WiredTombstone – Touring Destroyed Anarchy Minecraft Bases On 9b9t – Part 1

Video Information

All right and we should be live ladies and gentlemen good evening this evening I will only be streaming on YouTube because for whatever is in my multi stream system is broken but that’s no matter doesn’t matter most people tune in on YouTube anyway so figured we’d go forward here tonight

We’ll be doing some tours of a couple of different bases that were submitted to me this last week got a couple of different topics to talk about but if you’re interested in chatting either in the discord or messaging me on youtube or whatever have you I’ll be reading

Them all night well we’ll kind of get some topics going here hopefully everyone’s doing well in this wonderful time of pandemic mayhem torture but the first base that we have is in archaea I’m not going to leave the chords there suffice to say open out there but I

Didn’t want to make it available to just anybody so we’ll go from there as you can clearly see I’m walking along a rainbow-colored track that appears to span the height the skyline here I haven’t been here for too much but I do know that it’s been griefed it’s it’s

Currently under wither attack this is one of the larger bases that we’re gonna be seeing tonight but yeah I always like when people do creative things presuming this was some sort of a rainbow ring to connect to the rainbow track up here it’s kind of cool I don’t know where

This leads have you been here yeah there is a road it’s somewhere I don’t know where but it goes like 10,000 something blocks and I’d died before before I could reach the end believe the track runs the entire length of the base looks like they had some sort of automated

There was some road though somewhere that ring I should probably turn off why there shouldn’t I know what’s good there we go that’s better yeah I still use worst so what well if you don’t really cheat village I don’t see I mean I I do plenty it doesn’t mean

That I mean you know anything yeah but if you don’t I mean I need the basics reason to use it you don’t crystal PvP at spawner and yeah I really doubt it I’ve never been him well I’ve never been a really big PvP ER man this was this

Was elaborate and what four or five farms I would say yeah well I mean it’s still in somewhat of tact like it seems I’ve seen far worse griefs looks like there was some sort of a road that they obliterated through here to or tried to weigh more when I went there but it

Looks like they mostly you see thanks log he said I wanted to thank you inspired me to take a walk every day and somehow it made him happier well I’m glad it made you happier yeah this week’s been crazy for me I’m I’m actually you know streaming from a new

Location and yeah it’s it’s crazy out there right now so stay safe go for a walk won’t kill anybody if you stay away from other people it’s good for you know I I really like large spaces like this looks like they had some sort of other farm going on here

People don’t do farms as much as they used to I think that’s just the nature of like not needing the resources from them which is unfortunate but well q if you need something to fill a place like if you have this giant open area that you don’t know it’s about that you can

Always put a farm bunch of signs here you can ever get rolling with a phone donkeys horses llamas mules golden carrots golden apples hay bales yeah a couple of saddles in there nothing really crazy just some some regular loop mmm I’m not sure we needed directions on

How to breed animals but thanks Radio Z for that Oh Radio Z is here sweep and you use part of the space but yeah I’ve seen far worse griefs this is I mean it’s it’s destroyed don’t get me wrong but it is a huge beside I didn’t even see the parts

That you were and I was looking at it for like with you it hey 10 – how’s it going man yeah hi first – Dini I don’t know what’s going on here this was some some sort of weird track system through here I think I have fulbright turned off

To you because I was doing a cinematic there we go that’s better Yury toes asked if I plan on updating the one that’s 16 probably not anytime soon preferment still isn’t great I may do a performance test on 9 be here shortly this is this is pretty awesome I like

The cake don’t destroy the cake any more leave the cake alone dark me to last if 9b was still having like problems always like people do stuff that’s what they do giant Pokemon ball here Wow I don’t is it even griefed Oh out there there we

Go yeah it is grief I was like wow that’s pretty crazy I hope you’re having a pretty great day too Armenian mafia Xorg said you’re a very nice runner I played 24/7 on T V TT but they took my first Q away still don’t know why but you’re a lot nicer than house well thanks I appreciate that I try to be not necessarily nicer but more personable maybe done that and then Batman another

Farm here Griffin King says that cake is a lie absolutely as the last of the sheep are withered I am going to be touring other bases cryptic Loki probably three or four others on second that try to screenshot that I will try to go there boiler three I can’t promise

It I’ll throw it on my list but I already had you know a fairly big fairly big list of a basis to tour I’d like to do Anarchy above 1.12 but there’s no guarantee that I’ll be able to do Anarchy above 1.12 a lot of you guys had

Asked about the video that I was recording earlier I was working on a map art video and I will be doing a map art video that’s separate from this I won’t be doing it on the live stream there’s just so much lewd content that I have to

Physically sit there and edit the video and block all of that out so it’s one of those things that’s a fairly time intensive so it might take me a week or two to get it out the door I am going to turn that down because it

Is loud for me I don’t now lad it is for everybody else but it’s pretty loud for me so Tristan 774 has followed thank you for following um am I gonna do something about for b40 lag maybe I have a few things in the works but it’s kind of one

Of those takes a lot of time to do much in the same way that the video is gonna take a lot of time to do man this was a piece of work Wow I don’t know how old this space is say oh uh yeah like I just said doning

Average I’ll be releasing it probably in the next week I don’t mind the porn it’s just a matter of like have to censor it all out for the video I could go ahead and do it on pornhub but it’s not exactly someone right I frequently upload too and there’s kinda hard to

Monetize that so sure okay let’s see is there a public discord for 9b yes well there there too there’s the official and then there’s public I’ll go forward yeah I’m going to shoot a an invite link to everybody in chat real quick there we go um so I’ll gassed funny you can expect

The hardware upgrade to come to 4b it’s gonna be a little bit probably a month or so I’d say but it should actually make some difference thank you peter toth for subscribing Wow I just came up on that holy crap that’s beautiful who built this what the Frick how is

This still intact this is amazing I mean I get it’s just a dome but like damn I’m sure that if you want the cords you can find them it’s a griefed base I’m not gonna release them because I said to several people and out remember who I

Said it to that I wouldn’t release the cords so ask around I’m sure you can find out where this is it’s Anarchy ax if anybody cares oh nice there’s a little bit of snow on the on the dome you did a bad job but good for you I’m

Glad you did a bad job I’m sure you did look at this dome like like holy crap it falls outside of render distance fort for a full render what the Frick dude bro okay we got to bring that right there oh I got teleported inside the

Dome my bad yeah I’m breaking it some more right now yeah I know need to patch a lot of things see here trying to get up here to get a a good screenshot go out of this this is just yeah this is gonna be the thumbnail because why not like holy crap guys

Just awesome ah be rst asked how come my join date is three weeks ago it’s very simple every time I debug somebody’s account or change something or test something my player dad ends of getting wiped so about three weeks ago his last time I screwed with somebody’s account

Enough to reset my stuff it’s really yes I like your streams a lot thank you I appreciate that I try to put some effort into them doesn’t mean I’m best youtuber in the world by any stretch of the imagination like go sub to PewDiePie he

Does a much better job than I do but for 9 be content I think I do a pretty decent job nice just a farm for all the colors when is the end getting patched soon trademark copyright 2020 JJ 2005 one that’s nice one second

Radio Z you in here no oh yes sure is needed ok I would I gave him the the livestreamer roll so he should be able to unmute himself I am muted him he’s good so by the way if you want unmuted and you know something to add to the conversation let me know

Aalto said I hope you’re having a blessed day and continue to spread the positive thoughts everywhere you go thanks man I I appreciate that it’s been a long week break X video man’s lag machine please yeah oh great Oh black machine ah Daniel Evan said first time catching the live stream

Well then you have to subscribe like clearly that’s the only thing you can do so you get another shout out that way you get to in one stream is them gonna join us today default home fall asleep there’s for you wow that sounds terrible Griffon King thank you for the $10

Donation and Dube should stay unpatched will bring people the end but you can’t do if you just die humble life I like it in that it’s changed combat a little bit people are now fighting over their spot at the end which is kind of cool how big

Is the space how long this’ll take eight months straight word nice are you echoing or you might want to meet the Sun someone’s that going there we go that’s better thank you any questions go ahead and ask yeah that’s a good question who were your base mates if you don’t mind it was

Mainly me and one of my friends called cloven but there was four other people here the played about three times four times yeah like these are mega structures man a lot of the stuff was like hand designed and single player and just built into here

So I didn’t I didn’t think it was all schematic ax cuz a lot of bases just end up being all schematic abut like this this is just crazy that’s not schematic cut that one there no oh no that carpet deep-freeze like you know okay yeah that’s fear is yeah

The this fear is probably schematic ax but like this this is just our like I don’t know just so much work so much detail and that may advise I may open over some of this before but like holy crap this hexagon is huge out of everything that’s grief that’s like the

One thing that survived all the diamond blocks or some reason I don’t get it has everyone this evening aside for me not yet give it give it five minutes right oh oh is this a it’s a field of poppies ooh nice the stream has like 30 40

Seconds the delay so I can’t really tell where you’re at yeah there’s delay I’m sorry it’s nature what I just like this chord voice Jamie and you I could but I have a lot of other stuff set up for YouTube that I just don’t have set up for

Discord and my restreamer isn’t working at the moment otherwise I’d I’d probably consider that but like I only do in twitch I’m only doing YouTube at the moment because I can’t do both at the same time for whatever reason giant mushroom here a fly can do damage one of the handles

Is so broken don’t do that yeah I didn’t think I’d be here this long but let me screenshot that for you there’s a still like there’s a lot to see given covered half the base I’d say uh well I mean you’re you’re welcome to uh to guide me around you know oh please

Get some sort of a track running through here nice second did you ever get your own babies I haven’t but the one basement did many times I will be visiting nemesis three after this one so depends on how long this one takes to to

Go through if I if I run out of time then we’ll end up doing other bases next week like I’m I’m open to keep doing this as long as you guys want me to keep doing old bases think I’m still seeing new stuff how is this possible

Geez I just had to go back the other way and there we go had a little bit of lag child was the giant mushroom mine that’s a really interesting concept giant pumpkin wait which mushroom oh wait is it the blue dome or the purple though oh

Yeah that’s that was one of my largest builds back in 2016 and when I build it at this base I was surprised at the scale and they just blew me away that might be screenshot worthy to see the Frick nose trying to get the right angle here though why not like I don’t

Know what the the thumbnail is gonna be yet this is pretty awesome I’m sure you would I swear I so this is just a trail back and forth sky trail with the glass and slabs oh those that was called the Skyway and that would take you to podzol one of

Them would because it was so far away and that was the only spot you could get it and one took you to a Mesa and a packed ice pipe you guys for to welcoming that was clearly the problem I put random I couldn’t find out what –

I’ve got a question that one yeah oh you’re not yep I I see the one you’re talking about yeah this is freaking massive you had to take a lot of time to punch out all the blocks – oh yeah it was like 20 million something left

Clicks I don’t remember how much it was I I like the nyan cat over over this this screen here the Divine’s that’s pretty cool built this pyramid I Wow that took a lot of effort I’m presuming this was some sort of a castle here it’s just completely gone now I can’t tell what

You’re looking at you’re still you’re looking at vines for me red castle just to the east I guess to the east of the vines red topped oh yeah yeah that’s that’s all gone oh you guys built a chessboard out here awesome that is just cool sorry I’m it’s stupid but I like

Chess and even though sure that kicks my butt at it apparently chess in 1990 yeah Thank You Freddy Markham first for subscribing my career was entirely yeah sadly it’s it’s been nuked Henry key passes asks if there was a world download of this place before it before

Yes there is but it’s only between two people right now and it’ll be released in like like a few months but that’s planned okay so it’s not it’s not gonna be lost to time but yeah it’ll it’ll be water pyramid Jesus you guys had some some interesting builds here going

Through streams and saw heard you talking about the project it’s on hold because I’m not sure how I want to do it yet and there’s a lot of there was some feedback from the community that basically they feel that that would give people immortality that they don’t

Deserve even though you could just do a world download and host it yourself so the library at Alexandria is burning that is a lot of books that build was a hundred and thirty thousand blocks and I think it was John who blew it up I don’t

Remember who did it the the library wait is it the one he’s on right now yeah yeah I’ve been around it for a good bit when when Jared was showing up that was like we were blowing this up as he showed up so we had to drop the TNT and

Get and get get out of Dodge we had to get out of there we couldn’t take on nice rubik’s cube here oh wow it was the whole time let me see if I can put that up on stream real quick cuz because there’s an image of the entire of the

Entire base here render yeah there’s a render of the entire base I’m gonna see if I can can’t get that up on on the stream real quick sorry guys I wasn’t anticipating this so have to give me a second I take the render like I said I

Did a lot of this stuff but without cloven I wouldn’t have been able to do it you see if I can get this on on at least most of the screen now I get a full screen sweet here we go I think no help not wanting to display yeah I don’t I

Don’t know why it’s not wanting to show up but maybe it’s just so large or something have you ever thought of adding it in a caption to prevent body I have like there we go there’s there’s the full image I was like I know that something’s going on here so it’s radars

Radars on 99 to you question a nice oh I just use futures whatever scaffold so uh I see the purple dome there I didn’t even get over to that far side over there with I’m guessing it’s an Acropolis it I mean you filled in ocean

With a circle it’s to the left of the image the snow looking dome is on griefed I believe I ran by it and I think it’s now in grief I I was one of my favorite builds like that’s just that’s just crazy guys I’m I’m on the far edge of the base

At this point the render it still looks big but like until you actually get to see the builds they kind of look small to me at least I don’t know about other people Oh like the render makes it seem like it’s just a tiny little base or

Whatever but we been flying around this for what 30 30 minutes now and just haven’t even seen everything it’s it’s the deep voice that was the biggest motive where I can’t describe it that won’t but you had a deeper this new they’re like a work of art okay so the

Decoy base was the actual base and then I got bored of facing there in like we started that in beginning at 2018 and then I was like I’m done and I just left like two thousand blocks privately and started my own thing and then everyone migrated over here okay so from here if

I want to go to the thing it’s basically straight this way the I guess Acropolis or whatever it’s just so frickin massive like I could totally see getting lost to right here I don’t blame you yeah I haven’t even seen this yet like just just stumbled across stuff I haven’t seen yet that’s

Crazy you guys were hardcore at it man Rhydian I have a question so before you draw you dropped the screenshot of the base you gave the chords to me and I and you said they were that was a player named Enderman like and ER and QN and he was here like

Right away but he didn’t do anything he just he looked around okay so here’s the Acropolis or whatever you want to call it up the upper corner what inspired this one this is just passive are you looking at the the largest field right now I believe so yeah

The top of the screen I can’t I can’t tell if you er yes the very top of the screen shot okay okay that is the headquarters and I believe that’s the the goal was to make the largest build on the server oh no I was to me no I’m probably still nowhere near

It like holy crap so so further up this way is an even larger build holy crap oh it’s way it looks like it was it was all custom-designed though it wasn’t stolen so just to add that single-player world in it yes yeah and then he use schematic

Effort for transporting it it was five hundred thousand blocks there’s no way I could have done that it schematic am I like holy crap guys oh no I’m outside of the area so if I take path out of here back down and then left I should be able

To get to it I think okay so over this way I think you’re at the Guardian from there yeah well I’m at something yeah it just keeps going though in every direction from all the all the natural ocean temples that we can drop Guardians into the end and I hadn’t really thought

About it now I say we don’t do that no no no why not my the everyone loves you know what kind of guardians in you go watch the TV 2g video and then bringing a guardian to spawn no I I’m getting there like holy Frick this is massive

Alright now I think you’re coming up on the headquarters yeah I going straight well yeah I I’ve been following the map to get there just wow so straight down this path up this path I guess it’s up this way and then you’re floating on an ocean right now that was one of the

Final builds one of the base mates actually came back and he started building this right near the end of the basis phase but he didn’t get to finish it so what was it gonna be was it just gonna be soon it it was kind of a

Replica from an old base we based that and it’s where you would practice crystal PvP at your own base okay yeah that’s okay give me one second I’m just kind of letting it render in a little bit so plus I need to check on something I actually turned on

Ray-tracing shaders how long did it take you to build this in single-player just this build here the HQ I think twelve days like login do you work for eight hours and log out somewhat dude just dude how long did the maze take all those leaves the high-tech forever

And I can’t even load this entire thing in one one go I’d still like 64 or something surrender yeah I’m like it back trying to load it all in I haven’t even seen the full breadth for this thing like it’s just days and days and days of blocks here

Let me let me land this time here yeah he stood here gazing his eyes at the beauty of the build oh my gosh he found that sign I never thought I’d survive the greed oh my god wait what’s this one here AB stood here gaze glazing his eyes

At the beauty of the build okay zim said I got a donation but oh uh I thought I’d mentioned it but Griffon King had shot in a message how many zeros would it take tea at a private end portal a lot JJ’s not cheap this is the inside of

What’s left and it’s just still said but like I feel like had you not walked in here with a grief you wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference between this and the overworld it’s just so big geez so sorry that it got griefed radio oh well that was the plan when releasing

The image on the reddit but no one actually found it through the image that’s what surprised I tried a lot there’s a hand here with the world Jesus like in the middle of it all I didn’t even notice that on the image let me let

Me go back to the image real quick oh you can’t see it on that oh you can yeah there were four hands one for each axis and then bridges bulb just there was four different builds on each side it was it was trying to be as unique as

Possible that is just crazy like so much effort man so much effort this is like a fix for you yeah it is yeah I can see it on the on the ground level like it just follows all the way around how many blocks why does the sphere does anybody

Know yeah what one of those earths on that map is like what 10 pixels wide maybe in-game it’s it’s probably 50 60 blocks wide and the whole of the thing is probably I’d say a radius of a thousand maybe more like that’s that’s some serious dedication man it’s

Probably still possible it’ll face here because there’s just so much yeah oh I don’t know how long it’s gonna survive after the stream but now I’m not sure the last time I checked the decoy boy the decoy base was actually not touched and if you want to go there you

Can check that it shoot with the cords to check a world download I forgot them and say okay well in the meantime I’m gonna go to on to the next base because I wanted to do a couple of different ones next one on the list is nemesis

Three so yeah I just I can’t even fathom how how much how many blocks were even placed here I have the courts once a sending you them okay well we’ll do a quick a quick tour that Fang alien says he has answers about nemesis three that would be cool

I will unmute you on here if you’re in here you’re not in here then get it here and we can have you chat and I don’t see them in here so let me hop on over to decoy base for this for this base which is an archaea like I

Think that this rivals the best to bay builds ever if not is is greater than I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything this good on to be to be honest with you I’ve never seen a larger base yeah I think yeah I think we’ve lost them who blew it

Up they used like a stack of TOD no I’m pretty sure they used a lot more a step just ran out twenty shoulders and then I leaked the coordinates and like five other people came to grab it and it’s still that intact why didn’t you use like twenty shoulders of withers but I

Just done way more and this is the decoy base I’ve seen worse like actual bases thank you for subscribing fast Vincent one Jared did he even told me who we were drinking he just told me to follow him geez guys like for a deke if I had found this looking for your

Bass or whatever I I would have I would have bought it that that’s what the point was they show up here they’re like oh that’s it and just they don’t even bother looking elsewhere I totally want lessons ever since this and I um Nakia that hastens revealed I always look for extra

Bases around yeah but if it’s 2k1 specific direction you probably yeah new chunks oh yeah like I I legit would have thought that this was the real deal if you look you’re right there’s a whole message for it saying we left the base as if we win some candy came cheap

Everywhere like this is a base in and of itself guys come on but where’s the stash at oh then it’s still intact i brand past it it had stuff in it so holy crap like I think there’s another layer down there I can’t remember I think there was some museum type build

At the book yeah that’s what I’m looking at now I’m just hoping that there’s no I wouldn’t have walked down here had I known but you know off chance that some some boobs show up on stream that’s not a good no the magico he said yeah but some of

Them have been overwritten already so like there were a few maps down there that were actually still maps so yeah this is complex and interesting the Frick was this I built this I don’t know what you’re looking at it’s the weird wooden box structure that goes in random

Directions that was a boat of ruse random structure from like 2016 and decided to remake it here for like space I hadn’t seen it before that’s it’s really awesome you guys yeah I I would have totally bought that this was was legit there is there’s two map parts in the

Ocean if you fly over there they’re not to this way they’re sorry I know you can’t see where I’m going just off the docks and just straight okay all right there they’re clean correct oh yeah it’s just like a skull and a smiley face okay cool we’ve got a question about your patches

Do you ever plan to revert back to the old electro patch and in trouble is currently painstaking they’re so incredibly dangerous due to spontaneous tepees double negative 2y I don’t know yet thank you for bringing it to my attention I have to think about it

Actually let me write it down land so I feel like lot looser restrictions on electric travel would be em what do you call it and better for okay okay um yeah I need a look into it I can’t tell you right at this moment you know for says electro-pop there’s

Something for electro flip I believe it doesn’t work properly oh that’s cuz I was gonna say you could use that into creative onion rub Reuben cuz I’m creative flying and rubber banding that’s why I’m liking back all the time yeah I know yeah I know sorry alright let’s go over to nemesis three

And I’m thinking that this is going to be that the last base I end up doing tonight but that doesn’t mean that I won’t be able to do more next week so if I didn’t get to your base that you wanted me to stream this week then hit

Me up or if it’s already on my list then we go from there I forget which direction from here it was actually supposed to be so give me a moment okay it’s this way it’s probably its ups and be like working for it probably is because my timer is a little high

Set it to length 3.0 yeah it might have been due to timer being a little high it doesn’t help that the TPS isn’t exactly amazing at the moment so where does this even lead I think T is just giant Road maybe I’m missing something alien my missing some stuff should be going a

Specific way hit me up like you my guide here man okay so there’s some stuff here okay so this was fairly big it’s been pretty well grief though whole town set up here some sort of statue e to twelve third three men two and a Half Men I don’t freaking know

Some sort of a statue here had a beard or something going on this was fairly big before it got did destroyed Wow yeah it looks like they did glue a vase I didn’t like you probably about that so I mean there’s a reason why I said you

Know I thought that that was you know would have been a real base so yeah the decoy base is about as large as my second or third base whoo and I had like nice well somebody’s decided to ddos 9b my data center will probably take care

Of it here in a moment or two but yeah oh yeah happens all the time probably weekly we mitigate a lot of it 100 gigabits per second sometimes more yeah okay it’s it’s really hard good and it’s really hard to impact GPS to any significant extent with just like a

Normal stress well people are intentionally trying to to take down 9b at this point like that’s their that’s their goal so probably just to be butters yeah but if you just move might cause a little lag like just download a stressor it it’s nominal it’s like half the TPS drop

And then it goes back up once here you’ve been born not that I’ve you know try it or anything they don’t take it like tree Walker T said got hit by a car yesterday went out cycling and still managed to get online today your stream really helps Wow can’t say I’ve been

Ever been hit by a car yeah taxi sank tank said bro that’s just housemaster playing with bots because he’s tired of you stealing his money for cocaine actually only because yeah I I don’t want to say for sure that to be is botting but it feels like from what I’ve

Seen they’re increasing their player numbers and decreasing the amount of actual people on server in an effort to try to make more money like snowy Otis says I have to grief spaces that you can’t or else end chords absolutely do it man yeah there’s like nobody

Connected didn’t I be right now i I have a secondary port to access it via alternative IP or whatever and you know for exactly stuff like this yeah it’s it’s fricking good yeah it’s starting to come back now the data center is already working on it like

Oh yeah 40 40 gigabits per second easily so oh yeah that happens it’s like all the time every week there’s at least one that’s 1 to 2 gigabits per second normally that doesn’t knock anybody off because we have we have 10 gigabits per second to the server itself but it’ll

Cause some lag while it’s going on right occasionally some packet loss or whatever and then we get larger ones periodically just as we have you know time you know as people have the resources essentially and there have always been people who have wanted 90 to fail or to disappear or whatever have

You thanked especially while I’m streaming oh yeah the reactions there looks like we’re mostly backup at this point so mostly mitigated thank you snowy Otis I’ll I’ll throw those coordinates on my list probably get till next time at this point trying to keep my streams to about an hour or so have

You ever considered doing something for Black Friday like a message of the days are like over $5 and 7:15 I have bored unlikely we’ll be adding a like $5 a month plan to just you can have a changeable yeah JG is it possible to change it motd then you’ve already

Purchased yeah just just tip me up and I don’t have a problem with that really ok well astonishingly if you want to meet me up here we can you can show me around a little bit I don’t know how much longer I’m gonna be streaming but nukes

Town JJ what could one get for donating to pay for a year of the server I’d have to think about that one that’s that’s a really big don’t I don’t think op but ok maybe created sharpness 99 bedrock no uh I would I would probably I’d be willing to for sure give you

Something on the tab screen just just thinking about it um you know as a thank you or whatever have you probably replace the the current donation message there with like thank you to you for sure thank you on the site as well for for sure probably you know livestream

Hangout or whatever with you if you want to chat about I’m be and stuff we can we can do that voice call whatever like I’m not big on giving stuff out on the server for donations even even crazy ones but I am you know I’m willing to be

Thankful with my time and and you know make sure the community knows that you’re you’re putting yourself out there so like I think the community would appreciate anybody who donated like a year worth of a year worth of time on 9b so mr. benzo asked how I’m doing that’s

Not a topic I really want to talk about at the moment I’m doing okay today this week’s been tough so but I’m trying to remain positive trying to have a good week so that’s why I’m doing doing the live stream and all that stuff all right yeah

I I’ve seen as diems nooks town yeah yeah whatever just give JJ bathwater you know what for a year’s donation to the server you can have some JJ bathwater please don’t want that charge back mr. Ben’s have asked so are people trying to bring down the server all the time

I have people trying to hack into stuff related to 9b I have people doing port scans on 9b I have people ddossing I be trying new boo you know new boat banners crashers etc finding ways to sit there and spam the server so much that the

Game literally lags out it is a non-stop war and you know the reality is I just want to to keep the server running and I I think that a lot of people don’t want the server to keep running for for various reasons either they run a alternative to 9b or

I’m not gonna attribute malice to housemaster I don’t think that he cares enough to be attempting to attack 9b but it’s definitely one of those things that we have to fight against all the time to prevent people from just calling you look I have um I don’t know what good it

Would do at this point I figured was a good thing more chaos and destruction here holy crap oh nice little ship here though cool tower of some sort here BR st said do you develop plugins to patch all of the exploits yes I currently have more code

Than Mojang has code in 9b pretty much all the time I’m I’m you know doing stuff to attempt to patch various things or make the server performance better etc all of my patches combined take up about 1.2 percent of the tech currently so not ideal but still much less than otherwise

Especially when single lagging you know single lag machine would consume way more than that anyway so nooks town do you feel pressure to act like an [ __ ] in some situations so people don’t think they can take advantage of you is the honor absolutely sometimes well and and sometimes it also

Has to do with how people message me to begin with if people are dicks to me to start with I’m much more likely to just be like screw you you aren’t your getting anything or you know like I I ignored people all the time if you come to me

And you’re like hey I had a problem with this this is why I had a problem here’s how I here’s how I do things or did things to get to this point you know and you’re honest with me I’m much more likely to help you out or at least

Consider helping you out but plenty people just go oh no I wasn’t doing anything you know nothing happened there you know I freaked with the when reality we both know they were freaking with with some portion of the anti cheat or whatever have you and they lie to me or

They send me lots of people send me gore to try to get me to block them which is like fine whatever you want blocked you get blocked but yeah I I tend to act like an [ __ ] to people just to get them to realize that I’m not here to

Serve them I enjoy interacting with the community but I wish that people would be a little more respectful you know not not everybody there are plenty of awesome people who play on 9b who you know like we can meme all day and we can [ __ ] joke and we can you know say all

Sorts of crap to each other but at the end of the day they’re respectful they don’t expect anything from me they you know they come around and they they play the game and they have a good time with it so yeah mr. benzo why did so many people hate

You did you do something to the server I don’t know why people hate me it’s kind of one of those things like people always hate the guy who has to make the tough decisions to keep things running or has to change the way that the game plays or break something that they liked

Patches something they were using you know dupes etc so well everything everything that’s wrong is my fault and everything that’s right is not my fault so yeah pretty much ah raw rez the walrus asks do i manual remove things like chunk bans lag machines etc uh chunk bans

I usually don’t remove them manually I am normally f-code to do that if there’s a new one that comes out I try to code something up to to prevent it for lag machines usually will end up happening is I’ll see something new as far as lag

Machine goes go take a look at it sometimes I’ll break it just to like stop it right then but usually from that point on I’ll try to code something that will prevent that form of lag machine from occurring again well Hetzel why do why don’t maps work I

Keep finding maps but they’re all blank so that means you have an older map eventually it won’t be blank just as the maps fill up again it’ll reset and you’ll have a new one just yeah keep that in mind the taxi tank why are you ignoring me man

Remember sent you some VPNs over why didn’t you accept them uh because I I don’t like taking things from players in the realm of security it’s just one of the things that I don’t do I get my own VPNs I get my own password managers I get my own stuff servers Hardware any

Anything security related really yep you wanna use my password manager I just made it completely see ya totally buddy encryption um it’s not that your VPNs for bad it’s just that like I I prefer to have my own lists and keep my own things intact and like there’s no

Guarantee that any one of those wasn’t set up just to you know catch my IP or catch what I’m doing or whatever have you and I’d much rather pay for a legitimate service that I trust so um how long are you planning to keep the server up indefinitely mostly like I

Could be wrong but the taxi tank I know you may have had great intentions with providing me with that and they may be very well amazing VPNs or may amazing services or amazing servers or whatever have you just being the security nut I am I’ve always had a profound interest

In keeping my own separate layer so yes I think we’re just about done to be honest with you um like it was math this one was massive – it just sprawled out everywhere Stomp ass do I ever leave it to you you find out about or do you patch it as soon as you can so yes and no there are plenty of times I have left dupes running because very few players knew about them if very few players know about a given

Do it’s much less likely that I will do something about it if a bunch of players know about it then it’s more likely I’ll patch it if if the dupe has side effects upon the server’s performance in some way or encourages people to reduce the TPS I’m also more likely to patch that

Just depends there are plenty of maps I have day one patched and there are plenty of dupes that run I’ve let run for weeks and weeks weeks and there are some dupes I like the donkey dupe that I was unable to patch for very lengthy

Periods of time so uh Timo asked are you coding most of your stuff yourself yes like almost everything myself it’s very rare I’ll just grab an off-the-shelf plug-in or grab somebody else’s code Abigail’s a more a high how often do you teleport to use hidden just to see what

Everyone’s up to not often usually never I like when I’m doing something I want players to know that I’m there doing whatever that thing is even if it’s just looking around at your stuff to figure out what you’re doing to lag the server I want you to know that I’m being

Respectful of what you’ve done generally that isn’t to say that I haven’t busted people’s lag machines or whatever have you in the past or taking their [ __ ] or whatever have you it does however mean that I do want you to know that I’m better it’s very it’s

Very rare that I will use observer mode um yeah so I think that’s about it what’s my opinion on 9090 org I wish that they would stop so with with I wish they pick a different name for their server and that would that would be preferable um I don’t I don’t appreciate

The fact that they’ve chosen to use the same name so how I view it differently is is we don’t share the same name as to be to tea and it’s very obvious when you connect to the server that this isn’t to v2t at least that’s what I’ve always

Tried to maintain so like even with to be tutti calm the logo is 9090 the mot knees are all nineteen nineties mo tvs they have nothing to do with to be and they don’t I don’t pretend to be too deep to be you go to the to be to t.com

Website it’s nine B’s website like I’m not sitting there trying to pretend to be somebody else and they’ve added priority queue on there and pretended to be ninety ninety and sell ninety ninety priority queue I think that’s all very sketchy and I don’t I don’t appreciate

It I wish they pick a different name I think most of 1990 diverse members probably come from people I think they’re joining this or this guy who’s can’t I am like I don’t mind them existing it’s the same thing with constant iam I don’t mind the server

Existing if you want to play there they’ll play there fine I don’t appreciate them trying to pretend to be us and especially the 9090 priority queue sale at least at the end so you know intentionally confusing it with oh yeah well and then they had BOTS on

There the other day so they could sell more like they were legitimately filling up their own server with BOTS to be able to sell queue that’s I don’t know if they sold any queue mind you but just seems very scammy skinny I don’t know they weren’t articulate it I’ll tell you

What if you oh if you own 90 90 org and you’re listening I’ll pay you a hundred bucks for the domain we can laugh about it and you can go pick a different domain like I’m not I’m not gonna be an [ __ ] about it like haha you got one

Congratulations you own the you own the domain fine whatever I sold something like what’s it called touring my own anarchy server after months of inactivity and the top comment the top comment on it was a clone of a clone nice it was something like that it was great

Raw raise the walrus says the bots are actually a player not the owner he’s trying to stop people from joining well if that if that’s the case then that I misunderstood but it definitely felt like it was orchestrated I don’t know I’m willing to admit I’m wrong

You know if the owners like I didn’t have anything to do with that ah mr. benzo do you look at people’s builds absolutely shoot me some cords full we’ll talk about when I can come out to look at your build I’m barely illegal is 9090 fun with all the toxicity and stuff

That depends on you and your personal feelings about it like if you can ignore the bad in the community there’s plenty of good in the community and there’s lots of good reasons to play and the simple fact is it’s not easy per se to survive on 9b it’s not and building

Something amazing and even even having a grief can be a lot of fun you can enjoy a lot of things with your community and and so if you’re thinking about joining and you can look past the toxicity in the community it’s a wonderful community and and I’ve said that since I began you

Know running 9b it’s there are plenty of bad people in every community 9b happens to have some really amazing people – so can you check out my old base absolutely just not today I don’t know who dog seller is who the eff is dog seller now yeah I know but who the

Eff is I slime alright guys I think that’s gonna be it for this week’s livestream I’ll be releasing last week’s live stream if you want to check it out probably about hour after this one is done and make sure you watch that one check it out did a whole base grief for

The Easter base with team Venetia it was a good stream if you enjoyed this one check that one out and these make good podcasts too so if you haven’t if you have some word B or someone or to do just you know leave a run in the background or whatever have

You sometime in the next week as soon as I get all of the tits censored I think so the videos are recorded if you want to give me uh I will probably end up doing multiple of these videos over time so I would say store up a bunch of map

Arts for the next one that I go to do and I’m hoping to to do another one probably in a month or two so if you want to shoot me a screenshot maybe I can tack it on to the end of the video we’ll see yep okay thanks guys make sure

You like comment subscribe all that wonderful good stuff ring the dadgum bell not that anybody ever does that B rst asked if I was enjoying all the map art absolutely I love map art thanks guys have a good night thanks for checking out this week’s live

Stream make sure you beat up the like button until it turns blue comment until YouTube that you’d like to see more videos like this by hitting the subscribe button I’ll be streaming more bases like this next week Sunday at 5 p.m. CST if you have any bases you’d

Like me to tour or any topics you’d like me to talk about hit me up in the comments down below or hit me up on discord I’ll see you guys later and have a good one

This video, titled ‘Touring Destroyed Anarchy Minecraft Bases On 9b9t – Part 1’, was uploaded by WiredTombstone on 2020-04-22 20:33:43. It has garnered 1235 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:01 or 4741 seconds.

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Follow me as I do a live stream tour of destroyed anarchy minecraft bases to include some of the largest structures ever built in minecraft.

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    Bee-lieve It: Minecraft 1.21 Bee Facts Mind-Blowing Facts About Bees in Minecraft 1.21 Understanding Bees in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, bees play a crucial role in pollination, honey production, and even combat. These neutral flying mobs add a touch of realism to the game, showcasing behaviors like stinging when provoked or protecting their hives. Bees are not just passive creatures; they actively contribute to the ecosystem within the game. Beehive vs. Bee Nest There are two types of harvestable bee items in Minecraft: the beehive and the bee nest. While they serve similar functions, with bees pollinating nearby flowers and producing honey,… Read More

  • “Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!” #shorts

    "Get ready to lose your mind in the Minecraft world!" #shortsVideo Information [Musik] [Musik] Halo semua selamat datang kembali bersama gua sini di live streaming kali ini gua ke mana-mana semua dengan bermain Minecraft Halo alpa Halo kepiting ada orang lain itu ada kepiting Halo Duta Halo Duta gaming Halo semua selamat sore selamat datang di live streaming aku [Musik] gak live Bali masih dilanjutin [Musik] entar ya [Musik] Oke kita langsung Mul buat lu semua yang sudah nonton jangan lupa like komen share donate kalau gak bisa gak apa-apa yang penting nonton aja sama like let’s go [Musik] ak gua gatal banget [Musik] [Musik] Halo Ra Abang Maf minecraftnya… Read More

  • Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!

    Dominating Minecraft: Watermill & Custom Lake Build!Video Information hello hello hello how’s everyone doing guys may have been wondering where I was um I’m not going to lie I fell asleep that’s um you might be able to hear my voice a little little odd but um yeah I was I was asleep it’s unfortunate um but I’m here now I’m ready to go ready to get things started so how’s everyone doing doing first of all I’m kind of doing I’m a little out of it that’s all I’ll say I’m a little out of it but ready to have some fun um but yeah… Read More

  • Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!

    Insane Bedwars Defense Strategies!Video Information This video, titled ‘My Bedwars Defense Is Insane’, was uploaded by Good Gamers on 2024-04-05 04:00:16. It has garnered 2667 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Join our discord server with the link below! https://discord.gg/KJNvsYgvpT #minecraft #gaming #minecrafthypixel #minecraftshorts #javaedition #minecraftjava #minecraftskywars #skywars #hypixel#bedrockedition #hypixel #godbridge #hypixelskyblock #subscribe #sumo #shorts #minecraftmemes #motivational #gameplay Bedwars, Bedwars Tournament, Tournament, Tourney, Good Gamers, Isaac, Taisaku, Win, Winning, How To Win, How To Win In Bedwars, YouTubers, YouTube, How To, How to Gain, Subscribers, Growing Channel, Hive, Mineplex, Stars, Skywars, Rocket League, Fornite, Grand… Read More

  • “DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎” #clickbait

    "DiamonD GamerZ: Ultimate Minecraft Toolkit Guide! 💎" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] you one of 13 [Music] BL not bad [Music] [Music] Dam [Music] This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT 🙋 | TOOL TIME MINECRAFT TOOLKIT TUTORIAL 🛠️ #minecraft #gameplay’, was uploaded by DiamonD GamerZ on 2024-05-29 14:00:43. It has garnered 85 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:28 or 88 seconds. “Get ready to tool up in Minecraft! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a comprehensive toolkit that will make you a master builder and adventurer. With its clever design and functional features, this toolkit is the ultimate accessory for any Minecraft enthusiast…. Read More

  • Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraft

    Lomby Shorts: CRAZY Bunk Bed Build! 😱 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bunk Bed🛌 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Lomby Shorts on 2024-05-12 17:33:43. It has garnered 38700 views and 2642 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACK

    Unlock Your Mind with Vape Client V4.2 FREE CRACKVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Unleaked Vape Client V4.2 **FREE** CRACK (link in description)’, was uploaded by mentalhealthissues1337 on 2024-04-28 15:44:27. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Link : https://bit.ly/49WOoEM the L!nk is also in comment Minecraft best cheat client made free from now! Enjoy vape v4,vape lite … Read More

  • “UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 – Minecraft” #clickbait

    "UNREAL: Mekanism Fusion & Antimatter Madness in Enigmatica 9 - Minecraft" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mekanism Fussion & Anti-Matter in Enigmatica 9 – Twitch VoD #minecraft’, was uploaded by PristineFrog Gaming on 2024-01-15 19:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mekanism Fussion & Anti-Matter in Enigmatica 9 – Twitch VoD Welcome to anotherVoD of our Enigmatica 9 Server which is … Read More

  • Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1

    Insane Build: Minecraft Prison Jailbreak Part 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the Roblox Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft – Part 1’, was uploaded by Qwerty on 2024-03-22 19:05:13. It has garnered 286 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:31 or 391 seconds. Building the Jailbreak Prison in Minecraft! Since it is not possible to build so low underground in Minecraft’s flat worlds, I did not get to make the cells. Maybe I can hide the cell part inside a mountain in the next video. The police station will also be finished in the next video! 🎵Music Used in the Video: Egzod, Maestro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Facts & Challenges – Must Watch!!

    INSANE Minecraft Facts & Challenges - Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftfacts #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #animation #@MPGAMERANURAG75 #funny’, was uploaded by MP Gamer ANURAG on 2024-05-18 06:55:24. It has garnered 7 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. @MPGAMERANURAG75 Minecraft, ek sandbox video game hai jo Mojang Studios ne develop kiya hai. 2024 1. **Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Update** 2. **The Wild Update** 3. **New Biomes** 4. **Deep Dark Cities** 5. **Warden Boss Mob** 6. **Mangrove Swamps** 7. **Frogs and Tadpoles** 8. **Fireflies** 9. **Archaeology** 10. **Cherry Blossom Biome** 11. **Ancient Cities** 12. **Allay Mob** 13. **Updated Swamps**… Read More

  • CosmicGalaxy

    CosmicGalaxyPrepare for an otherworldly adventure at CosmicGalaxy, a faction server in the depths of space. In this cosmic frontier, you and your faction will tackle mind-bending dungeons and trials that will push your limits and camaraderie to the max. Traverse uncharted galaxies, overcome enigmatic challenges, and rise as the cosmic conquerors. Join us and let your stardust legacy begin! cosmicgalaxy.net Read More

WiredTombstone – Touring Destroyed Anarchy Minecraft Bases On 9b9t – Part 1