Uncover the Epic Minecraft Library Project

Video Information

Hello uh welcome to the continuation of our Christmas lectures here at sta University um today uh we have with us uh Jody Heap who’s going to talk through the uh the Minecraft Library project we have um here at staff unit you excited for this uh jimie I am um as a little

Sneak peek one of the next episodes of our internal podcast at level of detail is on Minecraft and I dominated that entire podcast um very excited for for this talk I think this this is quite fun because it links back to what Chris was talking about about you know gamifying

And in in in higher education so um so um we’ll bring Jody up and uh we we’ll let her um take the stage and um together we can explore the um The Minecraft Project let’s do it hello um hi everyone I mean I want to be

Invited on that podcast maybe I could be a guest you know feature um so so yeah my name is Jody Heap I’m one of the academic Librarians and skills cheers and um for this session I am going to be telling you about the project um I am going to

Hopefully take you on a tour of the virtual library and then at the end tell you about if you are interested in helping me create more of these things how you could do that so let’s get into it so The Minecraft Project it’s um a little bit of an alternative way of

Engaging with the library so I’m going to give you a bit of background to the project on how we came up with the concept of it how it was created and how you can get involved with helping uh the research project so the background to the virtual

Minecraft world um starts in 2021 when the library went through a full restructure so totally different setup new team members just a total different system and in line with that the university had some restructuring as well around the school areas um Esports Computing games all that kind of getting

Mixed into it um so during that time I got allocated to Computing games and Esports I have a bit of an interest in that area I’m pretty aligned with um the subject content at least I have an interest in it um playing bould is gay at the moment with questionable ability but still

Um and in conversation with staff and students we kind of identified that the some of the students were a little bit less interested in engaging with the library with the library products um and there’s the support that is available to them through the university through the academic skills team Etc so the question

That I would had was how do I best engage these Learners how do I get them um to come and use the service um so I had to think about it and I identified that there was a few different uh variables uh that I could control potentially um which kind of resulted in

A combination of looking at ux and like front end systems um the web Library website it has to um serve a lot of people it serves staff students researchers um people who are international our partner institutions so as a result of that demand there’s

Not a lot that we can do to make it too um you know stimulating shall we say um because the products in there need to be able to serve everybody’s needs and that user experience is really important and that access to those products is really important but that isn’t to say that I

Couldn’t create a different avenue for certain people who uh are interested in a a slightly more engaging um system or Avenue of access um to get through to the library systems um I had to consider what did I have access to as a am member of the university is there something

That was already available to me through the suite of systems that the university would give me access to how much um user knowledge would be involved in this process I have to say hands up I’d never really engaged with Minecraft before I started uh creating the the virtual

Minecraft Library so it did take me quite some time to get to grips of it um and understanding the differences between the additions that we have so the addition that we are using for this project is Minecraft for Education as opposed to bedrock or Java which does have some interesting um access um

Complications um because it’s not able to be servered server Le unfortunately um but it is downloadable so pros and cons to both systems so it had to be something that everyone would have access to so it had to be free to the users it had to be available through the

It infrastructure and it had to be something that I had the capacity to engage with and support so that’s a little bit of the background so I’ll just play a video if it works we’ll see um you never know with these PowerPoint embedded videos if not we’re going to skip that because

There we go um so the template that has been used is a museum temp so I will say hands up I didn’t make the building I would have been extremely impressed with myself if I had but I did use the template to speed up that process but it seemed to

Me that this Museum template looks really like a really hecking cool library and it had all these segments and sections that I could use to naturally flow and stricture the information that I wanted to present um and it could be a con combination of novelty for the user and a combination

Of of um perhaps Nostalgia if you’ve used it previously as a student so it felt to me like it was going to be a really good template to use um so on the left hand side of the building I have access to all of the resources projects

And links where you can talk to the NPCs and learn about what are books and databases and journals and you can access through to those live systems through the library website on the right hand side you can talk to uh the MPC about the support that’s available so

The three different Library teams and again linking through to our more like academic skills guide content and in between we have um flips and switches which relate to the electronic sound systems which are for booleans um and upstairs we have the knowledge uh floor where you can learn how information and misinformation and

Um all that sort of stuff comes into application when we talk about critical thinking so it’s kind of a nice adaption of the library website and also a bit more of a visualization tool so the activity that we’re going to attempt to embark on is a bit of a

Library tour so you have the option to download Library uh download Minecraft for Education if you are on your own device um or using the university device it should be preloaded and then you can download um and even um access the file on your own or you can join me with my

Share link so we’re gonna we’re gonna attempt it um so yeah so the link in the chat and on screen will take you through to the libraryies guide on how to download the program and how to download the file um so let’s see let’s that’s it let’s play the video

Every time I run this video I have to double check because it do you like to move the access points for these things but so far I think it works but every time I come on it’s a different location cool all right let’s get into

It okay so I’m going to hang here for just a little while to give people a chance if they are if you are interested in downlo Lo in the program if you don’t have it already and um I’ve popped the share link into the chat and on screen

You can see the join visual code as well so I’ll just give you about few minutes or to to join um if you are interested um and if not no worries I will be doing a tour of the residents anyway just uh you know whilst we’re waiting

For people to to pop in um Jody what’s your um what’s your favorite aspect of the um of the whole project oh that is a good question my favorite aspect is the idea that I think libraries T typically seem quite I I liaries can seem a bit boring

They’re a bit stereotyped there I said it um and I don’t agree with that I think that the resources that we have access to the the systems that we engage with the people that we engage with are constantly changing I mean I am just so

Into Ai geni and and that sort of stuff at the moment because it impacts directly on the liaries and the works that we do so I’m always looking for ways we can gamify ways we can play and have a bit of fun whilst learning in that process um I particularly like the

Minecraft world because you get to create you know an example of how a Boolean switch would work using the the red Sandstone I mean like that’s just cool right yeah I think a lot of children you know kind of get their first um introduction to to basic programming

Inside of Minecraft um because you know you know Redstone is just big and on off right yeah so it’s um a really cool learning tool yeah so if you then talk to the NPC next to the like switch setup that we have that will then literally show you the Boolean operators running

Through the library search so you can see how that combination of keywords is actually the same process like it’s you know it’s connecting the dots and like resulting in an output um and because a lot of people think that Library databases are they’re just so complex and can’t possibly be you know

Understood but they’re not really so it’s a it’s a good Hands-On tool which I quite like yeah I think what I like is that if you are an if you’re an individual you can go in and explore the world and see what the resources and support are but

You can also perhaps run it through as a class session and you know have it like as a treasure hunt sort of scenario or as an activity that you all do together so you know depending on you could set up a study hour for your classmates to all come into the library Minecraft

And do some studying together and access the products that way so I think it could be really you know really useful as a all awesome Well what we’ll do is we’ll give it another uh about five minutes or so see if anyone does want to get um to

Join in uh and then if not by then uh we’ll let Jody go through and uh and give um give us a toour I’m afraid I’ve tried to download it many times in the last 20 minutes uh since I was told hey Jamie during this talk you can play

Minecraft uh and my computer has decided no no [Laughter] yeah we’ll just have to do it later I’ll have to come and we’ll I can always open Boulder’s Gate that works uh how how long did it take to um get the um the project together J like was

It was it a line proc sort of from the kind of conception of the idea through to like implementation it was a full Academic Year that’s mainly due to the fact that I did not know what I was doing in Minecraft so there was a lot of user

Error in that time and of course having to kind of fit it in around my full-time uh job as it were um but yeah I would say was it was I kind of understood what I could and couldn’t do it kind of came quite quickly I really wanted to try and make

Um images of the logos of the brands of the products that we have in there and then be linkable and that just hurt my brain too much so I tapped out and to go down the NPC route which is you know less visually cool but um it does it

Does the job um yeah rning around now there’s people running into the museum some people running the museum yeah um okay what we’ll do is is J we’ll pass back to you um you can run us for the museum and show us all the exciting things that uh we’ve been working on

Okay let’s go come on program ESC there we go okay so as you can see we have the museum building here I have uh red blocked it just to try and stop people floating off into space because that was occurring in some of my uh user experience testing

Um the front ENT Rance we have here introduces um I kind of went for a Harry Potter Hogwarts esque VI with all the lanterns at the top um the first NPC that we come across is moss who greets you and welcomes you to the library and lets you know um the different Avenues

You can go to get support or resources so let’s head over onto the left hand side of the building and go see the result ources so again we’ve got our assistants I’ve set up the shelves um and all the Jey numbers are correct according to the

Dey Decimal System so it’s a little you know nod to reality there but all of these guys in the middle if you talk to them they will tell you a little bit about what that kind of resource type is and you can click to learn more and it

Will take you through to that website if it wants to load on my Computer yeah it’s just my internet being slow running too many programs but yeah um so you can come in and talk to these my favorite section is the computers at the back because they take you directly through into the library catalog system which is where we have the sort of

Aggregated um content so Library search is where we keep the majority of our academic material so your academic books your academic journals your academic video videos and the a toz databases is more individualized in that it’s um multimodal content which is more what we would call contextual information so

Typically you want a thing from library search and a thing from the a toz of databases in your assignment to have really really good solid conversations around whatever topic it is um and it it it just comes together really nicely uh so you can see here the library

Search is coming through so it’s all authenticated via the libraryies um programs uh the open Athens that we use anyway so there’s no issues there um with any of the sort of authentication systems um glitching or anything through Minecraft because it’s already run through the library website in the center we have

Um resources that are specifically study skills based so in here you have things like the subject guides and site them right so although these are individual resource products they’re not subject specific so it’s nice to be able to put them slightly to the side in between that resource and support

Categorization because they are support resources um oh do we have a question I can’t see it I think that might be for someone else too many chats going on um and on the right hand side uh we can come over into the connect teams let’s just give that a go for a second

Comment aha do people ever engage in Shenanigans in the library yeah I mean in the um downloadable uh version of the file they like with the world so if they want to start trying to mine uh they can do the sort of upside down of the education element is the fact that

Um it’s it’s sort of that education version where everything is kind of free anyway um so it kind of takes away some of that um want for Destruction and Mining and stuff um but yeah the the upside is that you have everything you already want anyway so you could do

Anything you want with it um unlike normal Minecraft where there’s that scarcity element um um yeah um yeah so here we have links through to the student connect team links through to Beacon Bar uh online workshops you can um talk to the academic skills team that I belong to and book your onetoone

Appointments find an error with one of the systems which you know occasionally happens with having as many systems as the library has you can report problem and on the far side you’ve got your links through to specific uh assignment types like essays or presentations or

Posters um and to add a little bit of Interest I did add in um the Minecarts which is the pain of my existence because I can never get them to ruin how I want them to so if anyone knows how to improve my mine carts please let me know because I tried to

Make it so that they would run around properly but um I’m just not it’s not my great moment my my mine carts and at the back of the library we have our Boolean operators redand um systems so you can flick the switches and see how they need to combine

Together to turn on the box and here you can talk to the NPC run the and action and it will launch both um keywords using the Boolean operative and in the library search so we can see how those prr programs come together I think that’s quite

Nice um my I have two favorite sections I guess you would say is upstairs we have the um Library knowledge floor I guess we would call it um where you can look at the information pyramid and this is where I would really say the um information section comes in because

A lot of students ask us well okay what what do I do with that product now that I’ve seen it or how does it integrate with my assignment so on the left hand side we have things like general knowledge um into case studies those are typically examples that you might see

Coming through into the general internet so you might get those reported in um newspapers and then things that are a little bit less visual maybe are uh randomized control trials our critically appraised articles all the way through to our systematic reviews and you can see that that is echoed on the right

Hand side by our source of information so that generalist information newspapers and websites might report on our case studies whereas typically you need to go to a journal or a specific database for that more sort of higher level analysis of those specific things and again you can talk to all the NPCs

And they will take you through to supporting information on the right hand side to these guys we have a little bit of information about how to assess information so we have the crap test here uh which is how you assess the source to see if it’s good enough this

Is particularly relevant in the age of generative AI because we can’t can’t assess those outputs very well for their suitability or inclusion in anything academic at the moment at least um and specifically fake news is a big issue at the moment again because we have things

Like deep stakes and in uh audio uh AI creation which are tricking people and just the sort of imagery of it all um I’m really fascinated by the creation of the II geni um influencers and the sort of impact that is having um so yeah fascinating um and then in the back here

We have a little bit of referencing and again you can talk to those guys and students did help me set this section up so if you come to this back section there is a picture here and if you talk to the MPC he recommends that you don’t look too closely at the

Image which is interesting and hopefully this is where I suck at this you can actually go through that I was so impressed that a student showed me how to do that um and in this secret back room we have two Escape rooms that are run via

Uh one note so I colleague of mine has an escape and save the library Adventure setup that you can access via this system so again you can access it and I am in the process of creating a maze to uh add to the fun of that scenario again

Any volunteers would be very helpful here um and one of the biggest things that I have made uh to kind of make this place a little bit more fun um is after you’ve had all the excitement indoors if you come outside to the back room you can

Check out my essay maze so a lot of students say to me that they think essays are a little bit like mazes they don’t know if they go in the right direction they don’t know who to talk to or what to do um so I have actually

Created a maze where you have to talk to the right people to figure out the directions and steps you need to go through to make a essay um and because it’s all Redstone there’s no flying over it I think Theory at least if I’ve set up the settings

Correctly which you know is questionable um yeah so it’s a nice A little Adventure if you uh want to go check that out you can go and explore the maze um and see if you can figure out the way forward so that is pretty much it I’m

Going to hang in the chat um and we can have a m round together and if you’ve got any questions let me know carry on playing and I will talk to you about how to uh support the project if you are interested um thank you

Yes that was awesome yeah um how how do people um if they if they did want to sign up to help with the the research study what would be the process for them to do that so well I have some handy dandy slides to do that so from current slide let’s do it

So if people were interested in signing up or helping me with continuing this project if you think that this is something that Library should be doing more of or that you think is you know interesting that we have done or perhaps you just think that’s a weird thing that

We’ve done but you kind of want to comment on it um I am looking for research participants um so anecdotal evidence from student stud um staff and students say we think this is a cracking project and that we really it’s interesting that the library has done this um but for us

To continue to maintain it and invest in it we do need some more um scientific evidence shall we say to um back us up so we are looking for students to be uh part of the research project um for this you would answer a few simple survey

Questions about who you are what your background is and you would then be filmed playing the game for a little bit you would get to feedback on the elements that you like what you didn’t like what your general thoughts are about the project um so that we can

Continue um this uh kind of exciting research and Innovation that I think that we should be interested in um so if you are interested you can sign up to take part you can either sign the uh you can either click the code which I will

Uh click the link up which I will share afterwards with everyone or you can scan the QR code and it’ll take you through to a participant sign up form um where you can submit your email and I’ll get in touch rev you to arrange a date uh so we’ve got a question what’s

Next how does it grow yeah this is it I want to know I need to I need Student I need users to tell me now what do PE what do we want next do we want links to um other parts of the University do we

Want I don’t know what what can we do with this project next um I think that there’s a lot of scope that we have here to to make it exciting and usable and a integral part of university uh life um but yeah I’d really love some feedback

To give me a direction to take it in um so yeah I’m going to pause there and I’ll see if there’s any further questions or thoughts um and I will continue to walk around the world um as we go get back to the beginning just so we

Can see the Majesty of the building so I just thought the template was very nice yeah so um that’s that’s essentially it but yeah hey jie it’s us the hosts we have returned uh I wanted to ask what inspired you first to sort of do this

Project um so the uh there is a group called the sumc um project which staff can sign up to which is basically a bit of Minecraft tra a bit of Microsoft training um where you are specifically asked to engage with Microsoft product that you are less familiar with um and

To investigate how you might use it in your work uh which is a really nice project for staff and the only one that I hadn’t really uh engaged with or had much confidence with was Minecraft um so I thought bet I’m gonna have a go at

That I’m G to find out what other games Microsoft so I can get after playing games that sounds fantastic it did feel a bit weird in the middle of the staff office get cracking out Minecraft but you know it’s for educational purposes so yeah so yeah it was and I just when

We were looking at it and I was like looking at the templates and it just so happened that I went to a little like educational conference online that when they launched the museum template and I thought well that looks like a really nice light to me um so yeah I just started playing

Around with the tool I think it’s undervalued how useful it can be to just have a bit of a play with a new system and consider how it could be used um and I appreciate that Minecraft perhaps for some people is considered um you know bracketed at secondary school age but a

Lot of the students and stuff that I I speak to enjoy playing it and enjoy using it as a product so you know why not it’s a good G and you’ve built it into a really really cool looking tool here yeah what I would like to do is have some more secret rooms

And puzzles to unlock to you know kind of make it a little bit more like an escape room at the same time um again I would love some expertise or assistance with that um this is in Back to the early years of Minecraft on YouTube when

A lot of Minecraft YouTube was um almost like escape room type maps that people have made with like narratives and stuff like that and I like that you’ve it it continues through into the educational setting which is really really cool yeah well I think you know a lot of um an

Assignment is about having curiosity about the questions that are related to the subject like how do we know this how um could this be improved what what what you know asking questions of yourself and of of the knowledge that you have so I think when you’re in a library

Scenario you’re just surrounded by all these cool things that you could ask yourself do I know that let like let me go read that let me go check it out and what I like at the moment is a lot of the library content is really moving towards this

Multimodal capacity so like videos um audio imagery as well um which I just think is you know a great I think we we do have a markof forms link there was a question and we’ll get to you uh to Neon um but um we have a Microsoft forms link if anyone wants to

Offer any feedback on how the um sessions have gone um just so you know we know how to you know further improve in the future um so if you would like to to fill that form’s link out and we have a question from neon that says Minecraft

Is quite accessible um and it’s that that it’s it’s really cool to uh to see it being uh being utilized this way which I think we can all agree with it’s it’s awesome to um to kind of gamify um education and especially like um making learning fun like having access to a

Wider range of knowledge like I the last time I think I went to a library was I don’t know when I was maybe 10 um so yeah I think that’s it I think you know there’s a an academic University Library is just so different and I I think because you have

This perception of like the books on the shelves and and Computing games and orts particularly kind of not necessarily being about reading loads of books that we kind of think oh it’s not for me then but that that couldn’t be further from the truth I think you know

Being able to say okay well I want to know about narrative I want to know about broadcasting and the lobby has the products that I’ve recommended to you to to use so you know any system that can bring those people to those products is going to be useful I mean I’m I’m

Incredibly fascinated by the idea that the library World um as a look at as a industry we you know how will virtual reality how will artificial reality impact on how we engage with users um there’s a you know the amount of ux conversations going on is just you know massive um so don’t

Don’t miss out on accessing your library whether it’s physically or digitally or through Minecraft I wouldn’t sleep on us we’re pretty good really awesome to hear Jody thank you I’m sorry you couldn’t get in no it’s it’s it’s it’s my computer’s fault we’ll blame the computer I really should

Be using un University Computer um they should the it have assured me that all the university computers do have it pre-programmed like in their download list I look forward to seeing this being being widely used um although I I will I am worried I’m gonna see a lot of my students playing

Minecraft now and not be able to tell if they are sting something you know as in the library yeah we do have a really awesome collection on uh in the library like both sides yeah of the campus like we’ve got the the creative collection which I

Believe is just below me I’m sat in the Cadman building um but are there plans to like fully digit digitalize some of those copies into Minecraft you can read them in Minecraft or is it where else do you think you could go with this yeah so that’s a good question so I

Everything that is available through the library is is available through the linking via the NPCs so I could of course link to direct specific texts um as opposed to just the search database if that was something that people had a preference for or that that that’s kind

Of the issue is that I don’t really know at this point what people would want to access so I’m kind of having to go more generalist and wide um but yeah the authentication is happening from the Library end anyway so linking to a product should be easy to do um just

Sorry I’ve got another question for you from the chat uh do you think this is an effective method for encouraging students to read more I’ve noticed that younger people read a lot less compared to when I was that age that is from neon yeah again I think that’s an interesting

Question because to to in a class what I would normally ask is who reads books and it would be definely silent and then I would go okay who uses the internet and everyone puts their hands up so to that I would say that we’re probably the generations that read

The most because we are using the internet you know daily hourly and that that comes with it a lot of text-based information so the real question is do we think people are struggling with reading long long form media as in long pieces of text yeah I think there’s less

Of that going on I don’t know if that’s a a bad or a good thing I think it kind of tracks through into the idea of are people able to ask themselves what they need to know and then find that information and typically the answer to that would be

No because you kind of get caught into the the issue of a lot of students are really good at searching for generalist information on generalist websites and unfortunately due to capitalism uh a lot of academic content is hidden behind pay walls it’s not necessarily freely accessible um so therefore it’s it’s a

Two-part issue if we’re not necessarily seeking out long form media you know and we don’t know where to find that academic content so you’re kind of getting a barrier in in two locations there so the long answer to that short question was do I think this would help

People access information yes I do because it’s very userfriendly and it it supports the physical allocation of resources and products um because a lot of people don’t understand that we have subject content and study skills content and those are generally mixed together so yeah long question to the answer but

Yeah I’ve got another one for you uh and this one is from our own Jennifer telenor uh is there any data on what type of information is most commonly accessed in this Library followed by a smiley face yeah um I don’t currently get data analytics through the content links this way

Because the issue is that it’s linking back through to the main library website which is up traffic as a website in and of itself so I can see the amount of downloads that I have had for this product but then what I can’t necessarily do at this moment is track

The person after they’ve downloaded the item to see how many times they’re using it and then I can’t necessarily get that usage data as an end product either because the website is um naturally populated anyway so I think there is some conversation that I could maybe do that through Google analy itics but

Again I don’t have the skill set in that area which is really frustrating because it would be so fascinating to know um to to know the usage of this this product um I mean I did have an IT technician cursing me a couple of months back because of the amount of downloads he’s

Had to support um so I thought that was a good sign popularity via annoyance of the it people supp [Laughter] yeah so it would be it would be nice to be able to get that more specific data to uh usage but I don’t know currently

That I can and then we get into the sort of gdpr issues so sign up to my research and then we can get some data that way awesome this is really cool I wish I had this resource when I was trying to do research in the middle of the covid

Pandemic that would have been lovely well that’s um a really fascinating project um Jody so what we’ll do is is we’ll um if anyone has any um any feedback you want to offer um from from the uh the talk you can follow through our our forms link here um and U you can

Give us feedback from there and what we’ll do is we’ll uh we’ll stay around for about five more minutes if there any more questions and then after that we will uh we’ll we’ll wrap up um so so uh yeah in your uh I’ve got more questions yeah so many uh Jody in in

Playing around with uh Minecraft education uh did you also get a chance to play uh one of the any other regular versions of Minecraft do you know what I have actually never played any other a version and I I watch a lot of videos now um because my algorithm clearly

Knows what I’ve been up to and I want to maybe I can come over if you got it and I can play you can I don’t know if you have it at the University um uh we have I’m sure we’ve got copies lying around somewhere yeah because my original

Intention was to have it on a server so that we could have like a little Community but because of the access issues with hosting a server at the University they would not let and they wouldn’t let me do it [Laughter] so sadly I do recommend you have a you

Have a jump into it can teach you many a thing on its own uh yeah yeah I would like to the I believe the library would be very entertaining if zombies were trying to chase you around it um I wouldn’t recommend it for an educational setting um

Yeah yeah my um seven-year-old nephew is um now very confused because he just thinks I play Minecraft for work um which is as librarian a bit of an odd POS position to be in but I’m not going to say no so do you think there’s any other games

That could be used um in a similar vein um to what you’ve done here so if you were GNA take this Library stick it into another game what game would you put it in I mean my head’s just I mean maybe I’m just a bit obsessed but like bould

Is gay I mean imagine the adventures that you could have um and it would be some sort of cave and you would have to go and figure it out and you know fight some bad guys and your your your loot would be access to the library I think that would be a

Lot of fun I want to be taught how to Heart reference by Gail of water deep I good well ironically that would be excellent because a lot of referencing is um about gossip and who told you that and where can you find them so it is technically questing um because

You have to go find that original source and see if they UND if the the writer has understood the message correctly or not so not wrong that’s awesome I have made um a card game um which is based on top tramps um because again trying to make you know things

Like referencing in that fun um so yeah oh if you have’t in person session let’s let’s let’s play info dumps which is you know legal reasons different enough to to trumps to be a game on its own right I believe that is all the time we

Had thank you so much for having me right in saying that Ben that is correct yes um so thank you everyone for your um for your awesome questions and thank you Jody for um bringing uh the your unique project uh to us live and walking through it so um again if you’re

Interested in um in helping Jody with uh with her um with her project um you can you can download it um and get access to online um and if you want to give us um feedback on the uh talks you can follow through the um the Microsoft forms link

J if you could just throw that URL at me for the um the download for the project and I’ll put it in the chat so everyone has access to it um and then we will we will uh will close yeah I join us after the break where we’ll be joined by Jamie

Is scrolling through theist Jamie ditchfield with the fall and Rise of cloud streaming Technologies yeah is the link to the project so thank you again Jody and thank you everyone for for tuning in and we’ll be next be live at 2 pm that’s in 15 minutes um for the uh um talk with

Jamie ditchfield so thank you all and goodbye bye

This video, titled ‘📚 Discover the Minecraft Library Project🎮’, was uploaded by Staffs Games Development on 2023-12-12 01:54:44. It has garnered 104 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:04 or 2704 seconds.

Are you ready to embark on a cutting-edge educational adventure? Join us for an exclusive session to delve into the world of the Minecraft Library Project, where learning meets innovation.

🌐 Explore the Background: Uncover the origins and vision behind this groundbreaking initiative. Learn how the project aims to revolutionise the way you access resources and support at our university, enhancing your educational journey.

🧩 Be a Research Pioneer: We invite you to be at the forefront of active research! Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a catalyst for change. Together, we’ll redefine learning in a digital age.

Register now and be a trailblazer in the world of education! 🚀📖 #MinecraftLibraryProject #InnovateEducation

  • Finding Diamond Armor in Real Life

    Finding Diamond Armor in Real Life Minecraft: Finding Diamond Armor in Real Life Imagine stumbling upon diamond armor in real life! The thrill of discovery, the excitement of uncovering a rare treasure – all reminiscent of the adventures in Minecraft. Exploring the Real World with a Minecraft Twist In a world where creativity knows no bounds, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions with its endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to embarking on daring quests, the game offers a unique blend of adventure and imagination. But what if Minecraft elements were to manifest in the real world? Finding diamond armor, a prized possession in… Read More

  • Awkward Moments in Minecraft!

    Awkward Moments in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Embarrassment of Opening the Wrong Door! Welcome to the world of Minecraft where unexpected adventures await at every turn. Join the fun and excitement as you navigate through the blocky landscapes and encounter hilarious mishaps along the way. Unlocking the Laughter Imagine the laughter that ensues when a character opens the wrong door in Minecraft. From unexpected surprises to comical encounters, every moment is filled with joy and amusement. The game’s unpredictable nature keeps players on their toes, ready for whatever may come their way. Turning Mistakes into Memorable Moments Even opening the wrong door can lead… Read More

  • Ring Ding Ding: Minecraft Doorbell Bling!

    Ring Ding Ding: Minecraft Doorbell Bling! In Minecraft, a crazy doorbell you can make, With redstone and note blocks, a sound you’ll create. Just follow the steps, don’t make a mistake, And soon your doorbell will ring, for goodness’ sake! Viper_Playzz shows you how, in Hindi he speaks, Gaming videos galore, for all the geeks. Subscribe to his channel, for more Minecraft tricks, And let your creativity, in the game, quickly fix. Read More


    BLOCKS BETRAYED HIM... 😮 The Controversial Changes in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, even the smallest changes can spark controversy. Recently, a player named Jappa made waves by updating the textures for version 1.14. Among these changes were the cauldron and potion maker, which left many players scratching their heads. The Texture Changes With the update, the cauldron and potion maker received a new look. Previously flat and simplistic, these items now sported a more intricate design. While some players appreciated the update, others found it unnecessary. Confusion Among Players One of the main points of contention… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic PvP Battles! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! If you’re a fan of Minecraft adventures and fun videos, you’re in the right place. Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BEBEK ASKER VS BEBEK POLİS OKULDA KAVGA ETTİ! 😱 -Minecraft” that had us in stitches. The video features baby soldiers and baby police engaging in a heated competition that escalated into a funny fight. The energy and excitement in the video got us thinking – wouldn’t it be amazing to channel that energy into a Minecraft server like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of competing with fellow players, exploring new worlds, and engaging… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about an exciting Minecraft server that is taking the gaming community by storm – Minewind. Have you ever wanted to experience Minecraft in a whole new way? Are you tired of the same old servers with boring gameplay and limited options? Look no further than Minewind! With a unique and immersive gameplay experience, Minewind offers players the chance to explore a vast and dynamic world filled with endless possibilities. From building epic structures to engaging… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Acid World Hardcore Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days in Acid World Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days in the Acid World In the world of Minecraft Hardcore, players are constantly challenged to survive in harsh environments. One such challenge is the Acid World, where the very ground beneath your feet can be deadly. In a recent video titled “ASİT DÜNYASINDA 100 gün hayatta kalmak…”, Orhan takes on this daunting task. Orhan’s Adventure in the Acid World Orhan’s journey begins as he spawns into the Acid World, surrounded by perilous terrain. The acidic landscape poses a constant threat, requiring him to be vigilant at all times. With limited resources and dangerous mobs… Read More

  • Minecraft Players Build Civilization

    Minecraft Players Build Civilization Minecraft Empires: A Simulation of Civilization Empires Mode Overview In the latest update of Minecraft, players can now immerse themselves in the Empires mode, where they are divided into two teams. This division creates tension that eventually escalates into all-out war. The strategic gameplay and team dynamics in Empires mode add a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Join the Community For those looking to dive into the world of Minecraft Empires, joining the official Discord server is a great way to connect with other players, strategize, and stay updated on the latest developments. Click here to… Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the incredibly dangerous world of Minecraft Hardcore, as highlighted in a recent YouTube video. The player in the video is contemplating whether to start a new survival series or return to playing Skywars on Hypixel. While the decision is ultimately up to the player, we want to introduce you to a server that offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience – Minewind. With its hardcore survival mode and intense gameplay, Minewind provides a challenging environment for… Read More

  • Arda and Wind’s Child-Swap Spree: 24-Hour Minecraft Mayhem!

    Arda and Wind's Child-Swap Spree: 24-Hour Minecraft Mayhem! Arda and Wind, a mischievous pair, Changed the children, a prank beyond compare. For 24 hours, chaos did ensue, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come true. The kids were puzzled, their faces a sight, As they tried to figure out what was right. But Arda and Wind, with laughter in their eyes, Knew that this prank would be a big surprise. From morning till night, the children did play, In a world turned upside down, in a whimsical way. But in the end, they all had a blast, Thanks to Arda and Wind, the pranksters so fast…. Read More

  • RodentNetwork

    RodentNetworkKnaagdiernetwork is a Dutch/Belgian community server!Our network is open to everyone, it doesn’t matter how old you are or how young you are as long as you have fun with others and especially in our Network! We are a close-knit community with reliable players. Our Staff team is always ready to help you when necessary. Our staff team also listens to your ideas to make the servers according to your wishes, what you want and what you can enjoy because that is our number 1 priority. We don’t just have Survival, no, we also have Oneblock and Prison where you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What’s on her screen? (Greenscreen) (CloversMonsterSchool)

    Minecraft Memes - What's on her screen? (Greenscreen) (CloversMonsterSchool)Looks like she’s mining for some new drama in the Monster School world! Read More

  • Smelt Ores in a Blast, Twice as Fast! Minecraft 1.20+ Tutorial

    Smelt Ores in a Blast, Twice as Fast! Minecraft 1.20+ Tutorial In Minecraft’s world, the Blast Furnace reigns supreme, Smelting ores twice as fast, a player’s dream. Craft it with iron ingots and smooth Stone, And watch your smelting speed truly hone. Place it down, add fuel and ore with care, In no time at all, your resources will be rare. Change villager professions with this tool, And keep those mobs away, cool and cool. Don’t forget the bonus feature, a note block surprise, A bass drum sound that will surely rise. So level up your game with this handy device, And let your Minecraft experience be precise. Read More

  • “Entering the Skibidi Toilet Nether Portal like a boss” 🔥😂 #minecraft #shorts #meme

    "Entering the Skibidi Toilet Nether Portal like a boss" 🔥😂 #minecraft #shorts #meme Looks like it’s leading you straight to the bathroom in the Nether realm! Watch out for those fiery toilets! #MinecraftProblems 😂🚽🔥 Read More

  • Outsmarting Seekers in Hide and Seek | UB3 Minecraft

    Outsmarting Seekers in Hide and Seek | UB3 Minecraft The Great Escape: How I Mastered Hide and Seek in UB3 Minecraft Imagine the thrill of evading capture in a game of hide and seek, the adrenaline pumping as you outsmart your opponents. This is exactly what happened in a recent game on UB3 Minecraft, where one player managed to stay hidden in plain sight. A Close Call As the seekers roamed the map, one player found themselves along the side of Organ Ailla, a prime hiding spot. Shin, one of the seekers, was on top of the structure and confidently declared, “Ha! I found you!” Little did Shin… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Build Your Own Town in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Build Your Own Town in Minecraft! Are you a fan of massive building projects in Minecraft but find the process of gathering materials to be a bit boring? Do you enjoy watching time-lapses of intricate builds but wish there was a more efficient way to tackle big projects? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine a server where you can join a vibrant community of builders and creators, all working together to bring their visions to life. With a focus on efficiency and planning, Minewind offers a unique experience for players looking to take their building skills to the next level. Join us at… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Prank

    Sneaky Minecraft Prank Minecraft Prank Moment Unexpected Twists in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, unexpected twists and turns are always around the corner. Whether it’s a mischievous prank or a surprising turn of events, players are constantly kept on their toes. A Colorful Prank One memorable moment captured in a Minecraft video involved a playful prank where one player swapped another player’s red wool blocks with yellow ones. The reaction was priceless, showcasing the fun and lighthearted nature of the game. Chaos Ensues As the prank unfolded, chaos ensued in the virtual world. Emotions ran high as the player discovered the… Read More

  • Join Myztic Gaming now for EPIC Minecraft RTX Survival ft. EmmaRoo! 🚀🎮

    Join Myztic Gaming now for EPIC Minecraft RTX Survival ft. EmmaRoo! 🚀🎮Video Information e e e e e e for all right hello everyone um so as you might notice this is not Mystic gaming speaking right now um my name is Emma you might know me from chat I am one of the mods on this channel um don’t worry Mystic is here too we are actually playing Minecraft together today was going on it’s to figure this out but yeah em on the computer and I’m on the Xbox in the same room here it’s very weird to set up the chat thing here hear everyone but uh we… Read More

  • Epic Water Block Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Epic Water Block Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs GodVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft WATER BLOCK MAKING CHALLENGE – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD / Animation’, was uploaded by AppVenture on 2024-04-16 07:30:01. It has garnered 55 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:52 or 112 seconds. Minecraft WATER BLOCK MAKING CHALLENGE – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD / Animation @BBlocks @CubiusShorts @CubiusMC @minecraft @TotalGaming093 @subscribeme1992 Hi everyone, welcome to my youtube channel . Best Offline Mobile Games for Android and iOS – Welcome to our channel! In this video, we showcase a collection of the best offline mobile games available… Read More

  • SECRET Minecraft GAM TRICK You NEVER Knew!

    SECRET Minecraft GAM TRICK You NEVER Knew!Video Information hay un ítem que fue agregado a Minecraft del que casi no se habló es como si no importara Aunque al final todos vamos a usarlo este es un ítem creado para Los amantes de Zelda de link de la destrucción sí me refiero a las vasijas que cuando fueron agregadas realmente solo eran un bloque decorativo pero luego las volvieron un bloque decorativo pero con utilidad que si le soy sincero hay pocos bloques así en el juego saben algo curioso ngan agregó las básicas y su pequeño inventario mucho antes que el Saco que fue anunciado… Read More

  • Uncover the Forbidden Secrets of Lucifer’s Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncover the Forbidden Secrets of Lucifer's Fortress in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] The Search For The Fortress’, was uploaded by Lucifer Kotsu on 2024-01-15 04:53:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft: a pixelated sandbox wonderland where creativity thrives. Mine, craft, build – endless adventures in a blocky universe! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 250+ Days in #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 250+ Days in #shortsVideo Information hello one two one to mic check mic check and we load it in it works it’s the right it’s the right picture it works I didn’t go live doing something different and weird AUD on come on and I’m not stretched I did something I’m so new to this listen I’m just here to play Minecraft I out to stream what do you mean oh guys I missed y all so much I had such a stressful like 20 hours it wasn’t even stressful just emotional I’m so happy to be here and play Minecraft and see… Read More


    YOU WON'T BELIEVE THESE WEIRD MINECRAFT MODS - NICO'S CRAZY EXPERIMENT!Video Information Ehm ciao Oggi siamo tornati in un nuovissimo video su Minecraft e Quest’oggi siamo tornati in uno di quei video che vi piacciono tanto in cui andiamo a cercare delle Mod strane le proviamo e le recensiamo però abbiamo provato le mod più belle abbiamo provato quelle più brutte e quindi per l’episodio di quest’oggi avremo le mod a tema strane Ovvero le mod che tipo le ho trovate e ho detto prego e con le cose che vedete nel mio inventario già dovreste iniziare a capire perché è strana questa mod ma ora entreremo con calma nei… Read More

  • Unbelievable Villagers Build Nether Portal! #Shorts

    Unbelievable Villagers Build Nether Portal! #ShortsVideo Information आखिर नेदर पोर्टल को बनाया किसने जानने के लिए इस शॉर्ट को पूरा देखना तो ये बात एक विलेज की जहां पर कुछ विलेजर कुछ ऑब्सिडियन और हनी ब्लॉक से कोई ऐसा वेपन बनाने वाले थे जो उन्हें जॉम्बी से सेफ रखे पर तभी रेनफॉल शुरू हो गई और सारे विलेजर अपने घर के अंदर चले गए पर एक विलेजर को बहुत ज्यादा सर्दी लग रही थी तो वो विलेजर फ्लिंट एंड स्टील लेके बाहर निकल पड़ता है कहीं आग जलाने तो वो ऑब्सिडियन के पास चला जाता है तभी उसका पैर हनी ब्लॉक प फिसल जाता है… Read More

  • EP. 2: Crazy Tom in VC?! The Minecraft Show

    EP. 2: Crazy Tom in VC?! The Minecraft ShowVideo Information [Music] hello guys this is episode two of The Minecraft show we are featuring uh someone in so today uh it’s a beautiful day to see this ssy machine and okay okay P time in this amazing machine that can make babies I’m going to let you guys suff for his eyes today um so oh look at his house this is uh Jerry house and and um wait where is he he died he died after the amazing machine now we have a double Mouse reference oh my God basement CL let’s go and start uh putting… Read More


    ULTIMATE SCARY NIGHTMARE in Minecraft!!Video Information [Musik] [Musik] kuyang guys ini apa guys guys ini ada apa guys Kenapa dia ada di sini [Musik] guys the guys ini apa guys tapi dia nyangkut dia nyangkut guys dia nyangkut ya oke eh kita kita coba bikin otak kita ke bawah terus yuk tuh ya sabar ya kita mulai ketakutan nih Oke sabar guys Oke Sabar ya tahan [Musik] tahan ada lagi guys di bawah ada lagi Oh my God kita baca doa dulu ya kita baca doa dulu supaya mereka pergi guys ayo kita baca Eh diketawain guys nah eh eh eh apa tuh eh… Read More

  • Iron Bars Survival – Semi-Anarchy 1.19, Small 1k World Border

    Welcome to Iron Bars- A Semi-Anarchy Server Hello potential server joiner! Iron Bars is a Semi-Anarchy server with the only rule being: No hacking Everything else is fair game! SERVER IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/Z4rSMX2qAS About the Server: The overworld has a world border at 1000 blocks leaving limited resources and a competitive environment. Prepare to go to war over scarce items like saplings or diamonds. Features: Anti x ray/chestesp Anti Playeresp Anticheat Viewdistance: 32 Join us to explore 1.18 update, build a community, or engage in PvP chaos. The possibilities are endless- build an underground city or embrace the constant… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Should’ve used Luck of the Sea idiot”

    Minecraft Memes - "Should've used Luck of the Sea idiot"Why did the creeper cross the road? To get to the other sssssside! Read More

  • Fire up your pickaxe, it’s Minecraft Meme time!

    Fire up your pickaxe, it's Minecraft Meme time! “Why did the noob bring a map to Minecraft? Because he heard it was a ‘sandbox’ game!” 😂 #noobvspro #minecraftjokes #gaminghumor Read More

  • Crafting Retirement Homes in Minecraft

    Crafting Retirement Homes in Minecraft Minecraft: Building Houses for Elder Villagers Creating a Spacious Village Home In the bustling world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player, Zi& from Z Z Industries, took on the task of constructing a beautiful house for the elder villagers in their village. The goal was not just to provide shelter but also to ensure the villagers lived comfortably and happily. Materials and Design The construction began with a discussion with the villagers about their ideal home. They expressed a desire for a cozy yet well-built house made from rare materials like quartz, diamonds, lapis blocks, and… Read More

  • Join Minewind: A Unique Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: A Unique Minecraft Experience Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft:听声辩位挑战【我的世界方块轩】” that showcased the creativity and fun that Minecraft has to offer. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and entertainment value that the game provides. If you’re looking to immerse yourself in a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated player base and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Whether… Read More

  • Jaizen – CRAZY 3am exploring JAX RABBIT TITANS in Maizen!

    Jaizen - CRAZY 3am exploring JAX RABBIT TITANS in Maizen!Video Information [Music] well I think we’re done but you better get to class on time to keep up with our curriculum I won’t always be able to give you extra help okay we understand you can go home now thank you for your help bye I’ll see you tomorrow morning all right so what are we going to do JJ hm I don’t know maybe play video games at home that sounds like a great idea great then let’s hurry home of course no huh what’s going on you’re a nobody you’re new and you don’t know the rules… Read More

  • Mayhem in Minecraft: Mustard Mangos

    Mayhem in Minecraft: Mustard MangosVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo what’s up can you guys hear me let me oh Barry thank you so much for the Prime thank you so much goat what’s up everybody we’re about to lock in this is about to be the best Minecraft event you ever seen in your life let me make sure my audio is working it is working let’s go okay um does he see chat yeah I do hoop monkey I do in fact see chat and I see you specifically cuz today we’re going to lock the [ __ ] in chat… Read More

  • Dronio’s Compote Prank Makes Mobs Dance! #Viral

    Dronio's Compote Prank Makes Mobs Dance! #ViralVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайкам и подпиской меняется блок на который мне нельзя наступать Итак я заспавнился и пока что я могу наступать на все блоки Но если вы поставите лайк или подпишитесь то появится блог на которой я не смогу становиться и теперь мне нельзя наступать на камень вы серьёзно я же чуть не проиграл Кстати а наша цель – это найти один Алмаз и я думаю это будет ну очень сложно прямо по курсу деревня И что теперь мне нельзя наступать на блок земли Не ну вы издеваетесь и как мне теперь попасть в деревню кажется… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Nana Bey uncovers End Dimension in Minecraft #shorts

    Unbelievable! Nana Bey uncovers End Dimension in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information [Music] he This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Exploring the End Dimension #shorts’, was uploaded by Nana Bey on 2024-03-23 21:15:28. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • Unleash the Power of the Enzity Machine – Minecraft Tutorial | #shortsfeeds

    Unleash the Power of the Enzity Machine - Minecraft Tutorial | #shortsfeedsVideo Information वेल तुम लोग एंजाइटी मशीन बना सकते हो इसके लिए जस्ट एक स्टिक पिस्टन के ऊपर नटी प्लेस कर दो देन एक रिपीटर के आगे रे लगा दो देन यहां प कोई भी ब्लॉक लगा के उसके ऊपर स्ट पिस्टन लगानी है ना रेडस्टोन का ब्लक लगाते एटी मशीन तैयार हो [संगीत] [संगीत] जाएगी This video, titled ‘Enzity Machine Tutorial Minecraft | #minecraft #shortsfeeds #shorts’, was uploaded by NIGHT on 2024-04-01 06:00:24. It has garnered 412 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Enzity Machine Tutorial Minecraft | #minecraft #shortsfeeds #shorts This… Read More

  • Monster School Love Curse Apocalypse Season 3 – CRAZY ENDING

    Monster School Love Curse Apocalypse Season 3 - CRAZY ENDINGVideo Information [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] n [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] no [Music] [Music] uh- [Music] h [Music] go no [Music] oh This video, titled ‘Monster School : LOVE CURSE GIRL APOCALYPSE SEASON 3 – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by CR Minecraft on 2024-03-25 10:43:42. It has garnered 15 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:17 or 257 seconds. Hello all be love friends on Youtube . Today I show you an animation that talk about ” Monster School : LOVE CURSE GIRL APOCALYPSE SEASON 3 – Minecraft Animation “… Read More

  • Lurani_KF makes shocking decision in Gacha Club + Minecraft!

    Lurani_KF makes shocking decision in Gacha Club + Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Seguindo em frente… #gacha #gachaclub #minecraftshorts #fyp #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Lurani_KF on 2024-01-05 17:00:08. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. “Whoever lives in the past is a museum” a phrase that can be used to not live in the past, but sometimes, looking at it makes us think about what could happen now or in the future… Last episode: https://youtu.be/ukdw-ED6Z8E Kibouno Family Part 0: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUzmveN09rvLjUEktCVOVmBUAmMFcn6tu&si=suA_bEiMZleHb5ks Latest GCMV: https://youtu.be/QFA8NB-21AM Learning from Marks: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUzmveN09rvK_PLKPC2wkx6xF-sXTZB3V&si=DTUt4C-rgMJyagpi #gacha #gachaclub #gachaedit #gachatiktok #gachalife #series #tiktok #shorts #anime… Read More

  • Click NOW for EPIC 1v3 Fight in Minecraft! 😱🎮 #ViralMadness

    Click NOW for EPIC 1v3 Fight in Minecraft! 😱🎮 #ViralMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘intense fight 1v3 wait for end🤣🤣#viral #minecraft #tencent #krafton #bgmi’, was uploaded by Live gaming on 2024-04-14 08:40:12. It has garnered 333 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More