Unbelievable Autism Support: Minecraft for Social Skills

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So today is exciting if you’ve got a young person age between say eight and about 18 and they have autism and you’re looking to help them build their social skills well this is exactly for you so pretty much um Minecraft is a tool it’s one of many tools but it’s an amazing

Tool helping young people with Autism develop the confidence to interact socially with others and enjoy the process of doing it because there’s ways that your child can just play computer games and literally waste half the day or there’s something like a Minecraft social skills group where they can play

Computer games and they can enjoy hang out with others and they can build their skills for hanging out with others so what’s that look like well long story short is I work for dozens of children who play um Minecraft while they sit on Zoom okay Zoom being able to see and

Hear each other and chat with each other and together they build things you know like um this week we’ll be building like you know a big castle and other weeks we’ve built say an airport or we’ve built I don’t know like a theme park and

So what what our young people do is they get together and they can see each other on on zoom and they’ve got their Leaders with them because we we’ve always got a couple of leaders there who are helping them to make sure we’re saying nice things to each other using friendly

Voices and and that we’re encouraging each other and together we build stuff and it’s great fun and it and it builds social skills now how does this why is this particularly good for people who have autism it’s good because um when you have autism and you don’t always

Know what the social norms are what the social rules are so a lot of young people have a lot of anxiety around being social because they’re like how do I conduct myself you know what what should I be doing um how do I fit in what if people don’t like me well the

The good thing about playing Minecraft together while you’re on Zoom so you can see each other so half your screen to Minecraft or a bit bit over half and then the rest of your screen is zoom so you’re seeing each other’s faces and you’re reading each other’s faces and

You’re listening to each other’s voices um that part of magic is that you’ve got a shared goal like our goal is we’re building a giant house today or our goal is you know we’re building a water park so you’ve got a shared goal you’ve got a reason for being there and then you’ve

Also got a shared topic of conversation so one of the things that holds back young people who have autism with um building friendships is they don’t always know what to say to someone that’s that’s going to be about a topic they want to talk about and themselves

Want to talk about as well like what do we talk about well and and what would I say well if you’re playing Minecraft together and together you’re building you’re saying things like oh we need more we need more materials for the roof does anyone have more materials for the

Roof or what color should should we make the windows you know do we make them plain clear glass or do we make them a different color so we’ve got a a reason for being there we’ve got shared goals and we’ve got a reason for having conversations and obviously you’re going

To have some issues where one person wants to build the build it out of red bricks someone else wants to build out of brown bricks you’re going to have those conversations and that’s where your leaders come in and and they help with that so let’s have a look at this

Why Minecraft for building social skills in young people who have autism I think it is probably the most it’s the second most powerful way I know of helping someone develop social skills um the first most powerful way the most powerful way is to equip someone with explicitly taught social

Skills in formulas for each different type of social situation they encounter which say secret agent Society or peers um social skills course they’re both evidence-based courses they’re going to to literally show your child social formulas that work in the real world and that’s great that’s the most powerful

Way of helping a young person develop social skills the second most powerful way is to put them in a situation ation where they cannot fail it’s not possible to fail so if together we’re building a house it’s not possible to fail we’re going to get the result the house may

Not look like we anticipate it’ll look like but we’ll get there and then we’ll feel a sense of pride in ourselves we we’ll feel like ah that was fun and and I I could do that so there’s right ways and wrong ways how do you make Minecraft

Social well the first thing is you’re going to need to work with people who understand autism who understand how to build social skills and who have your your child’s best interests at heart so what that doesn’t look like is just jump on any server on the internet and hope

That things will go well because it won’t uh your child will get excluded or spoken nasly to or bullied or people don’t get your child they’re not on your child’s side they’re they’re there for themselves that’s not how to do it instead you need a a separate space like

We for example we have our own server that we use for our Minecraft groups and on our own server we have our own staff all of whom are keen and excited about helping your young person build their social skills because Minecraft is just the tool who cares about the tool what

We’re actually here for the goal is build our social skills but we don’t get that without the tool okay so you need you need a separate area where young people can play you need people matched by ability Minecraft ability um you don’t want someone who’s never played before building with someone who’s a

Total expert otherwise they’re going to feel silly you you need leaders who um who understand how Minecraft works but way more than that they understand how young people learn social SK skills and understand that don’t just expect um this young person to learn by osmosis instead like don’t expect them to learn

By just watching others and then magically internalizing the formulas that’s not how most young people with Autism learn instead they learn by here in this situation here are the steps you know how to how to start a conversation you know how to ask someone what their

Opinion is and be okay about what their answer is even if it’s different from yours okay so let’s go through some Q&A of what what parents and what professionals ask asking us I mean it was less than a week ago I was working with eight speech therapists and showing

Them how to do this and they were so excited um and because just because you’re a speech therapist or a psychologist or an occupation therapist um doesn’t mean that you’ve got a playground for young people to work in you might be able to teach them the skills but then they need a playground

To practice in and that’s where something like Minecraft A Minecraft social skills group can come into its own so the first thing we need to do is we need to make sure that the adults um the leaders have a way of helping young people regulate their emotions because

Kids will get excited and they will also get upset very easily when when they’re emotionally attached to what they’re building so I see we see that a lot say if two young people are building houses side by side one person will get really upset hey he’s building too close to my

House I wanted to put a pool there and now I’ve got no space for a pool okay well in a Minecraft social skills group we get our our Tech Guys our um our young men and ladies who are good at you know Minecraft world to press a few

Buttons and it moves that person’s house over so oh we’re okay we’ve got space again to build the pool fantastic um so but you need the adult moderators there to make it work and then and then as well as that you need to have zoom running because you can’t

Just rely on people’s voices what’ll happen is if you don’t have zoom running so you can see each other so you can chat with each other so you can see each other’s um faces what you’ll end up with is basically an impersonal situ sitation where everyone’s building for themselves

That’s not teamwork that’s not helpful so you must have zoom running and um with zoom you want your cameras on so you can see each other’s faces you can read each other okay the other thing is kids will and young people and young adults will build friendships by

Interacting on Zoom by seeing each other they won’t just be talking Minecraft they’ll be doing things like hey here’s some Lego that I built the other day or go get your dog oh here’s my dog and everyone’s like oh cute dog awesome dog let’s go back to building the house it’s

It’s building a community it’s building friendships you know because really what are friendships it’s people who have something in common that they like to get together and talk together well that’s that’s exactly what um Minecraft social groups can do so um the magic of

It is like what do you need you need all the things that I’ve talked about before you also especially need adults who get what’s the point of being here your Mom is not going to be equipped to do it okay one you doesn’t understand Minecraft chances are she doesn’t

Understand Minecraft but two um not every child listens to their mom don’t know if you’ve noticed but that’s not how the real world works so will children get upset yes they will um and we deal with that now sometimes kids get really upset occasionally there’s tears or whatever the magic of using Zoom

Rooms is that you can just you just press a few buttons and that person who’s feeling really upset can be in a different Zoom room where they’re not seeing whoever it was that they’re upset with and you put them in a different group with a couple of other young

People instead and they keep building they can decompress they can deescalate and then once they’re feeling okay once the problem’s been solved usually it’s a it’s a problem that you know someone was building too close to me or or whatever was a problem your Tech Guys fix a

Problem and then they can go back to be with their with their group so do people get upset yes they do do we deal with that yes we do is that part of building emotional regulation skills yes it is because we’re not we we’re definitely here to help young people build their

Social skills but it’s also building our emotional regulation skills to be able to handle when someone wants something different to what you want and to be able to talk that through with them with the leader they’re going yeah I think what Jimmy’s saying is he likes red too

But he thinks that the brown will go better with this color of the trees do you reckon we could let him have it this time and then next time we we’ll make we’ll make the garage part of it um red you know it’s it’s like there sort of

Negotiations so that we can handle our emotions we’re like okay that’s fair we’ll go with that because again with autism you often have a very strong sense of personal Justice it’s not just it’s not right is what what things often feel like to a young person with autism

And to be able to to have an adult help you negotiate things through helps you now there are times where we’re super excited we’re super loud you know because we’re excited that’s okay the leaders can help our young people to just press a few buttons on their audio

And suddenly their volume drops easy or just get them to move their microphone a little bit further away from their mouth because um some of the other young people with Autism are going to be triggered by like high volume of um of someone’s voice um another another thing that we look at

Is um why insist on zoom while we while we’re playing Minecraft zoom is what builds relationships otherwise we’re just playing Minecraft zoom is what lets us see each other hear each other um that builds relationships another thing that builds relationships within a Minecraft social skills group is that

You want you know young people coming at the same time each week to their to their session so they can be with their same group they can know their leaders most of our kids have got two or three leaders in their little mini group of say you know three or four young people

Okay so we’ve got and then we’ve got they get to know the tech support people there’s a there’s a lot of us adults there um and but for our young people they just think oh I’m looking forward to turning up I get to see my leader Sebastian and my leader will and my

Leader Michael oh and I get to work with Jesse and Kevin and um and JMA you know like look forward to seeing those people because I’ve built with them before I know them they know me they’re always nice to me okay there’s something magic about that but it starts with having

Zoom going okay um quick Q&A someone asked us how did you get this started how did you come with the idea of using Minecraft to build social skills it was actually a couple of years ago back in lockdown we were doing um secret agent Society with

Primary school kids and we do um peers um social skills course for high schoolers and for people in young people in the workforce but we were doing these social skills courses and it was fantastic for our young people but in lockdown they didn’t have a a place to

Practice those skills that’s when we started doing it in Minecraft and then it just took off from there and it’s expanded at a massive Pace because for me a young person who doesn’t love computer games um find me a young person with autism who doesn’t want to make

Friends if they’re in an environment that’s conducive to it you know so pretty straightforward um a lot of well actually when I was working with those eight speech therapists last week um they’re asking you know so how do we use this you know because we all know that

When it comes to helping a young person with autism develop their social skills they’re going to need to spend their time learning the social formulas not just being thrown into a playground so what we do is each week we have a different theme um sorry a different

Social skills theme we’ve got a building theme we’re building a house we’re building castles or we’re building a theme park that’s the building theme but we’ve also got the social skills theme so the social SK skills theme might be different ways we can negotiate you know

How to negotiate for an outcome that you and others are happy with or the social skill might be how to express your own opinion even if it’s a bit different from what others would think okay or the social skill might be um how to say no

To someone but to say it politely no I don’t really want to build the house um near the hills I want to build it I want to build it over near near the the river um and and here’s the reason why you think maybe we could do that you know

Just just gently um expressing ourselves so we’ve got a social skills curriculum that we cover that last of a couple of months but by the end of it our young people have have been looking at things like you know how do I say yes how do I

Say no how do I accept other people’s opinions how do I handle it when other people um are actually completely disagreeing with me like how do I handle that you know um how do I have conversations around topics that other people want to talk about in other words

How do I have a conversation how do I not make the conversation all about a monologue of what I love to talk about because that’s not building friendship skills so we we’ve got a social skills curriculum that makes sense um but really the big benefit of Minecraft

Social skills group is that it’s a playground where children can use their social skills that they’ve been learning with their psychologist their occupational therapist or speech therapist or where they they can use their social skills they’ve been learning in say the peers course or the secret Society course or they can use

The social skills that their teacher at school’s been trying to teach them uh I want to go through a few other questions people ask one of them is and this is very much a mom’s question it’s a valid question um I hear it from a lot of Ms

Isn’t Minecraft dark and and nasty actually and a couple of dads of us have have been like that as well um so moms and dads parents concerned isn’t Minecraft dark and nasty aren’t you going around killing stuff it’s like whoa hold on it’s not it’s not like that

Minecraft is a Lego playground okay there’s two types of Minecraft there’s survival Minecraft where you can have you know go and you know kill the baddies sort of thing um which is pretty low level If we’re honest but anyway um and then there’s creative Minecraft where it’s basically like have a billion

Lego blocks go and build stuff okay Lego is where almost all of our sorry Lego creative that’s like Lego is where almost all of our young people start and then as they start to get a bit tired of that then we introduce them to like um

Play like team games in that happen in the survival Minecraft long story short is Minecraft dark and evil no it’s it’s Lego Lego on a computer um here’s another one that we get asked but hold on how do you know that that my my child is safe when they’re playing Minecraft with others

It’s like well you don’t know that if your child is just on some random server somewhere in the world surrounded by people you’ve never met that’s not conducive you want somewhere separated from that in a in its own environment like all of our Minecraft children children and teens and young adults they

Play on our server where only our people are allowed to be only our young people and and our leaders can be there it’s it’s safe it’s protected uh because the world is full of people who don’t have your child’s best interests at heart you want them to have a great outcome so you

Need the right people around you another one is like hold on isn’t it antisocial to be playing computer games instead of like out in the real world well you have to meet young people where they’re at I mean some of the people look there’s a young lady who we work

With who she came onto Minecraft it was her first social experience in a long time she hadn’t left the house in over a year um except for like the most basic of Basics she just stayed home the whole time so for her getting on Minecraft and

On Zoom that was a big step for her you know um she she even turned a camera on the very first day that she came you know a lot of those conversations weren’t even about Minecraft they were about pets and um I don’t know like M favorite bands and favorite TV shows and

Stuff because Minecraft is remember it’s not about Minecraft it’s the tool to create conversations so the idea that you know it’s antisocial it’s like it’s not antisocial we’re talking all the time you know we’re chatting with each other that makes it social and someone else’s ideal idea of the perfect world

For young people with Autism is out there in the real world talking to people that is a very intimidating Prospect for a lot of young people and they’ve met with a real lack of success in that in the past so this is a place where they can rebuild their their social

Confidence um what else another question people ask is well okay so I get using Minecraft as the playground and zooms interact with each other um does it actually work to build um interpersonal skills does it work to build friendship skills um I can tell you straight out

Yes yes yes and yes and even say my own son he’s been doing the Minecraft groups for over a year now which is a very long time and in that time he’s gone from being a young man who can’t express his own opinions very quiet answer you with

Three-word answers to being a young guy who he will Express his opinions he’ll be straight about it he will negotiate he will he will um spark conversations like he’ll say things like oh you know um Johnny tell me like what do you building there you know or he’ll say do

You need help that’s one of the skills that we equip our young people with is is to say people oh do you need a hand with that is there anyone here who needs a hand so people can say yeah can you help me with this you know it’s building

Those skills so my own son I’ve seen it in my own son you know gaining so much confidence gaining like just learning to be himself and be brave you know I I really love that and I know that he’s got that from largely I mean who knows what where he

Got all those skills but a lot of it was from every single week hang out with his little crew of guys with his couple of leaders thank you will thank you Sebastian if if you’re ever watching this um thank you Lonnie thank you um um Patrick like thank you to all you people

Who’ve worked with my son and who continue to work with my son because I can see the impact um another question people ask is are the skills that are learned in Minecraft social skills group transferable to the real world well yes they are as per what I was just

Describing with my son he’s an example but the reason they’re transferable to the real world is that they are real world skills because once you’ve got Zoom running you’ve got Minecraft you’ve got Zoom you’re seeing each other you’re talking to each other that is living in

The real world it wouldn’t be that if you were just playing Minecraft in isolation or if you were I don’t know typing to each other in the chat or something okay so there’s something there’s something really cool about hang out with each other from the safety of your own home

Where you’re relaxed where if you do get a bit escalated the leader can say go get your dog we’d love we’ love to see your dog again we’ve missed seeing your dog and you can just reset that way there’s something really healthy about that it is real world and and so the

Reason the skills are transferable to the real world is that you’re seeing each other you’re hearing each other it is real world okay now um another question people often want to know is how do you handle meltdowns so remember a meltdown in autism world is when someone’s

Emotions have just got so big that they can’t handle it and they will just like Let Let Go their emotions with either an looks like an outburst like they’re just they’re like ra you know really upset they they might be growling at someone or or telling them off or losing the

Plot a bit is what it looks like um or a meltdown can be internal where not going not exploding at the world out there but exploding at myself like oh I’m such an idiot oh everyone hates me I can’t believe I stuff that up so badly and

Just like on this Perpetual cycle of self-destruction so we we need to keep in mind that a meltdown is not a tantrum a lot of people confuse meltdowns or Tantrums a tantrum is when a child is manipulating a situation to get what they want that is not a meltdown a

Meltdown for someone with autism a meltdown is when their emotions are just getting so big they can’t handle those emotions so how do we deal with that like I said before we can just switch which group young people are in sometimes a young person will just um

Sit with say two of our Tech Team and build with them for a couple of minutes while they fix whatever was the issue um meltdowns happen because emotions happen and part of building our skills is that is that you know like the the technical stuff is you’re in the zone of proximal

Development you know you’re in that spot where your skills are being pushed meltdowns are okay you know sometimes we’ll find mom or dad and be like hey can you just um just just take can you just take Jesse out for for a drink of water and just a quick reset and bring

Him back in five or 10 minutes when he’s deescalate a bit because he’s struggling and we want him to have a really positive experience um so I guess there’s also a lot of teamwork there working closely with parents making sure that young people get what they need um

Another question someone asked that I want to look at is the question is I thought you need a systematic approach to teaching social skills this doesn’t sound systematic so it is true you need a systematic approach to teach social skills the systematic approach being this this social situation here’s what

We do here’s a social formulas for it that social situation here’s the social formulas for it for example going to the pool what do I do I I take my tow in my my gear and I hang out with other people while I’m there and if I’m if I’m

Feeling a bit bored I can get out of the pool I can go and get an ice block or whatever from the the Cante there the little mini shop it’s like social skills for that environment great okay with in Minecraft the social skills are going to be um transferable but

They’re they’re going to be systematic because it might not be skills for the pool it’ll be skills for how do I start a conversation skills next week might be how do I continue Contin your conversation skills the following week might be say how do I ask open questions

About topics that other people want to talk about so you’ve you’ve got um a very systematic uh social skills thing there but it’s just not um location based um trying to keep things super transferable I hope I’ve answered that question um someone else has asked look

There’s a lot of social groups in the world Minecraft being one of them another social skills group that amazing skills um that we do is is an art social skills group it’s not about the art it’s about the social skills where we do art or the Lego social skills group you know

It’s not about the Lego it’s about hanging out with each other and we build Lego while we hang out because the goal is to build social skills so it’s like well what sort of what sort of person is the Minecraft social skills group best for is for someone who loves Minecraft

Or who loves computer games and they’re happy to learn Minecraft and it’s for someone with autism who needs to develop their social skills and develop their emotional regulation skills so it’s like we have to remember it’s it’s pretty much for anyone who’s happy to use Minecraft as the topic the shared topic

That we’re going to be chatting about now that’s no difference from you or I as parents if we go and say watch our young P our own child play soccer where they’re on the sideline with other parents we can talk to them about soccer and about the soccer game because we’ve

Obviously got that in common okay so in Minecraft social skills group what you’ve got in common is we love building stuff and we’re building something right now okay um let’s have a look at the next question oh how do I get my child involved if my child is resistant okay

So um sometimes we’ll find that young people will be a little bit resistant to doing their first session of Minecraft because they don’t know how to play and that’s that’s valid because no one there’s not many people I know who have autism who want to step into the realm

Of the unknown with others and feel silly so what we do in that spot is that we’ll get one of our um our Tech Team and one of our technical support team to build alongside your young person for a little while um so that we might have

Your young person with say Patrick and lannie okay and she and he like Patrick and lannie will be working with your with your child they’ll be teaching them what buttons to use and then they’ll put them in a group that um has is building using very basic skills so that can be a

Reason to be resistant is oh I haven’t played it before another reason to be resistant um trying to think what’s another reason to be resistant would be if if your young son or daughter had maybe um an experience that was hard you know they built they built a house

Someone built too close to them they felt upset and if that wasn’t resolved well you know like sometimes if if a young person is having a meltdown outwardly it’s really easy to see we can solve that sometimes the meltdowns going inwardly I hate these people well they

Hate me I don’t belong here that those sort of thoughts can go across someone’s mind and if we’re not aware of that until you know Mom sends us an email a bit later or sends us a text or gives us a call and goes oh he he really felt

Excluded well like I did not know that let me fix that for him and then the following week we’ll make sure that or at his next session we’ll make sure before he even gets on the leaders know um he he had a rough time last time he

Wasn’t coping we’ll make sure he’s with a group of people who are building something non-controversial where um it’s only that first five minutes needs to be positive and then they’re back in the zone so I guess you’re seeing the picture that we work really really hard to make sure that

Young people have a great time and we work really hard to make sure that um that when things don’t go right because never in the history of the world have you had a group of young people with Autism and everything just went right like they’re learning social

Skills things will go off track and things will need to be brought back on track but you’re seeing how much work goes in behind it and that sort of work it’s like that’s why you can’t just put your child onto some Minecraft server somewhere in the world and hope for the

Best like we work so diligently to make make sure that every child gets what they need and there are so many things that we need to do to make that work it’s not going to happen by chance um and then if I if I look at all

This it’s it’s like one more question parents ask is is it a waste of time to be playing computer games absolutely not in fact it’s so important you catch this that idea that my child playing computer games is a waste of their time and a

Waste of their life is not the truth the truth is if all your child does is play computer games yes it’s a waste of their life but if if playing a computer game is a tool is a key to your child developing their social skills wow what an opportunity I mean my

Goodness me I I know that um I remember talking to a psychologist about this um a while ago that it’s just amazing that there can be a group where young people would want to go and develop their skills because you ask any psychologist it’s not always like that with the in

The realm of you know one-on-one sort of psychology it the young people don’t always want to be there but my goodness young people do want to be at at Minecraft and they do want to um they do want to be able to experience that success you know so when people say oh

But my child plays computer games he plays too much computer games you know that’s that’s such a waste of his life firstly if your child is sitting on the computer playing games by themselves it possibly isn’t the best use of their time but at least they’re feeling successful at something they’re

Developing their sense of oh I can do things because when you think about it most computer games whether it’s Minecraft or something else are a series of small goals small achievable goals yep that’s goal one tick done that’s goal two yep tick done and that sense of success because you’re young person

Probably goes to school or work doesn’t feel successful feels hassled feels isolated feels like not even wanted sometimes and then they come home and then they’re playing computer games for that experience of success so we don’t want to take that off them you know so the idea that computer games

Are a waste of time not true computer games are a place where you’re young person can have a lot of fun and and have some success but compared compare that though to a social skills group with a common interest of a computer game where they’re following a social skills curriculum and building their

Skills and building their confidence and experiencing friendship because the the the thing is it’s like in the real world you might not have friends but in Minecraft social skills group your friends are right there you may only see them during Minecraft social skills group but they’re still your friends

You’re experiencing friendship and once you’ve experienced what friendship is then you can more easily go after that and and do that in the real world well if you have any other questions let us know um please have a look in the down the bottom of this in the description

There is a there is one of the most helpful guides mini ebooks that that we’ most popular we’ve got please grab it please give it away to others get yourself upskilled as a parent and if there’s anything else we can do to be helpful um if if you’re in Australia it’s amazing skills.com

If you’re in the rest of the world like UK or wherever you are it’s amazing skills. org all right keep being amazing parents and professionals who are watching this keep being amazing I appreciate the work you’re doing and last night if there’s anything else we can do to help you

This video, titled ‘Autism: Using Minecraft to Grow Social Skills & Emotional Regulation Skills| AmazingSkills.com.au’, was uploaded by Amazing Skills (Autism Support for Kids & Teens ) on 2023-12-11 09:49:46. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:25 or 1825 seconds.

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✅ About Amazing Skills (Autism Support for Kids & Teens )

We train your child or teen with Autism/ASD so they can love life! We teach your child step-by-step strategies to develop social skills, social awareness, and skills for making friends. Improving your child’s skills allows them to grow confidence and success in social situations. Children with Autism/ASD can thrive when they know what skills to use and when to use them.

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© Amazing Skills (Autism Support for Kids & Teens )

  • Sneaky Minecraft Prank

    Sneaky Minecraft Prank Minecraft Prank Moment Unexpected Twists in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, unexpected twists and turns are always around the corner. Whether it’s a mischievous prank or a surprising turn of events, players are constantly kept on their toes. A Colorful Prank One memorable moment captured in a Minecraft video involved a playful prank where one player swapped another player’s red wool blocks with yellow ones. The reaction was priceless, showcasing the fun and lighthearted nature of the game. Chaos Ensues As the prank unfolded, chaos ensued in the virtual world. Emotions ran high as the player discovered the… Read More

  • Finding Diamond Armor in Real Life

    Finding Diamond Armor in Real Life Minecraft: Finding Diamond Armor in Real Life Imagine stumbling upon diamond armor in real life! The thrill of discovery, the excitement of uncovering a rare treasure – all reminiscent of the adventures in Minecraft. Exploring the Real World with a Minecraft Twist In a world where creativity knows no bounds, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions with its endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to embarking on daring quests, the game offers a unique blend of adventure and imagination. But what if Minecraft elements were to manifest in the real world? Finding diamond armor, a prized possession in… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Escape the eDater Epidemic!

    Join Minewind: Escape the eDater Epidemic! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about a fascinating video that delves into the eDater epidemic on Minecraft’s Hypixel server. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind, it does shed light on the unique and diverse player communities that exist within the Minecraft universe. The video explores the concept of eDating within the context of Hypixel’s Housing mode, where players can create their own experiences and interact with others in a virtual space. It’s interesting to see how… Read More

  • Herobrine Shenanigans

    Herobrine Shenanigans Minecraft Adventure: Journey to the Ender Dragon Exploration and Discovery In this epic Minecraft adventure, players will witness the thrill of exploring unknown biomes, uncovering hidden treasures, and navigating treacherous landscapes. From dense forests to vast deserts, the journey is filled with breathtaking scenery and exciting discoveries. Battle and Survival Prepare for intense battles against fearsome mobs like zombies, skeletons, and creepers. Armed with trusty weapons and armor, players will learn the best strategies to survive and thrive in the hostile Minecraft environment. Building and Crafting Get inspired by incredible building projects as magnificent structures, from cozy houses to… Read More

  • Cookie Sin and Bobby’s Minecraft Adventure: Subscribe for Gaming Fun!

    Cookie Sin and Bobby's Minecraft Adventure: Subscribe for Gaming Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where legends are born, Boralo and Bobby, their adventures adorn. Giant Alex, a mystery to unfold, Subscribe to their channel, let the story be told. With each new episode, the excitement grows, As they face new challenges, their skills they expose. From trolls to legends, they conquer them all, In the world of Minecraft, they stand tall. So hit that subscribe button, join the fun, With Boralo and Bobby, the journey’s just begun. Minecraft parodies, mysteries untold, In the realm of gaming, let the adventures unfold. Read More

  • Roblox Rocks Minecraft 1.8: 2023 Footage Frenzy

    Roblox Rocks Minecraft 1.8: 2023 Footage Frenzy In 2023, a rare sight to be seen, Minecraft in Roblox, a gaming dream. The footage delayed, the sound a bit off, But still a treasure, a gaming trough. Apologies for the break, a hiatus long, But back with a bang, with a gaming song. Roblox took it down, a loss for all, But this footage remains, a gaming ball. My avatar not Guesty, a different name, But still the same gamer, with no shame. Enjoy this glimpse, a blast from the past, Minecraft in Roblox, a game that lasts. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Meme Compilation

    Ultimate Minecraft Meme Compilation Minecraft: A Compilation of Popular Memes by Fang Kuang Fang Kuang, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that avoids any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. About Fang Kuang Fang Kuang, known as 方块轩, is a creator in the Minecraft realm who specializes in crafting humorous and entertaining animations to spread joy. As the only official channel for Fang Kuang, any videos related to him on other channels are considered unauthorized copies. Content Offerings Fang Kuang’s channel features a daily dose of original and exciting videos, ranging from funny… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you a fan of the iconic Minecraft soundtrack by C418? Imagine exploring the vast and immersive world of Minecraft while listening to these soothing and nostalgic tunes. Now, picture yourself doing so on a dynamic and exciting server like Minewind. Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience that you won’t find anywhere else. With its intense gameplay, player-driven economy, and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. Join us on Minewind today and immerse yourself in a community of passionate Minecraft players. Whether you’re a… Read More

  • Outsmarting Minecraft with AI

    Outsmarting Minecraft with AI Minecraft: A Journey with AI Assistance Embark on an exciting adventure in the world of Minecraft with the help of artificial intelligence! Today, our protagonist seeks to conquer the challenges of this beloved sandbox game with the aid of advanced technology. Exploring the Vast World of Minecraft Step into a world filled with endless possibilities as you navigate through blocky landscapes, mine resources, build structures, and battle various creatures. With the assistance of AI, our player is equipped to tackle the toughest of tasks and unravel the mysteries hidden within Minecraft. AI Strategies and Insights Utilizing cutting-edge AI algorithms,… Read More

  • Arda’s Windfall: Minecraft’s Riches & Thieves

    Arda's Windfall: Minecraft's Riches & Thieves In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Arda got rich, but Rüzgar’s story is bold. The wind turned thief, in a twist so sly, Will Kerem catch him? Let’s watch and try. Arda’s riches shine, like diamonds so bright, But Rüzgar’s plight, in the shadows of night. The commissioner’s chase, a thrilling sight, In the world of Minecraft, where stories take flight. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t miss a beat, In the realm of gaming, where challenges meet. Stay tuned for more, in this rich-poor life, Minecraft adventures, with twists and strife. Read More

  • EPIC FAIL! Ender7154’s Tower Disaster Turns into Life Victory

    EPIC FAIL! Ender7154's Tower Disaster Turns into Life VictoryVideo Information h h h h what is up everybody I feel like I am getting back into the routine of streaming a little bit which feels nice checking all my things getting all my monitor set up and things like that mic’s working to go on Twitch we are good to go on YouTube hey how is everybody today I am going to start working on some Tower designs today that’s what I wanted to get working on to get uh this to not be a big Cobblestone box so first [Music] we I am going to grab a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pixel Art Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Pixel Art Challenge!Video Information हो खड़े विच डांग खड़ के हो खड़े विच डांग खड़ के ते हो गई लड़ाई पारी अर्जन बैली ने This video, titled ‘Techno gamerz Minecraft pixel art #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GamingHarshGH on 2024-01-15 03:53:11. It has garnered 7590 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Hitting 4000 hearts?

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Hitting 4000 hearts?Video Information como tan muchachos hoy comenzamos con el reto de tirando una TNT más por cada 300 seguidores hasta que me explote la PC vamos a empezar a hacer el mecanismo ya que esta es una TNT por 2000 y solo se puede activar mediante redstone el mecanismo es para que exploten todas a la vez y sea una explosión mucho más grande desde que se activó la palanca no cargaba la explosión demoró como un minuto en la vi creo que es la exposi más grande que he hecho 4000 likes y sacrifico mi PC tirando una TNT… Read More

  • Uncovering Dark Secrets in Minecraft: Meet the Hidden Scientist #shizo

    Uncovering Dark Secrets in Minecraft: Meet the Hidden Scientist #shizoVideo Information [संगीत] हे य गेम इ वेलकम न्यू वीडियो सो गा अभी मैं वापस आया हूं और य मैं देख रहा हूं कि य एक मिस्टीरियस बंदा आया है पले बता दो आई डोंट नो यह बंदा कौन है और किधर से आया मुझे नहींन भटकते भटकते आसे सच में साइंटिस्ट ब तो साइंटिस्ट लगता मे को भी साइंटिस्ट लगता साइंटिस्ट भाई क्या क्या कर आई डोंट नो कि यह बंदा कहां से आया है बट मुझे भाई ससपी मामला पानी लग रहा है य अचानक से एक्सेस कैसे मिल या सबको आई थ This video, titled ‘The Dark… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trick: Edokules Destroys Everything in 9x blast demo! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Trick: Edokules Destroys Everything in 9x blast demo! #shortsVideo Information ich will neun Stück zünden neun air strike TNT let’s go mein PC wird es nicht mitmachen ich gehe mal ein bisschen zur Seite merkt euch die Landschaft was habe ich getan alter Junge das ist se 5 Minuten explodiert hier alles das hier waren neun airstrike tnts neun This video, titled ‘9x die PURE ZERSTÖRUNG in #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by Edokules on 2024-01-06 11:00:42. It has garnered 8662 views and 307 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. You can find the full length video on my channel! #german #minecraft #minecraftshorts… Read More

  • CURSED Minecraft Dungeon – Redstone Mines!

    CURSED Minecraft Dungeon - Redstone Mines!Video Information hello everyone welcome back to another video I am playing Minecraft dungeons uh so last episode I played the cacti Canyon so this episode I’m going to be playing Redstone minus and this is fine so [Music] yeah there are unsettling Rumblings in the mountains of the o over World whispered rumors say the illes are building something Dreadful far beneath these ancient mines something of Sut metal and Flame only a hero such as yourself could Brave the cavernous underground and uncover the [Music] truth okay so I guess I’m in a cave Redstone mines pretty cool… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with Kizunoto at Hive Server – RBR_SPY21

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with Kizunoto at Hive Server - RBR_SPY21Video Information hello where are you it didn’t start yet still setting up okay now it’s started I just started it started okay whatever whatever yeah wait hold on I need to I should remind should remind chat there we go it’s on WE you go tell them uh that I’m streaming Oh I thought you were going to like put in the Discord and all that okay oh I should put in the Discord yeah I’m GNA do that too one more sub and I get 80 hey at stream noce I just put the link mhm hey that… Read More

  • “FREE FAKEPIXEL MONEY GIVEAWAY!! Click NOW!!” #minecraft

    "FREE FAKEPIXEL MONEY GIVEAWAY!! Click NOW!!" #minecraftVideo Information व्हाट्स अप गाइ आ चुके पिक्सल की एक और नई वीडियो के साथ तो आज की वीडियो में सबसे पहले मैं आप लोगों को दिल से थैंक यू सो मच बोलना चाहता हूं कि आप लोगों ने इतना ज्यादा मुझे सपोर्ट करा और हमारी जो डेविल आर्मी थी उसको आप लोगों ने पहले तो इतनी ज्यादा फास्ट फास्ट 200 पे पहुंचाया और अब 300 हमने टच कर लिए और इस वक्त हम लोग 300 से ज्यादा हो चुके हैं हमारी जो डेविल आर्मी थी वो 300 प्लस हो चुकी है तो इसी के साथ थैंक यू सो मच… Read More

  • Uncharted Terrain: New Minecraft World Adventure!

    Uncharted Terrain: New Minecraft World Adventure!Video Information all good to go and welcome in everybody over on um on YouTube as well I appreciate you all being here hello yeah like Why didn’t it go off that’s so disrespectful I haven’t opened up as you guys can see you’ve been redeeming Gams and your little notification came out but your sound didn’t go off which is kind of insulting and I haven’t updated where anything located or anything like that so I’m not sure why it’s doing that but it’s okay let me custom entrance command this is bluma that’s YouTube yeah okay dams there… Read More

  • Spread of Civilization – Roleplay, ValhallaMMO, Seasons, Realistic Economy, Real Farming, Dynamic Borders

    Double Experience Weekend Celebration in Valhalla! Join us on Spread of Civilization today to get a head start on the competition! IP: Discord: Join our Discord Dynmap: View Dynmap Version: Java 1.20.4 Welcome to Spread of Civilization! Join an innovative Minecraft server with a touch of realism. Collaborate, trade, and interact in a world that feels real. Engage in a Real Economy Set up shops, trade goods, and become a master craftsman in ValhallaMMO. Connect With Infrastructure Master your landscape with Dynmap, SpeedyBoats, and more. Travel easily to friends and neighbors. Realistic Farming & Changing Seasons Adapt your farming… Read More

  • New Avatar Minecraft Server

    New Avatar Minecraft ServerThis is a new server set in the world of Avatar the Last Airbender. It features a fully custom plugin with skills never before seen, designed for players to build their own world in a faction survival environment. Roleplay or fight to conquer the world, the choice is yours. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Nights are for looting ores.

    Minecraft Memes - Nights are for looting ores.Why shouldn’t you mine at night in Minecraft? Because you might wake up a zombie miner union demanding better working conditions! Read More

  • Crafty CaseOh: Minecraft Animation Galore

    Crafty CaseOh: Minecraft Animation Galore In the world of Minecraft, we find our crew, CaseOh, Jynxzi, and Sketch, all true. Exploring caves, building bridges with glee, Their banter and antics, a sight to see. CaseOh, vegan and diamond miner supreme, Jynxzi, exploring with a dream, Sketch, building bridges with flair, Their adventures, beyond compare. From bees to bridges, their journey unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where stories are told. So join the fun, in this virtual land, With CaseOh and crew, a merry band. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Witherstorm Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Witherstorm Memes 🔥 Why did the Wither Storm go to therapy? Because it had some serious block issues! 😈🖤 #minecrafttherapy #blockissues Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Custom Server for Minecraft PE 1.20

    Ultimate Survival Custom Server for Minecraft PE 1.20 Welcome to the New Survival Custom Server for Minecraft PE 1.20.81 Are you ready to embark on an epic adventure in the world of Minecraft? Join the Blurkit server and experience a whole new level of gameplay. From powerful bosses to unique armor sets, there’s something for every Minecraft enthusiast to enjoy. Exploring the Server Upon entering the server, players are greeted with a vibrant lobby that offers various game modes. However, the real excitement lies in the Survival custom mode. Here, players can choose their preferred job, with mining being a popular choice for those looking to earn… Read More

  • Transform Your Drawings into Minecraft Mobs on Minewind Server!

    Transform Your Drawings into Minecraft Mobs on Minewind Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “نقاشی شمارو توی ماینکرفت ساختم👀💥💪I Made Your Drawings into MINECRAFT Mobs!” Although the video is not directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it sparked a thought – why not join a vibrant and dynamic community like Minewind to unleash your creativity and explore endless possibilities? In the video, Anoush showcases his incredible talent by bringing drawings to life in Minecraft. From creating a dragon riding knight to a banana skeleton boss, the… Read More

  • Player Pushes Boundaries in Minecraft

    Player Pushes Boundaries in Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft on AresMine Server Exciting Events and Features Await! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft on the AresMine server? With an IP of hot.aresmine.me and version 1.20.4 (accessible from 1.19.4, 1.20.0/1, and 1.20.3/4), this server offers a unique experience for up to 300 players in one mode! Upcoming Wipe and Events Mark your calendars for May 11th at 12:00 (MSK) for the upcoming wipe on the server. But that’s not all – AresMine frequently hosts various events where players can earn exciting rewards, from in-game currency like “Ares” to in-game privileges… Read More

  • Shibe’s insane adventure in Minecraft’s craziest update!

    Shibe's insane adventure in Minecraft's craziest update!Video Information all right this stream we are trying to beat the Minecraft April fools update which is all about you see right here poisonous potatoes now I have rules to this now have rules I can only eat potatoes with this you know means I can only eat potatoes pretty simple rule I must craft or create 10 potato related items that’s pretty difficult to be fair cuz some of these items are pretty expensive from what I’ve seen and visit the potato Dimension a potato Dimension I don’t know what’s up with it I don’t know how you… Read More

  • Exploring My Wild Minecraft World

    Exploring My Wild Minecraft WorldVideo Information hello everyone and today we’re here playing Minecraft and today we’re here playing uh Minecraft part 160 so this is uh wow we are in part 60 wow that is quite exciting and we’re going to go ahead and start playing so I have no idea what to do in today’s video first of all let’s make sure okay peaceful mode is on thank the Lords yeah I have no idea what to do for today’s video so um wait where oh I’m not in survival mode well um villager stop pushing me okay I’m going to have… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT SECRETS revealed in MCATRIX: Part 21782!! 😱🔥

    INSANE MINECRAFT SECRETS revealed in MCATRIX: Part 21782!! 😱🔥Video Information L we go okay we go let go okay up to the sky up and down there go nice and slow to the [Music] team This video, titled ‘best minecraft maps part 21782 #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by MCATRIX on 2024-04-11 22:40:46. It has garnered 463 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. best minecraft maps part 21782 minecraft,minecraftgameplay,gameplay minecraft,funny minecraft videos,minecraft memes,minecraft compilations,minecraft funny moments,funny moments mc,funny moments games,game memes,miencraft,mincecraft,2024 minecraft,minecraft 2024 memes,minecraft meme compilation,minecraft modded,modded minecraft 2024 Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: SCARY MONSTER in MINE KRISH MinecraftVideo Information अरे अरे अरे अरे भाई भाई भाई भाई भाई भाई मैं यहां से अगर आगे चलके देखता हूं तो यहां पर कोई इस विलेजर की यहां पर मर चुका है भाई ये भी मर चुका है भाई ये भी मर चुका है गाइस सारे के सारे विलेजर यहां मर चुके हैं भाई शट शट शट यहां पर इसका खून वगैरह बह रहा है भाई यार यह विलेज तो अभी इतनी अच्छी खासी थी लेकिन यह अब विलेज भाई कैसी हो गई अरे भाई यह कौन है अरे भाई अब मैं गया यार भाई यार इसने मुझे ही मार… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.6.6 NEW Features: OP tools, custom stairs!

    Minecraft 1.6.6 NEW Features: OP tools, custom stairs!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beta 1.6.6 Improvements Mod. Stairs, fences, Enhanced Tool Efficiency and more!’, was uploaded by DodgeJoker on 2024-04-04 13:50:49. It has garnered 467 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Check out the Minecraft Beta 1.6.6 Improvements Mod, designed to enhance your nostalgic journey through Minecraft’s past. Here are some of the fixes: 1. Stair and Fence Fixes: No quirks with stairs and fences. Now, when you break stairs, they drop the correct stair item, not just a regular block. And fences? Stack them as high as you… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Defeat Shrek Monster in Maizen!

    Ultimate Minecraft Challenge: Defeat Shrek Monster in Maizen!Video Information it’s night time already I’m pretty hungry yeah me too was that the doorbell oh it’s here nice huh what is it oh thanks huh wow what it’s what I ordered check it out JJ oh what did you order Mikey well Tada M here aome oh is that yep I ordered a special Pizza mhm oh wow let’s eat while it’s hot what a nice surprise let’s eat so good huh huh what oh H it’s so dark in here now oh the power must have gone out uh wait there’s something on the TV the puppet… Read More

  • Insane and Hilarious Maira Memes! #GirlGamer

    Insane and Hilarious Maira Memes! #GirlGamerVideo Information फनी मीम्स रिएक्शन यस लेट्स गो यह करूंगा तेरे को आजा आजा लड़ेगा लड़गा आज भाई इस बंदे के पा बहुत तगड़ा आर्म साले कभी तू नंगा आ बिना आर्म के त बताऊंगा तेरे को मैं साला लेवल 25 के आमर लेकर आया हु बेसिक आमर है मेरे पास अगर मैं नंगा आऊंगा ना तो मेरे पास बहुत सारी तलवारें है बेटे डर के भाग जाएगा अबे तलवार तो मैं दिखाऊंगा तेरे को ऐसे ज क प डालूंगा ना बच्चे तू याद करेगा समझा भा नहीं सोटी हमारे सामने चलती नहीं है तेरी मिनी तलवार है समझा ना… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Golem Creation! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Golem Creation! #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] I got and back keepy I’m show I got that I got that I got that back keep in the I’m with I got that I’m with I [Music] [Music] got This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUT ORE’S CUSTOM GOLEM #shorts’, was uploaded by SpieDee on 2024-01-10 10:22:10. It has garnered 337 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #shorts #shortvideo #minecraftshorts#minecraft #shortvideo #shorts matgonian matgonian minecraft mythpat mythpat minecraft andreobee andreobee minecraft matgonian minecraft tiktok hacks i. m. bixu i. m. bixu minecraft epic dipic epicdipic minecraft chapati… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Soundtrack! You won’t believe this!

    Insane Minecraft Soundtrack! You won't believe this!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Sweden but it sounds like note blocks’, was uploaded by Midistry on 2024-03-13 19:26:36. It has garnered 21 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. Read More

  • DeepCities

    DeepCitiesDeepCities – City Role Play Server – Live The Dream Server IP: OR play.deepcities.us Join The Discord: https://discord.gg/fzeaHRKcaU Website: https://www.deepmccraft.com/ Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/DeepCities_ This server is a city role play type of server with things such as Economy, Bounties, PvP, Creative, and more! We have Rentable Apartments, Buyable houses, Creative World, Wild world, Cities and City World(s), PvP, Bank, Jail/Police, School, Economy, Guns, Vehicles, Crates, Donor Perks, Jobs, OP Armor, Gangs, Chat Game(s), Alcohol, Drugs, NPC’s, Custom Items, SlimeFun, Fishing Competitions, Farming, a Giant Community Mine, Warps, Bank Robbery, Auctions/Auction House, and so much more! Versions: 1.12 through 1.20.x Read More

  • OHT SMP Bedrock Factions Whitelist

    Join the Otaku Heart SMP! This is a new pure vanilla SMP server (Bedrock) that is being started by ex-server managers from 2019. Features: Wide and lovely spawn area Events Nations Consensual wars Spawn minigames Active mods Map download every end season Lore & Easter eggs Disclaimer: The Minecraft server is combined with our already existing anime discord server, but we keep the communities separated. We also highly prefer mature individuals. Join us here! Read More

  • RodentNetwork

    RodentNetworkKnaagdiernetwork is a Dutch/Belgian community server!Our network is open to everyone, it doesn’t matter how old you are or how young you are as long as you have fun with others and especially in our Network! We are a close-knit community with reliable players. Our Staff team is always ready to help you when necessary. Our staff team also listens to your ideas to make the servers according to your wishes, what you want and what you can enjoy because that is our number 1 priority. We don’t just have Survival, no, we also have Oneblock and Prison where you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What’s on her screen? (Greenscreen) (CloversMonsterSchool)

    Minecraft Memes - What's on her screen? (Greenscreen) (CloversMonsterSchool)Looks like she’s mining for some new drama in the Monster School world! Read More