WE Survived 100 days in a Minecraft Hardcore BATTLE ROYAL

Video Information

This is me and these are my friends and this is a Minecraft Battle Royale PVP competition last one study winter now oh yeah if you’re going to enjoy the video please give it a liking also for videos like this you think then why not consider subscribing too I mean you

Don’t have to I’m not your dad but it’d be cool so how does this work pretty simply at the start of the game every single player was randomly scattered across the map they will have no interaction with each other for the next 100 days as well both achievement

Messages and death messages have been disabled meaning each player doesn’t know how well or unwell each player is doing there will however be told every 10 days how many players are remaining in the game and as a final little twist every 10 days there will be a new event

In the game to make the game slightly more difficult I hope you enjoy alright ladies and gentlemen we have begun so this is a different kind of video because remember my manhunts that I used to do all the time this is kind of like a spin-off to that in Manhunt it’s

Basically I survived today 100 well it’s been hunted the entire time and I always had the idea of being the Hunter but I never really you know got the chance to do that instead we’re doing this a little backwards where it is every man for themselves this is a Minecraft

Battle Royale I have gathered seven of my friends and all seven of them really want to win this and basically between now and day 100 there’s gonna be a lot of murdering there’s gonna be a lot of killing I want to do this for a while I

Finally got everyone agreed to it let me start this whole video by doing something a little different I’m gonna introduce the the cast and crew of the game so uh you know pick some notes get ready because this is going to be interesting also up by introducing

Myself I am Haven I have a little bit of a ranking for everybody I would probably give myself a seven on the PVP scale and a 9 on the PVE scale I don’t really think I have any issues when it comes to surviving in Minecraft now PVP wise I

Sometimes have good days and I sometimes have bad days but I feel like I will do okay player number two is Austin on just curb you see him in quite a lot of my videos I would rank him a 9 on the PVP and a eight on the PVE simply because I

Just think he’s a really good Minecraft player in fact if I’m going to make an early prediction just curb or Austin is probably the most likely to win this game as he is in my opinion the best overall Minecraft player here however he might not be the best PVP here that

Honor in my opinion goes to volcar AKA Marvin AKA Jared aka the man with many names I would also rate him a 9 on the PVP but I think I would rate him like a 9.1 however I do think his PVE skills are not as good I can go and think of a

Couple of times where he may have gone boom or something probably rate him like a six on the PVE next up we have a word race game they have now changed their name to Omni so I’m gonna refer to them from Omni from now on Omni is a pretty

Good Builder and that’s where the complimencies are Force are going to end from now I do apologize if you watch this only I would rate a 2 on the PVP in my opinion Omni is the worst Minecraft player versus player here I do think that Omni will struggle in this game to

Be honest with you because even on the PVE scale I would only rank them as six listen if it was a third category which building Omni would be the best ranked here Omni isn’t a PVP I only doesn’t do PVP ever other than the kind of videos

I’ve thrown them into yeah I don’t expect too much coming from Omni next up is probably the most surprising person to show up and that’s chrysanthemum or Chris in my opinion Chris would be a lot of higher ranking but the last time Chris played Minecraft was when he did

One of my videos and that was over a year ago Chris has not been around for a while I would rank Chris at the moment a six on both the PVP and PVE scale if it was Chris who hasn’t played in so long I would probably rate Chris maybe like a

Seven on the PVP and an eight on the PVE I don’t know how will Chris will do I don’t know how will Chris will be keeping the game maybe he’ll be really interested do it but Chris has not played Minecraft in a very long time next up is a last minute Edition and

That’s my fiance Anna so Anna wasn’t meant to play Anna showed up literally last minute and she was just like you know what this sounds fun let me play and so we just let her play I know I would rate A4 on the PV air p and a

Seven on the PVE Anna is very similar to Omni she doesn’t really PVP very well often Anna did used to play on high pixel uacs and mindflex uhcs so there is a good chance that she has some skills but you never know she might surprise some people yeah Anna last minute

Edition I hope she does well next up we have sir Baden who he’s only ever been in two of my videos because he kind of scares me the best way I could really say it is that if this was before the 1.9 update so Baden would be ranked

Attack so beta is very good at Old PVP but since its new update I’ll I don’t know maybe a 7.5 on the on the PVP scale maybe a seven on the PVE scale it’s really hard to say because he’s also somebody who hasn’t played in a long

Time I think Sam could do damage I think Seth could do a lot of damage very quickly this Vaden winner he I think he’s the Dark Horse of this of this Venture I will say that and finally Mr YouTube for himself Mr Billy William Shadow apples I would probably rate him

A six on the PVP and a five on the PVA I think Billy is kind of in the category of a couple of us where like if he goes up against the likes of omni or gray she probably will will win but I think if he

Goes likes against Marvin or curb I just don’t think he stands much of a chance again I could be wrong and Billy could go on to win the entire thing but I just think personally Billy’s is not gonna not gonna win this but I appreciate him

Showing up and being part of the video you know it’s really cool of him uh and that’s the eight players that are playing Minecraft Battle Royale and that basically was the first day explained I really appreciate you listening to that very little cow very long explanation

Let’s get into the game and play some Minecraft so it was getting set up murdering some cows pretty much what I did for the entire day until the night fell and then it was time to get into a service cave where I grabbed myself a bunch of iron I didn’t told the nearly

Down day one I don’t know what you’re thinking so that’s nice another cool feature that I want to mention on day two is the Sleep System because there are eight players and eight players are not always going to be able to sleep well we said it upset only one player

Will ever have to sleep for the night to be passed so I don’t even need to necessarily get a bed I was already cooking my food and cooking my iron making all the iron armor and tools that I needed at this point it definitely helped there was a lot of mobs in this

Cave way too many for me to deal with and so I decided to leave by the time I got to the surface well it was Chicken Galore which was great because feathers and arrows are always important when you’re in a PVP competition they also spend the time grabbing a little bit of

Wood you could never go wrong with a little bit of wood now as I already mentioned that the area around me was mainly an island the area and so I was bowing around on day three where I saw myself a jungle island even had a broken

Nether ports on it which had a protected four golden helmet and some iron nogs I mean sure I’m definitely gonna take that I was looking around for some melons and I’m not gonna lie I wanted to get some potions but I did forget at the time

That we said a rule that we wasn’t going to be able to make potions so this was kind of a bit of a waste of time and then I left the island what you need to understand my friends is what you just saw is the perfect example of proving

That you are never safe in a Minecraft Battle Royale oh that’s Haven can we fight him oh no way that boy is in like armor it’s okay he didn’t see me everything’s open okay he’s gone he’s going he’s going he’s going he’s going as I got to a new

Island that now I saw myself a spider giving myself the idea to get myself some string didn’t nearly die to a creeper plus no biggie sadly before I can get more than one spot and somebody slept skipping into day four at least I can get myself some more food and I was

Able to kill myself some more mobs I did get a very Broken Bow which is good news I found a not so sunken sunken check where I got myself a buried treasure map it was very close by as you could already tell and once I did find it

Sadly wasn’t anything special so we move on start a day five by getting myself some wood had the idea that if I can get myself some apples nice Nelly it would be useful for some golden apples after a little while I had plenty of wood and I

Was also able to obtain five apples and down under we go straight into the deep slight layer which of course means there is a lot of mobs like seriously quite a lot but luckily your boys are pro I’m you know dealing with them with no issue whatsoever and you know what my reward

Was a little bit of gold a little bit of diamonds don’t have any space in my inventory though I don’t need the sugar cane I can’t emphasize on day six how many mobs were actually in this cave I don’t know why I just found the side of

The cave that was just full of mobs well here we are at least I was able to get myself three more diamonds which well take that and then it was back to the well mop Onslaught it was bad like really really bad at least my reward with more gold and some more diamonds

Which I’ll always take once my iron pickaxe broke on day seven I decided to upgrade it to a diamond one I also made myself a diamond sword too and then it was back to the obsidian mining there wasn’t any lava pools around but there was a bunch of solo sources which I was

Able to turn into obsidian to get myself an enchant table I did however look at my inventory to notice that I just didn’t have any sugar cane um if only I didn’t you know throw it out also what happens in my feathers I seem to remember having a bunch more feathers

Well I guess it’s happened been ahead of I got to the service as it turned to day eight to find myself some sugarcane and oh hey I don’t really want to dig through it though so uh I know my night nothing good sadly and then I made

Myself an enchant table somehow I didn’t have enough iron for an anvil which was definitely a surprise for me but then we moved on I was cooking myself some gold I wanted to make some golden apples before I could move on and then I went hunting for chickens on day nine and

Unfortunately they were quite scarce as I mentioned earlier the area that I’m in is just mainly Islands so there was very little to be found I did actually find myself a drown spawner on the surface which had another buried treasure map and would you look at that I found

Myself some wolf boys it was another pack maybe no no so yeah I kind of accidentally deleted all the pre-game footage um oopsie Daisy basically what happened was Austin was all like oh if you if you get yourself a pack I’m not gonna play and I was like what a Pack’s

My thing and then Marvin was just like Haven you suck if you get a pack I’m gonna leave as well and so I agreed to not get a pack all right fine no Wolves at least I can get myself a treasure map this time I actually had some diamonds

In which was noise and then I made myself an executive decision I’m leaving the island there’s got to find myself some main lands and fed up but just searching around these tiny Islands this was definitely gonna take a minute 10 in fact by the time I found actual land it

Was night and on day 10 it was a significant day because for the first time I was going to see how many players were left at day 10 still seven players wait wait no hang on we we started with eight wait someone’s already died it’s only been 10 days how did somebody

Already die All right still nothing oh oh that’s a person that’s a person like he’s he’s just got iron armor but the chance that he has a bow makes this so terrifying I’m doing it come here Jared is that Jared I think that’s Jared it looked like Jared let’s see

Did he see me I hope you didn’t see me this is so stupid he has a bow yeah oh okay oh does he not have a bow oh okay he has decided to start running now that’s good that’s good for me I don’t think he expected me to have arrows a bow and

Fire aspect I didn’t I do not think he expected that one bit come here bread boy foreign he won’t put down his shield what a loser I’ll do this oh he goes to oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no you gotta put it away sometime buddy take that l

Take the L curve so if you’re new to the channel you probably don’t know that this is a pretty big event because for the game I asked all eight players to rank each other based on PVE and PVP skills if we look at the PVP side of

Things first of all how am I I’m fifth how am I fifth but more importantly is the top two volcar is ranked first and curb is ranked second and the gap between second and third was actually quite big so now that curb had died from second place Marvin AKA full car is the

Biggest threat left in the game by far oh yeah this was also a bummer day for me I found nothing so I just wanted to spend the day looking at the players and then on day 11 our first event began every player will receive permanent hunger oh that’s awful that’s terrible

Well I do have a lot of food to be fast I’m not too worried but that still kind of sucks so yeah admittedly this event wasn’t too much of an issue for me I had plenty of food anyway after finding myself I am I’m not even gonna call them

Sunken ships can I can’t call that a sunken ship I got myself some more iron and because of this I actually noticed that I had enough eye to make myself an anvil I upgraded my accents tools are much better than armor I thought at the time and then made it sharp this one

Made myself a power to Bow as well and now I really need to get myself some more sugar cane and a lot of it too because I really wanted both my gear the best I could that’s why I spent the rest of the day running around grabbing a

Bunch and a lot more on day 12 got myself a stack that was day 12. and loss of Dilly dallying happened on day 13. sure hope something would happen to make me aware that death is All Around Me furnace that’s a fairness oh dear oh dear oh dear that’s that’s somebody in full

Diamond I don’t care who that is I’m not dealing with that oh my God please don’t notice me please don’t notice me please don’t notice me I need to stop dilly dally and I have been on the surface for way too long I need to head back on the

Ground and so after grabbing myself you chickens and running for the hills I found myself as well finally decided to pull up my slacks and head back underground I need to get me some diamonds it was a pretty standard caving trip that started on day 14 you know

Mining some gold mining some diamonds dealing with the mobs as well and that pretty much sumed up what happened over the next five days 15 to 19 was more of the same minding a bit of gold and Mining a bit of diamonds even found the occasional spawner as well in fact the

Coolest thing I probably found in this entire Adventure was I actually found a fossil that had some diamonds in which I think would be pretty rare I mean I assume at least but by the end I was able to walk away with over two stacks of gold and 20 diamonds which I would

Say in five days is a pretty good gaming trip oh they’re doing so we’re about to find out if any other sucker has died nope everybody’s Still Standing so no one died in the last 10 days hey people are running around in diamond armor that doesn’t surprise me at all so after

Upgrading my iron armor to Diamond and keeping the golden helmet of course I Enchanted some books I was able to now upgrade my boat to power free and I also got myself a sharpness two diamond sword I was starting to feel safe again though I had to start Scavenging up some levels

To then do it on my ax I have imaginable foot my arm a little bit so things were really coming together and the hunger’s guard let’s go oh God that was awful The Next Adventures start any second so I’m just sort of waiting for that one before

I make my next move UHC mode oh that sucks okay well it’s a good thing I’ve got seven golden apples on where else this would be the worst thing ever but uh I actually now need to be careful when I’m fighting mob so that kind of

Sucks I say that before planning to go to the nether sell than ever let’s give you a reminder that we decided to not allow potions so I was really only here to get myself some level quartz was a really easy level getter I was however being a little bit of a fool about

Taking some damage oh I forgot about UHC mode oh I’m an idiot all right it’s fine it’s not a problem um well at least it won’t happen again oh come on Haven it’s not like things got better on day 22. like oh my God oh my God oh my okay

Stupid you’re an idiot Haven you’re an idiot that’s all right though it’s not like that would happen again oh God damn it okay fine but at least it won’t happen for a third time I hate this game I’m gonna die foreign S to look at on day 23 is the first figures that I have a lot of gold so and healing shouldn’t be too hard if I can get some apple the other thing to consider is that I’m directly under a swamp which if you don’t know means that

The trees are bigger which means you’re more likely to get apple okay some point I was back at full health before you could even blink and even by the end of the day I was able to make myself nine spare golden apples things were going

Well with that done on day 24 I decided I wanted to enchant myself some more books I was able to get my sword to sharp as free and I was also make all of my armor protection don’t but unfortunately out of all the things that I was short on surprisingly lapis was on

That list and so I headed back underground it was also this time that I sadly lost my golden helmet it finally broke which just also to start this caving trip on a bit of a bummer I found myself some lapis and okay I have watched this back four times I had my

Shield up the fact that I took damage there was ridiculous it was even worse the creeper destroyed the left this it’s a good thing there was some more around the corner or else I would be furious and between days 25 to 29 it was another batch of running around the caves I was

Mainly focused on getting levels this time and damage was of course par for the course but by day 29 I had obtained myself 11 more diamonds and got myself another stack of gold and once day 30 came there was still no deaths I’m never gonna lie I didn’t even react this time

I was mostly AFK this day I think I’m not really sure why first things first may have turned off my recalling for the past five minutes forgot to turn it back on stuff has happened the important stuff that I have unfortunately missed look at my full diamond I got protection

Too and on everything now sharpness free sharpness free Power free you know things are going to fix air apart from the lack of food but we’re working on that however the next next event has happened and it’s an important one it’s called the butt but it’s a really simple one basically at

Zero zero which is where I’m currently heading to there is a button if you don’t press the button by day 40 you’re out you’re eliminated so everyone must go to zero zero at some point before the end of 30s if not you’re gone now of course I don’t want to be eliminated and

Uh so I’m gonna go there straight away and hopefully get it out of the way there is also a couple of things that I realized I didn’t talk about and I’m not sure if I have spoken about them and I won’t really officially count them as

Rules but I still feel like I should talk about them basically as I’ve already said we’ve decided that we’re not gonna do potions and we’re not gonna allow potions as part of this because if not towards the end this will just be a potion Fest which I don’t think anybody

Wants we also made some just gentleman rules like basically we’re not allowed to trap any portals of any kind and we’re also not going to you know like in situations like this where you’re forced it to a location or event we’re purposely not gonna like Hamp it so for

Example there’s not gonna be anybody who’s camping zero zero at least I’m helping oh agreed to not get a pack which I’m very disappointed about but I can understand why they wouldn’t want me to do that and the final little thing I want to mention is we’ve agreed to not

Do any villager manipulation which is a bit of an interesting one if you don’t know what that is basically where you trigger villager trades until you get the trade that you want I do in a lot of my videos you’ve probably seen it around but the point is basically we’re not

Going to do that this time we had to get our own chancy old-fashioned ways of just enchanting and stuff that being said we’ve got a long way to go I just thought that would be a good time to include this little hey this is a situation just because well you know

I’ve got nothing else to do to run except you know that 2 000 bucks I gotta run all right this is simple on day 32. I just have to press the button and run and so I did press the button and then I just liked it I’m not interested in

Fighting anybody just at this point and so I just made a run for it I was running for so long it actually turned to night and so after finding a surface lava pool on day 33 I decided it’s time for me to return to the nether now they

Can actually regenerate Health that same like a good idea I mean what are the chances that’s over would go wrong for the what four fifth time I mean don’t be ridiculous oh my God no way okay oh my God oh my God I should be dead I should be

Dead day 34 and things were going better until I found myself something to worry about oh oh oh oh uh I have not been using Cobblestone this is not my bridge they fall how would they have gone well I think they were heading to whoever this

Was was heading to the Fortress but uh I don’t really see oh wow I don’t really see how they made it and it was on day 35 that I got myself 30 levels I was able to turn my diamond sword into a sharpness four sword and I’m gonna line

Up felt pretty good if you ask me not much to say on Day 36 or 37 I pretty much just carried on mine in quartz until well my pickaxe broke I mean that’s how much quartz that I was mining but by the time I got back it was day 39

I returned to the Overworld and we was about to see our next event oh oh hello somebody else has died I wonder if it was that person in the never that’d be interesting uh uh oh oh No no no no I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine right I’m fine right I’m fine I’m fine right I’m fine right I’m fine right please tell me I’m fine please tell me I’m fine I so fun fact for you did you know the

Same day that I fell into lava on my end Marvin fell into lava and his hand and died and then a day later I saw the bridge that Marvin fell from we was very close to each other when he died I’m just saying we also received ourselves a new event

Each player has been given a book with a coordinates to every player uh oh hello hello hello what’s this then am I even near anybody that’s the question of the day I don’t really want to know if I want to fight anybody I know I’m playing really passively but it’s kept me alive

So far I think I’m just gonna ignore this book I’m gonna move away from my location though maybe I’ll hit a bit more inwards and so it was back to the animal Slaughter I did also find myself a broken nether portal not like it had anything good and then I started well

Cooking I went back on the hunt for Kane on Dave body one just have to get past this ocean all right take your time ah it does it this is always full of canes and this shouldn’t take too long at all it did turn to day 42 whilst I was

Collecting the sugarcane I got myself a stackware pay a temple though nothing nothing worthwhile oh we’ll take the golden apples also there was a dead Bush inside which I thought was all I guess anyway after enchanting all the books I was able to get my chestplate to

Protection free I was also able to use the books to be able to get myself powerful as long as I had the levels I just go get them I did actually find myself a Nova Temple whilst I was getting levels on day 43 somehow this Temple was worse than the first one also

There was a dead Village of Village thing I don’t really know what we call it and I’m not gonna lie the villagers or egg villagers should I say was a great way for me to get to 10 levels ah just like that I had a powerful bow so I

Think I’m ready I think I’m ready to go fighting so on day 44 I packed up all my stuff and I headed towards the center the one thing to note is that zero zero is very very far away so this is definitely gonna take a minute to get

There but here we are on day 46 we showed up to zero zero and nobody’s here to take a quick look around but it’s very obvious that nobody was around too well do anything so I guess I was just here by myself I guess whilst I’m here

And nearby basically cut down some trees can never go Vibe against more apples on day 47 well over my days I was able to get myself some spare gold and I got 16 golden apples to My Name by by the end of it and then return it back to zero

Zero there was just nobody here nobody was coming around so I decided to I ended up just sitting around for a while waiting for the next event because well events are kind of scary and then day 50 game oh five players remaining interesting so that means somebody else

Has gone what spoiler alert I already know who it is because I I’ve been told well I guess I can still do the flashback to show you who it was each player has been given a book with the course lovely player huh oh that’s cool and that’s even closer

And that’s also an easier Target I think go away I’ll I’ll head towards and minus 1100 11.50 that’s like two on a book I’ll go there oh I spy with my little eye duck I don’t want to miss my first shot Let’s go I actually hit that that’s awesome I wasn’t expecting that thank you for the free gold thank you thank you I’ll do a fire inspector I think one hit in and they will be done normally I would go for about five but I don’t have the most amount of errors Up again Oh okay well that went okay so I’m gonna be honest with you I’ve known that one for a while no because I’m cheating or anything but because Anna was literally in the other room basically screaming her head off was killing her um I Heard a piano so that

Also gives me the information that sir baden’s still alive other than that I don’t know who the other five are my predictions will be that if I had to if I had to guess and there’s no way for me to really tell I’d assume it’s probably

Chris and Omni who are the other two that are dead so that would leave me sap Billy Billy could be dead as well Marvin you know volca and just kirper still alive so not really looking good for me I could maybe take Chris and she just

Messaged me saying I did not scream I could maybe take Chris or Billy but boy I’m not looking forward to that oh breaking the football uh shut up shut up are you serious right now that’s outrageous that is outrageous oh game you know guys I take it back I

Feel like I could probably take a bubble car or anything I feel pretty good right now I I are you serious right now that’s outrageous I love life oh my god with the enchanted golden apple my spirits were high and uh I’m sorry I can’t do

That I can’t do this just just just just just just play the next event edit just just do it inventory wipe what all Place inventory is just whatever will be white what I just got the enchanted Apple are you serious right now oh my god oh all this

Stuff is gonna be gone are you serious oh my God I’m so upset right now I’m so incredibly upset I kind of love it I kind of really like the fact that um we’re basically restarting halfway through this yep there he goes there goes all of my

Inventory just like that and uh I am depressed I mean they didn’t have to take the level the levels felt a bit unnecessary well booger big problem is as well as I’m decently close to zero zero so I I’m just not gonna waste around I’m just gonna start getting my

Stuff again this is sad this is so so sad we’ll be gathering stone with a wooden pickaxe to be so desperate for iron and food are day 51 this is so sad I mean to saw me up on day 52 you know things are bad when you kind of look at

A sunken ship and be like oh that’s actually a really good way for me to get stuff the stuff here for day 50 should be terrible but it was actually kind of useful I can’t lie I also got myself a suspicious dude that I tried out in

There not sure what it was but it was it was good still definitely good stew other than that it was just me bouncing over the massive ocean again it took me all day but I finally got myself to some land day 53 and hey look at some animals

Hey would you look at that some mobs hey would you look not a village I’ll take that it’s all started to come together sort of not even that was that really good here but I’ll always take the hay bales as a free source of food and I

Thought that apples could be useful so let me grab a couple before I head back down under I only got four by the end of the day but they’ll do well it was into the caves on day 54. I had lots of uh iron to mine need to get my armor back

And at least we’ll start with some iron if you know what I’m saying and I was honestly doing okay I was also fine for food for a while I mean it sucks to be in this situation but we was doing fine for where we were and 55 just went as

Well I’ve started by getting myself some diamonds and I also found myself a mine shaft and you know it was in this chest an Infinity book which was definitely going to be useful with plenty of Vine to go I would say things were really starting to pick up and well you know

The drill when it comes to these caving Adventures day 56 to 59 was just a lot more caving I was finding myself plenty of gold got myself quite a few diamonds honestly I was just try and survive until well the next event okay still nobody has died which uh well that’s par

For the course at this point now unfortunately this said his next event is kind of scary because we have been told that we are not allowed to move at this point we’ve just jumped back onto the server after a couple of days off and uh we’ve been told basically to you

Know set up shop and um well wait for the event to happen so I’m just gonna wait for this next event to happen please stand still all players will swap locations oh it’s a player swap event oh my God oh my God oh my God I have been

Teleported into the never oh dear that’s not good so let’s cook the plan is honestly pretty simple I’ll never find myself the normal never portal so why did I try and trade to get some obsidian to do that and so I got myself some gold I also made myself a diamond pickaxe and

A diamond sword and well it was just a case of me waiting for well the gold to cook up will definitely take a minute though all right moving on to day 61 and I do have to be careful that wasn’t careful anyway let’s trade definitely should have got more than one piglet in

This hole but there’s not really much we could do about it now and on day 62 with 16 pieces of obsidian I was able to actually get back home all things considered that could have been a lot worse so I’m very grateful I had all

That gold to trade with and on day 63 well again I wish I could tell you anything other than for the next seven days I was caving but it was just more of a caving Adventure now I would say that I’m not using this excuse to say

That I may have forgotten to record the next few days but really who’s asking so uh oh wow look at look over there hey let’s cut today’s 69 so guess which smart person forgot to record for a while but spoiler allay it was me it was

This guy and a lot has happened a lot a lot of stuff so let’s quickly go over it let’s start with my enchantments I have a Shameless free fire aspect 2 sword it was a pretty good enchantment if I do say something’s too wax got Infinity on

The bows we already know um ten golden apples is all right but it’s my armor set up that I think is the most interesting because an extra book that I found which is probably the best book I think I’ve ever found it was protection 4 Unbreaking free knock back two

Obviously I’ve not used enough back to the rest of protection too and uh yeah I’ve done all right all things considered uh in the grand scheme of things put it on an iron chest but it seems like a really really poor choice but I just feel like um I feel like it’s

No big deal really what I decided to put it on um I’d rather have the iron chest plate be really strong and upgrade it later but most importantly we’re on day 69 well a new event’s about to happen and the past couple of events have been

Let’s just say if I was underground for them it would have been very difficult for moment so I’m gonna head to the surface Zane about to do this again underground I’m gonna head straight to the services what happens and shockingly enough to know but there is still five

Players remaining so that means that you know we still have at least four more people to kill we are wanting to win this thing there’s another soccer ship over there new event press the button again oh I’m so far away oh my God uh all right well

Time to run back to zero zero I wonder if I’ll see somebody this time why yes Haven yes you will all right I’m nervous let’s do this let’s go quicker we get in quicker we get out we’re good oh oh oh oh I see gray Grace fights buddy who is that a Chris

Fight I see green Chris fighting fast Fast what happens it was a little walk and then we’re gonna leave okay oh shoot okay uh okay that’s fine it’s fine yeah let’s go back around wait don’t you okay okay that’s it this is This Is War now luckily Chris is just as bad as with a butterfly hahaha

I think I think I’ve got this I’m going over this I got two hits on somebody okay I whiffed all of those that wasn’t one oh okay yeah no no no no no no you know what Chris you got that you got that bestie I’m leaving ow hit but I hit I think gray just booked it it’s fine

I’m not dealing with that I don’t even know who that was quickly it wasn’t here button pressed okay we’re good I think I could kill Chris here I really do feel like I can kill this here are you gonna go for melee Oh you have ax that hurts God does that ax hurt how real people there’s one person finding another person what’s he looking at oh oh God someone is that sad but I think Subs here Sam’s on a horse as well oh this sucks shots A shot you keep trying to melee me I do not want to fight him on his sword I’m nervous Show them show them I am so sorry guys oh he’s not gonna be happy about that Phantoms someone’s not been sleeping got Chris again Chris has got to be low he has to be low he hasn’t eaten in a while I think that was Haven I’m just I’m sort

Of trying to decide if this is worth taking oh God that was a good shot Laughs then I’m still good with a bow I’m gonna I want to lose Kesha’s stuff before I fight you know what no I’m you know what I Chris is doing Chris is out of here I’m booking it okay let’s get the heck already out of here

Then because I am not dealing with that so um that was fun um it is Day 72 as you can see and um yeah that was that was painful I think I saw every player left in the game other than Billy well I think that’s I’m fine

With that I’m fine with that situation we survived which was the most important thing I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get any Chris’s stuff that obviously Omni got that what was still in the game we’re doing all right enough to worry about um I don’t think Sab is gonna follow us

And Omni I think just booked it halfway through the fight so enough to worry about their either it just means that we’re now down to four people all right then we have got one last little bit to push for before we get to the final

Couple of fights so let’s do this A Day 72 and day 73 and the main focus would be to get some more sugarcane and get myself some more food starting on 74 I actually went back into caving the main goal was we need to get some leather and

I also wanted to get myself some diamonds and I actually did all right as well getting quite a bit of levels left oh they ate it okay so in any second now we should see how many people left I mean I know it’s at least full but we

Shall see oh free plays remain so that means somebody else has died uh I’m sure future Haven will edit in something cool to show you the other depth but uh that means the final free is probably gonna be I assume sap is still alive there’s religious question of who died between

Omni and um Billy no event this time round uh okay be ready for day now that’s ominous all right then well I guess we’ll just keep going I mean we’ve got enough diamonds and stuff to make myself some good gear so I guess we’ll uh just keep moving until we don’t and

So on day A2 we know that chrysanthemum died who was the other person to die it was Billy um okay there’s no easy way for me to talk about this so Billy didn’t know that I would have wanted the footage if I was gonna make a video so

He instantly deleted his footage um I have legitimately no evidence that Billy was ever in this game over there and how many players were left because we turned off the tab feature he showed up half an hour late so I couldn’t even get him in the intro straight up like straight up

There is no evidence Billy was ever here so um yeah do what you want with that information anyway we’re moving on I started enchanting some more stuff on day 80 as well so you know unless you know life is moving on on day two on I

Headed back to the service with a plan to get myself some apple unfortunately I was in this mix of a savannah and a desert biome and I really didn’t want to stay here so I had to find myself a forest biome in which I did on day A2

And I started chopping down all the trees it was 5 day 83 where I got myself 20 golden apples I didn’t realize I could make one more but I guess it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things and next I need to get

Myself some more books so it was on day 84 that I started running around looking for some more leather and some more sugarcane honestly I spent the next few days doing this it was by day 88 by the time I had enough books to be satisfied with and I started enchanting all the

Books like crazy I was getting plenty of protection Powershell I was pretty satisfied at least I would be and until the next event final 10 days and the still three players remaining I have now learned that um it is Billy who was the person living in on day 80. that’s

Simply because he messaged me that he had deleted his footage I’m sure editor Haven’s gonna have a good time roasting him there yeah we pretty much have 10 days to go and I I feel ready I feel good I just have a bunch of enchanted

Books so that should be okay but yeah I feel like I feel like I’m about as good to go as I’m going to be final event all players will have their enchantment oh you are having a goddamn laugh no I work so hard to get these I just oh and all

The am I gonna lose the box as well no look at all my basic boring stuff oh it’s awful uh oh I did keep the books I should check that because I don’t want to be a cheat little cheater okay I have spoken to the organizer of the events let’s say

Um and he has said that the enchantment was only intended for weapons and armor so so I haven’t technically broken any rules by having the enchanted books now I personally would get rid of the enchanted books but I’m not gonna purposely throw them away so if you have

A problem with that then you know I’ve checked it everything’s cleared it is worth mentioning everything is definitely important to mention that we agreed by day 96 we would finish what we was doing and start heading back to the center so I need to get where I am as

Quick as possible by day 96. so yeah if you don’t mind me I’m gonna quickly do a nice little level getting montage and uh we’ll take it from there and so the final push to survive this 100 days was to rebuild the enchantments that I had I

Started by going back into the nether I started mining all of the chords possible after getting up to 30 levels I decided to do a level 30 in chat on my bow where I just got Infinity honestly I mean I’ll take it if it is a really good

Enchantment but I decided it was too risky to do level 13 enchantments on everything so I took away the enchanter I was able to get sharpness 2 on my diamond sword and Diamond ax and I was also able to put Power free three on my bow well ladies and gentlemen I think

It’s time we take this to the end day 96 we’re actually pretty far away from the uh the center doing everything that I can do in the past 10 days which mainly wasn’t too much because I was spending a lot of time with the level for the enchanted butter we’ve done all right

Let’s let’s have a quick rundown uh sharpness two diamond sword sharpness 2 diamond ax we have a uh infinity and power free bow which is probably gonna be my winner in this situation I think if anything’s gonna win me the the game this will be it uh I have protection two

Armor except my chest plate which is Protection free probably want to be set up like this I was able to get a couple of ender pearls in the end but uh yeah we’re ready to go I think no matter what happens at this point uh whether I win

Or lose I’m probably still gonna make a video from it and I’ll probably just get like people to send me that desk because you know this is my perspective and if they decide to up there upload their perspectives but then obviously they can do that we have a good couple of days

Trek ahead of us I feel like I’ve done everything that I can to get this far and no matter what happens I say I’m satisfied um with with the fact that I made it this far I fully respect I played pretty passively um I don’t know if people played

Aggressively or four or whatnot but uh as far as I know with the final three here being Omni and Sam I do have a little bit of confidence going into it if it was like volcar and and curves and obviously a different story but as I

Said back on what like day one Saab hasn’t played Minecraft in a very long time so I don’t know how good he’ll be and Omni is not a PVP so I feel like I could take them on in a 1v1 you know I I’m ready to go I’m ready to go and

Whatever will be will be but uh you know what I I I there’s nothing else for me to do uh we have one last fight to do and hopefully we’ll win it all so uh wish me luck boys zero zero is just on the other side of this mountain drop

What do we got that looks new what is that oh oh I think fighting’s happening if those who are fine I’m going straight and no doubt about it my thing is happening who is who thanks oh stop talking from Gray Going in Come on come on the girl what’s up oh great I don’t think you understand oh God okay Oh this is intense Get rid of this yes shot shot Oh God how did I miss I’m an idiot my fool is on I feel like omni’s kind of targeting sub as well and I’m all for it Oh my God I helter them with arrows I don’t even know which one I’m killing I think domini’s low and I don’t think sap has much Hellfire but come on Sam you’ve lived you lived a good life my friend now it’s time this is kind of crazy this is insane fight When one of them’s got to be close to dying I think I’m this close oh I hit sap two more times oh sab’s got to be low now Omni killed Sab this is massive come on Oh okay I’m just going to show you how it’s done oh there you go put a few hits Come on they’ve got to be low they have to be low so I’ve lived a good life you lived a better one it’s time to end oh that was ah that would have been so close oh that was way too high oh good shot that’s my last Pearl as well that’s a

Four trip no don’t get apple that’s rude oh my God I’m so stressed no I’m so close I can feel it I can feel it on these Quaker to the boots I could win this I’m confident I could win this final minute no no no no need to push anything come on

Come on Come on let’s end this you and me my commentary has been awful during this final fight but like oh come on I could be only I know I can if the PVP ratings meant anything then I know I could beat up there I mean you said they are not giving me

The easiest time in the world to really give me a run for my buddy Let’s go oh my God oh

This video, titled ‘WE Survived 100 days in a Minecraft Hardcore BATTLE ROYAL’, was uploaded by Havenhand on 2023-02-10 20:00:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Minecraft Manhunt. Expect I’m both the Runner….and the hunter. In fact we all are. This is Minecraft Hardcore Last Man Standing …

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    MadDubz.com Official Minecraft ServerAbout us MadDubz started out on YouTube with a 24/7 Gaming radio, since then we kept doing more and more. We are glad to announce that we now have a Minecraft server. We do not accept donations, we do this for fun. mc.maddubz.com Read More

  • CrystalVerse SMP PvP – Lifesteal

    Welcome to Crystal Verses Minecraft Server! In this unique Minecraft server, survival takes on a whole new level of intensity with the addition of lifesteal mechanics. Every blow dealt to an opponent not only inflicts damage but also replenishes the attacker’s health. Will you risk engaging in combat to regain health, or will you play it safe and try to outlast your opponents? Join Us: Java Edition: IP: Play.crystalverses.org Bedrock Edition: IP: Play.crystalverses.org PORT: 19132 New Members get a free rank if joined within the next hour! Don’t miss out, join now! Read More


    Minecraft Memes - ANTI-CIS ELON SLAMMED! MAGA FANS TRIGGERED.I guess even the Minecraft community has its own drama queens! Elon Musk better watch out for some unexpected competition. Read More

  • Insane TNT Slider Trick in Minecraft

    Insane TNT Slider Trick in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bro [Music] This video, titled ‘Genius Moment Minecraft TNT Slider #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by Dragon & Valkyrie on 2024-04-28 16:50:24. It has garnered 2 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Yeah I taken an L on this one lol Join valk.minewind.com for Free Gold rank on Minewind a really fun server to play. Words: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and… Read More

  • Mikey’s Monument: Minecraft Land’s Masterpiece

    Mikey's Monument: Minecraft Land's Masterpiece In the world of Minecraft, creativity shines bright, As Lo Do Vo builds with all his might. A statue of Mikey, a motorbike theme, Crafted with care, like a beautiful dream. From the head to the feet, each block in its place, Creating a masterpiece, with style and grace. The colors, the details, all come alive, In the world of Minecraft, where builders thrive. Though the video may jerk and lag a bit, Lo Do Vo’s passion never quits. With dedication and skill, he builds with glee, Sharing his creations for all to see. So let’s give a cheer… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥

    Minecraft's Alphabet Shenanigans 🔥 Why did the letter A break up with the letter B in Minecraft? Because B kept mining diamonds without sharing them! #alphabetlore #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unlock Insane Rewards on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting video featuring insane Minecraft rewards that can be unlocked by jumping in Hindi. The thrill and excitement of unlocking OP items just by jumping is truly exhilarating. The video showcases a unique Minecraft challenge that adds a fun twist to the game. Imagine the thrill of beating Minecraft with OP items, funny mods, and challenging gameplay. The possibilities are endless when you join a server like Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless adventures awaiting, Minewind offers a unique Minecraft experience like no other. So, why not jump into the… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider

    Mastering Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Welcome to MineQuesters: Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP with SenpaiSpider Texture Pack Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with MineQuesters, a channel dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest Minecraft videos. Dive into the world of Minecraft PVP and witness the power of the SenpaiSpider Texture Pack as players battle it out for supremacy. Unleashing the Power of Minecraft PVP Experience the adrenaline-pumping action of Minecraft PVP as players go head-to-head in intense battles. With the right skills and strategies, anyone can rise to the top and become a PVP pro. Learn how to dominate the competition… Read More

  • Cobey’s SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau’s Sister in Minecraft?!

    Cobey's SHOCKING Love Affair with Aphmau's Sister in Minecraft?!Video Information I can’t wait to go to the pajama party I hope it’s fun and not boring like last time I’m almost at the house it looks like it’s here let’s see if someone’s home hello anyone home hello I’m here oh it looks like they’re coming out great I’ll just wait for them here I hope today is fun hello Kobe glad you came I was beginning to think you wen’t coming it’s great to have you here yeah guys I’m here I came for the party is everything okay yes kop we’re very happy you came we’re… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Fear Nightfall Survival

    Sneaky Minecraft Fear Nightfall SurvivalVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sweet Jesus that’s loud I turn that down hello how are we all doing it’s a good game Sorry I mean experience how are we all doing tonight that music just feels loud why all right uh let me get the game loaded up curse Forge where you at load that come on you can do it there are 150 clone orders correct you doing good that’s good it is we’re at the part of the Year where the house is always hot… Read More

  • “EPIC House vs Fire Showdown – INSANE Minecraft Animation!” #gegagedigedagedago

    "EPIC House vs Fire Showdown - INSANE Minecraft Animation!" #gegagedigedagedagoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gegagedigedagedago HOUSE vs Fire In The Hole! #gegagedigedagedago #meme #minecraft #animation #memes’, was uploaded by Roblomem on 2024-04-22 11:00:47. It has garnered 156108 views and 4754 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Write comments subscribe to the channel and like the video ! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #meme #gegagedigedagedago #memes #nikocadoavacado #roblomem #animation #minecraftanimation Read More

  • “Insane PvP Battle on the Bridge! ALTERLEO Ep 7” #MinecraftPVPMadness

    "Insane PvP Battle on the Bridge! ALTERLEO Ep 7" #MinecraftPVPMadnessVideo Information [Music] he [Music] what This video, titled ‘Bridge PvP #minecraft #gamingcommunity #relaxation #texturepack1 #texturepack #mcpe’, was uploaded by ALTERLEO – 7 on 2024-03-21 17:24:13. It has garnered 88 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. “Minecraft Bedrock viral PvP” likely refers to popular player-versus-player (PvP) content or strategies within the Bedrock Edition of Minecraft that have gained widespread attention and popularity among players. This could include certain PvP minigames, maps, tactics, or challenges that have gone viral within the Minecraft Bedrock community. Minecraft bedrock server nether games descri NetherGames is a… Read More

WE Survived 100 days in a Minecraft Hardcore BATTLE ROYAL