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And he he he had a [ __ ] ton of KFC and couldn’t even finish it it was very funny so he wasted all that went KFC I mean he had like three hot and Krispies left and that was it sorry it wasn’t that bad yeah but still he did have a [ __ ] ton of

Food yeah it was what uh what are you guys plan uh we’re going to be playing some mince raft some M Mikey m m m m for the stream yeah for the stream I’m I’m on that streaming grind Bronte you don’t even understand [ __ ] I wasn’t talking to you I talking Jesus

[ __ ] I’m currently trying to get 100% achievements in Minecraft so I downloaded the cheat achievement map and I’m just doing them as they tell me sort of thing yeah that’s fair he’s getting all that God no [ __ ] way CM Punk return to WWE he literally punched a guy what the

[ __ ] oh my God that’s actually crazy the whole point of WWE yeah but like as in like outside of the um the the kayfabe which is like their their stories he like legitimately got angry and punched someone in a different wrestling thing but it was like a that’s normal isn’t it yeah

But WWE is like more of a kids thing now I don’t think they really enjoy having that kind of person in there but apparently they do because he earns a [ __ ] ton of um a [ __ ] ton of uh viewers so I do not blame them at all and he

Wasn’t really going to go anywhere else cuz it’s only um WWE and uh all elite wrestling aew which are competitors kind of but aw’s like slowly dropping off a bit weird we weird weird weird weird weird all messages hopefully at least someone joins hopefully at least someone joins I got to open up

My Sunday Sunday night for most Sunday night and then it’ll be like Sunday Saturday night Su it’ll be it’ll be Sunday morning in in America and like Saturday night in like the UK so not to buy a buster oh my I wonder if our boy’s gonna join

Sound wave boy sound wave oh my God bro oh you got lots you got lots of thoughts and prayers for uh for uh you got lots of thoughts and prayers Ethan just so you know what for for for your speedy recovery who says this uh Soundwave um sigh uh

Uh I need to have a look at the the community post but hang on where did the [ __ ] go where did the [ __ ] go you Channel Community uh we got Caleb uh sigh and um Soundwave which is uh some fun some fun stuff God I am so [ __ ] tired right now

Yeah more messages please brother please brother when did you guys actually leave uh we left what today about 3 300 p.m. uh yeah that sounds right 3ish yeah cuz we W yeah I got I go back here around about 6 so it wasn’t too bad

I was not prepared to leave at 600 and get 30k views on Star sc’s day off yeah how the mighty have fallen but no I’ve got I’ve got the new the new thing is so close to being done so close to being done I just need to do

Skywar and um Thunder Cracker’s voice don’t I yep that’ll be it well I say that but I haven’t done my voices yet and I need to do like the last last tiny bits M hey Soundwave how you doing how’s Ethan well I’ll let him answer for you

I’m here I’m here mostly for that part mostly I’m um I’m half half here I’m still in pain but I’ll find find out later few days he’s got his comfort Minecraft yeah yeah playing Minecraft for two and a half days without without a break because I haven’t been able to

Sleep in the hospital so I’m glad to be home yeah yeah you didn’t you didn’t have the best of uh bed mates no I had someone reciting Shakespeare and every time he um stuffed up he bloody started from the start again sounds like a fun

Dude so I’m I’m here and S for for the most part I do not blame you at all dude that’s Master Sam was like just checking don’t worry everything’s everything’s fine so far we just we’re just taking it Taking It steps and steps Ethan’s Ethan’s probably taking a lot more step

Step because I get a week off work I’m L yeah you get a week off work um thankfully um everything went all right with the camp as well so no one’s no one’s uh no one’s injured yet there could still be an injury on the way going to say slow again let’s

Go so I have no slows until an Aran right oh [ __ ] oh my so um am I am I am I joining you or or are we going where are we going we going to go into do you want to start do you want to unlock some cool Cosmetics [Laughter] fine sound

Wave you can’t break the sound [Laughter] barrier oh my God oh regular Minecraft interesting um achievement one oh getting wood oh my cool some of these you’ve probably completed before unless you haven’t ever played regular Minecraft on Bedrock I don’t think I think I played it like more than

Once make a crafting table a non-cheating survival world yeah that’s pretty very interesting um make a crafting table e ain’t no way you can change signs now without having to oh that’s so yeah you right click to edit I think it is oh has that been how

Long has that been for uh like two years I think me I’ve been deleting every single sign for the past like six 1.9 they added that in I’m pretty sure wow wow wow okay s has finished his slow let Let’s go Team everyone give them around

How do how do you check your how do you how do you check your achievements that one um oh wind game bar wi game bar um so I have literally got I’ve literally just completed three achievements right time to do some achievements he’s asking for the Discord uh during I was

Animating in join cartoons 2o uh you have a Discord zoinks Zs zoinks zoinks uh Discord you know what screw I’m going to make a community post right now oh my God hang on I need to make this pickaxe first is it ready it’s it’s ready it’s been it’s been

Ready for a while just I just haven’t been I say it’s ready it’s like you know it’s it’s it’s there um but let’s let’s do it real quick uh I’ve also been playing Minecraft and I didn’t actually switch the screen so we’ll get to that in a second um I’m

Going to put the link to our unable Discord in the thing um invite people edit invite link No Limit and then copy Community post Community post Community post Community post Community post Community post Community post come on bro what am I doing your channel breaking news we now have an official Discord server the link in

This post will take you straight to it just abide by the I’m going to send a quarter of a picture of my friend inquality because he stole my furing resource Bas just a buy by the rules and Guidelines and whe do you think there will ever be a Master Blaster master that sounds wrong along with two others um Link in this post will take you straight to it just Bye by the followers and you and you’ll be a cool and you’ll be a part of the peasantry how about

That and then random image also we are stream in right Now on the YouTubes with a Z on hang on on T YouTubes there preview I post perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect perfect [ __ ] Mund me perfect [ __ ] Mund want to Ping out everyone so bad at the server um well thankfully we’ve made it so that way everyone who’s a part of

The peasantry cannot do that cuz we know there just going to be abused as soon as people join um oh did I disconnect oh great fun fun fun fun fun fun um should we start up the Star Wars in a second or do you want to get more

Achievements um I’m almost done this stretch of achievements so if you want to do a few while I finish mineing baby girl I just went straight ahead when you spawn in so you can do the railway one that’s pretty easy and then there’s well I haven’t done any achievements I’m just

Going to do all these real quick ow whoa I actually just mined every IEPs peeps what is that efficiency efficiency 420 wow oh no it’s B gun oh [ __ ] wait make a sign Piggies what the [ __ ] wait what is my profile picture oh my God it’s him it’s G

G oh my God I can’t I forgot to [ __ ] do the thing okay here we go Minecraft time I keep on forgetting to no I disconnected you cockade oh God mate sorry I had to preserve this preserved sorry you’re not getting away with that Master Soundwave unfortunately I will have to miss a

Stream because around minutes I and get water B at my friend’s birthday party um well guess what we W to connect to you Howen you just [ __ ] um we got uh General good Piggies good P see Optimus Prime gaming thank you we’re going swimming he been around

For a few minutes let’s get water borded let’s get water borded all okay well that’s we got some good stuff we got some good stuff we got some good stuff um make sure to join the the the Discord uh OB Prime gaming um cuz I have a feeling

That I have a feeling that might not be you in the Discord currently but yeah we’re getting we’re getting ready for some uh we’re getting ready for some uh you know you know you know you know how it is you know how it is I think maybe potentially I’m [ __ ]

What um all the shulkers have decided they don’t want to be in the tower anymore so they’ve moveed to the outside and they keep levitating me as soon as I grab my [ __ ] oh they’re like a [ __ ] you Patronus and enough I go wooden ho me when me me the me that

One renewable energy smell wood using trunks okay y y oh you’re [ __ ] I just want like four more achievements and I’m happy but I can’t CU there [ __ ] shelers are everywhere I assume that’s what I need to do pork chop we already done there look can eat a pork

CH hang can I just Sprint real quick and like get hungry Ethan did you set it a p for um no cuz there’s some um some achievements here that need to have a yeah cuz I’m I’m sprinting and it’s not getting rid of my my Hunger how do I

Eat I’m sprinting and these balls are just sweating it’s same friend that hit my head against a brick wall with climbing studs and who was also kind of a non u 10 like your I mean that’s not hm no it’s not me Discord no um that sounds interesting uh in the worst way

Possible but um I do hope that works uh that’s not uh you know um I don’t know what to say that what’s happening what you nothing nothing nothing nothing it’s it’s fun if I ignore it it is not there oh the thing soundware to is posted in the oh

No wait to bread oh it was just um something Prime gaming said but it will be fine it will be fine it’ll be fine make a potion [ __ ] perfect there we are [ __ ] Palace perfect isn’t it don’t check please it’s not what it looks like you know I doubt

That oh the brewing stand is done um what is the nether W for must um librarian make bookshelves okay fine one God this is so annoying just doing this e goly what the problem mate Um I don’t know uh the problem is that I went to sleep and then wake up and I was too tired oh he’s oh oh oh oh oh oh yeah you have fun with that guy uh he sounds he sounds like a good mil what what was the go for

Um just uh just read op FR Gaming’s uh what’s his um his I can’t even comment that’s the word [ __ ] many dude hang on I got to read through this cuz I haven’t been looking at it very much all right so I’m going to send a fourth of a picture

Of my friend’s low quality because he stole my phone during resar along with two others I want to Ping at everyone for so bad at server I’m in unfortunately I’ll have to miss the stream because I’m because in in around 20 minutes I will be I will have to go

To get water board at my friend’s birthday party we going swimming yes the same friend that hit my head against the brick wall IM it immediately goes and also is kind of a non we’re in year 10 and he dates year eight gross to begin with and no that’s

Not me in the Discord yeah it’s Soundwave with your profile picture I know you’re not here anymore Optimus Prime uh don’t check please it’s not what it looks like e goly what’s the problem mate he also dates he’s also dated year seven as well at the start of year nine

That’s the same as year 10 dating year eight though yeah isn’t even law they just literally came out of primary school and he’s calling them stuff like fit British slang for attractive yeah yeah yeah kind of yeah it’s not nony but it’s definitely like just just just just

Wait a bit dude just just wait a bit dude I’m going to send the culprit faces now with a bit of sensor protext their identities totally not sus roleplay you think that he how do I use how do I use hoppers to do to to to to

Connect them to a furnace sorry how do I use hoppers to connect them to a furnace ah um so put a chest down with a hopper on top yeahuh place the furnace on top of the hopper Uh-huh that’s it no no no no so you need those two other uh on any of those just choose one of them get a crouch in place okay place there how many of no Crouch and place on top of the hopper oh well I [ __ ] it I have a pickaxe not

More I haven’t got that achievement either so I’m coming to help you where’ it go where’ it go where’ it go where it go where’ it go [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] fu where it go where it go where it go at do you not have the pickaxe

Anymore there it is found it I I always put everything back in the chest look at General please help the things oh no is that already oh god um so [ __ ] hang on bro is dead I’m already dying I don’t want to die virtually it says connect three

Chests to a single furnace using three Hoppers yes so I have to put it above but I’ve got no blocks to put it above with yeah or you dig down two blocks dig down two blocks place a chest down then a hopper then a furnace then on top of the

Furnace Place Another Hopper with another chest oh oh wait a second I think I know what you mean is it like instead of doing it like this I do it like one chest two chest red chest blue chest no no no no you only need one chest one

Chest and Hopper out at the moment on but it says connect three yeah yeah yeah I’ll explain it to you as you do it just only have two of retry I’ll just redo I’ll just redo it all I know your brain’s not always good at this but I’ll will help my brain is

Just not good right now at all right now even now me now me me when the me me the okay so place your chest down in the middle there ignore all the other blocks you’ve carved out now place a hopper on top yep now place the furnace on top of that

Uhhuh now come to the back of the furnace brouch and place a hopper on the back of the furnace on the back of the Furnace now place a chest on top of that Hopper on top now you should be able to jump on that lip and then then jump on top of

The chest mhm place a hopper on top of the Furnace yeahuh now place a chest on top of the hopper right that’s how you make an automatic smelter no [ __ ] way so you fill the top chest and then what you do is you make a bamboo Farm on top that

Constantly puts bamboo into the um back chest here which fills the bottom slot and then you put your items in the top which go into the top slot and everything comes out the bottom right that’s actually an amazing idea do take a photo of that if you want one

Below one at the back one on the top I I’ll remember that eventually maybe well I remember it anyway so you can just tell ask me for it okay everyone in chat ignore this this is not going in the video okay ignore ignore this this layer of a room this is not

Going in a video trust me um he’s not bad at Minecraft he’s just bad I’m not bad at Minecraft I’m just bad yeah I’m bad I’m bad as hell look at General please help with the things above oh my God what’s in general what’s in general what the [ __ ] do I need a sus my name works now test two picture should work she has handle bars with things to do what is this what is this what are these words what is going on what the hell bro what the hell the teacher is going to collect

Them in 30 minutes please anyone I can’t speak that what the [ __ ] is this Arabian I honest I cannot read that at all I cannot read that what do you mean help I can’t read that what’s a bub I I thought it was backwards for a second but it’s no it’s

Just it’s just a different language um also Windows 11 um L yeah Windows 11 for AMD systems hello sh wave oh you’ve got the [ __ ] dude from um I honestly forgotten it not Greylock what’s the other one no pronounce okay I can’t read a single word that’s in that I’m sorry sound wave

Memes the memes show them to me hey hey hey man ignore the kiss gifts the kiss GI I I didn’t post a meme in in I posted a meme in general sorry hang on I’m going to post this post this meme in in memes there are Minecraft

Is there a stream um an update thing for streams I don’t know maybe as in what do you mean who what in the when way like did you put a channel in the Discord for streams like going live I don’t know how to do that i’ assume you get a B announ I

Think it might be anoun announcement I think you need to get a um that’s what I mean like you need to you need to get like a bot that does it Ry is sweat over there he is doing something he’s playing video games dude he’s it sounds like he’s playing Deep

Rock Galactic what a legend I am playing Deep Rock Galactic yeah just sweating on Deep Rock I love Deep Rock it’s great what is De Galactic it’s um essentially G being a being a being a little dwarf dude yeah so what’s the so what’s this the cord

What’s the the what’s the Discord link um it’s in it’s in my it’s in the community post so you should be able to find it hopefully maybe it’s just deleted itself who knows uh I’m going to quickly join the creative server just to show everyone

Around and then I’ll be going back uh to some Star Wars Minecraft funny moments yeah hello super fans like I get I can get to the point I can get to a low point where I go into Stanley hello super F I’m not being held captive Celia

Exelia he get [ __ ] plasted in the club me and the boys getting plased in the club here’s my really rare um Vortex figure that I probably shouldn’t have bought but I did this was a long time AG go but I really do like it cuz it looks

Cool and it’s it’s one of the Revenge of the Fallen toys it just looks really good um oh okay thanks nightclub is that the new nickname for the channel night club nightclub [Laughter] TF oh okay I thought my computer crashed um but uh yeah we got we got some cool [ __ ]

We got some cool [ __ ] we got a we got a fountain we got houses we got more houses we got boats uh we got another houses and another houses um we got a we got a meret going to mer it all of this will be um like

Showcasing how it was built apart from like the rest of the house um and these boats will be uh those videos won’t be shown until the gaming channel uh gets its uploads I have the video for the house uh ready to upload I just forgot

To do it many times so where where where we’re Gucci we’re Gucci and the hoochi we’re close we’re close um got a cool Fountain got a cool Fountain good idea yeah you read ideas are back bad ideas are back G1 episode but with figures but Optimus Prime is

Replaced with a bottle of prime specifically the one that is uh red white and blue we could do that we could do that and we’re going to yeah we could do that we will Absol really shitty Logan Paul impression of Optimus Prime that’s probably out there somewhere Jake Paul’s tried to pretend

To be um Whatchamacallit uh a NASCAR was just straight pretending to be an ascar one time he’s a bit of a funny funny funny bloke you know he’s one of those funny guys the guys that those guys that are funny yeah guys the funny guys that live

In life differently up all night to get monkey up all night to get monkey up all night to get monkey up all night to get monkey we’ve come a car we’ve come a car yeah don’t worry it’s all right you rest your pretty little voice it will come

Back come back to me voice I always come back I’m just throwing maps on the ground me me when throwing P ped defile on ground throwing maps on the ground oh heyden we got R2D2 shirts from behind Fried Chicken revealer General guys who what the why

What we’re buying that Star Wars pack we got a free R2D2 shirt oh wow I know have I got to buy it again for a third time okie dokie that’s fair seems about right you know the random purple guy and then and then at the end the real Optimus

Comes in and shoots it up like pew pew scir I’ll make those exact noises how about that I’ll make those exact noises for you uh what’s that one there that one there we me% achievements completed go no no what what what oh that’s it yeah that’s it that’s just black

Nope what the [ __ ] is that that is that one what the [ __ ] am I doing with this what is this what is this that’s the right one it’s just kind of like [ __ ] it’s kind of kind of like weird and [ __ ] I’m in the uh sh Forest the community group on Facebook

Marketplace mhm and um one of my one of the guys I’ve been talking to the most on there he’s doing a um outb Outback 3.6 L engine swap F God yeah and if it works I’m very tempted to cuz I know of where to get an engine for cheap oh well that sounds

Fun so is it over here yep that seems about it you know there’s a master chief helmet for in the Minecraft stuff yeah well they did they did a new Halo thing didn’t they or did they re-release the old one I can’t remember we relase the old one the’s coming and

Confuse the real Prime for Decepticon clone and shoot him up like bumblebee comes in with his pocket knife bumblebee would have a pocket knife he’d be a little chav he’d be like mate you want sh mate you mate you want sh [ __ ] come at me with that mate it’ll [ __ ] smack you

Up if Bumblebee’s got a pocket knife Cliff Jump’s got a switch blade oh bro absolutely brother I have FR L my friend oh my God I did it again have you seen the uh that uh modification that that guy made to the Transformers um bumblebee cliff jumper

Where they turned him into the the Dodge muscle car I forgot which one it isounds you know that post you sent me of um uh of the Jazz Mirage oh yeah was it the same guy yeah it’s in that same post It’s The End photo that looks

Amazing that or that sounds amazing not looks amazing oh that that it’s not hard to find it’s not that high up from our chats I think I sent it in duu chat or oh yeah oh my God my eyes are broken right now then TK hot rod comes out of nowhere

With a butterfly knife he just speaks with TF2 spy voice lines what is T okay the last night ah you mean h not hot rod the best character dude best character na but look at this board now it looks so cool yeah it’s kind of kind of baren up

Here what does giant Steve look like on the map oh he’s just a square yeah he doesn’t have a head yet hang on there are he’s got a head now hang on I can’t see on the stream yet did I get loading there purple guy as well oh [ __ ] never mind there we

Are thought I had to just redo the whole thing never mind never mind just purple guy just chilling purple guy is just a Slither on the map look at that um anyone able to work no no no one is able to no uh that One purple L guy be I can be a furry UNL the furry head oh no mag screams Abomination they all slab up stab up TK hot rod and the G1 Hot they’re like oh god what have I done I think I think G1 Hot R would be

Uh he wouldn’t be too uh sad about that I don’t blame him no he’d be like I forgot who that was it’s like Dad Dad is that you why’s my dad fren broken this [ __ ] empty y um first few culprits had been sent in general oh my

God is that I going to be like is this D Fried Chicken reveal Fried Chicken reveal sound wave I I wish that I could help you with your uh your predicaments um but Fried Chicken reveal doesn’t look oh fried chicken and rice oh general chicken with rice general chicken with

Rice general chicken with riceing eating a burger with no fried rice eating a burger with no fried rice e fried rice burger just bread and fried rice we’ve all been there we’ve all been there right Hayden you know what I’ve also unlocked masks oh oh God God not quite but they

Look like it FNAF Freddy FNAF Fazbear when go to piz Freddy nights FNAF you get the bite of 80 FNAF Freddy’s Seven Nights at Freddy FNAF eight by Friday Nights with Freddy Faz night Faz fall Freddy F night Fred friend Fred knows god dude go silence ising my patience is

Waning is Hayden I have [ __ ] Crocs you have Crocs ain’t no way bro I have Crocs in Minecraft no way dude do you want to know how to get them a little and H actually slip on a banana like 6 minut just he just dies was like

Oh well well done R you just killed prom you fat wanker and it’s absolutely not hot Ros phone absolutely that’s what Ethan and I are saying you’re doing what to the [Laughter] Crocs but Hayden they’re free they’re free in the um modification uh the create your character menu crop on your

Mcraft character for fre okay Walter White withing all the free stuff now Walter White with Crocs water W with Crocs that’s right we can get we can get the R2D2 thing shirt thingy that’s right you’re talking about that what would get your stream demonetized um slurs slurs all SLS [Laughter]

No oh my God Yoda Grievous with the [ __ ] Fedora I’m very tempted to get grias Fedora but a150 AUD a150 for a grievous mask I think slag is fine he’s got now he actually yeah he realized he couldn’t be got the grinding boy still sitting here

Enjoying his on his on his grind I still it still sounds like Bron’s just eating I’m not eating what do you think I’m eating it sounds like you’re eating a delicious juicy chunk of something you’re just eating your keyboard I’m just eating my keybo ban what the [ __ ]

Del they’ve just got random Jedi characters oh that’s so good they’ve got random Jedi characters that you can um just equip Grievous looks cursed got this feeling in my bones they’ve got a they’ve got a [ __ ] L bro oh my God they have the they have the green Twilight go all right Ethan

Start it up start it up hang on hang on I have’t finished unlocking all my free [ __ ] in Walter voice H Rod put you out of the way hot rod away Walter you’re going to get Prime killed hot rod I’m the one who out of the way hot

Rod I am the one who out of the way hot rod I am not the danger Skyler I am in danger please help please Skyler please Optimus Prime’s last fight but Megatron and Prime’s voices are replaced with Walter and water wter wter throw away your life so regly w do

And and hot rod is voed by Gus to say hidden [Laughter] villain Ethan come on I have I’ve got 103 things to unlock I’m not doing it stop unlocking them I’ve got a crop top for [ __ ] okay never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind never mind keep it

Keep it on keep it on Steven a crop top goes hard Darkness wow that looks Darkness imprisoning imprisoning me I see Joker [Laughter] no h so tomorrow there will be be skits coming out I thought I might just announce that tomorrow there are skits that are going to be coming out me record my lines in the morning or something if you want to there’s going to be there’s going to be there’s going

To be a a figure a figure skit probably first and then we’re going to do I mean I’ve I’ve got everything for the uh the new one I just need to send through the lines cuz I need to actually like properly like finish writing it cuz

I’ve just got like base like blocked out scenes of like this person there that person there and I really I had to I had to remove the background of your um your uh reference photos but when I did uh I managed to put them into like just different parts

Of like a G1 background and uh yeah I I just did a generic color so you could green screen it out yeah in a sense yeah it it it works it works it works very well what is going on S [Laughter] why that that also that class streaming

Looks like looks like it’ be something on like live League or some [ __ ] you’d see it on live leag and be like I know how this sounds how many days will they be sentenced guilty or innocent innocent inocent and then get killed there Munny innocent inocent inocent I’m just being the Joker dude

Innocent innocent inocent innocent feed them to the Shar and that that that they’re just children get Mr crab’s claws they’re just children man don’t kill them this just in school shooting rating drops to zero violence is not the best way out with kids you’re all learning you shouldn’t

Take things to literally until you’re an adult and then you beat the [ __ ] out of them and you live your life naturally you just beat the [ __ ] out of your kids when you’re an adult it’s like oh it’s complet it’s fine I’m just doing it while I’m an adult it’s like oh oh

A RG R RGB neon pants RGB neon pants $150 and just running through the back of the the adults mind is just given up by Lincoln Park but it’s only the part where it’s like the sound of the keys jingling so it’s just let the so anyway

I have to go now so bye all right see you Optimus Prime gaming hopefully see youe see see you see you see you see see you see you see you tomorrow morning maybe when I do a stream and then probably think about editing and then don’t it’s usually how it’s how it

Usually goes um they’re on stream for free hang on I can’t be be bothered lifting my leg up my arm still hurts from [ __ ] um from throwing rocks around bro I was throwing rocks and I just kept kept on [ __ ] throwing them and like going

Fully extension on my arm and it now my my bicep [ __ ] hurts Ethan it’s been an hour hang on all all of them are just my classmates so they’re on stream for free they don’t get paid royalties for this stream [ __ ] [Laughter] them Asia block Friday that is

Funny oh tell you what tell you what would be a good stream playing through the Halo games on stream well they were on the channel yeah well they still are on the channel oh okay I didn’t delete them cuz I’m not deleting any of the I’m not deleting any videos anymore I’m only

Unlisting videos that probably Like I’ve clipped everything I will show it at Tuesday I’ll will show it at Tuesday no school tomorrow every single second of your Char please don’t please don’t put it on the projector don’t don’t don’t show a bunch of your classmates a random white a random white guy just being like kill them

[Laughter] all oh God they don’t understand at least let me at least let me monetize it first and then oh we can’t monetize anything yet unfortunately wish you could monetize straight away cuz I don’t see the point in not being able to monetize stuff straight away I suppose that would be

More of an incentive to bot to bot views and stuff but then they have to actually put effort into taking down videos before you be too late I’ve gotten to the exciting part of actually customizing my character so give oh my God I’m almost done I’m almost done bro it’s been an [Laughter]

Hour you it also has been an Hour do you want to know what also took an hour gab finishing an entire bottle of red [Laughter] wine not wrong it wasn’t even good red wine it was 2-year-old shz that was $8 it was not good one in any way shape or form like tasting it it just tasted

Like out of dog dick dude it was like I don’t understand how gab could drink it yeah oh I mean he he must have it must have been just the kind of like the drunk one where if you’re already drunk it tastes like nothing pretty much oh my

God pick your choice give me give me more skits or your judgment gets like you’ll get a skit tomorrow you get to skit tomorrow you get to skit tomorrow before you go to school okay and then maybe maybe maybe the next few days after as well there’ll be

Another skit I mean there’s definitely going to be another skit cuz I’m quite enjoying making skits again on like Premier Pro and stuff I think the problem is I just need to um not have a break but like uh what’s the what’s it called I don’t know

Um Ethan even then like when we get into the the expansion it won’t actually show the skin I know it was just for more my own sake of doing it in the in the dress in room you can choose the um the path of the Jedi skins and there’s like like

Jedi and Padawan skins there’s also ja Banks and I’m very ched to have a j [ __ ] skin is there kin Beck I recognize that name I wonder if that’s actually a Star Wars character kelleran back is he just a young Ling trainer oh my God he was it’s it’s armed

Best it’s [ __ ] it’s um it’s uh it’s uh oh my God it’s oh that’s what the sabered hand is oh my God it’s um jar bink’s voice actor and moap artist he was the guy who was in um oh my God I can’t remember was it

Was he was he was the guy who helped grou escape the Jedi Purge um you in no I’m not in yet what do you mean I thought it was just random black guy number three but no he’s like he’s literally like one of my favorite characters in um thingy cuz he was

Um you yeah he was in mandal yes I’m in he was in Mandalorian and he was like it was L just like hey you’re ja bink’s voice actor we know I know you like nearly died because of like how much people hated you um but can you please

Be in um uh this uh show please and he was in Jedi Jedi Temple challenge in 2020 on the Star Wars kids website and then he was in [ __ ] um thing that’s crazy wait a second oh my God y yes yes what I put I put TW skin on and now

I’m a TW and I like it hang on dressing room where are my skins what do you mean how you find your skins uh you go to the you go to the the little coat hanger on the far left one that’s classic skins you click on that

And then you can see straight away as path of the Jedi stuff and there’s like at the very bottom there’s like Jedi and then like towards the top there’s like uh um some homies and stuff there it is like at the top there’s like after Darth Maul there’s um a a

Rodian a rodian Padawan a TW uh black woman white woman no [ __ ] way what you looking at ja banks no what are you looking at why is Rex short coming to you coming to why is shorter than the others that’s crazy comeing to the pictures are gone but I saw you

Saved them you what the [ __ ] you want on about dude bro was just yapping D Jango fed what the hell CAD CAD Bane I thought this was Ray for a second who the [ __ ] are you r r r so man sorry man I’m high on heroin I

Hope you’re I hope you’re joking I really do hope you’re joking um where where do we oh this is the other end where’s the right so what we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be finishing the challenges off because we want to get all the cool

[ __ ] so we need to get what do we need to get we need to get three more things we need to get bre number one in dling which I think we might do first Escape The Dread not an Under 12 minutes yep and I think that’s the

Coolest looking one oh no this one’s the coolest looking one defeat all Visions without losing without losing which we only did that because we had we literally um broke it I think yeah and the last the last one I was in agony sorry man right don’t worry I don’t think that’s your first

Reaction to Agony is causing someone a pedophile but let’s uh uh we’re almost finished reach one in dueling yeah so let’s do that one first let’s do this one first I might actually just change my lightsaber real quick oh hang on oh hang on this Droid crafting hang

On oh this has changed no this is Droid crafting and stuff oh okay well you’re changing mine you’re changing you’re doing it that [ __ ] crazy bro that [ __ ] crazy bro single blade double blade or dual blades do I want to go for dual blades cuz you how does your dual blade

Work easy you sure mhm all right I love my dual lighting I do love how you can just like walk and you look like a [ __ ] boss when you walk too look at It are you [ __ ] you use the force to get your lightsabers out that’s crazy dude um this one here should we just go back what do we what do we want to do that’s right we’re got to go to Dueling hello sabered hand we got to we got to go up against

Stasel now have look at her yeah that is oh my God that looks so good that looks so good all the green lightsaber as well perfect oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay well we got to do this now all right I completely forgot how to do this so I’m just going to wing

It um she’s very easy to just get behind and hit her from from there yeah I think that’s the main problem with this thing is like it’s very easy to to jip cuz it’s like a proper like block meter and everything I have backed her into a corner so I don’t know if

I’m I don’t know if I’m yeah did it let’s go damn she do be on her knees though oh [ __ ] off it’s shark T now oh no he said I’m not prepared I’m prepared this is going to be her 58th Cannon death she good at that yeah was it first

Time was from [ __ ] was in uh like two deleted scenes of Revenge of the Sith and Then star killer killed her and then like [ __ ] hell dude how many times you want to die oh God I can’t I can’t get behind her I did how the the [ __ ] do you win already

Jesus I’m brutal and I’m getting manhandled okay for some reason I’m not taking damage lost a scrap of Health yet I’ve been I’ve been getting hit but I’m not taking damage Ethan he’s defensive Ethan why am I not taking damage I don’t know Adventure hard there I haven’t

Touched any of the settings if I change it it’s like you cannot do this in this mode we’re inventure we’re locked to those settings W wo wo W whoa whoa whoa hang on I just checked chat someone’s begging for a shout [Laughter] out I like how once the tournament like

You you finish fighting you can just hit everyone in the stands yeah um sorry um I don’t think you’ll get much from a shout out from us I don’t think you’ll get much to be perfectly honest how do you say that how do you say what his name Yi

Yiii you sure you want she something like that sure she but still but still um you can join our Discord and Shout out you can you can you can join the Discord um there’s a spread the word about the spread the word about says no no I

Mean I’m not a big fan of doing like shout outs and sub for sub type things cuz it doesn’t like you’ll get a sub but it’s not going to be someone who’s watching your videos cuz i’ I’ve never known a time where I’ve done sub for sub

Okay for some reason okay Ethan I’m just not taking damage at all this is I’m not either and I’m using that to my advantage I don’t I don’t think that’s an advantage I think that’s cheating I trust me I haven’t touched anything in the settings because I

Haven’t played it with you and I’ve been avoiding touching it because I win but it’s just an adventure adventure I think easy or medium it said and everything is on there’s no cheats or anything so I can’t change anything can I send rule 34 in general

Or memes it literally did you read the rules did you read the rules Soundwave no no posting porn in general also just no posting porn you can make an um 18 plus Channel though yeah but like this is not this is not like a fullon like you

Know that for a friend a Discord if you’re just going to post like just cats having fun and that’s it oh man why do you why do you want to post porn dude just just go on the internet like you don’t have to post it in a Discord Jesus

Christon he’s brutal you say he’s brutal but I haven’t taken a single lick of [Laughter] damage actually I’ll let him hit me a few times and see how that goes no he’s literally literally nothing but this has been kind of where are you guys playing this uh it’s on

Bedrock it’s on Bedrock Edition it’s the uh Minecraft Path of the Jedi uh DLC I don’t have a channel Y what do you mean y why do you want to shout out [Laughter] then get fist is l m yeah I’d recommend playing this game like without watching

The stream that’s the only time I’ll recommend not watching streamers you need to play this by yourself or play it like with a friend cuz it’s really good whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay K Fisto time we’re speed running this [ __ ] dude n bro got some dsls look at him

All right come on please please I swear if this is God Mode for the entire thing I’m going to cry cuz then it’s just not wow I mean we’re trading kid Fisto is [ __ ] brutal man kid Fisto and plun both just went ham yeah they’re good at blocking as

Well Minecraft I’m from India you say that but I’ve got every hit on kit fist yeah he’s good at trading blows I just don’t go behind them duing Rob unlocks let’s go are you able to double jump by the way why is there just a guard the ring oh why oh no oh

No I’m a bit worried we got the same one oh no he’s got the he’s got the different one I’ve got like the brownie brownie gold just die dude Jedi Temple guard defeated cool oh she’s just going to go through them all again can you double jump by the way Ean

Oh it went from it went for some reason went from number seven for some reason oh wa no I can’t it’s I don’t know this very weird um archives yeah let’s go to the archives real quick is it the robe maybe no cuz we’ve been wearing the same robe for a while now

Yeah I think something I think I think there’s something bugged once again try game bugged I’m going to try and join it from the actual um from the actual Marketplace again yeah I think that’s the way to go cuz I was able to double jump before

And then we moved into that room and then everything started going all wonky we couldn’t take damage and the thingy so that might have just been a you know whoa thank you who W who what just happened uh we uh we have to we have to restart for a

Second have to restart sorry sorry about that sorry about it sorry about it um hey hey Yi Um keep watching guys keep watching the stream guys but um yeah we’ve we’ve we’ve got a we’ve we’ve got we we we we we me went on we went on M slide Market fire guys did you see watch Market Fire play FNAF FNAF at Freddy Market fire plays FNAF at

Freddy um it’s asking me to make a whole new world if I join it that way so I’m just going to New World A Whole New World I can’t do it bye bye y hopefully hopefully hopefully pick up this DLC cuz it’s pretty good sorry we sorry we don’t sorry we

Don’t shout out because I mean not much Point not many people do shout out stuff anymore okay we can double jump again we can double jump again okay people stop watching the stream okay we could yeah we can do the Double J we can do the Double J we can do Double

J the two the two remaining people chat something or no beaches uh I think there might be me and Ethan that the two remaining people potentially I’m not sure I’m not sure how that I’m not sure how the um how that works cuz I don’t know if it

Counts my CU this is I’m using the unable account to watch our own stream so it might not count it who knows sup [ __ ] what up grubs up it’s five people there are five E bro bro put out the 2017 sorry let’s try and get out of the thing

In Under 12 minutes yeah cuz then then then we can then we can leave it off with the um the ancient robe and the the vision and stuff which is supposed to be the final part okay let’s go uh where was that again was it just no main hall yeah and

Main hall and it’s Yoda’s Mission main hall no Yoda’s mission is not dreadn it’s Anakin oh sorry um Anakin are getting Yoda and Anakin mixed up what a base Legend and mace window was the droids wasn’t he um yeah yeah yeah cuz the dreadnut was

Um yeah yeah MCE window was go to thingy we do thingy we go gym sort of stuff yeah so it’s over it’s over this side I like how we’re both just got two two two blades and we’re just chilling chilling with our [ __ ] got like the idea of do wheel

Any sort of bladed weapon Yeah Hello whoa let’s go it’s the boys let’s do it let’s do it let’s do it or maybe we can see the cut scene finally cuz I didn’t get a chance to watch the cut scene oh it went black screen black screen black

C at the like middle of the cut scene I’m actually surprised that it’s able to do cutcenes between two people I’m surprised they bu a regular like the ships that they’ve built from Star Wars in bricks like block scale crazy [ __ ] dude cuz what they did apparently was

They built the smallest ship using blocks and then based every other ship based off the smallest ship they could build with blocks wow oh here scale that’s right and then our Droid comes through the top what up where’s my [ __ ] droid where’s my Droid where’s my

Droid Ethan did you get your dry yeah I did oh for some reason I didn’t get mine he’s stuck oh now I can’t double jump again what the [ __ ] oh God Ethan this is this is neither can I Minecraft moment Minecraft moment do I quickly restart one more

Time oh my God yeah what if it doesn’t [ __ ] work though this is so stupid dude whoa whoa wa oh W oh I like how Master s just saying Babushka Babushka oh no the first time it said basa basa basa e finally basa bed what photos printed VP [Laughter] okay we’re

Here okay I can double jump I can double jump is your Droid there no well my Droid Isn’t unlocking my door so are you are you right clicking yeah what you right clicking with my brother everything open hand everything example this you have a dollar or quid I forget the

Rest I let the dollar gu me Ethan what do we do um I don’t know ain’t this fun um should we um uh um this is honestly just the worst stream so you haven’t got your Droid I haven’t I can’t I can interact with my Droid but I can’t

Yeah cuz I heard the noise of the Droid falling down but I don’t know where [ __ ] is bro I wish we could no clip in this game I just got to pace my cell for all of eternity um we fix this that’s the question I don’t think we can I think

We’ve actually managed to break it completely Faz well Caitlyn is just a minute in a phone what what what Skiby Skiby Skiby skibby thank you very much Soundwave that’s what I needed after two nights of two nights of drinking is to see skibby skibby skibby

Skibby oh my God ow my my arms my legs my neck my [Laughter] back my anxiety attack me when the me me when me me the the when I nearly didn’t didn’t see anything for a moment there um yeah uh I’m still still got no drive can you

Click your thing click my what I don’t have a Droid to click with and I’m clicking it nothing happening grab push Nothing Ethan what do we [Laughter] do let’s run um let’s oh s wants to play [Laughter] ROBLOX after the last server we joined on Roblox I don’t know bro Ethan C suck it in the cookie clicker I was oh no bro Thursday night you were actually playing through that oh my God playing Roblox on my tablet were you playing through the level that

You were playing through on PC that you just got I’m I reached the third gate so I was getting like 2.1 billion second or something like that the leader I shouldn’t have agreed I shouldn’t have agreed to the [ __ ] guy telling us to go the server cuz now you have an

Addiction I haven’t played it since but now I am I haven’t played it since but now I am right now as we speak [ __ ] useless Droid do something different why can’t you just be normal him and [ __ ] very sorry for the um broken stream to be frank Simulator games in Roblox is

Always kid gambling yeah yeah yeah so should we just swap to Roblox because then we’ve got to keep the uh we’ve been doing this for an hour and a half and we haven’t even we’ve done one what the [ __ ] Ethan um Ethan what happened I’m uh apparently I’m dead and there’s no resp

Button what you’re dead I literally whatever whatever you did um the door is now the do’s are now open my screen’s just red and it says respawn at the bottom with a SWR but the respawn button doesn’t have the button around it it just says respawn in the

Screen so I can’t actually click it well I can move around but I don’t have a Droid so I can’t move I can’t progress at all great find your ship and Escape oh I’ve I’ve activated it where’s the Droid oh there you are you coming with me off he just walked

Around what the [ __ ] is going on what the fu what is going on next weekend maybe even maybe tomorrow morning honestly I might play Roblox tomorrow morning who knows um well if this doesn’t work what are we going to do uh do you have your do you have your lightsabers and

Stuff yeah I have my lightsabers so I clicked on it but nothing is happening cuz my thing hasn’t spawned in oh oh oh that’s right I forgot about that does it work on this one no can’t play it morning I’m at the shop no bad Wi-Fi Yeah okay Ethan you press on this one is he still [ __ ] sitting there yeah oh my God fun at least the double jump Works Um don’t worry don’t worry um we might be playing Roblox in a second also why does this here why does this why is this here I have a feeling that this was this wasn’t rush but it was like it just sort of they just didn’t have the right amount of time how

Did you get through Ethan I don’t know I climbed the side and then just kept spinning around backwards and I just kind of popped through spinning spinning around backwards yeah like walking into a backwards or trying to like wiggle sort of thing like pacing my mouse side to

Side well what the hell what the hell you talking about bro but I can’t activate on the left or right side uh it didn’t matter I don’t think didn’t matter but yeah where you are now it’s not doing nothing to anyone who is joining the Stream and watching me just rub my ass

Up against a wall um nothing is going wrong nothing is going wrong we didn’t break it nothing is broken everything is broken everything is going to hell everything literally everything went to hell we we I don’t I bro I bet you we can’t even take damage still what the

[ __ ] it broke rip um looks like it Um I’m going to see if I can get spectator mode working and see if I can fly to the end of the map to see if the events active I doubt it but I didn’t think you can’t do spectator mode cuz you need to be in peaceful well not peaceful in creative

To do that don’t you yeah I think so um so uh this is the end of the game uh this is the final this is the Easter egg it’s a door that looks like me um if anyone uh wants us to play more of this uh

Sorry I spent $26 on a game that broke twice three times four times five times and I’m dead and I’ve respawned and I’m where the [ __ ] am I where the [ __ ] am I why am I in the final level he Ean hang on Ethan I’m in the final level

No Ethan you don’t understand I am on [ __ ] mortise right now why are we here why are we here I don’t know where shelda Ethan can you just explain what’s going on I can’t tell you any more than what you’re looking at cuz I died for no

Reason I’m right we spawned in a completely different level yeah and then you you and then you didn’t die but you just still appeared behind me yep why that’s the same events that I’ve had with you you didn’t die [ __ ] know no I didn’t what the [ __ ] is going on but I

Got the whole teleporting to Nether scene like um screen why what the [ __ ] is I’m still trying to find my ship and Escape let’s find Yoda we’ve literally got wait do we have to go through there’s no way we have to go all the way [ __ ] back to this point are you [ __ ]

Me are you [ __ ] me oh God this is honestly the worst what are you doing is it this way we got to go back to Yoda you said we have to go back to Yoda I said let’s find Yoda I don’t know if we have to go back to him well he’s

Probably all the way at the start again cuz we’ve just been [ __ ] randomly tele ported into this level at least there’s no [ __ ] lag at all I still miss it I I don’t think he wants to play robox Roblox I think he wants our Rob bux think without without

Bridge yeah we yeah we have the to make things necessary I I really wish this game worked this is just [ __ ] terrible the fact that it just randomly teleports you and kills you for no reason puts you in a random part of the map yeah I’m

Uh Aiden I don’t think we’re in a working part of this map because I’m in a pit that you can’t get out of that’s in the poison Mist yeah Ethan um I I have had like an out of Body Experience five times in this one [ __ ]

Map I I’m I’m currently standing on top of an of an of an xwing that’s not here um so that was the biggest waste of $26 in my life uh I am so I’m I literally think that this has to all has to do with the fact that

They made a game that was single player only and then decided multiplayer so cuz for some reason the Sky Box is completely fine now um but there’s no ship you’ve fallen into a pit that doesn’t exist I died and resawn at a different [ __ ] level that

Hadn’t loaded in uh then you were just behind me and there’s no there’s no Yoda I’m right here now there’s no yeah but there’s no Yoda there’s no ship there’s nothing there’s nothing this is not this is the worst um let’s see if we can find something on this problem what do you

Mean what do you mean Ethan I need I need at least I need can you give me at least like a fake explanation so I don’t [ __ ] lose my mind I I have no [ __ ] clue what’s going on please I haven’t messed with this beforehand I haven’t touched with any

Settings worry don’t worry I believe you but can you at least like just lie to me just lie to me tell me tell me that everything’s going to be all right this is not a lie but I reckon what’s happened is the biome spawning slash like plane transfers have bugged up

Why how how is this game so terribly made well it’s why is PED Rock Edition so terribly made I’ll just post rule 34 at the memes no don’t I’m not I’m not in the mood I’m not in the mood okay so the first thing that you look at is path of the Jedi

Level fix so was path of the Jedi even bug tested like the [ __ ] on Reddit okay hang on path of the Jedi level fix three question marks yeah yeah I’m I’m on my fourth restart here tried redownloading already but no matter what either the game spawns me in

An out of bounds area with visible wall when arriving blocking me from there been nothing but problems with these big collaboration packs lately I’ve seen people still having trouble with the Dungeons and Dragons one uh Droid didn’t come down during the prison Mission yep that’s happened to us

Double jump turns into a slow Glide yep crashing because of an error yep when a person joins late game makes you restart from beginning but everything is activated wouldn’t allow me to talk with the Y to send me to get go get the Caro so only happened at the beginning but my

Son has a double jump bug to have the same issue fixes single single player restart so we have to restart the whole [ __ ] expansion so it looks like that we have made a terrible purchase uh I’ve made two terrible purchases and um it was fun while it lasted it was fun

While it lasted it it was good to is it was good to see um no [ __ ] way I got cre mode to work by doing SL remove adventure mode and um do you want to know what the lightsabers are a retexture of what they reject of a [ __ ] torch horse

Armor what in the [ __ ] what in the [ __ ] okay hang on I I need to well that’s something you’ll see every day it’s that’s very unfortunate I really thought this was going to be good but I probably shouldn’t have watched videos from um uh play testers who were getting paid to do the

Videos um what’s up Ethan in a second I’m going to get you to join back in and see my I’m joining back in I’m joining back in I’m joining back in this is this is honestly the worst I don’t what could make this pack any worse

Um how did you get creative mode did just do SL remove creative H SL remove Adventure Mode SL remove Adventure is that is it just how it’s spelled remove Adventure Mode un command remove Adventure Mode is it spaces or what oh it might be because might be because I’ve got admin but I’ll

Do it for you in a second hang on what is bro doing bro is building a house this honestly this seems like classic spaghetti Cod you’re just building a house you’re just building a house Ethan please I need to be able to do this hang on we need it I need it also

When your head moves down the the stick that’s in the back of your head doesn’t move with so it’s just the Droid head it’s just the Droid head that moves the stick doesn’t even [ __ ] move you can only sleep at night sag we’re just Minecrafting um Settings um How do I settings default game mode created all right now I think everyone’s an operator so you can now you’re an operator uh and you you can change your game mode how just change get just SL game mode yeah all right oh my duing Rob doesn’t even

Appear it’s just out of there how do I get I can’t get rid of it more armor uh I’ve just got regular hor arm um how do I find lightsaber how do you actually find the lightsaber I wonder what the lightsaber building table is I can’t even move the lightsaber out of my

Inventory you can’t even you can’t move any of these it’s just bro it’s just stuck door is stuck bro door is stuck I beg you we’re dead can I put your Minecraft bed next to my don’t put sniffers down no sniffers no sniffer let me have a sniffer have okay one sniffer one

Sniffer oh so when you when you go when you go into creative and then you go out of it you just like you do a double jump oh go to the bed icon bed icon click on the bed torch and water icon and scroll down there’s more lightsabers

Oh my god oh it’s just the regular lightsabers oh but they’re just like oh so but it so it must track what lights you have and then it’s ancient puzzle who hang on a second oh damn it it doesn’t you can’t change it over item spark cutscene it literally won’t let you it

Won’t even it won’t even let you take a cut scene dude it’s crazy nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare that’s one of my favorite interviews I think wow oh let’s go into the Sky Box have a look oh wow oh yeah it is just like weird broken yeah

So I think we we’ve had like literally in that um uh Reddit thread we have we’ve had all the bugs so now literally everything’s been activated but nothing has been activated um can we um I’m just going through all the blocks and stuff and seeing what cool [ __ ] there is cuz this

Is probably the glass purple light what toring glass purple light toring rock pisses me off right yeah okay so this is something that I’ve wanted in Minecraft for the longest [ __ ] time you could ask me if it’s ever going to exist mhm that’s a vertical slab vertical slab it’s literally called a vertical

Slab what what no way dude ain’t no way but you can actually like Sam blow it all up you know what I shall I shall I shall humor you because this is what this this is what this expansion deserves for being unfortunately it definitely seems like

It was rushed there was no bug testing um I’m actually very interested in if there’s a credits because then we can have a look to see who did the QA testing and then we can see try to try and avoid my my beautiful Minecraft house and Minecraft Star Wars I’m sorry

But we can’t it’s it’s a given now that we have to destroy everything I’m not even finished yet let me take a photo of can you get rid of the TNT around so I can take a photo and be like now this is supposed to happen fine

And I’m going to post it in our SL okay also these are literally like just new blocks like Toren large mushroom 3 do you think that we were supposed to get these no like as in like at some point it would be like hey here’s all this stuff

Where is you can just buy the pack for this game oh they’ve changed the shroom light that’s what these are um what what other ones have they changed oh carved pumpkin put it on your head you can wear carved pumpkins SC you just look like an aent filter literally literally literally speaker

Heads dude literally speaker heads chus literally those are the only two blocks that have changed in one of these tabs there Sandstone oh Sandstone oh wait a second chiseled Sandstone it must use the same texture regular Sandstone on the top so they’ve just color shifted it no but look at it

Either it’s just regular s with black bit on top yeah they just changed the color of it no no but the thing is like they they changed that but they the this is what regular Sandstone looks like like so what they did is they they took the same thing and then

They’re like oh we don’t we’re not going to use chiseled Sandstone so they just left it like that and they’ve rotated the the pixels on top Jesus Christ dude this is oh mossy cobblestone so this must oh my temple brick stare in what the [ __ ] bro they should give these they

Should give these to us for forever speak of stuff like that uh f1’s the remove H isn’t it and then is it F2 the screen uh you’d have to do windows G and then screenshot no I’ve done a bed oh I done a bad I think I know why they don’t give

Us just regular stair blocks Ethan hang on hang on hang on oh no Ethan I’m cancelled hang on what’s uh what is it control print screen is that the screenshot as well no wind yeah Windows G and then just click the click the the photo button why Windows G isn’t

Loading um I don’t know apparently SWA is posted porn in general um we’re going to have to get rid of that but I can’t load it on stream so you’re going to have to deal with it and uh I m not have put down a funny

Symbol in the in the sand that I’m going to have to delay it so I didn’t see it um okay I’ll show you again um that is actually really nice looking that there Cobblestone stairs look kind of lit uh well okay I will show you what I

What I accidentally did so there are there are stairs so you can just have stairs like that um so what I did was I accidentally uh hang on what did I do I did that that that that that’s Russian same thing no I’m trying to take a screenshot

With my lightsabers and stuff out so don’t come too close to me otherwise it takes me out of third person just stand there and put your lightsabers out um now control print screen is that it Sor do whatever you want do it do it do it [ __ ] not lame

Me see Lantern by the way I can’t I can take a screenshot I think it’s Control Alt print screen shift print screen control shift print screen no I don’t think it I don’t think it does anything um I think it might have deleted the hang on this there got to be a button

Here somewhere for it keyboard and mouse perspective unassigned immersive reader I don’t [ __ ] know dude full keyboard gaml oh hang on full keyboard gets rid of weit hang on mob effects tab what the [ __ ] is Mob effects oh I’ve destroyed the oh Ethan yeah middle click on any of these

Blocks that are here that aren’t here oh [ __ ] oh you just bring out the barrier block we get to see all the barriers that have been placed around that’s pretty cool so these are literally just the two wow they put up a lot of barriers hang on a second hang on a

Second hang on a second did they not even [ __ ] test to see if you could get up through here I think the game’s having a bit fun yeah but they not even test to see if he can get out this way oh hang on I’m going to have to go into survival

Again for a second oh even in survival you can’t see it oh that’s interesting oh in regular survival you can did did did Soundwave uh put put porn no Okay so good um for future reference sound wave don’t just don’t it’s not cuz there’s a high potential that

There could be miners on that Discord soon depending on if people start watching the YouTube channel or not and I do not want that look at announcements uhoh Ethan you might have to check announcements I mean updates also I might need a heavy description of what is of what is

That says Soundwave is not a way it doesn’t have anything else in it okay good oh um Liam’s saying Windows plus print screen Windows plus print screen oh it is as well you want to take a photo of my house okay with TNT just in the background there we are how

Nice hang on a second oh I tried to tried to do the [ __ ] tried to do the RTX button I’m so glad that doesn’t work so how did they even get how did they get the blocks in there or is that as it is this before the cut scene even

Starts did we like this is well before the cut scene even starts yeah so this is just like jipped out before the wow how fun I’m going to light it by the way if you fly over the hills you can go straight to the end game and count Count Dooku’s music music is

Playing oh wait do you mean fly over the hills backwards or what so where the X-Wing usually is and just fly up over and oh yeah let let’s see if that the event’s not even loaded in here yet but I wonder if we can play through this event now

That we’re inside the room what’s this block block of emerald is just white just completely white um um okay so all the physics objects are here in this room at least but they’re all in place cuz we’ve already played It just ignore all the explosions that may will not be happening so I’m going to say this is a bus it looks like it doesn’t it oh my God Ethan the TNT just missed your house uh so which way did you fly again Sor from the from the from the X so from

Behind the X-Wing from the from the back of it yeah and then just fly directly straight and over fly over the back of the map and then where and then there’s like a whole Death Star like looking area which way so I’m going oh I see it

I see oh what is this it’s like R black area oh wow what are these red DET colum Toren red detail column how interesting never mind I’ve seen something interesting I’m not falling down to the void at all okay um yeah there’s a lot of [ __ ] there’s a lot of

[ __ ] minut all right then go to bed turn all this off and rest give yourself a chance to heal yeah I know be good boy good boy Ethan night mate love you Mama thank you no whye no no no thank you well I love you back Mama let’s see let’s see why is

This just a random fish floating in I don’t know where you got to the um count Duke area but oh hang oh there’s plenty of barriers here as well wow um oh so that’s literally just black wool I thought it was like a void but no

It’s just black wool uh so there is this the right around the edge of the map there is heaps of [ __ ] it looks like it um let’s harass an NSFW YouTuber no let’s not harass anyone God oh there’s vertical slabs in the um in the in the in the Sith rooms as well

Ethan yeah um so where did you go to cuz I’m looking at the big these big black Blobby areas but I don’t know where the actual um where Count Dooku thing is is a in the area where you fight them right now in the area where you fight

Them I’m like I’m going through this real red red fog area and there’s like there’s this really big trench is that what you’re talking about death starish there’s a lot of trenches I’ve been to I don’t know who the [ __ ] built all this it’s probably done with world edit or some

[ __ ] um you can’t say please to harassing someone southwave that just ain’t how it works I’ll censor it no this is not a harassment Channel this is for funny transformer memes I can’t find my ship what is this part even for I’m trying to find and see what

Happens I’m trying to find my way back to the main level is this it is this is it like the big cloud of weird [ __ ] is where the no oh no the vo is friendly I don’t I don’t agree with that because I’m currently like I think I’m in it right

Now what is going on why is there just a giant black Spire why is there this what is this what is this I think I know what you mean about there’s lots of trenches mhm wow um what is the point of any of I found the

Other map I found where you um I found the Luke’s Home Tatooine the T mine yeah okay well Um I have no clue where I am and I’m kind of scared how do I respawn is SL kill or try SL restart go fellas have fun all right see you have fun dude dude I do not blame you this is actually I’ve got an hour and 55 minutes

Until I need to take my tablet [Laughter] o I thought I was taking at 10 o00 but no that’s in [ __ ] that’s at 11 12 11 12 I just got to be a bit more quieter I think and then hopefully be up a bit later and we do some uh fansy onesie game player rules and voice acting too

Yeah yeah this is definitely where we catch that foul Beast oh I fell into the void as well oh it is yeah that’s very fun H it’s just friendly it’s um it’s everywhere at the end of time so what do we do now Ethan what do

We do now I think it’s just us two I think it’s just us two on the stream as Welling I don’t know he sto he he stopped watching I probably after we said that we he can’t harass someone so I don’t know it says that there’s two people but

I don’t know if that’s actually just two people or not well I’m not watching it anymore so right so how do I get out of this void um we quit we quit we we go gym we go gym all right all right uh I’m going to quickly

Um full C horizontal and see what has been put into the Discord just in case um h cloth Ral no crub UPS say no love for me no love for me oh you’re there good good good good good good um so what do you guys want us to

Play what do we want to play what do we want to play as well what do you guys want us to play I know someone I know some a particular person is going to say [Laughter] Roblox let’s focus that come on Roblox no no you don’t want to play Roblox well

What are we going to play we’re not playing [ __ ] quickie click of deluxe Dragon Edition [ __ ] [ __ ] if we’re going to play something it’s got to be like either Star Wars or Transformers based you did it what did you do what what did you do what did you

What did you mean you did it what do you mean you did it what do you mean you did it what is that what is this cryptic language I said oh you got me oh no I’m talking about I’m talking about Soundwave he said I censored

It I’m a bit worried about what he censored there’s nothing here let’s see your blind reaction um what what happened to the Stream did I I didn’t end stream no you’re still going see your blind reaction General I think for some reason my stream is my stream is actually Frozen on my end

So see BL reaction in general uh to what no it’s still going it’s not are you sure some reason I checked it mine’s just Frozen yeah that’s fine pleading face reacted by UC see [Laughter] Ethan son’s asking me if I feel the same I’m just like nah I’m at home okay

Cuz son hang out with me all yesterday what’s up son was at with me all day yesterday at the hospital I went home how was that yeah it was good it was interesting it was F it was nice seeing someone that wasn’t family yeah and we played some switch games for

A few hours and I felt like I wasn’t trapped in the hospital but yeah yeah all right are we getting banned from Discord permanently is that Splatoon yes yes [ __ ] [ __ ] he’s on split screen wait they’re just [ __ ] screenshots of some else’s stuff yeah no please [Laughter]

Don’t all right what are we doing what are we doing I have no [ __ ] clue I’m if oh God I I don’t know cuz I’m going to have to quick stream and then change the stream to a different thing cuz I can’t change the thumbnail

And if it says one thing and it looks like another well most of the streams I’ve watched in the last day have been like Hey we’re doing this and I get on it and I’m like but this is a horror game not My Little Pony shaven scratch cleaning game why

Are you looking for My Little Pony shaven scratch cleaning game Hance Insurance how can I help Insurance um all right [ __ ] it we’re not playing Roblox oh God to be honest um it’s been two hours of a stream so we could end it there or or o can you

Play was it is it dead cells can you play that multiplayer that’s the game I want to get right now dead cells uh I I played it on the way home from um thing it’s it’s like like a sid scrolling thing it’s free on Game Pass otherwise it’s

$37 wow that is actually wow um where did it come out came out 2019 wow uh it’s on phones as well but you need like a really good phone to run thats came out in 2018 on Steam on Steam oh yeah this is the um thingy version on Microsoft Store it came out

2017 oh no what did you clip what did you clip of the stream bye bye bye skibby toilet mega pack versus two new new and fixed models okay Ethan can I watch skib toilet um yeah I did I I rate it it’s good it’s honestly it’s weirdly addicting it’s weirdly addicting just to

Watch the whole thing I think it’s made for us how about we play some good old G mod and just do a next spot in like a map perfect um I’m going to have to I’m going to have to host it because I got

Rid of all my mods cuz my uh my Gmod doesn’t like my hard drive it seems like it’s like it’s you know how when you have a certain amount of mods and then like your G mod just sort of like every now and then it just stutters a

Bit yeah mine was doing that and from what I’ve heard that’s because of like too many add-ons so I just deleted all the add-ons unsubscribed so now I’m doing it all over again uh next next I’m going to quickly unsubscribe before I redownload it because my God what the [ __ ] are these

Next what the [ __ ] are these next Bots dude oh my god Patrick bitman next bot not bad you get the skib toilet next bot and then that hotel map oh my God half of these are the are these like the [ __ ] Mandela catalog horror next Bots Criminal criminal

Criminal Cong mer dancing next spots honestly Bas should get the skib toilet next bot and then that um hotel map the Lial hotel map SK toilet SK Toil how much stuff is this man going to clip I kind of like this it’s it’s nice having clip stuff in the chat it’s like it’s actually got we’ve actually got people that know us after the stream I’ll do it uncoverable no context video no yes I’m using a for views how about

We do that [Laughter] instead so I’ve just G what no you didn’t then that gets us more exposure from an Source that’s not us but we reposted and credit him un clubble reacts to un clubble with without context perfect perfect also that second that second clip is wild that second clip is

Wild uh and hopefully my G downloads very shortly yeah it’s going to download heaps quick it’s got four minutes remaining and just send me all the links to the or make like a little collection H just make like a little collection for um me to download on you uh SK to SK to

There are three next bot packs for skibby toilet God’s sake this is honestly just so terrible there are two SK toilet nextbot packs Too honestly I don’t have any more energy today you guys like shiy toy right sodium wave YOLO MSM what Apple Bottom Jeans boots with the f I might end I might end the stream there this is honestly so [ __ ] terrible right now I have no energy and

I’m just [ __ ] losing my mind dude do you want to do it in the morning we might have to wouldn’t be bad yeah well what time will you be up you reckon I’ll be up I’ll be up at 7 all right so we we start at 7 start at

7even soundss good I can have my breakfast and then well no that we we’ll be up at seven we’ll do the voice lines for the um Thunder crackers all that and then say 9:00 we start the stream yep sounds good [ __ ] it cool Co all right so tomorrow morning we will

Be streaming once again sorry about this Ethan and I are both tired for two completely different reasons but we are both [ __ ] tired ass I’ve sit up for another hour and 15 minutes until I can take a tablet yeah so you’re just chilling you can you can continue with

Your buang cubes and pig’s feet and then I’ll go to bed cuz I need to sleep I need to sleep in my own bed big not comfortable uh it was comfortable it’s just that I like sleeping in my own bed and I want to

Wake up to my little to my little boy my little boy Aussie so and you’ve got another camp this weekend coming so yeah that’ll be [ __ ] fun so there’s going to be even less streams uh over the we’ll do we’ll try to do streams during the week because Ethan like he’s

Not going to be working because of his uh inclinations so we’ll be uh we’ll be there we’ll be there for you that’s Power Rangers um but we’ll see you guys in in the next stream tomorrow morning uh be a bit later than usual it won’t be at 7 in the morning

It’ll be like 8 Nish maybe but it means you guys get more skits you guys sucks no weekend streams I’m at school sorry we’re doing fun stuff unfortunately and by fun I mean don’t worry it’s all right I know I know you’re joking fun stuff AKA getting absolutely

Shitfaced at a random Camp somewhere in Australia thankfully I’ve got that um that entire weekend off plus like two days extra I think afterwards so be strugging off thank you at gen I managed to yawn so hard that I got a cramp ow um so yeah we we’ll see you

Guys we’ll see you guys in the next stream bye bye bye bye bye [Laughter] goodbye G bye bye Mr Freeman hey guys love you guys dealer mean a lot to me I’m heavily autistic and need the need the need the I related to you guys dearly

Mhm sorry I would be a lot more sincere if I wasn’t so tired M uh-huh literally therapy it’s nice to hear literally it is nice to hear it’s good to hear that um that you’re late to us I’m sorry that we can’t streaming while you’re awake in the we we might be

Able to stream um uh you should be up when I when we streaming tomorrow where we are maybe maybe hey might be able to give you a better response tomorrow tomorrow when we start streaming yeah maybe maybe not not a not a not a not not

Guaranteed but I’ll see we’ll see we we when me when when when we’ll see you guys and we’ll see you we’ll see you guys tomorrow morning uh maybe grubs up for a tiny little bit um and we’ll see everyone else one viewer hello hello one view but we’ll see you guys

Bye I’ll be up you better [ __ ] be dude you better be so up you’re going well I think I think you’re going to be getting up at like what 3: in the morning so that we get up put seven soor Al Alam said said set it mhm sure yep ymer alarm

Seted oh yeah you can speak you can speak that you can speak you can speak that this is my autistic [Laughter] language all right we’ll let Hayden go to sleep for the night cuz he’s broken I’m looking at a photo of lockin that looks like a chicken right now and

It’s kind of distracting me and um your Grandma loves you so Grandma loves you like And subscribe Grandma loves you goodbye

This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | PATH OF THE JEDI 100% COMPLETION!!!! 🔴’, was uploaded by Unclubbable on 2023-11-26 11:48:08. It has garnered 47 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:09 or 8109 seconds.

Hayden, Ethan, and Bronte play Minecraft, and try their best to complete the Path of the Jedi DLC for Minecraft.

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  • Spudzy’s SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shorts

    Spudzy's SHOCKING disappearance for a week! #shortsVideo Information what happens to a new YouTube channel if you don’t post for one whole week well I did exactly that and my channel is more alive than ever I just entered a sub war with my worst enemy grass toucher and my channel has not stopped growing since so subscribe you know the answer to This video, titled ‘What Happens When You Don’t Upload For One Whole Week? #shorts #spudzy’, was uploaded by Spudzy on 2024-01-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 28 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Minecraft gameplay Minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯

    🔥 Ultimate Minecraft GFX Pack for Insane Videos & Thumbnails 🤯Video Information आज की इस में आप सबको देने वाला हूं m ट्रेनिंग j पैक्स फॉर योर m वीडियोस एंड थंबनेल इसके अलावा मैं आप सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाली ग्रीन स्क्रीन ए मैं सबको देने वाला हूं यह वाला डे काउंटर वीडियो जो कि काफी ज्यादा लोग यूज करते हैं इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ जिसको देखने के बाद आप एक बार यह जरूर बोलोगे ओ गॉड एक बार दिला दे चलते हैं अपनी प्रीव्यू की तरफ मैं गिरा बं जमानी तो अब बात कर लेते हैं इसे डाउनलोड कैसे करना है डाउनलोड करने के लिए आपको कमेंट में… Read More

  • Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢

    Tragic Minecraft Tale: Poor Maizen in No Way Home 😢Video Information hi everyone today we are sad because we don’t have a house we don’t have a place to stay we don’t have money and we have nowhere to go and if you let us live in your house leave a like And subscribe to the channel I would love to know that but what then but what do we want to do so I have a good idea that you will find a place for us to sleep while I will find food for us it could be me I’m going to hunt for food somewhere let me… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP – Join Now! 🎮🔥

    Unleash Chaos in Minecraft SMP - Join Now! 🎮🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Headsteal Smp Join Now Guys Java+Pe 🍹💪’, was uploaded by GamerDevil on 2024-02-19 22:40:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Join Or discord https://discord.com/invite/HQPjAFar Follow on Instagram … Read More


    INSANE BEDWARS ACTION on INDIPIXEL with JUGADU GAMING!Video Information बहुत दिक्कत हो गई आज सा 75 मिनट ले लेट म रीड चट चालू क्या मेरे को चालू हो जाम चालू हो गई लेट्स गो हा तुम स्क्रीन नहीं दिख रही होगी नेवर मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही आवाज मेरी आवाज क्लियर आ रही हमेशा की तरह जल्दी जल्दी बताओ मेरी आवा आरही आवा आ की तर भाई आवाज तो बहुत गंदी आ रही है क्या आवाज गंदी आ रही है मेरी मतलब क्लियर आ र मुझे रहा हमेशा की तरह क्लियर है हमारे पुराने सब्सक्राइबर कहां हो जल्दी बताओ आवाज क्लियर है मेरी यो हेलो हेलो आ… Read More

  • 🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #Minecraft

    🔥🏹 Machine Shoots Fire Arrows Tutorial! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 [Easiest Tutorial]minecraft fire arrow’, was uploaded by Darkcrystalz on 2024-01-13 12:30:05. It has garnered 108 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. This Machine Shoots Fire Arrows🤯 | [Easiest Tutorial] About This Video ___________ ·Hello Everyone, In this video….I’ll show you how to make fire arrow launcher in minecraft …..if you enjoyed this video…..comment – “NICE” About This Game🎮 —————————— ●Minecraft is a game where players place blocks and go on adventures. This includes anything from crafting simple items like containers or weapons, to… Read More

  • HiveMC

    HiveMC8 year 10:00PM The Hive MC •Offline Java Players 0/0 2018 ? Lobby Server Minecraft java Bedrock 2018 The Hive play.HiveMC.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP, Java 1.20.2, No resets, griefing, Economy, Avg. 15 online

    HearthCraft HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP server that has been providing the best experiences since October 2018. Our server will never reset, and we have a zero percent pay-to-win store. Join us and be a part of our community! Features: No pay-to-win perks Resource worlds that reset monthly Live map available Active economy system with player shops and more Various plugins like mcMMO, marriage, and land claiming Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated machine in Virginia Uses Purpur Block logging with CoreProtect Difficulty set to Hard Main world size is 90,000 x 90,000 Contact Information: Website: https://www.hearthcraft.net Discord: https://discord.hearthcraft.net… Read More

  • Athascraft

    Hey this is a modded minecraft server with plugins, called athascraft, yes its an earth server and soon it’ll be up its being worked on so please bear with us,discord.gg/KWFqazhCZz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers be creepin’

    Minecraft Memes - Creepers be creepin'Looks like this meme is a solid 47 out of 10 on the funny scale! Read More

  • Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps

    Classroom Chaos: Minecraft Mishaps In the classroom, Minecraft brings delight, With funny moments, shining bright. Fangkuaixuan, the MC animator, Crafting joy, a content creator. From ancient poems to silly jokes, Laughs and giggles, the classroom evokes. But beware of the teacher’s quiz, Mistakes in rhymes, what a fizz! Clear skies, rain falls, the scene is set, Students struggle, with lines to get. But laughter rings, in every verse, Minecraft fun, a playful curse. So let’s embrace the humor and fun, In Minecraft world, we all are one. Fangkuaixuan, keep the joy alive, In every rhyme, let happiness thrive. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial

    Spicy Minecraft Grappling Hook Tutorial “Step 1: Craft a fishing rod. Step 2: Attach a diamond to the end. Step 3: Throw it at your friend and yell ‘Grappling hook, go!’ Step 4: Watch as they get dragged across the map screaming.” Read More

  • Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded

    Minecraft Invades Call Of Duty! Season 4 Reloaded Minecraft Enters the Action in Call of Duty Season 4 Reloaded In the latest season 4 reloaded of Call of Duty, Minecraft makes its debut in the action-packed world of Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile. This exciting update brings a host of new features and events that are sure to keep players on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the details of what this season has in store for gamers. Discovering the New Features The season 4 reloaded update brings a plethora of new content to Call of Duty Warzone MW3 and Warzone Mobile…. Read More

  • JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2

    JAX Spies on POMNI & RAGATHA at Hot Springs! 🔥DIGITAL CIRCUS Ep.2Video Information hi everyone I just came out of Kane’s house now I want to find some of my friends to invite them for a walk together I really hope I can find someone here near the circus maybe I’ll even go inside and look for someone near Kane’s magic flas wait what is that it seems like I see a very strange white ghost right in front of me apparently it’s heading towards McDonald’s and I have no idea what to do although no it seems I was wrong and the ghost is flying towards ratha and Jax’s houses… Read More

  • Herobrine Speaks from the Shadows

    Herobrine Speaks from the ShadowsVideo Information so I did some off cam John and uh I have some elevators now so that’s pretty cool don’t say what you think it looks like okay what can I do I knew you were going to say that advancements okay so we need to try to have a nightmare we got to survive a bit more discover a tunnel dug by Herobrine and I don’t know how we’re going to get these two but I feel like that’ll be happened or that’ll happen over time wait where did Crumpet go I I I kind of realized Crumpet… Read More

  • The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shorts

    The Nicopro: Insane Minecraft Sound Circus! 🤯 #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] day after in the son and we don’t know why This video, titled ‘The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts’, was uploaded by The Nicopro on 2024-01-16 20:30:48. It has garnered 20799 views and 608 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. The Amazing Digital Circus with Minecraft Sounds! 🤯 #shorts In this video, I use Minecraft game sounds, mobs, items, blocks, and more to make the theme song of The Amazing Digital Circus. I hope you enjoyed it! 😊 If you did, please consider giving it a thumbs up… Read More