EPIC RLCRAFT Minecraft Gameplay LIVE – First Time Playing!

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Um all right here we go everything’s going to be all right right maybe I don’t know I’ll see what happens we shall see we shall see here I’ll put some music I’ll put some music up let’s see thought there was actually a music but there’s no music all right here you

Go let’s have Some some music that goes with the with the game all right let me just drink some water CU this is GNA it’s going to be interesting you’ll see hey random how are you Happy New Year hope you’re having a great new year so far and yeah hey

Hey all right have you played this game I’m scared to go in there okay I’m getting my my uh my I’m getting ready mentally there you go how have you been I hope you’ve been well yeah you’re listening to music Sam I kind of sort of can hear it you’ve seen

It you’ve seen gam play I’ve seen two minutes of game play not really it’s almost like just an introduction to what can come okay oh my God all right here we go my hands are all sweaty I haven’t even started all right you’re good all right how’s school I hope school’s beenin

Well all right let me just let me just do this oh my God no here we [Laughter] go maybe I should put something in here hold on let me put something here does they have music inside this game I’m not sure here we’re going to have a

Death count cuz I think it’s going to be a [Laughter] lot but I’m glad you’re doing great um I’m stalling I know I know I know okay here we go oh my God on seriously my hands are all sweaty okay hold on all right here we go I should probably

Um I tried to get a flint to get a what Sam finally what’ you say you tried to get the what to get a what it’s this and this yep what’ you say oh wait I don’t think you can hear can you hear me oh you can’t you said what’ you say

You try to find yeah I just just get a flint a what because you need a flint oh Flint you get yeah the thing that you get on the on gravel or make a like a little knife you need this for um make uh tools yeah because you can’t take wood with your

Hands and don’t take your the tree on your face what do you mean the tree fall down oh yeah so if you get the tree on your face when it’s full you die oh right well just like real life right yeah but when you have armor it’s less

Powerful okay and for Tex stuff just Crouch or right click on the stuff oh what yeah yeah protect the stuff you can just walk on it to take it that don’t work yeah it’s weird when do you never play a this game it’s just break your brain with an a uh with an

Pickaxe everything is Chang on this game on this mod pack so be careful I already have iron I can get okay I mean that’s if I even spawn or hey Jeff good morning hi everyone oh you wanna you want to join you want to join me and them and

Everybody oh I need level four for get the iron damn hey Z okay I swear I’m going to start hold on um my hands are cold where are you what is your um oh I don’t know yet I’m not even there yet oh yeah true okay there’s some pig there I’m going to

Kill give me your food and your XP come come back come back all right I’m just gonna kill you it’s fine stop running stop running thank you oh come on oh and you can through stuff like when I say true it’s really through your stuff okay I think I should

Run before skeleton just well I have no place to survive or stay at night oh yes I have one quick join Sam yeah you can join because it’s a server it’s um yeah I’m a pro I’m not you’re a pro really oh skeleton I think I should run I’ll message you the Um oh you don’t have Minecraft on PC a sad well I found a village yeah push me skeleton with the sax all right um let’s see let me just look at something here vager get out it’s oh wait if I can TR a bed really

Quick I can get out there’s a bed no there’s no bed why there’s never bed oh wait I can make one all right let me just message you ah just give me a moment before go join I just need to skip the night if youone want to survive oh there’s a

Wayo oh there’s B here well best thing ever let’s see where the hell is the thing hold on um okay what yeah you should run um where where is that thing oh man my account I don’t understand I just had that thing yesterday all right am I ready to do

This not really that’s why I’m installing hold on I know but you’re not going to spawn in the same area that I’m at so you’ve been playing this for three years okay ah well that’s fun which is oh okay that makes sense I don’t know what happened to

My okay I know yesterday I logged in to my account and it says ready to give something something something but then now I can’t I can’t find it I can’t find it the heck all right all right here we go dang it oh my God all right here we go all right yeah oh oh you need to drink water in the game really okay here I go I’m coming oh my God okay all right here we go I no no hold on let me just see oh I dropped oh no where am I uh

Uh I’m in a no I’m not going to die wait hopefully that oh you’re going to die okay it looks uhoh oh oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where am I where am I I need to go to I need to go to the house wait can I

Go into the house please wait wait wait wait Wait wait wait wait no no no you don’t meet what okay I’m going to go here for now cuz um it’s it’s it’s scary all right this is driving me crazy okay resource pack no I don’t need resource pack what do I need no language video setting Oh yeah yeah hey good morning I’m I’m going to be hiding over here cuz I don’t want to be outside oh Sam do you know each other that’s Sam that’s emo emo that’s Sam I don’t know where yeah what you spawn where I’m by the icy area it looks like

You maybe you maybe you guys spawn at the same place well Emo’s going to find me right that’s your assignment guys find me that’ll be funny if you do there’s a way that sounds like um that sounds like Star Wars yeah you you guys know how to play

This I’m just here cuz to watch you I’m just here to watch you if I don’t die let me just get something real quick that’ be nice I need to it’s so quiet this world is there any sound in this world or what ooh you still don’t think you’re we close oh my

God ah there are you guys using um Shader or no why why oh the shaders lag you I already know that what is this where am I going so I see a dragon so um do you have snow around you oh Sho what color is your trees is your trees green or

Brown maybe you guys are here I don’t know but but you don’t see you don’t see snow caps right okay what this um what what am I supposed to be doing first what am I doing first I know but what am I supposed to be getting

Flint Flint is from Sand right or block which one is it gravel how does a gravel look like grayish okay there’s some grayish things here this is it oh my God wait this gravel somebody’s foring oh my God things scared me wait how am I how am I supposed to hit a

Gravel with my hand okay I mean I was just thinking it’s taking so long you’re dead maybe this is a gravel I don’t know uh is this a good angel or a bad angel I don’t know no this one’s oh this one wait so which one is a gravel this one

No there’s no oh that’s suck it’s night time I need to go to the house or something oh oh no oh no wait wait wait wait wait hi them oh wait wait I don’t have a bed oh there is so I should sleep where which tent oh no okay

Okay okay I’m going to go sleep where where where where wait this is a bed oh cool yeah yeah I’m there Z is that you what’ you say go to sleep dude oh what is this plaster I found a plaster I’m going to take it

Oh I got some lapis lazuli what is that Obsidian what water in real life or oh okay hold on I I got silver what do I do with a silver um what do I I need bones bone you don’t you don’t really use the rotten flesh right why did he you can y you lose by eating

It the pink lady is here dude do I interact with it oh okay does he follow me a wait what what what is this what’s this little thing dude what is this you see it what what what what oh I can’t anyway cuz I don’t have anything

Yeah oh I see a dragon in the distance like over there flying around so what what is this what is this thing dude what is that blue thingy is that friendly or not are those are those friendly oh okay uhoh there’s a dragon over there oh no no no oh no away o

Z Oh my God how do I jump how how what z um hold on okay I’ll give you the link to download and then I’ll give you the info how to go in it’s a it’s another server it’s another server to join wait are you guys together oh hi Alex wait hold

Onc the spider just crawl on the wall die die okay I’m going to message you just I’m dead I’m just dead I’m just yes yes you are all right this thing just oh the G do you want to know what is the text that I see 10,000 million

Downloads yep it’s a lot of I’m not going to take back the stuff oh wait I’m just going to be right back because I have to go to the bathroom and take some food okay I’ll be right back oh my goodness I’m not moving anywhere am I supposed to be moving forward towards

You or what what am I supposed to be doing uh pretty much surviving and just getting your first like couple of things now I guess we could make maybe try to find each other what exactly I’m looking for cuz I I don’t have the thing that you you said

I should get the thingy what do you call it yeah you you literally can’t progress if you don’t find gravel unless you get lucky and find some like a village or something and some tools that way I mean there is a village over here oh yeah you found that yeah you

Found a village that like I that I’m at but like not there it’s in a different place so maybe we can get uh some Stone to maybe over there there’s actually um that place over here I don’t know that see it’s big maybe I can go

There are they going to attack me if I go in here no they’re just like Iron Golems they only attack if you attack them or a villager okay hello I’m just passing through okay I’m going to see what they have oh right what is that sound there’s nothing

There they have a golden Pet Armor what Pet Armor where are you supposed to put this in a horse yes well horse another than you I have an enchanted book I might as well take cold oh what oh I am cold what do I do when I’m cold

Uh leave the biome oh no um there’s some things you can do but um just like be around fire oh just like any other or later once you get like a bunch of wool and some other stuff you can make um like lining for your armor that’ll help with cold and heat me

Ooh I get a fried egg O and a carrot juice purify water yay um there’s a bandage in here there’s so many things to take from this place there’s a lot how come the bandages is by the plaster is by by themselves morphine maybe I need Morphine Morphine uh it does what

Morphine does it um what do you do with morphine you just take it and then what it suppresses the the negative effects you get from low health for a few okay cuz like if your legs are broken you’re going to have permanent slowness until you heal them so that just like negates

It’s like a it’s like a painkiller in tarov a so what do you do what do you do with the enchanted book uh well you can enchant your stuff but it’s you you can’t get a you can’t get or use an enchantment table until you get like level 12 magic IR or diamond

Pick I think do we stay in one place or we just keep moving you pretty much have to keep moving oh so you’re never going to have like your own place to oh no no I mean you will yeah but um for like you still

Have to like go out and like explore and uh cuz you need XP XP is a big thing so you have to go kill stuff what was that something happened oh thank you for the sub John Wilson so am I going to die from cold or what well you’re not taking damage right

Now so you could so very didn’t happen usually if you’re inside yeah unless it’s like really really cold you should beine so I think least start in Spring and it should be summer so it get warmer but oh man good luck when it’s winter what do I do with the the um the

Clothing how do I wear it again I just I just throw it right I think uh either like have it in your hand and then right click it or just like take it and then open your inventory and just put it on luckily that’s leather so that

Doesn’t require any levels but for like iron you need to get your levels up in order to even use iron tools same with gold and diamond and everything else I’m still just holding it like why am I just holding it yeah like right click but notest like right click when you’re

Looking at something else wait oops wait what happened see how I’m holding it right I’m cold what the heck okay hold on see how I’m holding it see how wait I’m still holding it it’s oh is is that working right click oops oh sorry I did not mean to hit you sorry

Dude oh you’re left clicking try try right clicking okay got it oh oh wait wait wait wait yeah cuz I have my mouse as um like left left hand that’s why I’m confused thank you a there oops Alex um um ever heard of Honda yeah a car brand founded by

Suo Honda oh cool I didn’t know who did but thank you Alex oops all right I’m going to go wear this leather boots cuz why not so if I die all these things that I have are going to be gone right uh yeah I know if if you spawn nearby

You can maybe get him back okay but if you didn’t set your spawn point it’s going to be completely random you can you can actually save your spawn point Yeah by sleeping in bed oh now that sleeping bag that you found that doesn’t the sleeping bag is nice

You should always have one you it lets you sleep anywhere but it doesn’t save your spawn point so you can just sleep when you’re like out and about and it’s not going to mess with your respawn point I think that one that I was sleeping on was a sleeping bag wasn’t it

Yeah you should uh I should have mentioned but you should you should you should take one of them if you uh you’re still around huh what what was that sound there is a monster outside time dang this this place has a secret room I don’t even

Know wait wait wait wait wait I can’t use the item cuz I’m not level eight yeah a right now the the only thing you can use is leather wood and stone you have to get uh levels to uh use anything else well that sucks I have all these things and I can’t use

It actually we probably should sleep sleep is there a bed in here I didn’t think there was a bed in here I think I need to go outside in the village there should be a bed I thought I got a bunch of beds in m not on this

Place though I didn’t find anything on this place I don’t know why it’s like they should have a bed here somewhere it’s really cold I hear monster outside I’m not going outside try checking upstairs that’s where my beds are oh there’s a bed in here are we sleeping yeah I’m sleeping right now

Okay cool kind of forgot hey and now I’m full health let’s go try to go back should I steal this this bed or what am I doing they just just take the um the other bed the one oh my God what is that killing the ages there’s a dragon over there is that

A dragon that looks like a dragon I hear monster oh that that that Y what what is that sound n that that like golden thing that that just ra but yeah don’t Don’t Go Near it either I think that’s yeah that should be a rock pretty much if it’s flying it’s probably not

Friendly okay I have a golden helmet that I can’t use watch can you actually use this or I have to be like level yeah you need you need levels in defense and Magic to be able to use gold oh dang it I have some raw pork I should take these what’s a plaster

For uh to heal yourself you don’t you don’t just regenerate in this game you got to you got to use bandages and stuff to heal I don’t have to have a certain level do I uh depends on the bandage yeah but uh the the beginner ones no

This one is um magic level four so I need to be level four yeah yeah you need you need magic you need level four magic oh if you press y you can see your skills also when you’re when you get to level five you should press L and you can just

Specialization okay I’m just level one so I guess it doesn’t matter if I get yeah you’re level one and everything you need you you exchange your X your like XP your actual XP for levels and like stuff like that and then you can you can use better stuff better tools and

Everything so do I need these enchanting book or should I just leave it alone cuz I yeah you won’t you won’t be enchanted for a long for a long time yeah you need level level 12 in U level 12 magic okay oh by if you shift click it’ll be a lot

Faster oh like oh it’s okay I was just like looking at oh what about do do I need gold or do I keep this or Not Gold uh you should you should store pretty much anything of value and then just try to get some XP from killing stuff that’s what I would do

Okay uh there are like some things you can craft like you can maybe make a make yourself a spear or a a small little Shield okay I should I’m going to take the food there’s some potatoes too water say this item can be used to repair crafted equipment oh thank you

Whoever what was that I don’t know oh I think that was just a late sound I don’t know but thanks thanks for subbing John Wilson man I wanted to wear this but I can’t magic for the defense that sucks I want to keep it instead what about the book of quill do

I need that no just for um just for writing in if you wanted to write a book okay actually if you can if you can make a compass you can make the map there is that so I need this book to to do that if you can make a compass but you

Probably don’t have any Redstone yeah and we’ll use all of your iron do I need an obsidian block no no not not for now okay so this is what I have I have uh the what is that what’s going on oh no what is that what what wait I know I’m

What that by a pi huh okay what am I supposed to be doing oh no wait ah what is this thing am I supposed to kill this thing it’s um but a butterfly whatever that’s ax so don’t kill it don’t kill it I kill it no kill

It oh it’s fine don’t touch it I’m not it’s like bugging me okay I’m surprised it’s not attacking usually all all the Pix I get attack me on site yeah I’m I’m curious do you have comments oh what do you have comments like for teport people to teleport people yes do you have

It I don’t know let’s see I don’t think I do on this one can I TR oh because it would be easier to teleport I don’t think I do it says I don’t have permission to use the command but you have permission to use from the console from their server so I

Op do I okay op you put your name and that’s it but I don’t teleport me right now I’m going to see if my stuff still there I don’t even know if I can but hold on let me see just give you permission it’s easy but yeah that won’t be

Fun we never going to meet herself trust me because we can be like at 20,000 block away why would be cool the antique atas shows where other people are I don’t think so is my stuff still there no way no way no way my stuff’s still there oh yeah the chunks weren’t

Loaded so it would be still there this game is weird if no one’s around then Place run run run run run run no I’m not dealing with this mob the map does not show where anyone that there a volcano near me though but the problem is we just can’t

Use I can maybe look in something for find herself but it’s going to take a while yeah we pretty much have to find a a wormhole potion that be like the only realistic way or I wait uh do we have it do we have it the party you know what I

Mean like or make team oh yeah we should yeah because the game has better questing so there’s that party oh come on not again don’t touch me don’t touch me yeah I need a coordinate to TP you no you don’t need to coate for what it says man is it night

Time no but soon so I’m just going to stay here then am I am I poison or what I have things coming off of me what is this cardet because I Lally teleport with Deadpool every time that I play this you could teleport herself now you teleport um some door to

Mia and it’s work I mean you guys are doing your thing over there though right yeah with the dragon everywh where yeah I’m I’m taking over a battle tower right now I’m just going to mining coal because this is a second best way to get

XP same it take in eternity to get some XP I swear when I have Ender pear I make X Tom I swear this the best thing oh no my pickaxe just broken I can make another one there another one easy I got to go it’s dark I need

Drink yeah uh we should sleep everyone okay yes uh bed there black bed o I got a crispy bacon you have that much Blaster yep you got bacon yep he’s lucky I found some bacon too but I ate it why’d you eat your bacon oh you’ve been fighting justly

Faster I don’t want to die I’m sleeping right now I’m sleeping outside in the middle of the wood so I just saw a crepper far away I was like please someone ooh they have chocolate bar what oh no you can’t eat it you’re sugar level I can’t eat it yeah you’re

Suar level be careful oh what is this there’s a diamond skirt what uh 1 minute before you have to drink water by the way okay thank you I have so many sword I can’t use hemo if if we can reach the Ender Dragon what uh we’re just going to try

To find ourself and try to find the base I’m going to put a Way Stone somewhere a wait I have a can I have the seed of the ward I can find herself easier way trust me I know what I need just need the seed can I get it

Wait no I don’t have the permission to get the seed oh yeah it’s van it’s not come here iron you are mine going to my inventory it’s not good oh God I’m going to be already full iron armor I already have all the stuff I already have iron stuff but at the

Level same you need like level you need I if I remember it’s um 20 Level yeah but you need 20 Level uh timer ringing so water oh water hey Phillies how are you good evening what you up to you always do when I have my

Um uh Stone stuff I just go do um you know dungeon it’s the best way yeah I’ve got almost enough levels from this battle tower to get iron yeah but I can’t because I I can explain uh Cave Spider the one that give you poison plus skeleton plus Dragon plus the big

Fortress yeah like mind I’m just going up on it so it’s not that bad nothing spawning but yeah don’t I can go down yeah but I I have a way to make do the dungeon I just need more XP because I have a shield now I can use iron oh wait I’m

Stupid because I can make a shield that I need less level oh yeah the regular the the vanilla one takes like level 12 defense yeah yeah yeah but you don’t need to it’s it’s the worst uh Shield you can get oh guess what I found what a big

Raven oh what water a big Raven with a chest on the way down oh no I know this thing oh no skeleton spawner break it break it oh uh what are you what are you Jes scar what are you what what are you what what is that oh I got bronze

Man I got I got jumped by aian what’s aian you don’t want to know yeah I probably don’t want to know and don’t want to see yeah there is a lot of monster that you don’t want to oh Enderman Enderman try to kill it a ender pearl are so

Good um not this monster no not the sh craa or something like that emo do you want me to teleport you or try to teleport you over here or what you ready we we want we I got too much stuff right now uh maybe you can teleport me to

Hammer okay we have a dungeon almost already done Dam it’s take your Eternity for go up in the water God oh yeah I can use BS and me ammo if you put me with him it’s going to be fast like give us like maybe three hours we’re going to already kill

Dragon I I know a strat for kill Dragon easier did you tell um did you tell um Deadpool uh he is Ley oh he’s still s no no no when you said Le you just Le it to start the game and the p it just uh

Maybe another time okay okay so I have a ring with magic damage plus one MP regain I don’t see the point oh God uh why my armor just glitch How does it go again I go your name and then his name is that how it goes my name after his name but

I’m just going to do something real quick there I still can equip this that’s bad you can teleport me so it’s emo first and then your name right my name first his name after that because you want to teleport me to him that’s how it’s work I’m going to uh

Just Dr if this works my bone uh I’m ready tort me whenever you want I’m I’m in the tower right now yeah yeah I saw that yeah you right over the hole no no I just go back and okay so you start from the h i already there’s skeleton down there yeah

There’s a you want me to break them uh you don’t want to see outside you don’t want to see outside do you want me to deal with the skeleton outside wait I don’t have a bed oh yeah you should probably uh get in the village where uh right behind yeah right over

There oh that’s where that skeleton went okay oh yeah that that was the house that I was living with my brother with my in our first yeah I don’t have breakfast um Philly where’s the entrance I’m just going to wait for for lunch and then I’ll be done with it oh there

Is I made all the way around okay bad bad bad oh you didn’t break the um the you know the the thing like back in the Zelda you break for um get rubies you didn’t break pots yeah pots thank you I Wasing I I I thought I

Thought those pots were just can do you break those pots and then you get stuff from them cuz I know there’s like another pot like I’m going to try I’m going to try I’m going to try cuz if you right click it it just opens like a

Chest inventory oh yeah okay yeah I usually don’t um eat breakfast I just wait for lunch but you had just those you had egg Curry and soup do you have a n dude no that sounds so good seen one around here I don’t so okay I’m going to do your dungeon

EAS there’s a lot of not easy not easy not easy this is my way look all there’s something on there y so if I teleport myself over there I can’t go back to where I’m at come here it’s free ouch that’s H underhead yeah um I’m going to look for the

Plaster how do we make the plaster oh my why they still have change of this the healing you know um for the heing Sal the tra thing before it was easy just flower bowl and that’s it but now you need a aloe vera Alo oh yeah ever since they added rustic a couple

Years ago they changed it oh no I I didn’t start dieting I just don’t eat breakfast so much wool and Str yeah no dieting for me us I just don’t eat it cuz I don’t know I just don’t I’m not a breakfast person yeah know I’m not daing I’m just going to

Wait until the night and bed I bet I bet it’s yummy doing that yeah it’s going to heal myself why you have a sky Iceland look Sky Iceland like there’s a tree there look where there oh yeah that yeah why you have this I don’t even know what that is

Brick I got a I think that’s not even like a dungeon or anything that’s actually just a floating uh do you have looting everything uh yeah pretty much I uh I moved it all into two chests upstairs yeah I just okay you oh you have illing Sol I’m GNA just take one

Bandage one plaster actually there is oh I need level level four of magic sorry yeah for that plaster yeah but there’s there’s the other plaster that you don’t yeah the one that you need to hold click on your thing yeah the the worst one I prefer bandage Blaster that

You just hold and it’s going yeah it’s just the verse worse version of the uh yeah or the bandage like the the one that you can craft easily with wool and aling I like that one so um if I teleport myself over there I can’t go

Back to where I’m at right yeah uh yeah you can’t except if you have um was stone and you know what is a Way Stone I don’t know oh oh we can’t sleep uh Way Stone it’s like a stone that you can make a wayo on it like teleportation

Now if I want to I can teleport back to my whole village because I have one if you Village have one oh thank you I’m full H you have agility too by the way there’s another bow in here oh I need to drink water do you have a water source I

I have one purified water bottle and uh one no no yeah no no I don’t take this uh give me a moment uh you have bucket I’m going to take one hopefully we don’t need lavva on yes you want to get those parasites huh let’s go I don’t care about parasite I hate

Them on breakfast where’s the water actually I haven’t found anyone oh there there’s a pond right there actually wait I think you you were close to me I don’t know I don’t think yeah we don’t get one what is that uh dude you have a dragon oh there is one right

Here yeah I don’t think they burn for not oh no it’s just Thunder mom Ser with tunder power oh crap I just saw a creeper I was like No wait it’s The Creeper H I found it’s a witch I’m the dirt blast do you want me

To kill it yeah I’m going to kill it probably kill it yeah I know I’m going to lose but can still give a try just P crat it oh do you know the um blue thing oh that’s a rare Witch she’s teleporting yeah just kill her okay I get this it’s protection

Two I keep it I need food do you have pigs or something like that somewhere there’s a bunch of food in those CHS there’s over a stack there’s almost like two stacks of bread and bunch of other stuff oh yeah bread I’m going to take bread after that one we’re going to have

Golden carrot I’m just going to make golden carrot you sorry you need level 32 on farming if you want to eat golden carrot H I love this this m pack because it’s always on logic you always need Lev for almost everything there’s a you know the flare gun

The level of magic you need for this you can’t reach it it’s impossible the max level is 32 I know because I already try to get it so what I I have a idea yeah I know no one going to get me come here yeah fight fight each other fight each

Other H they stop shooting oh no oh no um special skeleton I’m just going to wait them to fight each other fight each other yeah keep going keep keep going not me oh the skeleton a hot oh there’s another uh dungeon in the spawn here over here okay I’m going to

I’m going to break the mob spawner from outside I I know which where to goly like it’s there it’s yeah it’s supposed to be there do you guys have swords I’m breaking it I’m breaking it I’m breaking it it’s broken nice you do you have a sword we

Can go to the dungeon with a skeleton just like leave the area for M desp because we not deal with special skeleton uh I think I’m going to put my level on attack because I want to use my iron sword sword uh I can make a two more levels do

You want me to make the shield from you know which mod the one that you can charge emo hey do you have a sword uh yeah what kind I have an H wooden one but I mean I have iron ones I just can’t I don’t have the level to use

Them yet oh what level are you uh I have level six in attack right now so I’m almost oh what about you what level are you Sam um I’m level four five on mining level five oh six on attack to and defense too what level are you Mia one what level are

You no cuz I have I have weapons in here but I don’t think you guys can use it I have like gold and silver come on why why tell us why do you know why that’s so early for an event oh man you’re going to die dude I don’t see where is it

Spawning dude I make a shield it’s it’s it’s it’s over on this side of the dude I make a shield uh from you know uh what is the mod uh Spartan shield and you know why I made this one yeah I’m level six on defense five on

Attack and four on mining now I’m five oh um I’m going to stay home yeah that’s a level 11 Reaper out there there’s a lot yeah I’m going to let the iron goem deal with them and take the XP at the last yeah I’m pretty sure all the ages are

Dead come here I’m going to try to make them go inside else or kill them easier there there just wait you can’t shoot me from the little Gap I’m a genius there take that take that that hurt come here hey Stone AG come here oh crap one of them got inside oh that’s

A level 10 oh seriously do not worry I got this wait maybe I can cheese them a yeah he’s stuck in the corner oh where are you he’s dead I’m just inside over by the chest and bed oh another one’s about to come in yeah they are they are up on the

Floor oh wait come here come here OU that hurt yeah they hurt yeah because I missed the shield protection I’m just trying to I’m still trying to craft one oh there’s an easier one with the wood you make with a cobone I thought there was oh there’s the Le I I kill

One how’s it looking down here uh bad it’s open upstairs so they like they just come in upstairs I the Villager is dead I just push it I just push it nope not dealing with you where where is he where it is no not this um there’s a um you know I think

You saw it oh okay I see what you mean that there’s one in the ow ow I kill oh come on uh why we spawn here there’s my stuff up there too oh crap it got I’m just roaming around in this safe Zone don’t care don’t care

Don’t care don’t even care I have a armor do I want to be outside not really right I go get beat by a hor this things oh iron from got ooh so how do we get horse stuff oh wait I have the I don’t know I’m supposed to do the

Furnace uh there is a um one in here wait what what do you shoot oh my why is this guy following me wait I oh my God I got one oh I killed it I killed it I killed it can I go please can I go I’m just

Going to put my XP on Magic what’s in this things I’m picking everything up why is this guy following me that’s serious right where are my oh there let me see if I can have all things in there there’s a lot of plaster all over the place

Um I have a redstone ooh a redstone a redstone um a sapphire a glow glow stone fire iron Flor I don’t have that Redstone wait it’s somewhere oh it’s it’s in this corner I see it thank you oh I have mining ftig oh yeah true I’m um what do I do with the

Redstone oh there’s stuff there oh that’s my book yeah yeah uh what did you say uh Redstone where my pants go what the Redstone I don’t know oh oh oh oh oh new I think I gave you my pants uh oh wait yeah d and

There uh we go go go go inside the room uh Mia I can you sleep oh we really need it hold on oh a nymph there’s a nymph I heard one you heard one please sleep you please sleep sleep sleep all right there we go there’s right

Out okay so um do you have x b no no a come on I’m got to put my some my stuff there silver do I need silver I need nothing in XP glow stone dust what do I do nothing G Stone I need a few more

Levels for where is where is it where is it where’s theer oh they gone prob all despawned yeah yeah they they gone okay so I’m going to try to find the nymph oh on the way right behind us like right outside behind us actually everything yeah go we have a now closing the

Door this guy my assistant we need one is he going to assist me I wish I can understand what he’s saying he’s just going I can maybe try to get it in my best and try to spawn one so best pets I need the soul of it Elemental nymph

All right I am done with this I think I pretty much got everything from this level oh there’s more of these I don’t even forget the thing you I need to kill the mster right forg it on the suing stuff I need to get it to kill it

Right what it say let me guess somebody stole your sweet maybe kill it there’s a skeleton too somebody stole your sweet roll if I kill it I’m GNA get you’re talking to the person who stole your sweet roll nothing no no not lag Spike please wor thing give me your XP come

On where is my XP thank you give me the bone give me the bone oh my out of iron black Spike big big lag Spike by the way oh I’m not lagging right now just me wonder I can find the okay so we can now go to the dungeon thing the lower

Lavel I just clear it yeah there’s just a zombie and I have to oh there’s another oh I see why there a lot of zombie oh you just XP what is this oh I just saw a skeleton this thing oh you can actually have putut in there there’s just nothing in

There there’s a dra I hear a dragon can I get help yeah like a baby zombie I don’t know where it come from just push me and you got a full armor no they all get my stuff let’s see where you in the dungeon in the tower oh cool

I do have a because a baby zombie I don’t know where it’s come from just push me there you go get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out get out I just want my stuff the baby zombie have iron

Sword he has got your sword yeah he got my my iron sword plus the shield oh I going to need your help I guess yeah I’m killing her right now yeah be careful they’re busy ooh this one more ooh what is this one point something attack this

One quality broken oh this thing is Broken I actually need this one Gathering Aid do I need a silver I probably probably don’t need it ion can be used to repair crafted equipment do I need a Nether Nether wa which one is this maybe I should get a Bow if I need these things do I need these things nope not going out there see what is this um yeah wait they can’t hear me you’re fine do I go outside you’re still following me dude can’t be hi Shahed how are you maybe I should break this

I o here you go let’s go get this thing should I get a bed see I’m still level one I need to get rid of something thing what should I get rid of did you make did you did I make what did you did I make what

Myself I don’t know what this is for I’m level one proud to be how do how do I pick this up oh well oh wait hold On oops here this dude is still following me ah okay I’m going to bring my stupid bed all over the place I think I think I actually looted this place already but let me just double check let me double check ah no not here I’m probably going to join them

You m go over here please let’s see paper do I need paper glass bottle do I need a bass glass bottle I don’t know I have more Flint than I need I don’t know I really want to keep these though look at that water I’m drinking water do I need a

Redstone oh that’s level four I can’t even use it H there’s a plaster tons of plaster do I need the oak wood I don’t know do I I don’t know apple juice looks good I really want to keep these things Defense number two and the magic number four I don’t even know the

Magic Flint TN and mean Z how’s it going oh excuse me it’s a bucket there’s a torch I mean I should get a torch I think I have enough arrows I think that’s the max I can carry can I carry more than that I probably can’t thanks for the follow nii chin nin

Anyway I’m waiting for another person to join so I can teleport him where I’m at so yeah I’m just roolling around here um trying to get whatever other things I can get before I go outside the world where I am going to die real fast so yeah I’m just enjoying the peacefulness

Of this area a so yeah I’m just um I am just enjoying the peacefulness of this area it’s cold but it’s peaceful so I don’t mind wait how do I get off over here I’m just going to destroy this there all right is this going to be warm in here it’s really cold

Man he supposed to be inside is he is he mad I don’t know fine here come here come on let’s go come on go inside a he’s mad at me come on hurry up ooh it’s probably I think it’s actually less cold in here is it no I think right Nope it’s still cold hey friend what’s up it’s my friend I think I think there’s a dragon outside there’s a dragon flying around outside I am not going there yeah there’s some crafting table in here may I should make one wait how do I make one oh there is a crafting table over

Here hold on maybe I should just maybe I should just I want to take it with me this is a crafting table there crafting table now I need to see I’m still level one cuz I’m not doing anything um do I need this ombre umbum do I need it probably not I don’t

Even know what that’s the the thing does here I’ll return you here Redstone but I need to have a building level four glow stone dust what does a glowstone dust do I don’t know all right let’s go take this there now I have that g if I

Die if I die right now am I going to get back to where am I going to get my stuff back I don’t know like I’d like actually to go outside but I don’t know if I’m ooh it’s not cold right now but I I don’t know if I could be

Able if I can actually able to um like sleep I mean be able to get all my things that I have I hear something but I don’t know thought somebody I thought there was something flow following I mean there’s a bounty wow yeah I should to go h i see something

Flying I need a pickaxe you know what that’s what I’m going to do hold on let me let me do a pickaxe right now cold again how come they don’t have any heater in here man all right let me make something looks like these are the things that I can make Right Stone wait where’s your regular iron pick what is this an iron n non choco is that how you pronounce it non Cho season clock Seasons oh sensor wow that’s where you use that too bad get and a stick clock maybe I need a compass oh I can’t make a

Compass plint and steel can’t even make that stone pickaxe I think I need a stone stone sword I think I need this okay I think I need a Stone there was a cobblestone I actually dropped I have to pick it up where did I put it think I add I think I put it like somewhere up there did you say cake isn’t alive well mostly everyone join the something where did I put it where did I put the

Stone oops no no no oh no yeah I think I put the stone up here stone is Stone where did I put the Stone where the hell did I put the stone in I don’t know I need a pickaxe I’m going to make a pickaxe I am not sure where I put that stone man I just looking for the stone cuz then I can make a pickaxe maybe here where’s underground wait ah ah

There okay think I need this nope I’m not going out there we go here oh yeah did he just lock those two in there I still Can’t wait hey cheerful how are you I’m good what you up to yeah what you up to I don’t think I can use any of these I don’t understand I thought you’d do a pickaxe wait hold on don’t I do like a stone in oh I need a

Stick I need think I need stick just chilling all right chill away I’m just I’m just trying to figure out what to do in here Z where are you how how’s it going redstone torch I can’t I I can’t make the thing what is that

Okay I’m not really in the v i mean I’m there but I’m not really talking cuz the other two are busy doing their thing what the did you just wait wait wait wait wait wait what are you Doing fine let’s go fight oh no I’m going to die I’m going to die oh my God dang I can’t find him there you go crazy uh-oh uh-oh wait I’m going to die do I use this I don’t know stupid thing okay something Something’s Happened and I I don’t know what’s going

On you don’t meet the requirement to use this item really what do I use I’m oh I died where’s my stuff God all right have fun with you Pizza dang it where’s my stuff where was I why wait why I don’t have all my stuff man oh all this my

Stuff I died from the cold I died from the cold well this one yeah Google helps a lot sometimes sometimes I use Google sometimes I just I just let it like I think that’s what it means but who knows okay I’m going to get all my stuff

Back this thing is dull man ooh ooh I don’t know what these Are oh go to sleep okay hold on oh okay ssbu what’s Ssbu done made Blaster I can’t even use the stupid plaster I don’t need a red carpet the heck need this one why is there a mushroom in there I don’t know where that came from get that one Super Smash Brother oh okay okay yeah post it where are these things coming

From trickster flare charge a charge orb of element energy can be used to level up pets and equipment parts with matching elements can also be fired from a dispenser or Throne when sneaking when sneaking okay oops oops I’m missing something where is my helmet oh there I have my helmet

What was it all about if if you want to I’m asking sorry I’m just stretching I was asking if you want if you want a Minecraft on your PC but I need you I need your email so I can send it over to you you just posted it okay

Ah oh I can’t use this cuz it has stupid magic that’s level four do I even want this thing yeah this thing has level four magic I’m missing something what am I missing I think the plast this plaster is actually what I need I don’t know if I need this nether right

I need the stupid wood planks I don’t know do I I don’t know I am missing something what am I missing let me see let me see my things again I have plaster which I can’t use I have the egg I should probably wait I’ll put the egg here I have

Flints I’m missing something but I’m not sure I’m not sure what I’m missing cuz I had a full I had a full stack of things this is I have carpet and mushroom can I use a wait can I use this I can’t even use the stupid thing cuz it’s level

Two all right all right wait hold on let me just take care of that one okay um where is It where’s that thing all right let me just look at the hell is that thing it just showed me earlier okay I need to find that part where hold done okay download launcher nope around Um my account it just showed me earlier oh goodness nope okay I’m trying to find hold on okay Jeff I’m trying to find that thing where is it just showed it to me the other like earlier all right let me just like out and come

Back in and see if it’s going to let Me all right what the heck is it on I just oh here okay okay you should be getting it Soon okay I don’t think they can hear me hey phiz welcome back okay I swear to God I’m missing something what am I missing I think I’m going to die soon yeah it’s too cold in here wait let me go somewhere can I be somewhere that’s all right I’m still

Cold how’s my game going I’m just really roaming around I’m roaming around and waiting for one person to join cuz then I want them to loot this area where I’m at cuz there’s a lot of stuff in here but I’m not sure if they’re ready so I’m

Just roaming around trying to figure out stuff in here than yeah I don’t know I don’t know and the other two are busy doing their thing over there cuz they’re they’re in another area I’m going to be cold and die watch I need to be somewhere else can I be some here

Nope so cold why is it so cold in this stupid house see I’m still cold I still don’t know what I’m missing I had I had a full I had a full full inventory and then I died I died and then I don’t know what happened like what what am I missing I

Don’t Know yeah I’m not sure what I’m missing ah who maybe I I don’t really know what I need and these ones are like level four which is I’m not I don’t even know if I should am I having fun or not I I don’t know yet

I don’t know yet cuz um I mean it’s fun right now cuz not nobody’s killing me nobody’s killing me yet so I’m it’s pretty fun now um I don’t know what happen when I go outside maybe I should have a torch all right

I have a lot of food look at my fridge I call my fridge but oh my god I think I’m going to die it’s too cold in here man I should probably get this instead yeah like these things look at look at these things I can’t even wait oh my God I’m

Going to die wait I’m dying I’m dying I’m going to die cuz it’s too cold I don’t know what to do I I don’t have anything uh fire fire I don’t know fire fire I’m going to die so um I’m cold what do I do wait I stopped dying okay make a

Fire this thingy right this is a furnace right I think oh my God so just put charcoal in it I oh I don’t have wool I have some iron I’m waiting for somebody to join so I can teleport them to me so they can like take the stuff that I

Have like there’s a lot of stuff around here that they can use like you know weapons and things there’s extra leather that’s not made up yet like you know just the leather itself not like a leather shirt or whatever um let’s see I saw some Leather I don’t have wool though what uh I don’t know oh I need a stick don’t I right I need a stick with the Flint and a stick okay I don’t have them I don’t have a stick I need to go outside to get a stick there’s a leather over here one leather

Oh there’s three Leathers are you going to switch off to something else or you going to keep on playing okay what ooh that’s what I’m I I think I I actually had a um I had a sword but I killed that thingy that was following me cuz I thought it was attacking me

Oops um and yeah oops the butterfly dude I don’t know what he is yeah what yeah it was just following me I think wait Z wait what it say she just left what the heck I was waiting for Z to um actually join in so I can have him over

Here and get the stuff where are you how come it’s always I think it’s crashing okay hold on yeah it says yeah I think something is um Z what’s happening cuz yesterday I was having the same thing it was crashing on me every single time so wait what does it

Say yeah it was frustrating when I was um installing this game it was not working yep I Z tell me what’s going on with your or install level one you get the wooden wooden sword right or is it better to just have a knife what’s next after the wooden sword The oh that’s okay so this Stone I can make um a sword from so it could be like a cobblestone or right okay I need to go outside and get stick there’s monsters outside man trying to get in I think it’s yeah I don’t have anything to hit him

With though I think I’m going to die if I go outside oh I think I have a broken one maybe I should leave all my stuff in here wait to eat a carrot you need to be level four what no it won’t it say I I

Can no I’m oh oh the the um the Meat part right okay maxed up okay I put all my stuff in here I don’t really understand what you just said but okay wow that’s pretty cool but it’s only for a few second or so or it’s permanent that’s pretty cool

Are we sleeping you want to sleep oh hey Zach how are you okay hold on I going to put all my stuff in there because I I don’t want to keep oops I want to keep on collecting them when I die so I’m just going to keep it in one

That’s in the place and then go outside and get a stick is that another portal oh man there is another portal here go to another foret to make a shield hey Zach I’m good how you doing good evening to you I think right just look at mine baby zombie I than yeah good

Evening I hate those baby zombies they’re always killing me I they came out of nowhere but luckily didn’t hit me it hit me I would have be dead cool is there really not a nymph around here there sheep oh that Forge should done oh which one has to bch the forge was it

I think he’s having problem with o are you here wait wait wait wait wait it say they joined and they didn’t leave so must made it yeah wait how do I do it again my name first and then wait no his name first than me yeah yeah for for for him to you

Yeah okay okay Z can you join the um the voice chat are you here you’re not here can you join please don’t know okay all right oh it’s getting dark oh no wait I need to wait I need to teleport you okay I better do this

Right oh man don’t tell me I lost the village TP PP oh the wrong way sweet Uh How does it go my name first right no the their name and then your name okay it’s the person you’re teleporting to the person you’re teleporting to okay I always mess this up oh they’re dead already oh no oh no yep yes you are okay hold on Z can you please join

The gaming the gaming channel dude man unfortun okay in my name all right here we go yay you’re here yay okay now you can um collect the things oh wait wait wait I’ll show you I’ll show you what you need to get over here wait where am I oh here come this

Way okay hold on here go wear the um go wear these wow apple juices oh oops sorry so sorry do you mean to here here where that we need oh my God am I going to die again it’s freaking cold in here yeah it’s night time it’s also colder at night

So oh my Lord yeah we’re wait hold on hold on oh my my God this so stupid here where this um where that I know it’s so cold I’m going to die hold on I don’t have anything for the cold man here wait pick up the stuff oh my my

God okay let’s go see if I I’m I’m going to die dude what it’s too cold I guess I’m just going to die oh well yeah you found the secret room yeah don’t at the bottom but it’s too cold yeah I’m just going to die there’s no there’s really nothing in here you

You should I’m pretty sure cuz that that that there’s that opening it lets the cold in so you got to go like behind the close the do is I am over here yeah I’m just not see I’m like over here no doors whatsoever I’m still I’m still cold I’m just going to die

In yes so you go now you don’t have hypothermia cuz the door’s closed now you can sleep oh I should sleep oh my God I should sleep why am I not sleeping I have no idea thank you wait wait wait wait go sleep are you sleeping

Crap I’m going to die yeah I’m going to die oh you died yep I can’t sleep though because you’re all right even when you’re dead you can’t sleep okay I got to sleep before I die there’s a there’s a grim neor oh no why am I outside what the wait wait

Wait wait you’re still trying to sleep right yeah okay hold on I got to I got to fall as asleep before the Grim Reaper kills me okay hold on oh nice all right where’s that Grim Reaper at and I can kill him they go through the ceiling not yet there he

Is so do you guys have a base over there or what what are you guys doing right now um or you just moving all over the place no we’re still we’re just sitting in the like the same Village that you are we’re in the same Village no but they the same exact

Building I oh okay we just been uh we just been getting Levels by doing the dungeons around us so the knife is really not that big right the knife yeah the I mean it’s it’s it’s really it’s only purpose really just for you to be able to get

Plant fiber which is equivalent to strain oh that’s that’s the whole point of the of the knife yeah so I really need a sword then if I need to like Kill the Zombies and things oh yeah a knife a knife is going to be better than your

Fist but no you don’t want to use a knife to fight now okay okay personally I I I I prefer I would make a spear spere would it let me make a spere I need you’re going have to get you’re going to have to get the knife to get

String to make the spear but I mean yeah okay oh crap I forgot to make a shield still ah wow he shot me twice in the I need to go outside it’s it’s okay so first things first I need a stick and a flint to make a knife right yeah okay good night

Fiz talk to you later dude have have a great sleep great sleep what unless unless there’s unless you have wool or strain already and then just bypass that or if there’s any sheep around you can kill or anything like that um see so what do I need to make a

Sphere let’s see oh I don’t have anything in my pocket okay should really go make that Shield before I keep forgetting Shield yeah Shield is incredibly important especially against um skeletons cuz even if you have a diamond helmet if they shoot you in the head you’re probably dead instantly really yeah that’s

Crazy really I need more that’ be really wait now there’s a n outside all right I’m going to go outside so what do I need for a sphere Branch yeah uh you need to make a pole so you need um you need either leather or uh string and some

Sticks okay I think I saw a string I’m not sure let’s see I need some sticks so I need to break a um a tree out there right uh yeah right I mean yes and no uh if you don’t have an axe you’re not

Going to be able to Pi a tree you need an ax of chop freeze down but uh if you break the leaves you might get sticks uh so for the for the axe I need stick and oh crap I don’t I don’t remember what I need either wood or a

Stone I got some steak wait this doesn’t pick up real can you do auto pick up no oh if if if you press shift it picks up in an area though okay I’m hungry are you hungry oh we we have lots of food here we have like two stacks of bread and a

Bunch of other stuff no I mean real life oh o i see a monster oh what oh my God good thing it’s morning who’s about to attack me you’re not hungry dude yeah get something to eat like dat over there is it um it’s 12 right now oh yeah it’s perfect it’s Sunshine

Nah on probably eat something in like 11 hours or so really maybe like at like 2: a.m. or something what so what’s this little thingy for what is that why is that there am I supposed to press on it what what’s this thing see if you that’s Stone if you right click

It you get a rock wait if and four rocks is one Cobblestone so if you want just go around picking those up to get stone okay I actually have I actually have a stone stack of stone in one of the thing inside so I don’t think I need any stone

Now okay I got stick I think I’m going to go before somebody kills me out there let’s go let’s go oh some scary sound out there so I need level for a um for a silver stuff right for silver um you need a bunch of levels for

Silver I think oh so I can really do stone at this moment that’s all I can do yeah stone is all you can do okay actually yeah silver is the same as gold for level wise oh okay h oh I have string nice so then what um I needed string and

Leather uh to make a backpack I mean or refer to make what again I don’t know uh two two important things to get would be a backpack and a cool bels so a backpack when I die I do I like drop everything or with a backpack

You also you’ll drop the backpack on the floor and anything in the backpack is still going to be there so you don’t have to like pick up everything individually if it’s on the backpack no okay if it’s still in your inventory it’ll still go all over the place yeah okay there’s a stone

Somewhere yeah being hungry is Horrible I’m cold again need to do something with this cold all right what can I do with this one it’s not showing me a backpack though oh you can uh you can destroy the leather armor into extra leather I mean I have I have leather

Though so look I have a leather I have a string what else do I need wait what is this oh you should use uh anyi instead of that instead of that you literally just search it up that that that that that that vanilla crafting is really bad so where my wait

So which yeah you’re not going to you’re never going to find anything to use in so which one am I using wait the one on the right the N enough items you can literally just search a backpack and you’ll see the recipe and you can you can transfer other the items but you

Need you need to turn the the the the the strain into wall ow oh there’s a wool okay there’s a wool wait what is running around over here what where’s that thing inventory inventory no um wait where do I look for the thingy where where’s that menu where

There’s like a lot on the side yeah I you might have turned it off by accident uh press o that should that should open it and close it if it’s not alt no it’s it’s in your inventory just press you you might have pressed all on it accident which which oh this thing

This thing is this what maybe it’s not it should be on the right when you maybe you have to turn off the uh the recipe book but it should be on the right yeah there there you go your your your your GUI scale is so huge that you can’t see

It when the recipe book is open oh you L just search a backpack and it’ll you you’ll see it oh my God only one back wait I’m dying again wait what cuz I am cold then where are you by the way what are you doing right now over there I’m making my own

Backpack I’m trying to find there it is back back oh I need a uh I need a gold that’s what I need I have gold somewhere I need to look for it the hell did I put the gold nope get the gold ah there Gold What is happening outside oh Jesus so how do I access the backpack oh there this thingy is that it inventory that’s like a bag is that it I don’t know so I’m wearing the backpack right now yeah if if you have to you have to

Put it on the ground to be able to use it oh okay if you shift right click the floor with an empty hand you’ll place it and you have to um when you want to pick it back up again you have to shift and break it but

Make sure you’re holding shift when you like are breaking it because that will pick it up if you try to break it without holding shift you’ll actually break it and everything will go everywhere mean I need how much wool hold on Lime yes I got a I killed a blight skeleton

That’s so much xp wow and I can get extra Hearts now gold what what what just happened okay um I guess Sam must have use the hard crystals oh whatever what’s that it’s uh if you get nine heart Crystal Shards and you have magic level eight you can

Um you can get extra Hearts oh okay oh there stupid backpack so that’s the backpack okay then how do wait okay so the backpack is on the ground right yeah how do I pick it up and put it again you got to you have to be holding shift and then just like Um then I have it oh it’s so cool okay cool now I can carry all my stuff so I can get out of this place and do other things outside yeah yeah you should probably get out of there and go like maybe find the little dungeon get get some levels

Up how do I know if it’s a dungeon I mean it’s it’s a it’s a it’s pretty obvious it’s like a just a giant 99% of all buildings are probably going to be dungeons so a the most obvious are going to be the the the circular lawn Towers those

Are the battle towers they have two spawners per floor and chests per floor so they can be easy or hard those are usually the easy ones around okay so you guys are like in a grassland or something yeah we’re in a we’re in a forest oh I wonder how far you are from

Me probably pretty far that sucks so to um put it down is the same one I go shift and yeah you have to shift right click with an empty hand it has to be an empty hand okay oops oh there I see it cool and to put all my food in here

And my bandages you can also make a tool belt it’s pretty much the same recipe but I mean a bit cheaper it uses iron instead and it’s like a portable belt that you can wear and um you can like like switch out Tools in one hand so you don’t have to like have

Like your entire hot bar filled with tools you can just have like one slot dedicated to tools okay Prett nice I need a lot of leather though right for the tool belt it’s it’s like five leather yeah yeah I don’t have any yet and now to get

Some yeah I scrapped all of the leather armor in here to get a bunch of leather okay there’s actually some armor in here I can actually do that all right yay okay let me just get all these things all these h all right you should make a no make a shield too

Actually typically when you make when whatever weapons or whatever you’re you’re going to make it’s probably just going to be from Spartan Weaponry if anything it’s better than vanilla and it’s wait what what what do I have it’s making me jump oh man oh that’s so good the tool

Belts I made has extra jump height on it w that’s pretty my backpack is Arcane that’s so good actually oh yeah yeah whenever you make something you have a chance of it being good or bad you’ll see if you have R it shows um oh like to

Yeah it they tell you if it’s a negative or a plus yeah exactly and uh later you can make a thing that that you can like roll what you have on it yeah I think I overdid my um when I was picking up my oh there’s a

Backpack what the B this thing only gives me .5 jump height so it’s not I saw only I jumped two and a half blocks so it’s not even enough to or one and a half blocks it’s not even enough to jump like two blocks still pretty good at least you

Can jump a little bit somewhere well since it doesn’t um since it doesn’t clear like a a full block it it’s basically the same as not having it yeah I can’t like jump an extra block or nothing hold then yeah no why system CL gar door no garage door door you know Instead maybe oh I’ll go check it okay all right oh my God it’s almost 11 I’m hungry okay let me just take care of this thing oops I broke the thing I broke my backpack I think I hit it too too much just remember to hold hold shift

When you’re when you’re doing it otherwise it’ll you’ll actually break it it won’t like disappear or nothing but your stuff will go everywhere yep that’s what happened yeah it’s so annoying did you get the stuff h no I all you just stuff despawned I got I got most of my stuff

But some of the despawn to all it’s fine what are you doing I was um doing something like you and my dad oh okay KN where I cooking and do some activity I was um they they gave us some uh bucks with some surprise oh okay they they got this from

Another place and give us this tree so but it’s mostly some expired thing so there’s an Ironwood tree right here I’m coming back to the home same if I don’t know where is it I’m just like running around outside just getting some XP and exploring around a bit yeah I forgot where’s the

Base I’m going to try to find it oh did you log off in uh the middle of the Wilderness yeah it’s fine I should find like the base or no I think I would I should just kill myself I could just do that would be more simple oh there’s a dragon I’m

Guessing wait no it’s a sky dungeon you can buy a tower right now I found a m shaft with the trunk clothing this supposed to be right there around this side oh it’s not even a dungeon just like a broken Tower oh oh it’s not even oh it’s not loaded in

Fully I’m walking on the void oh yeah I said I see two dragon oh I get out I’m over by the snow biome I’m just gonna kill myself it’s going to be faster to find the base oh you know what I did get from the

Um that dungeon that we died in yeah a bezar oh yeah I’m just going to kill myself I guess now we can actually go back and it won’t be as bad since I’m immune to poison now also got myself a backpack and a tool belt oh nice they got pretty decent

Um yeah just I’m just going to just kill I’m just going to kill myself really quickl ants over here I scra all our um okay I scrapped all of our leather armor oh no problem I’m going to make my made myself a pickaxe I yeah I still can’t use the iron

Pickaxe uh I I I can now I have enough levels finally we have no iron though we have actually yeah we have zero iron I have or before when we did the tower I have like a stack of hon [ __ ] I guess we don’t have it anymore this is

Hello hey do you want me to mine some iron uh yeah we should probably just go mining sadly we can’t make Waypoint well I have an atlas so I I can or you mean uh or you mean like an actual was down oh it’s just for like Dron map

There’s no Dron map on this oh yeah that’s the antique Atlas is it’s a it’s a book map you have to like open it to see the yeah the so nice but yeah so I’m going to try to find a mine a good one actually like there’s like three or four

Mines like right outside like behind the village yeah I’m going to kill mster we get some oh true my shield I need another Shield should make a second pickaxe this one’s almost dead I’m just going to kill m s for get some XP just hope I’m not going to get again a

Blitz like you know what I mean like the one in the fire oh the blighted ones yeah I managed to kill another bled skeleton so I got a bunch of levels ioia so many times I just found tree creeper I think I’m not going to get close to this potion

Effect there’s a bunch of zombies and creepers around yeah a lot of Creeper I just found this like Creeper Creeper Creeper Creeper and oh another one a creeper I found a creeper again I want zombie and spider they’re easy to kill compared to creeper and and skeleton creepers are easy yeah with

Iron sword and that stuff I have a stone sword wait now a with a stone axe you can two shot a creeper yeah I don’t have one and I don’t want to make one either how do you how do you um create how do you make a key a key

Oh you can make a cheap wooden one with just some sticks otherwise you can make an iron one with some nuggets so one one iron ingot should be good enough for two for two ums so so sticks and then iron no if if you want to make a wooden

One it just sticks it’s like four or five sticks if it yeah yeah four sticks if you want to make a iron one it’s four nuggets okay a Jesus Christ that trumpet SC and just knock me down a oh should I get a haror before or mining for the

Iron um I think mining is the best for now right right now I have level eight Gathering attack and level four mining mining you have level four okay oh I just want a a special creeper oh oh all that one might not be so easy you just

Die he was just put on me some web oh God I just kill itself my exploding I have a shield I can protect myself I’m not going to get killed by this a creeper special creeper no way there’s no monster there’s no no zombie and SPID oh a little on mine oh

It’s too dark yeah I’m not going to go in there if it’s too dark I want I don’t want to deal with the mster in the dark well you don’t want to go fight a chupacabra yeah don’t want you deal with them enough there’s two creepers and a skeleton two skeleton oh God

Back this special skeleton but oh there we go I gilded it it was like a different special skeleton it was like a onear skeleton instead of one that had um like special effects he dropped Empower defense too oh crap there’s a rock ah okay Rock’s dead Jesus that’s a special

Skeleton oh but it’s a trumpet skeleton let’s go well you dropped the bronze Katana with lesser fire it too oh my God I keep breaking it you forgetting to hold shift I’m I’m actually pressing it but it’s still breaking on me why you you got to hold

Shift the whole time time I am though really shouldn’t probably not who knows yeah like like you can tell like like when you’re like when you’re doing it it shouldn’t like actually break like it it shouldn’t even make a noise it makes like a very soft noise

I guess there’s like no difference when you’re hold shift but of course now I have mining fatigue too so it takes forever me my backpack when I don’t have anything on it it doesn’t break as much but then when I have stuff then it breaks so it’s weird as long as they’re holding

Shift [ __ ] down watch don’t for don’t forget you you just press shift and it’ll pick everything up h wait back back how do you how do you transfer things automatically uh hold shift and then click it in fact if you can just hold shift and just drag left click and then you

Just transfer everything super fast okay but I’m wondering something can i Fishing and make a um AFK fishing form oo fishing’s actually not that bad in our yeah you can get mending I’m just going to make a fish world want me to make the AFK one we don’t have enough iron I guess

Yeah we don’t have no I can make here nor one so uh this this this this I don’t even know what to okay what is the fishing fishing how we do it what the difference between a regular and uh problem oh right yeah you can’t you can’t you

Can’t do it yeah you you have to make the special one the yeah I remember now the the the regular one you can’t it’s only used for crafting you can’t even you can’t use it to fish yeah a crap that’s bad because I wanted to make a AFK

For I didn’t get a lot of stuff all well that’s good that baby War almost kill yeah we’re going to need iron before we can get a fishing rod oh my God uh do you want make a um a manual um mining like straight or home

Cave uh actually I I just found some iron right here I can mine real quick I know where to do it yeah c this is so frustrating no just in the basement I keep breaking it yeah I guess it’s no I’m just going to make a hole I swear to God my arms

Are broken fatigue yeah take this stupid thing swear to God where’d he go geonach Jesus I hate this thing oh and of course it spawned chaotic energy I just saw it what where did my backpack go swear to God am I wearing my backpack wait nope

I’m not oh there it goes what the heck why is it floating what oh there’s a nymph here though I don’t see it the r just hit the nymph now the N attacking it let’s go I think there is a a button or a lever somewhere in the base because I found a

Redstone system there we are just dead Jesus and I’m serious I ref found a redstone system in the base really yeah now it’s working really where’s that I’m trying to find it okay here I’m mining right now I found a pis how am I supposed to kill any

Here I can’t even use a stupid backpack there’s an enchanting table really yep it must have been a room I missed no where did you find it it just in um you know the uh I’m not I want to say it but I’m not going to say it

Um just keep going down in the base but I don’t find a button it’s supposed maybe to be a white button most stupid thing ever or maybe under there no where I just broke it but okay I’m going to do yeah it’s was a secr door with a piston I made a

Discovery yeah there might be a more secret to that place cuz there’s that like secret um like wine seller or whatever that Brewery downstairs wait the okay so yeah we have a enchanting table but oh some stuff there too bad we can’t use it yeah we don’t have the

Lava there’s there’s iron there I can maybe get it I might have enough levels for level sh magic I can take books oh my God what’s missing in here plaster what happened to the this may be another secret I have tons of plaster what happened to my plaster

Bookshelf I’m going to look there if there’s another Secret no there okay no it’s the only secret so I’m going to mine there I found coal I’m going to mine it for get some XP oh wait but if I got a add you know the monster of

Rock when you mind I just hope I’m not going to get it because I’m just in the base that’s that’s what I got and I killed it spawned in AR just I what happened to my plasters man it’s fine it’s just a monster what can go wrong it’s Fine nothing can go wrong nothing I have no torch oh it’s fine it’s actually lapis up there there’s no monster and you know that type of monster you need to use your pickaxe for kill it oh I I killed it like in a couple hits with my iron spear yeah I know but

It’s yeah I’m pretty sure the end takes more damage from axes too oh my God I can’t anymore with this backpack man oh actually a decent amount of lapis up here I don’t understand water okay let me just we’re not really seeing them I can’t with this stupid thing goodness understand

Man okay here we go watch they that broke it okay now I actually have it okay think I got this maybe swear to God if I die I another time it’s going to Be this all I’m doing I swear to God I swear to God I swear to God I swear to God I don’t know what happened to my plasters I have tons of plasters I swear to God how many times am I going to do this oh hold on I got the

Wrong I for forgot how many times I died already I think I died three times already from hypothermia I mean shoot here we go again no oh my God how many times am I going to do this to myself we can’t I got anymore I’m just going to die

Again I can’t with this thing man right I just stupid thing man dang it I mean I’m just going to die cuz it’s cold stupid cold well I’m just going to die I think I’ve died like I don’t know how many times I’m just going to let it there you

Go why am I always here oh my stuff is over here what the fudge okay all done I swear to god it feels like I keep okay yeah here go if I can only put the stupid thing in my back then I should be fine if it let

Me damn it I mean dang it come on there oops I need this think we’re good come on what else are my stuff are they like growing all the way over here I’m mod pack off take it off what do you mean I mean it’s a good it’s a good

Thing I just don’t know how to use it I’m like I keep breaking it ah I keep breaking it I don’t Know yeah it’s just me I don’t know how to do it watch me break it again it’s so annoying should probably use this one silver should put this in here oh too cold h Here We Go Again God I hate this thing look I’m pressing shift and I’m wait hold

On right right is it this one no that’s to open it watch oh my God how many times am I going to do this I Again so annoying so annoying I don’t know what to do with this I’m just GNA you know what I’m going to do I hate this thing I swear to God I’m actually I’m pressing shift I’m pressing shift I’m just going to put stuff in here whatever whatever I can put he stupid thing

Man oh where’s my um hold on oops I need I need this one here watch watch oh my God I was holding a torch where the heck is oh the torch is over here huh it’s almost like there’s nothing there watch I’m going to okay let me just hear this real

Quick oh my God I can’t I can’t anymore with this backpack oh my God I don’t get it I don’t get it I don’t get it I don’t get it oh my thank God I need a break I need a break from this stupid backpack okay I need a break from the stupid

Backpack I can’t anymore can’t I can’t all right I’ll be back I need a break from the stupid back Haack I’ll be back my God you go through the cap I am hungry die please thank you Dam get back the stuff yet finally I killed

It nice wow it barely gave me any levels but it dropped four enchanted books that’s nice I keep mining I just need one thing that’s called iron yeah he did have my boots the worst place to go is the nether that is true though so B you you

Got you got to prepare a lot for yeah like a lot of Cooler I just found a cave do you want to know what I the first thing that I saw what five skeleton with each other have a enchant bow I’m like nope and then with them we need

Chests I’m going to mine there should maybe found in maybe yes iron yeah just Tre are you kidding me oh my God just Tre oh I can see the cave by mining oh iron or finally please not a mom again please I swear to God I just want

Minerals please give me without give me m it’s black okay I need to go out oh and yes for the enchanting table you still didn’t see it oh God that’s an there’s an ultra Enderman right there what do you mean he’s a very very special end I can

Probably kill him I really need the end pearls actually I can kill him in here hi I’m going to had some more Haron the forace card oh God he can mine blocks I’m dead oh rip he mined right through the wall BR he out smart

You gu it wasn’t even an ultra just a rare but still man I don’t think a rare end could just mine through the wall maybe it’s because it’s dirt maybe if it was Cobblestone you couldn’t Mind through it guess I’ll find out okay I know how to make the fishing

Rod yeah it’s easy we just need yeah it’s easy we need iron now I I have iron cooking though and I made three furnaces yeah yeah same so uh do you want me to make it sure okay uh first I need to make this yeah okay I need wo and red

Wo yeah we have Wall yeah yeah and we have uh we have red D I try to search force can we make some with this okay wait this this oh we make this how can we uh yeah oh yeah I can use this white the berry yeah use the berries they act the

Die rtic is a really good mod um okay so after that I can make this by doing this this this this this wait all right well let’s see if the Enderman can mine through cobblestone okay this after that just missing the okay string okay you can for Cobblestone too H my

God okay I killed him though Jesus man I got an ender pearl let’s go guess what wait what what is doing to get a better fishing rod um I usually use the the heavy bobber the um okay the oh wait don’t tell me that for fishing I need to have some skill or

Something like that I use the long the long cast reel sounds easy didn’t I need some bait you don’t have to but it’s if you if you want a big fish yeah you you I don’t want fish I just want XP oh then yeah it doesn’t I can we okay

I’m going to put the iron there oh and I have a lot a lot and a lot of rock I’m just going to make cobblestone with them I’m going to make an XP to real quick okay go ah ahead oh crap right you need four ender

Pearls I don’t know why I had one before dying I got this this this this this this drop a bronze Hal all right I’m going to mute them for a moment wait where’s my stuff wait what what yeah I’m I’m about to I’m about to die I think I’m cold again

What happened to my stuff it was here then it’s not here what do you mean I’m still here like no I mean it’s not here anymore like the it was like in front of me but then now it’s not there what I don’t know I don’t exactly oh my Gody

No I was going to get all that stuff oh my God I didn’t know I thought it was just going to be there oh my God why is there a monster in here why are you here oh it’s going to kill me it’s going to kill me oh oh my

God oh man all the good stuff that’s so annoying Dude man I do you know it disappears like that that’s the dummest thing ever 5 minutes a I didn’t know that cuz I don’t I don’t play Survival I just you know do the Creative thingy I thought it just stays there even on Creative that happens I don’t I don’t think I drop

Anything that I really need so I never really see something disappear oh my god dude Yep I didn’t know I told you I don’t know a lot of about this game and I’m cold again okay let me just see where am I going some stuff in here is good wait he can’t why he can’t do anything when it’s raining Oh that’s good to know do you guys have a lot of lights over there yeah like candles and things oh okay no do you need paper oh okay I’ll get that then do you need glass okay do you need any glass bottle that’s empty yeah okay

Are you guys are you in the in your base or what right now okay um I’m just going to go collect things and then I’m going to go over there how do they break your leg like can you actually see your like legs are broken what was that what the that was

Weird do you have a music something over there yeah okay okay I thought it’s like Okay yeah wait can you can actually you can actually open up the book thingy what the I how so wait if if I go to that room what am I supposed to to see um this place this place what does a wine Celler look like um this is the

Okay this is like there’s no more down but this one I don’t know where this is the only one that’s in here that’s like there’s no lower floor this this one this one oh even know okay cool a in the secret room is what does the secret room look like this one

No okay for for and don’t add the equipment for this I got a B I shoot shoot it yeah we keep mining stuff oh my God I could I could go to my cave but the problem is I need a water sources water bucket because the

Lava I still can’t find that door it’s it’s not a door you break okay um I’m going to tell you where it is you want the enchanting table yeah it’s literally it just go go around the corner and then go left it’s that wall okay not

This this one no no no it’s behind you this one no it’s it’s behind you behind me go around the corner like like it’s in the other room it’s it’s not even in this room it’s the other room this one here like yeah yeah yeah in this room to the

Left it’s it’s around the left see the middle actually for you it’s to the right it’s to the right I think right cuz yours is backwards yeah okay um you go to the middle of this place yeah it’s literally right and you turn you turn

Right this one in the middle of the in the middle of the room on the right this is the bar the Barrow right there there’s no yeah it’s there it’s there I think it’s that one yeah yeah yeah there is no bar rrow on this so it’s F no

Unless it’s that one yeah yeah it’s one of the those tree it’s one it’s not that one it’s not that one it must be that one yeah the one with nothing oh okay yeah yeah there you are you might want more iron yeah we need more iron in

Case I use a iron pickaxe now I could go deeper for try to get some Diamond but I need like I said a water bucket for the lava I don’t want to deal with the Lava Monster so what am I supposed to be doing in the secret room it just there’s

A search search the bookshelves for an XP to oh the bookshelf that look really weird like yeah this one I oh goodness I saw one with all of the XP nice God yeah they usually have XP in them already okay on that you find oh I found

Silver I’m making an iron Pi I need to make another switch my Katana I should have die I’m my God I found nothing there’s no stuff and I keep going down so I will maybe get some Diamond I hope so because if we got Diamond then yeah

Good I’m just going to put it put the XP in my uh X and try to not lose it I don’t even know which yeah I I always keep my XP Tom in my chest if I know if I’m the P off I’m just going to

Break okay I think I re yeah I reached it so oh my God it’s fine so hypothermia one two three oh there where you go mining at anyway four okay oh uh it’s it’s in the where there is uh the basement like down you’re yeah you’re going to see a Hole

Uh M Water y oh no don’t no you don’t touch keep stay away from me so bouncy wants ocean fish do you just keep the the Ketone XP tone whatever you call it you just Crouch and right click and you’re going to store your XP and if you don’t Crouch right click you’re

Going to get the XP out it’s mostly for store XP you can store maximum 30 levels yeah if if if you don’t have enough levels to level save then you have to use it otherwise when you die you’re going to lose levels and you want to lose

Levels six I guess no five five Diamond there’s clay here I’m going to keep mining until I found more diamond oh yeah true I need torch should I make stuff or get the iron stuff like sword and armor yeah I’m going to yeah my iron pick going to break

So I’m going to need por oh her oh her Char or Crystal char hard more nice we can make some heart yes going to have one more now yeah my P is going to break like oh my God few moment really yeah now no more I’m coming back up I’m going to die

Again I’m going to get some more stuff here you’re going to die make sure you store your levels they should you should really get out of there already yeah yeah your oh yeah if I was you I would store my lavel how do I store my level you take

The XP to and you crouch right click that’s how we do it oh wait so the book has to be like shiny right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah now it’s fine you have store just don’t right click when you’re not crouching now cuz you’re going to get back your okay it’s

There got it yeah I need water really quickly crap I’m going to I’m going to die dying dying it’s funny oh thank God just funny to see that we all die oh I killed it it almost KN the gro almost knocked me into the lava Jesus Oh

You go to the my mine my cave yeah went down I don’t know where you went oh yeah uh just go back oh you miss some Crystal so how many XP to do you need oh how do you how many do you need just

One uh uh yeah but you can store only 30 levels on it so so I don’t need to carry two of them yeah you can I should but you can put the other one in your chest if you don’t want to lose it I need level eight on Magic if you want

To take the heart cuz eventually you’re going to need like a bunch of level you always want to be storing levels so how many of the books do you guys have two okay we have one each oh I mean it looks like there’s more in there I got two right

Now I’m going to store the diamond but we don’t use it yeah we already used all of our diamonds on yeah just four four cold four four not not one half a stack no no four Co oh we have a we have a stack like and a half in the uh furnaces

Yep um do we have something for mining I lost my smell thing that’s I’m sad that I lost it God dang it was a good one when am I not going to be hyper I mean too cold for this place the when you’re not in it anymore I should open this thing though

Yeah no you’re going to you’re going to have to get you’re going to have to get a lot of wool and you need to get blaze powder or magma cream mining nothing again oh my God there’s a spider what the Yeah we need we need water dude oh the spider’s killing me

No we should bring bring a water sources or make a um Auto purificator I made one for you but I could find you down there yeah do you want me to make a auto like Auto smelter but for father oh stop take the chest yeah we need we need another a

Yeah actually there’s a portal in your back want to go to Nether real quick we can try to find a dungeon that we just go deeper deeper and we’re going to eventually get some yeah no no don’t go to the nether don’t go to the nether I’m going go to

The nether man dude you’re going to die if you go there you just keep burning and burning because it’s too hot yeah it’s fine it’s fine everything going to be fine oh my God two second later I’m dead am I going to how am I

Going to kill the um spider dude yeah if you’re going to punch it with your hand you you’re doing no damage you’re doing you’re doing less than one damage to every so how am I going to kill it get a weapon and kill it I don’t have a

Weapon look D I’m going to carry a crafting table dang it yeah without a weap you’re you do less than half of damage mine why is it even here I don’t understand your your whole place is broken they can walk in I don’t know why it’s broken though what happened to all

The why there must have set on fire why there’s a hole in the base there’s a hole in our base yeah there where oh I wasn’t there earlier you should maybe fix this I might have been from the Enderman or the zombie cuz they just mine through Enderman Enderman mine through every

Block so annoying I’m going to make two iron pickaxe I’m going to throw wood but whatever I don’t have any Spruce actually why is a spruce building an oak whatever we don’t mind so where is so I’m going to go down if you want to follow me you can follow I’m going NE

I don’t know about you why you don’t want to get diamond first I want a nether rack okay you just want Netherrack yeah okay so you’re going to go there imagine you spawn in the middle of lava pool we’re about to find it okay so no Netherrack let’s see I’m going to bring a torch because I’m going to need it my XP I hope I’m going to find a lot of stuff this time please no monster probably oh with just hope I’m not going to get the I already get you know like the M rock

Monster the biggest one it’s Celestial you get this you just die it’s make like big chunk of in hole I’m all struggling Jeff I’m always going to struggle on this game only on Creative then I don’t struggle but if I’m on anything else was but creative

Yeah I’m going to die this game is fun you just need to warm yourself yeah keep staying Cold’s not much you can do unless but I’m trying to get all my stuff but then they get attacked and then I’m dead oh there’s oh D there’s I’m it’sit I’m seconds yeah I

Always two oh my God wait how come this thing is still attacking me one wait how come the the guardian is not doing anything to the spider I they would you’re still attacking me I’m never going to get out of here dude yeah oh my God yeah oh I like this y

I’m oh my God come on oh I got slowed down again a it disappeared on me God dang it Di just good good for us my distance I’m open place you it’s lag big big time I turn it on but I’m run back to the I keep finding some

Gold don’t know if we need it gold are really useful yeah for make a back gold either yep yeah I should get the backpack oh my God this no no no no no no not deal with this there’s some OB just in the roof the ceil of my

Tunnel oh oh no wait these get out these these this is redstone this yeah thank you this is made light oh hello water but sorry I don’t want to go in that mine in that cave I just want this Cal because it gave me XP and because it’s coal we need This hee not not a momster rock momster please not rock momster in this it’s bad because there’s lava I don’t want a big hole oh my God there’s a lot of coal there I’m going to get a monster I’m pretty sure oh crap are you okay yeah I

Ran back to the portal and a TR came out of the the portal okay did you say Rock Lobster lag be careful lag Spike oh was that was it I was I thought I was just not hitting it I don’t know if it’s a rock lobster dude oh no um oh

I don’t have a like Spike yeah same now there’s a lag Spike yeah I’m still waiting that okay that’s fix it there we go I think the TR did the tra go back in the portal time to go in the nether he just take some Netherrack and come back are you in your

Base are you in your base oh what the know but I can go right now okay so yeah I’m going to go to the base I need to on my X I have 20 Level there’s a the nether portal is right next to a giant dungeon nice like it’s all like quartz

And fancy quartz and a bunch of other crap yeah I know yeah let me know bunch of Netherrack it’s actually pretty safe I’m coming back though yeah come back uh I got a Netherrack my pickaxe broke and I got some magma cream too or mager yeah the thing that M needs right now

Yes yeah just go to go to the nether what where did this come from you just P like that and grab me like it’s make make me um it’s attract me I have my stuff and my diamond there so I have to get it really quickly because it’s going to this

Pound I got to fix my inventory now who’s in the base um we Botho heo is is teleport yourself too I have to go take my get my back my stuff and real quick so my name first and then you right yeah okay am

I oh you you’re still cold oh my god oh can you can you please take these cuz um I’m going to die there but you’re not going to die now well you can still have that cuz I don’t want to keep it I we can we we can just

Put it put it with the rest of chest I’m just going to run now why is it cold there too is it cold here no it’s not oh okay but uh it’s night time so it’s colder oh worry you’re still cold you got to wait for your body to temperature

To rise y yeah but we are fine don’t worry I just get more Diamond I just have get tree now but it’s still Diamond it’s not going to be like you’re not going to be freezing here until it’s winter and it should be not even summer yet so it’ll be

Fine oh that scared me where where should the cauldron be I’m there crap you know this place is all wooden uh it’s going to burn may we should put it is it wood down here we might we have to put the water in the in the basement I think should we

Just move everything down here there I have another heart no we I got some iron CLE water now yeah but uh we should put an infinite water source down here though I’m going to transform this to Cobblestone uh can I borrow your water bucket real quick yeah oh in

Here all right I’m going to make an infinite water SS downstairs where The Cauldron is yeah we have now eight Diamond nice but we need more now I’m going to fishing where’s the the infinite water sources I’m making it in the basement okay I’m coming didn’t me you’re coming I’m here

Already is bucket down here the basement where where’s the bucket I threw it behind you so I can no can you fish in there maybe I never fishing in this lot only time I fish in this mod was in an actual Lake yeah don’t have choice so

Wait I can make my farm in this wait uh I this is next time there’s a p yeah it is at least there’s a pond not not that far away what is me basement basement yeah what you were in there hello I passed by you oh my God you didn’t see

Me oh you dare I have a power then of invincibility cuz you didn’t see me maybe hello hello I need a can yeah uh we need to uh skip the night oh okay cuz I want to fish oh wait first I’m going to get the X my X I think I fixed

It everyone going to S we’re all glowing let’s go yay I really need a new weapon my spe is about to break we have so many iron storage I’m just going to use it yeah know I can finally use some iron stuff and armor I can almost use

Diamond oh hey Mia do you want a katana I’m kind of not using it okay you a two-handed weapon so you can’t use a shield with it but you don’t need it I I prefer the shield for now I was going to use it later but okay I’d

Rather just store my pickaxe in my belt instead I I I already dropped it to you it’s it’s it’s in here oh where right there oh oh there’s a rock right outside the base yeah don’t get dropped by this what the thing outside yeah it’s no

Longer you can get grabbed by this and going to throw you up yeah if it’s flying it it can most likely grab you also it’s it’s actually getting cold we might be in Winter right now yeah so that’s mean I can fishing again that’s nice I’m going to fishing anyway because

I don’t care about this monster I have a water bucket so I’m fine you’re going to do nothing on me all right there we we have a infinite purified water he tell me there’s some fish there he tell me this is a tiny pool yeah you might have to make the

Fish tracker to find if there’s actually fish there or not but I don’t know how that works exactly no I don’t think so I think there’s yeah there’s fish there because it don’t gave me the message oh maybe you need for like a rare fish or something there’s a rare I think I’m

Going to need a bait are you outside yeah I am what is that what oh my God I need to wait how long one turn oh finally oh wait what is what is that get out get yeah I’ll fight it what are you what are you you gave me nothing that’s

Nice okay so I aren’t hard to understand how it’s work uh can I get some can I get someone to help me because sometimes can be a Monster yeah you have to you have to like just use your arrow keys to have like the bar over the

Fish too I never fish when you get a bite yeah it’s not like normal where when you get a bike you just like pull it back you got to you got to use your arrow Keys Arrow yeah the arrow keys to get the bar over the fish you’ll see when a

Bite huh see you got you got to move your arrow keys to have like over the fish and then it gets closer the pig is following me again and now I can put out when it’s on Okay no Okay I see the distance no like yeah like yeah as long

As you have the bar over it it like automatically I got this oh the lady with the butterflies outside do you want the fishing run I’m okay we should say make it this place safer like that we can fish infinitely without get or we can just

Can we just make like a giant pond in the basement or something I don’t think it’s going to work I think we need to be in the nature like that he you can try like like you have to like travel around to like get like rare fish and stuff like that

Yeah or get better fishing rod actually wa there you can you can take the G you can use it as bait if you want I mean can I just like dig down and see if we can if we can fish if we can like find water somewhere okay yeah

Drink water down come here come here fish oh that is not actually that’s good that’s actually good yeah I get the XP I get the XP that’s my turn so again can I dig down at the bottom and then find a water source uh I mean you can but so then you

Can just stay there instead I guess I don’t know so okay I’m going to stop the timer and restart it okay we got okay I’m going to show you what we got we got this oh how many oh three yeah I got this four fish um I need a new fishing

Rod really I think it’s almost broken right I know wait it’s oh it’s yeah that’s an yeah yeah how do I put a bait how do I put a bait uh just just put the fish with the the okay okay yeah I see I see blue jail

Hope we going to get a good thing oh wait I needs to what is that not a silverfish what is that noise I need to heal myself really quickly like this bandage like I love this one oh yeah that one that the best okay so

Um we going to get a good one I could maybe go make a oh there’s a NPH right yeah with that you just need like the stuff bur so I guess I could go make that real quick what is this yeah go go for it go

For it what is this um under like a tunnel down here where does it go uh in the basement yeah uh it’s my mine oh cave that I made there’s a lot of cave that I found there’s a PIX yeah it was following me butly just flying in my

Face do you want me to eat you come here oh my God the the the oh my God it’s so tiny please please please please please please I have to get it oh my God stop moving it’s really good when you use ba cuz then you get um yeah because now my

Green square is like really tiny yeah that means you got a big fish come here don’t go too far no no I got you I got I got you I will got you are both of you in the same area no I’m right above you

No no no no no no no no I will catch you above me yeah dude oh I got it oh it’s a oh my God 1 it’s a musk lunge what what’s the what’s the weight on it that’s how you know how 30 30 13

13 13 oh 13 oh that’s not that big that’s but like the sare like really tiny it it’s really hard to catch it I’m going to go back to the base yeah that’s um you can get like probably like around like 20 FS off that yeah uh I’m going to

Make a um safe area like with the Cobblestone there’s again another zombie Okay so going to put this there vager get out there take all the plates I’m going to put the fish there I’m I’m going to take a lot of cobblestone do you want to come with me to

Build I got make fishing yeah I want to make I want to upgrade my fishing R I think we going we can make um a fishing rod um in iron oh I need Gathering level wait I’m going to yeah I’m going to put me myself on level eight and

Gathering are you fishing over here is this where you fishing uh where uh wait uh let me look yeah yeah yeah this is where we need to fish because we need food XP and fishing is really great for fishing uh for XP uh we need a special

Torch like the permanent one I see fish in there though yeah there is no fish we don’t we can’t see the uh come back to the base by the way yeah it’s night uh do we not have steak a we don’t do no I can’t make

My yeah I’m going to take a um normal 7B fish oh crap now we don’t have any steak you need you you specifically need steak for the meaty hook oh oh okay I see uh I can get you some steak oh wait we can oh no this is Park

Trap yeah we we don’t we don’t have any Stak there’s a lot of cow okay we can to go to the bed because it’s going to be night time yeah it’s going to be night yeah the sun’s about to say I see it yeah so I’m just Spam clicking on the

Bed until we can sleep in like 5 10 seconds going to be able to sleep we’re a bit low on stream wall now though yeah there we can sleep all right that’s count 10 I think it’s more than that yeah I’m pretty sure okay I’m going to

Get some oh okay um I’m going to secure the the pool it’s cold if you want while I’m while I’m building you just have to fishing okay I’m just going to make like a little Cube that or make us safe I’m I’m going go try and maybe see there’s any cows around

Cuz I I really want a media it makes it makes the fish you g like way bigger can I get one too I’ll follow you oh yeah I’m going to create a big area for the pool so it’s being safe there’s a lot of iron wood trees around here

Yeah iron wood iron wood tree yeah these drop iron iron berries and then yeah this is an Ironwood tree they can drop Ironwood berries and from that you can make iron oh you want to like grow iron I don’t see any am I’m going to need to cut a tree no two

Trees oh come on why this can you get out thank you oh thank you crab okay so now actually we need wall you have a Shear oh you just never mind no we we probably should get shears uh can I get someone for cutting the tree

And uh I’m not there we’re we’re not that far but I guess we’ll loop around real quick why can’t we just make this whole place part of the base like oh man that’s going to be a lot of work yep but we can yeah I mean I can

Dig from the bottom and get out oh my God and get out from this side yeah just you probably like spawn like 50 different monsters that will kill you but you can do it there’s a lot of sheep here oh there’s a there’s a castle over here or aeon a sorry

Sheep I’m going destroy I can’t use this Katana dude what do you mean oh you actually don’t have the level I don’t have a level oh yeah cuz it’s bronze I forgot about that uh I can give her my uh XP tone no don’t give it to me please no no

Just just like you take the level that you need for um the skill and you give it back to me with the level on it yeah but then if I die then it’s gonna go away no no no like you come to the base

Just come to the base on no if you use your levels your levels are permanent you don’t oh like like you got to use them if you don’t use them then you lose them yeah yeah but like if you put is because if you have like 50 level you

Die you just regain like seven yeah like he what is this thing where’d you go I’m in the base no emo where are you am I are we are we close in the base I what oh there’s a lot of pig and things over here dude there’s also a griffin

Right above your head no no stop scaring her there’s like Monsters over the other side I think yeah I’m going to put the door there okay it should be say but the problem is um it’s too cold I guess I don’t know it must be winter there’s some burning trees over

No I mean the safe area that I made for the fishing oh there’s cows there there also a different B okay so now I’m going to fishing get some real fish oh I don’t have my I can’t get okay this thing can can’t be a bait because it’s

Dead oh I guessing like you have time yeah if if you keep it in your inventory too long it dies okay good to know um if you put it in a water bucket it’ll keep it alive though yeah logic where am I keep it alive if it’s die I’m in the

Water bracket you’re going to be what do you need for leaving Sand Grass dirt Cobblestone where did you go me um she’s gone in the darkness I don’t know did the thing yes it’s work there a dungeon where are you going oh no coming stop stop doing this stop stop stop no coming

Back stop oh crap the fish just trick me like go left right left right left right oh no there’s something I’m going back where are you I’m lost dude I don’t know where you at we’re right next to some cows and you ran I got a dirty tree nice with no

Bait it’s pretty good actually it’s alive so I’m going to put it in the water buet how did I get it out from the water baret just put the put it back in your crafting menu get okay okay okay yeah yeah I’m pretty sure yeah it’s going to

Give it me back to water bucket and okay so it’s working it’s a little cold but it should be fine we shouldn’t die by hypothermia yeah but I it must be getting winter soon yeah it’s been 15 minutes but drink water where am I going first she’s lost I don’t know where she

Went she ran off somewhere and I got an if for Chase me yeah you should run away re because I’m the I don’t I don’t think that helps where’s the water we were we were right next to some cows and I call the cows and I turn

Around and she’s gone two okay wait can I put yeah I can put in bait I see you the basee should be over here yeah come back um do you have enough yeah I have exactly six beef that’s enough for two medy hooks nice there’s a horse ta what the

Hell oh you found a horse no a a horse tail I don’t know what it’s it’s do you eat this it’s X oh it’s you can use it like as a d I think and like a few other recipes look oh whoops how are you who’s that hey

XP Sis hey what did you up to oh no oh no oh my sword broke get it off me for a second I getting my sword out hit me your I’m it’s vacation you on vacation this week I’m on Friday sat Sunday oh right you are it’s Friday I

Forgot I’m exhausted from work yesterday I’m just dying I was like I’m dreaming I having yest yesterday I’m just the C well I hope you got tons of sleep today yeah I woke up at 4 a.m. today 4 a.m. yeah my D works at

4 at 4 and I up at 4 but I go to work at 6 it’s just a schedule yeah your body’s like so used to it yeah one eternity letters what is I found funny it’s when it say 40 m um it’s like like four block away oh a mster i River

Fish yeah my my my rod can go 150 M but only goes like a few blocks any brown bull head going to oh I can’t put it on okay um un bait can I put this is there a monster up down here probably yes wait I just noticed

Something there’s some monster that can break the door and can go through the wall That’s there’s a monster down there dude where down in the basement wait what oh yeah it’s just a chac carra it’s nothing not those monster I found a boss on this game it’s a big

Tricker he Dro leather let’s go yeah probably came from the mine honestly yeah just just put some block put a door on it I know yeah or a door it’s yeah okay I have an extra door anyway might as well I got some come

Here you are my fish now you are my it’s like on stard Valley it’s work at the same way where Where is my or another gold goldfish I’m going to put it on bait where the door go imagine that I fishing a 60 pound or do you have a 33 or

So the meaty hook makes a 35% fatter so yeah if you had a meaty hook and you call that fish that would have been about 60 50 what what is the difference friends that get a big one what this gave us you notice that Jeff I’m I’m ignoring it my door where

Is the reward that we can get by getting bigger fish what is the point are you it gives you more meat when you fet it oh okay oh my God a big one oh no oh no so let me see let me make a filet knife real quick and I’ll see how much

Does 13 gives us yeah but wait I have a big one I’m on it I’m on it I’m not going to lose it come back come back stop running away or uh swimming away stop go left right stop go left right stop go left right the 13 gives us five slices of

Fish yeah keep keep keep keep go on my rope fishing road yeah okay I got a another oh I have no idea where my door went I’m just going to make another what is that hey dude I got a 36 I’m coming I’m coming I’m I don’t care that that’s

About 30 fls yeah I’m coming dude oops it’s night time yeah oh no oh no um can I get help uh where are you um I’m just getting killed by a big mom start outside where oh outside yeah just put me low health I’m com I can even I don’t I

Don’t think I can help anything I don’t have anything oh my God I have no help it put me it broke all my legs by making me flying everywhere are we I know this thing why is it broken okay um are we going to sleep instead are we going to

Oh here take take that are we sleeping oh no it’s not night yeah yeah I’m I’m coming just combine it with your uh oh there’s a special zombie a special zombie yeah with um particle on it we have to kill it because if he can break the base we have

To kill it really quickly uh how do I put this oh that one that one won’t break it’s only if it has like stars then it can break okay yeah uh we’re going to kill it anyway so yeah good XP um where do I put the FL KN let’s see imagine a

With no no nope where do you see where do you see your XP it’s on fire it’s one on purple fire bled one the the carp you caught gives us 10 filet slices dude you have to kill it it just it’s a dangerous monster you’re going to kill me again I don’t

Even I have to get bow uh I can’t this thing just instantly go after me where where where is it behind we just shoot it from up here yeah try I’m going to D try let’s see it’s here where I am in front of me my stuff my stuff my stuff my stuff

My stuff my stuff I don’t care I don’t care my stuff my stuff my stuff can you kill him I’m trying to find it cuz I have my fishing rode that I want to get it back there’s an right here my stuff my stuff my get out you little

Monkey oh there’s the outside we we have to bring her around and just do you want your Katana back dude I’m going to take some Arrow go outside I I’m going to kill them oh my God why are TW now get out I have to kill something I to put

This in here cuz I’m just going to lose it wait how let go back there I don’t see it from here I think I’ll just dig through the wall and shoot it it’s glitchy oh I know which one this is this one yeah this one he just glitchy that

The fire we can see it on it just have to kill it really quickly I have to get back this my stuff heal it with what it one shot me dude there’s bro I I’m I’m getting back my stuff uh I have I could recall recollect

It so um but I moveed him out but we need to kill that quickly it’s I think it’s almost dead it’s right I can I can use my auto clicker get out get out get out get out get out get out get out I know he

Just Auto clicker what is this is after the combat update Auto clickers don’t work no more you work it’s can work I know I don’t care just for push it h i b see I can use another bow with some other Arrow over where where is it

Somewhere I’m coming I know where he is it yeah it’s going to kill us infinite oh he get get H back oh it’s attacking an AIS it just killed an AIS I hit him I’m going to take my uh stone sword and go punch him come here give me back my

XP it Jed me low HP low HP it’s about to die it’s been low HP yeah now it’s like maybe one it oh I’m dead why is it it’s it’s over here I’m trapped but it’s also trapped can’t get me uh there you go yep I got a ice s

Pit my stuff give me what did you get from uh I one over there to pick it up D he killed us really easily yeah he basically one shot us I hate the bled ones just so fast too they’re hard to hit I got all all of my

Stuff I guess yeah I got it all back yeah I got all my stuff too I love my new keyboard in my mouse yes you do here it is what the hell what is that so now we can go fishing there’s some uh there’s some something

Over there I’m not going to mess with yeah I got 40 levels and uh eight heart crystals from it oh it’s a o right what’s that uh the thing that you craft it’s a o right no it’s you just need nine crystals and it makes the heart um where yeah don’t have uh

Enough no we do okay we got we got five extra left over too yeah U Mia I’m going to give you some level for be able to um use some weapon just use this take this right click press um this lad why then um after that you’re going to um put press

On attack I guess it’s for yeah attack uhhuh and put press the plus but some few time like um four uh the yeah where there is the the number up right uh just when you reach level four on the left okay when it show four so right now you are

Three so click one more yeah for iron you need eight I got four uh no it’s on the for no your level it’s right on the left side it’s going to show you the level right now you three out of 32 oh okay yeah so one more and after

That’s fine and then you should also you should put one one level into agility and then unlock dodging yeah or is it four so now oh yeah two is four yeah uh yeah uh uh agility put one put one on agility but I have one I would

Get it to level four no I mean put it for you get level two oh level two is for youil to use bows if you put it to level four you can like Dodge in and you can you can dodge oh wait hold on if you get it to

Level four then you can do this look at that oo fancy you can dodge you can do this you just jump to the wow here where else attack uh probably defense so you can use armor uh what but don’t forget you need to get it to level eight to be able to

Use iron oh okay four four is for a chain mail but we we don’t we don’t have much chain mail left also don’t forget if you press L you also have access to the other level up system oh okay which you now that you have level five you should get a

Specialization probably in killing mobs it’s also nice so you can level up your Sprint speed how much damage you do and stuff like that what so when you have done you can if you want you can use all of my XP or when you are done just put it back in

The book by crouching right click I need one more level there I’ll just throw it oops sorry ouch wait oh now you just take it back so Crouch right click drink water and press this oh Q I just say like Crouch rling right clicking drink water because the timer was

Ringing okay I’m coming to the thing for fishing we should bring bed there like that we can sleep we need we should get sleeping bags and just sleep whever yeah we should make some can I dig I need a digging thingy so I can dig dig you mean a pickaxe I

Guess we you need more lava for get a better if you want to use an iron pickaxe you’re going to have to get level eight and uh Gathering too uh mining or mining yeah sorry level eight is for a axe Reg shov well can I just like use um the regular

Pickaxe Stone yeah use Stone oh hello monster wait it’s night time are we going to sleep oh I just got paralyzed uh yeah we got we going to sleep and go to to the bed because I need with a bait nice just hope I’m not going

To get another monster try to kill me and broke my legs all right so I need Twigs right I mean branches we have a lot of sticks and wood and stone and stuff already in in the chest dude I forgot something all right uh I didn’t get back my

Fish oh it’s in it’s in the chest yeah it’s it’s in the top chest the uh the F knife is there too no my my fish that I put in my water bucket I didn’t get back no I just got this a water bucket empty no just a bucket empty that’s

That’s yeah I want it back give me I thought I gave it back or may maybe you have to like place it on the floor I’m not sure how it works yeah next time we going to place it cuz it’s it’s maybe maybe that’s how you do it

Actually I wonder if I can do it with a dead fish no it has to be alive so you can only do it with live fish so it must it must be something like that okay so uh you want to come with me to fish uh hold up yeah

I’m going to put some lavel on yeah on combat combat no just mining Haru no um I need a let me go get some water real quick basement we should probably should we just move everything down here basement in the basement yeah could be good yeah that’s where the water is and everything

So we could probably revamp it so we don’t have to use a ladder to go up and down too so um what do I need um you made a glaive what’s a glaive what thing you made isn’t that a glaive I don’t know a glaive I don’t know I got it from

Upstairs all is that a Javin maybe the J spere I guess is it what is that do you have some bait on you no but okay we can go I I I usually just fish my bit why my mine don’t look look like yours I upgraded mine I put

A uh oh yeah the wheel yeah I I put uh lawn the lawn reach reel and the the heavy bobber okay I can put it we got the fatty hook we’re going to get some sh and whale I need rare fish though we got to

We got to go elsewhere but I think we got to we got to make that like fish tracker find rare fish anyway actually wait no wait the fish tracker wait give me a oh yeah you need a golden you need at least a golden fish tracker to find rare

Fish oh we can make it easy yeah it’s EAS if you want I say made the the Diamond one okay I got a fish come here come here come here come here oh it just broke because it was in the opposite side oh this is a small fish what was you just catch

Perch yeah the they bad fish yeah the the the fish you it depends on like the the meat you get depends on the fish and the weight this a gravel like that that first fish you got that’s like smaller is actually giving you more meat cuz it’s a I lost

My bait that that’s bad that’s fine one eternity yeah forgot you think a year for he’s not doing anything finally why are you on the opposite side of me that’s a small fish again a brown Bullhead mine don’t start to trick me I can’t use this bait well oh damn 24

24b is I’m going to do this there and there now I keep it on my bucket I think I need more than I can can I put more than one um I don’t think so yeah in real life you can put like maybe four or five

Fish in the same oh in real life you can put like like 30 yeah tiny fish a big one can put on uh zero maybe like a couple well that’s what the uh well if you’re on a boat then you got the the lock not the yeah I

Never fishing in real life but uh my parent already do so I wish I could fishing it’s some fun and look fun yeah I like fishing I I don’t do that often though oh bluegill I’m pretty sure that I can use yeah it’s GNA it’s oh I just catch it instantly

I don’t even do a blue gel to wait to pound it just Sly I didn’t even do nothing I just catch it so we can’t do AFK fishing but we can make like you know the mster that spawn you can make it go all the ways down and by that it’s going

To kill that kill it and just make it X before him you snag something extra on the line look at that I got a box huh oh there’s one piece of dirt in there let’s go I got a 12b bass for that though brown trout wonder if you can use those bait

That’s actually pretty big I of want to make that fish tracker I guess we can like actually see what we have but we should probably make a gold one cuz we can’t use a diamond one I can’t even make I can’t even use a gold one but I can almost use a gold

One bluegill and an apple let’s go one pound and I can even put it on bait I can’t what is that yeah only some fish you can put on ba and if it’s die it’s it’s not that bad we can still get yeah right yeah get less

Or this might be a big well don’t trust this I already get a big one and it was just a it was a bad 13 so you’re you guys are fishing over here right just in the front part yeah the the cobblestone house the safe part we don’t really have

Oh there’s nothing biting here anymore I think we fished out the wild no me me it’s fine I got some I still got some so small though can you expand it yeah we can like right there behind me I think my real was just bugged it’s

Might maybe big a big one may be 20 what if you destroy this area and just make it it’s going change nothing it’s not going to okay it’s oh it’s a blue Gil we’re getting like bad fish here though or yeah we can it’s just rare to get good

One well you have to you have to find you have to like find it I have fish TR I know where is where is the Austin I know if you want one we should get big big fish this might be a decent fish hope so why’s that house over there we have

To think that we get we get XP and if we are lucky we can get um the fire purple fire monster that going to stuck just in the water just kill it and that’s it unless we get the one that can leave the water no no no no no no no why

Why it was a big one it was in the other side again and it was a 40 m so it’s going to broke so I need you should you should really make a a long cast real yeah I’m going to do it uh do you want me to

Bring some bed oh um well we should make sleeping bags if anything we have we have enough wool I think for three sleeping bags okay I’m going to make some the one I’m got to make a free Striker too make the gold one uh I can make the diamond one but we

Don’t have the levels for it wait what is the I can get gather okay yeah um so wait uh I needs oh we missing one glass well we don’t have S so we have to to um put some in should I make this deeper I’m pretty sure we have glass

Well it doesn’t matter it it can it doesn’t matter if you want I mean does it matter it doesn’t like give you more no oh but if you want you can make it bigger might look nicer just like just be careful that like maybe maybe like a evil creature will spawn from the

Fish it can spawn yeah you can you can you can spawn an enemy when you’re fishing or you can just get like random junk I’m to I fish These Boots up sleeping bag sleeping bag uh white one okay just Tre will It’s a small do you want me to make

Three or just do we should make three if we can uh I’m missing like one white wo you walked right in front of what what happened yeah I can just make two for now uh well we have enough string to make more wool I don’t think so I just see

Seven yeah there’s just seven string I need oh wait there’s a cobweb I thought I killed a bunch of sheep earlier I thought we had more maybe not oh I can make I make it I can make it I can make it don’t worry there Tre sleeping back there oh

There we go I thought I thought we had yeah just because we have a cobweb in the chest and our chest must also be like really all over the place fishing okay I’m going to make a good one a good stuff yeah the what I what I typically

Use is the long castal the heavy bobber and the fatty hook okay yeah the oh I need more spring oh no wait I just have to cut the yeah just have to cut the grass outside yeah there should be a flint knife in one of the chests but it’s like broken

There is one there’s one so just if I make the water bigger would give you more fish no don’t think so why that don’t make sense uh because it’s uh real crap more might cuz we got the I don’t know how how much the this maybe if you

Link it to O it’s going to change something I I’m pretty sure but honestly pretty I’m pretty sure it’s yeah it’s biome dependent so you might have to go to the actual ocean I mean I can probably dig down and then have it could be connected to the

Ocean I’m pretty sure it’s still just biome specific like you have to go to the ocean biome to get like ocean fish oh like right now we’re only getting River fish cuz we’re not in the ocean and what is that eny oh that’s the thing where I yeah

That looks like a fish though kind of it is a fish oh but you can’t but but you can’t eat it it’s a evil fish drop to River fish like we’re we’re only getting River fish cuz we’re not at an ocean if we’re at an ocean then we be

Getting an ocean fish there’s also mountain fish if we go fishing in the mountains it’s it’s biome specific so if if we have like a tunnel that goes to the ocean it’s going to spawn some monsters in there uh if if Well yeah if it’s dark

It’ll like for water it’s if the water’s got to be like big and then yeah it can it can spawn pretty sure if you get it big enough you can just spawn sea serpents but that’s prob going to have to be huge for that well I’m thinking to dig like a

A tunnel down at the bottom so then you can just go from the bottom instead of the yeah I’m just cooking fishing fish right now because I need food there oh I’m really cold okay so I’m going to get some grass string um no I think I’m going to leave

Because there is a monster that does grab a creeper creeper oh man in the M the side to don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t touch me don’t oh no skyon um um um um help ouch I got just lightning strike okay so sleeping B oh CRA set the whole for

There I say there what oh thank you and and and there where this thing yep there give me a m i don’t think I want to go outside please let us sleep it says you may not not rest now big catfish yeah there’s there’s a kind

Of a spider right outside now so yeah it’s maybe that one that’s like just lightning me I’m going to make some big one like I a iron fishing rod and uh I’m going to need this what is that oh my God what was that Spa a Reaper kill it we need to kill

It I’m about to get one so you can help me if it’s come back it’s come back I’m about to get one too you have to deal with deal it with your by yourself Mia sorry we have other thing to do does it I mean that’s fair she’s the one who

Spawned where where is it uh it’s right I don’t think it’s going to come in but once we get out of here it’s that we going to kill you like one to just eat your souls eat my soul yeah wow and break it with um so dramatic beer yeah with some

Beer I got a lot of fish I’m hungry yeah I didn’t bring my filet knife so imagine a netherite uh fishing rod you can fish netherite fish oh got one it’s mine it’s mine well they’re there there is a there is a um there is a bobber for fishing in

Lava yeah I know but I think you need Blaze Rod it’s dude one pound and I use a bait a stupid bait no all you need is Obsidian we can literally make it right now actually we can also fish in fish for like 12 hours nonstop like fishing if you want to go

Fish in some lava spawn some lava creatures while we’re at it yeah we need like two player one that killed the momster the one that fishing one and I think the Lava one are the best one yeah you some good lava I think come here come here come here come here

You’re the opposite side you’re not going to kill me it morning it oh goldfish oh it has it scales attached oh what what does that mean I you can get you can get a gold nugget from a goldfish but you need a scaling knife yeah I forgot you can also make a

You can make a Bait Bucket forget about that I guess we should make a scaling knife then we can get the we get scales also it’s it it’s daytime already yeah so are we going outside can can we we could no it’s I hear monsters outside night nothing

More yeah there’s an ENT out there I guess left I’m G give one more fish and then I’ll yeah now I’m going to just cut some rest we need some string we need some string I’m going to just get some Shar and just go find some sheep there’s a big spider out

There do you see it cuz honestly I need more but no no no no I found a baby zombie which lightning struck oh my God I’m dead I’m just dead uh can someone help me uh it’s throw me up I’m going to die I’m going to go there here it’s safe someone have

A bandage I have one dude one in in my oh yeah I’m I’m just dead I’m just dead I’m just dead I’m just I’m just poison everything is dead wait what do you have you have poison or what y but my body chain yeah you’re not going

To you can’t die from Poison I know I just want you just punched me I’m dead yeah don’t punch me please oh than oh wasn’t the plag I’m pretty sure the plag is can kill you where did that thing even go no it’s gave me a bronze knife oh there it

Is I killed it no more plag or instability for us okay so I’m I’m going to make more um yeah I’m slowly got it yeah I’m going faster just by jumping and running I’m can I make another knife can I make a better one you can make an iron one yeah yeah

It’s just a stick and an iron right I’m pretty sure it’s it’s it I mean at that point you might as well just make shears and go find some sheep though it’ll be so much yeah I know but honestly I’m lazy there maybe the ship are like 2,000

Miles away a bunch of sheep around I’m just going to make a knife like that it’s going to be easier cuz there’s Gass everywhere I just have to have fortune on it and it’s going to be even better spider I’m going to get every time oh no no no no I’m

Dead that’s crazy why me why me oh my God Jesus she’s going going to die right who oh you’re going to die I tough you’re going to die I was about to okay yeah because I have the delay on the stream I there I’m low HP I need

Bandage I can look in your backpack do you have some yeah like do you have some like look look in your backpack what I put I I have to put it down looking Stop opening the stupid door whoa wait what happened where am I

What the heck was that oh my god oh you have some diamond in your T inter interesting there’s my XP time I take everything dude what just happened it went really dark what was that it’s your souls uh dude I really need I’m going to take a golden apple okay

Oh no no not me not me I’m H please this the reaper from earlier ah crap where I can’t see it there you’re not going to I got it nice yeah I really need help hey we can spawn the wer wait what I get a with skeleton SC from no wait don’t spawn

It dude we just swed now we’re ready wait we can make it stuck and make it easier to kill I we have to go for another for that though oh that little tree is growing all by itself that that the forest repopulates itself automatically what’s a d life drain

Charge uh I could like it’s a projectile no no no no no no no no no no no I can throw it at at things yeah think gu gives you some health back can someone help me I’m going to die I’m I’m far I’m I’m I’m exploring hello

Hello there’s a momer outside don’t go outside look that there’s a sheep right here oh my God I forgot the shears that’s why I was exploring Dam it’s Fine I thought we have more iron than that I have all the something yeah but I have all of it on me right now because I want to make my stuff I just noticed my put skeletons are so funny then I love them okay so you want a

Chair yeah there’s a bunch of sheep over here we should maybe lure them over and just make a farm honestly uh if I make a Barb hook this is good the Barb one yeah um it has better tugging reduction I think I think that just makes it so if

You don’t have it in the thing it like goes slower down like it it goes away slower if you don’t have it in the thing so I I wouldn’t it’s so easy to have it in the thing and like if if if you have a good

Reel it it’s it should even get away from you anyway e bobber did you make one I made the heavy bobber yeah yeah now I need wool that one uses a lot of um I’m coming but I need something that can help myself and it’s called heal I guess you can make

Um yeah yeah cuz the heavy bobber makes the thing bigger the uh the square it makes it bigger we don’t have stuff for healing yeah we’re completely out we need we need string drink water Mia okay yeah we need some stuff for healing okay I can put this on my rope but I

Don’t want to do this I’m going to come I think I’m going to wait until that I can I’m going to try something I’m going turn all the fish into fls I’m going to go to the basement for drink water wow the F iif broke you can finally drink

Water speaking of which I should drink my canteen I got to go refill it there’s a building over here that’s empty so I wanted oh okay I see what I need to do I need to put it in the big water sources where where where are all our sticks at uh the what

Sticks STI uh no no oh you dare I can give you a Shear guess we just don’t have sticks anymore uh I have some on me you want I’ll make some more might as well get more is it going to be night time there

Oh it’s night time yes bed bed is it no it’s it’s it’s not night time yet when oh soon you know you can I forgot I made a saw no you have one yeah I forgot about it made no we already have one chill chill I made that thing at like the

Start of the game so I forgot about it yeah I’ll be back chill no the dog need to chill he gonna bite house go to the bed this I’m already well Mia is not sleeping yet we gota wait for Mia anyway yep weard the dog we

Have about two stacks of filets I think dude oh I hate these villagers there like oh is opening the can you stop oh wait we couldn’t make some carrot juice for the drink it’s give a good um saturation I guess we make apple juice too we should we should grow apples and

Just yeah it’s easy so all we need is a dirt bucket and I set yeah I need to sleep I don’t think it’s summer though but well if we could find some oh my damn the the ler was really quick yeah it’s just you sure that the moms are not

Gonna I don’t care so annoying yeah just open open open open open open stop it stop be right back h I’m back can I sleep oh wait I’m full life full hell so did you get some sheep no I’m about to go I’m trying to go outside there’s

A over there and there’s a rare skeleton right there yeah I killed it I’m going to take the XP also something just destroyed an entire tree back there I going to restart this the page refesh I shot the skeleton and I exploded inant do you want me to

Try whatever that skeleton has on him man it’s fine everything is fine I can deal with him if you hit it once it just explodes you he probably um what does he have weakness ninja life steal what what how do I this get out get out get out get what happened what what

Happened I’m going to die I’m going to die are we going to sleep my boots go yeah yeah sleep sleep good sleep my boots yeah the the thing just broke my leg I you don’t feel sleepy yet what do you all no Reaper yeah that’s why why me leave me

Alone I I swear to God if I die by this thank you oh what Wither Skull uh dude yeah I have two skull we can we have enough to make a weather are we sleeping I can’t sleep oh my because it’s someone’s daytime any oh

It is I know it’s why you can’t sleep but not me oh insomnia are you yeah oh yeah it hit the reaper hit you that’s fine oh and uh this laughing at you dude o laughing at me so we’re not sleeping then I can’t so just

Wait come on one sec Dam I can’t sleep everyone sleep everyone go bed in two minutes uh I’m go I’m about to go eat okay so you’re going to get some wool I guess yeah where’s the N where’s the nymph wait oh um there is a witch

I’m not build oh no I’m immune to poison so I can just kill her I guess oh what that’s there’s a there’s a dragon or something outside dude no it’s not a dragon what is that do you see it what what what happened what happened I know dude where are you

Who why is that special dude I need help in the base there’s a m so that want my that want me bad I killed the skeleton whenever I hit it it just explodes oh I got some string are you outside yeah okay I’m the only one who I always problem to not

Die cuz every month I want your uh your life there’s a r yeah I’m gonna kill you I’m gonna kill you I don’t know I didn’t check take out your sword and kill them all right K me faster yeah I’m going to eat right right now so I’m just going to heal myself

And yeah it’s see the the water is freezing it’s it’s winter time no do we move somewhere so how do we keep ourselves warm uh there’s a way it’s called just go inside the base even inside is cold go to the nether no is that go is you want to burn

To death go to the nether so okay yeah right back so how do we make this place um warm how technically we do have to go to the nether to get to make a warm clothing are you down here where are you did you just hit

Me maybe yeah you did dude I saw you pass by so where we going um I was going to go get um some sheep okay you know I going to close the door on you well I saw some sheep over this way what is that building what’s that this thing have you

Guys been there oh yeah that’s the battle tower we we that’s a dungeon we cleared it a while ago oh oh that’s the dungeon I thought it’s I don’t know thought it was something else yeah those are battle towers those are uh those are classic what’s in

It oh that one nothing it’s that’s that’s a broken one if you want like a the one with good loot it has to have what do you do with acorns the um yeah the one the one that’s like not broken it has a boss which is very very

Powerful I want to kill this crate that looks weird oh there’s a thingy over there have you been there have you been there dude where that the building that one now we haven’t gone around that much the world is like breaking apart it’s loading oh ooh is that a

Balloon actually that would be good for wool I can’t see it though my world’s not loading in oh you see the balloon no it’s nothing loading dude D whoa oh there he goes now it’s loading in now now I see it oh there’s a dragon over

There no that’s that’s not a dragon no there’s a dragon by the side it was like it went in and then out it’s not that was a griffin oh that thing’s like 10 times smaller than a dragon why you should we go over there dude oh there’s the thing that’s flying around

It went to the building uh if we get a bow we can go over there and get not that one over there that that like big huge building that one but there’s something flying over it yeah just a what are you eating bread oh I actually need I

Actually need to eat something maybe there’s something I can eat oh I think I know what this is though what is it I think could just one of those like little farming things like there how do you get there how do you get you go in there but we should

Um probably get a boat you you really don’t want to be in the water without a boat do we just need trees and things wait how many branches do we need for for a boat uh zero what you don’t you don’t use you don’t use sticks to make a boat no the the

Thingy the branch whatever you call it no wait this this thingy right a log yeah wait is it even doing anything no you’re you’re trying to break it with a pickaxe all right I need a yeah I don’t have I have more than it’s cold dude I make you Actually oh okay do you get in there oh there there’s a pirate ship on the side what the oh what the f the world’s not loading for me I I can’t I can’t see what’s happening I don’t know where you went I I went deep under for oh no oh

No the world’s not loading in I can’t I there’s a wall there I could even see it that thing is still after you by the way what the something is oh I’m cold oh my God kind of just fell on the cold water oh goodness okay now it’s starting to load

In it’s taking forever to load I have in so me I’m about to die you what I thought I was gonna die it’s not winter yeah I’m out of bandages all right maybe maybe now that I can see it what I think I can see it now I think it loaded in

Finally oh crap we got we got to hurry we got to hurry get in get in get in get in wait wait wait wait no what okay get in Hur okay okay okay what what happened what happened what happened we’re fine we’re fine I don’t

Think I can oh no what is that what is that it’s aquan dude what the hell I’m I’m just I’m just happy I didn’t spawn an Argus what’s an Argus you don’t want to know there’s a thing over here there’s some bread ooh bread and some wood whatever this is all it

Has yeah there’s like nothing if you want some books though and like if you don’t have Netherrack it’s it’s it’s pretty nice here also we it’s about to be night time also there’s a there’s a wheat are we going to sleep can we sleep here no we can’t possibly go back like how

Are we going to go back it’s kind of far we have to go back why want to like just chill here for the night we could can we it’ be nice if we could cuz I don’t want to go back ooh we forgot to take the sleeping bags with us so is this

Like able to like heat me up the fire that’s what yeah fire fire is warm can we have this in the house yeah well our house is made out of wood so if you want to burn it down then yeah I mean in the no not in the cellar

I mean we could do it in the cellar just it’s not wooden down there I mean we we already have this in the cellar actually we do yeah that’s what the that’s how we have The Cauldron giving us infinite uh water infinite clean water ah yeah interesting yeah we’re fine says somebody

I need to eat something some bread yeah I have a bread here I got from the one of the container there’s there’s nine below you oh thank you I mean do I always have to have the thing full or the the the meat section uh yeah you don’t want to be

Starving to death do you I mean I still have two I still have two though well that’s oh yeah yeah that’s terrible no you can’t even Sprint if you have less than three oh okay is that why I’m slow yeah that’s why yeah oh oops there anything else there a secret

Secret door in here somewhere nothing I know of but there’s a lot of books so you can get bookshelves you can bring the books for books also there are um there are like five of these uh lit Redstone lamps we can probably take those back home wait

Wait what hold on I think I’m breaking things instead of taking them dude uh for what I don’t know instead like let’s say I’m what am I supposed to be using to break things so I can take them not the pickaxe right well it depends on what it is if

It’s Stone then it’s a pickaxe if it’s wood then it’s an axe then I yeah then I’m destroying the bookshelf cuz I using a pickaxe CU I don’t have an axe oh yeah if if it didn’t drop any books then yeah you just you didn’t get anything oh oh wait what’s in

Here oh never mind there’s nothing in here yeah just some torches and mushrooms and stuffff o oh no oh no I’m burning wait what how do do I jump into water dude what’s going on no you walks in the fire yeah this a secret place just like wraps around

There’s some um what is this pumpkin over there yeah we have pumpkin back home though so many things to remember and survival especially in modded yeah yep is another one of these things also the night is only half done oh what is that thing A jangu A what jenu

Jenu that’s what it’s called yeah a it’s a water Elemental what is a repulsion what is this what is that oops a moss stone I have no idea what that ises one more bread I still got like another five minutes of a night time I think how do you break the window

Without breaking it uh you a silk touch pickaxe oh or something with Sil touch on it okay yeah you you can’t do soak touch guess not so what happens if you drink just regular water not purified or anything you’ll probably get parasites and die everything goes through and then you’ll

Die and then you’ll die yeah parasites you might get lucky and they won’t kill you but they’ll they’ll probably kill you oh there’s another jenu outside and there’s a rock H oh it’s not a rock it’s a pelican the Pelican the bird Pelican don’t what oh no what are we supposed to kill

It we’re fine oh there is also there’s another one I don’t know how it went in here but yeah um I mean I don’t think there’s any pure water in here though no you you you it pure water does not exist in the world you have to

Purify yourself okay so I shouldn’t be drinking anything anywhere no okay un unless unless you find something in a chest that specifically says it’s purified water then no yep oh no oh no wait what swear to God what the I’m going to take all the wait that probably actually that’s that’s the one

Good thing about me having that five extra jump height I can jump over fences look at that wow cuz if not you have to destroy it is it morning yet kind of we can maybe go get out of here except for uh the sky that’s here oh it’s coming watch out grab you

Ah oh my head’s almost destroyed we got to get out of here we go careful there’s a sky here I don’t think we can get it though is there a pirate over there hurry hurry hurry is that a crab do a jangu all right we just got to run for

It we got to go which direction oh some stupid thing hey sheep oh you have a Shear oh my goodness we should uh we should be back which direction is it this way I the she a it’s following they really stop following me BR come on how do you pet it

Wa stop following me again what do you mean cuz it has a thing he just looking at you come on dude no it just stops following me again being so weird maybe it’s cold what direction are we supposed to go it follows you for a bit and then it stops following that’s so

Annoying I have that thing in the Box the the green one it’s supposed to like make something about the pet and things so that work I don’t know what it’s called can I destroy all the trees so there’s like a path to our place you could you could ooh mushroom what’s a

Catkin catk can yeah not sure what is that oh I just picked it up on the side it says catkin oh cuz it’s a yeah that’s that’s that’s how you grow Birch oh it’s a seed why can’t they just call it Birch seed because you use the C can to make

The Birch seat oh okay or the Birch sampling oh a NPH I got to heal do this again oops wait you when you when you wait when you drink you go shift hello welcome back what you eat uh meatball with some Potatoes and that’s it oh oh I broke the thing so sorry what would you break oh you guys need to replace it cuz I broke it oh no I didn’t here I’ll put it back wait uh we don’t really have a place to store the Sheep do well just keep it inside for

Now okay you guys needs to fix this cuz I don’t know how to fix this what’ you bring the water thingy what you broke the infinite water source I me I was trying to fix it or whatever but yeah mey would you how did you break how did you yeah

How did you how can you break an infinite water horce it’s almost impossible damn oh there a lot of fish oh we don’t care about that what I need to get the F seal well I’m surprised she got it back and it didn’t just fall in the water and or in the

Fire and uh I mean it went through I mean it was like I don’t know it’s weird that’s Lu lucky that it go in the fire okay so uh do you want me to fish more uh do you have some some wool where’s the wool I got some we got I

Dropped it for you thank you oh four nice yep exactly jeffro it’s not infinite I can break a lot of things man I could be like a QA person you can be a God we’re we’re out of storage space already yeah we should made like a big

Big big big big big big St the guys keep going big big big uh storage I make two more chests at least can fish in the void yeah fish in the void fishing in the void what is the point you get void fish I don’t even know what kind of fish you

Get S don’t stupid honestly this this and missing oh wait this can can we have some um uh fire fireplaces and things over here so it’s warm yummy tummy oh there is the F steel oh I don’t have choice to do it oh do you have some steak steak no

Well oh my God I need so um to drink is you shift right yeah and then or use your right click but you you don’t want to drink it out of there where do I drink it wait how do I drink it then I mean you can drink it that way

You’ll just you’ll just hurt yourself so I drink it from here this side if you want to get parasites that’s the unclean water this is the clean water so how do I drink the Clean Water I would make a canteen cuz if you if you try to W clay you can drink it

You’ll just hurt yourself it’s it’s a boiling hot you’re basically sticking your whole head in there you should make a canteen how do I make aen just leather and then you can make an iron one with iron but my level is still low though remember you you don’t you don’t need levels for

Cains okay hey Lindsay how are you oops wait what you up to what’s for lunch oh I got got hypothermia right now yeah it’s it’s getting really cold okay um we have to make a eater do you want me to get make one yeah how do you make blaze

Rods you need oh yeah you want to go Neer wait there’s a way to make oh we can we can no we have a way to do it yeah if you want to go fishing in some lava yeah fish uh I’m going to make uh can we get

Some sand real quick I’m going to try to fish the The Blaze Spike do I need a better yeah I need a better so what am I supposed to be doing uh making a Cante um oh it’s snowing outside that and not a little so

Um what what’s the recipe you want me to do a a silver one five irons oh five leather and then you the iron one it’s five iron uh I have iron so is it better with iron ammo come here it can well she needs it it’s

It’s it’s it stores twice as much as the Le one so yeah just Grouch Mia just Grouch you’re going to get the the iron so both of you have Canen already no what I do I have the iron so you don’t had it for a

While I didn’t I wish I could but I don’t okay I think we have enough leather wait where do you place wait a minute yeah I’m going to what is that why I keep King it hold on so we what we should do leling up my Sprint speed that’s what I’m doing

Um yeah I can make it yeah we have more than enough iron and leather just need more uh wool CU I just done mine my I think but we have 10 string it’s about it this yeah we need more than that that because we need one more who will we need

Three and we can’t make some with oh wait yes we can wait I’m going to make one we have enough I mean you you can always transform plant fiber into strain if you just turn it into wool and then turn it back into strain yeah yeah that’s what I

Don’t so is the is the canteen over in the the recipe book or what you don’t want to use the recipe book remember you want to use all right recipe book is terrible oh I’m just going to search over here right yeah I need oxygen you don’t you need leather you

Don’t have any leather yes you make the you make it from leather and then you use the iron to upgrade it uh dude I got it I can fishing in lava it says I need a a charcoal filter make Another oh that’s to purify it if you have dir in there you don’t the one below it uh yeah I we need we need the one below it yeah you should you should make another fishing rod cuz it’ll otherwise I don’t I don’t have resources

For make it no then you’re going to lose the bobber you put on there yeah it’s fine I don’t I don’t mind really cuz that’s that’s like that’s like over 10 iron ingots for the bobber we’re be Freez no I get it back I

Get it back oh you did get it back yeah look nice that’s really good then yep okay I’m going to use this just put stuff man it’s it’s freezing out there yeah um need the le me do you want to come with me for the the thing yeah let

Me get more food though I need more yeah we’re going to go down yeah down there it’s going to be a little warmer wait we can make a w spaces ooh here wait where there is the enchanting table it should be it should be warm

Right oh wait it might be I’m going to take my XP upgrade my damn it’s turn it’s really is is that that’s from a mob I’m pretty sure yeah it’ll be warm by this thing cuz there’s a fire under here but you don’t want to stand by the fire

H you want to get really warm you can jump into The Cauldron yeah yeah we have to we have to go go down go down go down go to the cave go go go go go go go go AA we’re coming do you have a water

Bucket yeah I do oh I didn’t drink water oh I’m dumb do you want a canteen dude I’ll make you one oh my God I’m I’m dying from cold where are you guys are you down there what okay um there it should be fine just just need light or just put blocks

There I need water I either yeah I just I just placed one for you where are you guys at oh my God I just died we’re GNA try to get we got oh I’m burning I’m burning I’m burning it’s fine now okay there wait wait wait wait where am I

There it should be fine yeah right so you need to protect myself so I don’t know how it’s work can you put block around me you should have brought torches or something I don’t have we have like a three left I think come on should be good

Enough yeah the problem is right there there’s some lava too let’s hope that monster don’t come what is that it’s oh it’s eggs oh my what is this fire don’t like this oh it’s it’s catching it’s catching oh look at that smoking yeah it’s it’s cool you never fish in lava

No I got this which is it this midnight what is that so um oh you get obsidian from it dude so the the water purifying thingy does it automatically refill or do you put it in there you you you need a you’ll need a you need a bucket of water to put the

The dirty water into The Cauldron oh I don’t have one damn the lightning it might actually be storing out there I mean it is snowing yeah I thought come here little fish can you make it that it the water just goes back in there without the bucket I’m I’m dead yep you are

Go back go back down go back down why this okay oh this is the monster for the pitch black right no iect I think so yeah CRA there’s a zombie in the tunnel now we don’t care just passed it look Sam do you need Sam what do you need a

Canteen just broke my dam yeah please you can send if I don’t know what yay we’re coming stuff we’re coming we dude I can have I hate this monster I just lose a lot of stuff and when I say a lot it’s a lot just don’t take the don’t take don’t

Take don’t don’t take the stuff yeah I know that’s stupid to take it it’s almost dead should weapon yeah that’s what I is I did did you see some stuff go in the lava or no uh I don’t think so I I didn’t I didn’t see or hear it go

In so it should be fine I don’t know for sure I hope so this thing going to die come here oh please don’t let me out oh thank you thank God please tell me I have I have everything oh I have your Shield that I

Don’t what I have my fishing rod so now everything is is fine yeah we lose nothing uh put more block there I just this uh you want the pickaxe uh here I got I got your sword yeah I I got I got a pickaxe I got my pickax I

Got tell me when there’s smoke too I’m typing to someone yeah I got I got all my stuff I think should we put a door where there’s opening uh where is there an opening over here in the balcony probably there like crap there’s something back there a or something I I

Got I got that fish I got that fish what I [ __ ] I knew it happen dude we have do not go through the wall right it’s not go through I don’t I’m pretty sure gr doesn’t know did you yeah more block I have every time that I got a fish every

Time melts can I fishing now oh wait there all right we should be finally oh I’m burning it should be fine I just go in yeah yeah it’s fine right here haven’t been burning right here H yeah no I’m getting burned I’m going to go there because I’m fishing maybe that’s why

Maybe I mean it is kind of hot here yeah I’m going to need another fishing rod oh can I repair it with um yeah I’m burning dude I’m burning you you’ll need an anvil I think to repair it you need you need to smelt a door what well it says smelt smelts one

Item oh no yeah because it’s it’s a wooden so you can use doors as fuel dude I’m start to burning yeah I’m I’m you have water on you uh don’t put it don’t put it just just make a ho and just yeah just make I’m no I can’t I’m fishing right

Now I got it I got it I got it I got it it is it is oh please go down please I’m naked now please please please do I need to there this is better I can’t I can’t put a block there I’m still burning dude that’s

Crazy I’m going to do yeah at least you’re warm it might be better here let me get the water let me get the water oh yeah thank you oh yes code I want cold okay you can take it off oh the brick we it’s fine I’m just keep

Yeah I want some light oh iron okay my is going down there we go I’m get this iron yeah we need we need some I’m going to fishing there yeah yeah perfect perfect it went down too much no I don’t need I just need to be like yeah there

Where I am actually yeah it’s even if out the water it’s cold here it’s because I’m for up like if I’m there I’m I see it it’s F right here it has to be right this spot you it’s because you still have some chain armor that’s

Why oh this armor effects I don’t even know if armor yeah um if you have a a Le armor you’re getting warm if oh my God yeah fish come here yeah go to my my Square to my Square it makes no difference these blocks least I got this again

Nice uh can I use this like a bait gave it to me no fish no you can’t you can you can only you can only use it to get a lava bucket or magma cream okay what you guys that oh you you cut out what what did you say where you guys at

Uh we’re in the mine we’re fishing in lava right now down there the B the mine mine yeah oh are you far from the entrance uh just go like all the way down and you’ll see you’ll see our names okay oh fish fish fish fish fish fish fish

Fish it’s actually kind it’s cool that you can get like NE stuff F NE more obsidian that one sucks I love fishing in the lava it’s the best thing just hope that I’m going to not going to pull out pull off some you know lava like your fishing guard still have

Some lava on it and you just spit on on you ambulance callings but not for me um one inity letters which direction are you at oh big one big one big one I don’t see you’re we’re you’re right above us Me you just saw our names why this where am I going oh I see you yeah like literally right below uh um that’s not good I think it’s behind that wall I think we’re good I hope so don’t want no it’s really close it sounds like just

Death no it it it’s definitely behind that wall okay oh D I think here let me let me remind myself what a Vulcan looks like real quick thank you oh what oh it is a lava creature though it’s it’s it’s that like oh okay it’s the lava creature that’s an

Elemental wait how Okay this coming the fish coming it’s coming come here little fish oh my God lagging lagging lagging worst thing to while I’m fishing it’s lag don’t lag while I’m that’s more Magma Cream what did we do we make we should we should make the thing maybe there’s not

Even Blaze Pike in here we need go to the Fortress we need to die what yeah we we need to go to the nether so die the nether no oh if we can just make the if we can make the fish tracker find out which lava has the moner is there is it

In there yep yeah sounds like it it might be so just step away from this oh there’s a lava creature it might be in there yeah yeah just hope it’s not a purple fire monster nah I think we’re good on that yeah stay in the wall on the corner

Like yeah I I don’t think we can a blaz pipe we we got to make a fish tractor oh yeah no we need a bigger lava pool that’s why yeah well let’s go backas the yeah we got to make a fish tracker there’s there’s no

Way we we have sand so yeah do you need we got some it just jackpot oh that’s me we’re not going to need to go to the nether for um go to the strle oops we can get some buy some fish I’m going to get some sand me right

Back oh it’s up snowing so now it’s less cold so sand sand sand give me some sand give me some I’m s i good Lu finding sand in the snow now no no it’s it’s easy I just go to the thing there’s some in the water oh wait I need to F

Then uh we already have one so you just get five I don’t care I’m going to take it there I’m coming because it’s night time I have some we just cook it I’m already starting to freeze what should probably go to bed so I got a bit yeah you got some some

Hit yeah from that Spectre earlier yeah or in the the G yeah so just going to wait me you can go sleep what oh yes right oh and uh water okay it’s been a while when I was Hing bre some so are we are we supposed to be sleeping yeah yeah

Okay no I’m going to wait before drinking okay so you guys have a door what door uh here see oh I bet all the cold is coming from there most of it at least uh Dude where’s my book do you have my book what

Book my exp home no you get I gave back to where where did my canteen go I don’t have my canteen what I have mine that y gave me you want one here I have one I just made this why do I have my Cante I don’t know maybe you lost it oh

Wait oh unless you have mine and yours went in the lava wait don’t move here you can help this yeah no no Mia gave me the there oh wait there you can have that what can do you have a leather one or an iron one I did a leather one

Leather Lea oh maybe m one in the lava damn cuz I had an iron one oh you made a gold one I can’t use it by the way I can use it yeah oh actually no I can’t I need level 12 Gathering so it’s time for us it’s oh

Same so we going to uh Farm X oh wait I have some exp my xit home that I lost uh oh yeah your XP to my one the lava that’s why that’s why I never keep it on me I always but I never I usually rarely die oh no no no no

No oh did you grab my XP time no no it’s the one that was in the chest yeah that that one was mine yeah so I just put some xpay on it you want it uh I was going to get my gathering up did you get your Gathering up no it’s just level

Eight yeah I can only put one more level on it I have enough levels I’ll get it to level nine though oh well are we going outside I can do another one but iron one are we going outside yeah but that that won’t that won’t show rare fish though so I wait we

Can can probe water uh oh wait we need the obsidan one dude we don’t have choice to make a OBS a diamond oh yeah you have to make an obsidian one which means you need a diamond one yep that’s what I’m going to do need an Axe and that requires level

20 Gathering there’s there’s no damn way we just going to do the diamond one that’s it okay now we’re going to use the golden like for get fish better fish yeah when we going to have the level we going to do the um OB yeah so wait why did I lose

Some oh what happened to my Atlas but the atlas is gone too what how did you lose your stuff right next to Lava yeah so um I think we going to keep fishing for now but we why this ship is not outside we’re never going to get wool

It’s not um eating some grass oh we don’t have a pen for it yet we have to get a we have to make a a a gate for it and fences and [ __ ] we can make a um we can make a the thing wait I can make the Rope if you

Want we have slime ball we have a lot of slime I have yeah that I have enough string we have enough string I’m I’m going another Atlas quick how do we make it already I forgot okay it’s like this no this this this this there I have

A lead look oh I need farming lava what we don’t need lead yeah we need just get some wheat wheat for what follow you if you have it in hand oh you want wheat follow me all right wait we have wheat yeah we have a

Lot now we only have two no no we have more follow me have more wheat were you hi the wheat oh yeah the hay bales we there we have some we have some now easy so uh can we cook the fish right now because I think we’re going to

Need I mean yeah we can I’m going to cook this one for SE stop taking the stuff thank you what stuff I always take the chest and that’s I just I just hate it I hate it so much we really need more iron if anything yeah because we use a lot and

We still Ed can you light up this um campfire please yeah campfire yes why why did you make a campfire I don’t know would that heat up the space though no yes there’s already a fire right under the cauldron it’s oh okay well can they put it somewhere else in the place

Or uh maybe I don’t I’ve never used a campfire so I don’t know if it can start a fight or not I mean should we put it should we put it upstairs you can try if it’s say the house on fire though we’re we’re kind of we’re kind of screwed there’s dude can

Catch on fire do you forget we have kandle everywhere true well that’s a campfire Sor I’m G to put the record there I mean you can put it down there where you at to warm you up why is there there’s trees in this cave there’s trees there’s also chupaca

There’s also iron behind the chac comra so oh I need oh you want to know what’s in this cave by the way what what uh good old troll two of them even I know I know that’s what I was talking to you about they there yeah I dug through here and

There’s problem is to dude yeah I don’t I don’t think you want to go over there problem is the creeper yeah it’s the creeper the problem uh we can that that’s coming over uh yeah just run just run just run hello zombie yeah that’s a level two star or

Two star troll yeah do you have your bow I can shot it I don’t I don’t think it’s going to do anything can you just missed you missed I’m trying to yeah know it deflects arrows that you can’t you can’t shoot it you need maybe you maybe need need a

Crossbow I mean it I it just deflects all arrows it wouldn’t a crossbow would matter you have to melee it man there’s iron right there though yep I can fight it if you want to there’s three trolls now I don’t think we can ever fight a two star troll

There’s no damn way okay I’m just going to take a sh get a sh Shi give me a m it it will one shot you there’s no way I’m a pro dude I can kill everything that I want um so for the torch what exactly do you need cuz it’s

Showing it’s showing me a rock and a torch a torch yeah you you if you want to make an actual torch you need uh Stone and uh glow stone and and just coal or charcoal no I mean the one that we’re like putting all over the place that one yeah GL

Stone you you can’t craft a regular torch without glow stone with just uh coal yeah you you need glow stone to craft a regular torch um what can I made yeah I need I need a shield we need lights in there it’s pitch black I know that’s what I’m trying so you need

Glowstone and then what else C coal oh it’s glowstone powder by the way yeah I’ve seen it on the other side where I was uh what I need else yeah wood wood planks where’s the Saw oh there where are the Torches we use them all already

Yep okay so I’m going to make the big Shield so you need to collect a lot of glow stone in this one uh yeah it’s like eight eight glow stone to get one torch or something really I’m ready to fight I’m ready to fight dude oh it’s it’s four glow stone

For one thing but that’s still are you ready to look at me kill this monster gives you four torches just give me a I’m just I’m ready for you see you get one shot and lose all your stuff I don’t know about that that’s a two

Star I don’t know there’s no way we can feel that don’t worry I’m a God oh crap that ultra rare creeper right at the what just just step up step out step out where get out get out get out it’s after you it’s after you who

Me wait wait wait oh it’s over there no no no I’m not going there we just play ping pong with it dude that adaptable made it take no damage oh no I broke the stone this can you stay there can you stay there can you stay there can you stay

There can you stay there ow ow yeah I mean didn’t expect magic oh I didn’t I didn’t can use magic oh dude I can see everything it’s a special oh my God I I don’t don’t care I’m going to get back my stuff and kill

It I don’t know about that dude I’m a pro don’t worry I killed Dragon well dragon’s easy to kill yeah imagine a dragon with three stars okay hold on so is there a lot of Glowstone down there no you got to go another for it some some creatures can drop G Stone but

Otherwise you’re going to have to go to the nether floor oh God he’s coming come here come here have have a shield you can you oh now I understand what you doing it’s magic yeah so dark in here I can deal damage on it are you hitting it like that yeah but

He heing back yeah there there’s no way there’s a creeper there’s a creeper there’s a creeper I know magic it di to the magic oh her child I got this and this and this I’m going to give it to you because I don’t want to

Die hello do you want me to go for it that thing will definitely one shot you I have this I can protect myself it’ll break it instantly I’m telling you uh I think the iron one is more resistant to the order yeah it’s going to kill me I can

Distract him and make can go more far away if you want to maybe how close is it but the for this I’m going to do something oh it’s literally right around the corner are you are you ready half take that stuff take this stuff three two one I is anyone following you

Yep oh there’s a special creeper the one the the one is fine the other one is fine just say but it still deflects arrows yeah this is troll you what is that what is that you have lights there it’s dark get ah you died yeah it’s fine for the emperor

We can maybe kill this regular troll right here yeah it’s they are not one shot with no armor I get I guess do it and you’re dead if you don’t take your body and your head it should take more hit oh God what is that I can go kill it did you kill

It oh my God that’s what killed me that’s what killed me dead where’s the troll where’s the kind of immune to the plague did it die oop sorry sorry sorry broke my legs sorry dude how many more how many of of them I put it on the corner you Sam wait it’s m

A i think I killed it didn’t I yeah yeah you killed two thing dang you killed two thing Mia that’s crazy chra right there and I killed a troll easy easy dude dang I told you they’re easy to kill where is my sword by the way oh it’s over here wait hold

On there and then the ender pearl you want that thing I don’t even want no no no oh yeah slime ball no keep it there’s a special creeper right around the corner by the way what’s a special creeper ooh it’s oh I’m dead I’m dead what’s a special

Creeper dude I’m dead I’m so dead there’s a neck too I got combo I got combo by tree monster that’s totally fair yeah yeah that’s fair I’m going to make some torch I don’t deal in darkness they’re too op for us oh my God oh my God

I guys don’t go in front of him he’s dangerous I need my stuff down there man it’s it’s safe to grab it it’s fine really yeah I killed the thing don’t don’t walk in front of the my how many more things are down there

Dude okay so uh do you have my stuff do you have my stuff I know I’m dead um I think I can grab it I’m coming dude with some torch oh what is that they going to kill me over here there’s something right above watch out watch out it’s right

Above watch the no that thing no no no no no no I got me I’m almost dead okay uh everything is safe now there’s somebody it’s not safe you forgot about that one though is it right there now there’s no no no no help help help help help help help me let

Me what’s that watch out watch out come on please leave me alone why those moms are bully me oh man what did I do I I got to get out of here I’m yeah get out get out I go get back my stuff I’m going to get

The iron are you should stuff dude whatever this is heree this game is crazy no don’t worry for my stuff where is it it’s over here where here hold on uh your sword okay here what else do you have another iron sword a shield a shield

Yeah I got the shield I didn’t I need a pick I’m going to get a pickaxe here I’ll drop your Shield right there oh here’s your um it’s your torches yeah uh yeah wait I’m just going to get my shield can you bring my some

Pickaxe yes I got to go find a nymph man almost dead or just go to the bed it’s it’s daytime oh okay I’m going to right to my oh my god dude it’s crazy it’s crazy more Monster yeah give me more Monster more no wait yeah give me special mster oh no not

Quicken cookies I got cookies I might just kill myself just get full health honestly it’s faster yeah but just put your XP on your x no no no no there’s a um troll axe no why me leave me alone leave me alone yeah of course I don’t hit it

Because on the head it’s don’t work I just hit with a pickaxe on the head of the monster it don’t work we like this this game is crazy how many more monsters are there though yeah I just need to get better the stuff because I was mining

Iron yeah wait you thought you said a troll axe yeah it’s in the Box leave me alone there’s a troll axe over here in the treasure chest dude this thing is crazy oh my God I’m always doing that and now I a yeah of course oh there is a crate there I got

To open it I said I’m going to open it is it dark over here oh there’s a tree why does a tree in here oh skeleton skeleton G Iron Man oh H pill nice hey dude there’s a dungeon right over there where there there’s a dungeon it’s too dark in here

Man that’s why I put torch I hate baby zombie there are the worst enemy thank you I hate those I why I still have bu up with texture we need more iron yeah oh wait wait what oh I can’t break that one I have some wait I guess I can’t break um I

Don’t think I can break a lot of things I have some skill Co yeah you need levels to break some stuff yeah okay I’m mining Some Coal so I’m getting XP so you should come or I put it this on your X to cuz mine just disappear go through the

Darkness and I just find another cave with a spider that’s nice which when I have no stuff for oh God there’s a special troll over here where there’s nothing over over here where right around the corner what are you talking about there’s nothing there’s nothing dude I don’t see what

Are you talking right around the corner I don’t there is a spider it’s right around the spider no it is oh I just saw it is it far away from me just mine the wh that there just IGN your the um yeah just it make like it’s

Not there it’s not going to catching us not like if it’s going to Wi to kill us yeah it’s just not one up it’s one up too yeah wait can teleport yeah don’t they can t no don’t worry I have a deal I can deal with it you can a teleporting

One no he just want to track me he tried to track me on him oh the creeper coming I guess no wait where’s the door is this the door oh is this here oh it’s here is wood yeah uh my God I’m going up I’m going

Up do you want to know what I saw the first thing that I saw there’s another troll over there what was that a Reaper I just go to them okay there’s nothing there’s no more yeah there is coal mine is a huge coal then yeah we just going to make some

XP I’m level 10 by the way do you have your x with you no I never keep it on me that’s a bad idea yeah I always keep it on me oh wait dude there’s a iron there oh God there’s a bunch of zombies and stuff coming over oh XP you mean

XP there’s another troll down there where like I got some bandage oh what do you want for me get out I’m busy dude look I’m busy I’m healing myself don’t disturb me I’m going to eat cookies I’m going to eat whoa what is that what is that what what is that dude

Mom said that you don’t want to deal with no oh no no no no no no nope nope uh-uh yeah of of course I can escape because I’m too heavy of course I eat like 30 lbs of cookies oh crap I’m going to get back L the

Stuff we’re going to die about we don’t e that does not work just punch it are you attack any of you attack 12 I have a good idea I’m going to kill with this if you don’t kill it I’m going to kill it I have something for kill it don’t

Worry water water water water there it’s dead take that oh some iron I take a good weapon oh I get some of your stuff wait it’s not my stuff it’s your I’m just going to die SK I got lost in the caves yeah you have to drink your water

Okay thank you oh the campfire burnt out you got to make a new one yeah I have to make a new one yeah you didn’t know that I thought it burns forever did you know what burns do you know for that water that a

Fire we need to um light it up you know that this this I I thought when it starts a fire fors forever uh this something fell down there oh this a Elder Elden whatever that dude is I got one of your swords yeah uh I have your Shield your

Water bucket your coal I guess maybe I don’t know that’s your bow I think that’s it oh wait give me back my uh stone pickaxe yeah is this y Arrow all there we go do you have the torch uh no I don’t yeah okay there I oh wait uh dude come here come

Here dude there’s some Crystal SW ooh that’s enough for another heart yep we should maybe it we should maybe give it to Mia it’s okay you guys can keep it you need it more than me no you you die most you’re going to die mostly but same it’s

Okay they’re going to there is enough for everyone don’t worry about that if we get more um special mob we can oh dude I have a lot of iron come here my Pi is going to broke dark in here what there something down there oh Jesus help help yeah that’s that’s what that

Was there we go it dropped yeah I don’t have any more um pickax are you oh yes light light o oh man Le back to our thing right dang it yeah uh here here here here grab mine yeah here oh thank you how do I go

Back don’t worry we are just Clos to the base um the tunnel wait what yeah to the tunnel no there’s this is the stair there’s the staircase here just let us mine more because we need XP you you can M the coal if you if you have another pickax yeah that’s what

That’s what I do I need to go back CU then I need oh my god oh time okay no sorry but I’m going to bring the XP them that’s why I’m bringing always oh crap it’s I killed it and spawned a Vulcan oh my God dude I swear that’s why I want the XP to that if I’m dying I don’t lose XP because when I reach level eight or seven I don’t get more yeah but then if you die and you lose the XP to then you lose the you’re

Just going to you’re just going to get it oh I see the Vulcan no what I want the sword I want the sword I take the Cen a CRA it’s on me I’m going in the water you can’t go in the water right no but it can shoot you ah there’s an AF

Here Too I’m coming with the sword I I don’t think the Vulcan can shoot it’s just the the African the Vulcan looks like it’s melee but I got the I got the Vulcan away from the stuff it should be good okay I hate though I I ate a j I ate a

Fan I ate all the mob ear You Spa like four geod already this game or Five wait where is the yeah where is the mom sir I I I it’s it’s it’s it’s down there if you go down further down no I don’t go down I just take the stuff I just take the stuff okay so I have my shield my

Skill broke I got a chain mail I got I have the K the stone spear oh those are mine all let’s pitch black I get I get it no it’s on it’s not Pitch Black there no I got the message it was Pitch Black right there yeah yeah I have a lot of

Stuff that’s not my yeah I lost all of my XP oh no somebody’s killing me I don’t have anything ah where are you in the opening camera got killed by this on man what do you mean you got to stop I it’s oh my God can I get my stuff

Man yeah yeah that’s the vcan that just Pawn water does nothing to it I put water on it it does not even damage it I I love this game Vulcan I don’t wait Vulcan is a lava Elemental though how does water not damage it there’s a dude the troll axe over

Here can you guys use it it’s attack that’s the Cho cob BR run run oh hello ah I almost killed it yeah we got it we got it it just to it with the the fist the prom is the skeleton and the Su can you dude can somebody use this

Axe which one troll axe what what is the the skill level attack 12 yeah 12 dude I’m mining 12 I’m mining 12 yeah maybe you can use this don’t tell me it’s rein back I killed the Vulcan but but not the CH chac CA oh Jesus dude I need my

Stuff where’s my stuff where’s my stuff I down in that hole he picked up all my stuff I think a Reaper just spawned from the slime bruh what happened again I can’t I can’t see I’m dead oh come on okay I stopped mining coal because every time I mine

It we got something oh hello slime you die you what are you what no that a Reaper yes why me from the Slime oh my can you come back please and yeah of course it’s a coward it’s going to keep pleas I think I can use it of

Course just hit it please I yeah I get it please no more Monster please I swear to God I out there’s a demon there oh my can you go Down do you have your uh bow oh yeah hang on I got to I got to sort my inventory is such a mess uh I don’t have my arrows though I think you you have my arrows there we go I’m going to just just protect you you

What even hit you I was looking yeah that’s Minecraft oh my okay dude I swear to God I’m going to just it’s I don’t think so imagine you killed a Reaper and spawn another Reaper is that even possible I don’t think yeah know I don’t think so but if

It’s possible it will be czy like finally I kill why this is going to I got so much stuff man ouch I love this game best game B best mod there’s some iron do want do you want some do you have the iron tell me yes tell me

Yes uh yeah thank you God you have my stuff oh no I have a zombie that’s after me are we coming we get out Here oh God yeah there’s a there’s an a don’t worry I have this who what is that oh it’s me it’s a charge come here zombie come no no no no don’t don’t run run run run run do you have my stuff dude yep yeah are we done oh I have zombie head

Are we done down there or what I mean not not really yeah maybe for now not really there’s a lot more to mine yeah there’s still a zombie be careful can you use this please no well I can’t I don’t have the levels thank you what is it

Oh this this uh wait I give you a bad sword hle so we going down there again no I lost my pants I don’t know where my pants are uh the Le pants oh there they are I need a new chest plate no you don’t need all right before

Anything I’m going to go smel this iron yeah go smell it uh wait I have one I have one on me oh I’ve been putting things over here dude you might want to check what’s in there I just he a gas what was that oh must be the

Pixon there’s a war out there too oh man I’m going to take my pickaxe there are there’s some coal and iron there and we we really need to get more X oh my God the pink yeah I’m we’re down to like two wait where is my food that I cook good food good

Stuff what should we do go back to of the mines and die where’s your X to oh there H just I I have like before 11 level but I keep dying so yeah I got level 10 Gathering so two more level yeah no no six more level yeah well actually more than

That six and 10 more level so yeah um I can make a bigger mine if you want but I I need I think I need like 20 levels uh I’m going to make another armor because mine just yeah I need a chest plate TR low on arrows I’ve been using the bow so

Much no I think you still have your okay can you give me your um maybe you put it back the in the chest yeah okay know it’s at8 so what can we make kills I got to look for the best r i can sumon something hey where did all the AES

G oh the last villagers must have died so there’s no more ages around yeah so um do you want to do a dungeon or you want to mine let’s War real quick yeah I think we’re going to do some fishing wait where is this war even at

Dude I’m going to do some fishing because if you were lucky we can fish a um you know the problem is my fishing R going to broke so we need more iron wait you completely broke it no it’s Al but I don’t want to use it oh

Yeah I’m going to make an iron one oh we you get some levels and just repair it I guess yeah I don’t know how to repair it it we need a we’ll need a Anvil yeah but what do I need to put on it uh I can make a diamond diamond Road

Fishing Road or was it string it’s either wood or string do you want me to make the Diamond Road can make one can you use it uh uh no yeah I me exactly okay I’m going to make the iron one then this do we have enough wool or string or that stuff definitely

Not we have four string yeah we have definitely enough do you think there’s another Village somewhere close yes can we go there can we find one but but it’s cold outside dude I think we’re going to need to find some sheep yeah we going to need more sheep

We we got to build a pen somebody is somebody going to eat it outside there’s a Shear down here okay I’m coming I’m been putting things over here I should take some thank you so dude I’m going to take like a lot of w the most as I

Can but everyone need to get um close to the bed when I’m going to need it as if I need to sleep I need to everyone go sleep we’re going to sleep no just like if I need to sleep because the night coming I need that

Everyone go to sleep cuz I’m going to try to find some sheep oh okay where is there’s some sheep right behind the place they’re not that far yeah bag you have a sleeping bag no I have a my sleeping bag don’t worry I’m going to try to find some

Sheep try to find some sheep and now I find a dragon I’ll be like why do I find a dragon zombie give me XP I’m going to carry a bed yeah no make make a sleeping bag just go get get that sleeping bag from the fishing house that’s what I did oh you don’t you don’t want to use a bed because if you keep breaking the bed and sleeping in it then you’ll you’ll lose

Your spawn point you’ll spawn someone randomly oh okay I’m open I’m then going to find a dragon oh I hear a sheep sheep sheep be be I’m a sheep where’ you go I heard There’s a sticky piston oh there there there it is I found

It where are you guys I’m still in the house two sheep where are you right behind the place that’s where all the Sheep are oh I got trees uh it’s tur dark though yeah I’m coming thank you Jeff see you later so everyone go sleep oh there’s monster

Nearby oh that I know which momster do creeper are we able to sleep yeah I’m going to sleep oh we’re sleeping okay yeah sleeping Okay no no the dude is oh oh my god dude are you going to S um yeah but then the creep the the dude whatever you anyway was trying to attack MEAP yep I was trying to sleep but then the thing showed up where is it it’s right above you

What I don’t see it I’m going to leave it in there it can go through walls it’s it’s upstairs can you kill it yeah you can kill death itself oh okay where are you guys I’m I don’t find you I’m still in the thing inside the house there’s another quartz 19 of

Them we can make some cod too I guess like some with Will and leather guess I should probably oh God is there a pixon over here we got to make a pen though ah there’s a rock right above the base there’s something flying up there parite

Nice how did you get parasites when you get clean water because I didn’t drink with this I go just in the basement it’s better drink R of water all right we we where do we want the pen are the dragons going to eat it uh oh crap there’s the reaper

Yep we need to put some more yeah do you need a canteen oh I have one oh sheep be me I’m a sheep baby I’m a sheep can we just keep them here then no they’ll never get their will back but yeah they’ll never get it back

Yeah they will they need grass oh oh I have a idea oh we don’t have so can that’s why we need a pen for them cuz we got to they need grass to get their W back well will the dragon and them things flying take them away if if if

They no no I mean if a dragon sees us it’s it’s it’s over we it just it’ll burn the whole place down oh yeah I if it’s a ice one icy one would be easier to deal with because the fire going to just burn everything and the ice one just ice just

Don’t touch the ice bike but H see if a ice dragon show here we can deal with him I mean yeah dragons don’t really roam though like if you see a dragon it’ll it’ll be there the whole time in the same spot yep okay there’s a nest

So that just mean this well can we have a covered pendant for them like like a covered one yeah we can do that so then if somebody wants to like take them they can’t cuz then they have to pretty much go inside well nothing can take it I mean

Well maybe a Choop of Cobra can kill it okay so then I make another one for you know bber I mean if you just put a fence around them though then they’ll be fine okay I’m going to make another o again what do you need for fence we could do like inside

Fence Oop There so now I should be able to do something you need Okay so this the iron so I’m going to make a iron fishing Road what is that swarm out and alud we just leave we just leave where are we going you’re just

Dead I just I just stay in side don’t don’t go out yeah never go out stay inside forever what the heck is this swarm you don’t want to know actually if you want to know go outside real quick I mean can I see it from the window maybe

Maybe we both say maybe oh I see it it’s like a fiery thingy dude there I see it guess what yeah it’s just a bunch of insects dude guess what what look hey I’m I’m going discover this a I ran away I wanted to discover

It but wait I saw one there’s a be there’s a bee outside I discovered it yes hello do you want to come out inside I just want to discover Him dude don’t open the um there’s a mster three stars there’s a lot of bees outside dude hello can they get in here I don’t think o this swarm dude kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it it’s it’s so hard to

Hit it’s a little thing it’s easy to hit and being little is what makes it harder oh oh crap this Block’s broken they can just fly we need a block block there h no not this it’s fine it’s can’t get dude there’s a three star monster no they can definitely fly in through

There I have a better already do you have a slab this dude we need a slab I’m going to make one wait they can’t go through slabs right uh maybe dude oh wait dude look we are dead they can’t go through they can’t X my God there’s so many out there they

Can they can they can they can you got back up you’re going to die what are you guys doing we have to put something we have to replace the um there’s blocks over here dude I need you to break this dude get check over here Sam it’s not what go check over

Here there’s some blocks and slabs and whatever no I don’t need to and oh there’s there’s stairs can be used to it’s even better than this there’s 20 bees out there timer here okay Ashen Ashen Ashen Ashen Ashen Ashen there’s seven ashes out there dude I

Can’t I can’t put what happened to my bro they’re building blocks out there what are they doing oh there’s a queen be out there go I know why no not like this oh my God can you break it I don’t have an yeah don’t care just

Yes did you break the glass that was in there yeah or farming glass we need farming there’s something there you should go over on this side there’s 30 bees on this side of the window many of that’s the part of the swarm Queen snipe it with your

Bow H I can’t get an angle from here uh I need some bandage you probably go here in the balcony and shoot it I don’t know oh and did you did you get all the um XP I got 11 levels on me nice enough for

Go go put it dude put it in a gathering dude if you still have some level put it inside this dude it’s risky to do that I killed one there’s a big one right above them why they put everywhere when does the stor end that’s they they

Got like a bunch of honey what is that yeah they’re destroying they’re building a giant Nest outside are they going away destroying the land no oh no they’re not going to going to go away until we kill the queen like something like that yeah the queen is right behind there there’s there’s at

Least 50 bees out there yeah um anything they’re probably the tree star one this is the one that we need to kill the tree Stars so should we start killing the Bees No oh just go to the bed for now because we need to regen hello are you okay um below the

Furnace are we sleeping now yeah yeah yeah s those be are multiplying so so what are we doing with the bees uh it’s time just to kill all the bee okay just try at least it’s fine if you can’t because they’re really hard to kill put this this this this uh don’t need

This uh don’t need this inane amounts out there I don’t even see where the be the queen be went hello ow ow oh I’m down to hypothermia damn it what do you mean oh it is cold wait what should probably go here dude we have a problem yeah hyp you’re dying from

It can we isn’t there a um warm is it area over here it’s not warm over here yeah it is dude we have a problem what they can it’s going to killed me it gave me hypothermia no that’s it remember we’re in Winter that’s not it’s not the bee it’s just

Coal this isn’t good enough we need lava where’s the lava down here oh down here there’s a lava right yeah are we about to die we about to die I don’t know ah he stopped oh it’s not enough we’re in the PE winter it’s too it’s too hot are we warm

Now yeah so do we need to um get a bucket of these things up there one one is fun one is fun you you do not want lava this will spawn a creature oh I think the one spawned already just be careful to not get get

It so we can’t have it in the house oh no I died a what how can you try to swim to the why you jumped into it I was jump I was jumping to the side don’t jump close to the lava never jump close to a lava pool why am I still

Burning it’s just the visual thing oh okay oh yeah you lost all yours I got your Katana and your boots that that’s that’s oh that’s fine you got all first I pretty sure she had more than two items sorry Mia if you want I can give you a full

Diamond armor no don’t she can’t use so yeah that’s why just going to put it in the chest what is that okay kill another one I keep getting killed I keep killing them I’m getting dude dude that’s crazy I swear to God that’s crazy dude when is this graphic going to go

Away is he so have M don’t go outside I’m still burning with Graphics uh that’s weird try try jumping in some water then I need to go down I need to go down I need to go down I need to go down I need to go down I need to go

Down it’s too cold it’s too C you don’t want to go to Lava that you just ran right past I don’t care I just want to warm up you could have got warm move the lava over here yeah I’m going to burn it’s fine so what what can we have to um

Warm the warm up the place warm dude I’m just next to the lava I’m bre on the a hedge to fall in it yeah don’t don’t do a Mia you don’t want to do that yeah I don’t I know I can craft hair if you want yeah I can craft hair oh my

God why is it so cold because it yep it’s the peak of winter wait bees on winter what Beast does in winter why they don’t die oh thank you dude there’s no logic it’s not Minecraft no it’s is is it Minecraft no logic I’m already getting cold that’s

Crazy we need warm enchantment dude we need it we just need some lining we can make lining right now if you just had the wall or kill all the bees where are the bees oh there’s one there not the baby yeah did you hit me

Oh sorry I was trying to kill the I don’t know because I get it a little too fast I need to get my stuff outside why I’m closing the door on me do you see my stuff on outside I don’t know do you see my shield do you that’s crazy

Die careful I have a bow I won my shield I won my shield there’s your boots I want my shield where’s my armor oh there probably outside still there’s some there’s more stuff out there you guys ien picked up yeah I found it I found my there just

My chest plate that I don’t oh there no oh my God no no Reaper that’s crazy I’m dying from hypothermia again okay so where is where is people where’s them Beast oh they just get off they just get out dude they’re not there anymore how do

You touch me tell me how do you touch me I okay something that I don’t understand that I press right click for protecting and it don’t activate the shield uh your Shield might either be down or they’re hitting you from behind no no you just don’t want to prot it why

Is the reaper still out there it’s going to be out there till we kill it oh then they might be hitting you from behind then your Shield only protects you from the front no my my Shi just don’t want to activate that’s it like you don’t want to block it doesn’t

Go up yeah Shields down yeah no no there’s not the cool down it just the frame that I swing it’s I need to wait like a frame itally a frame oh yeah it doesn’t activate instantly yeah that that’s what I mean that it’s a little stupid because I can’t protecting my

Myself I’m still cold it’s fine I killing all the bees dude yeah you still have hypothermia you got to wait till that goes away and then you’ll but I’m not I’m I’m not even my temperature is not even going up even though I’m next to the lava I’m still

Cold it doesn’t go above cold yeah bees don’t give us some XP so should we have like a a because they keep respawning killing those don’t doesn’t do anything we got to kill the she gone they all gone oh they they are yeah the the the the nests are gone okay we’re good

Then yeah but I almost dead so yeah I’m going to put there yeah be right back is it night time are be sleeping now no it’s daytime oh where are you I’m outside oh my God what the who is uh I think I’m just there water

Oh oh that is not good what the bees broke some blocks where they they they broke into the enchantment oh down at the bottom yeah that might that’s why it’s so cold I think cuz they broke in the cold air is leaking in we got to fix it how many blocks did they

Destroy a couple but I I plugged up the hole oh what oh hey I found your wooden sword from earlier where uh it should be warmer now I think yeah so what are we building next we still got to get a pen for the Sheep so we can actually get their wool

So we need to get some wood outside we should fence them in here in the front yard oh it’s night time are we going to sleep yeah we probably should so are we going to have the fence in the front yard um maybe oh my God what is up with that

Guy you spawn another Reaper we have but I think he’s dead I don’t know so stupid if you didn’t kill him then he’s not dead I’m cold again are we going to sleep yeah I’m sleeping you’re not going to be able to sleep while you’re cold though you got

To you got to come back down dang it you have your sleeping bag a now I’m dying from it to stupid thing it’s so cold I’m down here cold it should be a little bit warm inside cuz we were inside my God so we should have we should have

Like a pool of um no we can’t cuz then it’s going to spawn things oh my God I don’t know how your sleeping bag your sleeping bag went into the lava but I I still managed to pick it up that is so weird I don’t I don’t think you lost anything though

There’s no point watch I mean there’s no point um Counting how many times I died CU it’s like probably 50 million times oh my God what did I just do so are we going to go downstairs and break things I should sleep real quick it’ll be warmer in the day

Should just should you just leave the bed over here what do you think dying again what happened to the bucket oh did I give you my bucket I made another I made one what happened to my bucket actually I don’t know oh my God it’s too cold should we go down at the

Bottom I think it might be colder down there I mean warmer down there yeah this so really makes sense I have no idea what even happened to my bucket oh oh no oh no what is that back I’m come what was that yeah I’m so confused I lost my uh

Oh no not your Reaper what what that was The Reaper that killed you no oh there is still the be no the bees are gone no there’s a bee there oh there might be one oh what is this thing what is this thing a big one dark

Ramen I have no idea what happened to my shield ouch what is that what H oh he me yeah right I have to go the think that kill you is still here by the way yeah oh lava I’m going to go inside this lava pool oh my

God okay well don’t get hit by it there you go oh there’s another one it’s coming from you oh this thing honey I love honey oh wait we can maybe oh dude we can make some regeneration potion like this what happened my oh there it

Is I have no idea what Happ my bucket in my I oh no I made yeah we just got to go cave in there’s there’s no there’s no other way it’s so warm down here we should just go fishing I guess until Winter’s over yeah okay why not how do we know

That the winter is over uh we’ll be warm can we build a little house in here Oho Reaper that’s safe and things maybe we could we got to light the whole place up though hey Patty we have to be a bit away from the lava there’s aaper I don’t want to

Come yeah may it keep spawning Reapers I don’t know I’m just like hitting it cuz we’re supposed to sleep and then it comes out it’s annoying as hell yeah sometimes that happens whenever whenever you go to sleep there’s a chance to spawn a Reaper and if he keeps spamming to try

To sleep you’re you’re definitely going to oh no oh no oh no whoa who oh no what is that what you oh my you guys are you kidding me I was oh my God can we SLE can we sleep can we we can’t sleep oh my it’s

Daytime I’m going to get my fishing rod for fishing some you know fish what the heck was that dude quick quick quick quick I need fire I need fire I need fire I need fire what that what was that that killed us a spectre a spectre dude if I

Died I swear to God if my head kit getting it I’m dead no let me guess it’s still there right it has yeah it ain’t going to go nowhere well I need to get my stuff though got to go kill it I don’t have anything how am I going to kill

It with uh with skill with really I don’t have any skills those are stuff yeah it is oh my god dude it actually ran away I actually want to make this um area nice cuz it’s confusing with the way it is right now it is you go up and then you go down

And then you go up and then you go down uhhuh no I lost my bow at some point too confusing as hell there’s like oh what happened to my pickaxe oh maybe that went in the lava earlier probably went in the lava I’m coming with my fishing run

Uh I’m a mine a bit but my iron pickaxe is almost dead oh what the what is that is it safe d d now it is do we fishing there there is some water over there oh there might as well go go go there it’s

It’s safer in that one I think I’m going to fish there I’m just going to go away oh iron over there I don’t care I just want fishing you can’t you can’t fish no iron yeah I’m going to there’s a lava fish in there though actually which one uh how you doing

Patty hello Sky what you up to I need a pickaxe so I can um do we have any yep uh upstairs yeah I have one uh no never mind wait don’t tell me that I lost my oh no I put it on oh I got one I got a fish I got a

Fish oh let let me guess it’s the same one magmatic a jellyfish probably we still haven’t used the uh the scanner to find out what’s in there do we need the oygen one oh no spectre’s back I’m dead coming coming coming coming coming coming can we get can we one shot

Me oh yeah true I was one or on the head of course you one shot me oh man we love this game we love this mod pack right no comment can we can we build a treasure chest over down here and put things in it so we don’t have to go up and

Down we could oh what we put down here like um pickaxe and things maybe well really we we got to we got to we got to make stairs so it’s not so slow getting up and down well I see I still need a pickaxe though I’m dead

What hey Mia do you want to like hit it one time who uh it’s it’s the Spectre it’s it’s one HP you hit it once it’ll where is it right below okay if you just hit it once it’s it’s really low if it doesn’t like surprised me

Where the hell is it wait I need to go oh there sorry I was my mom where you go oh it’s okay you got it up there oh yeah I killed it it it dropped two ender pearls and chorus fruit that’s really good actually pleas don’t tell me I got some

Stuff in the lava I swear to God you have pickaxe can I have oh Creeper Creeper Creeper watch out creeper oh man get back big axe do you have extra this this uh this this this and I’m missing some armor that I suppose that drop in the lava I have it here oh

Uh oh oh there’s something in the lava it is what is that yeah we can get out we can get out what is that thing you don’t you don’t want to know oh that’s a monster don’t worry oh my God where is it oh my God the last glow stone

What why did you break the glow stone cuz I was hitting whatever it was it died a while ago you you just broke the glow stone now we have no light oops Yeah we have light look wow S one we can put glowstone that’s like uh on yourself back yeah my my

Glasses you’re going to your PC Sky oh my God it’s F I got it pickax immunity to blindness okay so I can’t get blindness with those glasses it’s interesting water water do you drink your water oh thank you this is water water what this is inside those Barrel what there’s

Inside yeah I lost a pickaxe so uh do you still do you guys still want fishing I mean it’s still super cold me is already dying FIA yeah yeah but then there’s a lot of monster down here though oh I lost my food uh oh I have it oh okay thank you

20 fish yeah yeah I go down I go down I go down but I don’t have a pickaxe you could go to H the one of the chests up there I’m I’m G make some stuff because I got I got to bank some stuff anyway um how come the lava disappeared where is

It is it here oh there give me a minute I need to change some I need to change the color in my keyboard for I have a fish I’m pretty sure we still need to um fishing in the nether probably but we just need a little lava pool it’s and it’s fine we

Should have Gathering toble to use the fish tracker and we can find where those fish are yeah oh wait we can get a lava bucket easy with this oh actually I can use I can use the thing now I got enough levels wait you can use the uh the

Diamond one no oh hell no yeah I can the golden one that’s not good enough for uh lava we need I think two x full x two full XPO or um get the 20 Level yeah I’ll need 13 no it’s going to be it’s going to be

Like one and a half full XP T okay something like that I ju just going to keep fishing any way CU we don’t care that’s too cold here oh I got a bone what do oh yeah okay what is the wait yeah so I can use this as a bait

Oh man it’s so dark here now oh this is the safe Zone want to be warm though dude I’m sleeping I swear I need lure tree and L in the SE Tree on my bow now I’m supposed to be so hot oh crap there’s a thing coming

There’s a thing coming watch out watch out no not this what the hell is that Zer oh oh that Ramen whatever push in the water the lava oh it’s not cold up here anymore I think no it’s it’s it’s going to be like that for like another couple killed I killed

It I killed the monster we need more lights around there can we can we take the um the candles up here put it down there yeah don’t take too many or you’ll have zombies scared me dude you scared me what is a SE seus I there’s a lava monster here or

Something we don’t care it’s not go out so we are fine I’m going to get a fish I’m going to get a fish I’m go yeah it’s only on the Nether Nether I’m guessing it’s impossible to get one in in this area all right I don’t I Le my I lost my

Helmet where’s oh where did my poison immun go where’s my stuff dude lava I don’t see anything everyone come fishing with me oh yeah true you guys don’t have nothing have nothing for fishing yeah iess I guess my poison immunity went in lava that sucks you see any of my stof d

Oh thank you dude it’s boring to fishing without lury it’s take a Eternity for get something I can’t believe I lost my poison what the somebody’s attacking oh my God why did you kill her get a darken on her what’s that like a face hugger a stuck on your

Butt there’s a chac cobra and oh oh oh oh God oh God oh God we’re dead we’re dead we’re we’re dead there a spectre just just put light just put light just just put light we we need stop coming and put light here let stop coming with no light dude let’s take this

One cuz I swear I’m trying to fishing hey where’d he go the Fisher get get killed and don’t don’t take the stuff dude don’t take the stuff let me put my right this dude aimed the head this thing aim the head oh no no no no no no dude why you use

This when you can use a hant sword did you kill that guy no nothing’s dead something is like oh no yeah right there kill it I got it kill it yeah killed it what the heck easy kill where’s my candle man I just won my fishing rod

CLE I just take where where is my iron sword I I got it okay you use it for kill chac Cabra yeah all right you have the light do you have the light yeah I got the glowstone okay I’m got to take my stuff and your stuff everyone’s

Stuff my my helmet just broke I guess what is oh my God something and back to fishing now put lights put lights my God everywhere I am hot I mean cold yeah you are hot it’s cold over here wait there’s lava I just saw you th damage yep hello hi

I wait did that did that candle go out no here where where should I put the candle try try placing it there okay it’s not it’s not out uh oh yeah but I your hand it looks like it’s out yeah when you’re holding it then there’s no light and then when you put

It place it then it did do you still have your Shader what Shader dude dude look what I fishing in the lava what is that apple have you seen my um my sword oh there okay I’m going to try to put a Shader I’m GNA try to put a

Shader yeah I I can hear something oh God spectre’s coming spectre’s coming wait wait wait where where right above you there wa where where it’s right over there I don’t see it it’s around the corner I hear it is that the dude no HTH low Health oh I got

Jesus dude I could not hit it I just coming stra for me oh my God what more like the put more light I need to take more candles from that from up there oh God there’s a lava creature over there yeah we need more lights dude we

Need to put light everywhere dude I’m not Kidd there there’s a vulon over there dude I don’t know come on there’s a Vulcan right over there uh where’s my oh there oh your sword’s down here byra why me I’m not kidding I’m going foring oh my God Mia yeah yes oh you there

Yeah I’m going to take some candles I think we just get a block off that place just put a wall there yep oh God the Vulcan right here no why me spawned lava no don’t tell me that it burned everything not everything but some stuff it definitely burns on your

Stuff I’m going to leave I swear why me why did I down to this far he’s coming after me he’s coming after me you own something oh it put it put okay the lava that is spawn does not burn items your dude dude on stairs you put lava on the

Stairs oh my god dude I’m going to turnning mad I swear to God can I do something now I need to dude don’t die be careful I can do you take my just tell me that you have the shield and the fishing rod yeah thank my inventory is full

Down I don’t have pick I broke the stairs don’t worry I’m there I’m coming oh God that is a lot of lava don’t worry I off wait why this candle didn’t burn it’s going down so slowly yeah this is a lot of lava okay where’s my stuff uh I’m dropping it up

Here so where do we need the lights everywhere here he everywhere I know but where where’s the part where um okay um do you see me yeah here what is that here that’s same stuff where up here then where else thank you you just I just don’t have the boots where else

Uh I don’t have the boots either and I lost some sword I I dropped the sword yeah but I have like three so where else IO Bob we should just block this off I’ll press yeah press F7 and you can see where to put them yeah where is red part yeah you

Need one right here where’s the thing BL it’s 100% safe I’m supposed to have two of these candles but then I don’t know what happened to the other one where’ they go wan stay right there leave me alone leave me alone why wall down there’s a candle right there dude

He burned all my stuff by putting lav below my feet why me why yeah there’s definitely burnt stuff there now sorry about I keep king T targeted they like you no they hate me just tell me that I don’t lose this Emperor stuff please chunk not even loaded in I can’t see that

Suck oh chunk loaded in do you guys die again yeah I just grab a wooden sword wooden sword do you think it’s going to resist it’s it’s it’s almost dead yeah I got some punches I got him some punch but why you kill me with the laa I

Hate this like I almost St burn this thing decide to put lava below my feet I got it please don’t tell me I lost please it broke that whole wall down okay I understand no it don’t burn your stuff yeah no I said that earlier the the lava it places doesn’t doesn’t

Burn stuff okay I was like please don’t tell me I lose my stuff that that would be stupid like because you can lose all of your stuff easily I get this this is my this is my mine we got to replace this wall before something comes in through it and really

Quickly where do we put the light the candle here where a little everywhere I would say how did you get corus uh the Spectre has drop it dare where here there up here uh did I lose my chest plate then uh yeah yeah have your chest plate I think we should just

Close out some of these places yeah we’re just going to close this but we don’t have blocks I’m going to keep fishing yeah there thank you what happened to the candle that was in here you got my Stu no thank you I have a oh I have an iron sword I’m

Going to fish this one after that I I got to get some water again that’s about all I got oh yeah you should drink water okay I think that’s it um all right I think we need to have a clear path to here and then close up all the

Walls yeah cuz it’s just too many openings yeah that’s a giant lava pool so lots of lava creatures keep coming from here we got to at least get that Walden the lava space yeah like over there oh I can’t use this dude use what I can’t use the pickaxe oh cuz it’s too

High yeah there’s like a lava creature in the we got to wall this yeah you should put some levels in so you use it where my helmet oh right ringing where is the fish where is the fish where is the fish where is the fish no please that’s something big though right

Through this wall where he I want his want they like me in a room a room a r the rat the rest make me c czy I want C want they like me in a room a rubber room a rubber room with the rat the rats make me crazy dude there’s no more

Fish you fish them all out I’m guessing that doesn’t look like it’s in is it in yep all right we just got to go to this lava pool now yeah but we have to secure it yeah there’s a lava creature at least at least one in there I’m not going in because this

Water pool going to kill us and just make us last all our of our staff so there you have to that was like the only protection we had against lava creatures though no there’s another one right there yeah I know there’s a lot in there so yeah there’s a monster right there

I’m just going to do this look here I can fish so my uh fishing rod going to broke soon what what is flying right next to us what do you mean you don’t hear those winds flapping wait sound no it’s coming from like over here dude come

Here you got more obsidian look at that yep I got leech number 12 here look number 12 this this thing is number 12 on blue imagine a AFK form for fishing and that lava creature is getting closer and closer yeah shot it with the bow we didn’t didn’t even reach diamond

Armor with my friend we reach it like in I don’t know two hours the full diamond and we could equip it because we just get a um XP form oh dude there’s a Vulcan Mr was that what that was uh yeah um he’s coming for us I guess no it’s dude

We have to block it we have to block it get some block I have 55 Cobblestone just close from there yeah from there oh you there oh it’s safe because we have a volcane and you don’t we don’t want you to die um there yeah it’s fine now I could block

It off and then put a door here or something yeah but it going to burn the door n don’t there doors don’t burn bur the only problem is the Vulcan can destroy blocks when it places that lava though but it’s fine lava is fine just put the door between it and we are

Fine uh if something spawns from the lava yeah probably that’s a small pool you probably probably uh wait it’s not a vol water water water that’s not a I don’t know what that is but that’s not a B I don’t think that one can leave the lava or at least not

Far CRA There’s a Zombie up here it’s fine just a zombie it’s not like it’s a volcane yeah D I’m going to need to repair my um fishing rod can here you it’s fine dude look at this so that’s obsidian and magma that’s what that

Is uh part now we are fine I guess and I think it’s where where is the there oh did the did the thing break it again Yeah Dude we need we need light here I just get bite by a wolf oh that skele yeah we should we should put a wall here too it’s already freezing we already freezing damn it’s it’s so windy out there oh wait I think this not going to get out

Soon we supposed to be able to see what is the um well actually we we we I think we have enough quartz for a season clock let me check I’m M you freezing That’s crazy dude give me your XP XP XP XP XP there because guess what I’m going to

Die uh we’re only in the middle of winter I kidding me we have a single sapling that we none of us can use because we don’t have enough farming skill oh you want farming skill oh you want to chop it down we good we can’t even survive you

Dying are you okay dude I’m done from hpia I hear someone dying forgot what was I going to do I’m going down dude oh I remember I think I’ll just go ahead and die from hypothermia get my health back did did you you you don’t have an axe not not in this mod

Pack what do you think you get some Axe and that’s stuff we have to find some gravel for get flint break it on the Rock I should I get a stick from the Le after that yep yeah oh no this this wood I put it because there’s bomster oh this wood this

W no it’s not tree is Ju Just wood oh no it’s trees but it’s not going to fall down it’s not going to fall down yeah yeah I can prevent monster from spawning by doing one thing by putting Rock I even think about it that we can just

Prevent momster from spawning just by putting some rock it’s act like a um dude now no more Monster can spawn yeah no r everything is safe just take your rock and put it everywhere activate your F7 and you going to see every purple everything is purple when it’s

Purple that’s mean nothing can spawn when it’s green it’s mean it’s nothing can spawn incept monster from the light for don’t touch my rock yeah because if you press F7 you’re going to notice something that nothing can spawn on this nothing no more ons are going to be able to spawn

Yeah yeah but when it’s green just Pacific monster or monster that can spone on light in darkness it’s really helpful because like that no monster can be there all everything is safe you don’t even need light you just need rck I said pitch black pitch black can come anywhere are you okay you

Man you are cold you’re too cold dude you just block dude the house burning dude the house burning the house is burning dude what the I burning yeah because someone put lava and forget that we are in the wooden house now I have to get take a look if nothing else

Burning oh my God I have to go back down I’m going to get AIA I have a new monster my best best CRV it’s a I don’t know what is that BR you need 18 farming to break a barrel yeah I don’t know what there is in them bar

Barel it’s it’s for making wine and beer just for um be right back me no why would I do that it’s almost seven yeah your level’s up so you can use iron got to get those levels up yeah you need a level eight use pickax for for yeah

Mind oh I’m dude there’s a blighted zombie watch out you’re about to find out just don’t be by the water or the lava I mean it’s a baby zombie too so it’s even faster it’s we’re not even half we’re halfway through winter it’s we got another like nine hours

It’s a couple hours okay it’s not a baby zombie but I’m dead it has your Katana dude I’m killing it oh my God that was so good man I pick up your Katana that’s so scary if you can get up there so can he uh that might be mine yeah um whatst

No I didn’t get any of your stuff oh I got your Katana that’s that’s it uh what do you mean leave it out yeah oh no oh thanks yeah but it’s like the only your only weapon up here I was building a staircase and then it uh it’s instant it ran through so

Fast bled enemies are insanely fast uh you hit them a bunch and then they die they’re just really fast and they’re really strong but they give you a lot of XP and hard shards it’s a zombie uh wherever the B coming from no only zombies can make that

Sound eventually he might break through that door and then you can have a lot of fun uh no we’re still midwinter there’s going to be a couple more hours of winter at least uh where oh it’s definitely colder outside it’s snowing right now yeah we can we can do what whatever

Place uh forget what I all right we got to go back I actually need wood where’s the Saw did we lose the song bro we don’t have a s anymore I’m just going to die for my I need a new saw I guess no I made a bunch of scks on

Accident um I’m going to the shower so be right back and yeah drink water we’re going to restart the there yeah going back uh for oh they did break the door down you’re Lu you didn’t die no nothing came in but they did break the door so they could have come in at

Any okay long there’s an AF right out that other door I think I’m going to go in um let’s see who’s in here I’m not sure who’s in there I’m going to go in end the stream because I need to get ready for for dinner but I’m just going to leave it

I’m just going to be here hopefully nobody kills me all right guys thanks for hanging out dinner time I need to prepare for for dinner I shall see you next time hopefully tonight I’m not sure O O

This video, titled ‘🔴 # 1 ~ Playing RLCRAFT for the FIRST TIME ~ MINECRAFT● 𝐋ί𝕍ε𝔰𝐭г𝓔A𝐌’, was uploaded by Miya GamePlayz ツ on 2024-01-13 01:23:57. It has garnered 162 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 08:57:25 or 32245 seconds.

Playing this game without watching tons of videos. I had a 2 mins glimpse and pointers here and there but yah that’s it. It’s probably not a good idea but LET’s GO! 😬😆😭 I’ll be alright… right? 😆🙃

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  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More

  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

    SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper 😓😭 #minecraftcreeper #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-04-22 12:00:10. It has garnered 43219 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft small building #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial’, was uploaded by VINU on 2024-05-21 17:19:50. It has garnered 550 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Song: AXM – Sunlight Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://bit.ly/3mTaHsP Song: Thomas Gresen – Elevate Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: https://bit.ly/3A2wbGx #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial #funnylogic Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New survival public smp ip and port 24/7 online server #video #minecraft #server #public’, was uploaded by Atifgamer on 2024-01-14 12:47:10. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Guys you guys always keep showing me this kind of support and please like, share and subscribe because I have to complete 1k subscribers as soon as possible. Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

    SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Breed “With” Villagers 🤨 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 09:00:41. It has garnered 493 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

    Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new video cool video’, was uploaded by Jasus Gamerz on 2024-01-16 01:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft new video cool video #minecraft #trending #viral #gameplay #jasus gamerz #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning … Read More

  • “Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE” #roblox

    "Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE" #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blox Fruits [Playing With JB] #live #roblox #bloxfruits’, was uploaded by RomeoGotGame on 2024-04-20 18:12:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Im RomeoGotGame But You Can Call Me Romeo & Im 12 Years Old & I Play Videogames Such As Sonic, FNAF, Minecraft, … Read More

  • Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!

    Insane Piano Prodigy Teases Epic Minecraft Song!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft song teaser!!!!’, was uploaded by Piano Kid on 2024-06-03 03:53:18. It has garnered 10 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • Gaupa

    GaupaFactions server under development. Some of the stuff is not finish, but come and join and build your empire and be the strongest faction in this world PvP Just have fun 1.20.1 Read More

  • DQX Semi-vanilla SMP 1.20.4

    Welcome to DQX Online Community! DQX is a thriving online community that started in 2020 as a name for a DnD game and has evolved into a place for people to relax and play games. Key Features: Active staff members ready to assist Regular events like building and drawing contests Unique role system with perks Cozy spawn area created by staff Economy system for money, shops, and item selling Villager shops with a variety of items Player Market for buying protected areas Quality hosting for a smooth experience Bedrock integration for mobile/console players Discord server with EssentialsX integration Join Us… Read More

  • Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)

    Crazy anarchy Minecraft server(1.10-1.21)This is a anarchy Minecraft server but it crazy:/Join discord for more information https://discord.com/invite/CANHpTt2This server don’t have any anticheat but I will add anti fly and speed walk because it make the server run out of ram Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Speedrun to da crib

    Minecraft Memes - Speedrun to da cribJust call me the Usain Bolt of block-building! Read More