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Is sping me I want to hold on to something greater I feel the was crashing in I’m drowning drowning drowning drowning drowning Drowning the down down down down down Down unless OBS is messing oh no there it goes okay what’s up guys I don’t know why my mic wasn’t registering for a second I noticed the bar wasn’t working so we got that set up I want to go ahead and take a look at the

Stream on my phone real fast because we did change some settings again just want to make sure that it’s streaming at at least 720p which it is so I think yeah we’re good so one of the things well really we got like three major product like projects that I want to knock out

Today uh one being a sheep farm the other being a bamboo farm and and we need to replace our horse we don’t have a saddle because that blew up with a horse with a creeper but we can take a lead and put a horse in the bar so it doesn’t look so

Empty I have a chest over here full of pretty much all the Redstone stuff that I have and I need to actually make a crafting table to put out here we’re going to need that as well I’m also going to need a bunch of blocks uh so most

Likely most likely going to be a lot of the the Deep slate that we mined out uh what we’re going to do what what the whole like ordeal is going to be is for the bamboo Farm in terms of like the inner like workings of the bamboo Farm

Um we’re going to make it and then we’re going to cover it all up into like an external building and so we’re just going to use a lot of our Cobble deep slight for now we’re going to need some dirt too probably take two stacks we’re going to need wood we’re

Going to have to go on like a wood chopping spree as well uh but we need to go to the nether once we go to the nether we take this diorite for Redstone or we’re going to put our redstone block on blocks on and then I guess I have nine crafting

Tables in here so we’ll just take one of those and then switch so we’re going to go to the nether we’re going to mine um quartz and Glowstone quartz and glowstone is going to be the thing that we’re going to need actually I have a flat and steel Here get the obsidian and I guess we’ll take the the golden h helmet cuz that stops the piglins from attacking me right I think I think it’s stops the piglins from attacking me we have redstone blocks here that we can turn into that oh we can make a dark oak project

Today that sounds [ __ ] awesome that sounds great actually we can use some of our dark oak that we got and I planted some dark oak oak trees back there so we can do that what’s up zombie long time no see big old projects ahead of us today

I’m going to need some more gold could be a thing too as for the nether portal I really don’t know where to [ __ ] put it it’s not going to be in the way right now or just like an ugly nether portal just sitting hanging out out

Here think I probably want to throw it underground if anything anything yeah just throw it Underground when it’s out of our way and if it’s an isore it’s not a big deal for now hopefully I don’t spawn underground but I probably will on the nether at this

Point putting a portal underground oh no nice okay so last time I played all this whole nether update didn’t happen I know I know about the piglins I know about the piglin and stuff what is this wood and can I get a sapling to have it grow in the

Overworld warped stem there’s Enderman here too what is this stuff shroom light I guess we could probably do shroom lights instead of Glowstone I think I don’t think that would be a big deal honestly as long as you’re not too hard to get uh probably use some torches to kind of like follow

Back whatever direction we decide we need to go To I need quartz what is this Warp work block I don’t want to stray too far and go ahead and get lost so I just want to put torches around to make sure that to make sure that we can get back Netherwood is fireproof and very difficult to

Grow very to grow in the Overworld or is it is it okay to grow in the nether bro I suck at this it’s been a long time it’s been a long time since I’ve had a deal with gas and [ __ ] I don’t need like a [ __ ] ton of quartz

But I feel like I should mine it till I get to level 30 so I can put some enchantments on I’m also going to have to repair my my pickaxe probably by the end of this that another different block that I just picked up or is that still count this nether

Wck they made a different noise this red Redwood Crimson St cool I feel like what do I mine these with the shroom lights I feel like my pickax isn’t isn’t doing amazing for him do I mine it with an axe no that’s about the same surely it’s not like a shovel

These things attack you don’t they or do they not attack you nope they do or they not attacking me because I have a gold helmet on what the [ __ ] get out of here bipolar ass [ __ ] creatures T will kill you okay oh [ __ ] nice another Fortress that was easier than I thought

It was going to be to find one of them [ __ ] I need like 24 either 24 glow like glowstone or 24 like the shroom light I just need 24 I think well I could probably actually I could honestly probably settle for 12 really really if I spaced it out I

Probably could settle for like 12 which might be actually what I end up doing hello sir how do I trade with you oh I hear blazes [ __ ] off F off I don’t know if I can take these guys right now I don’t even have diamond armor I’m not going to [ __ ] with them

Actually oh what the hell since when the [ __ ] did they set you on fire sure again okay bro why are they setting me on fire by looking at me the dude just looked at me and I got set on fire I do want to follow these torches back

To my portal so I don’t lose it I am looking for nether wart and soul though oh is this a assault biome yo I love the [ __ ] out of assault biomes or are they called be collected by punching C waste sub touch pickaxe okay but it’s so

Slow it’s like super [ __ ] slow to try to punch him all right they touch you canch weapon did he really oh is that why I got set on fire set on fire okay I got a wither skeleton skull I need two more if I see them I’ll try to get

Them I can make it a beacon it’ll be [ __ ] great with the gold sword I don’t know I only have a golden golden helmet on I haven’t been bothered just yet well In fairness I got most of everything that I was looking for for the project that I need that I’m doing

Netherite beaking or nothing [ __ ] that sounds hard I’m still a Minecraft Noob Minecraft Noob these things are [ __ ] cool I like these shroom lights they look a lot better than glowstone to me [ __ ] is that noise blast back yeah I just like I like I haven’t played Minecraft in such a long time but like hitting the gap like fire charges are like a [ __ ] and a

Half for me right now I ain’t used to it yo can I can I take these oh Bro [ __ ] Yeah weeping Vines these look [ __ ] sick okay where are my torches hello how do I trade with you I remember I remember being here but where are my torches leading me back to

Where I was cuz I was in I was in one of the green forests when I came in so I think over here yeah my portal is in a green forest I’m going to assume it’s this one the red and blue mushroom trees can be collect and use like normal wood yeah I

Kind of like it I kind of like the red I don’t I don’t know I don’t know like I like the log for sure I don’t I don’t know about the actual like block themselves or the planks I don’t know if the planks would look good or

Not you trade by throwing gold ingots to Pigman what do they give you like back uh yeah I can Debbie but I’m lazy I don’t want to it’s a it’s a laziness thing it’s kind of like one of those like I don’t want to okay let me

See I don’t need any of this [ __ ] I need the crafting table okay all right uh actually I need a I need some wood I need some wood I’ll take the 18 of the blue wood and just use that St it or what is blue green Crystal was

Kind of purplish yeah I don’t see like I’m trying to stick with sort of a theme but also at the same time I’m not like at the same time I don’t give a [ __ ] you know like everything I make doesn’t have to be pink like this this wasn’t pink this

Looks good you know this is like a stable you know what I mean like a little Barn so mod you I don’t want to okay okay um love the blue wood see uh I don’t know no actually that does look pretty good got blue wood blue wood okay

So we’re going to use some of the blue wood cuz I have it I want to clear this whole area and make it flat like from I’m going to say I want to start at like this point yeah I don’t want to go past I don’t want to go past here with

It the Crimson wood goes well with the Cherrywood I’ll take a look at that too so yeah I don’t want to go past here might be an issue let me I got 20 enchantment levels let me see if I can just get like efficiency on my my axe real quick go see you

Doctor no I like my blue wood efficiency 2 or efficiency 4 for level 30 God damn it it every [ __ ] time level 30 is always like I’m going to give you something real nice you got to start saving Debbie you got to start Auto saving like you’re playing

Skyrim quick saveing like you’re playing Skyrim hold on what about my [ __ ] shovel what can I put on my shovel I can just enchant books I can enchant books and then just stack them you know what I mean so it’s not like that big of a deal same thing [ __ ] look whatever

We’re going to enchant this for efficiency too and breaking to efficiency to that’s fine because we literally we literally can go over here hold on we can go over here and I can take feather falling I kept too uh we’re going to take another efficiency book take two efficiency books like efficiency 2 this is efficiency three whatever [ __ ] it that works it’s on PS4 [ __ ] mro woles mro wood where do I find that zombie uh you have you have copy thinking that’s corrupted my safe [ __ ] PS4 bro sucks when it comes to that stuff what I

Like like I don’t know I’m not I’m not like I’m not GNA sit here and like scream at you guys saying like you know PC is the master race or whatever but like like seriously like like a lot of a lot of my headaches that I I probably

Would have like ran into like the PC is stop but don’t get me wrong this PC sucks and it gives me plenty of headache too you know what I mean like but um it has some advantages so I need to go two three four 8 9 10 11

12 and I’m probably honestly going to have to go 14 I’m just going to stop here stop there to make sure and then let place a block here so that way we we know what we’re working with I’m going to try to do a two for one if I

Can I’m going to try to do the bamboo farm and put the sheep in it too now obviously not where like like the automatic harvesting is coming but like I’m going to try I’m going to try to do like one like half of it with sheep in it a little bull farm with

It bro really a Wandering Trader is the best way to get mro suits okay I’ll take a look at that he pops up quite a bit to be honest with you like quite a bit so I’ll just have to make sure to to take a look at what he has [ __ ] bastards

Them dudes are are [ __ ] super Annoying I was like I don’t know I don’t know how long they were there I wasn’t really paying attention until I heard a noise and I was like what the [ __ ] is that you know and I looked and they’re like [ __ ] sitting there [ __ ] chilling over here like they’re supposed to be over

Here oh actually I need to go get glass uh I need to go get a bunch of sand too I need glass for my project as well okay okay um all right so bam that should be good we need to go get some glass uh question is is

Where where am I going to go get the or uh the sand at um [ __ ] I can’t remember I think honestly I think this way I have a um here let’s back this up a little bit more I think this way I have a sand pit or like

A like a small Beach area I can go tear up yeah like a small Beach area I can tear up that’s [ __ ] off Jesus put this here thank you all right okay now we go get [ __ ] sand I think hopefully if I’m right it’s this way well do we need

Glass yeah and we need glass blocks not pains I’ll tear this up real quick yeah that should be more than enough I really didn’t want to go that far away from my house to go find a sand pit if anything I’ll just come back in here and

Either put water or fill it up with dirt it doesn’t really matter what you collecting the sand for uh so we’re doing a bamboo Farm slash like sheep farm I don’t know it’s going to be weird I’m gonna make the B the automatic bamboo farm and then I’m pretty much G

To put like a Long Barn looking structure around it and then I think I’m G to have space on the other side just to put some sheep or some wool uh for when I do redstone projects I can actually use the wool to put the Redstone

On uh we had a we we’ll see how it goes I’ve got to make I’ve got to make um powered rails and regular rails I got to make a bunch of stuff so we’re like going in and out trying to collect some stuff and I really don’t necessarily

Need the glass it’s just going to help me see if anything’s broken later okay while that’s going we’ll go mess around some more the problem the problem is with this is that I’m I think I’m honestly going to have to smack this right down in the middle like

Really we’re going to use the blue wood cuz we have a little bit of it so [ __ ] it right okay so for the sake of not having it right at the front door I’ll say like right here two three four five six seven8 nine 10 that’s actually a problem I might have

To back this up a little bit uh or maybe 10 like this and then take this off we’ll see how it goes so then put that like that then I need to make a hopper and a couple other stuff iron chest okay for the collection system we’re going to put the chest right

Here the hopper here another chest there I need two more Hoppers so I probably should have just done that while I was over there but brain fart moments brain fart moments so I actually need a hold on I need a hopper mine cart so the left over saying glass think you

Should create an aquarium wonderful fish you’re to add mangra Coral Etc I don’t have mangroves yet I know zombie had mentioned to look at the look at the the wandering trador for the wandering Traders for um Mangrove seeds so I will definitely look into that an aquarium would be really nice

Too especially now that we have this uh how do you make a hopper mine cart again okay there we go yeah I think I think it’ be a good idea right cuz now that I have this fancy blue like wood and stuff yeah definitely I can make a big old Aquarium

Somewhere um around here and then I can use the blue wood and then we can colle I can collect some coral and stuff as well I haven’t really explored any of the U the ocean actually matter of fact I don’t think I actually found a really

Big like big body water yet in this world just a lot of rivers like around where I’m at okay uh real I need tracks so I need sticks gold red stone iron do I have them unlocked yet I guess I don’t I do need to make these this though I guess I need

Cobblestone you need to make Observers How does it go again the rails They’re the iron and then sticks I can’t remember yes and 16 rails then I have I have the recipe now I don’t actually need this many I need the power rails more than anything what am I missing sticks okay that should be that should be enough right

There so it’s going to go powered rail powered rail regular rail yep that’s it then Redstone torches two of them yeah I’m not real what’s up Mojang it’s [ __ ] awesome username dog I dig it okay then I need a I need another redstone torch I think I do need another redstone

Torch sorry guys I’m I’m like half ass remembering I I I did this in Creative half ass remembering what I you’re tring kids that’s [ __ ] awesome that’s great we see I need a comparator which I need smooth stone for and more Redstone torches let’s just make a bunch of redstone torches how about

That bunch of redstone torches I need that too quartz quartz quartz quartz a map room yeah so I played Minecraft up until like 1.17 and I got like super [ __ ] bored and then [ __ ] didn’t play for a long time and so a lot of this stuff like it isn’t

New to me but you’re going to notice a lot you’re going to notice a lot of um old school like things that I do for example like CU I don’t know any better like like I don’t I don’t know what all the new blocks do and stuff like that either

Um I’m G to break this real quick because I need this to go this way then I need a block here I this here and then sink I think yeah I I started playing like on beta uh when w was out I just I quit because I was getting bored

Of the same old [ __ ] pretty much what’s up Travis that didn’t work I have to remember what I did honestly I have to remember what what the setup was hold on one second to that the whole goal is to say items in it so send that on there okay and that

Works plus I [ __ ] up see you later Mojang I’m doing something wrong I can’t remember what that was me second we’ll find out ah D see it’s the stupid it’s the stupid [ __ ] that I forget so it’s completely like what the [ __ ] is wrong with me you

Know know it’s it’s really the stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] that I forget I literally just need I need a block here like bam and then now if we put something in the mine cart what’s going to happen is it’s going to stop here place all the items and when the items are done then

It’ll start going again see had useful Redstone yeah I just like like I don’t know like all everything that I did like everything that I did with redstone back in the day was like super simple [ __ ] like Farms and and they were big and they were bulky and

Now they we have so many new things that they’re making like Redstone doors and stuff that are in Redstone Farms that are like a quarter of the size of what I would make them yeah make L like a quarter quarter of the size of what I was making back in

The day and so it kind of gives me a headache um I have that there catch you later Travis well the noise when you place the blocks okay let me see yeah this went this went over this went over my original like spacing plans went over my spacing plans um

Okay see what we got for Gass any food on me PK chop singular pork chop I don’t want to waste all my apples if I want to make gapples with them later uh real quick I need Cobblestone that’s what I need I need Cobblestone now do I have any just hanging out up

Here got 48 20 that probably should be enough hopefully apple pie to Minecraft yeah honestly like they they really should yeah they should they should add a lot more food items I don’t really I don’t think they added anything new did they like still chicken pork beef carrots potatoes uh

Bread cake I I can’t think if they added any more of anything let’s see uh I need 20 of these I guess I need some more wood what am I running out of [ __ ] Cobblestone ah damn you would think that you wouldn’t run out of cobblestone in

This [ __ ] game but I [ __ ] do consistently consistently running out okay we got 20 of those and I need observers and I need like five of them I think yeah like five of them oh wait [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] up you want onions in Minecraft onions yeah onions should be

Probably yeah I think onions should probably be like a pretty good like definitely onions I agree [ __ ] did I do here uh oh look at me look at this look at that dumb [ __ ] how tall do I want to take this like one more I want to take it one more before Observers and I want to take my observers and I want to put put like one oops which way do they face like you have to place it like behind it right like if I want to put one here yep I need to put one there we’ll we’ll

Destroy that dirt block in a minute if I want to put one here like that we say like one here and then one here is that good like four observers should do the trick to be honest with You like it should do the trick but I think I think I’ll add another one add another two right over here going to go di right I’m the expert what do you mean I’m the expert what I do probably go ahead and plant this too while I’m down

Here go get the clroom lights as well put that move that need this big potatoes you’re going to try code Pizza in [Laughter] the that’s funny okay uh [ __ ] me why the [ __ ] did I just do that that was like a dir d dumb ass [ __ ] moment [ __ ] me that was so

Stupid I need to go around again and I’m probably running out of glass CU I keep breaking all of it because I keep [ __ ] up damn it okay okay I need some more Redstone yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep all right uh um okay okay looks good now

We should be good to start designing the outside of it of course after take all this dirt off out of here yeah I mean that should be it that should be the entire entire farm right there and and as we’re just hanging out it should go ahead and just deposit

Um depit all the bamboo in here if we have any issues I’ll figure them out eventually like it’s not that hard we will end up we end we will end up figuring out if one of these Pistons aren’t actually uh going or not and I know there’s like

One bamboo block that’s already on an observer but the bamboo grew before I had the Redstone hooked up to the Piston so now we just have to wait for one of these bamboos to hit to grow to a new Observer and then it should all break him again but it should be functioning

So I I have no I have no problems with trying to encase this and close this whole thing were you really that’s cool dude I have a [ __ ] ton of sugar cane like all right I don’t know how long you’ve been watching chis but like I’ve got like at

Least 120 pieces of sugar cane like all around and I was thinking about making one and I just never [ __ ] did it and they just this just been that this entire time and that is the entire time just G to stay like that maybe maybe not it’s kind of ugly

Looking I might I might end up like making a small sugar cane Farm or something something I might just like throw underground you know like a tiny one I don’t need sugar cane for that much I don’t plan on baking any cakes anytime soon oh [ __ ] yeah you do actually yeah

Completely forgot about that yeah I stopped playing after 117 so I have any even touched an elytra yet Chris haven’t even touched it haven’t seen it nothing not even close to getting it or uh anything involving making fireworks either absolutely nothing I have not messed with [ __ ] okay so grab our dark

Oak we’ll turn all this into polished you went way over yeah for real honestly like I don’t know how Overkill this Farm is at all I I haven’t got a single clue if this is going to be a problem or not not even a slight clue if this is going to be an

Issue I feel like it’s only like it’s only 20 blocks it’s only 20 blocks of uh bamboo so I don’t feel like it’s going to be insane I feel like it’s going to be insane but you never know never know I was going to use it for some furnace Fuel and

Stuff use it for some furnace Fuel and stuff I don’t know how many blocks that is at all have to eyeball it I didn’t count probably should have though sidetracked and decorated our Christmas tree instead I’m oh you’re going to make a crop spawn hell yeah [ __ ] like that’s probably

Good the roof is going to have a peak to it so I’m not super worried okay did all of it break all of it broke nice that’s the only thing sometimes they’ll get caught like right right up on the [ __ ] stem itself but it shouldn’t be that big of a deal and the

Mine carts actually yeah there we go so yeah it’s functioning that’s a lot 54 pieces per like Oreal that’s awesome what’s up flaming um we made a little bamboo farm and I’m just enclosing it yeah just enclosing it use a carpet duper you turn bamboo blocks to the building with yeah yeah

The bamboo the bamboo like Oreal is just like it’s just going to be like smelting and and I don’t know maybe we’re going to use wood for it all kinds of [ __ ] yeah I feel like that’s I feel like that’s a pretty good amount like I mean obviously it’s going to vary

Because we don’t have we don’t have Observer blocks we don’t have Observer blocks on every single like row so it’s definitely definitely going to vary a little bit I also said I did want to turn this into somewhat of a sheep farm too like I just want to throw some sheep in here

With it so I can grab some wool um so we’re going to put like a little fenc in area in here it’s not really necess NE supposed to look good on the inside it’s supposed to look all right on the outside type of deal you do

Scrapping I have a little bit of string I think I have a little bit of string think I have a little bit of string I haven’t haven’t really run across that many spiders I don’t think I might have like a half a stack or something I’m also always running out of coal so

Like part of the reason that I wanted a whole like a whole Oreal for bamboo so I can start using it as fuel so I don’t have to worry about coal so much as well guess I’m going to do like a corner door

Like I guess I can do this I can do like a door here that leads me into here and I could do like a door here it leads me into this section I’m going to close this in I think this is where I’m going to throw all the Sheep into

Honestly is this side over here I actually think I want to do one more layer of this real quick and then I’ll start doing dark oak planks with some of it or I honestly you know what I honestly should probably I don’t know what do you guys

Think should I do the D the the dark oak wood or should I do the cherry wood because the Deep slate and Cherry obviously looks pretty good or deep slope deep slope deep deep uh deep slay and oak logs they look pretty good I also alternatively have Spruce but I

Don’t have a lot of it so that’s why that wasn’t even on the option list oh yeah guys by the way I have a Discord put doors in front of the chest back SP mobs I have a Discord that we hang out in there’s a channel called stream chat and if you

Guys ever wanted to show me something while I’m streaming other than a video so any pictures or anything like that you can go into the stream chat and post a picture and I can see it on my other screen I got three monitors so I’m

Playing the game on one I got chat on the other then I have the the Discord Channel pulled up if you’re like hey take a look at this m thing real quick so I can mimic it or you can give me an idea or something dark

Oak what should I make the roof out of it’s going to be a peaked roof like that but actually like all the way up like I going to peek all the way up to the top instead of being flat if I can help it okay let’s see I’m going to put I’ll

Put two layers or three layers of dark oak and we’ll see how that looks yeah look pretty good we’re going to do some designing obviously like past this but that’s pretty good I almost want to do some Cobble deep slate for the next layer to be honest with

You right so it’s a little like different texture as we go up I think I only have one more layer we’re going to do one more layer up this one two three we’ll do the Cobble instead of the nice the nice um polished you have more subscribers than me that’s cool

Man much love let’s see uh [ __ ] know why the [ __ ] I have dirt gu to climb up with any thoughts on the roof guys the Cobble deep slate dark oak stairs would match the dark kind of Corners okay that makes yeah that honestly makes sense because yeah the corners and the

Middle so we did like deep slate dark oak and then more deep slate there she goes all right so all right how are we looking right now I mean obviously you know we’re going to have to do some designing on the outside like add depth and stuff kind of like we

Did it’s going to kind of look like a fat flat blob over here right now yeah pretty much exactly what it looks like guys to save on some headache um I think I think I’m going to do a um I think I’m going to

Do uh deep slate and dark oak in rows so um for this first row I’m actually going to do well we’re going to do like Cobble deep slate and we’ll do Cobble deep slate and U dark oak just so I don’t have to go chop a [ __ ] ton of dark oak

Trees down again um put this polished up really fast I’ve got to go see if I can get some torches though for sure because it’s going to get real dark in here maybe I think we might be good we should be fine actually for now the wood cutter

Yeah does the stone cutter does the stone stone cutter actually like is there an advantage to using the stone cutter over like over the over crafting this is going to be a little bit of a [ __ ] [ __ ] hold on I need I need I’m going to do spruce

Doors going to do spruce door doors six cobblestones to make four Cobblestone stairs St you only need one Cobble for one stair oh nice I didn’t know that how do you make one you make a stone cutter one iron inot and three blocks of stone

Just SL this St in the row and place iron top really huh well [ __ ] I should have [ __ ] done that then uh I guess if we have to make any more stairs for the the Cobble or the uh the Deep slate I’ll uh I’ll make a stone

Cutter because I have I have everything for it already in that chest down there uh doesn’t does the stone cutter uh take durability does it break is it kind of like an anvil it doesn’t break okay that’s [ __ ] cool we’ll definitely make one then we will definitely make one one

It’s going to save us material [ __ ] could have told you that one was coming nice okay and now we can start with the start with the dark oak feel like I’m still going to need some more I don’t know if it it’s grown or not I got I got a couple a few

Saplings yesterday we did some exploring and I planted them and so hopefully hopefully they’ve grown uh let me see who said they were doing mods was it UK Cross or was it turtle blow with blowtorch an EEG that sucks zombie I don’t go to the doctor for [ __ ] could be

Dying you Turtle I was trying to install I was trying to install some the tree cutter mod and the computercraft mod but it wasn’t wanting to load for me um and I think it’s because like you know I’m playing on on the latest version and I can’t find an updated version for those

Mods do you know what I should do I want to play on the latest version but I want the mods too it’s not too bad feel like it’s about to go again I’m surprised none of the bamboo has touched one of The Observers yet some of them are are full grown

I was using uh Forge by the way and then the mod the the mod page I was getting them from gotcha yeah I don’t know um I was trying to I was trying to get some trying to get some mods on here but it was wasn’t working very well okay so he said

Stone we got that three stone and one iron anch it and then d ni stone cutter click on that put that in there nice we got to go cut down or go see if we got to go see if our trees have grown where the [ __ ] I planted them honestly is beyond

Me I either planted them right around here yep right here has not grown how’s not grown how’s not grown [ __ ] I don’t think I have any bone meal I don’t think I have any bone meal at all uhoh we have some some bones looking for as well four

Saplings oh [ __ ] I don’t know if I have four saplings blow I don’t know if I have for [ __ ] me hold on my keyboard is set of the disconnect every once in a while my computer like like disconnects all accessories it disconnects my mouse and my [ __ ] keyboard for a few

Seconds I’m waiting on my mouse now there we go okay okay uh make some it’s not what I wanted to do make some sticks yeah I don’t know if I have I don’t know if I have a four saplings I might have three might have three hopefully I have

Four but I might have three okay here’s one two three yep I only have three I mean I’ll give it a shot but [ __ ] I hope it works nope [ __ ] we’re GNA have to make a [ __ ] trip dude this trip’s going to be kind of far too we’re have to make a

Trip to that dark oak biome and I don’t have a saddle anymore or a horse okay whatever I mean I don’t see any other way we’re going to get this stuff so go make a [ __ ] trip real quick I want to make sure all this stuff’s lit up should be

Good all right I’m just going to take take whatever efficiency I get for my axe if I can with the levels that I have or Unbreaking even Unbreaking still nice yep and we got Efficiency efficiency books okay that doesn’t work there we go yep all right so efficiency 2 Unbreaking two not the most amazing thing in the world but it’s still going to help us a little bit uh we’re going to have to go quite a distance away to get even more uh dark

Oak and saplings I wish I had a horse still but I don’t and I don’t think you can craft a saddle so head in this direction until we we get there I guess how you guys day has been going M’s been kind of [ __ ] mentally draining

Damn it every [ __ ] time I come over here I don’t have any [ __ ] meat for these dudes does it have to be cooked this has to be cooked should have brought a bed honestly should have brought a bed oh that’s right bones uh holy [ __ ] see so many things I just don’t think

About so many things I don’t think about did you figure out if you could get your save back Debbie or no it’s Bugger I like that word it’s very British and funny it’s like my f favorite [ __ ] British world word other than like when they say bloody hell bloody hell and

Buggered two of my most favorite British words do uh do UK people have words like that that somebody in the US says that they think’s funny curious have I been to this Village before because I feel like I haven’t Joe [Laughter] Biden oh that’s [ __ ] Hilarious Rodeo huh Debbie do you like the word Rodeo son of beach Joe Biden’s [ __ ] funny as hell bro I forgot how many villages are over here dude I’ve got like the best seed for villages I swear to God I’ve got like three like literally like three or four this way very close

Together the way we don’t say the H herbs herbs herbs herbs herbs herbs herbs I don’t [ __ ] know sounds all the same to me herbs herbs same ordeal tomato tomato potato potato pretty sure I’m going the right direction for the dark oak if I’m not then I don’t know what the

[ __ ] but I also thought there was a bunch of jungle biomes over here so I don’t think have we hit one of them yet that kind of looks like a jungle biome it is yeah okay is it [ __ ] if I know have a good night zombie need to make a

Boat swimming is annoying in this game to me I’m G to be streaming for a while waiting on Mike to come come do some stuff and then I still have to finish this little project what’s up AR long time no see long time no see

This dark oak biome is so far away from my house but last time that I like went to it I had a horse and so it wasn’t super bad honestly I don’t even know how to make an elytra Turtle you know how to make an elytra or anyone know how to make an

Elytra oh what is this what is this I want the mossy cobblestone you guys remember when you needed silk touch for mosy Cobble that [ __ ] was annoying oh you find one okay okay okay I guess I got to go fight the Ender Dragon at some point

Huh it’s been a while since I’ve done that D there’s so much Mossy C okay look I love Mossy Cobble and so I’m going to note that this is here but I don’t have time to to gather it all I wish I did I mean I probably could but I don’t want to

Waste that many that much time when I’m trying to get to the dark oak bio you fix one with the skin from them flying oh the uh uh Phantoms see I I very rarely like dealt sleep so it’s going to be kind of an interesting thing be an interesting deal

I don’t remember this I think I might have went the wrong way think I might have went the wrong way I don’t know we’re going to keep going because I was it was night time most of the time and I was on a horse so if shears cut to tree leafes and mix

It with a cobble to make Cobble really that’s awesome I didn’t know you could do that I thought Mossy Cobo you could only find still them wolves are going to kill that sheep baby the baby sheep oh yep look I haven’t been here before see that lava flowing

Down means I haven’t never rendered this Chunk in before and so I’m going like the the wrong direction I just don’t know what direction is the right direction what’s up Sonic how are you this a joinable world uhuh this is a a single player world Sonic trying

To I haven’t been here before I think I need to go back and then see where I recognize trying to find some more dark dark oak trying to find some more dark oak I’m going to make a boat I’m going to make a boat this is so much [ __ ] faster so much

Faster is that a shipwreck or what is it is that what is this do you have any chests for me projectile protection pumpkin Ste shouldn’t have one more chest too isn’t it more than one or is it just a one I guess this one’s probably just the one huh think I recognize this like mountain side over here a little bit damn I really wish I would have grabbed four saplings if I would have known that

Honestly we might just have to [ __ ] finish the roof without the the dark oak wood if we don’t find it pretty sure that I came over here by this mountain at some point though last time I last time when I found the dark oak like little bio but when I went over

There that was obviously way too far be right back guys I’m going run to the bathroom all right I probably should have got um honestly I probably should have got coordinates to the the dark oak bio oh oh dude I have no idea where I was a

Uh [ __ ] I have no idea where I was that’s like all my diamond tools and enchantments [ __ ] I think I was this way I’m not for sure though what’s Sor yeah I think I’m I think I want to say I was this way there’s a seed viewer go it yeah I have

A custom Seed um but I you know it’s just it’s just like my full like actual like gamertag yeah I feel I don’t feel like I’m going to get my stuff back to be honest with you I think that stuff’s gone I think that stuff’s gone and I’m gonna have to reenchant Everything dude the dark oak [ __ ] biome is right there see it right there so my only guess would be be my only guess would be is I went past it I went past it and kept going because I had my render distance so low I can’t Sprint anymore

Wish there was an easier way to recover items too I think I think I’m screwed I don’t have no food no nothing let me turn my render distance down a little bit doesn’t need to be 32 chunks like 23 or whatever help a little bit with the lag a creeper blew me

Up when I I got lost and a creeper blew me up and all my stuff is somewhere on a mountain somewhere on a mountain that I don’t know where it’s at so I think I’m screwed when it comes to getting my stuff back whatever fine let’s just

Uh let’s just get some wood from the dark o biome and then I’ll just make new tools it’s fine I’ll make new tools and I’ll do some afking later and I’ll get my enchantments back oh damn it not very happy about it but it happened so might as well deal with

It all that Mossy Cobble and stuff I collected too is gone get some uh some tunes going while we’re doing some running around working yeah sh gives me a headache I’m G have to make all new all new tools and stuff really just like a pickaxe and an

Axe I have enough diamonds for it but no I don’t I don’t have like an abundance or anything I only have like 10 diamonds to my name so it’s still going to be a little bit of a problem any saplings one second guys trying to get some tunes going okay let me See my computer like deadly hates multitasking so we’ll see how this ends up going cool I should start playing now turn my render distance back down stop some of the lag with Minecraft and doing this as well I’m the S of it you’re surprised my PC can’t even play Minecraft

Honestly it runs Minecraft really well IR but like it [ __ ] like anything else kind of just [ __ ] sucks only got like a [ __ ] ryzen 5 and some integrated graphic [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s annoying it’s not what I used to have for sure um I used to have a high-end PC but I

Was making payments on it when I moved I couldn’t afford to make the payments like still so I downgraded yeah now this one’s just I have integrated Graphics the integrated Graphics really hurts integrated Graphics like really really hurts can’t mind that with that very happy for that

Though I only have eight eight gigabytes of RAM I have to upgrade it that’s part of the reason that my computer doesn’t want to multitask very well that is like the biggest reason that my my computer doesn’t want to multitask is the ram you know what I’m GNA tell you it runs

Better when I’m streaming than it does any other time like if I’m not like I could be not streaming and it could just like it just sucks just sucks also do you guys not have game audio can you hear anything right now like can you hear the music and

Stuff because it’s not showing up like on my screen as a bar and how long has this been going on it’s like can you hear the music right now or no feel like you guys can’t didn’t notice oh God I don’t know how long that’s been going on For Debbie how long has that been going on for has that been going on this entire stream The Hor There’s no pause on the PS4 that’s Wild I don’t know my last PC was an 4 i7 64 G of ram um a 4070 TI that thing was [ __ ] clean T Gotta yeah I have a I have a parts list that I should probably post um a command for or something um that I’m looking to slowly buy I just like I’m doing as piss poor almost as piss poor as possible financially right now it’s like I’ve done m are Alive Need to turn up the I don’t want to miss my I don’t want to miss my house on accident Been flying You just don’t have that you just don’t have that great of luck do you debie my God I die to left B yeah you don’t have you don’t have that good luck with [ __ ] saves Huh terrible luck with saves here we go E that [ __ ] had a tried it was trying to touch me wait hold on a minute hold on a minute I died over here this is where I died so I’m going I’m going the wrong way first of all I’m not going back towards my house but I found where I

Where I died think any of my stuff still going to be here or do you think it despawned Already where was it I was like up there just got to look for a big [ __ ] creeper Hole that’s a crafting table Yeah I died right right over here somewhere I know it was over here somewhere my God I’m lagging like a [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god God This is the [ __ ] that makes you want to cheat to go get your [ __ ] this is 110% at the time where where it’s like I’m whipping out the [ __ ] cheets God damn I’m so far away too think I’m going the wrong direction I think I’m going towards my house you

Know what [ __ ] it [ __ ] [ __ ] it [ __ ] it [ __ ] it all when you going to rejoin the server get your cheats it’s not oh I’m debating I go home right now where I cheat and go get all my [ __ ] and then go home fly my ass over there [ __ ] it no

I’m just going to head back to the house it wasn’t meant to be I know where the dark oak is and stuff we’ll have to go make another trip and stuff like that over there I don’t I don’t have any food or armor I’m going to have to do some strip

Mine and and get diamond armor and stuff to it I don’t know man I don’t know I don’t even know if this is the way home to be honest with you I honestly I don’t even know if I have cheats turned on either I don’t think I do

Plus the game was lagging CU it wasn’t my fault yeah [ __ ] it whatever I don’t know if I have any cheats what what is it set do it I you talked me into it Debby go get my [ __ ] head back home if this is the right way at least it

Is my stuff should be my stuff should be over here somewhere what did I do I ran down this section around down this section and over here it says you joined the server twice IR that’s weird that all my stuff so my all right I’m Gonna Fly my ass home [ __ ]

It I already lost a [ __ ] set of diamond [ __ ] [ __ ] if I’m want to cheat I’m gonna go ahead and just fly my ass home so that way it doesn’t take so [ __ ] long at least if I cheat I’m doing it on stream so you guys see that I’m not spawning anything in

Ah oh you know what happened you know why I started lagging so bad my stream started recording and streaming at the same time you’re good at break and stuff I believe it it’s only a mini cheat well I’m flying back to the house so I guess maybe like I’m flying really slow whatever

Hey hey Debbie did you see the messages in the uh the docks yourself chat where uh Lucy was flirting with my wife this [ __ ] was hilarious he has no idea we’re married and I don’t have any intention on telling him because it’s [ __ ] funny as [ __ ]

Wasn’t there a little while where I was playing Skyrim and everything kept getting [ __ ] up no go look go look in the dox Yourself channel um Lucy was like flirting with my my old lady and he got all mad and stuff because I I put a gift of a [ __ ] dude

Spitting out water because I I was [ __ ] dying laughing was the best [ __ ] I ever seen in my life I don’t even know if I’m going the right way I think I am but do do I go past the something I really hope up going the [ __ ] right way cuz this would

Suck I don’t know where my house is you have to get yourself a p PS5 Debbie you’re at 500 or 550 right now holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that there it is what is the simulation distance what is that I feel like my PC would explode like truthfully I feel like my PC would explode

For yeah I can imagine it now me got trying to download too many mods and then I’m sitting here and my computer fan gets louder and louder and louder and louder and louder until it explodes like I can [ __ ] see it now all right [ __ ] back to it

Honestly for what this computer is like it’s not even it’s not even in a midsize like PC tower case like it’s like it would die it would [ __ ] die it would die and burn in a terrible [ __ ] death fire [Laughter] Didi uh what are you thinking Debbie it’s funny at this point it’s

Like he was one of the first people in the server it’s funny at this point that he doesn’t know he got mad as [ __ ] he got mad as [ __ ] when I said he couldn’t grow a beard like grow a beard Lucy how many people in the UK can grow

A beard I’m curious I don’t think I’ve seen very many British people like British guys of beards like at all see let me try to put shuffle on real quick let’s not playing all the same thing we go shuffle playlist and we’re going to put it On me see this one I don’t I don’t know I can’t remember which song This one is until they’re at least over 30 God damn I had a [ __ ] beard when I was like [ __ ] 13 like a full beard I was like 13 a Minecraft Montage uh I don’t

Know I guess whenever I get something to do a montage with I’ve got lots of Call of Duty montages yeah yeah I had a beard when I was like I don’t know bro Black Ops 2 was my [ __ ] actually got a I’ve got a Black Ops 2 montage on my

Channel uh old clips that I used to that I [Applause] had I really want to play MW3 zombies but um one this PC couldn’t handle it and two I don’t have the money for it oh Deb we can’t be friends now I love Treyarch zombies yeah zombies is the [ __ ]

Debbie what happened to you who hurt you who hurt you you know what also speaking of like speaking of stuff on the Discord when I like when I made the like NSFW like Channel like it took a lot like for me to make that because I was like I really don’t want

To [ __ ] babysit this [ __ ] Channel and it it literally like I I haven’t really had to do like I haven’t really had any anyone really act up in it yet so happy for that About to fall oh my God killing me dude I was like like the epitome of competitive Black Ops 2 not so much like MW2 like I was still competitive but like I I would I would do a lot of [ __ ] around like I’d kill people make them like my

Favorite thing about Call of Duty is pissing people off like I I I I really I’m not having a good time unless the other team is crying you know what I mean I’m not having a good time unless the other team is Crying I have a I have a buddy that plays Call of Duty he’s from Germany and so I would get on the EU servers terrorize people it was [ __ ] it was interesting I couldn’t tell like who was who and if you go on like America server like

You’re going to get two things you’re going to get English Spanish and that’s it and in the EU servers you get like a mix of of all languages you know what I mean you got Russian you got it’s just a whole it’s a whole different world out there you know what I

Mean and we we get we get two languages English and Spanish that’s it English and Spanish Is That must have been terrible Debbie playing in American servers as a British woman but you’ve heard some [ __ ] Again Damn look at that [ __ ] really you don’t like English people so I see you guys every where I don’t want to talk to y’all You English people don’t like fellow English people interesting yeah no the whole the whole like girl thing is definitely like people are creepy people are definitely definitely creepy uh when it comes to women’s I would I don’t I don’t know how they like like English people are when it comes to

Being like little creeps or anything but like I know the US is [ __ ] bad especially if you’re like playing Call of Duty Really my wife said like something similar uh why she doesn’t use a mic or anything like that people want to be [ __ ] it must be kind of weird like living so close to like the entire like UK like I live in Texas so like if I meet somebody else from Texas 99% of

The time they’re 6 hours away from me at minimum minimum dude there’s some [ __ ] there’s some like insane [ __ ] that some of these female [ __ ] YouTubers and streamers do You dude I didn’t make Joe Biden president and I’ll tell you anyone in Texas if you ask them if they made Joe Biden president ain’t none of them will say they did just like when all the [ __ ] toilet paper disappeared during Co everyone’s like yeah man that [ __ ] was

Crazy and I know damn well I’m sitting in a room with some of them but no one will admit it because they’re [ __ ] like [ __ ] pissed me off and no one will admit it admit it so I can hate you but I mean we’re still doing better than Canada

So I don’t know what to do Tech wise with this building here am I a trump supporter uh not necessarily No I don’t I don’t really want to delve too deep into politics I’m conservative that’s pretty much what it is uh I don’t care what other people do as long as it doesn’t affect me and that’s how I leave it um like I said I live in Texas so we’re

It’s a lot it’s real different over here you know what I mean um most people from Texas would tell you we’re like a whole separate thing from the United States you know Feel yeah I don’t know I mean I like guns and freedom so it’s not necessarily like I’m Pro any particular president I’m just Pro any particular particular president that doesn’t infringe on my basic rights given to me by my Constitution that’s pretty much it you know l yeah I have I

Have uh I had a zombie spawner I’ll show it to you real quick I got to find another lead real quick yeah I don’t know I mean like as a streamer like someone that does YouTube and like I see like a bunch of [ __ ] or whatever and

Like I see I see a bunch of weird [ __ ] you know what I mean like that’s like the last thing that I want to like I don’t want to like dig into the I don’t want to dig into like the I don’t want to get scooped into the the weird

Like [ __ ] that most like internet dudes like get into This guy M for him yeah I got a spawner a zombie spawner for right now I was hoping for a skeleton spawner but you know you can’t get everything can’t have everything so I found a zombie spawner uh this is my maintenance tunnel I came up here just to show

You show you the setup anyway you just kind of hang out in this room here hang out in this room here for a minute and then when you go down they’re all down here I got a chest full of full of their drops and stuff over

Here once I get Soul stand I’ll make a water elevator but I don’t so Obviously yeah uh I don’t know like I didn’t know I left this here I just didn’t want to make a big ugly like like pillar up you know what I mean I one of the sky ones the sky ones like they tend to not look super great Got to find some sheep Again bro are you too fat to get through the door get to the door come on come on fatty mcfat fat I’m going dye all my sheep Pink Dy them all pink there was another one up here uh probably are I haven’t tried it come on fatty you can do it Uh look for a pink dye make my sheep sheep pink everything is pink yeah well it’s kind of like it’s kind of strange I’ve got like I feel like I have more of like a female like viewer than I thought like I originally would not entirely sure why that’s a

Thing but I I definitely didn’t expect to have so many like female like female viewers and so um pink stuff helps I guess too plus I like I like Cherrywood make It d I don’t know I think everything looks pretty good this building is a little flat but other than that that I still think it looks good it’s just kind of flat you know what I mean there’s not a whole lot of depth to it I think like my my analytics says like I

Got like two 2% like female viewers and most of most of you guys like most of the girls like are are usually like the regulars in the Stream Too I do want to remove these Cathedral Tire building a pink lookout tower is that what I’m gathering a pink a big pink lookout tower right here in Going build on the same world eventually yeah um long long story short like um getting kicked out of the place that I’m staying potentially help fund the server how well here’s here’s the problem here’s the problem and I’m going to go a little like deeper into my

Financial issues that the house that I’m renting right now I’m being evicted currently um I don’t have a place to go now we’re figuring stuff out so I have like no money to host a server for a year it would cost $100 and that would not be on my internet connection that

Would be like another third party companies hosting it for the year I looked into it and I just like I can’t I can’t set aside $100 for a server when I know that I my hands are tied with stuff in real life and so like I can’t I can’t spend

That when I’m looking for a place to live you know what I mean but all yeah if you wanted to do that then I could have a server set up by tonight and ready Tomorrow Yeah I wish I was paying a mortgage right now instead of renting the problem with me not being able to afford things because I was renting and so uh what so what happened was like we’re sitting over here and we we when we got when we went to get this this trailer to

Start renting it we didn’t notice how many like like how how much things were like like they they did like a landlord special right where they where they hit everything that was [ __ ] up in the house and then when it came time for me to start paying bills here my electric

Bill has consistently been $400 why because the vents are ripped out from the bottom of the house and then I found a wall that is separated from the floor that’s letting a bunch of air in and when I had the maintenance guys come over to fix it they didn’t fix it right

And so instead of arguing with them you know what the [ __ ] and so with the it with the absolute ridiculous amount of money that I’ve spent on bills I can’t afford by basic rent you know and so what’s more important my rent or keeping electric on when I got a

Wife and a kid you know what I mean so it’s it’s difficult I got you yeah um if you wanted to like I said $100 I can have a server be hosted for a year I than that it’s going to be quite a while before I can do

It video games are where the money should go yeah at least like Game Pass isn’t like super duper like expensive um with it was it was on discount and stuff so that helped me be able to get a little more games I could expand to but yeah I was thinking I was thinking

Bedrock that way it was like more it’s more open for people to join cuz I know I know zombie she plays on Bedrock version Debbie plays on Bedrock version Mike has Bedrock Version I think we’re the only two that have a PC songs annoying Java is the goat yeah I don’t know I mean the whole the whole fun for me probably isn’t necessarily like Java or like Bedrock like a separate it’s just like being able to play with you know play with people and Stuff [Applause] about to make this all pink Watchtower the amount of saplings that this stuff gives off it’s insane Down guess I never lit all this stuff up over here you that zombie made a really weird [ __ ] noise Okay let me see here real quick should have some pink fences okay let me see I guess let’s go one two three four two three four 3 Four 3 four two [Applause] okay so just to save like my obviously I I try to use like multiple materials to save like I don’t I don’t want to use like too much of one thing we’re going to use some polished deep slate going take the spruce doors n L A want to make it look like it has like a really strong face and then we’re going to go up with cherry planks n I almost [ __ ] fell off this [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah I was worried about that just a little worried about that we need to actually grab some more cherry wood real

Quick [Applause] [Applause] I really need some soul stand so I can make some [ __ ] some elevators make this a lot easier on me No there ain’t no stop Without didn’t even get your I said I’m moving okay got know for it at least to oh no thought oh [ __ ] lovely I guess it might work as like a way I don’t [ __ ] fall off this [ __ ] like that again He Um I don’t know let me See I me let me just take that take that that that [Applause] For God damn bro I’m G to fall off this [ __ ] just giving me anxiety [ __ ] these tall builds are always so annoying to [ __ ] decorate after like to give it like texture like d you know it’s always such a [ __ ] pain in the ass okay we about to turn it off [Applause] turn two all hope I have enough leaves for This f well it doesn’t help that I do that [ __ ] about to [Applause] oh no oh man I got to make some shears [ __ ] that’s fine Do laggy laggy Laggy what do you think Debbie this kind of what you were talking about like a what did you say it was like a lookout yeah Lookout Tower it’s kind of what you had in mind [ __ ] I just trap myself up here oh [ __ ] De it’s think that looks a lot better the only thing that I want to change is Maybe Maybe fences on the corner or glow stone or something maybe okay probably shroom lights oh that sound even I see that hold on I did things differently on one side just these for these pillars okay I see per you SC see I cross the all right let me see I think once I fix that it should be a little better and then I’ll put ladders all the way up to the top oh you got to be [ __ ] [ __ ] me why are you guys [ __ ] spotting right by my wat Tower too dog The [ __ ] out of Here Where they go [ __ ] out of here Bastards this is yeah know this is is right never Mind to be care better dead oh yeah way better let’s not [ __ ] screaming at me ooh trap doors I need four trap doors has justun trap doors are what oh [ __ ] no whatever I don’t know why the [ __ ] I thought that was what is [ __ ] trap doors again oh that okay

Uh where did I place that other trap door that’s annoying I didn’t know I could do that Dan hell yeah there we go pink Watchtower oh [ __ ] it’s kind of cool that I can see like the roofs of my house and stuff like that because I did put a lot of [ __ ] work in there did you eat turkey no I haven’t ate any turkey yet no no turkey I ate no turkey pretty Cool Is I hate this tall grass it’s [ __ ] annoying blocks view a lot Will World Beaut looks pretty Good r Ducks this is only a single player World uh I need some wheat We’re working on making a server duck I haven’t really I haven’t really played on a server in years uh we’re working on making one of our Own you own a server yourself um I mean we’ll see when it happens it’s um it’s going to be a little bit shouldn’t be like a crazy amount of time but it’s going to be a couple months before we we start messing with It Think I need to make another one to make it look even got too many too much rotten flush pretty much rotten flush do I like pink uh yeah I definitely like the way the the the Cherrywood looks in here I just have a a lot of followers that are chicks and and

So they’re always they’re always happy when I make pink stuff as well and so I hang out and I make a lot of pink projects make a lot of pink projects the the house is like was supposed to theme be themed kind of pink um the stable I

Don’t I didn’t see why why I should make it Pink this is dark and then they asked me to make a pink Watchtower so I did that I just figured since I have like the pink themed house and a pink bed a pink bed would be more Fitting I don’t know if that looks uh also do slabs there oh like okay yeah yeah yeah like the okay yeah that would look a lot better I think the slabs would look a lot Better me see it’s not it place the pink beds maybe I feel like I should come off off the wall a little bit like I should come up off the wall and then maybe like are you awesome well I’m like a variety streamer so like I I play I play more than

Minecraft just we’re we’re on Minecraft right now you know what I mean These stairs on the side and slabs at the front okay don’t come off the wall are you sure I kind of like the way that that looks right there hold on where did I put them damn stairs I think I left him over here in this other Chest there we go yeah I think most my my regular viewers have already went to sleep Let’s see I don’t know I don’t know I almost see I I think I like it better when it’s coming off the wall cuz I can do like a headboard thing curve the stair Corner well like This hey I still want to come up off the wall so no I don’t like that what if I did it backwards here if I did that Maybe is this too much does it look too big like with the three thank you greater I feel like this looks like too bulky looks good yeah see Hypixel uh I probably won’t do any servers tonight the stream’s probably probably going to be end of the stream

Here soon I’ve been going for for like five hours Ducks starting to get tired see but I do have a Discord um if you wanted to check it out and that’s where I’ll be announcing whenever we get the server done yeah sorry Ducks you came in at at

Like when I was just kind of finishing up some stuff some decoration stuff what’s up no oh oh did Debbie say something in the Discord [Laughter] oh I just mentioned that he didn’t know we were married it did Dre my wife I was like I’m not going to tell him cuz it’s

Funny I don’t really like the top of this too much but it looks okay what you think like a squid and you like it jellyfish yeah is it I figured yeah I figured it would be dry you make turkey sandwiches no you locked me out uhuh you lock you locked me out

Why that’s a weird [ __ ] dream I appreciate it dck um like I said most uh most of my regular viewers have went to bed so far but I appreciate you joining in and I’ll end up catching you tomorrow around the same time probably I got you all right like some perer sandwiches

Well I’m not talking about right now but you know when you’re done you can bring me some damag no I’m going to be messing with stuff [Applause] though yeah man have a good [Applause] night [Applause] oh man do these finishing touches real quick and I think that’s it really pretty much got everything

We we set out to do done today and a little bit extra we got our bamboo Farm we got our sheep got the Watchtower that Debbie was talking about we made it pink CU IR we got a hor that I can’t do anything with cuz I lost my

Saddle and I think all that’s left is I’m going to go ahead and grab some more of our potatoes and then I’m going to start them smelting and then I think that’s going to be it if we have any more potatoes at least where start a food chest guess it’s this

One oh my God I didn’t realize that bamboo burned that quick damn I almost feel like I need to get like a smelter set up Curious how much uh how much this is going to actually accomplish I feel like if I’m going to use bamboo as a fuel source I’m going to need a lot of It it’s like what two per item three per item four per Item so what am I going to successfully get 16 things out of this I think that’s pretty much where it’s it’s going down to honestly wonder if I have enough material to do a super smelter like a mini super smelter huh guess that might be on the agenda tomorrow as a mini super


This video, titled ‘Minecraft Another Big Project’, was uploaded by I’m Roosty on 2023-11-26 05:02:49. It has garnered 107 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:46:49 or 17209 seconds.

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  • Mine Room’s Boom: 100 Days in Bloom

    Mine Room's Boom: 100 Days in Bloom In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re here to bring you the latest news and vibes. From updates to challenges, we’ve got it all, Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the call. Join us on this journey, filled with fun and delight, As we explore the realms, day and night. With MR_detox_Gaming leading the way, We’ll make sure you’re entertained every day. So hit that subscribe button, don’t be shy, Join the NXtreme Gaming family, reach for the sky. With tips, tricks, and gameplay galore, We’ll keep you coming back for more. From Let’s Plays to tech… Read More

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  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

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  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

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  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

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  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

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  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

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  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

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  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

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  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

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  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

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  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

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  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

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  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More