Unbelievable Minecraft Builds by Ace Gamer

Video Information

All right did you update your Minecraft yet oh he might have muted no I’m I’m good okay I’m don’t think I updated it we’ll see it’ll be fun Hello everybody welcome back to Minecraft Tuesdays I’m H hello hello what’s up fuzzy fuzzy I saw you commenting in

Kirby’s stream saying um why aren’t you streaming with with ace and I was in here streaming and I thought that was really funny uh it’s good to see everybody back uh for another stream Um yeah it everything should be okay and this time I’m starting to get better at actually being a good streamer so I have my chat up and I can actually talk to you guys 6 pm. EST is that what it says it shouldn’t it should say noon did I not change

It oh you have a 3D print suggestion what’s your 3D print suggest on Twitter he reading the wrong oh oh oh oh oh oh I see what you mean I see what you mean my schedule I forgot to update my schedule I thought you were saying I

Posted the wrong thing dog no offense nobody looks at my Twitter so I’m not too worried 3D print the noise from Pizza Tower so uh oh I got to update I got to figure out how to update so um I actually was looking at some of the

Stuff so if I can recommend anything quick shout out to my 3D printing stuff um how do I upgrade update latest release there we go so I had it updated I was just using the old one for my shaders so I can did you buy the monitor thing for chat you were

Talking about no um so I would probably buy that from like AliExpress or something but literally it’s just a small monitor no what I’m looking at is there’s this um I use dual monitor so I have like everything on my left monitor um actually I have a horizontal

As my main one and then a vertical one on my left and the vertical one on my left has Kirby stream My Stream and my OBS so I can make sure that it looks good for you guys um OBS is up so I can make sure that like everything is

Working right and then the yeah so that’s that’s how that is but I have chat like out I’m working on maybe getting another screen just for chat oh yeah and also happy New Year I have some plans for a stream today we’re going to do a bunch of like New Year’s

Chatting and then um I know it’s not Minecraft and it’s not also not like gaming but on Thursday I’m going to be doing a I know I don’t really think that YouTube does like just chatting as much as twitch does but basically I’m going to be doing like an IRL just chatting

Stream because I kind of want to do something lowkey to like catch up for new years um I don’t know I was kind of inspired to do something a little bit like more chill uh but updates about the channel and then I’ll get back to the comment about like

Suggestions for stuff to 3D print because that was a great that was a great comment I wanted to talk about that uh updates so as you can see I now have both of my working printers up and running as a source which is awesome so

You guys can watch that go um I’m kind of and now back on the grind printing out stuff so that’s exciting what’s printing right now is uh my most recent video the drippy bucket I posted a um I posted a video about the drippy bucket and that is going to

Be um I’m printing another one because it it turned out really well sorry I’m losing my trains of thought um yeah I’m definitely going to play Pizza Tower not exactly sure when um so next week I’m going to be on vacation unfortunately uh for the channel but um unfortunately for

Me cuz I’m really tired it has been a long stretch here for the fall and I could really use a break after my Forest Hiatus in November and everything along with that uh Christmas I could really use a break uh also I think I mentioned this earlier but I officially graduated

With my masters like I got my masters um and so I’ll be S you gota be you gotta be careful with that word in the vtuber sphere why graduated oh yeah yeah no no I officially got my Master’s so um I’m going to be celebrating all of that and then also

Um but yeah so that means all of next week Tuesday and Thursday I won’t be streaming at all but then when I get back I’ll be looking at like what games to play um so yeah that’s all the updates on that I still will be posting videos like

Normal cuz that uh luckily enough I can like schedule videos or schedule shorts and stuff so um I understand it’s not um it’s not like stream content and if you’re here for my stream content totally understand but uh check it out if you’re interested cuz I do also put a

Lot of work into my into my short as well um and I’m also working on a really really big project it’s so big even Kirby doesn’t know about it yet um it’s like so exciting um I have to do a little bit of work on that today maybe

Tomorrow but it’ll be all week next week will be this like really big project uh I’m hoping I’m still working on like all the specific so I can’t talk I can’t uh I can’t talk too specifically about it cuz I’m it’s still working um other than that if you guys have any suggestions

For stuff you’d like to see me print um a little shout out to and I can um they’re in my bio on Twitter but I don’t want to have you guys like have to worry about going there but uh printables and thingss they are the best repositories

For 3D printer files I’m going to be a little selfish and Link My Own so that’s my things account and this is my printables account if you’re interested in learning more about 3D printing those are the best places that I’ve found to like get files from to 3D print and you can just

Go and you can go in there and like search up stuff th that those are my accounts specifically cuz I make some models if you’re interested in any of those please give those a a follow um and then always if you’re interested in seeing me print something you could uh

Send me a message on Twitter or leave a message in chat or something like that Twitter would probably be the better place for that cuz then I could like see the link to the place I don’t think YouTube lets you put links in chat um I

Think it’ll get Auto modded but yeah um other than that let’s start gaming because it has been a we have been doing a lot of talk here Pino spaghetti from Pizza Tower I don’t know if you can find the if if you can find something on things or printables

And you have a suggestion for me I’ll definitely take it um yeah yeah I have a list of games that I’d like to do in the new year and I’ll talk about this more on Thursday but um I want to be really ambitious with the stuff that I’m doing

For New Year’s or in the new year I mean so so yeah uh with that I should also turn on my oh that’s loud my music there we go oh so I’m trying to I think I addressed everything that people were asking about in chat yes yeah yeah there’s a couple of

Games uh that I wait wait wait wait wait wait can you print the pizza Tower the pizza Tower the pizza Tower the pizza Tower the pizza Tower yes yeah can you print the pizza Tower sure uh so I’m trying to think there was something that I wanted to do oh that’s

Right that’s right that’s right that’s right I wanted to find a good location for this I think I want to go here how far does the beacon go let’s see okay I lose it over here so maybe I need to put another Beacon here uh yeah also fuzzy I apologize I um I

Quick I was making all of my uh thumbnails and everything for this week uh right before right before I posted my uh video to fillian and so I was kind of rushing through things and I just missed that it said 6 cuz normally my streams are always on at

Noon um but yeah I’m live at normal time that’s my that’s my bad good catch by the way is there a pizza Tower Minecraft add-on for Bedrock there is okay well we uh Kirby and I had talked about possibly doing um like oneoff mods so we could definitely look into that um

So I had I believe it was I don’t I no offense towards anybody I I’m not a huge fan of saying people’s names from chat because I don’t want to mispronounce people’s names but um I try my best so if I say like oh chat said this and it

Was you specifically I’m probably talking about you specifically I just didn’t want to mess up your name anyway um there was a chatter that said that they had a another exam since we last streamed which was Thursday if I remember I want to ask how it went if they’re still here I don’t

Know also I’ll be eager to see if we have um Kirby you remember um Orchid Lily right the one chatter that showed up a few streams ago yeah she I she was streaming last night and I and I uh watched it it was pretty cool so oh

There we go there we go there we go let’s go it was great the exam was great that’s good to hear it was uh physics if I remember correctly right but uh yeah I’m I’m interested to see if if uh Orchid Lily will be here

Today or not because uh I was in her stream last night the stream Awards awards is today is that the one from Steam like the steam stream Awards or is that oh the stream Awards my bad uh oh that’s the Cutie Cinderella one yeah the what think QT Cinderella Q Cinderella oh

My this guy do I have to say it don’t make me say it Ludwig’s girlfriend oh I would have never gotten that award that before the steam Awards she she hates when people associate her as Ludwig’s girlfriend I even if you had said Ludwig’s girlfriend I still wouldn’t

Have known who you were talking about I don’t watch uh real life stream the steam Awards yeah we’ll see we’ll see I know I know uh exactly why you’re asking uh Pizza Tower was nominated for uh soundtrack of the year I believe and I think it has a pretty good shot

It’s up against Persona 5 tactica oh I already did vote for pizza Tower uh I voted the first day it was up definitely not just because I got steam uh points for [Laughter] it uh Kirby’s like uh I only vote for uh Super Auto pets oh yeah for sure that’s

The only game I play why would I vote for anything else um um yeah but I I I hope it wins it uh it has a good soundtrack I think tactica is too new to I don’t know though there’s a lot of those that win Awards because they’re in people’s heads like Mortal

Kombat 1 was nominated for for something um yeah and how Spider-Man won all of the game awards yeah every single how everybody is so angry but I can’t wait I recently saw a a YouTube short of people who were Spider-man fans reacting to Boulders gate we every single category and it was really

Funny I’ve got nothing against Spider-Man I think it’s a great game oh oh oh oh I have a question in my chat that I think would be great for you Kirby is lethal company a good game what’s your genuine opinion on this so um I I definitely don’t want to sound

Like a shill when I say this but we did play lethal company last week and um the VOD for that is up on the channel um it was quite the experience Kirby so I went in blind I had never played before but Kirby had play has

Played quite a bit and so he just I think it was by the end it was like three times that You’ killed me got like cuz the first time we saw that we saw that’s a bit disingenuous I three times times I got you killed oh that’s real different from

It’s different it’s different it’s different so so we walk in and the one monster is there and he’s like whatever you do don’t look away from him you have to stare at him and he goes right from me and kills me and I’m like oh why did

He kill me I was looking right at him the whole time and then later on in the Stream somebody was like oh yeah by the way that monster only kills you if you look at him no no no no you you have to look at him to make him go away but you

Can’t stare at him yeah so uh also s the same chatter asked what’s your opinion on Pizza Tower my opinion yeah I haven’t played Pizza Tower oh okay okay uh I saw it when it was in early development and I giggled at the animations and everything um but I never really

Followed up on actually playing it but it is something I’m interested in playing I got it on sale I will never forget when Mike got so pissed at the game he refunded it because it doesn’t let you rebind off of um unless like it’s in a new update it doesn’t let you

Rebind off of you it won’t let you use the joystick and remap controls what you can’t remap controls yeah so I was watching while playing a different game so like I don’t know all the specifics about it but he got so pissed he refunded the game because the

Controls are made for a d-pad they’re not really made for a joystick oh and so I think yeah I remember that which if that’s why I think a lot of those people like Vinnie Vin sauce and stuff really love the game because they like he grew

Up on you know like Mario World and stuff which it’s based off of um it’s based off of like War land and stuff like that so you know of course it’s going to be made for a dpad but it’s just I’m so used to playing games

On a joystick it’s hard it’s really hard to to embrace using a uh a d-pad keyboard and mouse oh yeah keyboard and mouse is the meta for Platformers there so one thing I want to do is I want to play company is only good if you have the aeiou company mod

Installed hey shout out shout out to when I kept saying Kirby dead LOL Kirby dead lamu that was funny or the time when you died and you were spectating me and it was just me hitting the gritty that was a good one okay I want to look up bamboo and sugar

Cane cuz there was one that I saw that was really good and I wanted to build it there it is the best way to make it okay let me pull up hold on I got to pull I’m going to like last time uh this build is not my

Own so I’m going to pull up the video that I’m referencing so give me a second everybody I want to make sure I dot my ey eyes and cross my te’s all right so you guys can hold on for a second I want to pull up the thing so I

Can show the fu okay cuz this was a lot of fun when I did it last time U maybe I should leak my uh actual name that’ be really funny don’t you your IP address uh you should sleep uh Kirby can sleep no it’s raining

And I have my tri if you sleep ring Kirby death L yeah that’s that’s actually what happened I just typed in chat Kirby dead lamu ah keeps wanting to save it to the same spot which is not right uh okay now I need to go to open OBS and make these

Thumbnail that man that’s a throwback that’s from back in the day uh one okay awkward silence live hey I’m I I apologized I apologized I’m pulling up um I could just go without it but I’m want to show you guys what what stuff I’m get I’m gathering cuz I’m gathering I’m gathering

Supplies H not that one there we go reference to be fair I also am playing music okay so there are the ingredients that I’m gathering today or gathering right now for this build and then here is um I have a Discord for the guys that

I stream with I don’t have a public one yet I’m working on that for the new year but eventually I’ll get have a public Discord oh here we go chat triggers I got to plug at every chance I get oh come on now I got to go in here and pin it

Stop how many blocks do you think you need to fill up a map message there we go okay so pinned is the video that I’m following um and then on screen are the ingredients that I’m going to be gathering so now everything should be pretty well in

Order I’ve actually got to pull the pictures up so that I can see them too so the buckets of water I don’t I’m not too worried about and I’m going to put everything here I should be able to I need a third monitor me too dude I’ve been thinking

About that a lot I was thinking about getting another horizontal monitor so I have two horizontals and then a vertical that Bridges them I got to say I was a vertical monitor hater back in the day vertical monitor saved my life I I don’t know if I’d go that

Far vertical monitor is the re reason I’m alive today vertical mon monitor saved my life Lego uh speaking of which um I’ve I’ve actually I’m excited so I’ve done on the uh Lego Stream I did that beforehand unfortunately that vod’s not available I forgot to save it but honestly it’s okay it

Wasn’t we got I got raided by a bot and that made that kind of uncomfortable but that was my birthday stream and I’ve been EA a birthday I did it was my birthday without me you were the only one there what do you mean without

You all right bamboo where do we have a bamboo Farm it’s my birthday coming up soon what day that’s where I’m going to be at work oh I’ve worked my birthday too some some days all righty need 40 I like to organize them by this Moss okay I know where I can get

Moss Kirby’s house oh shoot I just realized I think your farm automatically turns the Moss into bone meal I might have to why do you need the Moss yeah for this build I’m making how much Moss uh two stacks oh that’s more than I would take from the

Farm yeah what I’m just going to like moss dig for two seconds you know where some Moss is that I could grab you can grab you can grab one Moss block and then use that as your Source your I’ll I’ll grab it for you okay you have 110 hours in Pizza Tower

Trying to think what other games I have 110 hour probably OverWatch even though I am overwatch’s biggest hater I probably have 110 hours in OverWatch well I hate Counter Strike and I’ve got 3,500 hours in that uh actually it’s CS2 now oh my God just say no way GG’s here special guest appearance

GG no way no way no way ah my eyes where should I farm for this uh I got to turn you down on my source you got to turn me down oh no with your new mic you’re loud as hell oh no as soon as she did that I turned her

To zero on my stream and turn me back turn me back I did I did I did I did I did you’re back you’re back thank you dang how is everyone doing yo you’re back I’m building a do you want to help me with this build I’m getting on sorry it’s taking

Me a hot second I was I was I was giving could it take you a warm second yes uh where are you I’m at the big hole we dug going to find a good place to to build this what are you using that hole

For is it just like a missile silo no um that funny actually it would be but I wanted to build a giant like underground like ocean area or not an ocean area like water area and then fill it with um and then put like a um by you

House yo check the check chat oh [ __ ] Tim’s here yeah oh okay well now pretty much everyone’s here uh we got to talk autoc crafter yeah what about it or I guess it’s just called the crafter you got to you should put it in my house everyone goes to

There why is it like really hard to build what’s the the crafter no okay so here’s here’s the deal the crafter isn’t its own experiment it’s part of the so to enable the snapshots now you basically have to enable a data pack the crafter is part of the entire uh

1.21 data pack so we would have to upgrade basically to the snapshot okay um I’d be relatively okay with that I just wanted to make sure you guys were okay with that playing basically on the snapshot sure uh I don’t really know enough about it to

Tell you it’s I mean there’s no like New World Generation or anything except for the trial Chambers but we would have to go generate new chunks to find them mhm um but we would have to do that anyways once we’re on the new update mhm um

So I I’d be okay with updating I don’t think it’s that big of a deal and I think it’s stable enough that it should be fine um the only other thing is that you can’t even though it’s a data pack you cannot just enable it you have

To what what we’re going to have to do is I have to make a backup of the world on single player and then I have to recreate the world with the same seed and everything thing and enable the experiment and then I have to copy over

The old world also yes I did hear that that uh iness I I tried it and it does work I have a version of of this world that has the experiments enabled in my single player I mean obviously it’s going to be old now so I when I get a new a new

Backup the only thing is I don’t I think our inventories will get cleared do it everybody all have to dump their inventory into a chest okay gotcha we could schedule that for like when everybody’s on yeah so that’s that’s the biggest thing is I’m pretty sure our inventories will be

Cleared and I just it will kill all of the villagers and it will I I could enable I could enable the Villager one too wait that’s a snapshot of like the vill No No No it’s it’s an experiment it’s one of the separate experiments the Villager

We use we use them for so much if we kill them off that’s it okay wait I’m tempted to enable it on my little test world just to see what it does yeah just to see if it breaks our current setup actually that’s probably a good idea

Well you got to see so that we know so that we know when the update comes out if it breaks our current setup it probably will I think it resets all of the trades damn blocks do you think it is to fill up a map um 120 by or 128 by

128 it’s only I think you can save your inventory files from the world I think it’s called player data is what someone in my chat says uh shout out you’ve been you’ve been the best but for some reason it it cleared my in well it the when I make a

It’s not when I copy the world it’s when I make a backup off of the um off of the realm is when the inventory gets cleared what’s really weird is when I’ve done that it’s kept my inventory yeah I don’t know but it it cleared mine so I don’t know if there’s

I don’t know enough about the update in general to know if I’ll use the new stuff from the update honestly Tim between you and I I don’t think I’m going to use anything besides the autoc crafter and the only thing I want the autoc crafter for is so I can make um

The the what’s it called Farm Really the string duper way more efficient but honestly I’m kind of in the same boat as you were I don’t really know if I’ll use very much of the new stuff like I I don’t care about the copper bulb so we’ll have to see y he’s yawning

Yeah that was a big stretch Kirby I saw that I’m I’m sneezing he like stood up and everything it was crazy yeah getting that workout in okay now that we got shoot sorry Ace I’m going and getting myself a good shovel so for what for for just in

General oh I was going to say there’s a diamond one up in the chest up there oh I need a daylight sensor I don’t even know how to make one of those uh it’s with uh quartz gotcha that’s all I know can’t tell you the actual recipe no way Gigi’s dead

No hi I am slap I am slap slep okay oh and also for the the way that the real works you can have multiple worlds so when we try when we do the autoc crafter thing I’ll set it up on a different world in case it doesn’t work

Or something major happens we can always roll back to not having it so I think it’s relatively safe to try and update to the autoc Crafter and then we’ll have copper bulbs and a use for copper copper bulbs are not really a use for copper let’s just be honest they’re good for red

Stone I think it was Fuzzy I was talking to about that I was like they kind of ruined the big appeal of them and he was like well they’re not useless I’m like ah they’re not there’s yeah they’re not useless I mean they’re still very useful having a well it’s technically a two

Block flip-flop because you need a comparator but having a two block flip-flop is pretty good and compact oh no but yeah being able to have odd tick Redstone where was it okay here it was yeah I wish I understood it better I’m I’m going to be honest I apologize

To anybody in chat I not the Redstone guy when it comes to Minecraft I’m that’s not me it really only makes a difference for very very technical bus sorry um the the dog had some trouble tell her to cut that [ __ ] out I I did I gave her hey cut that [ __ ]

Out it’s like those Tik toks if you don’t cut that [Laughter] [ __ ] it’s going to take a lot more than that to impress me a stone how do I make one of these wood Cobble iron and Redstone swag we really need to make a better entrance to the end portal maybe we

Should put um we should what we should do is make a nether highway so that you can just hop into the nether walk over and then when you leave the nether you’re in the end portal basically yeah cuz I keep I keep falling and breaking legs I also have an

Idea uh I saw this on hermitcraft and now we can steal it because they just ended their season but they theft is okay yeah theft is okay because it’s fine um but they they decorated their their portal room to look like the end and it was really cool so I’m going to

Steal that yeah now that we’re like at the end game we can spend more time on building these crazy like structures and stuff I mean we already kind of are with the farms and stuff but I want to like I want to build cool looking stuff too I

Also want to get netherite I have not been doing a good job of doing that so far all right Redstone is going to be the thing that to do better oh um I think you’ll get a chuckle out of this Kirby so um excuse me my my throat so uh I’m

Chucking the other day I was I was in I was about to leave like VC and then I look or like like get off for the day and I look and I see that um and I see that uh what’s his name um oh my gosh my brain is freezing

Because I’m trying to do too many things at once snoob is playing I got to look up the game real quick he’s playing uh senran kagura peach Beach Splash on Steam I s and I said no way is he playing this game he must have gotten hacked so I jumped into

The the Discord and I started listening and they’re like no this game is like heat you have to play it I’m like what and and mic other mic not my mic other mic he gifts me it and I’m like no way is it actually a

Good game I got to try it but it is like a third person like shooter game just with like exactly what you would expect out of something called Peach Beach explosion or Peach beach beach splash I have to vet it but it might be kind of funny for a twitch

Stream where did I put [ __ ] where did I put that oh no um the Ender the Enderman Farm we might want to watch out cuz they can teleport onto the the chests that are sitting here yeah that’s fine okay kill them as long as they don’t spawn on

The chest I don’t think they spawn on the chest you can still you should be able to just hit them once and they’ll die yeah I’ve been okay all right all all my tools are good um yeah why do I have so much dirt in here dirty Elo

Elo so yeah on one of my old worlds which I could do a like a Showcase of my old world to show off some of the builds and what we could what we could use um one of them we had a place marked out that was the exact size of a of a

Full map so that we could make pixel art and stuff on it if you’d be interested in that Kirby with a beacon it would probably be really easy how big are you making this hole in the wall by the way uh I actually don’t know I’m gathering the supplies but I

Was going to put the farm in there so if the farm is what farm are you making uh it’s pinned in my chat actually so if you’re watching and what if I’m not well then you won’t know it’s not my fault oh shoot this has actually been run to completion oh [ __ ] a

Spider [ __ ] oh this is annoying I need Cobblestone but we don’t have Cobblestone cuz we smell all the Cobblestone that we have I I long for the mob vote when they put Implement rats I want to they they also need to implement cheese rat rats they don’t do anything they make you

Sick they make you sick they should give you the bonic play no there they what they do is they turn into a cute Idol and they and they go I don’t I don’t know of any B memes I’m sorry good enough for me good enough for me caught the Yoshi Flu I saw a video that was talking about uh parody songs on YouTube and they me they were like I’m forced to talk about brenal flaws and they were like Yoshi flu what was it that’s that was the whole me let’s see did I get it I got it woo hey

Girl you come to try and puke in the room again oh shoot what got the Yoshi flu y should play mini games on Hypixel oh buddy do I have a surprise for you yo want to play bedar Bed Wars what’s that I barely know her where you fight over a bed just like

Real life so um actually before my debut I was on a stream a Kirby stream I was a guest star on a Kirby stream and that’s where I learned that you can you can uh you can run without having to double press W um so back in the day this is a

Throwback now which is kind of sad um but yeah back in the day I uh was a guest on Kirby stream and I uh I play we played Hypixel for a whole stream because we didn’t have we didn’t have the realm I forgot the I don’t need it yeah

That’s what made me uh install or by the realm was playing High pixel being like this [ __ ] sucks that’s pretty funny I I thought it was all right um no it’s fine but it was kind of it kind of got syy after a little bit yeah that was

My only big I still I have I have this I I like to think it’s a base take but I I think it’s a good take I think uh I mean you know you know Sky Block right Hypixel Sky Block oh yeah I I still have a world on Hypixel Sky

Block I think and know I know some people don’t agree with me that’s fine uh but they’re wrong I think that they should force people for Sky Block to update to modern Minecraft they are not on mod no it’s still a 1.8.9 server essentially H why is that which is a

Seven-year-old version eight-year-old version of the game uh it’s because 1.9 was when they changed PVP and a lot of people really don’t like the new PVP still which is I mean it’s a fair argument but Sky Block is not a PVP based game it’s a lot of

PV which I think the combat changes really helped with uh making a lot more fun was PVE so you can play Modern version and then you you can play Modern versions but you don’t have any of the modern blocks or anything when you’re building I think they could have made they they could

They could update the game a lot faster and and add a lot more cool things with all of the new blocks and and and things that the game has now so they chat said that there is they include 1.20 but what you’re saying is you can play on those versions you just can’t

Use the block join on 1.20 but you can’t use any of the new features it’s basically just like a it’s kind of kind of a hacky hacky workaround to get it to work but it does yes you can play on 1.20 but yeah you’re not getting you’re not getting features

That you would be able to get if the server was was 1.20 only like if you couldn’t join at 1.8.9 and I think they they started doing something like that with like a they found a way to use one even if they kept the old combat fuzzy like it would

Still you still get all the new benefits of modern Minecraft so I think that would still be I’m going to sound really stupid what are the differences what do you mean you like you were saying combat yeah uh it’s no longer you no longer spam click you you have that the the cool

Down thing you can’t just Spam click right uh that’s a pretty big difference for how like player PVP works because a lot of old combat was based on comboing so the longer you could keep your opponent the in the air the better uh the better you I don’t I don’t know

Exactly how to explain it because I I wasn’t like super good at combat I just know like combo comboing was a big thing and Modern Combat there there is still comboing but it’s more of a timing thing instead of just a click like a a consistency thing I don’t yeah no I I

Remember I know what you’re talking about definitely a different type of combat I don’t know what I I don’t know enough about PVP to say which one’s better or worse I just think Sky Block because it’s not a PVP game would have benefited from moving to modern

Minecraft yeah it does make sense that because I remember what you’re talking about now like back in the day like clicking and spamming on somebody was the Strat but now you want to like get sweeping Edge more often so I I get what you’re saying I thought there was something like

More technical than that if that makes sense I mean the the other the other thing too is the game just doesn’t run as good anymore it needs I mean Minecraft really needs an update where they just don’t add any features and just work on optimization honestly yeah you know that’s not going

To happen though yeah I know it’s it’s hard to because everybody wants new stuff right well yeah yeah but but you you bring that up and people say oh just play Bedrock because it runs a lot better yeah but Bedrock runs better I’ve heard that I’ve heard that Bedrock runs

Way worse no Bedrock definitely runs better it’s in C++ instead of java why do they call it bug Rock because it’s buggy it you get way more FPS and it can run I mean hell it runs on on phones runs on phones it runs on a Nintendo switch the Nintendo switch was a

Three-year-old console when it came out yeah so like it’s it’s Bedrock is a lot more optimized but it’s just got way more bugs if they could optimize Java and get it somewhere close to that I think that would make it a much better experience gotcha all righty fos wise Bedrock is better but

Has lots of bugs FPS hey I read it as fos I figured that was just a term that I didn’t know as pretty funny FPS fos uh I don’t need this iron and I don’t need the quartz oh there’s iron and I need a switch which is

Cobblestone now the only thing I should need is the rails Oh So speaking of like not having modern blocks so there’s a crafting recipe to take Cobblestone and turn it into di right which is you said that’s an awful crafting recipe why would you ever use

Use that it was a way to so that older worlds could still have new blocks you get the new blocks yeah yeah because older worlds that didn’t have diorite in them would the only way that you could get the newers just chilling outside your house why don’t

You don’t kill them don’t kill them don’t kill them eventually their their crossbows will break and then they’ll be docile and we can let them out no they run out of ammo isn’t it no they’re they don’t they never run out of ammo but they’re the crossbows do break oh okay

I’d heard about that fuzzy fuzzy said that updating updating Sky Block right now wouldn’t kind of work because it would be on the developers to add all the new blocks and that’s fair um but I think if when they release the game I mean obviously so the game was part of a game

Jam and then it just kind of exploded from there right but I think soon after release if they if they had it 1 Point like 1.18 1.19 whatever was out at the time actually it was probably like 1.16 Sky Block is kind of old now but

Whatever was out at the time if they forced it to modern Minecraft early in development I think it would be it would have made a lot of a lot of cool opportunities for the developers at least whether or not they used them who knows but now it’s kind of hard to to

Update a whole thing and they tried with the forge forestry update they tried forcing people who wanted to use the new island to be on mod modern Minecraft so what do people do they just don’t use the new island hey Kirby where are you uh I don’t know what I’m doing right

Now oh bedrocks Redstone is bad is what my chat says oh yeah red stone on Bedrock is completely broken which is why which is why it’s really annoying that they ruined copper bulbs because of Bedrock Redstone because like why not like just make them different on Bedrock who

Cares Ace where are you uh I’m down with the down with the little guys I’m getting rails and then I’m going back to start building this Farm the little guys the villagers is what I meant to say oh the guys they’re just being dudes oh that reminds me uh the new chat triggers

Update has toast let’s go let’s go it’s guys download chat triggers download chat triggers the the things that show up up in the corner when you get an achievement the advancements yeah advancements but they’re they’re technically called toasts I I wanted to show curvy but my

Entire body was just full of arrows and I was going to say I don’t think their crossbows are breaking ciry make I’m gonna make a toast every time Gigi dies so I can be like let’s go dang you got to be that mean to me yeah

The new year and you’re already mean to me everybody everybody’s so mean to me picture of me on the dock with a huge ass yeah I got to draw stinky gamer with a huge ass real everybody’s so mean to me this is how I feel on an emotional

Level I hear I hear Tessy crying behind me because I won’t let her in because every time she comes in she’ll like go in the corner and like oh this morning I wanted to kick her ass oh my God she woke me up at

5:00 and I let her in and then she whed to get back out I’m like why did you want in uh is this I don’t know what’s up with her but she’s been just pacing around the house she’s nervous give her a break leave the little guy alone leave the little guy

Alone we need to we need to start posting more pictures of her she’s fun no put put her next to your 3D prints oh that’s right I wanted to make that gura joke and I keep forgetting to do it now it’s probably not cool but today would

Be a great day since my printer’s printing but I wanted to use the Tokyo is Tessy like a small dog I don’t she crusty white dog crusty ey white dog crusty ey white dog oh so she has a small dog yeah oh oh I hate calling her that but Mike and

Snoob always call her that so now I I I’m forced to cuz I had I just had an idea uh somebody made and modeled cat armor you can print it for Tessy I wanted to do the Cubone head but she hates that [ __ ] so like she would immediately Shake It Off yeah when

You put stuff on her she freezes in place and will not move until you take it off of her uh she has little she has her little Christmas dress on right now well that’s different cuz that’s not like thing she’s just she’s laying with next to me now oh no

Gosh darn it that’s what happened hold on I need to clean up something oh swag let’s go okay so we have gotten all of the items so now I can take the items off do you know what biomes uh Snow Golems can survive in uh any of the on that the

Frog turns green in so up by where we hatched them that would be a great place too is getting complicated what I’m trying to do I’ll figure it out shoot he didn’t he didn’t say what what size it needs to be there it is 8 by 22 blocks that’s all I need to

Know so one two three four five how did I get it dead on let’s go and then 8 by 22 so 1 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 holy [ __ ] I got it like exact poggers poggers

Poggers did I ever show you that video or do you know which one I’m referencing I I know what one okay okay that was such a funny video Chuck E cheese on stream people they’ve he’s playing Fall Guys on stream and Chad has been egging

Him on the entire time to say pagers and he won’t do it because he it’s voiced by like an old dude who doesn’t know what poggers means and so he like hesitantly looks at the camera and then like starts shaking and then goes plers and then like goes back to and then starts

Moaning and then goes back to playing goes back to playing Fall Guys based honestly what can I say technically chuckecheese guy vtuber oh yeah people have said that I mean uh xqc streamed with the vtuber tag for how many years I think he still does tags don’t mean anything on

Twitch oh that’s another thing um I I don’t know I don’t I don’t want to start drama [ __ ] but I did want to talk about this I guess we could talk about it later so regarding the thing that happened over the weekend I one thing I also thought is technically it was for

Vtubers and not PNG tubers and so I thought that might be something that would I don’t know that might have been something that was a a deal breaker I don’t know though I don’t want to make any assumptions about anybody I saw comments that said that um

Like somebody was like oh I do it but I’m a vtuber and somebody commented uh vtubers are just important for the spa or PNG tubers are just as important for the V tubing space don’t discount yourself yeah I mean it’s one of those things where not everybody can afford a $8,000

Model like me I was going to say yeah once I get partner maybe oh hell yeah you’re got to be rolling in the D yeah all five cents of AD Revenue you shorts I I heard YouTube shorts pay real well yeah like five cents as opposed to

The the six cents that Norm or sorry 5 cents compared to the normal 4 cents that a video gets no you get far less ad revenue from YouTube shorts I I mean that’s probably how they stop or they cut down on like Elsa think Channel you think about like normal ads

On a video like every longer video you click on is gonna have an ad but YouTube shorts you scroll through several shorts before you see an ad yeah so and that ad Revenue gets split up between those shorts and it’s always a shorter ad too there’s never longer skippable ads it’s

Just a short 10c ads yeah I mean I I don’t mean to be that guy but YouTubers these days make their money on um on external factors they make money off Dons they don’t make money off of ads anymore well not even donos just like uh

Uh I mean some of them do for sure but um Hollow what do you call it sponsorships sponsorships which isn’t a bad thing I mean I was saying mainly super YouTube YouTube has had several ad apocalypses so diversifying where you get your your income is very important for somebody who takes the space

Seriously you saying I don’t take the space seriously Kirby no well you know what I mean no I know I know and you’re a little baby YouTuber you’re a little baby tuber hello what did I miss uh one two three one three I I asked a question I don’t give a [ __ ]

Whoa no I’m trying to count all right not everything’s about you 18 17 28 35 it’s okay I I it was only the number three so what did I miss Kirby since Ace wants to be you didn’t miss anything you were gone for 2 minutes basically uh he

Started a bunch of more controversies and burned a couple Bridges I did actually we are not kicked out of the vtubers team we have to become flesh tubers now for real everybody’s going to have to see my see the only reason why people are vtubers is because they’re

Really massively ugly that’s the yeah that’s the only reason and they’re all men too right or something yeah up until I started V tubing Mike would still make the joke that they’re all men and then finally when I became a vtuber he couldn’t make that joke

Anymore cuz then he’d be like some of them you’re a some of them are F boys that’s a good one he’s like you know that’s a man right and then I became a vtuber and it’s not as funny cuz I’d be like yeah like me and he’d like ah

We’re talking about Tessy before I left and then she decided that she would uh make a mess of her bed and so I had to go and then I vacuumed and accidentally unplugged my PC how were you gone that one two four five you didn’t notice I was gone I don’t

Care oh dude come on he’s so mean to me Kirby I I’m just kidding somebody’s got to stop this somebody’s got to put an end to this yeah Kirby’s over here like uh I won’t stand for this Kirby can is he bothering you he bothering you queenir no you’re GG you’re not

Queen yeah Tessy is Queen is she really the yeah I should have had a story about the back rooms then I would have been okay I logged in I watched that I went oh man and the the only part I watched was uh from their editor or one of her editors

Oh did you see a clip I’m like that’s like professionally made yeah I saw the models and I’m like no wonder they didn’t pick me bro I mean that’s one of those I don’t I don’t I really don’t want to get into I I said

Everything I wanted to say in in DM so yeah I really don’t want to get into it because I don’t want anybody to think that I’m like bad mouthing anyone so I want to be really careful with what I say where she couldn’t get everyone on there’s time constraints to something

Like that I definitely think there was a different scope in in her head than what was actually going to happen so for sure she’s like ah five people will respond to me yeah and then she gets 7,000 responses so yeah that was uh no no offense no offense to her that was kind

Of a little silly to assume that like I mean the like Indies like the whole thing is you need that huge exposure and so like the prospect of having that huge exposure like hit you oh my yeah everybody gets excited like that’s like that’s like gamechanging views right

There what is this for uh I’ll tell you later oh this this is a sugarcan and a bamboo Farm oh yeah that’s what I was asking sorry I I completely blanked on what we were oh shoot do I have this on the wrong

End I do I do I do my Bitcoin Farm my new Bitcoin I’m checking hashes with this hey speaking of which have you seen that Bitcoin mine that use that um it uses the heat from the Bitcoin mining to make a spa I don’t I don’t like Bitcoin mining

You don’t like it no I think I think that’s kind of cool I mean when you think about it um the heat produced by processing power is actually very efficient but that processing power is going towards something that’s more or less pointless yeah I don’t think that Bitcoin mining

Itself is inherently like dumb I just think that crypto right now is in a bad spot yeah I mean the the issue is the idea behind it isn’t bad yeah it got more popular than the Creator ever imagined and the more people mining Bitcoin the harder it is to actually mine it because

There’s only a set amount of Bitcoin that get released every so often so you have to adjust the difficulty based on how many people are mining it um and the difficulty is it’s just balloons to unreasonable amounts that just you’re using up so much electricity and power that is just ridiculous

I kind of want to build something funky you should get a stone Farm we already have a cobblestone generator yeah but it’s broken and who’s supposed to fix it she does have you there oh sick there we go we did it okay and then hey go how’s chat doing everybody doing all right

All thanks you’ve got to fix your name I know I don’t know how I need you to help me no I’m a little stupid no he’s so mean to me he’s so mean when he doesn’t do everything for me what good to see everybody’s up oh and by the way

Um you don’t have to feel pressured to stay here if it’s really late uh where you’re watching I do not feel at all you drive right uh I don’t exactly know what you mean by drive but I have a car I drive truck truckers we still got to do that stream

We’re truckers and we’re also Gamers yeah we got to do that uh Euro Truck Sim plus Bloon Tower Defense that one so bad automatic or manual uh manual I once had this argument with um a uh a friend of mine um who I only bring this up because it is uh

It’s it’s it’s good for the like the the point of the the story really staunch libertarian so of course he was on the debate team and he was that kind of guy that was like annoying like the one guy in order to quote unquote to he he would

He would just argue things to argue like the one time he had an argument with a guy about global warming just because he wanted to argue it he was on the side that global warming wasn’t real despite the fact that he said to me he was like oh yeah I

Actually believe in it I just wanted to debate this guy and so he like oh I was like it’s raining Birch things down here but anyway he um he was like um he said that automatic is the best way to drive or manual is the best

Way to drive a car because it’s the most fuel efficient because a human can anticipate when like Hill is coming and switch gears so that they can use less on their engine and I said okay but human reaction time is always going to be variable imagine if you had and he

Said yes but imagine a human gets better and better and better and I said imagine if a human gets better and better and better to the point where they can make decision ision um like in Nan he was like yeah then they’d be perfect and he

Was and I was like okay what about if a computer did that and then he’s like well uh um uh I was like there we go finally I got him and then his excuse was well it’s not there yet and I was like okay but you can say that about everything

It was so funny it was so funny what do you mean uh what does that mean my bad I missed that while I was talking libertarian or debate just to debate because libertarian means you only eat books obviously it’s like uh it’s like vegan or vegetarian libertarian is you only eat

Books that’s like one of my favorite jokes it takes a special someone to get to get it do I have the Redstone I do have the redst like Stone suppon it’s a it’s so in all seriousness um libertarian is like political leaning it I don’t actually know too much about

It uh cuz most of the people that I know of in real life that are Libertarians are just annoying and I know that that’s not actually what it is but um it’s basically like the opposite of a communist so it’s like really staunchly like for no government regulation and like the free

Market like it’s like even further than capitalism on like that side yeah yeah I am not at all debating politics like talking about which is right I’m purely use said it because um a lot of Libertarians really like to debate that’s why I brought it up yes yeah

Yeah oh Kirby I got I got to look look at single player real quick I forgot how the TNT duper works oh did my music just end my music ended I think I did this right I really don’t understand Redstone and I’m watching this guy’s video without

Audio this is a recipe for disaster right here my throat is in so much pain it’s unbelievable your throat yeah probably from chugging too much Bud Light and cranking his hog oh my gosh okay now a test test of this works okay so it picked them up it works no way that’s

Sick so the way this system works is I have a coffin cold from the beginning of December and it still hasn’t subsided yeah there’s this really nasty sickness going around pretty much everywhere in the world right now and everybody’s like upset cuz it’s not going away worries me

A little bit but oh that’s so cool uh GG where are you uh I’m coming I was going to go build a big house to have some fun in me when I’m building a house to have fun in okay so watch out don’t get in the way of that Hopper with Minecart

Watch this so it will pick that Cobblestone up and then watch it when it deposits over here watch right here to your right to your right so as soon as it as soon as it deposits all of its stuff it will go like the Redstone will trigger and send

It back through but here if you watch it has nothing in it so it’s already green red so it just goes back that cool mhm now to build the back up and running let’s go eventually I’ll be able to build up from memory yeah five uh three or more times

Of uh fuzzy breaking it it’ll be all good I could do it because we were breaking it like almost every stream at one point I could do it from memory for a bit but I just forgot I I know how it works I just forget where to place some

Sometimes now back to the Grind okay you know I could have it running while I’m doing this snowball stuff somebody remind me to turn this off though oh we are going to forget we are going to forget I think I just traced the I think I just traced the yeah

Yeah the daylight sensors work if they’re underground hey Kirby what’s up do daylight sensors work if they’re underground no they need Clear Sight To The Sky shoot that might be the only using multiple daylight sensors just one okay I was going to say you should only need

One and then just Redstone it I might have to run a redstone line from the surface down here where are you building it in the hole that we dug on last stream I should maybe turn off the I immediately ran away from the TNT Farm make sure to turn it off going back

And turning it off man having the higher jump is so nice I love beacons yeah we should go kill more Withers in the Overworld in the Overworld in in in Tim’s house so are you building oh you’re building it right here yeah Isn’t that cool so you just need a daylight sensor

I don’t know where it is I haven’t gotten to that part in the build yet okay that’s not too far down and you just need you just need like a one block gap for it to reach like it doesn’t need like it’s it’s like a beacon basically it can be through

Glass so you can like hide it a little bit I have a daylight sensor oops I didn’t mean to throw those I have a daylight sensor actually hidden in that chimney thing that’s above my little Hobbit Hole oh gotcha oh man this is going to take forever GG where are you uh

Somewhere yeah I I doubt you even noticed but there’s lights in the the furnace room the fancy furnace room that turn on and off when it’s night hi you want to grab some buckets and help me fill all the all the stuff with water yeah just give me a second

All the slabs need water where did that water go what water where did that water go what that water just I stole it it just I I drink it at all I Dr it I dink my I dink my water GG you remember that that picture

Right I drinky my water I dink my order God this sucks I didn’t realize this going to happen like this you I placed it on the same block damn I didn’t mean to do that hey a what are you getting yeah hold on got to eat the food eat the food Well I’m hoping that I can I’m hoping this this turns out well because apparently it’s infinitely stackable in the Z Direction like you can just add another section to it and what were you building I for it’s a bamboo and sugar cane Farm that’s automatic I ended up grabbing you in the

Bucket and once we have that we can put an item stream over here and craft the bamboo or not the bamboo we can craft the sugar cane into paper and craft the the gunpowder and the paper into Rockets yeah Right okay that’s good Thanks might have to mine this out a little bit to oh this video’s been playing the whole time I forgot to pause It look at you Go okay now put a building block on top of them we have a lot of uh check chat Ace but we we have a lot of farms what all Farms do you guys have so we have a uh I’ll just show them a snow

Farm we got a snow Farm okay so Farms we have a I don’t know whether you count them as habitats or Farms but I built the house for the frogs um uh we have the wait don’t forget the first farm that you built which one are you talking about

The pumpkin and melon oh yeah I’m extending it basically so this one right here is the bee like the Honey Farm that’s a uh cocoa farm this is a sugar cane Farm which is about to be replaced by the one that I’m making this is a wheat

Farm um it also has like carot and stuff and beat we have an auto Wheat Farm there’s one I think fuzzy built it by Tim’s space gotta down here is the first Farm I built I’m so like proud of this I want to scale it though and like make this

Huge um to get way more then other Farms we have the iron farm downstairs but I don’t want to go all the way down there to show it I could if you really want to see it but uh instead what I want to show off is

This we have a little bit of wheat growing just a little bit [Laughter] look at all the wheat that Tim has put up um and then uh that’s pretty much it for Farms is this did Tim finish his uh his windmill uh Wind Mill yeah it looks finished it’s

Looking really nice he might have finished it hey is this stone is this where you are where are you where am I yeah how long did it take me to plant it uh 0 seconds because I didn’t make it uh Tim did uh I don’t

Think Tim’s still in my chat but if he is he could definitely pipe up and say he just popped into my chat just now ah fake fan he’s watching he’s probably busy like in bed it’s I think it’s like 4 a.m for him I like how gets earlier every time

You make that joke I think for him it’s like 2: in the morning yeah the time zone difference just gets greater and greater kind of like how my model gets more uh Tim Tim said in my chat he says uh he believes it’s 10 hours that he put into building

It and he didn’t stream a single one of them imagine no yeah that’s that’s crazy but the one thing that I said to Tim and fuzzy is that I think that um the one the way that we’re playing while it does take way longer for things to happen

We’re going to burn out a lot less quickly than Tim and them are but we’ll see wait how is Tim and them what do you mean cuz they’re like uh fuzzy fuzzy and Tim they put like 10 hours into it a day I only play one day

A week and that’s that’s during my uh Minecraft Tuesday yeah I haven’t touched Minecraft since the last time I played it and I didn’t even play in last Minecraft Tuesday because we had it on Wednesday and I was at work yeah I actually have off tomorrow oh nice um I don’t know what

I’m going to do with that extra day probably nothing nothing at all more Etsy orders I got I got Etsy orders to finish yeah I I uh Tim said he likes listening to audio book see that’s what I’m saying I uh I was saying that to um

Kirby that’s why I like those like big mining Expeditions that we do is I like like to just put on some music or a video and mine for a little bit I’m prepping for the second movie that’s what I did oh Dune Dune Dune Dune

When I dug the um when I dug the hole for my base I watched all of uh Hunter Hunter yeah that’s that’s one thing I could never get uh do is uh watch watch anime did dub though so Tim can make fun of me for

That yeah how can you watch I was going to say how can you watch an anime what without like looking at it no I I should have watched it dub the dub was fine the dub was fine I heard the pacing in Dune was

Bad I uh I don’t go to movie I don’t watch movies cuz they [ __ ] suck just kidding movies aren’t like they used to be back in my day back in my day they were way more sad sexist back in my day Transformers dubbed anime is so bad I

Hon so my opinion on why dubbed anime is bad is this I think dubbed anything is bad because NE like in the native language a lot of the emotion from the original voice actors yeah but also it’s harder because you’re um Japanese the I think it’s harder on the voice actors

Because a lot of the times the animat will animate after the voice actors for subbed yeah and so like the editing and all that can make the voice sound a little better but when you’re dubbing over something everything is done except for your voice so you have to play into

The what you’re seeing on screen I mean they they rtime stuff for dubbed sometimes well they have to yeah it’s a good dub but yeah yeah I agree it’s I mean it’s it’s a little bit weird but but when when I’m doing something and I just want to turn off my

Brain like I’d rather just do it that way yeah uh hi hi Q you Tim tell me about tell me about that anime what what what is that anim there are some very bad dubs like the squid game dub squid squid Uncle Ben what happened squid game squid

Game Uncle Ben what happened squid game when squid win was popular I had co-workers that only tried to watch it dubbed and they were like why is this so popular it’s so bad it’s like yeah cuz you’re watching the wrong one um you’re watching it the wrong way

You have to watch it the way that I want oh yeah that’s right it’s the volleyball anime that’s right oh my gosh so there was this there was this one girl at my college who gassed up hi cuu and I could never watch it because she was

Also the BoJack Horseman girl it’d be like BoJack Horseman is like literally me I’m like you know he’s the bad guy of the show right that’s like being like Walter White is literally me he’s the villain bro beneficial Ser Walter White is the villain who’s the good guy Skyler

White no because she she for a while she plays into his his vices his vices oh here we go white guy video essayist over here she was part of the empire for a little bit no um so I never actually watch oh have you not okay never mind I I won’t spoil

Oh yeah I already know theend I don’t think there I don’t think there is a definitive good guy and I think that’s part of the part of the show is that Jesse pinkerman everything’s everything’s in a gray kind of shitty spot it’s in a one

Piece yo let’s go hey yo me when I’m watching mid piece no offense to anybody that like one piece I just like calling it mid piece cuz it major offense it bothers people and I like it it’s like that one girl with the 3D printing stuff oh yeah see the thing is

When I make fun of other people’s Hobbies it’s funny but when people make fun of my hobbies they should be bullied off the app yeah no I watched a video recently about the power scaling in um One Piece and how why so many people like it is because it’s um

It’s like honestly the the compared to like other fictional characters the straw hats are kind of underpowered but the story makes it seem like they’re overpowered so I don’t know I just thought it was thought it was pretty interesting there was something I wanted to oh oh

That’s right so um Kirby and I were talking about maybe making a video but I doubt I doubt we will cuz you know Kirby no I’m kidding but um I wanted to talk about some of the like year and review stuff um will you be uh at on at

The stream on Thursday or do you want to talk about it now uh what are you do on Thursday I’m build I’m building Legos and I’m going to be chatting it depends what I’m planning on doing because I got to I still got to fix my cr10 oh true weren’t you going to

Clipper IE it yeah I also broked it uh were you didn’t you want me to send you the board that I have though uh you don’t have to I I fixed I fixed if you want to I’m I was kind of hoping that you’d want to buy it from me

Because I maybe the the thing is the so I don’t have a cr10 it’s a cr10 V2 and there’s a lot of dumb stuff about it and which would make switching to a different board very difficult I I was inside the main box and it is a complete mess in

There there’s no easy way to change it to a new board shoot I was really kind of banking on you buying that from me it’s all right I mean I might buy it for a different printer okay yeah I would like want to replace a board on my original

Ender the the original one that I bought in like 2020 oh gotcha well if you want um so I have two boards one’s unopened and one’s opened the opened one has I guess you’d probably want to put your own firmware on there so you don’t especially if I’m doing Clipper oh true

Yeah so you wouldn’t care did I tell you how I fixed uh what I broke on my Ser time no so I thought I maybe burnt something out on the board I ended up burning out the the ground on there’s like a breakout board uh you know where like the

Extruder is on a Bowden printer there’s like a breakout board by that extruder on the cr10 V2 oh and the ground on that breakout board got burnt out when I ran 24 volts through it yeah so I ran a jumper wire to bypass it and now it works I just got to finish

Buttoning everything up and putting it together yeah hey we had a chatter that said we should play Hypixel uh yeah maybe maybe again I don’t know we’ll see that was that that was that stream that we were talking about um we played the mini games one um where

You have to like there was like the build one where you like build you build some something for stre for for everybody and they guess what it is um there was that one where we built what did we build it was like a like a world with like a

Um it was a world with uh like a really nice like build battles yeah yeah yeah but what did we get for build battles we had like a it was a waterfall right oh yeah waterfall and you were like you got so mad at me

Because we were not on the same page for what we were building yeah you kept trying to build the Simpsons for some reason did you see uh so I’m uh guessing you’re referencing like the like germa house flipper stuff right yeah okay did you see his newest like house flipper

Competition yeah that’s where that’s where the joke came okay okay so did you see Joel’s thing that he built uh no he built you mean like Vine sauce Joel yes Vine sauce Joel he built this he built this giant like tower that you had to climb and up at the top was

Just if you made it this far you have to give me three stars and and the funniest part is in order to build the Tower he had to go down to like um ground level and physically walk every piece up because the game doesn’t let you build outside of the boundaries of the

House but there’s like this glitch that you can trigger and so he like he he he had to like take every single piece of the house and like walk it up this like crazy ass stairway that he built it was it was insane it was exactly something that Joel would do

Though I like building stuff underground CU I don’t have to worry about it like knocking into stuff but also it’s so annoying to have to constantly like mine the walls out yeah we Kirby and I have been talking about uh maybe doing some more like Minecraft uh like one-offs like one-off

Mods and stuff and we could maybe add Hypixel into that um only reason I’m not as interested in it is uh I don’t want to sound like conceited but I don’t really like putting effort in other people’s like stuff like this is our server I don’t really want to put like a

Ton of effort into a high pixel World cuz at the end of the day it’s it’s not really mine yeah what’s up come look outside of the uh hole okay oh I want to see me patch this up real quick but I would be down to play Hypixel why is my throat so

Sore oh no I came at the perfect time did you hit her yeah I was trying to get Cobble deep like cby no now that’s just going to be there no fly by I punched her going a million miles an hour Cobble deep slate how do you get that well this is deep

Slate and so I’m mining it with a regular pickaxe oh gotcha could you Stone cut itby please no Kirby now I can’t get on the top you you’ve doomed us wait I got it I got it I got it okay move move stop oh goodbye oh um Tim Tim Might show me how

To do the uh he has a video for how to install the like blueprint mod and then you could start taking the builds from your other world and building them in this server if I built the castle in this world it would be like three week like an Excursion for three weeks

Like that is big if I built this in this world it would be literally the coolest [ __ ] thing you’ve ever okay all right all right light matter okay we get it no Kirby you’re not good enough for me like um actually okay got it got it sweetie I’m not saying that I’m good

Yeah you are yeah you are M actually it wouldn’t be worth my effort for you plebians if we had like the schematic thing set up and we had it all synced all could like work on it every once in a while MH yeah yeah but uh if the if the build is

More than 10 minutes though you Kirby can’t do it he will lose focus and get bored and do something else that I will warn okay so he recommends staggering the plants because they grow faster that way right Herby do you have a singular uh Cobble

Deep slate block yeah on you can I have it back I guess okay time to plant okay and then why don’t you get netherite armor uh I was in the Nether on last stream and I kind of got bored uh I I don’t have a good reason for why I’m not

There it’s because it’s overpowered and he’s protesting I don’t want to make the game too easy uh because we have keep inventory I really don’t care anymore I mean I didn’t really care to begin with most of the time I don’t even bother to put armor on I don’t have a helmet right

Now doesn’t even it doesn’t even stop more damage it just lasts longer right yeah it just last long oh man I mined all that stuff out no reason that sucks got to put it all back knockback resistance uh yeah but I don’t really care cuz I don’t know I just don’t feel like

I’d use like it would really matter that much for me it is something I want to do though down the road is get like a souped up set of armor you can’t get knocked from a high tower of deep slate so then maybe Gigi should get it

Ah that that’s it I’m muting my mic goodbye that’s it I’m out of here hey shout out to shout out to you chatter you are that was the funniest thing I’ve ever heard GG are you actually muted or no swag swag swag bamboo grows so fast

Wait do I have the oh I don’t have them hold on in one of these there we go one thing I want to do is uh Champions Road of Super Mario World cuz that when Mike and I played that that was so funny but he’s not a huge fan of

Streaming so it’s kind of hard Chad said they’re sorry for being mean GG no they are it’s okay GG’s a bully so don’t have to apologize triggered chat triggered oh she said the thing it’s like it’s like a it’s like a um guys today’s stream is sponsored by chat

Triggers download today to sponsor anybody wish you could where does he put the glass next to the Redstone like like there you’re sorry for being mean I saw we IE I’m about to build a cool building so cool guys I swear I’m Co swear Co just need cow site and Di there’s some di got to figure out how to light this middle part owie not of lanterns there’s there’s skeletons up here they hearded there are skeletons in

My house it’s that picture of Robert dny Jor yeah there are skeletons in my house come on we got to have lanterns somewhere I swear we always have like a bajillion lanterns that we not have any all right how much is oh no my music ended get cooler music just like

Me please please please yes there’s another stack of lanterns oh hi uh hi there a wondering Trader uh do they have Nautilus shells uh they have slime balls oh I don’t give a crap about that all we care about is the Nautilus shells well Kirby seems to care well not

From wandering Traders do you why not it’s not like we don’t have infinite uh emeralds Me uh uh folding up did you even see how many emeralds we have now I yeah I think so it’s an entire double chest of emerald blocks that’s uh kind of a lot this won’t be annoying at all I definitely won’t hate this fuzzy says two double chests of eald

Block see we’re almost out practically flat broken at this point basically basically all right one two three four five six seven eight nine okay three four six 7 8 9 yeah I could space out the lanterns but I feel like it’s so much nicer to have just fill it with

Lanterns again we have infinite emeralds so why should I care oh man you’re absolutely right though I could I could technically space them out if I wanted to I don’t I don’t want to space them out nah I’mma do my own thing oh GG you know the you know the uh

NPC Miles Morales guy yeah he ran from the cops recently oh no because he uh did he do his own thing and get away he he had to do his own thing no the cops stopped him and and uh they were like asking for his ID and stuff and he’s

Like guys please don’t like um please don’t what he’s like please don’t um like dox me on stream and then as soon as they took his stuff he just like ran off wait after they took his stuff I don’t know all all of it I wasn’t watching but yeah all right

323 yeah that’s what I thought better note the cord and mine 323 this is definitely not annoying that was not the right block what did I do wrong what the heck did I not have the right numbers three yeah 323 didn’t I didn’t I Mark that thought I had the right

Block oh here we go I had 333 yeah 323 this one right here it’s still not the right block this is embarrassing come on ah I just need to go over three from that it’s X and Y chords Ace come on what the heck there we go now I got it

Boom boom then I got to go upstairs and put uh glass there so that it doesn’t uh nobody falls down this hole perfect Okay all right let’s go play lethal company already bard of Minecraft it’s like a new record I feel like we’ve been streaming for two hours hours normally we stream for three yeah but this is usually when I when I get bored yeah and then you start just running around

Mhm yeah I’ll I’ll patch these other holes eventually you want to come see what I’m building I I I did patch the other hole see this hole’s already patched we go I think I just might cap this wall here ah I’m one off dang it’s not available on the new realm

Version what do you mean Tim what’s not available you like it breaks every day cuz it’s got a daylight sensor on it Where’d you go what do you mean it breaks like it it breaks the the putting them there won’t be useful oh that’s right cuz they won’t

Get broken oh doesn’t break every day it breaks every time the time updates yep so isn’t that every day it’s not every day because it changes oh you don’t have you don’t have the uh Redstone thing installed but the the level of redstone like the Redstone power signal

Changes uh with the light level mhm so it’s detecting that change yeah but uh Tech theoretically this is infinitely scalable because I can just make a bunch of them GG can you uh yeah can you punch me uh yeah just give me a second the

What I need to figure out is how I can connect them for cuz they run off the daylight sensor why did why did you want me to punch you I don’t know I just wanted to see what it would do thought it would be funny honestly it seems pretty efficient

So far just just from oh oh no om what happened you can make a hopper clock maybe oh my gosh now you’re speaking like Kirby oh yeah Hopper clock would be real good in this thing ho we enable the once we enable the 1.21 experiments we could

Do a copper bulb and have this a flip-flop so it only updates every other one gotcha or any Redstone clock well what I’m wondering is if you can figure out a way to scale it I could just make in like a ton of these like vertically and

Have them all connected to the same thing wait how did pizza pizza Tower lost to Last of Us for the best soundtrack what what all right now I I I can understand balers gate winning against Spider-Man I I am on the I am on the side where that was a fine

Choice and I understand um what’s it called losing to Pizza Tower losing to joury I believe no whatever the other one was but last of us that’s very interesting that’s a remake dog why are we giving remakes Awards that’s kind of cringe scale bamboo vertical yeah yeah the the reason that you build

The farm this way is because it I’m pretty sure ah I’m pretty sure I didn’t plant this right I believe you’re supposed to um put bam sugarcane bamboo sugarcane bamboo like across and it’s more efficient because I’ve read that Farms are more efficient when a plant is next to a

Plant of a different variety it’s just like real farming yeah yeah but I don’t know that for certain if that’s the case now that I have a lot of bamboo that does work that does work okay is it only for Farmland I know that they grow faster on Moss I don’t know

How that changes the yeah like wheat and carrots it might be the case for sugar canane I’m going to keep watching this video and see if he swaps it out he actually has he he also uses a design that uses two daylight sensors one tonight and one

Today but I don’t know why you would do that and I’m not listening yeah I could have sworn that that he did a version that varied them yeah yeah yeah yeah he he varies the he varies them I’m going to go in and quickly break those okay so you said that lethal

Company didn’t win game of the year what did valves like uh CS2 should have won game of the year what what should have no I I don’t think I don’t think lethal company should have won game of the year why you don’t like it’s a good game you

Don’t like lethal company it just came out like no letho company’s good don’t get me wrong but just because it’s of the internet doesn’t mean it’s the best game of the year yeah so the the the system balers gate one yeah I knew it would that makes sense that makes sense

There’s no way lethal company was going to beat balers gate there’s no way Spider-Man couldn’t beat balers gate everybody knows Spider-Man’s better than lethal [Laughter] company I can’t wait to play Spider-Man it’s been really hard to avoid spoilers this whole time oh shoot I knew that was going to

Happen and the we the Moss got carried away I’m of a gun oh I was going to try and maybe I do that before I build another Hub that doesn’t properly link back up to our nether portal I should fix the nether portal yeah do that pizza tow solos

Both you can increase bamboo by moving the glass above it higher but if I move the glass one Higher if they break up there they’ll they could drop onto the stone I just realized if this triggers while I’m in it it will crush me is that a bad thing [Laughter]

Ah yeah I could increase the stone height too you’re right I think it might just be more efficient to build more multiple like thingies I have to see I want to play with it the Design’s not like finished and I also in my opinion I think it would be just be easier to

Ow ow can you stop pressing that who’s ever pressing [Laughter] that swag let’s see because it to be fair it’s really efficient as is and first I kill your brother then I kill skid my friend skibby toilet should have won game of the year yeah for real these are flying machine based

Yeah that’s really complicated I don’t understand how flying machines work plus we’re not really I mean of course there’s always more efficient Farms we’re not really in the business of making Super Hyper efficient Farms like we don’t care that much about efficiency yeah I me about just being able to go in

Grab a stack of what you need every once in a while and then leave and in my opinion it would be way more fun to make like five of these and chain them together than it would be to make one Uber efficient Farm I don’t know though maybe I’m just

Crazy yeah I don’t I don’t need 28,000 bamboo per hour uh yeah you do for that that YouTube short that’s going to make make a bajillion views today I’m building the world’s most efficient biggest farm inal 1 million items per hour oh my God I do like the idea of digging out a

Perimeter just to say that we have a perimeter what do you mean uh it’s where you dig out like a what is it like 16 by or 8 by8 chunks I no I guess it would be 16 by 16 chunks all the way to bedrock so that you have nothing

Spawning oh my God I just saw a video about that today and they were like I wouldn’t do this cuz it’s crazy but that’s that is pretty insane so um talking a little bit about goals and Ambitions for the channel I really got to say I respect the hell out of Scott the

Was his videos are genuinely like really great he hasn’t sold out in any way he hasn’t compromised his channel in any way at all like his vision for the channel is exactly how the channel is was were all that stuff it has never changed since since its Inception and he

Just keeps getting better every time I was just thinking about that cuz um what’s it called I totally lost my TR because um his his music is Big ban and that’s what I’m playing right now it’s big ban on my stream o oh guys guys guys guys guys little update

Why not a big update well I could do one of those Redstone clock is better than a daylight detector you’re probably right in your opinion Tom Scott what fuzzy what are you talking about Tom Scott yeah Tom Scott he’s quitting who’s Tom Scott sky right no who Tom

Scott he’s quitting YouTube who’s Tom Scott oh my is that thetive guy no no that’s Tom Scot Tom Scott is the guy uh I forgot was a channel called things you might not or I don’t I don’t know what it’s called well the Channel’s Tom Scott but he’s been releasing like high

Quality like educational videos MH once a week for the past 10 years wow and they all get like over a million views because they’re good um but he just recently posted on the first because it was the 10y year anniversary of the channel that he’s going to be stepping back from that

Specific project a video a day or a video a week sort of thing understandable he said it’s I mean even though it’s still getting views and he could definitely still sustain himself off of it he wants to try new stuff and new stuff might not work it might work I

Mean it’s tied to a name that’s huge so chances are he’ll get some sort of success on whatever he tries next but he wants to step away specifically from doing that style that often he’ll probably still do it just not as often anymore understandable I it’s it’s it’s

It’s hard to to keep videos going for that long especially I mean cuz he he traveled all over the world and a video a week is he the one who flew a plane in a Sim with a mentor that’s what my chat asked I I think so he’s he’s done like that

Before he’s also done like there was like a tank simulator where they had like a a scale or like a scale down terrain thing and then you you jump you hop in this giant simulator and you drive this little RC tank around he did a video on one of those

He’s done videos on like uh uh indoor Free Falling against like a big fan thing um he’s he does videos he does all sorts of stuff well the update I was trying to show everybody was the print on my K1 finished oh that’s a huge update but the time lapse is rendering

So the camera’s bugging out the camera on the K1 isn’t as reliable as the one on my octo print setup oh yeah flying garlic bread to space he uploaded a video of a gar piece of garlic bread attached to a weather balloon and flying it up to space Oh entirely unedited it

Was like 4 hours long or something stupid and it has like something crazy like 40 million views you know how like the big Trend right now is to say like this was my Roman Empire my to my germa leaving or germa retiring was Tom Scott that’s the new thing that’s the that’s

The YouTube equivalent of the Roman Empire is uh germa retiring yeah I got to figure out why the time lapse thing is bugging out it I don’t know why uh Kirby believes it’s because variable frame Kirby believes yeah if you look at it for longer than 20 seconds it freezes see

Look that’s where the stream began you remember that you were there yeah are you watching my stream or no I have it open yeah see how it’s frozen yeah yeah it’s weird I don’t know I haven’t tried OBS input yet from my K1 it’s the same with the browser it’s not just obs

Oh really yep I’ve never had a problem in the browser so I don’t know 61 million views GE geez what was his most view video TNT dupers that’s true we use that in the stone one and it works out it works out for us not really oh his most popular video he wrote

A JavaScript uh thing or something yeah and it it changes the title of the video based on how many views it has oh that’s cool so the video has 69 almost 70 million views so the title of the video says this video has 69,99 7922 views how did I build this

Seven so each of these is one two three so six observers and and eight Pistons I still haven’t done that video of showing off the art on my on my stream what art the pixel art I’m going be real I’m about to fall asleep at my

Desk all right guys I get it you don’t have to keep making fun of me I’m boring on stream I was making fun of you you’re making fun of me you’re making fun of me gra a ho I got to live with this man why do you always bully me on stream

It’s not fair um do we have a redstone farm at all or no is that the only thing we don’t have I don’t think we have a redstone Farm red stone mhm you can get redstone from The Raid Farm oh you can I don’t even know where the raid Farm is uh

It’s hard to explain pretty far away did you take me to it I could thinking cuz I need red stone need a lot of red stone actually fuzzy says 1700a 1500 I know but you could fly at me to it and it be faster maybe I’m doing nether stuff right do

Not come to the nether by the way okay I’m breaking stuff crazy that you just know it NE I’m going to come to the nether just for you Kirby -700 -500 is that your X and your y we got to have fuzzy build the um dirt

Duper or whatever it is dirt farm yeah there was some somebody that mentioned the dirt farm x and Z right so I’m looking for500 you’ll see a giant pillar in the middle of like a lake might be500 1700 is what fuzzy said okay I’m almost at oh here’s a village okay I’ll try 1500 1700 no it’s definitely not that I don’t think either of those cords

Are right Tim or c Fuzzy [ __ ] yeah I don’t think any of those are at all close cuz I tried both of them and they’re both like not close to our house so I’ll just have Kirby lead me there when he’s done well it’s not I

Said they’re not it’s not close at all yeah I know but I went to yeah I know I went to the -5 -7 and -75 and neither one of those had it they were both in the middle of a village I’m guessing you’re saying X and Y I need more

Rocket x and z that doesn’t make any sense Y is up and down oh y is up and down I thought Z is up and down no it’s got the dumb coordinate system but still regardless x and z x and y I should be done with this in just a

Second I’ll come show you yeah it’s in a it’s in a huge ocean I just don’t know where oh no the pillagers are here I should kill them oh let’s go have done it no more no more spawning back in the mountains when you come back through the

Nether me make sure it works both ways yep we’re good who’s shooting at me oh you are he dead he all right where are you Ace I’m at your house which one uh your house house my house or my hole your hole that’s what I have to say I’m at the

Bridge how did you pass me wait where are you your hole like I said I thought you said my hole I thought you meant the big hole oh see you later okay right I’ve only ever made this journey with uh continu or not continuity uh distant Horizons yeah I know I’ll trigger raid

But we’re about to go to the raid farm so wait do you have the thing that makes raid start yeah you do yeah oh perfect we can start it then wait can I come with you guys yeah yeah yeah hold on we’re right above you

Yeah we’re right above you we got to go otherwise I’m going to lose my I’m coming let’s go you got like 30 minutes on it yeah chat was telling me to drink milk otherwise I’ll keep it and I’m like no no no we want it mhm I’m going sideways I going to go

This way oh it was one of those numbers that fuzzy gave us was supposed to be positive not negative oh okay gotcha I was going to say say cuz he sent me in like the total opposite direction wait I think maybe am I going the right direction I might be going the wrong

Direction no it’s right here I’m right yeah I was positive 1700 okay so you have you have it yeah I just starts no no no before it starts you got to get in the thing [ __ ] I’m stuck in the water uh [ __ ] go up the lad go the

Ladder and then go where the signs tell you to go it might be too late already uh and now what it’s too late you have to swing every 1.5 seconds directly down and you need sweeping at Edge oh I don’t think we we didn’t have everything to do it

Anyways this is too complic we yeah it’s very complicated you need sweeping Edge on your sword and then you you walk in here and you swing at the armor stand every 1.5 seconds so having an auto clicker is kind of a necessity actually I don’t need this

Much Redstone I don’t know why I’m hogging it look at that gunpowder bro spider eyes they have a purpose now right they’re you can feed them to for armadillos aradillas I mean they don’t have a p purpose currently but they will soonish but we’ probably don’t need three double chest

For spider eyes are always worth it oh glow stone I’m going NAB some of that I want to go home let’s see who dies first it’s going to be me it’s going to be me oh there’s regeneration oh I’m not even gonna die there we go let’s explore chat

Wow this is this is cave is really cool oh there’s a glow squid hey glow squid a Ben Drowned you should come you should come ask what I’m building can you give me your Discord links I don’t have a public Discord yet unfortunately wish I did but uh I

Don’t ah eventually I’ll get a a public Discord I’m working on it I’m working on it well I’m working on converting our our private one to a public one just taking too much time if there’s a lot of uh push for it I can do it instead of Cl shift clicking

Each stack you can shift yeah I I I do know the trick about the double click I just wasn’t using it because I only want to pick pick up a certain amount okay now that we’re back we can start working on what I was going to do all right and I want to

Go here oh I don’t have a crafting table never mind also need wood and then the plan is I want to build the new melon farm oh whoa oh heck pick pick pick I’m I’m losing my brain cells heck I want to go take a nap brain have

Been gone for hours a nap nap yeah a nap loser I might an e girl in a we w l I’m Buton Buton my why do you give me your sleepiest battles you are my you are my funniest clown he wait hold on I can I show permission to show your

Chat the honk the honk the honk it already is honk on my screen it’s been the whole time the honk there it is chat everybody got to hear it let’s see I want to see if my uh my time lapse working I want to see if my dreams come true oh [ __ ] camera’s

Not working never never Kirby [ __ ] [ __ ] how many frames per second on the on the output of the time lapse for for the K1 uh was it five I do 10 but 10 you can do more or less and just adjust it when you’re editing it tenant seems like a pretty good one

Though no I’m using it come look I’m using it somewhere everyone’s links in the description what do you mean yeah I I don’t get I don’t get cool things and I’m I’m famous enough I don’t need the exposure I don’t I I don’t want to be famous so I’m I’m good just being

Here oh no me wi Total Drama Oh I’ve been muted I’ve been muted I’ve been muted I’ve been muted how long was I muted for hopefully not a long time hopefully not the entire stream like me one time shout out to you for doing that somebody fuzzy would have

Told you though yeah it couldn’t have been too long like 30 seconds yeah I’m part of the channel I’m not why did I hit okay I’m not cool I don’t have my own channel Kirby has his own Channel with chat triggers chat seven check out corn do. live for all my

Socials see I’m cool I have a social I have a link tree that’s where people put their uh only fans okay and I’m just saying that’s why I have my own custom domain so people don’t think I have an only fans uh actually I do have an only fans you know me there’s

Not there’s nothing wrong with that I’m just Kirby Kirby uh Kirby’s a hater that’s actually why Kirby out here [ __ ] Shaman really for real for real I have eight I have nine dirt do you need it Ace no I’ll live will you no I don’t know why I had myself muted

Okay let’s restart my fluid oh it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s great I you love to see it you love to see it well the print succeeded I I know that it’s just so the time lapse screwed up yeah I don’t know how but the time lapse is like all

Bugged I have to see I can try and render it again but the camera won’t even turn on are you clicking the render button or are you just letting it do it automatically uh I was trying to download The One automatically if you click render it it just doesn’t work

Doesn’t work yeah okay I knew that it just sits there and sits loading yes my inventory is too full you should as a backup um you should be able to pull all of the frames out of your temp file as like a last resort if the if the

Um if the render is screwed up okay I I I can show you how to do that if you just don’t don’t print anything else I can show you how to pull all the frames and create a video from that like locally instead of on the printer okay sounds good to me

There’s always a backup plan unless you start another print then everything all of the temp files get overwritten then I’m screwed uhhuh I keep forgetting How I build this need three blocks not this observers power the block behind it yeah I need three I’m just trying to count it out in my head

And I didn’t even make any observers yet all right I think I’m going to head off cuz I you would everybody’s so mean to me everybody’s so mean to me all right all right see you good night good night good night get the heck out of here okay that looks perfect and

Then I need to throw a this is full of stuff rats this isn’t though I need to make observers I think that’s good hey Kirby you remember when I built this this and you were like and you had to over complicate it and it didn’t work

Then we eventually just went back to my design Yeah go and then can’t remember if there okay good whoa oh I need to make a uh I need to make a hopper okay go and then this should stop right there perfect oh and then this will go there Perfect Look at that beautiful now I need to

Grab a hoe and turn these into seeds I do like melon on one side and pumpkin on the other can I craft these into seeds I can perfect the top is this just going to be Farm Tower basically I wasn’t planning on it but it’s a great place to store everything I

Guess so it’s not a bad idea just having a pillar of farms cuz then you can kind of be in one area and have them all loaded yeah I wish be would increase Farm output if there was like a farming Beacon yeah or like something equivalent to like the

Um the conduit but for like Farms maybe yeah that would work too it’s like this kind of obscure structure sort of thing oh it’s three not four I’m an idiot and then I got a p I’m so glad you announced that I got a p yay Yi I announced it I’m gonna send

My stream Tob H now what I want to figure out is is I could put look at how look at how cute this is going to look look at that oh I love it I ordered Chipotle for my first meal of the day Chipotle sucks Tim I’m

Sorry I’ve been a hater of Chipotle since day one and now that it’s cool to be a Chipotle hater I’m cool again which is so exciting now people are finally starting to realize that chipotle is over overpriced for what it is I was complaining about that back in

The day I was a hater from day one the only time I’ve ever eaten there recently is when I um I was being paid so I didn’t have to worry about the fact that it was overpriced I was getting my meals reimbursed ah ah ah shoot I keep missing oh my gosh

There we go and the Farm’s finished so oh oh this one over here could use a look at that boom see how great that works this is awesome okay so what I’m thinking is I could have set this in one more so like it was in the wall which would have

Been a little cleaner but what I’m thinking is I put a second one on the left here and then I could put two more above it and have them feed directly into like all of them feed directly into one chest through Hoppers or something so this takes up

The footprint of one oh shoot shouldn’t count with my pickaxe one two 3 4 5 five six 7 okay so I need a block of separation between them so that the Redstone doesn’t freak out perfect one Two three four five six 7 great hey Tim since you uh entered or joined the server are you going to be uh joining VC as well or is it more of a chill day for you no response Tim is a Tim is AFK he’s probably eating his chipole

All right let me get this mined out and then I can organize my inventory a little better so hopefully this is I’m going to AFK on the server until I eat my food okay no problem I’m saying how was your idol meeting wasn’t an what do you mean idle meeting I was

Peeing how was your idol I can do that a boy I can be yeah girls don’t pee Real yeah this will be a new place to idle is over here cuz this will be like Farm Island I got to find a good like Auto Wheat Farm or Auto carrot or Auto like other there’s okay there’s a couple that are Auto but it requires you to stand at

Them and hold right click I don’t like that there’s some really simple like mini ones Tim has one by his base um that looks more complicated but let me go check it out I wonder if that counts as being cuz like Realms gets really freaky

And will kick you off yeah you can sit there and do that forever okay there I yeah I get it’ll kick you off if you’re standing completely still but they don’t have a really super like Advanced AFK detector so like as if you’re even just like moving in a water

Stream it won’t that used to work but it doesn’t work anymore to my knowledge unless somebody on the server has proven me wrong cuz I used to have one of those but it kept kicking me off I think they improv the way that it checks Idol I might be

Wrong carrot Farms can be done by villagers oh that’s right I have seen those this one is where the yeah the the farm over here works but there are definitely simpler ways of doing it called like a micro Farm or something yeah I’m kind of obsessed with micro

Farms I like the idea of I like modular Farms I think would be the word I don’t know what we I think to turn into turn it into wheat but now with the autocrafters you can turn it into wheat like instantly stop oh my God face this way there we

Go there we go okay boom boom boom and then these three will get taken out dirt where you at dirt there you’ll be go oh my gosh just need to make sure that this works yeah bread can’t be turned back into wheat however hay bales can be autoc

Crafted and then hay bales can be turned back into wheat if they need to be so with the autoc crafter you could make it go for a long time unfortunately sugarcane and bamboo do not have that advantage Observer how many more do I need oh just two good thing I checked

Oh it’s one of those days but by a Village Farm we can only get bread not wheat oh that’s true cuz they make question does it use um does it use the uh so like when you beat a raid you get like Village of Village Hero is that

How it works or is it just that they literally give you all right I need no the farm no the farm for us Tim is so offended that I mentioned a wheat farm the farmer villagers isn’t even a farm because it doesn’t have water so as soon as a wheat breaks it’s

Gone the wheat’s the only thing mad M soil together his his Wheat Field is fully cosmetic yeah so I need two more melons and two more pumpkins I remember when pumpkins used to be like the rarest thing in the game or not pumpkins sorry melons

Did why do you need wheat Tim calm the hell down my boy because I wanted to build a farm we don’t need anything I could stop playing Minecraft anytime I want yeah why do we need to play Minecraft jeez look at this endless loop you’ve got us into this is all your

Fault well actually I do need to play Minecraft I need something for the channel what would I do on Minecraft Tuesday if I didn’t play Minecraft exactly where’s my perfect there we go so now we have two melon farm the pumpkins grow way faster than the Watermelons I got to say I don’t

Know what it is I know what it is what is it I don’t know so you’re a liar yeah thought it would sound cool if I I thought it would sound cool okay let’s see how I make this a double stack oh no I’m trapped oh getting a call okay I’m

Back I love the hey what are you doing right now I’m streaming oh okay all right hey uh thanks for thanks for always joining in at the as the stream um have a have a good sleep wondering if I move my streams to later at night they would work better

For some people I know I have to evaluate my New Year’s schedule now that I have my new class schedule because I cannot stream at this time anymore once classes start stream tomorrow no my next stream is Thursday um and it’ll be just kind of like a chill

Stream to catch up for New Year’s yeah and then I won’t be back next week for Minecraft because I’ll be on vacation but the week after that I’ll be back all right see you then take care ah I missed one ah shoot Kirby you there yeah I’m just thinking out loud my own

Brain out loud you’re not out loud though yeah it’s my own brain to my own bra trying to figure out how to build this like vertically this is an interesting conundra oh I wish do I have glass do I have glass please tell me I didn’t put all the glass

Back I throw the glass uh I fixed the nether portal by the way I don’t know if you heard that I did hear that I’ll have to check it out it’s not I I do want to plan like a full nether Hub build but I actually want to

Like properly plan that out and design it maybe that’s something I can do next stream when you’re not here is just creative mode build I should do like they do on Twitch and have my model asleep and then just have and then watch your stream then I have to pay attention to two

Chats I could just have Kirby bot read the chat for you I got to set Kirby bot back up now that I have space again got to set Kirby bot up I want to do that printer thing that I talked about I think that’s a really funny idea ah

Yeah I really want to get an art me so that I can do something some crazy stuff yeah I was a little hesitant to talk about a bunch about printing today because uh I know a lot of the returning Chatters are mainly like Minecraft interested and I didn’t want them to be

Like why are you talking about printing somebody asking about Minecraft stuff he’s asking about that that I don’t I don’t know if you I mean you weren’t really ever into like technical Minecraft stuff but they used to have like a name history lookup for the Minecraft

API what do you mean used to be able to you know how you can change your Minecraft name oh yeah yeah you used to be able to look up people’s previous names you cannot anymore good I got rid of that so was talk about that but yeah

Um I knew the person that made like one of the first mods to actually look it up in game that’s actually where my name came from was Minecraft cuz my first username was gamerman 13 it would still be that if it weren’t for the fact that um you got permanently

Banned updated everything and so now it’s Gone Forever SEC yeah I’m not getting this email I got a text and it was like hey watch out for this email and I’m like okay sweet whenever I get the email like I’ll I’ll take care of it and then there I got a

Call hey did you know you’re getting an email no I didn’t I didn’t read your text oh man and then they don’t send the email the email’s not sent yet it’s like yeah I’m a waiting the email don’t worry why not why not tell people that you sent an email after you sent

It no it was my mom she was like Hey person at work said they’re going to email you I’m like okay sweet when when they email me I’ll be ready I’ll be ready I respond don’t email six this is sick it’s like I designed my own modular system yo this is

Sick this works perfectly this is like really exciting feel like a feel like a designer over I just have to connect all of them together and then I’ll be good go boom boom boom Boom how am I doing I got to say um I have I have had my like view count hidden for the stream a pretty nice stream not having to look at who’s watching should always have your Von hidden yeah in the beginning it was now that I kind of have consistent viewers

It’s a lot easier to do but beforehand when I didn’t have consistent viewers it was harder because it’s like you don’t want to ignore somebody like I wasn’t used to people chatting uh all right that that looks great I think that’s that’s good that’s what I need oh I need to plant everything

Finish it up I like how I planned it executed it and it’s that’s it it’s it’s all good all done I like builds that just succinctly come together like that okay boom boom boom and then I want pumpkin pumpkin Pumpkin here three oh this isn’t till yet Tim are you still in my chat I need the wheat so that I can out I I can sell you out of the market cut you out of the market and then uh take over the wheat market for myself that’s what I’m plotting that’s

What I’m planning do we have a bunch of um those light thingies frog lights no not frog lights the ones from like the nether glow what they’re called not glow stone the ones on the tree things shroom lights yeah not really unfortunately they’re kind of difficult to get honestly yeah

I need six observers don’t think I’m going to have enough Observer what am I out of I’m out of Cobble okay and am I also out of lanterns also out of lanterns okay the two things I need everybody remember I need lanterns and iron which I can I think Nab in the same

Spot and then I might move towards wrapping the stream up because starting to get tired it like it hits me like a rock I don’t know what it is as soon as I hit that three- hour mark I’m like oh no the three hour mark oh no not 3

Hours I made all these like back in the day I was like yo I’m going to be that streamer that does like endurance streams cuz I can in I can can do endurance we’re too old for that [ __ ] now we we’re too old for

That I know where you are do an 8 Hour stream with me right now if I could fit it into my like real life schedule I would didn’t we have a stone cutter somewhere where did all of the stuff go why does there’s there should be one up by the smelter

No there isn’t that’s the thing that’s where I took it out specifically to mess with you let’s make a new one I guess and put it back by the smelter it’s just iron right or iron on Stone yeah oh oh oh oh oh oh to for wait to to make what the stone

Cutter yeah I think it’s stone blocks yeah I don’t know what else I got I a new one I think you raided them oh there’s Tim Tim’s here I’m I’m here what are we doing on the server we’re playing lethal company um that’s not a Minecraft uh un you want to get

Me you made a lethal company Minecraft mod yeah you want to I bet you could play lethal company on like Roblox um you want to you want to get n and a half shulker boxes of snow blocks oh yeah sure for me wait what four it’s a little project don’t

Worry hate when you do that you’ll you’ll see you’ll see I hate when you say that no it’s it’s fine I hate when you do that it it’ll okay I hate when you it’s gonna be for a silly at first but it’ll turn into something that’s actually say are we

Gonna make a big titty anime girl yeah oh no that’s it my stream’s demonetized can’t make any money off of this stream now I’ve got to stop streaming now all your fault Tity yes I need I’ll try not say titty in the future real but it it’s spelled with D’s

So it’s okay it’s okay okay no we say in this house we say BBA oh that’s Advertiser friendly oh look at that that was perfect I used up the rest of my seeds excuse me did you just come onto the stream just to burp and and say titty

Come on bro I just ate come on bro add me some good Chipotle let me Chipotle is awful let him eat leave the little guy alone I didn’t want to make my sell food so here we are $30 in debt yeah that’s what I’m saying Chipotle is so

Overpriced you do not which villagers which villagers um sell lanterns Librarians okay there there is a stack in your house where in my house uh in the second chest in the next to the smelters okay but I doubt that you’re going to do that instead you’re probably going to trade

For them no I grabbed it fuzzy said that I I use lanterns and they’re too expensive like they’re way it’s way cheaper well here’s the thing I’ve been using up all of them that you left in there cuz you bought a bunch of them I crafted a bunch of them

Too or you crafted them so I’ve just been in orating lanterns in all my builds to use up the ones in your house look at that isn’t that that is a thing of beauty right there oh ow ow ow ow ow okay ow ow my back my back

Real my back that so socalled I’m not getting soall I’m not getting old [ __ ] when they have to complain about their back that’s like work my back also um I figured something out and it makes sense now that I think about it but I never really thought about

It truck wheels are freaking heavy man mhm and I just I just deal with that and I’m probably like ruining my back probably you are ruining your back they’re like it’s like welome to working for the Walton yeah it’s like a 100 pounds to haul one of those things

Around oh my god dude I’d love to see you like try a deadlift I’m probably way stronger than I think I am I’m probably like the strongest guy ever I’m probably like the strongest man ever and I don’t even know it gym Arc Kirby just goes to the gymm and starts

Doing get huge gym records Kirby’s going to start looking like me in real life yeah I don’t have to use my efficiency for diamond pick for this could you don’t have to not use it yeah but it would be really funny if you did unfortunately all this space goes unused

But okay so I could use the rest of the iron and the rest of the wood did connect all of these to one chest is that worth it or should I just leave them as four separate chests ah what do you think say that again cuz I wasn’t listening you never

Are I was busy doing Minecraft stuff can you say that again never mind no no no no I’m serious I have 8 HD I can’t focus good one okay so like he actually does he takes drugs for it yeah me too I should pop an Addie right now right now

So that you can listen to me Babble about Minecraft so I buil this so we can play Le company no that’s for csgo I’m not going to take performance-enhancing drugs for not performance for Minecraft you’re not going to take it for Counter Strike either you take it because it’s a

Prescription yeah you’re trying to get my you’re trying to get my stream banned over here by talking about how you do drugs thanks man you really aren’t my friend I’m actually prescribe them so it’s fine yeah that’s not how that works what do you mean you can’t just be like Oh I’m prescribed

To take these drugs so that means I can do whatever I want with them no but that’s why I’m saying he’s got to be very careful while saying I take it to some place CS goo no that’s what I’m saying prescribed it you’re supposed to be taking it my doctor unironically says

Take it as needed so yeah yeah that’s not what that means though it is it no that means like I’m having a really bad ADHD day I need to take these meds not I need to do really well In I I guess I can see your side of the argument I guess there’s nothing to see I’m telling you that’s not you’re abusing prescription drugs there’s nothing to see it’s just you’re you’re abusing prescription drugs no it’s not Abus it it’s so abusing prescription drugs is not like a

Uh it it’s it’s not like a level like it’s not like oh you have to do this and this in order to be considered abusing drugs if you are abusing drugs you’re abusing drugs like it’s it’s an all or nothing thing I don’t know I do can we not talk about uh

Abusing drugs why not yeah no one does that here that’s Tim does in oh oh my God guys so my Japanese learning Arc is finally starting again and my my school schedule is is finally going to be relaxed I think to to Warrant oh that’s right cuz you had crazy

Semester take 16 credits it was 17 jeez I’m seven 17 credits yeah every semester I was undergrad I took 18 wow you cared about school oh okay gotcha what’s up and you don’t have ADHD who said I don’t um your abilities what do you what do you mean I don’t

Know you know there’s such thing as high functioning yeah I don’t know why you’re so mean to me all the time you’re like okay you’re successful that means you don’t have any mental disorders all right okay buddy I’m so glad that you’re so supportive of me you don’t take that as

A compliment no I don’t oh interesting that’s that’s like telling somebody oh you’re no never mind I’ll say this off stream I don’t want this on record I thought about that a little bit more we have a big St pile of dirt somewhere wait yeah we do mind

No I should just start running uh I should start running Clipper on all of your printers I would love to well actually I don’t need Clipper on my Ender three yeah but you could like double the speed without any I don’t want to Performance issue I don’t trust

You I’m not that’s what happened with my S1 dude my K1 time lapses aren’t working right now my Ender is working perfectly I’m not messing with it I don’t care fair fair just saying saying what happened to me is when I switched my S1 to Clipper and you basically have an S1

Because you get the Sprite extruder yeah which I’m about to add the Sprite extruder to my cr10 you said you needed 19 stacks of snow blocks oh you misunderstood I need nine and a half shulker boxes worth Oh wow okay okay oh wow he Tim when I say I need a ton of blocks oh you need four blocks I got you he has 8hd give him a break bigot please give me a break have you guys heard of um this product called I like how we both have the same

Idea what the heck we’re [ __ ] hey you are but what am I got him got him good anyway you did get me good I was going to ask if you guys knew this product called athletic greens I’ve seen a lot of it uh what I’m weary so okay I’m not saying that

Athletic greines is bad it could be okay but I’m I’m always weary about uh stuff any product that gets hard pushed by influencers because they spend a ton of money on adverti influencers these days are not influencers they’re just salesmen yeah and like I said I’m not saying anything maybe athletic greens

Could be really good but um it it’s just one of those things where they’re been especially like in the in more recent memory vpns were hard pushed by by influencers via uh sponsorships I also think that turned out that of them were kind of me I also don’t think that that

Influencers really understood vpns that’s also true also true so anyway I’m thinking about getting it but the the starting price is pretty I mean the price of it is pretty what is what is it it’s like a supplement thing is this um multivitamin supplement protic I wouldn’t I would my

General rule of thumb is unless your doctor says specifically to take a certain like supplement um they’re a farce what happens is your body is not really used to getting that high of a dosage of something and so your body can’t like process it and so you end up peeing most of it

Out I’m curious what you do for nutrition like do you focus on getting everything through your diet uh that’s what you’re supposed to do but I realize that’s not easy because so so like for instance if what’s a good example uh vitamin C comes from oranges right so one of the reasons

Why it’s a lot better to eat an orange than it is to take a vitamin C C pill is that the vitamin C in the Orange is in more of a natural state and so it’s a lot easier for your body to break it down and use

It um I’m trying to think of a way to explain it where it makes a a little bit more sense but no I I understand what you’re saying yeah that’s why I say like some people have vitamin deficiencies and they need vitamin supplements but if the health industry

Is very big at telling you oh you have to buy these supplements to feel better but you have to remember they make money off you buying supplements so of course they’re going to tell you that you need supplements supplements are also very not not regulated regulated so you got

Also got to be careful about I mean I’m I accidentally killed the Snowman okay new okay protein and protein is a different story but um it’s equally as as kind of shitty so right now there’s a big problem um I’m going to try and dumb the science down

As much as I can so bear with me but um there’s a big problem right now in the supp industry for protein because of the way that testing counts the protein because uh you can I really don’t want to get in trouble either I don’t think I will who

Watches my streams that would be from the supplement we can we can leave it at what we’ve already said I think yeah that’s that’s probably true that’s probably true I think we’ve said enough yeah where are the pumpkins don’t worry about uh there should be pumpkins in one

Of the chests by you there are carved pumpk pumpkins but it doesn’t work that’s what you want huh oh wait how do you make you have to place the pumpkin last oh okay so you have to break two blocks above the glass all right okay so these are all my tools I could

Take that just in case I need it but the rest I need to organize I think I’m going to do a big organization bit right here cuz I’ve been meaning to organize my house do you want me to build an auto sorder boy do I so anyways I find myself dependent on

Multivitamins and I’m hoping to get blood work done to see just what I’m like deficient on because if I don’t take my multivitamin then I’m like dead for energy yeah I’d be interested my di I’m not going to try and play doctor here

Cuz I am by no means a doctor but um I’d be very interested to see what other factors are a part of it you know I just assume it’s my diet yeah that’s what I would assume as well a fair only eats gamer Subs yeah I was

Going to say I don’t mean I don’t mean drink he eats it like the powder form yeah he go yeah no the minecra the Minecraft eating sound that’s that’s him he takes like handfuls of and go yeah okay oh there’s a bunch of torches in here that’s sick

Oh hey snowball oh hey not BL put the snow block down I think this is the last song on my playlist yeah once this is over I might call it for the day where’s my dirt have I told you guys no I have big news I’m I’m going to get a

Physical therapy referral to fix my wrist o so you can go back to playing U so you can break it again exactly yes hopefully that won’t happen I can’t wait to break my hand again this post was made by Tim a wolf I can’t wait to break my hand

Again this post was made by Tim a wolf I can’t wait to break my hand again no but also it might happen I don’t I don’t like how you’re proposing this hey guys guess what I might break my hand again good one guys I’m going to the doctor to get my wrist

Fixed so I can break it again oh my goodness I I mean you’re the one that’s saying it why are you looking at me like I’m crazy yeah Tim why did you say because that’s only that’s only part of the story okay what’s the rest of it

Okay I’m 12 six where’s the rest of them 12 six whatever Tim doesn’t know uh vtu yeah he doesn’t he only watches anime he doesn’t know how funny 126 is it’s okay most of my memes I make you’re like what and then a week later you’ll hear it from somebody else and

Then it’ll be funny so like I and you know how I feel oh my did I tell you the did I tell you when we were In when when my parents and I were talking and my sister was there I looked over at my sister and gosh I wish I remembered what we were talking about but I was like oh oh oh we were talking about like sorry I I’m really losing it it’s

Been too long for streaming I just I can last but then I have a like steep drop off where I just lose it immediately um also ter of energy level in that case I think you could benefit from supplement hey have have you bought this snake oil

Yet you should you should buy the snake oil um no you should probably sleep more and eat a little bit better that would that would probably be the best way to solve that um I already sleep for 10 hours every day that’s true I do know that

Then you should sleep less what El do you work out potentially try to get better sleep yeah you you do workout yeah every day I try to go for a light walk okay so like when we say workout what are you what are you saying how much of a workout is it

20 minute walk uh so light cardio I mean that might be light cardio for my grandma yo what the heck no I’m just messing I’m just messing uh I mean I’ve heard of I’ve heard of more and I’ve also heard of less so it’s uh yeah are we strictly down to one

Sniffer I hope not CU then we’re screwed I told you we should have put him in a pen I they’re free Spirits okay we can’t cage them wait no we can’t cage them we need them to all die off yeah dude I can’t help the fact that

That they want to go and die get cold they’re going to be the freest Spirits you’ve ever seen their Spirits are going to be so free they’re going to be up in heaven sorry I mean you can laugh that I’m I said that to be funny that was a loud laugh I’ll I’ll

I’ll fix it I’ll fix it don’t worry stop putting this [ __ ] free glass in my chests oh see the nose is all the way over here by the snow about to jump his ass in yeah that’s what happens when you give people free will sometimes they make decisions you don’t want them to

Make is that their fault or your fault so you’re saying there shouldn’t be any free will h I’m not saying anything I’m asking you the question I think you should allow people to screw up and learn from their mistakes yeah the sniffer in Minecraft is going to learn from dying really well isn’t

It you got me there hey sniffer Minecraft die is he stuck on this horse is dying next to the sniffer they’re all dying I can’t stop clearing my throat oh maybe I need to take supplements can we stop talking about supplements F I do not want to talk

About supplements do you take any no oh yeah you just eat a lot of lot of vegetables uh no I just die like what oh think so you’re low on certain nutrients no I’m good to my knowledge cuz he’s a health nut oh okay well I mean I don’t I don’t

Feel like collapsing every day most days oh interesting where’s the place that we’ve been putting all the scaffolding all right first shovel Broken Oh you broke the shovel oh my God it appeared for you you’re so far away I don’t know how I heard it oh my

Gosh wait did it come up on on your screen shovel broken my screen not exactly but it started that’s really funny I got to feed my cat be he’s talking about you is he yeah I’m his Discord kitten that’s not what I was going for I uh damn that’s good that’s funny

No when he said BRB he said it so quickly it said like it sounded like he was saying Kirby that’s what I was referencing oh that’s funny actually that’s kind of dangerous to for them to be maybe I actually let these guys break their crossbows I’m back sad noises now that they’re tied

Up dang did they patch the trip trap hook glitch that sucks why you need a ton of trip wire hooks yeah no it was just another cool thing I like doing but now I can’t do it so I bother oh never mind it’s good I need a bajillion trip wire

Hooks wait a second wait would this be easier if I just m snow from a mountain no okay you probably would yeah I can just do nothing while I do if we had Auto crafter it would be really easy because you just sit there and

Click Auto cter Craft it wow how do we not have AutoCraft yet I thought that was the whole point of the update we talked about yeah we problems require modern solution yeah it’s it’s a whole process we have to go through to actually update the world to have the

Autocrafters and we need everybody on so that they can dump out their inventory so that we can actually do it um I might just leave my inventory empty honestly hey Tim how long do you think you’re going to sit here few hours uh all right I’m going to run the

Cobblestone Farm then make sure to turn it off on your way out okay is there is there enough space Oh you’re right next to it dud right behind you is there enough space in the chest oh yeah yeah we’re good okay that hasn’t run for weeks yeah and now it’s

Running all right will oh they broke my boots oh your boots yeah my boots my boots um there I stretched out I’m good now hey Tim did you watch my most recent video no I didn’t you should cuz it has no views and it needed to have more

Views okay it was actually really nice I thought I mean it’s not like magnum opus material but I thought it was cool Kirby why did that log break because that’s what I was holding at the time no don’t these [ __ ] pillagers dude what did they shoot

The they shot the sniffer I’m trying to move the sniffer to a pole that’s close to him you know the easiest way to get them dociles to sit in the boat with them cuz then they’ll Miss every shot yeah Kirby let me help you with that funny man thinks he’s

Silly no the TNT Farm blew up what do you mean just kidding okay like no it didn’t no oh I can I can’t believe that that does nothing to you that’s cuz they removed that a long time ago wait so snowballs now do nothing yep you can’t you can’t hit players with

Them anymore what’s the point why are they even in the game anymore I don’t know dude I don’t know why they removed it you can’t fishing rod people either that sucks they take out all the fun stuff and they leave all the boring dumb [ __ ] like pillagers and

TNT yeah I don’t know that was I think that was removed in like 1.9 I kind of want to see how quickly I break my I need to break my legs my uh elytra doesn’t take take damage unless it’s uh it has protection right you can’t put prote on it anymore

Okay so it can’t take it only takes flight damage another thing that they removed For No Good Reason oh I just realized I’m dropping all of my frames it might be the end of the stream for me yeah you’re the stream is like like looks like a 1080p video or

Not a 1080p for like a 144p video yeah I’m Legit him dropping I’m gonna probably transition over I looked at over at OBS and I just see 7,000 frames dropped my bit rate is nearly zero oh Kirby remember when I saw your stream break the oak log that that was

How far it was behind that wasn’t that far that was like 15 two minutes dude dude you’re getting hit you got to move no no no that wasn’t your shovel Tim that wasn’t your shovel that was Ace’s boots yeah I know I know you got to move you’re getting shot 15

20 seconds I think it was like a minute Kirby you got to move you’re being shot by arrows can’t tell I’m lagging I’m lag you’re being shot by arrows Kirby Kirby you got to got to move how’s he getting away wait I have a plan I got away

Chad yeah my I don’t think it’s coming back I’m still I’m at 8,000 now 8,000 drop frames rip Kirby well I can also move to uh to be done too I don’t need to keep being on a on stream yeah I I think I just have to end

I don’t think I have a choice it is now at 9 I’m I think I’m literally dropping every single frame or like every other maybe it’s bad that’s not oh it’s it looks real bad on stream holy [ __ ] oh my God it’s 144 so in between it’s going between

Zero kilobytes per second and like a thousand yeah it’s unironically it’s in 160p right now oh my God soon to be your favorite vtuber soon to be dude once I get Fiverr it’s over Fiverr Fiverr internet Fiverr Fiverr once you get Fiverr internet you have

The guy you hire a guy on Fiverr to install your internet oh man I wish my K1 camera was working so I could show everybody what it looks like but it’s not nope won’t let me render it save frames won’t even let me do that I’d have to individually save each

Frame God dang uh M No it should let you download a zip of all the frames now no it won’t it’s uh restarting so we’ll see what’s restarting ranker why is that restarting uh do you want me to ask it no I don’t know now fluid’s save frames

It should it should generate a zip file oh sick otherwise if you go to MOA X term you can grab them off of there I can show you where got them that’s a zip you got them okay now I just need to download nope I can’t download them it is Bully

Buug so I might try restarting fluid and hoping that that works but anyway to I want to wrap up the stream so yeah I’ve uh got two of the two of the printers up and running which is really exciting uh the prints look really good um feedback or uh views on

The last video were kind of down but I’m hoping they pick up in the coming days uh I’ve got another video on Wednesday coming out and a video on Friday coming out and I’ll be back on stream on Thursday here building Legos and being like just chatting catching up before I

Go on vacation so I want to thank every everyone very much for watching um I’ll be back in two weeks to continue streaming uh Minecraft uh aside from that is there anything anybody else wanted to say or no yeah we’re playing lethal company not me yeah you are you’re gonna have to

Right now no okay maybe lethal company on somewhere else all right thank you everybody bye

This video, titled ‘New Year, New Builds [Minecraft]’, was uploaded by Ace Gamer on 2024-01-02 21:16:42. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:01:11 or 14471 seconds.

Hello all and welcome to the Ace Gang Hub. Today I’ll be setting up the server for the new year of content. #minecraft #gaming #vtuber #envtubers #vtuberuprising #holiday

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    Crafted Gratitude: NEFFEX's Minecraft Groove In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our news reporter shines like a gleam. Crafting updates with rhymes that ignite, Bringing joy and laughter, oh what a sight. With a grin and a spin, the news is told, In rhymes that are crafted, so bold. Each update a story, each line a song, In the world of Minecraft, where we all belong. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For our favorite reporter plays a part. Spinning rhymes with finesse, let the truth take wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • TNT Cave House Build

    TNT Cave House Build Creating an Easy Cave House with TNT in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new ways to build and create unique structures. One popular method involves using TNT to carve out a cave and transform it into a cozy home. Let’s delve into the process of building an easy cave house with TNT in Minecraft. Building the Foundation To start, players can use TNT to blast a hole in the ground, creating a cave-like structure. Once the cave is formed, it’s time to start building the house. Players can fill the cave with materials like… Read More

  • Escaping the Superflat Jungle

    Escaping the Superflat Jungle Minecraft Adventure: Surviving a Superflat Jungle Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey in an infinite superflat jungle world! Join the excitement as our protagonist navigates through this unique and challenging terrain, facing dangers and discovering hidden treasures along the way. Chopping Trees and Crafting Tools Our adventure begins as we spawn on top of a massive tree in the jungle. With determination, our protagonist starts chopping down the tree to gather resources. Despite the flat landscape, dangers lurk beneath, including slimes that must be avoided. After collecting wood, crafting basic tools becomes essential for survival. As night falls, the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar Drop

    Minecraft Memes - Musical Minecraft Mastery: Epic Guitar DropWhy is Lena getting applause for a meme with a score of 5? She must’ve built a pretty mediocre creation in Minecraft for that kind of recognition! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Day 52 of the Wood Challenge in Minecraft Welcome to day 52, where the challenge is alive, Gathering wood, one more piece to strive. The sunrise was stunning, a jungle trunk in sight, Stone easy to find, everything just right. Luxury in every step, a day to cherish, No desert in sight, just pure flourish. Shoutout to Pablo, Benja, Renzouu too, And Camiseterodepapel, sending love to you. StevenInfiny, Juan, Perseo as well, Noah Lopez, Papita, Benfi, can’t you tell? For the full video, check the link below, Join the journey, let the Minecraft flow. Big hugs to all, until tomorrow we meet, In this challenge, where every… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Potato Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Potato Edition “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • JaredH4’s Epic Minecraft Tower Build

    JaredH4's Epic Minecraft Tower Build The Tower | JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play: EP4 Building an Epic Magic Tower In this episode of JaredH4’s Minecraft Let’s Play, Jared embarks on the ambitious project of constructing a magnificent magic tower. With meticulous planning and off-camera resource gathering, he sets out to create a structure that blends seamlessly into the surrounding terrain. Interior Design and Enchanting As the tower takes shape, Jared meticulously designs the interior, incorporating enchanting stations, storage areas, and cozy nooks. The enchanting table becomes a focal point, offering opportunities to enhance tools and gear for future adventures. Unexpected Discoveries Despite setbacks like fruitless… Read More

  • EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop

    EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop Minecraft Pixelmon Mod Adventure: Finding Legendary Pokémon! Welcome to the second episode of the thrilling Pixelmon adventure! In this episode, Noofunk, Kartonkopp, and our protagonist delve into the Minecraft Mod Pixelmon, adding Pokémon to the game. Excitement ensues as they discover their first legendary Pokémon! Join us on this incredible journey filled with exciting moments. Don’t forget to like the video and leave a comment to share your thoughts with us! Social Links: Twitch (Livestreams) TikTok (Short Clips) YouTube Kanal (Videos und Shorts): @FasteinVince Discord (Streamer Discord Server) Follow along to not miss out on exciting moments and engage… Read More

  • INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 Hrs

    INSANE Speedrun: Minecraft Mod Project EX in 4 HrsVideo Information what is good everyone World created what we are hoping for now I’m actually going to let the world load for a second okay uh we’re hoping for a village we’re going to need iron diamonds obsidian we got to go to the nether so hopefully we can do this uh this is Project e it’s a money game everything has money and we added an expansion pack so this should be fun hopefully we don’t throw you know that’s never fun I just C CED one of those we’re going to need a pickaxe I’m going to… Read More

  • Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in Minecraft

    Sly & Mikey Defeat Smile Monster in MinecraftVideo Information H who Could That Be so early oh uh it’s bad JJ come on hurry up hurry huh what is it what’s with all these people oh again someone was attacked this is why we told him to put a stop to it huh uh uh um what Mikey what Mikey run it’s behind you what was [Music] that Chief we need to stop mushroom hunting there may be a man eating creature hiding in the forest we found a villager what was left huh without the mushroom hunt our economy will collapse but it’s dangerous someone else… Read More

  • Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft fun

    Join Vladis_min now for crazy political Minecraft funVideo Information Вчера я просматривал карту своего политического сервера и заметил игрока в джунглях я подлетел к нему и оказалось что у него закончилась еда и он застрял в этих джунглях и я решил ему помочь я дал ему вертолёт и ресурсы Он был очень благодарен мне и он полетел строить страну в Китай на сервере карты реального мира для ПК и телефонов IP в профиль E This video, titled ‘#minecraft #server #political #майнкрафт’, was uploaded by Vladis_min on 2024-01-17 05:53:22. It has garnered 10783 views and 293 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Read More

  • Spudzy’s SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shorts

    Spudzy's SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shortsVideo Information what happens to a new YouTube channel if you don’t post for one whole week well I did exactly that and my channel is more alive than ever I just entered a sub war with my worst enemy grass toucher and my channel has not stopped growing since so subscribe you know the answer to This video, titled ‘What Happens When You Don’t Upload For One Whole Week? #shorts #spudzy’, was uploaded by Spudzy on 2024-01-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 28 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft gameplay Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord https://discord.com/invite/HQPjAFar Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive play.HiveMC.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: https://www.hearthcraft.net Discord: https://discord.hearthcraft.net… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us,discord.gg/KWFqazhCZz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!

    UNBELIEVABLE! Zaheem Finds Iron In Minecraft?!Video Information [संगीत] स हे वस पीपल वेलकम बैक टू अनदर गेम प्ले वीडियो में और आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट यस गा आज हम खेलने जा रहे हैं माफ्ट और अभी तक जिसने भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करा प्लीज जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब कर दीजिए और इसी के साथ हम प्ले करते हैं ओके और लेट वीडियो इसके लिए आई एम रियली सॉरी हो जा यार लोड ओके तो अभी लोड हो चुका है एंड हम वर्ल्ड का नेम रखेंगे रखेंगे हम वर्ल्ड का नेम ही आगे [संगीत] डब्लू ओ आर एल डी एच नहीं डी ओके नाम हमने… Read More

  • EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: BedRock Golem vs 100 Golems in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-05-20 10:32:25. It has garnered 357 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. Insane Fight: BedRock Golem vs All Golem Fight in Minecraft x100 minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!

    INSANE Minecraft busmp gameplay!Video Information hello everyone we are live we are live okay another live stream and if you guys want to Jo just let me know I’ll let you in someone add me no reason I don’t I don’t know if they’ll try to go into yeah I can tell red doubles oh did you see my um map that I built as [Applause] [Music] well bro what you want to know what I think this deserves [Applause] I actually kind of cook on M [Applause] [Music] so yeah just yeah I’m going to probably be playing this for like an… Read More

  • Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle – Build or Destroy?😱

    Monkeyfeesh: Minecraft Build Battle - Build or Destroy?😱Video Information sech the Shameless I see the aimless I don’t want to be one of the nameless I’m wake up with the mindset that one day I’m going to make it and I don’t think I’ll be fine if I don’t break my limitations don’t try to stop me I exist to write my your story I’ll make it decision if I want some peace or if I want the glory yeah don’t want a life that is complacent or possibly boring just want a life that is worth every day exploring my whole life I [Music] [Music] justed… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!” #gaming #viral

    "Insane Minecraft Battle: Goblin vs Mobs!" #gaming #viralVideo Information ha ha ha ah ah [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he huh huh he [Music] [Music] he ah oh [Applause] [Music] haa [Music] This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral’, was uploaded by Elite Gamerz on 2024-05-10 21:30:00. It has garnered 587 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Epic Minecraft Battle:block and chain goblin vs all mobs fight #minecraft #gaming #viral #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraft house, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana Studio

    EPIC Minecraft Animation Dance by Shoshana StudioVideo Information This video, titled ‘See you again dance [Minecraft Animation]’, was uploaded by Shoshana Studio on 2023-12-30 13:30:24. It has garnered 469 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Let’s see each other again! Song used: https://youtu.be/Q4oZDbMiRVo?si=Oso7xoaUvnAfIE-S ——————————————————————— #minecraftanimation #minecraftanimationshorts Read More