Doni Bobes – I Trapped my Friend on a World with Every Scary Mod…

Video Information

In this video i find out that my friend bandy has only one life left on our minecraft world meaning the next time he dies he’s gone and whenever he sees me on the server he seems to leave because he thinks that i’m gonna ruin his world

So i decided to join his white cardboard in vanish so he doesn’t know i’m online and i install every scary mod that i can think of until he gets too scared and disconnects the twist for every 10 minutes bandy stays on the wall he gets an extra thousand dollars so if he

Disconnects after 30 minutes he gets a big three thousand dollars let’s see how fast we can get to disconnect and let’s hope my bank account isn’t finished after this we need to cook all this chicken oh my glass is done i’m planning to make a sun house a sun roof

No no no like a like a like an outside little deck porch that’s surrounded by glass i just realized i have not enough glass for that this is gonna take a lot longer than i thought and here we are on bandy’s wall look at his house it looks

Majestic i have one life and so far i’m doing quite well for myself i don’t want to brag but this is this is this is pretty awesome especially on a hardcore world and of course at the top of your screen you can see your values so he has

No idea that i’m on the server i’ve tried this one video about six times so if this is somehow on youtube i finally did the impossible sand sands i don’t know where there’s sand that’s why i only had ten we didn’t exactly oh there i forgot about this lazy river looking

Thing every single time i get remotely close to this house i joined the world while he’s online while he’s recording while he’s streaming he disconnects he’s terrified of me and i have no idea why oh because he’s on his last life like i’m the one that’s gonna kill him no

Come on i would never kill anyone on minecraft right if you don’t subscribe i’m gonna kill you yes yes very good top quality sand i’m just gonna make the generation look horrible but it’ll be worth it when i have that glass house i have no idea

Where he’s at i it to him hit record and he’s gone oh he’s still close okay good just for good measure more chicken you never be too sure the first one that i’ve added to the server will freak him out a little oh my god he’s close to a

Village we’re gonna use that later do i have enough coal for this we might that might be enough that might be enough level 19. sorry i got to do that every time i level up or else it’s not a real progression it’s not real it’s not a

Real level the first one adds a straw man you can use this to like practice attacks and stuff and you know you can just go bow bow and it was like numbers to show you how much damage you’re doing okay or it will crash your game what is

That what is that there’s nobody on what the heck that looks like a humanoid is that a villager wanderers don’t look like that hello sir who are you what do you want please this mess not my base what the heck do you have a face oh my

God my game crashed and he joined get rid of it oh my god do you work at denny’s what is that outfit what the he just saw this thing appeared his wall and disappeared oh my god my heart where did you go was that like a

Glitch i would have been screwed if my stupid game didn’t oh my god that doesn’t make any sense the game can’t glitch like that what was that but look oh that straw man it’s a normal body to test damage on but now i’ve done it so

The hat is a scary one it makes you think someone is on your wall let’s give it some near the right armor that was kind of scary the way that he just dematerialized in front of my eyes yeah that was terrifying i’m gonna go back to my glass working okay i don’t actually

Feel safe in my house anymore please don’t get the achievement there we go as soon as he sees it he’s looking that’s it i’m running at this one full speed that’s it i’m gonna face my fears what is this he’s like huh what this is terrifying i’m going to hide in my house

For the rest of my days his face was smiling but i know on his face cam there was no smile i need a iron door i think uh iron door iron door will make me feel a lot more safe okay mr straw man it’s time we put you in with the villagers no

With the cow story not religious i will make it so only i can leave and then people can’t come in so i’ll be safe inside no one can come in i can only leave but then i also don’t want to lock myself out so maybe i’ll craft a lever

Just to be double sure i won’t lock myself out look at him we’re peeping they could be me on your wall right now and i’m looking through your window like this be scared always and if i’m not on your wall that means i’m outside your real house

Okay i don’t know this is this ain’t gonna work too well yes bandy put your stuff in the chest do the crafting mid tables yes you’re doing so great yes keep working hard idiot okay perfect this is my key to get back in he’s like testing out different ways to use his

Door perfect see no one’s getting through that oh look okay oh no no wait don’t see it don’t see it that’s amazing not my cows get away he’s good who are you do you have another right helmet on did i see that right is that real oh these

Ones are gonna be fun if it even has an inkling that i’m on the server he’s gone he’s disconnecting hold on let’s see if my uh see if my lever works works like a charm so far he’s been on the server for about i don’t know we’ve

Been here for about six minutes or something so he hasn’t earned his first a thousand dollars yet but soon in about four minutes or so he will earn it except there’s nowhere to freaking put it hold on this this design wasn’t thought out can i break it from down

Here oh my god i didn’t think this through at all all he has to do is stay on the server and he wins money it’s that easy and if he doesn’t disconnect for the next two days i’m broke expect the next 10 videos all to did be

Touch my cows are they gonna be scarred for life now he was very close to them and they must have been terrified because he looked scary oh he’s left his house again and oh wait no yes he’s right there i’m just blind oh look this time there’s gonna be two of them

Why do i look so short what the heck i’m six foot three i’m tall these guys these guys he’s looking at me oh my god here we go okay what is this you both playing tricks on me he only thinks it’s like a rendering every time he gets close they disappear

I want to attack them uh but i i feel like they know that i want to attack them and it’s not gonna it’s not gonna be very good for me randy he’s joining our awards because of the amount of monstera he keeps saying every time he

Joins this new mod because we all share a mods folder so you don’t even see what once i added if i stop rushing them maybe they’ll come up to the front door and then i can kill them look he’s trying to look through the window as if they’re gonna spawn again they’re not

Spawning anymore because we’ve just hit your first 10 minutes congratulations brandi you are one thousand dollars richer all right i’m good i’m i’m fine i’m just gonna hang up some hang up some paintings maybe that’ll make me feel better the next one that we’re gonna be doing includes villages

The mod makes it so that i can change the size the width the height that the smallness okay i don’t know what that word is of any villager of any mob to be exact oh the front door’s gone i didn’t expect that yeah what if i just

Cover all the windows with paintings so i don’t have to look outside perfect let’s set the width of all horses to be two as wide there we go we’ve got some thick boys you know what twice as big isn’t big enough i love my thick horses can you stop doing freezing you’re

Making me sick there we go everyone back to normal not quite but it’s fine we we block most of it so seeing as bandy has no reason to come to this village right now i’ve decided how about a wandering trader goes to visit him this ain’t no normal wandering trailer this is one

That’s gonna be a little on the thick side so i’m gonna do this for the wandering trailer out here then when he goes to see bandy he might uh suddenly get really thick and then really small again i want to see manny’s reaction to a puffer fish this guy says i’m trainer

Unfortunately i cannot stay inside forever am i going to die oh my god we need llamas parade a llama here there we go beautiful hello boys oh traitor was it the traitor was it like the traitor bugging out the whole time his body’s about to come over please

Don’t kill her right away i’m just going to get his reaction really quick okay here we go here oh my god i did it when he hit it with the egg before he thinks he did that i hit him with an egg and he elongated he literally oh shut up [Laughter]

What the heck he’s stretching is he wondering [Laughter] wait do you have any trades bro thick trader hey hey all right let’s do a bit bigger let’s do 10. look at me what i’m talking the big deals that’s what i’m talking about oh my god what just happened those are the big

Deals that i want yeah those are the deals he looks like about the bus how big are the deals don’t don’t even say don’t say just show me okay okay i don’t know what that was that was nice though i enjoyed it i i really did

Let’s do it with the trader llamas oh my god look at that oh my god the colossal look at the size of this monstrosity all the llamas you guys all look like you want to die i can’t say that it was the weirdest thing that happened to me today

But what what look at the face of this llama is screaming kill me please what happened to the traitors llamas they’re pancakes oh he’s coming he’s coming god came down and smited them and said no they only look like that from a distance what they were just flat please do it again i

Didn’t know the llamas did it too but currently 15 minutes deep bandy you’re still one thousand dollars up survive for another five minutes and you’re getting a big boy 2 000 double o do it do it do it do it he’s killing them what did he do

Dude you suck bro come on you’re sick bandy yay oh my god it worked you get to live what is going on on the server that leads us to the third mode of the day and i know what you’re thinking donnie how could it get better thick llamas are everything

As i said this i never thought i’d say well this next mod makes a new nighttime look right now it’s the sun is okay don’t do that oh my god i’m blind before i started trolling him i turned off the night day shuffle because i didn’t want

This mod to come up prematurely but now it’s time for the blood moon yes you heard me correct the blood moon the first thing i’m going to do is i’m going to change it to the blooming that makes it so that everything is beautiful look at that oh my god

But it makes the look it looks beautiful super blue moon rises you feel very lucky once in a blue moon is that why they say that i’ve literally never seen a blue moon before i don’t want to serve against luck five look how beautiful it looks go check out go check out bandy

Check out the blue is that not the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen in your life this is beautiful i love this it’s a blue moon no mob sport during this difficult time you’re just here to enjoy the luck the fruits of your labor bandy

Go oh wait okay mobs this one never mind die zombie this is not luck this is all skill there’s no luck to this oh what’s that he just killed one of the zombies okay you know what you shouldn’t have done that the blood brain rises i can’t be wrong i

Was just lucky two seconds ago these dead sounds of the undead can be heard oh look who’s getting swarmed that’s that’s horrifying the color changed and now i’m afraid for some reason please open the door where’s my where’s my key where’s my key okay i’m going back inside now i’m done doing

Whatever this is no no close the door no this is why i installed the iron door because i didn’t know what was gonna happen it has to be dotty like like nothing ever happens for no reason i’ve learned that being friends with him he looks so concerned he was standing

Outside his window looking at them like oh god i can’t see him but i know it’s him oh my god is that a spider jockey about to make a youtube video rarest what was that rarest minecraft mob in minecraft just opened my back door ah oh

What is this why are there so many of you i didn’t know they could open doors i shouldn’t ah i should install iron door on second floor i forgot about second floor oh the thick lamb is still alive good work man all right all right should

I combat log i know it’s kind of cheating but like this is ridiculous oh look who’s coming in from the front door i wonder who let them in whoopsie he just ran outside dude oh no oh oh no oh god no no no no hide your

Dog all right all right behind you oh my god this is too many okay i think i’m good get out of here it’s okay baby you got this good work my friend stragglers gotta clean them up let’s go out my house the blood moon sets and

Look what’s up oh wow how beautiful this place looks majestic now no more zombies until the next one gets added i have my suspicions and the blood moon didn’t last that long it’s almost like it was staged for some reason this next one that i added is called the forgiving

Voice it makes it so that when you fall inside the void instead of dying like a noble person no you get teleported to the peak of this guy right at the top and land where you’re falling from so is this brandy thinking that his final life

Is gone now that he’s earned a big fat two thousand dollars for being on the server for 20 minutes let’s find out okay now that he’s leaving his house actually perfect i can build the trap now kind of interested in this village over here i saw a while ago i was too

Busy with my house i think now might be the time the blood moon just ended so hopefully everyone’s out cheering playing and not in their houses where i can steal all their stuff here we go okay right inside of his front door there we go perfect we’re gonna send him

To the void badly i’m so sorry about this i need something something valuable something that can’t be replaced by material possessions that’s the type of stuff that i want to steal nothing nothing garbage there we go look at this as soon as he gets to there boom he gets

Teleported right to the top of the world and how’s he gonna fall for this trap don’t worry we’ve got a tnt right here gravel right on top of it and then a pressure plate right on top of that perfect oh i entered the wrong village this village’s net worth is not high

Enough for chests apparently we’re gonna do effect to give bandy we’re gonna give him resistance for ten thousand seconds off resistance five so we can’t take any damage i can’t believe there wasn’t a single chest in the entire village i’m not even talking about it i’m just i’ve

Had a bad day so far so we’re gonna make it up by walking into the house with our heads held high and we will be we’ll be good oh wait let’s go okay we need to get off the server before 30 minutes i can’t lose three grand guys i’m going

Broken with these stupid videos that give people money what happened oh my god he fell look he says he doesn’t fall out the void look no did i fall through the world what oh my god did i fall through the world laying back on my house i thought i was dead i

Thought daddy killed me all right i think it’s safe to say he looks up on this server now who else could have put a giant pit right under my front door look at this i fell into the void oh my god dude i i was so scared for my life i

Can’t step inside the house because then you’ll definitely know what i wanted can i fall in again or will i die this time for real he’s going again he’s insane i’m gonna do it again just because i’m not afraid he’s going i’m not afraid of don his stupid tricks

Haha for someone who’s literally in a hardcore world without their lost life he’s having a lot of fun dying up fell in again i guess there’s a hole there’s a hole in my house what do you want bandy stop jumping through the void you psycho relax wait can i do that creative

Let me try i’m glad i have not died to fall damage yet oh i am a parkour master and then just the point for games let’s go how am i gonna fix this ah i have no idea idiot leave me alone but we’re kind of at a dilemma now this guy still hasn’t

Disconnected from the server all the other times he disconnects but now he chooses not to win monies on that he said donnie i know at you why is he spelling my name donny he knows i hate when people do that come out donny he’s gonna see this he

Knows it’s me okay that’s fine we can go big now you idiot you just cause your own demise holes don’t make themselves donny i’m about to ruin this award for good reveal yourself dark demon daniel that’s his name now we cannot let him get to 30

Minutes i’ve got two minutes to kick you from the server we’re doing this come on donny that’s the last time you break a pressure plate of mine fine i’ll come out of vanish here we go oh he actually responded he’s here how did he talk in game before he joined the

Game this guy and i’ve got the next egg already this is it void monster i summoned you okay wait i was gonna say his skill a lot higher he’s kind of a bit too oh dude what what what is that stop please please don’t kill me please don’t

Kill me he’s not even doing damage i’m invincible stop okay was he shooting benny the whole time from behind wait does this guy do damage finally left the game okay i don’t actually want to take damage i don’t know i don’t want to fight that i don’t

Want to fight that can you blame me okay okay okay okay give me grave yep i’m gonna join back how am i gonna fight that all right you guys didn’t see that okay shut up you didn’t say that no one saw that i didn’t die shut up i’m

Sporting myself back in there it is i got it ow ow i’m taking no damage it’s in it’s not real it’s just a ghost it’s just an apparition die i can’t even get close to it oh i’m doing damage see how much that’s terrifying all right all right well

That’s about it that’s all i can do before we connect to this live the total of three minutes that’s three grand i’m broke please like the video please subscribe bandy i’m sorry i’m not sorry bandy you’re free ground rich i hate

This video, titled ‘I Trapped my Friend on a World with Every Scary Mod…’, was uploaded by Doni Bobes on 2022-01-18 23:00:03. It has garnered 1508055 views and 58890 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:02 or 1022 seconds.

I Trapped my Friend on a World with Every Scary Mod… w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft

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    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

    INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!Video Information This video, titled ‘sub-Crystl PvP with the Motion Blur gameplay -(pojav launcher) #cpvp #pojavalauncher #minecraft’, was uploaded by NEAR25⚡ on 2024-05-20 16:12:41. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft pvp montage, minecraft hardcore, minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft shorts, #minecraft, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft sumo pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,cpvp, smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft combo, minecraft hacker, minecraft smp,minecraft pro, minecraft 1.20,minecraft mods, minecraft sumo, sumo minecraft, minecraft combo lock,minecraft combotage,egirl minecraft, minecraft video,minecraft short,best minecraft combosminecraft, minecraft pvp,minecraft shorts, minecraft god,minecraft memes, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft the boys, minecraft… Read More

  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More

  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

    SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper 😓😭 #minecraftcreeper #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-04-22 12:00:10. It has garnered 43219 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft small building #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial’, was uploaded by VINU on 2024-05-21 17:19:50. It has garnered 550 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Song: AXM – Sunlight Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: Song: Thomas Gresen – Elevate Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial #funnylogic Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New survival public smp ip and port 24/7 online server #video #minecraft #server #public’, was uploaded by Atifgamer on 2024-01-14 12:47:10. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Guys you guys always keep showing me this kind of support and please like, share and subscribe because I have to complete 1k subscribers as soon as possible. Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

    SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Breed “With” Villagers 🤨 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 09:00:41. It has garnered 493 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

    Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new video cool video’, was uploaded by Jasus Gamerz on 2024-01-16 01:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft new video cool video #minecraft #trending #viral #gameplay #jasus gamerz #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning … Read More

  • “Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE” #roblox

    "Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE" #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blox Fruits [Playing With JB] #live #roblox #bloxfruits’, was uploaded by RomeoGotGame on 2024-04-20 18:12:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Im RomeoGotGame But You Can Call Me Romeo & Im 12 Years Old & I Play Videogames Such As Sonic, FNAF, Minecraft, … Read More

  • Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!

    Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft song teaser!!!!’, was uploaded by Piano Kid on 2024-06-03 03:53:18. It has garnered 10 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More