Becoming a MOM for 24 HOURS … It was TERRIBLE

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Oh Jason you’re like the cutest when you were a little baby I know I was so fat so choppy what was your favorite subject in school I think what what of course you would say that you love eating okay but seriously though what was it I don’t know I can’t even

Remember what my favorite subject were that was so ages ago Jamesy Jamesy James he looked behind you just Wait it’s it’s like an asteroid it’s an asteroid whoa this is so cool was a strange Rock in the middle I’m gonna stand on it wait Jamesy up you should probably be more careful what’s the worst that could happen crazy boy boy boy why am I so small

Turn into a baby I told you not to touch the asteroid look what happened oh no I’m so tiny what am I gonna do well Jamesy at the police see that you’re not in school you’re gonna get in lots of trouble we have to send you back to

School get over here what now I’m too old for school stop it you’re not too old and now you have to decide what your actual favorite subject is and you can’t say lunch oh my goodness I don’t want to go back for okay well it’s okay Jamesy

Even though I’m sending you to school I’ll still come with you anyway wait really okay yeah Mom go to school um I’m not your mom Jamesy I’m your girlfriend oh no my boyfriend got turned into a little baby what is this mean what does that make you Gracie I don’t

Know all right Jamesy let’s go in and meet your new teachers um oh it’s the principal this is my boyfriend and I’m sitting him to school uh excuse me did you just say boyfriend I’m crazy that makes you weird oh no no no no no this is um this is my

Son my son yeah this is my son and I’m sending him to school uh all right I’ll see well hello there little fella Welcome to our wonderful institution he’s scary yeah anyway so Mr principal where can you find his first classroom uh well let’s see let’s get your

Registered little fella and then I’ll take you to your first class all right Perfect all right here’s your student ID little fella okay what does this mean this is so that we know that you are a student at our school okay where do I go first class wait Jamesy let me see that

Let me see that wow first student ID I’m such a proud um proud mother anyway um so what’s his first class Mr principal well he’s first class of the day will be math class so uh let’s let’s get you to class little fella James on you can’t catch me

No running at the Halls uh yes here it is math plus there you go young man Jamesy what’s one plus one uh what’s four times five after a frog okay well principal this is why he needs to go to school anyway thank you for showing us around yes I’ll

Be getting back to my principal duties now well I hope you’re ready for our first math class I hope they let me stay inside as well well Jamesy remember you can’t tell anybody that I’m your girlfriend okay I’m your mother for all they know okay mommy well um oh there’s

Your teacher Jamesy there’s your teacher oh welcome here we have a new student in the school today yes that’s me yeah yeah this annoying little boy here well I’m sure you’re going to have a great day this is a wonderful school you’re a very lucky young man you smell bad excuse me

Um anyway um just ignore him is it all right if I stick around for the day he’s a little bit of a troubled kid so he does need my help a little bit oh sure no worries are you his mother um yeah yeah I’m his mother I’m his mother Actually I told you he’s a bit troubled just just don’t listen don’t worry please say the weirdest things sometimes I know right anyway uh let’s get started so welcome to your homeroom and math class did you do your homework [Applause] Uh wow um anyway oh no worries I was just you’re a new student don’t forget about that all right now you’ve taken your seat let’s get started with math class hey sit in your chair properly yeah sit in your chair Jamesy okay Jamesy remember school isn’t a playground you

Actually have to listen to the teachers okay I’m listening what’s the first lesson so the first is on your Eatery oh my goodness I can hold a pencil no problem I got big fingers um okay Jamesy let’s start by I’m an adult um what about me Miss Jonesy should I do anything you join in and draw a triangle two if you want okay I haven’t got a pencil though could you give me one oh yes no problem uh Jamesy I finished my triangle how does yours look like I fish

Mine and mine looks amazing really let me take a look nice work Jamesy that’s a pretty good triangle what about mine oh yours is wonderful I see the right it looks very nice Daisy did it either I mean it’s it’s kind of just going up the edge look at this exactly

I’m just I’m predicting the future yeah you should Mark points off of that well I’ll give you try with another shape are you ready okay Jamesy a square you can’t mess this one up squirm Square easy I can do Square every day of week well I’m gonna

Be a show-off and instead of drawing a square I’m gonna draw a cube boom Jamesy do you know what a cube looks like yeah it’s a pretty Square well let me see you’re drawing look mine looks so good what do you think um what why is

It looks ugly what do you think Miss Jonesy oh well a piece of cheese but it’s not too bad well done Jamesy what how anyway Miss Jonesy look at mine isn’t it way better oh that’s a very the cute Miss Grace yeah I know all my shapes because I’m an adult

Um I’m an adult too oh he’s definitely not a real adult he’s just a baby what’s okay well unless you’re a hardest shape heart of partner ones all right if you want some elegy try and draw a hexagon that’s a shape with six sides a hexagon oh I

Don’t think James is gonna pass this one you know what I’m gonna use this line tool right over here one two lie three light four lights one lights up I think this is an octagon oopsy daisies I just made a hexagon look at this look at this juicy house you’re

Amazing going my hexagon is done have a look guys um one two three four five that’s a bad thing it’s a good chance I can’t count Jason come up here looking boy this is a real hexagon there’s one two three four five six sides how was I supposed to know that

Um Jamesy well you are a bit of a baby it’s okay well James you got that last shape wrong I can only give you a B for math classes That’s terrible it’s okay Jamesy maybe you’ll do better in your next class you gotta find out what your favorite subject is oh wait it’s so bad what do you mean but he is not bad B stand for bad bloated because that’s what you look like right now anyway

Good disrespectful James you take that back tell your teacher sorry you can’t say that to miss Jonesy what’s our next class oh your next so you better head to the gymnasium let’s give me this isn’t it crazy let’s go oh where is it well Jamesy this

School is so this is so big isn’t it I can’t wait to see what my Gypsy just like hopefully he’s nicer than that last one you look like Miss Jonesy I thought she was really sweet anyway where is it where’s the gym right here wait looks like he’s placing down some cones maybe

You’re doing some basketball today no you look so cool um I don’t know about that anyway let’s go say hi to him hey Mr Jones are these the new recruits yes it recruits I’m not I’m not a recruiter I’m just here to send my kid to school I

See you’re a wuss are you missed well welcome little man I hope you’re ready yeah yeah all right so for today in this gym class we’re gonna do what obstacles of course are you ready Mr Jones it’s not very athletic I’m worried he’s gonna hurt himself are you

Sure you could do this he’s just a baby ah don’t worry Miss that’s what gym class is for get it real oh gosh okay Jamesy I guess you’re gonna get ripped look at your little booty arms anyway oh I don’t know if this is gonna go well

Can I just watch over here from the bleachers yeah ma’am if that’s what you want to do go for it all right little man come over here you’re gonna do a quick warm-up and then I’m gonna take you to the real course got it ready all right you’re gonna zigzag

Through these codes hop on those blocks and land on the Slime box Ready Set [Applause] That was pretty good little man I gotta say so what’s the real thing that was just the warm-up now it’s for the real stuff come this way well you’re telling me that my little James is gonna be doing this job course yeah it’s time for the bleachers are you ready

Gypsy are you okay are your legs okay you’re fine are you guys ready um I don’t know James I’m really worried Mr Jones are you sure he’s gonna be okay uh he’ll be fine breaking bones makes a man what yeah yeah anyway three two one go go go

Oh let me kiss your boo-boo now get away from me come on come on [Applause] I’ve got one look at me go I made it oh my little boy so grown up Mr Jones Mr Jones what grade did I get it again A Plus and a minus maybe nice work Soldier

Whoa you completed the course but uh you didn’t make it in the time limit so I’m gonna have to give you a c for that you didn’t make it at the time my middle okay oh my goodness okay well what class do I have next anyway I believe you got

History dick so you best be getting your boot out of here go go go girl oh gosh back when I was in school that was my least favorite subject oh Jamesy if you want to get a good score you have to make a good impression don’t be weird

Like all the last times you met the teachers okay this time you have to be really normal for the teachers are so strange you’re the strange one okay be quiet we gotta be normal okay hi Mrs Smith ah why hello there young one why does it smell like dead people in here

You’ve ruined everything again I told you we had to be normal um excuse my son Mrs Smith I’m sorry ah yes no worries I hope you’re ready for a pop quiz to test your knowledge on world history oh I do I hated history for a reason are you serious okay yes here you

Go and another notebook for you okay do we just write our answers in here yes and then I will create them when you’re done are you ready okay okay all right the first question is what came first cartoon of ban bad or rainbow friends this is so easy uh Jamesy I don’t know

Can I look at your answers um show me your answers please no no no no no cheating I expected better if you miss as his mother um yeah I’m his mother I forgot about that um I I put my answer down uh Mrs Smith I think it’s gonna be this one

Right he came out a while ago anyway what’s the second question all right second question what came first Minecraft or Roblox oh my goodness another super easy question It’s gotta be Minecraft right all right are you ready for question three oh okay question three question three

How old am I Mrs Smith how would I know how old she is this question is also extra credit I might add so please choose Kiff extra credits um she looks pretty old I mean she’s a teacher so she’s gotta be old and she does sound really old too she’s gonna be

Like 42. no that’s that’s gonna be my answer 42 years old anyway I’m finished do I just give it to you now yes please turn in your quizzes if you’re done I’m done as well I’m gonna win Gracie I’m gonna win what this first one is from Jamesy you wrote down rainbow friends

Minecraft and 21 lovely work lovely work Give me good grades James thank you young man that I really appreciate that now for Miss Gracie let’s see one Garden of banban hmm I’m afraid that’s incorrect the correct answer should be rainbow friend it’s rainbow friends Tracy hunt how did you know that oh you played video games way too much see

Number two you put Minecraft I believe that is also incorrect yeah crazy oh wait two questions Rock already okay my third answer has got to be correct Miss Gracie put 42 years old I’m very incorrect very incorrect but I you look Johnny I mean what that’s not fair thanks Gracie I’m

Afraid you got all the answers on the quiz wrong so I’m afraid I have to give you an F an F or when I get Jamesy you got one answer wrong but everything else seemed good so I give you a b oh I knew I always hated history class

It’s the worst class ever I love history I love you oh thank you very much young one I really I really appreciate that now I believe it’s time for your science class so you better get going oh my God I can’t believe I’ve been chaperoning this kid this entire time maybe I need

To find a way to lose him I’m gonna just surround this away hopefully he won’t notice oh look he’s so lost of course point I feel kind of bad now um oh no you know what JC JC um I I’m right here right here I was just playing a hide and seek uh

Speaking of which did you want to play a game of hide and seek before we started the next class no I just want to go to science class science class is over here Jamesy I’m pretty sure it’s the lab right here okay all right Jamesy this is

Gonna be the best class so we’re both gonna get eight pluses okay okay we’re both gonna get eight pluses what if we like do something wrong we turn ourselves into frogs or something well um then you can say as a frog I don’t really care whoa

Um hey Miss June um it’s me I’m James he’s a mother and I’m just here because um he needs some chaperoning today I already do little scientists are you ready to get started yes all right all right take your seat whoa what are we doing at this class today this the this

Laboratory looks really amazing Miss June oh yeah thank you I’ve been I’ve been cleaning it up you know uh anyway let’s see today we’re gonna be making some potions potions okay Jamesy um I’m sure you can have lots of fun with that right yeah I love potions especially

When I get to turn Gracie into her normal being let’s walk I’m not a frog a frog potion I gotta write that down that sounds like an interesting concept but today we’ll be starting with something pretty pretty safe pretty easy we’re gonna be making some fire potions

Your favorite are they orange uh yeah I believe so yeah James be careful you might knock something over no no no I’m running around All righty you two there should be plenty of potion ingredients around the classroom so uh get searching first I’m gonna fit first wait oh I found it I found it okay I can’t tell James yeah I can’t tell Jamesy um where where I can’t find anything oh there’s

No materials oh my goodness they must have ran out of the materials that’s so crazy oh whoa this stuff is real pure Mrs June how did you get the carbon monoxide in the blaze panel to be so separated even though the high concentration of plutonium liquid in there well little

Word that was quite the spear you got there how do you know all that oh um I just studied this in a college I mean um he’s a baby he didn’t he doesn’t know any of this stuff um he’s totally not like an adult turned into a baby or

Anything no no no no no you’ve got quite the little genius on your hand there Miss Gracie yeah what can I say you know my genetics like they they just made them really smart Oh no I got motion instead this is not right um here you go Jamesy

Ah careful don’t be breaking my beakers she hit me with an awkward potion okay well I’m now gonna add Mark my creep to my potion yes I gotta find this famous potion now I’m gonna win no no no no no no no don’t open the bags don’t worry yeah I’m gonna

Beat you up okay look I give you your potion back you can have it anyway Miss June I finished first so you can have this potion no fair looks good if it says to See’s red color is very vibrant orange let me get a little taste try again gosh

I hope it disappointed her this works mighty fine Miss Gracie really one day Today I got a day finally finally go oh let me take a look another five Resistance potion good consistency now for the little taste test oh I hope it poisons her yup all right I think it checks out uh you did go a little bit slow though so I’m gonna have to give

You a c huh you gotta see you gotta see alrighty I think your last class should be building so uh it’s down that Hall down the hall all right Jamesy come over here it’s time for building yeah except you suck at building no offense all right James

It’s time for the building class goodbye Builder Builder watch bossy who’s actually better at building when we get our scores back I’m totally gonna get an A plus I’m gonna get a plus plus um oh hey Mr Bob hey yo what’s up dudes you ready to build

Um are you ready to lose homie I like your spirit little man all right we’re gonna be building a couple things here I hope you’re ready well I found it what are we building yeah what are we building all right let me assign a couple builds so uh you miss you’re

Gonna be building a basketball basketball okay that sounds fun uh you little dude you’re gonna be building a globe have fun with that a glow a globe yep a globe of the world and uh for me I’ll be joining in for fun I’ll just build a book simple stuff let’s [Applause]

Okay okay looks like I have to build a basketball course of course I’m gonna make it Pink because pink is the best color ever all right dudes and doodads remember y’all got like uh 10 minutes to finish your build so uh let’s get to it I don’t need that much time I’m just

Gonna build this right now yeah you know what uh you might not know this a builder but we’re actually secretly pro builders we do builds like all the time oh yeah nice let’s see what you got why is it taking my arms so far what what in a circle like this already James

E careful how’d you get up there I just finished building my basketball hoop over here Gracie you realize there’s a command block in the middle of the building that lets you fly right there it is what oh that would be so be so great well well I pressed it no I didn’t

Create creative I could do all the building I want yeah unfortunately that will only last till the end of the Build Challenge and you don’t get to keep the materials so yeah it’s not that great are you serious okay well um wait jamesy’s build is actually looking kind

Of good it’s not fair that he got an easy prop how am I supposed to do basketball when he’s doing glow maybe we should go so annoying being so small I can’t reach any of the things huh oh you can’t reach anything JC oh don’t worry I can totally

Help you did you need help with anything Jamesy oh wow you’re being such a sweet girlfriend right now I know you love me and you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me right oh no yeah I’m totally I’m just putting some water on your build right now so like you know it looks realistic

It’s gonna look amazing so it’s amazing What’s going on dudes I think there’s a glitch in your build like I think your Arena has like TNT in it or something it’s not right what nah dude I I checked it before uh all right I’ll do a little bit of Maintenance work you two keep

Building yeah Jamesy I told you it’s probably just something wrong with the arena it was you you don’t have any evidence of that anyway I’m even gonna put cobwebs instead of my basketball court to make an extra extra real mistakes crazy facts are breaking my thing I decided to rebuild it but way

Bigger oh bad okay let me just help you like with this a little bit no stop it stop it there’s no cobwebs my Earth stop it fine you gave me no choice no choice Choice oh you know Gracie I’ve been holding in my pee this entire day I’ve not been to

The toilet once and you know how much the little boys need to go to the toilet right try to relieve myself okay machine gun oh my goodness Mr Bob Mr Bob hey yo what’s what’s going on oh oh what is that rancid smell I didn’t do this okay look Jay Z over

Here um he needs to go to the nurse I mean just look at him he has a uncontrolled bowel movements he can’t control them I can control them they’ve been controlled I just controlled them in her Direction that is nasty I told you you should totally give him lower scores for this

Well anyway y’all got a couple more minutes bro so uh I suggest you uh keep building oh Jamesy wow this basketball Court’s looking way better and now and now I just need to create the basketball I think this is pretty good I see same day I think we should go and draw Mr

Pope wait you’re right his book actually looks kind of good well Jamesy what should we do then don’t you have the big brain huh okay you know what I think you should go distract him you could be the distraction and I’m gonna go in and use this fire TNT and blow everything up

Okay yeah little dude you done sure you know I had Mrs Jones earlier right oh yeah uh Miss Josie yeah I know her yeah you know she was she just kept talking about you the whole lesson bruh no way for real yeah she said you were cute stop oh this

Is perfect now I can sneak around dude oh what exactly did she says he’s so strong such a great builder in fact you should go and look towards the window right now you might see her look um I have it working out yeah yeah stand right there just don’t look around crazy

Oh my goodness oh my goodness this is crazy I can’t believe he’s falling for it I’ll smoke barbecue hey yo what’s going on uh before that before that I’ll I’ll grade your builds first oh man the kids these days well it looks like this is jamesy’s boat it looks terrible doesn’t

It uh actually I think it’s I think it’s pretty good uh I could see the uh the artistic eye you got here little little dude yeah trees are a nice touch gotta gotta look out for our planet you know I like that meaning what yeah and there’s

Even water oh yeah there’s there’s water around here very nice very nice I like that dude gosh okay well look at my basketball court isn’t this really good uh Gracie what even is the basketball uh it’s right here obviously this is the basketball uh yeah I’m afraid this isn’t

Quite right Miss oh it’s kind of like a piece of poo if I’m being honest okay but what about these hoops these hoops are pretty good though watch this Kobe um anyway defeat your great basketball I’ve been practicing practicing what how did you jump so high oh I may

Be small but I’m athletic Watchers Yeah bro you know what for that amazing basketball performance I will tell the principal about uh your other activities during this task okay well let’s break this build all right let yeah let me rate it little dude Jamesy you get an A I like this

Build a lot Bobby what about me oh your Hoops are pretty good Miss Gracie but I’m gonna have to mark it down for this poop ball here no it’s a basketball well look at that Mark his build um yeah this is a zero um this is like

An F minus like a z u like a z plus yeah well last I checked uh what’s the teacher here so um I don’t even need a grade anyway you get a B Miss Gracie oh come on Jason we still haven’t figured out to turn you back to normal oh oh wait

Wait mode oh shame oh I guess when you leave the build Arena you don’t have the same abilities anymore alrighty remember to head back to home dudes Home Room oh I forgot about that it’s almost the end of the day Jamesy oh my goodness you’re about to finish your first day of school

Alrighty James it’s time to head back into home room okay okay I’m pretty hungry I can’t shoot me but I’m gonna steal this oh Welcome Back YouTube How was your assistant hey Miss Jonesy these apples are all oh Jamesy you’re such a teacher’s pet you’re supposed to give the Apple to miss Josie

By the chem lab earlier what wait uh what do you mean our problem what what do you know about us what do you know Like let’s just send her some kind of spell yeah it is crazy um yeah yeah I’m I’m not his real mother how did you know oh my goodness wait so you can heal him you can turn him back he’s been he’s been doing this this teacher whipped something up and

She gave it to me to give to you okay well Splash it on him smash it on him alright let’s do this three two so big yo what’s up bro um Miss Joseph he doesn’t normally talk like that hey this is gonna look so so wait what are you doing hey don’t

Jump on my flowers I just planted those I’m sorry but there was a leak in my house it’s all flooded could I possibly stay the night with you please I mean it looks fine to me crazy you gotta help me my house is on phone oh Sophie I asked first yeah well

Well a girl should sleep over together you can go sleep over with Jamesy or something no but he kicked me out for being stinky just go sleep in your fiery house or something no wait wait guys all right all right I mean we could just fix whatever issues you guys have in your

House like let’s go put out the buyers Sophie oh no that’s okay I can just sleep just little huh you know what I feel I feel like you’re lying because your ass looks completely fine there’s no fire and so does yours Louie tell me the truth uh

Sorry Gracie we just really wanted to have a sleepover yeah you guys wanted a sleepover you could have just ah yeah I guess so alrighty then come on guys come inside my house alrighty we can have a sleepover you guys can pick anywhere to sleep in the

Living room we have three couches so it’s perfect let me take a look in here Gracie are there any snacks in here I’m hungry serious you want snacks already you only just got here we should tell scary stories too all right all right seriously guys let’s find some snacks

First for Louie and then we can tell a scary story sound good okay fine yes that’s the good side of this fridge oh yes cake my favorite oh but I don’t like cake I like candy can we just keep looking okay we’ll keep looking maybe I

Have some candy in here oh lemon coconut bars yes yes they all of them have all of them oh are you serious Sophie’s favorite food add your favorite food come on let’s keep looking maybe there’s something here some of these drawers are there anything in here oh Red Cat

Give me give me give me give me give me I’m gonna eat them all now oh my God so hyper you literally have red particles coming out of you oh look at him go let’s tell a scary story now once upon a time there was a

Oh no no no that was that’s way too scary that’s way too scary guys story there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you guys what what’s that coming to the bathroom coolest toy ever uh wait did you say toy what is it I want to see I want to see I

Want to see all right over here right here this is so small interesting what is this contraption Gracie well guys this is the truth or lime machine yeah now we can play a lie detector game we can ask each other questions and stuff uh I don’t know much about doing that

Fine you know what I’ll go first ask me a question guys Sophie what should we ask her I don’t really have anything do you want to try to draw something uh maybe something easy for a star about Gracie what’s your favorite color my favorite color come on guys that’s

Way too easy of course it’s big though look at me what what is happening it was true dude’s got lying and I was telling the truth wait this thing actually seems really cool I want to go there no I’m going I’m going we have to come up with a question to ask him

Sophie what should we do let’s think wait but remember Louie if you say a lie something bad will happen so just don’t try to lie okay uh okay I’ll try jumpy I think I have a good question asking crazy asking Lily are you afraid of spiders lots of ghosts your face

Look The View oh wait thanks for the story I don’t like spiders just kill them all I’ll never come down unless they’re dead come on there’s only two left Louie they’re not gonna do anything to you what are you gonna kill them okay let’s kill them all

I can’t believe they spot because of the Box Louie that’s because you lied like I said you can’t lie oh I’m sorry are they all dead now please come on now get down here oh okay so the Lily just went and now it’s your okay guys bring it on I’m not gonna lie

At all close the door okay watch me as Sophie let me think wait I’ve got a good idea what I think I’m gonna ask Sophie if she stole my diamonds last week what no no no you know what I think I have an even better idea oh yeah what’s that so

So have you ever had a crush on James age I bet she does and that’s why she’s being quiet yes happy guys why are you asking me this random question what it means of me it’s very very relevant and it’s my boyfriend sometimes he shows

Signs about having a crush on him I just think he’s yes I did I did answer the question no you totally avoided it yeah Lily what if she actually does have a crush on Jamesy did that mean she doesn’t have a crush on you oh you see me serious we’ll make her

Answer the question another day I guess Gracie’s turn now it’s my turn again let’s go then Louie I’ve got a great question okay let’s ask it then come on what is it so Gracie have you ever had a crush on anyone besides James of course not duh oh

Sir where are we what did we get down here why is it so scary it kind of looks like an office or something Gracie wait up oh no no no I shouldn’t have lied but who did you have a crush on that if it wasn’t Jamesy no no it was

Just some other kid at my school that I used to like but he moved away he’s not even in the same school anymore but wait a second guys enough about that what’s with these doors why are we even here what’s what’s family we’re supposed to work

Together so we can leave come on oh fine what is your favorite animal out of these three it sounded like it came from my head yeah it was like in my brain or something that’s such a will I don’t like it and they want us to choose our favorite animal

Um well this should be easier obviously I love cats I’m just gonna go to the cat door okay well I love living since I’m going in here I’m going in here I was there to the other side and I see a bunch of Parkour hey Sophie where’s Louie oh oh you kidding

Kidding lie Louie all right I guess you guys got me I like cats more than lizards come on that’s nothing to be embarrassed of kitty cats are so so yeah I agree with that yes that means we get punished every time you lie so we can’t lie anymore okay guys ours we’re

Gonna alternate to cats like Louie yeah I guess I learned my lesson what’s that platform there before the yes and no wait I don’t think so and wait what are we supposed to answer maybe we’ll all know once we get here come on so yes sir brush your teeth every night

For being a cat would change that no I can still hear it all right well we have to ask about whether we brush our teeth every night or not no normally stop Lily don’t play are you kidding me the guy dope no you don’t you’re not fooling anybody we all know you smell

Stinky you definitely don’t brush your teeth every night and honestly I forget as well I’m just gonna be honest I forget I’m gonna go through no yeah me too I forget sometimes wait Lily what’s happening to you I’m growing again told the truth let’s go let’s go okay

Let’s not tell them let’s not tell any lines from now on let’s keep doing this Paul cool absolutely alrighty I’m gonna do the slime block jump oh my goodness you’re almost at the top as well nice what get over here okay here I go where’s Lily

You’re gonna make us fall in the lava what is spawn oh that’s scarier than what I just did I’m not going there which one would you say Lily why are you on the platform oh no at least the voice was asking me which one I would save does that mean between one of

You no no no no no I don’t wanna tell you wait wait to be honest because if I’m not and everything might have to hurt one of your guys’s feelings oh just say it already what do you think you’re crazy where’s Lily where’s Lily did he actually

I barely made it out of that life everything exploded why would you please I’m so honest I mean like Sophie’s my childhood bestie I’ve known her since forever really yeah oh you’re kidding me but I’m jamesy’s best friend he will kill you if he knew I was dead

Would die if I knew Sophie was dead and she’s my bestie anyone thank you great forget that ever happened okay you’re still my second best friend oh fine I guess I can let it slide but that better not happen again anyways I’m hungry really okay you know what let’s go back

Towards my house okay let’s go go go go go go have you ever need anything huh oh boys what’s going what’s going on I don’t know but I think we have to answer it let’s shoot their love their life must have become sentient and now the game is

Gonna go on even though we don’t want to play anymore [Laughter] oh that means I can finally find out if you stole my diamonds the other day Sophie holy dips on me stop you have to tell the two doors we’re gonna go back there again please just tell the truth oh man fine

Louie I did steal your diamonds I knew it okay look I’m still in as well so it’s not that big of a deal right yeah I mean I I guess I’m stolen something too I’m not really proud of it as long as we don’t do it ever again

We’re still good people we just have to change and it looks like the voice is gone now so maybe we can finally get some food again okay let me just look more inside the fridge and let me look inside that’s such a weird question yeah why

Would I ever use a night light what am I scared of the dark or something to use one either oh okay um I’m Not Afraid of the Dark uh we didn’t turn the lights off you’ll just blind oh my goodness you you I can see again [Applause]

Yeah okay I guess I did lie I am using good night lights because you guys know we’re laughing about it and I thought it was kind of embarrassing oh crazy it’s okay to use a nightlight okay okay is getting kind of annoying I don’t want to play anymore I’m kind of getting concerned this voice is coming out of nowhere I’m so scared but anyways who even counts sheep before they go to sleep well I don’t count she before I sleep yeah yeah but I do sometimes have a hard time falling asleep but I never really count sheep exactly

Wait Sophie do I get Gracie’s Voice or something this is kind of funny you’re too where’d she goes to her sheep at the front door do they not understand me Hello I’m oh it’s bestie Gracie go and why is there a sheep yeah it’s awfully loud

Okay maybe I can use something in my inventory that can help me anything like not even the side or come Sophie this sheep’s looking really worried I I wonder what he’s worried about why is it jittery who do you want to marry down oh my God the person asking the question

Even understand me as well but oh I don’t know I want to marry Jamesy but my only boyfriend and girlfriend right now maybe it’s a little bit too early and what if he doesn’t even want to marry me but in the way and Sophie said and yeah

So that’s who I would marry what are you are you serious what they were gonna marry and I missed it okay you know what I’m just gonna say Jamesy James E Jamesy James uh wait where’s Jamesy why are you saying Jamesy yeah you got it up oh it’s because I just saw

Jamesy like come out of his house just now that’s all wait where are we that’s a massive glass box above our houses oh no it’s because I lied again I asked Jamesy what I actually didn’t oh Gracie wait a second Gracie did you say Jamesy to the merry questions yeah

That’s why I was saying his name but don’t tell him okay I don’t want him to say no okay fine fine all right because he gets safe with us Gracie so embarrassing so so embarrassing the truth or lagging has become so sentient that they’re now punishing us even

Though they even ask me a question like I just said a lot but like oh we can’t lie anymore at all oh wait a second Gracie why don’t we just destroy the machine if it’s gonna kill us that’d be a great idea corner you’re here let’s tower out let’s tower out come on

Zombie get up here get up here here I think it’s only in that corner right now it’s so I thought whoa whoa okay don’t die oh I don’t like this it must have been because I lied to Lily about his idea being good I’m sorry

Louie are you kidding me it was a bad idea let’s be honest I think Vegas city and it doesn’t matter if we break the box or not right oh why would you lie to me I like to play the truth or lie game it doesn’t end until you

Oh how many questions have been asked already uh maybe like 10 I don’t remember I think the famous can play after like 12 rounds or so so maybe there’s only two more questions oh wait we could go back down now have you ever cheated there’s only maybe one more after this

So let’s answer it correctly wait but this this question’s weird I don’t want to add to that yeah I don’t question either me neither well you know what I’ve never cheated on Jamesy I love him so him so much yeah I’ve never cheated either because I’ve never had a boyfriend

Hurry up Louie say something where the way you have to wait oh I was the joke about to die the way you should have answered the question on time oh okay okay fine I admit I cheated on a test once but I didn’t want to tell you guys

I thought you like cheated on your girlfriend or something but you don’t have a girlfriend I forgot well now that we are well guys what what you’re back that means we passed yes oh I’m so happy to be back on try and land oh this machine makes me so angry I’m

Gonna go get some TNT and destroy it right now oh you know what okay we’ll give it a try to destroy me what no no fine you know what I’m still going to get that TNT after clear so we’re gonna get teleported Elixir or something we should we should

Never play this game to begin with it’s way too dangerous I’m sorry I’m sorry okay TNT time I’m coming what are you doing what are you doing Wait the machine is going crazy come on come on guys wait we got there’s the machine it’s going haywired yeah we gotta turn this thing off right now all right I think we have to answer the question from before okay but we do want to destroy but trust me I don’t want to

Destroy the destroy I told you I’m not lying Yes I don’t know what to say about that what do we what do we see how do we answer Louie what are you doing what are you doing I’m not doing anything I’m not doing anything I think the machine just wanted to be friends with us the whole

Time Sophie they wanted to be yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes well Lily how are we supposed to get home now ah oh Sophie must be funny hey did you see the baby baby huh the baby video uh I never got around to seeing it sorry oh what what

You got it it’s so cute it kind of makes me want to have a kid you know cannot think of anything and worse at the moment a baby come on I got too many responsibilities and besides you know what it’s getting kind of late I think

It’s time for you to head out home yeah she probably go home and have dinner see you later Gracie I guess it is time for bed let me take a little nap but you know as if I did have kids but it’s probably nothing I mean I’m not ready for a child

And I’m not gonna get one anyway so it doesn’t really matter good night what a bright early morning it’s time to go get changer wait where’s my door how’s it over here where did it go with this does it make a lot of sense um well

Let me just get some food oh at least I still have cakes here and then I can go YouTube what was that a yandere child what is going on WOW no don’t come near me don’t come near me it’s jamesy’s child but no it couldn’t be I’m his girlfriend and it’s

Definitely not my child um who are you who are house I’m gonna close it on you Mommy stop for you Sarah who is the time okay okay so how old are you okay um you know I’m I’m feeling a little bit under the weather it’s causing me to

Have a little bit of memory loss how old are you again oh silly Mama I’m eight oh and Pop yandere um that’s um that’s uh my husband oh my goodness you know yandere that actually brings back a memory yandere ction enjoy your night Gracie

Let me out of here I want to go to my boyfriend wait he was very violent and aggressive I mean I mean oh it was that really sweet husband that I married oh yeah Sarah how could I forget this well um what day is it today you know um don’t you have

School or something yeah and then you get you get tea oh yeah it was um Albert’s birthday party right it was it’s his birthday Like Albert hey Chris oh oh yeah Christopher um uh yeah you have a crush on him right or something like that or he’s so yeah I love it when they do that oh my gosh oh oh my goodness oh my goodness am I going crazy well Uma hurry along now

Sarah you might miss the bus uh you should get out of my house I mean he should get out the house so he could go to school oh yeah I forgot that I do that um well remember I I’m feeling kind of sick okay let’s let’s go to school little Sarah this way

So was the house this is this mommy yeah yeah I’m sorry you know the memory loss it’s still there yes this way are we going across this bridge how far is the school it’s just a bit of okay I mean oh there it is I see it who’s hunt oh I think that’s

Like normal okay finally somebody who was in a yandere good is gracious I need a break hey hi welcome to the school oh hey Sarah well you get in there and go to class okay okay um hey Mrs Smithy um it’s kind of weird you know what I’m

Just gonna follow Sarah all right Sarah where’s your classroom again is it up here hold on hold on hold on what’s going on I’m I’m just sending her to class hold on since today’s a holiday I’m trying to take the time to speak to the parents of

The student oh um how is Sarah at the school is she a good student is she listening in class well you must know this wow um horse but you know I just want to hear it from you I want to know your opinion yeah I have to admit Sarah’s a very good

Student she studies very hard but uh between me and you she has a bit of a temper problem oh no oh guys it’s probably because Sarah’s father’s a yandere and yonderous can get really angry and aggressive well I assure you it’s not the end of the world um but uh

It’s certainly something that Sarah needs to work on here right that’s terrible don’t think about it I don’t want Sarah to grow up to be like her father oh no no no no okay well what else do you need to talk to us about Mr Smithy well that’s all you’ve got to go

For the day all right sir come on come along that was a good meeting okay well Sarah what else do you want to do today since you know it’s a holiday um okay yeah of course theory Mr Smithy why are you watching us son please give us

Some alone time I I was just expecting the staircase that’s all all right Sarah let’s go let’s go sway Sarah let’s head along now this is my favorite place to go I used to go here all the time when I was a kid too Sarah what’s he say

You’re his favorite and he likes that your hair smells like vanilla why does he know how my hair smells like I haven’t let him that close before that that’s really weird on well I’m glad he likes this oh my animals out of the out of the kids oh

What can I do is this look at it oh it’s so cute no no don’t get too close you don’t know if you could get angry or anything it’s very dangerous come on come on let’s find who was over there oh let’s look around wait wait wait hold up

I’m not my mama’s old okay like she’s got old knees and I can’t run as fast as you oh you’re so slow that’s weird I’ve never seen a gorilla like that before and he looks like he’s smelling the other gorilla’s butt that’s disgusting you know that’s what dogs do

They spell each other’s butt Sarah so I guess they’re friends but what about in the air this must have been where the moose was supposed to be but an escape use just too powerful what are these oh look at them whoa these are so mystical they look like Giant

And they look really cool as well oh my goodness they’re big big I want the egg grab the egg oh you know it’s okay Sarah Whoa whoa whoa you’re so wait Sarah remember your temper you shouldn’t hit birds Don’t resort to violence ever no you don’t need that hey come on let’s go along now there’s still many other animals to see in the zoo this thing’s really cool and very cold you know what

Sir I don’t know why but for some reason I just I feel like I’m being watched I don’t be silly Mama it’s just because there’s a bunch of animals around you know that’s true there are so many animals let’s keep looking there’s another section of the zoo right over

Here oh boy animals yeah tons of new animals look at this and there’s even an ice cream shop if you want some ice cream later that’d be perfect whoa Whoa see ya killer whales they’re so cool yeah well uh or orcas but they’re so amazing and big Sarah you’re gonna be big like that one day you’re gonna be ginormous almost as big as Mommy but remember you can’t be angry and like Papa he’s not good trust me

Oh my love papa Papa’s the best he always gets me the best stuff I know he does but um remember he gave me really bad things like you know knives and stuff and those are not good things I know they seem really fun but promise me that you won’t play with them ever

They’re not toys I’m okay Mama what’s this here A painting Gallery oh my goodness we should add our own addition to this Gallery yeah Daddy’s isn’t the best at art oh well you know you you take after me so I don’t know about that we’ll see let’s

Have a little competition and make an animal theme says it’s a zoo okay all right if we’re doing something animal themed I was thinking maybe I could base it off of those orcas over there they are quite Majestic and very good fearful all right let’s draw that orcum I could

Do it like this obviously add some shading like this and I know the orcas have like white eyes and then like other white spots like maybe over here honestly I don’t really remember what orcas look like but I’m thinking this looks pretty good right now that looks

Pretty good now I just have to add the tail oh look at little Sarah what does she try to eat trying right now that’s okay that’s me we moved from before because he was super stupid and then he’s gonna drink wait wait wait wait are you chewing a

Knife and blood and oh my goodness are you killing the Evo yeah for Chris I’m gonna get his birthday no don’t give it to him well trust me he’s not gonna like that oh my goodness Sarah wait was that somebody over there what huh what did I

Just see this Smithy no no no where did he go Mr Smith huh am I going crazy I I could have swore I saw him just now um the Sarah Sarah yes Mama I just saw a crazy guy over here I I think he looked like your teacher Mr Smithy looks like a

Lot of people that’s true he is pretty basic looking maybe I’m just a hyperventor what what happened to my did you do this Sarah why is there like blood all over it but it’s a very nice shade of red who did you do this are you sure

Then I mean okay well let’s keep doing our building go all right let’s keep doing our competition I’m still gonna win see about that oh my goodness maybe I am going a little bit crazy I have to get rid of all this red and stuff let me add in another fin right over

Here oh that’s looking pretty good let’s get the background get rid of the remaining little red heart sounds really weird and but amazing oh I hope you’re finished with Santa are you done yet what is this what is that see look that’s that’s cool Christopher in you’re giving

Him a knife and a heart is that what is that what it is no I’m giving him a bird for his birthday dinner oh my goodness and you’re holding a night feathers balls okay well um I think I finished my drawing it’s just an orca very um normal

And not bloody or anything like that it’s mama I still you know I think since we’re finished with their drawing we should start heading home mama doesn’t feel very great okay Baba and I I still feel like we’re being watched okay well Sarah don’t don’t run off just make sure you follow

Me okay all right okay I have to uh use the bathroom but oh you know what I’ll I’ll just go first we’re tired we’re heading out wait we gotta go what’s up oh my goodness you need to finish what you’re doing and we have to move on I

Have some grocery shopping to do and we stop attacking attacking now stop it Sarah you can actually give the emo away to Chris he doesn’t want it oh but he likes Birds okay but he probably likes Birds better when they’re alive nope you’re not gonna kidnap the bird

We’re gonna go to the store right now and we can come to the zoo another day okay another day let’s get out of here here’s the grocery store this looks different from my normal one I mean I mean I go to this one all the time you don’t remember being

Yeah we always go to this one you’re right um Sarah grab one of the grocery carts for me please okay all right come on this way oh look at you don’t don’t mess up everything okay okay let me see what I want I’m gonna write everything over no Sarah you’re not

Gonna do that because then mommy’s gonna have to pay for all of it like Mama isn’t made out of money oh bacon exactly what I need okay let me get this bacon Mr anything else that I need oh this cabbage looks pretty good this lettuce anything else that I need for lunch um

Oh these look delicious as well Tomatoes yes I love tomatoes and anything else over here no okay I think this is good enough Sarah where are you Sarah Mama behind you behind me oh so careful careful this thing goes over here Cheryl I told you to be very

Careful wait is there something over there where are you running get back over here where did you go what where did he go Sarah did you see him again I know I did I know I’m 100 sure now mama there’s no one else in the store I literally saw him I literally

There he is again for like a spoon wait he’s not here what oh mama isn’t feeling very well I feel so sick and I’m scared and I’m so nervous and uh you know let’s just go home where’s the shopkeeper how can I pay for these are you gonna have to pay

You could just leave some money and go what do you mean uh what is that I do all the time sometimes sometimes Papa doesn’t even pay ha ha no I can’t do that I can’t do that okay let me just uh where are the sharp gears obviously this here you know what we

Could go shopping another day after I figure out how this all works all right Sarah let’s start heading home are you really really sure that you haven’t seen anybody not even one person following us are you sure no they’re happy all right let’s head home then oh

Home sweet home I’m really starting to miss my friend Sarah remember Jamesy and Sophie and Louie why didn’t you talking people what do you mean James he’s my boyfriend and oh Sophie’s my bestie and Louisa jamesy’s bestie I’ve never heard never heard what just happened

Oh no no no okay first of all Sarah you can’t tell Papa that I have a boyfriend and I was just kidding about that Mama’s just feeling sick remember I I say random things when I’m sick I’m okay if you say you sail mama

Oh what is going on why are we in this job well you know what don’t worry Sarah we can just get out of here wait is that Mr Smithy that’s him Mr Smithy where’s my daughter where’s Sarah where’s Sarah where’s Sarah wow she’s over there and not Sarah ‘s Mr Smithy let us out now I’m jealous of the perfect family that Mr yandere has and I wanted for myself so I’ve abducted both of you in order to get it

Oh you don’t need to do this to get the perfect life trust me I don’t know oh yeah well you’re never leaving this place Don’t worry daughter I’m gonna find a way out of here okay let me look around what’s in this place I could maybe help me oh I just want to go home as well wait what’s that is is that a button wait no it’s a lever hi there could that possibly

Oh you need to do it okay let me try to reach it it’s hard to reach it boom what’s that oh what it opened the door wait oh it’s Mr Smithy still around here no no I think we’re all good okay now I need to figure out how to open your cell Sarah

Yeah all right sir there doesn’t seem to be over on your door let me look around there’s like a little Corridor over here maybe let’s get up wait I found it there that didn’t work did it open the door yes we need to leave we need to leave right

Now right now but switch blocked off I I can’t get past the pastor oh I think Crouch under wait a second wait oh look it’s a door this must have been the thing that the Mr Smithy used to get out of here oh okay we know there’s a way out because

He must have escaped through here thank you though Sarah okay it looks like we have to go over here careful Sarah no matter what you do don’t let go of shift I don’t want you to fall okay okay he likes lava oh no no

No no oh that’s a really far drop oh no how could he kid let alone Sarah or I don’t know I could try okay it looks like that’s our only option right now just follow what Mama does stand back okay I’m gonna do a little run-up and then I’m gonna jump

Like this boom that’s totally easy I just believe you could do it come on you think after daddy after all okay I had to hold my breath for that one that made me so worried okay then now we’re gonna go over here and then go over here did you get that Okay and then we’re gonna go over here and then jump onto this ledge right here don’t jump yet sir let me break this next job first and then now you can jump come on you got this I believe yeah and then you can make this next jump like this very easy

Okay and then let’s keep going don’t ever give up nice and have this next jump like this and then I have to jump over to the standard like this good work Sarah okay and then I have to jump to this next part like this oh my goodness this is making me way too

Nervous and then boom let’s try okay now you just have to go over here and then we’ll be out of here I know it is but come on Siri I believe in you good work and then your last jump you got it Sarah come on don’t everything

All right and it looks like we just followed this corner now this hallway and it must lead us to oh no even more parkour okay we’ve got this this is scary but where is there a button here should we just press it I guess there’s no other way okay let’s go

Huh Sarah oh we got we got teleported over here how did they get away I couldn’t believe this wait wait a second did something moves hide it in library okay something moved over here where could they free yeah he’s over there now okay we just stay behind him the entire time he won’t

Realize that we’re here it might be something to do with my desk maybe they moved something maybe they took something oh wow take anything from him that sneaky little guy he must think he’s so important oh my goodness you know when you’re behind me right okay

Hugh yeah that was making me very very nervous I can’t believe this leave this we’re so close to him and he smells so stinky as well he can’t believe my precious family escape from me wait he’s finally leaving perfect okay sir follow me we have to make it

Somewhere else we need to go all right we’re out of the area but we still need to figure out where to go okay you know what I think this is a very secluded place and maybe he won’t be able to get us from here yeah he why does he have a

Gym in here Mr Smithy never works out he’s so scrawny obviously you’re so right Sarah wait there’s blocks here okay let’s barricade the door let’s cover this up like this now we’ll be able to get in wait this is oh oh um oh my husband yeah hey

Hey Papa I missed you Mr Smith is being a real booty Sarah get over now listen to Mama yes my daughter I was just coming home from work I saw a pit on the ground and I just had to come and save you guys oh Mom well

Thank you so much we’re actually trapped here by Sarah’s teacher yeah he’s been who what a teacher trying to take my pookie from the alpha oh yeah Mr Smithy is being really creepy um Sarah even said that he uh likes Mike’s hair smell or something yeah it’s

Super weird Papa oh I swear I will show that bait to mail his place Oh well you know um enough of that but wow oh that stinky teacher I’m gonna transform okay Sarah come on don’t miss the hole get away from him he’s he’s crazy we need to get out of here okay well you guys need to go through the cafeteria

Because uh that’s the way up to the surface all right but why aren’t you coming with us you said you guys well regrettably Sarah I have unfinished business where is he going is he heading towards the library oh never mind Sarah just don’t listen to it but it’ll come this

Way we have to go towards the cafeteria all right y I don’t know this looks really oh no matter what I do I can’t get up oh come on maybe we can look around and find some sticks yeah we should craft another ladder piece maybe something in this chest wait there’s

Okay okay you know what let’s go back to the gym there’s gonna be some sticks there like maybe they use that for like working out and stuff yeah that makes sense all right we’re back in the gym where is the sticks come on there’s gonna be some Stakes no it’s not in the

Chest from earlier wait there’s one here is that enough no mama I think we need seven oh I’m so bad at math okay okay then where else haven’t we checked yet uh the library wait didn’t your dad go in there yeah Papa said he had he had to care

Something whatever that oh wait Sarah don’t come into the library with me Mr yandere is very very scary and I don’t know what he’ll do to you oh okay but Papa would never hurt me okay well just stay here okay it’s promise listen to me

And I think Mr Smithy was in here as well um I hope everything’s okay in there okay there’s gotta be some sticks in here look at all this furniture there’s gonna be a stick please where are the sticks oh yes oh my gosh it’s the final step

Oh perfect now I can just like what is going on um Mr yandere I would never let anyone hurt you my crazy face we need to escape no no we’re no we’re not playing today okay I need to quickly grade the ladder come on come on come on

Where did they go oh no I can’t protect Gracie oh my goodness I think we’re gonna make gonna make you’ll never escape the alpha go away this way this way oh it’s been such a long day I can’t believe me for your father’s a very bad

Bad I know I know we’re finally home okay I know it’s very late come on just come in here you have to be I know he did oh he’s terrible isn’t he you know what trust me once we go to bed everything will be all all right okay all right good night

Sarah go to sleep now goodnight Mom what a long day I hope tomorrow’s gonna be better oh what a beautiful morning okay wait where’s Sarah oh my gosh don’t pump up sun is shining everything’s amazing I miss this place so much Sarah’s gone and everything you know what let me go say hi

I’ve got the wheat and the milk and the eggs but I don’t have any sugar how am I gonna bake a cake oh Louie has a bunch of baking supplies at his home I’m gonna go check Lily no way he’s not opening the door sorry Lily but

I’m just gonna sneak on in maybe there’s some stuff here in the kitchen where does he keep all of his baking supplies I need some sugar and that’s literally all that I need oh free cake already over here oh I know I want my own there’s nothing in here maybe it’s

Upstairs oh Lily are you home he’s not here but wow he’s always got so many cool things going on wait there’s a chest over here it’s gonna happen oh my gosh sugar some weird items laying around why would he keep it with the sugar that’s just

Weird but before I leave I’m Gonna Leave Louie a note just so that he knows I took his sugar surely he’ll remember that and he’ll come over and we can share the cakes again it’s gonna be so delicious oh wait a second I just crafted this

Cake but it looks a little bit different from the rest well be okay I’m really hungry so I gotta eat it yum yum yum yum yum yum oh wait wait what’s happening wait a second what’d you say what happened oh my gosh I just want to make sure that

You’re not gonna be late for practice you’re never late for practice wait are you talking about Bill this practice we have to go now I know oh it’s all because of this machine I’ve been building a machine what kind of machine uh well actually before I show you I

Need to check this chest really quick for my time residue and uh wait a second wait wait wait wait wait wait what did it go oh no what happened what’s happening I don’t know about you Charlie but I kind of can’t stop my machine without that time residue maybe we

Should go find it or something okay okay let’s do it uh maybe it’s downstairs somewhere I’ll check some of these cabinets I don’t know where he went oh man oh man ah here here no no no no that’s nothing Louie I I think I saw

A sign when I came in maybe Gracie has something to do with it wait Gracie has something to do with this oh no no no you said a sign right yes right from your house I borrowed sugar come by after cake oh no no this is bad oh no what’s happening I

Don’t get it oh Charlie crazy most of the time residential but sugar we need to go check out okay let’s go let’s go no this is a good time what are you talking about Louie I I have no idea what’s going on here well Charlie this means that if crazy big the

Time residue into the cake and hate it then it would turn crazy into a child no hey guys oh Gracie what did you do with my time wasn’t doing wait a second is that a cake how much of that have you everyone more this literally one slice left

Gracie get her away from that cake oh I will Louie destroy the cake destroy the cake got it I got it oh nice that was my mind that made that all by myself oh no Charlie this is a good week but time residue until I get more of it

Oh my gosh how do we get more oh Charlie if only I had something left of that cake oh we could have studied it or something wait Louie doesn’t Gracie always make her cakes in like big batches wait that’s a good point maybe we should take a look around our Kitchen

Come on come on come on there’s gonna be something somewhere ah cake ingredients and wait wait question question mark cake this must be the cake let’s take all of this really cool so crazy can’t get any more stop damaging Louie we’re gonna be late this is for

Builders practice oh yeah I agree with you Charlie but we Godly Gracie alone like this we need some kind of babysitter babysitter I’m not a baby I don’t need no babysitter oh you’re right but you know what I’m not gonna be late for practice I’m out of here I gotta go

Wait don’t leave me here with Gracie ah where is he going oh I don’t know about how to do this crazy but we need to fight babysit the stats I’m not leaving you like this well I don’t need a babysitter look I can do everything fine

Like I can even go with the Spy spider a big girl I don’t need any babysitter oh I really want to go to build this practice but I’m gonna need a babysitter just come with me all righty oh I can’t believe Charlie left me with this tiny child I need to get some

Practice on time wait who’s this guy how’s it going how’s it going man you look weird you look weird what what is that about wait but your name says baby sister are you a good baby sister by any chance oh yeah I’m a professional babysitter I’ve been doing it for 40 years

You know what it’s a good living you hate on it man shame on you but yeah it’s gonna be about 35.50 an hour yeah I’ll totally pay it I’ll totally pay it if I can get to building practice on time just take this little kid I don’t

Like her anymore okay sounds good all right what’s your name little one Gracie oh nice to meet you Gracie no no no you are so weird and you smell like pickles and you probably change your diaper you don’t no Louie I’m not going with them no matter what

You say all right you know what I am I’m through I’m done with this you so Mischief I’m out of here no no crazy this is really dead oh I’ve got to take you to practice now I bet you’re not even good at practice whatever let’s go to builders practice then yeah

Yeah what is this place Louie well this is where all the manly men come together to build the craziest builds no to bad that’s what Builders practices weird believe it even if adopted by boys right now you wait is that Charlie over there Joey Louie Louie you’re late you missed

Practice I know but only because you left me to deal with this child you know I had a professional babysitter come to me but she was so misbehaved that she made it run away no that was just because he was a weirdo Widow schmiddle but now Charlie by ourselves wait so we’re basically

Adopting her ew don’t say don’t say not even good Builders I be a better Builder than you what seriously oh I don’t know Gracie well who’s the better builder then you or Dewey oh yeah clearly I am well if you guys really think you’re the best let’s do a build challenge

Oh sounds good I’m totally gonna win a whip Mine by me well well well Gracie how about you come over here and I’ll show you something that all men do before bill this practice what do they do well after we wash up with towels after a crazy shower we stand on this

Command block that gives us special building power really special powers wait wait I’ve been creative mode guys I’m flying though I think I should pick the theme of the bill challenge all five well it’ll be good practice anyways tell us what we should [Applause] well you guys agree to it so come on

Let’s get a move on whoever builds the best is obviously the best builder fine well obviously if I’m gonna be building the cutest doll ever I’m gonna make her in pink look at these little tiny boots that I’ve just made she’s gonna look adorable crazy what are you doing you

Big shoes that’s not manly at all look it doesn’t have to be manly I’m building a cute doll and pink is my favorite color besides if you make it shoot manly it’s not gonna look cute it’s just gonna look I don’t know about you but I prefer

Badly scary looking dolls I mean it’s kind of like action figures right what pretty pretty dress like this oh my gosh it looks adorable look at this skirt and then now it’s time to do her body oh my gosh this is looking cute let me added her yellow hair and

Wow she’s got golden locks just like me oh my goodness Louie what are you doing with your build wow you didn’t say I had to not be manly anyways building practice is all about manly builds look at this you know the theme is cute dolls right yeah but odd muscle super cute I

Don’t know okay what about you Charlie what is this it’s so blue it’s so cool and he’s so manly well blue is actually the best color to make a doll out of he’s like a superhero action figure did you even ever play with dolls as a

Kid no of course not I’m a guy I play with action figures well anybody can play with dolls but whatever this is obviously the reason why your builds all look terrible you didn’t even follow the prompt oh my goodness look at her luscious logs it’s so beautiful

I might actually be the best builder of all time look at this guys she’s super duper pretty I only I looked like this away I do now I just need to remember her arms I always forget about arms but don’t worry this time I actually remembered let me just put them on like

This and I think I’m finished guys well that’s definitely a good thing because I just finished mine too what is is this it literally looks like you but like with an old man mustache and some muscles apparently you don’t have any layaway what don’t taste this bill this is

Supposed to be me in the future I mean I’m gonna be super muscular and super cool looking ew oh my gosh I can’t believe you would want to be that in the future and this oh what an Abomination I don’t even want to talk about this Charlie what are you talking about he’s

So cool he can fly too okay whatever how do we know who wins or not are we gonna have like a judge or something well I’m gonna see you there’s been a judge over there this entire time judging on bills um where I don’t see him uh he’s in that

Little room in the back don’t worry about it well how is he gonna tell us the winner I don’t know what to do well Gracie the grand building Champion always has the answer right over here how about you take a look where you boys always have such weird technology what

Is this another pressure plate yep build master Justin and so uh we can now see who’s gonna win No way the button is not broken look I’m literally stepping on it and it says Gracie wins every time what are you guys even go to builders practice for this is embarrassing oh not fair that was beginner’s luck I mean baby dolls are a girl’s toy and you wouldn’t do well if

You build anything like boys like what what kind of things do boys even like boys love fighting racing cars anything manly really huh I could probably beat you guys at all of those things really well yeah I accept your challenge let’s go to an arena right now

All right Gracie welcome to the fights Arena now let’s see if you’re as good as you say I am what are we gonna be doing here which months do we fight well it’s randomly decided by this command block at this button but uh first we have to choose our weapons oh no

You know what oh I’m gonna choose the bow I think I’m gonna choose the sword all right then I guess I’ll just have to pick this ax well you know what though I feel like you should go first wait seriously why are you giggling oh no all right

Up to the stands we could laugh at Louie when he pooped oh boy oh I’m scared guys well I better not be a spider oh yeah I forgot Louis steadily afraid of spiders well come on press your button and decide your face okay I’ll press the button in three two one go

Oh my gosh that’s so base you must be kidding me oh my goodness Lily how are you gonna kill all of them are you really that good at fighting well I mean I have been practicing since I was like a bored and like this weapon does so much damage

What you got a cool weapon well I got a bow so hopefully this works just as well well if you have a bow you could probably help me from over there right now hello oh I’ve literally got like half a hot lift okay oh good try not to die

Oh come on come on all right well surely I think you should go next all right I’ll give it a go let’s see what happens all right I’m gonna swap with you Charlie I’m going up to the stands good luck I don’t need luck I got all right what am I gonna get

Oh my goodness those are so strong look at him sticking his neck out to bite you what a weird mob oh crazy that’s the way Charlie’s gonna do this yeah come on Charlie just keep it oh my gosh no no no no I slayed the Beast whoa you want

Something else Jolly all you boys already managed to pass the test no it’s all up to me to make sure I win the challenge all right I’m gonna be ready I don’t know about this Gracie I mean you’re a girl and you also tied it you’ll never be able to beat them hey

Don’t ever judge a book by its cover I’m totally gonna win is she even tall enough to hit the button Louie I oh my goodness I got silverfish but they’re so hard to hit oh my God this is hilarious crazy watch out they might eat you whole hey you’re so you’re showing

You guys I’m not actually this short they’re doing too much damage no no no I’m actually die guys wait where are you going I get oh I don’t like them anymore Tracy you’ve gotta fight them I mean like it’s a fighting competition for a reason no no

You know what I should I know you guys win the challenge I don’t want to die come on besides you guys you guys are oh that’s just bad stuff right Jolly oh yeah we do that all the time you guys played too bro no no no

You know what I may not be a good fighter but I can totally beat you guys at other boy things what’s next yeah a race oh oh yeah how about we try doing an elytra race here all right come on let’s go to the Elijah course let’s go whoa whoa

Well Gracie don’t be scared this is one of the most madly activities you can do oh I hate being adopted by Boys you guys always think we are on these weird Adventures but don’t worry because I’m sure that I’m gonna win guys I don’t know but I have a bunch of fireworks

Okay just go with this chest and the fastest flyer wins all right Louie I think you should go first oh yeah well what’s up Master at work three two one go wow oh my gosh ow ow I’m painting on the walls Lily remember you have to press a button at the end

Okay let’s get it again what oh I’ll just run to the end and I’ve made it all right good luck good luck oh let me get this fireworks ready what do you mean I’m gonna need it I don’t like this this is so fast

It looks like I won I beat you at least oh you totally cheated somehow no I wouldn’t why wouldn’t she do that so quickly I’ve never seen her fly so fast alright it’s my turn let’s see what I can do yeah oh my gosh here I go oh

Come on Charlie you can do it oh no oh my goodness you made it to the end but I still think I was way faster than all of you guys look at my time what seriously well you know I was just really good and my father was a pilot so

I learned it from him oh Charlie I’m suspicious empty your pockets well well um it’s just a bow and arrow and some steak totally nothing suspicious wait what is that what is that nothing it’s nothing it’s about it I’ll throw it on the floor right now I know it was fireworks

Maybe I do some fireworks you’re not as mad as mezzers you had to use fireworks give me just one more chance let’s do another challenge please all right fine we’ll give you one more chance yeah yeah well what’s the next challenge what well what is this all about look at

This question well if you didn’t know already Gracie guys love God if you can’t answer these questions right you’ll never be able to hang out with us ever again hey well you know what I can beat you guys know everything because I’m good at everything what’s this

Question about I don’t know about that what is the most popular car color in the world wait what hmm well everything day when I go outside I always see this color super duper opted and it’s obviously gonna be the best color in the world it’s gonna It’s gonna grow oh Charlie Charlie Gracie able of these questions does that mean I was wrong of course you were pink is a girl’s color wow it’s the best color in the world I don’t know why people want to make the car Pink as well well what’s

The answer then well Gracie you’ve got to think more like a boy of course it would be black because Black’s way easier to clean and we don’t like to clean well of course you guys don’t whatever no no we can go up to the next room wait a

Second what’s this next question what is the current record for the fastest speed in a core how am I supposed to know that well if you are a boy he would know whatever I’m one this is pretty serious shot again fine but what’s the answer then in case you

Didn’t know boys love to go fast so it’s definitely the fastest speed on here let’s try it that is way too fast 700 miles per hour goodness gracious how much is the most expensive car in the world hmm well first of all it looks like you guys could even spell the question

Correctly well you should know by now that guys don’t need to spell we’re just too smart for that well wait a second I think I know what answer to pick guy slick Louie’s very obviously staring at 142 million it’s gonna be the answer I’m gonna choose this one without the way

Lily it’s this wow yeah wait what how did she figure that out well um I just took an educated guess you know oh you totally cheated somehow what well you’re literally looking right at the answer how could I not choose it oh welcome totally cheated all this thing

Was just a big waste of time besides I’ve got an idea on how to fix you and uh you guys should follow me right now oh fine wait up wait up Louie come on look Charlie look it’s a big waste of time wow crazy is Louie kind of uh going

Crazy or something I don’t know hey what is he talking about now well guys the time wasn’t you that you took Gracie was what I collected from my clock over like a three month period of time three months I mean that I can’t go back to normal

Until three boats have passed well in order to get a lot of residue or the time waste as I call it we’re gonna need a massive clock so uh you know look at this thing oh yeah yeah cuz you got it from your really small clock but now

That we have a giant big clock we can totally go back to normal a lot quicker yeah come on all right Louie where can we find the time residue huh oh man are you guys gonna parkour up what you know what let’s do a challenge guys

Whoever gets to the top of the clock tower first isn’t a winner I bet it’ll be us look at you you’re all the way down there absolutely you failed that jump embarrassing oh yeah manly figs yeah Parker oh look at all those dummies they’re doing all this difficult parkour

All the way up there but meanwhile I can just use the stairs let’s quickly go up come on before you go any further I must warn you don’t breathe in any of that time residue because you might age about like 900 years I can’t hear you I’m too far up one hour later

Oh my goodness I’m out of shape guys that was terrible uh wait a second we just did all that Buckle how did you even yeah well look over here there were stairs the whole time are you kidding me I’m the winner I’m the winner but still Gracie that’s cheating again

Whatever oh wait Gracie who’s that weird old man what happened to you I don’t know I I feel old I feel so old oh Charlie I told you not to breathe in that time residue look what you did I’m sorry I couldn’t hear you how do we

Louie now we have a baby me and an old man Charlie wait wait a second so in the cake you ate before made you younger then maybe I could use some of the cake that was left over from before Charlie Charlie eat it eat it Oh my gosh I feel normal again thank you all right the way well now that we’re at the top of the clock tower what are you supposed to do you still haven’t gotten the time residue well if the time residue that Charlie braved and made him

All then it must work for you just come over here somewhere it might be around here well there’s actually some leftover of these gears oh wait here it is oh that was easy quickly Gracie quick drink this it’ll probably work and then we won’t have to babysit you anymore

Maybe I will drink it wait no no no don’t drink it or I’ll make you drink it I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I’ll check out chicken okay it’s cloud guys I wanna go home come on so Gracie what did you think of being adopted by us man yeah

Never gonna make them die rescue cake ever again well if you guys enjoyed that video make sure to like And subscribe and click on the next video on your screen bye bye bye

This video, titled ‘Becoming a MOM for 24 HOURS … It was TERRIBLE’, was uploaded by Gracie on 2023-09-02 15:00:04. It has garnered 8765 views and 130 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:26 or 6206 seconds.

Becoming a MOM for 24 HOURS … It was TERRIBLE Gracie, Jamesy, and Louie are playing Minecraft.

Follow Jamesy! – Follow Our Roblox Channel! –

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Gracie is Jamesy’s Girlfriend. Its spelled Gracie, not Gracey or Grace Z.

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie

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  • Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 – Part 27!

    Unbelievable twist in Divine Journey 2 - Part 27!Video Information here we are again with more Divine Journey 2 all right all right so um I hly was not able to do much uh in between times however I did however notice that this excavator is now finished and this is our total yield of lapis iron and even sulfur all right so sulfur will definitely you know go ahead and take care of that oh actually I’m going have to go and insert this uh manually here for this one oh actually do I do I really want to have like that copious amount of sulfur in… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! ICE SCREAM 8 TRUE ENDING IN MINECRAFTVideo Information I’m going to break you into a thousand that noise what I need to put things in order [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] o [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my life be like [Music] bro [Music] h [Music] [Music] we Boom Pow [Music] surprise [Music] what the dog doing [Music]… Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!” #minecraft #twitch

    "EPIC Minecraft Spider Jumpscare Reaction!" #minecraft #twitchVideo Information portal that’s a die oh wait can drink you huh I’m drinking [Laughter] him why oh This video, titled ‘Minecraft Spider Jumpscare #minecraft #twitch’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-01-05 18:55:32. It has garnered 7061 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #shorts -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: “Do not the Tower || Cisco’s Fantasy Medieval Adventure RPG #1 || Old School Let’s Play ” -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Read More

  • The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!

    The SHOCKING Truth: CREEPY Titan ATTACKS Mikey & JJ at 3AM in Minecraft!Video Information Mikey we need to do something today we’ve been sitting at home for 3 days why don’t we go to someone’s house I don’t know that would be great I think there’s someone on the phone answer the phone right hello I’m listening guys there’s a weird creature in town we need your help well we found something to do it’s the creature again and it’s us again all right let’s go get our gear and deal with this yes the same as always let’s go to the warehouse so what do you think I don’t think it’s… Read More

  • INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #Viral

    INSANE Herobrine Chase in Minecraft! #ViralVideo Information noa no This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-05-06 06:30:02. It has garnered 2677 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Figure in normal speed |Minecraft animation| #meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #herobrine #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For… Read More

  • Epic Craft SMP Semi-Anarchy Vanilla

    Welcome to Epic Craft! Epic Craft is a vibrant and dynamic community for Minecraft enthusiasts and gamers alike! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, our server offers a unique blend of features and a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Minecraft SMP-Anarchy Server: Semi-Anarchy: Experience the thrill of anarchy with a twist! Our server combines the freedom of anarchy gameplay with SMP (Survival Multiplayer) elements, allowing for intense, unpredictable adventures without the chaos of hacks and cheats. No Hacking: Enjoy a fair and challenging environment where skills and strategy matter. Griefing & Raiding: Allowed but balanced to keep… Read More

  • Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]

    Saga of Erynth | Roleplay | D&D [WIP]Saga of Erynth is an up-and-coming 18+ MC RP server using D&D 5e as a base for the mechanics, with original lore and a high-fantasy setting.We intend for a unique and story-driven RP experience where the players can dictate the story in meaningful and interesting ways.We’re currently in early development and looking for talented people to fill our ranks, from builders to lore writers to server devs. If you’d like to assist us, follow the discord link: Preview:Discovery and Blood. These words defined the age after the great Violation in the realm of Erynth. Nations rose and fell as… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Dream’s Real Face:O

    Minecraft Memes - Dream's Real Face:OReal Dream :O? More like Real Creamy-O, am I right? Looks like someone had a little too much virtual dairy before bed! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge Tutorial

    Ultimate Minecraft Wind Charge TutorialVideo Information Cómo lanzar una carga de viento en [Música] Minecraft Mira mi último vídeo que está ahí y entra a jugar a min latino This video, titled ‘⛏️⚒️ CÓMO LANZAR una CARGA DEVIENTO en MINECRAFT 🍃 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rikamyt on 2024-06-20 20:00:27. It has garnered 140 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Hello Minecrafters! 🎮✨ In this super fun meme-tutorial I’m going to teach you how to launch a wind charge in Minecraft 🌪️. Ready to unleash the power of the wind in your world? It is easier than… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • Blowing up my house for science, again

    Blowing up my house for science, again “Who knew that Minecraft TNT experiments had so many sequels? Coming soon to a block near you: Minecraft TNT Experiment v258 – The Explosive Saga Continues!” Read More

Becoming a MOM for 24 HOURS … It was TERRIBLE