Intense Phasmophobia gameplay w/ friends!

Video Information

Hello yellow no opening today no opening screen no opening screen because computer is stinky computer is stinky thank you james thank you james thank you james thank you james thank you james hello hello hello hello case one year die for each other bye bye my computer really said i can’t handle cannot handle

Uh essentially i was trying to download the newer version of phasmophobia uh and in my attempt to download it whoa i’m so loud um in my attempt to download it my computer said wow this taking a lot of my thinking must think and then must [ __ ] up stream because i try to think

That’s essentially what happens there so i’m very sorry about that guys i know that was a spooky time i’m headed straight for the course Okay stinky pinky it’s down now stinky pinky is over now we play phasmaphobia no more stinky pinky okay i’m gonna try to join the group that uh d set up uh okay i could try to type that in hellos oh my god hello hello

Can you hear me yeah i can hear you okay okay i see you [ __ ] james it’s james yeah james it’s james hello hello i know the family is here i know you jump scared me when he popped in i was like oh he popped in already oh yeah but he had to

Fix his push to talk so he’s gonna affect it oh my god james oh everyone everyone’s here oh hello i had to restart my stream because it was stinky pinky oh [ __ ] oh that sucks yeah tell you something so streaming for the first time on thursday really exciting yes on thursday

And i spent all last night getting overlays and i bought some and i was working on it today it’s just your stream and it’s the same overlay is it it’s beautiful it’s a beautiful overlay we have similar tastes that’s why i was like i snatched that one whoa lips

It’s really nice it’s so pretty no no it’s so pretty and i’m so glad for you it’s gonna be so cute it’s gonna be so cute oh i’m so proud of you it’s gonna be the best time thank you that was in my chat emma said it was so

Funny it’s a cute overlay i don’t blame i do not blame it’s [ __ ] pretty i want to make mine uh at some point i want to change up my overlay a little bit but i just haven’t been able to find the one that i want like the exact one that i want

Because i want like that’s so curious james oh uh he’s in the locker oh brightness up in this game is there a way can i do that once we’re in the game my brightness hello hey yo i love stinky i guess i’ll leave okay oh it’s not my job i don’t have the

I don’t have the thingy james is always put that who has the start button oh it’s you homie baloney ah i do but it’s vlog highlighted oh you can’t select a job oh wait oh i have to select a job where are we dropping boys uh

Yeah emma i agree i i really want um oh thank you james thank you um yeah i really want like a pixel dino thing like i wanted to be a cute like pixelated but with dinos that’s what i want and i want it to be a little bit more simple

Than what i have right now so i’ll find one eventually you know we go there’s no dinos anywhere there’s no dyno emotes what wait do we both look like brian from we don’t have to change fight yeah you do well one of us has to change you’re the same man

Okay i’m gonna be sam do it [ __ ] do it that’s your chain i keep getting ryan shane mixed up for no reason i’m so sorry i’ll go i’ll go anywhere with you d oh prison is on regular oh yeah i guess so oh i gotta go to a prison

Let’s [ __ ] do it there’s also a high school too oh either [ __ ] it we going to prison oh but what will i wear i have neat things but what would i wear i’m drinking a p black cherry fizz sea grams right now i know ao that just means i’m going to be burping

A lot oh i have to ready up that’s fine uh also chat how loud are they are they good good percentage also though for oh my god james is being very creepy oh that’s valid that’s valid i wasn’t pressing stop you’re just staring at the whiteboard creepily

Hello oh my god that loaded so quickly oh my god oh my god oh we were hunting ghosts without a permit that’s why we’re going to jail yeah wow guys we all loaded in so quickly it’s so scary i want spirit box and i also

Want to take the pictures do it [ __ ] i also need that like a [ __ ] don’t hit [ __ ] i haven’t done this i haven’t played this game in so [ __ ] long evidence they’re fine okay very very pog wow i’m just gonna [ __ ] go i’m gonna go [ __ ] find my toothbrushes [Applause] [Laughter] oh all right we’re just going to put our things in here sorry this and that and uh oh we’re just going to walk on through no beeps no beeps no beeps at all where’s my book my book is gone i’m concerned did my book just this

Is is it’s in my hand okay it’s been you’re just a normal person hey you’re just it’s like don’t forget to put your stuff in there don’t forget to put yourself in there i don’t follow the rules so oh my god that’s hot squeezing the first plate that’s kind of hot

Wow a troublemaker yeah yeah you know you know it’s probably james hey i’m headed straight for the pog there’s pills on the ceiling those are mine oh ew did you pick it back up love am i yo theo theo okay wait wait wait watch you know what this means right toothbrush

I remember there was i remember there was two toothbrushes so we’ll find one for each of us there’s like 500 in this [ __ ] place are you for real uh yeah oh [ __ ] okay let’s go and look in this first one i found one i found one oh and they’re electric

Amazing oh such technology i don’t have any extra arms i don’t either i only have three arms apparently james are you guys i know do you see him doing that what’s the ghost’s name uh robinson mr robinson and i’m mr robinson and i’m mr robinson where the [ __ ] are you i hear you

Slightly what do you look like okay what do you look like what you look like oh oh that’s an exit hey tio uh smoke break uh quick smoke break where are you going oh come back why’d you do that i need to wash my teeth i’m gonna stand outside

While i go to like i’m gonna actually in real life go to the bathroom okay jack can you hear people good they loud loud or i hope you can hear them like somewhat okay to the point where they’re loud just loud enough can i go through here no james james

Oh you i can see what you had for breakfast i looked up your nostrils to see what you had for breakfast hello what d where are you what where are you and i’m so sorry i cannot sleep i cannot think tonight where are you why do i walk so slow

It’s really [ __ ] annoying that i walk so slow are you in b block no i’m here hello oh i found a second entrance i hear you you’re getting louder and louder you’re getting louder and louder where are you are you talking to prisoners no okay wait wait no are you down the hallway

Oh you crazy rat bastard are you in here are you upstairs where are you where are you are you upstairs oh yeah oh my god i’m getting closer you’re getting louder oh my god it’s the ghost no oh you’re such a prankster Hello hello stephen it was james oh my coffee from earlier oh i can’t pick it up that’s unfortunate what’s an e what’s an ms what’s an if that’s the thing that does the levels of how strong the ghost presence is oh [ __ ] you have temperature 16. no no no that’s temp that’s temperature

The emf the emf is going to go when you are near a ghost yes emma put you in jail yeah Steven robinson our breath we can see our breath oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah we can see our breath here this whole way by the lookers stop don’t spook me like that where are you temperatures temperatures we got freezing temperatures theo i literally don’t know where you are yeah okay i’m here yes

Stephen robinson there was smoke here i know i don’t know what’s happening what’s happening steven steven robinson he’s gonna kill us for sure steven robinson wait where did you guys see your breath right in this room in this whole way okay i’m gonna go put some salt in there wow oh my god

I can see your breath i have [ __ ] i’m putting the salt down man stinky oh [ __ ] stephen james we saw our breath over here oh my [ __ ] god hello hello oh wow do you know how to whistle what’s whistling it’s like you put your lips together and you blow

Yeah all right like this oh i couldn’t do it oh that was so incredibly loud did you guys ever watch sunny with a chance yeah uh yes okay so there’s this one you remember how they had the the what’s the word oh the spoof of lassie

And they and his name was gassy and then the girl would go around and go hello james i think about that a lot is this woo i’ll reference it i’ll reference it all the time and no one will understand wow stephen robinson give us a time a time a sign

Jesus loves you i got a chill that’s the actual mirror hello and it was she’s a [ __ ] woman that’s what i thought it was too hey my dude yeah what you up to i got your mocha frappuccinos with the extra caramel drizzle and also soy milk and coconut milk you guys

Theo i forgot i got your caramel macchiato something i wanted no macchiato an extra caramel oh [ __ ] out okay it’s beeping what’s it at it’s beeping is it that three is [ __ ] james uh you’ll care about macchiato i have it quick drink your [ __ ] problem james james oh [ __ ] james james

James you can’t forget your coffee wait for you you’re all by yourself now what it only went to three i think yeah i was only three well it’s definitely not spirit box and i’m tired of this [ __ ] so [ __ ] that could be five yeah it needs to be five

What the [ __ ] we have we have uh ghosts no we don’t know but no we don’t guys i’m gonna go to the car and i’m going guys where are you um guys oh okay i’m gonna go get the camera so we can set it up for ghost orbs

Okay yeah oh god i’m sorry to anyone that’s british what’s up youtube welcome to my youtube channel both catchers ghosts here the where where dinosaur where whoa party i’m a dinosaur in the [ __ ] van oh hello oh oh uh uh well i’m going to take this

We got ghost i didn’t realize you’re at the camera oh right then we have freezing temperatures and ghost storms berry pog [Applause] Time to go insane what do you want [ __ ] i just want my coffee there we go i’m a scared intern all right fingerprinties fingerprinting fingerprint don’t judge me fingerprinting don’t catch me don’t judge me oh we need dirty water are you hello and i’m so sorry are you here

Where are you go get some where are you how old are you how old are you montant hello where are you mr ghost how old are you mr ghost who is your next victim i never learned how to [ __ ] read oh wait i think it’s talking to me

Wait it’s talking to me where are you where are you over here i can’t hear you over here spongebob over here over here spongebob are you going to kill boss elmo it’s going to kill you oh [ __ ] i gotta get out of here what’s wrong my coffee heading over

Where the heck is this ghost where’s mr lover ghost you’re a stupid ghost stupid ghost geo yeah [ __ ] you kill kill are you a demon are you a demon did you miss me did you miss me did you did you miss me exo exo do you think your prince

It cannot be the fingerprints oh this is pointless then it’s either gonna be ghost writing or a spirit box what that makes no sense they walked through the song but it does it did well right then the book right in the book right in the book

I’ll move it oh [ __ ] the ghost he’s here is he yeah i started my heart started beating oh hello all right we’ll move this then hello hello where are you silver ravenclaw we’re playing with theo james and dee where are you my blog who is your next victim is it silver ravenclaw no

My chat is lovely oh never mind what that boss take it are you the ghost hey theo hey theo hey what’s up uh what’s up i dropped the show that’s a bible oh that looks like soap to me this is wait maybe it’s so [ __ ] tough this is so

Pick it up you ruined my lovely joke about wanting to grab genitals ah that looks like no that’s a driver’s skin for a second silver no you’re a dry erase sports eraser take clip clipboard [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] listen this ghost is being stupid either write

In the book or speak in the radio yeah do your [ __ ] job oh are you okay all along what do you have to say for yourself hello mom i just want to have a talk aye mom hey guys this light is flashing that’s your light no it’s definitely not

Who is that is it d is the ghost hunting no it was this girl once i think dee’s [ __ ] with me or james but it looks from my perspective it looks like there’s a light up here that keeps flashing hello hello my perspective is very odd oh

Just write in the book if you’re not going to answer me you [ __ ] definitely with them [ __ ] with me but you know they look different from my view [ __ ] you [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] they can [ __ ] with me all day like i won’t fall what was that i don’t know

What was that stop [ __ ] around this is why people die that wasn’t d that was the door closing that was a ghost store hello smokey robinson what the [ __ ] is stacy robinson who the [ __ ] is your problem emma wow it’s so scary sorry chad this is very chaotic uh oh

No he’s not shut the [ __ ] up theo i’ll never forgive you if you don’t believe me [ __ ] you [ __ ] you i don’t deserve to die like this i don’t deserve to die like this i don’t deserve to die like this i am so good i’m so good

I don’t deserve to die like this i’ve done nothing but good for this world i hate trump i support the gays i am a lesbian i do everything beneficial for this world i don’t deserve to die like this did you die are you alive oh [ __ ] did you die

I’m waiting for their streams to catch up bob they’re alive they’re fine i saw ghost you [ __ ] i saw the ghost he tried to kill me and no one wanted to believe me you’re all [ __ ] awful where’s the ghost book up my ass i hope the ghost eats your butt

Emma ruined my little shtick i was gonna pretend to be dead so you guys could all for like you could all feel bad i love them though where is uh i just want my coffee i’m sorry it’s okay i love you it’s okay i only tease i only tease i love yous

I love yous they say that’s me or emma emma oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i am so i am so good for this world i don’t deserve this i don’t oh i don’t deserve this handcuffs it’s not it’s gone what

It’s not in the lobby anymore with the salt james oh [ __ ] james i took it please put where’d he go are you crying controls because you had a bad day now i’m dead for real at one percent but like they’re alive i did answer you nincompoop i started singing i almost died

I didn’t do a spook they’re all downstairs i just wanted them to i just wanted them to relish in the fact that i might be dead for a really for like a little while you know i wanted them to just know what it feels like you know this is my favorite room

Wow okay interesting oh stinky oh no oh very stinky oh very stinky oh very sticky oh very stinky uh oh very sticky uh oh very sticky oh very sticky very stinky very stinky very stinky very stinky very thank you very stinky very stinky very sticky very thinking i lived [ __ ]

I lived the wall looks like a bite maybe that’s the only thing because we got three on the emf but nothing more so it’s a phantom i guess i just heard it in my ear icky breath breaths hello no oh i don’t i don’t want to die i’m too young to die

I don’t want to die i don’t wanna i don’t want any i don’t want any i don’t want any of you look i got handcuffs i got handcuffs you want some i got handcuffs here we can we can have a fun time oh is everyone alive

Oh vampy hello sorry chad that i’m not very uh i’m not very uh chatty with chat because i i’m focusing very hard and also hello hey hey dee uh hey hey d um okay so i got something for us and i just thought that like maybe we could you know

You know you did yeah yeah i thought it would be this way this way this way this way this way okay oh [ __ ] where are you going where are you going are we gonna hang out here all right no thank you no thank you no thank you dee come inside hide hide hide

Oh uh anyways like i was saying uh hey d uh like i was saying what’s that what’s that i i got these for us i got these for us oh oh [ __ ] oh oh you got these fries i did i was hoping that maybe we could have like like a

A good time like i also i got a great time here yeah also i got these for us also oh oh oh oh oh [ __ ] okay um these i got these for us but turn your [ __ ] flashlight off go off james go up yeah uh two

Yeah two pairs i two yeah two pairs two pairs but two boys yeah for all three of your arms for all three of my arms yeah you know how you because you hold flashlights yeah you have three oh for [ __ ] sake oh god please please hey d you know

This is a good way to go you know about yeah yeah you know um i didn’t expect the prison but you know it works it’s fine thank you for the follow sethi boy i’m having a moment and you’re thinking your stream god i can’t believe you you know what

And the life it does matter such as this i’m gonna go show theo my handcuffs oh theo handcuffed together uh theo i have a present for you yeah taylor we got stuck upstairs hello oh we’re coming downstairs okay we have a gift for you gift for you oh

Oh my god yeah and thank you and gift number two check out my ready check out my egg ghosts ghosts check out my oh [ __ ] oh my only fans oh my god she died right in front of us i saw the ghost he was coming towards me and i sc oh my god

No i ran into that room and i saw the ghost and he was coming for me i was sacrificing myself he was going to get me but he got d instead your beans those were your beans not my beans those are your beans all right no they’re my beans what

I’m really sorry that i screamed so loud oh my god i need to turn my mic down oh that was so funny where do we leave i feel bad for my neighbors oh yeah neighbors how the [ __ ] we are oh no no no no i’m cute i’m too young today

I’m too young today i’m too young today well i’m too young today i’m too young tonight i’m too young today i’m too young today i’m too young to die i’m too young today i’m too young today i’m too young tonight i’m too young tonight i’ve never done anything wrong ever no

No no no i’ve never done anything wrong ever i’m such a good person i i i i i what oh no he’s probably in this room i’m so dumb i’m so dumb he’s probably in this room he’s behind me he’s behind me he’s behind me he’s fighting right now he’s mad right now

Oh he’s got he’s gone he’s gone james are you alive you killed you with your only fans promotion [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] where is he where is he is oh my god that was dramatic so how’s your day going we need it pretty good how about you

Oh that was fun i feel so bad for my chat i’m so loud by the way i got it all right good to know good to know it’s let’s just say it’s a fantastic get the [ __ ] out try to kill us for real for real oh is that bob it’s not

D d is that you is that you d lives on in the handcuffs d lives on d bring the handcuffs to who you blame killed you is it me or both it was theo and his only fans it was boss with giving me the handcuffs and running away from you

It was theo oh it was you it was you and yours i’m gonna go oh no no we’re not blamed no we’re both but i refuse to believe i refuse i’m closing the goddamn trailer guys are we ready i’m closing this goddamn trailer all right let’s go get out of the

[ __ ] get out of the [ __ ] trailer i’m going this is awful this is not how i planned our our honeymoon to go That was crazy we watched you [ __ ] die i got god you got good really really intensely they look crazy for my screen yeah let’s go to high school sure yeah wow we got it right yeah those would’ve been friendly if i shared a slice of pizza with it

Probably i i had some i had some noodles i probably could have shared nudes nudes oh my god how’s that is my voice a little bit better and how are they i think we’re still pretty loud let’s try to turn this down a little bit all right i’m taking a sippy

Lead ready to drop boys oh [ __ ] where are we dropping ghost really said [ __ ] wait i’ma come get the real thing and got d because everyone else escaped um so last time that danielle played with her friends they did a thing where they could only talk by saying their own names

Like huh like a pokemon so like basically at some point my friend john like he wasn’t even talking that much but then he found ghost writing so he just went john john john and that was it that’s iconic i don’t know if you wanted to try that but

I love how much we i love how much we struggle even without that you’re not wrong i feel like you all have enough chaos right now i don’t know if that would go well emma says we’re too chaotic that’s true emma’s not wrong we might be right well okay then ghost

Based off of their name danny thompson no dorothy thompson um Oh my god jesus christ wow i don’t know i i didn’t kill her i didn’t kill her i didn’t kill her that’s us that’s kind of success the high school man i remember when i used to be in high school i didn’t i didn’t know her no wonder why it’s haunted

I never been here before this is my first time here what hey oh theo you want to play some basketball oh yeah that was quick i got so cold though ready why am i feeling so wrong my head’s in the game but my heart’s not soft i hate high school which makes you

Feel so rat what do you really i love high school musical i don’t hate it but i don’t like it either come back here ball come back here let me get a sick picture of you wow got it hey thanks come back here balls back here ball i

Don’t have any hands for that ball guess i’m not a boss what’s her name dorothy thompson dorothy heyo i don’t i don’t know her name i wouldn’t i don’t know her so i forgot i forgot uh yeah but it but it just in case you did remember what is it it’s dorothy

Oh okay cool dorothy thompson yeah okay cool look at this rad photo i got a video but you know oh hey dorothy thompson i know you’ve had a hard life but we’ll make it better we brought your killer with us so you can get revenge his name is that’s the exit hello

Five five give us five are you okay so fine okay well you do it our entire group is going insane but it’s fine i’m proud of you sorry guys yeah i i’m not crazy about i don’t hate phineas and ferb bob we’ve had this talk i don’t

Hate it i just don’t like it i don’t hate it though all right the [ __ ] mail version of siri that’s true we’ve been told that you hate phineas and ferb could you could you follow up on that person uh i do not hate videos of her

People yes yes i understand that uh i i don’t hate phineas and ferb i actually let me talk to the microphone i actually just dislike it i do not hate it uh yes okay uh i’ll just drop this down here uh local streamer hates phoenix thank you you’re welcome for yourself

My agents will be in touch you’re very also very apathetic to phineas and ferb and high school school thank you yeah i i don’t i’m not into him i just i guess i ended up feeling bad for candace and that’s why i like got pissed off because i was like

This reminds me of like whenever my brother would do something and then get away with it and i was like no i’m not here for it and then like all the songs were just they’re just annoying maybe i don’t know why and it’s like it’s valid i’m not

Gonna judge someone for liking it it’s just um not my preference and i think i had this like strange uh grudge against it because every time it was on it was replacing a show that i actually wanted to watch i thought that was an a scribbled into

The desk but it’s just a protractor i think please give us a second gas me too who is it and then high school musical i just thought was dumb because i was like this is a stupid romance movie which i’m i’m a sucker for romance movies but i was like

I think it was the aspect of like singing about high school and i was like why high school sucks i’m going to my first period class it’s mr is that theo is that you hello uh theo hi hi um so uh um uh so are you on your way to mr botanicals class

Yeah i am i’m a little late and i uh but i had to work on my uh five paper assignment so i had to do that last minute that’s okay uh i just you know i i’ve been sitting around the halls and i think you’re pretty rad

Me yeah you like i just i don’t know it’s stupid i’m gonna go to i don’t know no one no one notices me you know oh i thought that i was you know very under the radar kind of guy i thought i was senile

No i said no one knows me i thought i was under the radar you know i’m a lone wolf so oh well i noticed you because uh i’m kind of like a lone wolf too sometimes you know so it’s like really yeah yeah uh but anyways um so i’m away

Oh my god i can’t believe i go to this awful school oh sorry jesus what a bully lunch money this morning seriously he fell wrong he put gum in my hair earlier god for real oh my god it’s the only pretty oh my god it’s d

Oh my god oh my god d i so like you look really pretty with gum in your hair oh oh thanks that’s really sweet of you oh uh hey uh why do you sound like a chick yeah well you tell the principal that i killed dorothy oh my god wait what wait what

You’re the quiet guy that ever tells you something everyone was right stay away from me guys oh my god during full moons you’ll never see me oh my god because i’m a werewolf you’re a vampire no no i’m a werewolf and what i can’t control myself when the moon is full

Wait wait wait so you’re like wait wait wait wait so you’re technically jacob not edward yeah i have a six-pack though oh my god that’s so gross i’m leaving whatever what i thought we were connecting always team edward it’s always team edward god i thought you were different i thought

You were like other girls yeah you know what i am and so it was dorothy yeah i said it oh [ __ ] i gotta go oh yeah i said it oh my god bob come here you look pretty with gum in your hair yeah come here

What are you looking at is this could it be something romantic over here what’s going on no oh it’s my snookie came here oh no it’s snooky that definitely says smokey and then king can’t wait i can’t read jacking jacking off jacking off smokey i can’t believe that you’re making fun

Of me for not being able to read no you know what it’s okay i there was this one classroom i went into and it said gas on the whiteboard oh my god i’m just like what’s her name bella thorne loki what if we just like snuck in here and like uh just

You know so this is okay this is my oh wait a r way to ruin a [ __ ] moment way to ruin a moment there was no moment i’m gay i’m gay i have a crush on the well you want to know something the whole monitor you want to know something theo you want

To know something well i had a crush on dorothy because i’m a lesbian and you killed her oh my god i did kill her i wasn’t a werewolf you admit to it because you’re a vampire no because oh damn it why can’t you just say yes i know why i don’t remember

I’m jared i’m 19. never [ __ ] learned how to read god i’m just gonna go in here and sulk in this pink room guess that’s a book hey i noticed you god this The bits dead guys get the [ __ ] over it dorothy is dead i didn’t kill her dorothy thompson did theo kill you that’s a really [ __ ] up thing to do theo this memory that i have with theo moments before he explained to me that he killed dorothy and that he was gay

And he didn’t want to be with me it’s going to the trap it’s going in the trash we vibing we vibing how do they sound also chat are they like loud too loud at a good good volume how am i am i at good volume i’m not jumping into the red anymore so

That’s good hello waiting for someone to come to this room god i love this song don’t believe oh those for friday she’s gonna stay here chad oh hey you guys how are you this is do you guys notice that like it’s a little dirty in here oh Okay We’re not good enough for the cups apparently hey it’s judgment day it’s [ __ ] judgment day where are you guys sit your ass down oh my god you actually look like you’re sitting the [ __ ] speech hello i’m here to talk about the severity of mixing m m’s and skittles together

No i’ve seen a few people do these at parties i’m in the middle of a speech that’s very rude and i think that if you mix m m’s switch let me let me decode this for you oh this [ __ ] lecture’s boring i’m out of here eminem’s mix no you’re [ __ ] not [ __ ]

Go on oh my god so if we dissect an m m what do we have we have a sugar the grape yeah yeah yeah we have a sugar outside and chocolate on the inside so you can imagine like okay well that tastes pretty [ __ ] good but ghosted silly better listen bith

But if you know if we really die like we dissect a skittle as well skittles have gooey centers and and they’re candy centers so skittles are candy on candy and m m’s are candy on chocolate and you can imagine that mixing the two does not work so well because you’re mixing

Gooey candy with chocolate candy and so if someone reaches into a bowl and they go to grab m ms and skittles together as one one thing i you have to think about like how gross it would be if you put a skittle in your mouth and you’re chewing

I’m sorry i’m sorry someone is talking about talk about heights while i’m trying to give my speech over there shut the [ __ ] up shut up there’s this there’s we’re doing a speech you can attend the speech if you would like so where are you and so the speech room you know we’re

The speech room never mind so anyways if we mix and oh my god that’s okay so if we mix m m’s and skittles together we get we get just like just like this like this menagerie of of of candy with chocolate and the two just don’t they don’t fit

They don’t fit and if you have the two in your mouth can you imagine biting in to a sweet delectable uh uh chocolate sweetness like creamy creamy chocolate and then you bite into this gooey center of this like this just just like this like chewy juicy fruit

Tasting thing and you put the two together imagine having both of those in your mouth and that is why that is why i don’t know you missed the [ __ ] speech theo i’m trying it’s on your schedule you have the speech room on your schedule it is room

Give me a second you know what [ __ ] your speech i’m gonna go ditch school and hang out with my college boyfriend he’s super hot and he rides a motorcycle and wears all black i’m behind you theo anyways oh my god dead [Laughter] i didn’t kill her i swear

Oh no oh i’ll tell you again i’m going into the speech room i’m going into the speech room i’m going in this is speech room speech room uh speech number two is starting the flashing lights are alerting us that speech number two is starting let me in let me in

I got it i got it [ __ ] off let me come watch this speech right here so i can’t let it finally from the room yeah it took you [ __ ] long enough so uh it’s it’s uh it’s the last one i checked so who’s first on the list

Uh theo james did you do your assignments oh uh i did i did my assignment dee is giving us her speech assignment very nice i’m glad she is glad she can be here even in death uh okay everyone sit down i have my speech prepared all right

Thank you uh thank you so this is a speech on how um chicken little is not a coward hello welcome to my speech there is one vine that says that she can oh excuse me ghosts are trying to can you continue talking it’s okay chicken little has been deemed to be a quote-unquote

Coward for much of his life yeah i think that is incorrect i’m here to say that he is actually a very brave boy yeah thank you first off in the beginning of the film there is a montage of him going to school the whole time he is inventive with how

He gets there he is creative with uh what he wears and he is brave about being much smaller than all of his peers oh my god like the paper pants the paper pants like the paper pants are when he couldn’t get up to his locker so he used

The the little ladder thing or when he couldn’t get a school so he used a soda pop can to blast him into the second floor watch so you were a coward you wouldn’t do that that’s scary so ingenious objection excuse me yes he may be a nerd

But that doesn’t mean he’s a coward i i validate that he is a nerd but i don’t validate that he is a coward now here’s my second point he’s my favorite yeah he’s cool but he he is a very scared character now would you create a movie with two

Characters of the same character trope no no because runs the scared friend and chicken little is the brave friend yes right what about the girl she’s the brave friend too she’s like she’s also brave but she’s like the the she’s like the sassy one and he’s like

He’s sheila was more timid but in social situations not in dire situations like the sky falling in that he is very very and also a lot of them don’t believe him he’s smart and he he follows his intuition you know what that means he’s not a coward because he’s brave

Secondly our third lady thirdly she little’s dad’s an [ __ ] yes i agree and he gaslights his son all the time and when all the people in the town are like oh chicken little your son’s crazy your son’s crazy chicken little’s crazy uh he’s the worst the dad falls under pressure

And wants to fit in so he’s like you’re right and then chicken little is abused yeah yes so he overcomes his father he overcomes aliens he saves the world they make a movie about him he’s very brave and that is my speech thank you for coming

Could you do it again i forgot to hit record go ahead james it’s your turn oh am i supposed to yes it’s your go it’s your turn for a speech i’ll take your seat no worries i’m gonna also why is this thing on it’s very rude i wonder where the ghost is he’s

Listening to her next dorothy’s next dorothy’s next uh no this one’s boring i don’t like that one um taxes no um what about the one on pasta do the one on pasta pasta oh was that the school bell okay bye guys great speech class what i was about to

Give my speech on pasta oh oh oh oh oh oh no yeah i think it was right i mean it’s actually actually i’m kind of interested in this i’m i’m trying to go on an all-carb diet so i would kind of like to hear it

Nah nah i’m out of here now oh we’re leaving bye okay dee are you still here with me i have i have the uh the book that you gave me dee oh deep boyfriend was supposed to meet me here but i think he might be dead i think they’re dead what makes you

Think that um because i don’t hear the room room of their motorcycle because you killed him like dorothy but you seriously no i killed dorothy oh there’s the school belt we’re late there’s the school belt we’re late we’re late we’re late there’s that was the best come on that was the

One that was the late bell come on dee don’t be like he’s prom tonight i know you’re dead but don’t be late i think it’s prom tonight i think it is i was going to ask dean no yeah i was going to ask you she unfortunately died

Go ahead and ask her she’s right here hey hey i know you just came like in a really inconvenient time but would you uh be down for like uh go to maybe like prom with me oh he’s coming oh he’s coming oh he’s coming she said yes guys

She said yes they’re not made i just want to take the stream Wait did we get any evidence yet d said yes we’re going to prom together oh okay congratulations didn’t hear [ __ ] are you taking a dead corpse i’m back in class you might be taking a corpse to prom but i’m taking corpse to prom no you know what i mean i’m so jealous i

Know oh [ __ ] i buy my homework hi mr teacher sir hello my name is mr jefferson sit down this isn’t photography class look at this picture i took a butterfly oh boy oh boy oh [ __ ] i left welcome to theo uh so you know when you like when i was

Flirting with you and then like you were like oh i’m sorry i’m gay or whatever yeah so i got like really angry i’m over it now but i got really angry and like the photo camera the camera that like i took a photo of you playing b-ball on

And you looked really really rad uh i accidentally left that in the uh the speech room and uh i just think that’s kind of a bad and i kind of want to go get it because i was going to take a picture of you teaching class because you look really nice right now

But uh yeah i i left it That’s okay i’m taking pictures of you now yeah i just took five pictures of you oh you’re well you’re welcome okay well that’s fine then i guess do you want me to go get the camera i want you to teach [ __ ] class oh [ __ ] okay that’s fine i don’t care uh your

Phone makes a weird noise uh blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah are you a you’re a sims teacher now hey guys some something smart something’s weird with the lights i think we’re gonna die ghost we’re in here ghosts we’re in this room come in well i wonder where dee went

Dorothy dorothy what’s her last name thompson open the door dorothy thomas thompson dorothy thompson darling in my class dorothy thompson uh i feel bad uh dee is dead so if we could make this quick you know um dorothy thompson should we just guess completely what yeah yeah sure why not you know we

Had a good we had let’s all make different guests good memories here okay well freezing temperatures is right no rotten egg definitely increasing temperatures uh let’s just go with we’ll go with that that too and maybe uh that and yeah i got my guess yuri on ice

Very cool how the [ __ ] do i get out of here hey they they they never showed me where the exit was for this place so i’m just you know taking it once i can’t with this hallway ghost oh maybe it’s where there is uh the red words that say exit

Oh true you’re so smart i know i don’t like hallway ghosts in the high school they are very hard yeah he’s kind of he was kind of an [ __ ] down her line he killed dee and we didn’t even get to do a prom together i’m so sorry yeah maybe dorothy wanted

To get a prom with you chat said we all want to go to prom with corpse let’s be honest i want to go to problem with my girlfriend but thank you i want to go to prom with my partner yeah very fog very pog corpse can tag along though

Emma oh [ __ ] do you know prom with me yeah jazz you wanna say yeah jazz it might be relate it’s gonna be delayed jazz’s chat so like i’ll have to wait for a second but like it’s fine james have you two you’re gonna probably come with us bye dee love you

Honestly i just missed these voices we didn’t even know we were giving us speeches please we found it at a perfect time it was a great moment it was truly a great moment oh uh josh said i would love to go with you so joss is cool to go with me yay [Laughter]

Minecraft prom because i have a problem guys i’m gonna go get more food yeah ready up boys i like ghosts too much yeah we know we know after you know dorothy dorothy i almost said it’s just i was like dorothy from finding nemo it’s dory huh

I’ll be right back guys i’m gonna go get some more food imagine eating imagine i’m doing the eating i’ll be watching we don’t eat i’ll be white big nice oh i’m dead dude it’s a ball attached to a gun i went to prom in 2016. very pog hello

They’re stinky you know that oh [ __ ] i’m stinky i managed to get a copy of the key i’ve left it on the desk for you don’t panic dee it’s all good oh hi what the [ __ ] what what’d you guys do to theo okay cool You’re cute too james but i describe as handsome not cute but you are cute but i mean handsome is more rude okay you know what you’re cute too in we go hey dee hittie hey d you wanna you wanna you wanna squad up on this one yeah i saw the name and completely

Forgot what it was uh what was his name hey james what’s his name what what’s the ghosty goose name oh scary looking cute shoes cute shoes oh hi david jack you look cute when you turn that sink on did you say you’re so naughty i’m so naughty david jackson thanks james

David jackson david jackson david jackson david david david david hello david david jackson david jackson david jackson davey crockett david jackson david jackson david jackson david jackson david jackson david jackson right james is cute hello hello hello oh my god uh i mean hello hello

Hello um excuse me yes oh my god that’s huge hi my name is is is is peter um and i’m from uh uh orlando 24 from the local news station i thought peter parker i’m wrong with you guys and no uh uh anyways i’m from the

Come along locals you guys and uh do a live broadcast that you guys go so what you up to okay i mean that sounds cool okay okay so i’m just gonna start i’m gonna we’re gonna go live in like uh five so okay um i’m gonna introduce you and then you’re just

Gonna talk to the camera okay okay okay okay cool cool sounds good okay okay cool cool really up in our hello my name is peter parker and uh welcome to orlando 24 news um this live broadcast we’re gonna be following a group of ghost hunters yeah that name and they’re gonna be

Leading us through this ghosting experience well live on tv gonna be fun uh it’s gonna give us a lot of clicks and views uh we don’t really care about this little ghosting thing it’s probably all a fraud and it’s all fake but it’s gonna bring in a lot of viewers and

That’s all we really care about um yeah um hello oh okay okay uh david jackson david jackson oh oh uh okay uh could you tell us who’s this steve jackson uh so david jackson he died here because he actually choked on one of these pickles um there’s this yeah we’re thinking it’s

It’s a serial killer though because uh we’ve yeah yeah yeah yeah we’ve heard uh rumors about like uh possibly there being like a serial killer by the name of pickle martin and uh he’s been taking these pickles and shoving them down people’s throats to choke them and then they die

So uh unfortunately david jackson was one of the victims yeah uh so we’re we’re just checking it out we’re just checking the scene out you know he could have used one of these knives many knives here but instead he chose for a pickle a much worse weapon hello oh hi who are you

One of your associates oh my name is who is this from orlando 24 local news station and i’m here to the broadcaster this is peter he’s he’s cool he has the same name as oh he has the same name as spider-man what do you what’s your deal wouldn’t you like to know weatherboy

He doesn’t do weather theo god be nice no one does weather that’s god’s job you know what a child of god you did my ex-boyfriend [Laughter] she got me there peter the impression that that was so real that wasn’t me was that you oh [ __ ] you guys guys guys cool temperatures cool

Tempers down down here cool temperatures down here is this ghost in the saturn d are you are you alive what does cold temperatures mean so cooler temperatures is essentially uh when the air around you starts to cool down it’s part of the weather system

No yeah i know i’m i know i’m not a weather boy but i understand what the cold is talking about what oh it means that there is a ghost uh in our presence because we’re feeling colder and we can see our breath these are gonna die weather boy yeah probably

So i i heard you talking on the radio there do you have a third associate on this team guys uh yes that’s oh uh one second yes yes are you all right i dropped my flashlight now i’m in the dark don’t worry sweetheart i’ll come get you okay

The ghost is the ghost is definitely in the basement uh theo are you on your way or should i so i think you should be go cool cool i’ll get a picture of you real quick oh yeah go for it i’m proud of you guys about this third associate of yours uh

So that’s dee she’s kind of new to the uh the ghost hunting uh business uh is she she’s she’s wearing my mother boy she’s i don’t mind don’t mind him don’t mind him uh she’s trying her best but you know sometimes she drops her flashlight she’s been doing it quite a bit lately

She doesn’t really know how her hands work too much uh do you have a permit to be here stop throwing soul at him theo oh my gosh i’m a journalist that’s not a permit that’s just a statement don’t mind him don’t mind him uh anyways so okay

Our friend d she’s uh essentially a little too close to me uh am i i’m so sorry um so our associate d she’s she’s new she’s new she’s having trouble with her hands she’s a little bit you know butterfingers but she’s hanging in there she’s doing pretty good so far she got uh

She got merch uh last time oh oh oh don’t worry about it it’s gonna be fine so do you have a fourth associates i think i just thought hey um uh he has a camera on his head i can check for orbs if you’d like to help

Yeah yeah yeah sure i got it uh hey uh uh mr parker uh my friend you want to come in here with me for a moment yes sure sure sure all right so you have a camera on your head theo’s gonna use it to look for uh

For some ghost orbs you know oh yeah they’re tapping to the to the live broadcast yes yes yes they’re gonna tap into your live broadcast that you have on your head there it it’ll really help us out you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah um anyways uh it’s kind of awkward um

So david jackson oh i heard something definitely just definitely just hurt him in the basement here what was that uh so peter just stay calm peter that was a ghost uh especially oh well i can’t pick up my weapon anymore so that’s a bust why would you need a weapon and guess

Against the ghost uh cause sometimes we die peter it’s unfortunate but it happens didn’t tell me about the risk of death with coming here oh yeah you can wait in the van if you’d like but then the whole world will know you’re that you’re a coward you know so

Oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh i just saw this i just saw paranormal activity in the basement just throw that out there yeah i know i know i know about you guys i know i know you have a relationship it’s fine it’s i told you already that i’m okay with it Well it’s definitely in the basement uh peter but i’m gonna just throw that down there for a minute oh uh theo hi what you doing hi i’m looking for fingerprints oh well he’s definitely in the basement you know uh he’s throwing around this these pliers right here

God damn it it’s a flyer throwing one again yeah yeah same guy oh and he he also didn’t go he uh he broke your salt let me throw pliers around no just the second time it’s happened yeah in this specific house me in the eye and i’ll never forget it

He broke your soul here uh theo he broke your soul he’s uh he’s just trying to yeah he just tried to whisper in my ear for a moment uh theo what’s up i found [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah nothing’s nothing suspicious there uh [ __ ] all right tell us about this [ __ ]

So uh essentially sometimes you could see ghosts picking up the [ __ ] um but a lot of the time it’s not that big of a deal because this one is just latex [ __ ] so you don’t really have to you don’t really have to worry i can’t this bit is over i can’t do the

Cockpit okay no uh oh i can do this [ __ ] though so this is a broadcast yeah yeah so this is the basement i do not where is it uh d maybe anyways uh uh so anyways yeah peter uh this is the mysterious [ __ ] uh so yeah sometimes ghosts will throw it around

Sometimes they’ll they’ll put it in their mouth you know it gets wild right uh uh peter peter the ghost was just the ghost was behind you peter i don’t want you to panic but i literally just saw the ghost behind you uh the ghost is trying to murk peter i

Just want to throw it out there i don’t think he likes live broadcasts nice uh how do you light this again uh f with the lighter i think if you have to have the light or two hit it pog oh i can’t [ __ ] just like that peter

They’ll throw [ __ ] around just like that why do i still hear the ghost oh i think i [ __ ] it up i’m not really crazy about this guys i’m not uh not enjoying myself uh that was my associate he’s uh he’s trying to smudge the place you know

I don’t think he did it but uh so uh essentially smudging is when you take one of these little sage stick sort of things you know you’re basically cleansing the area it’s it’s a i think it’s wildly practiced oh uh the ghost the ghost peter don’t even

Worry about it he was standing right here in this corner i saw the ghost he’s a creepy skelly man i think you want me to stand over here uh uh sure if you want to okay okay i saw him in the door now i saw him

In the door now he’s uh he’s walking this way he’s walking this way he’s he’s being pretty active down here boys uh dee you hanging in there okay just making sure oh what what you up to you see you still want to get that drink later

Okay peter he is he is behind you again peter don’t worry about it don’t panic don’t panic peter don’t panic behind me don’t panic peter he electric fan he’s not crazy about you peter i’m just gonna say that just an electric fan here okay okay okay okay

Okay okay okay the ghost is definitely active up here i know you guys are i know you guys are flirting but i i did call dibs on d so if you don’t mind uh we might die down here i’m not flirting i don’t want to be here

You can wait in the truck theo if you’d like uh the guys these pretty scary this is this david guy everyone i can’t tell if the book i’m holding right now or not i don’t think that’s right are your associates romanticizing uh i think they are david uh you’re not david uh

Peter i i think they are yeah it’s peter yeah sorry is that a part of the process uh not typically but uh you know i’m i’m the only one who takes things seriously around here so uh uh david david jackson are you here can you speak to me give us a sign

Well it’s definitely not the spirit box uh peter uh it’d probably be a good idea if you hid now oh god uh where do you want me to hide uh like uh where would be a good place uh just anywhere peter just at least crouch so peter you see how your light is

Flashing correct um that typically means that a ghost is hunting you um so at that point you should hide my batteries are low uh not in this case peter not in this case you guys okay you lived oh wonderful god damn i miss him we’ll say i’m not getting much action

Down here you don’t hear that uh hear what god damn it elmo don’t mind the elmo impressions oh um i definitely heard that yeah uh theo there the the ghost is very active down here uh i know i have the stairs our book are you okay me i just heard d scream

D are you okay oh d okay okay okay theo’s talking to the ghost how old are you oh [ __ ] yeah he’s definitely down here it’s okay uh here uh peter come on out come on out uh damn it all right what we’re gonna do uh theo we’re gonna leave you alone in

Here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay wait wait my light is getting weird oh okay don’t worry about it you’ll be fine uh peter you might want to hide right about now for the chat that was a demon

Essentially that’s how we make sure each other’s okay you know that’s just how it works on this team peter look at well we have freezing temperatures i don’t think you can talk about this business when you’re not in it i won’t teach you how to do your job

Don’t teach me how to do mine anyways where are you to the where oh hello what have you done yes this is dee this is uh uh she’s she’s she’s kind of new well she’s been with us a couple times yeah hello hello dee hi i’m i’m peter from uh orlando 24 hour

News just tagging along with yeah peter’s interviewing us and stuff you know oh my god i wish i could say yes then um again i’m not a weather board or anything but i am oh my god i don’t think there’s a tornado this is impressive this is impressive

Yeah there you go this is impressive yeah wow where are you thank you keep it up deep keep it up oh it’s in there it’s probably a [ __ ] event oh hi theo oh hi good luck thanks oh oh oh oh oh oh my god that was loud you left hi what you doing

Uh where are you going dee oh [ __ ] yeah at this point i just want to die oh my god uh yes um i think i found your associate at the door wait what what don’t tell me not on his way out he was leaving he was leaving

He was he was he was he was leaving is he dead oh god d d theo’s dead theo’s dead um uh yeah uh peter it’s not the time for that i really don’t James that’s just dean james they’re screwed guys i’m dead in here guys i died in such an epic position Oh Oh someone’s dead James now does she know i’m dead too wait no no no oh my god wait how did i not die you’re at the door okay no but like i saw my legs from downstairs oh really they might be look come on come down here and look

Look at me i’m showing d my body hold on oh my god oh my god i was listening to d panic yeah it’s like what happened to me in the kitchen except you’re taking stuff james here take a shoe yeah you and james were walking by

And he had this night vision on his on his head cam so i was watching on the screen and i couldn’t see it but you all walked right past it and i was like that’s so creepy thank you for giving me a shoe oh my god you’re welcome what is this [ __ ]

What is he doing i don’t know the ghost is in the basement we got no proof thank you so much for the 400 bits oh my god it’s okay if you’re late it’s been chaotic it’s been chaotic dee it’s in the basement it’s in the basement my god all her associates are

Dead how are we so bad at this right here dee can i grab that now got it stole your cup bro i was trying to show you there was a camera there i had a camera go with the one i dropped oh my god well while dee was just collecting things wow

You and james didn’t even see me die i just died in that other room jesus christ i know but we have it forever on stream wow such good pictures of dead bodies crazy let me take a look i was watching james he was still singing after the ghost had

Already gotten him is it beautiful it was watching you walk away and you’re like ah and then the ghost just started choking you that’s when the ghost killed me you passed by me singing that and the ghost followed you and then killed me and right at the door you were so close to

You i heard it i heard like the ghost noise and i thought it was me for a second and then it wasn’t oh my you know what i god that a win yeah apparently the ghost hates that song the ghost has been both ghosts have not

Given us or any of the ghosts have not given us any evidence no they just don’t do anything they’re just like [ __ ] y’all for real all right kids i’m calling in night all right boy some chocolate milk go eat some chocolate milk that sounds really good

Thank you for playing dee and james yeah thank you for having me i love you guys it was a really good time i missed playing it all right yeah you love you love you james oh my god bye james thank you for being a great reporter iconic i’m trying to debate because it’s

Still pretty like early i’m trying to debate if i want to play a little bit of minecraft and work a little bit on my castle uh does i have energy and i’m drinking so i’m kind of like i don’t really want to go to bed yet or stop streaming Um so i could we weren’t playing on beta uh because i don’t think james was able to update or he can’t go in beta because i think he plays phasmaphobia through the like the geforce thing so it doesn’t do like uh beta versions and that’s that kind of stuff it only

Has like the game and how it’s updated i’m sorry for being really gross about eating by the way uh i’m eating stuff i made for dinner tonight which is noodles it’s pasta with egg cheese and ham which is very good um but yeah i don’t know if you guys would

Be entertained by minecraft or if you guys want to hang with me playing minecraft for a little bit so i don’t want to go just yet and i really want to work on my castle uh so i’m thinking about it oh someone asked earlier i’m so glad i’m i’m so glad i’m so

Always sorry if i missed a bunch of stuff also um theo said i left really fast on accident i’m so sorry magic skies thank you for the five tier one subs thank you so much thank you thank you and paul james what’s minecraft uh that’s okay if you guys have to go

That’s totally okay i think i’m gonna vibe a little bit on minecraft for a little bit for whoever wants to stay um if you would like to stay that’d be very pog um i’m gonna go get another drink because i’m almost done with my uh one that i’m working on actually you

Know i’ll finish this and then i’ll go get another one uh but i want to continue working on what we were working on um because i was really like i also really wanted to play that tonight so i was super conflicted on like playing phasmaphobia because i really wanted to play

Minecraft to work on my castle so uh let’s change the stream information quick oops Uh okay thank you guys for being here so many of you were sticking around and that was really really awesome of you thank you uh i realized that like we had like a average of no we’re not ending yet we’re not ending yet we had an average of like

Uh 80 i think majority was up which was really bug um no worries sir wolf have a good night uh and we weave i will not be playing tomorrow uh currently wednesdays and thursdays are my breaks um my like uh days off essentially and i

Have a lot of youtube work that i need to do um so that’s my plan tomorrow but uh hopefully we can play again um sometime soon because that was very very fun very chaotic but very fun um i’m excited to watch that back and see how absolutely [ __ ] chaotic it was

Sorry for also being so chaotic i know that we didn’t really uh play the game so thoroughly we were just like role-playing bits the entire time but it was okay it was still fun it’s a good time i’m gonna put some chill music on and we’re just gonna vibe

You know she’s gonna bob we’re just gonna vibe for a little while oh nice mattress guys nice it’s just chill we’re chilling with each other you know i’m gonna chill time okay uh let me turn myself i think my volume is pretty good right for my voice look what you have now Okay minecraft okay dinoland perfect goodness gracious it’s so weird playing a game like this after playing a game like phasmaphobia okay let’s see ah why it look like that though okay okay and we’ll put chat back i’m gonna put that song on there because it’s going to wake us all up

Now probably for like 30 minutes maybe time to vibe yeah i hope so i hope it’s a good vibe time now bye time vibe time okay where’s my music you guys are gonna have to let me know if it’s too loud okay one two three Let me know if that’s too loud can you hear it okay Volume good pog happy birthday baby fox it’s officially your birthday happy birthday okay so we’re gonna put something up then for you it’s your heckin birthday where should we put it then we gonna celebrate early yeah Since i’m not streaming tomorrow yeah happy birthday gotta make a cake Oh yeah i ran out of diorite or whatever the heck it’s called god damn it oh oh but i can’t make polish right right oh god Cake me Might actually not even worry about that thank you the song puts me in such a good mood it’s so hype watch the creeper blow the signs up again i wouldn’t be surprised with how this playthrough on this one was going it was a wild It’s turning into a pretty pog place though not gonna lie Creeper really didn’t like you pog music yeah i stole it from ludwig james it’s definitely pogba Oh [ __ ] me yes I didn’t think this through okay I’m sorry i have online school tomorrow i also have class and i have stuff that i need to do but it’s all due on like friday so i’m kind of being lazy which is probably not good but you know look are you been out because of snow

Uh it’ll be okay river the good thing is it’s just one little like tiny poke and then it’s done and you’re free to go i also have to do that pretty soon i just haven’t made an appointment yet because i suck your only friend has coveted i’m so

Sorry that sucks but i hope they they’re uh sorry they feel better soon i hope uh it all goes okay hope there’s nothing too you know awful that comes out of it hog oh what the hell i did a dumb sorry my eyes are sore oh hello welcome to the party

I kind of want to kill you but i don’t have james here to help why are those there the heck did my shield go oh hi sir got anything interesting no sorry ow they’re still spinning at me look look look look look that this was a personal thing with your dad not me

And you guys okay it’s all good i out i just wanted his leads i just wanted his leads i just wanted his leads don’t even worry about it you all chill now you chill now no apparently not not apparently not apparently not out apparently not apparently not

Chill i just wanted the leads dudes i just wanted the leads look look it’s good it’s good it’s gonna you’re gonna cool down in a second that scared me actually that jump scared me just relax just relax oh we hit each other as good as dying also nice

Yeah they’re very bad at me are you all done yet oh wow i’ll come back for you just wanted the leads i just wanted the leads okay it’s so much cobblestone it’s pissing me off but like it’s so difficult to do anything but cobblestone unfortunately let’s finish this tower and then i’ll

Move on to the rest also make this pretty i don’t know why i’m doing this but we’re gonna let’s see how it looks you know i don’t know what my point is with it but you know maybe i’ll make a little house not a little house but like a little hangout spot

Rebelling against online school i like all i mean i like online when it comes to like college classes but that’s a little bit different i don’t think that’s what you guys mean exactly god damn it no not my iron pickaxe okay dinoland that’s what i have twins

Okay i’m not doing iron again because i just feel like that’s a waste of iron i’ve made so many sorry i’m changing the song real quick there’s one that i really liked and trying to remember what it’s called cute i might change this whole staircase and stuff i’m not a fan

Not too fan did they make you learn all this crazy stuff you probably won’t ever need yeah i mean it’s i know it sucks now but i’m gonna sound really old when i say this and i’m not trying to like be one of those adults or trying to lecture you guys or anything

Um i know that it’s really shitty now and it probably feels really stinky because when i was in school school was the absolute worst and i wanted nothing to do with it and i i hated it and i was miserable but i look back now and i miss it so much

Because college is so different um and it’s so like it lacks so much personality like college to be honest in my opinion just like i guess that’s just where i am with it um i’m not in any sororities and i don’t do anything crazy like that

Um and i don’t go to freaking college parties like everyone always yells about but i honestly i honestly miss high school i don’t miss the people i miss the teachers and i miss um uh the classes i miss the classes and i miss the teachers not all the teachers obviously but most

Of them and it was like uh i don’t know it was just like everything was so structured and so easy to do things like if you wanted to join like a club or if you wanted to join a tennis team or like something like that because that’s what

I did i was on the tennis team and i was in the creative writing club and like i did all that stuff in college it’s so much more like you have to go searching for it whereas like in high school they provide it to you which is what’s really nice um

And i’d like i kind of took that for granted i guess because there’s so many clubs at high school i considered being in and i was like nah and now like in college it’s like i was in a club and then i gave up because i was like

I can’t keep up with it and college courses and the thing is too is like uh zinoxan high school was so much easier than college i agree with that in a way because like i agree that um the way that we could go about things was easier than college but the one

Thing i don’t agree with is that uh college is more difficult for me personally with god i love this song sorry with um the classes because i don’t know i think the hard thing about college for me is the like like how not i don’t want to say fitting in but like

Getting used to the college like lifestyle is what’s difficult like trying to connect with the college lifestyle like you would connect with your high school lifestyle i guess it’s hard to fall into like a routine that’s comfortable and one that you can figure out because

I in all my years of college i’ve been in college for like five years now roughly um not once if i’ve been able to like figure out some sort of like schedule or anything it’s just like you’re you’re thrown so much so quickly and i don’t know

Maybe it’s because i used to live on campus when i used to live on campus it things were a little bit clearer but like now it’s kind of like i don’t know what i’m doing um college dropout due to an undiagnosed disability i want to go back and finish

The 10 months that i have left same time you don’t want to because my disabilities that’s valid honestly it’s just it’s on you i guess to kind of do what you want to do and do what makes you happy um because also there’s this whole pressure

Of like you have to go to college or you’re not going to be successful in your life and like that’s not true i like to think that i’m successful and i am still in college you know i don’t know um i guess what i was trying to say i

Went on a long rant or whatever but i was just trying to say kind of like don’t take school for granted um because it really isn’t that bad and in the future you’ll look back and you’ll kind of be like oh like i kind of missed like these aspects

I hated these aspects but i missed these aspects and like you know things are gonna feel weird but you know college is rough i know that uh like when joss just started college i know that she struggled a little bit i mean not that much she was like

She was kind of like a genius when it came to college it kind of like fit her perfect perfectly because she’s more social but i feel like with college like if you’re not social if you’re not a social butterfly it’s so hard to do anything and i’m not a social butterfly

Now a vibey song came on god damn Yeah that’s true james i don’t know i have some like me and jazz had like a whole ass discussion um about our high school experiences and how vastly different they were to the point where like i was telling her things and she was kind of like wait what the heck

And i was like what was it like for you because uh i was in this program called cambridge which essentially was like a i don’t want to say like a academically like higher up kind of thing but it was it was like honors classes it was like kind of like taking ap

Except it was all in its own different program and like the only thing that it was really good for was that it helped me get a scholarship for college But getting the scholarship was like you had to pass a series of this amount of tests i think it was like four tests you had to pass four tests out of all the classes you take that year and i mean that’s like i mean if you think about it it sounds

Easy because it’s like well only four tests and you’re in high school for four years in this program for four years but cambridge you had to have like a certain gpa in order to stay in cambridge or they kicked you out um and then you had to this is too upbeat right now

Or not upbeat but to like mario’s Pog pog out uh anyways yeah i forgot what i was saying Oh yeah what i was saying uh cambridge was really shitty because it was essentially like we were with the same people that were in cambridge with us for like the entirety of ours of our high school experience so we didn’t meet anyone else we didn’t meet anyone in like the

General education classes we didn’t meet anyone we were just like left to our own devices with people that we knew so i didn’t have many friends because i didn’t have the chance to meet like any friends because the people in cambridge like i just didn’t connect with any of them

And oh i had one god damn it um and then like i don’t know i love this song but i can’t think over it we’ll do this one that’s cute anyways yeah so i didn’t have like any friends and that was shitty and i know me and

Emily we like talk about like how we’ve been with people oh hello oh you’re still oh my god [ __ ] sake getting beat up by [ __ ] llamas anyways we talk about how like our experience is how different our experiences were and like i don’t know she she was in a wider range of social

Environment because she was in theater and i was an art student and i was kind of just like i i would eat lunch in i would eat lunch like literally in the uh art rooms because like i didn’t if i didn’t know anyone in my art room i was

In my art room in the lunchroom or if i didn’t know anyone that had the same lunch period as me i would literally get my lunch or sometimes not even eat lunch i would just skip and i would just eat in the art room and it was purely based on like the anxiety

Of not wanting to like uh hi you friendly now very cool yeah it was anxiety just like not wanting to um sit there and be in that awkward situation where you’re sitting alone and like yeah cambridge was just a series of tests and half the people didn’t take the test

Seriously because they were so hard to the point that like we would we used to actively try to fail our tests like legitimately we would we would try to fail the tests that we took um sorry i’m so distracted It was wacko uzarko and we would write like stupid answers to certain things like uh we just one person in my class read about no they wrote the entire elmo theme song for their test answer and like ridiculous stuff like that that’s like how people took cambridge like no one took it

Seriously and then we got the four tests that you need which the only reason i got them was because two of them were art tests because i was in art electives so i was able to do like a cambridge elective which was art and i passed that i passed a literature

I passed thinking skills which is another one i had to take and um i passed a history class i think european history or something and that’s what got me like my scholarship and i was able to uh get into college free of charge which is very cool but

It was an experience i don’t miss the people at all i had some awful people in my classes and they were awful to me um same with middle school i think middle school was probably no i was gonna say maybe middle school was worse but probably not but i do

Miss the setting sometimes just because college is so different okay anyways sorry i ranted so much on that and i don’t even think i made much sense but that’s fine because i was so distracted with other things i don’t wanna hang out with me

Where did he go how did he get up there what the heck why is he in the water now when did that happen hello okay i’m not going to think about it night i eat whoever’s leaving have a good night come on boys oh you’re not gonna fit oh damn it’s

Okay i have plenty of glass it’s fine are you kidding me you can’t fit through the door okay give me two seconds dudes he said no you won’t run away one at a time one at a time thank you oh you just walked straight in cool

Good to know you love it here now i have friends i have friends now needle burrito hello i sit on you oh rude okay not sure i want to hear them spitting constantly but it’s fine very true rat on crack very true yeah i promise you guys like

There’s so many different things that are going to affect you in different ways and so i can’t say for sure like like i can’t personally say things get better but they do eventually i’m just not at the point where i can say that yet but i know that they get better like i

Know that this year is gonna get so much better for me because i get to live with jazzy and like it just it just does it just does get better and i’m excited for when it does start getting better because since i’ve been out of high school my

Mental health has been probably worse because i understand what i have now and what’s wrong with me now not wrong with me it’s not wrong to be depressed but i know like that i am depressed and stuff now so it’s more clear if that makes sense

But if you guys have any questions like ever about anything like mental health related whatever like i’m not an expert i’m not a therapist but i can try my best to tell you my experience with things to the point where i can try to help

If that makes sense i’m gonna go get the lighter wood that’ll be cute llama friends jazz is moving here uh that’s the plan as of right now i’m hoping we’ll like make an official like video on it when she’s here uh because she’s coming to visit in february which i’m very excited about

Um but yeah i want to make like an official like video with her so that people know what’s going on ah river thank you i hope to be i try my best to be Exactly amen to what rat and crack just said belly true where did i get bone meal i don’t even know how that happened hmm yes i love this song this is one of my faves on the playlist i know that i know them now so it’s just like when they come up

I’m like yes five I know i want to do hey guess what and then i i’m so excited to like film the moving in process like i can’t wait to get like because it’s gonna be a little convoluted because i’m gonna be moving in first so it’ll be me moving into the house and

Then jazz moving into the house and then if the plan is still in motion uh d will be moving into the house so it’s gonna be like three different move-ins between each of us which is cool um oh i gotta fix that uh which is gonna be really cool i’m really [ __ ] excited

Uh yeah i wanna film like the entire movement process i wanna film each move-in process i just like i want to be a little family i want it to be me d and jazz and i just want us to like have this cozy little place where we just like all

Can do like youtube videos and stream and stream together and like i live for those like little moments where maybe we’re streaming and we bring each other dinner or we just like [ __ ] goof off in the background of each other’s stream like i just feel like that would be such a good time

I’m very excited for it i don’t know what i’m building i’m assuming this is gonna be my bedroom to be honest i don’t know i guess Oh rattle crack i’m so glad i’m i’m really excited to like make everyone excited with us and just like because it’s gonna be a big thing and i’m i’m really excited for it it feels it feels like i’m finally becoming an adult i don’t know if that makes sense but

Like i moved out of like my parents house really young because i moved for college so like i don’t know i still feel like i’m a kid because i feel like i don’t know everything and i feel like i don’t have a handle on my life and like what i’m doing right now

Because i feel like i still need my parents for so many things and it’s okay to need your parents and i’m always gonna need my parents because they’re like everything to me but um it’s gonna be nice to be independent and like not have to lean on people for things

And instead be able to lean on my partner for things because they’re my partner and we live together you know billy noise that we noise indeed [ __ ] so many deep conversations tonight we had a chaotic phasmophobia session and now it’s just deep combos y’all are weird you know that side eyeing me okay

Good night green frogs thank you for hanging out for so long lama being weird champ uh i gotta get that iron at some point and explore there hey yo hello sheepy peepee oh that’s so pretty god i can’t wait to explore this area there has to be a village out there somewhere

It just looks like prime village real estate area this is also a pog song you think i’m at an 80s club we jump to the beat boys we jump to the beat and i’ve got a snowy wonderland behind me could this get any better could this be any better of a place to

Live cars on welcome hello bab you’re gonna start streaming it’s gonna be a thing i want us to get a gaming laptop so that i can stream like mobily if we go anywhere so it’ll be fine we’ll get one of those and then it’ll have multiple purposes

And then eventually if you want we can get you know fancy big boy computer once we have the monies oh you could just hang out you could uh sing could play music you could also game you could game with us be a minecraft gaming channel

Or you can just come on mine and do stuff with me and have your youtube channel that you wanted to do music’s not too loud by the way is it because i uh yeah jazz is a was a musical theater major so she’s a very much a singer

I’ve been super tempted to do some singing stuff on my channel but i am not confident enough for that don’t call her out why am i calling her out i’m calling her out i didn’t mean to are you trying to escape what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] you get up here

Did you spawn in my room in my bedroom oh did he fall he probably fell that makes sense and he put like a trap up there oh i need a crafting table up here i’m just gonna do it we’ll just do it so hmm could it be me

I want this to be like an uh like an entire window but i need like a little door to go out on the patio Hmm Hmm and blow up the house like last time when you didn’t close the dang door that wasn’t me that was jazz i did block myself in vibe bye bye bye bye as you can tell i don’t know what i’m doing half the time clearly oh that symmetry is so annoying God damn it why are there children laughing they laughed when i said that that looks so weird what if it was striped though but what if it was striped though oh that’s kind of cute actually it’s an accent it’s an accent an accent color you know an accent color

That’s cool looking that’s cool looking the ghost kids are back here we go it’s gonna be a genius move after i sleep oh i forgot this is a really cute song oh i need another bed good night i’m glad you left the chaotic and chill stream

I make some shears where should i put my animals guys like when i have my animals should i put them up somewhere like i could literally make everything above ground it’s like out they could be like up on the side floating could be pretty pog you know let’s probably finish this first huh

Maybe maybe what the oh yeah so i can get on top uh where am i putting the ladder in this room probably right in the center so close no go down thank you to get up early we have a huge headache oh i hope your headache goes away

Stream has helped me chill a lot thank you also i want to thank the chat for being talk tonight oh unknown individual thank you for being so lovely put them on the stove and have dinner always yeah i’ll see you in a minute it’s probably good enough i think there goes my ankles Is this the one and only kk slider is that what his name is okay slider i don’t play uh animal crossing i’m pretty sure that’s his name though dang it that’s akko taco it won’t annoy me too much if i don’t see it i was right cool cool noise castle castle times

Now i’m second guessing myself though uh because i’m kind of like maybe i want there to be another another one yeah i’m gonna put the room with the names for the subs for the gifted subs somewhere else nice neverwinter yes did i get my ankles back from the fall

I think they’re good now yeah i think i got him back why god i’m just making it worse oh i’m putting i’m done don’t worry about me don’t worry about me i’m just dumb perfect perfect okay guess what times i don’t even know what this is going to

Turn into it’s just going to be a fortress essentially part of the tower for the lava fountain so you can find the castle without adventuring that’s true i’ll definitely have to do that that’s right next door so that should be fairly easy so much cobblestone it’s frustrating Hmm oh make a birthday cake at midnight that sounds pretty pog to be honest sorry i was really zoning out for a second there enjoying the music i make the floor wood just because it looks pretty like the floor inside goddammit uno van that sucks that you’d get yelled at baby fox um

I mean i would just say hey i want a cake for my birthday so i’m making one i got a planner for school and it got here yesterday or today actually it’s very cute very cute Oh Um my stream seems to be okay he checked on my phone i’m gonna be ending here in a minute anyways but to being stinky So i mean it might be a good place to leave but for me anyways before it gets too late Okay we will leave it there then the castle will finally be finished at some point at some point in time the castle will have its its day okay i wonder if anyone else is streaming right now you guys dreams a little bit behind but i’m gonna say goodnight to you guys

I am sleepy but i had a really fun uh phasmaphobia stream with you guys that was really really fun and i hope that uh you guys enjoyed it and i hope you enjoyed like the minecraft stream and a little bit of chill vibes for after phasmaphobia for everyone to kind

Of just relax a little bit but uh yeah i don’t know why my stream keeps doing that that’s really stupid and annoying uh i don’t know icky stinky stinky stinky times um but i love you guys a lot and i really appreciate the support thank you magic skies for all the

Gifted subs today that was really really sweet of you thank you everyone for the bits that’s very lovely um i love you guys a lot and i appreciate you being here to support i appreciate you guys having conversations with me and hanging out with me and just having an all-around pog time uh

So yeah so thank you for being here i send very much love i send love i send love uh baby fox i hope you have a great birthday tomorrow or tonight technically uh yeah good night guys i’ll talk to you in a second go off baby fox hell yeah

Um yeah happy birth and i love you guys thank you for being here um i don’t think anyone else is streaming it’s probably too late now right is d doing anything probably not no um it doesn’t look like it yeah doesn’t look like anyone’s streaming right now

So that’s fine uh so we’ll just be ending it here tonight um we won’t we won’t be uh raiding anyone tonight unfortunately but i love you guys very much thank you for being here i sent all my love to you all my love and i will see you on friday sorry

I will see you on friday um if i feel like working on my minecraft class a little bit i might so i might uh work on it a tiny bit and when you guys see me next time it’ll have some updates maybe possibly uh so yeah i will be streaming

On friday probably 7 30 8 o’clock so same as usual um i’m considering starting to do some my streams a little bit earlier so we will see we’ll see how that goes i don’t know the plan yet i know that i do really want to play among us

On youtube for a stream at some point just to try um but yeah no plans yet no plans yet but we will see we’ll see where it goes um but anyways i love you guys uh have a good night oh farewell sleep tight love yous take care of yourself wash your hands

Wear your mask all those good things bye have a good night i send love have sweet dreams have all the sweet dreams You

This video, titled ‘Phasmophobia || w/ Theo, James, & Dee – Full Twitch Stream + Minecraft || A New World Part 4’, was uploaded by lilbofvods on 2021-03-06 03:26:33. It has garnered 688 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:32 or 11372 seconds.

This stream is both Phasmo and Minecraft! Sorry for any confusion!


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    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

    INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!Video Information This video, titled ‘sub-Crystl PvP with the Motion Blur gameplay -(pojav launcher) #cpvp #pojavalauncher #minecraft’, was uploaded by NEAR25⚡ on 2024-05-20 16:12:41. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft pvp montage, minecraft hardcore, minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft shorts, #minecraft, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft sumo pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,cpvp, smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft combo, minecraft hacker, minecraft smp,minecraft pro, minecraft 1.20,minecraft mods, minecraft sumo, sumo minecraft, minecraft combo lock,minecraft combotage,egirl minecraft, minecraft video,minecraft short,best minecraft combosminecraft, minecraft pvp,minecraft shorts, minecraft god,minecraft memes, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft the boys, minecraft… Read More

  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More