Unclubbable: Insane Minecraft Chill Stream

Video Information

YouTube live share the stream copy and go to here nearly sent it to you we are live playing more Min raft there we are yes I want to at everyone I hate that Discord asks you if you want to add everyone now hey they’re asking for consent

Not that’s better than what the mods do Master in the clad must Li it from the back the mods get clad while you have closed your AdSense account I think that might mean we we can’t get any donations so anymore for at least a while unfortunate for a

Little bit yeah I don’t know unfortunate sorry DJ sorry DJ sorry DJ sorry DJ DJ sorry DJ sorry DJ total drama Total Drama Miland Total Drama Cent up true total driver myland there currently three people watching already I’m scared hello life is live 15 and Soundwave with John Cortez dinner

Is served gold tonight ladies and gentlemen what does this mean some of us may never know let’s put you in the corner there so I can see chatty chat just knocked my thing there ly I’m GNA also quickly go feed my dogs feed your doggy feed your do feed your doy feed your

Doggy was in the back rooms for 4 hours Yes sounds like it looked like it as well oh no oh no look at that that is not good let’s put that let’s put you papini papini papini can’t you see the photo no don’t worry we saw the photo we saw the photo you

Were in The Backs I jumped up the back rooms also did you want from the what did you want from the store a picture of the store I I I mean I did say what I wanted from the store R nugget I wanted a I want a six

Piece MC Prime meal six piece MC Prime value meal and then a 2 L mcon but sure also live sub count 3250 it says 3250 we’re actually at 3262 I think 32 323 321 go also we’ve got new setup everything camera is in a different position it’s up instead of down here

Um um um um uh what’s it called thingy uh you know what um and I’m just opening up Minecraft right now was at the hospital what are you at the hospital for I probably shouldn’t ask that’s literally like the least confidential thing that’s like the most confidential thing thing that you shouldn’t

Disclose legs are wobbly due to the elevator is that why you were there I got wobbly leg syndrome doctor’s like bro let me just give you some cocaine Ean is currently fighting demons and I’m trying to open up Minecraft yers I the risks Play Darling oh my I have leftover pizza that I’ve eaten they’re left over I ate the pizza um also there’s lots of Thunder going on so if I had to stop um my internet went out and also power so got get down me down get down me down

Down me down get down go go me down hello everyone I’m live with you guys and you guys are live with me thank you for coming right creepy right creepy BR speaking fact hello good afternoon live I live good afternoon live I live thank you okay it’s that’s good um BSL

Shaders it is very loud I might have to turn that down in a second never mind uh where’s where’s my where’s my sound uh music and sounds master volume M sorry about it sorry about it play connecting to the realm we’re doing some realm stuff I’m playing hello Quinn does

Stuff how are you I haven’t seen you before I don’t think I can’t remember well my mouse is really really bad right now why is my mouse being so bad that is thunderstorm in Australia right now yeah did you hear the one that I just heard yeah just now

Yeah big thunder lightning in the what the [ __ ] is that it’s just the water elevator now oh my God bro you invited this guy also please read chat above I’m not going to disclose thing like private medical information about your father on chat one of the many illegal things that I’ve

Accidentally done on on chat how do I get up there we are oh there’s no thingy at the bottom to make me go up all the way I’m going to drown he I’m going to drown in the elevator sounds like a you problem yep true never mind I didn’t

Drown what I’m actually going to do is I’m going to make my f a lot bigger also I’ve turned on BSL shaders and it’s so much better than the other one for some reason yeah why is that I don’t know it’s just better okay so you got you got a you got a

Bunch of stuff you going to make a couble couble I’m hearing things in my house and it’s dark uh shoot the walls oh my there’s a lot of thunder outside I just heard it come through your mic so a little bit delay that one is uh that one was a a rumbling

One oh my God what the hell okay um whoever made this this this tree here um you can’t actually get down you have to crouch down yeah that’s the whole point so zombies can’t get up oh Oho is this like a mob mob thing what no it’s just to get down I

Don’t want zombies getting into my base while I’m just doing [ __ ] so if that half slabs there they can’t get up sound wave remember remember when I said no spam um that goes for this stream as well and any other future streams oh my ow my game is running really nicely also

I got optify yeah you s I think it might have just been uh yeah cuz also that it allows for parallx and stuff so I think the other one just didn’t allow paralax hang on I’m going to turn on my enter say say listen I forgot to I I

Forgot how to turn on um what’s it called uh complimentary let’s go to complimentary like uh connected textures what’s up I forgot how to turn connected textures on I don’t know I think it’s a texture pack thing not a is it an upine thing yeah it is oh detail no Quality

Quality I think quality same way you go from spamming to typing in song lyrics I don’t understand so you just go into quality Ethan it should be in there oh there are homies that are angry as hell oh my god oh my god let’s get Coen let’s go to Majestic

Car see how that looks oh that looks nice oh I do oh I do like this texture pack You’ be going kind of hard though that does look nice no I think that looks like dog [ __ ] really you just saying that or you oh my be dentist I use a water

Pick I’m going to go back to BSL see that turns out I like BSL a lot more than uh thingy why is it why can I see these now oh it’s a texture pack thing not a never mind never mind there we go actually finished part one of the animation that I

Sent we still got part three face oh oh oh my oh my ow ow he’s he’s oh you got a new you got a new spawn point what the hell boy what the hell yeah I thought it was easier just reset it and keep teleporting you yeah

That’s yeah cheers cuz if I died a you one on the server I’d be [ __ ] finish Minecraft you know that’s a good request one day we will finish Minecraft cuz I never I’ve never actually completed the game what I’ve done is like barely survival this is like survival but I

Just try to get more oh my Our survival worlds become a a place where we make heaps of shops and then we make a currency and then no one uses it cuz they find their own stuff yeah or they just don’t want to role play which I mean it’s completely fair oh my [ __ ] oh

Well well there’s going to be a couple crators in this uh this land Ethan [ __ ] I’m going to get top of that tree I just realized something okay it’s just nearly I need to go back to Cen hang on a [ __ ] [ __ ] resource packs get out of that One finish Minecraft make un clubble um star star star star I don’t want to know what that means but I’m very scared there’s a spider this spider is looking at me all funny DJ’s like yo Minecraft has an end news to me yeah do be like that sometimes shim shim shim right back

Off oh he don’t bite oh you can break the block uhoh oh no the whole point of Excavating I have plenty of dirt I have two you have two dirt no fill it in properly don’t do that that stuff where you don’t fill it in properly right done that say you get

Mobs spawning in the floor I don’t have I don’t have any dirt I only had 14 dirt you are dirt thank you dirt to me um is there a place that where we can just like just straight up just go mining for a while um should we just is this like

Mining area or is this going to be the spawn area for like interesting [ __ ] well we got to mine this up to make it the spawn area so yes technically you can go mining here cool I might die via skeleton hang on I’m going to mind this [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ]

[ __ ] I do not have my crafting table on me no I’m not taking your [ __ ] handouts I’m not taking your hand outs immediately uses it um I’m getting all this coal cuz I need to make torches so I don’t cry I spent 4 hours looking for a place

To build and I forgot I can’t actually build yeah that’s that’s how it is that’s how it was on the on the creative server and then I went hey I’m actually going to develop a brain and then Ethan help Ethan help Ethan help Ethan help sounds interesting eth help

Eth eth eth Ethan I’m want two hearts I’m already I’m already dying so bad do you recommend sword or axe for fighting mobs sword you can get better swings in and you have a higher chance of criticals actually may as well just jump hit to get consistent criticals and you do a

Little bit more damage so with sword uh with axe you do a little bit more damage I think it’s all axes are 12 um with a critical uh no critical it’s 15 hang on hang on a second oh you got a crafting table never mind [ __ ] going to be unreachable

Soon the wooden ax it’s seven so okay that’s not too bad and then Cobblestone is nine so yeah so yeah Stone axe Stone axe for the mobs um how flat do we want do we want to uh hang on pretty much as flat to the where the grass is cuz I’ll put another

Layer of dirt on top uh stone sword is five so it’s four damage difference I wish it told you the the DPS it’s a mod somewhere who knows so we going to go down to the grass level yeah yep cuz I think that’s what music at clubs haven’t heard that one for a

While oh my God my lights flickered Out yeah when the lights flicker that means you know something’s going to happen and when you see a Flash and it takes a while that’s when you know it’s either going to be loud or far away or both which is very unfortunate for that certain piece of uh land oh no I think

Crying dog near me at the minute I thought you disconnected n Loki’s crying so I’m just like patting him so he stays calm a little bean little bean man aie just doesn’t care he’s like like what’s that noise oh I’m going to go to sleep just falls asleep meish

Me pull this table out your ass idiot he’s sitting on my mouse cable Bast I have the weirdest idea for an animation r now that’s good do that idea you get a weird idea write it down or do it write it down don’t do it write it

Down don’t do it or do it but don’t write it down sand wave taking the lote with the cringe Ass skibby toilet meme song thing in the background in the back rooms oh oh no I forgot I’m losing bronze bring bronze cells and me when the when the me the me when you

Grand I think that was actually a slur now we n we we n we learn from TV the junk on they they had that they had that dog in them you know hey they looked Asian they sound Asian it’s fine let’s just hope they didn’t watch bonds just saying slurs left and

Right just imagine the junk on swearing and like just with a straight face but every time it’s just bleeped out like their voice box bleeps it out or it’s just covered with a laughing track from like the 80s no bro that [ __ ] crazy crazy I have one heart constantly got 60 bits of

Coal there we are hang on I need smooth lighting where’s smooth lighting smooth lighting smooth fancy dynamic kns dynamic kns dynamic lights there we are that’s a bit better oh that is water I love um vanilla tweak cuz of the diminishing tools and stuff so you can like get a

Visual count of how long yep it’s going I think there are other packs that do it but vanilla tweaks just makes a look it just adds to the extra stuff I was either thinking vanilla tweaks or like another pack that does it like the one I’ve got right now what it’s um coven

Which is like a texture pack for 1 do 18 I think and it’s still runs nicely I think OptiFine runs nicer than [ __ ] fabric right now which is crazy it’s meant to be summer in Australia right now yeah and we had a a the [ __ ] propic yeah she crazy hey Mr

Nutly lovely weather we’re having Mr nightly isn’t it yeah Mr nightly we’re having just amazing weather aren’t we Soundwave t no more of that Soundwave climate change yeah you know what you know what DJ you make a good point climate do be changing and [ __ ] I’m going to changes [ __ ]

Deny climate change [ __ ] it went from rainy to to Sunny how can the climate not change weather is a Thing If climate change didn’t exist the weather forecast would be sunny that is it hot at least Rod that is that is funny dude I’m hilarious you actually [ __ ]

Hilar ass you got a hair ass yeah I’m [ __ ] hair ass where’s my dirt this my board it is my board is my bir day oh now it’s just completely Sunny I didn’t Ethan I didn’t expect it to be just a straight drop off of that I done flued I done f i done fil it into the water I have fell into the water oh yeah I just I fell into the water and I eat burger cries that was my

Improv there just a bunch of un picked up Cobblestone I’m very scared Ethan what did you did did did you did you let a creeper what is this what is this glowing [ __ ] Excavating what’s this glowing [ __ ] Ethan that’s um like a moss that grows now oh it’s like it is like

Glowing as hell oh God damn I’m allergic allergic to Moss I love microplastics MCH I love eating MCH and we can use this Cobblestone to build houses and stuff we just build farms and [ __ ] cuz we need a lot of cobblestone to make a mob farm and [ __ ] yeah are we going to

Build like a like a like a like a little medieval town or we just going to build like an actual like practical Minecraft town I’m just going to build a house I can stall my [ __ ] in so we can actually beat the game yep yep and then after we beat the game we

Can be like oh let’s turn this into funny and make a little town and figure out how to do Villages and make them actually like work in the town cuz I tried to do that with the village in uh in uh on RTX and I kept on trying to spawn a

Villager next to the market so it would turn into like a market villager and it just went I’m a fisherman now howdy howdy howdy I’m Woody howdy Hy Hy and then yeah it would just like yeah it would just be chill just be chill just

Chill like that [ __ ] I fell like half a foot sorry when I say feet I mean uh 2.53 785 M 99 cents a lader 99 cents a meter and [ __ ] in it bro what game should I play while watching um meet and [ __ ] L craft God of War God of War yeah that

Too spend money on God of War did you get go of War DJ I don’t know remember I think I think he got sounds he is lethal gumy I would not play lethal Gumpy right now only play lethal Gumpy when I’m streaming L’s got his head pressed up to

My PC because it’s warm a if my dog did that they wouldn’t have nose because because of my payment uh I’m going to get a coer I’m going to get a caller within the next like day or two so to actually like I don’t know put my PC how it’s supposed to

Be yeah stand my PC up and like actually do [ __ ] with it saying that to DJ yeah I know I know but just Solo solo lethal company I mean spend $500 on a PS5 you can get on PC yeah just God of War self like the first one on Steam not not Ragnarok

Isn’t it I hope it’s on sale I want to wait for it to go on sale before I get it why have you patched up these holes there’s no point I know just I know I know I know so we’re going down to the grass

Level y oh cool that’s a [ __ ] ton of cobblestone I also have one piece of gravel if you want that how about I pick up all of your mulch I love mulch don’t have lethal company L it’s like he hasn’t grown up in this age I think he’ll find the a brackets

For lethal company is 18 plus bro just bro nerd Emoji himself how do you how does one do that Ethan I bet you won’t Ethan I bet you won’t you [ __ ] I’m taking a uh 3×3 sort of Chunk it’s working a bit more efficiently well it feels more

Efficient okay little man could always illegally download go to war yeah but I wouldn’t promote that I wouldn’t promote that put Sunny’s on I wouldn’t pre I wouldn’t promote that plays like 10 hours of hyic and then buys it have you bought it yeah I bought it I

Bought it cuz I want to support valve in making more games that I can’t play until I have like 10 grand I love the Val the valve motto of making games now it’s like hey let’s make a new peripheral just for like an important like sequel to fan favorite

Games yeah I’m a [ __ ] [ __ ] this is my 9 by9 yeah I’m a [ __ ] I’m a [ __ ] I’m a [ __ ] little [ __ ] you’re my way [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] please don’t you call me little man dude little man little man big man little man big man small

Man no man big man cboard box to kiss a girl that looks like me oh DJ I got Ethan into watching it um well at least into being being uh what’s it called what’s the word subjected to on plays so he’s now he’s now part of the

Cult he’s now part of the mango Farmers he’s now part of the humble uh uh mango farmers who have to defend themselves against 38 cases of mass murder all of which Inus Ethan’s got a lot of law to catch up [Laughter] on you say in Funko fire

Inun FIFA 18 said I said and funkle virus is bro on aound yes God’s work absolutely Ethan you don’t even you don’t even know about the numerous war crimes that Tomar has committed on only players you’re not a part of you’re not a part of you’re not a part of the The

Turtle Club you’re not totally enough for the turtle club I’m going to throw this copper in the ocean because it is useless to me that’s a that’s a that’s a lot of damage that’s a lot of thunder lightning and the Thunder he actually scaring him shitless like he is vibrating yeah unfortunately

Dogs don’t like big loud noise that’s why I was put headphones [ __ ] Su I’m glad it didn’t rain on my birthday yeah V specialist what’s up he just goes Thunder Thunder Thunder Thunder nightmare nightmare nightmare you know we used to feed this one girl on our street she’s quite

[ __ ] some LSD we used to lock arms around and go nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare oh man you can’t do there oh man actually CED for retardness I’m going to play the finals have you played it yet no I haven’t played it yet honestly I haven’t even downloaded it

Yet I’m very tempted to download it and play and see what it’s like no I’m not going to be surprised if halfway through this stream our power just cuts out yeah I’ve already prefaced with if if I just freeze and then the game freezes and then the stream freezers yeah power went

Out either mine or Ethan’s power went out oh no Mr nightly keeps on saying finals do people even remember Thundercats I remember seeing one episode on um channel 99 that was it I don’t even think it was a good episode think it was just kind of I

Think it was just kind of a mid episode honestly can’t remember which one it was but it was a mid episode I was waiting for Yu-Gi-Oh zel to come on you [ __ ] that was mying did you see the like the 720 that I did Ethan I might need another iron

Pickaxe or should I just try and find some iron let’s go and find a better mine for a bit and get mine better Miner Ean says like I got an iron pick before a stone pick Ethan where’d you go the Cav you went into the cave caves no I’m going to a

Cave you caves are you don’t a modern Thundercats reboot Ethan where’d you go I can’t explain it yes you can I I went there is literally north south east and west on your [ __ ] thing dude I don’t know how to use this press F3 you trite what’s F3 oh you know what you’re

Right F3 I’m never free back know you’re speaking mad facts how do I turn on um garbage disposal [ __ ] lights camera action go run [ __ ] you sandwich oh [ __ ] what is bro on about does it wait a second do can I only Oh no you’re Kidding if I set my Max frame rate can does that turn off vsync that’s annoying if it does sorry my internet cut out don’t worry it’s fine whenever I say Thunder Cats of vultra I’m talking about the 80s Originals unless I specify who I we’re in Monument Valley never

Mind I found out where we are Ethan oh we’re in deserts of Nevada there are plenty of caves in this biome this is probably the best place to go just a run flesh like a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] how did oh my God you fell you just fell you did not eat you fell

Unfortunately you ate but you ate floor oh my we’re going we’re going we’re going down we are going down we’re going to get shot on the way down we’re fine [ __ ] we’re going to get shot in I’m going to shot in our down why you using a pickaxe you critical they still

Count oh I don’t have a I don’t have I don’t have an iron pick I just mined gold oh God knock me for all my health Jesus Lord Jesus Lord above where what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] was that message [ __ ] with mangoat fat F

Dr Who’s adorable I don’t know I don’t know cat cat on Discord literally Discord kitten finally Discord kitten it’s like an actual kitten oh no how do I mute Discord again Mama oh Zoe Mama oh zooe Mama who hello Ethan Ethan I’m going to die oh no can’t see a minute

Why because [ __ ] I heard something [ __ ] cuz I was messaging I’ve got no Sprint oh [ __ ] why is gold more common in this cave than anything that’s a good point is that a new thing a that’s what you get in Terra Cotta I’m being chased by two skeletons now Ethan where’d you go I have no food at all Discord ping notifications happen so often with me I barely notice them anymore you’re actually doing something in a Minecraft stream [ __ ] off but true oh Ethan we are we are together again oh it’s over

Here right it’s all right final skeleton oh my Minecraft launcher volume mixer Discord down Discord no longer hello so where do you find iron at in Terra Cota in a cave you know what you’re right spider J Spider Jockey it spawns fairly High to the surface so you’ll find it everywhere spider

Jockey I’m just got to look for it spider jockey that’s the type of underpant Spider-Man wears spider jocky shut up you’re the worst Pro thought about it as well I Thor think about it I was eating I am Thor I am Thor that is it welcome to the Thor

Cast fortunately Discord has ceased what do you mean what is bro on about is bablin you [ __ ] what did bro just do I slipped I I had to make sure that was [Laughter] water okay thanks for deleting my block and again bro deleted two separate blocks well that’s probably a bad idea I

Shouldn’t have covered that up well what is this block is this just glass Ean no what your imagination okay schizophr moments the the the the the the the this that is glass Hayden can I break it what a [ __ ] West oh Jerry Mac ow ow I don’t have a shield I need

To make a shield hello spider hello spider you were [Laughter] fighting oh there’s plentiful iron here mulch mulch I love mulch oh [ __ ] that’s a massive stag typ oh did they just destroy all the bits of mulch oh my there are three three skeletons okay they’re fighting each

Other that’s good ow they’re fighting each other leave them alone may the best man win I’m going to stand here until they kill each other oh you’re mining my iron I will give it to you no you give it to you yes I will it you can have it you

Can have it you can have it you can have it my favorite Ethan I got you I got him the mulch Destroyer is here the mulch Master oh glue squid oh dream’s favorite ow give me your sacks says dream the miners another one just died oh there’s one you want to get

It one yeah I want to get it I love the I love optify specifically for the SE Zoom because it’s just so funny to be like one and just like the slight little tilt I love mulch me and my homies love mulch Oh I thought that was a never mind okay

Ow I hurt myself because of a [ __ ] thing computer mouse cable I don’t know how I hurt myself but I did are you hungry no I can Sprint I I I was like walking next to a St I sprinted into it and it hurt me you say

Laiss yeah I got laas got laas lulum don’t be silly dream dream’s favorite is little girls probably probably yeah little boys actually yeah get your fact straight get your pedo fact straight you pull one out for the boys leis block of [Laughter] skitso lapis my

Pants I love I lapis my pants oh hello skeleton throw gunpowder down imagine if throwing down an item created like a sound and then all the all the like mobs went towards it go oh that’s not gold that was iron I meant to say iron and I said gold and then I died

So it actually went from dark to light outside so that’s how you know we’re doing good can I get a TP by the way how’d you get up there payment details needed to monetize on YouTube no [ __ ] so yeah for channel member member Snips

Uh we we we I did I did a silly and I have to reput in my information so if you were thinking about a channel membership which you’re you’re insane if you are um that’s being changed so there’s Channel memberships are being put on hold for a bit skeletons snipe

You stop saying finals Mr nightly bro it’s just down bad for the finals right now finals of what the finals the game Elmo’s World Elmo’s Pierce piss off Elmo piss on Elmo it’s not Tickle Me Elmo anymore it’s Piss On Me Elmo what potenti where’d you go Ethan oh I picked

Up your I picked up my own [ __ ] that I threw down here I don’t know where you went and I’m scared I’m scared yep picked up a I’m I picked up a drip picked up drip I think I went up that way as well Ethan wherever you went wherever you are

Oh there you are yeah I went up that way it’s why everything is um there’s no torch has been placed down and uh I went over this way did I go this way I don’t think I went this way oh no I did no I did cuz that’s where I died

Okay la la la la la la la la I won the finals and I’m back good on you DJ cool [ __ ] cool beans and then Duke says me when six-year-old girls thank you du thank you D very cool thank you D and um D in uh what’s his face uh grubs up

Like yeah dream super unhinged don’t know where they came from isn’t unhinged he’s just you know one for the boys single piece I have a I have a strong that I know who grubs up is so I’m I’m very I don’t live too far from

Him is it one of our friend group or is it someone else no someone I know someone you probably wouldn’t know but um he acts all suspicious when I ask him about it because it’s stuff he would say to someone he doesn’t know ah he’s one of the best ones then

Unhinge reminds me of finals okay you need to Swiss cheeses just like me for real for real no D’s on that D’s on that stupid [ __ ] you’re on that dummy ground like some back rooms Corridor into like a cave like some Forest type looking channel into some oh you found me yeah

Oh hi hello were you following me through that the whole time yeah and then this is where I like the new cave generations and this is where I came out of so yeah that’s where there’s another piece of iron down there is this the new cave cave update

That they spent six million years working on well new cave generating sort of [ __ ] that they spent seven years creating oh yeah Duke said mogus thank you very much for mogus in chat we get a mogus oh oh oh piss I found piss piss or piss or piss liquid piss

Or hey zombie backu off [ __ ] off [ __ ] off Watson [ __ ] off block Watson grenade watch and shies like a melody in my head shies like a melody in my head got me singing like na na na na every day M from the IT Crowd I guess [ __ ] you oh

[ __ ] I’m dead I’m dead I’m boned I’m boned you’re boned I I’m boned I’m nearly I’m I’m I’m zombied nearly oh God I hate the fact that they bounce off of each Other single single oh you just reminded me of the [ __ ] edit that I made that must have been five years ago now with Transformers Prime and that yeah but because it’s on the it’s on the extra Channel or plus oh oh Ethan what I found glowing Blue

Rock is that is that Warden is that Warden is it black and like blue oh yeah yeah don’t step on that cuz that alerts him uh can you can you can you come over here and uh oh there’s it’s like hanging off of rock of rocks as well is

That yeah don’t touch any of it what if I what if I break it I wouldn’t recommend it either oh okay cool just like you know asking for a for a friend ow ow also mobs walking on it will alert him too oh oh you might need to TP me by the way

Darling we need to build like a lava pit so we can get rid of all of our [ __ ] get rid oh is it this stuff here Ean yeah down there oh yeah did you say mobs walking on it alerts them yeah if they walk past the sensor yeah I I just

Saw uh a zombie Walking on it and it was uh that is all the way is that fine oh sh I hear did you hear that though no SP on your mother cutely it has a pretty Hue touch it you know I’m good DJ wait so if you place a

Block on it does it do it as well yep anything you’re going use wool so how do I get over there how do I get dig around it how did you you just like did a cool jump no I walked across it oh okay same I need to build a

Bucket this is a bucket I can hear I can hear H sensor though I don’t know what that means so I’m just going to go up where you didn’t go so I don’t die there’s lots of lava so I might die I nearly jumped into the lava

Straight God bro what the hell boy what the hell boy I’m going to build myself a Fess um oh Erin Niger what did you say Arin I’m not the only one who heard that right Yik I might just I might just go to faithful faithful resource oh [ __ ] found

It who I found the nest I found like a big old nest oh is that good or bad bad fun that is M oh no oh no oh no oh no I see I want to see how bdcraft looks um with this uh oh my game oh my game oh my computer

Uh Ethan are you there knucking my [ __ ] down here and alerting the sensors Ethan Ethan are you there yeah I’m here okay I think I I tried putting on a texture pack and my I think my internet decided to stop also so du heard it as well

So heard what you said as well when he uh D everything though that’s never been said well you said ER oh there’s another Nest down this way my game is oh [ __ ] we’re boned I don’t know if I’m boned because I’m I’m I’m trying to load a texture pack that’s not loading I am um I’m down here now and I luckily didn’t land on a block with any of the infected

[ __ ] on it um it is dark I’m alone it’s giving Warden Ethan I’m currently stuck in a menu so you you might have to run or TP to me whichever one I’m very worried that I’ve crashed my Minecraft I’ve crashed my Minecraft [ __ ] pissed dude dick piss dick

[ __ ] also what did you say by the way you said error and then it sounded like you said the Forbidden word I said ironer and Aaron Yer mixed together cuz I thought it was funny but clearly you heard otherwise literally everyone HT otherwise brother literally everyone hurt

Otherwise no just H globin is the pigment that gives blood its red color y red 40 red 40 in your blood stream that’s what makes your blood red have I been kicked Ethan yep okay so I just want to make sure that my Minecraft did actually free

Oh [ __ ] you [ __ ] get out of here fool sorry [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh my God Ethan said a bad word two bad words actually don’t worry he’s not you know he’s not here good looking for game capture I think he is here no hang on never mind heard him say iron iron

Finals I’m on my boy Ethan side of course you are DJ there’s a 4our Armor 3 session I had to had to cut it down to 30 minutes the rest of it was you just saying SL it’s like you’d say a funny clip and then you just

Go it’s actually how it works in the biz do be like um I think bdcraft has actually crashed my uh my [ __ ] Minecraft that’s annoying what’s what’s DJ on my side for um when you said ainer but it just didn’t sound like Aaron Jager okay E Light Bob thank you

Duke oh my God have I broken my [ __ ] Minecraft you have Ethan how do I how do I get rid of a texture pack without it breaking my entire game um I can’t install any confidence on your mind I don’t know how what do you

Mean I don’t know how to do that [ __ ] I’m not that like knowledgeable you have vanilla tweaks what does brother mean if I just get rid if I just get rid of the texture pack that’s causing it will it just default to the regular texture

Pack I think but just like copy it and paste onto your desktop obviously that sort of [ __ ] no I’m going to delete it just completely ignores ignores I what to say imagine a modern Titan class Trypticon um I don’t want to because the Titan class Nemesis looks a bit spindly which is unfortunate

Um okay Mo Nemesis AR yeah Nemesis Arc what is no on that Nemesis Titan class you make me S oh oh Duke du Duke no I don’t like that Duke I didn’t even want to repeat that on [Laughter] stream oh my god what have I spawned

Into what have I got in my hand what is this oh my God Ethan i’ okay so the Parallax mapping uh it’s made my stone ax into an actual stone ax that I would see in like blade and sorcery and your pickaxe actually looks like a pickaxe it’s

Scary I’m only just I’m only just catching up on your stream because you’re a few seconds behind I want to see this uh your stone ax just look like they put the marble texture over the sword wood shovel that looks like a that does not look like a wooden

Shovel my pickaxe looks like a street sign street sign I can’t even see my stone pickax in my inventory that is crazy brother um crazy hamburger see how elabor looks what was that that was the SK sensors I thought that was a creeper okay that’s a bit better that

Look bit nicer what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is this and perhaps what is this that is water and what is this that is a Kisha bun that is salamy that is your debt that is your loan that’s your card that you no longer

Have Ethan thank you for the one one raw iron you’re raw iron thanks babe I need to get rid of all this [ __ ] rotten flesh get out of here bones I’ll keep you gravel you’re right I guess resource packs let’s go back to coven because that’s the one that didn’t kill my

Game maybe you should just stop switching texture packs every 5 minutes so your computer can catch up the reason why is because I I went to a 512x 512 texture pack with shaders on and it went no also I am the gon I the gon where Garden it is me Garden it

Is me I’m hitting the gritty garden in Minecraft garden impossible challenge get it the impossible challenge Garden you must hit the the gritty Garden [ __ ] am I doing right now and then should I make should I make armor want to make armor well I would like to not die so

Probably what’s the most important it’s leggings and uh chest plate is most important right I’ve got seven left Gman with a fullon iron armor bro that goes hard this pit goes hard feel free to screenshot oh where’d you go from there by the way Ethan cool opinion on cannibalistic

Sexk uh yeah I’m going to have to side with Ethan on this no no thanks sorry sorry to disappoint if that was a a deal breaker not allowed Jonathan no more banging my daughter my turn no what is what is a brother doing okay smash your pass uh Adam Sandler pass

Why I think he’s annoying when he smashes you guys you’re done scooter you’re scooter I’m waiting for them to Play Gangam Style my favorite Adam Sandler quite Arab Sandler Arab sander Arab Sandman Sadam andler he’s just got like dear Anders Adam Handler Adam antler ow you know what I deserve that for Adam

Antler Adam’s Adam Handler Adam hand pass to human Okay smash your pass Um um denji chainsaw man ass why he too horny Brawn you say Brawn Brawn Megatron what what is bro on about what did you say porn rwn what does that mean not real he is drawn with pencil but what if he was real but but she’s not [Laughter] real but she’s not real

Daddy what do if she’s not real pass to human bro is a devil what are you on about human um POA special pass hard pass technically not an animal cuz they’re a demon technically either way I think you’re going to prison make a TR pleas throw in my Mouth what the [ __ ] I feel like I’ve seen starcream say that somewhere and I do not want to remember where that’s from so I’m just going to just going to hard pass on that uh interaction there D what’ you say huh I end the stream end the stream nice smash

Squishy plus feral that’s that shouldn’t be A Plus dke McDonald’s Ethan what is that TW what is it I was about say our twitch chat what is just our chat in general what is our twitch chat homelander what is the what huh bacon bacon pancakes Mak bacon

Pancakes going to get your dog and turn him into pancakes son Sun be like a cool little cave entrance over here what the [ __ ] it’s like the Batcave except with less homoeroticism are you building in there I’m thinking about it put like a little underground entrance to a house of some sort to

Store my [ __ ] that’s cool I didn’t see that spot down there before yeah I’ve been there a couple times smash your PS on your forger now that I know who she is I’m going to say pass child child denji is only 16 so you can’t smash him either oh

Oh I really got shot by the police also known as skeleton Skeletron the electron elron what do they call it what I don’t even I’ve never even turned on subtitles for that film so I have no clue what those two actually say to each other apart from delicious a something and

Then a little heavy on the electrons something I don’t know what they call each other cuz that’s not what their actual names are they just call each other weird names okay Duke you might need to Duke I don’t want to I don’t want to I don’t want to say anything but uh feel

Like DJ might they on the electrons electron me when eating me when eating me when eating eating eating me when hungry me when hungry man I hate it when I get fellacio from a velociraptor and then it bites time to turn off twitch chat time to turn off twitch chat

Speaking of which my chat for some reason isn’t even working how fun how fun never mind it is working it’s just really really small what the hell why the hell you small bro so what do you guys think of the new layout I got I made a new layout for the for the

Stream it looks a bit cleaner oh my hang on a second speaking of cleaner where I’m going with this all right so they call each other they call each other scrap metal and hel electron why it’s not their names it’s just the opposite of their names why

Why oh no jungle sapling so I can build more stuff so I’ve also built like that little extra part um that goes off towards the uh the thing you can turn that into whatever now Ethan or Liam can turn that into whatever I gave it like a nice little

Design for the um like uh fences around it to make it look like ropes but that was about it smash your pass xenomorph Queen smash smash smash you know what I found a wool and a muton m oh CL I’m an oak log racist uncoverable out of context it’s uncoverable out of

Context you there Ethan you just chilling oh he gone oh he G for Ru oh no where is he gone I’m just a racist animation is done I’ll post it later Okie doie why did I do that I need three of that light gray wall so I might as well just

Wait I think Ethan’s getting chck to death no oh what you doing I was uh I was consistently rewatching that scene to try and work out with the say and he’s saying helon hron he says Helon helon but they definitely the other one definitely calls the other one scrap midle why oh that meat is more than Meats e I’m currently fighting all of the armies of Bon at this at this current point in time mhm mhm I don’t even know where that

Cave went like the entrance to the cave just that yeah oh it’s down there never mind no the um what’s it called the underwater one I’m going to block off for for a short moment at least from the other mobbers it’s like a ravine as well so I might keep

That and just make the bottom uh thingy what’s it called I don’t know how to speak I’ve figured I’ve I’m not going to say that big good I’ll be on my suit and tie [ __ ] tie [ __ ] let me show you he s maril go down just like Goldie Mary Marana Marana gross

No audio because copyright check Discord now I check it later why would you tell me to check Discord and then say it’s got copyrighted afterwards what is bro’s plan what is bro’s plan God’s plan God’s plan day and night don’t know what that’s got to do with God’s plan but I don’t

Know same guy a it I know I just like the funny the funny racism you know what up my wiggity wiggity wiggers what’s up gang yes there will be more racism from now on yikes oh my going a sucky decky oh no [ __ ] [ __ ] that’s where the entrance shall be

Oh never mind hang on that’s where the entrance is going to be I’m going to have to create some actual proper Stone for here for here have to get rid of all this copper as well bloody H never catch me copper me running away from copper ore I

Guess you go down just like golden Mary Marana Mar cross should I make this into a you know what I probably should that would be kind of cool would go monstrously hard as the kids say going keep that there Godzilla minus one is so good not even Rotten Tomato says it’s bad

Interesting oh might watch it I need to get into the actual Godzilla films first that’s the problem that one just put you there you there you didn’t see it the animation was crap like really clap really clap really CRA Cy I’ll watch it now I watch it now

Oh there’s no I’ve got no music coming from Discord anywhere hang on I’m G to I’m going to put I’m going to play like a small Snippet sorry that’s uh that’s [Laughter] that right Discord sound is going off Discord sound is going off that one there oh [ __ ] to actually save on that what did I come back to uh you don’t want to know DJ you do not want to know

DJ uh Soundwave may may not have made a um an animation that has skib toilet playing in the background so you’re bored by it all right bye bye bye that one this is a chill stream don’t know why I just went this is a chill stream this is a chill

Stream build that and then it’s going to be like a cool little back cave entrance I guess I don’t know maybe s door there this is going to be very rough this is L just going to be the outline of the house and then I’ll add [ __ ] in afterwards so door

Here cool little I know something there and then we’re going to God God holy [ __ ] what’s up man I only just realized how bold Sons tires are are Bal yeah they’ve got nothing on them oh um Harry just sent me a photo Harry just sent me a v a video of him walking

Around Sun’s car he’s got racing slicks on they are just round yeah there’s like a faint line of like wheel left on them oh no I’m not joking like they are flat they are just straight flat well the inner wall the inner wall has like full like tread steel so he’s

Got not enough air in his tire he’s just rounded them flat I don’t think he knows how to change over tires or take them to someone probably don’t know can this [ __ ] dog stop snoring I got L Loki who doesn’t snore but yet screams during thunderstorms and then we got

This [ __ ] French Bulldog that just goes and it’s sleep sounds like you’re mad I am mad I didn’t want the dog a it’s not my dog anyway doggy it’s Mom’s dog it’s fine I just don’t like Bulldogs fine why not cool French Bulldogs are just me just

Me put you in the face of this planet there is no tooth fairy and there is no he are me and Bruce Lee he are just for no reason and my water oh yeah water I love it little area that one and that this going be a little crafting crafting and crafting in

Furnace just for just for for now that one and then what should I do what should I do should I make this like a real small thing or Ethan can you are you watching the stream still no if are you still in the cave no okay are you anywhere near

Yes could you give me a couple ideas on what to do in this okay okay it’s okie dokie cuz I’m thinking I want to have like a little [ __ ] um if I had like a little area that I want to be able to look down into

Into the Ravine that’s below me so I was thinking build down and then have like a little glass floor so I can see down You’ already got the idea yeah but I want to I want to do something else as well so I can see like the actual drip Stone and all

That like dripping down and [ __ ] I don’t know if I should make an entire like corner of it be glass or if I should make just a glass floor or if I should do something else or if I should not or if I should do something else if I should

Not I don’t know I don’t know you don’t know either water water put your ideas away water I don’t want to see them no more I won do this no more I think I might do that yep go start digging up all the sand that you can find yeah might have

To actually should we focus on getting a farm together first cuz I’m like oh build a house and your own Farm I mean like food farm like cow are we going to have separate cow Farms I guess so it’s a realm so it’s not going to tax any of our PCS yeah yeah

True that looks pretty good as like a little yeah little entrance there I’m going to need a boat that’s one thing I’m going to absolutely need every time I go through that which should be fine have like a little dock next to the thing so I can

Dock the boat and then walk in and then I don’t know like that oh my God this game looks amazing and runs amazing as well surprisingly you’d think for an almost 13-year-old game that it would run nicely on your Hardware yeah but with shaders on and everything yeah even

Ste no even still not bro it’s on Java which is like the least optimized engine for gaming it’s done this well for this long yeah but it’s optimized for spreadsheets it’s nowhere near optimized for gaming and Java’s like oh you’re making games on it I mean we’re not going to stop

You just be one shame on you be W beware can I join server you have to pay up it’s a realm unfortunately you have to pay up for a realm who’s saying that Soundwave uh uh gravel why I don’t need gravel and then now now now now he’s typing in different languages oh

No we have a good sound W Legacy INF gamer alien oh my god I didn’t even notice gamer alien hello G Al alen hello Gallen bro got the point of dripstone is Ethan is right if I take the two dripstone from your chest which chest the the chest that’s at the spawn

Area um I guess just take my bread okay I just took the drip Stone you only had two so I want to add them in front of the um my entrance like near the entrance so it’s like little like dilapidated thingy yeah I’ve got like a bunch around

Like the actual front door I want to have a few going towards the edge as well cuz there’s one there how does dripstone grow uh you need a water source above it and it takes several Minecraft days for that to happen right um how have these ones formed

Naturally so so to create one yourself you need a bunch of water and the other ones just grow naturally yeah right um I need to get rid this glowy [ __ ] too there glowy [ __ ] gone glowy [ __ ] down here also gone it’s 3D and [ __ ] oh my God bro boy what the hell

Oh my God I’m glad that I saw this down here cuz this looks like a really good place to put a base place to put a base you know what I’m a poet and I just had no clue I’m a poet and I had I there was no previous notion of me being

So I’m a poet and Blue’s Clues I’m a poet and I just had no no idea at all I’m poet and that’s my name I just keep on saying it just do not actually rhyme it at all oh my God I’m poet and that’s my name the god rays in this game are

Amazing with these shaders I’ve got what what shaders do I have on right now I have BSL shaders BSL shaders goes hard cuz it adds like that little bit of extra like fog to it which I’m a big fan of fog ow I had a feeling that was not going to go

Well we didn’t even get rid of that like big block that we mined around for no reason not yet I’m doing didn’t M it for no reason it’s for the Hub yeah I know but we just we just left like a big like plinth that I’m now mining cuz I need Cobblestone

What I need Cobblestone opens inventory hovers over 78 stacks of cobblestone have you seen my trapo video no I haven’t I might actually check that out right now cuz if it adds like an extra building thing then I want to do abs [ __ ] lutely

Ow uh Legacy Inferno have do you no I do not have do Legacy fno do in how to get the the rad flag with the trapo oh no is in Xbox red FAL what is red FAL oh oh did oh did did you did did you oh

What is this like an AOG or is this like what am I looking at right gool slowly turns back to game egg fish what egg whoa can’t be saying the the the egg word said help keep the mobs away no me egg yeah my name is Squidward

That’s my favorite my favorite bit from [ __ ] the Halo 3 video I am H J Simpson then you just get so confused my favorite bit is Zoo my favorite is just Halo for [ __ ] five minutes in a row as we do the water we w we we yeah we could have all gotten

Into one car but we no we fought we decided separate yeah I mean you decided separate because Caitlyn was driving and you just weren’t having it she killed me like seven points seven points at that time oh oh yeah yeah I had to cut out a

Few of the times that she killed you but true I think she’ll be on the road soon no thank you she’s watching by the way too so you’re going to I’m up you’re going to get beaten up Hayden J P pen ha I dos you kidding no hey no way that you

Called me by my full legal name Hayden J panier I’m I’m Hayden J Hayden J pimpson pimp hom J [Laughter] pimpson I am hom J simp I’m J I’m hom call me hom J Simpson the way I’d be slobbing on that knob I know know what happens if Megatron becomes a Skiby

Toilet that’s what happens an awkward silence that you can’t believe so sweet I hearby sentence you to a conversation with four people that just that just stops he just have to kind of sit there you just kind have to sit there and wait and like your social anxiety starts going through the

Roof I hope that happens to you because of that hello Internet welcome to Spade Theory we talk about your favorite shovels and Spades and especially diggers okay bro you’re not even you’re not even trying at this point you’re just saying trust me I’ve tried just

People what do you mean what do you mean you’ve tried I don’t want to know what this means bro yes don’t question my M it sounds like you’re doing like a oh what’s his name bad water videos 2009 on your channel it’s just like random random a the AI becomes

Real which by the way is an amazing form of uh Machinima and I love it I wish more people did it on G mod and stuff but you know what the shadowman the shadowman on construct it’s either shadowman or rag dolls come alive no in between what was that one map that was

Used for a lot of RPS um U it was one of the city ones I can’t remember what it was it’s one van used for a lot of prop hunt videos Prop Hunt I don’t think a lot of them were prop videos trouble in Terrace Town yeah I don’t know I love

Mulch oh sun’s coming Up’s Coming coming out of his cage and he’s always up front with about I did things just make cringe memes on Twitter new sub did we get a new sub Inquisitor quing see I can’t see that on my screen so when I get a second monitor which will be never um I’ll be

Able to see people subbing and stuff which will be interesting um Discord you saw the image at General Discord what’s the new image at General endless oh my God pyramid cameraman and it’s full War of Cybertron Megatron with cameraman’s head like the but one of the like Ultra cameraman I can’t

Remember what their name is ones that are multiple different cameras on top I don’t know I can’t remember that one yeah and it and they’ve got like 38,000 subs and is I’m I’m I’m scared Ethan dandelion must be the last one of the Season must be the last one of the

Season I heard it behind me all right turkey mashed potato cauliflower and cheese stuffing chicken hi I’m new sorry for a long name no it’s fine no it’s fine I shall call you Tey your name is now turkey but uh yeah welcome welcome to the stream I playing some mince

Raft uh with some shadar and some R’s book and where where where I don’t know what I’m doing there’s buildings being made over there I I made that little thing over there that I’m outlining and then um I found a little cave over here so I’m going to build into

That also this is just not disappearing down thank you please disappear um there’s a little cave over here that I want to build a house into I’m going to do that right here I’m going to build a little house in there work so far I’ve

Got a bunch of drip Stone bunch of drip and um then um I’m going to build a farm probably before that cuz I need food like real bad I think Ethan’s going to do the same if Ethan is even here I’m here okay just want to make sure oh that’s what the thingy

Exploded okie dokie starcream X Fanboy bumblebee never speak again never speak again please I’ve got enough things for a bed let’s go baby okay I thought that was a chicken and those were actually flowers well then chicken feather I’m losing my voice dude [ __ ] sucks won’t be able to do funny cool voices

Anymore bumer bumer yeah so true so true so true can we get a dog dog do dim dimad in Peacock download peacock to get five nights of for FNAF Freddy’s in your room where he says the FNAF five fridy Fazar all right I’m going need I’m going need to build a I’m going to need to build I’m going to need build I’m going need build going need a budha I’m going to need a budha I’m going to need a buha I’m going to need a budha

Buha I’m G to take down this tree and use it just just for chests it’s a big ass tree and I like big ass trees I can cut down these big ass trees brother brother my friend my friend have I have I actually gone insane think I have I think so

Yeah anything you want to talk about Ethan so it’s not just gameplay and then like small bits of Silence between the both of us no okay I haven’t been here very long I work at a Cheesecake Factory that is actually true is that is actually true you are the

Cheesecake man you are the one who cheesecakes I’m not in cheesecake Skyler I am the cheesecake breaking bad but water white is actually just a cheesecake what kind of show would that be probably it would be um a quadruple quintuple Emmy Award winner for water cheesecake [Laughter] white white cheesecake

Cheesecake white cheesecake Fanboy Bumblebee X Kickback you’ve got a real Kink for Fanboy bumblebee don’t you gamer alien it sounds like it Ethan is it possible to lose mind while playing Minecraft I was about to say yes to that exact same question that I was just about to ask but anyway um what’s

Up mangos you know what like it or not he do be speaking f facts I am fact maker me me W parrots and the bats what kind of achievement did you get brother it’s called breeding I put the cow with another cow and the cow made the cow turn to baby cow oh

No I made them go boom boom boom I want you in my room and spend the night together okay okay okay it’s okay bro um this be yeah I want this to be a thingy how do I oh that’s where you get in there oh oh oh my I

Found the greatest way to get into this house that I can’t use no I can use it I can use it okay cool cool Co cool have to dig this out a bit okay dig this out a bit so there’s going to be two entrances one can be through the top because I’ve

Just realized that a hole that I went down uh go straight into the base and uh through the front door this will be the way to exit and then the other way will be to get in if I want to do that which I could I could just not that’s the Fun boom boom boom boom I want you in my soup want you in my womb please get out of my soup B one the fu You in My Soup Bob who is Bob why is he in your soup I don’t know boom boom boom boom he’s still inside my soup oh

My God we had a we have a peak of seven viewers this stream still inside my Su and overall we’ve had 61 views already which is crazy of of the stream from seven different people that’s concurrent it currently is six just stop watching why do you why do people I don’t

Understand oh no Ethan we could we could promote our Channel on YouTube yeah yeah oh no I don’t know if I want to do that because every time I say that I’m like wow you literally paid money to have your stuff be advertised that is just kind of sad s advertisements what s

Advertisements yeah you have toay to advertise things right you like yeah but like why would they give the option to YouTubers to do to them to their own stuff and we get much higher Higher so high that’s why drip Stone growth rate Minecraft five in-game days to grow so is almost unable to farm on its own if you place water above the drip so it will grow slightly faster so it can grow yep yeah has a 1% chance for every 50 seconds for it to

Grow y so there’s a chance that one of these could just not grow ever like how there’s a chance that someone played Five Nights at Freddy’s and there was like there’s like a infantism chance that someone played it and none of the animatronics moved ever on from day one to five night

One to five so I should say I found that crazy that is an amazing statistic crazy I I really want that to I really want that to be my first playthrough is that it’s just none of the move and I’m like is this is this the right game

Guys oh that is a lot of gravel a that’s a lot of gravel that I really want to bring down should I do it Ean sure if I was standing under that I would have died yikes that’s a yikes for me Captain goes over that [ __ ] bro what the

Hell Bo what the hell boy what the hell what the hell oh good night two two FPS FNAF actually um yeah two FPS FNAF but also um the original five nights games rely on FPS yeah because it’s for every it’s every 60 frames they do something so you could just be like well

Two FPS depend what their on yeah isn’t it a thing in the game where if you have 2020 2020 mode is actually easy iier than like 18 17 19 20 I think I remember that from the video that was talking about the difficulty settings it’s like a you can get it so

That way if you do that you can actually it’s actually easier on 2020 2020 and like the hardest is actually like 17 201 19 19 I can’t remember something like that at The Bite of 87 can we get much high oh all right I’m going animate now see you

In 1 hour boy see you later Soundwave you Ethan you needed to only just go into the game to get that achievement I then I just tried mining wood with a pickaxe I think there a new music disc as well yeah I think it’s like what it’s called

Four no I think uh it’s like Aaron or something like that mhm Amir no it’s a I think you get it emerance you get from getting a digger you started it hden well how did I start it I put words in my mouth Transformers and He-Man crossover hello will Jack the TF

Tfg1 eeman and oatc fan 2008 it’s been a while sosus amus amus abose abose here it’s G to go down to here gos Goose goose go go I agree I very much agree two Goose one Goose three goose and I’m going to go under there I’m hey Gman look under there already

Where I made you some I made you say underwear Odessa if it was um imagine being called it’ be like under if it was Gordon saying it he’d be like that was the joke I just tried to make anyway you didn’t you didn’t you didn’t

Give any like paws you just went I did underwear you went underwear I went like if it was underwear why is Gord saying underwe no there was a pause what are you on about nothing absolute bird brain call me a bird brain your bird brain y yep sure did

No he did not say that no I want to do this [ __ ] design but it’s not going to work cuz it’s not going to make I’m not wasting time on designs and stuff I’m just making stuff where I can get infinite I want I want to make stuff look

Cool BR becomes the BR becomes the rudest person when it goes into survival mode I’ve got myself an infinite lava source I got myself an infinite water source I got myself have I’ve seen one piece of lava there’s a whole pit underneath my house I hear I hear the

Predator not dream I hear I heard like the clicking noise I got a bit scared Ean I’m scared Ean I’m scared I get to 305 can I get herp from Mr worldwi Mr 305 I’m going have to get rid of that part and that part that part but other

Than that oh [ __ ] that was a zombie I was just standing right next to it Ma don’t [ __ ] do that she sounds like a zombie hell common ma L yeah so that way the water comes through here oh will it come through there yeah it’ll come through there it just won’t look

Nice [ __ ] all right I’m going have to get through there to the top but what now uh just someone chap in Top Hat in just some chap in top hat thank you um and we are now currently sitting at 3,260 y yeah I think we’re what what are

We at now actually it’s like 3,265 then would that be I’ll check the studio check the studio app where two one three 3,268 Woo and our Prime Christmas video is at 11,000 views to 11,200 Views it’s slowly going up which is good it’s unlike the couple of the other videos sometimes especially earlier on when it would just be like all right we’re going to Plateau now there’s going to be like a view every like hour which it’s actually done hang on do

The math on that it’s done half of the Soundwave H starcream video in 4 days when that one was 13 days so technically that video could get um really big soon maybe potentially who knows oh Ethan what how do I E I don’t know how

To never mind I know how to I know how to I know how to now that is not how to okay I now know exactly how to please tell me this is how to and it’s not how not to cuz I want to be it is how not to

Great cool cool my friend cool from the pool oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it’s Mr worldwide Mr F5 okay I now I have an infinite water source cool now I’m going to go to the top of my base top of my base Ethan what did you just send me why did you send me something on Snapchat I don’t have

Snapchat finals no what is bro on about oh my God oh my God what am I oh no um it’s so early how is bro playing uh there’s this crazy thing called time zones uh crazy I know and then who is mashed potato cauliflower and cheese stuffing chicken

Has the longest name you know what you’re right about that you are completely factually accurate about that you ain’t wrong for that my good compatriot you are not even factually inaccurate for that I didn’t not think about how that was lucky I should put that there instead

O mind no no no okay never mind that’s pretty that’s pretty that doesn’t give me the ick at all okay that’s pretty nice that’s pretty nice okay and that’s an infinite water source right you’re damn right it is Okay cool so way I can escape through my top

Secret uh entrance also known as up here all right ow still managed to hurt myself going through my top secret entrance as is per usual as is per usual I wouldn’t expect anything less let’s go up up break down I’ll clean this up a bit later might clean it up now actually ow

[ __ ] it’s down here oh there is hary shooting at me Shon hello goodby oh noo so that there and I’m going to have that there little thing bit of drip Stone drip Stone oh my [ __ ] god dude hang on I need to say that I need to say that in an instant

Replay can I can I please say that I need to see that oh my God I knew as soon as I did I just instantly [ __ ] up dude oh my God hold this l i will DJ trust me brother trust me brother hey there we are

Right been trying for so long to sing you the right song to show you something different every day you know what Soundwave sing us a song sing us a song through your through your text I’m hearing interesting noises ow my ass cheek you’re right Ethan yeah I just really had some [ __ ]

So I just bed through it sorry no it’s all right I was just I was just doing some stuff outside my base and then I killed myself with the stac typ by accident just Dro I I Min I mined the block instead of the stac typ by

Accident it just dropped and killed me instantly oh god dude this guy have you seen what I’ve done while you while you’ve been doing stuff what have you what have you done while you’ve been doing stuff no why you’ve been doing stuff well uh well I’ve been doing stuff

Um what did you do what happened um I made an infinite water source but I turned it into like a waterfall thing so looks pretty good I’ve said have you seen what I’ve done not no I hav’t I I haven’t seen what you’ve done though maybe should I should ow we’re up here

Yeah Rob BR you need to add some [Laughter] railings that is such a far drop dude yeah so I added the sugarcane farm I added uh the oh I’ve very full top of lava um and water uh my Infinite Source is this is this now just Infinite Source yep

Cool um and then over oh well not over here but if I go down where down we go go oh so way down we Go oh oh my God I near died immediately I got got a coup Farm got a CP Farm I need to get a cow I need to get a proper cow Farm I don’t know where to build mine cuz I’ve got an underground farm i’ got under not underground farm got

Underground base so was like when are we playing and I said we we’re playing today if you want to join she’s like I’ll be on that was at [Laughter] 5:00 and she asked me if we were still playing about 2 hours ago and I said yes and she’s like

Cool she just want to know okay I’m going to sleep next to you [ __ ] MTI Chistmas please ah why did I wake up in your bed I wake up standing in your bed oh no bro is gone no the cunning plan I live [ __ ] I live [ __ ] I’m a bad

[ __ ] you can’t kill me you can’t kill me you can’t kill me what am I on I live Dam to tried to aerial attack you where are you oh there you are wait was doomed to oh my where’ damn it like try to hit you but it I must be lagging

[ __ ] you [ __ ] you moved you [ __ ] where where did this little leprechaun go Robot what are you laughing at nothing what a waste of swi it was I made sure I made sure to wait oh SK I need to build a bed I still need to build a ow squid fish you be fooling around we do be kind of fooling around a

Bit someone give us a topic so that way Ethan doesn’t just watch Tik Tok I’m not watching Tik Tok listening to Tik Tok don’t stop make it pop see the Sunlight [ __ ] man [ __ ] man my base is overrun with [ __ ] gs distant Kevin McLoud distant Kevin McLoud is the worst kind of Kevin McLoud science [ __ ] am I listening to he’s oh oh that’s not meant to be like that that’s not meant to be like that whoops God when disabled people I guess

That’s not meant to be like that the ethics of the war in Israel and the impact on the youth that is not that is not a good topic that is not a good topic DJ we can talk about that another day please and thank you please and thanks you oh my God he

Thanks us for talking about the topic yeah or he’s rping pleases and thanks you oh no bedtime make bed I don’t have any wood to make a bed I have just slabs and that is it I just need to get one tree need to kill one tree and eat a

It’s flesh so what was were you building a platform or something in the tree or have you decided upon that um I’m to go against that I said you can can use that now if you want or Liam can use it whatever for whatever he wants for your imagination fine

Um nothing that will get us ban DJ how do you make a oh my God it’s it’s literally the one thing I don’t know how to make I literally did oh it’s wall wall I did it planks I did it three planks three wool cuz my thought was the the head the

Head rest goes above the quilt but I’m [ __ ] so you’re not building a looking down the side of a bed you’re building a sideways bed building a bed that’s looking at it from a horizontal angle not from a straight vertical angle what are your thoughts on Israel

[ __ ] [ __ ] sorry don’t worry DJ it’s all right we can get through this together you can talk about anything but Israel that’s nothing that’s actually worse you have to purposefully exclude Israel from memes perhaps funnies even goofy little Miss Maps even fell off some Vines that’s an

L that is an L I’m sorry Ethan yeah I know I’m glad that the um the stream doesn’t show that did the stream show it H it doesn’t show it it’s like slightly covered up so H looks like I’m going back to uh for ingame stack look at that I can change

Some stuff okay the I don’t know why but whenever the new sub thing goes through it just does it just resets its position every time which is a bit weird I have to change the properties of that I’m doing extremely well is it vertical alignment it might

Be what do you mean you’re doing extremely Well excited for the new chainsaw man Rea Arc I don’t know what any of that means but yeah I know chainsaw man I like the first season I don’t know anything about what’s happening next I’m just going to I’m going to Big go blindly into it but I’m excited for anything new

That’s chainsaw man chainsaw man big me bigotry polygamy what am I into bigamy what is biger me bigot me big up me what biger me big up me look mewhere bro is on that [ __ ] [ __ ] pack right now I got sauce in my head I got barbecue sauce on my titties

Am I doing hang on that stop capturing display there we go capture game so I can capture the game all the time cool g I must get all the sand from your chest please Gordon I do not want to mine sand from the [Laughter] beaches it’s not even close to Gman

Impression as well G what are you doing it’s like Christopher Walkin is the Gman be a I’m excited he wouldn’t be a bad choice no um okay who would play Gordon Freeman that isn’t Brian Cranston Brian Cranston probably Aaron Paul just just name like any Breaking Bad actor in

This no maybe um Mike Trout what his name from Antman and the was R yeah Paul Rod honestly ow I wouldn’t mind seeing a halflife movie but if we get that before half lifee 3 I’m actually going to be sad half life what half lifee three whatever it’s going to be called half

Lifee X half life G half lifee L it probably called it probably [ __ ] called like halflife l or something stupid like that cuz where are they going to go from half lifee Alex they just going to do yeah but I I think the whole like fact that literally

Nothing has been said about that apart from the the thing that Mark glor did I think that means they might not be an AEP pistol 3 at all cuz they can’t do AEP pistol 3 cuz it’s got to include Alex which well well your mama y Mama y mama your mama

I’ve still got a just a water bucket with water in it nothing else there’s a big Opening space behind my house now why is that there’s a big opening behind my house Now oh my well there like weird floating fences and [ __ ] floating fences the PE can the PE can pie kill me what what’s the um difficulty set to Ethan normal I think yeah it is co pick up that PE can pie pick up the pick up the can and put it somewhere

Else so stupid why do you have iron nuggets my question of the day you have any bones you don’t have anything to say just say the word bones DJ gets it DJ this DJ gets it g you must wear diamond armor the it is useless to not wear diamond armor

You [ __ ] you made me yawn get [ __ ] dude you do it you’re good I see that you and I both watch um only plays the best of 2023 at least no 2022 at least 60 trillion times each improv [Laughter] 101 do it’s just say the word bones uh never deny someone’s

Citizenship the second role of improvs never deny someone their citizenship and then uh what else what else is there can’t remember I think it’s just those two that that are canonized canonized and only plays law what is this little sweaty man doing here oh the sweaty man is coming at

Me the man is sweaty there’s just a chance that an axe won’t cause knock back is that thing cool cool they should spawn eventually I’ve been yawning all day I’ve had a lot of [ __ ] to hello just hold the [ __ ] flashlight for me [ __ ] Christ scared the [ __ ] out of me good

Morning good morning have you seen The Unofficial insane only plays comp yes I have yes I [ __ ] have dude oh my God just the amount of times that Zach says certain [ __ ] is just crazy sleep sleep sleep I’m sleeping sleep sleep sleep you don’t even say thank you you just go sleep

Sleep oh sprant I can spr to your place one that was meant to be behind my place what you told I’ve literally said like 60 times you can do whatever you want do it knock your block off yeah should knock his block off should knock his block off you should knock his block

Off oh um I may or may not built my my lava generator in there why to and I may have may or not built it so it was touching the roof and when I put the lava in it went why cuz I forgot Leaf went boom you forgot that leaves were flammable

Yeah I exactly hang on hang on hang on a second hang on a second hang on a second hang on a second you want to you want to run that by me again for the for the for the for the people at home I forgot that Minecraft leave or flly a

Bell I didn’t even die you’re flaming B too I didn’t even I didn’t even get fall damage that is menacing you look at you giving me the middle finger what is this what ising saplings what and saplings you just throw like you just throw branches at me they stick into my

Skull freaking knock his block off dude how do you just get all this random [ __ ] Ethan like you’ve got carpets and [ __ ] already well the Bowers from just making it with string and wood they wool is from killing sheep yeah I’ve already killed I’ve already killed enough sheep to make a make a

Make a make a you know you get three carpet per two wall three carpet per two wall so two sheep you get three carpet yeah well you can get more than one w I’ve got shears as well so I can get up to three wall per sheet oh that’s a good

Point might make me some sheries and get myself some wools some wools some sheeps I don’t know where to put my farm though that’s the cuz I’ve built my my base in such a weird spot I don’t know where to put any of my [ __ ] and like any farms and all that

Together together sick loot together sick freaking loot I missed did you get the shot Le Harvey H Lee Harvey hoswell Lee Harvey oswal be like in Brackets the FBI’s got him covered I missed they just hear another shot k [ __ ] [ __ ] F [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] f fck f f f f

F [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] F [ __ ] [ __ ] but you don’t get the thrill of taking a life you know what DJ I’ve never I’ve never gotten the thrill of taking a life before you’re completely right and subscribe to Game Pass yeah that’s what taking a life is subscribing to Game

Pass but like The Game Pass YouTube account not subscribing to the actual service subscribing to the Game Pass YouTube account for the sick LS for the sick LS my friend for the fre can’t wait for the next game to come out and G cash P for next fre game to come and Game

Pass said no one ever look at me I’m the master of Comedy oh never mind I was going to say something real bad I’m glad that I can stop myself it’s a good it’s a good skill to have right d [Laughter] okay what is this skill to have of

Noting I do not be I do not be knowing what how do not I did not realize how we a Cave System you actually had under our place yeah do be like that there’s like a ravine right where I am oh don’t worry I know s just goes

McDonald’s as per usual Master sandwave with the so it turns out my school set us homework online the last day of school on a site that doesn’t notify us if they set work and didn’t tell us that they had set work yep sounds like an average

School I’m going to have to go pick up my parents apparently apparently mom’s too drunk to drive oh yeah you know what you know what that makes sense and dad was already drinking so I’ve kind of just assume that the case well you have good luck with that then Ethan I

Will uh I will all right see you see you later Ethan bye Bye she’s gone hang on let’s a look he is gone time to disconnect oh oh chain Man the movie Rear oh no there we are that’s a nice little this is a nice little area to have [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] there we are this looks nice it’s like a cute little cute little

Area where you can see down there and you’re like oh look at the piece of thingy that I haven’t mind yet oh God and then I’m going to have like a thing there it’s it cold a door that’s the word trying to say something no no I recall correctly I believe that

They may have said that there will be no work in the holidays yep sounds like an average score they just go no and then they then they lie and then they screw SP mats I don’t want to I want to make stop motions damn it literally me having to go to

Work I want to make City do Transformers videos is this something I can join considering how lonely you are you know what considering how lonely I am that is that is generally how nice of you dude it’s quite freaking nice of you my friend um I don’t

Know CU it’s a it’s a it’s a Java realm so it costs money which is crazy that Java Realms cost Mone money now um I’ll have to I’ll have to [ __ ] oh that does not look good I’m going to have to do this aren’t I yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ]

Got Microsoft don’t think that’s compatible unfortunately not um but I can go onto the uh what’s it called you know I wish I could speak sometimes um um I do have a Bedrock world that we that you could join so might go on that in a second word and same Discord

Expect to be quiet glasses okay I to tell your friend from some random grandma from 50 ft up you know I I honestly don’t know if what I just read there was like actual like what is actually what you just typed or if I’m going insane it could be both it could

Be very much both that was a bad idea something like this would be quite nice quite nice quite nice what the some yeah that looks cool we can go up here go up through here and you go wow I’m at the very top how [ __ ] amazing dude oh no oh

No and then you go down here and you’re like quick crafty escape and you go down and then you fall down that part which probably should be a bit might need to add some some add some of that I swear I just heard knocking on a door that I don’t

Have Troublesome very Troublesome indeed okay okay water thingy there go here here go back down here the rulan sector DJ AM to plays go another random kids thought it would be funny to M report him getting his account terminated for the third time also the 50 ft up part implies he was

Ared mind think I have Java cool why’d you have to go away from your computer to check that got to go to my second computer um there we go oh nice and done there we have oh [ __ ] no ain’t no way bro’s going to try and

Go through the water to get me okay no he’s not good I might have to find a way to get a trapo in there or something that he’s going to be there forever so think I have Java cool just want just went to get a drink while I was while I was

Updating drink a what water hopefully you silly little silly little bugger [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I’m not letting that [ __ ] blow up near my thing when did Minecraft Java account Purge take place while ago months ago I mean DJ if you had the M Microsoft version no Microsoft virgin

Um I don’t know what I was going to say cuz that I was thinking the other way around never mind you suck the water is slimy toxic Brown I’m going to Brown I’m [ __ ] I believe um the man says the funny the funny man the funny man on the screen tell me

To to kill my family the funny man on the screen tell me to kill my family I Microsoft virgin literally me cool dude didn’t ask can’t see a [ __ ] face that computer smells [Laughter] funny I’m going to Brown I’m [ __ ] sing literally me yeah dude you should just sh your pants right

Now it’s getting very late guys it’s getting very late I’m going to go to work tomorrow morning how would one join hly no [ __ ] clue player reporting that’s not a good idea online RS news and invites oh I think Ethan has to Whit list you’re on the server so we we’ll do

That eventually we’ll do that eventually one day oh hello oh hello oh [ __ ] oh that’s not good oh no oh no placing down blocks I I’m getting chased by a [ __ ] zomie Zamboni well not okay yeah I would one join I have you have where is bro oh there he

Is hello Watson tender block Yeah you’re going to become a drowned now watch him become a drown go what is what is bro doing ow ow H forgot about the whole drowning thing didn’t think about that is he going to turn into a drown for [ __ ] sake turn into drowned bro is shaking oh took a

Screenshot oh there he is hello byebye oh [ __ ] byebye byebye yeah that’s creepy bro that’s creepy as [ __ ] creepy as [ __ ] I just one mod you know what you convince me you know you convince me so much to mod to mod you Harry that I uh might end

It here I might end the stream here I’m quite tired quite tired of all these qu tired of all these fake ass [ __ ] I have no clue where the entrance is where did the where did the [ __ ] go oh hang on mutton M entrance entrance entrance entrance there it Is ow it is it is the thrip stone my God my friend I was having with my I was having a conversation with my friend on Snapchat right is this going to go the mini lad way or the normal way we go the okay yeah I’m yeah it’s definitely a tired

Moment there is Big Thunder top 10 secret Big Thunder doesn’t want you to know the word Magnus in a word I screenshoted it you know what that’s it you know what that’s it that is it I’m going to put the doors on my house then that is all that’s what what was that

Oh there no I thought there was a homie in here no okay oh perfect amount of doors legitimately in it [Laughter] nice did okay um did you did you perhaps did you did this end out I think it went where you did in fact get beaten to

Death with a pipe and you now speaking from the afterlife because you said pipes or is this going to be a um a happy ending so in other words you will not see the light of day you will not see the next morning is what’s going to

Happen I think that’s there we are good good enough good enough good enough Auto good enough Auto good enough I’m going to [ __ ] my PS I’m going to [ __ ] my PS it’s not going to be B like if you can agree like if that’s relatable to you Asa

He then said that stab my that with a Unicron horn until my bones crack and my push body off you know what deserved deserved just ignore the fact that I tried to mine with a uh so the bucket I could do these cool little support designs couldn’t I

Yeah I like these little designs that look pretty cool is bugging out like mad that is just not that just does not fit okay I think that looks pretty good o looks pretty good too and is that a no it is not oh guess what it’s getting done like

That yeah I can hang things off of that put some Cobblestone there baby girl baby girl baby girl cliff jumper became cliff jumper RS crack became I I will I will be at your eulogy I will not at your eugy I will be at your funeral I will perform the eulogy at your

Funeral what did you say in response I I worry for my chat I’m wored for my chat I’m Unicron all right that’s it that is it that is it that is it that’s the end of the stream oh God so thank you to some just

Some Chap and a top hat for subbing uh also live sub count three 3260 probably at 3270 now let’s have a little look we are still at 3268 never mind never mind DJ of course of course you put that of course you put that and one of them said booty

Hall he’s responded with the same thing Inquisitor quing and just some chap in the top right so hang on I got a new thing including this this was Christmas kmo pron PR saying amazing all right bye guys bye guys this was a stream this was perhaps the stream of all

Time I’ll see you guys in the next stream probably not tomorrow night maybe the night after maybe I’m not too sure I’ve got work tomorrow and then something then I’ve got the weekend off which would be nice called Chase risky BS all right

This video, titled ‘🔴 Live | Minecraft Chill Stream #3 🔴’, was uploaded by Unclubbable on 2023-12-28 10:59:41. It has garnered 138 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:08 or 10868 seconds.

Hayden and Ethan survive intense horrors in Minceraft 🙂

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    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

    Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds - Must See!Video Information starting your Minecraft pocket edition adventure with the right seeds is crucial to unlocking amazing worlds and experiences these seeds hold the key to uncovering Hidden Treasures stunning Landscapes and challenging terrains that will test your survival skills embark on your Minecraft journey and witness the wonders of these top 10 seeds that promise to redefine your gaming experience from mystical Islands to haunted forests each seed will transport you to a different realm filled with Mysteries waiting to be unraveled prepare to be amazed as you dive into these extraordinary worlds and embark on thrilling Adventures that… Read More

  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More