Slaying Survival Mode with the Boys

Video Information

What up y’all this is Matt from Friends andm and yes I am going live in the world of Minecraft and yes we are going to play Survival Mode this time without cheats last time we did easy mode with some cheats this time we’re going to do

Easy mode with no cheats and that is not because of muffer and gicks that is because I am terrible at this game muffer and goix I mean even with cheats oh no dude we’re definitely doing keep inventory on are you kidding me world more game rules where’s keep

Inventory I’m not playing with keep inventory off that that’s too stupid uh we using private DMS for call or do you want to use the live VC in your server um huh I didn’t think we were going to use froggy C- panda in the building friends I’m very tired tonight so don’t expect

Me to have as much energy as usual I’m GNA call mufford and goex and we’re gonna play my also well I’ll just talk to him when he gets on Discord what’s up yo I started a world that’s on easy and with keep inventory mhm easy cuz you you

Said you were in the mood to do um survival is that cool if we play with keep inventory yeah that’s fine that’s fine man okay um this world I just spawned in is terrible I I don’t like it so I’m gonna start a new one also uh Happy Valentine’s everyone people in

Chat people here let’s go melon Jun in the building the reason I sound sad is cuz I’ve been working so hard today is my Friday though and I’m stoked to get some sleep finally got no work tomorrow no work so I’m gonna be making a video the entire day go game

Mode I’m also putting it in easy because guys I’m like literally that bad at the game and it’s just more entertaining for the stream if I don’t die as often as I do when I’m uh okay I just created the new world why do you sound sad I’m just so

Tired I love my new job I love it but there’s a lot of physical work involved and I worked an hour later than normal today oh this is a great world all right sweet now I invite you guys are you ready I’m playing with oh wait

Why is better end on oh dang it oh I got to restart Minecraft I want to turn better end off and better do you guys remember that problem yeah all right let’s turn that off H should have done that beforeand Mel King Jr how are you doing and my friending goex how was

Y’all’s days good good good today’s what’s today Wednesday oh you guys have school tomorrow I’m on Friday though that’s pretty cool let’s go I’m booting up Minecraft and we’re getting rid of the better end and better better end in better nether that’s correct all right all right all right all

Right better end and better NE put are y’all sure I have to delete I mean close the launcher after moving stuff out of my folder you don’t have to close the launcher as like as long as Minecraft is closed you could just click start again will automatically um do this

Thing uh this whole time I’ve been closing the launch oh Froggy’s going she’ll be back she always says bye and then comes back froggy and I have so much in common we can’t make up our minds so single player muff and goic sweet whenever yall ready I’m uh oh

I’m not onone you’re back on already okay here comes an invite and five three two one invite I am not so focused on killing the ender dragon I really just want to catch a kitty I’ve never caught a cat it never works really well like out of all the attempts

You never got one yet I haven’t attempted it that many times like the last time we played and I was trying to catch a kitty before the game if you would double that amount of temps that is the total amount of temps so it’s not like very much I’m launching

Now goex where did you spawn I don’t even see you oh not in yet oh it says you the BC Li mod still it’s a dependency for the better Nether Mod I got rid of better Nether and better yeah I got rid of the PC lib I

Got rid of three okay sweet I’ll put that one back in So mu you said you’ve been craving playing uh survival mode like anything in like just in general like are you craving beating the dragon or just like goofing around and having fun mainly just General and just playing Survival

Again because I’ve just been playing a whole bunch of um like creative lately just in preparation for some stuff that’s going to happen whoa sounds like the end of the world well for some stuff that’s I even know if it’s gonna happen yet it’s just

Plans hopes and also I can I get an invite yeah it up I found this really cool underground river I’m going to build a boat and take that river is it in a ravine yeah okay s me an invite all right I sent it to wait

What oh I might I might need another invite I got the glitch why you just get kicked out and we invited again thank you says server closed uh I just sent you an invite invite me again yeah let’s see what happens what about you my f how’s it

Going I’m in I’m in oh you are okay yeah delete why delete there you go I don’t know how to explain to you where I am but uh I found this underground river and I’m like determined to this spawn island is pretty small I’m gonna get in a boat are you oh

Wait I don’t have enough did y’all see the new uh snapshot or the Minecraft snap uh snapshot with them adding like a new skeleton mob yeah the swamp skeleton yeah the ISA the mogged is it that’s what it’s called the MOG Emoji called the bogged bogged

Yeah mother I’m out in a boat so that if you’re near the water you’ll see me yeah I see you I I have a mini map me again yeah M can I show you this um underground river can you get in the boat with me uh

Yeah wait how do you see me I don’t see you wa I heard the the MOG somewhere weird whatever um we are kind up on the other side the little island wait what little Island uh just SP all in here I’m coming to you around this little corner I’m at the

Little oh did you find the under it seems like you found the underground river you’re about to yeah I’m right here oh you want to get in the boat and go in yeah sure oh he’s in let’s go this I’ve never found something like this this is so

Cool oh just go you’re live in building let’s go in the building oh oh is this oh the boat’s too big you should check the thumbnail for the stream I’m guessing you use the picture I hate I did but it’s different it’s different oh this is okay well that was

A cool underground river oh gosh okay you drive gra that Iron like down here so close still uh do you know where we are I have no clue um okay just just uh just go straight North go like straight straight North yeah and I’m going to go out and be sailing around so you can see me you see me guard

PS oh here I am get a pickaxe Okay oh also um mat I saw the thumbnail for this one and I I realized used like um like some or like one of my things from my thumb if you want I could make like a asset pack of just a whole bunch of like random poses of like all of our

Different Minecraft Avatars so you could just use however you’d like so you saw that I cut that out of one of your it’s funny it’s not like it’s bad or anything definitely make something like that we got Smokey animations in the building Smokey animations bro Smokey you’re supposed to come to My

Stream that’s fine you can St gex’s stream uh copper wait what on Earth what do you need to make an axe I thought it was just the planks a oh sck sticks planks Stone iron Etc just like sticks and the material like I just don’t feel like going underground

We don’t have to for the start of this game I it’s always fun just to stay with iron for quite a while and not go straight to Diamonds it’s like a little tedious but it’s still pretty fun that also I give you some torches real quick so you

Can what am I doing oh thank you sir how did you already get these what the heck oh I just got the iron that was right here in the side of the cave torches what am I doing I already forgot what I’m doing Smokey animations came to my

Stream let’s go it doesn’t matter which stream you go to but you could pull up both stre still watching us both oh man I just realized I can’t even I have world edit mod and that like makes me not able to break rocks with whatever I’ll just go straight to

This oh oh yeah you have um T ni for the thing so it does kind of just do that to you forgot about that oh well it’s not the end of the world how much wait I thought I just got that’s not Stone right there oh that’s over

There secret cave oh I’m I might out some coal and uher here that water pled up all right um let’s I’m g go look around there’s anything there’s go PEX I’m going to call you slow PEX because you were slow to find us Slowpoke I was mining a bunch of

Coal oh never mind then you’re not slow piex you’re coal yeah I’m working yeah well I’m gonna find a cat and then we’ll see who’s laughing oh oh it’s about to be night time I forgot about that I don’t know why the axes just don’t do anything at the

Moment like I remember we had this issue when we were speed running you seen the thumbnail yet no I’m not in the mood to leave my stream fine I’ll look at it on my other computer I’m just so tired oh great nice thumbnail Minecraft Noob and you got the

[ __ ] looking Minecraft character and have an arrow pointing at me okay that is funny just so you know goex I pulled up a new page of YouTube and your stream was the very first recommended video so that ought to make you feel good I guess YouTube is recommending your

Stream oh so is like if you get in the boat are you like kind of safe uh I mean kind of yeah you don’t take fall damage if you go off close with it uh it’s just a little safer in the water just got to be careful for

Drowns all right I think I might boat around and try to find a village during this night time I got a turtle I caught a turtle look got my boat whoa big turtle what’s wait what I’m jealous look there’s one over here you could try and get it how did that happen

What does that even mean it just blocked onto it there’s a turtle right here if you want to try and get it turtle come here I push here get get to the shore I’m push him on to oh all right come on you just like run over him going under

Ah yeah I’ve been working on something that requires drawings in real life oh that’s awesome Smokey animations and he’s been brainstorming for animations I only have one phone froggy says I had a date with my girlfriend and it went well Happy Valentine’s and I have a

Stream Matt I’m not staying and have a great stream oh sweet thanks nice hey Matt uh yeah switch boats with me I want to go get goex so creeper coming up on you how do you get oh a trident oh it’s a drown Trident Ain going far

Hey I have a question mhm do you guys know why the sun doesn’t go to college like the sun in the sky it’s cuz it already has a million degrees okay definely didn’t search for that one hey what’s red and moves up and down on its own a ball a regulator

A you’re close it’s a tomato on a elevator you know if I had money I would Super Chat money a smokey animations you’re the best but you don’t need to Super Chat me money for me to love you I already do however if you do get money never

Mind is that you guys coming or what is that it’s a it’s a dead end I’m around looking for a village I guess a ho uh it’s easier to find a village if you walk on land not with a boat oh but a lot of times Spa on the

Coast yeah but these are just a bunch of little Islands so find a bigger piece of land just look for the lights I’ll follow you guys you guys do whatever you’re ahead of me so oh wait I see some lights I don’t know if it’s lava but I found some

Lights we got black ninja FF in the building what’s up bro what’s up pal what is this is this just lava I found a tree on fire next to we’re currently playing on essential which is a single player world but it’s like a Minecraft mod that lets you play single player with people

So if you have a p you can join you’ve also got got a certain mods installed as well not sure this guy’s going to be able to join probably not probably some Bedrock guy why are you always make fun of everyone maybe he’s not a Bedrock guy

Maybe he’s got a super PC that would could blow ours to Pieces wait goex do you have a super PC what do you play on the dark oak forest that’s that’s cool oh now I lost my boat a big L cave and is that yeah I found a there a

Village too got to go north from here Coop panda in the building Happy Valentine’s Day let’s go let’s go I lost my voice sorry if that was really obnoxious oh there you guys are I’m crash into you I’m going to crash into you oh yeah you better be grateful

You’re going so fast because I will crash into you boom Oh I was hoping for more of a is this a big island uh kind of yeah we have to go north we have to go um like way from here just going to boat through

Oh a skeleton hit me while I’m in the what how is he shooting shooting me so well while I’m literally going 100 miles an hour in this boat oh so you’ve got a mini map so you know that this is a big island is that what’s going on right now

Um it kind I’m kind of yeah I’m there River separating stuff but it still is a pretty big how goex did you die how did you die where where did you die seeed by a creeper on like one heart is said you land down trying to run away from like half

Down oh my gosh back at the this is why we’re playing with keep inventory I’m GNA see if I can try and get to this Village and sleep first before I do anything else holy you found a village yeah there’s a village up here lead us to it

Um I’m dead so and Go’s died I what are your records right now mine yeah type records in all right hang on I’m getting chased by a skeleton oh my gosh this guy they have such good aim I wish the skeletons were Stormtroopers from Star Wars

Easier okay where’s my how do I get F3 oh I took a picture wait whoa what what was that F3 is there a way to just copy paste your coordinates really F oh I never mind wait now I can’t see my coordinates because the chat there’s so many

Messages in the chat that literally ruins the entire Point go one like the only like the multipler sleep only one person has to sleep in order to change it today or would you want to keep it just all three oh no let’s do that I don’t care how do

I do that how do I switch it uh I’ll just make you operator how do I do that op mufford yeah I’ll do that and be out myself player sleep percentage zero I can’t de out really oh okay whatever I’ll just not do anything yeah uh the oh sorry guys I

Just you always do that I just tried I just teleported to muffer and then booms everything lost oh no Smokey animations died wait oh you smoke your animations die yeah I’m sorry I uh I didn’t realize what am I what am I saying um I tried to

Teleport to you and then it just crashed oh I got kicked all right you ready for invites MH yeah and now it’s daytime did did it work did you go to sleep and now it’s daytime oh no it was daytime yeah and let me just this in the

CH all right there we go so I could just head up here whenever I’m near Thousand me away from me I see you yeah we traveled quite a bit teleport typed it e it was this way not not don’t don’t do at e do not do do not

Do at e that’s like all entities I was going to teleport us to there’s one there’s one specifically for like all players oh okay there you are yeah if you do at e like everything’s going to just suddenly appear at me and i’ be sweet we found a

Village so I’m guessing we don’t kill the pig and cow in there uh probably not it’d be best to keep them and just breed them up okay I’ll make this one b yeah we can make a little base here it’ be cool I just want to catch a cat so I’m

Going to go find some salmon I might actually get one too is there a fisherman’s Hut whoa whoa whoa oh I just stepped in a thorn bush that’s how is there a skeleton shooting me it’s daytime that could have gotten like under two or something yeah CU for some reason safe in there

Found some salmon oh you’re just getting dude I need some like T stick or something like my lips have gotten so dry after getting this into the line it’s whoa why do you wait how does that why would it make your lips dry I don’t know it’s just ever since I got

Them they just have been oh crap I’m going to die go go go go go go oh good with one heart left I make it the Jelly Cat where’s my fish what how did I not loot any fish I killed like three of them oh there’s the loot it’s

Floating thank goodness the loot floats does all loot float yeah uh yeah that’s a nice feature I pet Montage that’s what I’m saying SMY sweet Smokey animations in the building catching cat Montage I first tried it in and started use it for animation it’s a meme yes Smoky ever tried stop

Motion oh man I’m dead is a meme are you talking to muffer saying stop hey oh you guys wouldn’t have seen that um one of the OG YouTubers was just a guy who did Clay animation skits and that just watching him made me want to do stop motion claymation and I tried

And I spent like hours and hours that was on like only three seconds and I was like this is not for me actually oh he is Captain the cave yeah the ax is going so slow I don’t I don’t know why the axes don’t work I bet

It’s world edit I don’t know why I feel like that’s the problem but I bet it is somehow uh I’m going it cany only wooden one no it’s it’s all axes well well all axes have the problem but yes well that only does use the wooden one got a friend heck

Yeah did you already catch a cat yeah I got him out of the cave oh there there’s another one though um there’s oh hello surpris there is one like in the village it’s stuck in like a feeder box type thing is this one in the cave is yours

Yeah I I just got to get him out of here well no you should teleport if I go further away way all right I’m going to go catch a cat I can show you the other one if you want where’s the Village from here do I go no that way okay just this

Way that is I know there’s I think there’s only one other one and he’s stuck in here I see his face popping through the thing all right how do you go slow you shouldn’t be able to they’re stuck in here you could just oh really yeah get him come here I’ll just stand

Still until he faces me right no you can just right click him and just get him keep going keep going I wait I just here you go take three more oh thank you I fed him there you go yes I caught a cat oh Smokey animations we got to get a

Um some Dy so you could change his collar color oh okay now I will free you oh I love that he was trapped so you going to follow me kitty come on let’s go Adventure Time uh you have to make him stand up just right click him once

And he’ll stand up there you go now now he’ll follow you oh that’s so cool no he’s not following me still is he stuck have go a little bit out know oh we’re yellow I get orange orange die um oh wait I don’t want to kill the horse I want

To I didn’t know that was a horse thought it was a llama my cat still stuck what’s up space man oh Spaceman Space Kitty in the building friends I’m sorry I don’t have as much energy today as I normally do but I saw I saw muffer on Discord and

I was just gonna say hi because he was online and then I couldn’t resist inviting him to play video games come on Cat come on yeah hey yeah do I have to keep feeding my cat uh no you don’t have to unless it just loses some health let’s see what Spaceman says

Spaceman has not said anything oh there you are kitty man this makes me want a Cat in real life did I have a Cat in real life and she is like she’s like half the size of a normal household cat and she is so big she’s

Wide she’s a fat kitty uhhuh is she white what is she what color she she’s like a she has like a tuxedo cat design oh I love tuxedo cats you’ve got like a little tiger looking yours is a siese we have such adorable kitties I’m gonna name mine turbo herbo yeah

Because um I just found out today that there’s a fish called turbo like that’s the name of the fish and I thought that was such a cool name for an animal turbo have you seen Turbo the snail yes like the movie yeah dude I loved it it was

Awesome haven’t seen it in years but it is still such a cool movie I I want to go rewatch some like older animated movies like I want I want to rewatch The Lego Movie uh I remember the 10 year aniversary for it was just like like a weekish

Ago for Turbo or for which one you said The Lego Movie the 10 aniversary oh the original Lego movie is so good mhm yes I am Batman what’s the song they sing um wait wait don’t tell me don’t tell me the song is um everything is awesome yeah everything

Is fun when you’re part of a team everything is cool everything is cool when you’re part of a te when you’re part of a team that’s us right now everything is awesome I remember playing the actual like the the Movie game on like it was

Either PS3 or PS4 but that it was dude it was so cool oh Smokey animations agrees with us what about you Spaceman have you seen the original Lego Movie so you guys saw a space man’s short yesterday right yeah uh yeah yeah Hil awesome is it still up like is they

Private or is it still up there I don’t know but I’ve already downloaded it just in case he took it down because I was gonna ask him yeah Spaceman I’ve been meaning to ask you oh yeah Spa he’s seen The Lego Movie too Spaceman I also saw your other

Video that you uploaded after can I show the other short you made on my live stream you made a short like after the live stream last night I saw that one last night and I also downloaded that one so I can put it in one of my videos I don’t know if you’re

Cool with that I was going to ask for permission before yeah we got to um think about like where we want to base soon sure why not okay I’m gonna show everyone other where’s my i g to get to a uh oh I don’t want to get my kitty trapped

Oh there’s a black C you found a witch’s thing is no it was just a naturally spawning black cat with the orange eyes if I so if will my cat teleport me to me you said that I think earlier if you get too far away from it it should

But I don’t I’m not quite sure now because I mean I thought they should but mine isn’t I don’t know how far you need to be way for that but it just oh no it does never mind mine did okay cool I don’t know where I want to find

The village and then Spaceman I’m gonna have to leave I had to feed my steak there’s some effort all right but before you leave I’m gonna play your short again all right let’s go to SM animations I’m going to give your cat orange color since I have I mean space

Can’t okay here’s the other one he did um um today tomorrow I’m probably going to post um um VR chat video so I hope you like that this is for you Matt what I’m about to show so this is my say spaceman’s sister has a computer the

Screen I’m going to show you the PC I hope you can hear me sweet and I can hear you this is the PC itself what kind of computer is that see I’m going to try to buy it he’s going to try to buy his sister’s computer and then he’s going to

Be able to then he’s gonna be able to play lethal company with us and maybe Minecraft Let’s Go goodbye Lads see tomorrow quiet he’s gonna well he’s I think he needs to buy it from his sister so he can use it so you w let him use it

Uh it’s I think it’s in her room it looks like a desktop setup so she probably needs to get a new computer and then he can buy that one from her and put it in his room I’m guessing I’m making all of this up I don’t

Know all right um do you know like the general biome you want to try to live in like what type of trees would you want or just how you want it to look and didn’t one so you know what look for um uh real fast actually do you have any

Food you could share oh yeah I’ll just give you those berries and bread sweet oh thank you thank you I don’t really care I got a cat I’m kind of satisfied um I what sorry you mentioned wanting to play Survival Mode so I was just like

Going with it like I don’t care what we do your world I mean I’m just here to tag along because I just been kind of wanting to play some survival but I guess we could just head towards goex he’s over here I think he’s behindest now

No you’re in a k oh okay oh probably want to come down here you don’t really like caves I do not like caves there’s a dark oak forest I do kind of get want to get some of that wood and there’s also like a a flower biome over

There is it Poppy I feel like we should be playing Muer do you want to switch and play in your world and then you can play Survival even without us and then we can just join you if we’re going to go live um I don’t really have a

Survival world on my own but I mean I mean I don’t we could just this one cuz I’m not gonna play on this without you guys I mean that’s fine I mean I’m all good okay okay well I’m down to be the host I love hosting all right guess I’m going go

Ahead and head over to the biome and get those trees look at that flower biome how do you turn wheat into bread uh in a crafting table you just put three next to each other like three turns yeah oh make big wheat Barm up here oh also uh goex if you go

To – 250 like 120 or- 250 negative What U there’s a big Lush cave there I don’t know if that’s the one you went into oh I’m in hit oh like the one that was like in the mountains kind of where but I mean yeah there’s just a big

One there if you want to look at that I don’t know that was the one Exactly that’s cool Mountain Side Oh the bom’s tiny H bye again I have to upload the video okay I can’t wait for tomorrow so I could be jump scare wait so I could be jump scar what do you mean wait wait wait wait oh no what did you mean jump scare I’m so tired so little alium field not big though

Big deep slate cave not deep slate um chipstone C I do kind of actually if there was one thing I would want to do for fun is I’m gonna build my own house so I’m down to um house yeah I want my own house or we could make we can make the ultimate man

Cave that be cool like a I don’t know oh this is nice little looking area how much my R distance up the 16 pretty cool I could see myself building a house on top of that Hill off in the distance there’s a big cave right next to it like left of where you’re

Going we could face around this little Lake here like I’m going to build a house and a yard whoa whoa a huge drop off do you see the drop off do you know what I’m talking about mhm it’s a really big cave up here holy okay yeah that goes

Yeah I’m going to go check it out I do want to get some iron Okay yes diamonds already cool oh my kitty oh sorry Kitty I just smacked you on accident I didn’t smack n getting hit in the cat what the heck oh no did you guys already Ram stack all the chests in the village uh I only got like one

Chest and I just got a little bit of food from it this L look like up here I want to base on this like mountains and this Valley next to each next to each other H who’s a dog yeah might base up here portal view point we’re Bees [Applause] you know what would also be cool is if we found one of those like hidden fortresses uh ancient city like a temple is it yeah the temples uh I’ve found one before um like you mean the one that’s like deep underground it was a no it was like a

Temple in the jungle it had booby traps oh just a just literally the jungle temple yeah we we could find one of those all right I’m G to I’ve stolen a bunch of stuff from there where what are you up to my I’m going to teleport to

You I am clearing out a little area where I wanted to get my base going it’s it’s around that it’s around that one Lake Kix are you underground yeah okay I’m actually going to teleport to you because I want to go find some stuff hello oh no we’re getting attacked already no where

Dude why am I mining gold and nothing is popping out of it uh are you using the right pickaxe you need a iron like iron or iron no I was not using Iron Man also whenever you look at a block um like at the top of your screen like a

Little pop up comes up saying like what it is you can see in the top right it’ll show what tool is best to use to mine it and it’ll have like a little check mark Or if it doesn’t you should be able to mine it so if it has like a like a

Little red X over it then you won’t be able to get anything from it if you do mine it okay thank you I see that now oh I found iron finally yeah I’m going to go run to the bathroom real quick I’ll be right back W hey goex yeah do you have an iron pickaxe you could give me yeah yes um are I’m coming I’m just going to teleport to you okay oh wait how where was that hole that we were just in compared to here is if I’m back oh man cuz I had found a

Diamond well look at all this diamond stuff you have jeez the we you found so many Diamonds oh yeah the pickaxe I’ll swe take you sir make you another one that’s another one yeah think is H oh is this the original Village oh we at a different one now no no no I’m asking you is that are you is the one that I just teleported to where you are is that the original one we found two oh no I’m fire cow’s here hello hello fire cow in the

Building oh I love the sound of the cats purring oh the cat’s sleeping on the bed my cat is sleep sleeping on his bed that’s so awesome oh I’m going to smelll some Iron did you say there’s a cave over here H oh um what there’s that big one by that one mountain you’re talking about out just across the lake um is it the one that’s this way uh over here you see me from at coming it’s the

One like all the way across the lake at the other side next to that big mountain over there okay sweet thank you sir your guys is just going to occupy my bed oh then go to sleep not unless you have to do the need to do the L Live

Well yeah so guys I don’t feel like going live very long today I did want to I did want to go live for a little bit because I live stream every day no matter what fire cow yes I need to do the live stream I need to be a real

YouTuber also I really wanted to play video games with my friends you might as well go live at that point so in isn’t that weird the fire cows on the other side of the world I was about to say building on the other side of the building fire cow they’re

Just off in the corner of the house so how many hours away fire cow what time zone are you in what is your the the name of your time zone because I want to look up my time zone and see how many hours she is ahead like right now in her world

It’s Thursday in the middle of the day fire cow I’m guessing it’s like 4:30 well 4 it’s not even 8:30 or whatever 930 or it’s 450 your time fire Cal that’s my guess 450 how did I do fireal close where are you me do you want me to

Teleport you to muffer or me yeah to you to to me all right I’m looking for a huge hole I haven’t found it yet oh whoa here I’ll give you op so everyone has op so you can just teleport yourself Whoa how did it just flip today so fast oh my okay oh dude I feel you hey hey man if you need go to sleep you can don’t let us keep you up I’m going to know you wanted to stream and all just for a little bit but well I’m

Okay right now it’s only 950 only I have yeah and I have tomorrow off yeah kill themex the thing is streaming is my favorite part of the day so it’s like dude I went to work oh there’s some iron I went to work all day is this a big enough

Hole I don’t think this is the big hole I wouldn’t be surprised though if we end up finding out that this one is attached to the big hole cuz the big hole over here yeah you have send an invite back to me doing that glitch again all right right now here it

Comes I just joined back all right oh kicked me again invite again when it when it automatically rein if you guys get kicked and you see the automatic invite don’t select yes that’s like a fake invite if it makes sense yeah I selected that one that’s a glitch invite I saw

The other invite that you sent this the actual one yeah I going to accept it in time oh okay uh sorry I’m getting killed by a skeleton one second I’m almost done killing him oh no I hit my cat I hit my cat on accident now it’s running

Away wait can you can you do that can you accidentally hit your cat and then it doesn’t like you anymore uh I you can your cat but it’ll still like you okay dude I cannot lose my kitty I finally got one it’s only taking me forever you guys are back right yeah I

Am yeah invite me invite go PR I love how the world name is just my and go really long muffer Muer that’s cuz my first world I did was just muffer and goex and um that was the one that has better nether or no wait no that was the

One that had the the sucky biome oh what biome the sucky biome the Su do you remember that yeah goex do you remember that one time you me and Alexander oh the jungle no dude yeah it was it was literally that exact biome just super tall plateaus like there’s like a

Massive drop off here like a 50 block drop off here I didn’t find it I don’t know I lost you turn some music on real quick oh there’s a massive Cave opening I found a massive hole I found a hole here you go check this one out if you

Want I’m trying to find you you what you’re looking for I don’t want a diamond pickaxe I want diamond tools so I don’t have to keep well I found a different random hole oh no I teleported to you and I moved one block off and you were standing right next to

The cliff and I just went right off the cliff all right there we go where’s that blaster I actually dodged one of his arrows well I think maybe he was shooting at goex I might have not dodged it I think he was shooting at goex it’s not that hard to dodge yes it

Is it’s hard to dodge it you guys that’s what it is hard their aim is like incredible I could give my cat a pink collar heck yeah let’s go a muffer caller we’re going to start calling him um cat F no that’s stupid cat oh oh good I didn’t die oh

Who I am about to eat a raw chicken no I’ll eat the raw tropical fish instead ooh Some iron down there and a creeper Hello uhoh whoa that’s a big drop off whoa I want to get down there oh I see a way down but or do I can I make that

Jump oh oh shoot God I missed [Applause] it I found all of gopex is trash that he just left right outside of his own home gopex you really trashed this place no I accidentally picked up your trash dang it I didn’t think I was that close to

It whatever I need to smelt some iron goex you have a furnace oh you got like two yeah I’ve got one or did it it you got is your is your house the one with two furnaces I’ve got one whoa I just found four diamonds but

Do you have a chest with four diamonds yeah oh I’m in your house bro you have two furnaces in this house I I put your diamonds back I was about to take them you’ve got two furnaces going bro probably one in there from the villagers the villagers left in there yeah

Oh there’s a lot of creepers blow up blow up oh blow up Bufford has the advancement not today thank you typos Happy Valentine’s Day so many mobs Why is there so many creepers holy my cat likes you it’s licking you goix over Here no way you people like that come give me string only one D need two more I make a fishing rod make fishing heart oh goix I’m sorry dude I just realized I don’t have your stream up I’m sorry pulling it up no I’m sorry I I just pulled it up

Though what the heck man dude got to get those views got to get the views now I can see what he’s doing oh you dirty dog he’s playing with x-ray he’s playing with that’s how you have so many diamonds so fast oh my goodness that’s that’s a

Feature in the game no it’s not now he turned it off no he’s all ashamed and he turned it off I mean bro was caught just like bro is live streaming and everything still caught still gosh what do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in

Common Alexander the Great and wi that is really different people but they have the same middle name they do Alexander the Great Winnie the Poo oh gotcha win the whoa whoa whoa no don’t bro come on now actually I don’t care I have keep inventory helmet I’ll make you a helmet you

Will I can’t tell if you’re being serious a d is that a diamond helmet oh thanks what the heck you give him diamond helmet from the the diamonds you X-ray what the heck I where’s my diamond stuff man what I feel guilty like I’ve accepted I’ve accepted corrupted money like laundered

Money this is definitely not corruption all let’s try to sleep I need to get some spiders I want to get some oh wake up wake up I want to a you weirdo what the heck wait so what do I I need shoes and a chest plate I do the chest plate next where

You go sleep now got to go into a cave and kill some spiders do you want me to go to sleep no no I that that’s goex I went to sleep I needed some spiders oh I can go back to this cave actually I’m about to I

Remember I need make a farm or something I’m coming to you muffer I want to see what you’re up to uh I don’t really have nothing much I just went mining for some iron and I’m just so whoa are your chest floating right now yeah I have to move down a

Block I I took down a l it looks funny oh did I it here here here there you go drive by just take my bed total accident yeah all right you know what I think I’m going to build my house can I build my house over here with no no you

Know what dude bro no no no are you going to build a house right here cuz I’m going to build my house I’m going to build my house on the other Island looking at your house so we can see each other’s houses from the other Island a bridge going

Up oh let’s go dude I already have so many I want want the bridge should we with the the bridge though should be like up high right yeah we could have a uh like one of those rope Bridges well I’ve got a lot of cobblestone so for right now I’m going

To make a one block Bridge how does that sound that’s fine it’s all good we could pin in the future what and then we can edit it and all that yes now I must make a staircase I want a shovel murder I’m going to make a

Shovel do I need an iron shovel is that really necessary yes it is necessary fire cow picking up siblings from school L BRB y’all she never answered what time it was well if it’s if they’re picking up siblings it’s around 3: to 400 p.m. then in Australia they go to school in the

Middle of the night they got night school all right I’m gonna no uh I’m gonna make I want to make like fancy kind of staircase so spider SP all right so here’s where the staircase oh I have no idea bro I think we’re pretty far we not Liv in the we’re

Not living in the village anymore no I’m building my house across the the way from muff’s house and then you need to find a third island that’s like try or you could build it on my Island too I don’t care but I really want to have my

House be across the lake from muffs and we’re going to build a big bridge to connect the islands which is what I’m not Village no there’s no Village anymore the we’ve kind of ditched The Village no we get enslave all the villagers breed them make librarian villagers for men for Enchantment books

Vending books cartographers to get the emeralds from so well you use it for money farming bro you we have you’re you are an OP so you could keep your bed at the village and then we could just keep you could just keep teleporting yourself do

You know what I mean oh no string what the heck this hello I’m back again just finished let’s go yo you you finished making a video or or you said steak you were doing you making steak you were eating steak you were making steak or were you saying

That there is a lot at stake for some reason okay gopex this is my area oh oh shoot please please please uhoh the axes are taking forever yeah down trees is so annoying I don’t honestly I don’t know if oh okay my I’m just mad what’s up I gota

Go y I think my bed oh I moved my bed I don’t think I said spawn or did you take my bed did someone take my bed let me check my inventory it’s purple right yeah no I didn’t my bed feeding your snake oh that’s what it was

It just gets the Miss tyo then that’s cool V video that’s that cool what is here that’s weird all right I want to make a fishing rod bam oh no I lost my ftil oh there’s mufford Island okay sweet we could carve this out and make a little river in between and have

Okay oh this real fall apart itself oh so just to log slowly start to die will disappear okay thank You oh shoot some fishy business oh shoot I forgot to put your stream in the chat you got a what I got a put your stream in the channel activity oh sweet thank you oh that oh dude you’ve been so good at that I’ve been meaning to tell

You thank you thank you thank you so much for taking the Discord seriously and like you’re you’re always on top of it in the Discord I’ve been meaning to tell you that for a while now you say that but sometimes I just I either forget half the time or I’m like almost

An hour late well I’m actually 75 minutes late but you know I need to see if I can get my old account back it’s supposed to I supposed to wait two weeks from 15 days support worthless yeah yeah it really kind of is all right

So I’m going to make the one block wait how do I how do people make these oh you have to walk like backwards to do it to like build a bridge while you’re standing on the Block oh okay you have to like Crouch and walk hold like go to a corner and

You like if you when you’re crouching it won’t fall off a block and so you could just click on the side of a block as you’re doing that and it’s it’s I fell off that it is a little freaky but yeah I’m it people do I just see you building up there I’m

Trying to decide well because okay so actually I don’t want to do space man in the building let’s go what’s up space Manan in the building Spaceman Space kitty space kitty to Spaceman soed to Spaceman well you can his name space and just saying your like location

Is a lot higher than mine so if you do like a straight bridge out it’s going it’s going to go like yeah actually I’m going build I’m going to build a bridge to the elevation next to you so it’s not going to go straight to your house it’s going

To go to the hill kind of above your house F yeah that’s fine right now goix goix I’m going to make a bridge across this little thing I don’t know if you can see but we have like a steep valley um over here do you see our steep

Valley oh I’m building a bridge across it you can see that dude it’s a huge drop it’s not it’s not really a valley it’s just a huge drop you have a little bit of snow up there too that’s pretty cool yeah we do little ice Farm or something

Yes now we have a nice little Bridge isn’t that nice oh I love it now we have a bridge um I’m G to make it one more thing thick yeah it’s very basic definitely make a better looking bridge I was going to ask how how do we make the railings

Do we just do it with wood use a fence you could do fences or walls y do you want me to go oh that’s what I meant a fence do you got y’all want me to go to sleep I have a cobone all right or you could just go

The extra step and like mix match them that’s cool the kitty sleeps on my chest are you serious oh yeah I forgot about the cats like whenever they sleep like that um there’s a chance that it might give you something whenever you wake up like as a

Like for like just as a little thing oh the cat drug something in or something like that and just gives you like a little reward or whatever I forgot exactly what the loot table is but it’s interesting all right so um where’s my crafting table all right I will’ll make fence how

To make a fence fence what how do I not have a recipe for a fence it’s just um four planks and two staks or’s the other way around but I don’t even have the recipe for it oh I found it oh yeah I I searched fence okay I found it I found

It there we go make some fences I see little Bridge up there you see our Bridge yeah it’s cool Isn’t that cool mhm you to add some like little supports on the bottom and like instead of having just like a flat platform you could have like

A what they’re called I don’t know what the bottom pieces to a bridge are that connects back to the ground um arches I mean they’re if they’re in the shape of arches I guess yeah like trusses or no trusses that go on top of the bridge I don’t know maybe whatever oh

Well yo last night I did VR with Spaceman and we actually met and like hung out finally so he do have a computer but he has a VR headset yo what VR headset do you have again he playing VR chat yeah he had never played VR chat so

I got him to download it and then we did Color dash that game I showed you goex have you ever played Color dash muffer uh not in VR chat but I have played Just VR CH General though play sometime be fun um do you know what color Dash is

No it’s really fun it’s like you’re in a Mario level kind of that’s not the best explanation but you’re like in a Mario level and but it’s you and your friends and you’re in VR it’s not nearly as intense as Mario but like you have to jump from platform

To platform you have to do these like really cool jumps oh oh man oh was that you that fell yeah I all that you see drop down um what was I gonna say you have the ability to jump and then after a jump you get a second jump but

That one’s more like a boost like you go farther than even the original jump so they do stuff like you have to jump under you have to jump what am I saying under some kind of barrier and then boost upwards after like you know what I’m saying like they have all these

Trick jumps you have to do but you’re in VR so it’s scary like you jump and then you fall and you’re like a a um awesome and apparently you can do lethal company in VR so Spaceman has the Oculus 300 yeah that’s the video I made of VR

Chat I I could delete it if you don’t like it no don’t delete it let me see I I don’t know how do I watch that how do I watch do I go to your Channel right now did you upload it sorry goex what did you say he has a quest

Three the Oculus he just said the Oculus I don’t the one that’s worth 300 I think it’s the quest3 onea the quest two that’s what I have as well I have the Quest 2 Rift s and psvr yeah the Oculus 2 meta Quest too oh this is is way easier to do when

You’re doing it by two blocks cuz you can like click on the second one oh yeah now Matt you’re not are you crouching over the edge no I don’t even need to well because if you do it like two blocks wide fell I didn’t die though luckily so it

Doesn’t matter well you are in Creative you knew this whole time yeah I’m have your stream open man I’m I have I have three monitors I can see you I I guess then I guess there’s no pretending anymore I didn’t want to ruin your experience cuz you’re in survival

Um wait what no who did that no now I have to climb all the way back up oh guys I’ve been resurrected looks like little did we know we were actually buil no no all right just let me fly back up and then I’ll turn it on

Creative I’m gonna fly back up and then I’ll go to actual creative mode deal survival survival I you just sending over there yeah all right now I go game mode Survival you guys remember Pirates of the Caribbean 2 uh I don’t think I actually seen it before Pirates of the Caribbean you never seen any of them no I don’t think so bro you guys are in for a treat d dude those are five star movies the the

First and second one and then it gets a little cheat the third one nah the third one’s worth watching just cuz you want to know what happens but the first and second ones are so good oh my goodness like you know how we were talking about the original Pixar is just

Lit like up oh yeah bro Pirates of the Caribbean is on that level like like as good as it gets like this movie is as good as it gets especially the very first one that’s the best one everyone agrees oh dang it so you saw my comment to space kitty saying

Sh I did not see that part but I knew you in Creative like that whole time building the bridge cuz I remember you were climbing up back the mountain and he accidentally started flying for a second I’m pressing space too quickly oh oh Crap hey muffer what you doing oh I’m just fishing fire cow said that oh oh yeah yeah I’m just fishing down here so you already got back from picking up your siblings from school and also fire cow you never answered my question what time is it

There oh and also to answer your other question mufford is building a house over there meanwhile I’m going to build my house right over there and so there’s a bridge going goex you know where you’re living yet or going to base at least currently set it for now in the village

Eventually to one of these Island we could get some of the villages over here because it’s a direct path with the river like I’m mean like direct direct path with the river so it won’t be hard to get some villagers over here if you want to boat them

Over on that we get a vill Going oh no I didn’t mean to do that oh good I can pick up the dirt and replace it goex summon new cat goex found a cat summoned one man I have cheaters what the heck I mean both y I turned it off I turned it off okay

Turn creative mode off but yeah I mean both of y’all turned it off after y’all got exposed we feel guilty I feel guilty but this bridge is I don’t know go he’s put up there his diamond armor what the heck let me see diamond oh yeah gex you got to wait oh

Fire cow said it’s 222 so if it’s 1022 here that’s two plus 12 whoa it’s 16 hours ahead how is that even possible it’s weird I thought the most it could go ahead is like 12 hours for some reason I guess the most it could go ahead is 23 hours or maybe

24 well at 24 you’d just have gone in a huge circle right so that’s why it’ be 23 yeah I guess probably like 23 because I you can technically like time travel a day forward if you really wanted to you just go fly to Australia you’ve got jzer Sub sub in the building

What’s the best MC player in your opinion I have no clue what the best Minecraft player is maybe muff yeah it’s no it is muffer it is muffer muffer is the best you don’t understand I had to drop $500,000 to get him to freaking play

With me you see this guy right here on my street I had to drop half a million well I me where’s that money gone what the heck I didn’t rece no money I I didn’t say I paid you I didn’t say I paid you I said I dropped it I

Dropped it dropped he tried to help me find it and we couldn’t find it so then we became friends and he started Minecrafting with me oh okay something like that yes that’s definitely true so muffer is the greatest at survival mode but goix and I are the best in creative mode I’m just

Kidding getting some resource back dang it so you’re saying I have to go mine this Stone all right I will fine I’ll do it dude for the dedication hard what what I want to get I’m going to go get some like deep slate or something for my

House I really am curious to why these axes aren’t working though cuz I need to clear out some of these trees and it’s just kind of hey to be fair to me that was the original reason I went on Creative I swear I literally told myself

Uh uh the only reason I’m going on Creative is so that I could my axe will actually work cuz I got so sick of trying to clear my area got hair light 98 n in the building Echo is Echo is wild let me see the echo in the oh

Hello oh oops I meant to teleport to goix I think okay it’s not that terrible you can probably deal with it whatever try to fix it maybe I’m going to play All Alone lethal company in VR yay um hey hey uh did you have to pay for lethal company in VR also Spaceman

Okay Spaceman here’s the deal I need to talk to you one I broke my VR headset cord that was like 10t long so last night when you and I were playing I had to play with my like four feet cord and I cannot tell you how comfortable that

Was but also space kitty I ordered a new cord on Amazon Prime and it gets here tomorrow and that one’s 10 feet and 15 foot one oh there is a game that’s very similar to lethal company in VR chat and it’s super popular it’s very similar like but but what’s fun about

That game is that you’re actually playing with like 20 to 30 random people but you’re not you’re not all against each other like it’s not really a competition but it’s about seeing who can survive the longest because all the monsters are more aggressively like trying to kill you so it’s like hide-and

Seek from monsters and the monsters are like actually trying to kill you so it’s not lethal company exactly but it’s very and then like you you win money for lasting longer and then when you’re in the hub world you go buy stuff at the shop and

Then you sign up you can hang out in the hub world or you can be like yo get me in this next match and there will be like 30 people but you but like it’s still it’s still super fun because that game is scary it’s not that it’s not

Even as scary as lethal company actually oh no I just found an exact replica of lethal company in VR chat what off who cares we can play with Spaceman Spaceman when I get my when I get my cord bro we’re going to do that on live stream oh and also um what different

People would you want for like the assets for just the Minecraft player models like I’ll make you but like I don’t know who all would need go stubberfield in the building in the building just do you and go people cominging in in the Stream let go let’s

Go late night people I love them Can’t Get Enough like if you get your own Minecraft skin I could do yours too unless you just want me to do the default Minecraft skin cuz I think you’re are you rocking one of the the new default Minecraft skins I have no

Idea the original one not Stephen Alex yeah I have no idea get a skin from a website not to use a Minecraft default skins wait so muffer how would I get a skin that’s like unique to me you download a file this website either like you either just

Literally just make one yourself like go into um it’s like skinex and then you could just three like paint onto like a 3D MineCraft model and just make your own or you could actually just look up one and customize it however you’d want or just literally just doink it from

Them interesting like I’ll I’ll send the link in Discord you could check it out whenever yeah go to the skin Tab and just import the file does Minecraft sell them uh no they don’t why would they not sell skins they don’t sell SK in Java they do want Bedrock because they just want

Money in Java it’s just get a skin for free on Bedrock by downloading one yeah people on consoles they have to pay for it but if you’re on computer you can still get one for free on Bedrock it’s stupid but yeah Java it’s only a one type payment and they get one for

Free right yo yo did you already send it in Discord because I’m going to do that while live on stream uh I I’m getting the link now I’m trying to find it without going to these okay that’s not the right website Minecraft skin deck

There we go I can send it I got it I for some reason it was redirecting me to a whole bunch of different websites that are probably just adding trackers to me or something I don’t know whatever well there you go there’s the actual website and you could just search through there

You could search using keywords or you could just make your own well thank you checking the analytics on our goex you saw that World of Tanks video with just you and me winning the thing um saw some guy comment on it said it was a bot

Lobby that’s what I was about to say I put the link in the world of tanks on Reddit and video got views I got so much crap yeah they gave me so much CRA recomended because I uh I was bragging in the chat I didn’t know it was all

Bots I don’t know any better and I was bragging like how cool is this and they gave me so much crap but a lot of them liked the video anyway but they were still like name that’s when I gotot not the tab just searching Minecraft my that is

Awesome oh I do I still have that up all yeah you had a tab up that just said Minecraft muff looking at the thumbnails to get something from me well watch what happens when I Google you Minecraft muffer and then and then I went to images and boom that’s the one I used

See mhm hey this is so cool this thumbnail right here I made that so I’m kind of bragging about myself but I love that subscribe to muffer and it’s got Mario and Bowser I’m sorry sometimes I just think I’m very talented so uh what does friends with Matt need

To look oh that is cool you actually does actually show up when you type iner what if oh if you just type in muffer alone oh no like I was looking at your stream the what came up with it I didn’t know it have the subscribe to

Muffer one oh bro bro look at my stream now it just says muffer okay you scroll down and boom watching I don’t know if you can see that yet it’s lagged it’s lagged oh you’re searching now let me look we need to get it we need to get it

To the top oh heck yeah okay bro I need to make a custom thing that says FM so what do I do scrim Grabber editor let’s do this okay sweet you see a whole bunch of different stuff on there that’s just all my stuff like you have my Reddit user

Profile picture you got my I do are you talking about me it shows on there if you just type in that’s oh it is just your Tik Tok your YouTube yeah you’ve done a lot of lethal company stuff on YouTube haven’t you you have a unique name it’s it’s literally just the made

Of word muffer muff but it’s so simple I can’t believe it’s so unique and goex is the same goex is such a simple you got my old link tree you got my um my fandom Wiki profile my Reddit profile a Tik Tok that I was in my li company Clips my own

Tik Tok and my profile picture bro this this little make your own thing is super super cool how do I yeah how do I do Marker oh there it is I found it okay now is there an edit undo button yeah there is okay cool also if

You look on the right side like underneath the Cod wheel how it has the body and outer layer uh both orange click the outer layer and it will hide the outer layer and you can do the body first and then you could go back over and get some like a little bit more

Finer details without her layer all right so yeah what I’m doing now is I just exited out of everything so that all I see is the body that way cuz I want to write fim the fwm because I was gonna write hashtag French but I don’t

Think that’ll fit just kidding I was not gonna write that okay okay um f oh it’s like literal pixel art I don’t know if I could do FM I don’t think oh man FM’s not going to work ah gopix what do I do F Well I wonder if I can go like this

F double You okay I need to make the that’s not gonna work okay where’s the Eraser this one I’m making my own Minecraft skin live I’ve got the f I need the W well wait no that’s not g to work either I’m back how yes he’s back oh thank

Goodness this game is just not as fun without CH buy and the same thing with goix yes yes yeah goex has a very unique unique personality if you met him in real life actually I don’t know what I was going to say I have no clue well I was very

Surprised I met gopex in real life before I kind of saw him online and he’s a little bit more shy in real life and then online he’s like on fire would you say that’s true goex yeah is that a that’s a fair assess a little quieter in real life not like

Shy like insecure but more like I don’t know says less I don’t know what I’m saying okay wait why is it the red change I don’t want it to change I don’t think I’m going to be able to write fwm on here is like super tiny yeah should I

Just do you could do uh you could do F on like one of the arms and then the W in the middle and other one yeah probably look weird I might just do you know what guys I might just do a hashtag I know that sounds

Dumb but I I don’t know what I I I fire Cal I’m GNA ask the chat Spaceman help give me ideas uh wait space man are you talking to me because if you are I was going to play tomorrow because I don’t have want to have nightmares how

Do you make thumbnails oh I can show you okay uh Spaceman yes I’m talking to you I’m talking to you about playing tomorrow I if it’s cool I actually want to show you a game it’s not lethal company I guess we could we could do both we’ll do both in VR and

We’ll do it live I want to I want to show muffer and gopex though this other game that’s similar to lethal company and the fact that like the fact that you’re playing with 20 to 30 other people is actually one of the most fun Parts because the

Monsters will just slay people and you know that you want there to be 20 other people to die before you are you killing me who just oh my goodness this is the classic I think you notice while you’re working on your skin Oh my goodness

Okay F on the top W in the middle M at the bottom but that’s what I was trying to do and I don’t think it’s going to fit I guess I could try it one more time and I want let’s do the fill first because I want the fill to be like

That this fine you can kill me goix fine just do it I’m not paying attention wait wait what now I can’t whoa what is this how do I go back to the grid for some reason it’s not showing up as a grid anymore it’s not showing each individual pixel yeah probably a

Setting well when I did fill you might want to turn all the different body parts back on where you could see them all that does not look like w oh but you know what what if I did why is this not working what is what is this nonsense it’s it’s get it’s now

It’s gotten annoying it’s not erasing I’m just going to reload the whole page a nothing change what is this a ah maybe I’ll just do random I don’t want to do random okay I need to download upload reset yes I’m gonna go now okay see you go pigs all right bye bye

You um f on the W but all in one side and put a dot in each letter then choose the colors you want to choose for the background yeah I probably should do it that way hey so that I’ll be right back guys I’ll be right back

Chair oh dude I would have made a custom skin a long time ago if I knew um it was free yeah how did you design yours how did you do that oh I literally just got someone else’s skin and put purple eyes on it oh that’s like

All I did doesn’t goex look like a kit you don’t know if you’re a kitty are you supposed to be a kitty you got kitty ears I oh sorry I honestly don’t even know this is just what I stuck with like I’ve actually made my own before but I

Didn’t really like him as much yeah and I don’t really know if I want to change my now because I’m kind of have like it’s it’s kind of stuck with me with like different people it’s just noticeable like if you see this weird black and white and kind of purple thing

In the distance you know it’s going to be me me yeah yeah you you do have a cool skin I’m going to do that I’m going to go take someone else’s and alter it I think that’s the the move yeah it’s definitely the easiest thing to do

Honestly like I really like sorry I like this one I just found one I Le I like it’s simple he’s wearing a sweatshirt it’s a blonde guy with blue eyes I’ll just change his eyes to Brown should I make the video with you or alone then choose if you’re talking

About tomorrow dude make a video I’ll promote it we both make videos we’ll both make videos and we’ll both get views let’s go I always encourage other people to make videos because it’s so fun it’s so fun to make videos like like it’s like I’m in heaven when I’m editing a video

I’m also really annoyed like it’s so it’s hard how do I upload to wardrobe plus what does that mean do you have the skin you want yeah but how do I take it to the editor oh edit skin yeah there edit skin button oh cool cool so I found one I like

Um I found one I like now I just no not That h no that’s stupid I just put a big F for friends with Matt right but I think it might have other implications this guy looks so cool I don’t really want to change anything I mean might you might want to put the F on the back possibly actually yeah that

That’s that is a possibility have a lot bigger area to work with oh what the heck now I look scary oh goodness no go back to the blue eyes I tried to do brown eyes but what the heck this is terrifying I look like a monster oh Lord how do I do

This however I do kind of want to change the hair to being brown or like closer to my hair color I think that’s closer to my killer is that though that’s this is weird I don’t know if I like this anymore no the blonde version looked

Better it would be weird to just steal someone’s thing because then like they’ll I don’t know it’s not like they’ll ever it’s not like they’re gonna like track you down and say hey you’re using my skin I mean they published it to a like a a website that literally everyone could take from

And every like it’s free of use and everything it’s not like you’re going to get like caught down with the FBI or something all right I’m just going to use this skin and not change anything download all right so I downloaded to my desktop uh yeah you just download it to your downloads

Folder or whatever and then when you go to the uh you don’t have to close Minecraft or anything at the moment but you could go to the Minecraft launcher and in the top like one of the top sections there’s like skins or outfit skins I think it’s skins and then you

Just upload that file and it’s a slim so you have to put it to a a slim one um I guess I’ll do that tomorrow for now I kind of want to see what you’ve been whoa what whoa Muer that is so much cooler than my

Island do you have enough space for your house though is that going to be a house over there or you just building a campsite uh I might h I’m definitely going to build like more of a little vertical house maybe even have some stuff like go down the hill a little bit

Or like go into the ground then down on the hill like little herbit hobbit hole hermit Hobbit hole that that’s a good idea I think I’m ready to go to bed man all right it’s all good you’re cool with that yeah that’s fine all right good night everybody

Oh no tomorrow in stream or after stream you decide oh tomorrow let’s play during the stream all right good night muffer thanks for coming and going live all right no problem I’ll see you later see You that’s actually sick whoa okay I am still alive thanks space kitty tomorrow we will hang out but uh I just found this whoa this is so cool I had no idea what you can have snow particles falling all over you seems kind of that seems like a bit much this is the

Matrix you can have a frog you can have a dog on your head you can have a cat on your head what soda hat propeller I almost wanted to keep this skin and just do a propeller hat giving yourself a crown is kind of oh wait a Sombrero I think you guys know why I’d pick a sombrero because I have a sombrero in real life wait so the sombrero costs 200 and then could I still get something on my back why is this scrolling up so slow on my back sword and shield 200 Oh kind of want to do that what is all this stuff you can get whoa oh free the basketball shoes are free these are free those are oh look we got muff shoes um those are kind of lame lightning arms it just seems a bit intense like I don’t need lightning

Arms I want a sword and a shield wait I could do a heart shirt but you can’t see it because thing I could do a Hawaii shirt was that free the Hawaii Shirt what is on my neck okay new outfit um heart shirt that is so lame no I don’t want the hard shirt no not outfit whatever no new outfit oh it’s my plaid shirt that I actually have in real life wait how much was that 200 and then the S the

Sombrero is okay so now we’re at 400 so I’ve got 500 left to spend oh bro I’m not making a skin on that silly stuff I’m doing a skin here we got 500 left to spend and my character looks dope boom baby oh that’s so

Cool yo is muffer still on here I hope muffer is still here um I have 500 left free outdoor backpack yes goes yes dude this is so cool yes you’re still here okay bro I can I they gave me a free 1,000 little Diamond thingies so I could actually do this I’m thinking

Though like that’s so much cooler but it goes through my sombrero like that I don’t think that’s even cool I don’t like the animated stuff like I’m more old school like that’s more my style sword and shield when you hover over something there are different colors for things ought to check them out

Oh huh I really like that sword and shield but oh I could do the muffer backpack get a muffer backpack I don’t know how I feel about the sword and shield anymore oh a fancy backpack a blue backpack but you can get it red that’s

That’s kind of silly I don’t know if I even need a backpack I just want to spend the rest of my money so that’s the thing how do I turn that off there we go I want to spend my other 500 so let’s see a dino suit that’s that’s hilarious Um huh I just want to spend 500 bucks wings I I thought the wings were actually cool but whatever hair no no no I what is this face what bro those are cool oh I don’t know no no no no no no that’s actually that’s actually interesting like Bandit no no that’s

Stupid no dumb dumb dumb I got to turn those glasses off wait no no all right where’s those glasses I think I’m going to do that all right boom baby let’s go this is the this is the shop I was hoping they’d have bro I got my okay so muffer I don’t

Know how to send this to you but there’s my friends with official friends with Matt Minecraft outfit how do I send it to him how do I send you this boom I’m going to send this to my sister she’s going to get kicked out of it

What’s so funny is that I can wear the plaid shirt in real life and the sombrero hat and match my character that is so wait wait stay there muffer just got a lot of emotes mys I hope you’re still there I’m not going to butt it up okay you see what I’m

Saying um let’s see can you see me on camera you see what I’m saying look it’s literally me I don’t have it I don’t have my shirt looking cool but because I’m too lazy to do that right now boom baby let’s go do I have the thing on now yes let’s

Go now I’m ready to play Minecraft for real look just like the character oh I’m so excited about this I am so excited about this yes okay now I can go to sleep go in F5 we gotta go we got to get a side by side wait what does that mean go in

F5 are you saying you want to get back on real fast and take a quick picture I’m just gonna call the guy me just call this guy hello yo what do you how what are you saying um do you have like the function keys on keyboard like F1

Through F12 yeah if you press F5 like it’ll change your perspective from like first person to uh third person like looking at you and third person behind you like it just changes your perspective between like the couple different ones and it’d be cool to see like you like okay cuz your webcam was

Covering like the Mini model when you hold Escape oh when you’re in the Escape menu so we weren’t able to see them next to each other okay I’m uh oh I see what you’re saying I didn’t even think about that okay I’m pulling up Minecraft right now I’m about to get in

It’s awesome oh man oh so that whole time I was dressed up in my little plaid shirt with the hat being like look I’m matching him you guys couldn’t even see oh my goodness I always forget barely feel like someo peeping over your webcam oh my goodness all right I’m

Joining the world I’m in the world at your house your cat is here doing okay now I hit F5 oh I’m wearing armor is that how do you do it so that even if you’re wearing armor it doesn’t show um you’ll have to get like a

Resarch back for that or you just take it off you just go to your inventory and you just take it off temporarily do you play with what because you always look like muffer or do you or am I just forgetting that sometimes you actually how do I look at the

Camera CU right now it won’t let me me look at the camera this is so cool having a skin like that I have a sombrero hat let’s go how do I uh look at the camera uh you could press F5 again I think it’ll switch it around I don’t know delay yeah it

Did so get in the sunshine ow do you need to take screen shots I have to take screenshots I just thought it’d be kind of funny or actually no you could you could get a screenshot and like put it in Discord or something just like the side by

Side hold up let me get this real quick actually the side you mean Oh you mean the side by side me wearing this stuff oh okay okay if yeah yeah yeah if I’m GNA do that let me like actually put this on one second I’ll be off camera so

I can switch shirts because I’m GNA actually take off my undershirt oh like that is awesome okay hang on guys we’re doing a photo shoot I got to find a better place to Oh we got to get that stuff off the Ground one second all right okay now I actually wear this and I wonder need to am I gonna do this I take a picture also any I kind want to zoomed in on there okay uh you know I’m actually instead of well oh there was a good shot just a

Second ago on the live stream but I might do this manually and do a post about it uh but anyway I am gonna go to sleep now all right good night muffer you have a good day you too peace see you

This video, titled ‘Me and the boys slaying survival mode’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-15 19:01:56. It has garnered 130 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:01 or 7861 seconds.

Minecraft, nuff said.

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WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours. But if the thought of exploring a vast new world all on your own feels overwhelming, then fear not! Let’s explore what Minecraft is all about!

WHAT IS THE GOAL OF MINECRAFT? Minecraft has no set goal and can be played however you’d like! This is why it’s sometimes called a “sandbox game” – there are lots of things for you to do, and lots of ways that you can play. If you like being creative, then you can use the blocks to build things from your imagination. If you’re feeling brave, you can explore the world and face daring challenges. Blocks can be broken, crafted, placed to reshape the landscape, or used to build fantastical creations. Creatures can be battled or befriended, depending on how you play. The world of Minecraft allows for epic adventures, quiet meditations, and everything in between. You can even share your creations with other players, or play in community worlds!

Minecraft but I survive in PARKOUR CIVILIZATION the entire movie of my journey in parkour civilization where the only way to survive is to parkour Minecraft but it’s SUPER SLOW the story about Minecraft if it was super SLOW enjoy! Minecraft but I buy a DOORBELL CAMERA the hilarious story of what happens when I get a doorbell camera for my house. The Story of Minecraft Build Battle the story how how build battle was created Minecraft if players NEVER did ANYTHING RIGHT

the story of a Minecraft world where players could never do anything right Minecraft if there were NO RULES the story about a Minecraft world where rules didn’t exist Minecraft but it’s SUPER FAST the story of a Minecraft world where everything is insanely fast Minecraft but players NEVER make MISTAKES the story about a Minecraft world where players have to never make mistakes Minecraft but you can ONLY GO UP Minecraft if buried treasure could ACTUALLY be found the story of a world where buried treasure could actually be found.. What happens INSIDE an enchanting table the story of what goes on inside a Minecraft enchanting table What happens INSIDE a furnace the story of what goes on inside a Minecraft furnace: In addition to these game modes, there’s also unique content created by the Minecraft community in the form of hand-crafted worlds, mini-games, mash-up packs, adventure maps, and much more. This content can be found in Bedrock Edition at Minecraft Marketplace or via the subscription service Realms Plus, as well as Java Realms (Java Edition

Having a SUPERHERO FAMILY in Minecraft! Aaron: Jason Bravura Ein: Chris Escalante Kim: Corinne Sudberg Pierce: Shado_Temple NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. Being super isn’t just for the big-time heroes! Who’s Your MOMMY in Minecraft These Babies are nothing but trouble! When the boys won’t let Aphmau play, she has no choice but to make a offer! Aphmau Became A DEMON in Minecraft! SSundee is ANIME in Minecraft We play an anime mod in Minecraft Becoming The Most Overpowered Anime Character in Roblox We play a Anime Hero Battles in Roblox Friends in the Video @Zud @BiffleWiffle @sigils @PatP_

Video Editor Russell Discord: /ssundee Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu – Such Fun Subscribe Download the album! /Levelup-i Roblox Hero Battles Thanks for watching! We play Weird Strict Dad from Roblox in Modded Among Us I Found Minecraft’s Most Scary Seeds (Real?) Thank you, Jellie for being you and bringing so much joy to me and the world. You will always be in my heart and the Queen of Minecraft. I appreciate you all and the support you have shown me and my family with the passing of Jellie. Minecraft, But Your Color = Your Money Minecraft, But Your Color = Your Money SUBSCRIBE to join the Cyborg Army MY CHANNELS @Bionic Reacts @Bonc @Danny Bionic Friends in video @Ligeriscool @SkiddziePlays @QuiffYT @Kiply Izzy channel coming soon

Minecraft’s Secret Rooms Mojang Are Hiding I Found Hidden Illegal Rooms in Minecraft Hermitcraft season 9 episode 51! We are back on Hermitcraft for an expansion of Scarland with a mega landscape to build out the Adventureland area of the Scarland. We will build a massive jungle-inspired land around the volcano! Also, we go on a legendary run through Decked Out and into level 4 – the Burning Dark! I hope you like the new Scarland build and the wild Decked Outrun with Tango to the Burning Dark! See you in the next episode of Hermitcraft! Minecraft’s Most FUNNY Shorts Of All Time!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

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  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

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  • FrogPond SMP

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  • Valleycraft: Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, SMP, Survival, Hard-Mode, No-Cheating, No-Grief, Trusted-Players, Hermitcraft Style, Long-Term, Terralith

    Valleycraft SMP Reopens after Four Years! Welcome to Valleycraft SMP, a server with rich history and culture. Join us on an epic quest to rekindle the embers of a lost great civilization. This SMP server is for dedicated players who go beyond the vanilla game to create something spectacular. Mega bases, massive farms, businesses, and wars await! Rules: Stay dedicated! No unprovoked killing. No stealing from bases or shops. No griefing. No hurtful language or childish behavior. Join us on this challenging journey where you get out more than you put in. Let’s make this season unforgettable! If you’re interested… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – It’s time to mine!

    Minecraft Memes - It's time to mine!Score of 228? More like score of too late to be relevant! Read More

  • Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled

    Crafting My First Minecraft World: Survival Unfurled In this video, a new adventure unfurls, Starting my FIRST Minecraft survival world. Inspired by Technoblade, a legend in the game, His legacy lives on, forever the same. Crafting tools, building shelters, all in rhyme, Exploring caves, dodging creepers, every time. Gathering resources, mining for gold, In this blocky world, stories untold. So join me on this journey, comment for more, As we explore Minecraft, to its very core. Techoblade’s spirit guides us, never to fade, In this world of blocks, where memories are made. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Date

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Date “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Uncovering Pharaoh’s Curse in Minecraft

    Uncovering Pharaoh's Curse in Minecraft The Curse of the Pharaoh: Searching for the Scattered End Eyes in Minecraft In the latest episode of the Minecraft series, our protagonist embarks on a quest to collect the scattered special eyes from around the world in order to journey to the End. Exploring the World The adventure begins as our hero sets out to locate these mystical End Eyes, each hidden in a different corner of the vast Minecraft universe. With determination and skill, they traverse diverse landscapes, facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. Unraveling the Curse As the story unfolds, the curse of the… Read More

  • INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!

    INSANE Motion Blur PvP with NEAR25⚡ in Pojav Launcher!Video Information This video, titled ‘sub-Crystl PvP with the Motion Blur gameplay -(pojav launcher) #cpvp #pojavalauncher #minecraft’, was uploaded by NEAR25⚡ on 2024-05-20 16:12:41. It has garnered 40 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. minecraft, minecraft pvp, minecraft pvp montage, minecraft hardcore, minecraft crystal pvp,minecraft shorts, #minecraft, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft sumo pvp,sumo pvp minecraft,cpvp, smooth minecraft pvp,minecraft combo, minecraft hacker, minecraft smp,minecraft pro, minecraft 1.20,minecraft mods, minecraft sumo, sumo minecraft, minecraft combo lock,minecraft combotage,egirl minecraft, minecraft video,minecraft short,best minecraft combosminecraft, minecraft pvp,minecraft shorts, minecraft god,minecraft memes, minecraft pvp tips,minecraft the boys, minecraft… Read More

  • Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFC

    Fast Food Showdown: McDonalds vs. KFCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft McDonalds vs. KFC Challenge 😂🍔 (WHICH RESTARAUNT IS BEST?!)’, was uploaded by PixelPals on 2024-02-27 18:30:41. It has garnered 74 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:56 or 476 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft fast food showdown! In this video, I’ll guide you through constructing iconic restaurants: McDonald’s and KFC. Whether you’re craving golden arches or finger-lickin’ chicken, these builds will satisfy your virtual hunger. ——————————🍔 VIDEO DETAILS 🍔—————————— SHADER: BSL RESOURCE PACKS: Default AUTHOR: PixelPals Shaders Configuration: (Post Process) = Bloom OFF ——————————⏰ TIMESTAMPS⏰ ——————————: 00:00 – Introduction: Let… Read More

  • SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeper

    SCARIEST Minecraft Creeper Encounter😱 #minecraftcreeperVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creeper 😓😭 #minecraftcreeper #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Reedop Gaming on 2024-04-22 12:00:10. It has garnered 43219 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!

    EPIC Minecraft Building Extravaganza!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft small building #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial’, was uploaded by VINU on 2024-05-21 17:19:50. It has garnered 550 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:25 or 325 seconds. Song: AXM – Sunlight Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: Song: Thomas Gresen – Elevate Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music. Video Link: #build #small #explore #fun #tutorial #funnylogic Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!” #Clickbait

    "Insane Minecraft SMP Server IP & Port! Join Now!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft New survival public smp ip and port 24/7 online server #video #minecraft #server #public’, was uploaded by Atifgamer on 2024-01-14 12:47:10. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Guys you guys always keep showing me this kind of support and please like, share and subscribe because I have to complete 1k subscribers as soon as possible. Read More

  • SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shorts

    SECRET METHOD: Breed Villagers with Wige! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Breed “With” Villagers 🤨 #shorts’, was uploaded by wige on 2024-02-26 09:00:41. It has garnered 493 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ✅ BE SURE TO LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, AND TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!!! 🎥 Welcome to Wige’s Cinematic Minecraft Let’s Play Modded Survival Series called Spoils Of War. Let’s rediscover the joy of playing Minecraft together. Taking things slow and documenting every step I’ve taken within the world. 🤍 Check Out My Main Gaming Channel @wigemojo Hey! Any Feedback & Criticism is much appreciated and… Read More

  • Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won’t Believe!

    Insane New Minecraft Gameplay You Won't Believe!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft new video cool video’, was uploaded by Jasus Gamerz on 2024-01-16 01:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft new video cool video #minecraft #trending #viral #gameplay #jasus gamerz #gamergirl #gamestagram #video #winning … Read More

  • “Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE” #roblox

    "Insane Blox Fruits Gameplay with JB! LIVE" #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blox Fruits [Playing With JB] #live #roblox #bloxfruits’, was uploaded by RomeoGotGame on 2024-04-20 18:12:24. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello Im RomeoGotGame But You Can Call Me Romeo & Im 12 Years Old & I Play Videogames Such As Sonic, FNAF, Minecraft, … Read More