EPIC CubeCraft Adventure – Hive and Shizo Collide

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Started back up cuz Minecraft took forever to load and now I’m waiting for my thumbnail thing to work uh there we go hey let’s click on that come on thumbnail you better work properly this time uh oh the description is messed up that’s great uh wait let me uh delete that

Got to reset up everything going through the process this is great now I do this and I do this copy and paste and then Stream uh I think it’s 34 this was stream 34 right okay I can’t see the chats so sorry uh let’s see hash cubecraft I got to add all the hashtags back hashtag Minecraft and I don’t know if there’s a space there I can’t see anything # mCP bam now I add the thumbnail

Back come on YouTube there we go so the thumbnail is working properly which is strange but sure it was this one that was actually working I think yeah that’s weird which I mean is actually good cuz I needed it to work right okay bam save

There we go now I’m going to be able to see chat why did I snap I don’t know anyway I got some pasta M yummy pasta hum num n delicious cuz I didn’t have breakfast and I couldn’t find actually I had a little bit of cereal but whatever cuz

I’m already starving after streams so I might as well eat something um oh it worked there we go oh I didn’t turn off my microphone okay uh yo YouTube show up my stream please thank you there we go hey now play Lucky Block SkyWars please all

Right I can see the chat now here we go we get things going again lucky block SkyWars you want Lucky Block SkyWars you will get where is it it is I think it’s in sky it makes sense uh or is it its own thing wait uh yeah I think I clicked on the

Wrong one hold up let me go to Lucky Blocks yeah here we go okay um yo puff hello uh why curse craft because Hive is down does the title read properly yeah Hive is down so playing cubecraft part two um it was besides SkyWars oh wait wait was it a lucky Island

Duels wait is this it is this the right one wait let me yeah wait this looks like the right one yeah yeah yeah okay Lucky Blocks I think where are the lucky blocks I can’t find them wait what am I even on the right kit I’m going go healer actually I’m

Going go Warrior actually I’m going go Builder cuz usually don’t get blocks yeah that’s it okay oh here we go here we go here are the lucky blocks all right up Arrow oh it’s a it’s oh I think I know what that does uh is this obsidian it’s obsidian okay that makes sense

Oh okay what Frosty cool what about you what is that oh oh regeneration wand okay it’s funny how this game literally gives you no actual stuff all right oh my red one just disappears uh that’s so cool yay thank you snow glitch um oh yo iron sword Shuler sword what the heck oh

It doesn’t even okay it just doesn’t do anything it’s just got sharpness cool I thought it was like some special what oh this guy came back let’s go slime fantastic how am amazing anyway put the elevator in in here put the Slime here the obsidian goes oh actually wait I can

Clutch with this hold up watch this I’m insane yes my epic abilities oh let’s go Diamond chest plate get that out of here uh cook chicken oh that’s a why is there a chest there that’s a painting get get get back over there okay uh let’s see okay yeah no one’s

Saying anything in chat uh now I must get over here so oh you’re supposed to jump off the platform onto the Slime but I really don’t feel like it so I’m just going to there we go oh this is hay so you can land on it I

See Hive nose uh game mechanics all right oh my gosh what the I thought he just started spamming me that was so weird cuz the sound it sounded like he started spamming me anyway got a bunch of free stuff yo what the fire sword yo anyone remember

Uh Does this does it uh ignite them every single time hopefully because that’s op oh this guy has a Sher wait I’m going elevator up to him what you’re already at the top floor oh I think you got a maybe you got to be Oops I did not mean to click that

Maybe you got to be under blocks here wait here wait here wait yeah oh that is not what I had in mind okay oh yeah right I got to start recording the uh the stream CUA uh oh wait hold up let me here wait let me

Uh sorry the stream’s going to be out there we go okay now I can record the stream there cuz now I don’t have to download it oh that makes things so much easier okay uh let’s go you’re dead come on die you’re gone GG good sir hopefully

There’s no broken blocks under here oh Frosty’s trying to get me what yo chill oh hello uh fire sword fire sword yeah oh whoa holy dude Frosty chill oh my gosh okay give me the bow so I can shoot freaking Frosty automatic bow oh bro is charging

Up wait is he dead oh it just shoots okay cool um goodbye anyway uh two diamond swords one of them’s got terrible levels of sharpness uh okay this is weird there’s like wait how many people are left I can’t find anyone this is a huge map by the

Way um oh I am lagging okay there we go uh let’s see uh I skipped the school three times in a row that’s probably not good uh invite me to party okay hold up uh I I don’t can you do open part I hope you

Can do open parties on this cuz I really hate inviting people one by one it makes me like not even want to do parties uh where is everyone I can’t see anyone if they’re there I can’t see them because my dang blindfold uh yeah there’s five players

Okay there’s one over here explosive bow get him yes kill them extinguish their life yeah did I get him no I didn’t get him oh shoot okay jumped over the fire give me all your loot everything you got what do you got hot potatoes more staffs netherite pickaxe leather protection I don’t I

Don’t care about that what is this mob wand okay I got automatic bow so wait this goes here uh oh uhoh uhoh uh oh get back get back get back get back chill man fire sword yeah okay why does a fire sword always kill him does it like one shot I have no

Idea but anyway prismarine crystals Diamond efficiency pickaxe is probably better than netherite one okay uh I I’ve got a lot of stuff potion of Leaping cool that does nothing anyway uh splash potion I did not need that what other do I I have a hot potatoes I’m pretty sure these explode

When you throw them if I remember correctly H uh because YouTube doesn’t allow the word why are you talk what what are you trying to say I don’t know what he’s trying to say slate what yeah purposely written what word does YouTube not allow I can’t I don’t understand what you’re trying to

Say without actually saying the word I’m stupid too stupid to understand the the the the eight replacement talking huh allow the word slay it doesn’t allow the word slay or killed you mean I don’t know I I don’t know anyway uh what do I got Kina is

Sick there’s a pig back there but I really don’t feel like riding it uh where are the people W what no you didn’t read my name huh a cut funny boy King okay that’s a name uh but read the chat from really above what do you

Mean what’s going on in chat I I don’t understand but anyway uh I I can’t find the people still oh wait don’t I have a tracking Compass oh I’m stupid I’m really bad at this like oh yeah you have to click on cubecraft for some reason

Bro a really long time ago I was playing a game for like an hour because I couldn’t find the last person cuz I didn’t know you had to click the tracking Compass that’s funny I’m going to kill him with the staffs and that one and that one that’s it’s not a killing staff

Where’s my fire sword Hot Potato no die die by the Hot Potato yes why does it make an ool sound what is going on I win woohoo okay uh just leave it all right anyway I also got some uh potentially water here it it’s not water

Anyway what should I play now oh right right right right party okay so uh uh parties invite player give me your usernames let’s go I’m going to play some party games and you guys are going to join me I guess I don’t know yo put your usernames in the chat please I

Don’t know why I’m celebrating while saying that anyway put your usernames in the chat uh okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah so SS uh isn’t SS like a sniping thing or something that’s what I thought it was K you oh wait I already have you here uh submit invite player uh okay

Bunny wait what oh wait stop going chat so fast wait wait wait wait wait uh oh it’s it’s it’s n and then uh okay so bunny uh this Slayer uh wait uh y e r uh 27 I thought you had no numbers in your name uh 15

Uh bam is that it there we go is that everyone uh wait why do you say it like that uh I can say it in one word why can’t you I don’t know the wait you’re talking about him saying it in chat because he I’m pretty sure he said

It doesn’t work in the chat I don’t know um can you only have four people I don’t know but nobody else is saying their name in chat so uh what I can’t say one word because YouTube doesn’t allow it yeah that’s what I thought all right let’s play some minerware

Yeah let’s go I don’t understand the name of this game but I understand the game is fun let’s go this is a good game to play with a party yeah yeah this is this is the good game I play this sometimes when I’m barded of Hive I just

Hop on this and play some minerware CU it’s just a fun game it gets me like actually mad though which is not good but you know uh okay here we go not going to be able to see any of the words that it’s trying to say all right build a Golem got it

Why did it count down from two uh wait Give me the give me the snow okay so I’m pretty sure I can just knock people off no wait they added ice walls so you purposely can’t that’s where did my pumpkin go that is oh wait no give me it

Back oh my gosh what my pumpkin just straight up disappeared when I placed it what was that bro cubecraft what oh there’s zombies right okay kill him right click to turn in okay okay that other game was bull crap bro I I literally my pumpkin just straight up disappeared that’s so so

Dumb hoop shot what oh wait where I’m so confused oh I’ve never played this one before let’s go I win woo I’m so good at basketball my face cam is in the way of the scoreboard that’s annoying Cactus slap okay uhoh uh-oh uh-oh leave me

Alone leave me alone pink Among Us oh my gosh stop stop leave me alone leave me alone you’re dead get out of here this is one of my least favorite game modes but not right now it’s fun oh what the they went into the cactus and didn’t die

Y yo yo yo yo yo you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead did I win I win let’s go woohoo I’m so good at Cactus lap uh why the mask why not that’s why I say to you I tip my hat to you good sir uh oh yeah right this is the game

Where you just have to run straight until he turns red I’m going to stop that person is still moving cool this game takes so long why spider webs why not oh well actually a big arena would probably make people lag but you know okay I’m going to stop this guy is

Still very much moving that’s cool come on come on come on they up the time I think it used to be way less time go go go go go go go go go go yes sir I’m a squid games master what can I say Tower climb all

Right is this the one with the yep hit everybody off here you’re never getting up this Tower never never I’m going to oh I did not know that was the guy in my party I’m going to go up here now there’s no point of doing that it’s just yeah why

Not okay here we go swim the platform this I don’t really like this game mode um okay oh okay wow thank why did the why the Guardians though like this game could work without the Guardians I’m just going to die I’m just going to die to the Guardians this is so dumb

Help help me help me what the heck why why Guardians That’s So Random bro okay my headphones grab flower uh oh I’m using a texture pack Blue Orchid uh this one yes it was the only one that was blue give me my pasta um oh over why are my headphones quiet Harvest six

What what the okay oh I win I’m going to stop other people from winning there we go oh n of that there we go let’s go uh fight and sleep this one stinks it it’s so boring and if one person loses then everybody loses it’s so oh my gosh

I am actually dying help me I’m just going to yep there we go nice let’s go easy peasy sheer sheep they should add musical chaires oh this one’s just straight up like if you’re a mobile player you’re screwed I remember I used to play this on mobile bro and every time this round

Would show up I would get so mad because they did not think about mobile players at all cuz you can’t spam sheer sheep unless you like click the button and aim properly or some chiz like Bouncing gladiators die oh no no oh my gosh I should not have done that well that is unfortunate I’m pretty sure I was the only one that died I’m still in first apparently I can’t see cuz my face cam freaking can’t move it stand on diamond oh this one sucks cuz

The game the game literally starts like Oh I thought it was 2 seconds not three oh my gosh that’s what I was saying the game starts way too soon like why did it do that I thought it was two seconds stack blocks oh this game’s fun cuz watch this cuz once you

Get up to 10 I got 10 now you jump on other people’s no stop them I I don’t think I stopped a single person but you know it’s fine whatever Stepping Stones is this the one that disappears nope it is not oh okay oh yes okay this is one I’ve

Never played before actually wait I might have played this like once okay easy peasy let’s go nice you got to be fast if you’re not paying attention uh hi hello welcome to the stream oh yo it’s it’s B Le okay they should like cut out the the

People not on the leaderboard from the Boss games or something maybe I don’t know or maybe it’s just so everyone well the game isn’t really competitive anyway it’s just a game for fun so I guess it doesn’t really matter but you know oh someone is shooting at me stop

It you cannot place what you cannot edit blocks outside the map what does that mean what stop shooting at me I am very much inside the map stop saying I’m outs I’m not outside the map oh my gosh okay whatever singing in my ear nope die I’m going to go this

Way okay just shoot at people cuz I don’t know what else you would do just shoot where you think they’re going to go I hope I don’t back up into a hole okay come on die anyone I’m just going to spam until someone Falls cuz I can’t do anything else

There’s like not much strategy to this I guess oh dude is stinging in my ear and it’s very annoying I think I win either way right oh that guy fell last second hey I win let’s go all right I am the party leader so let’s do something else

Maybe uh you should play FFA after this I’m in a party so I don’t know would that work uh battle Arena I think I’ve played FFA before yeah wait I have but uh I think it’s a bit laggy so it’s probably going to be even more laggy on

Stream all right let’s see what this is uh samurai warrior Beast I guess I don’t know random because I’m pretty sure you need to rank to choose your location uh people oh I’m lagging here we go all right time to die people Uhuh where are you this guy is fast you will die there we go nope no what the he healed dead dead stop healing what the bro why is he so fast there we go jeez oh my gosh no no I’d rather not okay stop stop what the freak how’d you

Get that hit okay time to die get out no why are you third partying bro get out of here chill leave me alone leave me alone leave leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone okay they’re gone I’m going eat my pasta hold up pasta L Vista that was

Terrible not the pasta my joke oh hello oh you’re gone okay I tried to crit him hopefully the mic doesn’t pick up my chewing there’s a guy behind me okay does this guy have speed I don’t think he knows how Speed Works oh now he does

Okay yeah he is why why is he so fast just let me kill you yes thank you die all right cool um do Warrior next time cuz it’s common Warrior okay wait oh okay wait let me kill this guy there we go now I kill you there we

Go die die yep you’re in the water uh okay they’re fighting what what he can just swim under the map um what okay time for you to die nope no water swimming uh oh I’m stuck help me no stealing my kill don’t you dare nope he’s trying to hit me while I’m

Going up the stairs but I’m going to hit you there we go nice new event in four minutes well I ain’t waiting that long uh okay bro’s trying to crit me not happening die I’m going to crit you instead I have much more armor there we go you’re

Dead come here come here nope I’m killing you now come on yep come on let’s go oh that guy just came in and died gave him free health what was that I’m pretty sure you get health for I’m pretty sure you get regeneration or something CH when you

Kill someone right I think I think you got an EXT extra heart or something I can’t join Hive yeah I know that was so cringe yep pasta L Vista yep I have no idea why I said that just to be weird all right let’s get these guys oh

This guy’s running away this guy someone has knockback sword or some is cuz right I stole your kill these guys I’m pretty sure are teaming oh wait is that low is he low no he’s not he’s at low yeah very much sense puffed uh I’m also at one

Heart uh so that’s not great oh wow okay this Bo guy this bow guy could just kill anyone I can’t join Hive yeah I know because the hive is down I’m on cubecraft right now that’s why I’m not playing Hive this is not Hive um all right hello

I have zero health so I’m just going to come on combos are impossible bro what the heck okay uh all right let’s see sniper wizard Warrior Samurai someone said either Warrior or Samurai but those are boring I like sniper let’s go hopefully he actually gets a sword yes he does

Okay there we go crossbow crossbow crossbow please oh no I am dead why why are you killing me okay wow I guess I’m going with Warrior all right Darkness to wait that’s that’s so good what yo I’m doing so much damage wait oh my gosh he’s he’s out strafing me and

Out lagging me please die please please yes there we go I cannot do like anything I’m so laggy I’m going to go over here to be less laggy uh you can die oh wow okay uh pretty sure bro is just hacking or something what was that

He either had great w taps or or maybe I just suck I think I just suck I don’t think he was hacking I I I just suck I guess uh kit Warrior Warrior is this the one is that the one I chose I don’t know oh voting

Rocket PVP most kills using what okay rocket PVP I get oh no I can’t vote cool all right uhoh I’m dead oh my gosh bro the what how how are these people doing this I’m so confused does w tapping not do anything yeah I chose Warrior um but

Anyway does w tapping like just straight up do nothing or are these people just better like I’m so confused come here you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead nope C why are you killing me what are you doing why why are these people like this what the heck okay this game this game

Is weird I don’t know I suck at it all right let’s see um Parkour Survival Games let’s check this out I’m still in the Party by the way so hopefully these guys aren’t getting annoyed with my game switching solo Oh yeah the my part is too big okay um block wars that I’m

Pretty sure that’s Bridge uh egg Wars is there a trios in egg Wars uh Beast has protection and Warrior has sharpness yeah do they have protection two or protection one that’s the question probably protection two anyway uh teams of four I guess I could do this there’s no trios give me my

Pasta hopefully this doesn’t take forever to load delicious oh all right we’re going oh yeah I chose egg Wars I forgot give me the gold my gold is there Diamonds oh there’s diamonds here uh that one’s out there’s nothing down here I don’t know why that’s even a

Thing is this a toilet it’s literally a toilet okay it’s weird oh I upgraded it okay fortnite update installed that’s cool can you play Zea um maybe I don’t know prob I I don’t know if I’m going to this stream though okay I got blocks

Weapons a wood sword wait can I buy a stone one instead nope all right give me more iron please there we go you can buy full armor pretty sure in this you lose everything when you die uh oh okay I guess he’s bridging um is is that a person that’s a

Person okay this is a weird map what uh you’re not going to our base come here oh wow that’s a lot of fall damage die sir no Golden Apple nope nope nope nope nope nope nope dead he doesn’t drop his stuff that’s so weird okay how do I get back up

Uh this is concrete H interesting okay yeah there’s the bridge I got gold I’m pretty sure gold does something something better I don’t know how rare it is uh iron armor set 21 gold okay I could do that I could do that come on give me 21 22 much

Better all right there we go uh give me more blocks and maybe a pickaxe and then I’m good to go and I’m going to kill everyone watch this another stack perhaps and have out some tools TOS stone pickaxe perhaps uhoh oh that’s a that’s a that’s

Just our teammate Okay cool so now I go and kill some people H Jesu is better than ziga uh where’s the skull emoji oops it didn’t work bro is eating pasta at 10: a.m. in the morning um yeah uh because I don’t know I just I didn’t really have any

There was like we don’t have much for breakfast so I just add some pasta I guess uh anyway this blue guy can die and they don’t drop their stuff so that was pointless or does it just give it to you I’m so confused like oh yeah

You got to get food in this that’s freaking weird what whatever apparently we’re Farmers now we got to get food and stuff or something I don’t know that was a bad analogy or whatever you would call that this is a full team and I am going

In by myself I am so smart die die no stop it I need to kill the guy with actual armor wait there’s another there’s two of them with actual armor I’m out peace I’m going back up let’s go come on yeah give me the emeralds o you can

Die give me the emerald thank you you can die uh how much health you got oh he’s dead give me the emerald uh you can die good sir uh I’m taking a lot of fall damage I hope they don’t jump me and then I just die die die I’m missing every hit die

There we go give me the emerald okay uh one guy on red left did he run away or is he crouching somewhere I can’t see uh give me something food that’s not food food there we go uh golden carrots okay oh a single golden carrot bro um it doesn’t show up for me

Wait let me show some crappy YouTube emojis play zqa uh I could play a different server I don’t know I was going to make a whole stream about trying that other server that’s similar to zigua excuse me um but uh I don’t know I could just do that now

Maybe uh what can emeralds do discounts I’m not going to buy it on that villager I’m pretty sure you can buy enchants with emeralds uh who are you what are you doing you think you stand a chance get out of here um with a cherry on top skull and

Sprinkles what please oh please with the cherry on top and sprinkles um Zea I don’t know uh hold up let me focus on this first and I’ll decide after uh perk shop what huh oh player perks team perks game perks totem of undying death protect what gem perks wait what game perks I

Read it wrong double encounter emeralds no regen okay more emeralds cool come here good sir you are dead yes uh yellow still has their thing so I’m going to go in and kill it going to break that going to break that and how about you come over here

Now come on come on don’t be shy don’t be shy come on yeah yeah no okay fine I’ll just kill you instead sure that works goodbye now I will crank 90s above you watch this and goodbye egg give me those emeralds yes sir come here Zero armor

Man you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead there we go give me the emerald there we go or does it just give me it preg me it or something I don’t know yeah it just okay there’s just a weird animation for no reason okay last yellow guy over here he’s got

Literally nothing I got this I am destroying everyone and I did not buy food cool come on oh oh the wait is this wait I’m purple I’m stupid uh anyway uh aha wait what aha me big puff what Macho Man puff what okay uh Team perks overclock generators cool sabotage other

Generators second hit you can buy a second hit on your egg wow that does so much Auto Repair I don’t know what that does but okay what is this Auto Repair what iron chest plate wait what does that just make it not break that’s weird Okay die

There we go I’ve done all the work so far uh I think or was there more teams I don’t know I thought I did all the work but I don’t know if I did oh shoot I’m going to die did he jump over it oh shoot I’m going over here oh I need

Regeneration hopefully none of these guys hit me uh food golden carrot let me eat oh I did not get enough food golden carrot I that’s way too much for half a hunger but whatever uh-huh let me just get in here you can be blocked off now yes

Die come here die oh he’s sad too bad you’re dead where’d they go is that everyone nope sheesh uh okay wait is there armor is there trackers or something what okay favorite mode huh discounts miscellaneous there’s player tracker one Diamond okay can I can I give you emeralds instead

Please I don’t have any diamonds uh no it refuse uh your other broken items oh oh wait oh yeah no because look it it repaired the durability I’m pretty sure it just stops it from breaking or something I don’t know I’m so confused but anyway wait that that’s what Auto Repair

Does it repairs broken items or something I think that’s what he meant I don’t know you’re said I’m so confused by this game whatever yoink give me the player tracker I will take a player tracker and hey my what blast ball that you couldn’t call it Fireball you just had to call it

Blast ball okay sure cuz you see Fireball would be too similar to Hypixel bro it’s a fireball that’s what it is like what a blast ball all right they’re this way pretty sure this is all it is is a fireball wait let me oh oh yeah my sword is almost broken

That would be what the thing does weapons loses Health when fighting it repairs them okay yeah hello you’re not I’m not teaming with you hey GG okay leave game I clicked the wrong button for leave game anyway uh so thinking about going on another server Zea or something

H what do I think should I go on Zea the title says cubecraft not Zea so I don’t know Um and I already made a thumbnail for cubecraft and not Zea I could do another stream where I play Zea instead of cubecraft I don’t know or like a stream where it’s like checking out practice servers or something I don’t know um I’mma eat now all

Right I I don’t know like I don’t really want to switch up the thing right now uh but anyway I’m going play some survival games uh I think maybe I disband the party I guess I don’t know CU I just want to kind of just play

Stuff but I don’t want to like I could disband the party but I don’t know uh huh what about like parkour let’s try some let’s do a little more things with the party before I disband it because I do want to see does does my party does my whole party

Go into parkour all right let’s go difficult and let’s go uh Beach level one sure can you reinvite me bunny Slayer uh come on cubecraft sucks yeah but I mean I don’t know I just I I already made like the title and the thumbnail and everything and like I’d have to undo it

Maybe I could make a thumbnail live or something make a title and thumbnail live I don’t know uh I mean I already title isn’t doing much but because you just got to think of something but uh making a thumbnails I could show you how to make it how I make my thumbnails or

Something I don’t know but anyway I’m going to do this parkour uh that’s a ladder okay yoink M okay up here up here over here I’m so good at par core yes I’m insane okay wait there’s a ladder here there we go wait is that even possible I

Don’t they really expect me to do this bro bro what what is that where do I go okay I guess not uh I got to reinvite that guy I guess I don’t know uh actually okay well I don’t know I’m like I’m trying to think do I want to go on sequa

And change everything uh I don’t know social menu uh parties uh invite player uh let’s see uh bunny oh here it is it’s just pre- typed in my PlayStation Now cool my pasta is gone so that’s great competitive parkour quick play yeah your part is too

Large for this queue okay uh I don’t know what to do now I could switch to another server I don’t know I’m trying to think what should I do I don’t know um was good mate okay this guy just rejoined and leaving would be kind of

Sad for him I don’t know um oh I could do SkyWars uh like trios or squads or whatever uh let’s see yeah there’s fours all right bet let’s do do that play hesu is it hesu or Jesu or how do you pronounce it I it’s it looks like hesu or would that

Be yeah hesu I think that’d be hesu right or am I just dumb I’m I’m just dumb I think but you know whatever all these practice servers needs to get better names bro I why am I still Redstone kit I thought I switched but anyway all these practice serers

Needs to get better name bro it’s like zeka Zea Zea pretty sure it’s actually called like Zea or something I don’t know I I still call it zqu cuz that’s what I’m used to uh I got one chest I think that’s what everyone gets cool um all right time to icy Bridge

There we go uh give me all the loot I’ll take that there’s a team over there on that island and I’m going to shoot them like so oh they’re all hiding cool oh yes diamond sword why does this team get so much better stuff give me it all yes sir

Come on there we go what is this fire protection it doesn’t matter okay cool the glasses are piercing my ears right now so fun is there a diamond chest plate no but I’ll take that and the bow I’ll take the bow too I’ll I’ll just yink everything from you cuz it’s all mine

Mine mine mine mine mine all right I’m pretty okay what are my other team doing I have no idea these guys are think they can just come over here nope you’re gone all right I’m a 1 V10 then let’s go you’re dead you’re dead You’re Dead die critical critical death critical death

Yes there we go all right what did you have Diamond pants I’ll take those Oh I thought that was their teammate okay another guy up here oh how do you oh there’re stairs okay oh he’s running he’s making a dash I hit him it it didn’t do much cuz he’s too

Laggy snowball snowball snowball I want the kill oh man oh our teammate is dying we should help him uh hello you’re dead come here nope you’re dead I guess cuz the other guy’s running there we go come here I’m going to win this there’s only a couple teams left it’s

Death time it’s death time he’s trying to warn his teammates he’s too late is there a trap there’s no trap cool I’m going kill this guy first cuz they don’t even know I’m here uhoh uhoh he’s going to PVP oh he’s at three hearts though hello guys uh just leave me alone

Oh just leave me alone wait wait please please please please I was just joking it was just a joke guys it was just it it was just a joke I swear it wasn’t a joke I’m going to kill you I suck at this I should just shoot them with my

Bow how much health four come on three you’re not blocking off anything you are still very much visible ah I screwed the wrong way no oh gosh oh my gosh they’re doing damage stop uh they might have golden apples oh they definitely have golden

Apples uh how do I oh they dug into the ground bruh uh you you can die you can die no come on you can die bro I can’t hit this guy wait I’ll block I’ll block you off there we go now I can kill them die die no Golden Apple will keep

You alive there we go now it’s time for you to die come here NOP no no no no no no no no no no oh I’m so dead I am so dead I am so dead no I’m not I’m still alive ah wait okay I’m going to block

Him off if they come over here oh they’re so close to dead where’ they go oh there they are I see them cranking 90s above them okay now I’m going to hit him with the nope guess I’m not all right come over here nope come on one more combo one more combo

One more combo yes Victory let’s go all my teammates were just standing there yay I did it uh can I join the party uh sure BR uh okay you carried yep all right uh what’s your name guy who wants to join I I’ll let you join

Jinx is that your name j Jinx J I’m pretty sure that’s how you would say how you would say that I don’t know my reading is terrible I am sorry uh but anyway there’s duels SkyWars do chaos the heck VIP level three well no no what no wonder

Why there’s three players on it why would you make a game like that um I can’t change my my name for some reason huh well okay but can you send me your name so I can invite you to the party if you’re is that is that what you’re trying to do I don’t

Know uh all right 100th message for some reason oh yeah okay 101 where’s all the messages what it’s saying I’m getting sent messages but I’m not oh wait oh I said it three times I said this three times already but I didn’t huh okay but wait I’m so confused you said your

Name three times already or you said you can’t change it three times already are you still trying to join I’m so I I don’t know I’m just stupid I’m just going to play another game I don’t know what he’s doing oh okay he sent it uh back to Lobby I

Guess okay social menu parties invite player uh it’s uh W wolf uh e three uh 013 there we go 33 all right the party invite has been sent so now uh there’s no squads for survival games unfortunate I sent the party so never mind I all right see you later uh he joined

The party oh why’ you join the party if you got to go I got to eat be back later all right well you can leave if you want it’s fine does I I still have a little bit left delicious what I forgot to change my kit again sad chest

Plate uh pants just going to play this okay more pants there why is there so much garbage there’s like barely anything uhhuh I got pants for someone oh everyone’s just going cool here I’ll I’ll drop you oh please don’t fall off the edge and I’ll give

You a helmet too there you go everything you need give me this uh netherite upgrade thing but I that I don’t have diamonds so that’s kind of useless but okay uh my teammate is running from someone oh wow they have lots of stuff uh I was going to oh they’re golden

Apping why would you go in they have Golden Apple oh it’s oh no uh-oh they have a lot of stuff um um okay i’ prefer if you could chill I’d prefer to chill I’m just going to walk over here now if that’s okay with you I’m just going to

Yeah even if it’s not okay with you oh uhoh jump oh I jumped over an arrow that was so cool I thought they were right behind me ow oh shoot they’re right there okay bridge bridge bridge bridge bridge block trap go away no no oh shoot oh my gosh uh get me

Out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here get me out of here do I have any projectiles I have a cobweb cool um ah no Boog Go’s here and blocks go here okay he’s not coming after me nope

He’s coming after me maybe I don’t know uh I need stuff any golden apples any any golden apples no another cobweb though okay that’s useless uh cake wait I can make a cake Yum Yum Yum delicious okay another netherite thing cool uh all right maybe I can kill him this

Time oh he’s trying to knock me off okay I can’t hit him oh there we go I hit him I’m not not great with bow okay if I could oh wait I have a diamond chest plate oh yeah I forgot you could just stay over there

Stop shooting at me please no stay back oh my gosh dude they’re doing so much okay uh oh my gosh you’re still shooting at me I don’t like this can you go go Discord oh wait why is my Apple okay okay uh I go on Discord oh shoot oh

My gosh leave me alone please block trap there we go what what what he jumped over the block excuse me bro okay wow uh can I play W um I don’t know I think is my party full oh that’s not what I meant to do hold up let me check my

Party uh there’s a lot of noise going on upstairs oh yeah one left okay yeah just send me your name uh you’re the last one that can fit so send me your name I am out of the good stuff no more liquids presumably water but you’ll never know it’s not

Water just send your name and then I can invite you to the party or if you’re not in I don’t know if you’re in yet I don’t know I’ll play until you send me your name I might be recing my teammates oh sorry if you were in the game already

Oops brah okay well he sent me his name I’m going to have to reue you again I am sorry I’m trying to do this the best again H I almost clicked leave party that would have been bad ah it’s everyone has its in their name oh wait oh it’s it’s not okay wait

X has uh party invites disabled your party invites are disabled you got to reenable them tell me when you reenable them cuz I’m going to play a game you got to reactivate your PES I don’t know how you do that but figure it out I don’t know delicious my

Neck I don’t think the mic picked that up but my neck just cracked really loud uh that’s it I’m done oh oh yo okay I don’t think that guy was on our team but anyway uh it’s a oh it’s op mode cool now I can actually get the stuff I

Want uh netherite Ingot okay I could I could really use a helmet three chests later and I still don’t have a helmet uh Quick Charge piercing I’m going to go quick charge uh get that there get that there get that there and that one there cool yeah that’s nicer

Okay uh I could really use a helmet nope okay cool I’m just going to go over here I guess there’s a chest here helmet yes sir and a upgrade thing smithing template whatever it is I don’t know all right let’s go Buster Brown we’re getting all the netherite gear whoa ender pearl

Cool projectile protection 4 jeez okay uh I want that netherite right where is the smithing template I don’t know where it is what the prince Zam oh shoot block them off don’t let him over no oh gosh I’m on fire oh no oh no uh I don’t think we can win this

Dude eat the golden apple eat it what the heck what why does this why does Minecraft hate me eating food it does this with Co fruit and golden apples why no is my teammate still alive my um oh he’s dead now okay I re enabled it okay yeah leave

Game uh what leave game please wait for your party members in your game to finish before doing that they’re all dead what do you mean oh my gosh jeez okay uh so uh invite player let’s see your name again uh and there we go yes I sent you the invites all right

Just join up um I’m assuming full yeah the I just invited the last guy because I don’t know why this game only allows four people in your party that’s annoying but I mean I don’t know what other games I play besides Mega I guess I don’t know uh

Sorry okay four people yeah he’s in should I maybe I should do other servers Too I don’t know I don’t know I kind of maybe maybe like next stream or something I don’t know cuz now I’m just playing Q cubecraft um but maybe next stream I’ll do like exploring Bedrock servers or something oh this is op mode again or like normal

Mode or whatever I forgot to change my kit I keep forgetting I need to do that mhm grab it all and now I am full armor and now I got this and this and that and pleas uh bow oh whoa whoa whoa whoa power three oh my gosh protection fire

Protection protection I’mma just put the protection on bam easy peasy all right oh no no it oh my gosh it didn’t go in the chest I was trying to scroll through the chest are you kidding me and I get to watch it in replay on my

Freaking iPad CU there’s a little bit of stream delay no oh my gosh I can’t believe I just freaking did that oh my gosh bad yep I know no need to rub it in ah man that’s so unfortunate I’m going to readjust my blindfold there we go all right well oh timer sto

Daily timer yo uh wasn’t there someone who it was pyro I think who liked the timer for some reason I don’t know what that was all about oh wait I I think they’re all dead uh no bunny Slayer is still alive I think okay well he’s

Dead uh oh there they are all right let’s see what’s going on can they win I think um yep he’s dead all right it’s just bunny Slayer left oh uh he might win this actually no wait he’s really low oh no wait I I’m pretty sure he’s yeah unfortunate okay one more

Time why did my chat scroll up yo what’s up m don’t say that actually uh wait the actually oh wait um wait I don’t wait well um uh please don’t say that I don’t know uh freaking well I guess it doesn’t matter if they’re well I don’t

Know let me just remove that message uh uh nope you can’t remove messages okay well can I put them in like timeout for like 10 seconds there we go okay yeah that deletes it um yeah okay I just need to delete that message but hello welcome to the stream but uh

Uh don’t use that word please I don’t know uh okay familyfriendly stream I guess I don’t know actually doesn’t really matter I don’t really care that much but like whatever I’m just going to forget about it I guess okay I’m a 1 V10 these guys let’s go they they actually can’t

PVP well I’m kind of surprised all right usually these cubecraft players are really good for some reason uh okay yep you’re dead there we go and the last guy here we go he’s actually got some armor WTF God talking about me killing all the people or oh yeah Squad wiped the entire team

Thought on little what uh huh I don’t have thoughts on them because I don’t think about them uh okay goodbye is that the correct answer huh Squad wipes are easy on CC don’t even brag well I wasn’t really bragging that guy said I was a God but I was like

Oh yeah I just Squad wiped the entire team but I didn’t I literally didn’t even notice that’s why I said oh yeah I just Squad wiped but I’m not disagreeing with with you it’s not it’s sometimes it’s there’s just a team of people or like mobile players who don’t know what they’re

Doing oh hello I have like no armor actually wait yeah no yeah I don’t I don’t have armor this guy has better armor but he’s dead okay is that it nope there’s one guy left okay uhhuh Oh I thought that was loaded okay I’m die back up a little bit uh thank

You hopefully he doesn’t have a bow cuz I am going to eat that there we go one shot oh shoot okay there we go nope okay I thought I could block trap him yeah I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m

Going to die never mind I’m so good there we go oh he jumped off let’s go nice won the game uh back I guess curve craft is it oh video clip saved okay wait I got to record again okay nice you carried again L all right what should I play now

Uh let’s see how about Lucky Block is there Lucky Block squads by the way they all Bots huh not even really real players XD yeah but still oh yeah teams of four okay hear doesn’t matter my team’s hyping me up so got a big head

Now what is this why does it do all that bro just give me the bow shotgun bow cool I thought it was a wand the elevator thing is cool oh can I oh is he just pre-t tamed cool he’s it’s a very laggy horse but I got a horse I can’t Mine

Blocks oh I want I want it it’s mine nope he got it okay cool anyway I’m going to jump over here now let’s go break the break the where what oh he’s back there what the heck okay oh telescope I see you w Wait wlf go okay who’s you who’s you I can

Zoom on people oh oh hello I see you you’re trying to kill me wait is he trying to ride my horse hey get off my horse no I I didn’t mean to kill him no you teleported over there what okay what was that no my poor

Horse uh hello I got a saddle o and a thing but I’m not going to ride you cuz I will actually die uh Hive down yeah that’s why I’m playing cubecraft chorus fruit okay what the heck was that what was that sound shotgun bow let’s oh wait let

Me oh that’s why the horse died cuz I had a shotgun bow oh I see oh Bow is charging up wait can I I want to get close and shoot you cuz then all the arrows will hit no it takes too long to charge

Lava come on it’s time to die yeah I got him what he he took my lava with him that’s hilarious okay wood sword let’s go come here you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead come here nope goodbye you’re gone let’s go easy peasy that

TNT exploding is I it never blows up I don’t know what that thing is anyway nice good diamond sword give me that red Lucky Block uh food cool wait no give me that ah yo my goat wait did you just well hello welcome to the stream if you just showed

Up I think wait is he already here I don’t know all the people with like the letter profile pictures I can’t tell if they’ve been here because I can’t recognize the profile picture boink got him block got him nope die die there we go nice epic hits and another telescope

Cool Oh shoot what the that scared the crap out of me holy jeez I think there’s a guy up there no he’s over here what is that TNT doing TNT wand blow up come on come on come on come on come on this is going to be so funny

Yes that was great enchanted golden apple holy I’m going to get the elevator here CH a golden apple here oh two elevators nice okay well I just win the game if what the heck I think that was a goat horn holy crap that sounded so weird stop dude

Chill TNT wand no 6 seconds oh my gosh I’m going to teleport Before Their Eyes watch gun now I jump you no TNT W you no get back to the TNT get back to the TNT go go go go go go no I was trying to oh I

Beat him with my fist okay nice uh KB and combos are weird on cubecraft AKA curse craft yeah they are again okay Lucky Blocks again uh I’m back I’ll join uh I so no there’s already a full party so yeah I already got a full party I’m probably

Going to maybe disband the party or something I don’t know just to let more people in uh fall yeah I didn’t fall though he’s predicting my future I guess Oh I thought that was a creeper all right uh telescope cow okay cow is cool oh what

The get out oh my gosh jeez another cow is AFK kick him okay I’ll kick him uh and invite someone to the party what is this a mob wand all right another Cactus so cool get the get the cactuses out of my inventory I don’t want them water bucket how nice and finally

Frosty cool and he got a frosty too TN oh brout thank you what is it Stone shovel okay uh sheep okay don’t need those okay potatoes ender pearls okay I’ll take those okay and I block don’t need that cuz I don’t got a pickaxe I’m Puffs wolf cool lava bucket

Nice TNT and is that flint and steel that’s a lever all right how about I do this uh like so uhuh nope that’s the wrong angle okay well I’m out of blocks uh that’s fantastic don’t want a zombie don’t want a TNT I’ll take a

Bow which just give me I just want block get out of here I just want blocks please oh shoot hello uh I’ll why you throwing it just hit people with it oh he killed my teammate I want that trident but he’s he’s got to go there we

Go I got a goat horn yes wait give me what it just spawns a goat it doesn’t even make the sound I’m running away oh hello uh I’m going to go over here now but you can have this it’s a skeleton bruh okay okay leave me alone

Leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone I’m going to hit you in the void nope it did not work cool cool I’m getting jumped I’m getting jumped I am getting jumped I don’t like this I don’t like this get me out please that worked all

Right uh how about uh oh it’s still recharging um invite me for funny uh wait yo why wait what hold up yo why can’t I say the nword um because that’s I don’t know it just it’s just not a good word I guess I don’t know I I mean I’ve never

Really like I don’t know if I should allow that probably not cuz there’s probably like 10 year-olds watching the stream and they probably don’t even know what that word is but still I have no clue but uh I don’t know I I don’t really delete

Bad words usually so I don’t know if I should for that get him wolf get him yes the wolf let’s go all right only a couple people left where is everyone uh three three people left okay and I am very low no stop clicking the crafting table

I want the what the I’m moving it what the heck can I not just nope okay I I that blow up blow up no cool okay well I guess that’s not happening uh going over here going over here and is there anything I can do I’m like completely

Out of stuff and I’ve got no oh wait here’s food uh is You full party uh yeah is your party full or whatever you said yes it is but I can get rid of the AFK guy what okay okay well I guess that’s that uh to

Leave the game okay uh oh it’s because of the AFK guy yeah let me kick the AFK guy or so here wa what players are still what okay jeez now I can uh wait invite players leave party party members uh kick there we go I can invite another person now

Someone put their name in chat um you got an open spot yes I do uh probably because uh we bad word you can say uh by the way good I like you golden apple or Enchanted one oh yeah wait did I still have the enchanted golden apple I was that last

Game I can’t remember uh invite me invite me uh wait I could dis spam the party and invite different people this time dispan party okay uh invite all right everyone give me your name so I can play with a new set of people uh okay wait uh a l l

Um no wait it’s not Double L it’s i e okay uh wait n why are ah y e s that’s your name submit okay let’s invite more um oh wait actually before I invite anyone else I do want to play Survival Games once I’m going to do survival

Games then I’m going to invite more people cuz there you can only have like up to one person here it is okay yeah I want to play Duos one round of Duo survival games and I’ll invite everyone let me do this and then quick play uh okay yeah I’ll invite more people but

First I just want to do one Duos yeah okay holy cow 12 viewers on a cubecraft stream gez m m Uh okay uh no weapons oh here’s a weapon I’ll take that can I kill people now nope give me the stone SW was just have sharpness too so I don’t need the stone sword never mind oh okay people are dying cool oh no someone’s targeting me oh okay he’s not targeting me

Anymore I’mma kill you oh he’s got an iron sword yes got him let’s go me and my teammate survived that yes okay um I don’t have pants that’s not great uh pants here we go holy cow there’s a lot of stuff why is there so much just random stuff like blue lapis like

What there’s just random stuff for no reason it just clutters your inventory uh you can probably drop uh over 15 kills as easily yeah maybe uh but there’s I don’t I don’t know if there’s even enough people to do that in this anyway wait where’s oh there’s golden carrot yo teammate

Help there’s people coming where did he go why is he running that way come over here please teammate teammate help no you can’t delete the leaves why teammate okay I’m just going to mhm okay here we go come on it’s time to die I got the low ground

He’s coming to help let’s go let’s go give me the iron chest plate my inventory is so cluttered right now oh my gosh okay let me just get rid of this put that there this is sharpness to that’s better put that there uh honey bottle I don’t know what that

Does oh okay I did not mean to pick those up okay where where did my teammate go I did not see where he went oh well I guess he’s gone now uh baked potato oh wait I have golden carrots really jeez my throat oh he he clutched up

Okay dang l y l okay that was one round let me invite some people to the party now uh let’s see let’s preferably people I haven’t invited already uh okay who’s this guy wait uh go uh let me see uh it’s another a and then an xx and then a

A okay submit there we go and then okay uh yeah I don’t think he was in my party already so let me just do him was he in my party I don’t know no field is that I again I forget how to say his name Noah field I think it

Is Nawa field Nawa field I think it was Nawa field mute it wait oh no my mic’s on now how long have I been streaming for oh yeah 1 hour okay well actually with the other stream it’s been like two hours uh let me put the playback speed back to okay there we

Go so now that I have four people in my game I could do egg Wars I guess again actually well we already I already did egg Wars but actually minor where I could do another round of that that was a fun game uh for Vi what should we do 2 V2s

Is there 2 V2s on Q craft is that a thing or is it only one V one m a wear fun too all right let’s do that Hive is back I forgot how I’m or something yeah I well I wait bro forgot how I’m or something what I forgot your

How to say your name I forget every single stream I’m pretty sure I said said Nawa field and you said that was correct last time so my throat is dying and I don’t have a freaking I don’t have my Water uh oh it’s this one okay there we go it’s this one oh nope it’s not that one let me in jeez UHA and trophy nice easy peasy I love cubecraft CTF Capture the Flag oh yeah there’s other game modes like that I need to try those but

Someone said Hive is back I want to check if Hive is back um I might continue to play cubecraft even if it is back cuz that’s the whole point of the stream but I’m might just check if if anything’s happening with Hive right after actually oh he’ll dispan the party ah just play cubecraft it’s too good yeah I’ll play cubecraft um oh yellow wool I need yellow wool don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t hit me don’t do it don’t do it don’t do it okay there we

Go um it’ll disband the party if I leave uh right I want to see if anything’s actually happening with Hive give me all the Nuggets no quick to turn them in there we go Hive isn’t back it isn’t then why the heck did that guy say it

Is it’s a scam artist or something I don’t know sorting system uh all right um materials and gems glass okay wait glass so I’ll do glass oh wait more glass okay oh there we go nice that was easy uh what’s the texture pack is PVP Midnight Warrior on the marketplace

Because my pack thing wasn’t working for cubecraft so I can’t use my usual pack and oh my gosh my blindfold is H pulled up my big forehead wait I can just readjust it with my headphones right I forgot about that okay uh texture pack please tell us Hive isn’t back okay it’s not

Back but the texture pack is PVP Midnight Warrior on the marketplace it cost like5 or $8 or something like that I don’t remember stack block oh yeah this one’s easy 8 nine 10 why is it not okay there we go now I jump on you and jump on you

So you can’t build up there we go nice ruin that guy’s game yo streamer what to my party get in VC question mark I can’t oh wait oh you got to fill up the thing oh I was so confused wait I’m going to strategically throw snowballs like one at a Time come on fill in every Gap there we go want to get a little more I can’t go in VC because I my uh PS4 doesn’t allow you to go on Discord yes let’s go we did it last second going on Discord is always annoying on stream because like I can’t

You guys can’t hear the people I’m talking to because I if I connected to my headphones to actually hear them then uh it literally would not just it wouldn’t go through you because you wouldn’t be able to hear it on stream so I’d have to put my mic up to my iPad but

Then I can’t hear what they’re saying so makes it more Awkward I tried that one stream and I could not understand what anything the guy was saying so nerd pole oh yeah blocks okay goodbye I think that’s the same guy I ruined last time goodbye and let’s go nice easy

Peasy back on my OG profile picture oh yeah nice I remember that one uh say my wait say my name my name is green stacked okay green is that what yeah I’m pretty sure I read that wrong but whatever he’s probably trying to get me to say something not familyfriendly or

Something I don’t know uh wait oh I got him all let’s go nice night fight okay you’re dead come here come here NOP oh I am dead laggy laggy fighty okay cool that was just dumb I could not do anything had like six people attacking me

Uh uh don’t you got school no I’m homeschooled uh okay instant death every time wow that is just so cool what’s your favorite YouTuber uh favorite YouTuber in general probably like just uh H kind of want to say Mr Beast but I don’t know if he’s my favorite he’s a

Good one but his videos are eh like I’ll watch them but I don’t know if they’re my favorite I don’t know who my favorite like hm H favorite YouTuber who’s like someone Jack sucks at life is pretty good um I don’t know uh dress like a mannequin oh wait

Oh wait I blue boots and the black pants it’s the wrong boots give me the oh wait I need the green helmet I did it let’s go um favorite Minecraft youtubers probably Like uh maybe cranex when he was actually uploading uh mushroom parkour trying to think like who what’s a there’s definitely oh daily dose of Internet is pretty good um I I always like whenever I get asked this question there’s always like someone but I can’t remember who it is

Like someone that I would definitely mention uh uh your favorite YouTuber is I’m puffed yeah exactly exactly n that guy sucks he’s terrible he’s his content awful if you watch him terrible awful uh wait do I wait what wait do I just avoid the TNT what am I

Doing grab the flying TNT block wait grab it what I failed what I’m so confused what do you do there bro is speaking facts no no no I’m not speaking facts he’s the greatest YouTuber just kidding he’s the worst just kidding he’s the greatest best YouTuber but also the

Worst YouTuber you know what I mean wait what am I doing don’t get killed by the dragons oh okay keep High Ground I guess oh I am getting killed by the dragon uh how do you even see good question uh do you know not Nico he can

God bridge on Java Edition yeah I know not Nico I used to watch his his uh videos but now he’s doing the kids content stuff so don’t watch him no more uh don’t watch his other channel I would still watch his uploads if he uploaded on his main

Channel so I just I stand around for 20 seconds and try not to die cool my throat is actually dying like for real I have no idea what it’s doing the person on the tree got the right idea uhoh okay okay stop stop you can

Chill uh three two and I think no I did not win uh did I even I came second nice all right uh should I play another round of that yeah well I I shouldn’t have left I all right let me uh 2v2 how

Do you do 2 V2s is there is there sky 2 V2s is it a command like what do I have to do to 2v2 um duels okay it’s too big for this game go to battle arena okay and go to the dels game dels uh SkyWars the party is too large for this

Oh wait oh 2v2 oh random oh okay oh there we go now we can do it all right cool uh I’m playing Hive right now really can someone like actually check uh you are dumb I clicked 2v2 what we found we have found a game for you to

Join yeah what do you mean I’m dumb what I did it oh wait I should have organized my inventory ah crap uh that’s not great uh one second I can’t help you uh okay there we go let’s go oh wait that I thought that was my teammate what the

Freak the the bow combo did not work lava oh he placed the lava too oh shoot he’s destroying me what the Apple why the Apple never eat and I can’t see anything out of my blindfold no there we go jeez bro that Apple never freaking eats you’re bad this guy’s being kind of

Toxic uh I’m on a you and it works oh The Hive is up again cool is there anything cool on it or bro me and puff are not Q gra player dumb oh all right let me see let me see Hive I want to see if anything cool happened

With him even though it disbands the party uh I still just want to see if uh if Hive is back up or like if anything cool happened want a One V one on hive I don’t know hold up uh oh 2,000 players oh yeah it’s back up oh I

Shouldn’t have actually I don’t know if my texture pack would work with the um since it reset easy peasy it’s working nothing happened fq craft what mouse you using I’m not using a mouse I’m using a uh controller PS4 controller uh okay I just wait for this I I got to use the

Bathroom but I don’t know if I should oh yeah oh my texture pack is still working okay yeah cuz it’s going over the other one brah they didn’t they didn’t make bedw Wars no I was hoping they would release bedw Wars and it was down just cuz they were trying to release bedw

Wars ah dang it no well actually um wait they still haven’t announced the actual date it’s coming out so uh why would they release it now I just thought about that but still I still want bedw Wars out please Hive no um we got scammed

Yeah okay um well here let me unable my texture pack because my other one is overdoing it I this stream is called cubecraft cuz Hive is down but Hive is back up so you I don’t know I just play Hive for a little longer I’m I’m going

To set up a Cs and while people are joining I’m going to use the bathroom because I really got to go um wait that’s the wrong one there we go so we can play uh please wait for me yeah I’m gonna just set up a Cs and everyone can

Join uh and my mouse scamming me and my arm dying as well o that sucks I need to get some water too geez oh yeah I’m GNA have to take off my blindfolding hat oh right I forgot about that and I have to put a sticker over

The face cam actually I wonder if I could like well no cuz then I couldn’t get back in uh maybe I could write like here wait let me try this I’m going to see my terrible handwriting I have nowhere to write this uh here wait let me put this down hold

Up let me start a thing first so people can actually join uh SkyWars sure everyone likes SkyWars and then access invite player invite friend oh wait uh invite all I guess I don’t know um I don’t know if that canceled out the invite friend things but nope not Siri

Stop Siri stop Siri jeez n aore g bought uh XV uh hi finally up up XD yep all right I’m going to go use the bathroom there is the code you can join the game I will be right back let me try and write this

Down uh wait it’s going to stick to that side so I’m going to have to write it to the back okay wait let me see uh it’s going to be hard to write in this B uh bad back uh uh soon wait there we go can can the camera see

This dang it it’s reverse a crap okay whatever I’m going to cover you there we go now I can go use the bathroom all right I’ll be back in a second just join the code while you’re Waiting hello I am back oh my gosh okay that took forever sorry jeez my dang cough all right let me put my disguise back on or blindfold or whatever so Whatchamacallit okay put this back on is a whole setup it’s an annoying setup never know how to put on the hat

Properly sometimes it just fits and then I put my headphones on and did I put it on right no I did not cool all right uh okay is there anyone even still in the Cs cuz everyone probably left we go all right there grabb my controller all right uh anyone in two

People cool let’s start one round of normal SkyWars uh you are the wait you are the goat ah thank You greatest there ever was probably not but you know I mean actual skill out the game probably not but favorite YouTuber it depends on you I guess so thank you man I suck at receiving compliments geez knock back Nemo nice ah yes this is the server I’m used to

Now I should probably change the title of the stream but I don’t really feel like it so you know uh Hive is back up everybody yay if anyone just joined I don’t know if they did hello just Cube I want this Ender Chest give me give me give me give me

Nope okay well that’s so fun you know what how about you take the oh shoot okay okay okay okay calm down calm down just Cube just Cube just Cube okay well that’s fun ain’t it I I could I literally could have just like pearled or hit him with a Nemo or

Something but I’m too stupid I guess so you know uh yeah don’t think I’m the goat anymore gosh darn it my cough all right well let’s see who wins this of course it’s just Cube okay uh no oh wait oh yeah he did okay uh I’m skipping school just to watch you that’s

A that’s probably not a good thing you should probably do that instead I am not worth skipping school all right uh oh wait wait uh igtg all right see you later um okay well I don’t know if anyone still wants to do a CS cuz that was open for like ever but

Uh does anyone anyone still trying to do a CS hello Game King on YT Game King on YT One V one question mark I’ll do like one I guess I’m not going to do a whole list of One V ons but I’ll do one sure a I clicked solos uh go

Back uhuh squads there we go go inite player inite friend just cubed there we go you can join up uh presets here why why are my presets gone saved oh my gosh bro okay well that’s fantastic maximum players two or I guess actually don’t matter so I’m just go 30

Uh set rolls yellow lime uh map what which one was it it was is um wait if I see it I’ll remember it spellbrook spellbrook it was spellbrook okay I said it like 69 times uh chest settings uh that don’t matter respawns uh five and then uh wait respawns ore

Weight uh lucky ore down resource ore up Health ore up spell ore a little bit up diamond ore much up and Enchanted ore like four then let me see uh Health on kill and then finally death crates that don’t matter okay uh safe reset One V one uh set just cuz all

Right there we go now start please do me next 1 V one I’m only doing like one one V one I don’t want to do a whole list of 1 V ones I can do another CS but doing one V ones bro all stream gets really

Annoying okay there we go give me that give me that I don’t really actually need a diamond sword but I’ll take it bow blocks nothing give me this give me that and I dig here if I remember correctly yep give me snowballs that was kind of worth it actually MH now I

Go someone said something in chat uh but I asked way before he did really or was that on cubecraft or something or oh well um I don’t know uh I mean I could do a short one V one I guess sure I I I guess I can do somewhat

Of One V one with you uhhuh bam B pow Ender Chest give me all that I don’t have boots don’t think that was boots oh place the block there we go boots and a golden apple nice move that over here that there that there that there and that one

There oh hello we’re going all right cool okay I’m getting destroyed I suck at this now bro I haven’t been playing a lot oh I suck okay my jump resets I think might have gotten a little better actually I don’t know cuz I didn’t jump reset at all before

Like at all not actually at all but oh spell of life that’s not great oh please don’t bow please don’t bow please don’t bow Pearl there we Go o gotcha with the bow uh-oh got him with that bow too got two Redstone I think he only got oh shoot okay oh I got him right back with the combo oh my gosh okay just cubed okay holy oh I’m out of ARS yes let’s go all right round one GG

Uh uh okay three lives Hive is up let’s go I’m going join right now One V one me come back come on Asia better I’m not one v oneing a bunch of people bro I I’m just I it was supposed to be one but that other guy said he asked first so

I’ll do like one life with him I don’t really want to do a bunch of One V ones like I said why am I using a sword I’m supposed to be using a pickaxe uh okay well he’s not going to let me switch so that did not Work oh okay nice projectile trade except I use a snowball okay let me out thank you I miss completely cool give me the Redstone come on come on there we go oh he got the mystery chest that’s not good oh nope okay that’s I was not expecting nope wasted a snowball

Uh-oh oh no I’m dead guess it wasn’t a waste of a snowball m nope my arrow did not shoot nope uhoh he’s going to kill me yes get him in the corner let’s go oh 2.5 okay wait I need red stone red stone red stone red stone yes oh my gosh there’s no

Way I don’t have any Arrows I need he’s got a golden apple that’s not great give me red stone Uhoh I would have had him if we didn’t eat the Redstone no eat the Redstone uhoh I’m dead dang six really jeez this fight might take a while uh bro when will you play cubecraft uh I I just did for the for the past like hour and a

Half I I should probably change the stream title uh I don’t know uh h i I’m not playing cubecraft anymore so I kind of Click baited you Hive is back up now so hey my old skin that was like my skin for like two seconds actually I didn’t really have that for that

Long I don’t have like any projectiles at all so that’s not great a shoot I thought I could get a head hitter does he have spell of swiftness he does okay ah great dang it I couldn’t reach I was just Out Of Reach okay well he’s uh winning very

Much can’t get any arrows either is not going good I almost jumped in there I thought someone was behind me okay arrows arrows nice nice oh shoot I don’t have my pickaxe still let’s go got him put that there sorry I’m not really talking to chat uh uh cubecraft is so laggy let’s

One V one bro you uh can you be my friend I’m not really friending people on high oh he be icy bridon okay dang it I gave him the head hitter it’s not what I wanted no no NOP no no no I missed the last one are you kidding me bro that’s so

Annoying he’s getting me in these terrible terrible positions trying to uh okay yes I take no knock back let’s go okay how got those insane hits dang bro he keeps winning these trades it’s so annoying I’m not falling no no nope let me run let me run let me

Run let me run oh come on I click jump bro H dang all right maybe I’ll just do a couple on V ones uh before I end the stream because I’m going to end the stream soon so I don’t know I don’t actually yeah I’m going to end quite soon actually it’s getting

It’s later than I thought it was um so maybe I’ll One V one that guy do a Cs and then maybe end the stream bro I suck at this I’m so bad dude ah I’m going to die okay well might as well jump in the void oh he jumped off too what the

Heck okay uh okay there’s a lot of chat holy crap I would recommend put okay well I was not paying attention that’s so cool all right GG I guess my throat oh my gosh my throat is dying GG how many kills did I get I don’t know

Oh doesn’t say anyway uh yeah one V one that other guy I guess uh whoever you were if you’re still here can you please uh put your name in chat I’ll do just a simple One V one usernames lrw streamed guys this is kind

Of an L stream I’m I said I was going to play cubecraft now I’m on hive and trying to end and uh I don’t know sorry if this was a bad stream i’ recommend to put your sents at 100 for better aim I I my uh sensitivity

Is at 100 I just haven’t played in a while I really suck right now I’m puff will you me because I uh you can uh EU by the way if you want and I was the first to say to One V one really cuz like 10 people said they were

First uh Me Now One V one against me who is okay I don’t I don’t know who is the guy who was asking before but I don’t think I’m going to do a bunch of One V ones right now I’m just going to do a CS

I shouldn’t have accepted that one V one that was a dumb idea but here join this CS everybody and maybe I can fight I’ll put this I’ll put it to SkyWars uh I’ll put it to the op SkyWars or whatever and then we can all just fight each

Other uh because I really don’t feel like doing a bunch of One V ones right now there it is yeah it’s 12:00 uh I need to end stream soon actually I need to end stream like now but whatever everyone can join the stream I mean the stream the the the game the

Code right here if anyone wants to fight me by can you say more name or do you mean your name or uh rattle King rattle King is I’m pretty sure I’m saying the first part completely wrong start I’m waiting for other people to join is anyone else joining cuz I’ll I

I’m going to start so say something if you’re still trying to join anyone put a one in chat if you’re trying to join I’m going to start in 10 seconds if you don’t 10 9 8 7 6 one okay well um you still try to

Join so I’m not one V oneing you I’m I’m trying to do one big CS so everyone can join featured presets crack SkyWars uh does this have the um uh respawns crack SkyWars I’ll do three extra lives or weit Enchanted ore let’s put that actually one down diamond ore put that

Higher spell ore lower Health ore yeah that should be like that resource ore lucky ore bam okay make map spell book Brook I’m pretty sure it’s solos is it not yeah oh wait no never mind spell brook okay W stream thank you thought it was kind

Of a bad stream but I guess some people might have liked it I don’t know I’m just kind of doing whatever I’m not really doing a specific thing this stream my mic was muted um okay yeah is anyone still trying to join again I’ll give you 10 seconds to

Put a one in chat otherwise I’m going to start so is put a one in chat or else I’m going to start 10 n eight wait is this wait he said one uh is this wait is this you or is that a different guy how long is it

Going to take you okay wait I can’t join right now I have school okay start all I want to start but people are trying to join he joined start there’s only no but there’s another guy putting one how long is it going to take for you guys to join cuz I’m going to

Start I like I you need to hurry oh okay he he’s on okay start the game all right yeah okay four people hopefully none of them are on the same Team I think just Cube just left but I can’t tell because my face cam my throat is like actually dead it’s like not even funny ah this is I didn’t know there was a full extra row of Health but whatever oh I don’t need that what am I doing blocks mine

This more blocks cool no I need to get up come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come come on come on go to Middle it’s going to Pearl there but probably not I guess probably shouldn’t I’m going try and get as many

Chests as I can oh wait there’s pants and stuff okay nice full armor uh put that there that there wait hold up hold up okay okay okay okay Okay all right now he’s running away oh oh now this guy wants to fight okay oh okay he’s getting the combos bro I got the dang High Ground I can’t get off jeez he that other guy actually saved me all right there we go back to

Full get this over here this there this down here um bow here all right there we go now I can get some arrows while nobody’s attacking me oh I can also do this there we go uh okay this might be the last game I do and then I’m going to oh end stream

What the heck no what how is he getting these hits jeez um I’ll trade yep let’s trade come on oh I missed the trade Okay oh okay someone announced something to the Alexi wanted to mute my mic for a second what why are you fighting what okay just went to go fight him instead cool yo full Enchanted armor let’s go or everything except the boots fire protection to spell of swiftness oh Nice okay something announced to Alexa again oh hello we’re going okay that did not work I decided to snowball way too late dang bro he’s just not moving okay and okay again something announced to Alexa these fights take forever I shouldn’t have chose this many hearts it’s going

To take 40 hits to kill people now this quite annoying what why you that was my kill I’m wasting so many arrows and I’m not hitting a single one uh let me go up here please okay I just want some Redstone there we go yeah you can fight him instead I’ll

Just be over here okay bro this is an awkward fight um okay pull this one block fruit berries bridge out uh dang it oh I did it let’s go I’m insane so cracked can I join this was the last game I’m going to be ending stream after this so uh

Yeah poison I completely missed I miss completely wow I suck okay these guys are just fighting I’ll just stand by and watch dang no problem though yeah sorry been streaming for like two and a half hours or something like that or maybe just two hours I don’t

Know I should work I should work on a video I’ve been trying to think of a video idea I’ve been actually wanting to upload now instead of just watching my channel die away as I never upload but uh can’t really think of anything anyone got any good ideas I swear bro

Challenges every time I say anyone got any ideas the only thing that shows up is challenges and I just do not want to do challenges bro even though I made a video literally about three star challenges or whatever it it’s it’s not that great I’m not going to lie

Challenges are kind of eh the way I did it I liked it but I I don’t like just doing plain challenges literally everyone does those so I’m trying to think of an original idea but it’s quite difficult why why are you fighting him what okay he’s fighting me and I’m fighting him

What’s going on this guy’s trying to team me my headphones are louder than they should be I got to talk soft cuz my freaking throat bro my throat I’m get the mic closer to my mouth so you can actually hear me I don’t know if it’s too loud already but hopefully it’s

Not need to be this too boring and I need to beat what do you what does that mean but it’s too boring well uh sorry but this is the last thing I’m doing so I don’t know you can just leave the stream if you want if you think it’s too boring m

I need to think of original stream ideas I have one idea but I didn’t do it this time I have another actually I have two ideas and I didn’t do either of them this time but I was kind of in a rush CU I was failing to start the stream

But it is what it is uh where is everyone there was like 10,000 people here now everyone’s gone uh do you know bedless none no I know bedless noob yes get an extra little sneaky hit there little bit of a cheeky hit oh wow how is he starting these combos bro I am

So confused uh I want that head hitter nope okay B just does not shoot cool and that one does not hit cool 12 12 Hearts okay I might actually win this nope spell swiftness Go Please spell swiftness is not doing anything oh gosh dang it oh my my gosh he’s going to

Win this oh bro that’s so annoying I didn’t know there was void behind me been running in Redstone and it was annoying I should have played more passive I guess but it was annoying I was trying to regenerate H whatever learning three Pro ways to

Bridge in 3 days three days a video that would take three days I don’t know if I would even come commit to that I don’t know why bro making videos that take a while I just don’t commit to for no reason I’ve tried actually and I got

Like super close to finish and then I just stopped editing it and then for no reason started hating the video okay okay okay this guy’s rolling me he gets these goofy hits I don’t know what’s going on only 10 seconds left so no point of running and

Regenerating cuz we’re not even going to finish this fight nice GG all right I think I’m going to end stream now everyone’s awake and they’re making a lot of noise so I might as well go make some noise with them thank you for watching the stream I’ll see you later

Hopefully I can think of a video idea I’ve been actually trying to do that want to upload more uh instead of stream I guess I don’t know uh streaming is still kind of fun though I probably do that every once in a while but probably not as much as I did before

Anyway I’ll see you later goodbye I wave you goodbye

This video, titled ‘Hive is down so playing CubeCraft pt.2’, was uploaded by ImPuffed on 2024-02-07 17:23:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Hive is down so playing CubeCraft pt.2 Stream 34 #cubecraft #minecraft #mcpe.

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    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

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    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/dynastycraft-official-modpack.1982222/aboutDiscord Server: https://discord.gg/fRKxthEv32View our Dynasty Tree: https://app.mural.co/t/dynastycraft4614/m/dynastycraft4614/1703342169285/7d3e8296da894640518ff985c62981ae56bd74bb?sender=u4466355caa360503a5113250 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More