Unbelievable Arcane Engineering in Minecraft Ep. 19.5

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All right everybody um welcome to a half episode of create Arcane engineering brought to you by our server hosting sponsor Apex hosting if you’re interested in grabbing a Minecraft server 25% off uh your first month you should check out the link in the description use code Captain Sparkles

And give them a try okay so I have been dealing with this Tangled mess of belts for a while now and I I just want to get through it and also Peter sadly is going to be unavailable for the next week so I’m like you know what let’s just

Tackle this ourselves I don’t know if it means I’m just going to get to the end of magic 3 um cuz like everything is just such a a web of stuff that I’m like I’m I’m probably just going to end up making progress here but honestly at this point

I feel like people will be welcome to this kind of getting wrapped up which another thing I have to consider here I was looking at last time is I also need to account for the recipe sequence for making the final step in this chapter the time in a bottle which means I have

To divert Arcane Crystal that I was planning on making over here I have to divert so previously right I had two of these branching into the freaking um the deployers here I needed to add a third one so I it’s got to be a three split round robin with this one feeding over

To wherever I set up the sequenced assembly for the time in a bottle um so yeah and then also the source that we’ve been generating in Chapter 2 that’s been feeding into making the source gems and the runes got to take some of that filter it off bring it over to here with

Pumps also have to process the source gems this is why we were making them finally it ties in in Chapter 2 got to crush them bring these over here from the end of chapter two uh and then we got to act we also have to split off our Arcane gold so

That we can get some nuggets um for other so there’s a lot of like splitting off that we have to do so the only issue is um yeah we have we have more split skis to do basically so I was thinking what we’re going to end up doing is I

Put this guy right here so that I can split off an Arcane gold and then basically what I’m going to do is take this and then I have to turn it back into nuggies with a uh crafter um which isn’t terribly difficult I can just put a crafter down

Here I need to just stop using my pickaxe cuz it freaking gets wrecked but so if we do a crafter over here yeah just just heads up things may get a little bit quiet at certain points here because like we got a lot of stuff to consider and I’m going to be running

Back and forth a lot between different places and things like that also over here I have begun the process of we take the UTM jars and we have to take the well we’re going to be making the corrupted Pixies right which is you deploy the Arcane dust um onto so we’re

Making the corrupted Pixies over there right once we get the Arcane dust then the corrupted Pixies are going to Route over here um where they will basically get you right click a UTM jar with a corrupted pixie so we’re going to have UTM jars running around this belt

Corrupted Pixies are going to feed into the the deployer and then we’re going to have an item drain an item drain is going to be right here this is going to set to pull and then push I hope I can push onto the item dra I haven’t tested

It yet and then that’s going to create the freaking so that when it gets deployed is going to turn into this um which is going to get washed into this once washed it gets pulled into the drawer put onto the drain where as it is uh uh drained as this is

Drained it makes the orial essence great and then um the oral Essence then has to be combined with a vial and made into the oral bottle which then goes into making the time in a bottle this chapter is actually just wild and I don’t know what the next chapter is

Going to be but it’s probably going to be wilder but like holy freak it is actually gnarly I thing that I I don’t know is where I even start once I want to actually start feeding things into the system where I even start right that’s what I don’t know what’s my first thing

That I do here holy heck M bro anyway um so let us feed this into a crafter and then I’m thinking that the whole time in a bottle setup is going to be back here we going to need more Cobalt too probably you know freck all the grabble

Gravel’s ruining my life ruining my life there there we go there we go Vin mine the freak out of that bro get it out of here get it be gone see you later gravel bye-bye so I just need to like I need to open this up over here just get a lot of

Space um so that we can just not worry as Zen was saying you know the solution to everything is more space even though what it looks like right now is we’re getting into an open area over there oh God I wonder what’s faster now dude with the freaking haste to from the beacon

Like am I faster just using my freaking uh regular pickaxe I don’t even know anyway boom boom boom also gonna break this thing in like two seconds and fill the freak out of my inventory that’s for sure what do you think gravel tastes like I don’t know but you could probably

Um like it’s a real thing you could go try to munch on a bit right now if you wanted to get a a taste of it there’s nothing stopping you other than the Judgment of others which you shouldn’t really consider right you’re not hurting anyone but yourself technically um so

Yeah tastes like metal I don’t know I feel like I’ve never chewed metal so I don’t actually know how metal tastes um but I’ll take your word for it oky dokie all right hopefully this will be some room to do stuff but again we are also going to have to

Route liquid over we’re going to have to there’s a lot of stuff um okay so I need to basically like make a little list of all of the things that I am going to need to be able to complete the stuff that we need to do here because oh boy

It’s going to you know what we’ll focus on completing that I need to do the item drain and um yeah yeah that’s what I got to do I got to do the item drain and other St let me go and get the drain I need a crafter

I’m going to look at everything and try to make a list even though I’m still going to have to go back and forth a whole freck load and be like well forgot this forgot that I’m glad that we’ve been changing the aesthetic out here that is a very

Why does it look different what oh it’s cuz he broke it and replaced it and it just frecked my shorts up um item amount no please ah sort by oh my God dang it man ascending freck oh my God Zen increase capacity even further were 112,000 last I checked it was like

78,000 oh my God he’s popping off with the boilers I Haven like I’m going to need an extra tour of what else he has added um and also did he like link more I wonder if he added more capacity somehow to the item Vol even though it’s

Maximum size I don’t know uh but anyway anyway anyway so what we are going to do now is H continue and do the oh god oh no I’ve made a terrible mistake I need to leave me alone this is my factory freak off this freaking guy dude this freaking guy

Is ruining my life man oh God it’s going to be such a pain pain to bring the source over here it’s going to be like over 60 blocks up 40 blocks oh jeez it’s going to be a mess an absolute mess of pipe it’s got to be a brand new line too

Cuz you can’t mix in with any of the other fluids and it’s going to be fricked but anyway all right so we got ourselves the drain the drain shall go uh here and now I just have to check like does this deploy onto the drain

Right so let’s just say that we put in the the push and the pull here right pushing the bow and we have it to where it is going to pull from I believe this is the South right and he going to push to the east does it go onto the drain here we

Go it does Okay cool so that works very good very very good um swick so now I’m going to have to I will have to get the thing and lock this but that’s fine we’ll have to worry about that once we actually have the thing that’s getting deployed

And stuff like that um okay so that’s sick now we need to should I just pump this up here yeah I’m just going to have to pump it like up Pump Pump it up I might as well make a few pumps because we’re going to need them anyway when

Routing the source fluid so all right so that it’ll come out like that be pretty swick in and then we’re going to have to grab some of these and then we’re going to have to root it over to over here um I guess I can just do it through the

Ceiling or something you know balls I don’t know why I’m doing this with my pickaxe when I can usually literally use any other block I will probably need another pump too because this is not going to be enough pumpage to get it all the way over there unless

I just do maybe what I should do is I should just use the I should just put the pump Midway yeah just put the pump Midway so that it’s yeah that’ll be that’ll be better and then I could actually instead of doing it here I can save a

Pipe cool okay um so probably put the pump like I don’t know here maybe that seems like about halfway cool now we just got to spin it which uh I can probably do pretty easily if I were to just um um hold on how shall I

Best do this I could use a belt I could do I could do vertical belt is that going to be stupid and tedious and annoying actually you know we already have we already have cogs going up here so why don’t I just do that and then

That and that and then we shall be good where did I put my why would I put my cogs in there um all right stop pushing me around all right I need the the boot boots that fre I need the boots that Z was talking

About to make us you can stand on the belts without get push it around that would be a smart idea but Zen is much smarter than I can you can you stop freaking me I’m what hello server what are you doing I put down a a

Freaking I put down a cog and it placed a stone what the heck it’s happening to me okay cool that’s good that’ll work so that’s gonna hopefully have enough range to pull from here push over to there and then we also need to do another Branch

Because it’s going to go into the time in a bottle but we will worry about that when the time comes so um on top of this we’re going to need to get some water into here going to need to get some pressure plate can I make pressure plates no so lame I guess

I can just do this you know do the old do the old uh one of these there we go and then okay where do I want to bring the rotation into here what is my best area to do this um perhaps I will run it uh from

Here will that be Speedy enough I don’t know it’s going to be Speedy enough hopefully it’s going to be Speedy enough but anyway um oh you know what I can do though big smart big smart well let’s actually hope that this thing is spinning in the right

Direction in order for it to work properly let’s find out and God it sucks dude I can’t believe that it sucks like this why does it have to suck um well you know what no just I’m going to make Zen sad I’m going to make Zen very sad

And what I’m going to do is I’m just going to do this sorry Zen um I know you’re not going to be impressed by this but uh but uh I’m just going to do it uh Birdman forever thank you for giting a sub very much appreciate it I know Zena is crying

Already it’s very sad I hope that he’ll forgive me someday for my transgressions and what I’ve done here he probably won’t he probably won’t he’s going to be very disappointed oh my God I hurt actually wait why am I doing this why am I doing this I can just fly I can

Fly fly dude why would I ever use why would I do this when I need this going to trigger slow falling I can fly everywhere holy freak I’m so freaking fast using two gear boxes when you don’t need any is good economics yes sir that’s that’s exactly what I aim for is

The right most economical choices um two gearboxes is the same as no gearbox oh what you’re saying I see what you’re saying is is this is what you’re saying you do you do that’s what you’re saying I’ve figured out what it is that you meant I’m actually I’ll be honest I’m

Kind of glad that Zen didn’t see that one that’s an instance where yeah I’m happy I’m happy you didn’t see that one cool okay so um anyway it’s good good time so about that water let’s get that water going all right we’re going to do a little bit

Of washing here this is my brain go bur okay this is one of those instances where if I did this like off stream then it just would it I I wouldn’t have been as distracted and it wouldn’t happened okay so what I’m really saying it’s the fault of

Streaming so anyway um it’s good to have you all here watching much appreciated glad glad you’re joining it’s good times uh and stuff so okay from here it’s going to make the nuggies and then the nuggies are going to go into all right so my question here

Actually is if I do this and I’m going to need oh God do I have a I don’t have the split skis God dang it bro need another brass machine brass funnel I freaked it I freaked it whatever it’s fine um brass do we have any more of

Them we do not but we do have a brass machine which I can do in here hey did you guys know that there is a new Minecraft Bedrock preview not a snapshot but a Bedrock preview that has armadillos and um and the Wolf art is pretty cool there was

Also definitely not some uh comments on the video saying a little late to this aren’t we didn’t realize cuz I look at the Minecraft subred to know when there’s a new snapshot and they do not mention anything when it’s a Bedrock preview they only mention when it is a

Java snapshot and as such um yeah anyway so uh yeah I didn’t know I didn’t know until late and uh someone was displeased with with this very displeased so this is one of those this is see here is a scenario where having two gear boxes makes sense because we need to rotate

The thing you know okay so actually if I just were to like do this hold on if I just were to do the like I could just extend the belt couldn’t I well no actually I’m going to want the belt to go underneath cuz it’s going to bring over

To the sequence assembly over here so yeah that’ll probably be the way to do it I think um a chain drive would be cheaper what’s the chain drive never heard of it I’m unfamiliar with that concept um okay so ah I wonder if I need to if I should figure out like

Where I am going to put the time in a bottle sequenced assembly so that I can um just you know I oh ball sacks freak like shifting on the pipe so I don’t move and then it’s like nope that’s going to destroy this when you do that okay uh

Uh all right so let’s think let’s think how do we want to do this so God we have to get so much stuff over here I got so much stuff over here I’m going to just I’m going to just set up a belt and this is going to be

Where we do Time in a Bottle stuff and it is going to be the way that it is so it’s like it’s like six steps so one two actually we should do it further away right just in case we need more room um so it’s going to be

Like yeah one two three four five six seven it’ll do eight and then we can have this all sandwich in between um okay we’re just doing it far away from everything for the sake of space which actually may or may not be necessary like is there anything else

That we need this is so I’m going to have to do another step where I’m filling up the bottle so that is one extra thing so I’m actually going to need another spout ball sax I’m going to need another spout so that will come from over here

There’s going to have to be another deployer fill up I don’t think I have to make this farther away maybe I can do it like here all right and then what is it again Time in a Bottle it is four deployers I guess we can make it run this side to that side

Maybe um let me grab the deployers so these one two three wait balls I didn’t want to do that I did not want to do that oh how do I undo that that’s the dumbest thing maybe when I misclick three four cool and then it is a spout and a

Press so we got to get the spout over here and the Press oh whoops there and there’s going to be a spout there um cool good good so we can actually bring this one in cool all right so that’s where that’s going to go and then I suppose like over

Here we can just have a belt kind of powering all this stuff right who needs chain drives when you can not have chain drives you know and then in between here it was um let’s see in order to get the oral bottle it is just that under okay so I actually could just

Run VI s into this belt instead um so I could do that so the orial vial so we can have it going and the vials are going to come so basically oh I need more Crafters right cuz I need to turn the glass into the vial I’m pretty sure so these

Um yeah so these I need to do another crafting recipe and that’s going to come on so I do need more Crafters God dang it so I am going to have to rot these uh over another fun little Quest that we got to do here okay

So let’s see um what is the way in which I was planning on doing this wait the vials are I do not think the vials are recycled because so uh the jars the jars are recycled the vials are not recycled because the vials are used they go into this the vial plus this

Equals the oral bottle which is the core thing that gets used in making the time in a bottle so vials are not recycled um so I guess we’ll just have to do another underground uh routing over here balls why do do this okay so um Down the Hatch e oh no

That goes oh god oh freck okay how am I going to do this surely there is a way surely there is room okay we got have a belt on um a belt on this level that okay the Bas brings it over to here then drop uh you know what we do you know

What we do I have an idea I have an idea we bring this down so this here and this is going to operate at a 45° angle oh my God no stop stop it God dang oh there’s so many belts wait um okay oh there’s that belt uh hold on

Oh there’s that belt but that belt is not part of the process uh okay it’s going to it’s going to go up this is this is the way so um that means that it would go like there I’m pretty sure that is a connection right this is a connection

Here boom okay good and then oh my God what a mess we are facing here what a mess and then what we need to do is have a gear box there this there and then we will run it over this way um God I got to stay

Online which then runs into my runs into my cogs um uh this is fine because we can pivot it right we can pivot it balls don’t do that go you idiot Um can do this like that hopefully this will connect good that connects brilliant and then um we will put another gear box there and then I guess we could no do we want to bring it down there no we’ll bring it down after this and then another gear

Box and then you and now we can bring it down and put it into crafter right so we can do actually no maybe we just insert it into the crafter up top because that’ll it’ll always want to drop down afterwards that’s the way to do it yeah insert it

Into the crafter of to how do I make sure it stays in the in only the ones that we want it to Um how do I make sure it only goes into the oh god oh you can cap them right you can cap them I think that’s what you can do if you want this to work in the way that I’m envisioning it um so anyway so we do this do

That then we feed it into the crafter to turn it into a vial so we can do craft in there then drop it down there it will fill up and that will be good I must go get another um I’ve got to go get another spout and then after that um I have

Spouts that’s good put one of those there I need Crafters three of them maybe six do I need six cuz I don’t want to do three conveyor belts and have to do Tunnels for it and multi levels but I want to combine all the things what is

The what is the crafter like cap thing called do you guys know cover oh there it is yeah uh crafter slot cover I think this will work get me out of here oh God okay so I think I think what I can do is wait

Um if I’m not mistaken what I can do is this and then this this boom boom boom and then feed into the I hope this works cuz I’ve actually never done this before Oh my god did I not get any more funnels holy freck okay it’s it’s fine

It’s fine it’s fine and I need to do this here by the way um and then the idea is like do that right so um I don’t oh wait oh God no but that’s not going to how can I make it so that it feeds into the right place when they’re alternating oh

That’s very annoying cuz that’s going to block will that block the can the items pass through um so yeah I know here’s here’s what I want to do I want to connect the two I want to connect these all together right but if I have the middle one covered

Will it still be able to push I guess I don’t need these do I but will it still be able to push through the center despite it being covered does that work I just don’t know if that works or not I guess yeah I can test it

I can test it so let’s bring some rotation in and see what happens here it’ probably be good to actually put them in yeah it’s worth considering it’s okay guys it’s okay just need to get an endite machine here yep yep yep yep and then we’ll be

Good we need funnels for everything so let me just make uh a more yeah so many things okay does it work does it work does it work it works right oh okay this is big news this is big news for us we love to see how many

Do we get three from that okay very cool um so from there we need to um get it onto another belt I guess and then run it into a uh freaking what should we call it’s going to it’s just going to get filled up here actually this will be great I

Can just put a spout right onto there right so that’ll the only issue I can foresee here is if this thing get like starts consuming so much um that it it simply like doesn’t allow for any to flow over there you know that’s the only thing I’m concerned about cuz if this Ste

S all the stuff then we will have an issue but I also I don’t know how you what have you done why are you here why are you here what are you doing oh God you’re going to freck everything dude you’re going to freck everything with your drops don’t let

Them go in okay clearly I need to light things up a little better down here No Bad Guy Bad stop stop stop stop stop no stop doing this okay hopefully that’s better he’s checking in on all the commotion probably so yeah I do not know how to ensure that these all get

Like build equally I I don’t know how to do that like it’s going to it’s going to fill up the first one most and we’re going to run into the same issue no matter what like if I put this on the end over there then these

Are going to fill up first and maybe this gets nothing so I actually don’t know how to best do this I think we’re just going to have to try it and see what happens but I actually think this one should come first because these we might just have

This crazy thing going round and round and around always there’s going to be things being put in the sequence assembly so if we put this later than these two it might get nothing so I think we’ll just do this and then yeah okay the question is do we

Want to like I could actually run this right after here maybe instead I don’t know um but anyway it’s all it’s all very uh difficult it is all very difficult I mean what I could do is I could do bring it to here you know and then Um so that go to there so that that goes and does the thing oh yeah yeah I don’t I don’t actually have to do the time in a bottle immediately um but yeah I guess are we basically at the point where the where all the looping is going to be Happening I think we are I think we’ve kind of gotten it there so I could just okay so this thing actually needs to be rooted somewhere though I’m just thinking like should I so what do I need to do again what do I need to bring over here so I need to

Bring so that’s going there those yeah that could come from over there um you know what maybe I will change this up and just have it go on this belt right here I think that’s okay be cleaner that way no why were you you were supposed to extend you’re

Dumb um okay so I will do this further out though just to give it more room and then got that all right and then quad deployers um one two three four and balls spout and press okay so that is the thing and then we’re going to get the I

Guess the only issue that we’re potentially going to be oh you know what let me rotate this God dang it not that way oh God dang it um actually if I were to do this if I just place it another way will it be better that way I can just run the

Yeah that way they can just all do that it’s much easier that way okay good good and we can just get rotation at the start and then we can insert items from either side and it’ll be fine could just do it this way no probably want it to be faster

So we do it this way cool so that’ll be good yeah the Press will wire up as well we can just do basically the exact same thing um do that and then boom and boom and boom cool or I could have done it from the existing Cog or

Shaft but anyway all right and so that is going to be the source though so that’s going to be running from over here just probably good a place as any um this okay so let’s got to check what’s what okay so first thing is the Arcane Crystal so that is going to have

To connect from over here so we got to run a freaking belt um over that way and then it’s going to be a shaft underneath you know and then we have to can we run it um God it just freaking belts all the way down it’s going be there and then I think

Uh it’s going be like this it’s going to be like this probably wait uh no I’m going to have to do it here I think okay so there’s that’s going to be that okay okay and then we’re going to have to do connector here here and then we’re going to have to

Have a uh right so this is going to end here oh god um how am I going to do this one how am I going to do this one because we got to have a got to have a freaking it’s going to have to be

That and that and then it’s going to oh God but it has to line up with that thing so that’s going to be fricked um have to go into the wall we’ll have to do that I’m just going to dig a channel and we’ll cover it after

Okay be a shoot shoot there balls get me out oh get me out of here God dang it you freaking idiot um okay whatever God dang it um I can’t god freak one sec okay so we need to we’re going to have a shoot here and then I have to get rid

Rotation into that ah mother truck how am I going to get the rotation into There probably with uh this maybe do that and then it’s going to go in the other direction right yeah perfect that is going to go all the way over to here and then we’re going to get a gear box over here spinning that way boom boom boom boom okay so that’s

There we go it’s feeding we’re feeding okay good whe now I could cover that if I if I wanted to or not it doesn’t really matter so that is our that’s our first step on the time in a bottle next up oh it’s going to be a fun one I’m not going

To do it right now um we also need to get the nuggies from over here to where they need to go maybe an elevated Beltway is the best course of action here perhaps go elevated up up up and away let me see so that’ be uh one two

Three and four so we can bring it on that Al so that goes into which ones over here goes into three and four so does that mean yeah we just round robin it I guess up here so we get a split on them um boom boom where does this go

Here is it like that oh wait it’s one lower it’s one lower dang it I need Bring It One lower I freaked it hey that’s a Nifty trick cool okay so probably right there and one under that and then we do a round robin splits um and then

We run it in so I’m going to do uh two of these tunnel tunnel and then I can’t can’t reach it ground Rob okay so that’ll be feeding Arcane gold nuggies into the middle ones now I just need to get these rolling um God dang

It God what are you doing go where you need to there we go thank you that’s good there okay so now these are all running where they got to go okay this is good um we also need to get rotation into this belt don’t we how

Are we going to do that what would be the easiest way uh which one which one would be very easy to get a rotation any of these inputs should do um perhaps this would be an easy one to get it from actually will it go the correct way that’s better question to do

That and then that are you turning in the right direction I believe you are okay cool I think that’s right okay oh my god um yeah oh wait oh freck you’re right I’m splitting uh I’m splitting Arcane blocks rather than Arcane crystals so I may need to add

Just a little I have to do a split over here you’re right thank you good catch on that one do I have any extra Crafters I do honestly I think just really easy way to do this is just add a crafter right here to deconstruct it um rather than rather than resetting everything

That’s what I’ll do uh yeah so let’s just do that right there easy peasy run you into this cool and then we should be able to get some easy stress into that from the side oh God I’m out of these okay great there we go easy peasy easy peasy lemon squeezy so that

Then will yeah cool good we get a lot more bang for our buck when we get nine for one um anything else that I am missing here if I’m making three blocks I may not have enough Crystal stuff for the other parts um no I mean look we got to

We got to give it a try at some point right we’ll see how it goes yeah okay honestly I think at this point we might be ready to give it an attempt at supplying some materials and seeing what happens I’m going to worry about bringing the source

Stuff over after I just want to see if we actually start getting stuff generating in the loop cuz we have a lot happening here it’s a crazy amount and I want to see if it’ll work oh yeah spouts are empty that’s but we got to we got to start somewhere

Right so I mean if we want to focus on starting this I’m trying to think what would I need in order to start this part seed it with uh some liquid juice we would need the corrupted pixie wash that and I believe balls how do I get you

Again in order to get we need the so we need Arcane crystal dust if I want to start seeding that which I can get by just finding Arcane Crystal ore but do I have to silk touch it I may have to silk touch it um I don’t

Know I don’t know I could honestly just start with this and see what happens should I should I just start with that and see what happens oh but the thing is I also have to start adding shoots to finish up the other areas oh my god dude

Um got to start adding shoots to finish up other areas so let me think is there anything else it we’ll need doing so shot needs to go there shoot’s going to need to go there um is there anything that I didn’t what shoot’s going to need to go

There any other shoots and stuff like that so I could begin by I just hope that putting things down early isn’t going to break anything but uh just put the oh yeah oh yeah let me just see I got to see if things are going to feed here yep shoot under the

Souls that is correct that is going to get deployed that is going yep that is going to the right place the only issue is this thing doesn’t want to go down when there’s a shoot there which is very annoying I can’t how do I place you okay this freaking moment of trick

But I can’t place it down because there’s a Shute underneath which is very annoying um how am I going to do this if I do that there I put it against that this is very annoying oh just put it in the deployer uh let’s see I don’t

Know which deployer this one if I put it in you will it work okay you’re very you are very finicky little freaking thing aren’t you um let it build I could try yeah yeah actually it’s not a bad idea let’s see if it see if it will no but then I need

The H I think I have I do have a Mund bidder right I could yeah let’s actually test and see if it builds it when I feed it the necessary stuff but jardon did you try right clicking Arcane so I do have two more and then I have you let’s see if it

Works let’s just give it the old uh you know full demo as it’s going to go go and make sure that the thing actually gets constructed because that would be bad if it did not so you’re going to go here right do it get placed yes good okay and

Then you’re going to go there you get placed yes and then you’re going to go there and you’re going to get placed this is good news okay and then the Mund bidder is going to go here and does it work holy freck it’s going okay Houston

We have a liftoff it should start to get freaking uh pummeled up okay do I start adding shoots into places is the question how freaking long are you taking to process where’s the stuff going hello hello what what happened what oh oh oh I see got it because it’s oh it

Comes off of as a stack of 50 I thought it would one and one and one in one okay so I need to actually see this thing with two in order to get it going I didn’t know this okay so let’s do the other one

Now um I just hope that nothing is time dependent like I need to actually have everything going simultaneously otherwise it’s going to get frecked up but okay got it let’s just do another one here boom boom drop the oh just drop the other one the shoot good call good call yeah yeah

Yeah yeah okay perfect okay that’s a good idea all right so here you go enjoy okay now you should round robin and you should end up there good you get compressed Dreadful Soul thank you for the 20 uh sub gifts very much appreciated and very swick very generous

Okay that is working it is yes it’s getting compacted and it’s yes funneling differently that was very generous Dreadful Soul much appreciated okay so um do we start do we start doing I guess we do here we go we got that going all right that is going to

Combine we start getting you going um the time is upon us that’s going to start going and then yep I Mund bidder is going Mund bidder I repeat the Munda bidder is happening okay uh what else where else do I need it where else do I need it U

We got to the thing over there the thing over there oh glass glass glass I got to do glass uh thing there okay glass is going glass is going um okay so Mund bitter has started happening are we going to get any God we got to hope that

The the okay wait corrupted Pixies are going corrupted Pixies are going I need to put jars on the Belt okay jars need to go on the Belt uh here we go let’s get them going let’s get them I’m going excuse me pardon me Pardon Me part pardon me what is

Happening why is it frecked why doesn’t it do Why didn’t it you need to place the wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait right click a UTM jar with a corrupted pixie the jar has to be placed in the who thought of the who thought of this

Stupidity who thought of this stupidity go so um let’s hope not everything is completely frecked right it’s not completely frecked everything is okay we got Munda bidder ready to go um cool so oh my God I have to deconstruct this entire thing here great great great great great great news

Why the what what was the design decision here why did we do this we were just Dex Master thank you for the 26 months Pro Snipes for 52 months very much appreciated Savage May thank you for the sub pretty cool okay so this is gigantic ball saxs God all right need another deployer

Uh another deployer another drill another smart Observer huh great it’s just what I was hoping to have to do here I also think I may need to seed some other areas with more of the Arcane just to like get it started in a meaningful fashion but oh my God what do

You mean no need for Observer what do you mean no need for Observer I need to like have it know when something is is placed excuse me oh my God okay I need more uh cogs as well oh my goodness gracious oh my good oh we’re out of cogs and

Logs uh drill might be slow enough yeah but the issue uh becomes if I run out of pix cuz we’re always going to have a supply of jars but the Pixies may not be perpetual and so if we have a jar get placed down and there’s no pixie for it

We don’t want it to mine and then freck up CU then it’s going to clog the belt that has the washing so we don’t want that we do not want that at all um so yes all right so let going to Smart be we got we got some of those

Okay we’re probably going to need a redstone and we’re going to need a clutch and we’re going to need other stuff it’s going to be so fun um the jar should go no the jar will not go around you want to know why the jar will not go around because the pixie

Jar is going to run into a belt that’s going to have the encased fan going um and so if the jar is not encased fanable it will not turn into the necessary item and therefore it will not get absorbed by the drawer to move

On to the next step it will just sit on the belt so yeah yeah okay why is everybody suggesting solutions that are more complicated just so that I don’t have to use a Smart Observer I’m very confused we already have a system that’s clearly working why

Do we need to over complicate it just to not use that system don’t get it um all right so let’s see Um so let us do the thing where we oh I need a drill as well I need a drill I have a drill any other drills in here yes good very nice very good okay okay so there’s going to be we’re going to have a freaking okay so

The drill is going to be where where’s the so the deployer where do I want to feed the freaking balls in um let’s feed the freaking things in from this side the drill will be uh here we’ll put the drill here Frick wrong way drill will be

Here and then we will have the other deployer I freaking forgot to make a deployer God the deployer ow deployer has been acquired great so now does the drill have to be down one more is it is it uh God I never know so it’s it’s Gap and then

One okay yeah it’s got to be one more down doesn’t it okay and then we got deployer here good very good and then what we’re going to have to do is we let go in there and then we’re going to have the smart the smart Observer is going to be like whoa

There’s a block there that’s pretty cool um I should do it from this side because then we can have the belt still there may oh wait can we have the belt still there oh I don’t if the belt can still be there hold on cuz the belt’s going to

Have to be can I put it down on the belt or does it have to be on I’m probably going to have to move the encased fan setup I think and going to have to move cuz we going to have to shoot we’re going to have to put it down and then on

The on the thing it’s going to be um okay so smart Observer is that’s uh where are you Mr smart Observer I need to see your pretty little face were you are you looking over there where is the that’s a smart shoot not a smart Observer God dang

It that was what a dumb thing okay we got our smart observers um why did that go there why did it fall off why are you falling off Mr pixie there’s no reason stop doing that you think the green screen the green screen is pretty cool I will say pretty

Swick okay so smart obser where are you looking wait why are you looking the there what what how do I get you to go look over here thank you thank you happy face man um okay so we can do wa wait wait wait wait wait okay I’m going to

Have to bridge the gap over here and then okay wait we’re going to have to oh God how am I going to have rotation into this thing bro this is going to have to be so compact it’s going to be nutty and where am I going to get the rotation from maybe like

Here and then there wait balls have you done Arcane engineering have you done it oh it’s it’s wild bro it’s wild oh wait I need to run the oh that’s right I need to run the Redstone over to that mans over there so it’s going to be like through here oh does

That work okay that works good good and then we want it oh we want it to be always on hold on oh God is having the oh it’s having the torch you’re going to mess anything up please tell me it’s not okay so if I can get rotation

Into okay so we need where’s my clutch did I not make a clutch guys I didn’t I didn’t make a clutch did I holy frick okay we got a clutch um it’s all so tight I’m stuck ow um so we can do this wait if I do that

And I get the clutch I can do that right that’ll be good and then I just need to get some rotation but the problem is wait a second wait a second I need to this the bottle got to cycle over to the deployer oh jeez how am I going to

Manage that cuz it’s got to enter oh God how am I going to cyle the to the deployer um okay uh maybe this is an opportunity for me to use an encased fan and shoot and blow items up into the deployer from underneath that’s going to

Be what I am going to do it’s going to be awesome it’s going to be epic and super cool you’re going to be like wow that’s amazing what you just thought of doing there um it’s exactly what you’re going to say precisely so um what we can

Do then is uh we will I guess bring some rotation down from here right and bring it into um so we do this way balls there and then you’ll have you going there and you going there and now that’s not going to run then we can do this and then

If we put a jar down here it goes ladies and gentlemen you’re right I need the I need this to yeah okay but anyway and boom there it goes Mr smart Observer oh wait it’s not detecting a block I got to an update oh oh filter filter filter you’re right it’s got to

Be a filter perfect yeah yes um so I’m detecting when that stop how do I get this to where’s the filter option um how do I get Mr smart Observer to filter where do I do this oh it’s on top oh of course it’s on it’s on top okay

So my man that’s my boy that’s my boy sorry I ever doubted you for a second there that was really rude of me and I shouldn’t have that is my boy right there okay so yeah everything’s got to go it’s all got to go now it’s all got to freaking go um

So yeah goodbye goodbye goodbye oh no don’t do it oh God it’s fine it’s fine I just can’t believe like we were almost there bro we were we were so closer like on the freaking home stretch and then it just went and was like you’ve missed a

Key thing yeah um okay so that will have a belt down there right and that belt will then do the encased fan then what we could do honestly is we could have it drop um what’s the best way to do this okay okay let me think let me think

Let me think so my trick here is we got to get the jar back to the deployer um and I’m just trying to think of like how we best do that I actually have an idea I have an idea I have an idea it’s going to be cool it’s going to

Be a really freaking cool idea that’s going to require us to get another encased fan but it will be fine and it will be Dandy and it will be awesome um yeah so what I’m going to do is is I am going to do let me just get rid of this for now

I’ll replace it back after so we’re going to have to dig out like a whole underground channel here but it’s going to be dope so this is going to I just got to dig out a whole area that you know it’s fine we’re going deep here so this here we’ll now do um

That and we’ll do that and then the drawer will go here right and then the drawer will pass on to oh wait is this going to have to be open um no I guess it can work right it goes onto the drain let me see where did I have the

Thing before it’s going to be right next to it cool so the drawer will pass onto the drain I got to do this differently so that’s going to pull from the south and it’s going to push to the north wait no I not going to can’t do

That wait yeah I can’t do that hold on I got to do oh wait frick I need to I need to make it do I need to make it lower no I can do this it’ll be fine so the belt wait I can push up to make it

Flush but then the issue is like I want it to go down anyway I want it to go down anyway so it doesn’t really matter that much um so the drain goes here then we have to have the encased fan we have to have a shoot on the other

Side of it actually I don’t know if it if I put a chute on the other side of this will it automatically go that’s what I want to know I guess we’ll have to find out when I throw when I get some rotation in and try it out

Um let’s see cuz what I’m going to do is I’m going to have it go underneath and then it will come back into the deployer from the bottom with an encased fan um I just don’t know if if you have a shoot here if it will go directly into

The shoot if it knows or not but anyway I need more shoots and I need another encase fan regardless uh here oh God I just realized I I I paused somewhere I don’t even know where I paused oh God I would it couldn’t have been too far away but jeez fr

Everything is frecked here bro okay let me get some water oh my God put the water above the drawer yeah what I guess I could do that uh maybe I don’t know but then I have to like put something on top of the drain but I guess if that works it works I

Could do that I could do that and then will the fan blow I guess the fan will blow through or does the I guess that so I can put the fan on top of the stuff and things will still operate underneath I guess I could do that why are you doing

This all right so we can do wait wrong one go away no one asked you you’re clogging my inventory man there and then we do this okay um cool the only thing is I’m going to have to like yeah yeah yeah Mega torch I know I know I knew

Where is the front of this drawer is it over it’s over here and I’m going to need to Lo no balls God damn it everything is fine everything is fine no problems no problems at all hey junkyard thanks for raiding you meet me in the middle of a totally not

Stressful going great um thing that I’m making the world’s most crazy Contraption anyone who’s just joining this is like what are you doing I’m going to go I’m going to go somewhere that doesn’t require brainage like this um okay okay so I need to get rotation need to get rotation to the to

The place what’s going to be our best um um rotation double stuff here you know what we can do we can do a little bit of little bit of that and we can make this go speedier much speeded let’s hope that it it it go blow not

Suck it do the blow okay this is brilliant brilliant brilliant good now I just need to make the other fan go blow and not suck pretty please no don’t do that oh God actually it’s fine I think it’s just going to do that okay cool okay and then

I don’t know like how much how much force do I need to put into this how much do I need to put into this for this to work is the question not very much okay that’s good so um anyway we go vertical mans over here vertical mans like that and we have

Two options well let’s do I mean I can just make it like here and let’s see that’s not going to go because that’s freaking frecked um I can do this over you know what we do get rid of these and then we’ll do it

Here there we go and then I can do this and I don’t know if it Blow or Suck It Blow let’s go brilliant okay guys I think this might work I think this may work possibly maybe I can hope all right so um oh yeah then we need a

Shoot right here I hope that the deployer I hope we can place onto the shoot it should be able to and then we just need to connect the Redstone and throw a jar into seed the thing and then I also need to I need to lock this

Drawer that’s the one issue is I need this drawer to hold on I got to I got to go back down one sec I need it to lock so that I can get the thing and see it in and put it put the appropriate item on okay well

Everybody the time has come to connect the Redstone and uh put a vial or a drawer into the deployer okay here we go perfect goes down yes and then that happens and then we got to wait for the thing to turn then I’m going to grab it

Manually the issue is how do I get this in here without it um you know what I’m going to do this wait I’m going to take out the thing for now I’m going to take out the Pusher put you in there it’s locked great and then put in The Pusher

Yes yes and then it Cycles back tell me this happens tell me this happens oh hey Zen’s on come on come on come on come on look at it look at that okay I need more I need more more more more more more more more more more

More and then oh wait I’ve got another one in my inventory go go go go go go okay um so now uh let me just add some more of the jars over here okay okay so it’s out of the Pixies now which is unfortunate however okay it’s getting pulled it’s making those these

Are getting things but yeah we need so much more we need so much more oh my God we need so much more so what is our what is the way that we are going to get so much more is the question okay so actually once this fills up this can’t proceed any

Further so that means it should all start going over to here um so I think I just need to I think I just need to do more of these and then it will all get going I’m I’m pretty sure as long as we just Supply more then we can we can really Kickstart

It okay show um Arcane let’s do a bit of this see what we can make here and then the gold as well do I have no oh I have some here we go I think I can go mine the Gold as well so yeah this is I getting that process

To have enough is going to be the only difficulty here um but okay let’s go get more of these going um and then you yeah is there a way to make it not do that also I just broke a freaking gearbox cool um do signs actually work like can I get floating signs

There and the deployer will still work is that a thing also where the freak is the Mund bidder um whatever it’s fine I’ll just do that oh you’re such an IDI wait what huh I broke the what what the freak why the drill no go I’m so confused what was it

A it’s a wrong gear box oh my god oh I see it was this got it got it got it wait so five of those did it not make any Mund bitter or Arcane gold Why didn’t it make anym that’s weird oh there we go okay there’s

There’s that going cool so that’s going to to make more Mund bitter and that should get us more Pixies and stuff um this okay right right wait why are the how did you get here what how how how how did H how did the how did you even get there I don’t

Get it there’s there’s no potential reason why you would even you’re supposed to stop at the why would it have done that what oh my God it’s so bad it’s so dumb okay we actually have Pixies coming in this is good I got to clear this stupid idiot there’s like hardly any Pixies

Happening but I wonder if it was like something to do with uh the pixie process that like when I was tinkering with things over there it messed something up I have no idea okay it is actually oh things are actually happening over here that’s good

Okay okay I think the only issue is that there’s like so much of this that it’s going to take a lot to get it going but once it does it should be able to sustain I think a lot of rotations Force split instead of round robin what is force I don’t know how

Force split works Um oh the belt is going to deadlock oh God and then it I can’t do a drawer on it because it’s got to rotate around so I may have to extend this back and just do a oh God I’m going to have to do a freaking eight thing

Long yeah I’m going to have to do an eight thing long process aren’t I oh no that might still backlog though um huh yeah I could just do I could do a drawer I could do a drawer at the entry and then just have it to where it’s four presses and four spouts

Um uh let’s see obviously I’m in a bit of an annoying place right here with this setup but um once that’s solved I can I can do that yeah for now for now I can just add in like a chest with a with a couple

Funnels on it okay yeah uh just for this moment I’m going to add a uh chest with a couple of funnels into it and that will do the trick and to be fine is my oh the darkstone that was the other funnel that I’m waiting on right um any

Let me get I’m going to try seeing if we can put signs in front of the deployers and if that will actually handle the issue of the deployer being dumb what Okay so if I do this and this will you not be an idiot let’s find out oh that will work yes that will work oh thank goodness for that suggestion otherwise I would have been not having a good time and now oh yeah chest right um

Do I have any I can make a I don’t have a crafting table wait I made a crafting table down here yeah yeah everything is good make a chest and then I suppose we’ll have to just redo the stuff they do stack which is nice problem is this may run out of

Fluid at least it does not use very much on each one it’s a very small amount I was worried it would be more um uh let’s see Zenith Kuma zenitha Kuma thank you for the sub much appreciated Jean or Sean sorry thank you for gifting a sub very swick Calvin SD with seven

Months uh heck and heck thank you for the sub Cal in 200 bits what about a mega torch that might be a good idea um resin stream do with a 55 months at tier three and we need more essence okay so I think the play here is I don’t

Know where the next one is going to go but if it goes over there I’m going to manually pick it up and I’m going to bring it elsewhere so that do that and it’s you over to there if it goes the wrong way we redirect no you’re not going there come to

Me and go there all right cuz this process gets us more of the Pixies don’t know how many Pixies exactly let’s find out it seems like it’s only a couple come on come on come on here here it comes it’s one is it just one pixie per oh two two okay

That’s good that’s good so it really it’s only two Pixies per wow that’s not the best but uh we should get more yep it’s pumping it’s pumping that’s full so we’re all good there and now the process can continue continue good good good good good good good oh

This is good this is very good there has to be a critical mass at which this becomes self-sufficient just don’t know exactly what that is there’s just like so many of them take okay now we’re getting into the repeat okay now it’s going to actually start

Going over here let me I’m going to start putting the dark stone in which is the one thing that I forgot ow God I can to go down over here Jesus ow it’s the one I forgot to connect here we go here comes the darkstone so this should in Theory start to

AutoCraft some stuff isn’t it like wait what are we waiting for wait what what have you just made what did it just make huh oh I just put dark St God I didn’t I need to craft it into the Polish I hate it so mad also why have you not finished why

Didn’t you finish why did this not I don’t understand why didn’t this finish it went around twice what are you doing what are you waiting for wait wait this is not even T what why is this brand new I had 100 in the queue I’m going to die

I need to add more Crafters oh my this is the most complicated thing I have ever had to make in Minecraft Jesus I did not expect this to go this hard holy I’m not going to I’m not going to finish this here oh my God I’m going to order

Pizza I’m going to order massive deep dish pizza ah it’s fine because we we can just add this right into the thing um you can have this right in line and it’ll work fine it’s like just when you think it can’t get any gnarlier it gets gnarlier

It gets even gnarlier it is the gnarly where did I add the dark stone that was such a big mistake now the whole thing is frecked the whole thing is frecked and I have to get it all off the God dang freaking conveyor belt I had to get all off of here oh

God I get every oh it’s just it’s like it’s stacks on stacks on Stacks too isn’t it and I break things too quickly good good good good good good can I just oh that’s probably that’s full all right uh who cares I’m eating it all it can go away goodbye freaking heck

We got to get these out oh my God oh my God oh my God okay you’re done okay so I am going to Simply do this that boom boom and then we just connect these bad boys up and it should just be easy right easy peasy lemon squeezy we run it

In okay great get some rotation and all will be good perfect okay that should work that should work can we reconnect now not the fastest thing we’ve seen in the world um maybe we’ll make it a little faster even though I’m sure that the other stuff is going to be coming in slower

But okay that’s good that’s that’s correct that’s the stuff that’s Polish dark stone now everybody we’re doing the right recipe that’s so good that’s so awesome and in the meantime okay bye-bye don’t need you anymore uh it’s a nice looking Block it’s very cool but um not the right one not the right

One oh God this is going to go into the shoot um shoot get in my inventory thank you so okay what I need to do now is I just need to keep supplying this with more stuff is all do I have more I don’t I

Don’t I got to go mining I got to go mining God dang it man at least this has some Mund bitter it has two Mund bitter that’s good ah I’m going to order food all right all right right so what I need to do I gotta go get more Arcane

Stuff things got mining I got mining at what point do we hit the like critical mass Threshold at which things are like oh God the problem is it’s just like m i it’s like I need for the it’s like I need to have a oneir and 2/3 distribution of the Arcane or

Something like that I just like I don’t know I don’t know the best way to do it um also where is the best place to find the Arcane stuff let me get an elevation here uh Arcane where is it located to where is it give me the freck

It’s not telling me Oh Quest give you an estimate not really doesn’t seem to doesn’t oh unless it’s the tips is it the tip section uh tips for Arcane maybe possibly um why are the icon oh god um nope that’s not it by simply mining Arcane Crystal ore and then that can I

Can I make it into I can’t make it into the the this without silk touching go and freak off I need to silk touch though in order to guys are so annoying man click claim Quest rewards wait uh it’s the spec Quest 18 so you need 18 where the rest needs

To go back into dust processing oh God it says 18 oh my fre oh there’s two more there that’s Convenient oh we get another one that’s convenient to how do I filter 18 specifically cuz I guess if I was able to do like an exact filter oh hey there’s some oh but it’s not silk touch um how do I get silk touch out here God dang it

With a chest and a brass funnel you can filter exactly 18 really is okay well that might be the way to go is the anyway I guess for the time being let me manually go but yeah that’s that’s going to be good to filter off but is it also accounting for the

Fact that it’s getting split into other categories for the Mund bitter and the other thing just mine the or with Fortune but how if I mine the or with Fortune then how will I get the oh does it go into dust does it manual oh does it automatically go into dust

Okay brass funnel one do exactly 18 the other one do exactly 32 but doesn’t it give 50 well let me see what happens here no it gives that see I knew it would give that so we actually do need to silk touch and smelt if we want to

Get the proper thing which is very annoying oh yeah 1832 guys I’m my I’m my head’s not working brain go bur I I accurate L titled the stream not realizing that it would get this dire okay someone is going to have to tell me how I use a chest um with the

Brass thing in order to do what I need it to cuz I don’t actually know how anyway let’s get a chest filter with d onto the funnel and right the uh funnel into oh okay I see funnel into a chest God I don’t have room for this I do not have

Room I don’t have room oh my God uh move this back and then oh wait I can do it I can do it I think I can do it I just need to put the chest here move the wheels back one yeah get rid of the platform

Okay don’t go there don’t do that don’t do that I said don’t do that you fool you idiots no God damn it okay um you know for the for right now I don’t actually need to do that but uh yeah yeah okay here’s what I’m going to

Do we’re going to do this obviously we’re going to do that and then we’re going to get our two gear boxes like so and like so and then we’re going to get the Crushers do doing that okay and then for now I can just delete you and that way any and all that

We do over here goes in the right place and then we’ll be good I hope all right so that let’s do that and then we need one of you and that should do cool and then we can do another one like so and it’ll all go into there and

Then we should be getting a nice Surplus over there so the process can redo so now we will do so there’s a chest here and you funnel into the chest and then so brass funnels can sort by number of items huh now we should start soon getting

Some fill over here why are you doing this why have you decided what possibly possessed you to do that I don’t understand why do you I don’t get it why does it keep bringing the souls there is no irrational explanation for why the souls keep just making it through

There oh I know what’s happening I know what’s happening oh it was I broke the gearbox which allowed souls to pass oh okay okay okay got it got it got it okay is it going to start working again over here it is it starts working again so there were

100 now the problem is why did it not generate any gold or did it generate a gold and the gold went over to here oh you idiots okay the gold y it generated gold gold is over there um why did one not make it here though okay that’s cool we it’s it’s

Happening it is actually going and we’re full okay so those are actually going to fill oh my God it’s it’s going to go it’s going to go it just generated one on its own oh my God okay so I just need to go get two brass funnels then

Huh okay do I have any brass I do wait I need a separate oh I need a filter item oh dear oh dear okay no you don’t you can filter on the item oh well now we’re getting just set the item and then you can set the amount oh okay cool

Um I got to be careful because this is now producing I don’t want it to send stuff through where it shouldn’t well anyway let me eat some in here if we were to do this and then we go that and click and hold for Mount oh okay that’s going to be 32 32

Cool and 18 okay I think that will work yeah they’re both on they’re both on exactly they’re both on exactly okay good things are happening happening things are happening and now there it is okay it’s going it’s doing and now it should split so that some go 18 over there

That’s going to kind of balls up but you know it’s fine I’m going to have to adjust that um oh that actually goes through h oh do I not actually have the item oops there it is there it is okay cool so that process goes I think

It’s I mean I think it’s working um so the only issue is that okay so this is all full that’s good that’s good um the only question is whether or not I need to do like another I suppose if 18 is the exact amount I don’t need to do anything

Differently and this should just work but we’ll see the only issue is obviously some is coming over to here right so that’s going to be doing that so 1/3 is going to be going over to that one which I hope is what it actually wants me to do

Um okay so that’s going to go there I feel like maybe it’ll be good to speed up the presses so that’s not happening there but we wait for the next one and then hopefully the stuff will be good okay a new one’s going in a new one’s getting made

Good now that’s going in okay good good perfect speed up the entire system I don’t even I don’t remember where my input is guys I don’t remember oh god um but yeah no I think these these here should definitely be sped up um that’s good that’s good I’m going to

I’m going to like actually triple speed them or well I’m going to do one more well there’s one step up I’m going to do two more step UPS that’s actually an 8X speed it’s going to be a lot of stress but we do have a lot of stress I’m going

To do a rotation speed Controller I think it’s actually like it’s actually happening oh this has been a wild ride but once we route The Source uh over here I think it’s it’s going oh my God this is crazy brain goat bur indeed uh what a half episode okay yeah rotation speed controller um do I have a

Spare one oh we do have a couple cool all right so where is our best way to do this um okay so the only issue here is I’m about to stop it and I hope that doesn’t freck everything up but um here we go um oh there we go cool

And I’m just going to have to double gearbox this forgive me Zen um uh it is a it is a triple full gear boox but it’s necessary I assure you um is there a way that I could speed up the belt if I sped up the belt it

Would also make it a little bit faster where is my input for this my input for this is over here but instead I could just um I just rotation speed controller this as well yeah I’m going to speed up the belt uh Wallace and mono thank you for the

Sub welcome aboard good to have you mates okay so if I rotation speed controller here um okay there it goes again it’s going to go again it’s going to go again it should be self- sustaining do good do good do good things make everybody proud there we go well done perfect it’s going

To yep perfect perfect any news on mono I mean it’s it’s at home it’s in the garage um what more could you ask for right okay I’m going to stop the belt and hope it doesn’t mess things up and now do a rotation speed controller here

Why now let’s hope this doesn’t go the wrong way it’s running backwards nope don’t do that negative negative all right that’s more like it that’s more like it there we go yeah that’s what I’m talking about okay speed speed it’s going it’s going it’s voming it’s zooming it’s not filling up the

Chest the chest honestly might work just fine for any buffer necessary so I think we’re okay what oh it’s missing it’s missing the freaking it’s too fast oh God no uh Jesus that’s not good it’s actually too fast we got to turn it down a wee

Bit okay do that and then wait no wait no no no no it didn’t self sustain oh my God why didn’t it self sustain why didn’t itself just is it because we have the third one going out to there but how else am I supposed to get the the stuff out to

There how how else am I supposed to fund the time in the bottles I don’t understand 27 23 for now oh my God what the freak is 2723 the official math wait 27 in favor of which side is it 23 here 27 for the cycle really seven cycling and

23 okay um I’ll take your word for it that you guys mathed it real good now I just need to get one more do I have one more of the things I can make one more of the things really quick and put it on and get the system going again hopefully that’ll

Work okay think about what you’ve done oh I see what you mean because we have the got it but the problem is if we have 27 cycling are we going to because it was we were going for two blocks instead of three blocks but if we have

27 cycling are we not going to have enough of the liquid to work I think now we’re going to end up eventually especially once these start going we are going to run out of the orial essence I think I guess I do have a de I

I have a surplus but it’s also just concerning that it might freck up um I guess we’ll see stop it’s too fast ah no God dang it ah you’re idiot you’re idiot why are you idiot and you’re not you’re not it’s just being dumb and it’s it’s okay that there we go

64 is that good that’s good that’s good it’s catching them all got to catch them all good job good job okay so that worked so that’s good mathematics check out but are we going to stop getting a surplus of the fluid I don’t don’t know I have a feeling though

That I do have a feeling that if I left this to run for half an hour we’re going to come back and we’re going be out of fluid the issue is I don’t know how To like how else how else do you supply the time in a bottle why didn’t he account for that meth I mean whether or not not we make a tank I like eventually we’ll run into the same problem right I don’t think it’ll change anything but ah fingers crossed

Hopefully it works hopefully it works okay so that’s good over there and we’re not getting any souls coming in here that’s good that’s good good news so how many Mund bids have we got in here three M bids that’s good we are good there no issues all right that’s

Going in we got a plot down on top good news good news all right third one and then I mean I don’t know if anyone knows like how many Pixies we need to have happen each time okay here’s the last one there we go brilliant and then that

Fills it good we get another one each time guaranteed awesome I guess as long as it’s like two Pixies so let’s see uh oh it’s rough to figure this out so for one of these right it is 16 32 it’s 64 Milli buckets it’s 64 Milli buckets per so we need 64 mil

Buckets got I’m actually going to have to math this so yeah we basically need three Pixies I don’t think we’re getting three Pixies so our boy our boy in designing this didn’t account for the need for the liquid for the actual time in a bottle thing why didn’t he account well

Actually you know what to be fair I suppose if we’re running a surplus of these for the time being that where did you come from how did you even get there and I don’t know maybe it’ll be okay we’ll see I mean I I can

Um I can make a tank I really don’t think it’s going to do anything for us but yeah oh jeez it’s crazy this is actually wild um tank so if I do a tank though that’s going to require me to like break the existing pipe and that’s going to freck

Things up isn’t it um eventually the backlog of Arcane does anyone know how many time in a bottles we need for Success what are they used in like what’s the next step step here oh right time crystals or something right yeah it’s time crystals

That I don’t know what that is but uh oh it’s time machines time machines are okay so we take a Time in a Bottle combined with radiant ma no that’s not it time machine is uh wait is it the radiant mechan no it’s not the radiant mechanism um it’s not

That wait it is it is this uh this is confusing this is confusing I don’t know where the time in a bot comes in is the mixing recipe oh it’s this equals oh time I see it’s for time mechanisms got it got it got it because that’s how okay that’s how

You get the time mechanism for the time machine I see I see I was mixing up the radiant and the other stuff yeah well I guess the question is how many of those do we need mhm mhm but anyway I could try this and just see what happens if we add

A tank I don’t know that it’s going to help us much oh there we go and we’re out yep yep yep yep yep yep we are out oh wait oh a little More’s coming in little More’s coming in but yeah we definitely we ran out of buffer

So I don’t think we’re going to make the next thing we’re probably not going to have enough yeah we don’t have enough oh God well spitting off at a block oh spitting off a block at a time you need to split off a single

Crystal yeah but how do I do that uh so I need to do even I bet it’s perfectly balanced though like Thanos perfectly balanced um so I’m going to have to what can I do you know what I could do you know what I could do that’s kind of crazy is

I I think it’s still going to mess up though I think it’s perfectly balanced to be 18 and 32 and if it doesn’t do 18 and 32 I think it’s busted that’s the problem um so I don’t know how to contend with that but wonder if I just need to manually

Mine the Arcane crystals for the time in a bottle like it’s just going to have to be that way um cuz the other way would be if I split off a single Crystal what I could do is I could do another filter here take the

Eight or I could do 28 or no no no sorry I do 19 then break one off do another assembly thing oh no but that would even even need more um 32 assumes you siphon off the 32 for the single okay got it got it so there is another option here I can

Do and that is I do this I have another brass funnel that takes we go 30 or sorry we go 31 we go one and we go but that’s going to take another I’m going to have to do another one of these um I have to do basically a secondary thing to convert

This I have to set up a secondary sequence of assembly and get that filled off which is so annoying I have to do another one of these but in a different place convert that single one into an Arcane Crystal and feed that in God that’s annoying uh split the nine resulting crystals into

81 uh but the issue is we need those to be dust that’s the problem we need the we need the dust we’re missing out on Dust if I take this and just recycle it into here then it’s still just going to it’s going to be sending too much to this side and

We don’t get we don’t make enough dust and therefore Pixies in order to sustain this so we can’t we have to send at the very least 31 towards the pixie production let’s try siphoning one off of here and then make that go into another assembly it’s the only way that it would

Work work alternatively I just say freak it all and I manually Supply the time in a bottle with Arcane Crystal and have the split be the way that it’s suggested here which would be great fun really great fun um could do a 3119 oh a 319 split got

It I regardless if I do a 3119 split I still need to hi can I help you the food is ordered okay uh-huh um okay yeah if I do a 3119 I still need to like uh I would need to do a weighted ejector

That that be the only way to do it I need to do wait no um how would I do cuz I would need to group up all the I need to group up all the items so that I could siphon the one remainder off that’s the issue otherwise

There’s no way to just take the one extra right um cuz it Doesn’t remain as a stack once it’s no longer a stack um put brass funnels on the barrel after the sequence assembly and put 18 and one there yeah but the issue it I don’t think that

Flies Okay what I’m going to do for now instead of just continuously ruining my life is I’m going to do I am going to do a 3119 split and I’m going to see if the build runs self-sustained um when I I’m going to cut I’m going to get

Rid of this this is going to go bye-bye for now I’m going to run a 32 or 3119 and then see if it keeps running and if it does great and if it doesn’t then we know that we have to do something else so all right so it’s going to be

19 this is going to be 31 and then yeah I can just put an upgrade in the crystal drawer Ina I don’t know if it’ll fill up though cuz we have we have a buffer of 64 blocks each here the belt the 2,000 I don’t think it’s going

To fill up if it does I’ll eat my words but we’ll have a big Surplus um yeah that’ll be fine so for now we’ll just let it run and go from there cuz it’s not accounting for that um another extra one yeah okie dokie

So where is the let me let me yink some off here I get a few here and then make a couple blocks get the system running again and hope for the best yeah if I end up with a big surplus of crystals then that’ll be great great

And honestly rather than going in mining I can just siphon them off and throw them into the time in a bottle like easy peasy right so that may be a a way to keep my sanity rather than like cuz you know if I threw 10 Stacks here that’d be 640

Time in a bottles we probably aren’t going to need any more than that anyway so I don’t think it’s going to be an issue to just do that um ye ye let’s hope that works let’s hope that works let’s just hope that not having the extra 31 instead of 32 doesn’t mess

Things up but it should go okay we got a pixie going that’s good news cool okay come on come on fill it up fill it up let’s go let’s go keep the process rolling good times good times it is a 248 mli buckets of surplus good that’s great

News and now I mean if I wanted to I suppose I could add buffer here don’t know if it’s worth doing but um can I have it go into the bottom of a tank can I do like that that and that will that work will it like pull through the

Tank and that just work as a buffer no that won’t work oh I need an extra pump don’t I I need an extra pump to do that yeah there we go cool all right there we go we got a little extra bufferd going on there and now hopefully this will be good we’ll

Get the thing constructing again man I might just remake the system for the 50,000th time has anyone gotten further than this um in the pack like to the fourth magic chapter and uh is it is wait why are we out what the freak oh okay there’s one more coming in

There’s one more coming in we’re good we’re good I was worried for a second why it was out but yeah yeah yeah there’s another okay good is the next magic chapter gnarlier there it goes good to know good to know M4 is I don’t even want to touch it oh

God oh God all right are we are we pumping more in or are we just frecked here are things frecked are things frecked where is our stiff uh do we oh we got another pixie okay it’s just kind of like the timing is offset a little

Bit because of the way it is but otherwise I think I think it’s self sustaining now and we should slowly but surely build up like a surplus over the coming days and uh yeah yeah we’ll be good there it goes there it goes it continues thank goodness the server runs

24/7 brought to you by our beautiful lovely sponsor Apex hosting use code Captain Sparkles to get your own server where you can do things like this uh with your friends at 25% off your first month when you go through the links in the description um for now make sure to like the video

Subscribe to the channel stay tuned for more if you made it to the end of this and you’re watching on YouTube I am I am proud of you I’m very proud of you for sticking it through cuz this has been a heck of a time it really has um but anywh who uh

That’s where we’re going to leave it off for today this is by far the craziest Contraption I’ve ever put together so okay bye-bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Create Arcane Engineering Ep. 19.5’, was uploaded by CaptainSparklez 2 on 2023-12-20 01:00:00. It has garnered 15051 views and 679 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:46 or 8626 seconds.

In Create Arcane Engineering, we must build a factory to “master the arcane”. That’s the description it is very cryptic. Thanks to Apex Hosting for sponsoring this series! Use code “CaptainSparklez” to get 25% off your own server’s first month: https://apexhost.gg/CaptainSparklez Series Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLli4oThJ08ZzrPi-5Kf0j9e6qskwQ8X9-

X33N: https://www.twitch.tv/x33n Pete: https://www.twitch.tv/petezahhutt

My Links: ● My gear (code CaptainSparklez): https://logi.gg/captainsparklez ● My clothing line: https://qualitycontent.com/ ● Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/captainsparklez ● Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@realcaptainsparklez ● Twitter: http://twitter.com/CaptainSparklez ● Instagram: http://instagram.com/jordanmaron ● Merch: https://represent.com/store/captainsparklez

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    Insane Curse Mod in Minecraft #134! 😱🔥 #minecraftmodsVideo Information Baru Malam sih ini kayaknya tidur ya Semoga aja gak meledak sih H Semoga aja gak meledak sih Wah ini guys ini meledak nih Gua yakin ini bakal meledak sih Entar entar gua gua pengalaman soalnya nih ya padahal gak ada monster guys Oke aman ya aman aman jangan sampai kepancing ya Soalnya kalau kayak tadi itu guys ya kayak ada monster nerby gitu guys itu bisa jadi langsung meledak guys loh What the hell Oke baru juga Baru juga bangun guys This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #134 #minecraft #mcpe #mcpc #mods #error422’, was uploaded… Read More

  • EternalRealms

    EternalRealmsEternal realms | A new Era is a new experience to the Minecraft world, join the fight to end the reign of terror that has been caused by Temerus The death-walker , gear up and get out to the land of Amedell fight monsters and players who stand in your way, level up and collect loot on your adventures. Do you have what it takes to be at the top? The world of Amedell needs you. build your guild and level up together to end the wrath of Temerus The deathwalker. What are you waiting for ? Join now. Play.Eternal-Realms.com Read More

  • Verda Realms SMP & Factions: Join now!

    Welcome to our Java 1.20 SMP Server! If you’re looking to lead a nation, farm, or explore, this server is perfect for you. No mods required! Features: Dynmap: Take a sneak peek at our world here. Medieval Factions: Claim land, build communities, and join nations. Large Biomes Currencies To join, you must be 15+. Apply for the whitelist on our Discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft server dunesmp.com:25595

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: dunesmp.com:25595 (GL HF) Read More

  • Plugin Smp

    Plugin SmpThis Is A Lifesteal Smp Where Players Can Steal Hearts by killing each other in the serverthis server is 24/7 onlineIt’s free for allIt’s also supports all versionsThere Are Custom Crates , Armors Also ​​​​​​​join now!Come And Play With UsServer owner Plugin GamerServer Admin Tahir Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Suck it, Diamond Island High

    Looks like this meme has been reposted so many times, it’s now a baker’s dozen in score! Read More

  • Village Machine Madness on InstantSMP! | Ep228

    Village Machine Madness on InstantSMP! | Ep228 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We revisit BucketSMP, in a virtual dream. Village machines previewed, in Episode 228, Updates and news, in a rhyming display. The presenter, bucketsunset, with a smile so bright, Guiding us through the server, in the dead of night. No new developments, but a glimpse of the past, Exploring old areas, where memories last. The enchanting table, untouched for so long, The village machine, where villagers belong. Fixing up the old, making it new, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come true. Water disasters, flooding the land, But with a… Read More

  • “Stepping on Legos vs Stepping on Cursed Traps” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Stepping on Legos vs Stepping on Cursed Traps" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 10: “Oh no, a trap! Better run away!” Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 20: “I’ve seen this trap before, I’ll just disarm it with ease.” Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 30: “I’ll just build a redstone contraption to bypass this trap, no big deal.” Avoiding cursed traps in Minecraft at age 40: “I’ll just call my kids to come deal with this trap for me.” Read More


    EPIC SURVIVAL SERIES: GANESH ADDON 2.0 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Crafting Diamond Armor and Mining Diamonds Exploring the Modern House In this episode of the Minecraft Survival Series, the player finally reaches their modern house after days of being away. As the evening sets in, they are exhausted but excited to explore their new abode. Mining for Diamonds Venturing into the depths of caves, the player embarks on a mining adventure to find precious diamonds. With determination and skill, they gather a total of 17 diamonds, along with other valuable resources like iron ore. Crafting Diamond Armor Back at their crafting table, the player sets out… Read More

  • Hot Springs Shenanigans: Robot Chicken #10

    Hot Springs Shenanigans: Robot Chicken #10 Exploring the Minecraft World: Building a Spa and Horse Carriage Creating a Spa Inspired by Beitou Hot Springs Museum In this episode, the Housewife embarks on a new project to build a public bathhouse for her village residents. Drawing inspiration from the Beitou Hot Springs Museum, she carefully designs the exterior with red bricks, arched windows, and a faux tile finish to mimic the iconic spa’s architecture. Inside the bathhouse, she incorporates a hot spring source that powers a waterwheel, adding a touch of realism to the spa experience. The Housewife also includes a cozy tatami hall, a relaxation… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret of the Red Gates in Minecraft! Episode 6

    Uncover the Secret of the Red Gates in Minecraft! Episode 6Video Information my only class option support Mage nice I’m so sad I’m I’m just sick that’s you didn’t put no get no point none y that sounds familiar of all my classes I got support B I found a bus nice no I’m lit look at his demon yeah y i I punch him wait to that’s so [ __ ] God I’m sick I’m sick I I okay I became I’ve lit became a cleric I’ve became a Healer congratulations I’ve gained the heal and Power Boss skill wait really yes that is that is crazy the heal… Read More

  • Insane Redstone Build Challenge!

    Insane Redstone Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mini Redstone build’, was uploaded by AppVenture on 2024-04-12 02:00:33. It has garnered 47 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. Mini Redstone build @BBlocks @minecraft @MineCZ @TotalGaming093 @TechnoGamerzOfficial Hashtags: – #shorts #short #shortfeed #shortsvideo #freefirevspubg #freefirevsbgmi #official #review #freefire #freefirehighlights #djexoff #raistar #akashiff #freefireindiaofficial #aimbotfreefire #akashi #akashivsvincenzo #bestplayers #shortfeed #shortsvideo #viral #viral88 #top10games #toptengames #top10gaming #freefire #freefirehighlights #overpower #cand #candy #candycrush #candycrushsoda #subwaysurfers #subway #subwaysurf #subwaysurfersshorts #temidos #bgmi #bgmilive #bgmihighlights #bgmitipsandtricks #bgm #bgmimontage #bgmigameplay #clashofclans #ludo #ludoking #ludogameplay #clashofclans #mobilelegends #mobilelegend #mobilelegends #pokimane #pokemongo #pokémon #djexoff #freefire #game… Read More

  • Unbelievable MineCraft Gameplay – Must See! #minecraftshorts #funnyminecraft

    Unbelievable MineCraft Gameplay - Must See! #minecraftshorts #funnyminecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by More Than A Game on 2024-05-26 15:43:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. More Than A Game: MineCraft #morethanagame #minecraft #mincraftshorts #funnyminecraft #shorts #viral Minecraft is a 2011 … Read More

  • “Waseem Khoso’s Insane Minecraft Farming Kingdom Revealed” #mincraft #mincraftnoob

    "Waseem Khoso's Insane Minecraft Farming Kingdom Revealed" #mincraft #mincraftnoobVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Harvest Haven: Exploring My Minecraft Farming Empire” #mincraft #mincraftnoob’, was uploaded by waseem khoso on 2024-02-08 19:59:24. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Welcome to a world where the wild roams free and every corner holds a new adventure. Join me as we embark on a journey through my Minecraft zoo, a sanctuary for creatures great and small. From majestic lions to playful pandas, our safari promises excitement and discovery at every turn. In this video, you’ll witness the beauty of nature come… Read More