EPIC Adventure in Minecraft Outer Worlds!

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And we are live well click click there hey guys welcome back to another stream today we are going to do what we couldn’t do last week because uh problems I fixed those problems however and we should be good to go so today we are going to do some exploring adventuring and developing as

The title says mainly I think exploring because I need to get a bunch more iron since I’ve been using up all of my iron and hey look all of our crops sadly this hasn’t grown much yet but it should be growing pretty soon I see the squids are still trying to beach

Themselves and there’s a red thing on the map I’m curious but oh it’s it’s just a CRA cow okay so we should probably be going out to see I’ll probably do that in the morning because danger burs everywhere this series I’m just going to do some farming

Get some wheat so then I can feed my uh cows and sheep and yeah we’ll do this until it is morning actually I haven’t finished this are you a I I don’t know what you guys are so I’ll have to wait until you guys grow and then also need to move those

Trees here and all the other stuff I have over there you guys need wheat here I have wheat for all of you I I said I have wheat for all of you do none of you want wheat okay okay there we go eat my pretties eat okay they are fed

Now and I have the feeling a mob is spawned in my basement so I need to quickly check that out have you no what is this then or on the top perhaps okay that’s weird but what I could also be doing is getting uh gravel I almost forgot the

Name but I can be getting gravel and we can also be working on another project that I should probably get to as soon as possible so don’t have a shovel so H I have this however so let’s a break o shuriken I need as much of this as possible oh yeah and

This as you can see we have unlocked something new and that is exactly what we are trying to make and I is full great yeah freck I forgot oxygen exists just yeah ow O pumpkin I’mma take uh actually what I need is sheer you first shear

I don’t know if I’m blind or just don’t have them on me okay don’t think I have them on me oh freck I am just blind okay so difficult to choose them four yay uh right this one so this one this this one this one this one this one this one this

One this one and that’s the last of them okay yeah cheers you’re staying there I’ll get you in the morning don’t worry just need to head back to base and sleep off to bed I go when that’s me so quickly for grout that is the block we are trying to

Craft that’s why we collect Ed all of the stuff for grout uh let me just do that that that let’s see where is the crafting recipe here it is actually no that’s gravel or um I don’t know anymore it’s all just blocks they are all just blocks mhm so if I

Take this probably should have put that in the thingy and come here and try to make this boom boom 50 let’s go uh I ran out of gravel I think actually now to sand I ran out of sand oh that looks nice and then I can just have stuff in

Here and it should C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I think seven should be enough and you go there and boom Cooks up and we’re all good I really need to organize these chests at some point so over here we come here just put some stuff away actually also need

To pick up my shears and then we come here we put some seeds in here and I left my weat seeds in the chest we go there okay back to the house and I okay I’m hungry basically we’re dealing with all of this stuff first and then we will go

Into the world explore touchr uh uh uh what do I do I have this oh I also have carrots I can just eat those a second I I I saw him I saw him and then uh I was thinking oh that’s a chicken man what the freak is like a

Chicken man doing here I didn’t even know those existed and then I realized it was an actual villager okay oh that that caught me off God okay so I have bone meal I can use that here also need to put some of these here and boom the wheat section is done and what

Else watermelons do I actually need to plant more actually I think I need one more and you go there I’m pretty sure and another one has grown actually I need to bone me all these guys because they are taking forever okay you you you get one you get one you get one

And that some more have grown is someone trying to pick a fight with me there is some loudness here so I’m curious are they trying to Ambush me or not do they want to go bro or are they chicken no wrong one there we go looking good now we have all of those

Blocks I just need to remember how to craft stuff so SE brick yeah do that and then I may need just need the bricks for now yeah so I need a bunch of those and then there’s a bunch of other stuff I’m pretty sure there’s a book where is the book

Okay I don’t see a book so they’ll just go for the the thing the block the stone hard block oh I cannot make much of those okay and you know this would be a good time to actually start organizing my chests so let me let me put the food stuff in

Here and then mob drops in here so let’s see your mob drop clay I’ll take that I’m not sure about prismarine I might put that in ores you I guess can be a mob drop I’ll take some coal so food stuff we don’t have much we have an ender pearl we have omus

Bner gunpowder and then we’ll keep SE stuff here for now potato food stuff mob drop food stuff food stuff mob drop uh food stuff I guess food stuff mob drop I guess mob drop mob drop mob drop uh mob drop mob drop no that seeds uh mob

Drop what else curse DS don’t know what to do with you um tough so all of this something new uh so food stuff tomatoes that uh this this then a bunch of mob drops no not I need to eat you this this this this this and right now that should be all

Is it actually right this Graves dust I guess that I guess can be one not that food stuff okay now I think that is it some carrots can go there then Dust and how’s this looking 26 okay I did overdo it a little though 8 okay so bricks are like that

Great I put you in here yeah and then I just need to keep collecting a bunch more few I think I’m quite ready for adventuring I think I can do it at least for a while longer until my boots break and hats break because those are they’re on their lost lives I mean

10 hits before that breaks and 20 before that one so we might be cutting it close here but I’m mainly looking for a floating Trident in the sky right now a floating Trident in the sky what I think I will be doing is I’ll be following this

Upstream and then I’ll probably take a about some time down the line but what I do wish we had was like some type of hammock so yeah just need to continue this way oh jeez you scared me I don’t know why uh cows HFF and pop

So loudly and you you you can you can stay there I don’t want to deal with you I think this is wild beetroot there’s you flying bird oh jeez you scared Me okay so I am currently here so just go this way so I need to go back Inland a bit and continue like this there are some hostiles somewhere speed no uh-uh no I’m not dealing with you it’s a person it’s a vampire hunter okay spotles I’m going to take this should I okay I will for the hearts for the hearts of ponus give me that cool not nice sounds oh no no no you you go you go back you go you go in yes you don’t want you drowning on land I should be saying suffocating Golden Apple that’s and you and

You don’t follow me 100% I’ll also take the name tag yeah take all of that now we go into Uncharted Territory oh there’s a lot of orange there who knows maybe we’ll find something interesting there there wait wait okay there got it for a second I thought that was

Something new but well technically it is but uh not like a new structure that I’ve never seen before in that sense will I ever find a new Village no but I but I will find a ruin portal okay seems like we got to go okay oo oo o

Okay I’m going take this CH up for that oh no it’s a baby it’s a child not the children anything but the children okay now we have good food sauce we have good food nice and then all we needed to do is find an abandoned portal that’s

A or new one I mean with colorful trees that looks promising and and my inventory is full I forgot you can just go there yeah calipo trees yay you that looks surprisingly close but it is just a giant beam in the sky to indicates stuff you are definitely a floating

Structure in the air but not the one I’m looking for hello hello it’s you you are quite dangerous hello something new no it’s just tree actually are you okay should I call a doctor for you oh wow oh oh oh that’s why okay I was about to say why is there so

Much red and then I realized that’s why I thought that was something else now I just need to go around or stay at the top of this mountain and then in the morning I can glide down they have quite the camp op def find’s not going to help very much with the fog

And I could rob you you wouldn’t be too difficult to Rob I guess I’m not sure how worth it the loot would be though but I could always try I can always see it sleep time let me sleep thank you I can’t see them from quite far

Though don’t spot me don’t you dare spot me hey leave leave leave me out of this I I didn’t want any of this okay leave me out of your problems and then there’s the peaceful Village uh tents base camp are you still following me what is wrong with

You I said leave me out of your business I don’t want to deal with your business hello people hello how’s everyone Doing uh Pon Cody sounds like di with cold o chests anything nice uh some stuff I actually need to organize my stuff give me a second Chloe my efficiency Trident Trident don’t know why I took that one source Berry that is new I have three of those okay and a bunch of sugar

Cane anything else doesn’t look like it so I can take this and some bread let me quickly Splash this get some exp or just XP usually I just say XP something new village Village please don’t be overrun by vampires please don’t be overrun by vampires please I

Don’t want to deal with a Vampire Village right now please it’s not a vampire Village let’s go okay okay we good we good fam Hunter representative hello break bones not yet cleansing not okay where’s the way point way point oh never mind I’ve already claimed this Village well uh that’s

Awkward okay yeah that’s very awkward I guess I’ll just continue on this way pumpkin I will take the stu okay okay I think those guys are underground I’ll take the seed oh he is not happy he is not happy about that but he does have iron and there’s a

Barrel yeah I don’t think I’m powerful enough so not today not yet another thing I could do is get a hold and use that to get around that would be quite handy or to just make the journey easier hello you hello this looks like some very deep otion

Village oh oh this is going to be a nightmare to Traverse oh wait is that a village because that looks way more than a village Holy oh jeez what is this madness what is this there’s like stuff everywhere how am I supposed to make sense of this oh skeletons I think this is a dungeon it’s a chaotic one but it’s a dungeon nonetheless oh yeah that is it’s a

Dungeon it is a dungeon and a half oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no leave me leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone I

Don’t want to deal with that he has fireworks he has fireworks he is he is going to destroy me if he touches that against my forehead oh no oh that was that was close but that is chaotic oh jeez over the edge I still haven’t found one I haven’t found floating sea

Trident come on show me the goods show me that is not those aren’t Goods those are people that I don’t really like but I have to work with them because that’s how organizations work I see something on the map I see something we haven’t run into yet something kind of important please don’t

Be mobs on top of here okay we’re good for now but we found a a Rogue Way Stone nice I’m going to take this and there’s also this I don’t have enough though coal I will take you though it’s you yes you you’re nice kind

Of sad thing is I can’t get up to you but we now know where to find one lots to explore and dangerous to void for now desert wastelands or this is Dead Land wastelands that’s what we would prefer them to right no that’s just you but it seems there is some sort of

Value where are we you have been once again cut yeah but this is quite a nice value but it is not as epic as the Valley of the end or Valley at the end however you say it okay I’m here and I’m going to take this tent of

Yours because I will be sleeping here there we go see you guys are fine now which way should I be going I’m all the way over here so I’ll go in the valley Direction so this way come on show me a Village show me a village and once you show me a Village

Show me Trident or do it the other way around whatever you want just give me both because I kind of want both over here we go no there’s not much here okay oh okay never mind there is just didn’t look like it but maybe this way will be better maybe hopefully ice

Ice that can either be good or bad who are you ah you are a raid Patrol maybe there will be something good over in this direction yes there is nope it’s another one of those torture chambers okay yeah which way snowy place or that place I’ll take snowy place

Oh that’s that’s so close that is so close I will go this way and then move there please please please please please please please don’t come after me nothing bad should be coming after me this is a safe place this is a safe haven please do not come and attack me I

Swear I am safe okay we made it out alive more coal for me it wouldn’t break for a second okay more vampire Hunters why is there so much bad lands there are people out here looking for these places and then here I am running across them like they’re never

Ending I mean look at this there’s so much yeah I’m not dealing with you or wait is that are you a part of the dungeon or are you like a separate V Village you see the problem is I can’t tell anymore because now whenever I see that

I just see oh bad probably not good thing so probably shouldn’t go there after the incident where I was almost taken down by uh rocket wielding crossbow man oh yeah and also need to eat wasone two way stones okay that’s unique I’ll be taking you and I think that is an actual

Village no never mind it’s just the structure slime hello I’ll be taking s okay well I guess not did another one fall I don’t know I’m not I’m not going to pay attention where to now I’ll take this way are we finally reaching planes we’re finally reaching

Goodlands because I’m kind of tired of the bad lands for not for a while like for a good while yeah I kind of I I kind of am just going to stay away from there for a hot minute green oh how I missed you now I can’t Sprint okay back to sprinting

Who are you who are you who are everyone speed I’ve never been in this place before house on the streets got a feeling for mystery that you are quite hostile don’t don’t it’s a trap somehow I’ve witnessed these before you need to scan out the place properly yeah it is very much a

Trap the thing is I’ve forgotten how this one works loot books I’ll be taking you walked on it ow idiots which one of you did it I’ll take this ar oh and that looks like a new bio I forgot about you guys anyone anyone hear me anyone I just throw all the Redstone

Stuff in here and a couple other stuff you guys calm down I’m not coming after you especially if you’re in a group tongue licking noises are strange it is bedtime smoke that a sign of life in the distance I’ll be sleeping yet today back on adventure we must head closer to

The Smoke to see what is going on it might be a good old place a good place a village maybe both what it is not is an easy place to get up to also uh there might be the chance of dragons being up here so need to be careful about that

I’m kind of hoping that right now it is not that and I mean a fire dragon you are something oh it’s you a simple establishment why do you just have oh uh what if I take half of your weed Supply and call it even okay got it okay thanks a bunch budy

Thanks a bunch who are you oh never mind no and now all the way over here very far away now I should probably go around so this way between the mountains between the thy bambbles and lava pools never mind that leads me nowhere except to a very very dark

Forest unless you have some sort of but peel I’m not going in there oh no that’s another house or should I say it is the house that I already came across oh oh hit a lag Spike game Frick crashed oh no okay wait we might be able to salvage

This I just need things to load Copper at least we’ve been experiencing a lot less crashes recently so that is a plus let me just have a sip of water clear the throat a bit get ready to game mhm Y just just waiting just waiting almost in okay we’re in I’m okay I tried to move I probably shouldn’t have done that okay fine I will be back I will be back I tried to press W I tried to go for that’s all I try to do and then the game

Decides no none of this we’re going to end it right here we’re going to make it so that he can’t do anything right now great I hope this is not permanent I hope it’s not like a permanent problem like in the last series but then again it shouldn’t

Be it’s quite simple really we just need to get into the game not press W and we should be all good at least in theory it should For I just want you to take me back to the block game please just take me back to some fun maybe get a hot dog or two I forgot how it goes okay I’m just making stuff up now everyone hope and pray hope and pray

That we don’t crash as soon as we get in what if I just stand still for like five minutes minutes will you let me play then is that what you want from me unless it’s like an untextured mob than that I’m not sure if we can do much about that one I’m standing

Still I’m standing still everything seems to be okay though okay I’m going to slowly walk back back from the forest turn my head around not look that way and go this way and it seems we’ve escaped so somewhat end okay so since we’ve escaped I will be taking a boat back to my

Home because this is totally 100% okay yeah never mind never mind never mind yeah no uh-uh no I changed my mind I changed my mind no yeah no that’s all you needed to do that’s all you needed to do okay well gab you really don’t want me to take

Water you don’t you don’t want me to touch water wow you are that willing to stop me from going in water great uh Okay I’ll walk a while before I decide to actually take water that was dirty please leave me alone please leave me alone I don’t want none of this I don’t want none of these please please leave me alone no more no more okay I’m going to park here for a

Second just need to check map so will there be any direct connection to my base stop stop it freak you my base is where is my my base is here here so in a way kind of but not really so let’s just hope we make it back safe

The sad thing is we didn’t find any of the things we were looking for but that however that is a dungeon I think is it is it it looks like one yeah wait I’m not sure yeah we’ll come back later then we have chaos we have false air

Trident we have nothing coming after us good uh no not that way okay wait where am I going H okay maybe we’ll run into the floating air Trident this way who knows anything is possible with Minecraft okay wait let me let me get to a safe place first so then I can

Sleep thought I saw like a Golem type thing maybe that’s a ground Monument green lands yay that’s good right that means means I’m safe right I guess I’m safe enough okay I can go a bit more out to see here I guess oh wait you’re not like the rest of them

What is going on here let’s see any goods for me any any okay that yay something good bued treasure map wheat anything from you oh wrong wrong spell yes there is but there’s not much here that one was disappointing there’s another one that is slightly underwater and there are DRS okay well that’s

Annoying I’m not dealing with you I’m looking every which way was I actually just lucky with that first one that’s annoying that one is not it wait where am I I have traveled here so I am still quite a lot away from my base yeah

No there’s a bunch of you guys I’m not deal with all of that I’m not dealing with all of that fat because you’re all BL you’re all blubber all of it it’s all just blubber and that blubber ain’t no way let’s go we got it we got it we got

It now the problem is that is quite the climb that right there is going to take us quite a long time Al we found colorful sand which is pretty sand I like pretty sand it is quite comforting then we go into tall Moody trees but more importantly we found Trident so you know

What I’m going to leave that one for the next video so I will put well not next video but next stream so I’ll take this I’ll leave a away Stone here and call this found trient that’s probably how you spell it and now we can just go straight back to

Base I think this one is our base yeah I really need to change the name of this one so take that yes okay so now that that is done we have a lot of stuff to catch up on here the main thing would be moving stuff

Around but I don’t really want to do that so I will start with actually you know moving stuff around would probably be the best thing to do so I’ll get wood I’ll start getting that uh chest there are chest um what would be the best thing oh yeah

Here that’s what I was looking for I’ll start with this should I put it on the top of my I’ll put it at the top of my H but okay we’ll see if I put it up here that’s going to be annoying to get to so I’ll put it at the

Bottom I’ll put it here I will make it look nice at some point right now I think this would be the best size forth and then we also have a bunch of this stuff bunches also I can uh do the thing I can up upgrade Health to be bigger better stronger

Faster you do not sound like a happy chop and the nice thing is we have all of our stuff growing and I’ve only just realized I don’t have uh Whatchamacallit I don’t have sweet berries it’s all that is something we could have gotten but did not manage to find

Sad but I do want to see can I do I still have the berry thing where there it is s it’s berries can I turn this into seeds no I can turn it into purple dye though sad so close I’ll put this in here yes you go there do I have any

Leather is there any easy way to make leather okay there actually is wow there is no efficient way though travelous boots place in inventory to initialize when on feet something okay lots of interesting stuff but also need to get Hearts because I have more orbs heart let’s

Go I almost have two full Rosa pots it’s just I’m offway there halfway there halfway halfway Halfway another thing I should probably do is get a bunch of stone because it seems I be using too much of that ah my bed oh how nice it is to be back in my bed at my house oh how nice okay so there was another thing I wanted to do that was

That and oh yeah moving chest around uh first need to make a bunch of paper for whatam we call it the bookshelves so take this spread that over long there and 33 paper that is full okay well guess we starting with this one go tree I do have enough

Space give me oh wa sapling how did I not realize the thing is these trees are a pain to actually get all the wood it gives a lot of wood but it’s a pain lights I kind of have to get all the Leaves then get the wood freck ow no why why you do this to me how could this happen to me okay you seem to be at the bottom that seems to be fine I can get that later but all of this they’re just all intertwining I know shears will be quicker but it’ll

Be a pain wait I have an Unbreaking thingy uh ho yes or deficiency efficiency to Gold ho it’ll make my job a little quicker oh jeez it shreds but it dies instantly for I thought I would fall that okay I think I can take it from here now seems like it

And then for this tree I think actually no no I’m too lazy don’t want to do that thought there’s a skeleton behind me how there are literal lights here how are you even able to exist here I don’t understand so how much leather do I even have 12 uh I’ll take

Six so at least that’s a couple more bookshelves oh six actually wait no that’s the exact amount of leather I had okay oh that’s less impressive now and then this in between and there we go and then I’m pretty sure I have some more books in here

Somewhere where are the books there they are okay so that’s another two bookshelves when I have enough wood 98 there that actually that’s a bit more than what I needed it is fine though so why won’t you slide across there we go there four more bookshelves

Because this is the same pick that I’m mining with so I’m going to do it like that and that and that and that okay we’ll get some stuff now once we actually get decent armor like Mana boost all protection all protection two at level one what the freck and I got my

Hearts like well before I jumped off the thing or fell off whatever you want to say who are you okay nothing and we’re growing pumpkins now look at it look look they’re growing look they’re growing they’re big boys look look look look look look okay time for bed and I realized I

Could have fallen off there it’s fine the real thing is we didn’t so now chests we have the resources kind of now we just need the crafts just making sure all is good uh for now let me do half and see how and see H and see how many chests I

Can make what the freak okay you know what who’s that why are you in my house house no Titus go out out no out yes thank you you can’t just come into people’s houses like that only I can I don’t think I can puts that there should I be concerned with how

Many mobs I see on the map this room will just be a bunch of chests so ores I can put you in there mob drops in mob drops in here like bones or arrows I guess buried treasure I don’t know what to do with you food like apple you can go

There uh bread I guess you two sugar cane not too sure what to do with you right now what is going on out here then ores we already have that but yeah ores and then we can have chest for the other mods that I guess I’ll bring you and and I

Guess a couple other stuff can happen so fours were somewhere not none of those here that that L drops Here um don’t see anymore okay let other mop drops do we have we have a spell we have Redstone that would go in ores or Stones course dirt for some reason and curs dirt gravel we need that this and that who that probably a zombie or Enderman or is here so that and

That and Stones I guess can go here I guess cursed dirt would be a dirt so you can Al go there what else mob drop Titus what did I tell you about coming into people’s houses un announced you’re not supposed to be here no no nuh-uh nuh chat

You found a chest yeah sure but you you can’t be doing this you can’t be doing this follow me follow me nuh-uh you can’t be doing this Titus you have some serious problems with coming into people’s houses unannounced okay you need to not do that you need to be out here with

Everyone else you can move freely just don’t be doing that that’s that’s not good those are good habits whoever telling you that whoever is telling you to do do that yeah you shouldn’t be listening to them they’re not a good influence on you now back to organizing chests

Now you are a stone you are a wood I’ll have to make a well I have chests enough chests for that so soap stone as well so you go there uh sell Stone as well and theor scoria Cobblestone whatever that is you can go there m DRS actual eating Food stick h H I’ll let this I guess we can also throw rope in there as well maybe just because I’m not really sure what to do with it so this this this this this and this red sand you would go with that stuff you would go with

Ores meat would go food C pumpkin I’m not too sure what can I even do with you just make a Jacko Lantern okay oh what the okay I see but that is strange oh yeah I need to do that as well uh I can I can put you plant stuff I

Guess all the plant stuff would come with me PLS can go in here like actual PL stuff you’re not used very much on stuff I’m going to take you I’m not sure I’m not too sure about you I don’t think so though you can go in there for

Now and then this still has a bunch of random stuff I can stop moving them around though uh this would go in there this an ores chest quartz as well looking quite empty now coal would also go in the OR chest there’s also Stone sand would also go

There in this in the in the stone chest and then I can figure something out for the rest of you wait organic compost I guess could also go into the stone stuff all PL stuff I guess PL stuff would also work so you can go there you go

There this there a stack of coal can go in there also Flint Flint is another one this uh this that’s all I can think of so you’d go there I go sleep and we get ready for another another one sleep another day another me let’s get going let’s get to

It I can also do the backpack because the back backpack has a bunch of stuff that I also need to organize so this and Clay Redstone seeds actually that’s I need to plant that that that that that all of that going in hores this this this would go food so you you

You then ORS that that that that this this and this and this h look at me being organized this ah no no no no no no no nuh-uh that’s not what I’m trying to do here L mountain seeds Okay let me plant the pumpkins real quick

Actually I don’t even know why I need so many pumpkins but I’ll have them so that’s nice you go there so this pumpkin this pumpkin this pumpkin this pumpkin right wait so this one this one this one and you’re not supposed to be a pumpkin you should be this should be the

Pumpkin this one should be the watermelon well I broke the pattern at some point okay I’ll wait for them to all fully grow and then I’ll figure it out but sugar cane we got it look at all of this look at all of that so nice so very nice and then all

The wheat as well all the cabbages I’m going to leave the garlic because I feel like that would be too much I know it’s already a lot it is already a lot let’s see oh wait no Rotten Tomatoes that is surprising then there’s wait let me put stuff in the

Composter okay then the Cabbage seeds these are even smaller than normal we seeds then what else okay nothing yet beetroot we have you I guess uh potatoes I will collect you in a second need to put stuff in composter [Applause] beetroot seeds are a lot more chunky though so more compost now for

Potatoes can I get any rotten ones that is not grown yet surprisingly no I don’t think so okay so rice rice plant stuff oh then I’m hungry oh then I don’t have my backpack right now great all of you look at the tomatoes already regrowing and now for

Carrots oh let’s see let’s see how much we get okay not bad honestly thought it would be a lot more which is why I was a bit nervous because it might not fit in my inventory garlic I just have you gr in case I need you at some point

Randomly otherwise you just there for decoration so this this this this this the no I need to eat I need to eat somehow this this yeah stocking up quite a lot planting chest I need one of those so I guess you can need the planting chest so seeds and wheat and

Seeds potatoes you’ll got in food chest we I will be taking out wait did I say we sword what did I say I don’t know I’ve already forgotten and this goes in here the rest of the mob drops and then there’s a bunch of other stuff that I need to figure

Out uh you and you and you you uh you you I guess this stuff this Stone I don’t think I need to do much with the Terra Cotta and aites I guess cursed dirt okay looking a lot more free now so this this and this should probably move

This here then we actually know that’s where the physical fully made block is and then Stones all there uh plant I guess you go there now you do at least also you you also go there anything else from you I mean yes but I I’m kind of lazy right now

So I guess I’ll use you now nice new level then also you for some reason let me break there you go I the seeds no your wood chest your ores Stone no yes okay you guys go There and last thing I’ll start doing is uh thingy you guys know what thingy is the seared Stone I need to get that going so I’ll probably get I don’t know they like a stack of uh yeah I’m just not remembering stuff today great I have Clay I might get like two

More or something but I have quite a lot so now it’s is mainly just uh gravel and sand which I am surrounded by so not too bad not too bad of find now let’s see we are using lesser break on the spell book where would the best place

For sand to be on top of mountain okay got it and then I’m not too sure about gravel that one’s going to be a bit harder to get and then there’s also Stone here oh you trapped yeah you’ll survive I’ve seen you survive for us in this day you’re just trapped No fine no a bit of karma I see I guess you can go back for now now we’re going to River to get uh thingy yeah I really need to know what I’m trying to get gravel it will definitely be a lot more bearable like this

Okay might be bearable but it’s going to take a long time blocks okay I’m losing a lot of these to Flint okay maybe I don’t need to do too much more but out of the three this did take the longest so you can’t really blame me about that one

So oh so it doubles it up so I should get two stacks yay even better even better uh speed I am speed you know they say dja full I was once in this place before also I’m trying to avoid saying like the proper words because I’m not sure how strict YouTube’s monetization

Stuff is so I don’t want to get this stream copyrighted just for saying those few words you know but now we have the grout uh I need two blocks I what the freck what is wrong with me sometimes okay now I have the two blocks

And now I put one of you in there one of you goes there and then one of you goes there and one of you goes there okay and I think that is a good place to call it a stream if you guys enjoyed this video leave a like subscribe and hit the notif

Notification Bell so you never miss another Titanic Gang video live stream or video and I will see you guys in the next one keep titanium and goodbye

This video, titled ‘Development and Adventure FOR REAL | Minecraft Outer Worlds Season 2’, was uploaded by TitaniomGaming on 2023-11-11 18:28:03. It has garnered 9 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:11 or 6851 seconds.

Since I defeated the vampires that took over my village, I decided now would be a good time to develop my home and explore some more of the world, and maybe get some more recourses while were at it. I also wanted to interact more with the community and this is always the best way to do it.

Check out the previous episode: https://youtu.be/cQvExYJ6w80?si=wNXE-W-duM3X6AUe

The last season in Minecraft version 1.12.2: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj-QbcLA3_EgZBFdjInlv3EvvFXZZtCe0

#minecraft #moddedminecraft #building

  • Sakura’s Samurai Saga: Minecraft Memories & Creation Gods

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  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 8

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  • Join Minewind: Escape the Worst Start in Minecraft Hardcore!

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  • Minecraft CRAZIEST VIDEO ever! MUST WATCH TILL END #shorts

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  • 🔥 Top 10 ADDONS para SURVIVAL en MINECRAFT 1.20! 💥

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT TIPS & TRICKS- Boost your skills FAST!Video Information some moments in Minecraft can get confusing for example easily finding diamonds getting overpowered armor and fishing if you consider that as confusing so here are 35 tips and tricks to help you become a better Minecraft player we all know the golden rule of Minecraft and that is to never dig straight down because you can either fall in lava fall from a great height fall into a cluster of mobs that you can’t handle or awaken the warden like waking up Dad if you are going to dig straight down Dig A 1 by two hole… Read More

  • Shocking: Minecraft Granny House with FX Shivam69 #Trending

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  • AmiSMP

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  • SoulCraft Vanilla – No Whitelist – Hermitcraft – Rewards

    🌟 Join a Thriving Community: Immerse yourself in a mature and vibrant player community inspired by the legendary Hermitcraft. Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/soulcraft 🌍 Explore a Fresh Server: Embark on an epic journey in a brand-new league, where every adventurer starts on equal ground. 🏆 Claim Your Rewards: Seize the opportunity for epic rewards in this exciting league—your chance to stand out and be recognized! ⚔️ Choose Your Path: Whether you’re a master builder, redstone wizard, or intrepid explorer, Soulcraft welcomes diverse playstyles. ✨ Craft Your Legacy: Be part of a dynamic world where creativity knows no bounds. Shape your destiny… Read More

  • Boom Time Villagers: Minecraft Pocket Edition Addon Madness

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  • CATNAP VS ZOONOMALY: The Ultimate Poopy Playtime Showdown! 😹🦍 #minecraftmeme

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  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience

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  • Boubou’s Mischievous Minecraft Server Fun

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  • Caffeine-fueled Minecraft Sky Revolution: NEW Tech Skyblock Quests!

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  • Alastor Kissed Angel Dust! Possible Couple?

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  • INSANE Heartcore SMP Official Trailer | Minecraft Madness

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  • Unleash Your MLG Skills in Minecraft!

    Unleash Your MLG Skills in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Types of MLG | LEVEL 1 TO 6 | #minecraft #pocketedition’, was uploaded by ANAV 1124 on 2024-01-10 15:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Raid on Psd1’s Giant Sugar Farm! Watch Now!

    Insane Raid on Psd1's Giant Sugar Farm! Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Why I Raided Biggest Suger Cane Farm In @Psd1 servers | Fire mc’, was uploaded by Steve_gaming on 2024-01-04 09:47:49. It has garnered 676 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. minecraft i raided biggest suger cane farm in fire mc https://discord.gg/fgn2P4HM lifesteal server ip: play.firemc.fun you can join from every platform from this ip and also join my discord server for empire smp application subscribe and like kardo #firemc #psd1 #lifesteal #public #minecraft #java #youtube Read More

  • Enter Cartoon World – Find Secret Minecraft Pit

    Enter Cartoon World - Find Secret Minecraft PitVideo Information an infinite number of round eyes in Minecraft we’ll have it in this clip today hey guys I’m with you zomok at the beginning I’m going to ask everyone to like subscribe we get everything thank you so much I appreciate it very much and we’re starting we’ve got round pits today these are the kind of interesting cool lots of cool characters let me show you a dream catcher here rainbow friends remember from the digital circus this is Khloe bourjois ladybug’s friend well as a friend she’s a little Moon SpongeBob and the scariest and most… Read More

  • Unbelievable adventure in search of the blaze!

    Unbelievable adventure in search of the blaze!Video Information Halo teman-teman kembali lagi dengan aku putakun jadi di video kali ini kita akan BL ya teman-teman dan gue udah cari nethernya dulu di kamera jadi kita tinggal bunuhi blnya saja let’s go Oke teman-teman kita atur dulu modenya jadi mode normal Oke dan Kita serang langsung Astagfirullah e pedang pedang pedang Oke teman-teman ini gua akan cepatin aja ya Di menit ke eh di mana gue dapat sekitar 7 R ya teman-teman supaya tidak lama let’s go Oke teman-teman kita masih masih ngebunuh ya satu lagi ya teman-teman kita akan dapat tujuh Oke Belum masih belum ya… Read More

  • Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!

    Unleashing the Mongster in Minecraft 1.7.3 Stream!Video Information [Music] nug H nug h [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] fore oh [Music] [Music] speee [Music] foree [Music] spee [Music] for hey everybody how you doing just relaxing my vocal muscles after belting that one out sorry hell yeah good thing I got some tea with me how y’all doing yeah it it does it rocks so much especially when I’m singing it hell yeah this is what plays in the Senate no comment uh just got some good oldfashioned Earl Gray didn’t drink my fill this morning picked it up yesterday last night pretty good if I… Read More

  • 🔥Insane Minecraft TNT Run End Challenge!😱🔥

    🔥Insane Minecraft TNT Run End Challenge!😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🤯TNT✨Run🤣in😎Minecraft wait for💯the end🤯#minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraft #shortfeed #viral’, was uploaded by SK NAYAN GAMER on 2024-03-06 12:30:11. It has garnered 3679 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. 🤯TNT✨Run🤣in😎Minecraft wait for💯the end🤯#minecraftmemes #minecraftserver #minecraft #shortfeed #viral Sure, here’s a new description for Minecraft: “Immerse yourself in the limitless possibilities of Minecraft, a sandbox adventure where your imagination is the only limit. Explore vast landscapes, mine for resources, build towering structures, and craft intricate tools. Whether you’re a lone survivor or collaborating with friends, every block you place shapes… Read More

  • Lonely Lobby

    Lonely LobbyCome on, and join us to our server, and be a part of the community! In this server, you can talk, chat and also communicate with each other! Life is good! Life is Fun! We should have to stay alive! lonelylobby.tk Read More