TOP 5 MUST-SEE Minecraft Railway Stations!

Video Information

Hey everyone and welcome back to another episode of the let’s play series this is a special episode because I’m not doing what I usually do which is probably ride trains and go around actually I might do a bit of that but this is a video to

Look back at all the progress that we’ve had in the past year and take a look at some of my favorite stations along the way right now I am at Red Leaf station which is the second station that was built on the let’s play server the first

One is of course spawn station this station was originally built by my wife with some help from Marcus we completed the station together so that was such a long time ago all right so spawn Grand circular is the first line on the server let me take you to another station that

I really like seeing just writing the spawn Grand circular down the line brings back a lot of memories and some good times on the let’s play this is probably over a year ago so not in 2023 but it’s still kind of fun to go back and to see how each station has

Grown for example red leaves when it was first built it wasn’t an interchange station and then we started to have the wise LRT and then the South Continental line as well iert estate same thing used to not have an interchange but now we have the ship

Line over here I wonder if it’s running yet though all right we are here at yanang M shaft this is one of the other stations that I would like to show off this was built a long time ago as well probably not in 2023 but still one of my favorites to

This day take a look at this architecture oh there’s a person over there but this is just wow still looks pretty cool to this day it’s supposed to be designed like the magma is Flowing off the sides this platform is melting away that’s the idea oh I wonder why there’s a spruce boat

Here that’s the idea of these spawn Grand circular platforms at first that was the only line and then more stuff got built including the callus Express which has its own video dedicated to it as well as the other lines down there there’s a train to Olympus Kaaya the

Wilds Railway yanu line and the wlt line one still work in progress but I think parts of it was open before so really unique Design Station but so far I’ve only been showing stations that I’ve worked on so let’s take a look at some other stations that others have

Built okay so taking a look at the system map we are at yanang M shaft and the next station I want to check out Yankton it’s a big Hub with high speed as well and the way we’re going to get there I think through McFlurry down to

Shirakawa and to Yankton that might be the best option oh and right here there’s a train just made it right on time and then we’re going to get off at the next one and change to the shiwa KA line all right we’re here this station is not bad as well but I’m

Not going to feature it as one of my favorite stations of 2023 just because I think it’s okay and platform 5 is a terminating platform so technically we shouldn’t need those signs oh this is new the middle I remember when I was renovating the station for this line there was like

A Depot in the Middle with a train but looks like that got taken away I think stronger was the one that worked on this line this line only has three stations and we’re going to go directly to shirakawa and luckily There’s A Train That’s Coming and so we don’t have to

Wait for that long oh that reminds me I am back from Hong Kong now so I’m back in Seattle recording another video I just got back a few days ago I recovered from jet lag a bit better than I thought I would but my wife is still really tired I don’t

Think she’s fully recovered because she took naps during the day when you’re not really supposed to anyway this is an S train for the South Island line the way I know is from the lights because they look like bubbles because the train goes through Ocean Park Station but I finally got a chance

To ride on Q trains that’s exciting looks like this tunnel is not fully built so we’re cutting through blocks right now and also chunks aren’t loading and yeah all right we are here at chirawa station so looks like we need to go up to the

Snowy line that’s how we can get down to Yankton yeah my trip to Hong Kong was really nice I had much more time to do other stuff for example I got to visit Harbor Station on the very first day actually thanks to people on Discord telling me I should visit

It I think we go down this escalator harbor station is a fake railway station oh oh this way this way it’s a fake railway station housing a retired mlr train so I got to bring my wife there she’s never been on an mlr train before because the the trains retired by the

Time she came to Hong Kong first time after we got married so that unfortunate but I’m really glad she got to go see that with me she wasn’t in she wasn’t really that interested though it was just for my sake but it was really cool

For me to see it as well so this is an our train these are the trains that replace the mlr the mlr is the one that runs on the spawn Grand circular currently yeah so I’m really happy that I could see that at harbor station and that MTR decided to keep those trains

Over there okay we are at Yankton station the next station that I would like to feature on my list of stations that I like from 2023 so even though this hasn’t been fully renovated yet I really like that it has a highspeed connection oh it’s really laggy that’s not one of the

Things I like about it but the architecture is also pretty unique and that you have a lot of platforms down underground and the way the platforms are connected you see here there’s an escalator that bypass the top platforms and then these are the bottom platforms and there’s a skylight that looks down

On an even lower level of platforms so here we have some terminating platforms and this one is the South Continental line I believe that goes through red leaves this where we started from yeah there it is red leaves lay your moon as well all right so in the highspeed

Section this is what it looks like I really like the cross beam design that’s used right here and we’ve got a train here to danielst and we’ve also got clam via spawn that train used to use this platform but I think I think it’s been moved over here so that this platform

Can serve trains to danielst all right let’s move on to the next station on the list oania this is a station on the east side of the map on the let’s play I’m actually surprised no one has built more East yet so how do we get there from Yankton

That’s going to be a bit tricky so we could take some local routs or we can take the high speed back to spawn and go from there so I’m thinking maybe the snowy line to Eden and then up H how can we get to this line over here is shck ey an

Interchange oh it is oh it’s not it’s not it’s not an interchange so maybe we have to rely on light rail look how many people are online that’s crazy oh this map is is really hard to read hm I guess callus we can get off and

Then no that’s going to take a really long time so might as well just go to spawn high speed to Jonathan’s Resort and then take the sightseeing Express to aania I think that would be the best option even though it’ll still take a while all right there’s a clam via spawn

Just got in while the doors were closed I just got to spawn and wow what is this train this looks like a Chinese highspeed train I’ve never seen this before this is going to Rashi Yong Chun look at that I’ve never seen this train before wow the head looks really smooth

As well okay anyway let’s focus and get back to the platform where we needed to go it’s not sunrise and Callis Jonathan’s Resort feels like this was built a long time ago I’m not going to list spawn as one of the stations on my list of favorites because most people know what

Spawn looks like because that’s where you start riding the trains when you first join the server so instead I’m going to check out more interesting stations for you all in fact I’m not even going to say Jonathan’s Resort as one of the stations even though I built it and I think it

Looks decent it looks okay all right we’re at the resort let’s go back down and see what line we need to take next so the lag is pretty bad right now that’s why chunks are not loading as they should but let’s go through the lobby one more time so that I can

Showcase the station even though I am not naming it as one of my top stations in 2023 I don’t know why the cat animation’s not working right now all right let’s go down this is really laggy still even though it’s not like spawn oh the alt gate and Resort moved

Down oh I guess that happened a long time ago is this train to okay Twilight Spruce the train to aania is 1 minute so I shouldn’t get on this train or else I’m not going to get to where I want to go okay just checking out these

Platforms down here because I’m not sure when was the last time I’ve been down here so this is the algate and Resort and there’s a train going to Arsenal Bridge H and they’re using single platform screen doors as well not really sure wow not really sure when this line was built

But wow these are like Japanese trains right they look like Japanese trains really cool interior I wonder who made it so I can credit them in the next video oh this is really laggy to look around though oh the next train to aania is arriving so I better not miss this okay

Goodbye Resort you have been good see you maybe in another video okay I am just passing this station Twilight Spruce and I think I want to get off just to give it a shout out because this is also a really well-designed station oh look there’s a

Train right here for the bond line I think this is the bond line right this line also goes to aania I think this is called the bond line yes it is okay so this station is one of the first stations to use the 3D object

Rendering feature of the nte mod so if I look at it from the outside you can see here that the roof uses these diagonal beams which is normally impossible to do in Minecraft but this uses the obj I candy block from the nte mod so I believe it’s

Somewhere or maybe on top here yeah so this is the decoration object when I place it down you can use the brush to configure what model you want you can import these models using resource packs and you can just put it in this block this decoration

Object and it will show up like this so this roof design was used or was built using those objects from the nte mod really cool you should check out the station if you haven’t already all right back onto the train to go to aania I think it’s on that side but it

Connects through which is another cool thing about this station you’ve got this little middle level and connected like this to the side platforms and we’ve got two levels platforms here all right finally we’re here at aania and we have an M Train just departing from this platform so this is

Not the Disneyland Resort Line This is in fact the bond line and I think also the sightseeing stops here as well so this station is very well built I think T Built it right please correct me in the comments if I’m wrong but this is built after Sunny Bay station in real

Life Sunny Bay is a station in Hong Kong with the tong Chong line over here and the Disneyland Resort line on the third platform right here the middle has Airport Express but in this case on the let’s play other lines use the middle tracks not the airport express and then

On the side here there are other trains to oh East yunong as well wow that goes really far hiashi Y and then this side goes to EP so oh I keep trying to not get on the train but I still get on anyway so let

Me fly out real quick to show you the whole design of the station oh just managed to catch this through train running through aania station this is a really cool shot and these bridges are perfect for train spotting too it wasn’t that fast though I wish they would go much faster

Than that so you can really see the train Zoom by so in Hong Kong this exit comes out to like a bus interchange but right now it goes to Tonga Village which I guess it’s this one right here and the third platform there’s this canvas roof that goes over

That oh my the chunks come on and then in these platforms we have a creative use of the glass slab blocks which provides sort of the glass canopy but they’re not fully transparent Minecraft glass blocks as well so really welld designed the next station I would

Like to check out is e switch where is that it’s this Hub right here with e switch station North East switch on C and East switch fairy Pier so that is light rail only from loyalty Hills or diamond island connects here through what’s this line 761 761 goes I don’t know

Where is that only three stations no hm okay 761 loops around there but no we’re not going through diamond island maybe maybe we just go down to Jonathan’s Resort and get oh so hard to read callus no not callus Express 720 720 I believe goes from the resort through East switch

To Diamond North and then we’re over here at aania all right wow there’s an mlr right here and then there’s a 1141a I think so let’s get back over to this platform oh good the next train coming is going to be a sightseeing Line train

So wow look how big this map is there actually only one two three four stations but it feels like a long time because it’s a long distance all right finally we’re here Light Rail is up above so let’s go over there oh my Cafe De

Coral I think I didn’t even go to Cafe De Coral this time around when I went to Hong Kong isn’t that surprising I went to I don’t know did I go to Fairwood and stuff like that I remember going to super super to eat some breakfast okay 7 20 Diamond North

Platform 13 in 2 minutes so 13 is all the way over here it’s been a while since I’ve been over here in the light rail section as well so remember to tap oh my balance is negative so I have to get some emeralds so that I can add value oh actually

There are machines down here to add value the reason is because the command blocks used to continually reset my balance to zero so it’ll never be an issue but now that command blocks are temporarily disabled to improve the mspt I have to manually use emeralds to add money so

The Train’s going to come in 1 minute but it’s kind of cool to see other Light Rail trains pull in and out of the stations the train is coming soon so so maybe if we’re lucky we can kind of spot the train oh this one has overhead

Cables too maybe we can spot the train looping around actually no North is that way so maybe the train we won’t be able to see the train but this one we can see it leaving pretty cool I don’t know why I’m getting these lag spikes as

Well all right here’s my train and we have a phase 42 this is Route 720 to Damon North oh we have scrolling text because the custom resources don’t support using the light rail animation right now so it’s going to be scrolling text really cool to see the overhead cables used with the light

Rails though feels much more realistic all right finally we’re here e switch on C I haven’t been to this station before so it’s going to be a surprise for me as well we’ve got a 27 1 P pulling into this station also using the oh I forgot s something about

Somnium light rail or something this is one of twinkle’s trains that was on the sent toown server wow lots of memories with this one okay so e switch on C we have three Light Rail lines over here on this platform at least And wow we’ve got an interesting Crossing what’s this train where’s this going is it off the rails oh no it’s just turning a tight curve that’s the 271 to taong and then we have another train over here 271 to loyalty Hills that’s the other direction W this Li rail interchange is

Pretty cool and over here we’ve got the overground trains got some more light rail does this also go through to the main station no this just goes into a walkway but it’s also a really cool spot to look at Light Rail trains if you like to do that these tracks are different from

Those tracks and that there are no sleepers because this is a an act an actual crossing right here so 720 to the resort that’s the other direction of the train that we were just on and on this side I don’t know if this goes anywhere maybe it goes to one of

The entrances but I’m going to follow the signs to the main Concourse it seems like The Concourse is underground this station is still work in progress but I decided to Showcase it anyway because it has really good architecture and high potential I think I think Lily built this station

All right so that’s where the stairs came out from and then I believe this is the overground platforms over here yep there’s a train already here actually this is just a siding I think e switch on C we have a nice overground sign over here platform two I wonder if

There’s any activity over here yeah we’ve got a train coming a terminating train in about 10 seconds now there it is wow is this a retextured 423 that’s really creative and the tail lights look great wow I really like this good job whoever designed the train and the front

Turns green well I never seen a green headlight of a train and these pixelated lights I really like them nice work okay since this station is still work in progress I am just going to leave it alone take a look at this light rail area it’s really welld designed all these

Cables makes it really come to life all right moving on to Sunrise station one of the bigger ski resorts on the server Sunrise has a lot of Light Rail lines as well as some shuttles like the Peak Tram so the way to get there is pretty simple it’s just won’t it might

Take quite a long time so let me see again e switch on C we need a train to Sunrise uh there might be a direct train that goes there H I don’t see it right now so it has to be 271 or 720 720 goes to Diamond North 271 keeps going to

Taong or where’s loyalty Hills loyalty Hills is that the oh that’s the opposite side yeah so the Train’s going to stop right there and then that dynamic maybe we can catch the 717 which goes to Sunrise all right wow I just saw this train to South Memorial

That sounds like a really long train ride all the way from up here cuz South Memorial is pretty close to spawn I think okay so 720 goes to Diamond North I guess better than nothing because we’re still going north anyway yeah from Diamond North we can get 735 to

Sunrise all right trains here so I guess we can get on and be on our way to Sunrise okay finally here we can already see the beautiful architecture of Sunrise station we’ve got one of those highspeed trains down here this is the diagonally line the express

Train and we’ve got a lot of levels tap your card to validate your journey so I need to remember to exit only $1 that’s crazy probably because people didn’t set their zones oh here you can access the track with the escalators we’ve got a few lines here and it’s very welld designed the

Station very spacious as well simple design but spacious and effective Ive even the ceiling has got some detail with the roof design and it’s just feels very welcoming this station although some areas can be lit up better I would say and then this is the

Exits on this side the Peak Tram is over here the ski resort and the ancient city shuttle is over there so let’s first check out the Peak Tram I know I’ve showed that before in one of my other videos but it never hurts to show it again oh is this under construction or

Something this exit or maybe this isn’t the exit to the peak triam maybe it’s over here yeah signs are a bit misleading sometimes we’ve got a lot of exits too look at that okay so it’s just actually over here Peak Tram and this is an exit too maybe personally I wouldn’t make make

This into an exit because it’s just an interchange all right Train’s about to enter the station and this is the Peak Tram I’m not going to go on it right now not going to whoa not going to ride the train up the mountain because I’m only here to take a

Look at Sunrise station for now look how spacious and elegant this is this design is good job T because she designed this station it looks really good so let’s go over to the resort side of it because we’re not done checking out the station yet I went

The wrong way earlier we shouldn’t have gone into camping cave but instead the shuttle to the ski resort is over here I think using some MBTA trains yeah so we will get on the shuttle because I am just showing you how that looks I don’t I don’t know which side is

Going to depart first so I hope it’s this side if not then I’m going to try to run to the other side oh and I didn’t get it hopefully this one departs pretty soon as well all right this is a pretty short shuttle and we’re over here and we

Caught up to the other train technically they’re running independently they’re both just single tracked going to the other station but sometimes fun to kind of race each other all right so back here is the exit to the ski resort this is a cute little icon for it so I think this goes

Directly up to the Hotel this is the hotel resort and hotel this way so yeah you can check into the hotel and then go up using the lift wow the floor number includes the room numbers too that’s funny okay so we’re at at the base of

The resort and this comes out to a beautiful beautiful Spruce wintry forest and these are the ski slopes there’s even different difficulty to classify the runs easy lower intermediate Upper Intermediate Advan expert and off Trail terrain and you’ve got ski school and then depending on how many

People are in your group you would queue up differently and then you would go in here and wait for the ski lift you stand at the line and then you get on the ski lift and you go up like that I’m not going to show the whole ride because

That’s not the point of this video you can come check it out yourself at Sunrise station or watch one of my other videos where I do this all right I’m back at the base of the cable car station and we’re going to go back into the St station because the next station

That we will check out is Hong and Quang Chow stations so I kind of group these two together because they’re both on oh this got renamed to the May line Phase 1 South section all right so this is all the way back to spawn so spawn is over

Here and so sunrise is on the top corner so I think we better take the highp speed back okay taking the shuttle down here and this is the highspeed platform oh looks like we just missed the train because the next one’s in 4 minutes and this side is going to be the terminating

Platform of the clam Express so we’ll go through cun spawn highs speed terminal one and then Yong Chun we won’t go to Yong Chun we’ll just go to spawn on first so there’s going to be four more minutes till the train comes 2

Y7 CH oh did I miss my stop oh that was spawn oh no next stop Yong Chan these trains look cool though this is I think one of the Chinese Metro or the Chinese high speed trains I don’t know exactly what it’s called but it looks Chinese hm actually

Now I’m not so sure if this is Japanese or Chinese please let me know in the comments because I don’t want to get it wrong this looks like it’s also a 3D model like obj train outside we have a display I don’t know what is DL dick is

That Chinese or Japanese yes that doesn’t sound Chinese okay anyway I have to go backwards actually while we’re here we might as well visit some of sud stations oh look there’s a double decker KT Express train yeah while we’re here might as well visit some of sud stations

Because those are worth mentioning as well so yongin comes all the way over here close to A’s area of Rashi so this pink line is the cupid line that’s A’s area and yongren I believe is sud area and last time we took a ride down this green one which is the gun Express

And the gun line down to this station beat no b not sure how to pronounce that all right so another station that we could check out is elign station I’m not sure who built that but first let’s get to to Yong train first all right wow so many different trains

Here BR 423 with black interior this is spawn via Danielson the highp speeded and then on this side we have a double decker ktt train Sunrise via spawn so that’s where we came from sunrise this is like from the left edge of the map to the right

Edge of the map I’ve never been inside these KT train real life and on the server but pretty cool pretty soon the mod will be able to support double decker trains so check out my 4.0 playlist if you haven’t already because that playlist showcases some very new features that is going to

Come out soon okay so from here where should we go I think the Sue Southlands line and then to the Mount Birch line actually the mount Birch line might not not go like a u shape we might have to take the Sous Southland line towards that way the

Oasis I think I just saw that there’s a train currently so I don’t know if we’ll make it we have to exit the high speed I forgot to pay on the way in again I always do that so we might not make it in time let’s hope for the

Best so it looks like this way right oh and sufficient balance now I’m definitely going to miss the train depending on how long the train dwells there yep it’s not here okay so we need to get to the Oasis and then to Shah Hoy Village or natsuno

And then down to Mercy and to elius all right so I’m not really going to show too much of myself riding the train because this video is mainly about stations and waiting for trains just take up time in the video so I’m going to pause the video and then resume when

I get to elius and show you what it looks like wow this is already very mindblowing even right when I get off the train and look at this station structure what’s sncf I don’t know and I’m not sure who built this as well so please comment in the video description

Or in the comments if you know who made this so I can give proper credit and look at this this station building is Grand already it reminds me of Chong house Street on sent toown or no wangara all right let’s go on the outside and take a look this station does not have

Too many lines but for this section it’s very welld designed oh it looks like there’s an MTR Quest here too look at that wow other than the missing chunks wow there’s also a naturally generated Castle here as well it looks even more Majestic and daytime doesn’t it with a train in the

Background I’m just flying around and admiring the architecture of this thing wow there’s like I don’t know if those are chimneys but they just add more detail to the station just more and more little details that you notice and we have these MTR station decoration stair Railing that’s a really nice touch and level of detail to the station I don’t think the upper floors have much to them but that doesn’t matter even if it’s just an area to congregate no stores and stuff still a very useful space maybe it can be converted into a train museum restaurants who

Knows another Train’s pulling out this looks like a Depot we’ve got some different train types here this one goes all the way down uh all tigari this goes this is elus station and then we’ve got a highspeed train here as well not sure what trains or what lines those trains

Serve but I’m guessing they’re all going to be right here hm this looks like an overground line but I know it’s not now this is very impressive to over whoever built this I wish I knew so that I can call call them out in the video all right so it’s time to head

Somewhere else now is just a line to some aery stations I think the riverina express is what we’re looking for that goes down to some of sud’s lines and perfect timing I think this is the way we want to go if I miss this train is another 20

Minutes so thankful that I got this train right when it arrived the interior is really beautiful as well I especially like this area the end doors where we have the translucent logo of the train itself we look on that outside it’s like a branded train too we’ve got the X

Logo and the whole train has like a reddish brown color scheme all right this is gong station I’ve showcased some of these stations on sud line before and they are always really well built and each one is different so we’ve got a station building over

Here I did see someone over here is this oh it’s sudy hello I’m just visiting your line because it’s so welld designed each station is different we’ve even got some Korean icons for the signs here now I always enjoy coming to see your builds this is Chung pong station another one on the

Line we’ve checked out this whole line in a separate video so please go there and check it out just wanted to pick some random stations along suies line to feature because basically I want to feature every single station on the line that’s how that’s how good it’s designed so next station is

Sanun sanun sanun in cantones there’s a bus here too so I’m going to get off at this station cuz in that video we didn’t really get a chance to visit each station in detail but hopefully now that I’m doing a Station review video we can do just

That and there’s another train on that side all right this is the station and we have a building over here let’s exit the proper way and not just fly around everywhere so let’s go to The Concourse oh wow this is pretty small pretty compact station and here you can go to the

Buses I decided to fly out a little bit that’s where we exited from look at the station building and this beautiful roundabout where the buses come and oh this is the 93k route so the buses go over here turn around and come back to pick up passengers this is a really simple

Station design like a village station but look how much effort sudri put into designing the ceilings and the pillars even the station building the curves and the pillars on the outside and the fences yeah this whole line is just great oh wow what are these stairs from

The MTR station decoration mod all right when the bus comes around then I can showcase the bus and head over to our next station there’s the bus wow what a beautiful sunset watching the bus come so this is the terminating side wow the door slide open

Too this is a Korean bus I’m guessing this is Route 93 to the door’s open on the right side and the steering is on the left because not a lot of countries drive on the left side of the road actually only former British colonies and Japan and I don’t know if there are

Other countries that do that I’m not sure okay we’ve taken a nice little loop around the bus turn around and then we can get off here head over to our next station so I know we mentioned Quang chow and hung Tong but before we do that I want to

Check check out the hanak Koshi line as well because the Hana Koshi line also has one of the greatest stations designs on the server so to get to the nearest hanuk Koshi station might just be Danielson Memorial from where we are so we’re somewhere around here I’m not sure actually I don’t know

How far down we are I think we are at hyong lake or sangun sangun this is the bus line to hyong Lake so taking the Yong Chun line we can go straight to Danielson Memorial which has an interchange with hanuk kosi so let’s do that wow look at that timing we still

Have about 30 minutes to spare because the trains come every 6 minutes so you don’t want to miss one but good timing right when we got off out from the bus stop we got onto the platform the train is going to come soon that’s great and as usual I’m going to cut the

Video until I get to the next station or the place where we want to go all right this is Danielson Memorial looks like we’ve got an entrance at one of these Villages here but as I’m flying around I noticed this power station that’s very unique I’ve never seen somebody build a

Power station next to a station before it’s just an extra detail that is pretty satisfying to see so this is the Han Koshi side of danielst Memorial I don’t think it directly connects to anything oh is it not open looks like it’s sported up yeah it doesn’t have a direct connection with

The rest of the lines but H there’s like only one train running I think Forest is still trying trying to set up the schedules and the server lag definitely does not help with the scheduling so I guess if it’s working progress I’m not going to

Show too much of the line maybe show a couple more stations on here because it’s really nice and I don’t want to miss it okay so this is um what is this Daniel Memorial we’ve got some nice ceiling designs I don’t know why Forest doesn’t use the MTR station decoration

Catenaries rather he enjoys using these iron fences look Forest is here wonder what he’s doing putting some signals down maybe but yeah very detailed design again lots of work put into the ceiling and the station design so let’s check out another one of his stations oh even these custom signs

Are all drawn by Forest in this timetable painstakingly made by Forest as well we’ve got different values at each station for the times that the train will arrive so the left column is the hour the middle column is the minute I’m not sure what the small numbers are

H departure plat form departure time destination there we go so yeah there’s this is very very detailed and very welld designed okay let’s check out maybe anag Kon so since the tracks or the station is boarded up I’m not going to take the train instead I’m just going to teleport

To it just to show you all so a nugget Kon is actually an interchange with a few other lines this is including the sightseeing line and uh what’s the other line called tinon line that’s right tinon line goes to Lake City and I believe this is the opposite direction of

That hm where is Lake City this is the tingen line right or maybe it’s another line maybe I’ve gotten them mixed up oh ton line is this way underground and the other line is what oh the sumaru line yeah that makes sense so taking a look from the outside

We can see that the station is designed with some quartz wood glass that’s the main block pallet of the station and then we have a trust bridge I think this is a trust Bridge it’s not a suspension bridge cuz it has no cables but it’s a red metal Bridge

Technically Concrete in Minecraft but I think it’s supposed to be metal painted red so we’ve got a siing train a sumaru line train just the whole shape of the station is very aesthetically pleasing look at this triangular Sky roof here and the way this roof slopes up is not

Just a simple slope but it has like a diamond shape in the middle I really like that and then here’s the main station building we’ve got tracks running perpendicular to the hanak Koshi line platforms and the platforms also stick out a little bit so some of the building

Techniques that work really well in Minecraft is if you have lots of layering and extruding and dents like that so your whole wall isn’t just flat but it’s got some indent and it got some it has some parts sticking out like that that’s how you design an effective station

Building as well as mixing in these poles instead of just pillaring blocks like that to make a pillar the poles are just much nicer all right and then we have the Tim tables here these are very very intricate we’ve got tables for upbound and downbound inbound and outbound I guess schedule

Effective April 9th of this year all right really well done Forest oh let’s check out the exit as well while we’re here wow I like these lights the hanging lights we’ve got another bridge on this side if the chunks decide to load just a very aesthetically pleasing

Station in general and I think Forest agrees Forest has spent a lot of time working on this the detail includes these little signs like these as well and the station waiting cues are also custom made just a lot of effort put into this all right this is a really beautiful view let’s move

On uh to kuang Cha and Hong Tong so hanak Koshi line from inagi Kon we can take the tingon line to Lake City and then the callus no Southwest wild Railway Southwest Plains line to Birch Hill and then either way to Quang cha or hongon so let’s head back

Down yeah this part’s boarded up so we’re not supposed to go on the Hana Koshi line but I still wanted to feature it anyway so to get down to the other side I think in line This Way yeah this whole area is boarded off to make sure you don’t RI the hanok

Koshi line I guess Forest thinks it’s not ready yet tingon line I think you have to exit the station right oh no you can just go directly underneath here I’m just talking through this part because we can admire the effort put into designing the lobbies as well oh we’ve actually got the

Circulator it as well that’s a light rail line but this today we’re going to go on the tingon line I think you can come down through here and do we miss a train no it’s just just arriving perfect while the other side has an M

Train and then this side has a c train retextured into a Q train I guess reminds me of the Kun Tong line I think that’s what Ludwig was trying to design when building this tinon line was that the mix of trains are supposed to kind of resemble the Kong line I remember in

Hong Kong the first time I took the q train I started to miss the MTR immediately but there is this one time where I was in monok coming back from Langham Place taking the Quinton L to Diamond Hill and I got an MRA without having to wait or anything I just

Happened to stumble onto an M Train when going down to the kunon platforms that was really really lucky because M TRS are now only used for backup not even part of the main schedule for the kunon line anymore the kunon line just uses say q and C trains now and M trains are

Super rare that you basically shouldn’t expect it so that was the one time I took the M Train on the kunang line this trip and I also saw an MRA on the other side when I was riding the kunon line on another occasion so kwangchow station is actually built in this

Village so I really like the use of these MTR station decoration signage where you can customize each of these boxes I think is really creative and really useful so Quang ch’s one of the entrances is built on the side of a cave so you can actually look into here I

Featured this entrance in quite a few videos so I won’t talk about this station too much just wanted to note that it’s by the village and it’s built very well as well oh an entry even the passenger information display systems are customized based on the colors of the

Lines I think yeah this is a terminating platform for I don’t know which line but here is the W not the wlt anymore the pink line and then this one to Simo Island looks like it’s a circular line to the hakushi that’s line that we came from oh wait no we didn’t come

From no I didn’t know there’s a direct connection to the Hana Koshi but we wouldn’t have taken it anyway because we took the we took the pink line inbound and got off from there but we didn’t take this line because hanuk Koshi wasn’t open

Yet all right so I do like the design of these kinds of stations where you can see the platforms underneath we have crossplatform interchanges on both levels and you can see the other platforms because you can look over the edge looks like this escalator is saving energy right now and being turned off

Because I don’t know why passengers getting off from that line would need to come up anyway so maybe they can take the stairs instead o did we just get the last train okay so on the other end of B dark’s Line This is hung Tong Station I like how this is

Exposed so that you can kind of look from here and see the trains come through on on the tracks look at this the station Blends right in with the brown trees in the background and the granite actually no that’s not Granite that’s just course dirt but wow this stairway I don’t know

Where it goes but it just looks very nice it almost looks like a Japanese or Chinese Castle design the colors match really well so down here is a lighter Birch and Oak color and as you move up it’s more of a spruce color and then you have Sandstone again and what’s this

White block just concrete I guess yeah you got some concrete and up here you’ve got ACAA Acacia stairs and then some is this like station colored I’m thinking it’s station colored yep and then we’ve got some jungle to top it off so many types of wood but also not very plain

Either cuz sometimes when people design all wooden stations it can look kind of plain because you’ve got the same textures over and over again but no but no B dark designed this so well that you’ve got a mix of blocks you’ve got logs and then what’s this this is also

Logs right oh no stone texture no wonder it looks different you’ve got some smooth concrete textures mixed with Sandstone wood even some frog lights so I really like this angle maybe I’ll make this the thumbnail the video and this is sand right concrete powder yeah and I like this little Gap here for

Natural ventilation and sunlight so when you’re standing on the platform it feels very open and I’m sure with a nice Summer Breeze the station would feel very nice okay is it just me or is there some spaces here H I think be dark purposely put some spaces as the custom

Destination so the Chinese words look kind of spaced out all right we are coming to the end of this video and we cannot forget about one of the earlier lines of This Server which is not even shown here the oh I suddenly blanked out and forgot what it’s called aelia

Yes the blue line here all of these stations are worth visiting so if you come on the server please visit the aelia CL at least these few stations these stations on the right are interchanges with other people so you’ve got other designs I really like these stations

Like rain rbow Heaven jip pack icon piure I’ve talked about them quite a few times in other videos so let’s take a look at jip pack we always go bu it and I always talk about it so let’s check it out for ourselves when we first come here this

Is already jaw-dropping we’ve got two trains here one to gecko Plaza the other to Rainbow heaven so just I was just talking about all wooden stations how they’re so plain but this actually uses wood really well because you’ve got the strip lock texture you’ve got the normal wooden planks texture and

You’ve got some glass oh yeah you got some glass and then you’ve got some smooth Stone textures as well such as Granite uh not Granite diorite and andesite I think and then down here some brick textures some chiseled brick textures oh I see a bus down

Here then down here we have some aelia patterns aelia CL of course and then over here we’ve got some stained glass just not boring at all look at this just the whole station structure how impressive that is unfortunately this side of the station is not loading in all right we can kind

Of see the full Glory of this station from this angle look at that I’m just going to do a pan here this is a really beautiful station and the rest of the stations on the Zia CL are similarly designed as well those paintings also nice touch even this wall this walkway down

Here with the light design and the wall design it’s never boring I don’t know why you would put ladders here though it’s like encouraging people to climb up here to get up to this part maybe it’s decoration maybe it’s intentional I don’t know okay so I decided to jump on the train

Eastbound and check out some of Kira’s other stations on this line so right now I am at Cliff Market one of the stations on the expansion that I haven’t been on so let’s check out the station let’s take a look at the outside wow I really like these exterior

Escalators where the or the stairways and escalators here too where you can kind of look out to the outside it makes it feel really spacious and I love these natural arches here and again as I mentioned about the indent this makes it look really pretty where it’s not just a flush pillar

But there are levels to it down here there’s not much not many roads or anything connecting to it unlike jip pack station No Buses but just the whole layout of everything it’s really nice and Kira use some custom Bridges to wow there are flowers on each concrete tile I think these are created

Using the special H I forgot what it’s called but I think it’s part of the nte tracks you can add custom models to the way your tracks are rendered so when you right click on the Node oh did I mess it up you can apply some models on it I

Forgot how to do it this doesn’t seem to do anything and I don’t want to mess up these tracks so just like how you can select a custom model for the tracks you can also apply um an make the track model include the bridge as well that’s what it is so you

Can include some of these side blocks just by changing the way the rail is rendered or no maybe it’s just this this is an external rail that Kira is using to render this bridge so that’s a nice building hack that you can use on your own systems all right

So I think it’s time to wrap this video up and kick off the New Year 2024 I’m really excited to see what other things people are going to build in this new year again I apologize for the low chunk slow chunk loading and the low TPS or the high MSP T basically the

Server lag hopefully I can upgrade my computer parts again or just figure out some ways to make it render make the server smoother what is this so thank you so much for a great year thank you for always supporting the mod and your interest in these videos as

Well I hope you have a Happy New Year and please like And subscribe to these videos so that you can get more updates and check out the 4.0 playlist if you haven’t already to see some previews of new features that will be added I hope you’ve enjoyed taking a look at these

Stations as much as I have if you want to join the let’s play server for yourself make sure to check the link in the description the instructions are on the Discord server so you’ll need to join that first thank you so much for watching I’ll see you next year Bye D

This video, titled ‘Let’s Visit My FAVOURITE Stations of 2023 – Minecraft Transit Railway Let’s Play S3E25’, was uploaded by Jonathan Ho on 2023-12-31 12:00:08. It has garnered 2767 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:59 or 3959 seconds.

In the twenty fifth episode of Season 3 of the Minecraft Transit Railway Let’s Play series, we end 2023 by visiting some beautiful stations on the Let’s Play server.

Minecraft Transit Railway is a Minecraft mod based on Hong Kong’s MTR, the London Underground, and the New York Subway. It adds trains, boats, cable cars, and planes to the game along with other miscellaneous blocks and items. With this mod, it is possible to build a fully functional railway system in your world!

Useful Links Mod Download: Get 25% off server hosting on Shockbyte: Use code MTRMOD Mod Wiki: Be part of the community; join our Discord! Support my work! Help translate the mod!


Other Mods Russian Metro Addon: Terralith: WorldEdit:

#minecrafttransitrailway #minecraftmods #minecraftmtr #mtrmod #mtr #minecraft #transit #railway #trains #railway #transport #subway #londonunderground #london #underground #nyc #newyorksubway #nycsubway #cablecar #airplane #airlines #aeroplane #plane

#letsplay #2023 #2024

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  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!Video Information [संगीत] स हे वस पीपल वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो में और आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट यस गा आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट और अभी तक जिसने भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करा प्लीज जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और इसी के साथ हम प्ले करते हैं ओके और लेट वीडियो इसके लिए आई एम रियली सॉरी हो जा यार लोड ओके तो अभी लोड हो चुका है एंड हम वर्ल्ड का नेम रखेंगे रखेंगे हम वर्ल्ड का नेम ही आगे [संगीत] डब्लू ओ आर एल डी एच नहीं डी ओके नाम हमने… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-05-20 10:32:25. It has garnered 357 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More

  • Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle – Build or Destroy?😱

    Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle - Build or Destroy?😱Video Information sech the Shameless I see the aimless I don’t want to be one of the nameless I’m wake up with the mindset that one day I’m going to make it and I don’t think I’ll be fine if I don’t break my limitations don’t try to stop me I exist to write my your story I’ll make it decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory yeah don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring just want a life that is worth every day exploring my whole life I [Music] [Music] justed… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!" #gaming #viralVideo Information ha ha ha ah ah [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he huh huh he [Music] [Music] he ah oh [Applause] [Music] haa [Music] This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by Elite Gamerz on 2024-05-10 21:30:00. It has garnered 587 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana Studio

    EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana StudioVideo Information This video, titled ‘See you again dance [Minecraft Animation]’, was uploaded by Shoshana Studio on 2023-12-30 13:30:24. It has garnered 469 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Let’s see each other again! Song used: ——————————————————————— #minecraftanimation #minecraftanimationshorts Read More

  • Superdou

    SuperdouSuperdou! Argentina Android Windows 10 1.16-1.20.2 me vos Vote bedrock Discord BP_Name Java Name Superdou .net Earth PvP Survival Argentina – EN Read More