Ultimate Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Episode 2

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[Music] d [Music] [Music] all right and hello good day everybody welcome welcome back to another Minecraft stream we are back in uh one block I’m in my little tiny house here I built a little tiny house like could go AFK and not have to worry about things killing me welcome back to the stream uh we are going to be playing some VI games today I’ve done some work let me get a sleep in it’s about to be sleep time I think or is that snow I need a Clock remind me I need a clock look what I did I built an area to play with so I designed an area I built this up here this is where we do our one blocking Snow’s here a lot I keep having to break snow I moved our animals check them out see what I got here I got bunch I I got our crops we had a little farm here I moved I’m going to move these over here but I couldn’t do it off camera because it might give me an achievement so I I wanted to wait uh got my trees growing got some wood building up we got some supplies some foods I smelted the ingots we’ve got those are minable things uh so you may also notice on the right hand side of the screen I’ve died six times since you’ve seen me last there are difficulties I have built another Farm I moved it over here the snow keeps messing up the dirt though uh or the people do I can’t tell um I did build a farm over here and I did move the animals over here almost all the animals died uh they were killed by a dog I think it was a dog no it was a crab so there was this crab and I’m like oh a crab popped up when I was digging in the middle and I’m like I’m gonna put a crab in there and then the crab killed all the an animals so I had to kill the crab I lost my big turtle too which is very depressing but I have a feeling we may get another one back there’s been a lot of animals it’s so snowy we we had one grass block as a reward so I put it in here I managed to get sheeps finally so I use them to make a bed I got panda bear check that out panda bear I love the panda bear he’s my favorite animal so far that I got so here we are on one block all right so got this little work area over here I do think it is finally going dark let me see if I can sleep through this I can good good how was your week everybody anything exciting happened for you uh yesterday my wife and I uh it was our anniversary a week or so ago and so we had um got some tickets to go and go on this little uh paddle booat river boat that had a tour in our area here and uh it was a lot of fun we had a really good time uh it was it was not cheap there was a whole meal and everything though right on the boat uh it was very cool I had a very good time I’m always having to clean up the snow I don’t like the sound of snow it bugs me so I cleaned up in the the areas I’m in the most this is just my work area and over there snowballs I got lots of snowballs already I don’t need more snowballs I need trash can is what I need I don’t have one yet so I just throw things over here in this corner because I never come over here all right so we’re back in one block like I said I’ve expanded the area uh a Trader actually popped up all my people died and I don’t know what killed them uh I had a bunch of villagers and they keep dying I had two Traders one of them died I don’t know that’s why I put balls up in case they were walking off the edge there I didn’t want that to happen but I have one Trader I figured he might actually be useful so you know I’ve got him anyways hello Teresa hello M Bron massre Teter hello Gustavo gamer good day good day hello Pikachu too and hello ezal what’s going on so uh yes so I died six times off camera not my why is there red oh that’s the snowball the snowball shows up red on my mini map up there I just realized that that’s interesting uh so yes so I died six times I got the counter up there I did set it with the six deaths every time I die I get one of these little papers why is that oh it’s because I have something up there uh so yes I got one of those I had the problem is you see it keeps throwing out bad things I’ve oh here I’ve reached a point that it’s giv me like pillagers and stuff as I’m digging the middle hole and then they destroy me so there’s that let me eat some carrots so we’re going to keep going so I got some achievements by accident and they weren’t important achievements I haven’t cashed them in they’re just for having blocks pop up in the middle we hadn’t found yet so I waited on them all so I got a sapling popped out of the middle I didn’t cash him in Farmland I got an orange pedal block we hadn’t had that yet so like I said nothing major I didn’t and I made an iron or sword oh wow iron mob farm well that’s interesting I didn’t look at their ORS uhhuh indeed sir that’s actually pretty cool and put this away put that away an iron mob farm I think I’ve seen these before I think you put insert a lasso I got to catch a mob oh dude we need a lasso do I have a lasso I don’t know if I have a lasso uh this is all the stuff that people have dropped that I’ve killed I don’t have a lasso how do you make a lasso I should I should find out and then we can get a mob farm going lasso it’s got to be two s’s right of course it is two slimes two diamonds two slimes two diamonds do I have that I have slimes I don’t I only have five diamonds but we could do that um okay and then I need a regular lead in the middle which is just four strings and another slime four strings I only have two strings okay so how any strings wonder if I could break was wool break into Strings wool might break into Strings do I have wool in there did I use it all I can’t remember if wool breaks into Strings strings makes wool I got some shears around here there they are let’s go Shear somebody and see if we can get some strings it’ll be cool hello zestria welcome welcome hello Jan uh they are worth it for sure got one for most mobs set up now okay hello I am skunk Punk good day hello Mesa remember for four years and three days that is a long time and I appreciates it welcome thank you for sticking with me even though I sometimes die too much I know what you’re thinking Draven I’m tired of your dying I don’t want you to ever do it again for you Teresa I’ll do it okay that becomes a fluffy puff what in the hell is a fluffy puff used for string that works out well then I can make a out of it I can make fluffy fabric fluffy puff seeds or I can just make wool again I adore fluffy puff this is my new favorite oh I don’t have enough to make string though I need more fluffy puff can I get fluffies out of this nope it’s got to be white okay how many do I need for string I need two for string so we’re gonna have to Shag some more all right so we’re going to go do a little bit of Diggity dig and see what happens because now you’re here I can do things oh I should show you all the stuff I got though I should do that okay so I got a bunch of ingots smelted we got some bort and bort ore I don’t know how to turn bort ore into bort you can’t smelt it in iron oven so that’s something special I got all these gemy gem things I got some red stone a little bit coal some diamonds lapis we got some basic materials there I tried to get up a bunch of the different Stones we got gravels and magma block I something popped out that I really wanted I don’t remember what it was but popped out on a magma block and magma block killed it immediately make fluffy puff seeds I I got I can shake these guys I’m just going to keep shaving these guys I don’t know how much fluffy puff on need we can make seeds later in the short term I’m just going to get some of this stuff because what just made that weird e noise oh I missed a string no get out of there you’re dying in the Rock stupid woo no you too you’re also stupid damn it rabbits stop being stupid no stop trying to escape weirdos the Demonic eyes and stuff oh good you sh again yes keep eating the delicious grass oh let me get rid of some of this snow so there’s more delicious grass for you sorry donkey [Music] accident yep clippity clip it’s the white one I need get a little bit more s there goes all that okay same pack and AR mod really spit up the block breaking process okay cool more more wool all your wools that’s enough except everywhere I go snowballs [Music] snowballs uh let’s see what I got here I got a couple diggable blocks we’ll throw those away terra cotta goes in here I got I’ve been using the terracotta to make the different hopping bonze but I’m starting to run a little low on iron put that wool in there and for string I got six string now right yes and I needed slime right and I needed some diamonds I need two diamonds I think that’s what I needed first we’ll make a lead oh I got two excellent convenience one for later convenience two slimes and two diamonds okay excellent now I have a lasso so now I need to get a mob so I can put him in there all right I like the way that sounds I don’t need that right now or that right now okay we got we got spare one we can make into other stuff later uh no it doesn’t matter thank you all oh it always matters thank you so much for coming by and saying so I appreciate that I am still it is always still nice to have people say that it uh has been a benefit to them even all these years thank you so much for for coming by welcome it has been a pleasure to have you as part of my community we’re going to dig we’re looking for a turtle I don’t I don’t I don’t know if I should save the turtle is the turtle okay list we’re going to kill the turtle turtle’s not here to witness this don’t anybody tell turtle that happened bird all my birds were gone I don’t know how to hang on to those oh lime pedal block that’s one we didn’t have man I okay I’ve already got a mushroom we’ll take your supplies yeah the other day I was just getting mob after mob okay I don’t need the llamas don’t don’t spit at me fool T mob farms in this yes yes the tiny I got one of the little tiny mob Farms as a reward I didn’t realize it was a reward I was about to get we’re gonna after I get a mob in there we’ll we’ll Target the achievements again but I feel like I should get somebody in there not a donkey interestingly enough you can pick up the donkey but you can’t pick up a horse I do have a donkey in there I was showing my wife my ass the other day the donkey see I can’t pick up a horse though and I be I don’t know man I don’t know think there’s ever going to be a use for me to have a horse in a Sky Block so I do want to see if we can get to one of the other dimensions today no that I don’t want one that no I don’t know if I can get him or not with Al lasso I probably should have tried stop spitting on me llama except your death llama’s kicking my ass let me eat some more carrots okay let me move the lasso down here so wow I’m already filling up with stuff it is lots of resources I like that there’s just so much resources I get so many different things I don’t oh no a bee and a cat the cat keeps eating some of my creatures too so until I have steady fish I can’t befriend the cat I don’t have a way of catching the bee yet although I never thought of that I have been getting honey conb blocks can I turn that into honey hang on let me let me put some of this that’s a petal block sand that goes in there slate yes yes no or brimstone yes Jasper no that that that okay JRA cotas go in here ores go down here for the oring gems and stuff go in there with redstone food odds and ends oh it’s a it’s a mushroom gem I don’t know what those gems are for I haven’t figured it out yet got some coal here and then batania I’ve just been putting in there for now for the mob Farms as it gives you wool and food you know I don’t know if you can put an an a regular thing in there with it being a mob farm my assumption was like a skeleton or something interesting I wonder if I can get a bee I could start bees if I can make honey out of honeycomb okay okay we’re gonna hang on to that we’re gonna go come back to that in just a minute I got to get a mob first I want to now it’s night time they shouldn’t burn up see if we can get us a skeleton or a zombie or or a piece of ice okay how’s everybody’s a week hopefully cool things happen for you I had to work yesterday I didn’t like that but then I did get to go on the river boat crews are frogs good for anything I’ve just been killing them I couldn’t find a reason to have a frog and I only have so much space over there where my mob farm is come on give me somebody I had mobs popping out every other block the other day oh oh that’s a villager you can live here sir for now just don’t get in my bed they keep getting in my bed whoa oh snap what what made that happen I broke a thousand bajillion blocks the other day not really I broke like this many obviously but still okay all right terra cotta we have gone into the age of Astral that was unexpected well maybe we’re going to take an astral turn all of a sudden besides Frog’s legs right yum yum there iron in there why am I carrying these grass around is this is this where I put Plants where do I put Plants put them there oh oh let’s get a bunch of achievements real quick lettuce that’s why I couldn’t break these chests before because if I did I’d get all the stuff there’s achievements for picking up 64 of all these vegetables and I didn’t want to do that without you guys carrots wheat I don’t know if there’s one for seeds or not don’t think so see we got over here the tomatoes worked in here it wouldn’t let me grow them in the farm but they worked in here the rice wouldn’t though oh that’s not a full stack yep got an achievement for that one okay that’s a bunch of achievements I don’t think you get rewards for those ones though no there’s no rewards for those so we’re just going to kill them all at once oh I got a mystical lime pedal for something okay uh I’m pretty sure it works with animals could be different now okay I feel like I need to get you know what I need in there I need an Enderman I haven’t had an Enderman pop up yet though that’d be nice okay all right so let’s take a look here I want to I want to get bees going so let’s take a look at bees because that’s a that’s that I think could very well become one of our primary resource thing ofab Bobbers so um right I need some B cages I’ll need honey for that how does one get the honey um magical Essence HED bucket honey I know honey Block it’s for honeys no that’s not it trying to see if I there’s a way for me to put the Honeycombs that I have into the honey block but it does not look like it I would need to make machines I could make that machine does that machine need power though I don’t remember we will test it ouch it’s your ear be the death of me need some stone do I have some regular Stone I can cook some Cobblestone that counts as Stone here cook that we were running low on wood last time so I I’ve got lots of wood ready to go let’s fact let’s uh let’s do this I I was going through coal too quickly and I’m going to need coal for other stuff so I’ve been using wood as fuel why do I keep doing that stop that all right we’ll cook up some Stone and then we’ll make the I need one two three four four five six seven iron which I think I’m running low on I am but I can cook these two up that’s not what I wanted I thought I needed Stone what do I need for this smooth Stone smooth Stone I gotta cook these again oh okay legit well that’s all I wanted that I guess you can guide me can make St iron oh does the iron stay on here it does not okay what pack was it that was the other one we just played okay need three of those and then what went in the middle I forget what went in the middle oh a piece of glass okay some don’t think I actually have any glass yet but I have some sand so we can cook that up okay that’s three that’s enough of that get the sand going take that gives us this let those cook for a little bit machines for be DK Butler is that power or is that honey I don’t remember let me put put that in it let me do this can I put this in here okay so that was a machine I can’t use yet we did that for nothing but that’s okay we’ll need it eventually so I’m not ready for bees yet is what I’m getting out of this but that’s okay you live you learn you try Okay so uh I need another pickaxe but I am running low on iron I wonder if I can make a lead one or if it will require me to do Tinkers which I don’t want to do mhm I see yes guess we’re going to use up that iron oh why is there iron in here one two three okay we gotta go over there now we’re in the world of Astral too which is going to be interesting now we’re going get all sorts of weird things let’s see ooh maybe we’ll get a cool mod to pop out though oh sand so you’re still getting regular stuff too whoa baby all right those take up so much storage space but it was an achievement that’s cool ores okay we got that one which gave me some more that one which gave me some more some ore hilarious oh oh I’m getting him in the different cut patterns already too that’s actually pretty cool saves me from from having to do it boy that’s going to be a problem I’m up throwing a lot of those in the trash need to check to see if I can make a trash can I don’t have the iron for it yet this pickaxe breaks before I get to start building up my iron I may have to make a diamond one I don’t know if I have enough Diamond left to do it come on give me something good uhoh why is there so much sand in IR why do okay once I need to do it we’re gonna have to chunk a bunch of these I just don’t have the storage capability for something like this and they all have different stats something seems to be here I haven’t even started astral yet not getting any ores this could be a problem hello trfia good day all right okay all right let’s see what we need to do to actually start astral astral get 128 of those get 30 of those okay well for the achievement I guess I guess I do have to build up some more of those things darned It Anyways all right uh what was the other what was the other achievement we’re looking at 64 marbles 32 aquamarine wait I need 32 and 128 20 of those okay that’s a lot that’s a lot of stuffs oh there’s the first aquam Marines we got hello argon good day welcome welcome click and click come on give me it’s a lot of stuff see 29 I got a ways to go I built up all these resources so we can jump forward then it moved me into something I have no resources for what you gonna do right oh there we go what’s in that oh heck yeah o a collector Crystal linking tool that’s some good stuff oh okay we’re going to look at that for sure that’s that’s good sauce small gift to the one oh that was just oh left control grade Fletching I don’t know what this is Fletching Fletching that’s arrows is interesting I’ll take your chest though that’s cool haven’t had a chest in a while s load my gaming laptop when I first download any recommendations uh oh no I would agree I I played on a laptop for years with no problems um I mean other than allocating more RAM unless you were given some type of eror message why it wasn’t run we could try to diagnose it that way when you say it wouldn’t run like did it crash did it start playing and then crash did it not let you get in at all going to the batania for I have a little bit of batania we could do a little batania as well not to build an area for it but yeah I’m just trying to gather the 64 of things real quick it crashed as you were loading it did it give any type of error message at all did you allocate additional RAM that would be another question I’d ask you set a percentage wouldn’t crash interesting off hand no without without some type of error to point me in a direction of what the problem could be it just straight up crashing unfortunately no I do not I don’t have a specific fix for that man at least I haven’t gotten a single maybe because there’s no mobs in astral I just realized I’m not getting any mobs almost got 64 marble though all right there we go astral sorcery we got that one done we got that thing out of the thing hey an astral tone astral T is very important work some crafting recipes are only present in this book K shink all right that actually enters us into the world of it now so all right so I need three more star metal I’m G need a chest for astral stuff now whoa butt magic we just transferred to butt magic okay well I guess we’re not we’re not g to get uh to draw too deep into astral because I don’t have enough stuff to do it but that’s okay let’s let’s make an astral chest put astral stuff over here for now till we you know dive into it we got a little bit of stuff to work with I’m G keep that in my inventory for just a minute astral astral astral astral astral I’ll take that uh sand that’s astral okay’s put the chest back and the extra chest the sand see if we got 30 of these things we do okay all right is four gigs Ram enough well I’ll be honest with you I allocated 12 but I allocate usually 12 to start every pack um and then I I’ll go up to 16 or more if I really need to but by default I’ve set every pack at 12 um I would definitely add more if possible I’m just getting rid of these they’re not going to be that hard to get down the road okay so we’ve entered into the world of butt magic now that’s intriguing first let’s get that oh snap rock crystal seeds wow that’s uh that’s impressive to be honest with you that’s a tier five seed all right we’ll plant him sweet butd magic is the best kind of magic I would agree okay end the chomping of the carrot I’m just using carrots no particular reason I guess I could go and we could do the moving I’ll do that later uh allocate more RAM excellent it’s definitely beneficial I have a tutorial showing how to do that if you need extra assistance surprisingly one of my more popular tutorials guess I I’ll save a few of these okay all right so we got some achievements what was that other achievement ores we got that one okay sweet where were we up see a lot of these it’s interesting because they don’t really Point me towards anything specific which can be good and bad I got I’m working on killing mobs 150 swords no 150 kills I 121 that’s pretty good wheat I need to breed animals oh yeah do I have a breedable cows over here I think I have two cows a mushroom and a regular cow can’t mess around wait I feel like I’m missing something sheep looks like uh I got thought I had two pigs I got one Pig so it looks like sheep are the only breedables I’ve got right now got a little little reward there set that in there um sheep is sheep carrots sheep carrots sheep are you carrots no that’s pigs the Sheep you can have it just because I like you huh I forget what sheep eat anybody remember what sheep eat is it wheat maybe I do need some wheat uh I don’t think it’s maybe it’s beetroot could be beetroot try both of those be rud anybody anybody like beetroot there it is it’s wool do you and mushroom want to do anything the parrots and the bats achievement rabbits are killing me do I get a baby I did get a baby sheii sweet deal all right cool we have begun the parenting process uh I don’t know I think I typed something in wrong when I was putting in the code to make that thing work and I couldn’t figure out how to make it go away so ignore the three I don’t know exactly why that’s there okay so all right so that was a step towards achievement that’s for charging but I don’t have power yet the Bumble zone now I love the sound of that that’s awesome explore the Bumble Zone throw an ender pearl into any bees nest or beehive oh that’s cool I mean I’m not there yet but that’s awesome [Music] okay so yeah I can’t do any of that yet nether get 128 of that stuff well I don’t have I did was working on astral I guess I could start Gathering butt magic supplies I don’t have a cobble generator my hand was the cobble generator I spent like an hour just getting ston out of the dirt so I had enough oh that’s a piece of wood okay guess we’ll do butt magic oh I’m be switching back and forth Axe and pickaxe maybe we’ll uh maybe we’ll get a mob out of these ones I kid you not I had mobs popping up left and right just destroying me the other day and now that I’m here with you guys I’m not getting any that’s a drink me I don’t think I want him in my mob farm sir I’m going to need you to vacate the premises of my leaves I don’t know if I can keep this guy or not but we’re going to stick him over in the farm get down in there there you go got to Dr me now come on something cool I don’t know oh I should probably see what the quests are for this uh butt magic uh 40 of each of the woods and a source gem although I don’t Source gems is normally a thing you have to you fly so I’m not going to put you in a fence in here you just fly away Dr me out of the way oh what’s that oh I got a source gem for breaking that okay that’s cool sweet deal okay so what do I got ARS Novo oh oh that with the book gives me butt magic book okay butt magic book time ow I think I still have a book I do convenience butt magic book okay so we’re gonna need a chest for butt magic butt magic stuff butt magic stuff we’ll put butt magic over here for now no that scares me I’m afraid a creeper is going to blow that up up there that’s why I moved away all right we’ll put it here this is for butt magic things legit all right let’s just keep Gathering stuff from butt magic for a few minutes and then we’ll see what we can make out at least till my pickaxe breaks well I need a pack out the way so many drmies too many drmies lots of stone more of that ore I get another one I did get another one oh blazing archwood that’s pretty cool some of these things in Hoppers is what I should be doing drink me move d all the butt Magics see now this is what I would consider a grindy pack because you’re sitting here doing this but like it’s still fun like I want to see what pops out next you know what I mean listen I’m sorry you’re just you’re gonna have to go and you came up to take his place allor right I got some I’m sorry it had to happen plus I needed the kills anyways so nope there goes okay I know salesman all right so um I don’t know if I have anything left to build I could build a diamond pickaxe I feel like that’s what I’m going to have to do I hate to waste the diamond but I feel like it’s at least going to last me a while I need to get back to Overworld materials again what’ I get achievement for ores oh another ore okay legit Hoppers under the one block so creepers don’t blow up my drops oh I haven’t really come across that I’m more they just keep blowing up my my world yep keep giving me them Source gems I like that that’s way better than the Mana way to have to make them oh little turs ow get out of the way no time for time for your love ow why so many death to drmies my new motto they hit back too that’s not cool it’s that’s the kind of violence I’m looking for oh that’s another one I was like I surely have to have enough of that wood by now but was that a that’s a carbunkle wasn’t it I think it was a carbunkle getting all sorts of little dudes out of this but none of the mobs I want for a mob farm a skeleton would be cool because I’ll get bones zombie all I get zombie flesh I could probably use that turn into leather somehow creeper would be good because then I could get gunpowder so I definitely want a mob that’s going to provide something an Enderman would be the best an Enderman would be the best situation cuz that getting ender pearls that’s how I could get into the B Zone although I still have to get a beehive first but still and up with a dozen drops in the ground oh yeah I stand close enough so it just lands right in me so I got lots of room I literally wailed on whoa whoa not good not good werewolf be wolf I know this monster is nearby they’re above my head in this pack you have to actually break your gravestone to get your stuff I’m back [ __ ] angry dogs okay that’s I tried to get him with the leash but it didn’t work but now it’s glowy did it work maybe that actually worked right to release them oh a wolf I got a wolf out of that all right that’s pretty cool I got a wolf out of that got to my Des okay well let’s see what we get from wolves where does the loot go how do you get the loot out of it I didn’t realize I grabbed a dog I got drink me Jem a stick tool Rod flexible one I have a special stick did he give me anything put on top of a chest that makes total sense that makes total total sense okay good call on the chest it won’t let me move but that’s okay it still works okay see if it puts anything in the chest of course you know it could take a couple maybe it doesn’t I me it’s not 100% either I’m intrigued to see looks like the lasso will wear out after a while too I didn’t get anything out of that I mean it’s already tainted as that lasso problem is I can’t make another one now because it cost two diamonds and I used all my diamonds yeah I wasted it I don’t think you can change it to a different one once it’s been turned into whatever it turns into unfortunately I tried to get the werewolf guy but I I got a dog I didn’t know that I’m getting a lot of experience where’s all this spring is coming from oh maybe it was mine I hadn’t died in a while can only assume it was a conspiracy magic bundle magic bundle podz wait what’s Magic bundle and I put the butt magic stuff away put all the butt magic stuff away now we’ll go look at Magic bundle wow we’re getting all sorts of things today okay all right here we go let’s see what we got what do we get from this what was that oh living Rock that’s batania stuff am I getting batania no that’s astral that’s astral dang it sorry carbuncle I need your death pedal okay so maybe this is just a oh it’s a mix of magical based stuff probably a lot of Bania some astral okay infused wood okay that’s I’m getting into batania stuff here that’s pretty good we’re still getting some mystical a chicken I need a chicken I don’t have a chicken hold on let’s go get the chicken on the farm the cat ate my last chicken carbuncle do you want in there with the friends okay I did go ahead everywhere that I’ve built so far is chunk loaded that’s built into the pack so I do have it all chunk loaded so none of my animals should hopefully respawn wood wonder the switching back and forth between tools there’s more butt magic okay so I’m getting the things normally I would had to make flowers to get oh purple petal block dirt clay what’s that I should go and lasso something else okay hang on I got to put some of this stuff away though I’m running out of room that’s astral astral astral that’s butt magic what’s that that’s astral astral astral astral Bania that’s all the astral batania oh I don’t I’m G to need a second chest for that unexpected that’s astral oh infused Wood’s astral that’s butt magic butt magic batan b no Bania Bania that’s butt butt butt astral and dirt okay trying trying to stay organized as much as possible astral was there and this is just regular stuff which is dibles dibles you and you things that grow okay so you said get the leash and go smack it on something else like a cow or a chicken I guess maybe I guess we will try the Sheep by the way cow we’re going to try sheep it won’t let me it won’t let me use it on anything else now it can’t be switched to another animal it’s not letting me I’m trying to I’m right clicking shift right clicking left clicking shift left clicking all I’m doing is punching them it is stuck as a wolf but okay basically useless then I wasted it that’s disappointing but it was educational release the wolf first how do you release a wolf oh you just do that okay unexpected sorry didn’t know about that part okay so now I should be able to get a sheepy it does take away one of my sheepies though but I guess that’s all right sheepy see if that does anything and another animal gem I don’t know what all these Soul Gems are for do a little more breaking for a few minutes let that do its thing see if we can get back to regular stuff I really need some regular supplies I need the ores again unfortunately I don’t know how to get ore in this pack I mean there’s mystical and such but I’m not getting enough of anything to do anything about it I should probably start getting some regular seeds going though like inferium I mean I believe we checked and they were not without actually like having to make them through Tinkers which I hate doing so at the same time you’d think there would be for Mi for mystical though so we’ll we’ll check uh no the only way is through Soul or silent gear I’m not a fan of that either so oh dirt dirt that’s wood I’m just trying to break through trying to get it to change to something else I don’t need any of this stuff it’s giving me right now it’s constantly switching back and forth between the pickaxe and the axe is irritating oh my inventory is full again hold on a minute uh that’s astral astral astral astral astral astral astral that with wood is astral okay oh wait so’s that and then that’s butt magic butt magic but but but but but batan okay these are all batan except for the dirt all right let’s see I’m getting meat that’s a good thing I’ll get get a decent supply of food out of that and it never hurts to have some wool but I’m tearing through my tools I don’t know what makes it change from one to another you know what I mean what am I what criteria am I meeting that’s making that happen like we didn’t have the astral one for very long at all I need one that gives me regular ore like we had early on because I need just some of the basic stuff again iron and gold and things like that ah beehives I want that that’s what the scanner is for oh I remember the scanner good Lord I’m almost pull again and I hate that there’s no good sort here we go uh that’s astral that’s astral that’s astral astral all of those are astral butt magic that’s all bat okay scanner could have sworn I still had that is this it there it is so what do I do with this thing what’s this for I don’t understand what this is for how many times you broke it it says I’ve blocked 2394 does that tell me anything that tells me how to do stuff trying to try hit 3,000 and see if it changes maybe it changes it increments of 500 doesn’t feel like it though nope now I’m at 2400 yeah all it does is say I broke 2400 it doesn’t fortunately really help me because that doesn’t tell me anything though like what number do I need to make it change am I at 2400 out of 2500 2400 I’d say would probably be the total amount of blocks I broke since I started but there wasn’t a set number that it changed after because the one before astral I was on it for days I don’t think it changed once off camera and then suddenly it’s changed three times so far today I want to see some of these new areas and stuff but I don’t know how to get to any of them that’s wood blue petal block for the first time okay ow uh astral with that astral that’s Bania B but but but but but all no that’s astral yes it’s 25 we got 41 to go so we’ll see piggy I needed two Piggies and I can breed piggies excellent got a little room in there have so many grounded drops I’ll be honest with you I have no idea what you mean by that I don’t know what a grounded drop is that clay in there oh we’re 255 so that didn’t do it going to run out of my axe I have to go make a stone one in a minute this can’t be that entertaining to watch come on I need something to happen here run out of room again uh astral astral astral as as astral but but but but but but but popcorn popcorn’s all right I don’t need a lot of popcorn I prefer corn but I just don’t like all the kernels in my teeth you get with popcorn I I only ever eat popcorn at a movie theater I will eat a lot of popcorn at the movie theater but then when I get to uh I never make popcorn at home unfortunately we’re not getting any of those mobs though I’ve had one Wolf Pop Up it’s been the only I guess I had that one thing that died in the sun too yeah puffcorn is the way to go for sure I concur I guess when I do get to actually start messing with these uh different mods though I’ll have a lot of resources built up that’s good move stupid Carles not the brightest running out of room again y knew I was going to pop any second I was wondering how long it’d be let’s see what we got here uh astral astral astral butt magic butt magic keep forgetting to throw that in Bow T and stuff uh I guess Cobblestone tools at this point I’ve run out of good resources to use meat yeah yeah I’m not a fan of it either but you know I mean it’s randomized and I get that and I didn’t have that problem at all until I got to really this section so hopefully we can get up of this monstrosity relatively soon and back to a useful one I don’t feel this one’s that useful like I’m again it is we’re getting stuff we’re going to need later I’m sure this is the type of thing I’d rather be farming offline but I need we’re still too early for me to just go work on something and save this for later you know what I mean we’re not far enough into actually doing stuff yet 2685 digging a hole redigging the same hole a lot I’ve dug this hole 2700 times so far that’s a lot of time to dig the same hole over and over again that’s all right let’s see um there was something I wanted to mention I’m trying to remember what it was don’t remember now I think it was about a movie are there any movies coming out you’re excited about share your Joys with me there’s not a lot that I’m super crazy about although I am subtly thinking about going and seeing the crow not the new one the original Crow is going to be back in theaters in many locations on the 29th and 30th of this month and uh I was lucky enough to see it in theaters when it first originally came out it might be kind of cool to go watch it again again last time I saw it I was alone I went and saw it by myself ouch I don’t know if I’ll be alone this time it’s not really my wife’s jam and I know she’d go because she doesn’t want me to go by myself but at the same time she’s not gonna enjoy it I don’t really want to pay for something she’s not going to enjoy that seems counterintuitive some of these things I have 64 of I just put it in my inventory to make sure I didn’t uh oh yep see there’s an achievement there okay okay we got an achievement which one did we get we got an astral achievement for 20 of these block of star medal that’s pretty cool 32 aquamarines did I have those oh I did all right cool another achievement like it and we got a liquid Starlight bucket but no new achievements oh I still got to do 128 aquamarines move tasks ritual anchor wow that’s up there that’s not even a basic one holy smokum all right that’s okay though I still like it getting somewhere 128 it’ll be a while before I get to those uh let’s see batana batna that sounds like the beginning of like a lion king man oh heck uh let’s see with Brandon Lee yes yeah the so the uh the 13th of this month a few days ago was the 30th anniversary of the release of the movie so because the new one’s coming out and it’s the 30-y year anniversary that’s being re-released in many theaters so highly recommend if you never seen the Crow theater is a great way to do it friend of mine is waiting for immacula immac I don’t know what that one is I’ve never heard of that movie theaters we I I’m a member of this movie club I pay like eight bucks a month for and uh every month I get a free I get a movie ticket with it so basically for the price of a movie I get this movie club and I get a 10% discount on all concessions which is good um and I can use the tickets for anything other than like super special events so usually I’ve got four to six sitting in there at any given time movie comes out actually care to see my wife and I go see a movie or sometimes we’ll go and we’ll take my friends Smashley and Jim Friends of the community we hang out with all all the time um we’ll go grab them did I have another one I did Farmland oh okay and uh once we do that you know then I end up using them up so I they never go to waste they carry over so it’s all cool how do I not have achievement for white flower how many white flowers do I need oh I just got to hit check mark oh that’s okay do I have all of them now I do okay I don’t have bamboo or rice or potatoes yet I haven’t got any potatoes that hurts my heart for I’m in love with the potatoes um astral after all the stuff sced before I was like if you mix astral with the mod pack and let you that let you travel you can go to new plants uh movie that some oh I think I may have seen a trailer for that didn’t didn’t quite catch my not my genre could be good though I I don’t know just not my genre uh I probably see I’ll probably see Deadpool and Wolverine um I I enjoyed the first two movies and like nearly everything I’ve ever seen Ryan Ryan Reynolds in so I’m cool with that definitely probably see that movie I don’t know I can’t think of anything else jumping off the page for me we got tickets to go see this movie thing for a band my wife likes called ghost they’re having some type of movie thing that they filmed I don’t know if it I think it’s like two concerts or something I don’t know I’m not a fan of the band I’m not anti the band I don’t hate them I just I’m indifferent but my wife is crazy about it so I know we’re going to go see that I already got the tickets for that it’s a special limited thing I think uh 4 minutes away we the movie we we loed out the movie theater in our town is pretty awesome and I my Town’s not that big we got all the basic restaurants face fast food restaurants and Walmarts and Kroger and all the stuff you need but uh we have a decent little movie theater with the really good comfortable double wide seats that lean back and are heated and all that kind of business um so usually we see movies with people they come to our town just because the theater’s better here than most any other ones in the area I swear eventually it’s going to give us something else please what’s that pink thing oh that’s butt magic Jem how oh it must be 3,000 you think I’m about to run out of room again uh astral astral astral astral is that all the astral yes uh Bania but but but but butt magic got a lot of batania FL Living Wood oh wait could be an achievement for that there’s not okay it was no oh that’s bu we are getting some resources batana will be doable um speaking of movies I want to see Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes um it’s not high on my list either whoa is that a brown chicken what kind of chicken are you just a regular chicken okay well still that gives me two chickens I can breed those now there with your friend there you go 50 7% get away from my plants I’m told the furiosa movie is very good I don’t know if anybody’s seen that or not yet but it’s getting very good reviews again from people who I trust their opinions so typo in your earlier message I don’t think I saw it where the heck did you come from oh this is a naturally spawning one could be some free leads give me your clothes give me your pants you’re all right I’m Gonna Let You Go I don’t need your fish in a bucket but I might later put those in there 2871 okay boy we are 10 through pickaxes um don’t oh you’re all good I’ll get Ram all right try yeah the Mad ma that I’ve always enjoyed the Mad Max movies the last one with t Hardy it was all right I like T Hardy a lot uh it was an okay movie I don’t I don’t think it was the best one in the series best one was Mad Max 2 Road Warrior followed by Thunderdome followed by the first one followed by the last one but I haven’t seen the new one so I can’t put it in there yet well if it is 3,000 we’re less than a 100 to go oh out of space let’s go do it again uh astral some rock crystals astral butt magic B I’m just going keep hanging under these because I get these every time digging a hole so much hole digging back to back wood that’s good sir go away you bother me I just don’t want to go through all this pickaxe without getting anything from our turs put a troll in it making the wiing trader llamas one shot by a llama nice yep 48 more to go maybe my house is overrun with drinks there’s going to be dmy poop everywhere who’s going to clean that up not me taking volunteers to be the official drg me poof cleaner of only dven gaming oh hey I know one of the things I was going to talk about today is with great sadness I mean that seriously Rooster Teeth closed closed up this past week and uh I’m trying to do my best to navigate a post Rooster Teeth World which is not easy because again as I’ve said many times 99% of my viewing entertainment came from rooster te um fortunately several of the uh things that were my favorites to watch there have gone off now and become independent [ __ ] is now regulation podcast and they’re putting out top stuff well there we go Abyss okay you’re right above that one let me clean out everything I got in my inventory so we can see what that’s going to be uh so I’ve been watching all the stuff they put out face Jam changed to 100% eat uh they’re out there now uh and that’s also been very good what I’ve been s watching for theirs um and what else I know that stinky dragon is going to be something else coming out next month I never really watched that but I’m glad to hear that they’re they’re doing something else I know that red web says they’re going to be going independent starting next month so we don’t have any real details on it yet I’m excited because I listen to that one all the time I don’t think it’s a thousand because we’ve already had to be before different ones today in less than a thousand so what are we getting out of this well where’s prismarine dead bubble Coral okay what in the world what’s making all the water horn coral fire Coral see now I’m getting plants but I’m not actually getting the plants how do I get the I need shears maybe I need shears for the plants where’ I put my shears at I think it’s cuz I’m getting the plant tube Coral Sea lanterns oh I hope I can make some sea lanterns that’s that’s bright that’s good lighting right there there you go keep spitting them out oh no I ruined the plant again dang it I got to slow down so I could try to see if if if I can’t get the plant then I don’t that’s fine I can just burn through it faster but I hate to be missing something I’m going to need later what are all these things what are all dead to neptunium nugget all right what’s neptunium I don’t know okay plant did I get it I didn’t get anything it destroyed it though huh well maybe it doesn’t matter maybe the shears don’t help after all we’ll try it again that was a different looking plant than the other ones I’d seen all sorts of coral you see when I saw when okay there’s a plant all right let’s try it again no shears does not work on this shears is not working but it did destroy the dirt beneath it that could be a problem I thought I couldn’t break the dirt beneath it 20 prismarine nugs now is that how D it how deep did I put that well I know I’m trying to use it to do a vanilla mechanism by getting me the plant somehow I lost the dirt in there excuse me well getting a lot of stuff well we’re getting a few things but a lot of it oh I should see where that achievement is which’s Abyss oh okay sea lantern cool okay so I just need a bunch of each of the things again okay Gathering I don’t know how it wants me you to get those plants I don’t how to get the plants oh none of them are plants I just need the coral okay coal the plants are useless now I know oh gather all this stuff up get all the achievements whoops didn’t mean to fall in yeah all I do is break them any other games out there anybody’s playing anybody doing anything uh new uh for the record uh for those of you who may not have known I did post it in the Discord um the uh cyberpunk 2077 is 50% off on Steam right now they are not a sponsor I’m just a huge fan of the game um so highly recommend taking a look at that if you don’t have it great time to pick it up oh got another achievement 60 of those all right 20 of those need some um so again be sure to check that out trying to think uh oh got another one which one’s that one prismarine okay how are these I haven’t got any of the colored Coral I keep seeing it though yeah this maybe I got to use it’s not shears axe maybe who’s piss go away bubble prick all right so I’m not getting these but I’m supposed to be getting these I wonder uh huh I wonder how you get those I’ll try an axe does not seem like axe would be the thing nope it’s not axe there it is again it’s odd that they would want me to have them here if there’s not a way to achieve doing that just wasting pickaxe on those silk touch again it’s odd it hasn’t given me anything anywhere near making silk touch this early you think it was going to give me that it would give me silk touch wonder how many anybody have any idea how many blocks I have to go to get something else I really need regular ore and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do to get it did I do something wrong and missed that part should I have was there a way I was supposed to get regular ore out of the ore I’ve already got is what I’m concerned with now that I’ve somehow messed up the pack and and missed my opportunity that’s all of the achievements I can get there except for get prismarine I’ve got prismarine okay thank thank you for that I don’t that was an easy one to get everything of now I don’t know why I would need any of this stuff I don’t need all these people hanging around here you’re bugging me the problem is I don’t have a lot of the early batania stuff yet I I would need to make Mana Pearl pearls I don’t have any pearls I’m going to need to make Mana diamonds and I don’t have any diamonds I I can’t do a lot of that stuff without having some or and materials to start out with I don’t have any coal to feed the Mana for any of the fire flames or to try to do it that way um does this look like a bar oh yeah uh maybe it’ll change at 3500 again I hope we don’t have to go all the way to 4,000 with this I just don’t have the resources to do that I honestly didn’t realize it would be so much of this today I would have done more of this to get ahead I apologize all that he was annoying the hell out of me I’m not getting any any mobs at all anymore I kid you not I died six times in two hours so I was just getting mob after mob the other day I got all the animals and everything I’m not getting hardly anything getting anything from this this section be funny a guardian or something popped out I’m well over halfway through a diamond pickaxe that was the last of my diamond the good news is at least I’m not having to constantly go empty the inventory of these ones like I was before didn’t I just kill a 100 of you guys what was that wasn’t that that was something different texture it took longer to mine than other blocks by hoping it wasn’t a sponge a sponge would be nice it’s good to have that stuff nope over 3500 huh and most of this is crap one neptunium nugget I wonder what that was from a chest would be nice we haven’t had a chest in a long time give me something cool in it do you like danishes and I don’t mean the people the snack today we went out to uh do a couple running arounds and uh took my wife excuse me to the bookstore here somebody to go book shopping and they went to Sam’s Club Sam’s Club is 99% snacks for us we’ll get like big bulk things like toilet paper paper towels paper plates stuff that we use a lot but there’s not a whole lot we need there and whoops I still need to get an electrician out here to fix the electrical outlets in my basement so I can start using my deep freeze again if I had my deep freeze then I could start buying some of the freezer food bulk that we enjoy but we just don’t have room in our small freezer in the fridge right we go there mostly for snacks I say mostly because while that’s primarily what ended up in the uh in the buggy I go there now for one very specific product that I can only get there Sam’s has the greatest potato salad I have ever had in my life it is loaded potato salad it tastes like you’re eating loaded baked potato cheese notes the bacon sour cream butter all of the flavors are there it’s like a big spoonful of baked potato and potato salad mixed together it is the bomb and we went there and I got one the last time we went I was like I’ll give it a try I also got this dill pickle like chip dip a fried dill pickle chip dip and I like I like deep fried pickles it wasn’t that good though what was that that was different no it wasn’t um but yes uh their potato salad was so good this time I got like three big tubs of it I will eat it all within the next week I have no doubt my mother’s was like with was with us this time she goes that Wass good grab me a tub of that I’m like yes I will allow me to spread the holy Gospel of Sam’s loaded baked potato potato salad it is so good but I also got this huge box that had like six boxes of different types of Hostess danishes in it this box I grabbed first is the cream cheese ones which are my favorite but there’s also three different uh Berry flavors and it’s like an apple one I I can’t remember what the other two are but there’s like several different types of danishes and I enjoy them Apple Dan followed by cheese Dan see I’m G cheese and Then followed by Apple but I agree with you they’re the top two to get I don’t know what a hydrangeas is I apologize that doesn’t help me I don’t know what that does um uh strawberry cream cheese d i they only strawberry cream cheese these are just the cream cheese ones that I’m me right here now the cheese dangerous those are great uh but I I could eat both of those together strawberry and cream cheese on one that’ be that’s a good combo I got a giant bag of cheesy proofs I got a bag of Carmelos which is my favorite candy bar now I still eat tons of York Peppermint Patties so technically it’s probably still my favorite Carmelos are just harder to get a hold of so I I enjoy them more when I get them just due to the real Bumble bumblebees what is this heart heart of the sea oh there was a chest at the end I broke it open and got a heart of the sea what is that what does this do what does the heart of the sea do I don’t know I prismarine chest looks pretty cool though I like that I guess I’ll put heart of the sea over here in miscellaneous weird things I don’t know what to do with uh let’s see there’s a gem technically that’s a metal so we’ll put that in there and I just need chest for all this weird I did get I got five wet sponge out of that that’s legit I like that okay so here’s uh water stuff I guess I don’t know what else to call it I don’t need it for anything else so put it all in there whoop hi baby it’s Buffy oh my goodness you got some goobies Hello I didn’t see you where were you sleeping were you upstairs were you downstairs it’s The Buffy um underwater thing in order to breathe underwater uh use we making a trident underwater stuff is super useful okay seashells from drown to make the conduit for that seems very complicated I’m heartbroken because I want to do be stuff but I don’t have have any way to catch the bees I need honey and I don’t know how to get honey I have no way to get honey right I need honey bottles unless I somehow see I don’t I think if I break a honey block I just break it let’s break a few and see what we get what’s that crystallized honey block honey block hold on I want to leash that you think I could that would be worth leashing would it oh no I can’t I don’t have any I don’t have any diamonds left to make another one all right give me your honey bottles oh I didn’t get honey bottles what is this yeah the lasso we had is all eaten up and I can’t make another one because I have no more diamonds because it won’t give me any freaking ore I guess I’ll break that honey Crystal Shards okay I’m gonna get a million things and none of them are going to be honey porous honeycomb block what is that used for Block fill the holes you can store honey in it well that’s not good I don’t need that good is this can any of these things make me honey no but I could make a shield or honeysuckle residue or trash create stuff eaten to restore melted in furnace to make sticky H gra pair a honey Shield does not appear to be useful in any way okay well so be it what G I do with this uh okay honeycomb door interesting expansion box I need that for bee houses what’s that Soul candle I’m just looking to make sure I’m not getting rid of anything I want beehives I can make beehives I just don’t way of getting any Bees Honey con block so I can make all the different beehives whoops dang it okay well keep it going keep on going here I don’t have any power yet unfortunately there it is honey block okay okay I think I can do something with a honey block can I do something with a honey block I could have sworn yes a honey Block in four bottles will give me honey that starts B world that’s what I’m looking for uh do I have any glass ball I have three okay need more glass glass sand you do your job get in there and get to cooking all right we are entering into the world of bees and this this pleases me get two chests for be stuff we’re going to put that over here no it’s not what I wanted I want to connect with that one hello Buffy’s butt why are you in my face Buffy’s butt what are you doing come here come here come say hi to everybody for a minute it’s Buffy hi darling I love you you’re so scared when I pick you up I don’t like that you’re such a butt I’m e one of them D danishes in a minute okay that’s enough to do that gives me six one four honey yes okay let me uh go over here I get the five wet sponges done I didn’t realize I had that achievement but okay and we got more sponges okay all right now we’re into some bees stuff all right bees what am I looking for why does it just say be ar I looking for productive bees productive bees there they what is this a b bomb that’s new be book forget I need these so I need that for a bee catcher so right off the bat I’m going to use one honey to get a bee catcher so if a b pops out of this bee stuff I can at least grab him even if I can’t use him yet I at least can grab him that’s a priority oh good we get our glass bottles back I forgot about that sweet what hey achievement oh it’s not in their achievement it’s over here probably achievement right no maybe I never know what these do there’s no there’s no rewards so it doesn’t matter it’s not important if it doesn’t have a reward um I’m going to need a house to keep them in where they can’t fly away so I’m going to need to build a beo the problem is I don’t have enough basic resources other than Cobblestone to do it with because it won’t give me any other resources of value wow a rock crystal Essence best my Beating Heart um so I’m going to have to build a room for bees so that’s that’s what we’re going to stop and do now before we move on on I don’t want to waste the B world I don’t want to waste that at all so I don’t have I have some Cobblestone we should be able do that I need to build a b area I’m thinking I’mma build it off this and these things will not go away I I was been waiting all day and they’re not going anywhere so it’s bothering me this will just take a minute or five hang on I’m gon move this out of here so I don’t accidentally Chuck something oh I need that too we need to build a new borium it is the most important thing we have to do it’s going to be ugly for now because it’s just going to be made out of cobblestone but it’ll be make it prettier later actually we can do it right here two three that is where it will be be all right let’s grab some be materials let get to work I’m going to probably need some dirt for the ground but we’ll worry about that yes functional ugly that’s what I’m shooting for it’s how I’ve lived my life for basically 40 plus years so hey does anybody have a calendar handy can you tell me what day of the week the 26th is on I think it’s a a Saturday or a Sunday I think it I think it is I don’t know if mobs will spawn here or if I can even get mobs to be honest with you it is a Sunday okay good deal so the reason I ask is that the 26th is my birthday so I’m going to be doing an extra long stream that Sunday we’re going to have our Minecraft stream at late night like normal like the last couple hours will probably be Minecraft but I’m probably going to stream earlier we may have maybe may have some jackbox I’m probably going to stream later too because Monday is Memorial Day and I don’t have to get up early now because it is Memorial Day weekend I’m sure that a lot of you will be busy and not able to attend that is totally okay I understand don’t have to apologize for not being able to make it it’s a family oriented day spend time with your family but if you’re free it would be sure cool if you’d consider coming hanging out maybe we’ll do some GTA we’ll do some jackbox for sure I’m excited because they’re making finally a jackbox adult version and I don’t mean a dirty version I don’t think anyways it’s meant mostly just to be you know some of the games but not designed to be streamed so uh still might play some of those eventually but uh not on stream I occasionally here in the near future because I am still trying to work out a patreon I don’t know if anybody’s interested in being involved in a patreon or not but I’m looking for special stuff for patreon and one of the things I thought I could do is occasionally for everyone in the patreon is I might do a is that a zombie why is there a zombie I’ve never had a mob spawn anywhere that’s crazy that’s a zombie brute he’s not a regular zombie he’s stronger than your normal zombie he was full of stuff that zombie whooped my butt who invited him to the party now I got to worry about monsters spawning kind of craziness is that mob mob mob that mytic go in there okay you’re but this is a very big area I know that I’m not going to enclose all of it because it’s just not possible but I want to have the room to be able to expand later cuz if I’m going to try to get all the bees again I’m going to need a place to put them up on walls and stuff I don’t have the stuff for a flaro I don’t think I have any glowstone yet I don’t have any nether capabilities I’m just going to use part of this area starting off but I wanted the area to exist fully later I can work on that you know later all right so let’s start down here that should be big enough to get us going I’m not going to make it that high at the beginning okay I’d love to have more dirt but unfortunately I don’t have any way of getting dirt currently wonder if the old no it won’t work never mind I had an idea but that’s Sky Factory I’m not g to have enough for a roof we’re gonna have to go farm some of this stuff I guess that’s okay though whoops uh luckily I’ve got a bunch of those sea lanterns I can use to light up in here actually let me go grab those yeah sea lanterns that’ll be that’ll be an interesting light source for this one okay hang on I gotta just gonna throw off my mojo okay see what have I got here uh two two all right that did not light that up very well we’re still going to have to use some torches that’s oops oh only got 15 minutes left thank you very much I appreciate that thank you for the warning dirt seeds now that could be correct we may need to look at dirt seed and Cobblestone seeds in fact that might be what we need to do right now because I can’t ad I don’t like to advance off camera so if I can make a couple of those that’s be stuff okay real quick bee chest put all this bee stuff in here for just a couple minutes I know we want to do bees I’m excited about it but dirt seeds would be very useful and I’d forgotten about that so what do I need for dirt seeds oh I got to build this whole thing crap um what do I need for that so I need how much I don’t know if I have enough gold it’ll be tight we might yeah getting it in a Hopping pot would be useful I I just for me it’s the thing of do I have the materials to make it right um so I need Stone well we did cook up a bunch of stone that’ll come in useful I don’t know if I have enough but red carpet beetroot beetroot can be used for red okay what I do with that wool there three can I die already dyed wool no do I have to turn that into red there I do how about now yes okay cool oh yeah got to do that again not the stone just the that three how do you make carpet oh it’s just two okay all right see we can do this there’s the middle piece and I guess we could set that over here for now I’ll probably move it later but for now it’ll work isn’t that supposed to show me where the other ones go maybe I not okay and then I need eight of these so I’m not going to have enough carpet we’re going to have to Shear come on stop guarding the dors sir shees one oh God what am I doing I got all that wool we made we already wasted a sheep I forgot yes yes that all the things are coming up Draven you’re right the pillar are on the outside good catch add it backwards thank you so I only need one of these things good job with the wisdom that was that was on me okay so I need one of these guys then this one will tell me where to put everybody else they fit yes not very well but it’ll that’s going to bug me let’s move that down here a little bit there we go okay cool that’s better all right so I’ve got one of these I need seven more of these how many can I make four halfway there okay more of those one why did you only oh I ran out of stone okay it’s okay we’ll cook some more Stone up real quick glass get that glass out of there glass over here while that’s cooking up we’ll go put down the few we got one there it is two three four oh five five I need three more I think I’m gonna have the gold this should work well it would if I put it in the right spot so glad you’re reminding me of dirt seeds didn’t even cross my freaking mind to be completely honest with you dirt seeds Stone seeds I don’t I’m not I’m pretty sure I can’t get the iron seeds yet but still it’s something another one I just need one more where that snow just really wants to lay is that enough was it two or was it three was two okay cool all right uh now I need a lever lever crap I can never remember if that’s stone or Cobblestone did I use all my Cobblestone oh no it’s over here we’re going to try Cobblestone and see if I’m right I never am yay I did it right for once put that there all right now I got a little bit of essence here to work with so let’s uh let’s look at dirt seeds again dirt seeds four pieces of dirt oh no I don’t have any Prosperity shards yet crap it hasn’t given me any opportunity oh wait yeah it has woohoo I’m a fat liar ignore everything I just said to you I cannot be trusted all right all right so what do I need for this I need a seed okay okay even that’s not the right seed where’s wheat there it is even if I just make one it’s something dirt there you are no this yes that you know what I’m G to go ahead and make a couple more of those because I don’t think I’m gonna need these BR this stuff for anything else so okay so I got a few dirt seeds I’ll need some dirt do I have any dirt left I do I have some dirt left so that’s dirt no I think I lost that one oh there it is dirt dirt essence essence essence essence seed thing excellent dirt seed now you guys are sure these things work in these Hoppers too you said with the Hoppers and the things and the Hoppers I can make I don’t have any iron so I can’t make any more Hoppers so I would have to stop making one of these but I’m okay with that I’m straight up okay with that I have enough wheat to last me a while so what I’ll do is I’ll just throw the Wheats in there and we’ll go ahead and I got a chest sitting right over here let me pick that up and we’ll do that right here where that other there it is that that dirt dirt no they do not they won’t go in dirt does it have to be specific mystical dirt now is there mystical dirt I can’t remember if there is it may have to be mystical dirt uh yeah it’s probably got to be INF ferium Farmland okay how do I make a Farmland first I need a hoe usually how things start so it’s a hoe and a dirt and then a dirt with an Essence yes okay I remembered the mystical dirt mystical dirt dirt all right most delicious that the one that’s over there that’s astral I genuinely don’t care about right now so let’s see if we can make a stone one real quick so that is that a werewolf son [ __ ] there’s a werewolf over there I have two glowstone that’s not going to be enough to make a flare Lantern I don’t believe oh there is no flare Lantern so never mind how about Mega torch there’s no mega torch either there’s just Draven and the will to live I’m not trying I’m trying to eat I only have like three hits left on this sword let’s do this oh he left ow you jerk come and say that to my face get your a piece okay get that down get that’s not what I want to do that let’s get that there that there that there that there okay one there F7 oh no we have no F7 I can’t see where it’s dark okay interesting that will complicate matters for me I hope that that works I don’t there’s probably dark on the roof I’m not gonna be able to do much about that I’ll try and fix that myself I’ll burn some more wood make some more charcoal get some more torches and we’ll get up there and do that but I want to try we got five minutes to make a stone seed e even if I can’t get it in a hopper right now I need four come on give me a rock I can use polished infested polished Jasper polished Granite polished come on just is a rock gonna work can I use Cobblestone Stone I can use regular Stone that’ll work three four and I guess I could just take all of them couldn’t I and then that and then I already have one of these made because I am ahead of the game yo one two four one two well this the thing is though I I would see it right now I’d see it on the areas where there’s no oh there it is no see it’s showing it on top of the snow here well maybe I just have enough light that it’s all covered now okay well I’ll take it I’ll put a wall around this and see if I can make that little snazzier before tomorrow’s stream this might be where that uh turd sickle popped up earlier there trying to clamp all right so we’ve got a stone seed I will swap that out with one of these things like I’ve got enough carrots I’m probably not going to need any more carrots I’m probably good on carrots so I may re organiz this little chest area now that we’re going to be using more Hoppers uh but yes we will get mystical up and going I won’t make any more seeds until tomorrow night with you guys did I actually pick up my stone seed I did there it is scared me um so me set that in there so I don’t accidentally do something bad with it all right good sauce we made it we made it some stuff done there was a patch in the Middle where I was like boy this is getting boring but uh then we got to bees and then bees tricked me into doing other things like mystical so in the long run very successful I’m pleased with all of it there shouldn’t be any light problems here because light doesn’t show up on farmlands get in there carbuncle get off of my head carbuncle there’s eggs in here and I need them did I get them I got one could have sworn there was a second egg guess not C Uncle get out of the way you’re the one who wanted in there dude all right very excellent very excellent I believe that we have places to go and things to do we are ready to move forward with the coolness oh I am going to do this right before we go I’m going to clear these death markers I didn’t remove any of them because I wanted you all to see where I died beforehand and it’s the same place that I died today up there where everything kills torches don’t seem to give off as much light as they used to I believe I don’t know it is what it is though well hopefully you guys had fun uh if you don’t mind it’d be cool if you wouldn’t mind clicking a like on the uh the old like button and be sure to hit subscribe if you haven’t already uh as we are ending the end of the month I’ll have more information on the extra long birthday stream you can come and hang out with me for extra long on a Sunday probably play some Community games as well um also I know I was supposed to have it by may but I didn’t I’m going to have the patreon set up by June um I don’t know if it’ll get enough attention to matter but we’ll try uh and with it it’s going to have some perks like playing games together not on stream but through Discord uh I’m gonna be doing some stuff through Discord that’s going to allow people to hang out and play stuff with me more often without my having to have any concerns of being demonetized or anything hard to watch right sometimes when I’m streaming and there’s a bunch of us playing everybody’s talking it’s very hard to talk to the audience when there’s four conversations going on in the background uh but just hanging out and playing together on Discord will eliminate that while still allowing me to give perks to people who want to do that type of thing so uh keep an eye out for that uh information will be coming uh beginning of June or be be out by the end of May and it’ll be kicking in the first of June so uh if that’s something you might be interested in doing keep an eye out uh but thank you all for coming I hope you had yourself a good time I’ll be back here again tomorrow night 800m Eastern where we’ll do some more ad this um and hopefully I will see you there all right all right kids have a good week I know tomorrow’s Monday try to survive it and we’ll see you tomorrow night have yourselves a great day m [Music]

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – All in One – Episode 2’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2024-05-20 02:09:11. It has garnered 244 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:03 or 7323 seconds.

This is a playthrough of the Minecraft Modpack “All in One”.

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    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More