Wholesome Bois Digging Competition in Modded Minecraft

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hello there everybody welcome back to more wholesome boys play the Minecraft building the brewery I joined by three alexas today let’s start with furthest left Alexa R how’s your day buddy oh Lex is good it’s good it’s good there’s a joke there I can’t make it but somebody else might oral can you make the joke how’s your day can you make oh I love The Binding of Isaac I’ve got 150,000 Bing of Isaac videos on my channel check out twitch stream. Alexa kid.com and uh you can get some more Binding of Isaac gameplay and a variety stream on Sundays check it out and Rap City always in how was your day hear me out hear me out hot dog is a fruit okay okay ISAC is a hot dog megie is a sandwich y it’s very poor comedic time timing as I just commissioned somebody in my uh sub chat to make a fruit tiar maker thing so I can rank fruit this weekend yeah it’s a this is poor comedic timing but anyway uh took some time to set up a fun little competition for you three at the beginning of uh this episode hope you all are ready so there is no reward but there is a uh bad thing for The Biggest Loser okay so you cut there’s no good thing for the winner but there’s a bad thing for the loser yes exactly so you got to either be great or slightly mediocre are the damn that’s me out of look so the loser is going to have to for the rest of the series or Until It Breaks wear this dunce cap in this chest uh you have to remove your hat that you have currently on and you have to just wear the duns cap for the rest of the series that’s the that’s the biggest penalties not getting to wear my Alexa kid 64 official cosplay exactly that’s the worst part so here’s how the competition is going to work it’s going to be in a four round setup each one of you starting on the far left Cobblestone blocks you will each take a cobblestone block and then you will have to to hold down shift so that your name tag disappears to other players through walls and you will start to dig down somewhere along the line going down is a block of lava that will kill you you have to go as far down as you think is good to go down without seeing where the other wholesome boys are around you and if you are the lowest when you tap out you win that round and you get a point okay if you die you lose all your points how do we calculate lowest so if you hit F3 there’s an XYZ yeah there’s a lot of stuff on the screen but there’s an XYZ on the left your Y is your height currently so somewhere from 63 to zero is a block of lava it’s at the same height for all of you so it it purely is true Game Theory as to how deep you want to go before that lava block kills you okay okay here’s the thing here’s the thing right prisoners dilemma okay if we all agree to play fair right and we all dig down the same number of blocks then we all win nobody loses nobody wears the dunce cap I’m pretty sure in that circumstance he’ll just dup the dunce cap twice yeah I’ll just make two more all [Music] righted the situation where you can’t be the dun that is true this is I have also gone into spectator mode so I can fly through the Earth and see each of you go down seems a little sketchy as far as you can and I’m I’m ready to watch to see who is the risk taker in the group or the uh ready I’m going to go really fast how deep is hold on how hold on how how do I go here is this the thing yeah how deep is the Bedrock Bedrock is like zero to three is where Bedrock is and the lava can occur at any point along this is it man selected lava did you put down I I personally put the lava blocks down all right I’m ready all right I’m gonna okay hold on hold on I have another clarification do I have to hold shift because you you can’t have anyone one see your name tag shoes are what go on your it’s Game Theory I don’t care if it’s Game Theory there’s still rules in the game I’m ready okay three two one start digging already you [Music] you can I have some torches Please Mr Alexa so that I can see what I’m doing you know what I think you need I think that’s respectable because I mean like I I’m a hash I’m hasht all about that content rap I’m I’m going to drop you drop them down the down the tube I’m I’m trying thanks my dude there we go sure that’s brilliant can I have some yep there they go thank you there we go boy I love to see oh my God what’s is there somebody splish splashing no Che dirty rotten cheater I found the lava refs congratulations thank you you have won round one orbital has cheated and placed a water block when he reached the bottom what are you talking about youing 100% cheated how yo Alexa can you tell me how far I am you are uh you’re about five blocks from the lava okay I thought you were going to say five blocks down okay you’re you are approximately at the surface I need point to rap city can I get a can I get a pickaxe Please Mr Alexa what did you do to your pickaxe it’s just very low HP I’ll just give you mine for now okay throw it in the lava yeah I will be I will be very mad that was a good pickax throw it in the lava this man’s inventory is so full that he can’t even pick up my pickaxe quick or this one has lava in the bottom okay I can’t I can’t I know all right ready there’s a zombie coming there there is a zombie oops I would have laugh my ass off if you somehow knocked orbital into the lava below all right all right all right three two one dig a why do you have to be supervising can you just not like disappear I I love the idea of just watching you guys burn okay I’m just you know I’m gonna dig down 100% every time 100% I’m just committing I’m just gonna do it are you guys staying put yeah bunch of cowards yes you must have you’re you’re staying put Roo yes okay R has now gotten the hito has now gone two blocks further than RS you guys were tied before you did the it’s incredible boy all right all right R point to you how far were you from the uh the lava uh you were oh yeah you were you were a good like six away when you stopped pretty far actually yeah I have a feeling that I know what starchy wholesome boy will be wearing a Dun cap by the end of this episode but Che on the first one so it feels pretty deserved to be honest I don’t know orbital could sweep the next two actually R if you and I make a non-aggression paa to guarantee that one of us wins the the next two just one of the next two then can’t collect two wins and uh we’re fine all right yeah sounds good to me three all right three two one dig wow that is some that is some bad sportsmanship Absolut that’s bad sportsmanship why would you put the lava in the first block Alexa why would you god seriously that’s what’s wow fair and honest video I thought you were absidy in my defense R that’s not good I was one block above it I’m here this is where I stay all right you’re stay in there yeah you have gotten a point you are one block away from the lava what is I told you there could be anywhere along there this is a scam scam all right oral you need to win this one for you and Rap City to be wearing dun caps for the rest of the series whoa okay I I forgot that’s how that was going to work right I otherwi I would have just stood at the top there that’s said I still would have won all right three two one [Laughter] dig you just tell me when you are done digging you’ve got to use your senses you got to use all of your senses I bet you it’s like Bedrock on this one you’re only at you’re only at like y45 you want a bad at d cap burito I I could literally just stop moving right now and I wouldn’t get the dun cap that is true I I don’t it doesn’t matter what I do I don’t get the Dunc I can sabotage that sounds fun oh there’s a creeper in mine no just kidding hold up you’re very near R am I all right I think I’m done Alexa okay no no now I’m done now I’m done now I’m done now no wa hold on now I’m done okay no wait hold on now I’m done R it’s very low I don’t know exactly how low but it’s very low congratulations orbital you have you have won that round I’ve defeated the Matrix which means that I have to uh well I don’t know did the thing is I really don’t want to make a second duns cap RS already RS already wearing the one and to be fair it does it does look very good with orbal cheat when did orbital cheat I mean he did dump a bucket of lava on R yeah and that’s redo still managed to win that round that completely changed the Dynamics of that round because R had the information of the previous people yeah in the end I think the person that should wear the duns cap is Alexa yeah I think that’s in the in the end you know I think that that’s that’s pretty fair thanks for the DC well then we can all still be alexas also am I am I invisible on your screen no yeah you’re invisible as heck okay cuz because I’m I’m invisible on mine so that’s that’s interesting yeah it’s a first person uh game no like trust me I am but that’s okay as long as you can see me all right boys let’s build a brewery Punk hey orbital I need my pickaxe back by the way oh it’s in the lava I saw him throw it yikes do you actually need it I would like my pickaxe back yes I am I I thought that was a bit [Laughter] did you actually no of course I didn’t yeah I lied I didn’t see him do it I just wanted to be a meme or thanks for thanks for thanks for covering for me R yeah it was a it was good always there to to help with the H Jinks my brain that’s right all right whenever there’s Tom fooler your joy I’ll be there to ruin it so we need uh walls yeah I think I think it’s time to make wall yeah I mean I just tore down all of my walls and it’s looking a lot better for not having walls yeah I mean you could do a nice glass that’s true that’s true there’s uh there should be some clear glass going on in the uh the brewery at the moment Brewery so the uh Quarry I’m going to I’m just my brain cannot handle it cannot handle this yeah uh if anyone is uh wondering why O’s brain can’t handle that at the moment it’s because look at this yeah this is I can’t even understand this shape this is like you know in those kind of like old love crafy and things like you know there was a color that drove people mad this is a shape that drives me mad this is like Uzumaki but it’s it’s this just complete nest of wires isn’t that just like a good taste in your mouth uzaki yeah yeah it’s Sal salty salty sweet and yeah just tasty salty sweet and uzaki and Uzi Mia Zaki where did did that Bome boys go yeah great question when did we go wrong I that that was wholesome is that wasn’t sledging that was just no I know it was more just uh Alexa started saying it so I also said kind of a situation you know those you got peer press I yeah I mean no you can’t peer pressure me thinking that tell it I will not give into you telling me that I gave in peer pressure this is me this is the second step this is all part of the test is this one of those bits where I then say that you can’t peer pressure me into thinking that I’m peer pressuring you into peer pressuring me and then it just goes for it’s not one of those bits not one of those that was a horrific misreading of the situation wrong I don’t know if I like my walls well my maybe I should put them up first before I decide that doing a little exterior decoration out here R possibly make your walls look uh thank you look even nicer even nicer even nicer than the half-built walls that I have right now I think they’re beautiful I think they’re nice I feel like there’s things I can do that I just need to be a little more creative to activate oh es especially if we’re going to take down hermitcraft with season two of wholesome boys not going to speak on this subject but uh but what is a uh what is a Hermit craft it’s they’re in a little shell they move to bigger bigger and bigger shells I think it’s a type of crustation as they get older I think they’re yeah I think they’re crustation uh okay Shady people sell painted ones in uh in mall kiosks sometimes okay rad cool what are you talking about now my only other question is what the heck does that have to do with [Laughter] anything don’t wor I think that conversation’s good there what kind of if I were to Alexa if I were to uh throw in some random other textures to make this look more Dynamic what do you think would look good with this any type of stone oh thanks yeah I mean if if you just chisel Stone into anything and put it on the wall it’ll probably look good yeah oo I kind of like that ws that looks nice are we going to put in glass on that yeah the trim yeah thank you um I I do have glass uh in the thing that I need to go get but yes I can go around there and get a 4 sure it should be um smelted at the moment I R the smooth blocks in there I really like that looks great this one yeah one that I’m mashing my face against all right let me let me pick it up and figure out which one is oh oh it’s the one that I made a whole stack of is anyone interested in making me mushrooms well I’m I’m it’s part of my to-do list right now oh just part of your to-do list okay do you wow the wholesome is like it’s not here I make one Pub trivia and you get Sni you were the one that started sewing the all it takes is one Pub trivia I’m sewing the sent no not youo Alexa he he made the he made the the wholesome boys fight amongst themselves in order to is true he started off with a fight I just accidentally deleted the clear glass that you were smelting so oh and now he’s this is this is all Mind Games he did it on purpose this is all part of the big the big plot just wait till till season two of uh psome boys Minecraft where we just set up like a massive secret Hitler board and just play that the ENT ire series o I like that game it’s a good game I’ve only watched it but I’d like to participate sounds like a pretty good game to play on stream possibly what’s a stream what’s a URL what’s a URL for a stream what’s pretty sure you find streams at uh twitch.tv potato what yes the only we all we’ve all uh decided to only stream on orbital’s channel he does not know yet that we have his credentials yeah I I have rebranded my channel to also be named oral potato yeah we’re gonna have to share sorry hey all a sudden it got really into strategy games can I make a suggestion to you you can okay instead of us doing this clear glass chaos and waiting for it to smell if you just literally put uh glass into a uh chisle you can make glass that looks better than yeah there’s also like 20 different kinds that you could experiment with I forgot that chisels exist cuz like this one here also looks like really nice except I kind of I hate the lines in the middle of it but it’s nice except you hate it it’s just it’s just kind of oh wait a minute what are those the same what the heck come after six what what what did I do we should all make a who sorry bets on uh how long this series is going to last at this point I’m curious I am giving it now that we’re here 20 episodes 20 more episodes to get this figured out that might be a conservative to build the brewery you think is the entire length of the series again if you want ultimated beer production I got to be real I got to be real with you 20 episodes I thought you were close likeit yeah we’re there close I think it’s good enough I don’t know honestly I’m I’m content with how where it is right now I I mean I do want like one more all right well good hope you enjoying okay so orbital’s take is 20 more episodes to get this figured out R you got a got a prediction five yeah I agree with r that’s mine too you can’t call exacts unless you uh you’re at one die ah okay sorry uh two fives so 10 yeah all right Alexa I mean y’all are making me look bad I think because I was going to say we probably got like two or three I mean I think think that that’s you know we we’ll see I mean I I changed mine probably based off of how adamant orbital was that he’s far from the otherwise I was like yeah three three four and I think that like if you make a brewery that looks pretty okay extend the road to it and then all of us like sit down in a you know one of the rooms in here with a brew in our hands and then you know it kind of Fades to the credit screen that that’s an acceptable and then it says you know wholesome boys will be back in you know Binding of Isaac four souls miniseries followed by Civ 6 miniseries followed by Aladdin races on the SNES Aladdin races on the SNES miniseries followed by uh followed by car mechanic simulator with the holes and boys the miniseries can we do uh any Lego City Undercover just got a feeling I think there’s a huge market for it for some reason I just got an in what if Honestly though so here here’s the new plan okay for the last here’s the new plan we’re all becoming Lego channels anyway um I I totally could have been I totally could have been and uh my bank account says that I should have [Laughter] been but we should for the final uh wholesome Boys episode we should make a legitimate credit screen oh and then after it have a MCU style post credit clip oh like a teaser for the next series together yes I like it I like it yes or have it be a teaser for a series that literally just never happens and then just have people sit and wait for it uh I don’t know we might we might do long episode today because I think I think people would get a little bit upset with the 19 minute episode 19 minute oh right yeah 18 now it’s just getting shoulder and shoulder all the time when am I dying everybody get let’s play a new game when is my finale everybody how many days do I have it’s very philos I like this these are class paines right yes they added a little bit of depth wow he doesn’t they don’t interact so poly with the um with the uh the trim around the top yeah one thing I thought that you were going for was uh like the end of the ’90s movie montage where it’s like and then Alexa went and you know became the world bodybuilding champion and then went on to graduate with a microbiology degree from John Hopkins yeah orbital went on to crash a caravan you know what they say yeah past’s future you know my back Bal said I character was Destiny hey refs do you have any more of this redish be monetized orbital yeah I have I can tell you it can R it can you got to believe I think I could uh do some stuff I’m liking this more and more with your your your little uh your little dishs to the end your little uh pieces here it’s it’s doing well the pieces yeah the pieces the pieces that provide the I do like being known as aush Pizer mhm I need Windows I’m going to copy your windows for some kind of semblance here here here here here consistency Got You Who Make It Rain make it pain big fan thank you did Alexa have these like outside buttresses to yours as well no I no you them yourself okay so Alexa is just like using that as a style guide to give some consistency to the whole building I like it a lot rhaps how do you uh how do you like the little dethier outside dethier outside I like it I’m I’m on board I appreciate it dep quite depy I do appreciate its depthness okay thank you the right nure there yeah orbital is gonna want to be in a grave by the end of this series one thing that does kind of uh like this this entrance is a little uh it’s not ostentatious enough anyone else like it needs to be AIT yeah it needs a bit of shush that’s what I’m saying you’re you’re going to have to first Define what that word means and then maybe I can make make a change to it oh I dude I think that that that is okay yeah we don’t we don’t don’t even need a door I’m I’m actually pretty happy with that uh R have you got any more of the uh the stone that you use to build because that might be good to just walk out a couple of these it’s like a weeted stone right it’s Cobblestone now I do have a question are we having a one floor Brewery even if there’s nothing on the second floor like I don’t know how we we want this to look on the outside or do we just want like a a very nice roof uh H well we only really have like a single production facility orbital let me ask you a question first your production facility what can it make is this just all for beer yes oh okay so okay let me so we have no whiskey Distillery we have no let me let me take a back 20 episodes sounds somebody else I need okay right when when this goes down I need somebody else to know how to operate it okay it’s like uh have any of you guys seen Snowpiercer yes great film scared me absolutely to bits like the most scary film oh dude I I don’t want to watch it again it’s a genuinely terrifying film anyway right anyway the flood of Snowpiercer is like there’s like this thing and like only one guy knows how to operate it and like yeah okay anyway I I want to show you how to how to how to make make this uh this puppy purr all right rep with me all right so I would like to cats after this the wheat comes in here so this is the this is the wheat chest that’s the only thing that you need to manually put in and to be honest you could probably set up a a pumping station from the from the farm right yes then it comes into the autoc crafter here where it turns the wheat into flour okay mhm then that is UL coal Auto renew itself the coal that’s used to craft that no the coal is still getting eaten by the Cory right now don’t that also has to be manually added yes although I believe there is a way to get to upgrade these autocrafters to not take coal although fully automated though yeah uh so then the next machine is where the D is created and that combines The Mixing Bowl the water the flour and the salt into a dough ball okay the this machine right in the corner here is the one that creates the salt from the from water and a pot which itself draws from the fluid transposer so this automatically refills the buckets all of these pipes are basically set up so that the empty bu buckets are like taken back to the fluid transposer and then they can be distributed to both the salt making machine and the D making machine because they both require water right okay then after that it goes up to this one at the top here and that turns the dough in combination with a Bak wear dish into bread okay okay so uh I just got one question now when does it become beer cuz you’ve made bread we are like we are like two steps away we’re like two steps away I need Okay so this machine right on the left here has got 32 bread in it and this is the one that needs mushrooms in order to make yeast that’s all I’m trying to make here I mean all we need is yeast that’s that’s literally this this whole process is literally just to make yeast and then the yeast is gonna go into is going to go into the brewery and then we’re gonna we’re gonna have the beer you with me I’m gonna go to the uh the Nether and go get you a bunch of mushrooms oh wait wait wait why the nether cuz there’s uh I’m pretty sure I found a mushroom biome down there first time I went down easy work I’m on my way to the nether cuz I was about to go do mushroom stuff so we’re out of power we are out of power and it’s a chronic problem the lights are off in jet yeah it’s a big problem I need power to make beer who can I I mean you need mushrooms to make beer as well so we’re going to focus on one at a time think I’m going to bump it to 21 now for a number of episodes can I okay you know what I’m going to hedge my bets I’m going to say 40 maybe right oh my God I can’t even imagine doing this series for another 40 episodes I’m strugging all do series that are fewer than 100 episodes what’s that like was that what that RS what episode of Monster train are you on uh oh it’s a fair question it’s a 21 for the main series and then the stream series I think is 19 at the moment and I also have uh 12 hours of unedited footage for making more stream series content and I’m going to be streaming it every day for four hours for the next week if I’m interested did work and I watch that oh that’ll be twitch.tv/ potato because that’s where I stream I said it earlier today you’re doing a partner push aren’t you orbital yeah yeah well I wish you the best of luck o on your on your partner push I uh I have it well informed that in about one week’s time you have the ability to reapply I’m confident of My Success on the first time or why are you breaking those chests man I don’t I just look I just I felt like some stress relief away from the factory I just thought I’d come here and just punch some chests a fist full of seeds see not going to not going to knock it I guess knock you try um okay how can I get more power since uh since you’re not getting any more power um wow that’s a really good question uh do we not have a bio do we not do we not create like oil from like something we start to do, episodes ago yeah we started to do that yeah we are we are dead out of power I believe you me yeah we are I mean we could just make like a really there’s a big thing of oil right over okay okay okay we we can do this orbital happen into the what do I need to do what do I need to do do we need to make a lot of pipes to transport a lot of oil back pipes it’ll be it’ll be easy all right they need to be waterproof Cobblestone pipes Cobblestone transport pipe or yeah except they need to be waterproof water I think they might be they’re called fluid pipes fluiduct fluid pipes we just need pipe sealant cob which we can make with a lot of slime balls which we have not a lot of slime balls do we not I thought but that was like episode one that we did the Slime collection so there’s only been like 20 episodes there’s only been I’m sure we’ve got slime kicking around somewhere yeah I I’m getting there I’m just gonna convert all of our slime into are you telling me that this crap can only be made with green slime balls are you kidding me what do you take me for it’s the finest slime pile of garbage is what I call it all right oh I like I like how the series started with such such vast ambition right you know such vast like oh we got to we’re going to make a chat Plaza like a planning application you know democracy in action there’s going to be a functioning Police Service and like here we are just like grabbing mushrooms trying to find some green flipping slime it’s honestly and it’s no hate towards you orbital but I think the series started to go downhill at the giant k I I don’t I don’t know what you’re talking about this is being going uphill the entire time as far as I’m concerned except without the the implication that makes that it’s getting more difficult it’s getting hard it’s getting really hard to not lose my cool with you jabronies R you use the JW I know I don’t break it out unless you’re being jabronies I here’s here’s the thing right so I was uh I was doing some research for my uh for my pub quiz the other day and it was really funny because I think I was I think I was I can’t remember who I think it was your channel rapsy actually and I went back to watch like an old video for one of the questions that I was working on and you said something you said something I can’t remember what the word was but it was a word which you wouldn’t use now um oh like like how long ago was it I I can’t remember I can’t no no it was it was a long time ago I it was like b l o o d y or something like that it wasn’t a bad word but it was just like a a word that uh you know wouldn’t be and it it caught me like so unawares I was like it really Jarred with me it really uh it really did it’s it’s weird like I’ll I’ll get comments in the uh in the Discord every other day that’s like I I just went back and started watching rapsters bnie ising series and dude swear so much like like like spefic typically people having a similar reaction of it like just like very very jarring them to hear yeah cuz I guess like especially because uh for the longest time and like continuingly what I’ve done is I I tend to take like the energy that would go into a curse and then just translate it into completely useless words in you know what they call Mormon swearing right um but to hear that same kind of energy and buildup and then the actual swear is like a double fake out if you wen’t expecting yet yeah yeah I’m still saving mine up for doozy yeah exactly you’ve got your One S you’re gonna on the channel at some point right I yeah I in in the back of my head I got one one time and it’s gonna blow everybody’s darn mind it’s GNA be in the uh the MCU teaser just like Reno’s lip curls to start ling an f and then it’s like the end of the [Laughter] trailer invariably when the film comes out it’ll be like he said Flip or something like that flip who do you who do you want to play who Do you want to play you in the uh the wholesome verse film adaptation R Chris Pratt apparently honestly that’s I can see that great shout that’s a really pretty accurate that’s what everybody says do anything orbital yo I actually like the idea of that let’s let’s cost the holon verse so if R is Chris Pratt uh orbital I don’t know I I don’t feel like can I pitch one for you hit me selian Murphy oh my that’s a that’s a that’s a that’s a that’s too much of a compliment right there that is that is too nice it immediately came to mind as like yeah this perfect he is Irish though he is he is but you’ve seen him in enough movies that he he doesn’t have to be it’s fine he can be better he is an actor they are paid to to pretend to be other people uh if the other two of you are familiar with San Murphy right nope yeah not a 28 Days Later you’re you’re scarecrow and Batman oh yep yeah yeah he was in Inception as well he was like the dude being incepted famously being incepted in Inception incepted what no incepted is a word I know because gri saw me it is no I thought it is uh okay Alexa Alexa Alexa see the thing is I’ve seen your face less commonly than I’ve seen the other two here here here’s the issue [Music] I mean does it have to be give me some ppes Alexa I’ll I’ll help you I don’t have that many that’s the issue but I’ll give them to you in a second and then leave so you can finish it okay thanks you’re two kinds the thing is if we’re going for like a visual guide if we’re going for like personality mhm I think I and I I don’t want to toot my own horn but George cloy I think uh God literal God don’t want to my own horn but like I think I Jehovah in here I think I might be Tony Stark oh so Robert Downey Jr yeah I’m going I’m going for MCU personality though oh I mean selan Murphy is not in the MCU but like it feels like he is he will be one day I mean everyone’s going to get sucked in at some point right yeah it’s just simple geometry I’ve got my fingers crossed that Bruce Campbell finally makes it in with the uh the doctor strange being done by Sam Ry not that I watch them all anymore so I shouldn’t be invested or we don’t have enough pipes through this yeah I’m I’m I’m straight up out of pipes yeah there’s no way wait if we Sorry Sorry just to digress before we end the conversational topic if we are using like broader uh MC or at least like Sony MCU as well uh I’m going to put in James makoy for myself oh my god oh so good yeah so good oh he’s right he is I I heard uh enough times like oh this guy looks like James the anavo plus someone else and I’m like okay I settle for that I’m happy with it as you should one of the one of the finest actors to yeah it’s not just because he’s a countryman of yours from the great nation of Scotland absolutely there you go actually think I’m more of a like I’m I’m not exactly an acting type I’m more of a poetic type I’m more of a rabby Burns kind of situation over here ah yes I especially liked how you turned into uh an Irishman when you said yeah okay what am I what am I doing Alexa give me some instructions I’m trying to make more things well we’re all trying to make more things it’s kind of the aim of the game here playing a first person game and Alexa has to play an RTS the problem is that I’m there’s we need more pipes and there’s not enough pipe sealant I hate when that happens is this game on Peaceful by the way uh no it’s not actually can I go I’ll see if I can go find some slimes how about that oh well no I don’t know if it’s worth it to be honest although that that island in the sky 100% has green slime on it up there I I straight up do not think it has I’m pretty sure it was pillaged no there’s like I’m I’m looking at it so all right all right but anyway I guess we’ll have to find that slime in the next episode and then the 19 after that if we’re going on orbitals plans thank you all so much for watching please go in the link in the description I’m forcing everybody else to put it there too even though it’s probably already there join the wholesome verse Discord this is a place where you can find all of the wholesome boys as well as some new wholesome boy friends also known as most of the unusual crew guys like we just we we just made like a big community and by we I mean like R primarily but we all kind of smiled and nodded as he did it uh but you can come hang out with all of our communities in one place get updated when videos like this go live get updated when there’s going to be streams of the wholesome boys and wholesome boyfriends and all things in between being played on the channels and the Twitches and things like that and then you’ll get a sneak preview I’m now I’m just making empty promises I’m not going to fulfill you’ll get a sneak preview this on the flight too I’m I’m you’ll get a sneak preview of The End screen uh clip that will occur at the end of the wholesome boys build bre not the end of not the end of the wholesome boys the end of the wholesome boys build a brewery cuz the end of the wholesome boys will not happen cuz goingon comic graphic novel [Laughter] from all right but anyway see you guys later [Music] bye-bye [Music]

This video, titled ‘WHOLESOME DIGGING COMPETITION! in Modded Minecraft with the Wholesome Bois’, was uploaded by Olextra on 2024-03-23 13:00:57. It has garnered 90 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:33 or 2853 seconds.

The reupload to the greatest Modded Minecraft series you’ll ever watch.

Check out the Wholesome Bois below: @orbitalpotato @Retromation @RhapsodyPlays

Thanks for watching!

— Discord: https://discord.gg/MBxKjvr — Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/olexastream — Twitter: https://twitter.com/OlexaYT — Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Olexa — My Nexus Gamestore: https://www.nexus.gg/olexa — YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/c/OlexaYT — Business Email: [email protected]

— Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5ib5bTflXtyIkoF_l7OCHw/join

Music I Use: — https://www.bensound.com/free-music-for-videos — Spring by Ikson — Harris Heller Streambeats Lofi

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Deeper Dive: DualityCalamity MCC Ep. 3

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  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

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  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

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  • Shadow SMP

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  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

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  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

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  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

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  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

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  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

  • FlickerMc

    FlickerMcFlickerMc is a growing community, that includes Economy/cash, Teams for you and your friends to join/create and mostly amazing people! Join now for free crate keys!!! Looking for staff, apply on the discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Navigational Irony: Oceanic Odyssey 😄

    Why do Minecraft characters always carry a compass when they can’t even navigate an ocean without getting lost? It’s like they’re setting themselves up for failure! 😄 Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God

    Hot Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God “When you accidentally build a dirt house in Minecraft and your friends start calling you a ‘noob’ but little do they know it’s actually a high-tech underground bunker in disguise.” #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Unlock Hidden Worlds with These Top 10 MCPE Seeds – Must See!

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  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More