💔 1.20 HARDCORE: Day 350-362 “Mushroom Enchanting Room” [Minecraft Live with a caring community]

Video Information

Thank you Thank you Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Good to see you all finally alive sorry for um uh the delay and thank you so much for your patience have some technical difficulties but I think everything has been a resolved thank you so much for for waiting so uh so so what’s going on who is first

I think Archie deserves that I hope he got it because he was here before everyone well actually sagecraft was here before everyone about four four o’clock at this afternoon welcome Tess oh did you guys notice this is color and name color is a blue and she has a little um wrench

There we go very good to see you yeah why is everyone saying first you just do it just do it it’ll be fine it’ll be fine just do it I was just asking how’s everyone’s day that’s a great question man scale of one to ten come on guys

My day console has been probably a seven it would have been it would have been nice I’ll tell you I’ll tell you why it could have been better but it’s okay it’s okay like the streams of seal 90s thank you so much it was good to see you

Last night when you just arrived when we were finishing the stream but I it was always good to see you mm-hmm Rodney on the list what just broke Baymax what happened to Baymax oh no what’s up says Jacob good to see you how are you doing

Good to see you Jacob good very very good to see you very good to see you um all right we have a couple of things uh today hopefully you guys are doing okay so first of all how’s your day so far if you’re in if you’re on the American side of things

In in South America all that kind of stuff how was yesterday and and for you on this side of the world down under never in everything how was your day so far oh how’s your day been so far yes so uh is Baymax working or not it’s not

Do you do you guys can what happens if you type first nothing Really oh Oh it is it is working apparently oh no hopefully hopefully we can we can fix whatever whatever’s happening I think it’s it’s probably um the issues I was having it’s affecting Baymax poor guy poor guy he’s not saying first right he’s not I have no idea what’s going on yeah hmm

We’ll figure it out figure it out so the question of the day for everyone hopefully um it’s a it’s a good one and it’s not um a problematic but what is the worst advice you have ever received what is the worst advice you have ever received

I I’ll tell you exactly my one right now the worst advice I’ve ever received is when I was super low Regal regarding mental health and someone said just hang in there that is the worst thing you could have said to me wow a bunch of reasons why just saying

To me just hang in there was the worst thing I could have said wow wow incredible just hang in there wow ow I actually says that question of the day don’t remember but I hate those generic motivational quotes lame as all hell yes I agree the motivational quotes sometimes

They’re like oh that’s nice and then and then you forget about it they don’t mean anything you know what I mean they don’t mean anything yeah Jacob your day was a solid 8.5 that’s actually very good I mean you said it would have been um higher if it was warmer right

Archie says I slept for about three hours what were you doing man why were you doing that you only slept for three hours um and um the other question is are you okay with only three hours of sleep yeah yeah yeah yeah but also is that eight or a nine let’s go

And Jacob’s also a nine out of 10. yeah but it’s 10 15 a.m so so far so good let’s go you got your point how bison sagecraft 4 no and a quick charger yes if you die you die yes yes and some people say that yes okay so baymax is alive foreign yeah

I was watching a guy play Pokemon that’s that’s what you do yeah yeah yep you have to watch a guy playing Pokemon right it’s just it’s just impossible to stop it’s just impossible to stop that is good to hear that is good to hear that you enjoyed um

There’s some Pokemon going on yes you have been a good boy have a lollipop so test this question of the day got told to get over it and being too quick to judge and assumed I was doing worse to myself in a depressive State yes it’s like you you’ve broken your arm or

You’ve broken your leg and so you just get over it it’s like that is ever going to help you still gonna have a broken bone you know that’s incredible that people really don’t understand there’s a lot of misconceptions around mental health it’s incredible right or phone is an eight percent go and

Charge it go and charge it oh he needed some assistance it’s a fan game I play oh so were you like giving him advice dude that sounds fancy man rips is closing yes oh enjoy Jacob Jacob is going to the beach lucky fella man lucky fella lucky

Fella all right let me see what’s going on with um what’s his name yeah only one live enable offline message save settings right shall we shall we try first again I think me or Jessica’s first second um actually doesn’t say anything is it showing anything

I mean I’m gonna do this I’m going to disable it and then enable it again maybe that will help and reload Scripts that should work it should be okay should be okay would anyone uh be able to type first and see if it works now

Thank you colossal is it going on is it happening yeah it’s working quick quick everyone yeah you can do it you can do it this is saying you can’t say that to someone with aggressive anxiety and depression either yes it’s so hard to move on sometimes and being told that you have

To care over it I said no it’s a no no absolutely absolutely it’s just it’s just that is not how that works at all you’re you’re right absolutely right this I’m glad that I was um able to go through something through something something regarding mental

Health because I now I know what not to say to people you know that’s good so we have archieve with uh position number two colossal position number one test on Third sagecraft and number four so look at spelling what what Frist what about we called uh Frist craft all right

Guys can I can I show you something before we start I want to show you something cute do you want to see something cute I I I I I I have something cute yours you okay hope you guys don’t melt with the cuteness okay okay before we do something cute I want

To show you what tea uh did did you guys see this this is crazy look at me this is amazing thank you so much t apparently she was bored apparently she was bored and she did that imagine if she was not bored that’s amazing I really like it

Yeah it’s fine with this this lexic yes absolutely and I read that I read that terribly a cheater yeah that is prime cheesy yes so I am e I’m cute as assistant okay we shall see we shall see okay let me show you the cuteness

But um guys do you do you like what tea why you only have four fingers oh it’s like this I’m like the penguin I have the thumb the index and then the other two fingers are like glued together man really like this wow wow

How did she know how did she know T if you’re watching this we love you T if you have some hearts for tea even though she’s not here so sad but for tea amazing amazing has got two fingers yes like The Simpsons right okay are you sure you are he likes [ __ ] yes

Yes so if you cuteness resistance let’s let’s see let’s see let’s see this was this happened yesterday afternoon are you a cuteness resistant okay look at that oh can you resist that look at that filler oh we were watching something and he fell asleep and I just put a blanket

Is is this is this not cute enough that’s my that’s my little one that’s qtq also known as chunky boy chunky baby you see oh it was it was so adorable he was just fell asleep he was just watching something and suddenly he was starting to get really heavy and then I

Looked at him he’s like oh then I took a selfie it’s going so fast too yeah good enough for what is this um you said you’re cuteness resistant is does this pierce your armor does this touch your heart that’s just like um Elsa from Frozen nothing nothing um warms his heart rough

It was it was really cute when he fell asleep like that man it’s just I love it a little bit okay A little bit well he’s uh he’s almost a two-year-old he’s turning two on in February this is about a year and a half it’s so cute man

And he’s starting to get some some hair anyways when you have your own kids you’re gonna say oh my kids are the cutest so so you’re kind of biased about that so okay so okay but that’s that’s qtq oh the cold never bothered Archie anyway yes Archie is like frozen solid he doesn’t

He doesn’t care about elephant he’s like oh I’m okay funny enough I love the cold and you live in Brazil wow wow dude we should all go to Norway apparently it’s very cold in winter hmm how do you know I want kids I I didn’t said you have to you what for real

Like like baby baby um okay let me just reload yeah yeah so you’re like the the ones that um wear nappies that yes yes then once I come on to this stream sometimes make me don’t want to save but you have to teach them better you

Have to teach them to how to be good citizens on the internet yes I am trying really hard with noodle kid I am trying really hard to to teach him not to um say random things and chat I’m teaching him not to be annoying Embassy gaming is

Not allowed I’m teaching him not to get banned and things like that you know I think it’s I think it depends on the parents you know yes as Ross though it’s rough though by the way guys the chat is all blue you guys the snipers I have to have taken over the chat

Actually I have a cute baby oscar oh that’s true that is so true he’s a very cute he’s very cute huh so so I didn’t know you wanted to have kids sagecraft any number like if you if you get get married and have kids how many would you like to have

Yeah I should teach them to not be an internet citizen at all yes yes how to stay away from the internet so so we can we can have some peace yes I love that I absolutely love that well done well done yes some people do not deserve to have internet apparently

In Japan and in Korea uh maybe some other countries too you if you sent hateful comments on the internet um you can actually get prosecuted man that is amazing I I really like that if that’s if that’s true look at the card going man it’s doing great that little that little

Um train that could he’s doing amazing I’m really happy for that guy really happy for that guy right uh let’s um let’s get organized shall we let’s get organized today and see what we can um get done today I am gonna get some food and while we think about it

I would love to make something that the little red will be proud of she loves mushrooms apparently she loves mushroomy things let me go and get some more of bottles while we’re here so I want to make what you saw on the thumbnail oh is that too ambitious to to

Do is that too ambitious what do you guys think can we make it can we make it I think we should be okay you know in terms of material maybe we will strive a little bit or I was thinking maybe get a few sheep and start a a shearing

Fun thing so we can actually get um yeah some some going on right okay I I forgot that I changed the the places there cool we have two more Holly blocks so maybe we get some um a red and white wall to to do them

The mushroom yes I think it’ll be okay I think it will be okay we’re gonna go oh wait that should not be like that we got one more here and then on this other side oh there we go there we go we need one two three and four more four more and

Then we’re good to go yes 24 wow wow sagecraft if you want to have 24 kids you better start going now man you better start now no TV no internet no uh no nothing for you man no no no by Amish Amish Paradise to get 24 kids man wow

Wow I I don’t think I’ve never met anyone with 24 kids that is um a decent amount any reason why you want 24 kids Farmer in the Dell please more trading going on Wow I used all the carrots dude oh wait wait wait sir you you sell um something I want yes thank you for your cooperation I got 34 carats that sounds great that’s the tree you want a football team two football teams and Reserves I gotta go almost uh

Phone almost flat okay don’t worry no worries charging I do it charging we’ll see you colossal now I just want to live on a farm with a lot of dogs oh yeah that that’s okay get it yep you had to think about your wife too though yeah approximate 24 labors yes

You might you might want to uh to have a harem is that how you say it like when you have lots of wives there you go minty how are you doing minty might not be with us for a very long time tonight tonight is a very cold

It’s gonna be apparently two degrees so if my my my computer freezes uh it’s not my fault okay seriously it was it’s been so cold and it’s gonna be super cold even colder tonight so hmm not sure how we’re going to survive that yeah so if my my stream suddenly stops

Um it’s because probably my my computer froze or actually we had a power cut today and that’s why my day was not that great yes does it anything to do with labor and wipes to say sure yes so you want to have dogs so you’re going to be um what

Do they call it when you’re when you’re a dog parent did you just call him a dog parent a dog a dog dad doggy dad something like that I think I’ll go for adoptions to say um uh Archie sorry there’s too many people in this world I

Agree with that you you know I agree with that I would love to adopt um um a year later in life I would love to adopt um when Thompson 24 I immediately thought a cheaper than it does it yeah can I have two thousand kids please yep to go delivery please yeah

Yeah let’s say check my photos and video that will prove for the coldness down south oh really oh no oh no do I want to see this photos and videos yeah that is very cold wow oh so it’s not your photo though yes oh yes it’s very cold

Oh and did you see the stylish dude above your photo who is that guy dude who’s that guy over there maybe some kids always um I thought I’ll have three but that’s a discussion for uh girlfriend boyfriend yes exactly right you just had to wait yeah

Um did you guys come from big families or small families I think that affects like like for example I come from a from a small family I’m the youngest of three um and I always wanted to have a bigger family you know sometimes sometimes things don’t go according to plan yeah

But yeah so some people like um yeah big families I think it depends if you’re from a big family you kind of want a big family or do you go the opposite if you have if you are from a big family you’re like no I don’t want any anything

To do with this I don’t want anything to do with this it happens it happens I mean let me go and get some some sheep I think that’s what we’re going to do maybe we can get some quartz too I’m not sure oh that would work I’ll think about it

But I would love to I would love to get a mushroom um a build going right here where our little thing is you see we have this but I don’t like it it’s too too crowded too cramped so I want to uh go make an exterior for it as a mushroom mushroom

I would love to have something like that so I’m thinking maybe we can hopefully we can yeah yeah so I technically have three sides of my family is this oh yes God yes it’s incredible how families are all shapes and sizes yes and it’s absolutely fine [Applause]

Yep Archie a small family let’s go and and actually when you’re when you’re older if you’re if you’re thinking about having a family or if at all uh would you have to would you like to have a big family or a small family give the tradition the tradition we go around here oh

Sad sad to be all alone in the world oh look at this not bad at all not bad at all mm-hmm so um set you have four siblings Two Step well yes I see my own a lot though she lives close uh and my cousin okay did you get along with your cousins

Like when I was um growing up um yeah I didn’t see them a lot but um it was fun it was fun to to see my cousins I had um two cousins who were a little bit richer than the rest and it was It was kind of cool because

Um those those guys will will have the latest console like when I had an Atari they had a Nintendo when I I had a Nintendo they had a Super Nintendo when I had a Super Nintendo they got a PlayStation and there was always a step ahead you know

But they will always take it uh to my house so I could play they were they were very kind yeah also small easy to manage yes you don’t have to worry about a big cars you don’t have to worry about anything oh cat okay there’s a cat actually we we need you

Mate we need you we need you let me get some fish we need you for science we need you for science don’t go anywhere they’ll go anywhere do I have fish yes does it work with uh cooked fish fish y business here we go okay where’s the kid go Kitty

We need you for science we need you for science come on I know you want it I know you want it it’s right here is Right Here Kitty come on come on come on come on I know you like this you’re a feral cat but we need you for a little experiment

You’ll be fine I promise uh well I can’t promise that if the experiment goes well I’d be you’ll be okay yeah oh he’s not looking get get and I struggle every single time every single time I have to catch a cat I struggle come on Kitty it’s just it’s just not interested you

Know should I just get a lead I just just get a lead you know get it I have Mom’s size so she’s an only child says that test my dad’s and then have siblings that size my mom’s first husband got it just three sides of the family yeah I think

It’s kind of nice that um you know families can be rearranged yeah so like for example my parents had divorced um I’m kind of like to to see my mom remarrying again I don’t think she will but I think it’ll be cool well she didn’t yes love my cousins but don’t get me

Standing on my uncles there’s two that I don’t like that much well I I want you I want you to get started on that kitty kitty your trap no no kitty Kitty come on man where are you gonna go there’s no there’s nowhere to go you go inside the house go inside the

House I didn’t open the door though I don’t think he likes the fish I have I don’t think he likes a fish does it have to be Raw Kitty well guess what guess what oh wait wait oh no it has to be Raw oh that’s why that’s why and now what

Happens if I just get a lead and then just force him you know you never know you never know you’ll be okay oh it’s got Tito yeah that looks so cute right my mom doesn’t want to own another partner yes oh yeah once you have a bad experience

I’m not saying that she had a bad experience but um sometimes once you get a bad experience yeah yeah you don’t want you don’t want to come back for seconds right no not at all not at all so uh come on sagecraft Bring it on Bring it on

Two uncles that you don’t like that much if it’s uh PG it does it have to do with like drinking and stuff if it’s if it’s not PG no no yeah let’s let’s not it gets complicated let’s just leave it right maybe he notices yes okay for science

Can you get a cat on a lead that is not tamed we’ll have enough we’ll find out come here come here come here yes You can okay can you get a cat that is not tamed to follow you yes do I recommend it probably not come on come on mate come on come on you can do it you can do it okay it works come on come on yep you’ll be fine you’ll be fine

No one to escape here right no don’t want to escape we got this we got this okay so first for science can you get an untamed cat and with a lead yes you can that’s part of the challenge the second part of the challenge has to do with the question yeah

Raina how are you doing dude well welcome to the Stream yeah yes taste had a really good suggestion that um I don’t know if you guys remember but on the Block break in SMP I had a shop and I made a jingle that I was selling stuff

So anyway test it you need a jingle for the for science um part of the stream yes so I I don’t have one yet I need to come up with something um yeah I wonder what it’s gonna be it’s gonna be weird huh it’s gonna be weird

When is the last time I have done something that is not weird okay you’re gonna go here too yeah yay what’s up buttercup we need a we need another name for a cat we need another name for again but I think I need some what is it called some I was going to

Say some cereal I need some cereal for the cat no I need some fish raw fish and while we’re here I need some sheep IES I know I have some sheep somewhere no I I don’t have any but I’ve seen some so let’s go and um and get them a nice

Place to live shall we hey these guys busy yes look at that excuse me excuse me very nice you guys been busy very good very very good love those bees bees are doing a good job they’ve been busy bees oh remember that the other day I said that those bees are making milk

I heard a joke about bees and milk but there’s no PG that’s PG-13 all right uh sheepies I want the white ones chippy you you come with me I’m gonna do the the follow me method come here come here guys no you’re the great sheep of the family we don’t watch

I said we don’t want you we have two I wonder if we should do a little bit of a pin here for them let’s do a little a bit of a a nice area for them huh it’s gonna be improvised now by the way Tom sorry if uh if the

The comments about the uncles was a little a little off maybe you did when you said don’t get me started I thought you were okay to get started but uh maybe not so um apologies if I was uh not well received come here let me chibi yeah

You never know right the one move move thank you anymore or what she hurry up we’ll just do hey come here come here come here no the gray one by the way come here here we go oh guys guess what I have been thinking about making a series of YouTube videos about

Minecraft in real life so I’ve been thinking about like for example getting a stack of sticks from the beach or getting wool and try to make something with wool I’ve been thinking about getting uh like a whole stack of wooden planks and trying to build a build a house with

Them would you be interested in watching something like that it will be like oh too weird or too weird I I I will I think I would like to see something like that I don’t know if I will want to do it though okay you we

Don’t want you guys we don’t want you get more Chibis GPS there’s another one hello you’re by yourself here okay that’s okay that’s okay everybody needs some time alone oh there’s some more there come on it’s always nice to have some time out especially if you’re an introvert

You just need that recharge time you know what I mean you just need that um time by yourself just to recharge your batteries and and get going mm-hmm maybe some milk is tip oh save yes I think he’s playing a game all right okay that’s fine then that’s fine

Now hopefully I didn’t I didn’t say anything that is inappropriate here we go get get busy do you know the Joker artist yes oh now you’re fine I’m only talking about it but another stream type chat if you know what I mean yes I think I know what you

Mean that’s why I was I was wondering about it yes yes so yeah I think this knows what I’m talking about what kind of um what kind of bees um actually give milk okay keep going keep going peace and bees wow I’m like I’m calling the the bees

Sheep in the in the Sheep Beast yeah yeah yeah and we make another one no not yet it’s some more the day 315 51. when a Harker Survival series another sheep oh yeah yeah we need a lots and lots and lots of wall for what I’m trying to build

Come here let me just get this guy out of the out of the way police Jeep ouch the shovels again man the shovels what’s up with those guys with the shovels there we go yeah Goshi piece now can I get up please I am going to share them when I come back

Very nice yeah yeah you know the joke okay cool hmm all right we have a Wandering um fella there fair enough right where is let me go get some iron and shoot the sheep and go to sleep ah life huh let’s just go to sleep first excuse me sir ah

Now you you might be wondering why we need another cat the question another question of the day but there is one that um I don’t know if you know but some people do some people don’t we have 15 votes do cat cats sorry take full damage in Minecraft 27 says yes

73 percent says no what do you guys think about that oh cute I have that we’re gonna go and get a high five ouch that’s actually hurt that actually hurt a lot come on get another one of these another one my chest keeps disappearing again he’s doing the same thing that is

Doing the other day I really need to get that so do it oh that’s cute wow thank you seriously Minecraft gets pretty scary when you’re playing on Hardcore it gets pretty pretty scary anyone ready to to have babies no no no ready to have babies yeah also tomorrow’s stream I’m gonna be a

Bit delayed as my siblings dads and my Godfather’s birthday oh very nice very nice what are you what are you planning on doing anything um exciting that sounds great that sounds really cool this is really cool and colossal’s back welcome back colossal has has worked out treating you the last few days

And the other thing I was going to ask you are you experiencing any um pain after going to the dentist anymore like was it like all gone absolutely do you feel that do you feel more um wise after having the the wisdom teeth removed yeah uh so dinner yeah

My grandma his mom always make his cake oh oh that is so nice just to have some some really nice traditions and and things that you can always rely on for birthdays that’s good that’s good that sounds great yeah so teeth are fine work has been long what project are you

Working at the moment I’m colossal the pain is in the wallet yeah it doesn’t hurt anymore the teeth that’s not the problem is the wallet wow man dentists are so expensive everywhere in the world I believe the the good thing is that um in New Zealand Dental Healthcare is uh free for

For kids under under 18. so 18 and under which is which is great it’s almost like you do all your dental work before you turn 18. because once you turn 18 you had to pay for it I know right oh it’s bathing today let’s go that’s the best day of of the week

That is the best day of the week Friday is also a very good day that is cool yes most people get paid on Thursdays right that’s kind of like uh um a normal in a lot of um in all countries hmm um in Chile for example you get paid once a month though

So that’s different from the fortnightly or weekly wages in New Zealand and Australia you only get paid once a month and and that’s really tough that’s really tough because you have to manage obviously you get a little bit more money than than if you were doing weekly that’s obvious but for real

Trying to survive with like I don’t know so much money for a whole month it’s it’s really hard because once you get the full lump sum at this at the beginning of the month or the end of the month whatever you want to call it you

Get lots of money and you’re like what am I gonna do with this this is so good you know you feel like super powerful and like yes I’m rich I have money and then yeah they understand the problems when you start running out of money because

You went a little too crazy at the at the beginning of the month you know it’s it’s hard it’s really hard and that is something I don’t miss I think um weekly or for nightly is uh way better yes way better it was just rough man it was rough

And chilly getting getting everything um yes you make one mistake one wrong financial decision on that month and then you’re short on something you you cannot pay a Samsung account or something like that it’s tough It’s really tough I don’t recommend it I don’t recommend it but hey that’s how

Some some countries work I think I’ll prefer um weekly or fortnightly what about you guys do you have a preference do you prefer getting paid a month or a weekly or two every two weeks hey loads lost Zone good to see you how are you doing thank you so much for coming back

I appreciate your comments and everything man yes that’s when you need at the least this is actually yes absolutely you see you have monthly payments too in Brazil I’m doing great lowest last sorry I’m I’m having trouble uh speaking tonight I don’t know why I wonder if I’m tired or my mouth is

Just um choosing not to cooperate sometimes sometimes I just can’t speak you know nothing I can do nothing I can do it’s just mumbling and it just it gets tough the going gets stuff especially when when English is not your first language um Archie how do you feel after the live streams because

I’m assuming that English is not your first language either so did you did you struggle like you get tired when I first um came to New Zealand I used to struggle a lot like at night for example or late in the afternoon or evening I would get super

Tired man I’ll be like oh I don’t want to speak English anymore I just want to I just want to take a break please you know it’s rough it’s rough so I think I still have some of that every once in a while I’m like I’m super

Tired man and and speaking in English is just it’s just it’s just painful absolutely painful that’s life that’s life yeah you get paid for nightly yes yes I I figured that that’s the case and I think that’s the case in uh in the Australia and New Zealand yeah

Enjoy Tess enjoy some games and chill that sounds really cool really really cool we’ll see you later yeah weekly seems more manageable absolutely absolutely and lost is good you’re very good very good how’s your day been could also asked um at the beginning of the stream because everyone everyone’s day going so

On a scale of one to ten how’s your day so far thank you minty you can craft cobwebs into nine string you can craft cobwebs into nine string so if you pick up the cobwebs do you need still touch oh no you need um the stuff cheers

In each years to do the job right hmm yes yes that’s right so cute perfect is going to bed okay cute perfect have a good sleep we’ll see you in the morning lucky fella you had two days of half days in school very very lucky so I hope you had a good

Day today and uh thanks for being my what do I call it my traveling partner cute perfect every time I go to the supermarket or to buy something he’s like can I go so thank you so much I appreciate that I know it’s gonna get it’s gonna get diff it’s gonna be

Different later noodle kid every time I ask you a little kid you want to go nah so I appreciate it cute perfect you’re the best you’re the best six-year-old anyone could could ask for love you live you have a good sleep see you in the morning hmm

Wrap up warm please because it’s going to be two degrees overnight so please wrap up warm yeah oh no oh no I had the feeling that you were man since eight wow that’s earlier than a little kid man [Laughter] you just turn into it yeah I’m just tuned into it it happens

It happens little kid used to be my my traveling partner we used to go everywhere together but yeah nowadays he prefers to stay at home and I respect that being at home is nice I respect his decision obviously right I am going to grab the screenshot of this mushroom thing

If I can see how I did it last time and I was doing this this thing called mushroom images thumbnail and where is my mushroom right there okay so let me have a quick look at this so the this in this case the mushroom will have to be a little bit bigger

It’s going to be chunkier because I have to have the books inside and then we need to go with the with the what is what is called the top part of the mushroom so I’m guessing that the bottom part is the stem and then the top what is that called a cap

Okay so we’ll have to go a little bit thicker I’m just gonna go around wait wait I can I can actually have the enchanting at the top instead oh wait wait wait wait that’s a good idea wait let me let me go into in creator for a second

I just want to see it I just want to see it uh it’s in my creative world so my mom had three kids the others always wanted to go so I thought it would be relaxing to stay home without any noise laughs smart and since then you have been the

One to stay home that sounds great man this one’s great what a good choice good choice okay so this is what I what I have um planned for today so do this so I can actually make the the stem smaller look you can have a tiny little um resting

Um a pit stop and then up here I can have the full enchanting setup we’ll do that instead I like that okay change screens thank you look at this so sorry thank you so much for for telling me I I missed that completely so in

Creative this is what I I came up with so down here at the start at the entrance you can’t see you can see it in about 30 seconds and then we have this a little Mushroom in come here and then just take take a break but then we have

The rest of the good stuff inside here so we have the grassing table here maybe an in the chest later on a desk um some some potions and stuff with some Anvil to repair I think that’ll be cool I think that would be better I think that would be better so I just

Want to see how big this thing is so one two three so it’s a three by three and then I just go around and then one two three four five six and then add some more and then this fella right here how big is this one two three four five six seven eight

Nine ten eleven twelve and then one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven right cool so I just do two blocks either side and there’s only one in the back two blocks out of the side and that should be fine yes I prefer that wish Minecraft would have something like

That similar to igloos but in the dark oak forest like this Oak Oak Forest yeah I like the idea I like the idea and like and just change it up a little bit you know so this is another um another um mushroom I made so this is a little bit more rustic

It doesn’t have anything but it’s just it’s just wooden dirt and Moss you know this is the mushroom um cute perfect date it’s kind of cute it’s very very cute it’s a very tiny one and I think I have the one that got noodle kid made over here

Is is this the one he made yes he made um one of these look at that that’s actually kind of cool like that it’s very cool just the one that minty Madness made I believe lots of different uh what what I don’t know what’s going on in there

Yeah lots lots of different ones and then we did a slightly different no this is minty’s one I believe we did a white one this is this is kind of um kind of scary I think this one goes down and up yeah soon so space there and some space

Down there this this is a cool one I really like all the the different colors and this is oh this is noodle kids I believe this is a dark one yep I see purple and mint do you like the combination it’s not too bad actually

I and I think this is um little kids they’re very very dark and yeah so we do have a variety of mushrooms to to play around with I I wonder if I should just do something like this instead they’re cute don’t get me wrong easy to build manageable um materials

But I really like this one it’s just it’s just it is a mushroom you know you cannot see it so am I am I um yeah try to do that instead try to get the red and the white and and see what we can do

Let’s see what we can do okay so to get the bookshelves back I’m gonna go and grab my shovel with soft touch and we’re going to move this area to a different place this is gonna take forever I can identify the third one as a mushroom yes it’s pushing it right pushing it

Oh I broke the glass yeah that’s a little um um actually this shovel is dying the other ones you can you can tell you don’t have to explain what it is people just see it and they’re like yes that’s that is let me go and repair this fella you go and get

Some repairs down onto this guy I am going to get a mini book please please mending book I said oh I need books first Nobles I’m gonna buy one of these turn it into books yeah some sometimes in Minecraft you just have to go with with what looks exactly

The way it is so you don’t have to explain what it is so if I do that mushroom that is white and white and black but white and red everybody knows it’s mushrooms yeah not very easy that’s that’s the thing that’s the thing and some other times you have um

A license to do that silta and mandate there you go oh okay now I need to go and get some it’s probably the dirt maybe and a different combination will do better maybe I don’t know something like that it might look better but it’s just it’s just had to to get sometimes

You get it right you know some sometimes like Captain Kai said once like random is nice but once you some builds you cannot do random they have to go a certain way so you know exactly what they are otherwise the creative license you can’t push it that far

I can’t push it that far foreign fix really really quick yeah but I guess I guess depends what it is what you’re trying to build and what you’re trying to achieve yeah Cosmos interesting um I could give that a go just Mossing wood hmm I’m thinking I’m thinking

It will actually sort of fit in in this area if I do uh Moss having maybe a big tree behind it lost in Wood hmm possible it’s possible think about it think about it see how far we can get with the wool we have wow that looks uh very poor it’s very sad

I have to get rid of those trees too you actually properly build it if we want it right here which I kind of like I like that spot I really like that spot I think I have to break this with a silk touch otherwise would turn I’m not sure

Do I need silk touch for this is taking forever anyway who’s there I don’t want to break it and then it just it’s not um it’s not the block anymore having a shovel with silk touch absolutely stinks I broke it I made it worse I made it worse oh I made it worse

Oh I feel so dumb don’t break it with the shower sister E9 too late I thought that because it had silk touch I’ll be able to get it ah I should have I should have gone with me ah yeah yeah you’re making it worse oh I made it so much worse

I made it so much worse oh at least at least I have the bookshelves that was bad the moral of the story today and do not to break uh I don’t I don’t even want to say it man I don’t even want to say it do not break an enchanting table

With a shovel it’s just the worst thing you could do it doesn’t matter if it has silk touch or not it will break oh wow what a new ah what else is gonna go wrong today it’s probably one of those days that when something starts going wrong everything goes wrong

It’s one of those days I think you don’t you don’t want it to go wrong but it’s just kind of throws you off you know it’s just that’s going wrong and everything starts going wrong one thing after the other one thing after the other ah I don’t know man I don’t know

Must be the cold must be the cold the cold isn’t making me do stupid things let’s go with that let’s go with the cold huh I I welcome back colossal oh I’m glad you missed it Sony gamer good to see you I’m glad you didn’t see that colossal

Nothing to see here nothing to see here imagine trying to break an enchanting table with a shovel that’s just a no that’s a no no don’t do it I thought because I have silk touch will work Rocky good to see you how are you doing very good to see you don’t follow my

Footsteps please don’t don’t be like me do not break an enchanting table with a silk touch shovel it does not work at all [Laughter] are you doing Sony Gamers very good to see you yeah okay for foreign hello how are you doing um I appreciate what you’re trying to to

Share with us but I think I will appreciate even more if you tell us how you’re doing today that’s that’s more important for me than your and the comment which I don’t really understand so how are you doing in a scale of one to ten how’s your day been

What about you Sony gamer how’s your day been also how charges the phone at the moment and um and do you have any plans for tonight because are you playing playing something with um Thomas test or you already playing so Roki where are you from where are you

Watching I am live streaming all the way from New Zealand Sunny gamer is doing good let’s go man okay uh for E1 uh can you please stop that kind of comment I don’t think it’s a it is helping I’m just I’m just trying to be nice to you okay

There you go uh please um contribute uh to chat by saying how you’re doing today please maybe I will appreciate that more if that’s okay there we go that should be okay we have some extra wood wasn’t planning on it and that works let’s go and get some more sheep let’s um

I was going to say let’s craft more sheep no no no no no let’s let’s go and get some Moshi more wool from the ship to get the mushroom going oh there you go hello everyone you’ve been busy huh hello sheepies a nice one two three four five six seven eight

Nine ten that’ll work I think I need to expand this a little bit for the Sheep they’re killing a little cramps in here a warship I’ll make it making it bigger this my friend Jane tick told me dude if you don’t if you don’t want to

Make a farm no not a farm like a fence area for the Sheep just do a hole and then just keep them there and you add one block so you can actually Escape if you need to very smart very very smart I used I use that um that trick all the

Time when I want to do something quick with the sheep or whether with any other animals I prefer that oh look at that we’re moving forward with this Crystal goes uh I’m good just changed my account name oh I’m not sure Archie I’m just like Um see where this leads to I am not sure what 4E is gonna it’s gonna do I think it’s not going to say anything else I wonder if he gets banned very quickly in other in other people’s sad streams I guess this is a slightly odd um way to interact

Um so Crystal goes to who are you are you Sony gamer or you’re somebody else also uh Rocky say hello and then he left rookie go back we love you rookie oh Rocky with 47 subscribers let’s go man very nice Roki very nice you could get an achievement with um 5 honey block

Is that the one that you have to go on the side of a honey block I think that’s the one and then you just go like that like you just go on the side of the honey block and then you go oh like that sticky situation that one or a different one

It might be that one or maybe maybe it was something else um hello this is is this is is this working gonna put a string there I want I want this to to go you know what I mean I want this to go we go one two and three one more and four

Can this push through though that looks it looks looking pretty pretty big looking pretty big this also needs to go and those also need to go otherwise it will not be able to to go anywhere what and that should be okay yep yes yep okay yeah that’s the one

Says crystal ghost got it thank you so what was your previous name crystal ghost you said you just changed your name yeah put daylight sensor yes oh too big is it or is it touching another block no I think it’s too big and it cannot push it anymore

Oh no what have I done try that is that enough yes okay that’s enough dog that one is okay oh look at that the lag okay I need to get rid of that one then okay that is the Minecraft doing the job there’s a lot of um things that will get

Lost in there you see we have a lot of wastage oh it was a inai umatage one got it yeah too many honey yes I I saw that I saw that too I I saw that and then I knew we couldn’t do that is why is the Minecraft not going no no oh

Okay is it because I went um away push wow it must be harder than I thought okay we have that in that in that in that in that in that oh no it’s not strong enough You can do it strong enough no no no what have I done what have I done it’s going the other way no wow Minecraft with hopper where did you go where’s my good no it’s over there oh no this is so disaster this is a disaster okay uh there is there is okay

I need to fix this before I go no there you go okay okay am I able to fix this before it’s too late before everything despawns no no no [Laughter] Yes okay in this on like that I just have to give you a little push sorry dude didn’t mean to do that let me get the the the extra wow that’s a lot I miss I know somebody I see you dude I see you but I’m busy a busy zombie there we go

Is it picking everything up this is still going no [Laughter] no what is wrong this is running out of power why is he running out of juice I think it’s too far on the side oh I have to go fix that no I don’t want to fix it you need to have more power rails yes I thought it was the case I’ll mention Dragon Ball Legends so you get more funny shorts about it dude hahaha every single day I’m getting so many I am getting so many it’s kind of cool though it’s kind of

Cool like I’m really looking forward to downloading it it’s like I’ve decided yeah I have to I have to now the the mushroom just right next to it like that there I think it will look good I think it will look good so we’re gonna start with I think I can do this

For the floor to start with I’m gonna do a three by three for the floor yes yes more power rails to go yes more power rails it is Jax is uh hello I am new and the first thing that I thought of after hearing your voice is man this

Guy sounds like a stereotypical Australian what I’m not I am not I am not from Australia do I sound Australian oh dear everybody please say hi to Jack how you doing jack I’m not Australian Jack I’m from New Zealand well I’m from Chile but also from New Zealand

Oh if you do I can be friends and fight I love to have mirror matches and stuff oh you can cool man and then and did you get like extra stuff for doing that like uh extra prices let’s do it let’s do it okay I’ll download it that’s great

Um yeah hijack um Jax is uh I am I’m very anti-social it’s fine uh no thank you says Jack okay okay black wolf good to see you how are you doing everybody please say hello to black wolf I love the color black and I love I like

Wolves approved know that you need my approval anyway but I approve of your of your choice of nickname what’s up a lot of good stuff man lots of good stuff lots of good stuff so first of all uh let me tell you that I have been surviving 355 days

That’s that’s actually good it’s actually good this is the first time I played hardcore seriously so I’m doing great oh you’re welcome dude you’re welcome bro this is black wolf what’s up man so you sound like you go to the Outbacks and wrestle an alligator crikey I don’t wrestle an alligator a cranky

So battling with friends give give some achievements which I don’t have for obvious reasons [Laughter] what reasons could that be [ __ ] what could that be look at that bee rookie numbers I know black wolves I appreciate it welcome to the family dude I know they’re rookie numbers but for me it’s an achievement

And I’ll take it you know I’ll take I’ll take yeah for some people this is this is nothing you know this is nothing but I’ll take it it’s part of um you know I think that’s too close to the edge let me just get it back

It’s part of um uh being kind to yourself you know compare yourself to others sometimes it’s not very good um so at the moment I’m not comparing myself to anyone I’m just saying whoa Jack thank you so much welcome to the family too dude appreciate you guys thank you

So what I was telling you guys like sometimes life is hard sometimes um it’s really easy to compare yourself to others oh this guy has more money this guys has a better YouTube channel this guy is this and this guy is that you know sometimes it’s hard to see

Yourself or who you are or and what’s important and things like that so for me you know 300 days it’s a big achievement yeah and as you said it must be a new number for for some people but for me I’m proud I’m proud you know yeah and I’m enjoying it

It’s on prep now does this look like it’s looking like a wood on another like a mushroom get rid of the carpet what does it look like okay okay it could be it could be getting somewhere I don’t know how big we want the this part of the mushroom I think it’s

Called the stem oh there we go Jack you got a double um notification dude lucky you man you got a double notification but but seriously thank you so much for subscribing you guys yeah so surviving for 350 days sounds so cool especially since it’s on Hardcore thank you Crystal ghost appreciate that yes

No promises back off so Sony Gamers that vote do you need some help with something like what do you mean what do you mean I need help with something are you are you trying to say something what are you trying to say fill it out what are you trying to say

That I’m bad at the game or something like that huh Bring it on Bring it on fill the means tell me what you want to say peace tell me I guess you peace do your thing do you think chibi Sushi do your thing very nice and this guy is already done

With some wool you too wow you guys are so quick drawing wall absolutely love that I’m going to get rid of the cops I can pick up more stuff whatever whatever these guys are giving me I’ll take it I’ll take it so why’d you say I need help man just saying

Or what is building today no rents is not required yes we’re gonna do a simple mushroom do you wanna you wanna see it again it’s in the thumbnail if you haven’t seen it we’re building a mushroom I I want a little red to be proud of me you know

I went on that little break to see it and it’s like yes Lord I approved and if she says those words I can die a happy laughs well I think I’m gonna go another layer and then we’re going to die those sheep raid okay let me let me have a quick look

With this free cam one two three four five six seven I think that’ll be about right I think that would be about right how many uh spaces did I do on the on the thumbnail I did one two three four five at least maybe six seven to go up

I think that’s how many I did and how many do I have here let’s go one two three four five six let’s maybe do one more and use the wool I have now being up here makes me makes me think that I should get oh I do have for the following never mind

But just in case just in case it makes makes me a little um weary of um I might I might die of something hopefully we’re gonna be okay going to be okay well I like you I just found a random stream and it’s good it is uh is that the entrance yes yes

It’s a humbly humble beginnings please this is humble beginning for for that so just be kind yes please be kind by that we need some red um die now I gotta go since black wolf thank you so much for stopping by though I appreciate that

Um I would love to see you um and next time I live stream uh five days a week so if you come here on Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursdays and Fridays I will be here from about 8 P.M to 11 p.m New Zealand time which is around at this time of the

Night but thank you so much for stopping by hopefully we’ll see you next time be great there you go 64 I read tiny little little um die okay so Archie when I downloaded the game do I have to register like sign up with something and then it will say add your friends

Can you die little sheep yes you can can you die sheep when they’re they don’t have any wool no they have to have all my little sheep the Sheep hey just stuck on the wall oh I can see we can’t see the ship I can’t see any more gonna go to sleep

And I’ll make this pain a little bit bigger that’s another sheep there’s another one cheap and another one there cheap no that’s right and and all right better bedtime and is it is it hard to get going in the game like do I have to um

I don’t know I was going to ask something and I just it just went it just went out the window yeah I feel really bad I also got to go that’s fine that’s fine no worries no worries I absolutely appreciate you guys being here and that’s that that matters a lot

The fact that you came to say hi that means a lot to me already so I appreciate that a Google Play account is enough okay so you have a player code that you can share right so then you add me to that well I add your player your your code and then off

We go that sounds great man that sounds great and then we get we both get extra stuff even better even better I like that I like that GPS excuse me please I’m gonna make your your pain a little bigger you’re getting a little um claustrophobic here please excuse me you need to move

If you want space you need to move you need to do something for it and nothing in this life is free oh the the Sheep are very dumb to talk today I help you very much right there you go you have more space you wait you read anybody anybody else

I think that’s bad at them anybody else you’re red too and the all the other ones are little that’s a little one that’s not red and I don’t see anybody else that needs to be converted into the red religion we’re good we are good we are good right

Um you know I was thinking it would have been easier if I if I put a a light dramatica sort of thing into the into this build but I’m like no it’s not that hard I’m just gonna build it just the way it is yes yes have fun playing the games thank you

So much crystal ghost I I am having fun so far so definitely we’ll continue having fun appreciate your concern and you’re good vibes thank you man uh just to let you know the chat is Frozen it’s not a kid okay where’s my chat thank you noodle kid um wait where’s my chat there

That one it’s frozen you say okay here it goes refreshing and also noodle kid is going to bait now thank you so much noodle kid I hope you enjoyed your your couple of days off half days off from school and I hope you enjoyed this stream I hope you um

You like what you’re seeing and that we can see I’ll see you tomorrow morning I think you can link your Facebook too but I don’t I don’t got one since actually yeah that’s fine I don’t want to lick like um a game on Facebook because then everybody knows what I’m playing you

Know let’s not do that hmm that’s great thank you so much little kid have a good sleep did you enjoy dinner are you feeling a little better because you your stomach was a little upset hopefully you’re you’re doing okay noodle kid take care shall see you in the morning

See you in the morning all right I was thinking what are we going to do The Roots we’re gonna do one three I don’t remember what I did on the other build you’re gonna have three blocks tall one two three like that close it off oh no no no no no come here

Look oh please come here there you go thank you I’m gonna go one two three and I’m missing one of course I’m missing the block we’re just gonna go with with wait I can do another one there you go like that looks about right and that looks about right

And now we’re gonna go with this I might do scaffolding actually might do some scaffolding oh look at this mess dude look at this mess what have I done what have I done I’m not going to look at this tonight I don’t want to deal with this

I I think this would be a good opportunity to you know to to play Minecraft offline offline or when when I’m not streaming just to fix this so I don’t you don’t have to see this I’m a little ashamed that um this already broke yes no no my proudest moment

Now we’re proudest Mom it’s okay okay I’m not going to fix it though not now no no no never right yeah so I’ll uh 1v3 you with ultra Instinct Goku why you’ll learn so so so wait 1v3 so I’m gonna have three characters and you can have one

And then you you kind of kick my butt with one character is that what you’re saying that’s rough man that’s very rough and that’s normal it happens to to everyone scaffolding I would just get falling so sticks in yeah there you go we have six scaffolding um I might get some more

There we go we got 18 scaffolding not bad not bad at all there you go I’m proud of that are you ignoring me uh no not at all you did ask um you said do you need help with something and I said um no I’m sweet I’m just building something tonight

Nothing Redstone related um are you are you you’re mentioning that I I did read your comment about that I need more power rails but I’m I’m thinking I don’t know if I want to fix it now maybe by the end of the stream when I’m tired you know

There’s nothing I don’t want to is that I am yeah I don’t want to I don’t want to fix it now I will fix it eventually you know but uh yeah eventually it’s not now yeah I will fix it I will fix it let me just get this out of the road get

Some sticks and I need to craft some ladders to go on the side too foreign that should be okay day 356. we’re moving forward we’re moving forward yes so not ignoring you at all yes yes no the kids says I’m better now I had a bowl of riceies and a Milo with

Ice cream okay I thought your belly was hurting how did you feel better after a bowl of rice is in Milo and like dude that’s that that’s pretty full-on that’s beautiful long nugget Teresa good to see you what time is it at your place oh Teresa I’ll tell you right now

Yes because I I need to manage my key way better assistant you might win what 3v1 man or you choose Ultra Instinct because he can show you basically everything the game has right now okay I could do that so Teresa my time is um almost 10 o’clock it’s quarter to ten

So so Sony gamer what do you want me to do I’m I’m I’m not sure I’m not sure what you what you want me to do I I don’t understand I did see your uh the video just suggested dude oh and this is my Channel I didn’t know that one

I missed that comment hi oh and you know why combat wombat is not here it’s on it’s on Discord go and have a look so you’re saying that you didn’t eat no one knew the kid is that you have bowl of riceies and a Milo and ice cream and

And and dinner and like maybe you ate too much you know maybe you ate too much that’s why your belly was hurting that’s what I was trying to say you know that I usually need another kid no I love you don’t right here we go put the door straight away oh

Looking good all right we’re gonna go up here I keep thinking that’s something like a mob or something like that it’s like oh that’s a huge zombie dude but it’s not but it’s not right here we go oh we can have a secret layer there oh that sounds kind of cool

Oh at ours we have 11 44 where are you from Theresa if you don’t mind me asking I I live in New Zealand well one question do you play Bedrock Edition I do yeah I do Play bitrock edition and I am out of the of the top 10.

I am fully out of the top ten combined colossal points um from the Czech Republic let’s go how are you how’s everything on the Czech Republic oh look at that for you this machine just started just for you very cool how’s everything everything over there um colossal which one are

It’s you at the moment which one is getting more points the one the number two or the number eight because it it involves I can move the points from the number eight to the number two or different number two to number eight but then that means

Yes I know I need to move the farm slightly one to the right yes because if I put another block of um honey it doesn’t get picked up and A9 is here both wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait also are you number two or number eight

I think if it’s on my phone no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it doesn’t work like that you you’re getting points of balls are you sure I should be number one since I need to

Okay so wait about five minutes and tell me how many points you have if you wait five minutes and do the top again and then you tell me which one actually got points the number two or the number eight if I have my phone open my points go to 8.

But my phone is on two percent okay no clue okay we’ll wait I remember second one having exactly a thousand last week and now you have a thousand and ten what about the the number two second one having exactly a thousand points and now it has two thousand

What was number eight that’s a thousand points wow rip I I don’t know be right back no worries Teresa how do you say hello um and your language like how do you say what’s the language in the Czech Republic why do they speak official language check or they speak chick okay

Okay so uh Google Translate how do you say hello Welcome to our community from English to check how do you spell check this is it community did I get it right I don’t think I did community dude brilliant I’m a a polyglot polyglot they find polyglots polyglot yeah

Now we know using several languages a person who knows and is able to use several languages polyglot sounds really bad sounds like you did something wrong that again same again oh look at what you say points it shows you number two and if you do it on a computer will it

Will it be number eight not even 100 TT um so on your phone Colossus is your number two and your computer you’re the other one I’m on my PC I’ll try my phone okay try it on your phone and go um points and see what happens

And see what happens when you do that I’m intrigued I’m intrigued now okay I need to go and see something on the on the build I made I’m concerned that I’m making it wrong what read my question do you need some ideas for builds no not at all

I have I need more time I need more time to build them I need more time to build them but do you have any ideas uh yeah I’ll receive them be right back guys we’re going back into the crib I I I I’m welcome to receive the ideas but I think

I have too many ideas and not sorry and now they have and not enough time okay colossal uh rigged what you’re you’re number two you’re number two you’re fine you’re fine okay what did I do here okay so on this one I I did three blocks

And then I did the number four is that and then one two three three blocks four walls the roof is block number four and then block number five is the floor of the mushroom but then the floor of the mushroom goes down one got it got it so one two one two three

Four and then number five is the top of the mushroom it’s the bottom of the mushroom and then there’s two blocks up to the side and then one down cool I think I can remember that I think I can remember that so Sony Gamers is in my videos I will

Make a theme or I will make them okay yep excuse me I’ll be back in 20 minutes behave we’re pretty safe at the moment pretty safe seven minutes to till seven you can do it you can do it okay so colossal on on the phone and on the PC they’re the same ones

Then how come do you have the other name just move to number two so do you want me to move the points from number two sorry the points from number eight to number two shall we do that currency people will most points so Archie colossal sagecraft minty and

Then the Colossal 94 okay that guy has zero hours what he’s trying to cheat but wait wait yeah you can play please and thank you wait wait wait wait wait wait something is wrong something is fishy here I’m going to show you what what’s going on

I’m not I’m not I’m gonna show you what’s going on look I’m gonna copy that I’m gonna post it on Discord so you guys can see what’s going on I’m gonna put it on on photos there we go sus gonna have a look on Discord and look the one colossal that is highlighted

Has zero hours but one thousand points oh oh maybe that’s what it is ah 10 points per dollar what and you get one point every every minute I believe oh every five I think what that’s that’s what it is it says ten points per dollar that’s that I didn’t

Set it up it just comes like that that’s all did you did you know you can put powder snow in in veins what you can put partisan on what so sagecraft do we do we give them the points or not do we change the the points on this number two [Laughter] Progressing expensive taste that’s an expensive test that’s an expensive test uh yes oh I think I know what’s going on I think I know what’s going on so I think when you read my thing just did I think I know what’s going on so when you donate it goes through

And it gives it to the other account oh so how do I do how do I fix that if I go edit stop [Laughter] yeah now it’s um that also means uh Tom Ash another top that also means Tom has another oh um let me see no there’s only one there’s only one what says paid to win [Laughter] but oh what do we do this though what do we do

So how do I I put them together though I’m concerned it’s paid to win come on man I mean did Tom donate yes he did you sure did and it’s under his name he says sagecraft right there I see it remember that it does say sagecraft No I I’m I’m repeating it and that’s his that’s his name so it’s the same one it’s not a different one Sunny gamer what are you going to build next oh I’m intrigued I’m intrigued I want to see when are you building next it’s a one two three and then the next

One is the floor and then the the next one up is foreign the bottom of the or that so this is the bottom of the mushroom got it we’re good we’re good we’re good that means I win I win one too far excuse me excuse me yeah I went one too far okay

So I’m going to remove these Excuse me while I do this um so how am I going to fix that when when there’s um two two colossals I have an idea so if you don’t donate anymore then problem solve so that means there’s no pay to win and then

That works really well so if you don’t donate anymore I change the points and if you don’t ever donate again then you’ll get normal points no no not chili ones no pay to win points you know that’s one option that’s that’s fully an option by the way No no no no no no no no no no no no no no it is an option man and it’s an option come on come on listen to me listen to me like dude like I seriously play save your money man like I’m serious okay I’m serious just save your money save your

Money when you’re when you’re rich just that let me stay in one of your multiple houses multiple uh multiple mansions and and charge me a little bit less for rent that’s how you you pay me but no just save your money bro save your money please [Laughter] we have a problem

We’re having a problem with um with Colossus points foreign and we need to find a way to to fix the problem oh by the way this is uh A9 I’m using my grandma’s phone because my phone has no Wi-fi bro did you know you can put powder snow in veins now you got

You got a ghost block uh powder block and white powder oh there’s no in what in veins what’s veins sorry I know I’m on BC it does not make any sense how this works I yeah I don’t know how to fix it how do I how do I do that

Do I do manually every single time you just I have to do points manually for you colossal anyway how do I do it so every once in a while I’ll just go okay these are closest points um I need to transfer the points to his main account something like that huh

Uh we can we can I guess oh oh yeah mushroom looking okay imagine looking okay looks pretty lame at the moment pretty lame if you ask me do we have enough to go around one more so I could do that and do once once uh no no no No no what’s going on it’s just a song What what no no dude dude please stop but also stop man yeah come on man you donated look you tasted five bucks and then and you you wanted to have a 100 1 100 points and you donated four dollars yeah we keep it there that was

Fine and then you donated five bucks and says that was well that’s out and and then and then you did 25 and then she said Tom And tasted bully me stop stop [Laughter] mellow good to see you we have a problem mellow when he we need uh we need help [Laughter]

Tom and Tessa bullying colossal and Colossus bullying me no we have a problem with the point system oh no now Sony gaming what are the green veins that function like ladders what are those I I really don’t know what you what you’re saying the green veins Great Vines oh Vines

Okay so you were saying you can put powder snow and Vines sorry I couldn’t understand what you’re saying sorry my bad my English is not the best So you you’re putting powder snow in Vines oh I did not know that wait is that that’s a thing mellow with the first

Mellow you came uh number six let’s go be right back how many points did you get on the second account colossal I can’t even see it what hey you have 1 400 points on your on your other account oh boy that is that is so pay to win bro laughs wow

I’ll be right back okay second and fourth that’s so cheeky dude okay I’m gonna try for science for science Sony gamer says you seen that already you seen you saw that okay okay let me see where are we gonna sit down here we’re going to uh chill here Let’s uh let’s chill here

The best stupid belt stop stop Bell stop okay uh just just give me a second game rule random six speed two is three normal okay Vines you said and powder snow you can put vines in the powder snow okay first of all we’re gonna we’re gonna do this

Then we’re going to put vines on the on and then you can put powder snow on the vines in the Divine disappear what are you that guy from tick tock bro thanks thank you Jason and and Tom you guys are every time I post something you guys like

Heart I appreciate that dude this is cool you can set up a trap and then the vines disappear wait oh is it because of the vines of the founders no because I can put powder snow like that it’s not the vines it’s just the powder snow what vines on them like on top

Like that like vines on it that so like that I didn’t take some LOL oh it’s so old-fashioned color so old-fashioned dude what a boomer please no no The Vines put the vines on it ah ah right not like that okay okay my bad my bad my bad so you prepare the snow

Then you put vines on it huh no it doesn’t work alt equals money oh oh oh rough that’s a flex man that’s a flex the Boomer with money yes so the moral of the story if you if you want to be rich like colossal don’t get Tick-Tock yes

I could have put Snow first and then Place The Vines of vines on the side no it doesn’t work I can do it on I cannot do it on the top either so what so it finds on them no you can’t you did say powders now right no

The the vines on the Block like that the divines on the Block and in the floor the powder snow with the vines on the Block and on the floor the powder snow like that and then I I break the block huh I I don’t I don’t get it what do I do

Is this I’m first on Tipper load oh let’s go of course you are of course you are told no no I’m trying I’m trying you can’t take damage if snow has carpet on it really hello there hi how you doing gin good to see you we we’re testing some some science stuff apparently

Uh next to the floor like that huh what what do you do you think you can send me a picture of it that’s Lonesome are you trying apparently Sony Gamers said that you can put powder snow on top of vines I believe so it says near the vines huh

Like I can’t put Vines anywhere man oh wait are you are you are you trolling me I think he’s trolling me dude and then you can take damage if snow has carpet on it okay snow carpet that’s this looks very suspicious no carpet I’m gonna go all the way up here

Um I’m just gonna set my spawn sit uh sit spawn no spawn one point for the Waterville here just in case I die it’s only Bedrock oh okay under yeah well you see got sidetracked no Sony gamer said that you apparently in Bedrock you can put powder snow on top of vines

So also a couple of is the same okay okay I’ll try these okay here we go how does no end carpet okay here we go yeah sure I I that what what did I get told powder snow if you says no what oh he went spiders no okay respawn no it doesn’t work

Look powder snow and carpet okay you can survive foreign and then he says I can survive oh oh oh okay okay that worked uh not any High okay less High then like that oh okay okay and then I think I went too far I think that yeah I think yeah that’s a

Little too far I think no one can survive that far no no what yeah any I think so for science we’re testing if you land on Powder snow with a red carpet on top you don’t take full damage what I didn’t know that take the carpet off the cover if you

Need to fall into oh into the got it into the cobweb okay there you go that’s that’s perfect there and you don’t sneak in no you just go spat you just go spat oh that’s cool I like that I like that one too because uh no I’m gonna test the cast now the

Cats now and prove everyone um that say yes uh wrong okay how high can we go it’s just it doesn’t matter what happens if you land just right at the edge look at this beautiful world oh hello look at that look what I built and that’s it for people on tick tock wow

You can take part of snow and the nether try it uh okay oh that’s cool Captain Kai just arrived at the science moment yeah this is cool this is very cool very very very cool right now that we’re here we’re here let me just uh try something okay

The OG moves Pony platform yes how long how long you play Minecraft um I have played on and off for a few years yes on and off probably about six years but I have played all the things too so yeah okay so this is the the cat thing okay okay

Let’s get rid of that apparently for science yeah part of snow should vaporize now we can air MLG in the nether so but I guess with a couple of yes but with the powder snow you you can be quick enough to place the powder snow and the carpet so you die yeah

Um what about you what about you um again sorry how long have you played Minecraft so Melo says you’ve played less than I have and I still don’t know anything about Redstone oh you really that’s okay it’s okay all right let me prove you guys so we

Have a um 51 votes that’s kind of cool 51 people have shown I came to the stream I’ve come to the stream and voted and and voted that sounds weird it’s one of those words and when you say it a lot of the times they they start losing meaning voted they voted

Okay anyways we have 51 votes on the poll do cats take full damage in Minecraft okay normal moves I believe like cows and sheep take damage for sure pretty sure if we if we put a sheep here and then we push the Sheep down

Smack it’s bad on the floor if you put a cow and we go spats on the floor if you put a cat uh since when a half year that’s that’s cool that’s very good welcome back black wolf we’re doing a a science experiment the only problem is sinking yes yes

Now Mello do you like Redstone or you know you’re not interested in any of that Captain Kai I’m sorry that you had to see this but we’re gonna sacrifice a cat for science Okay so 61 of of you say that cats do not take full damage and 39

Of you say that yes cats do take full damage and we’re going to uh prove it right here we’re gonna prove it right here here we go that’s the cat a cat nope and the cat’s still there it disappeared it disappeared it disappeared for a second

I think I think it’s because the the world High doesn’t render so much let me try it again the cat survived I don’t think anyone should test this theory in real life in real life is fun all the little rain is here I read Mushroom in the tunnel and I was

Summoned I knew that it worked the mushroom guards have um smiled upon us I knew it knew it what did I say what did I say hello the suspense with advantage absolutely absolutely video settings run the distance let’s go uh 20 simulation distance uh 20 I think this is probably

The chunk problem okay so double check double check sheep from a high place it’s patch on the floor cow from a high place on the floor yes yes cat from a high place survived survived cats do not take full damage look at that guy look at that guy what’s up dude

Look at you oh look at you so surviving um 20 chunk full wow wow what an amazing dude what an amazing dude what an amazing dude all right so there we go we have um approved we have proof that works um and that little red

Thank you so much for being here guys if you don’t know who that little raid is um you have uh do you live under a rock yes [Laughter] well wait was this a paint with the word mushroom no why are you casually committing animal sacrifices for science in the name of science

Unless you pick up all the animal rights that’s so mean that was so mean I want to show you something um that little red I need your approval please you need and you need to tell me um what do you think of these um mushrooms I didn’t creative okay

Please tell me please tell me it’s for science okay so do you need to tell me if you like these if you don’t like them please be brutally honest I’m brutally honest okay so this for Science episode is finished no no cats were harmed on the making of this video

I cannot say the same for sheep and cow unfortunately simmerics good to see you all right what he sacrifices animals he’s basically part of that little fam oh you do that little red the Heat interesting I thought you were a pacifist it’s Gracie says roll Loops how are you

Doing okay mushroom number one oh let me put some shaders on okay let me put some makeup on on this guy let me put some shaders everything is better with shaders right okay okay oh my frames dude my frames thank you minty OMG races simmerics okay

So um what do you think of this mushroom do you approve the typical white and red mushrooms it’s so crucial loops you live in diver mushrooms yes I figured that was the case so you have been summoned you figuring a soup too oh that would be a suspicious soup so this mushroom uh

Please that’s cute um from one to ten one being the worst 10 being the best please so that’s uh mushroom number one now I’m gonna show you a different mushroom okay this is mushroom number what what not what number is this this is mushroom number two

This is the the poor version of the of the other of the brother this is the pool version which only has dirt most in wood as you can see not as cute um but as a study house could could be could be huh like make a little mushroom villager

Houses out of it oh yeah it sounds great good but toxic for gamers ghost grass yes 39 coins out of 40. okay well I haven’t thought about making a dirt before that’s cool oh oh if you do one God I created me please copyrighted copyrighted just say it okay okay look

At that the mushroom Queen didn’t think of that this is um wait there’s another one I need to show you my six-year-old uh did it this is his version my six-year-old did this mushroom look at that it’s like a tiny little mushroom with being squashed it’s so cute

Yeah great to you all thank you thank you thank you you’re free to show mine yes coming minty yes some dirt Palace yes yes colossal actually look Colossus is number two and number four cheeky so that this is my my six-year-old did this one so cute with flowers and everything all right

Very very cool now I am going to show you the other ones I crash into the tree sorry now this is um a little um experiment I I think a little darker version of it less functional it doesn’t have an interior but it’s a pretty interesting um color mix

I’m pretty sure this is uh one of my kids did it yes that’s lovely says mellow oh question of the taste is Captain Kaiju should be uh fill in the blank job oh yes yes right hey okay this is minties this is minty madnesses she went for a full different color

Palette well same color palette sorry but full blocks all sorts of blocks with some quartz and calcite and and even diorite which nobody uses a Bastion it looks like a Bastion you’re right and the roof has all sorts of rates very um interesting um combination I like it it seems like it’s overgrown

Almost toxic so if you see one of these in the wild you do not eat it right yeah love the color of the Reds yeah she did an amazing job mint is uh very very pretty colors very pretty colors okay that’s uh that’s another option um option number I don’t remember I

Think this was his little kids this is like when you want to flex because there’s some is there some diamonds and yeah this is it’s just kind of like the diamond house you’re doing creative the first time you’re playing creative you know it’s like that and then you

Flex a little bit and there’s a cow stack in there I don’t know how I don’t understand how that cow is there they need to add them in vanilla oh that would be so cool actually what did you say so this is this is slightly different

A greenish and and some silvery at the top very interesting mushroom very very interesting mushroom and then the last one I have to show you is another mushroom very very scary very creepy with vines growing all over the place with some little mushrooms growing too look at the little mushroom is so cute

Diver is what I use in uh in at my first ever Mushroom House I made a 1.17 Series so it’s a good choice minty look at that and this is this is a completely um cursed mushroom so things going now under these these things that look like when potatoes they

Start growing things have you seen a potato when they start growing things an old potato and then they look like that so this is like the the enchanted um mushroom pretty pretty cool pretty cool I made a nether portal Mushroom in my 1.17 series 2. half Kristen Crimson half warped

That’s nice so do you have a favorite mushroom and also the other question is did you approve of the mushrooms are they good enough are they good enough yeah that is awesome that is a good boxes captain Oh ventilated monkey what’s up how you doing what a name

What a name what a name all right shall we get back to hardcore I think so hey my friends are here my friends are here hey guys good to see this is where we are 359 days we have survived on the on the hardcore world

And this is what we have to show for I am really good thank you so much for asking I appreciate that where are you from ventilator monkey I am live streaming all the way from Middle Earth okay here we go here we are getting ready to

To get this uh show on the road finish the mushroom we’re going to have a Time Australia I’ve never gotten there yes but the place where you live apparently Sunny gamer is like huh I processed a little red and that’s all I need to to know okay everyone thank

You I’m finishing the stream that’s all I needed this is pins I feel I feel paid I feel paid that’s all I needed to know that seriously for sure what I’m just like what first what you still feel for a second oh No Just when I said I was going to finish the

Stream that’s a joke it’s a joke it’s a joke it’s like one of those things that you you want to have happen and when it happens you can die happy yes that’s me the little red chair approves of my mushrooms I’m guessing she approves of every mushroom like if someone builds a

Mushroom and and then yeah she approves I don’t know I don’t know she’s from Mushroom King uh Queen sorry your voice is laggy oh because I changed into the server it died for a second you say I thought it was my end oh I am lagging a little bit hello

You should be okay now should be okay hopefully it’s okay yeah is it still laggy let me let me do something let me load this screen hello everyone you like my room people say it’s fake a laggy the people say it’s fake and then come back to the game would that be better

If it’s still laggy let me know if it’s not laggy anymore you also let me know please wow technical problems today I had to start the stream about 10 minutes later so I appreciate you you guys patience waiting for the stream I tried to be on

Time every single day I think I I’ve missed maybe one or two days that’s it Ventures uh with KOA thank you so much Ventures for subscribing to the channel I really appreciate that and I really hope you’re you’re enjoying what you’ve seen if you’re not you can complain to the mods

Um they receive complaints dude my my moderation team is a 10 out of 10. it’s amazing yesterday we had so many trolls well it was one troll but with multiple accounts and um that guy is it’s gone four for sure so I really appreciate you guys you guys helped so much that’s incredible

Not lagging anymore let’s go Paula it fell again oh really my my OBS says it’s okay my obsess is okay hopefully it’s okay let me double check that I’m a stream is healthy it’s a connection seems okay hopefully everything is going well for you guys yeah it’s freaking 100 accounts who’s crazy

Yeah but yeah every time they they the mods got that person that the same person will bring another account and another account in another account it was it was non-stop for an hour or so it’s crazy it’s better now let’s go let’s go very good okay now I need to

Um do this down here for the mushroom so I can we can go down like that I fell in the water nothing but nothing better than uh fall in the water when you’re when you’re completing a mushroom um that little red question for you when did the fascination with mushrooms start

I would love to know the origins of the mushroom Queen I want to see what happened there we go typical mushroom nothing fantastic nothing nothing crazy about it we might we might make we extend it a little bit so it doesn’t look too similar make it random that’s the

Captain Kai’s favorite thing to do make it random that looks actually ugly let’s not make it that random not that random right okay here we go we’re gonna go um up now concentration I don’t want to fall down and lose my my world and also that little red have you have

You played hardcore before and how long have you survived hey another in other words are you good at this game or oh not really oh There’s no message oh dude thank you so much man but there’s no message this time you could get redstone torches for what he gave me some fun since Archie also the stream is no fun so we oh I feel bad now the stream was not fine enough

Make written torches his uh roll Loops what what do you want me to make redstone torches be careful creepy behind you uh so it’s kind of safe at the moment right here thank you girl also for the donation again the motion became a thing for me

In 1.19 world when I built in mushrooms and Hobbit holes and people love this series and I needed emote so I made the mushrooms and it became a cult oh talking about um Hobbit holes did anybody say The Hobbit hole thank you oh adventures with KOA there

You go your new sub just showed up Junior I am becoming the little red Junior like that then I’m just gonna go up and do the next layer like so and this part is what I called uh random this is gonna be absolutely random from now on

I should light this place up just in case you never know you never know there we go so on this I’m going to go up here straight away like so there we go like that no I didn’t want to do that and place another one and carry on like that Apple here

Add some extra for the trip home there we go again coming along coming along and then we can go and see it oh I can get out now a little bit of a cleanup crew right here and then I will go down not bad and we have a little a little look

Okay I am I’m so far I’m happy with it so far so good so far so good we we will add more textures and and and different blocks the typical wide little round things on the top that definitely has to be a thing we’re gonna add but um so far so good

Um the other day I asked you guys remember that if you guys texture your build straight away when you’re building it or you build something with one single block make it nice and simple and then you texture yes okay you’re gonna be lurking so I can work on stuff good luck on the

Mushroom build thank you so much a little red I really appreciate your time and coming to to say hello to us and that you approved of the mushroom-ness I appreciate that thank you for looks just yet it came with my recommended I wanted to check out and it’s cool oh salute for you

Cheers cheers for a roll Loops appreciate that dude do you have a YouTube channel for loops hmm offline offline did someone say offline what’s going on ripstream make a statue of yourself I I have done I’ve done one I’ve done one yes oh cereal back good to

See you how are you doing dude welcome back that’s cool yes metal do you play any musical instrument yeah I played uh so uh when I was a kid I learned how to play the piano so I learned when I was about seven six or seven and I played until about I was

About 12 something like that so I was pretty good but I’ve lost a lot of it I had I don’t practice I’m super lazy about that um and then when I was about 12 I started playing the guitar and that’s something that stuck with me and then

When I was 18 with my first paycheck I bought a violin and I started learning about the violin um of the three I think I’m on the guitar the piano will be my number one maybe guitar second and then violin third in terms of how good I am which

I’m not very good yes vote wrist Redstone torches are for the red turbine Parts yes it’s back it’s a similar I’m glad I’m glad sorry that um some people had um experienced some issues with the with the Stream really appreciate you guys for for sticking sticking to it

I appreciate that I’m good too see real back thank you so much nope I can play a bit of piano though mellow let’s go you’re flying I hope not no should be okay should be okay VC vote yes absolutely now now or later I have bad experiences

On joining voice chat I mean the rent torches after the red mushrooms ah yes I got it I got it that’s true minty it’s so good to have zero back back never mind say zero bug thanks it’s switching in and out oh okay okay

I wonder if I can if I can do something about it I wonder if I can do something about it just to make it a little better for everyone I can see my my my live stream going up and down I do see it okay hopefully staying um closer

Um Captain Kai asked me about my my router is your router too close to your TV it sure is that probably is affecting I might need to change it actually Captain Kai well um well spotted I didn’t know now I’m in streaming okay yeah so we have 20 minutes so hopefully

It’s not much of a problem yes hopefully it’s not much of a problem appreciate that I wonder if we can actually finish the mushroom I don’t think we have enough materials but we might be able to finish it and finally finish a project on a live stream have you noticed that it is

Having to become a trend that whenever we do something on a live stream it just ends that ends up being like three or four live streams later that we finish it like I do feel like I could do better in terms of time management and because again

I keep saying this I only have three hours to play I might get um really complicated to actually get um somewhere anywhere anywhere with uh with the mushrooms okay let’s go and finish the mushroom right here we’re gonna go inside and I get a going with a mushroom

Yeah we’re gonna go up maybe a few blocks now wait this is oh this is the top layer so I need to go back like that at least couple here we go and then we do a little bit going up so it doesn’t look too similar so we’re

Just going to change the pattern a little bit like that yep something like that this is the first layer we change it up again that so it doesn’t look that I’m doing the same thing you know like that and then we’re gonna go with these ones maybe one back on that all right

Next layer here we go here we go we might be able to actually finish this I’m excited if that’s the case I’m really excited we don’t we don’t usually finish projects here we’re the master procrastinators Master procrastination incoming okay here we go look at this I think this is it

Is it I think this is it did we finish the mushroom like at least the top now how do I get back how do I get back jump into the water you go I’m joining VC in um and and 29 seconds oh that’s so tall

Oh that’s like a like like you grab the mushroom in your wind that’s way too high an Abomination I’ve created of course I can’t get I can’t I can’t get up there too high way too high okay so it needs to end roughly there maybe

On that block that should be the end I went too hard man Houdini [Laughter] oh wow it just adds to the no it’s ugly I was just trying to say something nice to the to the mushroom but no it’s just ugly he’s just an ugly boy yeah

Okay that’s very high ouch that’s kind of scary well of course I’m gonna fall down of course I’m gonna fall down okay um let me get rid of the of the of this what an ugly mushroom I’m so glad that little red lived it would have been like what in the

World have you created what in the world is this what Abomination have you done okay so I think what happened is the the outside layer was too tall and that caused a huge problem overall wow that much was so ugly did you do you does it happen to you too

When you’re building something and you’re like okay I’m doing I’m doing great and then you actually building and it’s horrible which is me okay let me undo this and this will be the roof of the mushroom let me have a quick look yeah way better look at that like way better already

Just removing the top layer was a huge difference I’m usually good at Minecraft by the way I’m usually good this is the guy that is so scared of going to do anything um in case he dies and and and look at that all of a sudden it’s looking better looking better

It’s not fantastic but um we can we can trim it down somewhere and you can trim it there and here just thinking we can also trim it there come on also Happy 200. much better assistant underground Village cave well if you can make a village and want a huge cave with grass in axolotls and Fishes inside you know yes that’ll be good but also donated 7.21 Celsius is happy 200. happy 200 why are you saying happy 200 I’m I’m I am

I what what you could look at a village in a huge cave cliff and Cliff and Cave update yes loops Captain cast’s routers and TVs interfere with each other so they advise you to keep it a feat away from each other oh I’ll do that tomorrow you’ve been busy zero zero bike that’s

Fine that’s fine never mind I was just going to say stuff about the crashing but don’t worry okay okay haven’t blessed streamers with a set time to end streams is um Archie why do you say that aren’t you nice worlds of pyater catch a lake good to see you

Fighter maybe the computer’s just feeling the weather supposed to get to down to uh two degrees tonight yeah we’re down to four at the moment down to four at the moment remember to shoot my mazes yes I do we all have our our moments right this

Yes it’s part of um I guess it’s the same so I’m just going to trim it do that sorry dirt film it a little bit I’m gonna do the same here maybe and trim it and put that in there yep I wonder if I should trim that block one block down

Yeah I’m getting I’m getting fussy now I’m getting fussy the the mushroom is okay I’m just getting fussy now now that looks are those that looks worse it looks worse and do that instead no too high too high okay I’ll make it worse we sure are making it worse

Let’s go with the standard at the front and then on the side it could be um less obvious okay I think I think I’m I’m good I think I’m good keeps adding blocks leave it leave it you’re making it worse like that and like that and that and and I’ll I’ll stop I’ll

Stop I’ll stop I promise I’ll stop okay yep okay okay I’m good I’m good with that I’m good with that I should put um a carpet on top where this is and add a couple of light sources like this and then put carpet on top so it looks illuminated and but also

Looks kind of cool yeah I’m happy with that unhappy with that let’s break the scaffolding do you Archie do you like the fact that I only have three hours to play because otherwise I’ll sometimes I feel like I could I could drag this a little too long

You know and I don’t think it would be a good idea okay I should save some money now yes please we’re gonna go buy some Loops love you dude thank you so much rulebooks for being here and you amazing seeing you here man okay that’s stabilized maybe minty’s doing some stuff upstairs

I like the stability yeah I like the fact that we have a routine you know after after a certain time we call it a night and that’s it you can’t keep going did you see them that guy there died for him and this is what I’m looking forward to

If I can do that I can’t get in wow that was really hard it was really hard to break all right this is what I’m looking forward to the space inside there’s not a lot of space what happened why is the mushroom doesn’t have a lot of space anymore um oh oops

I know we had some more space on the on the other mushroom there’s a little tight in here oops okay we can open that yeah no no I don’t know that one um I know that one either I’m pretty sure the the mushroom head the other mushroom had more space but we

Can’t make more space so yeah we can make more space who cares right who cares who cares if it looks a little odd there we go so make more space for the for the stuff we want to add we’re gonna add our bookshelves there enchanting table uh set up right here

I think it will look great I think it will look good and then we can do as no not on that maybe in here okay never mind I’ll find a way to put um torches differently so we can um it looks a little nicer maybe lanterns

Let me bring my enchanting set up and then I think we can we can finish the Stream uh uh paiater Kelly check how did you get those flowers in front of the mushroom oh let me ex let me show you let me show you I have

A couple of these guys did you know them have you seen these guys before Parker skills please don’t disappoint me Third Time Lucky Third Time Lucky Third Time Lucky okay never mind I’ll give up I’ll give up so these guys they’re they’re very loving look look at this guy look at this guy

He gave me a seat and he’s happy good boy who’s a good boy who’s a good boy so these guys give you flowers like this look at this and then you plant these flowers or sometimes you can give them to them like this they love each other and they give you

Something else oh Hello look do you see that that’s nature for you the the bees and the bats we get another egg yeah they give you flowers or those seeds ancient seeds and then you plant them and then you can either have this flower right here which I think is Big it’s called The Torch flower

And you can have this flower right here which is called the pitcher plant do you like them they’re pretty cool right is that gonna be an enchanting area it sure is sure is sure is oh I forgot that I destroyed my enchanting table what a new I can craft another one I believe

Do I have obsidian now I don’t think I do okay obsidian hello I don’t think I have obsidian I’m I’m stuck do I need obsidian for for um enchanting table right see if we can get it get it done before we go one two three four and four obsidian a

Book and two diamonds I think we can afford that for that would you even find sniffers oh oh that’s um that was live stream number 20 you have to go and watch it oh no no you you need to go and to a warm ocean

And go and and get one of these brushes from the archeology set and then and then look for suspicious sand I don’t have obsidian how can I be so poor how can I be so poor I really want an enchanted table yes I do I don’t have obsidian really I thought I did

Used at all oh no what do we do shall we go in and make some do I have time to go and make one let’s go and get some obsidian all right we’re gonna go we’re gonna go we have two minutes to go and get lava of Syrian

This there’s a couple of pieces there I can I can borrow no any four yeah ocean runes more motion and the archeology stuff you need a brush exactly right exactly right ouch do I have my water pocket I need that wait I think I saw lava the other day

Here when I was walking I think I saw lava around here imagine I fall in the lava and that’s the end of the world rip all for the enchanting table stupid enchanting table I was I was doing okay until I broke it with a shovel don’t ever break it with a shovel

Is This Love around here please yes that’s not the stuff we want that’s not the stuff we want nope okay go down to the mines let’s go really quick no Thank you so much Sasha for the five dollars dude thank you that is so generous of you so generous of you man thank you so much you didn’t have to but I do appreciate it thank you oh what am I gonna take yeah he did it again where am I gonna take

The kids again my kids are getting spoiled support of choice man are you poor super easy with vodlock yeah sometimes sometimes yes that’s too much work yes but my luck mellow you won’t believe it the very first block I went and ended the suspicious sand I got the egg

What are you doing down here my my boy what you doing down here so cute okay I know there’s lava right here so how do we do this where is the lava coming from okay this test obsidian there there’s obsidian there let’s go up here maybe

We can do this we can do this oh the lock I get some cheese Thank you sagecraft with the five dollars and then the four dollars twenty four dollars twenty is that a coincidence is that a coincidence oh hacks we’re gonna go and get some more cheese yes we’re gonna invest that oh dude don’t push me don’t push me boy oh wow wow amazing

And obsidian right here amazing you’re gonna get any better than that dude don’t don’t push me don’t push me oh boy boy don’t oh boy boy can you can you can you not oh all right um okay that’s safe to to dig that guy’s gonna push me man please don’t boy please don’t

Okay we have two we need four right I’m just being very cautious of that little green fella okay I got that okay I got that yes oh I did not want to do that no one to do that that was foreign yes oh no he’s right there he’s right there

No no no no no it’s right there he just went for a walk no no no no no he just went for a walk no you guys you guys were thinking that the other one disappeared that I hit him by accident with my ax no no no it’s right here it’s right here

I was so concerned that I I killed my my my slime mellow absolutely you see it’s right here he was here all alone so I’m I’m guessing he he came here and he just decided to come for a walk instead he decided to come for a walk

You see oh just don’t worry nothing to worry he was fine is guilty yeah we knew what you did no no no Sony like I I’m innocent I I just told my kids just to to go and play and he went for a walk is this is this nothing wrong nothing wrong

Say true if you’re gonna be on the top soon 10 points for every dollar pay to win pay to win scenario I’m not gonna go to sleep on that bed that bed is cursed yeah I’m gonna go to sleep day 361. nothing nothing happened we’re good

We’re good I did not murder one of your one of your siblings I did not I I promise you’re a liar sagecraft with position number two oh um I have not added to my points it did what it didn’t what is it not oh so don’t worry I’m going to add your points

Yeah the guys that skin in the background you you better you keep him in and check you ask him and see what they’re doing man ah there it is we have the books we have the enchanted table we have the Anvil and the thing for the you know the thing the thing yes

We should make torches uh lanterns and then we break out we’re bringing the chest later right let’s finish this up pretty late already we need let’s let’s say if we if we arrived here the enchanting table right there and we put the books around it I think it will look cool

Right there okay we’re gonna go one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven uh 12 13 14 15. is that how many I need can can you please corroborate that I got it right then we’re gonna have the Anvil there the grindstone there maybe a

Chest here to access the the items is is that how many I need hey yes of course of course yeah two things it means yes how rude yeah you might want to come on VC soon sales colossal needs your emotional support 15 shelves one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

Eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen we’re good yep streaming time is up anywho yes but we we finished what we wanted to do we finished what we needed to do and that was this guy we got this we got this right here we managed to do it finally we’ve completed a project in a

Day it’s not fully decorated though I’m gonna add some lights and all that kind of stuff but the mushroom is done go to sleep immediately so I’m really happy that we were able to do something uh productive today I am I really appreciate you guys time for being here

Very kind of all of you for being here we had we had um now 20 people are on stage it was really fun it was really fun our world dancers uh mellow thank you that’s a big achievement versus emotional support first yes we’ll do that we’ll do that we’ll join

Um sagecraft and colossal you guys were insane today thank you so much for for the donations like again save your money please you don’t have to but I do appreciate that you yeah you’re scheming to get to the top to get to the top but again let me tell you something It’s a

Long Way to the Top If you want to rock and roll great success this girl 85 approved thank you for the moderation team including Archie Tess colossal and Sage class thank you so much guys the stream snipers you guys are so quick did anyone get snipe today I think someone did

Uh but it was great to have so many people um uh joining us today I was talking to minty today that um hopefully I’m able to to provide a safe environment for to spend three hours of your guys stays and that we can have a safe caring community and have a good time

With each other you know hopefully that we’re making that happen thank you simrx hopefully you have a great day too uh looking forward to to some of your content and see what you if you’re um hopefully we can uh play together next time on um block breaking SMP when

It when it starts again anyways thank you so much everyone let me put some music and I’ll see you tomorrow with some more Minecraft hardcore action day 362 we’re doing well we’re doing well I think so thank you so much Captain can I love you having here man same as you simmerx

Thank you all yeah one is better than normal yeah absolutely Sony Gamers is Pro tell me something dad tell me on Discord I’ll be up for a few minutes talking to to colossal for emotional support love you leave you everyone have a great day if you’re in that side of the world and

If you’re on this side of the world have a good sleep care love you and leave you see you tomorrow thank you Foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘💔 1.20 HARDCORE: Day 350-362 “Mushroom Enchanting Room” [Minecraft Live with a caring community]’, was uploaded by Vaud on 2023-08-10 11:30:57. It has garnered 317 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:53 or 11093 seconds.

#minecraft #hardcore #familyfriendly – Welcome to Episode 28 of our Hardcore Survival series in Minecraft!

LORE: “In the realm of Minecraft, I fashioned a wondrous sight: a towering magical mushroom that concealed an enchanting room within its depths. The mushroom’s cap displayed a mesmerizing red color, while hidden beneath, a chamber of enchantment awaited.

Stepping into the chamber was like entering a realm of dreams. Luminescent crystals hung from above, casting a gentle glow that illuminated rows of ancient books along the walls. In the center, a pool of liquid magic shimmered, reflecting the enchantments that adorned the room.

Selecting a tome from the shelves, I invoked ancient incantations, infusing the book with the room’s energy. The words glowed with ethereal light as the enchantment took hold, and I could sense its power intertwining with my own.

Within the magical mushroom’s embrace, time seemed to lose meaning as I explored the art of enchantment. Emerging, the world had transformed – the forest surrounding the mushroom seemed more alive, touched by the very magic I had harnessed”

This family-friendly livestream is free from swearing and cursing, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Our community in chat is incredibly welcoming and kind, making sure that no one feels left out. We genuinely care about each and every viewer, and during this livestream, we’ll be focusing on creating a strong connection with our audience. Don’t miss out on this exciting episode filled with Minecraft adventures and an amazing community spirit!

Join me in this Minecraft 1.20 Update Let’s Play in Hardcore mode! Hardcore Survival Episode 28 – A Minecraft Enchanting Room inside a Magical Mushroom! Watch the whole playlist of YouTube videos:

💔 1.20 Minecraft HARDCORE Mode Livestream series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL45AzHppuVsXJPE-TnopCUUEiEzFZ0e5n

🥝 Binge watch a whole VAULT HUNTERS Livestream series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL45AzHppuVsUs3RMR4Lv4divbccsDNM_1

⏩ Not enough time, and you prefer YouTube shorts? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL45AzHppuVsU6GiZuXvhGfKe8EEJ5HT2-

💎 Do you want to watch some Block Breaking SMP? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL45AzHppuVsWhEd0ymzLOq6xLQpm78VZD

👌 You are an OG, and you want older videos? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL45AzHppuVsVfNTt4byC16LAzkbBBxsB1

✅ Subscribe for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/@vaud?sub_confirmation=1

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    Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?Video Information I just woled down food without chewing so it’s time to bounce my buddies must have missed me big time oh husk hey glad to see you what about you man I was actually enjoying my time when you weren’t around come on buddy calm down where are our other Pals alaster and Charlie I overheard some sounds sounded like moans I bet they’re up to something important in bed man I envy Charlie right now got anything to drink bro let me check seems like I’ve got something stashed here any booze will do drown the sorrow… Read More

  • INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Madness

    INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by HapLegit on 2024-03-27 06:30:03. It has garnered 389 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Hardcore This is a trailer for my new minecraft smp video. It has to be planned to be uploaded in April. Make sure to subscribe to channel to get the notification.. The video took me a month to make. I hope you will like it. I will try to take you guys after we will have good… Read More

  • Unleash Your MLG Skills in Minecraft!

    Unleash Your MLG Skills in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Types of MLG | LEVEL 1 TO 6 | #minecraft #pocketedition’, was uploaded by ANAV 1124 on 2024-01-10 15:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Raid on Psd1’s Giant Sugar Farm! Watch Now!

    Insane Raid on Psd1's Giant Sugar Farm! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why I Raided Biggest Suger Cane Farm In @Psd1 servers | Fire mc’, was uploaded by Steve_gaming on 2024-01-04 09:47:49. It has garnered 676 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. minecraft i raided biggest suger cane farm in fire mc https://discord.gg/fgn2P4HM lifesteal server ip: play.firemc.fun you can join from every platform from this ip and also join my discord server for empire smp application subscribe and like kardo #firemc #psd1 #lifesteal #public #minecraft #java #youtube Read More

  • Enter Cartoon World – Find Secret Minecraft Pit

    Enter Cartoon World - Find Secret Minecraft PitVideo Information an infinite number of round eyes in Minecraft we’ll have it in this clip today hey guys I’m with you zomok at the beginning I’m going to ask everyone to like subscribe we get everything thank you so much I appreciate it very much and we’re starting we’ve got round pits today these are the kind of interesting cool lots of cool characters let me show you a dream catcher here rainbow friends remember from the digital circus this is Khloe bourjois ladybug’s friend well as a friend she’s a little Moon SpongeBob and the scariest and most… Read More

  • Unbelievable adventure in search of the blaze!

    Unbelievable adventure in search of the blaze!Video Information Halo teman-teman kembali lagi dengan aku putakun jadi di video kali ini kita akan BL ya teman-teman dan gue udah cari nethernya dulu di kamera jadi kita tinggal bunuhi blnya saja let’s go Oke teman-teman kita atur dulu modenya jadi mode normal Oke dan Kita serang langsung Astagfirullah e pedang pedang pedang Oke teman-teman ini gua akan cepatin aja ya Di menit ke eh di mana gue dapat sekitar 7 R ya teman-teman supaya tidak lama let’s go Oke teman-teman kita masih masih ngebunuh ya satu lagi ya teman-teman kita akan dapat tujuh Oke Belum masih belum ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!

    Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!Video Information [Music] nug H nug h [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] fore oh [Music] [Music] speee [Music] foree [Music] spee [Music] for hey everybody how you doing just relaxing my vocal muscles after belting that one out sorry hell yeah good thing I got some tea with me how y’all doing yeah it it does it rocks so much especially when I’m singing it hell yeah this is what plays in the Senate no comment uh just got some good oldfashioned Earl Gray didn’t drink my fill this morning picked it up yesterday last night pretty good if I… Read More

  • 🔥Insane Minecraft TNT Run End Challenge!😱🔥

    🔥Insane Minecraft TNT Run End Challenge!😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🤯TNT✨Run🤣in😎Minecraft wait for💯the end🤯#minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraft #shortfeed #viral’, was uploaded by SK NAYAN GAMER on 2024-03-06 12:30:11. It has garnered 3679 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 🤯TNT✨Run🤣in😎Minecraft wait for💯the end🤯#minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraft #shortfeed #viral Sure, here’s a new description for Minecraft: “Immerse yourself in the limitless possibilities of Minecraft, a sandbox adventure where your imagination is the only limit. Explore vast landscapes, mine for resources, build towering structures, and craft intricate tools. Whether you’re a lone survivor or collaborating with friends, every block you place shapes… Read More

  • Lonely Lobby

    Lonely LobbyCome on, and join us to our server, and be a part of the community! In this server, you can talk, chat and also communicate with each other! Life is good! Life is Fun! We should have to stay alive! lonelylobby.tk Read More

  • NTCSMP – SMP Semi-vanilla, Java 1.20.1, Survival, Fabric, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Adults Only, Whitelist

    Welcome to NTCSMP: A Unique Minecraft Experience! Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey in the vast and blocky world of Minecraft? Look no further! NTCSMP is the place where adventure, community, and creativity collide. Server Details: Version: Java 1.20.1 Game Mode: Survival Play Style: SMP (Survival Multiplayer) Flavor: Vanilla-Like Modding: Fabric and datapacks Inclusivity: LGBTQ+ Friendly Age Group: Adults Only Access: Whitelist (because quality matters) What Makes NTCSMP Special? Community-Driven: Our server thrives on collaboration and camaraderie. Join a tight-knit community of passionate players who share your love for Minecraft. Vanilla-Like Vibes: While we embrace mods, we… Read More

💔 1.20 HARDCORE: Day 350-362 “Mushroom Enchanting Room” [Minecraft Live with a caring community]