Welcome to IceeRamen Tsukuyomi! Naruto Minecraft Mod SMP

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What is going on guys this is going to be the first episode of ice yamasukiyomi the server that we use the brand new hcnb Naruto mod on it is amazing if you guys haven’t seen some of my videos go ahead and check my last two uploads we

Did one that we covered some of the Jutsu and another one where we basically had a big PVP tournament it was super fun um if you guys watched that second video that I just said you guys know a little bit of what I have in this series but um

I’m gonna do a little bit of explaining real quick so if you guys are hyped for this series and hype for another probably 200 plus episodes of a Naruto mod definitely drop a like subscribe and stay tuned for more to come so uh currently I am the Hokage of the leaf

Village and I have Kato with me as my right hand man he is my main advisor he’s my only advisor right now and as you can see he is a part of the uchiyak clan his Sharingan has awoken however mine has not um even though I have the

Toteska blade which is a deity sword I still have not unlocked the shotgun we’re not quite too sure why that is but um that doesn’t mean that I’m not powerful guys um luckily I am actually the Gin of the five tails I would go into that form right now but you guys

Will see that a little bit later in this video because I mean I don’t know about UK though but the last time that I transformed you said the things just uh didn’t really go well for me yeah don’t do that I don’t feel like cleaning up the kage office

Again my bad my bad I haven’t uh I haven’t mastered it yet unfortunately but that is why I am the kage I actually spawned into this world 100 legit it happened on stream I basically in the Gin of the five tails um that’s kind of the lore behind that apparently what

We’re going with is it was stolen by the leaf um like in the origin days right or stolen from the stone sorry so the stone lost the uh tailed beast during the last great ninja war to us right so that’s kind of where we’re at

Right now I am a newly seated kage so that means that uh basically after this whole war and everything the kage basically was defeated and um obviously they needed a gin and everything like that to be able to um you know put it into and they chose me I was just a

Lowly ninja and now I am actually getting pretty strong as you guys can tell uh but this is a lot that I’ve already kind of unlocked not really that much in the in the grand scheme of things which you guys will see as the series progresses but I do have the

Tosca blade obviously I have Yang release with adamantine ceiling chains um that is actually going to be very useful for capturing more tail beasts if we ever need to do that I do have water shark bomb which yeah I know what the heck here I’m gonna ceiling change this guy I got him

Ceiling chains try to get out of that what is going on bro the shoe came out actually yeah I know this guy has actually been here before which is what I’m worried about I fought this guy once before and it looks like he is stuck in the ground

Oh okay I’m gonna try to steal him again oh that’s not gonna work he’s out of chakra it seems like he does have the hand fan though dang kiddo get out of there bro I need something I’m gonna try to spam some water on him

I’m gonna charge this one up a bit more oh God see this is this is what happens in the server Cato is trying to kill you right now I don’t know if there’s too much I can do I’m not too strong yeah I would go into

Should I just go into tailed beast form and see what happens oh do it do it do it I’m doing it all right I’m in the form I killed him but now I think I’m chilling oh wow wait a minute wait a minute I think I just mastered it

Are you serious oh my God yeah I’m I’m actually dead serious bro you move now I can move around now yeah that’d be nice before you killed me uh listen it was a it was a noble sacrifice you did great as my right hand man

But no guys as you can tell a lot of stuff is happening live on the server right now I literally just mastered this like this was not scripted this is 100 legit I just risked that because I thought he was gonna kill me and Cato and obviously we don’t want to start off

The series like that but as you can see there is a reason that I am the kage this thing is absolutely busted um it looks like I have a ton of bust from this now that I’ve mastered it can I just hit you one time with my fist and

And see what happens sure um what was that just my fist that dude said GG you’re strong yeah I just mastered My Gin dude that is nuts okay so yeah now I get to basically just chill in this form um imagine let me let me just see how

Much damage this is like I gotta find out wait a minute yeah oh wow yeah that did 10 damage and you have pretty good armor on and the Sharingan which gives you I think that’s 50 armor right uh uh yep okay so I completely just lost

My train of thought um we were just attacked by a rogue that’s been happening in the league Village that guy killed me earlier before I was officially the kage but uh ggsu man we risked it and now I actually have mastered the five tails um thanks for

Giving me the permission to do that again in the office it seems like Oh and it seems like the five tails is tired again um oh and I lost some of my armor but that’s all right we’ll just get it back um but as I was saying so how the server

Works by the way if you guys want to get access to this it is currently in beta access for the next week it is ten dollars to enter for beta access and you can basically enjoy stuff before you know everybody can just hop in here for

Free to play when it goes free to play in a week but the way that things work thank you for the pants um basically you kill mobs and these Jutsu Scrolls either this or a kg learner like this drops and uh then you learn these things they give you the

Jutsu and then you have to level up the Jutsu if you see there it says 462 out of 400 that means that you master it at 400 XP into this specific Jutsu so I do have some more Jutsu that I want to learn right now actually

Um let me go ahead and get rid of this stuff that I don’t really need currently I don’t need this um I don’t really need this I don’t really need this or this what’s going on Rogue out here where oh that’s a that’s a bone user I don’t know I don’t know if

They’re all hostile or not should we take them out I’m charging up this water shark bomb I could probably one hit him if I fully charge this yep yep yep fight him fight him fight him fight him oh that did 12 damage that did 12 damage

I’m gonna need your help here I’m gonna try to steal him he’s stunned right now yep I got him I got him I got him oh get him off of me bro oh my God this is not good I’ve got him froze with my toes can

Blade I got him froze with my toaster blade I’ll hit him again I’ll hit him again dude the bone the bone is actually really hard yeah yeah I’m backing up I’m backing up I’m backing up he’s able to move oh God oh God okay good thing I fell through the floor

Do you got that I’m almost dead down here oh how much health does he have how much health does he have I’m still 18. oh God oh God okay I just gotta keep him away from me keep him occupied I can kill him with one more of these attacks just keep

Him occupied we got this dude why are we being attacked by so many Rogues right now I’m using it I’m using it keep him oh God he’s coming for me I gotta oh yeah 13 damage 13 damage five more five more five more four more two more one more we got him oh

Oh God okay we’re good we’re good if you guys can’t see we are having a super super fun time here but as I was saying before that guy rudely interrupted me again these Rogues don’t even learn um we’re gonna go ahead and learn all these other jutsus that I have so this

Is a b rank being Earth wall I think you also have earthwild don’t you yeah I haven’t uploaded it yet though okay I have two of those so I’ll keep one for trading I have a great breakthrough lightning chakra mode which is probably gonna be the next one that I try to

Learn and then Mind Body transfer which also comes in great handy but we’re gonna go ahead and just learn all of these right now um so that we have all these Learners um I currently don’t have wind or lightning or any of these um Mind Body transfer I don’t think yeah

I didn’t have the in release either I thought that might have been Yang but it is Yin um so right now I’m gonna work on unlocking my lightning Chalker mode um I have zero XP in that so it is gonna be a grind but um I’ve kind of lost track

About what’s been happening because so much just happened well we’re well we’re just basically chilling there um let me eat this military rations pill do you know what where I’ve kind of left off with the story and everything I don’t that was just crazy right now I unlocked the five tails completely and

Then we got attacked by two Rogues so um where did we leave off all right so it seems that there’s a lot of Rogue ninjas out there causing Havoc I think it’s about time we start getting the rest of the leaf ninja in shape and that

Means that we need to go ahead and grind board Natures as well and unlock them yeah I agree I mean I think that the best plate thing moving forward would just be to keep grinding This and like improving on our own Jutsu as well by the way once you unlock a Jutsu that

Doesn’t mean that it’s fully capped out you can actually upgrade it more past that and it will do more damage as you level it up um so that is really good to know that um are you using great fire Annihilation or is that great flame I have great fire

Annihilation okay so yeah that thing uh is nuts if you fully charge it and fully level it up it is insane so we’re gonna go through the leaf tillage here it looks like let’s go ahead and get everyone together at the leaf gate um I’m gonna say broadcast beef nin gather

At gate I want to see I want to see what um I want to see what these guys are looking like in their like health and everything how many times that day just so that we can actually see um but this guy’s got 37 Health how much

Health do I have currently Cato 39 will you go on until beats yeah yeah that makes that that makes sense um so that is crazy that I mastered it I don’t know if that was pure luck or maybe this is just Destiny but uh so it

Looks like right now this dude has 37 Health this dude’s got I’m gonna heal this guy just so we can see how much he actually has oh my God yo okay so I have an idea um obviously the Uchiha is probably gonna be our greatest Force here right

Yeah probably we don’t have very many Uchiha at the moment but as we gather more eyes from these drops I feel like we should put together some sort of police force what do you think something to be your eyes and ears perhaps yeah that’s what I’m thinking

Because right now with these Rogues just running around the Village um we can’t have that we can’t have just Rogues walking in to the kage office and trying to kill me like we need some type of protection here no I can get behind that I just saw somebody yeah someone from

Stone just said I can help you all against the Rogues um kind of weird that we just stole their gin and they’re offering us help that’s got to be some type of a trojan horse huh well I mean they don’t want more battle with us and lose their other

Tailed bee so I understand why that’s true that’s true I mean they don’t even know that I’ve mastered it yet either there’s me and you are the only ones that know that we should probably keep it that way huh probably so this is what we’re working with

Um let’s I’m gonna tell them come to forests of death what’s up death with us um we gotta train these guys up we gotta train these guys up and get them a little bit more XP and uh kind of show them the ropes because I really haven’t

Gotten to grind that much I think that I just crossed over to 1300 mob kills probably which is a decent amount but I’ve only been able to play on stream that’s what I was saying I was saying if you guys want to see me on stream I do a

Lot of this on stream the link to that is in the description um but this is basically where I’ve been grinding it’s actually I’m just going to times at night because it was technically night before I made a day um hopefully this is bright enough for

You guys to see but we’re just kind of showing you guys the ropes of This Server starting the lore slowly this series is gonna have a ton of lore in it and that is sick dude his eyes literally glow in the dark that is so cool bro you

Guys look menacing that is awesome oh my gosh yeah I’m alive all right um oh he met you live like streaming no we’re recording bro but we’re gonna we’re gonna keep grinding these things basically like I said the way that you get all kgs all drops everything gojutsu’s everything like

That eight Gates everything is by killing mobs it’s a random chance of dropping and then you have to level it up after that to uh fully unlock it um what you have a mythical sword right now too don’t you uh the kusanagi okay yeah so we both have the two I think

That these are the two um the two swords of that that are in the mod right now right the two like deity swords Yeah well yeah they’re both legendaries basically yeah yeah I mean it’s it’s interesting too because the technically we don’t have it yet in the

Server but it will be coming oh my God there’s so many Endermen over here um the the miss Village has the seven inches swordsman um at least we’ll start with them I think that that might be something that we’re gonna want to Probably steals from them as time goes right to make the leaf Village stronger we’re definitely gonna need them yeah for sure I mean I don’t know it’ll be interesting so how the server works a lot of everyone can get the seven legendary swords but there will be seven

Legendary Swordsmen that get a buff version of that um that we will give you guys as lower sub initial swordsman so that is where we’re talking about stealing from people because there’s gonna be lore events so you can lose them in and uh we need those on our side

We need those on our side maybe I’m dude imagine a new Chia police force with the Seven Swords wouldn’t that be insane I think I think that’d be op honestly it would be yeah that would be absolutely busted I wonder yeah I need I need a Jutsu that has a

Faster like wind up right now I don’t really have any great offensive jutsus it’s really like water shark is amazing as you guys saw it did there’s a suit hitting me wanna fly no I don’t want to fly no no stay away from me with that hand fan

But um we need we need as much as we can possibly get I need more like better juices why don’t I get great breakthrough I forget exactly what great breakthrough does is that an AOE attack do you remember great breakthrough it’s like a giant like wind gust oh yeah yeah it’s basically

Um JB use that move but not on me I wanna I wanna show you guys what this is gonna look like so that you guys know what I’m gonna be working towards yeah that is basically a great breakthrough except it does more damage and is more powerful from the actual learner um

Rather than just the hand fan but that’s kind of what we’re working towards right now lightning mode is mode is really good it makes me super fast and obviously being fast in this mod is what you want to be what what was that what was what

Um I was just chilling in creative mode posting this video and I think that I heard someone say Shinra tensei like very near me King is yeah what village is he a part of uh missed technically I think oh God okay um so he has the Rinnegan oh there’s a

Matarasu Flames here too I think they were fighting I hear something near me but I don’t see anything um is there an invisibility move from the Rinnegan oh wait I think I just saw something yeah someone’s over here oh it is King he has a hundred Health bro

Oh geez yeah no oh God okay hold up hold up hold up I’m gonna try to stay away from this uh because I I’d prefer to stay alive right now oh yeah he sees me um he’s from the Miss Village you said I’m pretty sure he’s in the Mist oh my gosh

Dude he is slaughtering everything bro did he kill people from our from our village I have no idea well everyone’s gone now um whatever he’s doing he didn’t attack me he kind of just like looked at me and walked away so I’ll take it I’m pretty sure he could absolutely demolish me if

He wanted to how much xp do I have into this 59 yeah um that was that was rough I I think that our Leaf nin died from him to be honest with you oh there he is oh my God he’s huge he’s an agamichi wait why is he running from

Me was he just chilling with you yo oh yo he has ice okay okay um very interesting very interesting indeed we’re going to want to stay away from that dude Army I don’t know maybe well no the stone I think that’s the dude that offered offered help actually

The stone is offering us help after we stole their gin and beat them in the war and the Mist has someone with a Rinnegan is what it seems like right yeah the Mist is dangerous but you know what also I think the Miss has what I think they have a gin as well

Do they pretty sure he was like you could we I could leave if you want oh small guy no he can he can chill with us until this Renegade guy comes I wonder that is weird that he tried to attack not me though maybe something to do with my Sharingan

Maybe I don’t know it’s really weird I guess we’ll see once we put the police force together the Uchiha police force which by the way guys we will actually be doing that um so if you’re part of the leaf Village and you have the Sharingan or Ms or EMS

Um and you’re part of the leaf Village then uh we’ll be having tryouts for the police force and you guys will be able to be a part of that for lore and for the server just overall um do you trick shot me with that he’s got 360 no scope to Minecraft so

We’re going back to the leaf Village and uh I’m gonna get some of the leafing in together to train them I’m not gonna use my toadska blade against them because this thing is absolutely busted I’m just gonna use my water release and um we’re gonna see what happens

To them because honestly the the water shark bullet’s great but I like I said at the start of this I have no spammable Jutsu so I want to see what they can do against me um I’m just gonna teleport random people here from the leaf and 1v1 them and see

How this goes and uh we’ll kind of go from there all right so okay though the first guy that I um pulled in here is JB the one with the MS so this is probably our strongest member and maybe we can have him be the first

Part of the police force if he um he’s able to do quite a bit of damage to me here what do you think I think it’s a good idea I think we also need to start looking at recruiting some stronger Ninja yeah just overall yeah definitely yeah

If you guys join the server especially in beta and you guys want to be a part of the leaf let us know because uh we need some stronger ninja um right now it seems like we don’t really have that many strong ninja other than this guy

So we’re gonna see where we’re at right now with him um if you want to count us down in game shot Cato we’ll uh I’ll see how he is all right so here we go he does have the hand fan so that’ll be interesting to see how he uses that against me

Yeah this is this is hard dude my my water jutsus are just not good I’m gonna try to not use oh what is that oh that’s his that’s his um this is just regular oh wait I hit him with that I’m gonna hit him with this one he has a matarasu yeah bruh

Stay away from me okay I am gonna have to use this actually this guy’s not bad Cato this guy’s not bad I’m proud of our ninja right now oh God I have slowness oh yeah that’s how much rasu honey you’re gonna die here probably oh am I really

I’m on fire right now oh yeah I’m just I’m just stuck in a um I’m just sucking a corner so this guy’s not bad the great breakthrough thing that is cheese bro that is so cheesy but it works okay no I’m not gonna go gin against him he’s strong I’m

Not gonna waste my gin and ruin his day hahaha it’s not uh yeah I would like to say I would like to see if he uses susano against you does he have Susana I’m pretty sure he does okay I guess we’ll go again then susano versus uh tailed beast well we gotta see

How good this guy really is that win Scythe is BM bro that thing is insane that’s so crazy all right so this guy’s actually pretty good that windsite is menacing especially without matarasu so we’re gonna go all out against them um and see if he uses susano uh count us

Down again three two one and go yeah we’re gonna see I’m gonna try to get him um I’m gonna try to get him chained see if that works at all against him I can’t I can’t dude it’s so hard to get people in that but we’re gonna we’re gonna go for this

Now we are actually gonna go for this now dude yeah the matarasu is crazy let’s see what happens if I go Gen for him oh yeah um is he gonna go does he have Zeus enough oh there it is oh there it is oh my God I’m getting launched bro

What is going on that is nuts dude he put me all the way out of the whole thing here we go and I think that I win he’s probably out of chakra but we’re gonna see yeah I think I think he is just out of chakra yep there he goes so we still

Took him out but he did launch us completely out of the Arena wow water doesn’t even put out a matarasu that is confirmed now um not bad not bad I would say I mean he did have the susano the kusanagi or sorry not the kusanagi the toteska blade

Is just insane dude this thing is just oh my God I’m on fire for eight minutes that’s a mess around huh no it it burns for a good time really well though yeah I’m out healing it but how long is my thing Gonna Last uh well that’s a good question

We need you to get your Ms so that you can uh don’t touch me with that oh wait I take it oh nope never mind it does not stop burning um this is this is gonna hurt I’m just gonna I’m just gonna do a little bit of

This and then come back because that that is crazy you need Ms to combat against that um oh I’m still in my gym form I shouldn’t be oh there we go okay and I lost my Armory I lost my pants again dude but that is uh this mod honestly JB

We’re probably gonna get him on the police force we need to get his chakra up though because he basically transformed into that and then um basically just uh absolutely died you know what I mean yeah all right let’s go uh let’s go to the leaf gate I want to

Show you something okay all right so what did you want to show me at the gate remember that wood kg Rogue uh the one that made me trigger my five channels oh yeah so he’s always here and he said he wants the 1v1 you and if you beat him he’ll join the leaf

But I mean if I beat him I already beat him once well I guess he thinks that he could beat you uh he has a Bianca gun that’s not exactly what we’re looking for but I guess we’ll take it oh it looks like KD has a biakugan too he

Wasn’t here earlier so that’s good um he does have the wood kg we could use that to seal other tailed beasts for the village that is true that is true I mean it did but you you were able to move or anything out of that were you yeah I

Couldn’t move out of it interesting all right well um let’s see how ninja does against me I guess just go ahead and count us down we’ll fight right here all right get ready all right I’m charging up a juicy I think he’s a dirty he’s a dirty

Fighter all right all right I kind of I kind of like it I kind of like it I’ll take it I’ll take it here we go I’m actually gonna try to get him in Chains right now Nah dude it’s so hard to hit these chains but if I do hit them they’re so good come on here we go here we go here we go I’m gonna have to go kill Beast yeah I know I’m entailed Beast already dude it is so hard to control this I’m

Not used to it yet oh my God he’s healing like okay uh well he’s dead he was healing like crazy um I think he’s a medical nin oh he probably did use medical yeah he was healing very very fast um unfortunately his defenses uh were not that good the biakugan just doesn’t

Have the same amount of defense like per se you do you dodge that one but that only does 10 damage to you so this shoe’s got a far way to go but we will train him and uh help him Master his wood kg what do you think yeah I think so

It’s all right I mean you know he’ll he’ll come a long way he’s a little bit of a dirty fighter he stuck up on us in the kage office but I think he’s learned his lesson now that um you know we have unlocked this uh this five tail so we’re

Just gonna have to see how this goes we’re building up the leaf um the leaf is not really doing that gray as of right now but now I’m the kage so we have some uh we have some big plans to fulfill and now he is an official member

Of the Lee Village welcome uh Marco welcome to the leaf unfortunately he can’t join the police force but we’ll have the wood kg and we need that so I think that’s pretty much all we really needed to get done in this video is just kind of help the leaf get

Stronger tell people what’s going on and we actually took this video further than I thought we would I unlocked my TV and actually I can use it now which is op it’s so funny too because I literally like killed him in my rampage this mod is crazy like

Um if you guys don’t know how this works I was actually like not in control of my body when I killed him the first time and when I killed Kato the mod has a tailed beast form that literally until you master it just Rampages and kills

Things that are around you so it worked out in our favor we mastered it and um it’s kind of interesting is somebody trying to trade for earthworm right now uh Marco’s asking did you we have any extra Jutsu oh got you okay I mean you know what I’ll go ahead and give him

Earthwal since he joined us I’ll give him it he’s a strong ninja we need to make him stronger there he goes all right but that is gonna be the end of this video guys I hope to see a lot of you on the server this is probably the best server that

We’ve ever had and uh I expect a lot of good things from it the lore is gonna be crazy oh God we’re about to be putting AK or the 64 plums okay I think I think we’re all right for now um yeah I think we’re good his 64 bombs

Is crazy too but um we’re gonna end the video here if you guys liked it drop a like subscribe to see more I hope you guys are hyped for this I’ll see you guys in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘Welcome to IceeRamen Tsukuyomi! Naruto Minecraft Mod SMP’, was uploaded by Iceeman on 2023-03-05 16:02:06. It has garnered 33405 views and 1176 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:04 or 1684 seconds.

Hey guys! This is the first video of the IceeRamen Tsukuyomi Naruto SMP Server! This server is RPG based, in which you can become the kage of a village, an anbu black op, a jinchuriki, and more! We are currently in early access so if you want to join, check out the link below! I will be doing a series of this server, showing my experiences. This is all thanks to all your support on the Naruto 100 Day’s series, so thank you all so much for making this possible!

Server Access: https://iceenetwork.tebex.io/category/iceeramen-tsukuyomi

Mod Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ahznbs-naruto-mod

#MinecraftMod #minecraft #narutominecraft

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    Boombox Blocks: Minecraft's Noisiest Pack In the world of Minecraft, a texture pack so loud, It shook the very ground, drawing in a crowd. No credit to give, for the creator unknown, But the impact it made, in a league of its own. Download the pack, if you dare to be bold, Let your game world shine, in colors untold. Thanks to @HumorouslyBoringOG, for being in the mix, Adding humor and fun, with their playful tricks. Like and subscribe, to show your support, For the content creator, who holds down the fort. Follow on TikTok, for more gaming fun, And on Instagram, where the… Read More

  • City Sights, Mysterious Nights: Minecraft Mayhem

    City Sights, Mysterious Nights: Minecraft Mayhem In the city, mysterious events unfold, Fakir discovers a passage, secrets untold. A dangerous Monster lurks in the mine, Exciting adventures, action-packed and fine. Join the channel, support the show, Subscribe now, don’t be slow. Favorite Minecraft videos, a delight, Each episode, a thrilling sight. Fakir’s journey, full of surprise, In the Monster’s region, danger lies. Fierce and funny, the story sings, In every pulsing line, truth takes wings. Stay tuned for more, don’t miss a beat, Minecraft news, oh so sweet. Crafting rhymes, with a playful spin, In the world of gaming, we always win. Read More

  • Ali Cabbar’s Death Fear – Minecraft Shorts

    Ali Cabbar's Death Fear - Minecraft Shorts Exploring the World of Minecraft Shorts Ali cabbar’ın ölüm korkusu – Minecraft is a trending topic that has captured the attention of Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft shorts and discover the exciting features and events that make this game so popular. The Story of Ali Cabbar Ali Cabbar is a character that has become a central figure in the Minecraft community. His adventures and challenges have captivated players and content creators alike. From facing his fears to overcoming obstacles, Ali Cabbar’s journey is filled with excitement and suspense. Emir Can Iğrek and Ali Cabbar… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Global Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Global Gaming Experience! Are you looking for a new and exciting Minecraft server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an active community and unique gameplay features, Minewind offers an experience like no other. Join now by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET and start your adventure today. Don’t miss out on the fun – join Minewind now! Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Laughs! #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Are you tired of the same old Fortnite gameplay and looking for a new and exciting gaming experience? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community, endless possibilities for creativity, and thrilling gameplay, Minewind is the place to be for all gaming enthusiasts. Join us at YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From building epic structures to engaging in intense PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. So why wait? Join… Read More

  • Mastering Armadillos in Minecraft

    Mastering Armadillos in Minecraft Exploring the New Armadillo Mob in Minecraft 1.20.5 With the latest update in Minecraft 1.20.5, players are in for a treat with the introduction of the adorable Armadillo mob. This new addition brings a fresh dynamic to the game, offering exciting possibilities for exploration and creativity. Discovering the Armadillo Habitat The Armadillo can be found roaming in the Badlands biome and the savanna. Keep an eye out for these unique creatures as you venture through these terrains in search of new adventures. Taming and Feeding the Armadillo To tame the Armadillo, players can feed them with spider eyes. Once… Read More

  • 🔥 CRAZY Modded Survival Realm Gameplay!!

    🔥 CRAZY Modded Survival Realm Gameplay!!Video Information right [Music] right forgot what you call him to be honest I forgot what you called him to be clearly honest oh yeah we have a walking stick forget is there anything we can do with mutant in sax uh from what I saw it makes a giant smoke bomb don’t ask me how don’t ask me how useful it is I’ve never mutant INX yeah what [ __ ] you think I said we got out to work oh [ __ ] another chicken let’s go it’s working hey we got your oh okay no no Tyson it’s true I can… Read More

  • The Escape Plan Gone Wrong 🚨

    The Escape Plan Gone Wrong 🚨Video Information [संगीत] वई आर यू रनिंग वई आर यू रनिंग खत्म बाय बाय टाटा गुड बाय गया m This video, titled ‘When I Try To Escape Then This Happened 😭 #shorts’, was uploaded by Sapiens World on 2024-03-22 14:38:51. It has garnered 422 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. 1. In this YouTube video, explore the vast and creative world of Minecraft as we embark on exciting adventures, build magnificent structures, and encounter various challenges along the way. Join us as we delve into the endless possibilities of this popular sandbox… Read More

  • Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades – Skip Tutorial Now!

    Insane 59 Minecraft Downgrades - Skip Tutorial Now!Video Information remember when bricks used to look like this but now they look like this or when diamonds used to actually be useful and these are the downgrades both big and small that have happened to Minecraft but first we got another downgrade to talk about since remember when the Subscribe button used to be red yeah I missed that too surprisingly but you can actually fix that still since when you subscribe it’ll turn rainbow for a split second so watch closely try it for yourself and thank you it helps out a ton to most finding out… Read More

  • Minecraft: AsterKatt chases rare cherry loot (10)

    Minecraft: AsterKatt chases rare cherry loot (10)Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello how are we all doing today ignore the fact that I accidentally pressed the wrong button on my keyboard to transition us over here but we’re here ever so slightly later than usual but that’s okay we have a mission today I want to finish building my little farm area and in order to do that we want some more Cherrywood so we’re going to go on a little adventure and we’re going to find some Cherrywood and it’s going to be great it’s going to be beautiful nothing’s going to go wrong… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build – You WON’T believe this!

    Insane Minecraft Build - You WON'T believe this!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build like or not’, was uploaded by Not Gaming Bhangu on 2024-01-07 03:30:28. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft build like or not #minecraftratingyourbuilds, #minecraftbuildlikeapro,#minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpc #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecrafters #minecraftdaily #minecrafter #minecrafthouse #minecraftonly #minecraftserver #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuildings #minecraftxbox #minecraftideas #minecrafts #minecraftuniverse #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafthouses #minecraftart #minecraftforever #minecraftsurvival #minecrafttutorial #minecraftcreations #minecraftersonly #minecraftps #gaming #mcpe #minecraftbuilding minecraft build, minecraft builds, minecraft build hacks, minecraft build tutorial, minecraft building tips, minecraft build challenge, minecraft builds house, minecraft builds aesthetic, minecraft build ideas, minecraft build… Read More

  • Mikey & JJ’s Village FROZEN Under Ice! EPIC Minecraft Maizen

    Mikey & JJ's Village FROZEN Under Ice! EPIC Minecraft MaizenVideo Information oh I had a good night’s sleep I had such a sweet dream all right let’s get started wait what’s that outside my window is that ice that’s the first time I’ve seen something like that is it really that cold outside I don’t know what’s going on here at all I guess I’ll have to go outside anyway it’s completely abnormal I need to go to Mikey’s now and find him then we can really figure out what’s going on with the weather outside my window anyway let’s go outside JJ don’t go outside I’m really Frozen… Read More

  • Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!

    Join Bingus in Epic Hive Minecraft Stream!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you ever wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together I’m just Mak my tracks and doing my time do you ever have a wonder if we could have done it better if we took it all back and it more [Music] time do you ever ever wonder if we could have done a better we took it all back and gave it more time I never ever ever try to keep myself together… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation & Parkour Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation & Parkour Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,678’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-16 07:51:28. It has garnered 208 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,678 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes a long time but I… Read More


    ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET vs MINECRAFT VILLAGER - EPIC SHOWDOWNVideo Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi Toilet Minecraft Villager VS ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET – Monster School Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Floosh COOL on 2024-01-13 08:40:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this captivating episode titled “Skibidi Toilet Minecraft Villager VS ULTIMATE SKIBIDI TOILET – Monster School Minecraft … Read More

  • Circutieers

    CircutieersWelcome to the Circuiteers Network! We are a Gaming Network, and community! Join our discord at: http://discord.circuiteers.com Join our Minecraft server at: circuiteers.com We are under constant expansion and we want your help to make us grow bigger than ever before! The rules can be found ingame by typing /rules If you enjoy the server consider checking out our store at: http://store.circuiteers.com We hope you enjoy your stay with the Circuiteers Network! circuiteers.com Read More

  • Real Endgame City SMP 1.20.1 Whitelist Events City Building Urban Area Endgame Plugins No resets Capitalism

    Welcome to Our 3-Year Old SMP! Join our small, long-term server focused on building, community, and chill gameplay. Explore our evolving world where empty areas become bases, bases become towns, and towns become cities! Server Features: Check out our Server Trailer Discover existing towns and a large city with player-built structures Custom mobs with leveled end-game challenges Custom enchants for unique gameplay Join Us Today! Interested in joining our whitelist server? Join our Discord: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Agree or go to the nether”

    I agree, that meme is definitely worth at least 760 chuckles! Read More

  • Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2

    Whodunnit in Roblox: Murder Mystery 2 In the world of gaming, we take the stage, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that engage. From Roblox Murder Mystery to Death Ball fun, We spin the finest rhymes, our journey just begun. Brother Ian and Ethan, gamers at heart, With passion for Roblox, Minecraft, and BTD6 art. Join us on our channel, subscribe and see, The gaming world through rhymes, wild and free. In Murder Mystery 2, the action unfolds, With twists and turns, and stories untold. Dancing and battling, in every round, We face the challenges, with victory bound. From the Sheriff to the Murderer’s hand, We… Read More

  • Minecraft Mishaps: LOLs and Trolls!

    Minecraft Mishaps: LOLs and Trolls! “When everything goes wrong in Minecraft, just remember: at least you’re not being chased by a creeper in real life!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #memes #майнкрафт Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles like Gojo vs Sukuna!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Battles like Gojo vs Sukuna! Are you a fan of intense gaming showdowns like Gojo vs Sukuna in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server for an experience like no other. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to test your skills and immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and see what all the excitement is about. Subscribe now and let the gaming fun begin! #minecraft #gaming #playgame #player #minecraftserver #adventure #community #subscribe #minewind Read More

  • Unbelievable Lucky Minecraft Seed!

    Unbelievable Lucky Minecraft Seed! The Luckiest Seed in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to embark on an epic Minecraft adventure with the luckiest seed ever discovered? In this video, the Minecraft enthusiast MontifinyXD uncovers a seed that promises thrilling gameplay and exciting discoveries. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft 1.21 and explore the wonders of this incredible seed! Exploring the Luckiest Seed MontifinyXD, along with their team of skilled players, sets out to explore the vast landscapes and hidden treasures of the luckiest seed in Minecraft. This seed is packed with unique features, challenging dungeons, and bountiful resources waiting to be discovered…. Read More

  • Get Ready for the END in Hardcore Minecraft Day 9!

    Get Ready for the END in Hardcore Minecraft Day 9!Video Information oh man okay here we go we should be Live come on are we live streaming are we live streaming all right we should be live we should be live boys oh my God finally okay there we go right just give it a second let a few people join oh man here we go look at this cake guys look at this cake 9,800 subscribers and that’s all down to you guys by the way that’s all down to you guys thank you thank you all right there we go so hello everyone and welcome back to… Read More

  • Ultimate Enchantment Glitch in Old Minecraft

    Ultimate Enchantment Glitch in Old MinecraftVideo Information पहले के माक वर्जन में अगर हम लोग या कोल्डन के अंदर पानी डाल देते थे तो वो या कभी या उससे बाहर आता ही नहीं था लाइक आज के जमाने में अगर हम लोग इसके अंदर पानी डाल दें एंड देन यहां पर या इसके अंदर हम पानी वापस निकाल भी सकते हैं हम लोगों को या एं चेंट करने के लिए इतनी ज्यादा एक्सपी की जरूरत होती है बट पहले के माइक वजस में इससे भी ज्यादा एक्सपी की जरूरत होती थी लाइक आज के जमाने में हम लोगों को अगर इं चट मेंट लगानी होती… Read More

  • 🔥Ultimate Minecraft Sword Stand Tutorial🔥 #Vincenzo

    🔥Ultimate Minecraft Sword Stand Tutorial🔥 #VincenzoVideo Information This video, titled ‘#newshorts #vincenzo #smooth #youtube #best #bestplayer #mincraftcraftswordstand🤩👍#new’, was uploaded by Zymon_gamer’s_yt on 2024-03-10 16:39:11. It has garnered 80 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft, minecraft in hindi, minecraft house, minecraft gameplay, minecraft videos, structure, ujjwal, minecraft mods, history, techno gamerz, creeper, raid, mobs, update, nether, sea, monster, red, dragon, fit, fitmc, server, anarchy, hack, grief, spawn, battle, tour, oldest, 2b2t, builds, client, dream, incursion, herobrine, tutorial, hacked, flying, mojang, glitch, exploit, redstone, campfire, live, smp, parody, furnace, blast, technoblade, house, memes, piglin, song, hoglin, forest, 1.17, anchor,… Read More

  • Ascend the Minecraft Realms: Time to Shine!

    Ascend the Minecraft Realms: Time to Shine!Video Information for [Music] hello hello yeah I was just checking it Scrooge I do not have any additions I downloaded the version that you saw that you that you found yeah no addition the very same version as you did you okay did update your essential try that as well if you didn’t update your essential oh yeah it’s a very beautiful menu Jor like actually one of the best I tried getting the essential tried getting the essential thing right where you saw the ascend no not the essential where you saw the Ascend oh give me a… Read More

  • Hack Your Way To Victory – Minecraft 100 Day Challenge EXPLOSION

    Hack Your Way To Victory - Minecraft 100 Day Challenge EXPLOSIONVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring New Realms #minecraft #love #100dayschallenge #pokemon #survival1 #games #gaming #building’, was uploaded by R.S.G on 2024-01-06 18:30:39. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to our Minecraft gaming! 🌟 Welcome to our epic Minecraft adventure where we take on the ultimate challenge: surviving 100 days in the wild world of Minecraft, all in ! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, join us as we tackle survival mode, explore mods, dive into multiplayer madness, and much more. 🏡 Survive… Read More

  • Escaping Zombies and Surviving in Toilet in Minecraft! 😱

    Escaping Zombies and Surviving in Toilet in Minecraft! 😱Video Information which of these toilets we will choose with you today subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hi guys with you zomack unusually interest in our column pick the right colored toilet yes we have five characters participating today this is Speaker woman and the rabbit bonsa Sonic ban ban and Ben let’s get started and go from the very first toilet and you support with likes and subscriptions we see each of these characters and go to a restroom like this let’s go to Ben’s look guys Ben’s upstairs great… Read More

  • DippyBlether Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map – EPIC Minecraft Adventure!

    DippyBlether Survives IMPOSSIBLE Map - EPIC Minecraft Adventure!Video Information hello hello hello hello so uh okay um M hat has just left uh so yeah this is our new series hello everybody Welcome um so I’m really excited about this because this is the first time I’m actually playing um a survival map um and it’s a Sky Block thing so um well sort of Sky Block so so if if I went through that hedge behind me there would be nothing but there will be all sorts of all sorts of chunks everywhere and they will have different things on them and you can get different… Read More

  • Ultimate Zombie Slaying Madness – Dead Target Gameplay

    Ultimate Zombie Slaying Madness – Dead Target GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dead Target Killing The Infinities Zombies Horror Gameplay’, was uploaded by wasad Gaming on 2024-01-13 02:44:32. It has garnered 32 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. call of duty modern warfare warzone minecraft call of duty modern warfare 3 modern warfare 2 playthrough call of duty modern warfare iii call of duty modern warfare 3 gameplay gaming modern warfare ii modern warfare 3 warzone urzikstan walkthrough gameplay call of duty modern warfare 2 pc warzone 3 warzone meta ps5 holostars holostarsen vtuber call of duty warzone mw3 warzone… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SECRET Revealed: Weuo

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft SECRET Revealed: WeuoVideo Information all okay and we’re livebe YouTube Don’t tweak okay what is good Tweakers and geekers okay what is good gangsters this is 30 yeah so we’re back I’m chat I’m gonna go the uh back with another stream hard there you I’m go get some yeah I’m so um what’s the game plan for today um well villagers uh just animals and a house I would assume mainly sheeps and cows we need those especially cows cuz if we get milk we can go L that Monument uh I do want to go show you do we have… Read More


    DEAMOPThe Best Ever Minigame Server, With Games Like UHC, UHC Duels, Survival, Build battle And Much More!! You Can Purchase Ranks and such at https://deamop.tebex.io/, And You Can Apply For Staff At https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfE-Ig43LuUT33hu2uZ8Hq1f9jy5I0yC1V-bNfzwS440-JY-w/viewform DEAMOP.minehut.gg Read More

  • Infinity Isles SMP 1.20.4 Semi-Vanilla 18+ whitelist discord

    Welcome to our 18+ Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a new and engaging Minecraft experience, join our whitelist server today. Our community is thriving and full of exciting opportunities for adventurers and builders like you. What Makes Us Unique: Active Moderation and Dev Team Shopping District and Hermitcraft-style Plugins Frequent Events and Community Challenges Respectful Gameplay Environment Server Details: Hosted on a Paper server in the UK Whitelisted for 18+ players Freshly launched and ready for you to explore Apply now to join us: Discord Read More

Welcome to IceeRamen Tsukuyomi! Naruto Minecraft Mod SMP