Takanashi Kiara needs urgent help in Minecraft – Click to find out why! #kfp #kia

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Ah K didn’t even notice it’s a new stream welcome guys it is a new stream yay yay yay this is kiaha and quas y hi or Say uh unfortunately all the lag all the buffering kind of you know threw us out of our nice conversation we had before the yeah before this yeah we’ll never ever get it back no sure of course we will you wanted to know more it’s over no it’s not over it’s

Only over if you if you want it to be over no I mean yeah no I mean what do you remember what we talked about we were talking about shows no no before that before that how can you forget dude my memory is not that good oh my God you okay so before

Um I will not say any details don’t worry Quon but I was asking Quon what do you do after this and and she said she’s going somewhere with her family right a family member and then I asked uh oh not you you were like oh yeah can’t talk with family member because different

Room or something like that yeah right right oh oh okay now I remember yes we are doing Wellness stuff wow but you’re doing it in separate rooms right yeah so you were like oh it’s not much of a family time cuz like we can’t talk during it right yeah yeah yeah yeah and

Then I was like oh yeah okay now I get what you’re trying to say now okay yeah that yeah yeah and then I I was like well and I want to hear everybody’s opinion on this because I was kind of confused when when crony got so confused

But I said like what do you mean like can’t can’t you just you know do the the family mind mind conversation thing like Comm unicate for your minds like that’s a family thing right and she was like what and I’m like what what what and what what is the family mind thing

Though like I’m just confused like talking through your like don’t you have this connection what’s it called again in in English a telepathy telepathy don’t you have like a natural telepathy um connection with your family that’s normal right like telepathy yeah like you can’t do it with anyone you can just

Do it like with really really close family like even though they’re in another room like it can be like hey mom what’s up yeah doing good you feel it you feel it I feel in in your brain waves and all that like I I’ve done it really yeah

Dude that’s amazing yeah how do you do it it’s easy it’s like uh just I don’t know you think about it and then that you get the point across sometimes it’s kind of like vague but mostly you got the point across yeah foku yeah foku do it foku are a good

Example I talked with them about it and they were like yeah yeah totally like we get it we do that all the time that’s the only reason why we can sync up so much is because we have the family therapy uh family we have family therapy every

Day so our relationship is really good I mean surely can help having therapy but they certainly do it yeah telepathy it’s really strong with twins but like you can do it with your mom too yeah I mean with like twins I think it’s like strong like I think there’s definitely

Connection going on by the way where are you I’m I’m I’m I told you I’m in the in the in the fancy beginning area Okay I I just got out of my bunker but anyway come out of your bunker come here to the the the spawn area sometimes indoors is so much better

But yeah like the whole like speaking with your mind like how far does it work like even when you’re in a different country does it work it depends on your connection like how strong it is I would say and like how how much you’ve used it to that point

To like you know if you’re if you’re if you have a lot of experience with it you may be better at it than if you barely have used it until now so you like you could probably try doing that if you’re in the same room and don’t say anything

And you like you really concentrate really hard and then it it could work may need a few tries but if you’re suddenly in a different country and you’ve never done this before cuz I don’t know how I I don’t know I guess because you live in the bunker

It’s because you why you don’t know about it no so of course you can’t do it naturally now out of nowhere that take some practice I mean like you know like when I’m in the same room like with the family member and like all I do is like

Just stare at them they be like you looking oh they may have heard it in their brain yeah and that’s why they like think the same thing about you maybe it’s like you know they’re just uncomfortable they’re like what like what do you want yeah that that that

Maybe it’s a one-sided um telepathy that they get your messages but you don’t get theirs like maybe you have some kind of blockage in your head maybe go get that checked out how do I get it checked out like do I go to a doctor like hello like my

Telepathy is blocked can you like unblock it yeah I mean you should go to a psych what do you call them PS psychiat yeah I mean sorry I don’t want to say like something’s wrong with you but like judging from our conversation now it does seem like you’re lacking something really

Basic I I have to go to psychiatrist for this are you like gaslighting me it’s like this serious man like all I said was I don’t I don’t have telepathy and PS I can’t anymore I can’t anymore this was fun though because like especially before we started talking about about

This publicly you were really just like genuinely like yeah what do you mean what what what what do you mean like you seem so so innocent and like almost as if you would believe me oh you’re B oh you’re lying to me what what of course I am how I

Am okay oh my God I thought I was going crazy dude this like the freaking line test dude like wait did you actually like low key like think that something about what I was saying could be true I I was I mean no but like also at

The same time like but of course I’m lying like what is she going on like like is is it something different like is she describing something differently like what’s yeah is because I’m I’m Austrian and you know language barri I’m just I just had issues communicating what I’m trying to say um

Yeah I mean like is there with twins like for sure I agree it’s not no no no no it’s not it’s not it’s not but they’re so sinked up like because that’s just because they spend every second with each other like don’t I feel like

You can do that like if you and me live together for 5 years and we go we everywhere together by the way huge head just you too your brain is so big wait how bad is my fov oh it’s not that bad I like my fov that’s brain is so amazing gigantic she

She okay Cy let’s get to the to the gist of it uh let’s do it because we don’t we have limited time right because I don’t know if you know just another important fact about life but we’re all going to die eventually you know that one right dude why so suddenly

Though you do know that one right I I mean yeah we’re all going to die eventually like that’s something I always say but I didn’t expect to I you were lacking the telepathy knowledge s far maybe you’re also lacking that just making sure dude like that that

Made me question my life really hard I’m glad I’m glad I’m happy to hear that what what oh man it’s so fun man I should people more often oh what’s at all these cards oh oh I’ll take one move slowly come on crony you can do it too push push push push oh

Man wouldn’t it be cool though if you could the fa fa therapy was a thing if uh wait what’s it called telepathy oh those words are so similar I mean yeah I mean that’d be super cool would be really great yeah basically you know I have a I have a a

Perfect way of you doing that with your mom that will actually work you want to know I don’t believe you anymore but yeah sure so when you’re in those like massage rooms whatever when you lay down yes there’s there’s an easy way you you take your

Phone and you start a call a WhatsApp call and then you can have a conversation big brain did you ever think of that huh CR huh call her why would I ever do that oh my God she’s going to be so angry at me what what I mean you’re going

Together to do something nice why would you be angry yeah because we’re doing something nice she doesn’t want to be interrupted a okay well that’s kind of sad that that’s exactly why you can’t do uh telepathy and that’s also the reason why you should do therapy I should go and see a

Psychiatrist at the end of that’s moral of the story that’s a moral of the story I need to go see a psychiatrist same same oh my God why is he so angry he’s like stomping and moaning moaning yo what the heck is this thing you you’re unaware of this too

Like what how many basic things are you missing in your brain I I just I just have a lot missing in my head I just have you not played Minecraft in a while um is this like part of a new update or something yeah yeah I think it

Did it come with the Sakura update I think possibly it’s so cute it’s sniffy sniffing you it’s sniffing you out like a duck Turtle thing yeah have no chill today I don’t know like crony really um like easy to to um you know bro but like you’ve been doing this

Since before the stream and like you brought it up again so I was like wait like this entrance isn’t this entrance amazing this I didn’t make this who made it narissa cuz she moved in with me uh a while ago oh wow oh but here it’s just a normal

Door even from the outside I mean this is still like I almost said abnormal door like special door Abal this is you said this is just a normal pretty you’re you’re missing out on all the good updates the new updates dude but all the soccer trees are

Taken taken what do you mean taken I have I found a a Sakura Farm on the Ian server like I made us so to say a farm oh oh if you need if you’re in need of sakura trees or flowers I can show you where the good stuff is at oh my

Goodness M I would be actually delighted to show you if you actually end up using it then my dream will have come true heck yeah yes PK are you interested I am interested all right let’s go but but wait what happened with the beds we’re sleeping feet to feet now me and

Nissa touch and feet why feet to feet is that her vein does she like sleeping feet to feet with people oh my God for free for free I guess okay I know what’s coming for me when we go to the males me and Nissa oh my God sleeping feet to feet

That’s a new thing for me but I I will not discriminate and judge anyway crony today I hired you as my maid basically cuz thank you you are amazing and I want to say crony one thing have you ever realized that I am the only one until recently because I I think I

Was kind of forced or so but I’m the only one who respects your boundaries in all of H life have you noticed yes yeah yes so you know that like everybody went to the bunker Rooney and I’m like the only one who continuously like rejected to go there because yeah you want your

Privacy I’ve given up on my privacy but still I wanted to respect that cuz I respect you I respect the out of you thanks man you’re welcome in return I’ll show you you my secret place after stream oh oh after y there’s a secret secret for real secret

Place yeah there’s a secret secret place that I’ve been keeping it hidden ever since my other place got found out oh my God you’re so serious about it oh my God what so secret that that like people that that that you couldn’t show it on stream that secret yes yes oh okay

Okay okay but so basically I want you to look at my boxes and I want you to cry about how unorganized it is I mean it’s still like some there there is some like you know no oh my now the food is uh no I don’t have much food in the first

Place you should get some food yeah oh I’m okay I’m surviving I’m surviving nutrition you you’ll be that you you’ll be the judge of that now for me and this is just like a a precious things box over here but yeah so ideally I I would like you to um organize my

damn please please I have a uh I have a few more things I have my own bunker here down here just go go down yeah let me your UND skirt nice um there’s a bit more stuff here that I just gathered when um traveling the lands of the

Mines ooh pink petals oh yeah you can have stuff like that if you want you know I have plenty and I know where to get more this will be your payment today oh heck yeah yay what is this place for oh it used to be the this is quite interesting lore um

Really really early on I think it was still 2020 when we debuted you know and the first few months I started playing Minecraft and U my artist hook Papa was uh on the server for like maybe one day or so um because like you know we

Were trying to to make that a thing uh but yeah and then this is the bunker that he built with some stor and I kept it like exactly the same way just added a few more boxes yeah but he is he’s only been on the server pretty much like once and

Never ever after since because uh this is why we can’t have nice things no just [Laughter] kidding yeah but that’s why this place exists and uh maybe so either I will leave this absolutely to you but even we extend this bunker and make a kiaha

Bunker made by quason or I don’t know if you see more Vision upstairs to like you know get some organization going upstairs I don’t know what you want to what you think would be the best way please make it your own I’ll help you thank

Thank do you think you can help me in my problems in organization I mean this looks pretty organized already in a way M wow that is that is a great compliment coming from you like Mis organization crony cuz or Oro or or yeah I I’ll I’ll keep I’ll go

With qu after that’s better it’s better you like my nickname that I made for you it’s uh it’s very fitting right right fitting it is fitting fitting it is it is SP okay hey so like do you want me to put all the gold here I want you to do

What you think makes the most sense oh man oh man were there always two chickens this is also nissa’s doing cute we can we can extend the uh underground the bunker if you want if you need more space the top maybe no extension because that’s going

To be difficult outside um I do have a second house if you remember that’s right next door that I don’t use I have some more storage there actually a little bit oh just a few more things on if that’s the case okay maybe I’ll I’ll take

This okay then you know what let’s have completely different storage room but oh okay do you want to see what I have in here I I took a sh box so maybe we can uh St Al on I think in this first floor there’s not really

Anything where’d you go oh I’m in the first floor where did you go first floor oh where she hi hide here left left no holy hell what my my home my it’s okay we can fix it we can fix it we can fix it can you pick up my stuff though

Should I wait how do you open your in okay I don’t know I don’t know if I have so much wait let me put out the uh oh God that is incredible that is perfect because we do have this like remaking stream today like organizing so yeah this it’s also kind of like

Up which just happened but yeah this is really messed up it’s great though like this is this is this why why is there a creeper yeah cuz there’s there is light why why the was a creeper there that is a great question that is the exact question that we should be asking

Ourselves why can the sh not go into the Sher I’ll just put a couple of things in there and you can um get oh that’s yours that is really I am angry right anger is consuming my body right who was that anyway what’s his name what the what what is his audacity to

Just like come here record a song no that’s not what oh that’s what you do releases a banger tape and leaves he just comes here and destroys part of my home CU he heard there’s a currently a recording of a remake going on of Home Improvement or what do you know Home

Improvement home dude you can’t throw me all these shows out there I don’t know I haven’t even watch friends you know the one with uh uh Tim Allen he goes like when he question something that’s a good Kiara I’m I’m kidding oh man okay so I fixed the

Stairs uh I there’s the door I don’t know um I guess a lot of the wood was actually destroyed huh where are you anyway I hired you for for doing something why are you not here I know um I died you know why surprising why would you die on the job like what

Do we do about insurance do I have to pay for that like what that’s a problem I mean that’s a big problem you don’t die on the job yeah I mean I should probably sue you honestly no I should no I’m going to sue you that was not in the

Contract you dying was not in the contract I mean yeah I didn’t really expect it either but you know I didn’t really you know get the OA stuff going on in your area sure thought my safety would be Guaranteed I see I see OA violation so you know excuses excuses only excuses excuses I exuses we had had we had a thing we had a we had a beautiful working relationship and now it’s just going to be tainted yeah like man what are we

Going to do about that eh we have barely made progress and it’s been like we should have started 36 minutes ago we started late and now this happens now you’re dead well you know part of that is you know none of her faults cuz you know YouTube decided to yeah hit the bed

Yeah what the hell yeah you I know what the hell right they have it out for me I’m telling you crony they hate me YouTube hates me well you know I don’t feel bad YouTube hates everyone so why why is it taking you so long to get here uh because I died but

Like where the hell are you I ended up I ended up in the JP server and I had to walk all the way back that’s why that’s why you don’t just desert the I server you know you should be living here I honestly maybe I should I’m going

To okay did you see how did you see are you watching the stream on the side did you see what the hole looked like because I fixed it already you fixed it already yeah this whole the the Lightwood is where I fixed it and this light Stone and the you know

Here some of your things in the white Sher box but in Shar she has a castle you have a castle in the Japanese server I do where’s the blue sheler box ah I have it I have it I have it here wait I have fresh kicks I think so

Is this mine I think so oh wait where I mind I have also normal diamond boots that have no name I wasn’t sure which ones are yours oh that might be mine then here you go oh okay I put the the other things in the in the Sher box oh

Bless okay this should be mine okay okay Shar another I call it Japanese server because it’s just us moving into the Japanese server I have strong feelings about this okay it’s uh it’s you know it’s different yeah like cuz you know this is like like our simple

Abode not really I don’t even know how to like describe it like it’s just very like cozy you mean here or there uh like you know thean server overall is very cozy exactly exactly we like to live in the Stone Age yes I mean we we’re not living in the Stone Age you

Know it’s different it’s not that bad just just exaggerating so what do you want to do cron what’s your plan Quon okay I want to um I think in order to make it more easily accessible for you I might be good to have this like like have the chests

Like well like I want it to be easily accessible for you and like going you know back here and then up seems kind of tedious for you I mean compared to like your thing this is nothing though cuz I don’t even have as many things as you do

No no no no no no no no no but like okay uh let’s see that’s the W corner I think we can like dedicate one section of the room for just chests maybe okay uh let’s see we have an iron farm we have more

Than just an iron farm we have a lot of things here okay yeah we do we have we have a um access to a a Mesa biomi and a Sakura biomi even yeah we have our own things yeah like we have like unique things going on

Man ah but man like a separate storage room is nice to be very honest but it’s okay it’s okay I can make I can make this word why are you doing this to me what why are you doing this to me what what are you doing like why are you

Sabotaging yourself again why are you doing this I thought you came here to work I this was not in my job description it’s breaking so slowly hi what you would just watch you would just see this is an ocean violation oh oi oi violation sound like

You’re my OSI what do you who do you think you are you don’t even know what an OSHA is this is serious oh my God I have to go to court will we get anything done crony tell me I I just got to figure out whether or not we need a storage room

Oh man I think we should extend the storage room extend yes okay uh which one do you think you might not need like immediately like some something this one this one this yeah both of these okay both of these okay SI and I’ll just use my Shel box man so

Far so far I feel like I’m on a roll why are these candles on and these are Off oh sick I have food okay and then W she placed it in the air yeah because your place is kind of you know I have no Choice what I think you built it on a half block or something oh is this a problem for you does this like trigger

Something deep inside you um I mean it does like trigger something but you know that’s okay I good Happy Feelings could Trigger Happy Feelings yeah good good Happy Feelings do you need the the white cha box to transport even more things at once uh you know what that would be that

Would be nice maybe have a lot of shelter boxes huh yeah yeah cuz I am I am you know also every once in a while I go to the nether oh so that’s why there’s nothing in the nether huh no well what can I do if you debuted second and I debuted

First okay well okay touche yeah you know what that’s true wait where did my pickaxe go wait where’ you put my pickaxe oh I might have it which one is it the one with eff efficiency 2 or efficiency 5 efficiency five are you sure yes or are you just ripping me off

Very very sure very very 100% sure okay and I shall provide you with a Sher box that I will throw it you know thank you dude come to think of it this this is a dangerous place to be working in huh why like I almost got all my stuff

Tak I’m just kidding but like you know it’s dangerous here yeah I mean partially I don’t even know why like why was there a creeper here that is the real question cuz I thought wasn’t there an update where they made like enemies uh spawn less like you don’t have to place as much

Light but there’s plenty of uh light here and still came what the hell yeah like I kind of don’t understand why that’s not even my fault it’s not my fault I mean actually actually that’s not your fault than normally I would say that is your fault

But this time it really isn’t your fault so not sure what happened well anyway are you extending the let me check if you yes I am oh no it seems like still kind of crowded in here not going to lie I mean I didn’t know you want to

Expand expand I thought you wanted like more chests kind of thing oh I don’t know I feel like we should expand a little bit maybe that way me this way maybe you can like dig the path yes hell yeah I’ll dig around this stuff hell yeah okay in the meantime I’m

Going to go like move stuff okay teamwork wow I thought I I wouldn’t have to lift a finger just kidding that’ll be boring anyway sounds yeah I know that sounds boring sorry crony I’m so sorry and you don’t want things to be boring now don’t you I I just thought that maybe this

Kind of stuff would fulfill you I you hat it things were boring I just wanted to give you like a big opportunity to like let out all these desires that you have like you would you would need to go to a kinesiologist with all that lack of

Moving you know I definitely have to yeah I probably should yeah you should okay I’ll go after the stream yeah okay and you go to the psychiatrist that’s great you go visit the nutritionist and then the kinesi big checklist so much stuff and I just need

To I I only have one professional to visit in comparison so that’s are you sure what about family therapy to learn about telepathy no that’s foko they’re your therapists no they they need family therapy you know what I’m talking about you Imagine yeah benefic they should probably know about you know how to keep a family stable yeah they can show me yeah both of us would know right I don’t Know I’m so sorry did you want to Hung no no I’m I I’m I’m I’m somewhat fulfilled and fine I’m I’m I’m fine I’m fine I’m so I’m so sorry it’s it’s okay whole life is is is there for me no I’m okay I’m okay I’m just kidding

Okay I’m just joking my mom is watching the stream she’s definitely watching she was looking forward to this oh really yeah does she like Minecraft or something she oh she did a lot on the server actually she helped me create or like renovate uh phoenixon the the town that I have

Oh wait wait hold on put a torch here a creeper might spawn here uh yeah okay I guess I I can do that for You uh should I extend the ceiling cuz there’s a little part over here that’s higher uh yeah you I mean no like this one’s just for like uh so that you can open the chest oh okay okay so maybe around the edges I do

That uh yeah yeah if you want to put the chest like on the side or something yeah I wanted crony Style oh you want it okay okay M if that’s the case that’s going to be on on crony style oh my God only crony style like you know any any other thing

I would have been like I I would have went along with it but I I can’t no no oh no that’s I was quite excited about that one but okay um I’ll I’ll put the some stuff did you pick that up I I don’t know where to put them for now I’m just

Putting them like so that not they’re not in the middle of the room yeah yeah yeah yeah okay uh see nice nice that was so good that was good thank you oppa homeless style not homeless style I’m not homeless I have a hom not homeless wait do you have a kind

Of worried about the L of torch can you put more torches sure sure of course I can I I I’ll I mean it’s your home like if it if there’s a creeper and it blows up your home I mean that’s fine you know I’m just a I’m just a contractor but still you

Your I want to put it in the middle but there’s there’s no middle oh no there is ah there there is oh there is okay SI okay know your symmetry I’m so proud of you yeah yay should I move those other shulkers over there too the blue one is yours

Right ah you’re like sorting things but these are these are kind of sorted already more or not really not satisfyingly okay okay well Kiara I have a task for you yes can you like space It Out by one like the chest by one here oh I can attempt

That uh the wooden chest you mean yes the wooden chest but then that means I have to first take out everything right in order to move them sure or yes ma’am wow that is like pretty lame but okay I know but you know would Isn’t it nice

Having you know problem is my my inventory is already so full let me like put stuff away sounds like bunch of excuses Kiara I no I think I still have things from when you died I I didn’t I only had four things when I died wait what did you empty this

Chest already you incredible genius yes I did like like one of the upper chests yes wo wo okay I know that that kind of like threw me off that that overwhelmed me there like damn I didn’t expect that girl like sheesh an empty chest that’s that’s that’s crazy that’s that’s like crazy

Insane sheesh girl God man thanks man and now you’re now you’re going to make me blush stop it I mean something like that like wow I mean it’s to it’s totally what I hired you for but like I I don’t I don’t think there was actually

Going to be any progress you know so oh wow I mean I didn’t know you were so easy to please you’re calling me a genius like damn maybe what’s really happening here is not that you’re cleaning or helping me organize maybe you’re actually just stealing my things oh you caught me

There’s a reason there’s a reason why I’m not like streaming my po ah see I knew it I knew it me lady I knew it all along something was iffy like you can’t fool me I did though I guess no you’ll be paranoid if I’m actually taking your stuff or not

H M I have to take inventory very slowly very SL Take let’s see dirt well you want me to move this one space to the right yes please okay ooh there’s another shulker in there the shulker I will place where the shulkers are nice potions oo organizing things y see actually doing things look at that wow okay and you were doubting

Me I believe in your passion for this stuff very there are books books oh oh wait let me put this but I’m going to put those those back in but that doesn’t mean that they’re organized right so you’re going to move them where they belong right oh

Yeah obviously don’t you worry okay okay don’t you worry your pretty little face I got you going to be done call me pretty pretty girl call me pretty W what do I do guys what do I do I mean you are pretty pretty get in wow that’s not that impressive for someone

Who so amazing it’s not really oh I’m so good I’m so amazing man I love myself so by the way c yeah yeah what are you like you know like Christmas is getting closer yeah and like this T the season of toly so like besides like crashing your

Car against your own fans have you been doing anything that’s like like Jolly joyful every day man amen bless like what like what have you made Christmas cookies yet because I have made Christmas cookies and if you didn’t any then I don’t know how you are living the

The Christmas spirit really I don’t know how that works that’s uh have you been carolling uh well actually about that I’ve been kind of sucking off I haven’t been out carolling cuz I’m busy wa you actually do Carol no you’re so gullible K I don’t know you

Didn’t really seem like the type of person who would go carolling to be honest and I’m not I’m not so I was like CR Caroling yeah kind of weird it’s okay I see I see how it is it’s okay I’m still I’m still normal I I still have some of my sanity left in me are you saying people who care all don’t have sanity hey hey hey hey hey I didn’t oh I didn’t

Say that I I say such thing that is messed up I would never messed up man that is messed up I can’t believe you would say such a thing but people actually Carol like in in North America cuz like I I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anybody carolling in

Austria I don’t think that’s a thing at all that’s because you don’t go caroling no but like I’ve never been caroled I’ve never opened a door to people singing at me randomly some songs that I don’t want to hear at the time that I’m busy where

I really don’t want to see car or not do you want to be Carol or not no not at all I don’t care about that at all like why would I want to be Carol you you you almost sounded so disappointed though like oh they won’t Carol me CU it

Sucks CU they hate me man no I don’t think it exists in Austria or in Germany even it’s not terribly common but it does happen in US CA I see I it’s it’s rare for me to even have like you know the the Girl Scout cookies or Boy Scout cookies to like come by and be like hey I got cookies we don’t have that either we don’t have that either

Man I mean we do we do have it but it’s kind of rare yeah yeah you know you know how excited I was when I was in America uh this this year was it this year I think it was this year yeah it feels pretty recent still

In summer I was in America to record something at uh the the the pineapple motion capture for pineapple at am’s place and then at that time it was the first time ever that I experienced something that I only ever watching like American sitcoms and so on a little girl with like her parents

There standing there too uh with a little table selling self-made lemonade oh dude and I was so excited I was so excited I said am please we have to I I need to I need to buy the lemonade I need to experience it so we did get some lemonade and it was pretty

Oh okay but that’s fine it was about the experience I thought I thought the story was going to go in a different direction like oh it was pretty good and then that was it right it was all right okay was quite all right I mean but like you know the

Effort is like pretty impressive right yes it’s cute it’s so cute and it’s surreal it was kind of surreal seeing it I yeah wait I don’t think I heard it like how much was she selling for ooh I I don’t I didn’t say it cuz I don’t

Remember did I say guys back then did I mention it I put like dollars probably more than a dollar maybe more like oh my God yeah inflation bro what happened to all the cheap stuff M there is no more cheap stuff why is this growing so much I thought it was

Going to give me light what light this oh you need to add bone meal to it bone I think I have some let me go find it lemonade and dis economy highway robbery for real for real bone block do I oh let me get all these potions and put them in the potion

Chest and I guess let’s take the Bon don’t be that mind blown there is yet to come there is more mind blown about why is it this one oh okay I have so many splash potions of Fire Res or potions of fire resistance left over I think from either the Wither

Fight or the other fight the oh it doesn’t fit crony okay we put it in another place no I don’t want to well there’s no choice Kiara why don’t these stack crony can we write a formal complaint to Minecraft um I don’t think I think they’ll be pretty

Busy do you think They Don’t Care About Us does does do the Minecraft developers not care about their Community say that I didn’t say that I didn’t say that I’m saying that does MOJ not give a about me I mean like you know it’s not about

You okay it’s about me no it’s not it’s not sometimes it’s not but I speak about for all of us I speak for all of us GR You guys know I’m joking right everybody knows making sure CU sometimes it seems like you have to make very sure people understand a sarcasm sarcasm is a dead humor nowadays oh why is it not a mom’s hum Humor mom’s humor yes cuzz you said that’s Humor [Laughter] humor so anyway um can you like bring me more stuff if that’s okay yeah yeah I I I you know what I just did I went out of my way cuz I had one empty potion bottle I went out of my way and brought it over

To ena’s potion place because I thought she could use it although she’s when’s the last time she played Minecraft yeah I don’t know I don’t freaking know I’ll bring you something I’ll yeah bring you these things even if they don’t fit in my inventory let’s see and we need we need more boxes

Anyway right we need more chest what if I make you some chests too you can yes I will wait let me think I need where’s all the wood I don’t want to make it out of this you have wood down there don’t you wood yeah wood there’s plenty of

Wood I’m going to turn the coals into coal blocks so that’s going to take a less play enough you little shits yeah well the thumbnail did have a lot of chest nice chest wait what oh there we just are nice M why I agree I think they’re so funny they’re so

Funny but I I dug out this really old old fan art I I typed in uh my fan art hashtag and yours and there was sadly barely anything but a little there was a little bit and that hella I used for the stream hello you want uh all of them to

Be like free rows right oopsie um yeah since there were like uh three rows to begin okay did I see where the heck did the wooden block go yeah that’s fine I’ll just put it right there oh oh yeah I took one out oh it’s okay it’s

Okay cuz yeah that’s that’s what the things here all for right to use them right I mean yeah but I thought you’d like place them back to where they belong no because I need I’m not done you know oh my God done I took another one oh you took another one out okay

That’s fine that’s whatever that is that forgivable oh yeah that’s completely forgivable I’m messing up your your whole system it’s okay that’s okay I can live with that that’s completely fine I can we need more CR K collapse I agree I agree so people were pretty surprised

When I said I on my schedule I am having a collab with cron what it so surprising people thought it was like really like sudden and random and it kind of is because like we we didn’t really collap much in our time you know it’s true is true it’s

True but uh yeah we recently had a nice conversation and uh I thought I want to continue that you know yeah I do too what is our what is our uh collab name we don’t need one not everything needs a collab name I’ve recently come to understand takes a it’s you know it’s

Too it’s too hard it’s too hard to come up with these things all the time you know well people do call us Su dial Sundi yeah like oh that’s cool yo that’s a that’s a pretty radic you never heard that before Sund dial yeah I mean yeah I have but you know

Yeah that’s pretty cool it sounds cool yeah it sounds pretty dope I got to put all the gold and everything in this spot okay I got this this this and then a little bit of this so with that I I I I ask you artists kindly to draw more

Quason and waa art although this one like it was even it was separate artworks but from the same artist in the same style so it was perfect you know yeah exactly it’s a beautiful I think I think kindly where the heck okay I don’t know what to do here there’s like an

Awkward let me I know what to do I know what to do um uh some brand new in here cuz that belongs Here oh my God it’s organizing it’s being organized yes oh yes yes and I have my own bunker now kind of cuz like there’s more and more chests that that should hopefully hopefully be plenty oh my God this is so exciting yeah really does it excite you it is so exciting yeah

Organization oh so good I’m happy that I can give you this Joy yes thank you very much I’m very happy I’ll move this around this and so colorful maybe I’ll bring the things from my second house over here la She still didn’t see my second floor did she cuz she died at that moment well yeah now I’m scared to go up there not that much honestly that place is actually relatively organized so I could keep the things the way they Are what if I die H what if you die if I die again then I will will honestly doubt your motivation to be here okay okay I see you I see you no just kidding just kidding you know what you know what you know what

What what what what do you want to say kind of treatment with this kind of level with this with this level of treatment and no regard for your fellow worker like I don’t know what I’m going to do yeah that’s the thing is you’re misunderstanding something here completely yeah misunderstanding what I

Feel like I’m completely you said fellow worker fellow worker oh I’m a slave now okay no you’re my mid you’re my maid understand that and then we will understand each other you know what you know what you do know that Maids can quit too right that’s right you won’t

Quit I fire you oh well you know what I fire myself can you please wait until the stream is over what well yeah sure okay okay thank you so much thank you I appreciate that thank you of course that’s really nice of you no I’m pretty

Nice that that’s why I like you so much you know oh thank you but I’m still getting fire I’m still firing myself no I’m I’m quitting you no I quit no no I quit I quit you no that’s not how it works H This Woman This Woman This Woman woman what

Are you what are you trying to say this woman you’re a woman woman I’m trying to say you’re a woman are you not huh you have a problem with that yes yes I am I mean oh my God falling apart what’s falling apart everything everything is falling apart everything

We worked so hard for I mean I didn’t work for this you work for this okay you’re really you’re really confusing me here but okay sorry I’m just Tak up the gold it’s kind of like what do you mean this like all the gold you have like what are you talking

About no no no don’t worry about it all the gold the gold what what happened with the gold it’s gone wait I made so many chests down there there but Like uh maybe I should put all the valuables here that’s right okay this down cuz I’m actually out of wood crony seems like it unless you put some more wood somewhere else yeah I put all the wood here I I oh that W the not Uh planky

Wood yeah why is the I don’t really like that like why is that shouldn’t that be in the same box kind of I mean they’re like unprocessed and these are like a little more on the processed side you know I don’t know you don’t like it it’s okay you can always

Reorganize it that’s okay yeah but like then I have to lift a finger you know and that’s kind of like I mean you’re already lifting a finger so that’s okay no it’s fine um I do think the wood should be with the wood but I will I got I got you give me

One second oh she is the the one and only the truest of them all the goat I am pretty she she gets it I I always get it okay I have completed this section Al now I see something that I feel like yeah whatever it’s fine it’s fine

Put all the valuables uh isn’t this nice so nice I I’ll help you now but like what what should I you have not been helping me no I have I have I feel like I have been totally helping just need to figure out what to sort into

What what do I have a lot of oh this stuff what else would you put in a chest that has Saddles Saddles um probably like put in like bunch of Tools Leather what do you mean leather tools and Saddles tools yeah tools like Saddles and like horse armor and everything H

Horse armor okay horse armor I can understand I don’t really have much of that though why did I seem like you had quite a bit though where did I put it yes I made a mistake the Box won open now it should open yes okay there we go see we fixed

It we did it I did it yeah yeah yeah we did it mhm I mean you did it yeah you want to be very particular yes you did you did sometimes you have quite a bit of mom energy I like that all of a sudden I was feeling that when I heard

Your morning voice before the stream you guys didn’t even hear her morning voice aw too bad it was really nice her morning voice was like kind of giving me mommy Vibes like not like yes sorry Mommy no but like mom mom please it’s not a face making this weird you’re making this

Weirder it’s like it’s not a mommy boys but but you know the more you try to elaborate on it like you know it gets more and more fishy you know no no I have a lot of wood here in this oh like dark oh yeah there a special dark

Oak log do you know the dark oak the really dark wood yeah should I make its own chest for it where are you are you changing the wood organization yes I am where are you leaving them in the corner here or are you putting them elsewhere I’m going to put them

In around this area give me one second okay done Oh I have to remember my mom is watching the stream she kind of always I always have like I I I honestly I forget about it and don’t really worry about it most of the time but thanks for reminding me I should have that in my head all the time

Now you’re paranoid yeah yeah and your mom’s going to judge you every single time you swear or something nah not at all she swears even worse than me [Laughter] probably that’s where I got I got it from my mommy I got it from from my mommy hey where’ you get that saring

From was that a was that a uh sigh song I think so yeah circling back to the Sigh only only crony style it’s it’s not going to work it just worked it it really did not work it really did it really work not it really did not it’s uh really lacking

I’m Sor can’t deny it I think everybody would agree I think I’m denying it but it worked it kind of it really didn’t work okay you do you qu okay see see it’s it’s getting so organized yes now that the wood is with the wood yes the wood is with the wood now

It’s now it’s pretty nice right it’s so nice it’s beautiful surpris God don’t want to like organize this no cuz you’re organizing it yeah I’m doing it I don’t know is this the same thing Birch oh Bruce wait what don’t don’t worry about it I’m what are you doing organizing somewhat maybe

Honestly wood might need two chests I would two chests cuz there eventually will be more I feel like and that I have even more actually maybe bamboo can maybe saplings and bamboo can be its own chest okay I’m going to put all the armor stuff here for now this this this okay

Okay this can go together weapon stuff two cool stuff goes there does this make chat Happy by the way does this feel good watching finally finally an organized waa Minecraft space yeah what is this what is this it’s like a completely different place it does yes I’m in different H

Okay do you have a place for sandstone sandone Sandstone you have it mixed with other things don’t you what is this crony what who are you is this really you yes I’ll take it I’ll give it its own box you’ll give it its own box yeah I will watch

Me watch me watch me watch me whip watch me na watch me whip whip watch me na why watch me watch me watch me watch mom obnoxious your mom is watching the stream what would she think it’s probably also really confused what’s wrong with me today what’s

Happening so very hper today M I’m just so excited to be with you crony Jes to like jeez are you not I mean yeah but like it’s sounds a little scary I’m so excited to be here okay I thought you you like hearing that I it is it is uh very energetic it’s

Nice thank you yes of course man yeah okay okay I’m going to put these oh she’s going to be so impressed with my Actions where did I are you sure I think you will love what I’m doing where did the books go there I I do not appreciate the saddle being here so I’m taking that I didn’t work that yet okay a work in progress okay do we say chankla or shankla what do you know

Sh Chang no Chang Chang CH Chang like the sandal to hit people with oh I have not heard of that before what what’s going on is this another like telepathy moment yeah it must be crazy crony has been sheltered I think I have been pretty sheltered unironically

Yes I mean it wasn’t a bad life all I watched was fairly odd parents and we watch that too yeah you know what I’ve heard this the other day that there was a live action of bad what yeah there’s a live action of that but I I think I think I heard it’s

Really bad Fairly Odd Parents yeah the live action of Fairly Odd Parents oh God like with real actors yeah hers really bad oh yeah it sucks oh yeah Drake Bell was Timmy Turner oh that does not sound good at all oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s a it’s a thing it’s a

Thing I’m I’m kind of disappointed not going to lie I I don’t think it ever needed a live action so can just continue living your life with ignoring it sorry I gave you the knowledge dude when when was that released I’m not sure do you guys

Know do you guys know wait this is I’m so confused I have so much of this see but isn’t it easier to organize now that I put it like this sure 2011 oh 201 so much more organized I know thank you so much uh what about like random stuff like

Fences and maybe I’ll should I I’ll make one chest for fences and rails and ladders that’s pretty similar like a terrific idea thank you thank you and maybe even trap doors yeah see you’re like having your own ideas now about what you want yes I think with my own brain

Wait where I’m going to put some this is just I’m guessing this is your random stuff box I I’ll put some stuff here you you figure random stuff box you figure oh yeah that’s a random stuff box yeah it seems like it enjoy thank you thank

You oh my goodness there is order there is harmony are we going to put anything like are we going to leave anything at the top floor um uh it depends on what you want to leave you want to leave maybe like AR arm n important things I guess like arm but

Even whatever we run out of space for downstairs I I don’t think we’ll run out of space downstairs really H like there are a lot of chests here so I don’t think we’ll run out to be very very honest maybe just like really common things like a second chest

Of wood and food and armor okay ooh oh yeah stone stone is also still upstairs I guess we’re keeping Stone upstairs there also a couple more empty Sher chests here I’m I’m getting there I’m getting there just just because like I already filled up uh the space

Mostly down here with the suer chest so yeah maybe yeah I mean at the end of the day like you know as long as I’m giv like General instructions I’ll be flexible what you want okay we can keep those remaining Sher chests upstairs perhaps and put either

Nothing in it and keep them for traveling purpose like when I want to go you just like put them in the chest or something I I guess for just shulker boxes but then I forget about them you forget about them no like you forgot about

Me when when did I ever forget about you see you even forgot about forgetting me oh my God more gaslighting let’s go oh let’s go okay imagine imagine my my feelings guys I can’t it’s unas lighting pretty sure that’d be Exciting um damn this place is going to be like so empty after this though I know that’s why I was like what do you want to keep what do you not want to keep cuz you know cuz that concern which is very I guess we got to have at least one

Chest of random things because I don’t know where else to put the extra lles I guess into the ocean no no why would you release them into the ocean cuz I don’t even I don’t know why I caught them I don’t need them oh so they’re so cute you can’t

Just yeah okay then I guess I’ll keep them in the bucket forever yeah that sounds like a wonderful idea wow okay if that’s how you treat your axelos am I I don’t want to know I mean unless you decide to have an aquarium for it or

Something yeah H I did make a frog um what do you call it terrarium maybe it’s about time I make something for the two exra lles that I have Hello does it have to be That that there nice nice nice nice uh conon how’s are you good with time good with time still good still good few more minutes just I noticed the potential that I didn’t use what potential the potential in the time joke don’t don’t you dare don’t you dare

Do you must so sick so sick and tired of it stop I can imagine which is exactly the reason why I should say more I will cry is the qu W going to cry emotional I’m I’m going to be so emotional I’m going to break down in

Fact a little baby yeah yes yes yes oh my God I’m so sorry gry I don’t know what’s wrong I’m I’m I’m just I’m just having fun you know I’m just enjoying our time together me too okay now I’m going to cry stop crying you’re you’re so you’re

All over the place today what’s wrong with you wake up I’m just um I guess I’m just trying to I don’t know make make you en enjoy your time with me and oh I’m already enjoying my time dude it’s so this is so great organizing oh okay I love where’s the

You I mean we we we love we love organize love you okay we I I love what yeah I don’t oh no that’s too strong that’s too strong of a word I’m too shy you know love is a strong word like I don’t use

It you know like I don’t even I only use it with myself that’s fine that’s I I totally agree with that yeah I love love love love it’s a strong word love love love love we love love I can say love ah love you don’t have a problem with that word yeah

Love oh love love all love love love what are we doing I don’t know okay dude like I just get kind of embarrassed whenever I say you know yeah I don’t even say it with my family and you got some issues girl I got to go see a

Psychiatr good that good good good that you’re are aware of it that’s I’m the biggest step I feel so enlightened like from the stream really yeah I just realized that I really need maybe you should pay me baby baby you know what just maybe maybe I don’t need any payment maybe

With this I’ll realize that I’ll have to psychiatr exactly you’re welcome crony thanks now I’m now I’m dramatized you weren’t you before I mean yeah probably you’re everything you’re so right everything everything that you’re saying is right it’s just me I’m the problem I realize yeah you are yeah I’m

The problem it’s always me mhm I wish I wish I can do something about it you can’t I can’t but that’s okay no crony I’m sorry it’s over for me no you’re fine it’s over no it’s I’m sorry about what I said you’re pretty fine over you’re pretty fine you didn’t have to

Add that last part it’s hard for me you know like saying things the language that you don’t mean yeah that is pretty difficult yeah I’m not pretty fine I’m not fine that’s just what you’re trying to say when you think you’re fine but you’re not really cuz like you you

Know I’m trying to do the meme but I don’t know how what what she says like I understand that you were trying to what what is that when you when you when they say you no when you say you’re fine but you’re not really fine you know it sounds like you’re

Trying to do the the kid meme instead kid me like yeah BR when you have the dream when you when you do the when you do the dude what’s that you have a you have the dream they ask you how you are and you just have to say

That you’re fine when you’re not really fine but you just can’t get into it because they would never understand that’s the one thank you you cheated dude no it was in my brain all along no you cheated you’re a cheater could you how could you cheat how could you cheat like

That oh now you’re going to cry yeah yeah yeah what are you going to do about it going to I’m going to cry well cry harder I can’t hear no I’m okay C I’m fine C cry no I’m fine but I’m not C I’m fine by the way people you should

Know that we are you know just messing around this pleas yeah have to do occasional disclaimers just in case every once in a while every once in a while every once in a while make it really clear yeah we are confused as well I think but you know our brain is just

Like roaming around yeah oh I have a good idea I have the perfect tools for doing what I want to to this plan excuse me yeah that’s what I said why because I have the better things oh damn what is this doing here organize the food heck yeah hello wooho for real are

You good with time though for real for real I still got few more minutes okay and why does this not connect I thought you can connect a lantern to a chain uh yeah you can why does it not go here not enough space ooh the ceiling is

Okay okay I’ll make the ceiling higher after all Quon yeah you can do that just a one block it’s okay okay I hope nothing will leak from above and if it does then you know God spe it will be fine it’ll be fine does oh does that still work then

Oh that’s a fence right guys probably fence that can stay no the chest what what’s the chest is it f it’s a probably okay okay then we add one more EO it was even the right color okay now we don’t have to feel so claustro claustrophobic Santa claustrophobic is claustrophobic the

Word for having a phobia of Santa Claus excuse me CLA is it not it’s I mean you’re so right so right thank you you’re you’re so right oh you make me so happy just surely there’s a word for that right though right right surely being scared of Santa yeah I feel like there

Probably is I don’t know just say you’re sonophobics Is it not I mean what you think it is it’s just a little too well long it’s not like not like you’re going to Bonk your head cuz we’re all the see size in here I might no you’ll be finea by the way all the armor stuff is

Here so if you like to move them upstairs you can oh oh you have the horse armor there okay see you do have plenty of horse armor look at that that’s crazy what are you laughing about this time because I think I just took the thing that you later on Realize oh that

I guess that goes there and then I put it there while you were talking about it how could you I read your mind maybe we are twins you think so no then maybe we can use telepathy that’s what I was saying but I wish it was

True but I I don’t think we are related at all yeah it would be crazy if we were related you know that would make things kind of crazy kind of crazy actually dude dude that’ll be sick D are you making fun of me are you

Making fun of me no no no right now it’s just making fun of dudes dudes how could you that would be so sick dude that would be so radical dude radical is that what they say yeah that’s what they say is there no one tile picture one tile picture well oh yeah

There should be it’s not letting me make one what what if I what about a a six tile picture do something that’s actually going to oh like you’d have to like remove the sign here in order for it to work I like this sign I know but sometimes you need

Sacrifices what what the what the why is this still W what what sizes do we have for pictures what’s what’s the availability pretty sure there’s a one one by one like as long as you block it off with the Torches like it should work theoretically no it just goes under the

Torches oh what maybe maybe tried several different times maybe no okay maybe maybe not a torch maybe just like you know stone blocks yeah sure Wait are you going to use the shulker boxes as a way for storage rather than having chests or yeah I guess at least the ones are down here Here oh there it is there it is guys hey that was so diff so much work yeah what a pain in the ass man at least it looks beautiful it does it’s so small I don’t know what it is I got to look at it from the back but the

Lamps are blocking it it which is also an artistic Choice maybe you should change maybe have revisions to your artistic choice if it’s getting in the way me thinks um no no maybe not I see understandable you know that’s that’s also a choice that you can make

Oh there’s another one what is this one this one’s actually higher so you can actually see what it is soup soup maybe it’s soup do you like soup crony what’s your favorite soup chicken noodle soup chicken noodle soup what a coincidence I am a chi no uh

Phoenix so you think you’re a chicken no so in the end you just think you’re a chicken you’re not a phoenix or anything you’re just chicken no I said I’m a phoenix you’re a chicken okay you said it okay Cy okay Cy I’m ending our friendship after this amen

Amen hallelujah I didn’t say amen I said a hey man I said hey man not a man dude that’s my oh hey man what’s why why is there so much hay here you know that’s a thing that is like a German meme uhhuh like imagine walking into this

Room and you say whoa there’s a lot of hay here cuz there’s a lot of hay here and it was so random and you’re like why is there so much hay that’s a German meem so it’s like Dad jokes all around no no no it’s maybe a mom and dad

Joke a mom and dad joke yeah what was just a dad like not only dad can be involved oh okay it’s like everyone every Mom and Dad yeah it’s a very um inclusive show a family matter okay yes big Family Matter y look at this this so beautiful holy moolly y

Yay thanks to you Quon of course man I’m so happy to help we may have had like a rough start today but um wow yeah but it worked out and look at this it’s so beautiful now saying you’re done I kind of have to go but you know

It’s not done it’s not done that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine you did plenty you did plenty I will have to add some finishing touches honestly okay and then and then you come back in and you’ll be like hey I want this here I want I want it over

There then you can do exactly that it’ll be likeing well let me check then uh this looks Messy as but okay um okay you know I just said I just said holy cron Well well it’s kind of nice watching you do This what a blessing it is to have You oh why do I have this gold wait you have one chest here gold oh my God see now you’re organizing I’m so proud of you I’ve been organizing all this time here I’m adding more get charcoal you want charcoal cuz you put coal in here too heck

Yeah look at you now you’re organizing your chests now and hopefully it’ll continue for a very long time I’ll consider it you’ll consider it I’ll try but yeah I think no it’s at least good to have like a like a base uh like an organized base to go off of

Cuz my problem was always like when it’s already so messy it’s kind of difficult to get it organized I need I need someone like you my mom I think tried once to organize my place but I mean was L there was still room for improvement AKA Home Improvement and you’re

Damn you’re so like specific no cuz I recently I’ve been binge watching Home Improvement for the past two months or 3 months my God maybe two months yeah dude you should watch like Pimp My Ride or something yo I used to watch that yo man when they pull like a wh

Pool on the back of the car or like like how are you ever going to use that I would use it let’s go like oh heck yeah Whirlpool but what am I going to use that for you know or like a disco what what did they do do

What kind of stuff did they do beside whirl pools disco balls like fridge and then all that stuff Bridge fridge a fridge the fridge the fridge and then like they made their trunk into like a big boom box or something really loud loud gaming setup TVs Xbox well that’s not even that

Impressive but sure deep frying in the passenger seat I I doubt that but yeah that was really a cool show wait so you watched like MTV back in the day like that I watched some MTV yeah yeah do you know the show where um there’s like uh one one dude or girl

Who is a fan of like one specific artist singer or actor and they’re like so obsessive and they really wish they could date that celebrity but of course they can’t so they get like threee people in who also like that artist singer usually and um they dress up like them

And they prepare a set they sing a song everybody gets like their own little stage that is like themed after that celebrity and then they all three of them perform and the the obsessive fanatic watches that and then chooses their new partner According to which one was the most like their celebrity

Crush like they would have like a LaVine lookalikes and stuff like that and it was pretty cool I enjoyed watching that that’s kind of a cool premise honestly yeah they had some good ideas back then what happened now it doesn’t exist anymore yeah it doesn’t exist anymore

Damn no I I watched this documentary about how MTV basically kind of like died and then revived itself and then died again cuz like they used to only play music and then they realized like cuz like they had like 5% of shows that were not music and then they realized that those

Were kind of the most popular after a while after after I guess it was like pretty common to to listen to music in other ways too I guess and MTV wasn’t necessary anymore so they increased those kind of weird show shows more and more that were not even related to music and

Then the few times they would like bring out the music related show it would flop all the time so they eventually completely stopped yeah they lost the music but then didn’t they like they try it again like what does MTV do now what plays on MTV now I don’t I don’t have a

TV so I don’t really know anymore do you have a TV like where you watch actual cable TV oh I just watch YouTube nowadays Netflix yeah and all these streaming platforms like aside from that like no I don’t right uh probably still reality shows yeah I guess

So I guess so well I guess so I don’t like reality TV shows I think like when I was younger when I was a teenager I still could kind of like enjoy it partially cuz I watched stuff like Tina tequila Tila Tila Tequila not tatina do

You know Tila Tequilas or flavor of Love Tila Tequila dating show the the Flavor of Love dating show yeah the Flavor of Love was like oh God such a ride such a terrible terrible ride sounds like there’s a lot of story behind that yeah it’s it’s yeah like the

Flavor of Love was basically some really old rapper who was like small looking but he was like 50 or 60 and then he has this like apparently he’s a famous rapper I didn’t know him but he had this uh mansion and he got like 20 20 hot young chicks to fight for his

Love but like pretty much everyone was only there for the clout and for you know being on TV and for money and fame but they all like act as if they’re so into him Flavor Flav yeah and oh it was so cringe all the time like these ladies M acting and him being

Like that that reminds me I did watch like a reality like show where it’s like you know um featuring what was it parison and it was her like choosing her best friend and she I watch that too my best friend yeah but did I want if anybody of those best friends she still

Is in contact with probably not I really doubt that like everyone was there for a cloud I really really doubt it yeah that’s so sad that’s the sad reality of reality TV yeah but then you know she gifted one of the people like a pink diamond or something I was like

Damn oh that’s what gets you that’s what impresses you a pink diamond I mean yeah that’s pretty cool I see okay and now write that down everybody write it down write it down pink diamond oh no no no no no not like that no no no no no no no

No no no no no no no no no you don’t want a pink diamond you want a blue diamond there’s a blue diamond I mean probably can just put like food food dye or Diet pink blue diamond is basically just the you because you’re you’re a blue diamond Co oh oh stop

It cuz you’re such a gem and you’re blue and you’re like you’re like topaz oh where am I yeah wow yeah yeah I’m so flattered like you’re just throwing the same totally original uh I’m pretty original you’re right thank you you’re too kind wow mhm

Yeah okay well I have to go but you know before that look at this look at look at all the weapons I put oh yeah yeah I saw I was watching you Armor’s downstairs yeah I mean I would I would probably see you know what you can do

Exactly that as long as it gives you a basic guideline of how you want to organiz yeah and satisfaction and all that right damn yeah you gave me a good base for real for real like and a good like how to say k um a good reason or like

You know you gave me a reason to do this in the first place because I or I gave us a reason cuz I invited you but I wanted us to do something together and this was the one thing I could think of crony and it’s beautiful yes it’s so much more organized

Now gorgeous gorgeous you have a talent for this thank you damn I’ll like finish up organizing later on and then you’ll be like w crowny came by wow W maybe in the one while you’re you know doing the wellness thing maybe give it a try the the

Telepathy thing just just try yeah I’ll try my mom’s going to judge me so hard but but I’ll try no she you just why does she have to even know you just like try to think really hard and get the the the thought over to her head if it gets

Across then it worked if it doesn’t then she doesn’t even know that you tried something yeah right right okay oh I got to go my mom’s like Oh no no granny I’m going to miss you don’t go I’ve been having a good time don’t leave me I know what am I going to

Do without you it’s okay we’ll like stream real soon oh really yeah will we when are we going to stream we’ll stream okay cool we’ll stream stream together you mean not sep right obviously that would be a good way to get out of like collabing with me you

Know I mean dude that’s really messed up yeah let’s coll collab together separately stream together separately yeah yeah yeah yeah you let me can you stand next to me I want to take a picture of us next collab together separately yeah on a different game oh

Oh it’s so it’s so cute how you’re still like wearing your your your outfit from the sports festival I know I’m pretty quirky CKY like that aren’t you just quirky like that okay thank you I have the picture um my dear made crony you have made my my dreams come true

Somewhat a lot I’m going to put some can I open this no I want to why why is Minecraft like this huh then I’m going to put wool blocks maybe and make a carpet here I’m going to I’m going to make the the floor the same flooring eventually oh nice oh I like

That right not so mixed like what the hell what is these walls though like disgusts me it just disgusts me oh we’ll work on it well there’s still stuff to do if you if you ever feel like it you can try to improve it if you’re free if you have nothing to do

In Minecraft I will I honestly I haven’t been doing Minecraft cuz I feel like I’ve done everything almost oh so wait so uh W you call a person who lays carpets like I’m doing right now uh Carpenter exactly exactly you heard it guys I’ve been telling you all along nobody

Believes me but this is a carpenter I am the carpenter right now thank you crony for finally confirming the things that people don’t understand allegations beating the allegation ations woohoo thank you okay this is all I needed all right you gave me the tools and I will be using them you gorgeous

Gorgeous blue diamond you you you giant head you giant head no you giant head I took a picture of your head what you have a picture of my head yeah I took a picture ear you’re in the Stream oh okay I found IRL oh no no no no dude that’s so that’s

Kind crazy that’s that’s messed up kind of crazy I throw hands you go take care of that huge head with your facial massage you know maybe you can get rid of that huge head thank you you too with your ye big head yeah my my never heard that before outside of

GTA thank you Quon have a nice time take treat yourself treat yourself you treat yourself no you treat yourself you you go to kinesiologist why I’m I’m not trying to learn Chinese what what what okay anyway bye it’s a joke in German we say not Chinese but Kish with

K kind of more or less Kish yeah it’s a joke it’s a German joke that’s the worst one of the stream I’m I’m working on my comedian skills okay not everyone can land all right but that was that was a e efficient efficient productive that’s just you sou for Germans that’s true

Yeah some people in Germany they say chines right don’t they that’s kind of crazy k k I have to go yeah go go go I’m just talking to myself byebye I guess I’ll go to or read super I’ll read super chats byebye okay okay byebye byebye bye-bye let’s stream again real

Soon yes yes next week no just kidding too busy week yeah and everyone be sure to check out kiora’s new song sleep talking oh my God thank you so much and Callie and K’s new fire and I we so came out today thank you thank you wow the

Plugs W yeah I know I got you can we plug something of yours no okay bye bye bye never really sing that song that she gone she gone I’m all alone now that was nice of her to plug the songs yeah today my song with uh uh uh

Cie came out in case you guys didn’t see it’s on her Channel but it’s also on my channel wow amazing how that works uh yeah it’s like I guess it’s like also on my Spotify probably is it on my Spotify I don’t have Spotify so I can’t check

But I think that was like some uh way of going around the weird weird things fin death and life now hard passion dou back down yeah the the no not only the instrumental I also saw the song like without the MV is also like automatically created on my channel and on my

Releases yeah yeah so uh but make sure to watch the MV more than listening to the thing on my channel because like she she paid for the song So and she paid for the MV so go go you know give her back the money by giving her AdSense on the

MV but also watch sleep talking yes I think I heard Korean no there’s Japanese little bit of Japanese but mostly English yeah uh thought you ran out of money for M what the all not but that not every and not you say that but not every song

Needs an MV I was just kind of crazy with po wanting everything to have some kind of presents on my channel but no it’s um organized by cie so the mvy is on her channel uh yeah so please check it out watch you can you can make

Yourself a playlist where you can Loop sleep talking and fire ice wow did you think of that maybe also put in retrospective and teach W and love Rush while you’re at it mhm mhm anyway um sorry for being kind of crazy today I don’t know it like it started so

Crazy with me like joking messing around messing with her like before the stream with the like starting the the telepathy like it started with that and then I just couldn’t stop like sorry I said some dumb things today but yeah it was kind of wild yeah

Special mood for a special lady unhinged yeah she really was like she was like really questioning what I was saying but like not like in disbelief she was like trying to understand in the beginning and yeah then I was like we were getting so deep into it and I was trying to

Change the topic because the stream was lagging and she was like don’t change the topic now now but then eventually she completely forgot about that discussion so I brought it back cuz I thought you guys need to hear it yeah she is easy to banter with she’s like

Yeah K is here here here here yeah our collabs are pretty rare yeah basically like the other day we had this nice talk because like I was reminding her like collecting the Advent calendar videos and then uh I saw the video that she did for the other day

With like the the the car and her driving and bonking her own uh fans so uh I was like oh yeah right you got your license right and then we started doing like chitchat a little bit quite a bit like we talked for hours of which is

Like I think the longest conversation we ever had in the time since she’s been here in her life and that made me feel like you know oh I I I that made me feel more comfortable with like maybe asking her for a collab again yeah and and yeah

I don’t know I’ve really had a great time during that conversation and now I had a great time now so yeah know yeah crony nice nice lady I feel like I’ve been recently like connecting weirdly suddenly with other members that I don’t know for whatever reason just didn’t

Connect much until now or like just uh like really low key and and now suddenly suddenly but better later than never I’m happy about it some things take time you know can’t like but can you really how to say let’s say you’re a gardener and the flowers are the

Friendships or the acquaintances you have in your life if you have too many it’s kind of hard to keep up with like keeping every single one healthy I wanted to compare it actually the other day I wanted to compare it with Sims friendships and especially like with the

Earlier Sims Sims 1 Sims 2 like I feel like in the earlier Sims games it was especially hard to keep friendships on the friendship level like if you don’t call your one of your Sims friends one day your friendship will immediately go down you have to communicate every day but that’s

Not realistic anyway that’s not how it is in real life at least thank God yeah but like getting to a point getting to that like line over the line of like first your acquaintances and then your friends where you can say oh yeah we’re friends getting to that point

Is difficult not only in Sims but also in real life I would say unless you have a really loose understanding of friendship maybe or like I don’t know just more more I don’t know how to say maybe it doesn’t take as much to certain people to consider someone a Friend yeah but I feel like and recently I’ve been able to connect a bit more with people and that makes me really happy not like not like you know um anything was wrong before but it was just like no not much uh opportunity there there there’s like always this

Like issue also with me mostly being active at times where others are sleepy sleepy and that kind of like blocks some opportunities but that’s okay anyway anyway why am I Tangen thing uh now we have reached 2 hours maybe that’s why I have wanted to tangent let’s go here oh

Small once I two years and each like yeah yeah I I generally do that a lot and I can’t be friends with someone who thinks that it’s not friendship when you don’t talk every week like if that’s if that’s a no no for you then we’re we can’t be friends I

Guess that is just the way it Is but that’s fine cuz I don’t don’t I don’t need much more friends I have plenty I have my hands full so oh I think we’re pretty caught up mostly aren’t we like like exactly caught up I only have to read the ones from this stream oh my God like I miss you

Guys what what do you mean the stream is going to end so soon I’ve been I’ve been missing you guys you know please please don’t go well tomorrow I have another exciting collab with pomu we’re going to do a VR collab I’m going to oh wait a second has

Has there been actually oh that just made me realize I wonder if the things question Time well well well yeah tomorrow not frog wedding just a frog date me and Pomo cuz she has her own frog Persona and I’ve been wanting to do a frog date with her forever forever literally and just a a casual reminder of wait I think I have casual reminder of this weekend

Sunday for me if you’re in na if you’re in na it’s also I think Sunday uh Sunday PST 5: a.m. EST 800 a.m. uh Austria Germany time 2:00 p.m. uh jst 1 p.m. on Sunday it’s finally time there have been already quite a few announcements of

Guests so far uh in case you’re not much on Twitter let me Enlighten you so far we have had Aki say byai yeah then we had M standby this’s POS by the way may or may not be a spoiler you it might be but you guys are not

Going to figure it out I think if you figure it out then I love you don’t say it though don’t say it out loud if you know what it is don’t say it out loud but like if you know you know and then I know that you’re

Cool and then today announced the the Wayne this picture is also a a pose from the dance the aisai one is not really AOS from a dance but this one and the mat one is and I’m going to say both the song and the dance are quite sensual quite spicy so get ready

Guys lots of kissing I think you said that oh well uh that that one tweet that was uh actually about my dance practices with M St yeah maybe you’ll understand afterwards I I’ll talk more about it too afterwards yeah but um there’s still some guest announcements coming up and

Yeah I’ve I’ve already watched uh the cuz it’s pre-recorded obviously I’m not going to like claim it is not it’s ridiculous uh it’s um yeah it’s pre-recorded so I already watched like the the the the product I have been I have been sent

It uh and I watched it and I got to say uh I’m surprised because still not exactly an hour so oops but the members only part is actually a bit longer than I expected a little bit L just a tiny bit longer than I expected so um I guess it balances it itself

Out I definitely recommend you guys becoming a member uh of this opportunity if you’re not already a member because members are getting something really nice I have to say like watching like it now in the final form I I really really felt actually emotional especially for the members only part there’s something

About it that if feels definitely more intimate and very emotional and fun and intimate so look forward to it yay memberships yay oh nice nice memberships yeah so maybe maybe the uh main stream will be I don’t know 50 minutes or so I’m surprised honestly because like wow I I really thought it

Would be tight I thought it might be more than an hour but turns out um it’s pretty so to say short but then I checked like the I am in senpai’s live the other day and that one was also like 50 minutes and she did have merchandise

To announce so I don’t know what it is recently with ena’s I am is mine being all kind of shorter but the thing is I don’t have merchandise to announce there so that’s also something that’s missing I guess I just well I know it feels really

Long though when I watched it chos was like 45 oh really was it what what is this new trend with like things just turning out to be shorter why it’s not on purpose I’m telling you just kind of happens like on the schedule it seemed really tight to

Me like like when I was making the schedule like all like choosing the songs and everything like uh I added I actually added one song last minute into the lineup um and I was like is this is this really going to be okay and we were

Like me and the director were like H well yeah it’s kind of tight but well we can probably squeeze it and and now it’s still not feeling the full hour that’s interesting honestly could have talked longer in my MC um Parts but well well well well before I now accidentally say anything

That I shouldn’t be saying because I’m tanting and when my brain starts tanting it’s the nothing can hold me back I guess so as long as as it needs to be yeah like like like I said like when I watched the whole thing I felt like it it felt like an

Hour definitely felt really long so I hope you’ll enjoy it I’m so I’m so excited I’m so ready I’m so ready so look forward to more guest announcements and now I will rate the super chats from this this stream only I suppose yo one of my guests no no no no

Now hours are now 45 minutes long wait dud ah that reminds me like do you know that that Twitter account um that’s like the world the Earth Twitter account and like that tweets like patches like it’s a game patch about Earth things do you know that one I love

Seeing that one I don’t even follow it but sometimes it pops up on my timeline and I think it’s really funny up yeah it was funny teardo I haven’t watched the tears in video in a long time I don’t know why YouTube doesn’t recommend it to me cuz I

Was like really binge watching them a while ago do they have new videos TI oh yeah six days ago sabertooth versus Raptor who would win maybe the Sabertooth because the Raptor has tiny tiny tiny arms feel like you could push them over really easily oh and then one month ago was our Aunt ether op all right I know what I’m watching for dinner actually I

Have to cook dinner No dep pens on the Raptor it says Utah raptor there’s Raptors in Utah why is it called Utah raptor Utah is a place in America right she no but the one on the picture has tiny arms the one on the thumbnail Utah Utah Raptors are kind of

Big you’re saying that as if they still exist now they don’t right that’s a dinosaur oh the fossil side where they were first discovered probably all interesting d damn youah rappers no Raptors okay let me read super chats oh wait there were super Chats on the oh wait wait wait when I just

Realized what I did to my channel there’s a there’s a no stream like a non-stream on my Channel right now right like that is just waiting room right oh God that feels really uncomfortable to me right now oh that disgusts me 7 Minutes of loading screen that is what the I will

Delete that I will privatize that after but we will read those super chats that’s disgusting absolutely disgusting I was kind of stressed out thank God that making a new stream reservation worked out thank God no the memories seven minutes of pain that’s all that is yeah glad it worked out I’m happy I’m

Relieved man okay okay so I read 1080 snowboarding Right I think I sry of being fine right before we R it I don’t know about that that was probably just your imagination or you being like oh oh you want to change your stream well now I’m going to trigger you real hard by making it work now now it’s fine this Way okay let’s go um so this is both the the first stream that will be deleted and the current one uh Jacob 47 SW fly thank you for two pinkings it was a pleasure to finally meet you in kfp kada my weekend at AF is my highlight of the Year might never be

Topped don’t say that yet but surely it’s a great memory for now the C and dead beats I was with really made it special just hanging out talking about takam Mori I wasn’t alone they’re my family right I agree the meet and greet was fun but the panel experience stole the show

Really you you’re saying that the panel was more fun than meeting me oneon-one what just kidding it was kind of hyp and I felt pretty hyped too the ending Koka was my first idle Concert Experience ah yeah that must be quite overwhelming especially if you were you you were I

Think in that corner in the front shouting my heart out while waving my pen lights it’s Indescribable I hope to see y’all at another con one day I love k k thank you that’s great I’m happy to hear that yeah like I can I can see how

That would be like wow big wow moment when you’re just like mostly most of you guys just support us like the the majority of you guys support us just by watching streams um and then when you actually make that move and go to a convention to see us that’s huge that’s like like

Stepping onto a next level of fness so I I wish that uh more people you guys should more of you guys should make that happen go see us at conventions if you can if there’s one in a reasonable distance from you I feel like nobody nobody who did that regretted what they

Did nobody who went to a convention to see us regretted it at all the the the exact opposite I think I’m shy though no need to be shy there’s many like I think many would say they’re shy many kfps or other fans that came to the um conventions but

I feel like kfp generally like there’s so many openminded kfps that already go to the conventions and they if you wear orange you okay if you’re shy and you don’t feel confident like you like can talk to people just wear orange they will talk to you and you don’t have to

Be scared about it because kfp people are great they’re great they’re really really sweet and I think you’ll have a great Time if NYC was announced earlier ah yeah I I sometimes I wish those conventions would be announced earlier yeah some some of them are announced pretty late yeah that’s one of my criticisms critics I live too far and no money well who knows maybe one day we will get

To some convention closer to you and if you want that to happen one thing I can recommend is you writing to your local conventions and telling them yo I want to see her Al as a guest go invite her life please tell them about us some conventions might not be so aware yet

But yeah I got really lucky with for many people seem seemingly have gotten really lucky that I finally got to Texas it’s not the first time we were in Texas but I was in Texas for the first time so that’s exciting yeah I do I hope we can make a

UK convention work this year I hope so anyway Swan fer thank you m py d Cruz Dan alar Dan fire nice fire nice down she says the G for the red of chat fire I is so freaking good boss especially a time stamp to is that by any chance a picture of my Ass no right she right you no way right no you wouldn’t you wouldn’t timestamp such a scene would you now I know I know the MV was kind of ass heavy which is great actually great is exactly how it should be all the UK accents that would be

Amazing I would go crazy anyway thanks for the awesome work thank you tel for listening thank you for sending a Super Chat to me but I I didn’t do much I didn’t do much I just uh you know sang a little bit thank you crony and then it cuts off but than

The arti thanks for the pinky Hi boss your popup parade showed up the other day oh yeah I saw I see a lot of them on my kfp tag just wanted to you to know yours is taller than Callie’s however unlike your 3D model uh and the the the

Other two I’ve gotten so far they did not as you once said nerve your C Nerf my crotch what do you mean like putting uh like the black uh uh thing shorts underneath I think I did see that as the panties yeah is that what you mean uhuh

Yeah interesting because I think if you look at my default outfit it’s kind of implied that if anything it wouldn’t be white it should be black whether or not it’s bats or panties it should be black but okay maybe go in with a with a marker

With a permanent marker and uh make my panties black no don’t do it you’ll mess it up you’ll like you’ll make everything so messy down there do not paint my crotch do not paint my crotch and do not take this out of context thank you for your understanding not even you

Quest alsoo artist you may be an artist but I don’t trust your handling of my crotch this is all not to be taken out of context thank you [Laughter] yo honestly like um pranking crony like that reminded me of me gaslighting uh Bales which was with crony right don’t take it out of crotch text Wow what am I listening to just got here everything’s everything’s cool everything’s chill who’s bails I’m not even the only one I noticed that the other day I think I was watching narissa and she said sad bals and everybody El was like who’s Bales I’m not even the only one who says

That so when are you guys going to get used to it h why why is that even a thing just because like everybody calls her Bae mostly we just say her normal default name isn’t doesn’t exist Anymore k b says hakos BS B also says hakos you mean she says the whole name well that’s crazy that is kind of insane imagine calling someone by their phone name imagine cop also says bals does she does she well then why is it such a meme there’s plenty people who call her

Bales Then it’s logical she’s her kohai well no that no no she doesn’t call me Me by Taki Kiara I think she just calls me kiar Kiara I think probably Bae herself has said who’s BS gaha that’s how Callie says it gaha GAA I think kie is the only one who says

It like that gaha And then there’s some things who call me Kara which really hurts it’s not Kiera it’s not Kara MH beu and Bs decided together to use the full names oh really okay wow they’re like really exact it seems you thank you really is that a thing she talk about that is that real I

Am a chi be than chocolate insomnia D Corona D d d oh what the yeah that creeper was insane that was actually I I almost appreciated that creeper showing up like I kind of did because the moment it happened I was like yep yep thank you that is comedy Nathan cotton thank you for the red of chat

Hello T I just got my k a popup parade figure just in time for Christmas oh it’s Christmas right now what the hell I thought oh what what I thought it was the 24th not the 14th do you have any ideas for what I should get for her for the upcoming

Holiday Dej Vu what wait but you should get her well you should get the figure for the upcoming holiday hello parasocial much what do you mean let me read this again maybe I’m misunderstanding just got M pop a parade figure in just in time for Christmas do

You have any ideas for what I should get her for the upcoming holiday is it because you asked me what I want for Christmas is that why djab Vu sorry Nathan I am confused well if you want to get her something get her Black Panties please she needs Black Panties but don’t paint

Them no you the figure what the figure yeah yeah get the figure Black Panties Maybe knit them or so like yeah make it like you know like for or go to a shop that sells Barbie clothes that should be the same size roughly so your MV with you and Cali thank you glad you like it it’s really cool the MV turned out pretty

Badass I think like the m was done before the song was done which I’ve never experienced before I think she so Fast living in France for 4 years oh yeah you’re in you’re in the UK now oh that’s awesome you’ve been all around yay you’re in my time zone nice little en asking the girls like Victoria Secret to measure my K figur I’ve been to a Victoria Secret shop once I think

They’re not so common in Austria so I’ve been to one at an airport somewhere in Europe at a airport Victoria Secret no kind of only to like kill some time I didn’t even buy anything it wasn’t wasn’t as quite what I expected not as nice I mean it’s nice

But yeah who the hell is Victoria why at an airport because I was trying to kill time that’s what you do at airports look at the shops I didn’t get anything no I don’t think I did no it was actually surprisingly more if it felt like it was

More non underwear than underwear like I feel like there was more like jogging pants and leggings and like workout clothes then underwear I was a bit confused but why not just just different what I expected oh why are they at an airport well why not there’s like all kinds of shops at airports

Really like there’s Anything why would someone sell panties in an airport in the first place honestly I can totally like there’s can you not imagine a situation where that’s useful I can totally imagine like what if you are in the plane and you’re like changing at the airport but you you have like two plane

Rides but let’s say you feel absolutely disgusting after a 12-hour flight and you didn’t think of bringing uh you know other underwear but you have another four five 6 7 hour flight upcoming maybe you want to buy a new set of underwear for example oh that can totally happen

Or I don’t know I mean let’s say you’re a lady and you got a surprise visit of the monthly Jack the Ripper I don’t know and you need a new pair of panties because they’re ruined for now so you go to the Victoria Secret and you buy a new pair of

Panties can totally happen can totally happen plenty of things like that could happen no yeah what what if what if you realize I mean I don’t know why that would be a problem cuz it would probably be covered by another Garment of clothing but one of you realize there’s a hole in your

Panties thanks to the mths that got to it and yeah you want to buy a new pair that doesn’t have a hole you get it you get it now you understand now that there’s plenty of reasons thank you then we can go back don’t question it so thank you Nathan I’m still

Confused but thank you che7 D the gamer cre d d substitute D yeah oh yeah good good reason to talk to crony again thank you for the red chat mama told please get the sandal oh yeah I surprised she didn’t know did I say it so like incoherent

Does she never heard of or did she NE never hear of uh L shank what the hell I still don’t know if it’s Lanka or Lanka but surprised she didn’t know about it we have educated her it’s more of a Hispanic thing yeah but I’m not Hispanic

And I still understand it I mean I feel like you guys probably taught me I wouldn’t have known without you guys but it just kind of happens just kind of happened CH in chaa okay CH okay okay okay okay I think I’ll remember now maybe as in chicken uhhuh

Interesting I also don’t really know many Hispanic folks but well I guess it’s just like we have a a really really open way of communicating me and you guys guys and I I ask you guys about anything so now she knows I share my knowledge with her sharing is caring

Corona job is a warful moomoo prison what the moomo prison I I’ll have to play I’ll have to play Minecraft with crony again I just need something to do ideally when another update comes out because you know how I feel about Minecraft I really really want to play

It but I just can’t find things to do pudding Channel d i a beep D Mr Big D whoops my bad d space waterfall D check your channel Brandon D endless thank you for the red New Zealand let’s go thanks for the stream been working lots of overtime lately and

Catching up with the SM RPG bot helps me chilling out for a bit o I’m happy to hear that looking forward to the fry live with we know you worked hard on it yeah I really did oh but it’s going to be at a good time for you oh my

God yeah it’s actually a good time for Australia New Zealand Japan and so on so you’re welcome you’re welcome Happy Birthday I can’t read your name but happy birthday yeah what happened to Megan King’s land oh my God I don’t think I was ever serious about That sheesh but I wonder if there’s a Minecraft server surely there is a Minecraft server that recreated The Game of Thrones world we should do more tours like that remember when we did the Disneyland tour I should I should find like interesting worlds that we could visit like that there definitely is

Yeah let’s go remind me of it eventually not now like December I’m pretty much done January 2 maybe in February we can look into that yes adventure maps yeah yeah oh and also like ages ago I got perms for that Minecraft um game R RPG Minecraft I know there’s too I got

Perms for that ages ago but didn’t really find a good timing to play those no there’s plenty to do anyway thank you endless I’m so excited to have you watch the results so please please stay tuned for it and uh I wish you luck with work I

Hope you have to work less overtime soon but FAL you can do it gum what do you say comat in English uh do your best I believe in you thank you for still trying to catch up with me though I appreciate That thank you Derek thank you it’s Sunday though I think isn’t it Sunday yeah Sunday don’t mistake it’s Sunday pyro and a refresh wait did I give endless a kiss endless H just in case oh there’s oh Korean Super Chat super long Super Chat space wonderful dangun super bear hero

Dun uh thank you thank you Violet and for the pinky I was waiting until you had your short hair because it is my fav design but I can’t wait this is not really my short hair though unfortunately my birthday was for 3 days and AG go uh that means it’s my

Third birthday watching your streams W love you as always and keep up being amazing as you always Are Violet ever Garden yay congratulations is this is this fine even with this hairstyle I thought you wanted the short one but congratulations your first birthday that’s kind of crazy like wow these days when you guys report to me like it’s my third third it’s my fourth birthday or

It’s like so and so many months with you 36 38 months seeing those numbers now is kind of insane it’s kind of crazy like it really always comes with the real I ization that we are spending so much time together I’m happy about that though yeah you guys still here

Wow crazy thank you thank you all of you wow wow yeah look at them ah I mean the 10 months I feel like you’ve been around longer than you’re a member for Though I think this is my f coming up shees yeah that’s so crazy like what that’s such a long time oh my God thank you guys well see so much so many so many months that we spent together it adds up it’s crazy wow W look at them look at

Them look at them flexing making use of their members messages don’t you want to use them like on on Sunday stop stop stop stop stop H stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop you don’t read those anyway yeah

But like you can throw something out there I’ll be watching the chat closely probably because I’ll just be playing the video I hope the internet doesn’t up because apparently I’m the one playing the video not uh the studio so well usually usually my streams are stable usually unless YouTube says

You yeah it’s kind of scary scares me scares me my imersion I don’t care about your Merion I think we have like gotten this like in kfp we we just you know I don’t you so you know you guys are I think very very down to

Earth maybe you don’t need for ultra low lat yeah the thing is like I’ve been having problems with ultra low latency I don’t know if it really stems from ultra low latency but then I switched cuz that was in Japan recently and then I switched to normal latency and then it

Was fine again so recently I’ve been not normal uh the low latency the middle option I’ve been streaming with that and then today was around so I said okay I’m going to make a new stream and we’re going to switch to latency I don’t know if that really helped it that was

Probably not the issue but now it seems like ultra low latency is safe again to use but ultra low latency does lower the quality the possible quality so I’ll probably um end up um doing the middle option shouldn’t be an issue mhm fingers crossed yeah for real for

Real we ultra low it seems like it’s at least okay to go back to that now oh your frankness is one of many Charming points I love thank you I would agree with that no no yeah yeah yeah I like that we don’t each

Other most of the time and if we do then it’s you know as well our culture of like messing around with each other but like I mean in terms of we don’t try to uphold a fantasy necessarily you know that is not Needed so this s yuk tatto Yuki Channel than again and I hope you’re feeling you know welcome and and comfortable in Europe enjoy Tony Cho sent a red super chat with a lot of Korean I could spend 20 minutes trying to read this or I can put it into papao

I see however a Kik key at the very end I recognize that let’s see uh oh I’m a Korean indie game developer who often watches K’s broadcast it’s my first Super Chat I’m a poor developer but I pay for it the Super Chat I guess oh no thank you for the broadcast that

Soups my loneliness during my game development e not too long ago a game I developed for one person as one person I suppose that probably is supposed to imply was released on stream let me look it up it’s called The Lost Prince and I’d appreciate it if

Kada enjoyed it because it also supports English and Japanese dubbing for real I want to give you a key but I don’t know why to give it to you so I’ll replace it with Super Chat oh thank you for giving me wait let me look it up is it like

Something that I I would be interested in opening steam as we talk the Lost Prince oh o that looks legit the faithful story of a boy chosen as a sacrifice to save The Prince and adapted story based oh on the Noel the little prins a o oh the like character

Animation thing is like the way they stand there and move reminds me a bit of like you know it’s kind of Holo parade style but the illustrations look really good cute the business person is cute ooh ooh Car Takeo Rose Garden Rosie oh cute oh there’s so many characters recorded by various Korean voice actors oh oh so there’s there’s really dubbing Damn what do you do story based package game developed inspired is a it is a visual novel based complex genre complex genre is that a genre in which the Story begins with the assumption that the prince died from a snake bite it has it has simulation RPG Adventure day

RPG and dating Sim really in its tags not oh it’s currently 15% off guys so check it out ever thought of appearing at Comic conon that’s not really something I would decide that’s you know usually the event people ask us hey do you want to be at

This event and then we say yeah Maybe interesting well thank you so much for uh super chatting and I’m glad I could you know be there for you during the development I’m I’m honored yeah cuz this is legit good job good job Wow congratulations on releasing your game it looks really nice and good work for yay or yo and pop yes a big kiss for you good job Tony keep on keep on doing the things that you have a passion for make more games I’m looking forward to the future of your endeavors t t

Brandon d game 8910 no that’s not true Matrix D Dominic D requesting permission to build a small KP theme park for in real life what the in ah wait it says it literally says in a virtual way sure why not do it okay do it do it looking forward to

It only virtual first first okay sounds like you’re motivated going to go hoop with some friends I’m going to go too I I I I fire you you don’t quit I fire you cuz I’m leaving too mhm goodbye guys tomorrow collaboration with pumu rainpop I think it will be on both channels maybe

Probably two povs of two frogs having a nice T wholesome day together hope you enjoy today’s stream tomorrow in J say I’ll be ding quack quack quack oh my God I’m turning into a frog already Bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】quasoni pls help me #kfp #キアライブ’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2023-12-14 23:06:46. It has garnered 58104 views and 7085 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:50 or 10130 seconds.

with @OuroKronii 👀 Takanashi Kiara 1st Album “Point of View” 👀 Streaming: https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView


🏵️[Twitter] 🏵️ https://twitter.com/takanashikiara

🏵️[Hashtags] 🏵️ #kfp #Kia Live #hololiveenglish #holomyth #takanashikiara FANART #KFPicasso =========================

[Viewer Rules] Thank you for watching my stream! To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow these rules: 1.Be nice to other viewers. Don’t spam or troll 2.If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments. 3.Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations. 4.Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them. 5.Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat. 6.Chatting before the stream starts is fine as long as it’s not completely unrelated to Takanashi Kiara. 7. Backseating is welcome in most of my streams unless I say so. No spoilers!


opening animation by @vTPIAHG2hsI2dVE Ending screen by @akira0053 and @grape.daze most backgrounds by https://twitter.com/exile_eden

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OptiFine MOD Author: sp614x and the OptiFine Team https://optifine.net/downloads

Shaders: Sildur https://sildurs-shaders.github.io/


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  • Sneaky Pastor Minecraft Comedy

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  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

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  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

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    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

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  • Insane Minecraft gameplay with viewers and friends!

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay With Maira LIVE #mairaislive

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  • ExeosCraft SMP with McMMO, LGBTQ+, Economy, Pets, 1.20.4

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  • RESET! DynastyCraft – 1.12.2 Modded Medieval

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

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  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

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  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

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  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Backpack Chaos in SherbertquakeVODS S10

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  • MINECRAFT Madness with GamingWithGarry!

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  • EPIC Minecraft 763 Discord Map Secrets!

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  • Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20

    Unreal Minecraft XP Farm! No Spawner Needed 1.20Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: EASY MOB XP FARM TUTORIAL. 1.20 (WITHOUT MOB SPAWNER)’, was uploaded by Byte Gaming on 2024-01-15 08:40:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with [Your Minecraft Username] as we delve into the uncharted and mystical realms … Read More

  • Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24

    Insane Blaze Farming + Epic Additions to Chunk House | VulgarCraft SMP 4/1/24Video Information okay here we are back on vulcraft everybody I know I’m currently paused but that will end soon there we go uh back in the base what have we done since oh yes I will show you something that we’ve done since last time wow uh I changed up our vine farm now it’s this so we get a lot more vines that helped me I filled up the whole store um up the entire store with stuff I did all the the rest of the Terracotta down to here uh I think there’s a one layer underneath… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 10 Friends on 1 Block!Video Information what the heck is going on I don’t know but this chunk is feeling cramped can you all move back not without falling into the void a Zane uh guys hey where’d they go we were going to turn them into elements I think our friend just found out of the world oh uh maybe we’ll do it if they respawn I’m not waiting for that come on let’s go get them ourselves okay so we need to get back to the one block yeah what the heck is this place huh oh wait wait wait wait I’m… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨

    Ultimate Minecraft Adventure with My Boy! 🎮✨Video Information ще изле от вънка че не мънка ле ната и поява а защо се пръкнаха тия металните къде бе ти влезна ли че правиш такива работи влезна вънка що ма ама влезна ли чакай ще чам рима аз съм го пуснала ти правиш някакви работи там май [музика] напра така да видим да се чуваме да видим дали се чуваме ще видим ще се чуваме будност е се да цък цък малко ли какво не знам не се чува до добре се чуваш ми увеличи го малко и че няма значение лаче прави minecraft мота бнка а значи… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 – You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!

    UNBELIEVABLE! I Played Rain World Ep.1 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!Video Information hello everybody my name is Chris sh gamer welcome to rain world this is a mod pack created by my lovely friends known as um Camila SK mg uh link her Twitch down below um when I get the chance so yeah I’ll link it down her twitch then you guys can check out out the check out her stuff um let me just grab the link so I can post it on the Instagrams I have break my mind stuck in my head and I don’t know why and now we grab the link for YouTube and… Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!

    Insane Poppy Playtime Minecraft Battle with Coffin Dance Cover!Video Information [Risate] [Musica] th F [Musica] B This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) |’, was uploaded by Battle Ground on 2024-05-28 20:45:00. It has garnered 74 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Poppy Playtime Minecraft Version – Coffin Dance Song ( Cover ) | I play the game, record a screencast, edit and upload it to my channel. this video is meant to entertain my subscribers and those who enjoy it.. Music Credit….🎶 I’m Not Owner Of Any Music, All Credit Goes To… Read More

  • FrogPond SMP

    FrogPond SMPWelcome to FrogPond SMP, a heartwarming Minecraft server where positivity and inclusivity take center stage. Our community is a vibrant, welcoming space where players of all backgrounds and skill levels come together to enjoy the game. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a complete beginner, you’ll find a place here. Dive into our FrogPond SMP server and experience the joy of crafting, building, and exploring alongside friendly and supportive fellow players. Join us in creating a world where positivity and camaraderie thrive, and let your creativity flourish in our uplifting community. Hop on in and let the adventure begin!… Read More