【Minecraft】 arT

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Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign good hot dog can I turn myself I don’t know how to turn oh I can make myself big hi good morning afternoon evening it is Taco Time I know it’s me wow such Shadow but want to see something cool uh hold up let me let me move OBS over

Okay wanna see something cool wow the lighting it changes just like real life because in Minecraft is real life whoa oh we’re outside wow basically we’ll wait maybe maybe I can do this maybe I can can I turn how do I turn around alt no no oh I’m zooming around

I want to turn around how do I turn around uh oh there we go this is basically like real life right if I do this oh no I’m cut off okay hold up I can I can fix this uh obs there we go uh uh where is it oh there you go yeah

We’re playing Minecraft today guys Hold on if I if I if I make this uh hot dog color correction oh no I’m too transparent now okay no a little too Jazz there I know my brain is empty you don’t see anything you don’t have to tell me okay we’re playing Minecraft playing live simulator [Laughter]

This is a new experience isn’t it you you you are I are down Thou Art I we are touching grass in Minecraft today exactly also um I wasn’t told that the uh server server update was later today as in as in like in like two

Two and a half hours so we’re gonna have to stop the stream after two and a half or less than two and a half maybe two hours or so so yeah we’re getting the update today they literally told us like yesterday evening laughs so it’s a it’s a shorter time than usual

I did not expect it to be today at this hour um yeah so uh we gotta be productive um I have kind of a better idea of what I want for the house um I think today will maybe just be a short chill stream where we oh oh

There’s sparks flying at me oh no where is it flying from oh wait I think we have to we have to make sure we turn this uh ow that’s rude okay line of sight wait can I wish I could take that trident honestly um where we gotta flip this

Horizontally how do I do okay uh transform Ed there we go now the head moves exactly like I’m moving a second excuse me oh did I drop something did it drop I tried it now I tried it they only dropped some flesh how could you they’re so rude I’m gonna have to borrow

Fauna is better maybe I should just make a bed let’s just make a bed honestly because uh yeah we’re gonna have to do some uh some extermination of the drowned sorry for another bar in your bed see ya good morning hello going outside today all right [Laughter] oh do you have a trident

You don’t ever tried it you are not worth my time ow come back when you have a trident for me okay so uh yeah um yeah so maybe we’ll go get a bed and uh I don’t know maybe we should finish just like getting the water out of this whole

Column of things you know column of water um we can probably go get uh oh yeah I was also gonna make a um what’s it it’s a water breathing potion or I guess a conduit we can make conduit and just place it so we can have a fun time of constructing things

Yeah so I think we should probably go uh go back home to the en server and we’ll uh we’ll bring some stuff over that’s what we’ll do the conduit will stop the drown that’s that’s true we might as well just Place one huh you know maybe we should just

Live underwater that is an option we don’t have to get rid of the water where’s the stairs oh there it is we’re gonna have to we don’t have to get rid of all the water you can just live underwater it’s like no need to worry about your toilet flooding

If your house is already flooded it’s just like you go into the ocean and you cry and you’re just like I didn’t really cry water was already salty around me exactly under the sea exactly do fish cry you’ll never know oh wait I can probably take one of the beds from here

Just leave it on top but for now we shall go and uh get our stuff and we like walking you ain’t the flesh I don’t know about that that’s a that’s uh that’s yikes let’s see uh a flush your toilet angle do fish cry in bubbles do fish cry I don’t know well

The world is your toilet honestly do you think we just live in a toilet in someone’s toilet and the land is just like solid you know what if the world is just one big round toilet the ocean is just a water and we’re just living on the solid

And one day we’re just gonna get flushed down the toilet fall deep wait I’m on the wrong side your conspiracy theory yeah basically it’s the toilet toilet Earth Theory the whole universe is just you know universe everything literally everything in the world is just just a bagel you know just the big

Oh speaking of oh my goodness the frame rate difference between that server and the server [Laughter] Oh the frame suddenly we’re 60 of yes I enjoyed that movie everything everywhere all at once speaking of which I also watched spider verse yesterday also my microphone is slowly laying down please you don’t have the problem in front of me I’m just your I’m Just Your Average streamer no need to bow

Maybe maybe I’ll do this and it won’t start bowing its head hi uh spider-verse was so good I gotta say um personally I watched a lot of movies I mean I’ve watched a lot of movies and I’ve watched a lot of anime I’ve watched all kinds and read a lot of you know

Things no spoilers but I gotta say it was very refreshing to have my my what should I say my own one not really unwanted but an undesired skill of Prophecy in watching movies to be to be proven wrong it was very refreshing I mean people should understand that

Since the beginning the movie was supposed to be the first part of a two-part movie um so as long as you’re aware of that going into the movie I feel like you’ll be very well rewarded for how amazing it is it was like you know if something

Happens like during a movie I’ll be like oh like this thing was gonna happen next like my mind just already guesses what’s gonna happen like nine out of 10 times for a lot of the movies but this time I was just like I would guess something it would be like

No that’s not it and be like oh yeah anyways it’s it’s a very good movie I definitely recommend watching it yeah and honestly every single second of that movie was just such a beautiful like it was a illustration every single frame of it was just wow it’s just

I need to I as soon as the movie ended I was like I need to re-watch this again like 20 times because every single phrase was just wow you could literally screen cap single movement it’ll just be like a full-on illustration and it’s just wow just yeah so beautiful absolutely amazing like

That’s just what the animation is is just this I wish I could give it all the words I can give I’ll just I’ll just give a you know what I’m just gonna start giving out the Ina Ina approved Movie Awards the taco taco tentacles approved movie awards and that the first first one goes to spider verse well you know into this spider spider verse well that whole series of movies

It’s it’s honestly definitely really really really good enough proved yeah I think well I watched it with papani simab and he says well but they were a little like overwhelmed I think I think overwhelmed is probably the best best word to explain because for me just analyzing like

What is happening and what like they have done to create the scene was just a joy in its own but I think to someone who’s just watching the movie at on its own is it might be a bit overwhelming like if they’re not that familiar with

You know the spider verse you know all the different versions of Spider-Man that’s out there and like you can’t really pick out all the Easter eggs and stuff it’s overwhelming there’s a lot on the screen at once but as a fan and as someone who really

Likes those you know Easter eggs and you can really try to figure out what they did in order to make that movie how it looks it’s it’s a lot also I I just realized I’ve been talking with with just the back of my head but you guys get my point right [Laughter]

Yeah very quick uh-huh all right what was it gonna bring um oh yeah I was gonna make water breeding potions right did I write down the recipe for the water breeding potion wait no I wasn’t gonna I was gonna make a conduit then I don’t need the potions sorry I’m eating like

Jellies right now it took the sour big chewy nerds they’re so delicious I can’t stop eating them foreign do it oh nautilish I feel like I probably have learned all the Nautilus shells to people who wanted to make some potions I might as well go fishing does not be a fishing stream

But I’m pretty sure I gave a couple to someone I forgot who the back of your head is ridiculous no yours back of your head is ridiculous it’s so round so smooth wait I had so much glass here too so you can never have enough glass back of your head excuse me

Excuse me okay I think I think I probably should fish today maybe it’s just the two two hours of fishing stream I don’t I wouldn’t mind that I have three okay how many did I need oh so it was like it’s rounded so I have three one two

Three four I need five more okay where is uh oh it’s the okay I’ll I’ll fish with this because I think I think that’s the one that uh I was gifted Resolving the drawing for the thing is right I know a lot of members make all the Farms but sometimes I just want to gather things myself not just go straight into the end product you get what I mean because everything is just ready right so sure if I wanted to go straight into

Building you know I could just go for it but at the same time like I feel like I guess like same with RPGs and stuff too and MMOs I just like Gathering my own stuff and then just you know chilling and crafting it yeah because groundia is part of Minecraft too yeah

Like for example when we were building the cake for Solas Empire we had all the materials ready because we want to you know get building and I want to get building but right now I just wanna you know just have a chill stream go make some progress maybe not much but

Just like chilling this is why you know sometimes I actually thought about just doing like the one block Minecraft world solo sometime because it’s not you know the the joy of you know starting from scratch huh and we’ll have our own world 3042 also my inventory question is kind of suffering oh

Someone just leave some of these in here um hello I’m sorry this yellow is just too good it’s too delicious I wish I could move the the the pickling somewhere though what am I eating um jellies We’re living in the Minecraft world right now at the top I should probably take off the um the the sound effect thing on the right there’s just too many things here laughs Maybe I should go to the ocean it’s just like a pond so I don’t know if I’ll get anything rare today it’s a bit noisy no you guys are just having like a very uh let’s see immersive Minecraft experience right now you gotta playing

It with me or watching me play as me in the Minecraft world oh what was that Summit I guess it was a sign say you’re anyone who works you’re a YouTuber you can be either today you’re basically playing Minecraft through me yeah what an experience

Maybe I should go to PPP again you know the good old good old days of fishing in the ocean um there is a salmon in the pond they’re still alive Yeah maybe we’ll go to PPP it’s been a while since we fished there okay let me tell you the world I can go through this way Minecart okay I’m ready to get on as soon as I put this down all right we’re on our way feels like the Eaton has a preschooler sitting on your lap hey Santa um I would like uh uh 500 cookies and Um maybe some netherite armor and some chocolate I’m not chocolate a lot I ordered it on Amazon I got the I got the Final Fantasy 16 bundle I ended up getting it I got it guys I got it although I probably won’t be getting it until I get back from my vacation

For family vacation rather finally and most likely I probably won’t be able to play on screen but Final Fantasy oh we still want to play near replica huh I completely forgot oh can you play a PlayStation 4 games on PlayStation 5. you can oh because like okay so technically I have like a

Um I bought the PlayStation 4 limited edition of Mira bucket and I already have the game on Steam as well so technically could play it on Steam team but you know but you know I would ever choose console I don’t know because I just literally have a way to

Get a PlayStation 5 for years yeah I just want to finally use my PlayStation 5 controller for a PlayStation I’ve had this PlayStation 5 controllers long person ever I’m literally staring at my PlayStation 5 controller right now without a PlayStation 5. hey I gotta say it’s been a good

Controller okay and we played Hollow Knight with it I played a Guilty Gear with it you know I played a lot of stuff with it okay actually maybe we should go to the fishing fishing house that rain and I built yeah I thought it’s a good good controller okay honestly I was

I wish I wish like playing Guilty Gear lasted a little longer I was having fun I don’t know I feel like I need to play more fighting games but at the same time like um my fingers hurt so much when I play it yeah I I do need to improve on the

Product tiles dodging and dealing with that she fired six I don’t know if we have parents or Street Fighters that sounds weird it looked fun oh I do have an arcade stick I just um half the time unsure when or where I placed it it’s in my it’s in my

Closet with all my other books and stuff but no it’s more comfy maybe I’ll try again sometime with the stick yeah I just have to double check that you know sometimes we don’t have the same permission to search Empires so my book closet my library is actually pretty impressive I gotta say um

I haven’t I haven’t taken a picture of it recently but the shelves are getting pretty full I need more shells um yeah I asked about Kingdom Hearts they said they’re working on it but I don’t have very high hopes I’ll be honest I’ll keep hoping for it but oh

Mending both the curse of Vanishing though and I guess it really depends like say I completely moved to Japan and play the game in Japanese with Japanese voices maybe okay but right now probably not imagine going that far for Kingdom Hearts I would if I didn’t have all these

Responsibilities you know as a proper functioning person in the society like oh a book oh Unbreaking three and I took the same thing as when someone says like if this and this is causing trouble why don’t you just quit it’s just like only world was that easy you know

Why I was just like stop doing something if it causes you troubles like if only the world was that easy man too real for real for real nice art what do you mean you don’t understand the art of fishing the most beautiful art there is the art of fishing

Isn’t this basically Modern Art staring at oh leather boots staring at the back of my head and fishing in Minecraft getting some leather boots out of the ocean we’re saving the environment good maybe this is just just a metaphor for life the rod is my canvas I mean the rod is

My brush the ocean my canvas exactly you know every time we throw our light into the ocean the ocean called life we’re just hoping that we hook on to something an opportunity in life you know sometimes we’ll get the things we want from the ocean sometimes it won’t

But you just keep throwing your line back into the ocean one day you will get the things you want name tag we can name something we’re seeing life is gotcha if you mean gotcha as in like life is luck of the draw yeah a lot of the stuff in life is more

You know lucky you being lucky or not even if you want it or not just how it is my face I got you It’s like how or where you’re born is gotcha how you look there’s gotcha your family gotcha foreign you never know maybe before you’re born you just like get this big gotcha machine and you just gotta go one by one be like okay my looks turn the gotcha machine there your family turned the

Gotcha machine there [Laughter] you know no rerolls unfortunately we haven’t gotten a single dollar show y’all yeah you know that that Meme look at the meme comic we’re just like when you were created you have like an ounce of you know humor ounce of good looks ounce of misery suffering

Another name tag where’s all the nautical shells at finding your oh she’s got you honestly it might be gotcha maybe the the luck of the algorithm could have brought you to your Oshie much earlier but you discovered them much later you know that is that is the possibility

You know maybe maybe the look of the jaw didn’t let your Oshi you know appear in the world yet it’s just that’s just the way it is hello John do you have a trident for me no get out of here I’m gonna try it tell your friends to bring a trident or

You don’t belong here yeah that’s right oh oh hello that’s a there’s a creeper there’s a is a creeper I only have two arrows I wish I could I got an Infinity I don’t think it has seen me yet but you know oh it didn’t have the power I should

Have used that one okay you know we uh take our fate into our own hands fight slash ground fishing I am required for sure you don’t mind see I even get a fishing rod out of provider they got the disc one or the notice what what is that

Wait what did I just get the ink sack what my NP called it’s called it’s called let’s catch an octopus like that would be a fun servant like a servant that uses a fishing pool it’s my mp 10 seconds long now I’ll be I want I want my if I was a

Servant I want my NP to be as short as bunions oh another fishing pole see oh wait that’s a really good fishing pole let’s basic what that’s the SSR fishing pole wait let me let me mend this one just one just randomly see life is a gotcha sometimes you get these really good

Pulls okay that was my NP that was that was I’m Amazed oh I got a saddle wait I think I think my inventory is full again I should make another chest hold on where’s the saddle go did I did I drop it is it underwater I thought I saw it

Is it under the dog I don’t see it did you take my saddle oh shadow doku oh it flew past me how did you guys see that you guys have like magical eyes or something wow well I guess there’s a lot of storage here I can probably borrow one of the uh

One of the barrels yeah I’ll borrow a pair of I’ll bring I’ll put it back okay I just don’t want to walk I’ll put it back later uh oh yeah I’ll put it back later let’s just I’m just borrowing it okay I mean I built the Hut with rainy okay

Oh another name tag I’m so lucky today I should I should not go outside today I might just get like isek hide honestly laughs I feel too lucky oh there it is okay we need eight totals I need four more another saddle maybe I should go roll on the gotcha laughs

Caramel apples or candied apples personally out of the two I like candied apples better because caramel kind of sticks to your teeth too much but if I’m being honest if I went to a carnival and I had the choice to buy the two I’d buy the cotton candy [Laughter]

I’m not the biggest fan of the two hahaha like at first it’s really nice to like you know eat through like the candy or the caramel with the Apple but once you get past that and you just have the Apple left and you just was like it’s just an apple

It’s just an apple I just bought an Apple for seven dollars another fishing pole of just mending yeah the apple is sweet but you gotta think you just literally ate through a layer of caramel or sugar you know Candy that Apple’s not gonna taste sweet for a while

Yeah just like how my my doctor oopsie is not tasting it like any sweetness because I’m eating candy exactly although I guess it’s summer time it’s almost like the time where all the carnivals happen and stuff it’s been a while since I went to work

Maybe I should go to a local one or one far away although I never ride the attractions those are scary because they’re temporary but I do like to you know try out like the the shooting games and stuff once in a while I know some of them are a scam

But they’re kind of fun just for the just for the memory thanks for the vibration but if they don’t worry okay yeah or getting like all the different foods and stuff they are overpriced but you know it’s like it’s for the Memories gotta get the snacks the overpriced drinks and food

But there are like some of like the big free events that happen like at the carnivals of course you have to like line up to get into it but some of them are really fun I know when I was little my money’s really like this like you know like the dog

Um super dog stuff where they’re like um what’s it they do like the the racing at the the obstacle courses all these like different dogs they go compete yeah those those are really fun to watch yeah and then like after the show you can go down to like where the show was

And you can go pet all the dogs Actually speaking of it so so monies told me about how you know there’s like um like the the Girl Scouts and stuff they go door to door to sell cookies and you know do like fundraisers and stuff so apparently one of them visited Maloney Saint Paul funniest house and

They usually buy the buy the cookies and stuff from them because well well first of all they’re my parents they like cookies second of all you know they like to you know give the give the kids going around a little Happiness by purchasing their products but um apparently they had a choice between

Like this beef jerky snack or Like Biscuits or cookies and of course they chose the cookies and after they left Mahoney’s was so excited to try them but then she saw the package closely oh Bow and there were they were not for human consumption it’s one way to put it dog treats

They were they were selling dog treats this time around so it was a choice between dog biscuits or like dog beef jerky and they bought the biscuits and they were like oh I can’t wait to eat that they saw it and we don’t we don’t own dogs or Mommy

Stuff off when he doesn’t have a dog we’ve never really had pets so uh yeah so when when I was still living with them um we actually knew our neighbors back then and they had a dogo a really cute Dogo it was like a big dog it’s so so sweet

Oh I got another okay I need three more and um and apparently while I was gone as in I moved to my office apparently Dogo passed away so he couldn’t give the tree to Dogo and I was so sad hearing the news because like like the don’t go with like the bark

Kind of like in the afternoon on the weekends so back when I was going to school and stuff like even if I slept in on the weekends I would hear the park outside my window and I would wake up yeah we got to pet it once or twice but yeah kind of sad

Really goes to say you know be really really you know loving to your pets because fortunately they’re their their lifespans are not as long as ours which makes me kind of sad I feel like if I had a pet like I’d be so heartbroken if like I have to say goodbye

Happy so like I feel this much sadness about my neighbor’s dog what if like I had my own ah I read the stretch what breed of dog was it I wasn’t really sure but I know it was like a it was like uh uh you know that one movie

Uh the Dogo movie Beethoven it’s kind of kind of old but it was it was similar to that dog I don’t know if it was mixed or not but it’s big big friendly Dogo laughs Saint Bernard or is that what they’re called oh another fishing rod lock up the seat Unbreaking I could

Probably eat merge these for a relatively good fishing rods yeah they’re really big good double we can put a saddle on them they are they are they are really fluffy I remember yeah I feel like if I ever got a Togo right the type of duel I would want is uh let’s see

Great Pyrenees I think they’re they’re called out of the big big dog but I need I need I guess I need a bigger house if I were to get a big talk they’re so fluffy and they’re so friendly and you know yeah a big fluff I would need

To give them lots of walks and have a big yard where they can play but yeah I like bigger dogs but I gotta say like golden retrievers too they’re so adorable so silly every time I see like animal YouTube shorts and stuff and they’re like golden retriever expectations and

Reality and it’s just like expectations just like you know loyal cute dog and then like reality is just like they’re so silly but like the way they smile right like the way golden retrievers smile is just like so precious it’s so silly so precious okay so they’re big goofs

Yeah I guess like every like you know when you’re little and you you know walk around the neighborhood and stuff and you have like traumas about dogs it’s usually like the ones I remember personally or like actually from smaller dogs smaller dogs sometimes are very vicious and fierce allowed

Like of course like bigger dogs would you know scare you when you’re little because of their size but usually the ones I guess I interacted with when I was small um they were really tame and kind of very chill dogos it was funny because yesterday while we

Were coming back from the theaters I’m already so striving and papa needs was sitting beside her and I was in the back and um we went by like a car and there was like a golden retriever in the back and it had this like little it the window

Was like very like open very little bit it was like the dog was like having its like you know snout on the window and kind of like trying to you know sniff the air that was chuckling and my mommy says like why are you smiling and puffiness

Is like hey I know why she’s smiling it was like a split second because that car was like turning right and we’re just going straight forward but for the split second I caught it I laughed and if papa needs also called it so you know I was

Just like you know how bunnies we have we have we have a lot alike Togo spotted both both papones and I just like yeah and I realized so man is always talked about how like she never got like you guys know what like migraine auras are

Right I guess those of you who have experienced it it’s like this like flashing spot that kind of like gets bigger and bigger and like you can’t really see that spot until the migraine hits you yeah so Mommy I told monies about that because I’ve had that for

Like ever since I started getting migraines you know you’re just like not like me because I’ve never I’ve had really bad migraines but I’ve never had those migraine auras and stuff and I’m just like well Melanie’s you know you and I are much different and then so

Um yesterday papa needs and I all went to the uh the optometrist and we got our detailed eye exams done actually no no papa needs God has done a while ago I was the only one yesterday I forgot um and he talked about her like his only

Problem with his eyes was like when he gets those like little you know flashy little lights that he can’t see I’m just like wait a minute you you’re the cause of my migraine it was a mama you said it was you I was like the genetics that was you Dad

And he was like I don’t know I was like it was you and here I thought I was some kind of like the weird one out of the family you know getting the migraine auras and these headaches and no problem is just like oh you know I get these weird flashes of

Because I use it for for I guess I’m heading I’m just like Dad I was like thank you so much for this It was kind of funny because you know like you know me being girl and my one is being good you know she she would just assume that everything that is different from you know herself is like some weird anomaly that I have but no it was just my dad

It was just my father’s side of the dreams yeah because like I don’t know I’m always keep saying that you know eyesights are like inherited always from your mother’s side I’m just like I don’t think that’s true because look at me because money says like the most perfect

Eyesight she’s like 20 20 Vision or something like that and she always talks about how underneath it’s like what happened because like I said it’s always supposed to come from the mom so I’m just like that’s not how it works she doesn’t listen to me I’m just like Mom just work

It’s a 50 50 and I lost Flame and infinity oh but it’s very very low uh low durability yeah because I know for sure I lost that gotcha because papa needs does not have very good eyes and I don’t have very good eyes so you know it’s you again it’s you darn you the DNA gotcha lost the 50 50.

That was the that was the what was the oh the you know when you when you when you get to the 50 50 and they’re just like well you get your on one side if you win the gotcha you get money to this perfect 20 20 vision on the other

On the other hand you get papa needs this video it’s what you get of course I I yeah I got I got up on this version Yep but it’s actually like so interesting if I compare oh another saddle time to dump some into the into the chest here I don’t need she doesn’t have as bad of eyesight as I do but yeah but genetics I feel like it’s so interesting because Mama’s house is like really characteristic

Like really interestingly shaped teeth how they’re arranged and like underneath has like the exact same tea is more and he’s like the Angles and everything are just so the same and they look so alike I’m just like did did you just clone yourself mom because you know sometimes you go back

To see your parents like old albums and stuff and other reason I used to do that and I’m just like underneath you’re in the picture they look so alike and I I I guess I took over Papa niece’s side of things I mean I think I look similar to monies

When I smile but I look more like Paul bunnies for sure and what’s really funny is like even like how our bodies are shaped is like half half between monies and properties and other niece and I are actually completely different like so I got manish’s feet

Like my feet look just like Mama needs to speak but other news has papa needs his feet and oh chip fire hug and my calves right they look just like Papa nieces where aninesis looks just like Moana says and it’s like so weirdly specific that I am completely the opposite of adenis in

Terms of who got what yeah it’s uh it’s quite interesting we gotta say it’s like it’s like someone just you know went and decided that audience and are just gonna be Polar Opposites in so many different ways even like in our academics and stuff like what we’re good at

And I guess down to how we look we’re like a mirror of each other it’s just like because sometimes you know siblings look really alike but I are just like we’re similar in a way in some ways but like if you put compare like one thing to another it’s just like

We’re just like different halves of monies and pop and he’s just put or constructed like a Lego differently you know laughs I guess it’s balanced honestly but it is quite quite interesting now that I think about it oh finally it’s okay two more although I don’t I wonder if there’s

Like some like not physical characteristics that we got oh another pretty good fishing rod from I mean although like I don’t know Hobbies was I took it from both Marty’s epiphanies but I don’t know if Alanis did maybe Alanis was like the not hobby oriented person where I was because I feel like

Like monies is I guess Hobbies or you know on the creative side which I guess I kind of took from her whereas papa needs is like more like a self-study kind of person like learning stuff that interests him on his own which I took from him because I just you

Know taught myself all these programs and stuff that I know how to use and I didn’t mean it’s I don’t know what I would call her hot girls I think she’s actually talked to me about how she needs Hobbies But I guess she’s somewhat normal in that sense what’s YouTubers I I don’t know if I would recommend doing that to her but she did see Clips she I think she was actively searching for Clips or it showed up on her feet or something because she she was looking at the

Comments of cliffs about talking about her you know drawings that were shown on stream ah she specifically actually like linked he could come into me saying how whatever anini’s drawing with the marker without drawing a rough is actually a flex and she’s like look it’s a flex

Yeah okay okay I was like yeah yeah yeah maybe because I’ve seen some of some of the uh some of the fan arts drawing underneath as well maybe I should I should link her some of them wait I’m level 30 already I was like level 25 when I started fishing or something like

That I hope she didn’t see the one where I called her bald she blocked me we had a drawing strong stream with her she she’s a normal uh member of society she would be working at this hour I don’t know I think she likes what she does it’s pretty cool still fishing yes

Oh yeah I need two more two more shells you know what it’s just a fishing stream now that’s fine oh yeah I should talk about my trip to the eye doctor I finally got the um the detailed exams done and uh I I was a little bit surprised oh

Fire protection frostwork oh I can put these on the boots and I can walk and walk in water um so my left eye was pretty fun oh another book Quick Charge silk touch oh what’s Quick Charge I wish I can get new eyes that’d be nice but um

Apparently my right eye has something called a uh uh uh retina detachment that is us for crossbows oh never really used a crossbow yeah it’s uh it’s not great uh it’s where where the retina detaches itself from the wall of your eyes kind of and uh it can lead to some bad things

Um and I was I was like uh what but um it’s not 100 serious right now because I’m not getting like the big you know side effects that makes it really urgent uh but we we still have to keep it in in check yeah it’s not serious enough that I need to

Get it repaired right away but um we are keeping out an eye on it get it an eye on it and uh yeah if it if it gets worse I I heard that it can cause a tear like a a big tear and you can it can have serious

You know bad things happen but right now it’s it’s not that serious yet so so if it comes down to I might have to go get it treated however it’s not at that stage yet so we’re keeping an eye on it quite literally yeah is it from overstream um part of it because

Basically you know when you get become more and more nearsighted your eye actually kind of changes shape try to you know it actually becomes longer and when that happens your eye basically stretches and sometimes you get this uh Detachment of the retina from the yeah from where it needs to be

They’re for uh yeah but I’m not I’m I’m uh taking care of it so um we’ll see in a while after another check if it has gotten worse or if it’s relatively stable that does not need any treatment for their treatments but yeah I mean if anything if it seems like it’s

Getting worse I’m definitely gonna get the treatments so there’s no need to worry my my site is very important to me I kind of need to see to do my work okay I need my sight to see you know chat and the screen so yeah way too much I’ll let you guys

Know if there’s anything but yeah there’s treatments for others so there’s no need but it was a good thing that I actually did get you know that thorough exam done because otherwise you know I wouldn’t have known and all of a sudden I’d be like well can’t see through my right eye

Guess I’ll wear a cool eye patch yeah guess I’ll just wear an eye patch look like a pirate Ahoy And I feel like especially with if there’s like problems with my health it can get frustrating but like being always feeling down about it doesn’t really do much for me so I know it can it’s technically a serious thing but I’d rather just be like you

Know I’m gonna wear an eye patch let’s go honestly I can just you know just join become part of Central’s crew I’ll blend them right away you know I’ve I’ve you know made some made some appearances in her and her mvs and stuff you know I’m also just like

You know shimmy over a couple more scenes I’ll be with the crew okay child I told you don’t come back unless you haven’t tried it okay thank you foreign things I can I can be both right [Laughter] I just need to show her if I tend to go

I’ll just be like essential I can be your I can be your personal assistant wink wink wink nudge yes I can be your secretary although I gotta say like after seeing all the things I gotta do all the time I’m just like why don’t I have a secretary

I need an assistant to do all the things I just can’t get myself to do honestly but then like if I were to get an assistant I would need some very high spec like I would need them to be like multilingual be able to send you know like messages and organize things in

Multiple languages and that’s that’s already a pretty you know big you know spec that you would require in like a job situation oh and they would need to you know be aware of the things that I do as a job and understands its ins and outs and

A lot of things and that’s quite High spec maybe maybe I should look into you know maybe including a channel is a very good you know maybe maybe I can clone each on oh yeah honestly I wish I could just clothe myself honestly at that point if I could

Clone anyone I’ll just you know called myself already know all this stuff isn’t that just like a lot of people’s dreams just to be able to have more bodies to get more stuff done honestly Think about this one I can strike stream and do content twice as much as I am right now if there’s two of me oh my goodness what a deal laughs I can bounce ideas off myself wow oh another bow I’m getting all kinds of bows and rare

Things but not too more not as Nautilus shells the unfortunate events twice as lazy well I explained my not getting stuff done is lazy because that’s the easiest way to explain it in a comical sense but yeah honestly I feel like if there was two of me there’ll be double the amount of

Problems I have so maybe that’s not the greatest thing [Laughter] I mean I think my mother John is like one of the best that I’ve had um probably tied with Gemma but oh is that water it’s just water yeah honestly how many have I had is classified but but

Is doing such an amazing job honestly oh but Gemma is honestly like amazing herself so yeah tell her thank you from US ah she loves you guys Wait but yeah I feel like from now on I’ll just say money oh finally one more yeah any any manager I’ll just say money town you guys won’t know who’s who I’m just used to calling Gemma Jamma so one more show we can finally make a conduit

You are money Chan you were money everyone is yes but not my manager right now For the intense on the rod look at the sea lore Unbreaking same as this one surprisingly I got this one right out of the ocean someone must have thrown it in there maybe Poseidon has thrown it in there never know it was a very crazy luck honestly I

Thought I thought I just somehow cloned my fishing rod but I picked it off fall of the ocean oh I have so many Saddles maybe I should open a saddle shop open the saddle shelf in in the server be like take free saddle oh finally okay I’m lucky fishing though

In the new server just have like random things I get from fishing just be like free to take I can make a conduit do I have time to keep fishing Minister actually I have to recheck when the uh when the servers are gonna close for maintenance let me double check

Oh I don’t have Discord open wait I set an alarm uh I mean we still have like go for another 30 minutes or so maybe maybe I’ll make a um conduit for now and then just I guess carry back wait this is not a shelter box I can’t bring this entire thing back

You know next Minecraft stream we might go to the end and uh get a bunch of shocker shells again I wish I could make I feel like making a shelter floor is kind of difficult wait I think there’s an under chest up there if I can go get a shelter box

I feel like that’s kind of needed right now I have like five shulker boxes in the Onsen I feel like I took most of them back didn’t I like I feel like I should challenge myself to make a shulker form somewhere because that would definitely benefit a lot of people

Um can I even empty out any of these potion I mean I can just take back the stuff that I need or try to squish it into one of the boxes oh that one’s full it’s an adventure but a much necessary one I’ll have to go look at some tutorials or something

Brick of gold definitely should work on making the storage room for the new house first so I can dump a lot of these in my crash the server I guess it depends like if there’s a good place where I can build one that’s not gonna crash anything

Oh that’s full too but I have so much stuff is this one full two oh wait I can use this one okay the reason I believe this patch upcoming patch to the whole server is the one that will reset um the resource server that’s where we can go get the new stuff um

Should I just bring the Saddles over and the name tags haha I guess I can put all the fish in here um maybe the boots that I don’t need um but yeah we after after we get the update Michael’s searching for some Sakura trees you can use that to decorate our house

I know there was a oh yeah there’s a silk touch one Unbreaking one okay how about I’ll leave the rest of this I’ll come back for this stuff let’s go back home um make the conduit wait this is not the way home do I have prismarine blocks for the

Conduit I have a lot of the crystals in the uh in the shulker box and stuff so if not we can just go to uh should we grab a couple more from the farm here um laughs enough I know I’m forgetful it’s just it’s just a treat of mine okay

It’s just like when you go out of Summer to go I don’t know um to go you know shopping and then you realize you forgot your wallet it’s basically that foreign I have lots of Heart of the Ocean uh in the shelter boxes in the Ender Chest just gotta do some organization laughs

God can no but I don’t want to blame all the bad things or the negative things about me on them you know I’m not that bad of a kid like everything of that happens to me because of you guys yeah I found a bunch of them when I was

Treasure hunting with uh Callie and Kyla so what if we have two continents that’d be fun stuffed entire Lake that you can swim around Flex wait but that would need eight more shells that’s more efficient one for I have the taco um we can do more fishing

I should have enough prisoner in blocks from just taking the stuff from the uh from the funny fish farm but if that I can go back because I need to get more shells anyways okay maybe that’s just another fishing stream it’s a cute closet for a stream but I’m

Missing in a smile I can fix that I can fix this okay there we go hey I’ll even be beside the tacos right here where is that right here wow now you can see my face now think of this as like a a banner you know a banner with my face on it it’s the banner of my hashtag hashtag Taco

Time make sure you guys talk about the stream using the hashtag Taco Time I remember like I remember when we I don’t know if staffs I would like to talk about when we when we first were doing our streams and our debuts that they’re like

You know it’s it’s good to say leave a like subscribe you know the usual YouTuber comments I felt so what should I say I feel so weird saying that I think I said that like on my debut stream or something I was like I I don’t I don’t like say that [Laughter]

Hit that notification Bell smash that like button but yeah you know ancient times where no one really knew what we really want to do oh but yeah those are the times okay I really need to organize my uh inventory oh there’s cutting Corners hey my single netherite uh uh tool

Actually I should probably switch and bring some of these over to the the making potions place this is why I need I literally need slash like search inventory or something this is that’s the change we need uh that probably bring some of the courts up there down here too huh

Go mining with Kyle honestly I don’t know I would like not the right stuff but um Maybe it seems like uh a stream on its own you know build an auto store honestly maybe that should be like one of the first things I should do

See this is where all my good tools are I left them here see raidup is a lie I think this was what used to be in like another chest and I needed to empty it a little bit for something instant health Minecart or taco wait what was I gonna do

Honestly I should move these over to the Ender Chest the good weapons and stuff Okay and uh conduit yes but I wanted to place the saddle somewhere to stuff them in here I’ll come back for you I promise maybe okay perfect okay conduit Should be wait what did I even put inside this shelter chest I don’t remember anymore I didn’t even put anything in it is dum dum okay and then we have the crystals sea Landers made a whole bunch of sea lanterns when I have to go to FFF actually you know you dumb dumb

They just need that thumb sticker on my head right now okay I don’t even remember I put the heart of the seed is it in one of the purple chests probably is isn’t it five days okay uh and then con do it I made it oh okay how do you

Is there there’s like a specific way you gotta set up a conduit right you can’t do it my Protector the prismarine thing Jake frame so sea monsters won’t work right so I have to go back there anyways then if only sea lanterns work um hold on let me move diamond and gold over to my precious goodies chest oh I have so much diamonds wait sea monsters work oh

My house is loud I know I have a lot of cats conduit see Oh I mean I have sea lanterns I’m a cat lady I can’t have cats in real life I’ll just have a bunch of them in Minecraft okay if sea lanterns work then that that should be fine okay put these back in here I guess I’ll just carry this stuff button there

And foxes I know and dogs I know I know a lot of I have a lot of them okay and he Blocks made with price Marine works oh okay okay so we’re fine we’re fine okay then we’ll just go to go to the new server again okay perfect

Oh wait maybe I should leave the books here and the name tag and in my fishing rods the brushes I can’t leave them I need a I need a what’s it right click sort button here Minecraft please is there a sword button already that I don’t know about my my RPG

My RPD right click start there’s a mod for it there’s no way they’ll add it for my sake there’s no way oh maybe I should sleep before going I don’t want to accidentally blow up anything or you know unfortunate things happening at night oh scary Terraria so I haven’t played Terraria in like how many how many years too many years I don’t even remember how to play it I don’t think I even knew how to play when I’ve played it but you know maybe with the new house and possibly an auto sorter of sorts you

Know although that probably requires some not so nice looking walls and stuff hmm to think about it maybe we’ll just have like a dome of Taco in the water and that’s kind of like the aesthetic part and then we’ll just like dig underneath the taco and that’ll be like an underground you know

Place for storage and stuff and like the the underwater tacos just like the the greeting area you know the guest room yeah just like just like my original goal of having a underground layer the bunker taco I should remake the chicken chicken I mean uh definitely not chicken uh thing oh

Free food you know and it’ll automatically go into like the furnace oh brilliant and I’ll just you know whenever I need some food I just have to take it from the plate There is no secret chicken farm don’t be silly you know of course there’s not of course of course not no such thing but it is good to have like a good source of like food that’s just not potatoes and I guess steak ah this way right It’s raining here too sleep we must sleep I have no idea why this place is open and there’s a door let’s not question it like I these are windows why is there no like you know I won’t question wait ah you know what I should just you know um

I should build a big sign that just says this way to talk doors are an option honestly is this the story no it’s not the way no we came from this way okay okay this way the girl has a conduit under her Trident which we shall go take a look oh

All right follow follow movies owl always okay maybe the doors or the friends I mean along the way I have friends I have friends okay we’re almost there I tried it was like the blue that swirly thing supposed to be is it like a magical effect George it’s water oh

It would be cool to just have like uh being able to just have the water blocks as is okay so it’s like one two three four five five five five five five and then the water five five by fives okay mild be cool because it’s gonna glow

Okay how deep should we put it I mean I guess it should be deep enough that I need I need to be able to to uh breed while constructing it oh where are the stairs oh there it is I mean I went halfway down the stairs without taking the stairs yeah

No she does such a good job that’s a good trident okay so five five fives I don’t need my ankles honestly ankles are just a just a crutch okay maybe I should have made one water breeding potion maybe I should have made one wait do I have a door maybe I can just

Make a door you know like the good old door check door technique you know a chemical door I left all my wood wait but I have an ax and there’s wood around it don’t say it chat it’s not the time oh sap you must grow you must grow see I’m I’m helping nature

Regrow exactly saplings okay I guess I should make a crafting box nearby huh let that be uh that’d be a good thing okay a door without the e I have three doors okay that’s enough all right let’s go down way down below where is okay that’s that’s the glass can go down here

Oh it’s dark so dark chat I should put out some Lantern that’s much better no you’re not invited you’re not invited here this is my door whoa the underground looks really cool too look at that oh I hear another one hello it looks like a cave almost the carnival kill those yeah that’s

After I built the conduit we gotta build out to it first we need a base so we see the art Circle right here I think right about here uh one two three four five eight eight eight eight foreign back to the door I had tried it maybe I’ll be lucky

Maybe today’s my lucky day where are you at where are you at oh where are you attacking from the door blocking what’s up what’s up it’s right above me I don’t see under oh whoa that sounds so far wait they have such bad aim I could do better with a trident

You know that Titan could really put in good hands you know they’re dropping no don’t get cocky it did like no damage come on but no way oh did you see that I got Trident now I finally ever tried it oh wait wait wait wait wait wait I could have finished the conduit

I finally I’ve tried it ah okay so I can put an ending on it and then it’s like the the return thing right I can put Power oh wait I’m so lucky today honestly loyalty yeah yeah I think I have a book at home wait but let’s finish the conduit first okay

So it’s like the plus sign oh finally remember all those days where I spent all those days I spent in the the Trident Farm waiting for one oh do I have water breathing on my helmet I’m lasting a lot longer in the water than I thought I think I do

Oh yeah respiration oh fauna she knew this was gonna happen someday you prepared us for us it’s respiration she knew oh whoops well wait I did need that never mind of course Sasuke Ian’s Ian’s hope in the Minecraft world Fallen okay and then this side it was all all four scene

By Nature okay this is it right and the Very middle I put the I put the conduit in the middle block ow I’m stealing your your house remove the Block in the middle hold on does this have oh I should have I should have oh wait I do okay ah

Okay break this one in place conduit oh I can’t get up uh here’s a slide okay place the conduit there oh wait I think I’m missing blocks and there no oh get rid of the other four two oh wait I need I need it here

None of the middle stuff okay got it got it got it so none of these stuff wait is it the right one just just the outline okay okay okay let me let me grab my lanterns they’re precious I need them not you you’re not precious yeah okay and then oh

Well I guess this works and this one okay this one this one oh they’re trying to stop me from building it it’s too late now this is my territory now let’s go in Doki Doki oh look is it gonna attack the zombies they’re still around oh Lantern doesn’t have

Need one more ring for ah horizontal ring for full attack oh like in the middle oh okay well at least I can breathe I can easily take care of these and it’s so bright down here now that oh but it’s alive oh now it’s breathing

Okay I’ll get rid of the store oh I think it killed it that’s working oh I think it was a good idea to build it with the lantern because then it’s like so bright around here that I can actually like you know see yes can’t do it feed feed on the sacrifice

Maybe the light isn’t from the lanterns but it looks really nice this way okay yes can’t do it feed okay now I can head over and start you know we can go home and improve our trident because I remember I prepared the books for the Trident right if I were to get one

Oh I’m so happy so long ago I mean I would have to get like a uh well it’s like the best options for a trident about loyalty of course and uh sleep first let me get out of here first okay loyalty is the one that comes out yeah mending loyalty channeling Loyalty Channel what does channeling do does it do more damage if I like hold it longer or something Impaling loyalty rip what’s Riptide lightning oh lightning and thunderstorm oh wait I’ll borrow a girl’s bed this time excuse me coming through let you fly in the rain oh it sounds kind of like a recipe for death recipe for I’m gonna fall to my death and die but it’s cool

Hello sheep goodbye sheep I mean this isn’t some breath of the wild okay it’s not raining all the time if it was breath of the wild you know it’d be raining and thundering all the time I could fly everywhere but no not not in Minecraft I’m Minecraft Okay we we’re out of time in it here we gotta go good thing I got all these levels from fishing right everything was a build up for this moment wow amazing oh the frames in water pools too yeah but like well if there’s like better attack stats maybe I’ll go for those okay

Oh yes 60 FPS that’s cool oh the amount of times of AFK and the Trident Farm try to fix it in case like the new spawning what’s my call it mechanic broke it oh I all tried it I only tried it okay Unbreaking impaling I’m breaking

Three is the highest or was there was there a high or what I don’t I definitely need mending oh maybe I should have uh grabbed some books from the uh from the store I’m breaking three okay well I I had a whole bunch of books I’ve gotten before

I have enough levels that I can probably like raw Enchanted if I need to oh trident Oh what’s your name to try it a fork a spork I got it I’m breaking three but I had like a different um enchantment tooth didn’t it I’ll go home and check the taco taco pick me the try Fork well that’s a thing right it’s like a fork

It’s like saying Fork fork in a way the light skill Trident oh life skill Trident sounds nice it’s just like chai tea you’re saying TT I like saying ATM machine the m stands for machine okay oh wait it’s just an Unbreaking one okay that’s perfect perfect okay so we need loyalty

Uh okay let’s uh let’s look here I have an impaling one saw that um okay Unbreaking I need a mending I can get that from the thing I have a piercing too I need a piercing right this is my this is my book closet exactly um and peeling and Riptide cannot go oh Okay and peeling is a tried and specific one okay uh I’ve been appealing one sharpness protection Maybe I put the good books upstairs this little kind of like the the book The the what’s it the the bargain book okay now there it is okay um I’m pretty sure I had a loyalty book somewhere maybe not around here piercing is I could make a really good uh crossbow too

It’s in the under chest um did I give it to Aha maybe I gave it the girl actually I don’t remember it was a while ago enchanted book Oh there it is Impealing five bending royalty three okay that was that was where I put it apparently oh I even had a silk touch book okay so I I merged the books and then I put on the Trident right I think that’s that’s what we’re supposed to do yeah I prepared this book

That’s why all the all the there wasn’t that many down here because all the times I was fishing I got these books and I put it all together prepared it yeah are we channeling why didn’t you say in pilly and Charlie can’t be put on the same one

Oh there’s one with channeling too Oh Riptide is okay okay I’m peeling uh I wasn’t the red one right okay Riptide in little tears but this one is like efficiency and power I can’t really choose like what the last thing I put right little teen impending I think is better it’s impealing five

Yeah maybe if I get like a single you know impaling or not impaling channeling yeah okay so I got a what was it I gotta put the books together first or can I just put it on the trident One by one Books first right okay books first damn peeling mending a little too Unbreaking that’s ten twenty yeah definitely the books first swap it around like this 22. definitely the 10. 22 versus 10. go back go back okay you get the 10. I hope that this we gotta go to FFF I knew it would cost a lot it’s okay I expected this wait this is mending right uh the book okay back to FFF quick I mean I think the server goes down on

The on the hour I don’t want to end a bit earlier just in case I guess we’ll end the stream at FFF wait that’s the wrong way this way ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha we must go let’s go okay well I could have probably flown

But you know what it’s too late now can I see your face before you go I mean I can I can chat a bit after I get off the Minecraft server I just don’t want to be on when it goes off so it goes offline you guys are just trying to kill me

You’re gonna just just want to see my clap my face into the wall and die and lose everything no I’m too smart for that oh axolotl I’m too smart for that chat but I wonder like I keep thinking about having like a limited time and Minecraft server special

Where we can have like more like a scene thing with the RPG and maybe we can even have like big events like like a beefed up Ender Dragon and like the bosses and stuff make it like a raid I’ll look into it but I feel like I feel like that sounds really fun

Yeah like a custom kind of server thank you it’s a little bit like a limited time you know event server because you know how the sports festival and stuff you know has events but like have like uh like an RPG world it’s gonna be like I guess like a higher

Difficulty like mobs would hit harder and like like gotta level up maybe we can have like a couple different jobs and skills the Easter guy server sounds good and we’ll have like a I guess like a timed event raid like a Minecraft MMO basically yeah sounds really fun though

Oh it look it will require a lot of work but I feel like it would be fun oh let’s sleep we don’t want anything dangerous happening maybe I’ll start some research for the project like I can’t sleep Hello siripa I heard it was like two-ish hours or so not too sure I’m sure they probably want to like make sure everything’s working and stuff too so I’d give it at least like a couple hours oh I really haven’t been sleeping though I’ve been sleeping like six to eight

Hours but I just haven’t been sleeping well that’s the problem it’s because I I have to get well I’m trying to get a lot of things sorted out and making sure everything I need to do before I leave is finished before I have to go so I did a lot of stuff

Busy busy day it’s like the worst part about going on a vacation or like being away for a while is that set to make sure that everything is in order and working but dead eyes are a bit before I leave so doing my best don’t but at least I haven’t tried it

Now after what two and a half years of Minecraft well finally Trident of my own trying to call my own I’m so happy I didn’t realize like today I was like the lucky day like I was kind of joking when I said I should go roll on the gotcha because

My fishing look was really cool maybe I should use the fishing look to kind of gauge like if today is like a lucky day or not okay let’s open this get out and then that right and borrow oh Fortune okay gotta stand here wait do I have anything to mend

Okay I’ll use my shovel The fishing noises though thank you Okay it was 33 I think so Isn’t there like a armor wait there’s a dolphin no dolphin it was 34. oh that’s okay 29. no no could I see that wait that’s because it’s different oh dirty what does a dolphin have a name that’s me the last Toto maybe you should need a trident that the last totsuki

Just eat a Kaza okay in order of the dolphin we shall name the Trident the last tortillas or taco we’re 34. let’s go for 36. what’s like the max level you can get in Minecraft is it like 99 or 256. 999 . two places they got to 500. I kind of

Get to 500 just stand here and just keep doing this if only we were on time I I totally would it’ll just be a chatting stream okay we’re 38. okay okay uh um the last the last oh caps lock is on the my stomach just growled the last taco how’s that ah

It fits the last taco did it hold on let me let me mend it Why so many of them it’s all mended I’m 31 already what I just regained all my all my levels FFF is too strong oh my goodness oh my goodness oh wait I forgot to put the sword back see forgetful Ina but I remember in the end okay that’s my side I tried and

Do a flip now I’m a I’m a good The last taco you can get is 238 mil oh my goodness that’s that’s a lot of levels you never have to level up again to enchant stuff I guess unless you die what do I tried on search around nearby actually let me get back to land

Okay uh I think a home is this way that was it I wish I could put on curse of what’s it curse of binding or something can never take it off it’s my weapon forever now like that’s that’s the wrong way uh this way it’s only for armor darn

Unless I die of course no I okay it is this way okay it’s this way gotta go towards the direction of the the portals where’s the lighthouse huh towards the sun okay follow the Sun we need like a lighthouse for life oh there’s the lighthouse I was going anywhere but towards the lighthouse

I got eight minutes we gotta get to land how far does it Trident go oh there’s a chicken on the boat quite far oh I need a lighthouse for the lighthouse honestly can I find okay I’ll tell you test it on that sheep oh

So I do have to kind of aim it like a bow powerful thank you okay my stomach is telling me I should get off okay maybe maybe I’ll I’ll sleep in the fishing house or stop at the fishing house but uh thank you very much everyone for

Coming to watch the stream today I’ll show you guys my face as soon as I get off the Minecraft server okay sleep okay all right I’m safe let me uh let me get rid of this well maybe you can just go to the studio hold on uh okay

All right we’re back my my the back of my head is still around okay okay fix this oh I still have this I guess I can leave it all it’s still on sale okay I gotta uh oh I’m getting closer to the screen okay I know how to do this totally oh oh

It’s not it oh that’s not it that’s also not it how can I spin oh hey I need a gaming chair Ah spin Okay I’m back hi oh it’s so dark hi hi so uh let me just uh fit this on the screen there we go hi um hope you guys enjoyed the uh Minecraft stream yeah did you see yago’s pictures I posted on Twitter hi come here often laughs

Yeah you did I know yako is always so nice you know posing or I guess being a model to our merch oh wait maybe I should add the birthday birthday stuff to this rotating ads on the top oh surely I have I still have it I think so uh who am not sure

Where did I put it did I did I not it’s my first time requesting him to mall for Murphy no actually he’s done it all the times I’ve asked laughs including um you know last year’s and the years before and I can you know yako has like um

A what should I say a certain expression every time he poses for you know merch and stuff but um he really smiled big while holding the kdtd and I can’t forget it I can’t forget it because every other time you know he has like a very you know not neutral expression but for

The kdt I think he couldn’t hold back his laughter ah just how ridiculous it was [Laughter] I mean I can’t blame him I gotta say I can’t blame him but huh I was just this is just you know I hope I hope yako is doing fine

I’m sure he has a lot on his plate too hmm you know what I’ll just copy the entire thing over that’ll be fine I stopped eating the jellies after the fishing part but I’m eating it again it’s so good yeah but it’s so good ah there we go

I don’t know if this will add the new pictures in it though hmm maybe I can refresh it that directory maybe I delete this oh okay I think this is gonna work I like how the ad is like so much brighter than my face though it’s a special feature but it looks like

I’m actually inside the inside the room you know the lighting hold on let’s see if I can uh Change this hmm I thought my background was supposed to be a lot brighter did I oh maybe I did alter this hold on oh Maybe not well this is the original image so yeah the door to Darkness wait maybe I can uh switch over to the daytime okay because this is the uh this is the gamer Ina setup maximum Darkness just the monitor being very bright um hold on close your eyes it might be

Becoming bright mode or light mode actually maybe I can do that okay oh I know why it’s so dark it’s because I’m still kind of transparent okay okay actually maybe not okay hold on maybe will this fix things I don’t know I was still kind of transparent but oh

Well let’s try this okay I mean this is a little better I’m I’m I’m in my room now my studio definitely louder I mean I could turn this off but I could just go to ah okay this is better for my eyes yeah I’ve I’ve lowered the monitor

Brightness for all my monitors a little bit because they were kind of hurting my eyes whoa dark mode I wonder how did it oh wow Bing Bing Bing okay I had enough fun how are you guys doing today this turned into chatting stream is this turning to his charting stream

Maybe I can read some of the chat that I wasn’t able to read before oh I’m pretty sure I started the whole Yago model thing maybe because I remember there was only like a couple times where Yago you know post for Merch but I’ve definitely noticed a lot more after the kdtd

Picture incident sorry Maybe all according to kikaku I mean I think like it’s really nice that Yago cares for us and you know likes to pose for our pictures and stuff [Laughter] I appreciate it you know he’s he’s a busy person like takes the time to do this for us

He’s a great model I gotta say yeah I remember it was like it was like um Coco’s Empires uh the the the tail plug-in type and like matri Senpai is Big plushy so I was like you know Katie is also you know a big plushie can you can you ask Yago

Take a picture of us so people know how big it is so um all right oh yeah I want to read this one maximum level you can get in Minecraft is 238 million 609 312. I didn’t know I could read that number I thought I was gonna get stuck in the middle but

It’s because at that point you have more than 2.147 billion experience which is the max that a 32-bit signed into your can store you can get level 2.147 billion if you use commands oh that really makes me want to like look into like the history of all the you know why things are

Like file size and stuff or the way they are because at first like when you look at it seems like really random numbers right like the 128 256 what is it some other numbers and stuff I’m just like why are those numbers the way they are because like to someone who doesn’t know

Like the ins and outs of stuff right like the bits and and data stuff I’m just like I don’t know numbers brain it’s binary powers of two oh based math math oh wait wait hold on hold on maybe I can put this on the canvas wow you can’t really see it but

Wow it’s on the canvas amazing immersive experience so it’s a magical canvas yeah speaking of which I do want to make a few more backgrounds too I’ve been using my studio for a while we have another one in the garden we haven’t used that one in a while

Um I got the uh the gamer in a version of this studio but um maybe maybe we’ll build a new space for ourselves yeah did you know the I don’t know I haven’t really used the garden that often hold on let me let me check if everything’s

In place oh that’s uh that’s different okay uh let me I can fix this we can maybe go to the Garden today we haven’t gone there in a while also where’s oh setlist did I use it for a carry no I didn’t use it for karaoke foreign maybe we can have a

Uh hold on can I do let’s go to the Garden wow is it snowing oh yeah I used this for I use it for my birthday last year I don’t think we’ve been here since my birthday last year that’s why there’s a balloons okay get rid of those balloons

And and is it snowing where is this coming from oh it sparkles oh it’s spark we can leave the sparkles But I remember I created like um what’s it I remember I had different versions of the garden too there was like a um I don’t I don’t think I’ve completely finished it but I had a nighttime version of the garden too and um there was like I think there was I

Made one so there’s like fireworks outside can’t remember but there was like a snowing one in the winter yeah I like creating the backgrounds to have different things but I want to also make like a fancier background too the ones that like animated stuff in it

I think I can make that myself so yeah you see you see like how there’s like the kind of the cityscape because this is a rooftop garden this is basically what I imagine you know our Taco what should I say the taco Garden thing at the top of my en server

House it’s kind of what it’s supposed to kind of feel like you know up the rooftop garden that you can look out of into the city the taco Dome exactly that’s where the garden is yeah maybe I can improve on the garden a little bit down the line

You can add like a nighttime one maybe like a sunset one I guess that’s like the good like uh fun thing about being able to create your own I guess backgrounds is that I can just create it whenever I want it does take time but I can like you

Know if I think of something I can just like go Boop and then just like make it so that’s the fun part about making background and steam assets um what kind of place would you like you know me to stream from would you like a different room

I mean we’ve withstream from the studio which is also kind of where I sleep and stuff so I don’t really have a bedroom Um hmm oh yeah I can have a kitchen for more cooking streams kitchen the beach for the sun oh that’s a good idea okay okay where is my stream idea Notepad I made one the other day where did I leave it wait where did I save it

Surely it’s in the list of recently used recent files no it’s not there apparently because I posted all those pictures of Iago that’s what that’s what it goes up to okay um got this okay stream description what is this file oh that’s my backup for the stream description chat CSS that’s you guys

Uh to-do list oh it’s my to-do list from January 20th I have a document named debut oh This was oh this was the notes I read or I wrote down before my debut stream and the in the on the the whole what’s it flow I was gonna talk oh nostalgic hahaha

What did I write uh uh hold on let me okay okay Point form it says now loading I think I didn’t use this exactly yeah but I might have written this like a couple days before the debut stream oh it was like an idea for the TV oh okay

Okay because I remember I didn’t really use all of this says now loading and then it says lore video slash or song which did not happen so this was way before I don’t think I had a lure video Laura video is me intro profile Papa introduction yeah that makes sense

Likes and dislikes okay favorite anime games and light novels okay tags and emotes uh-huh talk about Halloween okay I think this was a um First Impressions and after I met them I don’t know if I did I do this in the TV stream but what test Ina wrote was

Um wait maybe on stream I should say Minecraft Minecraft over and just chatting randomly now uh Minecraft over just chatting now the dawn okay there you go but it says Calliope before cool Queen bracket kudere question mark likes dark games this is like the before I met Cali

Impressions just by looking at her I think by dark games I met like you know Dark Souls you know bloodborne from soft games it’s probably my guess back in the day and it was like after likes dark games like swine talented music would like to chill with okay that pretty decent

Likes dark games yes likes wine bracket a lot Maybe okay Kiara before so this is before I’ve talked to her just by seeing her this is my impression of well past Ina’s impression of Kiara was she’s like a big sister type okay probably likes chicken not sure

What exactly I meant I meant by eating chicken or liking chicken I’m not sure laughs okay this is the exact words exact words passed in a row in this note can probably tease her about being a chicken and she would German suplex me palestino thing honestly pretty pretty accurate

Impression of Kiara before I even met her oh uh okay so after past Ina talked to Kiara she wrote must protect but also fun to tease why did I what was past year thinking past Eda exact words if anyone makes her cry though I will bite their kneecaps uh

And the last note says probably likes chicken but we call her a chicken I think I think past Eda meant probably not a chicken But we still call her chicken I don’t know pastina was maybe a gremlin who knows I read the notes for Guru and of it I don’t Was was passed in a drunk when she wrote this I don’t understand okay so for girl it says before little Gremlin who would probably steal the sausages out of my Bento relatively accurate she would steal the taco sausages out of my Bento I’m not wrong laughs and after

It says what gladly offered my taco sauces to her in exchange for her to drop I think I think pastina was was probably drug foreign says would gladly offer my taco sausage to her in exchange for her to drop the F-bomb on me before bed I don’t know what I meant

I don’t know what I I don’t know what happened that would make me say this what does it even mean I don’t I don’t know okay I’m reading Amish and it’s kind of kind of what I expected it says before calm and collected kind and soft-spoken which is true

I mean she has her wallet size but she can be collect calm and collected she can be soft-spoken you know but this is just you know my initial impression before you know talking to her and getting to know her and then the after says I mean okay the after is pretty

Accurate it says sends us pictures of bugs to hear a squeal and Chuckles know many things like a real detective dependable and talented okay that’s pretty accurate sounds like Ahmed And then uh note after that that explains all of hollow Yen says everyone in Halloween are very talented and kind and cute and cool and wow I’ve only known them for a short while but if anything were to happen to them and the sentence ends there and then next bullet point is near

Future streams and the very last thing I wrote is exit I didn’t expect how to exit it just says Exit but that was I guess like this is like the final note I think I had a different uh what you might call it like a flow of

How I did the stream back then but this was like the one of the first drafts I guess that I wanted I wanted to kind of see a flow of what I want to do in the debut stream man oh that that makes sense okay I still have to find

The stream idea is document where is it where would I have left it oh it’s in the thumbnails folder because because okay so my thumbnails holder I also use it as like a folder for each what should I say each like stream so everything I would

Use in that stream I would put it in that folder with the thumbnail and stuff console wrist notes I don’t have console rest notes because literally what I read to you was what I was going to technically talk about on my debut stream so I didn’t even know you know who

They were going to be back then because we haven’t debuted yet when they were when they were were debuting I was I was doodling them remember while watching their debut streams exactly that was my first impression of them okay stream and video idea that’s right oh maybe I should write these in like

Categories so video idea would be that family got Chick-fil-A not cartoon phone typo pastina and stream idea wait but why were okay remind me Chad why were we opening this document oh yeah background background ideas or assets ideas I’ll put the assets ideas kitchen background and then Seaside background for summer okay

Got it got it half the notes now so I used to have like a physical notebook where I wrote down all my ideas and stuff and yeah thing about physical items is that that uh Beacon uh very easily be misplaced so I have decided to keep things on a notepad

I cannot I should have stuck like a Whatchamacallit an air tag on it or something I need an Air Tech for every single item that I use but you know it’s it’s in my room somewhere but the thing is sometimes money is shuffles things around I don’t know why

But sometimes she comes into the office and shuffles things and to me my room is organized to the point where I know where things are but once that gets shifted a little bit I don’t know where things are so yeah it’s just a mom thing okay ah but

I guess I guess the server is probably down now yeah probably it’s already been like an hour since I stopped okay but yeah I don’t know what to do for the last stream of this week before I go uh away for a couple I guess like two two weeks ish before I

Come back tomorrow is the member stream I’m not sure a karaoke Maybe you haven’t done a karaoke in a while but I don’t I don’t know that many songs I don’t I don’t know that many songs I would just sing the songs I’m saying already Ocarina stream we can know Ocarina stream now

Sing Violet for 20 minutes Yeah it’s all burritos dreamed out yeah oh maybe maybe for membership tomorrow play random instruments and talk just chat let me shoot me tomorrow I think right yeah I think so huh wait wait is this up hmm Was there like a note wait I need to find the fingering chart for the Ocarina okay well C sharp okay Wait how come wait they’re the same notes but it has the same huh why is C Sharp and D the same I am confused is this even the right Ocarina oh what’s the wrong Ocarina is this so green I am so confused huh okay I was right about this being C though I gotta say my what’s it um wait C sharp d how many holes does my Ocarina have uh

One two three four five six seven eight nine ten there’s ten and there’s like two extra ones on the top twelve ten zero oh they’re two different types of little greens huh yeah C sharpened here not the same C sharp if you see the piano

C is the the white key and then C sharp is the black key before the D Ude wait oh this is all this lullaby okay huh C sharp is not D but d flat is C Sharp Is it time for Microsoft Paint I think so music lessons reading music lessons with Ina this is turning into the most random stream ever okay paint wait that’s not it window capture that’s what it is Microsoft Paint okay but don’t wow okay I’ll just crop this out and him you mean the best

I mean this is kind of related to Minecraft because you can you can okay let me move over a little okay you can you can make note blocks in Minecraft okay here we go back to the drawing board so what what we’re we’re thinking about here is the c C sharp and D

Because yeah But you understand if it’s an if a note is like a half step above or not we gotta we have a pretty easy thing to do which is to look actually let me delete this okay which is to look at the piano okay you guys uh the piano looks like

Okay there’s the white keys I’ll just do this and there’s oh maybe I can use a shape tool because I’m lazy wait it doesn’t fill in solid color okay there we go what no okay maybe color two okay oh there we go I know how to use Microsoft Paint

Actually I don’t the one drawing program I don’t really know how to use is Microsoft Paint and you gotta know that there’s a pattern in this keyboard which is the two Black Keys and there’s a blank space and there’s the three Black Keys and that just repeats as it goes

The piano so on and so on So this would be three blocks here and there’ll be two here and then so on and so on so this is a c e e f me hey and then repeats see And so on so this would be a b hey hey sorry so if we’re just looking at uh see here yeah no fill outline okay so if you’re only looking at this one pattern here right right each step you take is a half step down but there’s no there’s no black you know

Key here so this also ends up being half the fight yes same was here yeah yeah okay it’s been a while since I did explaining music Theory things okay so if you talk about this note right here this this black bar in terms in relation to the note below it

So from C you go up so it becomes a shot a C sharp and so this becomes a D sharp right so what what will this one be in relation to F chat what will it be an F sharp correct very good very good so this continues on yada yada

But these these keys are special they also have a second name right because you can talk to talk about them while going down the notes when things are going down they’re called flat so this key is also known as a B flat and the flat looks like that yeah he’s also a flat

And a g flat and an E flat and a d flat wow this would also be is a d flat and uh but because there is no you know in between here you know they these These are considered a half step yeah yeah basically huh huh so what I was wondering was the

Fingering chart I saw was that it said okay I’ll do this actually I don’t know if it’s okay it’s not crap okay so usually when there’s an instrument there’s something called the fingering chart which tells you you know like uh which holes you gotta cover up to make a certain note

So the on the sheet of the Ocarina one I just found it said see C sharp and D and then there was one variation here I forgot what it was and then I said this and this and these two were the same that’s why I was like how

But it might just be like because some instruments you can change the pitch of a a note depending on how you know how you shape your mouth so um it’s probably what they’re trying to trying to say exactly it’s like air pressure how you shape your mouth Etc changes

You know how much air goes through and how the air goes through and it changes you know the final tone which differentiates I guess the C sharp and the D oh so I was trying to I was trying to find a different um chart in case there was something I was missing

But it only I searched for it it just says these are the ones you gotta use for Zelda’s Lullaby so I gotta say my uh Perfect Pitch hasn’t really died that bad because when I heard Zelda’s Lullaby I could guess that you know the first note was e

It’s kind of like how I can just randomly play like unravel and stuff I guess some different keys but you kind of understand like how many steps between each notes and stuff you you gotta be to create that music so you can there’s different Keys you can play it’s that’s just it’s all

Complicated stuff but relative Pitch Perfect Pitch but this time around I guess it’s called her the perfect place because I knew it was it wasn’t me for that was all about the this one wow but I think the interesting thing is that a different instruments I guess this is

What I remember from band class was like different instruments are known to play at different scales I was like the base of something I remember this because I know the piano is different from the clarinet and the clarinet is called the B flat clarinet like the Casual clarinet and

You know the piano is like uh what was it what’s the C scale I I don’t even remember this is why I never really wanted to go down the musician route because all this terminology and Theory stuff I was not not interested but yeah the piano is C clarinet is B flat

I I think I think the trumpet was also B flat was it or is it a C I’m pretty sure trumpet is B flat no I don’t remember honestly but I just remember because I could play the trumpet pretty easily without having to adjust for the notes

And also I I believe the tenor saxophone is also B flat no okay so they’re the reason why I was able to play those instruments relatively quickly when when I was in band I guess it was because I was used to playing the clarinet the B flat

So I didn’t have to double guess like what the notes were and I wouldn’t be lying if I said a lot of the times when I had to play stuff I didn’t really read the music as much and I just played by my ear I didn’t like reading the music so I

Would just I guess like read the music to learn how it sounds I guess a couple times and it was just play yeah which is why I think piano was not an instrument I invested a lot of time in because that’s a lot of notes to read at once

That’s why I’m not good at reading chords and stuff of course like if I did it by year yeah I would play it but yeah I don’t like reading music I guess like the way I read music is not like reading it to know that oh this is

You know C and this is d and e it’s like just seeing how many spaces between each note there is just relatively and you know oh this melody is supposed to sound like this so yeah yeah then again I think like if you play like a bigger band and stuff you end up

Always like the the music sheet is kind of just like a really rough reference and you kind of play to match everyone around you and of course the conductor so yeah um but then I guess it’s like an important thing where everyone just has to that’s the job of the conductor right

Everyone has to be facing and referencing the conductor because if you keep only listening to those around you if someone is Brushing for example and they’re very prominent that everyone will start rushing and everything will be chaos so you gotta listen while looking at your conductor and you know you always gotta watch for you know when your conductor says you know point to someone slow down or you know a little louder Etc

Rushing dragging uh-huh always trust the conductor that’s why I remember back when um I guess I was in the school band and the percussion players they you know they’re they’re pretty free in Parts where they don’t play their you know thing they’re assigned to but they were always because they were

The only ones that you know could sometimes eat if they’re being sneaky Etc but they are always banned from chewing gum because they that would mess up the timings for them so they were always banned from chewing gum and I always found that funny yeah

I mean they they were the only ones with the privilege privilege of like chewing gum or you know eating or having snacks if it’s like a really long what should I say rehearsal section and someone I guess like someone else is doing the uh you know the playback with the

Conductor and stuff everyone just kind of sits around but yeah they’re just not allowed to chew gum but I feel like percussion is like difficult in a way because actually they had it easy sometimes because whenever whenever we had to travel for you know going to different schools for like competitions or whatnot

They only had to bring their drumsticks and hammers or whatever they didn’t drag their instruments over it was already there laughs they had it easy like the the heaviest thing they probably had to carry was like a triangle I took it personally because I was always dragging my bassoon and clarinet

With me okay and of course like you know like the euphonium players the tuba players they had they had a rough too because they had a big instrument but at least they didn’t have to carry it with them all the time they could load it up to truck

But no I was a medium-sized instrument I had to carry both my instruments Mine my issue of it was too expensive especially since I got the good you know wooden bassoons I couldn’t just Chuck it into the truck because temperature humidity and stuff would ruin that bassoon so I think always carry it with me that thing was heavy foreign how I think like oval players and

Bassoon players all agree how easy it is to break your read and how finicky it is to how cold humid like the room is that you’re playing in how expensive they are they’re so fragile so expensive it’s like huh and like when you’re trying to break in

Because like you say it’s you break in the wreath that you use if you’re trying to break it in and you literally physically break it you’re just like pain that was at least like ten dollars wait how much is like a bassoon read because I remember mine was pretty

Expensive back in the day huh okay so pretty I probably got like a a discount for you know buying it from the school but usually you know they go for at least 30 40 50 put that one thing one thing I don’t know if you guys like a bassoon

Read right okay we can we can erase this part red Okay well that was that was the blood I had to cough up every time I broke my bassoon read I probably got it cheaper because the the school probably got a discount or something from the store buying a book but so but soon me there’s like two parts to

It there’s like this thin part and there’s like the bottom part that’s exactly like the top part and they tie it with like a metal thing and there’s like string yeah that’s why it’s called a double read because there’s there’s one on the top there’s two and they’re tied together and you stick

This into the the instrument though with this part and right here at the very end right it’s so thin like you would accidentally like lean your bassoon over a little too far when you’re you know holding it in your arms it will hit the stand behind you just

Slightly and it would just shatter it would just like crack or it will just get chipped and you would just cry it would just cry it doesn’t really shatter I say shatter but it just gets like chipped you know and you just you just sadly stare at it as you try to

Salvage it I mean you can still use it technically but it’s just your soul it shatters with it that cost you another thirty to fifty dollars and compared to this like a clarinet uh read you could just buy it in boxes and it’s like what like twenty dollars per box and there’s like

Five to ten I forget how many in there I just got like a little little stick I guess it’s the same for saxophones too you just get a stick I just if you look at it from the side it’s like thick here it like gets thin down the line here

I’m like I mean like a good read would cost a lot of course but it’s a lot cheaper than a double read and yeah and you slap it on the on the clarinet that looks like like this and you slap it on here you used to use the clamp the spinny spinnies

You tighten it that’s that’s all you gotta do for clearing it but now this thing but soon it’s like it looks like a bazooka but it’s like such a delicate instrument like you have no idea the thing is expensive and secondly it has three parts so there’s like the bottom base part where

Two different things attached to and there’s like a little hook here where you attach like a leather band and you gotta sit on this to support the bassoon so you’re gonna sit on it wow And then like it had such delicate power the read was one thing but this curvy thing made out of metal it was evil I tell you okay so the bassoon part it goes like the bottom base part has like some circling things and there’s like a tall stick

Add some stuff on it and there’s like a smaller stick the sticks to the bottom the base part and then from here you get the death deadly deadly swirly thing where the Reed is attached to the eye poker claimer of eyes and then at the end of this very

Dangerous Contraption is where you put the most fragile double reed at the end of this thing take out so many eyeballs with this because because when you play it like I guess when you’re not playing it like you’re literally sitting and you have to kind of like hug the bassoon in your arm

I guess I don’t know you’re listening to your conductor and stuff oh I guess it’s the wrong scale but long torso but you literally I okay I guess this makes sense because the bassoon kind of drags down below the chair so you’re you’re sitting on the strap for your life pray

That your bassoon doesn’t randomly hit the floor something’s expensive and this thing is literally near your eye level trying to take out your eye [Laughter] there’s Ina if you lean this thing back you’re gonna hit this onto the stand behind you and and Chip this thing costing you another 50 dollars

But the bassoons are very fun instrument if you ever if ever you know if you want to feel cool you just play the bassoon could never have enough bassoons in a band how are they gonna compare to contribute I’ve never seen a contra bassoon my band did not have one

The oboe opal is not bad because Uber is literally like and it has a small small thing and then it has the the read at the end yeah they got like my elbow it looks just like a clarinet except it has a double reed thing the clarinet has like a and it’s um

Things right here circles The elbows two and the entire band ah actually yeah I think a lot of the times we got our Robo player to tune themselves and then we tune to the oboe French horns were cool I think if I chose to be in the brush section instead of the woodwind like like the the

Clarinet and double double reed I would have probably chosen the French horn because they’re so they’re so cool they are pretty difficult Yeah but like I remember like the French horn players in the band were like some of the most silliest but really fun people to be around it’s like each each you know different instrument like players they have their own kind of like personality like the my friends who played the French horn were

Always like the funniest and like the trumpet players they were like the the kind of like the leader like loud not loud but like loud in a good way like they they can voice their you know opinions and stuff they’re kind of like the serious you know kind of

They’re they’re still fun too but they’re kind of like the you know the vocal class leader type kind of people and they yeah they had a lot of pride in you know their instruments yeah they would always joke about how much like pools of spit they had well

Actually that was the trombone players they always joke about how much of a like a lake of spit they have in front of them after all the mirrors they’re like guys look at this and they’re like a waterfall spit just falls out of there oh yeah the clarinets the clarinets are the

Nerdy type of the band at least for us right like literally all the clarinet players in my band was literally the exact same people I saw in all my AP classes like all my friends from the AP classes that were in band They flickered it huh Flutes hmm the flues were actually kind of like the the quiet kind of graceful type of people like they they don’t talk much but like they’re they’re most likely the conductor’s favorites they’re like they don’t talk much but they’re like always always like on point especially the pic like if you guys had

Like a pig was The Pickle Player they were literally like the conductor’s favorite they were like the role model of the of the band yeah they were pretty professional and the percussion they were the chaotic types like they were the I think personally for for us like the

The percussion friends I had they were pure chaos they were the class clowns they made us laugh and those are the percussion players yep what else oh yeah the saxophones the saxophones they were like they were like the family together like the different types of saxophones they were so close-knit

It’s like the saxophone family [Laughter] yeah like they were all so tight like friends everyone yeah they kind of stood out yeah they were like the cool you know like the cool cool kids but they were like also like close together they had the class [Laughter] how many different types of saxophone we

Had the we’re at the alto tenor um do we have other ones I don’t remember I remember at for some of the songs we had as soprano one oh yeah the bedroom yeah all the baritones oh the peritos I think they didn’t stand up very much they’re like the type of people they

Didn’t stand out too much Baritones Two bows are kind of like the um the the kind of friends you could depend on a lot they were like the the backbones or the baritones they just kind of like they’re just kind of there kind of like Blended in with others they were cool

But they didn’t like to stand out you know huh they were just like yep euphonium yeah because they’re like if you think about there’s like kind of like the The Brass family with like the trombones the the French horns baritones phoniums tubas there was like the kind of like a

What’s it the clarinet family what the um the bass clarinet clarinets sometimes the elbows and sometimes the bassoons are kind of just Outcasts we kind of I kind of sat on the edge of the clariness and we just we’re kind of just there but you know we were important we just love their bassoon so much the thing about bassoon players is that they really like I I complained about

The bassoon’s dangers but we just double reads actually over players too double read just love their instrument so much like they held us so close to them and that was true for me I love my bassoon I think bassoon players are also really close to their bassoons a lot because we literally

Have to hug the bassoon all the time we’re cling to it it’s our comfort instrument yeah that’s our baby and like the fun things you could play on the bassoon and how it sounds is like so unique I don’t know I’m biased as a bassoon player or was a bassoon player so

The enema instrument of course and I made sure that our conductor AKA our Music Teacher new my cohis would carry on that name I don’t know if they still do probably not yeah I need my I named my bassoon Bernard I need my clarinet Claire I know I was attached to my instruments If I could have afforded that bassoon back then and buy it off of the school I would have but you know I left it for the kohai but it was kind of like a the bassoon was kind of like a very special instrument in the in the school right

Because there there really wasn’t that many people like students that wanted to play the bassoon and the only reason I picked it up was because oh hello windows it was because my Senpai um who graduated um didn’t I guess convince any others to carry on the bassoon Legacy

Yeah cause how our school was done was that um we had the grade tens in high school they had their own band and we had the grade 11 and 12 we had a joined music class so our um so grade 11s and 12s would play in the

Same band so that was like the senior group and then we had a or should I say more of an elite uh band where you had to audition to get in that was like the third band that our school had yeah our our school had a pretty big

Um band presence like we were I think pretty well known for our music program yeah so we had to audition to get into the the higher level band I wasn’t I wasn’t that one too as well as the grade 10 one I auditioned to get into the the big group one yeah

And so the bassoon player when I was in grade 10 was in grade 12 and she was the only one and so when she graduated the grade 11 and 12 band and the the selected I guess big group band did not have a bassoon player anymore they were just literally none

So I I went into grade 11 so I was in the grade 11 and 12 when I played the clarinet for the for the the big one so that’s happened so the conductor was like does anyone want to try learning the bassoon and I was like uh Maybe

And I think that was like actually that might have been right before summer break because um because for the summer uh band students could you know rent out the instrument for the summer so they can play it we had that sort of program set up so um we so

The conductor knew that the bassoon stamp I was graduating and we definitely needed a steam player and of course you know I was continuing back because I really like band and so I was like uh maybe I can you know learn I guess like rent a bassoon over the summer

And it kind of practice it and I remember the exact reasoning why I also wanted to try the bassoon was this is such a such a stupid reason now that I think about it but out of all the instruments that the school rented out the bassoon the really good bassoon

Was the most expensive one [Laughter] laughs it was like a really nice you know wooden bassoon usually the ones you would get from a school would be those black plastic ones that one it was beautiful it was wooden it was like so classy looking I was like I want that

I want that so anyways I I borrowed the plastic bassoon over the summer and I practiced of course and it sounded terrible because I didn’t know how to play the bassoon I didn’t have anyone teach me over the summer how to play bassoon I just had like I don’t know did

We even have YouTube back then I don’t even remember but I played it I learned it you know and um I could I could play songs and notes as long as I knew like what the notes were and what like fingers to press buttons to press like I could I could learn and

Uh taught yourself I did I did just like how I you know teach myself clarinet most of the way minus I mean that’s basically what they do right when you first learn their instrument you literally are given a fingering chart and you’re just like go play

And once you get a hang of it you know you you learn to play songs and you know sometimes you get like an actual professional clarinet player come in and help you sound better yeah but this is over over the summer break so I didn’t have you know a mentor

Or teacher to ask I just taught myself how to make sound on it honestly but yeah yeah that’s basically how how you learn instruments in in school any reaction for monies and papa she laughed at me she was like you sound like you know the the horn The Toots on

The big boat they go boo because that’s literally what you start off with you start off with a single note you just you don’t press anything just make sure you know just make good sound at first she’s not wrong it was funny by then like you know she was used to

You know bringing me bringing me to all the band practices and concerts and stuff just she was a band kid mom but she was like and she was I guess by then used to just me teaching myself how to do the most random things in the world by myself

Yeah but anyways after I guess we went back to school you know the new term new grade started and one of the first things we do in band is what’s called like a scale test where you play different scales because there’s different skills and music and there’s different keys and whatnot and they’re

It’s kind of like a very basic you know thing you gotta play and so I practiced really hard for that you know and so what happens during the test is that you get a list of scales that you gotta practice and on the day of you sit

You know everyone else also is about to take tests in the same room and you go one by one and the conductor um would choose to I think I’m pretty sure it was two two or three from the random list that you have to practice and you have to play it in

Front of the entire class and me who literally have just you know started practicing or learning how to play the bassoon in the scale test so of course my conductor knew this because he was the one you know who suggested I pick up the bassoon and play it and then of course

With hard practice I aced a scale test and I think I still remember because I was so proud of myself in front of everyone the conductor was like actually I didn’t speak after I finished you know all my skills and he was just like

I I didn’t expect you to be able to play those skills he was he was he was totally ready to give me brownie points honestly but I was like no no that’s not how you do things you gotta Ace it and so yeah [Laughter] that was the that was one of the

Earliest I guess journeys of Inna the bassoon oh and you know what really made me happy was like because at the end of the year we used to have like this big I guess concert where we invite you know all your family and friends and they could

Attend like we rent like these cities uh concert hall and stuff and they do like the end of the year you know good job Awards another year good job of words and stuff and you get like a little plaque and like medals and stuff and usually you know like the the musician students

That stood out the most gets like the uh the words and stuff and I’ve always wanted to get one but I guess like in grade 10 and stuff we had such good clarinet players you gotta you gotta you gotta think like clarinetist I told you guys they’re they’re the they’re the Nerds

Of the of the bunch they’re they’re the tryhard so they’re they’re always on point so it’s really hard to stand out in you know a group of good clarinet players [Laughter] uh I say try hards in like a good way like they’re they’re they really you know put the work into it

And so I guess like the the year that I picked up the bassoon I really didn’t expect much because honestly those little words go to like the the best literally the best players in the band but I don’t know if it was the brownie points but I managed to get

A small award that year and I was so happy I was like I tried so hard playing the bassoon and I got it award for it yeah I was so happy yeah man I tried really hard in school without thinking about it I tried hard except for study

Oh you know actually thinking about it recently um I I tagged along to mama needs talking to like her her like friends and acquaintances the other time because she was just dropping by to pick up Papa niece’s glasses and stuff and like her her friend I guess is a lot

Younger so their their kid is like apparently like deciding what kind of you know University or college they want to go to and they were talking about you know if they should go into like some sort of engineering and stuff and their grades are like not bad they

Said it’s pretty good but like the the majors that apparently they signed up for the cutoff for like I guess like admission was like a average of 98 percent I was like what and it was not even med school it was like a you know engineering like different fields I was like what

It’s like what what happened that’s that’s so high like I imagine med school to be that high not if if not higher but like wow engineering that difficult like high school or CCC isn’t rough foreign every year everyone just gets more competitive like average of not just

Like you know like mad science stuff like all their classes including including Jim like come on like wow that’s tough and I was like I was like what was my average man I don’t think it was that high I mean to be fair I had a couple of courses that

Definitely brought up the the average overall but man you can see things you have a rough and there were there were like even asking me they were like you know you know a lot about I guess that was more recent in going to school than they were so they were like

Asking you know it’s like mechanical engineering chem engineering like which which way to go to I was like um software engineering software computer science probably and honestly I I had a pretty good you know logic behind it um because like I guess like in terms of the

Like what I think about is mostly the um what should I say the transferability from job to job and I’m probably biased because I’m more on the I guess more used to seeing like the computer software kind of thing versatility is probably the word I was looking for

But I feel like in this time of age like technically you don’t need like a specific degree to get a solid job because there’s so many different options available that could you know probably land you jobs in different fields that you didn’t really need your right so

Maybe like like that’s the thing where Melanie’s and papa needs like when I was struggling with my school stuff like I’ve also you know juggled the idea of switching Majors or like dropping school all together but their reasoning was that just get a degree no matter what it is and if

Like no matter what you do after you graduate from school just get any you know post-secondary degree to get you started on something just to prove you know to the world because that’s how Society is now let’s get that degree and uh am I listen to them because once you have I guess

A degree you know more doors are technically open for you because you know for example like like teaching language is a broad a broad program like there are minimal requirements just to have a degree so like I’m sure there’s a lot more stuff out there that’s kind of like that where

It’s just like as long as you have some kind of degree you know you can do this and that Etc but I was like because I I’ve I’ve known the kid that is going to college and I know that they like computers and Graphics Stuff Etc

So I was like it doesn’t have to be like straight into engineering or software engineering or comp site you could probably even go into you know something relatively related but they’re if they really want to go into that field there are like online courses and certificates you can get that teach you

A lot more and there’s quite a lot of them like even Google has you know courses and certificates and stuff to teach you because these days I feel like just from observation it’s just my observation it’s very small observation it’s like if you want to succeed in one thing in your career like

You need to have to drive and passion to be able to expand your knowledge in that field Beyond just that knowledge so even if they go to school in one thing they can Branch out into different skills with like you know online courses and you know experimenting working on their

Own projects and stuff so I guess like my point to them was like like no matter what I guess major they end up going into in school like don’t think that that’s like the end at all they’re gonna follow that career for the rest of their life thing like they can

Always change paths and you know freelancing is a thing and uh but I did want to tell them you know they should probably go more into the computer software side because that’s probably what the kid is more interested in and it’s very flexible in terms of where you work and like what

Kind of work you do and like basically any company anyone needs like you know data analysts or ux design which is kind of different from just going into intellectual actual software side of things and there’s a lot of jobs out there that you know traditionally you don’t really know

About so yeah but then when I heard that you know just to get into engineering like schools 98 I’m just like yeah there’s there there’s a lot more jobs out there than you know people usually think there is you know there’s this job called v-tubing which I ended up doing

I didn’t know I’d be here [Laughter] but you know there’s there’s people who work on you know open source project that has like a full-time job working on it and some people start off by just working on side projects for like a certain program and then they just work towards

Something they had noticed and they get scouted it’s like it’s like personally for me I think I guess if we go back in time and Melanie’s and papa needs think about what kind of career path I would follow after you know seeing how successfully animes followed her career path like I I

I’m honestly very lucky I’m very blessed that my parents are supportive of you know me venturing into unknown Waters because to them you know like freelancing being a content creator of youtubing like they they didn’t know what that was but um I guess like where I clashed with

Them was the fact that I didn’t communicate what I wanted to do and what I was thinking about doing and where all my I guess like thoughts and efforts are going into versus you know me saying oh they won’t understand anyways and kind of keeping it to myself

Because like if I don’t talk to them I guess it ends up being you know they see me not doing anything to them I’m not doing anything I’m just on my computer all day but yeah once once I got my I guess my resolve my thoughts everything I was

Thinking about to them they were like you know no matter what you do just do your best as if you’re gonna be the best one like number one in the world doing it I was like I don’t know about being number one but I I I always did try my best uh

How long did that take well well I don’t know I I honestly say they’ve always been like pretty loose pretty supportive type even when I was in school mine is you know but no gaming computer not no gaming console Etc part but that was because they just didn’t think I was studying but

I just I guess study efficiently enough but you know as I was growing up like even though you know I was doing other things there asking of me you know being good in school blah blah like to them it seemed like you know I wasn’t really putting an effort in anything because

Back then I guess I also thought that they wouldn’t understand so it was kind of like a gap between communication until I guess like it came a time where you know I should be sending out like hundreds of resumes and getting interviews and stuff and I really wasn’t doing it because I 100

Knew that that was not the kind of I guess person I would survive you know doing office jobs normal jobs it’s like I’ve told you guys about like one of the one of the advice that papa needs gave me as I was growing up was to imagine

You know where you want to be in like 5 10 20 years and kind of backtrack to see you know okay what kind of skills do I need now in order to be able to get to you know those points and stuff and you know like normally

You would think about you would imagine like let’s say you didn’t really have a goal in life and you’re just going to school and you know you chose your major Etc so you would 100 imagine you know yourself working in the office you know going to

Meetings and stuff you know you see your workplace you’ll be like okay work backwards what do I need to do now but for me it didn’t work that way because I just since the beginning could not imagine myself in an office working with people I just couldn’t

And I guess like deep down I knew that in the end I probably won’t be following that you know the usual path a lot of people be taking I just knew deep down I would not be doing that and that was because when papais was telling me and he was

Like imagine me doing the whole working in the office thing and kind of you know the backtrack what kind of skills do I need in order to do this and that I was doing that but not for like a normal office job career and when

I look back at it like I guess like a couple years ago I was just naturally doing that step but for art without noticing it was like a subconsciousness I was doing that for the art side and not the office side so um like every time you know I would see

Like amazing artwork online and stuff and kind of be like oh that’s kind of what I want to be drawing down the line and then I would go into the mode of okay what do I need to know how to do in order to get to that point

And then I’ll be like okay maybe I need to learn you know 3D programs maybe I should try a new program maybe I need to practice you know drawing more anatomy and perspective and Etc so I guess my subconsciousness knew that I guess drawing and art was something I

Wanted to follow that’s why I was doing all these naturally in that field where as I guess in the other aspect I felt kind of like failure for not you know knowing what I wanted to do without you know actually knowing or already doing stuff that kind of

Already put me in a good spot to I guess start off when I was discussing what I wanted to do with my parents yeah yeah so I guess that’s kind of like my this ended up being like a draw my life kind of but I guess chat about my life

Kind of things but um sometimes I guess like I was just I don’t know odd or weird in the fact that somehow without actually admitting it I already had a very good foundation to go into what I wanted to do um it’s it’s probably not like that for everyone you know and

Um which is what’s supposed to say I think it’s it’s pretty important to sometimes just you know absolutely it’s really difficult to develop absolutely step back and look back at you know what you’ve done over the years and actually kind of ReDiscover what kind of things you like to do and

Like to pursue and even if that’s not like the direction that you’re I guess your career or life is going right now kind of like think about how you think and how you enjoy things and maybe you can find ways to apply it to you know what you’re doing and stuff

So take your time and figure things out I don’t know why this turned into like a deep conversation all of a sudden we talked we started off talking about the the bassoon reason here we are I don’t know whatever I say is just based on you know things I think about

Things I experience and stuff it’ll be different for everyone but maybe maybe it’ll be a you know a good place to start thinking about your own self yeah I don’t know I guess like actually just like made me think about like if I was asked to help you know

Decide someone else’s major like honestly even like like right after my debut I don’t think I would be able to give a good answer like this well I’m not saying that this is like a good answer it’s just my answer but but like I think it’s because I’ve

Experienced a lot especially I guess also being you know in Hollow and experiencing a lot of different things that I was probably you know maybe I grew a little wiser over the two years between our fears Huh I guess it’s nice because like not I guess not everyone always has you know someone to give them a nice talk about life yeah I mean like I feel like being a freelancer in any field definitely became more I guess prominent over the last couple of years but it’s like

There’s also like on paper freelancing is like the dream job you know you can choose what to work when to work but it’s also just a struggle on its own because it’s just so especially I guess like if you start off as a freelancer like you’re just thrown out there in the

Middle of nowhere like you don’t even know how to write an invoice or like how to ask for you know certain documents for your taxes you don’t even know how to do your taxes properly because it’s just like because you’re I guess I don’t know it’s just like oh

My taxes are done because I just literally input the numbers on these on these forms that my company gives you and I’m just like where do I even start it’s like I don’t know you deduct like some random phase of from that you’re supposed to pay or like

Your what is it called like your retirement funds or whatever and all kinds of things that’s like automatically taken out of your paycheck if you work for like company and you’re just like huh you’re just like I gotta do this all by myself and I gotta cough up all the money that I

I apparently was supposed you know normal people get it deducted normally but now I just have to do it myself and now it’s all chaos and it’s [Laughter] it’s I bet like anyone who’s like jumped into freelancing like off the bat can probably agree to like

The absolute fear and Chaos that is you know stuff that you just have to deal with just by yourself and you don’t know anyone to ask except for Google uh there you just and then and then and then you go to like your dentist and

They’re like oh do you have any you know Company benefits or insurance and you’re just like Uh yeah about that Company benefits huh funny joke funny joke yeah anyways life I mean this chat became too real too fast but you can honestly but if you you know if you’re if you’re a freelancer you can just be like you know my boss told me I could take

The day off today just be like oh my boss told me I could I could eat eat outside today you know order order some ubereats I could just like man my boss said it couldn’t make it to work today never get anything done it’s actually just yourself [Laughter]

Yeah when you’re when you’re lunch you’re eating during work becomes a business expense Exactly but yeah man when you always become the employee of the month what do you mean I’m always the employee of the year employee of the day employee of the week employee of the month employee of the decade employee of the century actually not even just the employee I’m

The best employer of the day kid and get get both ends you know got it all covered but anyways what does it feel like I I chatted longer than I played Minecraft probably true time flies when you’re having fun doodling on on Microsoft Paint but you know what

This all started because I pulled up paint to explain musical notes funny how how that stands end up 50 50. uh it all started when I try to write down um what was it I try to write down background ideas I opened up a document start talking about things

And then someone talked about what to do tomorrow and I was like oh Karina’s dream and I was like okay let’s look up the notes and the whole conversation about C sharp and D a but it’s fun it’s fun it’s fun to talk to people well well well how the turntables good

We’re just sidetracking life but what if we’re not actually sidetracking what if this is the main track and we’ve just been sidetracking and we finally got on track it’s all about the perspective the relative perspective on things okay maybe you feel like you are you know

Wasting your time but maybe and on a bigger scale it was just the build up towards something great you know that you have not reached yet but you will wow inspirational there is no side track just just the road underneath your feet and wherever you go is wherever you end up

And that is the right path that you were on yeah wow thanks for coming to my TED Talk I feel as I said before in the drawing streams right there might be many different tracks you’re walking on maybe you think it’s side tracking on if you zoom on Far Enough

It’s all the same if you zoom out it’s all the same but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the Ted talk as well as a little bit of Minecraft I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of the morning afternoon evening tomorrow will just be I guess like a random

Chatting doing random things stream maybe who knows with the members yeah and then the break date and then we’re gonna organize some cats and then the stream after that uh not exactly sure maybe karaoke we’ll see but uh thank you hope you have a wonderful rest of the

World when you have a video yeah I think I said that already oh well I’ll see it again have a good morning afternoon evening I’ll see you guys next time okay bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】 arT’, was uploaded by Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-06-15 02:14:21. It has garnered 113529 views and 11854 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:48 or 15648 seconds.

★Art is by MiO (https://twitter.com/MiO58529941/status/1666095220164026368)

★Twitter: https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis

This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

OptiFine MOD Author: sp614x and the OptiFine Team URL: https://optifine.net/downloads

Complementary Shaders Author: EminGT Link: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders


Endcard Art by Me! Endcard Animated by Veranze! (https://twitter.com/Veranze_)

★Original Loading BGM by DOVA-SYNDROME HP:https://dova-s.jp/

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    INSANE Minecraft Building - Rate 1-10! #viralshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Rate this building 1-10 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Stricky Gamerz on 2024-03-04 11:00:54. It has garnered 420 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Rate this build /10 🤔‎@ClasoGamerZ ‎@StrickyGamerz  #shorts #viral #minecraft ______________________________________________ Title: Rate This Building 1-10 | Architectural Critique Description: Welcome to “Rate This Building 1-10” where we delve into the world of architecture and design to evaluate structures based on their aesthetic appeal, functionality, and significance. In each episode, we’ll explore different buildings from around the world, examining their unique features, architectural styles, and… Read More

  • “Herobrine vs. Tofikpathan-213: Epic Rope Climbing Battle!” #minecraft

    "Herobrine vs. Tofikpathan-213: Epic Rope Climbing Battle!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine Win Rope Climbing Challenge (Imagine Dragons – Bones) #minecraft #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Tofikpathan-213 on 2024-01-15 02:40:00. It has garnered 5564 views and 273 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. MythoForgeYT @NoTRustyxD #Application #video #minecraft #loyalsmp #loyalsmpapplication #lapatasmp #doraemonsmp #lifestealsmp #hardcore @BulkyStar #teddygaming @TeddyGaming #senpaispider @SenpaiSpider @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleetShortsOG @GamerFleet #gamerfleet #technogamerz #senpaispider #pvp #minecraft100days #shorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshorts #herobrinesmp minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft 1.20, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation,… Read More

  • AxolotlCraft

    AxolotlCraftaxolotlCRAFT is a Minecraft server with small amount of players IP: axolotlcraftsmp.apexmc.co NO mods just 1.20 minecraft axolotlcraftsmp.apexmc.co Read More

  • Anarchycrafts Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4

    Server Information: IP: anarchycrafts.com Version: 1.20.4 Location: Germany Features: Anti-cheat Spawn protection No admin interference No world border, teleport, land claim, or protection outside spawn No resets Hard difficulty Note: Spawn will be built later on. Updates will be provided as soon as possible. Read More

  • No Man’s Land zombie apocalypse Server

    No Man's Land zombie apocalypse ServerDiscord Link : https://discord.gg/2hCSvYqvX9CurseForge ModPack : No Man’s Land (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/no-mans-land/files/5303350) You Have to Download the mod to play this server.Java Server IP: Version : 1.16.5We Have A Unique Gameplay Just Like Dayz and Escape From Tarkov.(Custom Guns,Attachment,Armor) We Have 50+ Guns, All Guns Can Be Modify. 50+ more Armor Inculding Tactical Vests, Tactical Helmets. Throwable Weapons Like Grenade, Molotov, flash Grenade.(Custom Infected Zomies NPCs, Bosses) In Game There are Different Moddel Zomies lurking around the Citys, All Zombies Drops Custom Loots Cash That Can Be Use To Buy Supply At Safezone Traders. Boss Located In Specific Locations, You Can… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecranime XD Yasss

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? It had too much TNTsion! Minecranime XD Read More

  • Backrooms & Blocks: A Minecraft Misadventure

    Backrooms & Blocks: A Minecraft Misadventure In the backrooms of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With xKawcio as our guide, brave and bold. Julek couldn’t join, but he’ll edit with care, Creating a video, a thrilling affair. Exploring the depths, with fear in his eyes, Each corner holds secrets, a chilling surprise. Monsters that lurk, in the shadows they hide, But xKawcio presses on, with courage inside. The gameplay is tense, with jumps and with screams, As xKawcio navigates, through his darkest dreams. But with each twist and turn, he faces his fears, And entertains viewers, with laughter and cheers. So join us in Minecraft, for… Read More

  • Minecraft: Meme Of The Day 🔥 || #shorts #minecraftshorts #memes #meme

    Minecraft: Meme Of The Day 🔥 || #shorts #minecraftshorts #memes #meme Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 😂 #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Gojo vs Sukuna!

    Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Gojo vs Sukuna! Minecraft Jujutsu Kaisen Mod: The Ultimate Showdown! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, a new mod has taken the community by storm – the Jujutsu Kaisen mod. Inspired by the popular Japanese manga series created by Gege Akutami, this mod brings the epic battles and powerful sorcery of Jujutsu Kaisen into the blocky world of Minecraft. Recreating the Strongest Battle The mod allows players to embody the modern sorcerer Gojo Satoru and challenge the legendary sorcerer Ryomen Sukuna to a showdown. Just like in the manga, players can don their battle attire and engage in a fierce battle to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life!

    Join Minewind: Where Crazy Builds Come to Life! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you ready to take your Minecraft builds to the next level? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or a beginner looking to enhance your structures, we have just the place for you to showcase your skills and creativity. Imagine a world where innovative building techniques, secret tricks, and creative strategies come together to make your Minecraft world truly stand out. From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, the possibilities are endless on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant gaming community where you can explore new ideas, collaborate with other players, and showcase your building skills. With a… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Modded Mayhem

    Minecraft Madness: Modded Mayhem Exploring Minecraft with Mods: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with mods in this thrilling gameplay experience. Join the adventure as the player navigates through challenges, survival missions, and creative endeavors in this popular sandbox game. Unleashing Creativity with Mods With the addition of mods, Minecraft offers endless possibilities for creativity and innovation. Players can enhance their gameplay experience by incorporating mods that introduce new features, mechanics, and challenges to the game. From building intricate structures to exploring new realms, mods open up a world of opportunities for players to unleash their… Read More

  • 🔥 ICE GOLD in Minecraft Hunger Games?! 😱✨

    🔥 ICE GOLD in Minecraft Hunger Games?! 😱✨Video Information hiy y’all I am ice gold and I’m back with another Hunger Games video I said in the last one that I’ll be covering a lot of topics on a passionate about mostly outside of whiz and I did want to start on that with today’s video this first topic is idolization in other words putting someone or something on a pedestal and thinking they could do no wrong and they deserve everything good coming to them that type of thing you tend to see a lot of this with st culture quote unquote which is something that… Read More

  • Wholesome Bois Digging Competition in Modded Minecraft

    Wholesome Bois Digging Competition in Modded MinecraftVideo Information hello there everybody welcome back to more wholesome boys play the Minecraft building the brewery I joined by three alexas today let’s start with furthest left Alexa R how’s your day buddy oh Lex is good it’s good it’s good there’s a joke there I can’t make it but somebody else might oral can you make the joke how’s your day can you make oh I love The Binding of Isaac I’ve got 150,000 Bing of Isaac videos on my channel check out twitch stream. Alexa kid.com and uh you can get some more Binding of Isaac gameplay… Read More

  • EGirlKizi is BACK on RgMc.pl and got UNBANNED?!

    EGirlKizi is BACK on RgMc.pl and got UNBANNED?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Im back to RgMc.pl | DOSTALEM unbl !’, was uploaded by EgirlKizi on 2024-01-17 13:29:52. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Servers: -➤ rgmc.pl ——————————➤ I don’t do Minecraft, but 100 players, Minecraft, but challenges and all sorts of videos like that. I also do other Minecraft Challenges similar to Minecraft Manhunt, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft pvp, Minecraft war and so much more. I try to make videos similar to Tommyinnit or Dream or Sapnap or Gerogenotfound or Technoblade. They’re also inspired by Minecraft… Read More

  • Dr. Bonks Exposes Secret Minecraft Rejections!

    Dr. Bonks Exposes Secret Minecraft Rejections!Video Information from bubble-blowing seahorses to tamable skull dragons here are the coolest mobs that Minecraft needs to add like this netherite Forge these first dormant Golems can be found lying in Bastion remnants just waiting to be woken with boiling lava and while waking these Giants means a fierce battle to the death it’s worth the trouble as once they’re damaged enough they’ll drop their core which can be used to craft a fort Shield that’ll burn any mob that attacks it though with enough netherite scrap the forge itself can be repaired and ridden inside of making you… Read More

  • “Tutume – ¡Increíble suceso en este server de Minecraft!” #clickbait #minecraft

    "Tutume - ¡Increíble suceso en este server de Minecraft!" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information esto puede ser el verdadero server ateros digo es que no lo digo mal plan pero qué está pasando que los hits se registran peor que bueno esa Perla No ni siquiera opinar Pero dale amigo Este me está escapando dos horas porque no le puedo pegar más de 20 hits seguidos anda a anda a morirte morite un toque un to pelotud Pero bueno gente a ver si lo matamos ustedes creen que está complicado me hace Team me hace Team qué me haces Team tiling This video, titled ‘Algo raro paso en este server de Minecraft…… Read More

  • DEADLOCKED33 SMP: Ultimate Survival Challenge!

    DEADLOCKED33 SMP: Ultimate Survival Challenge!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the bottle do it [Music] [Music] nuh-uh Pekka no it isn’t what’s up bite what’s up Pekka [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what’s up dwindle you better be good this [Music] time how is everyone doing today we’re just about getting ready to start the new Minecraft server we’ll see how it goes today [Music] Al righty I guess we’ll just start up soon then all right what a blame [Music] hey [Music] ancient all right we’ll see uh how this goes ah yes what… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Pixel Art in 306 Seconds! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Pixel Art in 306 Seconds! #shortsVideo Information ak ada saksi Oke aku tak peduli kau kelajari kecuali ini kalau tak menen nak saru cincin itu yang paling penting ada benda yang lain Aku cuma mukan kamu tiada habis akan bersilang tiada lagi bumi berkutan Jika Ku tak bersama semuanya ak runtun tiada tulang yang berketar tiada sejiwa yang ku gemah Jika Ku tak bersamamu semuanya k This video, titled ‘306* Minecraft Pixel Art Part 306 #shorts #minecraft #satisfying’, was uploaded by Ricraftsla on 2024-05-08 11:16:09. It has garnered 17004 views and 963 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Secret Underwater Cave Prank in Minecraft

    Secret Underwater Cave Prank in MinecraftVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well howdy everybody thanks for stopping in good to see you guys hope you’re doing well today appreciate y’all for stopping by what is going on how do it be happy Thursday I mean Tuesday hope you guys are doing well man cat Supra Molly grav Nick Ricky sleps Jameson and Jake mythical M hi everybody Arcane hope you’re doing well today all right so I’m going to hop in let’s go we got boom there we are howdy everybody hope you’re doing well today and uh I really do appreciate you guys for… Read More


    "🔥 MINECRAFT REVERSE DROP!! 😵 (TFT GAMERS)" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft drop reverse 🔥 😵. (thatfastturtle) #minecraft #minecrftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by TF GAMERS short on 2024-01-03 13:00:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft drop reverse . (thatfastturtle) #minecraft #minecrftshorts #shorts #trending #viral #subscribe #shorts #minecraft … Read More

  • Eteris Semi-Vanilla Whitelist 1.20.5 16+

    Welcome to Eteris The Medieval SMP – Where Adventure Awaits! Are you nostalgic for the days when Minecraft was all about crafting, building, and embarking on epic adventures with friends? Look no further! Eteris SMP is here to bring back that classic Minecraft feeling of joy and exploration. Running on the latest server version 1.20.5 and enhanced with quality of life plugins, Eteris offers the perfect blend of vanilla gameplay and added convenience. Whether you’re a seasoned builder, a redstone master, or a daring explorer, there’s a place for you in our vibrant community. Join us as we rediscover the… Read More

  • FuriaCraft MC

    FuriaCraft MCFuriaCraft MCWe are a small server that is under development, we are growing little by little We have a discord community —-> https://discord.gg/wh9PMPYXXkWe also have a Tik Tok channel where we post server updatesWe invite you to play it and have fun on our server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ending the war with this big boi – Minecraft meme

    Minecraft Memes - Ending the war with this big boi – Minecraft memeLooks like this big boi is bringing peace to the Minecraft world one meme at a time! Read More

  • Frozen Night Frights: Minecraft’s Survival Fight

    Frozen Night Frights: Minecraft's Survival Fight In the land of Minecraft, we make our stand, With diamonds in hand, we’ll explore this grand land. From obsidian to emeralds, we’ll gather our loot, With Villagers in tow, we’ll make our pursuit. Ma’am and Douglas, our trusty crew, Trading for wool and emeralds too. In the Nether we go, with portal ablaze, Facing dangers and challenges in this maze. But fear not, for we are prepared, With armor and weapons, we’ll be spared. So let’s venture forth, with courage and might, In the world of Minecraft, where day turns to night. Read More

  • Diamonds are a girl’s best friend… and my friends too! #miningmishaps

    Diamonds are a girl's best friend... and my friends too! #miningmishaps Me: *mining diamonds in Minecraft* Friends: *mining diamonds in Minecraft* Luck: *decides to take a vacation* Me: Well, looks like it’s just me and my wooden pickaxe against the world. #foreveralone #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • Roasting Terrible Minecraft Ripoff Games

    Roasting Terrible Minecraft Ripoff Games Minecraft Ripoff Games: A Review Introduction Wiipof games, also known as bootleg games, are often cheap imitations of popular titles like Minecraft. In this article, we delve into the world of Minecraft ripoff games and explore the hits and misses of these knockoff versions. The World of Wiipof Games Wiipof games are notorious for their subpar quality compared to the original games they mimic. Despite this, they attract millions of downloads, often due to unsuspecting players or curious children. These games are usually free but inundated with ads to generate revenue. Exploring Minecraft Ripoff Games In a recent video,… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Explore a New World of Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Explore a New World of Adventure! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the amazing adventures happening in the Minecraft community. Take, for example, the recent video titled “Exploring the world! Duo SMP” by KrobertoAd. In this video, we see Kroberto and his friend embarking on a journey through the overworld, discovering new and exciting things along the way. The camaraderie and sense of exploration in this video are truly inspiring. But what if you could be a part of that adventure? What if you could join a community where… Read More

  • Medieval Well Build Tutorial

    Medieval Well Build Tutorial Minecraft Redstone Build Hacks and Extraordinary Ideas Introduction Prepare to be amazed as we delve into the world of Minecraft Redstone build hacks and extraordinary ideas. Get ready to unleash your creativity with mind-blowing hacks and concepts that will take your Minecraft experience to the next level! Favorite YouTubers If you’re looking for more inspiration, check out these amazing Minecraft YouTubers: Lomby: @LombyMC Gorillo: @Gorillo BBlocks: @BBlocks Support and Stay Updated If you enjoyed this video, show your support by leaving a like and subscribing to the channel for more exciting content. Share your suggestions for future features in… Read More

  • Level up fast with enchantment mod in Minecraft!

    Level up fast with enchantment mod in Minecraft!Video Information welcome to the Mischief I’m valon and this is create enchantment industry it’s an expansion mod for create that adds in a whole slew of new enchantment options as well as some different types of liquid experience remember the good old days of bibliocraft when you could pretty much upgrade your enchantments rather simply by creating a printing press well that seems to have come back in this style of mod but it is obviously made to to work with create but there’s a lot more to it than what you might think let’s go over the basics… Read More

【Minecraft】 arT