Insane Mini-game Changes in Minecraft Beta

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Yo what up what’s up dark rain what’s cracking why can’t you see blind pox blind there we go perfect here we are yo mang mag mango welcome to the stream what’s going on ah hang on let me just get that in front yeah close enough is good enough

Perfect yo it’s m what’s going on Sneed I don’t know what that means what does sne mean welcome to the stream nerds look at the progress look at the progue look at the progue that’s been made since last stream and last episode a little bit of little bit of of

Progue I couldn’t quite do everything I wanted to do it just became a bit too tedious to try and figure out there was some strange unforeseen issues to do with like pushing uh pushing the uh the snow into the uh into the center here but that’s okay we’ve got a uh a nice

Open area here we’ve got levels so that we can uh have people watching the game the games this is uh this is for spliff by the way and uh yeah you guys you guys can have a choice on uh on what we kind of do a little bit

Today but I’ll give you guys a little bit of a look through here it’s pretty cool going to have some pretty good uh good Vantage points to watch the sple games there’s you know three different levels so kind of cool and down here is the last one this

Took ages this took way longer than I thought it would but that’s okay so the things I’m thinking about doing today uh firstly I need to collect snow I’ve got like no snow to actually cover this cover this up uh the second thing we can do today is actually clean up the

Interior of here it’s not going to be much I think these outside walls here are just going to be literally just going to be Cobblestone and then any of these interior walls are just going to be whatever color corresponds to that so those are the two uh two options there

Hang on we’ve got double Minecraft music right now that was weird that was a pretty pretty cool transition actually anyways how’s everyone doing what’s everyone up to oh I also I also did some some some funky stuff down there which was kind of cool let me uh let me make my way down

There uh wait probably this side yeah it’s this side doing epic that’s epic dark rain that’s Epic uh do I even have a way down anymore not really hang on let me find a way down I’ll create a way down where was my ladder wait is this on

This side hang on am I having a stroke this is where the ladder was right I mean you guys don’t know I don’t know why I’m asking you you guys have no idea I think it’s here no what is this then I’m having a stroke don’t mind

Me whatever it’s fine I’m having a stroke right now that’s awesome Trent that’s so cool trying still trying to figure out how the Redstone Contraption is going to fill up all the space with snow yeah that’s not going to happen anymore unfortunately that’s not going to happen

I was like fiddling with it for ages and it just ended up being a massive CLE in the end I think if I had made this this layout slightly smaller may may have been a bit easier but it ended up being yeah a bit of a pain and

There was some unforeseen problems as well like my blocks were disappearing when I placed them and they were pushed along in the fist in the Piston fiston tap the the Piston feed tape my blocks would like disappear so I opted just to just to just to scrap that whole thing

Cuz you know essentially there’s going to be lots of players playing this so hopefully it you know wouldn’t take too long to actually you know set it back up again I don’t think but I want to get back down there where’s where’s my where

The heck is my ladder I want to go to my ladder so that I can show you guys the uh the water system that I did put in yeah yeah we’re going to do it by hand but that’s not going to take long that’ll be fine okay it’s right here I

Was in the right place I wasn’t having a stroke I was only having a mild stroke okay it must be like here is this okay this is in line with the ladder so I’m going to be breaking some ladders probably yeah others will help I mean if

If others are playing they will help and it shouldn’t take too long it’s not like every single block is going to be broken um anyway so it’s it’s not that big a deal I at least I don’t think it’ll be a big a deal if it ends up being a big

Deal I can I can I can you know make some adjustments I can fix it again but yeah but we do have this uh this cool water stream system which is cool so obviously all the items from the snow and players dying down here um are going

To be sitting on the floor and then I’ll have to come down here and flick this lever and all the water is going to flow in and go into that Central spot there which is pretty cool what up monster yeah I don’t think it’ll I I don’t think it’ll be a big deal

Honestly otherwise I would have spent a lot more time on it but yeah I mean I already spent a a lot of time on it but I think it’ll be fine this way except for Ryan he’s going to get in the way and mess it up yeah we’ll leave Ryan out of

It yeah but here’s the thing I have like no snow so may go snow collecting but I also am so sick of collecting snow can I come on and try punching you into the hole a few times see if it works look I want to say

Yes but no I mean you can come on I don’t feel like being punched into the hole uh call me miname because box player is going to what what I’m not reading that your consent means nothing to me Jesus Jesus it’s not the first time time he said

That okay so yeah basically the stream is either we’re collecting snow or we’re cleaning up the walls and the and the roof here so I’m not really sure what I feel like doing it’s one of those two things but yeah maybe we’ll start maybe we’ll start

With some uh some mining of the uh the walls inside here and then we’ll uh and we’ll progress from there do I only have one iron left over here that is so annoying I need okay I’ll just smell this up and then when we run out of iron we can uh

We can have some so yeah when we run out of pickaxes SP aren looks cool is yes thank you I appreciate it Francisco I appreciate it mon wait moners tradition from beta to Alpha Male is showing or transition monst the can you tell me why

I’m being bullied I know why but I can’t say it on stream oh wait there’s extra iron here we can make it a whole 64 I hope what am I looking for I’m looking for more torches like this is fine enough close enough is good enough close enough is good

Enough let’s get rid of this got double double sand breakage on that one how good what bullying what a scam yeah that was dumb that was dumb all right honestly I’m just going to spam the Torches in here and assume that there’s sand above them

Nice got to go to bed it’s like a 13h hour distance of Australia really makes it hard to to watch streams have a good one catch you later man catch you later what time is it for everyone right now so I can get an idea cuz I feel like I I

I mean I thought I’d stream a little earlier than I usually would to try and catch you know some some different some different people you know different people than usual got to go to bed too it’s pretty late only if your sleep schedule’s bad actually I saw a comment that you left

On my video you left it like first thing in the morning what the heck dude it’s like 3:00 a.m. for you Trent what’s wrong with you 2:51 p.m. Australian gang let’s go 2:51 p.m. relatable almost 1:00 a.m. God damn God damn yeah go to bed almost 10 p.m. here

All right that’s not so bad that’s not so bad 10 10 p.m. is manageable 10 p.m. is manageable 1: a.m. is less manageable depends how much of a bum you are depends what you do in your day no judgment no judgment give me the Torches torches are

The most annoying thing to break I feel like the hit boxes are so annoying all right look at that it’s already cleared up a lot how good how good walk did you actually read the comment uh no I haven’t actually read it I uh I obviously intended to read it and

I will read it um but I forgot about it because I had things to do this morning so I opened it saw that it was there and then forgot to read it up until this point but I will read it don’t worry because I always appreciate the uh the

Large essays that you write for me on my in my comments section use water oh true Smur this is why we keep you around Mayan this is why we keep you around I need go grab a water bucket there let me go grab some water what the

Freak it’s night time already I swear I just slept water perfect good evening good afternoon Frost pocket welcome to the Stream did you guys see uh what deadly dirt block that little video he put in the uh in the back to Beta Discord did you see it man was straight up deleting like

Pillars of blocks the man’s a gypsy Maniac how the heck is he doing that crazy it’s kind of cool yeah you saw it yeah it’s kind of cool huh I saw people I saw he was like chatting with some people about it and yeah I don’t know what practical use it

Could have in like survival except for like dramatic reveals I guess which honestly a pretty dope dramatic reveal actually having the blocks just straight up disappear rather than like you know sand falling or something like that kind of cool ah did I I did cool well that was

Disappointing okay I don’t know if this is actually going to be any faster is it damn it I got gaps I got gaps man it’s not going to work oh well it was worth a try you just got to break them in lines then it works it’s much easier that way although

I’m instantly not doing what I just said to do it’s fine it’s fine it’s whatever it’s whatever what’s everyone up to right now people gaming that video is some black magic for sure it is man’s got some some some gypsy magic behind him playing re

Andev is that it’s a I know it’s a mod is that like a modern Minecraft mod is that is that a modern M I’ve heard of it but I haven’t uh haven’t played it also welcome to the stream SQL I’ve seen you I think I’ve seen you on Discord Diggy

Diggy Hole Diggy Diggy Hole God the amount of digging I do is insane the amount of cobblestone I have in this world is ridiculous it’s ridiculous I wish my stats hadn’t reset cuz it would be very interesting to see like how much I’ve mined and how many pickaxes I’ve broken and things like

That but unfortunately when my when my game crashes quite often it resets my uh my stats which is kind of annoying it’s a mod for beta 1.7.3 that adds quality of live stuff and other content oh why is it called reev then because that’s beta I’m sitting on like 20,000 Cobblestone right now

Damn that’s a whole lot of cobblestone I could count it I guess I could count the Cobblestone I have I just can’t count how much I’ve mined it’d be a lot it’ be a lot aiming for an indev SL Alpha feel it’s pretty neat the last block is jealous true I’ve

Mined so much more than that guy um Okay so it’s like in it’s like an inev alpha feel but in beta gotcha so I’m assuming like it doesn’t have the Nether and that right like it’s meant to be more more of that pre- nether stuff feel it’s kind of what I’m ass that’s

What I’m assuming it is oh these are not going to yeah it does have the nether weirdly huh okay um I feel like I’m the only one who finds the alpha grass and leaves repulsive I think so I mean it they have their place I me it depends right like I personally like

The alpha leaves and and grass texture but I can understand why people don’t like it you know I can I can understand why it doesn’t have the end of Dragon then trance not playing it uh the nether was in the inev version though I believe of the mod because the nether

Was added in Alpha like 1.3 or something right something like that I can’t exactly remember wait is this even worth mining this out I feel like I I guess I’ll put a roof on I don’t really know I don’t have a 100% plan on what this this is going to look

Like but I would like to clear it out so that I can then decide what I want that’s the plan that’s the plan Alpha 1.2 Halloween update ah I was basically right it’s like 1.2 point it’s like one of the last 1.2 versions right 1.2.6 or something like that I can’t

Remember it’s been a while since I played Alpha so I can’t remember yo what up Billa what’s up it’s so bright it gives me a headache what’s bright oh the neon grass but it’s I don’t know it’s cool though I mean you’re not required to like it so each to their

Own each to their own uh the only problem in my Beta world is not being able to store animals as in like you can’t breed them you can’t like keep them so you can breed them yeah I honestly I think that’s a mechanic I do like in you know more modern versions of

Minecraft is being able to breed mobs it it is much more convenient and I don’t feel like it’s that you know unbalanced but maybe I’m I’m alone in that sentiment watching this while stocking at my shop on my Beta server W’s I’ve been watching uh you know you

Guys a couple of the videos that’s come out from from that mainly neon on I’ve seen his his two videos I’ve seen I’ve seen you Billa just not be able to play on the server that’s pretty much all I’ve seen from you why am I reading those what is that

Even proper English not really all right let’s uh torch this up oh wait this is oh they half slap so going to break anyway so it’s cool it’s cool cool cool cool and also cool all right uh um watching this oh I already read that you can use Nether Portal tricky to

Make a zoo can you I feel like don’t they just like despawn Mo a lot of mobs in beta just despawn like as soon as they get the chance basically I don’t know I haven’t played around enough with it honestly samur Roy welcome to the stream what’s

Up Michigan maid says peens awesome very cool I can play on it now I got a video coming soon okay nice if you’re less than 24 blocks away or further they won’t despawn so so what are you saying if you put them in like a nether portal or something they stick

Around cuz that’s kind of cool if that’s the case leave the area through a portal oh right gotcha okay that makes sense that makes sense that’s only worth it if you have a passive mob farm though I feel like because um cuz otherwise like you’re not going

To get a substantial enough like amount of animals that you’re going to care about right like you’re only going to care you’re only going to care that much if you have a passive mob farm that you want to kind of keep running so make it 100 blocks away and nether

Portal to it out of a random distance they won’t despawn yeah yeah yeah I got you I got you makes sense makes sense that’s satisfying picking up all those blocks very good very good give very good any blocks left grab I would mind building like uh some of those Farms on This

Server I just haven’t had time it’s the problem I got so much I want to do but so little time to to get it done and then making videos like makes that process even slower CU you like stop and try and present it a little bit or whatever that’s all right we’ll get

There eventually all right let’s get this broken that is working perfect what state do you live in if you don’t don’t mind me asking as in I live in a solid state no I live in uh the ACT are you from Australia Frost pocket I assume that’s why you’re asking

That I live in the little state I am I lived in the act and moved to Victoria a year ago how’s V how’s Victoria treating you act is an estate it’s a territory whatever there same thing same difference dude I don’t I don’t care enough to to distinguish

That was that what what even is the difference between them state in territory I don’t even know nerd alert I live in wa you say a different place every time I don’t miss the traffic in camera what you move to Melbourne and the thing you say is you don’t miss the traffic in

Camera I think you mean you do miss the traffic you you do miss the lack of traffic in camera there’s no traffic in CA what what cam were you living in Billa he’s lying to you oh you don’t live in Melbourne okay right you just live in Victoria sorry

When I when I think of when I think of Victoria I just think Melbourne it’s like the only place I know in Victoria it’s the only place I’ve been to in Victoria forgive me I’m naive and dumb yeah Melbourne traffic is equally cancerous can I just say camber traffic

Is like not bad at all I don’t what where in camber are you going where there’s bad traffic the only time there’s bad traffic is like rush hour for like 20 minutes I swear going into the city everywhere everywhere else is fine maybe I just don’t go to the places where there’s

Traffic you’re a melburnian melban that’s cool we got Australian gang in here how good how good I saw some guy build a perimeter in the nether in Alpha for infinite P chocks there’s a lot of cool projects to do in these old versions yeah um I saw

Who was can’t remember who was doing that but I did see that that was crazy that’s a mad project you’d have to you’d have to do that in peaceful mode before you switch to um I assume he’s doing it in peaceful because like the gas would just be such

A huge pain in the ass dude yeah he has to be doing I I I I saw I saw like the first little bit of the video but I I didn’t watch it I saw a thumbnail as well yeah Cactus that’s right cat catus yeah

Um I was just fishing in beta and the item flew over the top of my twostory shop and was on the bottom next to it nice I think territories have fewer rights somehow surely not what do you mean Act is like the capital of the country how can it have fewer rights

What does that mean I lived in Belco and getting to school was impossible bro to be fair north side of camra is the worst side of camra so that’s probably why that’s probably why you had such troubles see I live I live Southside and that’s like not not South

I live in like I better not I’m I’m narrowing down my location it’s not ideal I live like mids south side it’s not like full Southside but it’s like mids Southside so it’s not like yeah like you anywhere you need to go you just get on the parkway and then

You’re there it’s like no problem yo welcome to the stream cool Hedgehog uh they do the Commonwealth government has more control in territories what does that you mean the Commonwealth government who is the who is the Commonwealth government is that not just our government like we’re not

Run by we’re not run by the British anymore so no beta what do you mean this is beta this is beta Minecraft right now yeah those roads are far less cluttered yeah exactly belcon is like the least planned part of camra it’s a planned city yet that is like the least planned

Part silly box play the government of the Commonwealth of Australia yeah so the the government what just the government of Australia King Charles why would why why why do we have any ties to the British Empire anymore or the Monarch why do we have any ties boxl internet dial up noises I’m

Sorry I haven’t haven’t brushed up on my Australian history in a while all right I haven’t cared enough to know the difference between a state a territory since I was in like year seven all right that was a minute ago by now so like don’t bully me why is Northern Territory not a

State does anyone even live there let’s be real and anyone who does live there probably doesn’t have an internet connection surely I’m kidding I don’t know why Norland territory is in a State I just don’t know like what’s the point in distinguishing a state and a

Territory like I don’t I don’t know what I don’t know what how I don’t know why how productive is that at all like what does that what does that do for your country stop listening to these depressing songs W’s bro I know the difference between State and territory typical beta male Behavior

What can I say I don’t care I really don’t care about the difference between estate and territory they’re just places all right they’re just places they’re made up borders they’re made up borders um uh if it become if it became a state it would immediately be the poorest

State in Australia what the northern Terr so does a territory need like does does the territory need help does ter do territories need help sustaining themselves or what what is it cuz I can’t imagine camra needs any help um yeah cuz the humidity and nor ter uh shorts have runs electrical

Circuits and they can’t have power exactly they can’t it’s just not possible my favorite part of your sple game is the wool you see when you fall yeah that’s kind of why I did it I feel like it was uh it was going to be cooler

Hey go away it was I reckon it was going to I don’t know maybe I could have pulled it off I wanted it to be kind of like more traditional sple like kind of vibe on the walls but I don’t know I like it hopefully it’ll look cool when

Uh when the game’s actually played because uh yeah right now it’s hard to tell I had the same idea before nice let’s go the floor and torches all right up my pickaxe is about brick it’s all right oh I thought I had another one I lied I don’t I’ll go make one allor

To oh yeah I made it so that there was kind of two ways to get in as well either side I’m going to make it so that this pathway kind of comes around oh comes around on that left on this left side here so it’s a bit more

Symmetrical but yeah not the best spectator sport ah stupid God damn it I got assassinated you blew a hole in my my build God damn it what the freak that guy came out of nowhere I can’t believe you’ve done this how much damage did that do oh oh my God what a

Scam I don’t want to be fixing this right now oh well I just don’t have the snow I just don’t have the snow to fix this how annoying uh I may have brought some snow over we can fix this real quick look out a creeper thanks for letting me know

Thank you oh my God if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have been able to jump out of the away at the last second uh does Northern Territory even have people to be to be a state sounds like it’s just sand and dust from my American perspective yeah you’re correct

It is basically just sand and dust from my Australian perspective I actually don’t know there are I mean there are definitely people that live there but I don’t know how many I have to assume it’s not many where’s my snow at oh we do have snow and I also need some

Stairs do I have any stairs stairs stairs I can just make some stairs whatever it’s fine all right um I’m at work and just wanted to say I love your content yo thanks project cancelled I really appreciate that I really appreciate that it’s very kind of you to say oh my

God I hope you continue to enjoy my my content there we go oh my I don’t even don’t even care I don’t even care I’m making another crafting table just to fix this right now because I can’t be asked walking the two seconds backward and forward even though it

Would have taken two seconds to it would have taken probably the same amount of time all right fixed no problem no no problem no problem okay um what do I need to do pickaxe pickaxes that’s what I need uh I’ll put the snow back where it was there we

Go uh I don’t really need those where’s my torches oh yeah they’re all on the ground okay we have some iron in here very good sticks just make some it’s fine good enough I don’t think I’m going to need this many pickaxes but look I probably will who knows

S how’s the music is the music too loud if the music is too loud let me know okay we’ve actually done a decent amount already this is kind of kind of good where’s my torches I walked all the way around this thing my torches now the

Music go A vibe W’s why don’t you just make some someone your slave wait why do you make why why do you not just make someone the slave to get all the diamonds for the server um because who wants no one no one wants to

Do that no one’s going to want to do that and what am I what what am I going to do with like what how am I going to make how am I going to force them to do that or just kill them over and over eventually I’m going to have to give up

On that what pay them pay them in the diamonds they collect they might as well just keep the diamonds it just seems like a flaw just seems like a flawed Endeavor besides I pretty much have all the diamonds I need anyway I got plenty of diamonds don’t be fooled by the fact

That I only use iron tools the reason I use iron tools is because on on the server because I’m well firstly I do heaps of mining so you know I might like I I’ll use the resource that is easier to come by but secondly on This Server because like the

Uh wait what the freak why is there a hole here oh that’s like the service okay that’s fine um because the what am I saying because of the server delay I like it’s just as fast to mine things with a diamond pickaxe as it is with an

Iron one for me so it’s like not even worth using diamond stuff really the most useful Diamond thing for me is a uh is a diamond sword because it two shots mobs so um what is that doing on the surface cuz I see that it’s I see that’s there’s

A hole there but I think I’m going to cover that up with snow so yeah I’m from Australia too queenslander let’s go Queens land gang I’ve been there many times do enjoy a bit of Queens land uh what am I looking at okay this yeah that’s going

To get covered up because that’s going to be snow snow snow and then I guess another another one of these we’ll see that’s going to be cover up should be fine queenslander kind of based true Queens land’s all right you think your lag is bad yeah I

Know your lag is bad but I don’t know why yours is so much worse I mean mine’s bad but yours is like really bad I don’t know what the deal with that is you got to go see someone about that Queens land gang rise up diamonds aren’t rare in beta 1.7.3

Especially since there isn’t uh the Southeastern generation bug I mean yeah well they’re relatively not as rare but I mean they’re still one of the rarest resources in the game I mean I could I could you know go out and constantly mine diamonds and get

It like you know enough for you know to sustain like my needs but I don’t know the time the time spent on doing that versus just using iron is like you know not worth it so I’ll just stick with my iron it’s fine no problem no

Problem I saw someone I I said something about clay being like rare in uh in uh beta Minecraft or like I think someone commented on my on my first back to Beta episode or something saying oh uh clay isn’t rare anymore that bug was fixed in you know whatever version it was you

Know beta whatever alha whatever I can’t remember um and I’m just sort of sitting there thinking that’s not the point though like it’s going to be rare if you know people go out and M it all in a in a in a 100 block radius 200 300 block

Radius you th block radius there’s not going to be any clay left so it’ll then become rare you know I don’t know if they got the message I’m sure they did nice all right let’s uh yeah that’s slab so it’s all good one guy on my server mined all the clay

In a full Maps area and he also has made many portals to connect heaps to collect heaps more God damn man’s on the clay grind I collected a bit of clay at the start of the server when I was when I built my Redstone shop and then after

That I’ve collected like pretty much no clay so I don’t know how dire the clay situation is on This Server right now but I’m going to go out on a limb and assume it’s pretty bad considering like Monsters use clay uh tlbs use clay like I think I think I think all the

Clay might be gone I know Ryan’s collected a bit as well he doesn’t even use it what a scam dude he’s just hoarding the clay I would like to go out and get clay because I I want to build with Clay itself you know not just brick CU I feel

Like that’s a block that is underutilized in in beta obviously it’s expensive but I kind of like the way it looks so I might might try and start using it a bit more are we on the stairs yet okay we’re just on the stairs cool let’s break these he

Doesn’t even use it I read I already read that all right let’s collect this ah it’s turning that time again I’m working on a pathway in the nether to minus 62 wait 6 wait 268,000 what the heck why are you going that far out that’s

Insane like like 26 oh my God I’m having a stroke 268,000 in the nether is that where you’re going cuz that’s insane that is so far uh I’m going to use the snow and actually make that border now so that I don’t forget later not that I probably will forget but just that

I’m mentally satisfied that it’s there damn damn Broken Ground CU I think I’ll break this so then it’s like a like you know another little turn in here and then we can have this here as a border to to the next thing which is on this

Side oh we are going to have to go collecting some snow this is like this is the last of my snow by the way that I’m using right now and I don’t think I’m even going to be able to finish this path God this is such a a huge area

All right we almost made it we almost made it we can at least fill the Border in a little bit Sam Roy answer me why are you why are you going so far out it’s crazy dude that’s crazy all right Al look cool that looks a bit better and that’ll

Like lead into the next thing a lot better are there any creepers let me just check up here there’s no creepers about to blow me up cool nice yeah that looks better that looks good first mini game how good um I wanted a place to walk to the

Farlands oh gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha didn’t even think of the farlands I would like to go to the farlands one day just takes a long time all right let’s continue I probably need some blocks we’ll see that’s a huge project Rus is still going on his

Farlands uh Adventure which is cool to see what the heck oh it’s held up by the uh this ow the freak that guy’s been working on walking to the far lands for a while which is cool yeah if I were to walked to the farlands I don’t think I would do it in

The overw world if I’m honest that just seems like a big p Big Time sync that I don’t don’t feel like committing to I do it through the nether but that’ll be down the line the nether is rewarding enough for me uh I cheated I cheated in ice blocks

And making Cobblestone generators as I go oh hacker mans fair enough if only like the nether roof was I mean I know there’s a way there’s ways to get to the nether roof you know relatively easy but if if only you could put like you know portals and stuff on the roof

Or you know treat it how it how it works in modern be a little bit easier but that’s fine it’s about the challenge the freak there a there a moth he’s gone all right almost there on this first layer pretty cool not 100% sure what the

Design’s going to be but we’re going for it nice I’m currently currently at minus 32,000 cool so you’re like you’re basically almost there how long have you been going for how how long have you been walking for cuz God imagine dying do you do you periodically go to like the Overworld so

That you don’t like so you can like set your spawn so if you died you wouldn’t uh you wouldn’t go all the way back to the start cuz God I would I would I don’t think I could emotionally handle dying in that scenario especially going that far God damn maybe I’m just a

Coward the the thing with going to the far lands is it just increases your world file size by like 69 million approximately which is like not ideal for your world file size give me my door is all right we almost there oh we are there how

Good Samurai how how long did it take you to uh to walk that far cuz I haven’t uh I haven’t walked that far in beta Minecraft before especially in the nether I don’t know whether it would take longer or shorter than in the Overworld I have to imagine

Longer but and again another question is are you on Peaceful because obviously being on Peaceful would make the journey you know far less uh self-punishing oh you’re on the are you on the nether roof is that is that why you’re uh is that where you’re walking what the heck go away go

Away bully you and your six limbs are you on the nether roof okay nice uh that’s cool cleared that out a bit looks a bit nicer I’ll have to figure out exactly how I want this to look down the line but I think for now that’s good enough I can just

Clean it up later oh you’re on the nether roof okay sure is uh surely you can just Auto walk then just go straight and auto walk you don’t even you don’t even really need to do anything you can just press W and E and then just go take your

Hands off your keyboard watch a movie go live your life and then come back to your computer to find that you’ve walked the amount of blocks you’ve needed Sergeant Doom what up welcome to the stream all right that’s all clear nice how many layers is that Oh I thought

That was a creeper but it wasn’t I just I don’t know how high I want these roofs to be I guess this one needs to be one block higher if we’re going to match that yeah hey it’s Kershaw welcome to the stream no I’m not no I’m in the

Netherrack at the top okay gotcha gotcha gotcha I see you’re mining you’re mining in the Netherrack group I get you I get you uh Sergeant Doom right now I’m making one of the first mini games on uh in my in my main base area on on the server so if

I come up here you know hopefully you’ve seen this um and then this is spliff this is going to be a spliff arena for all the uh all the beta beta males to enjoy um each one of those like Smooth stone or crash lab layers that’s where

The snow is going to be so there’s three layers and then there’s like you know viewing platforms and that and if you know you’re on top you can watch straight down um and yeah I’m just making it making the uh the areas for where people would come and view so you

Can view um from here you can see each layer and you know see the players going at it I’m just going to make this look a bit nicer for when uh when yeah people want to play it yep so yeah I just need to I need to

Clear this up clean this up a bit and then I want to make and then I need to get snow for the uh for the layers so yeah it’s going to take a little while but we’ll get there we’ll get there just want to walk around this side start

On this side bit more satisfying for my stupid brain wait is this finished oh it is it’s just way lower than the rest way underdeveloped oh this is frustrating I’m trying to get a bunch of my friends from a dead Discord server together and maybe start our own beta SMP you should definitely

Do that you should definitely do that I can uh I can guarantee well actually I can’t guarantee but I can I can vouch for being a good time for sure as long as you’ve got a good group of people that you’re playing with it’s a it’s a really good

Time and if you can’t find people when then hey that’s kind of what our Discord server is for to help connect people you know with a common interest it’s probably one of the one of the best parts of like the server is that I’ve seen a lot of people you know

Meet meet people you know with this common interest and actually become friends which which is cool I really I really like that it’s very satisfying yeah Billa started one Billa started one with a bunch of people with a bunch of people that he’s met and uh yeah it’s very

Cool but half of them are inactive bruh half of them from that Old Discord server or from this Discord server what you got to remember is people have lives as well that’s the that’s the hard thing to remember people have lives and they don’t always want to play beta Minecraft

Which I don’t know why you’d want why you wouldn’t want to do that like this is all I ever want to do guys I hear a zombie can you shut up thanks oh my God hey quiet down I’m sick of you always always winging and complaining oh my there’s water why is there

Water what the freak dude why didn’t you tell me there was water oh my God I don’t like this guy uh I don’t want to get in the water but I also want to kill this man he’s annoying me get over here yeah get over here you

Scoundrel what is this what the heck has this been here the whole time kind of cool this is something I feel like you don’t find in modern Minecraft anymore little pools like this like what even is the point of this I don’t know but it’s cool it just it’s

Cool it’s cool little cave little water in it the heck what is that I don’t know but it’s cool there’s water indeed oh I have to go on three flights is that tomorrow three flights what what flights I’m no uh I’m no stranger to to plane rides how how far are you

Flying give us the outage cuz I mean depending on where you’re going it could be like H I’m on a plane ride or hell yeah I’m on a plane ride yeah depends where you’re going I guess for how long and what for I don’t mind flying too much usually when I’m flying somewhere

It’s somewhere cool so or somewhere I want to go you know so it’s not it’s not a not a big issue Moss hiive Network what’s up here what up blare with the boxes not much Moss of the network Hive what forget I said that no MCH just

Mining away mining away for our spli mini game project in our main base in the back to Beta server what is this wood oh is that the oh oh know right oh wait did I wait what is this oh what h okay yeah right that’s all right we’ll

Figure that out later that’s a that’s a later BX BL problem looks like a cool place thanks man it is pretty cool we got a little uh little viewing platform here the snow still needs to go in but we’ll get there eventually we’ll get there eventually um but tomorrow I can play

Beta Minecraft as I’ll be home okay well then that sounds like a worth worthy plane ride to me uh okay let’s I guess shed this off and yeah we’ll figure out what we want it to be that’s a lot of Crash Labs yes sir whole lot of Crash

Labs lucky there’s a much easier way to do it now we’ll stands out nicely yeah I think so I’ll sleep so it’s uh it’s daytime when we go up there so hopefully we don’t get don’t get bullied by creepers kersel no crash your game crash your game no I don’t want

To I don’t want to I’ll give you a good look mosive Network oh hey go away go away yeah yeah this is what it looks like from above kind of cool when the snow’s all in you’re not really going to be able to see you know the multiple

Layers unless the game is like you know partially or mostly played but yeah we’ll see um speaking of slabs I made dark crash today nice nice it is always satisfying to uh to get someone to crash their game uh yo it’s Doo sorry it’s the doo

What kind of torture awaits Us in these dungeons you craft unimaginable torture I don’t know man you’re a bit of a weirdo you might enjoy it now this is a spli Arena dude sple Arena we’re going to be gaming we’re going to be gaming everyone on the

Server it’s going to be good trust it’s going to be a good time Sergeant Doom says the the last fight is going to be my favorite it’s going to be oh the last flight is going to be my favorite it’s going to be on my favorite plane what’s your favorite

Plane what is your favorite plane very epic thanks Tao very cool very cool indeed yeah it’s been dude I’ve been mining like nonstop I’ve had so much to do on This Server it’s ridiculous I’ve been mining way too much I had to mine out all of this stuff

It’s crazy um should I even remove this Cobblestone right now like this it’s already there and I’m thinking the roof is probably just going to be Cobblestone anyway I don’t know dungeon craft true kersha said no okay oh my god get rid of this at least das8 it’s fun to fly

On is that a small plane little little plane why are you flying on you unique planes as well man’s man’s man’s taking some interesting interesting voyages interesting trips all right let’s get rid of that very good das8 is one of those turbo Pro quantis link operates

Oh yeah I get you I know the ones I think I know the ones they’re not the propeller ones though right they’re like they’re not like the uh like the twin propeller ones uh they’re like the the little ones the little prop ones right how did I not pick those up

Okay I think I know I think I know the ones you’re talking about maybe I’ll have to brush up on my on my plane knowledge uh they little prop planes Google dash8 you’ll know what I’m talking about all right let me let me Google it Google it right now must be done images

Dash eight oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I know these ones I actually flew on one of these like the other day they are pretty fun I know the ones you’re talking about y I flew in one of those the other day they’re pretty cool they’re really loud they make that constant

Noise but I like that I kind of like that and they’re actually surprisingly they’re actually surprisingly comfortable as well for for a small plane they’ve actually got a little bit of space in them at least the Quantus ones they sound like a loud fly on the inside

True accurate am I going down right now no this is correct yeah I feel like they’re surprisingly comfortable I’ve been on a few of them my mom hates them she’s been on them she does not like them there’s something pleasurable at the Das that all the plane replicates

I feel like it’s because they are because they’re smaller you can actually really feel the movement of the uh of the plane you know you get a sense for actually like the fact that it’s you know a machine it’s like you know more of a more of a mechanical machine like a

Car than it is um anything else you know may that’s that’s I don’t know that’s what it is to me I guess all right uh there are small and reasonably aable for a small plane which is for short hle Flats yeah I mean how long are you going on on the

Plane I assume only like an hour like an hour or two that’s usually what they do right the ones I usually take only go for like an hour or so when I go from like Sydney to CRA ah they look cool too I might actually build one in beta they’re not my

Favorite looking plane but I do I do I do like the way they look they they do have a very distinct look that I that I do like ah what’s your favorite looking plane I don’t know I have to say I do like those really large ones the really

Huge ones if I if I like if I’m talking about like commercial planes like you know passeng passenger planes those really huge ones that have like three layers or like two layers you know two story ones I don’t I don’t know exactly what the uh what the class of plane is

But they’re huge and it’s sick 747 A380 maybe the A380 747 is like the isn’t that like the uh that’s like the standard one right I think it’s maybe the a A380 let’s let me check whoa whoa what the heck is happening with my game right now it’s glitching that’s not

Correct you guys can’t see that right I don’t think you can yeah one of these things a380s yeah they’re crazy they are crazy it’s like how do those how do those things even fly dude whoa okay my game crashed just close that real quick

Uh 747 has a top has half the top deck and A8 is a full top deck yeah the full top deck ones like how do those things even fly it’s it’s amazing it’s a it’s a cool feed of Engineering in my opinion I do I do think that’s satisfying when it comes to

Like um passenger planes you know I think that’s really cool a and stuff yo what’s up came back with a new charger nice physics allow that to happen Wizardry as my hunt calls it yeah it’s pretty much Wizardry I mean come on no it is it is very cool wait did we

Just okay honestly I think I’m just going to keep the walls and the roof Cobblestone cuz I want the focal point to be this entrance part it’s not me it’s not meant to necessarily look amazing so you know it is what it is we’re just we’re just here to clean it

Up a little bit um um for what it is you know not it’s not often people are going to be in this viewing area anyway I’ll put some lights in so there’s you know no torch spam or anything but I think this is going to be

Probably what it’s going to look like uh so that means this is going to be here is that going to be an issue yeah it is so I mean we can we can just lift that up for these spots that’s fine I do use the old Cobblestone

Texture looks way better it looks way better in my opinion I haven’t uh I haven’t I haven’t used the regular Cobblestone texture for a while I bet it looks real flat to me now mini game looks confusing it’s just it’s just spliff it’s not confusing at

All it hasn’t even got it once it’s got the snow in it’ll be like zero amount confusion confusing this is this part here is literally just the the viewing platform this has nothing to do with the game this is my way waste of time well

Not waste of time but oh I was going to make these actually yellow walls I just realized uh and I’m going to make that I guess come up to here I have to figure that out uh well let’s avoid doing that and actually just you know knock out the walls here so we

Can we can color color the walls Cobblestone we’ll start from the bottom start from the bottom um confusing confusion why did they change the old Cobblestone texture I don’t know man it’s pretty silly of them I take personal offense actually uh that sple kind of reminds me of the tum

Tumble mini game on Legacy console um I didn’t really play Legacy console all that much I’m not going to lie maybe if I saw it I’d be like oh yeah I remember that but I can’t think of it off the top of my head off the top of my Cranium right now

But I’m sure you’re right that’s what tumble is based on oh makes sense then makes sense why did you put glass at the top uh I put glass at the top so that like if you’re if you’re a spectator uh you can look straight down

At the uh at the first layer and like see the players sort of running around I think I think having a top view of players like that would be kind of fun to to to see you know maybe it won’t be but I don’t know I think I think it I

Think it’ll be pretty cool very I’m going attempt to reach out of those people all righty good luck Soldier I hope they all say yes to gaming with you what’s up here all right yeah I think Cobblestone walls is fine I’m not I’m not I’m not trying to

Look I was sitting there considering making look make trying to make them look pretty but I don’t I honestly don’t I don’t I don’t care I don’t I don’t want to make them pretty it’s not the it’s not the it’s not meant to be the focal point what do you mean those

People shut up Trent it’s not meant to look pretty it’s just it’s just meant to be a hallway you’re supposed to look in not out so yeah also I’m hearing more spiders can they can they cut it out really ruining my vibe My spiderless Vibe um all right let’s get rid of this

Yo what’s with the stream delay I think I’ve just realized that the stream delay is like ginormous not sure how that happened it’s interesting I was wondering why there was like a little bit of a delay maybe it’s just maybe it’s maybe it’s just that screen that

I’m looking at right now has a delay uh wait why am I why am I why am I mining that what am I doing my school sucks instead of the morning shift which I’m used to and is the time to be there they put it to a day shift instead of doing 9:00

A.m. we got to go on 12 freaking p.m. to 300 p.m. which is strange your school shift what I’m confused instead of going to 9 till 12 so you go from 12 till 3 now I don’t understand I need I need more I need more elaboration to that a and

Stuff cuz I got to W cuz I wake up early I got to waste my time doing stuff but I’m not cuz I’m watching boxman you have school right now you at school right now it’s like nowh of school time in Australia gotcha time changes suck noted I’ll I’ll

Uh I’ll I’ll complain for you my man a’t stuff he ain’t happy this has to change uh okay well I’m sorry they changed your school times server restart in 5 minutes what a scam what a scam they’re out to get me they’re out to get

Me you hate to see it you hate to see it no it’s fine it takes about 2 seconds to restart so don’t worry about it don’t reset guys go watch beta buddies we have Terrior ISM and slavery jokes hey we’ve got those here too buddy all right we invented terrorism and slavery

Okay jiren got on the server and the first thing he did was send a plane straight into the Kell Tower right if they’re just jokes I ain’t interested true I want real terrorism on my Minecraft server clipping that sending it to the FBI you got to include in Minecraft all

Right that way they they’ll know it’s a joke didn’t some like guys in Russia go to jail for blowing up like a par like a government building in Minecraft like a TNT something like that uh back to Beta has t TBR nice that does make it better that guy’s unhinged as

Hell you never know what he’s about to say oh server restart uh just to be safe I’m just going to cover the screen real quick okay cool uh just to be safe I’m going to turn that off so I don’t leak the IP just to be real safe I although it’s not

That big of a hassle to change the IP I I can’t be asked all right we’re back in hang on let me uh let me uh bur bur there we go we’re back server restart conquered we did it boys and girls I don’t know if there’s any girls watching we did it people

Let’s go all right cobblestone in nice very good what are these SP can you guys cut it out Jesus no I was hoping for the IP League I bet if I join back to Beta server if I join the back to Beta server will become un hinger that is true I don’t doubt

That the most unhinged it could Poss possibly be Um let’s go this way uh what did I do I didn’t do anything I think I just avoided it didn’t I damn it God damn it okay uh we can go to about there and then we’ll have to like go back by one I think like that I think we’ll do

That maybe we’ll go back by two just to make it we we’ve got the space so let’s use it let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s just let’s just let’s all right there we go yeah that looks all right that looks fine um what is this music why you why

What do you mean this is uh this isn’t this Alpha what is this is this Alpha yeah this is Alpha this is a w dude this is a w music you don’t know this music It’s like a national anthem this is the this is Alpha this is by C418 how do you guys

Don’t know this song this is like this is one of the best songs this one’s such a good song you’re all crazy you’re all crazy Maniacs you don’t know like this song uh I’m trying to reach out to those friends of mine about this new beta

Server they’re all on the other side of the planet to me which makes it awkward related ow relatable all my friends who play beta are unlike the other side of the world too look and listen and now it’s going to go into now it goes into into another

Little bit this is such a w song this is like one of the best of the songs of the Minecraft songs in my opinion anyway that’s the end credit song is it we don’t have the end credit update yet in uh in beta Minecraft I don’t know what I don’t know

What that is what is what is what is an end credit what does that even mean who is an end credit why is an end credit okay yes I’m here a in Alpha is the end credit song I always skip the end credits I’ll have to uh I’ll have to go

Beat the beat the ender dragon real quick yeah not should add end credits to The endless game true I I haven’t read the end credits a long in a long time but don’t they just don’t aren’t they just like a piss t or ar they or are they like a poem or

Something I can’t remember it’s been a long time since I’ve read the in credits I was like very young last time I read them I got some good news I finally fixed my internet let’s go good job kersel testwell and volume beta is a banger for for sure let’s put that on

Next I’ll queue it up boys I’ll queue it up hang on uh add to que it’s up next tas’s coming up next boys good job kersel for fixing your uh your your internet problems uh I played uh Minecraft for 10 years now and uh had never been bothered to read

Those end credits fair enough fair enough yeah I’ve played I mean I’ve played Minecraft for over 10 years and I read the credits you know very early on when I was a young when I was but a young lad beating the game for the first time but since then I haven’t read them

Maybe I’ve read them like one other time but I I can’t can’t remember them me and my homies hate the end credits true me me and my boys are casual end credits haters when the sandbox game has an end makes no sense Notch fix your game you should write game over in Wool

At the bottom of the pit I don’t mind that it’s kind of cool I might do that might not be enough space for it it’s deceptively a not that much space I feel like real screw the end credits me and my homies we hate the end

Credits who wrote the end credits was it anyone significant or was it just some some Rando someone find that out get back to me stat I need to know this I need to know this very valuable information who did it who wrote it who did it who done it tell me

Grow up playing those mini games wait oh I see battle mode one from Legacy console which was never officially released is also a banger it is rumored to have been made by C418 trust me add battle mode one to the que if you’re using YouTube music uh I’m using

Spotify but uh I will note that I’m G to note that down sounds like a good idea how’s it how’s it how’s it possibly made by him how’s it not like confirmed to be made by him what end exactly what even is what what what end what does that mean love my mother

True uh Julian G Jeffrey he wrote that God damn it Julian g go go made the poem with the end of minecra okay so it is a poem interesting since there is a last beta player someone must make the last Alpha player and the last infdev player and

The last inev player and the last classic player and the last pre-classic player sounds like a lot of effort I’m sure there’ll be some hidden genius behind those though um it might be on Spotify I don’t I use YouTube music I don’t I don’t want to use

YouTube music I get enough money it’s pronounced go go okay noted most have Network I’ll do it okay no mic’s going to do it that’ll be an easy one for you considering you don’t even need a mic to do it and that’s just part of the genius collect the iron we always

Collect the iron perfect turn up the music I can’t hear it all right it builds up it builds up it builds up but I’ll put it there all right how’s that it builds up I claimed the last inev player what why don’t we make a the first the first inev player the first

Beta player it’s just some guy running around be like what the what is this what is this what does this do how do I do anything maybe they don’t even roll around they don’t even know how to they’re like how do I move how do I move

So I’m good on that Ryan should have made the last Alpha player before leaving I don’t think I don’t think I don’t think he’d appreciate that I ran out of shovel what a scam yeah he does he I mean yeah I guess he does have he’s he’s he is the alpha

Man really when it comes to uh our groups uh let me put these in here first fix the roof up first makes things easier all right cool now we’ll fix the walls up very good uh on the side that’s better we’re about a minute from the good part

True the whole song’s good whole song is good but it does it just it starts like being Omega Fire though it’s such a good song Here We Go shall we crank it I’ll crank it maybe I’ll crank it I’ll crank it for the boys uh this is Alpha exp

World this is Alpha but I’ve just got a cobblestone texture pack on I mean this is beta I’m having a stroke this is beta is that what I said this is beta I don’t know I’ll turn it off so so you can feel a bit more at home there you go

It’s a w song It’s a w song also that I did I say that correctly or was I just like full on having a stroke also I can’t stand these these textures I want my I want my contrast back boom there we go uh did that break my water though let

Me check option video settings animations no Dynamic cool yeah we’re in beta we’re in beta I don’t know if I said Alpha by accident I can’t remember what you have to remember is I’m dumb no Do Spot didn’t buy his channel was just a meme to to to meme you guys

And you all bought it like like like like eggs I heard rumors no Ryan still owns his channel it was just a m it was just a mem Doc and him plann to mem you all and it worked you all fell for the bait so easy is it night time it’s always night

Time what the what the freak what a w song tasell is real good and Dron Dron is a w song as well I really like that one is it night time or is it daytime is it becoming night time or daytime other there any creepers okay it’s night time burp

Sleep okay we took that out all right where’s my iron at I put it in a different place every single time all right let’s continue Fant here is crazy I’m addicted can’t say I’ve had fanter in a long time uh did you add okay I’m gonna I’m

Going to see if it’s on Spotify battle mode one I don’t think it’s on here I don’t have YouTube music so I’m not going to I’m not going to do it now but I appreciate the suggestion um good to go see you nice talking with

You catch a no mic catch you mate have a good one uh where is I at over here Nazis invented Fanta is that true I wouldn’t be surprised yes I have no idea if they did or not I don’t know I don’t know if I trust you

Guys to to tell me if they did or not samur Roy Fanta is Boycott I I don’t I don’t really drink Fanta I don’t I don’t think I’ve had Fanta in like a very long time I don’t know really what it it just tastes like orange right it’s kind of like orange but

Fizzy I don’t know wait I can’t see what song’s next clock all right I’ll take it um they did we have never lied to you they invented it because they couldn’t sell Coke but the US artificial coloring made it better I don’t yeah I don’t I don’t know I don’t know I

Don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know that’s yeah that’s it I don’t know I don’t know anything about the history of fanta Sergeant Doom that link I said is the song if you tried to send a link in uh YouTube I don’t like you can’t send

Links in in YouTube uh chat that’s not my that’s all I doing I think that’s just YouTube chat you just can’t send links but I appreciate the effort just copy it there is no link you can’t send the link I can’t I can’t you didn’t send me the

Link I can’t be sent a link over over Discord over um over what’s it called uh YouTube yeah no no one else could see it though that’s just a thing of YouTube like you can send the link but no one else can see it that’s not that’s not

Yeah that’s just YouTube being YouTube If you send it to me on if you send it to me on Discord I’ll be able to see it send it to me on Discord and I’ll see say it at box Blair yeah D DM turn on Discord all right okay hey we’re almost done with

This level I think right do we have the walls oh we’re almost done yeah we’re almost done with this level how good how good all right I’m actually going to go get out of here no Mike get out of here get up on out of here bro thanks for coming to the stream

Nice I don’t want any mobs in there ah all right cool sometimes it’s like physically painful to try Place yeah all right did we just finish this bottom layer let’s do a little circle around nice me when Cobblestone box player do you use light

Mode yes as you mean as in like on like phones and stuff light mode no no I don’t use light mode I’m not a psychopath no light mode is is uh criminal skip um especially on something like Instagram or something like no that like blinding

Dude okay all right let me check let me check you said you damned me on Discord all right let me check it out all right pause wait someone else Dam me on Instagram uh Instagram uh in deed it it has ah s face all right um you sent it to me on

Instagram let me Instagram what am I saying Discord I’m having a stroke except DM all right let’s check it out all right it’s playing now it’s playing now uh what am I doing I need to be able to see the chat okay ah okay fine we turn this down

Slightly okay what’s everyone’s saying what’s everyone’s saying oh my God okay it’s dope I just need to turn down slightly okay um add a add Windows to look into the cave oh that’s kind of a cool idea that’s kind of a cool idea I just covered up the caves though so it’s

Going to be a little bit annoying to like get back like find where they are it’s a cool idea though um just curious what kind of consoles did I grow up with um I mostly grow up with PlayStation um I was a playst kid uh Playstation and then Nintendo I had a

Nintendo DS my brother had a PSP um that was basically the extent of our uh consoling yeah I was mostly um PlayStation my friend uses light mode on Discord that is that is a full-on psychopathic Behavior I don’t know if you should hang out with them they clearly want to murder

People they want to watch the world burn this is a this is a w song I like it no I didn’t have Xbox 360 a couple of my friends did but I never got the hype honestly I always yeah I always found a lot more fun on

Playstation but that was just me I missed out on Halo but that was about it okay this is loud bye okay bye I understand that it’s dope but I need to turn it down cuz otherwise no one can hear me holy crap it’s okay it’s hype yo welcome to the stream nun NX

N04 uh I do I do like old beta I like beta Minecraft Xbox 360 has left four dead what oh has left for dead too and that was real fun I was I thought he was saying like thought he was saying like it killed four people I like

What um okay look I’m probably never going to buy a Xbox if I’m honest I’m sure it’s cool and all but honestly I don’t really even play console games anymore that often I usually just play on uh usually just play on my uh on my PC these days

So Minecraft on PlayStation 3 was [ __ ] yeah I did have Minecraft on PlayStation 3 but I didn’t really play it that much so I’m inclined to believe you I can’t necessarily say otherwise how is it worse than Xbox 360 it I know it came later cuz they

They didn’t make like deals with uh Sony for like way too long or something or Sony was just I don’t I can’t remember there was some there was some drama um should I just do I just leave this the way it is I feel like that’s going to look a bit awkward

Right or do I Cobblestone it up do I Cobblestone it up I feel like I should yeah I’m just going to probably Cobblestone it up that’s fine X Box BL true Sun kiss better than Fanta only Aussie know what Sunkist is look I know what Sunkist is but like I don’t I don’t

Drink it and I don’t I can’t tell you if it’s I they they taste the same to me if I’m honest maybe that’s uh that’s a crime to say uh it’s just cheap phantom knockoff in Egypt we have more generic stuff more generic stuff like offbrand it’s like offbrand sun

Kist dude this this song is going hard right now oh my God what the hell damn oh boy I’m going to have to do a lot of jumping to get all these get all that roof in place I’ll do that last it is a full on W Sergeant Doom you

Won’t lying this is dope it’s like intense as hell it’s cool I like it who made this doe who’s shooting at me go away this this public harassment damn damn that was pretty fire not going to lie oh still going cool oh I ran out cobblestone was my way out over

Here um anyone the chat had a late PAD as a kid anyone in the chat had a late pad what the hell is a late pad creeper all man dead beep get murdered what the heck is a elap pad I don’t know what that is which means I probably didn’t have

One um I still have my Playstation 3 from 2011 on a beta 1.7.3 save nice that’s kind of cool I haven’t I haven’t wait PlayStation 3 from 2011 was there even that in 201 anyway I I think the last time I used my PlayStation uh Minecraft on Playstation was probably around

2013 it’s been a while it’s been a minute it’s been a fat minute that frog tablet thing I have no idea what that is catch you later Billa no one knows Gareth Koka made all of the miname music except battle mode 1 two 3 and four which we presume were made by

C418 but they were never officially released so we don’t actually know damn L dude I didn’t know this learning something new kind of cool well that was very cool I appreciate the recommend I appreciate the recommend that was very cool I’m writing that down for for future

Reference maybe I need to play these uh these mini games that I don’t I don’t know them but maybe I’ll have to play them they sound pretty cool uh yeah there’s plenty of torches in here keep that lit up all right oh no that’s going oh I guess

It’ll be held up it’ll be fine I’ll break this for now I’m replacing it anyway hey come back all right right um c48 had a third Minecraft soundtrack but Microsoft wouldn’t let him publish it as they won’t own the music we presume uh battle mode one to

Four in that volume yeah I um I heard about that you know they they don’t really want to associate with him anymore because like he wants to own his music which go God go go can’t believe he’d want to own his own music how how awful is that what a silly goose yeah

That’s pretty pretty stupid that they uh they cut ties with them because of that reason or I don’t know if they’ve like like fully cut tires with them but either way it’s a bit silly but um yeah that is interesting it would be cool yeah it’ be

Interesting to to know if they uh ah I’m at spawn God damn it well we get a good look at spawn it’s been a while since I’ve been back here I’ve been too busy in my hole uh Microsoft is a corporate hell it is really really really is just a corporate hell isn’t

It l silly box average beta moment true yo it’s Leon what’s up hi I’m just here to say hello it’s six I oh six okay 6:30 a.m. I have to go to school all right I appreciate you uh you you briefly dropping in though uh that’s the soundtrack that the

Three aquatic update songs were a part of B walk let’s go Frogman it will be CR uh it will be a cringe inappropriate movie what wait what’s that wait where’s Frogman Frogman said thoughts on the Minecraft movie oh uh the Minecraft movie I don’t know why it’s live action

Why is it live action why does it have to be live action I feel like I feel like the fact that it’s live action is weird I don’t think I don’t think it should be live action that’s my opinions like why why like I don’t get

That I feel like it’ll be weird weird because it’s live action you know like part of the big the one of the biggest things about Minecraft is that it’s like a completely cubed up game you know so yeah I’m I’m I don’t know I don’t even know if I don’t even

Know if I’m very optimistic that it’ll be good because like you honestly I you honestly would never know you’ll never know if it’s going to be good or not I feel like so I and they’ve been trying to make one for like a billion million years and haven’t succeeded

So I you know wouldn’t surprise me if it you know didn’t even get really didn’t even get made in the end but I don’t know we’ll see it has you know it has a lot of potential to be good but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be

Good also what the freak that creeper was so mean why did you do that I was just trying to mine and craft and then he ruined my Mining and crafting and he ruined my my bloody bloody I’m going to have to get more snow I’ve run out of

Snow he ruined it how did he blow wait what the freak he blew up the snow but didn’t blow up this the freak didn’t blow anything up other than that okay that’s kind of a that’s kind of a wind though actually only blow up the snow I’ll take it I’ll take

It whoa everyone’s saying stuff okay um hang on a second um I hate how some people play modern Minecraft for Nostalgia and always say how nostalgic the music is when it’s only when it’s only inspired as little as they know I hate when some people play modern Minecraft for the Nostalgia who plays

Modern Minecraft for Nostalgia and always say how nostalgic the music is yeah I look I I I I don’t like I don’t know I feel like Nostalgia only goes so far you know like I don’t I don’t know I don’t really feel that much Nostalgia anymore I understand that a lot of

People do feel nostalgic cuz a lot of people you know a lot of people play Minecraft and then and then stop playing Minecraft you know they don’t play for you know multiple years and then they’ll come back and they think they you know they think they feel nostalgic just cuz

They see you know similar aspects like obviously modern and we know modern and and and beta are very different games now but like you know they’re not going to recognize that you know the average average Joe isn’t going to recognize that as much okay hang on uh what’s everyone

Saying everyone’s saying stuff um we should boycott Minecraft until they C418 published the third volume soundtrack true I mean that probably won’t do anything because Mojang and microsof don’t listen to the community as much anymore it’s probably W too much uh I’m guilty of buying some things off uh Minecraft Bedrock

Marketplace uh it is microtransaction hell I feel like I I even I I don’t even play Bedrock at all I don’t play Bedrock at all so I I I have nothing to do with the marketplace I do not buy into that scam sounds like a scam to

Me um I feel like the live action is just an extra label they put on that doesn’t mean anything it’s just going to make normies excited will it though like I feel like surely the normal like normal person would be like why is why is the movie about Minecraft live

Action that would be like that’s like in my mind that’s like the Mario movie you know like you know how they they made the Mario movie The Animated one and that’s cool you know that’s that’s a cool movie they were able to do a lot

With it it was it was you know it was cool I didn’t watch all all of it but like it was you know it was cool but then like but then there’s also that liveaction Mario movie which is just like what even is that I don’t even know what that is it’s so

Weird Jack Black does not fit Steve is Jack Black Steve I thought Jason M Mo was Steve um I was hoping Steve would be played by an absolute chair but I don’t know about Jack Black I thought it was I thought it was Jason Mamoa or was that just like a was that

Just like a rumor or something that I heard is that just a theory Jack yeah Jack Black he fitted he fit Bowser that was pretty good he did a good job there he made that work uh wait what level am I doing this wait what am I doing what did I do here

Last time uh I mean I guess that’s going to be like that right and then this this can be here that okay that’s fine wait but isn’t this me to be yellow I don’t know I’ll figure it out it’s a scam well facts um if they 1993 Mario movie is pure Kino what

Are you talking talking about look I haven’t seen the whole movie but like from what I remember it was like I haven’t seen a long time but like I don’t know wasn’t it like it was super weird wasn’t it I can’t remember why the server reset uh it just

Happens every day server restarts so that like the hosts can get all the information from it I guess I don’t know make backups and stuff wait is this the right level for for this oh doesn’t matter it’s not even the roof it’s fine um is this a server or your own

World it’s so cool this is a a server this is a server with a bunch of people um that um also make YouTube videos um and yeah people have built a lot on it it’s really cool we got a we got a we got a brief glimpse of the uh of the

Spawn area the spawn area is like super impressive which is cool but there’s been a lot of cool Builds on this uh on the server for sure but yeah I’m just working on my own area right now in response to XP world just saying yeah it’s pretty

Cool this area that I’m working in is like all my stuff there um if they make a Minecraft live action it would obviously be as bad as the Mario Bros live action uh hater is just mad they don’t know how to walk the dinosaur a server for beta YouTubers or

Can anyone join um it’s it is an exclusive server for like creators yeah um yeah at the moment let me light this up liveaction Minecraft movie would be very what the F for sure I like yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t think live action really suits Minecraft all that much that’s

Just going to that’s just my impression but yeah I don’t know we’ll see you know we’ll see maybe maybe it’s really good who knows who knows ah when did they say it was going to come out the Minecraft movie like 2025 2025 yeah something like that

Well who knows what even what even are they going to what even is the story cuz like like I’ve seen a trailer for it on YouTube I think it’s fake oh yeah it’ have to be fake like they wouldn’t put out a trailer this early um but isn’t

Like hang on I’m just my brain ain’t braining um like I don’t what kind of story are they going to make in Minecraft like what what kind of I get you know you can really make an infinite amount of stories I get that but like what are

They going to focus on I I I okay I don’t want them to I don’t want them to if they’re going to make a movie right I don’t want them to F I don’t want them to try to do something you know completely out of nowhere and

Unique just for the sake of being unique right like some people just want the basic kind of thing you know the basic kind of story that could go along with a Minecraft movie like it could literally be a story about going to the end and beating the Ender Dragon

You know but just made like made to be cooler than it really is you know but they’re probably not going to do that cuz like people would expect that you know maybe something to do with the deep dark okay all right that would be kind of cool if they they did like something

With the deep dark and it aligned with like an update of the game that did something with the deep dark that’d be kind of cool cuz they have been ranting and raving about how how it’s like the 15th year anniversary I guess that’s this year not next year

But uh maybe something inspired by the Minecraft animations like Noob Avengers yeah like I when when I think of like a Minecraft movie I think of like The Lego Movie you know like I I feel like The Lego Movie nailed the aesthetic that they that that a a movie about Lego

Should be you know like the Minecraft movie should be that um honestly I just wanted the Minecraft movie to stay in development hell where it’s been for the last 10 years true I think the question is how are they going to make the movie Minecraft you know yeah that’s what I’m saying

Catch you later XP World thanks for coming with the stream yeah I don’t I don’t like how are they going to make it Minecraft I don’t know that’s what that’s why I’m saying like yeah drawing the parallels between the uh the Minecraft movie and The Lego Movie you

Know like The Lego Movie did it right but you know who knows yeah Lego Movie really got it right yeah for sure they they nailed that aesthetic and just like the world they built as well in the movie was like you know really creative and it really it didn’t feel locked down you

Know yeah like Minecraft is a Sandbox game really I just worry that you know kind of like what they did with like the story mode you know that the console story mode or whatever or Minecraft story mode like they made it not about I don’t know they just made it a story in

Minecraft which is fine but like I don’t know wasn’t very didn’t didn’t feel very I don’t know minecrafty to me I don’t know I don’t really know how to describe my feelings towards that I guess love these emojis you sure love our franchises story craft yeah it was weird I don’t

Know I don’t yeah it was weird ayin what up just make Shad shadow of israell live action true I’d watch that I’d 100% watch that just 15 minutes of the movie is Granny bacon i’ I’d watch that that’d be great shadow of israfel shadow of Israel I mean israfel must be

Finished that’d be pretty cool I would not say no to that like there is so much potential for Minecraft stories but I just don’t I just don’t think a live action will will Encompass that very well you know um I feel like they make a live action

For everything these days yeah it’s it’s not very necessary I feel like the reason they they the I reckon one of the reasons they probably make it a live action is because they can attach someone like um uh I don’t know I guess I wonder if it’s easier for them to attach someone

Like Jack Black you know he’s a very recognizable person I wonder if it like they can they can promote the movie way more because of the people they cast in it right cuz obviously that happens with films a lot especially with like their ad in and stuff they want to advertise

Movies and have their their cast be people that you know people recognize and already like already established people how high was this did I do this on the other side I must have what does it look like who knows okay so it’s quite low it’s on

Okay it’s on the first one that’s where it was right I think so uh it wasn’t okay not sure why ow is this wait is this lower or is this is this higher H I’m confused was it on the first one or the second one am I else stupid

Oh wait no no no no no I’m not I’m not I’m a genius I’m not a genius but this is how it’s meant to be it is meant to be like that okay calculated I knew what was going on I had it under control freak Cowboy beep boop live action uh my game

Crashed burp that’s not what I want bur burp perfect my game crashed what a scam it’s the uh it’s the Microsoft overlords for talking crap about uh their live action movie they’re trying to make game over true what are these I’ve never seen them before people using

These emojis also why can’t I see why can’t I see beta capture work bullying okay there we go I’ve never seen these like emojis before kind of cool though kind of cool can we get custom emojis that’d be kind of cool I feel like that has to be a thing is this

Right they even made a Final Fantasy Live Action did they didn’t they just make like a a FNAF one as well okay they made like a FNAF movie as well okay this is not right is it uh we get rid of that and then we can get rid

Of no wait we can get that there oh it is right I’m confused is this the same as the other side I think it might be a stroke only YouTube emojis right can we make uh can we make our own YouTube emojis that’d be kind of cool yeah okay that’s correct yeah

That’s correct cool cool cool cool cool cool cool up up up look at this intense block placing right now bam H okay ruined my Flo all right um FNAF was bad I I never watched the movie um I didn’t watch the live it was was it live action or was it

Animated cuz I’m not actually sure I didn’t I didn’t watch it either way cuz like is FNAF even popular at all it was popular back back ages ago they trying to reinvigorate it or something or is it getting popular again do you ever have a project that you get

Into but then you feel like you have to start over again infinite cycle of misery um I never I mean I will alter projects but I I don’t know if I’ll ever start them over very often um sometimes I’ll start a project and leave it for a bit and then come back to

It later um but yeah I don’t really it’s not often I tear them all like entirely down I feel maybe sometimes but I’d say not often not often okay uh I need red wool and I need yellow wool I think I’ve used almost all of my

Wool as well I AFK for so much wool while I was away and then I’ve been back and I used it all on this all of my wool is here pretty much um FNAF got mix reviews they even paid 200 million for The Exorcist rights and left no money for the movie LOL

Yeah I don’t know what to say to that doesn’t surprise me that it wasn’t received amazingly cuz like was anyone asking for a FNAF movie I don’t think so all right let’s get I’m going to make half a stack for now just to be safe also what the heck there we

Go like half a stack for now I don’t think I have any red Wool with me right now no I might need this green wool I don’t think I will it’s mainly yellow wo I need right yellow and red but this is looking much better much

Cleaner I need to do the roof and then I’m I’m practically done here all right let’s this oh this is going to have to go like basically all the way right okay I’m going to need a lot more yellow wool okay I get it and then yeah it’s going to to come in

Here that no okay cool cooperated okay I’m going to need a lot more yellow wool and presumably a lot of red wool too and I just don’t think I have the wool for that don’t think I have enough wool anymore okay that looks all right it’s fine

Oh that’s that’s being used up okay more red wool more yellow wool I don’t think I need any green wol no okay sounds like you need a passive mob farm it does kind of sound like that doesn’t it m I would really appreciate one on the server

Actually but I don’t want to be the one to build it right now I can’t be asked but it’ll probably end up being me who builds it so is there any wool left in here okay there’s 55 in here all right we might as well finish

Off the uh the yellow while we’re here oh my God I’m such an idiot oh my what is happening just work uh do you pay for any streaming services box BL uh me personally no my parents pay for Netflix so but it’s like a family account so but uh no

I don’t pay for that sorry I had to sneeze otherwise no I don’t Stampy was like the Sesame Street of Minecraft it’s a good way to describe Stampy I feel I never really watch Stampy everyone Frost Stampy I I never really watched him I didn’t find him overly entertaining in my my

Opinion could have been because he played on uh console and I didn’t want to watch console oh my God I’m still not going to have enough wool um me and deadly dirt block will make a high speed one all right make make a high speed one and I’ll build on the server

Surely make a high speed one for me and I’ll build it on the server give me give me schematics Sergeant Doom welcome back welcome back we need more Wool I actually don’t think I have enough wool or like much wool left did I I didn’t even finish the yellow did I that’s fine if I go get some white uh when you’re planning on ending the stream not sure how long have I been streaming for

2 hours I don’t know still got a little little while to go I think I got time I got time what the heck there’s a gap there that I’ve never noticed see that just above my cursor never noticed that before uh I like these I like these during the day

Streams as I’m not trying to keep myself awake L yeah I thought I’d stream a little earlier for the for the people who usually you know fall asleep go as the stream’s going I’m trying to stream it like different times every now and again just to try and uh

Yeah make it so that people can can make them all right this is all the wool I have oh wait oh no I don’t I have 51 wool I don’t think that’s enough God damn it I shouldn’t have made all of that green wool I didn’t need it I didn’t

Need it what am I doing oh I have bone meal I thought I didn’t bring bone meal all right you’re not going to be able to St for a minute but I’ll make it quick just Mak can you can hear you can oh there we go all right there we go cool and

Voila dies uh that’s fine make the rest of that die that’s fine all right and then we’ll uh we’ll see how much we need the imbalance of roses and dandel lands really annoys me no freak okay not that bad not that bad damage is that the the third time this stream that

I’ve been blown up by a creeper what the freak they really had to get me right now it’s so annoying uh actually didn’t do like that much damage at all which is kind of a dbb which is like how how do they not uh that slab was there I just need some

Stairs yeah the the imbalance of flowers is is so annoying cuz the red is obviously the best one um but you just get you just get so little of them it’s so annoying is that is that correct did I fix that right wow that surprisingly did like very little

Damage thank God I did not want to have to deal with that at least the mossy cobblestone made it true I do actually have quite a lot of mossy cobblestone that I haven’t used I think I’ve got maybe seven or eight Stacks that I haven’t used so all

Right let’s get back to this thing that’s like the yeah that’s the third time a creeper’s been out for me I usually never get got by creepers I guess cuz I’m probably focusing on chat but made sense for dandel lands to be more common I guess so I guess I mean

They in real life they grow more right so I guess that makes sense got to go to school in 45 minutes T minus 45 minutes for a stuff s you hate to see it okay we just got a little bit left how much left like 48 17 okay let’s really let’s really ration this out here did I say 17 I think I stroke perfect amount all right let’s go to now we got to do the red and I definitely don’t have enough wool for the red unfortunately what a shame I thought all that afking I did

Would have given me enough wool no oh well sad uh my KFC better Rock up soon at 700 p.m. true I haven’t had KFC in years I used to get the uh popcorn chicken but I yeah again haven’t had it in years 12:45 is when I go to school that

Is such a weird time to go to school what the heck I like how flowers are loot in Alpha versions loot as in like in chests in like Dungeons or something oh my God we have more red wool it’s like not that much but we have some I probably should have checked

These chest if I had any left over cuz I saw I just had some yellow wool so I didn’t have to make that 13 yellow wool you know sheep let’s go get them where’s my shears hey come here I’m desperate now I’m Des desperate buddy speak of the devil my food is here

There you go ask and you shall receive perfect it’s not much but it’s it’s more are you familiar with the dead by day uh with dead by daylight at all U I feel like I’ve heard of that phrase but I am not sure what it is I had KFC one time

And it was in India feel like we going to have KFC I feel like India may not be the safest place to have KFC I haven’t been I haven’t been DEA uh no as there was no bones in pre-alpha versions oh in early Alpha versions oh so as in like like

Zombies or something drop them oh like skeletons drop them or something is that what you mean I need so much more R that’s what do I need I need a bit there that side looks pretty much done actually I’ll have to check I drank blue Sprite at KFC what the

Heck my mom got a bucket of Wicked Wings that’s wicked dude must have been weird loot true oh another sheep let’s go get them come come here come here well I mean there’s not there’s nobody else on the server right now so hopefully hopefully if we walk around somewhere

That’s like grassy I’ll be able to get I’ll be able to get some sheep and we can uh we can look at the we can look at the world a little bit I need to move this portal somewhere I’m not sure whether I want to push it back

Into that Hill there so when you come out of the portal the first thing you see is this or whether I want to make something here that holds the portal you know I think I want to make something here CU I don’t really have plans for

This spot right now and then I’ve got this here so I’m not 100% sure we’ll see uh when the nether was first included in Alpha it was called the slip for a brief amount of time I did I I’ve actually heard that before it’s kind of

Cool um oh you know what there might actually be some wool in the uh in the mansion that that Ryan has left over I’m sure he won’t mind if I borrow it box player is a doofus they only generated they only generated you can’t you couldn’t grow them oh right I’m yeah

I’m an idiot yeah yeah I get you sorry my brain my brain my brain’s stupid at the best of times I remember in like there was like a pocket edition there was like a blue flow wasn’t there why is that not in the game oh like it was like a blue rose

That was kind of cool uh where am I going in here down here probably they left half of my order out what complain fli the nip nice you should complain oh look at that look at that what a sweetheart thanks R dude he has 44 brown wool in here what the freak

I assume doesn’t need it right now yeah he’s got plenty of wool if he wants if he wants a stack back I’m happy to I’m happy to AFK him a stack back but considering I’m going to buy this house anyway guys you know all the stuff

Yeah it’ll it’ll be mine it’ll be fine don’t worry about it Canan flowers yeah they were pretty cool shout out to Canan Rose ah what the freak what the freak bullying Dude full on bullying this is a cool view I’m very happy with this build not

That one not that one though that one needs covering if you’re an inev player you know that the emeralds were added before diamonds well there you go not an inev player did didn’t they add rubies before emeralds where’s my Zinger box dude where is your Zinger box though what a

Scam you got scammed dude you got scammed you got fully scammed what emeralds were added way later silly that’s yeah that’s what I’m thinking I feel like I feel like Ruby was the first concept right for the emerald my aunt is driving around to the shop it’s going and it’s going full Caren

Mode I mean if you ordered a delivery and they bring you the wrong thing and then you drive all the way to the shop like what a what a what a hassle what an odeal dude what a waste that’s so unfortunate um actually there’s a lot I don’t know about Alpha diamonds were

Called emeralds first oh did they look like emeralds or were they just called emeralds cuz that’s interesting feel like I haven’t heard that I need a haircut so bad my hair is long I was going to get it cut and then I got Co and then I was still sick and I

Went to New Zealand so then my hair is just like so long I I’ve needed to cut it for like a month so it’s had like a month of extra for growth and I just can’t again can’t be asked to cut it right now holy crap will this wool not

Be enough to finish this off surely will be tell me it will be Say It Ain’t So oh yeah it will be nice all right last thing to do actually two more things to do I mean three more things to do okay whatever fill in this

Roof then we put some lighting in and then we put the snow in that’s all that’s left on this project my God this has been a m Mammoth task I’ve been grinding this thing nonstop for a very long time it feels like here we have the Majestic sheep it’s surveying its

Land it’s like what the freak happened to this area I can’t see I can’t see okay I can see all right let me get rid of that don’t need this okay need the Cobblestone there all right um could be wrong don’t quote me uh your Minecraft character my Minecraft character’s hair

Is beautiful thank you thank you I can’t show you I can’t show you the front of my face right now because I don’t know the front facing mode but there I am I appreciate it uh do I do KFC that’s pathetic I wanted a Zinger box I mean if

You paid for a Zinger box then you are within your right to to request that they give you a Zinger box but I don’t know if you can sue them for giving you not a Zinger box I don’t know if that’s a thing you can do I mean

I don’t know if it’s America then you probably can’t do that the man bun is my favorite part of your skin get out get out it’s a it’s a crown it’s not a man butn it’s a Crown why would it be a man bun I don’t have a man bun why would it

Be a man bun are you blond IRL I am blonde IRL this character is pretty accurate except for everyone calling it a man bun it’s not a man bun you’re all wrong who started that who started that who was the first person to say that was that captain cat was it captain cat

Can’t remember who started that whoever it was [ __ ] you I’m kidding it’s fine face reveal IRL uh I I uh I don’t really care to if I’m honest if you find me that’s great uh but I’m not going to not going to go out of my way to do a face reveal

Anytime soon probably reveal it 10K if we ever make it to 10K we’re not going to make it there buddy uh I don’t know I don’t know about I don’t know if 10K I don’t know I don’t know it’ll depend how I feel if I feel

Like doing it I’ll do it if I don’t I I won’t so uh don’t do a face reveal someone will deep fake you okay uh do whatever you want yeah I’ll do what I want wow you’re still going I am still going trentis unor B bentus we’re almost done almost done with uh

Cleaning up this tidying up this thing which honestly God damn what a project we’re almost there though we’re almost there this part’s going to be annoying down the stairs to get this up here I might get some scaffolding like some dirt or some uh Sandstone just to make it a bit easier

I want my popcorn chicken okay that part that’s that’s unfortunate popcorn chicken is the only good thing face reveal when you pass Mr be is true name reveal when box blare that’s my name in real life first name box last name Blair oh no I’m doed I’m do player oh my God okay

Cool oh Man okay he’s called box blare because he was conceived in a box seems about right box blare more like dock player well yeah I was conceived in a box named after where I was conceived conceived in your mom’s box what does that even mean

Uh I I I hope I have enough glow stone I feel like I have a decent amount of glow stone so should be fine if I don’t have if I don’t have enough glow stone to like light this up up adequately enough then I’m going to

Be a little bit annoyed cuz I really don’t feel like getting glowstone hey hey hey from the top ropes go away uh boxman you said you were going to make a vid on some animations when is it oh yeah uh at some point at some point I’ll have

To do it I I honestly haven’t thought about it I uh yeah I’ve been busy like I said I was busy IRL got Co and then went to another country and then since I’ve been back I’ve I’ve just been on this I’ve been literally just doing this

Project this this project was meant to be just like a yeah let’s ease back into it and it’s ended up being just like a ginormous thing but that’s okay I’m glad it’s almost done uh let’s I’m going to get some scaffold holding block so it makes these

These pits easier but we’re almost there did I do this other side I think so let’s check let me just double check um box BL was delivered in a package his name is Blair of the boxes oh no he’s got to get ready got to get ready for school

Screaming do I have any okay I have Sandstone I’m going to use sand the Sheep is still here cool uh more Sandstone let’s still catch and stuff thanks for coming to the stream are you saying are you saying by as well samuro or you are you just say by to and stuff

Ah oh yeah speed bridging in beta it doesn’t work on the server it’s it’s like almost completely inefficient because you have to hold for so much longer anyway I’m washed up is what I’m trying to say it’s so different all right that’s fine let’s go nice eighty

Bullying oh saying by to aan okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool all right ah okay that was very effective get rid of this uh what does washed up mean it means like you’re you’re not as good as you were at a particular skill or you’re just

Bad that’s how I interpret the meaning that’s what happens on a shoreline dumb stupid unsubscribe oh yeah I beat the washed up allegations I’m cracked all right the cleanup job is done we did it we did it boys Jesus Jesus Christ that took so long oh my God I feel washed up a

Lot true okay the cleanup job is done very good very good incredible incred incredible work I’d like to thank I’d like to thank the the chat for being here I’d like to thank myself but also we’ve still got a lot more to do so it’s not over yet uh I’ll keep this actually

I’ll keep this on me it’s much easier to break so okay we have 33 glowstone that’s not going to be enough surely I have some more somewhere in here cuz I really really don’t want to go get more on stream because I’ll definitely die and in general I don’t really feel

Like getting some so not ideal okay um I guess we can we can just put the light sources in like that should we push them in a block oh we could actually we could use uh Netherrack and Flames I do always like that that look maybe I’ll do

That maybe I’ll do that thoughts thoughts people thoughts what do we reckon for light sources well I have to go be an adult now lame catch you later uh Indiana Jones 5 would have been a good movie if one of the back to Beta members were it I never saw Indiana Jones Vibe

Either sorry I a stretch okay uh lighting let’s maybe not use the glowstone let’s let’s use fire features let’s oh but there’s wool around is that going to burn the wool surely not it’s like a billion million years away it would be two blocks making it uneven what do you mean the

Square doesn’t matter doesn’t matter all right it’ll be close enough’s good enough close enough’s good enough either way it’s going to be uneven uh let’s do that I feel like doing that I feel like it’ll look cool with the fire it’s like contrasting the snow wow totally totally calculated is that our

Sheepe and maybe I could uh I’ll just put it behind I’ll just put it behind glass I think that’ll be fine and it doesn’t even I mean it doesn’t have to be one block at a time either TR I could make the center like three blocks long and then it’ll be even

Right no I don’t think that makes a difference I’ll figure it out it’s fine we’ll figure it out how much mon do we have I think we have quite a bit damn one two three four five okay five in a bit Stacks all right that should be plenty

Enough of that I’m pretty sure I have plenty glass over there so yeah I don’t have hardly any glow stone or snow sad I had a curry for lunch I don’t know what kind of Curry it was but it was delicious but I feel like it’s it’s making me burp a little

Bit have you heard about the Jewish tunnels recently I have not is it to do with the whole thing that’s going on in that part of the world glass glass uh we’ll also take some Cobblestone down too because we’re going to have to put a wall up behind it

Um I wonder if it’ be cool just for something random I want to do something random you know just random stuff let’s get gravel this is far too much gravel it’s fine uh no I haven’t most have okay let’s go like this all right I need my

Shovel okay I need more of my Shel okay why is there so much sand here okay uh ah okay whatever I’m just going to break the sand let collect that okay break that skeleton I’m really not about it right now oh my God what’s wrong with you go away you’re a big bully

Yeah uh that okay and then if we go close that up did not mean to do that completely made that redundant okay the gravel was pointless it doesn’t matter you can’t even see it behind the the Flames that was so dumb how’s that is that fine or is it

Annoying that you can hear the Flames the whole time uh no but there was a recording on the news about it unearth a synagogue or whatever you call them like tunnels interesting what I don’t understand what what are the tunnels for does this even light it up enough probably not

Eh I feel like we use glowstone all the time I want to I want to do something slightly different I feel like the flame is fine honestly maybe we just make the maybe we just make a ring of flames all the way around that’ be too much that’d be

Excessive uh maybe we can make this like bigger maybe even with a little bit of detail you know maybe we can push that forward I don’t know what I’m doing I’m just playing Minecraft guys I’m just playing Minecraft all right that’s cool it’s kind of like an eyeball close enough I think that’s

Fine um I thought the Cobble over it was better shut up I like using pumpkins and trap doors yeah I just don’t have that many pumpkins and you got to go out and find them and they’ve all been C they’ all been stolen by everyone you know everyone’s everyone’s taking the

Pumpkins I’d have to go out quite far quite far to find some more but I think this will be good enough this will be fine enough right I just don’t I just I mean I just don’t want mobs to spawn that’s all but they’re probably going to spawn aren’t they freak okay

How many blocks between one two three four five six seven I can’t see oh my God one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 like does this even light this up enough probably not especially not in here damn it I’m really going to have to figure

Out the lighting situation I can’t talk because I’m I’m in school what up shello have a happy stream I appreciate it thank you all right I’m just going to do that everywhere I don’t know maybe not uh one two what was it 14 seven uh one two three four five six seven

Yeah one two three four five one two three four five six seven yeah that’s right okay but then this is well this is going to run isn’t it one two three four four five six wait no it’s not one two three four five six okay that’s fine no worries we figured it

Out damn not quick enough okay just going to make all of this Netherrack place it a my food is being remade very good it thus completes the food Arc what a pain that’s suck that that happened it’s a real pain when your food doesn’t get made properly my flint and steel

Broke God damn it uh I don’t have any Steel on me so it’s fine we’ll go get another one they left the bag in the car they left like one of the bags in the car that’s really annoying and then I imagine it got cold right okay it’s night time let’s uh

Let’s sleep I don’t want to don’t want any unexpected creeper explosions I remember when I was in school don’t know how I passed true God I school was school was a mess I was barely there oh well no creepers around right who’s around me who’s around me right

Now all right uh where’s my steel at where I where I where I where my boys at there it is go creeper I made him disappear with my mind okay cool what like six between is that what’s happening no five between okay one two 3 four five

Six so that’s the outline right so it’s a one two three four five yeah that’s correct very good very good lighting it up we’re lighting it up got a bit of moo City playing how good don’t mind a bit of moo City definitely one of my favorite of the c48 songs all

Right very good hell yeah I like this that’s cool that’s cool and I think that’s going to be lit enough uh okay so this is five right so one two three four five wow I can’t see 1 2 3 4 five six so it’ll be here

Right right yeah yeah cool I might have to put something in these Corners to secretly light it up maybe like a pot plan or something uh that’s three right yep three very good very good very good very good it’s everyone’s fa favorite uh Minecraft

Song I think moo City for me is up there I do like it it’s a pretty good song uh what am I trying to do right now okay go okay whatever it’s fine is good is this wait this correct no just go back for cat really

Cat I I feel like I’ve always found cat slightly annoying in my my opinion um my on Venus my on Venus is pretty good my on Venus is pretty good I really like um uh wet hands I feel like that’s a really good one that one really that one

I feel like that one if I would to pick is is the most nostalgic Minecraft song I think it’s wet hands like well maybe not the most nostalgic but one of the one of the top ones that I associate with Minecraft you know moo City better than moo City 2

Agreed Living Mice is a w true true yeah I mean they’re honestly all good you can’t really fault it can’t really fault it is it five between it is five between what are we listening to now key this one’s okay put uh put Living Mice in the queue

All righty I’ll do it Living Mice let’s queue it up at to que there it is and I’ll put I’ll put wet hands on on too in the que add the que cuz I like it so I want to listen to it oops all righty uh key as in

Ki is there a Minecraft song you don’t like um let me look through them real quick I don’t really like this’s one called Death what I have to say cat is like one of my one of ones that like me but that’s probably just cuz I’ve heard it so many times with the

Music disc um any I don’t like not really honestly it’s mainly the music discs that I don’t like as much but I feel like that’s probably because I’ve just heard them a lot more right I don’t know I don’t like any of the new music after 1.6

I can’t really recognize a lot of the new music after 1.6 I haven’t really listened to it a lot if I’m honest or if I have it’s just sort of in the background okay one two three okay wait I had didn’t they bring I did

I should have left these up damn it if only I knew not washed up no washed up allegations here too good too good can’t be stopped right um okay well there has to be one in the middle right wait is this side how is this side longer there’s no way this side’s

Longer it wait it totally is what the freak is that is that real oh right I get it I get it yeah yeah cuz this yeah yeah yeah o p me that’s f live and then what oh I’m flickering I think my game’s going to crash hey it crashed let’s go let’s close

That technical difficulties is that the third time the stream I feel like there’s a couple of good ones um in the newer update in the newer music albums none come to mind but that’s probably because I don’t recognize their names why can’t you guys see can you guys open your

Eyes why why does OP uh why does there it is takes so long sometimes one two three four five yeah one two three four five six yeah this is going to be not correct what the freak let me let me do the other side as well just to

Be sure cuz it might line up fine uh all of the nether music is good all of the Aquatic update music is good the caves and GL music except other side uh wild up music and tales and Trail music suck yeah I feel like those ones aren’t very memorable the Wild

Update and the trails and tales one two three four five six yeah I I I I can’t even think of a single one and I feel like I’ve listened to them all once and I was just sort of like underwhelmed or like just kind of me they just don’t capture that same

Spark you know that same uh special kind of feeling that the uh the OG’s do or I mean I guess those you know the Aquatic update and stuff that’s not really OG is it it’s just kind of like yeah I don’t know that’s five between cool cool cool cool

One two three four five six hell yeah wet hands is on let’s go let’s crank it a little AR um oh my God also all the mini game soundtracks from Legacy console are good I can’t think of any um I feel like all the new music is good but just isn’t the same

League that C418 yeah I think it’s I think it’s good but the problem is yeah you’re probably comparing it to C418 music and obviously that stuff is like you know it’s it’s you can’t it’s hard to compare to that it’s probably unfair to compare them to uh compare the new stuff to

That is that right one two three four five yeah one two three four five like anything anything is going to look kind of bad compared to C418 I guess I don’t know Le rain did not too bad like to to make the nether really feel good like like the nether music feel

Good uh what’s wrong with other side I don’t mind other side it’s all right it just got overplayed a lot box can you put C418 waight in the queue I can uh wait there it is it’s literally in front of my face had to Q it’s coming up literally right now

Now um is C418 pronounced C418 or C418 um I’ve kind of I kind of jumped between them hey I don’t really know C418 c48 I don’t know I feel like I’ve I’ve I I bounced between which I choose to say I think majority of the time I say C418

I don’t know what’s correct there might be wrong who knows I’ll have to ask him personally I say C418 I never really thought about it that you’d call it you’d say it differently but I I feel like I’ve said it either way before I don’t know remember uh one two three four five

Six I say Lana rain more like Lena lame got him n l rain’s all right it’s not really bad but they’ve brought on like a whole bunch of different ones now right they’ve got like a bunch of different musicians which is strange oh freak I for to put the bloody

Bloody and the black and the Bloody ah what am I doing okay food is reared bye enjoy your food um okay how do I fig how how much Gap is this one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 uh 25 Gap

Okay uh if I make one in the middle I think I can make one in the middle and then make two either side of that and it’ll be fine hopefully this is correct and I don’t look like a big stupid idiot for doing this let’s make sure so one two

Three oh wait I might look like a big stupid idiot one two three four five six would be here oh yeah I’m definitely a big stupid idiot um I guess I just make two either side of this one I might do that let’s just do that I think

Not 100% sure if it’s going to be even but I’m sure it’ll be fine that’ll be correct right cuz that’s now that’s now five and then there’ll be five between this we go one two three four five yeah yeah yeah yeah and it’ll be here like that yeah that’s

Correct wait is that yeah it’s five right yeah cool oh to do these parts did I did them on the last one right I mean not that you can really tell yeah I did but just to be sure because I’ll know that they’re wrong and it’ll be really uh really

Annoying if I know that they’re wrong cool okay put that in the books let’s continue here ah what song are we listening to right now dead fox all oh this one’s okay this one’s a dub let’s let’s continue with this one um what don’t tell me I’m not a nether

AR right now what the heck it’s like the weirdest block to run out of right now all right let’s go get some Netherrack I guess is it nighttime probably it’s always night time apparently never once not been nighttime on the server I swear that’s not

True oh my God look at all the creepers oh man uh I need to go get more Netherrack just dump all this junk look at all these creepers what the freak just die die all right I’m aware of my surroundings now oh my God we just hit the three hour

Marck of the Stream God damn I’m going strong all right where’s my Netherrack come hither it’s raining okay that’s way too much that’s the good thing about living in a desert um especially on a beta server is that when it rains like rain is so loud so it’s so good to not have

To deal with that most of the time all right let’s get back to it I do like these these look good just adds a little something little lighting as well it’s nice all right that’s good it’s like different as well I feel like it’s very often you just use the

Same same color pellet and stuff so all the same lighting lighting features so it’s nice to do something a little bit different I mean I don’t know maybe you guys do I’ll probably have to light this up with like torches even cuz I feel like it may not be bright

Enough yeah that’s fine just two torches all right you’re not needed you’re not needed I think there’s one more side over here yeah we haven’t done this one all right hagstrom is pretty catchy yeah it is I do like that one that was like the second in the album I

Think it’s one of the one of the early uh early songs in the uh in the first album oh my okay uh let’s place our scaffolding again ready washed up allegations be look at all that time I’m saving God so much time saved I literally can’t be stopped okay uh one

Two three four five six just make sure yep I’ll play H I’ll play hag Strom next uh oh no it’s like seventh on the album All Right add to Q I don’t I don’t want to listen to concrete Hills that one’s long and slow and sad this one’s really cool when it comes

On and you’re just like playing the game I I quite often turn my music on while I’m playing because I like to yeah hear all the music come on and this is a nice one to come on cool uh one two three four five six so

Here all right let me just make sure that’s correct uh one two three four five six yep Cool and that should be five between which it is very nice all right punch that out let’s get rid of these torches although we will place these two down here like that very good can go there happened to almost be in the right place Place almost but not Quite all right nice almost there almost there just a few more to go just on this lowest level and then we’re done done with all the clean up and then the last thing we need to do is add in all the snow wow what a project okay this uh

This layer is actually a bit less less large but I feel like I’m still going to keep the same scheme that I was doing before I feel like it’ll still look cool going like from head to toe you know I feel like it’ll still be cool

Wait is this the oh wait was this this is this may not work but oh no this will work this will work this will work this will work it’s fine don’t worry about it don’t even worry about it guys I know you’re all worried about it don’t worry about it all right all

Right go B eye level nice what’s next in the uh what’s the next mini game you’re thinking of making um the next one will be probably a uh bow PVP Arena um and it’s going to be next to this one uh it’ll take way less time than this one took uh

Thankfully but uh yeah it’s going to be like a b bow PVP yeah one two three four five six yeah it’s going to be like an obst kind of like an obstacle yeah it’s going to be full of obstacles it’s going to be cool I think

It’ll be cool I haven’t got it like designed or anything but like I’ve got an idea of what I want uh that’s five right yeah I’ve got an idea of what I want and I think I can pull it off it’s out of my comfort zone but I think I can pull it

Off that’s what I’ve been trying to do is do a lot of things that I that I’ve never done before on this server and uh so far so good and I have a uh there’s a there’s a skeleton spawner uh basically right underneath where I want to be building

That uh that bow PVP thing which is ideal cuz then I I want to be able to make it so I can toggle like a a PVE as well which would be cool I think so that instead of fighting each other you can fight the mobs which you

Know wouldn’t wouldn’t be too ult but it’ be a bit of fun it’ll be worth doing I think I think everyone would enjoy that you know some people would I would so we’ll see all right oops uh or like use a skeleton to your advantage yeah it could be just it could be

Incorporated in like the mini game basically yeah I’ll find I just want to find a way to incorporate the fact that there’s a spawner right under where I wanted to do a PVP thing anyway a a bow PVP thing anyway is like it’s just too

Good not to not to utilize you know so yeah that’s what I’m going to do two three four five six so right here hey which one’s this one this one’s catchy Strat this one’s cool this one’s catchy cool oh my pickaxe broke breaking a torch and it’s night time again who’

Have guessed who’ have guessed it oh my Wood’s on fire what the freak why is my wood on fire no my wool’s on fire no no stop stop criminal stop it stop stop stop no no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no no why is that happening is it the is it the Flames underneath stop no please is it the Flames underneath I think it could be the Flames underneath they’re too close it’s too much stop stop it’s making the fire it’s making

The wood up the top burn stop stop stop stop ah stop no stop fire fire please no damn it okay okay it burned out God damn it I think it was because of uh I think it was because of the ones below cuz these ones aren’t causing an

Issue it’s the ones below okay noted that was a close call God damn okay I need three more wool I think that’s all we lost okay damn it that was was annoying all right we may have to scrap this one uh actually this one seems to

Be okay we may have to scrap these ones though that was almost disastrous yeah that was almost that was almost catastrophic that would have been that would have been depresso espresso for sure if the if the if the wool had have caught fire imagine that all of this going up

In Flames I would have I would have been sad would have been quite unhappy do I have any more okay I do have some red wool uh let’s get rid of I’m paranoid now I’m hearing the Flames I’m paranoid uh okay I do have some glow

Stone so we could use glow stone on the bottom layers I guess that’s fine uh I need pickaxe that’s what I need there is there grab three that’s fine put these away all right let’s continue that was yeah that was almost disastrous that could have been could have been real

Bad crer um a crit tricker sorry I have spent my time making a redstone computer in beta please help me mentally recover yeah that’s that’s a big effort what what what uh what does the computer do what’s the computer for because goddamn building Redstone computers in beter is a big

Effort where did that okay that’s where the wool got burnt I don’t think there was any other wool casualties nice okay uh I think I think here we can have them on the walls like the same ones as before but I don’t think we can have them on like the extended wall

That makes sense it’s a programmable computer it makes make it do whatever you want nice that’s cool just in a single player world how long you’ve been working on it and I have I have so many questions are you going to Showcase it tell me everything tell me all of it all

Right okay this one can go these can go it’s not worth Burning Down the place okay uh it’s on a multiplayer World um I’ll probably upload a video or something when I finish all righty dope well I I can’t wait to see it then is it a uh is it just like a

Private multiplayer world or is it a uh like a public server of some kind okay I think that’s all of them right all the ones I did okay all right let’s figure out how we can add some glow stone I suppose we could just still have this

But just have the glow stone in it uh I don’t know if I have enough glow stone for that though uh I need three 6 9 12 15 16 uh 15 18 21 24 27 30 oh my God I actually might have the perfect amount okay I probably

Should have got rid of that then cuz God damn it uh you can replace the floors with wooden slabs I could do that but the problem is the wool like I think the wooden slabs can’t they still catch fire look honestly that’s going to be way too much

Effort I’m I’m happy just to use the glow stone honestly uh maybe I’ll do that down the line but like yeah for right now I don’t think I feel I don’t think I feel like I want to I want to replace these with the with wooden slabs that would that would solve

My problem so you’re right one two three four five six I Pro I shouldn’t have covered these up I I could have I could have just utilized them that was dumb that was a rash and dumb decision it’s fine uh I did it again I did it

Again all right that’s fine I think that’s fine all right um one two three four five six there what the heck is this song Oh this is not this is not a Minecraft song I want to do I have I don’t know if I have a playlist of the any of the new

Stuff that’s all right all right ah that was dumb that I removed all those it’s fine it’s fine wait this is not in the right place 1 2 3 4 5 six oh this is not in the right place at all there’s one block too far would have been a a huge mistake

That would have been so costly would have cost everything let me just double check uh one two three four five no I was wrong oh my God is something wrong with me am I okay am I okay I think something’s wrong with me uh can you play blocks that’s my

Favorite music disc yeah I can play that uh let me just go in here where is blocks that’s from this album right it’s down the bottom somewhere there it is add to Q blocks is pretty good I like I like blocks nice okay that looks good let me

Just make one two three four five wait one two three four five one two three four five oh my I was right the can I can I oh my God I’m so stupid and I lost I lost a glow stone for it I deserve that I deserve

That the fact that I screwed it up twice am I okay what’s happening let me just make 100% sure this is correct right so that’s five between yeah okay one two three four five okay one two three four five all right this is correct by God okay let’s make a little Bridge

Beating the washed up allegations freak I was looking at chat while I was doing that and then I fell a big failure failure what all right um one two three four five six on the six I think I maned one block too far nope I didn’t

Perfect oh my God this is bullying just cooperate ah there you go blocks is playing how good this is a good one I like this one one two three four five six that’s five good all right fixing everything up that was a rash decision to get rid of

These I better have counted correctly in terms of like how much glow stone I need too cuz oh wait I had to break one am I going to be one short now that’s going to be so sad bro gas almost blew blew me up in the makeshift mushroom farm lall

Sad you have a mushroom farm in the nether one two three four five six okay one two three four five six oh no don’t tell me one oh Jesus how is this wrong again is this seriously wrong again surely not is this wrong somehow whatever we’ll figure it out that’s two

Blocks is this two blocks there’s two blocks wait what I’m confused okay I think it’s CU be shorter one one two three four five six okay and then that’s oh that’s five okay which is correct oh my goodness all right okay this side is done very

Good I think that’s one more side to go basically almost there almost there okay so if we go one two three four five six here let’s get this going break this down oh sounds like my brother’s home all right one moment stream give me a moment just going to chat with my

Brother real quick uh do I have a I don’t even think I have a be back soon I don’t have I have a I have a I have technical difficulties screens it’s fine if he comes in I’ll I’ll I’ll pause the Stream all right one moment stream I’ll be back in a moment

All right I’m back sorry if that panicked you by the way my bad probably should have thought better I’m back um bro gas blew me up in my makeshift mushroom farm wall it’s been one 10,000 blocks since I built a portal to the Overworld to reset my spawn and I almost died

Bruh Bruh that is scary losing 10,000 blocks of of progress no thank you I would uh I would be upset by that glad you didn’t die though glad you didn’t die I’ll say thanks for sticking around one two three four five six you guys can’t see probably so let me turn that

Up all right all right only a few more of these left to BU build and I am I’m going to be one oh I’m going to be one glowstone short oh no this this is all gone wait huh did this burn or is this I never finished

This oh no I was going to be a couple glowstone short it looks like I’m done with that right over there yeah okay uh one two three four five six all right seems like I’m going to have to make a quick trip into The Nether to get some more glow stone

S what the heck is going out there must have just turned day all the zombies are dying okay one two three four five six all right let’s get this Netherrack in we’re almost there two more to build two more to go excuse me all right uh Bri skills

Okay uh one two three four five six I would have been I would have been three glowstone short and now I’m four glowstone short cuz my earlier blunder what a pain oh well let’s get rid of this get this Netherrack in ah uh honestly I’m just going to put

Torches in here for now I know it looks stupid but that’s what we’re going to do and then I’ll come back and I’ll uh I’ll add the glow stone later uh let’s go so one two three I can’t even see that oh my God one

Two one two three four five six so like here let me just make sure this is correct and mess it up five perfect oh skip all right I want them in here at the right spot do you ever play Modern um I haven’t played Modern for quite a while

Uh last time I played modern was with my friends on a realm server um I don’t mind playing Modern but I prefer to play beta um yeah are you going to put glow stone where the Torches are yeah I just ran out of glow stone TR just ran out of

Glow stone I only have two left so I’ll uh I’ll put glow stone there eventually cuz this bottom level is uh so these ones have glow stone um but then a lot of the rest of them have have fire in them so yeah but I can’t put

Fire in the bottom ones cuz it’s it almost it almost set this whole place on fire which would have been lame why are you feeling it behind I don’t know okay I’ve been going for ages I was doing it with the fire and I forgot about the fact that I wouldn’t

Need to fill it behind if I had glowstone all right don’t bully me I didn’t think about it I was just doing but but this is done all right this is this is done apart from the glow little glowstone patches that aren’t done this is done which is great this is

So satisfying to be to be done this took ages oh my God this took way longer than I ever thought it would God damn God damn now the last thing we need to do is get a whole bunch of snow which is going to take so long as as well but uh I

Won’t be doing that in this stream I can say I can be happy with how how done this is though all that needs left is the snow and then once the snow is in bada bing bada boom the game is ready to be played all right let’s put all this away

Don’t need this just go just get out of my inventory just get out get all righty all righty I’m going to end the stream but I really appreciate you guys who stuck around and uh and watched really appreciate it um yeah thanks for watching Trent I will end you all righty catch you


This video, titled ‘Minecraft Beta: Mini-game touch-ups (Back to Beta)’, was uploaded by BoxBlair on 2024-01-11 12:59:09. It has garnered 248 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:43:40 or 13420 seconds.

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    Transforming into a Red Wolf in Minecraft The Red Lang Transfur in Minecraft 300 days after the last animation, a new chapter unfolds in the world of Minecraft. Mr. White, alongside his wife Pink Justice, ventures into the unforgiving environment of the ocular forest on planet Melosator. Their goal? To establish a company producing scarlet drugs and flake, pushing the boundaries of innovation. A New Frontier As they navigate the challenges of the forest, Mr. White realizes the harsh reality of their endeavor. To adapt, they downscale their operations and secure jobs as regional managers for White Walnut and Pink Justice, a local corporation. The Birth… Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

    Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, A motor gang movie, a tale to be told. With Kare Kafa leading the way, Entertaining us all, every single day. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t be late, For Minecraft adventures, we can’t wait. Support is key, so don’t hesitate, Join the fun, let’s celebrate. Kare Kafa, the master of Minecraft lore, Bringing us joy, always wanting more. In Turkish, he shines bright, Entertaining us all, day and night. Let the game begin, the fun never ends, With Minecraft facts, and rhymes that blend. Kare Kafa, our favorite guide, In… Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • Minecraft Lofi Study Mix: Chill for an Hour

    Minecraft Lofi Study Mix: Chill for an Hour Welcome, dear listener, to our Minecraft lofi mix, Where beats and melodies will give your mind a fix. Relax and unwind with tunes that soothe the soul, Let the music take you to a place where you feel whole. In this hour-long session, let your worries fade away, As the sounds of Minecraft lofi keep the stress at bay. Close your eyes, take a breath, and let the music flow, In this peaceful moment, let your mind just glow. So subscribe, like, and share if you feel the vibe, Let’s spread the joy of lofi, let’s keep the energy… Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More