TheNeoCubest – Let’s Play Minecraft Like It’s 2010 Again (Episode 7)

Video Information

Hey guys what is up the neocubist here welcome to episode seven of my Minecraft a 1.20 let’s play like it’s 2010 again oh guys a lot has changed not actually not a lot has changed I just say that because that’s something you say at the beginning of an episode I think I need

To get off of a 32 simulation distance um OptiFine is wonderfully optimized I can run 32 chunks and uh it’s maybe a little bit laggy but we could probably run like you know 20 chunks and be okay which is nice so I have been getting a

Lot of cows it is a nice rainy day so we turn the brightness down it will be increased don’t worry whenever it becomes a non-rainy day but look at this look how many cows we have maybe it doesn’t come off on on camera super well

But like guys we have a lot of cows they seem to have gravitated towards this one area people were asking me about my skin so I own a server called neonetwork and I needed an ALT account that I could you know have staff permissions on and I made an account called am Neo

And uh I I just inverted my skin like I took the colors and just made them the opposite and I started this world on this account and I messed up I I so I if I switched to my other account and then it won’t it won’t save so I ER it won’t

Save all my statistics and and all my items and stuff so that’s why I have this skin um I also just woke up today so my voice isn’t completely woken up but that’ll happen pretty quickly let’s go sleep and uh let’s come back to A nice bright

Sunny day and the CBC SOG oh no no no no no no there’s already mobs ah okay we can sleep we can sleep okay Mr Skelly okay yeah he’s running away yeah oh I’m trying to have the cover of a of a tree huh so I wanted to check it

Out I did find a few holes and I filled them in uh I guess this was always here looks like creeper blew up but let’s go show you the cows during the day I did do a few things off camera I added a few paths I also planned out where we’re

Gonna build our Wheat Farm um we’re also gonna do a little bit of a windmill I know people are kind of excited that I had a windmill in one of my hardcore seasons and uh people loved it so we’re gonna build another one uh we might need a farm some cherry trees I

Also terraformed a little bit like I said in the Cherry Valley near our starter Hut but look at this dude this is this is the ultimate I can’t even describe it I think there’s like over like 500 cows at this point like like literally there’s probably

Over 500 cows if I had a way to get up I this works I don’t know why I have chess I I honestly couldn’t tell you I don’t remember why but look dude look at this cows for days it’s very nice whenever we need leather

It’s going to be very nice I also farmed a lot of the sugar cane sugarcane’s been growing nicely look at our base look at our base okay we’re it’s getting there it’s getting there uh we need to build a moat we’ll probably do that in this episode

Too I’m gonna write that down on my little piece of paper here hold on I am being bullied by cows I I stopped for like two seconds and I was being bullied by cows they were pushing me around but dude I just I know I won’t shut up about

It but like dude we I I brought a few cows across the bridge I was tired of them staying in the same location so I did indeed bring a few across the bridge not a ton but a few and uh they don’t seem to move even if your simulation distance is up really

High they don’t seem to move unless you’re like somewhat close to them they’ll just kind of like stand there and spin around I’m not really sure how that works but yes I I don’t know I also definitely want to get some bees going uh people gave me in the comments a lot

Of uses for honey blocks some of them sounding pretty cool so you’ll see where I terraformed that’s where our Wheat Farm is gonna go um I think it’s got it like self-explanatory I’m gonna do like a terrorist farming type of deal I didn’t however terraform terraform this part

And I think I meant to and I either got distracted because I was playing this till like two in the morning last night like I I don’t know what time my login time was I can’t check it out because I already skipped past it but I’ve been just absolutely loving this

Man like it it’s been it’s been an absolute dream um obviously this is coming out on Saturday I’m recording this on Thursday but yesterday so Wednesday for me is when the new season of SMP survival multiplayer so I have a server called Neo Network you can find it in the description if you’re

Interested I’m not trying to use this a platform advertisement I’m trying to talk about what’s going on in my life in a new season of the s p launched and so that’s why there was only one episode this week I also have my best friend’s wedding this weekend so that’s really exciting

Um and yeah that’s why there’s only one episode and I’m not trying to put a bunch of pressure on myself and I get three of them pre-recorded and have them all uploaded and then one of them is really good two of them are like fillers and I don’t want that I want every

Episode to have its place have its purpose there we go um there won’t be anything on this level right on this level right here what I’m gonna do is build up like a wood wall on each of these I don’t know dude it’s gonna look so cool like I’ve

Actually so hyped about it we are going to want to build the path over to there at some point um I I don’t know exactly what that’ll mean but I do know that I’m gonna want to have this filled in for when I build

The path so we might as well do it now save ourselves a little bit of time plop a torch oh plop a torch down here so that no spoters spawn fill in the top and we’re good I will go show you how much sugar cane we have it’s actually quite impressive that thing

Works really well I mean obviously it’s just a big field of sugar cane and I’m sure it’s grown most of the way back it looks like absolute ton this is how much we have so far and what I mean by an absolute ton is that you literally just go in here oh

You literally just go in here how did that happen and you just walk like this it’s pretty satisfying you can see where the chunks were loaded notice how just this corner is grown because I was all the way over there it was kind of funny but yes you just walk

Back and forth and you get an absolutely absurd amount of sugarcane very fun very satisfying to just kind of watch a YouTube video and mine that so that’s been fun um bamboo you know we’re happy we have an okay amount at some point we’ll probably rebuild it and make it a little

Bit bigger maybe make an auto sugarcane farm melon farm and pumpkin farm all built into one just that we have a smorgasbord of items I did add a path there and you saw I added a path down to our sugarcane farm I did do what I said I was gonna do and

I removed that big hill over here just so that we have a path to get to our nether portal which I am doing I’m gonna do another Castle okay you could tell I did terraform this a little bit I just kind of removed some of the side dirt I

Don’t know I think personally it looks a lot cleaner and I think it looks really good um you know not for everyone but it makes me happy I enjoy it so we’re going to need to figure out a few things how much Cherry Wood do I have I have farmed

So much like I I don’t know like is there a way options uh hold on let me find it I don’t remember where it is here it is I was looking for blocks broken and I wanted to find where is where is the cherry wood we have a lot

Of cherry leaves broken but Cherry logs they should be in here somewhere uh I don’t know which one is broken okay time’s broken is the second column let me find it it’s somewhere in here I like the diamonds we broke zero diamonds probably because it’s impossible because they’re an item wait what

Oh time’s mind oh broken those are tools okay so time’s mind you can see we have mined 3642 cherry wood so we’ve mined quite a bit of cherry wood like quite a bit and we’re gonna need to mine more more and more uh we might utilize bamboo a little bit

Potentially I might take some bamboo might take some cherry wood I think we have enough I think we have enough now for the windmill which I just kind of remember we’re gonna build as well we may not have enough we may not have enough for the windmill um

You know I was thinking you know how do I want to build a windmill definitely all out of wood but we’re gonna have enough wool that’s for sure um I’m gonna take I know I’m a pair of shears in here and I’m also going to crap myself an

Auxiliary couple of pairs of shears just in case we need them we’ll just keep the materials on us we are going to need lots of pink dye um we’re gonna have to go Shear a ton of sheep because you know windmills have bleeds and they’re made of wool I am

Gonna have to go on Google Images and look at another Minecraft windmill because I don’t remember exactly how the blades work yes I know the path’s a little weird but it is what it is it’s it’s Neo’s funky World okay and I enjoy it let’s go check over here wait

If we’re building the wall out of bamboo I I am going to want to make a little bit more bamboo so let’s go in here and check on our bamboo Supply now the only the corner of that thing grew so I’m not fairly confident this thing is run too

Too much since we last grabbed from it I think we believe we grabbed in the bottom chest yeah so I don’t maybe it’s run quite a bit I don’t know actually um I am going to just kind of temporarily put all this stuff into a

Chest in here just so that I can grab a lot and craft a lot at once because that makes everything a little bit easier for me um each one of these is two stacks of bamboo planks so I’m going to try to keep that in mind and not grab like too much

Because you know we only need a finite ml like I mean we don’t need like infinite blocks or anything like that so we should be good that is probably more than enough keep in mind every one of those is two stacks of the bamboo planks and someone was telling me in the

Comments I do still read every single comment so if you want to leave a comment please do I love hearing from all the fans out there um I I almost hate to call you guys fans I I don’t like that word I feel like it’s it’s not like it’s derogatory I

Mean obviously if you’re watching my content you enjoy it people would say that you’re a fan or something but I like to think of you guys more as like internet friends you know I like to think we’re buddies so I like hearing from all you guys out there it really does

Touch my heart to uh hear from you guys it’s always it’s always been nice having a good Community you know whenever I started YouTube I never enjoyed the only aspect of the I I I I I wouldn’t say I’m famous okay I would say you know somewhat slightly internet famous

Um the only part I really enjoyed about and I say Fame like internet the only part about the fame that I enjoyed was getting to hear from so many people I never liked the attention part I never liked the uh you know some people think there’s glory and fame and all this it’s

Dude it’s not it’s not all it’s cracked up to be man um I never really enjoyed that part and well this this part of the CBC SOG is so empty and then it’s like you go just a little bit over here and it’s just like wow I think it’s because whenever I’m

Feeding the cows I kind of waft over in this direction because I wanted to push them over here but I think in doing that we’ve caused a little bit of overpopulation in this region um you know when we started the CBC SOG what did we have two sheep like

Literally like two sheep right how many sheep do we have now dude it’s more than two it’s like I don’t know how many but I mean if I pulled this says there’s 445 entities like just in my in in my you know field of view this

Direction 139 but I look over here it says you know 500 now I don’t know if it’s counting the little cherry blossom particles I don’t know okay but I I’m just gonna say in this entire thing and this is a very conservative estimate at least 500 animals you know sheep cows

Combined because you know we started off with two sheep and we we have a lot now okay let me sleep so that we don’t in uh involve creepers and cows I don’t think they play along too well you know I I feel like the creepers would definitely

Do enough damage to blow up like 30 cows if they were to be uh set off I don’t even know how to say it they always gravitate over here I I don’t know what it is about the AI that you know the wandering AI that passive mobs have but they seem to gravitate

Towards edges and walls and I don’t know if it’s because you know their AI you know I call it AI it’s not really AI technically it is but I feel like they just they’ll like pick a direction they’ll kind of walk that way you know they’ll walk like this and and it’s like

Why are they coming in the corner I don’t know man I can’t explain it um we have 58 wool we don’t really have any spots for more wool um I hate to throw away dirt but like or I’m gonna throw away that but I do hate

To throw away dirt but I’ll throw away a little bit of dirt we have gotten quite a bit from terraforming which means whenever we want to build something big and fancy schmancy that will be a very nice very nice now to take away pink petals over here I think would be a

Little bit of a disservice if we’re gonna get pink pedals we can go way over there I did do an absolute and I mean an absolute ton of uh traveling just looking for villages around here I didn’t want to do any do you know a bunch of stuff off camera but I really

Did need um some more you know wheat and I didn’t want to build the wheat farm off camera so I did go and find a few more Villages let me let me just tell you there is some pretty cool terrain over there I want to go show you maybe we’ll do that

At the end of the episode we’ll see how long everything takes but yeah it’s a pretty dang cool terrain if you’ll have been saying in the comments oh you and Lauren got married yeah we got married in October of last year so it’s almost been a year of marriage

Been very very nice you know honestly people always ask me and Lauren you know what’s changed now that you’ve gotten married it’s really no different because we had already been living together and maybe if you don’t live together before you get married which by the way I would

Highly recommend you live with the person you’re potentially going to get married to for at least a year because that’s where a lot of these issues come into play people will marry someone they’ve never lived with they start living with them and then they they see

A side of them they haven’t seen before and it just doesn’t it doesn’t bode well so definitely live with whoever you’re gonna live with I mean she’s the love of my life I knew that it’s cliche I pretty much do that from the moment I met her

You know maybe that’s a you know inaccurate statement and I didn’t truly know it but it felt like I knew it and I think and that feeling never really went away and for me you know I got very lucky finding someone at such a young age you know I got married

Um when I was was I 23 or 24 dude I don’t know my my age after I turned like 20 I just can’t anyways I I got married for for Our Generation fairly Young um also I’ve talked to a ton of people you know I started the server Neo

Network and so you know we have a big staff team and all that and I’ve met a ton of cool people everyone thinks I’m in my 30s why do you think I’m in my 30s man I don’t I’m only 24 and when I when I met

A lot of these people it’s 23 it’s like dude come on man there’s one guy I think think I’m an old man not that you’re old when you’re 30 but you know when you’re 23 or 24 and someone thinks you’re like 35 it makes you feel old okay all right well I’m

Gonna continue to get wolf um there’s not a whole lot else I can really get yeah if you didn’t know Lauren is the name of my wife and uh she she actually was the one who helped me with the 50 by 50 Quarry in my original

129 episode let’s play and uh you know I joked around that I’m gonna make her do that again and she was like okay of it it’s pretty cool she is student teaching right now she is going to be a teacher so it is not a good time for us to do

The streams because you know she’s you know at the school for eight hours every day at minimum so we’ll find time to do it whether it’s on fall break or something like that I don’t really know but yeah it could be okay it could be a pretty interesting

Stream that’s all I gotta say all right I’ll collect we’ll I’ll catch you back in just a little bit oh yeah we dated like five years before we got married so that’s that’s also a good thing date them for a while but you know if let’s say you’re dating a

Guy you just met and uh you know you’ve only been together a year but you feel like you want to get married well wait another year and see if that feeling is still there I I just don’t want anyone to end up in an unhappy relationship and

Uh yeah I hope I hope you guys all find your happiness in that regard and you know some people can be happy you know I it’s not that I was unhappy without you know a partner but some people don’t need that as much as maybe I did or

Other people do and that’s okay there’s nothing wrong with not getting married and just just you know hanging out oh we already got enough wool cool then to cut the camera I wouldn’t quit rambling okay so pink pedals we need we need pink so how many stacks of this do we need

You know now I’m gonna I’m gonna leave I’m Gonna Leave the windmill things white it’s not that I don’t like pink I think you know obviously obviously this whole area is like pink but it’s nice to have some contrast if we build the base out of

Cherry wood it would it would look a little a little too much pink you know if we put you know and you know the people out there you know the Barbie fans are like what are you talking about too much pink dude but it would look when you’re building you

Want to try to you know have some contrasting colors you like Cobblestone and pink you know kind of a gray and a pink a dark and a lighter color for instance what did I just do I just spit onto my screen I have like a windscreen and everything

In front of my mic but sometimes I just go a little too far and uh it doesn’t work out well you know maybe I do want to farm some stuff down here I don’t know but I feel like three layers of farm ah three layers of farm should be good

So I have been you know kind of using these as project chess which is perfect so I’m gonna put up all the bamboo I’m gonna put up all the bamboo planks uh we’ll put the wool in there and we’ll put the cherry wood rest of the bamboo

Stuff we didn’t end up using this which you know isn’t a bad thing but we do have a lot of dirt back at the house so I’m gonna go grab that and I’ll meet you guys back down here that’s enough dirt we we don’t need that

Much dirt that’ll be good uh so the whole terrorist like kind of terraforming method that I started doing it came from when I was watching Lauren play Animal Crossing and this was during 2020. um and I noticed so everything had its own kind of level and I made a hardcore

World and I did that and then I I guess I died in the hardcore world I was trying to fight the Wither in my base obviously I think I decided to end the series then and then wanted to go out with a bang or something yeah I think

These two layers are definitely good enough but we’re not going for good enough we’re going for the extreme baby so what I’m gonna do and uh this might take a little bit more bamboo so it kind of ends like somewhere around here um I’m going to make this

I’ll I’ll kind of build out where it’s gonna go okay so I’ll I’ll try to I’ll try to convey how big this thing’s gonna be it’s gonna be a nice big farm it’s gonna be a nice big farm because I don’t want to have to go and raid Villages and

In fact I don’t think there’s any Villages within like a thousand blocks circular radius in fact I kind of know that around this entire area so I do know where some snowy mountains are I know where some crazy caves are which means when we go adventuring we actually

Have a few points of interest to go and visit I almost want to get like some sort of simple map mod but then I realized that Minecraft has Maps uh I don’t particularly like love them but there are maps in the default game um it’s just that making a map wall is

An absolute pain dude I’ll never quite understand how they made a map so it’s not that it’s non-user friendly but I do not know how to use it I guess very well and I’m trying to make this kind of curve back because it got a little bit

Long in the tooth there and then we’ll we’ll just kind of naturally end the farm like somewhere around here like that because we do want to have the path continue on over here it’s a little bit tricky because this whole thing is not you know honestly we could just fill it in

Also probably torch it up I don’t think it’s a very yeah it’s a very tiny cave it’s gonna say I didn’t think it was very big if it was then there wasn’t that many mobs we have a trapped sheep so we’ll go ahead come on Mr sheep come on

I’m gonna make sure you don’t go that way yep yep yep yep saving the Sheep that’s right that’s that’s me I’m the Sheep saver so I’m Gonna Fill in this little chunk right here I’ll come back in just a bit when that is done shouldn’t take long at all

Tell you what it’s been an absolute dream having a bed in every single spot that you kind of regularly hang out in so it’s it’s made for a much easier Minecrafting experience so the path is gonna go you know from here to you know over here-ish and then

It’s going to come down you know somewhere over here and then it’s gonna just kind of go over which I like I like to clear up the grass um it’s gonna kind of go over to here so we’ll make ourselves a little bit of a path just because it’s kind of weird

That we don’t have a path right like I mean I feel like at this point we should have a path between the CBC SOG and our main base um this appendage I’m not particularly fond of like like over here so if you know if ever you’re not fond of

Something just kind of take your shovel out and uh remove said thing now you could take that advice the wrong way I mean in Minecraft terrain that you’re not fond of take your shovel out and dig it away we’ll still say that because people feel like it’s Neo advocating murder no you’re crazy

That is not we’re playing Minecraft dude okay so we’ll start the path like over here it’ll come down like you know somewhere over here somewhere over here yep yep yep and then it’ll come down another you know a few blocks like this and then it’ll go over

To here now this is a little awkward shaped so we may want to you know solve that a little bit okay so then the path will come down look over to here maybe like that I know it’s kind of wide but that’s okay it’s okay if you have a few extra slabs on

The side and then I’ll go ahead and just connect these I I’ve been kind of doing a solid path um which I know before I had kind of a spotted path but I’ve been kind of liking doing oh see I messed it up a little bit we don’t want to be over there

Don’t want to be over there no no no no no no um let me finish it oh well apparently making paths apparently every time you dig a path block it it takes a durability away from your shovel so go on to craft another shovel well I’ve literally gone through

Since you saw me last I think two shovels I I think in total you know what we can find it items where is the diamond shovel where are you buddy I know you’re in here oh there you are time’s broken okay we’ve gone through three total Diamond shovels

That’s too many Diamond shovels I feel like in every other less way I’ve only gone through one because I’ll have mending my now but no we’re going at our own pace whenever I feel like I need mending we’ll get mending um I definitely I don’t think I’ll ever

Get the elytra I I think we’re gonna pretend that it doesn’t exist just so that I’m more inclined to build Braille systems and I feel like a lot of the magic Is Lost once you get one and you know for some play Styles you know I’m not hating on

Them it is good it can make things a lot easier logistically but for my play style for me personally I’m not gonna get one and I feel like I say that in every single every single let’s play I make and then I end up getting one but I’m gonna I’m

Gonna hold myself to that I’m not gonna get one it’ll be nice to have these pads though and there we go now we have a nice path going over it does get a little wide in spots but that’s okay it’s because it’s kind of a hill but I’m happy with it and

It looks good okay back to my main objective oh we forgot a little bit it’s okay how I do this I literally just walked like that makes it very easy there you go nice um okay so back to my main objective terraforming this a little bit

Um we’re gonna have to fill all this in so it’s gonna take quite a bit of material so that’s okay that’s what that’s what we’re here for so I’ll meet you guys back when this is done I’m literally just gonna fill this into that wall there

Um I don’t think I’m should I make it solid we have enough dirt to make it solid so we might as well do that it would be a disservice to ourselves if we didn’t do that because then every time we want to put water down we gotta have a piece of

Dirt and it’ll be a whole thing okay and there we go nice okay so what I’m gonna do now is I’m gonna start to build the wall so I’m gonna need to grab a few things well the three walls there’s gonna be three of them we’ll use

Cherry wood we’ll try to use a variety of materials I may even swing we don’t have a crafty table in here okay okay I see I see we can put a crafting table down in the most inconspicuous spot right in the floor I think that’ll be perfect nice okay interesting oh yeah I’d

Completely forgotten that I did a haha I did a half slab floor for like some of this remember I said nobody would know except us well now we know again I had forgotten uh you so you can’t do you can’t do slabs out of this stuff

Okay so what we may end up doing I think we’ll do cherry logs for the supports and then we will cap them well see I want the in-between to be done with bamboo stairs bamboo stairs we want the in-between to be done with bamboo stairs you’re like

You know what are you talking to Bamboo stairs you’ll see you’ll all see and then I I wish we could kind of cap it with that but I think we may end up capping it with a little bit of cobblestone which is fine people always like you know

Why’d you still use a cobblestone it’s such an old block I’m like bruh I love Cobblestone okay what’s wrong with Cobblestone you get a problem with Cobblestone because I don’t have a problem with cobblestone I think it’s a beautiful block these only need to be like somewhat even

Um I’m not gonna you know bug about you know oh well this one has a little bit more space obviously if one of them has like an extremely large amount of space versus the other one I’ll fix it but you know I I’m not gonna harp on the details

When you’re going for a natural build like that looks fine it’s it’s I’m sure one of them is one or two more or less whatever it’s not a big deal that’s not right we gotta fix that um this path will lead up to the top

Farm we may end up changing a little bit I built that you know proactively before we had started any of this you know as for where the windmill is gonna go I have no idea uh we will have to farm Where cherry wood obviously I don’t even know if we’re gonna have

Enough you know to finish these little terraced walls but it will be interesting you know irregardless of what happens it will be interesting to see uh where we’re gonna put the windmill maybe like over here facing that direction or maybe we’ll build it over here facing this

Direction I really don’t know I don’t know you know I was I started to think about it in terms of the screenshot in my head and then I realized we’re not doing that we’re we’re never going to think about a build in terms of the screenshots ever again because that that

Is what that’s that’s kind of the magic killer I think that a lot of people don’t realize on YouTube is a lot of these builds people do in hardcore are literally just for the thumbnail I mean like I’m not kidding like most of like the big hardcore things you see and

Stuff like that it’s all for the thumbnail it’s all for the thumbnail because what are you gonna do you you built the Galaxy in hardcore what are you doing with that I mean you might look at it every once in a while and be like wow I

Built a freaking Galaxy sure you might do that and yes is it impressive yes I’ve never said it wasn’t impressive it’s really dang impressive but why but you have to ask yourself what what is the motivation behind something like that how many of you how many of you

Watching have built something to that scale and like maybe like a couple you know maybe a handful of you have built things that are that large and at that scale and you want to know why the rest of you haven’t because it’s just not fun

Like not it’s not it’s not fun like I I can attest to that firsthand I’ve built some pretty big things uh I think the biggest thing I ever built and you know it wasn’t all for the you know it wasn’t all for the thumbnail but I think one of

The biggest things I remember building is that giant creeper Farm in hardcore I don’t know if you guys remember it uh the one that was kind of the cheese grater style I guess you could call it and uh it was absolutely massive I now I don’t know if very many of you remember

It really um but it was massive it was just it was just ridiculously big um and it was like it took me I don’t even want to talk about how long it took me it was it was bad dude it took me like 12 hours 12 to 16 hours of

Just playing and watching YouTube that’s not maybe for some people for some people okay rant over we’re done with that don’t nobody cares Neo nobody cares I’m gonna need to break most of this grass because it just bugs me okay so the last wall of the terracing

Will start like over here uh we may have enough wood because these ones are so short compared to the other ones uh let’s just hope we have enough wood if we don’t we don’t um we we literally have so many cherry trees and I’m not really worried but it

Would be nice if I could continue on with the project without having to stop oh we’re spacing them out a little bit farther oh baby come on oh come on oh we don’t need that many more but we we definitely want to go get more because for the windmill we’re gonna

Have to you know farm that now ah part of me is like Neo you could excuse no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we’ve lived in peace for many a year and I Blame You not not you

I blame you for nosy’s death I don’t even wears nosy’s grave somewhere over there you are at fault now they are kind of stuck on oh they’re in the worst spot possible if I try to get over to these guys it is not gonna be good I’m gonna try to excite them

Yes you guys see me right yes come over here come over here don’t shoot me oh oh oh oh yeah almost happy I feel like I don’t even need to like attack these guys they’ve already screwed themselves over I have the high grip I have The High Ground

Stupidest noises you guys suck you know that you just trash now it is unfortunate these guys are like in a very awkward spot for me and for them like attacking me you know they can kind of sit there in Century but like for me I gotta like run down a hill

This Is Not Great this is not great with iron armor WoW it is not boating well and we have like really cool caves and stuff down here we just we just never really come over here um part of me really wants to build like a little teeny tiny enchanting area off

The bat but the issue is if I build if I build it somewhere then I won’t end up removing it and like I I want that to be a big big project is me building but farming these trees you know what it’ll be the last time I ever

Have to farm it with just a diamond ax I still have no idea how to get netherite tools I tried to I watch a YouTube video about it and I was so lost I was like I gotta find the netherrite upgrade you know template and then I gotta do this I

Want to go and find some of the new 1.20 stuff but we’re gonna save it you know some of the new relics and and and abandoned you know civilization things I don’t even know what to call them is gonna be it’s gonna be exciting it’s

Gonna be exciting now if we want to get this cherry tree I learned that it’s best to just remove these leaves while we’re up here because they’re touching some logs and like what the cherry trees are easily the worst tree to farm like compared to every other tree type

Because look how this like look how this tree is grown it’s grown like way the heck over here in One Direction then it has you know a few doodads sticking off over there and then it’s got this one and then it goes up again and then it

Goes up again and then over and it’s like bro trying to mine these you have to like build up so many times which it’s not that big of a deal I’m not like trying to you know whine about it I still enjoy mining wood that’s why I

Built the whole Tree Farm but it can be a little tedious a little tedious to say the least sometimes so Excuse me while I do this for a while these things are almost kind of like a an inside joke they haven’t been able to be you know grown in so long because

This is too close to that or something and they just don’t grow so I’m just gonna leave them there it’s just kind of a I don’t know I they look pretty okay so I’ll come back when I got you know enough wood I don’t know how long it’ll

Take but go watch YouTube in mine don’t mind okay that may not be all that we need but to be fair we’re gonna have to like you know wait for these trees to grow so how much is it to like four Stacks is pretty good okay well let’s go finish that wall

Oh yeah and we also got like an absolute ton of saplings dude like do we have we don’t need this many saplings I always put them in my castle but I feel like at some point we’re just gonna stop picking them up because like I’m I’m

Always scared at home I’m gonna run out of cherry trees no I don’t think you’re ever gonna run out of cherry trees I think they should have made them like jungle trees where they have a and by the way thank you for in the comments telling me that jungle

Trees do indeed have a little bit less of a chance to drop a sapling I think cherry trees might need to mimic that oh we did have a ton of pink petals in there anyways nice yeah they they might need to drop the chance a little bit I

Will take the wheat seeds we’re obviously gonna want those as far as you know a large number of buckets I believe those are in here so we’ll go ahead and take those and we’ll take two of these in case let’s see do I have yep I have room nice

I I don’t have any more room for anything else but I have room for what I need which is perfect so you guys know I I bought a motorcycle I bought a Honda Trail 125 and I rode that for a month and realized it’s way

Too small for me you know I’m six foot four over 300 pounds like I’m a big big boy and uh it was too small for me so I got a ninja sorry a Kawasaki Z400 which if you know anything about motorcycles is basically uh Kawasaki Ninja 400 without all the

Fairings which is just like the plastic body work on a motorcycle um and now I’ve been watching videos I I kind of want to trade in I kind of miss being able to go off-road whenever I want to I kind of want to trade it in

The Z400 is pretty fast almost a little bit too fast for me you know I never wanted to you know be a speed demon on the road you know and go super fast or anything that that never was me um I really want to get a KLR 650 which

Is like an adventure motorcycle kind of I mean it’s a it’s an adventure light motorcycle we’ll put it that way so if you know anything about motorcycles that’s my uh that’s my little journey I always wanted to start you know some sort of Automotive you know motorcycle Channel something like that you know

Something regarding Vehicles that’s always been my kind of dream at some point to do but I don’t know if it’ll ever happen we’ll see so as for doing the stairs I’m not exactly sure what I meant um I’m thinking something like this uh no we’re not doing that we’re not doing

That we’re not doing that maybe I just wasted quite a bit of bamboo making the stairs I probably should have tested it first but it’s okay but it’s okay maybe we could find a use for him elsewhere you know that’s that’s the beauty of Minecraft you know

What’s uh what’s not useful now may be useful later and we still have a ton of bamboo so I’m not worried about it again each of these is like two stacks I’m probably gonna need more we’ll just carry the compressed version um we don’t need the buckets at the

Moment I don’t remember if we still have an infinite water source over here if not we should probably build some sort of well or something at some point I don’t know um now as for how these are gonna go they’re literally just gonna be covering up the dirts on the side like this

I think it’ll look pretty good it’ll definitely look like terraced farming which is exactly what I was going for and uh yeah so I’m just gonna put these down on every single uh you know Block in between on all three layers and then I’ll come back and it should look beautiful

And just like that guys the wall is complete it is getting dark so I gotta go back but wall is done I think it looks really good I think this is really neat um we do need to kind of figure out you know what we’re going to do in between

The layers or whether we’ll put a little bit of cherry fence um we may top these with well it’s not good we made chop these with like cherry wood slabs bro where are monsters nearby you tell me where here this is where you’ve Cho oh jeez

What is this I didn’t light this up I must have done that last night and it didn’t light it up or no didn’t do that last night obviously I think I did that and whenever we recorded the bamboo episode or the sugarcane episode cheese dude I thought that was the end would

Have blown up all of our all of our sugar cane all our sugar cane supplies to be gone we will have to farm this at some point we won’t do it right now but I think I might top these with cherry wood I was like where’s my crafting

Table aha I outsmarted myself again um we made top I don’t need that many I don’t even think I’ll use a stack oh I why do I have these chests in my inventory I’ve had them in my inventory this entire time and I just can’t figure out why

Um we may do something in between these uh maybe we’ll do some cherry you know trap doors or something just just to give it a little bit more texture otherwise it might look a little bit weird I’m not really totally sure but that’s okay you don’t have to be sure

So let me top these off and then we’ll come back and assess how she looks overall though very happy with this I think it turned out very well yeah that looks good I think putting a little bit of the Cherry um trap doors on top of these or slabs

Would look really good maybe trap doors those are super expensive but you know it is what it is okay I think that is the money that looks awesome Okay cool so now we get to till this entire area get to put this diamond hoe to use I’m gonna have to go

Craft another one I just know that um and we also need to kind of figure out you know how we’re going to do the water you know situation I’ll definitely put like you know somewhere maybe like right here really easily accessible um I’m gonna need to get a little extra

Dirt aren’t I I have dirt in the chest but I don’t want to run back there I’m lazy um actually I guess it’s in the chest that’s right there next to our bed ah whatever it’ll be fine it’ll be fine hey we still got to do the windmill in

This episode so it’s gonna be a nice long episode the only only one in the week but again I I think you guys will kind of start to understand after you watch my channel you know if you’re newer um how things go and I try to do I’m gonna try to do in

This series you know I I’ve made mistakes in the past of course as everyone does uh where I tried to do quantity over quality it just doesn’t bode well um it ends up hurting your channel you know in the long run in the short run it

May help you but you’re gonna burn out trying to make too many episodes and it’s just not good um okay so I’m going to make another Diamond hoe and then I crafted tables just sitting there I wonder how long that’s been there probably since the start of the series

I can’t imagine that I just recently crafted that um yeah it thinks it’s the start of the series okay I’ll be back once I till all that land put the water in it’s not going to be exciting obviously we can’t plant all the seeds yet because we don’t

Have enough but we can go get literally infinite amounts of bone meal maybe that’s what we should go do is go down to our Skelly spawner um I’m not gonna lie I kind of forgot that we had that just a little bit I I it’s a little

Embarrassing but I kind of forgot we have all these bones down here all right and as you can see we get to come on into our spawner room here in a while been like a week a week and a half you know we have 67 levels there’s not

Really a whole lot we need but we have a lot of bone meal so I pretty sure I think each one will give you three stacks so maybe we’ll make this into bone blocks to make it a little bit more compact why don’t we we don’t have a crafting table down here no

We literally don’t have a crafted table down here that’s not good that’s not good it’s okay it’s okay either way we’ll use the bone meal we can craft it into a bone blocks up there I think you use bone meal to make it and 99 sure okay I just finished getting all the

Water in I don’t know if it’s exactly perfect um I will be capping all these as we you know kind of find out if you know it’ll allow us to till all this dirt with bamboo slabs like that I think that’ll look pretty good uh it should look good I don’t think

It’ll look bad and as I need to add more water I have a few extra auxiliary water buckets but now it is time to till I will make the Divide start right there okay I’ll see you guys when I’m done tilling it’s gonna be a while but it’s fun

I missed one there we go guys the thing is 100 tilled we went through that entire new hoe this is a third Diamond toe so it took an entire one plus a little bit of that durability of the old one that we had plus this one so this is a lot of wheat

I don’t know how much this is but like dude this is like an insane amount which I’m really happy about I mean I’m not like upset that we have a lot of resources but it’s gonna take a little bit of time before we can fill her up

Um it’s gonna take a little bit of time I’m kind of trying to plan the windmill in my head that’s definitely the last thing we’ll do in this episode because this episode had a lot of stuff that you know I had to grind for off camera

Um so it has taken quite a while to do so you know I need to eat food and stuff like that but we’ll get a nice good windmill going I hope we’ll finish it I’m sure we will I don’t think we’ll have any trouble finishing it the only part I’m a little

Bit worried about is whenever you build a windmill and I’m not going to build as big of a one as we did in the hardcore world because it’ll look a little out of place um we’re still going to build you know I I have written down on my piece of paper

A medium-sized windmill whatever that means a medium-sized one um so whatever that turns out to be it turns out to be I’m sure it’ll look good okay and then just one more layer of these slabs and we should be good this thing looks crazy I’ll show it to you

You know when we get up here I mean it’s a lot of wheat you know it’s not the easiest to farm because you have to you know go up and down on the little path on the side but really not a big deal we could build some stairs in the middle

But like this just this upper part is abso freaking lutely massive now granted some of this will be taken up by the windmill um probably build the base out of it you know with Cobblestone or deep slate I I mean like the foundation I don’t mean

The actual thing and that’s where we can store our wheat as would make sense if you have a windmill to grind your wheat into flour so you can make bread of course we don’t have to do that here but let’s just take a little peek oh my gosh that’s huge dude

Jeez Louise that’s a lot that’s a lot dude that’s that’s uh that’s a fair bit uh I love how I always overdo these things man it’s it’s well it’s always it’s always an adventure it’s always an adventure on a Neo let’s play but can I not make that jump

Am I just like inept come on and we’re gonna we’re gonna rock it the first time I don’t know why I didn’t do that um oh that’s too that’s that’s too hard for me you could totally make it but it’s too hard for you I guess to be fair

You can flip these up whenever you want to and just kind of hop on it’s kind of nice okay so let’s go grab all the wheat seeds that we’re gonna need um I don’t even think we’ll get obviously we won’t even get close to filling up

The first layer uh you know granted we don’t really have that bitty but the first things that we plant are in a mega Farm isn’t that funny usually you get that achievement pretty early on but I literally have planted absolutely nothing this entire time okay well I’ll plant all these I’ll come

Back and show you how much it is but I mean that was a full stack went that far so I think you guys can get you know we have this much more so it’ll probably go to like right there or something I don’t know we’ll see

There we go right about where I said I’d finish we did indeed finish okay so we do have bone meal do we want to sit here and just like like you know grow it and you know the whole deal it takes a long time even with bone meal you gotta sit here

It’s not exactly the fastest method in the world so I’ll do it with two stacks of bone meal we’ll see how much further we can get uh I don’t predict we’re actually gonna get that many seeds at all um I want to start the windmill and this

Stuff will kind of grow as we uh as we build the windmill which will be nice we won’t get the best thumbnail until all this wheat is grown but that’s okay I don’t really care but the thumbnail once all this weed is grown will be epic so

Let’s see one stack of bone meal got us about a stack of seeds so it is what it is you know we have that as an option I can do that off camera but I really want to spend the time when I’m super motivated getting the actual windmill

Done so let’s put the seeds up and it well we still have 51 seeds dude we still got 51 seeds we gotta go put those out what am I thinking okay I have a windmill pulled up it’s on Google images from random Builder on Pinterest we’re not going to copy it because I

Don’t feel like that’s fun I’m just using it as a template as a inspiration so I could build my own I may look at a few other images but if you want to find the same one in the top left corner it says random Builder I literally just searched Minecraft windmill on Google

Images I’ll be the first to tell you I’m sure a lot of Builders do that because getting inspiration from other talented people is a very very good way to a jerk that your builds look good otherwise they might end up looking a little wonky I I hesitate to use deep sleep because

We haven’t used it anywhere else um we could use like Smooth Stone potentially I think that might look good again the body of it’s gonna be made of cherry wood and Cherrywood planks but oh we’re gonna need a ton of fence and thankfully I over crafted fence so

We should still have quite a bit though well we don’t have as much as I need but it’s okay I’ll break some sticks too here we go I have like a full freaking setup down there now man we get a lot of stuff so we’ll build a little circular

Foundation and then start building this bad boy upwards and it should look pretty good I mean there’s some really big windmills if you search Minecraft windmills but like I’m not trying to build some Mega windmill um and some of these just look absolutely crazy like I I don’t think some of them

I could even build at least use this inspiration for the base and then we’ll come back and work on it more so I’ll start to put the fence or I’ll just start to put some of the stuff in there we’re not going to need anything but um these three materials right here I

Don’t think we’ll use bamboo at all then we’ll take some cherry oh that’s all the Cherrywood logs we have oh okay we have one in there okay good good we’ll probably just make those into slabs and use them okay so I’ll wait for it to become dark because I don’t want

To go start building and then I gotta sleep immediately okay yeah beautiful day in the world of Minecraft and yeah we’re probably gonna have to take out a few of those water things I don’t want to build it on a diagonal I think we’re just gonna build it facing probably

Facing out that way I think would look best I wanna no facing this way may look better so we’ll build it like right around here so there’s no point in this being here any longer sorry and okay so if we want to make it a circle we need to go out one two

Two two three one two three three okay and then one two three one two three and then I feel like that’s not a circle but I don’t know of another way to connect to three long sides I think it’s pretty I think that’s pretty much as good of a circle as you

Literally can get and to be fair the inside doesn’t need to totally be the stone you will see the stone from the outside okay nice okay okay and then see that doesn’t it’s for some reason it doesn’t look like a circle but I think it literally

Is a circle there’s no way you can make it a circle more circular with this amount of space I’m thinking I’m thinking so if that’s the foundation and that means the actual windmill yeah let’s let’s make the foundation one block bigger because again like this is what

The windmill will be sitting on so we don’t want it to be too small and then we can do like two and two that looks a little bit more circular yeah okay two two two and two okay I don’t know why but to me that looks more circular something like that okay cool

And then we’re gonna have to probably oh we don’t have our hoe with this that’s gonna bug me so I gotta go grab that oh look what time it is it’s a rainy day a good day for a building a good day for building I will put these in my off tan

Offhand so that it’s a bright actually you know what no that kind of ruins the vibe all right so we need to figure out where we want the supports to go up so again if this is the windmill I’m gonna I’m just gonna kind of line out where

The actual windmill is gonna go just so I know where to put the base parts so this should all be but I don’t want it to be have like a a weird Jagged corner you know what I mean like you don’t want the corner to be like that so maybe we’ll yeah

The original shape that I said didn’t look like a circle it looks like a circle but for a foundation it wouldn’t have been great okay nice so we have that figured out so where do we want the supports I would say probably like here and here for sure going up the

Sides and it’ll kind of taper in towards itself so it’ll be kind of like a cone shape in a way okay so like that so these will go up so we don’t need those anymore we will need that my inventory brother it is messed up get out of here

We’ll go ahead and just start building up with these in between and we’ll of course go back and texture things this is not like a final you know form or anything but I at least want to have this stuff kind of figured out before we start building it makes things

A little bit easier in my opinion okay so how far up do we want to go before we taper it um probably like to there maybe something like that I don’t know how high up that even is but that should be a good amount if we don’t kill ourselves falling

Because I already see a lot of opportunities for things we can do like for texture which is good so we’ll build the like Windmill and we’ll build the blade and stuff and then we’ll actually come back and you know maybe a little bit off camera all texture okay so this

Will go all the way up to here and then of course there’s going to be these slabs in the middle so I’ll go ahead and put these here I mean obviously they’re not slabs the planks that are in the middle but I’m having because I’m I’m impoverished with cherry wood I’m happy

To use the slabs but it’s okay well this will go up to here I love building a microwave it’s just something so special about it like you know building in other games you know like for example like building in rust or building in raft or building in any

Other like kind of survival oriented game it’s just not the same I don’t know how nobody else has been able to make a building system that’s this good but like I guess it’s just the freedom like this is literally just completely free-form building like there’s no

I don’t know I just don’t I don’t know how to describe it it’s like the most sandbox building sandbox building can be okay so these will go to there and obviously you know this is going to be a stair right there so first a set of stairs right there and

Then this will go up to here and then we’ll have one go like right here and just kind of continue this pattern now because that to me looks more circular uh foreign I don’t think we want to build a wooden windmill during a lightning storm Let’s uh let’s go to sleep

A little bit uneasy a little bit uneasy a little bit uneasy a little bit uneasy we can sneak in right here for the speed run sleep let’s go w ow that’s a that’s a w so yeah I uh you know usually I love the rainy days and all but you know when the

Big booms start happening we got it we gotta sleep dude we gotta sleep yeah dude it’s looking pretty good it’s looking pretty good nice and then it’ll kind of go up to here and then you can kind of build like a not a house at the

Top of it but like a little uh awesome just a little something at the top because that’ll make it look more Oh I thought we were about to be out of cherry I feel like we’re gonna run out of cherry wood pretty quickly and it’s honestly okay

Um I could just go get more it’s really not that difficult to get um are we building this one out to the corner yeah to the corner okay all right sometimes when I build things I’ll like convince myself I I did it wrong when all the rest are the same

There we go then I think these ones should go like two blocks higher something like that and then we’ll of course connect them with some cherry wood it’s probably gonna have to be like that I think and that technically is all the way connected yeah just like this

It’s kind of awkward building with slabs but you know what it works then it messed up a little bit there we go well I messed up a little bit it didn’t mess up that’s a good thing about Minecraft most of the time there’s not really any bugs

Used to when I started playing there were these bugs where entire chunks would like lose their lighting and they would be like completely dark it was really weird and then the game would literally crash and I kid you not like every 15 minutes it would crash and if you didn’t like

Save you had to like say there was no auto save for a while or if there was it was like very infrequent um oh see we’re already out of cherry wood so I’ll go and grab some more I’ll just have to mine for a while off camera

But that’s okay we’ll go ahead and take a little look back we’ll do a little MLG bucket not a big deal I can do them every time now I say that and then I’m gonna do them one time and fail and die and it’ll be really funny

Yeah dude that’s gonna be an epic windmill okay okay okay I am motivated thoroughly motivated I am gonna go get a bunch of cherry wood all right I did leave a few cherry trees because I think three stacks is probably enough and based on the amount of cherry saplings we

I feel bad throwing them away I don’t know I feel like I’m gonna run out I said that last time I just mined wood but I really genuinely do but you know maybe maybe we’ll be okay we’ll have to save the moat for next episode I’m not

Forgetting it but just so many things to do and I feel like if you do everything the right way then you’re gonna have a lot more fun for a lot longer because it you know you could build a little you know piddly little Wheat Farm

Or you can build a mega Wheat Farm like this and for some people this is you know not a mega Wheat Farm but for me at the scale I play this is a mega wheat farm for me for sure I know some people play bigger than life

I don’t I I really don’t I I never have I don’t think I ever will it’s just not it’s not enjoyable for me to build like that I don’t know that’s just me though and of course about to become night so I gotta go back and sleep

Okay back to the build should go pretty quickly from here um you know I’ll I’ll build the windmill blade some on camera soft camera I can put up some of the Cobblestone I think I overestimated how much I needed um it’s nice to be able to slip through

That little Gap there it really is I don’t even know if we’ll use like hardly any but we’ll keep a little bit I do know that more than that I’m gonna need the wool which I think I stashed somewhere that should be good fence though I’m not totally sure let’s see

How much fence can that make I think that’ll be enough if it’s not we’ll go craft more we should have everything we need to finish it um in between these right here I’ll do like some stairs or maybe do some windows because you know ideally you’d

Like to be able to go inside the windmill it shouldn’t just be something where you know you build it and then you can’t go in it and then it’s like pointless also a little bit tricky to go up does water turn this into non-tilled no it doesn’t okay well we could just use

Water there’s no crops close enough to mess it up just yet okay so these all need to be a little bit taller good thing I didn’t get to build them up all the way because this is gonna be like the last little section we’ll build a little like

Kind of box up here like a little house thingy that the actual windmill sits on but you want this thing to be fairly tall so something like this okay Now I don’t know how tall this is you know if I had free cam I could see it but I think I think it’s a pretty good I think it’s a pretty good distance okay so now we get to do the fun part we get

To build a little house at the top it’s it’s I don’t I don’t really know why it’s like that but there’s like typically like a little just a little something up here okay just a little some you don’t want to make it look disproportional but it’s kind of like at

The top of a wind turbine there’s like that little you know this would house like the the transaxle that would you know be a gear that makes the shaft move you know in that motion down there because it would be you know your axis of rotation would

Be you know along this axis but you need it to go up and down so there’d be a little gear right here that would bring it down something like that okay something like that I don’t know I don’t quite know the intricacies but it’s something like that

Okay and then that means that there needs to be and again like it it I can’t overstate this enough it’s not like a big big roof or anything okay we’re okay we’re okay um and I’m kind of trying to decide I think I might want to oh there we go I broke

Another piece I think we might want to use a little bit of bamboo um just kind of throughout the build just because that’s kind of the themed Cherrywood bamboo um for the roof of the house because the house is gonna need it’s not like a

House it looks like a house but I think we’re gonna need some bamboo so we’ll go ahead and take oh our inventory is just a mess our inventories is there anything I like don’t need I don’t really feel like I need water right now I’ll keep the Torches

We keep the Torches somewhere we don’t need these right now we’re not gonna need all these stairs I mainly just want to be able to take some bamboo blocks since they’re like compressed bamboo okay there we go yeah dude that looks good that looks good it’ll look nice once we get the

Actual blade up there and once we get everything filled in obviously this is just like very very beginner stages but oh dear it’s gonna be so nice I’m so happy because you know you say you’re gonna do a project you know that doesn’t mean deadly I gotta go get the water bucket

Always gotta put up something you need for it to be a Minecraft build always gotta do it luckily water makes this logistically very easy could you use scaffolding yeah why would you use scaffolding though like what is the point I have I have tried to use Scaffolding in in times

Past projects past I just never I never really got it like I mean I get why it’s there but it just for for like 99 of the situations it just doesn’t make sense okay and I want this to be like somewhat of a slim roof so what I’m going to do

Is I’m going to take stairs here and then we’re gonna build them outward and then we’ll have to come on the underside oh no uh and place them Oh see it’s it’s it’s very tricky to do this I think for now what we’ll do is we’ll put like a full bamboo block

And then we’ll have to kind of find the center here and I don’t I don’t want this thing to be too big because I feel like this is already going to be pretty large Yeah let’s let’s just flatten it out oh we’ll flatten it out here and let me make sure this isn’t going to be too big this is an MLG bucket opportunity foreign just casual I just want to make sure the roof isn’t too big because if it is it’s gonna look weird

Like if the box is too big on top no no no no no no no no no no no not at all it’s not too big at all not too big at all okay now to get back up here I’ll admit it is kind of fun to use water buckets like this

It’s a lost art it used to be the only way now you got people scaffolding and and you know light Cruz and all that stuff but I don’t know back in the old days back in the old days it was just this no more okay so let me finish building the roof

It’s not really that exciting I don’t think you’re gonna I don’t think you’re gonna miss out on anything why did I stop running did you see that see I still double tap I still double tap W to Sprint some people use their like control key or whatever I guess I’m old school or

Something and I just never learned to use like I I think it’s control or some people make it shift or whatever it is I’ve always always always used what am I doing I’ve always used the um just just double tapping W method to Sprint I don’t know which is kind of

Hilarious because like literally Nobody Does it anymore I told people that they’re like what because you know like I’m decent at parkour I’m not gonna say I’m like some Park where God but I’m pretty good at parkour and like people always like what you I didn’t even know you could do that

Um Okay so this the only part I’m oh well actually this is pretty easy so I want to remove these we don’t we we might end up you know regretting that want to put them back um but what I’m talking about is the upside down stairs there we go that actually worked out

Just fine about he’s worried about things that don’t even matter honestly that that’s how life seems to be most of the time you’ll always worry about something and then it’ll happen and it’s like why was I worried about that the worrying is worse than the actual thing

And uh you know it’s easy to say that but to realize that oh did I built them on the wrong layer I did uh but to realize that is one thing to actually practice that is a complete other thing because I still I I worry so much dude

Like it’s it’s not healthy I put those on the wrong layer over here too didn’t I well I did on one side I did on one side not the other though yeah I’ve always been a worrier it’s not a good thing not a warrior a worrier yeah English is an easy language

I’m not a war Warrior War Warrior I’m not a worrier I’m a warrior wait no no war ear I’m a warrior [Laughter] They’re spelled different but they sound the exact same yeah easy language dude people people always like well she just learn English it’s like dude it’s really hard it’s like Mandarin man it’s it’s not an it’s not an easy language just pick up people like you know you need to learn English

If you’re going to live in America well I’ll have you know I think like what is it it’s getting close to 20 of our population is Hispanic which is crazy dude like that’s awesome but that’s gonna mean we’re gonna start learning Spanish in school at some point because

It’s a good language you know it sounds nice and it’s you know it’s not an easy language to learn and say it’s like in the middle and uh you know I failed Spanish one personally so that’s kind of embarrassing so I hope one day I can

Redeem myself and uh I can uh learn the language okay so how do I get back down to where I was yeah I could do this I’m gonna have to do some wonky stuff it worked but just barely work but just barely Story of My Life uh

I feel like up here I’m gonna want this to have some sort of depth is it becoming dark ah I don’t want to stop I just started the fun part I don’t want it to end please don’t end well I guess another chance for an MLG bucket dude let’s

Someone said I don’t remember which series it was they said I had a mod installed to make it like automatically put the water bucket down I’m like bro what there would be literally no fun in that like no one is impressed by an MLG bucket anymore it used to be such an

Impressive skill but now everyone can do it so looking good it’s looking good all right uh we got a water bucket up here awkward time with Neo can he sing I could sing I can sing so good yeah dude I’m a singer um I don’t think we’re gonna continue the logs up

Um if we do it’ll have to be like that actually yes we do want to continue the logs Upward at least on the sides and then what we’ll do is we’ll fill in the Middle with planks for now again a lot of this is going to be textured it

Probably will be done in between episodes because it’s like tedious you got to build up a tower texture it make sure it looks good break down the tower you know and then build the Tower back up it’s it’s a whole ordeal so we don’t want to like

I don’t know it’s something I gotta do when I’m in the zone I’m not something I can do I I could do it when I’m recording but it would end up taking like 10 hours to record okay so we have this oh beautiful beautiful uh we’re gonna want

To put like some torches in here they’re also going to need a way to get up and down so we’ll figure that out later it’ll probably be a ladder like right there which I guess we could go ahead and just make an impromptu crafting table and uh oh you can make this into

Sticks that works okay so we can have enough ladder to be more than enough ladder nice so that way you can navigate the whole thing will you ever come back up here probably not but like it’s cool that to know that you can do something

And not do it it’s like having a it’s like when I drove a pretty fast car it’s cool to know you can go fast will you go fast all the time or you know ever I mean probably not you know I I don’t want to you know lose my license or die

So it’s it’s one of those types of deals type of deals okay it’s it’s a it’s a type of deal um I do remember briefly discussing I wanted to put stairs in some spot but we’ll go back and do that later we shall go back and do that later your boy’s getting hungry

Oh and I put slabs there but they’re gonna have to be solid blocks anyways okay wow that’s a full full I didn’t realize that was such a such a long uh there’s a long path okay and then we’ll put like torches again like that that’s enough

Light and then can we go down on this uh okay we are gonna have to decide where do we want I think it’ll be like this would make the most sense so if that’s the case then we can do a ladder going up to a set of slabs like

This because I don’t think we can break out I think this is like our actual wall up here yeah so we can’t break that up so we can do is yes we can fall um we can just have a little a little something like this a little a little in between floor

And then we’ll have another ladder going up just like that uh not like that like that there we go and then this one we will put go ahead put some more logs there it doesn’t really matter then you can go up to here yeah and then we can put another

Trap door we don’t have enough trap doors we could craft more but we’ll be okay this one you probably don’t want a trapdoor on okay and then where do you go up for this one we’ll probably just double this bad boy up like that

Put a slab there and then you can go up on this ladder right here cool okay so now we have a way up and down which will make it easier to build too make it easier to build too we do have to remember to kind of go over here and then build down

Okay we haven’t we haven’t gotten to the fun part yet which I need to pull up hold on okay I have the image pulled up instead of the video on YouTube I was watching that will definitely help a little bit see I haven’t I haven’t looked at the

Picture again I just wanted to see I mainly use it for the blade or the blades because those are the hard Parts the actual like windmill part of the windmill the wind catchers the blades um pretty good torch placement okay cool and then last but surely not least we

Need to extend these down okay cool uh let me finish doing this real quick and then we’ll go back up and we’ll start working on the windmill I’m gonna take a brief Gander oh see we’re gonna need a few more I actually know for the actual windmill

Part you don’t actually need that many but we should be okay we’re gonna be cutting it pretty darn close though um I’m gonna go cut down those other few trees and we’ll call it good we’ll definitely want like an entrance to this thing um which I’m probably just gonna craft

Another one of these anyways we need it so we’ll put this here and then we’ll go ahead and just build like a few slabs and then we got to build a nice little entryway a nice a nice little something because otherwise it’s gonna be weird you know you can’t get inside your windmill

That’s weird free all the windmills I’m like that I’m like that there we go and then it doesn’t need to be anything fancy schmancy uh the only issue being uh we’re gonna have to so yeah we don’t have enough wood which is fine not a big deal we definitely want to do

An inverted stair right there like this there we go we’re gonna need to light this bad boy up a little bit okay and then I’m trying to kind of figure out Because can you do walls out of these maybe no can you do walls out of these no I guess we could just use cherry wood we should probably use bamboo because there is limited bamboo on this build and I feel like bamboo would be kind of the perfect block so something like this

Is that too much no it’s not too much but we’re gonna have to texture it with bamboo for that to work so for now it works but will it work if I don’t end up will this work yeah it does um I don’t even know why I made that I

Don’t really need that well it’s there now we have a chest okay I’m gonna go get the rest of that cherry wood now let’s finish this thing strong oh dude it’s pretty cool I mean keep in mind that is like the base of the build right as a base that looks pretty cool

Once it has the blade on it and it’s textured it’s gonna be a fine fine build I don’t know okay I don’t know I I guess I had low Health from the the building of the windmill I don’t know I’m gonna go back and re-watch the clip because I

Did not fall very far I felt like the distance I would normally fall I’m upset because I had 67 levels and like that does take quite a bit that was like a couple of overnight dungeon fill ups I fell from here to here

Two and a half hearts so I had two and a half hearts or less and I didn’t notice that’s a little bit embarrassing but at the same time it’s more just kind of funny how did that happen we’re gonna go back and watch that my irresponsibility is showing oh no okay

I’m gonna go back and watch that yeah I literally had two and a half hearts I didn’t notice that’s really not good I can’t keep I can’t be doing that man it only gave me seven of my levels back that’s it now realistically we only need to get like

This one cherry tree done but I’m gonna want to make some stairs and stuff like that so it’ll be a little bit now just get Dome on the ground we don’t need them um this thing’s huge I just like that you know because I was running you know up

This little Hill and I just see it poking out it looks a little awkward not being you know like actually well finished at all but it’ll look so much better dude I like I I can’t express you the amount just a few slabs a few stairs some fences some trap doors

A few bamboo accents here and there it’ll completely transform it I can assure you okay so let’s go up to the top let’s build the mill part of the windmill and uh let’s see how this goes this might be and this might be an interesting uh interesting little

Adventure gonna light this bad boy up it is kind of funny how that’s like there why don’t we just like take this away entirely and just put it right there I think that would make I think that would make all of our uh all of our trips up here a little bit more

Streamlined wouldn’t you say yeah that’s a little better and we can put the fourth torch okay up to the top we go it is nice and roomy up here you know I mean it’s that’s that’s pretty roomy I feel like the middle of it is you know about right here so

You know in terms of realism you know you’d have a shaft coming in here like that but you know we’re not gonna be realistic about it we’re playing Minecraft if you didn’t know the only kind of tricky part is going to be actually like scaffolding out to do this now I don’t

Know how far out we really want this to go I do know I want it to be stripped I think this should be good now we’re gonna need a few things so we’re gonna need the crafting table um I’m gonna need I don’t know if we’ll

Need 21 jeez that was almost all the wood it’s okay so oh I have my video pulled up hold on okay so in almost all of these yeah and see like getting like down at all is tricky it’s okay we’ll build a series of scaffolds

It looks like the cap is kind of like you know maybe we want to use bamboo for this like bamboo fence ah I think we do want to use bamboo fence um I think we do want to use bamboo fence so let’s go ahead and make this we we’re

Gonna want to make a chest I think because our inventory is going to get a little jam-packed in a second okay so bamboo fence where are you buddy where is the defense there it is that may be more than we need I was just scratching my head I was like all right

That feels like a lot oh it’s been a while since I’ve made one of these so it is it is a little daunting and you can’t jump and put a fence down which is like one of the weirdest Parts about fence I guess if you’re on top of one you can

So this one goes up three and it looks like a comparable size but I’m gonna go up four and then we’ll go over here over one two three four four and then two three okay and then you have to do that same thing on all of the other axes and I built it

On the wrongs story of my life okay we’ve gotta take this away story of my life you know actually now that I think about it I think that’s probably two three four I think I think we may maybe messed up and that’s not far enough out

Because otherwise yeah I think I think I have it right in my head because otherwise if we build it like this I hate it when it’s to the side then it’s gonna be a little bit tricky to like build the windmill because it’ll like be touching the the like thing I guess I

Don’t know the scaffolding this is when creative Builders who build primarily in Creative cringe because they realize the amount of just like trouble you’re gonna have so this one is bent that way which means one two three and then obviously four and then we’ve got to go down

See if I want to get even lower yes I can go to this one so that’s four right right right one two three four okay and then we go down two three four down and then I think the last one was two and three which is kind of hard to

Identify whenever you look at it from the side but I believe one two and three yeah okay and then the fun one is the one that goes down how in the heck are you supposed to build that I don’t know I don’t actually have the answer it’s it’s just it’s kind

Of a mystery you just have to you just have to go with it you just have to kind of build a little staircase going down and uh well that’s really all you can do I I don’t even know if that’s far enough down but we’ll find out so one two three

Four and it’s gonna go this way If that one is going that way then this one has to go the opposite way so it’d be so that’s one two three four one uh two three and then oh you see what I mean so that’s one two three and then four and then one two three okay okay okay okay

We’re getting there we’re getting there you want to leave some of the scaffolding because you’re gonna have to build like a wool off of these now we get to go on the other axis the last axis we’re almost there okay so this is one two three and then

Four and then this one should be going up right this one goes down which means this one goes up one two three four so this is one two three one two three four and then up one two three why are these blades facing each other bro Wait this one should be going down and that one should be going to the left yeah this one should be going down but two of them going down does not sit right is one of these is wrong right so this one is wrong oh no I think this

One is wrong this one should be going up this one should be going down ah insert Chewbacca there it’s so hard to tell from up here like I don’t I don’t I I can’t even remotely begin to assess uh where where I went wrong but one of these is facing the wrong way

Look at me can’t even build a windmill uh yes it’s that one that one needs to be going up but then if that one goes up and it’s gonna look equally as weird foreign Why does it not make it didn’t make the noise whenever I I turned it into no whatever um so I think it’s actually right I think the reason it looks weird is because well there isn’t any wool on it but there’s no way bro there’s no way that is not right

Thing is something is very wrong with this Windmill and I can’t put my finger on it and I don’t understand what let me think I don’t know I’ve been staring at it and like it is right like the directions of all the fences right because you know the top blade is facing

Into the next way is facing into the next blade but like it’s not I can’t figure it out I don’t know maybe we should just go put the wall on it and then see how it looks I really don’t know what it is because they are all facing the right way

But it looks like they’re like scrunched in this direct like it looks like they’re scrunched like if this one went out that way and this one went out that way wait these two are wrong well no technically these two are wrong they’re all going ah a it’ll be easier to rebuild those we

Need to do the opposite we need to do the opposite little fix it what am I thinking dude I don’t know sometimes when you stare at something oh I have an entrance sometimes when you stare at something so long you just like you know what I mean you get like uh

I don’t know like some sort of I I don’t know what the effect is called but I do know the problem and it’s very easy to fix oh go crazy for the windmill dude I’m all crazy for the windmill it’s actually like a super super simple fix yeah but like realistically like the

Shaft would be going down right there and then there’d be something right there like an axle I don’t know these just need to be switcher rude so this one will go up easy enough that I’m glad it’s these ones I have to fix and not the other ones I’m very glad actually so

Two three four up one two three and then we go to this side this one will be going down I know I’m losing a little bit but it’s okay uh I guess this one’s a little harder because I have to like build out another scaffold but it’s easy enough

So that’s four one two three four one two three okay and then we’ll we’ll break the well we might need it again okay let me look at this real quick I know I have a cool thing but it’s fun to do these okay I have a log in my hand that’s probably

Where I got two and a half hearts was from that and I can pick up all the fence I have scattered around so now when I turn around and look at it yeah I bet you guys were screaming in your head yeah oh that looks much more right right that

Actually can’t believe I was about to add the wool to that dude that would have looked so busted so it’s like they have to be opposite on the axis it’s like when they’re on the same axis they have to be opposite but they also have to be an opposing direction to the

Y-axis so the X and the y axis have to be in line but opposing to the other axis I don’t I don’t know okay I I I I did geometry okay but I don’t remember it and I don’t think I did too well I don’t

Think I did too well in any math class now we just get to kind of pick a direction we want the wall to be on it doesn’t really matter I think we’ll just build it on top of here um I feel like with this size of windmill we might want to do two

So like this and it’s just gonna go like on top directly like this if that makes sense okay and then maybe cap it off with one in the end but in what direction so that would mean this one would have two going off in this direction right oh no okay

We’re trying our best here one to cap it off but I feel like that one was not like that that one was definitely not like that it was like this oh I guess because yeah yeah that would mean the wool on this one would go on this side like this

And then one little tip right there okay and then we I’m fairly confident this is correct we’ll have to go back here and correct this so we’ll just remove most of the scaffolding um that one’s on that side that means this one has to be on this side

Oh yes I I remember this now we’re gonna need to break that I can’t wait for you Enchanted tools oh I can’t wait for you Enchanted tools you will be the savior of my sanity that one seemed a little short three that one’s four is that is that one too short

Wait I don’t think so one two three four no it’s not and then this one is just too long but I feel like the other ones were three well I guess they were just two so just two like that and the tip would go right there okay so I’m gonna try to

Break out all the Cobblestone might be a little bit tricky I might miss a few pieces here and there but we’re gonna do our absolute best to get that done and then we’ll go get a view from the ground this is the exciting part what is it gonna look like now that it’s

Well I I always say this the structure is done the build isn’t finished because we actually have to you know texture the thing and make it look not like garbage very important in your builds very important um okay should be good okay and then we’ll just okay

Okay the hype is building the hype is building as we as we descend the ladders of Destiny everything is flashing through my mind will it look good will I be the laughing stock of YouTube will anyone subscribe I’ve actually been losing subscribers for like the past week it’s so it’s so

Weird I think there’s just a lot of people that subscribed me a long time ago that are like I don’t watch Minecraft anymore I don’t know it’s okay but keep please do keep subscribing I really do appreciate it we’re fighting back against the unsubbers what just fine I

Know people’s interests change I’m not like upset I’ll also probably put like a see if you put a lantern on all these I’m just kidding okay okay okay I like it oh okay we at least got the base of the windmill done looking pretty fancy if I

Do say something how are you doing today my good sir yeah you’re looking pretty good huh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re looking pretty good yeah I like the way you uh like the way you spin Let’s go look at it from afar I guess what better place to look at it than the beautiful CBC sog leave a like for the CBC SOG the cows are doing great everyone’s having a good time there’s no overpopulation problems that if there are any mention just let

Me know and I’ll go ahead and um solve them with my windmill okay we’ll get on top of our our dirt Hut ow what did I just rip at oh that’s not good I almost pulled the cord out of that oh that threw me back in my chair dude

Threw me back in my chair I mean you guys are probably looking at that and you’re like I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s okay so okay but dude that’s nice looking okay it is D Cent okay okay okay okay wow I know I know I know it’s not like

The craziest thing in the world but like dude dude okay okay okay okay oh it’s so nice I’m so proud of it I’m so proud of it it’s things like that that want to make you keep playing in the world where you you walk around and

You’re like I built that I did that it’s not the biggest windmill people have built bigger people have built better thief or sorry comparison is the joy of thief don’t compare yourself don’t compare yourself okay okay okay okay okay okay okay we need more bamboo we need more bamboo anymore

I have so many ideas for you you my girl we’re gonna make you look so good I need to put up dirt dirt well we don’t need any more wool wools out dirt in I need you I need you and I need a crafting uh table because I probably

Will want one before I do that wow we already had so many slabs we already had so many slabs okay it’s good I’m so excited I’m so excited when you land here do you need Lantern Lantern Lantern iron uh for lantern it’s actually exactly how many I need okay okay okay I’m trying

Not to try not to rush try not to rush no no no no no rushing I already have the Torches what am I doing take those from inventory make these uh four lanterns please thank you my good sir go ahead and drop the nuggets on the ground okay We can hold those over there that’s perfect okay uh now I’m running in full speed because I have in my head like this image of exactly how it’s supposed to be looking and like it’s it’s beautiful it’s beautiful you’re gonna see it and it’s gonna be beautiful

How the heck am I gonna get up there uh probably want to sleep now because I I don’t want to stop I don’t want to stop okay plan lanterns extend one block this way hang down boom Lantern’s uneven three two three one so we’re going to hang lanterns off

Fence extended that log out one three two then that back corner three and then this one one put a lantern on the bottom of each fence these little ridges we’re gonna smooth out with bamboo give bamboo accents or as well I I I’m deciding on Windows I

Don’t think we’re gonna have them I don’t think our build is big enough to permit windows we can try we can try it’s just typically I’d want to put them in between something like in between you know like some logs but like this is like the opposite you know usually there’d be

You know not usually but there could be logs there and there if we put the window it’s going to break up the support and maybe look a little strange I don’t know I don’t know okay we gotta get up to the top we gotta do that

Um the texturing on the top area looks good it’s gonna be a little tricky to do this but you know it’s worth it in the end uh we’re gonna need some Cobblestone out oh this could be tricky we may actually want to utilize that ladder to uh to our advantage here

Since I’m not using Cobblestone anywhere it’s probably easiest to like do this that way just I can easily pop out yeah actually this will be super super easy okay so boom boom cap with the Trap cap of the Trap hang the fence it’s not the exact you know positions

That I mentioned but it’ll be fine we have to go down one more oh please oh please that’s one side down let’s go to the other do the exact same thing this just gives a little uh as they say in France uh because you need a little uh of that stuff boom boom

Just to give it a little more Pizzazz okay go to the other side the inspiration’s flowing and it’s like I don’t get inspired in a build until I like actually bruh I don’t get inspired in a build until I actually get like the the base of it done

Which I guess it’s kind of hard to see the pot before you make the clay into a lump something like that I’ve never done that stuff clay forming clay for me I think there’s a name it’s called Pottery but what did I do on the

Other side well we didn’t do any of them as one and then we’ll do this one as like three sure nice stark contrast okay break all these bad boys out can’t forget the stair never never okay and we’ll go over you guys ever seen those videos so funny and

Put the chicken on the grill they put the put the fries on the grill it’s like bro why are you putting the fries on the grill my man I mean the fries are I mean they’re they’re they’re fried all right we’re gonna put the put the

Chicken on the grill and he puts like frozen chicken it’s like I don’t know what the dude is concocting but he’s a culinary Mastermind oh yeah okay okay okay okay okay we’re here we’re here stare stare clap clap clap stare stare clap clap slap stare stare clap slap slap stare

Stare slap slap slap so it’s it’s like a little bit better better better better better uh we need those back boom boom do I just do one up right and then a stair yep one up and then a stair just because otherwise you want to have like

Like the multitude of layers is what really will drive a build it’s you know because if you think about it when you look at this you have this layer here this layer here and you have two layers sticking out like in this direction but up and down you have this

This and this and it’s all just going to make it I mean I don’t even know the word I don’t even know the word I mean I don’t even know if this is texturing you know like you know well this is not textbook texture yo cubis Diamond architected by trade

And this is I’m not I’m not saying Architects sound like that okay I’m not I’m not trying to start a fight okay you know people but people like to get a little uh Technical and I’m like excuse me sir this is block game this is block game I don’t know what I’m

Doing if it isn’t obvious I don’t know what I’m doing so I think an inward facing stare towards the support in the slab is good there so we’ll go ahead and change that up on this side too so inward facing stare go over here do the same thing slab in the middle

Inner facing stair inward facing up there we go there we go there we go okay this works a little bit better yes and we almost get to touch the nice windmill but we don’t because we were we were proactive we were proactive okay and now we need to look at it from

A somewhat of a distance but I already know where a few things need to be had so like Maybe not maybe not yet though those are like Final Touch details I’m not I’m not totally sure we may can you do bamboo buttons yeah We’re not gonna look at it make sure we

Didn’t ruin the aesthetic but you know honestly a bunch of bamboo on it there’s a few things this is a little flat you know a lot of it’s a little bit flat but I think I think overall looking at it from afar which we haven’t really gotten to do

Let’s go back over to the CBC SOG and look at it again okay Moment of Truth back on here we go I’m going to turn my fov down I’m also going to do this control for some reason it’s not it’s not toggled it always used to be f8

And then they changed it welcome to NEOS 2023 when oh windmill I mean it’s not the best windmill in the world but I love it I like it it’s mine I built it it’s it’s pretty it looks nice can we add more texture sure we can always add more texture

But you can’t lie man if you just look at it it’s pretty good pretty good it’s pretty good by the way the Cinematic camera is in default Minecraft it’s not like a part of a mod or anything but you can see like without it if I tried to do that smoothness

Uh that’s not too smooth but then you put that cinematic on oh oh look at that down to the blades down to the uh I don’t want to say that I don’t want to say that infer what you want okay so let’s bask in the glory of the windmill

And I think we’re gonna call it an episode a successful episode okay we’ll be texturing more in the future Maybe just like the castle maybe but I really like it good you know I mean everything could always be improved marginally maybe we’ll do like some you know inverted stairs you know on the

Sides just to give it a little voila a little bit of some texture but I think for now it’s fine I think the back side may be a little lacking but ah we’re only going to see the front we’re only going to see the front unless we’re at our house

It’s actually not lacking at all looks perfectly fine cool well thank you guys for watching episode seven I do hope that you guys enjoyed I know I sure did I think you can kind of tell I’ve been having it plus series dude it’s been such a nice

Change of pace to play the game just to play the game again and like enjoy it and not have like a strict upload schedule where if I don’t upload I feel like I’m you know doing something bad it’s just been nice okay now I I could I

Could go for a little bit a little bit of quieter I mean there’s just a wheat seed seed crop crop break yeah we we could go for a quieter crop break and eat for that matter a quieter crop plant there we go now we can talk and farm

Well what about these those are all already pretty muted thank you guys for watching today’s episode I do genuinely hope that you guys enjoyed it I know I sure did I am super duper duper duper hyped see where this goes Please Subscribe if you want you don’t have to

But I’d appreciate it if you did uh secret code for today’s episode we will do in just a second I gotta clear this out that’s you know what it is what it is we’re just kind of dumping our inventory into random spots at this point

Do I love it no is it the worst thing in the world no secret code for today’s episode is gonna be three eight six five put that down in the comments below if you want to show me that you watch the entirety of today’s

You said it in your head you said it in your head thank you guys for watching I do appreciate you very very much the Sun is setting in this beautiful windmill I hope you have a wonderful day whenever you’re watching this whether it’s 10 years in the future or

The same week I made it I appreciate you thank you for watching and I will see you guys next time bye

This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Like It’s 2010 Again (Episode 7)’, was uploaded by TheNeoCubest on 2023-09-09 14:00:41. It has garnered 18661 views and 981 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:26 or 6506 seconds.

I can’t do it anymore. Every single Minecraft let’s play video ones-ups another one. That isn’t me and never will be. I first saw someone building a planet Episode 1 in Hardcore, and then someone building a universe, and then someone literally build an entire GALAXY. It has to end somewhere… Let’s all travel through the blackhole they have created into the good ol’days when everything was simpler. Welcome to Let’s Play Minecraft Like It’s 2010 Again. Subscribe and like the video if you want, I would appreciate it! Thank you all so very much for watching and I hope you have a wonderful day if you are reading this, whenever you are reading it 🙂

Series Goals & Ideas: [ ] Fill double chests with manually farmed crops [ ] Fill another double chest of the same things with auto farmed crops [ ] Complete every achievement [ ] Conquer a large area and build an enormous castle old-school style [✔] Find Chery blossom [✔] Find a dungeon [ ] Find the new ruins (make brush to prep) [ ] Make a mythical library for enchanting [ ] Make a massive creeper spawner [ ] Make a water tower mob farm [ ] Do another quarry stream


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Can I play on my phone? Yes! If you are on a phone all you have to do is enter with the port of 19132

Can I play on a console? Yes! If you are on a console use the “Bedrock Together” app on your phone and it will tell you how to connect in the app! You can also try adding “PlayNeoNetwork” as a friend on Minecraft and joining their game! Easy as that!

Need more help? Ask here in the NeoNetwork Discord:

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All music is provided by C418 and made for use in Minecraft. I do not own the music, but have the rights to use it in my videos (monetized or not). More info on the licensing here:

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Guide

    Ultimate Modern House Build Guide Minecraft: Building a Large Modern House Tutorial In this Minecraft tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a large modern house with detailed interior decoration. The house features various rooms such as a kitchen, living room, study room, bedrooms, bathrooms, and even a swimming pool on the second floor. Let’s delve into the step-by-step process of creating this impressive modern abode. Exterior Design The foundation is laid using “Smooth Quartz Blocks” and the surrounding ground is replaced with “Smooth Stone.” The layout is built up with various blocks like “Jungle Planks,” “Brown Wool,” “Polished Andesite,” “Polished Granite,” and “Smooth… Read More

  • Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary

    Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary Welcome to CasualEnjoyer’s Minecraft Adventure! Introduction CasualEnjoyer, a 17-year-old YouTuber, embarks on his first Minecraft commentary video. Despite facing challenges like a loud game volume and a quiet mic, he dives into the world of Minecraft with enthusiasm. Exploring a New World CasualEnjoyer starts by creating a new world, encountering crashes whenever he dies or tries to sleep. Undeterred, he sets out to gather resources, dig for stone, and build a base. Future Plans In his commentary, CasualEnjoyer shares his plans to play classic games like the Fallout series and System Shock. He seeks viewer input on game choices… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1)

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1) Minecraft Hardcore Adventure: Building a Home with Ultra Shader (Part 1/2) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft hardcore adventure with a touch of Ultra Shader in this exciting gameplay. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the challenges of survival in the harsh world of Minecraft. Exploring the World As the journey unfolds, our protagonist has made significant progress, gathering valuable resources such as ores and cobblestones. Despite the limitations on diamond collection, with a full inventory, they managed to secure a substantial amount of materials for their upcoming projects. Enhanced Visuals With the addition of the Faithful 64×64 texture… Read More

  • Kerem’s Clash: Mafia Mayhem in Minecraft!

    Kerem's Clash: Mafia Mayhem in Minecraft! In the city, the Evil Mafia reigns, Kerem Commissioner sneaks in, no chains. Will he defeat them, save the day? Or will the Mafia make him pay? The guards check IDs, no room for error, Kerem must be sly, a secret bearer. But in the end, he’s caught in the act, Will he escape, or face the fact? Under the train, a risky move, Kerem’s disguise, will it prove? The guards are fooled, but not for long, Kerem’s mission, right or wrong? Into the city, Kerem goes, To face the Mafia, his foes. Will he succeed, or meet his… Read More

  • Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie – Minecraft Cities & Castles

    Bobert Ross Takes on Castle Leslie - Minecraft Cities & Castles Exploring Castle Leslie in Minecraft Introduction In the latest episode of Minecraft Cities & Castles, the dynamic duo of Castle Leslie enthusiasts, featuring Frayte and the narrator, embark on a thrilling adventure to explore the ancient site of Castle Leslie. This historic location boasts a modern castle that has undergone numerous expansions and rebuilds over the generations. Castle Leslie: A Blend of History and Modernity The journey through Castle Leslie in Minecraft reveals a fascinating blend of history and modern architecture. The castle stands as a testament to the evolution of architectural styles, showcasing the intricate details and grandeur… Read More

  • Kickin’ It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight!

    Kickin' It in Minecraft: Hit Everything in Sight! In Minecraft, I kick everything for a hit, Every block, every mob, I don’t quit. With a swift kick, I break it all down, In this game, I wear the crown. Join me on Discord, for more fun, Instagram for photos, we’ve just begun. Editing is my own craft, Collaboration with eryksonek, a blast. Support this channel, for bonuses galore, Minecraft facts and rhymes, I’ll always explore. Stay tuned for more content, that’s a promise, In this gaming world, I’ll always be honest. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase Exploring the Latest MiniaTuria Mod Update for Minecraft The MiniaTuria Mod for Minecraft has recently received a significant update, transitioning from version 1.8 to version 8. This update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game, focusing primarily on decorative elements. From animal blocks to chest blocks, weapons, tools, backpacks, and more, players can now enjoy an expanded array of customization options. Additionally, the update introduces new building materials such as the golden series and rock texture series, providing players with a wide selection of resources to unleash their creativity. Key Features of the MiniaTuria Mod… Read More

  • Ultimate Bone Meal Farm for Minecraft Java 1.20.6

    Ultimate Bone Meal Farm for Minecraft Java 1.20.6 Granja de Polvo de Hueso Infinito: Una Guía para Minecraft Java 1.20.6 En el mundo de Minecraft, la creatividad y la eficiencia son clave para sobrevivir y prosperar. Una de las formas de garantizar tu éxito en el juego es construir granjas automatizadas que te proporcionen los recursos necesarios para tus aventuras. Una de las granjas más populares y útiles es la Granja de Polvo de Hueso Infinito. ¡Descubre cómo construirla y optimizarla en Minecraft Java 1.20.6! Versatilidad en Diferentes Versiones La Granja de Polvo de Hueso Infinito es una creación que ha demostrado su eficacia en varias versiones… Read More

  • Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale!

    Ultimate Dual Blades in Minecraft Finale! Exploring the Depths of Minecraft’s Prominence 2: The End Realm As the journey through Minecraft’s Prominence 2 continues, players are faced with new challenges and mysteries. The End Realm, home to the formidable Ender Dragon, has become a boss-like entity known as the End Eye. This unexpected twist marks the beginning of the second chapter, revealing the vastness of the world that awaits exploration. The End Eye: A Formidable Foe The transformation of the End Realm into the End Eye introduces a new level of difficulty for players. This powerful entity presents a formidable challenge, requiring strategic planning and… Read More

  • Newbie Herobrine’s Minecraft Quest

    Newbie Herobrine's Minecraft Quest In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Noob Herobrine’s Adventure is a dreamy scene. A tale of a beginner, eager to learn, With secrets to uncover at every turn. Join him on his journey, through valleys and caves, As he navigates challenges with courage and saves. With each block he breaks, a new skill he gains, In this Minecraft world, where creativity reigns. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And follow Noob Herobrine on his adventure so bright. For in this world of blocks and pixels so fine, There’s always a new story, waiting… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshorts

    INSANE Minecraft FUN! 😂🔥 || CRAFTY || #youtubeshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funny Minecraft😊|| CRAFTY || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by CRAFTY on 2024-03-26 07:58:38. It has garnered 9489 views and 204 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. ALLAH MUHAMMAD Funny Minecraft😊|| PIXEL PLAYZ || #minecraft #youtubeshorts #shorts minecraft , minecraft funny , minecraft animation , funny minecraft , funny , funniest minecraft clips , minecraft funny moments , funny minecraft animation , funny minecraft memes , cash minecraft , craziest minecraft clips , minecraft shorts , minecraft pe , the funniest minecraft clips of 2023 , minecraft 2023 , minecraft… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!

    Mind-Blowing 999 IQ Prank by Krrish Solanki!Video Information This video, titled ‘999 iq prank’, was uploaded by Krrish solanki on 2024-03-12 04:25:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. mems #meme #minecraft 999 iq prank @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @MrBeast2@minecraft @PewDiePie @dream … Read More

  • Johny’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shocking

    Johny's Mind-Blowing Minecraft Epiphany! 😱 #shockingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Logic 😱 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Johny on 2024-03-25 19:22:02. It has garnered 11100 views and 367 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Read More

  • “Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!” #minecraft #shorts

    "Join Barnava Gaming in Herobrine power destruction!" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information [Musik] than This video, titled ‘Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-02-24 08:30:12. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine absorb mei mei Power and destroy mei mei | #minecraft animation | #meme #virel #shorts #wife #devilface #virel #meme #herobrine #shorts #chase #kill #minecrafthindi #minecraftanimation #animation #godfather #devil 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook:… Read More

  • Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!

    Herobrine Challenge: 3 Youtubers Face Off!Video Information This video, titled ‘PVP with Herobrine “TOP 3 Youtubers”‘, was uploaded by Not Deadliest Gaming on 2024-03-27 11:44:22. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:47 or 287 seconds. “I’m just your average gamer. I love to play, but it’s even better when I get to share my passion for gaming with others.” 2. The “General” Gaming Channel Description “I love playing games of all types and genres! From FPS to MMOs, RPGs to RTS, if you can punch in a controller,… Read More

  • Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!

    Dad and Daughter build secret underwater portal! Click now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server W/ my Daughter || Underwater End Portal Build || Pt. 1’, was uploaded by TheWrightFather on 2024-05-08 10:30:01. It has garnered 75 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:37 or 2797 seconds. My daughter asked me to build something we could put the end portal in. (I found out our end portal in our world was destroyed when spawned in) Read More

  • Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine – Surprising Results!

    Faster Tools Experiment in DarkMine - Surprising Results!Video Information e [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he a [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I get [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘which tools minecraft is faster experiment?’, was uploaded by DarkMine on 2024-05-25 17:00:22. It has garnered 283 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:04 or 484 seconds. which tools minecraft is faster… Read More

  • 1ifeStealerz

    1ifeStealerzBest Fair Life Steal Server ACTIVE STAFF AND HIRING MORE 24/7 online New Players Always Welcome And If Any Help Is Needed We Respond To Tickets And Chats Fast. Read More

  • Simply Vanilla Semi-Anarchy 1.20 EU No Hacks No Map Resets

    Simply Vanilla – Anarchy with NO Hacking! We have been online since 2019 with a strong discord community and active players. No hacking/duping allowed. Vanilla world-borders and accessible Nether-roof. IP: Discord: Join our Discord community Website: Visit our website Map size: 10 TB+ What escaping spawn looks like: Watch video Can you do better? Join Today! – escape spawn, make your starter base, make allies, betray and conquer bases! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️

    Minecraft Memes - RIP Villager: A Moment of Silence 🕊️I guess that villager really needs to rethink his commute strategy – maybe invest in a Minecart or something! Read More

  • Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch

    Minecraft Mindfulness with Ellie Finch In the world of Minecraft, Ellie Finch takes the lead, Using the game for therapy, fulfilling a need. With creativity and adventure, she helps young minds, Building safe spaces, unlocking what they hide behind. Minecraft as a tool, like a digital sand tray, Helping kids express, in a unique way. From castles to caves, the possibilities are vast, Bridging the gap, making therapy last. For those who struggle with traditional talk, Minecraft offers a new way to walk. Through grief and challenges, Ellie guides the way, Training others to use Minecraft, every day. From hospices to schools, the impact… Read More

  • Starman’s Minecraft Mixtape: Out of this World!

    Starman's Minecraft Mixtape: Out of this World! Why did the Starman bring a pickaxe to Minecraft? Because he heard there were diamonds in the sky! #miningforlaughs #starman #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Mining Mishaps: Duo SMP Adventure

    Mining Mishaps: Duo SMP Adventure Minecraft Adventures: Getting Lost in the Mines Duo SMP Exploring the Depths In the world of Minecraft, two players, Dave and the narrator, embark on a journey filled with surprises and discoveries. From exploring caves to finding hidden diamond spots, their adventures are nothing short of exciting. The narrator meticulously marks each diamond spot with torches, showcasing their dedication to mining. Challenges and Triumphs As they delve deeper into the mines, they encounter challenges like spider spawners and witches. Despite setbacks, such as losing half an amethyst block to a spider spawner, they remain determined to overcome obstacles. The… Read More

  • Minecraft Maizen: Creepy Iron Man Call at 3am!

    Minecraft Maizen: Creepy Iron Man Call at 3am!Video Information hey guys and tell us again how you saved the entire universe where do you get your superpowers all right guys one question at a time Spider-Man how did you get your superpowers I was just bitten by a spider and I’m strong fast and can shoot webs wao that’s cool and you’re the Hulk how did you get powers I don’t like you Mikey what what did I do wa what’s this hey Iron Man watch out look out wo what there’s of them hey what are you doing stop it what do we do what happened… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Seeds

    Terrifying Minecraft SeedsVideo Information गाइस यह है हमारा घर और यहां पे मैं और एलेक्स अपने घर के अंदर देख रहे हैं टीवी और हम लोग एक बहुत ही बढ़िया यह क्या हो गया हम लोग तो अपना एपिसोड देख रहे थे और टीवी बंद हो चुकी है क्या डिश एटीना खराब हो गया यार गाइस एलेक्स कह रही है कि हमारा डिश एंटीना खराब हो चुका है और यह क्या हो गया अंधेरा हो गया लाइट चली गई आखिर ये हो क्या रहा है एलेक्स यहां पे यहां पे ये हो क्या रहा है कुछ पता तेरे को यार भाई मुझे… Read More

  • Uncover Bizarre Minecraft Sounds! What’s the Explanation? 🔥 #MinecraftExplained

    Uncover Bizarre Minecraft Sounds! What's the Explanation? 🔥 #MinecraftExplainedVideo Information en este video verás algo anormal que le pasó a un streamer mientras jugaba Minecraft este streamer conocido como Luis se encontraba picando con sus amigos cuando de repente escucharon un peculiar sonido proveniente del juego haga una casa de diamantes salari cómo le va a hacer una casa de diamantes aari qué se No qué se escucha gey gey gey gey no no para aclarar fue un servidor el cual no contaba como ni nada por el estilo tienes alguna idea de que fue ese sonido déjalo en los comentarios This video, titled ‘Sonidos raros del minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC FINALE! How Far Can We Go? – Tango’s DECKED OUT 2

    EPIC FINALE! How Far Can We Go? - Tango's DECKED OUT 2Video Information hello Wolf Den my name is f telda and welcome to what is going to be our final episode on Decked Out we’ve had a good run but there is no denying the fact that the dungeons of deep Frost Citadel have proved to be a tremendous challenge for me and we just talking about level one and two we didn’t yet get to see the third level out of four which was a small goal I had kept in the back of my mind but I can guarantee you that in this final episode we will enter… Read More

  • Unbelievable! JerryMC reveals lightning arrow secret!

    Unbelievable! JerryMC reveals lightning arrow secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘how to make lightning arrow in minecraft’, was uploaded by JerryMC on 2024-02-29 08:50:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Creating INSANE Minecraft Art from YOUR Ideas!!

    Creating INSANE Minecraft Art from YOUR Ideas!!Video Information [Music] n aah [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] a [Music] l [Music] a [Music] [Music] heyo good afternoon I think what is it what time is it for you I’ll tell you what time it is it’s my birthday it’s my birthday I’m so nervous right now and I don’t know why I literally live streamed last week but today I’m really nervous and I don’t know why it’s probably because of coffee but that’s okay um oh no oh no oh no hey what’s up Dakota what’s up poken what’s up Frogg here… Read More

  • Insane Creeper Attack?! 👽 #Minecraft Madness

    Insane Creeper Attack?! 👽 #Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Creeper become mad👽#minecraft #trending #creeper’, was uploaded by Mindstorm07 on 2023-12-21 06:42:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello welcome to my YouTube channel!! I am regularly uploading videos, please support me ❤️. If you wanna play with me, … Read More

  • Insane Betas and Crazy Shaders in Minecraft! Ankit Gaming 🤯🎮

    Insane Betas and Crazy Shaders in Minecraft! Ankit Gaming 🤯🎮Video Information [Music] mil This video, titled ‘Beta niche aao me😂😂#crazy #shaders #youtube #minecraft #bestseedminecraft’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-03-07 09:30:07. It has garnered 130 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. houseBeta niche aao me😂😂#crazy #shaders #youtube #minecraft #bestseedminecraft minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft movie a minecraft parody a minecraft horror story a minecraft… Read More

  • Nishant’s Mind-Blowing Flute Beatbox Duet!

    Nishant's Mind-Blowing Flute Beatbox Duet!Video Information This video, titled ‘#beatbox #flutebeatbox #duet #flute #music #memes #minecraft #song #trending #fluteringtone’, was uploaded by nishant on 2024-05-27 05:17:26. It has garnered 12836 views and 467 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Herocraft Network

    Herocraft NetworkHerocraft: the best Minecraft geopolitical Earth-Towny server ever! You will have to make the right choices if you want to dominate over the world. Will this be the lucky year? Read More

  • Macaroni-land factions java bedrock towns pvp playershops

    Welcome to Macaroni-land Java IP: Bedrock IP: PORT 25984 Join our Discord server: Macaroni-land is a standard survival server with elements of factions, SMP, and PvP. Our friendly yet chaotic community has been running for a couple of months. Explore our towns, check out our spawn shop selling custom music disks and more, and experience our unique gameplay features. Try out our server today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting vs. Real Life: A spicy showdown”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting vs. Real Life: A spicy showdown"Well, I guess even Minecraft memes need to level up to a score of 10 for that ultimate gamer satisfaction! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 21 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 21 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, day 21 is here, Chopping wood, no need for fear. Thought I found a desert, but it was just sand, Plenty of trees, safe on land. Shout out to Tomasito Play, L3 334, And all the others, feeling great. Stay tuned for surprises, giveaways to come, Become a member, join the fun. Keep collecting wood, one more each day, In this challenge, we’ll find our way. Stay tuned for more, the adventure’s just begun, In the world of Minecraft, we’ll always have fun. Read More

  • Herobrine vs. Dragon: The Ultimate Slow Chase!

    Herobrine vs. Dragon: The Ultimate Slow Chase! Herobrine must have forgotten to drink his Red Bull that day because he’s definitely not flying at the speed of light like usual! Read More

  • Outsmarting Kino Zombies Remake in Black Ops 3

    Outsmarting Kino Zombies Remake in Black Ops 3 Minecraft Kino Der Toten: A Black Ops 3 Custom Zombies Experience Journey into the world of Minecraft Kino Der Toten, a faithful reimagining of the popular Black Ops 1 Zombies map within the realm of Minecraft. This custom map offers a unique gameplay experience with a full crafting system, a graphical overhaul that mirrors the original game, and a plethora of exciting features. Main Easter Egg Quest and Custom Features Unlike the original Kino Der Toten, this Minecraft version boasts a main Easter egg quest, adding a new layer of challenge and excitement to the gameplay. The map features… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #Shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😯 #minecraft#shorts #trending#wizy king #fyp’, was uploaded by WIZY KING on 2024-04-23 16:00:16. It has garnered 6684 views and 159 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys, I haven’t been able to post a video in a long time because I’m sick.They keep posting videos. Subscribe to the channel and keep it guys subscribe 🔔…….♥️ Read More

  • Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥

    Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥Video Information क्या आपको पता है मा में विलेजर्स दो टाइप के होते हैं विश्वास नहीं है तो देख लो फर्स्ट ये और सेकंड ये तो अब आप लोगों के दिमाग में क्वेश्चन आर आ रहा होगा कि भाई तूने ये विलेजर्स कैसे स्पर्म कि बताता हूं उससे पहले कर लो हमारे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब आपको जंगल बम में आपके जैसे ही आप विलेजर्स स्पम करोगे तो य विलेजर्स आना शुरू हो जाएंगे This video, titled ‘New Villagers In Minecraft 😲 #minecraft #hacks #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gulabisadi’, was uploaded by Flox Gamerz on 2024-04-16 09:47:50. It has garnered 555 views and 22… Read More

TheNeoCubest – Let’s Play Minecraft Like It’s 2010 Again (Episode 7)