I even have Nate’s version in here I think I do no idea oh no that’s Nate’s version okay where’s this where’s that is it I can’t tell I’ll have to I’ll have to play It okay that is Nate’s version okay hold on even though Nate’s version is not bad to go and play pre fire actually gosh damn it you all right I’m just going to look this up because I’m too lazy to find it on my playlist it’s way easier to go and look

It up all right I we’ll be I’ll be right back yep NE wants the battle you got it got to go fast this is for me guys got to go fast Son got F Got oh man I didn’t get back oh that was like 30 seconds laid like into the song Gotta Go That’s not how it goes got to go quick no the hell is this sons of Tomorrow what the fiak is this oh this is why the heck is dream music

Playing what the hell supposed I keep playing music in my Sonic playlist I guess that’s what happens when you randomly just go and search up the song so so too lazy to go and find it I was like what the hell is this this is not Sonic what the Fick I’m sure you

Would Bor naturally a meme guy well actually so I think that actually describes pretty well probably why like I’m not really a huge fan of like your style of commentary because I’m not much of a meme guy I never really I mean definitely like I grew up of some memes

But like I don’t know memes is not really like my thing I’m definitely not much of a Mee Guy this is kind of hard to tell like how large is this oh how how much across is this here I need to figure out the dimensions with this thing oh Dream it’s really hard to Tell I’m just shuffling the playlist right now by the way I don’t feel like I need to make it that long across like I probably I could probably like start stop it like right there yeah 15 welcome to Station Square nice I’m making it go all the way to here Here it does go a lot further Down Take Away it’s just called a burger because I mean like the Patty on the side like I mean like technically like I know my mom like has served me like burgers has just like the Teese slice and it but doesn’t have like the buns and we still call it

Burgers I mean whatever like the meat is called you can call whatever like actually what the official name for the meat is but but well and also like I feel like the bun like on a hamburger doesn’t really like matter too much cuz when well some reason when I’m picking hamburger I’m

Thinking of like there’s actually like ham like in the burger so it makes it like a hamburger there like cheeseburger and just normal burger like noral burger like with the meats and whatnot so hamburger is just you moving the ham out of it and it’s just a burger even if you

Move the Buns like out of it then it’s prob just over here so I don’t Know asking controversial topics H fun controversial topics I got you that okay one two 3 11 12 this obviously is the middle I’m trying to to you know actually something I should do before I even like start figuring this out forgot I haven’t added the fences in yet let’s go do

That see the songs they’re playing the like in the bottom corner nice the real cheese burger is just cheese on a bun and it’s Disgusting B batt y you get it son leash first Sonic game I played and still definitely one of my favorites it’s probably my favorite like underneath like Frontiers probably is my personal favorite out of allot of the Sonic games I’ve played so far actually now thinking about it

That’s actually not true Sonic Aventure 2 is my second favorite then un leash is my third favorite yeah my bad I can’t forget about Sonic Adventure Too come out right now uh you and me both buddy after like after seeing the trailer like giving us a really firm

Idea of what we’re going to expect cuz it’s literally like I think we’re going to get movie version of Sonic Adventure 2 story which is going to be insane and they even have it like not even rated as like PG it’s PG-13 so like that actually makes it like oh man we

Actually might be seeing like some blood or something like in this movie here like this actually going to be intense movie I also want to see the knuckle Show come out I think that’s coming out like in April question question mark I remember cuz I know they actually

Announced the knuckle show and of course I also want the Sonic uh Sonic X uh Shadow generations game to go and come out oh my gosh that looks sick I’ll definitely have to get around to playing like the original Generations before I play the new one with the

Shadow because I do own Sonic Generations I have it on Steam I just got to get around play It oh crack sucks it really does doesn’t it kind of Ni when you don’t have to deal with it when you’re on a computer but you’re on a phone you have to deal with it I there’s like elephant is like in this like track I’m trying to figure out what the middle

Is once I said Dex and a translated into something bad that starts at F of course surprising there I almost c f from chat oh my gosh that’s terrible yeah Auto be do like to do that okay even though this is technically the center this is the center according to my measurements here

I personally feel like I need to move this up a little more cuz it just feels like there’s too much open space up there Maybe I don’t know let me move it up just like a little bit okay funny thing is like I I hear so many people that’re like okay got to go eat dinner got to go and leave well funny thing is it’s like when I going eat dinner like I mean normally like a

While while back ago my parents were like forced us to go eat like on the in the dining room table but now they don’t even make us do that anymore they just like up grab your food and just just go off like sick okay so I think what I’ll Do do this not that is our middle Yeah you’re wondering why I’m trying to figure out the middle you’ll see why I’m measuring the logo there for a Reason okay yeah sorry when I’m in measurement mode like uh designing like massive designing mode I I just don’t talk a whole lot I 22 22 there okay that could work what did I say vertical 21 well parts of it wouldn’t be able to fit so maybe having it like a 24 then

That’ be good it like there and there instead because our outer like boundary there yeah sure okay then what we got to do now is figure out the side so that’s 19 so this is why I’m thinking maybe I should make it as a box because if I

Make it as a a circle then I think the W is going to be a lot more challenging to go and design if it’s not a if it’s a circle I mean maybe for now what I can do is I can make it a box but then I can

Go design it as a circle later on maybe should be easier to go and like figure it out so maybe here’s what they’ll do um so this is 19 so I think what we can do is we can have this is one less so Three three let me have this as free instead of four out yeah like that okay all right a nice s Center there I feel like okay now what I got to figure out is how I want to design the w maybe like a good spot to start

This first of all I’m probably going to do a screenshot here to get rid of the Redstone lines get that out of my way sometimes like I’m like I’m so focused that I it kind of feels like I’m holding my breath and it’s like a need to breathe a little bit Luigi grieving

Is important you know kind of need to do that to live opening this is going to be a little frustrating cuz I got to go into app data seriously don’t go on that screen there I don’t want you to be shown there app data love that screenshot but it Minecraft

Screenshots let’s open it up let’s full stream yeah I’ll be checking out chat on my phone I suppose really saying Anything this is going to be fun to create brother well here’s my issue with it it’s like it’s hard to tell where I need to start it’s very hard to tell kind of wish I still had that outline There so let’s see so it said it was 19 horizontal yes it did so okay where’s the 19 mark four five six S8 11 16 19 so here okay one two three be seven here 10 13 16 19 right I know what I’m doing sorry I am like this is complicated M I got rid of light to whatever give it give it back to me it’s fine okay let’s do this we I’m going to start at the bottom I think once I figure out my starting

Point like that’s like that’s what I’m like struggling on right now like once I figure out like my starting point it shouldn’t be all too bad but I’m trying to figure out my starting point though and that’s what’s like that’s the Str right now having trouble figuring out my starting

Point okay I think I another my starting point now sorry that took a bit to figure out Crack blockes heck there are crack blocks bro Blaze terra cotta jeez there’s so much random blocks dude also you yeah hold these different blocks I got to get you indeed deep like Cole the F and there is there’s great that’s great concrete jez definitely represents the logo pretty well

Though this is going to suck and this is my brilliant idea to go and put the freaking W down on the freaking floor terrible idea dumb dumb me for coming up with It figuring out I need to get like freaking po your to so I’m actually kind of stressed right now cuz this is like because I’m trying to recreate the pixel art and it’s going to be very annoying go and do That get my like head out of like the the days bro D all Right so many different BS here Unbelievable like there’s so different blocks I’m not to fill it up in my inventory red what’s That guess I could technically Do I not do this My gosh dude you see that I’m working with here Right Need to stop dating out though why is I keep pausing my stream D like the adverti on like I can’t like go like like right to live Stream rather annoying I don’t know why I’m not sure that’s like your guys just car me don’t even think I have a block on me block I need got s sand but I don’t got so Soil Can’t have it l face side guess it’s going to have to look like that I can do without that you can like switch blocks on easily control kind of there’s like a way you can switch blocks out a Faster lazy days living in Paradise Son what the hell is This I hat this so much Shud yeah sorry guys this is so Annoying we Are All change it never mind it’s still change the Problem because the sun is like making the grass turn back to Normal no room Oh I hate I hate when like there’s like so many blocks and I like it’s really hard to like switch Between lot easy to go and I keep using like the same blocks I think the best way to do this is try to go and like figure out like where I need to go and place these blocks G You’re back what am I working on are you making the sign or something yeah so um my plan is is that I want to like on the floor to go make the W and the wild cat there CU I think it’d be really cool to

Have like the W like for wild cat like in the middle then we’ll have like black streaks like streaking out from like the middle and then we’ll have like the wood like all around it it look really really cool it’s just recreating this thing is

Requiring like a lot of focus and a lot of like looking very carefully like what the blocks are and making sure I’m not messing up the patterns because if I mess up the patterns and it’s just going to get annoying very fast so that’s why I’m not talking a whole

Lot right now cuz I’m trying to figure out all this crap what is that block so where do I use raw block damn wait am I using in the wrong spot wa no I’m not it’s up here I haven’t placed the dirt up here yet

Cool oh but I need to strip jungle logs up there yeah that’s something I’m going to be going and get I’m just trying to use like most of the blocks that I like currently like have in my inventory those are like most of the ones I’m trying to use right now all right

Crack so much different types of blocks man wait did I do that wrong hold on yeah I did what the hell what I mess up with there oh damn this hate this so much dude gosh damn it I don’t think I need to get rid of all that oh BR

Sucky okay so I accidentally put the block of nether right in the wrong spot so it’s supposed to be here top of that block then it goes there and then there I knew I was going to mess up something very careful with those very precious to Me bre anything That ends up breaking uh those are worth a lot of money it’s Okay I taking the PlayStation out the Super Bowl so a okay I apologize you’re okay jeez well I’m actually going to see if they’re actually Okay I be surprised like not only he knocked over the Maverick one he also knocked over the Beast I don’t even know how he ended up doing like that I’m just like how do you knock out both yeah so back there I have really nice models of which

I also have two of on top of there as well I have really nice models of uh Millennium Forest Taco draxter um Maverick and the Beast like so like they have it like like the cars are then like on the track like a really cool model and he accidentally knocked over who of

Them and know like well one of them I’m not as upset about because I’m like well that one is not as old but the Maverick one that was upset about that he knocked over because that one I’ve had for over 10 years so and it’s definitely very valuable so

If he ended up breaking it like I’d probably force him like cuz like those like sell for like 500 on eBay so I’ll be like um Ben I’m sorry but you kind of got to F over $500 you bro broke it they’re that like they’re that

Valuable so that’s why I don’t want them to be broken I don’t want to have I don’t want to force Ben to go pay that much money on it that would suck huh also I just realized I messed up something again great what did I mess up this time definitely something wrong here

Project is going to be fire oh well just getting to that finished project though is going to be so especially this part here I don’t know why he’s stressing me out so much it’s just like there’s so much like I got to like keep in mind here like it’s not

Easy non easy stuff trying to figure it out stress me out sometimes bro I’m get rid of that block or first cyers space I don’t know what I messed up what did I mess up what do you mean what did I mess up on want to run that by me

Again I don’t see what I messed up on also I need a firm Black Stone I’m trying to work on the gray lettering right now gosh damn it phone stop turning off why is the stream not playing dude stop like not playing dude what the heck I am working on building recreating

That W over there and if you’re just here to go and tell me to eat pancakes or eat garc again then uh I’m not in the mood for that definitely this stream maybe I would have been okay with it earlier on the stream but now like

I’m in very much Focus mode and I don’t want to get distracted so if you’re here to go and tell me to eat pancakes or whatnot then don’t thank you much gracias I know you did that in yesterday’s stream and don’t even try to deny it I

Know some of my viewers all too well it’s like I actually pay attention to my live chat and like I I see what’s going on shocker YouTuber actually pays ATT his live chat no way all right appreciate it man thank you for respecting my wishes unlike some other people well name i y

How you doing Mando good old care of grou where the hell is my D I don’t have on right now why don’t I have this zombie it bad make some more room in my inventory what block am I looking for I don’t have Thea block so that goes

Here wait is this messed up at the side maybe might be don’t think I messed up on it there’s a spruce log there dude what the heck why okay this is starting to get very frustrating I’m going to turn my phone to um because for some reason my stream

Doesn’t want to play on my phone so what I’m going to do is I’m going to make sure auto lock is never so I don’t have to worry about my phone fading out on me there we go takes up a lot of my time yeah I can imagine

Then there’s some potential movie like coming up in the works uh news about that or you got to be good old secretive about it wait I definitely messed up something here I’m trying to figure out what no I didn’t mess up in anything we get the spruce log I’m going

To figure this out I’m definitely messed up on something here I don’t know what I’m trying to figure it out what is that hold on oh I did have the rifle actually’s very hard to Tell okay okay I need to need a barrier block I don’t think this will work but I’m going to try this work my Fury is is that I want to try to I think also if you have like a block that’s underneath it that’s not grass I

Like have enough blocks around it that’s not grass and it’s actually going to turn to I turn into a um a dirt block this works cuz I wanted to stay at dirt block cuz I need to be a dirt block that’s part of the pixel art but when it’s like

Not like stacked on top of other blocks like it’s very annoying to go and like do I was here yesterday yeah I recognize you welcome nice to be back I suppose H shoot there here uh do we really need Mangrove logs tring think of something I don’t need D many blocks

Fck so it’s jungle wood jungle planks classic coming with speed well I specifically I don’t have the tick speed set to zero for for reasons because it’s easier to grow trees that way so so I’m not going to go and do that I don’t like having to go automatically do the bone

Meal so my reasons why I don’t like doing that no I think this is fine I don’t know why I’m getting confused I think this is perfectly Fine W Oh man guys this sucks I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this Thank you guys for hanging in there with me I like again I’m trying to figure this out here not easy I’m where the hell is there a bookshelf in here bro and there’s like not even just one there’s four what the [ __ ] why there need to be bookshelves you can’t even see it the bookshelf bro all right I’m just going to have this as thatat what the freck is that Block I fortunately I would like to keep going longer but I actually do need to end the stream soon cuz I do have school assignments due by the by midnight tonight and I don’t know how long they’re going to take but I want at least that a decent amount of

Time to go and work on them unfortunate I know doesn’t even look like anything Yet oh Brother uh actually what I should do just so I can see this like pop out a little B More a project I’m working on in Minecraft is building Pokemon like you’re like building like a pixel actually trying to make like a good like 3D like looking like version of it I guess pixel but 3D thing there that’s pretty Impressive be pretty impressive how long have been going for this 3 hours and 14 Minutes all Right did I get the ra IR Block in I can get another one in right here Okay this is greatr I don’t have that mro weird looking block and mud I have that on me freaking mud being annoying my leg it does look yeah yeah you can kind of see the S right there I’m only making like the like the first like line going down right now that’s

The part I’m making right Now oh I’m not really gotten in like its firm shape yet the shape Yet okay What I need here yeah uh Brick crack bricks why do they have to do the difference between the crack and the freaking noro bricks dude like can’t you like at least keep some kind of consistent bricks in here bro like what the hell this sucks can’t have any consistency in this stupid pixel

Art it’s not stupid it looks amazing but like the consistency is like non existent there’s no consistency and this no consistency is pissing me off damn you no consistency we like I like consistency consistency as a builder is really nice when I don’t have it I get angry very Angry what the freak is that block oh I have know what that is it’s uh polished this thing what the [ __ ] is That the play me one of my my anniversary video my eyballs fell out what’s up with That now it looks like an Owl that’s kind of starting this for that’s starting to get there a little Bit that’s a fire theme I love that theme so much great beame oh now we got another really good Game I hope I’m not messing this up like I’m trying to follow it as much as I can I already messed up a couple of times but now like at this point here I’m like man I really don’t want to mess up Now D all right let’s see that that’s that’s is so hard to tell that is strip that strip dude strip Spruce Wood and this freaking Mangrove Mossy tree is so hard to tell between each other look at this like if you look at that high up like man that is hard to

Tell what the hell wait and no it’s not this I think it’s dark wait hold on what is this yeah this yeah strip dark yeah that looks so that’s so hard to tell the difference the hell that is so hard to tell the difference dude

Okay what are there blocks I need to go throw in here God this theme is so good dude love this theme so Much I’m mainly just trying to do like all the Deep slate and all these other like Ray blocks right now then then like we can focus on some other colors D I’m m in here yes I Do yeah sorry I’ve been like a little bit strict this stream too I will say I know sometimes like I I’m starting to get a little Fed Up of some things and want to express it you know yeah apologize for some my like some my poor attitude not really crazy poor attitude

But a little poor attitude Parts so far the only Sonic song we’ve gotten so far I think was that random Sonic Adventure that random scure Sonic Adventure one haven’t got anything else yet as I’m going to say that we’re going to end up getting something new definitely going to happen hey K

Tu a little bit in my focus mode right now cuz I’m trying not to mess up some things I’m doing here so if I’m not talking a whole lot to you guys in the chat that’s why so yall Weare I’m still looking at chat so don’t think don’t

Think you can get away of doing some bad stuff no I’m still look in the chat so don’t even think about it yeah I Know see Pol got NE block NE get This not the like like build it like that just make sure it’s sideways Soul soil open really that sucks just got rid of that block damn it unfortunate Cringe Got debug and Mania nice good job got you no judging by I’m definitely proud of you because I I struggle just getting all the silver medals like in Sonic Mania so getting all the gold medals in Sonic Mania it’s pretty impressive still guilded blacks well there’s still

Is there some gilded BL on I need no I think I got all the Gilded Black I want to make this work like I I I am determined to make this work I want this to work okay all right so let’s get the red terra cotta what the heck where my red terra cotta bro got removed cringe block what the hell are you are you stri

Oh you’re the stri L but just upwards gotcha is that Mak sense kind of annoying now so you’re like this yeah okay I was like what the hell is That I need to get nether brick that is gracious what the hell bro uh black terracotta do I still have that en me not why I get rid of that I was trying to make room in my inventory it wasn’t needed at the time now it is needed okay I need Spruce Load look Spruce guess it is Spruce Wood donkey okay need logs too well again I I I I don’t know how much of it this actually like needs for the logo wise well I think what I should do is I should specifically actually like just follow the red outline and anything

That’s like outside like the red outline I shouldn’t have as a part of the the thing so actually I shouldn’t do most Of yeah I shouldn’t do most of the dark oak yeah I think that’s how I’ll follow this so let’s try to start creating the outline a little bit let’s see how be done cuz yes we have to ‘s a difference between the strip and the like normal log because this pixel Art’s annoying

AF can’t give me a freaking break YouTube McDonald’s uh what’s your opinion Woody okay I suppose I think I added it to my like funny song like videos that give me giggles on stream all Right I still deep SL on do not well that’s not like it’s that hard to get deep SL Again doing again now now it’s like My Philosophy I don’t think I actually need the Deep slate I don’t think I do uh wait hold on what you doing does I need to go there yes it does jeez this is so confusing I hate this so much sucks so much

Upload got to calm down probably get this one well I don’t dislike the them I just don’t feel like missing to it getting some Starfall Islands not Front yeah what I’m really trying to do right now is I’m trying to figure out like the outline around this thing like a good outline kind of failing but also trying think I’ll do this get rid of those blocks there so maybe I should do it’s just

Qui some of these blocks I forget the this Terra you know what you’re still not you’re you’re not doing a really great job trying to be normal when of you guys ever normal why can’t I ever have some normal people in my streams of them spelling spro about Travis Scott grimma shakes and McDonald’s blah you’re lucky right now that I am

Like not caring too much about being said in live chat if I see something someone saying something really offensive or whatever then I don’t care but you’re very lucky right now I’m not really caring too much of it being said in life chat long as you don’t like get too crazy with your

Shenans or I have to stop you is that kind a mushroom BL is H jeez oh wait did I have oh I see so we do that then I do that yeah then we do mushroom box here yeah get that we have birch wood in here

Not there strip Birch but I don’t have normal Birch honestly most of the most of the wack uh most of the wack comments I’m going to I’m just going to say right now most of the time I’m probably just going to ignore not even mentioned so you can say whacked up but I’m just going to ignore

You just uh just to keep you in mind honestly I’m kind of annoying chat at all like right now since again this pixel art here annoying very annoying oh yeah did I get rid of this I think I did accident man I probably really should have ended

My stream a while ago but man I’m like determined to go and get this stupid pixel art done curse me curse me in my Determination sometimes it’s a curse jle up here I Do I have that One sh Yeah this is the block I need now apparently what the hell dude Might not actually need It actually it’s kind of nuts that they were able to somehow fit in terot right ter and now I have normal Ter I hope that this is the right place for these two three four up like that okay that’s good need to stff now well so good up there so hard to make this like on the floor oh man looks so nice up there Dude actually did do this right surprisingly Man a time that’s I me do a refresh some these blocks here Maybe okay So get myself a little cleared up might have been a bad idea but I’m doing Anyway see That’s Work That’s I don’t think you should be leaving everything that they’re saying in the chat there my Dude Wax okay that’s H St waxed All right let’s See Oh this is not even the original this is uh it sounded so much like the original dude what the freck wow this is uh this is from Sonic Symphony actually that’s insane dude I mean that game was made of an archestra like Sonic Unleash so it makes sense why sounds so damn Similar I mess up here yeah I did okay so there supposed to be a polished block here jeez fly I messed up in there deep SL deep SL need that’s Chill We need jungle That I know no one’s gone and I’m Not Looking Back oh I know when I get there like I’m lost in a dream I know in my it’s My the possibili are never ending I see it I see it and now it’s all a reach and possibilities I see it I see it now it’s always been inside of me and now I feel so free and this Possibility I see damn it it’s like I’m missing out on this thinging too too up in your conversation I see huh all right H not strip mro wood kidding me Ser never Des great ter H what the fck man so cringe so where’s this I need to like figure out where I am in this build here okay so that goes there yeah okay so this one so the block underneath here is red Terracotta Red Terra all Right the Strip Okay so we need a strict Birch dude I have I feel like I need to have something like covering around this though just don’t know how I want to cover this up yet still a little bit iy that Was this firm stri that we Go this is skip this one My house Huh ah shoot don’t do that yeah let’s fill in this outline here jeez like it’s such a slow tedious process I hate like how slow this takes why not have to have this stupid idea I don’t know I felt like it would be a good idea terrible

Idea who had this idea who have a spendid idea to go do this annoying kind of stuff Me I love my ra ass ideas yeah they’re just that Great also this is very off what the fck what the hell I did that right didn’t I yeah oh wait I do one part of this is not supposed to Be is that do that even line up don’t know uh question mark I think it does yeah okay time to Cle myself again all right oh my gosh it’s 718 shoot I actually really should stop holy crap this is bad pick up the pace I can’t pick up the pace because this

Takes so freaking long damn It cuz I have like I I have school assignments like due like later tonight so I need to get this like done dude Nice check stream looks fine to me it’s it’s uh something on your side Mr ninja Fun Three swi the side Here just to let you guys know in the future I’ll let you guys I’ll let you guys have this weird fun whatever happen in the chat but next building stream now if I see this kind of like stuff like going on in my chat like I’m going to be far more strict luy Doy I get it it’s like you’re on you’re on the internet and you just feel like doing whatever the hell you want but like in reality you can’t really do whatever the hell you want like on the internet there are definitely some things that the internet will not let

You get away with also some things I won I would let you get away with n also did I mess this up I did somewhere I forgot to add the Crimson r second crion gosh damn it freaking I missed that go again I hate this build sucky sucky suck Suck the only reason why I’m allowing is cuz I’m like not even interacting with chat at all right now can you blame me and honestly sick of hearing milk of the Beast so much it’s so annoying honestly like you really like do not like I wouldn’t mind if it’s like you

Know like every now and like and again like but now you’ve done it like a 100 million times on my stream and it’s starting to get super damn annoying like we get it you like that weird ass song you don’t need to keep expressing it over and over and over again h Honestly I don’t care who started mhm don’t matter all right well I’m going to say right here now if I don’t end up getting this done like my Max is I’m going to go till 8 PM that’s my Max which I think I’m getting close I

Think I mean definitely I got a lot of progress even if I’m not that close but I do feel like I’m close that’s dark is that dark I don’t that Doesn’t I need to go check this where is this in the build let’s see I think you’re right here so that’s Spruce Wood and then you have dark okay that’s confusing jeez I’m not a fan of that this sh really does not like getting Sonic songs this time around just getting normal Sonic

Tunes no Sonic songs Rip how disappointing what’s that look like orange ter actually he’s not looking too bad from above actually actually is coming together cool huge well that’s it there Mar P fre you whe as we all have our interest on me think my interest is anything with cheese definitely not what do you see me

Building a statue of cheese cheese or te no actually like in my um the national business class my teacher gives us a lot of like a random like International Food in one week she gave us like cheese and and I was like I was like

Uh I tried it and I was like H this is not that great like there’s some good cheese out there but I’m like I’m not a fan of this National cheese is not that great I’m Sorry she’s giv us like International like gummies actually that’s been pretty good um she does some other stuff too oh yeah she’s definitely done some chocolates and she does some cookies she just loves giving us a lot of food for some reason I’m just like girl how much money are

You spending on just giving food to the class like I’m like that must be a lot going out of your freaking budget bro I’m like hey we’ll take the freaking free food though I suppose I take it I’ve been training a lot of International Food which I think like

Most of it hasn’t been too bad but for some reason the cheese though was definitely one of my least favorites that she’s like made us like try she didn’t really make us try it’s like get the option to try it if you wanted to but you get what I

Mean of course I’m just like you know what like I got to open my horizons here so I’m like I’m going to try it and some of them I’m like oh yeah this is Gen pretty good other ones I’m like Okay so I think my one problem with this so far right now is the W extender I got to go and get that F I think overall the rest of it looks pretty good it’s just this end of the W here doesn’t really work all that Great all right I think I know I can help that out I’m just to clear again very open still no Sonic s well besides that not an adventure One Waxed so where’s this at that’s next to the Bookshelf this and I think we’re actually almost done here finally jeez such a hassle Dude and this is just you know the middle of the entrance way gosh I feel like there’s like other pixel art logos that I’ve done before like Ayan like on the floor and I just don’t remember struggling with it that much but the way this logo is designed though I can kind

Of understand why I’m struggling we finally got a Sonic song like as I say that I’m like imagine actually there’s a Sonic song next like like next around of course there Is who W hey hey welcome to the greatest storm much too long die and die I will be your shining star yeah I’m here here to conquer near and fall like AAR to the heat of day like a night I’ll fight till the fight is

Won I say each and every each and every each and everyone till this war is won and I live to Ru By The Sword slashing through the every inch of the power the power you I stand by the table I command oh my kingdom I’m the the wind night of the

Wind night of is a massive Force the stronghold of power my armor Mak unbreakable every Hour w St I run into the heat of day like a night I’ll fight till the fight is won each and every each and every each and every one till this war one and I R by slashing through the every inch of the power the power in you I stand I

Stand by the table I command on myy um night of the Wind what the [ __ ] shoot dirt yeah I know I’m going out of the boundary I set but it’s just I want the like the like the W to look as good as possible don’t trolls yeah you want to know what I’ll do to the trolls oh yeah I’m going to make I know

Exactly I’m going to go do the trolls and you know know my big sister something I’ll go give my big sister credit for she’s like man is someone like is annoying you and making you feel uncomfortable then that gives you all full right to go and like completely ban them from the

Channel if you if you don’t feel comfortable with their pres around like on the channel then go ban them so maybe I might go who knows and I think I’ve taken that advice like pretty well so yeah not going to let any trolls like going like uh annoy me appreciate the motivation no

Man you’re the man oh the ban you get the ban Hammer H and unfortunately I may have to do that again soon I don’t like doing it that’s why sometimes like I hesitate in it but sometimes I just got to stop of hesitation and just do it It may be hard to go take in at first but it’s got a Deal Fire this is not the strip the Stoping Now I say I was actually going to go and do that now who knows course start change oh oh bro dude oh my gosh wow damn that took so long I think I’m done double check holy crap there still block I need in there blocks are missing in the

Middle I think one of my problems with this is I think I need to get rid of some of the top yeah some of the top is not really Needed oh actually I haven’t completed the top there yet since it seems like I’m extending this I’m not really doing the whole middle Shenanigans I probably should go and finish that up the top needs to be done there this actually look okay I really hope whatever homework

Assignments I need to do won’t be too bad because not going to have a whole lot of time to work on them you’re welcome guys saying the stream s like crazy because I’m determined to go get this damn thing done je freaking wrong with Me me casually making bad decisions as for usual nothing I’m a little known for not incredibly known for but that’s it’s a little bit of a trait of M like I looked at the assignments like I’m not too worried about if I was like far more worried about them than I would

Be ending it like literally like 2 hours ago probably but these assignments just seem to be generic assignments that like shouldn’t take all too long but who knows sometimes the generic assignments may end up taking a really long time you never know of assignments cuz some assignments

That I’m like oh yeah that won’t take too long ends up taking me like 2 or 3 hours and I’m just like what the [ __ ] I love assignments like That this is pix all our build never going in do that look better yeah that looks a lot better s better one thing I’ll do is the bottom here I’ll probably do this like shape it out a little bit there and add like a red markings around it look

Nice of course looks nice did very hard focusing copying of course it looks Nice oh Man I might actually do it’s like I might even have like a shape in like uh like down here I might just have like like a like an outline around it like like a black outline just kind of like glowing maybe yeah maybe all right since this was such a pain in the

Booty I’m going be screaming this out to the top of my lungs bro not big screaming it but definitely be stinging this hard all Right over this picture here I think well actually hold on do I want to like make a little bit more like of a spike down there maybe also this remix is so Good Yeah that’s exactly what happens if you get banned so if you don’t so so if you don’t want to end up like getting banned Mario plushy cuz yeah you are actually one of my targets right now unfortunately you won’t be able to talk at all like in the chats but you can

Still watch the stream so so that’s exactly correct so that’s why like it’s pretty important that you behave a little bit cuz I know for certain you don’t want that to happen and nobody wants that to happen and I don’t want that to happen for the first time and so all

Righty here we go I’m going to I’m going to be singing I’m I’m singing These like out out loud and I’m sure someone else will be singing them with me too well at least one certain part he needs to learn the lyrics he needs to learn the lyrics

To some like to this song man so we can really sing it out I hanging on to the other side I won’t give up till the end of Me go yeah welcome to the mine of a different kind where we’ve been growing so late I think I’m on 11 but I’m on the N Guess don’t really know running from the past is a losing game it never brings you glory been down this road before already know this story

F m it’s time to face your fear cuz when your time has come and gone I’ll be the one to carry on and you can throw me to the walls cuz I am undefeat aable I hanging on to the other side and I won’t give up till the end of me I

Watch you when the cide and now faing your just an an yeah crossing the line now we’ve run out of time I’ll take what is m Go and when the story ends it becomes a part of me I give it what it takes I’ll find another you never know but now it’s Crystal clar feelings just a ghost it’s time to face your fear cuz when your time has come and gone I’ll be the one to carry

On and you can throw me to the wall cuz I am on defeat of hanging on to the other side I won’t give up until the end of May I’m what you get when the stars collide Now faing your just In my hanging to the other side I won’t give up until the end of May and I’m what you get when the stars going now face and your just welcome to the mind of a different kind we’ been growing I’m on 11 but I’m on the N guess you

Don’t really know me running from the past as a losing game and never BRS you glory been down this road before already know the story H feels good to shout that out after the pain I just went through here oh man yeah Down Show Yourself I’ve been here waiting for the longest time I can’t believe it’s real you is the B battles that you never fight can hide from what you feel no more comprise this is still what I the Wake the Beast inside no more compromise this is do or die I warn you

One last time now I got best You are the best inside also hello J J the Best show Yourself so break through it all until the you won’t fade out cuz the fire in you never dies it comes around to light the flame they’ll know your name but into their Memories the break through it all don’t stop we run a mission of dve roller around a competition carrying out

The damage when it’s done a break through it all we can’t pretend the list sorry if it put put you in an in position we won’t stop until the battle W I got comes back around what the heck and if we don’t come down we’ll be lost in the Way I know that we will find our way we’ll do whatever it will take and if we never reach the crown we’ll take the whole thing down the down show Your w it’s not really playing on my phone is it frozen it’s really hard to tell because like when I’m trying to watch it on my phone like it’s really hard to hold on I’m going to switch channels see if that helps un they call back hold let me check

Okay yeah yeah apologies if it’s lagging at all at some point so probably because like streamlabs is like man you’re going way for you’re going for way too long pal I’m I’m I’m hard at work over here singing broke the stream exactly our singing is too powerful and we’re going to continue That Follow standing on the everything close you hear Thees Pleas like you before and see I know fting find the truth of who I meant to become another I must now walk on reach it across these New Frontiers with my life I fight disar my hands I hold the ones I love walk for on all way till new right try realize Something that’s not a bad fix come with me I will travel through the trials and tragedy can you hear the spirit shout the secrets in their m M dream explore the mystery the pre new life is Reve to me once again we’ll start a story new don’t be afraid I will be with

You I reaching far across these New Frontiers with my by by fight this spear in my hands I hold the ones I love walk Forward Stand the way has becoming clear all across new FR in my hands I hold the ones I love Walk we do one version of now we got to do the other version of It I personally fix the better version uh boy come with me I’m standing on the border of Everything Close ago Yeah leave like you near the floor and see Find the truth of who I meant to become another path but I must now walk on I’m here Reaching Across these New Frontiers with my this in my hands I hold the on I love walk Forward no more compromise that this do or Die let me will travel through the trials and tragedies can you hear the spirit out the secrets in their M dream explore the Mysteries bre I face R to me once again we’ll start our story don’t be afraid I will be with you Here reaching far across these new friends with my life my spear my hands I hold the W I love walk for in my Always I’ll explain what I’m doing later by the way there’s a purpose to why I’m doing This sing It wo standing here the way has becoming clear all cross these new FR in my hands I the on I Love Always booah see what’s this randomly going to play Next okay a PE new generation not bad not bad not bad at all and why not we can throw this one in here too I accidentally messed up I made it on the wrong layer so I’m building it up again guys ahead our best and clear it’s all right I don’t mind I appreciate you singing you’re having a good time the wind smell the air Des are [Applause] [Applause] everywhere be on the moon we show the world what we can do the big eyes are wide The Voice deep inside obstacles are no excuse with me there’s nothing to Lose ping Through make us even stronger today is how weite I have to think about that one J Lo your spirit off the ground I’m a spark now won’t go out we can go much higher now gra Can’t Hold Us Down roll at the beginning of this oneway dream ignite dreams

Right yeah I know I I know Nate did his own version I actually have it in this I think I have it in my iTunes list really really good i’ probably I I I do really like Nate’s fastpac this like of the of his world really good fast paac in that one

Like I and also I feel like that pace is a little bit like for some reason that faster pace for some easier to follow them The Originals dead we break they said we lose but here we are what else is new with Every that’s why we can always get up never B give it everything that you got to this is how we Ignite boost your spirit off the ground and I’m a spark that won’t go out and we can go much higher now and gravity can hold us down now we’re only at the beginning of this oneway Dream ignite dream is alive Boost your spirit off the ground I’m the Thaton we much higher now Hold Us Down only at the beginning of this One yeah do I have a I think I have his version pretty sure I do hold on I think I don’t actually I do actually actually don’t have the Original Rock and roll St now rock and roll in his world his world got to make it way strong His I don’t know if this actually lights up at All I do not know this song very well by the way this is one Sonic song I need to Learn Understand time breaking down never fall because the presses of this world they can take the only way to break free is to break all right probably going to do one more thing here and I’m going to end off I got to do some Work Just me Play Yeah that’s definitely not like some of the definitely some of the original lyrics are not even in there like uh zebra fan fanade his world not NE but the version is a he cover zebra head is good interesting I didn’t even realize that in like Nate version there I never noticed that actually

Surprisingly more you know I will say one of like Nate’s best like Sonic stuff is uh this one this one of my favorite Nate Sonic CL I can’t do this alone even though I am strong and need something more to me is something to push me to Victory let’s see what we can do together me and you and be afraid to try and kiss your be goodbye no looking back and you with I

Were on the attack Full Speed Ahead run to the sunset such a different feeling both of us believeing and we can make it better get we and show the world what we can do are you and next to me and I’m next to you pushing on through until the battles

Won I was going to give a to us we other we put our trust standing United after the fight all alone we will never be the two of us are holding the key you we see today will we couldn’t see before I say good goodbye to you one more last fist Boom Oh you have been afraid before but you don’t have to be anymore no more emptiness and fear inside when we work together no one one can’t break our bun shine no looking back and you and I were’re on the attack Full Speed Ahead run into the sun such a

Different feeling both of us beling we can make it better together we can show the world what we can do you we next to me and I’m next to you pushing on for real until the battles won no one’s going to give a thing to us

We other we put our trust is standing United after the fight is done there we Go We can show the world what we can do yeah we’re next to me and I’m next to you pushing on through until the battles won I was going to give thing to us and we we put a trust standing United after the fight is a brand new day and we can turn the

Page and never knew how much I need it could be this way and all alone we will never be the two of us are holding the kear will see today world we couldn’t see before I say goodbye to you one more last P [Applause] Bo all right how much I want to go and do more but we’re going to end up I think we’re going to end off with this one Here can you feel life moving through your mind look like I came back for more yeah can you feel timeing down your spine oh you try try to ignore yeah but you can hardly swallow your fears and pain when you can’t help I follow then put you right back where you Can Liv it learn Hanging On The Edge of Tomorrow live and learn from the words of yesterday Live and Learn if you be oh if you borrow live and learn you may never find your Way life tangle you up inside now you face down the floor Oh by you can’t save your srow you p in you can’t help by put you right back where you can and learn hanging on the edge of tomorrow and learn on the words of yesterday living learn if you be if you

Borrow living you may never find your way Jonathan’s still here I don’t even know he’s like he’s very quiet just letting us jam Out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah There’s a face searching far so far and wide there’s a place where you dream you’ll never find hold on to what hold on to what they been learn Hanging On The Edge of Tomorrow living Le on the words of yesterday live and learn I you that’s funny oh live and learn you

May never find your way living learn Hanging On The Edge of Tomorrow living learn from the words of yester day living learn if you if you borrow living you may never find your Way living learn oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah living Le yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah fire ah luy freaking iTunes get out of here all righty boys and girls that is going to be it for our wild cats Revenge building stream I originally actually only wanted the stream to go two

Hours then I decided to go work on the W thing on the floor then I decided you know what this stream is going to go like a whole lot longer than that instead that was honestly a bit of a bad decision on my part there

But I didn’t know and I will see if I end up facing the consequences for it yeah I mean there’s two quick assignments I got to do for a class I hope that it won’t take all too long I’m just worried that like hopefully I mean

I’m pretty confident that like 3 and 1 half hours should be enough time to go and like do it and what not but uh who knows I mean hey the good thing is even though like like that like I did go a lot of extra time that means like a lot

Of extra time actually like getting some stuff done like for the build you know so that is actually kind of nice I I really do I really did like a lot of the progress that we were able to get in this video here I will say though this definitely was a bit of

A probably not one of my favorite building streams ever if I’m being honest I don’t know if like especially like the W being like a pain in the booty to go and like get done also just I’m not going to specifically name people even though I might be pretty

Obvious who I’m talking about like uh in the live chat or whatnot but yeah there was some people that weren’t being all what’s the word I can use uh wasn’t being all polite and being like a little too silly to the fact that like you know it’s it gets annoying you

Know you guys can go and bluntly say the names all but I ain’t going to all righty guys well yeah I mean this I mean okay we have like a pretty dang like solid like entrance way like for this ride now though like honestly this ride is looking like hell a fire

Dude it is looking like hella good dude like I really really like uh how this entrance way is looking I mean I mean obviously like not much of it’s done right now but I mean hey it’s better than nothing and I and trust me with my

Idea that I have in mind that entrance way is going to look absolutely sick like this is just like the beginning of my idea here like the entrance way is going to like freaking hopefully blow your mind and it’s going to make a lasting impression for this ride here oh

Yeah so you want to see some more um content for me at least Minecraft building stream wise um I’m going to be doing another Minecraft building stream as so mine building streams are happening every Sunday at around 3 3 p.m. maybe I might change it a little

Bit because I want to do a little bit more of the Pokemon nuzlock but we’ll see um and for next building stream we’re not actually going to be working on wild cats Revenge I think like after maybe two building streams of this other thing that I’m doing I may honestly just

Delay like uh I mean like whatever I get done with that like in the two building streams I’m thinking of doing for it then that probably be it but uh so my next building stream I’m planning on doing is uh a I think it’s uh yeah it’s cut from the

Team which is a Mario Party 8 game and I wanted to make like some new Mini gamess like in my world since because there’s like too many coasters like in the world I’m still making more as you can tell um and but I want to make like some new

Mini games and that’s like a luck based mini game and that’s kind of I want to like some kind of mini game like that like within my world there so that’d be a nice addition to the world and currently like the whole game itself like yeah it is technically like complet

Completed like the whole design of it and whatnot like is completed it’s just like it needs more detail and also like the inside design like is not really anything right now and I want there to be a pretty cool inside design even though like when you’re actually doing

The game you’re not going to see the inside all as much so but yeah that I’m pretty excited to like continue work on that though maybe I might even have a special guest like being there like with me throughout the streaming to maybe like keep my sanity

In check while I deal with like some uh people that shall not be named because I like I feel bad because like I just don’t feel like he really deserves the banhammer but like U man he’s just getting to a point where I’m just like I I’m just don’t want to deal

With him anymore sorry it’s like sometimes my to like I can tolerate enough at some points but eventually at some point like my tolerance like really runs fin so yeah you can’t like you can’t get my tolerance like going forever all righty there we go sorry I

Wanted to go and like I was just kind of like blobbing on so I can go and finish those tree plant things there since I’m like might as well it’s looking pretty good though here I mean mov the logo over got the entrance way got our W on the floor and

We got our a new new pathway over in this area here like this is looking sick B cats aveng is really really coming together so I’m really excited the for for the future of the future of this ride here because this is definitely turning out to be one of my

Best coasters in the world potentially yeah all right yeah so that’s again wish me luck in my uh work and whatnot and yeah if you want to go join some I guess the last thing I’ll say you want to join any more of my streams I

Will be doing a Mario I’ll be continuing well actually I’m going have to make this announcement and actually change this so because I have two exams on Tuesday I want to use as much time on Monday to go and study for them so I’m actually delaying the Mario RPG and the

Sonic Mania stream a day it’s not that bad it’s just I I’ll instead do it on Tuesday instead of doing it on Monday so I guess that’s something I’ll just like let you guys aware of and I’ll go and change it and probably announce that uh

Once I once I have the time to maybe announce it tomorrow um so yeah Tuesday we’ll have my RPG Sonic Mania and then on Thursday we’ll have some uh more Bite story and then Sonic forces and we’ll do and then we’ll do another round of Music streams actually recommend anything

Anything that you want so that’ll be exciting and uh then we’ll get to some more do another round of Pokemon giveaways and then there’ll be uh also New Among Us stream happening on Saturday as well so yep next stream Tuesday you got it pal all righty guys

Well I’m going to stop blabbering on here cuz I really need to like like work on work on my work now cuz I don’t want to risk like taking like not not having much time on it and so thank you guys again so much for watching I’ll be

Seeing you guys later next awesome video here on the Luigi streamers Channel and I’ll hope to be seeing you guys whenever I get back to building wildcast Revenge peace stre Shing on out of here I’ll be seeing you all later Byebye N

This video, titled ‘THIS IS LOOKING INCREDIBLY WILD!! – Wildcat’s Revenge Minecraft Building 2’, was uploaded by TheLuigiStreamer on 2024-02-12 01:44:53. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 05:09:12 or 18552 seconds.

Welcome to the Hersheypark project! Because of my spectacular experience at this park, I want to recreate its roller coasters! This park has a lot and this will be a huge project. I have not forgotten about my REVAMP project, but I am itching to build some brand-new coasters instead of revitalizing old ones. What better way to start off this project with my favorite coaster at the park, Wildcat’s Revenge!

There may be times I will work on this off-camera, but I will mainly work on it on-camera. I most likely will not be chatting all too much during this stream since I need to focus on what I am doing. I still hope seeing these creations being built will be super cool to you! Like & subscribe if you want to see more Minecraft-building streams! Great to be back doing this! 😀

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    Sailent Gamer reveals secret to instant success 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending #trending 💯🧡🤍💚’, was uploaded by SAILENT GAMER on 2024-06-12 05:33:05. It has garnered 19165 views and 3188 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft Dash Empire flick Empire Minecraft UNDERWATER PRISON ESCAPE in Minecraft… Rahul Minecraft minecraft prison escape minecraft underwater prison escape map download carter sharer underwater prison escape underwater box fort prison escape papa jake minecraft underwater prison escape the underwater prison underwater prison escape minecraft map download minecraft funny moments minecraft funny underwater prison escape mythpat underwater prison escape… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can’t Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!

    EPIC FAIL: Fexxon Gaming Can't Tame Fox in JAR WORLD!Video Information वेलकम बैक गाइज नहीं नहीं यार मजा नहीं आ रहा रुको यहां पे हां अब सही है तो वेलकम बैक गाइस आप लोगों का स्वागत है एक नई इस वीडियो में और लास्ट वाले वीडियो में आपको याद होगा हम गए थे पानी के अंदर और हम गए थे यह जो अपना ओशन मॉन्यूमेंट है यहां पे और यहां पे गाइस मजबूरन मेरे को लास्ट वाले एपिसोड में क्रिएटिव यूज़ करना पड़ गया नहीं तो गाइस मैं मर सकता था वप और बहुत ही ज्यादा दिक्कत हो जाती है लेकिन आप देख पा रहे हो इज्जत से गाइस… Read More

  • Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shorts

    Insane Hive Combos in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information feel the psychicness fuing up beside your bone I asked you for forgiveness but I did into a thing you still remaining all my mentions acting like you did a thing How Could You spit down all my name and act like you’re so amazing you are a cool cool girl grown up in a cool cool world This video, titled ‘Hive combos #31 #shorts #minecraft #skywars #bedwar #hive #mcpe’, was uploaded by DanyPlayz on 2024-01-08 20:22:02. It has garnered 1815 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ tags (ignore)… Read More

  • Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend – Bathing Baby Me?!

    Insane! Minecraft Cube Legend - Bathing Baby Me?!Video Information 小时候洗澡的你哎行了妈 别逗了,烫烫什么烫 眼睛闭上行哈 来手给我,啊啊啊疼轻点声 我疼什么疼啊疼啊疼疼哎呀轻点我哎哎这洗完了哈 我再也不想洗澡了 疼死我了 那些很牛瞬间来同学们 咱们先画一个等边三角形啊 嗯 这啥呀 然后呢,再画一个圆儿吧 这也太圆了吧 来同学们学新符号啊 阿尔法贝塔嘎巴阿尔法贝塔嘎巴好 再来一遍阿拉法贝塔蛤蟆阿尔法表塔蛤蟆 好 非常标准 放寒假啦 今天放寒假,早夜扛回家 送到废品站,一次性梭哈 猝不及防 先生你好 可以帮我做个调查吗 可以啊 如果在街上有歹徒向你靠近的话 觉得你有能力自保吗 没有啊,嘿嘿 钻石交出来 那我能管啥 医生的幽默感 大夫,我这个病情怎么样啊 你这个病还好,就是有一点比较麻烦 你以后啊 每一天都得吃一片,这个药 有的治就好 有的字就好 不就每天吃片药吗 这 这里面就三片药啊,对啊 跟你开个小玩笑 其实你还能活这么久 这是什么意思啊 5年还是五个月 当我和对象打电话时 老师,我有一个问题一直困扰着我 尽管问为什么熬夜会秃顶却不会掉腿毛 你看我浓密的发型就知道我从来不熬夜 居然还问过这种问题 那请问用毒蛇的毒毒毒蛇 毒蛇会被毒毒死吗 你搁这发电报呢 你觉得用电鳗的电电电鳗电鳗会被电电死吗 那这才是爱 led灯上放一只变色龙 再在变色龙身上放另一只变色龙 变色龙会随着变色龙变色而变色吗 最后会是哪只变色龙跟着哪只变色龙变色呢 你们不要以为我这种缺心眼的问题就能瞒住我 我教书这么多年,什么样的问题没见过 刚好我们还有好多问题想要请教您呢 随便问 请问过期的敌敌畏是更毒了还是不毒了呢 毒不毒我不知道 但是不论你喝哪一瓶都活不了 玉皇大帝住平流层还是对流层 阎王爷住地壳还是地幔 孙悟空被压住了怎么大小便花郎神怎么做眼保健操呢 这他妈应该是碳基生物提出来的问题吗 第一个发现奥利给不能吃的人是怎么知道的 虽然我不知道 但是如果你要吃奥利给的话 我会在旁边给你喊加油 用粉碎机粉碎,粉碎机 粉碎机会被粉碎机粉碎吗 哦哦哦,这没想为什么是柜子冰柜 为什么,什么是箱子 空腹喝牛奶会胃疼 那我先喝一小口牛奶 不空腹了再继续喝牛奶会胃疼吗 狗子遇到贵宾犬会觉得是VIP来了吗 喂喂,隔壁精神病院吗 我这有一般精神病对保底10年脑血栓你们发了漂亮 今天我来算一算 今天我来算一算作业是否能写完 速度比乌龟还慢 不会的,题占一半 写的完写不完,写的完写不完 那么我再算一算,写不完老师会咋办 让你教室外罚站 还是教学八行摊写的完写不完写的完写不完 女生之间的默契,昨天你去那个了吗 唉,别提了 你猜我昨天遇到了谁谁呀谁他呀,怎么啦 你猜他跟谁在一起跟谁呀 就是那个谁,卧槽不会吧 而且他俩正在那啥那场可那个了 太那个了,你听懂了吗… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Prank by Vivek Gamerz 😱 #shortsVideo Information [Music] by This video, titled ‘minecraft prank 😂for me #shorts’, was uploaded by Vivek Gamerz official on 2023-12-27 05:24:21. It has garnered 2938 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More


    EPIC TNT MOD IN MINECRAFT! TIKTOK TNT PLUGIN PACKVideo Information Öncelikle Herkese merhabalar ben junus n Bugün ne yapıyoruz arkadaşlar Bugün yeni bir paketle sizlerleyim Ama bu paketin zaten çok satmayacağım tahmin ediyorum çünkü bu paket Aslında tiktok’ta yayıncılara özgü bir paket yani tiktok’ta yayın yapan kişilere ait bir ait olacak bir paket O yüzden aslında baktığımız zaman tamamıyle birazcık gerçekten yayın yapmak isteyenlerin işini e hazır hale getirmek için bu paketi sunuyorum ki bu paket zaten benim kendi yayınlarım da Bizzat kendi kullandığım bir e ürün bunu hazır olarak artık vermek istiyorum Çünkü ben çok fazla artık bu içeriği yapmıyorum e o yüzden yapmadığım için en azından… Read More


    ULTIMATE PAIN: EPIC MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BED WARS LIVE’, was uploaded by PAIN YT on 2024-05-16 14:14:29. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:54 or 114 seconds. #freefirelive #classyff#nonstopgaming #ajjubhailive #2bgamer #raista 🏷Tags : #freefire #freefirehighlights #freefiregaaraff #freefireconta #spas12 #aimbotfreefire #hackfreefire #sho They think I’m an Emulatortgunhandcam #shotgun #x1freefire #freefirebrasil #freefireclipes #melhoresmomentos #handcam #loud #freefire #freefirehighlights #equipou #habash #bestplayer #m1014 #spas12 #dpifreefire #contarara #bestmoments #Iphonefreefire #androidfreefire #emuladorfreefire #heroic #season #equipou #highlight #RuokFF #ff #RUOK #Freefire​ #GarenaFreeFire​ #MENA​ Ненужные теги: xxxtentacion, empire, rap, bad vibes forever / empire, hip hop & rap, xxx,… Read More

  • Clowdy Skies

    Clowdy SkiesWelcome to Clowdy Skies, where epic battles, cunning strategies, and thrilling adventures await. We’ve meticulously crafted a unique and immersive Minecraft Factions server. Engage in heart-pounding custom raiding, unlock treasures from our exclusive crate system, experience balanced PvP, and prove your skills in dedicated arenas. Our dedicated and friendly community is at the heart of it all, and we’re committed to creating a server where every detail counts. Join us in shaping this evolving network as we build our community and perfect our Minecraft world together. Patience is key, but the journey promises excitement at every turn. Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP Cross-Play McMMO Dungeons Mob Arenas Custom Enchants Shops Pinata Party Crates

    Charged Creeper SMP Server Hark, brave adventurers! Welcome to Charged Creeper, an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. Join us for a captivating and enriched survival experience like no other. What’s in store for you: A lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Quality of Life features like Player Warps, Homes, and Land Claiming A voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Cross-platform play with friends Informative Discord channel and custom Help menu Links: Website Discord Channel Gallery Java IP: Bedrock Port: 25566 We eagerly await new faces on our server and extend our warmest… Read More

  • Lycana Network

    Lycana Network🌟 Welcome to Lycana Network – Your Ultimate Minecraft Destination! 🌟Get ready to embark on an unforgettable Minecraft journey with Lycana Network! 🗺️✨ Our network offers a diverse range of servers, each meticulously crafted to provide you with unique and thrilling experiences. Whether you’re a fan of classic Survival gameplay or the excitement of Prison servers, we’ve got you covered!🏕️ Immerse Yourself in a Captivating Survival Experience 🏕️Step into a world of endless possibilities with our feature-rich Survival server! Explore beautifully designed worlds, engage in epic PVP battles, and unleash your creativity with our exclusive features:🌿 Discover four immersive worlds… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Ominous Trials ain’t got nothin’!

    Why am I not surprised? With a score like that, this meme is definitely a survivor! Read More

  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

    Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of rich and poor football players, their stories untold. Efekan, a talent, with skills so bright, Becomes a millionaire, his future alight. Training hard, scoring goals with ease, Fans cheering, cameras clicking, a breeze. But Yusuf, watching from afar, Dreams of glory, a shining star. The coach, the manager, all in awe, Of Efekan’s talent, his football law. But in the end, it’s not just about fame, It’s about passion, love for the game. So whether rich or poor, young or old, In Minecraft or real life, let your story be… Read More

  • Cat Edit: HOT DAMN! #minecraft #memes

    Cat Edit: HOT DAMN! #minecraft #memes When your cat discovers your secret Minecraft world and starts wreaking havoc like a creeper on a rampage. #catpocalypse #minecraftmayhem Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

    Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You! Bugs in Minecraft That Can Save You! 😎 Introduction In a recent video, Vinícius showcased five bugs in Minecraft that could potentially save players in tricky situations. These bugs, although unconventional, can be game-changers when utilized effectively. Let’s delve into each bug and how they can be used to your advantage. The Boat Bug One of the bugs Vinícius demonstrated involves using a boat to avoid fall damage. By standing on a boat and continuously entering and exiting it, players can descend from heights without taking any damage. This bug can be a lifesaver when navigating treacherous terrain quickly…. Read More

  • Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-EN

    Shocking! My 7-day Minecraft obsession with Poko Rakun Ch. idol-ENVideo Information [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello [Music] you didn’t see anything listen we like doing a little bit of pranking we like doing a little bit of trolling we do a little bit of trolling okay we do a little bit trolling we do a little bit trolling you know do I’m just building in Minecraft what are you talking about anyway hello bu welcome to another uh stream Pogo stream today uh I’m playing Minecraft uh but this upcoming week as you guys have seen on my schedule I’m not going to be… Read More

  • Friends In High Places – Parasitic Skies #2

    Friends In High Places - Parasitic Skies #2Video Information hey guys it’s uh Clubby here uh apologies about uh the audio in this video I uh apparently bumped the gain knob on my microphone before recording that and and I didn’t uh I didn’t even notice uh and so the next 3 hours uh I Peak my mic a lot and it’s really really hard for you to hear uh my friend Evan who’s joining me in this video um um I’m really sorry about that and there’s not really much I can do now and post um but just so you know I am aware of… Read More

  • Insane Finale on FireMM!

    Insane Finale on FireMM!Video Information [Music] all right all right um here we go we are on okay so today guys today what we are going to do hang on my music is way too loud I’m not going to lie um I know it is an early stream uh I’ll wait for you guys to join before I properly say everything but um I know it’s an early stream and stuff like that however wow all right hang on um hang on hang on hang on hang on let me cook here let me cook um maybe a bit laggy that’s the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You MUST See!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hacks You Need to Try!”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-25 06:35:54. It has garnered 93 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a suggested description for a Minecraft Shorts video designed to go viral on YouTube: — 🔥 Welcome to my Minecraft Shorts! 🔥 In this video, we dive into [brief summary of content, e.g., epic builds, crazy hacks, or insane moments]! Watch as I [specific highlight, e.g., create a massive castle in under a minute, showcase unbelievable redstone… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!

    Insane Minecraft Horror Mods w/ Kaboodle & Clownpierce!Video Information clown hey Kaboodle hi hey Kabuto hi what hey kabood what are you doing the [ __ ] is that that one kab what yes hi hey Kaboodle yes what do you want Kaboodle yes hi you can hear me right hello hi kabood I mute hello no I didn’t mute you’re just an [ __ ] what hello what I’m here you can hear me stop being a dick hello Kaboodle hello wait can hi hello Kaboodle hello helloo hello Kaboodle hi what kabood what you can hear me are you there yes I’m here what you… Read More

  • Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PE

    Unmasking the Skywars CUBECRAFT player! | MINECRAFT PEVideo Information [Music] 3 2 [Music] [Music] 1 [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|@JitR @PadaiOS @SpunkyInsaan20’, was uploaded by Anonymous Player on 2024-04-04 11:03:09. It has garnered 44 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:51 or 231 seconds. Skywars CUBECRAFT gameplay |MINECRAFT PE|‎@JitR  ‎@PadaiOS  ‎@SpunkyInsaan20  pvp minecraft pvp minecraft tips pvp minecraft bedrock pvp minecraft pe tips pvp minecraft server pvp minecraft pe pvp minecraft texture pack pvp minecraft video pvp minecraft mobile pvp minecraft montage… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. – Can You Beat It?!

    Epic Minecraft Challenge ft. Choco Ch. - Can You Beat It?!Video Information [音楽] 足りないのよ ほらエンダー [音楽] マン [音楽] お 足りないのよほら [音楽] エンダーマン [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー マン [音楽] で [音楽] 足りないのよほらエンダー [音楽] マンてますはいはきましたましてみました ましたはいこんにちはこんにちは こんにちは こんにちははい本日はつまりいただいて ありがとうございますえありがとうござい ますはい自己紹介とかします一応しとき ますかいしとくしとくはいし とこう人いるん だどうぞどうぞすいませんどうぞはい ブイスポ 担当役無理です ポだっ たあで今日はブイスポ担当で終わるなんだ ブイスポ担当はいブイスポ所属え大臣 カンパニーでは平社員をしておりますやも 紅ですえ本日はキャリー枠やらせて いただきます従ってくださいよろしくお 願いしますって くださいはいはいさん 社長俺かはいうんえ何自己紹介って雷人 ですマイクラマイクラはでもちょっとえ なんかライ様のマイクラマジかみたいな めっちゃ見たちょちょっとだけやったこと あるえそうなんだじゃキャリー枠 Twitchでこのエンドラの討伐RTA 企画みたいなのがあったあ へえすごい昔ちなみに何も覚えて ないいけますねはいはいことでよろしくお 願いしますお願いしますお願いしますお 願いし ますじゃあ 部長 部長ゼロさんじゃ ないそうだよ思い出し てけどうもゼはいあのmcraは中学生の 時に騙されて人のにTNT爆弾設置して やめました5分5分しかやったことない です頑張り5分中学生っぽい なはいめっちゃ切れられた足だけは 引っ張らんように はい 厳しい 厳しいすごいキラ社員なのにいやいやいや もうここではもう部長暮らしですかそうね そうだはいじゃマザマザさん部長はい部長 部長なの俺もわかんない親親方じゃない 親方親だよねあ親方あどうも雷人 カンパニーえ親方担当マザーですはい皆様 お久しぶりでございますあ久しぶり久し ぶりです久お元気でしたか確かにはいに はい元気ですはい僕はもうあの撮影終わっ て帰ってきて寝そう です寝ないで追ってくださいだめだ よはい じゃあじゃあ次も上から行きますか上から ひまちゃんかなはいえ皆さんどうも こんにちはこんばんはござほんまひりです 2さじの一部を務めており ます1はい229を務めておりますえ毎 代表だったの にそう一部ですマイクラはねなんかあの2 時3時では結構頼られたりとかハードコア する時とかにされるんだけどやっぱベ ちゃんがいやいるから今日はいっぱい甘え たいと思いますそしてガチキャリー枠です よや生活習慣がちょっと最近良すぎるので ちょっと11時ぐらいになったら多分あの すごいデバがかかってくるの でやりたいと思いますよろしくお願いし ますお願いします願いしますお願いします はいはいじゃあはいはいえどうもアクカド なんて言ってたっけえれオールマイト オールマイトえムですがマイクロではバブ 枠です今日は目標迷子にならないを掲げて あとスタッシュの中身を汚していくのは 止められないと思いますよろしくお願いし ますいやマイクラ でマイクラで汚せたらすごいもんだそれ はやめない方がいいよ 社長のチェストを作ってもらえないと困っ… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLuk

    Insane Minecraft Roller Coaster Contest! Ana vs LucaLukVideo Information în clipul de astăzi fraților Eu alături de Ana am făcut un concurs de cine face cel mai șmecher Roller Coaster din Minecraft stați Până la final și Scrieți în comentarii care s a descurcat mai bine și dați neapărat un like dacă vreți mai multe clipuri de genul ăsta Și cât timp Apăsați voi pe subscribe Lăsați mă să vă spun și despre noua colecție de pe Unde găsiți și pufoșenia asta de cățel pe nume Rex Și cam așa arată și colecția adică este foarte șmecheră e cu mine și cu Ana Când cântăm știți… Read More

  • AARAV’S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!

    AARAV'S CRAZY LIFE: Epic Minecraft Gameplay + Music!Video Information [संगीत] वि [संगीत] वि [संगीत] [संगीत] This video, titled ‘How to Play Minecraft #music’, was uploaded by AARAV KA DAILY LIFE on 2024-04-29 15:24:34. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • iCunny

    iCunnyFULL DISCLOSURE: This server is being self-hosted, expect latency to not be the best. We are working hard to eventually move to a dedicated server. iCunny is a free to play modded Minecraft anarchy server on 1.19.2 with no report system, and with only 2 rules: No illegal content, and no people under the age of 18. Mod list: To play on this server, download these mods, extract them, and add them to your Minecraft mods folder. Read More

  • QuaintSMP – SMP, hermitcraft, whitelist, 16+, Discord

    -1.20.1 -Close community -Long term world -Proper SMP (Hermitcraft-like) -Shopping district + Minigame district -Forge server, light mods (waystones, backpacks, Vanilla tweaks) + create mod I own a Hermitcraft-like server with about 9 consistent players, looking for more. Interested? Join the server built on community and trust, where we work together. Members should be 16+ or mature enough. Hoping for 15-20 active players. Join us on Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Guess What This Means, Newbie

    Minecraft Memes - Guess What This Means, NewbieI guess this meme is a solid 45/100 on the Minecraft humor scale – Not bad, not great, just okay. Just like my survival skills in the game! Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More