This Isn’t The Nether – Demon Souls Minecraft Steve Playthrough Episode 1

Video Information

Hey what is up polygamers my name is ctgamer16 and today i am here with my buddy old pal patches with his really weird looking face what the heck did they do to you so sorry for that patches but yeah i am here for the first episode of the demon souls playthrough

It to be like that so a new game i guess and oh right hold on i forgot to change that i had to go offline so i didn’t get paid for some thumbnail shots but now you gay uh type b okay that boy all right you know what i’m gonna go

Through my characters that i have so far uh we got i’m just making sure i don’t erase them we got me my first character et we got the third character which saved us the second man is pink it’s like the man it in black but no this is man is pink

Completely different guy then we have uh my miracle build person i don’t know i wanted to make a girl character then we have minecraft steve which uh you know he’s seen better days you know it’s i tried my best with making him doesn’t really look like him but hey

That’s enough all right so providential ring always the best start i’m gonna go with the knight set because what we’re doing here is we’re going for a nice uh pickaxe run and that needs 13 strength and what was it 12 decks i think which is weird that it’s a dex weapon by

The way dexterity if you don’t know if you’ve never played dark souls demon souls soul souls that’s a thing right right minecraft steve here we go my buddy old pal minecraft steve there we go all right that’s steve my boy by channeling the power of souls brought unprecedented prosperity

To his northern kingdom of boletaria i’m sure he did until the colorless deep fog swept across the land boletaria was cut off from the outside world and those pay attention to it so this should be fun at the old king there’s no background noises that would suck a beast below the nexus

From its eternal slumber those who lose their souls lose also their minds the mad attack the sane and chaos reigns valofax also spoke of the enticing power of the demon souls each time a demon claims a human soul the demon’s own song is invigorated by the life force

And the power of a mature demon soul is beyond human imagination the legend spread quickly mighty warriors lured by the possibilities braved the fisher to breach the accursed land but none have returned pure of the twin fangs yet the silent chief center bane scurver the world my boy saved her being the give

The deep fog will eventually swallow all lands near has the land found its savior or have the demons found a new slave probably the second thing would you like to play the journey to the nexus yes because i wanna fight and beat the first boss can we see our face ah heck yeah

There’s my boy minecraft steve full iron armor except the helmet shall guide you this is steve before he got nerfed into using a pickaxe that’s clearly what it is you just beat the ender dragon and you found this weird portal it just went right in and now we’re here

This is actually a mod for minecraft i don’t know why anyone would think this is demon souls like what even is that game all right don’t need the helmet and okay you know what i might have to do oh wow i okay i mail breaker off maybe no that barely helps

All right well either way this still ain’t bad i was trying to check something so i know where to get the pickaxe you won’t have it by this episode sadly but hey that’s just how it’d be sometimes then there’s the war pick which i don’t actually know

Where do i get this oh the fifth area okay we’re not getting the war pick you know originally i thought that would be a cool weapon too because it’s also part latex let me check so i need 13 strength and 12 dexterity all right and if you’re a beginner to this game

There you go stats are on the screen dexterity i have at 10 so i need three levels in that and also we can’t level up until we beat the first boss so yikes oh hi there bud how are you doing i’m just gonna click back snap on here there we go and

Yes thank you for that tutorial stuff that’s always fun i i can’t vote right now i guess the game won’t matter are like three hits to go okay looks like we’re going one-handed for this oh i thought that was an enemy wow we lost another hit from happy just happened

I guess we’re just going to lose the entire run then oh no i might want to use the shield a bit more and maybe use my r2’s because that would help out a bit oh crap okay item that’s always nice if you missed the episode or episode in

The video i upload where i did uh no hit run of this first area uh you should check it out because it ends with me losing it was just so sad i should climb this ladder oh i didn’t know you could break that ladder never tried to roll into it

All right there we go and enemy was over here how you doing buddy oh yeah not backstab i gotta say though i’ve said this basically every time i played this game oh thank you buddy okay i feel like i’m gonna get spammed like that a lot throughout this i have

It to be like that okay crescent moon brass oh there is another enemy like i’ll say this game looks great like if every souls game looks like this if bloodborne looked like this okay i don’t know just bloodborne with like 60fps though that’d be pretty cool and bloodborne

Remastered or remake i don’t know uh could be cool how are you doing buddy i’m trying to get to the first area so back but i forgot to even say the schedule of this series so schedule is going to be every wednesday so tonight’s pretty neat basically

Going to be replacing my uh emerald series i had on the channel a good one bud okay [ __ ] yeah this is so far fun even though it’s just me running around like a dog bag you if you go okay i’ll get the parry watch me oh my god

So i didn’t get the parry off Damage there we go easy game who even thought this was a hard game like come on can’t wait to get my pickaxe though so i can become the god of the minecraft world you know how it’d be so i recorded friday’s episode of pokemon white before this so yeah just saying

If you like pokemon go check that out this is like your first time on my channel then i have done a bloodborne playthrough a dark souls 3 playthrough and also a sticky road new game plus playthrough because i didn’t want to play through the new game cycle and get all the stuff again

I can already tell this is gonna go badly because the only way i want this one was with the magic build and yeah let’s not go too well 42 okay not bad better than i thought i would be oh i almost rolled into that i ain’t doing but oh no oh

And girl buddy what the what then stop get some help oh wait when did i take damage from this woman oh no maybe he like stepped on me or something and good stop moving your ass around no one likes to move in guys about my thrust relax dude

Apparently yeah no at all actually so i’ll just continue with my irelands oh no oh no oh gosh dang it my move oh my god vanguard stop hasn’t your mom ever told you that bullying is not nice oh no vanguard buddy yeah go on then jump that’s always nice

Okay no no don’t do it vanguard don’t be a bully what did i say all right you know smack that booty it’s how it be sometime they get staggered i thought i got staggered so i was like oh i’ll be completely fine now right a vanguard buddy one just jump for me

That’ll make my life a bit easier i’m gonna be completely honest with you there we go oh my gosh if you check out that demon souls uh no hit run video it was just me literally just running around using spells for like probably 10 minutes i don’t even remember

But you don’t have to beat him it’s just nice to as you get extra stuff and you get punched by a big dragon boy which is right over there y’all like dragon gods it’s from the intro pretty nice guy i must say yeah but not a nice boss i hate it’s not

That i hate this boss just dislike it i guess that’s a spoiler that he’s lost i won’t if you haven’t played the game then i don’t know you you don’t know who is the boss or what area is the boston though yeah technically still not too big of a spoiler redstone shards

That’s good this was about to bring the house down all right i got healed up boys oh no i put my shield away i was a fool for believers that’s how the main character died of this game it was so sad how you just up and died that’s the end of demon

Souls thank you guys all for watching oh look at that we’re back soul of the lost withdrawn from its vessels that strength be granted so the world might be mended soul of the lost withdrawn from its vessel let strength be granted so the world might be mended so the world might be mended

I am here thank you mate and black but where is man as pink i’ve heard he’s a bit of a better guy to go to for levels can be thou honest not quit the nexus but the five arguments oh i cannot quit the nexus so said that you’ve died in the nexus

Has imprisoned your soul you cannot escape the nexus however by capturing souls you will do this solely do how are you doing crestfallen knight my buddy old pal flipped through the fisher too did you oh fisher well you can’t believe i survived one hit and be remembered as a hero

You know minecraft steve was just sucked into this world and he can’t do anything about one of the art stones there we go okay here we go everybody’s best friend thomas hello thomas when the scouts came i didn’t know what hit me when i came to i found myself here in this

Nexus that’s sad my wife and daughter phil that’s more sad to the demons but i would be worthless in battle at the very least i hope to lend my assistance to you brave slayers of demons i would be happy to lighten your load and look after any excess baggage

Okay thanks man here take this gray demon soul i might use a layer but probably not and uh take this form of grass because i’m not gonna use that right now uh and you can take these because i can use them from the box not bad mailbreaker as well

I don’t think i’ll use that ah i guess i’ll keep my armor up for now let’s talk to the bold one oh i just skipped all this however he’s just a dude who just wants to repair your weapons and does the stuff uh what can i buy from him

Nothing too good no interesting all right and then there’s a lady why is her name that because she says which she will say soon oh i become soul oh and i’m assuming this message said what foul i just said what the heck that was not man of culture

And right now no one’s here i’m pretty sure yeah except for this soul dude how you doing buddy oh you got me some magics he’s holding a wand i think i feel like i’ve seen a lot of the i am lost messages in this place but right now i can’t

Really do much all we can do is go to the first area so let’s start off with that that’s a real quick just cough there okay durgan how you doing bud he’s gonna just eat some people as you do you know attract oh we already ate people you know a

Dragon’s got a big appetite he’s got a lot of soldiers against full so i’m completely fine with him meeting all those people as long as he doesn’t eat me yep that’s how the world works all right now that we’re in the gates of baltaria i can run on over here and get some

Grace layman grass that is actually pretty useful compared to full moon which is really good for late game which is still helpful now but i’d rather not use such a precious item right now so unlike demon or dark souls i can’t rest here which kind of sucks

I know i can actually talk about what i don’t like about this game and why do you like first of all new game plus sucks i don’t know who the heck thought that was a good idea the enemies are like all over power to zach like these enemies could literally two-shot me

It’s kind of busted but yeah that’s probably my first complaint about this game the other thing is probably that there’s no poise so if i like go for a attack someone with a quicker item or weapon and just slashed me i’ve just flipped okay how you doing bud okay get me outside

Like i don’t know if you guys remember earlier when one of these guys was hitting me and i just couldn’t fight back because you’re just slashing away at me which that’s a yankaroni’s in my opinion nothing else i could really do a dragon shield i have a bear shield currently so

Probably not going to use that but hey not bad getting some items another thing is i wish i could sell items in this game there is no cell option which that kind of sucks i’m just used to the other games where it’s like ah i have so many of these useless items

Time to sell them all but nope that’s all all right making some good progress here probably will end the episode around the 30 minute mark come here buddy ah thank you arrow boy i’d rather not fall but i guess he really does not like that wall you know understandable honestly like

That wall was giving me some funny looks oh hello hey there belle come on all right well as you can see this first area is pretty easy so far at least i don’t want jinx myself got some firebombs that is very useful for the first boss these boys

They take so much damage he is serious thank you fog walls this is definitely a boss by the way not really though so i actually remember what aims are what this isn’t gonna be a walkthrough or anything there are youtubers that are much better with stuff like that i’m just playing through

The game as minecraft steve and this is basically a dexterity run because that’s the only run i haven’t done i’ve done magic i’ve done miracles or faith i guess and i have done frank kind of i haven’t gotten the dragon bone smasher though which kind of sucks but what can i do I can stab you in the back pal there you go run i’d rather not oh hold just gonna put my shield up here and walk through these guys and wait for them to come over here so i don’t get my fire bombs just flip the fire bomb guy come here come on

There we go and off to this part we go hit me come on hit me with your best shot stab now these boys are the firebomb guys so they should just go off the ledge oh look at that speaking of firebombs pledge what do i say

Also you may notice that i’m on like half health so yeah that’s because i’ve been stole form and i can increase the health of the rain which is probably the most valuable thing in this game so yeah thankfully they do give it pretty early on so that’s one thing i gotta say thank

You demon souls for bastard sword i don’t think i could do oh i can’t i never mind i’d have to be two-handed can’t break this no interesting okay i think i’ll get the shortcut for this place and then probably end up there that’d be a good place but i’d say oh

The frick all right so now to become a god of all man i hate a little damage i do it’s actually insane all right like sure i’m basically destroying these guys but still that’s still low damage my first area of dark souls 3. you know steamroll

And then again you can level up in the before the first area there now this boy could do shot man so shields up boys backstab backstabs are your best friend with that boy unless you have magic then that’s your restaurant die okay not bad i think you can heal too i’m just just

Oh yeah coronies get backstabbed come on hit me that did not work out too well really game you’re kidding me oh come on no if he kills again that would suck is he gonna do his shield thing oh you better not fudge you stop healing you’re kidding me

This dude has more heals than me i i swear if he heals again okay there we go he’s not dead yet so i gotta keep my ground up though he’s gonna get and i couldn’t even backstab it there oh all right well as you can see this first area is pretty easy

I put my shield down for one second and that’s what happened okay well i should probably not fought him honestly but i want the extra souls oh come on another thing hitting walls i’ve done that so many times are these guys just gonna follow me

Yeah they are i might as well just kill them what did i just say what did i literally just say hitting walls the bane of my existence they could have easily killed me after that he’s dead they came to fight me at last thank you guys all for watching don’t

Forget to like comment subscribe in the next episode i will have my souls back even though it’s only like 200 something now and i will fight the real boss of this area that one night so yeah i’ll see you guys in the next episode goodbye You

This video, titled ‘This Isn’t The Nether – Demon Souls Minecraft Steve Playthrough Episode 1’, was uploaded by Etgamer16 on 2021-01-13 22:00:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Sekiro, Bloodborne and Dark souls 3 are complete so next up is Demon Souls but as Minecraft Steve. Basically I tried to make a …

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    Server Information Our server features some of the new 1.21 blocks such as tuff blocks, copper blocks, and crafter! Join us for holiday themed events, minigames, and collectable items. Whitelist only server with 5-15 daily players, welcoming new members of all ages. Experience zero lag, 24/7 uptime, and no resets for your base. No land claims, tps, or mods that break the vanilla feeling. Strict rules against stealing, hacking, and griefing. Check out some of our builds here. Apply now by joining our Discord: Read More

  • Nebula Wars

    Nebula WarsNebula Wars is a Minecraft Semi-Vanilla server that is created to bring back the feel of classic Minecraft survival servers, while still getting to experience all of the new features, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. If you like Fun, Non-P2W survival, then this server is for you!If you want to join this server through bedrock, you can!Bedrock IP: bedrock.nebulawars.orgPort: 8064 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Laugh or be kicked from server”

    I guess this meme is a solid 23 out of 10 on the laugh-o-meter! Read More

  • Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft’s Satisfying Twist

    Sand Art Creeper Labrador Hat: Minecraft's Satisfying Twist In the world of Minecraft, sand art takes flight, Creating pixel pictures, a true delight. With torches and sand, a masterpiece is born, A Creeper with a Labrador hat, not to be torn. Subscribe to the channel, for more to see, Satisfying creations, for you and me. Share with your friends, spread the joy, In the world of Minecraft, where art employs. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, Crafting stories in a rhythmic beat. Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In every update, let the fun begin. Read More

  • Minecraft Gangster Laughs!

    Minecraft Gangster Laughs! Why did the creeper join the gang in Minecraft? Because he heard they were all about blowing stuff up! #minecraftgang #creepercrew Read More

  • Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft

    Testing My Gaming Skills! GTA, Hogwarts, Minecraft Oyunlar Hakkında Ne Kadar İyisin? Popüler oyunlar hakkında ne kadar bilgi sahibi olduğunuzu test etmeye hazır mısınız? Bu videoda GTA, Minecraft ve Hogwarts Legacy gibi oyunlar hakkında ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu ölçeceğiz. Kendi oyun becerilerinizi sınayın ve ne kadar iyi olduğunuzu keşfedin! GTA San Andreas Bilgi Testi CJ’in asıl adı nedir? Carl Johnson Minecraft Bilgi Testi Herobrine kimin kardeşi? Notch’un kardeşi Hogwarts Legacy Bilgi Testi Hogwarts Legacy’de hangi gruba seçilirseniz Azkaban’a gidersiniz? Hufflepuff Eğer soruların cevaplarını bilemediyseniz, videonun üstündeki linkten detaylara ulaşabilirsiniz. Oyun bilginizi test etmek için hemen izleyin ve kendinizi yeni bir meydan okumaya hazırlayın! Read More

  • Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮

    Zues⚡ destroys Fortnite servers in Minecraft! 🐶🎮Video Information like things get in your way push through those walls and the others will fall Sit Up Stand Tall you can get through it all I need some energy Ani don’t friend me I have a short memory I don’t really remember things that’s how I move on that’s how I stay a new day on I’ll keep moving right along and I feel like the pain in the past it needs to stay in the past you got to take off the cast I want to feel like I’m a new person I want to Clear Vision… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client – 1.20.62 Update!

    Ultimate Minecraft Mod Client - 1.20.62 Update!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] for This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20.62 MOD CLIENT APK – Toggle Sprint, Full Bright, Unlocked, No Circle – BUGROCK CLIENT’, was uploaded by matixdev on 2024-03-04 22:37:09. It has garnered 851 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. CHECK Download Tutorial–ei_ Download Link 1.20.62 1.20.72 Educational Disclaimer: This video aims to provide educational insights into hacking techniques related to EDSA in a responsible and ethical manner. Everything demonstrated is solely for the purpose of showing vulnerabilities and security practices in digital environments…. Read More

  • Maggus – NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shorts

    Maggus - NEVER Lose THIS in Minecraft AGAIN??! #shortsVideo Information ihr kennt es alle ihr habt auf eurer Erkundungstour in eurer Minecraft survival Welt ein Pferd gefunden und wollt dieses jetzt nach Hause bringen aber auf dem Weg müsst ihr über einen Fluss nur bringt reiten nichts und rüber schubsen dauert auch zu lange dann nehmt euch eine goldene Karotte oder einen goldenen Apfel damit verfolgt euch das Pferd und so bekommt ihr es ganz einfach rüber This video, titled ‘Damit müsst ihr es NIE WIEDER zurücklassen…?! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #maggus’, was uploaded by Maggus on 2024-01-14 10:00:28. It has garnered 74097 views and 7670 likes. The duration of… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!

    Insane Minecraft Mods for Forge by Kaupenjoe!Video Information in this video we’re looking at seven amazing Forge mods for 120 these range from fully fledged New Dimensions to new awesome weapons and armor and even some small quality of life editions I really hope you enjoy if you found the archaeology update from vanilla to be a bit lacking maybe better archaeology can help this mod adds several new fossils artifacts and structures to be discovered and dug up for example you can visit the Temple of Light in which you might find the totem of growth this Nifty totem will will make crup scroll faster… Read More


    RECLAIMING MY PUBLIC ON SMP SERVER!! #minecraftVideo Information स्ट ही नहीं हो रहा व्हाट द हेक हेलो लकी वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम व्हाट्स गोइंग ऑन लकी सर कैसे हो मेरे भाई कैसे हो मेक श्यर लाइक कर देना स्ट्रीम को हेलो लकी वेलकम ट लकी यार 1015 बंदों को शेयर कर दे और देख जैसे मैं लाइक कर रहा हूं वैसे लाइक कर दियो और हां एंड तक जितने भी लाइक होंगे मैं जितने लाइक होंगे उतने घंटे में वीडियो आ जाएगी बस जैसे कि एक जैसे की 20 लाइक तो मतलब की ऐसे तो कल ही डालूंगा बट बाय द वे अगर 20 लाइक होते… Read More


    EPIC JJ HULKBUSTER & MIKEY GODZILLA ATTACK in MinecraftVideo Information I am so hungry what am I supposed to do JJ in the city and he is too far from me I am going to be dead soon if I don’t find any water huh wait a second it’s a city no way I am here finally I can go back home and eat some food it’s so amazing we are going to be okay now I guess I should move faster this water will give some time to me I hope I won’t die I am so hungry now Mikey move faster we don’t have any time… Read More

  • “Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic’s Love Drama in Minecraft” #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation

    "Shocking Twist: Baby Sonic's Love Drama in Minecraft" #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animationVideo Information [Music] help [Music] please wow [Music] [Applause] This video, titled ‘Help Baby Sonic Choose Girl-Friend Minecraft #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation #sonic’, was uploaded by Snuka Game on 2024-04-25 18:39:17. It has garnered 17307 views and 545 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Help Baby Sonic Choose Girl-Friend Sadako or Aphmau Minecraft Herobrine #minecraft #herobrine #shorts #animation #sonic Read More

  • Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!

    Survival with Subscribers! Donation = Infinite Live!Video Information o Coach do Ramon avisou que ele vai ganhar o mter Olímpia esse ano eu já falou já deixou Claro só que eu duvido sebum tá começou a preparar muito mais cedo que o Ramon o ceum já tá na frente do Ramon então tipo assim se o ceum já tá começando a preparação na frente significa que ele já tá na frente então meu filho só se O Ramão treinar de verdade mesmo sem com vergonha na cara com sabe porque realmente não dá se ele ficar cendo assim aqueles treinos fofo igual ele fez nas outras… Read More

  • EPIC YuGiOh! GX Fading Light REVEAL – Episode 6 OMG!!!

    EPIC YuGiOh! GX Fading Light REVEAL - Episode 6 OMG!!!Video Information Cal’s pretty freaking good all right way better here shame that I’m being demoted but oh well it’s not like we could do anything wait a minute are you doing here oh I live here y uh you’re sler like me though yeah I live here right right right to be honest that makes no sense um like why are you in R yellow if your life uh so there’s a room that apparently was contaminated with bugs I cleaned um I got someone to gas the room um then I broke in through a window then now… Read More

  • Determinacy is a server that focuses on having a server with no rules while being on vanilla. The server went live and was created on June 3, 2020 and isn’t based around getting a insane amount of players, the main goal of this server is to play Minecraft without rules, to play Minecarft how it was originally intended to be played, and to also have this server up for as long as possible. The server is entirely vanilla, no aspect of the game is limited/taken away from you like many servers that claim to be “vanilla” but are really just… Read More

  • Cozy Corner – Semi-Vanilla 1.20 – 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

    Welcome to Cozy Corner Community! Looking to expand our community with a 21+ age group for our Minecraft Java server. We aim to provide a relaxed environment without server resets. Features include backpacks, /spawn, /home, dynmap, Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, and core protect for peace of mind. Join our discord for lasting friendships, quick application process, and daily conversations. We welcome all gamers with various interests. We are seeking active members for chatting and gaming. No strict activity requirements but we review the member list periodically. Celebrating our discord server’s 1 year anniversary with events and giveaways ongoing! Join us today… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Rebooted for better quality

    Looks like they really dug deep to improve the quality of this meme! Read More

This Isn’t The Nether – Demon Souls Minecraft Steve Playthrough Episode 1