UNBELIEVABLE! JP Finds Rare Materials LIVE!

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Oh my goodness the screen isn’t Frozen yes I think we fixed this oh I think we fixed it I can’t do anything about the Wi-Fi however this at least is something I can stream now it’s not like a frozen screen okay uh I’m going to give it a second

For the stream chat to pop back up here and I think we’re good to Go okay um hopefully this works I’m getting quite terrible lag spikes right now um not sure why very terrible a spikes actually I’m just not sure what is going on maybe it’s my computer I I don’t don’t know my goodness let me try Refreshing okay are we live I cannot tell we should be live it better okay I hope so uh I stopped lagging it’s much smoother now okay thank goodness um technical difficulties aside which I did expect to have some tech technical difficulties I always seem to do especially when it

Comes to live streaming but um I did not mean to do that we’re back finally hi welcome back to the stream again uh unfortunately I had to restart that that’s I’m sorry about that but um yeah we are pretty much just going to be cave mining which if you didn’t know

Is pretty much my favorite thing to do and so I wanted to uh stream it it’s okay okay that’s that’s good it’s not crazy good but uh I’ll work on that um most important obviously is going to be diamond ore but um I will definitely

Make sure to grab iron and gold I have some Shuler boxes I cleared out for this as well and uh yeah we’re just going to get straight into the uh strip mine here I never leave a stream oh my goodness what if you have to do do something though what if you’re like

Busy I mean I love the support though I mean I guess technically you could just leave your phone on in the Stream and I guess that works but yeah I definitely thank you though but yeah this is the first stream on the channel here I’m definitely going

To be live streaming more as I am going to be more active on the channel uh I’ve been inactive for a while uh I’ve just been so so busy with school and stuff so but yeah we are getting right back into this never busy awesome awesome awesome awesome okay um

My inventory is already starting to clear up this is concerning to me um I do have extra pickaxes if this one does end up getting uh low on health but um I’m hoping this cave does not end already if this cave ends this soon I’m going to be very disappointed like I love

Um the caves that go on forever because it’s just like so satisfying it just never ends uh I’m I’m definitely really hoping that um we can find one of those veins uh Diamond veins that have like nine diamonds in them because like I’ve found at least three of those today that have

Like N9 10 veins of diamonds and it’s like crazy just never ends so yeah um we’re going to be we’re going to be doing a lot of caving here probably might almost die to mobs multiple times cuz I’m going to get impatient with my elytra and that is why

I have the totem of undying uh I actually did uh pop a totem in the upcoming video on accident because I fell too fast and uh once again just impatient always always impatient oh my goodness there is a spawner here potential God Apple we have a potential

For a god Apple here no God Apple okay there is a name tag and luckily this cave does not just end here which is excellent because now see if we can find any more diamonds over here potentially get some iron and gold here I think I just saw some diamonds

Also let me know if the how the music sounds if it’s too too loud too quiet um how the Minecraft audio sounds cuz I’m still kind of mixing those around here yeah it’s going by really well so far we’re we’re collecting a decent amount of ore but yeah that’s pretty good so far

Oh my holy crap wow hello um this is quite a big area hello holy oh we got some more diamonds in this cave uh definitely a lot of gold here as well so I’m going to go ahead and collect this up this is once again why I love caving in this version just

So satisfying um I’m pretty sure I saw another thing of diamonds but I don’t remember where where did I see that at I know I saw them oh was it up here am I blind I don’t I don’t know okay we’re we’re just going to keep flying around though uh collect up some

Ores here and there the annoying thing is is I’m going to have to deal with creepers they just keep spawning oh my goodness hello holy look at all the mobs here wow there’s so many mobs funk music no no no no I can’t put on funk music I want her to be

Chill maybe I can put on fun music at like when I’m streaming something else but for now let’s let just leave it oh not cave spiders I hate cave spiders so much go away out of here out of here with that let’s go ahead and collect some of the iron

Here oh my goodness look at this iron vein never ending wow that is crazy um but yeah this next video uh should be should be done probably need some milk yeah uh I definitely do not like the poison effects that those things give I’ve died to them plenty of times before

And don’t want to die to them anytime soon inventory is getting full again but yeah uh next video I will be done recording this probably today tomorrow well definitely not today I’m not going to finish it today but um don’t die yeah no I got you I got you

We’re currently on day 308 um as of this live stream so I don’t know why I punched that towards me but he did no damage somehow yeah I’m just going to instead of I’m not going to really prioritize iron and the reason I say that is because I already have so many iron

Blocks I have enough to make like three iron beacons so I am so just I am so so good on iron right now I do not need to to worry about this at all I only oh no not ads come on hold up I wish that I did not have ads but oh

Well wow that got really loud I don’t know why this one particular song is really loud but oh well um yeah that is uh don’t end the stream until morning bro I am not streaming that long I’ll stream I’ll be streaming for like 2 or 3 hours but not until morning oh my

Goodness I do not I need my sleep okay if I’m if I’m to finish this video in the morning I’m going to need my sleep uh wow there is just so many mobs what in I do I’m telling you I do not find this many mobs when I’m like

Just recording there’s never this many mobs that is crazy oh my goodness uh let’s go down see if we can find anything here definitely good finding gold uh gold is very important about as important as diamonds diamonds a little bit more obviously cuz they’re harder to

Get um but we have we have our fortune 3 so we’re going to collect up a lot of ores um this first cave has been pretty good so far it hasn’t been anything too crazy but um it hasn’t been anything too bad either but like it could have been a

Little bit better on diamonds so far like by now usually I have about 20 diamond ore but I’m not going to complain that much we are certainly doing well and uh we have more of this cave to explore anyways and yep right there more diamond

Ore just like that and this is why I just love diamond mining in in this version it is I wish the game could just stay at 1.20 and just not move on but then again I love the updates it’s just it’s so nice I mean just look at that

Just amazing it makes late game so much easier especially when you’re grinding for a diamond Beacon JP the king oh my goodness I’m still fairly new to YouTube so I’m I’m working on it uh but thank you thank you all right um let’s go get some some gold

Here I don’t need to worry about iron I keep forgetting that iron is not necessary and I keep wanting to grab it because I usually do and as you can tell I have a lot of iron already but I don’t need iron I need gold and diamonds only gold and

Diamonds so yeah I um worked on my audio settings as well so hopefully there is no like background noise that’s like too bad and hopefully I don’t sound muffled or anything cuz I I’ve had an issue with that and I don’t have a mic arm yet so I

Can only do so much I’m using like a creative shock absorber right now ooh more diamonds let’s go oh please be a big vein any more any more golden oh let’s go more let’s go here’s your crown Kinder thank you thank you oh my goodness wow there are so many creepers

This cave has not ended yet I am definitely enjoying this so I’m pretty much I guess right now is as good a time as any to kind of explain uh what it is I do when I’m caving how what the method I kind of use

A lot of it involves um like I say NeverEnding caves which which means I pretty much fly through the the big cave areas as much as I can to find all the diamonds right all the diamonds and gold and what and whatnot and it’s also a

Great way to avoid mobs cuz if you’re just constantly moving and therefore you’re just like never ending the cave so when you do that and you just keep moving to New areas what ends up happening is um well I guess you already know but you just you find more

Materials like those diamonds over there and eventually which I hate this when that happens but eventually the cave does end and I don’t feel like retracing my steps all the way back to the Overworld oh my goodness look at those diamonds and I don’t feel like retracing

My steps to the Overworld so what I do is I just dig straight up then when I get to the Overworld I fly until I find another Overworld cave just like the one I entered in with here and then I do the same thing until I have as many

Materials as I need what time is it uh for me it is it’s 8:00 for me here oh hello honestly creepers are just jump scares at this point they don’t deal any damage they’re just scary yeah 8:00 well technically 7:59 but 8:00 all right let’s see here uh nothing in this direction so I’m just going to head back um we doing great on diamonds now say 750 okay well if you want to be that specific yes 758 uh I think 759 now uh not diamonds yet definitely more mobs though hello

And this is a dead end okay I’m going to head back I don’t think I think we still have some extra space here um that is an interesting emote I have no idea what that is it’s like a a mix between a frozen it’s like a frozen ghost or something oh my

Goodness oh let’s go I knew the cave didn’t it oh no this is just a loop never mind okay I’m stupid never mind uh let’s go ahead and fly back this way see what we can find uh yeah I’ll work on stream latency and certain things for the next couple

Streams but for now we’re just going to leave it at what it is um let me pause this as well there we go saves me some space on the internet uh I’m thinking this cave might be coming to a wrap here unfortunately might be almost oh thank

You for the Boost might be over unfortunately no don’t end stream no no no I’m not talking about the stream just the cave I’m not going to end the stream yet I’m going to be streaming for quite a while I’m trying to get a diamond Beacon

Remember that it’s going to be a long stream probably um yeah this cave is over unless this opens up which it looks like it actually does wait oh hello potential I try to stay up you got it you got it I mean it doesn’t really matter um

You can always watch the VOD if you need to I’m going to leave the vods up on a I made a playlist for vods uh live stream vods and I have it under the play the playlist the name is uh live stream or it’s either live or live stream you can

Just go ahead and watch it anytime whenever but yeah uh thank you guys for being here this my first stream I’m still relatively small so even having one viewer two viewers is very nice to have so it means a lot so I appreciate yall being here all right let’s see here

Um go this way see if we can find anything obviously more mobs surprise surprise oh my goodness this is just can I dodge the arrow simulator I’m doing a terrible job of it ooh these diamonds are quite rare now those are um not co uh not not Cobble deep slate those are

Not deep slate diamonds those are very very rare at least they feel like they’ve gotten rare cuz I swear I never find those anymore 801 run yeah I’m running away from them believe me there’s so many of them I’m not finding as much gold as I want to

Actually never mind I have wow I have a lot of gold that’s more than I thought I had we are doing good we’re at 21 diamond ore right now which when I Fortune usually turns into about 30 diamonds um so yeah that’s how long it’s taking me to get just um just 31

Diamonds or around 31 diamonds so as you can tell to get a full diamond Beacon I’m either going to have to live stream as well tomorrow or just do a lot of lot of mining so I might I might live stream tomorrow if I’m not done with

This um but yeah the holy look at all the zombies oh nice Diamond V oh oh any more any more anym no all right that was all right was a pretty good v um oh yeah that’s right how’s everyone’s Christmas I just posted a Christmas themed video is everyone’s uh

Break going so far Christmas is coming up real soon really soon honestly feels like it’s been so Short you did not see that you did not see that I’m just fine this cave is still not oh my goodness this game never ends oh my goodness uh but yeah Christmas is coming up very quickly I’ve been on break for a little bit now that’s why I was able to

Post a video but um yeah yeah I mean I’m I’m fairly excited for it going to spend some time with the family and uh honestly I’ve been working out some more so I’ve just been pretty consistent with everything so far did not see anything excellent excellent you saw

Nothing I don’t even know what you’re talking about saw nothing what do you mean what are you talking about saw what there is nothing to see I don’t know what you’re talking about another baby zombie it’s not let not be Fila here and uh die just run away from that wow we

Have so many directions of this cave to go through this is this is actually really awesome we’re going to be we’re going to be going for a while this is like going to speed up the process really fast as well when when I find like a cave like this that like just

Goes on and on and on it is so nice cuz it just doesn’t end and then I’m just able to get like a ton of ores really quickly yeah I haven’t uh live streamed in a really long time so I am fairly Rusty so if I say like um a bunch

Or pretty much just like any small mistakes like stream issues H I apologize in advance it happens uh but we’re getting back into the gist of it I used to stream a decent amount before uh I had a channel is that the oh no that is scary I did have a channel

Before this but I was too inconsistent with it someday day can you do Alon Al I’m not sure how to say that let me look at this oh that’s interesting it’s like an Elden ring bot ooh uh potentially um I could definitely maybe do that yeah I’m not sure if I’ll remember it

But definitely yeah that that’s cool I can make a video on it sometime that in rlcraft is fun for me I love hardcore rlcraft because it’s just so funny for um content you’ll be like okay let’s start a hardcore you’ll like be mining iron and you’re just going to like it

Just like explodes in your face and you just die all right we’re going to head back in the other direction this uh side of the cave is over um but yeah great progress so far I must say um let’s head back this way wow look at this this definitely has to have

Diamonds there’s no way there’s no diamonds through here there’s no way right there’s got to be Diamonds oh also if you guys uh see diamonds that I miss uh be sure to uh put in the chat diamonds so I can head back and find them think I saw the warden thing yeah I

Do not want to have anything to do with that um I actually had a hardcore world that I made a warden Farm on and the warden Farm didn’t work well it it did work but um like I did it out of order and the warden ended up killing me and I

Was I had like 18 totems on me and I still died so I was I was pretty sad about that cuz I was in like day 700 on that world or something crazy like that but yeah um this series is definitely gotten a lot of progress this

Is like the first series I’ve made a mega base on and I’m I’m fairly happy with how it’s turning out I’ve got the main entrance with the uh snow I I’m going to call it the Christmas Cavern with the Christmas Cavern underneath it and um yeah it’s it’s excellent oh hello

Potential God Apple 2.0 oh no way y oh my goodness we got an enchanted I don’t know why I don’t know why it’s doing that but um hello hello Golden Apple the screen just started loading uhoh it it should be fine yeah oh my goodness wow okay that’s the first God

Apple of the series beautiful okay uh I am keeping this in my hot bar at all times so that I can use it if I need to that is holy guaca moly man oh my goodness for real more diamonds over here as well this stream is looking just amazing so far I’m loving

This man I I just I cannot express how much I love the cave in this game I remember one time when I was doing a video I got distracted with a C saing for 3 hours and just didn’t do the recording and I just ended that like

With just nothing but me Mining and I was like oh cuz I got that distracted and I didn’t even realize I was recording I was so distracted I didn’t even realize and so yeah uh oh we’re back here okay so I haven’t gone left yet I don’t think

Right uh yeah okay so I haven’t gone this way oh let’s go look at all this dude I cannot believe this cave is still going only use it when you need it exactly I will only use it if I have popped a totem and I have quick slotted

To another totem and I’m in threat of dying or like I absolutely need it um I do also plan on eventually grinding up God apples holy moly look at that cave oh oh my goodness don’t need God apples only need yep definitely yeah no I think I’ve only had one world where

I’ve chugged a god apple and that was the one with the warden that I still died to so yeah but then again I’ve only had God apples in those World in that world so usually I find um pink sheep hold on I’m going to take a little bit of a hydration break ah

All right but yeah oh my goodness I have never had a cave that has lasted this long though oh my goodness this is insane how are how are the materials looking so far oh hello too many moms a little lightheaded there but that’s all right I think it’s just that I’m really

Tired right now I’ve had a fairly long day so we’re sitting at 28 diamond ore almost two stacks of gold wow okay um I’m going to keep actually no I’m going to throw out the iron we don’t we don’t need the iron at all um wow there’s a lot here uh are there

Any diamonds uh I don’t think so go ahead and look for anything that’s like cheeky hiding somewhere here collect up the thing I don’t need lapis I’m I’m pretty good on enchanting um I could grab some lapis don’t get me wrong but I don’t I don’t think I really

Need it that bad okay we’re back here oh I cannot believe I didn’t even see this holy that is very lucky of me to be honest o there’s more right here let’s go wow that was lucky do I need lapis no not really I pretty much have maxed gear

Um I use villagers usually I have a villager trading Hall um I would say go watch the video on that if you haven’t already but the video is actually kind of bad so don’t I I honestly just started the YouTube channel trying to post like a

Bunch of videos just so I could get started with the world and so the videos are like all like terrible quality um so yeah that’s that’s kind of why I have so many starter videos okay there’s got to be something down here there’s no way there’s there’s nothing down here just no

Way no there isn’t wow okay um let’s head back which direction do I want to head in um let’s head this direction does this keep going I think so no it doesn’t okay we might be yeah the Christmas one I’m very happy with thank you I I I um

Made that one in about 5 days I took I in 3 days I did the recording it was about 10 hours of recording and then I edited together edited it edited it together in about 2 and 1/ half days so yeah I’m very happy with that okay never mind the cave is not

Done oh my good this okay I think we’re back where we were uh what’s over here let’s go up a little bit and see what we can find um I’m going to set my okay my monitor is on ice right now wasn’t sure cuz it’s

Kind of getting late and I don’t want to have super light um super bright lights okay let’s see here yeah I have been here yeah there’s gold all over this area here was there gold like behind me you mean or just gold like right around

Here not me to fall there okay do not ever let me parkour I’m just I’m so bad at parkour oh my goodness holy okay um where where on Earth do we go next you know what I’m going to go straight up here this is going to work yeah yeah

Just like this okay so that’s that cave done um I’m over here wow I am I am the nether portal is right over there by the way so I’m going to head uh This Way sort of towards my home base and we’re going to look for above ground like

Caves just like this one and see if they go down to the Bedrock level is usually what I do behind you passive and flying okay well I I’ll I’ll make sure to check it next time that’s my bad oh my goodness my frames laggy laggy laggy

Okay um there’s a lot of gold here and this does go down to deep slight so I think we’re good can you stop Bo me please can you quit please I would I would very much so appreciate it if you just left me alone all right so yeah there is a cave

Here I don’t know if it’s it’s a never ending cave it might just be like a really small cave it looks like but um let’s see here yeah know this cave ends really quickly let’s down here uh some diamonds nice still got some diamonds even though I don’t think

This cave is like no give me that diamond or nice uh even though this cave is not really that good take a parrot oh dude I remember having a pet parrot I do need to comp iion yes you’re right I just don’t want him to get hurt

Though cuz I’m going to be caving and there’s so many mobs I don’t want him to die how about this whenever I’m done caving I’ll I’ll get a pet parrot and I’ll take him home cuz I do know where the jungle bi is all right um yeah I’ll probably name him after you

I’ll just name the paric corn or something JP got dripped uh sort of I don’t know if we’re talking IRL or in game but I’d say both sort of bro these creepers do not be doing any damage I cannot lie they’re they’re supposed to be like scary at any stage

Of the game but now they’re just like a joke they don’t deal any damage all right uh it is a night time right now Lush cave yeah unfortunately that cave ended very very quickly so we’re not going to be able to use that but yeah uh let’s head this way I

Know there was a cave over here cuz as I was flying over here there was um a lot of caves on the way and there’s a village over here as well with hopefully a potential cave that we can use name him nugget okay definitely will do that

Then hello welcome to the stream Sheck thy welcome back or welcome I don’t even know welcome to the stream I could say welcome back after the second live stream I can’t say this during the first one I got to get this in my head I’ve I’ve

Live streamed before this is why I have that ooh potential cave okay let’s see here ooh oh ooh o I like this I like this a lot let’s not pop a to oh oh I really like this bro your voice is like AI generated uhoh am I lagging is it the

Stream that’s not good oh this cave is excellent in what way is my voice sound AI generated okay okay um let’s see here a oh there’s another spawner oh my goodness let’s go this is huge okay uh another potential God Apple for the stream can I get two God apples

Back to back no we cannot okay never mind literally uh I don’t know I wouldn’t say my voice sounds autogenerated unless it’s like a setting or something I heard this voice many time from Instagrams it’s not a it’s not AI generated I’ll tell you that much this is my actual voice okay we are getting really lucky this cave is insane okay uh hold on we’re going to have to pull out the uh

Shuler box first no God yeah no got Apple uh this is going to show you guys what I have already um I’ve already done some some mining a little bit and wow we are at 62 diamonds right now wow okay doing very good on materials here let’s keep that going we’re doing great

Actually right now we probably got about stack and a half of diamonds worth and um yeah that’s excellent okay there was diamonds back here right I think so I’m going to have to pull out the resource Sher here soon cuz Ringle on fireworks and food well not food but

Fireworks I’m doing fun on food oh man I just cannot stress to you guys enough just like how much I love mining bro it is so fun I love just going in the caves and just doing this it’s like my favorite pastime I swear it’s just so much fun for me but like

Only if I’m doing it for something if I’m just doing it for no reason then it’s not not this fun but like for this one I want to get like diamond beacons and stuff I will uh eventually consider getting a netherite beacon um but probably not till I’m you know a little

Bit of a larger YouTuber here for now I’m just focusing on Improvement more diamonds wow this is just excellent we found another cave that’s just never ending oh there goes my cat um but yeah this is just like a never ending cave which is amazing we always love to see those never- ending

Caves always great to see them um cuz yeah it can be annoying to find the caves as sometimes they just you have like a cave that goes down to uh deep slate and then it just ends and you just like wow what a terrible cave but yeah we are we’re doing great

We’re already back up to 7 diamond or or can you suggest any noise cancelling headphones um anything by Skull Candy is excellent um right now I’m using the Skull Candy um I think they’re called base Crushers or whatever or Skull Candy something it’s a it’s a headset that’s

Uh base focused I have about it’s like a $200 for it but they range in price you can get some for like 150 100 um and they’re not nois cancelling so this one’s just for base but I’ve had Skull Candy I think we we have Skull Candy um cancellation headphones but um yeah

Anything by Skull Candy they’re they’re really good with that we have great headphones great for noise cancellation the boy a minor yes sir you bet both literally and figuratively I missed these diamonds somehow I don’t know how oh oh my goodness I really missed these diamonds that is crazy if I

Would have missed that I would have been sad but I wouldn’t have even known that can you show me your base bro uh I am currently thousands of blocks away um you can actually see my base though if you just go on my channel I

Have videos on all of them I have videos on my futuristic base on my the thing that’s under my futuristic base which is pretty much an extension so that’s the most recent video and then I have the digging and building of it the digging took part in two two

Videos I believe two different videos how many days are you currently I’m currently at 309 but we are doing excellent in progress wise I mean I have a lot more technically to the um world than just my mega base but I I would show you I’m just I’m nowhere near that place right

Now and I don’t want to get too distracted but yeah thank you guys for tuning into the stream it means a lot to me um especially considering this is my first live stream on this channel and that I am still a relatively small channel uh I wouldn’t say even

Relatively small I am I’m just a very small channel so but yeah you guys are the ogs that is for sure I’m hoping to get better with editing and all that all that stuff and um Yeah you guys are definitely the ogs here let’s see here bro I have 1600 days hardcore world with mega builds are and other stuffs like Legend Of Armor but I don’t know how how to put uh I don’t have know much how to put much content on YouTube uh

Yeah I feel you on that I um started a hardcore world before I even started YouTube and it was it was a a thing where I didn’t I like wanted to post videos and I just waited till I made a mega base and I didn’t even I didn’t

Even do that so I definitely got used to the game first before I posted and then I just started posting but um how did I start um I guess I’ll give you the the original story there was a game called craft my friend tell me that if I

Started it would be massive yeah Mega builds are massive bro you always you think whatever you think triple the time like however if you think it’s going to take you 45 hours triple that that’s pretty much how it always goes unless you like know what you’re

Doing and then maybe maybe you can you know get it done in that time but even then it’s still a massive time sync um so how did I start uh well the simple answer is about like it’s been 3 years now so I first started um a channel 3 years

Ago but I didn’t have any software any like ability to edit and so it was as you could probably guess it was pretty terrible content I didn’t even have a microphone so it it sounded really really muffled always and um yeah show me your mods uh I currently have fbite on uh the

Block uh I think it’s realistic blocks or whatever coordinates AC Crosshair mod and full bright one of the gamees called ice monster but um when it comes to starting I just pretty much started it with a friend of mine and um we both kind of progressed to a certain point and

Um we’re still best friends to this day which is awesome but um he doesn’t do YouTube anymore and um I hadn’t done YouTube in such a long time and I told myself I really wanted to do this and not even like not even necessarily for any particular reason I

Just thought it would be like good experience and it would be fun and it’s a good Pastime for me especially because I’m caving and I love caving um I have to get out my fireworks or I’m going to Die here we Go for Minecraft content the views are pretty much 10 times greater than the subs you had yeah but um I started 3 years ago and I would be a lot better at content than I am now if I actually had like editing software why is this getting sad bro I don’t know

Why is this music so sad hold on I’m going to change it to the next one uh oh it’s cuz it’s at the very end I got to I got to Loop it there we go all right we’re back at the start that was a very end song I think I

Was just trying to wrap it up in a nice little bow tie or something okay that cave was pretty great I can’t lie 14 more diamonds 31 gold nothing crazy nothing terrible play Minecraft’s on playlist nah I mean I could but I mean like it just feels like those ones

Aren’t chill type things cuz some of them are like up tight some of them are like fastpaced and like Pig step and stuff is copyrighted too I don’t know I mean I don’t really care about copyright right now but well this is not a very useful cave

Wow I am lagging a lot don’t forget to Parrot no I’m not going to forget the parrot but I’m not going to do it right now I I have a jungle that’s near my base and I know where the jungle is at all times cuz it’s uh directly next to

My wither skeleton farm so if I need to find the jungle I just go to my Wither Skeleton Farm which I have a wayo for potential cave o that’s pretty tempting to take but I don’t need iron um never mind this cave sucks absolutely terrible cave let’s go ahead and look for another

One there’s a village in a ravine yeah that I don’t know Minecraft generation is kind of strange I can’t lie oh also chat let me know if we find another cave if you guys want me to turn on the sers enhanc the fall shaders I’m not sure if it’ll lag me too

Much but uh yeah let me know if you want me to try it see here I don’t see any caves yet why is there house in the cave I don’t know the Villager just he wanted he wanted to be different I think oh my goodness look at my

Elytra wow if my elytra does get too low I might end up having to mine some of the ores to try and heal it um or I could head to the end actually to find it or to go to my um Enderman Farm that’s not that’s the

Wrong one war Forest hello it’s this one right no okay why is this not working I might have to reload the world yeah my points aren’t working right now that’s annoying but oh well uh does this cave have anything for me yes yes yes please um yes it does okay awesome please play

Fon okay give me the name of a song and I will look for it we will we will see I don’t know I’ll consider it I’ll consider it ooh more diamonds hello let’s grab this gold over here H you know what I should do hold on

Hold on let me find that one there’s a good fun song I know um what is it called let me pull it up uh where is it loaded with delicious details no no no no stop stop stop stop quit that quit that no we are not going to we’re not going to do

That uh I think it’s called Ghost Face player ah here we go yeah Ghost Face player why not it’s such a good one got to make sure the ad yep there’s ads okay let’s have that muted please tell me there’s not another okay this one is so good I love this

One this one is so good Bonkers by staple gun okay I don’t think I’ve ever heard that one before I usually listen to the guitar remix of this one the guitar remix is so good it’s very good I love this one I don’t think there’s any other diamonds here yeah it’s a great

One o more diamonds let’s go oh all right hello all right chat here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to turn down my render distance and my simulation distance all the way down and I’m going to try turning on shaders and Hope my PC doesn’t crash oh my goodness foring current

Viewers right now thank you guys so much for tuning in to the stream you guys are the the first viewers on my first live stream right now mining Montage exactly although I am not recording this right now um however I will tell people in the video video if they want to check out

The um uh what’s it called the live stream B they can oh yeah these shaders look so nice I love this so much and my frame rate is amazing too I’m just so glad I got an upgraded computer it just it’s so nice o more diamonds hello so so nice oh hello

Hello that is a big vein that is definitely going to be a big vein please do not attack me anymore go away go away goodbye I don’t know why the shaders mess with my um Minecraft Texture so much but I can’t really do much to fix

That okay um what was the one you recommended Bonker staple gun I’ve never heard this one so I’m going to give it a small listen before I play it on stream just to make sure all right um can’t see chat right now so just give me a minute wow this

Cave is excellent oh my goodness look at this cave oh we are just this is an excellent mining stream so far I can’t lie I think I know this one do I know this one yeah I know this one okay there we go all right I’m playing

It oh my goodness look at just the amount of diamonds it’s just an endless amount there we go anymore no I need to get a feather falling on my armor it’s like the only oh hello oh my goodness I’m turning off shaders let me know if you guys want it

On or off now that you know what it looks Like boners by St gun yeah I’m playing that right now can you not hear it you should be able to hear it yeah you can okay awesome oh my goodness look at the amount of diamonds oh hello I’m going need to get a bucket here look at how much diamond ore we

Have right now holy yes thank you you’re welcome you’re Welcome oh yeah there’s more diamonds let’s go thank you y I think I just read that twice oh yeah my ELC is getting kind of low uh I’m going to need to heal right here soon and by soon I mean like really Soon that’s interest that’s trippy bro goes left to right holy that’s cool oh I knew it how did I know chat how did I know there was more diamonds I don’t know I’m just him bro I’m just himy I’m so good at this game yep look

At that not even taking damage from that well half a heart but close enough now watch watch diamonds y yep I knew it I knew there was more how did I know how did I know chat how did I know I don’t know I do this so much I’m so good at

This I need to um more n cities for elytras cuz it’s actually getting kind of annoying that I haven’t gotten more than like one elytra which is really crazy cuz I’ve got a lot of Sher boxes but like I only have one Ely and I haven’t like passed up on elyas I just

Genuinely haven’t found one with the ship which is actually kind of absurd to me like it’s super unlucky oh let’s go I knew I saw those diamonds there I think I have another one do you remember the rain Elmo edit no I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever seen that one 37 diamond

Ore let’s go chat let’s go let’s just let’s go man we are just on a roll look at that more diamonds right here wait what I was bridging up here and I never collected the diamonds hello wait what wait what I’m so confused what I would never just leave the diamond

What uh I don’t need to go up here you like that little 360 right there that was amazing I’m so good um don’t see any diamond ore here although I might be going backwards I don’t quite know where I am right now I feel like I’ve been here

Before wait I come back okay it’s fine wait is that a diamond y I knew it okay you found one all right I’ll play one more and then I’m going to go back to the the chill stream the chill stream music Oops I did not mean to do that I was

Trying to eat food all let’s go this way oh I want that gold called chuga chuga Choo Chu what in the world is this is it the original version Um there’s got to be some more diamonds here oh my goodness two ads back to back unskippable that is just criminal that’s got to be criminal oh my goodness we found some more above ground diamonds look at this well not above ground but non deep slay diamonds that’s crazy okay listen to

This it’s a rap song dut that up yeah I don’t know I can’t I can’t seem to find it if you give me the um title and the author of it I’ll be able to find it who’s it by who’s it by I I’ll I won’t like guaranteed play

It if it’s like a bunch of curse wordss in or something but no mobs in here or not mobs no diamonds bro this cave sucks I have no idea what that means okay I know oh I know gmfu what does that mean a different song gmfu well who’s it bu by ODed oh yeah no I’m not playing that on Stream I’m going go back to the low five for now um I’m not not finding like any diamonds in this cave which is kind of annoying I can’t lie but um I don’t know oh there we go I just got to keep going to the point where the cave like

Just extends down and then I can get more diamonds that way it’s too easy it’s too easy chat look at that look at all those diamonds just too easy look at that chat look at all these diamonds right here look at this oh my goodness oh all right Oh hello I did not expect to keep falling there ow all right um I think I have some more diamonds here yeah there’s a bunch of diamonds wow okay hello I’m over here all right and then there’s some on the roof over here what’s up dog what’s going on anti got

It found one neon oh I think I know that one wait hold up think I’m pretty sure I know this one oh my gosh more ads only ads I cannot watch a single thing without getting like two unskippable ads it’s crazy oh yeah this one’s so good I don’t

Remember if it has any like first sword I don’t think it does how am I getting shot in the air hello oh my goodness you see that movement everyone oh my goodness yeah I’ll play this one on stream all right there you go SS like a pretty good F song I got to

Say very very Nice oh hello how did I miss this y oh my goodness y’ you see that look at that diamond M right there that was crazy we’re up to 57 plus four we’re we’re at like 61 diamonds right now not counting the stack of diamond ore we have in the kker

Chest let see here amazing music thank you it’s suggested by uh OG corn over here more diamonds let’s go roach ran away I’m assuming that’s like a some kind of name for song this is the best part of the song This part of the song is so good oh another potential God apple look at this oh yeah um for those of you that are just tuning in chat right now now we got a uh God Apple oh hello we got a god Apple from a dungeon chest which is

Actually really uh lucky really really lucky so yeah that was pretty insane uh where am I going where am I as a matter of fact I don’t know where I am or where I’m going ooh this has been quite a this k does not end look at this another one of

Those never ending caves again well that was timed perfectly with the song too that was amazing uh no Diamonds oh hello yep more diamonds let’s go when song ends someone try find one I’m going to stay with loow five for a while after that I’m not going to do song requests for a

Bit just cuz I want to focus up and get some more war oh hello oh look at my elytra health holy I got to heal my elytra chat uh I’m not going to fly back home I’m just going to use some of the ore we have I think probably like Redstone and whatnot

And see how that does so one thing I didn’t take into account was Smely ow I don’t know where I came from I don’t know which direction I need to go in or where I’ve been but at this point I’m just flying around yeah this song was goated still looking for diamonds over here we’re not going to go this way all

Right let’s go back to the chill stream here chat back to the twitch stream uh little five beats mix one more please no no no I can do some later but not right now no no no not right now we’re going to hold off on that for a little

Bit oh also chat let me know if the music is too loud or too low um definitely don’t want oh my gosh definitely don’t want to have um super loud or too quiet so just let me know oh don’t don’t give me that face come On I got to focus you like the song Awesome getting sleepy well maybe you should go B you’re tired and too loud just a little bit lower okay I got you how’s that oh chat we are up to three stacks of deep slate and two stacks of diamonds doing good chat excellent um

Let’s grab some extra baked potatoes up in here oh yeah that’s the iron I was talking about I got like five stacks of it no not go bed okay that’s fine well if you go to bed make sure to leave your uh phone on on the stream it’ll give me uh extra watch

Time I swear every time I try to go like eat food or something uh oh my goodness I see some cheeky little diamonds down here hello oh there’s no there’s only two oh how lame oh let’s go even more hello again I have tablet though oh okay never

Mind that’s fine honestly you guys just being here supporting me means pretty much the world to me so I appreciate it a lot I mean just y’all chatting with me and stuff keeps it entertaining for me at least I don’t know where I am right now

I’m not I’m not going to lie to you I’m going to be 100% honest I don’t know if I’ve been here before or where I’m going but I’m flying around and if I find diamonds then that means I haven’t been here but um the looks of it I’ve been

Here I don’t not see anything wow that is a really okay yeah I’ve been cure before I remember this I don’t know if I’ve gone this way though have I gone this way doesn’t even matter it’s a dead end oh no got pretend sleep someone coming Uhoh it’s like past your bedtime or something Okay um I don’t see okay I’ve been here before I don’t see any diamond ore I’m just going to leave this cave now um I think this cave oh wait actually uh no I’m still going to leave the cave I think this was pretty good um we’re going to go look for another

Cave here oh no wait I can’t that close one yeah all right hold up chat I’m going to load back in the world really quickly so that I can get my way points going still up awesome I don’t think you should you know if you do have a bedtime

Though you know you should probably um obey it though I’m going to change the category to Minecraft I don’t know why I left it on people in blocks no bedtime no bedtime okay how much terbly 73 I can make it back home I think right you think I can

Make it back home chat or do you think I’m going to miserably fall to my death I’m kind of more towards that I’m going to probably fall to my death you decided your bedtime is 3:00 a.m. oh my goodness that is quite the late bedtime latest I go to bed’s about

1 and even then that’s really late for me oh my goodness thank you guys for the seven likes stream’s doing excellent so far awesome you guys seem to be enjoying it I can’t tell the durability because the elytra keeps showing me gibberish this is not helping me I can’t

Tell can barely sleep only thing I drink is Mountain Dew wow I don’t think I ever had Mountain Dew in my life I drink pretty much tea coffee milk and orange juice that’s about it matter of fact I have tea right next to me for the uh stream here keep me

That keep me up keep me energized pretty much it tastes good yeah a lot of things that taste good though usually aren’t healthy for you I ain’t going to lie though when you’ve been like working out for a while or been like doing a lot of physical

Activity water is like the best drinking oh my goodness best tasting drink ever you want hot cocoa hot cocoa is good I love that I think chat we might make it home but we have 38 durability left 37 and I’m getting a little bit worried the good news is we’re over in

Ocean at the moment the bad news is we won’t be by the time my Elijah is about to die so I’m trying to speed this up as fast as I can to get back most sneak out the bed be back all right there’s a ocean Monument over here

Another jungle really close to my home 30 durability all right we did make it back home um barely but we did make it so I’m going to head to the creeper Farm that’s what I’m going to do and then we are going to probably um creeper Farm should be where am

I okay creeper Farm is this way and we should be able to heal this a little bit and then head to the end for the end farm and portal oh actually you know what I’m just going to head straight to the end portal I think I think we can make it

Honestly Chad do you think I’m going to make it or do you think I’m going to run out of durability my bad Honestly though chat this stream is just a w just because of the enchanted golden apple had to hide under the table oh my goodness stealth mission mission impossible over

Here almost got caught oh my goodness okay I will say this right here right now chat stream I do not condone this I do not condone this do not disobey but if you must I will definitely take the free watch time all right uh this is the Enderman farm

That should heal my elytra all the way back up excellent oh yeah killing nman in time with the music too easy look at that that sounds awesome wow holy moly my elytra is healed I forget how quick that was or how quick that is wait chat I just realized my tools are not

Netherite what am I doing how are my tools oh my goodness I need to get nether uh upgrade templates what am I doing 311 312 chat I cannot believe I don’t have netherite tools that’s crazy okay uh let’s see what we have so far we have about two stacks of diamond

Ore um a half a stack of regular diamonds uh about three and a half stacks of gold ore here so um chat I’m going to try and shoot for about three stacks let see about three stacks of diamonds maybe uh actually how long I’ve been streaming for how I checked that

Has it only been an hour wait how long have I been streaming for how do I check only an hour wow only been an hour dang feels like it’s been forever I guess I did start streaming around 7:58 that’s true all right yeah probably end stream a little bit later dare you to

Put sticky piston under Village bed okay no no no I’m not going to do that I’m going to have to pass on that one let’s go ahead and refill our fireworks here please no no no no I got to get to mining man oh wait hold on I

Have like no sugar cane do I not have a sugarcane farm oh please tell me I have a sugarcan farm I don’t think I do I really need to make a sugarcane farm chat we’re going on a slight detour I don’t have a sugar cane farm and this is very concerning because I’m

Out of sugar cane Chad I’m very concerned right now this is the only sugarcane I have please no no no no no I’m not doing that all right I’m going to put this up here we’re going to wait for this to grow so while I am uh doing this here I’m going

To mine some of the ore uh do Chad do you want to start with diamonds first or do you want to start with gold first which one you start First diamond all right bet let’s go uh let me go grab my auto clicker so I can place this quickly oops over here all right it should be should be good right yeah wait hold up I need it to be 10 milliseconds here we go wait no what is that a burrito no

Burrito oh yeah look at this look at how amazingly fast this place is blocked auto click your time let’s go look at all of this diamond door here oops not mean to do that get all of this diamond ore that is just CRA look at this this is all the

Diamond ore we have mined here isn’t that just insane all right let’s Fortune this up here all right we are doing good I’m not sure how much this is going to turn out to be but um I do know it’s going to be probably a couple stacks I hope um I

Know it’s at least it’s got to be at least three stacks because we got two stacks of diamond ores and we have fortune 3 so we’ll be fine keep that safe all right chat I’m not going to look at my inventory until I finish mining all this

And then we’re going to see chat put a prediction as to how much or how many diamonds you think we’re going to have like how many stacks of diamonds can you type in chat hi yeah hi 400 400 diamonds how many stacks is that equal wait how many stacks does that

Equal I don’t know okay I’ll calculate it a lot yeah it is definitely a lot I could see it being about 400 actually that that could be pretty reasonable math yeah exactly all right and the final diamond ore right there okay now before I check this

I’m going to go see how many stacks 400 is uh 400 / by 64 that is 6 and a half stacks of diamonds 1 2 3 4 5 okay definitely not 400 but five stacks is really good for only two stacks of diamond orc like hello that is wow that’s impressive how many

Diamond blocks is that 34 okay so a full Beacon is about 2 and 1 half stacks of that block So yeah we’ve got a lot to do uh definitely have a lot of diamond mining left now as far as the gold goes if I get 34 from two stacks then in theory each two stacks is five Stacks so five Stacks so about 10 Stacks so I’ll have

About a stack of gold or in here and um oh I have some spare diamondss I didn’t convert so yeah all right so we’re up to about 37 blocks of diamonds here very very good so far uh chat we’re going to go find another cave here and

Um after we’re done with those caves and we head back home uh uh that’s where I’m going to end off the stream so it’ll probably be around the 2 Hour 2 and a half hour Mark I don’t like those G yo chat day 312 making some good progress here all right let’s see here uh these mountains usually have good caves usually no this one’s not a good cave I’m just concerned with my firework amount cuz like I don’t have many fireworks

Here I guess I should just like grab sugar cane while I’m flying and then that way I’ll be a able to make some while I am when I run out what is JP xjp girl I don’t know I don’t know what you’re referring to oh we got 15 J here theying pretty Good I definitely don’t like the ocean here though this is annoying trying to find land so we can go into a cave with the wellgo CR cardn uned 2% on purchas you another ocean Monument there on what you need like memory foam inserts that’s real life ready visit wellsfargo.com

Holy how long does this ocean last oh my goodness please tell me it’s over yes let’s go no more ocean it’s definitely new chunks you can tell just based on the way it’s loading in uh we’re looking for a cave uh Cave right here okay uh now does it

Go down to deep slate is the question it does does it end yes it instantly ends okay never mind this cave is definitely not worth my time um chat chat you think this cave is it think this cave is the one chat potentially we support you JP thank you

Appreciate that I mean honestly just being in chat is great way to Oh wrong pickaxe honestly just you being in chat and just you know typing and you know talking back and forth me and stuff is just you know a great way of supporting me um it also keeps me entertained while I’m

Streaming cuz I do be getting bored hello hello diamonds please thank you very much all right chat we’re going to go for for diamonds again but we’re also going to go for like every little bit of gold we have or we find this way we can

Start getting we can get the gold Beacon tonight hopefully uh I don’t know if I’ll smelt it all down tonight 911 called the po po nah we don’t need to call them 911 we’re fine um so basically yeah uh I’m not sure if I’ll

Smelt it all down cuz I don’t know if I will feel like making glass furnaces oh yo oh check that out I just found diamonds while mining gold wow that is that is crazy OS 912 yes it is now 9912 all right let’s see what else we got in this cave over

Here y once again if you guys do see any diamonds uh type diamonds in the chat as it will I will definitely look for them um which I just just I did just see those diamonds over there so you don’t have to type diamonds for those cuz I did see

Them oh let’s go come on yes I knew there’s more there’s got to be more right just do okay um but yeah my percentage is 11 oh wow you need to plug your uh tablet in I definitely like the song it’s quite the vibe oops I want this very BBY song to be

Honest you go charge it all right awesome it’s got to be more diamonds right no just a one thing all right okay now I will be getting like all of the gold but I’m not going to get gold that’s like hard to get like ones that I

Have to build up to just the ones that are like I can fly over to easily oh bro what this is the second time I’ve been mining gold and found diamond ore dude what is my luck right now oh my goodness that is insane Ane that’s two

Times in like the span of 5 minutes if that wow okay o hello more diamonds all right hold up chat I’ll be right back give me like 10 Seconds all right chat we back we back we back we back mic’s on okay awesome all right okay um there was yeah right Here oops this cave is quite the W I can’t lie it’s at two what’s at two you mean like the Tablet yeah I got to turn off way points I’m just kind of annoying Me where in the world am I bro I on this way my battery power oh my God how did it lose that much battery that quickly went from 11 to 2% that fast wow ooh let’s go more diamonds W’s W in chat it’s only one Diamond okay no W in

Chat that wasn’t a w that wasn’t a w w Vin uh nothing interesting so fine all right yeah I don’t see I don’t really see anything else here so I’m just going to going to I’m just going to leave this cave honestly dang I’m getting low on fireworks already look at

That Chad I might have to end the stream like early because I’m going to run out of fireworks I can’t lie I mean obviously I’ll I’ll like go home before I you know end the stream and whatnot but um I will uh probably cuz like I don’t I don’t want to have to

Wait to get sugar can So oh I love this song don’t forget the parrot oh yeah that’s right let’s go do that now actually grab A I need a Seeds no no to what what let’s go grab some seeds yeah this is Fortune yes Okay where in the World I am not getting any seeds hello oh there you go I got got one seven wait what don’t end stream I’m not ending stream yet I will soon though where’s the Wither Farm I need to know where that is okay it’s this One grab the sugar can over here as Well All right uh chat we are going to head towards the Wither Farm cuz I know for a fact there’s a jungle somewhere in between that area um we’re going to cook some sugarcan along the way as well so I can set up a sugar cane Farm cuz I am

Running a lot on fireworks and I want to have a source of fireworks for the next stream which will be tomorrow uh probably ear in the morning uh by early I mean like 10:11 so definitely not that early actually um so I’ll definitely be streaming earlier tomorrow if you want to tune in

To that tomorrow uh early in the morning and yeah oh what the heck what the heck I like what is that that was so weird um but yeah in a hardcore world can you make a zoo uh you could yeah technically you could do that with Mobs or uh like zombies and

Creepers and stuff depends technically you can do um like an animal type zoo and then you could do like a mob type one tomorrow is the weekend yeah I know right I have the same reaction it’s like oh my goodness I’m free to stream tomorrow and work on the video as Well cuz you had school yeah I’m on break thankfully till uh January 9th so I’m I’m pretty good dang oh hello yes I needed one of these oh my goodness I actually needed one of these for um for uh totems I need to mark this this is huge uh

Totems I needed this because um I only have two totems left total so yeah that’ll be very nice to be able to grab more totems cuz the only way I actually got tot was from the guys randomly spawning so and that was a really long time ago as

Well all right chat we are still heading towards the jungle biome here uh hopefully we’ll get there fairly soon who has pizza today awesome and um Yeah we’re going to go get a pet parrot here we’re going to name him um I don’t remember the name actually what was the name uh I don’t know I a Chat it was called Uh nugget that’s what it was it was nugget will you delete that comment I didn’t delete it I haven’t been deleting any comments I haven’t deleted any of them I think they just keep retracting it nugget yeah I remember now I don’t have any name tags though so we’re just

GNA have to call nugget oh wait hold on I’m getting distracted chat chat I’m getting distracted chat chat I got distracted wait chat chat I can’t hold on I can’t stop myself chat chat this cave is is this cave is too good to pass up chat I can’t

I can’t chat I’m sorry I can’t I’m distracted now oh no Chad I want to mine again oh no Chad I have to conserve fireworks if I’m going to do this I can’t do this oh oh now I really want to mine now I really want want to go mining

Holy look at this cave this is insane oh my goodness this cave is awesome three diamonds let’s go oh yes let’s go oh how did I know that oh chat I’m so glad I checked that chat I’m I literally the parot I’ll get to the parrot I’ll get to the parrot I’m just

I’m I’m enjoying this amazing cave right now oh this is awesome look at this cave CH it’s all right it’s all right chat I got it I got it just think of this as just think of this as I’m making the stream longer another potential God Apple oh let’s go potential God Apple

Here we go nope no God Apple what in the world no God Apple unfortunately it’s fine it’s fine I’ll get the parrot I’ll get the parrot trust me I will um what’s over here more gold CH we’ve been live for an hour and 40 minutes look at that that is quite

Impressive we have made some good progress for under two hours I will admit however I’ve used like all of my fireworks just kind of bad but it’s fine we will be fine chat I’m going to head this way and see if I can get out safely I’m I’m

Running really low on fireworks and it’s kind of concerning me just a little bit um but I just can’t help myself I mean look at this cave like how can I pass this up it’s just it’s free diamonds and um I have a little bit of sugar for

Fireworks but like look at this how can I pass this up chat I need to like put a wayo for this that way I can come back this cuz this is just a good cave like such a good cave here yeah that’s what I’m going to do

I’m going to collect a decent amount of materials from this so far I’ll Waypoint this I’ll go grab the parrot and then I will head home I just I’ve got to be sparse with my uh materials here otherwise I will run out and I do not want to run out of

Materials so that would be very very bad down the six fireworks here um I see more diamonds is always awesome you love to see it we’re up to 37 diamonds right now please parrot I’ll get the parrot I will I’m just not going to do it right

Now I’ll be done with this cave in a little bit um more diamonds over there all right I’m going to grab these two other diamonds chat and then I’m going to get out of this cave and go for the parrot oh let’s go play a hoot I don’t know what that is

I’m going just leave it on low for now I’ll probably leave it on low five for the rest of the stream to be honest I don’t usually take song suggestions so I don’t know holy what in the world is this okay you know what I’m setting a waypoint right here

Um okay here we go uh I’m going to go grab the diamonds that I saw over here wait where was it I’m pretty sure I saw diamonds over here okay whatever um I’m going to go fly up and get out of this Cave cuz I need to get out of here all right chat let’s dig back up in Surface can you play something sus no I definitely not I’m definitely a like I try to be a PG YouTuber so oh can you say something sus uh M I don’t know I mean you could but I might immediately remove the message sorry I misread that

Message all right we are going to go ahead and go try and get that parrot now um can I say something s like I said you could but I might instantly remove it all right let’s go ahead and craft up some more fireworks here uh there should be enough to last for

Now some more sugar cane over here please um well like I said you can but I won’t I can’t promise I won’t remove it depending on what it is okay now I’m not I’m not saying that well technically you’d say spell it but I would say I will say

Iup but I’m not going to spell it potential um o Mesa biome hello potential desert temple here actually chat let’s turn up our runer distance Mangrove swamp see what we can find over here potentially a desert temple which should be very nice to have desert village don’t know desert

Temple yet though cuz in desert temple I could definitely no I’m not going to spell it still no the temp there’s that Village over there still please no I’m not going to spell it why would I spell that please troll no not going to all right

Uh okay I don’t think this desert has a desert nle I’m not going to lie desert sucks there’s like nothing here getting a little bored well we’re heading to the parrot so it’s just taking a while unfortunately but I know the jungle is like right here so it’s right over here to the

Right ooh another potential God apple right here chat chat wow look at all the sugar cane here Chad we are we are getting wait is there no chest here where’s the chest oh there’s the chest uh no God Apple unfortunately chat however there is a lot of sugar cane

Here so I will definitely be collecting this up and um yeah cuz then I can make a bunch of fireworks out of this yeah look at that oh my goodness yeah we’re good chat we are good on fireworks holy chat look at this oh so many

All right chat let’s go ahead to the wether Farm I did not find a desert temple somehow in all of this desert I don’t know how that’s possible but um I guess it is I didn’t realize that a desert could not have a desert temple for that Long wait chat there is a cave you have eight likes o w D’s in the chat for the eight likes uh where is that cave I saw a really good cave I want to go in it where is it no Chad I lost the cave no whatever I am lagging a decent amount

But it’s cuz I have my runer distance up it’s Fine all right chat another Village still no desert temp ah here’s the jungle chat finally what would you do if I had a million likes uh probably ask them all to subscribe because that would be a w i could get them to subsscribe all right hold going grab some seeds

Let me turn down my render distance a little bit I’m lagging be some because of this oh my goodness look at how many seeds I just got in like two seconds all right chat we got to find a parrot we are looking for a parrot chat looking for a parrot let’s

See I don’t see a p oh hello and they’re my favorite color come here love me love me oh let’s go come here other one come here oh they both love me oh that’s so amazing I’m going to name one nugget and one Chicken that’s chicken that’s nugget

Let’s go we have chicken and nugget let’s go ahead and fly back home now excellent uh I hope they follow me do they follow you if I fly away are they going to follow me please tell me they follow me how am I going to transport them if they don’t follow

Me wait chat how do I I can’t transport Them Chad this is an issue Chad I can’t transport them oh there they are hello where’s the other one there you are don’t run into the cactus please how do I get them to teleport to me like dogs do can you oh can you fly on my shoulder

Wait can you guys fly on my shoulder if I jump you fall off come on get back on my shoulder come here get back on my shoulder oh come on oh my goodness they fly with you unless you go down oh chat chat wait

Wait wait wait I can have the BL on my shoulder wait uh nugget come here come here nugget oh hello stay away don’t hurt my parrots come here come here nugget no I’m so sorry I’m so sorry how do I heal you what do you eat I don’t

Even know what you eat I’m so sorry I did not mean to hurt you stop getting hurt please pick up come here oh there we go okay chat they’re coming with us chat oh no chat oh my goodness they fall so quickly I’m going to have to like go straight up

In the air okay I need to make some more fireworks sh hold on hold on hold up hold up hold up I got a lot of mobs after me right now chat I think that’s enough fireworks that should be enough don’t hit nugget I will try my

Hardest not to there’s just so many mobs okay here we go chat we’re going straight up and we’re staying in this area until we make it home and we’re going to take our birds with us please do not fall off my shoulder okay we’re still going

Up all right that should make us be able to get there hopefully 4,000 blocks is quite a lot no they fell off no come back birdies no what if I fly up here bro do I have to wait for them to flutter their whole way down no way

Right don’t kill them I’m not going to kill them okay you know what chat they either teleport to me or they don’t I’m not that’s too much work I’ll get more later if I need To I hope they teleport to me what is this song oh we’re at the end chat I hope they teleport to me chat okay I do not like that the chunks are not loading okay there we go I was kind of nervous there for a second the chunks weren’t

Loading if I have to I’ll grab the ones from the jungle um later and I’ll I’ll grab like new ones or ones or I’ll grab the ones I have there and what I’ll do is I’ll go put them on the in the Nether and then I’ll

Just bring them on the nether roof to the other one play funk no I’m not going to play funk oh what the heck that scared me all right chat when we get back home um I’m going to place the sugar cane for the sugarcane farm and then I’m going to

Mine the rest of the gold ore and then we’re going to end off stream there so yeah I’ll be live streaming tomorrow morning uh working on this video some more and um yeah uh you guys are watching the VOD to this live stream thank you so much for tuning

In to this so far you’re sleepy ah yeah I feel that pretty tired myself um but yeah we will um pick this up tomorrow as well and um if you’re watching the VOD next one will probably be posted by now so yeah what in the world is this

Hello never mind it’s a dead end again pretty cool cave nonetheless though oh I passed my home what am I doing hello I’m stupid what time uh probably 10 or 11 is when I’ll go live again all right chat we’re back home JP what time probably 10 or

11 all right uh let’s go ahead and place the sugar cane and we’ll get going you can’t see can’t see what is the OBS not showing what in the world oh it’s bugged again great okay um great I don’t know why it does this hold on

Chat we’re going to try this again we’re going to reset the display capture again Chad is it working it’s a black screen still okay chat we’re going to play like this for the rest of the stream I’m not going to I’m not going to bug test it

We’re going to play like this for the the rest of the stream unfortunately I don’t have a choice but um it’s fine cuz we’re we’re wrapping up the stream here I I really don’t know why my OBS is being so buggy But yeah chat uh thank you guys so much for tuning into the stream um I’m going to go ahead and mine those ores and then I’m going to end off there go ahead and get this down wow we have a lot of gold to go through and even more

Diamonds 43 to be exact very un impressive loving that all right chat uh we’re good on fireworks too we’re doing great on that let’s go ahead and place this Down oh yeah chat check this out in infinite bridge look at how fast I can place blocks I love this I can like literally Telly bridge look at this I am bad look at that Telly Bridge don’t end it I’m going to end end it here

Soon I D I haven’t Telly bridged in so long it’s also hard cuz the auto clicker is already going oh yeah look at that all right chat uh how do we still have so much more Oops I did not mean to do that how do we still have so much

More gold to play that’s crazy when it when end it say byy OG corn the cppy bar okay I’ll say bye but I don’t know about the last part all right chat that was almost all of the gold and look at what we have created oh my goodness go ahead and use

The fortune pickaxe on this now chat I don’t know what is going on with the display capture but for some reason it just randomly gets stuck and I I don’t know why I don’t usually have this problem um I I don’t know why it’s doing

That but um I might have to like work on it please I’ll say bye just not the I don’t know about the last part I don’t know what that means oh yeah chat got to put the music back on all right hold on chat for the end of the

Stream we’re going to put on one song and this song is a w song all going to love this song all right chat we just hit the two our live Mark and we’re sitting here with seven likes which is awesome so yeah thank you very much CH it’s an animal oh

Okay but yeah uh this is way too high there you go but yeah chat um thank you guys so much for tuning into the stream honestly it means a lot I don’t know why my FPS is so bad oh my computer is dying right now chat this is

How you know it’s a sign you’re going to need to stop the stream soon when your computer is lagging like really badly just for no reason to Neon blade yep all right uh let’s see here chat I’ll probably smelt this off stream actually no I want to smelt this on

Stream so I’ll definitely make sure to smelt this I just got to grab the stone for it and then turn that into Smo Stone best part of the song Hands Down chat this is so much gold to mine holy moly there’s so much Chad this is crazy oh my goodness it’s still going this is crazy oh my goodness my inventory is so full I can’t fit anything else in it

Holy hold on let me convert this into blocks of FR gold well I know that I have a stack worth of of gold right here uh I’m not going to smelt it because it literally tells me how much I have just like that JP yep what’s

Up that’s not what you the auto clicker by the way I just did that uh regular clicking all right uh chat we have our first stack of raw gold here which uh means we need to do two and a half or one and a half more of that which is quite a lot

Uh unfortunately but that is fine for now that’s pretty good progress I would say on today’s video so far and we’re going to go ahead and do the diamonds now I love this Auto clicker that is so satisfying my friend at school searched up okay I am going to remove that message

I don’t think that was very Appropriate all right chat how many diamonds you think we’re going to get out of this 47 Diamond Ore here all right chat final prediction here we go I’m saying like two stacks okay I am bro only only a second half which is 10 more blocks of diamonds which is good sorry now you’re

Fine oh my goodness where is my here we go look at that we’re almost at our first stack of diamond blocks which is crazy uh we have enough for the iron Beacon here we are getting um good progress on the gold and diamond Beacon uh which is really really

Good more like most likely I will finish up the diamond Beacon and gold Beacon tomorrow and then I will during the video make the spots for them and do the emerald Beacon so yeah chat that’s going to conclude the first stream of this channel uh thank you guys so much for tuning in

Uh sorry for all the technical difficulties but thanks for just sticking with me and um I’ll see you guys in the next live stream peace out oh also before I in the Stream uh bye OJ K thank you for popping into the stream means a lot uh for your support all right peace

This video, titled ‘Mining Materials For Beacons LIVE… (Minecraft Hardcore)’, was uploaded by JP on 2023-12-16 02:59:32. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:47 or 7607 seconds.

Welcome back to a live stream of the minecraft Hardcore series! Hope you guys love this one. if your reading this I bet you vibe with my content so you should totally subscribe 😀

Tags #minecraft #hardcore #minecrafthardmode #motivation #survival #survivalletsplay #minecraftseries #youtuber #minecraftseries #builds #buildseries #building #village #diamond #enchanted #enchanting #totemofundying

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    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More