EPIC Wireless Connector & Matrix in Modded Minecraft! 😱

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Hey guys s and this is all the mods 9 I myself I’m having a wonderful day hope you guys all are as well go ahead jump forward get back into this amazing pack in between episodes haven’t done too much did some decorating right so I have some green concrete that kind of ran

Lines all the way into the base here into the center quite happy with how that turned out there I just did a little more of the chipped uh deep slate there so I got that going then I guess I also added some more light as well so I

Have the these ones here the dynamic Edge light tops so just have them up there on the top side of the block kind of lit up the area very nicely because it was still a little dark in here so I think that looks pretty awesome also went ahead and upgraded our molecular

Assembler setups over here so the providers operated those pretty cheap not too bad these ones have four rows of recipes these are all from extended AE extended AE has a lot of little good things so pretty awesome there and then I did their extended molecular assemblers as well and these ones here

Are twice as fast and can do up to eight crafts at a time I think is what it said so you go in here and you hold oh let’s try that again have to like click on a little weird let’s do that go hold G there you go State molecular assembler

Is Advanced molecular assembler yeah eight crafting jobs at the same time and then you need enough co-processing units which we don’t but they’re twice as fast as well so on top of everything else they are very fast now our co-processors right now we have one from I think the

Crafting storage and one more from each of the coprocessing units so I’d have to either add three more of these or make the better ones which is what I plan on doing is one from the Mega Mod which is another add-on from um 4 AE which does

Four per lock so that’ll work out much better we’ll get to those just in time so that is pretty cool there also you don’t have to move these to upgrade them either the providers there’s actually a kit so you make these little kits here I actually have two of them there you go

Because I have one I need to use here you just you just shift to right click them on just like that and upgrades them you don’t have to move them all although there is packing tape so if you want to move them around you do that as well

With this mod which I thought was pretty awesome but yeah just the upgrades just get everything a little faster also I made another item here because I want to try it it was this pattern modifier so you notice in here it says the Cobblestone it since uh 64 for the

Recipe now so 64 Cobblestone to make a I guess 64 Stone which is a much better recipe because these things smelt so fast right because otherwise it’s trying to send like one item at a time it doesn’t really work out so if I go to uh

Let’s go glass actually CU I need to change this re as well I clicked on the wrong thing let’s go glass go like 200 so this is what the cobblestone was doing previously now it actually sends 64 to all the slots kind of all at the

Same time instead of trying to send one and one and one and one right so it’ll go way faster if you modify the recipe so this provid uh pattern modifier here kind of put this in put it in a slot it does all the math for you just click the

Times two a few times there you go it’s up to 32 there it is it’s up to 64 there’s also some other settings in this thing as well that you can change right so there was a pattern modifier this is for changing things or replacing items

Out of the recipe and this one here the pattern modifier you can actually clone your recipes as well but now that I have that I put that probably into the other one over here and when I go ahead and do glass say if I want a thousand of it

Should go bur just go insane right that that’s so much better and the extract will catch up after it hits 64 I think right there you go it’s fine it’s fine everything’s good in the world so yeah just a way way better at doing those kind of bulk recipes when you have

Really fast processing right so thought that would pretty neat and outside that I don’t think I really did anything else look how fast I just did a Fast Glass which is insane so I love that I was looking at this too I haven’t used this

Yet may find a use for it it’s kind of edge case but is the EM tag storage bus so you can actually uh filter your storage with this thing by tags kind of gives you some I guess shows you the formatting right so you want to to say

Forge raw materials which would deny all gems I guess this one here is deny all gems this one would be only except raw or you have Ford raw materials it kind of tells you exactly how to format it here down here it tells you how to do

Like multiples and stuff so can just do a whole bunch of filtering just based on tag you just write that it here right so you would just uh figure out exact what tags you want to have set for your storage boxes and be able to pull and

Sort things exactly how you want to so I just checking that one out I haven’t found a use for it yet but be Edge case but pretty useful at the same time so anyway that is pretty much everything I did there oh one more thing someone kind of mentioned this in between episodes

Too so I’m kind of testing them out these are the trader carpets these are from uh alt utaran alaran I don’t know how to pronounce that but anyway these carpets here when the trader comes in he spawns here so he doesn’t spawn inside me anymore so I’ll probably put it

Somewhere where he’s kind of like walled off then I can go ahead and just check him instead of having him kind of spawn on me all the time because it is a pain in the butt right but with these it uh kind of controls where he spawns which

Is nice and pretty cool and they were really cheap too they were like really really cheap yeah they were just uh this at a flower so really really good all around so the first thing we’re going to do is automate all the mechanism base components right so I have a bunch of

Machines here we’re going to be doing I guess uh three metallurgic infusers at this point so I’ll do that then we’re going have an arment chamber then on top of that we’ll have our Oso compressor and a Crusher here Crusher will be mostly for dust so I guess that’s what

Uh we’ll be using that for inside these two I’ve already done a bunch of upgrades so I made a bunch of the energy upgrades which is just that recipe so you just need to crush down gold dust and some of the Alloys there and then I

Did speeds as well which is aium so that is pretty cool you get the dust different ways to you can actually do it with an enrichment chamber as well depending on whether you’re using the ore or actal igot but I used igots for this so I guess that’s the thing set up

A bunch of recipes as well let’s go ahead actually get the power in here first so let’s go ahead hook up power which probably is the easiest part we just have a line of power kind of the center here like thus then we’ll go ahead and set the extract on this one

Right here then go ahead and pop that in there that should do all the powering for us so that is cool now we should probably go ahead and set up all the sides of the machines as well now think of it this will be the first one we

Automated anyway so let’s go here you can reset all sides by just clicking that there it’s so nice too now you can actually see the machines they’re directly connected to but on this side here we’re going to set this one to input and output and then we’ll have

Autoject on so when it finishes a craft it’ll send the items back in there but also be able to accept items from the provider so we don’t have to worry about that there that should effectively automate that machine actually yeah think of it let’s go ahead uh set this

One as well this one will be the same thing I think so just that then Auto eject and actually no that one will have two sides won’t it so on the back of it the back of it is going to have a exporter and this one will have to be

Set to extra so that’ll be kind of the configuration for these machines here those three machines will have that configuration as well this one here will clear that out and this one will be a ined out so anyway anyway let’s do this one first the enrichment it is the most

Important it’s going to make the metallurgic all run more efficiently right so go ahead grab ourselves the that is actually is that the right that doesn’t look like the right uh obsidian dust when I set up this recipe it was grabbing the wrong dust no that is the

Right stuff okay just wanted to make sure kept trying to grab the occultism dust when I set up the recipe so I just want to make sure there that I did fix it that’s good I guess we’ll need that as well so let’s go ahead drop these recipes off

Uh this one will go into the uh compressor so this will be osum compressor this one’s going to have osum dust it’s going to have enriched uh refined obsidium it’s going no why did I say osian dust is Obsidian dust then we have the enrich diamond and the enrich

Red St that’ll be kind of the recipes there I should be able to actually make those now those recipes should effectively work so if I go to enr here and tell it to make uh 20 more of these go ahead and do that should be able to

Make that no problem and should yeah just get dropped off into the system we don’t have to worry about it so these machines here are all effectively automated now except for the Osio compressor which will come back to so I guess the next ones we want to set up

Are our actual metallurgic now we need to get the materials into them that we need also I made the factory upgrades kind of for forgot about this as well so the basic tier installers just take the basic control circuit so this stuff here and then the advanced ones just take the

Higher level Alloys right so the first level circuits and uh this Jazz here so super super simple but once you have these you just kind of shift or right click to mine there you go the first kind of upgrade gives them three slots and this one’s going to give them I

Believe five right and then there’s two more after this but we’ll just wait till we have everything else automated and let’s go into here set the size on these ones here so we’ll be I guess doing an in and output out of this so same as

Before let’s go ahead and set that on and then we want to have on the uh back of this one again will be extra right so just have that configuration should have made the I forget what the tool is that you need for copy and pasting with mechanism should have made that but

Anyway go ahead and hunt down in and out and we’ll do the same that’s good there and do that one more time then we just need to get the back hooked up this to be effectively done actually input output uh right there and then the back extra fantastic right anything else in

There no we got everything guess I could set about too this one’s going to be for the this one will be doing Redstone so we’ll be doing the enriching with the Redstone right so that’s going to be this one here so have the infused Alloys and that will also be the basic control

Circuits this one up here will be anything that uses the diamond so the rich Diamond there and we’ll go ahead and drop this one off in there it’s fantastic for right now this one will be the atomic alloy I think that’s the only recipe we have in there at this point

That should be good there anyway let’s go ahead and head to the back there we will need some exporters I don’t think I have anymore right or any right now and extended I have the extendeds I don’t know if we need extendeds for these particular setups but there’s extended

Ones too and they’re faster so they’re definitely faster so we got four of those then on top of that we need uh crafting cards I may have those in here go ahead grab them maybe there you go do I have any craftings have crafting cards I have

Whole bunch fantastic so anyway let’s go ahead hook up to the back of these right so we going to have the export bus and it’ll be on the back of all three of these and we’ll have it on the back of the uh compressor crushing so confusing

They change the names of them right so there you go this one is the O compressor right yeah this is it here so in these ones we’ll have H crafting cards so I have craft card then we’ll have a bunch of accelerations as well this one will be osmium because that’s

What we need to feed into this one so it justes tell it to uh get osmium igots just like that and once that’s hooked up that one should work this one here will be the enriched redom so let’s go ahead and grab enrich redom just like this do

The same thing right that’s good this one here will be the enrich diamond let’s go ahead and drop hopefully off there you go drop that off so that one’s done and this last one will be the enriched obsidian so let’s go ahead drop that off as well and this should be

Effectively done if I’ve actually done everything correctly I probably made a mistake somewhere I guess we’ll find out be uh rare that I did everything perfectly the first attempt let’s go ahead grab 50 there you go get those done take no time at all and kind of

Make sure we kind of keep our channels separate here because I have eight here and eight here we’re getting low in channels too actually where we at we’re at 26 that’s going to use another four here so I’ll just bring this up like this that should work and then we’ll

Just do this here here you go and what’s that put me at that puts us at 30 okay let’s go ahead and uh see if we actually set everything correctly oh actually it’s going to start buffering too I guess I didn’t really mention that so you notice here it’s starting to make

All the r stuff because there’s buffers inside these machines so it’s going to want to I guess uh fill up all those buffers which is going to work out for us pretty well and kind of handle that right so that’s good and once they’re filled up they kind of the machines

Won’t be going constantly I just needed Auto on this one apparently and that should finish that right Auto on autoject on there you go so that should handle pretty much everything it’s pretty much uh backed up now so it’s doing all the stuff here it will fill up all these slots as well

That’s fine but I want to go ahead and make the top one now and a Tomic cuz it has to go through like all the kind of recipes there be able to go ahead and make like four of those no problem put de craft that up and see if it actually

Happens yeah it’s actually making them no problem so there you go we can actually AutoCraft all the base materials for mechanism no problem at all whatsoever and like I said once this gets uh backed up these won’t be running constantly either just has a little more refined obsidian it’s already done to

Gold it’s just filling up the slot and that’s good there so we are good that was super simple super clean and I have to say I’m very happy they change these machines cuz you didn’t used to be able to do this you didn’t used to be able to

Input and output out the same side and uh somebody told me that in the last pack apparently it’s been at least since 119 um you can do that now and that’s way cleaner just having that one side cuz you used to have to connect to these

Things on so many sides it was a pain in the butt but with this new kind of configuration on these machines it makes it so much cleaner and so much easier to do I have to say kind of in love with it it’s really really good so anyway let’s

Go ahead and move on to something else here so the next thing we’re to go to do is get into some thermal evaporation for a mechanism right so I already set up some recipes here need to make some of these valves we’re going need some of these evaporation blocks as well

Probably need about a hundred of those so we’ll go ahead and get those set up real quick this is a multi block that’s going to turn water into lithium for us basically I think we’re need what are these here these are the controllers I guess we only need two of those puppies

So that should handle that then I may end up needing like 20 more of those I’ll just grab them now the max size of this multi block is a 4×4 I believe 18 we’re not going to be going that big at this point because we just need a little

Bit of lithium to get us into the induction Matrix so we can actually go go ahead and uh start making the induction providers induction cells so we can actually store and move around Mass amounts of power right we also need a resistive heater I may have uh set up

That recipe as well I can’t remember yes I did go ahead grab that that’s pretty cool I think the max size of this is 18 so you can make it a 4×4 by 18 we going to be going much smaller than that also I would have got these up to Max size as

Well I guess Max tier this is the four tier so now they have nine slots Earth is good in the world and uh I think I fix the machines too I didn’t have Auto on two of them I do now I should show you one thing with the recipes those too

So this here refined obsidian I had this one wrong right so when you kind of shift this over from a machine like this right so you shift it over tries to add the liquid you have to remember to take that out then set the recipe otherwise

It’s going to put that in there it’s going to kind of hang up because it’s not going to see that or be able to put into the machine right so something to just be aware of so I think everything’s good there I think we got everything we

Need we’re going to be using these to move channels too they’re going to be like our kind of PSE P2P so P2P with 82 confuses a lot of people but I think we get around it just with these me Wireless conectors so let’s go ahead and set this up and uh

Get some lithium right so I think I have just about everything we did here need to go ahead and grab a sink throw it there go ahead grab ourselves a pipe real quick do that set a extract hopefully I have no tool on me which is

Not helpful at all let’s go ahead hunt down the tool here made myself the configurator this is the tool for mechanism so iead get that real quick go ahead and drop off a pipe upgrade which point we’ll go ahead and throw one of these valves on top right so we’re going

To bring the water through the bottom the water’s going to get processed from in the First Solar evaporation Tower into brine which point we need to move it over to a second one and turn it into lithium right so that’s kind of the process right so really simple either

Way let’s go ahead kind of get this set up here so that should be good there and then we’ll have one more ring just like this I think uh if we can actually get all of our actual stuff and things we’ll end up with a couple more ports here too

So one of them is going to be for heat we’ll use this one for heat this one here will be for the initial liquid that we need to move into another Tower here right so that’s what we got going on so we got that three of the ports basically

Is what we have and then we’ll need a controller as well so I should probably leave that open just trying to figure this out I think it won’t multi block until it’s three tall right so after I get the controller in here this thing should multiblock right so go ahead and

Pop you down there you go actually multiblock which is fantastic let’s go ahe to get you out of the way for a sec we need ourselves a wand as well and we should be able to go up at least two more levels in this space now later on

If I need to make it bigger like I said it could be much taller and we may need it for pro progress later on I just dig down right so I don’t have to actually go up I just go down that’s kind of my thinking anyway let’s go ahead and uh

Pop these ones down as well might as well get this one mostly in place as well then we kind of get everything set up so this one here will be like this and I guess these two will be ports as well so again one for heat one for the

Initial liquid then we’ll have a controller over here you go then we’ll have two more machines on this side so we have to bring the liquid over here we have to turn into gas then we have to run that gas through a crystallizer and that will be the final part to actually

Making the lithium right so anyway let’s go ahead and get this done super simple super easy cool little multi block they changed all the blocks with mechanism it’s still it’s like still throwing me off and uh yeah this looks completely different than it did for years so guess

That’s the thing so that should be our two multi blocks so right now they’re not doing much you see here it’s not even making the actual brine that we want right now because it’s not hot enough right so I’m not sure the exact temperature we need but we can make the

Heat really easy got this here the resistive heater go ahead and pop that down that I believe is the correct way so let’s actually go ahead and rotate that you need to set this to rotate you just hold shift and kind of scroll wheel through the different settings here why

You no turn dude you going to be difficult you going to be one of those ones oh man let’s go and break this for a sec it’s going to be one of the ones where I have to do for massage isn’t it over here try that there we go that’ll

Actually handle that cool and right there cool so now that we have that just need to go ahead and throw some power on it so let’s get back here some well uh some well some way you go go ahead pop that there go ahead and set our Channel

Cool and with that we can actually set amount of power to actually use for heat I’m just going to set to a, right now which is probably way more than we need but then we don’t have to worry about it but now you can see it’s actually

Heating up and as it heats up our production is going up and we’re actually producing brine which is what we want we now get need to get the brine into this one here so all we need to do is grab oursel a fluid pipe like this and pull that directly over right so

We’ll do that get ourselves an actual pipe upgrade and there you go actually producing liquid lithium so that’s uh effectively the setup that’s all we need for right now uh we do need two more machines but once we have those two machines we are pretty much good to go

I’ll be able to kind of cover this up make it all look pretty and it’s not too bad right pretty simple so the last two machines we need here they’re called the condensator don’t don’t quote me on that I think it’s yeah this one right here

And then oh I have the other one pinned the chemical crystallizer this one too was a little weird so usually um for some reason they want you have the Great Tech fluorite to be able to craft this thing and I have some of the mechanism

Stuff but I found that in over room I haven’t found any of the Great Tech stuff anywhere but you have to convert it over anyway so I only have a little bit of that I think yeah this right here there you go cuz I usually just don’t

Mind it until later the pack CU you don’t need it right but uh oh I think it was a 3X3 to convert this over yeah there you go it turns it into the blocks and then you go ahead and do this and now’ll do that and the rotary should be

Super easy to set up here we’ll just kind of pop it down like that then we need to go ahead and pull out that liquid into this machine and turn to gas like I said so just do this here set the extract we’ll speed that up I guess just

For the sake of it probably doesn’t need it but right now it’s not working right now it’s in it has two modes right so this one basically turns gas to liquid or liquid to gas right now it’s in concentrating mode we want it in Decon

So we hit this button here swaps it over see there we’re actually start to get lithium now I may go ahead and throw some speed upgrades in here in a couple minutes but for right now at least it’s making it right it’s actually producing which is what we want the chemical

Crystalizer I’m pretty sure you can’t direct connect this one I can throw down kind of test here I don’t think you can direct connect this one I think by default you just can’t do it with this one yeah I don’t think you can maybe you

Have to set autoject on this so it would be gases right now right yeah the auto Jack’s on it’s not moving it over so let’s not do that let’s go ahead put over here doesn’t matter we’ll just run a cable maybe we use the other pipes too

Actually the mechanism ones um I think they’re called pipes let’s go to pipes here and then at Mech because I think they’ll just look better these is it this one these are gas no they’re fluids where are the um the gas ones I forget what the gas ones

Are for Mech then we just need to go ahead and set the extract here they were called uh tubes these ones are called tubes right so this is the ultimate pressurized tube now that we have the extract set there you go it’s actually starting to produce our first lithium

Just like that and this is the dust here and that’ll be what we need to actually make our induction providers and ourselves and with that we should be able to automatically put that to a drawer on top so let’s go here go to the side we want to make sure we’re on items

Which we are and we’ll do an output autoject there you go and then go ahead and throw some upgrades in here and last thing we need to kind of do to get this I guess finished off I guess if we want to do it properly just speed up this

Machine because it’s a little slow so we need to set up a couple crushing recipes and and make the actual speed upgrades there you go I have these all maxed out they’re all good to go so I have this one it only took I guess with the size I

Have it I only needed five upgrades to keep it maxed out after that uh if I take one out it starts getting backed up the liquid lithium again and this one it’s not fast enough so it’s going Max Speed I already have eight of the upgrades in there you can’t keep up so

We’ll just leave it how it is there we already have H 300 lithium took no time at all and it’s doing the stuff things right I guess it’s going to get all backed up at some point stop anyway so guess that works out how much power does this one use

Actually not that bad at all actually and this one should be pretty efficient because it’s got more energy upgrades yeah there you go so yeah if you ever want to make a machine just really efficient don’t put many speeds in a whole bunch of energies and they’ll

Barely use any power too so there you go not too bad that one’s using 1.6k that one’s using about 1K so it’ll be running knuts up it’ll fill that up like I said we get a whole bunch of upgrades in here so this thing can effectively hold 134

Million of this stuff but for now we’re good we’re good so that’s amazing so I guess the next thing to do is actually go ahead and set up our induction Matrix so I think I have all the recipes set up for that so let’s go ahead get that one

Done as well and then we’ll have to go ahead and set up a new power channel for our uh flux networks as well because I like having one that goes in and out for cleanliness and make sure you don’t have any power Loops totally forgot I had

Planned to go ahead and hook these up to uh channels over there too so we can storage or that lithium so let’s go ahead and get that done we’re going use this here the wireless corector from extended AE so you go here read this thing it’s basically like refined

Storages um I think it’s called the transmitter and receivers same basic idea except for you put the channels on the Block and let’s move that many channels to the other side really easily for a little of a cost of power and cannot be used cross Dimension so pretty

Easy to use I do want to try them out here because I think it’d be a pretty kind of Al uh easy alternative the PDP so anyway let’s go ahead and pop that down there probably going to want to go ahead and hook some Fiber up to these

Too because I’m going to do a bunch of them I’m not going to want them touch each other and kind of share channels right so if I put down another one this won’t have the same channels there so I’m going to go ahead and grab the connector itself go ahead and uh throw

That down then we have to grab there’s the kit as well right there yeah we need the wireless setup kit do I have to link this one up first I guess we right click there that one is bound and then I think all we have to do is set up a second one

On the other side and we’re effectively done this right so let’s keep it in the center here maybe like right here there you go go ahead and pop that down then I should just have to right click that on there there you go it’s lit up I think

That’s all we need here and that’s effectively done so what I can do here is go ahead grab uh our storage bus not that I want to you know mess will it into that but anyway go aad and grab that probably set that to I guess priority 10 on the lithium and that

Should be effectively done there I will have to lock that drawer but I’ll do that in a coup minut here and then yeah we are done that is uh super simple I think all we have to do now is like kind of run cable right do that that you know

No channels yet still booting there go ahead grab ourselves some flu now it’s probably in my backpack actually let’s go ahead hunt that down here cool and hook that up and see if this works there you go one channel being used and our system should be able to

See our lithium now that is super simple I really like that so yeah that is a very very easy easy I guess alternative to um ATU PTP so yeah just keep those channels separate on the actual kind of uh what call there the controllers and yeah this is PTP basically without

Having to do PTP I mean PTP you can do more stuff at the same time if you’re I guess that what you’re trying to do is just move channels this is super simple because we don’t have to run cabling all over the place which is amazing all

Around so yeah that’s really easy I really like that I need to lock that door too because I’m going to forget so I have everything we need to go ahead and set up our guess little power Network here the actual Matrix right so the induction Matrix so this is a whole

Bunch of casing I made a really weird shape here too it’s a 4X 5x 7 I think so internally will have 30 blocks but you can go all the way up to 18 x 18 by 18 which I always thought was really weird cuz it’s one I guess two bigger than a

Chunk right so it’s really strange that that’s the size it is but that’s what it is right so anyway we won’t worry about that what you can do with this so I guess what you have to do you have to have at least one provider and one cell

Inside it of course we have the high ones these are really expensive too I should show you that if you go to uh cells here right I made three of these go ahead and show you what I paid here each one of these I guess three of these

Cost me uh almost 8,000 Redstone so it’s pretty expensive in that regards and then took a bunch of other stuff as well like tons of iron and tons of gold as well so they are not cheap blocks At All by any measure but uh definitely worth it because we’ll have massive storage

Here so now that we got this here all we have to do is go ahead and throw these in here right that that and this here these will be what actually hold the power this will be the one that actually send out the power the provider I guess

Is a 52 million rch that I’ll be able to send out which is way more than we could use at any point so we won’t worry about that right now that probably be like end game G Tech to need that much power to be honest and then you can use I guess

In the front here it doesn’t matter you can use more casing if you want to but for change change I’m going to use some of the structural glass because you can use that as well so go ahead just set that up once I kind of bring this cross

Here should multi block there you go so that’s how that works there the glass can’t go on the Outer Edge just be aware of that but now we have that set up we have our I guess interface here actually see our energy our capacity all that stuff how much could actually store and

All that good jazz now we need to get B in here so we’re going to set up for them this plug probably going to go ahead and create a new channel too so I think getting a new channel so go ahead do that I think we have to name it up

Here too yeah I wish you could actually select all without this control L but you can’t Let’s uh just call this power for the sake of calling a power we’ll make it a yellow channel so that should be good and I want to make sure it is

Just uh guess we just go public on this for us so let’s do that switch it over to this right so now we have new channel our other machines are getting power currently so what we need to do is go ahead and throw a point on this right so

Go ahead grab a point go Ahad pop it on here set that to be power and that should start giving this power right so the power is coming in now it’s coming in at a 131,000 um kfch right that’s what’s going on there then we just have a new

Plug and this will be what actually RS up the power to all the other machine so should work here I think kind of see how it works here in a second why you know s power oh I didn’t change the port I’m such a dork let’s fix that so yeah you

Have to do this here you have to actually set the port to Output then try direct connecting this it’s still not getting the oh no it’s getting it now yeah I was having an issue with this one early on I couldn’t Direct Connect I’m curious of a kid now that we actually

Have a like a power buffer I thought maybe it was because we couldn’t uh we couldn’t do it because we didn’t have a power buffer see here yeah see this one won’t work that’s so weird for some reason with this multiblock you can’t put the BL uh the plug directly onto a bar

That’s so strange because you used to be able to do that so what I’ll have to do with this one is make passive Forge Energy power T so we can actually get all the power out because right now I think our limit is like 130,000 with these uh pipe upgrades

Right then we’ll just go ahead and grab the plug put that in the center then the center extracts and this between the two of them will’ll be able to pull enough power and actually get it all into our actual Matrix right there we go that’s awesome so it’s draining it out at this

Point this thing should stay on and tell this Matrix is actually full this Matrix should take a little bit of time to fill up here too we’re only at uh 230 million thus far but uh in time that’ll fill up completely at which point that thing will start throttling itself again so

Yeah that’s going to be our little power system there so the main point of this too is to have two different systems so you have one bringing in the power and another one out because if I left it just on a purple Channel end end up

Cycling it would just put this it’d be moving power out of the Matrix and putting it back in this way we have a nice clean system where it’s only coming in and only going out and we don’t have to worry about any power looping so that is our power system and moving forward

That’s uh pretty much going to set us up for AME uh we can just expand on this if we need to and adding more power of course if we need that as well so that is awesome that actually works out really well and this should be on

Non-Stop now at this point so that’s pretty cool as well so yeah that is uh our induction Matrix that’s awesome we got through all that today no problem at all whatsoever everything’s good in the world so I think I’m going to go ahead and actually wrap this one up here here

I want you all to have a happy Holidays happy and safe holidays as always I’m going to try to get a video tomorrow but no guarantees at all whatsoever it’s a very very busy time of year for me so anyway as always guys like this video please hit that like button really liked

It hit the Subscribe button it is always appreciated when you guys all have a good one see you guys in the next video later

This video, titled ‘All the Mods 9 Modded Minecraft Wireless Connector + Induction Matrix EP10’, was uploaded by SystemCollapse on 2023-12-23 23:07:51. It has garnered 11488 views and 549 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:28 or 1828 seconds.

All the Mods 9 (ATM9) is not just another 1.20.1 modpack – it is a testament to the evolution and diversity of Minecraft modding. With nearly 400 mods, this modpack offers an extensive selection that caters to every type of player. Whether you are interested in enhancing the visuals, exploring new gameplay mechanics, or customizing your world, ATM9 has something for you.

ATM9 covers a wide range of gameplay categories, including exploration, magic, technology, and multiplayer. This diversity ensures that players with different interests can find something to enjoy. Whether you are captivated by mystical elements, fascinated by advanced technology, or seeking cooperative adventures with friends, ATM9 has you covered.

► Seed: 1237100171439781943

All The Mods 9 Modpack Download ► https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/all-the-mods-9..

► Support me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/SystemCollapse ► Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/FApBUtR ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/SystemCollapsed

#ATM9 #SystemCollapse #Minecraft

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  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

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  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

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  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

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  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

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  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

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  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

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  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

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  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More