WRITING OUR OWN LORE – Minecraft Ultimate Survival SMP #8

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Pretty sure Aldi was west of the portal I’ll go back and start that horse in a second chat don’t worry don’t worry Don’t Panic yourselves where’s your base located like the general area I thought you stayed in the jungle yeah no I’ve not really sat down Roots anywhere properly just yet

That’s not that’s not something I’ve done as of yet Maybe I’m Wrong maybe it wasn’t this way to Ollie’s place Peter the horse is here not sure I just wanted to grab those other chickens that we had from Ollie’s place and this was on his place like here

Yeah I think it might be actually is there a hole in the floor just over here a big Square One yeah there it is you see the little two by two there right so how are we gonna do oh there’s quite a few little Bambi’s in there um so if I grab you

There we go and if I pull like that does he then get joint up to me or no or does it break the lead that breaks it doesn’t it if I do this will it then work all right cool and if I hop on the old steed because you get proper joint

Or is that too fast ah it’s gonna be too quick isn’t it bloody hell all right never mind I’ll just do this instead then we’ll do it the slow way all right come on boys this will be some slow going especially okay [ __ ] that [ __ ] it

I knew that was going to happen as soon as I saw that first creeper I was like oh yeah that’s the part of the plan that I’ve not thought about never mind um let’s get rid of get rid of some dirt I guess or some seeds see I’ll get rid of seeds so

Martin you want to write some lyrics and sing a bit for Grim songs and we love your songs and singing I feel like I can come to some kind of agreement to have a music stream soon right yeah I probably should do that I get awkward writing

Lyrics on the stream though that’s one thing I will say can you recap the SMP please I miss the others so very simply put the recap of this SMP um uh I’ll replace that message in a bit um so yeah very simply put this is a completely Uh custom map that’s been

Created so from the center point it goes out 2 000 blocks in every direction um there are custom biomes you can see a lot of these trees like this tree here is built by the map maker and when you see the jungle all the trees are completely different none of the biomes

Look how they look um in vanilla Minecraft it is all completely custom and then Within These biomes you’ve got various structures there are story books to find and there’s a whole like outer law surrounding um everything that goes on inside of here so it’s really really cool it’s really really cool

Um and that’s basically the gist of it so there’s a desert a savannah a Tiger Biome a Mesa uh we’re in the plane lens currently there’s a whole like Atlantis like an underwater city which I’ve not even been to yet and there’s all kinds of stuff fun you guys follow up lovely

Thank you um let’s get rid of that right and basically just get these chickens breeding I need I need a bunch of feathers maybe what I do now that I’ve got my horse I might head home and just go quickly grab uh or quick quickly go and empty my

Inventory as well as grab any supplies that will be helpful for grabbing books we’ll do that um but yeah that’s the general gist of this SMP and we haven’t even been into The Nether yet so down here you’ll see the ruined nether portal um whatever it wants to appear slowly

But surely there it is that is a big boy nether portal and basically that’s the gist of the s p it’s a huge map created by one person and the story was written by somebody else um and yeah there’s lots of little story tidbits to discover

Um I think the idea is a lot of us are semi-claiming the biome whereas um whereas the rest of the people are probably just gonna like settle in the planes here in the middle which I think we’re all gonna do eventually um and that’s basically the gist so far

So lots of room for exploration lots of discoveries to be had there’s even custom achievements as well so you’ve got this one here usw stands for ultimate survival um world I guess um but yeah I’ve only got to discover the Tiger Biome and the Savannah and

Then I have ticked off all of these which is pretty cool and then each of them has like extra little extra little doodads inside of them which is nice um there’s the jungle biome there nice but the jungle biome in particular has a really nice story so the story of the

Jungle biome is basically that there were the four elements earth wind fire water they basically look after the city and its inhabitants um each year they want a you know some offerings and one person will go on a pilgrimage to get set offerings and that person will be looked after by the

People for the next year uh one year of defenses and does it and gives nothing but stolen goods to the gods and the gods get real angry they kill the king with thunder um and they make the city uninhabitable and that’s basically the gist of that

One and there are two other tribes that live in the jungle uh one of them has been reduced to skeletons that ride on spiders their flesh has just been you know melted off their bodies and then the other tribe actually does still exist and they all now live in the leaf Village

Um so that’s what’s going on there but then there’s always these little stories that kind of like slowly but surely intertwined with the other biomes so like the Queen of the Jungle yarima um she actually um has good relations with oh which ones are going here

Oh God did I just pass the temple or was I about to oh no I’m not sure Foreign the parents chat I’m killing the parrots I can’t remember which way I was going was it west or east but that’s the coastline I was going the wrong way um but yeah so there you go um There we go got it sorry I was just um explaining in the Discord to all the other double life people um how I edit my audio for episodes and Graham was asking about like uh his microphone because his microphone always like goes really staticky when he shouts

Doesn’t it and I think it’s just because he just plugged his microphone straight in he records it and if he screams and it’s too loud then you will get that sort of like scratchy top end whereas I was saying that there’s a little box you can plug his microphone into and then

You plug that one into his normal box um and it will basically just boost the audio on the way through as well as soften the uh as well to soften the uh the the top end which is nice love when his mic does that though it’s funny yeah no I totally appreciate that

That’s like almost like an effect of it um and some people like that some people like the Distortion I think I probably would have had I not done radio prior to doing YouTube that I think because I’ve almost got those standards from doing um uh because I’ve got those standards from

Doing radio it’s it’s a bit different for me but the thing is eat that Distortion it just maybe doesn’t need to be quite as aggressive you know what I mean where that is asking now I mean maybe it’s just maybe someone’s made a comment to him maybe one of the other players is

Like God I always have to really turn you down in case you shout or whatever else it may be I don’t think it’s a huge problem honestly uh have you mentioned a certain Canary hunting in a stream did you do that uh I can’t say anything I can’t say anything

I can’t say anything about what happened in limited life unfortunately uh and luckily I do have enough wood with me to make another lot of double chests so that’s good um start dumping some stuff in here diamond blocks diamonds uh well I was gonna put in here emeralds going to keep

All feathers all of those I’m gonna grab all the books that I have available lovely right so any book duplicating stuff is going to go in this top corner um these are duplicates already so they’re going to go into the library which will be good I bring name tags

Just for like the sake of it every so often um the crown I’m Gonna Keep On Me drip Stone I’m gonna empty out this bundle into here as best I can that’s cool so at least that’s emptied out not sure um right so books and feathers and

Everything are all going to live up here sweet so that’s all my writing tools uh Crown there I was gonna live in the hot bar arrows above it gunpowder can go in potion of Regen to be honest with two Titans I’m not gonna need potion to reach out am I

So if we find bones go in uh feathers out to be honest Cole can come out I probably need some more coal later on there we are um oh there’s this book as well that I can make a copy of let’s do that real quick let me make a uh quill

So buck and quill the glow squid and actually I’ll tell you what I won’t do that for now I’ll bring that book with me to put in the library and then we’ll have to figure out where the hell that book originally came from uh you’ve mentioned radio multiple times

How was it working for it any fun stories um to be honest I didn’t work in the radio sector for that long so I did it all through uh college and university I was doing online radio and then I entered student radio and I did University and that was really cool so

Like I won an award and was nominated basically every year that I was in student radio I was nominated for awards uh and I just missed out on best male presenter twice um so I got nominated for it and just missed out by like one or two places

Um and then I actually won best newcomer in my first year of doing it even though I only had one uh University term um in student radio at that point so some people had a whole year I managed to put in enough of a showing and had a

Good enough Show reel that I got best newcomer which led to me getting to do some overnight stuff on capital or at the time it was called Galaxy but it was still National um which was pretty cool um um so yeah so I sort of did that stuff so I

Spent a good what five six years doing that um and then I worked in professional radio so I did the Galaxy stuff or Capital um and then I also was working four nights a week yeah Monday through Thursday I was on a station uh in Mansfield I was basically the uh show

That was on after drive time um so I was like you know sort of the beginning of the evening if you will um and that was really cool did that for quite a while I think I did that for about a year and then at that point the radio station was like failing

Financially and they had to make some Cuts where basically they chopped the station down so that everything was automated and there’d be no presenters except for breakfast and drive time obviously for the traffic purposes um so at that point I got back and they were like hey yeah we’re like we’re

Really sorry we’re gonna have to let you go and I’d literally so when I came back and I got that news literally one day prior two days prior I’d just been impressed still recording the vocals for Screw The Nether um and they’d offered me like one of the

Rooms at the office at the old job Towers so obviously that just kind of felt like the timing on that was like perfect you know what I mean like it kind of felt like it was meant to be or whatever um so yeah it was it was it was pretty cool

So I basically took that as a sign and just decided to run with it decided to go with it um oh there’s a different plan talk about good timing very much though very very much so I know I said I was coming to empty my inventory but there’s a lot

Of stuff I kind of need to keep or want to keep I mean I guess I can obviously throw you know this kind of stuff in here um that tidies it up a lot more doesn’t it yeah that’s good uh all right then I think I’m all good any food I can bring

With me I’m gonna bring a bunch of iron as well just because I find that I often need iron quite a lot for different things um I saw that my pickaxe are looking pretty good uh what else do I want to bring lapis maybe almost like someone was shaping your destiny maybe maybe

I’m not a spiritual man but coinkydinks are funny I think I’m all good yeah I think I’m fine oh feathers you were doing radio during the early years like during Skyward Sword it’s weird to think about oh 13 feathers that’s good oh yeah that’s really really good all

Right cool uh let’s get off let’s go radio too did he wait wait so what in what capacity what did he do online radio was it student professional like I didn’t know that about him I almost got back into doing radio during the um uh during the uh dad craft SMP so I

Literally built a radio station I got all the licenses bought a bunch of current music and stuff like that and like oh look I had it already but then the SMP like literally died like the next week and when I say that I mean legit like everyone just stopped playing

I think it’s because I’m there it was really kind of like try Hardy it felt like it was all the guys on there were just making like mob farms and that was it is back okay what’s back up to what’s that adventure of doing

I did just think do I want to grab some copies from here or should I just do the jungle last because I come here a lot anyway maybe I’ll do the jungle last we almost need a command for the SMP don’t we always use more subscribers

Maybe should I make one of those right now let me do it let me grab the video for the uh for the SMP oh Christ I could take a hit or two or maybe not with a zombie who’s back on again respect is back testing like a a client or something

Where is it um There’s the link to the video there we are do you still have those licenses or does it need to get renewed every so often yeah it needs to be renewed and I’m pretty sure it’s been a year or more since the dad craft oh that explains why

Dad and I vanished I enjoyed being here when you built the Record Shop and radio station yeah rav’s having to call you a different name for father raps that call me daddy that was funny that was that was very funny uh tell you what I’m just gonna pop all

These chickens whilst they’re here the more feathers the better so I’m not gonna struggle for books it’s just income feathers that I’m gonna struggle with at least we got somewhat of a uh chicken farm going now over by the the car hey dude your player video game I see on

LOL 12 semicolon 4. let’s go Oh yeah sorry I didn’t catch what people were saying about Ren did people say what Ren’s um radio experience was uh No I don’t see anything there about it maybe I’ll have to ask him maybe I’ll ask him dadcraft is the reason I started watching ravs oh my God this music I haven’t had this song in a while what did I use to use the kin wasn’t this like someone’s like outro

Maybe it was my outro music for a little while on videos and stuff I really remember this the sneak announcement yes you’re right God yeah good remember all the Rays the one maybe it was both yeah good remember in there holy [ __ ] I didn’t remember that

Right then I do have a lead on me don’t I yeah cool now so when is hello everybody my name is Kingdom Martin also known as a buyer at Martin radio station happening let me see oh I tell you what the word oh why did I come back here again

Oh books books books book books oh geez yeah I don’t know when the radio stuff will pick up again maybe one day uh uh blow ruins book about Pablo ruins were once home to the wolf tribe before they were chased out the Mesa by The Outlaws oh this was this was

In the house wasn’t it in the um yeah I know where that is that’s in the the mud houses in the Mesa or what about the trapped one stuck down here for three years I fell down here during the Festival of the Jackal and no one even knows radio station

I don’t know where that book is from I’d have to ask where that one came from but at the very least I can take this one back and make a copy of it the glow squid one I’ll keep here for now I’ll tell you what I will do I will go and make

Um I’m gonna go make some oh was that the Mesa well or the desert well was it the desert well let’s have a look random offerings down here good luck it’s the only reason I’ve survived they think the town is haunted and insists spirit I don’t know if that is the desert well

Is there a desert well yeah there is in the town I just don’t remember if that’s exactly the book I read there I’ll tell you what I’ll do I will grab a couple seeds keep the chickens breeding try and get that chicken farm going and then I will go and grab all of the books from the witches area and the swamp and stuff like that and we’ll get

Some copies in unless we just want to explore new biomes today I don’t know oh yeah sweet center of the desert village is where that book originates that’s so annoying isn’t it um were there any books in the other one discovering new law maybe yeah maybe we worry about duplicating and preserving

The other law later respiration respiration okay well that’s fine for any more food in there I don’t have all those pork chops yet no I didn’t I’m fine you’re starting on the limited life edit yet you know what I haven’t the last two days have been completely absorbed by

Because it’s so today I had therapy and I had some other admin to do and then I had to read through the sneak contract again and sort out some stuff with that um oh damn oh that chicken attacked me though um and then yeah basically that’s what I

Got and then that’s as far as I managed to get before having to come to come on stream so it’s been it’s been a bit of a messy couple of days I’m hoping that basically tomorrow I’m gonna get a full uninterrupted afternoon of editing and then obviously edit on Friday as well um

You have the thumbnail right I think you mentioned getting the thumbnail out yesterday I have the sketch but I haven’t given Cherry any feedback yet just because I don’t know how I feel about both sketches or like and sometimes it’s nice for me to

Do a bit more of the edits get a sense of what like the main attraction of the episode is you know what I mean maybe The Outpost Journal no [ __ ] it I’m just gonna duplicate The Outpost Journal now there you go right there’s my copy and I’ll put that one back in there

Let me take the feathers with me though we’ll go grab the books from the witch’s place and then we’ll run up and we’ll put the first few books in the old uh in the old town maybe even more duplicate that desert one just for the hell of it are you [ __ ] stop

My shield was up for a lifetime before you shot mate I don’t know what that’s about it’s my first time on your streams how am I doing I’m all right Molly how are you dude remember to follow this stream if you haven’t already I should actually turn

Back on um filter so that I can see when people follow I turned it off the other day just because I was trying to catch up with some um some subs and donations and stuff I’m back is having a rough time today huh I am just gonna kill these chickens just

It’s gonna be quicker than walking them over and making duplicate those ones over there as time goes on anyway come here oh I left my horse oops you’ve got too many damn titles on This Server king king or pirate law keeper goddamn I’m a librarian that’s what

That’s what it is not law keeper I’m the librarian and see how it goes all right here we go grab the lead sweet yeah what we’ll do is we’ll duplicate the uh the well uh book as well as the other one and then maybe I’ll run in and grab the

Law books from here and then we’ll go all the way North and we’ll start filling out the library with everything that we need bigger That creep is right in the middle of them pork nice all right then so we need a couple books and quills uh let me pull out my materials lovely well whenever I hear Kindle I just think of tingle Mr kululimpa Mr Tingo mountain is Lord High lord of the fairies

Lord hey lord of the fairies in it which one’s the original that was the original wow so put the original back in here whoever took that can take it back um and then we’ll do the ruins book as well so if I put you in staring you into

There I’ll get a copy of the ruins book and again we’ll pop that back where it’s found and then whoever did that can they can um they can run everything back and then I guess if we try and duplicate the chickens a little bit you’re ready to do with some uh some

Wool for getting in and out of here this will just be for future future Feathering games nice a little bit more XP there lovely first time chatting it’s nice to see you keeping track of the law oh yeah dude like the law is really cool in this I’m really enjoying it

To be honest like the builds and the law are like the two cruxes of this world like granted we’re going to be doing lots of other stuff but I’ve also been writing other law into the story in the world as well um just based on the other players and

Stuff like that which has been quite fun um right let me just get rid of some stuff real quick let’s make a little little ditch hole uh get rid of you you um seeds I’ll keep what was that I need right now fence post I need to be able to say

Everything else is kind of a necessity all right let’s do it where’s me steed nice lovely all right then let’s go grab the witch books and then we’ll be ready to rock and roll I’ll grab the witch books we’ll run back up north drop them in the library start

That collating and everything will be cushy did I get a copy of The Outpost book I don’t think I did maybe I’ll run it and grab it just for the sake of it all it is is The Outpost is so close that I’m a bit like what’s the point

You can get across this bridge with that horse can’t we yeah I’m pretty sure all the witches are dead inside of here as well anyway so not too much worry about getting poisoned has Timmy found the First Law book you wrote no Rock really what I should probably do is I should probably

Put a book in his area to kind of start that story developing maybe what I do is I lead him to the Iron Golem cave and then put a book in there you know what I mean uh where did I put this book again did I put a book in

Honestly I put a book in this house at the very edge I don’t know where Eloise originally joint it from but I think I put the book in here didn’t I yeah there we go Ursula’s diary okay cool um so let me make a book and quill [ __ ] Quail bat Ursula’s diary take

The copy put the original back nice three uh oh [ __ ] me where’s my horse go again where’s he gone how do how do I lose this horse this quickly every time there he is I’m really gonna have to just start using the lead really aggressively and consistently

Was there another book here or no or was it just the one book here and then one in the one in the swamp was that the only two bucks here all right let me grab the lead out because he’s definitely gonna try and run off from this area

Oh the glow squid one oh was the glow squid one from here ah there’s that one I knew I knew where that one was uh quill here we are face where is it but where the ogre cool got a copy of that the original beware the yoga’s there smack magnet in the

Middle nice isn’t the book and quill crafting shapeless oh I don’t know it’s from the shipwreck in the ocean So when you say shipwreck in the ocean is there a is there a shipwreck off the edge here where you find that one oh is it that shipwreck just there

Which one did you say was from there did you say it was Ursula’s Diaries from there I look glow squid sorry you said glow squid was from there that’s fine so long as I know where it’s from we can label it appropriately in the library that’s fine

Obviously someone needs to go and put that book back where they found it initially but I’ve not actually explored that area down there just yet I will do one day but today is not that day Martin has the short-term memory stick what is because you know what it is

Whenever I’m streaming I’m like concentrating on the game playing reading chat and then I’m never fully here I’m always absently mine uh sort of somewhat absent-minded thinking of things that I’ve got going on in my like real life as well and it’s just honestly I’m firing on all cylinders

Like I’m like literally using all my mental capacity constantly like I don’t like literally I wake up from 7am through till um like when I’m tag out from Amelia I’m looking after Amelia a morning and then um and then literally I go straight into doing work I don’t have a lunch break I

Just eat whilst editing are any of us really here and then um as soon as I’ve done with that I’m straight on to stream and then straight after stream I’m doing bedtime and then it’s only in the evening where I kind of would have a moment to decompress but

Then obviously I’ve not seen Nettie all day so then I want to spend time actually talking to her and engaging with her um which means that even then I don’t get mental rest like literally the only time I get mental rest is when I go to bed let me team up to

Protect the law using law Martin I got one already oh [ __ ] wow oh [ __ ] no oh my God [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no no no but you’re [ __ ] there wow oh my God Jesus uh to there right go bloody hell oh boy oh boy

Oh yeah I’ll put you that side all right nice got it uh what can I drop seeds can go or a banner as well just put a banner there you go right cool let’s go go um so these are all copies do you reckon I copy the squid ones that

One horsepower fighting skill on Monday to win limited life God who says I’m even in limited life still you don’t know I could well have perished in the recording session on Monday I could be out the series for all you know chat um yeah let’s make a copy of the glow squid book

And then was it was it this chest or was it that Chester glow squid book was in close squared copy of that one the original’s there I think I think it was in here wasn’t it it was in the big one okay cool sweet about them let’s go give our first

Submission to the lawberry where’s the lead gone oh it’s there nice right then off we go I’m sure Scott is giving you time you don’t know that you don’t know that there’s a lot of people making assumptions a lot of people making assumptions Is there a law book on St Jim Jean there is a law book about sanction jeans Martin dying before the final episode never lies non-canon you don’t know you don’t know this season’s been a weird one I’ve been bottom three this season which isn’t usually the case

Granted I moved back up to top three but I could easily just move back down again I don’t think people realize how dangerous team ties are that that’s a four player outfit of all pretty skilled and strong players you know what I mean assuming just makes us out of you and me chat

Don’t assume it makes an ass out of you and me spells assume as you me chat look at this guy is thinking he can Gaslight us [ __ ] pleb I’m not gonna fight seven Martin I’ve not said anything gaslighting would be me telling you you’re wrong I’m telling you not to

Make assumptions big diff big diff all right there we go right then welcome to the Lord Prairie folks um how are we going to do this tires is three good players and one washed up one Capo HD I reckon we take the lectin and we put the lectern um

Trying to think how to do this um foreign like this maybe if we do that and then we’ll get just like a random I know we’ll ruin the aesthetic here a bit but [ __ ] it there we go there we are and if we do that there and

Then we can put a chest above it but have one of the law books here you know what I mean and then a sign above it saying what it is I think maybe that that would do the trick well we can stylize it properly later but for now I just need something quick

And dirty quick and dirty uh then right so what do we have most books for at the minute we have books for to be honest it’s a mixed bag isn’t it maybe if I do one for I need a chest as well actually I just realized I need more wood yeah

Um there we go yeah I feel like this will be the way to do it so if we put a copy of the if we start with the Outpost so The Outpost is there and then in this chest we’ll also put in beware the ogre uh and Ursula’s diary

And that’ll be everything from that section I guess the glow squid as well or would you consider glow squid at mantis Martin I feel like that’s the whole thing building to be the little Rivery let me just break it a bit and use the resources so if we do this be um

Mushroom Island and outpost oh wait uh Mushroom Island swamp Outpost uh planes Outpost there we go I like that I think that works um yeah that works and then we’ll grab lectin from you then pop a book just here another chest remember another chest yeah we’ve got another chest just there

Martin Watson’s click is that it oh wait is that it there we go is that it a blind man with a Rubik’s Cube um there we go right then maybe if we then do what was this book again stuck down here for three years so that’s the desert isn’t it I mean honestly for now we just need to kind of categorize them but it’d be nice to actually make like this lawberry go back this way really far and then actually break them up into separate rooms so we can make stylized rooms and then in the middle we’ll have a lectern

And a chest that contain all of its various books um glow squid I might put in here for now just because it’s close to Atlantis and then we’ve got desert and Mesa okay so if I just do uh Mesa incomplete uh desert incomplete yeah I think that works doesn’t it

Um oh what looks keep doing that there we go uh and then in this one then I guess we’ll put uh the that’s Mesa isn’t it the Pueblo ruins and then trapped is the desert we think not too sure we think is that uh yeah

Martin plays a torch to duck yeah it is true true true um it’s better not entirely sure what these overhanging things did I steal books earlier on or something right cool so we got mushrooms swamp planes Mesa and then desert there are books around this town as well which we

Can probably do another time I’ll make sure we tuck into that later on I’m gonna I’m gonna carve this back just like the others there we go nice okay cool got it uh guess what I’ll do actually this just looks weird doesn’t it like that I’ll just take out that column that’s better

Um okay where’s the ink as well there we go sweet Okay cool so yeah uh Mushroom Island Swamp planes Outpost Mason complete desert um and then we’ve put that one in there as well as a temporary but I think Atlantis maybe maybe we even actually begin the Atlantis one properly

Uh yeah Ollie stole the books from the other Stacks in his first stream he stole books from the what sorry you’re destroying the lawberry in someone’s home well no I’m not I’m designing the lawberry getting it getting off the ground getting it moving getting it grooving um

Do you need just some more wood I kind of don’t want to trim that tree what can I do take a couple logs from here I’ll be fine no one will notice uh No One’s Gonna Know they’re gonna know they’re not gonna know one o’clock it it’s fine it’s fine all right sweet

Lovely uh right let’s have a look so glow squid is Atlantis isn’t it yeah we’ll do Atlantis do I have a sign at the minute no all right you need to have mixed Woods no you can’t I thought you could never mind um so this one’s gonna be uh um Atlantis incomplete

Milwaukee chest down here which I don’t have and then we’ll put the glow squid back in there oh in fact we’ll put it in there there you go cool so Atlantis is incomplete currently and then I think that is all of our books currently isn’t it

Our chests can be mixed with oh my bad it’s fine it’s all good um well that is a long book as well isn’t it I’ve not even read that book myself just yet um right so I think that’s it for the lawberry for the meanwhile I’m gonna pop this crafting table back

Here so it’s there and accessible what’s upstairs that Atlantis sign Blends in with the wall a lot yeah again we’re not we’re not getting too nitpicky about this chat very much this is just like a means to an end for now this is just so they’re physically stored somewhere and that’s it

No we’re not going too deep in this um I’ll just do this for now this is literally just like somewhere to dump the stuff later on I want to actually design the lawberry properly so it looks so it looks the part I want to have stylized rooms that look like all of the spots and we’ll we’ll go from there with it

Um maybe I’ll just do that actually contain some wood yeah I’ll do yeah cool they go up even higher oh it’s like an outpost at the top okay cool right then there we go so that’s all of those sorted uh where’s the desert one did I do desert yeah so cool we got

Desert Atlantis uh what other locations do we have trying to think like we do have a load of jungle books sausage hasn’t given Martin homework in a while so Martin is lazy at getting better at building true true I’ll have plenty of time once limited

Life is over and I don’t have that to edit and once this SMP whenever you know concludes then that’ll be that um Okay so I think we’ve got everything done for now that we need um I can’t think of anything else I need to do whilst here um

So it’s not over yet well no limited life is still going for as long as I still need to edit it I’ve not edited this week’s episode yet so it’s still very much not over for me though uh let’s see okay cool I think we’re good

So I guess the question is is where do we want to go next there are some law books in this town but I don’t feel like doing anything with those just yet because where they’re literally in the location that’ll be that do I want to go grab the did I put the

Original glow squid look in here or was that a duplicate check oh that is a copy okay in fact I’ll let somebody else put the glow squid book back what might be good is maybe if we return do you reckon we return the desert book

And go grab the other books that were in that in that desert town does that sound like a plan and we know where the the Pueblo ruins one is as well and there was another book in the Mesa as well maybe we’ll do the Mesa we’ll do the

Mesa we’ll return Pueblo we’ll get copies of the other books that were there and we’ll also explore the rest of the Mesa to see whether there’s anything else that’s there I feel like that sounds like a good plan oh discover the fafnet the hoodie what now the faffner dragon arena Jesus

I didn’t even realize Beck had logged back in I think Becca’s logged in and out so many times today that I think I just kind of kept forgetting that she was online she doesn’t have in-game chat on there yeah I have no idea where that place is

I’m gonna quickly check the chest inside of um oh yeah the horses I’ve got about putting the horses back in where was um sausages horse there he was there we are let me put this bad boy back inside there you go fella nice let me just check if he’s got any

Law books as well quick charge that cool okay cool I just wanted to check that I didn’t have any um any law books knocking him out in his possession that’s good all right then let’s go to the car grab the Mesa bucks and we’ll we’ll go I’ll check barrels oh sorry yeah

I think I think I intentionally just never look at barrels just because I think limited life and all the life series of kind of conditioned me to think that they’re booby trapped so I intend not to pay them much mind oh Agatha’s diary oh Agatha’s diary was in the mushroom Village wasn’t it

That idiot girl from The Dark Forest she’s finally given us the opportunity we need to gain control over the Woodland mansion right under that Daft old Wizard’s nose too now we have a gang of evocus protecting the Mansion for us along with all its precious goodies and secrets

It’s only a matter of time before we get enough power to enter the mainland ourselves and defeat the wizard finally taking our rightful place as Supreme rulers of usw yeah so we’ve got to go drop that back in the old mushroom uh islands are all along it’s amazing how time consuming all this

Law preservation is but I think in the long run it’ll be good because then everybody will get to read the law you know where it’s meant to be and have the scenery when they’re reading and then the people that don’t want to go running around everywhere looking for

It they have a nice Central spot for it so yeah we can we’ll take that book with us and we will return it to its rightful place all right let’s go I don’t even know this is even slightly interesting to people I find it interesting because I really enjoy the

Story of the uh of the world but maybe people aren’t that first all right let’s have a look um we wanted to get the ruins book the trapped one is the desert I need a reminder of what the map looks like again where was it was the map there it was

All to be fair the Mesa and the desert are right next door to one another so we should probably um take the desert book with us too let’s do that yeah let’s do that we’ll take that with us yeah we’ll return those to where they’re supposed to be cool right easy peasy

I’m 100 invested in watching this despite knowing it all been so much fun to watch people play on here it’s a really good map I really like it it sort of gives me those kind of like feelings that I got when I played windcraft for the first time you know

What I mean a completely unique custom World granted obviously windcraft’s a whole like full-on MMO or whatever but this is quite nice regardless I love the lore and love the attempt at preservation yeah which is cool having an idea of like what the world actually is and how it’s established I like it

Now I don’t know technically where Agatha’s book is supposed to be but so long as it’s in the village I remember something about a big library that had all the Scrolls and books in it that burnt down back in Egypt let’s hope this one stays all right

Me run the book into here Agatha’s base can be here Trixie and his partner Steph put a lot of effort into the usw law so I’m sure they’re thrilled that you’re taking such an interest in it I mean do they even know we’re playing this map I I don’t know

Uh oh I don’t need a crafting table to do that too I’m an idiot uh I actually know I do because I need to make a buck and quill um [ __ ] Quail what am I missing here yeah yeah there we go and I need to make a copy of Agatha’s diary

Lovely there’s my copy there’s the original smash the original into there that’s the original there’s the copy Suite so we got a copy for uh preservation’s sake sweet and the last step we can genuinely just get rid of like that Steph sent me your first VOD and the

Data pack developer by the way oh cool I didn’t realize that nice uh let me hop on you sweet right then so we’ve got uh uh traptor desert that’s me sir and then we’ve just made a copy of that good let me just move some stuff over here

The ink I’m gonna put the ink there just so I’ve got my thoughts in order I’m not sure either if they know but I know as a long time Trixie blocks viewer I certainly am so that’s pretty cool right then let’s rock oh oh dear what happened there

Right there next stop is the I’m gonna say that we’ll go to the Mesa first only because the Mesa we know where two books are we know there’s the mud Village in the Mesa which is the book we’re returning and then there’s the book there about um fleeing the Woodland Mansion so we

Could do both of those is it this way though hold on no jungles that way so it’s this way I’m getting my directions mixed up gotta tell doc about Chess trying to glitch your horse God I don’t think we’re gonna be mixing the V tube Allure into this chat

I’m not sure that’s gonna be a thing Uh let’s go on there That’s fine all good see you later punk punk by the way um God a is there more oh wait have I gone the right way is this technically desert biome just say oh it is that’s a biome okay cool um we already know it’s in the law just

Not got a loot Shard and you are playing for fun um is there a in the Mesa are there any more books that I’ve not come across yet or any more points of interest so I’ve been to I I found like the sort of the the Quarry where there was like the

Underground mine and everything like that we found the town and I’m trying to think of the other stuff that we found I’m pretty sure we found a bunch of stuff I don’t know if I’ve ever actually seen this building in particular though I think I went through more the innards before

Oh there’s a lot of lectins here I’m actually tempted to steal those for the library there we go all right cool yeah we found the tunnel to the deep dark as well yeah we found that this must be similar to the house that um Beck uh tidied up

But yeah I think I will take some of these lectins for later on or maybe I’ll come back I’ll come back to them they’re right on the biome border aren’t they so I don’t have to worry too much this bloody horse come back here there’s also an iron golem cave book in

The dark woods there is yeah I’m aware of that we’re probably gonna write a little bit of story so that Timmy can find it in the um in the what’s it called the church that will lead him to the Iron Golem book and subsequently will lead him to

The Woodland mansion and there’s a little story with him writing about him that will slowly unravel as well which is nice am I going the right way oh yeah Christ on the bike that is a big train track big train track is big which probably means that the village is

Just through here right if I just swing a right here it’s probably through there here we go is the town or is it although this is just one of the train stations oh yeah to the Village just maybe that way I want to say I’m pretty sure there’s nothing in this

Uh little train station see what I could do I could do with taking bread I’m a hungry boy the afternoon the village is back and that way if I remember correctly if you haven’t signed your law book you might want to sign it then make a copy

For after Timmy finds it to add to the law library well I won’t sign it yeah I wanted me to be confused as to what the hell it’s doing there and everything so I don’t want it to literally say written by in the little wood I want him

To be like actually a bit perplexed there’s some boys there right yeah so this is the Quarry so we’ve been here before are there any books in The Quarry I don’t think there are or at least we didn’t encounter any last time all the music’s kicking in nice

I’m pretty sure it was this way to the Village foreign I don’t mind if he edits it we know what it said I can pull up the VOD and get the wording of it again if needs be Uh it was the main part of the Town wasn’t it it was a book in this building oh I tell you what before you start trying to run off you stay there Right there was a book here wasn’t there yeah cool they’re a crafting table inside here before I make my 17th one of the day Which is the one in here ow I thought that would be never mind all right there we are um [ __ ] quill pretty much I’ll come back for that in a second remind me so Eden’s Journal in fact I’m gonna make a notepad file of this as well just remember what’s what

Eden’s Journal Mesa town Sweet uh Eden’s Journal empty book lovely there’s my copy but the original backpack came from take the bread take my books ptfo let’s go back and get that crafting table because I really want it sweet all right then so we got that uh we need

To put uh Pueblo ruins back did we make a copy of Pueblo chat we did right I hope we did you did okay cool fun fact you do not need to use a crafting table for a book and quill monkeys I already know oh that saves me

A lot of time then thanks [ __ ] right Eloise said she found it the crafting table for the book and quill thought I’d say before Chuck Cherry 32 boom there it is right take the bread and we’ll put in the Pueblo ruins there it is noise right so that’s a dupe uh

That’s an original so it’s just the desert one there now okay yeah so I guess the next step then is figuring out whether there are any more law books in the Mesa or if there’s anything in the Mesa that I haven’t seen uh just yet maybe I will start sleeping in beds

Around the place just because doing all this in the evenings a bit of a ball like in it sticks for the bread with me we find a bed real quick head upstairs oh God I actually get upstairs it’s not gonna hurt me when I stand up ah

I forgot X online so I can’t even reset the time of day anyway well that’s pointless never mind right then um so yeah we’ve done the Quarry I don’t know if there’s any books in The Quarry I feel as though we were fairly explorative there

Spread as well nice yeah I feel like we explored the Quarry a fair bit we didn’t check like every chest or anything but I don’t know whether there is any story there does anybody know for sure either way um what can I put back two sticks Scott mentioned one oh [ __ ] now okay

How’s the law treatment is on this fine Wednesday it’s all right it’s all right we’ll go back to the Quarry we’ll have a little nosy through the chests I’m not gonna go all the way down into like the mines but I’ll run through each of the buildings and I’m a quick nosy

For books oh Emilia’s got a multi-color pen where’s she having dinner that he said that I can have the pizza in the fridge let’s go let’s go uh quarries down this way isn’t it uh do I try and steal my horse to do all this maybe actually yeah

I’d like to make life a Teensy bit easier now where’s my lead you should tell Scott that he should change the player’s sleep percentage gamma rule so only one needs to sleep yeah that’d be good and then sometimes I don’t know maybe sometimes that would ruin the immersion for the other players

You know what I mean I feel as though there aren’t that many real risks in this world so if there’s a chance that you might die to mobs that’d be it’d be a shame to take that away from the players I think it doesn’t bother me personally that

Much so I’m cool to leave it as is More bread here I’ve got barrels as well I’ve got bad barrels [ __ ] the barrels over here yeah no I know there’s blueberries there but I’m not fussed about eating those Oh I thought it was a book then I’m excited foreign I think that’s everything from there let me grab my horse and we’ll go downstairs Is he still tied up what were you tied to again dude Oh no why how do we get down there there was a staircase right Right chest check impaling four no Quick Charge oh God [ __ ] yeah yeah I mean there’s so many barrels foreign I think that’s all of those just there all right oh Why hello everybody how you doing welcome to the stream hi Pearl hi everybody else how you doing uh you joined me on something called the ultimate survival SMP uh basically this is a custom map that um somebody has created which is basically 4 000 blocks now what’s the word because I never know

Which one it is it’s diameter it is it’s it’s four thousand blocks in diameter which means there’s a radius of 2000 blocks from the center point outward so all the way around big big big big big big big map um and basically there are a variety of biomes there’s

Lots of law books defined which is what we’re currently hunting down and trying to preserve we’re creating something called the lawberry which is a law library very punny um and that is what we’re currently doing and um I am currently the king of the jungle nice to meet you let me show

You my crown um I am Kindle littlewood of the Jungle so there you go Steve now the color of that would imply that Becky’s in the Mesa right now which is interesting so I wonder what’s going on there do you reckon Beck is doing the Treasure Trail

And she’s gonna clear it out before we get to do it because she seems to be hitting a lot of different biomes in Rapid succession I hope she at least puts the the books back that she finds rather than just like taking the clues and then nuking it she might be not sure

Never mind if she does that’ll be a shame but hopefully she she knows to think like oh people might also want to do this as well even if they don’t get the rewards from it even just to enjoy the uh the treasure hunt itself we’re just looking around this uh Quarry

In the Mesa at the minute see whether there are any law books here I’m guessing a lot of this is just stylized barrels and not actually any contents yeah all these seem to be empty uh that chest didn’t have a book that chest and have a book

Quickly check this bad boy nope nothing on you um basically just looking for books but only story books not Enchantment books from that nothing there all their music on the map has kicked in any back snitches is she doing the treasure hunt yeah if somebody could

Grab a nosy and see where the back is doing the treasure hunt then let me know because if she is I can at least poke her on Discord and say like hey I know you’re not looking at chat this that and the other but if you if you are doing

The treasure hunt make sure you please put the books back not that I can tell just exploring the Savannah okay cool I just wanted to make sure that everybody can enjoy the experience together you know what I mean see if there’s a book in this boat seems she’s exploring the Savannah cool

Uh what was Poe doing today by the way what’s Pearl up to ah is there a way onto this boat yeah nice ah wait what kind of art you’re talking like building out or drawing drawing amazing onions as compells drawing skills let’s have a look I’m gonna pull up the

VOD want to see fine liners with markers oh yeah even the thumbnail alone looks really cool see there we go here’s uh poles oh I should I’ll probably hold on let me let me fix that let me just get out the water before we look at this got it let’s have a look

Oh yeah check this out that’s so cool I always love illustrations and stuff for fish it’s always awesome even the blending of the uh of like the tones between them but look at that look at the warmth on that on the uh on the sort of like the the red to yellows

Really really cool yeah I love that I love drawing fish and birds they they look great genuinely they look really really cool dude love that give that up that’s awesome uh let me pull my music back up there we are right let’s go uh pop them back in slot one

I’m starting to think there’s not going to be any books in here oh uh down to there maybe I’ll just pop orange there they go quite lovely and there we go I mean Lizzy could be Lizzy chat could be you never know now you never know all this multiversal stuff so we’re

Getting a bit crazy getting a bit crazy uh oh God there’s so many chests here having said that I feel as though I mean do you think we refine our search to only looking inside of um oh God for the horse oh Jesus sorry horse having a green situation over here

Hold on where’s my lead let me pull you out that’s better oh yeah yeah maybe maybe I reserve my search to just chess only I feel as though it’s a Memory I’ve not actually encountered a law book inside of a barrel thus far you know what I mean

So maybe maybe we just search just chess that might help Quicken the process a bit down hold up hold up where’s the crown oh I’m wearing the crown oh hell yeah we need one of those for ages hell yes yeah often that bad boy on love that for us uh let’s see

Yeah that’s great for us we’ve got Mendon on the crown the Kindle will never lose his attire uh oh this is a very cool looking room another use of the campfires and stuff as well all diamonds lovely more diamonds even more lovely oh another diamond uh

I don’t want it to happen but I’d laugh so hard if it breaks after you’ve just added mending no no no it won’t do that or maybe it might do that I’m gonna take it off for a minute it might do that there’s every chance

Let’s not risk it do I don’t have any gold ingots on me but the gold ingots here I guess I’ve got gold blocks here maybe next time you come across some gold ingots we can um we can mend it we’ll be going home eventually this will be fine

Uh what’s that in the back of here there’s a chest there as well go break some skull what gets them XP could do could do does this mean we have to refer to you as Kindle Martin Money Maker in chat you do yeah king or Martin money maker from a

Lord to a King it’s been quite the Ascension this last couple years for my uh for my Royal status now I want to check the barrels now that we found did I find mending in a barrel was that where I found it Oh see look there’s diamonds in the barrels as well This music makes me feel like I’m just in like The Walking Dead or like I don’t know like Borderlands fire protection to be fair fire protection three is not too shabby I think you can get that from in Canton though right let’s try to looting to oh looting two is not awful

You know I’ll take that um Right let’s go to up this way let’s go to it this way good grammar first to hand then a lord now a king Emperor next yeah catho HD I mean actually what a boy is considered a higher rank a hand or a lord the village of the hand probably wields

More power and more responsibility but I guess a lord doesn’t have to do anything other than look after their um their lands like because a hand is a position that’s appointed whereas a lord is typically you’re born into it you know what I mean oh no not the brown note hard pass I

Have no idea your majesty appropriate response oh there is that building that we blew up so there used to be a building here chat um but it was absolutely riddled with TNT client from Romeo’s riddled there you go a bit better um yeah it was written with TNT and we

Tried to trick Eloise into going into it and trigger in the pressure plate and hopefully dying but it didn’t work your Decor your deckle Fair yeah that didn’t work out for us so if there was a law book in this building then it’s been blown to smithereens

Oh gold for repairing a crown me things oh one two oh we need three to get it back to full splendid Splendid work uh okay cool was there a book there another diamond yoink efficiency tuning that okay cool that right so potentially we can surmise that there’s no books in The Quarry

We’ll check the buildings just to the right hand side of me but if there’s nothing in there then we can call the Quarry a write-off and see whether there are any more places in the Mesa oh there are no law books in that building because of all the explosives

That were in it okay cool that’s good to know uh let’s go up this way whoever does this for large structures do wider staircases like this are really digging this as a staircase Choice like really really like it I should make a note mental note of that

For if I make a big base at any point I like Thins and narrows as it goes up which is pretty cool no one I thought that was gonna be a storybook then this feels like the kind of place that would be appropriate for a law book doesn’t it

Like an Outlook or an outpost type building definitely almost just fell off the top no nothing there no mind oh boy foreign there was one book that’s relatively hard to find check for cave entrances in the mining Quarry particularly boarded off ones oh God so you’re telling me that there’s not in

The in the actual buildings of the Quarry then they’re all just in the mines because they’ve said that at least I can focus my attentions a message from DJ your majesty the Lord shits and the Hand wipes that is true that is what they say oh this looks like it would have Loring

No no law in that no way creepy Loft with the chest at the end of it centered that and that had law written all over it that chest literally screamed law Oh God Smite three the thing is is even if there’s not law books in here there is a lot of like good loot to be had from exploring these chess and stuff isn’t there I don’t test my patience here when we changing the chest open Sound to be you shouting the word law oh wait wait no so I’ll take that Lecter if I have space for it now I’ll tell you what you know what lectins are easy enough to make there’s no point over encumbering

Myself right now and we’re going downstairs here what’s down here always this is where I just came from wasn’t it yeah okay Interior by oh it’s just interior credits okay I say only Right quick charge nope oh what’s that one channeling what’s channeling chat what’s what’s that one is that in relation to like that sounds like it would be a tridenty thing because we don’t have any magic in Minecraft so it won’t be that it is Trident lightning uh okay

Uh and then I think this is the last building up here I guess we can go try the mines after this Marines Marines mines another horn could be fair that one’s cute so we back in the mines we are have to mind him I could always just jump off the top

Kill at me uh can I keep [ __ ] that up today every time my dude every time right then let’s get ourselves downstairs and we’ll try going through these mines oh actually let me try going across to this one first big drops there we are let’s put you outside you sit tight bud

We’ll see what we can find oh boy right sorry is there gonna be something inside of here he said checking off the edge of the mines I’m particularly looking for boarded off areas like there was that bit there but that just takes you to the ancient city doesn’t it

I’m guessing it’s not going to be that way some unless it’s through this way oh is that it are there more cave entrances in this mine or no it’s a separate boarded off mine itself not contained within an open mind oh I see something over there yeah let’s go check you out

See what you’ve got going on a little sneaky sneak and I’m a lord king of Martin the money maker for the first first of his name King of the Jungle King of the Andals the first men recognized by the sept the old gods and the new they actually watched Dan the first two

Episodes of Game of Thrones subscribers oh here we go oh this looks nice what’s this place oh this is very cute news more subscribers Outlaw secret Saloon now this sounds like the kind of place that I’d like to come visit I’ll tell you that much for free

Surely you would not have put a law book inside of a chest that cannot be opened that would be idiotic Abyss oh there’s food do not spoil my fun Chet I see everybody talking about tables and things let me just explore for a moment Diamonds bodies pickaxe like what did you have going on Bonnie what’s your pickaxe looking like oh silk touch oh I’m afraid to say Barney that you are gonna have to hand over that pickaxe to yours because uh I do need it the bakery hot tub geez I do need it for getting

Rid of sad screechers down in the down in the old uh deep dark so I could bring the screeches out another time if I so felt like it now what are you the secret Saloon oh my God oh God that one sounds really bad isn’t it hello hello there’ll be consequences

Body you better watch your back punk jeez all right uh let’s make a duplicate um where is it Grill where’s the ink oh the ink is buried inside of there hold on a minute put you back in there for a sec is it empty my inventory so I can actually do stuff no

Uh there it is [ __ ] quill lovely right where’s the new Bonnie book that’s Agatha’s oh I didn’t even get it out yet my bad right cool you into there book and the [ __ ] did I put my [ __ ] quill dead did I just drop it whenever you

Read a book with the radio thing it just reminds me of Bioshock k all right there we go uh secret Saloon duplicate magic magic magic magic right so that’s the original yes secret Saloon lovely wow there we go that’s a good little Discovery in it pretty good um all right cool

Nice there we are how many slots we got left uh we’ve got quite a few sweet uh let me see are there any furnaces in here for me to cook that food or no anything else there’s another Diamond narrative there I do like this place do you oh take a bit more bread

I was gonna say yeah it sounds like there was more out there interesting okay uh so that’s that all right cool I think I’ve got what I needed from in here sweet yeah so we’ve got a duplicate that book so we can take that back and we can

Pop that in the old mesa biome part of the lawberry that’ll be nice I’m gonna assume that there’s nothing else in here for us to grab in terms of more books hopefully that’s the mace are all done because at least we now know where the bandits are

Because we heard mention of the bandits in another part of the Mesa back in the town so if the bandits are accounted for then I think as far as we know that’s everything explored but I can’t help but feel like there’s going to be another structure further into the Mesa because

We haven’t gone that deep into it you know what I mean we’ve not been been pretty thorough about like exploring towards the back end of it so maybe we’ll have a little wander through we’ll do that we’ll hop on our horse we’ll go deeper into the Mater and see if we come

Across anything special left my horse up that way didn’t I I definitely need to get more strict with empty in my stuff there’s another spot at the top of the cave but it doesn’t contain any law I can look at it another time then that’s fine

I don’t got time for all of this adventuring today I got a job and I intend to do it well y’all understand me that’s what I thought Oh Jesus up we go all right let’s get skedaddling all right back of the Hill uh can we get up this way yeah we can um so let me get my bearings here so the the rails go this way That’s okay so the rails go there so the town is there I’m trying to think so that is North so it’s South East So Northeast yeah so I guess heading past it so North Coast you know what it is I need to flip this [ __ ] image hold on then my brain struggles because this image is flipped the wrong way around right so it’s this image here that’s the map so I wanna can I rotate it I can’t oh no that’s crop how can I not just rotate it could open paint do it in there How do I how do I flip Right there we go that’s that’s more what I’m looking at There we go Okay cool so really it’s if I want to explore more of the Mesa I want to be going south east I want to be going in that direction I’m pretty sure Yeah I guess I guess if I go Southeast I’ll be exploring more of the Mesa than I have previously Pretty sure oh no wait maybe Southeast oh my God my head hurts why does this map [ __ ] confuse me so much Southeast sounds right like am I wrong in that chat so you’ve got oh wait hold on yeah because you’ve got the mushroom stuff to the north

Oh no maybe it’s the other way around because the village is to the north isn’t it of the portal so is it the starting but no maybe it is yeah maybe the starting Village is there so starting Village is there a common which where you go to get to the mushroom thing

Southeast will take you towards oh my God so if I’m uh God a or probably no got it if I’m still at the portal the ruined portal which way would I go to get to that Village I could have sworn it was North but maybe I’m wrong so is the village actually north

Oh so maybe it is then so I need to go Northwest if I want to go deeper in Northwest I want to go that way right okay we got it it’s fine so yeah let’s go Northwest so we want to go Northwest if we want to

Explore I mean actually to be fair got a are there actually any other structures in the in the Mesa aside from the Quarry the mines and the village we just found you don’t have to tell me what it is but just is there is there more to actually

Find out to the northwest or is it just more of the same structure old man struggles the rotate image that doesn’t need rotating well it’s the thing is I think I’ve been thrown off because I think sometimes I did need it and sometimes I didn’t there’s something small bordering the

Savannah and Mesa but other than that nope oh okay cool at least I won’t waste my time then that’s bordering Savannah and Mesa which would be basically North to that way you know what [ __ ] it let’s let’s go towards the Savannah I did your thing actually obviously nessie’s not gonna be home for

A while if they’re having dinner out what time does she send me that picture of them sitting down for dinner I wasn’t until gone six um so they’re not gonna be back so I won’t be doing bedtime today so I can stay on a bit longer than usual

I do need to get myself food there is a pizza downstairs that I can put in the oven so I could do that quickly so we could do a longer stream than usual which might make up for the potential lack of a stream tomorrow maybe let’s just head straight North until we

Hit the Savannah oh that was quicker than I thought because I’ve not even entered the Savannah Biome yet so this will be fresh for me Fridge Pizza still Blair just to clarify the fridge Pizza that I’m referring to is uh oh hello the French Pizza I’m referring to is like not leftover pizza it’s it’s a fresh one uh that’s quite the structure there isn’t it bloody hell oh look I see that’s the Border stuff that you mentioned

Let’s quickly check this town I mean I don’t think there’s a book here or is it just a ranch uh oh wow yeah look all the cows and stuff no way they um okay I’ll tell you what then let me put you here whack you there for a second steed

Yeah let me do that let me do that I’ll go put the pizza in oh I say put the pizza in I’ll go preheat the oven and then I’ll come back we’ll play a bit I’ll put the pizza in and we’ll go from there I will be two seconds Chair Idol of chair Crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs crabs Underscore underscore laughs Batman oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no but of course I’m gonna mute the notifications for a minute all right nice let’s see so yeah I’ve put the pizza on to uh what the

Hell is that if they made that look like a rug is that like dead shrubs interesting okay so we know that there’s no more books here so this is more just having a look around and seeing what we’ve got just having a little little nosy little brows

Um so we got a bunch of horses here I bet you there’s some fast horses here I should probably have a little nosy of those in in the future um so quick look see if there’s anything interesting there uh oh this is quite the building so many hay bales dude my goodness

Okay yeah it’s just a just ragged roll building okay let’s have a look at nope at least we know where to come if we ever need to feed our horses because geez it’s gonna bug me not knowing what’s in there oh do you have to open both of them emeralda okay

I just thought maybe there might be something in there oh even as a sign that says Ranch that’s funny oh this is a bit old isn’t it crazy P surely it’s a book about crazy Pete in here right crazy Pete crazy Pete got any words for us oh come

On Pete don’t let us down yeah here we go new book new book new book um right let’s quickly do this what I need to make my [ __ ] quill I can make one straight away I’m just gonna throw my sword in for a second crazy P got that one there keep

That one slot one let’s go back in there original crazy Pete love layer let’s have a read what does it say howdy why yes I do sink my beer a what I do I do my sink with beer from this Barrel after a hard day on the ranch

There ain’t nothing better maybe that’s why they call me crazy Pete all right good gotcha uh crazy p is ready to rock I’m gonna put as many feathers in there as I can and I will just drop some some of that where my boy go all right good

Don’t think there’s anything else at this Ranch that’ll be read worthy right I’ll tell you what I will do I’ll just quickly check that oh I can’t get on there um it’s amazing how much you tried and failed but your zombie friend has succeeded oh there you go expert Cowhand discover the cow barn in the savannah nice sweet got it all right sweet

We done did found the cow uh how am I gonna get through here does that actually open up for us no No I’m not all the way around aren’t I that’s fine we’ll go around yeah there we go got it all right let’s have a Wonder this way let’s find out what’s in this building some big pyres there aren’t they oh boy let’s see what we walked into oh there’s a oh oh whoa

Oh whoa oh my God look at that thing foreign I don’t know who we’ve met here this is like an entire Army Outpost God damn well this is interesting okay tell you what buddy uh in fact I’m gonna stay on you for now I’m a bit nervous

I need to be able to flee the enemy at a moment’s notice oh there’s even a tiny tiny baby dragon head tell you what I’m gonna grab my lead we’ll make sure that we’re tying you up plots because I definitely don’t want to lose you right now emeralds tap lovely

What’s this oh this is the interior oh my God this is a big arena isn’t it this looks like something straight out of like World of Warcraft is probably like The Horde damn ready for another MLG clutch oh I actually did that time this is just a random villager here how

You doing bud why did I expect there to be like images here and stuff maybe this place just isn’t as scary as it looks maybe I am being very judgmental called this campfires are stacked it’s the tower I already checked or no I don’t think I did because otherwise

I’d have taken that moolah that money money money money hi what are you doing I am currently exploring the Savannah on the ultimate survival SMP and there we go where’s my boy come bring him with me I’ve gotten too much distance from him uh where can I put these emeralds I’ll

Get rid of the boat for now where’s the lead gone there it is sorry zombie okay so we checked all that I want to check the entire like perimeter before we venture too far these you move far too quickly for me so is that was that just is genuinely just a fire interesting

But I guess we’ll I guess we’ll go across the bridge a bit nervous about this oh my God look at this place okay enough in there you wait there for a second buddy I’m just gonna check the central tower because I already made me jump it’s like

Oh my God I wasn’t expecting anything to actually happen here uh okay oh man we actually they live in the hollowed head that’s a bit nuts man if there’s a dragon score this big can you imagine what kind of dragon might be out in the uh in the in the end

Oh yeah boy oh sorry bud the music is perfect there’s gotta be books in here you would imagine right surely they’re probably just inside the main Dragon school but it’s always good to just check around first make sure you’re taking all the boxes so many saddles these guys like Dothraki or something

But they love the horses unless back took them ah yeah maybe back might have taken the books hopefully not it’d be a shame if she has uh how would I get across the yellow Audi all right let’s go into the main tower I guess check up here quickly

People really love using campfires for Decor don’t they even Scott’s done it on our Mean Girls Basin limited life looks great like it is I think it’s because it’s a shape that’s not the typical block shape you never almost get those like slightly small barrels

Right surely this law here if not then I reckon Bex pinched it surely surely surely but there’s an entire like [ __ ] sacrificial altar there are law books outside of the school I can double check how many if you want yeah if you could just I’ve got a sense of what I’m looking for

Oh there you go Super Saiyan Steve there you go discover the ancient or the ancestral ritual area okay so at least we’ve checked that I think I will check actually is what was actually through this way oh wow oh my God there’s a big map okay wait hold on this is cool

Hold on let me uh play some music oh yeah this music kind of fits all right let’s have a look at this map real quick oh damn yeah there it is Foreign do that I think that was back hello you aren’t here back hello Oh there you are I was really trying to use directional audio there to figure out what the hell was going on I heard it when I was looking at the map and I like came running I found this in here and then I was like I’m gonna I literally went and like I

Was trying to track you down so I could just blow the horn oh my God that’s very funny good Wonder Man then you ran past me I was just sat here yeah I was just looking at this man this place is massive have you come across

Any more books by the way no I was I was saying like I went through this whole thing I couldn’t find any um in here like I haven’t I’m not really like looking at other stuff a little see I’ve been I’ve been trying to find all the books and like duplicating them

Because yeah yeah and then basically I’ve started making the lawberry it’s in the little start in town that’s like north of spawn um so yeah I’ve basically been doing that but yeah I’ve not found any books just yet in this area this looks like a place that could be primed for books

Oh my word yeah there’s there’s like more down this way uh here oh somebody in my chat one of the devs has said that there were two law books outside of the school I mean I’ll still explore around just to see if there’s any cool Enchantment books and stuff but whatever nosy around

Oh my God how have your Avengers fan today at one point but it’s okay it’s popping up in chat and I was like what are you up to and it was just running around as you are in the end I didn’t know if you were doing the uh so

There’s like there’s like a proper like treasure hunt to be done oh no I’m not doing that I was just exploring we got through like two of the clues yesterday and I think the third one was actually for the Savannah um so I didn’t know if maybe you’d like

Begun it and then managed to get ahead of us on it no no no what’s this room this looks like a forge or something oh oh I haven’t been in here yet I didn’t miss this room discover the kitchen Bakery wow nice I love food I am a glutton

Oh speaking of food I need to put my pizza in I’ll be two seconds okay hmm have good pizza I must go no worries all right I need to quickly set a timer for like 10 minutes there we go done what’s on your pizza uh just pepperoni

That’s all keeping it simple keep it in simple oh excuse me right uh oh hello friend anything cooking in these I’ll tell you what I do have food I can cook inside of you you got any more sticky foreign dude my Japanese is very very Rusty I’ve

Not done any like practicing or learning for probably about two-thirds of a year now it’s really bad oh I need to put coal in sorry [ __ ] me for thinking that was on right but it was burning away I just thought that they had it like I don’t know mbted into that it was

Constantly on by the way this is a very cool idea for doing um for making it look like it’s like raw on the inside that’s very cool uh what else we got how many more meat in there no I guess I got more chicken I could throw in

Might as well if it’s taking up an inventory slot oh there we go get a couple more of these all right so maybe we’ll take ourselves outside of the um outside of the main skull I really need to download Duolingo again we’ll do a lingo or lingo dear lingo

Deer is also really good oh that’s a blast furnace no wonder that won’t cook whoops uh nice we might have to go back soon and actually deposit some of these um duplicate books because we have got a lot of them really I probably should have stopped in at the library before

And straight after we did the the mushroom biome but alas we did not hopefully I don’t lose my horse in this I left my horse in the school that’s all I remember this place is very cool that’s Kelly boy Peppa Ren’s shoe is what I use is renshi the

One that you like get to read news articles or is when you just another learning app because banners look cool I don’t imagine these Market stores would have flooring no I feel like they would be in tents or buildings any chest in the middle here no this place is really [ __ ] cool I

Really like this place the banners remind me of something no idea dude no idea not a clue um you said that the books were outside of the school hmm maybe like here there were two books as well to find where would I find their books foreign

Looks like it’s going to have a story in it if it doesn’t my expectations will be thrown oh yeah there we go I guess you can tell you what I’ve not actually been looking at surfaces properly bone meal recipe call me a recipe bone equals three bone meal on blocks nine bomb meal

It’s not quite what I was hoping for but never mind so is that is that the first book of two um got a because if so wow captivating is that even worth copying no it’s not always not worth copying not a chance I’m not wasting an inventory it’s not on

That you can forget about it some reason I saw that like flicker person I was like is that a border as in like a a Minecraft border foreign under the law category of my doc though that’s fair All right let’s go look for the other one I’m guessing that there’s not another one in here but where would the other one be have I not explored every building here now maybe feel free to give me directions to the other one because I feel as I’ve checked every

Ah this one here I feel like I’ve checked every structure I could be wrong though what world is this this is the ultimate survival world let’s check over this way I’m gonna go grab my holes by the way different school to oh yeah because that’s the big one back there oh wait a

Minute maybe it’s here maybe inside that skeleton there’s a lot of something or have I already said here before so there was one building you explored at the top however you didn’t notice the bottom half is the chief’s hurt that’s the bone coming out of it

Chiefs up with a bone coming out of it so this one oh yeah maybe maybe this is it oh yeah the bone Throne Hello King Shaka whoa King Shaka look at that look at that bed I’m surprised he doesn’t have a big circle bed he looks like the kind of guy that would um what can I get rid out of there can I get rid of seeds right take those out take those outfits out

Oh shoot the feathers as well all right cool King Bee’s diary let’s have a read of it dear Journal something is not right lately the editors have been predicting that there will be that we will reconcile with the wolf tribe but they drove us out of our home and forced

Us to retreat to the Quarry I could not forgive them for that in the night I hear was was creeping in From Another Dimension chanting obsidian obsidian every night they grow stronger and louder and I feel something changing deep inside me I do not wish to confide in the errators

Given their recent predictions about the tricks the goddess and Nancy but I fear that is that this whimpering the whispering demon is taking hold of me so King is hearing voices from the portal and there’s apparently a wolf tribe that forced him out to the Quarry so out of

The Savannah entirely also hello everyone from Beck’s Channel come on in hope you’re well hope you’re swell we are lore hunting in the world of ultimate survival world I think that is at least the books for this area but we’re gonna look for more in just a

Moment I need to make a booking quill I need to pop it in here with King B’s diary take the duplicate for myself and then we will put the original which is that one there back in the chest lovely lovely lovely I think we’ll go to the lawberry so it’s people from Beck’s

Channel can see what I’ve been doing and hopefully we can get all the other content creators to do this let me go find my horse and then we’ll uh we’ll head to the lawberry so you can see what it is where it is and how it functions

Um and we’ll go from there more [ __ ] we are I I don’t know if we all are here but I know that I am and I know a lot of chat tend to be as well we love a good bit of lore probably what we can do actually when my

When my pizza is ready we can probably watch one of the uh the more videos for this world um together because um Steph who wrote the law for this this map has actually been doing stuff um has actually been making videos is this the ultimate survival world by

Trixie blocks it is yeah yeah so um Scott um became aware of it I think Owen might have showed Scott um if I remember correctly and yeah we decided we were gonna all jump on it together do some exploration and then um sort of have like an SMP on it which is

Pretty cool oh it was you back oh okay I just remember Scott mentioning the map um fat what did Scott say when he pitched it to me oh my pizza’s ready now let me get into a safe position and then I’ll quickly go grab my pizza

God that was the quickest 10 minutes of my life where’s my horse I did leave him here so how far could he have possibly have gone wandering probably really [ __ ] far because my horse constantly gets lost where do you reckon he’s gone chat never mind question answered all diamonds

Where is he where is he there we go got him right tell you what if I mind that last Diamond there we go uh where’s my lead put you here for a second I’m gonna log out you chat can enjoy some uh some some apparently this is Tribe music

Yeah enjoy or I’m gonna give you some of that yeah you know what enjoy this music for 10 seconds I’ll be right back I’m gonna get my pizza then we’re gonna watch a little video together foreign For you Oh there’s a lot of me Thank you As long as I love Amazon foreign A little part of me I can sleep tonight All right cool there we go hello hi hi let me log back in got it right then so what we can do is I can hop on my horse I’m gonna get rid of the uh excuse me uh what can I drop ped again I’ll drop one leather sweet

Let me just get out of this little divot that I found myself in oh diamonds I know they’re supposed to be decorative but [ __ ] it we can do what we want in this world this one in there as well that was collected and nice right there we go

You know what helps us to not stand on the Fire I want to get myself just out of this area I don’t actually not solid I’ll just stand in the middle of it right let’s pull up the Staffing blocks uh Steph locks YouTube channel and we can actually watch the lore video

For one of the biomes that we’ve completed Steph locks let’s have a look what’s the matter with my food uh which ones are available uh so that’s the ancient jungle one which we’ve watched or is it just like one long video now is it maybe in like chapters

Oh wait that’s part two of it maybe this one right hold on let me um pause the music let’s see real world it’s a project we started on the Trixie box Channel setting out to upgrade literally everything in Minecraft and I mean everything starting with 10 vanilla biomes Trixie and I have been

Redesigning the entire game bio by biome structure by structure giving you little Snippets of story along the way Trixie has been focusing on the building and I’ve been beavering away behind the scenes the project has a mass around 25 million views so far and the excitement of the

Community has just blown us away we can’t wait for you guys to play the ultimate survival world map for yourselves when it releases on the trixiebox patreon this story I reckon he’s just a kooky old wizard who spreads these rumors for a laugh but the whole being who transcends time thing does

Sound pretty cool okay let’s rewind here we go it all started with the convergence in a mysterious phenomenon several islands entirely different environments somehow came together over millions of years some say they were fused together by a being who transcends the bounds of time but perhaps we’ll

Hear more about him later in this story I reckon he’s just a kooky old wizard who spreads these rumors for a laugh but the whole being who transcends time thing does sound pretty cool so anyway what happened next well our empty Island became home to some unusual speech oh no

I mean we don’t have dragons in our version do we creatures it’s the case for a very long time eventually travelers from a distant land discovered the island and over thousands of years they took over the land eradicating all the dangerous creatures and settling down as you can imagine the

Population began to Blossom and people began to settle in different biomes which became territories for different types of people leading to a variety of cultures beliefs architecture and more there are so many stories relating to each of these biomes each entirely different from the last yet still linked

To one another this is just the beginning so what stories are there to tell about the planes being one of the most peaceful biomes you might find too many tales of gruesome battles or treacherous rulers they left that to the other biomes but the plains is where

Everything began and it is a special part of the usw one of its most notable features is its ruined never portal which lies at the very heart of the island Legend has it that a coven of witches built the portal to enter a different realm on a quest to discover

The fabled ancient debris said to be the key to the most powerful resource in existence wait a minute debris in his chest earlier on did him and Eloise do more through that portal than they let on the Covenant counts had many unusual creatures during their Quest through the

Nether but one particular Clan was angered by their attempts to steal their ancient debris chasing them back to the Overworld the clan charged through the portal and the Covenant fled the planes settling elsewhere perhaps even somewhere close by to keep the planes safe from further attacks those who

Settled in the planes hundreds of years later and built the village you see today damaged the portal so that the underworld Clan could no longer travel through it from the nether for now the planes appears to be safe from attack and the portal lies dormant but who

Knows what the underwear Clan could be plotting maybe we’ll find out once we tackle the story of the nether just south of the Plains lies a small unusual island with an equally unusual story this peculiar looking Island once looked much like the plains with Fields trees and quaint little houses it was

Cool getting a little flashback of this that’s awesome a little girl from the planes stumbled across the bridge to this mysterious island and her curiosity took her across she spotted a beautiful glowing altar in the center of the village and immediately went to investigate she discovered an assortment

Of crystals candles dried flowers all shrouded in a green glow curious about this strange variety of objects she picks up one of the crystals and then suddenly a loud shriek was heard from the other side of the mysterious Village the little girl had inadvertently broken an ancient spell used by the same

Covenant of witches who had fled from the plains after being scared off by the underworld Clan during their exploration of the nether the coven had cast the spell to disguise themselves from the outside world but they had remained isolated for years until now of course hold on

I want to log out I had to turn down the gameplay because it started playing music alarms by The Witch’s streak the girl made a run for the bridge as her surroundings began to transform around her the distant terrain became more menacing the fields were becoming waterlogged the trees were transforming

Into giant mushrooms and the once quaint houses started to look unusual and creepy as the girl neared the end of the bridge the witch who had discovered her sent a spell after her in an attempt to protect the coven secret the little girl escaped unscathed but the bridge was badly

Damaged the little girl ran back to the plains Village to tell everyone what she’d seen but of course no one believed her until they saw it for themselves the villages we did already know this we’ve read the books in the uh in the starting town then built an outpost near

The bridge taking a watchful eye on the coven and to provide some defense should the witches ever choose to venture into the planes again since that day no one has ventured onto the mushroom swamp Island to see what remains some even say there is a mysterious ogre who lives deep within

The swamp but I guess I’ll leave it there and let you guys find out the rest for yourselves when you play the map right there isn’t a whole lot else that’s it I’ve been I guess technically there’s the witches um curse that affects the dark wood

People but in terms of like original law for the mushroom swamp I don’t think there’s any more to it at least not that we’ve seen from books it’s they’ve had other effects in other biomes rather than anything actually happening there right so that just about wraps up chapter one of our ultimate survival

World mini movie series I’m gonna have to think of a better title for that that is a mouthful anyway be sure to let me know what your favorite part was in the comments down below and what are your predictions for the desert story based on what you’ve seen in the tricks but I

Didn’t realize all the desert stuff was so close together I mean I say close but yeah t-box videos things are about to get so much crazier in these future episodes I don’t think you guys are ready so keep your eyes peeled also be sure to check out the Discord server and

The merchandise both of which are linked down below and finally a huge thanks to Trixie and our Discord admin team for helping read this video you will have spotted their fabulous acting skills in some of the scenes in the video and you will likely see them in most episodes so

Please do give them some blocks fam love that’s all from me today guys but it’s great to be back and I’ll see you in the next one cool sure editor staff okay where’s part two I’m trying to just watch it was that one wasn’t it was part two yeah

Over the past eight months we’ve been upgrading the entirety of Minecraft to create the ultimate past the intro uh here we are after the convergence and the eradication of the usw’s dangerous creatures you may remember that the population began to Blossom and diversify as life in the usw grew more

Complex and varied over the centuries several ancient indigenous civilizations arose in different biomes several of these civilizations existed simultaneously in the usw the unowa tribe which built the ancient jungle City thrived in the heart of the Jungle and the now beautiful abandoned city developed an intricate culture of

Traditions and conventions some of which live on in The Descendants nearby Village the wolf tribe emerged in the Mesa nurturing the land for centuries and forging the inter-bio mining network with the jungle and the desert before interesting so the wolf tribe are actually cool with the desert and the

Jungle but then we’ve heard that the wolf tribe forced the people out into the mines or being forced into the Savannah by The usw Outlaws oh wow they’ve got a proper Outpost okay so we need to go find that in the savannah years later it looks as though it

Borders the snow so maybe we’ll all go sort of North East I guess the bone tribe originated in the savannah and were famous for their bone armor created from the remains of an enormous primeval creature eliminated by the first members of their tribe in the snowy mountains the agulu tribe

Also prospered equally fabled for their delicious fish and the thrilling tales that they would piece together from the natural lights occasionally appearing in the usw skies last but not least that brings us to the desert which is the feature of this chapter playing host to the people of

The ancient Sandstone Village this one will be good for us for the desert town you see the temple got absolutely bopped the only thing that I know about the the desert so far is that um a seam is from the desert town and there was some kind of Wither attack in

The Sandstone Village um like do you reckon we skip past that do you reckon I still need to go and like discover that Sandstone story for myself because look there’s stuff about the evil pharaohs a semen yarima yeah maybe maybe we don’t delve into that maybe I personally explore the

Desert a bit more first um before we go into the rest of it we can we can go back to the game let’s do that let’s go straight back in bam in we go right let’s do it right then I think from here then let’s

Get back to the lawberry I want to go back to the law about Brewery in the planes to put all of these books we found back in desert exploration especially now that you’ve got the horse yeah true true yeah because every time we’ve gone to the desert so far it’s been having gone

Through the old um what’s it called uh the uh tunnels the the Dwarven mining tunnels that are beneath in the deep dark the deep dark maybe we’ll do that just gotta try and find my way up here somehow Okay cool and then oh you almost look good enough to do that I think yeah we’re up I think I’ve just gotta sort of slowly go up and around up and around up and around uh but horses can’t do ladders hmm trying to think how to do this um

Oh there’s another ramp there thank God that’s all right is that all the books in this place uh I mean I think it is for the bone area but it might not be for the Savannah itself because the Savannah we still need to go and find the uh the wolf tribe but we

Don’t have a chance of doing that just yet so I want to get basically back to the planes we’ll go to the northern part and then we’ll be all good I might need the map again though I need the map there’s the map I got it all right cool

So actually from here I guess if we um carry on straight the the the village that we’re looking for shouldn’t actually be that far away we should be okay time of day is not ideal oh what’s this oh wait have we accidentally just found the other thing we were just speculating about

Oh oh oh oh there’s a raid oh God uh uh no thanks I don’t oh I don’t feel like doing a raid hold on I don’t mind going in and trying to find a law book and coming back out but a raid is not on my to-do list today

So surprised oh and then we’ve got Phantoms as well am I the only one on I’m the only one I can sleep oh boy oh yeah Callum starting to raid I forgot about that geez oh I wonder if Cannon’s taking a law book then I’m not sure hopefully not

Tell you what let me just stand inside of this tent for a second let me get some music on um see no um Wildlife let’s try this oh there you go that music works nicely right we’ll do a full perimeter sweep no he just went by okay cool that’ll be

Good for us then this will hopefully mean that we have a good chance of finding some law here because if this is the only other location in this in the savannah then we can make use of it uh I mean my guess is books are going to be

A more pivotal uh more poignant buildings like that looks like the radio is gone now I think I’ve just walked far enough away from it I think the rain is still very much in action foreign is probably just pushing in on the other side please mark you don’t need more books

Your inventory is so full yeah but if this is the only other structure in the savannah then this is probably going to be the final amount of uh this will be the final like Loot drop for this is biome so then we can write this biome off which would be really

Nice means we won’t ever have to come back here uh can I get under there and I guess I can’t can I just have one on the outside to do that yeah never mind there are some boys trying to do raidy things there if I don’t engage them hopefully we’re

Okay you’re not anybody important on there I do need to eat oh arrows or feathers yes please yes please the feathers every time so I’m still very much walking the edge of this thing we’ll go properly into the central building soon I want to know what the reasoning was

From the uh the wolf tribe for kicking the wow uh for kicking me bone bone tribe or whatever they’re called the bone Squad I wonder why it was that they got booted out of their place thank you I want to know what the story is there well it really sounds like those witches

Are going to town that is very cool I never even thought about using an observer like that that’s awesome it’s a nice mix of The Observers and the dispensers isn’t it this is just like a stable of sorts okay there has to be law in this building you would imagine right okay

Hint taken oh tala’s Bow let’s have a look at Tyler’s bow what’s it got power and punch belonging to the chief’s daughter interesting uh I don’t know why I’ve got that aha the spirit tree lovely yeah they sound scary if I do this that’s the chief himself oh God

Probably shouldn’t let the chief die here but we’ll see oh this is a long book let me stand up here all right here we go the wolf tribe fled to the uh hold on wait there we go uh the wolf tribe fled to the Savannah from the Mesa

Chasing out the residents of this camp and claiming gear as their own oh the wolf tried to fled the Savannah from the Mesa I’ll fly to the Savannah from the Mesa oh wait so the wolf tribe started in the Mesa chasing out the residents this camp and claiming it as their own in

Desperation to escape the Mesa Outlaws right so the wolf tribe left there and set up shop here and then kicked out the bone boys to elsewhere the original residents were known as the bone tribe who relocated further into the savanna biome the bone tribe’s healer created magical medicines from

Plants and bones and left behind a mysterious pouch when the wolf tribe took over the camp the pouch contained a strange powder and the Wolf tribe soon discovered that it makes things grow with rapid speed it was bone meal alright cool the wolf tribe believed in spiritual connection with nature and in

An important ritual the Camp’s Elders were to plant a sacred sapling to strengthen the tribe’s bond to Nature and provide them with a special place for future rituals and worship realizing that the magical bone meal could bring their Spirit tree to life quickly they used it to grow it to full size

Inadvertently the Camp’s Elders had created a strong spiritual connection between the wharf tribe and the bone tribe bringing this bond to life in a magical tree which Grew From a combination of important ingredients from each tribe the spirit tree called out to the wolf tribe Chief as well as

The elders encouraging them to reconcile with the bone tribe after after they enforced them from their homes right the two tribes are now linked through nature it was fake that their paths would cross and if they were to stand against the ever-expanding Mesa Outlaws their Alliance was essential oh so they

Work together now so the wolf tribe were kind of [ __ ] to begin with but they’ve kind of gotten everything pulled together to figure it out interesting haha so there’s actually not any animosity or at least not that we’ve known of just yet that’s good to know uh right you into

Their Spirit tree take my copy Spirit tree is going to go back where we found it and my Block’s coming back to here lovely that is probably the only book here that was a reference to the bone meal recipe you found yeah yeah that’s why it fell

Into the bone into the law category that’s fair I thought that as soon as I read it um okay let’s check this central line and there might be another law book around here somewhere the only thing I’m worried about is that I did leave my horse more on the raid

End of the town so I’m a little bit worried about that see I think I already checked this didn’t I yeah check this one or did I not come as far in so this is the tree the spirit tree nice is that is that got anything special to it

No it’s literally just a bone right there well let’s check if there was anything extra to it feathers thank you we love the Savannah for everything it gives us I do want to take this hotter fish with me oh you can bug her off uh

I want to plant a puffer fish in Timmy’s base you can make 18 more copies now you yeah Uh I think that’s everything then I’m pretty sure we’ve explored everything right I don’t think there’s any more law for me to be having around here Martin really be like oh your village is being attacked I’m only here for the story true let’s build the tea and I’m out you can spell your guts later ah I thought that would click it hmm

I think there are two different songs playing right now turn one of them down right here we are fella uh what can I drop here uh picked up that right we’re off Is that are they the only two structures in the savannah then is the rest of the Savannah relatively relatively open I guess I can always consult that map the map would suggest that is the case like looking at it it seems as though the Savannah the the bone skull thing is

Really far back towards the edge of the world apparently there’s a table to check it was only a bundle no need to worry wait what a free bundle oh yeah I’ll take that I’ll take a bundle because isn’t the recipe really grim yeah I’ll take a bundle

I mean just wander in here a second oh music which way did I go in here so this way which whereabouts was it was it in the main was it in the main building was it in here or somewhere else uh bone meal by meal Bowl oh yeah bundle nice yeah that’d be

Really cool for us to have actually uh yeah yep yep yep oh this is gonna help out a lot sweet ie sweet I watched the stream Where You discovered the underground city have you been there again uh numerous times yes uh I went there with Timmy I went there with Eloise and

Beck and then I’ve also been there with sausage and Timmy as well basically I keep sending everybody there oh here we go this this borders the two biomes maybe I’ll run in there deep enough in order to um or I’ll bring the seeds actually for a bit of chicken breathing

Let me run in here at least to get the achievement there it is nice oh I also got the other one biome Enthusiast I’ve now visited every biome kind of but not really did not see Scott going to the warden place I don’t think I have uh I don’t

Think Scott’s been into it just yet at least not to my knowledge new members only video on Yogscast Channel maybe they’re just not putting out the video that I did with Lewis in the end so I did a video with Lewis oh look how close the village is as well that’s so

Good the lawberry is literally right here um oh did I take Scott to the city did I to be honest I’ve taken so many people to that City now I can’t remember who the [ __ ] I’ve actually done it with my bad forgot about that it all Blends into one

Uh there you go fella right then lawberry have I got some books for you right Mesa biome Mr buyer Mesa buyer Mesa biome uh crazy Pete was part of the Mesa biome what else is part of it uh secret Saloon was part of it Eden’s Journal I want to say yes

Yeah yeah Eden’s Journal was from the town um the spirit tree was Savannah yeah spiritually with Savannah let me quickly make another where is it uh lectin slabs oh slabs and a bookcase oh [ __ ] oh wait didn’t I get the thing with silk touch can I just do that yeah that works

Is it that no what was it again oh other way around makes sense right there you go um so this one is going to be the Savannah speaking bone King Jack thought so bone King’s diary like that in there in fact actually take a book I feel like I’d rather be oh Agatha’s

Diary is it Agatha’s diary mushroom swamp Agatha’s diary there you go Uh old traps is an original book isn’t it yeah is that it is it only those two books for the yeah it must be right that must be the only two books for the for the Savannah Which one would be better to read first somebody’s not rightly the elders are predicting that we reconciled with the wolf tribe maybe the other one I feel like that one would work better there and then this one can go there then trapped as a desert one okay cool nice

Well this is good progress I guess what we could potentially do next is we could go ahead and actually um ah say what I’ll do I’ll do this get some of these to make a future lectins we can maybe go and set up the story so that Timmy can find more stuff we’ll

Make a sign for the Savannah as well yeah right uh let’s see nice uh we’ll put that in that’ll be annoying right sign for the Savannah let’s do it um I might have actually left signs in the chest upstairs somewhere I’m not sure uh so that’s Atlantis this is Savannah isn’t it yep

Savannah I wanna I’m gonna put Savannah as complete I’m not I’m not gonna question that I’m going to assume that we’ve done it properly oh um one more uh yeah cool this one is probably going to be it’s what we’ve got so far we’ve got Mushroom Island Swamp planes Outpost

Mesa would you think mesa’s now complete it is right I would say mace is complete racer desert is definitely incomplete is this a is this a copy of the thing yeah that’s a copy of the stuck book and that’s that missing tiger and snowy mountains chest yeah that’s Savannah

So yes if we do um tiger a tiger incomplete oh yeah jungle we’ve not done jungle yet either jeez maybe we can do like a mimic of that setup just there let me just grab a bit more wood quickly just somewhere I can grab wood from

Grab some wood from these trees or some logs at the very least oh where’s my soul gum yeah uh maybe I won’t break that one some of the you can steal some wood from trees in Here No One’s Gonna notice this are they I was gonna linger about

Maybe I won’t uproot it actually too much make sure it still makes sense uh yeah that’s the works doesn’t it Nice all right I should hopefully allow us to make the remainder of the lectins for the final biomes the jungle one we can grab at any point because jungle is basically my typical start and end point isn’t it Um right let’s do that so that’ll be tiger and then what do we have left sorry it was Snowy Mountain Dark Forest and jungle so yeah maybe if we actually just properly want to won this that might be good we’ll just try and mirror this as best we can

Even if it’s not with the exact same color slabs although to be honest I could probably do is I’d probably do this this is this across by one or maybe it doesn’t need to be on by fence and make another lectern another lectin or two sweet uh right so we’re gonna do

Unless we expand it just sideways that work maybe that’d be better yeah maybe we do that maybe we just expand it sideways rather than having to do wall-to-wall we can just do this okay cool uh right so you you could even go to there to be honest

Let me whack down fresh chest there let’s make uh enough lectins to cover the final one so we’ve got that one there put a sign up so this one’s going to be uh jungle uh incomplete then we’ll have you need three though that’s fine it doesn’t have to be perfectly balanced

It just would have been ideal but Sometimes It’s just tough titties and to be honest we could even break up the planes unlike the Mushroom Island to give a bit of balance so maybe we do that maybe we put like because Atlantis I’m sure will have a

Few books we could probably put Mushroom on and then swamp as one planes as another and then stuff like that you know what I mean um let’s get chest for you so you’re gonna go there um let’s see the jungle we’ll put dark wood there ah dark wood incomplete

Only have enough to make one more chest money out all right so jungle’s incomplete Dark Woods there then maybe I’ll pull this crafting table out a little bit and then what else would we have we’d have so I guess if we do mushroom Island and swamp

And then we’ll do planes as a separate one maybe what we’ll even do actually is what’s this story That’s The Outpost uh take that book out is Ursula’s diary technically Chester treasure hunt uh yeah maybe actually yeah would you say Ursula’s diary is Atlantis

Didn’t I do a chess for Atlantis or am I wrong there we go put that in there foreign so Outpost journal in there oh I’m getting autopsy-turvy here hold on Ursula was a witch so it’s on the mushroom swamp if I recall correctly okay oh hello friend lure three that’s actually not too

Shabby I’ll tell you what then in that case let’s just do this let’s put um Agatha’s diary there Outpost General I keep on me but we’re the ogre where did I put the Ursula one again okay Ursula’s diary we’ll just put in here so these three can be Mushroom Island

Agatha ogre and that yeah let’s do that let’s do that so we’ll do uh Mushroom Island Mushroom Island that’ll do mushroom Island Mesa desert incomplete jungle incomplete Dark Woods uh incomplete this is the law library yeah this is the lawbrary one day I want to make like separate rooms that splice off from this and they’re decorated like the biomes that they’re in relation to Um but yeah have I made a copy of traps for the desert chest yet or is it in there oh yeah that’s that jungle will worry about another time dark wood we could probably get today uh so Atlantis is currently empty then that’s fine oh Outpost Journal let’s do

I’ll tell you what I’m going to change this one to be oh no no I will keep that as it was uh Atlantis incomplete right Tiger’s not done yet I’m Gonna Change tiger to be uh planes planes Outpost Journal bam right there we go um then we will do a bit more

Ah lectern area I caught you and you jungle dark wood yeah cool right let me grab a bit more wood I know this is a lot of messing around just for a very simple result but that’s what it is just get some wood from here No One’s Gonna Know

One’s Gonna care quite honestly nice all right cool you there you there right so that’s that so we’ve got looking at the map we’ve got desert accounted for Jungle accounted for Dark Forest or maybe I’ll change that to Dark Forest instead actually with the technical friends on it Dark Forest incomplete

Um Snowy Mountains we need one for that one could be snowy mountains uh incomplete there we are there we are uh Savannah planes is it just tiger that I don’t have a chest for currently I think it might be tiger I mean this is obviously not even

Accounting for maybe if the nether or the end have anything incomplete there we go nice cool so at least we got that um how are we looking nice see what I might do I might make another chest if I can grab just a bit more wood from here

Somewhere uh trying to just get the pillars that are a bit more internal rather than external just so it doesn’t look any different from the outside I make a chest now I have a temporary Dumping Ground here somewhere nice all right cool just want to make another chest for dumping things all right

Nice right cool leave that stuff in there sweet sweet sweet some stuff I just straight up don’t want to spare signs if I don’t I’ll make another one fast and stuff is leave yep cool so bring this bring this and bring this that’s all my writing things

I really want to try and minimize my inventory a bit more bring the Anvil but I’ll leave and I’ll bring the iron as well all right so that’s a book to return and then that should be all good Well that’s better that’s a much cleaner inventory than I’ve had previously okay cool oh uh gapples I’ll bring five kinds just on the off chance that I get absolutely domed all right cool is the lawberry your new home no no I’ve just dropped some stuff there as a uh quality of life

In fact I’ll bring their crafting tables I’d have to keep making one lovely Okay cool so that’s it so we’ve got a lot of them set up so let me just check one more time so uh Mushroom Island uh check Mesa check desert check jungle check Dark Forest check tiger

Check Snowy Mountain check Atlantis check Savannah check uh and planes check I’m pretty certain that’s everything now and then obviously if there’s Nether and other stuff then that works as well see what I would like just the wood to run along the back we’ve got a couple planks that’ll do

Were there any books in the deep dark city I don’t know just yet to be honest I haven’t I haven’t had a proper chance to explore around there just yet because that inconsistency is gonna bug the [ __ ] out of me I love missing symmetry all right nice

Trying to think where I want to sit the books yeah that’ll do the trick all right nice got it one block in my hand right then horse we are gonna go to the desert okay let’s go so desert I’m pretty sure is on the opposite end

Uh because where am I right now I need to basically go South Southwest Southwest yes South West that way or do we go do the Dark Forest stuff chat what do you think Oh I tell you what I do need I need to grab a couple more of those bookcases to make a few more lectins I want to try and guide Timmy through the uh the book stuff maybe we’ll do that also just whilst I’m here I’m gonna see if I can quickly grab

A couple more ink sacks because we’re getting a bit low on those oh yeah I wait here for a second Bud uh we’ve got a fence post here can you attach those ones no that’s fine with the lead break hold on there should be some squids fairly Inland here

Uh fence post fence first there yeah if you’re going to look for a book in the dark Forest today I know where one’s at I think it’s a law book anyway what I’ve I’ve been to the major locations in the dark Forest I’ve been to Timmy’s

Like church town and I’ve also been to the Darkwood Mansion as well and I don’t know if they’re actually any of the law locations aside from that um I think potentially that is all of them I need more squadoodles Goods are there any more squids what biome is this technically

Would this be dark forest or tiger there’s a bridge there as well we’ll just see what it changes to on my Hotbar uh planes and then it will change to oh this is technically Dark Forest interesting really interesting yeah I’m gonna need some more bugs I probably should have gone back and made

More bookshelves but I guess I can get enough wood can’t I to pull together new bookshelves with a massive books that I’ve got grab a bunch of wood for now planks for days still keep trying to give these nice like kind of structure and shapes so they still look somewhat you know made

I just got it uh all right there we go that’s what I wanted sweet um maybe I’ll go back and get my horse this will make everything a bit quicker wearing it maybe we’ll do Dark Forest maybe we’ll do desert another day because I feel as

Though desert there’s a lot for me to find there so we’ll do that as like a whole separate thing I’m just check my phone hold on there is something in the dark Forest you haven’t seen okay cool well we can begin our exploration and see how things go

Yeah yeah I’ve got to shoot off at about 20 past chat just as a heads up or maybe more like quarter past now you [ __ ] I’ll go across the bridge here to get to where I want to go where was that can I scale this wall yes the answer is oh what’s that

Is that another one of these there’s a couple of these they’re knocking about isn’t it there’s like these houses that are on like the borders of biomes that’s sort of like ready for you to sort of fix up and run into but this looks like it’s another one of those yeah it is

There behind Jimmy’s church is the Wizard’s Tower with a book inside yeah I’ve been there already actually I’ve been to the the Wizards Tower right then so if I can get my bearings properly if I’m coming into the dark forest from there I think I basically need to oh no it’s

The snow biome oh it’s gonna be a bit of both actually I think I’ve not done the snow by him just yet I’m gonna follow this along because Timmy’s Village is gonna be in this direction yeah I found the Wizards Tower I found the the mansion and also the church town

Is there another thing aside from that or no where did this map made me hella excite for the DND Minecraft map I mean I think the DND Minecraft map uh won’t be anything close to this in terms of scale but what that will have is lots of cool

Abilities and you know a more condensed Uh custom environment for sure do we even have a date for that map yet I feel like we’re still not heard anything about it well that’s the music I thought someone’s knocking at the door oh what’s this this looks like it’s going to be a druidic

Oh hello Sword in the Stone Oh oh wow okay oh oh no wait wait can I can I actually grab it sword of actor congratulations Brave Adventurer the sword of act now is deemed you worthy of wielding gear oh [ __ ] yeah there are many secrets to unravel and several quests to be completed across this island some of

Which you may have found already with the sword of acne you have complete you have the power to complete these quests restore balance to the island and one day take on the most perilous task of them all defeating the Ender Dragon before it returns to the Overworld to

Wreak havoc on the ultimate survival world best of luck Adventurer or shallows now say protector episode how do I get you how do I become one with you I’ve been deemed worthy of wielding you but I can’t grab you did it give you the Sorting your

Inventory oh it did yeah give me the sword of acne mending sharpness 3 and smite four go on then I’ll take that I think just like that chat I’ve become the main character oh I’ve become the main character sorry everybody these are the rewards you reap when you

Actually explore and you get deep into the law I know what’s happening chat I know what’s going down I have the lead I do nice well that’s very exciting weren’t you already the main character I don’t know I don’t know right so is this the town I think it might be

So I wanted to put a book in wanted to put a book in the in the church basically giving Timmy a bit of a story to unravel you stay here buddy uh fence fence fence right area right we’re gonna slap a uh electing up on the stage but nobody told me to read

It just let just let it be sorry about the snow Interesting who’s a snow boy Oh callum’s the caretaker wasn’t it or something like that Uh bookcase bookcase and then lectin nice and I need a buck and quill sweet we’ll write these two books and then we’ll call it a day um right what we’re gonna write so basically the story that we’ve set up is that inside of the Woodland Mansion there’s a book talking about how Timmy’s

Actually evil and he’s uh he’s Timmy The Necromancer as opposed to Jim jeans or whatever his bloody name is so I wanted to continue adding stuff to it um so we want to lead him to the Golem thing beneath the city kind of hint at it and then he can go

Exploring for it himself um uh how do you address like a saint if somebody was a saint how would you address them your Holiness it’s how you spell Holiness I’m sure it’s worth a while right your Holiness is it with an eye Holiness I know it smelled like that your Holiness

Um right let’s think you’re holiness as of late there’s been great unrest among them the citizens of the town not because of food or sickness no they’re a wretched rumors legitimate let’s see uh your god-given status um husbands and homes um sent my best man best man um foreign

Not because of food or uh not through a lack got through uh lack of food or sickness no um there are wretched rumors about the legitimacy of your god-given status um Whispers have we can spilling out into the streets through the cracks um other people’s homes Eva mentions the spies Among Us

In the marketplace uh I think my best friend down the hill to persuade the weaker of us to share what they know Um and all they could say uh is that people uh equipped with iron I never try to think how to write these I sent my best friend down the hill to persuade uh the towns Folk to share what they know so far between unsavory uh screen Savory questions one woman saw them they immediately disappear to The Ravines yeah I like that I’m trying to think of

How to push him towards the bridge and checking the Ravine to then find that cave or mum and claims they simply vanished uh it doesn’t matter about my camera being blurry chat for now uh one woman claims they um um claims she witnessed them vanish and uh after leaping into the ravine

That surrounds our holy lands um they were not cited swimming Downstream so they can’t have gone far I’ll update you um We’ll continue touching Around the Clock whole uh correctly that’ll be enough to prompt him to go to the ravine as of late it’s been great on wrestling all the citizens of the town uh not through a lack of food or sickness no there are wretched rumors about the legitimacy of your god-given status

Pulling out into the streets through the cracks of the people’s homes and even mentions the spies Among Us in the marketplace is that my best men down the hill to persuade the townsfolk to share what they know so far the enemies we have are of men sufficiently equipped um men adorning

Fresh iron asking unsavory questions uh one woman claims she witnessed them uh a woman claims she saw them vanish Into Thin Air after leaping into the ravine Surrounding holy lands they were not sighted swimming Downstream meaning you can’t have gone far we’ll continue searching Around the Clock until we apprehend them and bring them before you portrayal um I like the thing about Mercy if you if you would decide to show it continue searching Around the Clock

Until we apprehend them and bring uh and bring them before you for a trial Um Telling how to write this uh continue searching Around the Clock until we apprehend them and bring them before you before you oh yeah to stand trial we’ll begin uh or we can talk about the cells um we’ll begin preparing what’s the name of the place where they normally hang people

What’s that what’s that called The Gallows is it is that Gallows yeah we’ll begin preparing The Gallows all the cells depending on the weather oh holiness wishes to show Mercy that is about conspirators conspirators yeah I’ll take my leave for now continue the search should you find anything please ring the bell right

Um I like that let’s put that in there I’m trying to give another name that we could do what other name could we do for yeah I think Timmy might be a bit on the nose um we’re only Timmy um head of the holy God bimbob yeah let’s do bimbo

B sounds funny all right cool because then we want to put another one of those in the iron place and then we’re done I’m gonna be keeping an eye out on my phone the moment that Nettie gets back um I’ve gotta Shoot Straight off immediately like we won’t be able to

Raid or anything oh I could bring my horse with me actually otherwise it’s gonna be obvious that I was here nice okay cool trying to remember where the uh the Ravine thing is can I get across here let’s go this way we just get around the ravine price ravine’s bigger than I remember

Oh it really is a lot bigger Jesus let’s go all the way out to the Sea uh it’s gonna be really annoying if I can’t do this now tell you what if I do this oh God oh yeah oh geez I’m trying to go super speedy no sign of Nessie yeah

Oh [ __ ] after all that oh you after all that for [ __ ] sake uh so annoying God damn it Chrysler bag might want to save it for next stream no but the book is there now so I need to be able to put a book there in Casey comes across it we’re almost out

I can bring him far enough this way oh God I said that’s it you’re good which way was I facing this way oh yeah nice area uh let’s try and do this right got it uh I think I need to go around slightly around this way and then we’re all set

Or have I gone past it just the entrance to the biome because that’s not with the Outpost this is a let’s go along this Coastline slightly okay no sign of Nettie just yet their ETA was 20 past eight so basically any second now oh neti’s typing right now I’m assuming

They’re literally about to arrive okay here’s the town here’s the towel I can do this I think that guy’s still there in the boat that’s funny might get me in there quick nice uh okay no sign of them just yet I’ll do oh God um all right mm-hmm

Is it June and Kai it’s okay June sorry I mean the characters aren’t there anyway uh there anyway uh Kai No no so how would you find this down here get your hands off me you don’t uh you do anything to us and you’ll feel their wrath what who don’t act like you don’t know you’ve been trying to tomes a manner on the mansion for weeks now I don’t know what kind of

Uh you’ve been trying to get the tones of America probably used now um foreign that works well you don’t know you’ve been trying to get the tomes uh you can kind of get the Scrolls you’ve been trying to get the Scrolls for the Mansion for weeks now that Port awesome

Ever meant to be opened again if we do they’ll kill us all right yeah me I’m not letting what uh Oh either yeah sorry I’m trying to think the king’s had all the Mansion like he’s away with over interrogation so yeah maybe I’ll just do that then and that there

All right they are back everyone I’m gonna put that book in there I’m gonna log out and I will see you all next time thanks for watching bye bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘WRITING OUR OWN LORE – Minecraft Ultimate Survival SMP #8’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood – Live! on 2023-04-27 16:00:25. It has garnered 2213 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 03:17:36 or 11856 seconds.

The map we’re playing on – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW2xmdsbl8c

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    The Insane Plot Twist of Herobrine's Revenge 😵 | #viral #minecraftVideo Information अरे यह रही दुकान यहां से एक ब्रेड ले लेता हूं ए कौन हो तुम रुको अभी पकड़ता हूं तुम्हें ये लो खा लो नहीं ऐसा मत करना ऐसा मत करना अब तुम्हें पता चलेगा प तुमने ये अच्छा नहीं किया अब तुम सबको मैं खत्म कर दूंगा अब तुम सबको मैं खत्म कर दूंगा चलो यहां से निकल जाता हूं मैं भी नहीं छोडूंगा This video, titled ‘Herobrine revenge 😈 | #minecraft #shorts #herobrine #fyp #viral #entity’, was uploaded by The minecle on 2024-04-06 07:00:10. It has garnered 14382 views and likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Champion: Ridge Rush in Hill Climb Racing

    Unleash Your Inner Champion: Ridge Rush in Hill Climb RacingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ridge Rush: Ascend the Heights in Hill Climb Racing’, was uploaded by Game On on 2024-05-11 14:00:05. It has garnered 65 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:05 or 125 seconds. Ridge Rush: Ascend the Heights in Hill Climb Racing Fortnite, Minecraft, Call of Duty, Among Us, Xbox, PlayStation, PC Gaming, Nintendo Switch, eSports, Twitch, Let’s Play, Gamer Life, Game Reviews, Mobile Gaming, Indie Games, Retro Gaming, Game Development, VR Gaming, Gaming Community, Gaming Memes, Gaming Setup, Competitive Gaming, Gaming News, Gaming Events, Game Streaming, Gaming Culture, Game Walkthroughs, Game Mods,… Read More

  • INSANE SERVER! Join Now for EPIC Faction Battles 🔥

    INSANE SERVER! Join Now for EPIC Faction Battles 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥Minecraft:JOGANDO FACTIONS!!! (REDE FANTASY 1.8.X )’, was uploaded by YouLagBR on 2024-04-20 10:51:34. It has garnered 164 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 04:41:46 or 16906 seconds. ⛔DESCRIPTION: (If you liked the video, leave a like 👍) 📌Nick: YouLagBR 📌Lots of news and things to do on the server. 📌Click SHOW MORE to see the full description. 📌Server IP: RedeFantasy.com📌 📌Sv Discord: / discord 📌Nick:YouLagBR 📌Goal for the video 📌15 likes. 📌 And rising. 📌Do you want me to share your serving? Get in touch via Discord! 📌Discord: 📌Discord For Subscribers:… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC Minecraft Tower Build w/ RTX 😱 #shorts

    🔥 EPIC Minecraft Tower Build w/ RTX 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cobblestone Tower With RTX #shorts’, was uploaded by GAMER AZY on 2024-03-22 02:55:59. It has garnered 55 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Minecraft Cobblestone Tower With RTX #shorts DAILY GAMING VIDEOS GAMEPLAY SUBSCRIBE LIKE&SHARE minecraft shorts cartoon fede vigevani short video spiderman 100 days minecraft videos 3008 roblox akang mv aphmau aswang babae boboiboy halilintar cash charlie charlie chhodo puja chucky dagar y nacho download enaldinho ewean yang sudah menikah luar negeri film horor flags of the world franklin shinchan free kitsune fruit gedagedigedagedo original gereni… Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    V For Vanilla Server IP: VForV.net Server Discord: Join our Discord Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP server started on December 4th, 2021. Our goal is to provide players with a true vanilla gameplay experience. We have minimal admin intervention and do not use game-changing plugins or commands to keep the experience authentic. Cheaters are banned to keep things fair for everyone. If you are looking for a true vanilla experience, we welcome you to join our small community of players from around the world. Server Info: World Border At 30M No Map Resets Random, unprotected… Read More

  • mc4e.bukkit.eu – Survival/mcmmo/essentials/Spielereconomy

    Access only by writing to Discord! Further details below.(Java Version – 1.20.4)Hello to all who notice this server entry.We run a small Minecraft server with whitelist that isThe goal is to have a Minecraft Survival world that will last foreverAfter years you get tired of it when over and over againeverything that was built disappears because suddenly the server is gone.The server has currently been online for 2 years straight. TheServer uses a few plugins that increase long-term motivationsuch as mcmmo. Among other things, we also have a self-developedTrading plugin which allows you to exchange blocks and thusbuilding much easier!… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Heaven vs Hell, The Ultimate Showdown

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: Heaven vs Hell, The Ultimate ShowdownYeah, it’s like entering a whole new realm where the only currency is diamonds and the only language is enchanted enchantments. Heaven vs Hell? More like Creeper vs Enderman showdown! Read More

  • Crafting My Real-Life Minecraft House: A Blocky Adventure

    Crafting My Real-Life Minecraft House: A Blocky Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a house I did make, Crafted in real life, for creativity’s sake. Wooden blocks painted, with details so fine, Functional blocks made, in a creative design. Cobblestone Pebbles poured, grass squares cut small, Artificial Vine balls, for leaf blocks to install. Fake dirt made from Oreos, a clever solution, Building this house, a creative evolution. Avengers assemble, the Minecraft blocks align, Creating a house, in a design so divine. Though not perfect, I’m proud of my creation, A journey of passion, and creative elation. More projects to come, challenges to face, Pushing my limits,… Read More

  • HELLISH nether portals with RANKS in Minecraft #shorts #Meme #memes

    HELLISH nether portals with RANKS in Minecraft #shorts #Meme #memes Why do these nether portals have ranks? Are they trying to climb the corporate ladder in the underworld? #MinecraftOfficePolitics Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience a Colorful Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience a Colorful Minecraft Adventure! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking for a new and exciting server to join where you can unleash your creativity and have a great time with fellow players? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to dive into the world of Minecraft. Imagine a server where you can embark on thrilling adventures, build magnificent structures, and engage in epic battles. Minewind offers all of this and more, making it the ultimate destination for Minecraft players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind… Read More

  • Dronio AI takes over Minecraft in epic drone footage

    Dronio AI takes over Minecraft in epic drone footageVideo Information Какой самый прочный блок в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это бедрок Но это совершенно не так ведь бедрок можно сломать даже деревянной киркой кто-то скажет что это обсидиан Ну и это не самый прочный блок Так какой же блок по настоящему самый прочный в Майнкрафте и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это блок барьера ведь его вообще ничем не сломать This video, titled ‘Dronio Minecraft Artificial Intelligence Art’, was uploaded… Read More

  • The Spawn Chunks 297: Name Mystery!

    The Spawn Chunks 297: Name Mystery!Video Information [Music] welcome to the spawn chunks episode number 297 for Monday May 13th 2024 this is a podcast all about Minecraft available across all major podcast platforms including YouTube if you’re enjoying the show consider subscribing wherever you’re listening to this my name is Johnny but the internet knows me as pixel riffs and joining me as always Brick by Brick is Joel Dugen hi Joel hello and if you would like to hear more about my new Lego set if you would like to hear more about the games like animal well that Johnny is playing and… Read More


    BECOMING A MILLIONAIRE IN MINECRAFT?!? Jey Jey's Crazy Prank!!Video Information Hi guys videoestingung City social experiment paratinung goodaritan atay prformado let’s go Ang gandaanda ng Araw tamangtama magrelax ha Buti tumatbo maayosung m negosyo ko katul Nong Baban at Saka nitong Manukan nabenta ko sila sa talip Tapos meron Pa Akong mga taniman diyan nagsscessung m Plano natinti nagugut ak di k l k ng Apple ng sandwich y Tapos kaangan natin ng tubig guysan kayust ng Apple share tayo Apple fres uy Ang sarap grabe iba talag Yung appleag Bagong pitas Tapos meron ditong sandwich Yan Ang sandwich guysu at sakaung mga tomato Pero syempre P kumain… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Shaders Reveal: SECRET Python Gameplay

    EPIC Minecraft Shaders Reveal: SECRET Python GameplayVideo Information Minecraft shaders there’s a lot of them but there’s one key feature that separates most of them from the vanilla Minecraft lighting shadows in most of the fancy shaders the blocks will cast Shadows based on the position of the sun while in normal Minecraft you would just get Shadows when blocks are directly above other blocks newer versions of the game will blur the Shadows to make them more realistic but if you look at the Alpha version of the game it’s very very obvious what’s going on here the interesting thing is that making realistic Shadows… Read More


    🔥 INSANE 2024 MINECRAFT FACTIONS SERVER - CHRONOS PVPVideo Information Y what is going on guys famous here welcome back to another video on my channel guys so as you guys can see we are on play. Chronos pvp.net guys and this is 1.20 factions guys so it’s a little bit different from like the 1.8 factions I’ve been uploading but you guys already know that I was uploading um 1.20 factions for a while so I already get the gist of everything but yeah this server is pretty unique guys it has a lot of stuff that you know you guys never seen before so it kind… Read More

  • Rose Fiber: Insane Minecraft Draft Challenge!

    Rose Fiber: Insane Minecraft Draft Challenge!Video Information get out of here oh Luke’s turn to draft oh I got to take a seat I got to take a seat oh yeah the middle for us Captain yeah get out of here you my bad my bad my bad for me everyone’s a Steve oh my God hi I’m moving from the captain Oh okay wait wait wait wait wait that means Carter going to be proper then yeah Carter is going to probably get proper he’s not no he’s not piing proper he’s not yeah Carter so breaking proper what no no no I something… Read More

  • Insane Plays with Epic Bow Skills! #104

    Insane Plays with Epic Bow Skills! #104Video Information [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] e [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h [Music] now [Music] This video, titled ‘Got the bowww #104 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-02-17 05:17:14. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:32 or… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos on the Hive Server! 🐝

    Unleashing Chaos on the Hive Server! 🐝Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] came into my room to check that I was okay I just can I can I [Music] just ever tell you I’m boring I I realized something Eli your your name is like an is like a acronym you know English language and [Music] interpretation blood so much how long have you spent thinking about my name that’s a bit weird actually no that’s just a that’s just a now realization bad is having a sensory [Music] overload me I’m about I’m just about to tell you that I already promoted you so um… Read More

  • Unleash MONSTER madness in my JAVA MINECRAFT SMP live! 🎮🔥

    Unleash MONSTER madness in my JAVA MINECRAFT SMP live! 🎮🔥Video Information और [संगीत] हेलो गाइस जल्दी जल्दी आ जाओ एसएसबी हेलो ब्रो यस ब्रो तुम फर्स्ट आ गए फर्स्ट टॉक गेमर प्लीज हेलो ब्रो आईपी आईपी ब्रो डिस्क्रिप्शन में मेरे भाई आईपी डिस्क्रिप्शन में दे रखी है आईपी डिस्क्रिप्शन में दे रखी है मेरे भाई और सब्सक्राइब जरूर कर लेना यार जल्दी जल्दी आज सब्सक्राइब जरूर कर लो 1.35 के सब्सक्राइबर टारगेट लेके चल रहे आज सब्सक्राइब कर लो अमृत वाइटी हेलो मेरा भाई अमृत भाई कैसे हो कैसा है ब्रो हां ब्रो क्या हो गया गा जल्दी जल्दी सब्सक्राइब कर लो यार 1.35 के सब्स कंप्लीट करने आ… Read More

  • Prophecy Realm

    Prophecy RealmProphecy Realm is the host of Skyblock, Towny, Creative and much more. Hop on today and compete in events to earn real money. We’re also hiring staff! prophecyrealm.com Read More

  • Thugcraft Semi-Anarchy Vanilla New World No Resets

    Welcome to Thugcraft! A no hack Anarchy server with no player homes, economy, or player teleports. Play on a recently generated world created on 2/23/2024. No hack clients, duping, or lagging the server allowed. Ip: thugcraftmc.com (1.17-1.20.6+) Discord: https://discord.com/invite/5utQ8JVQ Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans”

    Why did the Minecraft player bring a shovel to the math test? Because they heard they needed to dig deep to find the answers! Read More

  • Ratchet & Clank: Astral Mission Guide – Minecraft Mobile Madness

    Ratchet & Clank: Astral Mission Guide - Minecraft Mobile Madness In the world of Minecraft, a hero I be, Facing challenges with grace, you see. Avoiding the fire, with skill and care, Rescuing those in need, everywhere. With a sharp eye and a steady hand, I navigate this fiery land. Saving lives and being brave, In this game, I’m here to save. So join me on this epic quest, Where danger lurks, but I am blessed. To be the hero, the one they call, In Minecraft, I stand tall. Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems #creeperattack #gamerstruggles #minecraftmemes #funnybutpainful Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of learning new languages while enjoying gaming content? If so, you’re in for a treat! Check out this awesome YouTube video where Monday Morning teaches German through Minecraft gameplay. It’s a fun and interactive way to expand your language skills while having a great time. But wait, there’s more! If you’re looking for a vibrant and engaging Minecraft server to join, look no further than Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and exciting experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just… Read More

  • Real Life Minecraft Mall Prank

    Real Life Minecraft Mall Prank Minecraft Real Life Shopping Mall: A Trending Minecraft Short Imagine stepping into a real-life Minecraft world where everything is possible. The latest trend in the Minecraft community is the creation of a virtual shopping mall within the game. Players are diving into this immersive experience, exploring the intricately designed mall and having a blast. Exploring the Minecraft Shopping Mall Players are amazed by the attention to detail in the Minecraft shopping mall. From clothing stores to food courts, every aspect of a real-life mall is replicated within the game. The vibrant colors, bustling crowds, and interactive elements make the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Money Hunt Challenge LIVE! Jerome vs. Friends

    Insane Minecraft Money Hunt Challenge LIVE! Jerome vs. FriendsVideo Information all right I’ll do a slow count one two three go it’s their main Viner jeez I thought he was never going to finish that countdown that was ridiculous yeah that was ridiculous honestly minut chance [Music] Cube there might be some wrong I think there needs to be five more minutes on there bro oh my gosh M Miner uh no Vin Miner sorry me Nathaniel Titus said the Spanky video is is yeah the spy video is great dude Vernon what’s up dude thank you for the $5 stream tip he said hey buddies happy Monday… Read More

  • Unleashing Hardcore Chaos in Minecraft

    Unleashing Hardcore Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information action let’s go we’re live think I’m might have to jump you for that there we go I’m have to I’m GNA have to jump you for that it’s so interesting I know okay send the message and boom there I got I got all my I got all my stuff figured out there we go yes okay we’re good we are ready G is is your stream all set are you already I’m good to goomie okay I just need to just need to make sure yours was live because without you yeah we good oh get… Read More


    EPIC PARROT CAGE BUILD - MUST SEE! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PARROT CAGE IN MINECRAFT/BEST PARROT CAGE OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-03-29 16:58:25. It has garnered 36 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

WRITING OUR OWN LORE – Minecraft Ultimate Survival SMP #8