Zozo – I Survived 100 DAYS as DISTORTED ALEX in HARDCORE Minecraft!

Video Information

On Day 1, I spawned in as Distorted Alex “Only four hearts? I should stay out of trouble with  health like that, especially since   I’m Distorted Alex! Creepypasta legend and  enemy to players and villagers everywhere!” Luckily, I had the power to turn invisible.

“Now you see me! Now You Don’t! Time to scare  some villagers! But hey… where is everyone?” I started sneaking around  the village, but it looks   like all the villagers are gone, except for one. “Hello?” Wait a second! That’s not a villager, that’s an  illager! And it looks like it wants to get me!

I turned invisible and ran inside a nearby house.  I turned around and saw that I wasn’t alone in  there though, there was a hungry wolf with me! “He must be able to smell me  even though I’m invisible!” I tried to escape, but the  wolf kept following me!!!!

I ran out of the house and looked for another  one to hide in. I found one but there wasn’t a   door! Luckily, there was a chest at the top and I  managed to block the entrance with a wooden block.

“I’m going to stay inside this house until  morning so the illager and the dog don’t find me.” Maybe I’ll be able to find out what  happened to the other villagers tomorrow,   since what good is it being Distorted  Alex if I can’t sneak up on people?

On Day 2, I opened a treasure chest inside  the house and found some cobblestone and wood,   which I used to make a shovel and an axe. I was ready to use the axe on  the wolf but after I had removed   the wood blocking the entrance, I  could see that the wolf was gone!

It looked like there was also  a basement level to this house,   so I went down. Oh no, is that another wolf? Luckily, it wasn’t a wolf this  time. It was a friendly dog. “You’re not my master!” “No, I’m not. But what happened to your village?  It doesn’t look like anyone is here anymore.”

“Those illagers took all the villagers  away a few days ago. They had wolves   with them too and I had to hide  down here to get away from them.” “Where did they take them?” “Over the hills to the north  of here! You look scary,  

But would you be willing to help me?  Please? Please rescue my master!” I know that I was supposed to be Distorted  Alex, but how can you say no to a puppy dog!   Looks like they needed a hero, even one  that looks like a creepy version of Alex. “Ok, I’ll do my best!”

I looked around the basement and found  an iron sword hanging on the wall. “Finally, a weapon!” Just then, I noticed I was feeling pretty hungry.   I took a look inside the sacks and  barrels, but they were all empty! The dog sniffed around and pointed to a barrel. I  

Took a look inside and found some baked  potatoes, among a bunch of other food. I could tell the dog was hungry too,  so I tossed some food out to him. “Ew! I don’t eat this- I need some bones or meat!”

“Ah yeah that’s a good point. Don’t  worry, we’ll find something for you soon.”  On day 3, I decided to dig a cave beneath  the basement to see if I can find any more   materials down there. But to do that I needed  to craft a pickaxe. I put out the fire,  

Then got to work crafting a pickaxe. I’ll even  give one to the dog so he can help me mine!  We dug a little too far though  and got attacked by a lurker! “Get to safety, Dog! I’ll handle this!”

I turned invisible and snuck up on the  lurker, using my sword to bring it down. Looks like defeating that mob  brought me up to six hearts. Awesome! This cave isn’t actually all that dangerous,  I think I’ll make it my underground base. 

On days 4-5, I went outside and  noticed that after my level up,   I can also warp short distances! Awesome! I started gathering wood from the surrounding  trees. I used my warp a few times to get up   the tree and reach all the logs, and  even to cross a river and a ravine.

I started heading back but, oh  no! It’s that illager again!   He must be patrolling the area around the village. I warped out of sight and  turned invisible so I could   listen to him talking without being detected. “Thought I saw another pathetic  villager to capture and bring  

To the Redstone Mines, but I guess not!” So it is true! The illagers were  the ones who took everyone away! “I guess it figures that all of them didn’t  just leave on their own. But now how am I  

Going to live up to my legend? I’m supposed  to be the one who makes all the villagers run   away from the village. They’re supposed  to be scared of me, not these lame-Os!” I couldn’t let them take any more people

He was no match for me now that I was stronger! I  was able to hit him hard and take him out quickly.  On days 6-8, I first improved  my base in the cave. After that,   I mined so much stone from the underground  that I could craft a suit of stone armor to  

Protect me. But first I needed to  craft the cobblestone into rocks,   which I smelt into rock ingots, and  then crafted those into the stone armor. I dug down even deeper into the  mine and took on some cave spiders. “Take that! You spiders think you can  be scarier than me? I’m Distorted Alex,  

The best creepypasta around!” My armor and sword were both really  great! But when 3 cave spiders with   poison take you down to half a heart it’s no fun! I looked around but could only  find coal, so I grabbed some. This place is scary though and I  swear I hear some creepy sounds!

I’m going invisible! Oh, right. When I’m invisible I need to take  my armor off. Now, let’s get out of here,   don’t want to risk getting hurt! On day 9-10, I went to the nearby hills   in order to search for those Redstone Mines  that I had heard the Illager talking about.

All the real villagers – including the   Dog’s human – were probably there  right now and they needed my help! Of course, they don’t know that  I’m creepypasta yet. But we’ll   cross that scary bridge over a  scary river when we get to it.

For now, it was time to find  out what I was up against. I showed up to an area where a lot of redstone  was being hauled out of a cave in a minecart. This must be the place!There’s also  this huge green guy with a giant sword.

“Bwahaha! All the redstone will  belong to me, The Great Crushmore!” He was no joke. I better not  mess with him. Good thing I   could sneak inside the mine with my invisibility. Maybe I’ll be able to scare Crushmore  later, once I level up more.

Just as I suspected, a bunch of villagers  were being forced to mine redstone nonstop. I like redstone as much as the next  player, but there are limits, man! Haven’t you ever heard of the  phrase “mine your own business?” Whoa, Crushmore even captured a shopkeeper!  I decided to reveal myself to the shopkeeper.

“Hello, Mr. Shopkeeper! My name is Zozo and  I’m looking for the owner of a nice dog.” “My dog is okay? Thank goodness!” “He’s waiting for you back in the village.  Come with me, I can sneak us out of here.” “I’ll only go if you agree to help  the rest of the villagers. Crushmore  

Is making us mine every day without  any breaks. He needs to be stopped!” “Deal.” What else could I say? We started to sneak out of  the cave, but he spotted us! Ahhh let’s get out of here! On days 11-12, I fixed up  

The house so that the shopkeeper  could move back in with his dog. He gave me some health potions, and agreed to let   me keep expanding the basement as long  as I defeated any mobs that came in. I found a troll in the mine and  my iron sword couldn’t do anything  

To it. It just kept healing! I  had to drink one health potion! What are trolls weak against anyway? Maybe I need something that damages quicker  than it can heal? Fire could do the job. I gathered more wood and crafted some torches. Then I noticed I had no armor equipped!

The next time I see the troll,  I’ll be able to light it up! “Haha! Sick burn!” And I’ll make sure to wear  some armor this time too! I went back to the Troll and used  the torch to light him on fire. Looks like fire attacks are super effective!

I should stock up on flint and steel as well.  That way I can use fire whenever I need to. Distorted Alex can burn down buildings,  right? I guess I might as well embrace it. I started to find iron and  other metals in the mine,  

So soon I’d be able to craft  steel and upgrade my armor. I crafted an iron chestplate, iron  boots, iron shovel and iron pickaxe,   and had to go grab 1 last piece  of iron for the flint and steel.

It’d be nice to get a new weapon too. On days 13-15, I was at the base when   the shopkeeper decided to tell me what  happened when the villagers were taken away. “We were always worried about  Crushmore. For a long time he   made us give him all the redstone we had… or else.

Some of our people didn’t want  to give up their own redstone,   so they became outcasts from us. Those  were the illagers. We never could have   imagined that they’d team up with Crushmore  and bully us into doing their dirty work. Now everyone is trapped in those redstone mines,

And the village will be empty until  somebody does something about it.” “How terrible! Won’t you do something, Zozo?” I thought about it, and then I gave my answer. “The truth is, I’m an outcast myself. I’m not  saying that what the illagers did was right,  

But I totally understand not wanting  to give away their materials. You’re   all scared of Crushmore, and so am I.  Sorry, but there’s nothing I can do.” It felt really weird to admit that I’m  scared, but I had never seen a boss  

As strong as Crushmore. He was probably  close to a hundred times as scary as me,   and I was supposed to be the creepypasta  character around here! That doesn’t seem right! The shopkeeper and the dog were saddened  by this, but what I had said was the truth.

On days 16-19, I left the empty  village and left my base behind   to go find the materials to make  a better weapon in the mountains. Crushmore would come looking for the  shopkeeper and his dog eventually,   and with all the illagers he already had  on his side, he’d be totally unstoppable.

I saw some light at the top of  the mountain! That’s the way!   I started climbing up the snowy mountain slopes,   but at one point it was too steep. It looked like  my only option was to swim up a small waterfall. “Oh man this is freezing!”

I soon made it to the top but there  were more trolls here! It was time   to put that flint and steel to good use. I  made several fires, which scared them off. Then I found an ice cave. But  it was guarded by more trolls! “No worries, I got this!”

I set part of the cave on  fire, and the trolls fled! At the back of the cave, on a stone  pedestal, I found a Frosted sword   with sharpness 3! It was made of enchanted  ice that was ten times as strong as normal.

I started to think about the way I had  left things with the shopkeeper and his   dog and realized that I had been a little rude. I mean, just because Distorted  Alex doesn’t usually help people   in need doesn’t mean I shouldn’t ever  do it. Sometimes you gotta be the hero,  

Even if it goes against what you had planned. That’s just the right thing to do! Besides, I already promised I would help save the   other villagers from the redstone  mine, and a promise is a promise.

I began to make my way back down the mountain when  I saw a llama struggling near the edge of a cliff. “Help me! Please! I’m gonna fall!” I ran over and offered the llama a hand. No way  am I going to let an innocent creature get hurt.

It was almost too late, and she started to fall,   but I warped again and caught the llama in  mid-air then I warped back onto solid ground. Whoa! I’d never warped that  many times in a row before. Then I noticed that my powers of  warping and distorting myself were  

Causing me to grow. I was bigger  now and I also had ten hearts. I’m getting scarier every day! I can’t wait  to see what I look like at even higher levels! “Thank you for saving me, new  friend. My name is Becca.” “What were you doing out here, Becca?”

“I heard that the villagers in this area  were being oppressed by an evil brute named   Crushmore. So I’m searching for a powerful  golem that might be able to defeat him.” “Why would a llama be so  concerned about human villagers?”

“Hey! Just because we’re different doesn’t mean I  have to stay out of it. I want to help everyone.” “Hard to argue with that logic.” Now that I had thought about it, I realized  my reason for why I’ve been helping out is  

Kinda the same as her. I guess Becca isn’t  too different from me, well… other than me   being a creepypasta and her being a talking  llama. But otherwise we’re basically the same. “Legend has it that the golem is  hidden somewhere near these mountains,   waiting for a hero with pure  intentions to awaken it.”

I don’t know if I’m that hero yet, but  this golem does sound really promising.  On days 20-22, I returned to the village to find   that three illagers had been trying  to break into the shopkeeper’s house. It’s a good thing I built that door!

They all had crossbows but fortunately  my warp ability could take me right into   close range. After that, I made short  work of them with my ice frosted sword. I think I’ll build a giant statue right in the  middle of the village, but for that I need to get  

Some sheep! So the villagers will have something  cool to look at when they’re all rescued. I also added a base extension  to the shopkeepers house. I needed to give the villagers a  reason to stay in the village long   enough so that I can really give  them all a good scare later on.

I started gathering materials, breaking through   a wall in the basement mine to find a  huge cavern full of dazzling emeralds. Wow! These will look great on the statue! And I   bet there’s a lot of other  great materials here too! Next I got some more iron to  make some shears for the wool.

What kind of statue do you think I’m  building? Let me know in the comments. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to the  channel if you want to see more of my   awesome adventures! Or just search  for Zozo. Spell it with me! Z-O-Z-O 

On days 23-26, I defended the base from  more of the illagers sent by Crushmore. Boy, you guys are persistent! My warping power was so much stronger  now that I could warp any weak mob I   touched high up into the air and  watch them fall to their defeat.

I dropped them all, and one of them  dropped a bow and some fire arrows,   along with 2 diamonds! As if I wasn’t  enough of a menace to trolls already. I tried using the bow but it didn’t  work. But that’s what I can use the  

Diamonds for! I need to get flame on my  bow first, so I’ll need to enchant it. I went to the ocean and mined some lapis  lazuli stones for the enchantment process.   All that was left was to gather  the materials for fire enchanting.

I also met a new friend while  I was out near the ocean. “How ya doin’? I’m Tuttle the Turtle.” I told the turtle I needed to make an enchantment  table and the turtle gave me 4 obsidian for it!

You’re such a cool dude! Why don’t  you come with me and live at my base? I returned to the base and enchanted the bow  with a flaming enchanted book. Then I named   the bow Fire Starter. Now I can use those  arrows with the fire enchantment. Hopefully  

I don’t run out, otherwise I’ll need to  craft more and get some fire charges.. I created a pond back at the base so that Tuttle   could live there. Turtles  love the water, after all. “We also love powerful defenses,  

Zozo! Make sure your base has got walls  on every side and locks on the gates!” “Thanks, Tuttle! But I’m the one who  is supposed to do the narration!”  On day 27-31, I decided that I wanted  to explore near the ice cave again. I  

Was out gathering materials in the  mountains when I ran into Becca. “Hi, Becca!” “Hi, Zozo! I think I found the entrance  to a dungeon where the legendary golem   can be found. It’ll be treacherous,  but we should definitely go there!”

I followed Becca across a slippery mountain  path until we came to a giant stone bridge   over a valley. On the other side of  the bridge was a huge silver door. Now I’ve heard of “knowing how to make  an entrance” but this is ridiculous.

What was even more ridiculous  was that it was guarded by a Roc. Becca was too afraid to get close to that  thing, so I bravely approached the Roc instead. Hey, wait a minute. How come I’m the  one who has to make my friends less  

Afraid all of a sudden? This totally  wasn’t what I signed up for. Oh, well,   maybe I can settle for scaring this bird away. Though, I still don’t want to be that  rude about it. Maybe I’ll just ask nicely? Can we go through that door, please? .

“Absolutely not! I’ve been ordered to  guard this door by Crushmore himself!” The roc swooped down on me, but I was able  to warp out of the way and turn invisible. “Where are you hiding?” “Right here!” After some fast moves and quick  thinking, I managed to win the fight. “No fair! I’ll remember this!”

Becca and I then did everything  we could to open the silver door,   but nothing seemed to do the trick. We tried  using a lever, torches, setting it on fire,   and shooting flaming arrows. Nothing worked!  We’d have to figure something else out later. 

On days 32-35, Becca and I found a  small cabin nearby where we could stay,   and it turned out that a few villagers who had  escaped from Crushmore were living here now. “That bird must have been here to make  sure nobody could go into the dungeon.”

“And we still don’t even  have a way to open the door!” Just then the walls of the cabin came crashing  down! Or should I say “crushing” down? No? Crushmore was here. And he seemed mad! “Get back to the mines and find me more redstone!”

The villagers were scared so I  decided that I’d lure Crushmore away. “Hey, you! Follow me!” “Grr!” I ran as far and as fast as  I could across the mountain,   keeping ahead of Crushmore as best I could. Then, I saw it! A blizzard! That’s  the perfect place to lose him!

I turned invisible and vanished into the snow,  making my way back to the escaped villagers. “Chill out everyone, no pun intended. Come to  my base and you can have your old homes back!”  On days 36-39, I made sure that all the  villagers that had returned with me got  

Bigger houses with crafting tables and anvils. Now there would be enough weapons  and armor for all of them. Now if   the illagers came back for them,  they wouldn’t go without a fight. I showed the villagers their houses and  they moved in. They seemed really grateful!

I asked Tuttle if he knew anything about how  we could open the silver door in the mountains. “Oh, so just because I’m a turtle that means  I know everything? Well… I do know this:   that silver door is only going  to open for a silver key and  

The only place you can find one  is in the Sea King’s palace.” “That’s actually really helpful. Thanks, Tuttle!” “Don’t mention it, Zozo!” I decided to do some more work on  the statue before I left the base   again. What do you think of it so far? On days 40-43, one of the villagers  

Noticed that I was using a bow with  fire enchantments and told me of a chest   deep in the woods where an enchanted  book of fire aspect had been placed. The chest was guarded by a fearsome  fire salamander that would burn   anyone who approached, but I had to take the risk.

My fire arrows were some of the best weapons  I had and I wanted to improve them even more. As I wandered through the  woods, I found the salamander. I was worried if I used my frosted sword it  would melt, so switched back to my trusty old  

Iron sword. I circled around it, using my warp  abilities to jump away from its blasts of fire. It was a rough fight! I had to drink a  health potion and warp away to safety   many times! I also shot some arrows  but they didn’t seem very effective.

I warped and slashed until finally  the salamander was defeated. I decided I’d upgrade the  iron sword to a steel one,   and give it the new and improved fire enchantment. Behold, my flaming steel sword!  On days 44-49, I crafted a wooden  boat and set off for an ocean voyage.

Tuttle had mentioned that the Sea King’s palace  would have the silver key I would need to open   the silver door, so I kept a close eye  on the horizon in search of the palace. A giant squid attacked me out of  nowhere but fortunately I was able  

To snipe it from a distance with my fire arrows. “Fried calamari anyone?” Then I heard a voice among the waves. “I can’t swim! Save me!” I went towards the voice and found a  man with a crown who was thrashing in  

The water. I pulled him onto the boat so  that he wouldn’t be in trouble anymore. “Thank you! I will reward you greatly for  saving my life! I am Sea King, after all!” “How come you’re the Sea King but you can’t swim?” “That’s not important! What  is important is that a giant  

Bird has taken over my palace  and threw me into the ocean!” A giant bird? Could it be? On day 50-53, I sailed onward   until I found the Sea King’s palace – or I  guess right now it’s the giant bird’s palace.

I left the boat at the dock and made my way  inside the beautiful lapis lazuli palace. The Sea King chose to remain at  the shore for his own safety. I went into the throneroom and saw  the bird perched on the throne. “You! You’re the bird who was guarding the door!”

“And you’re the invisible sneak who thought he  defeated me! This time I will show you no mercy!” I’m not just any sneak! I’m Distorted  Alex! Bring it on, birdbrain! I drew my fire sword and warped into  battle. The Roc was still as tough as ever,  

But it wasn’t prepared to  face my new enchantments. After I defeated the bird, I took a look around  the palace and soon found the silver key. It was being guarded by 2  warriors in lapis lazuli armor. “Hi, I’m Zozo! I just defeated the  evil bird. Can I have your silver key?”

The warrior shrugged. I guess it’s okay, then? I left the palace only to find that the  sea king was gone, along with my boat!  On days 54-57, I made my way home on foot. On  the way I took out some chickens and grabbed the  

Feathers to craft some arrows. And luckily I found  a bunch of iron as well! I mined it right up.. I returned to my base at the village,   and used some of the feathers and fire  charges to make some flaming arrows.

I also crafted an enchanted suit of  steel armor. Now I had defenses for days! “Looking cool, Zozo!” “Thanks, Tuttle!” “Hey, Zozo! I’m planning  on opening my shop back up,   but I need a few more rare goods from  the forest before I can do that!”

“No problem, shopkeeper! I’ll go get some rare  materials for you in the surrounding area!” “You’re the best! I’ll be  especially happy if you can   find me the ingredients for shrimp fried rice!” I first went into the forest to see  if I could find some materials there,  

And I stumbled upon a pixie hovel. There were a  ton of pixies and they were a feisty little bunch! They flew at me and gave me some debuffs like bad   luck and slowness! But what really annoyed  me was that they were laughing at me! Rude. Then they started stealing my items!

“That’s it, enough is enough!” I grabbed two empty jars that were lying on the  ground and caught a couple of pixies in them! “Ha who’s laughing now!” I then grabbed all the pixie  dust laying around and decided   I might as well take their homes. Heh heh heh..

I continued on and spotted a loose  naga fang just laying on the ground. “Oh, this could come in handy too! On the way to the ocean I also grabbed  some wild rice growing by the water. It was a good thing that all my time exploring  

The ocean let me know where to find  some shrimp so I gathered those too. I returned to the shopkeeper and gave  him some of the wild rice and shrimp.   He looked happier than I’ve ever  seen him before! He took all the  

Ingredients and started to cook up the  shrimp fried rice right in front of me! It looked like it turned out great. It must  have tasted really good too since the shopkeeper   was so happy that he went inside his shop  and came back out with a diamond pickaxe!

“Is this for me? Thanks!” On days 58-62, I was making   solid progress on the base’s statue when  I heard the villagers start to panic. The walls of the base were being  destroyed by a group of giant octopuses! It seemed strange since aquatic  mobs like that usually don’t  

Show up this far inland. They must have  had some kind of magic protecting them. “Who could be behind this?” I fought off the giant squids only to see  the Sea King standing outside the base,   holding an enchanted silver spear. “Sea King, are you here to help?”

“No, Zozo! You stole my silver key, so  I’m going to destroy you and your base!” “You don’t understand! I need the silver key   to open the dungeon door! I’ll  give it back after, I promise!” “Save your promises! This is war!  You may have defeated those squids,  

But I’ll be back with more and we’ll end you!” He ran away and I didn’t want to run after him.  Even if I’m doing the right thing, I’m still an   outcast. And now, I was at war with one of the  people I wanted to help. This was messed up.

Unfortunately, while I was talking with the king,   some other octopuses that I must have  missed set fire to the village, damaging it. “Ah, come on guys!” On days 63-66,   I sailed back to the Sea King’s palace in the  hopes that I could speak with him and get him  

To agree to a truce. I didn’t want any more  sea creatures showing up and damaging things. I walked into the throne room, passing  a bunch of scary guards. I didn’t have   any of my weapons equipped to show  that I didn’t mean him any harm.

The Sea King was sitting on  his throne, waiting for me. “Have you come to beg for my forgiveness?” “Yes and no. I don’t want to have a war,   but I’m also asking to let me use the silver  key just once. If we don’t get to the golem,  

We’ll never be able to defeat Crushmore  and save the rest of the villagers!” “Don’t you see that it’s pointless! I tried   the key on that door long ago  and it never opened for me!” “You did?” “The legend says that a hero must find  the golem. If I’m not worthy, nobody is!”

“What if I’m worthy?” “Enough talk! Let’s settle this one on one” The Sea King attacked me with his spear. I had no  choice but to fight back and battle the Sea King. As we fought, the guards started jumping in  excitement. They must love watching a good fight.

It happened so fast, but in the end he was  defeated. I guess there wouldn’t be a war,   but this wasn’t how I wanted it to end.  On days 67-70, I journeyed back to the silver  door with the silver key in my inventory.

I figured it was now or never if I was going  to prove my worthiness and enter the dungeon. As I walked across the bridge, I heard a  terrifying roar from underneath the bridge. It was a remobra! The wyvern flew down  in front of me and blocked my path.

“I am Poisonwing! You will  never survive my poison!” He wanted to prove that to me straight away  and spat a glob of poison at me. It was too   fast for me to warp out of the way. My speed  was slowed, and my health started to drop.

I fired arrows at Poisonwing but he kept  flying around the bridge and avoiding them. At this rate, it seemed like he was just  biding his time so the poison would get me. If I tried warping into melee range, I’d just end  up falling and having to warp back to the bridge.

Time was running out. The poison almost had me. “Zozo, quick! Drink this!” It was Becca, and she had brought  antidotes to help me overcome the poison. “Meddling Llama!” Poisonwing bellowed, and because he was  enraged, he swooped in to attack us.

I stepped in front of Becca and slashed  at him with my fire sword. Poisonwing   was trying to get to my friend,  but I would never let him through. After taking several hits, Poisonwing  flew off. He was wounded, but not fatally. “Poisonwing will be back and will  bring others with him. Quickly,  

Zozo. We have to get inside that door.” We ran over to the door and placed  the key in the lock. To my surprise,   it worked and we were able to enter the dungeon.  On days 71-74, we traveled  through the depths of the dungeon.

We encountered a horde of trolls, but thanks to  my enchantments, they weren’t much of a threat. Take that! And this! Then we came to the place where the  golem was supposed to have rested. But there was nothing there! “I don’t understand. Why isn’t there a golem?”

“I don’t know. But Poisonwing will  be back soon. We have to leave.”  On days 75-78, I repaired  the parts of the base and   village that had been damaged  in the war with the Sea King. I made sure everyone’s home was  five stories tall and had wooden  

Bridges on the roof so that the  villagers could visit each other. Tuttle then came over and gave me some new  stronger materials that only the oldest   turtles knew about and I was about to create  my ultimate suit of armor. And she gave me a  

Potion. I guess they are friends with Becca, and  the turtle figured I might need another potion. Just in time too, because Poisonwing  flew into the base from up above. “Crushmore has grown tired of waiting, Zozo! Give  back those villagers or I will poison them all!”

He shot his poison at me, but this time  I was ready. I immediately drank one   of Becca’s antidotes and was ready to  take the fight to the remobra himself. I warped above him, but that was  a fakeout. When Poisonwing dodged,   I warped again, right into his path.

I hit him with a powerful  attack and finished him off. Wow! I’ve got 16 hearts! And it  looks like I can warp really far now! Now that I’ve beaten Poisonwing,  maybe I can go back to the   mountain dungeon and see if I missed anything. On days 79-84, I searched behind the silver door  

Again and couldn’t find anything in the entire  dungeon that could tell me where the golem went. So much for that! I was about to leave when I ran into a man  who looked a lot like the Sea King but older.

He seemed sad, but at least it  didn’t look like he wanted to fight. I asked him who he was and he told  me he was the Sea King’s father. Whoa, I’m sorry about what happened to your son. I took off my helmet so we  could talk face to face.

He told me he had made this mountain  dungeon when his son was little in   order to test whether or not he could  be a hero worthy of the legendary golem. While the Sea King had never  been able to open the door,  

I had, which meant I was the worthy hero  that the Sea King’s father was hoping for. He revealed that there was  no legendary golem. But he   did give me the formula I could use to build it.

I thanked him, and we waved goodbye to each other. On days 85-89, I told Becca about what had   happened to me at the silver dungeon  and how I met the sea king’s father. “Of course! Opening that door meant that you  were worthy. That makes so much sense… Still,  

Do you think you have what it takes  to build the legendary golem?” “I have to try, don’t I?” “I suppose that’s true. I’ll give you  all the information I know about what   the legendary golem is supposed to be  like, that way you can’t get it wrong!” “Thanks, Becca!” On days 90-94,  

I scoured the land for all the materials that  I would need to craft the legendary golem. Cobblestone walls, stairs and blocks  were easy! I already had those. But   Quicksilver? I went deep in the mountains to  find those, and finally found a cave with some.

Next, I needed to find some lapis lazuli  ore, but for that I’d need silk touch. I   started asking around if any villagers knew  where to get silk touch and luckily found   one who did! He threw a silk touch book at me  and I used it to enchant my pickaxe so I could  

Mine entire ores of lapis. I then went back  to the sea palace and snatched it from there. So far there hadn’t been anything too tough,  but the block of ice dragon steel was going  

To be an issue. I went to Tuttle to ask him if  he had any more left but he said no. Bummer. I asked him if there was any way  he could find some more and he   said yes! Not a bummer! But it might  take some time. Mmm, medium bummer.

I was willing to wait though, since this  would be the strongest golem ever made! Of course, I didn’t want  to neglect my own upgrades. With the help of the villagers I was able  to acquire some more enchanted books and  

Give my frosted sword the powerful freezing  3 enchantment. They told me that in order to   use it, I would need to throw it and the  frosted sword on top of the anvil and the   magic inside the enchanted book would  transform the sword into a better one! “Here goes nothing!”

It worked! The sword leveled up to an  Iced dragonbone sword, with sharpness 10!   It even had the ability to completely freeze  enemies! And best of all… It looked AWESOME! Now I had fire and ice on my side! On days 95-97, I took some time off  

From building the golem in order  to finish the statue for the base. It was a statue of regular Alex, because  I wanted to show the villagers that even   though I was distorted and an outcast  I was just the same as any other hero.

I could feel that the villagers had  already accepted me, but I hoped it   was still a gesture that meant something to them. But what do you think of  the statue? Do you like it? To end the day, I started building  the golem. I was so close to being  

Finished! All I was missing now  was the block of ice dragon steel.  On day 98, the shopkeeper’s dog approached  me and looked like he wanted to talk. “Hey Zozo, you always say you were an outcast.  How come you helped me when we first met?”

“I guess I just needed a place to  belong and you seemed like you did too.” “Well, you’ve made a really nice place here. I  can’t wait for the other villagers to come back.” “Same! The golem is almost complete and  Crushmore will never know what hit him!”

“I think it will hit him just like  all of our friends should hit the   subscribe button and ring the notification bell.” “That’s true! It sure does feel  great that I can share more of my   videos with all of my friends out  there! Thanks for your support!” 

On day 99, The turtle woke me up and  gave me the block of ice dragon steel. “Now I can finish the statue!” The legendary golem that I  built was finally complete! Even Becca was impressed.  It was just like the legend. With the golem by my side, I marched  over to Crushmore’s redstone mines.

We encountered several illagers, but  the golem was able to keep them busy   while I warped into the mines and  freed the rest of the villagers. The most powerful of the illagers  – an evoker – tried to stop me.   He kept spawning vex around me  and using his fang spell attack,  

But luckily my superior armor protected me and  I struck him down with my fire and ice weapons. The villagers were able to escape the  redstone mine and run back to the base. That just left one more thing to take care  of. Or should I say – Crushmore thing. 

On day 100, the golem and I started  to destroy the redstone mines,   and I focused on breaking up the  rail tracks and supporting pillars. With all the villagers now home safe I  noticed that some of the redstone piles   looked weird. They were shimmering green. I shot  

A fire arrow at it and it ignited the  redstone and blew the whole place up! “That’s firepower, baby!” But the explosion was so huge that I was almost  caught inside. I tried to warp away and the most   amazing thing happened! My warp ability absorbed  the explosion and converted it into pure power.

As I left the destroyed mine, I saw  Crushmore battling the legendary golem. “You thought this hunk of junk could defeat   Crushmore! I am more powerful  than you could ever imagine!” Using the power of the explosions  that my distorted warp had consumed,  

I grew in size until I was the  same as him – with 100 hearts! That’s when the giant got even bigger and meaner. I didn’t even know that was possible. He smashed   the golem with a single blow  and started coming after me.

“Even legends are no match for Crushmore! Now you  will pay for ruining my plans for this world!” “I don’t think so, Crushmore!  Anything you can destroy,   I can build back! I am more  than a legend, I’m a hero!” We battled, but I was faster, and  with the ability to shoot fire out  

Of my flaming warp , Crushmore was toast.  Literally. But the fight wasn’t over yet. We kept battling. I used my warp which was  crazy long now, But Crushmore also had some   serious strength and a huge jump height! Even if  I tried to warp away to regenerate some health,  

He was right there with me! But  the combination of ice sword,   fire sword, flaming arrows, and  the flaming warp did the trick. After that amazing battle, I fixed up the golem  and he came back to life again! We returned to  

The village, where Tuttle, Becca, the shopkeeper,  his dog and all the villagers were waiting for me. Even the Sea King’s dad was there! He was happy  to see that I was the hero the world needed. “This calls for a fireworks display!”

I may still be able to turn invisible, but now  there was no reason for me to hide anymore.

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 DAYS as DISTORTED ALEX in HARDCORE Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2022-12-31 18:15:02. It has garnered 3778089 views and 15523 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:22 or 1942 seconds.

In this 100 day survival challenge, I play as DISTORTED ALEX, a character with heavily distorted skin and eyes. DISTORTED ALEX is alone and must survive in a dark and dangerous world filled with mobs, spiders, and other players. Can you help DISTORTED ALEX survive 100 days?

If you’re looking for a challenging 100 day survival challenge, check out my video! In this video, I play as DISTORTED ALEX, a character with heavily distorted skin and eyes. DISTORTED ALEX is alone and must survive in a dark and dangerous world filled with mobs, spiders, and other players. Can you help DISTORTED ALEX survive 100 days?

#minecraft #100days #distortedalex

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    UNBELIEVABLE Redstone Door in Minecraft! 😱 #WizyKing #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hidden Redstone Door 😯 #minecraft#shorts #trending#wizy king #fyp’, was uploaded by WIZY KING on 2024-04-23 16:00:16. It has garnered 6684 views and 159 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Hello guys, I haven’t been able to post a video in a long time because I’m sick.They keep posting videos. Subscribe to the channel and keep it guys subscribe 🔔…….♥️ Read More

  • Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥

    Minecraft: Meet the New Villagers! 🔥Video Information क्या आपको पता है मा में विलेजर्स दो टाइप के होते हैं विश्वास नहीं है तो देख लो फर्स्ट ये और सेकंड ये तो अब आप लोगों के दिमाग में क्वेश्चन आर आ रहा होगा कि भाई तूने ये विलेजर्स कैसे स्पर्म कि बताता हूं उससे पहले कर लो हमारे चैनल को सब्सक्राइब आपको जंगल बम में आपके जैसे ही आप विलेजर्स स्पम करोगे तो य विलेजर्स आना शुरू हो जाएंगे This video, titled ‘New Villagers In Minecraft 😲 #minecraft #hacks #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #gulabisadi’, was uploaded by Flox Gamerz on 2024-04-16 09:47:50. It has garnered 555 views and 22… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: I Turned into a Giant Monster in Minecraft!

    EPIC PRANK: I Turned into a Giant Monster in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Pranked My Friend as a Monster Giant Alex in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Clyde Charge on 2024-04-09 09:30:07. It has garnered 41726 views and 1521 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:39 or 759 seconds. Title: I Pranked My Friend as a Monster Giant Alex in Minecraft! Aphmau, Maizen, Nico and Cash, Dafuq!?Boom! Parody! Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, HabitatPH 2024 Also Watch: @EsoniTV @PepeSanTV @OLIPTV @ArArPlays @potpot Comments available on: Pepesan TV, Habitat Gaming, Sheyyyn Plays, HabitatPH 2024, Olip TV, Clyde Charge, Tankdemic, JUNGKurt_ , Jey Jey, Moira YT, Micolee_, Shannel PH, Viccc… Read More


    💥ULTIMATE TRANSFORMATION: Jerome Becomes OPTIMUS PRIME!💥Video Information today my friends and I had Transformers lucky blocks to Minecraft walls with 20 minutes to break the blocks to get the best gear possible we then battle it out in a lives battle to see who the best is in the description we added a bunch of new stuff including the Floppy Fish bomb which dropsy has no idea what we’re talking about yet but she’ll know but she’ll know soon I I’m still recovering from the balance of War can I not find out I don’t know chat what do you think else find out this… Read More

  • GREENGHOST – Secret Minecraft Realms Revealed!

    GREENGHOST - Secret Minecraft Realms Revealed!Video Information I have a video to edit I think that’s what I’m going to do your uh yeah I know they’re I think they’re going to figure out a way to make it so like the camera on your phone stays on they’re still working on stuff hey flower yeah yeah yeah yeah textas speech working now I just had to restart console all right I got to do the thumbnail yo Viper hey yes flower look at my look look at your look hold on I’m back hey text to speech is working now so my foral mem… Read More

Zozo – I Survived 100 DAYS as DISTORTED ALEX in HARDCORE Minecraft!