INSANE Sun Breathing Demon Slayer Joins! | Minecraft Mod EP.4

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Hello everybody ginger shadow here and welcome and welcome back to some more why why so why is so hostile you are literally called demon this is demon slayer i don’t know what you were expecting so hostile my friend don’t know what you were expecting but anyway i’m back for my fourth episode you’ll

Never guess who was in the comment section looking to get his ign put into the server even though it already was the year it was because it’s always left in pretty much unless i accidentally delete it which i don’t think ever happens i’ve deleted like zarl’s off before by accident but never yours

Nice nice it literally if i’m cleaning the waitlist off i always try and keep my own name in there i pretty much just rattle through and sometimes just by accident highlight other people’s ones that aren’t really golf but yeah anyway you’re already in but then you i guess you saw

What was happening you decided you wanted to come record this yeah i’m demonstrating oh hang on hang on minecraft’s giving me a tutorial and it’s telling me to uh break a tree give me a second good luck with that dude it’s a bit hit nighttime you might want to move it and

Groove it really quickly i like to move it move it dude i would start getting stuff like right now like i’d start getting yourself a stone sword you’re gonna have to fight at this point because they’re gonna be in danger because i probably can’t protect you especially as one of the

Stronger demons shows up but should we just quickly go over there why can’t you protect me you know demon slayer right like you you know the stuff for it yeah yeah because this mod obviously get like probably should point this people on your side this mod has got lots of let’s get all

The stuff in it it’s got manga stuff in it it’s got spoilers if you don’t want to get spoiled and demonstrates later stuff beyond season one you probably don’t want to be watching this series yeah you don’t care if it’s spoilers well you’re about to see some awesome

Stuff because this mod is incredible but um demon i see a demon oh one of my brothers get your swords and get him go for it i have a i have a wood sword he’s actually not one of the more powerful ones you can actually probably take him

Just don’t get hit by him it’s the horn it’s don’t get hit by him yeah it’s okay there’s a basic one as well there we go i’ll take this one oh man he has a lot of help i know the basic one does this look at 26.

Yeah but he does like too hard to damage everything be careful by the way the love pillars over there oh no demon now i know it killed me i i died i’m not gonna no no oh the love pillar killed it for you that count actually did that count

No i got what the hell yeah if it even dies within your vicinity it seems to count oh so i i guess well i don’t have a character but no uh what you do is you right click it and you click transfer it will transfer

All the stuff over to you or you just drag it over yeah i got all my stuff i just want to break the body it doesn’t break it just despawns after a set period of time oh wait did you get some stuff for that demon you just become a demon slayer

There you go yeah so basically there’s several ways to do this you can make your own sword or the first mission is not the first mission but the first thing you might do kill a demon you kill a demon you’ll get demon slur stuff are now you’re starting to uh equipped to

Wherever it’s elementary you just got black swords yep oh my god do you know what breathing that is hmm what breathing that is demon nope i don’t appreciate that’s a pretty good one hold on i need to go get your spear sword to make another one of those

Um i’ll be right back you wait here [Laughter] wait right there dude i’ll be right back you are absolutely a fool you just wait right there i’ll be right back with some spare swords for you to make copies of that sword where’s your circle then what’s what is it exactly

It is nichiren which one though no it’s literally it bro like like it’s the pure black one isn’t it yes for black yeah yeah and like it will have a little bit in it in the brackets saying this is black yeah that’s the important bit uh yeah that’s a really good sword

Heck yeah brother could you remember what the black sword does you could try the things out actually i should probably uh you know do you know the buttons you have a set for it where are you doing i should have the button set let me see oh hello creeper that’s another player

Oh it’s a d it’s a demonic player hold on all right demon take this sword and i’ll trade you a thundersword for it i have a thunderstorm you give me that one i’ll give you the thunderblading sword come on i’ll do your trades okay you’re hey surely you want thunder breathing right

I want both of them fair enough look at this guy look at this guy look look at this guy oh my god wow hold on yeah okay son until we uh i think it has to work oh i have to hit you once no okay can’t you breathing on our players

Kino kami kagada we can’t change that uh yeah it’s this fire it’s the sun breathing that’s what it was i i actually forgot to be honest in my head oh god demon got sun i’ll point out by the way oh he’s having fun uh i’d like to point out by the way

Every time you die it resets what your sword will become so if you die you don’t get the black sword anymore you’ll get a different sword you basically died twice there every row they just gave you one of the best swords nice nice and now i’ve got one as well congratulations i actually

Would have gotten it eventually it’s just i don’t really like dying so i tend to avoid it okay wait did you get a crow yeah where is it this edgy oh it must be invisible for me then i can’t see it it must just be unique to you damian you got the wall

Climbing your way back up here yeah fell down a hole yeah i know it’s the wind still offerman spawn near jinji space i’m not surprised uh do you even know how to wall climb up there oh he’s doing it ah here we go you’ve learned breathing by the way so

Now you should have some extra bonuses like if you open up your menu it should show you bossy routines yep health boost resistance and strength too okay so that’s the most basic level as you kill demons and fight things you will get stronger like for example i’m at resistance to

Helpers to in strength five oh so i’m just stronger uh also it’s all the chat stuff in japanese yes whenever you use a move does it tell you what the move is in japanese well not yeah it tells me okay no so it’s like that’s what did it tell you to move

The name of it yeah right spirit okay right that’s all in english that’s fair just making sure that was a unique player to like you i was making sure you have to set a game rule yourselves there okay uh since we’re here i might as well head to

The next the safest place for the night what the hell is that i don’t even know what that was i don’t know what that was i mean sebastian’s nearby oh there we go there’s a demon demon go on you can get revenge now and what first it is demon

What’s a fancy move i don’t know what any of these moves are by the way i generally don’t remember the sun breeding very well beijing sun oh my god burning bones summer son i can’t use it yet hold on that’ll do that then okay you can just

Die uh dude head straight this way apollo are you going for the thunder breathing are you i just wanted to use it i thought you would have jumped on the um see one oh look how quick oh my god look how quick they’re going also there’s a dead player’s body here

Wow he’s just a regular steve yeah y’all can die it’s probably handy we don’t kill each other with this stuff oh yeah we would have i would have done like there is a game where you can set it still there’s pvp enabled so i guess you could say that if you

Really do want to do it but yeah okay if you head over here you mean there’s a nice little safe house for children nice and the crow will tell you where to go to start your missions and stuff but for now you’re gonna want to head in

Head here here and get some food please who broke oh my god people broke the fences the box is effective why why would you what there’s a door there’s a front door to this place oh oh demon clear come here come over here look at that look at that look at that

What is that oh it’s a vase bro yeah what are the bases meaning demon slayer it means bad things it does if you right click it the bad thing will happen almost yeah i’m not i’m not i’m not going to do that i was wondering if you would do it or not there

Okay no demon that’s not the door don’t go through there that’s just like a random safe house you can kind of go to but this one’s actually a more important one tell me if you can figure out whose place this is oh yeah here we go the front door oh

There’s a d oh it’s a demon demon there you go you came here i’m actually i’m actually almost dead so now i’m good there man i killed it actually you killed it with my style uh yeah see if you can guess which houses oh in here in here

No not in here this is not the one with the foot in it nevermind does that room with food in it i know that for a fact because people did not manage to clear out it’s not this one either careful demon do you think i left block destruction off

Oh is that up there no i think that’s in our storage cupboard yeah it’s nice stories covered uh why do these things okay i think this is meant to be open this is my little this it’s a courtyard for trading in i think you smell a little less oh here it is

You found the food room cuz i need food yeah over here i got people looking there’s like beds in the place they’ve moved doors i’ve got these people alive yes there’s tons of food in this place it’s obviously it’s not good nice so there’s that there’s also the fuji

Flowers which are the flowers that the demons don’t like but they’re working progress they don’t seem i don’t think they do anything right now sorry i tried putting something i didn’t do anything now i need a furnace uh yeah those that knows the blast furnace actually there we go someone’s laughing

Fit in the smoker hell yeah i appreciate it bro oh gods good to heal myself up because you know almost died demon do i make a spare spare oh no no no no don’t change do i make a spear spare black sword do you have i’ll throw you this one

Extra what i’ve got we could just put it in an interchange or something to store it it’s just since you’ve got the ability to dye it black it’s a pretty good ability to have so yeah just keep giving me keep feeding my swords i’ll make them all black don’t worry i got you

We just don’t want to lose the the type of breathing technique if we decide to end up dying well have you have you changed the start over where’s the energy at what time uh there might actually be one this house somewhere i don’t know i’ve not found what there’s are you playing

You’re gonna start in your chest then i see i see how it is okay i don’t know if this house has gotten interchanged i haven’t specifically found one oh my god they literally emptied all the beds and stuff out what maniacs what maniacs raided this place like what the hell

Oh fun man goku dude if you watch the demon slayer movie yet i don’t watch the movie no i mean you know you don’t hear mango kids all right the fire pillar yeah he’s here he’s just chilling don’t worry guys the fire pillar and the sun trailer are two different

Things i know different breathing styles yeah different breathing styles and he gets very offended todd you know’s got fire which is apparently a branch of the sun which is when obviously just using sun breathing from the get-go and like they were just calling it fire breath

But it wasn’t yeah i think all the techniques were just sudden weren’t they something to change the techniques later i think you just learned that i don’t even know how you learn them you just you just realize that hey maybe this is actually sun radiance oh it’s so good

Well what’s up offend them open the main hole fake rainbow you say oh it’s beautiful oh i like this sword i don’t know if i like it more than my miss swords oh i like this sword you don’t even you don’t even like it more than the sword you already have go ahead

Down it’s my original sword go ahead put my sword down my original sword is the black one it is yeah you’re using that thunder what i gave you yeah because why why should i waste the durability on my original sword and i can use this one you can probably get the durability back

I don’t know how you get triple it back there’s probably a way yeah can you guess what this place is then oh my god hey baby we i don’t even know how the [ __ ] workings of this game work right i choose this piece and i get smacked in the face

This is stupid bro training’s trading it works i don’t even know how it worked to be honest it’s [ __ ] it worked it messed them up to the next level actually i think that you’re that stuff was just getting them back in like regular fighting shape it’s all the

Extra stuff they did beyond that like learning constant breathing and that they kind of kicked them out to the next level also do come outside a second i’ve just i found an amazing thing i’m sure you’ll enjoy there should be a little back door in that room

Where are you oh there you are right come around here there’s so many good models and bits in this game you have to come around here look at that look at it look at it oh yeah by the way touch the pot well yeah it’s daytime yeah they can’t

It can’t come out during the day so you kill all the pots really quick hey how’s ya i don’t know who you are uh you’ve also got regular demon slurs right here if you kill them you could technically get their clothing and swords as extras so they did that you just basically hit

Them once then use your breathing headaches on them how do you think water breathing some of them could fade back pretty well though that one can’t that one’s not that one’s just a basic one he won’t use any breathing techniques yeah i fight i’m doing you hitting one

So you can use your breathing on them there you go oh whoa oh yeah that’s one of the crash issues there’s a model that appears that just it causes a crash i don’t know what it is i assume since we got stack overflow where an area happened i don’t know what it is

That’s causing this but it’s really annoying whatever it is okay well we better cut really quick and i’ll get the server back up and we’re back yeah i don’t know what it’s causing the crash but it keeps occurring but even if you right click your crow you should be able to get coordinates

From it and i have a vase in my hand you do it doesn’t do anything i just be careful that i keep it with you because if you leave it in like wherever you live you know what could happen come at that part you already know it’s not it’s nothing good

It’s gonna be strong and annoyingly strong at that all right then right click or crow it should give you coordinates that’ll give you a thing for your frost mission because there are missions there’s like a story in this is that your crow that might not have your girl is it

That’s your crow where’s your crow i don’t know i thought i had a crow i might not have a crow actually what yeah no way yeah it’s definitely my crow cause it’s time to go some mountain i don’t want to go to yet what other way go into advancements demon

Then go into krill okay the last one looks like a snowball let me see let me see let me see the first one should be lit up it’s called krill start the story like you should have our crow also because it’s raining demons can never like appear so i’d be careful

Oh wanna try to click in that pot now still up too hey oh boy the hell is this all right now it’s a snack you need it go on do it if you’re hungry have a nibble i’m definitely i’m eating my regular food oh i can’t call you a cannibal then okay

This is weird why have you not gotten a thing because you’ve already you’ve killed a demon at this point you got given the swords and stuff you’re supposed to get your crow at the same time interesting where’s micro gun macros are just wonders right there is yeah micro is there

Like crows they can’t die like uh maybe okay let’s go i’m going to teleport back to spawn let’s go back to spawn and see if your crow is hanging out over there we can always teleport back over here we want chapter okay let’s see if we can find your crow really quick

Hang on one second i originally thought your crowd just went like invisible or something so i couldn’t see it but now apparently you were looking at micro the entire time yeah exactly but it was your one like yeah you’ve not like teleport and crow still fall don’t be a crow can’t follow you

Is if you go on a boat and cross over uh they’re not very good at following that because they need like line to teleport too much like a villager like from a main car comes live is they’re not here i’m gonna be honest i have no idea how

You start the story if you don’t have a crow see it there must be a way maybe he could befriend a crow how do you befriend pirates in this again you remember nope i guess we’ll figure it out later then you want to go to the mountain anyway we

Can just kind of judge it from there it’ll take you to where the first mountain is maybe it’ll start the story that way for you want me to go to the the mountain with you i mean as well heads there it’s all right so that means we have to

Go to coordinates minus a minus two a thousand three hundred or two thousand four hundred so oh demon wait what do you mean right behind us that’s not surprising given it is um you know knight not nate oh it’s the horned one i thought very strong okay we need to head west

On north yeah we dead northwest okay horn demon back away sir you want to kill him and see if it there we go just let you do it then oh wow it’s a demonic goldfish lol he did not take that hit very well i killed my 40th demon with that

Sadly did not count when i killed you do you feel like it should have but it did not count why why should it have counted because you’re demon yeah okay how how do you befriend crows like let me give it i can’t remember like does it

Is it seems to give to pirates to befriend them that that sounds right i remember there used to be a thing we give them cookies but like that was like really bad and like actually killed pirates then people were feeding their parrots like cookies that was killing them

Irl no see if you could befriend this one yeah it’s here is this one here that the one behind me is my one this one here in front of me give it some scenes see if that works right clickers i don’t know like because there’s no way this spawn they they

Can’t do anything you must be able to befriend them somehow oh okay maybe it is seeds you just need okay get lost i’ve got amount of seeds all the seeds why i don’t know why like i think everyone gets their pro it’s a weird one maybe i guess maybe

It’s because you never technically killed the demon like someone else did probably but then i’ve been killing demons afterwards though yeah you’d think that would make it count i mean other people have definitely gotten swords because like they’ve just killed our demons just died nearby that’s how i

Knew that trick worked i was here here’s 17 seeds if the crow requires more maintenance than that it’s probably not worth it because you’re clearly picking up a very thought that’s my one there you go go on demon go on ha ha at negative four five eight negative two three seven seven

Okay that’s the same mountain as me it’s just slightly different coordinates so we continue northeast then right you’ve got your crow it will now follow you forever try not to lose this one oh then we found a mountain oh dear we found a mountain demon i found a dead body hello

Who is it uh it is verse whitey they had some woods and some dirt on them oh this is important uh this or here is muzin’s blood it’s a consumable obviously well obviously you know what that does no i’m get you i was wondering if you’d either ah i was curious

You’re a fool i just got this nice sword why would i use this i’m pretty sure you can still use the swords even if you become a demon though this is the case in sunlight we definitely have two different series if i became a demon right now

I i’m just saying like because of a complex view you can’t go during the day so i don’t know how that’ll work for you but i’m just saying it’s possible i don’t think you lose your breathing techniques because so long as you’ve got the sword you can use the breathing techniques

That’s how it works also this isn’t the correct mountain this is another mountain uh this mountain tends to have lots of scary things on it like lower moon 2 so our loreman 5 loreman 5. oh aka we are you is it right spider really oh god it is as well

I’m going to get my sun i’m going to get my mist breathing sort out for this okay yeah they’re demon drumming around here uh best be careful why it’s getting so dark also go reach it’s interesting oh my god oh demon come this way come this way what’s up

I see a structure see a big structure careful is one to our left oh it’s a skeleton nevermind oh god spiders careful why is it going so dark all of a sudden because we’re in the we’re in the scary mountains let’s make sure you’re doing a

Good dark oh there’s all the demons here that’s fine nice nice oh it’s not a healy hot place i like how it just cut its way out in this mountain demon why are those down there oh i don’t know those are oh those are from mousey’s mobs oh oh yeah they are

Well they could go down and greet them we could get their masks off them which would be beneficial but you’ve got nowhere getting down with it dying maybe i’m going to try to try a trick six move aha by using my breathing techniques to lower my folds and uh okay all right lads

I didn’t enjoy that did you give me a mass oh damn that’s unfortunate okay this bat is just spawned in a savannah by him then that’s neat oh is that the other mountains oh it is oh that’s that’s the second event you want to go visit okay let’s i’m gonna quickly scan the

Grounds and make sure there’s not any more of them okay since i can like look around it really quick there’s just some spiders here that’s no help god i wish i dip strider that’s all water i don’t want to go that way okay well it’s good to know this is here

What if this one’s been lifted looks like it that’s it dave locks look at a place i mean there’s water everywhere i know that just happens when it cuts this way at the land though like oh i’m remaining like have doors been removed yeah yeah yeah okay this place is delicious uh people

Rather than like opening closing the doors like you know you’re meant to uh they’re just start breaking the doors down i mean it’s logical but i don’t i don’t agree with it okay where where have you gone off to there we go all right hold on uh

Checking okay some ends not very big so we have to stick around there anymore so i guess we’ll head to oh behind us there’ll be a demon why are you coming for me ain’t weird missed i do like my missed breathing it’s very handy okay let’s we

Need to get up in this room i think god damn it oh look at my bar just showing off just sitting on the fence i generally cannot get up here oh there you go all right and then then then ah fake all right i mean i was gonna try

And get up on the roof from there i want to open the rift and make the crow transfer the curls over oh yeah breathing oh that’s the wrong one i need to use my sixth form luna dispersing miss ha ha i love the fight i’ve got a one that makes me jump

Do you have any techniques to make you jump it doesn’t look like it i don’t think the lightning one does oh wait are you only using the one technique yeah oh dear if you click r it switches between all your techniques i know that yeah i switched that button though okay so we

Use whatever the button is it’s not there’s no different techniques at least i feel like there’s only one no there’s like six for lightning and like let me switch that for the sun i mean i love the fact it was called black before it’s now called sun next is that mountain there

This is another very important mountain oh shins there are things i want to kill now all right land just swim to that then [Laughter] for them i use wall climbing ah this is the moment where you get all the sun mill oh [ __ ] i was too high

Well done at least my attack is fall damage okay someone else has already been here but yeah again this is the mountain that basically lets you main sonore and you can make your own swords from here it’d be worth marking the mountain because you kind of need to come here if

You want to get the arts the only place that spawns it and top of that is one of the only places it’s like safe from demons demons do not spawn on this mound at least as far as i’ve ever seen i’ve never seen one spawn in this mountain

You said so it’s just this mountain yeah this is the mountain where you’ll get like uh the sun mill market as well since i already know where one is but i’ll mark this one too there we go roy uh but uh technically we still need to keep heading north

West if we keep paying for the main mountain we’re going for i think there’d be demons down there the men what you doing all i know is the first form stupid i mean the first one technically this is not great ah like compared to the heaven is in the anime we’re

Like he’s really really good yeah okay he just he just won shots with it and okay it’s not so much the damage got counts at the very end so like if you don’t yeah like if you don’t hit with it it’s just not gonna do you’re just gonna miss basically a lot

Right even come on down if you use your lightning’s head you get the last second you can force yourself to go a direction what are you doing up there oh no not again it’s like every 60 minutes this is happening everyone’s calling crazy annoying and we’re back

Why am i not recovering my extra hearts what is happening all right now but i don’t like it oh dear dude how much health does it say i’m on 32. like does it seem at 32 out of 32. yeah okay first please stop saying that for me it’s saying my hearts are down

No uh we need to okay we need we can’t cross the ocean if we cross the ocean we’ll lose our crows that’s annoying so i’m like running around yeah we need to go north and like west you like anything whoa oh this is important yeah if you want to create another cloak oh

Over the top of your demon slayer outfit like tangerines or gokus or the bug women or pretty much any outfit ah yeah most of it’s made out of wool like basically it takes your demonstrator armor it just it adds that on top it’s just it’s a tiny bit stronger defensively

But yeah this is well worth doing if you want to i was like outfit since we’re on a mountain filled with sheep right now i may as well quickly grab some no creeper ow nice noise does the same one of those goblin things there’s a love one attack car she’s lovely i know

See i did they’re doing she’s a love pillar she’s lovely yeah yeah you’re great you’re so you’re so amazing so oh i do like her sword our sword is a very fun one because it’s like basically a whip it’s a whip pretty much is like it’s a bendy sword

And her entire gimmick’s just crazy this will be fun demon ah all right as you can see i don’t know i guess this will cause more lag having it so i’m going to abandon it eh do you want his head demon yeah sure it didn’t drop it did drop me though so that’s

Something nice oh i do like this six technique it is very handy that’s the way what bird raise me birds there’s my bird no that’s your bird where’s my birds there no birds haha wait excuse me different coordinates now eight nine nine okay okay it’s still

Roughly the same as where we’re going so i guess it’s it must be a close by mountain your mind is negative eight six nine yeah negative two two eight two okay it’s right it’s roughly the same as where we were before it’s like an extra 400 blocks to the way

What’d you find a very very strong boy why have you run that way get away from the strong boy what the hell is he using who is that wait someone stepped in to help you who is it it’s camellia oh it’s the missed pillar yeah i won who were you fighting me i

Generally didn’t see who it was i dropped some business blood junk look who else to drop there thanks for the help haha oh he dropped his hands maybe yep what is this who is this demon like you know technically i could now use a demon art then oh god oh

God what the hell is that there’s ringo [Laughter] yeah if you want to be safe though just hang a bit with the pillars and like they’ll fight the demons for you so long as none of the operands show up you’re pretty much safe also doing do you want this hand in i

Mean technically neither of us kills him so okay sure give it to you if you want you might as well have i don’t think it’s a very good one i actually have no idea whose hand that is and what it does i’m just assuming it’s not great it’s coming at hand

Who is that i generally can’t remember i don’t remember either huzzah i’ll still find the demon who are you it’s the temple demon i know it’s dead i’m going to continue heading north and west you got you just need to hit those corners luckily it looks like we can avoid the oceans

That’s handy that’s a llama Coming up we’re about to hit daytime we’re going to be safe for a bit demon don’t gotta deal with nothing thank goodness cause uh these these guys are scary it depends what one you’re fighting with like the lower the basic demons aren’t too big a deal once you’ve got a sword

Or any breathing art but yeah if you find like a stronger one like in my first episode i bumped into the guy the moving demon like the one that basically sends the arrows out yeah the story movement i bumped into him and he eated me to the moon

So like yeah that didn’t go too well for me but it’s at that point i clicked in my brain that i could probably use my sixth breathing technique in order to stop the fall that like stop falling because that’s what tanjo did he used his was it waterfall drop technique thing

Yeah didn’t get the fall damage for himself mostly yeah so i thought yeah i can do the same i never got to put into practice because he murdered me then either in the first or in the second episode i forget which one i bumped into upperman two aka the

Second strongest of the moons and you can probably guess how that went pretty well i literally jumped off a mountain to escape him he followed me down it and just attacked me from a distance and murdered me so it was a great old time Yeah but didn’t offer him in one last episode he just in that i bumped it up from one and two actually the second one hung it he started launching attacks in my house my house didn’t have a roof on it yet so you sort of kill me i’ll phone taller players

Demon tp to me hang on if you tp your crow will move with you that’s fighting a demon i’m not catching on well there we go demon hello i found more players in the flock shadow i think there was a second one here i don’t know who it was though oh

Sebastian smashes away oh there’s a big mansion nearby hold on go to the east demon there’s a big old house over there whose house is that i don’t know i want to go look though i’m guessing this is where the two of them are staying die give me your masks seriously [ __ ] whoa

Stupid goblin things i don’t know what they are is that oh it’s the masters it’s the meeting it’s with the hatch for me yeah can i hide their friends oh look it’s the thingy guy so the big boss guy is supposed to be sitting but like his chair’s been cut off by the

Masters mansion excellent loving it well here these two jokers are then hey dude i actually found one of these fuller wait there’s a much more horrible spot it’s actually quite a nice one nice now in the open ah this place has a bit foreign oh really yeah if you can find the room

That they’re in uh you can store any extra stuff you want to store definitely want to store an extra thought uh preferably look for um look for the kitchen ah here we are demon here uh-huh and can store away your extra side oh my god he’s got ice abilities he’s a demon

He’s a demon with ice powers do you really eat blood again oh yeah but being a demons are temporary if you die you do instantly turn back and be human oh my god they’ve got anvils i just wanted to do things well we’ve done all the things we need to do

And stop using that in the house it’s very rude it’s very reduce your breathing techniques while in the house shadow and sebastian they put these signs up for themselves at their front door yeah this is probably a good birthday night this is actually quite a nice place to live

I would say hey what map matt what are you oh my god well why is it the map seems to have just forgotten a chunk of where we were there i don’t know why that’s weird also we used to buy a big house apparently is that this house oh those are our

Masters mansion literally just south of here we just we completely missed it nice neat right well anyway if you want to continue heading to that mountain then northwoods that’s what it is dude there’s an iron demon there’s narrow one there’s another one near here that’s enough for everybody this freight

This is actually our master’s mansion what is this house oh my god it bloody is as well i mean this one’s a bit more flooded it’s generally just another one just right next to where the little one is nice nice nice oh my god yeah if people

Wanted to live in here they probably could oh my god the attic in this place is incredible the what the attic i fell to the earth it’s huge in the attack is amazing yeah this is tons of space can live in here so easily okay i need

To figure out how to get out there without it i have to break something aren’t i what i i want to be free i’m at right right oh it’s spawned itself in a river that makes sense yeah hey what do you mean it makes sense nothing about this makeup as to why it’s

Flooded yeah yeah that’s true it seems they’re based regular blogs it doesn’t seem to get rid of water that’s unfortunate let’s see i love the fact we’re really trekking over this map looking for your first mountain mission thing i actually have one mark i could just tp there from the get-go

But i thought now we’re going to be adventure you know have you checked out this place by yourself oh wait or that one here we are i was way closer to what the thing was telling us look at 600 blocks closer this man’s going to be huge then

Oh you can oh yeah it changes all the lighting to all those demon pots everywhere oh bloody hell that’s not good okay well on this man this is where the what the former water pillar lives so we can actually find his house if we can i forget locking it spawns in

Oh nice you should have got an achievement there saying you did the thing yeah mission one also is that is that is that the is that the train or bloodies as well demon i found the train from the movie it’s over here yeah probably the thing with yeah there’s an

Entire biome called moog and train and yeah the train normally spawns in it so yeah there’s the train down there oh zuni You’re talking about yeah the other uh that’s not the snake what is he he’s another pillar oh the snake pillar he’s not it’s not the snake pillar it’s the uh the white-haired one oh the wind pillar yeah i don’t remember any of their names like i i just remember his face man that’s

I was like i know he i know who he is yeah i i don’t remember any of the names of like the pillows and stuff like that i just i generally forget all of them so there’s that why why was the thing like okay yeah i’ve never restricted all

This mode it does not seem to have the masters hotness that’s a shame but okay that’s weird why did it try to send this time out to this father away you because i just went to this one surely you think sending this to this might be the logical thing all right

Hold on a thing here what is this it’s just not it i’m about to say it was cloaked away but actually because i had to spawn in it didn’t show up on my map that’s how it works anything in it oh someone lives here well do you mean

There’s free stuff there if you want it yeah some flame swords if you want flames i know i do so i’ll take one dude i mean you’re just all for yourself up to get attacked later i’m taking one of slave swords though because i don’t have one of those yet

Neither do i i’m taking two flame swords because why not you’re evil uh there’s something online here also oh yeah there’s an outfit there actually answer that’s his head we’ll not worry about that bit yeah there’s a uniform there that would upgrade over your current outfit demon demon sebastian’s here i don’t

Know if it’s sebastian’s house it doesn’t no no it’s okay okay is that i think that’s the one i thought the guy wants this one yeah i don’t like oh it shows my stomach that’s not that’s just leave it back i’m just taking a flame storage you know if they want to

Come get revenge fair enough but do they really need multiple swords i don’t know exactly you don’t need shut up you don’t need multiple swords you damn it the train is like you see in front of it oh yes it’s a train bloody hell

Can i ride the train places uh no but i do think it starts an event type thing apparently if you don’t do it in order can cause you to freak out okay you probably shouldn’t go near it until the story tells you to go near it

But the very least mark the area mark mark that this is all here because handy mark so we know where it is yeah it’s a good place to be though when it comes time you want to fight lots of demons because pretty much lots of demons will spawn here

And the boat loads that’s not micro all right demon i think no [ __ ] no oh my god even i think for today we should probably wrap things up there because it’s been nearly 50 minutes Okay so anyway people thank you for watching hope you enjoyed the show demons here he saw demon slayer and naturally wanted to join he got very lucky to start there that was very nice i got yeah i got i got three swords i’ve got five now

Five so i got a few more to get we’re getting there right anyway people i didn’t do any weightlessness today that’s because episode three isn’t out yet so i couldn’t wait listen to anyone from it but oh it all will get done so yeah if you want to check the website leave a

Like in the video in getting in the comment section for chance to go on remember the channel later and get in the waitlist you know baller then also be a link to demon’s channels and check out his stuff and his perspective wherever he gets up to i don’t know maybe he’ll be motivated

Enough to do some of this on his own time who doesn’t it’s fancy it’s new i’ve never done it before so maybe i will be motivated it’s a fresh series after all this time it’s a fresh really well built with lots of stuff to do mods so

Huzzah all right anyway people thank you for watching see y’all next time for some more demon slur mod pack go buy em from buddy bye also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to

Our elite members the journey members austin quinsenberry afro kagey it’s ender steve p e sebastian ramsey blackish sage leo lalonde majin ki silforn alexander and infinity and our andrew members are rapid rook gold dragon nathaniel prue eragon and colton wood thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘THE SUN BREATHING STYLE USER JOINS! || Demon Slayer Modpack Episode 4 (Minecraft Demon Slayer Mod)’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2021-04-27 21:00:16. It has garnered 28699 views and 1025 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:05 or 3125 seconds.


Minecraft Demon Slayer Mod –

THE SUN BREATHING STYLE USER JOINS! || Demon Slayer Modpack Episode 4 (Minecraft Demon Slayer Mod)

Demons Channel –

#DemonSlayer #Minecraft #Modpack

Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel Rapids Rogue Nathaniel Prue GoldDragon Eragon Colton Wood

Gingy Discord –

My Gaming Channel –

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RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY Roleplay) –

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  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

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  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

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    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More