A Brief Hexcasting Tutorial: Trinkets & How to Make Them

Video Information

Hello folks and welcome to another hex casting tutorial um today i am in my survival world one of my many survival worlds actually and um like many people i have chosen to live inside a crypt this crypt is full of zombies and i mean frankly it’s kind of frustrating because there’s just so

Many of them and one of the things that i like to do is light up the place so that we can’t see them and we can’t hear them and they don’t show up anymore now maybe i could break the spawners but that does seem a little extreme after all

Now um you might be noticing that i’m using this little tool here this is a trinket from hex casting and it’s extremely useful i have them all over my base and there’s all sorts of ways that you can use them i will show you today how to go about

Using trinkets and how to go about making them but first let me just show you the spell that i’m using for that particular task and then we’ll go about looking at how we might put a spell into a trinket what sort of techniques you can use and then what maybe the upper

Limit of trinkets are now just as a reminder for people who maybe haven’t played with this part of the mod or who are new to the mod and coming in when we look at spell crafting so we go to patterns spells crafting there are several spells that we have

Here for crafting objects and these take an entity and a list of patterns and ultimately they allow us to place some energy and a spell into an object which we can then use but ultimately all we are doing is casting a spell so the spell that is in this trinket

Just to show you is a very normal spell in which we first start by raycasting to a block if i can you know uh get that right so we go like this and this will give us the spot on the wall but if we were to try and cast the

Create light spell now it’d fail and the reason it failed is that we tried to cast it where a block already was so let’s aim for that block let’s go ahead and do the same thing again like so we have a location we’re going to do the exact same thing again like so

And then we’re going to do a slightly different version of the spell that goes clockwise instead of counterclockwise and that gives us the face of the block so now if you look in the stack in the upper left you’ll see that we have a location and then we have a one and that

Basically says that’s the face we’re looking at so now if i add those two things together we have a new location so what we’ve done is figured out the block we’re looking at figured out the direction of the face we’re looking at add those two things together

And then we can cast our create light and now this corner of the base is even more secure from a lightweight perspective as before but you can see that that spell is a little bit long to cast so we’re going to go through the steps i take to reliably make simple things

Uh simple light spells and things like that now i am actually going to no i already have my little uh light spell here so i can already right click so this doesn’t make a ton of sense for me to make that spell and i don’t think that this area of my

Base is actually particularly poorly lit uh 118 rules for mob spawning are very different from earlier levels but i will show you my base and i have a problem i’m gonna solve with hex casting and that is um it’s very dangerous outside here at night

And i have this super cool create door a kind of an airlock door and i have a pretty good weapons i can take care of myself but the desert is not a safe place and there are many dangerous animals out here and so what i’d like to be able to do

Is move into and out of my base quickly now the way that we’re going to cope sorry the way that we’re going to accomplish this is by casting a blink spell now just to show you how this works right what a blink spell needs is a subject and a distance and

The blink spell which we can look up right here basic spell link means an entity and a distance and it’s uh it’s cost is scaling linearly which is to say one to one amethyst shard with the distance that we go we take a look at this spell

We can always just trace it right and if you hold down control by the way it actually shows you visually what the spell is so this is the spell we’re going to put in right and that basically just ends it’s almost like impulse but a little different so we go like so

And we’re outside i’d like that in a trinket right it’s a very simple spell uh but it’s really quite useful for being able to hop through our little spaces now i could cast this spell but you can see that you know the inputs are a little bit finicky so what i’d

Like to do is have a trinket for that so first of all i’m going to make a trinket i’m pretty sure i have everything i need to mega trinkets like so they’re very very inexpensive objects now one of the things that’s a little bit different about making trinkets right is

That we aren’t going to be casting a spell we’re going to be casting a spell that needs a spell right and so we’re actually going to be using the introspection and retrospection tools i’m just going to show you let’s just say i was to do this

With the spell that we were using before right was this spell that put myself the number two and then cast blink now you’ll notice the stack isn’t changing at all and that’s because of that first glyph i wrote when i write the it’s kind of like a parenthesis you could imagine when i

Write the enclosing style now instead of casting the spell i’ve put it on the stack and then i can take my new trinket which i think we’re going to start off and immediately name as we’ll call this blanket because it’s the trinket for blinking um we need to put this spell in now

Another interesting thing about trinkets is that they cannot use your power source the um system kind of goes like this there are ciphers let’s go back over to the thing so that we can see it straightforwardly uh there are i think this is my favorite section there are ciphers ciphers use copper as

Their base material and they can cast spells but they cannot be refilled trinkets use iron as their base material they cannot use your power but they can be refilled and so they’re sort of my favorite spell and then there are artifacts which are very as you can see a very complicated spell

And they um have the have the power to use your own energy when they run out uh so let’s go ahead and get started let me show you exactly how i do this now imagine this spell is not very complicated but you can get very complicated and multi-part spells um you know inside

Your uh setup so what i’ll show you here is how i make the trinket and then i’ll show you how we recharge them and then i’ll show you a more complicated spell and you can imagine how you would build it as an exercise for the reader all right so um

We’ve got this here uh spell and this is the spell we want to use one of my favorite things to do is to use a focus when you put these things in your offhand and you can see they’re not too expensive they do require nether access

Then we can go like this i believe and we can write our spell to the focus now it’s gone right but if i were to go like this and do that spell counter clock the same spell i just did the pattern i should say counter

Clockwise i get it back so now i’ve got it saved and so what i can do by the way just to test that my spell is working correctly is i can use this what’s called uh hermes gambit which basically says cast whatever spell like i would you

Pretend the list of patterns at the top of the stack is a spell and try to cast it so you can see that we’ve actually almost got something right now if uh you know i i go ahead and i pull the spell out of the focus which i can do any

Number of times that i want and then i cast this hermes which by the way is in put this part of the book under meta evaluation hermes gambit and you could still see those gambit thoughts gambit is another really nice one but we won’t cover that today it’s kind of an advanced thing

Um but so now we’ve almost got it so what we need to do now is a couple things if we look at the spell the spell for creating a trinket it does have one extra requirement it wants an entity what does that mean well it wants the fuel now um for me

Uh i get my fuel right now at this relative it’s not very advanced stage of this game right you can do a bunch of things in the mod and outside of the mod using cross mod compatibility to get lots and lots of amethysts but for me

Right now i have a fortune pickaxe and deep in these catacombs nested there are amethyst blocks that lead me on down the path this long and convoluted path through this but it turns out that right next to my uh catacombs is the shell of a dead mind

And so here especially when you have fortune um i believe this pickaxe is the one with the most fortune yeah this has fortune three we can easily pick up a fair amount of amethyst fast once you have fortune this stuff drops really quick but i’ve recently gone

Harvesting here so there isn’t too much to pick up so let me just get back upstairs and i come back up and there’s an enderman in my house excuse me sir i am trying to do a tutorial amateurs really this is why doing tutorials and survival in real worlds is

Kind of tricky okay take your time dead enderman all right i fed myself the enderman’s death scream is done this is tough to do in survival but let’s get it done right because i need this for my survival world obviously my base isn’t going to fix itself so let’s

Go ahead and do it so what we need to do to cast the trinket spell is we’re going to need a base fuel and that’s going to live inside the trinket and power it um now we have to raycast to it it helps to hit f3 plus b this is a minecraft hotkey

That gives you access to the hitboxes i don’t need it anymore because i’m sort of used to the funky hitbox of amethyst but what we’re going to do is go like this now um this is our location our look vector and then we’re going to raycast for entity i always get this

Spell wrong always i always do this for some reason which is backwards right but i wanted to do it on purpose here is to show you that if you do happen to mess up there’s something called bookkeepers gambit uh you make uh for every part of the

Stack you want to keep you make a dash we want to keep two for every part you want to drop that garbage at the top we make a dip this will clear the stack let’s go ahead and recast that spell correctly this time which is to say counterclockwise and now we have the

Amethyst entity next up we need to recall the spell from the focus in hand so let’s go ahead and do that we don’t need to look at this anymore we can stand back and see the stack clearly let’s go ahead and as i recall that’s counter clock whoa

Boy uh if you ever accidentally have a little spasm like that then you can always hit escape while casting and that will just totally reset all right there we go we have amethyst charred and we have that so now we need to put the thing we want to

Encode the enchantment on in this case our blanket in the offhand must be the offhand and let’s go ahead and cast it now um i will tell you that this spell is not it looks very crazy and it is not as hard as some of the others but it will

Probably take a few tries um there we go so now our spell is encoded and i have a blink trinket right and it can do all sorts of interesting things oh and it won’t will it will do its best not to put you in a wall by the way

You’ll see it bounce out like that it still can be fooled by partial entities but now um something that’s kind of interesting uh let’s see um about the blink trinket is that you can do it while in mid-air and things like that and there’s no real there’s only a minimal cooldown on the

Trinket now you might you’ll notice that as i’m using it there’s a little bar here and it’s slowly going down and you can see that i have already used 25 percent of the fuel of the trinket so we can’t just go using this really nearly non-stop we actually have a

Limited number of things we can do of uses how do we recharge them well let me show you that because it’s not too hard and i’ll show you a more sophisticated trinket that i made um we’re going to go ahead and grab a full stack of ammoth of the amethyst chards

And here we go this is my other trinket it’s unnamed for it was my first trinket and it’s very very sophisticated so we’ll walk over what that does in just a second but what we need to do actually is we pick it up we put it in our

Offhand and then we drop this on the floor as per usual um what we’re going to do is grab our staff we’re going to raycast to the object so that it’s on the stack like so and by the way some people make trinkets or ciphers which are the on the

Non-rechargeable version of trinkets just so that they they don’t have to do this part which i think is pretty funny it’s a little bit tricky to get it to work but it does work uh and then we’ll go ahead and do this this time without the deliberate mistake and

Uh how does that spell go i believe it goes like this yeah this is the recharge spell some may find this symbol familiar there we go so now we’ve recharged this spell this is a spell that’s fairly sophisticated because it has different behavior depending on if you sneak or

Not now i’ll probably have to do another video as this one’s running kind of long as tutorials go on how to do sneak differentiated spells like that but they’re quite popular so let’s go ahead and do this and if i hold down sneak it casts levitation on myself for three seconds

Pretty nice effect if i don’t hold down sneak though you could see that we can get going real far this is a self-impulse 3 spell and if you look straight up yeah this is going to kill me that’s why if you hold down shift at the last second you can levitate to

Save yourself uh i like this one um it’s pretty fun i think it’d be better as an artifact um so that when i you know i because you can see that we’ve already used just that little bit of playing has already used about 25 of the power that said uh

I could make it weaker or something like that so maybe in a future if you’re interested leave a you know a comment down below saying what kind of spells you’d like to see in trinkets or if you’d like to see how you go about making you know different uh types of spells

Like that occur in trinkets because there’s actually really like no uh no upper limit to what you can do there like you can make spells and trinkets very sophisticated so folks i think that that’s everything i wanted to impart about my methodology for making simple trinkets and about how

You use them and recharge them thank you very much for your attention i hope that this was helpful this uh has been the hex casting mod available on curseforge i’ve been adding it to the all the mod 7 pack and streaming regularly um and also the direwolf 20 pack and streaming

Semi-regularly if you’d like to go ahead and take a look over on twitch same name karen dave catch you later

This video, titled ‘A Brief Hexcasting Tutorial: Trinkets & How to Make Them’, was uploaded by KirinDave on 2022-05-15 20:36:21. It has garnered 37807 views and 617 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:00 or 960 seconds.

Folks, after popular demand in the Hexcasting Discord, I’ve made a video showing step-by-step how to make a Hexcasting Trinket (with a useful spell) in survival, how to recharge them, and how to make the process more reliable.

I hope you enjoyed this, as I’ve enjoyed the hexcasting mod. You can get the mod on curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/hexcasting

Timecodes: 00:00 – Introduction 00:13 – A Hexcasting Trinket in Action 00:53 – A “Place Light” Spell 03:58 – The Spell We Will Enchant Into A Trinket 05:23 – Encoding Spells onto Focuses 08:53 – Acquiring Fuel (In the Labyrinth) 10:17 – Step by Step – Encode the Trinket 12:47 – Recharging 14:17 – Demo: A Sneak-Sensitive Trinket

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    🔥ULTIMATE RICH DADDY SHOWDOWN: WHO'S THE REAL MVP!?💰Video Information was findet ihr die restlichen Körperteile von feister seine Beine Arme und sein Rupf sind überall auf dem gesamten Server verteilt aboniert habt wir müssen uns drauf einigen dass wir aufhören damit ALR okay wir müssen wer ist Mike Mike wichtiger ah sorry das ein bisschen länger da im Start aber was habt ihr gedacht neun Leute die erstmal alles einstellen müssen was habt ihr gedacht dass wir direkt nach 2 Minuten starten ich mein stegi ist dabei This video, titled ‘BASTIGHG CORE – WER IST WICHTIGER!?…😏🥶 (cold moment)’, was uploaded by Opa Rico 🅥 on 2024-01-14 18:05:03…. Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Car Impound Build by Benny!!

    INSANE Minecraft Car Impound Build by Benny!!Video Information all right what’s good guys welcome back to another video um so I’m going to start a new series on my channel where we do a let’s build Minecraft sort of thing uh it’s going to be like fully unedited you know no webcam it’s just going to be simple let’s build you know if you want to learn how to build stuff uh and also I’ll be learning how to build stuff on the way as well so we’re just going to building a city um and you can see behind me that I have got a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information हो एक्सप्लोर कर रहे हो तुम्हें मजा आ रहा है वाओ भाई कितना प्यारा पिग है वो देखो कितनी प्यारी काऊ है हेलो गाई कैसी हो और एकदम से तुम्हें पता चलता है कि वारे मैं तो एक न में गिला ह This video, titled ‘#minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #backgroundmusic #freefire #mlg #music #gaming’, was uploaded by MR_RID_GAMER on 2024-03-02 04:59:12. It has garnered 426 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • FatCatMC

    FatCatMCFatCatMC is a vanilla based community ran SMP with some added quality of life features to make things a little more enjoyable without taking away the vanilla feel and experience of Minecraft. We are a new server looking for more players to join, if you’re looking for a chill server to play with your friends this is the one. Hope you enjoy. fatcatmc.net Read More

  • The Perfectum SMP – SMP, Hermitcraft-style, Java 1.20.1, LGBTQ+ Friendly, 15+, Whitelist, Community, BlueMap

    Welcome to the Perfectum SMP Welcome to the Perfectum SMP, a semi-vanilla, application-only, survival server designed for an authentic and mature gaming experience (15+). Our goal is to create a transparent and welcoming community. We’ve selected plugins that enhance performance, reduce lag, and maintain vanilla gameplay as you explore with others! What to Expect A dedicated team of moderators ensuring a seamless gaming experience. A server seed selected for its stunning landscapes and exploration potential. A Discord-based application process for quick and easy access. A suggestion channel with upvotes and downvotes to make sure every voice is heard. A friendly… Read More

  • Dystoria Patch -Chains- I Weekly new Content

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Amethyst geodes: The OG Minecraft travelers 🌌

    Minecraft Memes - Amethyst geodes: The OG Minecraft travelers 🌌“Amethyst geodes really hit rock bottom before shining bright like a diamond in Minecraft.” Read More

  • Kerem’s Clash: Mafia Mayhem in Minecraft!

    Kerem's Clash: Mafia Mayhem in Minecraft! In the city, the Evil Mafia reigns, Kerem Commissioner sneaks in, no chains. Will he defeat them, save the day? Or will the Mafia make him pay? The guards check IDs, no room for error, Kerem must be sly, a secret bearer. But in the end, he’s caught in the act, Will he escape, or face the fact? Under the train, a risky move, Kerem’s disguise, will it prove? The guards are fooled, but not for long, Kerem’s mission, right or wrong? Into the city, Kerem goes, To face the Mafia, his foes. Will he succeed, or meet his… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes

    Spicy Minecraft Memes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons

    Ultimate Minecraft Base: Zombie Trap & Pistons Minecraft Adventures: Building Bases, Zombie Traps, and Pistons Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with our fearless protagonist as they make significant progress in this episode. From constructing bases to setting up zombie traps and utilizing pistons, there’s never a dull moment in this virtual realm. Exploring New Horizons Our intrepid explorer delves into uncharted territories, seeking resources and crafting materials to enhance their survival skills. With each block they mine and every tree they chop down, the foundation of their base grows stronger. Building a Secure Base Using their creativity and ingenuity, our protagonist… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight! 🔥

    Unbelievable Minecraft Ender Dragon Fight! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] you [Music] n [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] Gamers hello why is it not pulling up Minecraft oh I know why cuz I didn’t do that oopsie hello Gamers how are we doing hello [Music] Gamers uh chat that’s uh not chat but now there we go how are we Gamers um I will be hopping in Discord in just a second here let I get everything ready whoa there I am hi Gamers hi gamers hi Gamers Gamers Gamers hi humans and vtubers hello fish being let me just uh shink… Read More

  • Going Insane in Minecraft

    Going Insane in MinecraftVideo Information it’s kind of [Music] awesome is that real are you today I played the insanity mod in Minecraft actually it was yesterday but we don’t talk about that this is one of the scariest mods I’ve ever played in Minecraft it adds a little icon in the corner of your screen that controls your sanity it’s kind of like the game don’t starve where if you go into darkness you lose sanity but I didn’t know that by the way YouTube says that two people are subscribed so please subscribe anyways enjoy the video I don’t know how… Read More

  • Unveiling Dronio’s Face in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    Unveiling Dronio's Face in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком и подпиской я показываю лицо я реально его покажу Если вы поставите лайк или подпишитесь о’кей и прежде чем вы что-то сделаете это случилось быстрее чем я думал ладно А наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз и я думаю это будет тяжелее чем кажется Итак добываем дерево и что зачем вы опять поставили лайк и подписались пожалуйста прошу хватит это делать и Вау кажется я нашёл деревню И что Зачем вы так быстро ставите лайки и Подписывайтесь Ладно бежим скорее в деревню Ой здесь есть кузница в ней у нас стоп… Read More

A Brief Hexcasting Tutorial: Trinkets & How to Make Them