Markiplier Vods (Fan Channel) – Markiplier Plays Minecraft Dungeons W/Friends (TWITCH VOD) 2/2

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Oh i got grim armor oh yeah i got the wither armor i already have except it’s even better i got the exact same armor i already had that was not as good as the armor i have now i’m gonna just do 100 souls gathered i was not wearing the steve armor it’s

So much better i just oh i don’t have any upgrades that’s unfortunate i think my low level armor is better because it does more damage and more damage reduction hmm oh i don’t know if i really want to salvage the grim armor but it’s oh man i just salvaged everything i just

And i salvaged everything i’m back to power level 3 by the way sick dude i’m up to 11. but so the grim armor’s got two sets of enchantments the thief armor’s only got one i’m just gonna i’m gonna pretend like i’m powerful i’m just gonna pretend

It’s just a fun game where we just we just kill it we have fun that’s all it is yeah it’s just a casual casual fun time you know yeah yeah mark you’ll get it later when it’s when it matters more yeah yeah yeah where are we going over here enderman these look like

Places to go help well that’s unfortunate oh there he is wow i think this i think this low level armor that i have is actually better i take way less damage so for all of my low power i’m quite good look out guys here i come

Wow spider web oh she really got stuck in there sure did that’s unfortunate i got stuck after i see you yes don’t worry i’ll still keep them out of here all right thanks buddy without you i’d just be a babe in the woods lost we must be close to the end because we

Got all the chests and zero secrets the secrets must be like really tough yeah tell you what those secrets are hidden they’re hidden look guys i drop random food items when i heal now that’s great that’s great that’s really cool man and look how fast

I am that’s so good i’m gonna hit the exit all right yeah i’m ready for some sweet sweet loot yeah me too baby yeah let’s get the loot looting loot baby unable to connect uh oh What did you guys unavailable what no no i loot my loot yeah is that for serious though my loot my loot my loot oh wait i’m getting the loot i said click online game again huh i’m trapped in a loading screen so i don’t i got nothing

Oh i got boots of swiftness again i’m gonna join you i’m joining i’ll get i i’m going to get my loot right i’m going to spawn it i’m going to get my loot i’m super duper stuck in mine i can’t join you wade minecraft online servers may have just gone down

I clicked and create an online game i’ll create my own okay it just crashed i got my loot yes good good uh it’s the same tote of my shielding i got better oh my god with the um why it’s common so it only gets one enchantment thing another glaive

I’m trying to travel to camp join session failure sorry the minecraft dungeon service is not currently available please please try again later apparently yeah looks like you can start your own but not not uh oh no i joined i joined wade i managed to get in here

Well i’ll just keep trying then highway i don’t know how this stuff works oh wait hey boys that’s the one i had that had fiery poops oh hunter’s armor wolf armor crossbow Heavy crossbow ooh powerful heavy crossbow okay you know that’s that is damn fine here what’s up friends is that better than the legendary oh that is legend oh i got another unique a level 17 power truth seeker power truth seeker you say look at that sword oh seek the truth baby oh

Break down goodbye old friend venom glaive okay you know actually i’m i i got some pretty good stuff i’m you know i’m not too far off from you guys now power level a nine i’m up to thirty i got a hawk brand it’s a legendary sword of proven warriors increases crit chance

Oh i can only upgrade that now well yeah it’s fine it’s actually fine way that you have 13. that’s good for you good for you it’s good for us teamwork we work together good for you all right it’s good you know what else is good for you the amazing minecraft dungeons cloak

Collab available at where you can get amazing cloak gear like this actual comfortable cloak exactly with cloak hood hmm he’s very nice it’s pretty good it’s pretty cool all right oh mark you see the sword yes look i’m not a melee anymore souls and whatnot but

I’m a i’m a hunter now that’s who i am in my core i know this now yes beautiful i like that you can get all your upgrade tokens back when you salvage stuff it’s nice it’s noise what if i’m just fisticuffs i’ll just shift yeah see i realize

Weapons are really the cowards tool the real real warrior fights with their fists it’s true that’s true it’s true it’s true you guys know it’s true we all know power level 13 right now that’s that’s really fascinating but you know i’ve long learned that power levels much like in dragon ball z are

Irrelevant when you’re not combining them with skill oh i see oh yeah mark are we getting some honorary cloak gear to show off for this collaboration Collaboration get your cloak gear at wow man after we’ve been carrying your level of power level five ass around all day what no i’ve been you could clearly see on the score screen in the last one i did the most damage everyone knows this everyone saw it So much damage that it just couldn’t handle it probably i mean why would mark live i would believe that i would never learn okay i would never lie whoa what is this sickles whoa what the hell yeah you are oh that’s sick that’s actually pretty cool they’re not they’re completely common but i

They’re cool well i love the i’m totally down for these all right cool all right i’m happy i want snowballs yeah uh power level just dropped up because i got level 17 unique wither armor that’s neat that’s so fascinating that’s really cool wade i know i love i love trading what

Oh i have so much money i can get so much crap from this blacksmith goddang oh i got dual wheeled daggers mark i could be a hayao with you hi y’all with me mark what’d you get i got sickles did you not see no can i see your sickles yeah you can

See my sickles watch me tear apart this mug [Applause] All right let’s do this one more before wait has to go we can get one more in right yeah i’ve got an hour oh you got an hour oh you do have an hour oh well we did the temple and now we can go back to lower level areas

Redstone mines soggy swamp or pumpkin pistors wherever you feel comfortable bob we want you to have a good time i’m having a good time ain’t that the truth we’re going to the swamp all right swamp swamp swamp is there a way to make it harder oh you can make it a harder difficulty

Oh no i didn’t make it hard unless i accidentally i accidentally tapped over twice the hardest right as it was about to go i don’t know if that made it i do not know if that made it that difficult that i might have accidentally set it to the which was like level 22

This might be hard i gotta cut something of witches yeah i got the cutscene i didn’t get the cutscene i didn’t get that it’d be higher power level mark no what what no i’m i’m pretty high the illagers dude it’s us look at this cool gear we have

Okay i don’t think i don’t think it’s high level i think we’ll find out about two seconds one secret five chests all right that’s pretty cool oh it’s uh just a one wang them dude i one weighing everybody all the time yeah but there’s little there’s little steppies out there

Are there yeah on the map you see little steppies by me i tried to get to them and i just died you died yeah step into the swamp 128 crit hey level up oh my oh i got robes but who who does robes anyway oh no oh witch it’s a witch witch

Witch dead dead witch do people live out here oh it’s goopers damn my ranger abilities are incredible and my sickle abilities are unparalleled look at my chains look at my chains where’s my snowballs oh my god look at my chains your chains are pretty cool dude thanks man

They keep them removed last where’s my snowball snowball it’s on the ground there they’re very they’re very subtle oh that’s too bad i invested a lot of points into my snowballs nice home dude nice stone thanks man thanks for the dome comps a lot easier than the last one

I could have said it powered up a lot in between that’s that’s true ouch uh yeah no i’m having just as easy a time guys it’s just everyone’s having an equally easy time no problemo i can’t believe though he quit like trivial equivocal this is equivocal this level is really weird

We’re all so skilled why are we why are we getting no uh no arrows at all um i don’t know all things equivocal we should be you making fun of me no you making fun of me chase my souls [ __ ] pretty impressive soul barrage dude

See how big my souls were dude it was so huge i like how you domed us in with them look man they’re not trapped in here with you trapped in here with me i’m trapped in here with you well that’s a lot of dudes hey if you walk into the swamp you die

Wow figured it out solve the problem good god oh they’re all here they’re all here i’ve discovered it they’re all here how do i i can’t get through there oh there’s like a bad guys man tough work guys stuff equal work that we got going on here tough samesies weimzee’s work

As it’s known in the biz but very slow oh i’m gonna die oh good god you all having as good a easy time as me dude easy peasy times oh easy peasy time excuse me all right you know you don’t need that many arrows but i i’m a hunter so

You could leave me a very strong bow i mean yeah but i’m like specialized hunter it’s me i should get some arrows when did you become a specialized hunter and what qualifications do you think this person i’m wearing hunter’s armor and i have a good bow i have a good bow as

Well how much damage does yorpo do uh more than yours i don’t think that’s whatever number you have on your boat mine is bigger that’s not how numbers work that’s how it works with these numbers anyway give me your arrows i’ll salvage some i guess or something

Can you salvage arrows i don’t know good job guys wait i like how you did everything except the objectives oh i was looking at my website here like like a hellion and we’re like yeah they’ll do this i was gonna i was gonna do the only thing we need

I wasn’t marked up some time to heal up you know yeah well i’m healed what i was never damaged i was breezing through it right now i’m yeah it wasn’t clearly like goofers you know like goofers goofers yeah you word much what does that mean why word much equivocal

Yeah okay all right cool good great neither of you seems to worry very much apparently pig pig enderman don’t worry guys i’m gonna just wreck him i’m gonna just wreck him crappy daggers hmm dude i love crappy daggers interesting crappy daggers what’s up just yeah you know i thought i’d let you

Guys know say it out loud so everyone appreciates it oh well this looks like something but i’m sure it’s a secret we’ll never unlock there’s a chest down there somewhere it’s just chest oh hey a good scatter shot crossbow i got garbage did i not get that where

Did that go oh it’s this oh it’s only common i guess well at least i’ve got a bunch of gems to turn in for some more legendary equipment later you know yeah Yeah yeah yeah yeah uh-huh you always seem to be relatively low on health no what are you what i’m the hunter the back killing things from a distance lethal but unnoticed sniper even sometimes some may call me who who may call you you could you may

You may call me you may call me i’m allowed i am permitted you may will you answer yes that’s not true you never answer your phone for anyone hey hey come on now come on that’s this is not wrong don’t call them no way don’t burn my reputation like this guys

You we’re supposed to build each other up compliment each other make everyone through lies lies obviously and honesty in this case honesty because it would be totally the truth i misread that uh disclosure agreement you sent us about yeah yeah in addition to all the club here went up i went down

What a what a whoops what funny goof hilarious hey what’s up friends hi bob you clean out the down low by yourself i want to make sure mark had an escort i don’t need you i am plenty powerful yeah i killed a creeper so fast they don’t even curse bloat no mo

Hmm interesting interesting why what’s so funny what’s so funny mark had such a disparity in power no what are you talking about we you’ve got no proof you’ve got no proof that my killing potential is any lesser than yours you’ve got no proof you’ve got no proof you just figure sadness and anger

No i’ve got no sadness no anger none of it we’re splitting up my dudes yeah because i don’t need you guys because i’m so strong i’m so capable at murder my murdering ability is so powerful man these things take a lot of hits sounds like you’re really just

Flourishing over there on your own it’s just the such a shame these witches take so many hits to kill uh since we all have to hit him about 13 times a piece all of each of us Oh my goodness this must be a boss ouch oh hey mark i found some arrows oh i found an enderman it’s okay i can take them myself they’re just over here oh [ __ ] jesus christ my goodness oh cool secrets oh good secrets oh god that’s so good for you to go across that

Bridge don’t worry mark we’re coming we could teleport what no oh hey i’m here good thing i made it oh my goodness I just you know i don’t think that i’m that weak but it’s really okay well i don’t think i’m that weak but it really no one’s no one’s saying you’re weak dude no one is saying it really seems that well no you guys actually were just saying how weak i was

Duplicity yeah duplicitation isn’t it duplicitude yes no but also no that’s pretty duplicitude of you goddamn with the words mm-hmm you guys ever tried to say words and then just like no no no never every time i open my mouth i also fall a lot oh well how do we go

Well we go down we’ll go down i go up bye bye come find us when you need help i will never i won’t i’ve got the skills to pay the bills all of these bills that i’m paying i forget which button does what yeah yeah apparently it fell perfectly

Down into a hole where it was useless yes i found the way out boys yeah we found the secrets that we’ll never be able to wait is this yes i found the way out yes do you need me you don’t know yeah we’re in desperate trouble mark do you need me please help

Us i shall not you didn’t help me in my time of need now that you are clearly in mortal danger i shall help you oh oh my god why do i take so much damage oh do you need some sort of help my friend oh everything’s so fast stop

Running away from me and let me hit you that’s like everything’s going really everything’s great everything’s great oh my god it’s so painful don’t worry buddy oh it’s still here now thank you thank you daddy thank you daddy i found a chest oh boy more daggers evocation robes

That’s what i wanted hi wade hey i found a shitty bow there’s nothing in these levels that’s as good as me well what about me i’m i’m as good or more good oh 17. okay that’s tied for my lowest i don’t want to play this game

This game’s not for me guys since i’ve discovered this i feel this this is not for me my goodness i am very very bad mark you just need to find some good loot that’s your problem yeah doesn’t look better yeah come on man just loot better

Can i get the next arrows oh do you need some arrows i found like a whole bunch do you find if you had been with us i would have given you like a hundred arrows you could have just left them on the ground you weren’t coming over there

That’s the creeper watch out buddy i know how weak you are mark to explosions and stuff weak what are you talking about strong strong boldy whoa look who’s weak now i’m talking big talk for a man who nearly passed out because of poison gas that’s what you get see i thought ours

90 of the battle is knowing how to fight it oh i can’t even i can’t even get close enough to these you know what jesus christ there’s a lot of creepers up there suddenly i was gonna say a joke but then my mind almost exploded she said whoa god oh wait

Wait follow the rules follow the rules wait wait let me thank you hey mark you want my arrows buddy if you could will are willing oh take them thank you the kind sir i am the hunter after all wait just snatches the arrow

That’s fair i get it i get it i get it watch now that i haven’t ever leveled mark’s bow is but mine’s level 20. i just can’t bear the thought of leaving it to him whenever i need it but i’m so good i rarely make it you guys are gonna see

When we get to the stat screen and it’s like oh mark is the best damage dealer person wow we doubted him all along i’m rooting for you you sh you don’t have to because i’m rooting for myself you’re all right up there oh i used my potion it spawned an arrow

Bundle it went right off the side of the cliff oh you teasing [ __ ] oh there’s a little side area here again oh god is there like a door over there what’s going on with it no open door here there’s like the final exit right by you guys i think

There’s some more stuff up this way pick it up this is like a dead end i think it’s must be yeah you must enter from holy frick i can’t move uh whoa oh no that’s nothing ah anyway guys where are you guys what is going on here

What’s this hey i found a chest mark oh it’s not a it’s not an arrow’s chest i’m but it’s probably got some stuff in it i’m coming i’m i’m coming i’m coming yeah yeah yeah yeah how did you get up there wait where did you go where am i

Uh over there oh okay i tried that i couldn’t get up before oh and i’m gonna go down and get that bow how do i get up right guys how does that chest right here guys how do i how do i look mark arrow’s on the ground

How do i get up how do you want the arrows yes please i would love them pretty please you know i could use some more arrows no please no wait please have a heart please dear god no all right i guess i’ll leave those arrows thank you thank you

I don’t i i think if you if you would have taken those i do not know if i could have forgiven you i was like i i really think that would have been like the end of our friendship that would have been it’s it’s a ver the

Camel’s bag is very stressed at the moment and i feel like no i understand it’s a very very tense tense situation i just feel like i feel like oh man this cauldron ah cauldron time only hurts something hurt a lot there it was the fire of the cauldron you cheese the fire burns

Guys i’m down freaking hell guys i’m almost down wait i’m down wait wait wait wait i’m down oh no that hit me i’m down hey wait i’m down wait wait i’m super safe if you want to go all the way wait thank you yeah i got you ah i don’t got you not

That safe i needed that wow ow now stop with the fire stop with the fire yeah boom oh oh he wang he wanged oh these things are still alive ooh upgrade all right what unique items i get this time not how are you getting unique i i have

Not gotten a single unique item this whole time who did you pay reason i can’t even use who did you pay who did you pay who did you pay calm down you gave us apparently back at the place i was there’s a secret where oh hold on there’s something right

There’s literally something right here is that the exit might be the exit that might be the exit i think that’s the exit but back here there’s apparently some kind of a secret anyway we’ll get to the bottom of who you paid wade and we’ll get there eventually but for now

The bigger issues yeah there’s like uh there’s two doors down here and i think i think one of them leads to like this secret area or something how do i get up there i’m gonna just find my way over to you cheater style it’s not cheater style it’s legit strats

Yeah i think if we go in here there’s like some kind of this is the one that wade found earlier i think no i found it no it’s the i found it yeah i think wade found this one don’t know how to break it do you but it

Is all me baby what is that secret who found this i did wow you’re welcome you triggered an ambush apparently all right a lot of love sweet okay you died oh what oh oh ah oh my god did you just see me dunk on that witch yeah

Well i helped i think i got the alley-oop huh okay look guys foods okay that’s fine i didn’t mean to grab anything i was trying to get my map up oh i don’t know what whoa hey soggy thing i thought it’s a saggy game i was like damn

I mean yeah that’s a hell of a rip on that poor cave ooh all right wow that was great that’s neat that was cool thanks question dungeon thanks okay if you’re finding that way what thanks man oh what’s up stop stop what i’m just crediting wade for his discovery yeah

So oh you know what that actually wasn’t the one way it found was it no it was we came out the other side i think oh do we go in the same i teleported to mark do we go in one and out the other no this is the oh there’s a whole nother

One down here then wait you go find it we’ll teleport to you it’s like two feet from there corrupted cauldron why is it back up called no it’s not it’s not up it’s a lie lies lies uh why is the health bar back i don’t know it’s lies lies and slander

Lies trying to make me look bad and feel bad i don’t feel bad i don’t look bad no it’s literally the same legend it was the same dog yeah i knew it oh well [ __ ] that so it is the one wade found no no here’s me it’s all me

Oh me baby oh me 100 hey me me me me yeah i want to get that i got so many rubies guys if i get if i get one unique item i’m just i’ll be happy but i don’t think it’s ever going to happen so that’s definitely not going to happen

I you know that’s the thing i am due but that doesn’t mean nothing apparently all right here we go but oh i’ll eat my dick oh my dick oh and all of my dick eat my entire dick wade oh eat my dick uh eat every inch of my

Dick oh my god you suck so hard paid off for oh you are the worst and i am the best it has been declared oh my god i knew it i knew it all of that gear is garbage on your bones you guy knew it i knew it didn’t all right man

I i’m basking in my victory and here comes i should drop my controller i would like to take this moment to thank everybody who believed in me who stood by my side the whole way the whole way everyone who doubted me you are not welcome in this speech i am clearly the best

I’ve done this and i did it for everyone who cared and and i did it to shove it in the faces of all the doubters now i get my just desserts my chest with my unique here i am it’s a fish did you get something good buddy i got a fishing rod

Oh man you’re showing your doubters fish on them dude dunk on them it’s a common fishing all right fair that’s that’s what i get that’s what i get that’s what i get that’s why i deserve i got nothing good from this stupid blacksmith either he’s

What a waste of time he is all right what do we got regular glaive regular sword revocation robe cutlass all right hmm this time i feel weak scale mail whoa what is that i don’t know what a oh i got it unique did you nice yeah it’s a guardian guardian bow

That sounds cool it does it says strong charged attacks and also supercharged attacks i don’t know what that means i’m gonna go try it oh my god 151 holy crap what’s your power thing up to now uh 14 baby all right you’re right up there with us then 14.

We’re all uneven hang on i’m not even done yet all right never mind we’re not even putting oh damn all right you know i’m embracing the hunter i’m 15. i’m only 15. you know that’s not bad okay cutlass i don’t know if that’s what i want yeah it’s fine

Don’t sell i almost salvaged the boat all right cool well that’s nice i’m down for that i got something guys i got something i want to be able to like upgrade stuff in town i know it’s probably not gonna be a thing but i just want to i got unique nodes common

Common garbage garbage common garbage common garbage all right i’m pretty happy i’m pretty happy with that i think that’s okay oh wait these these lobby chests just have emeralds in them what there’s a lot i just opened a lobby chest and got 50 emeralds there’s one right here

What look at this chest yeah it’s it’s close it’s open for me already you mean in this what was it oh oh down here there’s another one oh guys look i have fire aura nice man that’s great i burn enemies that are close to me hmm well that’s pretty cool want a chicken

Chicken oh wow that’s neat where’s the chest oh hey there’s a chest yeah claim emeralds there’s another one over here oh there’s nothing the way i’m going where is over here down up north east that way aha ah cool hmm so we got time for like one more level maybe

Yeah let me uh spin these emeralds real quick maybe i’ll get a little upgrady blacksmith i don’t know if there’s anything else you need to spend emeralds on but i wish you could just say spend all my [ __ ] yeah yeah garbage cart garbage garbage complete garbage human garbage skadoosh garbage garbage garbage All right we got time for one more right yeah let’s make it a tough one a toughy all right we got the soggy cave jesus christmas how do i block someone i’m playing the soggy cave the soggy soggy song bottom get down all right so if we if we do it at the

Hardest difficulty we get even higher level gear done it can go up what’s the power level for that it says 22. but we conquered like something that was weird you know okay i think we can do it oh yeah oh we could definitely do it why not i think we can

Why couldn’t we we’re we’re good at this game we did like a 15 when we were like five yeah why not it’s a secret mission anyway it’s gonna be real good it’s gonna be great can i block jesus i’ll blame you some sweet sweet music it’s the worst

It’s the worst the worst thing it’s like i’m sure you’d appreciate your music since it’s from you and not me now everyone’s my enemy that’s awesome that sounds like power level would say i thought you were a high power level now those tiny things are so scary

Supplies hold on there’s a secret right at the beginning how the hell do we get there what did you find supplies oh no you lied look at that no i wasn’t trying to press that button i was trying to huh me up what what are you talking about

If you press tab there’s like a whole area behind where we spawn i don’t have tab i don’t have tabs button once fires oh damn this bow does the damage oh my god i like my crit sword i’m into this um what power level was the bow

Was it 19. that’s really good i just really good yeah i got i lucked out on the bow finally this isn’t so hard i think we got this on the bag i mean honestly we’re doing pretty good until we get to a boss maybe yeah thunk damn this bow is beefy yee

All right go for it jesus christ oh yeah yeesh all right explore the runs hey the runes are full of zombies i got i got to play in my book hang on yes oh good play good play i got a new artifact that sucks in the souls and then does explosion

Oh so it’s not even like a soul penis that’s blasting out yeah okay oh oh my sweet goodness uh i’ll try this one down here i’m gonna go left oh this is not the door someone uh i see you in our area i’m in the wrong place i’ll try a different door

There’s a ambush gate oh hey ambush game uh which one did you guys go in uh top left left i’ll just port to you i’m just gonna pour it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the method for teleporting is possibly my favorite in any video game ever

It is the forest hammer pro teleportation whoa i died horribly what even killed me Oh my god holy crap i’m about to go what is that oh god i got here oh my god it’s up to you bud down no what the hell so wait so the night time hurts us what the hell does that mean i feel like we’ve dealt with that before

By just i think my friend in time like either something bad worse happens yeah i don’t know how it can get worse but apparently it can all right that’s so weird all right good after that so we were two mobs away from the end yeah

That’s how you do it feels bad man oh fun oh that’s a puzzle it’s a puzzle okay all right the smartest of us needs to execute on this plan [Laughter] this good you got it you got you’ll figure this out i’ll get a drink all right you got this oh oh oh oh

That’s so close no no hang on i’m getting it yeah i’m getting there all right that’s our bomb i’m figuring it out figuring it out all right so this one toggles great what the f yep okay i don’t understand what that one does that one toggles the middle three unless they’re up

Oh no this one toggles those two okay okay okay okay okay so you can put all those down you do this cycle through like that and then like that no no no that’s not it do that nope nope someone help me i can’t [ __ ] i’m terrible at this

Alright second smartest up wait go it’s much funnier when you’re not the one doing it wait you had it that was it was that it yeah no do that and then that yeah second smartest thanks guys great job we walked right into the solution all we did was go through a door we

Could have gone in i don’t get why that would have [ __ ] oh maybe oh there’s a staircase what did that do for us i don’t know oh this is another dead end okay good um it dropped one of the walls oh so we got them right it’s ambush my dudes

Wow don’t spawn on me [ __ ] owie owie time to take out that stupid witch i didn’t see it let me loot your body a little bit there thank you appreciate it thank you for the touches all right all right everyone click button so we accidentally get the solution all right keep ramming

Uh oh no my turn to shine this does nothing oh it does something nothing nothing happened all right so that does okay that it’s the same as before right uh it looks to be the same so that’s cycle this cycle is forward yeah yeah

That goes to so what did wade do to get the three down in the middle as the final thing oh that cycles how’d you do that like two other ones oh that’s close what We’re so smart we’re so smart definitely by skill and not random chance i like that hey there’s a staircase just like last time what freaking hell all right why did we need to do that this whole area look at that it’s it’s definitely got some good stuff in it

Yeah you have had such rotten luck you’ve got to be the one opening all right i do i’m due i’m due baby i’m due what is that garbage for me i’ve got a level 28 unique masters bow oh wait i got a totem of regeneration i got this

Artifact yeah i got that too hell yeah better than the stupid totem of shielding squoosh how about this squoosh salvaged oh dude the heel stack we can create a field of invincibility where we cannot be vinced yeah no vincing here hey it’s quick reef quick cooldown too

That is not that’s not bad all right i’m down for that stick six six sick sick tight is that it is that it it’s honestly there’s a door at the end oh it’s not exiting it’s not exit return to the boat return to the boat usually when people

Say return to the boat it’s usually a panicked sprint i don’t know oh no it’s just oh wait wait this is what you’re trying to do wow that was literally baby that was it well that was awesome that was on the hardest level that was on the hardest level

Just keep doing that level 28 level 28 unique bow thank you 28 unique bow connection to oh no i think i’m stuck on loading hell i’m clicking reconnect dude no happen bob did you have to just wait on the loading screen forever i i had to force close and restart the

Game when it happened to me oh my trust is underwater you love to see it you love to see it level 25 totem of regeneration hey we got those we could triple stack them we’re gonna be so we can just chain them and always have health regens on

We’re gonna be the healthiest oh no my chest is in the ground yeah hey a level 26 fishing rod hey you that’s loud yeah the loading screen of this does that thing where it doesn’t care what you set the volume to and your ears are going to kind of no

Skipping you need to know you’re ignored 46 20 20 oh my god okay i’ll spend six oh give me hawk brand oh yeah that’s the one i have that’s a hat that’s a it has good crit chance it’s fantastic oh creases critical hits i can use a better melee i hope

My loot box is gonna have some good oh my god i have a 21 evocation robe but it has the uh cool down enchantment so it can have a 35 artifact cooldown reduction i kind of want to put that on just so i could spam my artifact that’s so much reduction

That’s so reduced if you had like a like the fireworks or something better like the soul cube i still have my soul cube i mean the thing about the soul cube is it needs to charge ah true i i could put the fireworks on though and just firework the [ __ ] out of

Everyone everyone in my chat thinks that you wade are are paying someone on the dev team no one has that much luck i don’t have that much money i can’t afford to pay the dev team all right you’re sleeping with somebody on the dev team i can’t believe this on your anniversary

How could you do this lewis get out from under the desk go i got another fishing rod you are sucking all of my luck and giving it to yourself you rat bastard stop sucking yourself stop sucking my luck level 17 unique armor it’s not even that good you

Oh only unique oh only level 17 oh okay all right all right i’m here i’m back well so what is the point of this fishing rod is the fishing rod good for anything i don’t know it’s like gra you can grab enemies with it i don’t know if it’s 21.

I got more i don’t want sickles they’re not that good can i get anything long-range i would love like some long-range weapon please please i’m backing you don’t you have a great bow i do but i mean like no sorry uh long-range melee i’ve got these daggers everyone that came over from mark’s

Stream look at my great equipment isn’t it great getting i’m getting rid of my llama i’m going for fishing rod no your llama but what does it what do the pets do something uh yeah it like oh whoa highland wait i can max out my cooldown reduction what is this what happens now

Whoa oh my god my cooldown reduction is awesome i basically have infinite speed no oh god oh god oh jesus christ thank god there’s an undo button for salvage oh jesus oh my god oh no oh how did you almost [ __ ] up again i don’t know

Man i was trying to enchant it i went salvage oh i’m gonna throw up oh the game crashed oh god no it’s gone it’s gone no more none for you oh god help help did somebody help me on this anniversary mark on this the day of my daughter’s wedding you really did

You you did someone just something to someone on the dev team because this this game hates me and loves you although it does seem like i’m doing it to myself i’m going to blame you you’re getting better gear and you just keep accidentally salvaging it you’re like oh

I just don’t get anything you know you’re probably just everything he gets and is like oh hey you guys you suck look it’s not my fault it’s not my phone i take no blame i take all the reward you take no blame interesting how that works hey there’s just a reconnect

Button oh that’s cool so i can just there’s a quick button to reconnect if i disconnect that’s a nice feature amazing feature that some might argue all games should have yeah you know these microsoft people they built the quality game here i agree can i please get some loot luck though

For god’s sake to be nothing to be perfectly honest like i i actually am really enjoying the i’m probably gonna play this on my own like a ton i agree it is fun i don’t know if anyone’s watching or enjoying the stream but i’m having fun with it sea farmer i had that

Goodness gracious once upon a time i’m stuck on the loading screen of forever that’s right it’s a gift for my anniversary i’m not having my dick sucked under the desk right now oh it’s an anniversary gift that does make sense yeah i am stuck here is this game actually that good looks

Hella whack from the pics i mean i don’t think i’ve heard the phrase hello you don’t even know uh but yeah actually no i mean it’s minecraft so it’s gonna look like minecraft but it’s really fun not even a joke i have a cape although launch date’s broken as hell i

I’m gonna say that straight up but that happens with every launch launch title it’s not nearly as bad i mean today the launch day oh yeah launch stage today yeah it’s not nearly as bad i mean look at anthem and atlas and even diablo 3 that like

You couldn’t play online for like the first four days because their online servers were messed up you couldn’t even play because it was all online that’s true for a title as big as minecraft i mean this is running pretty damn well it’s got little blips but nothing that bad oh i’m having trouble

Connecting but at least it’s play all right let me try it with you no trouble connecting i’m having great luck you shut here [ __ ] mouth wait you’re cheating you’re chanting you cheated look at my sweet poison clouds ah finally i’m back in okay i am here wait it actually uses your

Arrows here when you’re testing out your weapons yes that’s a problem well you respawn you respawn with a certain amount of girls i think in the dungeon no my axe what it’s gone oh Power level so much higher than one mars sword no this game is garbage oh no all right let’s just go you doing all right let’s do another one let’s do another one yeah heart is doing we’re going to the right redstone mines quick in and out

Like nothing oh i’m going to throw it we’re going no i mean yeah it’s my fault for accidentally dude i must have crashed right after i did it didn’t you oh god oh god so you salvaged it and then went to undo it no it crashed it didn’t let you i do i

Did undo it and it got it back and i was relieved and then it crashed oh god gotta watch out for those game Crashes oh this is this oh hey mark what happened what happened to us don’t worry everyone’s dead we’re just all so dropping what’s going on yeah here i’m gonna put this down and then oh yeah i forgot about the totem of healing i’m gonna go down oh no

Yeah this is this turns out hardest difficulty didn’t you leave it on hardest difficulties yeah it’s on hardest difficulty we need the loot what was the power level you give me 27 give me the loot we don’t even we’re not even close to that give it a look

Give me the look give me the loot can we break the spawner yes we can give it a little seems like the thing to do oh god there’s so many more spawners give me the loot oh my god they hit so hard yeah it truly honestly does oh my goodness okay

Ow ow ow ow oh we’re fine we’re fine that was a tough room i think that’s that’s all that was about 27 power crossbow rapid crossbow see and that’s why we’re doing hardest difficulty for the sweet delectable loot little gross spiders they’re so gross yeah they’re gross this is gross

Oh oh oh that doesn’t look good oh they there got a lot of life oh enchanted burning double damage fast attack yeah they they suck okay how about healing totem thanks dude i’m gonna run out of time the same way as you friends that’s my bad oh good they gave nothing

All that effort oh did you get all the way to the end to get nothing out of it yeah there’s a really tough enchanted skeleton hold on but there’s zero secrets in this whole map that’s good that’s to need yeah yeah there aren’t any for us to not get

We were we were getting so many before it was just like you guys seen my new crossbow not yet no whoa oh yeah that’s creeper for those things creepers high they really blow you man they’re really blowing yeah yay okay over there okay good calm good calms uh that’s the thing

Here mark have a healing job i’m not i don’t need it i haven’t even taken a bit of dow i took so much damage in one hit christmas it’s all good right here choices okay don’t worry oh oh oh they’re aura they’re aura there or they hurt so bad

I think i’m at a disadvantage because i got a level one sword bringing me down [ __ ] okay that we you’re yes mark here have some healing thank you thank you okay i like this new crossbow but it really burns through the burns through the ammo there yeah ammo yeah ammo

Look how many arrows are in those badass ones i’ve got three arrows left i have two errors with this giant arrow up there who shot that oh yeah my master’s though oh I love that you t-pose spin into the abyss yeah let’s stack these peeling toes first oh my god delicious heels this is so funny this is uh going really well i’m feeling positive about this i think we should definitely explore and find some side some side areas to go into

Oh boy all right so the next room we find i’m gonna tnt into individu yes please oh okay tnt back up it didn’t go very fast oh okay he’s at us okay all right oh boy this is good this is a good level guys i’ll just get some more i do like the

Challenge the challenge is fun but oh oh we need to kill the mage douchebag oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh god oh god all right it’s fine seconds to get me up we’ll get you we’ll get you all right you uh watch him i’ll watch your back oh little guy

Turns out little guy still hurts no one no one’s getting me up where’d you go all right i gotta get him up here we go and healing totem healing dude there’s something over here mob spawner maybe oh god what the hell oh god i’m dead

Where are you at there’s oh bro i’m from i’m time to go i got one shot oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh my god [Laughter] oh we get one more chance oh god great we’re fine this is fun

All right stick together all right never mind we split up i’m not i’m not trying to push i’m sticking no wait i don’t know where it is over there i forgot the mage that was down here summoning [ __ ] okay good good move good move oh i got one

Oh no it was the cart oh damn it oh it’s all right let me just put this little boy right here man those carts what happened wade did you mate all right good i’m dead though i see that yeah we see it’s okay now the mages are dead all right kurt oh jesus

Fine this is fine evoker and whatnot what does a voker do there’s tnt right there whoo what is that it’s got some kind of spell oh what is this evokers yeah i’ve been saying evoker i hardly even know cursed i don’t like you what is the the grabby alligators got him down

Using all of my ranged ammo on him right now he does so much damage healing totem down healing totems down him down that really does help that really helps you mean when we spend all of our healing totems in the same area yeah dude she’s out i can’t throw multiple tnts

Into the room just to see what happens oh there’s more mob spots get the spawner get the spawner oh oh oh god oh no no no i’m not oh my not healing i’m getting up up up yes oh my god i don’t know how he didn’t die just then whoo

Teamwork dreamwork teamwork dreamwork everybody yeah the dream we are just gonna hang back here for a sec i think okay it’s all good oh that’s the thing that explodes freaking steps god thank you please healing I have 35. cool we’re gonna be fine satisfied we have healing pig oh there she goes uh i think that might be gone paper behind creeper behind grouper behind serious problem oh come on we got it down oh watch that tnt be careful with that all right totem healing totem healing totem

Another healing total fell off all right cardin coming god i almost swallowed myself the 25 unique crossbow that’s great man i got a terrible level 18 armor i don’t need all right treasure i would love a better weapon melee weapon it would be so cool it’d be cool if you could have

Something better than the starter sword it would be but you know dreams can only be dreams really oh yeah yeah i think if we fall if we use the chokepoints if we bait them in use our choke points and healing totems yeah yeah i think that’s the i think that’s the

Play yeah i just hope that there’s no like mega boss Don’t you worry about it there’s going to be another cart coming in a second here everybody the most lethal thing in this game oh my god every time i cross the car trail now i’m gonna stand with mark come back there sir i could stack my own on there too

I think actually two at a time is the maximum because it doesn’t seem to actually stack the effect uh but it feels it does feel really comforting now oh pickaxe a common pickaxe yeah that’s not a good weapon oh wait arrows arrows i actually have some so you one

Of you guys can have my arrows no you your bow is like your only weapon yeah don’t you have a good bow mark yeah i do all right i’ll take it i’ll take it go for it thank you guys thank you so nice yeah all right i’d rather you at least

Be able to help you know it’s a selfish for crazy i’d rather at least be able to freaking do something for once look at that douchebag creeper up on the edge applauding our death i got you i got you i mean i will admit my my bow does do a tremendous amount of

Damage oh thank you oh use this stroke we’re definitely using the choke point oh okay healing totem oh oh how freaking their archers are insane yeah but i’m here baby i missed their bases uh fall back fall back fall back oh what’s the arrows on the screen

Oof ouch are you healing toned down oh man mine is all right i gotta stop doing that i’m gonna stop popping i got a pickaxe it is probably better than what i have yeah it’s gotta be at least better than level one or whatever yep all right oh it’s fine

Hey arrows on the ground over here you wanna let me move you gonna you want you can have them okay thank you that’s still your main your main weapon it sure is it sure is baby ow ouchies gucci ouchies i’m pushing in pushing uh pushing the badass archer dying

I’m stuck leaving the totem i’m stuck all right i’m down did i see that i’m gonna oh my god physically you i’m fine how are you wait are you down or are you doing stuff i went back i was here what am i stuck what am i stuck on

Yeah that keeps happening to me it’s really unfortunate oh take the shadow potion way then they won’t mess with you or whatever okay healing totems archers you are annoying blasted the mage out of this existence nice thanks i’m trying to save my arrows for like absolutely necessary yeah was that stun

That’s really nasty yeah that’s really cool random snowballs it’s nice oh purple guy i don’t even know what the deal is with those purple ones we just need to get rid of them because those are the ones that absolutely murder mage right this is the mage things

I think the mage is definitely murder dudes all right we got all the villagers we just need to get the hell out oh yeah mob spawner yipes oh get it baby oh this is oh healing totem time for healing totem who’s got the machine gun it’s me i have

A i have a rapid crossbow that like has a heavy knock back and it’s like a machine gun that is nice oh i’m going down yeah all right we’ll get you all right Oh god i should have backed up i don’t know why i did that there was only so many left ah i’m such an idiot yeah i think uh i did the same to start and you know i should have backed off why did i [ __ ] ah why did i do that

Oh well oh and i gotta salvage this unique that’s sad well that was pretty close actually that was my best you know oh i got an 18x my luck’s all gone a cutlass that is in fact better than what i have which is a pickaxe hmm well note to self don’t salvage your

Primary weapon okay good strategy do i want poison cloud piercing accelerate that seems dangerous all right i did not get that much gold in that that level tons of experience though that was that was heckin nuts heckin rowdy that can rowdy my dudes i just want to play this more it’s so

Fun i do it’s very fun i’m definitely into this it’s got that diablo feel but just like has a different charm to it yeah not agree i’m not just saying that because i’m getting a blowy from the dev team right now that’s not dude apparently we we’ve already chad is full of armchair

Like theory crafters about the min max of the best of this game yeah i salvaged something that was higher level doesn’t mean i wanted it i got archer armor because of my bow shut also shut up there’s also also suck it yeah also go leave no i’m not gonna sell i keep almost

Salvaging everything i really don’t mean to uh well then we have time for another attempt uh wade that’s up to wade yeah [Applause] we can do one more i don’t want to land on a loss let’s try squeezing one more i shouldn’t say the same level or that’s the best

Way to do something when you know you shouldn’t same level uh yeah i think if we play a little more tactically in the from the beginning and don’t just burn deaths off the start you could probably make it hardest to hardest uh default hardest i think we got it okay

We’re higher level two than we were so can’t end on a loss guys you’re right you’re right you’re right unless we lose this time then we’re definitely ending on a loss that’s true all right definitely teamwork can keep playing without wade so that’s true you guys can keep going

Actually no i gotta get going too because we gotta record yeah look guys i don’t know if my chat’s like where you’re being so inconsiderate it’s like mark’s doing it too just not to his wife on his anniversary oh god watch out there’s a there’s a curve

Over a cnt for the love of god yay is there anything off to the side some gems interesting i think my other thing is better i think i’m going to salvage this axe roar get those point of loons back rules just flying through mark you have a better melee weapon

Nettle i do i do a rare there you go everybody’s at a higher power level than one surprisingly yes it’s good boom level up nice hmm look at that not bad look at that ripping through ripping like like a hot and through uh ice cream i can’t believe i didn’t take an ounce

Of damage from that oh arrows mark you need the zebra oh story ow i rolled out of the way i see mark’s body come flying in he’s gone i was out of the way there’s another potion over here yeah oh god that’s a lot of creepers

Holy [ __ ] snacks let me just machine gun those bad boys down a little bit hmm arrows are coming god dang it oh there’s a spawner yeah this is trivial now look at these [Applause] trivial like another big treasure chest over here oh yeah the cool kind wolf armor all right

Try mary i picked up a level 28 wolf armor so many enemies whoa oh my god wow wow oh this guy’s just been melee yep good call oh dude i’m like invincible with this wolf armor holy [ __ ] nice yeah maybe i should focus on like melee-centric stuff because range just makes me so

Squishy i’m so soft just stay back man we got you all right okay don’t you worry about it man all right so wait we need to go no we already cleared that supplies and thank you you’re gonna have my you can have my arrows mark i’m like max

All right this this you all right cool yeah yeah nice preach big preach i need my errors ah that’s also preached i get it respect hey we’re almost we’re almost to the end it’s just this and then get out i think hey ouchies thank you thank you arrow daddy for saving me

You’re welcome getting rid of the mages focusing the mages please die there’s like heavily armored crossbow dudes also suck yes they do oh ow oh i’m stuck in the corner ah god i got stuck i gotcha hey i’m so squishy i am squishy squishy [ __ ] health regen

Yeah one corner in the big dude and just nailed me to the wall he pinned me up against the wall and he just kept thrusting his sword into me over and over again yikes really really i got this oh god oh jesus oh focusing the uh folks in the maze i see that

Coming in he does so much oh my god these little fairies yeah that like what are these around behind them they’re all out of the area where i went down yeah i got these little bastards that are against oh my god these little [ __ ] just oh my gosh 15 seconds oh geez

Jeez oh my god oh my god oh my god what is with you little bastards get away from me help what the hell oh no dude it’s just the little dudes they chase you down you can’t do anything these ones yeah and i all of my my cooldowns were down

Oh he’s ready to die you evoke her [ __ ] where’d he go he’s right there i’m just wanging on him there we go let’s drop all of our healing totems just stand there and wail on them it is a good strat i know all right yep

Oh god oh boy use the choke use the choke dropping the healy oh what hit me what hit me oh my god that’s so many that is yeah just make it back up yeah holy crap hey level up that’s not bad yeah what keeps going pop because it’s not creepers but it’s

Something’s just blasting come on get mark yeah thank you thank you thank you thank you there all right driving a heli and then let’s see if we can get some dps in here yeah focusing the uh spawner oh my god there’s so much going on here

All right one down i’m starting a really good choice i got one shot okay it’s so good watch out there mark yeah i see you want to get bob yeah i’ll get him in a second let me just clear out these little oh carter almost got me that was almost the end

All right healing tone coming in wade i’m coming in i got you take me in creeper nope wait what’s down here all right woof this way okay loot pig down there i’m gonna uh drop a hill right here for a sec give me another one focusing the loot pig no i’m not

Looking at running like a [ __ ] nice stupid goblin knockoff kill the pig got him yeah nice i picked up a harvester that’s what i have it’s awesome it’s the thing that does my explosion get out of here you a holes i knocked him off okay more mob spawner oh

Oh watch out oh wait be careful be so careful focusing spawner exploding it spawn or dead all right actually that was much better than i thought oh my god so many creepers holy jeez are they dead okay apparently i chose the easy side [Laughter] i got a calling sometimes i just need to

Need to go into the abyss sometimes all right you first take him take him yeah you got it drop the heely oh god yeah drop oh there we go easy i’m gonna throw this at the next one yep yep all right there we go perfect we are annihilating this time corridors

With our with our better well i just floaters oh mama good good snipe on that that’s what i’m here for baby free the villagers oh i am almost went down there you’re good incoming cart why what is killing me i’m getting absolutely shredded to death right now

I need to sort of hide for chill i’m super low i can give you a healing totem oh i need oh god i’m gonna healing totem right next to you oh hello hello hey guys all right whoa oh you heal full when you level up hell yeah that’s awfully handy what a great

Mechanic i love and remember hello villager please be escaped now ow stop oh stop please i don’t want to die not like this please keep going All right you guys i’ll be right there yeah all right there mark i’m good good baby good stuff i don’t know why i mean so glum i’m almost dead oh he’s strong and i’m dead now oh no coming oh we had a mage on him oh thanks dude you’re welcome dude

Appreciate it big priest all around we free all the duties i think uh oh hey drop oh don’t i missed Home oh come on shoot him shoot him hit him hit the goddamn guy oh no no no oh man oh freaking heck i still want to know who’s got the giant boats because there’s some mob will walk in with like a huge one right in his forehead

Bad bad bad bad bad healing totem hiding [Laughter] thank you kind sir okay all in all oh that was everybody’s everything’s going well not bad not bad card coming in you find a secret over there oh there’s a little hallway cool look at this hallway that is a great hallway i’m glad

I found it and i’m glad we explored it and i would wish we never speak him again you guys all right over there oh yeah we’re having a good time oh sounds like it hey wizard douchebag why don’t you die oh that was a big explodes i dropped your little healing totem

There mark thank you you seem to be taking some serious damage turns out pain hurts oh god oh a lot of archers on this level i’m down oh no oh i’m stupid it’s okay i just got some archers over here thank you kind sir no problem all right oh god i can’t move

I’m webbed healing potion mark healing potion all right oh there’s a strange testicles oh pickaxe common crappy crappy armor oh do we have to rescue more hey okay how long is this level i thought we were almost done apparently we weren’t oh hello you did it

I was gonna get away you did it gambled new one oh my god oh my god got him there’s some creepers over here okay chest here oh gems huh all right this looks uh oh this looks like boss room oh oh yeah okay i’m putting healing totem down now

Oh that looks fine that’s fine oh that’s definitely fine it’s got a weakness in the back it looks like it’s good oh god hey oh all right well i came back to you apparently touch me touch me touch me i touched you i touched you it looks

Like it’s got something in its back do you see that i am just unloading on it with my don’t bring him to me why have you done this there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah good good excellent oh why me why me not me oh yo [ __ ] smack me in the face

Wait did you just take my speed potion i didn’t notice any potion i was just moving oh oh freaking smacked to death okay almost got it almost got it almost got it almost got done somebody want to rub me i guess yeah yeah i’ll rub you like that double rub

Thank you and we were nowhere near the end then apparently it felt like we were almost at the end last time but oh nourish it did say leave the mind and i was like ah must be all right cool well i’m healing toteming up i’ll be there in a moment

I think we’re near the end this does look very end like ah yes because there’s a door ah the door we all good to go yeah we should just keep playing what do you guys got going on today yeah well you know i’m kind of into it nothing’s special nothing special

Building a dreadful forge under the mountain these damn illagers there’s one thing i hate it’s an illager i killed threatened i killed spiders i’m not being threatened by molly i’m being okay oh i finally got a fireworks upgrade my fireworks yes give me that i don’t know what the

Difference is it’s gotta be better oh it’s triple damage oh my god i got a level 28 cube nice good super cube this garbage dump the soul cube i was using before is a 10. this soul cube is a level 28 all right just gonna turn some of these in nice

Chris salvage so much crap right now crap glaive heavy crossbow level 29 oh but it’s not an engine game who was who said that in this universe said those words that way what the hell’s happening i don’t know i heard that though what the hell happened i don’t know who

Marked is that you no no i didn’t say a peep you know i was actually quite silent over here very strange oh my god i got a 32 power award okay that might be worth the upgrade slayer crossbow but it’s garbage here oh my god oh i can be tanky

Anybody else out of power 26 and they want to dance 18 dude baby good guys i’m now a power of 27. dude what you got i don’t get it don’t get it it’s not your fault man fairly bad yeah all right fine whatever it’s all good everyone knows

Everyone knows what the deal is less chance of getting hit seems pretty good all right um i’m outtie yeah so you got you gotta go oh and boy okay well we’re out too connected to you oh all right well minecraft dungeons whenever i closed out said to repair it

So that’s good hey it’s launch day so you know things happen so uh bob you can see we should play more of this uh no i actually have to take the dog to the vet so we don’t have to leave all right then all right uh we could raid someone yeah tyler garr

Pat only ryan tyler yeah tyler yeah tyler all right well i’m uh get the hell out of here have a good one guys yeah all right here you go apparently yeah You

This video, titled ‘Markiplier Plays Minecraft Dungeons W/Friends (TWITCH VOD) 2/2’, was uploaded by Markiplier Vods (Fan Channel) on 2020-05-30 20:21:15. It has garnered 862153 views and 7958 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:28 or 6148 seconds.

Date when this was streamed:27/5/2020


#markiplier #twitch #podcast #fullvod

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  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash!

    Rich vs Poor: Football Player Kids Clash! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of rich and poor football players, their stories untold. Efekan, a talent, with skills so bright, Becomes a millionaire, his future alight. Training hard, scoring goals with ease, Fans cheering, cameras clicking, a breeze. But Yusuf, watching from afar, Dreams of glory, a shining star. The coach, the manager, all in awe, Of Efekan’s talent, his football law. But in the end, it’s not just about fame, It’s about passion, love for the game. So whether rich or poor, young or old, In Minecraft or real life, let your story be… Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending

    Sneaky Minecraft Parody Ending The Exciting World of Minecraft Parodies Exploring the vast and creative world of Minecraft is always an adventure, but have you ever delved into the realm of Minecraft parodies? These fun and entertaining videos take the beloved game to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the familiar landscapes and characters. Let’s dive into the exciting world of Minecraft parodies and discover what makes them so popular! Unique Storytelling One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft parodies is their unique storytelling. Creators take the basic elements of the game and craft engaging narratives that keep viewers hooked from… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

    Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!Video Information make your friend spell run or he officially SP no no cuz you thought you thought I a had brck n now hit me hit him let let him hit him go go got aim my zombie [ __ ] it though bro it’s your life wake up hell no no wait no it’s it’s becoming day now it’s coming day now you already know Chop Chop N Chill Out oh my God CH am I am I crazy am I crazy at the game you know what am I crazy at the game chat look how fast… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaisliveVideo Information start here guys hello hello hello yo yo Queen blink y Parky Arts yo PG PGG gamer hello black hello hello hello black sorry hello hello MC yeah 1 12.1 ID I what I don’t okay guys okay noise yes guys noise hello yes hello G magnet good thing hello [Music] [Music] 355 I I please create your own SMP with subscribe zes nice nice unsit oh zes zie please oh but hello 69 level guys how are you 95 what are you doing thank you thank you live and I’m so must [Music] out out to message… Read More

  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

    Explore ExeosCraft, the No-Reset, No-Grief, LGBTQIA+ SMP! Tired of servers that hype up sales and impose strange rules? Welcome to ExeosCraft, where we prioritize your experience. Any money we generate goes completely to charity. 🌟 Why Choose Us? 🌍 Stability: Our server, up and lagless since June 2020, will never reset its massive 35,000×35,000 map! 🚫 Zero Pay-To-Win: Fairness for all players is what we promise to sustain. 🎁 Giving Back: Excess donations support various charities and giveaways. 🌈 Inclusivity: Hate speech isn’t tolerated here, any and all are welcome here as ExeosCraft is a safe space for ALL. 🤖… Read More

  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

    RESET! DynastyCraft - 1.12.2 Modded MedievalDynastyCraft – Modded 1:135 Earth Factions set in the Dark AgesServer Modpack: Server: our Dynasty Tree: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

    Minecraft Memes - Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐Why did the Minecraft Gang always get lost in the Nether? Because they always followed their leader, GPS (Ghast Positioning System)🤣🔝⭐ Read More

  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

    Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet GodVideo Information ч начинаю рисовать танты спря не потерять моё справляюсь я может покажется это не заль не спомня This video, titled ‘GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-06 09:40:41. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. GAMER FLEET PVP GOD @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG #minecraft #viral #gaming #gamerfleet #Jack #tanding Read More

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

    Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥 When you spend hours building the perfect house in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up… talk about a real blast! 😂 #minecraftproblems #creeperexplosion #gamerstruggles Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

  • The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover

    The Amazing Digital Circus: Minecraft Note Block Cover The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft Experience the magic of The Amazing Digital Circus in Minecraft with this special Note Block Cover! Dive into the world of creativity and music as you explore the intricate details of this unique creation. Shampoo Ingredients and Kinger’s Zingers From the playful notes of “Shampoo Ingredients” to the catchy tunes of “Kinger’s Zingers,” each segment of the Digital Circus comes to life through the power of Minecraft Note Blocks. Don’t miss out on the fun and excitement as you journey through this musical adventure! Unleash Your Creativity Witness the dedication and skill required… Read More

  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

    Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10Video Information this is day two of season 10 of EOD um I have done stuff off stream as as happens with EOD uh so I’m going to catch you guys up once we log on but yeah this is uh if you don’t know what EOD is it is a multiplayer limited time modded Minecraft server uh you have 20 lives and the server’s only gone going for 2 weeks uh and it’s heavily modded and there’s a bunch of uh like mods that make it harder to live and mods that make really cracked things and um yeah… Read More

  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

    MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!Video Information get ready for an ultimate Minecraft compilation with hilarious Alex and Steve moments Peppa Pig fighting the Ender Dragon and even watch some of the most insane Minecraft memes that can’t be explained that’s a llama cows uh-oh oh here we go oh God Peppa Pig is okay what the Suzy what is happening that is not Suzie that is not yo Peppa Pig has gone crazy uh-oh all right okay you dare attack me I like how Peppa Pig dropped pork chops it was at this moment knew that wasn’t a puddle that was not a puddle… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

    EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 763 discord other maps 1 part 5’, was uploaded by Наталия Царева on 2024-04-12 13:08:17. It has garnered 91 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More

  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

    INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!Video Information This video, titled ‘sub-Crystl PvP with the Motion Blur gameplay -(pojav launcher) #cpvp #pojavalauncher #minecraft’, was uploaded by NEAR25⚡ on 2024-05-20 16:12:41. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft pvp montage, minecraft hardcore, minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft shorts, #minecraft, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft sumo pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,cpvp, smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft combo, minecraft hacker, minecraft smp,minecraft pro, minecraft 1.20,minecraft mods, minecraft sumo, sumo minecraft, minecraft combo lock,minecraft combotage,egirl minecraft, minecraft video,minecraft short,best minecraft combosminecraft, minecraft pvp,minecraft shorts, minecraft god,minecraft memes, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft the boys, minecraft… Read More

  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More