Un-BEE-lievable Familiars! Episode 30 – Cottage Witch Minecraft

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Hello and welcome back to Cottage witch friends and a very Happy New Year to you if this is indeed your New Year last time we set up some of the garden stuff so we now have a shed to grow the mushrooms like we wanted to we figured

Out the lunch box and we started making some of the farmers delight and the cool foods that we can make in this game today I have some plans we want to get chicken a bed we want to potentially upgrade the kitchen floor give the star bunes a bin because them chests is

Getting full far too quickly for me and then I thought we could go on a little Adventure but welcome back friends and let’s just get comfy cozy and right on into It so um I hope you liked the the new little intro thing if it sucks let me know I’m trying why is there a like a giant app also um there’s yes there’s a giant Apple block there but this is our new Hill friend I don’t know how you

Exist inside the blocks but this is your home now canonically you you exist you are our you are our house uh Enderman it’s lovely to have you I don’t know why you’re there or why you won’t go away but you’ll also notice I did up some of

The Shader quality so um we’re getting a little bit of the of the the shadows and the the light rays just to add a little bit of Pizzaz in the new year we’ll see if my PC can handle it my PC is in need of some upgrade space but that may that

May come that may come but yeah this is what we did last time first things first let’s get a bed for chicken so that um we can just start running around because because flump already has a bed and if flump perishes flump Will respawn in this bed if I’m not mistaken that’s how

The beds work uh we want the same we want the same for chicken just in cases uh the ank doesn’t work that’s what we want to do so we want a pet bed I missed Cottage witch so much during the little break I had and I know it wasn’t that

Long of a break but it felt so long to me should we just have the pet bed outside like I don’t want um chicken’s pet bed to be inside because chicken is a winged creature and I don’t want to cut those wings you know what I mean whereas flump

Benefits from being inside all the time don’t you flumpy one um but I want you to be able to fly if you want to so I’m going to put this here and this can be your little pet bed just for the time being and I just need to push you I just

I’m just going to I’m just going to push you listen buddy I just need you to to be pushed oh you know what I can just do this can’t I wamp so the little yes okay now once you see those little Z’s the pet I believe should be um connected to that

Bed so should they pet perish in any way um they should be able to come back so that is job one done and not even 5 minutes of look at us go look at us go um that’s not what to don’t wonder don’t yes I want you to follow please and then

Um come here please chicken I need to give you this there’s a good chicken and then flump can permanently follow us too yes perfect brilliant what I was think I want a different floor for the kitchen and I was thinking maybe like a Birch maybe it could be a bit lighter or

We could go for like a tiled effect I’m not sure uh first though let’s sleep let’s have a little Kip babes and we are going to make the star bunkle bin because the jars are so useful and I’d like to get some more jars going so we

Can get some more things being farmed for us by the drmies but uh in order to do that we need sauce readily available to that to our Dy friends and see look at that isn’t that lovely o ooh that’s so pretty um we need sauce readily

Available to our Dy friends and if we need sauce readily available it means that the containers that they put the source berries in can’t be full all the time and they are they are full all the time and I don’t need any more sauce berries I’m I’m pretty good what I might

Do is have one star buun fill one of the chests and have the rest just be starb uncle bins so we we want to figure out how to make a bin Little Star bunkle bin a little trash can of sorts does it exist I swear to God it exists doesn’t

It oh what did I get in Beginnings I already did that didn’t did I not take the akashic tone no you know what I haven’t done I’ve only died 14 times are you proud of me uh something interesting as well is over on Twitch I will be starting my very

First own uh hardcore work I’ve never done a hardcore world world before and I’m going to be starting that on Sundays in a different mod pack that I haven’t decided on yet but um I’m very excited for that we should look at our new V there should be a little little starby

Bin where’s this I know it exists this this is what this is what I mean the star bin will allow your star Uncle to delete items at pixel yes perfect Starin Starin it’s a it’s let me put that away it’s a star there it is there it is oh Oh

That’s oh that’s fabulous trash [Laughter] lover that’s me I’m the trash lover should I make two should I make two I’m just going to make a second one just in case e I think that’s fair okay cool and let’s go put our little star I knocked this tree down okay so if

Anyone is curious these Planters absolutely do grow trees in them bone meal or not so I’m going to have to stop putting saplings in that that bad boy I might style out a tree like as if as if I had planted it okay so now we just have to go through the painstaking

Process of this of just deleting every single one that that comes in um you know what I could do instead is just I could just break the chests and let them despawn couldn’t I should I do feel like this is going to be a bad idea oh that’s a lot of source

Uh you’re not going to fight the no okay flump you came in so fast I was worried you were going to start attacking stares but that is not the case Okay cool so then we’re just going to pop you can I not can I not

H why can’t I put these down oh do I give it to the star bunkle is that what I do so if I just real quick right if I like can I oh okay okay I get it now all right give me the chest back right I just want to

Oh Jesus I’m sorry I’m very sorry oh no chicken what are you doing are you attacking the starb unle chicken stop that oh I’ve biffed it you know what can I just like run away will they respawn please don’t attack the star buun chicken is still there oh god oh oh

No how have I biffed it this hard listen I’m just going to throw all of these out you know what I shouldn’t do that I should do this and then I’ll I’ll save one more step I have so many sauce berries it’s unreal I don’t need to no I

Don’t need to at all I’m just going to spend some time just emptying these chests a little bit because obviously like it it goes on and on you know so give me one second just to empty these chests out okay that’s done that’s fixed there can’t be that much in here already

No there’s not I mean there is but like it’s going to be better now that we’ve got some of them with with bins in them right that’s going to be that’s going to be easy I’ll have to take that tree down I will I will have

To take that tree down let’s have a little Kip and reassess what we want to do as I said like because like this I think this is a nice entrance floor I don’t know what I want to do with the floors and I do want to continue just

Sort of decorating a little bit as we go so I can start expanding because I have such plans to make like um like a working Kingdom with villagers and stuff in and I want to I want to get to that but I’ve got to actually commit

To my own house first um so let me just I I just want to see would Birch look nice it would would have a look do we have any Birch planks we should yeah yeah yeah that’s perfect what’s this bonded rabbit hide well that’s not an appropriate floor now is it can

I of course it’s slabbing what if we just had a little bit of birch in the kitchen kind of brightens up the kitchen a little bit you know it might be nice it could be real nice is all I’m saying we could even separate out like the dining room area

Maybe the thing is do I do do I like it enough should I do it or or is committing to it like a bad idea I feel like it looks nice and I wanted to have carpet in here here as well didn’t I oh this is all so

Hard I’m going to try out a little bit of bch we’re going to see how we feel about it because they don’t want the same floor all the way throughout you we want some diversity in our H how would you feel if you had the same actually

You know I kind of have the same floor throughout my flat right now not out of choice though I do hate the carpet so I’m going to change it up bear with me let’s see how we feel about the Birch I don’t like the Birch I I don’t

Like the Birch I got to change it out it doesn’t look right it should be like tiled maybe o what about bricks for like a like a tile feel without it being like the black and white tiles which I’m trying to avoid cuz I think it would make it would

Overpower the kitchen I think it would make this kitchen too busy so maybe some bricks let’s have a look at some bricks cuz the Birch the Birch ain’t birching babes and you know what that’s okay that is so okay we want like a fairly neutral brick

Is what we want ideally I think brick brick is going to it’s going to be too bricky you know it’s that’s going to be too oo no that would be too much wouldn’t it pallet of bricks that’s adorable calite bricks feels too clinical I feel like I sound like a

Lunatic as I’m saying this like they it looks too clinical it looks too brickish do you know sometimes things just have to feel right you know right we just get some stone bricks in we can texture it out with like a little cracked Stone maybe and maybe some like Smooth

Stone potentially should we try a little bit of that cuz yeah this it doesn’t look right it it somehow feels it’s too Woody there it’s all wood you know we need some we need some harder material feeling in there so I don’t know why I

Just walked into the wall so we are just going to have to lay some stone bricks down and that’s going to take some stone brick making so let me try that already I think the Stone’s looking a lot better than the Birch did and I’m throwing in

Some like regular Stone and some cracked Stone um which you can’t turn into slabs which is so rude you know um I’m just going to finish this up and then maybe maybe we go on a little Adventure how about that let me finish this up honestly think it’s

Looking a little bit better with the stone don’t you it’s like it’s feeling a little bit more kitcheny maybe in the future I’ll swap this out for some like wool block so we can have like a carpet feel next to the dining table or something just to add a little bit of

Warmth back into the room potentially if you don’t like it let me know um I’m so happy to change as we go I’m still learning to build which you will be seeing shortly going to do some building things together but um I think it adds a little bit of

Diversity in it kind of kind of separates it as a separate room um and and I’m really I’m really I’m cool with that and I even went with the textures and I’m super proud of myself of that cuz that’s it’s hard building is hard I

Know I say that all the time right I promised a little bit of Adventure babes uh but before we go I was thinking we could try and make uh a brand new dish that we haven’t made yet uh today so let’s have a little look in the

Furnace and see what kind of like foods that we can we could fried dragon egg we can make a dragon’s egg that’s so cool I love oh we can smoked batwing baked cave carrots oh my goodness oh you know what let’s look at the pot shall we yeah this

Is what I’m looking for maybe we could choose one of these and make a whole bunch of new food right te Curry creamy onions well how do we make creamy on oh I need cheese for that I can’t do that one yet babes H maybe we should oh blazing

Chili fiery fond de pot how cool are these how do I make raw pasta two wheat and an eggs you know let’s let’s do that that is so doable I have a bunch of eggs right um I got some more here let me use some of this and then I should have some

Wheat in here surely not very much but I tell you what there’s going to be a whole bunch of it outside isn’t there in our little Coffer here oh perfect let me take half of that that seems about fair to me right um and then so we just want to put that

In there and then no no it’s it’s wheat wheat egg right yeah yeah and then that gives us the raw pasta and then we can make some of these pasta dishes maybe pasta with veggie balls pasta with meatballs mutton chop eggplant pasta lobster pasta so we can make Sketti we can make

Spaghetti with meatballs that’s adorable and I absolutely want to do that I am simply going to let that cook a second and we are going to get ourselves some yummy yummy pasta with meatball I just want to swap the eggs over so I’ve got like a decent

Amount and we’re just going to try and make a brand new dish every every time what I might do is put half of the dish in the fridge and then half of the dish in our lunch box and that way we’re building up a repertoire of food to go

And a repertoire of food in storage so that in dire situations we need to grab and go you know we’ve got options babes we’ve got options and I am a girl who likes her some options right okay if I wanted to make pasta with meatballs I

Would need minced beef and I need tomato sauce how do I make that um two tomatoes and some bowls that’s so doable take this bowl for me and then also take these bowls beautiful and I’m going to need a couple more bowls so let me just make

Some more bowls and grab some tomatoes and we’ll make some tomato sauce and some meatles yes cook my pretties cook I also just replaced I one of my diamond swords has gone missing again because apparently I can’t hold on to a sword uh actually it wasn’t mine that

Went missing it was chickens that went missing so I gave chicken my diamond sword so now I’m just chilling with this gold sword um that’s got looting and mending on it I’m not bothered I I can happily happily take that um I remember mincing like a whole yeah this is what

I’m talking about we want we want 10 of these babes 10 and then if I’m not mistaken we just whack all of this together do I need bowls for this as well even though it’s using bowls with the tomato sauce it works oh and it gives me the bowls

Back oh we got a little achievement on oh oh heck yeah okay let me let me fill that in right let me take these excess bowls oh what did we get for the achievement yay oh um make hearty meal you can make pasta with meatballs in a cooking pot eating full course meals

Such as this one will grant you the nourishing effect which prevents you from losing hunger and saturation for a Time helpful if you’ll be going somewhere dangerous as it will keep your health Reg generating we got some XP levels and some rewards a scoot basic Diamond tier upgrade an oak sapling

Emerald I shards and a name tag sweet absolutely brilliant let me put these things away goodbye goodbye get out to my inventory bye uh yeah that’s everything and then we’ll just keep putting the bowls away we’re going to have yeah we’ll put five in our lunch box so cool

Uh and this we just shift click and then in that goes that’s lovely uh this is beef stew I’m going to put half of this beef stew in the fridge I think just take that away put the balls away and then yeah half of the beef stew can come in the

Fridge right got another salad there we don’t care I’m going to put a cheeseburger in my my thing as well uh and then these fruit salads just so we’ve got the the diversity going in the lunch box look at that look at look at that diversity we got some baked potatoes

There just in case we run out of the good food at any point that’s basically what that’s there for and this can go up there yay okay so let’s go on and Venture I was thinking maybe we could try and um get some bees going I I really want

Some bees cuz we’re going to need honey for our kitchen stuff as well as for our garden because our pomegranates see look how nice this looks in here now with the light coming through beautiful I love the kitchen um excuse me I was thinking we could get the bees

Set up because yeah these p pomegranate trees aren’t they aren’t going to get to growth above 50 until we have bees around them and there’s I think there’s a lime tree as well which works in a similar way so we’re going to have to do that I’m going to take chicken going to

Try and make ourselves a little beehive and we are going to try and get some bees in it make a little make just like a tiny little it’s just a small one to start with I would like a proper little apiary section in the future that would be quite nice but

First we must we must get the bees okay so first things first we’re going to need a beehive of some kind uh oh of course I want the oak when it comes to a little Apex roof how adorable okay can I make this perfect yes that’s fabulous I’m just going to go

For the one for now I think the one should be fine for now and we will pop that little bad boy do we have like a wall or something we could we could Nest that on we’ll go with a little Cobblestone o we got some mossy cobblestone put it on a mossy

Cobblestone um maybe some some lanterns nearby why do you keep Stop Standing on that where did you go flump stop standing on the stone cutter you silly bean so let’s let’s put our little beehive outside outside here right like so I’m not entirely happy with that but

For now that will you know I’m no no I can’t deal with that so here’s my thinking we could just sit around and wait for a bee to show up I don’t think that’s going to work though so um for now I’m just going to put the Beehive

There and I will I will figure something out for that another time I I am not quite sure how to to I haven’t got a vision for that yet what I was thinking is we could hop on our little Brom here and we could look around for bees on the little mini

Map right cuz they’re going to show up if you fly somewhere eventually um and then we could pop them in our lasso I don’t know if that’s going to make the bees angry though so that’s just going to have to be something that we we find out I guess um oh hi

Duck hi Agatha so let’s just go ahead head and keep an eye on the mini map see if any bees pop up hope that some bees pop up Right likely in PLS maybe over here maybe is where I should oh over here I could come over here yeah let’s let’s do a little turn and let’s go this way cuz that’s where I think the bees is going to be I have to constantly remind myself to not press shift it’s real

Hard all I want to do is press shift it feels especially when you are someone who plays a lot of games quite regularly and all of the the buttons are different so just there’s some games I’m like oh I must press shift to go faster and then for others

It’s completely different and it’s all very confusing and I’m sure I could make it much easier for myself if I would just keep everything to the same sort of if I like keybound things from the start but at the same time that sounds like effort and I don’t have any of

That um no Bees No bees thus far I like these these are these maple trees yeah yeah I’ve I’ve seen those colors before little maple trees Okay so we’ve just all we’ve done is is hit ocean and that’s okay have I not been further I absolutely have yeah oh am I

Circling back around to to the desert maybe we’ll find some more desert and we can find the eye that would be quite nice that would be you know I would be very happy with that let’s just let’s go for it shall we let’s find ourselves

Some bees or at least an eye I didn’t find any bees yet but I did find uh this and I got a little achievement for it which is awesome um a tinkerer’s workshop and there’s like a villager down here just wandering around can I trade with you you have Goods my

Friend um let me just get that uh well not great it’s not the best let me have I’m just going to have a little look around your house don’t worry about it I’m just going to have a cheap cheeky little peeky okay what do you

Got a lot of stuff on display I feel like I’ve been to one of these before have I been to one of these before Oh no let’s not do that what was that an Iron Sheet cool I love that charcoal blocks oh yeah you know what give me some of

These I’m not going to turn down some copper or coal I feel like that would be oh God I’m destroying your house I’m so sorry that would be I would be remiss I mean I am stealing from you entirely oh and I got an achievement Globe trotting tinker’s work

The tinker’s workshop appears to be a fairly innocuous Place upon first glance perhaps an engineer once lived here or perhaps someone a little less sane beware of pillagers and should you find any ladders down while proce ceed with caution and maybe bring your broom what have I found beware of

Pillagers what do you mean what the heck do you mean beware of pillagers am I about to get raided what’s oh a key is that going to be useful for something crafting blueprint I don’t know I still don’t know what those do I should really probably look into that shouldn’t I um

Also if some textures look a little different there was just an update um thank you very much also um Ula and KATU for regularly updating this it’s it’s just fabulous I’m I’m still so in love with this uh you know I probably need all of this so

Y I mean yeah I’m going to take all of it oh no I’m full well this is what the Coffer is for right this is what we bring the Coffer for babes let’s Chuck it oh I still need to empty it from last time it’s fine

Let’s Chuck it all in this I can just eat right I love eating experience isn’t it glorious in you go in you go that’s good and I’ll pick you back up and then we will go oo Mana boost yes I will take thank you I’ll take all of that as well

Why not um and those things And you got a lovely jar I love that for you I really don’t care all that much about your other bits though there’s a horse statue oh my goodness oh and there’s a free sword I’ll take this and this and I’ll take a free bucket you can keep the rest

I don’t care about it take the wheat I’m pretty sure I’ve got that uh you got anything else I can’t believe you have a horse statue it’s so pretty uh I’m going to take all of this thank you you can keep the lead I don’t need that Sweet Berry sack I was

Thinking about this actually would it be cute or not to have like Berry sacks out in our garden area currently unsure babes currently o sweeties Okay cool so there’s an up evidently I I feel like I’ve been to one of these before have I this feels really familiar crafting blueprints straddle jump

Me O say no more that oh you know what I can always do with an arrow top up that’s good are they going to be sneaky sneaky chests somewhere maybe something a little sneaky perhaps you know I love the sneaks you know sneaky chests are my favorite come on

Now I’ve definitely been to one of these before I can feel it what does this do lift that up but what what is it is it just like a crane that’s cool my apologies my phone just buzzed it’s forever going off that thing do you have a wish you could just

Like yeep your phone into inexistence this is what the down stairs was about I know I’ve been in this yeah this is like full of traps isn’t it and this is why we bring the broom and we try very hard not to perish in these difficult circumstances oxidize copper shingles okay okay loot

Barrel diamonds yay yes thank you I’ll take one of those I’m going to need to put that down oh I can eat this good and then let’s put some of this away am I going to have use for this key like is this key going to come in handy

Should I be looking for something cool uh I will take these oh you know what that’s a free Cog wheel I’ll take you know I’ll take it I’ll take it all give it all to me I’ll take it oo canvas oh and that completed a quest for

Me oh I love exploring in this it’s free easy quests thank you I will absolutely take that experience off your hands thank you very much um Okay so we’ve we need to be cogn or just we need to just be aware of our burus you would think there was like a

Little bit more they were suggesting this was this was extreme danger you know I was oh I was expecting expecting something a little more dangerous you know where’s the danger babes am I missing something oh it goes down again all right I shall bite give me

This let me put some more stuff away so we’ve got space when we go Down okay we are getting rather full though so let’s just hop down here and then we just I’m honestly from a distance let’s get it get out of here there’s no spaw in for you oh I don’t like how many of this is pressure plated you know I’m not a fan of that

Babes I am not a fan of that okay oh my heart oh my heart is that just going to permanently go off now oh okay yes so do we have to just time ourselves a little bit here I’ll take this I’m going to take this I’m going to take this and this

I’ll take the large Cog wheel as well so that’s something I don’t have to get later it goes down even further I don’t have the space for this babes why do I feel like there’s secret loot in there somewhere I should I should murder the lag that I’m getting

For just just for being here cool okay let’s let’s skid adle shall we okay okay tell me I picked that up oh thank God okay let’s get rid of that first of all shall we good good good and there’s another one over there I can see it it’s it’s taking

My what kind of spiders are these how about no how about you stop this right now you you stop it my PC can’t handle this okay good oh no oh there’s so many there’s so many spiders oh no hello oh oh God okay all right let’s get rid of the other blowers real

Quick let’s just stop the lag a little bit if we can shall we good and then let’s eat the bones we don’t need the bones eat the slab we don’t need the slab grab the yeah that perfect and let’s go fetch ourselves some loot if we can shall

We okay you know I’m just going to dip in grab my Loot and be on my way as much as I can right this is this is insanity oh it’s worth it though there’s more diamonds give me this thank you why didn’t I take that give me give me that

Thank you I’ll be on my way to the next bit Yeah I listen my PC is not handling this well and so I’m just going to get the loot and get out how yeah mhm well I managed to get out of there with all of the loot I could not continue to show

You it though because the arrows and all the spider spawning and all of that happening was absolutely frying my PC as I said she’s in she’s in a bit she in need of a bit of an upgrade you know uh but that’ll come that’ll come look at

This cute horse there’s loot it has loot it has horse loot will you go away oh I like the sploosh that was nice get out of it I’m trying to loot horse things I’m trying to live my horse girl dreams oh you know that’s not terrible um I will I can’t take

It um I didn’t need the key for anything I don’t think so I’m going to leave that here you can keep that key uh ooh there’s something over here as well this is terrible this is why I don’t accomplish anything because I’m immediately drawn I can’t leave well enough alone is

This friendly this is a friendly Camp friends friendly friends what’s in the anything good you’re not going to be mad at me no there’s a chest in there aren there just going to scooch in if I could no you can keep that I won’t steal your belongings I already stole the

Tinkerers I apologize do you think there’s any bees around here I’m not seeing anyone I suppose I wouldn’t see any because it’s nighttime although to be it’s a pumpkin land oh my goodness I love the pumpkin biomes I love the pumpkin biomes so cute so so very cute oo this looks

Dramatic am I looking at oh is this sky this is the skyus yeah mhm yes it is but it’s very pretty also what this because it’s giving off faint light fairy slipper well that’s pretty isn’t it might have to come back for some fairy slipper that’s going to in make our

Garden look Enchanted I feel what I was thinking I would do was was you remember I was saying about the reflection pool and then I’m going to rebuild it I am going to rebuild it but we’re going to make it better I was thinking what if instead we had like a hot

Springs wouldn’t that be super cool that would I feel like that would be really cute um I don’t know where I’m going we’re going to take our little butts home we will have to get some bees another day but I told you we would go on an

Adventure and an adventure we went on are those Stone circles what am I looking at oh oh are they like ruins oh it’s a little baby bison how interesting little Stone so all right I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going home I’m going we’ll we’ll

I’ll bring you back in okay I put some stuff away at home so that I can continue the search for bees I’m just going to go in this general direction I’m not going to stop until we have a bee in our beehive that will pollinate our pomegranate I know it’s been a lot

Of housekeeping this episode but it’s been essential housekeeping okay and I as I said I’m not going to stop until we got a B we got a be in our beehive did I I see is that be do I see be bees bees bees I found bees where are

The bees where oh my God they’re they’re all around me the bees they’re they’re right over here they’re right over here okay okay this is my opportunity my opportunity B if you will and that’s right I went there okay and I do it again where are the the bees where

Are the where are these bees it would help greatly if they would stop moving see now this is beautiful and I want to make more things like this where are these bees oh there’s beehives in here which is promising no this is like a whole Cave City this is incredible this is not

Where my bees are though this is not where the bees are being wait can I is there stuff in here that I might like ooh soulbound I don’t think I need that hi do you have no it’s really I not that I thought you would sell bees but I was

Hoping them there might be some beard you know this place is nice this is this is real lovely huh um bees up here listen I just I just need one I just need one to start me up off all right and they keep flying away okay let me get back up let

Me get back up not not going to stop till I’ve seen a bee I see a bee I see a little s are you going to be mad at me if I just like I just W I’m very sorry Mr be I’m very very sorry am I going in

The right direction oh please tell me I’m going in the right direction oh Bee’s going to be mad oh Bee’s going to be mad okay now no no no we’re going to be fine we’re going to be fine be is just chilling in our little lasso they’re going to they’re going to

Be be fine they’re going to be fine okay please just just let me get let me get back to my base I love coming in um to my base cuz I think it looks so cool whenever I approach it I’m like really proud so proud of myself as someone who

Is not a builder also someone who’s like relatively not very colorful like I’m I don’t know if you can tell Black’s kind of my color oh did that work we has be I’ve got FL there’s plenty of flowers please please do we I just need to know that we have a

Bee I can hear it that’s bee noises right come and come and pollinate my pomegranates please pretty bees do some pollinates come on pollinate the pomegranate Mr B can I I can’t no I can’t take you out from there now we are just going to have to trust that I’ll be

We’ll pop out stop sulking and pollinate we’re just going to have to trust that I think and that that’s fine we can trust that I trust you be I’m putting my faith in you okay I believe in you maybe like I watched bee never pollinates is

That it’s not going to be how that works is it oh pretty bees pretty bees won’t you please can I offer you a different flower let me grab this oh oh you are out oh you are out let me put one there let me put you a closer flower

Right yes yes smell the flowers hello I’m going to have to name him hello Mr be I know exactly what name I’m going to give you give me a name tag right now I know exactly what name I’m going to give you barabe Barnaby

Yeah oh here we go here we go here we go Barnaby wait why do I have multiple Barnaby name tags oh no I just had the other ones hi Barnaby yeah yeah you look at that flower you look at it intently for some reason are you going

To do some pollination you do some pollination for us today Barnaby oh no no please please Barnaby please let me sleep let me sleep let me sleep please please pollinate my P pomegranates please I just want the pomegranates you can do it Barnaby we believe in you we believe it you know

The bee jokes they just don’t end they just don’t end there’s endless bee jokes we’re just going to have to be patient and let Barnaby do what barnab is going to do in Barnaby’s own be time and that’s going to be fine thank you so much for watching and welcome back my

Friends I hope you stay fed I hope you stay watered and I hope you stay rested I hope you have a correen time zone and a very happy new year and I will see you in the next one goodbye Lovelies

This video, titled ‘I’ll BEE over here.. ~ Episode Thirty-bee ~ Cottage Witch Minecraft’, was uploaded by Faithful Familiars on 2024-01-03 13:00:42. It has garnered 120 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:57 or 2817 seconds.

I will not apologise for the bee puns… I WILL apologise for the framey bit of the dungeon – the arrows and blowers gave my pc a work out! 💜 CREDITS: -Remember to check out this beautiful modpack right here and support the creator HeyKatu: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cottage-witch

Enjoying the content? Consider subscribing here! You can also find me in these places: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/faithfulfamiliars Twitter: https://twitter.com/FamiliarsUk Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/faithfulfamiliarsuk/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@faithfulfamiliars

Have a crackin timezone!

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  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

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  • HiveMC

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  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

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  • Athascraft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

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  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

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  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

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  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

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  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

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  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

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  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!Video Information [संगीत] स हे वस पीपल वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो में और आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट यस गा आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट और अभी तक जिसने भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करा प्लीज जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और इसी के साथ हम प्ले करते हैं ओके और लेट वीडियो इसके लिए आई एम रियली सॉरी हो जा यार लोड ओके तो अभी लोड हो चुका है एंड हम वर्ल्ड का नेम रखेंगे रखेंगे हम वर्ल्ड का नेम ही आगे [संगीत] डब्लू ओ आर एल डी एच नहीं डी ओके नाम हमने… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-05-20 10:32:25. It has garnered 357 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More

  • Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle – Build or Destroy?😱

    Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle - Build or Destroy?😱Video Information sech the Shameless I see the aimless I don’t want to be one of the nameless I’m wake up with the mindset that one day I’m going to make it and I don’t think I’ll be fine if I don’t break my limitations don’t try to stop me I exist to write my your story I’ll make it decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory yeah don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring just want a life that is worth every day exploring my whole life I [Music] [Music] justed… Read More