UNBELIEVABLE: Enchanting FINAL Armor! 2 Streams?! Hardcore Day 8

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oh man oh man I bet you guys didn’t expect this well to be honest with you I didn’t either so hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new live stream and guys we’re here [Music] again all right boys let’s put out my good old stream link there we go so hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new live stream and guys I’m streaming again I know I know I don’t know but okay before you guys go why are you streaming twice got guys I really want to get this armor piece done boys I really want to get this piece done dude I I was just sat there thinking I need to get it done so you’re the first again are you kidding me bro are you kidding me yo yo Max welcome in dude how how how’s it going yep I’m streaming again boys I’m streaming again I need to get this armor piece dude I need this set to be protection 4 yo Max how’s it going man guys also 987 subscribers thank you so much to the people that were subscribing after I ended my stream you guys are actually insane dude but yeah guys I need to quickly go into NE I’m going to try and do this as fast as I can yeah I actually yeah I ended my live stream about 2 hours ago or an hour ago and now I’m back again because I want to get it done um max all all I’m doing is I’m getting my my leggings the protection for Unbreaking free that’s what I that is my goal um I need to head back into nether go get a ton of XP and hopefully I can get it all done right now dude oh my God yeah dude I’m so ready for the end now the end is getting really close now guys and it’s going to be amazing it’s going to be amazing yeah I pick a good day to sub yeah man yo thank you so much again for subscribing yeah usually I don’t even stream twice a day but dude I really want to get this armor a little bit Enchanted yo welcome in dark light welcome back dude and service welcome in so yeah guys I’m not sure how long this one’s going to last but I just want to get a little bit of stuff just just done you know I I just want to get it done Harry welcome in dude how’s it going I appreciate you joining the stream man yo your mic sounds kind of bad wait wait really it sounds really bad no wait guys does it actually sound really bad what’s going on with it there’s no way yo mic dude welcome in the Stream or M how how’s it going hope you having a good day does it actually sound bad wait yo M how’s does actually sound oh it does wait why why does it sound so close to me wait does does that sound better dude I actually don’t know I I don’t know why it sounds so weird I don’t know man I don’t know but either way welcome back guys hopefully everything is going well yeah I no s no sounds good oh okay okay good good yeah so I just want to get things done dude I I just want to try and get it sounds better okay good wait really really really okay good wait really dude it’s because guys the reason why it sounds like what it does is because I’ve got it so it filters out any background noise like 100% so it makes it sound like really really really um yeah I can’t explain it it’s it’s it’s like a studio mic so it it sound it takes out all the background noises okay wait let me quickly sleep before I head into the nether dude guys I just need to get XP fast and hopefully I can get just even if it’s just protection 4 without The Unbroken 3 that will be better than nothing you know that will be better than nothing but yeah how’s every how’s everyone doing man I know I’ve already streamed today but hopefully everyone’s doing decent okay right let’s quickly go go to the nether again and try and get some good enchantments dude or some good stuff good night J don’t please stream early next time Scott I’ve already streamed once today I’m doing good okay good that is good to hear man that is good to hear guys I do apologize I do apologize if the mic actually does sound bad it shouldn’t do I don’t unless I because I accidentally knocked it earlier on after my last stream so hopefully it will be okay John welcome in dude how’s it going good you dude I’m actually doing amazing like the support on the channel at the moment is just making me want to keep streaming like all the time oh God just making me want to just keep streaming so yeah I I just keep going I just keep going I didn’t get the notification no way man oh dude that’s YouTube Fe for you dude that’s YouTube for you play uh yeah I I would I wouldn’t mind giving it a go har Harry Potter I I’ll have to look look into it you guys I really wait does actually sound really bad dude surely not sound really bad oh no it sounds okay now it it sounds better it it sounds a bit better but yeah dude let’s freaking go dude yeah yo guys to everyone who subscribed today thank you oh my God that made me jump M thank you so much M for becoming a chain oh my god dude chain membership M you don’t understand how much that means that means to me man I I have spent so much music right I spent I bought a brand new setup for my computer I I’ve I’ve got a car I’ve now got a car dude like dude I have spent so goddamn much thank you so much me seriously bro you’re amazing man thank you bro let’s go let’s go oh wait actually let me quickly remember this area before I get lost in the nether 38 71 – 556 there we go perfect yeah thanks mezy bro you’re insane hello Dev how’s how’s it going yo Dev I I was trying to speak to you in um in C stream but he’s banned me for his chat I’m pretty sure because you you didn’t see any of my messages I was speaking to you and and I and none of them were coming up I was like what what is going on I think he’s banned me I don’t I don’t know why though I don’t really I’ve never really spoken to him oh well how’s it going Dev hope you had a good day I actually got notification no way man let’s go let’s go dude yeah Dev do you do you think my microphone sounds okay or does it sound quite bad I I I need to get like a um like a plugin for it to make it sound like really good but I haven’t really had time to get it 100 100% sorted out if that makes any sense I really don’t know I really don’t know I just got notif bro the fact that that you that you guys are getting no notifications means that YouTube wants to actually help me get to 10,000 thanks YouTube but anyway let me go down this way dude I feel like sounds sounds good oh thanks thanks Mr Tron anyway Dev how have you been dude I did tune into your stream the other day oh all right boys come on and Dev when’s the next Minecraft video huh huh no yeah all right awesome dude let’s go up but yeah guys I know streaming twice in a day like what has happened to jayton dude what has happened to jayton the old Jon would not stream this much oh God the old J would get hit slva either actually that’s that is a lie yeah twice in a day bro he could say the same oh oh yeah yeah true guys there will be a new video soon don’t worry eventually I just wanted my microphone to sound good before I did another video but hey everyone says it’s sounds better than my last one so that’s all that matters he’s a park he’s a parkour Master what me I thought know about that one bro I’m good mate being uh big chilling got until tomorrow off work oh so you’re back tomorrow oh bro that sucks man but yo Dev that’s good to him man that you’re doing all good um it’s still at work I had to stop by for a sec good luck with the rest of of the stream M thank you so much man and have a great have have a great day dude seriously man thanks so much for the support I’ll see you soon buddy I’ll see you soon yes you never act the lavva jump yeah I don’t I yeah knowing me I’ll end up falling in lava in a minute and it’ll all be bad um back Wednesday oh let’s let’s go man oh yeah guys guys three subscribers away from 100 on my second Channel I will be doing a new video on that channel really soon thank you so much for 100 subscribers almost like you are actually insane so thank you guys thank you um when when I saw notification I thought it was April Fool’s PR but it was a pleasant it was present supplies dude I’ve got you man I’ve got you yeah I thought that I thought hm if I was the stream again will people start saying you know it’s an able fors prank nope nope yeah yeah guys literally I went out for a drive a minute ago um and then um I was just like right I think I need to stream again I think I need I think I need to stream again boys and here I am I was the 97 sub for the second Channel thank you so much dude seriously I really do appreciate it man all the support support I appreciate you buddy thank you dude right guys we are now on day 69 so we’re are doing good oh um I’ve got to reinstall the mods um I got new CPU install CP what the hell I got a new CPU installed Saturday but that didn’t make much difference oh that’s pretty weird why what really de there might there might be something else I actually don’t know I I really I really don’t know what that that is pretty weird man it’s a little better but it’s still kind of better so kind of bad what the microphone yeah I don’t know why dude I don’t know why I do have like I have a lot of filters on it to stop all the background noises I don’t know why if if it does sound bad I am sorry wait what about guys is is is that better is is this better it probably isn’t is it let me know if that’s a bit better guys I wait actually what about if I turn it this way is that is that better I I actually don’t know I I actually don’t know man I really don’t know tell stepdad are saying the PC will need a clean rall so got to reinstall the mods M works if not then wipe the damn lot yeah that does make sense that does make sense Dev yeah Dev my next um my my next project I guess you can call it is to upgrade my graphics card as well um I don’t know when guys again I don’t know when I’ve spent so much recently I need to like wait a little bit until I can do anything else but um as soon as I can dude I’m going to upgrade it I’m going to upgrade mine mine as well does does it still sound bad wait let me have a look me hello hello hello hello hello hello hey it doesn’t sound that bad I guess yeah man your PC is old but still damn good yeah yeah it it’s quite it’s quite old now but it’s still pretty good hi again D this is unexpected Hi man welcome in dude yeah man it was um very unexpected for me to stream again isn’t it but you know what I am so motivated guys that I just really want to just get into it you know um yikers defo um defo better could could use with some vsts fil what what do they do death because I I kind of need like do you have any suggestions on what I could use because like I really want to get my mic sound sounding good but I just don’t know what to use if if if you’ve got any can you send them to me oh hi J back welcome back Luna how’s it going dude hopefully you hopefully you’re doing well man seriously dude what l l which LR XLR do you have what do you mean like the um the interface I’ve got a I’ve got I’ve got the Scarlet solo I was going to get the wave the wave one but um bro I’ve spent like so much I I I literally couldn’t couldn’t couldn’t get it I tried trust me but right I have a look for you thank you so much man seriously Dev thank you man thank you it means a lot dud cuz I am a noob at all this stuff dude I I just I I just can’t do it yeah guys if anyone’s new Please Subscribe dude we hit 99.8k today as you can see but bro we are so close like to 10K and my webcam and all that is all ready to go I’m ready to do it but it’s um it’s just it’s just getting there now guys it’s just getting there obviously my my my goal was 10K for the end of this year so as long as we hit it by the end of 2024 no no I actually don’t know man I feel like we might hit it before then but we’ll we’ll have to see man what happens all right nice dude we’re level 25 already man we’re so close oh right let’s not actually fall off the edge here that would be really bad if we did there we go but yeah see guys how’s how’s everyone doing on this evening so obviously I’ve already streamed today so I can’t really you know I can’t really ask how your day been cuz I’ve already asked all that but how is everyone doing right wait if wait where’s the there it is there it is right perfect no okay um maybe not that one maybe not that one all right awesome but yeah dude I I am I’m guys I’m not I’m not going to lie to you I am really enjoying streaming right now man I’m so really really am enjoying it as soon as soon as my mic’s done I think dev’s going to help me out as soon as my mic is done I’m ready I’m ready to get on that grind again uh M I have a wait mine I have a Notch Apple a few minutes ago wait what oh wait what on your hardcore World wait what all right come on oh guys no April fools around here today all right to be fair a lot of you guys didn’t even do it which is crazy DMS that that that should help thanks man I’ll check it out dude I’ll check it out hopefully it will um it’ll help out a bit oh no in survival world oh okay okay yeah that’s you know it’s still it’s still something man good old not dude they’re insanely op let me quickly check guys one one second Discord where where is he where is he where is he devron there he is thanks de what so there’s um there’s the stuff that I need in that the um the I forgot what it’s called the VP something the vsts or something it has has that in that video from what I hear it’s bad luck to a force people after midday and I woke up at 4 today oh no yeah Dev I literally I was just on Discord guys right and I scoll upon Devon’s Discord and he said that pwor is for free so there there was me about to load up my steam you know getting all excited and then someone else commented he’s just a he’s April fooling guys I honestly like I thought there’s no way like I I was about to stream that guys on my on my second Channel I Bamboozled yeah dude I really thought that it was free for a second there D I was like there’s no way but nope it really it wasn’t 25 boys all right let’s go up here it is right let’s get all that good old XP right here dude I would have watched it oh yeah yeah no I mean obviously one day I can stream power world but yeah not right now bro that’s for sure all right let’s keep going boys level 2 eight almost come on we we can get this done we we can get this done man yeah guys I don’t know what time I’ll be streaming to only because I’ve got to end at some point cuz I’ve got to um sort some work stuff out for tomorrow which is actually insane I know I know work I know 25 24 I know guys I would have watched it man we are we are like three subs from 100 on my second Channel man guys I I don’t know what what to do for the 100 special on that channel you know an hour’s worth of horror games in one video there you go no I I actually don’t know maybe I’ll play that that five prods at Freddy’s game again but yeah anyway guys I don’t know when I’m going to get neite armor I’m thinking I’m going to get that when I like um maybe get to after the end of dragon so maybe like day 150ish I I don’t know I don’t know I’m hoping that we can get to end the Ender Dragon soon though we are actually getting there though like really quick like we’re already on day 69 on day 69 boys we’re not doing bad JT Tom are you into Fitness on that no guys now um I’m not going to lie to you I haven’t been at all um but recently I just started driving so now I can actually get into all that stuff I’m guessing you’re talking about the gym right um I left the gym a while ago but I’m going to oh my gosh but I’m thinking of going back guys oh no oh no I mean I don’t the Fig is I don’t really need to but everyone you know I don’t know it’s just the thing now that everyone that I know just goes I might might as well just but I I don’t know I I don’t really need to so I’m not I’m not sure maybe I won’t all right cool potatoes man yes so we just need one and a half more levels of XP and then we should be good to go yeah that guy walks you through thank thanks Dev I’m sorry guys if if I miss any messages I am sorry I will go back and read them I um yeah oh my God start choking dude Jesus right we need to go we need to go down there now dude as soon as we get this XP we’re out of here we are out of here we are gone right where is it um it’s not down here oh maybe we can get some over here yes here we go perfect right this should be it this should hopefully get us to level 29 and a bit maybe not maybe not no yes okay no it will it will um it’s not not that much fit this but I gave myself a challenge to 100 setups every day for this whole month how’s that working out for you man how’s it going all right awesome oh we got some more right here as well great come on give me all that XP boys please all right nice as soon soon as we get to level 30 we’ll we we’ll go back home enchant our leggings or enchant some books to get protection four guys oh man I’m getting really excited for the for the end though that’s going to be a crazy stream could I imagine if I lose the Ender Dragon he oh my gosh imagine if the Ender Dragon SW grops me off the edge into the void that’ll be embarrassing that’ll be really bad cuz I I fell into the void on on my last world but the whole aim of this series is for me to beat my last my last record which I might be able to do to be fair I don’t know I guess we’ll find out oh no would surpris me honestly yeah that’s it man that’s it I mean it’s it is kind of scary I’m not going to lie the void is my biggest nightmare welcome to the stream Rogue all right guys come on where’s the thing at where’s the all right it should be up here there’s got to be more around here right oh wait no I’m back to where I started yeah so maybe I haven’t been this way let’s be a good boy today what to De he’s normally pretty good right come on quartz where are you please just a few oh down there great I’m not going down there oh my gosh dude I I don’t even like looking at the end oh wait I’ve got a um a fire resistance potion right here so if I do fall off the edge I can just fire up I split them into five uh two sorry 20s um was great except the part where I I hit my head oh yeah yeah dude that um that that that sucks man that really does suck oh Jason when You Face Reveal I want I want you um what the these guys and a joke span honestly honestly Dev no no no messing yeah U I don’t really okay come on go go go go okay yeah guys I was just thinking about it right I could actually do videos where I like buy whatever the person in front of me is getting at like a at like a McDonald’s or something oh man I’m going to be going all in oh have to embarrass M embarrass Jon oh no no no yeah all right come on let’s go back home guys we’re level 30 we we we can hopefully hello the hell did you come from get the oh here we go yeah there we go see you later boys all right as long as a mcube doesn’t spawn on my bridge we’ll be okay I’m not having a take two of what happened last time please not again okay what we’re good we’re good oh oh okay yeah guys thank you so much for the support seriously like today the first stream of today was insane thank you so much uh and um well yeah no the fact that we have people in this stream as well it means a lot man okay oh what the magma Cube’s being in the way dude the amount the amount of times that them things are in the way guys is actually insane dude we’re about to be on Day 70 though oh my god dude I actually like I’m really into my vanilla Minecraft stuff now like it’s actually insane how much I enjoy this like please guys do I risk it no blast protection okay what the heck wait do do I have any books I have four books please protection no Power Protection no please give me protection protection two okay I’ll I’ll I’ll take that power one okay right let’s quickly disenchant these ones right we can still get hopefully another protection two book um right here we go protection three for level 30 no that’s not worth it that’s not worth it we we we we we can get that we can get that I just started so bad I am sorry okay there we go and then we’ll quickly disenchant these guys we need to get more books dude what the heck protection two no way then okay what PL two and pl two equals PL three oh man we are getting close we are getting close to what we want prop three and then we just need another prop three book and then we got a full set of prop four without the Unbreaking three for this one little armor piece oh this could be great this could literally be the oh my gosh yes please please sharpness 2 Okay okay right let’s get rid of that one guys I can do this I can do this I’m unsubscribed what what do you mean why what happened oh you Dev how’s the um how how’s the Redstone going on Sky Block by the way I mean I I don’t really play it but I was wondering if it was oh no dude are we getting bad enchantments April fools oh okay I see you guys I see you thank you for the support man oh oh dude the quality is finally better wait really is fin better wait wait guys I’m pretty sure that oh wait was you trolling me service was you TR was you trolling a bro I I don’t know what’s like no you want okay okay I was going to say I I I I don’t know what’s trolling or what is these days right guys we need sugar canane we need paper do I have any I’m thought I did maybe I don’t okay um okay right we don’t oh wait we have a load of bones in there we might need them I don’t know okay buddy um is raining hard right now oh really well where I live it isn’t raining I just went out for a drive and it was actually yeah it’s actually not raining I think it rained earlier on though oh give me all this stuff there we go right that’s enough paper thank you um actually he wasn’t oh okay perhaps it was like the distance of me sitting next to my mic I have no idea but yeah Dev I should have got this microphone when you got it ages ago this this mic’s actually is really nice oh all right okay seven books if I can get one more prop one book I’m done power one please yes yes okay wait and then we get the prop one prop two and prop three I don’t think I’ll have enough XP for this guys there only got one way to find out oh wait wrong one one two no my Anvil broke oh no okay wait um we should have enough to get another one please please tell me please tell me I got enough iron yeah okay I do oh man that was scary okay oh wait actually do I yeah I do okay great okay I was about to say dude there’s no way I don’t there we go Anvil perfect right let’s quickly do it so PL two and pl two PL three and pl three and pl three is eight levels of XP great okay guys so in this situation what I’m going to do is I’m going to keep the power one book cuz we’re going to make a bow soon um I’m going to grab the bones and quickly get XP oh quickly get XP from the animals because then all we have to do is um yeah just yeah and that’s how we get the XP that I don’t know what was going with that with that sentence I can’t speak that much Spanish what does that mean what okay you guys are speaking together I see right come on swim away jom swim away perfect man perfect oh yeah guys if anyone’s new here please consider hitting that subscribe button man I would really appreciate it and if anyone’s got any ideas of what I should do for 99,900 subscribers then please let me know but um yeah 10 10,000 is where we want to be you may want to play Minecraft now which I’m actually going to do it let’s go man get on Minecraft Bro wait actually only do it if you’re you’re allowed to if you’re not allowed to get on then don’t then definitely don’t don’t don’t do it right seed thank you all right awesome guys I played played this game today for the very first time in a long time CS goo that game’s changed so much boys it really has I haven’t played it in ages play CL Clash play Clash Royale until you rage quit that’s a uh mobile game isn’t it right come on give me all this dude guys this this should be enough right here as soon as we feed the cows and all that stuff the cows the chickens the pigs the sheeps we’re going to be good to go we’ll have enough XP to do what we need to do right let’s clearly do the carrots as well get the carrots done with there we go all right awesome right let’s go back and um get the XP down that we need oh man this is great this is actually great yeah but it’s actually really fun yeah that’s that’s always good man that’s that is always good okay I might give it a go one day it hasn’t really ever been my sort of game that [Music] one no let me through okay oh man oh man guys we are finally finally making a lot of progress what will be on day yes so Day 70 now day 100’s just around the corner hopefully we survive 100 100 days in Hardcore Minecraft again again hi Diana welcome in dude how’s it going welcome back I should say yep I’m streaming again bro I’m streaming again twice in a day you never normally see this on the jom channel but today we’re going through it we’re going for it dude all right wait we’ve got we’ve got more seeds here come on chickens come on awesome awesome okay there we go right nice give me all that XP thank you J name a cal service I don’t know bro I don’t know I don’t know I don’t I don’t I don’t think that that I don’t think that sounds like a good idea dude look at oh my gosh dude this XP is amazing we should hopefully have enough to put prop um to put it on our leggings maybe maybe yeah surely we will surely we will come on all right there’s two more okay dude we’re level 15 level 15 hula amigo okay that that that means I’m his favorite YouTuber trust me I I actually don’t know oh come here pigs all right let’s feed let’s feed the these guys getting a little bit of XP going then we’ll go in ahead and put prop four on our leggings finally finally at last thank you very much for the XP okay goodbye right nice let’s do it man let’s do it okay we’ve just got a merge the two you are correct oh thanks man I didn’t actually expect that thanks dude you got this daytime um daytime you you’ve got this J time 100 days is close dude it really is I I can’t believe how close it actually is we’re only 30 days away which is actually wild right do I have enough to put on my leggings I think I do no I need 11 levels oh my okay hold up boys hold up where’s my okay wait do I not have anything to feed them I’m going to have to kill some animals for this come here sheep damn it a should have called that sheep after devron ah it’s fine um what what’s happened to load up MC and my loading screen turned into a tetras game perhaps you’re you’re just getting pranked by Minecraft I beg your pardon oh hello hello Dev all right here we go level 11 done right let’s do it let’s freaking do it oh my god dude finally PL four and then we just need Unbreaking three and then we need to is feather folding four the most that you can get on your boots I I think it is right okay uh where’s the book Gone no that’s power okay it’s literally right in our inventory oh jeez right let’s go to this thing right here there we go oh wait oh wait wrong one wrong one okay I did I was about to say hang on a minute there we go okay now we just need Unbreaking three and then our all of our sets are done oh my god dude we’re so close we’re so close okay wait if I was to throw a book in there right now can I get Unbreaking fre of course not okay um and mending yeah mending will come eventually when we get a villager trading Hall okay right guys okay all we got to do now then is get a bit more XP hopefully enchant and get um what’s it called wait my pickax is so close to Breaking do I have any diamonds I don’t I don’t have any I don’t have any diamonds no way when’s the next event I don’t know um DJ said Gators is in charge of the next one but then Gators I haven’t seen Gators in quite a while so I’m not really too sure what’s going on dude to be fair I guess I can sort something out eventually right guys really quickly I’m going to head back into NE grab a little bit more XP and then boom our armor set is done I hope if we get Unbreaking three days Pro tip use x-ray to see more diamonds okay buddy right we’re back we’re back oh man guys the fact that we’re this far on Day 70 is kind of crazy if you guys remember my last series I was new to vanilla Minecraft like I was bad like I didn’t know what I was doing I still I to be fair I still don’t I still don’t have a clue what what I’m doing but I’m doing it better than last time then but then again I was I was defeating that ender dragon by I think it was day 110 on the last server I can’t remember I actually can’t remember but yeah okay boys let’s go let’s go oh yeah guys if anyone’s new Please Subscribe join the J Army I guess we will call you guys the J Army again and please join my join my Discord if you guys haven’t already we’re so close to 200 members in in my Discord just started so badly there we go 200 members in my Discord which is absolutely insane and yeah man like yeah that’s yeah just thank you so much for the support you guys are the best bro you you guys are the best thanks uh service for promoting the Discord for me man I appreciate you okay right so this is like an area that we’ve been going through is this little corner here right so when is the when is the what the what coming up okay where are we wait so maybe we should go oh yeah we just got go go we just go here like this July the wait the the the what the what now hi buddy okay yeah let’s not let’s not attack him I was about to I was literally about to that that that would have been a big mistake on my end right there boys all can I block off this lava source it’ll be good if I can let’s go okay right so quartz where are you guys where are you quartz or gold I’ll take them both really oh my gosh imagine if I fall down dude imagine if I fall at Wolf armor yeah I actually heard that that’s actually a thing now that’s that’s kind of crazy isn’t it War armer sounds actually pretty [Music] insane so yeah Deon what have you been doing since um well since the last time I spoke to you really I haven’t really do you still um you know play Minecraft or oh here we go here we go here we go yes yes here we go this is an XP mine right here boys I will take it I will absolutely take this man 100% thank thank you very much get me out of here right oh look and there’s a massive patch over there as well this is great right there guys I like I like the new optify the optify where you can just zoom in and like you can just scroll your mouse and it goes further and further in it’s actually insane like let’s say I was looking at that mushroom right there right look I can zoom all the way in it’s actually pretty insane you you guys probably already already know it you guys probably used it before I did but you know it’s it’s okay all right give me this XP boys dude literally Unbreaking free that’s that’s all we need now Unbreaking free and it and we’re good we are done so much delicious XP dude for real man for real like we we getting so much XP and as soon as like oh jeez as soon as we have our platform Breaking Free then the next stream we’ll be uh we’ll be getting ready for that end we’ll be doing the stuff that we need to do for the end which is actually kind of wild like I’m going to oh wait no I need I need to get a bow done as well I do need a bow for sure especially for for the end I have so many mobs uh in my MC world I don’t know what to do try and survive against them bro I know that they’re some of them are really op though aren’t they like they do so much damage as well dude all right hold up I want to get to that them quarts there it is I like how I just mined all the way down just for these few quarts man what am I doing okay I’ve got to be careful of my pickaxe though if that breaks we are we are screwed we are screwed if my pickaxe breaks nice all right awesome dude awesome but yeah man let’s go so far so good oh mods not mobs oh okay oh okay I see I see I see what you mean oops my bad my my bad oh I was reading the chat too quick dude all right level 14 that’s not bad where’s that gas here he is right we’re having a 1 V one oh I missed him great and I missed it again um oh oh oh oh bro okay wait wait I missed that one how the hell did I miss that one wait where did he did he just despawn wait where did he guys wait where where where did he go guys he just disappeared what um okay is day 39 in my world nice man nice you’re halfway there to get to um to the same day as me I got to go J see see you later buddy thank thank you so much for tuning into the stream today Luna I appreciate it buddy I appreciate it have a great one dude have a great one well I’m on day seven Day 70 man all right dude the thing is me doing this is just so risky oh oh there he is he’s back let’s have a One V one buddy no yeah that’s what I thought man that’s what I thought God guys got scared yeah he’s he’s back though he was he was he was to get slayed By The Sword hey I got him at least I got the XP that’s all that matters okay great awesome man awesome got to one those things in the game what’s that dude dude um me and you both looking for quartz I need quarts because go on go on I’m guessing it’s for your house design to be honest guys when I used to play factions I used to always use quartz and obsidian as a base design dude I thought quartz looks looked great I really did I thought quartz was amazing block I’m playing the the crate mod the crate mod oh there’s loads of quarts up there and above us we’ll go for this load because it’s safer I think do you like I’ve never heard of that service never heard never heard of it um sorry Al alter I’ve never heard of it man yo here we go see this right here is what we need massive chunks of XP like this this is great oh my gosh yes yes give me more of that please okay we’ll go right here we’ll go we’ll go right here yogurt oh yeah dude y y yogurt’s nice I don’t really have them that much but 100% yeah yeah they’re actually pretty good pretty nice to be fair I do likeing pickax solo Oh yeah it is you’re right oh no and I’ve got no diamonds to fix it either guys this is not good this is actually not good I might not even be able to get Unbreaking free this stream then damn that sucks that does suck what am I going to do now maybe I’m going have to just get out of here oh wait I’ve got to grab all this though before I go what dude there’s so much quartz around here what what is going on if I had mending this would be so much easier right now for my pickaxe I mean because it’ll be mending as I’m mining all this yo Cooper Welcome in dude how’s it going hope you have you have you having a good day I appreciate you uh joining the stream bro I appreciate it right level 20 boys level 20 right we’ll get a bit more here and then we’ll go yeah look it’s on yeah it’s about 200 mines left of this thing and it’s broken which is actually really bad that sucks Mine the wall what do you mean bro right level 21 I mean it’s still not the that good but we can still we can probably get a few level one enchantments and hopefully get Unbreaking or maybe Unbreaking two for level two enchantment I really don’t know mening is a lifesaver dude mending is just so good bro it really is it’s just the best give me the XP there it is thank you oh and there’s more here hold up before we go let’s grab this bit we’ll grab this and we’ll go guys okay nice absolutely brilliant oh no give me that XP thank you wait there’s little just a little bit more here thank you but yeah guys every single stream we’re getting a step closer to defeating that Ender Dragon which um it’s just great you know we’re setting ourselves goals for each stream and we’re just get and we’re trying to get them done which is amazing all right 4871 and 10 okay whoa I’m So Far Away what the heck all right I guess we’ll just go this way then we can hopefully get out of here and then get some Unbreaking two enchantments yeah Unbreaking three eventually two days stream um Can the world handle this this guy thanks man welcome to the stream Darth Canon I appreciate the support man hopefully you’re having a good day oh jeez yeah dude two streams in one day like what is Jon doing man what is jom doing j jom’s a crazy guy no yeah hey it’s part of the grind man you know you can’t you can’t um roast the grind I guess they say I’m here now I’m going to um about to drive home from work see yeah see you later dude thank you so much for tuning in for a second man I appreciate it buddy have a good one dude have a good one all right what what was it 48 48 so it’s over this way okay but I know where we are now boys I know where we are I say that um oh yeah no it’s right here I think I think this is it right here Y no oh wait no it’s around it’s around here guys I I knew that okay I knew that jump down here there we go then we go around this corner and hopefully yeah yeah it’s right it’s right here done let’s go let’s get out of here go go go go go right what are we on we got to be on day 71 Day 70 still go dude the thing is I mined a long way in the nether right and we’ve already found the oh jeez the end man biome in the nether so it makes it a lot more easier for us to get the ender eyes and Ender Pearls of course to make the ender eyes right let’s go I’m getting out of it goodbye goodbye world it’s been an absolute pleasure see you later right and we’re back oh NOP never mind guys we got some here we go guys we’re about to have a a flashback to the last series here are you ready for this oh no oh no and it was a mini one as well that that that got me nope we’re good just keep going there wasn’t one behind me there was there no nice okay it’s good job that I wear gold boots in the nether I was I would get jumped by all all the Pigmen and that is the worst leave me alone magma cubes and we made it home great oh there you go day 71 we spent that whole entire day in the never then but we’re back we’re now back oh man okay so Enchantment books un breaking two two Unbreaking two books and hopefully an Unbreaking three and and then we can combine it to make Unbreaking three but I don’t know we’ll see what happens please please right let’s get rid of that one oh no guys this might not be good please no I’m breaking please I’m breaking no guys I’m getting all the bad ones I’m Breaking Free level 30 oh my God yes yes okay this is great this this is good news this is good news boys your house is looking great today thanks man I don’t I don’t think it looks that good but um in in a stream I don’t know when but at some point I’ll stream and we’ll try and get this built it at this point it doesn’t even look like a castle so we might not even make it a castle you know we might just make it something else I I I really don’t know I really don’t know oh wait yeah guys we’ve got the max um the Maxi um name obviously he became a member so we we were going to name him something what is amazing uh apparently the home but it will be one day right okay uh I need um right let’s get rid of that get rid of them I need to get more XP really quick so mobs that’s the only way that I can get to level 30 quick is by slaying all of my mobs come here guys how big your house is did it take long to make so it isn’t actually done yet this is this is not even a quarter of the way being being done yet um it’s going to be a castle it’s going to go all the way up to like yeah it’s going to be quite high but yeah it’s going to it’s going to take me a long time to build I didn’t quite realize how long it was going to take until yeah I started actually doing it but yeah it did take me about 4 hours to make that or something 3 hours I don’t know I don’t know right guys XP we should be able to get level 30 just by slaying my mobs even though my house is not uh as big at at least I have a roof yet exactly see some some people have good builds my build’s terrible right level 20 come on yeah guys imagine if this was actually like the real world right and and it’s raining and the rain just goes into the home that is a pain that is rid that yeah no not nice right chickens are usually good for XP but we don’t really have that many of them it’s it’s so good oh thanks man thank you all right yeah look see we don’t really have that much chickens in here got a good start though yeah exactly exactly OB to make good builds it takes time we we have until like the whole end of the whole series to make it good you know cuz I once once we defeat the Ender Dragon and everything it’s going to be like we we won’t really have that much stuff to do so making the house and stuff will be pretty cool all right give me level 30 please guys level 30 and we got I’m bring free Mato welcome dude how’s it going yeah man streaming again oh wait I just realized my sword’s going to break as well if I’m not careful bro I really didn’t think this through guys did I with the diamond situation I’ve got like no diamonds what’s going on and all my stuff is breaking maybe I should use the axe it does the same amount of thing doesn’t it oh jeez that’s actually nope it isn’t as good it isn’t as good we’ll stick with the sword for now give me the P there we go there we go yeah guys if anyone’s new please hit the Subscribe button I would really appreciate it on the road to 99.9k now pretty pretty crazy um so please subscribe if you haven’t done already we we have gain like nine subscribers today by the way you you guys are actually insane dude you guys are actually insane rest in peace Pig yeah man it’s any way that I can get XP quick isn’t it there’s still quite a lot in here though still quite load in here we should be all right think about guys look at all the food holy that’s insane that’s an insane amount of food okay well this is one way of doing it um right nice let’s go I liked thank thank you so much for liking the stream bro I really appreciate it man thank you thank you right put more oh yeah I’ve got I’ve got more for the um chickens haven’t I guys I I don’t think I’m about to get level 30 right here dude the heck come on please 26 dude level 26 no it’s not enough damn okay wait hold up um let me get over here dude what the heck okay that’s fine where’s the chicken okay there they are hopefully these they’ll spawn more of these guys cuz then I can just literally just keep grinding them getting XP and subscribe for cookie yeah guys subscribe for a cookie thanks guys I appreciate you man I appreciate you okay well you guys seem to be good in there right okay great dude I just need a bit more XP not even much rip bluffing chickens but food and XP are nice dude XP is is just the best bro it really is actually why don’t I just go down to the zombie grinder guys I keep forgetting let me show you guys real quick if I go underneath my home right here look at this guys literally right under the thank you so much for the guy who just subscribed man welcome to the channel bro thank you so much guys look I’ve got a zombie spawner right underneath my zombie spawner right underneath my house I could literally just use this for XP but instead I just decided to slay all of my animals like what am I doing hope like guys for some reason they they’re not even spawning that fast right now but they were earlier on someone subscribed and subscribed no no it’s it’s all good man it’s all good all right come on spawn boys spawn I need a lot of it like a lot a lot of XP perhaps this was just perhaps this spawner just doesn’t want to work for me now usually there’s loads of them that spawn like a whole like so many no okay I guess I’ll just oh okay I thought I thought that was going to work nope okay may I I guess not boo you’re are the worst yeah man some some people subscribe some people unsubscribe it happens bro okay right uh is there anything over there that’s done none none of that really grown none of that actually grown at all we need it we need it for FP please um okay that’s fine uh what else do we have oh jeez we we don’t have anything to feed the animals oh wait actually potato is one but we don’t even have any of them oh man guys it it just gets worse it just gets worse okay that’s fine that’s fine um great no dude I’m so close to 30 levels and then I’ve got Unbreaking fre on my leggings oh my gosh dude and then tomorrow’s stream we’re going hopefully to that you have mer this yeah that merch um was like a test merch and I still have it up um yeah yeah let’s not talk about it man oh but hey shout out to the people that have it they actually said it’s pretty decent material I still need to get my own merch to be honest right there you go there we go nice okay what have we got here carrots we can grab them and then we should be good guys I honestly don’t think we’re going to get 30 levels from this we need a lot more a lot more than this man oh jeez hi chicken not right now oh wait he thinks I’m going to feed him okay fine there you go buddy there you go all right nice right let’s go back home did I know that um if it was not for nightbot yeah exactly see nightbot just does all the promoting for me nightbot is the best right okay now we can feed a load of pigs because we have a ton of potatoes but I literally did Slaughter most of them as you can see there’s no really that many in there ah I’ll be fine come here chickens come here chickens come and grab your XP I mean your seed so I can get the XP right nice okay thank you thank you you know um yeah right potatoes get rid of them for you guys and then oh no that was carrots okay now potatoes right at least we’re level 27 we’re slowly getting there boys we’re slowly getting there hopefully we’ll be at like halfway maybe almost 28 no maybe not okay great um oh jeez sorry Pig wait what wait what can I kill him there you go u j when you world you’re working towards the Ender Dragon and I’m working towards a Rector a reactor and Magic oh really oh dude it’s crazy like that’s another thing that’s cool about Minecraft though a lot of people do different things in Minecraft like you can never all have do do like the same thing uh OG not B plus you have night looking at your videos exactly you know that’s why everyone’s in um hit that subscribe button you know we uh yeah we’re really close to uh 9,810 Subs so you guys to uh subscribe you know all right come on level 28 F fact that produce almost anything factories huh that’s pretty cool all right we’ll be on Day 70 guys we’re almost on Day 72 oh my God that’s gone around so quick no no please guys I don’t know if we’ll be able to get to at the End by day 100 or not you know I still need to go get diamonds to repair all my tools my my my tools are really low J ability as well you know I don’t think we’re going to be able to do it boys oh jeez this is going to be difficult this is going to be difficult oh man okay I wasn’t quite ready for this boys I’m not going to lie right come on I need level 30 please please so I can put Unbreaking fre on my stuff guys imagine if I sted all them I have like 10 subscribers and you have and you and you deserve 9,807 Subs thanks man thank you I appreciate it I appreciate it oh all right what we’ll be on almost 29 One More Level away One More Level away come on please and then I can get Unbreaking free and the whole set is done okay I should probably stop slay the the chickens or or more thanks man thank you so that I deserve more than 9,800 Subs yo thank you so much the guy who just subed by the way I appreciate you man right come on guys I’m just got to get rid of these cuz I really don’t need them I’m just I’m so close to getting like yeah I maybe like the next two streams will be in that end hopefully by day 100 dude if if I get in the end for day 100 that that is going to be amazing if I take out that Ender Dragon on day 100 yeah we’re on Day 72 now we’re getting there we are getting really close to it now oh all right come here come here P dude there’s so many pigs oh my gosh actually no there’s not that many at all uhoh I think I’m going get a midnight a midnight snag go for it man if you’re if you’re allowed of course right let’s follow them in right cows come here I’m sorry that I have to do this to you guys I just need a tiny bit of XP there we go come on a few more all right guys this is it this is it yo I thought today’s stream was over I’m happy to be back bro welcome back dude yeah man it was over um I I decided to stream again I just really wanted to get my unbre my my last piece of armor Enchanted to PL for breaking fre but um now that this is basically done all we got to do now is get ready for the end uh J J remember when I was talking about playing uh playing with my friend and calling those uh service sessions and season 6 we built a city oh what yeah I do I do remember that man season 6 you built a city bro I do I do remember you me you mentioning something about that dude right okay guys it’s time where is it un breaking free book wait I just remembered we need more XP to BU oh jeez okay right I’m breaking free what the heck it has power on it please no wait why does it have power on it wait so if I was to put it on my leggings would it oh my God yes guys we have done it our full set of armor is now complete oh my god dude look at that boys finally po four and breaking fre FEA falling fre for now I guess we can put feather falling for eventually dep rer fre that’s good P for Unbreaking fre leggings P for Breaking Free chest plate P for Unbreaking free helmet bro now we just need to get a bow and then we’re already then we’re ready oh wait I do have diamonds oh my God guys I can repair my stuff no way bro oh wait I do need to get Unbreaking fre on my okay that’s fine we’ll we’ll deal with that later right there we go and then let’s repair our sword seven levels what you are kidding me right I just noticed the horse came back yeah dude the horse was chilling by the farm the whole time he’s he’s right here guys he’s right here when will you lose your voice me oh yeah I know I can’t believe I’m streaming again to be honest all right right let’s quickly throw away all the stuff that we don’t need all quick okay we don’t need any of this dude literally none of it as much as I as much as we like food around here guys guys we just don’t need it all right nice um okay right shares we don’t need on us right now bro we are oh my God I can’t believe how ready we are right now we are so ready we are so ready um in 5 years I’m going to be laying in bed and then I’ll probably get the head noia and figure of you U me look at your channel um look your channel up and you’ll have 1 million Subs you’re live streaming oh thanks man 1 million Subs huh I appreciate it servers thanks man but actually because I don’t need these eggs I’m going to quickly throw them away because dude I don’t need them I need to start clearing when I when are you planning after what are you planning after beating the game I want to be able to get full neite armor afterwards and take on the wer and maybe build like a city and then eventually one day if there’s nothing else to do I’ll just get you guys on the world and we can just chill I actually don’t know I really I really don’t know man but it’s always interesting to see how long I can survive for I survived for 262 days in the last one I’m going to go play Minecraft going to be AFK no worries man no worries all right guys look we’re just getting rid of all these right here here we go just get it all gone man let’s just get it all gone and now now we don’t have to worry about any no way yo Noah welcome to the channel man thank you so much for the donation bro are you kidding me thank you so yo it should come up on the on the screen in a second bro that’s so nice of you man why bro why thanks dude yo there it is thank you so much the man for the for the Euro I’m guessing that is yeah Euro thanks man yo you guys are the best bro FK thanks boys thank you that bro that was so unexpected wait here I’ll heart at you that was so unexpected man thank you so much what the heck you guys are crazy man thank you what oh man yo that has cheered me up boys jeez oh wait dude what the how how many eggs do we have bro yo thanks much the GU to subscribe man welcome to the channel I appreciate you a lot dude welcome thank you thank you all right come on guys as soon as we get like as soon as all these chicken eggs are gone CU like we don’t need any of these we can literally just like get we need to get a bow next and then maybe in tomorrow’s stream we’re going to be going for that um well we’re going to be basically ready for the Ender Dragon I think which is going to be crazy so close to 9,810 Yeah man so close dude it’s crazy you farm so pigs and cows and chickens but you still eat potatoes yeah I know I don’t know why I I just feel like potatoes give you so much it’s just it’s I I don’t know man they’re just really good all right there you go right hopefully we can get a ton of chickens in there now and they can do their thing okay thanks chickens oh man yeah thanks Noah yo I don’t I don’t think Noah’s actually spoken in the chat before he’s just come in and dropped a a donation and hasn’t spoke oh thanks bro you think they should add rice to to what bro to what um okay right guys what do we need so right we’ve got that in there we’ll keep them in there as well um we do need to make a food chest to be fair because what does XD mean it means like laughing doesn’t it okay um nice okay right yeah let let’s quickly make a chest for food just just so we know what we’ve got you know as long as we know what we’ve got that’s all that matters and we’ll get rid of them eggs there as well okay right so we’ll make the food chest up here Perfect Right any any food guys is going to go in in that chest right there and then like to BU review we have so much of it like all of this food here will last me the whole entire series probably you know bread is good food bread is such a good food um food source as well yeah Bread’s great as well isn’t it I need to start like um get like a full on oh wait no I already do I was going to say like a wheat a bread Farm like a wheat farm but I’ve already got that okay is there any more food okay there’s got some right there dude let’s just get the let’s just get it all gone man just get it all in one chest just so we know what we have then and then we have to keep going through every single chest to find them there we go perfect and grab okay nice okay nice I think that’s literally it now just go all in here like that and now we can just nice dude that that is a lot of food though that that will last me a long time probably probably like 30 days or something 40 days of hotcore Minecraft that’s crazy that’s crazy but yeah no if you’re still here bro please speak in the chat bro I really I really appreciate the the the donation man okay but yeah boys I’m so happy I’m so happy with this stream we’ve managed to get our whole armor set done speak any language to English no man I’m just I’m I’m just I’m just British dudee just English all right perfect there you go chickens have do your thing I’m sorry baby chicken oh okay buddy okay okay buddy nice Channel yo thanks man there he is thank you so much Noah I really appre appreciate you man thank you thank you so much for that donation man you’re awesome bro you’re awesome thank you the Ender Dragon is nothing your ch um your chest sorting is your final boss yeah that’s true guys that that is true the chest sorting is is just on another level to be fair right okay so we’ve basically done everything guys really I guess the only thing that I will do for in this stream now is hopefully get my sword repaired but like apart from that we’re ready to get on to the next level right here we go oh wait no we need to get a bow don’t we yeah a bow um yeah no no dude the end the what the Ender Dragon swoot me into void guys it might it might happen I’m just saying it could happen there’s a high chance that it’s going to happen right let’s get them boots there there we go um uh okay I have no idea what he just said there bro all right name tags actually know what I’m going to name you after something oh my world bro thank you so much for that Dono man I’m going to call it Noah bro I’m going to call it Noah got you bro got you got you man all right I’m going to keep that in there for a minute though until I think of something okay right uh get rid of all the name tags get the gold ingots going because uh you know we might as well rest in peace of my netherite helmet no wait did it break no way guys what’s going on dude all right there we go yo we we can get so many gold golden apples now like it’s actually insane right where’s okay so that’s all of our tools right there we got our food our apples nice okay right we’ll put that with the other ones see I’m I’m trying to sort through them a little bit guys like the chests I’m trying do we have any more bows I don’t actually no I I do somewhere where is it there it is right if I combine them will it be a full yes it will Perfect Dude Perfect all right nice um put these in there there we go and then we got right we’ll keep the gold in there for a minute uh what do we need guys power one we need power ones now for um our bow and then and then we’re good to go bro it’s already night time are you kidding me okay I guess we can stay Al for a minute um stay awake for a minute cuz I need to kill some mobs oh yeah guys if anyone’s new please hit that subscribe button man I’d really appreciate it boys oh yeah we’re on the road to 10K which is crazy oh come here go away oh yeah like alternative said earlier on one subscribe equals one cookie I don’t know where you where you guys can get the cookie from though all right let’s put some torches around here I don’t want my mobs to get guys was anyone here when the creeper blew up and it blew up the whole farm that was literally the worst thing ever okay nice dude these mobs give a quite a bit of XP to be fair and then obviously what who he decided to 360 no scope me did did anyone just see that oh chill out skeleton where is he uh does anyone speak different language except to English not not me man I just speak English okay right we will play some uh torches down here as well oh no way how did he shoot me then we’ll give a cookie yeah guys see cookie yeah thank thanks man thanks for the support right let’s kill this guy real quick bro that creeper is above me I feel like he’s going to drop me oh my God there’s two of them you don’t want to do this skeleton please Spanish whoa sorry one second Spanish German Dutch and French dude that’s that’s a lot man you speak a load of different languages yo that’s that really that’s really cool dude that’s really cool oh my gosh okay we’re good we’re good we’re good right come here right we’re level eight okay we like again we won’t have enough to get a load of enchants but maybe a power two bow for now we do just anything yes yes guys yeah this is the second stream of the day I’ve already streamed today I streamed literally a few hours ago but I just wanted to get my armor Enchanted and we finally done it um nine I know what that means it means no right okay come here guys the skeleton’s aim by the way is actually incredibly insane oh okay there we go actually guys I know what we can do for XP we could just go into The Nether but have amazing aim dude no they actually do you guys in the next stream we’re going to go to the Blazing Fortress in the Nether and we’re going to kill a ton of blazes and get the Eye Of Enders at some point as well um and then we’re going to go to that end guys like the end stream is like the end of dragon stream is going to be insane cuz you guys know what I’m like dude I I’ll probably get swooped into the void by the Ender Dragon and holy there’s a lot of mobs these guys in AIM is crazy hey oh my gosh there’s so many mobs uh-oh okay wait the Z the zombies are fighting each other nice it’s good job that they don’t really do that much damage against me oh wait my sword’s about to break I should be careful I should probably be really careful here my sword is going to break and then that will be it I’ll be done for have to use my axe for a second oh that skeleton just saved me don’t get a creeper sneak sneaking up on you yeah that is so true Noah the amount of creepers I’ve had um sneak up on me dude and destroy my like my builds and my and my farms and stuff dude is actually insane okay oh no oh no there’s a baby zombie oh jeez they are the worst guys they are the worst oh jeez okay no no not today let’s heal up a little bit there we go all right my hel how is my helmet almost broken the heck how is that guy still okay I’m going to have to use my sword for this oh jeez oh jeez oh that creeper just saved me oh my God that creeper just saved me bro right we’re level 13 is that enough no I don’t think it is oh how much that how much have I got on that 104 okay we still got quite quite a bit on it skeleton no not skeleton skeletons are too op dude I know right they’re actually so good it’s crazy there we go we got him we got him all right nice and we get rid of this guy if we can okay buddy he he just waited until I unshielded and he just came for me dude the good thing about this is that we’re getting a ton of um Bones from this this is what we need we really need this uh the bones as much as possible okay right we we actually got 15 bones out of that that’s not bad that’s not bad so now now we can get bone M mobs go roll up you dude look how many mobs are here oh my God there’s four creepers okay oh jeez oh jeez are you’re using Google translate oh oh you’re speaking to oh okay oh my gosh no dude that skeleton just shot him into me oh jeez guys sorry one second it’s like it’s like I’m playing like Call of Duty zombies again I’m getting destroyed oh my God okay wa is that enough yet no it’s not okay right what’s my sword my sword’s really low I need to go and repair this real quick oh wait I still don’t have enough XP I need one more bit right I need level 17 level 16 okay one more level oh no no creeper guys imagine if this imagine this is how I lose to a creeper o nope not today bro not today there there we go okay level 17 all right we’re good we’re good uhoh okay nice nice nice yeah guys we’ve gained 11 subscribers today that’s crazy man thank you so much to everyone who sub who’s hit that sub button seriously man you guys are just I I don’t know what to say at this point oh oh okay okay guys why can’t I hit you I’m so bad okay let’s go home oh but I cannot read another language right let’s place that down thank you and dude eventually when I get done I need to level this out a bit feels like it’s bleeding from the inside wait why what the heck that’s pretty weird okay right we’re home okay where is the we need to repair our stuff we do need to repair our helmet but we need to repair our sword oh wait wrong one oops um okay our sword is good wait that was all of our levels of XP there’s no way okay that that’s fine that’s fine all right nice good we’re good to go we’re good to go but yeah guys I will be streaming again tomorrow um yeah to everyone that is is new to my is new to my channel um I do stream quite a bit um I might be streaming tomorrow um I might be I’ll probably will be streaming at 7:00 p.m. U GMT time 7:00 p.m. for the UK oh yeah have a One V one guys okay nice GG’s and now it’s turning daytime great the one time that I needed XP and it’s turning daytime already oh nice wait we got that get out of here so APM for me pretty much yeah come here creeper dude we have got so much like gunpowder like it’s actually crazy yeah guys what what should I do for 9.9k Subs when I eventually reach it what what do you guys reckon please don’t say block my castle because like my castle is my main thing I I I could do anything okay that zombie could have ended this for me then if if if that zombie hit me in that creeper it would have been over I reckon all right nice level six all right boys we’re six levels in which means now we just got to focus on the bow enchantments dude and the bow enchantments are just going to be it’s just going to be something else it’s going to be hey Jon what is your favorite biome in Minecraft I have to say the one that I’m on now the just the normal standard one um ooh power I could put Power two on it straight away I don’t know man no it’s probably cheaper to just do it one at a time isn’t it I actually don’t know I I really don’t know right um okay right let’s grab a bit of this then let’s see what we can do here so I need to get power one books I don’t have enough God damn it dude yeah guys get power one books is going to be a nightmare can I not get one more book is level six mushroom biome oh yeah all the mushroom biome like the mushroom biome never I’ve never I don’t think I’ve even seen one yet to be honest I don’t think I I don’t think we even saw one on my last World either guys I think this is like the first time I’ve seen one whoa hold up oh wait no that one actually will that work if we put like that with that one oh my gosh guys we’ve already got a wait the Anvil is already broken guys what no way how’s how’s my Anvil already broke I’ve only just made it I’m going get that midnight stack all right man no worries dude wait what the guys I’m so confused bro I’m so confused but yeah okay so it’s it’s going to take me a bit of time to do this but um so I’ve got a load of stuff that I need I need to do next stream guys okay I need to go mining for coal and no sorry iron and Diamond so I can get my Anvil so then I can make my I can put enchantments on my bow so I can then go into The Nether um no so I can then go into the end and take on the Ender Dragon I don’t even have any iron now I can’t believe that dude I actually can’t believe it how don’t I have H okay that’s fine that’s fine make small and easy Iron Farm yeah I could do that I could do that oh 100% I could do that yeah I need to I need to for sure yeah that’s probably what my goal is going to be I’m going have to make like an iron farm and then I’m going to have to just just go for it how long have you stream in total today I think 5 hours I’ve stream for an hour and 20 minutes right now and then I stream for 2 hours and 45 minutes earlier on I actually did know yeah something like that it’s been it’s been quite a long one oh okay great and now it’s raining again God damn it dude God damn it I can I can go and quickly check if there’s iron in the mines real quick before I end but let’s have a look dude this sucks J just make a digital Miner to get everything you need it’s an item from a mod oh okay but imagine if that actually worked imagine if that was actually a thing I I could just do that you know that would actually be crazy bye yo alternative thanks so much for tuning into the stream today man I appreciate the support dude I appreciate the support all right let’s go let’s let’s just go down try and get a little bit of iron we don’t we don’t need much just a tiny bit just the I mean yeah we need like enough oh look there’s something right here we just need enough to make a um an anvil guys that’s literally it just enough to make an anvil and we’re good we’re ready okay right let’s go down here oh jeez this is scary all right all right any High creepers leave oh wait no that’s oh jeez oh look iron this is what we want man thank you imagine if the creeper jumps down this hole actually I should probably not say that he probably will do it go away oh yeah dude one subscriber away man from 9,810 like already like what you guys are just smashing the support man you guys are seriously smashing that support oh smashing that support big time you guys are the best you guys are literally the best dude oh man it’s just going to get more and more hyped now every stream oh every stream where’s the is dude normally there’s like massive massive like iron you missed some some deep SL yeah I did I can go and grab that at another point though we we will be doing a stream one day where I’ll just um stream for the whole day just making like the um like the castle but um I don’t know when Dude Where’s the oh here we go perfect right so how many do I need so I’ve got n so at home I’ve got 10 27 28 29 301 32 I need 32 in total okay I’ve almost got enough I’ve almost got enough already guys perfect and then uh then I’ll quickly make the Anvil before I end and then um next stream it’s time to really Step Up A Notch boys no puns in no puns in intended of course for like the Notch Apple okay okay I I’ll just keep going all right awesome yeah I do need to go grab diamonds as well at some point but hey it’s fine as as long as we have a bow guys we can take out that end that end the dragon in no time you know it should it shouldn’t really be that much of a threat I hope I really hope all right is there anything around here any more iron that I can grab on my way through no none where’s all the iron at oh uhoh oh that was close go away Creeper all right there’s none down here okay guys right we’ve got I think we got enough I think we have enough wait 9 18 27 I think I think I think we do um I don’t know yeah 32 yeah yeah we we do have enough okay be good qu time of waited for much infuser to finish making Ste dust for me oh wait you have like so it’s like a mod where things are getting done for you that’s actually kind of crazy that’s actually insane what the heck imagine that in normal Minecraft like in the normal Minecraft world that would be insane dude all right we’ve made it back okay I’m going to go upstairs make the Anvil oh man and boy it’s time for us to get ready for the Ender Dragon which uh will be in the next few streams um bro I don’t know why this stream has so much Vibe I love it a lot oh thanks man I I appreciate it dude thanks dude I appreciate it bro that’s uh that’s always good to hear you know that’s always good to hear bro how was it Easter yo W welcome in bro I just started so bad you there welcome in Reggie it it was good you know it was uh yeah it was pretty it was a pretty chill one apart from working it was pretty good what about you bro uh are you going to build a mega base yeah I’m going to build a massive Castle um so at some point when I’ve got like a day like off work or whatever when I’m free I’m going to stream for like from like 10:00 a.m. for throughout like the day and see if I can make this whole thing in that one day but for now it’s just taking a while so I thought I’d do that you know I thought I’d do it in an actual yeah all in one go at some point otherwise it’s just going to take ages dude good thanks y that’s good to hear man but yeah guys before I end I want to make this uh this Anvil quick yeah dude two streams in one day what the heck no it’s a machine mod where you can um things and but I’m just starting um so I need by hand oh okay yeah I mean obviously when you first start out it’s going to be everything’s going to be by hand isn’t it but hey you’re you’re going to get there dude you’re going to get there right awesome I have a appeared again you have now turn around and tell me why what J you know how to say hi in Mexico what in Spanish I is um um you need get shers for they make building yeah dude they actually do I I had shers in in my last series um didn’t even get to use them properly cuz I fell into the void um but yeah I will definitely get some oh man right guys let’s get this done and then I’ve got to go get ready for work guys for tomorrow I’ve got to go get everything ready oh man oh man as much as I’d like the stream for longer you guys know how it is boys but hey two streams in a day that’s not bad I’ve got some bad news going on bro what is it what is it what happened bro what did you do this time service will work um just a normal just like a normal standard job I guys I used to do this I used to do like the youtubing um but then um yeah I got an actual job oh here we go we we actually got an anvil now oh perfect bro perfect right if we get another Power one and get a power three bro this could no oh bro this is bad oh what oh now I’m getting all all the power books you’ve got to be kidding me bro you’ve got to be kidding me right let’s get rid of that one get rid of that one right so we got one power one is there any more no so oh no way I get power three for 30 levels dude that’s actually kind of insane I don’t find anything to eat as nice snack oh no way man C when I spended three um three armocks on Anvil oh really yeah it does suck man it does suck it’s quite a lot isn’t it just for an anvil right yeah guys I don’t think there’s really much more that we can do in today’s stream but tomorrow tomorrow is when it’s going to start getting serious dude we’re going to be going into that we’re going to be getting ready for that end the end the end’s going to be within the next few streams guys trust me I’m going to try and get there before day 100 we’re on day 73 right now and each day of streaming we’re getting like 10 days in So within the next two days we’re going to be going into that end taking on the Ender Dragon once again bro oh man guys I don’t I don’t think I’m I don’t think I’m ready for him you know I don’t think I’m I’m I’m ready for that Ender Dragon right nice well 12 levels that’s okay but not enough we still need a lot more you know was finally getting some chicken yeah dude i’ I’ve got to get them all slayed dude so we get the XP oh that cow just made a run for it what the heck okay really quickly I’m going to see if I can enchant anything else but I don’t think I can and it’s turning night time oh man okay great no respiration one I’m breaking one oh wait I could have oh why did I do that why did I do that bro I mean I could put aqua infinity on my helmet there we go I mean respiration I don’t wait what what even is respiration I thought that was O Infinity but guys as I head to sleep in my Minecraft world and enter a brand new day which is in fact day 74 I’m going to end this stream here guys okay um again yeah it’s was a bit of a short shorter one than then the last one obviously an hour and a half but I did stream for 2 and a half hours earlier on I just want to say thank you guys so much for all the support on the channel 9,889 subscribers guys we’re getting so close to 99.9k um sorry to 10,000 and it’s just absolutely insane and Noah thank you so much for your donation I really do appreciate you a lot man if you guys haven’t done already please come and join my Discord is right here what streaming tomorrow about 7:00 p.m. GMT or if not about or 8 if not it’ll be 8 8:00 but yes guys with that being said thank you so much once again for all the support and um bro 9,000 00 subscribers I actually can’t believe it like that that is it is crazy um bro yeah love you so much see yo thanks bro I I appreciate it ancient and W welcome to the channel Ancient welcome thank you for the double content bro thank you for subscribing I really appreciate you man thank you bro guys hopefully overnight we’ll hit 9 9,810 I I don’t I don’t know the the thing is with you with YouTube you gain some and then you lose some but it’s all good man tomorrow we’re going to get the grinding done and it’s almost time for the end and I’m getting really excited so with that being said thank you all so much for watching have a great day enjoy the rest of your Easter I guess or April Falls day and um yeah thanks dark I’ll see you I’ll see you soon buddy I’ll see you soon yes Noah thank thank you so much for your donation and for joining my channel I really do appreciate you buddy welcome to the channel I it mean it means a lot bro it means a lot yeah dude look how stucked out I’m looking now jeez with the good old Gators as well the horse crazy yes thank you so much for watching I’ll see you all in the next one which is tomorrow goodbye guys have an amazing day

This video, titled ‘Enchanting My LAST Armour Piece! (Streaming TWICE IN A DAY?) – Hardcore Minecraft Day 8’, was uploaded by Jtom4000 on 2024-04-02 10:11:12. It has garnered 85 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:33 or 5253 seconds.

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  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

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    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive play.HiveMC.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: https://www.hearthcraft.net Discord: https://discord.hearthcraft.net… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us,discord.gg/KWFqazhCZz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!Video Information [संगीत] स हे वस पीपल वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो में और आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट यस गा आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट और अभी तक जिसने भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करा प्लीज जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और इसी के साथ हम प्ले करते हैं ओके और लेट वीडियो इसके लिए आई एम रियली सॉरी हो जा यार लोड ओके तो अभी लोड हो चुका है एंड हम वर्ल्ड का नेम रखेंगे रखेंगे हम वर्ल्ड का नेम ही आगे [संगीत] डब्लू ओ आर एल डी एच नहीं डी ओके नाम हमने… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-05-20 10:32:25. It has garnered 357 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More

  • Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle – Build or Destroy?😱

    Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle - Build or Destroy?😱Video Information sech the Shameless I see the aimless I don’t want to be one of the nameless I’m wake up with the mindset that one day I’m going to make it and I don’t think I’ll be fine if I don’t break my limitations don’t try to stop me I exist to write my your story I’ll make it decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory yeah don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring just want a life that is worth every day exploring my whole life I [Music] [Music] justed… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!" #gaming #viralVideo Information ha ha ha ah ah [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he huh huh he [Music] [Music] he ah oh [Applause] [Music] haa [Music] This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by Elite Gamerz on 2024-05-10 21:30:00. It has garnered 587 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana Studio

    EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana StudioVideo Information This video, titled ‘See you again dance [Minecraft Animation]’, was uploaded by Shoshana Studio on 2023-12-30 13:30:24. It has garnered 469 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Let’s see each other again! Song used: https://youtu.be/Q4oZDbMiRVo?si=Oso7xoaUvnAfIE-S ——————————————————————— #minecraftanimation #minecraftanimationshorts Read More